(2001) (Part 2 of 4)
(2001) (Part 2 of 4)
A Bibliography of Papers in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2001) (Part 2 of 4) Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: beebe@math.utah.edu, beebe@acm.org, beebe@computer.org (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 04 February 2014 Version 1.08 Title word cross-reference [2004, 2013, 1150]. N [817, 1265, 793, 1856, 1307]. O(log ∗k) [1055]. O(n2 ) [1459]. O(n4.03 ) [2158]. O(s2 ) [1490]. P [2163, 27, 2162, 1211, 55, 57, 45, 303]. Π [1227, 716, 648]. Q [2400, 1481]. qp [2157]. r [664]. S [842]. V [1450]. (2 + ε) [1082]. (2m ) [2185]. + [621, 58]. {0, ∗, 1} [2380]. 0, 1 [1060]. 0 − 1 [1074, 1077]. 1 [654, 1934]. 2 [1341, 721, 1061, 1064, 1072, 178, 1307, 2102, 165, 1516, 166]. 2nd [2102]. 3 [1758, 2332, 630, 702, 151, 209, 1136, 154, 1094, 869, 1324, 2096, 1093, 2137, 1101, 205, 2483, 1779, 161, 1126, 2296, 2297, 207, 2302, 1129, 1103, 2134, 1883, 1140, 1516, 1125, 200]. 3rd [1604]. 3G [1603]. 4 [342, 1132]. = [58]. 0 [852]. 2 [861]. 3 [392]. α [2493]. d [2167]. δ [307]. [1458]. γ [2118]. GF (2m ) [2026]. H [2189, 51, 21, 22, 664]. K [1282, 1837, 1055, 30, 1059, 2189, 31, 1062, 1897, 2197, 2506, 2219, 864]. k > 2 [1062]. M 4 [750]. ALCN HR+ [1147]. F [545]. µ * [1467]. *-NFAs [1467]. -Adic [303]. -Approximable [307]. -Approximation [1064, 1082, 1055]. -Body [817, 793]. -by- [1307]. -Calculus [716, 2013, 1150]. -Center [1055, 864]. -Colorings [2189]. -Commodity [1072]. -Complete [2163]. -Computable [2157]. -D [1758, 209, 721, 1324, 1093, 1101, 178, 1132]. -Dimensional [2096, 1883, 2167]. 1 2 -Divisible [1856]. -DTB [1227]. -Exclusion [2219]. -Floodlights [648]. -Grams [1481]. -Invariants [842]. -Learning [2400]. -Median [864]. -MSTs [1059]. -NN [1837]. -optimal [57]. -Parameter [2118]. -Partitioning [2493]. -Queens [1265]. -Removal [1458]. -SAT [30, 31, 869]. -Selectivity [2162]. -Spanner [1062]. -Steiner [1059]. -Subdomination [2197]. -SVCR [1282]. -Systems [27]. -Trees [2189, 342]. -Valued [1897, 2380]. -Variable [1061]. .NET [546]. 0 [1064]. 0.61 [1171]. 036 [1327]. 1 [414]. 1.1 [1172]. 1984-2000 [291]. 2 [1064, 1672]. 2.0 [953]. 2.3 [1199]. 2000 [421, 404, 408, 419, 1315, 953, 973, 420]. 3 [960, 958]. 3SAT [2212]. 4 [1747, 2047]. 5 [1179]. 64Mbit [2140]. 802.11 [1588]. 802.11b [1671]. 99 [321]. AAL [1735]. Ab-Initio [621]. Abductive [1959]. Abelian [1160]. Aberrant [459]. ABF [744]. Ability [2263]. ABox [1149]. ABR [1752, 1765]. Absolute [306]. Absorption [1040]. Abstract [1489, 1164, 1995, 2287, 1482, 393, 267, 532, 1144, 1477, 1173, 10, 1145, 877, 1171, 1539, 1160, 2547]. Abstracting [2476]. Abstraction [2016, 1948, 286, 351, 1997]. Abstractions [101, 1949, 5, 839]. AC [1372]. Accelerate [952]. Accelerating [2153, 1243]. Acceptable [142]. Access [2252, 1470, 608, 2470, 2431, 2478, 1724, 331, 791]. Accessible [125]. Accident [476]. According [338]. Account [2344]. Accounting [1727]. Accrual [1975]. Accuracy [130]. Accurate [2122, 694, 1037, 1539, 573]. Acetylcholine [1211]. Achieve [2381]. Achieving [1637, 789]. Acknowledgment [1581]. Acoustics [675]. Acquired [1346]. Acquiring [1005, 2233]. Acquisition [1963, 1955, 1945, 435, 2225, 2374, 215]. across [854, 1790, 940]. Action [71, 389]. Action-Based [71]. Actions [145, 2252, 82, 1388, 1024, 70]. Activation [1115]. Activations [1114]. Active [2561, 2480, 1747, 1705, 1606, 1784, 1744, 1743, 2481, 1746, 1134, 177, 1365, 1091, 1745, 1883, 2129, 1133, 1662]. Activities [990, 958]. Activity [1205, 2036, 1509]. Actors [2429]. Actual [557]. Acute [1875]. Acyclic [1491, 1457, 2200]. Acyclicity [901]. Ad [1585, 1702, 1700, 1701]. Ad-Hoc [1585, 1702]. Adapt [1029]. Adaptable [2567, 1770]. Adaptation [1045, 1010, 1030, 1266, 1965, 1036, 1686, 1037, 939, 1594]. Adaptation-Guided [1037]. Adapted [1550, 2451]. Adapting [1790]. Adaptive [719, 226, 722, 323, 713, 168, 1396, 2216, 1645, 1130, 1276, 2267, 219, 1782, 2236, 381, 1603, 160, 1022, 706, 708, 2430, 1677, 1585, 2370, 2297, 1474, 1626, 664, 682, 93, 1355, 330, 696, 2234, 1686, 747, 1249, 619, 2272, 1689, 2314, 2274, 714]. Adaptively [2144]. Adaptivity [2154]. Adding [1642, 2518, 995]. Additive [2390]. Addresses [692]. Addressing [104]. ADI [661, 2323]. Adic [303]. Adjunctions [2110]. Adjust [1387]. Adjustable [2439, 2433, 2438]. Adjustably [2437]. Adjusted [2496]. Admissible [311]. Admission [1591, 1613, 1715, 1599, 1646, 1751]. Admitting [1655]. ADORA [366]. Adult 3 [1555]. Advanced [482, 2473, 2322, 959, 1413, 561, 1610]. Advances [144, 1538]. Advantages [712]. Advice [2415]. Adviser [1980]. Advisor [520]. Advisory [1945]. Aerosol [709, 813]. Affective [2265]. Affine [1537]. Affine-Invariant [1537]. against [1339]. Age [1383, 2078]. AGEB [663]. AGENDA [2267]. Agent [2407, 1918, 1423, 1245, 1422, 490, 1622, 1014, 228, 2255, 2031, 2428, 2236, 492, 2269, 1409, 2088, 516, 229, 741, 1413, 1732, 2431, 1410, 1729, 2420, 499, 1730, 1414, 939, 2494, 1247, 2432, 2422, 513, 1408, 1973, 2434, 71, 1421, 2500, 503, 493, 1406, 61, 500, 1416, 1425, 1415, 1968, 2218, 1407, 1420, 502, 2034]. Agent-Based [1423, 1622, 228, 492, 2088, 229, 2432, 513, 1408]. Agents [287, 2295, 518, 2042, 2331, 2435, 494, 2425, 2426, 2265, 784, 2427, 2063, 834, 2430, 504, 2423, 1786, 1029, 292, 526, 1731, 1419, 85, 70, 2419, 2433, 2041, 512, 1965, 2039, 227, 1407, 217, 2421, 2466, 1717]. Aggregates [1594]. Aggregation [1592]. Aggressive [2149]. Aging [2290]. Agnostic [2394, 2380]. Agreement [337]. Agreements [2434, 1593]. AGVI [2002]. AHP [2064]. AI [2229, 1969, 69, 2414, 515]. AI- [515]. AI-Based [1969]. Aid [2243]. Aided [961, 592]. Air [2334, 710, 1040]. Alder [850]. ALEC [719]. Algebra [1505, 821, 247, 1511, 246]. Algebraic [1893, 2004, 1896, 239, 2162, 654, 837, 2109]. Algebras [850, 921]. Algorithm [448, 1381, 1251, 1550, 630, 1678, 723, 769, 1720, 978, 2190, 30, 1698, 1058, 2210, 1293, 1289, 1989, 1273, 986, 1675, 426, 479, 1497, 497, 1709, 731, 1546, 2087, 642, 1613, 818, 2095, 2530, 705, 2194, 1530, 1122, 768, 1458, 746, 807, 740, 804, 1627, 2219, 773, 2211, 2544, 1129, 1486, 1459, 1368, 664, 1082, 767, 463, 663, 1461, 1765, 2493, 2336, 747, 981, 2166, 2547, 89, 1403, 666, 2188]. Algorithmic [651, 2382, 1207]. Algorithms [1274, 1055, 1056, 1223, 1257, 1258, 612, 2299, 1008, 866, 2365, 2216, 73, 468, 2368, 224, 1468, 470, 2177, 1114, 862, 974, 574, 1071, 2562, 1435, 1493, 2186, 147, 279, 1243, 1517, 457, 2296, 1771, 179, 469, 1079, 2026, 739, 844, 578, 693, 342, 1834, 857, 1506, 579, 1920, 742, 1804, 691, 1086, 748, 2178, 1885, 1797, 1887, 774, 1286, 1146, 1466, 849, 466, 1658, 464]. Alias [536]. Alien [727]. Alignment [335, 1485, 1497, 1833, 198, 2165]. Alignment-Based [198]. All-Optical [886, 1633]. All-Pairs [858]. All-to-All [1771]. Alliance [2077]. Allocation [2042, 993, 275, 1644, 2516, 2494, 1658]. Almost [2397]. along [2182]. Alpha [694, 2025, 658]. Alternate [729]. Alternating [1215]. Alternations [52]. Alternative [1090]. Alternatives [1769]. Alzheimer [1050]. Amalgamation [923]. Amazons [281]. Ambients [877]. Ambiguity [410]. Ambiguous [1453]. among [2470, 1810, 2489, 155, 2291]. Amorphous [616]. Amplitude [1376]. Analog [740]. Analogic [479]. Analyses [7]. Analysing [2004]. Analysis [738, 1643, 1999, 2015, 1345, 2069, 1109, 2449, 650, 898, 1232, 144, 107, 1896, 2050, 485, 1510, 2480, 2029, 1521, 1013, 203, 1823, 2252, 271, 1630, 669, 1504, 4, 1141, 765, 1811, 285, 1322, 1343, 1324, 1552, 777, 1268, 1800, 2151, 524, 1572, 1, 1144, 2553, 1399, 2429, 1256, 2395, 519, 1690, 176, 1328, 8, 1810, 2378, 2077, 1051, 108, 92, 213, 133, 1647, 1735, 214, 1106, 542, 1392, 1544, 1842, 1132, 1954, 1237, 33, 1317, 1402, 800, 1111, 610, 1140, 730, 453, 1128, 476, 2432, 2248, 347, 270]. Analytical [764, 697, 2484]. Analyzing [1334, 1113, 1320, 726]. Anatomical [1096, 1958]. Anatomy [1966]. Anchor [1566]. Anemia [1938]. Animals [214]. Animations [96]. Anisotropic [2121, 170, 176]. ANKON [2500]. ANMP [1743]. ANN [1289, 1302]. Annealing [772, 1294, 1401, 33, 991]. 4 Annealing-Ligation [33]. Annotated [357, 358]. Annotations [880]. ANNs [1300]. Anomaly [2408]. Answer [1167, 2397]. Answering [2570, 1163, 88, 76]. Ant [494, 425]. Ant-Like [494]. Anthropomorphic [1308]. Antibiotics [1980]. Anticipation [2467]. Antipodean [2075]. Any [1897]. Anytime [2425]. Aotearoa [2068]. Aotearoa/New [2068]. APIs [1653]. Apnea [1951]. Apollonius [643]. Appearance [1134]. Appendix [423]. Application [1333, 2330, 618, 1943, 1345, 1785, 593, 1922, 1107, 1257, 1258, 1135, 1331, 2406, 79, 932, 2445, 1390, 470, 1923, 1245, 84, 1705, 2164, 496, 1831, 1660, 2359, 302, 2409, 480, 654, 53, 2053, 819, 1002, 1715, 752, 1798, 1354, 256, 1880, 2211, 744, 1392, 164, 1371, 547, 2305, 1834, 1925, 1353, 726, 266, 2262, 604, 1224, 347]. Application-Controlled [2305]. Applications [2295, 2473, 2320, 144, 903, 2050, 2173, 354, 117, 868, 2357, 1422, 2458, 1743, 640, 2071, 563, 1441, 1492, 644, 2276, 2128, 594, 223, 1026, 718, 456, 788, 1129, 2286, 29, 2133, 43, 813, 2502, 1775, 2414, 1488, 791, 1695, 2529, 2389, 2366, 428]. Applied [1166, 1369, 1290, 2129, 1420, 1313, 1260, 1467]. Appling [2064]. Applying [518, 2405, 1848, 1421, 942, 1010, 2238, 377, 2524, 2569, 1052, 13, 1036, 748, 774, 528, 976]. Appraisal [1941]. Approach [1400, 1274, 722, 2245, 934, 322, 1151, 1893, 1541, 1848, 1573, 2473, 780, 1007, 985, 1009, 1046, 1988, 2325, 678, 988, 1348, 1116, 1092, 365, 90, 416, 2229, 493, 2425, 652, 366, 1770, 84, 1015, 159, 1147, 1343, 500, 1018, 507, 1536, 1660, 2550, 921, 733, 1650, 1022, 1399, 2430, 2443, 141, 2088, 435, 1358, 645, 1826, 1378, 2010, 340, 1024, 1715, 1969, 382, 407, 2225, 1296, 2489, 963, 438, 2431, 1772, 1266, 1609, 1410, 943, 937, 2412, 620, 991, 332, 2515, 992, 149, 939, 515, 1039, 2313, 2338, 2232, 409, 272, 370]. Approaches [465, 2042, 1421, 1510, 1956, 1119, 234, 492, 2109, 1547, 1957, 625, 1402, 1713]. Approximability [915, 2165]. Approximable [307]. Approximate [2570, 1059, 725, 1478]. Approximating [2367, 859, 1062, 1871, 1192]. Approximation [1055, 150, 816, 1312, 860, 1245, 1064, 862, 1071, 1768, 2116, 1082, 1234, 1292, 1086, 2178, 2366]. Approximations [2215, 918, 697, 183, 2114]. Apriori [2544, 62]. Arbitrarily [2370]. Arbitrary [920, 2098, 1315, 1122, 195, 2375, 2316, 1696, 1403]. Arc [880, 2304]. Architectural [1754, 2088]. Architecture [1737, 2153, 692, 379, 1776, 1622, 2254, 765, 1753, 2146, 1614, 1268, 1744, 2151, 1787, 998, 2437, 362, 787, 737, 1722, 512, 1633, 2420, 2455, 2144, 1696, 108]. Architectures [1223, 2057, 2312, 1238, 1738, 782, 1264, 2335, 1727, 2316, 793, 791, 2327]. Archives [2461, 1207]. Area [355, 1638, 1557, 2185, 174, 706, 212, 606]. Area-Based [706]. Areas [1293, 490, 707]. Argument [671]. Argumentation [673, 1163, 668, 672, 500]. Argumentation-Based [500]. Argumentative [669]. Arguments [667, 2232]. Ariadne [2514]. Arising [816]. Arithmetic [2346, 319, 1193, 298, 301, 2026, 309]. Arm [1880]. Army [470]. AROM [438]. Aromatic [1807]. Arrangement [808]. Array [2, 1306, 284]. Arrays [1489, 906, 1492, 220]. Art [1233, 1428, 646]. Arthritis [1925]. Articulation [1919]. Artificial [719, 1345, 1750, 1374, 2408, 1748, 1939, 2242, 1322, 2417, 456, 2404]. Asbru [1936]. Ascribing [2250]. ASes [1667]. Asked [1043]. ASM [1094]. ASN.1 [965, 2018]. Aspect [433]. AspectJ [555]. Aspects [904, 83, 849, 979]. Assembled [29]. Assembly [68, 533, 534, 378, 23, 2143]. Assertions [2000]. Assessing [1319]. Assessment [1004, 445, 584, 1388, 2258, 1216, 462, 686, 2273]. Assign [2448]. 5 Assigning [990, 2192]. Assignment [1046, 1259, 2369, 1294, 1651, 981]. Assistance [522]. Assistants [2243, 1177]. Assisted [1967]. Association [1347, 2539, 2540, 2462, 196, 2538, 62]. Associations [2552, 1923, 2489]. Associative [1347, 28, 1520]. Assume [910]. Assume-Guarantee [910]. Assumption [442, 2383]. Assured [1766]. Astronomical [2501]. Asymmetric [1055]. Asymptotic [1058, 341]. Asymptotics [2104]. Asynchronous [916]. Ataxia [2093]. Atlas [1094, 1139]. Atlas-Based [1094]. ATM [1643, 1766, 1764, 1750, 1736, 1737, 1748, 1645, 1752, 1763, 1639, 1644, 1655, 1734, 1749, 1723, 1733, 1721, 1745, 1765, 1686, 1646, 1767, 2090, 1751]. Atmosphere [585]. Atmospheric [814]. Atomicity [1907]. Attached [647]. Attacking [2009]. Attention [723, 2064, 1212]. Attitudes [1905]. Attractive [1003]. Attractor [726]. Attribute [1007, 1022]. Attributed [196]. Auctions [65]. Audio [1532]. Audio-Visual [1532]. Auditory [132]. Augmentation [1065, 1075]. Augmented [140]. Augmenting [2035]. Authenticating [1708]. Authentication [609, 1563, 1562, 1619]. Author [17, 36, 59, 98, 119, 216, 233, 251, 295, 320, 334, 348, 360, 395, 424, 529, 537, 559, 700, 820, 843, 930, 950, 977, 1000, 1054, 1143, 1203, 1303, 1405, 1426, 1475, 1500, 1512, 1567, 1600, 1684, 1773, 1794, 1853, 1889, 1908, 1981, 2030, 2044, 2060, 2097, 2139, 2156, 2223, 2278, 2361, 2403, 2440, 2536, 2571, 1087, 1839]. Authoring [2239]. Auto [1350, 1520]. Auto-associative [1520]. Auto-learning [1350]. Autolink [974]. Automata [2027, 1892, 1151, 1442, 1986, 1193, 1443, 899, 1447, 2029, 2215, 1468, 900, 1987, 1450, 52, 53, 2028, 1192, 1458, 1354, 42, 1474, 1459, 1463, 620, 54, 845, 1465, 1507]. Automate [993]. Automated [1281, 249, 1099, 520, 1017, 1945, 2227, 1412, 1998, 246, 2546, 1191, 1985, 1569, 1185, 1146, 1574, 237]. Automatic [1341, 1550, 1331, 724, 1838, 1531, 1815, 703, 1094, 1100, 422, 1552, 1299, 269, 2118, 1102, 576, 443, 2509, 578, 2526, 580, 1553, 1997, 2253, 2511, 2002]. Automatically [2000, 105, 78, 13]. Automating [2242]. Automation [782, 222]. Automatique [86]. Automaton [1490, 1446, 1452, 1456, 1307]. Automotive [689, 475]. Autonomous [2435, 1774, 497, 2437, 798, 1362, 512, 1783, 1036, 488, 1357]. Autonomy [2434, 2439, 2436, 737, 2433, 2438]. Autoorganised [1379]. AUTOWISARD [1254]. Availability [2236]. Available [1675, 1335]. Avalanche [1364]. Average [914, 2369, 2401, 340, 915]. Averaging [1806]. Aviation [2543]. Avoid [2396]. Avoidance [2219, 1783, 528]. Avoiding [1382, 1666]. AVS [776]. AVS/Express [776]. Aware [2149, 2513, 2071, 1709, 1585, 1850]. Awareness [1295]. Awari [272, 270]. Axial [168]. Axiomatic [921, 329]. Axiomatizations [874]. B [639, 656, 260]. B-Spline [639]. B2C [227]. Back [1769]. Backbone [1669, 1699]. Background [2251, 147, 1735]. Backoff [412]. Backpropagation [1227]. Backroads [583]. Backup [1716, 1764]. Backward [7]. Bagging [1822, 1795]. Balanced [2295, 1869, 1496]. Balancing [713, 2281, 2070, 2331, 2031, 785, 1709, 394, 1926, 1579, 2034, 2297, 882]. Balls [645]. Banach [300]. Banach-Mazur [300]. Bandwidth [1694, 1675, 2147, 1602, 1655, 1626, 1623]. Bang [798]. Basal [1249]. Base [336, 1009, 2499, 91, 432, 613, 2471, 1039]. Based [1919, 461, 1716, 2245, 1329, 1333, 934, 322, 1040, 1785, 1251, 2304, 1764, 449, 971, 433, 1309, 71, 1550, 941, 1554, 68, 64, 1541, 1257, 702, 2539, 209, 20, 1822, 445, 827, 6 1007, 1895, 1331, 2350, 2365, 485, 1446, 1046, 2091, 1041, 1949, 1698, 677, 1737, 169, 1238, 904, 2142, 725, 2153, 1010, 1398, 1011, 1013, 2079, 31, 2461, 1423, 1711, 187, 2011, 2457, 1616, 1557, 1094, 2425, 657, 2426, 1622, 1939, 1014, 228, 945, 1141, 522, 616, 159, 1962, 728, 1016, 2446, 2146, 1127, 1808, 1440, 95, 2465, 500, 1017, 1018, 1946, 1536, 1674, 2096]. Based [1019, 524, 2470, 1048, 1120, 1093, 497, 2089, 1321, 492, 1740, 732, 460, 2385, 390, 1021, 88, 2087, 1534, 279, 174, 1650, 1022, 706, 1545, 1932, 1991, 1742, 1725, 442, 2430, 1243, 705, 2088, 587, 246, 1290, 737, 1378, 1327, 2231, 1024, 2107, 1969, 1644, 1050, 1102, 193, 179, 2491, 1026, 1028, 1367, 229, 10, 527, 1584, 1308, 1029, 521, 413, 2285, 2081, 2410, 1723, 1957, 438, 1731, 63, 2475, 881, 1199, 659, 1732, 1003, 509, 2411, 1031, 1152, 1609, 208, 383, 2548, 164, 1697, 342, 1620, 2041, 943, 1661, 1395, 955, 227, 1032, 840, 1033, 1213, 1925, 1560]. Based [1353, 1980, 1177, 11, 198, 1727, 1975, 114, 2412, 2468, 1034, 2502, 2420, 1821, 2493, 2413, 2234, 1724, 1158, 1730, 569, 1686, 2336, 2523, 596, 1692, 1797, 2271, 2291, 1139, 1037, 462, 149, 939, 515, 1850, 543, 502, 1778, 125, 1553, 1247, 166, 1751, 1370, 1039, 980, 2432, 2422, 464, 1360, 62, 513, 2248, 1159, 1373, 2114, 1408]. Baseline [1112]. Bases [1049, 1023]. Basis [1319, 802, 1229, 1449, 1267, 2226, 2363, 1300, 1520]. BAT [761]. Batch [2357, 491]. Bayesian [1943, 73, 1947, 652, 1945, 2105, 1101, 1941, 340, 1957]. BDD [2011]. BDD-Based [2011]. BDDs [1992]. BDI [2419]. Be [129, 564]. Before [2303]. Behavior [2405, 1348, 734, 2481, 459, 2112, 214, 1036, 791, 714]. Behavior-Oriented [2405]. Behavioral [824]. Behaviors [2069, 2038, 1625]. Behaviour [518, 2249, 1321, 834]. Behavioural [1535, 935, 108]. Behaviours [909]. Behind [199]. Being [82, 2040]. Belief [1943, 801, 73, 1428, 1433, 74]. Beliefs [2250, 1430]. Believing [1295]. Beltrami [173]. Benchmark [2045, 135]. Benchmarking [2328]. Benchmarks [2055]. Bendix [922]. Bends [1086]. Benefits [1041, 2024, 1846]. Benign [1342]. Beowulf [1311]. Best [449, 1575, 1597, 1759]. Best-Effort [1575, 1597]. Better [954, 2108, 1481, 1023]. Between [376, 66, 1124, 1694, 2424, 1119, 1497, 2377, 2193, 2034, 1891, 1317, 450, 2175]. Between-Class [66]. Beyond [924, 1603, 892, 389]. BGMP [1577]. Bias [1242]. Biases [338]. Biaxial [2337]. Bibliography [1438, 357, 359, 358]. BICCR [1099]. Bicritical [2194]. Bidding [287]. Bidimensional [54]. Bifurcating [1268]. Bilateral [2121, 87]. Bildt [1533]. Bilingual [416, 419, 418, 415]. Billing [1718]. Bin [863]. Binary [2029, 2138, 882]. Binding [4]. Binding-Time [4]. Binocular [211]. Bio [1307]. Bio-Inspired [1307]. Biological [1306, 1368, 726, 665, 335]. Biology [571]. Biomechanical [1105]. Biomedical [1343, 2133]. Biometric [1535, 1563, 1562, 1560, 1543]. Biometrics [1564]. Bioremediation [712, 2332]. Biotechnologies [28]. Bipartite [2202, 1870]. Birkhoff [236]. Bisection [1071]. Bisimulation [874, 1989]. Bistable [1241]. Bisubmodular [1067]. Bit [547, 2362]. Bit-Vector [547]. Biting [895]. Bits [1810]. Black [812]. BLAS [560]. Blending [721]. Blind [1400, 1398, 1376, 1401, 124, 1403]. Block [2091, 2324, 895, 1463]. Blocking [651, 1718, 2336]. Blue [1876, 567]. Blur [1333]. Blurring [2112]. Boards [479]. Body [64, 615, 817, 1556, 793]. Body-Based [64]. BOKS [2413]. Boltzmann [1320, 450]. Boltzmann-Formula [450]. Books [269]. Boolean [2539, 1992, 2534, 1170, 4, 2369, 57, 32]. BooStER [2016]. Boosting 7 [2394, 1822, 2393, 1799, 2391, 1798, 1953, 2392, 1797, 2416, 1796]. Borne [1792]. Both [1888]. Bottleneck [2213]. Bottom [1892, 90, 16, 1187, 2541]. Bottom-Up [1892, 90, 16, 1187, 2541]. Bound [2169, 850, 2, 2369, 1868, 10, 1038, 2389, 2366]. Boundaries [192]. Boundary [194, 814]. Bounded [633, 2042, 2393, 2209, 2024, 860, 647]. Bounds [924, 2376, 925, 867, 2181, 1073, 2197, 2385, 1718, 2391, 1877, 2402, 873]. Bovine [1260]. Box [838]. Boxes [1858]. BPs [2160]. BQOs [825]. Bracket [246]. Brain [1097, 168, 1118, 1099, 1114, 1127, 1119, 1110, 1096, 1352, 1103, 1216, 1965, 1105, 1139]. Brains [1138]. Branch [1078]. Branch-and-Cut [1078]. Branching [326, 909, 839]. Branding [2075]. Break [992]. Breast [1975]. Bridge [287, 1332, 2175, 1887]. Bridging [763, 2033, 768]. Brief [120]. Broadband [1630, 1614]. Broadcast [2516]. Broadcasting [1642]. Broker [572]. Browsing [2409, 2486]. Bruijn [2201]. Brzozowski [1466]. BSP [763, 858, 1224]. BSPlab [2335]. Büchi [1986, 900, 1987]. Budgets [1576]. Buffer [913, 1606, 1598, 1768, 1623, 2478]. Buffer-Management [1623]. Buffer-Size [1768]. Buffering [1691, 1648]. Bugs [2025]. Building [1634, 2425, 2071, 2078, 434, 943, 2413]. Built [467]. Built-In [467]. Bulk [853, 2461, 1068]. Bunched [1164]. Bursting [1212]. Bursty [1735]. Business [371, 2461, 439, 2521, 227, 514, 2061]. Business-to-Business [439]. Businesses [514]. Butterflies [907]. Buy [1068]. Buy-at-Bulk [1068]. Bytecode [2007, 9, 550]. C [2292, 1788, 544, 309, 261, 346, 2356]. C3 [2519]. C4 [892]. Cable [1293]. CableS [2059]. Cache [226, 2534, 2290, 2519, 2154, 762, 579, 2336, 2143]. Cache-Based [2336]. Cache-Efficient [579]. Caches [904, 2152]. Caching [2288, 2496, 1761, 2525, 2469, 2148]. CAD [2488, 1792]. Cadence [1998]. Calculate [630]. Calculations [2340, 622, 2298, 625]. Calculus [838, 1194, 2013, 716, 1173, 1150]. Calibration [702]. Call [1737, 1742, 1739, 1599, 1609, 1646, 2269, 2225, 2271]. Callosum [1124]. Calls [1655]. Camera [193, 1105]. Cameras [1760, 1792]. Can [2381, 339, 191, 129, 564, 69, 1342, 1208]. Cancer [1947, 1342, 1975]. CANIT [1678]. Canonical [1188, 1446]. Canonizer [2003]. Cantelli [2378]. Capabilities [539, 1774]. Capability [760, 21, 595, 450]. Capable [1659]. Capacity [595, 1669]. Caper [2339]. Capture [936]. Car [498, 624]. Carbon [812]. Carcinogenicity [1807]. Carcinoma [1922]. Card [1562]. CardEye [1784]. Cardholder [1145]. Cardiac [1348, 1100, 1134]. Cardinalities [1849]. Cardinality [1861]. Cardiology [563]. Care [1930, 1969, 1050, 1935]. Carl [1533]. Carlo [2337, 697, 652, 695, 566, 629, 696, 699, 2319]. Carrying [1749]. Case [60, 558, 1040, 71, 1232, 1007, 107, 1009, 1351, 485, 1046, 1041, 1010, 1011, 1014, 522, 1016, 95, 1017, 1018, 1019, 477, 1048, 1021, 1629, 2429, 1929, 1049, 1023, 2062, 1050, 1026, 1028, 967, 1739, 1030, 2410, 1003, 1031, 1032, 1033, 1980, 1920, 1804, 1035, 1037, 1038, 1039, 1029, 1845, 2482]. Case-Based [1040, 1007, 485, 1046, 1041, 1010, 1011, 1014, 522, 1016, 95, 1017, 1018, 1019, 1021, 1050, 1026, 1028, 1029, 1003, 1031, 1032, 1033, 1980, 1037, 1039]. Case-Deletion [1038]. CASE-Tool [1845]. Cases [1044, 1053, 44]. CASL [923]. Casting [2466]. Catalog [2065]. Catalysis [621]. Categorial [1899]. Categorially [1907]. Categorization [1555, 2242]. Category 8 [2245]. CaTV [1728]. Cauchy [1880]. Causal [1946]. CBR [1004, 1045, 1006, 1012, 1047, 1020, 1002, 1024, 1027, 1042, 1735, 1031, 1052, 2422]. CBR-Based [1024]. CCC [544]. CCE [1196]. CDM [2529]. CDMA [1584, 1658]. Cell [1205, 1734, 873, 1326]. Cell-by-Cell [1734]. Cells [1210, 1215, 1219]. Cellular [1361, 1631, 1630, 1264, 52, 1629, 53, 42, 1380, 1307, 620, 54, 1658]. Cenju [2047]. Cenju-4 [2047]. Center [1055, 1742, 1609, 864]. Centered [1573, 2435, 2341]. Centers [632]. Central [708]. Centred [141]. Centric [2508, 361]. Cerebral [1221, 1131]. Certain [895]. Certainty [265]. Certificate [2293]. Certification [534]. Certifying [1983]. CFD [679, 684, 601]. CFD/CSD [679]. CGEPI [2452]. CGEPI-IPN [2452]. Chain [225, 2319]. Chaining [1160]. Chains [1505, 486, 515, 2274]. Challenges [402, 2078, 2080, 1978, 29, 571]. Challenging [1002]. Change [2542, 2444, 1144, 329, 242]. Changes [1565, 2564, 2498, 743]. Changing [2199]. Channel [1294, 656, 1672]. Channels [1708]. Chaos [615, 810, 1272]. Chaotic [1294, 1704, 735]. Chapter [1915, 1912, 1910, 1909, 1913, 1914, 1911]. Character [1386, 1804, 188]. Characterisation [325]. Characteristics [1801, 1944]. Characterization [854, 770, 1901, 2145, 1610, 831, 312]. Characterizations [1079]. Characterizing [2252, 1431, 1912]. Charts [972, 952, 967, 902]. Cheap [2028]. Check [2]. Checker [2011, 114, 2001]. Checkers [1983]. Checking [1996, 2019, 1995, 109, 111, 897, 1986, 101, 1988, 354, 117, 2024, 113, 103, 102, 112, 100, 901, 2013, 116, 2021, 2016, 835, 104, 2017, 2010, 349, 99, 839, 1175, 2018, 975, 118, 110, 2012]. Checkpoint [474]. Checkpoint-Recovery [474]. Chemical [1040, 1045, 1225, 509, 1052]. Chemistry [25]. Chess [271, 282, 273]. Children [1555, 2080]. China [1955]. Chinese [271, 398, 2456, 2477]. Chip [2147, 1335, 2141]. Chips [2150]. Choice [1090, 771, 2550, 716, 261, 473]. Chordal [2198, 2190, 1636, 1771]. Chromatic [1879, 1363]. Chronic [1971, 1928]. Cinematography [96]. Circle [769, 169, 642]. Circuit [1069, 479]. Circuitry [1206, 1219]. Circuits [1967, 281, 1208, 845, 1997]. Circular [26, 911]. Circularity [6]. Circumscription [1166]. Cirrhotic [1920]. City [457]. Clarification [2224]. Class [2157, 978, 66, 605, 1926, 11, 1821, 1797, 1824, 237, 1835]. Class-Based [11]. Class/ Teacher [978]. Classes [1314, 1897, 1184, 82, 1926, 2378, 2379, 1317]. Classical [2104, 1198, 929, 800]. Classification [2505, 1336, 1930, 1329, 1381, 1943, 1550, 1377, 1822, 1229, 1232, 2450, 1805, 1013, 1832, 1799, 2264, 1279, 1815, 1814, 1141, 1350, 95, 2385, 2409, 2462, 480, 1391, 1547, 193, 1346, 2454, 213, 2411, 1392, 1375, 453, 149, 1549, 1370, 1927, 545]. Classification-Tree [1930]. Classifications [665]. Classifier [1820, 189, 1815, 1811, 1808, 1831, 1800, 1817, 1826, 1833, 1802, 1834, 1819, 1804]. Classifiers [1837, 1283, 1806, 73, 1823, 1827, 1808, 1522, 1816, 1821, 1824]. Classify [1342]. Clausal [1152]. CLEF [419, 421, 414, 404, 408, 406, 403, 399, 400, 420, 412, 409]. CLEF-1 [414]. CLEVER [1993]. Client [1586, 1654, 1769]. Client-Server [1654, 1769]. Climate [583, 1257, 584, 587, 589]. Climbing [65]. Clinical [1949, 1923, 1977, 1975, 1344, 1098]. Clique [901]. Clique-Width [901]. Cliques [769]. CLIR [397, 411]. Clitic [1896]. Clocks [2029]. Closable [1186]. Closed [1879, 2520]. Closure [487, 1189, 2186, 345]. Closure-CSP [487]. Cloud [1718, 1325]. Cluster 9 [2352, 2318, 2331, 2321, 785, 592, 658, 2056]. Clustered [1815, 655]. Clustering [448, 1377, 2519, 2485, 1921, 1131, 2329, 1375, 1925, 2549]. Clustering-Based [1925]. Clusters [1825, 591, 2059, 1709, 704, 1311, 596]. Cluttered [2204, 147]. CM [392]. CNN [479]. Co [1973, 1525, 1299, 1211, 1672, 742, 981, 322]. Co-channel [1672]. Co-evolutionarily [1299]. Co-evolving [742, 981]. Co-occurrence [1525]. Co-ordination [1973]. Co-transmission [1211]. Coalition [500]. Coarse [769, 764, 767, 118]. Coarse-Grained [769, 767]. Coarse-Granular [118]. Coaxial [1293]. COBRA [1024]. Cockpit [138]. Code [2312, 1809, 535, 2053, 2306, 2144]. Codes [2192, 28, 895, 1463]. Codesign [1305]. Codeword [1810]. Codimension [2098]. Coding [2091, 1477, 893]. Coevolution [1280]. Coexistence [1659]. Cognition [2043]. Cognitive [461, 2263, 724, 2237, 2436, 516, 2226, 1302, 1247]. Coherence [1309, 2305]. Coherency [226]. Coherency-Replacement [226]. Coherent [1110]. Coin [868]. Coin-Flipping [868]. Collaborating [2230]. Collaboration [1031, 955, 607]. Collaboration-Based [955]. Collaborative [2551, 584, 608, 1017, 2276, 2395, 600, 1026, 227, 127, 601, 2529]. Collaboratory [753]. Collage [1493]. Collapse [866]. Collection [549, 548]. Collections [2450, 406, 2286]. Collective [573]. College [470]. Collision [644, 528]. Collision-Free [644]. Colony [494, 425]. Color [2131, 1041, 1518, 1215, 208, 2132, 2130]. Colored [1400]. Coloring [903, 884, 2188]. Colorings [2189, 885]. Colour [1525, 1323]. Coloured [826, 836]. Colouring [986, 995]. Combination [1349, 1180, 1836, 1800, 1817, 273, 1547, 1833, 132, 2074, 1819]. Combinational [1993]. Combinations [1549]. Combinatorial [65, 40, 1291, 179, 774]. Combinatorics [890, 894, 857]. Combinators [1905]. Combined [1805, 1065, 1827, 426]. Combines [344]. Combing [2125]. Combining [951, 2357, 1322, 7, 1830, 1783, 742, 1821, 1931, 1824, 453, 1906, 1466, 444]. Combustion [683, 682, 753, 685]. Come [191]. Commented [359]. Commerce [938, 2063, 2417, 2073, 2064, 439, 1680]. Commercial [321]. Commercially [1335]. Commit [2522]. Commitments [87]. Commodity [1072, 704, 2329]. Common [1494, 1492, 880]. Commonalities [824]. CommonKADS [496]. Communicating [126, 2039]. Communication [2434, 2326, 1770, 598, 1705, 2236, 928, 1603, 1656, 1409, 1685, 2230, 1969, 1771, 902, 1633, 1665, 54, 1673, 1707]. Communications [2345, 1634, 1616, 611, 1294, 1661, 1704, 968, 573, 18, 1759]. Communities [2076, 2354]. Community [1114, 1346]. Commutation [891]. Commutative [888]. Compact [1499, 1491]. Comparative [1518, 1325, 1338]. Comparators [1374]. Compare [947]. Comparing [406, 974, 1247]. Comparison [364, 1259, 203, 1279, 1636, 557, 1522, 1089, 2296, 2452, 1957, 2051, 813, 800, 1313]. Comparisons [460]. Compatible [2168]. Compensation [1105]. Competence [1038]. Competition [319]. Competitive [2182, 2207, 1244]. Compilation [2149]. Compiler [2355, 2147, 2047, 2148, 2154, 2310, 2313]. Compiler-Directed [2154]. Compiler-Driven [2313]. Compilers [2046]. Compiling [1788]. Complementarity [797, 58]. Complete [525, 2157, 667, 2163, 1277, 2204, 530, 280, 1289, 1870, 922, 1148, 1318, 997]. Completeness [920, 1158, 1156]. Completing [373]. Completion [912, 914, 915]. Completions [353]. 10 Complex [2015, 1347, 184, 145, 1510, 2124, 1275, 1530, 797, 613, 1474, 1978, 796, 620, 242, 939, 619, 2200]. Complex-Valued [1347]. Complexes [2338, 795]. Complexities [2376, 872]. Complexity [865, 2038, 855, 867, 2251, 692, 49, 1495, 927, 1800, 2373, 1, 245, 1829, 53, 1186, 1881, 1460, 343, 1462, 276, 1465, 979, 1187]. Compliant [1583, 1355]. Component [1521, 1399, 108, 1237, 1111, 596]. Components [168, 551, 966, 2446, 1334, 676]. Composing [372]. Composite [2480, 1746, 690]. Composition [338, 931, 340, 351, 1465]. Compositional [1508, 2021, 911]. Compound [415]. Compounds [1807]. Comprehensive [982]. Compressed [1762, 1478, 1476]. Compressible [2297]. Compression [2108, 1447, 2487, 1470, 2094, 1323, 2515]. Computabilities [308]. Computability [305, 2222]. Computable [2157, 300, 303, 2221, 312, 316, 317, 318]. Computably [2220, 313]. Computation [1274, 1714, 1225, 38, 763, 2325, 678, 1163, 918, 674, 2321, 1492, 229, 56, 2353, 58, 569, 858, 74]. Computational [433, 583, 723, 2299, 244, 1241, 2181, 325, 670, 675, 2293, 159, 2289, 640, 585, 687, 1, 40, 704, 565, 304, 786, 676, 629, 1215, 807, 56, 2354, 671, 343, 32, 1206, 1219, 2282, 2374, 314, 571, 686, 44, 688]. Computationally [28]. Computations [1442, 581, 35, 582]. Compute [1208]. Computed [2000]. Computer [1967, 287, 2045, 614, 20, 778, 2408, 2237, 282, 1744, 961, 1740, 141, 290, 231, 291, 292, 1975, 1775, 294, 717, 124, 115]. Computer-Aided [961]. Computer-Assisted [1967]. Computer-Based [1975]. Computer-Supported [231]. Computers [1204, 2527, 32]. Computing [727, 2292, 712, 2352, 631, 2322, 780, 1490, 609, 694, 2174, 1448, 572, 27, 228, 616, 24, 927, 638, 684, 757, 306, 600, 41, 1122, 718, 42, 2141, 595, 2302, 561, 2099, 361, 2056, 568, 23, 1360, 1408, 603]. CONACyT [2452]. Concatenation [1460]. Concentration [2382]. Concept [932, 1013, 66, 92, 2475, 1960, 123, 232]. Concept-Based [2475]. Concept-Learning [66]. Concepts [2373, 1509]. Conceptual [1297, 803, 507, 2418, 2066, 387, 2443, 1358, 1971, 2452, 388, 2451, 330, 333, 2517]. Conceptualizing [584]. Concerning [1519, 891]. Concerns [809]. Conclusion [1436, 1915, 257]. Concrete [1147, 1148, 212]. Concurrency [2530, 2531]. Concurrent [1847, 322, 549, 501, 875, 507, 833, 2005, 1724, 2559]. Condensation [618, 709]. Condensation/ Evaporation [709]. Condensed [828]. Conditional [1168, 1434, 1430]. Conditionally [1576]. Conditionals [1429]. Conditioning [1366]. Conditions [832, 1530, 1772, 1392, 2]. Condor [2337]. Conductance [1306]. Confidence [562, 339]. Configuration [384, 472, 506, 948, 592, 443, 1804, 748]. Configurations [46, 1264]. Confirmation [2087]. Conflict [326, 1019]. Conflicts [913, 441]. Conformal [1123]. Congestion [1678, 1748, 1752, 1611, 115]. Conjecture [46, 310]. Conjecturing [1302]. Conjugate [1401]. Connected [168, 1322, 785, 1084]. Connection [281, 1157, 1198, 1718, 1715, 1177, 1751, 1717]. Connection-Based [1177]. Connection-Method [1198]. Connectionist [1296, 1249]. Connections [1733]. Connectivity [1097, 2198, 1064, 1065, 1075, 1096]. Connectors [959]. Conquer [1993]. Conscious [2519]. Consensus [1822, 1998, 887]. Conservative [2001]. Consideration [1634, 1250]. Considerations [2254]. Considered [69]. 11 Considering [2316]. Consistency [322, 2023, 2561, 904, 569, 375]. Consistent [1897, 1825, 1120, 2305]. Consolidation [1765]. Constant [1154, 819, 1153]. Constant-Domain [1154]. Constrained [994, 2214, 490, 990, 2533, 1125]. Constraint [67, 68, 987, 472, 235, 5, 234, 2490, 922, 989, 491, 527, 254, 2412, 77, 1286, 543, 980, 1668]. Constraint-Based [68, 527, 2412, 543, 980]. Constraints [2346, 2510, 899, 2195, 2479, 4, 733, 835, 2112, 2109, 72, 262, 253, 1270, 130, 2217, 1653, 54, 2043, 915]. Construct [895]. Constructible [2158]. Constructing [855, 369, 1459, 2511, 1466, 1507, 1123]. Construction [917, 1444, 271, 1094, 51, 112, 1491, 2227, 1872, 998, 2078, 836, 269, 328, 1457, 1964, 1704, 626]. Constructions [1446]. Constructive [1925]. Consultation [1963]. Consumer [1576]. Contact [1878]. Contain [1537]. Container [645]. Containment [541]. Content [2247, 2142, 2461, 304, 2231, 2061, 2248]. Content-Based [2142, 2461, 2231]. Contention [2316]. Contents [453, 1608]. Context [1279, 1161, 2071, 1903, 1604, 1034, 2159]. Context-Aware [2071]. Context-Free [1903, 2159]. Contexts [75]. Contextual [1387, 2548]. Contingency [1389]. Continuous [2346, 1134, 308, 56, 1292, 845]. Continuous-Space [56]. Contour [203, 1386, 1260]. Contours [2129]. Contract [916]. Contraction [302, 656]. Contrast [1109, 1398]. Contributions [2031]. Control [722, 1257, 827, 951, 508, 1591, 1748, 510, 1645, 1752, 384, 782, 496, 1782, 489, 2470, 812, 2059, 497, 1613, 1656, 1612, 1388, 1677, 2530, 141, 1693, 737, 2546, 1715, 1739, 1354, 2410, 1599, 1352, 512, 1355, 2531, 1618, 604, 1420, 1646, 2494, 488, 1751, 115]. Controlled [50, 1456, 2035, 1654, 2141, 2305, 2260]. Controller [731, 876]. Controllers [830, 1266]. Controlling [229]. Conventional [1745, 1339]. Converged [2333]. Convergence [1243, 1320, 662, 1403]. Conversation [499]. Conversational [1014, 1016]. Conversion [2138, 1632]. Convex [1858, 2169, 1860, 630, 2565, 2174, 1865, 1867, 1874, 1877, 2366]. Convex-Hulls [2169]. Convolutions [2114]. Convolutive [1400, 1404]. Cooperating [1424, 2039]. Cooperation [2037, 1119, 1425]. Cooperative [2033, 1280, 128, 1761, 1031, 2521, 1965, 1271, 1593]. Cooperative/Competitive [1271]. Coordinate [1540]. Coordinates [1877]. Coordinating [2041, 2468]. Coordination [385, 2457, 1014, 1413, 1420, 502]. CORBA [2350, 1725, 1726, 1724, 1727]. CORBA[1725]. CORBA-Based [2350, 1724]. Core [1710, 2322, 2183, 1570]. Core-Stateless [1710]. Core/Continuous [818]. Cores [1499, 1662]. Corner [180]. Coronary [1932]. Corpus [63, 2475, 1124]. Corpus-Based [63]. Correcting [1809, 28]. Correction [703, 1114, 1127, 1953]. Correlated [757]. Correlation [1310, 193]. Correspondence [278]. Cortex [1966, 1127, 1219]. Cortical [1116, 1117, 1138, 1139]. Cortico [1249]. Cortico-Basal [1249]. Cost [1716, 80, 1720, 1064, 2028, 1798, 1464, 2188]. Cost-Effective [1720]. Cost-Optimal [2028]. Cost-Sensitive [1798]. Costly [1008]. Count [1736]. Counted [549]. Counting [2189, 2544, 343, 1666]. Coupled [679, 680]. Coupling [1205, 2507, 586]. Course [1007, 982, 470, 980]. Covariance [1107, 1523]. Cover [1820, 1459]. Coverage [1988]. Covering [2208, 862]. Covers [1057]. CPN [826]. CPN/Tools [826]. Cracks [212]. Create [1114, 223]. Creating [1596, 278]. Creation [55, 1604, 1043]. Credal [1927]. Credit [363]. Crick [58]. Criterion [1374, 1321]. Critical [2112, 236, 1683]. Critiquing [1976]. CRL 12 [2004]. Cross [2202, 417, 406, 403, 399, 405, 402, 398, 1431, 400, 401, 1213, 799, 2389]. Cross-Entropy [1431]. Cross-Language [417, 406, 403, 399, 405, 402, 400, 401]. Cross-Like [1213]. Cross-Lingual [398]. Cross-Perfect [2202]. Cross-Validation [799]. Crossing [2195]. Crossword [67]. Cruise [1782]. Cryptographic [898]. Cryptography [1226]. Crystal [2337, 644]. CSP [487]. Cubature [696]. Cubes [2506]. Cubic [281]. cue [1780]. Cues [1781]. Cultural [2267]. Culture [2461, 948, 376]. CULTUREL [2267]. Cumulants [1398]. CUMULVS [792]. Cuneate [1353, 1206]. Cuneate-Based [1353]. Current [1703, 1209, 391]. Curricula [676]. Curriculum [677, 674]. Cursor [133]. Cursors [1455]. Curvature [167, 169, 1545, 166]. Curvature-Based [1545]. Curve [1109, 2110, 2116, 162, 1880]. Curved [1312]. Curves [2105, 183]. Cusp [662]. Customer [1005, 517, 2341, 743]. Customer-Centered [2341]. Customizable [1593]. Customization [2245, 2233]. Customized [506]. Cut [285, 1070, 171, 1078, 1733]. Cut-Off [285]. Cut-Through [1733]. Cuts [1081]. Cutting [1074]. Cyber [2083, 2080]. Cyber-democracy [2083]. Cycle [549, 490, 1070, 513]. Cycles [2158, 824]. Cyclic [1485, 790, 895]. Cyclical [987]. Cyclically [2545]. Cylinder [1886]. Cylindrical [705, 645]. D [1094, 1768, 1103, 1758, 1341, 2332, 630, 763, 702, 151, 209, 1136, 721, 154, 1324, 1093, 2137, 1101, 205, 2483, 1779, 161, 1126, 2296, 178, 2297, 262, 207, 2302, 1129, 2134, 1132, 1140, 2102, 165, 1516, 1125, 200, 166]. D-Variations [154, 1126]. D0L [58]. Damage [497, 462]. Data [2505, 1852, 2554, 60, 2280, 1974, 1309, 465, 1922, 2287, 1107, 455, 2570, 364, 702, 1369, 1822, 2561, 2558, 1232, 951, 1617, 1631, 781, 373, 2474, 2279, 2487, 764, 1823, 572, 1923, 2564, 1825, 782, 728, 454, 1813, 2465, 777, 1800, 1782, 2359, 2556, 2373, 2541, 402, 2553, 460, 2385, 172, 2537, 225, 2566, 1829, 2483, 2095, 2497, 1110, 2506, 2546, 655, 2568, 2343, 382, 328, 718, 2148, 1749, 2145, 2055, 2460, 659, 1392, 2516, 2286, 1317, 2569, 1704, 1948, 374, 2486, 808, 1706, 1111, 2294, 2374, 730, 1924, 363, 589, 2501, 536, 1133, 2416, 2529, 2549, 2559, 1843]. Data [2327, 347, 272, 2450]. Data-Dependent [2385]. Data-Intensive [374]. Data-Object [2343]. Database [433, 1541, 1848, 2473, 2528, 2096, 2481, 2442, 362, 2535, 473, 2527, 2471, 2569, 1052, 2455, 2303, 346]. Databases [2560, 2360, 2441, 2565, 2532, 2476, 271, 2459, 2541, 451, 2443, 2488, 2512, 94, 2456, 2472, 2520, 2543, 2529]. Databasing [2483]. Datastructures [1146]. Datatypes [2328]. Date [1046]. Dates [1058, 914]. DB [1846]. DB-Technology [1846]. DBMS [1848, 321]. DCTP [1173]. Deadline [1606, 2206]. Deadlines [490]. Deadlock [832]. Dealing [1314, 415, 436]. Debugger [2481]. Debugging [2481, 2052, 786, 787, 594, 788, 790, 440]. Decelerative [1350]. Decentralized [488]. Deceptive [2250, 673]. Decidability [1186, 43]. Decidable [2215, 888, 1184, 886, 44]. Deciding [1193, 1170, 1200, 523]. Decimation [1818]. Decision [1197, 802, 2042, 1374, 79, 1832, 1956, 1939, 891, 477, 1816, 245, 1412, 1152, 1978, 1803, 1937, 2234, 1924, 1098, 2415, 1950, 1159]. Decision-Level [1803]. Decision-Maker [1374]. Declarative [1012]. Declustering [2485]. Decoding [1210, 1797]. Decomposed [1992]. Decomposing [1508]. Decomposition [243, 507, 178]. Decompositions [2196, 1865]. Decorrelation [1818]. Dedicated [336]. Deduction [1899, 16, 1199, 1191, 1152, 1146]. 13 Deduction-Based [1152]. Deductive [1894, 2488]. Deficiency [1938]. Define [1374]. Defined [544, 1185]. Defining [2058, 2262, 333]. Definition [1892, 1949, 2445, 1962, 524]. Definitions [1509]. Deformable [1093, 192, 1125, 1123]. Deformation [1141, 2137, 1101]. Deformations [1103]. Degenerated [885]. Degradation [1796]. Degree [297, 676]. Degrees [2220]. Delaunay [2167, 1872, 645]. Delay [1597, 1650, 457, 1626, 1735, 1362, 1623]. Delays [1384]. Delegation [941, 2282]. Deletion [16, 1038]. Deliberation [2042, 2033, 2031, 2032, 2035, 2034]. Deliberations [231, 2301]. Deliberative [2036]. Delivered [2241]. Delivering [1755]. Delivery [1747, 2513, 1608]. Demand [229, 1703]. Demands [704]. Dementia [1927]. democracy [2083]. Demonstration [1790, 21]. Demonstrator [1697]. Dendrites [1204]. dendritic [1232]. Dense [2029]. Densification [701]. Density [2383, 726]. Departure [1735]. Dependability [1502]. Dependence [1382, 1810, 588]. Dependencies [2533, 2547]. Dependency [1898, 1324, 2490, 1192]. Dependent [1995, 2385, 625, 814, 1704, 2366]. Depends [100]. Depictive [1295]. Deployability [1710]. Deployment [957, 376, 1706]. Depth [1967, 134, 153, 2547]. Depth-First [2547]. Depth-Four [1967]. Deques [2180]. Derivation [2299, 2479, 388, 358]. Derivatives [1446]. Derived [167, 2328, 1096]. Deriving [2, 1190, 967]. Descent [1255, 1292]. Describing [661, 944]. Description [2505, 1197, 393, 201, 1092, 1181, 1147, 1149, 1202, 1179, 1093, 1910, 1148, 1153, 759, 1172, 330, 502, 1039]. Descriptions [186]. Descriptive [1770]. Descriptor [2527]. Design [1919, 1847, 1382, 954, 2304, 501, 681, 827, 121, 2406, 1293, 956, 1068, 2255, 1747, 1845, 507, 1268, 2428, 2150, 585, 91, 2089, 731, 390, 2429, 1725, 2078, 141, 2482, 362, 2343, 517, 768, 2410, 1978, 2419, 767, 1305, 955, 1769, 840, 123, 1052, 374, 505, 1653, 1692, 367, 1699, 476, 2338, 230]. Design-a-Trial [1978]. Designation [1154]. Designed [457]. Designing [1040, 2487, 2435, 2266, 1315, 1264, 2427, 2437, 2443, 1802, 1039]. Designs [2016, 440]. Desktop [2284]. Detect [972, 2416]. Detecting [1088, 1110, 2051, 1139]. Detection [1349, 486, 1565, 2408, 781, 170, 189, 2444, 1836, 1524, 1285, 1343, 479, 548, 1526, 1372, 2105, 1546, 1545, 1921, 2128, 1126, 1215, 2118, 1528, 179, 162, 1195, 1386]. Detector [1382, 1349, 1339]. Detectors [1316]. Determination [1383]. Determine [2194]. Determining [2565, 1298, 2229]. Deterministic [1073, 2211]. Develop [507]. Developing [372, 496, 676, 1840]. Development [393, 368, 2020, 2514, 1289, 377, 761, 945, 734, 376, 477, 756, 2546, 1726, 758, 1880, 1727, 2526, 1846]. Developmental [1362]. Developments [679]. Device [2405]. Devices [1855, 928, 122, 232, 604]. DeWiz [786]. DFA [1466]. Diabetic [1946, 1934]. DIAGEN [1351, 1296]. DIAGEN-WebDB [1296]. Diagnoses [1929]. Diagnosing [441, 1935]. Diagnosis [1967, 1345, 1938, 1351, 1372, 1798, 1346, 693, 730, 1039, 464]. Diagnostic [1942, 1957, 1124, 463, 1044]. Diagonal [1879]. Diagram [642, 644]. Diagrams [2019, 637, 953, 1872]. DIALIGN [335]. Dialog [2224]. Dialogs [1022]. Dialogue [1945, 1777]. Diameter [2199, 1887]. DiCons [971]. Dictionary [452]. Diffcult [1255]. Difference [649, 10]. Difference-Bound [10]. Differences [1519, 1124, 824]. Different [1314, 510, 1836, 340, 1934, 436, 2511, 447]. Differential [720, 243, 426, 687, 654, 666, 2130]. Differential-Algebraic [654]. 14 Differentiated [1589, 650, 1595, 1641, 1637, 1570, 1598, 1639, 1627, 1581, 1593, 1624]. Differentiation [1596, 1626, 1623]. Difficult [1926, 278]. Difficulty [1088]. Diffserv [1766, 1625, 1571, 1756]. Diffusion [2122, 2121, 1097, 1095, 2120, 170, 2124, 173, 1612, 2123, 1096, 2125]. Digest [2476]. Digests [2465]. Digital [1331, 2450, 2453, 142, 703, 2138, 1642, 2016, 1687, 2066, 174, 1399, 758, 759, 659, 701, 2228, 2067]. Digits [1805]. Digraphs [2201]. Dimension [2384, 926, 2564, 2363, 314, 771]. Dimensional [2096, 1117, 733, 2095, 469, 1042, 1246, 1883, 696, 2167]. Dimensionality [1818]. Dimensions [2439, 373, 2503, 655, 1122, 663]. Diophantine [21]. Direct [51, 653, 2106, 1457]. Directed [103, 1069, 1491, 2186, 2154]. Direction [2125]. Directional [1525]. Directions [638]. Directly [1466]. Directory [2512]. Disabilities [123]. Disambiguation [1953]. Disassembly [494]. Discipline [1734]. Disciplines [1631]. Disconnection [1173]. Discontinuities [619]. Discounted [2401]. Discovering [2552, 1923, 222, 2498, 2543]. Discovery [1489, 1434, 2489, 561, 1486, 1407]. Discrepancy [857]. Discrete [1643, 827, 169, 2215, 639, 1452, 2137, 82, 192, 2375, 1272, 1227, 488]. Discrete-Time [1643]. Discriminability [1542]. Discriminant [800]. Discriminating [1449]. Discriminating-Reverse [1449]. Discriminative [1534]. Discussion [1568]. Discussions [2066]. Disease [1923, 1932, 1050, 210, 1139]. Disease-Specific [1139]. Diseases [1942, 1971]. Disinhibitory [1213]. Disjunctions [1081]. Disjunctive [2507, 2510, 2533, 1165]. Disks [2172, 2485]. Dispatch [2349]. Dispersive [1221]. Display [129, 123, 125, 137]. Disregarding [1944]. Dissection [1856]. Dissections [1854, 1857, 1864]. Dissimilarity [1482, 1830]. Distance [1482, 151, 1279, 2098, 1526, 2193, 1122, 1317, 1953, 1666, 1247]. Distances [151, 1368]. Distinction [1891]. Distinctness [872, 542]. Distortion [703]. Distributed [226, 2554, 760, 2295, 2309, 111, 941, 1180, 951, 609, 2347, 1510, 1737, 904, 503, 572, 966, 1411, 472, 1622, 228, 616, 2013, 2446, 2289, 1744, 489, 381, 2342, 1787, 1615, 2047, 1998, 2530, 231, 2301, 787, 876, 2343, 2308, 22, 1644, 2145, 473, 823, 788, 1096, 2460, 1732, 877, 1506, 110, 1724, 610, 717, 550, 597, 220, 602, 2559]. Distribution [152, 1568, 1926, 341, 2055, 1627, 2569, 1920, 2327]. Distributions [2393, 1511, 810, 2135, 212, 2398, 1403]. Disturbances [1391]. DIVA [2153]. Diversity [1025]. Divide [2066, 1993, 2067]. Divided [1232]. Divided-Data [1232]. Divisible [1856, 1857, 1160]. Division [852]. DL [2471, 453]. DL-Like [2471]. DLP [504]. DMEFS [752]. DNA [26, 20, 30, 31, 34, 2164, 340, 25, 35, 29, 28, 32, 23]. DNA-Based [31]. DNF [2397, 2398]. Do [818, 2101, 1479]. Document [2552, 2532, 2461, 2256, 2448, 401, 2510]. Documentation [475, 1982]. Documents [445, 1015, 86, 1843, 375]. DOE [583]. Does [134, 2397, 2251]. Domain [1154, 2406, 1376, 1577, 84, 507, 400, 305, 1961, 10, 1393]. Domain-Specific [400]. Domains [1848, 609, 1790, 1147, 1148, 1153, 542, 1730, 2262]. Domination [2197, 2201]. done [2452]. Door [1885]. Double [1868]. Down [1892, 2108, 2541, 1961, 1165]. Down-Scaling [2108]. Downgrading [2473]. DPDA [43]. DRAM [2140]. DRAMA [2297]. DrawCAD [2488]. Drawing [207]. Drawings [2195]. Drawn [1867]. Drifts [1112]. Drilling [209]. Driven [525, 368, 2525, 362, 1308, 358, 1679, 2547, 2464, 2313]. Driven-Tendon [1308]. Driver [1781]. Driving [12]. DS [1658]. 15 DSM [782]. DSMs [2305]. DSP [578]. DSRC [1673]. DTB [1227]. DTCNN [1332]. DTD [2503]. Dual [2037, 1059]. Duality [1884]. DubLet [1047]. Dudeney [1854]. Due [1046]. Due-Date [1046]. d’un [86]. During [1212, 1249, 479, 497]. Dutch [417, 2413]. Dye [1108]. Dynamic [1716, 2330, 2434, 1194, 1109, 2281, 2050, 2347, 1390, 532, 545, 472, 637, 2479, 734, 535, 1789, 1762, 2186, 245, 1685, 104, 1570, 1323, 2297, 181, 1627, 814, 441, 1669, 1965, 946, 1701, 568, 1111, 1730, 14, 1569, 939, 466, 2143, 1658, 2313]. Dynamical [1348, 819, 1290]. Dynamically [2295, 2247]. Dynamics [1108, 815, 2037, 1221, 624, 1117, 1291, 818, 819, 1110, 683, 196, 1261, 2132]. Dynamization [853]. E-Business [514]. E-Commerce [439, 1680]. e-Government [2082]. e-Learning [2088]. E-mails [2409]. E-Management [85]. E-marketing [2074]. E-Science [1841]. E-Services [372]. Each [1346]. Eager [449, 715]. Earliest [1606]. Early [1372]. Earth [1385]. Easier [2438]. EASN [2018]. Easy [564, 895, 1653]. Echo [2120]. Echocardiography [1135]. ECN [1611, 1583]. ECOC [1513, 1810]. Ecology [289]. economic [2068]. Economy [2062]. Ecosystems [1423]. Edge [2198, 1057, 1524, 1285, 1343, 1867, 1132, 995, 1339, 1590, 2188]. Edge-Coloring [2188]. Edge-Orientation [1524]. Edit [2193, 1953]. Editing [826, 883]. Education [2069, 2079, 2081, 1679, 125, 686]. Educational [1946]. EEG [1117, 1256]. Effect [669, 1106, 662, 743]. Effective [896, 244, 1720, 299, 812, 1020, 302, 132, 313, 315, 1843]. Effectiveness [763, 2377]. Effectivity [296]. Effects [1221, 1211, 735, 1944]. Efficiency [2340, 2152, 129, 655, 55]. Efficient [1480, 2349, 2019, 1489, 630, 1986, 201, 2551, 30, 2476, 2325, 2348, 557, 2185, 2463, 654, 53, 1201, 2028, 2530, 611, 879, 1693, 2194, 2512, 969, 2026, 2171, 2072, 2460, 547, 796, 268, 579, 458, 2492, 1885, 1887, 2319, 1146, 710]. Efficiently [2367, 869, 1474]. Effort [1575, 821, 1597, 1759]. Efforts [948]. Egg [465]. Egg-Yolk [465]. EigenGait [1554]. Elan [841]. Elastic [1591, 1094, 1091, 1269]. Electric [1388, 1224]. Electrical [1205, 1391, 2039]. Electroencephalographic [1216]. Electronic [1955, 2266, 61, 938, 785, 91, 2063, 2417, 1049, 2064, 622, 1207]. Électroniques [86]. elegans [346]. Element [650, 872, 656, 42, 664, 1121]. Elementary [1484, 250, 1200, 238]. Elements [1322, 1268, 717]. Elevations [701]. Eligibility [1975]. Elimination [2, 530, 3, 1546, 246, 1993, 15]. Elliptic [1123]. EM-Based [1243]. Emancipatory [2068]. Embedded [1892, 2020, 840]. Embeddings [2386, 883, 2387]. Embodied [2265, 741]. Embryonics [1304]. Emergence [1418]. Emergency [2429]. EMG [1974]. Emotions [2263, 2255, 1419]. Emphasizing [249]. Empirical [2540, 672, 460, 2525, 2040]. Empowering [2076]. EMS [1783]. EMS-Vision [1783]. Emulation [1763, 739]. Emulator [2153]. Enabled [1712, 1603, 1742]. Enabling [837, 718]. Encapsulation [540]. Encoding [547]. Encyclopedia [1955]. End [2019, 494, 1637, 1620, 1741, 1713, 1624, 1590]. End-of-Life [494]. End-System [1624]. End-to-Edge [1590]. End-to-End [1637, 1620, 1741, 1713]. Endgame [271]. Endgames [281]. Endoscopic [1347]. Energy [2150]. Energy/Performance [2150]. Enforcement [832, 2490]. Engine [694, 2487, 2410]. Engineered [18]. Engineering [1847, 1714, 393, 688, 218, 2457, 90, 507, 1674, 2459, 435, 94, 491, 807, 378, 1569, 428, 692]. Engines [381, 2525]. English [416, 419, 398, 2225, 420]. Enhance 16 [2467, 1537]. Enhanced [2164, 623, 456, 1624, 89]. Enhancement [1349, 805, 1135, 170, 1332, 2073, 1690, 1543]. Enhancing [2265, 2544]. Enriched [923]. Enrichment [2454]. Ensemble [1011, 1813, 1816, 1031, 2548]. Ensembles [1818, 799]. Ensure [1704]. Ensuring [262]. Entanglement [39]. Enterprise [1421, 2077, 391, 2419, 108]. Entropy [1398, 2382, 1431, 1432]. Enumerable [2220]. Enumerating [2190]. Enumerative [1817, 1891]. Environment [1847, 633, 2172, 134, 694, 584, 970, 2331, 2241, 484, 783, 1754, 616, 2446, 2289, 135, 2483, 2497, 177, 1378, 2302, 1604, 467, 1727, 1724, 747, 220, 1792, 795, 1467]. Environmental [2459, 680, 513]. Environments [139, 2561, 572, 1770, 2293, 608, 734, 2562, 2537, 1412, 2370, 2509, 122, 2402, 2294, 610, 131]. Ephemeral [2489, 1842]. Episode [1487]. Episodes [708]. Epistemic [1430]. Equality [2001, 1159]. Equation [1490, 698, 709, 663, 661]. Equational [1155, 1186]. Equations [720, 888, 21, 657, 687, 654, 1890, 463, 2323, 666]. Equi [1403]. Equi-convergence [1403]. Equivalence [2541, 1993, 1994, 43, 44]. Erdos [1860]. EREW [2163]. Erosions [2109]. Error [1240, 1645, 1827, 1809, 1877, 28, 1464]. Error-Correcting [28]. Errors [1631, 1810]. Escrow [611]. Estimability [1115]. Estimating [1090, 2528, 2387, 2369, 1101]. Estimation [153, 169, 1099, 185, 652, 1809, 1332, 731, 174, 2135, 1112, 2383, 707, 1920, 1775]. ETSI [958]. Euclidean [2386, 2213, 156, 2387, 637, 1122]. Euclidian [1279]. EUGÈNE [344]. Eukaryotic [344]. Europe [708]. European [1001, 407]. Eurospider [408]. Evaluating [1169, 2390, 135, 401, 1978, 1977, 210, 1696]. Evaluation [1919, 2560, 1766, 1550, 1377, 1678, 364, 1617, 2532, 1649, 2345, 142, 1638, 575, 2540, 1389, 34, 1583, 1518, 397, 1502, 1501, 400, 757, 2106, 6, 2093, 1671, 1162, 1627, 1246, 1647, 2402, 1928, 1980, 11, 937, 1741, 742, 14, 2303, 2272, 1662, 272, 1979, 86]. Evaluative [667, 669]. Evasion [881]. EVC [2001]. Even [1070]. Evenet [1315]. Event [827, 2052, 2307, 2448]. Event-Time [2448]. Events [2480, 588]. Everything [1573]. Evidence [1519, 1962, 995, 344]. Evidence-Based [1962]. Evolution [385, 612, 324, 325, 1267, 933, 426, 1275, 2110, 329, 1271, 332, 363, 321, 333]. evolutionarily [1299]. Evolutionary [1274, 1381, 806, 855, 1277, 1293, 468, 1259, 1264, 746, 467, 1834, 2412, 774, 427, 849, 466]. Evolve [779, 2098]. Evolving [322, 324, 327, 1287, 1352, 1263, 330, 742, 981]. Exact [2384, 319, 298, 301, 1077, 341, 309]. Exam [986]. Examination [985, 984, 800, 983]. Examinations [1972]. Examining [268]. Example [1621, 1124]. Examples [1344, 483]. Exceptions [833]. Exchanges [2250, 890, 283]. Exchanging [2040]. Exclusion [2219, 2068]. Executable [389]. Executing [1936]. Execution [2330, 2467, 973, 2022, 790, 691, 550]. Executions [2058]. Exercises [1418]. Existing [952]. Expansion [2526]. Expansive [1244]. Expectation [197]. Expectation-Maximisation [197]. Experience [933, 402, 361, 2075]. Experiences [1848, 935]. Experiment [1817]. Experimental [2560, 1480, 1766, 557, 1586, 1829, 1810, 2226, 236]. Experiments [1090, 408, 855, 1447, 616, 106, 2311, 412]. Expert [1807, 1267, 507, 1941, 463, 478, 528]. Experts [2364]. Explainer [1176]. Explanation [2377, 2077]. Explanations [2247, 668]. Explicit [103, 1611, 1077]. Exploiting [560, 673, 591, 1149, 1508, 2147, 1023, 1030, 2001]. Exploration 17 [1468, 129, 1793, 795]. Explorative [391]. Exploratory [2249, 775]. Exploring [633, 2120]. Explosion [2009]. Exponential [865]. Exponentially [2367]. Exponentiation [2185]. Exponents [1256]. Expression [1329, 1490, 1531, 1476, 1653, 1523, 466, 347]. Expressions [1445, 919, 238]. Expressive [1149, 1002, 943]. Extended [1943, 1489, 1164, 1482, 151, 393, 1443, 2396, 51, 1471, 1147, 2490, 1477, 2482, 1587, 1145, 1842, 1158, 1539, 1160, 2547, 1553, 1178]. Extendible [220]. Extending [838, 1575, 1577, 331]. Extensible [2502]. Extension [1314, 1483, 1066, 594, 92, 1880, 316]. Extensions [954, 964, 1163, 1449, 961, 2059, 1586]. External [2520]. Extracted [1517]. Extracting [2448]. Extraction [1006, 2450, 1398, 1531, 2136, 1781, 172, 1399, 2497, 177, 193, 1379, 1386, 1207, 1543, 444, 446]. Extractor [63]. Extrapolator [658]. Extreme [588]. Eye [2277]. Fabric [142]. Fabrication [1046]. Face [1519, 1565, 1521, 1836, 1524, 1518, 1334, 1526, 1513, 1517, 1514, 1515, 1530, 1528, 1563, 1371, 1527, 1523, 1516, 1520, 1522]. Face/Non [1522]. Face/Non-face [1522]. Facets [1079, 845]. Facial [1531, 1523]. Facility [2182, 2283, 756, 757, 2056, 864]. Factor [1480, 362]. Factor-Driven [362]. Factorization [1453]. Factorizations [651, 2203]. Factors [1923, 1928]. Factory [1046]. Facts [670]. Failure [1051]. Fair [1710, 900]. Fairing [639]. Fairness [1657, 835]. False [1546, 1993]. Families [2157, 2563, 842]. Family [554, 574]. FAQ [1015, 2409]. Far [2076]. Farthest [2174]. FasArt [1372]. Fashion [2064]. Fast [1566, 2360, 1442, 632, 2318, 1989, 1061, 1245, 1836, 1987, 2390, 585, 1497, 642, 1693, 179, 207, 578, 1320, 2133, 1539]. Faster [907]. FastFDs [2547]. Fault [766, 603, 524, 1787, 1579, 600, 606, 358]. Fault-Tolerance [766, 606]. Fault-Tolerant [1787, 600]. Faults [766, 1372, 1632]. Faulty [717]. FCC [1499]. FEAST [935]. Feature [1349, 449, 1135, 107, 1118, 1531, 1816, 2462, 480, 2463, 1399, 1817, 2106, 1517, 177, 2118, 2491, 1346, 206, 2548, 1527, 1386, 2129, 1920, 1795, 1035]. Feature-Based [2491]. Features [167, 2347, 1525, 1537, 172, 2103, 1515, 2101, 1548, 1561, 1413, 1563, 1964, 2102]. FEC [1694]. Federated [2442, 2354]. Feed [1264, 458]. Feed-Forward [1264, 458]. Feedback [405, 219, 1654, 2375, 130, 127, 1664, 1035, 120]. Feedback-Controlled [1654]. Feedforward [1238, 1248, 804, 1318]. Feeling [64, 126]. Feeling-Based [64]. Female [1124]. Fences [1080]. Fetal [1350]. Few [205]. Feynman [698]. FFT [2336]. Fiber [1293]. Fiddle [787]. Fidelity [761, 33]. Field [702, 1137, 1136, 1306, 284, 1117]. Field-Programmable [1306]. Fields [614, 303, 1101, 718, 2026]. File [608]. Filesystem [1702]. Films [616]. Filter [1353, 1338]. Filtering [2122, 2121, 1481, 2551, 2124, 1017, 2276, 2103, 2430, 2395, 2123]. Filters [1331, 2104]. Finance [629]. Financial [1232, 520, 519, 363, 375]. Find [2461]. Finder [344]. Finding [2025, 1861, 1825, 695, 784, 1494, 2187, 2175]. Fine [101, 2340, 1113, 308]. Fine-Continuous [308]. Fine-Grained [101, 2340]. Fine-Structure [1113]. Finger [1308]. Fingered [130]. Fingerprint [1550, 1540, 1541, 1538, 1546, 1547, 1548, 1803, 1132, 1551, 1543, 1539, 1549]. Fingerprints [1542]. Finite [1499, 649, 650, 1446, 926, 1468, 928, 40, 1441, 1453, 902, 1459, 358, 664, 1994, 1461, 1121, 1463, 1465]. Finite-State [926, 1441, 1453, 1461, 1465]. Finitely [1186]. Finnish [415]. FIPA 18 [1410]. Fire [1217]. Firing [54]. Firms [1275]. First [1194, 1606, 1198, 2547]. First-Order [1194, 1198]. Fit [723]. Fitness [34]. Fitting [156]. Fixed [1498, 304, 1106, 313]. Flames [683]. Flat [1547]. Flattening [159]. Flaw [1195]. Fleet [991]. FlexCache [2148]. Flexibility [2467]. Flexible [445, 535, 394, 605, 787, 2452, 2148, 1486, 943, 1619]. FlexRAM [2151]. Flight [755, 761]. Flipping [868]. Flips [1879]. Flood [2321]. Floodlights [648]. Floor [141]. Flow [1056, 518, 951, 1072, 2470, 1677, 2100, 1693, 35, 1667, 2099, 1745, 661]. Flow-Level [1677]. Flows [1637, 1611, 619]. Fluid [819, 656]. fluorescein [1108]. Flux [731, 822]. fMRI [1115, 1110, 1112]. FMS [488]. Focus [1576, 2033]. Focused [2230]. Foetal [1383]. Foil [1533]. Folded [1117, 1721]. Folders [1049]. Folding [1862]. Folds [171]. Folklore [2112]. Following [1434]. Force [128, 1355, 127]. Forced [1090]. Forced-Choice [1090]. Forces [164]. Forecast [2289, 617, 2543]. Forecaster [1385]. Forecasting [468, 1262, 457, 749, 1224]. Forest [2251]. Forests [1812]. Form [144, 146, 831]. Formal [1892, 936, 355, 1013, 889, 484, 1501, 740, 92, 1772, 1195, 1509, 1958]. Formalisation [305]. Formalism [2451]. Formalization [250]. Formalizing [1984]. Format [960]. Formation [500, 2087]. Formats [2511]. Forms [45]. Formula [1995, 450]. Formula-Dependent [1995]. Formulae [1183, 32]. Formulas [1170, 57, 1507]. Formulation [649, 1045, 2507, 1068, 819]. Forward [1264, 1117, 7, 458]. Forwarding [1766, 1677, 1733]. Foundations [911, 1408]. Founded [1165]. Four [1967]. Fourier [1340]. FPCF [1719]. FPGA [1307]. FPGAs [1788]. FPTAS [2214]. Fractal [1343, 514]. Fractional [903, 306]. Fragment [2340, 1152, 149, 1159]. Fragment-Based [149]. Fragtique [2569]. Frame [1220]. Framework [2505, 719, 853, 1758, 71, 2352, 2539, 1390, 1012, 1900, 158, 1754, 522, 1071, 777, 2513, 2071, 173, 605, 2483, 628, 2088, 1840, 910, 1726, 2568, 2034, 1971, 2148, 197, 227, 946, 2472, 148, 968, 1775, 691, 2234, 2218, 1488, 2262, 1707, 1590, 2464]. Frameworks [1163, 947, 1891]. Free [1154, 888, 1189, 1075, 644, 2135, 1903, 2192, 207, 2159, 2220]. Free-Hand [207]. Free-Variable [1154]. Freezing [90]. French [1893]. Frequency [2290, 1259, 1376, 1104]. Frequent [2544, 2411]. Frequently [1043]. Friendly [1939]. Front [2019]. Front-End [2019]. FSQL [1374]. FTL [1152]. Full [1097, 2477]. Full-Text [2477]. Function [1205, 1319, 1245, 1067, 1267, 273, 969, 1124, 2363, 1462, 742, 1292, 1520, 272]. Functional [1107, 1236, 1239, 1238, 1114, 715, 1029, 1106, 1237, 2547]. Functional-Neural [1237]. Functionality [751]. Functionally [1110]. Functionals [305]. Functions [1312, 1992, 1398, 2098, 300, 303, 307, 308, 2221, 1994, 123, 312, 2001, 2372]. Further [2377]. Fusion [1832, 1811, 1782, 1828, 1826, 434, 1532, 1803, 1564, 13]. Futile [1080]. Future [352, 953, 2078, 258]. Fuzzy [1233, 461, 722, 1377, 1235, 802, 1482, 1009, 1351, 1374, 721, 1372, 731, 745, 516, 1354, 163, 1305, 1271, 463, 811, 2493, 730, 462, 747, 464, 1359, 1224, 1266]. Fuzzy-Rough [1009]. G [2287]. GA [1288, 1260]. GABIOS [335]. GABIOS-LIB [335]. Gabor [1515]. Gait [1557, 1552, 1556, 1553]. Galleries [646]. Galois [2026]. Game [2365, 2382, 2377, 1365, 196, 286, 1034, 289, 266, 1584]. Games [900, 2183, 919, 141, 290, 292, 844, 2375, 1461, 276, 288]. Ganglia [1249]. Ganglions [1210]. Gap [1068, 928]. Gapped [1481]. Garbage [548]. GAs [519]. Gate [284]. Gatekeeper [2070]. Gathering 19 [2500, 2432]. Gaussian [2376, 2112, 1337, 2114]. GEA [667]. Gel [20]. Gel-Based [20]. GeMCore [336]. Gender [2263]. Genders [85]. Gene [1329, 38, 567, 344, 347]. General [226, 2384, 2205, 653, 1511, 1718, 628, 963, 2383, 195, 1191, 2515, 1300, 1226]. Generalisation [539]. Generalization [1240, 2540, 1063, 2385, 205, 2391, 1250]. Generalized [1663, 2215, 27, 637, 1495, 832, 1275, 1869, 2201, 1991, 1599, 659, 1082, 2388, 1797, 2538]. Generalizing [1452]. Generate [1298]. Generated [2247, 78, 1829, 2148]. Generating [851, 667, 2167, 1952, 2259, 1183, 1081, 1234, 2533, 2232]. Generation [525, 1331, 1634, 1468, 2253, 285, 1204, 961, 1945, 879, 2212, 2171, 206, 2410, 1604, 578, 664, 796, 968, 2002, 447, 627, 799, 200]. Generative [21, 1891]. Generative-Enumerative [1891]. Generators [761]. Generic [377, 1181, 301, 2301, 1458, 2116, 1775, 980, 2338, 795]. Genetic [1274, 809, 1257, 1258, 978, 468, 470, 1289, 1273, 986, 1276, 497, 731, 733, 1801, 1517, 457, 736, 469, 1368, 1318, 471, 467, 463, 742, 1804, 188, 748, 596, 981, 1286, 89, 1658, 464, 1959]. Genome [806, 2472, 808]. Genomes [336]. Gentzen [1188]. Gentzen-Type [1188]. Geo [1768]. Geo/D/1/K [1768]. Geodesic [2129]. GeoFEM [2297]. Geographical [2484]. Geometric [240, 2163, 248, 1864, 235, 640, 1870, 1873, 2391, 2378, 1877, 1561, 1881, 569, 1123, 237]. Geometrical [2373, 242]. Geometry [244, 2131, 241, 249, 250, 247, 245, 246, 288, 238]. German [419, 415]. Gesture [1779, 1230]. Get [1601]. Getting [670, 2261]. GF [2185]. GIS [383]. Given [1736]. Glaucoma [1351]. Glimpse [392]. Glivenko [2378]. Glivenko-Cantelli [2378]. Global [167, 2346, 1119, 812, 2109, 253, 213, 773, 2511, 2056, 2494]. Globus [2292]. Glushkov [1444]. GMRP [1663]. Go [291, 266, 274]. Goal [525]. Goal-Driven [525]. Goals [670, 2224, 2262]. Going [2076]. GOLAP [2484]. Gold [1089]. Gonzalo [1221]. Good [670, 2176, 1339]. Gossiping [2210, 907]. Government [2082, 2062, 2415]. GP [1290]. GPRS [1629, 1628]. GPS [1659]. Gradations [1855]. grade [398]. Gradient [1241, 1253, 1401, 1255, 1250, 1292, 2132]. Graduate [1679]. Grained [769, 101, 764, 2340, 767]. Grammar [88]. Grammars [1895, 1898, 1448, 49, 1899, 50, 1903]. Grams [1481]. Grande [2358]. Granular [2300, 118]. Granularity [1578]. Graph [2191, 865, 1007, 867, 2190, 2204, 224, 986, 50, 158, 1157, 1071, 1127, 1019, 1867, 1868, 641, 1870, 1290, 25, 2192, 995, 2451, 276, 2493, 2199]. Graph-Based [1127]. Graph-Controlled [50]. Graph-Theoretic [224]. Graphic [2096]. Graphical [960, 712, 525]. Graphs [908, 1168, 281, 769, 47, 2198, 2214, 2202, 2195, 1069, 1491, 885, 1868, 1075, 1144, 2490, 641, 2194, 2306, 909, 886, 1192, 1878, 196, 1084, 2316, 1884, 864, 2200, 124]. GraphsWork [2452]. Grasps [130]. Grating [1215]. Gravitational [661]. Gray [1518]. Gray-Scale [1518]. GRB [2292]. Greedy [335, 2166]. Greenhouses [1257]. GREMLIN [785]. Grey [195]. Grid [2279, 1448, 2292, 593, 2360, 2287, 1841, 2359, 2056, 568, 2294]. Gridding [708]. Grids [2039, 565, 786, 2282]. GRM [593]. Ground [1196, 1774, 661]. Group [598, 600, 1661, 1633, 1665, 1707, 420]. GroupBy [2303]. GroupBy-Before-Join [2303]. Grouping [986, 197, 188]. Groups [888, 2315, 597, 1160]. Groupware [2529]. Grover [2211]. Growing [1326]. Guarantee [1691, 1637, 910]. Guaranteed [1576, 1607, 1756]. Guarantees [1083]. Guarded [646]. Guards [646]. Guide [2266, 2031, 155]. Guided 20 [2086, 175, 1105, 1037]. Guidelines [2457, 1977, 2262]. Guides [2259]. 435, 148, 2515, 2132, 1224]. Hierarchically [1185]. Hierarchies [854, 2150, 2111, 547]. Hierarchy [2038, 64, 866, 2103]. High H.323 [2070, 1738, 1739]. HAC [2036]. Half [802, 612, 2299, 2355, 761, 697, 211, 1622, [2386, 2387]. Half-Spaces [2386]. 574, 565, 757, 835, 2095, 1655, 718, 807, 1287, Hamilton [281]. Hamiltonian [660]. 902, 2141, 2302, 659, 1772, 789, 1402, 696, Hamming [1482]. Hand 2303, 619, 589, 1053]. High-Dimensional [128, 2103, 1561, 207, 1560, 604]. [2095, 696]. High-Layer [1622]. Hand-Based [1560]. Hand-Held [604]. High-Level [835, 902, 659]. High-Order Hand-Shaped [128]. Handle [748]. [1402]. High-Performance Handles [2038]. Handling [2287, 513]. [612, 2299, 2355, 574, 807, 2302, 789, 619]. Handoff [1692, 2090]. Handover High-Posterior [1287]. High-Quality [1616, 1686, 1618]. Handover-Supporting [1053]. High-Resolution [589]. [1686]. Handwriting [1778]. Handwritten High-Temperature [697]. Higher [1805]. Hannenhalli [1484]. [250, 1175, 13]. Higher-Order Hannenhalli-Pevzner [1484]. Haptic [250, 1175, 13]. Highlights [1001]. Highly [139, 134, 129, 135, 132, 122, 130, 127, 123, [1709, 2194]. Highway [2182, 583]. 120, 131, 124]. Haptic-Stereo [134]. Hard Highways [1782]. Hilbert [250]. [1273, 818, 1618, 1897]. Hard-Core [818]. Hilberticus [1200]. Hill [65]. Hard-Core/Continuous [818]. Hill-Climbing [65]. Him [1533]. Hard-Spheres [818]. Harder [1976]. HIPERLAN [1672]. HIPERLAN/2 Hardness [860, 1085]. Hardware [1672]. Histogram [1322]. Histograms [1720, 740, 1305, 232, 458, 1479]. Harmful [185, 2127, 1849]. History [2023, 120]. [69]. Harness [1746, 605, 570, 602, 604, 603]. HISYS1 [1937]. Hit [1878, 1528]. Harnessing [2224]. HARPIC [737]. HITACHI [2340]. HMM [1831, 1536]. Hashes [1704]. Hashimoto [1964]. HMM-Based [1536]. HMM/ANN [1831]. Hastings [739]. Hatching [638]. Hausdorff HMSCs [353]. HOAS [921]. Hoc [1526]. Having [2511]. HBM [1661]. Head [1585, 1700, 1701, 1702]. Hodgkin [1923]. [1341, 1904, 215]. Healing [1764, 1928]. Holes [1958]. Holonic [61]. Home Health [1969]. Heart [1350, 1932]. Heat [222, 1604]. Homogeneity [1205]. [663]. Heavyweight [2276]. Hebbian Homogeneous [27, 2041]. Honeywell [117]. [1223]. Hedges [626]. Held [604]. Help Hop [1736, 1625, 1657, 1651]. Horopter [2235, 75, 69, 1342]. Helping [1027]. [1783]. Horse [136]. Hospital [1968]. Hemodialyzed [1938]. Henneberg [1066]. Hospitals [1921]. Host [1661, 1618, 1689]. Hepatocellular [1922]. HEPGRID2001 Host-Based [1661]. Hosts [785]. Hot [510]. [2359]. Heteroassociative [1371]. Hotspots [2358]. Household [1392]. HSF Heterogeneous [805, 2325, 621, 2537, 1611, [103]. HTML [444]. HTTP [1591]. Hull 1690, 1231, 70, 383, 1414, 940, 2314]. [2565]. Hulls [2169]. Human Heterogenous [785]. Heuristic [1090, 2243, 1345, 139, 249, 2435, 128, 141, [771, 1178, 274, 748, 265, 2547]. 1110, 361, 1138]. Human-Centered [2435]. Heuristic-Driven [2547]. Heuristics Human-Centric [361]. [1259, 575, 1169, 78, 2526]. Hexapod [1354]. Human-Cooperative [128]. Hidden [856]. Hide [2251]. Hierarchical Human-Observer [1090]. Human-Scale [897, 2461, 1823, 2196, 1245, 493, 2326, 1641, [139]. HUMANN [1314]. Humanoid [495]. 21 Hungary [708]. Hybrid [738, 1400, 1930, 1838, 1293, 1390, 2474, 235, 84, 1015, 1782, 737, 798, 773, 2140, 1563, 1307, 1150, 793, 515, 749, 1039]. Hybrid[515]. Hybrids [845]. Hydrogenated [616]. Hydrophobic [1499]. Hyper [1298]. Hyper-planes [1298]. Hypercolumn [1230]. Hypercube [1721]. Hypergraph [884]. Hypergraphs [901]. Hyperheuristic [988]. Hyperintensional [1900]. Hypermedia [2514, 2513]. HyperMSCs [959]. Hyperspectral [1328]. Hypersphere [1933]. Hypertext [1053]. Hypertree [901]. Hypertree-Width [901]. Hypotheses [2106, 2380]. Hypothesis [200]. Hypothetical [488]. HyREX [418]. I-Help [2235]. i.i.d [341, 2383]. I/O [2317, 659]. Iberian [1325]. IC [1306, 2034]. ICA [1396, 1342, 1402, 1338]. IceT [570]. ickle [545]. Iconic [202]. ICS [2003]. Ideal [243]. Identification [1333, 1347, 1541, 1258, 2184, 1897, 1831, 1536, 1789, 1534, 1513, 1926, 1514, 1363, 1543, 811, 2358]. Identifying [459, 2372, 824]. IE [483, 444]. IE-Rules [483]. IEEE [1588]. if [100]. Ignition [685]. II [1785, 694, 2334]. Illuminating [1888, 648]. Illumination [1565]. Image [1333, 1347, 1554, 1340, 2091, 170, 142, 203, 1130, 1100, 1330, 2124, 204, 1332, 1120, 2342, 732, 160, 173, 2103, 2086, 705, 2100, 1134, 175, 1323, 1327, 2109, 1328, 1003, 208, 1380, 210, 2133, 1543, 1111, 1821, 596, 199, 1098, 1104, 1125, 2464]. Image-Guided [2086]. Imagery [64, 701]. Images [1329, 1345, 1341, 167, 1107, 168, 1135, 2131, 1137, 1095, 1448, 2113, 1100, 1285, 1343, 1119, 2138, 1546, 192, 1215, 1325, 2107, 1528, 1682, 2101, 1548, 195, 1103, 1106, 2134, 1132, 1964, 1551, 1260, 1516, 1338]. Imaging [1089, 563, 704, 1096]. Imbalanced [60]. Imbalances [66]. Imitation [70]. Imitative [1365]. ImmersaDesk [792]. Immersed [1852]. Immersive [776]. Immunity [1319, 1236]. Impact [134, 768, 1977, 2327]. Impacts [584, 2063]. Imperfect [868, 2230, 1034]. Implement [1445]. Implementation [1919, 2304, 1223, 827, 2350, 724, 956, 34, 1198, 698, 91, 2089, 390, 1615, 1454, 1742, 1725, 2093, 658, 1671, 804, 509, 1609, 1307, 1610, 1461, 1463, 968, 458, 596, 1692, 476, 2002]. Implementations [1996, 1442, 1900, 298, 1435]. Implementing [102, 2328, 2348, 6, 499]. Implements [1151]. Implication [1718]. Implications [961, 935]. Implicit [1445, 1, 654, 1174, 2055, 1561, 130, 2270]. Importance [82]. Important [2498]. Imposing [2510]. Impossible [1255]. Impostor [1533]. Imprecise [94, 1877]. Improve [403, 1807, 1667, 1975, 1523, 1759]. Improved [2169, 867, 2205, 1071, 1048, 1801, 819, 28, 127, 1543]. Improvement [948, 1461]. Improvements [850, 1670]. Improving [1837, 1942, 2263, 1652, 2480, 590, 2331, 2563, 1657, 2490, 1926, 2231, 1976, 521, 2081, 1368, 1745, 1937]. In-situ [712]. Inaccessible [1378]. Incidence [246]. Inclination [1558]. Including [1562, 488]. Inclusion [725, 1952, 547]. Inclusion-Based [725]. Incomplete [2399, 673, 194]. Inconsistency [1498]. Incorporating [2503, 1558, 1140, 1098, 1360]. Increase [2473, 492]. Increased [2340, 129]. Increasing [377, 1672]. Incremental [2560, 1710, 1189, 95, 1021, 1921, 2095, 836, 328, 1185, 2090, 62]. Indentation [2128]. Independence [1075]. Independent [152, 1521, 765, 1399, 1514, 1515, 407, 1237, 2291]. Indeterminacies [1376]. Indeterminate [473]. Index [853, 17, 36, 59, 98, 119, 216, 233, 251, 295, 320, 334, 348, 360, 395, 424, 529, 537, 559, 700, 820, 843, 930, 950, 977, 1000, 1054, 1143, 1203, 1303, 1405, 1426, 1475, 1500, 1512, 1567, 1600, 1684, 1773, 1794, 1853, 1889, 1908, 1981, 2030, 22 2044, 2060, 2097, 2139, 2156, 2223, 2278, 2361, 2403, 2440, 2536, 2571, 1087, 1839, 264, 1439, 1917, 1142, 2474, 2566, 654, 2285, 208, 2516]. Index-Based [2285]. Indexes [2515]. Indexing [2441, 1541, 203, 1162, 206, 148, 2477]. Indices [1021]. Individual [1637, 1821]. Individuals [466]. Induce [2246]. Induced [805]. Induction [1925]. Inductive [2000, 186, 1184, 1416, 1932, 773, 1985, 452, 1242]. Industrial [455, 354, 2024, 1378]. Industry [936, 692, 640, 2078, 2404]. Inequalities [851, 77, 237]. Inequality [2346]. Infectious [1921]. Inference [1384, 1296, 1960, 808, 543, 1959]. Inferences [1911]. Inferring [1851]. Infinite [846, 101, 356, 842]. Infinite-State [846]. Infinitesimal [2127]. Infinity [1666]. Influence [1676, 2118, 1682, 2310]. Influences [689]. Information [410, 2085, 2245, 2508, 385, 322, 1404, 323, 518, 917, 2449, 1006, 2240, 2250, 1136, 2500, 417, 377, 1210, 157, 2241, 2458, 2426, 386, 2267, 422, 418, 1811, 1962, 1537, 1518, 2427, 405, 2428, 2513, 381, 2470, 402, 398, 400, 387, 2430, 2447, 2423, 94, 2277, 1833, 132, 434, 1218, 1532, 1387, 413, 401, 436, 2072, 2475, 383, 380, 1261, 2511, 1564, 2451, 330, 1034, 2362, 1111, 2557, 2261, 1850, 131, 2494, 2067, 444, 665, 2464, 2432, 1359, 1360, 1357, 138]. Information-Driven [2464]. Information-Theoretic [917]. INFOSHOP [2415]. Infrared [760, 761, 758, 759]. Infrastructure [2355, 61, 1706, 1407]. Infrastructures [1421, 1629, 1729]. ingress [1593]. Inheritance [436, 824]. Inhibition [1208]. Inhibitory [1219]. Initial [2142, 361, 2220]. Initialization [1984, 735, 1286]. Initiative [2229]. Initiatives [2062]. Initio [621]. Innovation [2074]. Input [1719, 1818, 811, 1778]. Input-Output [811]. Input-Queued [1719]. Inputs [1209]. INR [1472]. INRECA [1001]. Insertion [2176]. Insight [598]. Inspectability [2260]. Inspection [1331, 481, 497]. Inspired [1383, 28, 1307]. Instability [810]. Installed [757]. Instance [79, 2212, 1034]. Instance-Based [1034]. Instances [869, 278, 2547]. Instantiations [1994]. Instructing [1155]. Instructor [2239]. Instrumentation [2330, 1724]. Insulin [1934]. Insurance [743]. Integer [1193, 851, 1061, 279]. Integral [697, 1070, 698]. Integrality [1068]. Integrals [816, 2326]. Integrate [1377, 1217]. Integrated [2085, 755, 1638, 2254, 1712, 938, 2049, 1048, 1725, 1532, 1375, 1590, 2232, 2003]. Integrating [1974, 2264, 2054, 674, 847, 222, 1639, 1961, 382, 1934, 660, 1177, 2018, 1039]. Integration [1309, 134, 1617, 1738, 557, 818, 1779, 2495, 2512, 213, 436, 439, 2099, 383, 380, 696, 232, 2502, 1780, 1590, 666, 1359, 1777]. Integrity [1844, 2490, 1704]. Intel [100]. Intelligence [2408, 1748, 1301, 2417, 613, 1300, 2404]. Intelligent [738, 1951, 508, 506, 2425, 2265, 2152, 2063, 497, 2269, 222, 442, 2423, 737, 2225, 474, 1051, 292, 526, 741, 1732, 1935, 1760, 2144, 730, 2421, 749, 528, 2248]. Intensity [1120]. Intensity-Based [1120]. Intensive [1930, 1012, 689, 522, 2145, 1935, 374]. Intentionality [538]. Inter [2510, 2473, 1616, 1577, 2540, 1650, 457, 1667, 2521]. Inter-AS [1667]. Inter-City [457]. Inter-document [2510]. Inter-Domain [1577]. Inter-organizational [2521]. Inter-receiver [1650]. Inter-segment [1616]. Inter-transaction [2473]. Inter-transactional [2540]. Interaction [525, 107, 121, 1918, 1383, 1680, 2268, 82, 751, 2429, 822, 2228, 346, 2239, 131]. Interactions [934]. Interactive [482, 2238, 506, 1176, 871, 1761, 1642, 1786, 1028, 491, 401, 1177, 1850, 2549]. Interarrival [1740]. Intercellular [1205]. 23 Interchange [1845]. Interchangeabilities [1030]. Interconnection [1648]. InterDB [346]. Interests [2244]. Interethnic [1425]. Interface [2349, 2554, 826, 139, 1949, 128, 2236, 19, 1936, 83, 1335, 2456, 2454, 1960, 2414, 2351]. Interfaces [105, 525, 365]. Interfacing [641]. Interference [1672]. InterGroup [599]. Intermediate [531]. Internet [2069, 1573, 1568, 1607, 1641, 418, 1606, 1621, 222, 1718, 2087, 225, 2078, 2086, 223, 259, 2081, 844, 1605, 1609, 1620, 2420, 2061, 2291, 1619, 753, 2068, 1689, 1590, 230]. Internet-Based [2087, 2081, 1609]. Interoperability [2568, 2065, 1410]. Interoperation [718, 1407]. Interorganizational [2468, 370]. Interpolating [622]. Interpolation [209, 160, 236, 2114]. Interpolator [160]. Interpretable [1808]. Interpretation [1951, 1003, 1954, 347]. Interpreter [2348]. Interpreting [1220]. Interruptlets [590]. Intersecting [1876]. Intersection [531, 1465]. Interval [2346, 2173, 890, 927]. Intervals [562, 1494]. Interventions [2332]. Interviewing [2234]. Intra [1571, 2341, 1673]. Intra-media [1673]. Intra-Nets [1571, 2341]. Intracortical [1219]. Intrinsic [1540, 2299, 2373]. Intrinsically [1261]. Introducing [1280, 600]. Introduction [1503, 806, 1427, 1629, 1909, 252, 396]. Intuitionistic [250, 730]. Intuitive [1128]. Invariance [2115]. Invariant [1347, 143, 1537, 176, 206, 183]. Invariants [842]. INVENT [1935]. Inventory [85]. Inverse [1151, 1116, 2138, 707, 2126]. Investigating [712, 2258, 1365]. Investigation [615, 1829, 122]. Investigations [1625]. Invited [1483, 1496, 1569, 1479]. Invocations [2523]. Involving [773, 1124]. IO [19]. IP [218, 1711, 1738, 1616, 1763, 1753, 1614, 1674, 1615, 1613, 1742, 1755, 1697, 1741, 1569, 1618, 1686]. IP-Based [1616, 1674]. IP-QoS [218]. IPN [2452]. IR [1848]. Iris [1559]. Iron [1938]. Iron-Deficiency [1938]. Ironmaking [478]. iRRAM [309]. Irregular [2322, 469, 2327, 714]. Irrigation [1369]. irst [421]. Ishikawa [304]. Islands [2568]. Isomorphism [1078]. Issues [1919, 1951, 1011, 635, 1020, 104, 1683, 1146, 2466, 513]. ISTF [757]. Italian [1896, 421]. ITC [421]. ITC-irst [421]. Item [2550, 1079]. Iterating [2008]. Iterations [870]. Iterative [1057]. J. [1221]. Jacobi [2324]. Jacobsthal [1462]. Janus [2054]. Japanese [398]. Japanese[398]. Java [2007, 2349, 556, 2355, 445, 551, 781, 677, 590, 532, 1754, 1315, 2348, 605, 542, 1727, 110, 610, 1653, 550, 2291, 2356, 2358, 543, 2351]. Java-Based [2291]. Java-like [556]. Java-Specific [2356]. JavaBeansT M [108]. JavaSpaces [2352, 2353]. Javelin [755]. JC [48]. JC-Nets [48]. Jet [2102]. Jini [221]. Jini-Like [221]. Jinni [217]. Jitter [1650]. JMessengers [228]. Job [2027, 770, 745, 1601]. Job-Shop [2027, 745]. JoBS [1598]. Join [2478, 2303]. Joinability [1196]. Joining [1947]. Joins [1084]. Joint [1598, 2351]. Jones [15]. Jones-Optimality [15]. JProver [1177]. JTrader [230]. Judging [191]. Judgments [398]. Junction [162]. Jungle [12]. JVML [1984]. Kac [698]. Kautz [2201]. Kerala [744]. Kernel [2304, 1312, 948, 2389]. Kernels [2390, 2119]. Key [2136, 611, 1706]. Key-Region [2136]. Keynote [1601]. Keys [2504]. Kinds [241, 530, 510, 2239]. Kinetic [1874]. Kinetics [621, 2053]. Knapsack [771, 65]. Know [1027]. Knowledge [1919, 1963, 1974, 71, 1922, 336, 1955, 673, 1010, 1966, 2499, 431, 1012, 803, 1972, 520, 2426, 522, 507, 1301, 1945, 91, 437, 96, 1434, 2537, 2062, 1941, 2512, 432, 1415, 434, 1296, 24 443, 613, 438, 1199, 509, 2471, 452, 2218, 1044, 2543, 1906, 446, 1950, 1373]. Knowledge-Based [2426, 1199, 1373]. Knows [1027]. Knuth [922]. Koenderink [180]. Kohn [622]. Kohonen [739, 1231, 1317]. Kolmogorov [804]. Korean [2069]. Krasnoselski [304]. Kriegspiel [268]. Kriegspiel-Like [268]. Krka [46]. Kronecker [821]. Kutta [654]. KVM [221]. KVM/CLDC [221]. Label [2177, 1718]. Label-Switched [1718]. Labeled [2193]. Labeling [2177, 2051]. Laboratories [117]. Laboratory [2458, 1197]. Laconic [871]. Ladders [280]. Lagrangean [1059]. Laman [1066]. Lambda [266]. Lambda-Search [266]. Lambek [1895, 1899]. LAN [1671]. Land [1820]. Land-Cover [1820]. Landmark [1120, 1527, 1357]. Landmarking [1094]. Language [618, 393, 417, 531, 533, 1900, 669, 406, 403, 422, 399, 534, 1962, 405, 2224, 402, 1441, 833, 400, 290, 407, 2456, 1952, 1890, 401, 1460, 671, 997, 1954, 76, 538, 331, 1653, 2414, 2339, 502]. Language-Independent [407]. Language-Specific [422]. Languages [896, 556, 1894, 846, 1384, 1015, 891, 1901, 715, 1459, 11, 2502, 2159, 2220]. LANs [1670]. LAPACK [560]. Large [2360, 1283, 2565, 780, 1510, 1737, 2461, 689, 563, 654, 690, 2475, 1217, 975, 710]. Large-Scale [1737, 563, 654, 710]. Laser [1792]. LaSIE [76]. Last [1204]. Lateral [1383, 1208]. Latin [1015]. Lattice [566, 626]. Lawrence [678]. Laws [2161]. Layer [2092, 1348, 1622, 600, 1605, 814, 1883, 380, 1940, 735]. Layered [954, 1992, 2195, 638, 1318]. Layers [2309]. Layout [1736, 469]. Lazy [432]. LB [1709]. LCC [2432]. LCS [1913]. Leader [1670]. Leak [548]. Lean [1198]. Leapfrogging [2082]. Learn [2270, 2362, 483]. Learned [67, 1299, 441]. Learner [2238]. Learners [2453, 2381]. Learning [719, 60, 2384, 2386, 184, 2397, 2399, 145, 1331, 2371, 73, 79, 186, 1010, 1799, 2238, 1253, 1417, 1248, 2400, 1245, 1276, 454, 1813, 2390, 489, 2227, 2373, 66, 687, 2089, 2553, 1416, 460, 82, 275, 480, 1932, 1929, 205, 2088, 273, 2380, 1941, 1810, 2379, 498, 1890, 72, 740, 804, 1246, 1250, 1362, 70, 1356, 1364, 274, 93, 2039, 1928, 32, 452, 2228, 2398, 2392, 929, 1034, 1933, 742, 1931, 1035, 450, 747, 1249, 2068, 74, 1247, 686, 1370, 2389, 2366, 1359, 1360, 272, 1350]. Learning-Data [1813]. Learnt [1338]. Least [1716, 1178, 870, 1809, 1234, 265, 1464]. Least-Certainty [265]. Least-Cost [1716, 1464]. Leave [2389]. Leave-One-out [2389]. Leaves [164]. Lecture [1483, 1496, 1479]. Legacy [1629, 550, 1695]. Legion [595]. Legionella [1346]. Lehman [870]. Lemma [1483, 1880]. Lempel [1477, 1476]. Length [150, 2181, 1092, 490, 2158, 2135, 1478]. Lengths [1867]. Lesions [1342, 1133]. Lesson [1424]. Lessons [67, 1472, 1978, 441]. Level [1758, 1694, 2207, 1130, 1660, 2016, 2105, 835, 1677, 902, 195, 659, 2524, 1803, 2133, 1593, 799]. Levelings [2109]. Levels [2042, 794]. Lexical [486, 91, 2475]. Lexicon [64]. LFU [2496]. LIB [335]. Libraries [2453, 369]. Library [2292, 2322, 1048, 576, 2297, 2228, 335]. License [211]. Life [494, 100, 513, 824]. Life-Cycle [513]. Ligation [33]. Lighting [1530]. Lights [1844]. Lightweight [2276]. LIGO [2279]. Like [221, 494, 2471, 268, 1213, 556]. Likelihood [2106]. Limit [1897, 311]. Limitations [2386, 2063]. Limited [2478]. Limiting [1812, 1849]. Limits [553]. Line [68, 2320, 2205, 1058, 170, 764, 2208, 1491, 2152, 2206, 736, 1876, 517, 179, 1558, 2154, 207, 1366, 1326, 1888, 2143, 1792]. Line-Size [2152]. Linear 25 [1193, 851, 1239, 2190, 1284, 703, 870, 1808, 906, 1198, 1492, 306, 1186, 1102, 1122, 1903, 1080, 1548, 1270, 1124, 2323, 1234, 1884, 699, 2319, 317, 2120, 511, 77]. Linear-Time [1492]. Linearly [1827]. Lingual [398]. Linguistic [482, 288]. Linguistics [670]. Lingware [484]. Link [1694, 1720, 1605, 2274]. Link-Level [1694]. Linkages [1862]. Linking [109, 532, 535]. Links [355, 634, 219, 1690, 259]. Linux [2318, 616]. Lip [1525, 1529]. Liquid [2337, 1332, 690]. Literal [1168, 1156]. Literal-Once [1156]. Literary [2253]. Literature [1488]. Liveness [548, 832]. Livestock [1260]. Living [945, 1392]. Load [713, 2281, 2070, 2331, 785, 1709, 1677, 1579, 2226, 2297, 1772, 1224]. Load-Balancing [2297]. Loaded [1709]. Loader [605]. Loading [853, 532]. Lob [1872]. Lobe [190]. Local [167, 151, 1638, 703, 1119, 639, 617, 2100, 876, 341, 887, 253, 213, 1206, 1083, 1234, 1104, 2415, 74]. Locality [854, 582]. Localization [1919, 2491, 1371]. Localized [1128]. Location [2182, 1341, 1631, 1525, 2092, 1687, 643, 1530, 864]. Locations [1958]. Lock [2473]. Locking [2523]. Lockout [2219]. Log [2158, 1842]. Log-Space [2158]. Logging [1842]. Logic [934, 1167, 1164, 518, 1194, 2014, 802, 2424, 987, 830, 1187, 1147, 247, 1198, 841, 1416, 2430, 1153, 1993, 1220, 42, 81, 1175, 1994, 462, 2001, 1507, 464]. Logic-Based [934, 2430]. Logical [482, 668, 325, 1615, 1902, 463, 2218, 1408]. Logics [1154, 1181, 1149, 1910, 1148, 1039]. Logistics [1621]. Logo [213]. Logs [2252]. LOIS [1844]. lolliCop [1198]. Long [1971, 2260]. Long-Term [1971]. Longer [1483, 983]. Longer-Term [983]. Longest [1492, 880]. Longest-Common-Prefix [1492]. Look [2276, 2531]. Looping [1449]. Loss [1596, 2375]. Loss-Rate [1596]. Losses [1678]. Lossy [896, 1708, 2094, 1693]. Lotrec [1181]. Lottery [1595]. Low [1963, 1135, 1597, 2524, 682, 857, 1559, 62]. Low-Discrepancy [857]. Low-Level [2524]. Low-Scan [62]. Lower [924, 867, 2181, 2197, 655, 873, 1038]. LP [2183, 460, 1393]. LSA [969]. LSC [1440]. LTL [111, 102, 1987, 835]. Lukasiewicz [1220]. Lymphocytic [1964]. Mach [682]. Machine [2287, 46, 481, 1058, 754, 1416, 1932, 1929, 1335, 498, 2022, 1354, 1380, 1928, 1320, 877, 1933, 1931]. Machines [1999, 1282, 1938, 37, 897, 47, 912, 1521, 1252, 1285, 1324, 1517, 1304, 1810, 1835, 1085, 1549]. Macro [78, 2227, 2140]. Macrostep [594]. Made [564]. Magnetic [702, 1095]. Magnetic-Field [702]. Magnitude [1340]. Mahalanobis [1279]. Mail [1049]. mails [2409]. Main [1848, 1842]. Main-Memory [1842]. Maintainability [386]. Maintaining [1019]. Maintenance [2560, 632, 1009, 2499, 2479, 952, 750, 509, 1032, 2492, 62, 2559]. Majority [887, 1834]. Make [2465]. Maker [1374]. Making [779, 1956, 84, 1412, 1929, 2438, 1950]. Malaria [210]. Malaysia [2076]. Male [1124]. Malicious [2392]. MAMA [1032]. Mammalian [336]. Mammograms [1349, 1088, 1102]. Mammography [1399]. Man [1335, 409]. Man-Machine [1335]. Manageable [1729]. Management [322, 1974, 941, 1922, 1377, 1369, 2558, 2079, 1575, 1423, 218, 1635, 384, 1972, 2458, 1622, 326, 2254, 1712, 948, 1015, 2146, 1640, 1606, 219, 1743, 754, 392, 437, 2537, 1725, 1602, 1685, 1598, 1715, 750, 1968, 1042, 2475, 329, 85, 2431, 1623, 2527, 2471, 1375, 1727, 499, 2294, 1628, 1730, 1574, 1689, 1767, 1717, 375]. Manager [1697]. Managing [385, 2561, 2344, 1044]. Maneuvering [1774]. manifold [202]. Manifolds [2098]. Manipulation [1992, 2052, 2307, 127]. Mankind [277]. Manner [2035]. Manual [1032]. Manufacturing 26 [508, 479, 638, 489, 516, 2546, 1042, 693, 1420]. Many [2367, 196, 2362]. Many-to-many [196]. Maori [2068]. Map [461, 2033, 2106, 1328, 739, 660]. Mapping [336, 1118, 1114, 1527, 2144, 717]. Maps [1297, 1820, 724, 1279, 2553, 2409, 1388, 1358, 2512, 1528, 967, 1287, 459]. Margin [1283, 2385]. Margin-Based [2385]. Margins [2387, 2377]. Marine [2289]. Market [738, 518, 2072, 2061, 2494, 749]. Marketing [2420, 2455, 2074]. Marketplace [2354]. Markets [1641]. Markov [1505, 1137, 225, 2370, 2402, 2274]. Markovian [1504, 1502]. MARS [727, 1385]. Marts [328]. Maryland [412]. MASCARA [106]. Mask [477]. Mass [506]. Mass-Customized [506]. Massively [2317, 567]. Match [723]. Matching [1480, 1540, 1041, 2173, 883, 1063, 1836, 1524, 1495, 1493, 147, 706, 1914, 1478, 194, 195, 196, 1544, 148, 13, 1139, 1487]. Matchmaking [2555]. Material [501, 2458]. Materialized [2560]. Materials [681, 142, 2300, 2413]. Mathematical [2325, 759, 123]. Mathematics [2081, 123, 800]. Matrices [10, 1523]. Matrix [50, 574, 581, 328, 582, 666]. Matroid [1063]. Matroids [1070]. MAX [1273, 429, 2212]. Maximal [769, 189, 338, 995]. Maximisation [197]. Maximum [1861, 2173, 1071]. Maximum-Cardinality [1861]. Mazur [300]. mcd.d [1180]. MDT [815]. Me [97]. Meaningful [2444]. Means [812, 312, 188]. Measure [1482, 1236, 2193, 165]. Measured [1261]. Measurement [211, 1675, 1740, 1746, 1697, 1620, 1713]. Measurement-Based [1740, 1697, 1620]. Measures [1008, 1809, 1551, 447, 1313]. Measuring [1855, 2045]. Mechanical [794]. Mechanics [816]. Mechanism [2050, 1645, 1813, 1612, 1733, 1213, 1701]. Mechanisms [1214, 1656, 1741, 2494, 1696]. Media [1589, 1568, 1747, 1673]. Medial [1093, 1140]. Median [864]. Mediate [2224]. Mediated [1918, 127]. Medical [2085, 1345, 1107, 1955, 1351, 1130, 1956, 1962, 1945, 563, 704, 1976, 1296, 1952, 1957, 1129, 1960, 1132, 1954, 730, 1924, 2557, 1125, 1950]. Medicine [1939, 563, 1941]. Medium [1744]. Meeting [704]. MEG [1116, 1117]. MEG/EEG [1116]. Melanoma [1798]. Members [2087]. Membership [2397, 2399, 2396, 2183, 600]. Membrane [55]. Membranes [41]. Memories [1347, 1371, 2001]. Memory [2309, 854, 1848, 899, 2149, 2146, 684, 2150, 2152, 2059, 2147, 928, 2307, 2047, 2343, 2308, 1218, 577, 2145, 2141, 1842, 762, 2144, 791, 1038, 1850, 983, 2143]. Memory-Aware [2149]. Men [1519]. Mengerian [1069]. Mental [64]. Mercure [414]. Mereology [146]. Merge [175]. Merging [2205, 2293, 405]. Merit [285, 2548]. Merits [2067]. MERLin [1467]. Mesh [1636, 664, 682]. Mesh-Torus [1636]. Meshes [1758, 202, 1871, 2167]. Mesochronous [2140]. Mesoscopic [620]. Message [972, 909, 952, 967, 902, 2315, 610, 2351]. Message-Passing [2315]. Messages [2318, 443]. Meta [2450, 603, 1187, 2465, 381, 2525, 1029, 1992]. Meta-BDDs [1992]. Meta-case-Based [1029]. Meta-complexity [1187]. Meta-computing [603]. Meta-data [2450]. Meta-Search [381, 2525]. Metabolic [347]. Metaclasses [2445]. Metacomputer [596]. Metacomputing [2350, 2357, 2328, 594, 570]. Metadata [2286, 380, 331]. Metamodel [387]. Metamodeling [332]. Metaphor [1225, 64]. Metaphors [1949]. Metareasoning [921]. Metasystem [2283]. Meteorological [2543]. Meteosat [1325]. Metering [1593]. Methanol [794]. Method [720, 1930, 449, 1151, 649, 393, 2551, 2534, 1057, 1059, 1118, 2181, 2324, 2514, 31, 1130, 703, 487, 695, 235, 1276, 1688, 1198, 2459, 1556, 1534, 459, 27 1829, 246, 1644, 1401, 656, 2116, 1191, 664, 378, 660, 682, 236, 882, 1925, 661, 2323, 2486, 1933, 662, 1795, 1686, 619, 62, 1805]. Methodological [365]. Methodologies [376, 1934]. Methodology [679, 827, 368, 553, 932, 594, 1183, 505]. Methods [711, 2349, 244, 355, 816, 393, 993, 239, 377, 218, 406, 1268, 1501, 640, 729, 687, 480, 2377, 654, 629, 2491, 2378, 473, 2055, 707, 625, 93, 1802, 268, 1121, 1948, 286, 748, 2523, 2389]. METIORE [2240]. METOC [752]. Metocean [614]. Metric [1863, 637, 299, 300, 313, 1037, 316]. Metrics [2528, 860, 1557, 636, 386, 2553, 333, 1123]. Metro [1572]. Metropolis [739]. Metropolitan [607]. Mexico [2452]. Micro [35]. Micro-Reactor [35]. Microarchitecture [2021]. Microarray [2164]. Microbial [18]. Microcalcifications [1349, 1815]. Microprocessor [2025]. Microvascular [1108]. Middle [1407]. Middleware [596]. Migratable [2281]. Migration [2425]. Mill [510]. Millimeter [761]. MIM0 [811]. Mimic [1339]. Minimal [851, 2190, 1457, 1459, 895, 1466]. Minimalist [1901, 1903]. Minimization [1404, 913, 1067, 2370]. Minimizing [912, 914]. Minimum [150, 2190, 859, 1398, 1092, 2213, 1064, 1498, 1431, 1715, 1086, 1887, 2538]. Minimum-Length [150]. Mining [1852, 2542, 1922, 2539, 1369, 764, 2540, 2541, 2462, 2463, 2546, 452, 2545, 747, 2538, 2501, 2547, 1053, 2464, 272]. Miniscoped [1152]. Minkowski [630, 636]. Minsum [1082, 1085]. Minus [2197]. Minutiae [1546, 1544, 1543]. Misclassification [80]. Missile [756]. Missing [355]. Mitochondrial [808]. Mixed [1060, 2229, 487, 1074, 818]. Mixed-Initiative [2229]. Mixing [2364, 1899, 1807]. Mixture [1131, 1523]. Mixtures [1400, 618, 1404, 1337]. MM5 [587]. MM5-Based [587]. MMB [1749]. MMPP [1740]. MMR [1720]. Mobile [2295, 1361, 2405, 2347, 359, 2331, 2522, 1616, 2425, 784, 1688, 496, 128, 2071, 497, 1687, 1603, 2073, 1602, 611, 1294, 1585, 1700, 1587, 2491, 474, 2509, 1731, 606, 1732, 1364, 2516, 1366, 1353, 232, 1701, 1729, 968, 1730, 1686, 939, 940, 1590, 2466, 1717]. Mobility [1618, 1689]. MOBSY [1777]. Mod [949]. Modal [1151, 1154, 1181, 577, 1183, 813]. Modalities [1194, 1089]. Model [461, 2019, 1995, 109, 518, 501, 111, 2246, 941, 1107, 897, 583, 1986, 763, 1257, 1258, 2539, 609, 101, 2337, 1988, 2476, 354, 117, 1838, 2024, 113, 503, 532, 103, 1711, 2011, 102, 2326, 1947, 112, 100, 1770, 901, 2013, 2436, 116, 2359, 2470, 585, 2021, 1093, 1321, 1612, 442, 586, 835, 705, 104, 587, 2017, 1456, 1215, 2010, 758, 759, 1367, 349, 1079, 1218, 577, 443, 1971, 2518, 2334, 1983, 255, 56, 1131, 2410, 1091, 99, 329, 358, 1106, 814, 1891, 378, 227, 1366, 1206, 873, 2018, 114, 813, 975, 1105, 620, 118, 110, 1158, 2291]. Model [858, 1230, 573, 799, 1313, 2239, 2068, 215, 1553, 665, 115, 1039, 980, 1792, 2477, 1582, 2012, 2248, 1224, 2529]. Model-Based [442, 1158, 1553]. Model-Checking [111, 101, 112]. Model-Driven [358]. Model-Theoretic [1891]. Modeled [693]. Modeling [1233, 722, 2441, 455, 2249, 1421, 584, 1348, 1940, 1306, 2264, 2229, 2253, 366, 2255, 454, 2268, 2136, 2236, 524, 1740, 2256, 1690, 1290, 645, 94, 2277, 2225, 718, 491, 690, 388, 707, 1212, 946, 389, 588, 2517, 685, 166, 115]. Modelling [2244, 2243, 2235, 951, 1092, 1423, 1972, 2265, 959, 1680, 437, 996, 834, 387, 1299, 935, 2231, 848, 391, 937, 2271, 2262, 743, 1373]. Models [2505, 1930, 558, 1943, 2263, 1995, 152, 1137, 373, 770, 2238, 966, 1209, 847, 1149, 1502, 2390, 1508, 2224, 1275, 2276, 1932, 708, 442, 2103, 819, 1134, 1325, 768, 28 2022, 1029, 181, 798, 358, 2298, 441, 164, 1960, 671, 943, 2341, 2228, 2260, 1337, 811, 140, 726, 1140, 1797, 1249, 2239, 580, 1125, 23, 440, 1123, 2517, 44, 2273, 710, 2119]. Moderating [1837]. Modern [218]. Modes [152, 1254]. Modified [1816]. Modifiers [1907]. ModProf [1182]. Modular [667, 1238, 1190, 1776, 2185, 786, 1311, 1692, 601]. Modularity [1418]. Module [533, 1786, 35]. Modules [556, 2427]. Molding [690]. Molecular [27, 24, 624, 2340, 818, 815]. Molecules [19]. Moments [1740, 813]. MONA [1454]. Mondrian [546]. Money [260]. Monitoring [934, 593, 2542, 510, 1389, 783, 1781, 1378, 1749]. Monkey [1215]. Monocular [153]. Monoids [892]. Monolingual [421, 420]. Monotone [851, 2397, 2398]. monotonic [1167]. Monte [2337, 697, 652, 695, 566, 629, 696, 699, 2319]. MOPs [551]. Morphisms [891]. Morphological [2136, 2111, 1529, 1124, 1371, 210, 1207]. Morphology [415, 176, 2135]. Most [812, 2187]. Motion [1554, 185, 1114, 1134, 193, 1354, 214, 1036]. Motion-Based [1554, 193]. Motivated [2131, 1147]. Motivation [723]. Motor [1372, 1249, 743]. Move [285, 430]. Movement [184, 1904]. Movie [84]. Movies [779]. Moving [199]. MPC [2329]. MPEG [1747]. MPEG-4 [1747]. MPI [713, 603, 2326, 2049, 789]. MPI/OpenMP [2049]. MPLS [1716, 1714, 1757, 1718, 1579, 1578, 1717]. MR [168, 1100]. MRA [1136]. MRI [1097, 1109, 1107, 1131, 1965, 1133]. MSC [908, 971, 953, 961, 973, 1913]. MSC-2000 [953, 973]. MSTs [1059]. MT [2522]. Multi [1329, 1333, 771, 1973, 649, 2434, 71, 916, 1180, 1232, 1421, 2033, 1348, 1940, 1634, 2500, 503, 1635, 202, 493, 1814, 1280, 1406, 61, 2031, 500, 1657, 2032, 716, 756, 1556, 1093, 398, 1416, 757, 1425, 2106, 2103, 1700, 1651, 223, 516, 1415, 1668, 1079, 2116, 1968, 526, 1605, 2134, 1835, 1593, 1804, 1780, 2218, 1569, 1407, 735, 1619, 1420, 502]. Multi-Agent [2031, 516, 1973, 2434, 71, 1421, 2500, 503, 493, 1406, 61, 500, 1416, 1425, 1415, 1968, 2218, 1407, 1420, 502]. Multi-agents [526]. Multi-class [1835]. Multi-classifier [1804]. Multi-constraint [1668]. Multi-cue [1780]. Multi-dendritic [1232]. Multi-dimension [771]. Multi-grade [398]. Multi-Hop [1657, 1651]. Multi-ingress [1593]. Multi-item [1079]. Multi-layer [1940, 735]. Multi-objective [1280]. Multi-party [916]. Multi-path [1700]. Multi-Robot [2033, 2032]. Multi-scale [1093, 2106, 2103, 2116, 2134]. Multi-search [1180]. Multi-server [1619]. Multi-service [1634, 1635, 1605, 1569]. Multi-spectral [756, 757]. Multi-state [2103]. Multi-SVM [1814]. Multi-tessellation [202]. Multi-Threaded [716]. Multi-tier [649]. Multi-user [223]. Multi-valued [1329, 1333]. Multi-view [1556]. Multiagent [692, 1412, 1031]. Multibank [2140]. Multicast [1708, 1659, 1663, 1670, 2345, 1711, 1577, 1688, 1650, 1656, 1651, 1723, 1647, 1661, 1664, 610, 1665, 1648, 217, 1662]. Multichannel [615]. Multiclass [2368]. Multicommunicative [2079]. Multicriteria [985]. Multidatabase [1849]. Multidimensional [2505, 2360, 2441, 1396, 2565, 2474, 2487, 451, 2562, 192, 1924]. Multidisciplinary [2280]. Multigrid [817, 579]. Multilayer [1240, 1943, 1248, 1683]. Multilevel [1289]. Multilingual [410, 2264, 413, 2451]. Multimedia [1720, 1630, 672, 402, 1603, 1656, 1685, 1584, 1654, 1624, 750]. Multimodal [1309, 1104]. Multimode [1673]. Multinomial [626]. Multiobjective [978, 1262]. Multiparty [918]. Multipath [1677, 1580]. Multiple [335, 771, 1764, 1820, 1239, 609, 79, 1099, 29 373, 1815, 2326, 1827, 406, 1811, 1808, 1831, 191, 1493, 2206, 205, 1023, 1579, 1826, 1833, 1081, 1527, 2527, 1802, 1834, 2165, 1632, 2538, 1313, 1133, 440, 665, 1662]. Multiple-Choice [771]. Multiple-Instance [79]. Multiple-Part [79]. Multiple-Term [1081]. Multiplexing [1643, 1756]. Multiplication [801, 574]. Multiplicative [2216]. Multiplicities [1444]. Multiplier [2185]. Multiplier/ Squarer [2185]. Multiploid [466]. Multiply [646]. Multipoint [1733, 1765]. Multipoint-to-Point [1733]. Multiprocessor [618, 913, 575, 914, 1083]. Multiscale [1349, 1101, 177, 2109, 2132]. Multiservice [1722]. Multisource [1822]. Multistage [1648]. Multithreaded [2327]. Multivalued [1265]. MUNIN [1942]. Muscadet [1199]. Music [2463, 1002, 1488]. Musical [675]. Mutability [540]. Mutagenesis [79]. Mutation [1267]. Mutual [1404, 1261]. MUX [1735]. Myenteric [1211]. Myrinet [591]. N [621, 1848]. Na-fluorescein [1108]. Nailfolds [1108]. Name [602]. Nanostructures [29]. Narrowing [1158]. NasoNet [1947]. Nasopharyngeal [1947]. Native [535]. Natural [1253, 1900, 1068, 669, 1441, 2456, 1952, 1250, 1199, 671, 76, 1338]. Navier [2297]. Navigate [1791]. Navigation [1456, 1358, 498, 1356, 1036, 528, 1357, 137]. NChiql [2456]. Nearest [1283, 636, 1372, 2095, 655]. Nearest-Neighbor [636]. Needed [2362]. Needs [2275]. Negative [1993]. Negotiated [2273]. Negotiation [501, 500, 1412, 1413, 2422]. Neighbor [1283, 636, 225, 2095, 655]. Neighborhoods [273]. Neighbors [2174, 1372]. Neighbourhood [151]. Neighbourhoods [2127]. Neocognitron [1228]. Neocognitron-Type [1228]. Neocortical [1113]. Neonates [1948]. Nerve [1341]. Nested [880, 2523]. Net [827, 102, 1383, 834, 840, 742]. NetLets [1620]. Nets [825, 1503, 826, 1351, 828, 48, 1238, 829, 503, 821, 1394, 1571, 832, 841, 835, 836, 837, 823, 839, 2341, 831, 1269, 322]. NETS-Based [322]. Network [720, 1385, 1333, 1996, 1659, 1764, 1312, 1374, 73, 1737, 2325, 1238, 1838, 1823, 1635, 1616, 657, 1068, 1622, 1939, 1756, 2446, 1640, 1637, 1744, 1743, 1642, 1746, 1615, 205, 1291, 1725, 1700, 1676, 1715, 1265, 1218, 1749, 456, 1627, 1957, 1270, 1581, 744, 1272, 1380, 425, 1393, 1745, 1760, 1261, 1237, 1278, 1633, 1353, 1228, 232, 1593, 1292, 2217, 1730, 1326, 1683, 1679, 799, 1624, 1702, 1699, 1226, 1520, 1357, 347, 2069]. Networking [1617, 1757, 2302, 1731]. Networks [719, 1329, 1758, 1205, 1943, 1345, 1251, 1361, 1714, 805, 1750, 38, 1319, 1223, 1235, 1232, 1340, 903, 1384, 1277, 1236, 1239, 766, 1214, 1241, 2210, 1748, 1293, 510, 1390, 1625, 1799, 1752, 1253, 803, 1638, 1711, 1248, 1738, 1630, 1245, 1636, 1947, 1389, 1280, 1330, 1747, 1244, 1315, 1267, 1262, 2242, 1712, 1322, 1705, 1264, 1813, 1072, 1688, 1268, 1946, 1660, 2333, 1674, 1945, 1657, 1687, 1740, 732, 222, 1613, 275, 430, 1243, 1728, 1602, 1685, 1391, 1585, 1693, 1651, 1578, 457, 1110, 1323, 1941, 1587, 886, 1771, 1367, 1668, 1655, 1739, 746, 1734, 1220]. Networks [474, 1584, 1231, 804, 1311, 1732, 1772, 1364, 1318, 1669, 1263, 1271, 1222, 1217, 1560, 1509, 2363, 1701, 1344, 1234, 1741, 1765, 800, 607, 1706, 1242, 726, 1628, 1632, 1569, 1686, 458, 1683, 1648, 1673, 1313, 1646, 1249, 1759, 74, 1767, 1702, 743, 2090, 1751, 1717, 115, 1959, 1373, 1944, 1979]. Neural [720, 719, 1385, 461, 1329, 1333, 1382, 1349, 1316, 1345, 1251, 1361, 1225, 801, 805, 1750, 455, 1319, 1223, 1235, 1312, 1232, 1340, 1374, 1241, 1238, 510, 1752, 1823, 1248, 90, 1394, 1245, 1389, 1280, 1330, 1939, 1244, 1315, 1267, 1262, 2242, 1322, 454, 1264, 2446, 1813, 30 1268, 1117, 732, 275, 430, 205, 1291, 1391, 457, 1325, 1378, 1335, 1367, 1265, 1255, 1218, 746, 1220, 804, 1270, 1311, 744, 1272, 1392, 1380, 1364, 1318, 1263, 1222, 1237, 1278, 1355, 1366, 1560, 2363, 1344, 1234, 800, 1219, 742, 1292, 1242, 726, 1339, 458, 1326, 799]. Neural [1313, 1249, 1300, 743, 1226, 1359, 1373]. Neural-Net [742]. Neural-Network [1226]. Neuro [1233, 722, 1377, 1351, 1390, 1372, 1327, 1266, 1305, 1224]. Neuro-Dynamic [1390]. Neuro-Fuzzy [722, 1377, 1351, 1305, 1224, 1266]. Neuro-processor [1327]. Neuroanatomy [1207]. Neurobiological [1212]. Neurocontroller [1308]. Neuromodeling [1295]. Neuron [740]. Neuronal [1214, 1209]. Neurons [1329, 1333, 1306, 1211, 456, 1261, 1213, 1217]. Neuroscience [563]. NeuSim [1311]. Neutron [2053]. News [2244, 1566, 2461, 2489, 2248]. Newspaper [2264]. NExPTime [1148]. NExPTime-Complete [1148]. Next [352, 1634]. Neyman [1316]. NFA [1445]. NFAs [1467]. NK [1275]. NLDA [1253]. NLP [411]. NN [1837, 1331, 1375]. No [46, 621]. Node [2187]. Noise [1314, 805, 1319, 1236, 454, 1321, 2392, 1339]. Noise-Induced [805]. Noisy [455, 1285, 2107, 2416]. Nominal [921]. NoMoRe [1167]. Non [1167, 1154, 2120, 1898, 1252, 202, 50, 511, 1504, 2160, 1911, 420, 741, 1124, 2134, 1261, 2323, 1121, 2165, 77, 313]. Non-approximability [2165]. Non-computably [313]. Non-English [420]. Non-linear [2120, 511, 2323, 77]. Non-manifold [202]. Non-Markovian [1504]. Non-monotonic [1167]. Non-oblivious [2160]. Non-projective [1898]. Non-regular [1261]. Non-rigid [1154, 1124, 2134, 1121]. Non-Standard [1911]. Non-symmetric [1252]. Non-terminal [50]. Non-verbal [741]. Nondeterministic [1443, 2307]. Nonequilibrium [618]. Noninterference [875]. Nonlinear [720, 722, 2122, 1258, 1394, 1789, 1291, 1077, 2123, 659, 660, 1393, 1132, 1237, 661, 2222]. Nonmonotonic [1428, 1433]. Nonregular [1884]. Nonstandard [248]. Nonstationary [658]. Nonterminal [49]. Nonzero [850]. NORMA [618]. Normal [2099, 45]. Normalisation [1291]. Norms [504]. Notation [936]. Note [1856, 2104, 1879]. Notes [2155]. Notification [1611]. Notifying [2498]. Notion [2202, 823]. Novel [2554, 1251, 1949, 1376, 2522, 1597, 1266, 1702, 2477]. NP [1277, 1897, 922, 1085, 1156]. NP-Complete [1277, 922]. NP-Completeness [1156]. NP-hard [1897]. NP-Hardness [1085]. NPPs [464]. NRC [2053]. NTCIR [398]. Nuclear [704]. Nucleotide [340]. Nucleus [1206]. NUMA [2057, 791]. Number [1859, 1178, 916, 2213, 297, 50, 870, 1812, 682, 627, 619]. Numbers [2197, 2201, 1879, 2221, 312, 2492]. Numeric [1966, 689, 453]. Numeric-Intensive [689]. Numerical [615, 816, 616, 810, 8, 1211, 10, 709, 619, 2114]. Numerital [562]. NURBS [201]. O [621, 2317, 659]. O/Rh [621]. O2PC [2522]. O2PC-MT [2522]. Object [1847, 2560, 64, 2528, 721, 541, 1790, 545, 366, 847, 2446, 544, 1440, 1324, 191, 732, 1787, 2137, 2105, 1310, 2106, 1779, 2488, 2343, 2518, 438, 1732, 2471, 11, 1052, 691, 140, 1140, 331, 596, 2520, 321, 149, 2517, 2351, 200, 1370, 980, 1846, 824]. Object[321]. Object-Based [438]. Object-Oriented [1847, 64, 366, 847, 2518, 11, 691, 2520, 2517, 980, 1846]. Object-Presence [140]. Object-Relational [2528, 2488, 1846]. Objectbase [329]. Objective 31 [1089, 1082, 1280]. Objects [209, 2555, 384, 202, 2288, 2470, 2485, 147, 2463, 176, 194, 1877, 207, 1881, 130, 2419, 330, 127, 538]. OBLIC [1381]. Obligations [87]. Oblivious [2160]. Observations [1395, 2270]. Observer [1090]. Obstacle [1783]. Obtaining [1071]. occurrence [1525]. Ocean [585]. Odometric [1357]. Off [285, 1326]. Off-Line [1326]. Offered [1583]. OLAP [764, 2554, 2563, 2562, 2506]. Old [1601]. Oldroyd [656]. Oldroyd-B [656]. Omni [2047]. OmniRPC [2056]. On-Chip [2147, 2141]. On-demand [1703]. On-Line [2320, 2205, 1058, 764, 2208, 1491, 2206, 1558, 1366]. Once [1156]. ONCODOC [1975]. Oncology [1961]. One [899, 2324, 585, 1586, 1023, 341, 2362, 2161, 1339, 1824, 2389]. One-Class [1824]. One-Pass [1586]. One-Sided [2324]. Online [2365, 2207, 2368, 906, 2390, 1047, 2076, 1388, 2484, 863, 2075]. Online-Provision [1388]. Only [539]. onto [1975, 717]. Ontologies [2256, 1961]. Ontology [2406, 1962, 2418, 439]. OO [386, 557, 2569]. Open [2238, 1742, 2308, 1722, 1082, 1683, 2067, 1696, 2273]. Open-Source [2067]. Opening [269]. OpenMP [560, 2050, 2054, 2058, 684, 2052, 2047, 2053, 2046, 2048, 2055, 2051, 2056]. Operating [1575, 1615, 1801, 1562]. Operation [301, 345]. Operations [1868, 2137, 1465]. Operator [2122, 1123]. Operators [1267, 78, 305, 2109]. Oponent [1308]. Opportunistic [2352]. Opportunities [571]. Opportunity [933]. Optic [1341, 1293, 2099]. Optic-Coaxial [1293]. Optical [1634, 1635, 1636, 2100, 1651, 886, 56, 1633]. Optimal [151, 337, 2393, 1239, 1238, 634, 2387, 1641, 2288, 638, 1497, 1762, 2028, 1876, 2123, 1599, 1318, 547, 2175, 2166, 626, 57]. Optimality [15]. Optimally [1499]. Optimisation [1251, 1291, 425, 1292, 515]. Optimising [837]. Optimistic [916, 2522, 552]. Optimization [772, 2295, 2346, 1848, 780, 494, 1280, 1276, 1169, 1262, 426, 2151, 2562, 2306, 179, 989, 2048, 773, 1270, 2524, 1217, 991, 2234, 774, 2319, 1608, 2366]. Optimizations [2310]. Optimize [1948]. Optimizing [719, 2181, 581, 2401, 715, 1271, 2356]. Optimum [490, 1432, 427]. OPTRANS [509]. OQL [1851]. Oracle [2399]. Orbitals [2340]. Order [1194, 1166, 1396, 1235, 154, 250, 830, 1198, 1126, 81, 2460, 839, 1175, 1402, 13, 1035, 2102]. Ordered [1157, 872, 1497, 1160]. Ordering [430, 1080, 2531]. Orderings [2204]. Orders [848]. Ordinal [1282]. ordination [1973]. Organ [1973, 1968]. Organisational [376]. Organisations [394]. Organising [1291, 1826]. Organization [2461, 739]. Organizational [2084, 2521]. Organizations [1406, 1969, 946]. Organized [1309]. Organizing [1823, 1279, 2553, 2409, 1388, 1328, 1287]. Orientation [702, 1065, 1524, 173, 1219]. Oriented [1847, 64, 2405, 2057, 2532, 1972, 366, 847, 1215, 2343, 2518, 11, 1948, 691, 610, 346, 2520, 2517, 2351, 980, 1846]. Orographic [587]. Orthogonal [2203, 646, 1878, 2315]. Osculating [169]. OSPF [969]. Othello [742]. Other [999, 2183, 748, 1146]. Otter [1155]. Out-of-Core [2322]. Outbreaks [1921]. Outcome [1922]. Outcomes [82, 1977, 686]. Outlines [198]. Output [1809, 741, 1486, 1375, 811]. Output-Sensitive [1486]. Ovarian [1943]. Ovary [136]. Overheads [2356]. Overlapping [178, 164]. Overlearning [1402]. Oversampling [2107]. Overview [599, 404, 224, 555, 2007, 349]. Ownership [541]. Oxygen [361, 1948]. P [41]. P.rex [1176]. p2b [109]. P2P [370]. P3I [761]. PAC [2381]. Package [650, 1463]. Packet [1758, 1698, 1691, 906, 32 1719, 1740, 1668, 1633, 735]. Packet-Size [1698]. Packet-Switched [1633]. Packets [1719, 1581]. Packing [1858, 2172, 733, 645, 863, 1886]. Packings [1499]. Page [2450, 1682, 2478]. Paid [2087]. Pairs [858]. Palpation [136]. Panel [1568]. Paper [109, 1331, 942, 1862, 403, 289]. Paraconsistent [1905]. Paradigm [1226]. Paradigms [2357]. Paradoxes [239]. Parallel [1785, 2045, 712, 583, 763, 2317, 2322, 2320, 769, 694, 2214, 766, 651, 1058, 2325, 634, 2331, 2324, 764, 770, 2300, 657, 112, 765, 684, 2340, 617, 564, 2485, 833, 1477, 1310, 2005, 2296, 768, 567, 2297, 2335, 413, 2298, 625, 767, 661, 2323, 696, 1085, 691, 627, 2303, 717, 2339, 601, 2351, 2314, 2317, 2559]. Parallelism [2473, 467]. Parallelizability [2163]. Parallelization [2346, 2340, 587, 2334, 2302, 682, 663]. Parallelized [2326]. Parameter [652, 1498, 1332, 2118, 1582]. Parameterized [2191, 865, 2000, 866, 2215, 2010, 1985, 1465]. Parameters [1333, 1276, 1556, 1378, 1387, 707, 1320]. Parametric [1314, 1258, 1308, 2217]. Paramodulation [920]. PARCS [2053]. Paris [1572]. Parity [900, 1461]. Parrinello [624]. Parsing [1894, 1449]. Part [79, 1473, 1902, 1953, 694]. Part-of-Speech [1473, 1953]. Partial [1336, 353, 830, 2189, 862, 687, 6, 1952, 848, 1131, 81, 839, 11, 345, 14, 842, 2452]. Partial-Order [81]. Partially [1820, 888, 1583]. Particle [2103, 819]. Partitioning [338, 728, 1395, 2471, 182, 2493, 714]. Partitions [1825, 1869, 2111, 1878]. Parts [178, 1958]. Party [1739, 916]. Pass [1586]. Passing [2315, 2351]. Password [2087]. Past [2364]. Patern [1365]. Path [1716, 1714, 816, 903, 2532, 1736, 697, 698, 2186, 2187, 1700]. Path-Integral [698]. Path-Oriented [2532]. Pathological [972]. Paths [1870, 644, 1579, 1580, 858]. Patient [1932, 1935]. Patients [1108, 1938, 1922, 1946, 1050, 1934, 1935, 1920]. Pattern [711, 1205, 144, 189, 2457, 856, 1495, 1493, 523, 2383, 1529, 1486, 946, 1835, 13, 155, 1397, 1139]. Pattern-Based [2457]. Patterns [1329, 1489, 1309, 945, 1350, 1215, 2411, 1228, 499, 944, 1139, 2545]. Payment [2421]. PC [702, 1136, 2325, 2179, 748]. PC-Based [702]. PC-Trees [2179]. PCB [481]. PCM [583]. PCS [2092]. PDE [2115, 2109]. Pearson [1316]. Peculiarities [614]. Pedagogical [2269, 2271]. Peers [1180]. Peers-mcd.d [1180]. Peg [279]. Pen [1558]. Penalization [1321]. ANN [1831]. Blue [2173]. Bottom [2506]. CLDC [221]. Competitive [1271]. Continuous [818]. CSD [679]. EEG [1116]. Energy [2152]. Evaporation [709]. Express [776]. IP [1692]. New [2068]. Non-face [1522]. OpenMP [2049]. Performance [2150]. Radial [1838]. Rh [621]. Room [981]. Satellite [1616]. SLC [2005]. Spin [115]. Squarer [2185]. T-Net [840]. Teacher [978]. Tools [826]. Vulnerability [707]. Peninsula [1325]. People [1554, 553]. Per-Hop [1625]. Perception [134, 2427, 737, 122, 131, 166, 1360]. Perception-Based [166, 1360]. Perceptive [1779]. Perceptron [1838, 1348, 2369, 735]. Perceptron/Radial [1838]. Perceptrons [1240, 1943, 1940, 1357]. Perceptual [2254, 1786, 1379, 197]. Perfect [2202]. Perfection [272]. Perform [1334]. Performance [2560, 2330, 1942, 1766, 2045, 649, 1550, 1678, 1596, 802, 612, 2299, 2355, 780, 80, 2050, 2057, 1617, 1058, 1649, 904, 590, 2345, 1634, 1788, 1638, 575, 1616, 1636, 1592, 574, 1518, 2563, 1502, 1268, 1501, 2049, 2152, 585, 1048, 617, 492, 565, 1611, 757, 718, 1671, 576, 807, 1682, 2141, 1288, 2302, 788, 1620, 1745, 789, 2329, 1083, 610, 2303, 1648, 619, 580, 1796, 749, 2466, 2327, 714]. Performance/Energy [2152]. 33 Performances [1821]. Periodic [46, 1073]. Periodicity [1483]. Periods [1483, 2448, 894]. Permutation [883, 1376, 1704]. Permutations [1494]. Person [1566, 1563, 2261]. Personal [2242, 2465, 2256, 2072, 2259]. Personalised [1026]. Personality [2255]. Personalization [2407, 2276, 2248]. Personalized [2240, 2264, 75, 1771]. Personalizing [2453, 2241]. Perspective [1922, 355, 399]. Perspectives [1406]. Pervasive [361]. Pest [1377, 1375]. PET [1137]. Petri [825, 838, 1503, 826, 827, 828, 829, 821, 832, 841, 834, 835, 836, 823, 839, 831]. Petroleum [2406]. Pevzner [1484]. Phase [1116, 2522, 2530, 658, 747]. Phase-Shift [658]. Phase-Synchrony [1116]. Philips [116]. Phoneme [480]. Photochemical [708]. Phylogenetic [342, 808]. Phylogenetics [807]. Physical [2299, 1424]. Physics [677, 678, 674, 676, 289]. Physiological [1535]. Physlets [677]. Picture [373, 1448]. PIE [932]. Pigeonhole [924]. PIM [1649, 2153, 2146, 2145]. PIM-Based [2153, 2146]. Ping [899]. Ping-Pong [899]. Pini [221]. PIO [2317]. Pipelined [575, 2058, 35, 2140]. Pipes [1769]. PIPN [1723]. Placement [800, 1843]. Plan [1021, 2257]. Planar [865, 2169, 2170, 143, 641, 174]. Plane [1869, 1873, 642, 879, 1878, 2171, 2200]. Planes [1074, 1298]. Planet [727]. Planetary [1793]. Planning [71, 1411, 1014, 2333, 96, 1026, 1079, 255, 526, 85, 1034, 1037]. Plans [369, 1936, 1952]. Plant [1042, 512]. Plants [1040, 509, 515]. Plasma [685]. Plasmas [697]. Plasticity [1211]. Plate [211, 1120]. Platform [1974, 2347, 1743, 2005, 1731]. Platforms [1634]. Plausibility [1302]. Plausible [285]. Play [282, 222]. Playing [1424]. PLFG [2319]. Plug [222]. Plug&Play [221]. PMS [1767]. Pneumonia [1346]. PNs [353]. POEtic [1304]. Poetry [2253]. Point [152, 2177, 643, 304, 1902, 1733, 1527, 236, 1765, 313]. Point-to-Multipoint [1765]. Points [711, 2209, 2213, 1865, 1869, 1545, 2112, 180]. Poisson [698]. Poker [286]. POKMAT [1972]. Polarized [1898]. Policies [2290, 2288, 1647, 1031]. Policy [2246, 2079, 754, 1667, 2402, 1038, 2314]. Policy-Based [2079]. Politics [2461]. Polluted [2332]. Pollution [664, 710]. Poly [2393]. Poly-Bounded [2393]. Polygon [1860, 1867]. Polygonal [633, 2172, 881, 1386, 183, 1885]. Polygons [1854, 1857, 1858, 150, 1874, 2175, 648]. Polyhedra [630, 1060, 1862, 1070, 1866]. Polyhedral [1859, 2137, 1079]. Polyhedrization [174]. Polyhedrons [1854]. Polymorphism [554]. Polynomial [1056, 2177, 919, 2159]. Polynomially [303]. Polynomials [2157, 2209, 1561]. Polytope [2174, 1863, 1063]. Polyvalent [1907]. POMDPs [1356]. Pong [899]. Pool [218]. Poor [2371, 409]. Popularity [2525]. Popularity-Driven [2525]. Population [1210, 1139]. Population-Based [1139]. Populations [1124, 467]. Porcupine [2125]. Portability [854, 789]. Portable [2046]. Portal [2280, 938, 2289, 752]. PortALs [1840]. Pose [1514]. Pose-Independent [1514]. Position [702, 942, 403, 2513, 1310, 2491, 1558, 446]. Position-Aware [2513]. Positional [1347, 1833]. Positioning [2312, 1308, 2041]. Positive [2373, 2001]. POSIX [2053]. Possibilistic [2447, 2421]. Possibility [185]. Possible [2028, 441]. Post [826, 278, 1237]. Post-Nonlinear [1237]. Post-WIMP [826]. Posterior [1287]. Posteriors [2364]. Potential [2365]. Potential-Based [2365]. Potentials [818]. pour [86]. Power [889, 657, 1389, 636, 39, 1388, 8, 56, 2039, 2284, 1658]. PQ [2179]. PQ-Trees [2179]. Pr [840]. Pr/T [840]. Pr/T-Net [840]. 34 Practical [249, 1988, 2325, 935, 1755, 1250, 1772, 237]. Practically [1147]. Practice [355, 129, 391, 1977, 118]. Pragmatic [1906]. PRAM [2163]. Pre [1382, 2, 1548]. Pre-conditions [2]. Pre-processing [1382, 1548]. Precedence [915]. Precipitation [587]. Precise [543, 666]. Precision [2209, 211, 2369, 306, 1876, 1028, 127, 446]. Predict [386, 1288, 1362]. Predictability [1596, 744]. Predicting [1348, 459, 1024, 800]. Prediction [2330, 1750, 1922, 2365, 1748, 1394, 511, 1807, 617, 1020, 680, 2375, 1928, 2310, 1933, 735, 346, 1053, 2274, 428]. Prediction-Oriented [346]. Predictive [1257, 338, 1375]. Preemptive [1082, 1085]. Preference [2216]. Preferences [1005, 2233, 517]. Preferential [1581]. Preferred [1163]. Prefetching [2142, 225, 2311, 1053]. Prefix [1492, 2192, 2220]. Prefix-Free [2220]. Pregroups [1895]. Preliminary [134]. Premium [743]. Preprocessing [1387]. Presence [1678, 66, 140]. Presentation [1484, 2257, 2509, 138]. Presentations [999]. Preserving [2460, 1132, 1269]. Pressure [819, 1558, 2226, 164]. Prevention [832]. Price [1608, 115]. Priced [2028]. Pricing [1573, 1607, 1641, 1572, 1667]. Primal [1059]. Primal-Dual [1059]. PrimeEye [1565]. Primer [598]. Primitive [312]. Primitives [1379]. Principal [1111, 1851]. Principle [924, 1309, 1431]. Principles [121]. Printed [479]. Prior [1111]. Priorities [16]. Prioritized [597]. Priority [2530, 1655, 1608]. Priors [1101]. PRISM [1998]. Privacy [2275, 2072]. Private [917]. Pro [1450]. Pro- [1450]. Probabilistic [874, 1631, 1946, 1139, 200, 1950, 878, 1944, 1979]. Probe [873]. Problem [410, 771, 618, 1055, 1056, 2346, 2170, 1663, 615, 20, 778, 2184, 978, 79, 584, 913, 2237, 1259, 1116, 1411, 1068, 636, 392, 565, 643, 892, 893, 745, 880, 278, 1265, 491, 260, 1080, 2219, 1082, 236, 1402, 863, 1086, 1887, 54, 89, 44]. Problem-Solving [565]. Problems [865, 1860, 2157, 2163, 1277, 1591, 79, 2368, 1273, 429, 1062, 668, 1065, 487, 862, 235, 1071, 426, 65, 40, 996, 279, 1255, 1877, 1474, 425, 997, 32, 268, 2126, 1344, 77, 748, 774, 1286, 2366, 979, 2178]. Procedure [1197, 1152, 1165, 1159]. Procedures [1313, 1249, 976]. Process [934, 936, 941, 2287, 455, 364, 1258, 1505, 993, 949, 692, 1972, 379, 689, 945, 948, 933, 938, 479, 1511, 1291, 442, 935, 141, 690, 1982, 693, 378, 943, 796, 946, 937, 1052, 2468, 944, 939, 515, 940, 1819]. Process-Based [939]. Process-Views [2468]. Processes [618, 942, 359, 371, 113, 2124, 1018, 716, 394, 1247]. Processing [702, 143, 2534, 2337, 1737, 764, 1776, 1268, 1536, 640, 1441, 173, 1310, 745, 1327, 25, 1218, 1532, 1380, 2478, 2527, 210, 2502, 2303, 1098, 1382, 1548, 2484]. Processor [1575, 284, 2150, 1599, 2315, 2316, 1327]. Processor-in-Memory [2150]. Processors [2317, 1277, 2336]. Procurement [61]. Producing [741]. Product [1837, 2233, 507, 475, 517, 1227, 831, 2398]. Production [493, 756, 492, 1079, 515]. Products [829, 494, 506, 2199]. Profile [2431]. Profiling [2283]. Profits [1667]. Prognostic [1930, 1923, 1928]. Program [335, 631, 531, 2266, 2465, 785, 524, 1, 1144, 104, 2306, 1027, 2410, 2161, 237, 775, 688]. Programmable [830, 1306, 1622, 284, 1746]. Programmed [49, 50]. Programming [1164, 67, 809, 2424, 987, 2057, 1390, 1061, 24, 564, 1416, 279, 833, 1801, 521, 81, 471, 467, 188, 1884, 596, 2339, 2351]. Programs [1167, 713, 875, 1788, 1190, 2011, 861, 1284, 1187, 765, 2049, 1074, 756, 617, 2052, 2307, 1077, 2051, 1175, 542, 2315, 789, 374, 110, 717, 2358]. Progress [653, 2102]. Progressive [2091]. Project 35 [994, 116, 2089, 1020, 361, 1679]. Project-Based [2089]. Projection [1386, 140]. Projection-Augmented [140]. Projections [449]. projective [1898]. Projector [760, 758, 759]. Projects [1001, 507]. Promela [109, 115]. Promela/ Spin [115]. Promises [2080]. Pronouns [1896]. Proof [267, 1176, 1201, 99, 57, 1177, 123, 1158]. Proof-Search [1201]. Proofs [1437, 239, 250, 1190, 248, 871, 1145, 1185]. Propagation [801, 329]. Propagator [317, 2222]. Properties [105, 167, 2299, 867, 1241, 1525, 142, 39, 2162, 835, 2010, 886, 7, 962, 839, 1222, 831, 315]. Property [1047, 2016, 1250, 1368, 62]. Proportional [1596]. Proposal [1667]. Proposed [954, 1738]. Propositional [1188, 1169]. Prospect [2066]. Protein [1933, 346]. Protocol [1996, 1764, 2434, 1663, 1652, 2522, 1616, 1747, 1583, 716, 106, 1998, 611, 1700, 1676, 1605, 2523, 502]. Protocols [1703, 599, 898, 899, 2345, 1622, 591, 1976, 902, 2305, 1985, 114, 2002, 217]. Prototype [2070, 2342, 705, 1051, 1920]. Prototyping [186, 2556, 841]. Protrusion [2128]. PROVE [593]. Prover [1166, 1984, 1181, 871, 1182, 1198, 1173, 1199, 1302]. Provide [560, 1575, 737]. Provided [711]. Provider [1572]. Providing [490, 1640]. Proving [240, 249, 246, 1162, 350, 1177, 238, 237]. Provision [1388]. Provisioned [1718]. Provisioning [1607, 1571, 1641, 1579, 1570, 1584]. Proximity [1489]. Proxy [219]. PRTP [1583]. Pruning [1078, 155]. Pseudo [1149, 627]. Pseudo-Random [627]. PSPACE [280]. PSPACE-Complete [280]. PTAS [912]. Public [1706]. Public-Key [1706]. Pulp [1331]. Pure [1168]. Purely [1856]. Purpose [195]. Purposes [2451]. Pursuit [881]. Pursuit-Evasion [881]. Push [1892]. Push-Down [1892]. Pushdown [2029, 53]. Put [2076]. Puzzles [67, 806, 39]. PVC [1767]. PVM [663, 2559]. Pyramidal [2476]. Pyramids [158, 2110]. QA [76]. QA-LaSIE [76]. QAME [1712]. QFD [328]. QoS [1709, 1663, 1698, 2079, 1575, 218, 1711, 1738, 1577, 1592, 1712, 1583, 1756, 1640, 219, 1660, 1572, 1709, 1728, 1602, 1579, 1585, 1700, 1578, 1644, 1671, 1584, 1647, 1605, 1672, 1741, 1695, 1574, 1590, 1699]. QoS-Aware [1585]. QoS-Enabled [1712]. QoS-LB [1709]. QoS-Sensitive [1647]. QP [460]. Quadrangulations [1879]. Quadratic [1251, 160]. Quadrilaterals [1875]. Qualitative [153, 724, 1956, 1954, 831]. Quality [558, 1573, 1135, 2254, 219, 1332, 1588, 2546, 1587, 1749, 2334, 1601, 1551, 1628, 1713, 1696, 1759, 1053]. Quality-of-Service [1587, 1759]. Quantification [562, 2358]. Quantified [1154, 1170]. Quantitative [1956, 1268, 1089, 1570, 962, 441, 1954, 1582, 878]. Quantization [2567, 2138, 28]. Quantum [612, 615, 816, 794, 872, 810, 2211, 873, 929]. Quartet [1498]. Quasi [566, 629, 740, 206, 547, 696]. Quasi-Invariant [206]. Quasi-Monte [566, 629, 696]. QuBE [1170]. Qubit [247]. Queens [1265]. Queries [2507, 2397, 2396, 2532, 2534, 2563, 415, 1866, 2562, 2506, 1849, 2362]. Query [1385, 2570, 417, 1163, 415, 2395, 2495, 2524, 2527, 1701, 2502, 331, 2303, 1851, 2526, 1850]. Querying [2508, 374]. Question [88, 76]. Questions [891, 1043]. Queue [896, 1451, 1768]. Queued [1719]. Queueing [1595]. Queues [2161]. Queuing [1643, 1710, 1698]. Quick [864]. Quorum [2523]. Quorum-Based [2523]. Race [781]. RACER [1202]. Races [2051]. Radar [1382, 1782]. Rademacher [2376]. 36 Radial [1319, 1229, 1267, 2363, 1520]. Radical [850, 238]. Radio [2210]. Radiological [1972]. Rainfall [744]. Ramsey [276]. Random [461, 1670, 1137, 31, 868, 429, 803, 1470, 869, 1829, 1812, 341, 2212, 1183, 796, 1795, 627, 626]. Randomization [261]. Randomized [867, 30, 2210, 1998, 566, 69, 1506, 1230, 238]. Randomness [2382]. Range [1774, 706, 2506, 1792]. Rank [1060]. Ranking [1008, 732, 1346]. Rapid [200]. Raster [2487, 1448]. Rate [1596, 1350, 1762, 1928, 662]. Rates [2400, 743]. Ratio [1058]. Rational [889]. ray [1967]. Rayleigh [662]. RBF [1799, 1262, 1243, 1393, 1263, 1271, 1560]. RC [462]. RDBMS [2479]. RDF [2424]. RDL [1197]. Re [692, 545]. Re-classification [545]. Re-engineering [692]. Reachability [2015, 2029, 1451, 2028, 647]. Reaching [965]. Reactive [2036, 2038, 2298, 625, 1356, 2039, 2040, 367]. Reactivity [2033, 2031, 2032, 2035, 2034]. Reactor [35]. Read [539]. Read-Only [539]. Reader [211]. Readers [552]. Ready [1601]. Real [1785, 319, 1193, 942, 1565, 2020, 297, 703, 1776, 1524, 1606, 301, 1781, 2276, 305, 757, 2380, 1726, 1786, 1655, 1654, 963, 1266, 1380, 2221, 840, 857, 1043, 2486, 312, 691, 1653, 1846]. Real-Time [1785, 942, 1565, 2020, 703, 1776, 1524, 1606, 2276, 1726, 1786, 1655, 1654, 963, 1380, 840, 1043, 2486, 691, 1653]. Real-Valued [305, 2380]. Realistic [1206]. Reality [120]. Realizability [908]. Realizable [2282]. Realization [249, 1640]. Realizing [1732]. Reallocation [1655]. Rearrangement [806]. Reasoning [287, 1167, 1040, 2263, 243, 64, 1007, 485, 1046, 1041, 725, 1011, 1155, 1956, 1016, 1149, 95, 1017, 1019, 1428, 1433, 1432, 442, 2447, 909, 910, 1050, 1026, 1028, 1029, 1003, 1031, 1032, 1033, 1958, 242, 911, 2533, 2421, 488, 1039]. Rebuttals [2232]. Recall [1028]. Receiver [1801, 1650]. Recognition [1336, 1333, 1480, 1554, 1519, 1235, 143, 144, 1565, 1521, 1790, 1531, 187, 1557, 1537, 1518, 1324, 1552, 1334, 1556, 1021, 135, 147, 1517, 1515, 1365, 2383, 1561, 1529, 1527, 1559, 1560, 1964, 1835, 198, 1337, 1804, 1326, 1230, 1516, 1778, 1553, 200, 1520, 1357]. Recognitions [1523]. Recognizing [869, 2226, 1228, 1904]. Recombination [2166]. Recommendation [1047]. Recommendations [84, 2550]. Recommender [2276]. Reconfigurable [2141]. Reconstructed [209]. Reconstructing [1792]. Reconstruction [1785, 702, 635, 2164, 204, 205, 1779, 2296, 207, 342, 345]. Record [1960]. Recovery [1649, 1116, 1693, 474]. Rectangular [1858]. Rectilinear [632]. RecTree [2551]. Recurrence [1272]. Recurrent [1235, 1384, 1265, 1242]. Recursive [1856, 1999, 2011, 1268, 312, 2161, 1797, 536, 2372]. Recycling [494]. Red [2173, 1876, 1612, 1582]. Red/Blue [2173]. Redistribution [813]. Reduced [916, 1990, 1284]. Reducing [1650, 2068]. Reduction [2092, 900, 728, 1872, 1818, 1175, 1033, 1228, 2319]. Reductions [892, 839, 2327]. Redundant [1795]. Reengineering [516]. Reference [549, 2069, 2109]. References [263, 1916, 2448]. Refinement [1996, 870, 682]. Reflecting [2181]. Reflection [445, 933, 72]. Reflections [551]. Refreshing [2495]. Refreshment [969]. Refutability [1156]. Region [2136, 647, 881, 208]. Region-Based [208]. Regional [584, 587, 1464]. Regions [641, 175, 340]. Register [1119, 581, 715, 2313]. Registration [1118, 1094, 1100, 1120, 705, 2100, 1102, 1145, 1124, 2134, 1121, 1104]. Regression [1282, 1943, 449, 1239, 1234]. Regret [2370, 1715]. REGTET [631]. Regular 37 [631, 296, 2399, 1384, 1490, 1445, 1476, 1261]. Regularization [1095]. Regularized [1393]. Regularly [1443]. Regulations [2413]. Regulatory [2415, 347]. Reification [933]. Reinforcement [1417, 1245, 273, 1246, 70, 93, 2039, 742, 1360]. Reinforment [1356]. Rejection [189, 1827, 1281]. Rejoinders [2232]. Related [912, 1070, 227]. Relation [2547]. Relational [1004, 2528, 1417, 2541, 2488, 321, 1846]. Relations [900, 327, 155]. Relationship [376, 1828, 450]. Relationships [2424]. Relatively [2379]. Relativised [87]. Relaxation [1059, 1077]. Relaxations [1080]. Relaxed [371, 699]. Release [1058, 914]. Releasing [1038]. Relevance [405, 398]. Relevant [483]. Reliable [1385, 1670, 2345, 1583, 1688, 1929, 796, 505, 610]. Remarks [240]. Remediation [2406]. Remodelling [1942]. Remote [1822, 777, 1586, 1760, 1821, 1724]. Removal [1458]. Renaming [2313]. Rental [1047]. Repair [1464]. Repeated [2545, 1313]. Repetitions [879]. Repetitive [1215]. Replacement [226, 2290, 25]. Replay [790]. Replicated [113]. Replicator [1110]. Replicators [797]. Repolarisation [1348, 1940]. Reporting [949]. Repository [608, 390]. Representation [971, 614, 1992, 2083, 1011, 1966, 2499, 431, 531, 157, 520, 339, 2512, 1296, 473, 438, 163, 1318, 93, 2511, 1317, 149, 665]. Representations [202, 299, 737, 181, 1830, 311, 1104]. Representative [1737]. Representer [2388]. Representing [161]. Repulsion [1397]. Required [2369, 306]. Requirement [364]. Requirements [368, 1757, 365, 1851, 1699]. Requirements-Driven [368]. Requires [870]. Rerouting [2090]. Rescheduling [582]. Research [1011, 403, 1221, 676, 2535, 2557, 116]. Research-Rich [676]. Resectable [1922]. Resemblance [1488]. Reservation [1590]. Reservoir [729]. Residual [1393, 1038]. Resilience [1683]. Resizing [1669]. Resolution [924, 1157, 2138, 1158, 1156, 588, 589, 2067, 1159]. Resolution-Based [1159]. Resolve [2067]. Resonance [1095]. Resource [2042, 994, 1423, 218, 2333, 1685, 1644, 229, 1627, 1697, 2291, 1590]. Resource-Bounded [2042]. Resource-Constrained [994]. Resources [2508, 2347, 399, 405, 2206, 605, 990, 2354, 1228]. Respect [1868]. Response [142, 1212, 1713]. Responses [1210]. Restoration [1716, 1764, 1340, 1330, 1632]. Restricted [2205, 1276, 2282]. Restructuring [2509]. Result [2534, 2509, 1849]. Results [1860, 2542, 2376, 319, 404, 2142, 1788, 2203, 282, 1629, 41, 1085]. Résumé [86]. Retention [743]. Retiming [1991]. Retinal [1210]. Retrieval [410, 2245, 2360, 917, 2539, 408, 2240, 2216, 1013, 417, 416, 406, 403, 422, 399, 418, 405, 402, 398, 2342, 400, 442, 2447, 407, 420, 413, 401, 208, 2451, 2486, 2477]. Retrieved [2449]. Retrieving [2285]. Retrograde [271, 270]. Return [1005]. Return-Set [1005]. Reusability [377]. Reuse [379, 2241, 522, 581]. Reusing [223]. Reverse [1449, 2459]. Reversible [925, 42]. Review [1703, 809, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 1683, 1646]. Revisable [2429]. Revising [1430]. Revision [1428, 1433, 2260]. Revisited [156, 1433, 1397]. Revisiting [1533]. Revolution [363]. Reward [2401]. Rewards [2401, 1362]. Rewrite [1197]. Rewriting [846, 841, 1903, 2022, 521, 2524, 1185, 45]. Rewriting-Based [521]. Rheumatoid [1925]. RIA [2135]. Riccati [666]. Rich [2371, 676, 2277]. Richer [1261]. Right [2261]. Rigid [1154, 1124, 2134, 1121]. Rigidity [2100]. Rigorous [387]. Ring 38 [1636, 1771]. Rings [906]. Ripple [1961]. Risk [2376, 2558, 707]. Risk-Management [2558]. Risk/Vulnerability [707]. Ritz [662]. Road [34]. Robin [1734]. RoboCup [293]. Robot [1361, 2033, 496, 128, 2032, 497, 2437, 1299, 1358, 2491, 495, 1352, 1791, 1359]. Robotic [1424]. Robotics [2405, 1362, 1353, 18]. Robots [737, 1424, 1364, 1355, 1366, 1777]. Robust [1820, 2371, 1565, 2136, 1526, 642, 1530, 206, 2134, 1527, 1363, 1780, 569, 1104]. Robuster [1339]. Robustness [635]. Rock [289]. Rock-Paper-Scissors [289]. Role [1006, 2290, 2470, 1941, 1362, 499]. Role-Based [2470]. Roles [2040]. Rolling [510]. Rollouts [2246]. Rome [1574]. Room [1787, 1885]. Root [301]. Rostering [989]. Rotated [1228]. Rotation [1347, 794, 176]. Rotation-Invariant [1347, 176]. Rough [465, 1009, 185, 1033]. Round [1734]. Rounding [1057, 861]. Roundings [857]. Rounds [916]. Route [1026, 2178]. Router [1720]. Routers [1696]. Routes [1718]. Routines [560, 1036]. Routing [1703, 1663, 766, 905, 1636, 906, 1073, 1700, 1651, 1578, 1715, 1668, 1580, 1667, 1647, 1620, 1883, 1666, 1701, 1686, 1850]. Royal [34]. RPC [2304, 2056]. RPC-Based [2304]. RPR [861]. RPV [1785]. RPV-II [1785]. RSVP [1586]. RT [496]. Rtdt [2019]. RTL [2016]. Rule [433, 79, 2465, 477, 887, 1957, 2527, 2413, 62]. Rule-Based [2465, 1957, 2413]. Rules [1298, 2480, 2540, 2490, 566, 1961, 388, 1271, 696, 1234, 2538, 483]. Run [423, 1478, 9]. Run-Length [1478]. Run-Time [9]. Runge [654]. Running [1553]. Runtime [322]. Rural [2076]. s [1466]. SA [1788]. SAF [718]. Safe [535, 877]. Safety [105, 695, 1451, 2010]. SAGE [2151]. Sales [2407, 988, 1022]. Salesman [1086, 89]. Same [191]. Sample [1805, 2402, 2366]. Sample-Dependent [2366]. SAT [57, 30, 31, 1273, 429, 869]. Sate [1233]. Sate-of-the-Art [1233]. Satellite [701]. Satisfaction [472, 491, 262, 254, 77, 1286]. Satisfiability [1151, 2025, 20, 1169, 1170]. Satisfiable [57]. Satisfying [2369]. Sausages [150]. Saving [2186]. SBR [1766]. Scaffold [161]. Scalability [1664, 2466]. Scalable [560, 525, 780, 1592, 534, 1688, 1614, 1761, 690, 2051, 2460, 1707]. Scalar [2113, 814]. Scale [139, 780, 1737, 2113, 1518, 2115, 563, 654, 2112, 2118, 690, 2099, 814, 1132, 1217, 2126, 2102, 710, 2119, 1093, 2106, 2103, 2116, 2134]. Scale-Dependent [814]. Scale-Invariance [2115]. Scale-Space [2113, 2112, 2099, 1132]. Scale-Spaces [2115]. Scale-Time [2119]. Scaleable [139]. Scales [778]. Scaling [2108, 803, 1256]. Scan [62]. Scanners [1792]. Scans [2566, 1131, 1965]. Scatter [1273, 429]. Scattering [615, 2298, 625]. Scenario [1591, 504, 967]. Scenarios [1396, 1686]. Scene [760, 761, 171, 758, 759]. Scenes [1859]. Schedule [992]. Schedule-Then-Break [992]. Scheduler [1597, 1623, 1610]. Scheduling [2027, 994, 1720, 982, 942, 987, 2207, 1631, 1058, 913, 988, 770, 470, 575, 493, 487, 1606, 1660, 489, 2206, 1598, 745, 1626, 1599, 1083, 2316, 1085, 991, 2217, 915]. Schema [324, 325, 329, 1851, 321, 333, 2517]. Schemas [2520]. Schematizations [1191]. Scheme [226, 1716, 1566, 2122, 2091, 1095, 1756, 2465, 2496, 1816, 1677, 1685, 2525, 587, 1693, 1667, 1623, 1543, 1618, 1619, 1689, 1751]. Schemes [1588, 2051, 813, 2161, 1646]. School [979]. Schrödinger [317, 2222]. Science [688, 2458, 675, 1841, 125, 686]. Scientific [2280, 718, 2353, 561, 2286, 775]. Scientists [564]. Scissors [289]. Scleroderma [1108]. Sclerosis [1099, 1133]. Scope [2305]. Score [341, 74]. Scores [800]. SCOTT [1179]. SCOTT-5 [1179]. 39 Screening [1325, 1975, 1927]. Scripting [546]. SDL [954, 957, 964, 951, 970, 956, 961, 969, 963, 962, 955, 975, 968, 976]. SDL-Specifications [975]. SDLcheck [2017]. SDP [1077]. SE [69]. SEAL [1840]. Sealing [540]. Seamless [840]. Search [711, 2567, 1180, 267, 2251, 1273, 429, 1923, 984, 1169, 190, 2446, 65, 381, 706, 1201, 2095, 736, 69, 2509, 253, 773, 2211, 1124, 28, 882, 268, 1083, 77, 266, 265, 1260, 983, 1247, 2525]. Searcher [881]. Searching [1566, 78, 872, 655, 1476, 283, 1885, 427]. Second [1166, 1235, 154, 1126]. Second-Order [1166, 1235]. Secondary [1933, 979]. Secrecy [1145]. Secrets [1454]. Secure [918, 608, 1705, 919, 611, 2072, 1707]. Security [2405, 355, 551, 754, 2073, 1760, 232, 2002]. Seeing [1295]. Seems [1976]. SEGA [1274]. Segment [174, 1616]. Segmentation [168, 2131, 1137, 1525, 1136, 1130, 338, 1127, 1093, 192, 1134, 2135, 340, 2111, 2116, 1131, 164, 1132, 1965, 2133, 2117, 2132, 1125, 1133]. Segmentation-Free [2135]. Segmented [1594]. Segments [1876, 1882, 1888, 2220]. Segregative [1274]. Selecting [557, 483]. Selection [501, 920, 1838, 1284, 1813, 451, 1321, 2105, 225, 2462, 1022, 2064, 2395, 2118, 1346, 2123, 1580, 401, 2548, 1834, 1920, 1313]. Selections [1005]. Selective [1248, 265, 2313]. Selectively [1387]. Selectivity [2162, 1219]. Self [1764, 1309, 1554, 1823, 1279, 282, 2553, 2409, 1291, 1388, 1826, 1328, 2258, 1287, 739, 1266, 29, 23]. Self-Adaptation [1266]. Self-Assembled [29]. Self-Assembly [23]. Self-Assessment [2258]. Self-Healing [1764]. Self-Organising [1291, 1826]. Self-Organization [739]. Self-Organized [1309]. Self-Organizing [1823, 1279, 2553, 2409, 1388, 1328, 1287]. Self-Play [282]. Self-Similarity [1554]. Semantic [1962, 2469, 382, 2509, 1954, 1840]. Semantics [1167, 1900, 669, 847, 973, 833, 389, 199, 1165]. Semi [520, 2253, 2511]. Semi-automatic [2253, 2511]. Semi-structured [520]. Semialgebraic [239]. Semidefinite [861, 1074]. Semilattice [2109]. Semilinearity [891]. Semistructured [2443]. Send [260]. Sensation [142]. Sense [1953, 140]. Sensing [702, 1822, 142, 1821]. Sensitive [1874, 1798, 1647, 1486]. Sensitivity [650, 707, 1213]. Sensor [1309, 757, 141]. Sensory [142]. Sentence [1893, 485]. Sentences [1906]. Separable [313]. Separating [1404, 2160, 929]. Separation [1400, 1376, 2381, 1874, 1401, 471, 1395, 1403]. Separators [2191, 2190]. Sequence [185, 953, 2164, 972, 204, 909, 952, 1833, 341, 967, 902, 1368, 1364, 857, 2165, 199, 347]. Sequences [335, 1566, 525, 1107, 184, 2181, 2252, 494, 1073, 2158, 1134, 880, 1514, 2285, 1103]. Sequencing [68, 2478]. Sequent [1194]. Sequential [2023, 1473, 172, 1076, 909, 2311, 1255, 1129, 1034, 1249, 2366]. Sequentialization [1471]. Sequentially [1856, 1857]. Serial [1133]. Series [2214, 468, 1940, 1832, 889, 511, 1262, 459, 735, 1373]. Series-Parallel [2214]. Server [590, 1709, 1650, 1654, 1769, 1619]. Servers [1680, 1682]. Service [2244, 1766, 1573, 609, 2207, 2254, 2267, 219, 1597, 1572, 1687, 1570, 1588, 1587, 1734, 1749, 1731, 2431, 1745, 1601, 1727, 2228, 1593, 1765, 1628, 1713, 602, 1673, 1696, 1759, 1777, 230, 2248, 1634, 1635, 1605, 1569]. Services [1589, 2360, 372, 1631, 1595, 1638, 2264, 1607, 1630, 1641, 1622, 418, 1753, 1637, 1614, 1642, 222, 1656, 1685, 931, 1585, 1598, 2512, 1639, 1627, 1604, 1581, 227, 1593, 1407, 363, 1619, 1624]. Servlets [1754]. Set [1167, 815, 465, 2364, 1005, 2209, 899, 1130, 1155, 2137, 642, 1517, 1200, 910, 2544, 1317, 40 57, 483, 1145]. Set-Reasoning [1155]. Set-Theoretic [910]. Setpairs [1057]. Sets [60, 2399, 79, 1869, 40, 718, 1033, 2133, 730, 1465]. Setting [2205, 2024, 1582]. Setup [1079]. Several [1259, 344]. SH [2474]. SH-tree [2474]. Shading [701]. Shadow [477]. Sham [622]. Shape [1314, 209, 201, 145, 186, 154, 1092, 1141, 2427, 204, 135, 205, 161, 1126, 175, 176, 178, 181, 213, 206, 208, 164, 701, 198, 148, 1140, 165, 1125, 166, 1128]. Shape-Based [209]. Shape-Guided [175]. Shaped [128, 2167]. Shapes [143, 1789, 469, 163, 182, 2117, 188, 199]. Shaping [1762, 1654, 166]. Shared [1589, 2309, 1577, 684, 2059, 2566, 2307, 2047, 2343, 2308, 762, 791, 1648, 1662]. Shared-Memory [2307]. Shared-Tree [1577]. Sharing [539, 533, 605, 1201, 2065, 1599, 542, 2218, 2291, 220, 2314]. Sheet [1117]. Sheffield [419]. Shell [2227]. Shift [658, 1105]. Shifted [1228]. Ship [1791]. Shock [2104, 161]. Shogi [285, 284, 283, 294]. Shop [2027, 745, 1082]. Short [1748, 2318, 1190, 2031, 479, 129, 457]. Short-Term [1748]. Short-Time [129]. Shortest [2186, 2187, 858]. Shot [2136]. Sided [2324]. Sides [1888]. Sieves [2135]. Sigma [2237]. Signal [805]. Signalling [1586]. Signals [1391, 1216]. Signature [1558, 1326]. Signatures [1687, 194, 206, 923, 183]. Significance [1749]. Signing [916]. Silhouettes [191, 205, 215]. Silicon [616]. Similar [1497]. Similarity [1004, 1554, 2567, 445, 1008, 1012, 1022, 1025, 447, 1488, 1037, 165]. Similarity-Based [1022]. Simple [1857, 281, 1384, 541, 416, 1962, 1613, 42, 2048, 1272]. Simplest [797]. Simplex [773]. Simulate [518, 142, 620]. Simulated [1294, 1401, 1213, 991, 131]. Simulating [826, 2335]. Simulation [2332, 755, 614, 925, 724, 694, 1737, 794, 900, 761, 616, 1674, 729, 563, 756, 810, 592, 708, 1588, 1676, 797, 491, 613, 1760, 796, 793, 515, 619, 1751, 2338, 795]. Simulation-Based [1737, 515]. Simulation-Visualization [2338, 795]. Simulations [2337, 2300, 697, 689, 562, 2321, 623, 690, 685]. Simulator [136, 1311, 762, 488]. Simultaneous [2562, 1310]. Singapore [2062]. Single [1068, 1572, 223, 739, 207, 701, 1883, 596]. Single-Map [739]. Single-Sink [1068]. Single-User [223]. Singleton [530]. Singular [1545]. Singularities [1240]. Sink [1068, 2176]. SIP [1754]. Site [2552, 1024, 753]. Sites [2498, 2341, 2274]. situ [712]. Situated [2268, 2436]. Situation [518, 2041]. Situations [613, 1356]. Size [2169, 1314, 2290, 1698, 531, 190, 927, 1719, 2496, 2152, 1144, 706, 1768, 2154, 2402, 1559]. Size-Adjusted [2496]. Size-Change [1144]. Sized [2208]. SKaMPI [789]. Skeletal [165]. Skeleton [1863, 164, 155]. Skeleton-Based [164]. Skeletonization [162]. Skeletons [158, 162]. Skill [1519, 436]. Skills [1299, 435, 2258]. Skin [1342]. SLA [1640]. SLAM [2006]. Sleep [1951]. Sleeping [1256]. Sliding [2496]. Slowing [812]. SM [1649]. Small [37, 2364, 1293, 1926, 2379]. Smart [481, 1787, 1562]. Smartcards [1681]. Smog [708]. Smooth [2392, 183]. Smoothing [1132]. Smoothness [1111]. SMP [560]. SMV [1998]. Snapshot [598]. SNI [2452]. SNN [448]. Soccer [1424]. Sociability [2043]. Social [2031, 1415]. Society [2081]. Socio [2068]. Socio-economic [2068]. Sociotechnical [1919]. Sockets [2281]. Soft [727, 490, 1653]. Software [934, 936, 941, 779, 942, 694, 949, 324, 218, 384, 2241, 1776, 591, 366, 945, 948, 938, 1018, 1020, 565, 998, 362, 2141, 1722, 1982, 380, 2305, 937, 691, 550, 939, 1696, 1846]. Soils [2332]. Solar [1823]. Solitaire [279]. Solution [618, 20, 1376, 2326, 657, 689, 1508, 1755, 709, 1661]. Solutions 41 [771, 851, 2184, 1952, 1402]. Solvability [888]. Solvable [660]. Solve [487]. Solver [817, 2297, 699, 2319, 2003]. Solvers [2025, 653]. Solving [720, 1277, 79, 584, 2237, 31, 1273, 1411, 235, 234, 565, 922, 797, 989, 1668, 1474, 473, 425, 283, 463, 236, 663, 32, 268, 1344, 288, 89]. SOM [1278, 1317]. SOMA [283]. Some [1919, 809, 2163, 2203, 972, 961, 935, 2048, 43, 1344, 315, 2366, 1907, 979, 1374]. Sonographic [1964]. SOntoDL [1962]. Sorting [872]. Sound [530, 495]. Soundness [371]. Source [1400, 1398, 1376, 868, 1742, 2306, 2277, 707, 1701, 2067]. Sources [1400, 1401, 382, 1395, 2511, 344, 447, 1403, 2559]. Space [925, 993, 1490, 101, 30, 154, 187, 356, 900, 2113, 112, 2186, 2158, 141, 836, 1126, 2112, 56, 521, 2099, 659, 2478, 1842, 1132, 1395, 2471, 2129, 663, 1375, 2126, 2102, 313, 1038, 315, 2314]. Space-Efficient [30]. Space-Sharing [2314]. Spaces [1297, 2386, 296, 828, 2387, 2115, 299, 300, 2095, 311, 1795, 314, 316]. Spanish [482, 416]. Spanner [1062]. Spanning [859]. Sparse [653, 581, 1101, 2506, 582, 864]. SPARSITY [581, 1281]. Spatial [465, 614, 728, 2513, 234, 2485, 2112, 2486, 155]. Spatially [467]. Spatio [1107, 1115, 1353, 1133]. Spatio-Temporal [1353, 1107, 1115, 1133]. Spatiotemporal [1106]. Speaker [1831, 1536, 1534, 1337, 1533]. Spearmint [937]. SPEC [2055]. Special [2064]. Specialised [1422]. Specialization [9]. Specific [142, 422, 507, 400, 1139, 2356]. Specification [960, 364, 484, 1472, 963, 2410, 1653]. Specifications [323, 2004, 353, 1440, 1656, 876, 967, 962, 1195, 975, 1574, 976]. Specifying [997]. SPEComp [2045]. Spectral [656, 318, 756, 757]. Spectrum [1529, 2161]. Specular [1370]. Speech [1336, 482, 1235, 1535, 1537, 1473, 1902, 746, 2226, 1532, 1953]. Speed [865, 211, 1772, 2356]. Speed-Up [865]. Speeding [335, 52, 2016]. Speeding-Up [52]. Spelling [1953]. Sphere [1499]. Spheres [1871, 818]. SPI [947]. SPIDAR [139]. Spills [715]. Spin [113, 111, 107, 101, 103, 114]. SPIN-Based [114]. Splicing [26, 21]. Spline [639, 1120, 160]. Split [175]. Splits [345]. Splitting [2122, 2293]. Spoken [2224, 1906]. Spontaneous [232, 1906]. Sports [2461, 992]. Spread [1947]. Spreading [623]. Spurious [1114]. SQL [321]. SQL-99 [321]. Squad [54]. Square [1856]. Squares [1809, 647, 1234]. SR8000 [2340]. SSADM [364]. SSE [657]. SSH [785]. SSH-Connected [785]. Stability [1737, 1388, 726, 610, 2084]. Stable [1063]. Stack [1763]. Stacking [80]. Stacks [2180]. Staff [987]. Stage [1382, 1256]. Stamps [1687, 2219]. Standard [142, 299, 1089, 1911, 444]. Standardizing [1409, 1410]. Standards [2271, 686]. Star [892, 1281]. State [1999, 897, 846, 101, 828, 926, 2009, 356, 900, 695, 112, 1440, 1441, 1453, 1021, 1428, 19, 836, 2022, 1354, 902, 358, 1460, 1935, 1461, 1462, 1775, 1465, 2103]. State-Based [1440]. State-Space [101]. Stateless [1710, 970]. States [470, 1430, 1746]. Static [524, 1556, 833, 387, 542]. Statistical [816, 614, 2396, 1092, 2491, 2489, 1288, 412, 63, 2133, 1138, 580, 1370]. Statistics [423, 1396, 1136, 856, 2563, 1418, 1207]. Stator [731]. Staying [2076]. Steady [695, 35]. Steering [783, 1255]. Steganography [2094]. Steiner [2214, 1059, 2213]. STEM [2334]. Stemming [422, 412]. Stenosis [1126]. Step [1548]. Steps [1105]. Stereo [134, 706, 1783, 1105, 1793]. Stereo-Camera-Guided [1105]. Stereographic [134, 2125]. Stereotypes [2266]. Stigmergic [1668]. Stigmergy [1420]. Still [727, 1528]. Stimuli [1213]. 42 Stochastic [1503, 1384, 821, 1294, 1509, 831]. Stock [738, 518, 749]. Stokes [2297]. Stopping [2123]. Storage [2285, 1574]. Story [527]. Straightening [182]. Strassen [850]. Strategic [2041]. Strategies [920, 1836, 557, 405, 1828, 400, 2469, 269, 2370, 1217, 2061, 1036, 2372]. Strategy [429, 557, 1572, 2569, 1461, 363, 1843]. Stratified [81]. Stream [1785, 2205, 306]. Stream-Based [1785]. Streaming [1758, 2357, 1762, 2302]. Streams [1708, 1692]. STREAMS-Based [1692]. Strength [1544]. Striate [1213, 1219]. Strictly [1318]. Strictly-Layered [1318]. String [1480, 1953, 1488, 23]. String-Edit [1953]. Strings [1478, 894]. STRIP [1201]. Striping [2570]. Stroke [1977]. Strong [618, 2184, 766, 2382, 619]. Strongly [1056]. Structural [2376, 144, 2528, 186, 1201, 1547, 1890, 262, 254, 206, 831, 2274]. Structure [1893, 2510, 2474, 493, 544, 415, 1508, 785, 834, 1113, 622, 1882, 2460, 2511, 1886, 1139, 1326, 462, 1791, 2084, 2130]. Structured [1510, 2555, 382, 467, 1835, 520]. Structures [1445, 170, 2418, 1434, 2256, 1874, 176, 1102, 1352, 1379, 1958, 148, 1933, 536, 1338]. Structuring [2461]. STTL [996]. Student [2263, 982, 2258, 800, 2271, 2239, 2273]. Students [123]. Studied [1108]. Studies [1974, 1109, 2070, 2153, 1629]. Study [60, 1314, 71, 1097, 134, 107, 1351, 1510, 2324, 1592, 672, 1611, 2429, 1929, 1425, 2525, 2093, 1588, 362, 1325, 1211, 1739, 2226, 2055, 391, 1272, 236, 1701, 1920, 2040, 1804, 1138, 2543, 1751, 1338, 775]. Studying [1930, 1268]. Style [2253]. Styles [1555, 436]. Subband [1831, 1536]. Subdomination [2197]. Subexponential [866]. Subgrid [281, 587]. Subject [1142]. Sublanguage [1200]. Sublinear [859]. Submission [419]. Subsequence [880]. Subsequential [1457]. Subset [1920]. Subsets [1861, 1829, 1817, 155]. Subspace [1829, 1795]. Substance [1211]. Substitution [1899]. Subsumption [1912]. Subsymbolic [1807]. Subsystem [1844]. Success [948, 527]. Successive [19]. Suffix [1489, 1492, 1496]. Sugar [2014]. Sugeno [811]. Suisse [363]. Suite [2045]. Sulci [1138]. Sum [630, 1867, 1828]. Summarization [2552]. Summit [988]. Sums [2367]. Super [2474, 283]. Supercomputer [2340, 2284]. Supercomputers [786, 710]. Superlinear [2363]. Superposition [1160]. Supertrees [337]. Supervise [512]. Supervised [448, 1279, 1821, 1931]. Supplementary [1537]. Supply [1390, 1948]. Support [1963, 954, 1938, 501, 802, 2322, 2320, 1421, 1698, 1521, 506, 1284, 1252, 1939, 1285, 1324, 477, 1048, 756, 2089, 437, 565, 394, 1602, 1517, 2301, 1969, 1671, 1934, 1605, 1978, 1937, 946, 1633, 1835, 2413, 1924, 1098, 1793, 940, 2415, 1689, 1624, 1549, 2143, 513, 2452]. Supported [231]. Supporting [2434, 609, 2347, 2058, 2293, 507, 624, 2568, 2521, 1686, 1618, 1695, 2529, 2273]. Supports [2538]. Surface [635, 159, 174, 212, 162, 1793]. Surfaces [243, 639, 1879, 471]. Surfactant [623]. Surfactant-Enhanced [623]. Surveillance [756, 1760]. Survey [1854, 298, 2032]. Survival [1920]. Sustainable [1423]. SVCR [1282]. SVM [1814]. Swarm [426]. Swedish [415]. Sweep [1386]. Swing [1864]. Swirling [683]. Switch [1614, 1719, 1723]. Switched [1718, 1633]. Switches [1721]. Switching [1722]. Symbiotic [1943]. Symbolic [1996, 109, 1298, 898, 1992, 1966, 2009, 1807, 2013, 1299, 1952, 2022, 453]. Symbolically [693]. Symbols [50]. Symmetric [1861, 658, 1252]. Symmetrical [829]. Symmetry [1990, 1552, 1548]. Synaptic [1229, 1211]. Synchronisation [1214]. Synchronization [1216, 767, 54, 597]. Synchronous [2019, 951]. Synchrony [1116]. Syndrome 43 [1951]. Syntactic [1891]. Syntax [1174, 1906]. Synthesis [508, 1072, 1002, 876, 746, 659, 425, 1393, 28, 2372]. Synthesizing [1440]. Synthetic [244, 2483, 462]. System [2085, 1758, 1973, 1643, 482, 1381, 385, 618, 1167, 1963, 1040, 1785, 1197, 1341, 1550, 1540, 2287, 702, 615, 2299, 2317, 851, 408, 1820, 2240, 1421, 2350, 667, 982, 481, 73, 2337, 1565, 324, 770, 2500, 1575, 603, 2229, 1815, 51, 1814, 1939, 1170, 959, 608, 933, 1774, 847, 938, 1350, 1202, 2289, 1688, 1784, 1831, 1179, 1789, 1945, 2151, 1047, 2096, 1621, 2059, 477, 2342, 1787, 1493, 2344, 605, 1291, 1725, 83, 1728, 1388, 2086, 2093, 1173, 362, 177, 837, 2546, 2308, 680, 750, 797, 434, 718, 567, 1051, 1308, 1654, 613, 2285, 526, 741, 2410, 438]. System [1722, 1183, 509, 1672, 1935, 1937, 1172, 2471, 57, 452, 1562, 1171, 76, 1975, 968, 1804, 58, 2413, 1533, 596, 1098, 478, 1793, 1791, 502, 1778, 367, 1574, 1624, 749, 528, 1767, 1590, 476, 2143, 2432, 1658]. Systematic [2077, 1964]. Système [86]. Systems [1919, 738, 1233, 226, 722, 2015, 322, 954, 1188, 549, 323, 2434, 957, 319, 802, 612, 846, 393, 357, 2558, 827, 951, 508, 2033, 101, 1510, 2020, 2153, 113, 966, 377, 356, 3, 2229, 956, 27, 21, 657, 695, 1389, 1406, 386, 598, 1808, 2031, 1440, 500, 507, 2513, 489, 2224, 2556, 1451, 1019, 376, 2152, 2032, 1761, 2089, 492, 222, 1416, 1418, 1615, 2276, 757, 654, 75, 818, 387, 2442, 2005, 2482, 362, 1290, 516, 2010, 952, 22, 1644, 1415, 41, 1903, 491, 2454, 1968, 963, 2145, 55, 1878, 473, 1957, 1882, 659, 329, 2431, 1978, 441]. Systems [660, 380, 796, 955, 1802, 1032, 463, 840, 1834, 330, 762, 811, 2455, 620, 505, 2218, 570, 1488, 2303, 717, 1185, 939, 842, 1850, 940, 2494, 2272, 1608, 528, 2466, 45, 1997, 2314, 1359, 878]. Szekeres [1860]. T [1040]. T&E [757]. T-Air [1040]. Tab [2482]. Tab-Trees [2482]. Tableau [1986, 1181]. Tableaux [1154, 1189, 1153]. Tabu [984, 983]. Tabular [2482]. Tabulation [1892]. Tactical [283]. Tactics [2074]. Tactile [121, 137, 138]. Tag [15]. Tagging [1473, 1902]. Tail [895]. Tail-Biting [895]. Tailored [2257]. Tailoring [2247, 1018, 2275]. Tails [818]. Takagi [811]. Takagi-Sugeno [811]. Talk [1569]. TAME [1970]. Tandem [1485]. Task [2042, 416, 734, 1048, 400, 2306, 2316, 714]. Task-Based [1048]. Tasks [575, 2264, 914, 1518, 989, 439, 2262]. Taxonomic [1016]. Taxonomies [388]. Taxonomy [947]. TAXYS [2020]. TBox [1149]. TC [852]. TCP [1766, 1694, 1691, 2345, 1583, 1637, 1611, 1693, 1690, 1692, 1582]. TCP-Compliant [1583]. TCP/IP [1692]. Teacher [2397]. Teaching [123]. Team [2037, 1014, 2041]. Teams [2437, 231, 1968, 1414]. Teamwork [2433, 2438]. Technical [323, 2238]. Technique [1892, 1938, 1670, 861, 326, 2511, 981]. Techniques [1233, 1708, 712, 1109, 1377, 2449, 364, 249, 942, 2408, 1748, 984, 1169, 1831, 1372, 2064, 2231, 1668, 1192, 1655, 2048, 1162, 1288, 2302, 2524, 411, 1033, 1052, 77, 453, 1260, 367, 1759, 444, 775]. Technologies [385, 1966, 1732]. Technology [760, 936, 221, 1020, 2067, 1846]. Telecommunication [114]. Telecommunications [1743]. Telemedicine [2087, 2086]. Telephone [1687]. Telephony [1753]. Telepresence [120]. Tell [2101]. Temperature [697, 819]. Template [1836, 1559]. Templates [1090]. Temporal [105, 1309, 2014, 2449, 854, 1951, 1949, 373, 1832, 2564, 490, 326, 1656, 1310, 2448, 1153, 7, 92, 473, 962, 99, 1353, 1507, 1950, 1107, 1115, 1133]. Tendering [2418]. Tendon [1308]. Tensor [1097, 1095, 1096]. Tenth [643]. Teradata [2479]. Term [1748, 457, 1971, 63, 1081, 2260, 1185, 983]. 44 Terminal [1673, 50]. Terminals [1576]. Termination [2480, 1144, 521, 1175, 1185]. Terminology [2238]. Terms [2367]. Terrain [701]. Terrestrial [1616]. Terrestrial/Satellite [1616]. Tertiary [2285]. tessellation [202]. Test [760, 960, 694, 1805, 974, 961, 1542, 756, 757, 358, 1944, 815]. Testbed [723]. Testing [1196, 525, 357, 2209, 884, 959, 557, 1495, 1076, 613, 238, 958]. Tests [415, 837, 547]. Tetrahedralizations [631]. Text [2476, 2264, 399, 407, 1476, 452, 1044, 446, 2477]. Texts [413]. Textual [1006]. Textural [132]. Texture [1322, 122, 2129, 1964, 131]. Textured [1792]. TGV [974]. Their [1892, 281, 1241, 1245, 2104, 53, 931, 768, 2239, 1878]. Them [972, 2259]. Theorem [1860, 240, 1166, 1984, 249, 1066, 1187, 1182, 1198, 302, 1173, 246, 2112, 1162, 1199, 350, 1177, 2388, 313, 238, 1302, 318]. Theorem-Prover [1302]. Theorems [241, 1184, 304, 1882]. Theoretic [917, 2042, 224, 910, 1891, 286]. Theoretic-Decision [2042]. Theoretical [2539, 2395, 2077, 33, 849]. Theories [2113, 1186]. Theory [1090, 518, 1484, 2365, 185, 1210, 2382, 305, 1200, 707, 2126, 1219, 499, 2374, 1370]. Therapy [1934, 1980]. Thermal [1258]. Thermocouple [1367]. Thin [1120]. Thin-Plate [1120]. Thinning [1129]. Third [1739, 968]. Third-Party [1739]. Thread [2059]. Threaded [716]. Threads [2053, 1769]. Three [37, 615, 993, 2177, 890, 1117, 2296, 663]. Three-Dimensional [1117]. Three-Interval [890]. Three-Label [2177]. Threshold [1708, 1967, 1751]. Threshold-Based [1751]. Thresholds [285]. Throughput [1670, 1691, 1637, 1657, 1076, 1626, 1672]. Thyroiditis [1964]. tier [649]. Tietze [316]. Tight [1877]. Tilde [274]. Tile [23]. Tiled [225]. Time [1643, 838, 1785, 1109, 614, 2561, 925, 778, 1384, 942, 1490, 2190, 694, 859, 912, 1565, 2020, 468, 1940, 1832, 2177, 914, 703, 1776, 1524, 1947, 4, 1262, 1221, 1606, 961, 129, 841, 1781, 303, 1492, 1615, 275, 2276, 459, 757, 1134, 457, 2448, 1726, 1876, 22, 9, 1122, 1786, 1655, 2518, 2123, 2226, 1654, 963, 521, 473, 823, 2219, 839, 1103, 625, 1266, 1380, 840, 1227, 1948, 1043, 2486, 691, 1653, 735, 845, 1713, 915, 2119, 1373]. Time-Accurate [694]. Time-Continuous [1134]. Time-Dispersive [1221]. Time-Oriented [1948]. Time-Sequences [1103]. Time-Spatial [614]. Time-Stamps [2219]. Time-Varying [22]. Timed [2027, 825, 1652, 964, 828, 2029, 2215, 1452, 2028, 1997]. Times [1740, 745, 1079]. Timeslot [981]. Timeslot/Room [981]. Timestamp [2531]. Timestamping [2023]. Timetable [998]. Timetables [983]. Timetabling [999, 994, 1007, 985, 978, 982, 986, 984, 996, 997, 2412, 992, 981, 980, 979]. Timing [2019]. Tina [1727]. TIPS [1920]. Tissues [1345]. Together [436]. Token [1652, 784]. Tolerance [766, 1579, 606]. Tolerant [603, 2094, 1787, 600]. Tomographic [1819]. Tomography [703]. Tool [2015, 109, 2320, 2020, 1972, 1939, 1845, 2446, 1946, 2459, 451, 2481, 2017, 2482, 1200, 516, 473, 1317, 427, 2239, 2415]. Toolkit [2006, 586]. Tools [482, 2449, 677, 2136, 841, 1928, 607, 367, 976]. Toolset [2004]. TOP [1848, 2541, 2506, 1165]. Top-Down [2541, 1165]. Top/Bottom [2506]. Topic [2508, 486, 2512]. Topic-Centric [2508]. Topics [2489]. Topological [167, 172, 1358, 569, 314, 315]. Topologies [1636, 1450]. Topology [1127, 1323, 1676, 1269]. Topology-Preserving [1269]. Torsion [794]. Torus [1636]. TorX [974]. Total [885, 2107, 2221]. Totally [1160]. Touch [125]. Touchscreen [2093]. Tourism [383]. 45 Trace [1194, 898, 1621, 892, 893]. Tracing [2050]. Track [421, 419, 1621]. Tracking [2364, 1787, 2103, 1779, 2277, 495, 1103, 214, 1363, 1780]. Tractable [1498]. Trade [2072, 367, 781]. Tradeoff [1694]. Tradeoffs [649]. Trading [230]. Traditional [2082, 1392]. Traffic [1714, 1750, 1591, 2092, 1635, 1630, 782, 490, 1756, 1606, 1674, 1740, 457, 443, 1749, 1654, 1735, 1745, 1569, 476, 1582, 1594]. Trained [746]. Training [1240, 1251, 136, 187, 1315, 1243, 528]. Trait [466]. Trajectories [1558]. Trajectory [133]. Transaction [2549, 2473]. transactional [2540]. Transactions [2522, 2521]. Transducers [2008, 1471, 1441, 1453, 1473, 1457]. Transductions [1472]. Transfer [618, 936]. Transform [2108, 1340, 1122, 1380]. Transformation [480, 1991, 552, 2517]. Transformation-Based [1991]. Transformations [1239, 889, 1845, 1873, 306, 659, 13, 110, 2001]. Transforming [1049, 1903]. Transforms [1750, 151]. Transition [357, 47, 878]. Transitions [19]. Transitive [2186]. Translation [109, 417, 1987, 418, 405, 83, 412]. Translator [550]. Transmission [2091, 1308, 1624, 1211]. Transmissions [1654]. Transmitter [1658]. Transparent [331]. Transplant [1973]. Transplants [1968]. Transport [2345, 1583, 1753, 1744, 1621, 600, 814, 1697]. Travel [2259]. Traveling [1086, 1574, 89]. Traversal [2158]. TREAT [2459]. Treated [1920]. Treatment [1581, 512, 710]. TREC [397]. Tree [1930, 1443, 859, 899, 2213, 1577, 339, 1192, 547, 283, 1835, 345, 2234, 2474]. Tree-Structured [1835]. Treebag [1469]. Trees [855, 2214, 79, 1059, 2251, 2189, 905, 1161, 2563, 2179, 1497, 1496, 628, 1812, 2193, 196, 342, 882, 266, 1662, 2188, 2482]. Trellises [895]. Trenches [100]. Trends [2535]. Trex [2015]. Trial [1978]. Trials [1975]. Triangle [1878, 2084]. Triangular [1871]. Triangulations [2168, 1873, 879, 1875, 2171, 1884]. Trick [2186]. Triconnected [2171]. TriGS [2481]. Trinocular [1784]. Trinomial [628]. Triplet [1541]. True [556, 2083]. Truncation [2091, 187]. Truth [241, 2005]. Truth/SLC [2005]. Truthing [2374]. TSNR [1382]. TSP [860]. TTCN [960, 961, 958]. TTCN-3 [960, 958]. TTL [904]. TTL-Based [904]. Tumors [1943, 1088]. Tuned [772]. Tuning [1709, 1798, 576, 580]. Tuple [2533]. Tuple-Generating [2533]. Turbine [694]. Turbogenerator [511]. Turbulent [683]. Turing [37, 46, 47, 317, 2222]. Tutor [528]. Tutorial [349, 1507]. Tutoring [526, 741]. Tutors [2237, 527]. TV [2266]. Twin [1542]. Twist [1864]. Two [1090, 1055, 2309, 2170, 2172, 1443, 2237, 2522, 1900, 2381, 2104, 1869, 1473, 733, 1023, 2530, 1325, 469, 647, 1246, 122, 130, 813, 1085, 2175, 747, 799, 2239, 1466, 45, 1159]. Two-Alternative [1090]. Two-Fingered [130]. Two-Level [799]. Two-Phase [2522, 747]. Two-Sigma [2237]. Two-Variable [1159]. Two-Watchtower [2170]. Two-Way [1443]. Type [1333, 1188, 3, 785, 1934, 547, 1228, 1851, 543]. Typed [533, 534]. Types [541, 531, 1933, 536]. Typical [369]. Typing [83]. U.S. [2053]. Ubiquitous [2268]. UHFFT [576]. UIO [974]. UK [993]. Ultraconservative [2368]. Ultrasound [702, 1100, 1101, 2134]. UML [957, 956, 953, 390, 387, 943, 946, 944, 389]. UML-Based [390, 943]. Unary [1460]. Unavoidability [1495]. Unbalanced [454]. Uncertain [94]. Uncertainty [673, 1956, 562, 1715, 473]. Undecidable [893, 44]. Undergraduate [678, 676]. 46 Understandability [558, 2528]. Understanding [1906, 2232]. Unfocused [2230]. Unfolding [829, 1862]. Unfoldings [102, 837]. Unicast [1659, 1701]. UNICORE [624]. Unification [88]. Unification-Based [88]. Unified [2036, 2121, 917, 364, 1118, 431, 1071, 148]. Uniform [1058, 852, 1871, 315]. Uniformity [310]. Uniformly [912]. Unifying [2010, 1488]. Uninterpreted [1994, 2001]. Union [531, 1881]. Uniqueness [539]. Unit [511]. United [470]. Units [1229, 1271, 1227]. Universal [1855, 37, 51, 2158, 53, 42, 1380, 58]. Universality [41, 55]. Universally [2159]. Universities [993]. University [419, 981, 980, 982, 688]. UNIX [785]. UNIX-Type [785]. Unknown [633]. Unlicensed [1644]. Unrelated [1085]. Unrestricted [897]. Unsatisfiable [869]. Unsolvability [297]. Unsplittable [1056]. Unsteady [619]. Unsupervised [1820, 2381, 1931, 1254]. Updatability [2442]. Update [2092, 432]. Updates [433, 2559]. Updating [1820]. upon [2411]. UPPAAL [352]. Upper [2169]. Upward [2504]. Urban [1293, 490, 1792, 1338]. Urysohn [316]. Usability [135]. Usage [2408, 1842]. Use [711, 558, 650, 2299, 1193, 2325, 431, 2293, 1089, 1020, 629, 1833, 967, 411, 1317, 958]. Use-Provided [711]. Usefulness [548]. Useless [3]. Useless-Variable [3]. User [2244, 2243, 2246, 525, 1573, 1576, 2235, 2216, 2233, 1949, 365, 2252, 2264, 2229, 2265, 1939, 1680, 544, 2268, 219, 2236, 2224, 402, 2256, 2275, 1022, 2276, 1936, 2344, 2257, 83, 1456, 223, 2231, 2277, 2431, 2260, 2262, 1619, 2239, 2248]. User-Adaptive [1022]. User-Centered [1573]. User-Controlled [1456]. User-Defined [544]. User-Friendly [1939]. User-Interface-Agent [2236]. User-Tailored [2257]. Users [2344, 2230, 1024, 2270, 2291, 124]. Using [2027, 335, 2085, 1716, 1329, 1708, 1108, 1381, 760, 1347, 2023, 1251, 1764, 243, 1750, 1097, 2352, 957, 2246, 936, 1554, 2346, 64, 2570, 168, 2025, 1235, 1257, 2567, 151, 2037, 855, 201, 2396, 107, 2528, 1374, 1239, 486, 987, 1670, 101, 2534, 2337, 1691, 2408, 2092, 1136, 904, 1748, 970, 776, 1805, 1966, 2331, 1521, 1013, 417, 1752, 1823, 189, 494, 1383, 1210, 1279, 956, 493, 1524, 695, 386, 1330, 1754, 2098, 1285, 2242, 1712, 285, 454, 1756, 2563, 784, 500, 479, 219, 1789, 684, 2340, 1621, 1526, 477, 1556, 1372, 2401, 1740, 731, 704, 732]. Using [96, 1021, 88, 2185, 160, 225, 2256, 173, 1101, 2462, 2052, 275, 430, 706, 757, 1991, 2344, 1998, 708, 2103, 6, 1388, 2530, 1517, 2093, 1134, 1391, 1294, 1126, 457, 2488, 1515, 1110, 2135, 2568, 952, 1976, 193, 1528, 1335, 546, 469, 1192, 746, 1968, 1749, 1029, 194, 253, 595, 1387, 2055, 1548, 1288, 2219, 1561, 2302, 1529, 196, 1191, 1368, 1124, 509, 1106, 1623, 1563, 441, 1356, 1364, 701, 425, 1935, 28, 1760, 1307, 943, 380, 1386, 1278, 790, 1953, 946, 663, 1849, 1121, 1975, 1344, 1234, 1948, 975, 1933, 1337, 499, 389, 2492, 2414, 1523, 1139, 1420]. Using [2132, 799, 1104, 515, 2319, 2494, 2416, 440, 749, 89, 743, 1717, 115, 2273, 1039, 2422, 1792, 1658, 1359, 1360, 2274, 1950, 1357, 824]. Utah [688]. Utilising [2527]. Utility [109, 2234]. Utility-Based [2234]. Utilizing [1832, 2284]. Vagueness [465]. Valiant [2157]. Valid [473]. Validating [105]. Validation [1121, 799, 753, 2389]. Validity [2196, 2001]. Value [1573, 503, 490, 670, 2310, 428]. Valued [1347, 1897, 305, 2380, 1329, 1333]. Values [670]. VAMPIR [780]. Vampire [1172]. Variability [1140, 1128]. Variable [1154, 1061, 2208, 3, 1189, 1719, 2152, 1362, 1159]. Variable-Delay [1362]. Variable-Size [1719]. Variables [2023, 1193, 242]. Variation [152, 2107]. 47 Variational [2131]. Variations [154, 1126]. Variogram [1343]. Varying [2370, 22]. Vascular [1136]. VC [2363]. Vector [1938, 2567, 1521, 1284, 1252, 2113, 2098, 1285, 1324, 1517, 547, 28, 1666, 1835, 1549]. Vector-Quantization [28]. Vectorial [1394]. Vehicle [68, 2410, 1792]. Vehicle-Borne [1792]. Vehicle-Engine [2410]. Vehicles [1774, 1783]. Velocity [1136]. Ventilator [1935]. Ventricular [1348, 1940]. verbal [741]. Verification [1336, 908, 2000, 846, 2020, 830, 356, 484, 1538, 2021, 106, 1513, 1991, 1998, 2007, 2005, 2026, 962, 1982, 1803, 1985, 350, 1506, 2002, 1533, 1539, 842, 976, 1997, 878, 1993]. Verifier [1984, 1558]. Verify [2023]. Verifying [1996, 1222, 975, 115]. Version [585, 664, 2492]. Versioning [1847, 325]. Versions [2518]. Versus [277, 1273, 901, 2180, 696]. Vertex [2198, 1064, 1075, 648]. Vertical [2493]. Vertices [2192]. Very [1484, 785, 2460]. Veterinary [136]. VHDL [440]. Via [1986, 2386, 1059, 883, 1094, 1809, 1513, 305, 2086, 328, 739, 659, 1132, 236, 923, 345, 1292, 2125, 2068, 1759]. Vibration [794, 511]. Vibration-Torsion-Rotation [794]. ViDE [2497]. Video [185, 1776, 2465, 2136, 1761, 1642, 1048, 1762, 1514, 193, 2285, 1760, 1759]. Videoconferencing [1664]. View [2191, 2560, 2036, 100, 1017, 451, 1902, 2492, 1884, 2559, 1556]. Viewed [142]. Viewer [2266]. Viewers [792]. Viewpoint [2121, 1324]. Views [1859, 205, 2495, 2468]. Vigilance [1781]. VIRAM [2147]. Virtual [209, 139, 134, 1421, 1736, 2092, 2279, 2458, 2359, 2059, 2344, 141, 1604, 122, 1623, 130, 1609, 2419, 1669, 120, 610, 1805]. Virtue [2077]. Virus [277]. VisBench [777]. Visibility [633, 881]. Visibility-Based [881]. Vision [1963, 1785, 1361, 153, 481, 187, 1774, 1784, 1782, 1787, 177, 1786, 2081, 123, 1783, 1775, 1793, 1777]. Vision-Based [187]. Visual [1295, 1852, 1894, 1535, 144, 1949, 2251, 1555, 1468, 157, 1939, 959, 190, 1537, 146, 1781, 2497, 177, 1532, 495, 2475, 1212, 1219, 1780, 131, 1778, 1226]. Visualisation [779, 788, 1924]. Visualisations [751]. Visualization [2332, 702, 778, 776, 777, 2428, 563, 2553, 2302, 1278, 1317, 2338, 795, 775]. Visualizer [2049]. Visualizing [791, 589]. Vital [2187]. VLAM [2287]. VLIW [2312]. VoD [1761]. Voice [1617, 1756, 1740, 1742, 1335, 1755, 1563]. Voice-Data [1617]. VoIP [1757, 1756]. Voltage [1297]. Volume [1785, 1099, 1866, 172, 212, 1131]. Volumetric [1094]. Voronoi [637, 641, 642, 644, 645]. Vote [1828]. Voting [2377, 1834]. Vowels [1393]. Voxel [159]. Voxel-Based [159]. VPs [1764]. VQ [1534]. VQ-Based [1534]. vs [2198, 1157, 2179, 2419, 1025]. Vucetich [1550]. W [1273, 429, 866]. W-Hierarchy [866]. Wafer [1046]. Waken [1256]. Walk [1852, 31, 429]. Walking [1852, 1555, 1354, 1553]. Walks [626]. WAN [785]. WAN-Cluster [785]. Wants [2259]. War [470, 288]. Warehouse [2570, 2561, 2558, 2556, 2537, 504, 2568, 328, 2557]. Warehouses [2554, 2564, 2566, 2569]. Warehousing [363]. Warming [812]. Wastewater [512]. Watching [779, 97]. Watchman [2178]. Watchtower [2170]. Water [1369, 1390, 661]. Waterloo [982]. Watersheds [2132]. Watson [58]. Watson-Crick [58]. Wave [761, 229, 2140]. Wavefield [658]. Wavelength [1636, 1651, 1632]. Wavelet [1750, 1515, 181, 659, 1380, 735]. Wavelet-Based [659]. Wavelets [1334, 622]. Way [1443, 2461, 737]. WDM [903, 1633, 1632]. Weak [1480, 924, 1193, 1806, 619]. Weakly [2221]. REFERENCES Weather [617, 588]. Web [931, 1840, 2243, 2508, 2552, 2290, 677, 1966, 224, 1468, 2444, 1962, 2288, 2289, 2496, 687, 2089, 1742, 2497, 2495, 1456, 1024, 752, 1682, 2509, 413, 2498, 2341, 1407, 1713, 753, 1850, 125, 444, 2422, 2274, 2012]. Web-Based [677, 2089, 1850, 125, 2422]. Web-Enabled [1742]. Web-Sites [2341]. WebCarousel [2509]. WebDB [1296]. WebSCAN [2498]. Website [2407, 2064]. Weight [859, 2214, 1383, 735]. Weight-Constrained [2214]. Weighted [2367, 912, 634, 914, 1816, 1458, 1749, 342, 2165]. Weighting [2250, 1534]. Weights [2377, 1035]. Weisfeiler [870]. Weisfeiler-Lehman [870]. Welding [497]. Well [2167, 1165]. Well-Founded [1165]. Well-Shaped [2167]. West [420]. Where [1218, 446]. Whether [191]. Who [2259]. Whoweda [2507]. Wide [1774, 606, 2012]. Wideband [1584]. Width [901]. Wildcards [2504]. Will [1568]. WIMP [826]. Wind [1823]. Window [2496, 706]. Wireless [1643, 1670, 1617, 1645, 219, 1660, 1657, 1615, 1685, 1779, 1700, 1644, 1671, 606, 2431, 607, 1706, 1673, 1646, 1702, 2090]. WISARD [1254]. Within [1597, 66]. Within-Class [66]. Without [1089, 1855, 801, 879, 797, 2219, 283, 1632]. WLL [1605]. Women [1519]. Wood [1322]. Word [1470, 1491, 2016, 2462, 343, 1953]. Word-Level [2016]. Word-Sense [1953]. WordNet [2454]. Words [415, 40, 1360]. Work [1568, 394, 258, 940]. Workbench [1779, 601]. Workers [394]. Workflow [2467, 2466]. Workflows [2468, 370]. Working [504, 1218]. Workloads [2145]. Workshop [2155, 398]. World [2080, 514, 2012]. Worlds [1275]. Worth [821]. Would [1533]. Wound [1928]. WWW [2428, 2502]. X [1967]. X-ray [1967]. XML [2085, 2441, 445, 2504, 2503, 2096, 2568, 382, 383, 2502, 48 2414, 1681, 502, 444, 2517, 1843, 375]. XML-Based [2096, 383, 502]. XQL [445]. XRII [703]. XSearch [2446]. XTP [2345]. Years [1601]. Yield [1954]. Yolk [465]. Young [2080]. Zealand [2068]. Zero [243, 2209, 2161, 238]. Zero-One [2161]. ZISC [1327]. ZISC-036 [1327]. Ziv [1477, 1476]. Zookeeper [2178]. References Jones:2001:PAI [1] Neil D. Jones. Program analysis for implicit computational complexity. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2053: 1–??, 2001. CODEN LNCSD9. ISSN 0302-9743 (print), 1611-3349 (electronic). 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