Flores: Komodo, Kelimutu, a


Flores: Komodo, Kelimutu, a
Dear Reader,
Welcome to the Flores Update Newsletter (FUN) first edition for 2011.
Edition 1 / January 2011
In this issue:
This January we will take you on the Winding Path from Sikka to Ende and try a warm bath at the
Mangeruda Hotspring in Ngada.
With the increasing tourism developments in Flores especially in the Eastern part, an article featuring
Loka Ria Beach Resto, a New Alternative for Dining in Maumere Bay to entertain your palate. Sunrise
Resort, A Newly opened Resort for a Comfortable Stay in Larantuka, adds 10 more rooms to the existing
accommodations along the tourism route between Maumere, Lembata, Solor and Alor.
Especially featured this month, is the exploration of Tiwu Sora’s Rainforest, which is one of the nature
adventure attractions worth experiencing by nature lovers, in Eastern Flores. Under the same article
category, we will have a peek at the latest updates on national tourism trends with "Wonderful
Indonesia" being the Official Tourism Brand for 2011 , with a Theme on "Eco, Culture, and MICE"
In the Facts and Figures, a review on Visitor Stats in Komodo and Kelimutu for the past year is presented
to provide insights on Flores’ major tourism markets.
In December WISATA was invited to the Vice President Vote for Komodo and bookmark the 9th February
2011 for an upcoming WISATA event featuring presentations on Flores Destination Branding, WISATA
Project Adjustments and the Program for 2011. Stay tuned for more updates on the outcomes of the
discussions in our February 2011 edition.
The aim of the Flores Update Newsletter is to promote Flores as a destination to the international
tourism industry, with valuable and up to date information on attractions, infrastructure development,
important facts and figures related to tourism and to provide an insight on the ongoing regional tourism
development project WISATA, funded by the Swiss Government State Secretariat of Economic Affairs
and implemented by Swisscontact.
We hope you enjoy the articles and we are looking forward to your feedback
Swisscontact WISATA Team
Amazing Flores Tourist Attractions
Enjoying the Winding Path from Sikka to
Mangeruda Hotspring, Ngada
Latest Tourism developments
Sunrise Resort, A New Resort for A
Comfortable Stay in Larantuka
Loka Ria Beach Resto, A New Alternative
for Dining in Maumere Bay
Featured Articles
Exploring Tiwu Sora’s Rainforest
"Wonderful Indonesia" official 2011
Tourism Brand with a Theme on "Eco,
Culture, and MICE"
Fact & Figures
Flores by the Numbers
Swisscontact WISATA and Destination
Management Organizations Activities
Explore the Extraordinary: Branding
Flores, Wednesday 9th February 2011
WISATA invited to Vice President
Boediono’s Vote for Komodo
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Enjoying the Winding Path from Sikka to Ende
For many whom once been on the Trans Flores road from Sikka to Ende or vice versa may recall the winding curves along the route. If you are easy to get dizzy
or car sick on long drives, make sure you prepare yourself! At normal speed, the Trans Flores road from Sikka to Ende usually takes about three hours with
countless interesting sceneries and experiences depicting typical Florinese beauty and scenes of daily life on the way for your senses to indulge in.
The natural landscape along the drive is really diverse starting from the lowlands near the coast of Ende and Maumere towns, to the mountainous areas towards
Moni. Along the route, various types of vegetation will strike your sights with rows of palm trees, cashew, cocoa, coffee, and candlenut along the road. If you are
passing the road between Moni and Detusoko, the view of vast rice fields so refreshing that it soothes your eyes as far as they can see. With such an adorable
panorama, who said Flores was a barren dry dusty land?
Interested to grow cocoa in your own garden or just sip a hot chocolate in the refreshing cool air of a chocolate plantation? Then you should stop by at Wolosoko
where cocoa farmers - facilitated by Swisscontact LED NTT - develop and cultivate superior crops through a group work called "Cocoa Village Clinic." If you wish
to know more about chocolate, the farmers, led by Gregory Bokha will be happy to welcome you, with prior notice of course.
Next stop is Wolowaru where you can get organic cashew ready to eat at "Warung Jawa Timur." The warung (stall) belongs to Sucahyo Lukito and also is a place
for selling products made of cashew with a small processing unit at the back. With notice given in advance, you may visit and see the cashew processing facility,
from splitting the pea, peeling and cleaning the pea skin, sorting the pea one by one until the roasting and then ready to be served and enjoyed. The enterprise
involving organic cashew farmers from Ile Padung, Eastern Flores Regency is entirely facilitated by Swisscontact LED NTT.
If you are not bound by time, white sandy beaches with stunning views along the road are included in your must-visit list. Koka Beach in Sikka or Mbuliwaralau
Beach in Ende is to name a few. And don’t forget, of course, to stop by in Moni to see Kelimutu, the tri-colored Crater Lake. It is recommended to stay overnight
in Moni to recharge your energy for more attractions Moni has to offer. One of them is Nduaria market, a traditional market offering fresh fruit and vegetables
planted by local farmers. The fresh vibrant colors of the fruit and vegetables are a pretty sight while shopping there. Make sure to bargain if you wish to buy
some. After the traditional market in Moni, Wologai Village offers a tour through Florinese traditional houses which are well maintained untill today. From
Wologai, there is still a long list of interesting places to see while enjoying Flores nature along the way. Photography lovers will find this part of the Trans Flores
route a heaven of countless beautiful moments to capture. Try it and be ready to get mesmerized.
If you wish to get more information about the above sites, please contact:
• Gregorius Bokha, Village Cocoa Clinic, Wolosoko, Ende
Mobile. +62 81237980717
• Sucahyo Lukito, Warung Jawa Timur/UD. Nusa Permai, Wolowaru, Ende
Mobile. +62 8121701008
• Emil, Chief of Wologai Tengah Village
Mobile +62 85238663164
• Joni, Secretary of Wologai Tengah Village
Mobile. +62 82147061621
Photos are courtesy of Dwi Setijo Widodo.
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Mangeruda Hotspring, Ngada
Flores apparently has not only refreshing cool water among its long list of natural attractions. Located ±23, 5 kms from the city, Soa Sub District, Mangeruda Hot
Spring offers one of the warmer sides of the Flores landscape. Travelers coming to Ngada commonly visit Soa Hot Spring to escape the chilly town taking a
relaxing bath in the spring.
While the hot spring is believed to have curing effect for those suffering from skin diseases, many prefer to just have a good time enjoying the warm water
flowing from the river under the coconut tree shade. The experience is simply like having a calming warm bath with in a natural atmosphere surrounding you.
Some pools are built for visitors including a large artificial pool that can accommodate quite a lot of people.
If you prefer to enjoy a more untouched scenic view of the hot spring, ask for a guide to bring you for a walk along the descending river among rice fields and
coconut trees to a canyon with beautiful drop offs, almost look like a little waterfall where the hot spring emerges. If you walk further, you will arrive at Soa Poba
Polo where the hot spring current meets the river.
While in Soa, enjoy Sagi, a traditional boxing performance the Soa community members are proud of. Usually held after harvest or in dry season from May to
July, Sagi is performed continuously throughout the Soa Sub District, starting from Mangeruda Village and continuing to other related villages. It is performed as
one of the local traditional festivals inspired by their ancestors’ immigrating journey in the centuries long past.
Unique attractions, good accessibility, good facilities, and the potential of income generation for local communities around the tourism object are among the
questions to be asked and analyzed in a tourism object assessment. On 11-13 November 2010, West Flores office Swisscontact WISATA conducted a tourism
object assessment in Ngada regency, a district which has been very popular in offering cultural and natural experiences for visitors.
Our gratitude to Lucas Du’a Te’a, Florianus Lengu and Adrianus M. Rata for their active participation and support during the Ngada tourism object assessment
conducted by Swisscontact WISATA.
For further information, please email:
West Flores or Annaas Firmanto
Mobile: +6281338080501
Photos are courtesy of Annaas Firmanto.
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Sunrise Resort, A New Resort for A Comfortable Stay in Larantuka
Nestled on an important tourism route between Maumere and Lembata, Solor, Alor, the demand for accommodation in Larantuka is still very high especially
during Easter or the commemoration of Tuan Ma festival where each year visitors fully flood every single hotel in Larantuka. Those who don’t get rooms usually
stay at local villagers’ houses which are transformed into home stays.
With such a high demand yet low supply, a new accommodation provider such as Sunrise Resort thus is very welcome by the community. Located on Jalan
Soekarno-Hatta, Weri, Larantuka the small resort offers not only more rooms for travelers flocking to Larantuka but also a comfortable, clean and cozy
environment. The ten rooms in the resort consists of four twin-bed rooms and six double bed rooms each with private verandah, overlooking a beautifully
designed garden with tropical plants. A view to the southern sea can also be enjoyed from the hotel rooms. Equipped with a 40 seat-restaurant, A.G. Beny
Hintono, the owner of the resort has confirmed that since April 2010 Sunrise Resort has already welcomed visitors coming to Larantuka.
For information and room reservation, please contact:
Sunrise Resort
Jalan Soekarno-Hatta, Weri, Larantuka
Tel. +62 383 232-5010
Mobile. +62 81230406645
Contact. A.G. Beny Hintono
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Loka Ria Beach Resto, A New Alternative for Dining in Maumere Bay
Loka Ria Beach Resto is a cozy dining venue set on the beach under the shades of trees, with comfy and roomy seating, offering unique tasty local food and
beverages, served excellently to guests coming to Maumere Bay. The groundbreaking was in October last year by the local Flores Tourism Cooperative members
in Sikka, Loka Ria Beach Resto officially launched and opened its doors at the end of 2010.
Located on Jalan Nai Roa or Paris Beach, in front of Lokaria Chapel, Maumere, the restaurant also caters for guests living in Maumere. However, many travelers
coming to Maumere or those passing the Trans Flores route often drop in at the restaurant to dine or simply to enjoy the scenic views of Maumere Bay’s black
sandy beach. Lying on a 2,500m square land shaded by coconut trees and tropical greens, the restaurant can accommodate up to 500 persons with ample parking
and operates from 10 am to 10 pm 7 days a week. Local Indonesian with specialty Florinese dishes as well as some Western cuisine are on the menu. Fresh Fish
Soup and Seafood Grill are Lokaria Beach Resto’s signature dishes that have been the guests’ most preferred choice.
For family with kids who wish to enjoy quality time together and dine by the beach, the restaurant is the perfect place for Sunday beach picnics. The shore is safe
to swim and the best part, the restaurant does provide a changing room after a swim on the beach. Isn’t that great?
As an added service, Loka Ria Beach Resto also offers catering services and is open for group bookings. For more information and reservation, please contact:
• Elisia Digma Dari
Mobile. +62 81339429690
• Konradus Rindu
Mobile. +62 81339283517
• D’Gama Gerardus
Mobile. +62 81339255317
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Exploring Tiwu Sora’s Rainforest
For those who love the joy of observing nature and especially its vegetation, they will undoubtedly say yes to trekking as such an experience combines not only
an outdoor sport activity, but also it engages oneself with exploring nature’s flora and fauna. The Tiwu Sora trek located along the path between Pise, Deturia and
Tiwu Sora offers an exciting mix of both activities on its beautiful mountainous landscape covered with dense tropical rainforest and savanna. It has always been
a thrill to walk along its off the beaten track and the opportunities to explore and identify the many different types of vegetation in the rain forest of Tiwu Sora
are just limitless.
You will often come across distinctive vegetation that grows endemic only in particular areas. For this reason, never do the trek without your camera as the
priceless splendor of your sights discovery may not knock on your door twice. Watching the morning dew drops glittering under the rays of early morning sun on
a spider web or simply enjoying the violet shades of wild orchids sprouting from the stems are just some of the pure joys of nature lovers’ observant eyes to be
An endless show of nature’s beauty boasts along the trekking route from Pise to Tiwu Sora in Ende District. Each landscape serves as a stage created to exhibit
vegetations of its kind. If you observe closely, you will capture incredible vegetation entertaining the senses. From edible plants like the wild red berry (rattan
fruit) Calamus sp., Arecaceae—served by Mother Nature as a thirst quencher, to plants merely showing off the beauty of magnificent shades and shapes of their
petal such as the wild Orchids, smell and feel their scent. Edelweiss also spreads out in almost every corner of the forest along with countless other different
vegetations in shapes and colors, rarely found in towns. All this realm beauty has been there since ancient times waiting to be explored.
Hundreds of photos may be taken home. But the fond loving memory of the wild orchids, Edelweiss and the wild berries captured by the senses are irreplaceable
and shall remain in the deepest mind of nature lovers who have been to the rainforest of Tiwu Sora.
If you are interested to do Tiwu Sora trek or wish to help promote its potentials, please directly contact:
• Mr. Gregorius B. Ngera (Chief of Deturia Village)
Mobile. +6281353710991
• Eastern Flores or Dwi Setijo Widodo
Mobile: +6281353805522
Photos are courtesy of Dwi Setijo Widodo.
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"Wonderful Indonesia" official 2011 Tourism Brand with a Theme on "Eco, Culture, and MICE"
The Ministry of Culture and Tourism announced "Wonderful Indonesia" as the official tourism branding for Indonesia, while the selected 2011’s tourism theme to be
"Eco, Culture and MICE." Mr. Jero Wacik confirmed the new branding Wonderful Indonesia which was announced on New Year's Eve at the Appreciation Night Visit
Indonesia Year 2010 in Hotel Sahid Jaya Monday (27/12).
Minister of Culture and Tourism, Mr. Jero Wacik said, the tourism theme "Eco, Culture, and MICE" was chosen because Indonesia is very concerned about the
environment. In the same occasion, the Minister invited the tourism business community to maintain the environment better in order to attract more tourists.
Meanwhile, cultural tourism has become a drawing magnet and because Indonesia has a diverse art and culture stretching from Sabang to Merauke. "Culture is our
identity and strength in building up tourism," said Mr. Jero Wacik.
In 2011 Indonesia will host the ASEAN Summit, for this there will be a lot of meetings and conventions (MICE) taking place here. "In 2011 we will create 600 MICE
events, to be held in various regions of the country," said Mr. Jero Wacik. The increasing MICE activities will encourage the increase of foreign tourists visiting
Indonesia in 2011. The Government set a goal of 7.3 million (pessimistic objective) and 7.7 million as an optimistic target. "The 7.3 million visitor number is my
contract performance as the Minister of Culture and Tourism for the President", said Mr. Jero Wacik.
Source: www.budpar.go.id
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Flores by the Numbers
Looking at the latest visitor statistics for Flores we can see a pattern change especially in the top ten arrivals at Komodo National Park. While the previous top 3
countries used to be the Netherlands, Germany and France we now find that the US, Australia and the UK have taken over the pole position in 2010.
This partly can be attributed to a stronger impact of the European blacklisting of Indonesian airlines and tighter insurance policies, especially impacting the German and
French market. Switzerland is the only country falling out of the top 10 ranking, being replaced by Japan.
On the Flores overall performance Australia has taken the top rank replacing the Netherlands as the leading visitor arrival country holding the top rank since 2005.
Japan has replaced Switzerland in the overall ranking and booked an amazing 50% increase in arrivals compared to 2009.
The visitor arrivals in Kelimutu show a slight decline compared to 2009, while the top 10 countries remain the same, except Austria, Poland and the Czech Republic
coming under the top 10 and the USA, Australia and Belgium loosing in rank.
Comparing 2009 and 2010 arrivals including Switzerland and Spain
Now looking at some of the 2011 trends it might well be that given improved accessibility visitor arrivals to Flores are likely to increase further, especially the stagnant
and decreased markets affected by the EU airline blacklist.
Based on a UK study, Adventure travel has been increasing in popularity for the last couple of years, as people look for exciting challenges to escape from an
increasingly stressful day to day environment. Holiday makers are looking for new travel destinations, and off the beaten track experiences.”
A TUI report produced earlier this year cited that adventure travel will continue to grow in popularity over the coming years with travelers 190 per cent more likely to
book an adventurous trip, 303 per cent more likely to book an environmentally-friendly holiday, and 145 per cent more likely to book a specialist holiday during the
next three years.
In regards to popular destinations in Asia for British travelers forecasted by Skyscanner, Philippines and Indonesia – Manila (+46 places) and Bali (+36 places) showed
massive growth in traveler interest compared to last year’s rankings. Offering excellent value for money, these vast island nations are attracting budget conscious
backpackers as well as higher-end travelers who may have already visited parts of South East Asia and now want to explore more of the region.
Considering that there was a projected decrease of UK outbound performance, Flores has not been effected by this.
While on the other hand the stagnation of the German market did not come as a surprise, also considering the weakened economy. Austria, Italy and the Scandinavian
countries all slightly gained in average to the 2009 performance, while Switzerland, an otherwise consistent market for Flores has decreased substantially.
Spain has done worse, but based on a CBI study the long haul outbound market is decreasing already since 2009 and the majority of Spanish travelers are focused on
South America and Africa rather than Asian countries.
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Explore the Extraordinary: Branding Flores, Wednesday 9th February 2011
As a continuation of previous discussions held in March last year with Bali-based tour operators on Flores Destination Branding, WISATA will host an event related
to Flores Branding at the WISATA Office in Sanur on Wednesday 9th February 2011. Invited participants are Tour Operators selling and developing Flores tourism
products and Flores-interested individuals and parties.
The half-day meeting will start at 14:00pm with the following topics on the agenda:
• WISATA Project Adjustment by Ruedi Nuetzi
• WISATA’s New Projects by Christian Fritz
• Explore the Extraordinary: Branding Flores by Ric Shreves
So stay tune for more exciting news update on Branding Flores Destination in our Flores Update Newsletter (FUN) February edition.
Please RSVP with Laksmi Utari or call 283 221 for more information.
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WISATA invited to Vice President Boediono’s Vote for Komodo
Swisscontact WISATA was invited to a special occasion held on 29 December 2010 where Vice President Boediono accompanied by the NTT Governor Mr. Frans
Lebu Raya, along with five ministers, Mr. Jero Wacik—Minister of Culture and Tourism, Mr. Fadel Muhammad—Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Mrs.
Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih--Minister of Health, and Mr. Zulkifli Hasan—Minister of Forestry visited Komodo National Park after attending a Christmas mass in
During the event, the newly elected Regent, Mr. Agustinus Ch. Dula had the chance not only to greet the central government team but also to attract more
attention to the district’s demand for improvement by presenting an overview of the national park and Manggarai Barat’s tourism potentials, as well as current
constraints in local tourism development through a collective dialogue with the national park stakeholders. The Regent underlined the infrastructure needs, the
absence of a proper hospital and medical care facilities to accommodate the society’s need, and in particular concern on the road condition of the district capital,
Labuan Bajo.
Closing the visit, Mr. Boediono in his speech urged all citizens, including communities around the park, and the attending participants, to conserve natural assets
for future generations and to support Komodo to be elected as one of the New Seven Wonders of Nature. The highlight of the event was Mr. Boediono’s along with
the other ministers online vote for Komodo as one of the worlds New Seven Wonders of Nature.
Komodo National Park is internationally considered a world natural heritage famed for its diverse wildlife and as the habitat of the prehistoric giant Komodo
(Varanus Komodoensis) lizards. The Komodo as a unique attraction combined with the national park’s internationally acclaimed rich underwater biodiversity have
served as the reasons for the ascending visitor numbers over the last three years. Indonesian government recently focuses on the park, bringing more supports
at national level by disseminating Vote Komodo nation wide to deliver national pride for the prestigious event of the new Seven Wonders of Nature. The
worldwide event has been considered a potential chance for creating more awareness of Indonesia towards the international tourism market and to draw more
visitors to Komodo and other destinations in Indonesia.
Interestingly, despite of the short visit, the vice president stated visiting Komodo National Park with his wife before retirement was a dream came true;
nevertheless they would like to have a visit again in the near future.
Photos are courtesy of John Raja.
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