October 2012 Issue - Encinal Yacht Club
October 2012 Issue - Encinal Yacht Club
OCTOBER 2012 SOUNDINGS ENCINAL YACHT CLUB Cruising Report… From the Bridge… From the President... From the Juniors... Reports on Half Moon Commodore’ s Cup Bon Voyage to Darrell Artemis Racing Invita- Bay and Vallejo Yacht and Summer Twilight and Nicki and upcom- tional Regatta. Club Cruise Outs. Series Results ing elections. Pages 12-15 Pages 4-6 Page 3 Pages 18-21 Photo by Rod Kidd Photo by Fred Fago At the conclusion of the Artemis Racing Invitational on September 15th, KSSS (Royal Swedish Yacht Club) head-coach Bjorn Johansson and EYC Commodore Victor Early exchange burgees, as per yacht club tradition. EYC Rear Commodore Susan Jacquelin and EYC President Tony Schaeffer look on. ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 2 OCTOBER 2012 SOUNDINGS 2011 Board of Directors President Sr. Vice President Vice President Treasurer Commodore Vice Commodore Rear Commodore Director Director Director Director Tony Shaffer Kevin Clark Sam Benson Thom Kay Victor Early Michael Andrews Susan Jacquelin Peter Aschwanden Niels Glaser Dan Hayes Anita Mahoney Committee Chairpersons Membership Finance Boat Yard Building & Grounds House Youth Cruise Captains Information Technology Long Range Planning Nominating Peggy Kidd & Ray Thomas Charley Eddy Holger Grygiel Dan Hayes Anita Mahoney Niels Glaser Jim & Jen Vickers Darrell Powell-Ford Carol Blackburn Michael Scheck Appointed Officers Port Captain Small Boat Captain Power Boat Fleet Captain Committee Boat Member Liaison Club Counsel Soundings Editor Assistant Soundings Editor Web Master Club Historians Michael Byroads Chris Golian Christopher Hanson Chuck Wetteroth Vern Bendsen Christopher Hanson Nicki Powell-Ford Tom Sheehan Don Ahrens Debra Early Heidi Benson Marguerite Lawry Linda Bendsen Fred Rutledge Tony Shaffer Charles Hodgkins Tom Wondolleck John Becket NCPCA Delegate PICYA Delegates Staff Commodore Junior Staff Commodore Secretary Established 1890 1251 Pacific Marina Alameda, CA 94501 Office (510) 522-3272 Bar (510) 865-1303 Fax (510) 865-8630 www.encinal.org Policies SOUNDINGS will be published monthly. Submissions will be handled with reasonable care, but no liability is assumed for them. All articles are subject to editing for content and space consideration. PERMISSIONS: Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without written permission directed to the Editor. DEADLINE: Articles and photographs are due by the 20th of the month prior to publication. Late submissions cannot be assured of publication. Articles may be dropped off or faxed to the Club, or emailed to the Editor at tpsheehan@aol.com Office Hours Tuesday—Sunday .................................................................. 9:00am – 5:00 pm Dining Room Staff General Manager Office Administrator Bar and Dinning Room Manager Assistant Administrator Bookkeeper Caterer Junior Sailing Director Encinal Yacht Club Tony Shaffer (acting) Jessica Matamoros Lisa Ayala Angelica Watson Virginia Hamilton Manny Rodriquez Andrew Nelson Thursday - Sunday ..................................... Lunch Service 11:30am – 2:00pm Thursday - Sunday ..................................................Dinner 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm First Thursday (Buffet) ..........................................Dinner 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm Bar Hours Monday (Monday Night Football) …….……………………….5:30pm — 9:00pm Thursday – Saturday ......................................................... 11:30am – 10:00 pm Sunday ................................................................................ 11:30 am – 9:00 pm ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 3 OCTOBER 2012 SOUNDINGS FROM THE PRESIDENT... Tony Shaffer . This month we will be wishing Darrell and Nicki Powell-Ford (The Rubber Duckies) a fond good bye. Darrell and Nicki, along with sons Marcus and Curtis have been EYC members for a relatively short time. In that short period of time, they have made many, many contributions to the club; Nicki as SOUNDINGS Editor and Darrell as an active member of EYC’s Technology Committee. In addition, the family has contributed many volunteer hours to the club and they will be missed. All current EYC members will be receiving ballots in the mail highlighting all of the nominees for 2013 EYC management team, administrative and flag positions. The roster of nominees is detailed below: Position President: Sr. Vice President: Vice President: Commodore: Vice Commodore: Rear Commodore: Director: Director: Treasurer: Nominee Kevin Clark Sam Benson Ray Thomas Michael Andrews Susan Jacquelin John Hemiup Ina Tabak Grace Hess Tony Shaffer To To To To To To To To To Replace: Replace: Replace: Replace: Replace: Replace: Replace: Replace: Replace: Tony Shaffer Kevin Clark Sam Benson Victor Early Michael Andrews Susan Jacquelin Niels Glaser Peter Aschwanden' Tom Kay Remaining in current office: Director: Daniel Hayes Director: Anita Mahoney Please take a moment to review the nominees and be sure to get your completed ballot in the mail promptly. p. s. The Rubber Duckies will be on the EYC docks until Saturday, October 6th. If you can, take a moment to stop by and wish the Powell-Ford family a “Bon Voyage” as they embark on a great family adventure. ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 4 OCTOBER 2012 SOUNDINGS FROM THE BRIDGE... Victor Early September was a fantastic and busy month on the water. Encinal yachting activities included the final Twilight race on the estuary, cruise outs to Half Moon Bay Yacht Club and Vallejo Yacht Club, the Millimeter Nationals, the Commodores Cup, an Artemis Racing Invitational, and the Wheelchair Regatta. This was my only chance to race in the Commodore’s Cup as Commodore, so I went all out for a chance at winning by sailing Olive with a clean bottom, flying a borrowed spinnaker, and being guided by an expert crew consisting of Michael and Jonathan Andrews. This year there were twelve boats in the race, many more than in recent years – I guess a lot of skippers wanted to put me to shame! After an overly aggressive start we had a good beat to the top of Treasure Island and a fast spinnaker run down the Estuary to finish at the club. Congratulations to Staff Commodore Rodney Pimentel who won the race on Osituki. Olive ended up in third place. Congratulations again to Rodney for winning the YRA Handicap Divisions Series on Azure, his Cal 40. Rodney won the series with the best score amongst 15 boats after 6 races throughout the season. Good Job and I know he had fun doing it! We are lucky that our sailing season never ends. I just returned from Lake Michigan where they are hauling their boats for the winter. Looking forward to this fall we have a few cruise-outs planned, including to the Presidio YC on October 13 and the Commodore’s Cruise to Berkeley YC on November 3rd . Racing starts again with the Jack Frost Series Regatta beginning on November 17. See you on the water. Cheers, Victor ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 5 OCTOBER 2012 SOUNDINGS 2012 Summer Twilight Series (by Susan Jacquelin, PRO) Our final Estuary race was held on Friday, September 14. We began this popular 5race series in July, with 27 boats from 8 different yacht clubs. After our first race in rather cold weather, beautiful summer conditions held, and we saw some excellent racing as the days got longer and the crews sharpened their skills. Most of the racers came back to the club each evening to enjoy the action-packed videos that Commodore Victor Early and Vice Commodore Michael Andrews took on the water. Everyone liked the lively prize-giving, where the winners in each division received an engraved “EYC Race Day Winner” glass. Fred Fago took his as-always superb still photos, and Webmaster Don Ahrens posted them on our website for all to enjoy; Soundings Editor Nicki Powell-Ford featured them in each month’s edition. The Encinal Race Committee lived up to our excellent reputation and ran flawless races. Commodore Early, Vice Commodore Andrews, Jonathan Andrews, and Darrell and Marcus Powell-Ford set the marks for great courses. Main committee boat Photo Darrell Powell-Ford folks always worked as a terrific team, no matter who was there on by any given night. This “A” Team included Small Boat Fleet Captain Chris Golian, Shelley Bliss, Jon Fowkes, President Tony Shaffer, Michelle and Samantha Shaffer, Nicki PowellFord, Al and Michelle Leonard, Penny McCullough, and Sara and Ksenia Golian. I sincerely appreciate all of your hard work—and great times! 2012 Final Results: Division A: PHRF <121 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Kevin Clark Tony Pohl Greg Nelsen Bill Mohr Walter Funk Daniel Alvarez Jens Jensen Smokin’ Twisted Outsider Spirit of Freedom Predator JetStream Snowy Owl Melges 24 Farr 40 Azzura 310 J124 Hobie 33 JS 9000 Express 37 ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 EYC StFYC SSS EYC -SSS EYC 6 OCTOBER 2012 SOUNDINGS 2012 Final Results: (continued) Division C: PHRF 121-159 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 Kevin Durant Scott Christensen Dan Pruzan Jim Lovell Steve McCarthy Bill West Peter Bellows Karl Robrock Maryann Hinden Glenn Hansen Patrick Kohlman Double Trouble Audacious Wile E Coyote Clare de Lune Ruby Crinan II Abba Zabba Snafu Big Bang Theory Snicklefritz Joyicity Moore 24 J/29 Express 27 Moore 24 Moore 24 WylieCat30 Tartan 10 Moore 24 Express 27 Moore 24 Davidson WYC SSS EYC -SSS EYC EYC SCYC EYC EYC -- Bewitched Osituki My Tahoe Too Lelo Too Gonzo Pearl Blueberry Merit 25 Cal 28 Catalina 25 Tartan 30 Santana 525 Ranger 33 Nonsuch 22 BYC EYC -OYC EYC EYC OYC Division D: PHRF >159 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 Laraine Salmon Rodney Pimentel Steve Douglass Emile Carles Dominic Marchal Tom Wondolleck John Foster The winner of the perpetual trophy for the best combined scores for both the Spring and Summer Twilight Series was Kevin Durant on his Moore 24 Double Trouble. Congratulations to all of the racers—see you in 2013! Susan Pictures on Page 7 taken by Fred Fago. ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 7 OCTOBER 2012 SOUNDINGS Summer Twilight, 2012 Final Photo by Darrell Powell-Ford ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 8 OCTOBER 2012 SOUNDINGS FROM THE HOUSE DIRECTOR... Anita Mahoney Fall is in the air and it is time to prepare for the special events of the Holiday season. October will be a busy month and I hope you will join us for a lot of fun. Three major events will be our Halloween Party, Kids Pumpkin Carving and the Commodores Ball. Also don’t forget Monday Night Football. I know our Membership Committee is also planning an Open House to welcome the Artemis Race Team which will be announced soon. Last month was our second annual Wine Pairing Dinner hosted by our wine committee. What an enthusiastic group. I never thought that when this committee came together that they were going to take it so seriously. The success of the event proved how much time and effort was put into it. I especially want to thank Karen Brunelle and Cathy Erbland. Unfortunately, neither of them were able to be there to enjoy their fruits of love due to unfortunate circumstances but everything was carried out as they wished thanks to Keith Rarick who stepped in and hosted the evening. The rest of the committee consisted of John Becket and Penny McCullagh who also did a great job in assisting and giving their expertise. I can’t commend you all enough for a fantastic evening. Manny was our star Chef for the evening and truly out did himself in every way. The planning of the menu along with the wines and the timing and service by our staff was the best ever. Many thanks. Oktoberfest will not have taken place as of this article but by the responses we have received so far I know it is going to be a hit. So, I hope you all agree what a great club we have and how lucky we are to have members who volunteer so much of their time to make our events such a success. The House Committee will be getting ready to start planning the social calendar for next year and is looking for new volunteers. I would love to hear your ideas or better yet come and join our committee. It is a great way to get involved and be part of a team. Remember to read your Signal Flag and Soundings for upcoming events. HAPPY HALLOWEEN !!!!! ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 Anita 9 OCTOBER 2012 SOUNDINGS 2nd Annual Wine Dinner On Saturday Sept 8th, the EYC Wine Committee hosted its’ Second Annual Wine Pairing Dinner featuring wines by Rodney Strong and food prepared by chef Manny and his crew. This year we had 6 wines that were paired with 7 courses that presented Manny with the opportunity to truly showcase his talents to the membership. It was a wonderful late summer evening and as the wine began to flow and hors d’oeuvres were passed to the sixty (60) members that signed up for this exciting event. When it was time to start dinner, Tom Pearse of Rodney Strong Winery & Vineyards began with a wonderful story of how Rodney Strong came to be and their philosophy on wine. With each successive course, Tom would tell a story about the wine that was to be poured next, adding to the overall enjoyment of the dinner. Along with the exceptional wines, Manny produced equally exceptional food ranging from Mushroom soup to Salmon, Lamb Chops and Steak. Throughout the evening fun “wine” toys were raffled off as well as two (2) large format bottles of Rodney Strong Estate Cabernet donated by Tom and Rodney Strong Winery. The Goffs, Roland and Galen were the recipients of a Magnum, while Keith Rarick won the Double Magnum. An additional “thank you” to Rodney Strong Winery for also donating the high end Cabernet and Port that were served at the last two pairings of the evening. And thanks to the EYC Wine Committee who put in a lot of time to make this a special and successful event. And a very special Thank You to Karen Brunelle and Cathy Erbland (EYC Wine Committee members) who put in a tremendous effort yet were not able to attend due to last minute unforeseen circumstances, and also to the additional committee members: Penny McCullough, John Beckett and Keith Rarick. We also want to say Thank You to Chef Manny and his crew, Lisa our new EYC Bar Manager and to the EYC service staff who all did an excellent job to assure this was a successful evening. See you next year! ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 10 OCTOBER 2012 SOUNDINGS 2nd Annual Wine Dinner Additional “wine” toy winners included: Anneke Dury, Sam Benson, Jan Rodgers, Terri Moore, Rodney & Jane Pimentel and Kim Bean. Photos compliments of Penny McCullagh. ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 11 OCTOBER 2012 SOUNDINGS Where’s the Burgee? Penny McCullagh at the Alghero Yacht Club Grotto ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 12 OCTOBER 2012 SOUNDINGS CRUISING NEWS... HALF MOON BAY CRUISE Labor Day 2012 It was a foggy, foggy day- aren’t they all in Half Moon Bay- however fog and cold are no hindrance to the intrepid cruise fleet from Encinal. We left Friday morning aboard the Dury’s Paramour and after a fuel stop cruised on down the coast under heavy skies. Mike Pernitzke’s Nova left very early in the morning to try and avoid the very strong flood tide under the gate. With his crew of David and Susan Sherrill they got some good sailing in and were the first to arrive in the harbor, where they picked up Ina who had driven down. Later that evening Jim and Jenn Vickers on Joyride tied up to the pier. Ina had researched local restaurants and made reservations at the Pasta Moon in Half Moon Bay proper. Put this down in your culinary waypoints, truly a fabulous meal and well worth the short trip from the harbor. Saturday’s weather forecast promised some sun, somewhere. Did that stop the ladies from going ashore and shopping? No, so the guys had lunch at the Brewpub where we ran into Gary and Brooke Garcia strolling the waterfront. Also by this time Mike Molloy and his wife Cindy had made anchor and we all got together on Paramour for preprandial libations. Then it was into the dinghies for the trip over to the Half Moon Bay Yacht Club. Where the float to the beach is now motorized and dropped us off in the mud. They have done a lot of work on their club and now have a large room off to the side for entertaining guests. Tonight the theme for dinner is “A Taste of Half Moon Bay” honoring the areas’ Portuguese heritage and featuring Azorean rice and Linguica sausage sandwiches. Not bad actually! EYC was making an appearance now with Hal and Laurie Lynam, John Beckett, the Vickers, Malloy’s, Garcia’s, Blackburn’s and Dury’s filling two ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 13 OCTOBER 2012 SOUNDINGS big tables. They did a nice job, good cocktails, good prices, a roaring fire in the pit overlooking the bay and lots of nice people. Some of us partied longer but everyone made it back to the boats safely- no Half Fast candidates yet. Sunday promised even more sun, but alas… Anyhow more trips to town, lunches and brews to fill the day until dinnertime. We will dine as a club at the Crab Landing, on the patio heated by glowing fire pits. Tom Sheehan and Jan Rogers and Kevin and Liddy Clark joined us for dinner, as they too had driven down. John Beckett was the hero of the night. He had supported the Jr. Sailing fundraiser and was highest bidder on a case of quality wines, four of which he shared with the table, thank you John. Once again a good time was had by all and still no Half Fast candidates so the cruise was a great success. Monday – No promises, just heavy, heavy fog. We watched Nova weigh anchor and disappear into the mist. Joyride was out there too. To beat the big flood through the Gate they left very early. Paramour left an hour or so later hoping fog would clear a little. As we cruised along, a sailboat would appear in the fog, wave and vanish. Thoughts of the Mary Deare, no? And then as we passed under the Golden Gate Bridge, the sun was out, the wind brisk, the City looked beautiful and the flood was terrific causing Anneke to exclaim “We’re doing l6 knots”. A very nice finish to a wonderful weekend. Thank you all for joining us! Dave and Anneke Dury with Bill and Carol Blackburn, Co-Cruise Leaders. ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 14 OCTOBER 2012 SOUNDINGS Vallejo Cruise September 14-16, 2012 Although our fleet was small and the morning weather did leave a lot to be desired, on the morning of Friday, the 14th, The Pug Tug successfully rendezvoused with The Other Office in the estuary for our trip to the Vallejo Yacht Club. (It’s fairly certain that Gary Garcia used up a whole bunch of will power in trying to keep his cruising speed at or around 10 knots. The final roster of EYC vessels making the voyage included five power and a single sailing vessel; the participating vessels included The Pug Tug (Tom Sheehan and Jan Rodgers with guest crew Hal and Laurie Lynam and mascots Otto and Ivy), The Other Office (Brooke and Gary Garcia), Joyride (Jim and Jenn Vicars with mascots Lexie and Maddy), Catman (Jeff and Sandy Leonard with mascot Buttercup), Sante (John and Dorothy Van De Poel with guest crew Paul and Stephanie Ahern), and Paramour (Dave and Anneke Dury with guest crew Erin and Ben Moore and special guest crewman…..Cameron Moore). In addition, Darrell and Nicki Powell-Ford joined us briefly on Friday for refreshments. Nicki and Darrell had been members of VYC for several years prior to joining EYC. A FYI: Erin and Ben are Dave and Anneke’s daughter and son-in-law and Cameron is their 2 year old grandson. (The fact that the Moores are living in Oregon and are loyal “Duck” fans was not mentioned during this trip.) After replacing the Vallejo Yacht Club’s aging and tattered EYC burgee with a brand new burgee (compliments of Brooke and Gary Garcia, the (early) Friday arrivals took the opportunity to join other Vallejo Yacht Club members and Darrell and Nicki for the club’s Friday Night Pot Luck buffet. Jim and Jenn Vickers did NOT join the group as they arrived at some point on Friday/Saturday morning. You will recall that our fleet included a lone sailing vessel………Joyride; need I say more. By mid-day Saturday, the EYC cruisers were securely stern tied on the VYC guest dock with all vessels accounted for. This stern in maneuver was not without its heart pounding moments. As is usually the case, winds and currents proved challenging and gave testimony to the ongoing value of fenders, proper fender alignment and adequate dock help for fast approaching EYC member vessels. It’s worth noting that the Vallejo members present found it much more entertaining to watch all of these heart pounding maneuvers from the club’s upper deck rather than participate. However, there was NO shortage of verbal advice being offered by the VYC spectators. ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 15 OCTOBER 2012 SOUNDINGS Cruisers provided appetizers on the dock late Saturday afternoon and they were varied and excellent. On Saturday evening, the EYC cruisers joined the VYC members for an aged prime rib dinner buffet. Just about everyone agreed it was extremely well prepared and well worth the $25/pp. charge. Post dinner, a few of the EYC folks adjourned to the member run bar for post dinner cocktails and conversation and a good time was had by all. Sunday morning included the usual gin/vodka fizzes on the dock along with member provided brunch items. The weather was overcast and cool but was clearing and everyone had departed by noon. At last check, just about everyone had arrived safely by late Sunday afternoon with Joyride bringing up the rear…….so to speak. Although the weather in the mornings was somewhat overcast, the weather cleared each day by early afternoon and remained balmy well into the evening. The Vallejo folks were welcoming and very helpful (except for the docking part). The food was great and the location of the club is perfect; all in all a pretty good trip. And…………..VYC is “Dog Friendly”. Tom Sheehan and Jan Rodgers, Cruise Leaders ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 16 OCTOBER 2012 SOUNDINGS Presidio Yacht Club Cruise Out, October 12-14 Is there a better time to go cruising in the San Francisco Bay than in the fall? Come out and join your fellow Encinal cruisers at this stunning location just inside the bay. Anneke and David Dury will lead a cruise to this hidden yacht club located at the foot of the North tower of the Golden Gate Bridge. On the water: -The harbor has a few slips, up to 50 feet; the rest of the fleet will need to anchor out. There is a dinghy dock. -Cost for a slip is $20 per night per boat, regardless of length. -The official cruise out is Oct. 13 and 15, but you are welcome to arrive on Friday, Oct. 12. -If you need a slip, please arrange your stay directly with the Harbor Master, Louie, at (415) 332 2319 On land: -We will have dinner Saturday night at the Presidio Yacht Club. This tends to be pretty basic fare and cheap. Details will follow. -People need to sign up for this by a week in advance, as we have to give the Commodore the number of guests to expect. Contact anneke_dury@hotmail.com to sign up. -Of course drive-ins are welcome. This is a fun yacht club, but we still need you to sign up for dinner. There will be a band that evening, so bring your dancing shoes. Please consider joining us on this certain-to-be-scenic cruise! If you haven't earned your 2012 Encinal Cruising Plaque yet, you are running out of opportunities! Dave and Anneke Dury ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 17 OCTOBER 2012 SOUNDINGS The Encinal Yacht Club Invites you to attend the 2012 Commodore’s Ball Saturday October 20th 2012 “A Historic Event” Honoring Commodore Victor Earl, President Tony Shaffer And all 2012 Board Members 1730 Hours: Cocktails and Sea Chantey Music by“ Skip Henderson and Starboard Watch 1900 Hours: 5 Course Dinner, Awards, Live and Dancing 1730 Hours: Cocktails and Sea Chantey Music by Music Skip Henderson and Starboard Watch $70.00 Per Person, Formal or Yachting Attire 1900 Hours: 5 Course Dinner, Awards, Live Music and Dancing Children hosted upon request in Regatta Room Reservations Requested: $70.00 Per Person, Formal or Yachting Attire Photo by Victor Early barmanager@encinal.org or 510 522-3272 Children hosted upon request in Regatta Room By October 10th, 48 Hour Cancellation Policy Reservations Requested: barmanager@encinal.org or 510 522-3272 By October 10th, 48 Hour Cancellation Policy ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 18 OCTOBER 2012 SOUNDINGS FROM JUNIOR SAILING DIRECTOR... Andrew Nelson Fall is in the air and once again EYC juniors are gearing up and hitting the water in full force. High school sailing officially kicks off on Sept. 22-23, with the first regatta of the season in Stockton. Approximately 40 sailors have been sharpening their skills with weekend practices here at the club. Alameda High, The Athenian School, and Miramonte High School are looking strong this season. Each has a host of returning sailors who look to push their school toward the top of the fleet in the NorCal league. We also have several smaller teams and plenty of new faces. Our high school calendar is booked with regattas and practices every weekend between now and the holidays. It'll be a busy season, but the kids are looking forward to attending more away regattas including San Diego and possibly Hawaii. Helping carry the coaching load this fall, it's been a pleasure to work with engineer Chris Mitchel who recently moved to Alameda as part of Artemis Racing. From New Zealand, he's already having a positive impact on the sailors, and I've already heard Kiwiisms from the kids around the boatyard. Aside from high school sailing, our Fall Opti Team also started its season. Carrying the momentum over from summer, we have about 15 Opti sailors looking to stay sharp on their skills this fall and compete in regattas. This nucleus of Opti sailors has come a long way since last spring when I really started to get to know them. It bodes well for the future of our high school and senior race teams to have such a committed and talent group of young sailors. InPhoto case you missed the headlines on by Tony Shaffer Sailing Anarchy, or Lat. 38, we hosted a rather successful (and FUN!) regatta here on Saturday, September 15th. Six teams converged on Encinal Yacht Club to compete in the Artemis Racing Invitational. The event was the result of cooperation between EYC and Artemis Racing, Challenger of Record 34th America's Cup. KSSS (Royal Swedish Yacht Club), with the help ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 19 OCTOBER 2012 SOUNDINGS of Artemis Racing, sent six of Sweden's top young sailors to the Bay Area as part of the lead up to the 2013 America's Cup. The KSSS team faced tough competition from Western Washington University, the Cal Berkeley Sailing Team, and two teams of junior sailors from EYC. The format of 3-on-3 team racing was a little different than the fleet racing most sailors are used to. In Photo by Darrell Powell-Ford team racing, each team consists of six sailors along with a couple alternates, racing in double-handed FJ dinghies. Teams finishing with a combined score of less than 10 points are declared the winner of the race (points being equal to one's finishing position). Teams raced in a round-robin (15 races), then the top three boats participated in a three boat playoff. Races are usually face paced, and last under ten minutes. It's perhaps best described as three match races happening at once. Racing might more resemble a basketball game at times, with boats setting screens or pick and rolls to help out their team mates. Team racing emphasizes not just speed, but boat-handling, tactics, and an in depth knowledge of the rules, some of which are altered in team racing. The flat water and medium-light breeze of the Oakland/Alameda estuary is perfectly suited for such racing, and it's a style of racing that I'd like to make the hallmark of our junior program. Saturday started out light, but by noon there was 6-8 knots of steady breeze blowing right down the estuary. Racing was close all day, with plenty of dramatic lead changes and razor close finishes. In the end it was Western Washington University that prevailed, by winning six of its seven races in dominating fashion. The Swedes took second place overall and were first among the junior teams (teams 20 and under). Given a little more time it's likely they would have given Western Washington a real run for their money. In fact, KSSS handed WWU it's only loss of the regatta on the second to last race of the day. Team racing is gaining popularity in America, and has long been popular in the UK, but it's not all that common in the international sailing scene, so to the Swede's credit they were catching on really quickly. The last race featured WWU against the EYC Junior Team. A loss for WWU meant facing Sweden again in a sudden-death winner take all show down. Undoubtedly feeling the heat, WWU stumbled at the start with EYC Juniors rounding the windward mark in winning formation. Slowly, WWU picked its way through the team of EYC juniors and sealed their victory, with the EYC Junior Team earning third place overENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 20 OCTOBER 2012 SOUNDINGS all. It was a great opportunity for our kids to spar with some college sailors and future Olympians. And even more so, I think it's given them a huge boost of confidence going into the high school season. The same kids that won races against the Cal Varsity Team and KSSS are going to step onto the high school scene in dominating fashion... hopefully. Western Washington University walked away with the grand prize, which includes an exclusive tour of the Artemis Racing facility located in Alameda, along with a ride for the winning team members aboard the Artemis Racing AC45 catamaran. The group of college sailors who made the 15 hour drive south were all grinning ear to ear for the rest of the night. Junior Paul Foley remarked that "it hadn't really sunk in yet," when I asked him how the win felt and what it meant. The team that drove 15 hours to make the regatta will fly down on Sept. 26-27 to go for the ride of their lives. After awards, KSSS head-coach Bjorn Johansson and EYC Commodore Victor Early exchanged burgees, as per yacht club tradition. Sailors were then treated to a presentation about the Artemis Racing program by Paul Cayard, CEO Artemis Racing, former Olympic sailor, and 2005-06 Volvo Ocean Race skipper. It was a unique opportunity for college sailors and local youth to compete in an international event. Despite the intensity of team racing, the Corinthian spirit of the sport was not forgotten, as was evident by the number of smiles on the rotation dock and the lack of protests. Great job to everyone who participated and thank you to all who helped make it a success! Results (Win-Losses) 1st Place: Western Washington University 6-1 2nd Place: KSSS (Royal Swedish Yacht Club) 5-2** 3rd Place: EYC Junior Team 3-4** Photo by Tony Shaffer 4th Place: Cal Gold 2-3 5th Place: EYC Open Team 1-4** 6th Place: Cal Blue 1-4 **Junior Team of Sailors 20 and Under ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 21 OCTOBER 2012 SOUNDINGS Photo by Darrell Powell-Ford Photos by Fred Fago ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 22 OCTOBER 2012 SOUNDINGS OUT OF THE ARCHIVES Compiled by Debra Early 1930’s at Encinal Yacht Club This summary continues the chronological summaries of our club and covers the fifth decade of history. As always, to mix up the articles, I’m also looking for good stories, ideas and more pictures to supplement these articles so just let me know! Following the market crash in 1929, it took until 1936 for the club to regain the same membership of 165. In spite of the hardships at the time, the family life and fun activities at the club continued and thrived. During the summer months, the facilities were crowded with sunbathing, swimming, canoe, skiff and sailboat racing as well as time spent bowling and playing handball. Children learned how to swim, sail and build boats. ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 23 OCTOBER 2012 SOUNDINGS The largest event was opening day, usually beginning on Saturday with parties hosted in club member’s homes, and culminating on Sunday with sail and swim racing. In the thirties, a fashion show was also included as well as a party. Winter months included “indoor cruises” which were parties where the club was decorated as the interior of a boat. Hum – now that sounds familiar and the same inspiration as our current bar! In 1937, the membership topped out at 200, the highest level since the pre-war days in the 1910s. The yachting revival was on in the late 1930s. Coming off the doldrums of the 1930s, a yachting revival began in the late 1930s and carried into the 1940s. Since the club’s inception in 1890, the club was primarily focused on small boats which continued in the 1930’s with Stars and Snipes. The primary new boat in the 1930s was the Snipe. The 15 foot Snipe was designed by William Crosby, and had its own Snipe Class Racing Association. By 1936, they were the largest racing class internationally. Many of the Stars and Snipes were built by members at the club’s boathouse, which was refurnished and expanded in 1938. A youth group was founded, made up of sons of several members who engaged in actively building these wooden boats. The decks were expanded to accommodate the growing fleet as shown in the photo included with this article. Look around the club and you can also see pictures covering this era, several highlight the Star class as identified by the star on the sail. ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 24 OCTOBER 2012 SOUNDINGS In Memory of Jon Simpson Clendenin Save The Dates: October 25, Pumpkin Carving October 26, Halloween Party October 20 COMMODORE”S BALL December 9, Guess who’s coming to lunch at EYC??? ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272
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