You won`t want to miss - Western Chester County Chamber of
You won`t want to miss - Western Chester County Chamber of
Golf Outing at Applecross Country Club WCCCC held a very successful golf outing at Applecross and the weather was perfect! WesternView May / June 2014 Build a better business with us. The outing raised money for the Chamber and also for our Scholarship fund. New this year, we supported the non-profit Girls Golf Revolution which raises awareness for junior girls golf. Two young golfers, Libby and Kate, hit the course and impressed our golfers with their swings. Here’s hoping lots of business deals were closed on the course! RSVP You won’t want to miss the 2014 Western Chester County Transportation Summit Friday May 9th Table Sponsors (Seats 8) 7:30am to 10:30am $200 Buffet Breakfast Included Pre-Event Marketing Banner at the Event Panelist at Your Table Sponsor Recognition Wagontown Banquet Hall Individual Attendee $20 412 West Kings Highway Wagontown, PA Contact Donna to RSVP Schedule of Events 7:30am Registration & Buffet Breakfast 8:15am Introductions & Welcome Tim Phelps, Executive Director, TMACC 8:30am Panelist Remarks Rich Bickel, Director of Planning, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission First Place Winners Ronald Bailey, Executive Director, Chester County Planning Commission Left to right: Todd Darlington Kevin Morgan Jeff Simon Bill Gudel Tim Stevenson, Design Portfolio Manager, PennDOT District-6 Liz Smith, Manager of Long Range Planning, SEPTA Gary Smith, President and CEO, Chester County Economic Development Council 9:45am Q&A Session with Panelists 10:15am Closing Remarks Tim Phelps, Executive Director, TMACC Thank You to our Panelists Second Place Winners Left to right: Pat McColough Greg Cary Jihad Nicolas More on the Golf Outing see page 2 Our Mission: Connecting our members to new ideas, resources, and relationships to achieve their goals. Our Vision: A thriving region that is well connected, innovative & accessible for community & business growth. 2 Welcome New Members Renewing Members Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites West Chester American Roll Suppliers, Inc. Envera Steven Cakmak 1310 Wilmington Pike West Chester, PA 19382 610-399-4600 Lodging Karen Neuhauser Atglen Borough Fairways Apartments & Townhomes Caren Andrews Jason Miller Physical Therapy Workshop Borough of South Coatesville Fantanarosa Insurance John Spangenberg Mary Arrowood Stephanie Smith-Dowridge Pope John Paul II Elementary School JetSetPilot Brandywine Hospital Freedom Village at Brandywine Brian Podvia 210 Barefield Lane Conshohocken, PA 19428 212-272-3221 Travel & Tourism: Agencies and Information Centers Patti Jackson-Gehris Gina MacDonald Breuninger Insurance Graber Supply, LLC Chip Breuninger Reuben Graber Matt Bedwell Cathy Johnson/Keller Williams Habitat for Humanity Roehrs, Stanton, Willimann & Associates Cathy Johnson Holiday Inn Express Exton Elaine LaRosa Stonebridge Bank Chester County Airport Authority Gary Hudson Jerry Bellistri Evan Witmer 605 Willowbrook Lane West Chester, PA 19382 610-235-1518 Banks, Credit Unions, Financial Services Michael Matheny Chester County Fire Chief Association Ray Stackhouse Coatesville Country Club Helmut Leuck Holiday Inn Morgantown Honey Brook Pharmacy Tony Scalies Image Ink Norman Wallace Mark Davis Economy Self Storage Lancaster General Health Center Cavallo Auto Body Lunch Sponsor Noel Barnard Keller Williams Real Estate Provident Homes Corporation Geoffrey Roehrs RS Machine & Tool Inc. Robert Silvernail SendOutCards, LLC Allen Kyle Signal 88 Security of Octorara The Lukens Band Mike Givler Anita O’Meara Larry Constable Milanese Remodeling, Inc. Pacer Industries, Inc. Joseph Moran Paisley Accounting & Computer Solutions Paula Paisley The Tree Doctors Mike Martorana The UPS Store Parkesburg Richard Jenkins Transfers of Learning, LLC Tasha Delaney West Brandywine Township Linda Formica Paulsonbilt Pamela Barranco Diamond Sponsors Maria Samson The O’Meara Law Firm L.C. Autobody Mark Milanese Thanks to Our Golf Outing Sponsors Presenting Sponsor Laura Vattilana Pete Mango Janet Petsko Kipper Consulting Co. Compnet Eileen Rowan Charles L. Huston IV Payroll & Accounting 4 You, Inc. Zakback Inc. Bruce Korn More Golf Outing Winners Left to right: Sue Boyce — Closest to the pin CJ Farish — Longest Drive Patty Lawrence — Longest Drive Snack Sponsor John Rock, Inc. Hole in One Sponsor Brian Hoskins Ford Western View is a publication of the Western Chester County Chamber of Commerce Thanks also to our Tee Sign and Auction Sponsors for helping to make our Golf Outing a huge success! Design: GK Productions, Inc. Printing: Thorndale Press, Inc. 50 South First Avenue Coatesville, PA 19320 610-384-9550 © 2014 Western Chester County Chamber of Commerce All Rights Reserved. Western View May / June 2014 The Latest News from Western Chester County Municipal News Thank you to Greg Vietri Electric for hosting our 2014 Municipal Update Luncheon. Commissioner Ryan Costello welcomed everyone and spoke about the Chester County funded Strategic Plan. This plan is being developed based on trends across Chester County. We are looking ahead to make sure the jobs of tomorrow stay here in the County and that we strengthen our infrastructure and workforce to keep our competitive advantages. The plan will recognize and enhance the Chester County Airport, which is the third busiest regional airport in the Commonwealth. West Sadsbury Township East Brandywine Township Elverson Borough • Frank Haas announced that Victory Brewing Company is brewing in their new West Sadsbury Township location They will be constructing a full service brew pub and beer garden • W. Sadsbury is working with Sadsbury Twp and PAWC for sewage plans for the Route 10 and Route 30 area for future growth • KC Trost (Trost Insurance) spoke about Elverson’s Comprehensive plan’s public meetings for input • Elverson’s Farm Market is held on Saturdays from 9am-1pm • Elverson Day will be June 21st • The borough is looking businesses to open and locate in Elverson South Coatesville • Terry Bruno updated us on the Chester County Public Safety Training Facility’s almost completed tactical village and securing funds for the future construction of the indoor shooting range • Million dollar CRP grant application for Birch Street sewer, water, sidewalk curbing and traffic device submitted • Brandywine Conservancy secured a grant for $2,500 on behalf of the borough for a historical trail marker kiosk Parkesburg Borough • Jim Thomas announced four new businesses in town: Zole’s Gift Shop & Art Classes; Bread’s BBQ and Soul Food; Nomadic Pies; One Love, Jamaican Restaurant • Train Station is expecting upgrades in mid-July • West Bridge Street Bridge removal and replacement is in the final design Valley Township • Patrice Proctor announced they have recycled 751 tons in 2013 and recommends the single stream large dumpster • Valley has a prescription medicine recycle box open at the township building M-F 7:30am - 4:30pm and continues to collect small electronics. Please note we cannot take the CRT-style televisions • Several housing developments, Valley View, Hillview, Highland and Creekside • Valley will be hiring a manager and a part-time property maintenance inspector • Construction will be starting on the new township building • Scott Piersol met with Sunoco about the new proposed pipeline designed to transport liquid gas product • Scott discussed the issues surrounding micro cell towers • Township Ordinance Task Force continues to work on the second phase of their Master Development Strategy for the Village of Guthriesville Sadsbury Township • Stephanie Silvernail announced the Village enhancement project will start this year and include traffic calming measures and streetscapes • Lancaster General Health opened their new health center in 2013 • The Comprehensive Plan is in the process of adoption by the Township • The Township Park & Recreation Plan is now being updated and Bert Reel Park is booked for the season for Little League • CVS has submitted a subdivision plan for the northeast corner of Rts. 10 & 30 Caln Township • Greg Prowant explained the LERTA tax incentives in Thorndale; LERTA projects are a new Popeye’s , and expansions for Del Toyota, KIA • New zoning overlay which provides more flexibility for properties on Lincoln Hwy • Streetscape improvements of new sidewalks, streetlights with banners • A new 87,000 sq ft office building is proposed on Route 282 Honey Brook Township • Kristy Deischer-Eddy explained the Township is celebrating their 225th Anniversary in 2014; kickoff celebration on August 9th at noon • ½ % of the 1.5% Earned Income Tax collected is for land preservation; a Land Preservation Committee meets every other month on the odd months • They have a newly-revamped website: • Good Foods hosts the Chester County Mobile Food Bank the last Wednesday of each month 12-6pm West Caln Township • Layton Park opened its second baseball field and will hold yard sales in May & July, baseball tournaments, 5K run • New website • Birch Run walking trail soon to be connected to Hibernia Park • Growth in the Township through Small subdivisions Coatesville • Ed Simpson reinforced the train station project which has $20-25 million committed by PennDot • Redevelopment Authority has issued RFP’s for the flats area (Route 82 and Route 30 intersection) • Third Avenue Streetscapes are progressing and a parking lot is planned Modena • Ted Reed announced they received a grant to relocate their sewer meter which was being flooded out • The street lighting is getting replaced with LED lights and this contract was awarded to Greg Vietri • The community has 535 residents and a new house under construction for the first time in more than ten years Western Chester County Council of Governments • Terry Bruno reported that the COG has attained its non-profit status including formation of by-laws and ordinance • Committee work has encouraged equipment sharing, grant writing and begun creation of a Regional Safety Command Center for the COG Business in the News C. Kenneth Grant Inc. Earns Recognition Future Focus Study Factoid C. Kenneth Grant Inc., an independent insurance agency located in Coatesville, Pennsylvania, has been awarded Inner Circle honors for 2013 by Mutual Benefit Group, a multiline property and casualty insurance company based in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania. C. Kenneth Grant Inc. serves the Pennsylvania areas of Central and Western Chester County as well as Eastern Lancaster County. Did you know? This is the second year that C. Kenneth Grant Inc. has qualified for the award, an honor that Mutual Benefit presents annually to acknowledge outstanding agent performance, recognizing those who have established a consistent record of profitable growth along with superior customer satisfaction. Western Chester County saw an increase in population of 22.4% from 2000 to 2010. The age group 45-64 increased by more than 7,000 people during this time, which represents more than 50% of the study region’s population increase. Estimates for 2010 demonstrate that 63.8% of adults 25 years of age and older have some college education. More than a quarter have a college or post college degree and the percentage of households earning $100,000 or more increased from 12.8% to 26.1%. Mutual Benefit Group markets its insurance coverage through a network of more than 250 independent agents in Pennsylvania and Maryland. Future Focus Study Factoids can be downloaded at: Members Doing Business With Members Matthew Weiss and Jonathan Wright This month’s “Members Doing Business With Members” involves two of Western Chester County Chamber’s Young Professionals – Matthew Weiss of Hyland Graphic Design & Advertising and Jonathan Wright of The Wright Agency. Not only have these two chamber members done business together in recent years and in 2014 but they have been interacting with one another in Chester County for almost 20 years! First meeting in high school, Matthew and Jonathan have remained friends since 10th grade at Downingtown High School. Fast forward to present day and you have a relationship that is mutually beneficial for both businesses. Hyland Graphic Design & Advertising was able to design and print new marketing materials for The Wright Agency and is also currently working on a large format banner for them as well. Keep an eye out for this new banner at an upcoming chamber event. On the flip side, The Wright Agency is working with Hyland Graphic Design & Advertising to ensure their business insurance is perfectly matched to their needs as a rapidly growing small business. The consultation from Jonathan to Matthew about business insurance needs will not only help Hyland Graphics now – but make them scalable for years to come. These two members are not only long time friends and active chamber members but they are also practicing what they preach by utilizing one another’s services and keeping the business local – right here in Western Chester County. Contact Matthew Weiss & Jonathan Wright for a free quote on their respective services today! Matthew Weiss Jonathan Wright Your Business Will Hit A Homerun! We want to tell you about our exciting opportunity for sponsoring the Western Chester County Chamber Night at the Reading Fightin’ Phils July 17th, 7:05 pm with Fireworks Fireworks after the Game This is an event you MUST p put on your schedule right g now! All Chamber members will be given 10 tickets to the game It is our way of thanking you for all your support throughout the year. WCCCC has purchased 5,000 tickets to fill the stadium with members, friends and family. Sounds like a great event, doesn’t it? Think of the opportunity to have your business name attached to this event . . . Your Logo on all 5000 Tickets! Limited time offer…until May 30th • $500 Sponsorship gets your logo on all 5,000 tickets • $250 Sponsorship gets your name listed on all 5000 tickets Add your name to these Early bird sponsors: 2014 Platinum Sponsors Thorndale Press The Wright Agency Penn Rise Benefits Fulton Bank Matt Gorham, Realtor First Niagara Bank French Creek Golf Club Knies Insurance Group The O’Meara Law Firm Trost Insurance (Farmers) Signal 88 Security of Octorara Western Chester County Chamber Night at the Reading Fightin’ g Phils with after the Game! Realtor,©ABR, ASR Business Gifts, Inc. Thousands of Items with Your Custom Imprint Greg Krajewski R E A L E S T A T E 610.857.5506 Call for your Free Catalog or Visit "Service with a Smile and Dedication" Jones J-S Sparr All Things Plumbing 610.500.4373 5 A Committee with an Open-Door Policy Focuses on the Future By Judith Lee W brings 15-20 business What oowners, municipal officials, and nnon-profit leaders together at 88:00 am the first Wednesday of every month? ev C Caln Township Manager Greg Prowant might tell you it’s the P free coffee, but he’s kidding. fr This early-rising group is the T Greg Prowant Regional Planning Initiative Committee of the Western Chester County Chamber of Commerce. “The Regional Planning Initiative Committee was created seven years ago. It is open to all Chamber members and to local and regional officials to come out and discuss planning issues and topics of regional concern,” explained Prowant, who has chaired the Committee since the beginning. The Committee has been treated to guest speakers with varied expertise in, and influence on, the region’s roadways, real estate development, public transportation, and urban planning. Speakers have included representatives from Chester County Planning Commission, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, and Chester County Airport. regional cooperation and coordination and marketing of the area to attract new businesses and visitors. Seven municipalities, regional groups and organizations were involved with the study. Follow-up achievements of the study include establishing a Regional Council of Governments, summits and events related to area business districts, support for important transportation projects and establishment of a regional website regarding economic development and an interactive land development site map. The Committee currently is discussing ways to market the region, and has established a task force to brand Western Chester County as a desirable destination for tourists, new residents and corporations. The Committee is also considering a proposed transportation study for the Route 30 Corridor. Prowant invites every WCCCC member to come check out the Committee (and the coffee): “Chamber members and local officials are welcome to join and participate in monthly discussions about how we can plan for a better tomorrow in our region.” “When you attend these meetings, you are meeting the movers and shakers in Western Chester County,” said Committee and WCCCC member Tony Buck. “You are ‘out in front’ – you get to hear what’s being considered, and get to understand the important initiatives.” The Committee is involved with the Annual Municipal Luncheon and hosts or participates in periodic summits on transportation and the local economy. “This Committee connects all the elements needed to unify various entities for something of greater value to everyone,” said Committee member and WCCCC Board Member Bob Holliday. A great example is the Committee’s greatest accomplishment to date: completion of a Regional Economic Study for the Coatesville School District Area known as the Western Chester County Future Focus Study. The study was completed in 2011 and included recommendations on attracting new business, reinforcing local heritage, supporting transportation improvements, Western View Learn more at or call (610) 857-6616. 950 S. Octorara Trail | Parkesburg Choose well. Be well. ® M.CynthiaQuinn C ERTIFIED P UBLIC A CCOUNTANT 7 RED OAK DRIVE COATESVILLE, PA 19320 TEL (610) 380-1040 FAX (610) 384-6886 May / June 2014 6 Storm Preparedness for Business By Nina Malone, Arbonne Sure, there was excessive shoveling and tree disposal and hassles galore at home this past winter, but how about at your business? The polar vortex may be a memory right now, but named hurricanes will crop us this summer. Here’s how to make sure your business is ready for what Mother Nature has to offer: • • • • • Plan early: That means now, before a storm is in sight. Protect property • Invest in wood or shutters to have on hand to protect windows and doors • Back-up important documents such as insurance policies, contracts, tax returns, etc. • Make sure your computer back-up service is current; business-critical information should be backed-up daily. Get a check-up and do some maintenance: • Have the roof inspected • Make sure your gutters/drainage are free of debris year-round • Bring in a tree expert to evaluate and/or prune as needed Have on hand: • Batteries – lots of them in all sizes, including cell phone battery packs • Flashlights • Battery-operated radio • Food and water for you and your employees (three days’ worth is recommended) • Blankets, pillows and towels • First-aid kits • Basic toolkit • Cash • Electric generator Right before the storm hits: • Gas up vehicles • Secure gas for the electric generator • Barricade windows and doors • When the h storm iis iimminent: i • Relocate valuables, including important electronics; or, move them to a higher location and strap them in for safety. • Secure, raise or relocate appliances that sit on the floor • If practical, turn off utilities just prior to landfall More extensive tips plus other valuable information for businesses and individuals are available at, http://www.chesco. org/index.aspx?NID=348 and readypa/21271 Get local alerts by subscribing to ReadyNotifyPA at Pope John Paul II Regional Catholic Elementary School: EITC Informational meeting for business owners May 13, 7 pm — Octorara Area High School: Octorara Agriculture, Business, Environmental Science & Technology Expo May 31 — Strawberry Festival May 29 – June 1 — Habitat for Humanity Golf Outing June 16 — Flags make great Holiday gifts! Western View May / June 2014 7 Mobile Website vs. Mobile App By Judith Lee Mobile is the number one trend to watch in Social Marketing this year. A common question I hear is, “What’s the difference between a mobile website and a mobile app?” A mobile website is a website that is enabled to appear on a smartphone, iPad or tablet screen. A website built for viewing on a computer screen often will be too slow to load and difficult to navigate when viewed on a mobile device. A mobile website is scaled for the smaller screen and will load quickly. An example is the Western Chester County Chamber of Commerce mobile-responsive website, which you can view from your smartphone. If your website does not automatically scale to mobile when opened on a mobile device, you very much should talk to your web designer about creating a mobile website. A mobile app is designed specifically for mobile devices. It gets downloaded to the device, and stays there, so the user doesn’t have to search for it again. A mobile app will contain the information that your clients or customers need, and make it easy for them to contact you through the mobile device. It may even provide ordering capabilities and GPS directions to your business. Which is better for your business? You really need both of these vehicles to market your business. You need a mobile-responsive website because most smartphone users (60% of US population and growing) view websites more often from their phone than from computer screens. If you don’t have a mobile-responsive site, your website is not displaying properly for all those smartphone users, and it’s most likely annoying them too. You also need a mobile app, because smartphone users prefer apps over websites when interacting with a business. Research shows the average smartphone user spends 127 minutes a day on mobile apps! Surely you’ve used the app from your favorite chain to order takeout, or like me, you look at the Weather Channel app to get up-to-date weather forecasts. Think about the power of an app for your business. Note: Judith Lee is a WCCCC member. On May 19, she will be giving a SCORE Presentation on behalf of WCCCC, entitled “The Social + Mobile Equation” The Brandywine – Heritage & Vision Western Chester County has a rich history connected to the life of the Brandywine. Three phenomenal speakers shared their work with chamber members and guests in a filled Lukens Conference Room recently. Their focus was: to restore the Brandywine and renew the cultural heritage and spirit of our Nation along the Brandywine. Bob Holliday, Founder/Resource, Brandywine Regeneration Project, addressed the importance of Renewing the Spirit of our Nation, which includes the Battle of the Brandywine and the creative force and industrial generation of our country which occurred along the Brandywine. Karen Marshall, Historic Preservation Officer for the Chester County Planning Commission defined the Brandywine Creek, its heritage and conservation areas and spoke about the significance of its cultural heritage. Sheila Fleming, Senior Planner for the Brandywine Conservancy, spoke about the Brandywine Creek Greenway and the importance of trees and forests to preserving vital habitat corridors, improving water quality and conserving our cultural heritage. Shelia Fleming, Bob Holliday and Karen Marshall Western View May / June 2014 STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #401 WEST CHESTER, PA 50 South First Avenue, Coatesville, PA 19320 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Like us on Facebook 2014 Platinum Sponsors Upcoming Events WCCCC represents the following municipalities: May 9, 7:30 - 10:30 am WCCCC & TMACC Western Chester County Transportation Summit Wagontown Banquet Hall, 412 West Kings Highway, Wagontown May 19, 4:00 - 7 pm SCORE Seminar Judith Lee presents “The Social + Mobile Equation” From 4:00 - 5:30 pm followed by Happy Hour 5:30 - 7 pm Marriott Courtyard Coatesville, Rt 82, Coatesville WCCCC June 10, 7 - 4 pm Chamber Day in Harrisburg Service Area Join members from Chambers all across Pennsylvania for informational sessions on business related topics June 11, 11:30 - 1 pm Benefits of Social Capital to Business Bentley Systems, 685 Stockton Drive, Exton July 17, 7:05 pm WCCCC Night at the Reading Fightin Phils First Energy Stadium, Reading Chamber Board of Directors Executive Committee: Adrienne MacKenzie Advanced GeoServices President MacKenzie Motivational Speaking & Team Building Jonathan Wright President Elect The Wright Agency John H. Lymberis Vice President Harry’s The Neighborhood Place / The Attic Lounge Bill Shaw Treasurer Life Transforming Ministries Todd Darlington Past President Verizon Donna Siter Bernie Beegle Erik Brecht EMB Specialty, LLC Greg Cary PECO/Chester County Area Airport Authority Theodore Claypoole, Esq. Unruh, Turner, Burke & Frees, P.C. Francesca Crane Bridge of Hope Lancaster & Chester Counties Rob Croll Executive Director Citadel Matt Gorham The Matt Gorham Group Bob Grabus Chester County Economic Development Council Mike Guyer Fulton Bank Patti Jackson-Gehris Brandywine Hospital Karl Klingmann II Penn Rise Benefits Greg Lownes Lownes Computer Service Gina MacDonald Freedom Village Atglen Borough Caln Township Christiana Borough City of Coatesville East Brandywine Township East Fallowfield Township Elverson Borough Highland Township Honey Brook Borough Honey Brook Township Modena Borough Parkesburg Borough Sadsbury Township South Coatesville Borough Valley Township West Bradford Township West Brandywine Township West Caln Township West Fallowfield Township West Sadsbury Township Kimberly Nicolas Marriott Courtyard Coatesville Janet Petsko Image Ink Edward Piscopo PECO, an Exelon Company Greg Prowant Caln Township Ted Reed Borough of Modena Susan Salvo Art & Architecture Jeff Simon French Creek Golf Club
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