We make a Difference in our Community


We make a Difference in our Community
The Committees Appreciation Night
The Philharmonic Society’s President and Artistic Director, Dean Corey, showed his
appreciation to The Committees’ volunteers and Committees President Gail Romansky at
the Philharmonia Brasilianos concert on October 11th, presenting her with a beautiful
bouquet of flowers. The Committees Appreciation Night concert was the first of the “3-fer”
concerts made available to Philharmonic Committees members.The other two concerts will
be the San Francisco Symphony on January 18 and the Dublin Philharmonic on March 17.
Dean Corey presented a beautiful bouquet of flowers
to Gail Romansky.
We make a
in our Community
Two new violins awarded
Rose Fruehauf represented the Town & Country Committee of the Philharmonic
Society at a meeting of the Tustin Unified School District Board on November 17,
2008. She presented two new violins to TUSD to use for the musical education of
elementary students who may not be able to acquire an instrument on their own.
Thirty-three instruments have been provided by the Committee during the last
decade. The gift of the instruments is provided by the Philharmonic Society’s Musical
Reinvestment Program.
The Town & Country Committee presented the Music Mobile program at ten
schools in the Tustin area during the month of September. The Town & Country
Beckman orchestra teacher Jim Kollias receives two violins from
Town & Country's Rose Fruehauf, purchased with Musical
Reinvestment funds.
Committee works closely with the TUSD music teaching staff, and takes pleasure in
supporting the schools with music activities throughout the school year.
C entennialC oncerto
Upcoming Events
Be sure and add the following events to
your spring calendar!
The Huntington Harbour Committee groups
presented the Annual Cruise of Lights® this holiday
season and, in so doing, carried on the tradition of
Annual Author’s Luncheon
Monday, January 19, 2009
11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Costa Mesa Country Club
1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa
Tickets $45,
Chairman Pat Huffnagle, (949) 515-0370
Romancing the Cello
Lynn Harrell, cello
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
delighting spectators and raising funds for the PSOC
since 1963! It certainly has come a long way since a coffee meeting on September
24, 1963, when the work of the Orange County Philharmonic Society was
described to many of the early
residents, and the HHPC was
formed. From its modest
beginnings as a small boat
Lights® has grown into an
event witnessed by more
than 20,000 spectators a year.
The Huntington Harbour
Philharmonic Committee is
Top left to right: Elise Masseling, Linda Cassidy, Barbara Snegg, Mary Ann
Brinket, Eva Kilgore, Christine Faubert. Center: Sheree Novak. Bottom left to
right: Nicolette Kubeck, Marlene Nielsen, Bobbie Compton
Claes Restaurant, Hotel Laguna
justifiably proud of the Cruise
425 South Coast Highway, Laguna Beach
of Lights®, made possible by
Tickets $75,
the combined efforts of dedicated volunteer members and their equally
Chairman Barbara Kenton, (949) 361-1704
dedicated husbands.This enormous undertaking is planned throughout the year
and volunteers serve countless hours and expend great effort in various
capacities. It is fitting that this type of community cooperation makes it possible
Theater Party
to support the musical and educational programs of the Philharmonic Society of
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Orange County.
7:00 to 10:00 p.m.
Camino Real Playhouse
This year’s Cruise of Lights® theme was Centennial Concerto, and kicked off
31776 El Camino Real
the celebration of the City of Huntington Beach’s 100th Anniversary. The
San Juan Capistrano
Huntington Harbour Committee was proud and honored that the city chose our
Tickets $35,
fundraiser to initiate its celebration.
Chairman Carol Gross, (949) 454-8092
Luncheon, speaker and
fashion show
Thursday, February 19, 2009
11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Lido Isle Clubhouse
701 Via Lido, Newport Beach
Tickets $50,
Chairman Anita Dabney, (949) 644-4756
The 2008 Grand Marshal, John Ochs, Islander President, Joyce Zimmerman, Parade Captain, Brian Griley and his wife, former HHPC
Chair, Rocio, proudly surround the banner bearing the slogan and theme for this year's Cruise of Lights®, Centennial Concerto. The
theme celebrates the 100th Anniversary of the city of Huntington Beach.
Hay Fever, A Comedy
by Noel Coward
A Private Theater Performance
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Local Volunteers Keep Music Playing With
“Musical Me”
7:00 to 11:00 p.m.
Newport Theatre Arts Center
2501 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach
Philharmonic Committee has
Wine and appetizers, tickets $75
donated Musical Me programs
Chairman B.J. Lang, (949) 640-2857
to all of the fourth grades in the
Placentia-Yorba Linda School
District through a generous gift
Theater and Dinner Party
of $5,000 from member Dixie
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Shaw.The“Musical Me”program
2:00 to 7:00 p.m.
is now in all 21 elementary
Dixie Shaw and Loretta Benson present Musical Me Programs
Fullerton College Theater/Café Hidalgo
schools and the district has
305 North Harbor Boulevard
implemented the program as fourth grade curriculum. “Dixie Shaw is an
Tickets $75
inspiration to everyone who meets her,” explained Loretta Benson, fellow Las
Chairman Terry Brick, (714) 529-4673
Canciones member.“She is a retired teacher and full-time volunteer. She doesn’t
just advocate things the community needs, but puts her money where she feels it
can be the most effective in benefiting children.”
St. Patrick’s Day Dinner and Auction
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Presenting.... Austin!
Austin Chen, an outstanding pianist and a
new member of the Orange County Youth
Symphony Orchestra, presented a program
by Mozart, Chopin and Liszt for Saddleback
Valley Committee at its October meeting. He
received a standing ovation after performing
Daniel Wachs, Austin Chen, Milton Stern
Ballade in G minor by Chopin. Austin, 14,
performed at the winners’concert in Carnegie
Hall at the age of 11 when he won the
Bradshaw and Buono International Piano
Competition. He has won other national and
international competitions, including the
Austin at the piano
Mozart Festival and the LA Liszt International
Piano Competition. Austin’s piano instructor, Dr. Milton Stern, CSULA, has been
working with Austin for the last couple of years and talked about how he
Prelude to Spring
Luncheon and Fashion Show
Friday, March 20, 2009
11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Balboa Bay Club and Resort
1221 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach
Tickets $95,
Chairman Theresa Jennings, (949) 675-2769
A Private Performance
“Ruthless, a Musical”
Saturday, June 27, 2009
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
instructs such outstanding talent. We were also honored to have Daniel Wachs,
Newport Theatre Arts Center
the new Music Director of OCYSO, introduce Austin and give a preview of the
2501 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach
upcoming season for the OCYSO. If your Committee is interested in having an
Tickets $65,
OCYSO member provide a program for your meeting or an update on the new
Chairman Eleanor Beatty, (714) 283-0311
OCYSO season, contact Daniel Wachs at (714) 744-7927.
Tax Deductions
for Volunteers
Romancing the Cello
Join us for a first-class experience of stellar music with LYNN HARRELL, as
Any mileage accrued in the service of a
charitable organization can potentially count
well as a delicious lunch at the Hotel Laguna’s award-winning Claes Restaurant
on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 at 11:00 a.m.
as a tax deduction. Unlike employees, who
A consummate soloist, chamber musician, recitalist, conductor and teacher,
cannot deduct the cost of commuting as
LYNN HARRELL’s work in America, Europe and Asia has placed him in the
“business expenses,”volunteers can deduct
highest echelon of today’s performing artists. Mr. Harrell is the recipient of
14 cents per mile traveled from their home
numerous awards. He plays a 1673 Stradivarius and a 1720 Montagnana. This is
to their volunteer sites.
a rare chance to hear a great artist“up close and personal.”
determining what amount of money they can
get a tax deduction for:
• Direct expenses, such as the cost
of gas and oil
• The standard mileage rate,
which is 14 cents a mile
Volunteers can also deduct the full cost of
tolls, parking fees, cab fares, bus fares, etc. that
were accrued in charitable service.
In order to deduct expenses, it is crucial
that you maintain good records. The IRS
recommends that volunteers keep records of
each trip.
Most people find it a lot simpler to use the
standard mileage rate.
You can create a table
or spreadsheet with
Seating is limited. Reservations will be taken through Ruth Shloss at (949)
733-9388. Opportunity Tickets. Lunch and performance for $75.
Giigle for Success
The Lido Isle Committee will host its annual benefit luncheon entitled“Giigle
for Success” on Thursday, February 19, 2009, at the Lido Isle Clubhouse in
Newport Beach. The Ways and Means Committee (Anita Dabney, Nan Galey,
Pat Hopkins and Debbie Benedict) will be working hard to plan a delightful
afternoon featuring music, a fashion show by “Bo Dangles”and the highlight of
the day will be Bonnie Brown, author of“Giigle.”The book tells the story of her
financial success as the masseuse for the employees of Google.
Save the date and bring your friends for a most enjoyable day.The ticket price
is $50.00. For more information and reservations, please call Anita Dabney at
(949) 644-4756.
The Saddleback Valley Committee presents a performance of the comedy
the following
thriller “Accomplice”on Wednesday, February 18, 2009. The evening begins with
elegant desserts, coffee and champagne at 7:00 p.m. with opening curtain at 8:00
• Date
p.m. Opportunity prizes will be offered.
• Purpose
Come join the fun at the Camino Real Playhouse, 31776 El Camino Real, San
• Total Trip Mileage
Juan Capistrano. Tickets are $35. Contact Carol Gross for reservations at (949)
• Additional Costs (Keep Receipts for any
additional costs, such as tolls and parking)
Keep a print copy of the spreadsheet in the
car to use as you accrue mileage to help with
end of year tax information.
You may also deduct 50% of the cost of a
The Philharmonic Society’s
website is waiting for you to
explore the possibilities!
business lunch. Keep your receipts.You will be
surprised how much you can save each year.
Prelude to Spring
Please plan to join us for a delightful luncheon and fashion show to be
presented jointly by Alta Bahia and Upper Bay Committees on March 20,
2009 at the Balboa Bay
Club and Resort in
holidays and had
joyful times with friends
and family. Now…the real
and silent auction. At
work begins! The fall
noon, there will be a
months were filled with
lunch, opportunity prize
a.m. with a social hour
followed by a delicious
e’ve all survived the
Beach. The
event will begin at 11:00
Members of the Alta Bahia and Upper Bay Steering Committee from left to right:
Jane Grier, Sharon Silcock, Eleanor Anderson, Jean Ulander, Nancy Posch, Mary
Chelius, Theresa Jennings & Carol Baugh
drawing, and a fashion
show presented by the Collection Shop at the Balboa Bay Club and Resort.
Be sure to save the date! Tickets are $95. For further information call
Sharon Silcock (949) 722-6421
Authors Luncheon at
Costa Mesa Country Club
Save the date of January 19, 2009, to attend
the Santa Ana-Tustin Committee’s Fourth
Annual “Authors”Luncheon at the Costa Mesa Country Club. Two authors
will be featured at the luncheon: Judith Freeman, a novelist, essayist, critic
and short story writer and Denise Hamilton, critically acclaimed author of
the Eve Diamond mystery series.
Lunch and a fashion show will precede the guest speakers. The authors
will sign books following their presentation. Reserve your tickets early as
space is limited. Call Judy Lecocq at (949) 515-0370 or Pat Huffnagle at (714)
541-3728 for information and reservations.
50th Anniversary
meetings in anticipation of the awesome
goals we have for fundraising. This spring is
for carrying out those plans and reaping the
rewards. Bobbitt Williams, one of our “ace”
fundraisers, reminded me that the first three
letters of fundraising are FUN! That is an
attitude worth noting, for while all of our
events require a lot of work, they are also
opportunities for our Committee members to
know each other better, to really develop into
a team…and to have fun doing it! Truly, our
FUNdraisers are the only part of our
Philharmonic responsibilities that require our
members to work together within their
individual Committees to carry out their
unique ideas and events. I am confident that I
can depend on every one of our Committees
to do their very best in this challenging year.
Our ultimate goal never changes, that being
to support and facilitate our music education
programs for the children of Orange County.
If we keep that in mind, how can we help but
have FUN??
– Gail Romansky, President
Balboa Philharmonic Committee presents the 50th Anniversary of the
STARS! It will be held at a spectacular bay front home on Balboa Peninsula
Point. An evening of nostalgia, music, food and spirits with live and silent
auctions are only part of the evening’s celebration.
Contact Balboa ways and means chairman Mary Lou Skowronski,
MaryLou@AgentMaryLou.com, to share your Committee’s memories,
photos and 50-year members’names. This event will honor all Committees
and Committees members for 50 years of exemplary volunteer service
Save the Date!
Casino Night
February 14, 2009
Donations to the Philharmonic Society’s Tribute Fund are lasting, caring and generous ways to honor an individual's accomplishments, mark special
occasions or memorialize a member, relative or friend. Funds are used as needed for youth programs and scholarships to assist highly qualified music
students with their studies.
Dr. Fred Aengst
Martha George
David Snegg
(husband of Janet Lee Aengst)
Mr. and Mrs. Milton “Stan”Grier
Mrs. Horner Reed
Mrs. Jack Caldwell
(husband of Barbra Snegg)
The Huntington Harbour
Philharmonic Committee
Huntington Harbour
Islander Group
Huntington Harbour
Marina/Windjammer Group
Eileen Hibner
Cameo Philharmonic Committee
Marcia Coy
Mr. Douglas Burch
The Capistrano Committee
Gloria Laun
The Lido Isle Committee
Judith Creely’s
(Upper Bay Committee)
Ms. Martha Coyne
I RV I N E , C A 9 2 6 1 2 - 11 5 1
– S AV E T H E D AT E –
Casino Night
February 14, 2009