Calibration of Hand-Held Moisture Meters
Calibration of Hand-Held Moisture Meters
2009 Calibration of Hand-Held Moisture Meters (Resistance/Capacitance) when used with 9Wood’s Particleboard Products Test Evaluation Report Jonathan C. Gates 9Wood, Inc. August 2009 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 Abstract: This report analyzes the accuracy and precision of two types of Electrical method moisture meters (Resistance and Capacitance type). Both the Lignomat Mini-Ligno DX and Lignomat Scanner SD moisture meter were used to collect moisture content values on Vesta FR Flakeboard Particleboard and Standard (non-FR) Flakeboard Particleboard. The meter readings for each panel were compared against their Oven-Dry moisture content to find the most accurate, reproducible, and practical moisture meter. A total of 6,750 moisture meter readings were taken on 150 particleboard panels. From the collected data, an equilibrium/ acclimation chart was created with the preferred moisture meter [Mini-Ligno DX (Short Pin / Setting 3 / Taken from the face veneer)]. This chart and preferred moisture meter will help in determining a fully acclimated panel for installation. 9Wood, Inc. | 0BAbstract: ii [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 Table of Contents: Page Number Abstract ..................................................................................................................................................................... ii Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................. 1 Literature Review ................................................................................................................................................... 1-2 Materials and Methodology................................................................................................................................... 2-8 Figure 1: Picture of Moisture Meters .................................................................................................................................................... 2 Figure 2: Picture of Oven ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Figure 3: Dimensions of Sample Board ............................................................................................................................................... 3 Figure 4: Moisture Meter Placement .................................................................................................................................................... 4 Figure 5: Mini-Ligno DX Grid Placement .............................................................................................................................................. 4 Table 1: Temperature and %RH of Conditioning Rooms .................................................................................................................... 5 Table 2: Sample Board Weights in Conditioning................................................................................................................................. 5 Figure 6: Picture of Labeled Sample Board ........................................................................................................................................ 6 Figure 7: Picture of Meters in Use ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 Figure 8: Picture of Weight Scale ......................................................................................................................................................... 7 Equation 1: Oven-Dry MC Equation ..................................................................................................................................................... 7 Table 3: Wood Handbook’s Table of MC of Wood in Equilibrium ...................................................................................................... 8 Results and Discussion ....................................................................................................................................... 8-12 Table 4: Average %MC of Each Conditioning Chamber and Particleboard Type.............................................................................. 8 Figure 9: Graph of Both Meter’s Most Accurate Meter Reading and Corresponding Oven-Dry MCs .............................................. 9 Figure 10: Graph of Meter Readings vs. Corresponding Oven-Dry MCs ......................................................................................... 10 Table 5: %MC Correction Chart for Vesta FR Flakeboard Particleboard .......................................................................................... 10 Equation 2: Equation used to Calculate Actual %MC in Vesta FR Flakeboard Particleboard ......................................................... 10 Table 6: Acclimation/ Equilibrium Chart for Vesta FR Flakeboard Particleboard ............................................................................. 11 Figure 11: Acclimation/ Equilibrium Graph for Vesta FR Flakeboard Particleboard ........................................................................ 12 Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................................. 13 Literature Cited ....................................................................................................................................................... 14 Appendices ........................................................................................................................................................ 15-45 Appendix I: Scanner SD (Setting 65) Test Data ........................................................................................................................... 16-17 Appendix II: Scanner SD (Setting 75) Test Data ........................................................................................................................... 18-19 Appendix III: Scanner SD (Setting 85) Test Data .......................................................................................................................... 20-21 Appendix IV: Mini-Ligno DX (Short Pin / Setting 1) Test Data ...................................................................................................... 22-23 Appendix V: Mini-Ligno DX (Short Pin / Setting 2) Test Data ...................................................................................................... 24-25 Appendix VI: Mini-Ligno DX (Short Pin / Setting 3) Test Data ..................................................................................................... 26-27 Appendix VII: Mini-Ligno DX (Long Pin / Setting 1) Test Data .................................................................................................... 28-29 Appendix VIII: Mini-Ligno DX (Long Pin / Setting 2) Test Data ................................................................................................... 30-31 Appendix IX: Mini-Ligno DX (Long Pin / Setting 3) Test Data ..................................................................................................... 32-33 Appendix X: Oven-Dry Moisture Contents .................................................................................................................................... 34-35 Appendix XI: Comparison Between Each MC Method and Setting ............................................................................................. 36-39 Appendix XII: Standard (non-FR) Flakeboard Particleboard Graph Correlation Series ............................................................. 40-42 Appendix XIII: Vesta FR Flakeboard Particleboard Graph Correlation Series ............................................................................ 43-45 9Wood, Inc. | 0BAbstract: iii [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 Introduction: Moisture content (MC) has the greatest effect on wood properties. It can vary widely depending on the environment, the species of the wood, and the history of the wood. Effective use of wood and wood-base materials therefore requires efficient and reliable methods of measuring wood moisture (James, 1988). Oven-Drying and Electrical methods are two methods most commonly used to determine MC. The Oven-Drying method is the most universally accepted technique, but isn’t always practical. Electrical methods on the other hand use the relationships between MC and measurable electrical properties of wood, such as conductivity (resistivity), or a dielectric constant (capacitance). This method is quick and convenient, but requires the moisture meter to be correctly calibrated to the product. In this report, two types of Electrical method moisture meters (resistance and capacitance type) were tested against the Oven-Dry method on both Vesta Fire Retardant (FR) Flakeboard Particleboard and Standard (non-FR) Flakeboard Particleboard with a face and back veneer. The purpose of the test was designed to examine which meter (resistance or capacitance) and setting (see 6.2.5 on page 3) would produce the most accurate means of determining if Vesta FR Flakeboard Particleboard panels (with a face and back veneer) have reached equilibrium moisture content (EMC) after moving from one environment to another. The test also examined the difference in measurable MC between Standard (non-FR) Flakeboard Particleboard and Vesta FR Flakeboard Particleboard. Literature Review: In accordance to building codes and various standards, Flakeboard Vesta FR Particleboard is treated with fire-retardant chemicals. These chemicals are used to reduce and/or prevent the spread of flame in the case of a fire. Flame-retardant treatment of wood generally improves the products performance during a fire by reducing the amount of flammable volatiles released during fire exposure and/or by reducing the effective heat of combustion. Both results have the effect of reducing the heat release rate (HRR), particularly during the initial stages of fire, and thus consequently reducing the rate of flame spread over the surface. The wood may then self-extinguish when the primary heat source is removed (Wood Handbook, 1999). In the case of particleboard, inorganic salt crystals are generally used in fire-retardancy. Although these chemicals help in the prevention of fire, they pose many problems when determining the MC of the panel. The electrical current is altered by the nature of the inorganic salts when using an Electrical method moisture meter. This false MC can be confusing to the user, and therefore calibration is required to obtain a correct reading. The fire-retardant chemical also poses a problem when using the Oven-Dry method. A panel with a chemical impregnant that is volatile at oven temperatures will evaporate during ovendrying, and the resulting weight loss can be misinterpreted as due to evaporated water. An impregnant that is nonvolatile will remain in the panel and increase the apparent ovendry weight of the wood (James, 1988). The chemical used in Flakeboard Vesta FR Particleboard is extremely volatile 9Wood, Inc. | 1BIntroduction: 1 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 at high temperatures and when exposed to such heat, water is released, thus increasing the apparent MC of the panel. Due to this distortion in meter readings and false ovendry MC in Fire-Retardant panels, it is nearly impossible to obtain the true MC of the panel. Consequently, it is extremely important to calibrate the moisture meters to a given product as well as create an equilibrium/ acclimation chart. By doing this, it can be assured that the panel is at equilibrium with its environment when the target meter reading (from the acclimation chart) and actual meter reading become relatively equivalent. Methodology: 1. Referenced Documents 1.1. ASTM Standards • D 4442 Test Methods for Direct Moisture Content Measurement of Wood and Wood-Based Materials. • D 4444 Standard Test Methods for Use and Calibration of Hand-Held Moisture Meters. • D 4933 Guide for Moisture Conditioning of Wood and Wood-Based Materials. 2. Summary of Test Method 2.1. 150 samples (75 Vesta FR Particleboard samples, and 75 Standard non-FR Particleboard samples) were conditioned in an ASTM standards chamber, a Hot/Dry chamber, a Hot/Wet chamber, a Cold chamber, and an ambient (outside) chamber until fully acclimated. MC measurements were taken with a Lignomat Mini-Ligno DX “pin style” (resistance) moisture meter and a Scanner SD “pinless style” (capacitance) moisture meter at multiple settings. Next, calibration of these readings were done using an ASTM D 4442 oven dry method (method A) to determine which moisture meter and setting number produced the most accurate measurements. After an accurate meter and setting number was determined, an equilibrium/acclimation chart was created. 3. Significance and Use 3.1. Refer to ASTM D 4442, D 4444, and D 4933. 4. Apparatus 4.1. Lignomat Mini-Ligno DX moisture meter (provided by 9Wood) (Figure 1). 4.2. Lignomat Scanner SD moisture meter (provided by Lignomat) (Figure 1). 4.3. Refer to ASTM D 4442 & D 4933 for apparatus required for oven dry method. 4.3.1. Actual oven used in oven dry test is depicted in Figure 2. Figure 1: Mini-Ligno DX (left) and the Scanner SD (right) Figure 2: Oven for the Oven-Dry Test. 9Wood, Inc. | 3BMethodology: 2 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 5. Test Materials 5.1. Wood: 5.1.1. Prisms were made from ¾” Flakeboard Vesta FR Particleboard and ¾” Flakeboard Standard (non FR) Particleboard with a face and back veneer. 5.1.2. Prisms were 4” (101.6mm) wide by 6” (152.4mm) long by 3/4" (19mm) thick (Figure 3). 6. Sampling 6.1. Constants: 6.1.1. 3/4” particleboard with face and back wood veneers. 6.1.2. Temperature at time of moisture meter readings (65˚F). 6.1.3. Direction of Veneer grain in relation to the direction of the moisture meter’s pins or plate (parallel correlation). 6.1.4. Tested veneer (plain sliced cherry). 6.2. Variables: 6.2.1. Particleboard (Flakeboard Vesta FR Particleboard and Standard non-FR Particleboard). 6.2.2. Moisture Meter (Lignomat’s Mini-Ligno DX and Scanner SD). 6.2.3. Mini-Ligno DX pin length (short and long). 6.2.4. Scanner SD penetration depth (1/4” and 3/4"). 6.2.5. Moisture meter setting number (1, 2, and 3 on the Mini-Ligno DX and 65, 75, and 85 on the Scanner SD). 6.2.6. Conditioning (ASTM, Hot/Dry, Hot/Wet, Cold, Outside/Ambient). 6.3. 15 replications for each variable/combination were performed. 7. Test Specimen 4” Grain Direction ¾” 6” Figure 3: Dimensions of Sample Board 7.1. A total of 27 readings from the Mini-Ligno DX moisture meter were taken. 18 readings were taken with the short pin (3 readings from each setting were taken on the face veneer and 3 from each setting were taken from the edge (center of thickness) of each panel). 9 readings were taken with the long pin [3 readings from each setting were taken on the edge (center of thickness) of each panel]. 7.1.1. Note: Long pins were not used on face veneer because of the amount of force required to drive the pins. The application was too impractical to keep as a variable. 7.2. A total of 6 readings from the Scanner SD moisture meter were taken (3 readings with each depth setting from the face veneer) on each sample board. 7.3. The position of each Moisture Meter was strategically placed on the panel (Figures 4 & 5). 7.3.1. Meter readings for the Mini-Ligno DX were taken by following a simple grid pattern (Refer to Figure 5). 9Wood, Inc. | 3BMethodology: 3 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 Mini‐Ligno DX Scanner SD Grain Direction Grain Direction Figure 4: Depiction of the moisture meter placement for the Mini-Ligno DX (left) and the Scanner SD (right) in relation to the grain direction of the veneer. Grain Direction Setting 3 Placement of Pins Setting 1 Setting 3 Setting 2 Setting 1 Setting 2 Figure 5: Depiction of Mini-Ligno’s pin placement. Readings taken from Setting 1 are shown in Blue, Setting 2 are in Red, and Setting 3 are in Green. 7.4. A total of 150 samples were tested. 7.4.1. 15 samples consisted of Flakeboard Vesta FR Particleboard, conditioned in the ASTM chamber. 27 readings from the Mini-Ligno DX moisture meter and 6 from the Scanner SD moisture meter were taken. 7.4.2. 15 samples consisted of Flakeboard Vesta FR Particleboard, conditioned in the Hot/Dry chamber. 27 readings from the Mini-Ligno DX moisture meter and 6 from the Scanner SD moisture meter were taken. 7.4.3. 15 samples consisted of Flakeboard Vesta FR Particleboard, conditioned in the Hot/Wet chamber. 27 readings from the Mini-Ligno DX moisture meter and 6 from the Scanner SD moisture meter were taken. 7.4.4. 15 samples consisted of Flakeboard Vesta FR Particleboard, conditioned in the Cold chamber. 27 readings from the Mini-Ligno DX moisture meter and 6 from the Scanner SD moisture meter were taken. 7.4.5. 15 samples consisted of Flakeboard Vesta FR Particleboard, conditioned Outside in ambient air. 27 readings from the Mini-Ligno DX moisture meter and 6 from the Scanner SD moisture meter were taken. 7.4.6. 15 samples consisted of Standard (non-FR) Flakeboard Particleboard, conditioned in the ASTM chamber. 27 readings from the Mini-Ligno DX moisture meter and 6 from the Scanner SD moisture meter were taken. 7.4.7. 15 samples consisted of Standard (non-FR) Flakeboard Particleboard, conditioned in the Hot/Dry chamber. 27 readings from the Mini-Ligno DX moisture meter and 6 from the Scanner SD moisture meter were taken. 9Wood, Inc. | 3BMethodology: 4 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 7.4.8. 15 samples consisted of Standard (non-FR) Flakeboard Particleboard, conditioned in the Hot/Wet chamber. 27 readings from the Mini-Ligno DX moisture meter and 6 from the Scanner SD moisture meter were taken. 7.4.9. 15 samples consisted of Standard (non-FR) Flakeboard Particleboard, conditioned in the Cold chamber. 27 readings from the Mini-Ligno DX moisture meter and 6 from the Scanner SD moisture meter were taken. 7.4.10. 15 samples consisted of Standard (non-FR) Flakeboard Particleboard, conditioned Outside in ambient air. 27 readings from the Mini-Ligno DX moisture meter and 6 from the Scanner SD moisture meter were taken. 8. Conditioning 8.1. The panels were conditioned in an ASTM chamber, Hot/Dry chamber, Hot/Wet chamber, Cold chamber, and Outside in ambient air. Conditioning Chamber Temperature Relative Humidity (°C/°F) (%) ASTM 20/68 65 Hot/Dry Hot/Wet 30/86 30/86 20 90 Cold 5/41 80 Outside/Ambient 23/73 51 Table 1: Temperature and %RH of each conditioning chamber. 8.2. Samples were left to acclimate until a steady weight was reached (Table 2). Sample Board Weight (grams) in Conditioning Condition Board # STD ASTM Date 15‐Jul 16‐Jul 17‐Jul 18‐Jul 19‐Jul 20‐Jul 21‐Jul 22‐Jul 13 14 15 211.60 209.22 224.05 212.07 209.45 229.37 212.37 209.59 229.56 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 212.83 209.83 229.85 212.90 209.78 229.88 Tested Tested Tested FR Hot/Dry 26 27 28 226.23 220.64 221.22 223.30 217.26 217.96 222.20 215.98 216.66 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 220.44 214.04 214.73 219.62 213.13 213.66 219.54 213.09 213.60 FR Hot/Wet 31 32 33 217.30 216.19 216.35 219.60 218.42 218.50 220.69 219.45 219.53 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 222.22 220.93 221.02 223.31 221.96 222.05 223.58 222.28 222.35 STD Cold 47 48 49 206.90 206.53 219.55 208.41 207.88 221.18 209.43 208.87 222.11 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 211.08 210.36 223.52 211.37 210.49 223.78 Tested Tested Tested FR Outside 73 74 75 218.27 218.74 218.58 ‐ ‐ 218.23 218.26 224.56 225.32 225.38 ‐ ‐ 225.41 225.50 219.49 219.97 219.85 ‐ ‐ 219.56 219.58 Table 2: Sample board weights during the process of conditioning. Tested Tested Tested 9Wood, Inc. | 3BMethodology: 5 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 9. Procedure 9.1. Various Flakeboard Vesta FR Particleboard and Flakeboard Standard (non-FR) Particleboard panels were obtained from 9Wood’s manufacturing facility and cut into designated dimensions (refer to Figure 3). 9.2. Sample boards were labeled with a number (for reference) and their particleboard core (refer to 7.4 for various sample boards). An example is shown below in Figure 6. Figure 6: Picture of a correctly labeled sample board. 9.3. 15 samples of each particleboard type were then placed in one of the five conditioning rooms to acclimate until stable weights were reached (Table 1 & 2). 9.4. Once acclimation was reached, the boards were transferred to plastic bags to prevent moisture gain/ loss and to allow for cooling. 9.5. Boards were then tested using the following procedure. (Refer to Figure 7 depiction of meters in use). 9.5.1. One by one, each sample board was removed from the plastic bag and with the use of the Scanner SD (Setting 65, penetration depth 1/4") three readings from the face of the panel were taken and then placed into another bag. 9.5.2. The penetration depth on the Meter was then changed to 3/4" and three more readings from the face of the panel were taken. Note: The samples were placed on spacers to prevent the table surface from interfering with the meter reading. 9.5.3. Using the same process, three meter readings with Setting 75 and 85 were then taken with the Scanner SD. 9.5.4. After all the meter readings with the Scanner SD were taken, each sample board was removed from the plastic bag and with the use of the Mini-Ligno DX (Short pin / Setting 1) three readings from the face and edge were taken using the grid pattern shown in Figure 4 and then placed into another bag. 9.5.5. Using the same process, three meter readings with Setting 2 and 3 were then taken on the face and edge of the panel with the short pin. 9.5.6. After all Mini-Ligno DX (Short pin) readings were taken, the short pins were changed out and replaced with the longer pins. 9.5.7. One by one, each sample board was removed from the plastic bag and with the use of the Mini-Lingo DX (Long pin, setting 1) three readings from the edge of the panel were taken and then placed into another bag. 9.5.8. Using the same process, three meter readings with Setting 2 and 3 were then taken with the long pin. 9Wood, Inc. | 3BMethodology: 6 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 Figure 7: Picture of each meter type. Scanner SD (left), Mini-Ligno DX Short Pin (middle), MiniLigno DX Long Pin (right). 9.5.9. After all meter readings were taken, the boards were weighed and then placed into the oven to dry for an Oven-Dry MC (Figure 8). Oven Dry %MC Wet W – Oven DryW Oven Dry W 100 Equation 1: Formula used to derive Oven-Dry Moisture Content. Figure 8: Picture of device used to weigh samples. 9.5.10. The sample boards were left to dry for approximately 24 hours. Moisture content was determined using the Oven-Dry method (refer to Equation 1). 9.6. The data were analyzed to find the difference between Standard (non-FR) Flakeboard Particleboard and Vesta FR Flakeboard Particleboard. 9.7. Each data set from the tested moisture meters was then graphed and a regression line was fitted to the data points. From here, the moisture meter with the most accurate MC readings and highest R2 value (best correlation) for Vesta FR Particleboard was determined. 9.8. Once the appropriate meter was determined, an equilibrium/ acclimation chart was created using the relative humidity and temperature from each conditioning room. Assumptions were drawn with help from Table 3-4 of the Wood Handbook (Table 3). 9Wood, Inc. | 3BMethodology: 7 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 Table 3: Table 3-4 from Wood Handbook that was used to extrapolate data in equilibrium/ acclimation chart. 9.9. Conclusions were drawn from results. Results and Discussion: There was a common difference between Standard non-FR Flakeboard Particleboard and Vesta FR Flakeboard Particleboard. On average, Vesta FR Flakeboard Particleboard had an apparent 3.3% higher Oven-Dry MC over Standard Particleboard. Average Percent Moisture Contents for Each Conditioning Chamber and Particleboard Type Particleboard type Standard (non‐FR) Vesta FR Range ASTM 9.5% 13.1% 3.7% Conditioning Chamber Hot/Dry Hot/Wet Cold 6.1% 12.8% 11.3% 8.5% 16.1% 14.9% 2.4% 3.3% 3.6% Outside 9.1% 12.6% 3.5% Table 4: Comparison of average Oven-Dry %MC between Standard (non-FR) Particleboard and Vesta FR Particleboard after conditioned in each chamber. 9Wood, Inc. | 4BResults and Discussion: 8 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 Each Moisture Meter (resistance and capacitance type) and setting varied widely in moisture content readings (refer to Figure 9). The Scanner SD was the quickest and easiest meter to use, but showed minimal signs of accuracy and precision. The Mini-Ligno DX (long pins installed) presented the highest accuracy and precision, but was impractical because edge of board entry can be restricted during commercial use. The Mini-Ligno DX (short pins installed) on the other hand had high signs of accuracy, precision, and practicality. Later investigation confirmed that the Mini-Ligno DX equipped with the short pins on “Setting 3” taken from the face veneer is the best meter and setting for commercial use (Figure 10). 20.0% 18.0% y = 0.0067x + 0.0601 R² = 0.9373 16.0% Vesta Oven‐Dry %MC 14.0% y = 0.0055x + 0.0578 R² = 0.9749 12.0% 10.0% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 Meter Reading Scanner SD (3/4") Setting 65 Mini‐Ligno DX (Short pin) Setting 3 Linear (Scanner SD (3/4") Setting 65) Linear (Mini‐Ligno DX (Short pin) Setting 3) Figure 9: Graph that depicts each meter (Mini‐Ligno DX and Scanner SD) and their corresponding most accurate setting. Meter readings are fitted against the Oven‐Dry MC of Vesta FR Flakeboard Particleboard. 9Wood, Inc. | 4BResults and Discussion: 9 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 18.0% 16.0% 14.0% Vesta Oven‐Dry %MC 12.0% 10.0% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% y = 0.0072x + 0.0706 R² = 0.9748 y = 0.0065x + 0.0633 R² = 0.9751 2.0% y = 0.0055x + 0.0578 R² = 0.9749 0.0% 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 MiniLigno DX Meter Reading Short Pin (Face) Setting 1 Short Pin (Face) Setting 3 Short Pin (Face) Setting 2 Linear (Short Pin (Face) Setting 1) Figure 10: Vesta FR Flakeboard Particleboard and corresponding Mini-Ligno DX %MC (Short Pin/Taken from the face veneer) fitted against Oven-Dry %MC. Note: The complete set of data tables and corresponding graphs are shown in Appendix I – IX & XIII. A correction chart and equation to find the actual %MC was created by taking the linear regression of the Mini-Ligno DX (Short Pin/ Setting 3/ taken from the face veneer) and the relationship between Standard (non-FR) Particleboard and Vesta FR Particleboard (refer to Table 5 and Equation 2). Meter Reading 4 Actual %MC 5.4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 5.9 6.3 6.8 7.3 7.7 8.2 8.7 9.2 9.6 10.1 10.6 11.1 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 Table 5: Correction Chart for the Mini-Ligno DX (Short Pin / Setting 3 / Taken from the face veneer) when tested on Flakeboard’s Vesta FR Particleboard. 9Wood, Inc. | 4BResults and Discussion: 10 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 % . . . . Equation 2: Meter correction equation used to calculate actual %MC in Vesta FR Flakeboard Particleboard with a face and back veneer while using the Mini-Ligno DX (Short Pin / Setting 3 / Taken from face veneer). The previous formula and table will only be helpful if the installer/user desires the true MC of the Vesta FR Flakeboard Particleboard. However, since the purpose of the test was designed to examine which meter (resistance or capacitance) and setting would produce an accurate means of determining fully acclimated Vesta FR Flakeboard Particleboard panels with a face and back veneer, the actual MC is unneeded. All that is necessary is a highly precise Moisture Meter with an equilibrium/ acclimation chart adjusted to the reading from the Meter (refer to Table 6 and Figure 11). This set of equipment assures the installer that the panels are fully acclimated to their environment and ready for installation. Temperature (°F) Mini‐Lingo DX meter readings at various relative humidity values 40 20% 50% 65% 80% 90% 5.0 13.0 14.1 17.1 18.7 5.0 13.0 14.1 17.0 18.6 5.0 12.9 14.0 16.8 18.5 4.9 12.8 13.8 16.6 18.3 4.8 12.6 13.5 16.3 17.9 4.7 12.4 13.3 16.0 17.6 4.6 12.2 13.0 15.7 17.3 50 60 70 80 90 100 Table 6: Acclimation/Equilibrium (EMC) chart for Vesta FR Flakeboard Particleboard when using Mini-Ligno DX (Short Pin / Setting 3 / Taken from the face veneer). 9Wood, Inc. | 4BResults and Discussion: 11 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 20.0 18.0 16.0 Mini‐Ligno DX Meter Reading 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Relative Humidity 40 Deg. F 70 Deg. F 100 Deg. F Figure 11: Acclimation/ Equilibrium (EMC) graph for Vesta FR Flakeboard Particleboard when using Mini-Ligno DX (Short Pin / Setting 3 / Taken from the face veneer). 9Wood, Inc. | 4BResults and Discussion: 12 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 Conclusion: This study demonstrates that hand held moisture meters can be a useful tool for estimating the MC of laminated particleboard products. Although both meters presented applicable results, the Mini-Ligno DX (Short Pin / Setting 3 / Taken on the face veneer) in particular had the greatest signs of accuracy, reproducibility, and practicality. By using this meter and the equilibrium/ acclimation chart, board MC stabilization (EMC) can be easily predicted. To obtain desirable results when measuring panel EMC, the following steps must be preformed: 1. Place the panels in the installation environment. Position them with spaces to allow free air flow around all surfaces of the panel. Stabilize the installation environment to a steady temperature and relative humidity within acceptable parameters (refer to Architectural Woodwork Standards; published by AWI). Measure and record the relative humidity and temperature of the room. 2. Use the equilibrium/acclimation chart or graph to estimate the target Mini-Ligno DX meter reading for the given temperature and relative humidity. 3. Three readings from the back of the panel (non decorative side) are to be average from the Mini-Ligno DX moisture meter while on “Setting 3” with the short pins installed. 4. Repeat step 3 over a few days until a steady meter reading has been collected. The reading should correspond to the chart’s meter reading (from step 2). If not, let the panels acclimate for a longer period of time. Note this step could take a while before completed. a. Acclimation may take only a few days if the initial readings are close to the target. It may take a week or more for the panels to make a large change in moisture content. 5. Once fully acclimated, the panels are ready to be installed. Premature installation could lead to panel distortion (warp) due to dimensional changes induced by moisture loss or gain. 9Wood, Inc. | 5BConclusion: 13 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 Literature Cited: Forest Products Laboratory. 1999. Wood handbook—Wood as an engineering material. Gen. Tech. Rep. FPL GTR–113. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. 463 p. James, William L. Electric moisture meters for wood. Gen. Tech. Rep. FPL-GTR-6. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory; 1988. 17 p. 9Wood, Inc. | 6BLiterature Cited: 14 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 9WOOD, INC. Appendices: Copy of Test Data and Graphs Test Evaluation Report Jonathan C. Gates August, 2009 9Wood, Inc. | 7BAppendices: 15 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 Appendix I: Scanner SD (Setting 65) Test Data 9Wood, Inc. | 7BAppendices: 16 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 9Wood, Inc. | 7BAppendices: 17 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 Appendix II: Scanner SD (Setting 75) Test Data 9Wood, Inc. | 7BAppendices: 18 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 9Wood, Inc. | 7BAppendices: 19 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 Appendix III: Scanner SD (Setting 85) Test Data 9Wood, Inc. | 7BAppendices: 20 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 9Wood, Inc. | 7BAppendices: 21 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 Appendix IV: Mini-Ligno (Short Pin / Setting 1) Test Data 9Wood, Inc. | 7BAppendices: 22 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 9Wood, Inc. | 7BAppendices: 23 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 Appendix V: Mini-Lingo DX (Short Pin / Setting 2) Test Data 9Wood, Inc. | 7BAppendices: 24 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 9Wood, Inc. | 7BAppendices: 25 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 Appendix VI: Mini-Ligno (Short Pin / Setting 3) Test Data 9Wood, Inc. | 7BAppendices: 26 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 9Wood, Inc. | 7BAppendices: 27 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 Appendix VII: Mini-Ligno DX (Long Pin / Setting 1) Test Data 9Wood, Inc. | 7BAppendices: 28 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 9Wood, Inc. | 7BAppendices: 29 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 Appendix VIII: Mini-Ligno DX (Long Pin / Setting 2) Test Data 9Wood, Inc. | 7BAppendices: 30 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 9Wood, Inc. | 7BAppendices: 31 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 Appendix IX: Mini‐Ligno DX (Long Pin / Setting 3) Test Data 9Wood, Inc. | 7BAppendices: 32 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 9Wood, Inc. | 7BAppendices: 33 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] Appendix X: Oven Dry Moisture Contents: August 2009 9Wood, Inc. | 7BAppendices: 34 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 9Wood, Inc. | 7BAppendices: 35 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 Appendix XI: Comparison between each Moisture Content method and setting 9Wood, Inc. | 7BAppendices: 36 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 9Wood, Inc. | 7BAppendices: 37 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 9Wood, Inc. | 7BAppendices: 38 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 9Wood, Inc. | 7BAppendices: 39 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 Appendix XII: Standard (non‐FR) Flakeboard Particleboard Graph Correlation Series Standard Particleboard and corresponding MiniLigno DX %MC (Short Pin/ Taken from Panel Face) fitted against Oven‐Dry %MC 14.0% y = 0.0051x + 0.0412 R² = 0.9124 y = 0.0058x + 0.0464 R² = 0.9253 12.0% 10.0% Oven‐Dry %MC y = 0.0044x + 0.0366 R² = 0.9114 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% 0.0 2.0 4.0 Short Pin (Face) Setting 1 Linear (Short Pin (Face) Setting 1) 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 MiniLigno DX Meter Reading Short Pin (Face) Setting 2 Short Pin (Face) Setting 3 Linear (Short Pin (Face) Setting 2) Linear (Short Pin (Face) Setting 3) Standard Particleboard and corresponding MiniLigno DX %MC (Short Pin/ Taken from Panel Edge) fitted against Oven‐Dry %MC 14.0% y = 0.0067x + 0.0388 R² = 0.9587 y = 0.0064x + 0.0281 R² = 0.9558 12.0% y = 0.0054x + 0.0219 R² = 0.9558 Oven‐Dry %MC 10.0% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% 0.0 5.0 Short Pin (Edge) Setting 1 10.0 15.0 MiniLigno DX Meter Reading Short Pin (Edge) Setting 2 20.0 Short Pin (Edge) Setting 3 9Wood, Inc. | 7BAppendices: 25.0 40 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 Standard Particleboard and corresponding MiniLigno DX %MC (Long Pin/ Taken from Panel Edge) fitted against Oven‐Dry %MC 14.0% y = 0.0066x + 0.0176 R² = 0.9769 y = 0.006x + 0.0063 R² = 0.9682 12.0% 10.0% Oven‐Dry %MC y = 0.0072x + 0.0273 R² = 0.9695 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 MiniLigno DXMeter Reading Long Pin (Edge) Setting 2 Linear (Long Pin (Edge) Setting 2) Long Pin (Edge) Setting 1 Linear (Long Pin (Edge) Setting 1) 20.0 25.0 Long Pin (Edge) Setting 3 Linear (Long Pin (Edge) Setting 3) Standard Particleboard and corresponding Scanner SD %MC (1/4" Depth of Penetration/ Taken from Panel Face) fitted against Oven‐Dry %MC 18.0% y = 0.0021x + 0.0674 R² = 0.7478 16.0% y = 0.0023x + 0.0675 R² = 0.7683 14.0% y = 0.0018x + 0.067 R² = 0.7231 Oven‐Dry %MC 12.0% 10.0% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 Scanner SD (1/4") Setting 65 Scanner SD (1/4") Setting 85 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 Scanner SD Meter Reading Scanner SD (1/4") Setting 75 Linear (Scanner SD (1/4") Setting 65) 9Wood, Inc. | 7BAppendices: 41 50.0 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 Standard Particleboard and corresponding Scanner SD %MC (3/4" Depth of Penetration/ Taken from Panel Face) fitted against Oven‐Dry %MC 18.0% 16.0% y = 0.0032x + 0.0621 R² = 0.8346 14.0% y = 0.003x + 0.0615 R² = 0.8196 y = 0.002x + 0.067 R² = 0.7137 Oven‐Dry %MC 12.0% 10.0% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% 0.0 10.0 Scanner SD (3/4") Setting 65 Scanner SD (3/4") Setting 85 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Scanner SD Meter Reading Scanner SD (3/4") Setting 75 Linear (Scanner SD (3/4") Setting 65) 9Wood, Inc. | 7BAppendices: 42 60.0 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 Appendix XIII: Vesta FR Flakeboard Particleboard Graph Correlation Series Vesta FR Particleboard and corresponding MiniLigno DX %MC (Short Pin/ Taken from Panel Face) fitted against Oven‐Dry %MC 18.0% y = 0.0072x + 0.0706 y = 0.0065x + 0.0633 y = 0.0055x + 0.0578 R² = 0.9751 R² = 0.9749 R² = 0.9748 16.0% 14.0% Oven‐Dry %MC 12.0% 10.0% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% 0.0 2.0 4.0 Short Pin (Face) Setting 1 Linear (Short Pin (Face) Setting 1) 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 MiniLigno DX Meter Reading Short Pin (Face) Setting 2 Short Pin (Face) Setting 3 Linear (Short Pin (Face) Setting 2) Linear (Short Pin (Face) Setting 3) Vesta FR Particleboard and corresponding MiniLigno DX %MC (Short Pin/ Taken from Panel Edge) fitted against Oven‐Dry %MC 18.0% y = 0.0086x + 0.0685 R² = 0.9793 16.0% y = 0.0075x + 0.0614 R² = 0.9815 y = 0.0065x + 0.0542 R² = 0.9818 14.0% Oven‐Dry %MC 12.0% 10.0% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% 0.0 2.0 4.0 Short Pin (Edge) Setting 1 Linear (Short Pin (Edge) Setting 1) 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 MiniLigno DX Meter Reading Short Pin (Edge) Setting 2 Short Pin (Edge) Setting 3 Linear (Short Pin (Edge) Setting 2) Linear (Short Pin (Edge) Setting 3) 9Wood, Inc. | 7BAppendices: 43 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 Vesta FR Particleboard and corresponding MiniLigno DX %MC (Long Pin/ Taken from Panel Edge) fitted against Oven‐Dry %MC 18.0% y = 0.0078x + 0.0695 R² = 0.9803 16.0% y = 0.0069x + 0.0628 y = 0.006x + 0.0555 R² = 0.9859 R² = 0.9871 14.0% Oven‐Dry %MC 12.0% 10.0% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 Long Pin (Edge) Setting 1 Linear (Long Pin (Edge) Setting 1) 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 MiniLigno DX Meter Reading Long Pin (Edge) Setting 2 Long Pin (Edge) Setting 3 Linear (Long Pin (Edge) Setting 2) Linear (Long Pin (Edge) Setting 3) 8.0 Vesta FR Particleboard and corresponding Scanner SD %MC (1/4" Depth of Penetration/ Taken from Panel Face) fitted against Oven‐Dry %MC 20.0% y = 0.0058x + 0.0781 y = 0.0054x + 0.0767 y = 0.005x + 0.0722 R² = 0.8597 R² = 0.8797 R² = 0.9083 18.0% 16.0% Oven‐Dry %MC 14.0% 12.0% 10.0% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% 0.0 5.0 Scanner SD (1/4") Setting 65 Scanner SD (1/4") Setting 85 10.0 15.0 20.0 Scanner SD Meter Reading Scanner SD (1/4") Setting 75 Linear (Scanner SD (1/4") Setting 65) 9Wood, Inc. | 7BAppendices: 44 25.0 [CALIBRATION OF HAND-HELD MOISTURE METERS (RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE) WHEN USED WITH 9WOOD’S PARTICLEBOARD PRODUCTS] August 2009 Vesta FR Particleboard and corresponding Scanner SD %MC (3/4" Depth of Penetration/ Taken from Panel Face) fitted against Oven‐Dry %MC 20.0% y = 0.007x + 0.069 y = 0.0067x + 0.0601 R² = 0.9373 R² = 0.947 18.0% y = 0.0072x + 0.0735 R² = 0.9584 16.0% 14.0% Oven‐Dry %MC 12.0% 10.0% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% 0.0 2.0 4.0 Scanner SD (3/4") Setting 65 Scanner SD (3/4") Setting 85 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 Scanner SD Meter Reading Scanner SD (3/4") Setting 75 Linear (Scanner SD (3/4") Setting 65) 9Wood, Inc. | 7BAppendices: 45 18.0
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