August 2016 - Oasis Shriners


August 2016 - Oasis Shriners
asis Shriners
Desert Dust
A Publication of Oasis Shriners, Charlotte, North Carolina
Volume 81 Number 8 August 2016
SASA Annual Meeting Includes Saturday Beach Bash
Picnic, entertainment, and awards
The 43rd Annual Meeting of the South Atlantic Shrine Association will be
held on September 14-17, 2016 in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
In appreciation of Shriners, the City of Myrtle Beach has designated
the week a city-wide festival and the entire town is ready to celebrate.
You will not want to miss any of the fun.
Oasis Headquarters will be the Springmaid Beach Resort located
at 3200 S. Ocean Boulevard. Ill. Sir Johnny King has reserved a block
of rooms and rates start at $114/night. This year we’re fortunate to have
SASA headquarters and events at Springmaid as well, including the
Shrine Marketplace and Ladies’ Luncheon
Springmaid reservations phone line is 800-770-6895. Please
mention “Oasis Shriners” when booking your room. The cutoff for
reservations is August 14.
Potentate Johnny King spoke of the weekend’s events, “There will,
of course, be a hospitality
room for our Oasis Family,
and we have deejay Eric
Bowman lined up for Friday
night beginning at 8 pm.
This is a free event for
Oasis Nobility. Saturday
is packed. We’ll be well
represented in the parade,
then you won’t want to miss
the big Beach Bash featuring Jim Quick and Coastline Band followed
by the parade awards ceremony. Bring your lawn chairs and coolers.
It’s going to be a family celebration.”
SASA Registration will be conducted the same as in previous
years. Pre-registration for non-unit nobility is $10 (lady included). This
can be done by mail or on line. Cutoff date is September 1. Registration
at time of the event is $15. Registration badges will be required to
attend all events. Badges will be issued to both Nobles and Ladies.
Armbands will be issued to additional guests.
Please see the back page for the tentative schedule.
What’s Inside...
Legacy Night success story
Oasis Travels to Tampa
Family Fun Day in Pictures
More on SASA
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The Potentate’s Message
Greetings Ladies
and Nobles!
and the livin’ is
HOT…although temperatures
were relatively (and mercifully)
cooler by comparison for Family
Fun Day as a record number
of us came out to enjoy the
weekend at the Red Fez Club.
Friday was a great time for adults,
then came Saturday when more
than 40 kids dipped their hooks in
the fishing tournament, followed
by awards for their efforts and
those of Oasis cooking teams. A
grand time was had by all – see
the photos elsewhere in this issue
of the Desert Dust.
Oasis Legacy Night was a
great success, hosting Imperial
Sir Jerry Gant, his Lady Lisa,
and many of our Oasis legacies.
Legacy night celebrates
generations of Oasis Nobles
within families and is an Imperial
supported event brought into
being for Oasis by Marshall,
Noble Chris Hall and event chair
Joe Burris. Imperial Sir Gant was
honored to present more than
100 special plaques and pins to
our Oasis Legacy Nobles during
this inaugural event.
July began with Imperial
Session in Tampa, Florida
and we were pleased to have
among our delegation, Most
Worshipful Bryant D. Webster,
Grand Master of Masons in North
Carolina. There were quite a few
meetings during the session, and
MW Webster didn’t miss any.
Meantime, one of the highlights
at Imperial is the presentation of
the donations from all six temples
taking part in the Shrine Bowl
of the Carolinas. This year’s
2016 Oasis Schedule
Aug. 9
Shrine 100 Race
Oct. 14-15 Oasis Circus
Aug. 18
Divan Meeting
Oct. 20
Divan Meeting
Sept. 8
Divan Meeting
Nov. 4-5
Fall Ceremonial
Nov. 17
Divan Meeting
Dec. 3
Annual Election &
Stated Meeting
Sept. 24-25 Grand Lodge NC
Dec. 15
Divan Meeting
Oct. 7-8
Oxford Homecoming
Oct. 12
Oasis Circus Fletcher
Dec. 16
Game Week Shrine
Bowl Meeting BOG
Dec. 17
Game Day
Shrine Bowl
Sept. 15-17 SASA Fall Meeting,
Myrtle Beach
Sept. 24-
Oct. 4
Johnny and Theresa
Oct. 13-15 Membership Seminar
combined amount for Shriners
Hospitals for Children was
$2,563,000. This was a change
for Oasis, after nearly a decade
of presenting our donation
separately. We are back in
support with the Shrine Bowl of
New Imperial Potentate
Chris Smith’s Lady Ethyl has
a special fundraiser to support
Shriners Hospitals for Children.
It is a summer camp program
called The Sky is the Limit.
(Last year we gave $125,000
to then First Lady Lisa Gantt’s
Brittle Bone Project for Shriners
Hospitals for Children.) When
First Lady Ethyl called my name,
I and (I think for the first time
at Imperial) the Oasis Divan
and Ladies in attendance filed
onto the stage before some
4,000 in attendance. When I
was handed the microphone, I
took the opportunity to brag on
Oasis, by telling all that Oasis is
a proud Shrine Center that has
done everything Imperial has
ever asked, and yet, has NEVER
won an award for membership.
I explained that Oasis IS the
largest Shrine Center in the
world and we are NUMBER
ONE of all 196 Shrine centers in
membership. (We began this year
at 5400 members, and this may
change in 2017 because we have
more than 800 Oasis Nobles who
have not paid their 2016 dues.) I
went on to tell them that we were
also NUMBER ONE in giving and
that last year, 5400 members
raised $1.4 million to help support
Shriners’ 22 hospitals. I also told
them that we are family working
for the kids and all this money
is raised by our Nobility and our
When the time came to
answer First Lady Ethyl’s call for
her fund raiser, Chief Rabban,
Noble Mike Neaves and Assistant
Rabban, Noble Johnny Burgess
unfurled a giant plastic check and
you heard a gasp as she read
the amount of $130,000. I had
the real check in my pocket, and I
presented it to her.
North Carolina Grand Master
Bryant Webster was guest of
honor at a special dinner held by
our state’s three Shrine Centers:
Oasis, Amran and Sudan. Of the
61 Nobles present, 36 were from
Oasis. MW Webster’s experience
with, and as an (Oasis) Shriner,
has resulted in his renewed
pledge of support for Shrinedom.
Coming up: REV-IT-UP
for the Annual Shrine 100 Race
at Carolina Speedway in south
Gastonia, August 9, sponsored
by the Gaston County Shrine
Club. The green flag drops about
5pm. It promises (as usual) to be
a great public venue for Shriners
and our support for Shriners
Hospital for Children!
SASA Time: We are
prepping for the South Atlantic
Shrine Association meetings and
giant parade in Myrtle Beach
in mid-September. Look for the
full schedule in this issue of the
continued on page 9
The Recorder’s Message
Hi Nobles and
Ladies. We just
returned from
Tampa, Florida
after attending the 142nd Imperial
Session of Shriners International
and Shriners Hospitals for
Children, my third Imperial
Session as an Oasis Shriner. This
trip I proudly served as part of
the Oasis Leadership Team and
attended the Shrine Recorder’s
Association annual meeting and
banquet. So now it becomes my
duty to remind you that we have
so much to be proud of on a
national / international level:
A. Oasis Shriners remains
#1 in overall membership, with
just over 5,500 members at the
end of 2015.
B. Oasis Shriners
contributed approximately $1.4
million to Shriners Hospitals for
Children in 2015. The highest
amount of any other of 195
Shrine Centers.
C. Oasis Shriners made an
on-stage donation to the Imperial
First Lady’s fund-raiser in the
amount of $130,000. Again,
highest of any other Shrine
Our Most Worshipful Grand
Master of Masons in North
Carolina, Bryant D. Webster, and
two other NC Shrine Centers,
Amran and Sudan joined in the
Imperial Session fez-tivities.
We are very fortunate to have a
Oasis Shrine Wagoneers
Oasis Shrine Wagoneers are currently seeking new members.
We have 3 very cool antique
firetrucks and parade annually at
the Oasis ceremonials, Welcome
Easter Parade, SASA fall
convention in Myrtle Beach and
several Christmas parades. Very
inexpensive to join, no vehicles to
buy, uniform and brass is the only
thing needed. $15 annual dues.
Please contact Benjie
Creasman at 704-860-4976 or
Meetings usually in the Gaston/
Mecklenburg area. Family
is always welcome and
encouraged to attend meetings.
E Phifer St,
Monroe, NC
strong bond amongst our grand
In future columns watch
for newly approved articles,
resolutions and protocol from this
year’s Imperial Session.
Incredibly, our Oasis Shrine
year half-way over, and your
Oasis Potentate deserves a
mid-year atta-boy. As the leader
of ‘Team 16’, he tries real hard
to keep all of the 5,500 or so
Oasis members on an even keel
continuously touting “we are
family, having fun and working for
the kids.” It’s not just his battlecry with an emphasis on having
fun, but an outpouring from a
lifestyle of epic proportions, many
years in the making.
Please continue to be
supportive of our Oasis clubs and
units with late summer and fall
fundraisers. Also, be mindful of
our Oasis Nobles and their family
members with health issues.
Respectfully Submitted,
Bob Saye
Recorder, Oasis Shriners
Desert Dust
Illustrious Sir Johnny King - Potentate
604 Doug Mayes Place, Charlotte, NC 28262-8410
Phone: 704-549-9600
2016 DIVAN
Chief Rabban
Assistant Rabban High Priest and Prophet
Oriental Guide
1st Ceremonial Master
2nd Ceremonial Master
Director Marshal Captain of the Guard Outer Guard
Mike Neaves
John Burgess
Kenneth Jarrett
William M. Harward, PP
Bob Saye
Bill Carter
Tommy Helms
Tim Daniels
David Johnson
Chris Hall
Rodney Morgan
John Harder
SHRINE DANCE - 2nd & 4th Friday of every month
Starting @ 7pm. $10 admission.
Photos: C. Lee Abernethy, Brenda Beaty,
Steve Jordan and Marty Wilson
OPEN TO THE PUBLIC • Full service bar • Live music by The Rock Bottom Band
Playing all of your favorite country & southern rock tunes
Editor: Edie Wilson 704-221-0333
Students Rewarded for Kindness
On June 9, four students from
Fred T. Foard High School in
Newton, NC, and two others from
St. Stephens High School (not
pictured) were presented with
the Alan W. Madsen Standing
Tall Award of Excellence in
memory of Donald Leatherman
by his sons Bobby (VP Catawba
County Shrine Club) and Eugene
Leatherman and his wife of 61
years, Nell Leatherman. This
award designated by the Oasis
Shrine Temple is so bestowed
upon these individual students as
a token of appreciation, affection,
and acknowledgement by the
Leatherman family.
“Dad had never been sick
until brain cancer took him home
on May 12,” explained Bobby.
He was a patient at Trinity Ridge
Nursing and Rehab Facility and
these students were completing
their clinical internship at this
facility as part of their health
occupations classes at Fred T.
Foard High. They performed
above and beyond their
requirements as they cared for
him with special compassion,
friendliness and kindness. The
Leatherman family thanked the
students by making a donation
in their names to the Shriners
Hospitals for Children and wished
them the best of luck in their
future medical careers.
Hannah Billington,
granddaughter of David Crawley
Shriners on Bikes
President - Trent Oates 704-412-0120
Vice President - Steve Trites 704-517-2876
Secretary - Gary Taylor 704-507-3693
Treasurer - Tim Morgan 704-634-8476
Sergeant at Arms - Kenneth Abernathy
Road Captain - Joey Ham
Shriners on Bikes
met in early
November 2014.
The SOB’s were
recharter as a
riding club vs a
motorcycle club.
Our purpose is
for Shriners with
motorcycles to
come together ride and have fun while supporting
other clubs in units when possible. We will meet
quarterly and weather permitting ride. There will be
other rides scheduled based on the interests of the
Riding Club. If you own a motorcycle and want to
ride and have fun with other Shriners contact
one of our Officers.
jumping hurdles for Children
Captain “Jack” Stallings 704-609-0535
Photo by Eugene Leatherman
(Catawba County Shriner) and
the other four Fred T. Foard High
School students earned and
received their CNA 1 Nursing
certifications and a red cord
to wear at their graduation
ceremony. All plan to further their
education in the medical field.
Bobby’s message to fellow
Nobles is this: Find someone in
your circle - church, community,
neighborhood - and honor them
with this award. The donation is
tax deductible and 100% of the
money goes to support Shriners
Hospitals for Children. There is
no better way to say thank you.
Fourth Tuesday of the Month
• Monthly Meeting
(Families & Guests Welcome)
• Program with meal & fellowship
• Doors open at 6pm with social time
• Dinner with program/entertainment
at 7pm
Second Friday of the
Month - Grill Night
Members & Guests
Grill opens at 5:30pm to 8pm
510 Gate City Boulevard (Formerly High Point Rd.)
Greensboro, NC 27407 • 336-299-5901
Rent The Shrine Club - Weddings, parties, dances & more!
Check us out at or call 336-707-6588 for information.
Accepting New Members No Experience Necessary
Come and join us and put a smile on the face of a child!
Activities Include:
Stars Of The Oasis Shrine Circus
Shrine & Community Parades
Social Gatherings that Include Your Wife
Individualized Instructions on Makeup & Costumes
Contact Captain John “Farris Wheel” Farris at 704-604-5024
Oasis Shriners Make a Big Impression in Tampa
Oasis Shriners made an on-stage donation to the Imperial First
Lady’s fund-raiser in the amount of $130,000, the highest of any
Shrine Center.
Ill. Sir Johnny King,
Noble David Ragan,
Grand Master Webster
Shrine Families Bring Generations of Love to the Rescue
By Edie Wilson
From the moment event chair Noble Joe Burris met you at the door
to the end of the evening when Ill. Sir John Stanley, PP, dismissed
us with the benediction, the first Oasis Shriners Legacy celebration
was remarkable. The Sands restaurant at Oasis Headquarters
provided an appropriate backdrop for a longawaited ceremony in which 137 Legacies were
recognized in an event designed for Shriners
who have one or more related Shriners, either
living or deceased—including through marriage.
Noble Chris Hall, Membership Chairman,
opened with words of welcome and praise for
Noble Burris and his committee. “Preparations
for this night have been underway for at least six
months. It required a great deal of coordination
and attention to detail.”
From the oldest Shriners in attendance to
the youngest toddlers—who one day will perhaps
become part of the legacy—everyone joined in
the celebration with laughter and applause as
cameras flashed to record this historic event.
Potentate Johnny King introduced Imperial Sir
Jerry Gantt who spoke of his journey through
Shrinedom. “In 1972 I started my legacy at Oasis
Temple, Gantt explained. “My term as Imperial
Potentate ends in about two
weeks, and I think it’s most
appropriate that my last official
Shrine duties bring me back to
where it all began.”
As names were called one
by one Nobles came forth to
accept a Legacy certificate from
Shriners International along
with a keepsake lapel pin and
congratulations from the dignitaries.
From legacies come legends. Once
the Burgess Clan had assembled to accept
certificates, Noble Hall shared this fact: “All five
Burgess brothers have served as Master of St.
Andrews Lodge—a legendary first!
Also of note, Noble Ralph Linn and his Lady
Joy shared his grandfather’s original framed
certificate dating back to 1919.
Just before the evening’s end Oasis Recorder
Bob Saye called his son to the podium. Robbie,
who is only 19, became a Shriner in June at our
Blowing Rock ceremonial. As a fitting token to the
significance of Shrine families, Bob presented
Robbie with his grandfather’s Shrine ring. It was a
meaningful ending to a memorable night.
As for the future of the Legacy program,
Noble Burris explained: “Our fraternity is based on
brotherly love and friendship with our philanthropy
as our driving force. I feel as though this
event assisted to combine and recognize
the deep commitment of our Nobles, their
ladies and families to this cause. It is my
desire to recognize all Nobles within Oasis
at future Legacy night events in the coming
years! Special thanks to Noble Chris Hall
and Brittany Wright for their assistance in
making this event a huge success. Thanks
also to our Potentate and Divan for their
continued support of all of our membership
activities. And a special thanks to Imperial
Sir Jerry Gantt for joining us in his last
official event as our Imperial Potentate!
Editor’s Notes:
We’ve made some adjustments
as you can see—brightened
and lightened The Dust. And, by
popular demand, increased the
type size. I hope you find these
changes to be agreeable. For
those of you who would like to get
even closer, there’s always our
online edition at oasisshriners.
org/desertdust. There you can
zoom in on things of interest and
Rick McLemore,
Sales Manager
Provost Guard
see our beautiful photos in crystal
The Desert Dust is
committed to quality and
accuracy. Please give me a click
or a call:
or 704-221-0333.
In addition, we want to
give credit where it is due. The
July issue featured a spring
ceremonial cover story expertly
Billy Joe Estes,
Finance Manager
Ambassador at Large
Steve Lee, Internet Manager Scott McCorkle, Owner
Provost Guard
Drum & Bugle
penned by Noble Harvey
Burgess. We failed to include a
by-line, but we really appreciate
Harvey’s professional coverage of
this event.
Death notices for this month
will be included in the September
Edie Wilson
All ads and articles for
the September edition
of the Desert Dust
must be submitted no
later than August 15
Message from Jerry Gantt
The following are excerpts from Imperial Sir Jerry Gantt’s farewell message.
Dear Fellow Nobles,
Lisa and I are very grateful
for the honor and the opportunity
of serving as your Imperial
Potentate and First Lady. Over
the last several months, we
have become even more aware
of the respect that comes with
these offices, and have been
touched by the graciousness
and kindness shown to us by so
many. Throughout our travels,
people stopped and thanked us
for the amazing work of Shriners
International and Shriners
Hospitals for Children®, and told
us about the very real impact it
has had on their lives, or on the
lives of someone they know. Their
words and gratitude, while shared
with us, were meant for you – for
everyone who does their best
every day to raise awareness and
fulfill the mission of our two great
We also thank you for your
tremendous support of Lisa’s
program, In Dreams I Walk, which
raised funds in support of treatment and research of osteogenesis imperfecta (OI, also known
as brittle bone disease). Shriners
Hospitals for Children is a recognized leader in increasing the
understanding of this condition,
and developing new, more effec-
tive treatments.
Somehow, both our
– despite long
histories of
changing lives
and influencing the world for good – are not
yet “household names.” There
are still many people unaware,
partially aware or misinformed
about the work we do. Our signature events, which draw large
audiences and significant media
attention, are one way we try to
raise awareness and increase
visibility, which will help increase
name recognition. The more
“partners” we have working with
us to spread our message, the
more effective we will be, and we
are making great strides in increasing our number of affiliates.
Even though I have been
deeply involved with Shriners
International and Shriners
Hospitals for Children for 25
years, what I have seen and
experienced over the last 10
months of traveling across the
U.S., and in Canada, Panama
and the Philippines has been
nothing less than inspiring.
Visiting our hospitals and
outpatient centers, I’ve seen
so many incredible successes,
and so many patients who have
overcome serious challenges
and adapted to changes that
could make anyone just want to
give up. The children never stop
trying. Even more amazing, the
continued on page 11
Put Some Camping in your Life!
Fun - Food - Fellowship
Go Camping!
Jerry “Pete” Brittain • 828-397-3487 •
& The Sand “T” Parade Unit
Scooter Patrol
For Additional
On The
Bill Phillips
P.C. Terry Cox
This is to inform the Nobility that we have contracted with Etsell, Inc (Shrine
Services) to handle the telemarketing for our circus again this year. The
telemarketers started in April and we have sent them an updated listing
of Oasis Nobles and their telephone numbers so they would not call our
members. If you have multiple telephone lines or run a business, then you
may be called by the telemarketers. If you do receive a call, politely inform
the caller that you are an Oasis Member and that you will be contributing
through our Circus Mom & Dads Program which is for Oasis Shriners and
their family.
We have had several people contact local Shriners to see if this is a legitimate operation. This is very much supported by Oasis and was approved
at the stated membership meeting at the beginning of the year. If you are
asked about this, please let the interested party know that this is an Oasis
Fundraiser and that Etsell (Shrine Services) sends runners out to collect
the contributions from participants after they agree to contribute to the
circus project.
If you have questions, please contact Noble Rodney Morgan at (704)
985-5253. If you need to leave a message we will get back in touch with you.
Oasis Oldies
If you have a classic car or are
interested in the old classics come
join us for some fun and fellowship
Captain: Thomas M. Sumpter
1st Lieutenant: David Stillman
2nd Lieutenant: Steve Peeler
Treasurer: Pat Stanley
We meet the 2nd Sunday of each quarter
3 pm - Lone Star Restaurant
700 Sullivan Rd. Statesville, NC
continued from page 2
Desert Dust, including information
needed to reserve your rooms at
the newly remodeled Springmaid
Beach Resort.
Moving into October and
November it will be circus time
and then our fall Ceremonial
at Oasis. A schedule of events
along with hotel information will
be published later in the Desert
Dust. Get those petitions in now,
for an even larger class than
we welcomed this past June in
Blowing Rock.
We have passed the
midpoint of 2016, and Lady
Theresa and I could not be
any prouder of our family! It is
such an honor to serve as your
Potentate and First Lady. I will
always be grateful to each of you
for allowing me to sit at the helm
this year, and we pledge to you
that we will continue to support
and love each one of you as part
of our family. It is your continued
membership in the Shrine, and
your dedication to support the
kids that makes us a strong
We are family working for the
Yours in faith,
Johnny King
*Note: Been to your Oasis
headquarters lately? If not, you
haven’t seen the new carpet that
has improved the look and feel of
the entire building.
Oasis Sunshine Fund
Lady Theresa and Lady Sherry Shirey
show the beautiful silver bracelet that
is being sold to support the Oasis
Sunshine Fund — a project which
donates money to pay the dues of
Shriners in need.
Monthly Club Meeting
2nd Wednesday of
each month
Social - 6:30 PM
Meal - 7:00 PM
Meeting - 7:30 PM
505 Pinkney Road
Dallas, NC 28034
“No man ever stood so tall as when he stooped to help a burned or crippled child.”
of the MONTH
HWY 150
Noble Lee Maynard,
PC, President
“Like a Fruit Cocktail?”
“You are to love your neighbor as yourself. The fruit
of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.”
When we were growing up my
brother, sister and I really looked
forward to the time when our
mother brought home a can of
been a staple in our home for as
long as I can remember, as my
grandmother, mother, mother-inlaw and Rose have all used a can
or two of fruit cocktail in Jell-O to
make a delicious salad.
And, when we read today’s
scripture lesson, the thought
occurs to us that the Apostle Paul
must have liked fruit cocktail as
well, because, in our scripture
lesson he talks about the fruit of
the spirit and then he lists nine
different Fruits of the Spirit.
Hmmm, I wonder how many
different fruits there are in a can
of fruit cocktail. Maybe nine?
Obviously, if we plant pear trees
in our yards, we will get only
pears; and, if we set out apple
trees, we will get only apples.
But, you and I are different.
Working in us God can produce
an abundance of different kinds
of fruit - a fruit cocktail, if you
will - all from the same vine. In
the scripture from Galatians, The
Apostle Paul commands us to live
John H. Stanley,
P.M., P.P., Chaplain
by the Spirit.
And, if we are to live by the
Spirit, we must also be guided by
the Spirit.
The fruits of the Spirit are:
Love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness and self-control. We
are not called to PRODUCE the
fruit—we are simply called to
of the Spirit. And, the fruits we
are to exhibit: Love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness and
self-control. The secret to living
an awesome, wholesome life is
to CHOOSE to live our lives in
accordance with those nine fruits.
Some years ago, Rev.
Robert Schuler said that when
he was a child, his family made
their choice by starting the day
repeating the following: “I’m
going to be happy today, though
the skies may be cloudy or gray.
No matter what comes my way,
I’m going to be happy today.”
We apply the fruits by
listening to the writing of The
Apostle: The entire law is
summed up in a single command:
“Love your neighbor as yourself.”
John Stanley, P.M., P.P. is Chaplain of Oasis Shriners. He is Chaplain,
McLean Funeral Directors (Gastonia), and Minister of Visitation of
First Presbyterian, Gastonia. In the fiscal Shrine Year, 2012-13, he
served Shriners International Imperial Potentate Al Madsen as Imperial
Chaplain. He can be reached at
Jerry Gantt
continued from page 8
children we serve are always
happy, positive and smiling. The
impact we make in the lives of
our patients and families can
easily be under-estimated. The
difference we make in one life,
and one family at a time, is
Shriners International and
Shriners Hospitals for Children
are filled with dedicated,
committed employees, volunteers
and nobles. It has been our honor
and pleasure to work alongside
you, and to lead and guide these
two great organizations.
Yours in the faith,
Jerry G. Gantt
Imperial Potentate, 2015
Come check out the
If you have not signed up for Shriners
Village, do so today.
Membership meeting is the last Friday of every month
Social at 6:30pm – Dinner at 7:00pm – Meeting at 7:30pm
Shriners Village is a website designed to keep
members of Shrine International up to date on all
aspects of Shrinedom.
Address: 1460 Oakwood Ave, Kannapolis NC
Nobles, Ladies and Guests Welcome!
Simply google Shriners Village and follow the
Phone: 704-933-2797
So easy, even a Shriner can do it.
Cabarrus Shrine Club
Email: • Web:
Like us on Facebook: Cabarrus Shrine Club
We also rent out our building for your special events
Did you play in a high school band or college band?
If so we need you!
The Oasis Temple
CHARLOTTE – 704/309-5396
TAYLORSVILLE – 828/381-8415
HIGH POINT – 336/687-8139
THOMASVILLE – 336/313-0346 •
Are you a Past Master?
We are your unit. Join Us.
For more information:
Noble Gary D. Handy, Captain: (336) 416-1323
Noble Gordy Peeler, Secretary: (704) 223-1531
Everyone’s a Winner at Family Fun Day
It was a beautiful weekend at the Red Fez Shrine Club on Lake Wylie for the
Ninth Annual Family Fun Day. The second annual fishing tournament had 45
kids catching 50 fish and countless smiles all around. Each entrant was given
a new fishing rod. Special “thank you” to Cabela’s Sporting Goods for donating
the fishing rods.
There was plenty of fun in the pool, in the lake, on the bounce houses
and all over the water slides. With the smell of pancakes in the morning, hot
dogs at lunchtime, and BBQ all day long, Shriners from different clubs within
Oasis enjoyed the fun and fellowship and came together as family to swap
stories…but not BBQ secrets!
To view and download for free the photos from this event, go to www. and look for the “Shriners” gallery for all the
photos from this event as well as past Oasis
Shriner events.
Fishing Contest Winners
0-3 Age Group
1st place…Mason Lambreth
2nd place…Fred Drum
3rd place…Ava McLean
4-7 Age Group
1st place…Caitlyn Yandel
2nd place…Lindsey Mecimore
3rd place...Avery Yandel
8-14 Age Group
1st place…Cameron Bell
“Repeat winner from last year”
2nd place…Liam Knapp
3rd place…Eli Helms
Biggest Fish
Aaron Klonowski (22” Catfish)
Smallest Fish
Eli Helms (2” Brim)
Congratulations to the winners!
Winners for the BBQ contest are...
1st Place… Whetstone Cookers
2nd Place…Paw Creek
3rd Place…Master Gators
Eggplant Surprise
1st Place…Saucy Bottom Boys
2nd Place… Stokesdale Smokers
3rd Place…Carolina Hogs
1st Place… Muddy Fork Knee Walkers
2nd Place…Burnt To A Crisp
3rd Place… Whetstone Cookers
1st Place… Whetstone Cookers
2nd Place… Saucy Bottom Boys
3rd Place…Red Fez Pit Pirates
1st Place…Muddy Fork Knee Walkers
2nd Place… Whetstone Cookers
3rd Place…Saucy Bottom Boys
Anything But
1st Place…Whetstone Cookers
2nd Place…Paw Creek
3rd Place…Stokesdale Smokers
Grand Champion
Whetstone Cookers
Hats and Tea Sets and Balloons. Oh My!
BLOWING ROCK - Lady Theresa’s tea party was held on the lush
grounds of Chetola Resort during the spring ceremonial weekend. The
clear blue sky created the perfect canopy for the pink balloon lift off.
Hats may have been optional, but as you can see from these
pictures, Lady Brenda Beaty’s camera captured all the beauty of these
ladies who certainly dressed up for the occasion. Guests and family
over-ran the spacious venue and additional tables and food had to be
brought in. Thank you, Lady Theresa, for the years of planning that
went in to making this a successful and memorable event.
Hillbillies on Parade
Hey y’all! I just wanted everyone
to know how great of a time us
Hillbillies are having and how
busy we’re staying! We attended
Independence Day parades in
Waxhaw, Lincolnton and Faith.
Thanks to all the Hillbillies that
came out and participated with us!
To all of y’all who are
questioning our old junky cars
and silly overalls, here’s a little
information about us. The Oasis
Hillbilly Clan #13 is a group of
men and women who enjoy
wearing hillbilly hats with anything
from buttons and pins to corncob
pipes and coon tails. Along
with our hats, our overalls are
covered in patches and holes.
When we pull up to an event,
you can’t miss us in our old cars,
trucks and even a tractor from
the 1920’s and 30’s all covered
in tags and…well anything that
makes it look like something a
hillbilly would drive. When we
drive our vehicles in the parade,
people never fail to give us a
thumbs up or greet us with a
“Howdy.” I guess we come off
pretty friendly with our mountain
music playing. You don’t have to
have a vehicle of your own to join
our parade unit. You’re more than
welcome to hang off of the side of
one of ours! So, if you’re looking
The Hillbillies are lookin’ fer ya!
for excitement, close friends and
a great time and like to make
money for the Shriners Hospitals
for Children, look no further!
Become a hillbilly and join Clan
#13. Always remember that we
ride, so they can walk, and don’t
forget to Honor the Cobb!
Jake Devine (828) 464-9886
Gary Patterson (704) 938-3930
Lee Moody (704) 451-6151
If you are having a special event
and would like photographs,
please contact:
Mark Jordan
828-231-3880 •
PO Box 632 Weaverville, NC 28787-0632
If interested in joining the Oasis Clan #13 parade unit, please contact Jack Devine
@ 828-464-9886, or Gary Patterson @ 704-938-3930 or Lee Moody @ 704-451-6151
These photos may be displayed in the Desert Dust
Legion of
Honor Club
Can ye play the pipes? Can ye play the drum?
Would you like to?
The Oasis Highlanders are recruiting new
members and would like to hear from you.
Experience is a plus, and so is the willingness to
learn a rare skill. We also would like to have a
drum major...Interested?
Contact Captain Mike Avery (704) 279-8076
Nobles, the Legion of Honor Club has been formed! Here is a list of your current officers.
President Noble Jim Glen 704-379-9217
1st Vice Noble David Johnson 336-467-0107
2nd Vice Noble Don Greene 828-226-6069
Treasurer Noble Dick Weinberg 941-735-9426
Secretary Noble Eddie Wrenn 704-579-8149
Chaplin Noble Dick Gardner 704-918-3399
If you or know of someone who would like to become a member of this new club
please contact any of the Nobles above.
August 21, 2016
with rain date of August 28, 2016.
Start time: 10:00 a.m.
is now Available!
PayPal is now available to pay
the following:
Annual Dues • Initiation Fees
Mom & Dad Program • Ladies Tickets
With PayPal, you can use your American Express
credit card to pay any of the above items.
Just go to http://www.oasisshriners.
org/MEMBERSHIP.htm click on
Membership and you will see the PayPal
link. You don’t need a PayPal account to
use this new payment method.
Questions? Contact the Temple
at 704-549-9600.
Special Discounts
for Shriners
Like us on
and watch for
contests & prizes
The “Beat on the Street” is Feeling the Heat
paragraph. First, all of us in the
Corps want to extend a warm and
sincere “congratulations” to each
new Noble. We believe that you’ve
made a wonderful decision and
cannot encourage you enough to
get involved right away if you have
not already.
From the mountains to the lake,
the D&B Family stayed active.
After a weekend off it was quickly
time for the Oasis Family Fun
Day hosted by the Red Fez Club
on Lake Wylie. Members of the
Corps were active participants on
two different teams of bar-b-que
cookin’ competitors! We are proud
to congratulate both teams for the
awards they won. We hope you
won’t mind us calling them out by
name, and I hope I don’t miss a
name. (There’s always that chance)
Hot summertime greetings from
your Drum & Bugle Corps family!
As you receive this issue of “The
Dust”, we find ourselves chest
high into a good and hot summer
of 2016. While it is true that the
heat can tend to slow down
some activities, we are proud of
the great participation we have
had from our members in the
two big Oasis events, the Spring
Ceremonial and the Family Fun
Let’s go back up the mountain
to Blowing Rock for a sentence
or two, okay, may for a whole
Captain John Cable 336-880-5790
Join A
Winning Team
Latona Temple # 154 Daughters of the Nile
Working together to benefit the children
of Shriners Hospitals
If you are a lady related by birth or marriage to a Shriner, Master Mason or Daughter of
the Nile, you are eligible to become a member of this growing organization committed to
supporting the important work of Shriners Hospitals for Children. For more information on
this dedicated fraternal order for women, contact Sally Saulsbery at (704) 996-5064 or
Betty Parker, PQ at (704) 654-7108 or email her at
One of our teams was made
up of Rick Griffin, Past Captain
Hood Dulin, and Scott Edwards.
Our Captain Dave Wallace, Past
Captain Tommy Helms, along with
Brad Helms made up the other.
On Friday night, there was a fun
contest for “something different,”
and that was won by the team of
Wallace, Helms, and Helms. Ladies
Betsy Wallace and Kelly Helms
joined the Nobles for that award
presentation, as they just may have
had a little something to do with
the success of the entry. We bet
everyone that got to come out and
enjoy that great meal left feeling like
a winner.
On a selfish note, we in the
award winning Drum & Bugle
Corps would love to have you
come out for a visit, especially
if you’ve ever played a drum or
a brass instrument. You’d be
surprised how your ability to play
will come back to you. We’ve
had Nobles over the years with
only the desire to participate that
learned to play and made their
contribution. We meet at the
Metrolina Shrine Club on the first
and third Thursdays.
Let’s all continue to work hard
to keep Oasis Shriners a winner,
“When the Hospital wins,
everyone wins!”
Supreme Assembly 2024
The Grand Assembly of NC is raising funds and taking donations in order to host
the biennial international convention of the International Order of the Rainbow
for Girls (IORG). Donations may be tax deductible as the International Order
of the Rainbow for Girls is designated by the Internal
Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. If
you are interested in donating or in helping us raise the
needed capital to host this convention, please contact the
Committee Chair at
Oasis Steel Drum Band
Got that island flair?
Know your way ‘round those wild
tropical shirts ?
Then come join one of the
most popular parade
& entertainment units
- The Oasis Steel
Drum Band!
Call Captain Cody Gustafson
Pre-registration is $10 per Noble (includes lady). Mail in or order online. Deadline is September 1, then at
the event the cost is $15 per Noble (includes lady). Registration arm bands/badges will be available each
day of the event from SASA. Please type or print clearly.
David Ragan and Hailey Randall Team Up for Shriners Hospitals
CHARLOTTE - June 28 - Ill. Sir Johnny and Lady Theresa King, Divan members and Nobles along with their families joined race fans and driver
David Ragan at the NASCAR Hall of Fame for the unveiling of Hailey Randall’s winning racecar design. Shriners Hospitals for Children held a
system-wide Healing Power of Love design contest for Ragan’s No. 23 BK Racing Toyota Camry. Randall, a 16-year-old patient at the Twin Cities
Shriners Hospital, created a theme that featured a red ribbon that wraps around the car, a “Good Luck!” message from mascot Fezzy, and an
abundance of hearts to reflect the love that patients feel at Shriners Hospitals. “We thought this would look really good at Daytona under the lights,
going 200 MPH,” Ragan explained.
Ragan is joined by Hailey Randall; Imp. Sir Al Madsen
representing Shriners International; and Doug Fritz, Chief
Marketing Officer for BK Racing.
Al Madsen presents Ragan with the
“Al Madsen Standing Tall Award of
Imp. Sir Al Madsen joins David as he draws back the cover to reveal’s Hailey’s
winning design. On July 2, Hailey and her family joined the BK Racing team in
Daytona for her first NASCAR race. She got to see David finish in the top twenty!
I sketched out the top,
then the front and back
and the sides. I just
thought it was a cool
color scheme for a car.
Hailey Randall
Cruisin’ with the Keystone Kops
Submitted by Don Deese
Well another HOT summer is upon
us and The Keystone Kops Hot
Summer Nights Cruise-in is in full
swing! The Kops are in their third
year of having their weekly cruisein. It is held every Wednesday
night (weather permitting) in
downtown Belmont, NC. The car
owners start arriving with these
beautiful machines around 5pm
and by 6 o’clock it is in full swing
and continues until around 8:30.
The door prize drawings are held
around 7:20 and the big, and I
mean BIG, 50/50 drawing is held
around 8:15. But like anything
else, you can’t win if you don’t
play. The Kops continue to enjoy
all the regulars week after week;
however, they are starting to see
a huge presence in younger folks
and kids! Kids everywhere. This
continues to be a great family
event and it’s all free. Friends
Restaurant and Glenway Premium
Pub both have full menus and
outdoor dining that overlooks the
three parking lots full of cruisers
and people everywhere! The Kops
are seeing between 40-60 cars
Oasis Keystone Kops
Join us and have a fun time while raising money for the Shriners Hospitals!
Other Events Include:
• Meetings the 2nd Thurs. of the month
• Annual Keystone Kop Golf Tournament
• SASA and Oasis Installation Trips
• Antique Car Show Appearances
• Bring Your Wife & Kids!
Contact Captain Don Deese for Information:
704-578-8991 •
- M t . M itchell S hrine C lub Meets First Thursday of every month, centrally located in McDowell County
Contact: Noble Secretary Jack Wood 828-925-9663
Our Shrine club is committed to community
service and supporting the Shriners Hospitals for
Children. We host the famous Fall Pecan Sale,
and participate in the annual Paper Crusade,
car shows, parades and many other high profile
events to benefit our children. Our annual dues
are $20. Call for more information!
every Wednesday night, and given
the amount of cars and foot traffic,
it is no easy task trying to get all
these people and cars into these
lots. It takes effort on everyone’s
part. The Kops and the Ladies
are always out working the crowd
selling 50/50 tickets for $1 each
with Beach Music and Classic
Oldies playing in the background
by DJ Johnny B and the Carolina
Beach Party or DJ Brian Wilson
(Oasis Shriner & Keystone Kop).
The DJ’s are always pumping the
crowd up and telling them how
much they are appreciated by
supporting Shriners Hospitals for
Children and the Oasis Shriners
Keystone Kops! Periodically, a
former/current patient from one of
the hospitals will also show up and
that really gets the crowd going.
If you have never been out to
a cruise-in with the Keystone Kops
I encourage you to do so. It is a
great family event and I promise
you won’t be disappointed…
besides, it’s FREE! There is
never an entry fee for the cars.
The cruise-in can be found
on Glenway Street behind the
buildings that face Main Street.
The Keystone Kops continue
to have multiple sponsors each
month, so if you know of or would
like to sponsor a month please
contact Capt. Don Deese or any
of the Kops for info. All Shriners
and their families are encouraged
to come out and enjoy “The Oasis
Shriners Keystone Kops Summer
Night Cruise-In” in Beautiful
Downtown Belmont, NC.
Shriners Hospitals for Children aren’t the only ones who
will benefit from this drawing! One lucky person will go
home with this gorgeous handmade quilt on October 1.
The Thirtieth Annual Shriners Benefit is sponsored by Oasis
Mountain Buggies, WNC Coonhunter Clubs, and Longnecks
Restaurant in Marshall, NC. Mars
Hill Recreation Park is where
supporters will gather for the
drawing and auction.
For ticket information contact Tommy
Wilson, Captain Oasis Mountain
Tickets are $1 each,
six for $5, or
twenty-five for $20.
Don’t miss out on this
rare opportunity.
8th Annual
September 14
With your help to date we have donated over $140,000
to Shriners Hospitals for Children!
Saturday, August 20, 2016
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Caine’s Bulldog Sponsorship
Caine’s Panther Sponsorship
Company Logo Displayed on the
Tournament Gift Towel
Complementary All Inclusive Foursome
Company logo on Tournament Banner
Company Logo Displayed on the
Tournament Gift Towel
Company Name on Plaque
Two Complementary All Inclusive Foursomes
Golf & Shooting Package
$1500 per Team (4 Players)
Vendors Welcome - Tables Available
To get yours call (336) 946-2581 or (336) 650-2548
* Proceeds are for the benefit of Shriners Hospitals for Children *
1 Golf Team (4 People)
1 Shooting Team (4 People)
1 Hole Sponsor Sign
4 Mulligan’s per Player
(2 Golfing 2 Shooting)
2 50/50 Tickets per Player
2 Tickets per Player for Drawing
Lunch & Dinner for 4
Shooting Only Package
OASIS Shriners Keystone Kops 2016
@The Fork Farm
$1000 per Team
1 Team Shooting (4 Players)
1 Hole Sponsor Sign
2 Mulligan’s per Player
2 50/50 Tickets per Player
2 Tickets per Player for Drawing
Lunch for 4
Golf Only
@ The Tillery Tradition CC
$1000 per Team
1 Team Golfing (4 Players)
1 Hole Sponsor Sign
2 Mulligan’s per Player
2 50/50 Tickets per Player
2 Tickets per Player for Drawing
Lunch & Dinner for 4
To register please contact Anna Yates-Lipcsak
email: or 704-796-0547
I look forward to seeing everyone and making another SUCCESSFUL tournament!
Oasis Young Shriners Club
Join Us Every Wednesday from April thru September in
Historic Downtown Belmont, NC on Glenway St.
(behind Friends Restaurant & next to Glenway Pub) for
The OASIS Shriners Keystone Kops 2016 CLASSIC CAR CRUISE-IN
*No Entry Fee *Door Prizes Every Night & Car Owner Prizes Awarded
50/50 Tickets for $1 each raise money for Shriners Hospitals for Children.
The 50/50 Drawing is held around 8:20 pm
Friends Restaurant and Glenway Premium Pub will have food and beverages for sale on site.
President - Brandon Penley,
VP - Jesse Campbell,
Treasurer - Cody Gustafson,
Secretary - Rory Byers
If you are under forty and interested
in joining - Contact
We now have Oasis Young Shriners Club bracelets free with membership or for donation.
Lloyd Golding
James Wise
Red Fez Club
Charles Garner
Roger Hinshaw
East Burke Shrine Club
Terry McMahan
IN Memory of:
Harvey Millsaps
Francis “Frank” G. Morris
Mike Blankenship
Janice Hendricks
David D. Greene
Major George Vessel
David Greene
Mike Blankenship
$2,000.00 $581.40 IN HONOR of:
Red Fez Club
Mark & Dorthy Day
Get your copy of our inspirational book, Our Stories
Order online at
$15 donation
All proceeds
benefit Shriners
Hospitals for Children
The Dune Cats say...
Eat Wings for the Kids at Buffalo Wild Wings
Show a current Oasis Shrine Dues card
and BWW will donate 10% of your FOOD
bill to the Shriners Hospitals for Children!
*Alcohol not included
The 43rd Annual
South Atlantic Shrine Association
Fall Festival - September 14 - 17, 2016
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Tentative Schedule of Events
Please visit for a complete schedule
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Registration Open
12:00 pm (start)
Golf Outing
headquarters hotel:
Springmaid Beach Resort,
3200 South Ocean Blvd, Myrtle Beach, SC
Golf Outing:
Wednesday Afternoon - 12:00pm Start,
River Oaks Golf Plantation,
831 River Oaks Dr, Myrtle Beach, SC
Ladies luncheon:
Thursday, 11:30pm - 2:00pm, Springmaid Beach
Resort Convention Hall - 2nd Floor
Saturday Afternoon, Line - Up 12:00pm
Step - Off 1:00pm
President’s family beach bash:
Family Picnic and Band Entertainment,
on Saturday Afternoon - 11:00pm
SBR Registration Building
River Oaks Golf Plantation
Thursday, September 15, 2016
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Registration Open
SBR Registration Building
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Market Place Open
SBR Convention Hall - 1st Floor
9:00 am - 9:30 am
Welfare & Advisory Meeting
SBR Convention Hall - 3nd Floor
10:30 am - 11:00 am
Memorial Service SBR Convention Hall - 3nd Floor
(All Nobles & Ladies Encouraged to Attend)
11:30 am - 2:00 pm
Ladies Luncheon
SBR Convention Hall - 2nd Floor
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Business Meeting
SBR Convention Hall - 3nd Floor
4:00 pm
Parade Marshal’s Meeting SBR Convention Hall - 3nd Floor
(following SASA Business meeting)
Friday, September 16, 2016
7:30 am - 9:30 am
Director’s Association Breakfast
8:30 am
Shrine Motor Corps Competition
8:30 am
Band Association Festival
9:00 am
Clown Association Competition
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Registration Open
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Market Place Open
Tire Town- Parking Lot 3454
Waccamaw Blvd., MB
Sea Mist Convention Center
SBR Registration Building
SBR Convention Hall - 1st Floor
Saturday, September 17, 2016
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Market Place Open
SBR Convention Hall - 1st Floor
12:00 pm
Parade Line-up
See Website for Temple Assignments
1:00 pm
Parade Step-Off
See Website for Route
2:30 pm - through parade Beach Bash Picnic SBR
(Registration Badge/Arm Band Required)
5:00 pm - 11:00pm
Beach Bash Entertainment SBR
(Registration Badge/Arm Band Required)
9:00 pm
Parade Award Presentations
9:00 pm
SASA Officers’ Installation
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Safe travels home!
SBR = Springmaid Beach Resort