intraosseous posterior teeth
intraosseous posterior teeth
g'l lea A comparisonof two intraosseous anesthetictechniques in mandibular posteriorteeth ,ULIAIIIE GALIATIIII, D.D.S.' M'S.i AL READER' D.D.s., M.s.t JOHttl USSTEI , D-o'S', IUI'S'' MIKE aECK, D.o.s- |vl.A.; JOE! Ii,EAVER, D'D'S" Ph'D' he intraosseous,or IO, injectioû involves Dlacementof a localanesrheli.dirpctlyinlô ihe cancellou.boneadiacentio lhe roothlo be ânesthetized-An IO injection svstem marketed under the name Stabident (Faidia"" Dental.Miami) hâs beenavailablefor a nurnberof ofa pe orâtor'lriven bv is .,".rs. ittis "omposed "vstehandpieceând â solid2?a slow_speeal qauge \À.rewith a beveledend that. lte t$.o ivhen activated, drills a small bole primaYY through the cortical plâte (Figure 1) Th€ iûlràosseous ânesthetic solution is delivered to cancelultlainiection lous bone thrcugh the 21-gauge short iojector needleplaced in the hole techniqrtes made by the Pedorator. cvele sianilàt The Stabident iniection svstem has regârding been evaluated âs a pdmary injectionaneslùeti L€onârd1rcpo ealthat a ûajority of successr ons€t. extractions were successful with this who duration and syst€m. Cogginsând colleâgues,' Stabident svstem as a pflmary used the pe.ceived heart iniection in vârious $oups of maxillary râte incteâsas" ând mandibular teeth, reported a 75 percent rate ofsuccess(alefinedas no pulp l,esting,for rhc mandrbu)arfirsl molar' resuonseto reportedlhât for mandibular neoloet. anA "otteagues" primarv Stâbidpnt lO rnjeciion of2 firit Àolars, rhe epinephane$ âs more l:100.000 Dercêntlioocainewilh l'hansas a pulp Lesringr rno l,o successful response p'rcenL mepi\acâincof 3 primary iniection Srabidenl, l4t6 2003 JADA,Vol.134,November â.iiÉÀijÉinniq"e e Fi sezfid inlraoés€oE t€ch- trique-the X-tiP sysêm Lake -ot-tip Technoloeies, bæt bæû çood, NJ.Hus wood,NJ.HÉS .ô:QEP' 'f?rclÉ introduced,bùt to scientifi" the - sùdies havê yet compared it's ê.frectiveneéÊto that of the StebideÛt 6yst€m. The âutlors und€Itook a studv to compâr€ thê iwo s)€tems' dnesthetic out@mes in primâry inhaoss€oùs injeciiotr in ' mandibulâI post€rior t€eth The authors, Éing a cros$ver ' ttlethods. design, tùdorùy administÆed â prmarv St€bidert iDtraosseous itjection ùd a pnmâIy X-tip iatraosseous injection, at two sepa$te appointments, to 41 sùbjecLs Sub- .jects wÉæ asked iftheY Pdceived ù ingeâse in heârt râte with the htraosseoÙs injections. The reseârch tfâm blind-tést€d - r each subjeci s tust mola!, secoDdmolar Ùd se@ndpremolar with a plrlp test€r at two_ mirut€ cycles for 60 minutes âfter tlE injectior Anesthesia wæ oDsidered successfrn when two @ns€cutive pulp t€ster reâdings Results. Anesi}etic sùc.essrates for the Siâbiil€nt Le.hnique â!d th€ X-tip bech' dque, respectively, weie 93 percent Ùd 93 percent foï the 6Ét molù; 95 percênt €nd 95 perænt for the secondmolar; and 81 p€r.ent ald 83 pùcent for the se@nd Pre molâr, with no sigdÊcani differcûces (P > .05) betwæn the two techniques For both intraosseous echniques, olet of pulpal anesthe.siao.cured withù tÀe fir€t two minutes, but the duEtion of anesthe$a declined st€adily overthe 60 mhut€sEighty-five perænt ofthe sùbjecis had a peit€ived ingease in heirt rlat€ with the abbjdeDt iqjsbron ald 93 percent wiLh the X-tip injection.with no sisnincâd difre'ences(P > .05)betwe€nthe techniq'r€s conclusions and lrnplications. ltle two Primary intEoss€ous injection techniques were ilar æssdins ângtÀetic sùccess'onset' dùration arld Perc€iwd hedt rat€ Écieases. sisl p0r tic' Ib, a2 tior mlr l sit{ gui sls ùe (ih sh apr !id Ho Xr blil IO 'ni 5t lo pet Cil i ï 8ld, lrc 3pl t R E S É A R a l t 4 percent succæs râte versus a ![5 percent sucÉte, resp€ctively. Châmberlain and col, i found that 95 percent ofpâtients were anesthetized for operative dentistry when using the Stabident IO injectioû -A second inhaosseouB s].stem is on the market: X-tip (X-tip Teehnoloeies,Lâkewood,N.J.) ia deliverysystem.TheX-tip systemcon- oftwo pârl"s:a drill ând a guide sleevecomt (Figure 2 ). The driJl a specialhollow eâds the guide sleeve through the corplâLe.whereiL is separarpdand withdmwn. lle remâiûiûg guide sleeve is designed to accept z7-gaugeûeeille to iûject the driestheticsolution.The guide sleeveis removed dfter the lO is compl€te. iojection Both the Stabident and X-tip intraosseous sj,slsnsn6instruct tàe user to locâte the perfomtion lite in attâched gingivâ. However, because the guidesleeve remains in ptace rÀ.ith the X,tip 3Ftem,we felt it coùld be used in alveolar Ducosa ât a more âpicâl location. Occasionally, tùeStabident system fâils or cannot be used at coronallocâtionbecauceofpeaodonraldr-rdeeppockeBror lack ofinrerproximalspace oasp {heleeth are too closetoqetber./.We wondêred rhether the alternâtive X-tip system, used rn an lpicallùcâtion, woutd be as efficacious in DruridinCpùlpal anesthesia as the Stabident sysiem. llowever,therc were no scientfic studies on the system or th€ placement of an IO injection amoreapical position. r.W€ undertook a prospectjve, randomized Ùbdedstudy ro compâre an apicâl primary X-tip ù{ection with a coronal primary Stabident IO ion in mandibulâr posterior teeth. , IIIIATERIALS AND METHODS -oneadult subjectsparticipâted in this . the subjectswerc in goodhealth ând were taLjng âny medications thât would âlter thelr ion ofpain. The human subjects æview Ittee ofThe Ohio State Univemity, , âpproved the study, ând we obtained Itt€n ifformed consent from each subject. wetested 24 mândibutar left and t7 risht with the fiIst molar, second molar and premolaras the test teeth.We usedthe canine as the unânesthetized cont{ ÊûsuïethâI, Lbepulp tesfer was operâtjrts and that the subject wâs responding duriûg the erperiment. Clinicâl Flg@ t. lhê Stâbidè Dêrtotârtor (Fàtrfàx oêrtàt, Miml), â 3olid 2t.9â!gê DiE wfth â b€vêtéd ènd, whi.h is plà..d tn â slow-spee.t lÈrdpi4, FiguE 2. Tho X.dp ân*ttelià dcllrry systèm lx.itp TèôrologlÉ, Lkcwood, x.J-) .061.l' oa àn x,tip {top) dt.t spârât s itrto two pàrt ! tbê dritt (à .F.<t.t holtd trêèdlê) .nd tùi.lê d.€re Mpærn ftofton). exâminationsindicated that all teeth were ftee of cades,largerestorationsand periodontaldisease, and that nonehad a hislory oftraumâ osensitivity. Two appointmentsat least two weeksapart w€reschedùled for eaehofthe 41 subjects. : Accordingto the study's crossoverdesign,each subjectrândomly receivedeither tfie Stabident IO injection or the X-tip IO iûj€ction using 1.8 millimete$ of2 percentlidocàinewith 1:100,000 epinephrinefxJlocainewith epLnephj"in€ Ashazeneca,Wilmington, Del.) ât two separate appointmenh. Assignedra]ldom numbers determined the order of IO syst€mâalninistrâtion. T'he principal investigâtor (J.G.) gave âll IO injectio.s. Trâined personnel,who were blinded to the tpe of IO systemsâdministered,performed all preinjection ând postinjectiontests- The hained researchassistantsr,eeredentâI or hygiene students specifrcallyhâined in conductingclinical triah. At the beginningofeach appointment and ,ADA,Vol.134 November2003 l47t i - s E A R c ! l l the ooinl qently reslingagarnstbone lhêprrn' beforeaûy ioiecl,ionswere grven, the rêsearch cheeh .ioi in'eltiguio. uctiuat'd the hândpieteaLiull teeth and the o"t"onrl"i t"","d th" with light perforator' iheh€ speedwhrle pushing th" "*periment'al wjth a Kerr pulp lesler t Lnrml canine rhree times q,ith wjfhdra$lng the oiessur.,againsrbonc.sLrghtly r to record 1e'''ùi. Tect'ootogv.Rrd]nond' Wash against âgarn pushjng it ;erforaror and [hen be baseline vitalitv. AÎ-er isolating the Lootj w Lone Sneconrinuedrhis acrionunl-i1she observed gâuze' tested with cotln mll. ând drfing il with foritl a breâkthrough feêlingor Lhepêrforator\as the ihe rÀearcl a"si"taot applied toothpaste to \ alwaJi as dctuplacêdro length The handpiPce *f'r"t ** placed mjdwav hêtween rbe TheIi ;ated \ hile rhe pêrloralorwas withrn boneLo edge "'àl"iio, i""itooiftt ei"gi""lrrlargin and irs occlusâl occur I-tiP r might if prevent lodging or breakâge that at 25 secon'ls to increâse .ut" *." Tt u ùe fol rotatmg' stop "et lhe oerforator was allowed to no outpuLr0 r to the ms,.imumoulput r80\' 1 Àom"o.".tt lvilh that as one ûe defrned an easv perforatioû nrrmber ar The*ch u"si"Latrt recordFdthe jn reclinl serond' Ù'itrg five couldb" complcr.d lebsrhan initial sensatioû. Pnnc orlS light pressureand a difficuli p€rforâr'on'â" The IO injectton Stabident administration' deieu lhat rcqÙred moderalePres_ one with the Stabidett system was five sec_ than tsrfor sule, requrrcd longer given in the followitg manner' onds to penehate the cortical bone We defned an easY With the subjects in a reclrtmg nrât€h or both- Before inserting the 2?iûvestigâtor position, the pdncipal ùe Sti perfoaation as one needle o"uoe ultra short Stabident âetermined the area of Pedoration the thât co|rld b€ PriD' ;hr;sh the pedoration, bv the horizontal line of the buccal soitti: less investigator bent the needle ai in cipal €ornpled gingival margins ofthe first and sii€,to tàe hub to a 4s-degree angle se<onds five ihan lrne vertical seconalmolars and 3 inû]tr allow for ease of insertion. She uting onltt ligltt that Dassedthmugh the interdentâl 110û, with blotted the aæâ of perforation papiûâ on the distal aspect of the press||rer ând a gauge hema sterile cotton roll to conhol hrit molar. She selected a Point Fiveû diffic$It perforation orrhage and identifv the perfomtion pnnc4 aDproximatelY2 mjllimeteÉ below on âs one that rcqÛired site (a small dot ofhemoffhage the intersection ofthese lines as the the blanched gingiva). She held tbe modeaate Plessuie' pmbe perforatioû site if the site rtas rn stândard sYringein a Pen-Snpprng i.eqr|ired longer ihân attached gingiva. If ihis point wâs tne into fashion, insertealthe needle five sêcond' to adrail in âlveolar mucosa (as it was rn lwo pedoration site and deiivered 18 lidocai penekate the Gorticâl subiects), she moved the injection mL of 2 Percent iidocaine wrth opal ir sit;to iust above the jùtction of the botlt. or bone 1:100,000epinephrine over a on€' X-tip s attach;d eingiva and the alveolar minute period.lf the PrincipaL invesLigatorencouûter€dback_pres' The DrirlciDal investigator anesoressure Shepu surerd'fined as grearerrhan lighl hnger finge. tletizeâ the alveolar mùcosal soft tissue adjâcent o0 handr"m delivêrthP solui.ion) perlorarionsite wiLh a srprapê- oo the syringe l,othê deLermined soluriondepositionshe rolatedthF neFoLF fiosteal infilt'âtion injecl,ionof0 6 mL of 2 per q",rter rurn and.reatrFmpted ;;;;;;i"';;;; lorator cent lidocaine with 1:100,000epinephriûe not successtuLsne was deDosition.Tf this ro lipmn deposiredtjùough a 30 gâuge neeille âltâched rei oueatl. ne"ate und cbeckedir for blockâge ihe $-dee: an aspirating s:r'inge Frve mùuies all€r four W}"n ir -a. bto"keo,.hirh hâppenedwitb slow-str innlt."tion iii""tlon. oressur"ças appliedat t}le a new neeillewas used Tl it wâs not subiecrsr, !ushin Jeærmined pàrforarion sile with â periodônraI in ti"if."a, it'" oti""ip"t invesrigâtor reperfôrât'ed orobe.Ifthe subjectfell,pain $hich happened wrttr rithdi iiï"'i"'t"" "1". ""i,"*ary wiih onesubject) iCain. ' iwo cases, the principal investigator adrnitistered a ne\\ perforaLorand completed the injectron t\rougi an aaditiond d.s mI- of 2 percent lidocaine with th€ À compl.rionof rhe deposilion ofsolurion xaspl: epinePhrine 1:100.000 gude 'i". ioJ i""".tigrto' periomed a mock ,, The cortical bone was perforated with the wouu sleeve"emoval so all treâtment procedures Stabident p€rforator (a beveled-eniled solid wire gurde mock Ûo(( The I ne identical idenlicaL tsuJv' subFcr. m lhê to LhêsubJêcr. seem ,; -il llreper ,Jl anachedto a plasrlchub' in a conlra-ângleslowbv mimrcto!Ë accomplished was removal sleeve speedhandpiece.Thê principal inveslrgator qit iiï"."""î"'" r.' ""-"*"à tr'. x-t+ e"'ae,"t"eL1 piacedthe perforator through the gingivâ ând ori De the retracted investigator ''u principal The wjrh plâte jt coriicai ù,rt, Lhe peipendi-rlarll inted l4t6 2003 vol 134November JADA, I R E S E A B C I f lbeek,plâcedthe tip of ùe hemostatin contact ftità the anesthetizedginiiva and rctated the ienostat back and forth lorthree to five seconds. ! X-tip aalninistrâtion, TheIO irjection with the Xlip systemwas given in 1[efollowing manner. Withthe subjectsin a rcclidngposition, the Fincipalinvestigator the area of determined tsrforatiot to be in alveolarmucosâ(approxiEately3-7 mm inïerior to lABLE ItreStabidert perforation site) at a site disral to themandibular first molar. The âlveolar mucosal !0fttissue, adjacent to the detennined perforation 8ite,was anesthetized with a suprapedosteâl inÂitrâtionof 0.6 mL of2 percent lidocaine lvith 1100,i100 epinephrine depositedthrcugh â 30 pugeneedleattached to arl âspirating s].ringe. Iiveminutes after the infiltrâtion injection, the ldncipalinv€stigator âpplied pressùre at the deterïrired pedoration site with a perioContal Fobe.Ifthe subject felt pâin (which was the case riih five subjects),the principal investigator eûrmistercdan additional0.3 mL of2 percent with 1:100,000 epinephrire.The pdnnvestigâtor secùæd the guide sleeveofthe system âgainst the drill via finger pressure the red protective covering was withdiawn pulled the âlveolar mucosâtaut, using the of the other hand, to minimize engaging mucosaltissueduring rora[ionof thê pe,{o. The principal investigâtor pushed the perthrough the aiveolff mucosa until the Xcontâctedbone. Holding the drill at a angle to the bone, she activated rhe speedhandpiecear Êrll speed\ahilelighd) tbe pedorator against bone,slightly rMingit and then pushing it âgâinst bone She continued this action until a "break, ugh feeljDg\^âs obseruedor lhe pFrforaLor placedto length. The handpiecewas always while the perforator was within bone to todging or brealage that might occur if 9erforatorwasallowedto stoprotating usFdlhe samedefiDirion.for easyano diffiledorâtions as with the Stâbident pmcedurc. principâI investigator tàen vrithdrcw tàe ùill ftom the guide sleeve,leaving the sleevein place. Before inserting the 27 gauge X-tip needle into the guide sleeve,she beût the needle at the hub to a 60- to 8o-degreeângle to allow for eâseofi4ser tion. She held the standæd s].ringe in a pengripping fashion, and irserted the needleinto the guide sleeveto its hub and delivered 1.8 mL of 2 percent Iidocaine\.ith 1:100,000epinephrine over a one-mimrte period. lfthe principal investigator encounteredback-pressùre(definerias geâter than light finger pressure on the slringe handle to deliver the solution) on solution deposition, sh€ rotâted the needle approximately o!equarter hlrn and reattempted deposition. If this was not successful, she rcmoved th€ needle and checkedit for blockage.No needleswere blocked. Owing to backflow of the anesthetic solution into the oml cavity in one subject, the pdncipal investigator removed the guide sleeve using a hemostat tnd reperforatedrhe siLewirh a ncw peIÎorator and completed the inj€ction. On completing deposition of sotution, the prin.rpâl invesrigârorremovedùe g1lidesleeveusing a hemostat. She rated the r€movat of the guide clêevccomponentas easy rwithin five sec;nds, or diJficult (rcquircal more than five seconds). For both the Stâbident and X,tip technrques, the principal investigâtor instructed each sùbject to close his or her eyes during all injections, and durirg the âctuâl or mock guide sleeve rcmoval, to ensure blinding ofthe techliques. The research pe$onnel were not present during the Stabident or X-tip injections. At one ûirute aIïer completion ofthe IO injection, the research assistants pe?formed pulp testing on the the frrst ând secord xxolais. At hÀio ininutes, they tested the second premolar and JADA,Vol- r34. Nolenber 2003 t4t9 ',ii'",;;ît'f,..'';;.*"" thei l-til lerct F' ''i"i*i a r " t a 2 6 t 4 4 I 5 o fl rE (i lrltrEs) ,. 0". ';'"'ion forpulpâl.anesrhêsia s pârt to drÊ lu."n." ott".pont" on rhe subjert pÙrp rhe of ".r p'i ''n a0 rpadins) i"'J-î* ur when ",t successf hêsia l'lll- ï. ."".ta"r"a -esr \!ith a nss readi 80 rve iiiii'". r'J t" *".ecut 'nJii,e.tionor " urpr'ri'k "19i5Î"11^."^l** "t sizeof 40 'ubleclsvrâs stmpl" perc.nt. a àô or = 30 pÊfi"qi."à ià a""'""'' '"Le a difference EATC ol4 ( 1 0t Éie Jo '*j""n" li'f'' s,ruia"nrandX-tip ânêspulpâl of **. incidence i;"î"ir1.t. "* heartrareincr.ase'rpalpira' ii""J,I..."*'a we ii^i.' ri" '.*'r'".i, ,nd ea'eofperrorations pa nsons com in""-" *"i wc mâde ares "."J on'errrmeofpulpal i"i""-. if+',*"* comtank-l"'r "t sisned *t'*-on irrl.,, ar P 05 sisi'iÊcanr ".i'eih; a"'ed rr".i." -Ë; "".l" eas' din' *ï,::'#:::'iliHs",u,i.';"u1v tno"' "om' jni'c'i0ns Fis!É 3 rni.tere ot€6q*:":iii:illfl 1"" :Hir:::iËHtri'"ir.:Ï; r,ry;::i-:H?i t*ff.'f:i$ 'l-"; '"r*' *" t: ff"ii*ii*JËlî;i#; r"*ry:i'r"' o'" i.iieliËi"ilË;-; 'liËl,il"Ë:ïi;*;;;.ry^._'-' lljl,lËii jt?,*j*;:Jff Ëf i;lËllxHi:,ii!ËËËr:*:*.#LH,i:T** *'"" bvx'rip lii i'?'il'i{iù'{!'-11;;;"'**o""' ;Ë;;;"n"';'tu*d ffi1;i:ii':iii' ilii:f râk4ood' ;;;;Iosié, irr' RESULTS 1? women' Fôn\.onPadulr suJjecls24 men and I É lglirT. E ' "ii"o",ii .i]",''; aseofo6 'b anaverase 0ls sig |oll alll pai âre.pre"enLpo iiili*n'Li^ succe5s 9: I E o in anêsthelr'Ing i n L f r er a b l e R a L e so f ' u c c e s s f2 : s Jï1", i;H:i'',iï; n:l'*,:".i d the eith F rhcsrahrdcnL sig ."'li,oi,". 0".'""- têêrnu-srng X-r * ao la 26 :t4 4: 50 5a s5 pe"centrorrhesP'ond l'"ï"'. ôÀ.*""i'' ""a ;;i;;,;;,iàr perc'nrând83percenr'rorrhe " '::""r9;ir:ïiiÏïiil"'iJ""''ôî',ff '::i:T prespnl 5 of i"r,n" ol '*"'.' fis*es 3 through ' 80readin€s'Tor ep p'rp,r ,i"iâ"'* . "ttsthe'ia "i Ther:ewas no srgnnt the two t€chnrques ËH'Hï#ffi i;;;;; at ; ôËi b"t-"en rhe rwo LechnioLres ' "'":::i:ff 0,"*" il;ii:Ï::,l"'iiiii;n" This clcle ofteshns contralâteral.conlrolcânine T"l tî""ài.J*"" :;;;;i;;"*"; Thevlesredthe t''o minuLes ll!8o for rhestabident,'Pch' ri" or'r'". *"tas v'hether IADA,Vol 134,November2003 tl R, h I\ pl ri roinLrres\^'ith an inactive reliabititvÆl ,i""' i,i.'i".Ëîr"., "ubiêcts âfterrheIo '' 60'ûinutes iJ['i"î*î"po"a '"'i,l'ro-I ofanesthetic deposition --t* r'hesub "o"r asked *,iitli, tnî nn".to'l 'nvesrisaror were bearins r'*n raelâsirit iliiiiiiil"ï Lhepatrenlwâs il"i".l: ii'.i"** *...*'.tlI: Il.'lf;In;ii"' i'0,"1ù'u' rr 2 There was no signiftcant drteretce ""ï*a'i h "ffiî'Iirt"""tiiii:ï;ded percett in100 L JADA, Vol. 134,November 2OO3 R E S E A R C t i l respectively for the second preûolar, with no staolar nerve block. They recorded a high incidenqg tisticâlly significânt differences between the techofpulpal anesthesia(100 percent); \'ith 85 to 90 $il c( niques (Tâble, page 1429). Replogle and colpercent of the first molarc still anesthetized at 60 jrjectj leagues3and Coggins and colleagues, also minutês. 1r00. reported lower anesthetic success Étes for the Various authorsz+1{ have subjectively rcpon€d dteir secord premolar when the Stabident system was jn hêdri .are.or Dâlpi'aLroir a pFrceivedincrFase {ith' ùsed as a primary injection ofthe fiIst molâr. The 46 ro 90 percentofsubjecrswirh rhe Srabid nr 1[ FNS. lower anesthetic success lâte for the seconalpre, injerrionof solurion.contâinin8 cpinFpbrir"ard molâr most likely is relâted to the selection of the levonoldefrin. In th€ study, 8b percem n {oLrr perforation site distal to th€ first molar. That is, (35 of41) ofthe subjectsrcpofted that they per, using a distal iqjection site to the first molal ceiv€d an increasein heârt râte, in responseto decreases the amount of anesthetic available to quêsrioDing. afi,FrrFceivingthe Srabidenii.Ipcthe second premolâr. As shown by Reitz and coltion and 93 percent after the X-iip injection. leagues,eifpulpal anesthesiais reqùired of the Replogleand colleagueslaâr}d Cogginsaûd colofI0 secondpremolar, selectingan IO injection site leâgues'zfoundthat 60 percent and 75 percentof wl distal to this tooth would p.ovide bett€r pulpal subjects,respectively,reported a perceived $abn ânesthesiathan selectingâ site distâlto the fiIst increasein heart rate (as rcpo*ed viâ subject molar, questioning) with the Stâbident I0 rotic€ Oûset of pulpal anesthesia rnjection of 1.8 mL of 2 percent lido. rCûf occwrcd within the first 2 minut€s fhê duration of pnlpal caine with 1:100,000epineph ne. in the 6rst molar with both IO The difrererce in heart râte anesrthesia in ot|l injection techniques (Figure 3, page between the cuûent study and that study. for both tO 1480).Replogleand colleagues3 and in subjectsstudied by Replogleand Cogginsând colleagues,also têchniques, shoulred colleaguesr.and Cogginsand colreported that a primary IO injecà sleâdy dealine oner Ieagues'zprobably is retated to the tion resulted in a fairly quick onset greater number of anesthetic sucû|e 6o.minute ofpulpal anesthesiâ. cesses dt€rr in our study. That is, therc observation pêriorr. The dumtion ofputpal aneswoùld be a greater likelihood ofan Tb thesia in our study, for both IO increasein heart Iate if more oftle tecbniques, shor .ed a steady decline an€sthetic werc delivered into thê over the 60-minut€ observâtionperiod (Fi$res cancellousbonerr 10r 3-5). For example,approximately Z6 percent Four studieslr re15 have evaluated heart raæ (Stabident technique)and 73 percent (X-tip techusing subjective questioning ând objective meâs. niqùe) ofthe fimt molars weæ anesthetizedat B0 urements (electrocardio$am and puls€ oximehJ) minuies (Fieule 3). At 60 minutes, approximately during and after IO injections. The studies found 51 percent (Stabident technique) and 39 perceri that subjective and objective ûeâsurements of Cx-tip techniqùe) of the first molaN were still heâft rate were similar for IO anesthesia. anesthetized (Figure 3). Tbeie were ro signifrcant Replogle and colleagues,areported 6? perceni differenc€s between the two techniques ât any of of her subjects objectively (elechocardiogram the postiûjection intelvals. Other authors usmg radlo recordings) hâd an increased hea.rt rate with the the Stabident technique as a primary injection Stabident IO injection of 1.8 mL of 2 percent lido alsoreporteda decliningrâreofpulpal ane6ilha] caine with 1:100,000epinephrine. The mean thesiâ.?'The principâlinvêsriearor 6houldbe increâse was 28 beats per minute. Chamberlai! aware of this when using either the Stabident or forar and colleaguesafound that the Stabideni IO i4je& X-tip IO technique as a primary technique. In andi pêrcent tion of2 lidocâinewith l:t00,000 operâtive and restorative procedùres ol 60 minFpinephrine resulred in a mFan heari raæ utes'duration, the tme valu€ ofthe IO inj€ction Co increaêeof 12 beats per minute. Guglielmoand rj may be its use as a supplemental injection.,orr Stabi .i colleagues11reported tÀat the supplemental Using 1.8 mL of2 percent lidocâine \À.ith Stabident IO inj€ctiotr of 1.8 ûI oi either 2 per-rÊ 1: I 00.000epinephrine, Itreol Dunbar and colleaqrp"ro cent lidocâine with 1:100,000epinephrine or 2 i . and Guelielio ànd ^otteâgl'.sl;;;t*-"'--" ratior perceût mepivacaine\rith 1:20,000l€vo Stâbident IO system in mandibulâr first molars elrû resulted in a mean increase in heârt rate of2g as â supplemental injection to the infedor alve24 beats per minute (as measured with â ÉA: JADA, Vol,134Nov€mber2OO3 I R Ê S E A R C H ) in 80 percent oftheir subjects.Stabile colleaguesrs foLnd Lhatthe supplemenrâl IO o11.8 mL of 1.5 perceût etidocâinewith iection ,000 €pinephrin€ resulted in a mealr hesrt increæe of 32 beats per minùte (âs meâsured a pulse oximeter) in 90 percent of their sùbGenerâ[y, all these studies showed that the rate ætùrned to baseline readings within ûrinutes in most patients. Therefore, injecf0ùr: of anesthetic solutions containing vasocontioû shictors,using either the Stabident or X-tip sysl2ûs,woùld result in â hansient heârt rate as àas been recor.dedin previous shrdies increase ofl0 injections. Whilethe heart rate incrcasewith the Stabidentor X-tip IO injection of 2 percent lidotaùewità 1:100,000€pinephrine likely would be roticedby the pâtient, it would not be clinically signficantin most healthy patients.I{ Replogle colleagues' addressedrne clinical sig.ni5Nnd caaæ, cardiovasculareffects and contrainditab0ns to the use ofvasoconstdctorsin IO injecdons. In patients whose medicâl condition or dr-ug llrerapiessùggest cautior in administering aneslheticsolutions containing epinephrine or jevo0ûdefrin,3 percent mepivâcainewould be an Âlt€rnative for IO injections.It'ô Ih€ Stabident and X-tip manuals;6 state thât . lùerei(a lâck of liD ane.ihe"iawhenthe IO iDjectioûis given. Lip numbress subjectively occurred ù 100percent of the Stabident injections and in qlercent ofthe X-tip injections. Replogleand oueaguesiand Coggins and colleagues, âlso Eported lip ânesthesiâwhen using 1.8 mL of2 Frcenlridorsinewith l:l00.000epinephrjaein a lùnary Stâbident injection of the mandibùlar [nimolar. Klein and colleasuest?demonstrât€d riUrcomputer tomography that a Stabident urlec!0! of 1.4 mL of a mi-rture of lidocâine with a ical cortrâst medium, distal to the frlst molars in dogs,showed ullary depositionwith considerable ofsolution from the mental . This effect mây occur in humans as well thereby account for the lip numbness (mental se anesthesia) in the current stlrdy. !0nceming the €ase of perforation, most rdFntpel{orarions$ere raredas eas) ,76 per0ftlreiijecrionsr.The subjecri!e impression opFrâtorexperiencê â diÊficutt perfo(24 percent incidence)was that the bone uore dense or thicker than nolmal. For the pÊrforar)on.easy pêrforations were rccorded in 78 percent ofthe perforations.There were no stâtistical ditrerencesbetween the two techniques. Therefore, even though the X-tip perforaùon wâs performedin a morealicâl locêtion,the two systems rrerc comp âble clinically in terms ofease ofpedoration. None ofthe perforatoÉ broke in either techrrique-that is, there was no metal fractuÎe. Other aùthoNxqqrLalso reported a lack ol perforator brcalage with the Stabident sysiem. Concerning the ease of guide sleeve removal with the X-tip system,most were rated as easy (68 percent ofihe injections). While dilficutt rclllovâl (32 percent incidence)was basedon time, it is worth mentioning that in appmnimately five to se\en subjects/ l2-17 pe.cF.rr,. gurdeslêêve removal required both moderate efort and time. ln one subject,the guide sleeveseparatedftom the plastic sheâth and a 3-mm metal segment prcjected from the bone. The principal investigator removed1t wiih Stieglirzfo.cep..This sas the ûost difficult removal among those peformed in this study. It is possiblethat the difficult removals were related to bone density at the apical location. Futurc studies may determin€ il the injection site's location in the oral cayity affects the diJncùlty ofguide sleeveremoval. No subjects.epolted sFnptoms of a pulpal nâture postoperatively, and all subjects who received the IO injection ât the {irst apporntment had similar baseline pulp test rcadings at th€ subsequent appointment. Other' authon,3.t3 t hâve reported similar results. collctustoll The ûndings of our study indicate that when pulpal anesthesiais required in a clinical proceduæ involving asfnptomatic mandibular first molârs, both the Stâbident and X-tip intrâosseous ânesthetic systemsusing 1.8 mL of2 percent lidocaiûe with 1:100,000epinephrine will prcvide quick onset of anesthesia (within two minutes) and an initiâl high râte (93 percent) of anesthesia. The adjacent secondmolar ârld second prernolar had initial sùccessmtes olg5 percent and 81 ro 83 pcrcenL. respecti\ely.Ho*ever,borh techniques resrited in a steady decline of pùlpal ânesthesia over 60 minutes. Concemingthe easeofperforarionÊ. both systems rcsulted in eâsy perforations in ?6 to ?8 perceût of the subjects. Removal of the guide sleeve in the X-Lipsyslemsâs raled âs easyin 68 pêrcent ofthe injections. Both systemsresulted in a IADA,Vol, 134 Novenber2003 tlaO