Mar/Apr 2011 - Northwest Watercolor Society
Mar/Apr 2011 - Northwest Watercolor Society
The Northwest Watercolor Society Newsletter March-April 2011 March Program – Open Juror Paul Jackson AWS, NWS April Brings Bev Jozwiak as Our Demo Artist and Speaker The juror for the NWWS 71st Open Exhibition, Paul Jackson, will speak at our March meeting. In all categories, landscapes, cityscapes, portraits, architectural, and still life, Paul Jackson is one of America’s greatest contemporary watercolorists. The powerful results he achieves in his paintings make an immediate and spectacular impact. Paul imbues his paintings with a genuine spirit of life, artistic planning and finesse. Born in Lawrence, Kansas in 1968 and raised in Starkville, Mississippi, Jackson began painting in college at Mississippi State University. In 1992 he received a Master’s in Fine Art from the University of Missouri. Since then, his artwork has received top honors in national and international competitions. Jackson’s paintings have been on the cover of the Artist’s magazine four times in recent years. Other media featuring Jackson’s work include: American Artist, Watercolor magazine, Watercolor Magic, Watercolor Artist, Forbes Magazine, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, NPR, and CBS News, The Baltimore Sun, The St. Louis Post, The Kansas City Star, IN New York magazine and TWA’s Ambassador magazine. Jackson is the author of Painting Spectacular Light Effects in Watercolor, from North Light Books. It’s tempting to call her “Juicy Jozwiak”, because her paintings ooze of juiciness. They’re almost edible! Bev Jozwiak is an international award-winning artist, who was born in Vancouver, Washington and still resides there with her husband of 30 plus years. She has two daughters, and two grandchildren. Bev states that “Emotion plays an important part in every successful painting, so I choose only subjects that call to me and that give my work energy and excitement. Painting very directly, I place my watercolors on the paper with very little mixing on the palette. I use lots of varied color in my blacks to keep them from going flat, in my whites to keep them glowing, and even in my skin tones to keep them interesting.” Bev graduated with honors from Western Washington University with a degree in Fine Arts and an Art History Minor. She is a Signature Member of the American Watercolor Society, National Watercolor Society, Watercolor West, Northwest Watercolor Society, and Texas Watercolor Society. Continued on page 4 Continued on page 4 UPCOMING MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS March 22, 2011 April 26, 2011 St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church 6:45 Social Hour • 7:15 Meeting President’s Message Northwest Watercolor Society P.O. Box 50387 Bellevue, WA 98015-0387 President: Lola Deaton 206 992 5446 Vice-President: Crickett Crockett 206 325 1897 Corresponding Secretary: Genny Rees 206 232 6354 Recording Secretary: Shan Koenig 425 424 9356 Treasurer: Shirley Jordan 425 643 3123 Newsletter Editor: Jeff Waters 425 396 1940 Newsletter deadline for the March/April edition is February 10, 2011 Email your items to (Subject line: NWWS or Hot Press) or mail them to Jeffrey Waters P.O. Box 50387 Bellevue, WA 98015-0387 Please send new memberships/changes of address to: Shirley Jordan P.O. Box 50387 Bellevue, WA 98015-0387 Please send all bills to: Shirley Jordon P.O. Box 50387 Bellevue, WA 98015-0387 2 · March-April 2011 “…whether you are content to find fun in trying to observe and depict the jolly things you see, the vistas of possibility are limited only by the shortness of life. Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, everascending, ever improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and the glory of the climb.” Winston Churchill from his book, Painting as a Pastime Valentine’s Day, 2011 and the notifications announcing the selection results for the Northwest Watercolor Society’s Annual Open Exhibition begin to arrive in three hundred and seventyseven mailboxes around the country. Before your hand touches the envelope you’ve reached for, your pulse quickens and you’d swear you felt your heart thumping against your chest, pounding maybe just a little louder than usual. Your mind is racing far ahead with the thought, “Oh, please, please let the envelope be thick and fat!” There’s no need to open the envelope to know whether or not you are one of the artists fortunate enough to be included as one of this year’s exhibitors. If the envelope is stuffed full with extra postage stamped across it, you know! You let out a squeal, or maybe a whoop or perhaps just a big ole silly grin sweeps across your face…you have just received all the enclosures, all the information as to when and where to deliver your painting to the exhibition! The wait ‘to know’ is over, your work was accepted! You are in! Regrettably, because of the limitations of space in all exhibitions, instead of that seriously coveted, overstuffed letter, many more will receive the tale-tale, thin envelope with the one single page. The letter that says, “Unfortunately, your painting was not selected for inclusion in the 2011 Annual Open Exhibition…” It says more, but, you kind of stopped reading after those first thirteen or fourteen words. You can’t help but feel some disappointment, not quite the valentine you had hoped for today! Sometime later you pick the letter up and continue reading. You read how very difficult it was for the juror to make his choices, that there really were enough wonderful submissions that could have filled several more venues with paintings as equally outstanding if space had only permitted. True, it’s still not enough to dull that irresistible desire that one of those plump, overstuffed envelopes should have landed in your mailbox…nevertheless; you do realize that scores of exceptional paintings had to be excluded for one simple reason the lack of hanging space within the venue! Competitive exhibitions like the 2011 Annual Open Exhibition afford the opportunity to bring real maturity to an artist and their work, offering chance for tremendous growth to all those that choose to place themselves in the vulnerable situation of having their creations of art viewed, evaluated and subsequently jurored for acceptance or exclusion. It takes a great deal of audacity, confidence and certainly some bravery to gather the courage to place one’s art into a competition for all the world to see and judge. Whether you are an exhibiting artist and part of this 2011 exhibition or an artist omitted this year; be proud of Continued on next page PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE, Continued Editorial what you have achieved and what still lies ahead for the wealth of future accomplishments that await you. Entering exhibitions encourages artists to push themselves and their work beyond what is comfortable and familiar, exceeding their previous boundaries, always searching, striving to do things they’ve never done before. Things one really didn’t know how to do, you find yourself attempting and to your delight find that you have succeeded in that quest! Regardless of the initial outcome of this one exhibition, you have gained the experience, insight and wisdom to become a finer artist, a better painter as the result of entering an international exhibition. Savor this newly gained knowledge! Enjoy this triumph! The Northwest Watercolor Society’s 2011 Annual Open Exhibition promises to be a wonderful event, celebrating the glorious art of watercolor and watermedia painting. Fabulous, glimmering watercolors that portray a wide array of subjects and genres, styles and techniques that excite the imagination and mind of all, an exhibition anticipated for it’s quality, excellence and diversity…these are the trademarks of this extraordinaire exhibition! Just as we find inspiration from endless, unexpected sources for our paintings, we can find encouragement for our journey, our climb, from surprising avenues as well. I close with this little passage paraphrased from the lyrics of a Miley Cyrus song – The Climb. There’s always going to be another mountain…you’re always going to want to make it move. Always going to be an uphill battle, sometimes you’re going to have to lose. Ain’t about how fast you get there, ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side…It’s the climb!…Yeah…It’s the climb! It’s a fantastical, remarkable journey that we as artists are on…keep on painting…keep on climbing. The Joe and Dan Show Lola K Deaton, AWS, NWWS NWWS President 2010-2011 Perhaps the greatest benefit of NWWS membership is access to great instructors. We have many superb teachers, including Kay Barnes, Ann Breckon, Tom Hoffmann, Jackie Beck, Eric Wiegardt and many others. One of my favorites is the tag team of Joe MacKechnie and Dan Riley, two of the nicest guys on the planet. You rarely encounter one without the other. Last year, I attended their figure drawing class and benefited greatly. The class is misnamed. While it includes wonderful figure instruction, it is actually a superb survey of the methods of drawing that could as easily apply to boats or barns. I spent a magical afternoon in a bar in Siena, Italy ducking a violent thunder storm, drinking excellent wine and learning Joe’s unique method of contour drawing. That afternoon is high on my list of best lifetime experiences. If you have the opportunity to participate in Joe’s Italian workshop, do not pass it up. I know he is planning a fall trip. I’m holding out for the South of France. In January, I attended their portrait class. This is their signature effort and is justifiably famous. You’d be hardpressed to find a better portrait than Dan’s painting of McAlister Merchant. Throw out everything you think you know about painting a portrait. Success has very little to do with accurately portraying the mouth or eyes. It’s all about the shadows and the third line. If that makes no sense to you, you need to take the class. Joe and Dan believe in copious handouts that are extremely beneficial after you return home. I promise you hair-tearing frustration on the second day, then it all comes together. I hope you saw their demonstration at the January meeting. Dan’s piece was particularly stunning and precisely where I want to go. Joe is also a world-class photographer and generously gives of his time and talent to photograph our show entries and prepare the disk of paintings we show at the meetings. NWWS is extremely fortunate to have these two wonderful artists as members and I consider myself blessed to call them my friends. Very Important Book Like you, I have read literally hundreds of art books and have entire shelves devoted to them. Most of these texts on watercolor are redundant. Occasionally, I encounter a rare volume that changes everything. I keep a very short list of these works that I would be happy to share with you if you send me an e-mail. The most recent addition to this elite company is Catherine Gill’s Powerful Watercolor Landscapes. While it is a beautiful coffee table decoration, you cannot simply skim this book. You must read it, re-read it, study it and make the information an integral part of your soul. It is the most complete, profound, penetrating study of excitement in landscape painting I have ever encountered. Much of the information is available elsewhere, but no one has compiled it so succinctly or presented it so beautifully. Her paintings are magnificently rearranged abstractions of nature that take the breath away. I invite you to open the book to page 100, study the photograph and then view the landscape that Catherine paints from it. That’s genius! With her co-author, Beth Means, Catherine has brilliantly formulated this hardback book with a spiral binding that allows the text to lie flat while you work from it. Powerful Watercolor Landscapes is available on her website,, from Amazon. com or from Northern Light Books. ➤ Jeff Waters, Hot Press Editor March-April 2011 · 3 2011 Open Exhibition – Accepted Entries John Adams Gloria Miller Allen Elizabeth Allgood Indian Summer Pinnacles of Zion The Imaginary Shadow of Your Smile Keith Artz Want Bacon with That? Kate Aubrey Guardians at the Gate Roger Baker Springtime in the Cottage Elena Balekha Summer Kathleen Ballard Valentine Roses Enda Bardell Lean on Me Kay Barnes River of Color Caren Bechtold The Jazz Teacher Mary Benson Glowing Rhodies II Sarah Bouwsma Maple Tree Cindy Brabec-King Shrimp Forks Cindy Briggs Just Between Us Martha Brouwer Fishing Mary Carlton In an Azure Mood Cheng-Khee Chee Morocco Impression Lei Chi Muir Woods Janice Cipriani-Willis Rose Sally Corbett Le Jongleur II Lola K Deaton Reflections...One Glass Too Many? Jeanne Dobie Lone Pine Chris Eckberg In for the Evening Bruce Edwards High Steppin’ the Weeds Sy Ellens Riverside Randy Emmons Summer Warmth Robin Erickson Somewhere in Sorrento Jim Farrand What’s Inside Z Feng Tibetan Monk Erich Fisher Symbols & Ghosts Beverly Fotheringham Abstreal Mindscape Charlene Freeman Original Classic Cafeteria Carla Gauthier What We Worship Charlene Gerrish Desert Glass Mary Gibbs Incoming Tide Amy Jo Giese Enchantment Sandy Haight Abandoned Red Shoes Tom Herbert A Day at the Beach Lynda Hoffman-Snodgrass Hawaiian Sunrise William Hook Waiting for the D Track Bill James Down Time Sandy Kay Lavadero en San Miguel Ona Kingdon MEH!! Seiko Konya The Felt Hat Diane Lary Bamboo Fire Doug Lew Regatta 4 · March-April 2011 David Maxwell Linda McCord Reid Morgan Ted Nuttall Kaaren Oreck Ron Pattern Sandra Schaffer Thomas W Schaller Linda Southern Vanek Ron Stocke Jack Tavenner Noel Thomas Kathy Tiger George Tutt Eric Wiegardt The Return Busywork Sequim Barn Finale – Allegro Molto Good Fortune for the Bride Sunday Afternoon Reflections of the KC Art Institute III Royal Crescent: Bath, England We the People Smith Tower, Seattle In the Studio End of the Road Big Jim Silver Complements Our Pond susan melrath new works ~ garden series march 3 through april 30, 2011 at the virginia inn 1937 1st ave. seattle opening reception march 3rd 5-7 pm Snoqualmie Arts Commission SnoqualmieArtsCommission presents presents The Third Annual ThedŚŝƌĚAnnual Snoqualmie Plein Air Paint Out SnoqualmiePleinAirPaintOut Artists at Work RAILROAD DAYS CELEBRATION Saturday,August2Ϭ,201ϭ.ZĂŝůƌŽĂĚĂLJƐĞůĞďƌĂƚŝŽŶ͘ PaintingwilloccurthroughoutSnoqualmie’scityparksandkeylocations. Venueswillbeprovidedforinstructordemonstrations. Registration:WreͲregistrationisrequiredusingtheformbelow.EventcheĐŬͲinwillbeat9:00amatthe^ŶŽƋƵĂůŵŝĞƌƚƐŽŵŵŝƐƐŝŽŶ ƚŚ͘ΨϮϬperartist.($1018andunder).BoothsandpaintingsalesarealloweĚ,butartistsmustbeworkingon site throughouttheday.Nocommissionwillbetakenfrompaintingssold;nocitybusinesslicensewillbe requiredonAugust2Ϭforparticipatingartists. EventDate: Sites: REGISTRATIONFORM Depositof$20mustaccompanyregistrationform.PleasemakecheckpayabletotheCityofSnoqualmie. Mailformandcheckto:JeffWaters,6510FairwayAveSE,Snoqualmie,WA98065 ArtistName: Instructor(circleone):YesNo Media:ĨĨŝůŝĂƚŝŽŶ͗ MailingAddress: Phone: Email: MARCH MEETING, Continued Paul was honored by the American Watercolor Society with signature membership at the age of thirty. He is also a Signature member of the National Watercolor Society. Paul was the Grand Prize winner in the “Paint Your Way to Paris” competition and has been featured as one of the Master Painters of the World in International Artists Magazine. Many of Paul’s works hang in private collections. Some are on display in museums and public buildings. Although Paul Jackson has an unequalled passion for watercolor, his creative genius has not been limited. In 2001, he unveiled a 30’ diameter tiger mosaic on the University of Missouri campus by leading hundreds of volunteers in assembling more than 420,000 Italian glass tiles for the project. Jackson’s painting, Not Exactly Front Row Center was recreated as the stage design for the musical Porterphiles at the York theatre in NYC. Paul has also thrice designed Easter eggs for the White House and he designed the Missouri Commemorative State Quarter for the United States Mint. Additionally, Jackson was the featured speaker at the International Watercolor Masters Invitational in Lushan, China in 2008. In 2009 he served as the invited juror for the American Watercolor Society’s 142nd annual international exhibition. In 2010, Apple computers created the first “Artist Sketchbook” App using Jackson’s work. It is available in the App Store under Paul Jackson. APRIL MEETING, Continued She has had numerous one woman shows throughout the Northwest, won two gold, and one silver Grumbacher medals, won too many awards to list in national competitions, freelanced for many card companies, has been featured in numerous magazines, including Art Collector, International Artist, North Light Magazine, American Artist, and The Artist, was listed in Who’s Who in American Artists, won the Betsy Dillard Stroud Creative Challenge with the winning entry featured in Watercolor Magic Magazine, has been included in seven Best of Watercolor books, including Splash 9-12, and her work can be found in thousands of corporate, and private collections throughout the United States. View Bev’s work on Tentative Plan for Patron Wine Tasting Event Save the date! Planning is in the works for a winetasting event to be held May 5, 2011 designed to attract the art-buying public to see our fabulous Open Exhibition. It will be held at the Mercer Island Community Center tentatively from 5-8 pm. We are currently coordinating with the Washington Athletic Club (WAC) and several other social organizations to make the event available to their members. The event will feature the delicious wines of Northwest Cellars, a Kirkland winery. Attendees can try the wines which will then be available for purchase. The labels will be created from paintings in the show and will be selected by the buyers. NWWS volunteers will be needed to mingle with the guests, help with the wine and painting sales and do demos throughout the evening. It should prove to be lots of fun and a great opportunity for the art buying public to get to know the NWWS. Please contact Linda Dunn at to volunteer. Feel free to invite any art patrons you know. More details will be forthcoming as plans firm up. The cost will be $25 per person for the wine-tasting. 6 · March-April 2011 PAUL JACKSON WORKSHOP March 21-25, 2011 Reach the next level of artistic confidence and ability as Paul helps you explore design, color, value, textures and patterns. Through informal lectures, discussions, demonstrations and critiques you will be guided in refining your personal painting style. Come prepared to find logical and creative answers to your watercolor problems. Paul will demonstrate the versatility of watercolor paint. You will learn how to mix colors using a limited palette and how to work in thin layers of washes to build up luminous colors. Paul will lead you step-by-step with illustrations of the painting process. Emphasis will be on what makes a good painting, planning the entire picture area, the importance of thinking through the composition, good division of shapes, value planning, what to communicate about the subject, and how to correct mistakes. If watermedia is your passion, then this highly energized painting workshop is for you! Paul's stress-free, positive approach toward the act of painting will inspire you to loosen up and have fun again. Expect an intense, concentrated and lively workshop where you will elevate your understanding of how watercolor can be controlled. Paul is the author of “Painting Spectacular Light Effects in Watercolor.” His work has been often featured in the International Artist and The Artist’s Magazine. He is a signature member of the American Watercolor Society. NWWS 5-DAY WORKSHOP DATES: TIME: LOCATION: REGISTRATION: TUITION: CANCELLATION: Five days: March 21-25, 2011 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Northlake Unitarian Universalist Church 308 4th Ave. South, Kirkland, WA 98033 Register Now! Class is limited to 20 $400 NWWS Members, $450 Non-members All payments in US funds All cancellations subject to $50 fee. If cancellation is received within 35 days of workshop, deposit forfeited unless space can be filled from waiting list. REGISTRATION FORM Paul Jackson · Northwest Watercolor Society Workshop, Name March 21-25, 2011 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone ________________________________________________________________________E-mail _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ $400 NWWS Member $450 Non-member $100.00 deposit must accompany any registration form. Balance is due on February 14, 2011. All payments in US funds. MAIL TO: NWWS Workshop – P.O. Box 50387 – Bellevue, WA 98015-0387 E-mail: Member News Bev Jozwiak – our April speaker – (NWWS Signature member) has been recently elected a signature member of the American Watercolor Society. Her painting All dressed up, was juried into the 144th Annual International exhibition and will be included in two new books, Splash 12, and Best of Worldwide Figurative Book, by Kennedy Publishing. She will have three paintings included in the latter. Dianna Shyne will be showing at Gallery by the Bay in Stanwood May 616 and presenting a plein air demonstration for Art League North on Thursday May 4 at 10:30 am. Insights Gallery in Anacortes will be hosting a solo show entitled “UnHinged” featuring Dianna’s newest paintings, opening on June 11. Dianna will also be exhibiting at Details Gallery on Prince Edward Island, summer 2011 and the Cole Gallery in Edmonds will be giving a solo show of her work in November. shipped. This is material not included in the book, and is useful for artists in making some important choices about what kind of space you want for your landscape paintings. The book is also available from Amazon and national booksellers, as well as local art supply and book stores. Dates for signings and demonstrations: • Feb 22, Tuesday, 7pm at Third Place Books in Ravenna area of Seattle, WA • March 18, Friday, 2-4pm at ArtMedia in Beaverton area of Portland, OR • March 12, Saturday, 12-2pm at Bellevue Art and Frame • April 5, Tuesday, 10-12 at Dan Smith in Seattle, WA • April 27, Wednesday, 10-12 at Dan Smith in Bellevue, WA ▲ Kate Barber Jacqui Beck’s painting One to Another is in the Pacific NW Juried Abstract Show (January 8 – 30, at Gallery By the Bay in Stanwood WA (www.gallerybythe, and her painting Emerging will be in the Women Painters of Washington Spring Members Show (February 1 – April 29, 2011) at the Women Painters of Washington Gallery ( ( ▲ Martha Brouwer Powerful Watercolor Landscapes by Catherine Gill and Beth Means, has been released by Northlight/F&W Publications. It is available at A nine- page additional article with full color art on Creating Space in your Paintings is a gift Print-on-Demand mini-chapter for anyone ordering from this site. This will be emailed to you when your book is 8 · March-April 2011 Kathy Collins’ solo show A Year of Painting opens Friday March 4, 5-7 pm at Kaewyn Gallery, 10101 Main St, Bothell. Kate Barber’s and Martha Brouwer’s paintings were accepted for the American Watercolor Society Show in New York City April 5 – May 1. Kate’s entry is called Mute. And Martha’s is called Without Death There Is No Life. Susan Melrath – In the Garden –A Solo Exhibit - Virginia Inn – 1937 1st Ave. Seattle. March 3 – April 30. Reception, Thursday, March 3 5-7pm. Call The Eastside Association of Fine Arts (EAFA) is excited to announce for Artists! the opening of EAFA Gallery at Seattle Design Center. A new and exciting venture with the Seattle Design Center, EAFA Gallery offers exhibition space for fine art shows and exhibitions sponsored by EAFA up through June 2011. EAFA Tis Huberth will have two paintings Bits and Pieces and Three Coins in Best of America Watermedia Volume II to be published early this year. EAFA is a nonprofit art organization serving the Eastside for 35 years. It is run by a supportive body of artists, providing a unique opportunity for fellowship, education, charitable projects, monthly meetings, regular exhibitions and promotion of fine art within the Puget Sound area. EAFA is proud to have over 450 members, ranging from emerging to established artists, and as a group is recognized for producing some of the ! highest quality local art exhibitions in the Greater Seattle Area. The Seattle Design Center Located in the Georgetown neighborhood of south Seattle, the Seattle Design Center is the Puget Sounds most renowned resource for design professionals, offering 65 showrooms displaying the finest of custom home furnishings and fixtures available. The EAFA Gallery The EAFA Gallery is located in showroom #A239 on the second floor of the Atrium Building. There will be rotating fine art exhibitions up until the end of June 2011, all of which will be juried to maintain the highest quality work, and will showcase art for sale by some of the best artists in the area. The space covers approximately 4,000 square feet, and has the capacity to feature some 50 plus selected artists and 200 works of fine art. On display will be both two dimensional and three dimensional works in a wide range of art mediums, including oil paintings, watercolors, photography, encaustic, fused glass, metal sculpture, and mixed media. Schedule of Exhibits Kris Preslan’s painting Cars I’ll Never Own, #9, has been selected by juror John Salminen for inclusion in the 34th International Exhibition of the Watercolor Art Society-Houston. She also had a transparent watercolor painting, The Old Indian accepted into the annual exhibition of the American Watercolor Society’s juried show this April at the Salmagundi Club in New York and her painting, Sidewalk Raphael #2 was accepted into the 36th annual exhibition of the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies, an organization representing, eleven watercolor societies, to be held in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Date 11/28/2010 – 01/22/2011 01/26/2011 – 02/26/2011 03/02/2011 - 04/08/2011 04/13/2011 – 05/13/2011 05/18/2011 – 06/18/2011 Exhibition EAFA Gallery Exhibit #1 EAFA Open Juried Abstract Show EAFA Gallery Exhibit #2 EAFA Volunteer show EAFA Members Show Special Events Jan 28th – 12:30 – 4:30pm - EAFA Abstract Show Opening Reception Meet the Artists Event & Awards Feb 4th & 5th – 10:00- 5:00pm - SDC & EAFA Grand Sample Sale Event (40% reductions in prices) Location: Skybridge March 10th – 2:00 - 4:00pm Exhibit #2 Reception & Meet the Artist Event Visiting EAFA Gallery, #A239, Seattle Design Center, 5701 6th Avenue South, Seattle Free and Open to the Public Monday - Friday 10:00am - 4:00pm Sorry, no children under 12 years please March-April 2011 · 9 Editor’s Contest I received many e-mails pleading that I continue the contest. Let’s see those entries! Artists love old barns. They come in great shapes and are relatively easy to paint . Here are five. Select one and give it your own interpretation. Alter the shape, color, composition or size. Have fun! 10 · March-April 2011 Weigardt on Watercolor A Letter of Inspiration Years ago, (l987) as I was building my career in watercolor painting, I sent a letter to my mentor, Irving Shapiro, expressing either some fatigue, lack of interest, or the frustration from what appeared to be a period of fruitless creativity. Regardless of the specifics of my frustration, I received back from him this eloquent note of encouragement. It is proudly displayed in my studio. I think his words of wisdom apply equally to all of us. “I think that the matter of the artist who spends days upon days in the studio not coming up for air and finally coming out unshaven to declare that his ART demands all of his energy and devotion is right out of the pages of some fictional and romantic novel. A poor one at that. Everyone that I have ever discussed the matter with will have had the same experiences as me— days when I can’t wait to get behind a brush, days when it’s the last thing that I want to do (but will do anyhow, if the schedule is pressing enough), and days when I just take off for a shopping trip with my wife, a visit to a museum, a movie, or maybe just nothing at all. I think that a certain amount of time has to be devoted to emptying the brain. However, our concentration and dedication to painting will, I think, have us see the world differently than others, so that even when we might be doing what seems totally unrelated to painting Letters we’re still soaking up what will affect our painting. In my own experience, I’ve found that at those times when I’ve had to be away from the studio for a stretch of a few days or even longer, or even when I’ve chosen to not paint for a while, that when I come back to the drawing board I am refreshed, I am more responsive, and more often than not, my work shows the benefit of a bit of renewed excitement. It just isn’t possible —or even desirable, maybe— to have a totally even attitude of sustained interest in panting. That invites burn-out, if we should demand this attitude of ourselves. It might very well be that the results of this self imposed pressure provides us with OK paintings, but the spirit has to be bruised by this kind of excess. If you don’t feel like painting now and then, don’t sweat it. I understand that Rembrandt bowled a few lines with the boys once a week, and that Rubens tooled around on his motorcycle. We, like anyone else, are human. Best Wishes, Irv Shapiro Keep your brush wet! Eric Wiegardt AWS, NWS School of Painting Watercolor Workshops 2011 3/28-4/1, Honolulu, Hawaii • 4/12-15, Greenville, NC 4/25-28, Springfield IL • 5/23-27, Camano Island, WA 6/6-17 Kenosha, WI • 6/27-7/1, Ocean Park, WA 9/26-30, Greenville, NY • 10/3-7, Rockland, ME 10/18-21, Ft. Worth, TX • 11/13-19, Ft. Mill, SC 12/5-8, Portland, OR Now Available at Eric Wiegardt Signature Brushes Also on the website and at Wiegardt Studio Gallery are: Essential Design Workbook, Watercolors-Free and Easy Book, Instructional DVDs, Original Paintings, Giclees & Lithographs Just finished reading Hot Press. Very fun issue! Sure hope you don’t have to drop the editor’s contest. I enjoy it very much! What a great painting (Randy Emmons), even though it was the only one. ➤ Amy Giese I always enjoy your editorials and wish to take you up on your offer to share your notes from the Don Andrews workshop. Thanks in advance, ➤ Carolyn Modarelli Jeffrey, Sorry to hear that the Editors Contest was less than successful (although it could be argued that Randy Emmons interpretation was very successful). I hope you get enough positive responses that you decide to continue with this idea. For no good reason, I do not remember seeing this opportunity in the NovemberDecember newsletter – my fault. If you continue, I promise to enter future E.C.’s. Thank you for your work and your efforts. Keep your brushes wet. ➤ Tom Linden American Frame Corporation When you purchase frames and framing supplies from American Frame Corporation and tell them you are a member of NWWS, they donate 5% of your order to us! This rebate funds the American Frame awards given at our Annual Open Exhibition and Waterworks. So, the more you buy, the bigger the award you may win! See their products at or call 1-800-537-0944 for their catalog. Box 1114 · Ocean Park, WA 98640 (360) 665-5976 March-April 2011 · 11 Opportunities The California Watercolor Association is pleased to announce their 42nd National Exhibition Water+Color to be held from September 8 through October 9, at the Marin Art and Garden Center. We anticipate more than $15,000 in cash and merchandise awards. Online entries only. Use the on-line entry form on the California Watercolor Association’s website, The deadline is April 23, 2011. Adventure On!, hosts art and adventure retreats. This year we’re hosting two amazing, guided watercolor painting and sightseeing trips to Italy, October 2-13 and 16-27. These guided trips include all costs except flight to Italy and even include painting instruction with Northwest watercolor artist Kathy Rae Wood. 13th Annual Juried Kenmore Art Show August 19 – 28. Entries due August 12 between 10am - 8pm - Northlake Lutheran Church, 6620 NE 185TH St., Kenmore, Washington 98028. Prospectus will be posted in April. Judi Betts, AWS and Stella Canfield Czech Republic, May 26-June 8, 2011. 360/678-0838, director@, Catherine Gill - Saturday, March 5 – 11am to 4pm - book signing party for Powerful Watercolor Landscapes at Catherine’s studio. Catherine and Beth Means will have books to sign, and will be celebrating big time! All are welcome. and click on Studio for directions. Wonderful Opportunities for NWWS Volunteers Needed now for these very important and exciting Board of Director positions Awards Chair Venues Chair Contact Lola Deaton, President 12 · March-April 2011 Cathy Woo will teach a workshop April 1-4 called the “Nuts & Bolts of Painting in Water Media” at Dakota Art’s La Conner Art Workshops in Mt. Vernon, Washington. Contact Cathy for more information or go to http://www. laconner Sharp Art Gallery - Call for Artists - new hybrid art gallery part online/part brick and mortar. No commissions charged to artist. Apply now online. Dianna Shyne is offering ongoing Impressionism in Acrylic classes at Arts Umbrella in Bothell. Thursdays 12:30-3:30 or Thursday evenings 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Arts Umbrella is located at Country Village 23732 Bothell Everett Hwy - Bothell, WA 98021. 360-387-4950 dianna.html. Dianna will also be teaching a five day Plein Air Workshop on Prince Edward Island (Eastern Canada) in Early September. Donna Watson – Personal Expression: A Design Approach. April 8, 9, 10. ArtWorks in Edmonds, WA. This workshop is for all styles of painting and for all aqueous mediums. Cost: $250 with a $50 deposit. Contact: Meredith Arnold, Director of ArtWorks. Kathy Collins’ watercolor workshop at Cannon Beach, Oregon - April 6-10, $395. Learn an accessible technique for high contrast, impressionistic paintings. Register at www.paintacross or Parklane Gallery welcomes artists from across the country and around the world to enter our 19th Annual International Juried Miniature Art Show. www.parklane for the prospectus as well as additional information regarding compliance with the guidelines and definition of miniature art. Deadline: April 24-26. Exhibition Dates: May 3 – June 5. Cash awards: Best of Show $500, 1st Place $300, 2nd Place $200, and numerous sponsor awards. The Magnolia Art Show is a juried show with cash prizes. Judges select the best work in each media group which includes painting, photo/print, and 3D. Registration Deadline is July 15. www.magnolia Contact Andrew L. Parker with RE/MAX Metro Realty | 2312 Eastlake Ave East | Seattle | WA | 98102. Overlake Healing Arts Program - For members of NWWS, there is an opportunity to hang framed, under-glass watercolor in Overlake Hospital as part of the Healing Arts Program. These paintings are for sale and the commission is 10% of sale price donated to the Overlake Foundation. The next Overlake Healing Arts hanging opportunity will be March 27. Anyone interested must contact Charlene Burley for entry forms and rules. The cut off for submission will be March 12. For those that want to plan ahead, the following hang will be July 31 and the cut off will be July 12. . 253-631-4879 (home, evenings and weekends) . Jacqui Beck teaches a variety of Expressive Acrylic Painting workshops, a great opportunity to learn to paint more expressively and personally. Discover techniques that lend themselves to increasing the tendency to experiment, loosen up, and be more expressive. Learn how to use collaging, under-painting, and layering techniques to bring more life to your paintings and more enjoyment to your painting process. See website for upcoming workshops. Arts of Kenmore - 13th Annual Juried Kenmore Art Show - August 19 - 28, Entries due August 12, between 10am - 8pm. Northlake Lutheran Church, 6620 NE 185th St., Kenmore, Washington 98028. The 2011 Prospectus will be posted in April. Stella Canfield – The Joy of Watercolor Coupeville, WA Workshop Feb 13-17, 2011. 360-678-0838,, Opportunities Pikes Peak Watercolor Society International Watermedia XVII. June 24 July 23. Call for entries. Entry Deadline April 1 - Cottonwood Center for the Arts, Colorado Springs, CO 80903. Entry form and digital images . Cash Awards: $2,000 Best of Show; $1,000 Gold Award; $250 Founders Award. . Watermedia17@pikespeakwatercolorsociety. org. Stella Canfield and Vesko Velev – Bulgaria Art Workshops, June 10-21, 2011. 360-678-0838,, www.bulgariaartw for more info. Stella Canfield Studio, P O Box 1676, Coupeville WA 98239. Combining Czech Republic and Bulgarian Tours is possible. The 6th Annual Wedgwood Art Festival, will be held July 9-10, and is seeking artists for the show. For more information, check their web page at The Festival will be held in the northeast part of Seattle. Jeff Waters will offer a one-day watercolor workshop, Basic & Advanced Techniques that will introduce the student to the basic elements of watercolor and rarely taught advanced techniques that separate the mundane from the spectacular. Handouts will be provided, including a reading list for further study. The seminar will be broken into two sections. The first session will present an introduction to watercolor painting and basic technique. The second session will provide the student with tools to take his paintings from” Nice Watercolor.” to “WOW!” Bring a sack lunch. A complete supplies list will be available once registered. Location: Si View Social Room Metropolitan Park District – North Bend, WA. $40 June 11 - 10:30AM-5:30PM . Register online at Bev Jozwiak - our April speaker - (NWWS Signature member) has been recently elected a signature member of the American Watercolor Society. Her painting All dressed up.... Was juried into the 144th Annual International exhibition and will be included in two new books, Splash 12, and Best of Worldwide Figurative Book, by Kennedy Publishing. She will have three paintings included in the latter. Dan Riley and Joe MacKechnie, who with Ann Breckon gave a terrific demonstration at our February meeting, have two workshops coming up that might interest you. On the weekend of March 25-27 they will teach their acclaimed workshop on Figure drawing. Then in April, on t he weekend of April 22-24 they will conduct a workshop titled Art Composition and Personal Style. If you are interested in either workshop contact Dan Riley at Catherine Gill - Two day indoor workshop Design in Landscape. March 26 - 27, 9:30-4:30 pm will cover design basics, keeping things simple (shapes), and learning the basic landscape parts to help you sort through the overwhelming mess of an outdoor scene. All this seems simple, but somehow it is easy for it to get lost in the frenzy of painting. Come for a review and your next year’s paintings will really show it! Demonstrations will be in watercolor and mixed media of watercolor and pastel (2nd day). Catherine will have enlarged color copies of landscapes to work from. Cost: $165, maximum of 12. Open to all media. Oil painters, send me an email to discuss the use of solvents. Demonstrations will be in watercolor. Cost: $165, maximum of 12. Ballad studio. Sign up online at my store at or mail me a check. Live Arts Bothell - Call for a Artists -juried show - June 25 – 26. Paintings Prints Drawings. Entry deadline, April 22., 2011 PLEIN AIR WORKSHOP AT LE CASACCE, ITALY WITH PACIFIC NORTHWEST ARTIST JOE MAC KECHNIE WHERE Seggiano—Tuscany, Italy, 60 klms South of Siena WHEN September 17 to October 1, 2011 COST $3,250.00 per person—Dbl Occup. $3,500.00 Sgl Occup (if Available) $2,850.00 per person-Non artist (Plus Air Transportation) DEPOSIT & FULL PAYMENT INFORMATION Deposit of $500 by January 1, 2011 Full Payment by April 1, 2011 Email Joe at or phone 425 486-1763 if you would like to find out more about joining him in Tuscany. March-April 2011 · 13 A Brush with Art Northwest Watercolor Society 14 5T .E. LS HP Bellevue 148TH AVE S.E. P.O. Box 50387 Bellevue, WA 98015-0387 W E S Robinswood Park X Hot Press Ad Policy 28TH S.E. ST. S.E . St. Andrews Lutheran Church VE Bellevue Community College H A 6T Sunset Village 15 90 Exit 11A Exit 11B Eastgate ST. ANDREW’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 2650 148th Ave SE · Bellevue, WA 98006 Our rate is $10 per column inch. No exceptions. Examples • A 1 column x 4 inch ad would measure 2.375" wide x 4" deep and would cost $40. • A 2 column x 4 inch ad would measure 4.75" wide x 4" deep and would cost $80. Format Pdf files are preferred. Other accepted formats are tiffs and jpegs. Publisher files cannot be opened and must be converted to pdf.