Sire Summary August 2014
Sire Summary August 2014
Sire Directory Sire Summary August 2014 2015 Lower Saxony Saxony MASTERRIND GmbH Bremervörde Rodenkirchen Bad Zwischenahn Haselünne Dalum Lingen Nückel Bremen Cloppenburg Verden Uelzen Sulingen Hannover Northeim Cover picture Photographer: Wolfhard Schulze Leipzig Meißen Dresden Dear Friends, Dear Partners, Dear Customers, MASTERRIND is proud to present the 2015 Sire Directory, which includes an enhanced lineup of Holstein sires from Germany‘s Premier Holstein Breeding Program. Within MASTERRIND’s new cooperative structure, over 9.000 farmer-members are represented with 700.000 Holstein cows under milk recording, covering Germany’s main and most progressive cow areas of Lower Saxony in the North-West and Saxony in the Southeast. While Germany has the largest Holstein herdbook population worldwide, a key portion of 571,000 cows are registered in the MASTERRIND area, averaging an outstanding record of 9,173 kg milk with a 4.10 % fat test and an exceptional 3.40 % protein test in 2013. The joining of the Weser-Ems-Union (WEU) to form Germany’s most powerful breeding organization has been successfully completed and the extended and enhanced offering of MASTERRIND genetics is well-accepted by our growing customer base. Each year the list of countries that benefit from our Top offerings is increasing and distributor partners in more than 50 countries have successfully imported MASTERRIND semen in the current business year. In order to strengthen our global distribution network and to provide faster and better service to our customers several new subsidiary companies have been founded which includes MASTERRIND Holland B.V. and Mastergen Ltd. in the UK, both starting their sales activities with the current Sire Summary in August 2014. The 2015 Sire Directory includes great new additions to our MASTERPROVEN-lineup providing both, the overall quality plus the necessary diversity of pedigrees needed for breeders as well as commercial dairy producers. Based on the industry-leading quality of German genomics our MASTERGEN-lineup includes new, breed-leading sires in 9 different selection groups, enabling our client-base to find superior options also for traits that have increased demand, like Daughter fertility or Polled genetics. We are proud to offer one of the world’s strongest Polled programs. Polled genetics are not just a niche market anymore and the demand for high quality Polled cattle is further increasing in many countries. Since January 2014 the Eurogenomic partners including Germany decided to exchange genotypes in order to get published GEBVs for all genotyped young Holstein bulls older than 10 months and A company of RPN used for AI on the different domestic scales. After several unofficial, so-called implementations runs, GMACE has seen its first official routine run in August 2014 which means that all countries participating in MACE must publish all MACE and GMACE (G)EBVs. The GMACE results from April and August have shown that the key MASTERGEN bulls do perform exceptionally well on all different country scales underlining the overall quality of our genomic line-up. For the first time MASTERRIND provides selected, quality bulls in the breeds of Montbeliarde and Jersey, to meet the demand of current growth of these dairy breed in the world. Together with our sire options in Milking Simmental (Fleckvieh) and German Brown Swiss (Braunvieh) this catalog contains bulls of 5 different dairy breeds, to assure that customers breeding for these cattle have MASTERRIND options to choose from. An extended cross-selection of exceptional MASTERRIND beef sires from all major beef breeds complements the exciting overall bull lineup available from MASTERRIND. We sincerely hope you will enjoy studying the new catalogue and wish you great success by selecting the right group of sires to fit your own, custom breeding goals and to allow for a profitable future dairy production. Cord Höltje Dr. Matthias Riedl General Manager Semen Marketing Head of Semen Export Department from left to right Steffen Feurich, Dr. Matthias Riedl, Volker Meins, Cord Höltje Table of Contents Sire Special Genotypes Reg. No. Page MASTERPROVEN Holstein Black & White Canyon-Breeze Shotle Ace Special Genotypes Reg. No. Page Pioneer NLD 05 22336869 25 Veenhuizer Plan Z NLD 05 25857015 45 USA 00 62897556 40 Planay NLD 05 32151018 37 USA 00 61720218 8 Proliz DNK 30 01001682 46 Barnkamper Alkony NLD 05 35413276 40 Mars Pythagoras NLD 05 23540896 38 Ashmore NLD 04 75750330 40 Sandrino DEU 03 53682056 38 Bakombre NLD 05 20451540 9 Peter Meutes Schaffner DEU 07 68768423 46 26 Southland Shaddow NLD 04 38266441 39 KHW Elm-Park Acme RDC Go-Farm Baltollo SE X ED AVAILABLE SE X ED ITA AVAILABLE 01 99 90532756 Fuxberg Holsteins Barnaby DEU 14 034 61516 10 Shoeberg DNK 33 72302874 46 Battunga NLD 05 22667606 26 Caps Somorra NLD 05 21973115 46 Baxcel NLD 04 94871612 40 Fuxberg Holsteins Tibolo DEU 14 02676632 47 Go-Farm Baxtino ITA 11 Giessen Tovero NLD 04 37290230 47 USA 00 63563752 41 Twinkle DEU 14 03120602 47 Regel Elegant Beagle USA 00 61691030 12 Reinermann Rüsfort Wayang DEU 03 51144054 39 Benstrup DEU 03 52548421 13 Windspiel DEU 03 46427242 47 Biarritz FRA 22 16979219 27 NLD 03 58040361 41 NLD 04 91112006 14 Sandy-Valley Baystreet SE X ED AVAILABLE Hol-Stiens Bigamon Barnkamper Björk SE X ED AVAILABLE Blomdahl 01 99 90532755 DNK 57 22002694 15 Boenisch DEU 03 52651213 16 Abtshoeve Bokko NLD 04 96356034 27 Reinermann Rüsfort Boneiro DEU 03 52800307 28 DEU 03 51787864 28 NLD 04 49373721 29 Bowers DNK 23 71401852 17 Veenhuizer Boyle NLD 04 87756333 29 Clear-Echo Baxter Bradon USA 00 64633901 30 Markwell Mrsh Braveheart USA 01 33221048 41 ITA 41 Borislav A2/A2 SE X ED AVAILABLE Boswell A2/A2 Zani Bolton Broderick A2/A2 01 79 90516802 Calgary DEU 03 52950155 30 Ralma Baxter Corporal USA 00 53478876 42 Ocean-View Marshall Dan USA 01 33198924 42 Docker NLD 05 29028831 42 Risbak Emidio X ED MASTERPROVEN Holstein Red & White Bunto Red Burnrae Red Donatelli Red Schleswig-Holsteins Einklang Red Elabell Red Caspars Elan Red SE X ED Huijbens Elwood Red Fanetto Red Jauquet Jackel P Red SE X ED Jotan Red Lakai P Red Huijbens Lasumo P Red SE X ED Levant Red SE X ED Lewitan PP Red Elmmound-Dj Mister B Runi Red Tassoni Red AVAILABLE A2/A2 Pp AVAILABLE AVAILABLE AVAILABLE Pp Pp A2/A2 PP 05 19617162 05 26754863 05 80498170 01 16122892 03 52534266 06 63196025 04 29467307 03 48261918 00 62313734 03 93714184 03 52119182 04 99471075 06 62992184 04 94734245 04 98823718 03 50169626 52 54 54 54 52 53 48 54 53 49 55 50 51 55 55 55 CAN 00 09608034 76 DEU 03 56171560 64 USA 01 42286285 64 NLD NLD DEU DEU DEU DEU NLD DEU USA NLD DEU NLD DEU NLD NLD DEU DNK 41 41201497 18 Enroy DNK 41 09203686 42 Gimik DEU 05 35569894 31 Gloy DEU 05 80388138 31 Goldberg DNK 51 26001388 32 Boldi Air Force Goldtime DEU 03 53011393 43 Anderson Sloth Hafnar DNK 56 09302036 19 Teemar Marce Astonishing Dewgood Jabez USA 01 39764631 20 Cadal DEU 14 04626211 78 Dewgood Jacob USA 01 39764668 32 Stantons Casual CAN 00 11596114 79 Jango DEU 03 47136242 33 Deco DEU 03 56127094 65 Carrowcroft Jenetor GBR 93 32 51518615 21 Sunview Gold Dolph CAN 01 08535233 60 Jobess DEU 03 46612724 33 Delaberge Dozz CAN 01 07400669 68 Wendland Holsteins Jokasko DEU 03 52642498 34 Drointon Mr President GBR 16 70 64400798 68 Wendland Holsteins Jolton DEU 03 45679986 43 Colonia Cows Earl P Pp DEU 05 37994651 83 Jucator DEU 03 53100792 22 Stantons Earn Energy P Pp CAN 00 11696813 82 Lopolan Jufinn FIN 00 09773756 43 JK Eder Erice NLD 08 82812023 75 Gen-I-Beq Lavish CAN 01 04852712 43 Esperado P RDC Pp DEU 09 47380063 83 USA 00 62744479 34 Fan P RDC Pp DEU 05 37810574 83 Idevra Magorian ITA 44 Fanatic DEU 03 54812817 79 Koepon Marsian NLD 07 16072544 35 Feridon DEU 03 55805633 78 Matulla DEU 03 52795163 23 Filou RDC DEU 03 56223753 80 Engslevgaard Mascol Mavid DNK 41 99601209 35 Vision-Gen SHF Gaborik USA 00 70346476 77 Mergim DEU 03 48565591 36 Sahara Gambler GBR 72 79 42200151 68 NLD 05 26586963 24 Wendland Holsteins Genestar DEU 03 56333357 70 Mulino DEU 03 53101052 44 Regancrest-BH Cam Giant USA 00 70243155 68 NOG Jantix DEU 03 51709669 44 Goaway DEU 03 56342903 75 NOG Piero LUX 09 98876624 44 Hamakari DEU 03 56127020 72 NOG Rilano DEU 01 16244315 45 Highlife DEU 03 55918056 72 NOG Stolos DEU 03 51721503 45 Igor PP NLD 07 66178645 84 NOG Tosco DEU 01 15508279 36 Lime-Tree-Holsteins Iskas DEU 14 04658572 66 Offspring DEU 03 46670881 45 Uecker Ssire Joclassic USA 00 70726926 70 Pikeur DNK 81 55701297 37 Julianos NLD 07 37148633 79 Regan-Elite En Lusion Mowambo 2 Sire SE AVAILABLE SE X ED AVAILABLE SE X ED AVAILABLE A2/A2 01 99 90450860 MASTERGEN Holstein Black & White SE X ED AVAILABLE SE X ED AVAILABLE SE X ED AVAILABLE SE X ED AVAILABLE SE X ED AVAILABLE BB PP Sire Special Genotypes Misnia Holsteins Lamitan P RDC Pp Reg. No. Page Sire Special Genotypes Reg. No. Page DEU 14 04626144 84 Snowden Red DEU 03 55932859 91 Lampert NLD 07 31848047 75 Sodan Red DEU 03 56355922 89 Vendairy Lendary NLD 09 19137806 65 Soko Red DEU 03 55443635 89 EDG Livermore USA 30 10356052 77 Step Red DEU 03 56650139 91 Loretto DEU 03 56127043 74 Magix DEU 14 04441946 76 Jersey US Genomic Sire Evaluation Marani DEU 15 01757684 69 Marley RDC NLD 08 43246841 81 Spruce-H Critic Chris PP BB USA 00 67106207 92 Masurati DEU 09 48526903 63 All Lynns Vernon MacArthur BB USA 01 18612153 92 Mattis FRA 22 51222390 65 McCoy DEU 16 03294735 69 Meilo DEU 03 56176699 69 CCC Menard DEU 01 20560435 60 Willsbro Merandy GBR 38 83 80700235 61 Merbitz DNK 62 57704466 71 Wemken Holsteins Meristo DEU 03 56001144 69 Benninghoff Merlino DEU 03 56607878 75 Mandano DEU 09 42885467 94 Mikkel DEU 03 55681255 72 Recke DEU 09 43003247 94 Miklas DEU 06 66321952 61 Ruthus DEU 09 43465062 95 NLD 07 19870530 84 Vision DEU 09 47770634 95 Seydaland Mixco DEU 15 01680161 79 Vocado DEU 09 47513526 96 Modalis DEU 05 37625499 77 Waldsturm DEU 09 47290260 96 DEU 06 66188939 72 Southland Mitar PP RDC SE X ED AVAILABLE Steinaer Pfad Holsteins Molotov SE PP X ED AVAILABLE Mr Sizzle Money P BB Brown Swiss Haploid BB Zander DEU 09 42297353 93 DEU 09 42558073 93 Milking Simmental Montbeliarde USA 00 72436862 84 Ards Morton RDC GBR 93 30 06964611 81 Rinderzucht Strudthoff Mozarella DEU 03 55988713 66 Willsbro Naberg GBR 38 83 80600227 67 Natasja NLD 08 71871330 63 Naxxos NLD 09 17110122 67 Koepon Oasis NLD 06 41884014 65 USA 00 70346561 73 Antario AK ET PP Limousin DEU 03 54983017 103 Red Belgian Blue NLD 08 77782898 104 Vision-Gen SH Originator Pp SE X ED AVAILABLE BB Boissia JB FRA 39 12920791 97 Elegant JB FRA 39 13511053 97 Beef Breeds Panama P Pp DEU 03 56674169 85 Boshoeve Damian Peer P RDC Pp DEU 03 56620383 85 Dimas PP Beef Simmental DEU 14 04084290 98 DEU 14 04580514 81 Eco Pp Beef Simmental DEU 16 02945799 98 NLD 06 99652964 73 Eragon Angus DEU 06 65195106 99 Zandenburg Pirlo NLD 07 67573276 74 Erasmus Highland Cattle DEU 03 50775326 105 Detjens Scirocco DEU 03 56390435 73 Fulano Pp Hereford DEU 14 03658095 102 Beef Simmental DEU 14 01410436 98 101 Piano RDC Picanto SE X ED AVAILABLE BB Sir Henry DEU 05 38108926 63 Holdo Pp Stantons Symp Skydome CAN 00 11696774 71 Howard Pp Charolais DEU 03 52088746 NLD 08 43246834 85 Ikarius Pp Limousin DEU 07 69464161 103 Brühlhof Socari NLD 07 67081560 63 Impress Salers 73 07313227 105 Misnia Holsteins Solaris RDC DEU 14 04626176 81 Itami ET Wagyu DEU 09 46283934 105 85 Jetstream ET Red Angus DEU 14 03878962 99 Charolais DEU 03 45669884 101 Schreur Snovis P RDC Pp Sosmar P RDC Pp DEU 14 04626188 USA 30 11584418 62 Junior PP Starlife DEU 03 56275987 77 Loquace d'Izier Belgian Blue BEL 0187653390 104 Hermann Meyer Oberende Sultano DEU 03 55832934 62 HK Master Pp Limousin DEU 0356095210 102 Mr Sunview Coin Sunfish RDC USA 30 12643773 80 Nitrate de Belle Eau Belgian Blue BEL Hoyer Svend DNK 41 65406080 73 Nome Piedmontese Oran REA Paker R Laeschway Ssire Starhawk X ED AVAILABLE SE MASTERGEN Holstein Red & White 06 26422734 104 75 00019570 102 Blonde d' Aquitaine FRA 21 98051029 100 Red Angus DEU 0352254546 100 GER Paulaner Red Angus DEU 0355300580 100 100 Ackley Red DEU 14 046 26036 86 Pingouin Blonde d' Aquitaine FRA 21 99057052 Aldon Red DEU 03 56264988 90 Rektor Angus DEU 1404581121 99 Ali Red DEU 03 56384295 86 BRA Relax PP Charolais DEU 05 37309117 101 Veenhuizer Alonso Red NLD 08 81059016 90 Rollex Charolais 72 00018189 102 Molenkamp Burnet Red NLD 05 83148186 87 Sikko PP Charolais DEU 05 80165806 101 DEU 03 55535940 83 Stano Galloway 72 00028626 105 Django Red DEU 03 55932898 87 Trimon Pp Limousin DEU 14 03923650 103 Lis-Leck Evolution 2 Red VRC LUX 01 99171148 90 Typique de Chardeneux Belgian Blue BEL 03 27420152 104 Goch Red DEU 03 56042295 90 Vasco PP Limousin DEU 14 04588273 103 NLD 07 24673634 91 Vingegard Santos PP Beef Simmental DNK 41 52400917 98 Mewil Red Zeus 3B Red Angus CZE 00 31834591 99 Coloredo-P Red Huijben Jorck Red Lord Red P Pp X ED AVAILABLE SE DEU 03 56130676 82 One-Red VRC DEU 05 37575182 88 Rockset Rowan Red GBR 38 73 97300309 88 Sacarno Red DEU 03 55310025 91 Pp All Holstein bulls offered in the 2015 Sire Directory have tested free (non-carriers) of the genetic recessives BLAD, Brachyspina and CVM. 3 Selection Guide – Top 10 of MASTERPROVEN Holstein Sires RZG RZM Total Merit Index Milk Production Magorian Bakombre Jucator Mavid Planay Marsian Goldtime Elwood Red Levant Red Elabell Red 146 140 138 137 136 133 133 135 125 125 Fat % Mergim Mavid Baxcel NOG Piero Ace Bakombre Acme RDC Donatelli Red Jotan Red Elabell Red Magorian Mavid NOG Stolos Bakombre Bokko Planay Jenetor Elwood Red Levant Red Elabell Red Milk kg 147 133 133 130 130 129 129 133 125 124 Fat kg +0.35 +0.27 +0.27 +0.24 +0.18 +0.17 +0.12 +0.25 +0.23 +0.13 Magorian Bakombre Björk Jucator NOG Piero Alkony Mavid Elabell Red Elwood Red Donatelli Red Battunga Jucator Biarritz Benstrup Magorian Björk Tibolo Levant Red Elwood Red Elabell Red +2520 +2310 +2143 +2025 +2015 +1973 +1956 +2122 +1707 +1325 Protein % +82 +73 +73 +65 +64 +63 +59 +67 +60 +40 Mavid Lavish Jufinn Bokko Jabez Magorian NOG Stolos Jotan Red Lasumo P Red Burnrae Red +0.34 +0.22 +0.21 +0.16 +0.15 +0.12 +0.12 +0.19 +0.10 +0.08 RZE Protein kg Magorian NOG Stolos Jenetor Mavid Docker Bokko Planay Elwood Red Levant Red Elabell Red 4 Total Conformation +81 +66 +62 +60 +60 +59 +57 +65 +59 +47 Baxtino Beagle Acme RDC Matulla Calgary Wayang Sandrino Bunto Red Donatelli Red Jotan Red Dairy Type 130 130 128 125 125 125 124 126 123 122 Matulla Bakombre Gloy Baxtino Alkony Tovero Shoeberg Bunto Red Lasumo P Red Levant Red 125 123 122 122 121 120 119 117 116 109 Body Proliz Baxcel Benstrup Boneiro Bradon Goldberg Beagle Burnrae Red Bunto Red Elabell Red Feet & Legs 131 131 126 124 124 124 124 127 116 115 Braveheart Mavid Baxtino Sandrino Boenisch Docker Windspiel Elwood Red Donatelli Red Bunto Red Udder 128 123 123 123 122 121 121 130 123 122 Matulla Acme RDC Lavish Beagle Wayang Baxtino Calgary Lewitan PP Red Donatelli Red Runi Red RZS RZN RZD Somatic Cell Count Functional Herd Life Milking Speed Goldtime Mowambo Mergim Hafnar Schaffner Gimik Enroy Elwood Red Donatelli Red Elan Red 125 123 121 118 118 117 117 119 117 114 Plan Z Pioneer Jucator Goldtime Baxtino Planay Bradon Jotan Red Bunto Red Fanetto Red 136 135 126 126 126 123 123 122 120 118 Bakombre Acme RDC NOG Stolos NOG Piero NOG Rilano Alkony Mulino Jotan Red Elabell Red Tassoni Red RZR RZKd RZKm Daughter Fertility Calving Traits paternal Calving Traits maternal Mowambo Pioneer Matulla Plan Z Goldberg Jolton Bakombre Runi Red Burnrae Red Jackel P Red 127 118 118 116 116 116 113 116 111 108 Magorian Pioneer Lusion Plan Z Jufinn Goldberg Bakombre Jackel P Red Jotan Red Elwood Red 120 120 118 114 114 113 112 115 112 111 Baxcel Docker Jolton NOG Piero Bradon Goldberg Alkony Lewitan PP Red Elwood Red Levant Red 132 130 129 127 127 125 125 123 122 121 115 114 112 112 112 111 111 109 107 106 116 113 113 112 112 111 110 108 106 106 5 RZG – The German Total Merit Index RZKm RZR Calving Traits maternal Reproduction Index RZS RZM 3 % 10 % Milk Production Index (Fat kg, Protein kg, Protein %) Somatic Cell Count 45 % 7 % Conformation Udder score and Feet & Legs score 15 % RZN Functional Herd Life 20 % The Total Merit Index – RZG To achieve the maximum overall genetic gain in dairy cattle breeding, a Total Merit Index is applied to improve all traits according to their relative importance in the breeding goal. This Total Merit Index is called RZG (Relativ Zuchtwert Gesamt) and is applied to Holstein and Red Holstein. Relative weights for included traits were last revised in August 2008 to put more emphasis on functionality and health traits. The derivation of the Total Merit Index (RZG) is based on selection index theory. This is providing the optimum overall selection response in all traits. The relative breeding values (composites or indices) are considered as information traits. Included traits and relative weights are given in the diagram (see above). The RZG is only published if a bull has an official index for production (RZM), somatic cell score (RZS) and conformation traits (RZE). The RZG is standardized to a mean of 100 in the base (currently Holstein/Red Holstein test bulls born 20042006) and a genetic standard deviation of 12 points. The official ranking of Geman top bulls is by RZG. Breeding values of Holsteins and Red Holsteins in Germany are estimated three times a year. (Source: German Proof Center VIT, Verden) MASTERRIND Top 5 – RZG Name Reg. No. Pedigree Conformation RZG RZM RZS RZN RZR RZKm Total Merit Index Milk Production Udder Feet & Legs Somatic Cell Count Functional Herd Life Reproduction Index Calving Traits maternal Mascol x O-Man 146 147 80 113 104 122 102 109 Magorian ITA Bakombre NLD 05 20451540 Baxter x Goldwyn 140 130 112 115 100 121 113 107 Jucator DEU 03 53100792 Jeeves x Buckeye 138 124 114 120 102 126 108 103 Mavid DNK 41 99601209 Mascol x Eminenz 137 133 96 123 114 106 110 104 Planay NLD 05 32151018 Planet x Shottle 136 129 105 104 106 123 105 98 6 01 99 90450860 RZKd & RZKm – The German relative breeding values for calving For many years, mainly production and type have been key criteria’s in sire selection of dairy farmers. In the last years the focus changed towards functional traits and those traits that can reduce costs and increase dairy cow profitability. Among those, Non-problem calving and calf viability have a significant impacton the financial success of the dairy herd. Easy calving will minimize the veterinarian and labor costs and increase the total revenue as fewer animals will be lost and less subsequent performance reductions occur as a frequent result of calving complications. Furthermore, research has shown that difficult calvings compromise animal welfare and thereby consumer acceptance of dairy management systems. Despite the lower heritabilities of calving traits and the sensitivity of phenotypes to subjectivity due to often categorical scales, genetic selection can improve calving performance. Method and Model The German evaluation center VIT has collected a large data set of first to third calvings from heifers and cows which has allowed the center to obtain sufficiently accurate estimates for calving traits. Only calvings since 2000 are included in the current genetic evaluation. The German enhanced calving evaluations includes routinely calving difficulty and stillbirth and for both the direct and maternal effects. Calving difficulty is recorded in four classes for all cows under milk recording in all parities. These classes are: Easy, Normal, Heavy and with Veterinarian / caesarean. The Still Birth rate is defined as "All-or-None" trait. A calving where the calf was born dead or died within 48 hours is considered as stillbirth. The direct effect describes the calf’s contribution arising from its size, form and weight (bull is father of the calf born) while the maternal effect stands for the dam’s contribution as result e.g. of rump measurements and the ability to respond to parturition signaling (bull is sire of the calving female). Since April 2012 a linear multi-trait BLUP animal model is used in Germany for evaluation of 12 calving traits in total: - Calving ease and Still Birth rate - each for 1st, 2nd, 3rd calvings plus - each the direct (d) and maternal figure (m). The German Breeding values to compose RZKd and RZKm It has been proven that calving difficulties occur more often during the first calving of an animal and farmers are using calving proofs primarily when selecting bulls to breed their heifers. For that reason Germany defined the EBV for first calving as the goal trait within the calving evaluation. On each bull Germany publishes Estimated Breeding values (EBV) for the following four single calving traits: (1)Calving Ease direct (CEd), (2)Calving Ease maternal (CEm), (3) Still Birth rate direct (SBd) and the (4)Still Birth rate maternal (SBm). Information from 2nd and 3rd calving’s contributing to the published EBV for 1st calving via the high correlations between them (see table below). For practical selection the two direct EBVs are combined into the “Relative Index Calving direct RZKd” = 50 % EBV for Calving Ease direct (CEd) + 50 % EBV for Still Birth rate direct (SBd). Similar to that the two maternal EBV’s are summarized into the “Relative Index Calving maternal RZKm” = 50 % EBV for Calving Ease maternal (CEm) + 50 % EBV for Still Birth rate maternal (SBm). All published EBV’s are relative breeding values and standardized to a mean of 100 and a genetic standard deviation of 12 (true breeding values). The base is defined as for all relative breeding values (currently for Holstein and Red Holstein A.I. bulls born 2004-2006; for small breeds born 2000-2006) and base change every year in April. Estimated breeding values for calving above 100 generally indicate desirable proofs which means less difficult calving’s and less still born calves. Farmers are advised that in practice bulls with direct EBV’s for Calving ease of one genetic standard deviation and above (CEd 112+) are considered to be particularly suitable for breeding heifers. Nevertheless the focus just on direct calving traits is not recommended. These particular “Calving ease sires” mainly transmit lower values for certain body traits, especially rump width which just transfers the problem into the next generation as resulting females will have more problems of giving birth due to smaller pelvic measurements. Therefore the selection focus should be to identify and exclude bulls with low direct calving proofs particularly when mating heifers and use bulls which offer positive figures for both, direct and also maternal calving traits on cows. MASTERRIND’s Top 10 daughter proven bulls for RZKd and RZKm can be found on page 5 and MASTERRIND's Top 10 genomic bulls for RZKd and RZKm can be found on page 59. (Source: Based on German Evaluation Center VIT, Verden) Table: Correlations between parities/calving number within trait Calving Ease Still Birth rate 1st / 2nd 1st / 3rd 2nd / 3rd direct 0.89 0.87 0.91 maternal 0.76 0.64 0.91 direct 0.80 0.73 0.81 maternal 0.63 0.56 0.47 7 KHW Elm-Park Acme EX-90 RDC USA 00 61720218 aAa 312 German Reg. No. 10.468122 Born: 08/29/2005 Breeder: Elm Park Farms Ltd., Sheboygan Falls, WI, USA K-Cn: AB SE X ED AVAILABLE -Cn: A2/A2 SHOW WINNING TYPE • WORLD-CLASS COW FAMILY • INCREDIBLE UDDERS Ladino Park Talent-Imp RDC (Storm x Leader) Kamps-Hollow Altitude RDC CVC EX-95 3/3 lac 12836 4.21 541 3.43 440 best lac 3 15640 4.53 709 3.38 528 KHW Elm-Park Acme RDC Regancrest Elton Durham CVC Ronnybrook Prelude Clover-Mist Alisha RDC EX-93 6/6 lac 11540 4.58 528 3.44 397 best lac 5 15177 4.16 632 3.39 514 Clover-Mist Augy Star RDC EX-94 5/5 lac 11905 4.75 566 3.33 396 best lac 3 14496 5.22 756 3.44 499 The world-renowned Talent son Acme RDC needs no introduction. This popular half brother to the Elite Red proven bulls Advent-Red and Jotan-Red from Durham Altitude EX-95 has been widely used and has a following among many satisfied customers around the world. Acme is part of the most talked-about Red Holstein cow families today and backed by no less than 6 generations of excellent dams tracing back to the fantastic brood cow D-R-A August EX-96. Acme was very successfully tested in multiple countries including Germany, Canada and the USA. Several first-crop daughters have won important regional and national shows demonstrating his tremendous type transmission and show potential. With the high quality second crop daughters the success continues at shows around the world. Acme is a trait leader for high type and udders. His tall, stylish daughters are impressive with great dairyness, flat bone quality, wide rumps and extremely shallow udders. The superior udder quality is further underscored by strong front and rear attachments and deep udder cleft. Acme’s great combination of Talent x Durham Altitude makes a perfect choice for both Black and Red Holstein breeders around the globe. MASTERRIND offers conventional as well as sexed semen of this unique type specialist. Linear Prof ile 88 100 112 124 small 119 tall Dairy Character tight rib 112 open rip Body Depth shallow 96 deep frail 94 strong Rump Angle ascending 103 sloped Rump Width narrow 114 wide posty 100 sickled Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View low angle 101 steep Hock Quality swollen 104 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 105 parallel bad 109 good Foot Angle Locomotion RZG Total Merit Index RZM Milk Production Rel. 99% 98 Daugh. 3004 / Herds 1328 ME 3rd lac Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZE 110 + 10 + 0.12 + 12 + 0.11 + 10 9581 4.09 392 3.38 324 128 Total Conformation Rel. 93% Daugh. 1147 / Herds 643 Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder 117 110 110 130 RZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 85% 111 RZS Somatic Cell Count Rel. 97% 93 RZD Milking Speed Rel. 92% 114 RZR Daughter Fertility Rel. 85% 110 RZFit Fitness Index Rel. 90% 118 Rel. 99% 98 low 118 high Suspensory Ligament weak 104 strong Teat Placement Front wide 119 close Teat Placement Rear wide 116 close RZKd Calving paternal Fore Udder Attachment loose 125 tight Calving Ease Average Udder Depth deep 135 shallow Teat Length short 81 Sire Fertility Medium Rear Udder Hight La Waebera Acme Sublime 3rd lac EX-94 Michel Clément, Le Mouret, Switzerland 8 long GHH Pepsi 2nd lac VG-87 Kastens Holsteins GbR, Stuhr, Germany Bakombre EX-92 NLD 05 20451540 aAa 324165 German Reg. No. 10.832378 Born: 08/03/2008 Breeder: Mts Kuipers, Heidenskip, Netherlands ELITE PROVEN SIRE • WORLD FAMOUS COW FAMILY • EASY CALVING BULL Emerald-Acr-Sa T-Baxter (Blitz x Mtoto) Goldwyn Destiny VG-86 1st lac 11625 3.33 387 3.44 400 Braedale Goldwyn O-Bee Manfred Justice (O-Man) A-L-H Destiny VG-87 12526 3.89 487 3.58 449 1st lac Markwell Durham Daisy EX-92 2/2 lac 14553 4.03 586 3.29 479 best lac 2 15745 3.99 628 3.30 520 The highly popular Baxter son Bakombre continues as a member of the list of the best daughter-proven bulls worldwide and hails from the super-successful, great Markwell Blackstar Raven EX-95 cow family. His dam Goldwyn Destiny VG-86 is the full sister to the well-known proven sire Danillo, while his granddam A-L-H OMan Destiny VG-87 is no less than the full sister to the US bulls ALH Duke and ALH Dakota. Bakombre was a very popular sire when sold as a genomic offering that resulted in a very large first-crop progeny group. Based on the impressive performance demonstrated, Bakombre confirms his impact with incredible figures for milk, fat and protein along with good type, high scores for longevity and daughter fertility plus calving ease. His daughters are tall, open dairy cows with great, wide rumps. They show perfect leg set with exceptional flat bones and track very parallel when viewed from behind. Another highlight are high-quality udders, with good attachments, strong center cleft and slightly longer teat length. Due to his great overall quality, Bakombre has been successfully used as a sire of sons and remains as a true super-star for production, type and fitness within the MASTERPROVEN lineup. Linear Prof ile 88 100 112 124 small 109 tall Dairy Character tight rib 121 open rip Body Depth shallow 109 deep frail 96 strong Rump Angle ascending 94 sloped Rump Width narrow 112 wide posty 104 sickled Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View low angle 105 steep Hock Quality swollen 114 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 105 parallel bad 117 good Foot Angle Locomotion Bakombre RZG Total Merit Index 140 RZM Milk Production 130 Rel. 99% Daugh. 1533 / Herds 677 ME 3rd lac Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 10548 4.03 425 3.34 352 RZE Total Conformation Rel. 96% + 1353 + 0.17 + 73 + 0.06 + 52 121 Daugh. 377 / Herds 200 Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder 123 114 115 112 RZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 60% 121 RZS Somatic Cell Count Rel. 98% 100 RZD Milking Speed Rel. 91% 115 RZR Daughter Fertility Rel. 77% 113 RZFit Fitness Index Rel. 85% 127 Rel. 97% 112 low 110 high Suspensory Ligament weak 120 strong Teat Placement Front wide 104 close Teat Placement Rear wide 116 close RZKd Calving paternal Fore Udder Attachment loose 109 tight Calving Ease Easy Udder Depth deep 102 shallow Teat Length short 106 long Sire Fertility Good Rear Udder Hight Rosel VG-86 Denise Pfaff, Oederan, Germany ANH Bernice Agraset-Agrargen. eG Naundorf, Erlau, Germany 9 Fuxberg Holsteins Barnaby DEU 14 034 61516 aAa 234165 German Reg. No. 10.832221 Born: 05/08/2008 Breeder: Hahn/Radke Holsteins GbR, Eppendorf, Germany SHOW WINNING FAMILY • SUPERIOR TYPE • GREAT DAIRY STRENGTH Dudoc Mr Burns RDC (Markim x Storm) Fuxberg Holsteins Spotlight EX-94 4/4 lac 12083 3.81 460 3.29 398 best lac 2 13511 3.94 533 3.25 439 Fuxberg Holsteins Barnaby Picston Shottle Regancrest Emory Derry DT Derry Spottie EX-93 4/4 lac 12078 3.87 468 3.32 401 best lac 3 12790 3.94 504 3.33 426 Sunnylodge Joanna VG-86 1st lac 10381 4.07 423 3.54 368 Barnaby is currently one of Germany’s best Mr. Burns sons, transmitting a good blend of production, superior type and sire fertility. He is backed by a show-winning maternal line. His dam is Fuxberg Holsteins Spotlight EX-94, the outstanding Shottle daughter from Saxony. She was the 2010 Supreme Champion in the All-German Holstein Competition of the German Holstein Association and the leading German dairy journal „Milchrind“. Her half brothers Golden Eye (S. Goldwyn) and Alson (S. Alves) were popular proven bulls at MASTERRIND. Spotlight’s Alexander daughter, Fuxberg Holsteins Sia was VG-88 scored in her first lactation and achieved third place in her class at the All-European Championship in Fribourg, Switzerland, 2013. In the same year she also won the All-German Holstein Competition for young cows. Barnaby’s granddam, DT Spottie EX-93 traces back to the well-known 1998 Canadian Cow of the Year, Sunnylodge Prelude Spottie. The popular show diva DT Spottie EX-93 is 2x champion at the MASTERRIND Show of the Best (Schau der Besten) in Verden in 2007 and 2008. She also won 2008 the title Supreme Champion in the All-German Holstein Competition. Linear Prof ile 88 100 112 124 small 114 tall Dairy Character tight rib 115 open rip Body Depth shallow 115 deep frail 106 strong Rump Angle ascending 95 sloped Rump Width narrow 109 posty 97 Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View wide low angle 100 steep swollen 110 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 103 parallel bad 107 good Locomotion Total Merit Index 125 RZM Milk Production 115 Rel. 99% Daugh. 709 / Herds 375 ME 3rd lac Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 10198 4.00 408 3.35 341 RZE Total Conformation Rel. 92% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder Functional Herd Life Rel. 65% 116 RZS Somatic Cell Count Rel. 96% 100 RZD Milking Speed Rel. 88% 105 RZR Daughter Fertility Rel. 70% 112 Rel. 82% 120 Rel. 91% 89 low 109 high 106 strong Teat Placement Front wide 106 close Teat Placement Rear wide 108 close RZKd Calving paternal Fore Udder Attachment loose 107 tight Calving Ease Udder Depth deep 106 shallow Teat Length short 93 10 117 121 111 112 RZN weak Fux Ballerina VG-86 Hahn/Radke Holsteins GbR, Eppendorf, Germany 121 Daugh. 194 / Herds 122 Suspensory Ligament Rear Udder Hight + 1141 - 0.06 + 41 - 0.03 + 36 sickled Hock Quality Foot Angle RZG long RZFit Fitness Index Sire Fertility Harmonie VG-85 Lars Nordbruch, Stuhr, Germany Average-Difficult Excellent Go-Farm Baxtino ITA 01 99 90532755 aAa 432516 German Reg. No. 10.471416 Born: 01/23/2008 Breeder: Giuseppe & Roberto Gozzini, Cremona, Italy K-Cn: AB -Cn: A1/B EXCEPTIONAL TYPE SIRE • SUPERB UDDERS • ELITE COW FAMILY Emerald-Acr-Sa T-Baxter (Blitz x Mtoto) Go-Farm Tina EX-90 3/3 lac 13240 3.96 524 3.43 454 best lac 2 15582 3.57 556 3.32 517 Go-Farm Baxtino Braedale Goldwyn Mara-Thon BW Marshall Jeffrey-Way Tolare VG-88 3/3 lac 14529 3.69 536 3.16 459 best lac 2 15368 3.92 602 3.11 478 Jeffrey-Way Format Tate EX-93 3/3 lac 15036 4.18 629 3.20 481 best lac 2 15840 4.46 707 3.27 518 Baxtino is a very complete Baxter son from the great Goldwyn daughter Go-Farm Tina EX-90. Tina is the full sister of the proven Italian sire Go-Farm Artes. The dam of Go-Farm Tina is Jeffrey-Way Tolare VG-88, the well-respected BW Marshall daughter from the outstanding brood cow Jeffrey-Way Formation Tate EX-93. National and international visitors had opportunity to see the outstanding show-type of the Baxtino daughters at the Eurotier in Hannover and at the MASTERRIND Show of the Best in Verden. Guests of both shows made special note of the uniformity of the Baxtino daughter groups. The Baxtino daughters are medium-sized with terrific dairy character. The tendency toward slightly ascending and narrow rumps should receive some attention in the mating. Feet & legs are super, progeny have clean hocks with excellent foot angle and clean bone quality. Show visitors commented regarding the great locomotion of daughters in the ring. The perfect udders are the highlight of this sires improvement traits. They are very highly attached in the rear and wide in the front and rear. The well-pronounced center ligament and the great teat placement are the next strongest points of Baxtino´s daughters. High figures for udder health, fertility and longevity, plus average calving traits, complete the picture for this very interesting sire. Linear Prof ile 88 100 112 124 small 100 tall Dairy Character tight rib 120 open rip Body Depth shallow 109 deep frail 96 strong Rump Angle ascending 89 sloped Rump Width narrow 90 wide posty 88 sickled Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View low angle 112 steep Hock Quality swollen 112 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 112 parallel bad 121 good Foot Angle Locomotion RZG Total Merit Index 125 RZM Milk Production 105 Rel. 96% Daugh. 195 / Herds 105 ME 3rd lac Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZE + 490 + 0.05 + 25 + 0.05 + 21 9696 4.13 401 3.37 327 130 Total Conformation Rel. 86% Daugh. 84 / Herds 58 Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder 122 104 123 125 RZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 64% 126 RZS Somatic Cell Count Rel. 92% 110 RZD Milking Speed Rel. 85% 96 RZR Daughter Fertility Rel. 63% 107 RZFit Fitness Index Rel. 75% 125 Rel. 87% 101 low 116 high Suspensory Ligament weak 118 strong Teat Placement Front wide 99 close Teat Placement Rear wide 102 close RZKd Calving paternal Fore Udder Attachment loose 119 tight Calving Ease Average Udder Depth deep 117 shallow Teat Length short 101 long Sire Fertility Medium Rear Udder Hight Karisma 2nd lac VG-86 Lattwesen KG, Hohnhorst, Germany Hilda 2nd lac VG-86 Volker Nelke, Welle, Germany 11 Regel Elegant Beagle USA 00 61691030 aAa 312546 German Reg. No. 10.505986 Born: 12/13/2006 Breeder: Greg & Joel Pagel, Sumner, IA, USA K-Cn: AA -Cn: A1/A2 BARBIE FAMILY • OUTCROSS: NO SHOTTLE, GOLDWYN OR O-MAN • GREAT TYPE Honeycrest Elegant (BW Marshall x Patron) Regel Stormatic Beata EX-90 2/1 lac 12551 4.49 564 3.31 416 Regel Elegant Beagle Comestar Stormatic Maizefield Bellwood B-V Regel Rudwood Bea VG-88 4/4 lac 12442 3.95 491 3.39 422 best lac 2 14460 4.16 601 3.33 482 B-V Becky EX-90 3/2 lac 12226 3.88 474 3.34 408 best lac 1 12285 4.05 498 3.40 418 Beagle, the intriguing Elegant son, is one of MASTERRIND’s most popular daughter-proven bulls. He originates from the well-known Regancrest-PR Barbie cow family. His maternal line traces all the way back to Regancrest Aerostar Bea, a full sister to Regancrest Aerostar Bret-ET EX-90 GMD DOM, the dam of Regancrest Juror Brina EX-92. Brina herself is no less than the dam of the great full sisters Regancrest-RH Durham Bliss-ET VG-89 EX-MS-GMD and Regancrest-PR Durham Barbie EX92 EX-MS-GMD-DOM. This cow family is dominating type lists around the world. No surprise that Elegant offers a complete package providing great type, good production and superb health traits. The Beagle daughters are tall, strong cows with perfect rumps and well-attached udders. Feet & legs are characterized by fine bone quality, steep foot angle and parallel leg set which gives his daughters excellent mobility. His unique sire stack of Elegant x Stormatic x Bellwood x Rudolph x Lindy x Aerostar, makes Beagle an excellent outcross to many of today's popular blood lines. These are all important reasons for his broad, popular appeal among dairy producers around the world. Linear Prof ile 88 100 112 124 small 115 Dairy Character tight rib 93 Body Depth shallow 110 deep frail 122 strong Rump Angle ascending 106 sloped Rump Width narrow 110 wide posty 90 Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View tall open rip low angle 111 steep swollen 101 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 118 parallel bad 109 good Locomotion Total Merit Index 117 RZM Milk Production 103 Rel. 96% Daugh. 150 / Herds 72 ME 3rd lac Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 10554 3.92 414 3.22 339 RZE Total Conformation Rel. 86% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder Functional Herd Life Rel. 75% 112 RZS Somatic Cell Count Rel. 92% 104 RZD Milking Speed Rel. 77% 102 RZR Daughter Fertility Rel. 67% 107 RZFit Fitness Index Rel. 78% 120 Rel. 99% 95 low 115 high 101 strong Teat Placement Front wide 118 close Teat Placement Rear wide 102 close RZKd Calving paternal Fore Udder Attachment loose 123 tight Calving Ease Udder Depth deep 116 shallow Teat Length short 101 long 12 95 124 117 127 RZN weak Babsy Agrar GmbH Zschopautal, Großolbersdorf, Germany 130 Daugh. 85 / Herds 44 Suspensory Ligament Rear Udder Hight + 1226 - 0.21 + 28 - 0.22 + 19 sickled Hock Quality Foot Angle RZG Sire Fertility Beagle 105 Jan Wilkens, Hollenseth, Germany Average Good Benstrup DEU 03 52548421 aAa 234 German Reg. No. 10.331852 Born: 08/12/2008 Breeder: Regancrest Farm, Waukon, IA, USA ELITE COW FAMILY OF RUDOLPH ZIP • MILK YIELD • BODY TRAIT IMPROVER Emerald-Acr-Sa T-Baxter (Blitz x Mtoto) Windsor-Manor Z-Delight EX-93 3/3 lac 14756 3.76 555 3.12 461 best lac 3 15803 3.73 589 3.16 500 Benstrup Regancrest Elton Durham CVC Startmore Rudolph Windsor-Manor Rud Zip EX-95 5/5 lac 12863 4.09 526 3.34 429 best lac 4 14466 4.13 597 3.24 469 Windsor-Manor Jolt Zippy EX-90 6/6 lac 11665 3.77 440 3.12 364 best lac 5 13388 3.71 497 3.03 406 Our intriguing Baxter son Benstrup truly offers another tremendous pedigree, that of WindsorManor Rudolph Zip EX-95, the legendary brood cow who has a lifetime production over 200.000 pounds and for many years has been listed as one of the best cows for productive life in the USA. Her world influence even continues to increase as several family members, both male and female, recently received breed-leading genomic values. One of Zip’s numerous excellent daughters is Windsor-Manor Z-Delight EX-93, the dam of Benstrup, who is a great bull dam herself and once achieved accolades as the high seller at the Regancrest Command Performance Sale in 2008 at 94,000 USD. Benstrup combines the great type quality of his family with outstanding milk and protein production as well as a positive longevity score. The Benstrup daughters are tall, strong, durable cows with plenty of width throughout; built to compete in any environment. They have excellent rump structure, great heel depth and snugly-attached, youthful udders with optimal teat size. Benstrup is best used to improve production, body traits and general udder quality. Linear Prof ile 88 100 112 124 small 131 tall Dairy Character tight rib 104 open rip Body Depth shallow 109 deep frail 112 strong Rump Angle ascending 106 sloped Rump Width narrow 110 wide posty 99 Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View low angle 111 swollen 93 Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 103 parallel bad 103 good Locomotion Total Merit Index 129 RZM Milk Production 125 Rel. 96% Daugh. 258 / Herds 200 ME 3rd lac Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 10665 3.76 401 3.23 345 RZE Total Conformation Rel. 85% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder 107 126 107 110 RZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 59% 111 RZS Somatic Cell Count Rel. 90% 97 steep dry RZD Milking Speed Rel. 75% 95 RZR Daughter Fertility Rel. 58% 108 RZFit Fitness Index Rel. 74% 117 Rel. 76% 94 low 118 high weak 111 strong Teat Placement Front wide 87 close Teat Placement Rear wide 101 close RZKd Calving paternal Fore Udder Attachment loose 102 tight Calving Ease Udder Depth deep 111 shallow Teat Length short 99 Piggy Jörg Diers, Wiefelstede, Germany 118 Daugh. 87 / Herds 78 Suspensory Ligament Rear Udder Hight + 2025 - 0.44 + 35 - 0.12 + 55 sickled Hock Quality Foot Angle RZG long Sire Fertility Average Good Gloria 2nd lac VG-86 Jan Grosse-Loegte, Nordhorn, Germany 13 Barnkamper Björk NLD 04 91112006 aAa 213465 German Reg. No. 10.832250 Born: 01/22/2008 Breeder: Mts de Jong-van Ooijen, Beusichem, Netherlands K-Cn: AB SE X ED AVAILABLE -Cn: A1/A1 OUTSTANDING PRODUCTION • PERFECT RUMP STRUCTURE • DAIRY STRENGTH Sandy-Valley Bolton BYC (Hershel x Convincer) Barnkamper Marilyn 154 VG-88 4/4 lac 12050 4.22 508 3.17 382 best lac 2 13402 4.09 548 3.16 423 Barnkamper Björk O-Bee Manfred Justice (O-Man) Carousel Sierra CVC Barnkamper Marilyn 49 VG-87 7/7 lac 9424 4.28 403 3.30 311 best lac 2 11102 4.47 496 3.26 362 Barnkamper Marilyn 9 VG-85 5/5 lac 11467 4.16 477 3.47 398 best lac 5 12540 4.68 587 3.49 438 Björk is the product of intense genetic selection which resulted in extensive use as a genomic young sire within the MASTERRIND breeding program. Now, after several evaluations with lots of daughters in milk, he holds a prominent place among the top-ranking bulls in Germany. This exciting Bolton son originates from the well-known and respected Barnkamper Marilyn family in Holland that has developed several European bulls like De Crob Bingo, Support and D Sammy. Our interesting MASTERPROVEN outcross sire Hafnar also traces back to this family. Females in this family are still heavily contracted as the family is known for high production, strength and super feet & legs. Björk daughters are tall, strong-milking cows with lots of depth and width throughout, which makes him a great body improver. They show optimal rump structure and desirable feet & legs, particularly in bone quality and locomotion. Udders are well attached, fore and rear. Farms milking with robots like the great rear teat placement. Björk combines outstanding production figures with positive proof values for all major health traits and he is average for calving. Linear Prof ile 88 100 112 124 small 106 tall Dairy Character tight rib 100 open rip Body Depth shallow 114 deep frail 117 strong Rump Angle ascending 105 sloped Rump Width narrow 108 wide posty 117 sickled Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View low angle 99 Hock Quality swollen 109 Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 95 bad 102 good high Foot Angle Locomotion steep dry parallel RZG Total Merit Index 131 RZM Milk Production 128 Rel. 99% Daugh. 692 / Herds 278 ME 3rd lac Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 10593 4.04 428 3.28 347 RZE Total Conformation Rel. 94% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder Functional Herd Life Rel. 62% 107 RZS Somatic Cell Count Rel. 96% 111 RZD Milking Speed Rel. 84% 109 RZR Daughter Fertility Rel. 70% 106 RZFit Fitness Index Rel. 82% 118 Rel. 95% 101 low 105 93 strong Teat Placement Front wide 115 close Teat Placement Rear wide 98 close RZKd Calving paternal Fore Udder Attachment loose 109 tight Calving Ease Udder Depth deep 107 shallow Teat Length short 96 ANH Brenda Agraset-Agrargen. eG Naundorf, Erlau, Germany 14 101 121 100 112 RZN weak long 114 Daugh. 241 / Herds 114 Suspensory Ligament Rear Udder Hight + 1973 - 0.07 + 73 - 0.14 + 52 Sire Fertility ANH Bele Agraset-Agrargen. eG Naundorf, Erlau, Germany Average Good Blomdahl DNK 57 22002694 aAa 432156 German Reg. No. 10.470977 Born: 10/19/2007 Breeder: Torben Rasmussen, Skive, Denmark -Cn: A2/A2 COW FAMILY OF JOCKO BENGE • LARGE & DAIRY FRAMES • SIRE FERTILITY J-K-R BW-Marshll Billion (BW Marshall x Col Duster) DT Bernita VG-89 1st lac 13899 4.40 611 3.14 436 Blomdahl Picston Shottle Jocko Besne Chemello Jocko Benge VG-87 10488 4.06 426 3.42 359 1st lac Chemello Mtoto Farfalle VG-85 7/6 lac 11657 3.60 420 3.11 362 best lac 2 14295 3.48 498 3.15 450 The Billion son Blomdahl hails from the Italian-bred cow family of Chemello Jocko Benge who has attracted global fame for many years. This well-respected European family has consistently developed proven sires like Zarik and Selvino from Italy, Leko and BG E.T., as well as MASTERRIND’s calving-ease favorite Escart. Blomdahl’s granddam, Chemello Jocko Benge, has been twice-nominated in the Cow of the Year contest organized by Holstein International magazine. His heavily contracted dam DT Shottle Bernita VG-89 2yr has also been shown and is no less than the full sister to BG E.T. and the maternal sister to Selvino and Leko. Blomdahl daughters are real dairy machines and have been successfully displayed at local progeny shows. They are tall and deep with plenty of dairy strength that develop tremendously from lactation to lactation making great mature cows. The shallow udders are well-attached in front and rear with optimal teat placement. The good longevity score and superior sire fertility on top of all these other great attributes makes him one of the most popular bulls among commercial operations. Linear Prof ile 88 100 112 124 small 110 tall Dairy Character tight rib 108 open rip Body Depth shallow 120 deep frail 111 strong Rump Angle ascending 86 sloped Rump Width narrow 103 wide posty 111 sickled steep Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View low angle 109 Hock Quality swollen 96 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 94 parallel bad 106 good Foot Angle Locomotion RZG Total Merit Index 124 RZM Milk Production 119 Rel. 96% Daugh. 182 / Herds 132 ME 3rd lac Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZE + 1447 - 0.17 + 41 - 0.07 + 42 9907 4.07 401 3.28 325 116 Total Conformation Rel. 82% Daugh. 61 / Herds 50 Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder 111 117 99 116 RZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 63% 109 RZS Somatic Cell Count Rel. 93% 108 RZD Milking Speed Rel. 83% 108 RZR Daughter Fertility Rel. 62% 106 RZFit Fitness Index Rel. 74% 114 Rel. 93% 94 low 110 high Suspensory Ligament weak 104 strong Teat Placement Front wide 103 close Teat Placement Rear wide 97 close RZKd Calving paternal Fore Udder Attachment loose 110 tight Calving Ease Average Udder Depth deep 113 shallow Teat Length short 91 Sire Fertility Excellent Rear Udder Hight Belina 2nd lac VG-86 Sengstaken GbR, Flögeln, Germany long Ultima 2nd lac EX-90 Jutta Möller, Wunsdorf, Germany 15 Boenisch DEU 03 52651213 aAa 516342 German Reg. No. 10.332611 Born: 01/10/2009 Breeder: Henning Blankenforth, Butjadingen, Germany OUTCROSS SIRE • FOOT & LEG IMPROVER • UNIQUE TRIPLE A CODE Magor Bolivia Allen (Allen x Storm) Energie RDC VG-88 5/4 lac 10610 3,91 415 3,59 381 best lac 3 12904 3,91 504 3,43 442 Boenisch Pursuit September Storm RDC Newhouse Ronald Esprit VG-87 5/4 lac 11811 3,74 442 3,46 409 best lac 2 12761 3,63 463 3,33 425 Esmeralda VG-87 3/2 lac 11931 4,08 487 3,44 410 best lac 2 12914 4,06 524 3,38 436 The interesting Bolivia son Boenisch originates from a deep, strong German cow family who has already delivered sons into AI, like the Ronald son Rumiak, the full brother to the granddam of Boenisch. With his sire stack Bolivia x September x Ronald x Celsius x Belt x Blackstar - Boenisch is definitely an outcross sire who can be used on most of today’s popular Holstein bloodlines. He provides a great level of production along with very functional type. His daughters are of medium stature with sufficient strength and great body depth. Their really good feet & legs are characterized by a very fine bone quality and a parallel leg set when viewed from behind which allows the cows to track very smoothly. The functional udders have high rear attachments, with below average ligament, correct teat placement and desirable teat length. Beyond that, his proof is complemented by positive values for udder health, longevity and fertility plus he offers that hard-to-find 516 aAa score. h Linear Prof ile 88 100 112 124 small 104 tall Dairy Character tight rib 108 open rip Body Depth shallow 107 deep frail 95 strong Rump Angle ascending 107 sloped Rump Width narrow 86 posty 101 Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View wide low angle 96 swollen 127 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 115 parallel bad 115 good high Locomotion Total Merit Index 128 RZM Milk Production 120 Rel. 91% Daugh. 88 / Herds 67 ME 3rd lac Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 10054 3.99 401 3.29 331 RZE Total Conformation Rel. 76% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder Functional Herd Life Rel. 55% 109 RZS Somatic Cell Count Rel. 82% 105 steep RZD Milking Speed Rel. 70% 99 RZR Daughter Fertility Rel. 42% 108 RZFit Fitness Index Rel. -% - Rel. 60% 96 low 111 90 strong Teat Placement Front wide 106 close Teat Placement Rear wide 98 close RZKd Calving paternal Fore Udder Attachment loose 111 tight Calving Ease Udder Depth deep 99 shallow Teat Length short 99 long 16 112 101 122 109 RZN weak GG Helena VG-85 Henrik u. Rita Wefer GbR, Butjadingen, Germany 117 Daugh. 44 / Herds 37 Suspensory Ligament Rear Udder Hight + 1475 - 0.15 + 45 - 0.07 + 43 sickled Hock Quality Foot Angle RZG Sire Fertility Goldfee VG-85 Bijman-Eickhoff GBR, Rastede, Germany Average Good Bowers DNK 23 71401852 aAa 243165 German Reg. No. 10.832231 Born: 02/13/2008 Breeder: Wabash-Way Holsteins, New Weston, OH, USA K-Cn: AB -Cn: A1/A2 FROM THE LEAD MAE FAMILY • HIGH PRODUCTION SIRE • LARGE FRAMES Sandy-Valley Bolton BYC (Hershel x Convincer) Crockett-Acres Elita VG-87 15486 3.75 581 3.50 542 1st lac Bowers O-Bee Manfred Justice (O-Man) Carol Prelude Mtoto Crockett-Acres Mtot Elly EX-90 3/2 lac 15033 3.79 570 3.33 501 best lac 2 17618 3.31 583 3.35 591 Wauregan Rudolph Elly Mae EX-90 2/2 lac 14816 3.64 540 3.43 508 best lac 2 15989 3.65 583 3.35 536 Bowers is an attractive Bolton son from one of today’s hottest genomic families, that of Whittier-Farm Lead Mae EX-95. Bowers’ maternal sister, Wabash-Way Emilyann VG-88-USA 2yr., once was the former #1 GTPI and CTPI cow in the breed. His dam Crockett-Acres Elita VG-87 DOM sired by O-Man, still ranks among the popular genomic cows in Canada. Next dam is an EX-GMD-DOM Mtoto. This outstanding family keeps generating highest prices at many Elite auctions and developed a long list of high genomic and proven bulls around the globe. Bowers can be called a complete package as he perfectly combines good milk & protein production with great overall type. The Bowers daughters are tall, strong front-ended cows, which are wide enough in the rumps while showing a good slope from hip to pins. The shallow udders are well attached, high & wide in the rear along with wider teat placement and longer teat length. Bowers is a great mating for all cows lacking production, strength, width and overall udder quality. Linear Prof ile 88 100 112 124 small 121 tall Dairy Character tight rib 109 open rip Body Depth shallow 107 deep frail 109 strong Rump Angle ascending 105 sloped Rump Width narrow 102 wide posty 100 sickled steep Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View low angle 109 Hock Quality swollen 98 Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 102 parallel bad 101 good high Foot Angle Locomotion dry RZG Total Merit Index 121 RZM Milk Production 122 Rel. 96% Daugh. 176 / Herds 129 ME 3rd lac Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 10437 3.91 408 3.32 346 RZE Total Conformation Rel. 82% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder 111 117 105 114 RZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 67% 98 RZS Somatic Cell Count Rel. 92% 103 RZD Milking Speed Rel. 78% 94 RZR Daughter Fertility Rel. 63% 103 RZFit Fitness Index Rel. 75% 105 Rel. 74% 99 low 115 weak 97 strong Teat Placement Front wide 92 close Teat Placement Rear wide 91 close RZKd Calving paternal Fore Udder Attachment loose 112 tight Calving Ease Udder Depth deep 117 shallow Teat Length short 106 long Ernite 2nd lac VG-86 Heike + Jan-K. Griemsmann GbR, Bülkau, Germany 117 Daugh. 58 / Herds 48 Suspensory Ligament Rear Udder Hight + 1570 - 0.33 + 30 - 0.03 + 50 Sire Fertility Average Good Shadow Konrad u. Marlies Renzelmann GbR, Wagenfeld, Germany 17 Risbak Emidio DNK 41 41201497 aAa 243165 German Reg. No. 10.832228 Born: 11/15/2007 Breeder: Sören Ernst Madsen, Brädstrup, Denmark K-Cn: AA SE X ED AVAILABLE -Cn: A2/A2 ALTERNATIVE SIRE STACK • GREAT UDDERS • CUSTOMER SATISFACTION BDG Genetics Encino (BW Marshall x Rick) Risbak Manager Joeline EX-93 2/2 lac 11435 4.14 473 3.47 397 best lac 2 13207 4.26 562 3.51 463 Risbak Emidio Manager V Brando Risbak Brando June EX-92 2/2 lac 12031 4.07 490 3.36 404 best lac 2 13214 3.96 523 3.31 437 Risbak Lukas Julia EX-92 1st lac 12223 3.90 477 3.13 383 The outcross sire Emidio originates from an EX-93 Manager daughter out of V Brando from Sören Ernst Madsen in Denmark. Emidio is among the highest and most complete Encino sons worldwide. Emidio can be called a farmer's favorite as his daughters demonstrate excellent development qualities and get better by age. Their overall quality and uniformity was impressive when presented at regional shows in Germany. Emidio sires very high components with a sufficient level of milk production. His daughters are taller than average and long-bodied with a deep, open rib. Rumps are wide, yet level to sometimes slightly high pins. They move on very parallel feet & legs with an overall good quality. Emidio's strongest point is udder improvement. The very highly attached, snug udders show strong central ligament in combination with very good fore and rear attachments. The teat placement and length are very desirable. His figures for somatic cell score and reproduction are highly positive and his alternative sire stack makes him a good choice for all dairy herds. Emidio can also be used as a calving ease sire. Linear Prof ile 88 100 112 124 small 106 tall Dairy Character tight rib 115 open rip Body Depth shallow 104 deep frail 97 strong Rump Angle ascending 87 sloped Rump Width narrow 112 posty 90 Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View wide low angle 108 swollen 93 Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 117 parallel bad 109 good Locomotion Total Merit Index 130 RZM Milk Production 123 Rel. 96% Daugh. 172 / Herds 125 ME 3rd lac Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZE + 1107 + 0.05 + 51 + 0.08 + 45 9701 4.19 406 3.41 331 Total Conformation Rel. 82% 123 Daugh. 61 / Herds 51 Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder 112 109 112 123 RZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 66% 102 RZS Somatic Cell Count Rel. 93% 113 RZD Milking Speed Rel. 79% 86 RZR Daughter Fertility Rel. 62% 110 RZFit Fitness Index Rel. 75% 121 Rel. 95% 111 sickled Hock Quality Foot Angle RZG steep dry low 131 high Suspensory Ligament weak 110 strong Teat Placement Front wide 97 close Teat Placement Rear wide 102 close RZKd Calving paternal Fore Udder Attachment loose 112 tight Calving Ease Easy Udder Depth deep 113 shallow Teat Length short 98 Sire Fertility Good Rear Udder Hight Ella 2nd lac VG-86 Wolfgang Frey, Bülkau, Germany 18 long Emidio daughter group 2nd lac: Ella, Emilia, Lärche (left to right) Sloth Hafnar DNK 56 09302036 aAa 426 German Reg. No. 10.333095 Born: 12/01/2009 Breeder: Kristian Sloth, Lemvig, Denmark OUTCROSS SIRE • PROFITABLE COWS • SUPERIOR UDDERS Wa-Del Hayden (O-Man x Mtoto) Sloth Laudan Mary VG-86 3/3 lac 12632 4.20 531 3.39 428 best lac 2 13503 4.49 606 3.55 480 Sloth Hafnar Laudan Jurmel Jurmel Marilyn VG-86 4/3 lac 12144 4.76 578 3.50 425 best lac 2 13203 4.79 632 3.36 444 Barnkamper Marilyn 32 VG-88 2/2 lac 10925 4.27 466 3.44 376 best lac 2 11465 4.24 486 3.39 389 Shining on the newcomer stage is Hafnar, offering the exciting outcross pedigree of Hayden x Laudan x Jurmel x Ronald. He traces back to the well-respected Dutch Barnkamper Marilyn family, that produced our elite Bolton son Barnkamper Björk (page 14). Hafnar debuts with solid production plus the ability to sire trouble free, profitable cows with great udders. The Hafnar daughters are medium-sized with a lot of strength in the front-end. They show a tendency for slightly ascending rumps, something to watch in matings. Hafnar sires top-quality feet & legs in combination with superb udders. Hafners offspring demonstrate great mobility and excellent bone quality. Rear legs are tip-top, from side view and rear view. The superior udders are highly attached and suspensory ligaments are one of Hafnar’s strongest points. The teat placement, front & rear is to the close side. Further remarkable points for Hafnar are the secondary traits. He sires great longevity, superb sire fertility and good figures for somatic cell score. With his unique pedigree which is free of Goldwyn, Shottle and Jocko Besne, the good functional traits and the combination of sufficient production with balanced components, he can be used in almost every herd. Linear Prof ile 88 100 112 124 small 104 Dairy Character tight rib 97 Body Depth shallow 102 deep frail 112 strong Rump Angle ascending 96 sloped Rump Width narrow 97 wide posty 95 sickled Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View tall open rip low angle 111 steep Hock Quality swollen 109 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 114 parallel bad 114 good Foot Angle Locomotion RZG Total Merit Index 128 RZM Milk Production 114 Rel. 90% Daugh. 90 / Herds 69 ME 3rd lac Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 10227 4.02 411 3.31 339 RZE Total Conformation Rel. 76% + 1263 - 0.19 + 32 - 0.07 + 36 123 Daugh. 27 / Herds 23 Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder 101 109 119 119 RZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 55% 119 RZS Somatic Cell Count Rel. 84% 118 RZD Milking Speed Rel. 76% 91 RZR Daughter Fertility Rel. 48% 100 RZFit Fitness Index Rel. -% - Rel. 82% 97 low 114 high Suspensory Ligament weak 120 strong Teat Placement Front wide 120 close Teat Placement Rear wide 120 close RZKd Calving paternal Fore Udder Attachment loose 106 tight Calving Ease Average Udder Depth deep 116 shallow Teat Length short 114 long Sire Fertility Excellent Rear Udder Hight Ema Hans-Gerd Klattenhoff, Elsfleth, Germany Granddam Jurmel Marilyn 19 Dewgood Jabez USA 01 39764631 aAa 234165 German Reg. No. 10.506273 Born: 02/21/2009 Breeder: E. Dean Good, Oconto, WI, USA K-Cn: AB PROTEIN IMPROVER • OPTIMAL RUMP STRUCTURE • GREAT UDDER QUALITY Jango (Jocko Besne x Lukas) Dewgood Goldmyn EX-93 2/2 lac 12919 3.48 449 3.22 416 best lac 2 15009 3.50 526 3.20 481 Dewgood Jabez Braedale Goldwyn Mara-Thon BW Marshall Okato Marita EX-91 2/2 lac 13433 4.03 542 2.99 402 best lac 2 15372 4.03 620 2.92 449 Okato Mattie Anita VG-86 1st lac 9847 4.05 399 3.27 322 Jabez (Jango x Goldwyn x BW Marshall x Matthie G x Luke) is one of the most complete sons of the popular MASTERRIND sire Jango. He offers the best total conformation figures among that daughter-proven sire group. The dam of Jabez, Dewgood Goldmyn from Dewgood Holsteins in Wisconsin, is scored EX-93 and completes 10 generations of VG or EX cows. Jabez provides a decent level of production and good components, especially protein. The Jabez daughter group were very uniform when presented at the most recent Show of the Best (Schau der Besten) in February 2014 in Verden. Jabez transmits desirable rump structure with an optimal slope and good width. Jabez daughters move well on excellent feet & legs. They are characterized by a steep foot angle, good bone quality and parallel leg set. The quality udders are well attached, have strong ligaments, closer teat placement and above average teat length. He complements all these attributes with positive figures for milking speed, longevity and daughter fertility. Linear Prof ile 88 100 112 124 small 113 tall Dairy Character tight rib 113 open rip Body Depth shallow 97 deep frail 96 strong Rump Angle ascending 111 sloped Rump Width narrow 112 wide posty 95 Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View low angle 104 steep swollen 103 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 102 parallel bad 111 good Locomotion Total Merit Index 123 RZM Milk Production 118 Rel. 94% Daugh. 175 / Herds 96 ME 3rd lac Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 10099 4.06 410 3.45 348 RZE Total Conformation Rel. 77% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder Functional Herd Life Rel. 56% 106 RZS Somatic Cell Count Rel. 85% 94 RZD Milking Speed Rel. 71% 110 RZR Daughter Fertility Rel. 59% 108 RZFit Fitness Index Rel. -% - Rel. 76% 99 low 116 high 123 strong Teat Placement Front wide 117 close Teat Placement Rear wide 121 close RZKd Calving paternal Fore Udder Attachment loose 104 tight Calving Ease Udder Depth deep 107 shallow Teat Length short 103 long 20 112 109 111 116 RZN weak Jana Lb Grevesmühlen, Grevesmühlen, Germany 119 Daugh. 45 / Herds 34 Suspensory Ligament Rear Udder Hight + 817 - 0.05 + 29 + 0.15 + 43 sickled Hock Quality Foot Angle RZG Sire Fertility Joana VG-85 Berthelsdorfer Agrargen. e.G., Herrenhut, Germany Average Good Carrowcroft Jenetor GBR 93 32 51518615 aAa 324156 German Reg. No. 10.832453 Born: 10/17/2008 Breeder: Chestnut Lodge GT&AM Patton, Carrowdore, Ireland HIGH PRODUCTION SIRE • PROFITABLE COWS • FROM THE REGANCREST DELLIA’S Jango (Jocko Besne x Lukas) Carrowcroft Goldwyn Debbie Joy EX-92 4/4 lac 11488 3.82 439 3.35 385 best lac 4 13273 3.98 528 3.41 452 Carrowcroft Jenetor Braedale Goldwyn Ricecrest Brett CVC B Debbie Joy VG-87 10935 4.19 458 3.62 396 1st lac Regancrest Debbie-Jo EX-92 2/2 lac 15900 4.21 670 3.20 509 best lac 2 17988 4.17 750 3.13 563 Jenetor is a son of MASTERRIND´s very successful Top sire Jango. From both sides of the pedigree he transmits high production. His dam Debbie Joy from the Regancrest Dellia family was not only a high-production cow, she was also a strong type cow, classified at EX-92. The granddam from the top side of the pedigree, Sutane, was a very high production cow, as well. Jenetor himself sires lots of milk in combination with high protein and average fat. The daughters of Jenetor are tall and show lots of dairy strength. The rump structure is the highlight of the daughters with very wide and very correctly sloped rumps. The feet and legs of the Jenetor daughters are of good quality. The highly attached rear udders will win over producers, while front and rear teat placement are correct. All functional traits are even level. Jenetor can be used to improve production and body traits in many herds. He is a normal calving sire with good figures for milking speed and milking behavior. Linear Prof ile 88 100 112 124 small 113 tall Dairy Character tight rib 110 open rip Body Depth shallow 108 deep frail 103 strong Rump Angle ascending 113 sloped Rump Width narrow 111 wide posty 85 Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View low angle 113 swollen 95 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 95 parallel bad 108 good Locomotion Total Merit Index 125 RZM Milk Production 129 Rel. 89% Daugh. 55 / Herds 26 ME 3rd lac Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 10780 3.79 408 3.32 358 RZE Total Conformation Rel. 79% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder 109 116 105 115 RZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 56% 99 RZS Somatic Cell Count Rel. 82% 99 steep RZD Milking Speed Rel. 71% 105 RZR Daughter Fertility Rel. 45% 93 RZFit Fitness Index Rel. -% - Rel. 62% 103 low 116 high weak 107 strong Teat Placement Front wide 111 close Teat Placement Rear wide 106 close RZKd Calving paternal Fore Udder Attachment loose 107 tight Calving Ease Udder Depth deep 105 shallow Teat Length short 97 Karona Klaus Wichern, Groß Meckelsen, Germany 117 Daugh. 47 / Herds 22 Suspensory Ligament Rear Udder Hight + 1848 - 0.40 + 32 - 0.01 + 62 sickled Hock Quality Foot Angle RZG long Sire Fertility Average Good Joli Agrargen. Eibau e.G., Eibau, Germany 21 r Jucator DEU 03 53100792 aAa 432 German Reg. No. 10.332952 Born: 09/06/2009 Breeder: Graskamp GbR, Gölenkamp, Germany HIGH RANKING TOTAL MERIT SIRE • FOOT & LEG IMPROVER • OUTCROSS PEDIGREE Ked Outside Jeeves (Outside x Col Duster) Gippsy VG-87 4/4 lac 11771 3.86 454 3.06 360 best lac 2 12791 3.88 496 3.08 394 Jucator R-E-W Buckeye Hartline Titanic WEU Gipsi GP-84 9774 4.13 404 3.41 333 1st lac Braedale Jaguar VG-87 6/6 lac 12970 4.13 536 3.15 409 best lac 5 14765 4.26 629 3.20 473 The new proven graduate Jucator offers an outcross pedigree, with Jeeves x Buckeye x Titanic x Rudolph, hailing back to Braedale Gypsy Grand VG-88, the famously successful Canadian brood cow that most Holstein breeders around the world admire. Gypsy Grand has numerous excellent, high-ranking offspring and was awarded Global Cow of the year in 2006. The high ranking Jucator comes with an outstanding proof for milk production along with lower components. His uniform daughters are built to last under all kinds of management systems. They are of medium-size with sufficient strength and power plus a great will to milk. They have superior feet & legs with clean bones which allow for excellent mobility. The functional udders are well-attached with a desirable teat placement making them suitable for robot milking systems as well. Adding to that the positive values for longevity, milkability and fertility as well as his interesting aAa score, Jucator can be considered a great All-Around-package which most dairy producers around the globe are looking for. Linear Prof ile 88 100 112 124 small 93 Dairy Character tight rib 109 Body Depth shallow 94 deep frail 87 strong Rump Angle ascending 98 sloped Rump Width narrow 89 wide posty 88 sickled Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View tall open rip low angle 116 steep Hock Quality swollen 103 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 114 parallel bad 116 good Foot Angle Locomotion RZG Total Merit Index 138 RZM Milk Production 124 Rel. 91% Daugh. 113 / Herds 93 ME 3rd lac Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 10911 3.91 427 3.13 342 RZE Total Conformation Rel. 83% + 2310 - 0.26 + 65 - 0.27 + 48 115 Daugh. 61 / Herds 53 Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder 110 89 120 114 RZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 54% 126 RZS Somatic Cell Count Rel. 80% 102 RZD Milking Speed Rel. 81% 106 RZR Daughter Fertility Rel. 55% 108 RZFit Fitness Index Rel. -% - Rel. 77% 100 low 120 high Suspensory Ligament weak 112 strong Teat Placement Front wide 102 close Teat Placement Rear wide 104 close RZKd Calving paternal Fore Udder Attachment loose 104 tight Calving Ease Average Udder Depth deep 102 shallow Teat Length short 96 Sire Fertility Excellent Rear Udder Hight Liq Joschi Johan-Ferdinand Iemhoff, Wielen, Germany 22 long Ostia VG-85 Wilfr.&Wilke Blohm GbR, Stadland, Germany Matulla DEU 03 52795163 aAa 342 German Reg. No. 10.332726 Born: 10/07/2009 Breeder: Marbella Syndicate, John T & Judy Swenson, Barneveld, WI, USA UDDER SPECIALIST • SUCCESSFUL COW FAMILY • HEALTH TRAIT LEADER Regancrest-HHF Mac (BW Marshall x Rudolph) Gold-N-Oaks S Marbella VG-89 11822 4.20 496 3.18 376 1st lac Matulla Picston Shottle Stouder Morty Gold-N-Oaks Morty Malibu EX-94 4/4 lac 11479 4.16 478 3.03 348 best lac 1 12126 4.64 563 3.13 380 Gold-N-Oaks Marshl Cinda VG-87 3/3 lac 14965 4.23 633 3.33 499 best lac 3 15014 4.50 676 3.41 512 Matulla is an appealing Mac son of the well-respected Shottle daughter Gold-N-Oaks Marbella VG-89 GMD DOM, a very popular donor cow with an exceptionally high genomic proof. Many of her young offspring received sky-high genomic evaluations and have carried on the family success with AI and international interest. Several sons from the family are in AI service and boosting great components along with breed-leading type, like Mr Goldnoaks Magnus (S. ManO-Man) or the heavily used MASTERGEN sire Regancrest-BH Cam Giant (page 68). Last is a unique Cameron son out of Matulla’s excellent half sister Gold-N-Oaks Gali 1956 by Goldwyn. Marbella’s Mac son Matulla at MASTERRIND continues the family success as he combines that great type and udder transmission with an exceptional level of milk production and superior fitness traits. Matulla daughters are stylish, angular dairy cows with long necks and fine bone quality. Their fantastic, snug udders are eye-catching with great attachments and veining. Matulla is best used on strong, wide cows with sloping rumps. Like many Mac sons he also displays desirable values for all major fitness traits, particularly for longevity and daughter fertility. Linear Prof ile 88 100 112 124 small 104 tall Dairy Character tight rib 124 open rip Body Depth shallow 96 deep frail 78 strong Rump Angle ascending 83 sloped Rump Width narrow 82 wide posty 104 sickled steep Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View low angle 114 Hock Quality swollen 99 Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 106 parallel bad 112 good Foot Angle Locomotion dry RZG Total Merit Index 130 RZM Milk Production 110 Rel. 93% Daugh. 162 / Herds 134 ME 3rd lac Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 10564 3.97 419 3.21 340 RZE Total Conformation Rel. 84% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder Functional Herd Life Rel. 56% 122 RZS Somatic Cell Count Rel. 82% 108 RZD Milking Speed Rel. 82% 110 RZR Daughter Fertility Rel. 56% 118 RZFit Fitness Index Rel. -% - Rel. 81% 105 low 123 high 111 strong Teat Placement Front wide 116 close Teat Placement Rear wide 117 close RZKd Calving paternal Fore Udder Attachment loose 126 tight Calving Ease Udder Depth deep 128 shallow Teat Length short 88 Manja VG-86 Schulte GbR, Löningen, Germany 125 88 112 132 RZN weak long 125 Daugh. 64 / Herds 56 Suspensory Ligament Rear Udder Hight + 1458 - 0.24 + 34 - 0.19 + 29 Sire Fertility Average Good Beauty Schulte GbR, Löningen, Germany 23 Mowambo NLD 05 26586963 aAa 135246 German Reg. No. 10.472462 SE Born: 05/16/2009 Breeder: Mts K+J H Kok-Hartkamp, Zwolle, Netherlands X ED AVAILABLE FITNESS LEADER • ALTERNATIVE PEDIGREE • HIGH SIRE FERTILITY Robthom Moscow (BW Marshall x Integrity) Dini 29 VG-87 4/4 lac 13002 4.32 562 3.18 413 best lac 2 15208 4.22 642 3.24 492 Mowambo Braedale Goldwyn Newhouse Ronald Dini 16 VG-87 9/9 lac 10577 4.81 509 3.56 377 best lac 3 13277 5.03 668 3.62 481 Dini 12 VG-87 5/5 lac 11106 4.48 497 3.55 394 best lac 4 12985 4.63 601 3.58 465 Mowambo’s sire Moscow was not used extensively as a sire of sons, yet in combination with this deep cow family from the Netherlands he made an interesting combination. The dam’s side of the pedigree has very high lifetime production in all generations. From the top of the pedigree also comes very high production, which makes the bull a solid production improver although the components are not too high. With many daughters in his proof, the figures are quite reliable. Progeny are medium-sized with good dairy character. Dairy strength is one point to watch in matings. Rumps of Mowambo daughters tend not to be too wide, but they show a strong tendency toward being sloped. Rear leg side view and from behind are normal with correct mobility among daughters. The highlights are the very highly attached, snug udders with very strong suspensory ligament. Both, fore and rear udders are well attached as demonstrated among all daughters. More strong points of his high values are the outstanding functional traits. For daughter fertility and functional herd life he is among the best Holstein bulls in the world. Mowambo is normal to easy for calving and his sire fertility is excellent. Linear Prof ile 88 100 112 124 small 105 tall Dairy Character tight rib 106 open rip Body Depth shallow 95 deep frail 94 strong Rump Angle ascending 118 sloped Rump Width narrow 92 posty 102 sickled Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View wide low angle 103 steep Hock Quality swollen 100 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 102 parallel bad 101 good Foot Angle Locomotion RZG Total Merit Index 130 RZM Milk Production 112 Rel. 99% Daugh. 1148 / Herds 527 ME 3rd lac Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 10406 3.77 392 3.25 338 RZE Total Conformation Rel. 93% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder Functional Herd Life Rel. 55% 121 RZS Somatic Cell Count Rel. 97% 123 RZD Milking Speed Rel. 92% 96 RZR Daughter Fertility Rel. 74% 127 RZFit Fitness Index Rel. -% - Rel. 97% 107 low 110 high 120 strong Teat Placement Front wide 104 close Teat Placement Rear wide 102 close RZKd Calving paternal Fore Udder Attachment loose 109 tight Calving Ease deep 115 shallow Teat Length short 103 long Mohnblume VG-85 Vermögensgem. Spitzkunnersdorf e.G., Spitzkunnersdorf, Germany 24 106 95 100 118 RZN weak Udder Depth 111 Daugh. 235 / Herds 135 Suspensory Ligament Rear Udder Hight + 1741 - 0.50 + 18 - 0.21 + 37 Sire Fertility Urfa Gerd Keithan, Loxstedt, Germany Average-Easy Excellent Pioneer NLD 05 22336869 aAa 342516 German Reg. No. 10.832498 Born: 09/17/2009 Breeder: Fly Higher Holsteins, Valley Falls, NY, USA K-Cn: AA -Cn: A1/A2 UNIQUE PLANET SON • SUPERB LONGEVITY • PROFITABLE COWS Ensenada Taboo Planet (Taboo x Amel) Hendel Shottle Mica 2144 VG-88 14351 4.08 585 3.23 463 1st lac Picston Shottle Regancrest Elton Durham CVC Hendel Durham Mitzi 1390 EX-90 2/2 lac 14253 3.47 495 3.21 458 best lac 2 16458 3.55 584 3.22 530 Hendel Mnfred Mistique 1149 BLC VG-88 4/4 lac 15853 3.67 582 3.10 491 best lac 3 16875 3.76 635 3.13 528 For any dairyman that’s looking to make profitable, trouble-free cows, Pioneer is the clear winner to select. The popular Planet son, who was used heavily as a genomic sire hails back from the well-respected cow family of Hendel Durham Mitzi EX-90. His high producing dam Hendel Shottle Mica 2144 VG-88 DOM has numerous offspring with great genomic evaluations. To name a few notorious family members we begin with Pioneer’s half sister by Bolton, Fly-Higher Bolton Misha VG-88-USA, the dam of Fly-Higher Mancave, MASTERRIND’s heavily used son by Observer. Pioneer’s full sisters Fly-Higher Planet Miami in the USA and Hendel Planet Mica in Holland are both scored VG-86 as 2 year olds and became bull dams themselves. Pioneer daughters are medium-sized, durable cows with plenty of strength and width throughout. They have the ability to keep their condition through lactation. They walk comfortably on a very sound feet & legs and show high, wide rear udders with strong udder cleft. Their solid udder attachments, medium stature and great dairy strength make them excellent additions to large, progressive herd environments around the globe. Now as a proven sire, Pioneer substantiates his genomic data as a great longevity sire as well as being a true calving ease specialist. Linear Prof ile 88 100 112 124 small 89 tall Dairy Character tight rib 86 open rip Body Depth shallow 85 deep frail 96 strong Rump Angle ascending 90 sloped Rump Width narrow 90 wide posty 101 Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View low angle 93 swollen 117 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 115 parallel bad 112 good high Locomotion RZG Total Merit Index 131 RZM Milk Production 109 Rel. 95% Daugh. 275 / Herds 160 ME 3rd lac Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 10422 3.76 392 3.24 338 RZE Total Conformation Rel. 84% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder 91 83 114 119 RZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 56% 135 RZS Somatic Cell Count Rel. 89% 108 steep RZD Milking Speed Rel. 80% 91 RZR Daughter Fertility Rel. 51% 118 RZFit Fitness Index Rel. -% - Rel. 99% 120 low 100 weak 99 strong Teat Placement Front wide 118 close Teat Placement Rear wide 104 close RZKd Calving paternal Fore Udder Attachment loose 122 tight Calving Ease Udder Depth deep 118 shallow Teat Length short 84 Diana Agrargen. Agrofarm Göda e.G., Bautzen, Germany 111 Daugh. 63 / Herds 39 Suspensory Ligament Rear Udder Hight + 1264 - 0.29 + 22 - 0.13 + 30 sickled Hock Quality Foot Angle Pioneer long Sire Fertility Very Easy Good HHF Vardegötzen VG-85 Hanne-Sustrath GbR, Pattensen, Germany 25 Go-Farm Baltollo ITA 01 99 90532756 aAa 234156 German Reg. No. 10.832237 Born: 01/24/2008 Breeder: Giuseppe & Roberto Gozzini, Cremona, Italy SE X ED AVAILABLE -Cn: A1/A2 COMPLETE BAXTER SON • FROM JEFFREY-WAY TINA FAMILY • LONGEVITY Emerald-Acr-Sa T-Baxter (Blitz x Mtoto) Go-Farm Tina EX-90 3/3 lac 13240 3.96 524 3.43 454 best lac 2 15582 3.57 556 3.32 517 p Go-Farm Baltollo Braedale Goldwyn Mara-Thon BW Marshall Jeffrey-Way Tolare VG-88 3/3 lac 14529 3.69 536 3.16 459 best lac 2 15368 3.92 602 3.11 478 Jeffrey-Way Format Tate EX-93 3/3 lac 15036 4.18 629 3.20 481 best lac 2 15840 4.46 707 3.27 518 RZG RZM 116 103 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 93% Daugh. 88 / Herds 42 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg small 109 tall Dairy Character tight rib 118 open rip Body Depth shallow 119 deep frail 107 strong Rump Angle ascending 99 sloped Rump Width narrow 114 wide posty 101 sickled low angle 109 steep Hock Quality swollen 105 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 101 parallel Locomotion bad 109 good Rear Udder Hight low 112 high Suspensory Ligament weak 109 strong Teat Placement Front wide 102 close Teat Placement Rear wide 105 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 99 tight shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease long Sire Fertility Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle Udder Depth deep 96 Teat Length short 112 RZE 1233 0.28 22 0.20 21 119 Total Conformation Rel. 84% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd + + + 10691 3.89 416 3.26 348 Daugh. 69 / Herds 34 118 123 111 107 Functional Herd Life Rel. 65% 122 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 89% Milking Speed Rel. 77% 102 Daughter Fertility Rel. 56% 111 Fitness Index 97 Rel. 71% 117 Rel. 93% 104 Average Good Battunga NLD 05 22667606 aAa 432156 German Reg. No. 10.832222 Born: 05/30/2008 Breeder: W. N. Pon-Koepon, Feerwerd, Netherlands WALKUP ASTRONAUT LOU ANN FAMILY • MILK YIELD • SUPERIOR LONGEVITY Emerald-Acr-Sa T-Baxter (Blitz x Mtoto) Veenhuizer Lou Ella 3 VG-87 1st lac 11579 3.77 437 3.24 375 Comestar Stormatic Regancrest Elton Durham CVC Veenhuizer Lou Ella VG-88 7/5 lac 13443 3.65 491 3.34 449 best lac 3 15547 3.57 555 3.25 505 Rothrock Cubby Lupus EX-90 2/2 lac 13795 3.82 527 3.23 445 best lac 2 15377 3.67 564 3.17 488 p Battunga RZG RZM 130 122 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 93% Daugh. 88 / Herds 40 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 small 104 tall Dairy Character tight rib 100 open rip Body Depth shallow 111 deep frail 109 strong Rump Angle ascending 109 sloped Rump Width narrow 100 wide posty 87 low angle 108 steep Hock Quality swollen 104 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 98 Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle sickled parallel Locomotion bad 106 good Rear Udder Hight low 101 high Suspensory Ligament weak 107 strong Teat Placement Front wide 88 close Teat Placement Rear wide 91 close Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZE Total Conformation Rel. 85% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd 2520 0.66 28 0.28 53 112 Daugh. 79 / Herds 34 101 111 109 107 Functional Herd Life Rel. 63% 120 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 87% 108 Milking Speed Rel. 72% Daughter Fertility Rel. 53% 102 Fitness Index Rel. 70% 121 Fore Udder Attachment loose 112 tight Udder Depth deep 105 shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease Teat Length short 98 long Sire Fertility 26 + + + 11054 3.70 409 3.20 354 95 Rel. 57% 100 Average Good Biarritz FRA 22 16979219 aAa 423165 German Reg. No. 10.330891 Born: 11/19/2006 Breeder: Jacky Beurel, Langast, France HIGH PRODUCTION SIRE • ALTERNATIVE PEDIGREE • STRENGTH & DEPTH R-E-W Buckeye (BW Marshall x Rudolph) Ulema 39 VG-86 2/2 lac 12259 3.66 449 3.21 394 best lac 2 13875 3.61 501 3.19 443 Stouder Morty Elite Mountain Donor Imp Saturne VG-86 2/2 lac 10726 3.94 423 3.34 358 best lac 2 11112 3.87 430 3.22 358 Miss VG-89 1st lac p Biarritz 9263 4.80 445 3.65 338 RZG RZM 125 127 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 96% Daugh. 152 / Herds 129 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 small 110 tall Dairy Character tight rib 101 open rip Body Depth shallow 115 deep frail 115 strong Rump Angle ascending 98 sloped Rump Width narrow 106 posty 88 low angle 106 Hock Quality swollen 96 Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 111 parallel bad 111 good Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle Locomotion Rear Udder Hight wide sickled steep dry Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZE Daugh. 73 / Herds 66 105 119 110 114 Functional Herd Life Rel. 71% Somatic Cell Count Rel. 92% 104 Milking Speed Rel. 79% Daughter Fertility Rel. 62% 100 Fitness Index Rel. 75% 111 low 113 high Suspensory Ligament weak 106 strong Teat Placement Front wide 116 close Teat Placement Rear wide 106 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 107 tight Udder Depth deep 99 shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease Teat Length short 93 long Sire Fertility Abtshoeve 2143 0.30 54 0.16 54 119 Total Conformation Rel. 84% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd + + + 10595 3.94 418 3.24 343 94 91 Rel. 92% 93 Average Excellent Bokko NLD 04 96356034 aAa 531426 German Reg. No. 10.331590 Born: 02/18/2008 Breeder: M C A Van Beek, Abtshoeve Holsteins, Oosterhout, Netherlands PROTEIN SPECIALIST • FEET & LEGS BULL • HIGH LONGEVITY J-K-R BW-Marshll Billion (BW Marshall x Col Duster) Abtshoeve Mina 511 VG-88 2/2 lac 12216 4.36 533 3.60 440 best lac 2 13769 4.23 582 3.53 486 p Abtshoeve Bokko O-Bee Manfred Justice (O-Man) Manat Abtshoeve Mina 470 VG-85 2/2 lac 9811 4.31 423 3.61 354 best lac 2 10300 4.17 429 3.53 364 Abtshoeve Mina 444 VG-86 3/2 lac 10769 4.28 461 3.60 388 best lac 2 11612 4.25 493 3.59 417 RZG RZM 131 130 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 95% Daugh. 144 / Herds 120 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 small 95 tall Dairy Character tight rib 99 open rip Body Depth shallow 110 deep frail 106 strong Rump Angle ascending 97 sloped Rump Width narrow 110 wide posty 100 sickled low angle 119 steep Hock Quality swollen 94 Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 112 Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle dry parallel Locomotion bad 115 good Rear Udder Hight low 105 high Suspensory Ligament weak 87 strong Teat Placement Front wide 102 close Teat Placement Rear wide 88 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 101 Udder Depth deep 95 Teat Length short 111 Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZE Total Conformation Rel. 82% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd 1235 0.04 46 0.16 59 111 Daugh. 61 / Herds 52 102 111 116 101 Functional Herd Life Rel. 64% 113 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 91% 100 Milking Speed Rel. 77% 99 Daughter Fertility Rel. 57% 95 Fitness Index shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease long Sire Fertility tight + + + + 10404 4.08 424 3.44 358 Rel. 72% 111 Rel. 72% 105 Average Good 27 o v Reinermann Rüsfort Boneiro DEU 03 52800307 aAa 342156 German Reg. No. 10.332013 Born: 11/01/2008 Breeder: Uwe Reinermann, Gehrde, Germany MILK & FAT YIELD • BODY TRAIT IMPROVER • SUPERIOR LONGEVITY Emerald-Acr-Sa T-Baxter (Blitz x Mtoto) Reinermann Rüsfort Princess VG-86 1st lac 11567 3,67 425 3,37 390 R-E-W Buckeye Regancrest Elton Durham CVC Prinzessin VG-86 12624 4,23 534 3,68 465 1st lac Wilcoxview Form Patricia EX-91 2/2 lac 13414 3,82 513 3,41 458 best lac 2 16022 3,78 605 3,25 521 p Reinermann Rüsfort Boneiro RZG RZM 127 119 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 90% Daugh. 92 / Herds 68 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg small 118 tall Dairy Character tight rib 115 open rip Body Depth shallow 120 deep frail 110 strong Rump Angle ascending 104 sloped Rump Width narrow 111 wide posty 105 sickled low angle 107 steep Hock Quality swollen 88 Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 100 Locomotion bad 99 good Rear Udder Hight low 118 high Suspensory Ligament weak 120 strong Teat Placement Front wide 106 close Teat Placement Rear wide 113 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 108 tight Udder Depth deep 106 shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease Teat Length short 103 long Sire Fertility Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle dry parallel RZE 1327 0.03 58 0.06 39 117 Total Conformation Rel. 81% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd + + + + 10714 4.05 434 3.30 353 Daugh. 44 / Herds 36 114 124 95 117 Functional Herd Life Rel. 56% 122 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 81% 111 Milking Speed Rel. 79% 84 Daughter Fertility Rel. 55% 99 Fitness Index Rel. -% - Rel. 71% 99 Average Good Borislav DEU 03 51787864 aAa 342516 German Reg. No. 10.472007 SE Born: 05/22/2008 Breeder: MTS van Beek-Baremans, Southland Holsteins, Teteringen, Netherlands X ED AVAILABLE OVERALL UDDER IMPROVER • HIGH LONGEVITY • SOUTHLAND DELLIA FAMILY Sandy-Valley Bolton BYC (Hershel x Convincer) Southland Zenith Dellia 120 VG-85 3/3 lac 9532 4.50 429 3.48 332 best lac 1 10184 4.56 464 3.44 350 p Borislav Ocean-View Zenith Timlynn Adam Southland Dellia 43 VG-88 3/3 lac 12397 3.53 437 3.30 409 best lac 3 12199 3.85 470 3.44 420 Southland Dellia 2 CVC VG-88 1st lac 9797 4.56 447 3.39 332 RZG RZM 116 106 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 96% Daugh. 202 / Herds 126 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 small 104 Dairy Character tight rib 93 Body Depth shallow 105 deep frail 106 strong Rump Angle ascending 107 sloped Rump Width narrow 101 wide posty 93 low angle 107 Hock Quality swollen 93 Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 106 Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle tall open rip sickled steep dry parallel Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZE Total Conformation Rel. 85% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd 877 0.05 41 0.10 20 118 Daugh. 82 / Herds 49 96 107 108 122 Functional Herd Life Rel. 63% 112 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 90% Milking Speed Rel. 80% 105 Locomotion bad 110 good Rear Udder Hight low 115 high Suspensory Ligament weak 99 strong Teat Placement Front wide 120 close Teat Placement Rear wide 109 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 120 tight Udder Depth deep 113 shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease Teat Length short 107 long Sire Fertility 28 + + + + 9917 4.14 411 3.27 324 99 Daughter Fertility Rel. 58% 105 Fitness Index Rel. 74% 112 Rel. 69% 96 Average Good Boswell NLD 04 49373721 aAa 324156 German Reg. No. 10.832165 Born: 08/16/2007 Breeder: Chuck Jinkins, Livingston, WI, USA K-Cn: AB -Cn: A2/A2 FAMILY OF HARDWOOD LEADMAN BLISS EX-92 • BODY TRAITS • UDDER IMPROVER R-E-W Buckeye (BW Marshall x Rudolph) Hardwood O Butterfly EX-91 3/3 lac 11526 4,21 485 3,51 405 best lac 3 12056 4,59 553 3,62 437 p Boswell Comestar Outside Startmore Rudolph Hardwood R Blissful EX-92 4/4 lac 12203 3,63 443 3,18 388 best lac 2 14710 3,66 538 3,24 477 Hardwood Leadman Bliss EX-92 4/4 lac 11969 3,94 471 3,28 392 best lac 4 14420 4,31 621 3,27 472 RZG RZM 115 113 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 94% Daugh. 104 / Herds 47 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 small 120 Dairy Character tight rib 96 Body Depth shallow 112 deep frail 118 strong Rump Angle ascending 119 sloped Rump Width narrow 107 wide posty 109 sickled low angle 96 steep Hock Quality swollen 94 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 105 parallel Locomotion bad 105 good Rear Udder Hight low 106 high Suspensory Ligament weak 110 strong Teat Placement Front wide 115 close Teat Placement Rear wide 110 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 110 tight Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle tall open rip Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZE Daugh. 72 / Herds 33 95 119 99 115 Functional Herd Life Rel. 66% 105 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 90% Milking Speed Rel. 73% 82 Daughter Fertility Rel. 59% 99 Fitness Index 97 Rel. 73% 107 Udder Depth deep 113 shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease Teat Length short 102 long Sire Fertility Veenhuizer 1158 0.13 35 0.05 34 113 Total Conformation Rel. 85% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd + + + 10201 4.01 409 3.33 339 Rel. 76% 110 Easy Good Boyle NLD 04 87756333 aAa 423156 German Reg. No. 10.832251 Born: 01/29/2008 Breeder: Mts O+J Uineken, Dalen, Netherlands HIGH PRODUCTION SIRE • UDDER IMPROVER • GOOD LOCOMOTION Sandy-Valley Bolton BYC (Hershel x Convincer) Veenhuizer Zadia 15 VG-88 3/3 lac 11465 3.99 457 3.26 374 best lac 3 11957 4.01 479 3.21 384 p Veenhuizer Boyle Picston Shottle Jesther CVC Veenhuizer Zadia 7 EX-91 6/6 lac 11441 4.39 502 3.25 372 best lac 4 13359 4.49 600 3.16 422 Veenhuizer Zadia VG-89 4/4 lac 9829 4.49 441 3.58 352 best lac 3 11658 4.67 544 3.70 431 RZG RZM 114 109 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 99% Daugh. 946 / Herds 462 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 small 104 tall Dairy Character tight rib 110 open rip Body Depth shallow 107 deep frail 100 strong Rump Angle ascending 99 sloped Rump Width narrow 88 wide posty 103 sickled low angle 101 steep Hock Quality swollen 102 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 106 parallel Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZE 10215 3.91 400 3.26 333 Total Conformation Rel. 93% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd + + + 1236 0.21 29 0.13 29 121 Daugh. 218 / Herds 129 112 103 109 125 Functional Herd Life Rel. 61% 102 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 97% Milking Speed Rel. 86% 106 Daughter Fertility Rel. 74% Fitness Index Rel. 83% 109 Locomotion bad 109 good Rear Udder Hight low 111 high Suspensory Ligament weak 108 strong Teat Placement Front wide 112 close Teat Placement Rear wide 108 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 121 tight Udder Depth deep 120 shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease Teat Length short 111 long Sire Fertility 99 95 Rel. 91% 91 Difficult Good 29 n y Bradon Clear-Echo Baxter USA 00 64633901 aAa 432156 German Reg. No. 10.331874 Born: 04/26/2008 Breeder: Clear Echo Farm LLC, Schuylerville, NY, USA SUCCESSFUL COW FAMILY • HIGH MILK SIRE • GREAT TYPE Emerald-Acr-Sa T-Baxter (Blitz x Mtoto) Clear-Echo 822 Ramo 1200 EX-94 3/3 lac 14148 4.09 578 3.36 475 best lac 3 16398 3.76 617 3.55 582 p Clear-Echo Baxter Bradon Ramos BYC Lexvold Luke Hershel Clear-Echo Hershl D-Rac 822 VG-87 3/3 lac 13753 3.00 413 2.79 384 best lac 2 15695 3.13 492 2.61 409 Clear-Echo Decisn L-Rac 505 VG-86 3/3 lac 13674 4.00 547 3.14 430 best lac 2 15672 3.85 604 3.06 480 RZG RZM 124 114 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 96% Daugh. 176 / Herds 132 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg small 122 tall Dairy Character tight rib 108 open rip Body Depth shallow 129 deep frail 117 strong Rump Angle ascending 106 sloped Rump Width narrow 107 wide posty 87 low angle 115 Hock Quality swollen 86 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 99 parallel Locomotion bad 105 good Rear Udder Hight low 119 high Suspensory Ligament weak 111 strong Teat Placement Front wide 91 close Teat Placement Rear wide 102 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 103 tight Udder Depth deep 102 shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease Teat Length short 113 long Sire Fertility Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle sickled steep RZE 1695 0.44 22 0.17 40 116 Total Conformation Rel. 86% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd + + + 10562 3.77 399 3.24 342 Daugh. 89 / Herds 73 114 124 100 111 Functional Herd Life Rel. 63% 123 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 91% 106 Milking Speed Rel. 80% Daughter Fertility Rel. 61% 105 Fitness Index Rel. 74% 121 88 Rel. 70% 94 Average Good Calgary DEU 03 52950155 aAa 234 German Reg. No. 10.473381 Born: 08/28/2009 Breeder: Todd & Mary Stanek, Fall Creek, WI, USA ALTERNATIVE PEDIGREE • OPTIMAL RUMPS • FANTASTIC UDDERS Glen-Valley BW Captain (BW Marshall x Winchester) Our-Favorite Outburst EX-93 4/4 lac 14988 3,98 596 3,24 486 best lac 4 18441 3,92 722 3,18 587 Comestar Outside Wa-Del Convincer CVC BYC Our-Favorite Conceited EX-92 2/2 lac 14914 3,74 558 3,35 499 best lac 2 16798 3,69 620 3,41 572 Our-Favorite Morgan EX-92 4/4 lac 15175 3,57 542 3,18 483 best lac 2 15481 3,86 597 3,25 503 p Calgary RZG RZM 124 114 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 94% Daugh. 149 / Herds 56 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 small 119 tall Dairy Character tight rib 114 open rip Body Depth shallow 113 deep frail 104 strong Rump Angle ascending 113 sloped Rump Width narrow 111 wide posty 107 sickled low angle 102 steep Hock Quality swollen 98 Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 108 Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle dry parallel Locomotion bad 98 good Rear Udder Hight low 124 high Suspensory Ligament weak 110 strong Teat Placement Front wide 113 close Teat Placement Rear wide 114 close Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZE Total Conformation Rel. 85% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd 1278 0.25 27 0.06 37 125 Daugh. 84 / Herds 32 116 122 102 125 Functional Herd Life Rel. 55% 107 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 84% 113 Milking Speed Rel. 71% Daughter Fertility Rel. 58% 111 Fitness Index Rel. -% Fore Udder Attachment loose 111 tight Udder Depth deep 117 shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease Teat Length short 94 long Sire Fertility 30 + + + 10400 3.81 396 3.27 341 92 - Rel. 65% 91 Average-Difficult Good Gimik DEU 05 35569894 German Reg. No. 10.832438 Born: 04/26/2009 Breeder: Walter Weber u. Georg Geuecke, Kirchhundem, Germany GRANDDAM WAS SHOW WINNER • SHALLOW UDDERS • GREAT MOBILITY Gibor (Gibbon x Sunnyboy) Kansas VG-86 4/4 lac 12098 3.97 480 3.31 401 best lac 4 13157 4.32 568 3.34 440 p Gimik Braedale Goldwyn Comestar Outside Batke Outside Kora EX-94 6/5 lac 13904 3.85 535 3.20 445 best lac 5 14130 4.16 588 3.18 450 Batke Klivia VG-88 3/3 lac 10911 4.00 436 3.44 375 best lac 3 11494 4.72 542 3.36 386 RZG RZM 127 113 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 86% Daugh. 57 / Herds 17 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg small 99 tall Dairy Character tight rib 92 open rip Body Depth shallow 109 deep frail 114 strong Rump Angle ascending 91 sloped Rump Width narrow 102 posty 87 low angle 116 Hock Quality swollen 96 Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 112 parallel Locomotion bad 123 good Rear Udder Hight low 107 high Suspensory Ligament weak 97 strong Teat Placement Front wide 99 close Teat Placement Rear wide 94 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 117 tight Udder Depth deep 110 shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease Teat Length short 115 long Sire Fertility Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle wide sickled steep dry RZE 852 0.10 25 0.05 34 117 Total Conformation Rel. 78% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd + + + + 9906 3.93 389 3.45 342 Daugh. 33 / Herds 11 93 109 117 113 Functional Herd Life Rel. 55% 117 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 78% 117 Milking Speed Rel. 72% Daughter Fertility Rel. 53% 111 Fitness Index Rel. -% 93 - Rel. 67% 109 Easy Good Gloy DEU 05 80388138 aAa 213645 German Reg. No. 10.567455 Born: 05/11/2006 Breeder: Achim Grötemeier, Stemwede, Germany -Cn: A1/A2 HIGH COMPONENTS • FOOT & LEG IMPROVER • GREAT SIRE FERTILITY Braedale Goldwyn (James x Storm) Serena VG-86 3/3 lac 15774 3.89 614 3.41 538 best lac 2 16990 4.45 756 3.35 569 p Gloy Lentini RDC Lukas Sina VG-85 4/3 lac 15918 3.74 596 3.27 520 best lac 2 17568 3.47 610 3.28 576 Sabrina VG-88 2/2 lac 13950 4.16 580 3.35 467 best lac 2 15415 4.04 623 3.30 508 RZG RZM 127 126 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 95% Daugh. 133 / Herds 96 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 small 105 tall Dairy Character tight rib 118 open rip Body Depth shallow 114 deep frail 98 strong Rump Angle ascending 102 sloped Rump Width narrow 104 wide posty 101 sickled low angle 107 steep Hock Quality swollen 112 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 106 parallel Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle Locomotion bad 115 good Rear Udder Hight low 110 high Suspensory Ligament weak 102 strong Teat Placement Front wide 94 close Teat Placement Rear wide 98 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 103 Udder Depth deep 96 Teat Length short 100 Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZE Total Conformation Rel. 79% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd 1211 0.09 59 0.08 49 118 Daugh. 47 / Herds 37 122 112 117 106 Functional Herd Life Rel. 69% 104 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 92% 102 Milking Speed Rel. 83% Daughter Fertility Rel. 63% 102 Fitness Index Rel. 74% 114 shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease long Sire Fertility tight + + + + + 9935 4.15 413 3.38 336 91 Rel. 97% 109 Easy Excellent 31 g b Goldberg DNK 51 26001388 aAa 312456 German Reg. No. 10.831982 Born: 05/08/2006 Breeder: Aslundgaard v/S Norgaard, Bevtoft, Denmark K-Cn: AB UNIQUE GOLDWYN SON • TALL & LONG FRAMES • DAUGHTER CONCEPTION Braedale Goldwyn (James x Storm) Aslundgaard Morty Molly EX-90 4/3 lac 10457 4.48 468 3.48 364 best lac 2 11943 4.61 550 3.59 429 p Goldberg Stouder Morty Maughlin Storm Willdina S Still EX-91 6/6 lac 9817 4.49 441 3.57 350 best lac 5 11360 4.51 512 3.41 387 Willdina JP Stacey QE VG-85 1st lac 4871 2.65 129 3.10 151 (198 days) RZG RZM 119 109 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 95% Daugh. 164 / Herds 87 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg small 121 tall Dairy Character tight rib 111 open rip Body Depth shallow 121 deep frail 116 strong Rump Angle ascending 93 sloped Rump Width narrow 107 wide posty 106 sickled low angle 103 steep Hock Quality swollen 105 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 106 parallel Locomotion bad 110 good Rear Udder Hight low 120 high Suspensory Ligament weak 98 strong Teat Placement Front wide 95 close Teat Placement Rear wide 85 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 113 tight Udder Depth deep 108 shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease Teat Length short 111 long Sire Fertility Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle Dewgood RZE 849 0.07 42 0.04 25 121 Total Conformation Rel. 86% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd + + + + 10113 4.06 411 3.34 338 Daugh. 87 / Herds 44 113 124 108 115 Functional Herd Life Rel. 78% 105 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 91% 116 Milking Speed Rel. 76% Daughter Fertility Rel. 63% 116 Fitness Index Rel. 78% 124 95 Rel. 90% 113 Easy Medium Jacob USA 01 39764668 aAa 315246 German Reg. No. 10.506274 Born: 02/27/2009 Breeder: E. Dean Good, Oconto, WI, USA K-Cn: AB MILK & PROTEIN YIELD • HIGH REAR UDDERS • DAUGHTER FERTILITY Jango (Jocko Besne x Lukas) Dewgood Goldmyn EX-93 2/2 lac 12919 3.48 449 3.22 416 best lac 2 15009 3.50 526 3.20 481 p Dewgood Jacob Braedale Goldwyn Mara-Thon BW Marshall Okato Marita EX-91 2/2 lac 13433 4.03 542 2.99 402 best lac 2 15372 4.03 620 2.92 449 Okato Mattie Anita VG-86 1st lac 9847 4.05 399 3.27 322 RZG RZM 127 121 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 83% Daugh. 45 / Herds 22 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 small 108 tall Dairy Character tight rib 108 open rip Body Depth shallow 105 deep frail 101 strong Rump Angle ascending 112 sloped Rump Width narrow 101 wide posty 99 low angle 111 Hock Quality swollen 90 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 96 parallel Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle sickled steep Locomotion bad 107 good Rear Udder Hight low 119 high Suspensory Ligament weak 106 strong Teat Placement Front wide 101 close Teat Placement Rear wide 99 close Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZE Total Conformation Rel. 76% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd 1300 0.16 37 0.03 47 115 Daugh. 25 / Herds 15 109 109 101 118 Functional Herd Life Rel. 56% 111 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 78% 100 Milking Speed Rel. 72% 108 Daughter Fertility Rel. 53% 110 Fitness Index Rel. -% Fore Udder Attachment loose 111 tight Udder Depth deep 109 shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease Teat Length short 105 long Sire Fertility 32 + + + + 9833 3.96 389 3.36 330 - Rel. 64% 94 Average Good Jango DEU 03 47136242 aAa 534162 German Reg. No. 10.831082 Born: 10/18/2000 Breeder: Jakob und Eric Kleemann GbR, Lütetsburg, Germany K-Cn: AA POPULAR SECOND CROP SIRE • HIGH PRODUCTION • CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Jocko Besne (Besne Buck x Southwind) Kleemann Holsteins Sutane VG-89 3/3 lac 12539 4.56 572 3.38 424 best lac 3 14907 4.49 670 3.29 490 p Jango Lukas United Nick Kleemann Holsteins Sonora VG-87 7/6 lac 11657 4.17 486 3.46 403 best lac 4 13498 4.10 554 3.49 471 Somali VG-86 7/6 lac 10651 4.35 463 3.25 346 best lac 1 11148 4.78 533 3.34 372 RZG RZM 119 122 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 99% Daugh. 18068 / Herds 5241 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 small 105 tall Dairy Character tight rib 100 open rip Body Depth shallow 105 deep frail 108 strong Rump Angle ascending 100 sloped Rump Width narrow 105 wide posty 82 low angle 117 Hock Quality swollen 85 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 93 parallel bad 100 good Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle Locomotion Rear Udder Hight sickled steep low 117 high Suspensory Ligament weak 113 strong Teat Placement Front wide 100 close Teat Placement Rear wide 102 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 106 tight Udder Depth deep 98 Teat Length short 112 Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 10280 3.96 407 3.34 343 RZE 1501 0.25 35 0.01 49 110 Total Conformation Rel. 99% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd + + + Daugh. 5447 / Herds 2076 100 112 100 111 Functional Herd Life Rel. 99% 99 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 99% 93 Milking Speed Rel. 99% 97 Daughter Fertility Rel. 99% 99 Fitness Index Rel. 99% 106 shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease long Sire Fertility Rel. 99% 86 Difficult Medium Jobess DEU 03 46612724 aAa 615243 German Reg. No. 10.463395 Born: 09/30/2002 Breeder: Jürgen Hintze, Trebel, Germany K-Cn: AA SECOND CROP SUCCESS • PRODUCTION IMPROVER • PROFITABLE COWS Jocko Besne (Besne Buck x Southwind) Janin EX-90 6/6 lac 9870 5.21 514 3.40 336 best lac 4 12435 5.10 634 3.34 415 p Jobess Ellbank Airliner Bis-May S-E-L Mountain Jauquet Mountain Misty GP-84 2/1 lac 12814 3.96 508 3.04 390 CMV Melwood Mimi VG-86 1st lac 9234 3.68 340 3.52 325 RZG RZM 124 123 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 99% Daugh. 9676 / Herds 2982 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 small 95 tall Dairy Character tight rib 98 open rip Body Depth shallow 103 deep frail 108 strong Rump Angle ascending 109 sloped Rump Width narrow 84 wide posty 77 sickled low angle 93 steep Hock Quality swollen 99 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 114 Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle parallel Locomotion bad 109 good Rear Udder Hight low 106 high Suspensory Ligament weak 88 strong Teat Placement Front wide 103 close Teat Placement Rear wide 101 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 100 tight Udder Depth deep 93 Teat Length short 111 Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZE 10155 4.08 414 3.30 335 Total Conformation Rel. 99% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd + + + 1603 0.08 57 0.08 46 102 Daugh. 2389 / Herds 1006 97 97 109 100 Functional Herd Life Rel. 99% 108 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 99% 107 Milking Speed Rel. 98% 101 Daughter Fertility Rel. 98% Fitness Index Rel. 99% 112 shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease long Sire Fertility 95 Rel. 99% 100 Average Good 33 Wendland Holsteins Jokasko DEU 03 52642498 aAa 423516 German Reg. No. 10.472033 Born: 08/18/2008 Breeder: Jürgen Hintze, Trebel, Germany OUTCROSS PEDIGREE • MEDIUM STATURE COWS • DESIRABLE PROTEIN Jobess (Jocko Besne x Airliner) Wendland Holsteins Gesine VG-87 4/3 lac 12760 4.08 520 3.59 458 best lac 2 14648 4.09 599 3.56 521 Hidden-View Best Olmo Prelude Tugolo MFC Wendland Holsteins Galina EX-90 5/5 lac 12079 4.49 542 3.49 421 best lac 2 14354 4.86 698 3.57 513 Belltone Gale EX-90 5/5 lac 14034 4.62 648 3.45 484 best lac 5 14578 4.89 713 3.43 500 p Wendland Holsteins Jokasko RZG RZM 120 115 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 95% Daugh. 144 / Herds 118 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 small 97 tall Dairy Character tight rib 90 open rip Body Depth shallow 100 deep frail 111 strong Rump Angle ascending 109 sloped Rump Width narrow 88 wide posty 81 sickled low angle 107 Hock Quality swollen 97 Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 111 parallel Locomotion bad 112 good Rear Udder Hight low 109 high Suspensory Ligament weak 88 strong Teat Placement Front wide 101 close Teat Placement Rear wide 94 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 114 tight Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle Udder Depth deep 98 Teat Length short 111 Regan-Elite En steep dry Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZE 966 0.14 25 0.06 39 110 Total Conformation Rel. 79% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd + + + + 9777 3,99 390 3.35 327 Daugh. 46 / Herds 40 91 100 115 108 Functional Herd Life Rel. 58% 113 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 89% Milking Speed Rel. 83% 98 Daughter Fertility Rel. 55% 99 Fitness Index 98 Rel. 70% 113 shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease long Sire Fertility Rel. 65% 94 Average Good Lusion USA 00 62744479 aAa 234156 German Reg. No. 10.506052 SE Born: 06/29/2007 Breeder: Regancrest Farm, Waukon, IA, USA X ED AVAILABLE MILK YIELD FROM GREAT UDDERS • POPULAR COW FAMILY • VERY EASY CALVING BDG Genetics Encino (BW Marshall x Rick) Miss Titanic Lulu VG-87 1st lac 11132 3.45 384 3.22 358 p Regan-Elite En Lusion Hartline Titanic Roylane Jordan (Roy) Crescentmead Roy Loulou EX-90 2/2 lac 11409 4.23 483 3.17 362 best lac 2 11500 4.19 482 3.17 364 Crescentmead Durham Louella EX-92 2/2 lac 13963 3.76 525 2.90 405 best lac 2 14900 4.05 603 2.81 419 RZG RZM 121 116 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 93% Daugh. 87 / Herds 41 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 small 101 Dairy Character tight rib 92 open rip Body Depth shallow 93 deep frail 101 strong Rump Angle ascending 84 sloped Rump Width narrow 108 posty 85 low angle 116 Hock Quality swollen 98 Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 115 Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle tall wide sickled steep dry parallel Locomotion bad 110 good Rear Udder Hight low 109 high Suspensory Ligament weak 119 strong Teat Placement Front wide 94 close Teat Placement Rear wide 98 close Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZE Total Conformation Rel. 84% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd 1736 0.39 29 0.16 41 115 Daugh. 69 / Herds 34 92 99 115 118 Functional Herd Life Rel. 63% 103 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 89% 100 Milking Speed Rel. 77% 100 Daughter Fertility Rel. 54% 105 Fitness Index Rel. 70% 117 Fore Udder Attachment loose 119 tight Udder Depth deep 111 shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease Teat Length short 111 long Sire Fertility 34 + + + 10373 3.86 400 3.28 340 Rel. 93% 118 Very Easy Good Koepon Marsian NLD 07 16072544 aAa 432156 German Reg. No. 10.832492 Born: 01/16/2010 Breeder: W. N. Pon-Koepon, Feerwerd, Netherlands FROM THE REGANCREST DELLIA’S • ALLROUND SIRE • HEALTH TRAITS Long-Langs OMan OMan (O-Man x Aaron) Koepon Shottle Isa 1 VG-87 10313 4.31 445 3.68 380 1st lac p Koepon Marsian Picston Shottle Barbee-M Juror Ito Regancrest Ito Isa VG-86 2/1 lac 11875 3.74 444 3.51 417 Regancrest Emory Dorissa VG-86 3/3 lac 13749 3.86 531 3.37 463 best lac 2 15204 3.91 594 3.38 514 RZG RZM 133 124 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 87% Daugh. 73 / Herds 40 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 small 102 tall Dairy Character tight rib 105 open rip Body Depth shallow 95 deep frail 96 strong Rump Angle ascending 106 sloped Rump Width narrow 93 posty 110 sickled low angle 101 steep Hock Quality swollen 112 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 107 parallel Locomotion bad 102 good Rear Udder Hight low 110 high Suspensory Ligament weak 109 strong Teat Placement Front wide 108 close Teat Placement Rear wide 108 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 97 tight Udder Depth deep 105 Teat Length short 99 Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle Engslevgaard Mascol wide Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZE 1513 0.16 45 0.00 51 108 Total Conformation Rel. 75% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd + + + + 10561 3.80 401 3.31 349 Daugh. 24 / Herds 11 105 97 109 108 Functional Herd Life Rel. 54% 114 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 82% 115 Milking Speed Rel. 71% Daughter Fertility Rel. 47% 111 Fitness Index Rel. -% shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease long Sire Fertility 87 - Rel. 95% 106 Average Good Mavid DNK 41 99601209 aAa 531462 German Reg. No. 10.674596 Born: 07/08/2006 Breeder: Jens Oluf Madsen, Rodkaersbro, Denmark COMPONENT SPECIALIST • FOOT & LEG IMPROVER • HIGH SIRE FERTILITY Mascol (Mtoto x Rudolph) Engslevgaard Eminenz Alvilda VG-89 3/3 lac 12928 4.15 536 3.40 439 best lac 2 14449 4.13 597 3.46 500 p Engslevgaard Mascol Mavid Eminenz T Burma CVC TBurma 0886 CVC VG-87 6/6 lac 11958 3.70 442 3.32 397 best lac 6 14202 3.99 566 3.38 480 Jed 0803 EX-93 5/4 lac 13984 4.00 559 3.29 460 best lac 3 15661 4.39 688 3.42 535 RZG RZM 137 133 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 97% Daugh. 264 / Herds 220 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 small 92 tall Dairy Character tight rib 92 open rip Body Depth shallow 95 deep frail 103 strong Rump Angle ascending 102 sloped Rump Width narrow 89 wide posty 96 sickled low angle 115 steep Hock Quality swollen 102 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 123 parallel Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle Locomotion bad 119 good Rear Udder Hight low 96 high Suspensory Ligament weak 66 strong Teat Placement Front wide 86 close Teat Placement Rear wide 80 close Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZE Total Conformation Rel. 85% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd + + + + + 9928 4.30 427 3.54 351 795 0.27 59 0.34 60 104 Daugh. 83 / Herds 71 94 94 123 96 Functional Herd Life Rel. 78% 106 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 95% 114 Milking Speed Rel. 87% 104 Daughter Fertility Rel. 71% 110 Fitness Index Fore Udder Attachment loose 104 tight Udder Depth deep 109 shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease Teat Length short 90 long Sire Fertility Rel. 81% 124 Rel. 84% 111 Very Easy Excellent 35 Tosco Mergim DEU 03 48565591 aAa 315246 German Reg. No. 10.464701 Born: 07/19/2004 Breeder: Wiebusch GbR, Deinste, Germany K-Cn: AA SECOND CROP SUCCESS • OUTCROSS SIRE • PROFITABLE COWS Conant-Acres Merv (Mandel x Blackstar) Simba EX-91 7/6 lac 11746 4.26 500 3.49 410 best lac 5 13427 4.19 563 3.43 461 p Mergim Maughlin Storm A Townson Lindy Sieglinde VG-85 5/5 lac 9310 4.34 404 3.64 339 best lac 4 10504 4.36 458 3.76 395 Silke VG-86 10/10 lac 8359 4.53 379 3.49 292 best lac 4 10002 4.42 442 3.33 333 RZG RZM 122 111 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 99% Daugh. 16105 / Herds 4153 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg small 95 Dairy Character tight rib 110 open rip Body Depth shallow 105 deep frail 91 strong Rump Angle ascending 104 sloped Rump Width narrow 102 wide posty 100 sickled low angle 104 steep Hock Quality swollen 107 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 98 Locomotion bad 101 good Rear Udder Hight low 109 high Suspensory Ligament weak 111 strong Teat Placement Front wide 97 close Teat Placement Rear wide 93 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 109 tight Udder Depth deep 103 shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease Teat Length short 102 long Sire Fertility Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle tall parallel RZE 589 0.35 57 0.04 23 110 Total Conformation Rel. 99% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd + + + + + 9790 4.26 417 3.36 328 Daugh. 3146 / Herds 1229 109 100 105 111 Functional Herd Life Rel. 98% 119 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 99% 121 Milking Speed Rel. 99% Daughter Fertility Rel. 98% 102 Fitness Index Rel. 99% 120 92 Rel. 99% 103 Average Good NOG Tosco DEU 01 15508279 aAa 321546 German Reg. No. 10.490699 Born: 01/23/2007 Breeder: Reinhard Hansen GbR, Löwenstedt, Germany HIGH MILK YIELD • STRENGTH & BODY DEPTH • SUPERIOR UDDER HEALTH Jenny-Lou Mrshl Toystory (BW Marshall x Patron) NOG Finale VG-85 3/2 lac 10328 3.54 366 3.37 348 best lac 2 11555 3.52 407 3.28 379 p NOG Tosco Riverland Ha-Ho Cubby Manfred Apachin VG-89 11/11 lac 14308 3.64 521 3.15 450 best lac 4 18102 3.39 613 3.12 565 Winnetou GP-84 4/3 lac 10137 4.23 429 3.22 326 best lac 3 11675 4.38 511 3.22 376 RZG RZM 115 111 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 94% Daugh. 100 / Herds 81 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 small 109 Dairy Character tight rib 96 Body Depth shallow 112 deep frail 112 strong Rump Angle ascending 101 sloped Rump Width narrow 97 wide posty 94 sickled low angle 108 steep Hock Quality swollen 100 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 108 parallel Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle tall open rip Locomotion bad 104 good Rear Udder Hight low 102 high Suspensory Ligament weak 110 strong Teat Placement Front wide 120 close Teat Placement Rear wide 118 close Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZE Total Conformation Rel. 79% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd 1549 0.40 21 0.17 35 110 Daugh. 45 / Herds 40 100 116 108 103 Functional Herd Life Rel. 65% 108 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 90% 113 Milking Speed Rel. 83% 95 Daughter Fertility Rel. 62% 95 Fitness Index Fore Udder Attachment loose 99 tight Udder Depth deep 93 shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease Teat Length short 105 long Sire Fertility 36 + + + 9899 3.85 381 3.21 317 Rel. 72% 107 Rel. 94% 99 Average Excellent Pikeur DNK 81 55701297 aAa German Reg. No. 10.473945 Born: 06/16/2009 Breeder: Henning Fruergård-Peder, Tjele, Denmark MILK & PROTEIN YIELD • FLAT BONES • SUPERIOR LONGEVITY Ensenada Taboo Planet (Taboo x Amel) DNK 81 55700941 VG-87 4/4 lac 11312 4.35 492 3.57 404 best lac 3 13993 4.09 572 3.33 466 O-Bee Manfred Justice (O-Man) Etazon Lord Lily CVC DNK 81 55700605 VG-88 2/2 lac 10571 3.77 399 3.37 356 DNK 81 55700437 0 / 4.2 p Sire Ensenada Taboo Planet 9835 4.45 438 3.40 334 RZG RZM 131 126 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 89% Daugh. 89 / Herds 41 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg small 111 tall Dairy Character tight rib 103 open rip Body Depth shallow 103 deep frail 106 strong Rump Angle ascending 107 sloped Rump Width narrow 107 wide posty 98 sickled low angle 90 steep Hock Quality swollen 117 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 100 parallel Locomotion bad 105 good Rear Udder Hight low 102 high Suspensory Ligament weak 111 strong Teat Placement Front wide 118 close Teat Placement Rear wide 120 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 106 tight Udder Depth deep 112 shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease Teat Length short 86 long Sire Fertility Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle RZE 1442 0.30 28 0.07 56 114 Total Conformation Rel. 76% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd + + + + 9853 3.88 382 3.39 334 Daugh. 27 / Herds 14 105 112 108 110 Functional Herd Life Rel. 54% 118 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 83% 103 Milking Speed Rel. 71% Daughter Fertility Rel. 47% 101 Fitness Index Rel. -% 91 - Rel. 69% 109 Average-Easy Good Planay NLD 05 32151018 aAa 342156 German Reg. No. 10.473463 Born: 12/04/2009 Breeder: Mts Mostert-Mulder-Scheltus, Westerland, Netherlands DEEP COW FAMILY • PRODUCTION IMPROVER • HIGH LONGEVITY Ensenada Taboo Planet (Taboo x Amel) Northlake Farms Addishottle VG-88 1st lac 6524 5.00 326 3.86 252 (185 days) p Planay Picston Shottle Mara-Thon BW Marshall Canyon-Breeze Mar Addison VG-85 12367 3.75 464 3.24 401 1st lac Canyon-Breeze Strm Ashes EX-90 4/4 lac 13005 3.74 487 3.31 430 best lac 4 13862 3.74 519 3.48 482 RZG RZM 136 129 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 86% Daugh. 39 / Herds 16 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 small 102 tall Dairy Character tight rib 112 open rip Body Depth shallow 99 deep frail 97 strong Rump Angle ascending 89 sloped Rump Width narrow 99 wide posty 116 low angle 88 Hock Quality swollen 116 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 102 parallel Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle sickled steep Locomotion bad 102 good Rear Udder Hight low 106 high Suspensory Ligament weak 107 strong Teat Placement Front wide 110 close Teat Placement Rear wide 116 close Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZE Total Conformation Rel. 74% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd + + + 11150 3.96 442 3.28 365 1801 0.20 52 0.03 57 107 Daugh. 23 / Herds 10 114 102 104 105 Functional Herd Life Rel. 55% 123 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 81% 106 Milking Speed Rel. 71% 104 Daughter Fertility Rel. 48% 105 Fitness Index Rel. -% Fore Udder Attachment loose 100 tight Udder Depth deep 104 shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease Teat Length short 81 long Sire Fertility - Rel. 60% 105 Average Good 37 Mars Pythagoras NLD 05 23540896 German Reg. No. 10.473341 Born: 06/03/2009 Breeder: Mts S+T Van Essen, Marssum, Netherlands FROM THE FROUKJE FAMILY • ALLROUND SIRE • LONGEVITY Ensenada Taboo Planet (Taboo x Amel) Mars Froukje 385 VG-87 3/2 lac 10231 4.25 435 3.29 337 best lac 3 10264 4.38 450 3.40 349 p Mars Pythagoras Regancrest-Mr Drham Sam Silverpost Sinatra Mars Froukje 338 VG-87 5/3 lac 10314 4.80 495 3.51 362 best lac 1 10682 4.89 522 3.59 383 Mars Froukje 277 VG-89 3/3 lac 10886 5.47 596 3.94 429 best lac 3 12711 5.37 683 3.83 487 RZG RZM 122 116 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 97% Daugh. 266 / Herds 92 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg small 107 tall Dairy Character tight rib 117 open rip Body Depth shallow 111 deep frail 99 strong Rump Angle ascending 104 sloped Rump Width narrow 96 posty 109 low angle 98 steep Hock Quality swollen 97 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 104 Locomotion bad 97 good Rear Udder Hight low 108 high Suspensory Ligament weak 105 strong Teat Placement Front wide 104 close Teat Placement Rear wide 109 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 102 tight Udder Depth deep 106 shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease Teat Length short 100 long Sire Fertility Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle wide sickled parallel RZE 1453 0.15 44 0.12 37 109 Total Conformation Rel. 90% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd + + + 10710 4.01 429 3.23 346 Daugh. 137 / Herds 56 116 109 98 108 Functional Herd Life Rel. 55% 120 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 90% 97 Milking Speed Rel. 78% 99 Daughter Fertility Rel. 57% 105 Fitness Index Rel. -% - Rel. 74% 108 Average-Easy Good Sandrino DEU 03 53682056 German Reg. No. 10.832497 Born: 01/12/2010 Breeder: Dale Uecker, Forestville, WI, USA COW FAMILY OF JOCLASSIC • HIGH REAR UDDERS • LOCOMOTION Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez (Stormatic x BW Marshall) Uecker Oman Jodee VG-86 3/3 lac 16534 4.03 666 3.15 521 best lac 2 19849 4.26 845 3.19 634 p Dam Uecker Oman Jodee O-Bee Manfred Justice (O-Man) Klassic Merrill Lynch Uecker Lynch Joann VG-88 4/3 lac 15756 3.65 575 3.16 498 best lac 3 18224 3.55 647 3.15 574 Co-Op Celsius Jolynn VG-86 3/3 lac 14983 3.62 543 3.12 468 best lac 2 16053 3.63 582 3.10 498 RZG RZM 119 114 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 91% Daugh. 92 / Herds 46 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 small 109 Dairy Character tight rib 97 Body Depth shallow 105 deep frail 109 strong Rump Angle ascending 96 sloped Rump Width narrow 107 posty 76 low angle 118 Hock Quality swollen 99 Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 121 Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle tall open rip wide sickled steep dry parallel Locomotion bad 118 good Rear Udder Hight low 114 high Suspensory Ligament weak 110 strong Teat Placement Front wide 113 close Teat Placement Rear wide 101 close Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZE Total Conformation Rel. 79% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd 1116 0.06 39 0.04 34 124 Daugh. 37 / Herds 25 98 114 123 117 Functional Herd Life Rel. 56% 107 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 85% 89 Milking Speed Rel. 71% 97 Daughter Fertility Rel. 49% 98 Fitness Index Rel. -% - Fore Udder Attachment loose 108 tight Udder Depth deep 109 shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease Teat Length short 108 long Sire Fertility 38 + + + 10612 3.95 419 3.27 347 Rel. 67% 110 Average-Easy Good Southland Shaddow NLD 04 38266441 aAa 432561 German Reg. No. 10.831979 Born: 04/17/2006 Breeder: Southland Holsteins, Teteringen, Netherlands GREAT COW FAMILY • GOOD UDDER HEALTH • SHALLOW UDDERS Picston Shottle (Mtoto x Aerostar) ALH Carola VG-88 2/2 lac 11753 3.66 430 3.32 390 best lac 1 13096 3.43 449 3.12 409 p Southland Shaddow Mara-Thon BW Marshall MJR Blackstar Emory Dirigo-Arist Charity EX-92 3/2 lac 13062 3.83 500 3.49 456 best lac 2 15749 3.53 556 3.44 542 Dirigo-Arist Corinne EX-90 5/5 lac 11666 4.16 485 3.51 409 best lac 4 13157 3.99 525 3.40 447 RZG RZM 112 104 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 93% Daugh. 90 / Herds 45 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 small 105 tall Dairy Character tight rib 112 open rip Body Depth shallow 99 deep frail 91 strong Rump Angle ascending 101 sloped Rump Width narrow 90 posty 106 sickled low angle 105 steep Hock Quality swollen 107 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 103 parallel bad 105 good Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle Locomotion Rear Udder Hight wide Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZE Daugh. 61 / Herds 33 113 98 108 117 Functional Herd Life Rel. 71% 106 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 89% 112 Milking Speed Rel. 72% Daughter Fertility Rel. 56% 102 Fitness Index Rel. 72% 113 low 109 high Suspensory Ligament weak 110 strong Teat Placement Front wide 93 close Teat Placement Rear wide 91 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 114 tight Udder Depth deep 116 shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease Teat Length short 98 long Sire Fertility Reinermann Rüsfort 1469 0.30 29 0.27 21 115 Total Conformation Rel. 83% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd + + + 10211 3.86 394 3.19 326 95 Rel. 62% 96 Average Good Wayang DEU 03 51144054 aAa 216345 German Reg. No. 10.832123 Born: 01/02/2007 Breeder: Uwe Reinermann, Gehrde, Germany -Cn: A1/A2 RELIABLE COW FAMILY • OUTSTANDING UDDERS • DESIRABLE UDDER HEALTH Ladys-Manor Wildman (BW Marshall x Winchester) Reinermann Rüsfort Rila VG-88 3/2 lac 11626 4.36 507 3.44 400 best lac 2 12584 4.28 538 3.35 422 p Reinermann Rüsfort Wayang Comestar Stormatic Esquimau CVC Reinermann Rüsfort Riviera CVC VG-86 5/4 lac 12417 4.89 607 3.89 483 best lac 3 13326 4.99 665 3.87 516 Reinermann Rüsfort Ricarda EX-90 5/3 lac 11448 4.70 538 3.71 425 best lac 3 13782 4.73 652 3.77 519 RZG RZM 115 102 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 95% Daugh. 117 / Herds 50 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 small 104 Dairy Character tight rib 99 Body Depth shallow 111 deep frail 107 strong Rump Angle ascending 97 sloped Rump Width narrow 99 wide posty 93 sickled low angle 101 steep Hock Quality swollen 108 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 108 parallel Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle tall open rip Locomotion bad 109 good Rear Udder Hight low 115 high Suspensory Ligament weak 97 strong Teat Placement Front wide 118 close Teat Placement Rear wide 103 close Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZE Total Conformation Rel. 86% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd + + + 10107 3.97 401 3.22 325 1222 0.26 23 0.23 18 125 Daugh. 86 / Herds 41 101 112 112 127 Functional Herd Life Rel. 71% 113 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 91% 111 Milking Speed Rel. 76% 106 Daughter Fertility Rel. 62% 104 Fitness Index Rel. 75% 112 Fore Udder Attachment loose 126 tight Udder Depth deep 116 shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease Teat Length short 99 long Sire Fertility Rel. 83% 91 Average-Difficult Good 39 Canyon-Breeze Shotle Barnkamper USA 00 62897556 aAa 234165 NLD 05 35413276 aAa 234165 Ace Alkony K-Cn: AA German Reg. No. 10.505941 German Reg. No. 10.832476 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 01/17/2006 Steven Gillins, Minersville, UT, USA POPULAR COW FAMILY • VERY GOOD TYPE • WELL ATTACHED UDDERS Picston Shottle (Mtoto x Aerostar) Canyon-Breeze Mar Addison Mara-Thon BW Marshall Maughlin Storm Canyon-Breeze Strm Ashes VG-85 1st lac EX-90 4/4 lac best lac 4 Canyon-Breeze Em Ashley 12367 3.75 464 3.24 401 13005 3.74 487 3.31 430 13862 3.74 519 3.48 482 EX-94 11/01/2009 Mts de Jong-van Ooijen, Beusichem, Netherlands HIGH PRODUCTION • MARILYN FAMILY • MILKABILITY Golden-Oaks St Alexander (Stormatic x Patron) Barnkamper Marilyn 195 Picston Shottle Looking Major Barnkamper Marilyn 20 Barnkamper Marilyn 27 VG-86 1st lac VG-88 4/4 lac best lac 2 VG-89 9873 4.44 438 3.37 333 10785 4.39 473 3.56 384 12786 4.28 547 3.49 446 RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit 111 106 83 49 93 +596 +0.18 +41 -0.01 +20 102 121 121 36 19 85 +1641 -0.04 +63 -0.13 +42 - Sire Fertility RZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd Calving Ease Sire Fertility Medium 116 121 111 114 105 106 96 111 94 95 Average Good RZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd 114 109 112 106 111 103 107 101 100 93 Linear Profile 88 100 Calving Ease AverageDifficult 112 124 Linear Profile 88 Stature 108 Stature Dairy Character 108 Dairy Character 121 Body Depth 107 Body Depth 103 Strength 101 Strength Rump Angle 109 Rump Angle 101 Rump Width 106 Rump Width 107 Rear Leg Set Side View 93 94 111 Hock Quality 104 107 Rear Leg Rear View 115 Locomotion 103 Locomotion 113 Rear Udder Hight 109 Rear Udder Hight 106 Suspensory Ligament 110 Suspensory Ligament 106 Teat Placement Front 114 Teat Placement Front 94 Teat Placement Rear 117 Teat Placement Rear 98 Fore Udder Attachment 104 124 91 Foot Angle Rear Leg Rear View Hock Quality 112 97 Rear Leg Set Side View 109 Foot Angle 100 112 Fore Udder Attachment 101 Udder Depth 108 Udder Depth 103 Teat Length 101 Teat Length 98 Ashmore Baxcel NLD 04 75750330 aAa 324156 NLD 04 94871612 German Reg. No. 10.832127 German Reg. No. 10.832345 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 02/14/2007 Mts Kuipers, Heidenskip, Netherlands FROM THE HILLARY FAMILY • STRENGTH & DEPTH • SHALLOW UDDERS Canyon-Breeze Hrl Artic (Hershel x Emory) Heidenskipster O-Man Midnicht O-Bee Manfred Justice (O-Man) VG-85 1st lac VG-87 1st lac Henkeseen BWM Midnite 10488 3.74 392 3.43 360 09/24/2008 GMJ de Groot, Tienhoven, Netherlands Daughter Balbina FROM RUDOLPH PROMIS FAMILY • BODY TRAITS • HIGH COMPONENTS Mara-Thon BW Marshall Henkeseen Rud Heidi Emerald-Acr-Sa T-Baxter (Blitz x Mtoto) Watermolen Princess Goldwyn Braedale Goldwyn Comestar Outside Windy-Knoll-View Pledge EX-90 VG-89 2/2 lac best lac 2 EX-95 4/4 lac best lac 2 Windy-Knoll-View Promis 11834 3.58 424 3.26 386 12147 4.54 551 3.61 438 13488 4.65 627 3.57 482 14322 3.91 560 3.18 456 15844 3.81 604 3.15 499 EX-95 RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit 123 112 121 47 95 +1233 -0.29 +21 -0.06 +36 116 113 106 203 84 95 +239 +0.27 +35 +0.12 +19 118 Sire Fertility Sire Fertility Good Good RZE Dairy Type 117 93 Linear Profile Stature Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd Calving Ease 114 116 111 114 113 102 103 94 Average 88 111 112 124 117 112 Linear Profile Stature Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd Calving Ease 131 102 108 113 110 100 102 99 Average 88 122 Dairy Character 111 109 Body Depth 125 Strength 116 Strength 122 Rump Angle 106 Rump Angle 115 Rump Width 96 Rump Width 129 78 Rear Leg Set Side View 105 Dairy Character Body Depth Rear Leg Set Side View 91 100 RZE Dairy Type Foot Angle 107 Foot Angle Hock Quality 110 Hock Quality 100 Rear Leg Rear View 109 Rear Leg Rear View 104 Locomotion 112 Locomotion 103 Rear Udder Hight 112 Rear Udder Hight 115 Suspensory Ligament 102 98 Suspensory Ligament 105 Teat Placement Front 81 Teat Placement Front 92 Teat Placement Rear 88 Teat Placement Rear 100 Fore Udder Attachment 118 Fore Udder Attachment 100 Udder Depth 110 Udder Depth 109 Teat Length 118 Teat Length 121 40 100 112 124 Sandy-Valley Hol-Stiens USA 00 63563752 aAa 213654 NLD 03 58040361 aAa 231465 Baystreet Bigamon German Reg. No. 10.506187 Born: Breeder: X ED AVAILABLE 01/30/2008 Sandy Valley Farms, Scandinavia, WI, USA SE FROM THE GREAT BARBIE‘S • VERY GOOD TYPE • SNUG UDDERS Sildahl Airraid (BW Marshall x Manfred) Regancrest Brynna Picston Shottle EX-91 2/2 lac best lac 1 EX-92 2/1 lac Regancrest-PR Barbie 11307 4.02 454 3.20 362 12376 3.67 454 3.12 386 German Reg. No. 10.832225 Born: Breeder: 09/19/2007 Vof Hol-Stiens, Fam. de Boer, Stiens, Netherlands FROM THE CHARITY FAMILY • HEALTH TRAITS • RUMP STRUCTURE Regancrest Elton Durham CVC Regancrest Juror Brina J-K-R BW-Marshll Billion (BW Marshall x Col Duster) Hol-Stiens Cameron Picston Shottle EX-92 EX-90 3/3 lac best lac 3 VG-89 5/5 lac best lac 3 12131 3.95 479 3.31 402 Regancrest Elton Durham CVC Dirigo-Arist Charity Baantjer Durham Charity 12228 4.24 518 3.27 400 14577 4.05 591 3.20 466 EX-92 10835 3.94 427 3.31 359 12873 4.12 531 3.17 408 RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit 104 107 183 93 95 +1274 -0.15 +37 -0.20 +23 95 123 117 82 52 92 +1342 -0.06 +49 -0.07 +38 114 Sire Fertility RZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd Calving Ease Sire Fertility Good 106 109 109 102 103 115 116 88 104 99 Average Good RZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd 120 112 115 108 118 96 86 108 87 94 Linear Profile 88 100 Calving Ease AverageDifficult 112 124 Linear Profile 88 Stature 112 Stature Dairy Character 109 Dairy Character 110 Body Depth 114 Body Depth 103 Strength 109 Strength Rump Angle 110 Rump Angle 112 Rump Width 97 Rump Width 115 Rear Leg Set Side View 99 Rear Leg Set Side View 109 Foot Angle 91 Hock Quality 112 124 99 99 Foot Angle 101 Hock Quality 104 Rear Leg Rear View 115 Rear Leg Rear View Locomotion 105 Locomotion 107 Rear Udder Hight 106 Rear Udder Hight 107 Suspensory Ligament 107 100 104 97 Suspensory Ligament 106 Teat Placement Front 108 Teat Placement Front 103 Teat Placement Rear 99 Teat Placement Rear 103 Fore Udder Attachment 113 Fore Udder Attachment 96 Udder Depth 116 Udder Depth 100 Teat Length 104 Teat Length 86 Markwell Mrsh Zani Bolton USA 01 33221048 aAa 423165 ITA 01 79 90516802 aAa 234165 K-Cn: AB K-Cn: AB German Reg. No. 10.505422 German Reg. No. 10.832129 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: Braveheart EX-90 Broderick 03/24/2002 Marvin & Mark Van Mersbergen, Lynden, WA, USA MARKWELL RAVEN FAMILY • FOOT & LEG SPECIALIST • LONGEVITY Mara-Thon BW Marshall (Bellwood x Bell Elton) Markwell Luke Rapture Norrielake Cleitus Luke To-Mar Blackstar Markwell Bstar E Raven Markwell Mark Elite EX-92 2/2 lac best lac 2 EX-95 3/3 lac best lac 2 EX-92 13568 3.84 521 3.29 447 15609 4.14 646 3.25 507 13009 4.05 527 3.35 436 14392 4.33 623 3.37 485 -Cn: A2/A2 03/25/2007 Agricola Zani s.s., Ghedi, Italy FAMILY OF ZANI PATRON STEP • ALLROUND SIRE • SHALLOW UDDERS Sandy-Valley Bolton BYC (Hershel x Convincer) Zani O-Man Oriella O-Bee Manfred Justice (O-Man) Timlynn Adam Zani Adam Jennifer Zani Emerson Emily GP-84 1st lac VG-88 2/2 lac best lac 2 VG-86 14226 3.96 564 4.07 579 16120 4.00 644 3.76 606 18103 4.05 734 3.76 681 RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit 110 92 15063 3524 99 +696 -0.23 +7 -0.20 +4 117 111 108 84 47 93 +1260 -0.37 +13 -0.13 +30 108 Calving Ease AverageEasy Sire Fertility Sire Fertility Good Medium RZE Dairy Type 116 96 Linear Profile Stature Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd 95 128 110 123 109 80 100 106 88 101 100 112 124 RZE Dairy Type 110 110 Linear Profile Stature Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd Calving Ease 110 93 115 103 101 108 110 106 Average 88 Dairy Character 94 Dairy Character 112 Body Depth 94 Body Depth 105 94 Strength 106 Strength Rump Angle 107 Rump Angle 124 Rump Width 92 Rump Width 109 89 Rear Leg Set Side View 112 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle 114 Foot Angle Hock Quality 112 Hock Quality Rear Leg Rear View 118 Rear Leg Rear View 92 Locomotion 125 Locomotion 94 Rear Udder Hight 95 Rear Udder Hight 112 124 105 98 109 Suspensory Ligament 114 Suspensory Ligament 99 Teat Placement Front 106 Teat Placement Front 113 Teat Placement Rear 104 Teat Placement Rear 106 Fore Udder Attachment 105 100 117 Fore Udder Attachment 108 Udder Depth 114 Udder Depth 118 Teat Length 104 Teat Length 92 41 Ralma Baxter Ocean-View Marshall USA 00 53478876 aAa 315264 USA 01 33198924 aAa 234156 German Reg. No. 10.331964 German Reg. No. 10.505510 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: Corporal Dan VG-87 07/14/2008 Alfred & Mark Schmitt, Rice, MN, USA FROM RALMA JUROR FAITH FAMILY • LONGER TEATS • GREAT LONGEVITY Emerald-Acr-Sa T-Baxter (Blitz x Mtoto) Ralma Goldwyn Carly Braedale Goldwyn VG-88 1st lac VG-89 1st lac O-Bee Manfred Justice (O-Man) Ralma Christmas Fudge Ralma Christmas Cookie 12333 4.69 579 3.33 411 11032 4.54 501 3.31 365 VG-88 03/28/2002 Ocean View Farms, Windsor, CA, USA FROM THE SNOW-N DENISES DELLIA FAMILY • SHALLOW UDDERS Mara-Thon BW Marshall (Bellwood x Bell Elton) Creek Airliner Doreen Ellbank Airliner EX-90 3/3 lac best lac 3 EX-91 2/2 lac best lac 2 Rothrock Tradition Leadman Snow-N Denises Dellia Regancrest Leadman Doris 10651 4.25 453 3.63 387 10851 4.31 468 3.58 388 EX-95 13698 3.93 539 3.19 437 16158 4.13 667 3.16 510 RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit 115 108 217 173 97 +1255 -0.26 +25 -0.14 +28 109 99 95 2162 877 99 +571 -0.29 -4 -0.09 +11 98 RZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd Calving Ease Sire Fertility RZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd Calving Ease Sire Fertility 109 104 119 100 105 119 100 101 104 104 Average Good 110 103 113 105 107 102 107 105 99 97 Average Good Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 Linear Profile 88 Stature 109 Stature Dairy Character 102 Dairy Character 103 Body Depth 115 Body Depth 106 Strength 110 Strength 104 Rump Angle 99 Rump Angle 89 Rump Width 107 Rump Width 110 Rear Leg Set Side View 93 Rear Leg Set Side View 101 Foot Angle 99 Foot Angle 104 Hock Quality 100 102 Hock Quality Rear Leg Rear View 93 Rear Leg Rear View 106 Locomotion 98 Locomotion 101 Rear Udder Hight 108 Rear Udder Hight Suspensory Ligament 113 Suspensory Ligament 99 Teat Placement Front 83 Teat Placement Front 107 Teat Placement Rear 97 Teat Placement Rear 95 Fore Udder Attachment 101 100 112 124 110 96 Fore Udder Attachment 104 Udder Depth 103 Udder Depth 114 Teat Length 115 Teat Length 95 Docker Enroy NLD 05 29028831 aAa 243165 DNK 41 09203686 aAa 423165 German Reg. No. 10.332041 German Reg. No. 10.331354 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 11/17/2008 Vof Botman - De Wit, Heerhugowaard, Netherlands SUCCESSFUL COW FAMILY • HIGH MILK & PROTEIN • GREAT FEET & LEGS Juwel (Jesther x Lord Lily) Southland O-Man Dellia 95 O-Bee Manfred Justice (O-Man) Sandy-Valley Forbidden Southland Dellia 39 Southland Dellia CVC VG-89 2/1 lac VG-87 4/4 lac best lac 4 VG-88 12264 3.91 480 3.53 433 10592 4.15 440 3.63 385 11717 4.31 505 3.57 418 11/22/2007 Niels Henrik Norgaard, Farup, Denmark OUTCROSS SIRE • STEEP FOOT ANGLE • UDDER HEALTH BDG Genetics Encino (BW Marshall x Rick) Risbak Ford Jenny Alzi Juror Ford Lukas Risbak Lukas Jessie Risbak Bellwood Janica VG-87 4/4 lac best lac 4 EX-90 2/2 lac best lac 2 VG-89 12834 3.76 482 3.39 435 15628 3.61 564 3.36 525 12364 4.09 506 3.15 389 13032 4.16 542 3.25 423 RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit 131 126 163 131 95 +1936 -0.52 +22 -0.05 +60 124 112 113 173 142 95 +873 +0.06 +42 +0.01 +31 105 Calving Ease AverageEasy Sire Fertility Sire Fertility Good Good RZE Dairy Type 111 101 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd 101 121 103 109 109 88 103 109 88 100 112 124 RZE Dairy Type 109 84 Linear Profile Stature 106 Stature Dairy Character 101 Dairy Character Body Depth 83 Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd Calving Ease 105 111 109 91 117 91 94 102 Average 88 99 85 Body Depth 102 112 Strength 100 Strength Rump Angle 113 Rump Angle 97 Rump Width 112 Rump Width 100 Rear Leg Set Side View 90 Rear Leg Set Side View 76 Foot Angle 115 Foot Angle Hock Quality 105 Hock Quality Rear Leg Rear View 112 Rear Leg Rear View 105 Locomotion 121 Locomotion 109 Rear Udder Hight 102 Rear Udder Hight 101 Suspensory Ligament 107 118 94 Suspensory Ligament 107 Teat Placement Front 119 Teat Placement Front 101 Teat Placement Rear 115 Teat Placement Rear 102 Fore Udder Attachment 95 Fore Udder Attachment 111 Udder Depth 97 Udder Depth 106 Teat Length 83 Teat Length 110 42 100 112 124 Wendland Holsteins Goldtime Jolton DEU 03 53011393 aAa 231456 DEU 03 45679986 aAa 312546 German Reg. No. 10.473716 German Reg. No. 10.460685 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 11/26/2009 W.u.K. Fiedler GbR, Bahrenborstel, Germany HIGH TYPE SIRE • FANTASTIC UDDERS • GREAT HEALTH TRAITS Braedale Goldwyn (James x Storm) Ginni Picston Shottle Ramos BYC Girl Gussi VG-87 5/4 lac best lac 3 VG-87 6/6 lac best lac 4 11484 3.98 457 3.40 391 13883 3.92 544 3.28 455 11/23/2000 Jürgen Hintze, Trebel, Germany DAUGHTER FERTILITY • HIGH LONGEVITY • LONGER TEATS VG-86 15942 2.99 476 2.86 456 16903 3.59 607 2.88 486 Jocko Besne (Besne Buck x Southwind) Wendland Holsteins Edith Tabaluga VG-88 7/6 lac best lac 6 VG-86 4/3 lac best lac 2 Ronnybrook Prelude Edelros 9133 4.34 396 3.49 319 12637 4.61 582 3.43 433 Edelweiß VG-87 8573 4.92 422 3.49 299 9693 5.01 486 3.48 337 RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit 133 114 140 85 92 +1313 -0.18 +35 -0.08 +36 - 114 107 4990 1716 99 +786 -0.25 +7 +0.02 +29 118 RZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd Calving Ease Sire Fertility RZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd Calving Ease Sire Fertility 123 108 104 117 122 126 125 96 107 104 Average Excellent 103 94 103 105 102 112 94 105 116 81 Difficult Medium Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 Linear Profile 106 Stature Dairy Character 105 Dairy Character Body Depth 104 Body Depth Stature 99 Strength 88 98 100 Rump Angle 115 Rump Width 95 Rump Width 103 86 Rear Leg Set Side View 105 Foot Angle Hock Quality 112 Hock Quality Rear Leg Rear View 105 Rear Leg Rear View Locomotion 116 Locomotion 108 Rear Udder Hight 117 Rear Udder Hight 109 Suspensory Ligament 113 Suspensory Ligament 101 Teat Placement Front 119 Teat Placement Front 93 Teat Placement Rear 118 Teat Placement Rear 93 Fore Udder Attachment 115 100 96 97 Fore Udder Attachment 100 Udder Depth 112 Udder Depth 99 Teat Length 104 Teat Length 117 Lopolan Gen-I-Beq Jufinn Lavish FIN 00 09773756 aAa 321456 CAN 01 04852712 aAa 231456 German Reg. No. 10.472563 German Reg. No. 10.331655 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 10/22/2008 Jari Loponen, Parkkuu, Finland PROTEIN IMPROVER • SHALLOW UDDERS • VERY EASY CALVING Jurus (Jesther x Esentation) Lopolan Ugalle VG-85 2/2 lac best lac 2 124 113 Rump Angle Foot Angle 112 94 Strength Rear Leg Set Side View 101 100 100 O-Bee Manfred Justice (O-Man) Dixie-Lee Aaron Lopolan Pigalle Melgan COW FAMILY OF LILA Z • HIGH COMPONENTS • EXCEPTIONAL UDDERS VG-85 9453 4.38 414 3.86 365 9795 4.53 444 3.86 378 3/3 lac best lac 2 03/09/2008 Syndicat GEN-I-BEQ, St.Patrice, Canada 11201 4.25 476 3.46 388 12660 4.16 527 3.50 443 Sandy-Valley Bolton BYC (Hershel x Convincer) Comestar Goldwyn Lava Braedale Goldwyn VG-87 1st lac EX-94 3/3 lac best lac 2 Regancrest Elton Durham CVC Lylehaven Form Laura Lylehaven Lila Z 13085 3.55 465 3.54 463 EX-94 17068 3.95 675 3.36 574 19488 4.05 789 3.46 674 RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit 126 121 291 169 97 +716 +0.08 +37 +0.21 +45 117 123 117 274 197 97 +550 +0.04 +27 +0.22 +40 109 Calving Ease Sire Fertility Sire Fertility Very Easy Excellent Good RZE Dairy Type 115 108 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd 106 113 111 105 111 107 104 114 88 100 112 124 RZE Dairy Type 121 115 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd Calving Ease 101 103 129 105 116 92 100 101 Average 88 Stature 108 Stature Dairy Character 105 Dairy Character 112 Body Depth 105 Body Depth 103 Strength 102 Strength 101 Rump Angle 112 Rump Angle 82 Rump Width 98 Rump Width 93 Rear Leg Set Side View 90 Rear Leg Set Side View 112 Foot Angle 104 Foot Angle Hock Quality 111 Hock Quality Rear Leg Rear View 103 Rear Leg Rear View 101 Locomotion 108 Locomotion 108 Rear Udder Hight 112 124 99 104 Rear Udder Hight 127 108 Suspensory Ligament 95 Suspensory Ligament 108 Teat Placement Front 98 Teat Placement Front 109 Teat Placement Rear 92 Teat Placement Rear 107 Fore Udder Attachment 115 100 109 Fore Udder Attachment 120 Udder Depth 119 Udder Depth 118 Teat Length 77 Teat Length 93 43 Idevra Magorian Mulino ITA 01 99 90450860 aAa 324156 DEU 03 53101052 aAa 342 -Cn: A1/A2 German Reg. No. 10.832144 German Reg. No. 10.332818 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 09/28/2007 Luciana A. Buschini, Cremona, Italy TOP PRODUCTION SIRE • PRODUCTIVE LIFE • CALVING EASE Mascol (Mtoto x Rudolph) Zial PGZ O-Man Zally O-Bee Manfred Justice (O-Man) Stouder Morty Une-Alli Rose Alli VG-85 3/3 lac best lac 3 VG-89 2/2 lac best lac 2 11849 4.01 475 3.33 395 12499 4.41 551 3.24 405 12/22/2009 Gaspar Fillion, St. Sebastien, PQ, Canada CUSTOMER‘S FAVORITE • EASY CALVING • SIRE FERTILITY VG-89 11922 3.62 432 3.55 423 13066 3.38 442 3.51 458 England-Ammon Million (Outside x BW Marshall) Stanhope Dellia Goldwyn Braedale Goldwyn VG-88 3/3 lac best lac 2 VG-87 4/4 lac best lac 4 Regancrest Elton Durham CVC Regancrest Durene Wilcoxview DBL Dellia CVC 13269 4.14 550 3.17 420 13881 4.72 655 3.18 441 EX-91 10576 3.22 341 3.50 370 11361 3.61 410 3.30 375 RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit 146 147 194 73 96 +2015 +0.00 +82 +0.12 +81 119 113 101 488 323 97 +921 -0.46 -8 -0.08 +24 - Calving Ease Sire Fertility RZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd Very Easy Medium 122 104 117 115 117 117 101 111 99 110 RZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd 96 96 112 113 80 122 104 98 102 120 Linear Profile Stature Dairy Character 88 100 112 124 Linear Profile 88 99 Stature 106 95 Dairy Character 102 Body Depth 102 Body Depth 111 Strength 111 Strength 107 Rump Angle 102 Rump Angle 100 Rump Width 115 Rump Width 105 Rear Leg Set Side View 93 Rear Leg Set Side View 101 Foot Angle Hock Quality 109 Hock Quality Rear Leg Rear View 112 Rear Leg Rear View 105 Locomotion 115 Locomotion 122 Rear Udder Hight 100 Rear Udder Hight 112 124 106 115 99 Suspensory Ligament 70 Suspensory Ligament 106 Teat Placement Front 86 Teat Placement Front 102 Teat Placement Rear 87 Teat Placement Rear 96 Fore Udder Attachment 115 Udder Depth 83 Udder Depth 109 Teat Length 107 Teat Length 114 NOG Jantix NOG Piero DEU 03 51709669 aAa 462531 LUX 09 98876624 German Reg. No. 10.490913 German Reg. No. 10.491089 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 02/08/2008 Cord Meyer, Kirchlinteln, Germany Granddam Tobi ALTERNATIVE PEDIGREE • HIGH & WIDE REAR UDDER • UDDER HEALTH Jango (Jocko Besne x Lukas) Tondra Regancrest-LH Modest Loriot Tobi Tetta GP-84 2/2 lac best lac 2 EX-90 4/4 lac best lac 3 VG-87 11031 3.66 404 3.36 371 11479 3.79 435 3.42 393 9759 4.38 427 3.58 349 12285 4.33 532 3.55 436 01/10/2010 Jean-Paul Flammang, Goesdorf, Luxembourg BUTTERFAT IMPROVER • OUTCROSS SIRE • SNUG UDDERS Jeweled-Acres Ping Cri (Mr.Ships x Emery) AMH NOG Pophelie Braedale Goldwyn Stouder Morty Pricilla Prinzessin VG-87 4/3 lac best lac 2 VG-88 6/6 lac best lac 3 11601 3.88 450 3.41 396 12596 4.14 521 3.35 422 VG-86 10064 3.75 377 3.35 337 10971 4.03 442 3.34 366 RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 115 109 49 43 89 +1061 -0.21 +22 -0.07 +29 112 125 119 94 34 89 +965 +0,24 +64 +0,04 +37 Sire Fertility Good RZE Dairy Type 111 95 Linear Profile Stature Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd Calving Ease 107 110 108 104 113 85 103 94 Average 88 104 100 112 124 RZE Dairy Type 110 103 Linear Profile Stature Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd 94 106 115 111 110 112 99 107 88 99 Dairy Character 94 Dairy Character Body Depth 99 Body Depth 92 106 Strength 95 Rump Angle 102 Rump Angle Rump Width 108 Rump Width 97 Rear Leg Set Side View 92 Strength Rear Leg Set Side View 94 Foot Angle 110 Foot Angle Hock Quality 104 Hock Quality 108 98 102 Rear Leg Rear View 107 Locomotion 101 Rear Udder Hight 114 Rear Udder Hight 101 Suspensory Ligament 121 Suspensory Ligament 104 Locomotion 95 106 106 Rear Leg Rear View Teat Placement Front 89 Teat Placement Front 110 Teat Placement Rear 104 Teat Placement Rear 102 Fore Udder Attachment 99 Fore Udder Attachment 114 Udder Depth 106 Udder Depth 117 Teat Length 111 Teat Length 86 44 Sire Fertility 91 Foot Angle Fore Udder Attachment 78 100 Calving Ease Very Easy Excellent 100 112 Calving Ease AverageEasy RZFit Sire Fertility Good 124 NOG Rilano NOG Stolos DEU 01 16244315 DEU 03 51721503 German Reg. No. 10.490867 German Reg. No. 10.490915 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 07/22/2008 Diamond Genetics, Zwolle, Netherlands FROM THE RITA‘S • SHALLOW UDDERS • UDDER HEALTH OUTCROSS SIRE • PROTEIN SPECIALIST • MEDIUM STATURE COWS Roumare (Jocko Besne x Gibbon) Willem‘s Hoeve Rita 436 Picston Shottle Ricecrest Marshall Willem‘s Hoeve Rita 282 VG-87 1st lac VG-88 4/3 lac best lac 2 Willem‘s Hoeve Rita 233 A 11064 3.54 392 3.39 375 14071 3.88 546 3.35 471 15446 3.80 587 3.29 508 07/13/2008 Jürgen Hintze, Trebel, Germany EX-92 Stylist (Steven x Gibbon) Wendland Holsteins Janne Jefferson VG-86 2/1 lac VG-88 2/2 lac best lac 2 Laudan Wendland Holsteins Jessica 14905 4.05 604 3.84 572 Wendland Holsteins Jessi 12769 3.74 478 3.37 430 14021 3.94 553 3.31 464 VG-87 RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit 118 115 69 45 91 +956 -0.16 +23 +0.06 +39 111 129 133 71 59 91 +1567 -0.25 +38 +0.12 +66 103 RZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd Calving Ease Sire Fertility RZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd Calving Ease Sire Fertility 108 108 102 89 119 111 112 112 94 98 Average Good 105 104 86 109 108 112 90 112 88 92 Average Good Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 Linear Profile Stature 114 Stature Dairy Character 107 Dairy Character 88 92 Body Depth 93 Strength 95 Strength 92 80 Rump Angle 102 Rump Angle Rump Width 94 Rump Width 92 Rear Leg Set Side View 92 Rear Leg Set Side View 90 111 79 Hock Quality 107 Rear Leg Rear View 96 Rear Leg Rear View 100 Locomotion 92 Locomotion 107 Rear Udder Hight 104 111 Suspensory Ligament 107 Suspensory Ligament 111 Teat Placement Front 106 Teat Placement Front 101 Teat Placement Rear 103 Teat Placement Rear 103 Fore Udder Attachment 117 124 99 Foot Angle Hock Quality Rear Udder Hight 112 109 Body Depth Foot Angle 100 91 Fore Udder Attachment 104 Udder Depth 119 Udder Depth 106 Teat Length 89 Teat Length 87 Veenhuizer Offspring EX-90 Plan Z DEU 03 46670881 aAa 423651 NLD 05 25857015 aAa 132564 German Reg. No. 10.463390 German Reg. No. 10.832464 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 01/29/2003 Rinderzuchtbetrieb Derboven, Warpe, Germany DAIRY STRENGTH • COMPLETE PACKAGE • GREAT PRODUCTIVE LIFE Comestar Outside (Prelude x Blackstar) Cherry Comestar Lee Maughlin Storm Christiane VG-86 5/4 lac best lac 4 GP-84 3/2 lac best lac 2 Gillette Aerostar Christiane 11554 3.99 461 3.43 396 12370 4.22 522 3.36 416 10985 4.33 476 3.37 370 12206 4.37 533 3.27 399 VG-86 07/05/2009 Mts O+J Uineken, Dalen, Netherlands MEDIUM STATURE COWS • FANTASTIC LONGEVITY • SUPERB UDDERS Ensenada Taboo Planet (Taboo x Amel) Veenhuizer Zadia 15 Picston Shottle Veenhuizer Zadia 7 Veenhuizer Zadia VG-88 3/3 lac best lac 3 EX-91 6/6 lac best lac 4 VG-89 11465 3.99 457 3.26 374 11957 4.01 479 3.21 384 Jesther CVC 11441 4.39 502 3.25 372 13359 4.49 600 3.16 422 RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 112 102 4759 1614 99 +716 -0.20 +10 -0.05 +19 112 129 114 1221 491 99 +1386 -0.21 +35 -0.11 +35 Sire Fertility Good RZE Dairy Type 112 108 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd Calving Ease 115 107 106 119 97 86 106 98 Average 88 100 112 124 RZE Dairy Type 99 108 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR 75 89 117 136 108 100 116 88 Stature 105 Stature Dairy Character 107 Dairy Character Body Depth 114 Body Depth Strength 104 Strength 77 Rump Angle 109 Rump Angle 92 Rump Width 106 Rump Width 90 Rear Leg Set Side View 100 Foot Angle Hock Quality 108 97 Foot Angle Hock Quality 101 Rear Leg Rear View Locomotion 106 Locomotion Rear Udder Hight 108 Rear Udder Hight RZKd Sire Fertility 114 Very Easy Good 124 87 109 78 77 107 96 96 112 Suspensory Ligament 109 Teat Placement Front 97 Teat Placement Front 103 Teat Placement Rear 106 Teat Placement Rear 104 Fore Udder Attachment 106 112 - Calving Ease Rear Leg Set Side View 119 Rear Leg Rear View Suspensory Ligament 106 100 RZFit Fore Udder Attachment 111 Udder Depth 95 Udder Depth 115 Teat Length 104 Teat Length 88 45 Peter Meutes Proliz Schaffner DNK 30 01001682 aAa 135264 DEU 07 68768423 aAa 234165 K-Cn: AA German Reg. No. 10.832392 German Reg. No. 10.468294 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 02/02/2009 Coolea Farms, Kincardine, Canada FROM THE LILA Z’S • LARGE FRAMES • SHALLOW UDDERS Windy-Knoll-View Pronto (Outside x Rudolph) Calbrett Goldwyn Liza Braedale Goldwyn VG-88 1st lac EX-94 3/3 lac best lac 2 Lylehaven Lila Z 12405 4.16 516 3.47 430 UNIFORMITY • PROFITABLE COWS • HEALTH TRAITS Regancrest Elton Durham CVC Lylehaven Form Laura Picston Shottle (Mtoto x Aerostar) aha Carla STBVQ Rubens RDC EX-94 EX-95 7/7 lac best lac 3 VG-88 7/7 lac best lac 7 17068 3.95 675 3.36 574 19488 4.05 789 3.46 674 RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit 118 110 71 43 89 +1237 -0.32 +18 -0.09 +33 - Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd Calving Ease Sire Fertility 122 110 131 111 112 112 89 100 110 97 Average Good 88 Stature 117 Dairy Character 107 Body Depth 116 Strength 115 Rump Angle 99 Rump Width 121 100 112 124 109 Hock Quality 100 Rear Leg Rear View 107 Locomotion 110 Rear Udder Hight 101 107 Teat Placement Rear 108 115 Teat Length 89 2726 Herds 1208 Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit 99 +635 -0.23 +4 -0.11 +11 122 Sire Fertility Good RZE Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd Calving Ease 111 104 97 110 113 121 118 81 108 96 Average Linear Profile 88 Stature 105 Dairy Character 101 100 112 124 96 95 Rump Angle 109 Rump Width 88 Rear Leg Set Side View 103 Foot Angle 108 Hock Quality 111 Rear Leg Rear View Fore Udder Attachment 112 Udder Depth 96 Daugh VG-87 10769 4.79 516 3.37 363 12796 4.85 620 3.24 415 Dairy Type Strength Suspensory Ligament 100 Teat Placement Front RZM Body Depth Rear Leg Set Side View 104 Foot Angle RZG Hanoverhill Stardom BLC Carmel aha Camilla 13936 4.62 644 3.35 467 16043 4.76 764 3.33 534 112 RZE Linear Profile 06/08/2006 Peter Meutes GbR, Rommersheim, Germany 99 Locomotion 103 Rear Udder Hight 100 Suspensory Ligament 87 Teat Placement Front 119 Teat Placement Rear 105 Fore Udder Attachment 114 Udder Depth 115 Teat Length 90 Caps Shoeberg Somorra DNK 33 72302874 aAa 321456 NLD 05 21973115 aAa 123465 German Reg. No. 10.831871 German Reg. No. 10.832348 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 09/25/2005 Tirsvad - Anderstrup, Skoerping, Denmark MILK & PROTEIN • FUNCTIONALITY • STRONG UDDER CLEFT ALTERNATIVE BREEDING • FEET & LEGS BULL • UDDER HEALTH Picston Shottle (Mtoto x Aerostar) Tir-An Jocko Lauren Jocko Besne Pen-Col Duster Tirsvad Duster Lauren CVC VG-87 1st lac EX-91 1st lac Ricecrest Luke Lauren CVC 14651 3.79 555 3.41 499 10024 3.99 400 3.55 356 11/23/2008 Mts Captein - van den Berg, Zeewolde, Netherlands EX-91 Velvet-View-KJ Socrates (Blitz x Prelude) Boon-Apart Caps Suzan Hartline Titanic VG-86 2/2 lac best lac 1 EX-91 3/3 lac best lac 3 Mara-Thon BW Marshall Lynncrest Formation Hush Lynncrest BW Marshl Horizon 11344 3.43 389 3.14 356 11710 3.23 378 3.30 387 14301 3.40 486 3.28 469 17002 3.28 558 3.22 547 EX-90 RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit 119 121 119 50 95 +1269 -0.10 +41 +0.02 +45 106 114 115 96 45 92 +1795 -0.44 +26 -0.19 +41 105 Calving Ease AverageDifficult Sire Fertility Sire Fertility Good Good RZE Dairy Type 107 119 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd 99 103 106 105 104 93 92 94 88 100 112 124 RZE Dairy Type 109 116 Linear Profile Stature 104 Stature Dairy Character 118 Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd Calving Ease 100 111 104 106 110 91 84 105 Average 88 97 Dairy Character 114 99 Body Depth 108 Strength 89 Strength Rump Angle 99 Rump Angle 105 Rump Width 93 Rump Width 98 Body Depth Rear Leg Set Side View 103 Foot Angle 89 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle 90 92 104 Hock Quality 111 Hock Quality 107 Rear Leg Rear View 106 Rear Leg Rear View 108 Locomotion 106 Rear Udder Hight 111 Locomotion Rear Udder Hight 98 104 Suspensory Ligament 109 Suspensory Ligament 105 Teat Placement Front 102 Teat Placement Front 97 Teat Placement Rear 103 Teat Placement Rear 101 Fore Udder Attachment 98 Fore Udder Attachment 95 Udder Depth 104 Udder Depth 93 Teat Length 106 Teat Length 103 46 100 112 124 Fuxberg Holsteins Giessen DEU 14 02676632 aAa 453621 NLD 04 37290230 aAa 243165 German Reg. No. 10.831794 German Reg. No. 10.832070 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: Tibolo Tovero 02/04/2005 Hahn/Radke Holsteins GbR, Eppendorf, Germany HIGH MILK SIRE • UDDER HEALTH • STRONG UDDER CLEFT DAIRY STRENGTH • GRANDDAM RUDOLPH PROMIS EX-95 • EASY CALVING Hartline Titanic (Storm x Leadman) Fuxberg Holsteins Heiderose Ceresio Bormio MJR Blackstar Emory Heide Librae Leadman Helga VG-88 4/4 lac best lac 2 EX-91 3/3 lac best lac 3 13537 3.33 451 3.01 408 14895 3.46 516 2.98 444 10/27/2006 Theo Van Vliet, Giessen, Netherlands VG-88 14917 3.54 528 3.08 460 17029 3.51 597 2.99 510 Jenny-Lou Mrshl Toystory (BW Marshall x Patron) Praline CVC Regancrest Elton Durham CVC Startmore Rudolph Windy-Knoll-View Promis VG-85 1st lac EX-95 3/3 lac best lac 3 Windy-Knoll-View Ultimate Pala 9196 4.25 391 3.61 332 13671 3.64 497 3.33 455 16957 3.69 626 3.34 566 EX-94 RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit 116 116 92 46 94 +1956 -0.44 +31 -0.23 +41 111 103 105 156 84 95 +1327 -0.37 +16 -0.19 +26 103 RZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd Calving Ease Sire Fertility RZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd Calving Ease Sire Fertility 100 92 97 106 99 99 113 99 103 104 Average Good 117 120 124 98 114 89 97 110 105 110 Easy Good Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 Linear Profile 88 Stature 96 Stature 121 Dairy Character 93 Dairy Character 119 Body Depth 97 Body Depth 115 Strength 98 Strength 104 Rump Angle 96 Rump Angle 99 Rump Width 102 Rump Width 115 Rear Leg Set Side View 95 103 Foot Angle Hock Quality 102 Hock Quality Rear Leg Rear View 103 Rear Udder Hight 124 96 105 Rear Leg Rear View 99 96 Locomotion 94 97 Rear Udder Hight 100 112 Suspensory Ligament 103 Teat Placement Front 103 Teat Placement Front 110 Teat Placement Rear 108 Teat Placement Rear 101 Suspensory Ligament 112 Rear Leg Set Side View 106 Foot Angle Locomotion 100 Fore Udder Attachment 99 Fore Udder Attachment 109 Udder Depth 95 Udder Depth 117 Teat Length 95 Teat Length 94 Twinkle Windspiel VG-86 DEU 14 03120602 aAa 162543 DEU 03 46427242 aAa 243615 German Reg. No. 10.832020 German Reg. No. 10.461920 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 11/07/2006 Sächsischer Rinderzuchtverband e.G., Meißen, Germany GREAT MILK YIELD • GOOD PRODUCTIVE LIFE • FEET & LEGS BULL Jenny-Lou Mrshl Toystory (BW Marshall x Patron) Melsunde Jocko Besne Maizefield Bellwood Melsun Gladystar VG-85 4/2 lac best lac 1 EX-90 3/3 lac best lac 3 EX-90 9566 4.47 428 3.50 335 9549 4.64 443 3.42 327 12491 4.52 564 3.13 391 12847 4.52 581 3.11 399 05/06/2002 Fred Lang, Joe+George Waldvogel, Marathon, WI, USA 2ND CROP SUCCESS • EXCEPTIONAL FEET & LEGS • GREAT UDDERS Willsona Stardel (Aerostar x Lindy) Miss Metro JWL N Wenona Jo-Wal Cubby Metro Ronnybrook Prelude Miss Prelude JWL Nelda Breedyk Blackstar Nola VG-89 4/4 lac best lac 2 EX-90 9/9 lac best lac 3 EX-91 14105 3.80 536 2.98 421 18490 3.93 726 2.92 539 10864 3.79 412 3.27 355 13735 4.20 577 3.03 416 RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit 115 111 104 39 95 +1721 -0.42 +25 -0.22 +34 107 117 101 10236 2738 99 +1067 -0.63 -20 -0.11 +25 121 Sire Fertility Sire Fertility Good Good RZE Dairy Type 113 108 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd Calving Ease 105 112 108 104 104 108 100 107 Average 88 100 112 124 RZE Dairy Type 114 99 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd Calving Ease 92 121 112 122 111 93 107 102 Average 88 Stature 104 Stature Dairy Character 108 Dairy Character Body Depth 103 Body Depth 84 Strength 94 Strength 97 104 Rump Angle 99 Rump Width 105 Rump Width 101 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle Hock Quality 110 Hock Quality 114 Rear Leg Rear View 108 Rear Leg Rear View 118 Locomotion 104 Locomotion 117 Rear Udder Hight 105 Rear Udder Hight 112 Suspensory Ligament 102 104 Suspensory Ligament 107 Teat Placement Front 120 Teat Placement Front 105 Teat Placement Rear 114 Teat Placement Rear 105 Fore Udder Attachment 104 124 81 103 Foot Angle 112 100 Rump Angle Rear Leg Set Side View 100 100 96 Fore Udder Attachment 104 Udder Depth 104 Udder Depth 106 Teat Length 94 Teat Length 100 47 Huijbens Elwood Red NLD 04 29467307 aAa 243615 German Reg. No. 10.832198 Born: 08/10/2007 Breeder: T.H. Huijben Holsteins, Oosteind, Netherlands K-Cn: AA SE X ED AVAILABLE -Cn: A2/A2 BREED LEADING RED SIRE • HIGH PRODUCTION • VERY EASY CALVING Al. Par. St. Elayo Red (Stadel x Factor) Huijben Red Miss September VG-85 2/2 lac 11404 4.54 518 3.60 411 best lac 2 11343 4.69 532 3.53 400 Huijbens Elwood Red Pursuit September Storm RDC Subliem Tulip Red Huijben Pietje 514 VG-87 2/2 lac 10589 4.87 516 3.79 401 best lac 2 11473 5.06 580 3.89 446 Almere Pietje 513 RDC VG-85 3/2 lac 9396 4.50 423 3.53 332 best lac 2 9689 4.43 429 3.55 344 Elwood burst onto the Red scene at MASTERRIND as a great daughter-proven sire that excels in production, feet & legs, high productive life and easy calving. He is one of the breed-leading Red Holstein sires in Germany. Elwood combines high production with an ideal fat:protein ratio. His pedigree includes Elayo, Stadel, September and Tulip in his lineage, all impact bulls of the Red Holstein breed. Elwood hails from the well-known Dutch cow family of Pietje 514. He is from the same maternal line as MASTERRIND’s widely used genomic bulls, Jorck-Red, Snow RF and Lasumo P Red, our popular, polled daughter-proven sire. Elwood daughters are medium-sized, with average frame and tendency towards sloped rumps. They will grab your attention with outstanding feet & legs, particularly due to bone quality and very steep foot angle. In addition, Elwood daughters show perfect mobility as seen from the rear and side views. Overall udder quality is good with shorter teat length. Udder health is excellent. Overall, Elwood makes consistently trouble-free, high-production cows with great mobility and longevity, plus he’s a great calving-ease bull. Linear Prof ile 88 100 112 124 small 103 tall Dairy Character tight rib 103 open rip Body Depth shallow 94 deep frail 98 strong Rump Angle ascending 107 sloped Rump Width narrow 99 wide posty 75 sickled Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View low angle 111 steep Hock Quality swollen 115 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 121 parallel bad 125 good Foot Angle Locomotion RZG Total Merit Index 135 RZM Milk Production 133 Rel. 96% Daugh. 179 / Herds 97 ME 3rd lac Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZE Daugh. 115 / Herds 65 Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder Functional Herd Life Rel. 69% 104 RZS Somatic Cell Count Rel. 92% 119 RZD Milking Speed Rel. 82% 99 RZR Daughter Fertility Rel. 64% 92 RZFit Fitness Index Rel. 77% 121 Rel. 90% 111 low 117 high 102 strong Teat Placement Front wide 101 close Teat Placement Rear wide 113 close RZKd Calving paternal Fore Udder Attachment loose 99 tight Calving Ease Udder Depth deep 102 Teat Length short 82 Evi Agrarunternehmen Lauenhain e.G., Neukirchen, Germany 48 long 105 100 130 104 RZN weak shallow 116 Total Conformation Rel. 89% Suspensory Ligament Rear Udder Hight + 1707 - 0.12 + 60 + 0.07 + 65 9977 4.15 415 3.36 335 Sire Fertility Kerstin Werner Meyer GbR, Oberndorf, Germany Very Easy Good Jotan Red NLD 03 93714184 aAa 324156 German Reg. No. 10.831644 Born: 07/24/2004 Breeder: High Altitude Syndicate, Belmont, WI, USA K-Cn: AB SE X ED AVAILABLE -Cn: A1/A2 FROM KAMPS-HOLLOW ALTITUDE • SECOND CROP SUCCESS • WORLD WIDE PROVEN Ja-Bob Jordan-Red (Phideaux x Momentum) Kamps-Hollow Altitude RDC CVC EX-95 3/3 lac 12836 4.21 541 3.43 440 best lac 3 15640 4.53 709 3.38 528 Jotan Red Regancrest Elton Durham CVC Ronnybrook Prelude Clover-Mist Alisha RDC EX-93 6/6 lac 11540 4.58 528 3.44 397 best lac 5 15177 4.16 632 3.39 514 Clover-Mist Augy Star RDC EX-94 5/5 lac 11905 4.75 566 3.33 396 best lac 3 14496 5.22 756 3.44 499 Jotan Red is MASTERRIND’s popular and red-hot Jordan son whose tremendous second crop success proved him to be one of the very best Red Holstein bulls available worldwide. Directly from Kamps-Hollow Durham Altitude RDC EX-95, he is a half brother to the popular type specialists KHW Elm-Park Acme RDC EX-90 and KHW Kite Advent Red as well as the One Million Dollar Cow and multiple show winner, KHW Regiment Apple Red EX-95 2E DOM. Jotan was sampled globally and has milking daughters in the Czech Republic, Germany, the Netherlands, the USA, Switzerland, Belgium, Poland and the UK. He has sustained his remarkable type figures by successfully adding larger second crop which underline his quality and the great transmission ability of the entire cow family. Jotan combines his outstanding type proof with very good fat and protein percentages as well as excellent calving ease. The strong, uniform Jotan daughters are impressive, particularly with their wider rumps and beautifully-attached, snug udders. He can be used on many of the current popular red bloodlines to improve strength, width, rump structure and overall udder quality. When mated correctly, Jotan can make beautiful, fancy show-ring-type cows. Linear Prof ile 88 100 112 124 small 120 Dairy Character tight rib 99 open rip Body Depth shallow 99 deep frail 107 strong Rump Angle ascending 123 sloped Rump Width narrow 96 wide posty 87 sickled Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View tall low angle 108 steep Hock Quality swollen 100 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 117 parallel bad 125 good Foot Angle Locomotion RZG Total Merit Index 123 RZM Milk Production 109 Rel. 99% Daugh. 4560 / Herds 2058 ME 3rd lac Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZE + 368 + 0.23 + 34 + 0.19 + 28 9070 4.26 386 3.44 312 Total Conformation Rel. 97% 122 Daugh. 1866 / Herds 899 Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder 101 105 120 120 RZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 90% 122 RZS Somatic Cell Count Rel. 99% 92 RZD Milking Speed Rel. 95% 109 RZR Daughter Fertility Rel. 92% 103 RZFit Fitness Index Rel. 94% 118 Rel. 98% 112 low 111 high Suspensory Ligament weak 114 strong Teat Placement Front wide 117 close Teat Placement Rear wide 119 close RZKd Calving paternal Fore Udder Attachment loose 122 tight Calving Ease Easy Udder Depth deep 128 shallow Teat Length short 59 Sire Fertility Good Rear Udder Hight Jenna 6th lac EX-92 Gerd Pfaff, Oederan, Germany long Feanwalder Jotan R 628 3rd lac Mts. Haytema-Haitsma, Koudum, Netherlands 49 Huijbens Lasumo P Red NLD 04 99471075 aAa 234165 German Reg. No. 10.832283 Born: 07/16/2008 Breeder: T.H. Huijben Holsteins, Oosteind, Netherlands PROTEIN SPECIALIST • LONG TEATS • GREAT SIRE FERTILITY Aggravation Lawn Boy P-Red (Bacculum x Manfred) Huijben Red Bliksem VG-88 1st lac 11354 4.21 478 3.65 414 Huijbens Lasumo P Red Lichtblick Beautyfull Huijbens Red Beauty Huijben Pietje 514 VG-87 2/2 lac 10589 4.87 516 3.79 401 best lac 2 11473 5.06 580 3.89 446 2/2 lac 9730 4.36 424 3.47 338 best lac 2 10026 4.39 440 3.42 343 Lasumo P’s maternal line extends back via a VG-88 Lichtblick and another daughter by Beautiful, straight to the successful brood cow Huijben Pietje 514. This famous Tulip daughter and great granddam of Lasumo P was 2nd in the Holstein International Red Holstein Cow of the Year contest 2008. She is the dam of several successfully proven Red bulls like Deejay-Red and Tequila-Red and the granddam of Germany’s breed leading red sire, Elwood Red, also from MASTERRIND. With Snow RF and Jorck Red, MASTERRIND also offers elite genomic sires from the same family, which have been used as sires of sons in several countries. This is truly one of the most successful Red cow families of the day with high-testing genomic offspring all in one package. In addition to Lasumo’s heterozygous polled status, he transmits solid milk & protein yields and excellent dairy type, as well as calving ease and outstanding sire fertility. The tall, open-ribbed daughters with level rumps, also come with good feet & legs and high, wide rear udder attachments with average cleft. Teats are of desirable length; teat placement is optimal, particularly suitable for robot milking. He is one of the highest bulls for sire fertility. Linear Prof ile 88 100 112 124 small 107 tall Dairy Character tight rib 114 open rip Body Depth shallow 101 deep frail 97 strong Rump Angle ascending 88 sloped Rump Width narrow 96 wide posty 99 sickled Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View low angle 100 steep Hock Quality swollen 105 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 112 parallel bad 113 good high Foot Angle Locomotion RZG Total Merit Index 117 RZM Milk Production 115 Rel. 98% Daugh. 431 / Herds 194 ME 3rd lac Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZE + 990 - 0.25 + 19 + 0.10 + 42 9415 4.02 378 3.39 320 115 Total Conformation Rel. 91% Daugh. 167 / Herds 77 Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder 116 102 113 112 RZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 61% 101 RZS Somatic Cell Count Rel. 94% 90 RZD Milking Speed Rel. 80% 103 RZR Daughter Fertility Rel. 63% 105 RZFit Fitness Index Rel. 79% 108 Rel. 94% 105 low 121 Suspensory Ligament weak 98 strong Teat Placement Front wide 95 close Teat Placement Rear wide 98 close RZKd Calving paternal Fore Udder Attachment loose 110 tight Calving Ease Average Udder Depth deep 102 shallow Teat Length short 122 long Sire Fertility Excellent Rear Udder Hight Loretta Agro-Produkt GmbH, Leubsdorf, Germany 50 Lätitia VG-85 Rüdiger Kempe, Amtsberg, Germany Levant Red DEU 06 62992184 aAa 423651 German Reg. No. 10.926884 Born: 04/04/2008 Breeder: Heinz Otto, Gemünden, Germany SE X ED AVAILABLE -Cn: A2/A2 TOP PRODUCTION SIRE • UDDER IMPROVER • VERY EASY CALVING Aggravation Lawn Boy P-Red (Bacculum x Manfred) Caspars Michaela VG-86 4/3 lac 12732 4.12 525 3.39 431 best lac 2 13339 4.13 551 3.40 453 Levant Red Poos Stadel Classic Origin Michelle EX-91 5/5 lac 13223 4.48 592 3.36 444 best lac 1 13052 4.73 618 3.76 491 Horstyle Marshall Mindy RDC EX-90 4/3 lac 15274 3.48 532 2.96 452 best lac 3 17123 3.47 595 2.94 503 Levant Red is currently one of the best German Lawn Boy sons. His cow family goes back via his dam and granddam, the Classic daughter Caspars Michaela VG-86 and the Origin daughter Michelle EX-91, to Burket-Falls Elevation Sophia EX-93 after a few generations. Levant is a member of the list of the best daughter proven Red Holstein bulls for milk yield. He combines his great figures for milk and protein yield with shallow udders. The udder quality is further underscored by strong front and rear attachment, deep udder cleft and longer teats with correct placement. His slightly taller daughters demonstrate correct feet and legs with fine bone quality and an optimal rump structure. Levant complements his high production and udder figures with appealing values for productive life and calving ease, which makes him a perfect choise for many Red Holstein breeders around the world. RZG Total Merit Index 125 RZM Milk Production 125 Rel. 94% Daugh. 117 / Herds 90 ME 3rd lac Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 10541 3.84 405 3.28 346 RZE Total Conformation Rel. 83% Linear Prof ile 88 100 112 124 small 108 tall Dairy Character tight rib 108 open rip Body Depth shallow 92 deep frail 96 strong Rump Angle ascending 102 sloped Rump Width narrow 105 wide posty 107 sickled Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View low angle 94 Hock Quality swollen 105 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 100 parallel bad 101 good Foot Angle Locomotion steep Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder Functional Herd Life Rel. 67% 105 RZS Somatic Cell Count Rel. 89% 95 RZD Milking Speed Rel. 79% 91 RZR Daughter Fertility Rel. 53% 98 RZFit Fitness Index Rel. 71% 111 Rel. 72% 111 low 126 high 107 strong Teat Placement Front wide 99 close Teat Placement Rear wide 103 close RZKd Calving paternal Fore Udder Attachment loose 110 tight Calving Ease deep 111 shallow Teat Length short 129 long Carla 2nd lac VG-87 Petra Lingemann, Löningen, Germany 109 102 101 120 RZN weak Udder Depth 114 Daugh. 65 / Herds 54 Suspensory Ligament Rear Udder Hight + 2122 - 0.55 + 34 - 0.14 + 59 Sire Fertility Very Easy Good Grella 2nd lac Josef & Bernd Hatke GbR, Bösel, Germany 51 Bunto Red NLD 05 19617162 aAa 234165 German Reg. No. 10.471875 Born: 08/19/2008 Breeder: Booij MC en WJ en Booij-Haan de Mts, Streefkerk, Netherlands SHOW WINNING COW FAMILY • HIGH TYPE SIRE • FOOT & LEG IMPROVER Dudoc Mr Burns RDC (Markim x Storm) MLR Delfi EX-90 2/2 lac 8624 4.33 373 3.55 306 best lac 1 9914 4.46 442 3.55 352 Bunto Red Ladino Park Talent-Imp RDC Chapel-Bank Laredo-Red Debby EX-92 7/5 lac 10308 4.32 445 3.35 345 best lac 4 12635 4.19 530 3.29 416 Dorothee EX-94 5/5 lac 11559 5.26 608 3.38 391 best lac 4 14257 6.07 865 3.28 468 RZG RZM 117 101 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 94% Daugh. 117 / Herds 73 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg small 115 tall Dairy Character tight rib 112 open rip Body Depth shallow 108 deep frail 100 strong Rump Angle ascending 100 sloped Rump Width narrow 105 wide posty 98 low angle 122 steep Hock Quality swollen 107 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 112 parallel Locomotion bad 115 good Rear Udder Hight low 109 high Suspensory Ligament weak 113 strong Teat Placement Front wide 110 close Teat Placement Rear wide 109 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 104 tight Udder Depth deep 110 shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease Teat Length short 91 long Sire Fertility Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle sickled RZE 913 0.42 2 0.08 24 126 Total Conformation Rel. 79% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd + + + 9371 4.00 375 3.32 311 Daugh. 46 / Herds 27 117 116 122 115 Functional Herd Life Rel. 56% 120 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 87% 112 Milking Speed Rel. 78% Daughter Fertility Rel. 50% 101 Fitness Index Rel. 67% 116 88 Rel. 65% 95 Average Good Elabell Red DEU 03 52534266 aAa 453216 German Reg. No. 10.927041 Born: 11/14/2008 Breeder: Johann Spickmann, Neuenhaus, Germany HIGH PRODUCTION SIRE • STRENGTH & DEPTH • UDDER IMPROVER Al. Par. St. Elayo Red (Stadel x Factor) Arabella VG-85 3/2 lac 13587 4.40 598 3.61 490 best lac 2 14289 4.49 641 3.54 506 Elabell Red Rubens Red Delta Sparta RDC Cocktail Andy 59 RDC VG-88 2/2 lac 12342 4.31 532 3.16 390 best lac 2 14306 4.35 622 3.05 437 Cocktail Andy 51 RDC VG-85 1st lac 11109 4.00 444 3.40 378 RZG RZM 125 124 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 95% Daugh. 146 / Herds 106 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 small 108 Dairy Character tight rib 88 Body Depth shallow 111 deep frail 117 strong Rump Angle ascending 100 sloped Rump Width narrow 92 wide posty 91 sickled low angle 110 Hock Quality swollen 92 Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 105 Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle tall open rip steep dry parallel Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZE Total Conformation Rel. 84% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd 1325 0.13 67 0.02 47 112 Daugh. 82 / Herds 67 93 115 106 111 Functional Herd Life Rel. 56% 105 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 88% 110 Milking Speed Rel. 78% 107 Daughter Fertility Rel. 52% Fitness Index Rel. 70% 108 Locomotion bad 104 good Rear Udder Hight low 105 high Suspensory Ligament weak 114 strong Teat Placement Front wide 116 close Teat Placement Rear wide 120 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 106 tight Udder Depth deep 101 shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease Teat Length short 100 long Sire Fertility 52 + + + + + 9836 4.18 411 3.37 331 96 Rel. 67% 106 Average Good Elan Red Caspars DEU 06 63196025 aAa 234156 German Reg. No. 10.917241 Born: 10/17/2007 Breeder: Karl, Inge u. Henning Caspar GbR, Kirtorf, Germany MILK YIELD • STEEP FOOT ANGLE • GOOD UDDER ATTACHMENTS Al. Par. St. Elayo Red (Stadel x Factor) Michelle Red EX-91 5/5 lac 13223 4.48 592 3.36 444 best lac 1 13052 4.73 618 3.76 491 Caspars Elan Red Origin Mara-Thon BW Marshall Horstyle Marshall Mindy RDC EX-90 4/3 lac 15274 3.48 532 2.96 452 best lac 3 17123 3.47 595 2.94 503 G-Toctin-SM Mtoto Cindy RDC VG-87 5/4 lac 12195 3.55 433 2.95 360 best lac 1 11954 4.94 590 2.99 358 RZG RZM 111 106 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 96% Daugh. 166 / Herds 123 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 small 94 tall Dairy Character tight rib 92 open rip Body Depth shallow 92 deep frail 95 strong Rump Angle ascending 98 sloped Rump Width narrow 78 wide posty 90 sickled low angle 109 steep Hock Quality swollen 105 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 94 Locomotion bad 113 good Rear Udder Hight low 107 high Suspensory Ligament weak 119 strong Teat Placement Front wide 103 close Teat Placement Rear wide 117 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 101 tight Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle parallel Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZE Daugh. 52 / Herds 46 92 87 110 111 Functional Herd Life Rel. 63% 104 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 92% 114 Milking Speed Rel. 76% 98 Daughter Fertility Rel. 61% 96 Fitness Index Rel. 73% 108 Udder Depth deep 111 shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease Teat Length short 101 long Sire Fertility Jauquet 1208 0.30 23 0.14 28 105 Total Conformation Rel. 81% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd + + + 9454 4.08 385 3.30 312 Rel. 68% 104 Average Good Jackel P Red USA 00 62313734 aAa 312546 German Reg. No. 10.298040 Born: 07/12/2009 Breeder: Tyler & Nathan Jauquet, Luxemburg, WI, USA K-Cn: AA POLLED FROM ELITE COW FAMILY • FOOT & LEG IMPROVER • VERY EASY CALVING Aggravation Lawn Boy P-Red (Bacculum x Manfred) Jauquet-Lang SS Alice RDC VG-88 2/2 lac 13401 4.96 665 3.30 442 best lac 2 14088 4.93 695 3.17 447 Pursuit September Storm RDC Regancrest Elton Durham CVC BKB Amanda EX-92 2/2 lac 14417 4.65 671 3.27 471 best lac 2 15799 4.93 779 3.17 501 Shoremar S Alicia BLC EX-97 5/5 lac 13418 4.15 557 3.31 444 best lac 5 15032 4.30 647 3.25 489 Jauquet Jackel P Red RZG RZM 115 101 Total Merit Index Milk Production Rel. 97% Daugh. 324 / Herds 199 ME 3rd lac Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 small 109 tall Dairy Character tight rib 102 open rip Body Depth shallow 99 frail 103 strong Rump Angle ascending 86 sloped Rump Width narrow 86 wide posty 99 sickled low angle 105 steep Hock Quality swollen 117 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 110 parallel Stature Strength Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle deep Locomotion bad 118 good Rear Udder Hight low 111 high Suspensory Ligament weak 114 strong Teat Placement Front wide 91 close Teat Placement Rear wide 110 close Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZE 8907 4.02 358 3.32 296 Total Conformation Rel. 88% Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZFit RZKd + + + 794 0.17 18 0.09 19 116 Daugh. 118 / Herds 78 105 101 122 108 Functional Herd Life Rel. 55% 117 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 90% 103 Milking Speed Rel. 75% Daughter Fertility Rel. 56% 108 Fitness Index Rel. -% Fore Udder Attachment loose 102 tight Udder Depth deep 108 shallow Calving paternal Calving Ease Teat Length short 115 long Sire Fertility 94 - Rel. 91% 115 Very Easy Good 53 Burnrae Red Donatelli Red NLD 05 26754863 aAa 324156 DEU 05 80498170 aAa 426 German Reg. No. 10.832322 German Reg. No. 10.926895 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 09/23/2008 Fly Higher Holsteins, Valley Falls, NY, USA FROM THE GREAT ROXY‘S • DAIRY STRENGTH • WIDE RUMPS Daughter Alpha HIGH BUTTERFAT • FEET & LEGS BULL • HEALTH TRAITS Dudoc Mr Burns RDC (Markim x Storm) Golden-Oaks Sept Rae-Red Pursuit September Storm RDC STBVQ Rubens RDC Scientific Beauty Rae RDC Scientific Jubilant Rae VG-87 2/1 lac EX-90 2/2 lac best lac 2 EX-90 12762 4.65 594 3.35 427 09/07/2007 Antonius Richter, Salzkotten, Germany 11820 4.71 557 3.60 425 13393 4.79 641 3.65 489 Dominator Red (Stadel x Patron) Richter Holsteins Maryrose Pursuit September Storm RDC Comestar Lee Richter Holsteins Meggilee RDC EX-90 3/3 lac best lac 3 EX-91 6/5 lac best lac 4 Richter Holsteins Meggy 13179 4.56 601 3.35 441 15765 4.76 751 3.15 497 11999 4.33 520 3.33 400 13177 4.55 600 3.35 442 VG-88 RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit 107 102 123 46 94 +497 -0.21 +3 +0.08 +23 109 118 103 165 118 94 +449 +0.25 +40 +0.02 +17 121 Calving Ease AverageDifficult Sire Fertility RZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd Calving Ease Sire Fertility Good 123 103 97 123 122 111 117 87 105 109 Easy Good RZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd 110 99 127 96 108 106 102 91 111 94 Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 115 Stature 97 Dairy Character Linear Profile 88 Stature 101 Dairy Character 100 Body Depth 110 Body Depth Strength 117 Strength 98 86 Rump Angle 94 Rump Width 121 Rump Width 89 Rear Leg Set Side View 110 Foot Angle 87 95 Hock Quality 114 Rear Leg Rear View 97 Rear Leg Rear View 118 93 Locomotion 116 Rear Udder Hight 125 107 Rear Udder Hight Suspensory Ligament 103 124 111 Foot Angle Hock Quality Locomotion 112 96 Rump Angle Rear Leg Set Side View 107 100 Suspensory Ligament 108 Teat Placement Front 102 Teat Placement Front 101 Teat Placement Rear 105 Teat Placement Rear 107 Fore Udder Attachment 100 Fore Udder Attachment 114 Udder Depth 108 Udder Depth 113 Teat Length 99 Teat Length 107 Schleswig-Holsteins Einklang Red Fanetto Red EX-91 DEU 01 16122892 DEU 03 48261918 aAa 132456 German Reg. No. 10.471418 German Reg. No. 10.466098 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 03/03/2008 SH Wendell GbR, Beringstedt, Germany Dam Schleswig-Holsteins Talent Model MILK & PROTEIN • GREAT UDDERS • POPULAR COW FAMILY MEDIUM STATURE • POSITIVE LONGEVITY • FLAT BONE QUALITY Al. Par. St. Elayo Red (Stadel x Factor) Schleswig-Holsteins Talent Model RDC Ladino Park Talent-Imp RDC STBVQ Rubens RDC Schleswig-Holsteins Rubens Model RDC Top Model VG-88 5/4 lac best lac 2 VG-86 2/2 lac best lac 1 VG-89 12387 3.79 469 3.39 420 13836 3.64 504 3.45 478 07/17/2004 Rinderzuchtbetrieb Derboven, Warpe, Germany 9988 3.54 354 3.47 347 10148 3.84 390 3.65 370 Faber (Factor x Nick) Anett Gillette Breeze EX-91 6/6 lac best lac 5 EX-90 6/5 lac best lac 4 Dean-C-T Bootmaker Cheetos (Chito) Adrina Antika 13572 3.51 476 3.22 437 14703 3.77 555 3.22 473 GP-82 8204 4.00 328 3.34 274 10139 4.39 445 3.55 360 RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit 118 119 190 150 96 +1325 -0.25 +33 +0.02 +47 106 114 104 380 231 98 +705 -0.08 +23 -0.01 +23 109 Sire Fertility Sire Fertility Good Good RZE Dairy Type 111 91 Linear Profile Stature Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd Calving Ease 102 103 117 104 107 104 86 90 Difficult 88 106 100 112 124 RZE Dairy Type 105 109 Linear Profile Stature Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd Calving Ease 95 101 108 118 105 102 108 99 Average 88 102 Dairy Character 85 Dairy Character 103 Body Depth 92 Body Depth 100 Strength 106 Strength Rump Angle 115 Rump Angle 103 Rump Width 103 Rump Width 79 Rear Leg Set Side View 106 93 Rear Leg Set Side View 102 Foot Angle 101 Foot Angle Hock Quality 108 Hock Quality Rear Leg Rear View 100 Rear Leg Rear View Locomotion 106 Locomotion Rear Udder Hight 109 Rear Udder Hight Suspensory Ligament 118 Suspensory Ligament 97 Teat Placement Front 116 Teat Placement Front 111 Teat Placement Rear 125 Teat Placement Rear 99 Fore Udder Attachment 107 86 112 96 101 99 Fore Udder Attachment 105 Udder Depth 116 Udder Depth 106 Teat Length 88 Teat Length 103 54 100 112 124 Lakai P Red Lewitan PP Red DEU 03 52119182 NLD 04 94734245 aAa 423615 K-Cn: AB German Reg. No. 10.926907 German Reg. No. 10.832467 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 08/04/2008 Wim van Eerden, Aalten, Netherlands FROM THE MASSIA‘S • POLLED SIRE • SHALLOW UDDERS SE X ED AVAILABLE HOMOZYGOUS POLLED • ROXY FAMILY • HIGH SIRE FERTILITY Aggravation Lawn Boy P-Red (Bacculum x Manfred) Mellencamp Massia Ladino Park Talent-Imp RDC Lentini RDC Apina Massia 20 Apina Massia 14 VG-87 3/3 lac best lac 3 VG-89 1st lac VG-85 11292 4.19 473 3.52 397 12428 4.22 525 3.55 441 04/06/2009 Golden Oaks Farms, Wauconda, IL, USA 10574 4.41 466 3.41 361 Aggravation Lawn Boy P-Red (Bacculum x Manfred) Golden-Oaks Perk Rae-Red P Burket-Falls Perk-Red P Scientific Beauty Rae RDC Scientific Jubilant Rae EX-90 2/2 lac best lac 1 EX-90 2/2 lac best lac 2 EX-90 12256 3.63 445 3.35 410 12603 3.78 477 3.30 416 STBVQ Rubens RDC 11820 4.71 557 3.60 425 13393 4.79 641 3.65 489 RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit 113 106 146 123 94 +778 -0.28 +9 +0.03 +30 112 103 98 328 161 97 +736 -0.50 -12 -0.05 +21 110 RZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd Calving Ease Sire Fertility RZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd Calving Ease Sire Fertility 103 102 88 96 115 113 107 94 104 104 Average Good 105 104 76 96 123 103 101 101 103 110 Easy Excellent Linear Profile 88 100 112 124 Linear Profile Stature 103 Stature Dairy Character 101 Dairy Character 88 79 Body Depth 86 Strength 87 Strength 90 Rump Angle 85 Rump Angle 68 Rump Width 99 Rump Width 89 Hock Quality Rear Leg Rear View 124 Rear Leg Set Side View 110 106 Foot Angle 112 103 Body Depth Rear Leg Set Side View 104 100 89 92 Foot Angle 97 Hock Quality 104 89 Rear Leg Rear View 89 Locomotion 101 Locomotion 102 Rear Udder Hight 112 Rear Udder Hight 127 Suspensory Ligament 103 Suspensory Ligament 110 Teat Placement Front 90 Teat Placement Front 92 Teat Placement Rear 93 Teat Placement Rear 102 Fore Udder Attachment 116 Fore Udder Attachment 115 Udder Depth 118 Udder Depth 116 Teat Length 96 Teat Length 99 Elmmound-Dj Mister B Runi Red VG-88 Tassoni Red NLD 04 98823718 aAa 324156 DEU 03 50169626 aAa 132564 K-Cn: AB -Cn: A1/A1 German Reg. No. 10.832494 German Reg. No. 10.466028 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 09/18/2008 Timothy D. Johnson, Bangor, WI, USA POPULAR COW FAMILY • SIRE & DAUGHTER FERTILITY PROFITABLE COWS • UDDER IMPROVER • GREAT SIRE FERTILITY Dudoc Mr Burns RDC (Markim x Storm) Elm-Mound Advnt Rein-Red KHW Kite Advent-Red Startmore Rudolph Stelbro Renita Ravel RDC EX-90 1st lac VG-88 3/2 lac best lac 2 Stelbro Renita Ranger-Red 9376 3.90 366 3.58 336 11197 3.47 389 3.10 347 12115 3.32 402 3.10 376 07/29/2005 Friedr.-Wilhelm Goedeker, Varrel, Germany EX-94 Ladino Park Talent-Imp RDC (Storm x Leader) Otti Stadel Rudi Omega Olanda VG-87 7/6 lac best lac 3 GP-84 5/4 lac best lac 4 10063 4.42 445 3.73 375 11088 4.41 489 3.82 424 GP-84 9304 4.14 385 3.49 325 10796 4.21 455 3.40 367 RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit RZG RZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg RZFit 125 110 330 200 97 +843 -0.12 +25 +0.04 +32 - 111 105 318 236 98 +875 -0.36 +5 +0.00 +30 105 Calving Ease AverageDifficult Sire Fertility RZE Dairy Type 118 104 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd 95 115 121 114 108 90 116 109 88 100 112 Calving Ease AverageEasy Sire Fertility Excellent 124 RZE Dairy Type 110 102 Linear Profile Stature 100 Stature Dairy Character 103 Dairy Character Body Feet & Legs Udder RZN RZS RZD RZR RZKd 94 109 113 110 99 106 95 92 88 Body Depth 97 Strength 95 Strength 94 Rump Angle 94 Rump Angle 115 Rump Width 89 Rump Width 91 Rear Leg Set Side View 96 Rear Leg Set Side View 97 108 Foot Angle 104 Hock Quality 109 Hock Quality 106 Rear Leg Rear View 108 Rear Leg Rear View 105 Locomotion 109 Locomotion 107 Rear Udder Hight 114 Rear Udder Hight 113 Suspensory Ligament 108 Teat Placement Front 93 Teat Placement Front 103 Teat Placement Rear 92 Teat Placement Rear 105 Fore Udder Attachment 116 124 100 95 Suspensory Ligament 109 112 99 Body Depth Foot Angle 100 Excellent Fore Udder Attachment 103 Udder Depth 117 Udder Depth 113 Teat Length 97 Teat Length 92 55 & QUALITY COMPETENCE Almut Averbeck phone +49 4231 679 116 mobile +49 171 7682652 fax +49 4231 679 217 Carsten Hoops phone +49 4231 679 132 mobile +49 172 2245747 fax +49 4231 679 216 Michael Hellwinkel phone +49 4231 679 112 mobile +49 172 2133259 fax +49 4231 679 216 As your reliable distributor of quality semen we can also supply high quality breeding heifers from Germany. Our strengths in detail: personal consultancy in all questions concerning animal purchase realization of purchase orders according to individual specifications reliable and appropriate organization of transport high insurance coverage finance schemes Steffen Hambruch phone +49 4231 679 622 mobile +49 160 90529687 fax +49 4231 679 718 The excitement continues among MASTERRIND’s Elite Type Specialists ... Presently, many daughters of the popular MASTERGEN sires, AMOR RED and MONREAL, are calving and starting their first lactations. Both daughter groups look very promising and will receive first-run daughter proofs in December 2014, graduating into the MASTERPROVEN lineup. Keep watching for them in upcoming Sire Summaries. MONREAL AMOR RED Long-Langs OMan OMan x Picston Shottle x Lukas Aggravation Lawn Boy P-Red x Braedale Goldwyn x Regancrest Elton Durham DEU 15 01192456 NLD 05 27309859 MB Stine Strasburger Landbetr. Ges. mbH, Bremerförde, Germany Wiesenfeld Steady Amor Red Wiesenfeld Holsteins, Wiesenfeld, Germany MB Milla Strasburger Landbetr. Ges. mbH, Bremerförde, Germany Romantik Ralf Günther Ritz, Uelzen, Germany German Reg.No. 10.473821 Born: 04/27/2010 aAa 324156 K-Cn: AB ß-Cn: A1/A1 Breeder: Hermann Meyer, Lilienthal, Germany German Reg.No. 10.473942 Born: 01/31/2010 aAa 216435 K-Cn: BB ß-Cn: A2/A2 Breeder: High Altitude Syndicate, Platteville, WI, USA 57 Selection Guide – Top 10 of MASTERGEN Holstein Sires gRZG gRZM Total Merit Index Milk Production Dolph Pirlo Astonishing Livermore Genestar Sunfish RDC Filou RDC Step Red One-Red VRC Soko Red 161 159 159 158 157 156 155 157 147 146 Fat % Deco Gaborik Astonishing Oasis Peer P RDC Anderson Skydome Sacarno Red Alonso Red Sodan Red Dolph Miklas Livermore Sunfish RDC Astonishing Pirlo Menard Step Red Django Red Goch Red Milk kg 148 145 143 143 142 141 141 148 135 134 Fat kg +0.35 +0.32 +0.29 +0.27 +0.26 +0.25 +0.20 +0.45 +0.30 +0.29 Sultano Astonishing Livermore Dolph Oasis Miklas Scirocco Sodan Red Sacarno Red Step Red Miklas Sultano Energy P Menard Magix Sir Henry Merlino Step Red Coloredo-P Red Soko Red +3008 +2429 +2390 +2372 +2357 +2349 +2345 +2918 +1989 +1954 Protein % +97 +89 +88 +87 +86 +86 +84 +79 +76 +71 Svend Air Force Mattis Astonishing Deco Julianos Peer P RDC Alonso Red Aldon Red Sacarno Red +0.23 +0.23 +0.22 +0.20 +0.20 +0.19 +0.19 +0.25 +0.22 +0.15 gRZE Protein kg Dolph Miklas Menard Magix Sunfish RDC Livermore Pirlo Step Red Goch Red Django Red 58 Total Conformation +81 +80 +79 +76 +74 +73 +72 +90 +67 +65 Naxxos McCoy Meristo Giant Mozarella Iskas Dolph Burnet Red Lord Red P One-Red VRC Dairy Type 138 138 137 135 135 135 134 141 139 138 Money P Energy P McCoy Livermore Anderson Miklas Naberg Ali Red Rowan Red One-Red VRC 120 119 119 118 118 118 117 120 120 119 Body Iskas Mikkel Marani Gaborik Magix Energy P Meilo Burnet Red Django Red Soko Red Feet & Legs 136 127 126 126 125 124 123 128 121 119 Dolph Modalis Solaris RDC Deco Naxxos Lampert Filou RDC Lord Red P Sodan Red Sacarno Red Udder 133 131 129 128 126 126 125 129 129 127 Giant Mozarella Meilo Marani McCoy Naxxos Meristo Rowan Red Sodan Red One-Red VRC gRZS gRZN gRZD Somatic Cell Count Functional Herd Life Milking Speed Panama P Picanto Astonishing Peer P RDC Hamakari Sultano Meilo Lord Red P Rowan Red Snowden Red 137 132 129 129 128 127 126 135 133 119 Hamakari Skydome Svend Merbitz Giant Pirlo Molotov Sacarno Red Lord Red P One-Red VRC 145 141 138 138 137 136 136 133 132 130 Miklas Gambler Fan P RDC Casual Meristo Molotov Drointon Evolution 2 Red VRC Ackley Red Step Red gRZR gRZKd gRZKm Daughter Fertility Calving Traits paternal Calving Traits maternal Feridon Filou RDC Julianos Naxxos Naberg Fanatic Mixco Django Red Rowan Red Ali Red 127 127 125 125 122 121 121 124 119 116 Lampert Pirlo Socari Loretto Marley RDC Picanto Piano RDC Step Red Snowden Red Django Red 126 125 123 122 122 120 118 121 119 117 Julianos Cadal Joclassic Iskas Casual Goaway Hamakari Alonso Red Goch Red Evolution 2 Red VRC 137 137 137 137 137 136 135 140 136 135 119 118 118 117 116 115 115 118 116 113 127 120 119 119 118 117 117 110 109 109 59 Sunview Gold Dolph CAN 01 08535233 German Reg. No. 10.507451 Born: 10/08/2013 Breeder: Sebastien Dion, Pintendre, PQ, Canada GENOMIC LEADER • FROM THE ROXY FAMILY • FEET & LEGS BULL Genervations Liquid Gold (Boulder x Planet) Velthuis R Snowman Deluxe VG-85 1st lac 5298 3.72 197 2.77 147 (145 days) Linear Profile Flevo Genetics Snowman Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood Co-Vista Atwood Desire VG-87 10283 3.92 403 3.63 373 1st lac Scientific Deluxe Rae EX-91 2/2 lac 12233 3.89 476 3.35 410 best lac 2 13543 3.82 518 3.38 458 88 100 112 124 small 119 tall Dairy Character tight rib 112 open rip Body Depth shallow 109 deep frail 107 strong Rump Angle ascending 109 sloped Rump Width narrow 103 wide Stature Strength p Sunview Gold Dolph gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 161 Rel. 70% 148 + 2079 + 0.02 + 87 + 0.09 + 81 gRZE posty 94 low angle 115 steep Hock Quality swollen 113 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 117 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 51% 134 Dairy Type 116 Body 119 Feet & Legs 133 Udder 119 Locomotion bad 127 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 46% 130 Rear Udder Hight low 119 high Suspensory Ligament weak 121 strong gRZS Rel. 75% 119 Teat Placement Front wide 109 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 68% 96 Teat Placement Rear wide 107 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 104 tight gRZR Rel. 36% 95 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle sickled Udder Depth deep 108 shallow Teat Length short 109 long CCC Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease 102 Average Rel. 52% Menard DEU 01 20560435 aAa 324156 German Reg. No. 10.477701 Born: 02/03/2013 Breeder: Levshöh GbR, Stoltebüll, Germany ELITE PRODUCTION SIRE • GREAT UDDERS • SUPERIOR FITNESS Sully Hart Meridian (Domain x Planet) CCC Snowman Karat VG-86 1st lac 11182 4.01 448 3.22 360 Linear Profile 88 p CCC Menard Flevo Genetics Snowman Braedale Goldwyn CCC Goldwyn Konny VG-87 2/2 lac 11216 4.18 469 3.29 369 best lac 2 11827 4.25 503 3.23 382 Batke Outside Kora EX-94 6/5 lac 13904 3.85 535 3.20 445 best lac 5 14130 4.16 588 3.18 450 100 112 124 small 127 tall Dairy Character tight rib 103 open rip Body Depth shallow 109 deep frail 116 strong Rump Angle ascending 114 sloped Rump Width narrow 109 wide Stature Strength gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 150 Rel. 71% 141 + 2372 - 0.37 + 55 - 0.02 + 79 gRZE posty 108 sickled low angle 108 steep Hock Quality swollen 101 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 105 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 52% 124 Dairy Type 104 Body 121 Feet & Legs 111 Udder 121 Locomotion bad 110 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 47% 119 Rear Udder Hight low 111 high gRZS Rel. 75% 123 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle Somatic Cell Count Suspensory Ligament weak 114 strong Teat Placement Front wide 125 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 68% 96 Teat Placement Rear wide 126 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 110 tight gRZR Rel. 37% 100 Udder Depth deep 116 shallow Teat Length short 92 60 MASTERGEN Production Plus long Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease 103 Average Rel. 55% Willsbro Merandy GBR 38 83 80700235 aAa 312546 German Reg. No. 10.832859 Born: 01/24/2013 Breeder: Willsbro Holsteins-Pawton Dairy, Cornwall, Great Britain COMPLETE PACKAGE • FROM RUDOLPH PROMIS EX-95 FAMILY • SIRE OF SONS Sully Hart Meridian (Domain x Planet) Willsbro Pammy Man-O-Man VG-85 12034 4.01 482 3.33 401 1st lac Linear Profile 88 p Willsbro Merandy Long-Langs OMan OMan Emerald-Acr-Sa T-Baxter Willsbro Baxter Pammy VG-87 2/2 lac 13792 3.63 501 3.07 424 best lac 2 14224 3.58 509 3.06 435 Windy-Knoll-View Pammy EX-95 3/3 lac 12504 3.95 494 3.37 421 best lac 3 13481 4.54 612 3.24 437 100 112 124 small 120 tall Dairy Character tight rib 102 open rip Body Depth shallow 106 deep frail 115 strong Rump Angle ascending 101 sloped Rump Width narrow 105 wide Stature Strength gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 151 Rel. 71% 133 + 2040 - 0.30 + 51 - 0.03 + 65 gRZE posty 92 low angle 115 steep Hock Quality swollen 100 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 110 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 52% 129 Dairy Type 104 Body 119 Feet & Legs 118 Udder 125 Locomotion bad 118 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 47% 132 Rear Udder Hight low 117 high Suspensory Ligament weak 119 strong gRZS Rel. 75% 113 Teat Placement Front wide 109 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 68% 113 Teat Placement Rear wide 114 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 115 tight gRZR Rel. 37% 108 Rel. 55% 114 Easy Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle Udder Depth deep 122 Teat Length short 93 sickled Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease shallow long Miklas DEU 06 66321952 aAa 234 German Reg. No. 10.477741 Born: 02/22/2013 Breeder: Velthuis Farms LTD, Osgoode, Netherlands BREED LEADING MILK SIRE • BODY TRAIT IMPROVER • MILKABILITY Sully Hart Meridian (Domain x Planet) Broeks Betty VG-88 11444 4.32 494 3.57 409 1st lac Linear Profile 88 p Miklas Flevo Genetics Snowman Picston Shottle Broeks Shoal VG-88 2/2 lac 12100 4.52 547 3.37 408 best lac 1 12454 4.40 548 3.52 438 Wißmann Suttorf Alice VG-88 2/2 lac 12138 4.12 500 3.44 417 best lac 2 12638 4.42 558 3.42 432 100 112 124 small 124 tall Dairy Character tight rib 120 open rip Body Depth shallow 115 deep frail 104 strong Rump Angle ascending 97 sloped Rump Width narrow 109 wide Stature Strength gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 143 Rel. 71% 145 + 3008 - 0.31 + 86 - 0.18 + 80 gRZE posty 114 sickled low angle 104 steep Hock Quality swollen 100 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 104 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 52% 120 Dairy Type 118 Body 120 Feet & Legs 105 Udder 115 Locomotion bad 105 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 47% 114 Rear Udder Hight low 122 high Suspensory Ligament weak 115 strong gRZS Rel. 75% 106 Teat Placement Front wide 121 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 68% 119 Teat Placement Rear wide 124 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 108 tight gRZR Rel. 37% 84 Udder Depth deep 103 shallow Teat Length short 76 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle long Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease Rel. 58% 109 Average-Easy MASTERGEN Production Plus 61 Laeschway Ssire Starhawk USA 30 11584418 aAa 516342 German Reg. No. 10.507255 SE Born: 01/25/2013 Breeder: Laeschway Holsteins, Greenville, IL, USA X ED AVAILABLE UNIQUE TRIPLE A CODE • HIGH PRODUCTION • SUPERB LONGEVITY Seagull-Bay Supersire (Robust x Planet) Straussdale Observe 1265 GP-82 1st lac 11222 3.61 405 3.26 366 Linear Profile p Laeschway Ssire Starhawk De-Su Observer Picston Shottle Straussdale Shottle Emma VG-86 3/3 lac 11273 3.54 399 3.13 353 best lac 2 12226 3.49 427 3.05 373 Straussdale Spike Elyssa EX-92 6/6 lac 13778 4.15 572 3.31 456 best lac 2 14319 4.37 626 3.49 500 88 100 112 124 small 118 Dairy Character tight rib 97 open rip Body Depth shallow 99 deep frail 111 strong Rump Angle ascending 113 sloped Rump Width narrow 116 wide Stature Strength tall gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production 149 Rel. 71% 133 Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg + 1994 - 0.14 + 66 - 0.05 + 62 gRZE posty 106 sickled low angle 109 steep Hock Quality swollen 97 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 94 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 51% 119 Dairy Type 100 Body 117 Feet & Legs 104 Udder 121 Locomotion bad 99 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 46% 133 Rear Udder Hight low 118 high Suspensory Ligament weak 105 strong gRZS Rel. 75% 116 Teat Placement Front wide 101 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 67% 92 Teat Placement Rear wide 110 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 117 tight gRZR Rel. 36% 113 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle Udder Depth deep 113 shallow Teat Length short 103 long Hermann Meyer Oberende Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease 102 Average Rel. 54% Sultano DEU 03 55832934 aAa 423615 German Reg. No. 10.477777 Born: 04/27/2013 Breeder: Hermann Meyer, Lilienthal, Germany ELITE PRODUCTION SIRE • FROM THE SAME FAMILY AS MONREAL • BALANCED LINEAR Seagull-Bay Supersire (Robust x Planet) HMO Goldflocke VG-87 1st lac 12657 3.88 491 3.62 458 Linear Profile 88 p Hermann Meyer Oberende Sultano Flevo Genetics Snowman Picston Shottle HMO Goldmiene VG-87 3/2 lac 11803 4.33 511 3.63 429 best lac 1 11871 4.36 517 3.67 436 HMO Goldmarie VG-89 8/7 lac 10379 4.40 457 3.49 362 best lac 3 13117 4.44 583 3.38 443 100 112 124 small 122 Dairy Character tight rib 98 Body Depth shallow 109 deep frail 117 strong Rump Angle ascending 117 sloped Rump Width narrow 106 wide Stature Strength tall open rip gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 148 Rel. 71% 139 + 2429 - 0.03 + 97 - 0.14 + 66 gRZE posty 99 low angle 104 steep Hock Quality swollen 102 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 106 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 52% 122 Dairy Type 101 Body 117 Feet & Legs 112 Udder 119 Locomotion bad 111 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 47% 119 Rear Udder Hight low 113 high Suspensory Ligament weak 108 strong gRZS Rel. 75% 127 Teat Placement Front wide 119 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 67% 93 Teat Placement Rear wide 116 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 113 tight gRZR Rel. 37% 97 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle sickled Udder Depth deep 110 shallow Teat Length short 105 long 62 MASTERGEN Production Plus Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease Rel. 54% 109 Average-Easy Masurati Natasja DEU 09 48526903 aAa 324156 NLD 08 71871330 aAa 123645 German Reg. No. 10.832860 German Reg. No. 10.478108 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 08/08/2013 Elite Dairy Genomics LLC, Downers Grove, IL, USA MILK YIELD • SUPERB LONGEVITY • FROM DURHAM MITZI FAMILY Seagull-Bay Supersire (Robust x Planet) Fly-Higher Bookem Mace De-Su 521 Bookem Picston Shottle Hendel Shottle Mica 2144 VG-86 1st lac VG-88 1st lac Hendel Durham Mitzi 1390 11477 2.80 321 3.36 386 14351 4.08 585 3.23 463 EX-90 08/16/2013 Mts Meppelink-Hilbrand, Dalen, Netherlands HIGH PRODUCTION BULL • FITNESS IMPROVER • SNUG UDDERS De-Su Freddie Galaxy (Freddie x Planet) Nele Stol Joc VG-85 2/2 lac best lac 2 VG-87 2/1 lac O-Bee Manfred Justice (O-Man) RUW Neblina Tir-An Oman Neblina 13924 3.75 522 3.35 466 15406 3.66 564 3.23 498 VG-87 12083 4.17 504 3.42 413 gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 150 134 - - 71 +1987 -0.17 +63 -0.04 +63 151 133 - - 71 +2044 -0.27 +54 -0.04 +65 Calving Ease gRZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD Easy 126 98 117 113 125 129 125 101 gRZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 123 107 113 114 120 136 101 114 Linear Profile 88 100 gRZR gRZKd 110 114 112 124 Linear Profile 88 Stature 115 Stature Dairy Character 102 Dairy Character Body Depth 102 Body Depth 101 Strength 109 Strength 117 Rump Angle 100 Rump Angle 97 Rump Width 103 Rump Width 109 95 Rear Leg Set Side View 107 113 Hock Quality 102 Hock Quality 100 Rear Leg Rear View 105 Rear Leg Rear View 110 Locomotion 114 Locomotion 110 Rear Udder Hight 118 Rear Udder Hight 109 Suspensory Ligament 114 Suspensory Ligament 111 Teat Placement Front 93 Teat Placement Front 117 Teat Placement Rear 109 Teat Placement Rear 109 112 124 Fore Udder Attachment 116 Udder Depth 117 Udder Depth 129 Teat Length 112 Teat Length 108 Brühlhof Sir Henry Socari DEU 05 38108926 aAa 324156 NLD 07 67081560 aAa 345126 German Reg. No. 10.478341 German Reg. No. 10.832847 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 07/24/2013 Bunge Agrar, Stemwede, Germany PRODUCTION LEADER • GREAT BLEND OF PRODUCTION AND FITNESS Seagull-Bay Shaw (Freddie x Planet) Sambuca End-Road Beacon Braedale Goldwyn Sarah Buttighoffer‘s Saphir GP-84 1st lac VG-86 6/5 lac best lac 4 VG-86 7642 3.91 299 3.23 247 (200 days) 12337 3.87 477 3.27 403 12918 3.86 499 3.36 434 04/03/2013 Uhrig RZB GbR, Sulzbach, Germany PRODUCTION SIRE • FROM THE BARBIE FAMILY • CALVING EASE Snowmaster (Snowman x Shottle) Caroline Ronelee Toystory Domain Ensenada Taboo Planet MS Courtlane Ur-S Candy Regancrest S Chassity VG-85 1st lac VG-86 1st lac EX-92 9873 4.17 412 3.70 365 10292 4.26 438 3.29 339 gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % 154 139 - - 71 +2349 -0.27 +66 -0.07 +72 153 138 - - 71 +2067 -0.12 +72 -0.02 gRZE 121 103 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 109 122 114 127 118 101 88 100 gRZR gRZKd 111 112 101 Calving Ease Average 124 gRZE Dairy Type 125 101 Linear Profile Stature 107 Stature Dairy Character 102 Dairy Character Body Depth 99 Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 118 115 121 134 125 93 88 112 100 Rump Width 104 Rump Width 106 113 Foot Angle 107 Hock Quality 104 Hock Quality 102 Rear Leg Rear View 120 Rear Leg Rear View 110 Locomotion 118 Locomotion 112 Rear Udder Hight 118 Rear Udder Hight 115 124 Suspensory Ligament 109 Teat Placement Front 92 Teat Placement Front 113 Teat Placement Rear 97 Teat Placement Rear 109 Fore Udder Attachment 110 112 Very Easy 96 Foot Angle Suspensory Ligament 106 123 99 Rump Angle Rear Leg Set Side View 98 +68 Calving Ease 107 Strength 97 100 gRZR gRZKd Prot kg 113 97 Rear Leg Set Side View 104 Body Depth Body Feet & Legs Rump Angle Strength Average 97 Foot Angle Dairy Type Calving Ease 96 Rear Leg Set Side View Fore Udder Attachment 114 109 118 109 Foot Angle 100 gRZR gRZKd Fore Udder Attachment 115 Udder Depth 109 Udder Depth 114 Teat Length 95 Teat Length 88 MASTERGEN Production Plus 63 Anderson DEU 03 56171560 German Reg. No. 10.477775 Born: 04/12/2013 Breeder: Lattwesen KG, Hohnhorst, Germany BUTTERFAT SPECIALIST • MARKWELL RAVEN FAMILY • HIGH LONGEVITY Antares (Atwood x Planet) DEU 03 54412210 Linear Profile p Granddam Lars-Acres Felices Fame End-Road O-Man Bronco Braedale Goldwyn Lars-Acres Felices Fame EX-91 10315 4.14 427 3.60 371 1st lac Markwell Durham Felice EX-92 2/2 lac 12415 3.72 462 3.25 404 best lac 2 13143 3.87 508 3.20 421 88 100 112 124 small 118 tall Dairy Character tight rib 117 open rip Body Depth shallow 104 deep frail 100 strong Rump Angle ascending 92 sloped Rump Width narrow 104 Stature Strength gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 146 Rel. 71% 134 + 1399 + 0.25 + 84 + 0.1 + 58 gRZE posty 99 low angle 109 steep Hock Quality swollen 115 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 114 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 52% 127 Dairy Type 118 Body 113 Feet & Legs 124 Udder 116 Locomotion bad 119 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 47% 123 Rear Udder Hight low 117 high Suspensory Ligament weak 98 strong gRZS Rel. 75% 114 Teat Placement Front wide 97 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 68% 101 Teat Placement Rear wide 96 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 110 tight gRZR Rel. 37% 101 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle Udder Depth deep 118 Teat Length short 91 Teemar Marce wide sickled shallow long Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease 103 Average Rel. 55% Astonishing USA 01 42286285 aAa 234165 German Reg. No. 10.507288 SE Born: 02/15/2013 Breeder: Mark P. Paul, Luxemburg, WI, USA X ED AVAILABLE COMPONENT SPECIALIST • OUTSTANDING LONGEVITY • SUPERIOR UDDERS Mountfield Msy Maurice (Massey x Boliver) Teemar Booken Already Linear Profile 88 p Teemar Marce Astonishing De-Su 521 Bookem Picston Shottle Teemar Shottle Aloha VG-86 10792 4.61 498 3.33 359 1st lac Teemar O-Man Airtime VG-87 3/3 lac 11576 3.79 439 3.2 371 best lac 3 13511 3.73 504 3.15 425 100 112 124 small 91 tall Dairy Character tight rib 95 open rip Body Depth shallow 86 deep frail 92 strong Rump Angle ascending 99 sloped Rump Width narrow 93 wide Stature Strength gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 159 Rel. 71% 142 + 1445 + 0.29 + 89 + 0.2 + 70 gRZE posty 113 sickled low angle 105 steep Hock Quality swollen 109 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 103 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 52% 111 Dairy Type 95 Body 87 Feet & Legs 107 Udder 122 Locomotion bad 109 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 47% 133 Rear Udder Hight low 116 high gRZS Rel. 75% 129 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle Somatic Cell Count Suspensory Ligament weak 99 strong Teat Placement Front wide 117 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 68% 99 Teat Placement Rear wide 110 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 118 tight gRZR Rel. 36% 111 Udder Depth deep 117 shallow Teat Length short 90 64 MASTERGEN Component Plus long Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease 113 Very Easy Rel. 52% Vendairy Deco Lendary DEU 03 56127094 aAa 423651 NLD 09 19137806 aAa 324156 German Reg. No. 10.335531 German Reg. No. 10.833012 Born: Breeder: 09/30/2013 Wemken-Milch GbR, Wiefelstede, Germany Dam WEU Konny TOP COMPONENTS • HIGH LONGEVITY • GREAT MOBILITY 09/30/2013 Ven Dairy, Vinkel, Netherlands LEADMAN MAE FAMILY • FAT & PROTEIN YIELD • SUPERIOR UDDERS De-Su Freddie Denim 646 (Freddie x Wizard) WEU Konny Flevo Genetics Snowman Braedale Goldwyn Kansas Batke Outside Kora VG-86 1st lac VG-86 4/4 lac best lac 4 8616 3.96 341 3.73 321 Born: Breeder: Velthuis Let It Snow (Snowman x Planet) Vendairy Elita Bookem De-Su 521 Bookem Anderstrup Bolton Elita EX-94 12098 3.97 480 3.31 401 13157 4.32 568 3.34 440 1st lac Sandy-Valley Bolton BYC Crockett-Acres Elita 1633 4.34 71 3.45 56 (51 days) VG-85 1st lac VG-87 12313 3.74 461 3.33 410 gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 147 132 - - 73 +991 +0.35 +75 +0.2 +54 148 136 - - 71 +1565 +0.09 +73 +0.10 +63 Calving Ease gRZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD Average 132 113 120 122 124 120 114 104 gRZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 125 103 111 128 115 129 118 93 Linear Profile 88 100 gRZR gRZKd 101 106 112 124 Linear Profile 88 Stature 108 Stature Dairy Character 102 Dairy Character 114 Body Depth 107 Body Depth 105 Strength 107 Strength 107 Rump Angle 113 Rump Angle 110 Rump Width 104 Rump Width 118 77 Rear Leg Set Side View 103 112 125 Foot Angle 116 Hock Quality 107 Hock Quality 101 Rear Leg Rear View 111 Rear Leg Rear View 119 Locomotion 121 Locomotion 116 Rear Udder Hight 118 Rear Udder Hight 118 99 Suspensory Ligament 107 Teat Placement Front 97 Teat Placement Front 122 Teat Placement Rear 96 Teat Placement Rear 111 112 Udder Depth 114 Teat Length 122 Teat Length 103 124 Koepon Mattis Oasis FRA 22 51222390 aAa 324156 NLD 06 41884014 aAa 243615 German Reg. No. 10.478422 German Reg. No. 10.833011 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 07/19/2013 Gaec del L’ Aube, Saint Juvat, France COMPONENT IMPROVER • HIGH LONGEVITY • SUPERB UDDERS Long-Langs OMan OMan Diamond-Oak Frosty Claquette Barisette VG-85 1st lac GP-84 2/2 lac best lac 2 VG-85 9686 4.03 390 3.35 324 09/28/2013 W. N. Pon-Koepon, Feerwerd, Netherlands BUTTERFAT IMPROVER • COMPLETE PACKAGE • UDDER QUALITY Co-Op Bosside Massey (Mascol x Bret II) Esperance 11223 3.90 438 3.32 373 12656 3.97 503 3.32 420 Pine-Tree AltaOak (Niagra x Leif) Koepon ManO Classy 93 Long-Langs OMan OMan Ked Outside Jeeves Koepon Jeevs Classy 49 Koepon Shot Classy 16 VG-85 1st lac VG-85 2/2 lac best lac 2 VG-85 9031 5.02 453 3.89 351 8991 5.21 468 3.87 348 9133 5.32 486 3.91 357 gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % 149 137 - - 73 +1312 +0.12 +66 +0.22 +67 147 135 - - 71 +1418 +0.27 +86 +0.09 gRZE 118 104 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 103 110 120 125 106 104 88 100 gRZR gRZKd 110 112 105 Calving Ease Average 124 gRZE Dairy Type 121 93 Linear Profile Stature 109 Stature Dairy Character 103 Dairy Character Body Depth 95 Body Depth Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 119 107 123 123 121 94 88 107 104 112 +58 Calving Ease Average 124 90 104 102 Strength 118 Rump Angle 100 Rump Angle 102 Rump Width 97 Rump Width 108 Rear Leg Set Side View 98 Rear Leg Set Side View 81 108 Foot Angle Hock Quality 107 Hock Quality Rear Leg Rear View 105 Rear Leg Rear View 107 Locomotion 106 Locomotion 107 Rear Udder Hight 116 Rear Udder Hight 114 Suspensory Ligament 106 Suspensory Ligament 110 Teat Placement Front 117 Teat Placement Front 103 Teat Placement Rear 114 Teat Placement Rear 101 Fore Udder Attachment 111 100 gRZR gRZKd Prot kg 116 Strength Foot Angle Average Fore Udder Attachment 116 Udder Depth Dairy Type Calving Ease 93 Rear Leg Set Side View Fore Udder Attachment 109 104 129 Foot Angle Suspensory Ligament 100 gRZR gRZKd 112 88 Fore Udder Attachment 113 Udder Depth 113 Udder Depth 125 Teat Length 98 Teat Length 101 MASTERGEN Component Plus 65 Lime-Tree-Holsteins Iskas DEU 14 04658572 aAa 234 German Reg. No. 10.832861 Born: 08/06/2013 Breeder: Gottfried Bernhardt, Freital, Germany OUTCROSS SIRE • TYPE SPECIALIST • FROM THE EROY FAMILIY NOG Ikaro (AltaIota x Shottle) Essy GP-83 1st lac 3060 4.15 127 3.37 103 (173 days) Linear Profile p Granddam Nova-TMJ Damion Emblem Ri-Val-Re 2338 Niagra Erbacres Damion Nova-TMJ Damion Emblem EX-90 2/2 lac 11001 4.35 479 3.35 369 best lac 1 13116 4.32 567 3.32 435 UFM-Dubs Eroy VG-87 2/2 lac 13298 4.37 581 3.05 406 best lac 2 15799 4.41 697 2.99 473 88 100 112 124 small 129 tall Dairy Character tight rib 105 open rip Body Depth shallow 114 deep frail 124 strong Rump Angle ascending 96 sloped Rump Width narrow 124 Stature Strength gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 138 Rel. 71% 128 + 1789 - 0.20 + 51 - 0.04 + 57 gRZE posty 95 low angle 111 Hock Quality swollen 96 Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 106 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 52% 135 Dairy Type 110 Body 136 Feet & Legs 113 Udder 129 Locomotion bad 113 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 47% 116 Rear Udder Hight low 116 high Suspensory Ligament weak 116 strong gRZS Rel. 75% 109 Teat Placement Front wide 118 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 68% 110 Teat Placement Rear wide 115 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 120 tight gRZR Rel. 37% 99 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle wide sickled steep dry Udder Depth deep 127 shallow Teat Length short 107 long Rinderzucht Strudthoff Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease 95 Average Rel. 55% Mozarella DEU 03 55988713 aAa 234615 German Reg. No. 10.334964 Born: 11/20/2012 Breeder: Egon Strudthoff, Dötlingen, Germany ELITE TYPE SIRE • FROM JUROR FAITH FAMILY • FANTASTIC UDDERS Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul (Dorcy x Marsh) WEU Cameo VG-87 1st lac 10505 4.25 446 3.65 383 Linear Profile p Rinderzucht Strudthoff Mozarella Scientific Destry RDC Emerald-Acr-Sa T-Baxter Ralma Baxter Cheeto EX-90 3/3 lac 11202 4.61 516 3.08 345 best lac 3 12569 4.78 601 3.01 378 Ralma Christmas Cookie VG-89 1st lac 11032 4.54 501 3.31 365 88 100 112 124 small 115 Dairy Character tight rib 95 open rip Body Depth shallow 98 deep frail 110 strong Rump Angle ascending 85 sloped Rump Width narrow 110 Stature Strength tall gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 145 Rel. 71% 117 + + + + + 748 0.19 49 0.11 36 gRZE posty 87 low angle 115 steep Hock Quality swollen 102 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 118 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 52% 135 Dairy Type 96 Body 112 Feet & Legs 124 Udder 137 Locomotion bad 124 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 47% 133 Rear Udder Hight low 127 high Suspensory Ligament weak 106 strong gRZS Rel. 75% 124 Teat Placement Front wide 99 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 68% 110 Teat Placement Rear wide 92 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 128 tight gRZR Rel. 37% 118 Udder Depth deep 137 shallow Rel. 54% Teat Length short 107 long 111 Easy Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle 66 MASTERGEN Type Plus wide sickled Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease Willsbro Naberg GBR 38 83 80600227 aAa 243165 German Reg. No. 10.832854 Born: 01/03/2013 Breeder: Willsbro Holsteins-Pawton Dairy, Cornwall, Great Britain K-Cn: AB FROM RUDOLPH PROMIS FAMILY • ELITE TYPE SIRE • GREAT DAUGHTER CONCEPTION Amighetti Numero Uno (Man-O-Man x Shottle) Willsbro Baxter Pammy VG-87 2/2 lac 13792 3.63 501 3.07 424 best lac 2 14224 3.58 509 3.06 435 Linear Profile Emerald-Acr-Sa T-Baxter Regancrest Elton Durham CVC Windy-Knoll-View Pammy EX-95 3/3 lac 12504 3.95 494 3.37 421 best lac 3 13481 4.54 612 3.24 437 Windy-Knoll-View Promis EX-95 3/3 lac 13671 3.64 497 3.33 455 best lac 3 16957 3.69 626 3.34 566 88 100 112 124 small 132 tall Dairy Character tight rib 113 open rip Body Depth shallow 101 deep frail 102 strong Rump Angle ascending 103 sloped Rump Width narrow 113 wide Stature Strength p Willsbro Naberg gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 141 Rel. 71% 118 + 1275 - 0.14 + 38 - 0.02 + 41 gRZE posty 95 low angle 115 steep Hock Quality swollen 103 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 100 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 53% 133 Dairy Type 117 Body 119 Feet & Legs 115 Udder 130 Locomotion bad 111 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 48% 131 Rear Udder Hight low 121 high Suspensory Ligament weak 126 strong gRZS Rel. 75% 115 Teat Placement Front wide 115 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 68% 100 Teat Placement Rear wide 117 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 112 tight gRZR Rel. 38% 122 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle sickled Udder Depth deep 129 shallow Teat Length short 104 long Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease 104 Average Rel. 57% Naxxos NLD 09 17110122 aAa 234 German Reg. No. 10.335329 Born: 01/08/2013 Breeder: Fa. D. de Jong, Buren, Netherlands K-Cn: AB COMPONENT SPECIALIST • FANTASTIC UDDERS • ELITE DAUGHTER FERTILITY Amighetti Numero Uno (Man-O-Man x Shottle) Willem‘s Hoeve Rita 0497 VG-87 10042 4.47 449 3.37 338 1st lac Linear Profile 88 p Naxxos Braedale Goldwyn Picston Shottle Willem‘s Hoeve Rita 420 VG-86 4/4 lac 12334 3.88 478 3.25 401 best lac 4 13092 3.91 512 3.16 414 Willem‘s Hoeve Rita 282 VG-88 4/3 lac 14071 3.88 546 3.35 471 best lac 2 15446 3.80 587 3.29 508 100 112 124 small 131 tall Dairy Character tight rib 107 open rip Body Depth shallow 91 frail 104 strong Rump Angle ascending 107 sloped Rump Width narrow 100 wide Stature Strength deep gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 146 Rel. 71% 119 + + + + + 691 0.14 42 0.17 40 gRZE posty 97 low angle 119 steep Hock Quality swollen 108 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 112 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 53% 138 Dairy Type 112 Body 110 Feet & Legs 126 Udder 136 Locomotion bad 122 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 48% 132 Rear Udder Hight low 122 high gRZS Rel. 75% 116 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle sickled Somatic Cell Count Suspensory Ligament weak 119 strong Teat Placement Front wide 109 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 68% 111 Teat Placement Rear wide 105 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 120 tight gRZR Rel. 38% 125 Udder Depth deep 140 shallow Teat Length short 100 long Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease Rel. 57% 94 Average-Difficult MASTERGEN Type Plus 67 Drointon Delaberge Dozz Mr President CAN 01 07400669 aAa 324165 GBR 16 70 64400798 aAa 315246 K-Cn: AB German Reg. No. 10.507065 Born: Breeder: X ED AVAILABLE 04/07/2012 Delaberge Ferme Bergelait, St. Louis de Gonzague, Canada SE FROM MARK MAUI FAMILY • FAT & PROTEIN • GREAT OVERALL TYPE Genervations Epic (Super x Baxter 2) Delaberge Oman Dollmiss Long-Langs OMan OMan Braedale Goldwyn Jol-Lee-I Miss Gold Maui Doll Miss Durham Dolly VG-87 1st lac EX-92 3/3 lac best lac 3 EX-92 12745 3.80 484 3.26 416 German Reg. No. 10.832850 Born: Breeder: 01/10/2013 Drointon Holsteins, Stowe, Great Britain FROM PROMIS FAMILY • HIGH PROTEIN SIRE • INCREDIBLE UDDERS Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul (Dorcy x Marsh) Willsbro Man O Man Pammy Long-Langs OMan OMan Emerald-Acr-Sa T-Baxter Windy-Knoll-View Pammy Willsbro Baxter Pammy VG-87 2/2 lac best lac 2 14804 4.49 664 3.49 516 16106 4.38 705 3.41 549 13792 3.63 501 3.07 424 14224 3.58 509 3.06 435 EX-95 gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 140 133 - - 73 +1555 -0.09 +54 +0.09 +62 150 131 - - 71 +1477 -0.14 +46 +0.11 +62 Calving Ease gRZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD Very Easy 131 107 115 114 133 128 110 115 gRZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 130 117 119 115 125 117 109 111 Linear Profile 88 100 gRZR gRZKd 96 114 112 124 Linear Profile 88 121 Stature 111 Dairy Character 116 Dairy Character 106 Body Depth 107 Body Depth 107 Strength 111 Strength 111 Stature Rump Angle 91 Rump Angle 90 Rump Width 104 Rump Width 105 Rear Leg Set Side View 103 117 Calving Ease 111 Easy 112 124 91 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle 110 Foot Angle 119 Hock Quality 104 Hock Quality 100 Rear Leg Rear View 105 Rear Leg Rear View 102 Locomotion 113 Locomotion 112 Rear Udder Hight 121 Rear Udder Hight 123 Suspensory Ligament 127 Suspensory Ligament 118 Teat Placement Front 107 Teat Placement Front 108 Teat Placement Rear 111 Teat Placement Rear 108 Fore Udder Attachment 109 100 gRZR gRZKd Fore Udder Attachment 124 Udder Depth 119 Udder Depth 126 Teat Length 108 Teat Length 88 Sahara Regancrest-BH Cam GBR 72 79 42200151 aAa 342156 USA 00 70243155 aAa 312546 Gambler Giant K-Cn: AA German Reg. No. 10.832865 German Reg. No. 10.507068 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 08/08/2013 Sahara Holsteins, Magor, Great Britain FROM EROY FAMILY • PROTEIN SPECIALIST • FANTASTIC UDDERS Sandy-Valley Saloon (AltaIota x Planet) Sahara Sky Long-Langs OMan OMan Picston Shottle UFM-Dubs Sheray UFM-Dubs Eroy VG-87 1st lac EX-90 2/2 lac best lac 2 VG-87 9232 4.40 406 3.64 336 03/17/2012 Regancrest Farm & Butz-Hill Holsteins, Waukon, IA, USA ELITE CAMERON SON • MARBELLA FAMILY • EXCEPTIONAL UDDERS 11076 4.31 477 3.52 390 12535 4.40 551 3.46 434 Shema Jeeves Cameron (Jeeves x Pontiac) Gold-N-Oaks Gali 1956 Braedale Goldwyn Picston Shottle Gold-N-Oaks S Marbella EX-90 1st lac VG-89 1st lac Gold-N-Oaks Morty Malibu 11831 3.67 434 3.31 392 11822 4.20 496 3.18 376 EX-94 gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % 151 133 - - 71 +1588 -0.04 +60 +0.07 +61 146 117 - - 73 +1099 +0.05 +51 +0.00 gRZE Dairy Type 133 114 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 117 112 134 136 94 118 88 100 gRZR gRZKd 112 112 107 Calving Ease AverageEasy 124 gRZE Dairy Type 135 107 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 113 119 137 137 124 96 88 Stature 117 Stature Dairy Character 112 Dairy Character 104 Body Depth 100 Strength 106 99 Body Depth 104 Strength 119 Rump Angle 88 Rump Angle 105 Rump Width 116 Rump Width 108 Rear Leg Set Side View 91 Rear Leg Set Side View 97 Foot Angle 107 Foot Angle Hock Quality 105 Hock Quality 105 Rear Leg Rear View 101 Rear Leg Rear View 108 Locomotion 109 Locomotion 117 Rear Udder Hight 120 Rear Udder Hight 128 Suspensory Ligament 129 Suspensory Ligament 111 Teat Placement Front 132 Teat Placement Front 111 Teat Placement Rear 124 Teat Placement Rear 110 Fore Udder Attachment 121 114 Fore Udder Attachment 129 Udder Depth 124 Udder Depth 131 Teat Length 91 Teat Length 108 68 MASTERGEN Type Plus 100 gRZR gRZKd 119 112 96 Prot kg +37 Calving Ease Average 124 Marani McCoy DEU 15 01757684 aAa 231 DEU 16 03294735 aAa 231465 German Reg. No. 10.478105 German Reg. No. 10.833015 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 07/08/2013 Allevamento Guthi di Nicolin, S. Pietro in Gu, Italy BUTTERFAT IMPROVER • TREMENDOUS UDDERS • UDDER HEALTH Zani Bolton Mascalese (Bolton x O-Man) Guthi Niagra Hanna Ri-Val-Re 2338 Niagra Bernardis Jko Maya Guthi Maya Egher HHG Britt 53190 GP-84 2/2 lac best lac 2 10718 3,74 401 3,23 346 11507 3,74 430 3,22 370 09/28/2013 Miles C/O Amber Price, Martinton, IL, USA SUPERIOR UDDERS • GREAT LONGEVITY • BARBIE FAMILY De-Su Bkm McCutchen 1174 (Bookem x Shottle) MS Bikasa Atwood Briley Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood Regancrest-HHF Mac Regancrest Mac Bikasa Regancrest-PR Barbie VG-87 1st lac VG-89 2/2 lac best lac 2 EX-92 11000 3.65 401 2.97 327 13181 4.26 562 3.25 428 14782 4.52 668 3.26 482 gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 144 134 - - 72 +1517 +0.17 +80 +0.06 +58 143 128 - - 71 +1896 -0.19 +57 -0.09 +55 Calving Ease gRZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD Easy 138 119 114 120 137 122 101 102 gRZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 134 109 126 106 137 116 121 114 Linear Profile 88 100 gRZR gRZKd 97 112 112 124 Linear Profile 88 131 Stature Dairy Character 111 Dairy Character 117 Body Depth 112 Body Depth 105 Strength 119 Strength 99 Rump Angle 101 Rump Angle 96 Rump Width 116 Rump Width 100 Stature 98 Rear Leg Set Side View 99 93 Hock Quality 111 Rear Leg Rear View 96 Rear Leg Rear View 103 Locomotion 104 Locomotion 115 Rear Udder Hight 117 Rear Udder Hight 129 Suspensory Ligament 117 Suspensory Ligament 120 Teat Placement Front 114 Teat Placement Front 119 Teat Placement Rear 108 Teat Placement Rear 114 112 124 Fore Udder Attachment 123 Udder Depth 142 Udder Depth 130 Teat Length 98 Teat Length 100 Wemken Holsteins Meilo Meristo DEU 03 56176699 aAa 321 DEU 03 56001144 aAa 234 German Reg. No. 10.477852 German Reg. No. 10.478107 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 06/14/2013 Wilfried Benecke, Wittingen, Germany ALTERNATIVE BREEDING • HIGH MILK YIELD • SUPERB UDDERS Sully Hart Meridian (Domain x Planet) Insel Mainstream Manifold Jarudo Aklatine Afrika GP-84 1st lac VG-86 3/3 lac best lac 3 VG-87 9334 4.20 392 3.25 303 07/20/2013 Gerd Wemken, Schwanewede, Germany MILK & PROTEIN • POPULAR COW FAMILY • OVERALL TYPE IMPROVER 9376 3.64 341 3.40 319 9944 3.70 368 3.32 330 Sully Hart Meridian (Domain x Planet) WEU Konny Flevo Genetics Snowman Braedale Goldwyn Kansas Batke Outside Kora VG-86 1st lac VG-86 4/4 lac best lac 4 8616 3.96 341 3.73 321 EX-94 12098 3.97 480 3.31 401 13157 4.32 568 3.34 440 gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % 145 127 - - 71 +1865 -0.18 +57 -0.09 +53 143 128 - - 71 +1490 -0.04 +57 +0.03 gRZE 134 102 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 123 110 137 127 126 107 88 100 gRZR gRZKd 105 112 105 Calving Ease Average 124 gRZE Dairy Type 137 109 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 121 119 135 124 118 116 88 Stature 125 Stature 122 Dairy Character 100 Dairy Character 107 Body Depth 111 Body Depth 115 Strength 120 Strength 115 Rump Angle 106 Rump Angle 84 Rump Width 108 Rump Width 107 Rear Leg Set Side View 102 Foot Angle Average 90 Hock Quality Dairy Type Calving Ease 111 Foot Angle Fore Udder Attachment 127 110 125 Rear Leg Set Side View 112 Foot Angle 100 gRZR gRZKd 98 Rear Leg Set Side View 97 113 112 +54 Calving Ease Easy 124 97 Foot Angle 108 104 Hock Quality 105 Hock Quality Rear Leg Rear View 114 Rear Leg Rear View 112 Locomotion 108 Locomotion 116 Rear Udder Hight 116 Rear Udder Hight 124 Suspensory Ligament 114 Suspensory Ligament 108 Teat Placement Front 124 Teat Placement Front 117 Teat Placement Rear 110 Teat Placement Rear 111 Fore Udder Attachment 128 100 gRZR gRZKd Prot kg Fore Udder Attachment 126 Udder Depth 135 Udder Depth 128 Teat Length 110 Teat Length 90 MASTERGEN Type Plus 69 Wendland Holsteins Genestar DEU 03 56333357 aAa 342516 German Reg. No. 10.477175 Born: 11/28/2012 Breeder: J. Hintze & W. Brunkhorst, Trebel, Germany K-Cn: BB ELITE GENOMIC SIRE • DEEP COW FAMILY • OUTSTANDING HEALTH TRAITS Wendland Holsteins Genesis (Gerard x Mascol) Luky VG-86 1st lac 11255 3.11 350 3.42 385 Linear Profile p Wendland Holsteins Genestar Coyne-Farms Dorcy BYC Braedale Goldwyn Whittier-CF Goldwyn Lucy EX-92 2/2 lac 10331 3.79 392 3.41 352 best lac 2 10464 3.82 400 3.38 354 Calbrett Shottle Lucy EX-94 3/3 lac 12794 3.93 503 3.34 427 best lac 2 13141 4.13 543 3.30 433 88 100 112 124 small 111 Dairy Character tight rib 93 open rip Body Depth shallow 99 deep frail 111 strong Rump Angle ascending 95 sloped Rump Width narrow 102 Stature Strength tall gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 157 Rel. 71% 134 + 1811 - 0.20 + 53 + 0.04 + 66 gRZE posty 99 low angle 106 steep Hock Quality swollen 102 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 109 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 52% 127 Dairy Type 97 Body 111 Feet & Legs 114 Udder 130 Locomotion bad 116 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 47% 135 Rear Udder Hight low 112 high Suspensory Ligament weak 100 strong gRZS Rel. 75% 124 Teat Placement Front wide 102 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 68% 102 Teat Placement Rear wide 94 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 129 tight gRZR Rel. 37% 120 Rel. 55% 110 Easy Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle wide sickled Udder Depth deep 135 shallow Teat Length short 114 long Uecker Ssire Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease Joclassic USA 00 70726926 aAa 423651 German Reg. No. 10.507253 Born: 01/24/2013 Breeder: Dale Uecker, Forestville, WI, USA BREED LEADING GENOMIC SIRE • FITNESS IMPROVER • GREAT PRODUCTION Seagull-Bay Supersire (Robust x Planet) Uecker Beacon Joyfully VG-85 1st lac 12322 3.84 473 3.42 422 Linear Profile 88 p Uecker Ssire Joclassic End-Road Beacon Jango Uecker Jango Joyful EX-90 2/2 lac 14922 3.74 558 3.34 498 best lac 2 16108 3.62 583 3.35 540 Uecker Oman Jodee VG-86 3/3 lac 16534 4.03 666 3.15 521 best lac 2 19849 4.26 845 3.19 634 100 112 124 small 112 tall Dairy Character tight rib 100 open rip Body Depth shallow 99 frail 104 strong Rump Angle ascending 88 sloped Rump Width narrow 100 Stature Strength deep gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 152 Rel. 71% 132 + 1797 - 0.08 + 65 - 0.02 + 59 gRZE posty 94 low angle 116 steep Hock Quality swollen 102 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 112 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 52% 127 Dairy Type 102 Body 108 Feet & Legs 118 Udder 127 Locomotion bad 114 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 47% 135 Rear Udder Hight low 121 high gRZS Rel. 75% 111 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle wide sickled Somatic Cell Count Suspensory Ligament weak 111 strong Teat Placement Front wide 104 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 67% 104 Teat Placement Rear wide 107 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 118 tight gRZR Rel. 37% 111 Udder Depth deep 125 shallow Teat Length short 110 long 70 MASTERGEN Longevity Plus Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease Rel. 54% 109 Average-Easy Merbitz DNK 62 57704466 aAa 312 German Reg. No. 10.335305 Born: 03/14/2013 Breeder: Jan Nielsen, Logstor, Denmark HIGH PRODUCTION FROM PERFECT UDDERS • GREAT HEALTH TRAITS • EASY CALVING Sully Hart Meridian (Domain x Planet) Morningview-UR Freddie Pam VG-89 1st lac 8498 4.42 376 3.55 302 Linear Profile 88 p Merbitz Badger-Bluff Fanny Freddie Picston Shottle Morningview Shotle Penny GP-84 4212 4.70 198 2.99 126 1st lac (130 days) Morningview Reggie Pam EX-91 2/2 lac 14764 4.28 632 2.95 435 best lac 1 13879 4.48 622 3.24 449 100 112 124 small 110 Dairy Character tight rib 98 Body Depth shallow 100 deep frail 106 strong Rump Angle ascending 88 sloped Rump Width narrow 108 Stature Strength tall open rip gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 147 Rel. 71% 122 + 1838 - 0.34 + 38 - 0.11 + 50 gRZE posty 97 low angle 111 Hock Quality swollen 99 Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 103 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 52% 128 Dairy Type 100 Body 110 Feet & Legs 112 Udder 134 Locomotion bad 112 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 47% 138 Rear Udder Hight low 125 high Suspensory Ligament weak 121 strong gRZS Rel. 75% 114 Teat Placement Front wide 123 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 68% 110 Teat Placement Rear wide 121 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 122 tight gRZR Rel. 36% 119 Rel. 54% 110 Easy Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle Udder Depth deep 125 Teat Length short 92 Stantons Symp wide sickled steep dry Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease shallow long Skydome CAN 00 11696774 aAa 342516 German Reg. No. 10.507449 Born: 06/05/2013 Breeder: Stanton Bros Limited, Ilderton, ON, Canada EXCEPTIONAL LONGEVITY • GREAT COMPONENTS • EASY CALVING Dymentholm S Sympatico RDC (Snowman x Planet) Cedarwal Manoman Esteem 1st lac 12326 4.25 524 3.32 409 Linear Profile 88 p Stantons Symp Skydome Long-Langs OMan OMan Picston Shottle Wabash-Way Shottle Ellyn VG-86 12888 3.62 467 3.32 428 1st lac Crockett-Acres Elita VG-87 1st lac 15486 3.75 581 3.50 542 100 112 124 small 118 tall Dairy Character tight rib 105 open rip Body Depth shallow 98 frail 104 strong Rump Angle ascending 99 sloped Rump Width narrow 98 wide sickled Stature Strength deep gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 154 Rel. 71% 129 + 1127 + 0.20 + 67 + 0.14 + 53 gRZE posty 96 low angle 110 steep Hock Quality swollen 112 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 116 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 53% 128 Dairy Type 107 Body 111 Feet & Legs 124 Udder 122 Locomotion bad 120 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 47% 141 Rear Udder Hight low 118 high Suspensory Ligament weak 105 strong gRZS Rel. 75% 116 Teat Placement Front wide 108 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 68% 94 Teat Placement Rear wide 100 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 111 tight gRZR Rel. 38% 114 Udder Depth deep 119 shallow Rel. 53% Teat Length short 102 long 115 Easy Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease MASTERGEN Longevity Plus 71 Hamakari Highlife DEU 03 56127020 aAa 234156 DEU 03 55918056 aAa 321 German Reg. No. 10.335140 German Reg. No. 10.477772 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 03/12/2013 Tim & Matt Zabel, Plainview, MN, USA ELEGANCE FAMILY • INCREDIBLE LONGEVITY • DAUGHTER FERTILITY Jolicap Highway (AltaRoss x Baxter 2) Blue-Horizon Plan Edith Ensenada Taboo Planet Picston Shottle Rolling-Spring M Eclipse VG-85 1st lac VG-86 3/3 lac best lac 2 Budjon-JK Dur Esquisite 12081 3.79 458 3.37 407 18299 3.59 657 3.20 586 21795 3.74 815 3.17 690 EX-92 12/27/2012 Wargo-Acres, Lodi, WI, USA FROM THE GREAT ROXY‘S • MILK YIELD • HIGH PRODUCTIVE LIVE Jolicap Highway (AltaRoss x Baxter 2) Our-Favorite Denali Rae Long-Langs OMan OMan Braedale Goldwyn Scientific Gold Dish Rae RDC VG-85 1st lac EX-90 1st lac Scientific Debutante Rae RDC CVC 13095 3.63 475 3.54 464 13407 4.00 536 3.50 469 EX-92 gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 145 119 - - 71 +1405 -0.04 +53 -0.07 +40 137 122 - - 71 +1816 -0.37 +34 -0.11 +50 Calving Ease gRZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD Easy 119 112 119 109 114 134 100 108 gRZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 114 96 104 112 114 145 128 98 Linear Profile 88 100 gRZR gRZKd 115 112 112 124 103 Stature Linear Profile 88 Stature 113 110 Dairy Character 91 Dairy Character Body Depth 97 Body Depth 111 110 Strength 109 Strength Rump Angle 102 Rump Angle 96 Rump Width 95 Rump Width 100 98 Rear Leg Set Side View 103 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle 106 Foot Angle 115 Hock Quality 103 Hock Quality 100 Rear Leg Rear View 103 Rear Leg Rear View Locomotion 111 Locomotion Rear Udder Hight 115 109 109 112 124 98 Rear Udder Hight 115 97 Suspensory Ligament 118 Teat Placement Front 100 Teat Placement Front 102 Teat Placement Rear 91 Teat Placement Rear 109 Fore Udder Attachment 109 Udder Depth 111 Udder Depth 103 Teat Length 85 Teat Length 105 Steinaer Pfad Holsteins Mikkel Molotov DEU 03 55681255 aAa 324156 DEU 06 66188939 aAa 342516 German Reg. No. 10.832628 German Reg. No. 10.334965 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 01/24/2013 Gary L. Housner, Elroy, WI, USA POPULAR GENOMIC SIRE • OUTSTANDING LONGEVITY • BODY TRAITS Mountfield SSI DCY Mixer (Dorcy x Marsh) Berryridge Super 1733-G Charlesdale Superstition Picston Shottle Berryridge Shottle 1270 VG-86 1st lac EX-92 4/4 lac best lac 3 Berryridge Marshall G740-TW 14048 4.22 593 3.28 461 17650 4.11 725 3.18 562 21267 3.90 830 3.07 653 VG-85 11/27/2012 Jochen Geisel, Schwalmstadt, Germany SE TOP GENOMIC SIRE • HIGH PRODUCTION • SHALLOW UDDERS Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul (Dorcy x Marsh) Yvette Ronelee Toystory Domain Mascol Co-Op Bosside Yelonda VG-87 1st lac VG-86 2/2 lac best lac 2 Coyne-Farms Yelena CRI 9850 4.38 431 3.34 329 11531 4.37 504 3.41 393 12320 4.17 514 3.29 405 VG-85 gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % 147 129 - - 72 +1582 -0.05 +59 +0.02 +56 151 131 - - 71 +1911 -0.10 +67 -0.06 gRZE 126 108 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 127 114 118 129 118 103 88 100 gRZR gRZKd 113 112 97 Calving Ease Average 124 gRZE Dairy Type 125 107 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 101 110 133 136 120 115 88 Stature 130 Stature 104 Dairy Character 108 Dairy Character 109 Body Depth 112 Body Depth 98 Strength 118 Strength 99 Rump Angle 109 Rump Angle 92 Rump Width 121 Rump Width 103 Rear Leg Set Side View 88 115 Foot Angle 99 Hock Quality Rear Leg Set Side View 106 Foot Angle Hock Quality 98 111 Rear Leg Rear View 105 Rear Leg Rear View 110 Locomotion 112 Locomotion 108 Rear Udder Hight 114 Rear Udder Hight 121 Suspensory Ligament 111 Suspensory Ligament 94 Teat Placement Front 100 Teat Placement Front 120 Teat Placement Rear 105 Teat Placement Rear 105 Fore Udder Attachment 112 Fore Udder Attachment 130 Udder Depth 114 Udder Depth 129 Teat Length 104 Teat Length 86 72 MASTERGEN Longevity Plus X ED AVAILABLE gRZG Dairy Type Calving Ease AverageEasy 109 Suspensory Ligament Fore Udder Attachment 114 100 gRZR gRZKd 100 gRZR gRZKd 106 112 115 Prot kg +58 Calving Ease Easy 124 Vision-Gen SH Originator Picanto USA 00 70346561 aAa 324156 NLD 06 99652964 aAa 324156 K-Cn: BB K-Cn: BB German Reg. No. 10.506898 Born: Breeder: X ED AVAILABLE 10/12/2011 Vision Genetics, Millville, PA, USA SE MILK & FAT YIELD • POPULAR COW FAMILY • HEALTH TRAITS Born: Breeder: 08/17/2011 BV van den Braak, Wychen, Netherlands SE X ED AVAILABLE SIRE OF SONS • HIGH SIRE FERTILITY • FANTASTIC HEALTH TRAITS Co-Op O-Style Oman Just (O-Man x Teamster) Vision-Gen PLN Wolt-A911 Ensenada Taboo Planet Braedale Goldwyn Juniper Goldwyn Wistful Juniper Outside Wish VG-87 2/2 lac best lac 2 EX-93 3/3 lac best lac 1 EX-95 12957 3.44 446 3.01 390 15195 3.49 531 3.05 464 German Reg. No. 10.333988 11015 3.83 422 3.39 373 11381 4.07 463 3.40 387 Flevo Genetics Snowman (O-Man x BW Marshall) Excellence Mac Melissa Regancrest-HHF Mac Picston Shottle Glenn-Ann Shottle Pepper VG-86 1st lac EX-90 2/2 lac best lac 1 Glenn-Ann Durham Pepper 8520 3.59 306 3.51 299 11868 4.06 482 3.29 390 12921 4.43 572 3.22 416 EX-90 gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 143 122 - - 72 +1308 +0.01 +55 -0.01 +44 148 129 - - 73 +1341 +0.11 +66 +0.07 +53 Calving Ease gRZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD Easy 123 100 101 113 128 131 132 90 gRZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 125 99 114 115 123 127 123 97 Linear Profile 88 100 gRZR gRZKd 119 115 112 124 112 Stature Linear Profile 88 95 Dairy Character 99 Body Depth 99 Body Depth 94 Strength 111 Strength Rump Angle 111 Rump Angle 97 Rump Width 112 Rump Width 94 87 120 112 124 93 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle Hock Quality 102 Hock Quality Rear Leg Rear View 106 Rear Leg Rear View 102 Locomotion 113 Locomotion 109 Rear Udder Hight 112 Rear Udder Hight 121 120 99 Suspensory Ligament 96 Teat Placement Front 108 Teat Placement Front 116 Teat Placement Rear 96 Teat Placement Rear 100 Suspensory Ligament 100 Fore Udder Attachment 124 Fore Udder Attachment 121 Udder Depth 121 Udder Depth 121 Teat Length 89 Teat Length 105 Detjens Hoyer DEU 03 56390435 aAa 351462 DNK 41 65406080 aAa 423561 German Reg. No. 10.477771 German Reg. No. 10.335532 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: Scirocco Svend 04/03/2013 Hans-Peter Detjen, Wohnste, Germany HIGH BUTTERFAT • UDDER SPECIALIST • GREAT LONGEVITY Braedale Goldwyn Picston Shottle Detjens Lausi Detjens Lauri VG-87 2/2 lac best lac 1 EX-90 5/4 lac best lac 4 VG-87 12387 4.42 548 3.39 420 12235 4.66 570 3.35 410 09/06/2013 Finn og Johan Haugaard Hoyer, Viborg, Denmark HIGH PROTEIN SIRE • OUTSTANDING LONGEVITY • EASY CALVING Seagull-Bay Supersire (Robust x Planet) Detjens Laube 12433 3.54 440 3.27 407 13755 4.01 551 3.31 455 Bouw Snowfever (Snowman x Goldwyn) Hoyer Sterngold Riva Sterngold Ensenada Taboo Planet Hoyer Planet Ritta Hoyer Gottorp Rita VG-85 1st lac GP-83 2/2 lac best lac 2 7884 3.86 304 3.27 258 (237 days) 9282 4.30 399 3.40 316 9319 4.37 407 3.55 331 gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % 149 134 - - 71 +1757 +0.11 +84 -0.01 +58 153 134 - - 71 +1251 -0.10 +42 +0.23 gRZE Dairy Type 123 112 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 109 108 125 131 112 96 88 100 gRZR gRZKd 105 112 108 Calving Ease Average 124 gRZE Dairy Type 125 107 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 96 123 125 138 119 107 88 109 Stature 104 Dairy Character 109 Dairy Character 105 Body Depth 104 Body Depth Strength 101 Strength Rump Angle 101 Rump Angle Rump Width 92 Rump Width 87 Rear Leg Set Side View 98 Stature Rear Leg Set Side View 100 Foot Angle Hock Quality 98 108 94 101 114 112 +67 Calving Ease Easy 124 91 105 Foot Angle 112 Hock Quality 107 Rear Leg Rear View 115 107 Locomotion 124 Rear Udder Hight 122 Rear Udder Hight 120 Suspensory Ligament 118 Suspensory Ligament 112 Teat Placement Front 118 Teat Placement Front 120 Teat Placement Rear 125 Teat Placement Rear 116 Fore Udder Attachment 120 100 gRZR gRZKd Prot kg 93 Locomotion Rear Leg Rear View Calving Ease Very Easy 100 110 Foot Angle 106 104 Stature Dairy Character Rear Leg Set Side View 100 gRZR gRZKd Fore Udder Attachment 112 Udder Depth 111 Udder Depth 119 Teat Length 105 Teat Length 90 MASTERGEN Longevity Plus 73 Loretto DEU 03 56127043 aAa 243156 German Reg. No. 10.335355 Born: 05/23/2013 Breeder: Mts Bleser, Epen, Netherlands HIGH PRODUCTION SIRE • FOOT & LEG IMPROVER • VERY EASY CALVING Genervations Lexor (Man-O-Man x Goldwyn) Apina Nadja 3 VG-85 1st lac 8856 4.37 387 3.57 316 Linear Profile p Loretto Newhouse Gofast Ramos BYC Apina Nadja VG-87 9477 4.42 419 3.45 327 1st lac Bersaglio Oman Qualsiasi VG-87 1st lac 12867 4.28 551 3.44 443 88 100 112 124 small 122 tall Dairy Character tight rib 109 open rip Body Depth shallow 97 deep frail 97 strong Rump Angle ascending 114 sloped Rump Width narrow 111 wide Stature Strength gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 152 Rel. 71% 133 + 1959 - 0.27 + 51 - 0.01 + 65 gRZE posty 88 low angle 108 steep Hock Quality swollen 111 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 106 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 53% 124 Dairy Type 110 Body 109 Feet & Legs 119 Udder 118 Locomotion bad 114 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 47% 130 Rear Udder Hight low 117 high Suspensory Ligament weak 121 strong gRZS Rel. 75% 113 Teat Placement Front wide 116 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 68% 93 Teat Placement Rear wide 118 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 104 tight gRZR Rel. 38% 119 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle sickled Udder Depth deep 109 shallow Teat Length short 107 long Zandenburg Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease 122 Very Easy Rel. 54% Pirlo NLD 07 67573276 aAa 234156 German Reg. No. 10.832867 Born: 07/13/2013 Breeder: VOF Sommers, Elsendorp, Netherlands BREED LEADING GENOMIC SIRE • FROM THE EBONY FAMILY • CALVING SPECIALIST Picanto (Snowman x Mac) Zandenburg Planet Ebony 3 VG-87 1st lac 9350 4.24 396 3.34 312 Linear Profile 88 p Zandenburg Pirlo Ensenada Taboo Planet Braedale Goldwyn Zandenburg Goldwyn Ebony RDC VG-86 2/1 lac 9449 4.11 388 3.43 324 Zandenburg Lancelot Ebony VG-86 4/4 lac 12040 3.82 460 3.32 400 best lac 3 14599 3.73 544 3.20 467 100 112 124 small 98 Dairy Character tight rib 102 Body Depth shallow 87 deep frail 89 strong Rump Angle ascending 107 sloped Rump Width narrow 92 Stature Strength tall open rip gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 159 Rel. 71% 141 + 2023 - 0.01 + 82 + 0.03 + 72 gRZE posty 101 sickled low angle 103 steep Hock Quality swollen 106 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 102 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 53% 112 Dairy Type 104 Body 90 Feet & Legs 109 Udder 117 Locomotion bad 105 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 47% 136 Rear Udder Hight low 115 high gRZS Rel. 75% 119 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle wide Somatic Cell Count Suspensory Ligament weak 97 strong Teat Placement Front wide 109 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 68% 101 Teat Placement Rear wide 98 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 113 tight gRZR Rel. 38% 117 Udder Depth deep 110 shallow Teat Length short 95 74 MASTERGEN Calving Plus long Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease 125 Very Easy Rel. 56% JK Eder Erice Goaway NLD 08 82812023 aAa 234156 DEU 03 56342903 aAa 234156 German Reg. No. 10.832630 German Reg. No. 10.832841 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 10/18/2012 W B Zwambag, De Hoeve, Netherlands OUTSTANDING PRODUCTION • GREAT LONGEVITY • VERY EASY CALVING Wabash-Way Explode (Bolton x Shottle) JK Eder Ricky 1 Ensenada Taboo Planet Braedale Goldwyn Wiethege‘s Ricky Wiethege‘s Regina VG-88 1st lac VG-86 1st lac VG-88 10508 4.16 437 3.40 357 02/06/2013 Ferme Gillette Inc., Embrun, ON, Canada TOP PRODUCTION SIRE • GREAT OVERALL TYPE • VERY EASY CALVING Mr Chassity Gold Chip (Goldwyn x Shottle) Gillette M O M Loukaway BYC Long-Langs OMan OMan Sandy-Valley Bolton BYC Gillette Blitz 2nd Wedding Gillette Bolton 2nd Look VG-88 2/2 lac best lac 2 11049 3.86 427 3.56 393 18332 3.46 634 2.73 500 19435 3.50 680 2.6 505 VG-87 gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 147 136 - - 73 +1828 +0.02 +78 +0.01 +63 148 128 - - 73 +2124 -0.33 +51 -0.14 +57 Calving Ease gRZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD Very Easy 131 110 113 125 125 130 119 98 gRZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 120 112 108 108 121 125 114 102 Linear Profile 88 100 gRZR gRZKd 104 117 112 124 Linear Profile 88 Stature 119 Stature Dairy Character 110 Dairy Character 107 Body Depth 102 109 97 Body Depth 105 Strength Rump Angle 116 Rump Angle 110 Rump Width 103 Rump Width 100 Foot Angle 111 Hock Quality 107 Hock Quality 111 Rear Leg Rear View 102 Rear Leg Rear View 111 Locomotion 107 Locomotion 121 Rear Udder Hight 110 Rear Udder Hight 127 Suspensory Ligament 111 Suspensory Ligament 118 Teat Placement Front 114 Teat Placement Front 104 Teat Placement Rear 107 Teat Placement Rear 106 Fore Udder Attachment 117 118 112 124 Fore Udder Attachment 110 Udder Depth 116 Udder Depth 116 Teat Length 86 Teat Length 97 Benninghoff Lampert Merlino NLD 07 31848047 aAa 312 DEU 03 56607878 aAa 315 German Reg. No. 10.832845 German Reg. No. 10.477778 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 12/04/2012 Velthuis Farms LTD, Osgoode, Netherlands FROM LILA Z FAMILY • HEALTH TRAITS LEADER • EASY CALVING Genervations Lexor (Man-O-Man x Goldwyn) MS Chartroise La Bieke Ensenada Taboo Planet Picston Shottle Calbrett Shottle Laura Lylehaven Lila Z VG-86 2/2 lac best lac 2 VG-88 1st lac EX-94 11811 4.20 496 3.40 402 13658 3.90 533 3.29 449 04/22/2013 Strasburger Landbetr.Gesel.mbH, Bremervörde, Germany TOP PRODUCTION & TYPE • FROM THE LILA Z‘S • EASY CALVING 10742 4.16 447 3.37 362 Sully Hart Meridian (Domain x Planet) Benninghoff Lilo 216 Long-Langs OMan OMan Braedale Goldwyn Comestar Goldwyn Lilac Lylehaven Lila Z VG-86 1st lac VG-89 2/2 lac best lac 2 EX-94 11115 3.72 413 3.43 381 17084 4.61 787 3.54 605 19612 4.60 902 3.41 669 gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % 145 124 - - 71 +1325 -0.12 +41 +0.05 +50 148 133 - - 71 +2345 -0.35 +56 -0.13 gRZE Dairy Type 124 113 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 112 126 111 133 114 96 88 100 gRZR gRZKd 119 112 126 Calving Ease Very Easy 124 gRZE Dairy Type 132 112 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 114 118 131 127 115 113 88 Stature 119 Stature 116 Dairy Character 109 Dairy Character 109 Body Depth 105 Body Depth 105 Strength 103 Strength 106 Rump Angle 99 Rump Angle 84 Rump Width 100 Rump Width 103 Rear Leg Set Side View 96 100 gRZR gRZKd 101 118 112 Prot kg +65 Calving Ease Very Easy 124 Rear Leg Set Side View 105 Foot Angle 111 Foot Angle 103 Hock Quality 114 Hock Quality 109 Rear Leg Rear View 112 Rear Leg Rear View 113 Locomotion 121 Locomotion 116 Rear Udder Hight 107 Rear Udder Hight 119 Suspensory Ligament 114 Suspensory Ligament 122 Teat Placement Front 107 Teat Placement Front 115 Teat Placement Rear 107 Teat Placement Rear 110 Fore Udder Attachment 101 Calving Ease Very Easy 91 Rear Leg Set Side View 101 Foot Angle 112 119 Strength Rear Leg Set Side View 105 100 gRZR gRZKd Fore Udder Attachment 118 Udder Depth 108 Udder Depth 124 Teat Length 102 Teat Length 98 MASTERGEN Calving Plus 75 Air Force Boldi CAN 00 09608034 aAa 423516 German Reg. No. 10.507252 SE Born: 12/13/2012 Breeder: Boldi Inc, Vars, ON, Canada X ED AVAILABLE WORLD CLASS COW FAMILY • HIGH COMPONENTS • FANTASTIC UDDERS Cabon Fernand PB (Man-O-Man x Bolton) Paramount-MB Obsrv Agate VG-85 1st lac 9975 3.95 394 3.53 352 Linear Profile p Boldi Air Force De-Su Observer Picston Shottle Velthuis Shottle Albee EX-91 2/2 lac 11832 3.96 469 3.25 385 best lac 2 12233 3.98 487 3.24 396 Allyndale-I Goldwyn Albany VG-87 2/2 lac 11405 4.33 494 3.18 363 best lac 1 13025 4.19 546 3.16 412 88 100 112 124 small 113 tall Dairy Character tight rib 109 open rip Body Depth shallow 97 frail 100 strong Rump Angle ascending 92 sloped Rump Width narrow 99 wide Stature Strength deep gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 152 Rel. 71% 134 + 1186 + 0.08 + 57 + 0.23 + 64 gRZE posty 101 sickled low angle 103 steep Hock Quality swollen 103 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 100 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 52% 127 Dairy Type 111 Body 106 Feet & Legs 109 Udder 134 Locomotion bad 106 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 47% 132 Rear Udder Hight low 129 high Suspensory Ligament weak 116 strong gRZS Rel. 75% 122 Teat Placement Front wide 115 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 68% 108 Teat Placement Rear wide 110 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 124 tight gRZR Rel. 37% 106 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle Udder Depth deep 125 Teat Length short 91 shallow long Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease 102 Average Rel. 53% Magix DEU 14 04441946 aAa 312 German Reg. No. 10.832838 Born: 12/27/2012 Breeder: William H. Peck, Schuylerville, NY, USA ELITE MILK & PROTEIN SIRE • SUPERIOR UDDERS • VERY EASY CALVING De-Su D Mayfield 893 (Domain x Shottle) Welcome Niagra Gusta VG-86 2/1 lac 16409 3.49 573 3.05 500 Linear Profile 88 p Magix Ri-Val-Re 2338 Niagra Mascol Welcome Mascol Grace VG-88 2/2 lac 13674 3.64 498 3.49 477 best lac 2 15476 3.45 534 3.45 534 Welcome Addison Great EX-90 4/4 lac 15251 4.08 622 3.11 474 best lac 2 16507 4.05 669 3.27 539 100 112 124 small 124 tall Dairy Character tight rib 110 open rip Body Depth shallow 111 deep frail 112 strong Rump Angle ascending 113 sloped Rump Width narrow 118 wide Stature Strength gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 143 Rel. 71% 141 + 2357 - 0.27 + 66 - 0.03 + 76 gRZE posty 103 sickled low angle 105 steep Hock Quality swollen 101 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 95 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 52% 127 Dairy Type 112 Body 125 Feet & Legs 104 Udder 127 Locomotion bad 106 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 47% 115 Rear Udder Hight low 112 high gRZS Rel. 75% 99 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle Somatic Cell Count Suspensory Ligament weak 112 strong Teat Placement Front wide 120 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 68% 103 Teat Placement Rear wide 112 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 123 tight gRZR Rel. 37% 94 Udder Depth deep 121 shallow Teat Length short 88 76 MASTERGEN Alternative Breeding long Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease 115 Very Easy Rel. 53% Vision-Gen SHF EDG USA 00 70346476 aAa 315426 USA 30 10356052 Gaborik Livermore German Reg. No. 10.507066 Born: Breeder: X ED AVAILABLE 07/21/2011 Vision Genetics, Millville, PA, USA SE HIGH COMPONENTS • GREAT UDDERS • DAUGHTER FERTILITY Born: Breeder: 11/01/2013 Elite Dairy Genomics LLC, Chebanse, IL, USA Great Granddam Kevrel Shottle May ELITE GENOMIC SIRE • SUPERB MILK SOLIDS • GREAT OVERALL TYPE Regancrest AltaIota (O-Man x B-M J Ito) Vision-Gen Mac Gilda-TW Regancrest-HHF Mac Comestar Outside Welcome Outside Golden Welcome Lantz Gahna EX-91 1st lac EX-90 3/3 lac best lac 2 VG-87 13427 3.47 466 3.09 415 German Reg. No. 10.507515 14310 3.93 563 3.35 480 16076 4.20 675 3.27 525 Genervations Liquid Gold (Boulder x Planet) Leaderwin Domain Mist Ronelee Toystory Domain Ked Outside Jeeves Leaderwin Jeeves Mace Kevrel Shottle May VG-87 1st lac EX-90 2/2 lac best lac 2 EX-93 11845 3.57 423 2.95 350 13207 4.15 548 3.29 434 14256 4.26 608 3.37 480 gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 138 125 - - 74 +1062 +0.32 +76 +0.08 +44 158 143 - - 70 +1919 +0.09 +88 +0.07 +73 Calving Ease gRZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD Average 130 118 113 122 124 131 107 108 gRZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 124 107 126 110 118 119 109 102 Linear Profile 88 100 gRZR gRZKd 119 103 112 124 Linear Profile 88 Stature 122 Stature Dairy Character 107 Dairy Character 116 Body Depth 110 Body Depth 105 Strength 110 Strength Rump Angle 100 Rump Width 116 Rump Width 100 112 105 Foot Angle Hock Quality 102 Hock Quality 111 Rear Leg Rear View 106 Rear Leg Rear View 110 Locomotion 110 Locomotion 119 Rear Udder Hight 114 Rear Udder Hight 117 124 Suspensory Ligament 130 122 Teat Placement Front 111 Teat Placement Rear 120 Teat Placement Rear 120 Fore Udder Attachment 107 Fore Udder Attachment 110 Udder Depth 110 Udder Depth 118 Teat Length 93 Teat Length 95 Modalis Starlife DEU 05 37625499 aAa 342 DEU 03 56275987 aAa 312 German Reg. No. 10.479001 German Reg. No. 10.478106 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 09/20/2013 Heinrich Eickhoff, Rödinghausen, Germany COMPLETE PACKAGE • LONG PRODUCTIVE LIFE • UDDER IMPROVER Mr Moviestar Model (Robust x Planet) Ilka Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood Picston Shottle Kösters Iliane CVC Isabell CVC GP-84 1st lac VG-87 2/2 lac best lac 2 EX-90 9005 4.90 441 3.83 345 12782 4.12 527 3.54 452 13382 4.18 560 3.44 460 07/28/2013 Bernd Finken, Osterholz-Scharmbeck, Germany ALTERNATIVE BREEDING • GREAT BUTTERFAT • HIGH REAR UDDERS CCC Starbase (Snowman x Airraid) Elster Veenhuizer Plan Z Lobertus Emma Emeli VG-86 1st lac VG-88 3/2 lac best lac 3 6507 4.24 276 3.55 231 (247 days) VG-87 9647 4.17 402 3.49 337 10552 4.26 449 3.47 366 gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % 140 122 - - 71 +1317 -0.02 +52 +0.00 +44 148 135 - - 71 +1537 +0.14 +78 +0.08 gRZE 132 107 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 117 131 121 131 104 108 88 100 gRZR gRZKd 106 112 102 Calving Ease Average 124 gRZE Dairy Type 121 110 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 99 116 122 121 120 102 88 Stature 125 Stature 102 Dairy Character 104 Dairy Character 111 Body Depth 102 Body Depth Strength 111 Strength Rump Angle 105 Rump Angle 113 Rump Width 106 Rump Width 97 Rear Leg Set Side View 88 Rear Leg Set Side View 107 112 Average 124 97 105 Hock Quality 112 Hock Quality 102 Rear Leg Rear View 115 Rear Leg Rear View 115 Locomotion 124 Locomotion 114 Rear Udder Hight 117 Rear Udder Hight 128 Suspensory Ligament 102 Teat Placement Front 111 Teat Placement Front 120 Teat Placement Rear 118 Teat Placement Rear 103 Fore Udder Attachment 110 108 +60 Calving Ease 97 Foot Angle Suspensory Ligament 120 100 gRZR gRZKd Prot kg 97 115 Foot Angle Average 111 Teat Placement Front Dairy Type Calving Ease 95 Rear Leg Set Side View Suspensory Ligament 120 102 98 97 Foot Angle 108 123 Rump Angle Rear Leg Set Side View 107 100 gRZR gRZKd Fore Udder Attachment 112 Udder Depth 117 Udder Depth 108 Teat Length 96 Teat Length 83 MASTERGEN Alternative Breeding 77 Cadal DEU 14 04626211 aAa 513462 German Reg. No. 10.832844 Born: 05/06/2013 Breeder: Agro-Agentur Hooß, Niedenstein, Germany FROM RUDOLPH ZIP EX-95 FAMILY • ALTERNATIVE BREEDING • SUPERB LONGEVITY Shema Jeeves Cameron (Jeeves x Pontiac) ZBW-SHD Domain Dazzle Linear Profile p Cadal Ronelee Toystory Domain Ensenada Taboo Planet OCD Planet Diamond VG-87 11869 3.93 466 3.19 379 1st lac Miss Elegant Delight VG-88 1st lac 12633 3.44 434 3.06 387 88 100 112 124 small 115 tall Dairy Character tight rib 105 open rip Body Depth shallow 108 deep frail 112 strong Rump Angle ascending 112 sloped Rump Width narrow 113 wide Stature Strength gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 144 Rel. 72% 125 + 1688 - 0.14 + 54 - 0.06 + 51 gRZE posty 104 sickled low angle 100 steep Hock Quality swollen 104 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 113 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 52% 121 Dairy Type 106 Body 119 Feet & Legs 115 Udder 113 Locomotion bad 116 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 47% 135 Rear Udder Hight low 116 high Suspensory Ligament weak 114 strong gRZS Rel. 76% 106 Teat Placement Front wide 111 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 68% 105 Teat Placement Rear wide 110 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 101 tight gRZR Rel. 37% 118 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle Udder Depth deep 103 Teat Length short 88 shallow long Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease 109 Average-Easy Rel. 53% Feridon DEU 03 55805633 aAa 324156 German Reg. No. 10.335328 Born: 05/17/2013 Breeder: Christian Eiting, Wiefelstede, Germany BREED LEADING RZG SIRE • DEEP COW FAMILY • FITNESS IMPROVER Fanatic (Freddie x Planet) Mebel VG-85 1st lac 9135 3.60 329 3.39 310 Linear Profile 88 p Feridon Boateng BYC Regancrest-HHF Mac WEU Mendy VG-89 3/2 lac 10844 4.03 437 3.34 362 best lac 2 12339 4.04 498 3.36 414 Gold-N-Oaks S Marbella VG-89 1st lac 11822 4.20 496 3.18 376 100 112 124 small 105 tall Dairy Character tight rib 104 open rip Body Depth shallow 89 deep frail 94 strong Rump Angle ascending 109 sloped Rump Width narrow 104 wide posty 106 sickled Stature Strength gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg gRZE 155 Rel. 71% 136 + 1939 - 0.22 + 55 + 0.03 + 69 Total Conformation Rel. 52% 119 low angle 109 steep Hock Quality swollen 104 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 104 parallel Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder Locomotion bad 111 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 47% 128 Rear Udder Hight low 121 high gRZS Rel. 75% 112 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle Somatic Cell Count 105 97 114 122 Suspensory Ligament weak 96 strong Teat Placement Front wide 113 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 68% 113 Teat Placement Rear wide 95 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 116 tight gRZR Rel. 37% 127 Udder Depth deep 115 shallow Teat Length short 89 78 MASTERGEN Daughter Fertility long Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease 104 Average Rel. 56% Stantons Casual Fanatic CAN 00 11596114 aAa 234165 DEU 03 54812817 aAa 351426 K-Cn: AB German Reg. No. 10.507197 German Reg. No. 10.333925 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 09/18/2012 Stanton Bros. Limited, Ilderton, ON, Canada TOP EPIC SON • OUTSTANDING PRODUCTION • SHALLOW UDDERS Genervations Epic (Super x Baxter 2) Stantons Freddie Cameo Badger-Bluff Fanny Freddie Bofran Lucky Star Stantons Lucky Cameo VG-85 1st lac VG-89 2/2 lac best lac 2 11657 4.79 558 3.37 393 15259 4.31 658 3.23 493 16603 4.58 760 3.32 551 07/19/2011 Helmut Etmann, Lähden, Germany SE X ED AVAILABLE COSMOPOLITAN FAMILY • SIRE OF SONS • FITNESS SPECIALIST Ensenada Taboo Planet Ramos BYC Sher-Est Mtoto Sharon Badger-Bluff Fanny Freddie (O-Man x Die-Hard) Larcrest Chenoa Larcrest Crimeson Larcrest Cosmopolitan CVC VG-85 VG-87 1st lac EX-92 2/2 lac best lac 2 VG-87 13944 4.16 580 3.30 460 16106 5.16 831 3.70 596 18224 5.42 988 3.65 666 gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 150 132 - - 72 +1826 -0.20 +53 +0.00 +62 152 133 - - 73 +1567 +0.05 +70 +0.06 +60 Calving Ease gRZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD Easy 118 97 105 120 115 133 108 107 gRZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 130 106 112 122 126 129 105 117 Linear Profile 88 100 gRZR gRZKd 119 110 112 124 Linear Profile 88 Stature 129 Stature Dairy Character 102 Dairy Character 97 Body Depth 95 92 Body Depth 106 Strength 105 Rump Angle 106 Rump Angle 105 Rump Width 106 Rump Width 113 88 Foot Angle 107 Hock Quality 102 Hock Quality 110 Rear Leg Rear View 108 Rear Leg Rear View 111 Locomotion 115 Locomotion 115 Rear Udder Hight 115 Rear Udder Hight 114 Suspensory Ligament 103 113 112 98 Teat Placement Front 109 Teat Placement Rear 91 Teat Placement Rear 101 Fore Udder Attachment 119 124 Fore Udder Attachment 111 Udder Depth 133 Udder Depth 107 Teat Length 92 Teat Length 85 Seydaland Julianos Mixco NLD 07 37148633 aAa 324165 DEU 15 01680161 aAa 315 German Reg. No. 10.335052 German Reg. No. 10.477508 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 01/13/2013 W+C Francke-Riemens, Grypskerke, Netherlands COMPONENT IMPROVER • FITNESS SPECIALIST • VERY EASY CALVING De-Su 521 Bookem (Planet x Ramos) PR Julia Regancrest-HHF Mac Picston Shottle Glenn-Ann Shottle Pepper VG-88 1st lac EX-90 2/2 lac best lac 1 Glenn-Ann Durham Pepper 10420 4.04 421 3.72 388 11868 4.06 482 3.29 390 12921 4.43 572 3.22 416 EX-90 02/01/2013 Seydaland Rinderzucht GmbH, Jessen, Germany MILK & PROTEIN SIRE • SUPERIOR UDDERS • LONG PRODUCTIVE LIFE Mountfield SSI DCY Mixer (Dorcy x Marsh) Tajeska Long-Langs OMan OMan Applouis Jet Stream Sandy-Valley Jets Tajesa VG-85 1st lac VG-87 2/2 lac best lac 2 Sandy-Valley Laudn Taesa 11040 3.51 388 3.22 355 14318 3.29 471 3.23 462 18184 2.94 535 3.15 572 EX-91 gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % 148 124 - - 73 +829 +0.18 +52 +0.19 +47 144 123 - - 72 +1496 -0.26 +34 +0.00 gRZE 122 101 Linear Profile Stature Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 108 118 120 135 117 99 88 113 100 gRZR gRZKd 125 112 116 Calving Ease Very Easy 124 gRZE Dairy Type 125 103 Linear Profile Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 107 117 125 130 109 104 88 110 104 96 Dairy Character Body Depth 94 Body Depth 106 Body Feet & Legs Stature Dairy Character Strength Strength Rump Angle 102 Rump Width 104 Rump Width 113 Rear Leg Set Side View 109 112 124 91 Foot Angle 112 Foot Angle 112 Hock Quality 106 Hock Quality 108 Rear Leg Rear View 108 Rear Leg Rear View 101 Locomotion 113 Locomotion 113 Rear Udder Hight 104 Rear Udder Hight 118 Suspensory Ligament 107 Suspensory Ligament 118 Teat Placement Front 108 Teat Placement Front 110 Teat Placement Rear 104 Teat Placement Rear 112 Fore Udder Attachment 117 121 +51 Calving Ease AverageEasy 99 96 95 100 gRZR gRZKd Prot kg 94 Rump Angle Rear Leg Set Side View Easy Suspensory Ligament 100 Teat Placement Front Dairy Type Calving Ease 98 Rear Leg Set Side View 120 Foot Angle 121 103 Strength Rear Leg Set Side View 100 gRZR gRZKd Fore Udder Attachment 115 Udder Depth 121 Udder Depth 121 Teat Length 104 Teat Length 103 MASTERGEN Daughter Fertility 79 Filou RDC DEU 03 56223753 aAa 315246 German Reg. No. 10.335418 Born: 06/02/2013 Breeder: Weser-Ems-Union e.G., Bad Zwischenahn, Germany TOP GENOMIC RED CARRIER • OUTSTANDING PROTEIN • TOP DAUGHTER FERTILITY Fanatic (Freddie x Planet) Hanna VG-85 1st lac 3151 3.14 99 3.01 95 (100 days) Linear Profile p Filou RDC Broeks Elburn RDC Malvoy (Mr Loren-Red) Haway RDC VG-85 3/2 lac 10003 3.19 319 3.38 338 best lac 2 10282 3.31 340 3.48 358 Haway VG-86 6/6 lac 9678 3.29 318 3.30 319 best lac 5 11364 3.35 381 3.31 376 88 100 112 124 small 108 Dairy Character tight rib 93 open rip Body Depth shallow 94 deep frail 107 strong Rump Angle ascending 113 sloped Rump Width narrow 117 wide Stature Strength tall gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 155 Rel. 71% 132 + 1796 - 0.40 + 31 + 0.06 + 67 gRZE posty 86 low angle 120 steep Hock Quality swollen 103 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 112 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 52% 121 Dairy Type 94 Body 107 Feet & Legs 125 Udder 114 Locomotion bad 120 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 46% 135 Rear Udder Hight low 109 high Suspensory Ligament weak 110 strong gRZS Rel. 75% 114 Teat Placement Front wide 103 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 68% 108 Teat Placement Rear wide 99 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 106 tight gRZR Rel. 36% 127 Rel. 55% 111 Easy Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle Udder Depth deep 113 Teat Length short 93 Mr Sunview Coin sickled shallow long Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease Sunfish RDC USA 30 12643773 aAa 231456 German Reg. No. 10.507475 Born: 07/28/2013 Breeder: Sebastien Dion & David R. Dyment, Rudolph, WI, USA BREED LEADING RED CARRIER • OUTSTANDING PODUCTION • HIGH LONGEVITY Farnear-TBR-BH Cashcoin (Observer x Goldwyn) Dymentholm Sunview Sunday RDC VG-87 1st lac 8414 4.06 342 3.30 278 (216 days) Linear Profile p Mr Sunview Coin Sunfish RDC Flevo Genetics Snowman Ensenada Taboo Planet Des-Y-Gen Planet Silk RDC EX-90 11567 4.41 510 3.14 363 1st lac Gen-I-Beq Bolton Silence RDC VG-85 2/2 lac 11649 4.32 503 3.49 407 best lac 1 11770 4.60 542 3.51 413 88 100 112 124 small 119 tall Dairy Character tight rib 115 open rip Body Depth shallow 99 deep frail 97 strong Rump Angle ascending 108 sloped Rump Width narrow 99 Stature Strength gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 156 Rel. 71% 143 + 2040 - 0.03 + 81 + 0.04 + 74 gRZE posty 102 sickled low angle 109 steep Hock Quality swollen 109 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 109 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 52% 128 Dairy Type 116 Body 107 Feet & Legs 118 Udder 127 Locomotion bad 113 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 47% 130 Rear Udder Hight low 129 high Suspensory Ligament weak 114 strong gRZS Rel. 75% 123 Teat Placement Front wide 111 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 68% 93 Teat Placement Rear wide 113 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 115 tight gRZR Rel. 37% 97 Udder Depth deep 113 shallow Teat Length short 94 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle 80 MASTERGEN Red Carrier wide long Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease Rel. 53% 111 Average-Easy Ards Marley RDC Morton RDC NLD 08 43246841 aAa 231 GBR 93 30 06964611 aAa 243615 German Reg. No. 10.832857 German Reg. No. 10.478102 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 06/14/2013 Liberty Gen/Breteler Farms, Winchester, ON, Canada GOLDWYN DELICIOUS FAMILY • ELITE PRODUCTION • EASY CALVING De-Su D Mayfield 893 (Domain x Shottle) Curr-Vale Observe Desire RDC 1st lac 9904 4.11 407 3.12 309 De-Su Observer Braedale Goldwyn Curr-Vale Goldwyn Delicious RDC CVC Curr-Vale Durham Apricot RDC EX-94 3/2 lac best lac 2 11961 3.90 467 3.26 390 12653 4.36 552 3.27 414 EX-91 03/18/2013 H Patton & Sons, Loughries, Great Britain FROM THE MISSY FAMILY • GREAT PRODUCTION • EXCELLENT UDDERS Zani Bolton Mascalese (Bolton x O-Man) Ards Destry Missy RDC Scientific Destry RDC Picston Shottle Carters-Corner Shot Melody GP-84 1st lac EX-90 1st lac Pine-Tree Missy Melinda 8134 3.73 303 3.44 280 12744 4.68 596 3.41 434 VG-85 gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 145 128 - - 71 +1972 -0.22 +56 -0.10 +55 138 125 - - 73 +1488 -0.02 +59 -0.02 +48 Calving Ease gRZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD Very Easy 129 109 115 110 132 120 116 104 gRZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 120 112 103 107 123 132 106 109 Linear Profile 88 100 gRZR gRZKd 114 122 112 124 Linear Profile 88 Stature 107 Stature 126 Dairy Character 113 Dairy Character 109 Body Depth 96 Body Depth 103 Strength 94 Strength 109 Rump Angle 108 Rump Angle 107 Rump Width 102 Rump Width 103 Rear Leg Set Side View 110 Foot Angle 113 106 Hock Quality 100 Rear Leg Rear View 101 Rear Leg Rear View Locomotion 108 Locomotion 109 Rear Udder Hight 117 Rear Udder Hight 122 Hock Quality 104 101 Suspensory Ligament 107 112 124 96 Suspensory Ligament 109 Teat Placement Front 115 Teat Placement Front 117 Teat Placement Rear 105 Teat Placement Rear 107 Fore Udder Attachment 118 Fore Udder Attachment 121 Udder Depth 110 Udder Depth 128 Teat Length 93 Teat Length 101 Misnia Holsteins Piano RDC Solaris RDC DEU 14 04580514 aAa 432516 DEU 14 04626176 aAa 234156 German Reg. No. 10.832864 German Reg. No. 10.832843 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 08/22/2013 Rockymountain Holsteins, Cochrane, AB, Canada GREAT BLEND OF PRODUCTION & FITNESS • CALVING SPECIALIST De-Su Phoenix 588 (Planet x Bolton) Gen-I-Beq Beacon Anakim RDC End-Road Beacon VG-87 1st lac VG-89 2/1 lac KHW-I Aika Baxter RDC 8609 4.31 371 3.31 285 04/18/2013 Milchhof Diera KG, Diera-Zehren, Germany MILK & PROTEIN YIELD • SHALLOW UDDERS • EASY CALVING SIRE Emerald-Acr-Sa T-Baxter KHW Goldwyn Aiko Poppe Snow RF RDC (Snowman x Spencer 2) Misnia Holsteins Lorelei BYC Schillview Oman Gerard Picston Shottle Greenhill Holsteins Lotos Bielefeld Lolita EX-91 VG-85 1st lac VG-88 5/4 lac best lac 4 EX-91 11770 5.74 676 3.63 427 10889 3.88 423 3.29 358 (274 days) 12891 3.86 497 3.20 413 14658 4.01 588 3.16 463 gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % 154 140 - - 72 +2063 -0.04 +80 +0.00 +70 147 129 - - 71 +1496 -0.06 +55 +0.04 gRZE Dairy Type 115 109 Linear Profile Stature Dairy Character Body Depth Strength Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 95 111 118 129 111 106 88 96 106 100 gRZR gRZKd 112 112 118 Calving Ease Very Easy 124 gRZE Dairy Type 129 96 Linear Profile Stature Dairy Character Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 119 129 119 130 122 99 88 107 88 Strength 113 105 Rump Angle 94 Rump Width 98 Rump Width 109 99 Rear Leg Set Side View 115 112 Easy 124 85 Foot Angle 121 104 Hock Quality 115 Hock Quality Rear Leg Rear View 106 Rear Leg Rear View 119 Locomotion 107 Locomotion 126 Rear Udder Hight 119 Rear Udder Hight 112 Suspensory Ligament 117 Suspensory Ligament 100 Teat Placement Front 114 Teat Placement Front 99 Teat Placement Rear 115 Teat Placement Rear 101 Fore Udder Attachment 111 102 +55 Calving Ease 93 Body Depth Rump Angle Foot Angle 100 gRZR gRZKd Prot kg 115 94 Rear Leg Set Side View 111 Average Rear Leg Set Side View 101 99 Foot Angle 100 Calving Ease gRZR gRZKd Fore Udder Attachment 116 Udder Depth 105 Udder Depth 120 Teat Length 82 Teat Length 98 MASTERGEN Red Carrier 81 Stantons Earn Energy P CAN 00 11696813 aAa 312456 German Reg. No. 10.507450 Born: 08/03/2013 Breeder: Stanton Bros. Limited, Ilderton, ON, Canada TREMENDOUS POLLED SIRE • HIGH PRODUCTION • FROM LEAD MAE FAMILY Da-So-Burn Mom Earnhardt P (Man-O-Man x Lawn Boy) Lookout Pesce SM Elsa GP-82 1st lac 11897 5.50 654 3.93 468 Linear Profile p Stantons Earn Energy P Flevo Genetics Snowman Picston Shottle Wabash-Way-I Shottle Ember VG-86 14826 3.37 500 3.27 485 1st lac Crockett-Acres Elita VG-87 1st lac 15486 3.75 581 3.5 542 88 100 112 124 small 133 tall Dairy Character tight rib 118 open rip Body Depth shallow 113 deep frail 108 strong Rump Angle ascending 111 sloped Rump Width narrow 108 wide Stature Strength gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 147 Rel. 71% 139 + 2390 - 0.28 + 66 - 0.08 + 72 gRZE posty 101 sickled low angle 113 steep Hock Quality swollen 111 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 107 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 53% 126 Dairy Type 119 Body 124 Feet & Legs 119 Udder 113 Locomotion bad 114 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 47% 119 Rear Udder Hight low 115 high Suspensory Ligament weak 114 strong gRZS Rel. 75% 112 Teat Placement Front wide 109 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 68% 100 Teat Placement Rear wide 105 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 103 tight gRZR Rel. 38% 102 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle Udder Depth deep 103 shallow Teat Length short 104 long Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease 107 Average Rel. 54% Lord Red P DEU 03 56130676 aAa 315426 German Reg. No. 10.477851 Born: 06/03/2013 Breeder: Bernd Söhle, Wingst, Germany BREED LEADING POLLED SIRE • FANTASTIC TYPE • FITNESS IMPROVER Tiger-Lily Ladd P-Red (Destry x Lawn Boy) Cherry Lady RDC VG-87 2/2 lac 8430 4.31 363 3.18 268 best lac 2 9135 4.38 400 3.10 283 Linear Profile p Lord Red P Picston Shottle STBVQ Rubens RDC Chantal EX-90 7/6 lac 9830 3.70 364 3.3 324 best lac 4 11447 3.68 421 3.28 375 Cinderella EX-90 8/7 lac 9941 3.64 362 3.32 330 best lac 5 11237 3.77 424 3.27 367 88 100 112 124 small 120 tall Dairy Character tight rib 102 open rip Body Depth shallow 105 deep frail 114 strong Rump Angle ascending 83 sloped Rump Width narrow 102 Stature Strength gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 143 Rel. 71% 117 + 1034 + 0.15 + 57 + 0.02 + 37 gRZE posty 84 low angle 115 steep Hock Quality swollen 109 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 117 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 52% 139 Dairy Type 107 Body 116 Feet & Legs 129 Udder 135 Locomotion bad 124 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 47% 132 Rear Udder Hight low 117 high Suspensory Ligament weak 122 strong gRZS Rel. 75% 135 Teat Placement Front wide 112 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 68% 101 Teat Placement Rear wide 116 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 122 tight gRZR Rel. 38% 106 Udder Depth deep 139 shallow Rel. 55% Teat Length short 101 long 110 Easy Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle 82 MASTERGEN Polled wide sickled Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease Colonia Cows Coloredo-P Red Earl P DEU 03 55535940 aAa 315 DEU 05 37994651 aAa 324156 K-Cn: AB German Reg. No. 10.927410 German Reg. No. 10.478110 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 07/03/2012 Tom J. Schmitt, Durango, IA, USA ELITE POLLED SIRE • FROM THE ROXY‘S • PRODUCTION & TYPE Sandy-Valley Colt P-Red (Lawn Boy x Bolton) Morningview Super Roxy RDC Charlesdale Superstition VG-86 1st lac EX-90 2/2 lac best lac 2 FROM COSMOPOLITAN FAMILY • GREAT LONGEVITY • HIGH PROTEIN Windy-Knoll-View Pronto Early Autumn Golden Rae RDC Morningview Pronto C-Rae RDC 13580 3.23 438 3.27 444 13189 4.28 565 3.21 423 15010 4.08 613 3.14 472 07/17/2013 Christoph u. Birgit Lüpschen GbR, Lohmar, Germany EX-93 Da-So-Burn Mom Earnhardt P (Man-O-Man x Lawn Boy) Drouner AJDH Freddie Cosmo Badger-Bluff Fanny Freddie Picston Shottle Larcrest Cosmopolitan VG-87 1st lac VG-87 1st lac Larcrest Oside Champagne-TW 4605 5.49 253 4.23 195 (100 days) 12471 4.09 510 3.61 450 EX-90 gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 138 128 - - 73 +1989 -0.35 +49 -0.08 +60 141 126 - - 71 +1145 +0.06 +53 +0.12 +51 Calving Ease gRZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD Easy 112 107 106 111 108 126 111 99 gRZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 120 110 116 110 116 120 102 97 Linear Profile 88 100 gRZR gRZKd 112 114 112 124 Linear Profile 88 Stature 113 Stature 115 Dairy Character 106 Dairy Character 104 Body Depth 108 Body Depth Strength 110 Strength 101 96 Rump Angle 100 Rump Width 104 Rump Width 95 92 114 Foot Angle 104 Hock Quality 100 Hock Quality 104 97 Rear Leg Rear View 105 Locomotion 108 Locomotion 108 Rear Udder Hight 116 Rear Udder Hight 112 Suspensory Ligament 111 Suspensory Ligament 111 Teat Placement Front 118 Teat Placement Front 93 Teat Placement Rear 110 Teat Placement Rear 104 Fore Udder Attachment 109 108 112 Calving Ease Average 124 95 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle Rear Leg Rear View 119 97 Rump Angle Rear Leg Set Side View 100 gRZR gRZKd Fore Udder Attachment 99 Udder Depth 99 Udder Depth 105 Teat Length 111 Teat Length 100 Esperado P RDC Fan P RDC DEU 09 47380063 aAa 432561 DEU 05 37810574 aAa 351426 K-Cn: AA German Reg. No. 10.476865 German Reg. No. 10.833000 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 06/18/2012 Elm Park Farms Ltd., Sheboygan Falls, WI, USA POLLED EPIC FROM THE ROXY‘S • TYPE & UDDERS • SIRE OF SONS Genervations Epic (Super x Baxter 2) Golden-Oaks Gwyn Perky P RDC Braedale Goldwyn Burket-Falls Perk-Red P Golden-Oaks Perk Rae-Red P Scientific Beauty Rae VG-85 1st lac EX-90 2/2 lac best lac 1 EX-90 10606 3.50 371 3.21 340 12256 3.63 445 3.35 410 12603 3.78 477 3.30 416 09/12/2013 Friedrich Vogt, Unna, Germany MILK & PROTEIN YIELD • GREAT LONGEVITY • MILKABILITY Fanatic (Freddie x Planet) Rapod PP Michert Ipod-Red P VG-85 1st lac VG-85 3/2 lac best lac 2 Aggravation Lawn Boy P-Red Rapune RDC Rapinde P 3660 3.58 131 3.14 115 (100 days) GP-83 9758 3.66 357 3.29 321 10085 3.58 361 3.41 344 gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % 133 118 - - 73 +1426 -0.29 +28 -0.04 +44 138 129 - - 71 +1988 -0.34 +45 -0.07 gRZE Dairy Type 127 116 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 101 120 125 117 115 89 88 100 gRZR gRZKd 110 112 96 Calving Ease Average 124 gRZE Dairy Type 118 105 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 105 116 115 118 99 118 88 Stature 116 Stature 106 Dairy Character 114 Dairy Character 104 Body Depth 95 Body Depth Strength 93 Strength 117 Rump Angle 93 95 Rump Width 112 95 Rear Leg Set Side View 112 Average 124 96 115 Foot Angle 104 Hock Quality 111 Hock Quality 106 Rear Leg Rear View 100 Rear Leg Rear View 106 Locomotion 116 Locomotion 113 Rear Udder Hight 129 Rear Udder Hight 115 Suspensory Ligament 110 Suspensory Ligament 108 Teat Placement Front 99 Teat Placement Front 102 Teat Placement Rear 99 Teat Placement Rear 106 Fore Udder Attachment 113 105 95 Rump Width Foot Angle 110 +60 Calving Ease 100 Rump Angle Rear Leg Set Side View 100 gRZR gRZKd Prot kg Fore Udder Attachment 110 Udder Depth 117 Udder Depth 108 Teat Length 97 Teat Length 107 MASTERGEN Polled 83 Misnia Holsteins Igor PP Lamitan P RDC NLD 07 66178645 aAa 243165 DEU 14 04626144 aAa 342156 K-Cn: AA German Reg. No. 10.478103 German Reg. No. 10.832840 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 06/26/2013 Mts H & AGW Scherpenzeel, Nieuwland, Netherlands HOMOZYGOUS POLLED • SUPERIOR UDDERS • EASY CALVING Hickorymea Parker P (Garrett x Goldwyn) Snowpolly P RDC 1st lac Flevo Genetics Snowman VG-85 3/2 lac best lac 2 POLLED FROM THE LOU ETTA FAMILY • HIGH COMPONENTS Aggravation Lawn Boy P-Red Loramos 30 Red Lb Lor P 5120 3.52 180 3.38 173 (153 days) 04/03/2013 Milchhof Diera KG, Diera-Zehren, Germany Tiger-Lily Ladd P-Red (Destry x Lawn Boy) FWS Limette VG-87 8688 4.42 384 3.89 338 9077 4.62 419 4.00 363 1st lac 2088 4.89 102 2.97 62 (68 days) Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood Regancrest-LH Modest Limone Lady VG-86 2/2 lac best lac 2 VG-89 11395 3.41 388 3.35 382 12471 3.60 449 3.35 418 gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 123 108 - - 71 +749 +0.08 +39 -0.03 +22 135 117 - - 71 +660 +0.08 +34 +0.17 +39 Calving Ease gRZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD Easy 130 110 113 121 126 123 112 105 gRZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 120 92 114 109 123 117 122 107 Linear Profile 88 100 gRZR gRZKd 108 112 112 124 113 Stature 88 Dairy Character Linear Profile 88 Stature 126 Dairy Character 106 Body Depth 102 Body Depth 107 Strength 117 Strength 109 Rump Angle 95 Rump Angle 79 Rump Width 102 Rump Width 102 89 Rear Leg Set Side View 98 Hock Quality 107 106 Rear Leg Rear View 108 Locomotion 110 Locomotion 122 Rear Udder Hight 110 Rear Udder Hight 120 Suspensory Ligament 102 Suspensory Ligament 114 Teat Placement Front 108 Teat Placement Front 105 Teat Placement Rear 105 Teat Placement Rear 104 Fore Udder Attachment 118 127 Udder Depth 120 Teat Length 89 Teat Length 92 Southland Average 112 124 Mr Sizzle Mitar PP RDC Money P NLD 07 19870530 aAa 135264 USA 00 72436862 aAa 132546 -Cn: A1/A2 German Reg. No. 10.832553 Born: Breeder: X ED AVAILABLE 11/29/2010 Southland Holsteins, Teteringen, Netherlands SE HOMOZYGOUS POLLED • ELITE COW FAMILY • GREAT SIRE FERTILITY West Port Arron Doon Mitey P RDC (Goldwyn x September) Southland Lawn B Massia 9 Aggravation Lawn Boy P-Red VG-86 1st lac VG-89 1st lac Maria Red 9754 3.64 355 3.55 346 German Reg. No. 10.507509 Born: Breeder: 06/28/2013 Elite Dairy Genomics LLC, Downers Grove, IL, USA GREAT BLEND OF PRODUCTION & TYPE • HIGH FITNESS TRAITS Ladinp Park Talent-Imp RDC Apina Massia 20 Farnear-TBR-BH Cashmoney (Observer x Goldwyn) Venture Shottbolt Sizzle P Gepaquette DG Shottbolt Braedale Goldwyn Venture Goldwyn Soup P RDC VG-89 VG-86 GP-83 1st lac Hickorymea-I I Ad Sweet P-Red 10711 3.94 422 3.53 378 10006 4.7 470 3.52 352 GP-84 gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % 118 115 - - 73 +942 -0.03 +35 +0.04 +36 142 123 - - 71 +1208 +0.01 +51 +0.06 gRZE Dairy Type 103 109 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 104 97 103 110 112 115 88 100 gRZR gRZKd 101 112 102 Calving Ease Average 124 gRZE Dairy Type 130 120 Linear Profile Stature 109 Stature Dairy Character 107 Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 112 119 126 124 126 104 88 118 Dairy Character 119 Body Depth 93 Body Depth 103 Strength 94 Strength Rump Angle 99 Rump Angle 97 Rump Width 108 Rump Width 104 Rear Leg Set Side View 112 98 Foot Angle 101 Hock Quality Rear Leg Rear View 95 96 Rear Leg Set Side View 104 Foot Angle 107 Hock Quality 112 Rear Leg Rear View 108 Locomotion 100 Locomotion 114 Rear Udder Hight 103 Rear Udder Hight 113 Suspensory Ligament 97 Suspensory Ligament 111 Teat Placement Front 84 Teat Placement Front 112 Teat Placement Rear 90 Teat Placement Rear 109 Fore Udder Attachment 104 Fore Udder Attachment 122 Udder Depth 111 Udder Depth 123 Teat Length 104 Teat Length 86 84 Calving Ease Fore Udder Attachment 118 Udder Depth K-Cn: AB 105 118 Foot Angle Rear Leg Rear View Hock Quality 110 91 Rear Leg Set Side View 102 Foot Angle 100 gRZR gRZKd MASTERGEN Polled 100 gRZR gRZKd 110 112 103 Prot kg +47 Calving Ease Average 124 Panama P Peer P RDC DEU 03 56674169 aAa 234156 DEU 03 56620383 aAa 342516 K-Cn: AB German Reg. No. 10.335353 German Reg. No. 10.335417 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 05/06/2013 Weser-Ems-Union e.G., Bad Zwischenahn, Germany ALTERNATIVE POLLED SIRE • HIGH PRODUCTION • UDDER HEALTH Hickorymea Parker P (Garrett x Goldwyn) Oceana Flevo Genetics Snowman Picston Shottle Ocean Orsaka VG-85 1st lac VG-86 2/2 lac best lac 2 11839 3.45 408 3.18 377 06/26/2013 Heiner Keddemann, Itterbeck, Germany COMPONENT SPECIALIST • SNUG UDDERS • EASY CALVING Picanto (Snowman x Mac) Best of Polled Katrinhof Camela PP West Port Arron Doon Mitey P RDC Verhagens Bos Candlelight Red P VG-87 11308 3.71 420 3.28 371 11171 3.82 427 3.29 368 1st lac Aggravation Lawn Boy P-Red Ri-Val-Re Shtle Caralie RDC 5544 3.12 173 3.17 176 (145 days) VG-86 1st lac 9541 3.92 374 3.56 340 VG-87 gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 141 127 - - 71 +1479 +0.06 +67 +0.00 +50 140 125 - - 71 +829 +0.26 +59 +0.19 +46 Calving Ease gRZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD Easy 115 100 106 103 121 128 129 99 gRZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 121 104 108 114 119 123 137 94 Linear Profile 88 100 gRZR gRZKd 98 113 112 124 Linear Profile Stature 109 Stature Dairy Character 102 Dairy Character 99 Body Depth 98 Rump Angle 90 99 Rump Width 104 97 Rear Leg Set Side View 105 Foot Angle 114 Foot Angle Hock Quality 103 Hock Quality 93 Rear Leg Rear View 103 Rear Leg Rear View 98 Locomotion 111 Locomotion 102 Rear Udder Hight 109 Rear Udder Hight 112 124 118 111 Suspensory Ligament 108 Suspensory Ligament 98 Teat Placement Front 110 Teat Placement Front 108 Teat Placement Rear 106 Teat Placement Rear 98 Fore Udder Attachment 117 Udder Depth 120 Udder Depth 125 Teat Length 78 Teat Length 99 Schreur Snovis P RDC Sosmar P RDC NLD 08 43246834 aAa 342 DEU 14 04626188 aAa 243615 German Reg. No. 10.832856 German Reg. No. 10.832852 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 06/08/2013 Schreur Holsteins, Laren, Netherlands GREAT PRODUCTION • UDDER IMPROVER • LONGEVITY Aggravation Lawn Boy P-Red Picston Shottle Ri-Val-Re Shtle Caralie RDC VG-86 1st lac VG-87 1st lac MS Ri-Val-Re Max Selsy RDC 9541 3.92 374 3.56 340 15286 4.91 750 3.19 488 04/20/2013 Saxonian Cattle Club SCC, Neuhausen, Germany SUPERIOR PROTEIN • GREAT MOBILITY • RUDOLPH ZIP FAMILY Snowmaster (Snowman x Shottle) Verhagens Bos Candlelight Red P VG-87 Poppe Snow RF RDC (Snowman x Spencer 2) Summer P Red Aggravation Lawn Boy P-Red VG-86 1st lac EX-91 3/3 lac best lac 3 Pursuit September Storm RDC Windsor-Manor Zebee Windsor-Manor Ze Scarlet RDC 10905 3.81 416 3.48 380 EX-91 11524 4.43 510 3.28 378 13429 4.56 613 3.02 406 gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % 139 130 - - 71 +1948 -0.24 +54 -0.06 +59 141 138 - - 71 +1637 -0.01 +67 +0.12 gRZE 120 109 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 116 108 117 123 116 97 88 100 gRZR gRZKd 97 112 101 Calving Ease Average 124 gRZE Dairy Type 123 106 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 108 119 119 111 103 103 88 116 Stature 117 Dairy Character 109 Dairy Character 105 Body Depth 104 Body Depth Strength 106 Strength Rump Angle 102 Rump Angle 94 Rump Width 109 Rump Width 104 Stature Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle 87 115 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle 100 gRZR gRZKd 95 106 112 Prot kg +68 Calving Ease Average 124 96 104 88 119 Hock Quality 95 Hock Quality 103 Rear Leg Rear View 98 Rear Leg Rear View 108 Locomotion 105 Locomotion 116 Rear Udder Hight 121 Rear Udder Hight 123 Suspensory Ligament 111 Suspensory Ligament 95 Teat Placement Front 109 Teat Placement Front 100 Teat Placement Rear 109 Teat Placement Rear 96 Fore Udder Attachment 109 Easy 93 Rump Width Dairy Type Calving Ease 103 Strength Fore Udder Attachment 112 111 98 Rump Angle Rear Leg Set Side View 100 104 110 Body Depth 101 Strength 88 gRZR gRZKd Fore Udder Attachment 111 Udder Depth 110 Udder Depth 117 Teat Length 123 Teat Length 112 MASTERGEN Polled 85 Ackley Red DEU 14 046 26036 aAa 342156 German Reg. No. 10.832839 Born: 02/15/2013 Breeder: Jessica Mae Currie, Tully, NY, USA K-Cn: AA RED ACME SON FROM GOLDWYN DELICIOUS FAMILY • FANTASTIC UDDERS KHW Elm-Park Acme RDC (Talent x Durham) Curr-Vale Observer Avon-TW RDC VG-85 1st lac 11108 3.33 370 3.29 365 Linear Profile 88 p Ackley Red De-Su Observer Plushanski Forge Curr-Vale Plus Avocado RDC VG-88 3/3 lac 13467 3.62 487 3.02 407 best lac 3 15967 3.76 600 2.97 475 Curr-Vale Goldwyn Delicious RDC CVC EX-94 3/2 lac 11961 3.90 467 3.26 390 best lac 2 12653 4.36 552 3.27 414 100 112 124 small 111 tall Dairy Character tight rib 109 open rip Body Depth shallow 92 deep frail 90 strong Rump Angle ascending 105 sloped Rump Width narrow 101 wide Stature Strength gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 138 Rel. 73% 117 + 1159 - 0.15 + 35 + 0.04 + 43 gRZE posty 93 low angle 105 steep Hock Quality swollen 109 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 109 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 57% 129 Dairy Type 113 Body 101 Feet & Legs 119 Udder 131 Locomotion bad 118 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 52% 126 Rear Udder Hight low 125 high Suspensory Ligament weak 115 strong gRZS Rel. 77% 115 Teat Placement Front wide 106 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 70% 116 Teat Placement Rear wide 107 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 121 tight gRZR Rel. 44% 116 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle Udder Depth deep 130 Teat Length short 86 sickled shallow long Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease 117 Very Easy Rel. 55% Ali Red DEU 03 56384295 aAa 342 German Reg. No. 10.477853 Born: 06/30/2013 Breeder: Ferme Val-Bisson Inc, St. Polycarpe, PQ, Canada HIGH PROTEIN • FITNESS PACKAGE • LARGE DAIRY FRAMES Hunsberger Alchemy RDC (Destry x Shottle) Val-Bisson Diplomat Inga RDC VG-85 1st lac 13017 3.80 494 3.33 434 Linear Profile 88 p Ali Red Regan-ALH Diplomat RDC Braedale Goldwyn Val-Bisson Goldwyn Maya VG-88 2/2 lac 13385 3.82 511 3.37 451 best lac 2 15703 3.60 566 3.36 527 Val-Bisson Finley Dream VG-87 3/3 lac 13366 3.13 418 3.19 427 best lac 2 14327 3.07 440 3.24 464 100 112 124 small 116 tall Dairy Character tight rib 116 open rip Body Depth shallow 107 deep frail 100 strong Rump Angle ascending 87 sloped Rump Width narrow 108 wide Stature Strength gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 141 Rel. 72% 124 + 1248 - 0.16 + 38 + 0.12 + 54 gRZE posty 112 sickled low angle 107 steep Hock Quality swollen 108 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 102 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 52% 122 Dairy Type 120 Body 117 Feet & Legs 110 Udder 116 Locomotion bad 110 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 46% 129 Rear Udder Hight low 114 high Suspensory Ligament weak 107 strong gRZS Rel. 76% 113 Teat Placement Front wide 110 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 68% 105 Teat Placement Rear wide 109 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 107 tight gRZR Rel. 36% 116 Udder Depth deep 112 shallow Teat Length short 87 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle 86 MASTERGEN Red & White Holsteins long Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease Rel. 54% 109 Average-Easy Molenkamp Burnet Red NLD 05 83148186 aAa 243156 German Reg. No. 10.832858 Born: 06/08/2013 Breeder: Van Wichen-Snoeks, Maasbommel, Netherlands INCREDIBLE TYPE SIRE • FROM POPULAR GRIETJE FAMILY • HIGH PROTEIN Poppe Snow RF RDC (Snowman x Spencer 2) Molenkamp Grietje 117 Red VG-86 12294 3.55 437 3.33 410 1st lac Linear Profile p Molenkamp Burnet Red Scientific Destry RDC Dudoc Mr Burns RDC Molenkamp Grietje 58 VG-87 2/1 lac 11731 3.52 413 3.38 396 Molenkamp Grietje 28 RDC VG-89 5/4 lac 11373 3.75 426 3.36 382 best lac 4 12849 3.98 512 3.29 423 88 100 112 124 small 127 tall Dairy Character tight rib 108 open rip Body Depth shallow 117 deep frail 118 strong Rump Angle ascending 94 sloped Rump Width narrow 111 Stature Strength gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 140 Rel. 71% 127 + 1243 - 0.01 + 51 + 0.14 + 55 gRZE posty 90 low angle 115 steep Hock Quality swollen 106 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 115 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 52% 141 Dairy Type 111 Body 128 Feet & Legs 125 Udder 133 Locomotion bad 120 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 47% 119 Rear Udder Hight low 122 high Suspensory Ligament weak 109 strong gRZS Rel. 75% 115 Teat Placement Front wide 118 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 68% 110 Teat Placement Rear wide 108 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 124 tight gRZR Rel. 37% 97 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle Udder Depth deep 128 Teat Length short 94 wide sickled shallow long Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease 108 Average Rel. 56% Django Red DEU 03 55932898 aAa 324156 German Reg. No. 10.927512 Born: 08/14/2013 Breeder: Renke Bruns, Großenkneten, Germany HIGH MILK SOLIDS • DAUGHTER FERTILITY • VERY EASY CALVING Kings-Ransom O Dakker RDC (Man-O-Man x Mac) Fenna VG-85 8882 5.39 479 3.33 296 1st lac (293 days) Linear Profile 88 p Django Red Goldday Tiscali HMS Finale VG-86 3/3 lac 8154 3.92 320 3.54 289 best lac 2 9125 4.28 391 3.59 328 HMS Florida VG-87 4/4 lac 9464 3.95 374 3.51 332 best lac 4 10926 4.21 460 3.45 377 100 112 124 small 113 Dairy Character tight rib 98 Body Depth shallow 106 deep frail 115 strong Rump Angle ascending 92 sloped Rump Width narrow 111 Stature Strength tall open rip gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 146 Rel. 72% 135 + 1554 + 0.06 + 70 + 0.13 + 65 gRZE posty 91 low angle 115 steep Hock Quality swollen 102 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 102 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 55% 121 Dairy Type 101 Body 121 Feet & Legs 115 Udder 115 Locomotion bad 113 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 46% 119 Rear Udder Hight low 117 high Suspensory Ligament weak 112 strong gRZS Rel. 76% 98 Teat Placement Front wide 115 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 68% 105 Teat Placement Rear wide 111 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 104 tight gRZR Rel. 39% 124 Udder Depth deep 105 shallow Teat Length short 91 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle wide sickled long Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease 117 Very Easy Rel. 54% MASTERGEN Red & White Holsteins 87 One-Red VRC DEU 05 37575182 aAa 315426 German Reg. No. 10.811475 Born: 12/06/2012 Breeder: Holstein Forum Partners, Laer, Germany BREED LEADING RED GENOMIC SIRE • FANTASTIC TYPE AND LONGEVITY Amighetti Numero Uno (Man-O-Man x Shottle) Go for Gold VRC VG-86 1st lac 10261 3.97 407 3.39 348 Linear Profile p One-Red VRC Ms Atlees SHT Aftershock Braedale Goldwyn Stoneden Fools Gold Red VRC VG-88 2/2 lac 17407 3.79 659 2.90 505 best lac 2 19918 3.95 786 2.85 568 Marktwain Lee Diana VRC VG-85 4/2 lac 7325 3.70 271 2.98 218 best lac 2 7768 3.72 289 2.97 231 88 100 112 124 small 121 tall Dairy Character tight rib 115 open rip Body Depth shallow 103 deep frail 98 strong Rump Angle ascending 95 sloped Rump Width narrow 102 Stature Strength gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 147 Rel. 71% 128 + 1465 + 0.08 + 69 + 0.05 + 54 gRZE posty 97 low angle 114 steep Hock Quality swollen 114 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 109 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 52% 138 Dairy Type 119 Body 114 Feet & Legs 124 Udder 135 Locomotion bad 116 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 47% 130 Rear Udder Hight low 132 high Suspensory Ligament weak 130 strong gRZS Rel. 75% 109 Teat Placement Front wide 115 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 68% 99 Teat Placement Rear wide 119 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 122 tight gRZR Rel. 37% 108 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle wide sickled Udder Depth deep 122 shallow Teat Length short 121 long Rockset Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease 100 Average Rel. 55% Rowan Red GBR 38 73 97300309 aAa 312546 German Reg. No. 10.832851 Born: 11/23/2012 Breeder: Bokiddick Farm, Cornwell, Great Britain STELBRO RENITA RANGER FAMILY • EXCEPTIONAL TYPE • GREAT FITNESS TRAITS Hunsberger Alchemy RDC (Destry x Shottle) Rockset Acme Renita Red VG-86 2/2 lac 8871 4.90 435 3.18 282 best lac 2 9260 4.95 458 3.27 303 Linear Profile 88 KHW Elm-Park Acme RDC Pursuit September Storm RDC Honesberie Storm Renita VG-87 4/3 lac 8792 4.21 370 3.08 271 best lac 3 10218 4.00 409 3.12 319 Stelbro Ricky Renita RDC EX-91 7/7 lac 13903 3.53 491 2.94 409 best lac 7 16272 3.62 589 2.94 478 100 112 124 small 130 tall Dairy Character tight rib 117 open rip Body Depth shallow 107 deep frail 101 strong Rump Angle ascending 91 sloped Rump Width narrow 104 wide sickled Stature Strength p Rockset Rowan Red gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 138 Rel. 72% 112 + + + + 904 0.05 33 0.05 35 gRZE posty 112 low angle 99 Hock Quality swollen 104 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 107 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 52% 136 Dairy Type 120 Body 118 Feet & Legs 108 Udder 140 Locomotion bad 109 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 47% 129 Rear Udder Hight low 127 high gRZS Rel. 76% 133 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle steep Somatic Cell Count Suspensory Ligament weak 115 strong Teat Placement Front wide 125 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 68% 95 Teat Placement Rear wide 119 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 125 tight gRZR Rel. 37% 119 Udder Depth deep 138 shallow Teat Length short 124 long 88 MASTERGEN Red & White Holsteins Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease 101 Average Rel. 55% Sodan Red DEU 03 56355922 aAa 243615 German Reg. No. 10.479002 Born: 08/20/2013 Breeder: W. N. Pon-Koepon, Winsum, Netherlands GREAT PACKAGE OF PRODUCTION AND TYPE • FROM THE MASSIA FAMILY Poppe Snow RF RDC (Snowman x Spencer 2) Fidel Massia 100 VG-87 10071 5.07 511 3.81 384 1st lac Linear Profile p Sodan Red Delta Fidelity Picston Shottle Apina Massia 102 RDC EX-90 4/3 lac 13484 3.79 511 3.23 436 best lac 3 14564 3.54 516 3.15 459 Apina Massia 21 EX-90 3/3 lac 10835 3.69 400 3.40 368 best lac 3 11551 3.79 438 3.34 386 88 100 112 124 small 121 tall Dairy Character tight rib 101 open rip Body Depth shallow 92 frail 101 strong Rump Angle ascending 111 sloped Rump Width narrow 95 wide sickled Stature Strength deep gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 141 Rel. 71% 128 + 1268 + 0.29 + 79 + 0.10 + 52 gRZE posty 77 low angle 121 steep Hock Quality swollen 104 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 118 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 53% 135 Dairy Type 101 Body 104 Feet & Legs 129 Udder 136 Locomotion bad 123 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 47% 120 Rear Udder Hight low 119 high Suspensory Ligament weak 121 strong gRZS Rel. 75% 118 Teat Placement Front wide 114 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 68% 99 Teat Placement Rear wide 118 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 124 tight gRZR Rel. 38% 88 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle Udder Depth deep 137 Teat Length short 99 shallow long Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease 109 Average Rel. 56% Soko Red DEU 03 55443635 aAa 234165 German Reg. No. 10.478109 Born: 03/18/2013 Breeder: Fred Buchholz, Warpe, Germany K-Cn: BB EXCEPTIONAL TYPE SIRE • HIGH MILK FROM INCREDIBLE UDDERS • EASY CALVING Poppe Snow RF RDC (Snowman x Spencer 2) Paola VG-87 1st lac 9523 3.65 348 3.31 315 Linear Profile 88 p Soko Red Schillview Oman Gerard Dudoc Mr Burns RDC Pamela RDC GP-84 9670 3.15 305 3.30 319 1st lac Peggy VG-86 4/4 lac 13363 3.65 488 3.36 449 best lac 4 13746 4.06 558 3.43 472 100 112 124 small 126 tall Dairy Character tight rib 100 open rip Body Depth shallow 106 deep frail 112 strong Rump Angle ascending 91 sloped Rump Width narrow 107 Stature Strength gRZG Total Merit Index gRZM Milk Production Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 146 Rel. 71% 131 + 1954 - 0.37 + 46 - 0.01 + 65 gRZE posty 83 low angle 121 steep Hock Quality swollen 103 dry Rear Leg Rear View hock-in 114 parallel Total Conformation Rel. 52% 138 Dairy Type 100 Body 119 Feet & Legs 126 Udder 134 Locomotion bad 122 good gRZN Functional Herd Life Rel. 47% 121 Rear Udder Hight low 122 high gRZS Rel. 75% 114 Rear Leg Set Side View Foot Angle wide sickled Somatic Cell Count Suspensory Ligament weak 121 strong Teat Placement Front wide 100 close gRZD Milking Speed Rel. 68% 102 Teat Placement Rear wide 98 close Fore Udder Attachment loose 120 tight gRZR Rel. 37% 104 Udder Depth deep 136 shallow Rel. 55% Teat Length short 103 long 114 Easy Daughter Fertility gRZKd Calving paternal Calving Ease MASTERGEN Red & White Holsteins 89 Veenhuizer Aldon Red Alonso Red DEU 03 56264988 aAa 324 NLD 08 81059016 aAa 243615 K-Cn: AB German Reg. No. 10.477776 German Reg. No. 10.832626 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 03/21/2013 Ferme Vidia Inc, Princeville, PQ, Canada COMPONENT IMPROVER • SNUG UDDERS • SUPERIOR HEALTH TRAITS Hunsberger Alchemy RDC (Destry x Shottle) Vidia Mr Burns Miss Dudoc Mr Burns RDC Braedale Goldwyn Vidia Goldwyn Marjory RDC VG-87 2/2 lac best lac 2 VG-85 1st lac Maryclerc Melanie Intensifier 13780 4.46 615 3.35 461 16380 4.62 756 3.38 553 11895 4.48 533 3.49 415 EX-91 07/27/2012 Veenhuizer Holsteins, Dalen, Netherlands POPULAR AMOR RED SON • COMPONENT SPECIALIST • EASY CALVING Amor Red (Lawn Boy x Goldwyn) Veenhuizer Daisy RDC Scientific Destry RDC Regancrest Dundee Beeks Caps Desyree GP-83 1st lac VG-85 2/2 lac best lac 1 Markwell Durham Daisy 8220 3.59 295 3.42 281 7704 3.80 293 3.18 245 9849 3.84 378 3.11 306 EX-92 gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 139 118 - - 73 +684 +0.14 +40 +0.22 +42 142 126 - - 72 +845 +0.30 +61 +0.25 +51 Calving Ease AverageEasy gRZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 125 118 107 115 124 127 105 106 gRZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 127 110 115 117 123 128 119 103 Linear Profile 88 100 gRZR gRZKd 116 107 112 124 Linear Profile 88 124 Stature 116 Dairy Character 106 Dairy Character 115 Body Depth 100 Body Depth Strength 107 Strength Stature 110 Calving Ease Easy 112 124 93 99 Rump Angle 101 Rump Width 100 Rump Width 97 95 114 98 Rump Angle Rear Leg Set Side View 100 gRZR gRZKd Rear Leg Set Side View 110 Foot Angle 112 Foot Angle 108 Hock Quality 107 Hock Quality 116 Rear Leg Rear View 106 Rear Leg Rear View Locomotion 117 Locomotion 113 Rear Udder Hight 115 Rear Udder Hight 122 Suspensory Ligament 113 Suspensory Ligament 119 Teat Placement Front 113 Teat Placement Front 102 Teat Placement Rear 113 Teat Placement Rear 110 Fore Udder Attachment 109 94 Fore Udder Attachment 115 Udder Depth 128 Udder Depth 119 Teat Length 93 Teat Length 105 Lis-Leck Evolution 2 Red VRC Goch Red LUX 01 99171148 aAa 342516 DEU 03 56042295 aAa 234 K-Cn: AA German Reg. No. 10.832625 German Reg. No. 10.927439 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 08/21/2012 Emile & Christian Lis-Weinandy, Wincrange, Luxembourg RED EPIC SON • MILK & TYPE IMPROVER • LARGE DAIRY FRAMES RED PRODUCTION LEADER • SUPERB PROTEIN • MASSIA FAMILY Genervations Epic (Super x Baxter 2) Morsan-Lis F. Special-Red VRC Long-Langs OMan OMan Braedale Goldwyn Stoneden Fools Gold Red VRC VG-85 1st lac VG-88 2/2 lac best lac 2 Marktwain Lee Diana VRC 10227 3.95 404 3.34 342 17407 3.79 659 2.90 505 19918 3.95 786 2.85 568 03/25/2013 Mts Haytema-Haitsma, Koudum, Netherlands VG-85 De Volmer Glorious (Nearby x Classic PS) Molenkamp Anky 4 Red Van De Peul Kylian VG-89 2/1 lac VG-85 3/2 lac best lac 2 Heihoeve Delta Spencer Massia 101 RDC Molenkamp Anky 2 Red 11806 4.38 517 3.70 437 GP-83 11816 3.82 451 3.33 394 12350 3.77 465 3.26 403 gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % 134 125 - - 73 +1635 -0.10 +59 -0.05 +51 146 134 - - 71 +1697 -0.11 +61 +0.09 gRZE Dairy Type 123 113 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 114 119 116 118 104 118 88 100 gRZR gRZKd 102 112 117 Calving Ease Easy 124 gRZE Dairy Type 112 88 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 101 114 113 126 118 107 88 122 Stature Dairy Character 112 Dairy Character Body Depth 101 Body Depth Strength 106 Strength Rump Angle 100 Rump Angle 115 Rump Width 99 Rump Width 102 97 Rear Leg Set Side View Stature Rear Leg Set Side View 106 87 91 106 84 Foot Angle 120 Foot Angle Hock Quality 106 Hock Quality Rear Leg Rear View 102 Rear Leg Rear View 110 Locomotion 111 Locomotion 116 Rear Udder Hight 116 Rear Udder Hight 113 Suspensory Ligament 127 Suspensory Ligament 103 Teat Placement Front 104 Teat Placement Front 105 Teat Placement Rear 111 Teat Placement Rear 102 Fore Udder Attachment 102 109 96 Fore Udder Attachment 103 Udder Depth 109 Udder Depth 115 Teat Length 98 Teat Length 86 90 MASTERGEN Red & White Holsteins 100 gRZR gRZKd 105 112 101 Prot kg +67 Calving Ease Average 124 Huijben Jorck Red Sacarno Red NLD 07 24673634 aAa 321465 DEU 03 55310025 aAa 312 K-Cn: AA K-Cn: AB -Cn: A1/A2 German Reg. No. 10.832569 Born: Breeder: X ED AVAILABLE 04/05/2011 T.H. Huijben Holsteins, Oosteind, Netherlands SE SIRE OF SONS • ELITE TYPE SIRE • POPULAR PIETJE COW FAMILY Jotan Red (Jordan-Red x Durham) Huijben Pietje Burns RDC Dudoc Mr Burns RDC VG-87 1st lac VG-86 1st lac Huijben Pietje 522 RDC 11410 4.09 467 3.51 400 German Reg. No. 10.927402 Born: Breeder: 06/24/2012 Dieter Rohde, Hatten, Germany POPULAR RED GENOMIC SIRE • HIGH BUTTERFAT • SIRE FERTILITY Ladino Park Talent-Imp RDC Huijben Pietje 514 Salve Red BYC (Sahara x Baxter 2) Rosana Red Carmano Red VG-87 VG-88 5/4 lac best lac 4 GP-83 2/2 lac best lac 2 10655 4.60 490 3.98 424 Ladino Park Talent-Imp RDC Rose Roselind 9350 4.16 389 3.51 328 10241 4.02 412 3.50 358 VG-85 8119 3.28 266 3.23 262 8230 3.46 285 3.27 269 gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg 130 116 - - 73 +946 +0.04 +43 +0.07 +38 143 123 - - 71 +882 +0.45 +76 +0.15 +43 Calving Ease gRZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD Average 126 109 110 127 116 133 118 102 gRZE Dairy Type Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 130 110 109 122 128 122 105 95 Linear Profile 88 100 gRZR gRZKd 99 102 112 124 Linear Profile 88 119 Stature 108 Dairy Character 107 Dairy Character 104 Body Depth 104 Body Depth 102 Strength 106 Strength 101 Rump Angle 119 Rump Angle 100 Rump Width 93 Rump Width 101 Rear Leg Set Side View 87 Rear Leg Set Side View Stature 112 Foot Angle 112 Hock Quality 103 Hock Quality 110 Rear Leg Rear View 117 Rear Leg Rear View 114 Locomotion 123 Locomotion 125 Rear Udder Hight 118 Rear Udder Hight 115 Suspensory Ligament 117 Suspensory Ligament 114 Teat Placement Front 109 Teat Placement Front 95 Teat Placement Rear 115 Teat Placement Rear 106 128 Udder Depth 116 Teat Length 82 Teat Length 99 Snowden Red Step Red DEU 03 55932859 aAa 423 DEU 03 56650139 German Reg. No. 10.927440 German Reg. No. 10.833001 Born: Breeder: Born: Breeder: 04/14/2013 Renke Bruns, Großenkneten, Germany LOU ETTA FAMILY • HIGH PRODUCTION FROM GREAT UDDERS Poppe Snow RF RDC (Snowman x Spencer 2) Destry-Lou RDC 1 lac 117 10594 4.67 495 3.28 347 112 124 PHENOMENAL PRODUCTION • RED FROM GOLDWYN DELICIOUS FAMILY Scientific Destry RDC Picston Shottle Legend-Lou Keystone BW Marsh Legend VG-85 5/4 lac best lac 3 13241 4.55 602 3.36 445 15157 4.31 654 3.27 495 11/19/2013 Oakfield Corners Dairy, Oakfield, NY, USA Dymentholm S Sympatico RDC (Snowman x Planet) Curr-Vale Observer Delta RDC De-Su Observer Braedale Goldwyn Curr-Vale Goldwyn Delicious RDC CVC Curr-Vale Durham Apricot RDC EX-94 3/2 lac best lac 2 EX-91 11961 3.90 467 3.26 390 12653 4.36 552 3.27 414 EX-91 gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % Prot kg gRZG gRZM Daugh Herds Rel.% Milk kg Fat % Fat kg Prot % 141 128 - - 71 +1873 -0.20 +59 -0.07 +58 157 148 - - 71 +2918 -0.47 +71 -0.09 gRZE Dairy Type 127 102 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 108 118 128 121 119 99 88 100 gRZR gRZKd 97 112 119 Calving Ease Easy 124 gRZE Dairy Type 119 115 Linear Profile Body Feet & Legs Udder gRZN gRZS gRZD 108 108 119 127 112 113 88 Stature 116 Stature 114 Dairy Character 100 Dairy Character 116 Body Depth 93 Body Depth Strength 97 Strength Rump Angle 93 Rump Angle 108 Rump Width 104 Rump Width 100 Rear Leg Set Side View 83 100 gRZR gRZKd 102 121 112 Prot kg +90 Calving Ease Very Easy 124 98 99 Rear Leg Set Side View 108 Foot Angle 119 Foot Angle Hock Quality 102 Hock Quality 101 Rear Leg Rear View 104 Rear Leg Rear View 104 Locomotion 116 Locomotion 113 Rear Udder Hight 123 Rear Udder Hight 126 102 Suspensory Ligament 104 Suspensory Ligament 115 Teat Placement Front 102 Teat Placement Front 106 Teat Placement Rear 93 Teat Placement Rear 108 Fore Udder Attachment 120 Calving Ease Very Easy Fore Udder Attachment 107 Udder Depth st 109 84 Foot Angle Fore Udder Attachment 122 100 gRZR gRZKd Fore Udder Attachment 102 Udder Depth 124 Udder Depth 109 Teat Length 123 Teat Length 92 MASTERGEN Red & White Holsteins 91 All Lynns Vernon MacArthur USA 01 18612153 aAa 423615 German Reg. No. 10.409692 Born: 06/22/2013 Breeder: All-Lynn Jerseys, David Allen, Reedsburg, WI, USA K-Cn: BB -Cn: AB COMPLETE PACKAGE • EXCELLENT COW FAMILY • COMPONENT IMPROVER All Lynns Maximum Vernon (Maximum x Paramount) Impuls Monicas Marvel EX-90 2/2 lac 10077 4.36 439 3.68 371 best lac 2 9579 4.86 466 3.91 375 Linear Profile -1 All Lynns Vernon MacArthur ISDK Q Impuls BW Country BW Country Monica K780 EX-94 5/4 lac 10851 4.61 500 3.65 396 best lac 3 12345 4.50 556 3.55 438 BW Boss Madison J731 0 GJPI +177 Jersey Performance Index +1 +2 Rel. 67%Daugh. – / Herds – PTAM + 792 PTAF + 65 PTA%F + 0.15 PTAP + 41 PTA%P +0.07 Stature 0.20 Strength 0.20 Dairy Form 0.90 Rump Angle 0.20 Thurl Width 0.00 Rear Legs Side View 0.10 Foot Angle 0.30 Fore Udder Attachment 1.10 Rear Udder Height 1.10 Rear Udder Width 0.90 Expected Future Inbreeding Udder Cleft 0.70 Udder Depth 0.60 Teat Placement Front 1.00 Teat Length 0.20 Net Merit Productive Life Somatic Cell Score Dtr. Pregnancy Rate Spruce-H Critic PTAT Total Conformation Rel. 63% +1.40 JUI +2.56 EFI 6.6% Jersey Udder Index $ 453 Rel. 57% +3.4 Rel. 59%+3.01 Rel. 47% -0.6 Chris PP USA 00 67106207 aAa 312456 German Reg. No. 10.409689 Born: 07/06/2013 Breeder: Spruce Haven Farm LLC, Union Springs, NY, USA K-Cn: BB -Cn: AB HOMOZYGOUS POLLED • GREAT UDDERS • ALL-AROUND SIRE Schultz Legal Critic-P (Legal x Mygent) TJF/LEE Eclipse Mamme 83-P GP-84 1st lac 13966 5.41 755 3.43 479 Linear Profile -1 Spruce-H Critic Chris PP Maack Dairy Eclipes-P ISDK Fyn Lemvig Vantage Lemvig Mamme EX-90 4/4 lac 11109 4.82 536 3.63 403 best lac 3 12473 4.79 598 3.63 453 Vantage Berretta Mame VG-87 4/4 lac 8756 4.28 375 3.35 293 best lac 2 9486 4.11 390 3.48 330 0 +1 +2 GJPI +108 Jersey Performance Index Rel. 69%Daugh. – / Herds – PTAM + 393 PTAF+ 50 PTA%F + 0.18 PTAP+ 20 PTA%P + 0.05 Stature 0.50 Strength 0.50 Dairy Form 1.40 Rump Angle -0.70 Thurl Width 0.30 Rear Legs Side View 0.40 Foot Angle 0.30 Fore Udder Attachment 1.10 Rear Udder Height 1.40 Rear Udder Width 1.10 Expected Future Inbreeding Udder Cleft 1.10 Udder Depth 0.90 Teat Placement Front 1.10 Teat Length -0.30 Net Merit Productive Life Somatic Cell Score Dtr. Pregnancy Rate 92 JERSEY PTAT Total Conformation Rel. 66% +1.50 JUI +3.44 EFI 7.5% Jersey Udder Index $ 277 Rel. 55% +2.1 Rel. 63%+2.99 Rel. 51% -1.4 Haploid DEU 09 42297353 German Reg. No. 10.344040 Born: 09/27/2008 Breeder: Peter Riedle GbR, Rosshaupten, Germany MILK & PROTEIN YIELD • HIGH LONGEVITY • GOOD MILKABILITY Huray (Hussli x Siray) Mocka 92/90/90 5/4 lac 10489 4.30 451 3.51 368 best lac 4 11403 4.47 510 3.34 381 Linear Profile Body Rump Structure Feet & Legs Udder Total Type Index Muscularity Widther Height Chest Measure Body Depth Top Line Rump Length Rump Width Pelvic Angle Thurl Rear Leg Set Side View Hock Development Pasterns Foot Angle Fore Udder Length Rear Udder Width Rear Udder Height Udder Support Udder Depth Fore Udder Attachment Udder Balance Teat Length Teat Thickness Force Teat Placement Rear Teat Placement Teat Direction (rear) Addit. Teats Haploid Pronto Videv Monja 85/89/92 11/10 lac 8570 4.20 360 3.60 309 best lac 5 10035 4.55 456 3.71 372 Marina 9/9/8 5/5 lac 7385 4.19 309 3.44 254 best lac 3 8271 4,29 355 3.53 292 88 100 112 124 105 103 112 110 112 109 104 98 99 100 106 97 93 103 77 103 105 99 102 106 120 96 111 102 93 95 94 93 92 81 111 weak small narrow shallow sagged short narrow flat back posty swollen weak low short narrow low weak deep loose stepped short thin wide wide wide possible strong tall wide deep raised long wide sloped central sickled dry steep steep long wide high strong shallow tight sloped long thick close close inward no GZW MW 119 114 Total Merit Index Milk Index Rel. 90%Daugh. 96 / Herds 90 Milk kg + 822 Fat % - 0.26 Fat kg + 14 Prot % - 0.09 Prot kg + 22 FW Beef Index Net Daily Gain Slaughter Yield Carcass Quality Class FIT Fitness Index Functional Herd Life Milking Speed Persistence Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility 104 Rel. 91% Rel. 59% Rel. 88% 99 99 113 111 Rel. 69% 112 Rel. 87% 112 Rel. 90% 111 Rel. 84% 99 Rel. 54% 106 Sire Fertility Calving Ease Excellent Average Zander DEU 09 42558073 German Reg. No. 10.356280 Born: 10/31/2007 Breeder: Martin Kriesmair, Wessobrunn, Germany FITNESS SPECIALIST • PROTEIN IMPROVER • CALVING EASE SIRE Zeus (Zoldo x Target) Anita 91/89/92 7/6 lac 11790 3.70 436 3.69 435 best lac 4 13557 3.39 459 3.72 504 Linear Profile Body Rump Structure Feet & Legs Udder Total Type Index Muscularity Widther Height Chest Measure Body Depth Top Line Rump Length Rump Width Pelvic Angle Thurl Rear Leg Set Side View Hock Development Pasterns Foot Angle Fore Udder Length Rear Udder Width Rear Udder Height Udder Support Udder Depth Fore Udder Attachment Udder Balance Teat Length Teat Thickness Force Teat Placement Rear Teat Placement Teat Direction (rear) Addit. Teats 88 weak small narrow shallow sagged short narrow flat back posty swollen weak low short narrow low weak deep loose stepped short thin wide wide wide possible Denmark Vinos Agnes 9/6/7/8 7/5 lac 9322 4.04 377 3.52 329 best lac 4 10645 3.99 425 3.51 374 Agnes 100 112 Zander 5/4 lac 5218 4.01 209 3.52 184 best lac 3 5897 4,05 239 3.60 212 124 107 106 103 109 113 103 103 109 100 94 100 101 109 97 78 86 106 106 116 107 107 105 101 106 105 92 102 97 99 94 113 strong tall wide deep raised long wide sloped central sickled dry steep steep long wide high strong shallow tight sloped long thick close close inward no GZW MW 121 113 Total Merit Index Milk Index Rel. 90%Daugh. 66 / Herds 65 Milk kg + 533 Fat % - 0.09 Fat kg + 15 Prot % + 0.01 Prot kg + 20 FW Beef Index Net Daily Gain Slaughter Yield Carcass Quality Class FIT Fitness Index Functional Herd Life Milking Speed Persistence Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility Sire Fertility Calving Ease 94 Rel. 90% Rel. 51% Rel. 87% 92 96 102 120 Rel. 71% 107 Rel. 85% 90 Rel. 90% 112 Rel. 84% 127 Rel. 57% 110 Good-Excellent Easy BROWN SWISS 93 Mandano DEU 09 42885467 German Reg. No. 10.166577 Born: 03/31/2008 Breeder: Alois Nickl GbR, Kirchenpingarten, Germany FITNESS SPECIALIST • HIGH MILK & PROTEIN YIELD • VERY EASY CALVING Mandela (Malefiz x Hodach) Nelli 7/6/8/8 9/9 lac 13290 3.92 522 3.43 456 best lac 7 15615 3.88 607 3.32 518 Linear Profile Mandano Romel Stress Nicole 9/7/8/8 9/8 lac 11607 4.62 537 3.68 427 best lac 6 12943 4.20 543 3.27 423 Nena 9/6/8/8 4/3 lac 9358 3.91 366 3.58 335 best lac 3 10256 3.54 363 3.52 361 88 100 112 124 Body Muscularity Feet & Legs Udder 102 120 123 97 Cross Height Pelvis Length Hip. Width Body Depth Pelvic Angle Rear Leg Set Side View Hock Develop. Pasterns Hoof Height Fore Udder Length Rear Udder Length Fore Udder Attachment Suspensory Ligament Udder Depth Teat Length Teat Thickness Fore Teat Placement Rear Teat Placement Addit. Teat small short narrow shallow flat posty swollen weak low short short loose weak deep short thin wide wide 100 96 107 107 107 75 87 122 113 112 115 90 98 85 98 110 90 101 tall long wide deep sloped sickled dry steep high long long tight strong shallow long thick close close possible 106 no GZW MW 126 114 Total Merit Index Milk Index Rel. 95%Daugh. 151 / Herds 108 Milk kg + 818 Fat % - 0.26 Fat kg + 13 Prot % - 0.09 Prot kg + 21 FW Beef Index Net Daily Gain Slaughter Yield Carcass Quality Class FIT Fitness Index Functional Herd Life Milking Speed Persistence Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility 105 Rel. 96% Rel. 72% Rel. 95% 96 104 116 124 Rel. 72% 122 Rel. 93% 94 Rel. 94% 103 Rel. 92% 107 Rel. 66% 104 Sire Fertility Calving Ease Excellent Easy Recke DEU 09 43003247 German Reg. No. 10.175513 Born: 03/11/2008 Breeder: Dankesreiter GbR, Tittling, Germany UDDER IMPROVER • HIGH MILK YIELD • GOOD MILKABILITY Rechberg (Romor x Ralbo) Angela 8/6/7/8 4/3 lac 10778 4.92 530 3.71 400 best lac 2 11833 4.90 580 3.80 450 Linear Profile Ruap Remont Anette Angela 1st lac 88 Body Muscularity Feet & Legs Udder Hip. Width Body Depth Pelvic Angle Rear Leg Set Side View Hock Develop. Pasterns Hoof Height Fore Udder Length Rear Udder Length Fore Udder Attachment Suspensory Ligament Udder Depth Teat Length Teat Thickness Fore Teat Placement Rear Teat Placement 94 100 112 3/2 lac 6964 4.22 294 3.78 264 best lac 1 7511 4.23 317 3.71 279 124 92 93 99 110 Cross Height Pelvis Length Addit. Teat 7225 4.37 316 3.77 272 Recke small short narrow shallow flat posty swollen weak low short short loose weak deep short thin wide wide 95 89 93 91 94 87 92 106 89 111 93 102 110 104 83 87 102 107 tall long wide deep sloped sickled dry steep high long long tight strong shallow long thick close close possible 111 no MILKING SIMMENTAL GZW MW 119 111 Total Merit Index Milk Index Rel. 87%Daugh. 41 / Herds 37 Milk kg + 821 Fat % - 0.19 Fat kg + 19 Prot % - 0.18 Prot kg + 14 FW Beef Index Net Daily Gain Slaughter Yield Carcass Quality Class FIT Fitness Index Functional Herd Life Milking Speed Persistence Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility Sire Fertility Calving Ease 105 Rel. 93% Rel. 71% Rel. 90% 108 93 108 112 Rel. 70% 111 Rel. 85% 112 Rel. 87% 109 Rel. 83% 102 Rel. 61% 105 Good Average-Easy Ruthus DEU 09 43465062 German Reg. No. 10.179668 Born: 03/28/2009 Breeder: Potzel GdbR, Seybothenreuth, Germany ELITE PRODUCTION SIRE • UDDER HEALTH • BUTTERFAT IMPROVER Rumgo (Rumba x Stego) Merlina 9/6/8/8 3/2 lac 10797 4.61 498 3.77 407 best lac 2 11376 4.45 507 3.74 426 Linear Profile Romel Merlin 9/7/8/8 8/8 lac 11666 4.83 564 3.72 434 best lac 6 12750 4.91 626 3.71 473 Muschi 9/7/7/8 4/3 lac 6295 4.70 296 3.74 236 best lac 3 7150 4.77 341 3.64 260 88 100 112 124 Body Muscularity Feet & Legs Udder Cross Height Pelvis Length Hip. Width Body Depth Pelvic Angle Rear Leg Set Side View Hock Develop. Pasterns Hoof Height Fore Udder Length Rear Udder Length Fore Udder Attachment Suspensory Ligament Udder Depth Teat Length Teat Thickness Fore Teat Placement Rear Teat Placement Addit. Teat Ruthus Safir 100 85 109 107 small short narrow shallow flat posty swollen weak low short short loose weak deep short thin wide wide 98 97 102 108 94 104 108 102 98 129 119 97 92 84 96 107 114 109 tall long wide deep sloped sickled dry steep high long long tight strong shallow long thick close close possible 111 no GZW MW 122 125 Total Merit Index Milk Index Rel. 87%Daugh. 63 / Herds 52 Milk kg + 842 Fat % + 0.14 Fat kg + 46 Prot % - 0.01 Prot kg + 29 FW Beef Index Net Daily Gain Slaughter Yield Carcass Quality Class 101 Rel. 95% Rel. 73% Rel. 93% 103 98 99 FIT Fitness Index 105 Functional Herd Life Rel. 65% 99 Milking SpeedRel. 86% 93 Persistence Rel. 87% 75 Somatic Cell Count Rel. 82% 111 Daughter Fertility Rel. 59% 101 Sire Fertility Calving Ease Good Average-Easy Vision DEU 09 47770634 German Reg. No. 10.173009 Born: 10/15/2012 Breeder: Anton Obermeier, Abensberg, Germany HIGH PRODUCTION SIRE • SUPERB UDDERS • EASY CALVING Vision Reumut (Raufbold x Ruap) Zindin Engadin Romel Zinderl Zindi 3/2 lac 9864 3.63 358 3.23 319 best lac 2 10232 3.55 363 3.27 335 10/9 lac 10428 3.38 353 3.26 340 best lac 7 12559 3.44 432 3.05 383 7/6 lac 10165 3.83 390 3.20 325 best lac 6 11446 3.70 424 3.19 365 Linear Profile 88 Body Muscularity Feet & Legs Udder Cross Height Pelvis Length Hip. Width Body Depth Pelvic Angle Rear Leg Set Side View Hock Develop. Pasterns Hoof Height Fore Udder Length Rear Udder Length Fore Udder Attachment Suspensory Ligament Udder Depth Teat Length Teat Thickness Fore Teat Placement Rear Teat Placement Addit. Teat 100 112 124 110 94 105 120 small short narrow shallow flat posty swollen weak low short short loose weak deep short thin wide wide 113 109 104 100 110 98 100 102 106 116 108 106 114 108 102 94 119 115 possible 99 tall long wide deep sloped sickled dry steep high long long tight strong shallow long thick close close no GZW MW Total Merit Index 132 125 Milk Index Rel. 63%Daugh. – / Herds – Milk kg + 958 Fat % - 0.06 Fat kg + 35 Prot % - 0.06 Prot kg + 29 FW Beef Index Net Daily Gain Slaughter Yield Carcass Quality Class FIT Fitness Index Functional Herd Life Milking Speed Persistence Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility 105 Rel. 65% Rel. 56% Rel. 62% 104 107 102 117 Rel. 54% 110 Rel. 62% 117 Rel. 63% 97 Rel. 60% 105 Rel. 41% 104 Sire Fertility Calving Ease MILKING SIMMENTAL – Easy 95 Vocado DEU 09 47513526 German Reg. No. 10.856041 Born: 12/22/2012 Breeder: Günter Lang U.J. GdbR, Uffenheim, Germany MILK & PROTEIN YIELD • GREAT LONGEVITY • UDDER IMPROVER Vulcano (Rureif x Winnipeg) Juventa 7/7/8/8 3/2 lac 10206 3.38 345 3.32 338 best lac 2 10423 3.57 372 3.37 352 Linear Profile Vocado Romtell Rainer Jade Jana 4/3 lac 10384 3.44 357 3.19 332 best lac 3 11407 3.65 417 3.20 365 2/1 lac 7522 3.54 266 3.14 236 88 100 112 124 Body Muscularity Feet & Legs Udder 98 114 107 116 Cross Height Pelvis Length Hip. Width Body Depth Pelvic Angle Rear Leg Set Side View Hock Develop. Pasterns Hoof Height Fore Udder Length Rear Udder Length Fore Udder Attachment Suspensory Ligament Udder Depth Teat Length Teat Thickness Fore Teat Placement Rear Teat Placement Addit. Teat small short narrow shallow flat posty swollen weak low short short loose weak deep short thin wide wide 94 99 105 100 99 98 99 111 108 104 105 112 106 107 88 89 116 114 tall long wide deep sloped sickled dry steep high long long tight strong shallow long thick close close possible 112 no GZW MW 130 117 Total Merit Index Milk Index Rel. 64%Daugh. – / Herds – Milk kg + 942 Fat % - 0.32 Fat kg + 13 Prot % - 0.10 Prot kg + 25 FW Beef Index Net Daily Gain Slaughter Yield Carcass Quality Class FIT Fitness Index Functional Herd Life Milking Speed Persistence Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility 108 Rel. 62% Rel. 52% Rel. 58% 111 97 107 121 Rel. 58% 118 Rel. 63% 111 Rel. 64% 113 Rel. 62% 101 Rel. 44% 98 Sire Fertility Calving Ease – Average-Easy Waldsturm DEU 09 47290260 German Reg. No. 10.163900 Born: 08/01/2012 Breeder: Stürzenhofecker GbR, Rügland, Germany COMPONENTS • FOOT & LEG IMPROVER • OPTIMAL RUMP STRUCTURE Waldbrand (Winnipeg x Malefiz) Lori 3/3 lac 11556 4.83 559 3.81 440 best lac 3 13297 5.00 665 3.74 498 Linear Profile Weinold Lorwe 8/7/8/7 7/7 lac 11247 4.56 513 3.78 425 best lac 4 13057 4.22 551 3.69 482 Lorwi 9/8/8/8 8/7 lac 9624 3.90 375 3.38 325 best lac 7 11935 3.92 468 3.40 405 88 Body Muscularity Feet & Legs Udder Hip. Width Body Depth Pelvic Angle Rear Leg Set Side View Hock Develop. Pasterns Hoof Height Fore Udder Length Rear Udder Length Fore Udder Attachment Suspensory Ligament Udder Depth Teat Length Teat Thickness Fore Teat Placement Rear Teat Placement 96 100 112 124 115 114 119 103 Cross Height Pelvis Length Addit. Teat Waldsturm Import small short narrow shallow flat posty swollen weak low short short loose weak deep short thin wide wide 113 116 115 116 103 97 104 112 117 94 103 103 98 102 94 98 108 108 tall long wide deep sloped sickled dry steep high long long tight strong shallow long thick close close possible 104 no MILKING SIMMENTAL GZW MW Total Merit Index 130 122 Milk Index Rel. 69%Daugh. – / Herds – Milk kg + 638 Fat % + 0.04 Fat kg + 30 Prot % + 0.05 Prot kg + 26 FW Beef Index Net Daily Gain Slaughter Yield Carcass Quality Class FIT Fitness Index Functional Herd Life Milking Speed Persistence Somatic Cell Count Daughter Fertility Sire Fertility Calving Ease 109 Rel. 69% Rel. 62% Rel. 66% 116 94 107 114 Rel. 61% 112 Rel. 68% 106 Rel. 69% 109 Rel. 67% 103 Rel. 51% 100 – Average Boissia JB FRA 39 12920791 aAa 435261 German Reg. No. 10.606053 Born: 02/07/2006 Breeder: Gaec Du Verger Solin, Boissia, France K-Cn: AB -Cn: A1/A2 UNIQUE PEDIGREE • GREAT FEET & LEGS • HEALTHY COWS Fanatique (Tartars x Corail) Reinedesne 7/6/6/6/6 5/5 lac 8969 3.49 313 3.33 299 best lac 3 11450 3.32 380 3.27 374 Juvisy Bois LeVin Juliana 7/7/6/7/6 7/7 lac 11366 3.50 398 3.31 376 best lac 6 13024 3.50 455 3.19 416 Uppee Type Proofs Linear Profile 8/8 lac Boissia JB 8230 3.83 315 3.18 262 Rel. 89% / Daugh. 94 / Herds 82 88 100 112 124 Total Type Body Capacity Stature Chest Width Chest Depth Body Depth Rump Rump Length Hips Width Thurls Width Rump Angle Feet & Legs Rear Leg Set Foot Angle Udder Fore Udder Attachment Rear Udder Height Rear Udder Width Udder Depth Udder Balance Udder Cleft Teats Front Teat Placement Teat Orientation Teat Length Teat Shape Muscularity 113 115 112 102 124 112 106 122 88 99 91 118 105 94 101 95 89 111 100 107 94 107 101 99 100 114 99 ISU Milk Proofs 130 INEL 18 Rel. 91%Daugh. 107 / Herds 92 Milk + 479 Fat % + 0.01 Fat kg + 20 Prot % - 0.02 Prot kg + 15 Functionals Synthesis Udder Health Somatic Cell Count Clinical Mastitis Synthesis Fertility Fertility Cows Fertility Heifers Interval Calving - 1st AI Longevity Calving Ease (average 89) Calving Ability (average 89) Milking Speed Temperament + + + + + + - + 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.1 0.8 89 92 93 114 Elegant JB FRA 39 13511053 German Reg. No. 10.606054 Born: 08/07/2009 Breeder: Gaec Du Chateau Valin, Bourg de Sirad, France SUITABILITY FOR CROSSBREEDING • LARGE FRAMES • LONGER TEATS Tarn JB (Juraparc x Fasscon) Cherie 6/4/5/7/4 5/4 lac 7882 3.51 277 3.53 278 best lac 3 8753 3.68 322 3.45 302 Pernan Haiku Polonaise 4/5/4/7/4 5/5 lac 7933 3.90 309 3.69 293 best lac 3 8511 3.91 333 3.71 316 Medaille Type Proofs Linear Profile Total Type Body Capacity Stature Chest Width Chest Depth Body Depth Rump Rump Length Hips Width Thurls Width Rump Angle Feet & Legs Rear Leg Set Foot Angle Udder Fore Udder Attachment Rear Udder Height Rear Udder Width Udder Depth Udder Balance Udder Cleft Teats Front Teat Placement Teat Orientation Teat Length Teat Shape Muscularity 11/11 lac Daughter Brun 8847 3.62 320 3.11 275 Rel. 84% / Daugh. 36 / Herds 33 88 100 112 124 102 102 118 94 100 106 98 110 100 98 94 100 110 101 103 89 102 91 105 103 99 111 95 113 120 99 89 ISU Milk Proofs 124 INEL 17 Rel. 82%Daugh. 42 / Herds 40 Milk + 424 Fat % - 0.12 Fat kg + 6 Prot % + 0.01 Prot kg + 17 Functionals Synthesis Udder Health Somatic Cell Count Clinical Mastitis Synthesis Fertility Fertility Cows Fertility Heifers Interval Calving - 1st AI Longevity Calving Ease (average 89) Calving Ability (average 89) Milking Speed Temperament + + + + + + - - MONTBELIARDE 0.3 0.7 0.4 0.7 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.7 90 92 105 96 97 Dimas PP Born: 11/16/2011 DEU 14 04084290 German Reg. No. 10.603137 BEEF SIMMENTAL Breeder: Werner Mehnert, Hohnstein, Germany GREAT SIRE STACK · SUPERB MUSCULARITY · HOMOZYGOUS POLLED Breeding Qualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton 8/8/7 Birth Weight (kg) 40 Average daily gain (g), 200 days/365 days -/- RZF - Total Merit Index Beef (Reliability) 110 (45%) Bull Index - Average daily gain (365 days) 111 Bull Index - Conformation (365 days) 106 Born: 11/25/2011 LANGO AUGUST PP DNK 17 70100844 LYKKE PHILADELPHIA P DNK 41 34400195 1673/1647 Calving Ease (% of unassisted births/pure breed) Eco Pp S: LYKKE DIXIE PP DNK 41 34400399 D: WIEBKE P DEU 14 03495185 EISENHERZ PP DEU 09 74514288 WELLA P DEU 14 02290480 DEU 16 02945799 p Dimas PP German Reg. No. 10.603131 BEEF SIMMENTAL Breeder: Mirko Telle, Laasdorf, Germany DIFFERENT PEDIGREE · SUPERIOR GROWTH RATE · EXCELLENT FEET & LEGS Breeding Qualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton 8/7/7 Birth Weight (kg) 55 Average daily gain (g), 200 days/365 days -/- RZF - Total Merit Index Beef (Reliability) 111 (42%) Bull Index - Average daily gain (365 days) 105 Bull Index - Conformation (365 days) 108 Vingegard Santos PP LYKKE BASSE P DNK 41 34400371 BAKKELY TATIJANA DNK 89 57800088 1693/1730 Calving Ease (% of unassisted births/pure breed) Born: 09/20/2001 S: BAKKELY ESCOBAR P DNK 89 57800196 D: RONJA P DEU 16 02138405 BODO P VOM RITTERGUT PIETER DEU 16 01579919 DEU 16 01534300 P p Eco Pp DNK 41 52400917 German Reg. No. 10.603011 Breeder: Hugo Pedersen, Tjele, Denmark BEEF SIMMENTAL EXCEPTIONAL TYPE · MUSCULARITY · HOMOZYGOUS POLLED · EASY CALVING Breeding Qualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton 8/8/8 Birth Weight (kg) 43 Average daily gain (g), 200 days/365 days -/1479 Calving Ease (% of unassisted births/pure breed) 94/48 RZF - Total Merit Index Beef (Reliability) 100 (71%) Bull Index - Average daily gain (365 days) Bull Index - Conformation (365 days) Holdo Pp Born: 01/23/2000 104 S: RICHWOOD BRUNO PP CAN 00 00391601 D: VINGEGARD PEANUT PP DNK 41 52400791 97 DEU 14 01410436 RICHWOOD TOPHAND PP CAN 00 00287068 MARYWOOD BURNADETTE PP CAN 00 00273350 HARKAWAY ENFORCER 16 P CAN 00 00193266 VINGEGARD MALOU P DNK 41 52400632 German Reg. No. 10.603006 Breeder: KÖG Kleinbardau, Grimma, Germany p Vingegard Santos PP BEEF SIMMENTAL MUSCULARITY · FARMER SATISFACTION · EXCELLENT GROWTH · EASY CALVING Breeding Qualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton Birth Weight (kg) 8/8/8 42 Average daily gain (g), 200 days/365 days -/1608 Calving Ease (% of unassisted births/pure breed) 94/33 RZF - Total Merit Index Beef (Reliability) 92 (64%) Bull Index - Average daily gain (365 days) 96 Bull Index - Conformation (365 days) 90 98 BEEF BREEDS S: HORUS Pp DEU 14 00861248 CSW HORN PP 76 00021063 HELGA DEU 09 14942253 D: ANNE P DEU 14 00861166 HERMANN P DEU 14 00861246 ANDREA DEU 14 00861131 p Holdo Pp Rektor DEU 14 04581121 Born: 01/30/2013 Breeder: Manfred Bether, Elsterheide, Germany German Reg. No. 10.204426 ANGUS OUTSTANDING PEDIGREE · VERY CORRECT STATURE · HIGH DAILY GAIN Breeding Qualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton 8/7/8 Birth Weight (kg) - Average daily gain (g), 200 days/365 days G T SENTRY USA 00 12189371 -/- RZF - Total Merit Index Beef (Reliability) 112 (36%) Bull Index - Average daily gain (365 days) 107 Bull Index - Conformation (365 days) 104 Born: 11/13/2009 MEWIL QUEEN 32 T CZE 09 31276722 -/1400 Calving Ease (% of unassisted births/pure breed) Eragon RANNAI BALMACHIE D GBR 54 01 48600005 S: ROCKY DEU 12 62381115 D: SERVA DEU 14 03446152 VILMA DEU 14 02931523 DEU 06 65195106 p Rektor German Reg. No. 10.204329 ANGUS Breeder: Friedrich-Wilhelm Sippel, Korbach, Germany MUSCULARITY · GREAT FEET AND LEGS · INTERESTING PEDIGREE Breeding Qualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton 8/8/7 Birth Weight (kg) 39 Average daily gain (g), 200 days/365 days PRILO DEU 14 02409273 90/10 RZF - Total Merit Index Beef (Reliability) 103 (47%) Bull Index - Average daily gain (365 days) 104 Bull Index - Conformation (365 days) 102 Born: 12/06/2009 RAH DAMARA DEU 06 65169402 1171/1203 Calving Ease (% of unassisted births/pure breed) Jetstream ET NETHERTON ELSAM 45 00003016 S: RAH ELVIS DEU 06 65178065 D: MONALISA DEU 06 65178113 MONA DEU 06 65119688 DEU 14 03878962 p Eragon German Reg. No. 10.201572 RED ANGUS Breeder: Ludvigson Stock Farms, Park City, USA VERY CORRECT STRUCTURE · FEED EFFICIENCY · PURE US PEDIGREE Breeding Qualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton 7/7/8 Birth Weight (kg) 42 Average daily gain (g), 200 days/365 days -/1310 Calving Ease (% of unassisted births/pure breed) 95/38 RZF - Total Merit Index Beef (Reliability) 110 (48%) Bull Index - Average daily gain (365 days) 116 Bull Index - Conformation (365 days) 106 Mewil Red Born: 02/06/2013 Zeus 3B S: LJC JAVELIN 08 USA 00 00829424 BECKTON LANCER F 442 T USA 00 00533603 LJC LOGAN E56 945 USA 00 00653543 D: JRA JAMES 4108 USA 00 00954016 GLACIER CHATEAU 44 USA 00 00557331 JRA JAMES 3334 USA 00 00852463 CZE 00 31834591 p Jetstream ET German Reg. No. 10.204446 RED ANGUS Breeder: Miroslav Vráblik, Thrové Sviny, Czech Republic INTERNATIONAL PEDIGREE · MODERATE SIZE · MUSCULARITY Breeding Qualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton Birth Weight (kg) Average daily gain (g), 200 days/365 days Calving Ease (% of unassisted births/pure breed) 8/8/7 34 S: MEWIL RED TEX 602X ET CZE 06 91379031 1357/1263 -/- RZF - Total Merit Index Beef (Reliability) - Bull Index - Average daily gain (365 days) - Bull Index - Conformation (365 days) - D: MEWIL RED PRIDE 7R CZE 20 00844931 RED SIX MILE SAKIC 832S CAN 00.01332064 RED T-K DIXIE 10J CAN 00. 00987511 RED SSS HIGH MARK 272D CAN 00.00805674 MEWIL PRIDE 10K CZE 02 01120729 p Mewil Red Zeus 3B BEEF BREEDS 99 GER Paulaner Born: 12/06/2012 DEU 03 55300580 German Reg. No. 10.204423 RED ANGUS Breeder: Dirk Gerstenkorn, Maasen, Germany HIGH TOTAL MERIT INDEX · CORRECT FEET & LEGS · LOW BIRTH WEIGHT Breeding Qualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton 8/8/7 Birth Weight (kg) 37 Average daily gain (g), 200 days/365 days -/- RZF - Total Merit Index Beef (Reliability) 112 (42%) Bull Index - Average daily gain (365 days) 110 Bull Index - Conformation (365 days) 113 Paker R Born: 10/09/2008 PEN DEU 03 51818228 KYRA DEU 03 52152926 1032/1268 Calving Ease (% of unassisted births/pure breed) REA S: AHM PRIKKO DEU 03 54703676 D: WINKE DEU 03 54273152 MEIBERG DEU 09 35792849 WINGA DEU 03 51213723 DEU 03 52254546 p GER Paulaner German Reg. No. 10.204275 RED ANGUS Breeder: Heinz-Wilhelm Riekenberg, Burgwedel, Germany PURE RED PEDIGREE · MUSCULARITY · SUPERIOR GROWTH RATE · MODERATE SIZE Breeding Qualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton Birth Weight (kg) 7/7/7 36 Average daily gain (g), 200 days/365 days 94/113 RZF - Total Merit Index Beef (Reliability) 107 (81%) Bull Index - Average daily gain (365 days) 102 Bull Index - Conformation (365 days) 107 Born: 12/14/1999 PLUTO DEU 14 00654406 LEVITA DEU 03 46374656 1392/1318 Calving Ease (% of unassisted births/pure breed) Pingouin S: PLAKAT DEU 03 50456258 D: REA HALI R DEU 03 48072971 CANADA DEU 03 45758149 REA HETTI DEU 03 43806645 FRA 21 99057052 German Reg. No. 10.204068 Breeder: Earl Moniot, Reneve, France p REA Paker R BLONDE D‘AQUITAINE MUSCULARITY · CONFORMATION · OUTSTANDING TYPE Breeding Qualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton Birth Weight (kg) 7/8/6 50 Average daily gain (g), 200 days/365 days Calving Ease (% of unassisted births/pure breed) 100/1 - Bull Index - Average daily gain (365 days) - Bull Index - Conformation (365 days) - Born: 03/06/1998 FRA 21 98051029 IDOLE FRA 81 93133861 ELECTRE FRA 82 89130572 1200/1309 RZF - Total Merit Index Beef (Reliability) Oran S: MARS FRA 82 96134842 D: MOUETTE FRA 21 96051402 RAMO FRA 47 80010937 HOTESSE FRA 21 92052743 German Reg. No. 10.830687 Breeder: Earl Moniot, Reneve, France p Pingouin BLONDE D‘AQUITAINE FARMER SATISFACTION · EXCELLENT GROWTH · HIGH SUITABILITY FOR CROSSBREEDING Breeding Qualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton Birth Weight (kg) Average daily gain (g), 200 days/365 days Calving Ease (% of unassisted births/pure breed) RZF - Total Merit Index Beef (Reliability) 8/7/8 46 94/17 83 (39%) 90 Bull Index - Conformation (365 days) 95 BEEF BREEDS ULYSSE FRA 32 83130547 TORNADE FRA 40 82016083 1502/1259 Bull Index - Average daily gain (365 days) 100 S: CHARLY FRA 40 87010743 D: GINA FRA 40 91010717 CERVANTES FRA 04 71571701 SYLVIE FRA 12 03355858 p Oran BRA Relax Born: 10/15/2011 PP DEU 05 37309117 German Reg. No. 10.204390 CHAROLAIS Breeder: Andreas Braschos-Lieven, Kleve, Germany TOTAL OUTCROSS PEDIGREE · MATERNAL PERFORMANCE · HOMOZYGOUS POLLED Breeding Qualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton 8/8/8 Birth Weight (kg) 54 Average daily gain (g), 200 days/365 days 1409/1534 Calving Ease (% of unassisted births/pure breed) 100/1 RZF - Total Merit Index Beef (Reliability) 110 (43%) Bull Index - Average daily gain (365 days) 109 Bull Index - Conformation (365 days) 109 Sikko PP Born: 07/04/2004 S: WESC HICKS 14 R REVOLVER PP CAN 00 00295963 D: SIAM Pp DEU 05 34468469 S BRIDOR MONTY 29 M CAN 00 00263827 D WESC EAGLE‘S PRIDE 9N CAN 00 00325544 HICKS 13 L LEX P CAN 00 00253230 SICILE FRA 58 11901549 DEU 05 80165806 p BRA Relax PP German Reg. No. 10.204187 CHAROLAIS Breeder: Martina Marpert, Raesfeld, Germany STATURE IMPROVER · UNIFORM PROGENY · HIGH DAILY GAIN Breeding Qualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton 8/8/7 Birth Weight (kg) 43 Average daily gain (g), 200 days/365 days RZF - Total Merit Index Beef (Reliability) 82/149 88 (88%) Bull Index - Average daily gain (365 days) 94 Bull Index - Conformation (365 days) 97 Howard Pp SIR WILLOW P DEU 05 33185701 RIA DEU 05 78011547 1363/1608 Calving Ease (% of unassisted births/pure breed) Born: 11/04/2008 S: SANTOS Pp DEU 05 79110248 D: OLYMPIA P DEU 05 79110218 JIM Pp DEU 12 63003235 ORGEL P DEU 08 90971207 DEU 03 52088746 p Sikko PP German Reg. No. 10.204276 CHAROLAIS Breeder: Beu GbR, Osterholz-Scharmbeck, Germany EXCELLENT GROWTH · MUSCULARITY · CONFORMATION · INTERESTING PEDIGREE Breeding Qualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton 8/8/8 Birth Weight (kg) 40 Average daily gain (g), 200 days/365 days RZF - Total Merit Index Beef (Reliability) CZE 01 01136112 75/144 96 (85%) Bull Index - Average daily gain (365 days) 87 Bull Index - Conformation (365 days) 96 Born: 12/17/2000 HARLEY P CZE 00 06663417 1567/1604 Calving Ease (% of unassisted births/pure breed) Junior PP S: HAAKON P CZE 00 21102087 D: FÜRSTIN DEU 03 45669889 RUBENS DEU 03 42337875 FRAMBOISE DEU 03 43777994 DEU 03 45669884 p Howard Pp German Reg. No. 10.204063 CHAROLAIS Breeder: Beu GbR, Osterholz-Scharmbeck, Germany MUSCULARITY · FARMER SATISFACTION · HOMOZYGOUS POLLED Breeding Qualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton Birth Weight (kg) Average daily gain (g), 200 days/365 days Calving Ease (% of unassisted births/pure breed) RZF - Total Merit Index Beef (Reliability) 7/8/7 49 S: JIM Pp DEU 12 63003235 EPICERIE DEU 12 63029230 1425/1556 80/735 99 (97%) Bull Index - Average daily gain (365 days) 104 Bull Index - Conformation (365 days) 106 JACK P DEU 12 63029500 D: HAJAJA P MISSIE 61H DEU 03 44164015 FALCON 9F CAN 00 41700848 SUTTONS ANN 103 H CAN 00 00163908 p Junior PP BEEF BREEDS 101 Rollex Born: 07/08/1988 72 00018189 German Reg. No. 72.018189 CHAROLAIS Breeder: Ralf Pülsch, Bremervörde, Germany TRADITIONAL STYLE · FARMER SATISFACTION Breeding Qualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton 5/7/- Birth Weight (kg) 49 Average daily gain (g), 200 days/365 days DARIMUS 77 00001166 89/9 RZF - Total Merit Index Beef (Reliability) 74 (51%) Bull Index - Average daily gain (365 days) 84 Bull Index - Conformation (365 days) 74 Born: 02/10/2010 CRESPIGNY 45 00005611 -/1118 Calving Ease (% of unassisted births/pure breed) Fulano Pp HUBLOT TATTENHALL 45 40000922 S: REGENT 72 00014701 D: SABINE 72 00007449 MISAINE FRA 10 76105656 DEU 14 03658095 p Rollex German Reg. No. 10.201571 HEREFORD Breeder: Kmehlener Fleischrinderzucht GmbH, Priestewitz, Germany STATURE IMPROVER · MUSCULARITY · FANTASTIC TYPE Breeding Qualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton 8/8/8 Birth Weight (kg) - Average daily gain (g), 200 days/365 days RZW FOX P DEU 14 02506798 S: FINK P DEU 14 02973130 RZW FLORENCE P DEU 14 02506782 1362/1436 Calving Ease (% of unassisted births/pure breed) RZW STAR P DEU 14 01977738 92/37 RZF - Total Merit Index Beef (Reliability) 107 (61%) Bull Index - Average daily gain (365 days) 104 Bull Index - Conformation (365 days) 103 D: MARTHA P DEU 14 02404518 RZW MIRA P DEU 14 01762719 Nome 75 00019570 Born: 11/13/1987 Breeder: Giacomo Gazzola, Fr. S. Prinico, Italy p Fulano Pp German Reg. No. 75.019570 PIEDMONTESE HIGH SUITABILITY FOR CROSSBREEDING · FARMER SATISFACTION · EASY CALVING Breeding Qualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton - Birth Weight (kg) - Average daily gain (g), 200 days/365 days - Calving Ease (% of unassisted births/pure breed) - Bull Index - Average daily gain (365 days) - Bull Index - Conformation (365 days) - Master Pp Born: 11/14/2012 ZIGOLO ITA 40 00035188 FOSCA 75 00025131 100/4 RZF - Total Merit Index Beef (Reliability) HK S: LEONE 90 75049118 D: ERNA 75 00013729 ZORRO 90 75034680 VINA 75 00028643 DEU 03 56095210 p Nome German Reg. No. 10.204424 LIMOUSIN Breeder: Herman Kruse, Syke, Germany GREAT TYPE · OUTCROSS POLLED PEDIGREE · HIGH MATERNAL PERFORMANCE Breeding Qualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton Birth Weight (kg) Average daily gain (g), 200 days/365 days Calving Ease (% of unassisted births/pure breed) 8/8/7 38 -/- Bull Index - Average daily gain (365 days) 108 Bull Index - Conformation (365 days) 103 BEEF BREEDS MANHATTEN FRA 87 42550467 DORO DEU 06 65144302 1513/1371 RZF - Total Merit Index Beef (Reliability) 111 (50%) 102 S: MAGNUM DEU 06 65172308 D: HK JOSY Pp DEU 03 51105073 HT IWAN DEU 03 46739903 JOY C.N. Pp DEU 05 79859086 p HK Master Pp Ikarius Pp Born: 05/11/2010 DEU 07 69464161 German Reg. No. 10.204311 LIMOUSIN Breeder: Peter Kern, Birken-Honigsessen, Germany TOP SELLER · IMPRESSIVE MUSCULARITY · MODERN PEDIGREE Breeding Qualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton 8/8/8 Birth Weight (kg) 40 Average daily gain (g), 200 days/365 days RZF - Total Merit Index Beef (Reliability) 92/49 Bull Index - Conformation (365 days) Trimon Pp D: ESPANIA Pp DEU 07 68763804 98 (66%) Bull Index - Average daily gain (365 days) VRAI PP FRA 87 00840731 OPALINE FRA 16 27496538 1290/1328 Calving Ease (% of unassisted births/pure breed) Born: 02/24/2011 S: CHINON Pp FRA 16 27497164 MONTYPYTON Pp DEU 05 33449927 ELFE DEU 07 67917907 97 102 DEU 14 03923650 p Ikarius Pp German Reg. No. 10.204355 LIMOUSIN Breeder: Anett Hartenstein, Pöhl, Germany MUSCULARITY · MODERN PEDIGREE · HIGH TYPE SIRE Breeding Qualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton 8/8/8 Birth Weight (kg) S: TIGRIS PP DEU 14 02624243 45 Average daily gain (g), 200 days/365 days FELCA P DEU 14 01547615 1400/1310 Calving Ease (% of unassisted births/pure breed) 59/37 D: RITA Pp DEU 14 02373347 RZF - Total Merit Index Beef (Reliability) 109 (50%) Bull Index - Average daily gain (365 days) 104 Bull Index - Conformation (365 days) 106 Antario AK ET PP Born: 07/23/2011 TITANES Pp DEU 06 65133993 HAMILTON Pp CAN 00 01453010 ROSINE DEU 14 01237123 DEU 03 54983017 p Trimon Pp German Reg. No. 10.204383 Breeder: Posthaven Limousin, Alma, Canada LIMOUSIN OUTCROSS PEDIGREE · SUPERIOR GROWTH RATE · HOMOZYGOUS POLLED Breeding Qualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton 7/7/7 Birth Weight (kg) 30 Average daily gain (g), 200 days/365 days 1333/1507 Calving Ease (% of unassisted births/pure breed) -/- RZF - Total Merit Index Beef (Reliability) 102 (46%) Bull Index - Average daily gain (365 days) Bull Index - Conformation (365 days) Vasco PP Born: 02/18/2013 S: POSTHAVEN POLLED TRISTAN PP CAN 00 00183436 112 D: CEDAR PATCH LADY ANN PP CAN 00 00162868 95 DEU 14 04588273 POSTHAVEN KNOWN FACTOR P CAN 00 00132944 CEDAR PATCH HI-SABLE PP CAN 00 00162870 BLACK INK POLLED KELLOGG P USA 00 01592553 CEDAR PATCH POLLED LIBBY P CAN 00 00129215 p Antario AK ET PP German Reg. No. 10.204425 LIMOUSIN Breeder: Elfi Wolff, Torgau, Germany OUTCROSS PEDIGREE · MODERATE SIZE · HOMOZYGOUS POLLED Breeding Qualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton Birth Weight (kg) Average daily gain (g), 200 days/365 days Calving Ease (% of unassisted births/pure breed) 8/8/7 50 S: VICTOR PS DEU 14 03697508 FREDA DEU 14 02515457 1098/1191 -/- RZF - Total Merit Index Beef (Reliability) 109 (40%) Bull Index - Average daily gain (365 days) 108 Bull Index - Conformation (365 days) 111 T. VISTI PS DNK 81 90000113 D: EDNI Pp DEU 14 02994790 TIBETER P DEU 14 02289679 EDNA DEU 14 01766157 p Vasco PP BEEF BREEDS 103 Loquace d‘Izier Born: 09/09/2008 BEL 01 87653390 German Reg. No. 10.201476 BELGIAN BLUE Breeder: Jean-Marie Lambert, Izier, Belgium GREAT COMBINATION OF MUSCULARITY AND STYLE · EASY CALVING Birth Weight 48 kg Weight 26 month 848 kg Size 26 month 127 cm Height 75 Muscle 89 Type 81 Final Points 87 Calving Ease HARICOT 3260 DE MEHOGNE BEL 06 91623260 DECISION D‘IZIER BEL 05 86741465 D: ECARTEE D‘ IZIER BEL 03 86891660 ANIME D‘IZIER BEL 09 88 04215053 COQUINE D‘IZIER BEL 02 86491347 easy Nitrate de Belle Eau Born: 09/02/2010 S: FLASH D‘IZIER BEL 04 86891777 BEL 06 26422734 p Loquace d‘Izier German Reg. No. 10.201812 BELGIAN BLUE Breeder: Frederic Lequeux,Vaux-Sur-Sûre, Belgium TREMENDOUS POWER · EXCELLENT FERTILITY · EASY CALVING Birth Weight 45 kg Weight 26 month 878 kg Size 26 month 134 cm Height 78 Muscle 90 Type 85 Final Points 88 Calving Ease GITAN DU P TIT MAYEUR BEL 00 60555112 MACHE DE COUX BEL 00 91553604 D: INOUIE DE BELLE EAU BEL 08 87418747 easy Typique de Chardeneux Born: 12/31/2010 S: RATIFIE DE COUX BEL 02 92007947 EPATANT DE ROUPAGE BEL 06 86774831 ECHASSE DE BELLE EAU BEL 03 86754945 BEL 03 27420152 p Nitrate de Belle Eau German Reg. No. 10.201811 Breeder: Alain Boclinville-Marot, Bonsin, Belgium BELGIAN BLUE SUPERB MUSCULARITY · PREMIUM CROSS BREEDING SIRE · VERY EASY CALVING Birth Weight 45 kg Weight 21 month 692 kg Size 21 month 127 cm Height 78 Muscle 89 Type 84 Final Points 88 Calving Ease Boshoeve Born: 02/21/2012 S: SECRET DE WARICHET BEL 01 92369236 D: PASTILLE CHARDENEUX BEL 07 92219476 easy Damian NLD 08 77782898 QUIET ROCHE GUE BEL 09 92009961 PATERNITE DE WARICHET BEL 07 92042444 DARTAGNAN DU CASTILLON BEL 02 24430323 NERVOSITE CHARDENEUX BEL 03 92016588 German Reg. No. 10.201888 Breeder: J.J.Bos, Weteringbug, Netherlands p Typique the Chardeneux RED BELGIAN BLUE UNIQUE RED COLOUR OPTION FOR CROSSBREEDING Birth Weight Weight 19 month Size 19 month 692 kg 132 cm Height - Muscle 85 Type 82 Final Points 86 Calving Ease 104 BEEF BREEDS - S: SALUT HODOUMONT BEL 05 92285172 D: BOSHOEVE XIAMARA NLD 04 90782428 FRINGANT DE BIOURGE ET BEL 00 87018306 MAGIE HODOUMONT BEL 00 91867897 NABI 7148 DU COLAS BEL 00 591267146 BOSHOEVE TAMARA NLD 03 74881724 p Boshoeve Damian Impress Born: 03/20/1993 73 07313227 German Reg. No. 73.013227 SALERS Breeder: Hof Schönberg,Westerhorn, Germany TRADITIONAL STYLE · DEEP OLD PEDIGREE Breeding Qualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton 7/6/- Birth Weight (kg) 35 Average daily gain (g), 200 days/365 days 100/115 RZF - Total Merit Index Beef (Reliability) 101 (61%) Bull Index - Average daily gain (365 days) Born: 02/24/1991 D: FAIBLESSE 73 07309786 96 72 00028626 RUFOU FRA 13 05013556 BAYONNE FRA 13 06063588 101 Bull Index - Conformation (365 days) CAPRICE FRA 13 87031309 RIQUITA FRA 13 80030546 -/1197 Calving Ease (% of unassisted births/pure breed) Stano S: FANGIO FRA 13 00065041 p Impress German Reg. No. 75.028626 GALLOWAY Breeder: Hans-Karl Ehrhardt, Gifhorn, Germany FARMER SATISFACTION · DEEP OLD PEDIGREE Breeding Qualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton Birth Weight (kg) 7/7/30 Average daily gain (g), 200 days/365 days 100/241 RZF - Total Merit Index Beef (Reliability) - Bull Index - Average daily gain (365 days) - Bull Index - Conformation (365 days) - Born: 03/28/2008 SUPERMAN 72 00011560 BERTHA S2 72 000 11573 - Calving Ease (% of unassisted births/pure breed) Erasmus S: SYLVESTER DEU 01 11687878 D: JANE 39TH 72 00028627 GLOBE MAGNUM (XCA) CAN 00 00014212 JANE 32ND OF GLENTURK 45 00017934 DEU 03 50775326 German Reg. No. 10.204309 Breeder: Dr. Jan-Hendrik Osmers, Blender, Germany p Stano HIGHLAND CATTLE EXCELLENT TYPE · MUSCULARITY · SUCCESSFUL COW FAMILY Breeding Qualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton Birth Weight (kg) 8/8/7 30 Average daily gain (g), 200 days/365 days Calving Ease (% of unassisted births/pure breed) S: RUADH EILEAN DEU 03 43766978 MONICA OF HEALAUGH DEU 03 42331164 100/1 RZF - Total Merit Index Beef (Reliability) - Bull Index - Average daily gain (365 days) - Bull Index - Conformation (365 days) - ASSENBJERG MOSES DNK 86 08800048 D: BONNY VON DER BRUCHWIESE DEU 14 00346418 PONDUS FOX DEU 14 00882861 BELLINDA DEU 14 00882872 p Erasmus Itami ET DEU 09 46283934 German Reg. No. 10.204377 Born: 08/04/2011 WAGYU Breeder: American Wagyu Associaton, Washington, USA PURE JAPANESE PEDIGREE · CORRECT FEET & LEGS Breeding Qualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton 8/6/8 Birth Weight (kg) Average daily gain (g), 200 days/365 days S: TF ITOMICHI 1-2 USA 00 00002126 DAI 2 KINTOU J337756 JPN 00 00337756 678/768 Calving Ease (% of unassisted births/pure breed) - RZF - Total Merit Index Beef (Reliability) - Bull Index - Average daily gain (365 days) - Bull Index - Conformation (365 days) - ITOMICHI J1158 JPN 00 00001158 D: CHR MS KIKUSHIGE USA 00 00004012 KIKIUHANA FB 2127 JPN 00 00002455 KIKUSHIGE 403 FB3081 JPN 00 00000403 p Itami ET BEEF BREEDS 105 Signs & Symbols Legende Légende ENGLISH DEUTSCH FRANCAISE Dairy Cattle Milchrinder Vaches laitières born Breeder Geburtsdatum Züchter des Bullen date de naissance Naisseur BLC BLAD carrier BLAD Träger BLAD porteur CVC CVM carrier CVM Träger CVM porteur RDC Red carrier Rotfaktor Factor rouge BYC Brachyspina carrier Brachyspina Träger Brachyspina porteur aAa aAa code Triple-A Code Triple aAa K-Cn: Kappa-Casein Genotype Kappa-Casein Genotyp Génotypé kappa-casein ß-Cn: Beta-Casein Genotype Beta-Casein Genotyp Génotypé beta-casein RZG Total Merit Index Gesamtzuchtwert Index de Synthèse RZM Milk Production Index Relativzuchtwert Milch Index Production Milk kg Mich kg kg lait Fat % Fett % % Matière Grasse Fat kg Fett kg kg Matière Grasse Prot % Eiweiß % % Protéine Prot kg Eiweiß kg kg Protéine Relativzuchtwert Exterieur Index Morphologie générale Dairy Type Milchtyp Caractère laitier Body Körper Capacité Corporelle Feet & Legs Fundamente Membres Udder Euter Mamelle RZE Relative breeding value Total Conformation RZN Relative breeding value Functional Herdlife Relativzuchtwert Nutzungsdauer Index de Longévité Fonctionnelle RZS Relative breeding value Somatic Cell Score Relativzuchtwert Zellzahl Index de Comptages Cellulaires RZD Relative breeding value Milking Speed Relativzuchtwert Melkbarkeit Index Vitesse de Trait RZR Relative breeding value Daughter Fertility Relativzuchtwert Fruchtbarkeit Index de Fertilité RZFit Relative breeding value Fitness Relativzuchtwert Fitness Index Fitness Sire Fertility Fruchtbarkeit Bulle Fertilité taureau medium durchschnittlicher Befruchter Fertilité moyenne good guter Befruchter Bonne fertilité excellent Top-Befruchter Très bonne fertilité Calving Ease Kalbigkeit des Bullen Vélage du taureaux average durchschnittliche Kalbigkeit vêlage moyen easy leichtkalbig vêlage facile difficult schwerkalbig vêlage difficile % de fiabilité Rel. Reliability % Sicherheit Zuchtwerte in % Daugh. Daughters Anzahl Töchter Filles Herds Herds Anzahl Betriebe Troupeaux EX 90 - 100 excellent exzellent excellent (EX) VG 85 - 89 very good sehr gut très bien (TB) GP 80 - 84 good plus gut bien plus (BP) 4 / 3 lac calvings / lactations n-Kalbungen / n-Laktationen Vêlage / Lactation best lac best lactation (305 days) Höchstleistung (305 Tg) Meilleure lactation (305 J) Linears: Lineare Bewertung: Index de Morphologie: Stature Größe Hauteur sacrum Dairy Charakter Milchcharakter Caractère laitier Body Depth Körpertiefe Profondeur des flancs Strength Stärke Puissance Rump Angle Beckenneigung Inclinaison bassin Rump Width Beckenbreite Largeur aux ischions Rear Leg Set Side View Hinterbeinwinkelung Angle du jarret Foot Angle Klauenwinkel Diagonale du pied Hock Quality Sprunggelenk Qualité du Jarret Rear Leg Rear View Hinterbeinstellung Membres vue arrière Locomotion Bewegung Locomotion Rear Udder Height Hintereuterhöhe Hauteur attache arrière Suspensory Ligament Zentralband Profondeur du sillon Teat Placement Front Strichplazierung vorn Ecart avant de trayons Teat Placement Rear Strichplazierung hinten Implantation arrière trayons Fore Udder Attachment Vordereuteraufhängung Attache avant Udder Depth Teat Length Eutertiefe Strichlänge Distance plancher jarret Longueur trayons Beef Cattle Fleischrinder Index Viande Birth Weight Average Daily Gain Breeding Qualification Type Type (Scale 1-9) Conformation Muscling score 1-9 Skeleton Skeletal Score 1-9 P phenotypical polled PP homozygous polled Pp heterozygous polled PS scurs RZF Relative breeding value Beef Bull Index - Average daily weight gain at 365th day Bull Index - Conformation at 365th day Geburtsgewicht (kg) Lebenstagszunahme (g) Körzuchtwert Typ (Noten 1 - 9) Bemuskelung (Noten 1-9) Skelett (Noten 1-9) phänotypisch hornlos homozygot hornlos heterozygot hornlos Wackelhörner Relativzuchtwert Fleisch Teilzuchtwert Tageszunahme 365. Lebenstag Teilzuchtwert Bemuskelung 365. Lebenstag Poids à la naissance (kg) Moyenne de gain par jour (gr) Qualification d'élevage Type (échelle 1-9) Musculature (échelle 1-9) Squelette (échelle 1-9) Phénotypique sans cornes Homozygote sans cornes Hétérozygote sans cornes Sans Cornè Scors Index relatif viande Index taureau - Moyenne de gain par jour à 365 jours Index taureau - Musculature à 365 jours 106 Legenda Объяснение знаков ENGLISH ESPAÑOL РУССКИЙ Dairy Cattle Ganado Lechero Скот молочного направления продуктивности born Breeder Nacido Criador дата рождения селекционер BLC BLAD carrier BLAD portador носитель BLAD (дефицит лейкоцитарной адгезии) CVC CVM carrier CVM portador носитель CVM (комплексный порок позвоночника) RDC Red carrier Portador -Factor Rojo (*RC) носитель красной масти BYC Brachyspina carrier Brachyspina portador носитель брахиспины aAa aAa code Código aAa Трипль-А код K-Cn: Kappa-Casein Genotype Genotipo: Kappa-Caseina Генотип по Каппа-казеину ß-Cn: Beta-Casein Genotype Genotipo: Beta-Caseina Генотип по Бета-казеину RZG Total Merit Index Índice de Merito Total Общий индекс племенной ценности RZM Milk Production Index Valor de Cria (BV) Leche Относительный индекс племенной ценности по молочной продуктивности Milk kg Leche kg Молоко кг Fat % Grasa % Жир % Fat kg Grasa kg Жир кг Prot % Proteína % Белок % Prot kg Proteína kg Белок кг Valor de Cria (BV) Conformación Относительный индекс племенной ценности по экстерьеру Dairy Type I.C. Car. Lechero Молочный тип Body I.C. Cuerpo Туловище Feet & Legs I.C. Patas Конечности Udder I.C. Ubre Вымя RZE Relative breeding value Total Conformation RZN Relative breeding value Functional Herdlife Valor de Cria (BV) Vida Productiva Относительный индекс племенной ценности по продуктивному долголетию RZS Relative breeding value Somatic Cell Score Valor de Cria (BV) Células Somáticas Относительный индекс племенной ценности по содержанию соматических клеток RZD Relative breeding value Milking Speed Valor de Cria (BV) Rapidez de ordeno Относительный индекс племенной ценности по скорости молокоотдачи RZR Relative breeding value Daughter Fertility Valor de Cria (BV) Reproducción Относительный индекс племенной ценности по воспроизводству RZFit Relative breeding value Fitness Índice genético-Características de Salud/Manejo Относительный индекс племенной ценности по физической форме Sire Fertility Fertilidad del Toro Воспроизводительные качества быка medium Promedio средние good Bueno хорошие excellent Excelente превосходные Calving Ease Facilidad de Parto del Toro Показатель лёгкости отёла average Promedio отёл в среднем easy Partos Fáciles лёгкий отёл difficult Partos Difíciles тяжелый отёл Rel. Reliability % Confiabilidad % Достоверность, % Daugh. Daughters Hijas Дочери (количество дочерей) Herds Herds Rebaños Стада (количество стад) EX 90 - 100 excellent Excelente (EX) превосходно VG 85 - 89 very good Muy Bueno (VG) хорошо GP 80 - 84 good plus Bueno Mas (GP) хорошо с плюсом 4 / 3 lac calvings / lactations Partos / lactancias Отелы / лактации (количество отелов / количество лактаций) best lac best lactation (305 days) Mejor Lactancia (305 días) наивысшая лактация (305 дней) Linears: Perfil Lineal Tipo: Линейная оценка типа телосложения (экстерьера) Stature Tamaño Высота Dairy Charakter Carácter Lechero Молочный характер Body Depth Capacidad Corporal Глубина туловища Strength Fortaleza Крепость Rump Angle Colocación de isquiones Положение зада Rump Width Amplitud de la grupa Ширина зада Rear Leg Set Side View Patas posteriores (vis. lat.) Угол задних ног сбоку Foot Angle Talones Высота пятки Hock Quality Corvejones Скакательный сустав сзади Rear Leg Rear View Patas posteriores (vis. pos.) Постановка Locomotion Locomoción Передвижение Rear Udder Height Ubre posterior Высота задних долей Suspensory Ligament Ligamento suspensor medio Центральная связка Teat Placement Front Colocación de pez. delante Расположиние передних сосков Teat Placement Rear Colocación de pez. detrás Расположиние задних сосков Fore Udder Attachment Ubre anterior Прикрепление перед. доли вымени Udder Depth Teat Length Profundidad de la ubre Longitud de pezones Глубина вымени Длина сосков Beef Cattle Ganado de carne Скот мясного направления продуктивности Birth Weight Average Daily Gain Breeding Qualification Type Type (Scale 1-9) Conformation Muscling score 1-9 Skeleton Skeletal Score 1-9 P phenotypical polled PP homozygous polled Pp heterozygous polled PS scurs RZF Relative breeding value Beef Bull Index - Average daily weight gain at 365th day Bull Index - Conformation at 365th day Peso al nacer Ganancia de peso diario Valor de Cria Estimado (EBV) Tipo (escala 1-9) Forma de músculo (escala 1-9) Esqueleto (escala 1-9) Fenotípico Mocho Homocigótico Mocho Heterocigótico Mocho Cuerno móvil (tocos) Valor de Cria (BV) de carne Valor de Cria (BV) Ganancia de Peso al Año Valor de Cria (BV) Musculo al Año вес при рождении суточный привес Оцененная племенная ценность Тип (телосложения) 1-9 Оценка обмускуленности 1-9 Костяк 1-9 фенотипически комолый гомозиготен по гену комолости гетерозиготен по гену комолости комолый Относительная племенная ценность по мясным качествам Племенная ценность по ежедневным привесам за 365 дней Племенная ценность по обмускуленности за 365 дней 107 Holsteins Exterieurmerkmale · Holsteins Type traits 1 Größe (Grö) · Stature (Sta) 1 5 9 5 9 5 9 Stärke (Stä) · Strength (Str) 5 9 5 9 Beckenbreite (BBr) · Rump width (RW) 5 9 Sprunggelenk (SpG) · Hocks 108 5 9 1 5 9 Zentralband (ZBa) · Suspensory ligament (SL) 1 5 9 1 5 9 5 1 5 9 Vordereuteraufhängung (VEu) · Fore udder attachment (FUA) 9 Klauenwinkel (Kla) · Foot angle (FA) 1 1 Strichplatzierung hinten (SPh) · Rear teat placement (TPr) Hinterbeinwinkelung (HWi) · Rear leg set (RLS) 1 9 Strichplatzierung vorne (SPv) · Fore teat placement (TP) Beckenneigung (BNe) · Rump angle (RA) 1 5 Hintereuterhöhe (HEu) · Rear udder height (RUH) 1 1 1 Bewegung (Bew) · Locomotion (Loc) Körpertiefe (KTi) · Body depth (BD) 1 9 Hinterbeinstellung (HSt) · Rear leg set rear view Milchcharakter (MCh) · Dairy character (DC) 1 5 1 5 9 5 9 Eutertiefe (ETi) · Udder depth (UD) 5 9 1 Strichlänge (SLä) · Teat length (TL) MASTERRIND GmbH Osterkrug 20 27283 Verden FON+49 (0) 4231 6790 FAX +49 (0) 4231 679780 MASTERRIND GmbH Feldlinie 2a 26160 Bad Zwischenahn FON+49 (0) 4403 93260 FAX +49 (0) 4403 932613 MASTERRIND GmbH Schlettaer Straße 8 01662 Meißen FON+49 (0) 3521 470410 FAX +49 (0) 3521 470418 • MASTERRIND GmbH Osterkrug 20 27283 Verden, Germany Phone+49 (0) 4231 6790 Fax+49 (0) 4231 679780 Schlettaer Straße 8 01662 Meißen, Germany Phone+49 (0) 3521 470410 Fax+49 (0) 3521 470418 Feldlinie 2a 26160 Bad Zwischenahn, Germany Phone+49 (0) 4403 93260 Fax+49 (0) 4403 932613
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