The Penguin Class January 31, 2016 What`s happening in our class?
The Penguin Class January 31, 2016 What`s happening in our class?
The Penguin Class January 31, 2016 What’s happening in our class? We are off to a wonderful start this year! January has been a busy month in our little classroom! The children have been learning about animals in the Winter. We have looked at animals that hibernate and migrate. The children discovered ice on the playground the day after we experienced freezing temperatures, which sparked an interest in learning how ice and snowflakes are made! The children practiced cutting coffee filters, creating their own unique snowflakes! We read The Mitten by Jan Brett and as a work, the children enjoyed putting the animals in sequential order in the snow white mitten. We discussed measurement and asked, “What does it mean to measure something?” The children measured one another with felt mittens! We recorded how many mittens tall they each were on a giant mitten outside our classroom door. We hope you get a chance to check it out! One day, guests from the dentist came to teach about dental hygiene. They even talked about what foods are healthy/unhealthy for our teeth. The children loved it! They asked great questions and even got to take home a new toothbrush! A special thank you to Blythe Bennett for reading with our Kindergarten students every Thursday morning! January has been a whirlwind of fun! We are so excited to begin a Penguin Unit in February, as well as, celebrate Valentine’s Day and the Chinese New Year! In peace, Meghan Sellers Busy at Work! *We want to welcome Ella Linquist and Lucas Lassiter to our Penguin Class family! “The first essential for the child’s development is concentration.” -Dr. Maria Montessori In Geography, our Kindergarten role models have been map making! This is BIG work! The children use the continent puzzle maps and trace each piece on construction paper. Then they cut them out and glue them on poster board in the shape of the continent. So far, the United States has been the most popular map to make! We love to cook in our classroom when we get the chance! The children had the fabulous idea to bake muffins and deliver them to their friends in the other two classes! We made blueberry muffins and gave them to the other classes for snack. We even had enough left over for our classroom to enjoy too! It was so sweet and it was a great lesson on showing kindness. :)