All around it was a fantastic show!
All around it was a fantastic show!
Bring the love, spirit, life, and energy of Decidedly Jazz Danceworks to your school! To arrange your unique and exciting educational package please contact: Joanne Baker 403-616-9640, or fax in this order form to 403-245-3584. “All around it was a fantastic show!” Student, David Thompson School Yes! I am interested in: o The Great Jazz History Mystery o Artist in Schools Residency Program o Teacher Professional Development Workshops NEW History and Mission Decidedly Jazz Danceworks was founded in ow! h S s ’ Kid 1984 by Vicki Adams Willis (founder of the Jazz Division in the University of Calgary’s Program of Dance), Michèle Moss and Hannah Stilwell. Name: Their mission was, and continues to be, to create an awareness of, and encourage respect for the School: integrity, spirit, and traditions of jazz through performance and education. The company has an School Address: outstanding reputation for providing enjoyable and inspirational educational instruction for City: all grades and ability levels. Its professional Province: Postal Code: company performs in various Calgary theatres, and internationally. Email: 1514 - 4 Street SW, Calgary AB T2R 0Y4 programs Principal or Key Contact: k- 6 often with live music, and also tours nationally Phone number: Artist in Schools Residency Program Sponsored by A DJD residency is an intensive series of workshops that introduce students to the physicality, spirit and history of jazz dance. To get your entire school population moving, please refer to our website for full residency details and focus options. click on Arts – In – Ed Grades: K - 6 creation partners Length of residency: Dependant upon size of school, typically 5 - 10 days Maximum number of students: Up to 350/week Number of artists in residency: 2 - 4 Availability: September 2011 - June 2012, subject to teacher availability, please contact DJD to confirm dates Fee: $22 - 25/child + GST (minimum fee of $3200) Technical requirements: Sound system(s) with appropriate volume control for the residency spaces “What a joy it was to see my child expressing themself and moving to that great music!” Parent, Coventry Hills School Decidedly Jazz Danceworks (DJD) is committed to taking their love of jazz music and dance to schools and providing top quality instruction in a fun and energetic atmosphere. Dance feeds the soul, nourishes the heart, and puts groove into every step, especially when it’s jazz dance. NEW SHOW 2011/12 School Year! Teacher Professional Development Workshops THE GREAT JAZZ HISTORY MYSTERY! Enjoy a Teacher In-Service for your staff! A DJD Arts in Education representative will come to your school to brainstorm possible links between dance and curriculum, potential expansion of existing physical education initiatives and the addition of movement to music programs. Inspire your staff to get your students moving! Things are looking pretty flat when the world’s dancers lose all their jazz. Now, it’s up to the coolest Sleuth to search for clues and find the missing jazz. With help from the mysterious and zany guide “The Vibe,” and a few tricks from the dancers, he searches high and low, now and then, here and there and everywhere, around the world and back again...and discovers that jazz dance is a lot closer than we think! Public performances November 16 - 21 at Theatre Junction GRAND school tour Grades: K - 6 Duration: 50 minutes plus question and answer session Availability: November 24 – December 15, 2011 Fee: $700 + GST If booked by June 30, 2011 $800 + GST if booked after June 30. Technical Requirements: The show is fully selfcontained. Access to the performance space is required one hour pre-show for load-in and set-up as well as 30 minutes post-show for strike and load out. We perform on the gymnasium floor and require an area of 35’ wide X 30’ deep. Limited availability, so book early! Length: 1 - 3 hours Fee: $100/hour + GST Open to: All elementary schools in the Calgary area
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Bring the love, spirit, life, and energy of Decidedly Jazz Danceworks
Division in the University of Calgary’s Program
of Dance), Michèle Moss and Hannah Stilwell.
Their mission was, and continues to be, to create