2 5 - EventDV
2 5 - EventDV
28-44EDVB08 1/17/08 2:57 PM Page 28 Stephen Nathans-Kelly 2007 All-Star a nother year, another all-star team, and I couldn’t be happier with the team you picked. The competition was tougher than ever this year, with another dramatic increase in the total number of votes—thanks in large part to videographers voting up to 25 times—and the total number of votes required to make the list. This year we had more than 50 multi-vote getters who didn’t make the list, which speaks well for the the eagerness of videographers to recognize and honor their influences. As in past years, when assembling the all-star baseball cards that follow, I posed two of these three beauty pageant-style questions to each honoree. Here they are: • What is the biggest challenge facing/problem with videography today, and what can individual videographers do to address it? • What is the most important development in videography in the last year, and why? • What can we do to help the industry grow? 28 www.eventdv.net TEAM One frequent response to #2 was the impact of broadband internet and the prevalence of video forums, which have extended the sphere of interaction and influence to encompass videographers around the world. In deference to Thomas L. Friedman’s influential tome on the progress of globalization in the 21st century, I’m tempted to call the increasingly international scope of our industry more evidence of the “world is flat” phenomenon, but when you look at the variety of innovation in videography today, and the way that videographers interacting on a global level has spurred the explosive creative growth of our field, “flat” is the last word that comes to mind. So without further ado, I present, from points far and near, your newly minted all-star team: The 2007 EventDV 25. Stephen Nathans-Kelly (stephen.nathans@infotoday.com) is editor-in-chief of EventDV. Comments? Email us at eventdv@infotoday.com, or check the masthead for other ways to contact us. 28-44EDVB08 1/17/08 2:57 PM Page 29 event dv FEATURE “Great use of Glidecam. Young and energetic with a hip, cutting-edge style. Bringing exposure to video in the photo world with his innovative TTD shoots.”—EDV 25 Voters 25 • Winner, 2007 GPVA Film Festival Bronze • Competitor, 2007 4EVER Group Iron Videographer • Speaker, 4EVER Group Video 07-08 • Educational Topics: Camera Stabilization, Trash the Dress • Blog: http://videothatlives.blogspot.com Biggest challenge: “Business sense and education are the cornerstone for any company. Unfortunately, most videographers have little if any business knowledge. The local and national associations need to bring more awareness to this problem and take steps to address it.” Darrell Aubert • Member, GPVA, 2005-8; active participant, Video University, 2005-8, WedFACT 2007-8 25 T BER L AU L E R DAR Aubert Films • Allentown, PA www.newtek.com WWW.AUBERTFILMS.COM rk and editing “Daniel’s camerawo out from the nd sta style make him dal elegance work rest. His recent brimat on its ear ... has turned the for showing Leading the way in to reduce backlog videographers howpackages.” through SDE-only , WVP eo University, WC, VSF • Member: PVN, Vid m t.co http://dvartistry.blogspo • Blog: pment: Most important develo ng SDEs. ount of people doi “The rise in the am do that is can we t tha g thin le There is not a sing power the of s nes are aw ing more effective in rais ” of excellent video. dvArtistry Menitucky, CA m www.newtek.co ELL.COM WWW.DANIELBOSW “The authority on blogging. Leading the way on promoting blogs and teaching videographers how to use them.” —EDV 25 Voters 25 25 • President, Wine Country New Media Ass’n (2007) • Created CSI Network to provide commercial work to videographers nationwide (2007) • 2006 4EVER Group AAA Diamond, Concept Video • Speaker, Video 06-08, WEVA Expo 2007 • Videographer of the Year, Bay Area PVA • Contributing editor, EventDV (2005-8) • Educational materials: What a Concept (DVD) and Getting Paid What You’re Worth (audio CDs) • Educational topics: Use of blogs and social media networks in event video (with his wife, Tasra) • Blog: www.cinematicstudios.com/blog Ron Dawson h videography today: Biggest problem wit to free ourselves from ng ggli stru “We’re still ile ut videography. Wh abo s ype negative stereot p with this, SDEs hel can we ys wa there are many hing this e way of accomplis are the most effectiv important goal.” RON DA WSON Daniel Boswell —EDV 25 Voters 25 How to make industry grow: “Think big. You’re more than just a ‘videographer.’ You’re a media producer. Embrace new technologies and use them to expand your services.” Cinematic Studios • Cupertino, CA DAN IEL B OSW ELL www.newtek.com 25 WWW.CINEMATICSTUDIOS.COM February 2008 / EventDV 29 28-44EDVB08 1/17/08 2:57 PM Page 30 the EVENTDV 25 “Very talented in all areas of videography. Fantastic shot planning and credit montages. Very involved online.” —EDV 25 Voters 25 • Finalist, 4EVER Group Iron Videographer • 2nd Place, GPVA Battle of the Editors (2007) • Winner, 5 2006 4EVER Group AAAs, incl. 2 Emeralds (Post-Ceremony & Pre-Ceremony) • Moderator, DVinfo Wedding & Event forum • Speaker, 4EVER Group Video 07 (“How to Utilize Audio for a More Emotional Edit”) • Instructional DVD: GmElliott Videography Training: Volume 1 Glen Elliott • Winner, 2 2006 GPVA Film Festival awards, incl. Wedding Gold; 2005 Best in Show Biggest problem with videography today: “The single biggest problem with wedding/event videography today is the common focus on technology and resolution rather than mastering the actual craft we are conducting.” GmElliott Videography Williamstown, NJ www.newtek.com GLEN ELLIOTT WWW.GMELLIOTTVIDEO.COM 25 “Elysium’s videos, blogging, and networking with top photographers are helping to dispel the notion that videography is second rate to photography.”—EDV 25 Voters 25 • Winners of multiple WEVA CEAs and 4EVER • Speakers, Video 06-08 incl. Video 07 Live Edit seminar (Julie); 4EVER Group NYC Summit (2007) • Semifinalist, 2007 Iron Videographer (Julie) • Co-founders of ReFrame08.com • Active members, PVN (2001-pres.); former VP (Jeff) and board member (Alex) • Blog: www.elysiumblog.com Biggest problem with videography today: “The think small/hobbyist mentality and the failure to develop contemporary brands. Videographers need to stop settling for average, learn from similar industries (such as photography), be proactive instead of reactive, and embrace new trends in marketing, filmmaking, and editing.” Elysium Productions Group AAAs since founding company in 2001 Elysium Productions Orange County, CA www.newtek.com 30 www.eventdv.net WWW.ELYSIUMPRODUCTIONS.COM JULIE & A NALLE LEX HILL, KY LE Y, JEFF DEUTS CH 25 28-44EDVB08 1/17/08 2:57 PM Page 32 the EVENTDV 25 “Grea t wond business s ense; erful in fo willin g to h dustry con rward thin tribut elp an ker; to ask or; dy for he —Ev lp him et humble always entD self w e V 25 Voter hen n nough s eeded .” • es an g the uphill the va d grooms ba (befo lue of re the ttle of edu a We n well-p cating ir wed eed to r o d din u ced w con movie eddin g) about at a ti tinue to ed g movie me.” ucate . them one g reat STEVE FOWLER 25 www .new ? this man can ‘t do “Is there anything as d an , an sm es t busin A teacher. a smar e.” m selfless as they co tek.co m 25 Stev e F o w ler Winne r, Weddin 4 2007 WEV A won 16 g Gold & Corp CEAs incl. S ho orate P CEAs o roducti rt Form v erall • Win on Silv ner, 9 er; has 4EVE Produc tion Dia R Group AA A m s ond incl. 20 • Win 06 Soc ner, ial Eve Choice 5 PVACT aw nt ards, in and 3rd c l. 2006 Brides’ • PVA PVA M Choice CT Cha embers ir, elec • Spea tions c ommit ker, GP tee VA 12/ 07 and Video 08 (Sh How to oot Ta make Thrill) industr “We’r y grow e still : fightin brid VIDEO EX PERTS WWW • .THEV IDEOE East Winds or, CT XPERT S.COM 25 s —EDV 25 Voter velopment: Most important de cy back to the bring the vibran ll wi ng hti lig “LED nated mi illu y in the poorl images produced t videographers.” en ev of nts me working environ by John & Chip Gools traveling to than 2,000 movies, • Producers of more ies ntr cou 9 17 different states and OVAs, ER Group AAAs, 3 PR 4EV 4 , As CE VA • 7 WE Telly, & many more + seminars WEVA Expos and 200 • Speaker at all 18 e • WEVA Hall of Fam ecial ess of Wedding & Sp sin Bu • Author of The hy Event Videograp V status m to earn WEVA MP • Only father-son tea posium Sym & at VENTDV 25 Retre • Hosts of annual E uctions Cannon Video Prod om www.newtek.c Riverside, CA M THEROFVIDEO.CO WWW.THEGODFA CHIP & JOHN GOOLSBY 32 www.eventdv.net 25 28-44EDVB08 1/17/08 2:57 PM Page 34 the EVENTDV 25 “One of the most original voices out there, with a style more like independent film than a traditional wedding video.” —EDV 25 Voters 25 • 2006 WEVA CEA winner • Speaker, 4EVER Group Video 08 • The Knot, 2007 Best of Weddings • Co-Founder, ReFrame08.com • Member, Dallas/Fort Worth PVA • Educational topics: Shooting 8mm and 16mm for Maximum Profit; Modern Documentary Editing; Creating a Soundtrack to Attract Hip Brides • Blog: http://masonjarfilms.typepad.com Most important development: “The blog has revolutionized our ability to continually present fresh content and to develop a following of loyal fans.” Chris P. Jones • Active participant, WedFACT and Video University How to make industry grow: “We need to believe in the value of our product so our pricing reflects our pitch.” 25 CHRIS P. JO NES Chris P. Jones • Waco, TX www.newtek.com WWW.MASONJARFILMS.COM “Fun, fresh, modern take on wedding videography. Expert in packaging and style to attract the high-end bride, with a real affinity for film. She has opened the eyes of a lot of videographers to the profitability of shooting weddings on film.”—EDV 25 Voters 25 • Named to Modern Bride Top 25 Trendsetters of 2006 (first film & video company to receive this award) * KRISTEN 25 • Shot a $500,000 wedding on one foot after spraining her ankle before the ceremony and never let on to the bride and groom • Avid vintage camera collector • Featured in Nov./Dec. 2007 Modern Bride: “Planning secrets with Kristen* at Bliss*” How to make the industry grow: “We need to understand the value of our time and labor and stop giving away the farm.” Bliss* Productions San Francisco. CA www.newtek.com 34 www.eventdv.net WWW.BLISSPRODUCTIONS.COM Kristen* • Co-founder of ReFrame08.com 28-44EDVB08 1/17/08 2:57 PM Page 36 y. graph video g n i edd ” r of w k sta tand still. c o r t s s r i o f t t e “Th r conten rate Corpo rs Neve Vote ld for the EVENTDV 25 25 g Go cludin EAs in SDE C A E V WE for ing SD Gold 2007 includ s A • Five ; 2006 CEA A A Group Video w EVER 006 4 est in Sho 2 t h e • Eig ond and B : onlin m Dia er.com ographers 25 k a V D m T e o 6 EVEN oyvide edding vid he • 200 w.pin w ving t nd of ww for Filipino a achie r e d n iting, , shooting d e t • Fou /resource if n imesh productio T : forum s ic al top rkflow and o cation • Edu ok, SDE w chniques blog film lo tips and te .com/ g banua g a m editin on w.jas ade g: ww : has m • Blo ment line p n o l o s e a n dev sio ide xplo and r the rtant log e rmation impo ed fo nd b ount awards o a Most f c c in a m e s ru ua gban n Ma Jaso V 25 —ED fo the ang is ha “The r to exch ion in s. Th pher articipat sie a r a g e o p it .” l ide y tiona e U.S ng v graph amo f interna eld in th Video h o s e n g r dding tio su e n e W v ua con gban ippines and .COM n Ma il NUA Jaso ti City, Ph AGBA Maka ww ew w.n te m k.co ONM .JAS WWW JASON MAGBANUA “One come of the mo s is flaw to the fore t exciting front s less a —Ev in 20 tudios to n d the entD 07. T e V 25 d it in Voter g is a he shootin s mazin g • Prov g.” ided th PATRICK MOREAU 25 laggin esentation g of wh at we From behind the do is our w quali sorely ty of eb pr we pr the p esenc ovide roduc e to t ,am appro t itself h uch m e DV ach w . D pa ore o of ou ckagin r indu uld greatly consisten g t and stry.” enha ar nce th e per tistic ceptio n www .new Still-M tek. com Toron otion to, WWW Ontario, Ca nada .STILL -M OTION .CA 36 www.eventdv.net 25 Patric k M o r eau e foota comm ge erc primeti ial for the C for and cons ult me for a 6 wee non Rebel X ed on a nati • Prod ks in 2 Ti that o uced a 0 aired o nal 0 7 1 0-m weddin n g shoo inute demo confere t nce on shown at Ca of a Still-Mo ti n behalf • Won of Can ada Wide pro on 2 WEV on (20 A CEA 0 7 • Offic ) s (2007) iall Brevis y sponsored 35mm by Cin eVate, adapte • Blo Inc., m r g: ww aker o w.still f the motion blog.co Bigge m st cha llenge “The : pr 25 28-44EDVB08 1/17/08 2:57 PM Page 37 event dv FEATURE “The homecoming king & queen of wedding video.”—EDV 25 Voters 25 • Seven WEVA CEAs including 2007 Gold (Pre-Ceremony) and Silver (Wedding Highlights) • 4-time WEVA Expo & 4EVER Group speakers • Speakers, ABC, NACE, and PVAs • WEVA Hospitality Committee (2006) • Columnist, EventDV (Laura) • Educational DVDs: Reaching the Next Level Through Marketing & Artistry, Reaching the Next Level Through Sound Design, A Tour of Weddings • Educational topics: Shooting techniques, marketing, stylized filming and editing How to make industry grow: “We need to develop our own value, because that’s where the value of video lies. By doing so we raise the perceived value of video, which will increase consumer demand.” Steve & Laura Moses • Five 4EVER Group AAAs including 2 Diamonds (Demo & Love Story), 2005 Vantage Point Productions San Dimas, CA www.newtek.com WWW.STEVEANDLAURA.COM STEVE & LAURA M OSES 25 “Our industry needs many more like Alan Naumann, who seeks to improve the professionalism and expertise of everyone in our field.” 25 —EDV 25 Voters • Recipient of 3 Telly awards, 2006-7 • Speaker, WEVA Expo 2004-7 • Publishes newsletter on funeral videography to almost 900 videographers around the world • Columnist, EventDV • Course instructor, The Age of Funeral Video, Continuing ed for Minn. funeral directors • Educational DVDs: Funeral Videos: Business Everlasting and The Complete Course on Funeral Videography How to make industry grow: “We need to be willing to explore new ways that video can be used and not just be content to tape the events we have in the past.” NN AUMA ALAN N 25 www.newtek.com Memory Vision • Minneapolis, MN WWW.MEMORYVISION.TV Alan Naumann • Speaker, 2007 Minnesota Funeral Directors Convention and Illinois Videographers Association 28-44EDVB08 1/17/08 2:57 PM Page 38 the EVENTDV 25 “Producing continually stellar and inspiring work. The branding is slick, the edits are tight, and the vibe is fresh.”—EDV 25 Voters 25 • Independent writer, director, and filmmaker • Board member of KMN, which promotes and develops creative talent • Blog: http://in2velvetine.blogspot.com Most important development: “The continuous broadband revolution. We can keep abreast of industry trends, exchange knowledge, and demonstrate our skills to global audiences.” Biggest challenge: “Event videographers tend to be individuals who take on the role of an entire film crew. Very few excel or even are competent at all levels of filmmaking. Training can help individuals to specialize in one or two areas and help them fit into a high-end studio.” MAURICE O’C ARROLL Velvetine Productions www.newtek.com Tralee, Co. Kerry, Ireland WWW.VELVETINEPRODUCTIONS.COM 25 n atterso Bruce P l on leve histicati e that p o s g amazin ing magazin rs has an dd ote “Bruce created a we .”—EDV 25 V e s and ha race Ormond r rivals G imedia fo r of Mult dding magazine to c e ir D xury we sher and • Publi xe, Canada’s lu 05) ghts (20 WedLu g Highli in d d e s (2006) A CEA, W CTV New • WEV n o d re any featu 8.com • Comp eFrame0 ws under, R .com/ne • Co-fo creative 25 Maurice O’Carroll • WedFACT representative loudnine : www.c • Blog ls that ent: channe velopm rtant de e number of ute o ib p tr im is t Mos in th le to d ut crease vailab web, b ds. d n “The in hers have a a rap st DVD nes, and iPo ju t o videog -n o aterialave to TV, iPh their m ch as Apple eographers h will su id s le v e p t o ic a e v de ways th k, the more p l video.” e r o m a wor The ssion te their lue of profe distribu e va th te ia apprec ay g Blu-r creatin ge: r n e fo ll s a n h tc ptio Bigges tage.” iable o HD foo ck of v “The la D discs from DV or HD ative ine Cre Cloud Ner, BC, Canada ATIVE.COM v ECRE Vancou www. k. newte com IN LOUDN WWW.C BRUCE PATTERSON 38 www.eventdv.net 25 28-44EDVB08 1/17/08 2:58 PM Page 39 “He sho o at the sl ts for perfectio n o excellen -mo epic weddin and hits it. Gre at t Steadic g style, style is v a w ersatile m shots. His sh ith o a Always inspiring nd his storytell oting ing fluid to see.” . —EDV 2 5V How to m ake indu stry grow “Contin : ue to le arn, gro limits to w, and the edge push cre . Surrou talented ative nding o pe neself w inspire g ers and having ith reat ide an open a min sa of us gro ws as an nd creativity. W d will individu grow as h al, our in en each well.” dustry w ill 25 Don Pha m oters • Winner, five 4EVER G roup AAA Diamonds s, incl. tw (Ceremon o y, Post-Cer Emerald (S emony) an tage Prod d one uction) • Winner, 2007 WEV A CEA Silv er (Short • Speaker Form) , 4EVER G roup Video 07 • Key To pic: Live Ed it • Co-foun der, ReFra me08.com event dv FEATURE Take 1 P ro www. newtek .com Waterford ductions , MI WWW.C APTURIN GTHEMO MENTS.C OM DON PHAM “High level of commitment to not only their own business, but to educating other videographers through seminars, articles, and training videos..”—EDV 25 Voters • Judge, 2006 4EVER Group AAAs (Laura) • Past president and active member of PEVAN • Speakers at Video 06-08 and local associations around U.S. and Canada S& CHRI ALL AND R A LAUR 25 • Collaborative TV show, BridesNorthwest (2006) • Beta tester for Adobe and Matrox, 2003-present • WEVA 911 Community Service Award, 2004 • Educational DVD: Dissection of the Same-Day Edit • Educational topics: SDEs, Cinematic Shooting • Blog: www.edit1media.blogspot.com How to make industry grow: “Focus on the best way to tell a story and don’t undercharge.” Edit 1 Media, LLC • Tacoma, WA www.newtek.com WWW.EDIT1MEDIA.COM 25 Chris & Laura Randall • Won two 2007 Telly Awards for corporate video 25 28-44EDVB08 1/17/08 2:58 PM Page 40 the EVENTDV 25 he keep t t will a e.” h t im d r long t tanda long, set a s a s r a o f h “He aching f us re rs rest o te dding 25 r We Gold fo g 2007 As in d lu c As, in R Group AA EVA CE VE Award • 23 W tory; two 4E r Vision S b LeBa o B Love , e forum of Fam online -pres.) A Hall ator of 07 tr 0 is • WEV (2 in adm .com raphers der and • Foun ingCinematog ditor Wedd uting E Contrib ker V tD n e to the o spea • Ev arching VA Exp E W r a e ries, “M y e is lt p u o sh 07 •M ay work rummer,” 20 ted 2-d D ing, 3D • Initia f a Different it d e eshift marketing Beat o im T : s , ic s eo top ational cept vid • Educ ontage, con .com m infilms b to o ro h id p v a .d g lo /b : http:/ • Blog more need e: d. We g e n lu e a ll v st cha under for major Bigge rossly d event vo V 25 —ED Robin David g n gnize e still ure, a “We’r dia expos ony to reco nsorships.” S me spo h it w mass cturers like board fa manu and get on y tr s ti r a o, CA • Encin films ILMS.COM F robin | david AVIDROBIN .new www tek.co m .D WWW 25 DAVID ROBIN “Up-an d-comin g trend storyte setter. ller wit Excelle h a gre The brid nt at eye ge betw for the een the and vid camera high-en eo wor lds.”—E d photo . DV 25 25 o closer to ls available fo r creati film.” ng a lo ok that’ How to s make in dustry g “Come row: togethe r of vide ograph and help prom y to bri ote the des.” interest CINEMA www. 40 www.eventdv.net newt ek.co m Monroe TICBRIDE , LA WWW.C INEMAT ICBRIDE .COM 25 Jo s h u a S mith JOSHUA SMITH Voters • Feature d in spot, 6/1 Good Morning A 6/07 merica T rash the • Winne Dress r, 2006 W E V A C E A Silver • Speake (B r, V ridal Spo tlight) Mind”) a ideo 07 (“Close Y nd Video our Eyes 0 8 (“ R • Speake ock the B and Open Your oat”) r, LIVA (“ Rock the • Online Boat”), 2 forum m 007 ember, W • New 2 eddingCin -day ematogra phers (October workshop: Rule Breakers 6-7, 2008 ) • Blog: www.cin ematicbri de.com/b log Most im portant develop “More ment: to 28-44EDVB08 1/17/08 2:58 PM Page 41 event dv FEATURE ambassadors of “One of the true V 25 Voters ED — .” try our indus TIM S UDAL L 25 elopment: Most important dev revolution and d the next video rte sta s ha “YouTube difference.” a ke werless to ma empowered the po om www.newtek.c ons Video One Producti Havertown, PA V WWW.VIDEOONE.T “The top shelf of New Orleans. They understand how to make a business survive better than any studio in the country.”—EDV 25 Voters • President, LAVP (Terry) • Videographer of the Year, Wedding Professional Guild NO (2005-6) • Finalist, 4EVER Group Iron Videographer • Multi-year CEA winners, WEVA & 4EVER Group speakers • Co-founders, ReFrame08.com How to make the industry grow: “Re-evaluate the style of product being delivered. Search for fresh and innovative shooting/editing concepts. Video is no longer new to the wedding industry, and that excuse for our failure to become a staple of the wedding day has passed.” Studio Vieux Carre New Orleans, LA www.newtek.com 25 WWW.STUDIOVC.COM 25 Studio Vieux Carre • Run weekly TV show/website/magazine: The Wedding Planning Experience VELLA RRY TARA RE JOE & TE R P . N ST IE AND JULIA 25 Tim Sudall (2004) LeBar Vision Award • Winner, WEVA Bob Toronto, A, PM 7); 200 o (1999r • Speaker, WEVA Exp VA Town Meeting tou WE 18 8); 07(20 as Las Veg conference (2006-7) al ion nat CE NA 6); cities (2000mittee Disaster Response Com • Chairman, WEVA NBC’s , t igh Ton nt Entertainme ng • Featured on CBS’s twork’s Whose Weddi Ne le Sty , ngs ddi Ultimate We .com des Bri TV, t Kno , is it Anyway? WEVA CEAs • Winner, multiple VA Hall ll of Fame (2003); GP Ha VA • Inducted, WE of Fame (2004) (2005-6) ctor, The Art of Video • Temple Univ. Instru , ent em : Business Manag • Educational topics t Sho er Pow lls, Ski Networking Collection t: Video Power Tools • Educational produc 28-44EDVB08 1/17/08 2:58 PM Page 42 • Won three Diamon 2007 4EVER Gro d & Eme up AAA rald s incl. H • Won ighlight three 20 07 WEV Instant A CEAs Edit Gold incl. H s (34 aw • WEVA ards tota ighlight & Hall of Fa l) m e, 2006 • Speake rs, Vide o 07 and around WEVA E the coun xpo 200 try (200 7 and 5 7) • Hoste PVAs d 7 One on One worksho • New ps (2007 educatio ) nal DV Real We ddings V Ds: Moving Ca mera Te ol. 1 chnique s 2, How to make in d ustry g “We n row: eed to c ha regard ourselv rge what we ’r es as a n unde e worth and rrated service not .” Picture www .new MARK & TRISHA VON LANKEN tek.co 25 ing f train o r o h aut r. r and ributo ucato nline cont ary-style d e r o nt ula “Pop Generous g docume in s. g r D e V m D e er in rs Pione EDV 25 Vote — ” . t i d Group e m Tulsa, O This Produc tions K WWW.M ARKAN DTRISH A.COM 25 n Watso Chris 4EVER 004-5; Expo 2 A V E aker, W 01-5 • Spe 06-07 ith rds, 20 iting, w Video A awa V -P and ed W F g D n ti 8 o ls o ner, ics: Sh fundamenta • Win lly d nal top otiona ucatio rytelling an d e y e ting Em our Raw to a s •K n re o C sis crets to percharge Y empha u Ds: Se nal DV Vol. 1 & 2; S t Production o ti a c • Edu d Videos, ur Pos o Y e e rg Charg Supercha .net e, gfilms Footag weddin s a ll a w.d g: ww • Blo ers t: graph pmen video y. A new evelo t d a t h n t ta ays g stor legance impor e new w eddin Most citing tell the w bining the l of the x e e o e m t e f o “Th g c w in rged e ra hoos are c ic has eme le with th trend of y t t is e s aesth inematic . I hope th c le of the ntary sty ntinues.” e m u c ion co t do a t n hy ime ograp exper n Vide Watsoorth, TX .COM VIDEO Fort W TSON A .W WWW .new www 42 www.eventdv.net tek. com CHRIS WATSON 25 Ma r k & T risha V o n L anken “In add it videos ion to creatin gb ,t look fo he Von Lank eautiful, cine matic ens co r ways ntinue to throug to h their share their kn confer sessio ns at n owledge en ationa One on ces as well l as One w —EDV orksho their trailbla 25 Vote z ps in T rs ulsa.” ing the EVENTDV 25 25 28-44EDVB08 1/17/08 2:58 PM Page 44 the EVENTDV 25 “What Dave does with the Glidecam is unparalleled. As an educator he speaks not only on the best shooting techniques and Glidecam certification, but also on the business side of running a successful company.”—EDV 25 Voters 25 • 2007 Best Videographer, FoxPhilly • 2006 WEVA Int’l Battle of the Editors winner • 5 WEVA CEAs; 4 GPVA Film Festival Awards • GPVA Hall of Fame • International speaker/trainer, 2001-pres. • Educational topics: Glidecam cert., cinematic shooting, hiring an editor & other business topics • Educational DVDs: Smooth Moves I & II • Blog: www.dvideography.com/blog Dave Williams • 2006 EVENTDV 25 DAV E WI LLIA MS 25 How to make industry grow: “Find the balance between what technology offers and what the client actually wants.” DVideography Philadelphia, PA www.newtek.com WWW.DVIDEOGRAPHY.COM “Talented and creative producers who share their talent and price their work for what it’s worth. The way it should be.” —EDV 25 Voters 25 • 14 WEVA CEAs, 2001-7, incl. 6 Golds • EVENTDV 25 2006-7 • Speakers, WEVA Expo 2005-7, 4EVER Group Video 06-08, multiple local PVAs • Taught multiple “Cinematic Shooting & Editing” hands-on workshops out of their studio, 2007-8 • Educational DVDs: A Bridal Spotlight From Land, Sea & Air, Shortform Weddings, Love Stories & Concept Videos, Highlight Reels • Educational topics: Cinematic Shooting & Editing E ANDE 44 www.eventdv.net HT WRIG F F E &J 25 Biggest challenge: “Getting paid properly for what quality wedding productions are truly worth. We need to continue to produce amazing work, get it in front of the right people, and dig our heels in and raise our prices accordingly.” Blue Skies Cinema • Corona, CA www.newtek.com WWW.BLUESKIESCINEMA.COM Jeff & Andee Wright • 7 4E VER Group CEAs,. 2005-6, incl. 4 Diamonds
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