Worship Guide for Sunday, December 15


Worship Guide for Sunday, December 15
Following the worship service simple refreshments are served in the parlor to welcome
visitors. Church members are invited to attend, to visit with each other, and to assist in
welcoming our guests. Hosts this morning are Deb Norton and Jonathan Sledge.
Responding to scripture lessons through the singing of English and French carols, the
Chancel Choir leads us in worship today. Chancel Choir member Bo Reese offers the solo in
“He Is Born, the Divine Christ Child.” Members of the Chancel Choir also light the Candle
of Joy and speak the scripture readings. Associate Pastor Cathy Tamsberg offers the Call to
Worship and prayers.
Pullen Memorial
Baptist Church
Raleigh, North Carolina
The Chancel Choir
Soprano: Carol Ashcraft; Angela Bingham, Sylvia Edwards, Lois Gibbon, Carol Hodge,
Jane Hutchby, Oppie Jordan, Becky Overstreet, Anne Petters, Abby Sandling, Pam Woodall;
Alto: Mary Cochran, Beth Ragan Gad, Sue Kearney, Amelia Mahan, Nadine Martin,
Betty Miller, Jane Rhudy, Pat Thomas, Sharron Underwood;
Tenor: Neal Braswell, Frank Longino, Gary Oyster, Bo Reece, Thom Solomon;
Bass: Jeff Cherry, Vic Correll, Shayne Gad, Ed Gibbon, Ellis Gurry, Jim Hodge,
Andrew Marteka, Phil Miller, Ned Yellig;
Accompanist: Janice Hocutt;
Minister of Music: Larry E. Schultz.
Acolytes: Hannah Jordan and Lillian McCaskill
Worship Assistants: Sarah Almblad, Anne Dahle, Claire Campbell, Jason Campbell,
Warren Chesson, Frank Farmer, Steve Gurganus, Wayne Harris, Kristen Hibbets,
Larry Highfill, Lloyd Jones, David Ruffin, Jeanie Tyson and Lisa Wilson.
Large print bulletins and hymnals are available in the foyer.
Prepare a Pathway by Mary Louise Bringle & William P. Rowan:Words ©2002 GIA; Music ©1991 Selah Publishing.
When God is a Child by Brian Wren ©1989 Hope Publishing Company.
Whence Is That Goodly Fragrance Flowing? by A.B.Ramsey & David Willcocks ©1970 Oxford University Press.
A Maiden Most Gentle by Andrew Carter ©1978 Oxford University Press.
Birthday Carol by David Willcocks ©1974 Oxford University Press.
Reprinted under permission of OneLicense.net #A-701723.
December Fifteenth
Two-Thousand and Thirteen
Christmas Poinsettias and Greenery Given in Honor of:
The Worship of God
December 15, 11:00 a.m.
Third Sunday of Advent
Welcome to Pullen. Feel free to greet those around you before the service. Visitors are invited to
complete a Welcome Guest card and place it in the offering plate later in the service. Please turn off
cell phones and other electronic devices. Please refrain from flash photography.
Organ Prelude
Sleepers, Awake a Voice is Calling
J.S. Bach
Bringing the Light
*Advent Exclamation (supplement)
Prepare a Pathway
*Call to Worship
Mary Ruth and Roger Crook, by their friend Renee Keever.
Jim and Retta Crosson, by their daughter, Vicky Crosson.
Nancy Hendershot, Mary Musser, and David Highfill, by their parents Hilda & Larry Highfill.
Janice Hocutt, by her friend Mary Lou Eycke.
Sylvanda Judd, by his friend Anne Dahle.
Pat Long, by her friend Marilyn Brandt.
Robert McMillan, by his friend Anne Dahle.
Bobbie Parnell, by her son Dave Parnell and his husband, Jeff Evans.
Mary, Dascheil, and Mollie Propes, by their niece, nephew and cousins, Scott Fuller and family.
Three Pew Angels: Shirley, Goodness and Mercy, by Jean Carr.
Cathy Tamsberg
Leader: Come, prepare a way for Hope to be found,
for Peace to be fulfilled, for Joy to resound;
People: With Hope in our hearts, Peace as our prayer,
and Joy in our song, we prepare for the child
whose name is Love.
O Come, All Ye Faithful
O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant,
O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem;
Come and behold him born the King of Angels:
O come, let us adore him, O come, let us adore him,
O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord!
See how the shepherds, summoned to his cradle,
leaving their flocks, draw nigh with lowly fear;
We too will thither bend our joyful footsteps:
O come, let us adore him…Christ the Lord!
Sing, choirs of angels, sing in exultation,
Sing all ye citizens of heav’n above;
Glory to God, all glory in the highest:
O come, let us adore him…Christ the Lord!
*indicates the congregation may stand.
Pullen Memorial Baptist Church
1801 Hillsborough Street
Raleigh, North Carolina 27605
P: 919-828-0897 | F: 919-833-9364
www.pullen.org | @PullenChurch
Christmas Poinsettias and Greenery Given in Memory of:
Virginia Abbott, by her grandson Roger Adkins.
William Adkins, by his son Roger Adkins.
Nellie Adkins, by her grandson Roger Adkins.
Mary Beck, by her granddaughter Terri Beck Zanaglio.
Eugene Benbow, by his wife Sarah Benbow.
Fleeta Boyer, by her son, Kevin Boyer.
Bob Buckner, by his wife Sally Buckner.
George Buckner, by his mother Sally Buckner.
Charles J. Clay, by his wife Betty Clay.
Nanny Cofer, by her granddaughter Jan Hibbetts.
Janet Freeman, by her friend Dr. Leland M. Park.
Walter E. and Estelle G. Fuller, by their grandson Scott Fuller and family.
Mary Gowen, by her son Bill Gowen and his family Mary Moore and Max Gowen.
Connie Grimm, by her son Tom Cali.
Mary Beth Hall, by her husband Jim Hall, daughter Karen, and granddaughter Megan Sazani.
Mary Beth Hall, by her friend Anne Dahle.
Corky Hibbetts, by his daughter Kristen Hibbetts.
Vonceil and Norman Hielscher, by their daughter Pat Hielscher.
Roy and Minnie Ethel Hilliard, by their daughter Loretta Allen Adams.
Verna Krauss, by her granddaughter Kristen Hibbetts.
Vernelle Long, by her friend Marilyn Brandt.
Carol McClellan, by her friend Nancy Bradley.
Frances Wilson Metzger, mother of Theresa Moore, by Theresa & Gene Moore.
Charlie L. Moore, father of Gene Moore, by Gene & Theresa Moore.
Jeff Moore, by his daughter Mary Moore and her family Bill and Max Gowen.
Vertie Mae Moore, mother of Gene Moore, by Gene & Theresa Moore.
David Parnell, father of Dave Parnell, by Dave Parnell & Jeff Evans.
Gery Sandling, by his wife Abby Sandling.
Donna Steely, by her friends Brooks Wicker and Pat Hielscher.
Ed Sumpter, by his wife Jeanne Sumpter.
Johnny Thompson, by his friend Leslie Zanaglio.
Leon and Isabel Thompson, by their daughter Kathie Barnett.
Fred Lewis Tolson, by his son Devon Tolson.
Oren Tucker, by his daughter Karen Price.
Howard N. Wilson, father of Theresa Moore, by Theresa & Gene Moore.
Betsy Wooden, by her granddaughter Chris Wooden-Hand.
Warren Wooden, by his daughter Chris Wooden-Hand.
The Lighting of the Candle of Joy
Leader: With excitement we anticipate the celebration of the Christ child!
People: With song and scripture we recall the beautiful stories of Jesus’ birth.
Leader: We light a candle to symbolize the joy Christ brings.
Song of Blessing - Hymn 132 (Stanza 3)
When God is a Child
Kindergarten-2 grade children follow the light to their service of worship.
Joy is a song that welcomes the dawn,
telling the world that the Savior is born,
When God is a child, there’s joy in our song.
The last shall be first and the weak shall be strong,
and none shall be afraid.
–Brian Wren
Joys and Concerns of the Congregation
Prayers of the People
The Prophet’s Word
Isaiah 35:1-2a
Whence is that Goodly Fragrance Flowing?
Arr. David Willcocks
Whence is that goodly fragrance flowing, stealing our senses all away?
Never the like did come a-blowing, shepherds, in flowery fields in May.
What is that light so brilliant, breaking here in the night across our eyes?
Never so bright, the daystar waking, started to climb the morning skies!
Bethlehem! there in manger lying, find your Redeemer, haste away.
Run ye with eager footsteps hieing! Worship the Savior born today.
The Maiden’s Song
Luke 1:46-55
*Hymn (supplement)
Tell Out, My Soul (Mary’s Magnificat)
A Maiden Most Gentle
Arr. Andrew Carter
A maiden most gentle and tender we sing:
of Mary the mother of Jesus our King. Ave, Ave, Ave Maria.
How blest is the birth of her heavenly child
who came to redeem us in Mary so mild. Ave, Ave, Ave Maria.
The archangel Gabriel foretold by his call
the Lord of creation, and Savior of all. Ave, Ave, Ave Maria.
Three kings came to worship with gifts rich and rare,
and marveled in awe at the babe in her care. Ave, Ave, Ave Maria.
Rejoice and be glad at this Christmas we pray;
sing praise to the Savior sing endless “Ave.” Ave, Ave Maria.
The Angel’s Exclamation
Luke 2:8-14
Birthday Carol
David Willcocks
Rejoice today with one accord, Alleluia, this is the birthday of our Lord, Alleluia.
Gloria in excelsis Deo!
Shepherds abiding in the field, Alleluia, to them God’s glory was revealed, Alleluia.
Gloria in excelsis Deo!
Then to the shepherds sore afraid, Alleluia, an angel said, “Be not dismayed!” Alleluia.
Gloria in excelsis Deo!
“Tidings of joy to you I bring” Alleluia, “Today is born our heavenly King!” Alleluia.
Gloria in excelsis Deo!
“And ye shall find in manger laid,” Alleluia, “The babe in swaddling clothes arrayed.” Alleluia.
Gloria in excelsis Deo!
A host of angels filled the sky, Alleluia, thus singing praise to God on high, Alleluia.
Gloria in excelsis Deo!
Now join we all the angel throng, Alleluia, and let our voices swell the song, Alleluia.
All (sing two times):
The Shepherds’ Praise
Luke 2:15-20
He Is Born the Divine Christ Child
Arr. David Willcocks
He is born, the divine Christ-child, play the oboe and bagpipes merrily.
He is born, the divine Christ-child, sing we praise to the infant mild.
More than four thousand years on earth, seers his advent were prophesying.
More than four thousand years on earth, all awaited the joyous birth.
O what beauty and charm are thine, heavenly grace to our hearts supplying.
O what beauty and charm are thine; O what sweetness thou child divine!
In a manger thou deignst to be, straw the bed whereon thou art lying.
In a manger thou deignst to be, holy child of humility!
Jesu, whom we bow before, infant King all power denying,
Jesu, whom we bow before, in our hearts forevermore.
Hymn (supplement)
How Far Is It to Bethlehem?
Offertory Prayer
Offering of Gifts
Piano Offertory
Huron Carol
Arr. John Carter
Pullen welcomes you to join our faith community by coming forward during the final hymn.
We receive members by profession of faith in Christ and baptism, through transfer of church
membership, or by a statement of faith. If you would like more information about Pullen before
joining, please contact the church office to arrange a meeting with our pastor.
*Hymn (supplement)
Choral Benediction
O Little Town of Bethlehem
The Shepherds’ Farewell
Hector Berlioz
Thou must leave thy lowly dwelling, the humble crib, the stable bare,
Babe, all mortal babes excelling, content our earthly lot to share,
loving father, loving mother, shelter thee with tender care!
Blest are ye beyond all measure, thou happy father, mother mild!
Guard ye well your heavenly treasure, the Prince of Peace, the Holy Child!
God go with you, God protect you, guide you safely through the wild!
Organ Postlude
Noel Suisse
Louis-Claude Daquin
Hymn Supplement
Advent Exclamation
Tell Out, My Soul
How Far Is It to Bethlehem?
O Little Town of Bethlehem