London Aquaria Society APRIL 2008
London Aquaria Society APRIL 2008
Hatchetfish London Aquaria Society APRIL 2008 London, Ontario, Canada Silver Dollars 2 Table of Contents Executive Minutes Upcoming Events Welcome from the President Directions Evolution of Paste Foods LAS Monthly Jar Show Results Membership Application Form Breeders Award Report 3 3 4 6 7 8 11 13 Advertising Rates Business Card ¼ Page ½ Page Full Page $25.00 $40.00 $75.00 $125.00 Rates apply for a year of coverage totalling 10 issues of our newsletter. Articles in this publication may be reprinted provided full credit is given to the author, the London Aquaria Society and 2 copies of the published bulletin or magazine in which the article appears is to be mailed to: LAS Executive Meeting The Executive meeting was held at the home of James and Margaret Kelly. We would like to thank James and Margaret for their hospitality. Ron welcomed everyone to the meeting. Eric presented his treasurer’s report – we have $8,144.00. Nancy has indicated that membership renewals are coming in and new members are joining at every meeting. In anticipation of our upcoming auction, our auction forms will be available on the LAS website for downloading. Ron will be contacting the local high school in Dorchester to recruit volunteers for the day. As we gear up for auction day, we need lots of help to make the day run smoothly, so if you can help out please see Ron. So, get ready to bring out your fish and other assorted items for the auction. Mark Sunday, May 4th on your calendars for the auction. See everyone there! IT’S TIME TO RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP FOR 2008 – SEE NANCY DRUMMOND, MEMBERSHIP CHAIR London Aquaria Society P.O. Box 45010 RPO Fairmont London, ON N5W 1A3 UPCOMING EVENTS 2007/2008 LAS Meeting Dates and Monthly Programs February 12 – Tips & Tricks/DIY March 11 – Bio Filtration System – Steve & Lorraine Gregson April 8 – May 13 – June 10 – Elections and Pot Luck Celebration 2007/2008 Show and Auction Dates April 13 – Durham Aquarium Society – Show & Auction April 19 – Sarnia Aquaria Society – Auction Only May 4 – London Aquaria Society – Auction Only May 16 – 19 – CAOAC Convention - Edmonton Sept. 13 – Sarnia Aquaria Society – Show & Auction Sept. 28 – London Aquaria Society – Show & Auction Oct. 5 – HDAS – Show & Auction Oct. 26 – KWAS – Show & Auction MONTHLY JAR SHOW COMPETITION October – Fish: Cichilds – substrate spawning (angels, kribs, rams, etc.), Open November – Fish: Ciprinids (goldfish, koi, barbs, danios, sharks, etc.), Open December – No jar show - Christmas Celebration January – Fish: Guppies (fancy, Trinadadian, etc.), Open February – Fish: Gouramis, paradise fish, Open March – Fish: Mollies, platties, Open April – Fish: Characoids (tetras, hatchetfish, silver dollars, etc.) families, Open May – Fish: Cichlids – mouthbrooding (guentheri, aulonacara, etc.), Open June – No jar show due to elections Plants: Open Plants: Open Plants: Plants: Plants: Plants: Plants: Open Open Open Open Open 3 President’s Message There will be a discussion on your experiences in breeding of your aquatic pets. I trust that this will be very interesting and maybe we will all pick up a few helpful tips and pointers this evening. A good way to learn is to talk about your own ways to breed the fish you have and this is also a good way to teach others. The auction at Brantford was well attended by the London Aquaria Society and I hope all that went had a great time and picked up a few good bargains to add to their collection. Also talk to Sue about her new filter. The Jar Show for April will be Family Class and Characids (hatchet fish, silver dollars) and there will be an Open Class as usual and lets not forget the Plant Class I have heard a lot of good comments from the advertisers that they are seeing London Aquaria Society cards lot more this year and that makes them happy to see they are getting the support from the members, so don't be afraid to show that card and also introduce yourself to the shop owners. See their ads in the bulletin. Steve's birthday is this month and if you know how many cards are in a full deck you will know his age. And you will also know his IQ give or take a few. Ron Bishop President London Aquaria Society Please Support the Southwestern Pet Centre 1641 Dundas Street (New Location Dundas & Saskatoon) London, ON They support us!!! 519-451-7279 4 THE LONDON AQUARIA SOCIETY General Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. at Tanglewood Orchards Co-Op, 24 Spiritwood Court, Unit 77 (off Scenic Drive), London, ON. The London Aquaria Society is a non-profit organization established in June 1956. Its main objective is to promote interest in breeding and raising of tropical fish, and also to provide a means through which hobbyists may exchange ideas, gain information, and display their fish, sharing them in the public in the London area. EXECUTIVE 2006/2007 President Vice-President Treasurer Secretary Advertising Show Chair B.A.P./H.A.P. Library Jar Show Chair Membership Newsletter Editor Auction Chair Webmaster Ron Bishop Dorothy Reimer Eric Geissinger Sharon MacDonald Open Terry Little Chris Henricks James Kelly Sarah Lee Nancy Chipps-Drummond Sharon MacDonald Doug Henricks Eric Geissinger 519-457-7907 519-438-7682 519-672-9168 519-453-0094 519-752-8642 519-453-0133 519-681-0717 519-686-3473 519-644-2753 519-453-0094 519-453-6152 519-672-9168 no email address DJ’s TROPICS Fish ‘n’ Ponds Somethin’s Fishy. For all your Tropical Fish needs! 1057 Parkinson Road, Unit #9 Woodstock, ON N4S 7W3 Phone Fax (519) 537-2938 (519) 537-6747 DROP IN AND SEE US AT THIS BEAUTIFUL NEW LOCATION 5 6 The Rough Guys The Rogue Fishes And Ones That Will Grow Big - A Little About Them by Bill "Pegasus NZ" of New Zealand That cute little fish you bought could turn into your biggest headache if you don't think before you purchase, so here are a few words to help you in your selection when considering buying that little cutie. Also here we will be talking about which fish will live with others in harmony. although even after careful selection, we sometimes get a small fish that will bully others a great deal bigger than themselves, but luckily this mainly happens at breeding time. Any fish can become a rogue, it doesn't necessarily have to be a big fish, as even some small species of fish can become quite dominating at times, especially at breeding time. Generally when we speak of rogues people tend to think of the bigger species like some of the Cichlids, and many of this group do get to a stage where they will only tolerate fish either the same size, or bigger than themselves. Other types of rogues are the ones that will uproot everything you plant, move vast amounts of gravel that leaves your tank like a moonscape, and even move small rocks if they are in their way. Others will ram the heater against the tank side, or pull the uprights from the undergravel filters, and on occasions decide to knock the lid off the tank and try their hand at jumping from the tank and onto the floor. Many of the big Cichlids will attack your hand if you try to clean the tank or move something that will alter their environment, while others will practically roll over and let you scratch their belly. Just by the last sentence we can see that not all Cichlids are the same, so we can't brand any fish as being a rogue. So what causes a fish to be aggressive? Several things can cause this, many of which we can do our best to avoid. Fish near or actually spawning, or looking after young should never be trusted with other fish if the are of an appreciable size. At this time adult fish become very possessive about territory and the safety of their young, so now is one time you should leave well alone and let the fish get on with what they were born to do. In some situations we may have to remove either one or both the parents, but Cichlids in general tend to take care of their young right up to the time they are ready to spawn again, and it has been known for them to care for two broods of fry only weeks apart. Many of the Mouthbrooders also do this and can have more than one brood all trying to retreat into the mother's mouth. Great stuff. Many Cichlids are very selective about their partner, and many once mated, will remain with that same partner to the end. If one dies, then it is sometimes hard to get the remaining fish to accept a new mate, and I have found this to happen with the Angels, the Jewel Cichlids, and the Firemouths, but again, not all fish are the same, but in general Cichlids seem to create a very strong bond with the partner they choose. In more than one instance I have had the remaining fish die within a short while after losing its partner. Rogue fish are generally territorial fish and will set up an invisible area that they call theirs and will not allow outsiders to move into their area. Not much can be done here, but re-arranging the tank sometimes helps by confusing the fish as to where his territory starts and ends. If the fish in question is causing harm to the more docile occupants of the tank, then your only option is to either move the aggressor, or move the peaceful fish. One should really consider a spare tank for these situations, and when not in general use it can be used as a quarantine tank, or for holding newborn fry, but it should always be setup correctly at the right temperature and ready for any emergency. 7 Even the common Zebra Danio can become aggressive if others in the tank are smaller or not quite as quick as it is. Keeping just one of these fish tends to cause this problem, especially if the Zebra has grown to an appreciable size. Take the little Dwarf Gourami. A wonderful colourful fish that is usually quite docile, but catch him at breeding time and it's a different story. This little fellow can be a real terror if he is guarding the nest and will send most fish twice his size running in fear to the other end of the tank. This will happen with most of the Gourami species, and the Bettas. So what can you do to stop it? If you have a fish that bullies others you could try to find something to distract it. Many fish that bully are single species in a tank, like a lone Oscar or Angel. You could try getting another to take its attention away, and this works in many cases. For the fish that are getting bullied, try additional planting, more places for them to hide in the way of rock arrangements with hiding places that the bullying fish can't get into. As a last resort your LFS (Local Fish Store) might take the large fish in trade for some smaller ones that would be less problematic. You should not confuse breeding actions with bullying, as most fish tend to look and act aggressive at breeding time. In the case of the Livebearers the males will constantly harass the females, at times leaving the female quite exhausted. Nothing much can be done here as this is nature's way, but if the females become stressed at all you could try separating them from the males for a while, preferably till they have given birth. Returning to the Cichlids for a moment. Many of these species will lock jaws and seem as if they are going to rip each other apart, and this can become quite scary at times, and others will chase their mate around the tank as if they were going to kill it, but in many cases it is just a normal breeding pattern. PLANTS RESULTS TO DATE Name Month Competition Plant Name Ribbon Dorothy Reimer September Open Cryptocoryne pontederiifolia Red Dorothy Reimer October Open Cryptocoryne Nevillii Red Dorothy Reimer November Open Anubius Red December No Entries due to Christmas Celebration January Open Water Soldier Red Cryptocoryne Pontederifolia Red Jack Parkinson February Dorothy Reimer March No Entries due to weather Open 8 JAR SHOW RESULTS TO DATE Name Month Competition Fish Name Ribbon Jason Hodges September Loaches, suckers, catfish, open Synodontis eruptus Red Jack Parkinson September Loaches, suckers, catfish, open Albino corydory Blue Jason Hodges September Loaches, suckers, catfish, open Striped Raphael (platydoras costatus) White Ron Bishop Open Betta (blue and red) Red Jack Parkinson September September Open Emperor tetra Blue Jack Parkinson September Open Buenos Aires tetra White Jason Hodges Cichlids – substrate spawners Buffalohead Steatochromis casuarius Red Chris Henricks October October Cichlids – substrate spawners Gold Angel Blue Jason Hodges October Cichlids – substrate spawners Julidochromis reganni White Ron Bishop/Annette Turpin October Open Cherry barb – male Red Ron Bishop/Annette Turpin October Open Cherry barb – male Blue Ron Bishop/Annette Turpin November Cyprinids Cherry Barb – female Red Ron Bishop/Annette Turpin November Cyprinids Cherry Barb – male Blue Ron Bishop/Annette Turpin November Cyprinids Red Tail Shark White Ron Bishop/Annette Turpin November Open Gold Wag Platy – female Red Jack Parkinson November Open Buenos Aires Tetra Blue Ron Bishop/Annette Turpin November Open Molly - male White No Entries due to Christmas Celebration Guppies, Swordtails Female Half Black Guppy Red Guppies, Swordtails Male Sword, black tail Blue December Ron Bishop/Annette Turpin David Stit January January Ron Bishop/Annette Turpin January Guppies, Swordtails Male Pineapple Sword White Ron Bishop/Annette Turpin January Open Male Rainbow Tetra Red Ron Bishop/Annette Turpin January Open Male Banded Widow Blue Jack Parkinson January Open Family – Bristlenose Plecos White Alyssa Turpin January Junior Male Crown Tail Betta Red February No Entries due to weather Ron Bishop/Annette Turpin March Mollies and Platties Female Black Mollie Red Terry Gowan March Mollies and Platties Marigold Plattie Blue Terry Gowan March Mollies and Platties Plattie (black and red) White Carol Hains March Open Female Swordtail Red Ron Bishop/Annette Turpin March Open Guppy (half black) Blue Ron Bishop/Annette Turpin March Open Male Emperor Tetra White Norm Ernteman March Family Platties Red James Kelly March Family Starburst Platties Blue 9 COME AND SEE WHY BIG AL’S AQUARIUM SERVICES WAREHOUSE OUTLETS IS CANADA’S LEADING RETAILER FOR THE TROPICAL FISH HOBBYIST 10,000 GALLONS OF FRESH AND SALTWATER TROPICAL FISH EXOTIC GOLDFISH & FEEDER FISH SUPER IMPORT SELECTIONS FROM AROUND THE WORLD AND FROM OUR EXCLUSIVE FLORIDA FISH FARMS SUPERB AQUATIC PLANTS IMPORTED FROM AROUND THE WORLD HUGH SELECTION OF AQUARIUM AND POND SUPPLIES AQUARIUMS FROM 2 TO 275 GALLONS BIG AL’S QUALITY LINE OF AQUARIUM PRODUCTS, FISH FOODS AND WOODEN STANDS EXPERT STAFF TO HELP YOU WITH ALL OF YOUR AQUARIUM NEEDS BEST PRICES IN TOWN GUARANTEED 10% Discount To London Aquaria Society Members (except sale items) 10 LONDON AQUARIA SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION NEW AND RENEWAL MEMBERSHIPS New Renewal Junior $15.00/yr. Regular $20.00/yr. Family $25.00/yr. Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________ City: ____________________________ State Phone (Home): _____________________ Prov.:/ _________________________ P.C.:/ _________________ Zip Code Email Address: __________________________________________ Check here if you will allow the information given above to be published in a London Aquaria Society Membership Roster Aquatic Interests: Fresh Water Species Number of Tanks ____ General Fish Keeping Propagating Plants Shows & Competitions Live Food Brackish Water Species Marine Species Number of Tanks ____ Number of Tanks ____ Breeding Fish Species Preservation Aquatic Life (other than fish and plants) Tank Beautiful Competitions Collecting Research Other _______________________________________________________________________ Areas of Specialization Non-Aquatic Interests: Photography Writing Journalism Arts & Crafts Computers Video Recording Drawing Public Speaking Cooking Design & Layout Painting Woodworking Other: _________________________________________________________________ 11 LONDON AQUARIA SOCIETY Please list all household members to be included in this L.A.S. membership. Name: Occupation: Name: Occupation: Name: Occupation: Name: Occupation: How did you learn of the London Aquaria Society? (Please check all appropriate sources and list names) Member: Magazine Ad: _______________________________ Newspaper Ad: Radio Ad: __________________________________ Pet Shop: L.A.S. Event: _______________________________ Other: What do you expect to obtain from your L.A.S. Membership? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ To return this form or obtain additional information, please contact: London Aquaria Society P.O. Box 45010, RPO Fairmont London, ON N5W 1A3 For Official Use Only: Life Membership Paid - Cash Membership Expires: December 31st of each year Paid - Cheque Amount Paid: $ _____________ 12 13 ` London Aquaria Society P.O. Box 45010 RPO Fairmont London, ON N5W 1A3 519-785-4052 14