Saturday, April 23rd - Sunday, April 24th


Saturday, April 23rd - Sunday, April 24th
FYC NewsWaves
Saturday, April 23rd - Sunday, April 24th
T h e F l o r i da Yac h t C l u b M o n t h ly N e w s l e tt e r A p r i l 2011 • F o u n d e d
This Month...
Wednesday, April 6th – Sunday, April 10th
Saturday, April 9th, 3:00 pm
Saturday, April 9th, 6:00 pm
Tax Day Specials
Friday, April 15th, 6:00 pm
Earth Day
Organic Food & Wine Specials
Friday, April 22nd, 6:00 pm
Saturday, April 23rd, 4:00 pm
Pirate’s Den Bar & Terrazo Lawn, $5
“A Royal Wedding” Slumber Party
Saturday, April 23rd, 4:00 pm
Sunday, April 24th, 11:30 am - 2:30 pm
Thursday, April 28th, 7:00 - 8:00 pm
Friday, April 29th, 9:00 pm thru
Saturday, April 30th, Morning
Coming in May...
Thursday, May 5th, 6:00 pm
Sunday, May 8th, 11:30 am – 2:30 pm
New Members!
Ms. Susan H. Adams
Mr. Jeff D. Darnall
Dr. Heather J. Ventura
Welcome Back!
Ms. Linda R. Alexander
Dr. David A. McInnes
1876 • V o l .CLXXI
Join us for an adult’s only hunt, FYC style.
We hide miniature bottles of your favorite
alcoholic beverages and you find, keep and enjoy
your hidden treasures. Awards are presented for best
hats, which pale in comparison to the fun we have
in judging them!
Sunday, April 24th, 11:30 am - 2:30 pm
Seating Upstairs & Downstairs
Adults $26.95, Children (5 - 11) $11.50,
Children (4 & under) Free
Omelets and Waffles
Easter is a special holiday and we are offering a
New England Clam Chowder
wonderful brunch and a fabulous Easter Egg Hunt
Complete Tossed Salad Bar
for you and your family to enjoy! The food will be
Fresh Fruit Displays
delicious and the kids will have an exciting time! Italian Pasta & Bacon and Egg Salad
Join us on the lawn at 12:35 pm for an Easter
Smoked and Seared Salmon Displays
Egg Hunt that your children won’t forget!
Eggs Benedict with Fresh Hollandaise
There will be prizes, candy and best of all,
Carved Leg of Lamb
2,000 eggs for your kids to find! Call
Carved Honey Glazed Ham
to RSVP for one of the busiest
Sliced New York Strip
and best Sundays
with Mushroom Bordelaise
of the year!
Chicken Marsala with
Buttered Egg Noodles
Shellfish Newburg with Puff Pastry
Spring Vegetable Pilaf
& Cheddar Onion Mash
Dessert Bar
Flag Officers & Board of Governors
Mike Shad
Thomas A. Bryan
Dr. R. Stephen Lucie
Robert S. Steeg
J. Palmer Clarkson
Vice Commodore
Membership & House
Rear Commodore
Building & Grounds
Members of the Board & Committees
H. Bradford Berg
Kevin E. Greene
Dennis M. Griffin
G. A. Ralston III
Stephen J. Shewbrooks
Randle P. Shoemaker-Crump
Wilson S. Studstill
Capt. Matthew W. Tuohy
Stephen B. Busey
John L. McCranie, Jr.
Arlette D. Keeley
Melissa M. Schlesinger
Stephen S. Bechan
S. Billy Mayo
Scott P. Wright
Wendy G. West
George L. Lannon
Bridget S. Markley
Jennifer A. Bechan
Louis J. Ballantyne
Alisa L. Blanchard
Power Fleet Captain
Fleet & Sail Captain
Food & Beverage
Pool & Fitness
Member Communications
General Manager
Membership & Marketing Director
Executive Chef
Food & Beverage Director
Dining Room Manager
Bar Manager
Banquet Operations Director
Banquet Sales Director
Wedding & Events Coordinator
Tennis Director
Fitness Director
Our biggest Club event, The Steeg
Member-Guest Tennis Tournament, will take
place early this month. We should have 70
or so teams with over 140 players competing
for the championship. This year, we have
decided to make our premier event even
bigger and try to include other elements of the
membership that typically don’t participate in
tennis. We have moved our Blessing of the
Fleet, which usually is held on a Sunday, to
the Saturday afternoon of the Tournament. We
have added a weekend-long “Boat-in” and will
have a Low-Country Boil Saturday night. Live
entertainment on both Friday and Saturday night
will provide a perfect venue for great fun for all.
summer uniform, the white pants and navy polo
shirt with the FYC logo on it. Just seek one of
us out, introduce us and give us the opportunity
to welcome your friends to the Club.
Speaking of recruiting, let me update you on
our efforts so far this year. In the important
classification of Resident and Junior, we have
added a net 2 Resident members and lost
a net 5 Junior members. As a side note, the
numbers above include losing three long-time
members to death. The good news is that we
have ten candidates who are in the process of
becoming new members.
Membership is not just the job of the Board of
Governors. It is a job for all of us. The financial
Because we will have something going on all
health and vibrancy of the Club depends on a
over the club all weekend long, and because
full membership and on everyone helping to get
by definition, the Member-Guest will be bringing
new members. The process is so easy. All you
lots of non-members to the Club, the Club will
have to do is call Melissa in the office and she
be very appealing to non-members. Please take
will take it from there.
this opportunity to invite some of your friends
Make your reservations for the big weekend
and neighbors who do not belong to the Club
Contact Information
now and we will see you on the court (and on
(904) 387 - 1653
of your Club and help us recruit new members. the docks, and on the lawn for dinner, and on
(904) 389 - 9993
Tennis Shop
(904) 389 - 4281
the dance floor too.)
Most of the Board of Governors will be at the
Fleet & Fitness
(904) 387 - 9683
events and would love to be introduced to your
non-member guests. We will be wearing our
The Profit & Loss Statement and Member Directory
Mike Shad
can be viewed online at the member only link:
Pirate's Den Hours
Lunch, Tues. - Sat.
Limited Menu, Tues. - Sat.
Brunch, Sunday
Dinner, Tues. - Thurs.
Dinner, Friday
Dinner, Saturday
11:30 am - 2:00 pm
2:00 - 6:00 pm
11:30 am - 2:00 pm
6:00 - 9:00 pm
6:00 - 10:00 pm
6:00 - 9:00 pm
Formal Dining Room Hours
6:00 - 10:00 pm
11:30 am - 2:00 pm
1876 Grille Hours
Front Office Hours
Sunday & Monday
Tuesday - Friday
6:00 - 9:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
For more events check out our Facebook
page! Search for The Florida Yacht Club
and select “Like.”
FYC Bonfire &
Happy Easter! We are hosting our annual grand buffet in the ballroom.
This is the best holiday of the year to celebrate at the Club! More fun
events are coming from the kitchen this month including our Tax Day
Specials. I hope that no one will wait until the last day to do their taxes
but either way, you deserve a break for doing them and we will feature
both $10.49 and $10.99 specials for and your family! Also in the Pirate’s
Den, we will be celebrating Earth Day. Earth Day specials will consist
of all organic proteins and produce. Organically grown food and wine is
the ultimate style of healthy eating and this will be an experience you
don’t want to miss! Speaking of healthy, it’s time to go swimming! April
is the time when the water and the sun warm up and the bathing suits
come out of the closet. That’s right, its pool time at the Club! We will be
opening the snack bar for the summer season later this month. There
will be some new menu options available poolside this year so keep your
eyes open for the debut! There are lots of activities this month for you to
enjoy and I hope to see everyone out at the Club!
April 21st, 6:30 pm
Talking about swimsuits and warm weather, cooking class is featuring
a summer favorite! There is more to a salad than mixed greens and
dressing. There are so many delicious combinations of ingredients to
try when it comes to salad-making. I am looking forward to giving you a
few new, light and healthy ideas that you can use in getting on the right
track for the summertime swing! One more thing, there is a change in
the schedule for cooking class that I want everyone to be aware of,
after April the class cooking class is moving to the 4th Thursday of the
month. Don’t miss us on the 21st!
Happy Cooking!
Chef Stephen Bechan
Executive Chef
The Grapevine:
How to taste wine?
In order to get the most out of any wine you taste it’s best to approach
it the same way professionals do. Keep in mind that you can smell
thousands of unique scents, but your taste perception is limited to
salty, sweet, sour and bitter. It is the combination of smell and taste
that allows you to discern flavor. If you doubt this try an experiment the
next time you are drinking your favorite wine. Squeeze your nostrils
shut while drinking some of the wine and you will see that suddenly
the wine seems to have no flavor. There are many articles and books
available on tasting wines. Just do a quick Google search and you will
find plenty. We will only cover the highlights here. There are three steps
in tasting: appearance, smell and taste.
Appearance – Much can be learned about a wine from it’s
appearance, for example, it should not be cloudy. If it is, then
possibly oxidation has occurred, presenting a very undesirable
tasting experience.
Smell – The aroma of the wine is its most important characteristic.
To really appreciate the aroma, swirl the wine around in the glass
(to fully expose the wine to the air in the glass) and then put your
nose in the glass and smell. You will know right away whether this
is a wine you will enjoy. It would not be recommended to try this
technique with a glass of red wine over a white tablecloth!
Taste – Take a small amount of the wine into your mouth. Tilt your
head slightly forward and draw some air in through your lips (see
note above about red wine and white tablecloth) and then hold the
wine in your mouth for several seconds before swallowing. Drawing
air in helps release the full flavor of the wine.
With these three steps and some reading about what to expect at
each step you will be able to fully appreciate and enjoy any wine.
Next month we will cover some of the common terms used to
describe the smell and taste of wine.
The Wine Club meets for a tasting class the third Tuesday of each
month. Make a reservation to try it out by calling the FYC office
(904) 387-1653. If you have questions, send me an e-mail at
Steve Shewbrooks
Wine Club Chairman
Chili Cook-off Results & Photos
1st place - Mrs. Barbara Silver & Mr. Randy Mancuso
2nd place – Dr. Peter Wludyka
3rd place - Mr. & Mrs. John Willoughby
The Inaugural Cowford Cup will be held April 9th and 10th! This
is the first year we are having this “junior only” event, and we expect
competitors from all over the Southeast US. Youth sailors will have the
option of competing within different categories of Optimists, Lasers,
and in the Club 420. The regatta will start late Saturday with a lunch
provided by Firehouse Subs, and we will get on the water before
the Blessing of the Fleet. Weather pending, the competitors may
participate in the Blessing and festivities afterwards. On Sunday there
will be racing until around noon, leaving plenty of time for traveling
groups to make it home by a decent hour. For more information please
visit the FYC website/ Fleet page or call me with any questions at
(904) 599-7814.
As if the Cowford Cup were not enough, Summer Camp registration
will also be opening in April. Please remember there will be a discount
until May 14th. The Summer Camp instructors and I are looking
forward to a summer of fun and competitive sailing with our new class
times and structures. Please see the information below, or once again
you may visit the youth sailing page of the FYC website. Please email to be added to the Youth Sailing Email
list. This way you’ll never miss a practice, regatta, or any other fun
time! On the website you will find a complete calendar of events and
relevant details. Let’s get on the water!
2011 Summer Sail Camp
Camps will start on Tuesday, June 7th, and run until Friday, August
19th. There will be no camps (unless specifically requested) on the
weeks of June 21st, July 12th and August 2nd. Please note the early
registration discount runs up to and through May 14th! Please check
out the last page of this Newsletter for full details.
Upcoming Events...
Family Fishing Seminar: Please RSVP
Thursday, April 21st, 6:00 pm
Seminar & Dinner, $16.95
Local inshore fishing guide Tony Bozzella will be the featured speaker
at an inshore fishing seminar to be held in the Astor Room on Thursday,
April 21st. The seminar is free to Club members as Tony will share some
of his best secrets for successful trips on the water and address various
techniques he has developed over his many years of local fishing. Our
dinner buffet will feature Blackened Tilapia with Lemon Butter Sauce,
Southern Fried Catfish, BBQ Chicken, and much more for $16.95. Bring
the whole family since there’s no school the next day (Good Friday). This
will be a great way to get primed for the spring fishing season. Captain
Tony is very graciously donating his time so be sure to keep him in mind
should your plans call for a local fishing guide.
H. Bradford
Power Fleet Captain
Frostbite Cruise 2011 Wrap-Up
Forty years ago, Bebe Ira wanted to celebrate Stewart’s birthday with
an overnight boat cruise to the family farm on Black Creek. Over the
succeeding years, Bebe and Stewart continued to host the overnight
boat cruise, now called the “Frostbite” cruise. To this day the Cruise has
become the Club’s most popular boat outing.
Last month, after a two year battle with cancer, we lost Bebe. The family
requested that we not change anything and continue plans for the cruise.
This year, the Frostbite cruise turned out to be a misnomer as it was a
beautiful spring weekend. A record crowd of over 150 people, 36 boats
Come learn safe boating and earn your Florida Boating License from
and 1207 lineal feet afloat (dinghies in the water counted) came and
Coast Guard Licensed Captain Charlie Berg. Classes start June 7th.
celebrated the legacy that Bebe started. There were three generations
Private and Adult Lessons available. Contact Charlie at (904) 742-9136.
of Iras, (Stewart, Liz, and Buck) as well as three generations of several
Camp rates are $230 for members and $250 for non members.
other families. Friday night, Randy Mancuso provided a fish fry for the
Congratulations to Greg Griffin, Dave DeCamp and Mark Reddaway
early arrivals. More than two thirds of the attendees were there by Friday
for winning the 2011 Thistle Midwinters East Regatta. This event was
night. Saturday night, more boats and cars came to cook steaks and
held at St. Petersburg Yacht Club on March 5th - 11th. Great Job
enjoy the set-up provided by the Club. Sunday morning, Liz Ira Williams
Gentlemen! Way to Go!
ran her mother’s kitchen and Downing Nightingale and many helpers
turned out the traditional fare of hash browns, steak and onions, eggs
FYC Waterfront Director and bacon, cheese grits, and of course milk punches.
Ryland Weber
Save the Date
St. Augustine Cruise to Camachee Cove: May 12th – 15th
Please call the front office if you’re interested in participating
and please RSVP your dock Slips by calling Camachee Cove’s
Harbormaster, Sean, at (904) 829-5676. Saturday Night will be the
season kick off party with free beer, wine and hors d’ oeuvres from
3:00 – 6:00 pm. Plans are still being developed for Friday
& Saturday Nights, more details will follow in May’s Newsletter.
This is a fun, family and mainly do-it-yourself party with a lot of help from
everyone who attended. Also thanks goes to Jeth and staff for
their assistance. Thanks to all who helped and a special thanks to the
Ira family!
P/C Downing Nightingale, Jr.
Tennis news
My Point
FYC Tennis Upcoming Events:
Thank you everyone who participated in the Mixed Doubles Club
Championships March 2nd - 4th and March 11th. We had sixty
players in this year’s tournament, which was up 25% from last year.
Congratulations to all of our Champions listed in this bulletin! This was
a very successful start to our Grand Slam Tournament Series!
The second major is none other than The Steeg Member/Guest. The
event begins on April 6th with our warm up clinics/practice rounds.
The big kickoff is on Friday night the 8th with the welcoming party. The
party will be out on the courts with a live band, pro exhibition, dinner,
cocktails and of course everyone wearing plaid in honor of the great
Stewart Steeg! Special thanks to John Valentino and Mellow Mushroom
for sponsoring the band! The tournament matches will be on Saturday
and Sunday. Saturday we will be adding the boat-in to the schedule of
events, to show off the waterside and on Sunday we will feature the
finals. I hope all of you, whether you are playing or not, will come out
and join us for this awesome event!
I would like to say a special thank you to our Tournament Committee,
Chair Peg Greene, as well as the Tennis Committee for all of their work
in putting this event together! Also a big thank you to Miller Electric and
Bozard Ford for partnering up as Co-Title Sponsors!
Thank you to everyone for your patience in getting on the courts
during this very busy time. With the overlap between the Country Club
Leagues and the USTA Leagues, the courts have been extremely
packed on the weekends!
A reminder from the Tennis Committee, there is a $5 guest fee for all
guests of members. Guests must be checked in at the pro shop before
going on the court. The only exception is when the pro shop is closed,
i.e. before 8:30 am, after 7:00 pm and on Mondays. The guest fees do
still apply and you are expected to notify the shop during the off hours.
Anyone that does not is in violation of club rules and will be notified by
our tennis Chairman Matt Tuohy. On behalf of the Tennis Committee,
thank you for your cooperation!
See you on the courts!
Louis Ballantyne
Director of Tennis
Congratulations to your FYC 2011
Mixed Doubles Club Champions
Division Champs
8.0 7.0
Chris Snoap / Ibby Greene
Stacey McKendree / Huson Gilberstadt
Val Diers / Leslie Gilliland
To Be Determined
Ben McDonald / Brooks Gallagher
April 6th-10th
April 14th
April 16th - 17th
The Steeg Member/Guest
LTA Meeting
Junior Team Tennis Sectionals (Daytona Beach)
May 6th
May 12th
May 19th
May 30th
LTA / Mother’s Day Social
Adult Quick Start (Free Beginners Clinic)
Junior Banquet
Memorial Day Mixed Doubles Social
June 7th
Junior Summer Camps
Junior News
Hey gang! Just wanted to give you an update on the FYC Grand
Prix Tournament that was held recently at the Courts! We had a
great turn out and are very proud of all of the kids who participated!!
Boys 8 & Under
Reed Hanigan
Charlie Hendrix
Girls 10 & Under
Lily Whitner
Julia Preuss
Boys 10 & Under
Stuart Bodin
Connor McQuade
Caleb Rowland
Wiley Gilliam
Girls 12 & Under
Ashton Hanigan
Amanda Thompson
Gilly McKendree
Boys 12 & Under
Andrew Culver
Chris Stephens
Jeffrey Preuss
Girls 14 & Under
Laurel Lee
Claire Vonderhaar
Ashton Hanigan
We also want to wish everybody who is participating in high school
tennis the best of luck and are looking forward to seeing all of the
Zone Teamers back at the Club soon!!!
April 2011
Special Events
Wednesday, April 6th – Sunday, April 10th
FYC Tennis Courts
From the Pro Exhibition, to the Party with Live Music, to the Action on
the courts, this event promises a good time for all involved. The tournament
will be limited to 70 teams and 16 per division. Sign up forms are available in
the Pro Shop and don’t forget to wear your plaid!
Saturday, April 9th, 3:00 pm
East Lawn, No Cost
All members and their guests are invited to gather at 3:00 pm on the East Lawn
for the prayer service. The Blessing of the Fleet will commence at 4:00 pm.
Member & Guest Low Country Boil
Saturday, April 9th, 6:00 pm
River Porch, Live Entertainment: David Pooler
Adults $24.95, Children (5-11) $9.95, 4 & Under Eat Free
Now that the weather is beautiful, join Commodore Mike Shad (after the
Blessing of the Fleet) for a Low Country Boil. This is a great opportunity
to show off the Club and bring a friend to dinner! The Chef is serving his
traditional boil including: Fresh Shrimp, Clams, Crab Legs, Andouille Sausage,
Corn, Red Potatoes and Onions. Also available BBQ Chicken, Fried Okra,
Sweet Ham Turnip Greens, Smoked Cheddar Grits, Tomato, Cucumber &
Onion Salad, Tossed House Salad and our Favorite Jalapeno Corn Bread!
Tax Day Specials
Friday, April 15th, 6:00 pm
Pirate’s Den
Tax Day is that “fun” day where Uncle Sam says it’s time to pay our taxes.
So to ease that financial burden, the Club is featuring inexpensive specials
for $10.49 and $10.99! Come join us at the Club and feast on delicious and
nutritious specials!
Chicken Parmesan $10.49
Hand Breaded Chicken Breast, Linguini Primavera, Cabernet Marinara,
Melted Italian Cheeses
Bacon Wrapped Pork Loin $10.99
Fresh Corn and Andouille Risotto, Julienne Vegetables, Green Onion Butter,
Blackened Tomato Coulis
Earth Day!
Organic Food & Wine Specials
Friday, April 22nd, 6:00 pm
Pirate’s Den
To celebrate Earth Day, the Pirate’s Den will feature Organic Food & Wine
Specials! Eating healthy sustainable food & wine has never tasted better!
All Organic Menu
Pesto Rubbed Chicken Breast
Fresh Vegetable Cous Cous, Bell Pepper Marmalade, Herb Cream Sauce
Fresh & Local Catch of the Day
Spinach Salad, Sweet Potato Haystack, Tomato Shallot Compote, Citrus Vinaigrette
Saturday, April 23rd, 4:00 pm
Pirate’s Den Bar & Terrazzo Lawn, $5
Join us for an adult’s only hunt, FYC style. We hide miniature bottles of
your favorite alcoholic beverages and you find, keep and enjoy your hidden
treasures. Awards are presented for best hats, which pale in comparison to the
fun we have in judging them!
A 48 hour cancellation
Club functions. Please
(904) 387-1653 for reservations
Sunday, April 24th, 11:30 am - 2:30 pm
Seating Upstairs & Downstairs
Adults $26.95, Children (5 - 11) $11.50, Children (4 & under) Free
Easter is a special holiday and we are offering a wonderful brunch and a
fabulous Easter Egg Hunt for you and your family to enjoy! The food will be
delicious and the kids will have an exciting time! Join us on the lawn at
12:35 pm for an Easter Egg Hunt that your children won’t forget! There will be
prizes, candy and best of all, 2,000 eggs for your kids to find! Call to RSVP for
one of the busiest and best Sundays of the year!
Hosted by: Premier Beverage Company
Thursday, April 28th, 7:00 - 8:00 pm
Pirate’s Den Bar, $10
Reservations Encouraged
“A Royal Wedding” Slumber Party
Prince William & Kate Middleton
Friday, April 29th, 9:00 pm - Saturday, April 30th, Morning
Living Room & Commodore’s Room
$20 per person
The British royal-couple-to-be will marry at 6:00 am for 4 hours! Ladies, if you
can’t get up for the start of the wedding, please join us for a fun night at the
Club as we watch the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton! The
Club is hosting a slumber party for ladies only, so bring your blow up mattress,
sleeping bag, pillow and blanket. The Club will record the ceremony in its
entirety and then replay it for you that evening. British themed hors d’oeuvres
will be served on Friday Night as well as breakfast scones, coffee, juice and
English tea on Saturday morning. A Member charge bar will be available with
cocktails and British Punch. There will also be a guest speaker on Friday
Night informing us about the Royal Family and reminiscing about the wedding
of Princess Diana and Prince Charles. A wedding and fashion expert will
be joining us in the morning to talk about designs and fashion and how Kate
Middleton’s wedding dress will impact the wedding dress industry for the next 10
years! It will be a fun night with your girlfriends. There will also be Canasta tables
for those interested. Please join us for this very special one time only event!
Thursday, May 5th, 6:00 pm
Pirate’s Den, Buffet $16.95, 2-for-1 Margaritas
We have a great party waiting for you in the Pirate’s Den with delicious
margaritas, an All You Can Eat Mexican Buffet and live cooking stations where
the Chefs are preparing Hot, Steaming Fajitas for your enjoyment! This is one
party that you don’t want to miss!!
Sunday, May 8th, 11:30 am – 2:30 pm
Upstairs & Downstairs, Reservations Encouraged
Adults $26.95, Children (5 – 11) $11.50,
Children (4 & Under) Free
The perfect Mother’s Day Gift is to make Mom feel loved and appreciated
on this day of days! Please join us at the Club for a delicious Brunch Buffet
prepared by our Chef. With stations for waffles, omelets and delicious
desserts, your Mother is sure to enjoy herself. We urge you to make your
special reservations early to ensure that you and your family can celebrate
Mom in FYC Style.
policy is in effect for all
se Call The Front Office at
tions for all Featured events.
April 2011
F Y C ca l e n d a r
Save the Date!!!
Fried Shrimp
Daily Specials
1876 Grille
St. Vincent’s Angio Scan
Friday, May 6th, 12:00 – 4:00 pm
Captain’s Walk, $75, Members Only
Call (904) 308-7428 to1 reserve your appointment.
Tear at perforation
Sunday Brunch
11:30 AM – 2:00 PM
Club Closed
Ten Buck
Fried or Baked
Pasta Bar
Fried Shrimp
Member & Guest
Low Country Boil
6:00 pm
j-24 Beer Can
Sunday Brunch
11:30 AM – 2:00 PM
Club Closed
Fried or Baked
6:00 pm
The Steeg
Sunday Brunch
11:30 AM – 2:00 PM
Club Closed
Ten Buck
Wine Club
6:00 pM
6:00 pm
Family Easter
& Egg Hunt
Club Closed
The Steeg Member-Guest April 6th - 10th
Ten Buck
Fried or Baked
Bingo Night
Pirate’s den Bar
7:30 pM
j-24 Beer Can
Board of
6:00 pm
Ten Buck
Fried or Baked
10:00 am – 3:30 pm
j-24 Beer Can
Daily Specials
Snipe Tea Party
Fried Shrimp
Family Fishing
6:00 pm
Earth Day
Organic Food &
Wine Specials
6:00 pM
cooking class
6:30 pm
Tax Day
6:00 pM
Pasta Bar
Bingo Night
Pirate’s den Bar
7:30 pM
Jerry Helms Bridge Festival
11:30 AM – 2:30 PM
Fried Shrimp
Pasta Bar
Food & Beverage
Bingo Night
6:00 pm
Pirate’s den Bar
7:30 pM
6:00 pm
j-24 Beer Can
Tennis LTA
6:00 pm
Pool & Fitness
6:00 pm
1876 Grille
Blessing of
the Fleet
3:00 pm
Bingo Night
Pirate’s den Bar
7:30 pM
Daily Specials
Mad Hatter Hunt
4:00 pm
Pasta Bar
Fried Shrimp
$10 per person
7:00 - 8:00 pM
“A ROyal
Slumber Party
9:00 pm
Daily Specials
Group Fitness Classes
You asked for it... New Group
Exercise Classes are here!
8:30 am
9:15 am
10:15 am
5:30 pm
Flexx-it (Strength Training)
Yoga Stretch
River Queens (Chair Exercise)
9:45 am
River Queens (Chair Exercise)
9:45 am
River Queens (Chair Exercise)
8:30 am
Flexx-it (Strength Training)
Pool News:
Pool opens on the weekends
beginning May 2011.
Fitness NEWS:
Everyone I meet wants to stay young and healthy but not everyone wants to stay
committed to working out. The NO PAIN, NO GAIN philosophy is not the way to get
in shape or stay in shape. Actually, the key to becoming a fit individual is quite simple:
be consistent, cross-train by incorporating different types of exercise into your weekly
regimen and make simple lifestyle choices with nutritional habits. Some of the little
choices add up to make the biggest difference in whether you reach your fitness
goals. Now that April is here many of you have tried to “get in shape” or “lose weight”
on your own or have “already given up and fallen off the wagon.”
Here are a few exercise tips that might help you get back on track:
1. JUMP START YOUR METABOLISM: You need at least two or three 30 minute
weight training sessions each week. You lose muscle mass of 3-5% every decade
from your 20’s-50’s and 5-7% or more in your 60’s-80’s. The good news is that you can
reverse this through weight training. You can improve your metabolism through weight
training. Did you know you can burn FAT up to 2 hours after a weight training workout!
Swim lessons begin in May, more details to come
2. YES to YOGA: If you are not stretching, you are missing the icing on the cake. Oh,
in the next Newsletter!
Aqua aerobics will be starting back as soon as the pool warms up. I shouldn’t use that analogy should I? Yoga will improve flexibility, balance, strength,
core and range of motion of your joints. Why wouldn’t you include one Yoga class in
Classes will be held on Tuesday & Thursday, at 9:45 -10:45 am.
your weekly workouts. It’s the feel good to working out!
Also we are now interviewing for lifeguards. Any interested
3. NO SWEAT? You really don’t have to sweat to get a workout. If you have only 15
persons can fill out an application at the front office.
- 30 minutes, then this is better than nothing but do it everyday! Don’t get me wrong,
those who do sweat can achieve faster results but something is better than nothing!
Massage News:
Stressed Out????
Massage helps us remember what it means to
relax. The physical changes massage brings to
your body can have a positive effect in many
areas of your life. Besides increasing relaxation and decreasing
anxiety, massage lowers your blood pressure, increases
circulation, improves recovery from injury, helps you sleep better
and can increase your concentration. It also reduces fatigue and
gives you more energy to handle stressful situations.
Call for a massage today!
Karolyn Cantin, LMT
Licensed Massage Therapist
(904) 228-8127
Facial News:
4. CROSS-TRAIN: You cannot make “apple pie” with just apples. (There I go again
using the wrong analogy, well it could be made with Splenda instead of sugar?)
Anyhow, you need many things to BE FIT. For Example, try one Yoga class a week,
two resistance training classes or workouts each week and three walk or runs a
week. This will complete all the ingredients to becoming FIT, (flexibility, muscular
strength and endurance training and cardiovascular training.)
5. FIND AN EXERCISE PARTNER: This can help you stay with your program.
It makes working out fun and a social event. It makes personal training more
affordable. It makes you feel guilty if you let your buddy down if you do not show up.
It provides an element of motivation and competition to your workout. So do your
best friend a favor and ask them to be your workout partner!
6. STICK TO IT: Research shows that individuals who participate in group exercise
classes or have a personal trainer have a 60% likely chance of adhering to their
fitness regimen, not to mention reaching their goals. Get involved in classes,
challenges, buddy training sessions, etc.
The Florida Yacht Club fitness offers classes for all ages, fitness levels and interests.
Our trainers are available to train one on one, with small groups and they can also
Oxygen Mask, $50 (savings $15)
design a workout program just for you if you are self motivated. My advice, don’t
The Oxygen Mask combined with steam helps delay, get started today!
the absorption of nutrients and encourages
skin circulation, vitality and improves the glow
Fitness Director,
of your skin. Refer a friend and get your next facial for half price.
Facial Of The Month:
Alisa Blanchard
Time to prepare for summer! Remember to hydrate and
moisturize your skin regularly because it's crucial for improving
the overall look and health of your skin. For more details or to
schedule your next appointment please contact me today.
Gina Bradley,
Cosmetologist and Facial Specialist,
Lose Big Winners!!!
1st Place – Kathy Cold
2nd Place – Chuck Boyd
3rd Place – David Hawkins
Lose Big Group lost a total of 80 lbs, 85.5 inches
and 27 % Body Fat!
Membership news
The Steeg is just around the corner! Everyone is looking for that
ringer…I mean partner, for the weekend. In my opinion, this is one of
the best weekends to be a member of The Florida Yacht Club. This
event gets better every year, Louis and the whole tennis staff makes
the weekend reflect the fun environment and inviting nature that is The
Florida Yacht Club.
Commodore Mike Shad and Bozard Ford Lincoln is one of the title
sponsors this year (along with Sandy Livingston and Miller Electric).
Commodore Shad’s number one goal this year is to increase
membership and I can’t think of a better way than his support of this
great weekend!
If you have never been to The Steeg Member/Guest tournament
before, you need to come out and just be a spectator! Wednesday and
Thursday nights are “Meet and Greet” Clinics for the players. Friday
Night is a great party on the courts: There is a local pro-exhibition,
dinner and afterwards a great band to dance the night away! Make sure
you come out to the courts Saturday and Sunday to see your fellow
members and their guests playing great tennis (and having an even
better time!)
The Board of Governors have recognized what a fantastic event The
Steeg Member Guest is and we are making the weekend a “Spring
Fest” for the entire Club. There will be a “Boat-in” Friday night. Saturday
will feature a Junior Regatta - the Cowford Cup and the Blessing of the
Fleet in the afternoon. Saturday Night will be the Member & Guest Low
Country Boil outside with musical entertainment. Sunday the club will
have a Masters viewing party. As you can see not only is Tennis putting
their best foot forward this week, but so is the whole Club!
So why am I telling everyone about this weekend in my membership
article???.....Because it’s a great weekend for you to invite that potential
new member to visit the Club or better yet invite them to be your Steeg
partner! Remember, the “Friends & Family Discount” and incentive
program (the Sponsoring Member receives a Club credit !) ends April
30th, so make sure to invite your neighbors, co-workers and friends out
to the Club. If you need more of an excuse to have them visit us, tell
them about watching a fun tennis tournament, dancing/listening to a
great band, watching an exciting Regatta, experiencing delicious food,
and fellowship… what more could you ask for?
Kevin E. Greene
Membership Co-Chair
In Loving Memory
Of our Special Members
Col. Joseph Bland Love III 03/30/1925 – 03/08/2011
Judge Jefferson W. Morrow 12/30/1954 – 03/02/2011
Dr. Daniel B. Nunn
08/11/1930 - 02/19/2011
Mr. Charles S. Stringfellow 02/13/1919-03/06/2011
Member Reflections...
We are new members and here is why we joined FYC. August
of 2009 found us contemplating one of the biggest decisions we
could make: would we move to Jacksonville from Connecticut? We
purposely came in August because on our first visit in April, people
had told us August was the worst weather month. We had spent 4
days with an excellent realtor, seen several neighborhoods and 22
homes. We had fallen in love with Riverside and had found a home
that offered all we were looking for. Yet understandably, it was a big
decision to make.
We knew if we moved, it would mean finding and starting new
friendships in a community where we hardly knew a soul. That
would take some work but we actually looked forward to it.
We decided to have brunch at FYC as part of our day of rest and
weigh the decision. The yacht club we belonged to in Connecticut
arranged reciprocal privileges with FYC. We explained to our server
that we were guests. A gentleman from the next table came over
and said he heard we were visiting. We introduced ourselves and
explained our situation. He warmly introduced himself as Steve
Shewbrooks, and told us he was a transplant from the northeast. He
gave us his perspective on Jacksonville and spoke enthusiastically
about FYC. He arranged for Billy Mayo to give us a tour before we
left. We were so impressed by that first experience of welcoming
hospitality at FYC. It made us feel even more positive about
Jacksonville and our ability to meet new people in this community.
The next day we took one more look at our home of choice and
then made an offer.
Applying for membership at FYC was one of the first things we
did when we arrived in December of 2009. We have now been
members for two change of command ceremonies, the cold one in
2010 and the wet one in 2011, plus many other FYC events. Each
time we are greeted by people we haven’t met!
There is something special here at FYC----a warm and welcoming
feeling from staff and members alike. We look forward to being
members for a long time.
Mr. Jim Schwarz &
Mrs. Patricia “Trisha” E. Meili
Members Since January 2010
Share your Experiences!
If you have a great story for our “Member Reflections”
portion of our Newsletter, please email it to Melissa at
Frostbite Cruise 2011
A special thanks to the Ira Family for the many years of hospitality
and being such a gracious host of The Frostbite Cruise.
Sincerely, FYC Staff & Members
Membership Bulletin Board
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Sailing Camp news
Opti Race
A one week class meeting from
2:30 - 5:30 pm on Tuesday and
Thursday, and from 1:00 - 4:00 pm on
Wednesday and Friday. If you know how
to sail, and want to learn how to sail
faster, then this is the class for you. For
sailors ages 7-15 (and under 130 lbs),
this class will include the instruction of
racing concepts like wind shifts, starts,
boat handling, rules and more.
Stop by the Front Office to pick up your
Club pride today!
And here it is! The much anticipated and long awaited Summer
Sail Camp Schedule! Camps will start on Tuesday, June 7th and run
until Friday, August 19th. There will be no camps (unless specifically
requested) on the weeks of June 21st, July 12th and August 2nd.
Please note the early registration discount runs up to and through May 14th!
Fun Sail
The Fun Sail class is a two week class meeting from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
on Tuesday and Thursday. This class is for youth ages 7-18, and the
description is all in the name. This class will take leisurely sails to
different areas on the river, bring their lunches on water, spend time in
the pool, and simply enjoy sailing, away from competition. This class is
for new and experienced sailors; however, younger sailors entirely new
to the sport are encouraged to look at the Opti Intro Class listed below.
Opti Intro
A two week class meeting from 9:00 am -12:00 pm on Wednesday and
Friday. If you are ages 7-15 (and under 115 lbs) and new to sailing, then
this is the class for you. Come and learn the parts of the boat, points of
sail, and steer the boat yourself. This class is taught in the International
Optimist Dinghy, a one person sailboat sailed in hundreds of different
countries all over the World.
Laser Race
A one week class meeting from 2:30
- 5:30 pm on Tuesday and Thursday,
and from 1:00 - 4:00 pm on Wednesday
and Friday. The laser is a one person,
high-speed and high-performance sailboat. The boat is great for sailors
who find themselves a little too big for the Optimist, but still want to
sail their own boat. This class is for sailors ages 12-18, who are of
appropriate size and strength, who want to learn the concepts of racing.
For registration prior to May 14th, all classes are $140, with a $20
discount for FYC members. Starting on May 15th, all classes are
$170, with a $30 discount for FYC members. All day supervision can
be provided upon request.
Prior to May 15th, there will be
an additional 10% discount for
3 or more classes purchased for,
and by, the same family.