Email Confirmations


Email Confirmations
Email Confirmations
How to Setup RoomKey to Send Email Confirmations
How to Email a Reservation Confirmation to a Guest
How to Email a Guest Folio to a Guest
How to Email an Invoice from the City Ledger
How to Email a Statement from the City Ledger
How to Attach a Welcome Letter, Directions or Thank You Note to Emails
Prior to Sending
Unable to Send Email Confirmations – Troubleshooting Guide
Pg 2 – 5
Pg 6 – 8
Pg 9 – 11
Pg 12 – 13
Pg 14
Pg 15 – 18
Pg 19 – 20
*This document was last updated: July 10th, 2012*
How to Setup RoomKey to Send Email Confirmations
Using settings provided to you by your Email Service Provider, RoomKey has the ability
to email Reservation Confirmations, Guest Folios and City Ledger Invoices.
Prior to entering RoomKey, contact your Email Service Provider and ask them for the
following information:
• Email Host System Name – also known as SMTP (ie:
• Email User Account – this is the email account that you will be using to send
email confirmations (ie:
• Secure Password Authentication – required if your email service provider needs
a password for outgoing mail. This may be the same password used to login to
the above “Email User Account” or it may be a completely different password.
• SMTP Port # - the port number that is required to send outgoing mail
If you use Outlook, you may be able to retrieve the required settings yourself. In most
cases the required information could be retrieved from your Outlook Account Settings.
Below is an example from Microsoft Outlook 2007. In Outlook Go to → Tools →
Account Settings
The Microsoft Exchange Server is what you would enter into RoomKey as your Email
Host System Name (SMTP)
Once you have the above information, in RoomKey, go to System Configuration ->
Property -> Registry tab (tab is located in middle section of the screen).
• Everything within this tab is tied to the Windows Registry of your computer;
therefore, this tab must be set up on each individual computer.
• Should each staff member have their own Windows Login, each person will need
to setup this Registry Tab on each computer that they use while logged in under
their own Windows Login.
• Any files attached within this section must be saved somewhere on the computer
so that RoomKey can browse for the file to attach it. If the file gets deleted from
the computer, it will then be deleted from the Registry area in RoomKey.
Fill in the following information:
Email Host System Name ( – enter information provided by your
Email Service Provider
User Account Name on Email Host (property account) – enter information
provided by your Email Service Provider
Email will be “From” this address ( – this is what will
appear in the “From” field when an email confirmation is set out. You may choose to
put your email address or your property name.
Secure Password Authentication – if required, check this box and then enter
information provided by your Email Service Provider
Email is Available – check this box to activate the RoomKey Email function.
SMTP Port # – enter information provided by your Email Service Provider. If this
field is left blank, the default port will be 25.
Email Type – what format do you want your emails to send in? HTML looks better,
however, some email accounts do not accept HTML format and in that case TEXT
may be better. NOTE: You are also given the option between HTML & TEXT
before sending the email.
Attach HTML Copy – attaches a HTML copy of the confirmation to emails that are
TLS Required – this box must be checked if you are using email accounts like
Hotmail, Yahoo, Google, any email accounts that you are able to sign up to for free.
Once all the information has been entered remember to click on “Post Changes to the
Registry” to save the email settings.
In order to test to see that your email settings have been entered correctly, select a
reservation and try to email a confirmation. If you are unsure how to email a
confirmation, please consult the corresponding section of this document.
If the email sends successfully, then your email settings have been entered correctly.
If the email does not send, please consult the corresponding section of this document for
troubleshooting tips.
How to Email a Reservation Confirmation to a Guest
To email a Reservation Confirmation first, ensure the reservation you have selected has
an email address on the Guest Profile.
Select the “Confirmation” button located at the top of the screen (or select Reports ->
Review the Reservation Confirmation to ensure the information is correct. Exit out of the
Reservation confirmation using either the “X” located in the top left hand tool bar or the
red “X” located in the top right hand corner of your screen.
Select “YES” to email a copy of the Reservation Confirmation to the guest.
NOTE: Before sending the email confirmation you do have the following options:
• Email Type – you may choose to send the Reservation Confirmation in a Text or
HTML form. HTML is more visually appealing; however, some email service
providers may not accept HTML.
• Extra Attachment – you may attach a specific file to send along with your email
confirmation. For more information on Attaching Documents to Email
Confirmations consult RoomKey Smart Support in your RoomKey Help Menu
• Attach HTML copy of confirmation? – if “Attach HTML Copy” was selected
when setting up your Email Registry Settings, then this box will be automatically
checked. When checked, RoomKey will send an HTML attachment of the
confirmation along with the email.
Once the email has been sent, the following message will appear if the email has been
sent successfully. Select OK to continue.
The guest will now receive an emailed copy of their Reservation Confirmation and it will
look similar to the confirmation below.
NOTE: Should you wish to receive a copy of all email confirmations that are sent via
RoomKey, simply check the “Copy Confirmation to Hotel” checkbox located under
System Configuration -> Property -> Contacts/Preferences tab.
How to Email a Guest Folio to a Guest
To email a Guest Folio, ensure the reservation you have selected has an email address on
the Guest Profile.
Select the “Guest Folio” button located at the top of the screen (or select Reports ->
Guest Folio)
Select the “Email” button to email the guest a copy of their Guest Folio.
NOTE: Before sending the Guest Folio you do have the following options:
• Select Folio – the drop down menu allows you to select to print a specific folio.
If you leave it at “0 – All Folios” it will print the entire bill
• Email – if the guest has an email address on their guest profile it will populate in
this area and you will be given the option to email the guest their folio
• Email Type – you may select to email a Text version or an HTML version of the
Guest Folio (NOTE: HTML is preferred)
• Attach HTML copy of Guest Folio? - some email service providers will not
display the Guest Folio information in the main email so you have the option to
also attach the Guest Folio to the email as an HTML as a 2nd option for viewing
the folio. This is recommended.
• Zero Balance (Express Check-Out) – this feature can be used by properties who
wish to slip a copy of a guest’s bill under their door the morning of departure.
The Express Check-Out feature displays a “fake” payment on the Guest Folio
using the Payment Method located on the Guest Profile. If the guest agrees with
the bill, they can simply sign the bill and leave it at the Front Desk as
confirmation to place all their charges on the Credit Card on File
Once the email has been sent, the following message will appear if the email has been
sent successfully. Select OK to continue.
The guest will now receive an emailed copy of their Guest Folio and it will look similar
to the Folio below.
NOTE: Depending on the guest’s email service provider, the Guest Folio email may
appear similar to the one below. For this reason, an HTML copy should be attached to all
Guest Folio emails so that the guest has an option to open the attachment which will
display the folio exactly as seen above.
How to Email an Invoice from the City Ledger
There are two ways to email an Invoice:
• Go to Operations -> City Ledger -> locate the Invoice you wish to email in the
“Open Invoices” tab and then go to Reports -> Invoice -> Select Custom Invoice
• Go to Operations -> City Ledger -> double click on the City Account where the
Invoice is located. Locate the Invoice you wish to email, double click on the
Invoice to open the Details for Invoice screen. Select the “Print Invoice” button
at the bottom of the screen.
The City Invoice Designer will appear. The default invoice for the City Ledger is
“Def.frf”. If this is the invoice you wish to send, click on it so it highlights in blue.
NOTE: If your
property has custom
invoices created and
you wish to send a
custom invoice,
ensure that you click
on the desired
invoice so that it
highlighted in blue
At the bottom of the City Invoice Designer is the email information.
• Email – this field will auto populate with the email address located on the City
Ledge Account. This field may change this email address if you wish.
• Subject – this field will auto populate with the Invoice Name. This field may be
changed if you wish.
• Text vs. HTML – allows you to select if you wish to send the email in a Text
Format or an HTML format (HMTL is recommended)
• Send – select this button to email the client a copy of their Invoice.
A message will appear to confirm the email was successfully sent.
How to Email a Statement from the City Ledger
Go to Operations -> City Ledger -> double click on the City Account whose statement
you wish to email. Select the “Email Statement” button located at the bottom of the
Enter the email address of the person/people you would like to send the statement too
(NOTE: If you are entering more then one email address ensure you separate the email
addresses by a comma). Select OK to send.
A message will return to let you know the email was sent successfully.
How to Attach Document(s) to Email Confirmations Prior to Sending
RoomKey allows you to attach documents to Reservation Confirmations and Guest Folio
emails. Documents that you may want to attach to a Reservation Confirmation may
include a document with detailed driving instructions on how to get to your property or a
Welcome Letter. Documents that you may want to a Guest Folio may include a Thank
You Letter or a Comment Card.
For Reservation Confirmations you have two options in regards to attaching documents
to emails being sent. Option 1 will attach the documents to all emails that are sent out.
Option 2 allows you to select which guests will receive the attachments.
For Guest Folios, you only have one option which is to attach a document to all Guest
Folios that are emailed out (see Option 1 below).
Option 1 – Attaching documents to all emails that are sent out.
Go to System Configuration -> Property -> Registry Tab. In the bottom right hand
corner of the Registry Tab is an area for “Attachments on Guest Folio”, “Attachments on
Confirmation #1” and “Attachments on Confirmation #2”.
Attachments on Guest Folio – documents attached will be sent out with Guest
Folio emails
Attachments on Confirmation #1 – documents attached will be sent out on
Reservation Confirmation emails that use Confirmation #1
Attachments on Confirmation #2 – documents attached will be sent out on
Reservation Confirmation emails that use Confirmation #2
Use the “Browse” button to locate the document on your computer that you would like to
• Any documents attached within this tab are tied to the Windows Registry of your
computer; therefore, this tab must be set up on each individual computer.
• Should each staff member have their own Windows Login, each person will need
to attach the document in this Registry Tab on each computer that they use while
logged in under their own Windows Login.
• Any files attached within this section must be saved somewhere on the computer
so that RoomKey can browse for the file to attach it. If the file gets deleted from
the computer, it will then be deleted from the Registry area in RoomKey.
Once you have selected the desired documents to attached, press the “Post Changes to the
Registry” button to save changes.
Documents attached directly in the Registry Tab will automatically be sent out with every
emailed Guest Folio and/or Reservation Confirmation. For Reservation Confirmation
attachments, should you wish to select which guests receive an attachment, please see
Option 2.
Option 2 – Attaching document to specific emailed Reservation Confirmations
When sending an email confirmation, you have the option to add an “Extra Attachment”
via the Email Confirmation screen prior to selecting “YES” to send the email
Use the “Browse” button to search for the document that you wish to send along with the
Reservation Confirmation.
Once the file path appears in the Extra Attachment area, select “YES” to send the
Reservation Confirmation email.
The “Directions” document that was attached to the Email Confirmation will appear as an
attachment when the guest receives their email.
Unable to Send Email Confirmations – Troubleshooting Guide
The following are some errors messages that you may encounter when trying to send
email confirmations and the steps you must take to troubleshoot the issue.
Issue 1 – When I close out of the Reservation Confirmation, the “Email Confirmation”
box does not appear.
• Is the Registry Tab in RoomKey is filled out properly with your email settings
(System Configuration -> Property -> Registry Tab)? If not, please consult
RoomKey Smart Support in your RoomKey Help Menu for instructions on How
to Setup RoomKey to Email Confirmations.
• Does the guest have an email address on their Guest Profile?
Issue 2 – Error Message “There was an error connecting to the email server. Email could
not be sent. Authentication Required.”
• An outgoing authentication password is required in order to send email
confirmation. Ensure under System Configuration -> Property -> Registry Tab,
that the “Secure Password Authentication” box is checked and an outgoing
authentication password is entered into the box below. If you are unsure what
password to use, please contact your Email Service Provider
Issue 3 – Error Message “There was an error connecting to the email server. Email could
not be sent. Username & Password not accepted” OR “Access denied”
• The Email User Account and/or Password entered into System Configuration ->
Property -> Registry Tab could be wrong. Reconfirm information with your
Email Service Provider.
Issue 4 - Error Message “There was an error connecting to the email server. Email could
not be sent. Must issue STARTTLS command first”
• The “TLS Required” box must be checked under System Configuration ->
Property -> Registry Tab.
Issue 5 - Error Message “There was an error connecting to the email server. Email could
not be sent. Socket Error #10060. Connection Timed Out.”
• It is possible that the SMTP you are using or the Port # is incorrect. Contact your
email service provider to reconfirm your settings. If your settings are correct, try
erasing all your settings from the registry tab and re-entering them. Something as
simple as a blank space after the SMTP or one incorrect letter can prevent emails
from being sent.
Issue 6 - Error Message “There was an error connecting to the email server. Email could
not be sent. Start SSL negotiation command failed.”
• The “TLS Required” box is checked under System Configuration -> Property ->
Registry Tab but it should NOT be. Uncheck this box.
Issue 7 - Error Message “There was an error connecting to the email server. Email could
not be sent. Socket Error #10001. Host not found.”
• The SMTP entered under System Configuration -> Property -> Registry tab is not
a valid SMTP. Contact your Email Service Provider to reconfirm your SMTP. If
SMTP is correct, try to erase the SMTP and re-enter as something as simple as a
blank space after the SMTP or on incorrect letter can prevent emails from being
Issue 8 - Error Message “There was an error connecting to the email server. Email could
not be sent. Unable to connect to email server”
• This error indicates a lack of communication with your email server. Contact
your Email Service Provider to help troubleshoot the issue.
Issue 9 – I am not being copied on any email confirmations that are being sent.
• Ensure that the “Copy Confirmation To Hotel” box is checked under System
Configuration -> Property -> Contacts & Preferences
• Check your Spam & Junk mail to ensure the email confirmation is not being sent
there by accident
IMPORTANT: Below is a diagram to explain how the email process works, all
RoomKey is doing is using your account information to send out mail through your
SMTP to your Internet Service Provider’s (ISP) Mail Server or Microsoft Exchange