Jewish House 30th


Jewish House 30th
Celebrating 30 years
of people
helping people
We bought
a house.
We made it a home.
Jewish House began as an idea
between two brothers, Roger and
Anthony Clifford, in consultation
Our roots expanded, and
our new homes are being
We welcomed our community.
shared with more of
We became intertwined as our
The idea
Originally named “The Jewish
House”, it has more recently
become known as “Jewish House”,
with Yankel Konsepolski, who felt
suggesting a more inclusive
the community lacked a caring
approach with a commitment
and responsive institution to
to serving the community
address crises. They were inspired
regardless of religious beliefs.
by the Lubavitcher Rebbe Rabbi
Jewish House’s client diversity is
M. M. Schneerson and received
highlighted each year in the Annual
cooperation from the Sydney
the community.
family grew. And so did you.
Report, noting the increasing
Yeshiva Centre. Roger and Anthony
numbers who are impacted by
established the charity “The Jewish
homelessness along with alcohol
House”. They purchased 17 Flood
Our home is a place of growth,
support and encouragement.
Jewish House has long
Street and donated it to The
been a home and a vital
In 1989, Roger approached Gary
part of our community.
in 2002 that Gary increased his
Its roots are the source of
Jewish House.
Cohen to join the Board. It was
role on the board following from
Anthony’s move to the US. The
From the first 30 years
never-ending possibilities, helping
to the next...
people cope with adversity.
goal at the time was to become a
more disciplined organisation. This
process came to a head in 2005
when Rabbi Woolstone, who had
served as Executive Director for
20 years stepped down. Working
together as Co-Presidents, Roger
or Gary set about transforming
the organisation.
and other drug related issues.
In NSW it is estimated there
Jewish House is not wavering from
are over 28 000 homeless, a
in crisis. With new ideas, new
number which has increased
people contributing to our support
by more than 20% since 2006.
homeless people in Australia.*
many reasons people find
services, new facilities and more
of a growing communal need, the
services we provide are available to
all at any time of day or night.
There are over 105 000
Homelessness is just one of
our commitment to helping people
The fact is, for any number
of reasons, anyone could find
themselves in a crisis and Jewish
House is there to provide the
immediate support necessary.
themselves in crisis.
* ABS, 2012, Census of Population and Housing: Estimating Homelessness 2011
Rabbi Woolstone with
Anthony and Roger Clifford.
(front L-R) Rabbi Pinchos Woolstone, Mandy Manne,
Gary Cohen, (back) Ruth Abras and Roger Clifford.
A house is not a home and it is not
a part of a community without its
people. The people are what make
Jewish House.
Rabbi Pinchos Woolstone became
“Through playing such a key role in
Although Jewish House is deeply
helping people, I feel I am doing my
embedded in the Jewish
Consistent media coverage and the
part with the community to make
community, from the outset its
its partners demonstrates its strong
the world a better place,” says
reach has been broader with many
standing in the community. This
Rabbi Kastel.
who have been helped and cared
representation has done much to
for being from a different affiliation.
endear the Jewish community to
support Jewish House receives from
the Executive Director in 1984,
Jewish House has been able to
jumping at the opportunity to
secure the services of leading
Jewish House’s reach is more
spearhead the centre which was
professionals and volunteers to
powerful because of the quality of
We will continue to focus on
available to people around the
assist in the provision of services.
the care and the immediacy of its
community and our success is
clock. Rabbi Woolstone was quoted
Importantly it has also maintained
response. It has become a beacon
dependent on these relationships
as saying, “I am privileged to be
an active Board representing a
for those who need help and those
growing stronger.
supported by therapists of the
cross section of expertise from
who wish to offer help.
highest calibre. Individuals and
the community.
families are assisted in a highly
professional manner with sincerity
and empathy. If you or your loved
ones are in need, our team is there.”
In 2006 Rabbi Gestetner took over
the running of the organisation
during a transition period for
“ The ability of Jewish House
The organisation understands
to respond to a crisis has
involved and we have implemented
created a safety net and
a sense of security knowing
the organisation.
there is a place to turn and
Rabbi Mendel Kastel became
people help them through. Our
CEO in 2008, after 15 years as a
member of the Rabbinical team
at the Great Synagogue. Since
his appointment, he has become
an integral part of the ongoing
success of the organisation. His
knowledge, pastoral care, networks
and communal responsibilities have
the broader community.
Jewish House has a proud
the importance of the people
history of being supported by
programs to build on these
politicians and governments.
We have been recognised by
It’s a core group of dedicated
people who will continue to make
other organisations as a
the difference.
“go to" place for crisis care.
role is to lead, innovate and
network new and more effective
approaches to help people who
are experiencing a crisis.”
helped extend the roots of Jewish
(Rabbi Kastel)
House; what it means and what it
can deliver to those in need.
Rabbi Woolstone
Rabbi Kastel
L-R: Roger Clifford, Lucy Turnbull, Malcolm Turnbull
and Rabbi Woolstone
Jewish House current staff
The events that shaped us
Purchase of Jewish House
at 17 Flood Street
drug and alcohol
Introduced Crisis Line
with 24/7 response
Transition of CEO to
Rabbi Kastel
Established a pro-bono psychological service
Established cult help – assisted
in saving many from cults and
performed rescues offshore
Established and implemented an immediate response
to crisis within the Jewish community – the only
Jewish organisation to provide this service
Founding Partner of JJunction (a service that helps young
adults find their life partner and relationship education)
Appointment of
Ruth Abras as
General Manager
Created the
chaplaincy program
Appointed Dr Ivan Lerner as
the first Clinical Director
Pioneered and implemented
a psychology program
service across NSW schools
Started education lectures with
the community and schools
Founding partner of
Point Zero (a charity
helping youth)
Instituted annual
fundraising dinners
Established crisis
Instituted annual
golf day
Commissioned Study on Jewish
House by Professor Ann Brewer
Established Short Term
Accommodation at Bondi
Road property
Expanded Board of Directors
Launched Project 2500 in
NSW Parliament
Trained volunteers to
operate crisis line
Bondi Road property
Corporatisation of
Jewish House
Implemented the hospital
visiting program
Expanded psychology service at the Jewish House
Recipients of grants
through the support of
NSW Government and
Waverley, Woollahra and
Randwick Councils
Built partnerships with Sydney Clinic, Wolper Jewish Hospital, Jewish Care, Montiefiore Home,
Centre of Aging, Lou’s Place, St George Community Housing and other community organisations
When our building was purchased it
was a two-storey block of four units.
and services
It was redeveloped two years later
to include offices, a small function
area and crisis accommodation on
the first floor. Since then there has
been further refurbishments to the
building and in 2014 Jewish House
officially opened a second property
to offer a unique program known as
“Rapid Rehousing.”
It began with a
24-hour Care Line...
Today the services we offer at
Jewish House include:
24/7 Crisis Line – A unique
service handling calls from
anyone on an unlimited range of
cases including; drug and alcohol
abuse, financial distress, suicidal
preoccupation, domestic violence
and homelessness. Our trained
volunteer counsellors listen and
assist, offering access to a variety
of services. The latest technology is
used so emergency services can be
summoned immediately and
Financial Counselling – Experienced
Financial Advisors work with clients
to go through their finances and find
the best solutions to try and stabilise
their situation. We have partnered
with Max Employment and Xcelerate
to help the unemployed back into
the workforce, through their training
programs and advice. For those
unable to work at all we assist them
with Centrelink applications, advising
them on their entitlements and try
to give them a means to live an
independent and dignified existence.
We have helped many and have
been helped by many. Statistics
Where we
are going
shown in our Annual Report are
real and we know the need is
growing. We want to do more to
help more people.
Jewish House will continue to focus
on the growing need to address
big issues in our community such
as homelessness, alcohol and other
drug abuse along with key issues
which create a crisis for a family.
We will continue to refine and
expand our services, to provide
and Psychiatric Services – A
community resource offering bulk
billing, making psychological and
psychiatric assistance within the
reach of anyone who requires it.
Through close associations with
local facilities, such as the Sydney
Clinic, St Vincent’s Hospital, Prince
of Wales Hospital, Royal Hospital for
Women, Prince of Wales Private and
Wolper Hospital amongst others,
referrals can be easily made to the
appropriate organisation, to achieve
ideal outcomes for the client.
Crisis Accommodation –
Established over 20 years ago
as a refuge for those emerging
from drug and alcohol problems
or those breaking free from a
cult, the service has expanded
to accommodate clients seeking
refuge from violent relationships,
homelessness or any other
circumstances that place them in
a situation where they are without
a home. Our approach is to offer
clients holistic care, by accessing
our other services and those of
our partners.
Mediation – Rabbi Kastel and our
psychologists are experienced
mediators allowing people to work
through their issues and reach
an agreement, even for the most
complex of family conflicts.
better outcomes. The 2014 launch
Pastoral Care – Times of crisis
inevitably raise questions of
spirituality and soul searching. We
take the view that assisting clients
in a crisis or those emerging from
a crisis must include an option
to access spiritual guidance. The
pastoral care is provided by Rabbi
Kastel who has two decades of
experience in assisting people in
distress. This program is usually
administered as part of an overall
counselling plan for a client.
supported by other communities.
Chaplaincy – Our culturally sensitive
chaplaincy services are delivered
by Rabbi Kastel for the NSW Police
and Emergency Services, Wolper,
Prince of Wales and St Vincent’s
Hospitals and for Reddam House
knowledge, his ability to offer
School. It is part of our philosophy
of “people helping people”.
of Project 2500 is one example. The
goal is assist 2500 homeless people
over the next three years.
The model Jewish House has
created can be duplicated and
We want to make this accessible
to provide more help for more
people in crisis – because we
know the need is great and
unfortunately growing.
Jewish House has been transformed under
Rabbi Mendel Kastel. His links within the
Jewish and broader community, his
Pastoral Care along with his
shared vision drives us to
succeed with every person
in crisis we encounter.
included in calls if required.
How we
Jewish House has a history of
is vital
At times accommodation may be
Established by business leaders with a
the immediate need. The next step
vision, Jewish House has always relied
has been refined over the years
is formulating a plan and making
on the generosity of its donors and
been small dollar amounts or large, they
as our knowledge continues to
appointments with the relevant
supporters. Jewish House is not part of
have each been significant in increasing the
grow. We actively explore what
people and the services we
any other communal fund - it sits
services offered. Since 1995 Jewish House
works for other organisations
provide. Our simultaneous multi-
independently working alongside a
has had full tax-deductibilty status.
around the world.
disciplinary approach is what sets
range of partner organisations.
helping those in crisis. Our model
us apart.
Our model supports other services
Rabbi Kastel makes friends wherever he
ventures. Whether those contributions have
Our annual Gala Dinner, which began in
We have enjoyed the support of many
1992 has and continues to be a major
already provided in the community.
If accommodation is required, this
people, businesses, government, trusts
source of our fundraising initiatives. In itself
We have a specific role to play
“safe house” is offered as a safe
and foundations over the years. We are
it has a proud history, honouring people
in the immediate response to a
haven for up to two weeks.
becoming more successful in achieving
who have made significant contributions to
grants through networking in the
Australian society each year.
crisis, particularly in the areas of
Following this, we work with
homelessness and alcohol and
other drug abuse.
When we receive a call from
someone in crisis, we immediately
make it known that our home –
Jewish House – is open for them.
The first point of contact may be
our Rabbi, psychologists or social
workers, who listen and assess
the situation.
Our framework for how we
operate and continue to grow
partners who assist with the next
corporate and wider community.
phase to help those in crisis get
back on their feet again.
both our knowledge and
capacity is crucial to our
success. We are the emergency
room equivalent for
Over the last thirty years, Jewish House has been
supported by a number of wonderful people who
• Roger and Anthony Clifford (1984 - 1995)
have provided financial, physical, spiritual and in-kind
• Roger Clifford (1995 - 2002)
support through its journey.
• Roger Clifford and Gary Cohen (2002 - Present)
Major Benefactors*
• Gary & Suzy Cohen
• Roger & Sue Clifford
• Morrie Stang and Family
• Green, Moses, Pencharz
• Anthony & Rebecca
• Education Heritage
the welfare system.
• Dennis & Judith Clifford
• Nora Goodridge
• Prof Ron Penny
• Estate of Manny Gold
• Sir Zelman Cowan
• Harry Triguboff
• Monica Saunders
• Victor and Lotte Smorgon
• Lowy Family
• Coles Supermarkets
• Solomon Lew
• Solomon Lew
• Price Waterhouse Coopers
• David Clarke, Chairman
• Dr Robert & Elaine
• Plan
• Appointments
• Accommodation provided
(when required)
• Multi-Disciplinary approach
(incorporating Pastoral Care,
Psychology, Psychiatry, Social
Worker and other services
as required, such as financial
counselling and mediation)
• Price Waterhouse Coopers
(Scheinberg Family)
• The Roth Foundation
• Paul Hotz
• First contact (Listen)
Macquarie Bank
• Bob Carr, Premier of NSW
• Rabbi Pinchos Woolstone (1984 - 2006)
• John Howard, Prime
• Rabbi Elozer Gestetner (2006 - 2007)
Minister of Australia
• Rabbi Mendel Kastel (2008 - Present)
• Sir Murray Gleeson,
Chief Justice of Australia
• Sir Lawrence Street,
Chief Justice of NSW
• Marla Pearlman,
Chief Justice Land and
Environment Court
• Lucy Turnbull,
Mayor of Sydney
* Not an exhaustive list
• Engage with networks
Since 1984 Jewish House has
been supporting people
in the community in crisis. Your
contribution is critical
to our future and theirs...
remember a crisis can occur
at anytime, and for anyone.
Contributions to our work
and service are greatly
appreciated - in fact we
can't manage without them.
To donate, please contact
1300 544 357
17 Flood Street
Bondi NSW 2026 Australia