2016 First Year Common Reads Catalog
2016 First Year Common Reads Catalog
First Year Com m on Read s 2016 Recommended Titles P E RS E U S B O O KS G RO U P • P E RS E U S D IS TRIBU TIO N • P U B L IS H E RS G RO U P W E S T • L E G ATO P U B L IS H E RS G RO U P Perseus Books Group First Year Common Reads Dear First Year Common Reads Committee: I am pleased to present the Perseus Books Group 2016 First Year Common Reads Recommended Titles catalog. This specially curated list of titles includes the twenty-fifth anniversary edition of Friday Night Lights and the tenth anniversary edition of They Poured Fire on Us from the Sky, one of our most top-picked titles for First-Year! Kate Harding’s Asking for It looks at the rise in rape culture on college campuses, in the military as well as in the boardroom. Invisible Man Got the Whole World Watching by Mychal Denzel Smith looks at the scope of Black manhood through the lens of Ferguson, Trayvon Martin, and the election of our first African-American president. Susan E. Eaton’s Integration Nation is a welcome addition to the case of integrating, and not assimilating, immigrants into American culture. Another popular First-Year pick, Michelle Alexander’s The New Jim Crow, continues to change the world and our view of it while sparking a nationwide social movement. The Sympathizer by Viet Thanh Nguyen recently won the 2016 Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Fiction and Helen Macdonald’s H Is for Hawk is a New York Times Book Review’s 10 Best Books of the Year and continues to land on the bestseller lists. The Perseus Books Group is an independent company committed to enabling independent publishers to reach their potential. Perseus-owned imprints include Avalon Travel, Basic Books, Da Capo Press, Lifelong Books, PublicAffairs, Running Press, Seal Press, and Westview Press. Perseus partnerships include Nation Books, as well as joint ventures with Weinstein Books and The Daily Beast. Through Perseus Distribution, Consortium, Publishers Group West, and Legato Publishers Group, The Perseus Books Group is also the leading provider of sales, marketing and distribution services to independent publishers. From the thousands of books we publish each year, we’ve selected those that will inspire your students as well as spark lively debate online and in the classroom. Many of our titles are now available in an e-book format and most authors are willing to come and speak at your institution. I am happy to send you exam copies to review, and for your convenience, an exam copy request form is included in the back of the catalog. Please take a moment to browse the catalog and don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have and/or for bulk pricing. Cordially, Sonya Harris Assistant Director, Specialty Wholesale and Mail Order Perseus Books Group 2300 Chestnut Street, Suite 200 Philadelphia, PA 19103 Tel: 215-567-4693 Fax: 215-877-4734 Email: sonya.harris@perseusbooks.com www.perseusbooksgroup.com • www.perseusdistribution.com • www.pgw.com www.legatopublishersgroup.com • www.cbsd.com Table of Contents Business & Economics...................................... 2 Cultural Studies.............................................. 13 History............................................................ 27 Inspiring Change............................................. 33 Islam & the Middle East.................................. 38 Literary Fiction................................................ 39 Memoir........................................................... 52 Politics............................................................ 56 Science .......................................................... 57 Sports ............................................................ 62 Stories from Africa........................................... 63 Technology...................................................... 65 War................................................................. 67 Recommended First Year Reads....................... 70 Title Index....................................................... 71 Author Index.................................................... 72 Contact Information........................................ 73 Exam Copy Request Form................................ 74 Contact Information In addition to the titles listed in this catalog, please visit our website for many more great books: Perseus Books Group 250 West 57th Street, 15th Floor New York, NY 10107 www.perseusbooksgroup.com Perseus Distribution 250 West 57th Street, 15th Floor New York, NY 10107 www.perseusdistribution.com Publishers Group West 1700 Fourth Street Berkeley, CA 94710 www.pgw.com Legato Publishers Group 814 William Street River Forest, IL 60305 www.legatopublishersgroup.com For more information or questions please contact Sonya Harris, Assistant Director, Specialty Wholesale and Mail Order Tel: 215-567-4693 Email: sonya.harris@perseusbooks.com BUSINESS & ECONOMICS THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS $18.95 164 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-8157-2404-9 978-0-8257-2439-1 Ebook Brookings Institution Press PD An Economy of Well-Being CAROL L. GRAHAM In The Pursuit of Happiness, renowned economist Carol Graham explores what we know about the determinants of happiness and clearly presents both the promise and the potential pitfalls of injecting the “economics of happiness” into public policymaking. While the book spotlights the innovative contributions of happiness research to the dismal science, it also raises a cautionary note about the issues that still need to be addressed before policymakers can make best use of them. CAROL GRAHAM is the Leo Pasvolsky Senior Fellow in Global Economy and Development at the Brookings Institution. She is also College Park Professor at the University of Maryland’s School of Public Policy. CIRCUS MAXIMUS $22.00 224 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-8157-2724-8 Brookings Institution Press PD The Economic Gamble Behind Hosting the Olympics and the World Cup ANDREW ZIMBALIST In the updated and expanded edition of his bestselling book, Circus Maximus: The Economic Gamble Behind Hosting the Olympics and the World Cup, Zimbalist tackles the bogus claim that cities chosen to host these high-profile sporting events experience an economic windfall. In this new edition, he takes aim at the outrageous FIFA scandal, Boston’s bid for the 2024 summer Olympics, and the criticism surrounding the 2015 Women’s World Cup. Circus Maximus focuses on major cities, like London and Barcelona, which have previously hosted these sporting events, to provide context for cities like Tokyo and Rio de Janerio, which are currently bearing the weight of exploding expenses, corruption, and protests. Zimbalist offers a sobering and candid look at the Olympics and the World Cup from outside the echo chamber. ANDREW ZIMBALIST earned a BA from the University of Wisconsin at Madison and an MA and PhD from Harvard University and has been in the economics department at Smith College since 1974. Zimbalist has consulted in Latin America for the United Nations Development Program, the U.S. Agency for International Development, and numerous companies. He lives in Northampton, MA. [2] $14.99 240 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-7382-1881-6 978-0-7382-1830-4 Ebook Da Capo Lifelong Books PBG A Game Plan for Success by Putting Passion into Your Life and Work JOE PLUMERI Now in paperback! A national bestseller, The Power of Being Yourself offers simple yet profound guidance on how to stay positive, motivate yourself and others, and achieve success in your life and work, from a renowned business leader. NYP 3/22/2016 Also Available: $24.99 Hardcover 978-0-7382-1829-8 By sharing his own experiences—and candidly exploring high-stakes business decisions along with many personal triumphs and tragedies— Plumeri explains that the secret to success is found not in boardroom strategy or corporate philosophy, but rather in allowing passion, purpose, and true emotions to inform your approach and guide your relationships. USA TODAY “TOP 50” BESTSELLER “Ultimately the stronger message is not about being your most authentic self, it is to pay attention to life beyond work.” —Financial Times “Plumeri’s story offers us all lessons for succeeding in all areas of life today. The Power of Being Yourself is an inspirational read for —800-CEO-READ our times.” JOE PLUMERI is vice chairman of the First Data Board of Directors and served as CEO of Willis Group, Citibank North America, and Primerica. He also serves on the boards of the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, Mount Sinai Medical Center, and the Jackie Robinson Foundation, among others. He lives in New York City. A HIGHER STANDARD DENVER POST BESTSELLER BUSINESS & ECONOMICS THE POWER OF BEING YOURSELF $25.99 288 pages Hardcover 978-0-7382-1779-6 978-0-7382-1780-2 Ebook Da Capo Press PBG Leadership Strategies from America’s First Female Four-Star General ANN DUNWOODY On June 23, 2008, President George W. Bush nominated Ann Dunwoody as a four-star general in the US Army—the first time a woman had ever achieved that rank. The news generated excitement around the world. Now retired after nearly four decades in the Army, Dunwoody shares what she learned along the way, from her first command leading 100 soldiers to her final assignment, in which she led a 60 billion dollar enterprise of over 69,000 employees, including the Army’s global supply chain in support of Iraq and Afghanistan. Forthcoming: $15.99 Trade Paperback 978-0-306-82442-5 9/12/2017 Now in paperback, A Higher Standard, details Dunwoody’s evolution as a soldier and reveals the core leadership principles that helped her achieve her historic appointment. “A straight shooter who tells it like it is, [Dunwoody] is uniquely qualified to teach, inspire, empower and entertain.”—800-CEO-READ “General Dunwoody’s book, A Higher Standard, provides inspiring military philosophy and on-the-ground leadership experience.” —Frances Hesselbein, President/CEO, The Frances Hesselbein Leadership Institute and 1998 Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipient Selected by UNIVERSITY of FLORIDA GENERAL ANN DUNWOODY is the former commanding general of one of the Army’s largest commands, the US Army Materiel Command. In addition to becoming the first woman in US military history to achieve the rank of four-star general, she was also the first woman to command a battalion in the 82nd Airborne Division and Fort Bragg’s first female general officer. [3] BUSINESS & ECONOMICS THE BUSINESS OF GOOD $21.95 224 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-59918-586-6 978-1-61308-336-9 Ebook Entrepreneur Press PGW Social Entrepreneurship and the New Bottom Line JASON HABER The groundbreaking story of why and how social entrepreneurship is changing everything we know about business and everything we thought we knew about ourselves. For the first time, the incredible story of why this movement has emerged as a transformative business model is revealed and how to be a part of this growing social entrepreneurial trend. From billions invested via Wall Street to millions endowed on college campuses, The Business of Good illustrates all the newfound opportunities that can be harnessed by those interested in social entrepreneurship. All the secrets to success a social entrepreneur needs to know are laid out in this book: from divulging their true D.N.A, (Dogmatic, Nerve, Authenticity), to the three rules that must be followed to the keys to hiring the right team to the best way to use social media and how to leverage free media. NYP 5/10/2016 JASON HABER is a serial and social entrepreneur. In 2010, he co-founded Rubicon Property, a social entrepreneurial real estate firm based in Manhattan. Warburg Realty, one of New York’s premier firms, purchased Rubicon in 2013. He has also served as an adjunct professor at John Jay College. Haber is a frequent commentator on cable news networks. He currently lives in New York City. $21.95 180 pages Hardcover 978-1-59918-563-7 978-1-61308-307-9 Ebook Entrepreneur Press PGW FUELED BY FAILURE Using Detours and Defeats to Power Progress JEREMY BLOOM Professional athlete turned CEO and philanthropist Jeremy Bloom guides aspiring and startup entrepreneurs in using defeats—big and small—to drive, not derail, success. JEREMY BLOOM, is a co-founder and CEO of Integrate, a marketing software and media services provider. He is a member of the United States Skiing Hall of Fame, a twotime Olympian and 11-time FIS Freestyle World Cup gold medalist, as well as a former football player for the Philadelphia Eagles and the Pittsburgh Steelers. [4] Captivating readers with anecdotes and takeaways from his success missions in athletics and business, Bloom makes the case that success is never linear, he introduces tactics for managing expectations for ourselves and our team, recovering and rebounding and/or reprogramming after defeat, knowing what to keep and what to toss when it comes to failure’s lessons, and plotting a new course. Lessons and practices are illustrated by Jeremy’s own story, which include NFL Hall-of-Famers John Elway and Mike Tomlin and Olympic champions Sasha Cohen and Apolo Ohno, and insights and advice from business leaders including Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google; Chad Hurley, cofounder of YouTube; and entrepreneur and venture capitalist Brad Feld. $18.95 275 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-932156-79-9 978-1-61308-144-0 Ebook Entrepreneur Press PGW Proven Techniques for Achieving Success in Business and Life IVAN MISNER AND DON MORGAN Success! The Magic Word. The Holy Grail. The American Dream. Stories of daunting hardships and unexpected success through examples set by successful people: discover Brian Tracy’s insights into the laws of success, learn from Tony Allessandra the importance of passion, hear Lou Holtz’s advice on visualizing success, and discover what drove Erin Brockovich to triumph over great odds. Contributors include Buzz Aldrin, Wayne Dyer, Larry Elder, Michael Gerber, John Gray, Mark Victor Hansen, Tom Hopkins, Vince Lombardi Jr., Tony Robbins, and many others. From one story to the next, both motivation and encouragement can be found. Co-authors DR. IVAN MISNER and DON MORGAN live actively in business, their families, the community and athletics. Misner is Founder and CEO of BNI, a global business referral company. Morgan represents the Canadian interests in the company. Misner, a black belt in Karate and Morgan a master sailboat racer understand the requirements to succeed in both business and sports. NO ONE UNDERSTANDS YOU AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT HEIDI GRANT HALVORSON BUSINESS & ECONOMICS MASTERS OF SUCCESS $22.00 224 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-62527-412-0 978-1-62527-413-7 Ebook Harvard Business Review Press PD Have you ever had the feeling that you’re just not getting through to the person you’re talking with, or coming across the way you intend to? You’re not alone. Our usual approach is to just talk louder, to try harder to get our message through. This is almost always the wrong approach. Why? Because other people almost never see us the way we see ourselves. Fortunately, these distortions in perception are systematic, understandable, and surmountable. Heidi Grant Halvorson, bestselling author of Nine Things Successful People Do Differently and Focus, now shows you how to communicate effectively—despite these unintentional (yet widespread) distortions of perception. By better understanding how communication and perception really work, you’ll learn to send the right signals at the right time, no matter who you’re communicating with. HEIDI GRANT HALVORSON, PhD, is a social psychologist and Associate Director of the Motivation Science Center at Columbia Business School. She is the author of four bestselling books, including Nine Things Successful People Do Differently, as well as a regular contributor to leading publications, including Harvard Business Review, Fast Company, WSJ.com, and Psychology Today. [5] BUSINESS & ECONOMICS FORGET A MENTOR, FIND A SPONSOR $22.00 256 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-4221-8716-6 978-1-4221-8718-0 Ebook Harvard Business Review Press PD The New Way to Fast-Track Your Career SYLVIA ANN HEWLETT Traditional pathways to career progression have all but diminished. Mentors used to be the answer but in today’s world, research shows that they are not enough to help you advance. Sylvia Ann Hewlett—economist, prolific author, and originator of such prominent ideas as off-ramping and on-ramping—shows why sponsorship is the new route to success. What makes a sponsor different from a mentor is critical in terms of getting you into the role you covet and deserve. SYLVIA ANN HEWLETT is the founding president of the Center for Talent Innovation, a nonprofit think tank where she chairs a task force of 75 global companies focused on fully realizing the new streams of high echelon labor in the global marketplace. She is currently ranked #11 on the Thinkers 50 list of the world’s most influential business thinkers. Combining real examples with practical advice, Forget a Mentor, Find a Sponsor shows how to build this important professional relationship, position yourself for leadership, and effectively work with your sponsor to achieve career success. REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE $22.00 208 pages Hardcover 978-1-59139-284-2 978-1-63369-036-3 Ebook Harvard Business Review Press PD 15 Harvard Professors Tell Life Stories That Inspire the Heart and Mind EDITED BY DAISY WADEMAN Leadership requires many attributes besides intelligence and business savvy—courage, character, compassion, and respect are just a few. New managers learn concrete skills in the classroom or on the job, but where do they hone the equally important human values that will guide them through a career that is both successful and meaningful? DAISY WADEMAN D OWLING graduated from Harvard Business School in 2002, was formerly an Associate in the Investment Banking unit of J.P. Morgan & Co., and currently is the head of talent development at the Blackstone Group, a global alternative asset-management firm. [6] A sponsor serves as your advocate—not just doling out advice but also offering the powerful backing inside the organization to get you where you want to go. From making important introductions to senior leaders to expanding the perception of what you can offer the organization, sponsors are your personal brand advocates in the workplace and in your industry at large. They inspire, propel, and protect—to help you progress. In this inspirational book, Daisy Wademan gathers lessons on balancing the personal and professional responsibilities of leadership from faculty members of Harvard Business School. Offering a rare glimpse inside the classrooms in which many of the world’s prominent leaders are trained, Remember Who You Are imparts lessons learned not in business, but in life. From the revelations on luck and obligation brought by a terrifying mountain accident to a widowed mother’s lesson of respect for people rather than job titles, these unforgettable stories and reflections, shared by renowned contributors from Rosabeth Moss Kanter to former HBS Dean Kim Clark, remind us that great leadership is not only about the mind, but the heart. Lessons from the Front Lines of Business HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW, EDITED BY DANIEL McGINN From the pages of Harvard Business Review, How I Did It brings to life the real challenges faced in some of today’s best-known companies— straight from the CEOs who successfully met and overcame them. $25.00 336 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-62527-221-8 978-1-62527-226-3 Ebook Harvard Business Review Press PD Practical and eminently usable, this collection of first-person narratives by renowned CEOs—including GE’s Jeff Immelt, Xerox’s Anne Mulcahy, Prada’s Patrizio Bertelli, Google’s Eric Schmidt, and others—tells how each overcame a management or organizational challenge that had their company stumped. Engaging and entertaining, these powerful global business leaders explain how they solved the problem and share the lessons they learned in the process. From handling a difficult succession, succeeding in emerging markets, creating lean growth, and innovating business models to issues involving customers, employees, and partners, these stories illustrate how successful leaders manage complex issues while working in the trenches. If you’re a manager, in any country, looking for guidance, inspiration, and a good read, Harvard Business Review’s How I Did It will help you make better decisions in the face of big problems in your own workplace. HBR’S 10 MUST READS ON MANAGING YOURSELF HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW, PETER FERDINAND DRUCKER, CLAYTON M. CHRISTENSEN, AND DANIEL GOLEMAN BUSINESS & ECONOMICS HOW I DID IT $24.95 208 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-4221-7203-2 978-1-4221-5799-2 Ebook Harvard Business Review Press PD The path to your professional success starts with a critical look in the mirror. If you read nothing else on managing yourself, read these 10 articles. We’ve combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles to select the most important ones to help you maximize yourself. HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself will inspire you to stay engaged throughout your 50+ year work life, tap into your deepest values, solicit candid feedback, delegate and develop employees’ initiative, and more. HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW is the leading destination for smart management thinking. Through its flagship magazine, twelve international licensed editions, books from Harvard Business Review Press, and digital content and tools published on HBR.org, Harvard Business Review provides professionals around the world with rigorous insights and best practices to lead themselves and their organizations more effectively and to make a positive impact. [7] BUSINESS & ECONOMICS $24.95 208 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-63369-019-6 Harvard Business Review Press PD HBR’S 10 MUST READS ON EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW, DANIEL GOLEMAN, RICHARD E. BOYATZIS, ANNIE McKEE, AND SYDNEY FINKELSTEIN In his defining work on emotional intelligence, Dan Goleman has found that it is twice as important as other competencies in determining outstanding leadership. These are the Harvard Business Review’s articles that best help you learn how to monitor and manage your emotions to boost your success. This book will inspire you to deeply understand your own emotions, strengths, weaknesses, and goals; find ways to control and channel bad moods and emotional impulses; empathize the right way to make intelligent decisions; manage your relationships with others; and more. $24.95 192 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-4221-8989-4 978-1-42219-143-9 Ebook Harvard Business Review Press PD HBR’S 10 MUST READS ON MAKING SMART DECISIONS HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW, DANIEL KAHNEMAN, AND RAM CHARAN Want to make better choices and avoid common traps? These ten essential Harvard Business Review articles show you how to overcome cognitive biases, back up decisions with data and analytics, and weigh risks and benefits. Leading global experts will provide the insights and advice you need to make bold decisions that challenge the status quo, test your decisions with experiments, defeat indecisiveness, and more. HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW is the leading destination for smart management thinking. Through its flagship magazine, twelve international licensed editions, books from Harvard Business Review Press, and digital content and tools published on HBR.org, Harvard Business Review provides professionals around the world with rigorous insights and best practices to lead themselves and their organizations more effectively and to make a positive impact. [8] $19.95 208 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-4221-8711-1 978-1-4221-8714-2 Ebook Harvard Business Review Press PD In the HBR Guide to Getting the Right Work Done, you’ll discover how to focus your time and energy where they will yield the greatest reward. Not only will you end each day knowing you made progress, your improved productivity will also set you apart from the pack. For both new and experienced professionals, this guide will help you to prioritize and stay focused, work less but accomplish more, write to-do lists that actually work, and more. HBR GUIDE TO PERSUASIVE PRESENTATIONS NANCY DUARTE BUSINESS & ECONOMICS HBR GUIDE TO GETTING THE RIGHT WORK DONE HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW $19.95 256 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-4221-8710-4 978-1-4221-8715-9 Ebook Harvard Business Review Press PD Terrified of speaking in front of a group? Or simply looking to polish your skills? Wherever you are on the spectrum, this guide will give you the confidence and tools you need to get results. Written by presentation expert Nancy Duarte, this guide will help you win over tough crowds, organize a coherent narrative, create powerful messages and visuals, strike the right tone for any situation, and more. “This concise, yet packed little book might contain all you need to know about giving a better presentation.… If you do any kind of public speaking, or want to, this book will be extremely helpful and useful.” —800 CEO READ NANCY DUARTE is a skilled CEO, inspired presenter, and gifted educator. Principal of Duarte Design since 1990, Nancy Duarte is a sought-after speaker whose own presentations live up to the expectations established in her books. Those books include slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations and Resonate: Present Visual Stories That Transform Audiences. [9] BUSINESS & ECONOMICS HBR GUIDE TO GETTING THE MENTORING YOU NEED HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW PRESS $19.95 192 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-4221-9600-7 978-1-4221-9749-3 Ebook Harvard Business Review Press PD Whether you’re eyeing a specific leadership role, hoping to advance your skills, or simply looking to broaden your professional network, you need to find someone who can help. Wait for a senior manager to come looking for you—and you’ll probably be waiting forever. Instead, you need to find the mentoring that will help you achieve your goals. With this guide, you’ll learn how to find new ways to stand out in your organization, set clear and realistic development goals, identify and build relationships with influential sponsors, and more. HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW is the leading destination for smart management thinking. Through its flagship magazine, twelve international licensed editions, books from Harvard Business Review Press, and digital content and tools published on HBR.org, Harvard Business Review provides rigorous insights and best practices to lead themselves and their organizations more effectively. CONSCIOUS CAPITALISM $18.00 368 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-62527-175-4 978-1-62527-298-0 Ebook Harvard Business Review Press PD Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business JOHN MACKEY AND RAJENDRA SISODIA WITH A NEW PREFACE BY THE AUTHORS At once a bold defense and reimagining of capitalism and a blueprint for a new system for doing business, Conscious Capitalism is for anyone hoping to build a more cooperative, humane, and positive future. WALL STREET JOURNAL Whole Foods Market cofounder John Mackey and professor and Conscious Capitalism, Inc. cofounder Raj Sisodia argue that both business and capitalism are inherently good, and they use some of today’s best-known and most successful companies to illustrate their point. From Southwest Airlines, UPS, and Tata to Costco, Panera, Google, the Container Store, and Amazon, today’s organizations are creating value for all stakeholders—including customers, employees, suppliers, investors, society, and the environment. BESTSELLER JOHN MACKEY is co-CEO and cofounder of Whole Foods Market and cofounder of the nonprofit Conscious Capitalism, Inc. He has devoted his life to selling natural and organic foods and to building a better business model. DR. RAJENDRA (RAJ) SISODIA is cofounder and trustee of Conscious Capitalism, Inc. and professor of marketing at Bentley University. [10] “Conscious Capitalism is full of thoughtful insights and original observations that could help organizations from start-ups to multinationals become better at creating financial and social wealth for all their stakeholders.… I strongly suspect it will be one of the outstanding business books of the year.” —Financial Times $12.00 112 pages Hardcover 978-1-4221-9340-2 978-1-4221-8561-2 Ebook Harvard Business Review Press PD Are you at the top of your game—or still trying to get there? Take your cues from the short, powerful Nine Things Successful People Do Differently, where the strategies and goals of the world’s most successful people are on display—backed by research that shows exactly what has the biggest impact on performance. Here’s a hint: accomplished people reach their goals because of what they do, not just who they are. Readers have called this “a gem of a book.” Get ready to accomplish your goals at last. HEIDI GRANT HALVORSON, PhD is a motivational psychologist and author of Succeed: How We Can Reach Our Goals. She blogs on motivation and leadership for the websites of several leading publications, including Harvard Business Review, Fast Company, and Psychology Today. HeidiGrantHalvorson.com Twitter: @hghalvorson HOW TO BE A PRODUCTIVITY NINJA BUSINESS & ECONOMICS NINE THINGS SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE DO DIFFERENTLY HEIDI GRANT HALVORSON $14.95 304 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-78578-028-8 Icon Books PGW Worry Less, Achieve More and Love What You Do GRAHAM ALLCOTT In the age of information overload, traditional time management techniques simply don’t cut it when it comes to overflowing inboxes, ever-expanding to-do lists and endless, pointless meetings. Thankfully there is a better way: The Way of the Productivity Ninja. NYP 3/15/2016 Using techniques including Ruthlessness, Mindfulness, Zen-like Calm and Stealth & Camouflage you will get your inbox down to zero, make the most of your attention, beat procrastination and learn to work smarter, not harder. Written by one of the world’s foremost productivity experts, How to Be a Productivity Ninja is a fun, accessible and practical guide to staying cool, calm and collected, getting more done, and learning to love your work again. “[Allcott] has distilled the wisdom of hundreds of business seminars into this handy little book to help us get organised, de-clutter our minds and desks and become altogether calmer, happier and more productive…this book makes for a well-rounded manual to sharpen up your work methods.” —Claudia Sunderhauf, Waterstones.com GRAHAM ALLCOTT is a productivity trainer, social entrepreneur and founder of Think Productive. His company runs public workshops throughout the world and also run in-house workshops for staff at a range of organizations, including eBay, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, American Express, and GlaxoSmithKline. [11] BUSINESS & ECONOMICS ARE YOU FULLY CHARGED? $22.95 240 pages Hardcover 978-1-939714-03-9 978-1-939714-05-3 Ebook Missionday PGW The 3 Keys to Energizing Your Work and Life TOM RATH The latest from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Strengths Finder 2.0 and Eat Move Sleep, Tom Rath, this short, easy read draws on the latest and most practical research from business, psychology, and economics—and reveals the three keys that matter most to our daily wellbeing and effectiveness at work. Drawing on the latest and most practical research from business, psychology, and economics, this book focuses on changes we can make to create better days for ourselves and others. Are You Fully Charged? will challenge you to stop pursuing happiness and focus on meaningful work instead, lead you to rethink your daily interactions with the people who matter most, and show you how to create the energy you need in order to be your best every day. TOM RATH is an expert on the role of human behavior in business, health, and economics. He has written five international bestsellers over the past decade, starting with the #1 New York Times bestseller How Full Is Your Bucket? Tom’s latest New York Times bestsellers are Strengths Based Leadership, Wellbeing, and Eat Move Sleep. He lives in Arlington, Virginia. POOR ECONOMICS $15.99 320 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-61039-093-4 978-1-61039-160-3 Ebook PublicAffairs PBG A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty ABHIJIT BANERJEE AND ESTHER DUFLO Readers Guide Available Online Why do the poor borrow to save? Why do they miss out on free life-saving immunizations, but pay for unnecessary drugs? In Poor Economics, Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Duflo, two practical visionaries working toward ending world poverty, answer these questions from the ground. In a book the Wall Street Journal called “marvelous, rewarding,” the authors tell how the stress of living on less than ninety-nine cents per day encourages the poor to make questionable decisions that feed— not fight—poverty. The result is a radical rethinking of the economics of poverty that offers a ringside view of the lives of the world’s poorest, and shows that creating a world without poverty begins with understanding the daily decisions facing the poor. FINANCIAL TIMES GOLDMAN SACHS 2011 BOOK OF THE YEAR ECONOMIST BEST BOOK OF 2011 ABHIJIT VINAYAK BANERJEE is the Ford Foundation International Professor of Economics at MIT. ESTHER DUFLO is the Abdul Latif Jameel Professor of Poverty Alleviation and Development Economics at MIT. [12] “This guide to tackling poverty based on research, suggests ways of overcoming the inertia ideology and ignorance that so often reduce the effectiveness of aid spending.” —Financial Times Selected by SEATTLE UNIVERSITY $15.00 208 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-60286-160-2 978-1-60286-142-8 Ebook Weinstein Books PBG Women, Money, and Getting What You’re Worth MIKA BRZEZINSKI Now in paperback! New York Times bestseller Knowing Your Value, the prequel to Mika Brzezinski’s new book, Grow Your Value, is a brutally honest, funny, and self-deprecating in-depth look at how women today achieve their deserved recognition and financial worth. Prompted by her own experience as co-host of Morning Joe, Brzezinski interviewed a number of prominent women across a wide range of industries on their experience moving up in their fields. Blending personal stories with the latest research on why many women don’t negotiate their compensation, why negotiating aggressively usually backfires, the real reasons why the gender wage gap persists, and what can be done about it. Knowing Your Value is a vital book for professional women of all ages. MIKA BRZEZINSKI is a co-host of Morning Joe, an MSNBC anchor, and the author of the New York Times bestseller All Things at Once. She lives in New York. WADING HOME $15.00 306 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-932841-55-8 978-1-57284-673-9 Ebook Agate Bolden PGW A Novel of New Orleans ROSALYN STORY When Hurricane Katrina hits New Orleans, chef and widower Simon Fortier knows how he plans to face the storm—riding it out inside his long-time home in the city’s Treme neighborhood, just as he has through so many storms before. But when the levees break and the city is torn apart, Simon disappears. His son, Julian, a celebrated jazz trumpeter, rushes home to a New Orleans he left years before to search for his father. As Julian crisscrosses the city, fearing the worst, he reconnects with Sylvia, Simon’s companion of many years; Parmenter, his father’s erstwhile business partner and one of the most successful restaurateurs in New Orleans; and Velmyra, the woman Julian left behind when he moved to New York. Julian’s search for Simon deepens as he finds himself drawn into the troubled history of Silver Creek, the extravagantly beautiful piece of land where his father grew up, and closer once again to Velmyra. As he tries to come to grips with his father’s likely fate, Julian slowly gains a deeper, richer understanding of his father and the city he loved so much, while unraveling the mysteries of Silver Creek. “New Orleans natives struggle to recover their lives as well as their property after Hurricane Katrina.... Story’s musical background infuses her novel with a lyrical rhythm...as engaging characters rebuild their relationships and their city. The current oil-spill crisis only makes the hopefulness of this novel more moving, if heart—Kirkus Reviews wrenching.” ROSALYN STORY is a violinist with the Fort Worth symphony and the author of More Than You Know and And So I Sing. She lives in Texas. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS CULTURAL STUDIES KNOWING YOUR VALUE Selected by CLEMSON UNIVERSITY [13] CULTURAL STUDIES THE CULTURE OF FEAR $16.95 360 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-465-00336-5 978-0-465-00443-0 Ebook Basic Books PBG Why Americans Are Afraid of the Wrong Things: Crime, Drugs, Minorities, Teen Moms, Killer Kids, Mutant Microbes, Plane Crashes, Road Rage, & So Much More BARRY GLASSNER BARRY GLASSNER is professor of sociology at the University of Southern California. He is the author of seven books and countless articles that have appeared in magazines and newspapers around the world. His academic research has appeared in the most prestigious journals in sociology and psychiatry. He lives in Los Angeles. WHY ARE ALL THE BLACK KIDS SITTING TOGETHER IN THE CAFETERIA? $16.99 320 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-465-08361-9 978-0-465-00396-9 Ebook Basic Books PBG Revised Edition BEVERLY TATUM NATIONAL BESTSELLER BEVERLY DANIEL TATUM, PhD, is a professor of psychology and dean of Mount Holyoke College as well as a psychologist in private practice. [14] In the age of 9/11, the Iraq War, financial collapse, and Amber Alerts, our society is defined by fear. So it’s not surprising that three out of four Americans say they feel more fearful today then they did twenty years ago. In The Culture of Fear, sociologist Barry Glassner demonstrates that it is our perception of danger that has increased, not the actual level of risk. Glassner exposes the people and organizations that manipulate our perceptions and profit from our fears, including advocacy groups that raise money by exaggerating the prevalence of particular diseases and politicians who win elections by heightening concerns about crime, drug use, and terrorism. Revised for the first time in ten years, an update of the classic book—more relevant now than when it was first published— Glassner exposes the administration of George W. Bush and the use of fear in the war on terror. Walk into any racially mixed high school and you will see black youth seated together in the cafeteria. Of course, it’s not just the black kids sitting together—the white, Latino, Asian Pacific, and, in some regions, American Indian youth are clustered in their own groups, too. The same phenomenon can be observed in college dining halls, faculty lounges, and corporate cafeterias. Beverly Daniel Tatum, a renowned authority on the psychology of racism, asserts that we do not know how to talk about our racial differences: Whites are afraid of using the wrong words and being perceived as “racist” while parents of color are afraid of exposing their children to painful racial realities too soon. Using reallife examples and the latest research, Tatum presents strong evidence that straight talk about our racial identities—whatever they may be—is essential for facilitating communication across racial and ethnic divides. This remarkable book, infused with great wisdom and humanity, has already helped hundreds of thousands of readers figure out where to start the conversation. $14.99 160 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-465-03033-0 978-0-7867-3907-3 Ebook Basic Books PBG In the book that he was born to write, provocateur and best-selling author Christopher Hitchens inspires future generations of radicals, gadflies, mavericks, rebels, angry young (wo)men, and dissidents. Who better to speak to that person who finds him or herself in a contrarian position than Hitchens, who has made a career of disagreeing in profound and entertaining ways? This book explores the entire range of “contrary positions”—from noble dissident to gratuitous pain in the butt. In an age of overly polite debate bending over backward to reach a happy consensus within an increasingly centrist political dialogue, Hitchens pointedly pitches himself in contrast. He bemoans the loss of the skills of dialectical thinking evident in contemporary society. He understands the importance of disagreement—to personal integrity, to informed discussion, to true progress—heck, to democracy itself. Epigrammatic, spunky, witty, in your face, timeless and timely, this book is everything you would expect from a mentoring contrarian. CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS was an English author, essayist, orator, religious and literary critic, and journalist. His numerous books include Letters to a Young Contrarian and Why Orwell Matters. THE HIP HOP WARS CULTURAL STUDIES LETTERS TO A YOUNG CONTRARIAN CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS $16.99 320 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-465-00897-1 978-0-7867-2719-3 Ebook Basic Civitas Books PBG What We Talk about When We Talk about Hip Hop and Why It Matters TRICIA ROSE Hip-hop is in crisis. Scholar and cultural critic Tricia Rose argues that hip-hop has evolved into a “means by which we talk about race in the United States” and therefore worth attending to and examining with a critical eye. In The Hip-Hop Wars, Rose explores the most crucial issues underlying the polarized claims on each side of the debate: Does hip-hop cause violence, or merely reflect a violent ghetto culture? Is hip-hop sexist, or are its detractors simply anti-sex? Does the portrayal of black culture in hip-hop undermine black advancement? A potent exploration of a divisive and important subject, The Hip-Hop Wars concludes with a call for the regalvanization of the progressive and creative heart of hip-hop. What Rose calls for is not a sanitized vision of the form, but one that more accurately reflects a much richer space of culture, politics, anger, and yes, sex, than the current ubiquitous images in sound and video currently provide. TRICIA ROSE is a professor of Africana Studies at Brown University. She specializes in twentieth- and twenty-first-century African- American culture and politics, social thought, popular culture, and gender issues. The author of the seminal Black Noise, she lives in Providence, Rhode Island. [15] CULTURAL STUDIES CONFRONTING SUBURBAN POVERTY IN AMERICA ELIZABETH KNEEBONE AND ALAN BERUBE $24.00 169 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-8157-2580-0 Brookings Institution Press PD It has been nearly a half century since President Lyndon Johnson declared war on poverty. In the 1960s, tackling poverty “in place” meant focusing resources in the inner city and in rural areas. The suburbs were seen as home to middle- and upper-class families—affluent commuters and homeowners looking for good schools and safe communities in which to raise their kids. But today’s America is a very different place. Poverty is no longer just an urban or rural problem, but increasingly a suburban one as well. In Confronting Suburban Poverty in America, Elizabeth Kneebone and Alan Berube take on the new reality of metropolitan poverty and opportunity in America. ELIZABETH KNEEBONE is a fellow in the Metropolitan Policy Program at the Brookings Institution. ALAN BERUBE is a senior fellow and deputy director at the Metropolitan Policy Program. The spread of suburban poverty has many causes, including shifts in affordable housing and jobs, population dynamics, immigration, and a struggling economy. The phenomenon raises several daunting challenges, such as the need for more transportation options, services, and financial resources. But necessity also produces opportunity— in this case, the opportunity to rethink and modernize services, structures, and procedures so that they work in more scaled, crosscutting, and resource-efficient ways to address widespread need. This book embraces that opportunity, painting a new picture of poverty in America as well as the best ways to combat it. EQUALITY AND EFFICIENCY $18.00 156 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-8157-2653-1 Brookings Institution Press PD The Big Tradeoff ARTHUR M. OKUN FOREWORD BY LAWRENCE H. SUMMERS Originally published in 1975, Equality and Efficiency: The Big Tradeoff is a very personal work from one of the most important macroeconomists of the last hundred years. In classrooms, Arthur M. Okun may be best remembered for Okun’s Law, but his lasting legacy is the respect and admiration he earned from economists, practitioners, and policymakers. Equality and Efficiency is the perfect embodiment of that legacy, valued both by professional economists and those readers with a keen interest in social policy. To his fellow economists, Okun presents messages, in the form of additional comments and select citations, in his footnotes. To all readers, Okun presents an engaging dual theme: the market needs a place, and the market needs to be kept in its place. ARTHUR OKUN is widely considered to be among the most important macro economists of the twentieth century. He received his AB and his PhD from Columbia University and went on to teach economics at Yale University. He served as the chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers in the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, and later went on to join the Brookings Administration. Okun is deceased. [16] In his new foreword, Lawrence H. Summers declares: On what one might think of as questions of “economic philosophy,” I doubt that Okun has been improved on in the subsequent interval. His discussion of how societies rely on rights as well as markets should be required reading for all young economists who are enamored with market solutions to all problems. $15.99 272 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-7382-1702-4 978-0-7382-1703-1 Ebook Da Capo Lifelong Books PBG The Alarming Rise of Rape Culture and What We Can Do about It KATE HARDING Just in the last few years, a series of Republican politicians have introduced memorable phrases into the American lexicon that reveal their automatic suspicion of women who report rape: “forcible rape,” “honest rape,” “legitimate rape,” and “emergency rape” are some choice favorites. Noted blogger and author, Kate Harding, examines sexual assault as a social phenomenon manifesting itself via media narratives about sexual assault victims and perpetrators—and how those change, depending on the age, race, sexual orientation, gender identity and fame of both victim and offender. Through that lens, she takes a close look at the three pillars of rape culture—excusing the accused, blaming the victim, and insisting that individual women can and must protect themselves from rape. Provocative, sharp, and b.s.-free, Asking for It tackles rape culture and also offers suggestions for moving toward a culture that fully respects and supports victims, while protecting the rights of the accused. “[A] deft and timely book…. Informative and informal, the book is a smart, impassioned and well-researched agenda for a strictly no-nonsense understanding of rape culture.” —Los Angeles Times KATE HARDING is the coauthor of Lessons from the Fat-o-Sphere and a contributor to The Book of Jezebel. A columnist for DAME Magazine, she lives in Minnesota. CULTURAL STUDIES ASKING FOR IT KateHarding.info IRON JOHN, 25TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION $15.99 304 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-306-82426-5 978-0-306-82427-2 Ebook Da Capo Press PBG A Book about Men ROBERT BLY The 25th anniversary edition of this timeless and deeply learned classic, poet and translator Robert Bly offers a pioneering work in the men’s movement, combining myth, psychology, and anthropology to offer important lessons on what it means to be a man. Bly’s vision is based on his ongoing work with men, as well as on reflections on his own life. He addresses the devastating effects of remote fathers and mourns the disappearance of male initiation rites in our culture. Using rich meaning in ancient stories and legends to remind us of ways of knowing long forgotten, images of deep and vigorous masculinity centered in feeling and protective of the young. At once down-to-earth and elevated, combining the grandeur of myth with the practical and often painful lessons of our own histories, Iron John is an astonishing work that will continue to guide and inspire men— and women—for years to come. “A brilliantly eclectic written meditation…an invisible contribution to the gathering public conversation about what it means to be male—or female.” —Deborah Tannen, Washington Post “Important…timely…powerful.” —New York Times ROBERT BLY is a poet, author, translator, activist, and leader of the mythopoetic men’s movement. Bly has received many awards, including the National Book Award, for his poetry; in 2013, he was awarded the Poetry Society of America’s Robert Frost Medal, a lifetime achievement award. He lives in Moose Lake, Minnesota. RobertBly.com [17] CULTURAL STUDIES ROOTS The Saga of an American Family ALEX HALEY T he winner of the Pulitzer Prize, reissued to tie in with an all-new four-night, eight-hour miniseries. When Roots was first published forty years ago, it electrified the nation—and was a #1 New York Times bestseller for 22 weeks. The celebrated miniseries that followed a year later was likewise a coast-to-coast event— over 130 million Americans watched some or all of the broadcast. In the four decades since then, the story of the young African slave Kunta Kinte and his descendants has lost none of its power to enthrall and provoke. Now, with an all-new television miniseries premiering this winter on Lifetime, A&E, and The History Channel, Roots once again bursts onto the national scene, and at a time when the race conversation has never been more charged—a book for the legions of earlier readers to revisit and for a new generation to discover. $18.99 912 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-306-82485-2 978-0-306-82486-9 Ebook Da Capo Press PBG NYP 5/3/2016 PULITZER PRIZE WINNER The epic eight-hour miniseries will star Oscar winners Forest Whitaker and Anna Paquin, as well as Laurence Fishburne, Jonathan Rys Meyers, and others. “The book is an act of love, and it is this which makes it —New York Times haunting.” “A gripping mixture of urban confessional and political manifesto, it not only inspired a generation of black activists, but drove home the bitter realities of racism to a mainstream white liberal audience.” —Observer #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER [18] ALEX HALEY served for twenty years in the United States Coast Guard, was a longtime writer and editor for Reader’s Digest, and compiled The Autobiography of Malcolm X. He died in 1992. $16.99 384 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-7382-1528-0 978-0-7382-1562-4 Ebook Da Capo Lifelong Books PBG How America Throws Away Nearly Half of Its Food (and What We Can Do About It) JONATHAN BLOOM An eye-opening account of our culture of excess and waste—and what we can do to change it. Grocery prices and the forsaken foods at the back of your fridge seem to increase weekly. Shopping lists, refrigerators, plates, and wallets will never be looked at the same way again. Jonathan Bloom wades into the garbage heap to unearth what our squandered food says about us, why it matters, and how you can make a difference starting in your own kitchen—reducing waste and saving money. Interviews with experts such as chef Alice Waters and food psychologist Brian Wansink, among others, uncover not only how and why we waste, but, most importantly, what we can do about it. “With so many American children going hungry, this book should be required reading.” —Mario Batali JONATHAN BLOOM is a journalist whose work has appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post, and Boston Globe. He lives with his wife and son in Durham, North Carolina. CULTURAL STUDIES AMERICAN WASTELAND WastedFood.com WHEN I WAS PUERTO RICAN $14.95 288 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-306-81452-5 978-0-786-73686-7 Ebook Da Capo Press PBG A Memoir ESMERELDA SANTIAGO Esmerelda Santiago’s story begins in rural Puerto Rico, where her childhood was full of both tenderness and domestic strife, tropical sounds and sights, as well as poverty. When her mother moves the family to New York, we see the clash, both hilarious and fierce, of Puerto Rican and Yankee culture. Esmerelda, the eldest of eleven, must learn new rules, a new language, and eventually take on a new identity. In this first volume of her much-praised, bestselling trilogy, Santiago brilliantly recreates the idyllic landscape and tumultuous family life of her tremendous journey from barrio to Brooklyn, from translating for her mother at the welfare office to high honors at Harvard. WORLD BOOK NIGHT SELECTION 2014 “The American story of immigration, this time with unique Latin flavor.” —Los Angeles Times “Santiago is a welcome new voice, full of passion and authority.” —Washington Post Book World ESMERALDA SANTIAGO is also the author of two highly acclaimed memoirs, The Turkish Lover and Almost a Woman, which was made into a film for PBS’s Masterpiece Theatre. She has also written a novel, Amer ica’s Dream, and has co-edited two anthologies of Latino literature. She lives in Westchester County, New York. [19] CULTURAL STUDIES PLEASE STOP HELPING US $15.99 216 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-59403-841-9 978-1-59403-842-6 Ebook Encounter Books PD How Liberals Make It Harder for Blacks to Succeed JASON L. RILEY Why is it that so many efforts by liberals to lift the black underclass not only fail, but often harm the intended beneficiaries? JASON L. RILEY is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a columnist for the Wall Street Journal. He lives in suburban New York City. In Please Stop Helping Us, Jason L. Riley examines how well-intentioned welfare programs are in fact holding black Americans back. Minimumwage laws may lift earnings for people who are already employed, but they price a disproportionate number of blacks out of the labor force. Affirmative action in higher education is intended to address past discrimination, but the result is fewer black college graduates than would otherwise exist. And so it goes with everything from soft-on-crime laws, which make black neighborhoods more dangerous, to policies that limit school choice out of a mistaken belief that charter schools and voucher programs harm the traditional public schools that most lowincome students attend. In theory these efforts are intended to help the poor—and poor minorities in particular. In practice they become massive barriers to moving forward. Please Stop Helping Us lays bare these counterproductive results. People of goodwill want to see more black socioeconomic advancement, but in too many instances the current methods and approaches aren’t working. Acknowledging this is an important first step. DISINHERITED $23.99 152 pages Hardcover 978-1-59403-809-9 978-1-59403-801-5 Ebook Encounter Books PD How Washington Is Betraying America’s Young DIANA FURCHTGOTT-ROTH AND JARED MEYER Tens of millions of Americans are between the ages of 18 and 30. These Americans, known as millennials, are, or soon will be, entering the workforce. For them, achieving success will be more difficult than it was for young people in the past. This is not because they are less intelligent, they have worked less hard, or they are any less deserving of the American dream. It is because Washington made decisions that render their lives more difficult than those of their parents or grandparents. Their younger siblings and their children will be even worse off, all because Washington has refused to fix the problem. This book describes the personal stories of several members of this disinherited generation. DIANA FURCHTGOTT-ROTH, former chief economist of the U.S. Department of Labor, is director of Economics21 and senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research. JARED MEYER is a fellow at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research. He is a regular contributor to Economics21, The Federalist, RealClearEnergy, and City Journal. [20] The future of America can be saved, but only if our government’s betrayal comes to an end. It is a war without victors, only victims. The birthright of the America’s young must be restored, and the time to do so is now. This book explains how. $16.99 304 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-59403-730-6 978-1-59403-733-7 Ebook Encounter Books PD Campus Censorship and the End of American Debate GREG LUKIANOFF For more than a generation, shocking cases of censorship at America’s colleges and universities have taught students the wrong lessons about living in a free society. Drawing on a decade of experience battling for freedom of speech on campus, First Amendment lawyer Greg Lukianoff reveals how higher education fails to teach students to become critical thinkers: by stifling open debate, our campuses are supercharging ideological divisions, promoting groupthink, and encouraging an unscholarly certainty about complex issues. Lukianoff walks readers through the life of a modern-day college student, from orientation to the end of freshman year. Through this lens, he describes startling violations of free speech rights. But Lukianoff goes further, demonstrating how this culture of censorship is bleeding into the larger society. As he explores public controversies involving Juan Williams, Rush Limbaugh, Bill Maher, Richard Dawkins, Larry Summers—even Dave Barry and Jon Stewart—Lukianoff paints a stark picture of our ability as a nation to discuss important issues rationally. Unlearning Liberty: Campus Censorship and the End of American Debate illuminates how intolerance for dissent and debate on today’s campus threatens the freedom of every citizen and makes us all just a little bit dumber. GREG LUKIANOFF is an attorney and president of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education. His writings on campus free speech have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and the Washing ton Post, in addition to dozens of other publications. A regular columnist for the Huffing ton Post, he is a frequent guest on nationally syndicated radio and television programs. REDEFINING MANHOOD CULTURAL STUDIES UNLEARNING LIBERTY $14.99 176 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-84409-660-2 Findhorn Press LPG A Guide for Men and Those Who Love Them JIM PATHFINDER EWING While women have forged ahead in the workplace and society, men are finding themselves increasingly marginalized, socially and professionally. This has led to calls for a men’s movement and courses are being taught, but they are failing to find traction among men. The old archetypes of manhood no longer apply. In this book, the author outlines why the current courses on men’s empowerment are failing and offers a new way of looking at male roles that predates the modern era. It is a “back to the future” approach to manhood that actually is better suited for the male psyche, having existed for thousands of years in all parts of the globe. This “survival kit” for the male gender can revitalize male and female relations on a more balanced and time-honored footing. This book serves as a selfhelp manual for men, a guide for men’s retreats, and a primer for wives, daughters, mothers, and female friends to help the men in their lives adopt a newer, healthier way of living in balance with a society that is rapidly shifting its roles. JIM PATHFINDER EWING is an award-winning journalist, workshop leader, inspirational speaker, and author in the fields of mind-body medicine, organic farming, and eco-spirituality. His writing has appeared in Inner Self magazine, Sacred Hoop, Daily Om, and other publications, and he is a perennial favorite in About.com’s Readers Choice Awards. [21] CULTURAL STUDIES MY BROTHER’S NAME $14.95 248 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-9830219-4-0 978-0-9830219-5-7 Ebook Mighty Media Press PGW A Novel LAURA KRUGHOFF Surrendering to John’s schizophrenic and elliptical logic, Jane assumes her older brother’s identity, and begins to make a life for herself as a young man named John. Jane interacts with the world as John, and then comes home to tell her brother the stories of his own life, under the naïve and perhaps mad hope that these stories will help John remember. But in the act of being John, Jane runs the risk of becoming him. Jane soon identifies more strongly with the man she’s become than the overshadowed woman she once was. When John begins to demand that Jane give up certain aspects of the life she’s built under her assumed identity, particularly a romance, Jane’s double life threatens to collapse. Jane and John are forced to confront the limits of their ability to control each other, and the world around them, through the stories they tell-but just how deep into mental illness can Jane slide? FINALIST LAMBDA LITERARY AWARD LGBT DEBUT FICTION LAURA KRUGHOFF is an award-winning fiction writer whose work has appeared in literary magazines and journals over the past decade. She is a recipient of the Washington Square Prize for Fiction and a Pushcart Prize. Laura is a writer, scholar, and teacher, living in Chicago, Illinois. “Identity is a slippery slope in this GLBT novel written as a young woman’s memoir-like tale of assuming her look-alike, schizophrenic brother’s identity. Jane goes far beyond an exterior resemblance as she mirrors John, reaching into deeper, more mysterious realms. Inevitably, romantic entanglement and pain result in Krughoff’s fast-paced read that’s as daring and provocative as it is entertaining.” —Booklist LauraKrughoff.com THE NATURE OF COLLEGE JAMES J. FARRELL $16.00 336 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-57131-322-5 978-1-57131-819-0 Ebook Milkweed Editions PGW Exploring one day in the life of an average student, The Nature of College questions what “natural” is and what “common sense” is really good for, weighing the collective impacts of the everyday. Stately oaks, ivy-covered walls, the opposite sex—these are the things that likely come to mind for most Americans when they think about the “nature” of college. But the real nature of college is hidden in plain sight: it’s flowing out of the keg, it’s woven into the mascots on our t-shirts. In short, nature is forming and being formed by the habits of our hearts and minds. In the end, this fascinating, highly original book engaging in a deep and richly entertaining study of “campus ecology” rediscovers and repurposes the great and timeless opportunity presented by college: to study the American way of life, and to develop a more sustainable, better way to live. Selected by the COLLEGE of NEW JERSEY JAMES FARRELL is the author of numerous books that examine the American way of life, from One Nation Under Goods: The Malling of America to Inventing the American Way of Death. He is the Boldt Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Humanities at St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota. [22] $16.99 336 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-56858-513-0 Nation Books PBG American Masculinity at the End of an Era MICHAEL KIMMEL One of the enduring legacies of the 2012 Presidential campaign was the demise of the white American male voter as a dominant force in the political landscape. On election night, after Obama was announced the winner, a distressed Bill O’Reilly lamented that he didn’t live in “a traditional America anymore.” He was joined by others who bellowed their grief on the talk radio airwaves, the traditional redoubt of angry white men. Why were they so angry? Sociologist Michael Kimmel, one of the leading writers on men and masculinity in the world today, has spent hundreds of hours in the company of America’s angry white men— from white supremacists to men’s rights activists to young students— in pursuit of an answer. Angry White Men presents a comprehensive diagnosis of their fears, anxieties, and rage. Kimmel locates this increase in anger in the seismic economic, social, and political shifts that have so transformed the American landscape. Downward mobility, increased racial and gender equality, and a tenacious clinging to an anachronistic ideology of masculinity has left many men feeling betrayed and bewildered. Raised to expect unparalleled social and economic privilege, white men are suffering today from what Kimmel calls “aggrieved entitlement”: a sense that those benefits that white men believed were their due have been snatched away from them. MICHAEL KIMMEL is Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies at Stony Brook University in New York. An author or editor of more than twenty books, including Manhood in America, The Gendered Society, The History of Men, and Guyland, he lives with his family in Brooklyn, New York. THE AMERICAN WAY OF POVERTY SASHA ABRAMSKY $16.99 416 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-56858-460-7 978-1-56858-955-8 Ebook Nation Books PBG Fifty years after Michael Harrington published his groundbreaking book The Other America, in which he chronicled the lives of people excluded from the Age of Affluence, poverty in America is back with a vengeance. It is made up of both the long-term chronically poor and new working poor-the tens of millions of victims of a broken economy and an ever more dysfunctional political system. In many ways, for the majority of Americans, financial insecurity has become the new norm. NEW YORK TIMES The American Way of Poverty shines a light on this travesty. Sasha Abramsky brings the effects of economic inequality out of the shadows and, ultimately, suggests ways for moving toward a fairer and more equitable social contract. Exploring everything from housing policy to wage protections and affordable higher education, Abramsky lays out a panoramic blueprint for a reinvigorated political process that, in turn, will pave the way for a renewed War on Poverty. It is, Harrington believed, a moral outrage that in a country as wealthy as America, so many people could be so poor. Written in the wake of the 2008 financial collapse, in an era of grotesque economic extremes, The American Way of Poverty brings that same powerful indignation to the topic. CULTURAL STUDIES ANGRY WHITE MEN NOTABLE BOOK OF THE YEAR SASHA ABRAMSKY is an award-winning freelance journalist and a part-time lecturer in the University Writing Program, at the University of California, Davis. His work has appeared in the Nation, Atlantic Monthly, New York, Village Voice, Rolling Stone, and many other publications. He is currently a Senior Fellow at Demos, the New York City-based think tank. He lives in Sacramento, California. [23] CULTURAL STUDIES BURNING DOWN THE HOUSE $17.95 384 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-62097-131-4 978-1-59558-966-8 Ebook The New Press PD The End of Juvenile Prison NELL BERNSTEIN In what the San Francisco Chronicle called “an epic work of investigative journalism that lays bare our nation’s brutal and counterproductive juvenile prisons and is a clarion call to bring our children home,” Nell Bernstein eloquently argues that there is no good way to lock up a child. Making the radical argument that state-run detention centers should be abolished completely, her “passionate and convincing” (Kirkus) book points out that our system of juvenile justice flies in the face of everything we know about what motivates young people to change. Called “a devastating read” by Truthout, Burning Down the House received a starred Publishers Weekly review and was an In These Times recommended summer read. Bernstein’s heartrending portraits of young people abused by the system intended to protect and “rehabilitate” them are interwoven with reporting on innovative programs that provide effective alternatives to putting children behind bars. NELL BERNSTEIN is the author of All Alone in the World: Children of the Incarcer ated, a Newsweek “Book of the Week.” She is a former Soros Justice Media Fellow and a winner of a White House Champion of Change award. Her articles have appeared in News day, Salon, Mother Jones, and The Washington Post, among other publications. She lives in Albany, California. “Passionate, thoughtful, and well-researched, this is a resounding call to action.” —Publishers Weekly (starred review) INTEGRATION NATION $24.95 192 pages Hardcover 978-1-62097-095-9 978-1-62097-142-0 Ebook The New Press PD Immigrants, Refugees, and America at Its Best SUSAN E. EATON Integration Nation takes readers on a spirited and compelling crosscountry journey, introducing us to the people challenging America’s xenophobic impulses by welcoming immigrants and collaborating with the foreign-born as they become integral members of their new communities. In Utah, we meet educators who connect newly arrived Spanish-speaking students and U.S.-born English-speaking students, who share classrooms and learn in two languages. In North Carolina, we visit the nation’s fastest-growing community-development credit union, serving immigrants and U.S.-born depositors and helping to lower borrowing thresholds and crime rates alike. SUSAN E. EATON is the research director at the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice at Harvard Law School. She is the author, most recently, of the Children in Room E4. Her writing has appeared in the New York Times, The Nation, and many other publications. She lives in Boston. [24] The result is a work that the Philadelphia Inquirer called “a searing indictment and a deft strike at the heart of America’s centuries-old practice of locking children away in institution”—a landmark book that has already launched a new national conversation. Integration Nation movingly reminds us that we each have choices to make about how to think and act in the face of the rapid cultural transformation that has reshaped the United States. Giving voice to people who choose integration over exclusion, who opt for openheartedness instead of fear, Integration Nation is a desperately needed road map for a nation still finding its way beyond anti-immigrant hysteria to higher ground. $17.95 320 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-62097-222-9 978-1-62097-233-5 Ebook The New Press PD Dispatches from a Gated Continent MATTHEW CARR Singled out by Foreign Affairs for its reporting on “the brutal frontiers of new Europe,” Fortress Europe is the story of how the world’s most affluent region—and history’s greatest experiment with globalization— has become an immigration war zone, where tens of thousands have died in a humanitarian crisis that has galvanized the world’s attention. Journalist Matthew Carr brings to life remarkable human dramas, based on extensive interviews and firsthand reporting from the hot zones of Europe’s immigration battles, in a narrative that moves from the desperate immigrant camps at the mouth of the Channel Tunnel in Calais, France, to the chaotic Mediterranean sea, where African migrants have drowned by the thousands. Speaking with key European policy makers, police, soldiers on the front lines, immigrant rights activists, and an astonishing range of migrants themselves, Carr offers a lucid account both of the broad issues at stake in the crisis and its exorbitant human costs. The paperback edition includes a new afterword by the author, which offers an up-to-the-minute assessment of the 2015 crisis and a searing critique of Europe’s response to the new waves of refugees. MATTHEW CARR is a writer, broadcaster, and journalist. He is the author of several works of nonfiction, including Blood and Faith, The Infernal Machine, and Sherman’s Ghosts, as well as the acclaimed memoir My Father’s House. He lives in Britain. WE TOO SING AMERICA CULTURAL STUDIES FORTRESS EUROPE $25.95 256 pages Hardcover 978-1-62097-014-0 978-1-62097-121-5 Ebook The New Press PD South Asian, Arab, Muslim, and Sikh Immigrants Shape Our Multiracial Future DEEPA IYER Many of us can recall the targeting of South Asian, Arab, Muslim, and Sikh people in the wake of 9/11. We may be less aware, however, of the ongoing racism directed against these groups in the past decade and a half. In We Too Sing America, nationally renowned activist Deepa Iyer catalogs recent racial flashpoints, from the 2012 massacre at the Sikh gurdwara in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, to the violent opposition to the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and to the Park 51 Community Center in Lower Manhattan. Iyer asks whether hate crimes should be considered domestic terrorism and explores the role of the state in perpetuating racism through detentions, national registration programs, police profiling, and constant surveillance. In a book that reframes the discussion of race in America, a brilliant young activist provides ideas from the front lines of post-9/11 America. DEEPA IYER is a leading racial justice activist. She teaches in the Asian American studies program at the University of Maryland and lives in Silver Spring, Maryland. MICHEL MARTIN can be heard across NPR news programs, bringing her deep reporting and interviewing experience to NPR’s coverage of education, families, faith, race and social issues. She lives in Washington, DC. [25] CULTURAL STUDIES RIGHT OUT OF CALIFORNIA $27.95 288 pages Hardcover 978-1-62097-096-6 978-1-62097-139-0 Ebook The New Press PD The 1930s and the Big Business Roots of Modern Conservatism KATHRYN S. OLMSTED In a major reassessment of modern conservatism, noted historian Kathryn S. Olmsted reexamines the explosive labor disputes in the agricultural fields of Depression-era California, the cauldron that inspired a generation of artists and writers and that triggered the intervention of FDR’s New Deal. Right Out of California tells how this brief moment of upheaval terrified business leaders into rethinking their relationship to American politics—a narrative that pits a ruthless generation of growers against a passionate cast of reformers, writers, and revolutionaries. KATHRYN S. OLMSTED is chair of the history department at the University of California, Davis. A noted historian of anticommunism, she is the author of several books, including Challenging the Secret Government, Red Spy Queen, and Real Enemies. She lives in Davis, California. Olmsted reveals how California’s businessmen learned the language of populism with the help of allies in the media and entertainment industries, and in the process created a new style of politics: corporate funding of grassroots groups, military-style intelligence gathering against political enemies, professional campaign consultants, and alliances between religious and economic conservatives. The business leaders who battled for the hearts and minds of Depression-era California, moreover, would go on to create the organizations that launched the careers of Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. A riveting history in its own right, Right Out of California is also a vital chapter in our nation’s political transformation whose echoes are still felt today. THE NEW JIM CROW MICHELLE ALEXANDER FOREWORD BY CORNELL WEST $19.95 336 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-59558-643-8 978-1-59558-819-7 Ebook The New Press PD In the era of colorblindness, it is no longer socially permissible to use race, explicitly, as a justification for discrimination, exclusion, and social contempt. Yet, as legal star Michelle Alexander reveals, today it is perfectly legal to discriminate against convicted criminals in nearly all the ways that it was once legal to discriminate against African Americans. Once you’re labeled a felon, the old forms of discrimination, denial of the right to vote, denial of educational opportunity, denial of food stamps and other public benefits, and exclusion from jury service— are suddenly legal. NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER “Devastating…. Alexander does a fine job of truth-telling.” —Forbes “A ‘much-needed conversation’ about the wide-ranging social costs and divisive racial impact of our criminal-justice policies. NAACP IMAGE AWARD MICHELLE ALEXANDER is an associate professor of law at Ohio State University and holds a joint appointment at the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity. Alexander served as a law clerk for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Harry A. Blackmun. CORNEL WEST is the Class of 1943 University Professor at Princeton University. [26] —Newsweek Selected by BROWN UNIVERSITY, TULANE UNIVERSITY, UNIVERSITY of COLORADO, and PHILANDER SMITH COLLEGE $16.95 304 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-57731-233-8 New World Library PGW On Forgotten Roads with an Indian Elder KENT NERBURN With a new introduction by the author, this 1996 Minnesota Book Award winner, draws the reader deep into the world of an Indian elder known only as Dan. Neither Wolf nor Dog takes readers to the heart of the Native American experience—it’s a world of Indian towns, white roadside cafes, and abandoned roads that swirl with the memories of the Ghost Dance and Sitting Bull—meeting vivid characters like Jumbo, a 400-pound mechanic, and Annie, an 80-year-old Lakota woman living in a log cabin. As the story unfolds, Dan speaks eloquently on the difference between land and property, the power of silence, and the selling of sacred ceremonies. “This is a sobering, humbling, cleansing, loving book, one that every American should read.” —Yoga Journal Selected by the UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA KENT NERBURN is one of the few authors who can respectfully bridge the gap between the Native and non-Native cultures. He attended graduate school at Stanford University from 1969-1970 and later Graduate Theological Union and the University of California, Berkeley. He graduated with a PhD with distinction in religion and art in 1980. Kent Nerburn lives in Bemidji, Minnesota. $16.99 384 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-465-09741-8 978-0-465-04064-3 Ebook Basic Books PBG How Corporate America Invented Christian America KEVIN M. KRUSE We’re often told that the United States is, was, and always has been a Christian nation. However, historian Kevin M. Kruse reveals that idea of a “Christian America” originated in the 1930s when businessmen enlisted religious activists in their fight against FDR’s New Deal. Their campaign for “freedom under God” culminated in the election of their close ally Dwight Eisenhower in 1952. In Eisenhower’s hands, a religious movement born in opposition to the government was transformed into one that fused faith and the federal government as never before. During the Eisenhower administration, virtually all Americans—across the religious and political spectrum—believed that their country was “one nation under God.” But as Americans moved from broad generalities to the details of issues such as school prayer, cracks began to appear. All too soon, a politics that conflated piety and patriotism became sole property of the conservative right. “Kruse tells a big and important story about the mingling of religiosity and politics since the 1930s.” —New York Times Book Review “Kruse addresses how corporations used clergymen in their PR war against Roosevelt’s New Deal and how evangelist Billy Graham helped Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon use religion as the ‘lowest-common denominator,’” —Library Journal, Editors’ Spring Picks Also Available: $29.99 Hardcover 978-0-465-04949-3 HISTORY ONE NATION UNDER GOD CULTURAL STUDIES NEITHER WOLF NOR DOG NYP 5/3/2016 KEVIN M. KRUSE is a professor of history at Princeton University and the author or co-editor of four books, including the award-winning White Flight. Kruse lives in Princeton, New Jersey. [27] HISTORY THE HALF HAS NEVER BEEN TOLD $19.99 560 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-465-04966-0 978-0-465-04470-2 Ebook Basic Books PBG Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism EDWARD E. BAPTIST Americans tend to cast slavery as a pre-modern institution which robs the millions who suffered in bondage of their full legacy. As historian Edward Baptist reveals, the expansion of slavery in the first eight decades after American independence drove the evolution and modernization of the United States. In the span of a single lifetime, the South grew from a narrow coastal strip of worn-out tobacco plantations into a continental cotton empire—allowing the United States to grow into a modern, industrial, and capitalist economy. Through forced migration and torture, slave owners extracted continual increases in efficiency from enslaved African Americans. Thus the United States seized control of the world market for cotton, the key raw material of the Industrial Revolution, and became a wealthy nation with global influence. BLOOMBERG VIEW TOP TEN NONFICTION BOOKS OF 2014 DAILY BEAST BEST NONFICTION BOOKS OF 2014 EDWARD E. BAPTIST is an associate professor of history at Cornell University. Author of the award-winning Creating an Old South, he grew up in Durham, North Carolina. He lives in Ithaca, New York. “In this assiduously researched and tightly argued volume, Baptist gives us what is by far the finest account of the deep interplay of the slave trade (especially within the nation’s borders) and the development of the U.S. economy.” —Bloomberg View Top Ten Nonfiction Books of 2014 “Baptist’s work is a valuable addition to the growing literature on slavery and American development…Baptist has a knack for explaining complex financial matters in lucid prose.… [The Half Has Never Been Told’s] underlying argument is persuasive.” —New York Times Book Review THE TYRANNY OF EXPERTS $16.99 416 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-465-08973-4 978-0-465-08090-8 Ebook Basic Books PBG Economists, Dictators, and the Forgotten Rights of the Poor WILLIAM EASTERLY Renowned economist William Easterly examines our failing efforts to fight global poverty, and argues that the “expert approved” top-down approach to development has not only made little lasting progress, but has proven a convenient rationale for decades of human rights violations perpetrated by colonialists, post-colonial dictators, and US foreign policymakers seeking autocratic allies. Demonstrating how our traditional anti-poverty tactics have both trampled the freedom of the world’s poor and suppressed a vital debate about alternative approaches to solving poverty, Easterly presents a devastating critique of the blighted record of authoritarian development. In this masterful work, Easterly reveals the fundamental errors inherent in this approach, and offers a new model for Western agencies and developing countries alike: a model that, because it is predicated on respect for the rights of poor people, has the power to end global poverty once and for all. WILLIAM EASTERLY is a professor of economics at New York University and a senior fellow at the Center for Global Development. He has written widely in recent years for the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, and Forbes, among other prominent publications. He is the author of The White Man’s Burden and The Elusive Quest for Growth. [28] “In his bracingly iconoclastic The Tyranny of Experts, William Easterly weaves together a number of sophisticated arguments…. Easterly’s stories unfailingly reinforce a select number of crucial themes, the boldest being that the people of the so-called underdeveloped world have been systematically betrayed by the technocrats in charge of the global development agenda.” —New York Times Book Review $17.99 576 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-465-09883-5 Basic Books PBG American Families and the Nostalgia Trap STEPHANIE COONTZ Acclaimed historian Stephanie Coontz provides a myth-shattering examination of two centuries of the American family, banishing the misconceptions about the past that cloud current debates about domestic life. Without minimizing the serious new problems facing modern American families, Coontz warns that nostalgia for a largely mythical age of “traditional values” is a trap that can only cripple our capacity to solve today’s problems. This revised edition includes a new introduction and epilogue, looking at how well the original 1992 publication predicted current trends and how the clash between growing gender equality and growing economic inequality is reshaping family life, marriage, and male-female relationships in our modern era. Now more relevant than ever, The Way We Never Were continues to be a potent corrective to our dangerous nostalgia for an American tradition that never really existed. “Often brilliant and invariably provocative…. Pick a favorite presumption about American families during better times…and Coontz proceeds to unravel the mythical conceit.” —New York Times Book Review “[Coontz] persuasively dispels the myths and stereotypes of ‘traditional’ family values as the product of the postwar era.” HISTORY THE WAY WE NEVER WERE STEPHANIE COONTZ teaches history and family studies at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, and is Director of Research and Public Education at the Council on Contemporary Families. —Library Journal THE RAPE OF NANKING $17.99 360 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-465-06836-4 978-0-465-02825-2 Ebook Basic Books PBG The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II IRIS CHANG In December 1937, the Japanese army swept into the ancient city of Nanking. Within weeks, more than 300,000 Chinese civilians and soldiers were systematically raped, tortured, and murdered—a death toll exceeding that of the atomic blasts of Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. Using extensive interviews with survivors and newly discovered documents, Iris Chang has written the definitive history of this horrifying episode. NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER “Anyone interested in the relation between war, self-righteousness, and the human spirit will find The Rape of Nanking of fundamental importance. It is scholarly, an exciting investigation, and a work of passion. In places it is almost unbearable to read, but it should be read—only if the past is understood can the future be navigated.” —Ross Terrill, author of Mao, China in Our Time, and Madame Mao IRIS CHANG graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and worked briefly as a reporter before winning a graduate fellowship to the writing seminars program at the Johns Hopkins University. She received numerous honors and her work appeared in many publications, including Newsweek, the New York Times, and the Los Angeles Times. She died in 2004. [29] HISTORY THE WISDOM OF THE BEGUINES $14.95 208 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-62919-008-2 BlueBridge LPG The Forgotten Story of a Medieval Women’s Movement LAURA SWAN NYP 6/14/2016 The beguines were a phenomenal movement that swept across Europe, yet they were never a religious order or a formalized movement. These women were essentially self-defined, in opposition to the many attempts to control and define them. Also Available: $16.95 Hardcover 978-1-933346-97-7 Among the beguines were celebrated spiritual writers and mystics, including Mechthild of Magdeburg, Beatrijs of Nazareth, Hadewijch of Brabant, and Marguerite Porete, who was condemned as a heretic and burned at the stake in Paris in 1310. She was not the only beguine suspected of heresy, and often politics were the driving force behind such charges. Certain clerics defended beguines against charges of heresy, while other women had to go undercover by joining a Benedictine or Cistercian monastery. US CATHOLIC MAGAZINE FEBRUARY 2015 BOOK CLUB SELECTION LAURA SWAN writes about the history of women’s spirituality and the monastic life. She is the associate editor of Magistra: A Journal of Women’s Spirituality in History and adjunct professor of religious studies at Saint Martin’s University in Washington State. ISLAND $14.95 256 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-933346-92-2 978-1-933346-94-6 Ebook BlueBridge LPG How Islands Transform the World J. EDWARD CHAMBERLIN Islands are everywhere—in the oceans of the world, in the seas and sounds, and on lakes and rivers inland—and they have been at the heart of our desires, and our fears, forever. Drawing on history, literature, art, anthropology, biology, and earth science, Island explores the human settlement of islands—including the seafaring skills required to cross the seas—and describes in vivid detail the spectacular flora and fauna of islands as well as their earth-shattering geology. It shows that ever since humans have been traveling and telling tales, they have been fascinated by islands. Creation stories around the world speak of land rising out of the water, and there are many literary island encounters—from Noah to Prospero and Gulliver, and from Ulysses to Robinson Crusoe and the Count of Monte Cristo. In real life, too, sailors and settlers, explorers and scientists, pirates and artists, have all been drawn to islands. The story of islands is also the story of our planet, from its beginning as an island in space to the contemporary appearance and disappearance of islands in the cycles of climate change and seismic upheavals. J. EDWARD CHAMBERLIN is University Professor Emeritus of English and Comparative Literature at the University of Toronto. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and was the Senior Research Associate with the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples in Canada. [30] Amazingly, many beguine communities survived for a long time despite oppression, wars, the plague, and other human and natural disasters. Beguines courageously spoke to power and corruption, never despairing of God’s compassion for humanity. They used their business acumen to establish and support ministries that extended education, health care, and other social services to the vulnerable. And they preached and taught of a loving God who desired a relationship with each individual person while calling to reform those who used God’s name for personal gain. One thing is certain: large or small, flat or mountainous, barren or beautiful, far out at sea or close to shore, islands are a central part of the world we live in. And since so many of our thoughts and feelings have an island counterpart, they may well define what it is to be human. $14.95 352 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-62919-004-4 978-1-933346-85-4 Ebook BlueBridge LPG Great Ideas from the Past for Everyday Life ROMAN KRZNARIC There are many ways to try to improve our lives—we can turn to the wisdom of philosophers, the teachings of spiritual guides, or the latest experiments of psychologists. But we rarely look to history for inspiration—and when we do, it can be surprisingly powerful. In How Should We Live? the cultural historian Roman Krznaric explores twelve universal topics—including love, family, and empathy; work, time, and money—by illuminating the past and revealing the wisdom we have been missing. There is much to be learned from the ancient Greeks about the different varieties of love, for example, from medieval and Renaissance Europeans about living with passion and facing the realities of death, from various indigenous cultures on bringing up our children, and from Japanese pilgrims on the art of travel. Whether it is the different uses of the senses or nature across time, or changing attitudes towards belief and creativity, How Should We Live? is full of ideas and stories from the past. A wonderful work of “practical history,” it sheds invaluable light on the decisions we make every day and shows what history can teach us about the art of living. “An intriguing upmarket self-help guide…. The virtue of this book is that it takes a number of ideas that we might regard as givens of the natural order of things…and makes clear how historically contingent they are.” —Guardian HISTORY HOW SHOULD WE LIVE? ROMAN KRZNARIC is a cultural thinker, writer, and founding faculty member of The School of Life in London. He has taught sociology and politics at Cambridge University and City University, London and advises organizations including Oxfam and the United Nations on using empathy and conversation to create social change. He has been named by The Observer as one of Britain’s leading lifestyle philosophers. WHAT WOULD MADISON DO? $22.00 224 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-8157-2674-6 Brookings Institution Press PD The Father of the Constitution Meets Modern American Politics EDITED BY BENJAMIN WITTES AND PIETRO NIVOLA What would the father of the Constitution think of contemporary developments in American politics and public policy? Constitutional scholars have long debated whether the American political system, which was so influenced by the thinking of James Madison, has in fact grown outmoded. But if Madison himself could peer at the present, what would he think of the state of key political institutions that he helped originate and the government policies that these institutions produce? In What Would Madison Do?, ten prominent scholars explore the contemporary performance of Madison’s constitutional legacy and how much would have surprised him. BENJAMIN WITTES is a senior fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution and a founding editor of Lawfare. He is the author of The Future of Violence, coauthored with Gabriella Blum. PIETRO NIVOLA is a senior fellow emeritus at the Brookings Institution. His most recent book is What So Proudly We Hailed, coedited with Peter J. Kastor. [31] HISTORY THE PROFESSOR AND THE PRESIDENT $24.00 172 pages Hardcover 978-0-8157-2615-9 Brookings Institution Press PD Daniel Patrick Moynihan in the Nixon White House STEPHEN HESS What happens when a conservative president makes a liberal professor from the Ivy League his top urban affairs adviser? The president is Richard Nixon, the professor is Harvard’s Daniel Patrick Moynihan. Of all the odd couples in American public life, they are probably the oddest. Add another Ivy League professor to the White House staff when Nixon appoints Columbia’s Arthur Burns, a conservative economist, as domestic policy adviser. The year is 1969, and what follows behind closed doors is a passionate debate of conflicting ideologies and personalities. Who won? How? Why? Now nearly a half-century later, Stephen Hess, who was Nixon’s biographer and Moynihan’s deputy, recounts this fascinating story as if from his office in the West Wing. STEPHEN HESS, senior fellow emeritus in Governance Studies at Brookings, began his career in Washington as a young speechwriter for President Eisenhower (1958–1961). He was Distinguished Research Professor of Media and Public Affairs at the George Washington University (2004–2009). His numerous books, now translated into thirty languages, include the acclaimed seven-volume Newswork series (1981–2012). BLIND MAN’S BLUFF $17.99 432 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-61039-358-4 978-1-58648-678-5 Ebook PublicAffairs PBG The Untold Story of American Submarine Espionage SHERRY SONTAG AND CHRISTOPHER DREW NYP 4/5/2016 Now in paperback! A New York Times bestseller, Blind Man’s Bluff, reveals the secret espionage mission involving the Navy sending submarines wired with self-destruct charges into the heart of the Soviet seas to tap crucial underwater telephone cables. Veteran investigative journalist Sherry Sontag and award-winning New York Times reporter Christopher Drew reveal the exciting, epic story of adventure, ingenuity, courage, and disaster beneath the sea with new evidence that the Navy’s own negligence might have been responsible for the loss of the USS Scorpion, a submarine that disappeared, all hands lost, 30 years ago. They disclose for the first time details of the bitter war between the CIA and the Navy and how it threatened to sabotage one of America’s most important undersea missions. NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER [32] SHERRY SONTAG is a former staff writer for the National Law Journal and has written for the New York Times. “Brilliant…full of hair-raising stories of men in peril under the sea.” CHRISTOPHER DREW is a special projects editor at the New York Times and has won numerous awards for his investigative reporting. “Hard-core investigative reporting at its crispest…. The stories are exciting, the personalities border on the eccentric, and the constant turf battles among various U.S. government agencies in those often top-secret submarine activities make for intriguing reading.” —Library Journal —Wall Street Journal $17.95 263 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-942952-60-2 978-1-935251-42-2 Ebook BenBella Books PD How One Company’s Extraordinary Workforce Changed the Way We Look at Disability Today NANCY HENDERSON In a time when companies are outsourcing abroad, Habitat Inter national, a Tennessee-based carpet manufacturer, has managed to achieve superior levels of productivity at home, often two to three times greater than its competition. Habitat’s secret: they hire the people no one else will. At Habitat three out of every four workers have a physical or mental disability. They earn normal wages and are cross-trained on every job. They work harder, with less supervision, lower turnover, and an unparalleled level of loyalty. The challenges have been significant; the rewards extraordinary. This is Habitat’s story. It’s a powerful and moving tale of personal courage, deep commitment, and challenging expectations. It’s a story of success and personal triumph. It’ll change the way you think about business…and the people around you. NANCY HENDERSON WURST has written for Family Circle, the New York Times, Parade, and Women’s Day. She has won two Print Journalism Equality, Dignity, and Independence Awards from Easter Seals. She lives in Chattanooga, Tennessee. INSPIRING CHANGE ABLE! DAVID MORRIS is the CEO of Habitat Inter national. He lives in Chattanooga, Tennessee. THE FUTURE OF AFFIRMATIVE ACTION $19.95 312 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-87078-541-2 Brookings Institution Press PD New Paths to Higher Education Diversity after Fisher v. University of Texas EDITED BY RICHARD D. KAHLENBERG As the United States experiences dramatic demographic change—and as our society’s income inequality continues to rise—promoting racial, ethnic, and economic inclusion at selective colleges has become more important than ever. The Court’s decision in Fisher v. University of Texas emphasized that universities can use race in admissions only when “necessary,” and that universities bear “the ultimate burden of demonstrating, before turning to racial classifications, that available, workable race-neutral alternatives do not suffice.” With race-based admission programs increasingly curtailed, The Future of Affirmative Action explores race-neutral approaches as a method of promoting college diversity after the Fisher decision. This volume suggests that Fisher might, on the one hand be a further challenge to the use of racial criteria in admissions, but on the other presents a new opportunity to tackle, at long last, the burgeoning economic divisions in our system of higher education, and in society as a whole. RICHARD D. KAHLENBERG is a senior fellow at The Century Foundation, where he writes about education, equal opportunity, and civil rights. [33] INSPIRING CHANGE DIVERSITY EXPLOSION $24.00 224 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-8157-2649-4 Brookings Institution Press PD How New Racial Demographics Are Remaking America WILLIAM H. FREY Through a compelling narrative and eye-catching charts and maps, eminent demographer William H. Frey interprets and expounds on the dramatic growth of minority populations in the United States. He finds that America could face a bleak future: this new generation of young minorities, who are having children at a faster rate than whites, is infusing our aging labor force with vitality and innovation. In contrast with the labor force-age population of Japan, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom, the U.S. labor force-age population is set to grow five percent by 2030. Diversity Explosion shares the good news about diversity in the coming decades, and the more globalized, multiracial country that the U.S. is becoming. WILLIAM H. FREY is a senior fellow in the Metropolitan Policy program at the Brookings Institution and Research Professor in Population Studies at the University of Michigan. An internationally regarded demographer, his research has been written about in The Economist, New Yorker, and New York Times Magazine. A CHANT TO SOOTHE WILD ELEPHANTS JAED COFFIN $16.00 224 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-306-81526-3 978-0-306-81731-1 Ebook Da Capo Press PBG At the age of twenty-one, Jaed Muncharoen Coffin, a half-Thai American man, left New England’s privileged Middlebury College to be ordained as a Buddhist monk in his mother’s native village of Panomsarakram— thus fulfilling a familial obligation. While addressing the notions of displacement, ethnic identity, and cultural belonging, A Chant to Soothe Wild Elephants chronicles his time at the temple that rain season— receiving alms in the streets in saffron robes; bathing in the canals; learning to meditate in a mountaintop hut; and falling in love with Lek, a beautiful Thai woman who comes to represent the life he can have if he stays. Part armchair travel, part coming-of-age story, this debut work transcends the memoir genre and ushers in a brave new voice in American nonfiction. “Well worth the journey.” JAED COFFIN holds a BA in philosophy from Middlebury College and an MFA from the University of Southern Maine’s Stonecoast Writing Program. He lives in Brunswick, Maine. —Los Angeles Times Book Review “Jaed Coffin’s memoir A Chant to Soothe Wild Elephants is both honest and heartfelt that the reader cannot help but be absorbed into the narrator’s world by his lyrical worlds.… A Chant to Soothe Wild Elephants is a book that Asian Americans and non-Asian Americans alike will genuinely enjoy reading. It will inspire others to do what Coffin has done: to find who they are and not fear what they may discover in their journey.” —Asians in America Selected by MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE [34] $12.99 128 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-84409-686-2 Findhorn Press LPG A Manifesto of Love, Invitation and Invocation to Humanity COURTNEY A. WALSH NYP 3/15/2016 Refreshingly candid, hilarious and insightful, Dear Human is the key necessary to unlock a whole new way of thinking. We learn through pain; we remember through joy. Dear Human asks the reader to embrace humanity’s glorious messiness, to love to the best of our ability, to continue to learn and grow, learning to let go of spiritual perfectionism, and embrace humanity. It asks us to merge and honor our divinity and humanity equally. These chapters resonate what it means to be whole, real, authentic and loved while simultaneously showing the pathway to the freedom of enlightened empowerment. This creation strives to have the population rethink their inner workings, conditioned responses and self-imposed limitations. Dear Human elevates the spirit to an accomplished, soulfilling and revered place—a place of light. “Courtney A. Walsh knows what’s up! She also knows what’s down, what’s sideways, what’s twisted and what’s broken. In short, she knows what it is to be HUMAN. I am deeply impressed with her wisdom, and incredibly grateful for her story!” —Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love COURTNEY A. WALSH has been a professional writer and inspirational speaker for fifteen years. With an extensive background in marketing, creative writing, film, and cultural studies, Courtney has worked with the United States National Park Service to review, research and co-write a technical report on the origins of the Statue of Liberty. DAYS OF DESTRUCTION, DAYS OF REVOLT CHRIS HEDGES AND JOE SACCO INSPIRING CHANGE DEAR HUMAN $17.99 320 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-56858-824-7 978-1-56858-473-7 Ebook Nation Books PBG Pulitzer Prize winner Chris Hedges and award-winning cartoonist and journalist Joe Sacco take a look at the sacrifice zones, those areas in America that have been offered up for exploitation in the name of profit, progress, and technological advancement. They show in words and drawings what life looks like in places where the marketplace rules without constraints, where human beings and the natural world are used and then discarded to maximize profit. Starting in the western plains, where Native Americans were sacrificed for land and empire then moving to old manufacturing centers and coal fields that fueled the industrial revolution, but now lie depleted and in decay. Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt follows the steady downward spiral of American labor into the nation’s produce fields and ends in Zuccotti Park where a new generation revolts against a corporate state that has handed to the young an economic, political, cultural, and environmental catastrophe. “Sacco’s sections are uniformly brilliant. The tone is controlled, the writing smart, the narration neutral…. This is an important book.” —New York Times Book Review “An unabashedly polemic, angry manifesto that is certain to open eyes, intensify outrage and incite argument about corporate greed.” —Kirkus (starred review) Selected by BLOOMFIELD COLLEGE CHRIS HEDGES is a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist. He spent nearly two decades as a correspondent in Central America, the Middle East, Africa, and the Balkans, with fifteen years at the New York Times. He lives in Princeton, New Jersey. JOE SACCO has gained widespread praise for his dynamic, sophisticated layouts and bold narrative. He lives in Portland, Oregon. [35] INSPIRING CHANGE INVISIBLE MAN, GOT THE WHOLE WORLD WATCHING $25.99 288 pages Hardcover 978-1-56858-528-4 978-1-56858-529-1 Ebook Nation Books PBG A Young Black Man’s Education MYCHAL DENZEL SMITH An account of how, politically and culturally, the existing script for black manhood has been rewritten for the millennial generation. From Barack Obama’s landmark speech at the Democratic National Convention in 2004 to the recent and widely reported cases of violence against women, from powerful moments of black self-determination to the mobilization of thousands of young black men in the wake of Trayvon Martin’s death, award-winning journalist and thought-leader on race and social justice chronicles his personal and political education during these tumultuous years, narrating his own coming-of-age story and his struggles to come into his own at a time when too many black men do not survive into adulthood. NYP 6/14/2016 MYCHAL DE NZEL SMITH is a Knobler Fellow at The Nation Institute, a contributing writer for The Nation magazine, and a contributor to Feministing.com and Salon. He has also written for the New York Times, The Atlantic, the Guardian, The Root, theGrio, ThinkProgress, and The Huffington Post, and he has been a featured commentator on radio and television. He lives in New York. Part memoir, part political tract, this book is an unprecedented and intimate glimpse into what it means to be young, black, and male in America today—and what it means to be treated as a human in a society dependent on your subjugation. WAGES OF REBELLION CHRIS HEDGES $15.99 304 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-56858-542-0 978-1-56858-490-4 Ebook Nation Books PBG Bestselling author and Pulitzer Prize-winner Chris Hedges investigates what social and psychological factors cause revolution, rebellion, and resistance. Drawing on an ambitious overview of prominent philosophers, historians, and literary figures, he shows not only the harbingers of a coming crisis but also the nascent seeds of rebellion. Hedges’ message is clear: popular uprisings in the United States and around the world are inevitable in the face of environmental destruction and wealth polarization. NYP 5/10/2016 Also Available: $26.99 Hardcover 978-1-56858-966-4 Focusing on the stories of rebels from around the world and throughout history, Hedges investigates what it takes to be a rebel in modern times. From South African activists who dedicated their lives to ending apartheid, to contemporary anti-fracking protests in Alberta, Canada, to whistleblowers in pursuit of transparency, Wages of Rebellion shows the cost of a life committed to speaking the truth and demanding justice. For Hedges, resistance is carried out not for its success, but as a moral imperative that affirms life. CHRIS HEDGES is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist. He spent nearly two decades as a correspondent in Central America, the Middle East, Africa, and the Balkans, with fifteen years at the New York Times. He is the author of numerous bestselling books, including Empire of Illusion, Death of the Liberal Class, and War Is a Force That Gives Us Mean ing. He lives in Princeton, New Jersey. [36] Hedges has penned an indispensable guide to rebellion. “A call for a new American revolution.… Like early-20th-century muckraking journalists and, more recently, I.F. Stone, Hedges makes a boisterous, outspoken contribution to revolutionizing the national conversation.” —Kirkus Reviews $24.00 248 pages Hardcover 978-1-933969-23-7 Owners Manual Press PGW The Four Cornerstones of All Great Pursuits RANDALL BELL, PhD Rich Habits Rich Life is the result of research that has spanned 25 years at the intersection of sociology and economics. Dr. Randall Bell masterfully interweaves classic behavioral research with his highprofile cases—including Chernobyl, the World Trade Center, and the O. J. Simpson case—to reveal why some dive, some survive, and while others thrive. Using landmark research surveying more than 5,000 professionals, students, stay-at-home moms, retirees, unemployed and millionaires around the world, to scientifically correlate everyday habits with various measures of success such as education, wealth, quality relationships, and an overall sense of happiness, making it one of the most important sociological studies ever conducted. Rich Habits, Rich Life delivers fun, and interesting and intelligent insights into those behaviors that lead to disaster, recovery, or prosperity. “Eyeopening…. Randall Bell’s Rich Habits, Rich Life is as inspiring as Napoleon Hill’s classic Think & Grow Rich.” —Steve Alten, New York Times bestselling author RANDALL BELL, PhD, is a socio-economist and the CEO of Landmark Research Group, LLC. Prior to this, he led a national practice at PricewaterhouseCoopers, the world’s largest consulting firm. He has been profiled in the Wall Street Journal, People mag azine, the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, CNN, and on national television. He lives in Laguna Beach, California. INTO THE RIVER TED DAWE INSPIRING CHANGE RICH HABITS, RICH LIFE $17.99 304 pages Hardcover 978-1-943818-19-8 978-1-943818-20-4 Ebook Polis Books PGW The award-winning and highly controversial novel—the first book banned in New Zealand in over 20 years—about a young man who leaves behind his ancestral tribe to accept a scholarship at a prestigious school, where he finds that in order to fit in he may lose himself in the process. Although Te Arepa is bound to the ancient customs of his maori ancestors, he is filled with curiosity about the world beyond the reach of his tribe. When his intelligence and ingenuity lands him a scholarship at Barwell’s, a prestigious private school on the other side of the country, he leaves his family, their traditions and rituals to discover a brand new future—to see if he can thrive beyond the tribal community. When he arrives at Barwell’s, Te Arepa finds that in order to fit in he must shun his heritage, turn his back on his ancestors, and even adopt a new name. At first he enjoys the freedom, the intoxicating new experiences. But the more he struggles to fit in, the more Te Arepa finds that he is losing himself piece by piece. “Both daring and compulsively readable, in Into the River Ted Dawe combines mythology, history and gritty realism into a powerful novel…an outstanding piece of world literature.” —John Boyne, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas TED DAWE has worked as an insurance clerk, store man, builder’s laborer and fitter’s mate, and flown hot air balloons over Hyde Park. He’s also been a university student, world traveler, and teacher. His first novel, Thunder Road, won both the Young Adult Fiction section and the Best First Book award at the New Zealand Post Book Awards for Children & Young Adults. [37] INSPIRING CHANGE ISLAM & THE MIDDLE EAST [38] WEIRD GIRL AND WHAT’S HIS NAME MEAGAN BROTHERS $16.95 336 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-941110-27-0 978-1-941110-28-7 Ebook Three Rooms Press PGW Seventeen-year-old geeks Lula and Rory share everything—sci-fi and fantasy fandom, Friday night binge-watching of old X-Files episodes, and resentment toward parents that abandoned them. Lula knows she and Rory have no secrets from each other; after all, he came out to her years ago, and she’s shared with him her “sacred texts”—the acting books her mother left behind after she walked out of Lula’s life. KIRKUS REVIEWS BEST TEEN ROMANCE BEST TEEN BOOKS 2015 But then Lula discovers that Rory has not only tried out for the Hawthorne football team without telling her, but has also been having an affair with his creepy, middle-aged boss, she disappears in the middle of the night on a journey to find her mother. With their friendship disrupted, Lula begins to question her identity and her own sexual orientation. BUSTLE Meagan Brother’s piercing prose in this fresh LGBT YA novel speaks to anyone who has ever felt unwanted and alone, and who struggles to find their place in an isolating world. TOP 17 NEW YA BOOKS OCTOBER 2015 MEAGAN BROTHERS is best known for her young adult novels Supergirl Mixtapes, a 2012 YALSA Best Fiction for Young Adults nomination, and Debbie Harry Sings in French, an ALA Best Book for Young Adults, which won a GLBT Round Table ALA Award, and was named a New York Public Library Book for the Teen Age. She lives in New York City. “Voices are crisply and intimately drawn. Minor characters are equally vibrant.… Carefully and subtly imagined.” —Kirkus Reviews (starred review) “What really shines in Meagan Brothers’ novel is the voices and the characters; they feel authentically human and vibrant and you’ll be glad to spend 300-odd pages with the both of them.” —Bustle THE GIRL IN THE TANGERINE SCARF $15.95 448 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-78671-519-0 978-0-78673-542-6 Ebook PublicAffairs PBG A Novel MOJHA KAHF Syrian immigrant Khadra Shamy is growing up in a devout, tightly knit Muslim family in 1970s Indiana, at the crossroads of bad polyester and Islamic dress codes. Along with her brother Eyad and her AfricanAmerican friends, Hakim and Hanifa, she bikes the Indianapolis streets exploring the fault-lines between “Muslim” and “American.” When her picture-perfect marriage goes sour, Khadra flees to Syria and learns how to pray again. On returning to America she works in an eastern state—taking care to stay away from Indiana, where the murder of her friend Tayiba’s sister by Klan violence years before still haunts her. But when her job sends her to cover a national Islamic conference in Indianapolis, she’s back on familiar ground: Attending a concert by her brother’s interfaith band The Clash of Civilizations, dodging questions from the “aunties” and “uncles,” and running into the recently divorced Hakim everywhere. MOHJA KAHF is an associate professor of comparative literature at Rutgers. Kahf is a member of the national group Radius of Arab American Writers (RAWI). Beautifully written and featuring an exuberant cast of characters, The Girl in the Tangerine Scarf charts the spiritual and social landscape of Muslims in middle America, from five daily prayers to the Indy 500 car race. It is a riveting debut from an important new voice. “Mohja Kahf is a clear-eyed, nervy, and passionate writer.… This is a bright, vivid, and important book.” —Molly Giles, author of Creek Walk and Other Stories $13.95 272 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-58648-378-4 978-1-58648-549-8 Ebook PublicAffairs PBG A Memoir of Growing Up Iranian in America and American in Iran AZADEH MOAVENI As far back as she can remember, Azadeh Moaveni has felt at odds with her tangled identity as an Iranian-American. In the story of her search for identity, Moaveni’s homecoming falls in the heady days of the country’s reform movement, when young people demonstrated in the streets and shouted for the Islamic regime to end. As she leads us through the drug-soaked, underground parties of Tehran, into the hedonistic lives of young people desperate for change, Moaveni paints a rare portrait of Iran’s rebellious next generation. Reader’s Guide Inside LOS ANGELES TIMES BESTSELLER “A compelling…guided tour through the underground youth culture in Tehran…an illuminating book.” —New York Times “Lipstick Jihad’s tug between objective repertory and Moaveni’s subjectivity as an Iranian woman shines a fascinating light on a nation at odds with itself.” —Entertainment Weekly SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE AZADEH MOAVENI grew up in San Jose and studied politics at the University of California, Santa Cruz. She won a Fulbright fellowship to Egypt, and studied Arabic at the American University in Cairo. For three years she worked across the Middle East as a reporter for Time magazine, before joining the Los Angeles Times to cover the war in Iraq. She lives in Beirut. GRANT PARK LEONARD PITTS, Jr. $24.95 400 pages Hardcover 978-1-932841-91-6 978-1-57284-762-0 Ebook Agate PGW Grant Park begins in 1968, with Martin Luther King’s final days in Memphis. The story then moves to the eve of the 2008 presidential election, and cuts back and forth between the two eras as it unfolds. Disillusioned and weary, columnist Malcolm Toussaint, fueled by yet another report of unarmed black men gunned down by police, hacks into his newspaper’s computer system to post an incendiary column that had been rejected by his editors. Toussaint then disappears, and his longtime editor, Bob Carson, is summarily fired within hours of the column’s publication. While a furious Carson tries to find Toussaint—at the same time dealing with the reappearance of a lost love from his days as a 60s peace activist—Toussaint is abducted by two improbable but still-dangerous white supremacists plotting to explode a bomb at Obama’s planned rally in Grant Park. Grant Park is an audacious and eloquent take on politics, race, and history, and yet another demonstration that Pitts, beyond his identity as a lauded journalist, has emerged as an important voice in contemporary American fiction. BESTSELLER LEONARD PITTS, Jr. is a nationally syndicated columnist for the Miami Herald and winner of the 2004 Pulitzer Prize for commentary, in addition to many other awards. He is also the author of the novels Freeman and Before I Forget. Born and raised in Southern California, Pitts now lives in suburban Washington, DC. ISLAM & THE MIDDLE EAST LITERARY FICTION LIPSTICK JIHAD [39] LITERARY FICTION FRESHWATER ROAD DENISE NICHOLAS $15.00 346 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-57284-195-6 978-1-57284-781-1 Ebook Agate Bolden PGW From award-winning actress Denise Nicholas: a ten-year anniversary reissue of a dramatic coming of age story set in Mississippi during the Freedom Summer of 1964 and one of the most highly praised works of fiction ever published about the Civil Rights Movement. NYP 4/12/2016 University of Michigan sophomore Celeste Tyree volunteers her efforts in Freedom Summer helping register voters in the small town of Pineyville, Mississippi, a place best known for a notorious lynching that occurred only a few years earlier. Finding inner strength as she helps lift the veil of oppression and learns valuable lessons about race, social change, and violence, Celeste prepares her adult students for their showdown with the county registrar. All the while, she struggles with loneliness, a worried father in Detroit, and her burgeoning feelings for Ed Jolivette, a young man also in Mississippi for the summer. DENISE NICHOLAS is an actor and writer who has starred in numerous films and TV shows, including Room 222, for which she earned three Golden Globe nominations, and In the Heat of the Night, for which she also wrote several episodes. She lives in Southern California and is currently at work on a memoir. By summer’s end, Celeste learns there are no easy answers to the questions that preoccupy her—about violence and nonviolence, about race, identity, and color, and about the strength of love and family bonds. “Sometimes gorgeous, sometimes terrifying, this novel marks the debut of a talented writer.” —Publishers Weekly (starred review) LONG DIVISION KIESE LAYMON $15.00 276 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-932841-72-5 978-1-57284-718-7 Ebook Agate Bolden PGW Kiese Laymon’s debut novel is a Twain-esque exploration of celebrity, authorship, violence, religion, and coming of age in Post-Katrina Mississippi, written in a voice that’s alternately funny, lacerating, and wise. The book contains two interwoven stories. In the first, it’s 2013: after an on-stage meltdown during a nationally televised quiz contest, fourteen-year-old Citoyen “City” Coldson becomes an overnight YouTube celebrity. The next day, he’s sent to stay with his grandmother in the small coastal community of Melahatchie, where a young girl named Baize Shephard has recently disappeared. City’s two stories ultimately converge in the mysterious work shed behind his grandmother’s, where he discovers the key to Baize’s disappearance. “At times touching, at times poignant, Laymon more than once strikes a beautiful chord in the midst of what often feels gritty and intentionally provocative.” —Chicago Book Review KIESE LAYMON is a black southern writer, born and raised in Jackson, Mississippi. He graduated from Oberlin College in 1998 and earned an MFA from Indiana University in 2003. Laymon is a contributing editor at Gawker.com and has written for numerous publications including Esquire, NPR.org, and ESPN.com. He is an associate professor at Vassar College. [40] Selected by COLGATE UNIVERSITY and ALBION COLLEGE $15.00 288 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-932841-94-7 978-1-57284-752-1 Ebook Agate Bolden PGW Jabari Asim’s debut novel returns readers to Gateway City, the fictional Midwestern city first explored in his acclaimed short story collection, Taste of Honey. Against a 1970s backdrop of rapid social and political change, Only the Strong explores the challenges and rewards of love in a quintessential American community where heartbreak and violence are seldom far away. Moved by the death of Martin Luther King Jr., Lorenzo “Guts” Tolliver decides to abandon his career as a professional leg-breaker and pursue a life of quiet moments and generous helpings of banana pudding in the company of his new love. His boss, local kingpin Ananias Goode, is also thinking about slowing down—but his illicit, tempestuous affair with Dr. Artinces Noel, a prominent do-gooder pediatrician, complicates his retirement plans. Meanwhile, Charlotte Divine, the doctor’s headstrong protégée, struggles with trials of her own. With prose that is at once sharp, humorous, discursive, and poetic, Asim renders a compelling portrait of urban life during the first years after the passage of the last major civil-rights bill. “[A] heartfelt, polyphonic ode to 1970s black America.… Asim manages the highbrow without it ever feeling forced or pedantic.” —The Wall Street Journal “An intelligent, superbly executed and gripping masterpiece.” JABARI ASIM is a journalist and author of many works of fiction, nonfiction, essays, poetry, and drama. He is currently the executive editor of The Crisis, the official magazine of the NAACP. He contributes to the Washing ton Post and Bookforum, and is as an associate professor of creative writing at Emerson College. He lives in Newton, Massachusetts. LITERARY FICTION ONLY THE STRONG JABARI ASIM —The Root WHERE THE LINE BLEEDS JESMYN WARD $15.00 230 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-932841-38-1 978-1-57284-648-7 Ebook Agate Bolden PGW Joshua and Christophe are twins, raised by a blind grandmother and a large extended family in a rural town on Mississippi’s Gulf Coast. They’ve just finished high school and need to find jobs, but in a failing post-Katrina economy, it’s not easy. Joshua gets work on the docks, but Christophe’s not so lucky. Desperate to alleviate the family’s poverty, he starts to sell drugs. He can hide it from his grandmother but not his twin, and the two grow increasingly estranged. Christophe’s downward spiral is accelerated first by crack, then by the reappearance of the twins’ parents: Cille, who abandoned them, and Sandman, a creepy, predatory addict. Sandman taunts Christophe, eventually provoking a shocking confrontation that will ultimately damn or save both twins. Ward inhabits these characters, and this world—black Creole, poor, and drug-riddled, yet shored by family and community—to a rare degree, without a trace of irony or distance. “An emotionally honest snapshot of an overlooked America: smalltown, economically stagnant, and black.” —Dallas Morning News The first person in her family to earn a college degree, JESMYN WARD received her BA in English and MA in Communication from Stanford University, and an MFA from the University of Michigan. She is the National Book Award winning author of Salvage the Bones. [41] LITERARY FICTION FREEMAN LEONARD PITTS, Jr. $16.00 432 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-932841-64-0 978-1-57284-699-9 Ebook Agate Bolden PGW At its core, Freeman is a love story—sweeping, generous, brutal, compassionate, patient—about the feelings people were determined to honor, despite the enormous constraints of the times. At the same time, this book addresses several themes that are still hotly debated today, some 145 years after the official end of the Civil War. It has the potential to become a classic addition to the literature dealing with this period. Few other novels so powerfully capture the pathos and possibility of the era particularly as it reflects the ordeal of the black slaves grappling with the promise—and the terror—of their new status as free men and women. “A uniquely American epic.... Freeman is an important addition to the literature of slavery and the Civil War, by a knowledgeable, compassionate and relentlessly truthful writer determined to explore both enslavement in all its malignancy and also what it truly means to be free.” —The Washington Post LEONARD PITTS, Jr. is a columnist for the Miami Herald and winner of the 2004 Pulitzer Prize for commentary. He is also the author of the novel Before I Forget, the collection Forward from This Moment, and Becoming Dad. He lives in suburban Washington, DC. THE CARNIVORE MARK SINNETT $14.95 277 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-77041-034-3 ECW Press LPG When Hurricane Hazel tore through Toronto on October 15, 1954, it left its mark on both the city and its inhabitants. In the aftermath, a young cop named Ray Townes emerges as a hero, and his story is featured prominently in the newspapers, thrusting him into the spotlight as a local celebrity. Meanwhile, his wife Mary is wrestling with doubts about her husband’s heroism. While performing her own miracles the night of the storm as a nurse at a mud-filled, overcrowded emergency room, Mary met a woman—disoriented and near death—with a disturbingly peculiar recollection of events. While Mary tries to shake her suspicions about Ray as they rebuild their life in the shell-shocked city, she can’t help but wonder about her husband and that fateful night. When a reporter comes knocking fifty years later to revisit that horrendous night, the truth begins to surface and threatens to destroy them. 2010 TORONTO BOOK AWARD WINNER “Weds the pinprick domestic intimacy of Alice Munro with the flopsweat extra-marital intrigue of James M. Cain.” —Toronto Star MARK SINNETT, is the author of The Border Guards, which was short-listed for the Arthur Ellis Award; Bull; The Landing, winner of the Gerald Lampert Memorial Award; and Some Late Adventure of the Feelings. He lives in Kingston, Ontario. [42] “A cleverly constructed and evocatively written novel.” —Booklist $14.95 283 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-77041-033-6 ECW Press LPG Welcome to 1984 and the town of South Wakefield. Chris Lane is fourteen and he’s sure that he can see the future—or at least guess what’s inside of Christie Brinkley’s mind. But he can’t foresee the closing of Joyland, the town’s only video arcade. With the arcade’s passing comes a summer of teenage lust, violence, and a search for new entertainment. Never far away is Chris’s younger sister, Tammy, who plays spy to the events that will change the lives of her family and town forever. Joyland is a novel about the impossibility of knowing the future. Schultz brings the Cold War home in a novel set to the digital pulse of video games and the echoes of hair metal. “This is recommended reading, nostalgic technicolour at its sharpest. Joyland maps a believable world that depicts the grit and glitz of teenaged life in the small-town 1980s.” —Matrix magazine EMILY SCHULTZ is the author of Black Coffee Night, which was short-listed for the Danuta Gleed Award for Best First Fiction, Heaven is Small, and Songs for the Danc ing Chicken. She lives in Toronto. NATE POWELL is a graphic novelist and illustrator whose work includes Swallow Me Whole, which won the Eisener Award for Best Graphic Novel and was a Los Angeles Times Book Prize Finalist. He lives in Bloomington, Indiana. ENTITLEMENT JONATHAN BENNETT LITERARY FICTION JOYLAND EMILY SCHULTZ ILLUSTRATED BY NATE POWELL $14.95 284 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-77041-035-0 ECW Press LPG A story about identity—about who we think we are and where we really stand—set in rural Ontario, this novel takes a provocative and honest look at class, power, male relationships, death, and the familial bonds that protect and harm us most. After a lifetime intertwined with the Aspinalls, one of Canada’s wealthiest families, Andy Kronk has finally forged a clean break. Mere months pass, however, before his past returns in the form of Trudy Clark. She’s writing a tell-all biography of the Aspinall family and wants Andy’s perspective. Over the course of a weekend, Andy unravels his knotted mess of a life and begins to wonder if he’s revealed too much information. Written in forceful prose, this novel opens up the world of power to reveal something essentially heartbreakingly human. This reissue includes a special section with author interviews, new insights, and a bonus work from the author. “Entitlement is an attractive read, and nicely covers a world that goes often uncovered in our own literatures.” —National Post “[Bennett] can weave a tale and has the chops to keep it all in a literary vein…. [T]his is a good book with a crackerjack ending.” —Globe and Mail JONATHAN BENNETT is the author of the novel After Battersea Park and Verandah People, runner-up for the Danuta Gleed Literary Award. His writing has appeared in many periodicals and journals, including Antipodes, Descant, Globe and Mail, and Quill & Quire. He teaches writing at Trent University. He lives in Peterborough, Ontario. [43] LITERARY FICTION CHAI TEA SUNDAY HEATHER A CLARK $14.95 298 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-77041-082-4 ECW Press LPG Thirty-three year old Nicky Fowler thought her whole life was mapped out—a rewarding career as a third grade teacher, an adoring husband, and the perfect house in the suburbs—but complicated fertility issues lead to a devastating tragedy. Nicky’s marriage crumbles and she’s left unable to cope with her upended life. When Nicky accepts a volunteer teaching position at an orphanage in Kenya, she finds that life there is unlike the world she’s known. Drought has brought famine, violence is everywhere, and the jaded orphanage director takes out her hatred on the parentless children. But Nicky finds strength in Mama Bu, her host mother, who provides wisdom and strength over cups of chai, Kenya’s signature drink. Nicky comes to realize that she must do much more than teach the orphans—she must save them. HEATHER A. CLARK works in the marketing department at one of Canada’s largest media outlets. She lives in Oakville, Ontario. GIRL IN SHADES ALLISON BAGGIO $16.95 379 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-77041-050-3 ECW Press LPG Eleven-year-old Maya Devine has grown up with a warped view of reality. For one, she sees colour around people’s bodies and can sometimes hear what’s going on inside their heads. These insights make everyone a bit more interesting, but the one person she’ll never figure out is her mother. When her mom, Marigold, is diagnosed with cancer and vows to spend her final days in the teepee she’s set up in the backyard, Maya’s life quickly becomes unbearable. Neighbours and strangers, believing Marigold a prophet, camp out in the front yard, and Maya’s father grows ever more distant. Thankfully Maya has Corey Hart, from whose pouty lips “Never Surrender” seems to issue for her and her alone. But Marigold’s death leaves questions unanswered, and there are some wrongs that even Corey Hart can’t right. Moving from mid-1980s Saskatoon to the Indian countryside almost a decade later, Girl in Shades follows Maya’s search for her mother, her father, and above all, herself. Sweetly funny and deeply perceptive, Girl in Shades offers a fresh take on what it is to grow up and discover who you really are. ALLISON BAGGIO’S fiction and commentaries have appeared in publications all across Canada, including Room, Sub-Terrain, Today’s Parent, and the Toronto Star. She is a graduate of York University and the Humber School for Writers. AllisonBaggio.com [44] $18.95 320 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-77041-127-2 ECW Press LPG A Novel JENNIFER LOVEGROVE When Emily was a little girl, all she wanted to be when she grew up was a Full-Time Pioneer; in her Jehovah’s Witness family, the only imaginable future is a life of knocking on doors and handing out Watchtower magazines. But Emily starts to challenge her upbringing. She becomes closer to her closeted uncle, Tyler, as her older sister, Lenora, hangs out with boys, wears makeup, and gets a startling new haircut. After Lenora disappears, everything changes for Emily, and as she deals with her mental devastation she is forced to consider a different future. Alternating between Emily’s life as a child and her adult life in the city, Watch How We Walk offers a haunting, cutting exploration of “disfellowshipping,” proselytization, and cultural abstinence, as well as the Jehovah’s Witness attitude towards the “worldlings” outside of their faith. Sparse, vivid, suspenseful, and darkly humorous, Jennifer LoveGrove’s debut novel is an emotional and visceral look inside an isolationist religion through the eyes of the unforgettable Emily. “Watch How We Walk is a thoughtful, well-crafted and impressive debut, and one of my favourite reads of 2013.” —Globe and Mail “There’s blisteringly gorgeous prose in the novel, and the firstperson chapters are riveting.” —Publishers Weekly JENNIFER LOVEGROVE is the author of the poetry collections The Dagger Between Her Teeth and I Should Never Have Fired the Sentinel. Her writing has been published widely, and she studied creative writing at York University. She divides her time between downtown Toronto and rural Haliburton. JAM ON THE VINE LITERARY FICTION WATCH HOW WE WALK $24.00 336 pages Hardcover 978-0-8021-2334-3 978-0-8021-9157-1 Ebook Grove Press PGW A Novel LASHONDA KATRICE BARNETT Ivoe Williams, the precocious daughter of a Muslim cook and a metalsmith from central-east Texas, first ignites her lifelong obsession with journalism when she steals a newspaper from her mother’s white employer. Living in the poor, segregated quarter of Little Tunis, Ivoe immerses herself in printed matter as an escape from her dour surroundings. She earns a scholarship to the prestigious Willetson College in Austin, only to return over-qualified to the menial labor offered by her hometown’s racially-biased employers. Reader’s Guide Inside Ivoe eventually flees the Jim Crow South with her family and settles in Kansas City, where she and her former teacher and lover, Ona, found the first female-run African American newspaper, Jam! On the Vine. In the throes of the Red Summer—the 1919 outbreak of lynchings and race riots across the Midwest—Ivoe risks her freedom, and her life, to call attention to the atrocities of segregation in the American prison system. “Jam on the Vine is a wonder of a first novel. Following the struggles of one remarkable family through generations of adversity, this powerful and beautifully-written story resonates with historical significance and shines in the end with the triumph of the human spirit.” —Amy Greene, author of Bloodroot and Long Man LASHONDA KATRICE BARNETT is the author and editor of I Got Thunder: Black Women Songwriters on Their Craft and Off the Record: Conversations with African Amer ican & Brazilian Women Musicians. She has taught at Columbia University, Sarah Lawrence College, Hunter College, and Brown University. LashondaBarnett.com Twitter: @LaShondaKatrice [45] LITERARY FICTION EUPHORIA LILY KING $16.00 288 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-8021-2370-1 978-0-8021-9251-6 Ebook Grove Press PGW Lauded on the cover of the New York Times Book Review and winner of the 2014 New England Book Award for Fiction, Euphoria is Lily King’s nationally bestselling breakout novel of three young, gifted anthropologists of the ’30’s caught in a passionate love triangle that threatens their bonds, their careers, and, ultimately, their lives. Set between two World Wars and inspired by events in the life of revolutionary anthropologist Margaret Mead, Euphoria is an enthralling story of passion, possession, exploration, and sacrifice. KIRKUS PRIZE WINNER 2014 “A taut, witty, fiercely intelligent tale of competing egos and desires in a landscape of exotic menace—a love triangle in extremis… The steam the book emits is as much intellectual as erotic.” —New York Times Book Review (cover review) NEW ENGLAND BOOK AWARD: FICTION WINNER 2014 NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW 10 BEST BOOKS OF 2014 LILY KING is the author of the novels The Pleasing Hour, The English Teacher, and Father of the Rain, a New York Times Editor’s Choice and winner of the New England Book Award for Fiction. King is the recipient of a Whiting Writers’ Award and the Maine Fiction Award twice. She lives in Maine. LilyKingBooks.com THE SYMPATHIZER $16.00 384 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-8021-2494-4 978-0-8021-9169-4 Ebook Grove Press PGW A Novel VIET THANH NGUYEN The bestselling, critically acclaimed debut novel from a powerful voice, The Sympathizer is a Vietnam War novel unlike any other. The narrator, one of the most arresting of recent fiction, is a man of two minds and divided loyalties, a half-French half-Vietnamese communist sleeper agent living in America after the end of the war. NYP 4/12/2016 ANDREW CARNEGIE MEDAL EXCELLENCE IN FICTION 2016 WINNER CENTER FOR FICTION FIRST NOVEL PRIZE 2015 WINNER NEW YORK TIMES 100 NOTABLE BOOKS OF 2015 [46] Escaping to Los Angeles in April 1975, a general of the South Vietnamese army brings along his trusted captain, an undercover operative for the communists. As the general and his compatriots start a new life, the captain continues sending coded letters to an old friend who is now a higher-up within the communist administration. Under suspicion, the captain is forced to contemplate terrible acts in order to remain undetected. And when he falls in love, he finds that his lofty ideals clash violently with his loyalties to the people close to him, a contradiction that may prove unresolvable. VIET THANH NGUYEN was born in Vietnam and raised in America. His stories have appeared in Best New American Voices, TriQuarterly, Narrative, and the Chicago Tribune and he is the author of the academic book Race and Resistance. He teaches English and American Studies at the University of Southern California and lives in Los Angeles. “[A] remarkable debut novel.… [Nguyen] brings a distinctive perspective to the war and its aftermath. His book fills a void in the literature, giving voice to the previously voiceless.” —Philip Caputo, New York Times Book Review (cover review) “This is more than a fresh perspective on a familiar subject. [The Sympathizer] is intelligent, relentlessly paced and savagely funny.” —Wall Street Journal (Best Books of 2015) $16.00 256 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-8021-2482-1 978-0-8021-8990-5 Ebook Grove Press/Black Cat PGW A Novel ELNATHAN JOHN From a two-time Caine Prize finalist, Born on a Tuesday is a stirring, starkly rendered novel about an intelligent Muslim boy struggling to find his purpose in a society that is fracturing along extreme religious and political lines. NYP 5/3/2016 In the far reaches of northwestern Nigeria, Dantala lives among a gang of street boys who sleep under a kuka tree. During the election, the boys are paid by the Small Party to cause trouble. When their attempt to burn down the opposition’s local headquarters ends in disaster, Dantala must run for his life, leaving his best friend behind. He makes his way to a mosque that provides him with food, shelter, and guidance. Before long, he is faced with a terrible conflict of loyalties—his mother is dying in his native village, his brothers have joined a rival sect, and one of the sheikh’s closest advisors begins to raise his own radical movement. As bloodshed erupts in the city around him, Dantala must decide what kind of Muslim—and what kind of man—he wants to be. “With brave, unflinching candor expressed through spare, unadorned prose, Elnathan John considers the rise of Islamic extremism in Nigeria as experienced by one young man. Anyone seeking to peer beyond the media’s portrayals of Boko Haram must read this book, not because it offers a hopeful account but because it offers a human one.” —Taiye Selasi, author of Ghana Must Go ELNATHAN JOHN was short-listed for the Caine Prize for African Writing for his story “Bayan Layi” and named a finalist in 2015. He is a 2015 Civitella Ranieri Fellow, writes a satiric column for a Nigerian weekly newspaper, and has written for Per Contra, Financial Times, Le Monde Diplomatique, Chimurenga’s Chronic, Hazlitt, and the Evergreen Review. He lives in Nigeria’s capital city, Abuja. WASH MARGARET WRINKLE $16.00 432 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-8021-2203-2 978-0-8021-9378-0 Ebook Grove Press PGW In this luminous debut, Margaret Wrinkle takes us on an unforgettable journey across continents and through time, from the burgeoning American South to West Africa and deep into the ancestral stories that reside in the soul. Wash introduces a remarkable new voice in American literature. In early 1800s Tennessee, two men find themselves locked in an intimate power struggle. Richardson, a troubled Revolutionary War veteran, has spent his life fighting not only for his country but also for wealth and status. When the pressures of westward expansion and debt threaten to destroy everything he’s built, he sets Washington, a young man he owns, to work as his breeding sire. Wash, the first member of his family to be born into slavery, struggles to hold onto his only solace: the spirituality inherited from his shamanic mother. As he navigates the treacherous currents of his position, despair and disease lead him to a potent healer named Pallas. Their tender love unfolds against this turbulent backdrop while she inspires him to forge a new understanding of his heritage and his place in it. Once Richardson and Wash find themselves at a crossroads, all three lives are pushed to the brink. “A masterly literary work…. Haunting, tender, and superbly measured, Wash is both redemptive and affirming.” —New York Times Book Review LITERARY FICTION BORN ON A TUESDAY FLAHERTYDUNNAN FIRST NOVEL PRIZE Born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama,MARGARET WRINKLE, is a writer, filmmaker, educator, and visual artist. Her award-winning documentary, Broken Ground, about the racial divide in her historically conflicted hometown, was featured on NPR’s Morning Edition and was a winner of the Council on Foundations Film Festival. [47] LITERARY FICTION $16.00 304 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-8021-2199-8 Grove Press PGW THE LONE RANGER AND TONTO FISTFIGHT IN HEAVEN Twentieth Anniversary Edition SHERMAN ALEXIE Sherman Alexie’s celebrated first collection, The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven, established its author as one of America’s most important and provocative voices. The basis for the award-winning movie Smoke Signals, it remains one of his best loved and widely praised books twenty years after its initial publication. Vividly weaving memory, fantasy, and stark reality to paint a portrait of life in and around the Spokane Indian reservation, this book introduces some of Alexie’s most beloved characters, including Thomas Builds-theFire, the storyteller who no one seems to listen to, and his compatriot, Victor, the sports hero who turned into a recovering alcoholic. Now with an updated introduction from Alexie, these twenty-four tales are narrated by characters raised on humiliation and government-issue cheese, and yet they are filled with passion and affection, myth, and charm. Against a backdrop of addiction, car accidents, laughter, and basketball, Alexie depicts the distances between men and women, Indians and whites, reservation Indians and urban Indians, and, most poetically, modern Indians and the traditions of the past. “Poetic and unremittingly honest…. The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven is for the American Indian what Richard Wright’s Native Son was for the black American in 1940.” —Chicago Tribune $14.00 208 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-8021-4489-8 Grove Press PGW PEN/FAULKNER AWARD WINNER WAR DANCES SHERMAN ALEXIE In his first new fiction since winning the National Book Award for The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, best-selling author Sherman Alexie delivers a virtuoso collection of tender, witty, and soulful stories that expertly capture modern relationships from the most diverse angles. War Dances brims with Alexie’s poetic and revolutionary prose, and reminds us once again why he ranks as one of our country’s finest writers. With bright insight into the minds of artists, entrepreneurs, fathers, husbands, and sons, Alexie populates his stories with average men on the brink of exceptional change: In the title story, a son recalls his father’s “natural Indian death” from alcohol and diabetes, just as he learns that he himself may have a brain tumor; “The Ballad of Paul Nonetheless,” dissects a vintage clothing store owner’s failing marriage and courtship of a Puma-clad stranger in airports across the country; and “Breaking and Entering” recounts a film editor’s fateful confrontation with an thieving adolescent. “War Dances is Alexie’s fiercely freewheeling collection of stories and poems about the tragicomedies of ordinary lives.” —O, the Oprah Magazine SHERMAN ALEXIE is a Native American poet, novelist, and screenwriter. He has won the National Book Award, Pen/Faulkner Award, Stranger Genius Award in Literature, the Boston Globe–Horn Book Award for Excellence in Children’s Literature, and the Malamud Award. He lives in Seattle. [48] $18.95 292 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-9904370-0-0 978-0-9904370-3-1 Ebook Hawthorne Books PGW A Novel MEGAN KRUSE INTRODUCTION BY ELIZABETH GILBERT An epic scope in the tradition of Louise Erdrich’s The Plague of Doves or Marilynne Robinson’s Housekeeping, braiding the stories of a family in three distinct voices: Amy, who leaves her Texas home at nineteen to start a new life with a man she barely knows, and her two children, Jackson and Lydia, who are rocked by their parents’ abusive relationship. When Amy is forced to bargain for the safety of one child over the other, she must retrace the steps in the life she has chosen. Jackson, eighteen and made visible by his sexuality, leaves home and eventually finds work on a construction crew in the Idaho mountains, where he begins a potentially ruinous affair with Don, the married foreman of his crew. Lydia, his twelve-year-old sister, returns with her mother to Texas, struggling to understand what she perceives to be her mother’s selfishness. At its heart, this is a novel about family, choices and how to live with them, what it means to be queer in the rural West, and the changing idea of home. “Megan Kruse is a young writer of raw and fearless talent and Call Me Home showcases all she can do. She writes here of harrowing lives—of a family bent and broken by violence, where each person is desperately trying to somehow grow toward light and liberation.” —Elizabeth Gilbert, Author of Eat, Pray, Love RAINBOW AWARD WINNER MEGAN KRUSE is a fiction and creative nonfiction writer from the Pacific Northwest. She studied creative writing at Oberlin College and earned her MFA at the University of Montana, where she was awarded a Bertha Morton scholarship. Her creative writing has appeared in Narrative Magazine, The Sun, Wit ness Magazine, Thumbnail Magazine, Belling ham Review, and Phoebe, among others. She lives in Seattle. ORDINARY WOLVES, TENTH ANNIVERSARY EDITION LITERARY FICTION CALL ME HOME $17.00 344 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-57131-121-4 978-1-57131-802-2 Ebook Milkweed Editions PGW A Novel SETH KANTNER A mesmerizing tale of a boy growing up in an igloo, Ordinary Wolves depicts a life different from what any of us has experienced: Inhuman cold, the taste of rancid salmon shared with shivering sled dogs, hunkering in a sod igloo while blizzards moan overhead. NORTHWEST BOOKSELLERS ASSOCIATION Born and raised in the Arctic, he has learned to provide for himself by hunting, fishing, and trading. And yet, though he idolizes the indigenous hunters who have taught him how to survive, when he travels to the nearby Inupiaq village, he is jeered and pummeled by the native children for being white. When he leaves for the city as young man, two incompatible realities collide, perfectly capturing two different worlds—a wild one and a consumer culture. In a powerful coming of age story, a young man isolated by his past must choose between two worlds, both seemingly bent on rejecting him. “A magnificently realized story.” —Mark Kamine, New York Times Book Review “This exciting story of a white boy growing up in a sod igloo in remote northern Alaska challenges any romantic ideas about life on the last American frontier. A valuable story about a boy trying to find his place in the world. —School Library Journal AWARD BOOKLIST TOP TEN DEBUT NOVEL OF 2004 SETH KANTNER was born in a sod igloo on the Alaskan tundra and raised on the land. He attended the University of Alaska and the University of Montana, where he received a BA in journalism. Kantner’s writings and photographs have appeared in Outside, Prairie Schooner, Alaska, and Reader’s Digest, among other anthologies and publications. He lives in northwest Alaska. [49] LITERARY FICTION ISHMAEL’S ORANGES CLAIRE HAJAJ $15.99 336 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-78074-609-8 Oneworld Publications PGW It’s April 1948, and war hangs over Jaffa. One minute, seven-yearold Salim is dreaming of taking his first harvest from the family’s orange tree; the next he is swept away into a life of exile and rage. Seeking a new beginning in swinging-1960s London, Salim finds an unexpected love with Jude, a troubled Jewish girl struggling with her own devastating family legacy. The bond between them flourishes in the freedom of the age, bringing the promise of thrilling new worlds. But before long, childhood conflicts and prejudices reawaken to infringe upon their life together, pulling them and their children inexorably back towards the Middle East and its battlegrounds. From Russia’s pogroms, to the Summer of Love and the Middle East’s restless cities, Ishmael’s Oranges follows the journeys of men and women cast adrift by war— to tell the story of two families spanning the crossroad events of modern times, and of the legacy of hatred their children inherit. CLAIRE HAJAJ shares both Palestinian and Jewish heritage. Her childhood was split between the Middle East and rural England. She has lived on four continents and worked for the United Nations in war zones from Burma to Beirut. A former journalist, she lives in Beirut, Lebanon. BENEATH THE DARKENING SKY MAJOK TULBA $15.99 256 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-78074-241-0 978-1-78074-242-7 Ebook Oneworld Publications PGW On the day that Obinna’s village is savagely attacked by the rebel army and his father murdered, he witnesses violence beyond his imagination. Along with his older brother, he finds himself thrown into a truck when the soldiers leave, to be shaped into an agent of horror—a child soldier. Marched through minefields and forced into battle, enduring a brutal daily existence, Obinna slowly works out which parts of himself to save and which to sacrifice in this world turned upside down. “In clear, direct prose true to the boy’s viewpoint, the writer, who escaped as a child from Sudan to Australia, imagines what he escaped from.... This first novel in the simplest words is a gripping narrative of innocence lost.” —Booklist MAJOK TULBA fled war-torn South Sudan as a sixteen-year-old, and now lives in Sydney. He was awarded a New South Wales Premier’s CAL Literary Centre Fellowship and is the founder and CEO of the charity Mother and Child Development Agency. [50] $16.00 320 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-60953-121-8 [tk?] Ebook Unbridled Books PGW A Novel SHANN RAY Set in early 20th century Montana, this is a powerful novel that explores cultural conflicts and class divisions of the time, featuring an unlikely love triangle between a copper baron’s daughter, a lonely and angry orphaned bull rider turned barroom boxer, and a Cheyenne team roper. An epic that runs from the Sand Creek Massacre of 1864 to the ore and industry of the 1930s, American Copper is a novel not only about America’s hidden desire for regeneration through violence but about the ultimate cost of forgiveness and the demands of atonement. It also explores the genocidal colonization of the Cheyenne, the rise of big copper, and the unrelenting ascent of dominant culture. Evelynne’s story is a poignant elegy to horses, cowboys both native and euro-American, the stubbornness of racism, and the entanglements of modern humanity. “Beautifully told.… Ray’s poetic sensibility shows in his careful prose; its spare style may recall Jim Harrison’s Legends of the Fall, while the range of history covered is similar to that of Shannon Burke’s Into the Savage Country. A Western epic with appeal for literary readers, this seems likely to become a classic Montana read.” —Library Journal SHANN RAY grew up in Montana, played college basketball at Montana State University and Pepperdine University, and professional basketball in Germany. His work has appeared in the Best New Poets and The Bet ter of McSweeney’s Anthologies. He now lives in Spokane, Washington where he teaches leadership and forgiveness studies at Gonzaga University. DREAMS OF THE RED PHOENIX VIRGINIA PYE LITERARY FICTION AMERICAN COPPER $16.00 288 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-60953-123-2 978-1-60953-124-9 Ebook Unbridled Books PGW From the author of the critically-acclaimed novel, River of Dust, a stunning new novel of Americans in China on the cusp of World War II inspired by her own grandmother’s life. During the dangerous summer of 1937, a newly widowed American missionary finds herself and her teenage son caught up in the midst of a Japanese invasion of North China and the simultaneous rise of Communism. Meanwhile a charismatic Red Army officer requests her help and seems to have shared some surprising secret about her husband. Shirley must manage her grief even as she navigates between her desire to help the idealistic Chinese Reds fight the Japanese by serving as a nurse and the need to save both herself and her son by escaping the war-ravaged country before it’s too late. “There’s a comparison to Ballard’s Empire of the Sun, but this unflinching look at a brutal era in a faraway place shares truth in its own way.” —Kirkus Reviews VIRGINIA PYE holds an MFA from Sarah Lawrence College and has taught writing at the University of Pennsylvania and New York University. Her highly acclaimed first novel, River of Dust, is also a historical novel set in China. Pye currently divides her time between Richmond, Virginia, and Boston, Massachusetts. [51] LITERARY FICTION MEMOIR THE BOOK OF COLORS $16.00 224 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-60953-115-7 978-1-60953-116-4 Ebook Unbridled Books PGW A Novel RAYMOND BARFIELD How can a 19-year-old, mixed-race girl who grew up in a crack house and is now pregnant be so innocent? Yslea is full of contradictions, though, seeming both young and old, innocent and wise. Her spirit is surprising, given all the pain she has endured, and that’s the counterpoint this story offers—while she sees pain and suffering all around her, Yslea overcomes in her own quiet way. What Yslea struggles with is expressing her thoughts. And she wonders if she will have something of substance to say to her baby. It’s the baby growing inside her that begins to wake her up, that causes her to start thinking about things in a different way. Yslea drifts into the lives of four people who occupy three dilapidated row houses along the train tracks outside of Memphis: “The way their three little row houses sort of leaned in toward each other and the way the paint peeled and some of the windows were covered with cardboard, the row might as easily have been empty.” DR. RAYMOND BARFIELD is a pediatric oncologist at Duke University School of Medicine and Associate Professor of philosophy at Duke Divinity School. He also works with the Institute on Care at the End of Life at Duke Divinity School. “A life-affirming novel about love and second chances.” —Publishers Weekly BUT YOU DID NOT COME BACK $22.00 112 pages Hardcover 978-0-8021-2450-0 978-0-8021-9065-9 Ebook Atlantic Monthly Press PGW A Memoir MARCELINE LORIDAN-IVENS TRANSLATED BY SANDRA SMITH As France and Europe face growing anti-Semitism, a haunting and challenging reminder of one of the worst crimes humanity has ever seen—a deeply affecting personal story of an Auschwitz-Birkenau survivor whose life was shattered and never totally rebuilt. Marceline Loridan-Ivens, fifteen, and her father were arrested by the Vichy government’s militia. On their arrival at the camps, they were separated—her father sent to Auschwitz, she to the neighboring camp of Birkenau. Despite the distance, her father managed to send her a small note, via an electrician in the camp. In But You Did Not Come Back, Marceline writes back to her father—a letter to the man she would never know as an adult, to the person whose death overshadowed her whole life. MARCELINE LORIDAN-IVENS was born in 1928. She has worked as an actress, a screenwriter, and a director. She directed The Birch-Tree Meadow in 2003, starring Anouk Aimée, as well as several documentaries with Joris Ivens. SANDRA SMITH is the translator of Suite Française and eleven other novels by Irène Némirovsky. She lives in New York. [52] “Despite its gruesome subject matter, the book has moments of bleak humour and its affirmation of human tenderness instills a kind of joy in the reader.… In just 100 pages, Loridan-Ivens goes to the heart of father-daughter relations; the result is a masterpiece of restraint and luminous precision.… Exquisitely translated by Sandra Smith, But You Did Not Come Back is a human chronicle of rare power.” —Financial Times $16.00 320 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-8021-2473-9 978-0-8021-9167-0 Ebook Grove Press PGW The award-winning, New York Times bestselling international sensation hailed as an “instant classic,” now available in paperback. NYP 3/8/2016 Reader’s Guide Inside After the devastation of her father’s sudden death, Helen MacDonald, an experienced falconer, saw the fierce and feral temperament of the goshawk—one of the most vicious predators—mirrored her own. Resolving to purchase and raise the deadly creature as a means to cope with her loss, she adopted Mabel, and turned to the guidance of The Once and Future King author T.H. White’s chronicle The Goshawk to begin her challenging endeavor. Projecting herself “in the hawk’s wild mind to tame her” tested the limits of Macdonald’s humanity and changed her life. NEW YORK TIMES 10 BEST BOOKS OF 2015 Obsession, madness, memory, myth, and history combine to achieve a distinctive blend of nature writing and memoir from an outstanding literary innovator. “Breathtaking.… Helen Macdonald renders an indelible impression of a raptor’s fierce essence—and her own—with words that mimic feathers, so impossibly pretty we don’t notice their astonishing engineering.” —Vicki Constantine Croke, New York Times Book Review (cover review) “Captivating and beautifully written, it’s a meditation on the bond between beasts and humans and the pain and beauty of being alive.” —People (book of the week) MEMOIR H IS FOR HAWK HELEN MACDONALD KIRKUS HELEN MACDONALD is a writer, poet, illustrator and naturalist, and an affiliated research scholar at the University of Cambridge. She was a Research Fellow at Jesus College, Cambridge, and has worked as a professional falconer. She now writes for the New York Times Magazine. Twitter: @HelenJMacdonald A PLACE TO STAND JIMMY SANTIAGO BACA PRIZE IN NONFICTION: SHORTLISTED ANDREW CARNEGIE AWARD FINALIST FOR NONFICTION $16.00 272 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-8021-3908-5 978-1-55584-890-3 Ebook Grove Press PGW Jimmy Santiago Baca’s harrowing, brilliant memoir of his life before, during, and immediately after the years he spent in a maximum-security prison garnered tremendous critical acclaim and went on to win the prestigious 2001 International Prize. Long considered one of the best poets in America today, Baca was illiterate at the age of twenty-one and facing five to ten years behind bars for selling drugs. A Place to Stand is the remarkable tale of how he emerged after his years in the penitentiary—much of it spent in isolation— with the ability to read and a passion for writing poetry. A vivid portrait of life inside a maximumsecurity prison and an affirmation of one man’s spirit in overcoming the most brutal adversity, A Place to Stand “stands as proof there is always hope in even the most desperate lives” (Fort Worth Morning StarTelegram). “A Place to Stand is a hell of a book, quite literally. You won’t soon forget it.” —Luis Urrea, the San Diego Union-Tribune “This book will have a permanent place in American letters.” —Jim Harrison JIMMY SANTIAGO BACA was born in Santa Fe, New Mexico. He has written several books of poetry and a number of screenplays. His awards include the National Endowment of Poetry Award, Vogelstein Foundation Award, National Hispanic Heritage Award, Berkeley Regents Award, Pushcart Prize, Southwest Book Award, and American Book Award. [53] MEMOIR STORIES FOR BOYS $16.95 274 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-9834775-8-7 978-0-9838504-6-5 Ebook Hawthorne Books PGW A Memoir GREGORY MARTIN In this memoir of fathers and sons, Gregory Martin struggles to reconcile the father he thought he knew with a man who has just survived a suicide attempt; a man who had been having anonymous affairs with men throughout his thirty-nine years of marriage; and who now must begin his life as a gay man. NEW YORK TIMES Quirky and compelling with its amateur photos and grab-bag social science and literary analyses, Martin explores the impact his father’s lifelong secrets have upon his life now as a husband and father of two young boys with humor and bracing candor. Resonant with conflicting emotions and the complexities of family sympathy, a story about a father and a son finding a way to build a new relationship with one another after years of suppression and denial are given air and light. NOTABLE BOOK OF THE YEAR WASHINGTON STATE BOOK AWARD SEATTLE READS SELECTION GREGORY MARTIN is the author of Mountain City, which received a Washington State Book Award, was named a New York Times Notable Book of the Year. Martin’s work has appeared in The Sun, Kenyon Review Online, Creative Nonfiction, Storyquarterly, and Orion. He teaches creative writing at the University of New Mexico. He lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico. “Mountain City…is the winter view from northern Nevada. More than anything, the old need to be touched.” —Richard Eder, The New York Times Book Review “A crisp elegy to an almost-vanished American West.” —Megan Harlan, Entertainment Weekly THE TIME IN BETWEEN $22.95 304 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-84831-830-4 Icon Books PGW A Memoir of Hunger and Hope NANCY TUCKER A remarkable memoir charting the teenage years of a girl with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa told with insight, dark humor, and acute intelligence. NYP 5/10/2016 When Nancy Tucker was eight years old, her class had to write about what they wanted in life. She thought, and thought, and then, though she didn’t know why, she wrote: ‘I want to be thin.’ Over the next twelve years, she developed anorexia nervosa, was hospitalized, and finally swung the other way towards bulimia nervosa. She left school, rejoined school; went in and out of therapy; ebbed in and out of life. From the bleak reality of a body breaking down to the electric mental highs of starvation, hers has been a life held in thrall by food. NANCY TUCKER is a 20-year-old author and nanny. She suffered from both anorexia and bulimia nervosa throughout her teens, but is now on the road to recovery and has just started at Oxford studying Experimental Psychology in 2015. She lives in Oxford. [54] The Time in Between is a profound, important window into the workings of an unquiet mind—a Wasted for the 21st century. $19.95 128 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-939419-81-1 Phoneme Media PGW BRUNO CÉNOU AND DAVID CÉNOU In this hard-hitting exposé of a social justice outrage, the real-life story of the Angola 3: three Americans, Robert Hillary King, Albert Woodbox, and Herman Wallace, kept in solitary confinement for over 40 years in the Louisiana State Penitentiary known as Angola Prison, after being convicted under questionable circumstances for the killing of a prison guard. NYP 6/14/2016 MEMOIR PANTHERS IN THE HOLE King spent 29 years in solitary confinement before he was released. Wallace was released in 2013, after more than 41 years in prison, and died three days later of liver cancer. In November of 2014, Woodfox had his conviction overturned by the US Court of Appeals, and in April 2015 his lawyer applied for an unconditional writ for his release. As of June of 2015, that release has been blocked by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. Despite two documentary films, a long-running campaign by Amnesty International, and appeals from the murdered prison guard’s widow, Albert Woodfox remains the longest-serving U.S. prisoner in solitary confinement. BRUNO CÉNOU currently works for the National Center for Scientific Research. He lives in Marseille. Panthers in the Hole is his first graphic novel. DAVID CÉNOU’S first graphic novel was Mirador, tete de mort (2011), a memoir about his past as a skinhead. He is a nurse in Agen. Panthers in the Hole is his second book. THE JOURNAL OF HÉLÈNE BERR HÉLÈNE BERR $17.00 304 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-60286-094-0 978-1-60286-069-8 Ebook Weinstein Books PBG On April 7, 1942, Hélène Berr, a 21-year-old Jewish student of English literature at the Sorbonne, took up her pen and started to keep a journal, writing with verve and style about her everyday life in Paris— about her studies, her friends, her growing affection for the “boy with the grey eyes,” about the sun in the dewdrops, and about the effect of the growing restrictions imposed by France’s Nazi occupiers. Berr brought a keen literary sensibility to her writing, a talent that renders the story it relates all the more rich, all the more heartbreaking. The final entry is dated February 15, 1944, and ends with the chilling words: “Horror! Horror! Horror!” Berr and her family were arrested three weeks later. She went—as was discovered later—on the death march from Auschwitz to Bergen-Belsen, where she died of typhus in April 1945, within a month of Anne Frank and just days before the liberation of the camp. HÉLÈNE BERR was a French woman of Jewish faith, who documented her life in a diary during the Nazi occupation of France. [55] POLITICS GET OUT THE VOTE $22.00 260 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-8157-2568-8 Brookings Institution Press PD How to Increase Voter Turnout DONALD P. GREEN AND ALAN S. GERBER As the country gears up for the 2016 presidential campaign, this readable, practical guide on voter mobilization is an important resource for consultants, candidates, and grassroots organizations, as well as a valuable teaching tool in courses on campaigns and elections. The most important element in every election is getting voters to the polls—these get-out-the-vote efforts make the difference between winning and losing office. Previous editions of this book introduced a new scientific approach to the challenge of voter mobilization, which profoundly influenced how campaigns operate. In this expanded and updated edition, data from more than 100 new studies are incorporated that shed new light on the cost effectiveness, efficiency of various campaign tactics, the effectiveness of registration drives, and messaging tactics. DONALD P. GREEN is professor of political science at Columbia University. He is the coauthor, with Bradley Palmquist and Eric Schickler, of Partisan Hearts and Minds: Polit ical Parties and the Social Identities of Voters. ALAN S. GERBER is Charles C. and Dorathea S. Dilley Professor of Political Science and director of the Center for the Study of American Politics at Yale University. PRIMARY POLITICS, SECOND EDITION $20.00 240 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-8157-2775-0 Brookings Institution Press PD Everything You Need to Know about How America Nominates Its Presidential Candidates ELAINE C. KAMARCK In Primary Politics, political insider Elaine Kamarck explains how the presidential nomination process became the often baffling system we have today. Her focus is the largely untold story of how presidential candidates since the early 1970s have sought to alter the rules in their favor and how their failures and successes have led to even more change. She describes how candidates have attempted to manipulate the sequencing of primaries to their advantage and how Iowa and New Hampshire came to dominate the system. She analyzes the rules that are used to translate votes into delegates, paying special attention to the Democrats’ twenty-year fight over proportional representation. Drawing on meticulous research, interviews with key figures in both parties, and decades of experience, Primary Politics explores one of the most important questions in American politics—how we arrive to the list of presidential candidates every four years. ELAINE C. KAMARCK is a senior fellow in the Governance Studies program at Brookings and the founding director of the Center for Effective Public Management. Kamarck is an expert on government innovation and reform in the United States, OECD countries, and developing countries. She focuses her research on the presidential nomination system. She lives in Washington, DC. [56] $17.99 400 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-61039-457-4 978-1-61039-212-9 Ebook PublicAffairs PBG The Militarization of America’s Police Forces RADLEY BALKO The last days of colonialism taught America’s revolutionaries that soldiers in the streets bring conflict and tyranny. As a result, our country has generally worked to keep the military out of law enforcement. But according to investigative reporter Radley Balko, over the last several decades, America’s cops have increasingly come to resemble ground troops. POLITICS RISE OF THE WARRIOR COP Today’s armored-up policemen are a far cry from the constables of early America. The unrest of the 1960s brought about the invention of the SWAT unit—which in turn led to the debut of military tactics in the ranks of police officers. Nixon’s War on Drugs, Reagan’s War on Poverty, Clinton’s COPS program, the post-9/11 security state under Bush and Obama: by degrees, each of these innovations expanded and empowered police forces, always at the expense of civil liberties. And these are just four among a slew of reckless programs. In Rise of the Warrior Cop, Balko shows how politicians’ ill-considered policies and relentless declarations of war against vague enemies like crime, drugs, and terror have blurred the distinction between cop and soldier. His fascinating, frightening narrative shows how over a generation, a creeping battlefield mentality has isolated and alienated American police officers and put them on a collision course with the values of a free society. RADLEY BALKO is an award-winning investigative reporter for the Washington Post. Previously, he was a senior writer and investigative reporter for the Huffington Post, senior editor for Reason magazine, and a policy analyst for the Cato Institute. Twitter: @RadleyBalko $16.99 320 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-465-02041-6 978-0-7867-4478-7 Ebook Basic Books PBG How Cooking Made Us Human RICHARD WRANGHAM Ever since Darwin and The Descent of Man, the existence of humans has been attributed to our intelligence and adaptability. But in Catching Fire, renowned primatologist Richard Wrangham presents a groundbreaking theory of our origins: our evolutionary success is the result of cooking. Once our hominid ancestors discovered fire and began cooking their food, the human digestive tract shrank and the brain grew. Time once spent chewing tough raw food could be used instead to hunt and to tend camp. Cooking became the basis for pair bonding and marriage, created the household, and even led to a sexual division of labor. Tracing the contemporary implications of our ancestors’ diets, Catching Fire sheds new light on how we came to be the social, intelligent, and sexual species we are today. Catching Fire will provoke controversy and fascinate anyone interested in our ancient origins—or in our modern eating habits. SCIENCE CATCHING FIRE RICHARD WRANGHAM is the Ruth Moore Professor of Biological Anthropology at Harvard University and Curator of Primate Behavioral Biology at the Peabody Museum. He is the co-author of Demonic Males and co-editor of Chimpanzee Cultures. He lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts. [57] SCIENCE PASTEUR’S QUADRANT $20.95 196 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-8157-8177-6 Brookings Institution Press PD Basic Science and Technological Innovation DONALD E. STOKES More than fifty years ago, Vannevar Bush released his enormously influential report, Science, the Endless Frontier, which asserted a dichotomy between basic and applied science. This view was at the core of the compact between government and science that led to the golden age of scientific research after World War II—a compact that is currently under severe stress. In this book, Donald Stokes challenges Bush’s view and maintains that we can only rebuild the relationship between government and the scientific community when we understand what is wrong with that view. DONALD E. STOKES was professor of politics and public affairs in the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University. On this revised, interactive view of science and technology, Stokes builds a convincing case that by recognizing the importance of useinspired basic research we can frame a new compact between science and government. His conclusions have major implications for both the scientific and policy communities and will be of great interest to those in the broader public who are troubled by the current role of basic science in American democracy. THE ORIGIN OF FECES $16.95 232 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-77041-116-6 ECW Press LPG What Excrement Tells Us About Evolution, Ecology, and a Sustainable Society DAVID WALTNER-TOEWS An entertaining and enlightening exploration of why waste matters, The Origin of Feces takes an important subject out of locker-rooms, pottytraining manuals, and bio-solids management boardrooms into the fresh air of everyone’s lives. With insight and wit, David Waltner-Toews explores what has been too often ignored and makes a compelling argument for a deeper understanding of human and animal waste. Approaching the subject from a variety of perspectives—evolutionary, ecological, and cultural—The Origin of Feces shows us how integral excrement is to biodiversity, agriculture, public health, food production and distribution, and global ecosystems. From the primordial ooze to dung beetles, from bug frass, cat scats, and flush toilets to global trade, pandemics, and energy, this is the awesome, troubled, unexpurgated story of feces. “Until you read this, you really won’t know sh*t.” DAVID WALTNER-TOEWS is a veterinarian and epidemiologist. He is the author of The Chickens Fight Back: Pandemic Panics and Deadly Diseases That Jump from Animals to People and Food, Sex and Salmonella: Why Our Food Is Making Us Sick. He lives in Kitchener, Ontario. [58] —Publishers Weekly “This is a rare book in that it offers something for everyone on your Christmas book list: the epidemiologist, the economist, the microbiologist, the anthropologist, sociologist and historian. The classicist will appreciate the numerous knowledgeable references to Roman, Greek, and Babylonian culture and mythology, the literary scholar the etymologies and derivations, as well as the quotations from Blake.” —Tim Sly, Literary Review of Canada THAT’S THE WAY THE COOKIE CRUMBLES 62 All-New Commentaries on the Fascinating Chemistry of Everyday Life $14.95 275 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-55022-520-4 ECW Press LPG Interesting anecdotes and engaging tales make science fun, meaningful, and accessible. Separating sense from nonsense and fact from myth, these essays cover everything from the ups of helium to the downs of drain cleaners and provide answers to numerous mysteries, such as why bug juice is used to color ice cream and how spies used secret inks. Mercury in teeth, arsenic in water, lead in the environment, and aspartame in food are discussed. Mythbusters include the fact that Edison did not invent the light bulb and that walking on hot coals does not require paranormal powers. The secret life of bagels is revealed, and airbags, beer, and soap yield their mysteries. These and many more surprising, educational, and entertaining commentaries show the relevance of science to everyday life. THE FLY IN THE OINTMENT 70 Fascinating Commentaries on the Science of Everyday Life Hot on the heels of his previous bestsellers, award-winning author Dr. Joe Schwarcz’s latest book, The Fly in the Ointment, doesn’t disappoint. From pesticides and environmental estrogens to lipsticks and garlic, Dr. Joe is back to demystify the science that surrounds us. Why do some people drill holes in their heads for “enlightenment”? How did a small chemical error nearly convict the unfortunate Patricia Stallings for murdering her son? Where does the expression “take a bromide” come from? Schwarcz investigates aphrodisiacs, DDT, bottled water, vitamins, barbiturates, plastic wrap, and smoked meat. He puts worries about acrylamide, preservatives, and waxed fruit into perspective and unravels the mysteries of bulletproof vests, weight loss diets, and “mad honey.” From the fanciful to the factual, Dr. Joe Schwarcz enlightens us all—no drills attached. SCIENCE JOE SCHWARCZ $15.95 272 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-55022-621-8 ECW Press LPG Selected by SAM HOUSTON STATE UNIVERSITY IS THAT A FACT? Frauds, Quacks, and the Real Science of Everyday Life Eat this and live to 100. Don’t, and die. Today, hyperboles dominate the media, which makes parsing science from fiction an arduous task when deciding what to eat, what chemicals to avoid, and what’s best for the environment. In Is That a Fact?, bestselling author Dr. Joe Schwarcz carefully navigates through the storm of misinformation to help us separate fact from folly and shrewdness from foolishness. $17.95 280 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-77041-190-6 ECW Press LPG Are GMOs really harmful? Or could they help developing countries? Which “miracle weight-loss foods” gained popularity through exuberant data dredging? Is BPA dangerous or just a victim of unforgiving media hype? Is organic better? Dr. Joe questions the reliability and motives of “experts” in this lighthearted but critical look at what’s fact and what’s plain nonsense. “[Schwarcz’s] choice of subjects is so wide-ranging that there is really something for everyone here.” —Booklist DR. JOE SCHWARCZ is director of McGill University’s Office for Science and Society and the author of thirteen bestselling books. Well known for his informative and entertaining lectures, Dr. Schwarcz has received numerous awards for teaching and deciphering science for the public. He is the host of the radio program The Dr. Joe Show, and has appeared hundreds of times on television. He lives in Montreal, Quebec. [59] SCIENCE THE WAR ON SCIENCE $18.00 368 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-57131-353-9 978-1-57131-952-4 Ebook Milkweed Editions PGW Who Is Waging It, Why It’s Dangerous, and What We Can Do about It SHAWN LAWRENCE OTTO Shawn Lawrence Otto’s provocative book reopens the necessary public conversation on science and the common good. Ever since Galileo’s clash with the Roman Catholic Church, advances in scientific knowledge have had a strained relationship with powerful interests. Today, however, in the midst of an unprecedented expansion of scientific progress, science governs everything from transport to technology, health care to national defense. NYP 5/10/2016 Otto argues that too frequently scientists fail the engage in public dialogue that would benefit from their reasonable perspective. With the intention of enhancing that dialogue by investigating the priorities of science—and the governments that ignore its implications to their peril—The War on Science is an impassioned appeal to reason, before it’s too late. SHAWN LAWRENCE OTTO was the co-founder and CEO of Science Debate 2008, the largest political initiative in the history of science. He is also an award-winning screenwriter best known for writing and co-producing the Academy Award-nominated House of Sand and Fog. His work has appeared in Rolling Stone, Science, Salon, and Scientific American. He lives in Minnesota. “Tough-minded.” —Rolling Stone “The solutions Otto suggests require a great deal of dedication and optimism. Nonetheless, the problems he identifies are quite real. Fool Me Twice offers a compelling consideration of the United States’ political estrangement from science. One would very much like to attend to Otto’s equally compelling hopes.” —Science Magazine BRAIDING SWEETGRASS $18.00 408 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-57131-356-0 978-1-57131-871-8 Ebook Milkweed Editions PGW Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants ROBIN WALL KIMMERER As a botanist and professor of plant ecology, Robin Wall Kimmerer has spent a career learning how to ask questions of nature using the tools of science. As a Potawatomi woman, she learned from elders, family, and history that the Potawatomi, as well as a majority of other cultures indigenous to this land, consider plants and animals to be our oldest teachers. In Braiding Sweetgrass, Kimmerer brings these two lenses of knowing together to reveal what it means to see humans as the “younger brothers of creation.” ROBIN WALL KIMMERER is a scientist, decorated professor, and an enrolled member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation. Her writings have appeared in Orion, Whole Ter rain, and Stone Canoe amongst many others. She lives in Fabius, NY where she is a SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor of Environmental Biology. [60] In essays that range from a retelling of the creation of Turtle Island, through the author’s childhood, to her struggles as a female, indigenous scientist; to her evolution as a mother and her current fight for the rights of all beings living around her upstate New York home, the book returns continually to plants, animals, and indigenous stories for guidance. As she explores these themes, she circles toward a central argument: the awakening of a wider ecological consciousness requires the acknowledgment and celebration of our reciprocal relationship with the world. Once we begin to listen for the languages of other beings, we can begin to understand the innumerable life-giving gifts the world provides us and learn to offer our thanks, our care, and our own gifts in return. Selected by NORTHLAND COLLEGE and NORTHERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY $16.00 288 pages 978-1-57131-314-0 978-1-57131-888-6 Ebook Milkweed Editions PGW Finding Wild Mercy in the Outback RAFAEL de GRENADE Rafael de Grenade was twelve years old when she quit school and soon began to work on a rough-country mountain ranch in Arizona. There she learned how to sleep out when there was no fast way home; how to track her way by familiar mountains and canyons; how to survive off the water that seeped from moss hidden springs. But when she heard about cattlemen working the far edges of the Australian outback, they sparked a dream in her far wilder than anything she had ever known. A little over a decade later she arrived on Stilwater Station with two shirts, two pairs of jeans, cowboy boots, and some doubt that she would ever come home. A deeply poetic inquiry into our desire to make order where we find wildness, Stilwater: Finding Mercy in the Outback suffuses us with salt and scrub and blood, blurring the line between domestic and feral in wondrous, unsettling ways. This is a whirlwind of men, women, cattle, horses, machines and landscape in collaborative evolution, all becoming different manifestations of the same entity—the Australian Wild. RAFAEL de GRENADE grew up on a rural farm in the foothills of the Santa Maria Mountains outside of Prescott, Arizona. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in environmental studies from Prescott College, plus a Master of Fine Arts in creative nonfiction and a PhD in Geography from the University of Arizona. Rafael divides her time between the Southwest of the United States and Chile. ECOLOGY OF A CRACKER CHILDHOOD $16.00 294 pages 978-1-57131-325-6 Milkweed Editions PGW Fifteenth Anniversary Edition JANISSE RAY Janisse Ray grew up in a junkyard along US Highway 1, hidden from Florida-bound travelers by the hedge at the edge of the road and by hulks of old cars, stacks of blown-out tires, and primeval jumbles of rusted metal. Ecology of a Cracker Childhood tells how a childhood spent in rural isolation—living in the country but not even knowing how to swim—grew into a passion to save the almost vanished longleaf pine ecosystem that existed before the region was ever called the South. NEW YORK TIMES NOTABLE BOOK In language at once colloquial, elegiac, and informative, Ray redeems two Souths. She shows the world perceived from a junkyard by a child reared in a fundamentalist religion with relatives as colorful as any character from fiction. She also catalogs the Edenic beauty of longleaf pine forests, where orchids grow amid wiregrass at the feet of widely spaced, lofty trees. Today, both worlds exist in fragments, cherished and threatened. “Ray’s passion for preserving and restoring this unsung landscape is heartfelt and refreshing.” —New York Times Book Review “Ray laments the ‘daily erosion of unique folkways as our native ecosystems and all their inhabitants disappear.’ What remains most memorable are the sections where Ray describes, and attempts to prevent, her own disconnection from the Georgia landscape.” —Publishers Weekly SCIENCE STILWATER JANISSE RAY is naturalist and an activist who has spent her life fighting to protect pine forests and rural communities, both of which are the places she grew up in. Her books present a passionate and unique experience of the South that is frequently hidden from the national view. [61] SCIENCE OUR DAILY POISON $19.95 480 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-62097-202-1 978-1-59558-930-9 Ebook The New Press PD From Pesticides to Packaging: How Chemicals Have Contaminated the Food Chain and Are Making Us Sick MARIE-MONIQUE ROBIN TRANSLATED BY ALLISON SCHEIN AND LARA VERGNAUD NYP 4/5/2016 Called “terrifying” by L’Express and “a gripping and urgent book for anyone concerned about democracy, corporate power or public health” by Stuffed and Starved author Raj Patel, Our Daily Poison takes awardwinning journalist and filmmaker Marie-Monique Robin across North America, Europe, and Asia. The book documents the many ways in which we encounter a shocking array of chemicals in our everyday lives—from the pesticides that blanket our crops to the additives and plastics that contaminate our food—and their effects over time. MARIE-MONIQUE ROBIN is an award-winning French journalist and filmmaker. She received the 1995 Albert-Londres Prize, awarded to investigative journalists in France. She lives outside Paris. SPORTS Both ALLISON SCHEIN and LARA VERGNAUD hold Master’s degrees in French-English literary translation from New York University. They live in New York City. FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS, 25TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION 25th Anniversary Edition $15.95 416 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-306-82420-3 978-0-306-81597-3 Ebook Da Capo Press PBG A Town, a Team, and a Dream H. G. BISSINGER The classic, best-selling story of life in the football-driven town of Odessa, Texas, with a new afterword that looks at the players and the town ten years later. NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER H. G. BISSINGER has won the Pulitzer Prize, the Livingston Award, the National Headliner Award, and the American Bar Association’s Silver Gavel for his reporting. The author of the highly acclaimed A Prayer for the City, he has written for the television series NYPD Blue and is a contributing editor at Vanity Fair. He lives in Philadelphia. [62] Our Daily Poison follows the trail of the synthetic molecules in our environment and our food, tracing the ugly history of industrial chemical production, as well as the shoddy regulatory system for chemical products that still operates today—to the detriment of consumers and factory workers alike. Mustering scientific studies, expert testimony, and interviews with farmworkers suffering from acute chronic poisoning, Robin makes a shocking case for how corporate interests and our ignorance may be costing us our lives. Return once again to the timeless account of the Permian Panthers of Odessa—the winningest high-school football team in Texas history. Odessa is not known to be a town big on dreams, but the Panthers help keep the hopes and dreams of this small, dusty town going. Socially and racially divided, its fragile economy follows the treacherous boom-bust path of the oil business. In bad times, the unemployment rate barrels out of control; in good times, its murder rate skyrockets. But every Friday night from September to December, when the Permian High School Panthers play football, this West Texas town becomes a place where dreams can come true. With frankness and compassion, H. G. Bissinger chronicles a season in the life of Odessa and shows how singleminded devotion to the team shapes the community and inspires—and sometimes shatters—the teenagers who wear the Panthers’ uniforms. $16.00 240 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-60286-280-7 978-1-60286-225-8 Ebook Weinstein Books PBG A Coach’s Wisdom on Character, Faith, Family, and Love BILL COURTNEY WITH MICHAEL ARKUSH Also Available: Hardcover $26.00 978-1-60286-224-1 Bill Courtney—entrepreneur, football coach, and subject of the 2011 Oscar-winning documentary Undefeated—shares his hard-won lessons on discipline, success, teamwork and triumph over adversity. In Against the Grain, Bill Courtney shares his convictions on the fundamental tenets of character, commitment, service, leadership, civility, and others that, in his decades of success as an entrepreneur and educator, have proven to be the keys to a winning and meaningful life and career. Each chapter tells the story of one of these tenets through compelling anecdotes of the colorful characters in Bill’s life, leading to a deeper understand of the meaning of each and how to employee these fundamentals in all aspects of one’s life. Against the Grain intertwines inspiring and thought-provoking anecdotes, lessons, and amazing real life examples. Bill’s passion for us all to reconsider our own approach to life and constantly improve upon it comes across on every page. BILL COURTNEY is a volunteer football coach and owner of Classic American Hardwoods, a forty-million-dollar lumber company. He is also a 2013 inductee into the Society of Entrepreneurs. He lives in Memphis, Tennessee. MICHAEL ARKUSH has written twelve books, including three New York Times bestsellers. He lives in Alexandria, Virginia. $15.95 256 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-56025-928-2 978-0-7867-3507-5 Ebook Nation Books PBG Stories of Survival JEN MARLOWE WITH AISHA BAIN AND ADAM SHAPIRO In February 2003, the Sudanese Liberation Army in Darfur (the western region of Sudan) after years of oppression took up arms against the Sudanese government. The government and allied militias answered the rebellion with mass murder, rape, and the wholesale destruction of villages and livelihood, resulting in one of the world’s largest humanitarian and political crises. Up to two million people were displaced; 400,000 people killed. In October and November, 2004, after watching woefully inadequate media coverage on the crisis in Darfur, a team of three independent filmmakers trekked to Darfurian refugee camps in eastern Chad and crept across the border into Darfur. They met dozens of Darfurians, and spoke with them about their history, hopes and fears, and the tragedy they are living. Refugees and displaced peoples, civilians and fighters resisting the Sudanese government, teachers, students, parents, children, and community leaders provide the heart of Darfur Diaries. Their stories and testimonies, woven together through the personal experience of the filmmakers, and conveyed with political and historical context, provide a much-needed account to help understand Darfur. These are people whose lives, homes, safety, and rights deserve to be protected as vigilantly as those of peoples all over the world. AISHA BAIN served as Deputy Director at the Center for the Prevention of Genocide. JEN MARLOWE spent the last four years coordinating and directing the program at the Seeds of Peace Center for Coexistence in Jerusalem. ADAM SHAPIRO is a founding member of InCounter Productions that produced the documentary film, About Baghdad. STORIES FROM AFRICA DARFUR DIARIES SPORTS AGAINST THE GRAIN [63] STORIES FROM AFRICA THEY POURED FIRE ON US FROM THE SKY, TENTH ANNIVERSARY EDITION Tenth Anniversary Edition $15.99 336 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-61039-598-4 978-1-61039-599-1 Ebook PublicAffairs PBG The Story of Three Lost Boys from Sudan BENJAMIN AJAK, BENSON DENG, AND ALEPHONSIAN DENG WITH JUDY BERNSTEIN Teacher’s Guide Available Benjamin, Alepho, and Benson were raised among the Dinka tribe of Sudan. Their world was an insulated, close-knit community of grassroofed cottages, cattle herders, and tribal councils. The lions that prowled beyond the village fences were the greatest threat they knew. All that changed the night the government-armed Murahiliin began attacking their villages. Amid the chaos, screams, conflagration, and gunfire, five-year-old Benson and seven-year-old Benjamin fled into the dark night. Two years later, Alepho, age seven, was forced to do the same. LOS ANGELES TIMES BESTSELLER NATIONAL CONFLICT RESOLUTION CENTER PEACEMAKER AWARD ALEPHONSION and BENSON DENG, and their cousin BENJAMIN AJAK were relocated from the Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya to the United States as part of an international refugee relief program. They arrived in 2001. Now all in their mid-twenties, Benjamin, Benson, and Alephonsion live in San Diego, California. TheyPouredFire.com In They Poured Fire on Us from the Sky, Alepho, Benson, and Benjamin, by turn, recount their experiences along this unthinkable journey. They vividly recall the family, friends, and tribal world they left far behind them. And it is, in the end, an inspiring and unforgettable tribute to the tenacity of even the youngest human spirits. Selected by AVILA UNIVERSITY, BUENA VISTA UNIVERSITY, MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY, CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, MISSOURI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY, SETON HALL COLLEGE, MICHIGAN TECH UNIVERSITY, and ROLLINS UNIVERSITY THE LAST HUNGER SEASON $15.99 328 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-61039-240-2 978-1-61039-342-3 Ebook PublicAffairs PBG A Year in an African Farm Community on the Brink of Change ROGER THUROW With tired seeds, meager soil nutrition, primitive storage facilities, wretched roads, and no capital or credit, Africa’s smallholder farmers harvest less than one-quarter the yields of Western farmers. Award-winning author and world hunger activist Roger Thurow spent a year with four of them to intimately chronicle their efforts. In The Last Hunger Season, he illuminates the profound challenges these farmers and their families face, and follows them through the seasons to see whether, with a little bit of help from a new social enterprise organization called One Acre Fund, they might transcend lives of dire poverty and hunger. Selected by NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY ROGER THUROW is a senior fellow for Global Agriculture and Food Policy at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. He was a reporter at the Wall Street Journal, and is the author of Enough: Why the World’s Poorest Starve in an Age of Plenty (with Scott Kilman). A 2009 recipient of the Action Against Hunger Humanitarian Award, he lives near Chicago. OutrageAndInspire.com [64] $17.50 384 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-465-03146-7 978-0-465-02234-2 Ebook Basic Books PBG Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other SHERRY TURKLE Technology has become the architect of our intimacies. Online, we fall prey to the illusion of companionship, gathering thousands of Twitter and Facebook friends, and confusing tweets and wall posts with authentic communication. But this relentless connection leads to a new solitude. We turn to new technology to fill the void, but as MIT technology and society specialist Sherry Turkle argues, as technology ramps up, our emotional lives ramp down. Alone Together is the result of Turkle’s nearly fifteen-year exploration of our lives on the digital terrain. Based on interviews with hundreds of children and adults, it describes new, unsettling relationships between friends, lovers, parents, and children, and new instabilities in how we understand privacy and community, intimacy and solitude. TECHNOLOGY ALONE TOGETHER “A fascinating portrait of our changing relationship with technology.” —Newsweek.com SHERRY TURKLE is the Abby Rockefeller Mauzé Professor of the Social Studies of Science and Technology at MIT. She received a joint doctorate in sociology and personality from Harvard University. THE END OF POWER $16.99 320 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-465-06569-1 978-0-465-06568-4 Ebook Basic Books PBG From Boardrooms to Battlefields and Churches to States, Why Being in Charge Isn’t What It Used to Be MOISÉS NAÍM Power is shifting—from large, stable armies to loose bands of insurgents, from corporate leviathans to nimble start-ups, and from presidential palaces to public squares. But power is also changing, becoming harder to use and easier to lose. As a result, award-winning columnist and former Foreign Policy editor Moisés Naím argues, all leaders have less power than their predecessors, and the potential for upheaval is unprecedented. In The End of Power, Naím illuminates the struggle between once-dominant megaplayers and the new micropowers challenging them in every field of human endeavor. The anti-establishment drive of micropowers can topple tyrants, dislodge monopolies, and open remarkable new opportunities, but it can also lead to chaos and paralysis. Drawing on provocative, original research and a lifetime of experience in global affairs, Naím explains how the end of power is reconfiguring our world. “The End of Power makes a truly important contribution, persuasively portraying a compelling dynamic of change cutting across multiple game-boards of the global power matrix.” —Washington Post NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER FACEBOOK MOISÉS NAÍM is a scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and an internationally syndicated columnist. He served as editor in chief of Foreign Policy, as Venezuela’s trade minister, and as executive director of the World Bank. www.MosesNaim.com Twitter: @mosesnaim YEAR OF BOOKS INAUGURAL SELECTION FINANCIAL TIMES BEST BOOKS OF 2013 [65] TECHNOLOGY RISE OF THE ROBOTS $16.99 368 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-465-09753-1 978-0-465-04067-4 Ebook Basic Books. PBG Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future MARTIN FORD In Rise of the Robots, Silicon Valley entrepreneur Martin Ford argues as technology continues to accelerate and machines begin taking care of themselves, fewer jobs will be necessary. Artificial intelligence is already well on its way to making “good jobs” obsolete: many paralegals, journalists, physicians, and even computer programmers are poised to be replaced by robots. More progress simply means that more white and blue collar jobs alike will disappear. Ford details what artificially intelligent automation and robotics can accomplish, and implores employers, scholars, and government agencies alike to face this reality. More education will not be enough, and we must decide—now—whether the future will see prosperity or catastrophe. Rise of the Robots is essential reading for anyone wanting to secure their future economic prospects—not to mention those of their children—and find out what they can do to make them brighter. NYP 7/12/2016 Also Available: $28.99 Hardcover 978-0-465-05999-7 FINANCIAL TIMES BEST BOOK OF 2015 BLOOMBERG NEWS BEST BOOKS OF 2015 MARTIN FORD, the founder of a Silicon Valley–based software development firm, has over twenty-five years of experience in computer design and software development. The author of The Lights in the Tunnel: Automation, Accelerating Technology, and the Economy of the Future, he lives in Sunnyvale, California. BORN DIGITAL $17.99 400 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-465-01856-7 978-0-465-01383-8 Ebook Basic Books PBG Understanding the First Generation of Digital Natives JOHN PALFREY AND URS GASSER The first generation of “Digital Natives”—children who were born into and raised in the digital world—are coming of age, and soon our world will be reshaped in their image. Our economy, our politics, our culture, and even the shape of our family life will be forever transformed. But who are these Digital Natives? And what is the world they’re creating going to look like? In Born Digital, leading Internet and technology experts John Palfrey and Urs Gasser offer a sociological portrait of these young people, who can seem, even to those merely a generation older, both extraordinarily sophisticated and strangely narrow. Exploring a broad range of issues, from the highly philosophical to the purely practical, Born Digital will be essential reading for parents, teachers, and the myriad of confused adults who want to understand the digital present and shape the digital future. JOHN PALFREY is Professor of Law and a Vice Dean at Harvard Law School. He is a regular commentator on CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, Fox News, NPR, and BBC. He lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts. URS GASSER is the Executive Director of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society. He lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts. [66] “A well-reasoned, thorough synthesis of some momentous, if familiar, ideas.” —New Scientist $16.99 352 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-465-06375-8 978-0-465-02929-7 Ebook Basic Books PBG The Worldwide Struggle for Internet Freedom REBECCA MacKINNON The expectation was that the Internet would liberate us, but in truth it has not. For every story about the web’s empowering role in events such as the Arab Spring, there are many more about the quiet corrosion of civil liberties by companies and governments using the same digital technologies we have come to depend upon. In Consent of the Networked, journalist and Internet policy specialist Rebecca MacKinnon argues that it is time to fight for our rights before they are sold, legislated, programmed, and engineered away. Every day, the corporate sovereigns of cyberspace, including Google and Facebook, make decisions that affect our physical freedom, but they do so without our consent. Yet the traditional solution to unaccountable corporate behavior—government regulation—cannot stop the abuse of digital power on its own, and sometimes even contributes to it. A clarion call to action, Consent of the Networked shows that it is time to stop arguing over whether the Internet empowers people, and address the urgent question of how technology should be governed to support the rights and liberties of users around the world. “Consent of the Networked is an excellent survey of the Internet’s major fault lines.” —Wall Street Journal “A vitally important analysis of Internet manipulation that should be read by anyone relying on the web for work or pleasure.”—Booklist REBECCA MacKINNON is a Schwartz Senior Fellow at the New America Foundation. She is co-founder of Global Voices Online, a global citizen media network that amplifies online citizen voices from around the world. MacKinnon is frequently interviewed in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washing ton Post, The Financial Times, NPR, and other news outlets. She lives in Washington, DC. FIRE AND FORGET $15.99 256 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-306-82176-9 978-0-306-82177-6 Ebook Da Capo Press PBG Short Stories from the Long War EDITED BY ROY SCRANTON AND MATT GALLAGHER FOREWORD BY COLUM McCANN TECHNOLOGY WAR CONSENT OF THE NETWORKED An unprecedented collection of hard-hitting, poignant short stories written by thirteen young veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars These stories aren’t pretty and they aren’t for the faint of heart. They are realistic, haunting and shocking. And they are all unforgettable. Television reports, movies, newspapers and blogs about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have offered images of the fighting there. But this collection offers voices—powerful voices, telling the kind of truth that only fiction can offer. What makes the collection so remarkable is that all of these stories are written by those who were there, or waited for them at home. The anthology, which features a Foreword by National Book Award winner Colum McCann, includes the best voices of the wars’ generation: awardwinning author Phil Klay’s “Redeployment;” Brian Turner, whose poem “Hurt Locker” was the movie’s inspiration; Colby Buzzell, whose book My War resonates with countless veterans; Siobhan Fallon, whose book You Know When the Men Are Gone echoes the joy and pain of the spouses left behind; Matt Gallagher, whose book Kaboom captures the hilarity and horror of the modern military experience; and ten others. Selected by ST. CLOUD UNIVERSITY MATT GALLAGHER—co-editor of Fire and Forget and author of Kaboom Twitter: @MattGallager83 Facebook: fireandforgetstories FireandForgetbook.com ROY SCRANTON—co-editor of Fire and Forget. Twitter: @RoyScranton [67] WAR THE FARTHER SHORE MATTHEW ECK $14.00 192 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-57131-067-5 978-1-57131-859-6 Ebook Milkweed Editions PGW In this adrenalized debut novel, Matthew Eck puts readers inside the mind of one young confused soldier caught in the fog of unexpected warfare. When a small unit of soldiers from the US Army is separated from their command and left for dead, their only option is to keep moving, in hope that they will escape the marauding gangs and clansmen who appear to rule the city. Josh, a young soldier, and his “battle buddies” are left to wander in hostile territory. After a series of horrifying, often violent encounters along the way, only a few of them survive. In this short war novel, the characters, both natives and invaders alike, are haunting— almost inhuman—and the emerging story reflects a new kind of military engagement, with all the attendant horrors and difficulties. KANSAS CITY STAR BOOK GROUP SELECTION LIT-BLOG COOP “READ THIS!” WINTER 2007 SELECTION NATIONAL BOOK CRITICS CIRCLE LONGLIST FOR FICTION MATTHEW ECK enlisted in the US Army in 1992, and served in Somalia and Haiti. He has a BA in English Literature from Wichita State University, and received his MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Montana. He currently teaches Creative Writing and Literature at University of Central Missouri and serves as fiction editor for the literary journal Pleiades. “Eck’s writing is best when it vivifies the danger: making us feel the heat of the explosions, see the billowing black smoke or hear the sound of an antiaircraft gun.”—The New York Times Book Review “Eck has created a contemporary version of The Red Badge of Courage in this tale of one young man’s trial by fire in the pandemonium of war in an age of high-tech weaponry and low-grade morality.” —Booklist (starred review) ANOTHER MAN’S WAR $17.99 320 pages Trade Paperback 978-1-78074-711-8 Oneworld Publications PGW The Story of a Burma Boy in Britain’s Forgotten Army BARNABY PHILLIPS Also Available: Hardcover $27.99 978-1-78074-522-0 In December 1941 the Japanese invaded Burma. For the British, the longest land campaign of the Second World War had begun. 100,000 African soldiers were taken from Britain’s colonies to fight the Japanese in the Burmese jungles. They performed heroically, yet their contribution has been largely ignored. Barnaby Phillips traveled to Nigeria and Burma in search of “Burma Boy” Isaac Fadoyebo, the family who saved his life, and the legacy of an Empire. This is Isaac’s story. NPR ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF 2014 BARNABY PHILLIPS is a senior correspondent for Al Jazeera English, which he joined at the time of its launch in 2006. His documentary Burma Boy won the prestigious CINE Golden Eagle Award. Previously, he was a correspondent for the BBC, reporting primarily from Africa. Phillips grew up in Kenya and now lives in London. [68] “Riveting. It’s an extraordinary story, well-researched, and beautifully told—but not about the World War II you might know. Barnaby Phillips writes about humanity and compassion from the perspective of a Nigerian soldier whose forgotten colonial unit fought for the British Empire in then-Burma…. Phillips delves deep into relationships, identity and much more in this stunning book. I couldn’t put it down.” —NPR WHAT IT IS LIKE TO GO TO WAR KARL MARLANTES $15.00 272 pages Trade Paperback 978-0-8021-4592-5 Ebook 9780-8021-9514-2 Grove Press PGW In What It Is Like to Go to War, Karl Marlantes takes a deeply personal and candid look at the experience and ordeal of combat, critically examining how we might better prepare our young soldiers for war. In a compelling narrative, Marlantes weaves riveting accounts of his combat experiences with thoughtful analysis, self-examination, and his readings—from Homer to the Mahabharata to Jung. He makes it clear just how poorly prepared our nineteen-year-old warriors—mainly men but increasingly women—are for the psychological and spiritual aspects of their journey. “What It Is Like to Go to War is a well-crafted and forcefully argued work that contains fresh and important insights into what it’s like to be in a war and what it does to the human psyche.” —The Washington Post KARL MARLANTES is a graduate of Yale University and a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University. He served as a Marine in Vietnam, where he was awarded the Navy Cross, the Bronze Star, two Navy Commendation Meals for valor, two Purple Hearts, and ten air medals. [69] RECOMMENDED FIRST-YEAR READS RECOMMENDED FIRST-YEAR READS BOOK OF RHYMES The Poetics of Hip Hop ADAM BRADLEY $16.99 • 272 pages Trade Paperback • 978-0-46500-347-1 Basic Civitas Books • PBG Selected by University of Pennsylvania LIVING DOWNSTREAM An Ecologist’s Personal Investigation of Cancer and the Environment SANDRA STEINGRABER $17.99 • 440 pages Trade Paperback • 978-0-30681-869-1 Da Capo Press • PBG Selected by St. Ambrose University PRAYING FOR SHEETROCK A Work of Nonfiction MELISSA FAY GREENE $17.99 • 368 pages Trade Paperback • 978-0-30681-517-1 Da Capo Press • PBG Selected by Georgina Perimeter College THE LAST HUNGER SEASON RESPECT SARA LAWRENCELIGHTFOOT $17.50 • 256 pages Trade Paperback • 978-0-73820-318-8 Basic Books • PBG Selected by University of Washington HERE’S WHAT WE’LL SAY Growing Up, Coming Out, and the U.S. Air Force Academy REICHEN LEHMKUHL $16.00 • 368 pages Trade Paperback • 978-0-78672-0-354 Da Capo Press • PBG Selected by Stony Brook University THE 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Maximus.................................................2 Is That a Fact?................................................59 Confronting Suburban Poverty in America........16 Ishmael’s Oranges...........................................50 Conscious Capitalism......................................10 Island.............................................................30 Consent of the Networked...............................67 J Culture of Fear, The.........................................14 Jam on the Vine..............................................45 D Journal of Hélène Berr, The.............................55 Darfur Diaries..................................................63 Joyland...........................................................43 Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt.................35 K Dear Human...................................................35 Disinherited....................................................20 Knowing Your 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War.............................69 Neither Wolf Nor Dog.......................................27 What Would Madison Do?...............................31 New Jim Crow, The...........................................26 When I Was Puerto Rican................................19 Nine Things Succesful People Do Differently....11 Where the Line Bleeds....................................41 No One Understands You and What to Do About It.................................................5 Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria...............................14 Wisdom of Beguines, The................................30 TITLE INDEX A AUTHOR INDEX A G N Abramsky, Sasha.............................................23 Glassner, Barry...............................................14 Naim, Moises..................................................65 Alexander, Michelle.........................................26 Graham, L., Carol..............................................2 Neburn, Kent...................................................27 Alexie, Sherman..............................................48 Grant, Heidi....................................................11 Nguyen, Viet....................................................46 Allcott, Graham...............................................11 Green, Donald.................................................56 Nicholas, Denise.............................................40 Asim, Jabari....................................................41 Grenade, Rafael..............................................61 B H Okun, Arthur....................................................16 Baca, Jimmy...................................................53 Haber, Jason.....................................................4 Olmsted, Kathryn............................................26 Baggio, Allison................................................44 Hajaj, Calire....................................................50 Otto, 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