Spring 2010 - Saint Ignatius of Antioch Episcopal Church
Spring 2010 - Saint Ignatius of Antioch Episcopal Church
THE GNATIAN THE NEWSLETTER OF SAINT IGNATIUS OF ANTIOCH EPISCOPAL CHURCH An Episcopal Church in the Anglo-Catholic Tradition Where All Are Welcome Spring 2010 FROM THE RECTOR My dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, with a number of several significant leadership changes in our parish. Several long-serving members of the vestry have retired this year and last and two long serving committee chairs (Marie Postlewate of Buildings and Grounds and Lucy Kuemmerle of Outreach) have stepped down from their positions. To all these dedicated leaders, I am truly grateful. E BEGIN A NEW YEAR Furthermore, long-time churchwardens David Holkeboer and Abigail Franklin Plumer have both moved on from their positions, the former having come to the end of his third two-year term and the latter stepping aside to focus on the demands of her personal life. Abigail and David each served as an elected leader of this church for the past twelve years and gave sacrificially of their time and talent to the parish in the process. They oversaw the transition time from the departure of my predecessor through my arrival. They have supported me in my ministry amongst you in extraordinary ways and I am grateful to each in different ways for the advices and council they offered me. Excellent lay leadership, like that provided for more than a decade by Abigail and David and many, many others here, is the very foundation of a successful parish church. The clergy can only do so much on their own and, in a place like Saint Ignatius where we are not financially able to have a large paid clergy and administrative staff, lay leadership make all the difference between life and death. Your willingness to engage in the details of parish life—from the work of the vestry and church finances to caring for the fabric of the building to the work of evangelism and hospitality to service at the altar—is a real gift. Everyone need not feel called to the vestry, but I would hope that all those who call this church their parish home would be willing to engage in some ministry beyond attendance. There are opportunities to serve those in need; opportunities to help us care for each other; to participate in the liturgy as a server, reader, or usher; to offer a coffee hour or help in some other way with hospitality; there are even opportunities that I have not yet imagined. All of you have gifts to offer and we hope that you will be willing to share those gifts with the community. For more information about sharing your time and talent with us, contact me or check the parish web site (http://www.saintignatiusnyc.org/ Volunteer.html). Continued on next page THE IGNATIAN Spring 2010 Continued from previous page So many of you already give sacrificially of your time and talent to this church and for this I thank you profoundly. Together we will help our parish grow in mission and ministry so that the Gospel and the love of God that flows from it can be spread throughout our City and our world. Faithfully, Andrew C. Blume?, Rector TEWARDSHIP REFLECTION INTRODUCTION S is not simply something we are asked to think about once a year when it is time for us to make our pledge so that the vestry can create the budget for the next year. Stewardship is the ongoing practice of offering thanks to God by sharing your gifts, talents, and resources (and yes, this means your financial resources) with your brothers and sisters in a way that cooperates with God’s steadfast purposes of love and reconciliation. Stewardship is a life practice of thanksgiving and gratitude. It is a way for you to contribute to the life of the community. It is a way for your body to join together with the whole Body of Christ. If you have any questions about Stewardship, please look on the Stewardship section of the parish website (http://www.saintignatiusnyc.org/Membership.html) and do not hesitate to personally contact the Rector or Stewardship chair, Ms Holly Hughes. TEWARDSHIP In each issue of the Parish Newsletter, we offer a reflection from one of our Body about the practice of Stewardship. This quarter we are pleased to have a contribution from Churchwarden Ms Laura Friedman. — Andrew C. Blume?, Rector 2 THE IGNATIAN Spring 2010 STEWARDSHIP Laura Friedman Churchwarden I a very secular family, and had no religious training growing up. If any thing, I was raised to be suspicious of organized religion in general. In my mid-20s, a number of experiences brought me to consider my spiritual life differently. I became warily open to what the organized religions might have to offer, thinking I might end up as a Buddhist, or perhaps explore my father’s Jewish roots. The last thing on my list was Christianity, as I equated it with fundamentalist extremism. An acquaintance, though, told me about Saint Ignatius, and, strangely, I decided to come to a service. My first service was at 8:00 on a Sunday morning. There were three people in the congregation, standing up and sitting down at inexplicable times (to me), and I felt odd. But there was something about the place that I found profoundly comforting and transporting, and after the service, spoke with Father Stowe, and arranged to meet with him later in the week. He spoke about faith with such openness and depth, and I had never experienced that before. He suggested that I come to services when I wanted to, and to “let them wash over me” and to see what that might be like. WAS RAISED IN What I found was a place of great spiritual breadth, beauty, and inclusiveness. I learned about prayer, contemplation, community, and service. This was all a revelation. I realized that many of my preconceptions were unfair. Over time, I experienced the power of the seasons in the Church, and the cyclical aspects of worship. I worked in the soup kitchen, the shelter, and on various committees. The combination of the beautiful liturgy with a warm, open, and intelligent community is quite unique, and has been transformative. I don’t remember when I began pledging at Saint Ignatius, but I believe it was not long after I started attending regularly. It seemed common sense to me to contribute to the community if I was going to participate in it. I could see all the work that went on to keep the building, the programs, and the services going, and that all of that relies on the giving in our community. Having been on Vestry for a year, I have a much more detailed view of our financial situation, and I see how critical our support is. By pledging, even in small amounts, we make it possible to sustain and plan for the life of the Church in a responsible way. I give to our Church because I want to see it flourish. W 3 THE IGNATIAN Spring 2010 ABOUT US About Us shares small and large news items from members and friends of the parish, both current and past. Please share your news with us either by sending an email to Constance Vidor at cvidor@verizon.net or to Gwendolyn Chambrun at office@saintignatiusnyc.org. Stephanie Cowell will have her celebratory debut reading for her new novel Claude & Camille: A Novel of Claude Monet (Crown) at Barnes & Noble, 82nd Street and Broadway, on April 6th, 2010 at 7:00 P.M. Books will be available for purchase and signing. Please come and bring friends! See website http://www.stephaniecowell.com for more information. 222 Constance Vidor published an article about the children’s author Linda Sue Park in the January, 2010 issue of the International Journal of Multi-Cultural Education. The article is available online at http://ijme-journal.org. Linda Sue Park is the first Korean-American author to win the Newbery Award for best Children’s book (A Single Shard, 2003). 222 Anne Nelson gave a talk at the Museum of Jewish Heritage at Battery Park on February 10th on her new book, Red Orchestra. It was about “Christian and Jewish Efforts to Resist the Nazi Regime in Berlin.” Anne was joined by German filmmaker Stefan Roloff, whose father was a member of the anti-Nazi resistance circle. Red Orchestra tells the compelling story of an intrepid band of German artists, intellectuals, and bureaucrats and their dangerous battle to unveil the brutal secrets of their fascist employers. For more information, please see http://www.randomhouse.com/catalog/ display.pperl/9781400060009.html and the New York Times review at http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/07/books/review/Herzog-t.html. W 4 THE IGNATIAN Spring 2010 REPORT FROM THE 2010 TRINITY INSTITUTE The Rev’d Paul S. Kahn, Deacon At the opening Eucharist the Archbishop of Burundi, Bernard Ntahoturi, preached on the Parable of the Talents and reminded us that when it comes to investments, no matter what kind, quality is more important than quantity. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, spoke of wealth as only one of the factors that may contribute to our long-term well-being, and of the dangers that may come from making economic decisions without taking those other factors into account. (One of the panelists suggested that church vestries in particular not let economic factors affect moral decisions.) Both Kathryn Tanner, professor of theology at the University of Chicago, and Sir Partha Dasgupta, professor of economics at the University of Cambridge, moved seamlessly between the two academic disciplines: Tanner identifying potential spiritual/societal benefits of capitalistic transactions; Dasgupta discussing how the merits and failures of markets can help or hinder the flow of “Grace and Decency.” I found this conversation between disciplines particularly provocative, and was both astonished and amused that my ancient MBA degree with its thesis on socialist economics had resurrected itself and was now contributing to my faith discussions 25 years later. Susan Lee, an economist and journalist, pointed out how crucial it is that church people learn to speak the languages of other disciplines if they expect their voices to be heard. The theme for next year’s conference is “Reading Scripture through Other Eyes” — a potent topic! Information is available at www.trinitywallstreet.org/faith/institute. W 5 Trinity Church Wall Street. Image courtesy of Wikipedia.org E for the past forty, Trinity Wall Street has produced a national theological conference. Hundreds of people attend — clergy and lay, Episcopalian and other — and thousands are linked in at partner sites around the world. Participants attend plenary sessions with keynote speeches and panel discussions, and also have the opportunity to break into small discussion groups for theological reflection. This year’s conference, held January 27–29, was organized around the theme, “Building an Ethical Economy: Theology and the Marketplace.” I was invited to serve as a small group facilitator, which meant I was able to attend the conference for free! My small group included, among others, two nuns from different Roman Catholic orders who are NGOs at the UN, a GTS seminarian, a United Methodist ordained elder, and a young man employed in the field of corporate responsibility. ACH YEAR THE IGNATIAN Spring 2010 Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones. The Annunciation. The Flower of God, 1862. Private Collection, London. The nnunciation of Our Lord Thursday Ø March 25th Ø 7:00 P.M. Procession & Solemn Mass Guest Preacher The Rev’d Barbara Cawthorne Crafton Mass for Four Voices, by William Byrd Ø Ave Maria, by Igor Stravinsky Music offered by Ensemble-in-Residence Cerddorion The Choir of Saint Ignatius of Antioch Douglas Keilitz, Director Symbola Mariae.. Woodcut, Parisian Horae, c. 1500. The (Friendly?) Competition: issa de Beata Virgine Antoine Brumel Ø Josquin des Prez Written in contest during their last years. Saturday Ø April 17th Ø 8:00 P.M. Tickets: In advance: $25; $15 students/seniors; At the door: $30; $20 students/seniors For more information: 212-580-3326 6 Spring 2010 EASTERTIDE PARISH RETREAT at HOLY CROSS MONASTERY WEST PARK, NY Friday–Sunday, April 16–18, 2010 T HE RETREAT (theme to be announced at a later date) will be led by one of the monks and will include lecture and discussion, periods of silence, worship with the brothers as they chant four daily offices and celebrate Mass, and the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful grounds and woods. The Retreat begins the evening of Friday, April 16th, and ends Sunday afternoon, April 18th. Includes two nights’ stay and six meals (transportation is extra.) Space is limited: a deposit of 50% will ensure your reservation. $215, Deposit $107.50. Thursday Ø May 13th Ø 7:00 p.m. Procession & Solemn Mass scension Day Guest Preacher The Rev’d Canon J. Robert Wright Giotto di Bondone (1267–1337), Capella Scroveni a Padova, Ascension. Photograph by Br Randy Greve, OHC. THE IGNATIAN Music offered by Ensemble-in-Residence Amor Artis Easter Flowers and Decorations I enclose, or will subsequently send/bring my Easter Offering of $________________________ In memory of: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In thanksgiving for: _________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My name (printed please): ___________________________________________________________________________________ Your offering will be used to purchase flowers and decorations for the church at Easter, as well as support our ministries and programs. Please bring or send this form to: St. Ignatius’ Church, 552 West End Avenue, New York, NY 10024. Alternatively, the required information can be mailed electronically to: office@saintignatiusnyc.org. The information must be received no later than Wednesday, March 31st. Thank you! 7 THE IGNATIAN Spring 2010 IRTHDAYS MARCH APRIL MAY 1 1 3 5 6 7 10 2 4 8 10 12 14 15 16 18 23 6 15 18 27 12 14 16 17 22 25 26 28 29 29 29 30 31 Gisele Richardson Sam Harvey Patrick Gray Diane Clunan Marie Postlewate Thelma Piervicenti The Rev’d Paul S. Kahn (deacon) James T. Turner III Constance Vidor Mica Duffy Trish Metz William C. Blume Clement Hill Timothy Kau Abigail Franklin Plumer James Marshall Evelyn Kaiser Charles Knapp Gwendolyn R. Chambrun (parish secretary) Howard Stokar Rachel Benzaquen Sasha Leinster Alan Levy Andrew Kau James Connell Caroline Metz Virginia Price Kathleen Stolarski Maurice W. Bruet Rachel McDermott Karen Christian Sue Cassidy Clark Louise Bessire Diane Elizabeth (Elly) Brinkley 30 Anne Lane Witt (senior seminarian) SAINT IGNATIUS OF ANTIOCH DEADLINE EPISCOPAL CHURCH 552 West End Avenue (at 87th Street) New York, NY 10024 Tel: 212-580-3326 Fax: 212-873-1452 office@saintignatiusnyc.org www.saintignatiusnyc.org The Ignatian is now a quarterly publica- The Reverend Dr Andrew C. Blume Rector The Ignatian is published in both black tion. Submissions are welcome. The deadline for the Summer Issue is WEDNESDAY, MAY 5TH AT NOON. SUBSCRIPTION & white printed and online color versions. To request or cancel a subscription to either, please call 212-580-3326 or email office@saintignatiusnyc.org. Design, Layout, and Editing: Gwendolyn R. Chambrun Parish Secretary 8 THE IGNATIAN Spring 2010 PCOMING HOLY WEEK, Continued THE FIRST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH Sunday, March 7th, April 4th, & May EVENTS: WORSHIP Monday, March 29th 2nd 5:00 P.M. Solemn Evensong & Procession 12:15 A.M. Mass in the Lady Chapel 6:30 P.M. Mass in the Lady Chapel FRIDAYS IN LENT Tuesday, March 30th 12:15 A.M. Mass in the Lady Chapel 6:30 P.M. Mass in the Lady Chapel March 5th , 12th , 19th , & 26th 6:00 P.M. Evening Prayer 6:30 P.M. Stations of the Cross & Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament Wednesday, March 31st 12:15 A.M. Mass in the Lady Chapel 6:00 P.M. Evening Prayer in the Lady Chapel 6:30 P.M. Mass in the Lady Chapel THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT (LAETARE) Sunday, March 14th MAUNDY THURSDAY 9:00 A.M. Sung Mass 11:00 A.M. Solemn Mass Missa “Salvum me fac”, G. P. da Palestrina They that put their trust in the Lord, Robin Orr Thursday, April 1st 12:15 P.M. Mass 7:00 P.M. The Liturgy of Maundy Thursday with Foot Washing, Solemn Procession of the Sacrament to the Altar of Repose, and the Stripping of the Altars. Missa “Pange Lingua”, Josquin des Prez Ubi caritas, Maurice Duruflé In monte Oliveti, Roland de Lassus Tristis est anima mea, Lassus Traditional Simnel Cakes will be served at Coffee Hour following both Masses THE ANNUNCIATION OF OUR LORD Thursday, March 25th 7:00 P.M. Procession and Solemn Mass The Rev’d Barbara Cawthorne Crafton, Preacher GOOD FRIDAY Music offered by Ensemble-in-Residence CERDDORION Friday, April 2nd HOLY WEEK 12:30 P.M. The Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday Improperia, Tomás Luis de Victoria O vos omnes, Carlo Gesualdo Sunday, March 28th HOLY SATURDAY THE SUNDAY OF THE PASSION: PALM SUNDAY 9:00 A.M. Blessing & Distribution of Palms, Procession & Sung Mass 11:00 A.M. Blessing & Distribution of Palms, Procession & Solemn Mass Hosanna to the Son of David, Thomas Weelkes Pueri Hebraeorum, Tomàs Luis de Victoria Missa XVII (Kyrie salve II), Plainchant Improperium expectavit, Roland de Lassus Saturday, April 3rd 9:00 P.M. The Great Vigil of Easter Sicut Cervus, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina Missa I: Kyrie (Lux et origo), Plainchant Missa “Alleluia”, Jean Mouton Christus resurgens, Peter Philips 9 Continued on next page. THE IGNATIAN Spring 2010 PCOMING EVENTS: WORSHIP, Continued THE SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTIN: EASTER DAY ASCENSION DAY Thursday, May 13th 7:00 P.M. Procession & Solemn Mass The Rev’d Canon J. Robert Wright, Preacher Music offered by Ensemble-in-Residence AMOR ARTIS Sunday, April 4th 9:00 A.M. Sung Mass 11:00 A.M. Procession & Solemn Mass Missa “Maria Magdalena”, Alonso Lobo Maria Magdalena, Francisco Guerrero 5:00 P.M. Solemn Evensong and Procession & Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament THE DAY OF PENTECOST: WHITSUNDAY Sunday, May 23rd ROGATION SUNDAY 9:00 A.M. Sung Mass 11:00 A.M. Procession & Solemn Mass Mass for Five Voices, William Byrd Loquebantur variis linguis, Thomas Tallis Sunday, May 9th 9:00 A.M. Sung Mass 11:00 A.M. Procession & Solemn Mass Missa “Surge propera”, Roland de Lassus Benedicite gentes, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina PCOMING EVENTS: CONCERTS SATURDAY, March 13th FRIDAY, March 26th & SATURDAY, March 27th 7:00 P.M. Pre-Concert Lecture 8:00 P.M. POLYHYMNIA John Bradley, Conductor Psalmi Davidis Poenitentialis Orlande de Lassus (1522–1594) 8:00 P.M. AMOR ARTIS & THE GREENWICH VILLAGE SINGERS Johannes Somary & Mark Mangini, Directors Antiphony: Music for Double Chorus & Brass Lassus’ 1563 settings of the Penitential Psalms are a towering achievement: one of the greatest cycles by a single composer in history. Tickets: $25 at the door; $15/Students, Seniors, & EMA members; $10 for Ignatians! More information: 917-838-4636 www.polyhymnia-nyc.org Heinrich Schütz: Magnificat SWV 468 Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina: Stabat mater Ralph Vaughan Williams: Psalm 148 Tickets: Advance sale: $20; At the door: $25 Reservations and more information: 212-874-4513; www.amorartis.org 646-355-0641; www.gvsingers.org 10 Continued on next page. THE IGNATIAN PCOMING Spring 2010 EVENTS: CONCERTS, Continued THURSDAY, May 6th SUNDAY, April 11th 2:00 P.M. Pre-Concert Talk with John Corigliano & Mark Adamo 8:00 P.M. AMOR ARTIS Johannes Somary, Conductor Antiphony: Music for Double Chorus & Brass 3:00 P.M. NEW YORK VIRTUOSO SINGERS Harold Rosenbaum, Conductor The Choral Music of John Corigliano and Mark Adamo First performance of a Mass by Zelenka; premieres of works by Gottleib & Frisch; also works by Brixi & Bernstein Tickets: $30 at the door $20/Students & Seniors Reservations and more information: 212-874-4513; www.amorartis.org All of the chamber choral works of Pulitzer Prizewinning John Corigliano and a representative sampling of Composer-librettist Mark Adamo’s choral music. Guest Artist: Emily Pulley, soprano. Tickets: $20 at the door $15/Students & Seniors Reservations and more information: 212-279-4200 www.nyvirtuoso.org SATURDAY, May 8th 7:00 P.M. Pre-Concert Lecture 8:00 P.M. POLYHYMNIA John Bradley, Conductor Music from the Churches of Rome SATURDAY, April 17th Music of Allegri, Anerio, Morales, Palestrina & Victoria. Tickets: $25 at the door; $15/Students, Seniors, & EMA members; $10 for Ignatians! More information: 917-838-4636 www.polyhymnia-nyc.org 8:00 P.M. THE CHOIR OF SAINT IGNATIUS OF ANTIOCH Douglas Keilitz, Director “The (Friendly?) Competition” The two “Missa de Beata Virgine” of Antoine Brumel and Josquin des Prez, written in contest during their last years. Tickets: Advance sale: $25; $15/Students & Seniors At the door: $30; $20/Students & Seniors Reservations and more information: 212-580-3326 www.saintignatiusnyc.org SATURDAY, May 15th 8:00 P.M. CANTICUM NOVUM SINGERS Harold Rosenbaum, Conductor Orthodoxy & Communism: Sacred Music in the Soviet Era Alfred Schnittke’s Concerto for Choir, an extended setting of words from “The Book of Lamentations” by the Armenian monk, Grigor Narekatsi (951-1003). Plus works by Pärt, Hrabovsky, Reeves, and others. Tickets: $20 at the door $15/Students & Seniors; TDF Reservations and more information: 212-279-4200 www.canticumnovum.org THURSDAY, April 22nd 7:00 P.M. TENET Vocal Chamber Ensemble Gombert & Poulenc Steven Fox, Guest Conductor Tickets: $20 at the door $10/Students & Seniors Reservations and more information: www.tenetnyc.com Continued on back page. 11 SAINT IGNATIUS OF ANTIOCH EPISCOPAL CHURCH 552 West End Avenue New York, NY 10024 Church Entrance on 87th Street between Broadway & West End Continued from previous page SATURDAY, May 22nd 8:00 P.M. CERDDORION Arthur Sjögren, Guest Conductor From Mendelssohn to Tippett: Works from the 19th & 20th centuries Tickets: $20 at the door $15/Students & Seniors Reservations and more information: www.cerddorion.net Background Pattern: Pink and Rose, 1890. Designed by William Morris (1834–1896). Ornamental Initials and Frames: The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer Newly Imprinted. Kelmscott Press, 1896. William Morris Designs. Dover Publications Inc. New York: 2006. Other Graphics: Dover Electronic Design Series.