The VIP-Booking european live entertainment Book
The VIP-Booking european live entertainment Book VIP- News premium ›› Vol. 101 ›› MARCH 2008 McGowan’s Musings: Well – I survived and, apart from a completely bruised left arm, got home in one piece! Oh, do pay attention! – From my first ever skiing trip - remember? I told you I was going in the last issue – it just shows how little you care! Anyway, for those of you that are bothered I was introduced to the joys of the slopes in Finland (at least Ville Kilpeläinen bothered to ask where I was going, but then he and his mates at Music Export Finland keep an eye on all music industry types that infiltrate their territory!), then, almost without pause, (at the instigation and invitation of that madman Ronni Didriksen) with all of the VIP crew plus various partners and children it was off to Norway to strap on those hideously uncomfortable boots for another go, and quite frankly it’s all been downhill ever since! OK, some of them can ski, of those that couldn’t, some, the women and the children actually, picked it up quite quickly, and others – a certain Manfred Tari comes to mind, were probably put off the whole idea for life! I probably had something to do with that, apparently the remaining blood drained from his at best of times pale - though strangely attractive! - face (too many music conference rooms and too Allan McGowan many smokes!) at the speed blurred sight of me hurtling downhill towards an only semi - frozen lake (global warming!) with no indication of stopping (he didn’t know that my Finnish experience had at least taught me to scream and throw myself sideways at the last second!) – Anyway, Black Slopes here I come! Usually, at this time of year, I am in Austin chasing the next plate of barbecue and wondering why I’m watching a band from Brighton or London, wonderful though they might be, in Texas, but reassuring myself that I’ll be watching some great US and local acts in the foyer of The Four Seasons Hotel the following morning. But sadly, though scheduled to chair a panel on Saturday’s SXSW Conference programme, due to various circumstances, I am at home. I will miss many aspects of SXSW, and certainly I will miss a great number of the people who put it together and those that attend from all over the world, but I must admit that I was finding the very scale of the event – 1700 bands this year - more than a little daunting. A year off may not be a bad thing – I’ll be back in 2009 (barring unfortunate skiing incidents!) At least I now have time to recover from the excesses of the sell out and highly successful 20th ILMC in London (see our report in this issue). The attendance was again up – 950 people this time. It struck me that the attendance at this Anniversary edition even more than usually mirrored the changing landscape of the live industry, with many first time delegates from established and brand new businesses from all over the world, and the gradually increasing presence of more people from other sectors, record companies, publishers etc (The UK’s Performing Rights Society for instance sponsored the Saturday lunch). Many of the News stories in this issue relate to topics addressed at ILMC 20. So as I’m not in Texas it allows me to contemplate a UK based St. Patrick’s day for the first year in a very long time. I’ll raise a Guinness to you all! The VIP-Booking European Live Entertainment Book Advertising in the VIP Book will make you visible to 10.000 business professionals all over Europe. You will find no better place to expose your company to the whole European Live Entertainment Industry. ›› Reserve your ad now on VIP-BOOKING.COM VIP- News - M a r c h 2 0 0 8 TignesFest – An Alpine Music Event Allan McGowan Continuing the Skiing theme introduced in the Musings, here is news of the first edition of a new festival to take place in The Alps from 17 – 20 April this year. TignesFest is planned to be a fresh new music festival to be held in one of the top rated (and highest) ski resorts in the world, Tignes. TignesFest describes itself as a musical cocktail showcasing fresh talent, from djs to live bands and exclusive acoustic sets. It’s also a long weekend of skiing snowboarding, socialising and sounds for the discerning and curious who like to experience something outside of the norm. Best and most important of all, the event is FREE ! Curating the show are radio broadcasters from the UK’s 3 top radio stations; Eddy Temple Morris (XFM), Kissy Sell Out (R1) and The Loose Cannons (Kiss FM) respectively. XFM’s Eddy Temple Morris will be broadcasting his show live from TignesFest on Fri- day 18th April. He says he is delighted to be part of the inaugural event in the Alps. “Imagine if the kind of music I play on The Remix had its own ‘In The City’... now picture that city being a town on top of a snow covered mountain... It’s a nice picture isn’t it? You carve down a beautiful French mountain on a snowboard, then take your apres ski with the Autokratz and Boy 8 Bit, and while you go nuts at a brilliant gig, your mates can hear it go out on Xfm and curse the fact they’re not there with you.” Tignes is regarded as one of the world’s highest and most snow-sure ski areas for skiers and snowboarders alike. It has pistes to suit all, with the Naturides (ungroomed pistes) and the Spot (Skiing the Powder Of Tignes) zone, a cross between off-piste and a freestyle jumps park. Offpiste activities include snowmobiling, paragliding, ice diving, iceskating, horse riding, bowling and the Ice Museum. There are also many spas that offer sauna, Jacuzzi and massage (I could have done with that! – Ed.) Colophon ›› VIP-News is published by: VIP-Booking 26 York Street London W1U 6pZ Managing Director: Ronni Didriksen General Manager: Peter Briggs Writer and editorial: Allan McGowan Writer: Manfred Tari For advertising enquiries pls. contact Peter Briggs or +44 870 755 0092 Lay-out: Pekaye Graphics, Phuket – Thailand Tignes VIP-BOOKING.COM VIP- News - M a r c h 2 0 0 8 The Ethos of TignesFest The organisers of TignesFest claim a very definite set of principles as their inspiration for the event: ess of nurturing and developing new talent has changed, and so too has the face of the industry. As revenues from product sales decrease and more and more high profile (and not so high profile!) artists give away their catalogues for free, the music industry is seeking new ways of finding and promoting talent, repackaging music and marketing their artists – with the added hindrance of ever-shrinking budgets. With TignesFest we aim to help find and support new talent, provide a platform for promotion and encourage a new generation to think about the detrimental effect music piracy has on the industry and musicians whilst also giving the consumer FREE opportunities to discover new talent and thus gain their support of up and coming artists. Radio broadcasters meanwhile, are still very much at the forefront of finding new music; they receive hundreds of demos and promos each week, and they help to shape what the public listen to. The internet - whilst beneficial for introducing new artists into the scene and giving them a break via portals such as Myspace - has contributed to the demise of music sales by the direct increase of rampant online piracy. The digital revolution has therefore also served to reduce the amount of support the industry can offer new acts. Along with this, the proc- With this in mind, TignesFest has the support of three key broadcasters in the UK who will help to curate the event. With VIP-BOOKING.COM many years radio and music experience under their belts, the curators have been instrumental in developing their respective music genres and finding new and exciting artists whilst supporting the industry’s key DJs and musicians. New talent line up A Human, Alex Metric, Alex Skt, Autokratz live, The Bloody Beetroots, Boy 8Bit, Chris Lung, Cristal Palace Band, Dark Jedis, David E. Sugar, James Yuill, Kissy Sell Out featuring Dan M, Naomi Roper, Poney Poney, Primary 1, South Central, The Shoes, Tokyoyoyo, Trash Fashion and Trevoy Loveys For More information go to: VIP- News - M a r c h 2 0 0 8 H\Y:ihifYcZAig]W6ig]bYgg %-h\!&$h\>ibY&$$, 9Uf`g7cifh @cbXcb <YfYBck @cbXcb7U``]b[Ãh\YYjYbhXYX]WUhYXhch\YZihifYcZaig]WVig]bYgg @cbXcb7U``]b[]gh\Yd`UWYk\YfYI?UbX]bhYfbUh]cbU``UVY`g aUbU[Yfg X]ghf]Vihcfg ZcfkUfX!h\]b_]b[VfUbXg gYfj]WY dfcj]XYfgUbXhYW\bc`c[mWcadUb]Yg[Uh\Yfhcg\UdYh\YZihifYcZaig]W"@cbXcb7U``]b[Èg`]bY!idcZ]bhYfbUh]cbU` aig]W]bXighfmWcadUb]Yg 5ggcW]Uh]cb5;Ag ]hgkcf`X!W`UggWcbZYfYbWYdfc[fUaaY ]bhYfbUh]cbU`fYWYdh]cbg dUfh]Yg UbXg\ckWUgYgWfYUhYgUjYf]hUV`Yfc``!WU``cZU`acghYbX`Yggcddcfhib]h]YgZcf]bZcfaU`UbXacfYZcfaU`bYhkcf_]b[ UbXXYU`!aU_]b["5``aU_]b[@cbXcb7U``]b[h\YI?Èg`YUX]b[hfUXYWcbZYfYbWYUbXYl\]V]h]cbZcfh\Y]bhYfbUh]cbU` aig]W]bXighfm" 5h@cbXcb7U``]b[&$$, mciÈ`` ÑbXUkcf`XW`UggWcbZYfYbWY" 5h@cbXcb7U``]b[&$$, mciÈ`` ÑbXUaU^cfhfUXYYl\]V]h]cb" @cbXcb7U``]b[&$$+ZYUhifYXUb ibf]jU``YX`]bYidcZgdYU_YfgUbX dUbY`]ghg]bW`iX]b[. 5`]gcbKYb\Ua5=A#K=BÔ>c\b?YbbYXm =:D=ÔDUhf]W_J]YbKUfbYfAig]W =bhYfbUh]cbU`ÔAUfh]bGh]_gY`@Ugh"ZaÔ >UgcbAU[big6Y]^]b[Dcd:Ygh]jU`Ô=W\] MUaUbU_U9A=>UdUbÔDUi`Ei]f_Y9F5Ô ?Yj]b5fbc`X=C85Ô8YfY_G]jYfg786UVm ÔFcV@Yk]gCab]ZcbYÔB]h]bGUk\bYmÔ FiXm7\Ub<]hh\Y;fcibXÔ;Ufm8ckb]b[ 7\fmgU`]gÔ7\f]gh]UbAUfghfUbXYfDfYZiY`YX ÔHcbmJ]gWcbh]Ô;`YbbH]`Vfcc_7\f]g 8]ZZcfXGeiYYnYUbXaUbmacfY" :YUhif]b[\ibXfYXgcZYl\]V]h]b[ WcadUb]YgUbXh\cigUbXgcZ hfUXYXY`Y[UhYgZfca($!d`ig Wcibhf]Yg]bW`iX]b[. 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Cb(($&$+-))'-,'cf YaU]`]bZc4`cbXcbWU``]b[&$$,"Wca GdcbgcfYXVm. 13/3/08 10:50:46 VIP-BOOKING.COM VIP- News - M a r c h 2 0 0 8 Take That and Led Zeppelin the hottest tickets of 2007 Allan McGowan VIP-News received the following Press Release from Tixdaq – this research company is doing excellent work in providing useful and accurate ticketing data. We are happy to pass on this release as we received it: ternet, the highest for any individual artist. Led Zeppelin’s reunion gig at London’s O2 Arena produced the highest average ticket price at £707.97, despite stringent security measures designed to outlaw touting. Top 10 tickets generate £50m Secondary market needs to shake off ‘Arthur Daley’ (UK TV comedy character) image. 6 March 2008: Newly released figures from independent ticketing research consultancy Tixdaq reveal that concerts by the reformed Take That and Led Zeppelin were the hottest tickets on secondary ticketing exchanges in 2007. Take That tickets generated a total of £12.8m in sales of “secondhand” tickets over the in- just a couple of years, and valuations for the leading firms are now well in excess of £50m each. No wonder artists are concerned that they do not generally share in the proceeds.” More transparency required Tixdaq monitors secondary sales of concert tickets on the 25 most popular sites in the UK. It is the process of extending its monitoring services to the Continent and ultimately the US. Tixdaq founder Will Muirhead said, “These figures give a fascinating insight into the scale of the secondary ticketing market in the UK ”Secondary ticket exchanges – like Seatwave, Viagogo and GetMeIn have created an £200m market in concert tickets in the UK in 2007’s Top 10 Most Expensive Secondary Ticket Sales Average Price 1. Led Zeppelin £ 707.97 2. Electric Proms: Paul McCartney £ 498.14 3. Electric Picnic £ 360.96 4. The Liverpool Sound - Paul McCartney £ 330.00 5. Liza Minnelli £ 261.93 6. Nick Cave £ 249.95 7. Celine Dion £ 219.37 8. Isle of Wight Festival £ 217.55 9. V Festival - Staffordshire £ 205.58 10. Download Festival £ 202.23 While secondary ticketing may provide a useful service for some music fans, there are real concerns about rogue operators advertising non-existent tickets or “underthe-counter” deals which are designed purely to inflate the price of tickets at the expense of consumers. “Secondary ticketing is clearly a popular service with music fans, but there is no doubt that more transparency is required. That is why we welcomed the Culture Media & Sport Select Committee report into the market. “The Select Committee specifically called for more research in the market and Tixdaq is committed to providing this. “Without transparency, the secondary ticketing market will never shake off its Arthur Daley image.” For more information: contact Steve Redmond on 07770 924720 or 2007’s Top 10 Biggest Grossing Tours& Festivals for Secondary Ticket Sales Gross Transactions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Take That T in the Park V Festival Spice Girls Carling Reading Festival Prince The Police George Michael Genesis Bruce Springsteen £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 12,896,591.39 8,719,848.60 6,768,286.89 5,339,476.61 4,959,750.89 4,262,625.83 3,453,926.99 3,008,115.89 2,933,954.69 2,173,504.07 Source: Tixdaq VIP-BOOKING.COM Led Zeppelin VIP- News - M a r c h 2 0 0 8 All Change In The Middle East Allan McGowan Many discussions at ILMC 20 referred to the continuing international rivalry between the ‘concert giants’, Live Nation and AEG, also the growth in importance of the recently ‘emerged’ markets featured in more than one of the conference sessions. The following item involves both these topics. Live Nation - Mirage On February 15 Live Nation announced that it had entered into a definitive agreement to acquire a 65% controlling stake in Mirage Promotions, a leading promoter based in Dubai. Mirage managing director Elissa Murtaza, will head up the newly formed Live Nation Middle East, and is quoted as saying that the deal “married the biggest generic entertainment provider in the world, with an established regional promoter. From our side, Mirage brings to the table 17 years of high level regional contacts and clients. Live Nation can provide the experience, global clout and infrastructure to turn our clientele’s ideas into reality.” Mirage has been responsible for a wide range of concerts, shows and events in Dubai and other cities in the region, including such international acts as Pink, Aerosmith and Shakira. They have also built a profitable business booking acts for corporate clients in the region, recent bookings included Diana Ross, Bryan Adams, Kenny Rogers, Sarah Connor and the Gypsy Kings. On the date of the Live Nation announcement the Company promoted a sold-out Santana show at Festival City in Dubai. Live Nation’s takeover of Mirage Promotions should increase the likelihood of top-flight touring artists, such as the Rolling Stones, performing in the region. Alan Ridgeway, Live Nation Chief Executive Officer of International Music, commented: “The launch of our Dubai office is another milestone in our organisation’s expansion into international territories. Dubai and Abu Dhabi have been growing rapidly over the last few years -- Dubai’s population alone is expected to reach 1.6 Million by 2010, with tourism to expand to 15 Million by 2010 -- There is now a significant demand for live entertainment in the region and the world’s top artists are more and more interested in playing there. We look forward to an exciting future.” AEG – Thomas Ovesen Apparently Live Nation/Mirage merger discussions commenced more than four years ago. The finalising of the deal came about less than a month after the departure from the company of, Thomas Ovesen, longterm Mirage GM. Whilst these negotiations were proceeding Mr Ovesen was obviously considering his own future, deciding to take up an offer to join AEG Live to oversee a Dubai based office for live promotions in the Middle East. VIP-BOOKING.COM VIP- News - M a r c h 2 0 0 8 Whilst at Mirage Ovesen had built a reputation for building business in the region’s live industry in the decade since arriving there and settling in Dubai. Predicting even more of a boom in the area AEG have obviously decided not to allow Live Nation to take the lead, and went for the man they figured would take them ahead in the region where Ovesen has worked with Mariah Carey, Beyonce Knowles, Alicia Keys, Pink, Mary J Blige, Blue,Scorpions, Tommy Lee and Aerosmith.. For clients hosting events in Africa and North America, Thomas has been working with Nelly Furtado, P Diddy, Rihanna, John Legend, Bryan Adams and many others. He headed up Mirage when they promoted the Mid- dle East’s largest ever concert with Shakira in Dubai. Randy Phillips, President and CEO, AEG Live said, “We enthusiastically welcome Thomas into the AEG family. We have been targeting the Middle East as a key emerging market for some time. We can’t wait to get started there with the region’s best promoter. Not only is Thomas a brilliant businessman, he is very artist friendly and some of the world’s greatest stars come to him time and time again.” Ovesen told VIP-News, “Working with some of the best talent buyers and venue programmers in the world and gaining access to some great live entertainment content rele- Thomas Ovesen - AEG Live vant for our region is a great opportunity for me personally, allowing me to build a strong Middle East presence complementary to the ever expanding AEG world wide operation - I am very appreciative of Randy Phillip’s faith in me, and thoroughly enjoy being part of the fantastic AEG Live team!” CSM – Dubai Desert Rock Although the ‘big boys’ have now moved in we’re sure that the established ‘girls’ of Center Stage Management don’t intend to let them have things all their own way! On March 7th and 8th Jackie Wartanian (Managing Director) and Lara Teperdjian (Executive Vice-President) of Centre Stage Management, celebrated the fifth year of their ever growing event at Dubai Festival City. This year the event presented Korn, Machine Head, Killswitch Enage, As I Lay Dying, Nervecell and Slapshock on the first day and Muse, Velvet Revolver, Marky Ra- mone, Juliana Down and Spoon Feedas on the second. The Shamal Battle talent prizewinner, Galeej Gurus from Bangalore, India played on both days. Other entertainment options for the audience included the first suspended bar ever, an Infusion Dance Tent, a Calvin Klein Fragrances VIP Lounge, the Lee Cooper cable slide and numerous. »Desert Rock is still a baby festival compared to the ones in Europe« - Jackie Wartanian Jackie Wartanian said, “Desert Rock is still a baby festival compared to the ones in Europe for instance. But we’re proud to have grown from a three hour show to a two-day festival. When we started we had great vision for the future with the aim to put Dubai Desert Rock Festival on the world music festival map and we have achieved that. Ticket sales were delayed due tdo reasons beyond our control and only started on March 5th at 5pm, which engendered long queues in the official ticket outlets. However 15,000 tickets were bought by heavy metal fans for March 7th and 13,000 for March 8th.” Urban Desert Festival CSM are putting up together their very first Urban Desert festival at Dubai Festival City on April 18th 2008. It will showcase Hip hop/Rap/R’n’B artists, headlined by Grammy award nominee AKON, Fat Joe, Black Violin. This one off date is being preceded by a two date tour of South Africa (Cape Town and Johannesburg), also organized by CSM. Sipho Dlamini, vicepresident of Operations who is originally South African, explains “It has come time for the Middle East fans to experience a true Urban experience.. Urban Desert will do just that and turn Dubai into a scene of expression for all ages, genders and colors, striving to make the music reach new heights. This is what Urban music is all about; it’s not about what you own or don’t, it’s what you feel”. Korn was amongs the headliners at Dubai Dessert Rock 2008 VIP-BOOKING.COM VIP- News - M a r c h 2 0 0 8 German Concert Industry Presents the Annual LEA Awards Manfred Tari The LEA-Award winners for their achievements in 2007 presented at The Color Line Arena are: Hall-/Arena-Tour mpe music pool europe for the Justin Timberlake tour “FutureSexLoveShow” Concert of the Year MLK – Smashing Pumpkins in the Columbiahalle, Berlin. Festival of the year ICS Festival Service – “Wacken Open Air” Artist Agent of the Year Buback Konzerte Artist Manager of the Year Benjamin Ebel (Tokio Hotel) Talent Support of the Year Stefan Raab (“SSDS”, Bundesvision Song Contest) Club-Tour of the Year Tim Fischer Chansons – Tim Fischer Location of the Year Parkbühne Wuhlheide GmbH – Kindl-Bühne Wuhlheide Show of the Year BB Promotion – Tim Mälzer, “Ham`se noch Hack?” The Jury Prize: Peter Rieger & Peter Schwenkow: Barbra Streisand auf der Waldbühne Berlin Tour Promoter of the Year Marek Lieberberg Konzertagentur Life Time Achievement Award: Karsten Jahnke Local Promoter of the Year Hannover Concerts Club Artist of the Year Madsen Götz Alsmann Due to the very particular German mentality Moderator Götz Alsmann and Carl Leighton-Pope, who handed out the award in the category ‘Tour Promoter of the Year’, spontaneously decided after the event, to investigate ways of stimulating audience participation and reactions for the 2009 edition of The Awards. “This comes from a place of gratitude - for my career and my loyal fans.” ."3$).*-"/*5"-:5)&#-6&/05&."3$).*-"/*5"-:5)&#-6&/05&."3$) 7*$&/;&*5"-:.&.."3$)7*$&/;&*5"-:.&.."3$)#"4&-48*5;&3-"/% "*31035$"4*/0#"4&-"("13*-.0/5&$"3-0.0/"$0.00%4"13*-.0/5& $"3-0.0/"$0.00%4"13*-"7*(/0/'3"/$&-&306(&(03(&"13*-."--03$" 41"*/$*$-0(6*5"33"4%&-.6/%0$&/530.64*$"-"44"*("13*-7"--"%0-*%41"*/ $&/530$6-563"-.*(6&-%&-*#&4"13*-1"3*4'3"/$&/&8.03/*/( Laurie L Wheeler Wheeler 335 Records proudly presents XXXSFDPSETDPN i-BVSJF8IFFMFST$%A5XJMJHIUJTBHFN XXXMBSSZDBSMUPODPN XXXNSUW 4UZMJTITJOHJOHHSFBUNVTJDJBOTIJQBOE 30#&358*--*".4 BXPOEFSGVMMZFDMFDUJDBOEFOKPZBCMF 1IPOF SPCFSU!SFDPSETDPN TFMFDUJPOPGTPOHT,VEPTUPBMMDPODFSOFEu (-&//#-"$,."/ _5IF+B[[$BGF83)6)FNQTUFBE/: 1IPOF&VSPQF HMFOO!XCBFOUFSUBJONFOUDPN Twilight VIP-BOOKING.COM Twilight VIP- News - M a r c h 2 0 0 8 A Tale of Three City Venues Allan McGowan Another main theme of ILMC 20 was of course new talent – if the business is to continue to grow then this is the lifeblood. The main question is where to find and develop new artists – the answer of course is on stage – in venues, so an adequate supply of places to play is an essential. In his recent interview/keynote at Billboard’s Music & Money Symposium in New York, Ticketmaster CEO Sean Moriarty emphasized that the concert business is healthy, but warned that maintenance and development were vital. “The concert business is solid and strong and the rise of the festival has reinforced the communal nature of the lives experience,” he said. But, in the long term he says there is concern that the talent will not be available to fill the big arenas, and that the opportunities lie with the mid-size halls, and consequently “We need to develop acts as a way to sustain business. So to develop acts, we need to develop and be careful not to lose good venues. Here we lament losing one with a great past, but look to the future for three others.” Sean Moriarty London Astoria has to Make Tracks For the past 18 years or so plans have been in discussion to construct a new rail link allowing trains to travel across London, the Crossrail project. Obviously many buildings will have to be demolished to facilitate the laying of the new tracks, these properties have been under suspended sentence as it were waiting for the authorities to finally determine dates for the work, which of them would definitely go, and the necessary demolition to begin. One of these properties is the historic Astoria. Over the years this one-time pickle factory has staged shows by some of the world’s most influential acts including U2, the Rolling Stones, Prince, Nirvana, Arctic Monkeys, David Bowie and Radiohead. will close at the end of the year. 35,000 people have already signed an online petition, ‘Save The Astoria’, supported by acts such as Kaiser Chiefs, Franz Ferdinand, Maximo Park, Jamie T, the Cribs and Feargal Sharkey, the former Undertones singer, has already attracted signatures. A spokesperson for Live Nation, which manages the Astoria, said: “We believe it should be preserved for future generations.” Jade Dickinson, one of two students behind the campaign, said: “It’s literally eroding London’s cultural heritage.” However the venue’s popularity and all the sentiment in London will it seems have no effect. “The construction of Crossrail means that the Astoria can’t be saved,” the mayor said. Now Ken Livingstone, the Mayor of London, has confirmed that the 2,000 capacity former theatre will be knocked down and Melvin Benn, MD of the latest operators, Mean Fiddler and now MD of Festival Republic had hoped that there would still be some delay before the axe fell and that the venue may have continue to operate till 2010 or 2011, even though the cramped, uncomfortable and probably unhygienic conditions seemingly not particularly minded by punters and artists would remain. He told BBC Radio 4 that the lack of the security of a long lease had prevented Mean Fiddler carrying out a necessary but very expensive refurbishment. Property developers Derwent Valley bought the freehold on the Astoria in 2006 for an estimated £24 million (Euros 31.7 million). A very recent report commissioned by the London Development Agency found Feargal Sharkey VIP-BOOKING.COM The Astoria - London that the UK capital was the most culturally vibrant city in the world, with more music venues and music performances per year than New York and Paris combined. The argument that there is a shortage of mid-size venues of this size in the capital, especially after recent closures of Hammersmith Palais and The Spitz, was countered by Livingstone saying that a new, plusher concert venue would be included in the new development in Tottenham Court Road. Feargal Sharkey, CEO of British Music Rights and former chair on the U.K. government’s Live Music Forum, said the closure would be ‘a blow’, but was “heartened” by Livingstone’s commitment to the erection of a larger, alternative venue nearby. He added, “We await with interest his proposals for a live music strategy.” Watch this space! VIP- News - M a r c h 2 0 0 8 Mama Group Develop and Add to Venues The Mama Group now claim to be the UK’s largest promoter of live music. MAMA currently owns a total of 20 venues with capacities of 150 through to over 5000, including the network of 10 Barfly venues as well as the Hammersmith Apollo, Jazz Café, The Forum, G-A-Y, G-A-Y Late, The Borderline and the soon to be renovated Garage, all in London. Mama are adding to their portfolio and growing fast!: The Forum Refurbished MAMA acquired The Forum in 2007 and has now completed the much needed refurbishment at the legendary Kentish Town (I saw The Cult there a couple of weeks ago and it took me back to the heyday of seeing good rock bands in good mid sized venues in the 70’s – ED.) A fully seated format offering approximately 1200 seats has been introduced and the capacity increased to 2350 for mixed seated/standing gigs. All customer and artist facilities have been completely refurbished. With the loss of the Astoria the facility is in line to become London’s premier 2000+ capacity venue. The key appointment in this is that of Paul Buxton, previously at both Shepherds Bush Empire and The Astoria, as General Manager. Birmingham - Digbeth Institute (The Sanctuary) The acquisition of the lease of Birmingham’s Sanctuary will see the venue revert to its former name - The Institute –under MAMA’s ownership. The refurbished Institute which will be fully refitted during the course of 2008 will have four different sized spaces with state of the art facilities. The Institute will become a musical hub for the city and a flagship venue at the heart of the city’s regeneration plans. Advantage West Midlands and the MAMA Group plc. The aims are to: Create a major world class music venue for the West Midland’s region. Raise the profile of the region’s music in- dustry both nationally and internationally. Create opportunities for local musicians to create, produce and promote their own music. The Institute will open in September 2008. The Birmingham Barfly has been operating successfully in the Digbeth venue as a 400 capacity facility since July 2004. As part of the refurbishment plans this capacity will increase to an expected 600. Additionally, entry-level rooms of 150 and 300 capacity will be developed. The main Auditorium will hold 1500 -1700 people and will fill a regional gap for medium scale venues. This development will ensure that Birmingham can now accommodate touring artists who have traditionally bypassed the city because of lack of suitable 1500 capacity space. The range of room capacities with additional rehearsal space and fully integrated digital facilities within the building is intended to help and encourage local talent to grow and develop on home turf. The reinstatement of the venue results from unique public and private sector partnership between the City Council, The Institute - Birmingham 10 VIP-BOOKING.COM VIP- News - M a r c h 2 0 0 8 Edinburgh – The Gig / The Venue The most recent Mama move is a acquisition is a conditional agreement to purchase, through Mean Fiddler Holdings Limited (“MFH”), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, the freehold title to The Gig (“The Gig” or the “The Venue”), a live music and entertainment venue located in Edinburgh’s city centre, from Luminar Liquid Limited, a subsidiary of Luminar Group Holdings plc. The purchase consideration for The Venue is £3,550,000 which the Company intends to finance with a mixture of new debt facilities and cash. The Venue has been nontrading since January 2007 and there are no trading figures for the current financial year. However, based on an independent valuation obtained by the Company, The Venue has a vacant possession valuation (i.e. assuming no trade or licenses) of at least £2,200,000. The Gig, with a capacity of approximately 1,500, is currently the only medium sized live music venue in the centre of Edinburgh . The directors believe, following a proposed refurbishment, that following refurbishment, which is expected to be in the second half of 2008.The Venue will become one of Scotland ‘s most prestigious live music venues. Completion of the acquisition is conditional on the transfer of The Venue’s premises licence to MFH which is expected to be granted within a month of the date of agreement. sic venues in the important Edinburgh and Birmingham markets. Our venue portfolio is now 20 strong and there remains exciting potential for further development.” »The Gig has been synonymous with entertainment in Edinburgh for over 80 years and is positioned in a unique location« - Adam Driscoll & Dean James Adam Driscoll and Dean James , Co-Chief Executive Officers of MAMA commented: “We are delighted to have enhanced our mid sized live music venue portfolio with the acquisition of this landmark venue. The Gig has been synonymous with entertainment in Edinburgh for over 80 years and is positioned in a unique location; ideal for live music and live entertainment. This announcement follows closely behind details of our acquisition of a similar sized venue in Birmingham. These two properties represent significant additions to our growing network of live muAdam Driscoll - MAMA Group Having the right tools for the job is often the key to success. Through our ongoing communication with key Live Entertainment Industry Professionals, we have developed a range of services to meet the demands of agents, promoters, talent buyers, venue bookers etc. It’s no coincidence that we are now considered to be the No. 1 information provider for this thriving industry. ??????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??? ???????? ????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????? ›› ?????????›› ????????? ?????????????? ????? ????? ?? ???? ???????? ??? ?????? ???? ?? ???? ????????????????? ????? ??? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????? ???? ??????? ??? ???? ??????????? ??? ?????????? ???? ???????????? ??? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???? ?????????? ?????? ????? ??? ???????????? ??? ????????? ?? ????????? ?? ????? ???????? ????? ?? ???????? ??????? ?? ????? ??? ??? ???? ?????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???? ??????????????????????? ???? ????? ???????? ???? ??????? ??????? ?????? ????? ???????? ???? ??????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ???? ????? ???? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????? ????????????? ???????? ???????? ??????? ??????? ???????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????? ??????? ?????? ???? ???? ??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????? ??????? ????????? ?????? ??????? ????????????????? ??????????? ??? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????? ??? ????? ???? ????????? ????? ????? ??????? ????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????? ???????? ??????? ???? ???????????????? ??????????????? ?????????????? ??????????????????? ??????? ?????????? ???? ????????? ???? ???? ???? ?????????? ????? ????????? ????????????? ??????? ????? ???? ??????? ?????? ???? ??????????? ???? ??????? ?????????? ??????????? ????? ????? ??????? ?????? ????????? ??? ?????????? ???????? ??? ???? ??????? ????? ??????? ??? ?????? ?????? ????????? ??????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???? ???????? ??? ??? ???????? ???????? ???? ??????? ?????????? ????? ???? ??? ????? ???? ????????????? ???????? ???????? ????? ?? ????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ??????? ???? ??????? ????????? ???????? ?????? ???? ?????? ??????? ????????? ????? ???????? ???? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????? ????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????? ? is now the most widely used online information service for the European Live Entertainment Industry with subscribers in over 25 countries. Using the latest technology and state of the art tools, the service provides indepth information streamlining the day-to-day operations of industry professionals, saving both time and money. VIP-BOOKING.COM The VIP-Book The ultimate print directory for the European Entertainment Industry, packed with contacts and easy to use. An essential reference book for every office providing basic contact information and a solid overview. THE VIP-BOOK 11 VIP-BOOKING.COM VIP-News Written by our highly merited journalists, Allan McGowan and Manfred Tari, with over 50 years of experience between them in the Entertainment Industr y, VIP-News brings the latest news and views directly to your computer keeping you up to date at all times. VIP-NEWS VIP- News - M a r c h 2 0 0 8 2009 EUROSONIC NOORDERSLAG SEMINAR 15 16 17 JAN GRONINGENNL THE PLATFORM FOR NEW MUSIC IN EUROPE... 250 bands and acts, 100 panels radio broadcast all over Europe 2500 music business professionals ‘THE PLACE TO SECOND GUESS WHO’LL BE THE BIG EUROPEAN BANDS OF THE YEAR’NME (UK) SUPPORTED BY WWW.EUROSONIC.NL EUROPEAN TALENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM ETEP SINCE 564 shows at 55 festivals in 2003 20 countries by 205 artists BRINGING NEW TALENT TO A FESTIVAL NEAR YOU WWW.ETEP.NL 12 VIP-BOOKING.COM VIP- News - M a r c h 2 0 0 8 CTS Eventim Announce Preliminary Results for 2007 Manfred Tari According to the figures CTS Eventim again surpassed itself. The revenue in 2007 rose from 342.9 million Euro in 2006 to 384.4 million The company reported also a gain for all other key figures. The Earnings before Interests and Taxes (EBIT) increased from 45.7 million Euro the previous year to 46.8 million Euro, the Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortisation (EBITDA) went up from 52 to 53.9 million Euro. million Euro, the EBIT was 26.3 million Euro while the EBITDA for 2007 in this segment was 32 million Euro. These figures exclude the results from ticket sales gained through the ticketing of the Football World Cup in 2006. Nevertheless, the analysts of SES Research again recommended selling CTS shares. In the latest report the analysts refer to a possible acquisition of a 49% stake in AEG Live trough a joint venture In the Live Entertainment business unit of the Company the revenue leapt from 247.2 to 301.3 million Euro. CTS Eventim declared the EBIT-result to be 20.5 million Euro, and the EBITDA result is 21.8 million Euro. CTS Eventim identifies itself strongly with its ticketing business. So no big surprise that CTS also again reports improved results for this part of the company: The revenue for the ticketing unit was 87.5 Live Nation Business Results for 2007 Manfred Tari With a reported revenue of $ 4.2 billion Live Nation shows that it means to be the market leader in the global concert industry. Nevertheless the company had to declare a net loss of about $ 11.9 million. The analysts of JP Morgan downgraded the share of Live Nation to a sell recommendation the day after the business report was announced on February 28, while several other analysts currently have Live Nation still under review. It also is not surprising considering the current situation of the financial markets that the share price of Live Nation is still under pressure. Within one month the share went down from $ 11.17 to $ 9.83 (March 17, 2008). 13 VIP-BOOKING.COM between Ticketmaster and Cablevision. However, analysts of Sal. Oppenheim and West LB maintain their buy recommendations. The current shape of the financial market did not reward these figures. In the current mood of scepticism the share of CTS Eventim suffered just a bit less than most shares are doing these days. Within one month the share went down from 26.40 to 24.58 Euro (March 17, 2008). VIP- News - M a r c h 2 0 0 8 ILMC 20 – The Coming of Age of an Industry Manfred Tari ILMC 20 took itself back to the times of Peace, Love & Happiness, at least in terms of the theme of this 20th Anniversary edition of The International Live Music Conference. However, the agenda of the ILMC remained completely up to date, mirroring current issues that concern the concert industry. First of all it has to be noted that the ILMC is bigger than in previous years. As such it becomes almost impossible to cover everything things that goes on in and around this industry gathering. Apart from the closed meetings of industry organisations such CPA, IJFO and Yourope, the ILMC program formally kicked off with the New Delegates Orientation hosted by Producer Alia Dann and Greg Parmley, Editor in Chief of IQ-Magazine, the ILMC journal that covers events during the rest of the year. Over the years ILMC have created their very own conference stars such as Carl Leighton-Pope, Ed Bicknell and even Harvey Goldsmith. Leighton-Pope for instance is a fixture presenting one of the conference evergreens The Talking Shop. In this almost two hour one man show, he addresses and pinpoints the issues that form the basis of the weekend’s ongoing conference agenda. In The Talking Shop Leighton-Pope comes across as something between a lion tam- ILMC 2008 er and a classical music conductor. In his first synopsis he referred to the ongoing reforming trend with acts such as Genesis and The Police and looked forward to the comeback of Ike & Tina Turner. He welcomed deals such as the proposed deal between AEG and Ticketmaster and thanked Girl Groups and Boy Bands for being there as they have been the ones that opened up new target groups in the nineties. As for his overall description of the economic shape of the live music business he used just two words: “F…ing Great”. And almost marginally he mentioned the two ‘buzzphrases’ of the ILMC 2008, ‘The 360 Degrees business model’ and ‘The Secondary Ticketing Market’. Nevertheless, when his speech was coming to the end, he again dipped into the topic of the currently ongoing transition and conversion of the Live Music Business. In an encouraging conclusion he declared that the members of the live music industry should be well prepared for almost any amendments due to the nature of the live music business, which constantly reinvents itself. The talking shop with Carl Leighton-pope drew a lot attention like always (photo by James Looker) 14 VIP-BOOKING.COM VIP- News - M a r c h 2 0 0 8 Ticketing: ‘An Honest Admission’ This typically punning ILMC title saw one of the best-attended conference sessions. The ticketing debate has been growing for quite while at ILMC. But this year the room was packed. Chaired by Stuart Galbraith, who previously worked for Live Nation and has now set up his new company Kilimanjaro with the backing of AEG, this panel showed best what the ILMC conference is all about. A passionate discussion, revealing bits and pieces of information about subjects that some of the speakers normally do not like to talk about in the public. Of course, when it come to kick back commissions, how much it cost to sell a ticket or “The concept of Risk” almost no concrete information was given. Nevertheless this panel revealed a few issues that indicate the kind of changes this industry is currently undergoing. Quite a remarkable conclusion was made by Leon Ramakers of Live Nation Netherlands. He referred to the power of artists and that this power will become bigger in the future. Dave Chumbley of Primary Talent then wanted desperately to know what it costs to sell tickets, but unfortunately didn’t get this question answered, and then had the tables turned on him slightly when explaining Primary Talent’s ticketing proposals. Galbraith rhetorically asked about the lack of trust in ticket agents, adding that in the past agents complained Leon Ramakers - Live Nation about the lack of trust in promoters whilst in these days agents blame ticketing services for a lack of trust. But this panel reveals two interesting points: Secondary ticketing stepped up since the appearance of auctioning platform such as Ebay, it become obvious that as with the record industry the concert industry didn’t manage to keep pace with a new development brought about by the internet. They left this market to business types, who in the past had nothing to do with the music industry. Secondly the British concert industry is already in talks with their government, which is currently not the case in most other European concert markets. The Commons hearings involving industry representatives and official authorities about ticketing issues show the difficulties involved in the regulation of a business model. So far the UK Government has stepped back from legislation and have urged the industry to ‘put its own house in order’. Vito Iaia - Dave Chumbley and Stuart Gailbraith in panel discussion (photo by Stew Ruffles) 15 VIP-BOOKING.COM VIP- News - M a r c h 2 0 0 8 Short on Attendance, High in Importance Also quite typical for ILMC is that certain conference agenda topics unfortunately do not attract as many visitors as they deserve. ‘The Media Lounge: Indecent Exposure’ hosted by Emmanuel Legrand, Editor in Chief of Impact Magazine and ‘The Green Room: ‘Footprints and Footfalls’ chaired by Peter Tudor of Wembley Arena were not as well attended as they should have been. The omnipresent ticketing issue also appeared in the Media panel, elaborating on which media is selling tickets for what genre. An aspect that hadn’t been touched in the ticketing panel but will for sure pop up in the future. Legrand expressed his concerns that promoters often seems to be bypassed by the many different partners such as record companies, sponsors and media partners that are today involved in shows at a certain level. But as with the Conference history of the ticketing theme, the subjects of some of the panels that took place during the ILMC simply seem to take time to gain the awareness of the ILMC visitors. A conclusion that also could go for the panel ‘The Engine Room – A question of Responsibility’ chaired by Chrissy Uerlings of Peter Rieger Concert Agency, which focussed on production issues. Dick Molenaar (All Arts Tax Advisors) and Harald Grams (Grams & Partner) probably had to face the toughest competition over the entire weekend. Their panel ‘The Tax Office: Ringing up the changes’ took place on Sunday morning at the same time as Ed Bicknell interviewed industry legends Ron Delsener, Marcel Avram and Harvey Goldsmith as one of his now famous ‘The Breakfast Meeting’ sessions. New Boss The New Boss-Panel chaired by Juha Kyyrö (Fullsteam) and Jon McIldowie (Mama Group) was structured in three parts: ‘The Current State’, ‘How was it in the Old Days’ and ‘The Prospects for the Industry’. company people Nevertheless he quite honestly admitted that BMG for the last ten year “hardly made money” and that he has concerns about what is going on at EMI. Veteran US Agent Wayne Forte pointed out that 30 years ago there were many so called 360° deals. But probably one of the unexpected surprises of this panel was the appearance of Maarten Steinkamp of Sony BMG. The record company executive received a bit of flak as typical ILMC goers are not always the best friends of record Steinkamp also said that Sony-BMG do not intend to become another Live Nation type of company. The Company take on the live music business is rather that it is “another tool to communicate with the consumer”. He added that in the past record companies hired radio pluggers while today they are hiring live music promoters. Nevertheless Steinkamp had to defend the strategy of record companies regarding developing new acts when he was asked why record companies drop so many acts these days. He even earned some laughs when he claimed that SonyBMG is a company that from his point of view is “developing artists”. Another assumption of Steinkamp was that he believes that 80% of the tours operated by Live Nation are not profitable, while the remaining 20% “feed the rest”. Festival Forum At the Festival Forum on Saturday with Bojan Bošković (Exit Festival), Henrik Bondo Nielsen (Roskilde Festival) and Dan Panaitescu of Sziget Festival, some interesting topics turned up: There is the fact that costs of for production, maintenance and service and foremost the fees are increasing for so called ‘super gigs’ by high profile artists. Each festival seems to handle its budget situa- tion quite differently. Depending on the history of each event and its current situation, there seem to be a variety of appropriate solutions applicable according to the chairmen of this panel: 1) Close the gate, 2) Go to the sponsor, 3) Go to the government, 4) Argue with agents, 5) Increase the number of tickets, 6) Diminish the costs. In Denmark the number of local councils that put money into shows to lure popular acts to their towns causes some headaches for those festival promoters who do not receive subsidies. At Exit-Festival ticket prices can’t be increased due to the economic situation in South Eastern Europe. Exit Festival 16 VIP-BOOKING.COM VIP- News - M a r c h 2 0 0 8 Autopsy There were many more things going on at ILMC 20 but as ever it would become a never ending story to report on all the issues and subjects that appear during this conference. Probably one of the best bit of news is that Martin Hopewell, overall chairman and founder of the ILMC announced in the traditional “Autopsy” at the end of this year’s conference that there was the possibility to raise the number of registrations up from 950 to 1.000 delegates for ILMC 21 in 2009. furthermore added: “If a platform like the ILMC can’t change things, who else can?” This is probably something Hopewell didn’t necessarily want to hear or to take on, but it also underlines how important ILMC has become within just 20 years. ILMC 2008 is history, but it looks like that many opportunities and challenges which the inventor of this industry gathering probably never envisaged are waiting for Hopewell and the ILMC-Team. Another topic the ILMC delegates push a little higher on the agenda each year of this conference is the demand that ILMC should take a lead in more common live music industry matters. It was Peter Smidt from Buma Cultuur at the ‘Sunday Supplement’-Panel hosted by Allan McGowan who said that the ILMC “is a platform” instead of just only a conference. He Martin Hopewell Arthur Awards As part of the ILMC, the annual Arthur Awards were presented on March 8. The service sector award - ‘Services Above and Beyond’: Rock-It Cargo The winners were: The best tour award - ‘Least Painful Tour’: The Police The venue award - ‘First Venue to Come Into Your Head’: The 02, London The promoter award - ‘The Promoters’ Promoter’: Andre Bechir, Good News Productions, Switzerland The festival award - ‘Liggers Favourite Festival’: Rock Werchter, Belgium The booking agent award - ‘Second Least Offensive Agent’: Emma Banks, Creative Artist Agency, London The production award - ‘Plumber of The Year’: Andy Franks The young professional award - ‘Tomorrow’s New Boss’: Lucy Dickins, International Talent Booking, London The ILMC Bottle Award for outstanding contribution to live music: Michael Chugg, Chugg Entertainment, Australia The 02 17 VIP-BOOKING.COM VIP- News - M a r c h 2 0 0 8 First Timers Interviewed at ILMC 20 Manfred Tari Steven Thomassen, Toutpartout Agency - Belgium. VIP-News: What’s your impression of your first ILMC? Steven Thomassen: It is a social thing and it is all business. There are not really gigs going on. Everybody is talking about music but only in a business-way, especially when compared to other meetings like SXSW, Popkomm or Eurosonic which feature the whole live aspect. So for me ILMC is really business and maybe even more social. VIP-News: So you enjoyed the first night at the ILMC bar in the Royal Garden Hotel? Thomassen: It is a bar full of people who are all working in this industry with a lot of politics going on. You feel that some people like you and others don’t but we are all colleagues. It also depends on the alcohol how open everybody gets! I always do my own thing. I come from the ‘indie’ world and for me this feels more like a ‘major’ world. Also: the conference sessions I went to were all about the huge venues and the big acts, so everything is about big business. I know that there are some people here who are working with ‘indie’ or smaller bands, but I don’t have a big ‘indie’feeling here. VIP-News: Do you really think that there is a, let’s say, alternative world and a corporate world? Thomassen: Yes, absolutely. There is a big difference between these two worlds and sometimes they connect. I believe that at the moment there are a lot of interesting bands coming up and they are all from the ‘alternative’ scene. That’s an interesting tendency. All the tension in the music-business is good for music in the end because it stimulates the creativity. The lyrics are good and it is a good time to make music. A lot of new interesting bands coming up don’t reach a big audience immediately but they have a strong base and have time to grow. My mission in this business is to find interesting and good artists and help them find an audience for their music. Of course some of those bands are getting bigger and commercial, but that’s part of the business. VIP-News: Do you feel abused by alternative artists who come out of the alternative circle and then switch to the corporate business side? Thomassen: No, I don’t feel abused. A band, even a new band that has the ambition to go to a bigger company knows this from the start. And the people around them, their managers, their agents and their label know their business plan too. If these bands want to go too quickly, then they don´t fit in my roster. But that’s also part of the whole ‘alternative’ or ‘indie’-scene. We really are fans of our bands. Sometimes it could happen that one of these bands is getting bigger and that there are other players that are getting interested. In that case I have to trust in the loyalty of the band or the agent. A lot of times the band stay loyal because they feel that we really support them, but sometimes I lose a band. In that case I just have to let them go, I don´t have another choice. VIP-News: Did you meet new people at the ILMC? Thomassen: Not really, but I didn’t come here with the intention to meet new people or create new networks. I did meet a couple of people that I have worked with before but never saw personally. I met them and we had a drink together, so that’s what has happened. VIP-News: What do you think about the conference themes? Thomassen: I think they are good. My motto is: You can talk a lot but you need to work and I am a doer. I´m not a big talker, I try to use my instinct or my brain or even my subconscious and I just do what I need to do. Sometimes it is good to discuss some topics, but today they’re all having big discussions and tomorrow everybody is back in his own world again and little has changed. 18 VIP-BOOKING.COM VIP-News: Did you pick up any new ideas or inspiration that may help you in terms of developing your business? Thomassen: Yes, I just heard and saw what a big business board is doing which is interesting for me. For example: I know that there is a black market for tickets but I was not aware that the whole secondary ticketing they talk about here is such a big business. That’s something I would probably never encounter directly but it is interesting to know. I have my own theory about who are going to be ‘the new bosses’ in the business and what could be different. I can see things from different sides: I had a record store, I had a label, I worked for a distribution company, I worked for television and now I have an agency. You need to be creative to do what you need to do. The whole music industry and how music is getting to people has changed so you have to be creative and think and act differently. It is interesting for me to see the big players and observe how they try to handle things. I have been a promoter for years and that gives me a very wide perspective of what is going on and what the so-called problems are nowadays. But I don´t feel that there really is a problem because it all comes down to creativity. The really creative people will survive. VIP-News: Are you going to come back to the ILMC? Thomassen: Well, probably, we will see. Maybe I will go back to SXSW again next year. It depends on how busy I will be or if I will be on tour with a band. But never say never, it is not a bad experience. VIP- News - M a r c h 2 0 0 8 Christopher Brosch at ILMC Manfred Tari VIP-News: Please tell me something about the idea of Citadel Music in Berlin. Christopher Brosch: The name comes from the name of the venue, Zitadelle. It is a genuine, fifteenth century renaissance fortress, which has huge walls, built in the river Havel. The building creates a unique atmosphere for shows and events. The main stage is set up in the yard of this fortress. It is a seasonal event normally opened at the end of May and it continues to the end of August or end of September depending on what is on offer at the beginning of September. It is a permanent installation and it is open to all sorts of music. It might be Rage Against The Machine or it might be an opera performance by a touring Mozart opera. It is a festival that basically features music in the Citadel. That is context of the name and the concept. VIP-News: How are the venue and the trademark Citadel Music promoted? Brosch: 2008 is the fourth year if you count 2004 as the beginning although that year there was only one show with Ritchie Blackmore. That is where it all started and it has grown since then. The festival featured 10 shows in 2006 and about 28 shows last summer. In 2006 we also had a public viewing for the world soccer tournament – which is not exactly part of the music, but with all these shows, we had well over 100.000 visitors on the site. The idea is basically to establish an event, which is known as a regular, seasonal event in Germany’s capital. That adds to the vibe that is presently connected to the image of Berlin, being a trendy, considerably ‘in’ type of city. The trend spot-o-meter lists Shanghai, Dubai and close behind Berlin doesn’t it? Besides that we have the great advantage that we can play every day of the week – so it makes a perfect stopover for the festival traffic that usually just has destinations with weekends on its itinerary. good for the Chemical Brothers isn’t necessarily good for say John Fogerty. But the majority of our shows are presented by Radio 1 – also a public station and to my opinion one of the rare radio stations in Germany that has a profile beyond the usual ‘chart orientated’ radios. VIP-News: Who is behind Citadel Music? Brosch: The Citadel Music Festival is run by one of the biggest local promoting companies in Berlin. They have the exclusive use of the site for the season, invented a completely new infrastructure and developed a scenario that intends to create a branding name for the event which separates it from all the politics around the everyday business. CMF has its own sponsorship deals, media sponsorship arrangements and we have created its own corporate identity – a new trademark, logo and its own promotion scheme. VIP-News: Tell us something about the promotion scheme? What ideas do you have in mind to expand the awareness of the brand? Brosch: There is special advertising and there is special leafleting featuring these shows. We have developed a type of colour code and a new logo for the event so that it is recognizable in each publication that is made for the Citadel music festival. We have media sponsorship deals with ‘Zitty’, which is one of the two big city magazines in Berlin. The Tagesspiegel, which is a daily newspaper, and RBB TV, which is a local TV channel run by public TV. We have to make individual arrangements with radio stations, as radio that’s There are CMF leaflets and adverts that are specially designed in the CMF colour code, and we try to make more use of the site so that it is a unique experience for the visitors, and there are so many more things that we can do in there – we could actually have Open Air cinema performances, we will have more public viewing for the European soccer tournament this summer, and one can create events, that use more of the vast amount of cellars, catacombs and haunted spaces that are part of such an old building. VIP-News: Tell us something more about the venue itself. Brosch: When inside this environment takes you into a different world in a way. The old fortress has a very huge yard inside with a very professional lighting and sound system set up. The yard will hold 10000 people but 3000 people will make it look comfortable because of the setting with are trees, buildings, towers – its just nicer than an empty field that would hold this capacity, as there you’d feel lost if only a third of the area is filled. We can also turn it into a completely seated area. And then, there are the so-called bastions on each corner, which we need to turn into special event areas – we haven’t yet developed the full potential of the venue. We will try an electronic festival this summer, featur- The Citadel Music Festival 19 VIP-BOOKING.COM VIP- News - M a r c h 2 0 0 8 ing DJ’s and live acts for an all night event, when we will use the catacombs for the first time. Also, one should keep in mind, the site is permanently used by local artists who have their workshops and studios within the buildings, there is a museum and galleries – we are particularly proud that, for example, we will have a great exhibition by R.Giger, this summer. It is very multi-cultural. VIP-News: What is on the agenda for the festival in 2008? »We will be creating some events, that have a bigger scheme than just one headliner-events« - Christopher Brosch Brosch: The opening show this summer is Mary J Blige – there will be performances by Jethro Tull, Chemical Brothers, Rage Against The Machine, Neville Brothers, Juanes, John Fogerty, Chicago, Roger Hodgson, Ich und Ich, Loreena Mc’Kennit – and as mentioned, we will be creating some events, that have a bigger scheme than “just one headliner-events”. that you have a steady community around this thing. VIP-News: And what about the security issue? Brosch: Some people have brought this up. The Citadel has just one main entrance – that’s the nature of a fortress, isn’t it? Rightly people have asked what are you going to do in case of an emergency? I have had an on-site meeting in this respect – and before official documentation and paperwork is available – emergency plans are not based on this entrance. We can have people leaving there, but the venue should be evacuated by using the four bastions as evacuation points. If there is a problem in the main yard, people will be evacuated to these bastions, which are all outside of the building-ring that makes the inner yard. One can easily assemble even more people on these bastions – and keep in mind, the venue is not only used for the CMF. There are huge activities over Easter and around Christmas that would draw many more people on site than our capacity. However, we are liasing with the local authorities to provide these security regulations for anyone who is interested in looking at them. Presentations at the ILMC last weekend have been a good inspiration to take things forward to provide a near - perfect site, event and experience. Contacts: CMF, Thomas Spindler, Johanna Ohrt Gleditschstr. 79, 10823 Berlin Tel.: +49 (0) 30 7809980 Booking Consultant: Brosch-Tours, Christopher Brosch Horstweg 6, 14059 Berlin Tel.: +49 (0) 30 75634216 Email: VIP-News: When I look at it, it reminds me a bit of the Stadtpark settings in Hamburg operated by Karsten Jahnke. Would you say this is a fair description? Brosch: Absolutely. The Stadtpark is slightly smaller, but I think the idea is quite similar: having a show outdoor in a cosy atmosphere surrounded by trees. Ok, we are not exactly surrounded by trees, but by massive walls, towers and last but not least, by water, but it is a very similar concept. VIP-News: Do you have any particular plans in terms of the quality of catering and hospitality service for consumers? Brosch: I can only say yes. We are improving on all sectors – it doesn’t make sense to spend money on a great illumination and save money by just serving bratwursts to the punters. The whole idea is to turn this site into a space where you would like to spend some time, not just when there are the big shows. That’s where all these ideas about outdoor bars, movie screenings etc come in place. You need to adapt a certain standard if you intend to achieve Mary J. Blige 20 VIP-BOOKING.COM VIP- News - M a r c h 2 0 0 8 Wayne Forte (Entourage Talent – New York) at ILMC Manfred Tari VIP-News: What are your impressions of ILMC 2008? Wayne Forte: Still as good as it was in the beginning. A good place to meet people that you have done some business with but you don´t know personally, and an opportunity to have discussions on a more personal level. Also the chance to meet people you haven’t met before and talk to them about business and personal life if you want to. I have gone to several sessions. They are good and informative. Many of the people have been in the business for a long while, but also I would say that this is a good experience especially for people that are new in the business. I’ve been coming here for 17, 18 or even 20 years and I find it always a good experience and always a good opportunity to actually sit down and have some good and creative business discussions. Although it is getting a lot larger it is still an intimate sort of environment. You have the opportunity to have dinner with a number of people or have a lunch meeting or coffee and exchange ideas. VIP-News: Do you also go to other conventions? Forte: I go to few other conventions, CIC in Los Angeles, the Pollstar event in New York, Music Week in Canada and SXSW. They all have a little bit of a different personality if you like. They have different environments. The reason to go each of them is that there are different people. The CIC in Los Angeles is quite big and it is hard to see all the people you want to see. There are three or four times as many people than here, so I find this a bit more intimate, a bit more personal. »You can find communality with people that you didn’t know before or with people that you knew before but you hadn’t realized that you have similar views« - Wayne Forte When you look at the deals that you have done at a convention many more things get completed later. So it is about the relationships that you build, it is a good exchange of ideas and an exchange of interest. You can find communality with people that you didn’t know before or with people that you knew before but you hadn’t realized that you have similar views because you only have contact on the telephone or email. The business has become very much electronic. On the phone you don´t have the opportunity to talk for half an hour about something when you are busy. Here you sit and have a drink or sit in the lobby or sit at lunch or at dinner. Here you have more of an opportunity to get to know people. VIP-News: Do you consider ILMC as rather more of a European event or as a global event? As you mentioned you went to SXSW, Canadian Music Week, CIC and so on so forth. These are obviously North American conventions. What is your point of view on ILMC as an American when you come here? Forte: ILMC is definitely more a European event for me. You don´t come here to see and to talk to people from North America. Of course I see them and have discussions with them but that’s not the point of coming here. I come here to see the Europeans and the South Americans, which come here, too. But I see them all at CIC, too. It seems to me that in the past more people from Australia and New Zealand came here. But Wayne Forte 21 VIP-BOOKING.COM VIP- News - M a r c h 2 0 0 8 it is international. It is probably more international than some of the others conventions I mentioned. But at the same time it is heavily weighted with Europeans and people from the UK. But it is good for business. sonally and I’m quite happy to deal with them. They do a good job. VIP-News: Is there a difference between European and North American conventions? Forte: Well it has become much bigger. When I came here originally it was much, much smaller. So it got much bigger which can be negative in a little bit of a way because some of those people we talked about don´t come because it is just too many people. But at the same time it is good because this means new people, new territories coming and peoples from countries you haven’t done business with yet. This means new businesses, new organisations and young people coming into the business. So it has grown and hopefully some of those people will make the contacts we have discussed. It has remained personalized. I still have the feeling that it is personalized and that it is not run as a corporate event. Forte: I find the North American are more business orientated, this one seems to be a bit more personal. VIP-News: I spoke to a ‘newbie’ at ILMC and one of his impressions was that at ILMC you really could feel the difference between the top range agencies or entrepreneurs and the medium sized companies. Is that also something you would agree with? »You just have to meet people. That’s the point« - Wayne Forte Forte: Yeah, it does but it varies. Sometimes somebody new comes and doesn’t know everybody. There are lots of people that aren’t here and that are missing at the top end or maybe in the middle or even at the top top end. Maybe they don´t come or they come for a day or an afternoon when they have business do be done here. You know it is hard to be here all the time. There is a conference in New York and it is hard for me to be there for two or three days all day long because I have to do work in the office. That’s the difference when I come over here. I phone at night or do emails. So I’m around all day and do business. Definitely there are people missing but even so there are other people you do business with. You just have to meet people. That’s the point. You have to meet people that you don´t know and you didn’t think to meet. I met two or three promoters over here with whom I do business on a regular basis that I never knew per- VIP-News: What do you think has changed at ILMC, what is your personal experience? VIP-News: What is your advice for the newbie at ILMC to get the most out of ILMC? Forte: To bring a lot of business cards and to meet people. They have to say hello and give them a card, even if they don´t have time to talk to you. Just introduce yourself, say who you are and give them a card. Just introduce yourself. This time around I had a dozen people who introduced themselves to me to who I actually had spoken on the phone. I had no idea who they were and you can’t read the badges. So the people came to me to say hello, that is fantastic. I don´t know these people now, but I have met them at least, I will do business with two of them. You just have to introduce yourself. VIP-News: So there is no question hat you will be at ILMC 2009? Forte: If there are no reasons why I can´t be I plan to be here, yes. 22 VIP-BOOKING.COM artist avails ›› Kylie Minouge Territory: Europe Period: June - July 2008 Agency: Primary Talent International Agent: Dave Chumbley E-mail: Homepage: The Black Seeds Territory: GAS Period: June / July / August Agency: Brand Booking GmbH Agent: Martin Agosti Phone: +49 30 695976 12 E-mail: Homepage: Travis Territory: Europe Period: June - August 2008 Agency: Helter Skelter Agent: Peter Nash Phone: +44 207 376 8501 E-mail: Tinariwen Territory: Scandinavia & Eastern Europe Period: June Agency: SASA Music Agent: David Flower E-mail: Homepage: John Watts Territory: Period: Agency: Agent: Phone: E-mail: Homepage: Europe October/November Paperclip Agency Hilde Spille +31 24 323 9322 Ace Of Base Territory: Period: Agency: Agent: Phone: E-mail: Homepage: Eastern Europe, CIS, Asia and Africa 2008 UrbaniaGroup Orlando John +46 860 90015 More Artist avails on: Post your Artist avails on: VIP- News VIPNews - A u-g M u s ta2r0c0h 5 2008 notice board ›› Speak out - participate the debate. and The redesigned VIP-News Reader’s-page is open for letterswhich and contributions from readers. Another new service in in the improved VIP-News is the Notice-board, is available for all readers. Consider the VIP-News Reader’s-page, as your “speaker’s corner” towards professionals in the entertainment industry all Reader’s messages will be posted on the Notice-board as a free service, passing on announcements, job postings, buyover Europe. The purpose of the Reader’s-page is to encourage more and to allow our readers to voice their ing and selling notices, inquiries or alike. Announcements should be interaction emailed to opinions about the many aspects of our industry. Contributions should be emailed to Vampire Weekend, Pete & The Pirates, Saul Williams and many more announced to perform at this year’s Great Escape... Bringing the best new music from across the world to Brighton on: 15th, 16th and 17th May 2008. The countdown to the 2008 Great Escape Festival has started. With just 11 weeks to go, the cream of new music from the UK and around the world, is being added to an already mouth-watering line-up. The latest batch of confirmed bands are: Vampire Weekend, Pete And The Pirates, Saul Williams, Bombay Bicycle Club, Cage The Elephant, Jay Jay Pistolet, The Black Angels, Kelly Stoltz, Thomas Tantrum, Satin Peaches, Yelps, The Whip, Lovvers, Jeremy Warmsley, Hatcham Social, The Pack A.D. We Are Wolves, Soko, 4 or 5 Magicians, Royworld, The Boat People, The Boxer Rebellion, The Bad Robots, The Dykeenies, XX Teens, Operator Please, Ox.Eagle.Lion. Man, Johnny Flynn, LadyHawk, Cut Off Your Hands, Elle S’appelle, We Smoke Fags and Lucero. Already confirmed are: Young Knives, Joe Lean and the Jing Jang Jong, Yeasayer, Black Mountain, No Age, Tunng, Lightspeed Champion, Wild Beasts, Fujiya & Miyagi, Peter Von Poehl and School Of Language. The Wombats, The Hold Steady, The Subways, Black Lips, White Lies, Monobright, Iron and Wine, Public Service Announcers, Born Ruffians, Broken Mirrors, Ipso Facto, Beat Union, Mother Mother, This City, One Night Only, Teenagers, Crystal Castles, Canterbury, Johnny Foreigner, Ida Maria, Team Waterpolo, Ebony Bones, The Black Angels, Volcanoless In Canada, Wintersleep, Plants And Animals, Torngat and Kreif’s Broken Mirrors. The Great Escape is a rapidly growing festival with an increased capacity of 6,500 tickets for sale. An increase of 1,500 on last years sold out event. Industry and media professionals travel from all over the world to attend The Great Escape boosting the numbers by a further 2,000 people. Many more bands are still to be announced and an extra 5 venues have now been added bringing the total number up to 30. The Great Escape has a unique texting service providing the latest announcements to all festival goers, including festival updates, impromptu street shows, outdoor events and last minute line up changes. This service was a great success VIP-Booking ApS cannot be held responsible for loss or damages incurred as a result of transactions with individuals or companies through the notice board. We recommend all to make the necessary enquiries before entering into any agreements. VIP-Booking ApS may not, for reason of space, be able to post all announcements received. Announcements should be emailed to, including name and email address. Please shorten your message to the extent possible, to make room for as many notices as possible. 23 VIP-BOOKING.COM last year and plans for the 2008 service are even bigger and better. The Early bird ticket offer will expire on 7th March so festival goers should book now whilst they are still available. Early Bird Festival Tickets are £35 (plus booking fee) through, the ticket line 0870 907 0999 and through cash box offices Rounder, Resident and The Dome box office (Brighton) and Stargreen (Oxford Circus). “Red Stripe is proud to support this tremendous event and confirms our commitment to supporting good honest music” For further information contact: Jayne Houghton (, for National press enquiries contact: Fiona Clarke (078 5555 1876), or for Regional Press contact: Jack Thunder ( VIP- News - M a r c h 2 0 0 8 Member presentation ›› In In this this section section we we offer offer members members of of some some space space to to present present their their company company to to VIP-News VIP-News readers. readers. If you would also like to present your company please contact Peter Briggs at If you would also like to present your company please contact Peter Briggs at Big Star Promotion Ltd. Nick (Loris) Loridas established DIDI Music in 1984 as a record label. In 1987, with the cooperation of NANA TRANDOU, Big Star Promotion was created as a department of DIDI Music, specializing in concert promotion. Gradually, the record release department of the company has been surpassed by the growing agency sector. DIDI MUSIC / BIG STAR PROMOTION has made the breakthrough in the local market, organising events and hosting artists of international importance. The company is also the exclusive booking agent for two of our nation’s best selling pop/rock bands arranging for both bands to tour abroad, something that local groups rarely have a chance to do. Since 1997, we successfully organise the ROCKWAVE Festival attracting thousands of people, featuring great acts and a plethora of other activities. Our festival has always been devoted to promoting social awareness, having stands on site giving out brochures and information leaflets concerning AIDS and the HIV virus, Greenpeace and Amnesty International. ROCKWAVE Festival, no doubt, contributed in the last few years to change our country’s image, making it an equal member of the global music entertainment scene. BIG STAR PROMOTION is a member of YOUROPE, the most important union of European festival promoters. Ms Nana Trandou, our managing director, has been elected in the Board of Directors of YOUROPE, as well as, leader of the workgroup on the Performance Royalties Society (PRS). We are also represented in ILMC, the International Live Music Conference. DIDI MUSIC is established in the Greek market as the provider of high quality services that guarantee safety and top the most demanding performing requirements, through our efforts, commitment and high investments in exclusive technical and stage equipment. We are currently developing our company image to strengthen our identity as the leading service providers in Greece for organising outdoor and indoor events. Meanwhile, we have expanded in the ticket distribution market through TICKET HOUSE, a national network of ticket outlets with growing dynamics. About Our Company VIP-Booking’s core product is the Internet’s oldest and largest database for the European Live Entertainment Industry developed as a tool for industry professionals. Since it’s launch in the year 2000, we have consistently offered our subscribers the very best in database services and now boast subscribers in over 30 countries. Today VIP-Booking offers a range of tools for the industry – including VIP-News, VIP-Booking, VIP-Book and VIP-Contract. Please visit for further information. Your comments and suggestions are always appreciated. ® VIP-BOOKING.COM VIP-BOOKING.COM | 26 York Street | UK - London W1U 6pZ | Phone +44 870 755 0092 | Fax +44 870 622 1953 | e-mail: 24 VIP-BOOKING.COM