Swedish Club News
Swedish Club News
Swedish Club News Vol. 55, Issue 4: April 2016 Swedish Club . Seattle . Washington Council to Honor Local Swedes A home for the Nordic-American community A Our Mission To promote better understanding between the United States and the Nordic countries, with emphasis on Sweden, and to perpetuate Nordic culture and traditions through the teaching, observance, practice and celebration of this culture and its traditions. mong our April visitors at the Club will be representatives from the Minneapolis-based Swedish Council of America. This organization was founded over 40 years ago as a national umbrella for the hundreds of Swedish lodges, clubs, museums and groups all across the United States. Like our own Swedish Club, these various clubs and lodges were founded to preserve and promote Swedish heritage and culture. But like all organizations that thrive, the SCA has changed over the years. While networking was its primary initial focus, the group now has four areas of concentration: • Grants to organizations • Scholarships to youth • Awards to leaders • Communications to the whole community Brandon Benson, outgoing Club president, and Allan Osberg, real estate developer and president of Osberg Construction Co., are among the honorees at the Swedish Council of America meeting on Apr. 22. The SCA holds semi-annual meetings in various Swedish-American communities, during which it Continued on p. 5 This bear went over to Ballard, to see what he could see... H ow did the Swedish Club end up with a large, fluffy teddy bear that needed a name and new home? Easy: Someone gave him to us. In this case, we believe it was the Swedish School (Svenska Skolan) that meets every Sunday at the Club. The school had a tag sale and left some items that didn’t sell, including the bear. We knew the perfect place for him would be Secret Garden Books, over in Ballard. We called, and sure enough, they wanted him. Not so fast, we said. He needs a name first. So, over a weekend we asked visitors to vote. Of course the name Björn won. (Björn means “bear” in Swedish. Duh.) Then he needed a necktie, and Vinda Sund monogrammed one for him. He was presented to Secret Garden owner Christy McDanold at the last Members & Friends Dinner, and now he’s at the bookstore on Market Street. Stop by and say hello. We’re sure he speaks Swedish. www.swedishclubnw.org Swedish Club 1920 Dexter Avenue North Seattle, WA 98109 206-283-1090 Club Business 206-283-1078 Rentals 206-283-2970 FAX info@swedishclubnw.org rentals@swedishclubnw.org rsvp@swedishclubnw.org weaving@swedishclubnw.org www.swedishclubnw.org Office Hours Monday–Friday, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Board of Directors President Brandon Benson Vice President Paul Heneghan VP, Facilities Larry Johnson Secretary Vi Reno Treasurer Judith Peterick Directors: Janice Bogren, Patrick Dolan, Mary Hillman, Chris Jones, Kristina Nordstrom, Larry Omdal, Per-Ola Selander, Gary Sund board@swedishclubnw.org Club Operations Executive Director Kristine Leander Rentals/Facil. Mgr. Doug Newlands Event/Office Coord. Eva Larson Staff Accountant Jason Asmundson Club Historian Aina Oscarsson Swedish Club Guild Vice President Carol Graves Secretary Jan Sullivan Treasurer Alana Brandstrom Parliamentarian Jean Wirch Swedish Women’s Chorus Marta Schee swedishsingersseattle@ gmail.com Svea Male Chorus Bob Reetz rebert1@msn.com Swedish Club News Editor: Kristine Leander Copy Editor: Martin Stillion Swedish Club News (USPS 533-750) is published monthly as part of yearly membership dues at $15 per person, per year, by the Swedish Club, 1920 Dexter Ave. N., Seattle, WA 98109-2795. Telephone is 206-283-1090. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, Washington. Postmaster: send address changes to Swedish Club News, 1920 Dexter Ave. N., Seattle, WA 98109-2795. Deadline for material for the next issue is Apr. 15. Bring articles into the office or fax to 206-283-2970. You may also e-mail articles to kristine@swedishclubnw.org. 2 Club Notes V olunteers have been unusually busy this month. Thank you to Eva Swedstedt Long for managing the landscaping overhaul at the Club. We’re accepting donations for the new plants at the Club and the future plants Eva is planning. Thanks also to Gary Ramstad for rehanging his annual Swedish car show display in the ground floor cases. Thank you to Kim Jacobs, who has overseen the new wall colors on the top floor, the rehanging of the Nordeen paintings there, and the new color and mural at the ground floor entrance. Thanks to Julie Whitehorn and Maia Whitehorn for redoing our lobby floor display cases. And thank you to former staff person Debbie Smith Hanson for managing our luncheon for clients at the Millionair Club Charity, which involved purchasing food and overseeing the kitchen to serve more than 200 guests. Thank you to the volunteers who are bringing in clothing for the annual women’s Second Chance Clothing Sale, as well as items for our annual auction. And a big thank you to the regular volunteers who manage the pancake breakfast, as well as the crew that comes in the day after to clean the kitchen. Finally, thank you to those who manage our library, help with membership letters and answer the phones on Fridays. Couldn’t do this Club without you! P.S. We’re looking for someone with an intellectual curiosity about history who could help us build a Swedish Club timeline by copying events from old newsletters. If this sounds like you, and you have volunteer hours available in the daytime, please get in touch with me. K ristine Leander, Executive Director kristine@swedishclubnw.org President’s Message O ur next Swedish Club election will take hearts of members and volunteers. Thanks also to place on Apr. 13 at the Annual Meeting, the language teachers, led by Laura Wideburg, and afterward there will be a new Club who have developed our Swedish language president, Paul Heneghan. I’ve enjoyed serv- instruction into a robust program with 1,500 ing as your president for the past three years student enrollments and counting. and also during my two-year presidency in I would also like to thank Board Members 2006–08. It’s been my privilege to serve, but Pat Dolan, Mary Hillman, Chris Jones, before leaving the role, I want to acknowledge Kristina Nordstrom, Larry Omdal, the staff, Board Members and volunteers who Per-Ola Selander and Gary Sund, as well have made my job easier and even pleasurable. as Board officers Paul Heneghan, Larry I would like to thank the Swedish Club staff: Johnson, Judith Peterick and Vi Reno for Kristine Leander, Doug Newlands, Eva Larson all their hard work. (I have known Janice and our language instructors. Because of Kristine’s Bogren, who joined the Board last month, for enthusiasm and hard work, we now have an several years, and I am certain she will do well.) organization with a variety of programs and Numerous other Board Members have served activities that support the mission in the years I’ve been president. You statement. She takes care of big all put in hundreds of hours. Thank projects, such as fundraising for the you, one and all. new roof, and overseeing the myriad Additionally, I appreciate all the of other activities that go on day after time our volunteers give to support day at the Club. Doug does a fine job the Club. We don’t keep track of all managing the building, with its many volunteer hours, but between the challenges, as well as taking care of pancake breakfasts, bingo, keeping the building rentals, which have been Janice Bogren the library in order, processing steadily increasing. Eva’s attention to memberships, maintaining the joined the Board details and activities has won the last month. garden, and several other tasks and april 2016 committees, it would easily total thousands of hours per year. There’s something unique about the officers of the Swedish Club. Unlike other clubs, where the president and others are elected to govern the board, our bylaws specify that our officers are elected to preside over the Club. That means I’ve served as the president of all of you. So thanks to you members, more than 1,400 of you now, who find value in being a member of the Swedish Club. I am a third-generation member, and although things have changed since my grandfather’s time, without its members the Swedish Club would not have continued to exist. Thank you for supporting me as your president. Brandon Benson President, Swedish Club Time for a Change If you’re fond of your 20-kronor note with Selma Lagerlöf’s image, or various other Swedish notes with older historical faces, be warned: They may soon be useless as currency. Sweden is in the process of getting new banknotes and coins. Among other changes, the banknotes will have new motifs and security features, and the coins will be smaller and lighter. On June 30, 2016, the switchover to new faces and new currency will be complete. So if you returned from your last trip to Sweden with a handful of notes and coins, we invite you to donate them to the Swedish Club. We’ll arrange to transport them to Sweden to be exchanged for U.S. dollars that will support the Club. Please send or bring us any of your soon-to-be-invalid Swedish currency by May 15. Visit swedishclubnw.org/currency to see the notes that will be invalid after June 30. Tack! In Memoriam T he Rev. David Storm, a loyal and supportive member of the Swedish Club, died on Mar. 11, 2016. David’s grandfather came from Sweden, and his Swedish heritage meant a lot to him. He sang in the Svea Men’s Chorus for many years and was also a good organizer, buying numerous tickets to the Chorus’s meatball dinners and sending them to family members. Professionally, he was a priest in the Episcopal Church—for over 20 years at St. Andrew’s in Port Angeles, and then after his retirement, another 20 years at St. Stephen’s in the Laurelhurst neighborhood of Seattle. David’s priorities were God and church first, Swedish heritage and family second. His kindness touched people in many ways. We are proud that he was one of our members. www.swedishclubnw.org SC Announces News about, or in the interest of our members... The Swedish Club announces 1,413 member households, including 64 Lifetime members and 308 Social members. New Members Sergei & Victoria Akulich* Sandra Aldana* Janet Anderson Loreen Anderson* Michael Appleton* Rima Ataily* Deborah Bach* Ruth Bailey Amy Ball* Jill Ballo* Joslyn Balzarini* Melinda & Howie Bargreen Shawn Basoglu* Robert & Shauna Bean* Matthias Berndt & Susanne Berndt-Radley* Mary Ann Benack* Leslie Benjamin* Jennifer Bentz* Brian & Tatjana Bernitt* Christina Berry-White* Bart Blans* Charlotte Bodine* Sarah Bohlen* Art & Cheryl Boll John Branch* Taylor Broadfoot* Jennifer Brosius* Sharon Bucher* Kate & Ray Burdick* Windy Burke* Rob & Kate Butcher* Terry Byrne* Michael Cain & C.L. Reno Gabriela Capestany* Athima Chansanchai* Hyun Choi* Susan Cuturilo, Alana Cuturilo, Sofija Cuturilo* Sarah & Tyson Danilson* Darren Daughenbaugh* Kimberly Daughtery* Anne Depue & Art Lockwood* Pete DiSantis & Anne Uusnakki* Julie Ellis* Suzanne Elshult Sharon Eriksson* Jake & Misia Evans* Martha Fleming* Sissel Gassert* Susanne & Heinz Theo Gees* Continued on p. 4 3 SC Announces Continued from p. 3 Beth Hartman* Catherine Hauck* Whitney Henderson Jasmina Griffin* Lotta Gustafsson Wayne Harrington* Andrew Harrison* Kathryn Hazzard* Anne Holderread* Vanessa Hostetter* Rebecca Hudson* Robert Ingman & Marie Doyle* Paula Johnson* Bonita (Bonnie) Katsandres Noel Kendrick* Mary Kotleba* Mikhail & Rhea Koulikova* Amy Laughter* Don & JoEllen Loeb* Dora Mahan* Jonas & Tina Malm, Dunran & Conner Malm Brenda Mallonee* Richard Marshall & Jaqueline Hubenet* Michelle Martin* Sara & John Martin James McOmber Jennifer Mears* Anne-Marie Mennen* Owen Miller* Marty & Joanne Modance Marueen & Erin Mohr* Mary (Mae) Moldenhauer* David Molnar & Emi Ristani Johnny Muzevic* Chuck Oliver* Susan Payne Ellen Peterson* Solene Perdrizet* Barbara Pullar* Jolene Purcell Kristen Raftis* Jaxon Ravens & Anne Fisher* Sarah Rehder* Rachel M. Ricci Titus Richard Michelle Robeson Krista Robinson* Jill Rogers Shaun Scerritt & Amber Lewis Mark Schimizze* Carolyn Schott* Carla Segurola* Derik & Kirstin Seymour* Chad & Susan Smith* Craig Smith* Kirsten Soelling Dineke Sorensen* 4 Annual Auction Is Just Around the Corner J oin us for an evening of fun and fundraising! Mexico and two nights at “Little Bit of Book your tickets now for our May 7 Norway” in the Cascades. Or perhaps you’d Annual Auction, “Sounds of Sweden: From prefer an Erik Friberg signed soccer ball. Accordions to ABBA.” It’s our biggest fundSeats are $85, or $800 for a table of 10. raiser of the year, and this year’s auction will For more information, visit our Web site, be a fun evening with unique items to bid on. where you can buy your tickets now! Dinner will be small plates from chefs such as John Sundstrom of Lark Restaurant, our own Ann-Margret and Christine, and others. Enjoy libations from Schooner Exact, Gård Wines and Fremont Mischief. Community Accordions to ABBA sponsors include the Swedish company Ericsson, the Norwegian company Hurtigruten and local companies such as Swedish Medical Center, Brown Bear Car Wash, Ballard Oil and Pacific Continental Bank. We’re loaded with hot items, including a $500 gift certificate on Icelandair, a five-day Hurtigruten cruise for two, a week at the Mayan Palace resort in Swedish Club’s annual fundraising auction soUnds oF SWEDEN MAy 7, 2016 april 2016 COUNCIL Continued from p. 1 bestows awards and proclamations on local leaders and clubs. This month the SCA is coming to Seattle, and the Swedish Club is delighted to host an SCA awards program on Friday, Apr. 22, to recognize the following for their volunteer work in the community: Brandon Benson, Jon Halgren, Margaret Lidberg, Dagmar O’Brien, Marianne Olson, Lena Powers and musicians Martha Levenson and Emma Anderson. The Great Achievement Award will go to Allan Osberg for his lifetime work supporting SwedishAmerican causes. Our Club’s Swedish language program will be honored for its 1,500 student enrollments since 2009. (Many students enroll repeatedly; this number represents cumulative enrollments, not individual students.) Our members and friends are cordially invited to attend the awards program. You can buy your dinner and then eat in the dining room or bar. To make sure we have food for everyone that evening, please prepay by visiting www.swedishclubnw.org or calling the Club at 206-283-1090. The three menu options are cold herring plate with salmon, cheese, etc.; laxpudding (potatoes au gratin with salmon); or meatballs. The dessert will be chocolate cake. Each entrée is $18 and the dessert is $6. Annual Meeting Update T he Club’s Annual Meeting on Apr. 13 is Gary Sund; Vice President for Building the bylaw-appointed time for blue card Facilities Larry Johnson; Secretary Vi Reno; Club members to elect Board Members and and Treasurer Judith Peterick. conduct the business that may come before The new business at the meeting is the the membership. election of the Board for the new Swedish There are three types of Board candidates, Club Foundation. This foundation (not to be and this year you’ll have a chance to vote on confused with the Jane Isakson Lea Foundation, all three: 1) brand-new Members of the Board; which supports the Club and other 2) candidates elected by the Board local Swedish endeavors, but is between Annual Meetings; and 3) separate from the Club) is the latest Board Members whose term is up step in modernizing the Club and and who have chosen to run for getting ready for the next 50 years. re-election. New candidate Mary We have held off announcing Emerson was nominated from the Swedish Club Foundation to the floor at the last Members & the members, since its application Friends Dinner. She has been a for nonprofit tax status is still in Club member for 15 years and a New Board process. (You’ll hear more when candidate Mary pancake volunteer for 16 years! it’s complete.) In the meantime, the Emerson. She has a bachelor’s degree in new Foundation’s bylaws require finance and marketing, and has worked for that its Board be elected by Club members at many years in the insurance industry, both in each Annual Meeting. The following have underwriting and marketing. stepped up to serve as officers of the Janice Bogren is running for election by the members after being elected by the Board Foundation in its initial stage: President Bob several months ago. She has taught school and Blair; Vice President and Treasurer Leif Eie; and Secretary Berit Lehner. worked in the air conditioning industry, The Swedish Club Foundation is dedicated where she was the first woman to serve on to serving the Club, and will be a fund directed the industry’s national professional board. toward seeking and receiving legacy-style Current Board Members Larry Johnson and Larry Omdal are both running for re-election. donations. Executive Director Kristine Leander is happy to take questions about the Swedish The officers running for election, whose Club Foundation at any time, now or during photos appeared in last month’s newsletter, are President Paul Heneghan; Vice President the Annual Meeting. www.swedishclubnw.org Will Springer & Jay Kang Stephanie Sprouse Sara Stewart* Richard & Carol Sundholm Juliette Tanarro* Sara Thompson* Steve Throckmorton* Cheryl & Eric Tseo Goker Tuncol* David Tuthill Dheyvi Velagapudi* Carolyn Velez* Anne Laure Vingtdeux* Anastasia Vitovitz* Nancy Vollmar* Harry Vye Diana & Rod Warczak* Tena West* Shana Weydert* Dionne White* Veronique Wijffels-Schul* Heidi Willis & Kobi Yamada* Raymund Wira* Deborah Wolf* Donald Woodworth Heidi Young *Social member Deaths Mary Anne Anderson, Florence Johnson, David Storm Pancake Guests Mar. 6: 880 Standing Committee Mtgs. Building: 1st Tuesday of the month (Apr. 5, May 3, June 7), 5 p.m. Finance: Thursday after the 2nd Wednesday of the month (Apr. 14, May 12, June 9), 4 p.m. Membership: 3rd Monday of the month, except for holidays (Apr. 18, May 16, June 20), 10 a.m. Guild: Usu. 4th Saturday of the month (Apr. 23, May 21, June 25), 10 a.m. Blue card Club members, volunteers & new members welcome. More info: contact Kristine Leander. New address? Send your address changes or corrections to Swedish Club, Attn.: Address Change, 1920 Dexter Ave. N., Seattle, WA 98109. Or you can e-mail to info@swedishclubnw.org. Let us know if we left out your information by mistake. 5 Coming Events at the Swedish Club Friday, Apr. 1. Lushy and Gigantor. Club members Annabella Kirby and Lynval Golding bring us two bands for one night! We’re not fooling. Lushy offers alternative pop with a bossa beat, hints of exotica and a touch of electronica. Next up, it’s Gigantor: old-school ska and rock steady, Seattle style! 7:30 p.m. Free, but our bands love tips! Saturday & Sunday, Apr. 2 & 3. Women’s “Second Chance” Clothing Sale. Donate gently used clothing now (by Mar. 31) and return to buy fashionable attire donated by our members. Only the ladies are invited. The bar will be open on Saturday for martinis and manicures. Free admission. Sale: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, 10 to 2 on Sunday. Sunday, Apr. 3. Swedish Pancakes. Live music, dancing and authentic Swedish pancakes, with ham, lingonberries et al. Live music by Richard Svensson & Bjarne Jacobsen, Seattle Skandia Spelmanslag and Smilin’ Scandinavians. $9 guests, $7 blue card Club members, $5 children 5–12. 8 a.m.–1 p.m. Stay afterward for genealogy in our lobby. Monday, Apr. 4. Swedish Classes Start. Beginning, intermediate, advanced and conversational Swedish. Schedule: www.swedishclubnw.org/Events/classes.htm. Wednesday, Apr. 6. Trivia. Members and guests are welcome. Every first Wednesday of the month, come play Trivia. Enjoy pea soup and homemade limpa bread. Food at around 5 p.m., Trivia at 7 p.m. Friday, Apr. 8. Scandinavian Folkdance. Neither a partner nor expertise are mandatory. Join us for old-time waltzes and polkas, or just to have fun. 8–10 p.m. $10. Saturday, Apr. 9. Hat Luncheon. Danish Queen Margrethe loves to wear hats! Celebrate her birthday with lunch and a hat style show curated by Marilyn Fuller. Menu: salads and a Danish dessert. Blue card members $20; others $23. Prize for the most elegant hat. (Tasteful hats only, please!) 11:30 a.m. Reservations limited. RSVP online or rsvp@swedishclubnw.org, or mail check to 1920 Dexter Ave. N., Seattle, 98109. Wednesday, Apr. 13. Book Club in the Bar. Under a Wing by Reeves Lindbergh. Written by Charles Lindbergh’s daughter, about her father, childhood and her relation to her father. 5:30 p.m. For info, e-mail beritlehner@yahoo.com. Wednesday, Apr. 13. Members & Friends Dinner. Program by Laura Wideburg, Ph.D., on “The Magic of Swedish Music.” Menu by Chef Malin: Salad with grape, apples and blue cheese, served with bread; Flying Jacob (chicken casserole with bacon, curry, banana and peanuts), served with rice and vegetables; apple crumble served with vanilla sauce. RSVP: Call 206-283-1090 or e-mail rsvp@swedishclubnw.org. Cost of dinner $20 ($25 if you RSVP after Monday, Apr. 11). Social hour 5:30, dinner 6:30. Friday, Apr. 15. ABBA Night. It’s completely sold out! Members are invited to come to the Club in the early evening for food and libations, but starting at 8 p.m., only ABBA ticket holders will be allowed to remain. We expect a crowd for dinner. To make certain you get a meal on that evening, you can prepay for your dinner at www.swedishclubnw.org or by calling the Club, and it will be available starting at 6 p.m. Sunday, Apr. 17. Nordic Exchange. This annual event will be freshened up with an aquavit tasting and hors d’oeuvres by Lexi of Old Ballard Liquor and guitarist Bill Chism playing jazz and pop. This year, it’s free for blue card Swedish Club members, since the event takes place at the Leif Erikson Lodge of the Sons of Norway. 2245 NW 67th, Seattle, 98107. 3:30–6 p.m. You must show your current card to get in for free. They need our RSVP numbers by Wednesday, Apr. 13. Please contact our office at 206-283-1090 or rsvp@swedishclubnw.org. Wednesday, Apr. 20. Club Board Meeting. Members are welcome to attend as guests. Public comment period at 6 p.m., followed by the meeting. Wednesday, Apr. 20. Swedish Film. Vi är bäst! (We Are the Best). Three girls in 1980s Stockholm decide to form a punk band. Drama. 102 min. 7:30 p.m. $5. Friday, Apr. 22. Swedish Council of America. Wednesday, Apr. 27. Swedish Bingo. Members and guests welcome. Every last Wednesday of the month, Mary McCann leads us in Bingo! Enjoy pea soup and homemade limpa bread. Food at around 6, bingo at 7 p.m. Bring cash to pay for your bingo cards! 6 Council representatives attend Happy Hour and make awards to local Swedes and Swedish Americans. This annual national meeting will be held in Seattle. The Club’s Swedish language program and Brandon Benson will be honored, along with Jon Halgren, Margaret Lidberg, Dagmar O’Brien, Marianne Olson, Allan Osberg, Lena Powers, Martha Levenson and Emma Anderson. april 2016 Saturday, Apr. 23. Guild Meeting. Be part of the fundraising, fun-raising mission of the Club! 10 a.m. Wednesday of the month: Trivia Night. Last Wednes- Wednesday, Apr. 27. Kafferep. Monthly Swedish-style coffee party with homemade goodies from our best baking members. 2 p.m. You’re welcome. Swedish Food: Kafé & Happy Hour! Our Wednesday, Apr. 27. Finnish Film. Ariel. Arguably Aki Kaurismäki’s finest film. An unemployed coal miner heads south for an uncertain future. 69 min. 7:30 p.m. $5. and Malin Jonsson, from noon to 2 p.m. And Wednesday, Apr. 27. Swedish Bingo. Members and guests welcome. Every last Wednesday of the month, play Bingo! Enjoy pea soup and homemade limpa bread. Bring cash, as bingo cards can be sold only for cash. Food at around 5, bingo at 7 p.m. day of the month: Bingo! Every Friday regular Friday Kafé serves up smörgås (open-face sandwiches), Swedish meatballs, homemade desserts and more, prepared by Chefs Ann-Margret Lightle our evening Happy Hour meal showcases different entrees each week by Chefs Malin and Christine at 6 p.m. To see the weekly menus, just visit www. swedishclubnw.org. Matinees. Films with English subtitles. $5 donation. 2 p.m. Come early for lunch in our Kafé (noon to 2). • Apr. 1. Norwegian film: Buddy. Friendship, love and hijinks. 100 minutes. • Apr. 8. Danish film: Efter Brylluppet (After the Saturday, Apr. 30. Valborgsmässoafton. Wedding). An orphanage manager from India Walpurgis is a Swedish holiday celebrated in the evening on every Apr. 30 with songs and bonfires to honor spring. The Swedish Women’s Chorus and Svea Male Chorus are instituting a celebration here at the Club, complete with bonfire (very small) and songs (very merry) and food (very delicious!). Suggested donation $20; includes songs and a light supper. They would very much like your RSVP so that adequate food can be prepared: rsvp@ swedishclubnw.org or pay online in advance at www.swedishclubnw.org. 7 p.m. Additional information: swedishsingersseattle@gmail.com. secret. 120 min. Every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday Genealogy Research. From the Swedish-Finn Historical Society in our lobby. Monday & Thursday 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m., Wednesdays 2–5 p.m. and every pancake Sunday! Every Tuesday Sing with Us! Svea Male Chorus meets at 6:45 and Swedish Women’s Chorus at 7:30. Singing together is verrrry Swedish. No auditions, always fresh coffee, everyone welcome. More information: swedishsingersseattle@gmail.com. Every Wednesday (Except 2nd) Lilla Fredag. Our bar is open for Swedish pea soup, homemade limpa bread and libations. 5 p.m. First www.swedishclubnw.org goes to Copenhagen, where he discovers a family • Apr. 15. Swedish film: Enderbara Älskade (Suddenly). A quiet and beautiful film about grief. 97 min. • Apr. 22. Swedish film: Vi är bäst! (We Are the Best). 102 min. • Apr. 29. Ariel. 69 min. We’re All Vikings Now. We’re watching the series curated by Larry Johnson, “From Vikings to Volvos.” Films & DVDs every Friday. 5:30 p.m. • Apr. 1. “Blood of the Vikings: The Last of the Vikings.” • Apr. 8. The Vikings: “The Danelaw” with Dr. Kenneth Harl. • Apr. 15. National Geographic: “Viking Apocalypse.” • Apr. 22. The Vikings: “Warfare and Society in the Viking Age” with Dr. Harl. • Apr. 29. History Channel: “Viking Terror.” Mark Your Calendars! Annual Auction. The Sounds of Sweden: From Accordions to ABBA. Saturday, May 7, 2016. Check www.swedishclubnw.org for more information. Or: facebook.com/pages/Swedish-Club/80231203119. Helping the Club? If you’re traveling abroad between now and May 2016, we invite you to support our annual auction, scheduled for May 7, by purchasing liquor not available in the U.S. Examples include O.P. Anderson aquavit, Laponia lingonberry liquor, or other brands and flavors not sold here. They sell like, well, Swedish hotcakes. Bring your membership cards to events. It speeds up lines and make it easier for volunteers selling tickets or checking you in. Rentals available at Swedish Club, 1920 Dexter Ave N., Seattle. Call 206-283-1078 or visit www.swedishclubnw.org/ Venues/venues.htm. If you’ve been a member for at least a year, you get a 20 percent discount. 7 8 april 2016