Sep/Oct - American Legion Post 155
Sep/Oct - American Legion Post 155
American Legion Post #155 Post News Volume 1, Issue 5 AMERICAN LEGION POST #155 September/October 2007 Don’s Desk: Greetings: 2006-2007 OFFICERS American Legion Our Annual Golf Tournament was successful again this year, thanks to a lot of hard work and many hours put in by Wade Porter and his golf commitDon Hudson tee. Special thanks to Wade for his leadership and for all the sponsor signs Dan Hause he made. Also, a big thank you to Linda for all the extra work she did keeping Chuck Duke me and the books straight. We were able to donate $10,000.00 to Woodland Sam Haskett Children’s Christmas Fund and $10,000.00 to Indiana Veteran’s Home. Commander 1st Vice 2nd Vice Finance Officer Adjutant Jerry Sebastian Chaplain Jerry Sebastian Historian Paul Willaert Sgt-At-Arms Dick Tucker Service Officer Mike Klepfer Executive Committee: Charlie Holmes Tim McGreal Will True American Legion Auxiliary Legion activities for September will include the 6th District Meeting on Sunday the 16th at the Lebanon Post, and our Annual “Legion Legends” Car Show on Saturday the 29th. October brings the American Legion fall conference, Friday the 5th through Sunday the 7th, at the Marriott Inn – 21st and Shadeland Ave., Indianapolis. The same weekend the Noblesville Post is presenting the “Vietnam Traveling Wall” – October 4th through October 7th at the Hamilton County Fair Grounds. Then on Saturday the 27th, we will have our “Weenie Roast” at dusk behind the back building. Come out to enjoy the evening and if you like, pitch a tent and stay all night. President Jan Tucker 1st Vice Gail Young As the 6th District elected Membership Chairman, let me say, please pay your 2nd Vice Joan Hause dues. If you know someone who is not a member and is eligible, ask them to Parliamentarian Linda Peine join our organization. Secretary Cindi Trebing Treasurer Sandy Sebastian In Comradeship, Chaplain Gayle Howe Don Hudson Historian Beatie Cummings Sgt-At-Arms Rose Nieten Executive Committee: Judy Holmes Salutations: Shirley Brown S. A. L. Commander Jason Plummer 1st Vice Blake Johnson Don Merrick 2nd Vice Finance Officer Bob Trebing Adjutant Barry Davis Chaplain Craig Olivares Historian Charles Pulfer Sgt-At-Arms Jeff Champion Service Officer James Pulfer Post Advisor Dan Hause Executive Committee: Kevin McDowell Bill Mengel Barry Platt Thank you to all the volunteers who helped with the last two S.A.L. dinners. We had a few new people helping out with the dinner before the golf outing. That was greatly appreciated as it was our largest dinner to date. I would also like to thank D & J Karaoke for a wonderful job, as always, at our last dinner. Our next two steak dinners will be September 1st and October 6th. They will both be followed up with entertainment by D & J Karaoke. We always have room for more volunteers and new ideas, if you are interested please join us at our S.A.L. meetings on the last Monday of the month at 7:00 pm. Check your mailboxes for your 2008 dues notice, if you pay by September 30th you are eligible for the free Early Bird breakfast. Thank you, Jason Plummer, S.A.L. Commander Page 2 P OST NE WS V OLU ME 1 , I SSUE 5 President’s Greeting: Ladies: Please remember our first meeting is on September 10th at 7:00pm It’s back!! We will be doing dessert for the S.A.L. Steak Dinners. The steak dinners are on the first Saturday of each month. I have already had several people signup for bring desserts for September, if you would like to participate it would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know what you are bringing. We are trying to build our Euchre on Tuesday nights by having ‘twice around’ play rather than ‘speed’ play. We play every Tuesday night at 7:30pm. We look forward to seeing you, so come early and sign in. Don’t forget our ‘Partners’ Euchre game is on the second Friday of every month. Keep an eye on the calendar for our annual Bazaar and car show. We hope to see you at our next meeting on September 10th. Much love, Jan Tucker, President Chaplain’s Prayer: Prayer for Peace O God, you are the source of life and peace. Praised be your name forever. We know it is you who turns our minds to thoughts of peace. Hear our prayer in this time of crisis. Your power changes hearts. Muslims, Christians, and Jews remember, and profoundly affirm, that they are followers of the one God, Children of Abraham, brothers and sisters; enemies begin to speak to one another; those who were estranged join hands in friendship; nations seek the way of peace together. Strengthen our resolve to give witness to these truths by the way we live. Give to us: Understanding that puts an end to strife; Mercy that quenches hatred, and Forgiveness that overcomes vengeance. Empower all people to live in your law of love. Carmel Car Show and Auxiliary’s Bazaar September 29, 2007 11:00am until 4:00pm There will be a variety of venders selling new and homemade items. There is no charge for vendor space, so if you are interested in becoming a vendor you are asked to contact Cindi Trebing at 773-6348 or 374-9724. Amen The Auxiliary is sponsoring the bazaar and will be selling baked goods at our table. Ladies all goodies are welcomed and needed. Jerry Sebastian, Chaplain Thanks for your participation. Obituary: James T. Evans, Jr. 83, passed away on June 23, 2007.He was born on October 9, 1923. He is survived by his wife Edna. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. In years passed, he served as the Commander at our Post 155. James was laid to rest on June 27, 2007. His family is in our thoughts and prayers. V OLU ME 1 , I SSUE 5 P OST NE WS REAL ESTATE Rent this Space… Sandi Roach Realtor L I N K S 865 West Carmel Drive, Suite 116 Carmel, IN 46032 Office 317-805-HOME Direct 317-339-3197 Home Office 317-571-9296 Page 3 $60.00 per issue $350.00 per year. Contact the Commander, Don Hudson for more information. Fax 317-574-0198 information. Mention your an American Legion member and receive a discount on your Real Estate transaction. The Hamilton County Veterans Organization is looking for WWII Veterans... A one day trip to Washington DC is being planned by the Hamilton County Veterans Organization. Their goal is to take as many of our County’s World War II veterans as possible to Washington D.C. The fee for the event is $208.80 per Veteran. We feel this would make a great Christmas, Birthday or Thank You gift for any Son, Daughter or Family member to give their Dad or Mom that is a WWII Veteran. The fee includes transportation to and from the Indianapolis International Airport and the round trip air fare to Washington DC where a tour of the Veteran Monuments will take place. Any WWII Veteran or their family interested in taking part in this event are asked to call Wayne Long at the Hamilton County Veteran Service Officer at 776-9620 or Ron Wilson at 379-1101 for additional details. The trip is being planned for October 17th 2007. We look forward to hearing from you. Family Fun Day!!! Wow! What a day of fun was had by all. We could not have asked for a better day—the weather was perfect! The children had a wonderful time. We would like to thank all the volunteers for their help and a special Thanks to Jack and Jo for the great roast pig. With our country at war and our sons and daughters risking there lives each day makes Family Fun Day even more special. Thanks Post 155 for bring us together. Euchre 7:30pm Auxiliary 7:00pm S.A.L. 7:00pm Autumn 30 25 24 23 Euchre 7:30pm S.A.L. Euchre 7:30pm Auxiliary 26 19 18 Legion 12 16 6th District Meeting in Lebanon 17 11 Auxiliary Euchre 7:30pm 10 5 Wed 4 9 Tue 3 Post Closes At 6:00pm Labor Day Mon 2 Sun 27 20 Rosh Hashanah 13 Legion 7:00pm 6 Thu Fri 28 21 14 Auxiliary Euchre 7:30pm 7 September 2007 29 Carmel Car Show Auxiliary’s Bazaar 11:00am-4:00pm Yom Kippur 22 15 8 1 S.A.L. Dinner 6:00pm—8:00pm Karaoke Sat 30 Euchre 7:30pm 22 29 S.A.L. 7:00pm 28 Auxiliary Euchre 7:30pm Happy Halloween 31 Legion 24 23 S.A.L. Euchre 7:30pm 21 17 15 14 Legion 16 Euchre 7:30pm Auxiliary 7:00pm Final Day 10 Auxiliary Euchre 7:30pm 9 3 Wed 2 Tue 8 1 Mon 7 American Legion Fall Conference Sun 25 18 11 Legion 7:00pm 4 Thu October 2007 26 19 Auxiliary 7:30pm Weenie Roast at Dusk 27 20 6 S.A.L. Dinner 6:00pm—8:00pm Karaoke 8:00pm 12:00pm 5 American Legion Fall Conference Oct. 5th through Oct. 7th 12 Sat Fri