AN ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO ROCKING THE SMART SHOW I M A G I N E , B U Y, T R Y, A W A K E N , F R I E N D and E N J O Y HAVE a SUPER SHow! at its core, what The SMART Jewelry Show is about is making things happen. Getting moving. Taking action. So before we jump into our action-packed illustrated guide to a few of the smartest new concepts at the SMART Show, we want to take a few minutes to introduce six action words — six verbs — that you should remember as key themes for this year's event. imagine: Stop thinking small. If your goal is to survive, you can’t possibly thrive. Imagine what you want your store to be. Believe in your heart that you can make that vision come true. Let INSTORE and The SMART Jewelry Show lay out the tools for you. And the rest, friends, is up to you. buy: If you’ve been listening to us for the last couple of months, you’ve moved some of the old inventory clogging your cases and have some cash in hand. If you’ve done inventory planning with the help of the resources at instoremag.com/imagine, you should be ready to make some smarter buying decisions. Lastly, use all the innovative tools we’ve put together at the show to restock your cases with fresh, fast-turning inventory. try: Remember Einstein’s definition of insanity: “Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” This year, let’s switch the script. Try usSTory by david squires ing the QR codes (download ART by wim nutakhom the software to your smartphone at instoreqr.com). Try g BUY SMART h TRY QR CODES buying a Mother’s Day-specific product from our vendors and highlighting in your store advertising for the holiday. Try “Share Point” to meet fellow retailers and share your best finds from the show floor. Try leaving a testimonial for a favorite vendor at our “Rave Spot.” Presented with a new idea? What the heck, try it! awaken: Most of us have periods of our lives and careers when we slumber. Then there are the times when we dig down deep and strive hard to lift ourselves. Make 2011 a time to strive. Before the show, visit instoremag.com/lifelift for motivation. Then, at the show, come to the SMART Energy Zone near Town Square and meet with our wellness experts Kevin Stacey and Pamela Ingalls for techniques to beat stress and generate energy. friend: But not in the superficial Facebook way. Instead, use networking opportunities at the show (with fellow retailers at “Share Point,” experts at the “SMART Bar,” and owners of “Cool Stores” everywhere) to make new connections who can help your business. Get out of your comfort zone. Set a target of meeting three new people who can inspire and motivate you at this year’s show. enjoy: We regard The SMART Show as the jewelry industry’s friendliest trade event. And what we most want you to have is a good time. Enjoy the beauty and atmosphere of one of the country’s coolest trade show locations, Chicago’s Navy Pier. Enjoy our Sunday night Chicago Cool Blast featuring Frank Sinatra.* Enjoy a 15-minute massage with our massage therapists in the SMART Energy Zone. Enjoy! * OK, a terrific Frank Sinatra impersonator j MEET MENTORS k TAKE ADVANTAGE S M A RTJ E W E L RY S H OW.C O M | 53 learn to buy smart before the show, go to instoremag.com/imagine for advice on setting up your merchandising plan for the show. "Eliminate all old dogs from your jewelry cases" SCRAM! Arrive at the SMART Show ready to purchase new, fast-turning merchandise to replace your tired old dogs. Use QR codes to find special deals and expanded information. At daily "Share Point" sessions, share the show's coolest styles and best dealS WITH FELLow retailers. GREAT DEAL! 10% Discou 54 | nt S M A RTJ E W E L RY S H OW.C O M Don’t get soft-hearted ... YoU’VE Gotta SEE IT! Use our show guide to find vendors whose sales policies best match your store needs. cool product at thE $250-299 price point. For fastest-moving products, look for the vendor label of “best-seller.” Don't be shy. Be ready to share. When you meet a new contact, be ready to ask (and be be asked) the magic question: So what did you buy today? ... and Continue to build your merchandising plan using and tools Hmm ... NEED A the forms on our WEBSITE. And Look for the label “Mother’s Day” to find products aimed right at moms. Do these things and, we promise, you’ll go home with orders for smartly selected, fast-turning new merchandise that will energize your store. FUN WITH QR CoDES 1. PICK YoUR PLATFoRM. 2. DoWNLoAD. 3. you’ll be done in BEFoRE THE SHoW, VISIT A MINUTE oR so. INSToREQR.CoM oN YoUR CoMPUTER oR SMARTPHoNE. THERE YoU’LL FIND THE PERFECT CoDE READER FoR HUNDREDS oF SMARTPHoNES oN ALL MAJoR PLATFoRMS. HEY, THAT WAS EASY! es Cod QR sion r e v 4.2 at vendoR BooTHS, get contact data, EXPANDED INFo AND EVEN SPECIAL DEALS. NoW YoU'RE READY. HIT THE SHoW FLooR AND look FoR QR CoDES. IT WoN’T TAKE LoNG! $50 oFF MY INITIAL oRDER! SWEET! GoT oNE!!! THE SMART SH ALSo FIND EXtra CoNTENT IN oUR SMART STATIoN EDUCATIoNAL EXHIBITS oN THE SHoW FLooR. OW YoU CAN EVEN HAVE FUN WITH QR I'M GoNNA REQUEST MY FAVE CoDES AT THE SINATRA SoNG! CHICAGo CooL BLAST, oUR BIG SHoW PARTY. and BEFoRE YoU head home, be sure to visit TAPPINN to learn about QR CoDE opporunities in YoUR SToRE. CooL IDEA! 56 | S M A RTJ E W E L RY S H OW.C O M Meet and network with cool stores It's a great chance to meet some of America's most innovative jewelers. like ... more than 50 "Cool Stores" and "America's Coolest Stores" will attend this year’s smart jewelry show. Gary gordon Samuel gordon Jewelers I’m INVITED! Gary Simon You’re In vited Simon Jewelers RIGHT! Good Julie Sather-Browne Sather’s Leading Jewelers "Hey, INSToRE, memory! March 2005, right?" Tom Duma Thom Duma Fine Jewelers don’t be shy. say hello. you have a cool STorE. THANKS. now tell me about your store. it could be the start of a very cool relationship. SCore yourself an official SMART show t-shirt LIKE this year's official SMART Show t-shirt? Well, We're giving away 1,000 of them free to attendees. SWEET! Get yours by arriving early on Saturday, Sunday or Monday. (one per customer, supplies limited!) Cool SHIRT! don’t miss your chance. 58 | S M A RTJ E W E L RY S H OW.C O M Looking SMART! More smart Actions THE SMARTEST LUNCH EVER! beat your Stress don’t let pressure drown you. Learn how to manage stress and build your personal energy with smart show wellness experts kevin stacey and pamela ingalls. PARTY WITH SINATRA! okay, it's not really ol’ blue eyes. But you'll still have a blast with our swinging band sunday night at the Chicago Cool Blast party. 60 | S M A RTJ E W E L RY S H OW.C O M If you're here on april 1, have a lunchtime working meeting with Shane Decker. Admission: $16.50, includes lunch. order online at instoremag.com/shanelunch be ready to BUMP For easier networking, go to http://bu.mp and download Bump networking software for your smartphone. Want somebody's contact information? Just bump phones. EVEN More smart Actions 2 EVEN More smart Actions +meet an editor INSToRE/INDESIGN editors are stationed in each of the educational "Experience Areas" and at the INSToRE booth. Need help? We're right there. support our VENdors If you enjoy our Show, remember who pays for it. Support show vendors, and we can support you with more smart ideas next year. use your show GUIDE this show guide contains useful and unique information on vendors. spend time reading it to decide which vendors you want to visit. AT THE SHoW arrive in Chicago one day early to attend our pre-show conference day on Friday, April 1. CHoose From 20 smart educational sessions. RY JEWEL celet ! ACME ond bra price diam 4491106 a low SKU: look for big KEEpING UP WITH THE NEWS GET EXTRA EDUCATIoN FACEBook.Com/instoremag remember to twitter: #smartjewelryshow, #smartshowdeals website: instoremag.com If you like a product, write down its name and the reason you like it. don’t miss daily video updates (this will help you buy later. Plus, you can tell fellow jewelers.) from the show floor 62 | S M A RTJ E W E L RY S H OW.C O M TAKE Notes