Hydrin T5010 and T6000 vs CR
Hydrin T5010 and T6000 vs CR
HYDRIN® T6000 and T5010 Compared to CR Rubbers 1 Hydrin® T6000 – What is it? • New terpolymer based on Propylene Oxide – Hydrin® T6000 – Fully commercialized • Broad temperature range – Tg of –60°C (Arctic Service) – Hot Air = 125°C • Cure systems – Sulfur / Sulfur Donor – Peroxide cure system • Good dynamic properties – Range of vibration isolation capabilities • A degree of oil resistance • Good grease resistance • Possible Neoprene (CR) or silicone replacement – Special applications • Comparison of T6000 and CR flex property 2 Compound Tg (via DSC) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 Tg, °C -50 -60 -60 -57 -58 -70 -80 T Gum T Black T Silica Compounded Tg’s are similar. 3 Low Temperature Tests 0 -10 -20 -30 °C -40 -50 Gehman T10 TR-10 BP -60 -70 -80 T6000 Gum T6000 Black T6000 Silica Comparison of different low temperature test results. 4 Hot air Good service in hot air environment. Hot Air Oven -- 70h/125C 20 Property Change 10 0 -10 T Gum T Black T Silica -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 Hardness A, pts Tensile, % Elongation, % Actual Elongation = 220% 5 Hot oil ASTM #1 Oil -- 70h/125C 20 Property Change 10 0 -10 T Gum T Black T Silica -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 Hardness A, pts Tensile, % Elongation, % Volume, % Actual Elongation = 289% 6 Hot water Distilled Water -- 168h/100C 60 Property Change 40 20 T Gum T Black T Silica 0 -20 -40 -60 Hardness A, pts Tensile, % Elongation, % Volume, % Excellent hot water resistance with carbon black stock 7 Hot Diesel Fuel Carbon black stock best result Diesel Fuel 70h / 40C (104F) 80 Property Change 60 40 20 T6000 Gum T6000 Black T6000 Silica 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 Hardness A, pts Tensile, % Elongation, % Volume, % 8 High Degree of Ozone resistance PASSed 9 DMTA – Tan delta vs others Log Tan Delta -- Temperature Sweep 10 ––––––– –––– ––––– · ––– – – ––– ––– EE-024-088-01 EE-024-088-02 EE-024-088-04 EE-024-088-06 EE-024-112-02 NR Hydrin Terpolymer IIR Hydrin Homopolymer Hydrin GPO Damping Hydrin T6000* 1 Log Tan Delta Butyl Rubber 0.1 Natural Rubber 0.01 -100 -50 0 50 Temperature (°C) 100 150 200 Universal V4.1D TA Instruments *T6000 has excellent response over the temperature range. 10 Resilience NR T6000 Hardness A, pts. 45 53 M300, psi 774 886 Tensile, psi 3121 1062 Elongation, % 593 372 Rebound, % 60 52 11 Electrostatic dissipative Close to being electrostatic dissipative. 1.00E+11 1.00E+10 1.00E+09 1.00E+08 1.00E+07 1.00E+06 1.00E+05 1.00E+04 1.00E+03 1.00E+02 1.00E+01 1.00E+00 ohm-cm T Gum T Black T Silica •Conductive range, < 105 •Static-dissipative range, 105 to 109 12 Hydrin® T6000 Summary / conclusions • Service range expected from –60 C to +125 C – Dynamics over a broad temperature range – Ultra low Tg • A degree of oil resistance – in ASTM #1 oil • Compression set – Typical for sulfur cure systems • Ozone resistant • Close to being electrostatic dissipative • Regarded as a good candidate for arctic service – Vibration isolation • Dampers • Diaphragms 13 HYDRIN® T6000 Compared to CR Rubbers A General Overview With Focus on Dynamic Properties 14 Evaluation Recipes – CR vs T6000 E31-070 CR-GW M2 CR With CR No T6000 T6000 MBTS MBTS Lo Sulfur Hi Sulfur 1 2 3 4 100 100 100 100 HYDRIN® T6000 N774 55 55 55 55 Sundex 790 8 8 8 8 Agerite Stalite S 2 2 2 2 Wingstay 100 1 1 1 1 Maglite D 4 4 Kadox 911C 5 5 5 5 Stearic Acid 5 1.5 1.5 1.5 MBTS 1.5 2 Spider Sulfur 0.8 DPG 0.5 1.5 MBTS 1.5 TMTM 1.5 TOTAL 178.0 176.5 175.8 177.0 15 Original Properties – CR vs T6000 Original (KEY) Properties CR-GW CR-GW T6000 T6000 MBTS NO MBTS Lo S Hi S MH 77 90 42 62 Tc90 13 8 40 7 C-Set 44 35 39 55 Shore A 62 63 48 63 Tensile 3273 3463 1808 1609 Elongation 558 472 782 531 Ultimate tensile strength lower than CR, but typical for Hydrin 16 Air Oven and Oil – CR vs T6000 AIR OVEN,70H/100ºC, CR-GW CR-GW T6000 T6000 MBTS NO MBTS Lo S Hi S Hardness, pts 7 10 5 4 Tensile, % -5 -2 -3 -4 Elongation, % -14 -16 -8 -49 ASTM 1 OIL,70H/100ºC, CR-GW CR-GW T6000 T6000 MBTS NO MBTS Lo S Hi S Hardness, pts 2 3 -2 -2 Tensile, % -1 -3 7 -4 Elongation, % -20 -18 -2 -39 Volume, % 2 3 0 -1 Higher Sulfur levels cause large elongation change. Lower Sulfur aging – good. 17 Low Temperature Properties – CR vs T6000 Low Temperature Properties CR-GW CR-GW T6000 T6000 MBTS NO MBTS Lo S Hi S Brittlepoint -34 -36 -52 -50 TR10 -35 -37 -53 -52 Gehman T10 -34 -35 -50 -50 HYDRIN® T6000 – Has better low temperature characteristic than CR. 18 Flex Fatigue – CR vs T6000 De Mattia Flex,(Unpierced) Cycles to fail (xK) Crack gowth (inches) CR-GW CR-GW T6000 T6000 MBTS NO MBTS Lo S Hi S 1000 1000 650 1020 0 0 0.502 broke Comparable flex fatigue resistance. Both polymers reached 1,000,000+ cycles. 19 Grease Resistance – CR vs T6000 Polyrex EP2 Grease* 70H/100ºC, CR-GW CR-GW T6000 T6000 MBTS NO MBTS Lo Sx Hi Sx Hardness, pts -6 -9 -13 -9 Volume, % 13 13 15 13 Similar resistance to grease. *polyurea general purpose automotive grease 20 Hot Water – CR vs T6000 DISTILLED WATER,70H/100ºC, CR-GW CR-GW T6000 T6000 MBTS NO MBTS Lo S Hi S Hardness, pts 2 2 5 -4 Tensile, % -3 -5 -13 -10 Elongation, % -27 -24 -27 -35 Volume, % 13 11 6 4 Good resistance to water –Lower swell than CR. 21 DMTA T6000 v CR 10 ––––––– –––– ––––– · -28.58°C 1.141 Neoprene Carbon black filler T6000 Mineral filler T6000 Carbon black filler -20.76°C 1.168 1 CR Tan Delta -28.58°C 0.8332 0.1 0.01 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 Temperature (°C) 200 Universal V4.1D TA Instruments T6000 similar but with more consistent tan d over the temperature range. 22 Summary – CR vs T6000 • Some resistances as good, some better than CR • Dynamics similar over a broad temperature range • -60 C to 125C • Long Flex life • A degree of oil resistance to ASTM #1 • A good candidate for certain low temperature and dynamic applications 23 Peroxide cure versus sulfur cure 24 Evaluation Recipes – peroxide vs sulfur cure HYDRIN T6000 100 100 N660 20 20 N330 30 30 Sundex 790 10 Plasthall 226 10 Naugard 445 1.0 1.0 Vanox MTI 0.5 0.5 Kadox 911C Calcium Hydroxide 5.0 3.0 Stearic Acid 1.0 STRUCKTOL WB222 2.0 SR 206 5.0 Spider Sulfur Vulcup 40KE 2.0 0.3 2.0 Tetrone A (Sulfads) 2.5 TDEC (Ethyl Tellurac) 1.0 25 Process testing – peroxide vs sulfur Mooney Viscosity, ML(1+4) @ 100 C ML 1+4 55 59 43 52 T5, (min) 17.4 8.2 T35, (min) 20.1 12.4 ML, (lbf·in) 11 13 MH, (lbf·in) 87 57 Ts2, (min) 1.4 1.8 T'90, (min) 7.3 21.3 7 21 17 31 Mooney Scorch ML @ 125 C, ML(1+30) @ 125 C Minimum Viscosity ODR, 60 minutes @ 170ºC,Micro 100cpm, 3 arc Slab Cure Time, (minutes) Button Cure Time, (minutes) 26 Originals & comp set – peroxide vs sulfur cure Hardness A, (pts) 62 56 Modulus @ 10%, (psi) 65 62 Modulus @ 25%, (psi) 120 108 Modulus @ 50 %, (psi) 244 165 Modulus @ 100 %, (psi) 607 307 Modulus @ 200 %, (psi) 701 Modulus @ 300 %, (psi) 1096 Tensile, (psi) 1233 2268 202 668 T6000 T6000 PO Semi EV 11 18 19 40 Elongation, (%) Compression Set, 22 hours @ 70ºC, Buttons Set, (%) Compression Set, 22 hours @ 100ºC, Buttons Set, (%) 27 Resilience – peroxide vs sulfur cure Resilience, 0 hours @ 23ºC, Buttons Rebound, (%) 42 42 42 42 40 44 Resilience, 22 hours @ 70ºC, Buttons Rebound, (%) Resilience, 70 hours @ 100ºC, Buttons Rebound, (%) 28 Short Term Hot Air – peroxide vs sulfur Air Oven Aging - 70 hours @ 100C 10 Property Change 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 peroxide Hardness, pts sulfur Tensile, % Elongation, % 29 Summary / Conclusions – peroxide & sulfur • Compression set – Typical for sulfur cure systems • higher compression set • More stress/strain changes after immersion in heat – Peroxide cure provides lower comp sets & better heat aging 30 HYDRIN® T5010 Compared to CR Rubbers A General Overview 31 Evaluation Recipes CR (ETU) T5010 (ETU) T5010 (PO) CR (ETU) T5010 (ETU) T5010 (PO) CR - WHV CR - WRT Hydrin T5010 N774 N990 N330 Plasthall 7006 Plasthall DOS Naugard 445 Vanox MTI Stearic Acid Stalite S Antioxidant 60 Wingstay 100 Sunproof Jr. Rapeseed Oil Zinc Oxide Calcium Oxide Magnesium Oxide Sulfasan R GND-75 TMTD Vulcup 40 KE 35.00 65.00 Mooney Viscosity,ML(1+4) @ 100°C ML 1+4 33.3 100.00 50.00 20.00 30.00 5.00 30.00 5.00 1.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 0.50 1.00 20.00 0.50 4.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 63.3 61.5 Mooney Scorch ML @ 125°C,ML(1+30) @ 125°C Minimum Viscosity 26.1 52.7 T5, (min) 4.5 13.5 T35, (min) 12.0 21.8 40.7 >30 >30 ODR,30M/180ºC,Micro 100cpm , 3°arc ML, (lbf·in) 6.2 MH, (lbf·in) 45.3 Ts2, (min) 1.2 T'90, (min) 8.9 13.2 71.8 1.7 21.1 10.4 47.8 1.6 13.1 Com pression Set,22H/125ºC,Buttons Set, (%) 48.0 58.0 32.0 Tear Strength,Die C, Tear Strength, (ppi) 246 319 244 Original Vulcanized, Hardness A, (pts) Modulus @ 100 %, (psi) Tensile, (psi) Elongation, (%) 52 291 2689 489 61 310 2186 447 49 167 2283 804 100.00 0.30 1.00 2.00 215.50 143.80 144.50 *Typical boot recipe per CR supplier. 32 Resistance to Set T5010 has capability for low set. Compression Set 22h / 125°C 60 Property Change 50 40 30 20 10 0 CR (ETU) T5010 (ETU) T5010 (PO) 33 Air Oven Aging Property Change Air Oven 70h / 125°C 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 CR (ETU) Hardness A, pts. T5010 (ETU) Tensile, % Elongation, % T5010 (PO) Weight, % Minimal property deltas with Hydrin T5010 compared to CR. 34 Oil Immersion ASTM #1 Oil 70h / 125° 20 Property Change 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 CR (ETU) Hardness A, pts. T5010 (ETU) Tensile, % Elongation, % T5010 (PO) Volume, % Least Aggressive oil – Very similar trends in hardness and swell. Elongation deltas similar. 35 Oil Immersion IRM 903 Oil 70h / 125° 80 Property Change 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 CR (ETU) Hardness A, pts. T5010 (ETU) Tensile, % Elongation, % T5010 (PO) Volume, % Most Aggressive oil – CR lost hardness and swelled severely. T5010 did not. 36 T5010 as a Front Wheel Drive boot versus CR 37 Grease Aged Results: T5010 v CR Hydrin® Aged Vulcanized,*GREASE,70H/135ºC, CR T5010 Hardness A, (pts) 45 68 Hardness Change A, (pts) -7 13 392 749 35 169 2029 2142 Tensile Change, (%) -25 18 Elongation, (%) 349 249 Elongation Change, (%) -29 -45 Volume Change, (%) 11.2 -3.7 Weight Change, (%) 7.7 -2.6 Modulus @ 100 %, (psi) Modulus @ 100%, (% Change) Tensile, (psi) *Polyrex EP-2 poly-urea 38 Pictorial of Grease Aging Results Hydrin® Elastomers not swollen/misshaped by grease 39 Additional Questions? Clark Cable Hydrin/ECO Elastomers Zeon Chemicals L.P. p: 800.735.3388 f: 502.775.7783 cable@zeonchemicals.com Commercial Service Sam Harber Technical Service Hydrin/ECO Elastomers Zeon Chemicals L.P. p: 800.735.3388 f: 502.775.7766 harber@zeonchemicals.com 40
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