2016 Introductions Catalog - Intrinsic Perennial Garden
2016 Introductions Catalog - Intrinsic Perennial Garden
2016 Introductions Catalog 10702 Seaman Road • Hebron, IL 60034 TEL: (815) 648-2788 • FAX: (815) 648-2072 TOLL FREE: (800) 648-2788 www.intrinsicperennialgardens.com January 2016 As of 2016 Intrinsic Perennial Gardens, Inc. has introduced over 100 new varieties. While the goal is not The cover of this years intros catalog has an HGTV exclusive and is one of our best new plants. just more, my love for plants makes it hard to narrow it down sometimes. This year we are excited about Rudbeckia x American Gold Rush PPAF was selected for its naturally compact 22” habit and thinner disease both what’s new and what the future holds. Over the course of 2015 I was able to visit a third of my resistant foliage. Blooms last July to September. We have three great new Sedums this year. One ground licensees. I hope I can visit another third in 2016. cover, one intermediate and one tall, showy border type. Sedum ellacombianum Cutting Edge PPAF is Allium x Windy City was new last year but this year we have opened up licensing. If you have not trialed the plant and want to, please get in touch with me. It has deep green foliage and purple-pink flowers on 15-18” stems in July. Our Allium breeding is really starting to show some maturity with many unique forms including a sterile green leaved chive. Amsonia tabernaemontana Short Stop is the first in our Baseball series. It grows 2’ plus and unlike most Amsonias does not bolt with new growth after the flowers. Yellow fall color of course too. Andropogon gerardii Blackhawks PPAF our most exciting grass this year, has near nearly static from spring to fall with butter yellow edges on shiny foliage on low 6” spreading mounds over 1’ wide eventually. Rock Star PPAF has pointed gray-green foliage to rival Thundercloud but pink bi-color flowers in August and September. And Finally Pillow Talk PPAF with its exceptional hybrid vigor and size reminds me of Matrona but with a much nicer flower color. Large gray-green foliage on 18-24” stems that are reddish-purple much of the season hold extra-large magenta and pink bi-color flower heads average 5-6” wide. black- purple highlights at peak season, the end of September. Deep green with purple throughout the rest of the season, it will stand out in the landscape. I’m still working on Echinacea and this year we have an extra large 6” bi-color magenta with light pink tips on dark cones called Wild Horses. In Geum, garden gems, we have a semi-double orange that has shorter petals overlapping the full size petals, called Coppertone Punch PPAF. Our breeding in daylilies has taken a great step two years ago when I visited Darrel Apps and he shared seedlings with over 20 years of re-blooming work behind them. In 2016 we will have our first batch of blooming seedlings and have three extra short hybrids with On Top to throw in the mix. In Leucanthemum we continue to have many new forms and look forward to evaluate and trail some with you. We continue to breed for a small red flowered Pennisetums and should have one to share soon. For over ten years I’ve been selecting the best forms of Polemonium reptans and I finally have one that’s too nice not to share. Soft Rain has both smaller foliage Brent Horvath- Breeder p Our Breeding Philosophy P Our plants are bred and selected in the tough conditions of the Midwest with hot humid summers and cold wet winters. We strive to breed plants not as a means, but with an end in mind. Our goals are simple- improved, durable, ornamental garden plants for our own climate and the rest of the world! Our plants are bred to stand the test of time, if they don’t survive or thrive in the garden why bother. and stature topping out right around 1’ tall. The color is sky blue and deepens to iridescent with cool nights. Perfect with other spring blooming plants. ` a 2 On the cover: Rudbeckia x ‘American Gold Rush’ PPAF 3 d Intrinsic Introductions Genus species Variety/Color COMMON NAME Intrinsic Introductions Genus species Variety/Color COMMON NAME AlliumcernuumWine Drop Nodding Onion Alliumschenoprasum Rising Star Dwarf Chives Alliumx Pink Planet Ornamental Onion Alliumx Windy City PPAF Ornamental Onion Alliumx August Asteroids PPAF Purple Lolly™ Amsoniahubrichtii Green MistBluestar Amsoniatabernaemontana FontanaBluestar Amsoniatabernaemontana Short StopBluestar Amsoniax Halfway to ArkansasBluestar Amsoniax Midway to MontanaBluestar Andropogongerardii Blackhawks PPAF Big Bluestem Andropogongerardii Dancing Wind PPAF Big Bluestem Andropogongerardii Indian Warrior PP#24,999 Big Bluestem Andropogongerardii Red October PP#26,283 Big Bluestem Asterx Arrested DevelopmentAster Asterx Wavy GravyAster Boutelouacurtipendula Buffalo Bedtime Side Oat Grama Carexpensylvanica Straw Hat PPAF Penn sedge Carexx Silver Fox Blue Sedge Dianthussubacaulis Gary Eichhorn Cheddar Pinks Echinaceapurpurea Showoff Purple Coneflower Echinaceapurpurea White Showoff White Coneflower Echinaceax Hang LooseConeflower Echinaceax Rocket ManConeflower Echinaceax Snow Cone Dwarf White Coneflower Echinaceax Wild HorsesConeflower Eryngiumyuccifolium Prairie Moon Dwarf Rattlesnake Master Eupatoriumperfoliatum Milk and CookiesBoneset Festucax Cool as Ice PPAF Cool Blue Fescue GeraniumsanguineumSt. ThereseCransebill Geraniumsoboliferum Butterfly KissesCranesbill Geumx Alabama Slammer PP#23,750 Garden Gems Geumx Banana Daiquiri PP#25,351 Garden Gems Geumx Champagne Garden Gems Geumx Citronge PPAF Garden Gems Geumx Coppertone Punch PPAF Garden Gems Geumx Cosmopolitan PP#24,982 Garden Gems Geumx Dark and Stormy PPAF Garden Gems Geumx Gimlet PP#26,223 - near white Garden Gems Geumx Limoncello Garden Gems Geumx Mai Tai PP#22,433 Garden Gems Geumx Peach Daiquiri PPAF Garden Gems Geumx Sangria Garden Gems Geumx Sea Breeze PP#26,437 - orange Garden Gems Geumx Spanish Fly PPAF Garden Gems Geumx Tequila Sunrise PP#21,514 Garden Gems Geumx Wet Kiss PPAF Garden Gems Hemerocallis x DustinDaylily Hemerocallisx On TopDaylily Hemerocallisx Techny OrangeDaylily HibiscusmoscheutosLou Emmons Hardy Hibiscus/ Rose Mallow IrispumilaProlific Purple Std. Dwarf bearded Iris LamiummaculatumGhostLamium Leucanthemumsuperbum Daisy Duke PP#21,914 Dasiy May® LobeliacardinalisTan Line PPAF Cardinal Flower Monardax It’s Majic Bee Balm Parthenocissustricuspidata Grand Slam Boston Ivy Pennisetumalopecuroides Ginger Love PP#26,442 Ginger Love Fountain Grass Pennisetumalopecuroides Piglet PP#19,074 Dwarf Fountain Grass Pennisetumalopecuroides Red Head Red Head Fountain Grass Pennisetumalopecuroides Red Rocket PPAF Sip of Wine™ Penstemondigitalis Pocahontas PP#24,804Beardtongue Phloxpilosa Bungalow Blue Prairie Phlox Polemoniumx Heaven Scent PP#20,214 Jacobs Ladder Polemonium Soft Rain Jacob’s Ladder Polygonatumx Prince Charming PP#22,304 Dwarf Solomon’s Seal Primulasieboldii Petticoat JunctionPrimrose Prunellavulgaris Under the SeaSelfheal Pulmonariax Pink Twilight Bethlehem Sage/Lungwort Rudbeckiax American Gold Rush PPAF Everlasting Sun™ Rudbeckiax Yellow Polkadot Bikini Black Eyed Susan Salvia elegans Golden Delicious PP#17,977 Golden Pineapple Sage SalvianemorosaAve Maria Perennial Salvia/Meadow Sage SalvianemorosaBlueberry Beret Perennial Salvia/Meadow Sage Salvia nemorosa Lurie mix strain Perennial Salvia Sanguisorbacanadensis CandlelightBurnet Schyzachriumscoparium Jazz Little Bluestem Sedum (Phedimus) ellacombianum Cutting Edge PPAFStonecrop Sedumsexangulare GolddiggerStonecrop Sedumspurium Red Rock Two Row Stonecrop Sedumx Beka USPP#18,398 Autumn Delight™ Showy Stonecrop Sedumx Lajos USPP# 14,421 Autumn Charm™ Showy Stonecrop Sedum x Petrified Showy Stonecrop Sedumx Pillow Talk PPAF Showy Stonecrop Sedumx Plum Perfection PP#22,690 Showy Stonecrop Sedumx Pure Joy PP#24,194 Showy Stonecrop Sedumx Rock Star PPAF Showy Stonecrop Sedumx Thundercloud PP#21,833 Showy Stonecrop SilphiumperfoliatumThe Holy Grail Golden cup Plant Sorghastrumnutans Skywalker Indian Grass Sorghastrumnutans St. Louis Indian Grass Vernoniax Southern CrossIronweed Veronicaincana Pure Silver Wooly Speedwell Veronica x Good Night Irene Spike Speedwell Veronicax Spike PPAF Speedwell a New plants for 2016 are shown in blue. 4 New plants for 2016 are shown in blue. 5 d The following US companies are licensed propagators on one or more of our patented plants: Art Form Nurseries Northwest Horticulture Bailey Nurseries Papio Valley Nursery Ball Horticultural Pioneer Gardens Blooming Nursery Poplar Ridge Nursery Center Greenhouse Progressive Perennials Creek Hill Nursery Darwin Plants Proven Winners - Euro American, Four Star G-H, Pleasant View, Watters Gardens Emerald Coast Growers Ritter Horticultural Gardenworld Skagit Gardens GET Group Stonehouse Nursery Green Leaf Plants (Aris) Sunny Border Nursery Greenlead Nursery Swift Greenhouses, Inc Hinsdale Nursery T & L Nursery, Inc. Hoffman Nursery Twixwood James Greenhouse Valleybrook (Canada) Janus Gardens (Canada), Inc. Walla Walla Nursery Kurt Bluemel, Inc. Walters Gardens North Creek Nurseries Website and Online Resources To download our weekly bloom list or other documents, visit our Plant Lists page at intrinsicperennialgardens.com. Follow us on Facebook and Pinterest! GOT SEDUMS? Brent Horvath’s first book, The Plant Lover’s Guide to Sedums, is being published by Timber Press. It includes everything you need to know about these beautiful gems. Plant profiles highlight 150 of the best varieties to grow, with information on zones, plant size, soil and light needs, origin, and how they are used in the landscape. Additional information includes designing with sedums, growing and propagating them, where to buy them, and where to see them in public gardens. Order online at www.timberpress.com a 6 7 Gold Award GWA! 2015 d Allium cernuum Nodding Onion Wine Drop – This vegetative form of Nodding Onion was selected for its darker pink color. At cool times the pedicels are wine colored too giving an added hint of pink to the flower head. The foliage is on the thin side. Stems grow 15-18” tall. 4 1/2” Full sun, well drained soil. 1 Gal. Introduced Royalty Status 2013 Liner Availability custom Liner Availability plugs 70 plug 4 1/2” 1 Gal. Status HGTV exclusive Liner Availability plugs a 8 .75 3.00 5.00 Allium x Pink Planet Allium x August Asteroids .90 5.50 Sources other than IPG Allium x Ornamental Onion Pink Planet – A semi-sterile selection we found as a seedling in our fields. Related to senescens, it has matte, somewhat twisting foliage of gray green color. 18” tall by 24” wide. Dense balls of pink on 24” stems start at the end of August and bloom at least a month. Full sun and well drained soil. Introduced Royalty Status Liner Availability 2007 custom 3.00 5.00 Sources other than IPG Blooming Nursery Allium x Purple Lolly™ August Asteroids PPAF – An HGTV Exclusive! Heavy blooming plants begin to bud in July above glossy green foliage 6-8” tall. Light pink lavender flowers open 50 plug on round clusters in August atop 18” stems. Full sun, Average to well drained soil. 1 Gal. Introduced Royalty 2016 $0.10 Allium schenoprasum Rising Star Sources other than IPG Allium schenoprasum Dwarf Pink Chive Rising Star – Extra dwarf pink chives reaching only 10-12” tall and wide, bloom in May. Fine grey, green, grassy foliage looks nice all season long. Easy to grow. Plants prefer full sun and average to well drained soil. Introduced Royalty Status 2010 Allium cernuum Wine Drop 1 Gal. 5.00 Sources other than IPG Blooming Nursery, Klehms Song Sparrow- Retail mail order 9 d Allium x Ornamental Onion aka. Lavender Lollipop™ Windy City PPAF – Dark green glossy foliage reaches 15” tall and wide. Dark rose purple flower clusters begin to color in June and open in July on 18-20” stems. 50 plug Full sun is best. Average well drained to dry soil. Very drought tolerant. 1 Gal. Introduced Royalty 2015 $0.20 Status Liner Availability patented plugs Liner Availability custom Liner Availability custom 1.75 6.50 1 Gal. 5.00 Sources other than IPG Amsonia tabernaemontana Bluestar Fontana – This red stem selection has slightly darker blue flower clusters at the end of May into June on 36” + plants. In August the red seedheads are showy too. Zone 4-9. Full sun to light shade. Well drained to dry soil. Introduced Royalty Status 2015 Amsonia tabernaemontana Fontana Sources other than IPG Amsonia hubrichtii Bluestar Green Mist – This extra fine form has deep green needle like foliage. Uniform plants reach 3’ tall and wide. Nice fall color of orange to golden yellow. Full sun average to dry soil. Introduced Royalty Status 2014 Amsonia hubrictii Green Mist Amsonia tabernaemontana Short Stop 1 Gal. Allium x Windy City PPAF 5.00 Sources other than IPG Short Stop – Compact 2’+ plants bloom the end of May early June with light NEW for blue cone shaped flower clusters. While most Amsonias have a growth spurt after 2016 flowering this one is stopped short. Yellow fall color too. Full sun is best. Average to well drained soils. 1 Gal. 5.50 Introduced Royalty Status 2016 a Liner Availability custom 10 Sources other than IPG 11 d Amsonia x Bluestar Halfway to Arkansas – The foliage is a glossy deep green and uniformly needle-like. Pale blue flowers cluster in May. Rounded mounds top out just over 48” tall and wide. Yellow fall color comes a bit later than the other Amsonias. Try it with Pennisetum Red Head, and Penstemon Huskers Red and Pocahontas. Full sun to light shade in well drained to moist soil. Introduced Royalty Status Liner Availability 2005 plugs Amsonia x Halfway to Arkansas 70 plug 4 1/2” 1 Gal. 3 Gal. Liner Availability plugs .75 3.00 5.00 11.50 Sources other than IPG Blooming Nursery, GET group, Hortech Twixwood Midway to Montana – Technically this is probably Amsonia tabernaemontana salicifolia as is our Halfway to Arkansas. This form is practically half the size too. Mature plants have intermediate foliage around 3/8 - 1/2“ wide with clumps maturing to 3’ tall and wide. Light blue flower clusters bloom at around 12-18” + with a bolt of foliage after that. These adaptable plants will grow in full sun to part shade and most any soil except wet. Fall color is a striking golden yellow. 70 plug These plants can make a nice informal herbacous hedge too. 1 Gal. Introduced Royalty Status 2013 Amsonia x Midway to Montana .75 5.50 Andropogon gerardii Dancing Wind Andropogon gerardii Blackhawks PPAF Sources other than IPG Andropogon gerardii Big Bluestem Blackhawks PPAF – Deeper green foliage takes on a deep purple background in NEW for mid-summer deepening to dark purple and near black in some parts of the plant. 2016 Upright 5’+ tall plants will stand out in the landscape, especially with other tall grasses. Full sun, average soil. 1 Gal. 7.00 Introduced Royalty 2016 $0.25 Status Patented Liner Availability plugs Sources other than IPG Emerald Coast, Greenleaf Nursery, Twixwood Dancing Wind PPAF – Selected for its bi-color late summer color of green and red deepening to dark red in September and scarlet after frost. Heavy blooming 50 plug plants begin in August with the entire plant becoming mostly red by the end of 1 Gal. September. Grows to 6’ tall and almost 2’ wide. Full sun is best. Any soil but wet. 3 Gal. Introduced Royalty 2014 $0.25 a Status Patented Liner Availability plugs 12 2.75 6.00 13.00 Sources other than IPG Emerald Coast, Greenleaf Nursery 13 d Andropogon gerardii Indian Warrior PP#24,999 Andropogon gerardii Big Bluestem Indian Warrior PP#24,999 – Our first vegetative Big Bluestem is distinct from the species from the time it emerges. Darker green and more substantial foliage turn red below the red flowers which deepen all the way into October. Upright License plants grow 6’ tall and 2’ wide with maturity. Full sun and any soil but wet. Only Introduced Royalty Status Liner Availability 2012 $0.25 Patented plugs a 2.75 6.50 13.00 Aster laevis Wavy Gravy Andropogon gerardii Red October PP#26,283 70 plug 1 Gal. .75 4.50 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG plugs Wavy Gravy – In mid-September violet flowers bloom on 2’ stems. Some of the petals have a twist to them adding character and a third color to these interesting flowers. Open habit plants work well with grasses and other low to medium fall plants like Sedum x ‘Pillow Talk’ PPAF. Full sun, well drained soil. Introduced Royalty Status 2016 50 plug 1 Gal. 3 Gal. Sources other than IPG Emerald Coast, Get Group, Hoffman Nursery, Janus Gardens, Inc, North Creek Nurseries, Twixwood Aster x Aster Arrested Development – Bushy plants grow 12-15” tall in maturity. Deep lavender blue flowers begin around mid-September over greyed green foliage. Full sun, well drained soil. Introduced Royalty Status 2014 100.00 Sources other than IPG Blooming Nursery, Emerald Coast GET Group, Janus Gardens, Inc, Twixwood, Walters Gardens Red October PP#26,283 – Our second vegetative form of Big Bluestem and for its fall color its hard to beat. Initially it was selected for its finer foliage, and has a nice upright habit to 6’. Foliage emerges deep green usually having some red tips from spring on. Starting in August the red highlights increase and deepen to a rich burgundy red. After the first frost usually in October, the foliage turns a more scarlet red taking on a striking appearance. Red flowers begin in August. Full sun is best for the red foliage color. Well drained soil. John Greenlee called this “the New Rubrum.” Introduced Royalty Status Liner Availability 2013 $0.25 Patented plugs Aster laevis Arrested Development NEW for 2016 1 Gal. 5.00 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG custom 14 15 d Bouteloua curtipendula Side Oat Grama Buffalo Bedtime – Our first vegetative selection has both red stems and red tips that bleed into an overall orange red fall color in September. Plants reach 36” tall by 24” + wide. Zone 4-9. Full sun to dry soil. Introduced Royalty Status 2015 Bouteloua curtipendula Buffalo Bedtime 1 Gal. Carex pensylvanica Straw Hat PPAF 5.00 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG custom` Carex pensylvanica Pennsylvania Sedge, Common Oak Sedge Straw Hat PPAF – This rhizomatous and vegetative form of penn sedge has a vigorous habit. It also has more substantial flower clusters than the species with NEW for reliable heavy spring bloom in April-May. It makes a good groundcover for dry 2016 shade. I have it planted with Polemonium x ‘Heaven Scent’ Tolerates full sun with irrigation. Part shade is best. The bright green foliage reaches only 5-6”. 4 1/2” 4.00 Introduced Royalty Status 2016 $0.15 Patented Liner Availability Sources other than IPG plugs Emerald Coast Growers Carex x Blue Sedge Silver Fox – This spreading blue sedge is perfect for rain gardens or wet meadows where the blue foliage will mimic water. Upright thin grey-blue foliage reaches 18-24” tall spreading over 24” wide. Full sun, moist is best. Introduced Royalty Status 2015 a 1 Gal. Dianthus subacaulis Gary Eichhorn 5.00 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG custom Dianthus subacaulis Cheddar Pinks Gary Eichhorn – Short, clean, spreading mounds with delicate, very fragrant, pink flowers starting mid May. Sporadic rebloom in fall. Full sun to light shade, well drained soil. Named for the breeder. Reminiscent of Tiny Rubies variety with cleaner, gray green foliage. Introduced Royalty Status 2000 Carex x Silver Fox 4 1/2” 1 Gal. 2.75 4.50 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG custom Bluebird, Sunny Border Nursery 16 17 d Echinacea purpurea Purple Coneflower Showoff – Selected for the extra wide and long drooping pink petals and extra showy orange cones, this seed strain stands out at a distance, especially when compared to the new upright petaled forms. Full sun well drained soil. Long blooming. Introduced Royalty Status 2010 NEW for 2016 1 Gal. a 5.00 Echinacea x Hang Loose 1 Gal. Echinacea x Rocket Man 6.50 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG custom only Rocket Man – This plant has a very unique and especially long lasting pink color starting a deep watermelon. The extra long petals hang from dark cones resembling badminton shuttlecocks. Stems reach 3’ tall. Full sun, well drained soil. 1 Gal. Introduced Royalty Status 2014 5.00 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG custom Echinacea x Coneflower Hang Loose – This is a hybrid with Echinacea simulata. The foliage is thin and hairy. The long hanging petals start with strongly contrasting orange petals with red bases and become more melon color with age. Stems are 3’ + tall. Bloom is relatively early starting in June. Full sun well drained soil. Introduced Royalty Status 2014 1 Gal. Echinacea purpurea White Showoff Liner Availability Sources other than IPG custom White Showoff – After years of observing the pink form and pulling out the best whites we are able to offer a white strain of Showoff. Bright honey colored cones and hanging white petals on vigorous 3’+ plants. Great for a naturalistic planting. Full sun, well drained soil. Long blooming. Introduced Royalty Status 2016 Echinacea purpurea Showoff 6.50 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG custom only 18 19 d Echinacea x Dwarf White Coneflower Snow Cone – Bushy plants skirted with foliage reaching 18-24” tall and wide. Pure white flowers open with green cones that fade to a chartreuse yellow, making a pleasing combination. This hybrid has tennessensis in it giving 70 plug it longevity over straight purpurea types. Full sun, well drained soil. 1 Gal. Introduced Royalty Status 2011 NEW for 2016 1 Gal. a 7.00 Eupatorium perfoliatum Milk ‘n Cookies 1 Gal. Eryngium yuccifolium Prairie Moon 5.50 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG custom Eupatorium perfoliatum Boneset Milk and Cookies – This native wetland species tolerates average soil. This selection has chocolate red foliage with milky white flowers in July on 3’ stems. 70 plug Full sun, moist to average soil. Easy to combine with. 1 Gal. Introduced Royalty Status 2014 2.00 7.00 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG custom Eryngium yuccifolium Rattlesnake Master Prairie Moon – This uniformly short seed strain was selected for its shorter statured 3’+ stems compared to the species which grows to 5’ and tends to flop. The foliage is also thinner and bluer. White flowers begin in June or July. In fall the seedheads turn brown and hold on into winter. Plant in full sun, dry to well drained soil. Introduced Royalty Status 2013 Echinacea x Wild Horses Liner Availability Sources other than IPG Stage III Hortech, Microplant Echinacea x Coneflower Wild Horses – Extra large bi-color flowers up to 6” wide have dark cones with deep magenta pink bases and light pink tips. Long blooming plants start in June. 3’+ stems above thin basal foliage. Full sun, well drained soil. Introduced Royalty Status 2016 Echinacea x Snow Cone 1.25 5.50 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG custom Florexpo 20 21 d Festuca xCool Blue Fescue Cool as Ice PPAF – This one was selected for its lighter green spring emergence giving the plant a slight bi-color look and better heat tolerance in summer. Vigorous plants turn blue in summer. Flower stems reach 18” with foliage reaching 24” wide. Zone 4-8. Full sun to light shade, well drained soil is best. Festuca x Cool as Ice PPAF 50 plug 4 1/2” 1 Gal. 1.75 3.50 5.50 Introduced Royalty Status Liner Availability Sources other than IPG 2015 $0.20 Patented plugs Creek Hill Nursery, Emerald Coast Growers, GET Group, Twixwood Geranium sanguineum Cranesbill St. Therese – Deep green foliage on bushy mounds growing 12-15” tall and 18”+ wide. Magenta pink flowers begin in May with some reliable rebloom in July and sometimes in fall too. A great combination plant. Full sun, well drained soil. Introduced Royalty Status 2011 Geranium soboliferum Cranesbill Butterfly Kisses – A unique geranium since it begins to flower in September. Large clumps of pale green foliage reach 2’+ wide and 18”+ tall. Nice en masse or planted where it can weave between other plants. Perfect with Eragrostis spectabilis. Magenta and pink bicolor flowers dance along the foliage, which can have nice red highlights in October adding to its seasonal interest. Full sun to light shade, well drained soil. Introduced Royalty Status 2009 a 1 Gal. 5.50 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG custom only 1 Gal. Geranium sanguineum St. Therese Geranium soboliferum Butterfly Kisses 5.50 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG custom 22 23 d Geum x Garden Gems Alabama Slammer PP#23,750 – Hairy mounds of foliage grow 8-10” tall and over 1’ wide. In May, burgundy stems to 18”+ bloom with multi colored deep orange flowers edged and highlighted with red. Mostly semi-double 1 1/2” flowers. Full sun, moist, drained soil. Introduced Royalty Status Liner Availability 2011 $0.20 Patented plugs, URC, stage III Liner Availability custom a Liner Availability plugs stage III 24 50 plug 1 Gal. 1.50 5.50 1 Gal. Geum x Champagne Geum x Citronge 4.50 Sources other than IPG Citronge PPAF – Creamy orange flowers emerge in May from red stem and buds on 18” stems. Wide folded petals overlap giving a nice full effect. Heavy blooming plants have some rebloom too. Full sun, moist rich soil. Zone 4-8. Introduced Royalty Status 2015 $0.20 Patented 1.50 5.50 Sources other than IPG Blooming Nursery, Darwin Perennials, Florexpo, Get Group, Gulley Greenhouse, Pioneer, Skagit Gardens, Vitro Westland Champagne – Creamy white nodding to side facing flowers on substantial plants reaching 24” tall and wide sometimes taller. Vigorous plants hardy zone 4-8. Rich moist soil is best. Introduced Royalty Status 2015 50 plug 1 Gal. Geum x Banana Daiquiri Sources other than IPG GET Group, Darwin Perennials, Florexpo, Gulley Greenhouse, Pioneer, Vitro Westland Banana Daiquiri PP#25,351 – Clear lemon yellow semi double flowers on floriferous plants start blooming the end of April on 18”+ stems and continue through May. Semi evergreens foliage reaches 10” tall by 12-15” wide. Best in full sun with rich moist to average soil. Introduced Royalty Status Liner Availability 2012 $0.20 Patented plugs, URC, stage III Geum x Alabama Slammer 50 plug 1 Gal. 1.50 5.50 Sources other than IPG Vitro Westland 25 d Geum x Garden Gems Coppertone Punch PPAF – Semi-double orange flowers in May have shorter NEW for petals on top of the full size petals for a layered look. Saturated orange flowers 2016 on airy green stems 18” plus tall. Semi evergreen hairy foliage on 10” x 12-15” clumps look good all season. Moist rich soil is ideal, but average soil is suitable. 50 plug 1.50 Full sun. 1 Gal. 5.50 Introduced Royalty 2016 $0.20 Status Liner Availability Patentedplugs Sources other than IPG Cosmopolitan PP#24,982 – Creamy petals flushed and edged with a rosy pink on semi double flowers that look like miniature roses, appear on 18” burgundy stems in May. Semi evergreen foliage on 10” x 12-15” clumps. Moist rich soil 50 plug is ideal, but average soil is suitable. Full sun. 1 Gal. Introduced Royalty Status Liner Availability 2012 $0.20 Patented plugs, URC, stage III Status Liner Availability Patentedplugs, stage III 1.50 5.50 Sources other than IPG Blooming Nursery, Florexpo, Gulley Greenhouse, Microplant, Pinoeer Gardens, Skagit Gardens, Vitro Westland Dark and Stormy PPAF – Red stems and buds reveal red-orange semi-double flowers when they open, then fade to orange showing both red and orange together. Attractive cut green foliage is semi-evergreen and has some red fall color too. Clumps grow to 10” tall with flowers on 18” stems. Full sun, rich moist soil 50 plug is best. 1 Gal. Introduced Royalty 2014 $0.20 Geum x Coppertone Punch Geum x Cosmopolitan Geum x Dark and Stormy Geum x Gimlet 1.50 5.50 Sources other than IPG Florexpo, Vitro Westland Gimlet PP#26,223 – near white – This light yellow Geum can have white tips in its petals especially as the semi double flowers fade. They begin blooming in early May and continue for 3-4 weeks on 18” green stems. Full sun, rich moist soil is best. 50 plug 1 Gal. 1.50 5.50 Introduced Royalty Status Liner Availability Sources other than IPG 2013 $0.20 Patented plugs, stage III Florexpo, Pioneer, Vitro Westland a 26 27 d Geum x Garden Gems Limoncello – Single lemon yellow flowers look straight up on 12-15” red stems. This is one of our heaviest blooming Geums. Full sun, rich moist soil. Introduced Royalty Status 2013 Geum x Peach Daiquiri Geum x Limoncello 50 plug 1 Gal. 1.50 5.50 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG plugs, stage III Florexpo, Vitro Westland Mai Tai PP#22,433 – Heavy blooming, vigorous plants have single to semidouble blooms of vermillion red fading to a peachy-pink in May. Clumping mounds reach just over 1’ wide topped by burgundy 18” stems. Full sun, moist to average soil. Introduced Royalty Status Liner Availability 2010 $0.20 Patented plugs, URC, stage III 50 plug 1 Gal. 1.50 5.50 Sources other than IPG Darwin Perennials, Florexpo, GET group, Gulley Greenhouse, Pioneer, Skagit Gardens, Twixwood, Vitro Westland Peach Daiquiri PPAF – Peach flowers are nearly semi-double blooming throughout May on red 18” stems. Foliage mounds 10-12” tall by 18” + wide. 50 plug Full sun, rich moist to average soil. Zone 4-8. 1 Gal. Geum x Mai Tai Geum x Sangria 1.50 5.50 Introduced Royalty Status Liner Availability Sources other than IPG 2015 $0.20 Patented plugs Florexpo Sangria – A semidouble, sterile, intense red hybrid with a long bloom time starting the end of May and going through June into July. Introduced Royalty Status Liner Availability 2008 plugs, stage III a Status Patented Liner Availability plugs, stage III 28 1.50 5.50 Geum x Sea Breeze Sources other than IPG Blooming Nursery, Darwin Plants, Microplant, Skagit Gardens Sea Breeze PP#26,437 – orange – This robust grower has larger hairy foliage than most Geums. Orange flowers can verge on the red side after cold nights and measure 2” wide. The unique flowers have folded wavy petals like they are blowing in the breeze and are held on red 18” + stems. Full sun, rich moist soil. Nice with Salvias. Introduced Royalty 2013 $0.20 50 plug 1 Gal. 50 plug 1 Gal. 1.50 5.50 Sources other than IPG Florexpo, Pioneer, Vitro Westland 29 d Geum x Garden Gems Spanish Fly PPAF – Single gold flowers tipped in red have hints of orange too. Red stems grow 18” tall in May. Full sun, rich, moist soil. Introduced Royalty 2014 $0.20 Status Liner Availability Patented plugs Geum x Spanish Fly 50 plug 1 Gal. Status Patented Liner Availability plugs a 50 plug 1 Gal. 1.50 5.50 Geum x Wet Kiss Hemerocallis x Dustin Domansky Sources other than IPG Florexpo, Pioneer Gardens Hemerocallis x Daylily Dustin Domansky – (Diploid) Buttery yellow, 3” flowers on 24”+ stems have a hint of pink down the middle of the petals. June bloom with some rebloom in August. Full sun, well drained soil. Dustin was a family friend and like a cousin, who suffered from Spinebifida. This cheery plant matches his great personality and attitude in life. Introduced Royalty Status 2011 1.50 5.50 Sources other than IPG Blooming Nursery, Darwin Perennials, Florexpo, GET group, Gulley Greenhouse, Twixwood Wet Kiss PPAF – Is a deeper colored red sport of Mai Tai with more vermillion to orange semi-double flowers. Red stems and buds grow to 18” Full sun, rich moist soil. Introduced Royalty 2014 $0.20 1.50 5.50 Sources other than IPG Florexpo Tequila Sunrise PP#21,514 – The second in our cocktail series. Cool off your spring with a refreshing Tequila Sunrise. Lemony yellow single and semi double flowers drip with a touch of grenadine rose red on the end of the burgundy red stems. 1’ clumps with the flower stems 50 plug reaching 15-18” start blooming in May and go into June. Full sun with moist soil. 1 Gal. Introduced Royalty Status Liner Availability 2009 $0.20 Patented plugs, URC Geum x Tequila Sunrise 1 Gal. 4.50 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG divisions 30 31 d Hemerocallis x Daylily On Top – Syn. Baby Stella™. One of the shortest daylilies you’ll ever see. The stems are typically 6” tall, which leave the golden flowers sitting right “on top” of the mound of foliage. Some rebloom. Prefers full sun, well drained soil. NOTE: We are breeding with this and should have some more extremely short ones in the future. 1 Gal. Introduced Royalty Status 2007 a 6.00 5.50 11.50 Hibiscus moscheutos Lou Emmons Iris pumila Prolific Purple Liner Availability Sources other than IPG custom Iris pumila Std. Dwarf bearded Iris Prolific Purple – Fragrant purple flowers smell like grapes, on silvered green foliage to 12”+. Flowers in May on 15-18” stems. Named by my Dad for its extreme vigor. An old variety from our Glenview Garden Center. 1 Gal. Introduced Royalty Status 2006 5.00 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG divisions Hibiscus moscheutos Hardy Hibiscus/Rose Mallow Lou Emmons – This hybrid has three lobed foliage with some red highlights most of the season. Substantial plants grow 5’+ and bloom in July and August with 1 Gal. creamy white flowers that have big red eyes. Full sun, average to moist soil. 3 Gal. Introduced Royalty Status 2013 Hemerocallis x Techny Orange Liner Availability Sources other than IPG divisions Pioneer Gardens, Van Hoorn Nurseries Techny Orange – Bred by Brother Charles. Saturated reddish orange petals are extra wide with golden orange mid rib and eyes. Late and long bloom starts in August and continues into September. Thick 3-4’ stems above substantial foliage. 1 Gal. Introduced Royalty Status 2014 Hemerocallis x On Top Syn. Baby Stella™ 5.50 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG divisions 32 33 d Lamium maculatum Lamium Ghost – Mostly silvered foliage is what caught our eye on this Lamium. Purple flower clusters fit right in. Full sun with moisture or part shade, well drained soil. Extra vigorous (Groundcover). Introduced Royalty Status 2007 Leucanthemum superbum Daisy Duke Lamium maculatum Ghost 4 1/2” 2.75 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG plugs, URC readily available Leucanthemum superbum Daisy May® Daisy Duke PP#21,914 – Extremely uniform plants. Tight perky habit with star quality growing to 2’ tall have a dome shaped habit with deep green foliage and flat 3” daisies. Picked to be a Proven Winners Perennial! 4 1/2” 3.50 Full sun, well drained soil. Nice with yellow daylilies. 1 Gal. 6.00 Introduced Royalty 2010 Status Liner Availability Proven Winner Exclusive Sources other than IPG Proven Winners, Euro American Propagators, Four Star, Pleasant View, Walters Gardens Liatris spicata Blazing Star / Gayfeather Trailblazer – Originally selected for some red tips to the foliage, this tetraploid form of Liatris spicata only reaches 24” + tall and 15-18” wide. Thick purple flowers in summer turn black as they to go to seed. Extra showy and compact compared to the species. An improvement on ‘Kobold’. Full sun, most any soil. Zones 4-9. 1 Gal. Introduced Royalty Status 2015 Liatris spicata Trailblazer Lobelia cardinalis Tan Line 5.50 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG custom Lobelia cardinalis Cardinal Flower Tan Line PPAF – A vigorous hybrid with a red leaved parent giving this gold leaved plant vigor and red tips and new growth not to mention lots of red flowers in July. 36” + tall and around 18-24” wide. Full sun to part shade. Zone 4-9. 1 Gal. 6.00 Introduced Royalty Status Liner Availability Sources other than IPG 2015 $0.20 Patented custom a 34 35 d Monarda x Bee Balm It’s Majic – Most likely a hybrid of fistulosa and didyma. These extra vigorous plants reach 5’ tall. Dark foliage and some purple stems add interest too. Bright purple flowers are super eye catching and last an extra long time blooming in summer. Full sun, most any soil. Zones 4-9. Introduced Royalty Status 2015 1 Gal. 5.00 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG custom Parthenocissus tricuspidata Boston Ivy Grand Slam – This plant has great looking foliage three seasons out of the year. Semi glossy foliage emerges lighter green but quickly colors up to deep green. The real show comes in Fall when the uniform bright red fall color is hard to beat. This climbing vine will grow over 20’ tall and cling to stone. Zone 4-9. 1 Gal. Introduced Royalty Status 2015 Parthenocissus tricuspidata Grand Slam Monarda x It’s Majic 8.00 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG custom Pennisetum alopecuroides Ginger Love PP#26,442 Pennisetum alopecuroides Ginger Love Fountain Grass Ginger Love PP#26,442 – If you like Red Heads you’ll love Ginger Love. This red flowered fountain grass grows 2-3’ tall and wide with thick red inflorescense 50 plug starting in August and holding on until October. Plants should be deadheaded 1 Gal. once seeds start to drop. Full sun, well drained to average soil. Zones 5-9. 3 Gal. Introduced Royalty Status Liner Availability 2013 $0.20 Patented plugs a 36 2.50 6.00 13.00 Sources other than IPG Blooming Nursery, Greenleaf, Emerald Coast, Northwest Horticulture, Janus Gardens, Inc, T&L Nursery, Twixwood, Progressive Perennials, Walters Gardens 37 d Pennisetum alopecuroides Piglet PP#19,074, EU PBR# 32,991 – This dwarf fountain grass tops out at around 18” tall and wide. Full sun, well drained soil. Comments: The lowers are substantial enough to be viewed in the landscape compared to Little Bunny and plants grow to about half the size of Hameln. Try with Pixie Meadowbrite™ or Liatris Kobold. For trial or licensing information, please call Brent. Introduced Royalty Status Liner Availability 2006 $0.10 Patented plugs 50 plug 4 1/2” 1 Gal. 3 Gal. 1.50 3.00 5.00 12.00 Sources other than IPG Artform Nurseries, Blooming Nursery, Emerald Coast, GET Group, Hoffman, Lovettt Farms, Stonehouse, Sunny Border Nursery, Twixwood, Van Hoorn Nurseries, Pennisetum alopecuroides Red Head Fountain Grass Red Head – An early form of red flowering Pennisetum. I selected this one in 1998 from among Pennisetum National Arboretum. AWARD WINNER Red Head shows its red inflorescence the beginning of August, one month earlier than most. It looked stunning against the Feather Reed Grass in the field beds at the nursery. Nice with other red grasses, variegated Miscanthus and Joe Pye Weed. Full sun, well drained to moist 50 plug 1.50 soil. It should be deadheaded in October to prevent reseeding. Awarded in 1 Gal. 5.00 2010 at the ISU Conference in Europe. 3 Gal. 12.00 Introduced Royalty Status 2003 a Top 10 New Intros Pennisetum alopecuroides Red Head Andropogon ‘Blackhawks’ Festuca x ‘Cool as Ice’ Geum x ‘Citronge’ Pennisetum ‘Red Rocket’ Liner Availability Sources other than IPG plugs readily available Pennisetum alopecuroides Sip of Wine™ Red Rocket PPAF – An HGTV Home plant collection exclusive. Get ready for take off, when the dark red flower spikes of ‘Red Rocket’ bloom in late summer they will be flying off the shelf. 3’ x 3’ + substantial plants are the perfect size to blend the tall and small in your border. Full sun, well drained soil. Introduced Royalty Status 2015 $0.25 HGTV Exclusive Pennisetum alopecuroides Piglet Pennisetum alopecuroides Red Rocket PPAF Ginger Love Fountain Grass Primula sieboldii ‘Petticoat Junction’ Rudbeckia x ‘American Gold Rush’ PPAF HGTV Exclusive Full Gal. 6.50 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG custom Emerald Coast Growers 38 Polemonium reptans ‘Soft Rain’ Salvia nemorosa ‘Blueberry Beret’ Sedum ellacombianum ‘Cutting Edge’ PPAF Sedum x Pillow Talk PPAF 39 d Penstemon digitalis Beardtongue Pocahontas PP#24,804 – Burgundy foliage emerges in spring quickly followed in June by 3-4’ burgundy red stems holding loose clusters of purple pink flowers. An irresistible combination judging from the womens reaction when we had it blooming near the office. The hummingbirds also had a taste and find it equally 50 plug appealing. Plants prefer full sun, and well drained to rich soil. 1 Gal. Introduced Royalty Status Liner Availability 2012 $0.20 Patented plugs 1.25 5.50 Sources other than IPG Blooming Nurseries, Florexpo, GET Group North Creek Nurseries, Skagit Gardens, Stonehouse Nursery, Twixwood, Vitro Westland Phlox pilosa Prairie Phlox Bungalow Blue – Evolving blue to lavender blue flowers with blue eyes are fragrant blooming in May. Thick clean pointed foliage on 15-18” stems. Best in lean to average soil in full sun. Introduced Royalty Status 2014 Polemonium reptans Soft Rain Penstemon digitalis Pocahontas 4 1/2” 1 Gal. 3.00 5.00 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG Top 12 Favorite Perennial Intros Phlox pilosa Bungalow Blue Polemonium reptans Jacobs Ladder Soft Rain – After years of selecting for unique forms of reptans we finally have a finer form to share. Both the foliage size and plant size are smaller, topping out at just around 1’ tall. Irridescent light blue flowers deepen with cool nights giving NEW for the petals a second deeper hue. Too nice not to share. A perfect companion with 2016 short Carex and other spring plants. Full sun to part shade. Average soil, though it will tolerate dry soil. 1 Gal. 5.50 Introduced Royalty Status 2016 a Echinacea ‘Snowcone’ Geum ‘Mai Tai’ Leucanthemum ‘Daisy Duke’ Penstemon d. ‘Pocahontas’ Polemonium ‘Heaven Scent’ Polygonatum ‘Prince Charming’ Sedum ‘Pure Joy’ Sedum ‘Pillow Talk’ PPAF Sedum ‘Rock Star’ PPAF Sedum ‘Thundercloud’ Vernonia ‘Southern Cross’ Veronica incana ‘Pure Silver’ Liner Availability Sources other than IPG custom 40 41 d Polemonium x Jacobs Ladder Heaven Scent PP#20,214 – Lacy pinnate foliage emerges red and continues to hold red highlights until summer. Grape scented blue flowers begin in May and can continue into June. Plants top out at 18-24” tall. Drought tolerant clumps can grow in full sun to part shade. Makes a good cut flower, too. Nice with Geum Prunella vulgaris Under the Sea Polygonatum biflorum Prince Charming 2 1/2” 1 Gal. 2.00 6.00 Introduced Royalty Status Liner Availability Sources other than IPG 2008 $0.25 Patented plugs, stage III, Florexpo, Pioneer, Stonehouse, URC Vitro Westland Polygonatum biflorum Dwarf Solomon’s Seal Prince Charming PP#22,304 – In cooperation with Chicagoland Grows! Clumps no taller than 12” start the spring with many pair of creamy white perfumed flowers along the short arching stems. In fall purple berries are 2 eye bareroot 2.00 followed by golden yellow fall color. Can grow in full sun with drained soil 4 1/2” 4.50 but will tolerate part shade. 1 Gal. 7.50 Introduced Royalty 2011 $0.25 Status Liner Availability Sources other than IPG licensed by bareroot, Blooming Nursery, Intrinsic Perennial Chicagoland Gardens, Inc. Grows Polemonium x Heaven Scent Primula sieboldii Petticoat Junction Primula sieboldiiPrimrose Petticoat Junction – This welcome spring flower has pearl white fronts NEW for and lavender pink on the back side. Starting in Mid-May. Crinkled foliage to 4” 2016 with flower stems reaching 6-8” tall. These plants are ephemeral, so in the heat of summer the foilage disappears. Part shade, rich average soil. 4 1/2” 4.00 Introduced Royalty Status 2016 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG custom Prunella laciniataSelfheal Under the Sea – Low cut foliage on spreading clumps to 15” wide looks good 70 plug all season long. Blue flowers in June on 8-10” compact plants. Attractive purple 4 1/2” seedheads follow in July. Tolerates most any soil. Full sun to part shade. 1 Gal. Introduced Royalty Status 2014 a .75 3.00 5.00 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG plugs Florexpo 42 43 d Pulmonaria x Bethlehem Sage/Lungwort Pink Twilight – This is a Northwind seedling that I selected for its silver spotted foliage and large open pink flowers that remind me of the best old forms of Mrs. Moon. Early blooming plants reach around 15” tall and over 18” wide. Part shade is ideal in average to dry soil. 1 Gal. Introduced Royalty Status 2013 Pulmonaria x Pink Twilight Rudbeckia x American Gold Rush PPAF 1.50 7.00 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG plugs Emerald Coast Growers Salvia elegans Golden Pineapple Sage Golden Delicious PP#17,977 – Tender Perennial. Limey yellow foliage that smells like pineapple looks good all year reaching 42”+ in the garden. If kept from frost will bloom scarlet red at the end of October. Full sun to light shade. Well drained to moist or even wet soil. Part of the Proven Winners line. 1 Gal. Introduced Royalty Status Liner Availability 2005 licensed plugs, URC by Amerinova a 1.00 3.00 5.00 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG plugs Florexpo American Gold Rush PPAF – One of my best plants, this is an HGTV exclusive! Naturally compact plants reach 22” at the most, with a rounded habit and heavy bloom starting in late July through September. The golden yellow 3” flowers have arched petals. Foliage is thinner and harry giving this plant excellent resitance to 70 plug Septoria, the fungus that affects Goldstrum. Full sun, well drained soil. 1 Gal. Introduced Royalty Status 2 015-16 $0.25 HGTV exclusive 5.50 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG custom Rudbeckia x Black Eyed Susan Yellow Polkadot Bikini – We’ve been watching this short selection for quite 70 plug a while. Typically it is under 2’ tall and not quite as wide. Full gold 3” flowers 4 1/2” above thinner clean foliage. Full sun, dry to average soil. 1 Gal. Introduced Royalty Status 2014 Rudbeckia x Yellow Polkadot Bikini Salvia elegans Golden Delicious 44 4.50 Sources other than IPG Euro American Propagators, Blooming, Bluebird, Green Leaf Nurseries (Aris), James Greenhouses, Skagit, HMA, Walters Gardens 45 d Salvia nemorosa Perennial Salvia/Meadow Sage Ave Maria – Purple pink flowers bloom in May along deep purple stems and calyx which hold their color through June giving this form an extra month of interest. Plants can rebloom in fall too. Clumps grow 15-18” tall. 70 plug Full sun and well drained soil is best. 1 Gal. Introduced Royalty Status 2013 1.25 5.00 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG plugs Blooming Nursery, Ritter Horticultural Blueberry Beret – Compact plants bloom at the end of Spring with 15” violet spikes hold on purple stems followed by purple seedheads giving this plant an extra season of interest. It also reliably reblooms in late summer. Plants reach 18” wide. Full sun, average to well drained soil. Zone 4-9. 1 Gal. Introduced Royalty Status 2015 6.00 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG custom Lurie garden strain – This seed strain is a wonderful mix of amethyst to pink to light purples with some violets too. This blend was selected out of a light pink NEW for seedling of Amethyst found in Lurie by Piet Oudolf and Roy Diblik. It has a similar 2016 tall 24-30”+ habit with long thinner lightly branched flowers 8-12” in length. Full sun, well drained to average soil. 1 Gal. 5.00 Introduced Royalty Status 2016 a Sanguisorba canadensis Candlelight Salvia nemerosa Lurie garden strain Liner Availability Sources other than IPG custom Sanguisorba canadensisBurnet Candlelight – Glowing pinnate foliage keep this plant interesting spring to fall, especially since some of the foliage is almost always on a golden yellow side. Substantial plants have foliage 18”–24” tall and wide with 36–48” flowers stalks in late summer. White bottle brush flowers start in August. Full sun is best. Average to moist soil. Zone 4-8. Introduced Royalty Status 2015 Salvia nemerosa Ave Maria Salvia nemorosa Blueberry Beret 1 Gal. 5.50 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG custom 46 47 d Schyzachrium scoparium Little Bluestem Jazz – An exciting selection that comes from The Blues. Jazz is a shorter form growing 2’+ with the same blue foliage and will not fall over. Makes a good replacement for Blue Oat Grass. Native. Some purple fall color to the stems too. Full sun, well drained soil is best. Introduced Royalty Status Liner Availability 2010 plugs Sedum ellacombianum Cutting Edge PPAF Schyzachrium scoparium Jazz 50 plug 1 Gal. 2.00 6.00 Sources other than IPG Emerald Coast, Klehms Song Sparrow - Retail mail Twixwood Sedum ellacombianum Stonecrop NEW for Cutting Edge PPAF – Virtually static plants start with bright butter yellow 2016 edges and hints of pink in spring. Yellow edged, bright green foliage on mounding plants 6-8” tall and spreading over 12” wide look good from Spring to Fall 70 plug .75 providing a bright contrasting plant for full sun to part shade. Well drained soil. 4 1/2” 3.00 Introduced Royalty Status Liner Availability Sources other than IPG 2016 $0.10 Patentedplugs Sedum sexangulare Stonecrop Golddigger – A golden leaved form that shows it’s best golden color in the summer. Six sided fingered foliage in almost ground hugging, golden yellow flowers on 4-6” plants June into July. Full sun, well drained soil. Evergreen. Introduced Royalty Status 2011 a Sedum spurium Red Rock .60 2.75 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG plugs, URC in Blooming Nursery, Florexpo, Emerald April-May Coast Growers, GET group, Twixwood Sedum spurium Two Row Stonecrop Red Rock – An all red sport of Fuldaglut this is an improved form of Voodoo. This form stays red most of the year and has very good vigor. Grow in full sun for best color. Dry to well drained soil. Introduced Royalty Status 2013 70 plug 4 1/2” Sedum sexangulare Golddigger 70 plug .50 2 1/2” .75 4 1/2” 2.75 120+2.65 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG plugs Blooming Nursery, Florexpo, Twixwood 48 49 d Sedum x Autumn Delight™ Showy Stonecrop Beka PP#18,398 – A reverse sport that came from Sedum Lajos PP#14,421 Autumn Charm™. This one has foliage with a thin, green edge and chartreuse yellow centers. Flowers just like Autumn Joy, the parent. Due to the variegation the height seems to be shorter. So far we’ve only seen it grow to 18”. Beka means frog in Hungarian and was my dad’s affectionate name for my mom. The foliage is showiest in May and June. 70 plug .75 Licensing is available, please call Brent. 1 Gal 5.50 Introduced Royalty Status Liner Availability 2007 $0.25 Patented plugs Sources other than IPG Blooming, Darwin, Emerald Coast, Euro American propagators, Florexpo, GET group, Hinsdale, Pioneer, Stonehouse, Sunny Border Nursery, Swift, Walters Gardens (bareroot) Sedum x Autumn Charm™ Showy Stonecrop Lajos PP#14,421 – A variegated form of Sedum Autumn Joy. Creamy yellow edges with green centers. In mid September white buds turn to pink then russet red. A four season plant. Comments: Our first patented plant, named for my dad, a Hungarian immigrant. This form is very stable. For 70 plug 1.00 licensing information call Brent. 1 Gal. 6.00 Introduced Royalty Status Liner Availability 2006 $0.25 Patented plugs a Liner Availability plug 50 Sedum x Petrified Fall Color Top 10 Favorite Grasses Andropogon ‘Blackhawks’ Andropogon ‘Dancing Wind’ Andropogon ‘Red October’ Sources other than IPG Darwin, Emerald Coast, Euro American propagators, Florexpo, GET group, North Creek Nurseries, Pioneer, Skagit, Stonehouse, Sunny Border Nursery, Swift, Walters Gardens Sedum x Showy Stonecrop Petrified – Smoky grey foliage has relaxed but upright plum red stems. In fall the entire plant turns burgundy red. Gorgeous bi-color pink flowers in substantial clusters bloom in September. Full sun, well drained soil is best. Introduced Royalty Status 2013-14 Autumn Charm™ Sedum x Lajos Autumn Delight™ Sedum x Beka Festuca ‘Cool as Ice’ Pennisetum ‘Ginger Love’ Pennisetum ‘Red Head’ Pennisetum ‘Red Rocket’ Schizachryum ‘Jazz’ 70 plug 1 Gal. Soghastrum nutans ‘Skywalker’ .75 5.00 Soghastrum nutans ‘St. Louis’ Sources other than IPG Florexpo 51 d Sedum x Showy Stonecrop Pillow Talk PPAF – Substantial plants with hybrid vigor reach 18–24” tall NEW for and wide. Gray-green foliage is also larger held on rose colored stems and at 2016 times can have reddish edges. Large 5-6” flower heads of deep pink and magenta stand out from the crowd. Fall color of chartruese and pink foliage too. 70 plug 1.25 Resistant to Rhizoctonia. Full sun to light shade, well drianed soil is best. 1 Gal. 6.00 Sedum x Pillow Talk Sedum x Plum Perfection Introduced Royalty Status Liner Availability Sources other than IPG 2016 $0.20 Patentedplugs Twixwood Plum Perfection PP#22,690 – Grey tips are followed by perfect plum foliage on tight clumps growing just over 1’ wide and only around 8” tall. Bi-color pink flowers in late August-September. Full sun to light shade in well drained soil. Introduced Royalty Status 2010 $0.10 Patented Liner Availability plugs, URC in April- May Sources other than IPG Blooming Nursery, Florexpo, Pioneer Gardens, Twixwood Pure Joy PP#24,194 – Blue green foliage reminiscent of Sedum sieboldii in tight compact clumps only reaching around 12” high and up to 15” wide. Bicolor pink flowers begin in September. Full sun well drained soil is best. Introduced Royalty 2011 Status Liner Availability Proven Winners Exclusive URC w/license .15 URC w/out .25 70 plug 1.00 4 1/2” 3.00 1 Gal. 5.00 Sedum x Pure Joy 4 1/2” 1 Gal. 2 Gal. Sedum x Rock Star PPAF 3.50 6.00 10.00 Sources other than IPG Euro American Propagators, Four Star, Pleaseant View, Walters Gardens, Klehms Song Sparrow- Retail mail order NEW for Rock Star PPAF – Pointed gray-green foliage in tight clumps has pink flowers 2016 on 1’ stems, starting in Mid-August through September. A pink companion to Thundercloud, selected as much for its foliage as it was for the flower color! Full 70 plug 1.00 sun, to light shade. Well drained soil is best. 1 Gal. 6.00 Introduced Royalty 2016 $0.10 a Status Liner Availability Patentedplugs 52 Sources other than IPG 53 d Sedum x Showy Stonecrop Thundercloud PP#21,833 – Unique pointed grey green foliage emerges in spring on strongly mounding domes. Slowly expanding to 10-12” mounds with white spectabile type flowers the end of August into September. Full sun well drained soil. For licensing information call Brent. Introduced Royalty Status Liner Availability 2009 $0.10 Patented plugs, URC a 9.00 Sorghastrum nutans St Louis Silphium perfoliatum The Holy Grail 1 Gal. 5.50 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG custom St. Louis – Selected on the side of the road heading to St. Louis, it has extra red color to the stems and foliage at times. Fall color is typically an orange red. Substantial plants 6’ tall bloom in August into October. Introduced Royalty Status 2014 1 Gal. Liner Availability Sources other than IPG custom propagation only Sorghastrum nutans Indian Grass Skywalker – Extra wide grey-silvered foliage gives this Indian Grass a more substantial presence the garden. Vigorous plants reach 6’ plus and 2’ + wide. Full sun, most any soil. Zone 4-9. In late summer purple stems carry substantial flower heads with orange and red highlighted foliage below. Introduced Royalty Status 2015 URC w/license .15 URC w/out .25 70 plug .75 4 1/2” 3.00 1 Gal. 5.00 Sources other than IPG Center Greenhouse, Darwin Plants, Emerald Coast, GET Group, Green Leaf Nurseries (Aris), James Greenhouses, Pioneer Gardens, Ritter Horticultural, Skagit, Swift, Twixwood, Valleybrook Silphium perfoliatum Golden Cup Plant The Holy Grail – A golden cup plant which makes a stunning specimen growing 6’+ tall and a few feet wide in time. Foliage emerges chartreuse and brightens in summer followed by yellow flowers in July or August. Full sun, moist to average soil. Introduced Royalty Status 2011 Sedum x Thundercloud Sprghastrum butans Skywalker 1 Gal. 5.50 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG custom 54 55 d Vernonia xIronweed Southern Cross – A favorite selection this hybrid came from seed sown as Vernonia lettermanii. The other parent is unknown but it had broad foliage and this one has intermediate foliage measuring up to 1/2” wide. The deep green foliage looks good all season long. The plant grows 3’ tall and wide, blooming in August. Purple flowers can have thin white filaments along with lacy purple petals that emerge from deep purple buds that look like little jewels. Introduced Royalty Status 2013 1 Gal. 3 Gal. 6.00 12.50 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG plugs Walters Gardens Veronica incana Wooly Speedwell Pure Silver – Selected for vigor and longevity in the garden. Typically this species requires sharp drainage but this selection is more adaptable to heavy soil and moist conditions. Silvered foliage on 12” + clumps topped by numerous 15”+ spikes of vivid sky blue flowers in June. Full sun; well drained soil is ideal. 70 plug Nice with Geranium sanguineum St. Therese. 1 Gal. Introduced Royalty Status 2009 Vernonia x Southern Cross Veronica incana Pure Silver .75 5.00 Liner Availability Sourc es other than IPG plugs, URC Stonehouse Veronica x Spike PPAF Veronica x Good Night Irene Veronica x Spike Speedwell NEW for Good Night Irene – Long dark green foliage with light violet-lavender spikes 2016 on 18”+ stems that bloom starting in July and continue into August. Perfect with Echinacea, Leucanthemum and Daylilies. Full sun, well drained soil. 1 Gal. 5.00 Introduced Royalty Status 2016 Liner Availability Sources other than IPG custom Spike PPAF – Full blue spikes on low growing, compact plants that bloom in summer on 12 - 15” upright stems. Full sun, well drained soil is best. An improvement over Royal Candles. 70 plug 1 Gal. 1.00 5.00 Introduced Royalty Status Liner Availability Sources other than IPG 2014 $0.10 Patented plugs Florexpo, Ritter Horticultural a 56 57 d 10702 Seaman Road • Hebron, IL 60034 • (815) 648-2788 • (815) 648-2072 Leaders ... ... In A Growing Industry! 2016 Introductions Catalog 10702 Seaman Road • Hebron, IL 60034 TEL: (815) 648-2788 • FAX: (815) 648-2072 TOLL FREE: (800) 648-2788 a 58 www.intrinsicperennialgardens.com
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