Informe 4T2104 v0 ingles
Informe 4T2104 v0 ingles
FINANCIAL S TAT E M E N T S 2014 2014 Executive Summary A volume of work amounting COP $936,5 billion was achieved - including Conconcreto Internacional – presenting a 20.4% growth over the last year. This increase is mainly justified by the increased execution of works in the domestic market, especially the 46.3% variation in the infrastructure unit and 24.7% in the building unit. A 27.4% growth of the operating income, result of a higher volume of work, higher income in the investment portfolio and better performance of branches. Without considering the extraordinary income received during 2013 which totaled COP $11.106 million, related to lower income from sale of shares in Odinsa by COP $2.495 million, lower income of Devimed from traffic guarantees by COP $4.544 million and the registry of earnings for lots sale by COP $4.067 million, net earnings showed an increase of 4.7% in 2014. 2013 EBITDAR margin of 18.3% representing COP $143.803 million, COP $5.885 million more than in year 2013, due to the income of new real estate assets under the operating lease structure. At the end of the fiscal year, the backlog was closed at COP $1.87 billion, which ensures the business operation for the next 2 years. The partnership with Argos Group is achieved; this will allow the organization to consolidate the strategy and growth of the Real Estate Portfolio. APP Buga-Buenaventura and APP Regiotram are under a feasibility study with an investment of COP $1.7 billion and COP $3 billion, respectively. 2014 Equipment and Shares Equipment and Shares 4,3% Operating Income Line 4,0% Invesments 17,0% Invesments 18,6% Constrution Services Constrution Services 79,0% 77,1% COP $616.595 COP $785.739 Equipment and Shares Equipment and Shares Constrution Services 18,2% 19,1% 32,7% EBITDAR Constrution Services 28,4% Line Invesments 49,1% COP $137.917 Equipment and Shares Constrution Services 29,3% 32,9% Invesments 52,5% Equipment and Shares 38,6% COP $143.803 Constrution Services 45,5% Net Profits Line COP $60.610 Invesments 37,8% Invesments COP $51.809 15,9% Notes: - Construction Services: Infrastructure Services and Buildings from Conconcreto Colombia. - Investments: Real Estate Portfolio and Concessions. - Equipment and Shares: Conconcreto Equipment Business and shares in Conconcreto Internacional, Industrial Conconcreto, Inmobiliaria Conconcreto, and Consalfa. 2 Conconcreto / Construction Services / Investments / Equipment and Shares 2014 Constructora Conconcreto S.A. – Financial Statements Income: Conconcreto’s income totaled COP $785.739 million during 2014, an increase of 27.4% over year 2013. This result is obtained due to a higher volume of work, which grew 20.4%, more income of the investment portfolio growing in 16.3% and a better performance of branches which are reflected as share method in income presenting a 59.0% growth. Gross Earnings: During year 2014, the gross earnings came to COP $156.351 million, a variation of -1% over last year. It grows at a lower percentage than income due to the revenues transfer and margin adjustments of some infrastructure projects, lower surpluses of the housing unit and lower income in concessions. Operating Expenditures: Increased operating expenditures by 11.1%, mainly explained by a higher payroll expenditure of COP $4.479 million in: (i) new Design Unit, (ii) equipment business, and (iii) by employer substitution of Inmobiliaria Conconcreto to Conconcreto. In addition, a provision of debtors amounting COP $1.727 million that did not exist in 2013 was registered in 2014. Non-Operating Income and Expenditures: Non-operating income showed an increase of 11.6%, mainly due to higher financing interests to clients and income for recoveries in the sale of equipment in consortiums. The growth of non-operating expenditures is the result of the 2014 investment plan leverage. EBITDA: In 2014, the EBITDA came to COP $117.921 million, with a margin of 15%. The deduction of 5% over last year is explained for reasons mentioned above, as well as a closer relation between the costs of depreciations and amortizations in consortiums in 2013. Balance Sheet: The 23.5% growth of assets resulting from the account of debtors and account of intangibles are emphasized; this last mentioned is represented in increased fiduciary duties in real estate assets. Meanwhile, the variation of liabilities is mainly explained in the increase of the financial debt, resources used to buy lots and perform projects included in the investment plan. Statement of Profits and Losses (COP $Millions) 2013 Income Costs Gross Profits Expenses Operating Profits Non-operating Income Non-operating Expenses Profits before Taxes 616.595 (458.612) 157.983 (74.396) 83.587 18.883 (21.725) 80.744 Taxes NET PROFITS EBITDA EBITDAR Financial Indicators (20.134) 60.610 124.139 137.917 2013 Gross Margin Operating Margin Net Margin EBITDA Margin Financial Debt / EBITDA General Balance Sheet (COP $Millions) Current Assets Long-Term Assets Total Assets Current Liabilities Long-Term Liabilities Total Liabilities Equity Total Equity Debt (COP $Millions) Loans Leasing Total Debt Short Term Long Term 25,6% 13,6% 9,8% 20,1% 1,7 2014 785.739 27,4% (629.388) 37,2% 156.351 -1,0% (82.685) 11,1% 73.668 -11,9% 21.075 11,6% (31.161) 43,4% 63.582 -21,3% (11.773) 51.809 117.921 143.803 19,9% 9,4% 6,6% 15,0% 4,3 2014 388.737 1.157.371 1.546.108 174.533 365.588 540.121 1.005.987 1.546.108 486.667 1.422.298 1.908.965 350.752 494.340 845.091 1.063.874 1.908.965 2013 2014 Conconcreto / Construction Services / Investments / Equipment and Shares -41,5% -14,5% -5,0% 4,3% 2014 2013 168.220 37.984 206.204 12,4% 87,6% % Var. 454.391 54.467 508.858 21,8% 78,2% % Var. 23,5% 56,5% 5,8% 23,5% % Var. 146,8% 3 2014 Construction Services Income: The income of the Construction Services unit totaled COP $620.592 million, with a growth of 30.6% over year 2013, mainly due to a construction volume in infrastructure projects, included maritime works and land movements in the Aguadulce Port (Buenaventura/Valle Del Cauca), and an increased execution of own projects in the building unit, reflecting the strategy of investing in real estate assets to generate long-term income. Gross Earnings: The gross earnings rose from COP $61.591 million to COP $60.773 million, with a variation of -1.3%, mainly due to lower earnings obtained in the housing unit for year 2014. It should be noted that for the closing of the fiscal year a positive adjustment was done in the margin of the Hidroituango Project (Ituango/Antioquia), which has been showing a better performance than expected. Expenditures: The increase of 16.4% of operating expenditures in 2014 is mainly related to the personnel expenditures, fees and leases of design services unit, which were inoperative in 2013. It was also incurred higher expenditures related to the preparation of tender and offers for 4G projects, as well as leases and portfolio provisions. Income (COP $ Millions) 49% 51% 2013 2014 620.592 30,6% (559.819) 35,3% 60.773 -1,3% Expenses Operating Profits EBITDA EBITDAR (34.923) 26.668 45.118 45.118 (40.655) 16,4% 20.118 -24,6% 40.824 -9,5% 40.824 -9,5% Financial Indicators 2013 2014 13,0% 5,6% 9,5% Gross Margin Operating Margin EBITDA Margin EBITDA 57% 45% 43% 55% $45.118 9,8% 3,2% 6,6% $40.824 61% 39% 2013 Infrastructure 2014 Building Infrastructure Backlog: COP $1.87 billion (backlog/income for the last 12 months: 2.38 times) $884 Backlog Execution 53% COP $ Thousand Million $545 51% 47% $308 66% 49% 2015 34% 2017 2016 Building 4 % Var. 475.212 (413.622) 61.591 2014 Building 2013 Income Costs Gross Profits (COP $ Millions) $620.592 $475.212 Statement of Profits and Losses (COP $Millions) 99% 1% $115 2018 Infrastructure Conconcreto / Construction Services / Investments / Equipment and Shares $19 100% 2019 2014 Construction Services (cut-off December 31, 2014) Composition - Backlog: In regard to the backlog, 58% corresponds to infrastructure projects, while the remaining 42% is accounted for by building projects. By sector, note should be made of the share of public procurement in Infrastructure, equivalent to 71%; while the share of the company’s Own Projects now accounts for 63% of Buildings, reflecting the strategy of investing in real estate assets to generate long-term income in an attempt to counteract construction cycles. Infrastructure Backlog Building Backlog per Sector per Type Own Projects Private 29% 1% Third Parties Design Unit 1% Design Unit 37% 27% Own Projects Corpotate Solutions 63% Public Commerce 71% Backlog Execution – Infrastructure: In Infrastructure, performance was focused on the hydroelectric power plants projects: Hidroituango (Ituango/Antioquia) and Hidrocucuana (Roncesvalles/Tolima), maritime works and land movements in the Aguadulce Port (Buenaventura/Valle Del Cauca) and road works as the Calle 77 Sur Bridge (Envigado/Antioquia) and Binacional Bridge (Colombia/Venezuela). New projects were awarded, such as the works for finishing La Línea pilot Tunnel (Calarcá - Puerto Quindío Road) for COP $105.000 millions. Backlog Excecution – Building: In Building, progress was made in the construction of projects such as the Hotel Estelar (Cartagena/Bolívar), increase in the contract of Codepaz Gyms (by Conconcreto Internacional) for COP $3.701 million and Blu Logistics (Tenjo/Cundinamarca) for COP $10.480 million. In addition, since 2015 projects for malls will be executed, such as Guatapurí III (Valledupar/Cesar), San Mateo (Soacha/Cundinamarca) and Hilanderías (Bogotá/Cundinamarca) 5% 66% Infrastructure COP $ Millions $1.152.401 $441.368 $376.717 $1.087.750 2013 2014 Building COP $ Millions $882.475 2013 $511.238 Executed $412.437 New Conconcreto / Construction Services / Investments / Equipment and Shares $783.674 2014 5 2014 Real Estate Portfolio – Investment Income: The income of the Real Estate Portfolio grew by 32.3% over 2013. The growth was due to a 41.2% higher GLA for 2013 and increased asset revenues from Buró 24 (Bogotá D.C.), Hotel GHL Style (Neiva/Huila), and Hotel Movich De La 26 (Bogotá D.C.). The change in the business Self-Storage model had a positive impact on the results (see note). Gross Earnings: Compared to 2013, gross earnings fell by COP $1.050 million, mainly due to costs incurred in assets which entered into operation during 2014, such as Buró 26 (Bogotá D.C.), U-Storage Granadillo (Barranquilla/Atlántico), and Hotel GHL Style Yopal (Yopal/Casanare), which are in stabilization process and under operating leases structure. Operating Expenditure: For 2014, the Self-Storage business shows better performances, resulting in lower expenditure since in 2013 a loss was registered as expenditure for share method. Income 3% 8% 2013 2014 % Var. Income Costs Gross Profits Expenses Operating Profits EBITDA EBITDAR 76.141 (49.479) 26.662 (21.227) 5.435 20.989 34.768 100.743 (75.132) 25.612 (19.360) 6.252 22.815 48.697 32,3% 51,8% -3,9% -8,8% 15,0% 8,7% 40,1% Financial Indicators 2013 2014 35,0% 7,1% 27,6% 25,4% 6,2% 22,6% Gross Margin Operating Margin EBITDA Margin EBITDAR $100.743 (COP $Millions) Self-Storage Statement of Profits and Losses (COP $Millions) -1% 5% $76.141 Self-Storage Self-Storage 3% 12% Hotels Hotels 0% 3% 29% 22% Offices Offices Industry Commerce 2013 Hotels 4% 0% 5% 30% 24% 68% 66% Hotels Offices Industry Commerce 2014 GLA: Self-Storage Industry 58% Commerce 1% $34.768 Offices Industry 60% $48.697 (COP $Millions) Commerce 2013 2014 The EBITDAR is presented for operating figures before operating leasing. GLA Portfolio Composition (m2) Offices 4% Hotels 3% 368.440 GLA Evolution (m2) Self-Storage 6% CAGR: 42,3% 150.099 Commerce Industry 50% 37% 260.924 163.383 89.743 2010 2011 2012 2013 Notes: - The Self-Storage properties changed from being leased to an operator who subleased the mini-storage deposits, to being leased directly by Conconcreto - GLA adjusted to share 6 Conconcreto / Construction Services / Investments / Equipment and Shares 2014 2014 Concesiones - Inversión Income: The income in concessions came to COP $33.014 million, reflecting a fall of COP $5.829 million over 2013. This income loss is especially explained because in 2013 income from traffic guarantees of 2 years (2011 and 2012) were received, meanwhile in 2014 only guarantees for period immediately prior were received. It should be noted that at the end of 2014, 60 km of dual carriageway (Sections II and III) of Ruta Del Sol Sector I was delivered, in which Conconcreto has a 25% share in the Vial Helios Consortium. The National Infrastructure Agency (Agencia Nacional De Infraestructura, ANI) defined the section I layout which comprises 16 km of road. Statement of Profits and Losses (COP $Millions) 2013 2014 % Var. Income 38.843 33.014 -15,0% Costs Gross Profits (4.771) 34.072 (6.078) 27,4% 26.936 -20,9% Expenses Operating Profits EBITDA EBITDAR (1.455) 32.617 33.008 33.008 (1.037) 25.899 26.753 26.752 2013 2014 87,7% 84,0% 85,0% 81,6% 78,4% 81,0% Financial Indicators Gross Margin Operating Margin EBITDA Margin Income EBITDA (COP $Millions) $38.843 5% $33.014 (COP $Millions) $33.008 8% Others Others 9% 9% 15% 18% 71% 65% Autopistas del Llano Autopistas del Llano CCFC CCFC Devimed Devimed 2013 -28,7% -20,6% -19,0% -19,0% 2014 $26.753 6% Otros 10% Otros 10% 11% 17% 22% 67% 57% Autopistas del Llano Autopistas del Llano CCFC CCFC Devimed Devimed 2013 2014 Notes: - Others: Sale of shares in ODINSA, Grupo Heroica, and CAS Mobiliario Conconcreto / Construction Services / Investments / Equipment and Shares 7 2014 Equipment and Shares Income: The income from Equipment and Shares come from the internal revenues of the Equipment unit, destined for the construction services unit, as well as the booking of the share methods of branches. The income increase, from COP $26.399 million to COP $31.391 million, due to a higher performance of share methods in Inmobiliaria Conconcreto and Conconcreto Internacional. Gross Profit: A profit increase of COP $7.372 million over year 2013 is obtained by having higher revenues in Conconcreto Internacional and the increase of profitability margins in building projects in this same branch. In addition, there were surplus of earning in some projects in Inmobiliaria Conconcreto; therefore, the result obtained was better compared to last year. Expenditures: Increased operating expenditure by 28.8% was mainly due to higher payroll expenditure by employer substitution of Inmobiliaria Conconcreto to Conconcreto, and a higher investment in equipment which increases the depreciation account. Statement of Profits and Losses (COP $Millions) Income 29% CC Internacional 2% Others CC Internacional 1% 9% Inmobiliaria CC Inmobiliaria CC 16% 13% Industrial CC Industrial CC 52% 36% Equipment 18,9% 9.260 11.640 25,7% 43.031 20,7% (16.791) (21.632) 28,8% Operating Profits EBITDA 18.867 25.023 21.399 27.529 13,4% 10,0% EBITDAR 25.023 27.529 10,0% 2013 2014 135,1% 137,1% 71,5% 94,8% 68,2% 87,7% Expenses Financial Indicators Gross Margin Operating Margin EBITDA Margin Equipment 2014 0% Others 30% $25.023 $27.529 0% Others 45% CC Internacional CC Internacional 0% -5% Inmobiliaria CC Inmobiliaria CC 11% 17% Industrial CC Industrial CC 44% 59% Equipment Equipment 2013 Notes: - Others: Share in Consalfa and Geofundaciones. 8 31.391 EBITDA 40% 2013 26.399 (COP $Millions) $31.391 $26.399 % Var. 35.659 Gross Profits Income 3% 2014 Costs (COP $Millions) Others 2013 Conconcreto / Construction Services / Investments / Equipment and Shares 2014 2014 Joint venture with Grupo Argos: Grupo Argos and Conconcreto have reached an agreement for developing together their real estate income strategy, by a contribution of assets which may allow the creation of a portfolio focused on development and operation, with a proper diversification depending on uses and geographies. The equity of each company in this portfolio shall be 50%. The combination of assets contributed may allow the creation of a portfolio which in its first stage will manage more than 430 thousand m² equivalent to COP $1.3 billion. In the next 4 years the value of assets managed will be duplicated totaling an amount of COP $2.6 billion, becoming one of the most important real estate portfolios in the country. Equity COP Thousands of Millions Assets 818 280 Land 0 112 Cash 0 365 Others 19* 80** Total 837 837 *Conconcreto: fee of the project pipeline ** Grupo Argos: profit debt Highlights Initial Stage Future Stage Commercial Value COP Total GLA $1.3 Billions 437.862 m2 Commercial Value COP Total GLA $2.6 Billions 668.471 m2 GLA Distribution GLA Distribution Hotels 3% Offices 5% Backlog 24,5% Commerce 28,3% Self-Storage 2,8% Industry 55% Commerce 37% Hotels 2,1% Offices 7,5% 34,9% Industry Conconcreto / Construction Services / Investments / Equipment and Shares 9