CC Packet 05.12.15 - City of Geneseo, Illinois
CC Packet 05.12.15 - City of Geneseo, Illinois
City of Geneseo Agenda for Public Hearings & City Council Meeting May 12, 2015 Public Hearing 5:45 PM City Council 6:00 PM or immediately following Council Chambers, 115 South Oakwood Avenue Geneseo, IL 61254 I. II. III. Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Public Hearing Fiers Breweries LLC, DBA Lionstone Brewing Co. located at 1225 S. Oakwood Avenue Geneseo, IL 61254 Geneseo Brewing Co. located at 102 S. State Street Geneseo, IL 61254 2015-2016 City of Geneseo Budget City of Geneseo Liquor License Changes – Changes to Class F Creation of Class G Creation of Class H Creation of Class B Supplement Creation of Class C Supplement Clarification of Background Checks on applicants Addition of falsification of information on application Clarification on window obstructions Clarification of consumption on public property 131.046 Approval of fees through a Resolution Addition of Bassett Training requirement 1 Required Site Plan Submittal Increase the liquor license total number to 32 Increase Class G to 3 Addition of Starting time for off premise sales IV. V. VI. VII. Chamber of Commerce Report - Rhoni Perrine City Engineer Report by Greg Ryckaert Mayoral Comments Consent Agenda a. Approval of Minutes: City Council Committee of the Whole Special City Council City Council Orientation VIII. IX. 04/14/15 04/28/15 04/28/15 05/05/15 Public Comment Other Business a. Consideration of funding sources to correct Storm Water Infiltration to the Sanitary Sewer System. b. Consideration of a storm water utility fee and review current water and sewer rates. c. Consideration of the following changes to the Liquor Code under Ordinance O-15140: Class F Class G Class H Class B Supplement Class C Supplement Background Check Falsifying Information on Application Window Obstruction Consumption on Public Property Resolution on all fees – R-15-126 BASSETT Training Required Site Plan Submittal Increase the liquor license total number to 32 Increase Class G to 3 Starting time for off premise sales d. Consideration of O-15-141 An Ordinance Amending Title XIII (General Offenses) Chapter 131 (Offenses against Public Morals) 2 e. Consideration of approval of an upgrade to the City website with allocations from the Hotel Motel Tax Fund. f. Consideration for approval Right-of-Way Permit Ordinance O-15-142 changes to update and remove the fee component. g. Consideration of approval of R-15-125 to set a fee for the Right-of-Way permit. h. Consideration of quotes for the hiring of a Test Well Consultant, with proceeds from the Water Garage sale. i. Consideration of approval of O-15-143 Plan Commission Case #15-006 Zoning Classification change for property located at 301 S. Spring Street and 302 S. Russell Avenue from R-2 to R-3 to allow for the construction of a Triplex. j. Discussion of City Accountant Position Salary Range Qualifications X. XI. XII. Payment of City and Utility bills. Public Comment Adjournment 3 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR 2 CLASS G “BREW PUB” LICENSE I. A public hearing to approve 2 requested Class G “Brew Pub” License by Fiers Breweries LLC, DBA Lionstone Brewing Co. located at 1225 S. Oakwood Avenue Geneseo, IL 61254. Geneseo Brewing Co. located at 102 S. State Street Geneseo, IL 61254 will be held on May 12, 2015 at 5:45 PM in the City Hall Chambers located 115 S. Oakwood Avenue, Geneseo. Any person desiring to appear at the public hearing and present testimony on this subject may contact the City at 309.944.6419, 115 S. Oakwood Avenue, Geneseo, Illinois. Loree Phlypo, City Clerk Please publish one week in the Geneseo Republic on May 1, 2015. NOTICE OF PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE CITY OF GENESEO LIQUOR LICENSE ORDINANCE I. A public hearing to approve changes to the City of Geneseo Liquor License Ordinance will be held on May 12, 2015 at 5:45 PM in the City Hall Chambers located 115 S. Oakwood Avenue, Geneseo. The proposed changes include the following: a. Changes to Class F b. Creation of Class G c. Creation of Class H d. Clarification of Background Checks on applicants e. Addition of falsification of information on application f. Clarification on window obstructions g. Clarification of consumption on public property 131.046 h. Approval of fees through a Resolution i. Addition of Bassett Training Requirement j. Required Site Plan submittal More detailed information can be obtained at Any person desiring to appear at the public hearing and present testimony on this subject may contact the City at 309.944.6419, 115 S. Oakwood Avenue, Geneseo, Illinois. Loree Phlypo, City Clerk 4 Per the requirements of the Illinois Compiled Statutes, 65 ILCS 5/8-2-9.9 notice is given that a public hearing on the Tentative Budget for the City of Geneseo for the fiscal year 2015-2016 will be held on Tuesday May 12, 2015 at 5:45pm in the City Council Chambers, City Hall 115 South Oakwood Avenue Geneseo, IL 61254. Any person wishing to comment on the Tentative Budget may do so by appearing in person at this Public Hearing or by submitting written comments to the City Administrator no later than Thursday May 7, 2015. Lisa A Kotter City Administrator City of Geneseo, Illinois 5 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois City Council Proceedings April 14, 2015 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL The City Council of the City of Geneseo met Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at the Council Chambers, 115 South Oakwood Avenue. Mayor Nadine Palmgren called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Aldermen Bob Wachtel, Doug Crow, Jason Robinson, Carl Freeman, Keith Kennett, James Roodhouse and Justin Snodgrass. Howard Beck was absent. Also in attendance were, City Administrator Lisa A. Kotter, City Clerk Loree K. Phlypo, Director Opsal, Chief Piotrowski, Building Inspector Rick Mills, Public Works Director Chad Vandewoestyne, City Accountant Karen Brandau the press, and various audience members. A Quorum was present. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE It was reported by Chamber Director Rhonie Perrine that the Chamber is working on the Entertainment Guide. To view all the Chamber of Commerce events please go to CITY ENGINEERING City Administrator reported that the Storm Water plan and milling projects would be presented at the April Committee of the Whole. MAYORAL COMMENTS Mayor Palmgren read the Proclamation for National Public Safety Telecommunications Week for the week of April 13-18, 2015. It is important to recognize the vital service that these employees provide. CONSENT AGENDA CITY COUNCIL 3/10/15 3/24/15 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL 3/24/15 There was a correction to the Committee of the Whole meeting minutes from 4/24/15. The suggested correction was; “Staff reported that the mowing of N. Cemetery, Lodge Park, and Champion Park is not being contracted out this year it will be done by current staff and it will reduce the City’s contracted services by $24,000.00. The City will employ additional temporary summer employees to mow instead.” Motion by Kennett, second by Roodhouse to approve the minutes as presented with changes to the Committee of the Whole from April 24, 2015. Voice Vote. 7 Ayes. 1 Absent Motion Carried. Public Comment Kudos to the Electric Department for the excellent job on the boring projects. 6 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois City Council Proceedings April 14, 2015 CONSIDERATION OF MARKETING PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION FOR $20,000.00 City Administrator Kotter requested that she have permission to submit the Marketing Partnership Program Grant Application for $20,000.00 on behalf of the City. This money would be used for marketing the City of Geneseo. It is 50% matching on the backend. The City would pay the $20,000.00 from Hotel/Motel tax fund and then the program would reimburse $10,000.00 of it when the project is finished. RFP’s have been sent to 4 Quad Cities Companies due to the small window of time with the deadline being 5/1/15. A marketing firm would be hired to direct the project, examples of what could be done with this money would be working on making our website to make it mobile app friendly and to create a branding for the City. We would reach out to the School District, the Chamber and other organizations that would like to work in a combined effort to highlight the best that Geneseo has to offer. Motion by Snodgrass, second by Robinson to approve the State of Illinois Marketing Partnership Program Grant Application and Matching Funds of $10,000 to come from the Hotel Motel Room Tax Fund with a maximum of $20,000. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: 6 Crow,Wachtel,Robinson,Freeman,Kennett,Beck NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 2 Roodhouse,Snodgrass Motion Carried CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR INCREASED FUNDING TO HENRY COUNTY TOURISM BUREAU OUT OF HOTEL MOTEL TAX FUND FOR THE NEXT FISCAL YEAR. Cathy Foes from the Henry County Tourism Bureau is requesting 50% of our Hotel Motel Tax fund. Administrator Kotter recommended that we fund events and organizations individually and not with a blanket amount. This funding decision should be deferred until the full budget adoption. Motion by Wachtel, second by Freeman to defer the 2015-2016 Henry County Tourism Funding decision until the full budget adoption. Voice Vote. All Ayes. 1 Absent. Motion Carried Consideration to submit an application for IDOT Attraction Signs Administrator Kotter is currently working with IDOT to apply for the Tourism Attraction Signing Program. The normal cost is $100 one time set up fee and $660 per year for IDOT fees with the cost of the signs being incurred by the City. IDOT fees are waived for tax exempt qualifying entities. This would encourage people to exit on Highway 82 and see what Geneseo has to offer. These fees could come out of the Hotel Motel Tax fund and suggestions for the signs would be Historic Downtown, the Museum, and the Hennepin Canal. Motion by Kennett, second by Crow to approve the submittal of applications to IDOT for various I80 Attraction Signs to include Hotel Motel Tax Funding for the Signs for the 7 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois City Council Proceedings April 14, 2015 Historic Downtown, Hennepin Canal, and the Museum. Voice Vote. All Ayes. 1 Absent. Motion Carried Consideration to approve the 2015 FFA Lease Agreement as presented and refund the City’s portion of the 2014 proceeds in the amount of $1,980.90. Discussion was held on whether or not to refund the City’s 50% automatically. All non-profit ask for various refunds such as permit refunds. The lease that has been used is a standard farm lease off of the State’s website, the only additions would be the required presentation and the 5050 split of profit. Motion by Freeman, second by Robinson to renew the standard lease agreement with the FFA to include language requiring a Presentation at the end of the season and request for a refund of the City’s portion of the profit. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: 7 Crow,Wachtel,Robinson,Freeman,Kennett,Snodgrass,Roodhouse NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 1 Beck Motion Carried Motion by Wachtel, second by Freeman to refund the City’s 50% of the profit proceeds back to the FFA in the amount of $1,980.90. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: 7 Crow,Wachtel,Robinson,Freeman,Kennett,Snodgrass,Roodhouse NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 1 Beck Motion Carried Consideration to approve R-15-122 to set the fee for the Cigarette License in the amount of $50.00 annually. Administrator Kotter led the discussion; changes were made to the Cigarette License Ordinance with regards to the fee. The fee would now be set by resolution and in the process the resolution wasn’t passed. This is a follow up and needs to be approved so that the fee can be set. Motion by Crow, second by Wachtel to adopt Resolution R-15-122 that adopts a $50.00 fee for all Cigarette or Tobacco Licenses. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: 7 Crow,Wachtel,Robinson,Freeman,Kennett,Snodgrass,Roodhouse NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 1 Beck Motion Carried 8 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois City Council Proceedings April 14, 2015 Consideration to approve funding for the Citywide Spring Clean-up and make up the budget overage for 2014-2015 in Refuse Account. Discussion on whether or not there will be a spring clean-up this year. Last year there was a spring clean-up and an e-waste day and a fall clean-up in the fall. The funds have been exhausted for this fiscal year leaving a budget overage of $2,454.00. If Council approves a Spring Cleanup, staff would recommend that it be funded out of the undesignated fund balance in Fund 25 and allocate $2,454.00 from the undesignated fund balance in Fund 25 to the 2014-2015 line item titled Recycling Services in Fund 25.. Motion by Roodhouse, second by Wachtel to approve funding a spring clean-up with funds to come from the undesignated fund balance in Fund 25. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: 5 Wachtel,Robinson,Freeman,Kennett,Roodhouse NAYS: 2 Snodgrass,Crow ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 1 Beck Motion Carried Motion by Freeman, second by Roodhouse to allocate $2,454.00 from the undesignated fund balance in Fund 25 to the 2014-2015 line item titled Recycling Services in Fund 25. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: 6 Wachtel,Robinson,Freeman,Kennett,Roodhouse,Snodgrass NAYS: 1 Crow ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 1 Beck Motion Carried Consideration of approval of O-15-139 An Ordinance amending section 6.03 pertaining to employee residency requirement. Discussion was held to expand the employee residency requirement to include permanent part time employees. It would not include temporary or seasonal employees. Motion by Freeman, second by Kennett to approve correcting Section 6.03 to include permanent part time employees to the residency requirement. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: 7 Crow,Wachtel,Robinson,Freeman,Kennett,Snodgrass,Roodhouse NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 1 Beck Motion Carried Consideration of approval of agreement with local Soccer Clubs for use of City Facilities at Richmond Hill. Discussion was held on the lease agreement between the City of Geneseo, Geneseo Youth Soccer and Geneseo Soccer Club. Changes that have been made by the City Attorney include a 50%-50% split for capital purchases over $250.00. 9 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois City Council Proceedings April 14, 2015 Motion by Freeman, second by Kennett to approve the new lease agreement between parties for the use of the land at Richmond Hill. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: 7 Crow,Wachtel,Robinson,Freeman,Kennett,Snodgrass,Roodhouse NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 1 Beck Motion Carried Consideration of approval of quotes and purchase a grooming mower for Parks and Cemetery use. Discussion was held on the purchase of a grooming mower for use by the Parks and Cemetery divisions. The quote from Holland & Sons was $30,000 which was under the state bid. Motion by Crow, second by Robinson to approve the low bid of $30,000.00 from Holland and Sons, Inc. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: 7 Crow,Wachtel,Robinson,Freeman,Kennett,Snodgrass,Roodhouse NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 1 Beck Motion Carried Consideration of IMUA Mutual Aid Agreement/Understanding with member municipalities of Ladd, Oglesby, Peru, Princeton and Rock Falls. Agreement/Understanding states that the first 16 hours are non-chargeable hours in a time of emergency need. This Agreement benefits all who enter into it. Motion by Wachtel, second by Roodhouse to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the Mutual Aid Agreement/Understanding. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: 7 Crow,Wachtel,Robinson,Freeman,Kennett,Snodgrass,Roodhouse NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 1 Beck Motion Carried Discussion and consideration for approval of an Ancel Glink bill in the amount of $6,037.50 dated April 2014. A bill from April 2014 from Ancel Glink in the amount of $6,037.50 was approved at the June 10, 2014 City Council meeting, but do to questions that the Mayor had on the charges indicated on the invoice it was held and in January of 2015 the check was voided. The procedure would have been for the Mayor to veto this bill but since that wasn’t done the bill should be paid. No further action needs to be taken as the bill was approved for payment in June 2014. 10 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois City Council Proceedings April 14, 2015 Payment of City and Utility Bills The bills include ones to be paid and ones that due to payment urgency the City Administrator approved for payment. Motion by Wachtel, second by Robinson for approval of unpaid invoices. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: 7 Crow,Wachtel,Robinson,Freeman,Kennett,Snodgrass,Roodhouse NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 1 Beck Motion Carried Public Comment None Executive Session Motion by Freeman, second by Snodgrass to enter into Executive Session under the following statutes: Pursuant to: 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21): Discussion of minutes of meeting lawfully closed under this Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06 and 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) Pursuant to: Litigation Matters pursuant to: 5ILCS 120/2(c)(11) Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: 7 Crow,Wachtel,Robinson,Freeman,Kennett,Snodgrass,Roodhouse NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 1 Beck Motion Carried Motion by Wachtel, second by Roodhouse to return to open meeting at 9:06 PM. Voice Vote. 7 Ayes. 1 Absent. Motion Carried Actions after Executive Session Consideration to release Executive Session minutes as listed in R-15-123 exhibit A with exception of minutes dated December 17, 2013 and November 26, 2013. Voice Vote. 7 Ayes. 1 Absent. Motion Carried 11 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois City Council Proceedings April 14, 2015 ADJOURNMENT Motion by Freeman, second by Wachtel to adjourn the meeting at 9:08PM. VOICE VOTE. 7AYES. 1 ABSENT. MOTION CARRIED. By: LOREE K. PHLYPO CITY CLERK 12 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois City Council Proceedings April 14, 2015 STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF HENRY CITY OF GENESEO ) ) SS ) I, Loree K. Phlypo, City Clerk of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois, do hereby certify that the foregoing are the original minutes of the City Council Meeting on April 14, 2015 of the City Council and that said minutes consisting of seven pages were approved at the legally convened regular meeting of the City Council meeting on May 12th, 2015. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my official signature and the seal of the City this ____day of May, 2015. (Seal) By: 13 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois Committee of the Whole Meeting April 28, 2015 Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call The City Council of the City of Geneseo met Tuesday April 28, 2015 at the Council Chambers, 115 South Oakwood Avenue. Mayor Nadine Palmgren called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Alderman Paula Simosky, Keith Kennett, Robert Wachtel, Justin Snodgrass, Martin Rothschild, Kathy Carroll-Duda and Jason Robinson answered roll call. James Roodhouse was absent. Others in attendance included City Administrator Lisa Kotter, City Attorney Virgil Thurman, City Clerk Loree K Phlypo, Director Opsal, Director VanDeWoestyne, Inspector Mills, HRS Jill Laingen, City Accountant Karen Brandau, the press and various audience members. A Quorum was present. Proclamations The first proclamation was for A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois 2015 – This is an annual proclamation to highlight motorcycle awareness. The second proclamation was National Police Week – This annual proclamation recognizes Law Enforcement and all they do on a daily basis to keep communities secure. Presentation on Storm Water Infiltration to Sanitary Sewer System City Engineer Greg Ryckaert presented the 3 areas that are the most in need of repair and that would benefit the most citizens. 3 Priority Areas: 1. Oakwood Ave to State St. – Sewer is undersized, a 24” flows into a 12”. a. Option 1 install new 24” pipe – Cost $300,000 b. Option 2 perform pipe bursting to enlarge pipe on Exchange – Oakwood to State – Cost $350,000 2. South East Quadrant – Pipe in this area is 8” and undersized a. Option 1 new sanitary sewer along Olive and Chestnut – Cost $500,000 b. Option 2 pipe bursting along Olive and Chestnut – Cost $450,000 3. Park St. to Division St. to Orange and Spring St. – Overflow of manholes a. Option- install relief sewer from Park and Division to Orange and Division b. Option- Pipe burst from Orange and Division to Orange and Spring – Total Approximate cost of both a and b is $400,00 Other projects to consider that were presented are Chicago St lift station, sanitary sewer collector along Geneseo creek to treatment plant, 5’ storm sewer from Geneseo Creek to downtown, storm sewers that fun through Prairie Subdivision to Green River. Motion by Kennett, second by Wachtel to move this item to City Council in May and to direct staff to continue research on the most impacted areas and research funding sources and options for Council to review including researching grant funds, existing City funds, and the creation of a Storm Water Utility and current water and sewer rates. Voice Vote. 7 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. Motion Carried. Public Comment None 14 Consideration of Refuse Fund – Fund Balance Administrator Kotter led discussion, this item was requested to be placed on the agenda due to needing additional information regarding the fund. The intent of the review of the fund balance is to ensure that the citizens are not getting over charged. There is an adequate balance, it is not too high that we should lower it and not to low that we risk not collecting enough funds for next year. We should review the amount yearly to be sure we have enough funds pay the last year’s monthly charges and pay for the special pick up days. At this time no action was recommended. No Action Taken Consideration on Storm Water Infiltration to Sanitary Sewer System This item was discussed and voted on under Presentation on Storm Water Infiltration to Sanitary Sewer System. Discussion of changes to the Liquor Code Administrator led discussion on following proposed changes: 1. Class F – Currently this class allows Non-Profit’s and License holders to apply under the same class. This would be for beer and wine only. Proposed use, Non-Profit’s only would use this class for 1-3 day events. 2. Class G – A public hearing wasn’t performed as part of our process so we need to hold a public to follow process. Administrator Kotter requested that due to the possibility of another Brew Pub coming to town that we increase Class G to 3 and decrease Class C to 1. 3. Class H - This would be a new class and be designated for an already licensed establishment and called a “Special Use” permit. This class would be allowed to serve whatever their regular license allows. A per event fee instead of annual fee would be $200 instead of $250. The language has been clarified from “two at any given time” to “two on any given calendar day” and this would apply to F and H classes with 3 per year aloud. 4. Background Check – Current policy is unclear and the State doesn’t require background checks. The background system that we use is the Police Departments system and for liquor license checks once you have a background performed you are permanently connected, so that in the event that something changes on someone’s background that we have requested a check on for a liquor license application we will be notified of the change. State applications require that anyone with a 5% interest in the business or more must submit their information on the application. We are asking for the background to be performed on all parties holding 5% or more interest in the business and with permanent connection this could be done on the initial application and not required on an annual basis. The actual cost incurred by the City for the background check would need to be paid by the applicant. This would not be a requirement for Class F and H. 5. Site Plans – A requirement to submit a site plan would be for establishments holding Class A-E and G licenses. Also Special Events and Special Use permits will also be required to submit a plan detailing the site of the event. At renewal time a copy of the current site plan map on file is sent to the applicant and have them sign off on it for accuracy, with Special Event and Special Use permits also being required to submit a plan detailing the site of the event. We would also start keeping a manual over at the Police Department with a copy of the site plans for each establishment in case of an emergency. 6. Falsifying Information on the Application – It is important that the applicant be expected to provide complete and accurate information on their application. Applicants need to be aware that if they falsify any information on their application it can be grounds for license denial. 15 7. Window Obstruction – This purpose of this section is for the safety and protection of the public, patrons and police officers. The current language prohibits obstructions on windows in licensed establishments. The language says “there must be a clear view from the street, road or sidewalk,” it has been interpreted differently by different people. The staff believes that due to safety concerns that the ordinance should be clear that no type of coverings are allowed in areas where alcohol is being consumed. The concern was at sunset there could be an inconvenience to customers with regards to sun in their eyes. Language recommended should include that all windows must be clear that are adjacent to areas where beverages are consumed. The Liquor Commissioner Palmgren visited the establishment on multiple occasions and since there was no public sidewalk or street on the south side it met the ordinance language for allowing shades. As the liquor commissioner she wrote Mr. Fiers a letter giving him permission to put up translucent blinds on the windows at the south end of the building where the sun would be the issue. 8. Consumption on Public Property – Currently there are two ordinances that contradict each other. Chapter 110 states that if approved with a specific license alcohol can be consumed on public property with language such as streets, sidewalks or other areas. In chapter 131.046 the language states that there can be no consumption of alcohol on any public sidewalk, public thoroughfares, public streets, public highways, public parks, and all other public areas within the city limits. The recommendation is to add language to 131.046 that acknowledges an exception to this is any alcoholic license issued under chapter 110. 9. Resolution on all fees – Recommendation to eliminate all fees in ordinances and set them by Resolution. Future fee changes would then only take a new resolution. Fees are consistent with past amounts with the exception of the current Class F and added Class H which went from $250 to $200. 10. BASSETT Training – The State of Illinois is changing the requirements for BASSETT Training on July 1, 2015. The City of Geneseo at this time does not require our servers to have BASSETT training. The recommendation would be to join the State and other communities that are requiring servers to be BASSETT trained. The licensed establishments would be required to provide the City with copies of their employee’s certifications. Establishments would be given 90-120 days to complete the certification. The training is available at various locations and online. Motion by Kennett, second by Carroll-Duda to direct staff to schedule a public hearing for May 12th and place on the May 12 Council agenda consideration of all changes in Chapter 110 and 131 presented regarding Class F, G and H licenses, background check requirements, falsification on applications resulting in license denial, window obstructions, site plan requirements, clarification on public property consumption and BASSETT training requirements. Voice Vote. 7 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. Motion Carried. Consideration of an upgrade to City website contract Discussion was held on upgrading the City website. Improvements would include more relevant information to tourism, potential residents, businesses and residents. Our website is not mobile app friendly. Websites to Impress has designed our website over the past few years. We have a quote from Websites to Impress and are waiting for a 2nd quote from Foresight Consulting. Recommendation would be to allocate funds from the Hotel Motel Tax fund to upgrade our website. Budgetary impact would be approximately $5,000. Motion by Wachtel, second by Robinson to refer the allocation of Hotel Motel Tax Funds for the City website upgrades to the May Council meeting for approval. Voice Vote. 7 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. Motion Carried. 16 Consideration of Right-of-Way Permit Fees Discussion was held on the City’s Right-of-Way permit. The ROW permit currently doesn’t have a “fee” attached to the permit, the current fee is the cost of the road repair. The proposed change would include an actual fee of $25, this fee would cover administrative expenses of reviewing the location, assuring licensed contractors are doing the work and following up to be sure the repairs and restoration are made. Currently the law requires the City to complete the restoration work and has a set fee in the code. Our proposal would include that the contractor who has disturbed the ROW be allowed to hire a licensed contractor to complete the work or have the City complete it and if it’s not completed correctly the City can order the concerns or errors be corrected. The varying cost of repairs should be listed as the actual cost of repair and not a set dollar amount. The final addition would be that all contractors be required to provide drawings of underground utilities that are installed. We would like the fee to be set by Resolution so that it is easier to change if needed. Motion by Rothschild, second by Simosky to recommend referring the Right-of-Way opening Permit Ordinance changes to the May Council meeting for adoption. Voice Vote. 7 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. Motion Carried. Consideration of New Elected Official Orientation Date Administrator Kotter put together a manual to orientate the New Elected Officials. Although this is geared toward the new official everyone is encouraged to attend since this has not been available in the past. No official action needs to be taken on this but we would like to set a date to have the orientation, the first part of May would be best. Tuesday May 5, 2015 at 6:00pm was the date agreed upon. No Action Taken 2015-2016 Budget Discussion Administrator Kotter led discussion on 2015-2016 Budget. City Accountant Brandau handed out Preliminary Budget Books to the newly elected Aldermen. The budget was originally presented this past February. We have not heard yet what action the State is going to take on lowering the amount of Income Tax that the City receives. At the highest amount we stand to lose $300,000. There will be reductions in expenses as well as revenues. In the past a Fund 70 was created to help the City build up a fund to help offset the costs of healthcare for the employees. Essentially each employee regardless of their status, single, single with child, single with spouse, or family was billed at a family rate and the excess was put in fund 70. This has allowed the City to accumulate quite a large cushion of funds so staff has recommended that there will be no additional funds added to fund 70 in this budget proposal. The City can take up to a 30% reduction in monies from the State without making drastic changes. The Public Hearing for the proposed Budget is scheduled for May 12, 2015 with approval of the Budget on June 9, 2015 and in the event that the State has not released its reduction plan we can go ahead and approve the budget as is and reconvene at a later date if needed to amend it. Motion by Carroll-Duda, second by Robinson to move the 2015-2016 Budget to a Public Hearing on May 12th and approval at City Council on June 9, 2015. Voice Vote. 7 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. Consideration of a review of water/sewer rates This item was discussed along with the Presentation on Storm Water Infiltration to Sanitary Sewer System Consideration of the creation of a storm water utility fee This item was discussed along with the Presentation on Storm Water Infiltration to Sanitary Sewer System Consideration of hiring a Test Well consultant with proceeds from water department building sale 17 With the sale of the Water department garage the funds could be used to hire a Test Well Consultant. Right now the EPA is only recommending this but if there was a surprise inspection without elements in place to correct our deficits it will be an automatic fine. Motion by Carroll-Duda, second by Rothschild to direct staff to return to the May Council meeting with quotes to drill test wells. Voice Vote. 7 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. Payment of City and Utility Bills No Discussion Motion by Snodgrass second by Carroll-Duda to approve the bills as presented for payment. ROLL CALL Ayes 7 Wachtel,Kennett,Simosky,Robinson,Snodgrass,Rothschild,Carroll-Duda Nays Absent 1 Roodhouse Abstain Motion Carried Mayoral Comments Mayor Palmgren congratulated the Candidates and welcomed them to Council. Public Comment Kirsten Mortenson asked for the “Backyard Chickens” item to be brought out of Abeyance. She stated that she submitted a sample ordinance with guidelines that other Municipalities go by. Motion by Snodgrass, second by Kennett to move the “Backyard Chickens” out of abeyance and onto the next Committee of the Whole meeting agenda on May 26, 2015. Voice Vote. 7 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. Mayor Palmgren invited the newly elected to the Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast to be held on May 7, 2015 at the Moose Lodge. Motion by Carroll-Duda, second by Wachtel to adjourn the meeting at 8:38 pm. Respectfully submitted, Loree K. Phlypo City Clerk 18 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois Special Council Meeting April 28, 2015 5:45 PM Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call The City Council of the City of Geneseo met Tuesday April 28, 2015 at the Council Chambers, 115 South Oakwood Avenue. Mayor Nadine Palmgren called the meeting to order at 5:49 pm. Alderman James Roodhouse, Carl Freeman, Jason Robinson, Keith Kennett, Doug Crow, Justin Snodgrass and Bob Wachtel answered roll call. Howard Beck was absent. Others in attendance included, Administrator Kotter, City Attorney Thurman, City Clerk Phlypo, Interim Public Works Director Chad VanDeWoestyne, Director of Electrical Operations Lewis Opsal, City Accountant Karen Brandau and HRS Laingen. There was a quorum. Swearing In of Newly Elected Officials Mayor Palmgren swore in to office the following Officials: 1st Ward Paula Simosky 2nd Ward James Roodhouse 3rd Ward Martin Rothschild 4th Ward Kathy Carroll‐Duda Consideration of Recognition Resolutions R‐15‐124 Alderman Carl Freeman R‐15‐127 Alderman Howard Beck R‐15‐128 Alderman Doug Crow Aldermen Freeman, Beck and Crow were thanked for their service on various committees and projects. They were then presented with a plaque and their name plates. Motion by Kennett, second by Wachtel to pass R‐15‐124, R‐15‐127 and R‐15‐128 in recognition of Aldermen Freeman, Beck and Crow. Voice Vote. 8 Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion Carried Adjournment Motion by Robinson, second by Roodhouse to adjourn at 5:58pm. Voice Vote. 8 Ayes. 0 Nays. Respectfully submitted, ___________________________ Loree K Phlypo City Clerk 19 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois City Council Orientation May 5, 2015 6:00 PM Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call The City Council of the City of Geneseo met Tuesday May 5, 2015 at the Council Chambers, 115 South Oakwood Avenue. Mayor Nadine Palmgren called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Alderman Paula Simosky, Kathy Carroll‐Duda, Jason Robinson, Martin Rothschild, and Bob Wachtel answered roll call. Keith Kennett, Justin Snodgrass, James Roodhouse were absent. Others in attendance included, Administrator Kotter, City Clerk Phlypo, Public Works Director Chad VanDeWoestyne, Director of Electrical Operations Lewis Opsal, Chief Piotrowski and HRS Jill Laingen. There was a quorum. Alderman James Roodhouse joined the meeting at 6:05 pm. Administrator Lisa Kotter presented an overview of the Newly Elected Official’s Manual and asked that everyone read the manual and if there are any questions please don’t hesitate to ask herself or one of the managers. The evening would consist of breaking into 2 groups, one group would go with Directors Opsal and VanDeWoestyne to tour the Electric Facilities and the Water/Sewer Facilities. The other group would stay at City Hall and tour the Police Department and City Hall. Administrator Kotter presented a Presentation on Conflict Resolution and handed out a questionnaire that she asked everyone to complete and at a later date we could go over it. This exercise shows the differences between how we all deal with conflict and the resolution of it. Mayor Palmgren left the meeting at 6:30pm. Adjournment The meeting ended at approximately 9:15pm. Respectfully submitted, ___________________________ Loree K Phlypo City Clerk 20 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL May 12, 2015 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Administration and Wastewater PRESENTER: Lisa A. Kotter, City Administrator Greg Ryckaert, Missman Chad VanDeWoestyne, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Storm Water Infiltration to Sanitary Sewer System Storm Water Utility Water and Sewer Rates BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: UPDATE SINCE COW: As you are aware we discussed the top three priorities at the April 28 meeting. At this time we are looking for a final direction from Council that you are interested in management team time being spent on researching the Storm Water Utility, grants, sewer and water rates as ways to pay for needed infrastructure improvements. At this time we are not prepared to make any recommendations for action with the exception of proceeding to work on the project. ORIGINAL COW INFO: For years the City has been reviewing its sanitary sewer system and the issue that significant amounts of rainwater are infiltrating in this system. After many discussions it is important that we present the Council with projects that are recommended to be considered. The staff asked for assistance from Greg Ryckaert to prioritize the top three areas that should be addressed before other areas. These three were chosen based on the ability to positively impact the most properties. The top three areas are (1)Oakwood/State, (2)Congress/Chestnut and (3)Orange/Russell. Please see the attached map for an overview of the areas that will be detailed Tuesday night. At the COW meeting, we will be provide additional maps and information on the costs associated with each project. Once a cost is determined, it will be easier to determine how the City might obtain funding for these top projects and future projects. In addition to the top three projects the staff will also show a couple of other second phase priority projects with less detail. If the projects include high costs of infrastructure improvements, I would suggest the City look for other sources of revenue to fund the projects. Currently the water and sewer budgets are at a break even or near an annual loss. Regardless of whether we proceed with serious consideration to storm and sanitary improvements I would recommend that the water and sewer rates be reviewed. There may be a need to increase revenue rates for usage or meter charges in order to continue operating in a positive cash flow. I have combined three agenda items into this memo as I believe that the three are very intertwined. 21 RECOMMENDATION: Motion to direct the management team to continue research on the most impacted storm water infiltration areas and research funding sources and options to include grant funds, existing City funds, and the creation of a Storm Water Utility and current water and sewer rates. BUDGETARY IMPACT: $$$ Unknown but Significant DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: Map of Top Three Priority Areas 22 23 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL May 12, 2015 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Administration PRESENTER: Lisa A. Kotter, City Administrator SUBJECT: Liquor License Changes BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: UPDATE SINCE COW: I have addressed the questions that arose during the COW and added a few that have been asked of me since. All my latest changes in the attached ordinance are shaded in gray. WINDOWS: With regard to the Window Obstructions the staff has not found a way to redo the language so as to keep intact the spirit of the law to not block the window view from the outside. If you believe that the clear view should prevail, we would suggest you approve the April 28 proposed language that describes the windows in the areas adjacent to what is happening on the inside of the window versus outside. If you want it to essentially stay as it is now I would at least suggest to add the word “public” in front of the words sidewalk, street and roadway. This will allow for less varied interpretation of which windows cannot be blocked and which are okay. We recognize that there is some level of inconvenience for the owners and customers but the reason for the recommendation to make changes is we feel strongly that the safety for the public, patrons and officers carries greater weight. After discussion with the Mayor and Virgil there is an add on to include the word tint in the list of things the window should not include. Virgil had indicated on April 28 that perhaps some tint could be allowed. After further discussion it would be extremely difficult to monitor what is an acceptable level of tint and too much tint that it no longer allows for a clear view. Therefore it is our recommendation that tint not be allowed. DEFINITION OF RESTAURANT: We have added to the definition of a restaurant by stating that a restaurant is further defined to mean that at least 50% of the gross sales come from food and non-alcoholic beverages DRAM SHOP INSURNACE: I have addressed the issue of Dram Shop insurance by talking to an agent. The advice was that as long as the City requires the insurance that we should not regulate who needs what insurance. In most cases going from an off premise sale license to adding on premise sales will not change any insurance requirements but in the end it is the responsibility of the license holder to communicate with their agent and get the correct coverage. BASSET TRAINING: I have confirmed that the State only exempts the non-profit servers that would be “working” or actually volunteering at a Non-Profit Class F Special Event. I have changed our proposed BASSET training to include such an exemption. The state suggests that we have a few BASSET trained people that would instead meet with the organizers of the Special Event so as to provide some standards for serving alcohol. There is no exemption for or distinction between paid full and part time servers at regular licensed establishments. The online courses cost $15 or $20 depending on if you are certified in on premise consumption, off premise consumption or both types of service. We are recommending to proceed with this requirement for all establishments and all employees with the exception of non-profit Class F licenses. CLASS B SUPPLEMENT: We discussed the ability of an off premise license holder to have things like tastings. The State has very strict guidelines on tastings and samplings called Tenet 14 which I have included here for you to read. The biggest issues are there can be absolutely no charge for the samples. In addition there can be no advertising or promoting that the event is free. I discussed the idea that these off premise sale license holders may want to have occasions where 24 they serve on premise. We have added a Supplemental license to Class B Off Premise which would allow them to have up to 12 events/days of on premise sales. Currently in Class A which is on premise sales we add a supplement to their license to allow for off-premise sales. So we have essentially reversed the Class B and have a main license and underlying supplement. I am suggesting a change in the amounts of the license due to this added license. Currently a Class A pays $750 and the supplement is $250 for a total of $1,000. Currently the Class B is $1,000 and if we add the supplement of $250 they would pay $1,250. I am suggesting that the Class B be lowered to $750 with the supplement of $250 so both will pay $1,000 for both. CLASS C SUPPLEMENT: There is a new business going into the Victorian Manor that would like to get a Restaurant Wine and Beer License. The current license only allows the sale of on premise. They would like to sell bottles of wine to take off premise to consume. Our current ordinance does not allow for this. So similar to the Class A we could adjust this license to allow off premise sales with a Supplement. I have adjusted the ordinance to allow this if the Council desires to allow this change. This is the license we were going to lower from 3 to 2 and since they have now come forward I would suggest that we increase the total to 32 from 31 to allow one open license to remain in Class C. HOURS FOR OFF PREMISE SALES: Since we are discussing all the changes I met with Bill from Fareway and he is asking that the Council consider adjusting the beginning sale time for off premise sales to 7am on Monday to Saturday. It is currently 9am. ************************************************************************************************* ORIGINAL COW INFO: Over the past few weeks I have done a comprehensive review of the Liquor Chapter 110. There are a number of areas in the ordinance that can be changed or added to which will provide a more clear and comprehensive approach to license issuance and approval. These changes have been reviewed and approved by Attorney Thurman and Chief Piotrowski. All suggested changes are either shown as a strikethrough or an underline. Changes to Class F and Creation of Class H Currently Class F is titled a Special Event License. To date it has been used to license both non-profit community events and when a licensed establishment, like a bar, wants to have a short term event and change the area of their premises. The State of Illinois divides these into two different Classes. The Special Event is meant for the Non-Profit groups and the Special Use is for an already licensed establishment. Class F would remain the Special Event and a new Class H will be the Special Use. Class F will be limited to serving beer and wine and Class H will be allowed to serve whatever beverages they are normally licensed for. In the definition of a Special Event or Special use, it is still up to three days per event but we clarified that it must be three consecutive days in one event. The past fee was $250 and it was listed as an annual license. However, due to the nature of the license it cannot be an annual fee but a per event fee. That wording was changed and I am recommending it be lowered to $200 per event which is up to the three consecutive days. Previously it was listed that that Class F was limited to “two at any given time”. It is not clear what that means, but I believe the intent was a maximum of two on any given day. Therefore we changed the language to “two on any given calendar day”. We also limited a business or entity to three Class F or Class H licenses per year. Changes to Class G Currently there is a limit of two Class G licenses. I am recommending an increase of one, for a total of three. In order to keep the total at 31 licenses, the recommendation is to lower Class C from three to two as only one Class C license is being issued. Background Checks Currently our policy of completing background checks is not clear. The State of Illinois does not perform a background check when issuing their liquor licenses. They indicated that it is the local government’s responsibility. There is some history of running a background check when a new applicant applies for a license. However, that may not have been done consistently. In addition, our ordinance states that we will not issue licenses to people with convictions that include things like felonies, alcohol violations and more. The recommendation is to have an annual background check required at renewal time. The applicants will be required to pay the actual cost incurred by the City for the check. Each applicant will be run through our fingerprint background check system that checks both Illinois and National databases. Background checks are not required for Class F and H licenses. 25 Site Plans There are two places in which we have added a requirement to submit a written site plan of the licensed establishment for Class A-E and G. In addition the Special Events and Special Use permits will also be required to submit a plan detailing the site of the event. Falsifying Information on the Application During the application process it is important that applicants be expected to provide complete and accurate information on the license application. If an applicant falsifies information on the application it will be grounds for license denial. Window Obstructions The language in the current ordinance prohibits obstructions on windows at licensed establishments. Due to the language that says there must be a clear view from the street, road or sidewalk, it has been interpreted differently by different people. The main purpose of the ordinance is for the protection of the public, patrons and police officers responding to calls. The staff believes strongly that due to safety concerns, the ordinance should be clear that no type of coverings are allowed in areas where alcohol is being consumed. This can at times provide some inconvenience to customers in establishments during sunset. However, we believe that public, patron and officer safety should be given much stronger consideration than inconvenience. Therefore the language change is recommended all windows must be clear that are adjacent to areas where beverages are consumed. Consumption on Public Property Currently we have two ordinances that contradict each other. In Chapter 110 we state that if approved with a specific license alcohol can be consumed on public property. Chapter 110 uses the language streets, sidewalks or other areas. However in Chapter 131.046 it states that there can be no consumption of alcohol on any public sidewalks, public thoroughfares, public streets, public highways, public parks, and all other public areas within the city limits. The recommendation is to add language to 131.046 that acknowledges an exception to this is any alcoholic license issued under Chapter 110. Resolution on All Fees As we move to alter any ordinances it is my recommendation to eliminate fees in the Ordinance Book and indicate that all fees are set by City Council Resolution. In the future changing fees would only take a new resolution versus an ordinance change. Please see the Resolution included. The fees are consistent with past amounts with the exception of the current Class F and added Class H went from $250 to $200. BASSET Training As of July 1, 2015 the State of Illinois will be changing the requirements for BASSET training. BASSET training is for servers/bartenders that work in licensed liquor establishments. At this time Geneseo does not require our servers to have BASSET training. For the safety of our community we are recommending that we join the State and many other communities that are now requiring servers to be BASSET trained. The licensee of the establishment would be required to provide the City with copies of their employee’s certification. We would give the establishments ample time, following the ordinance adoption if approved, to get the employees into a class and submit proof of certification. The classes can be taken around the state and online. For more information there is a link to the State’s Liquor Control Commission website about BASSET training. RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve all changes for the Liquor license as presented for the following sections Class F, Class G, Class H, Class B Supplement, Class C Supplement, Background Check, Falsifying Information on Application, Window Obstruction, Consumption on Public Property, Resolution on all fees – R-15-126, BASSETT Training, Required Site Plan Submittal , Increase the liquor license total number to 32, Increase Class G to 3 and Starting time for off premise sales. BUDGETARY IMPACT: None DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: Proposed Chapter 110 and 131 changes and Resolution on Fees 26 EXHIBIT A CHAPTER 110: ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Section General Provisions 110.01 Definitions 110.02 License required 110.03 Public meetings; notice Issuance of License 110.15 Application for license 110.16 Applicant required to maintain sanitary facilities 110.17 Restrictions on eligible licensees 110.18 Term; new fee schedule effective date 110.19 License classification; fee 110.20 Number of licenses restricted 110.21 Payment and disposition of fee 110.22 License list maintained 110.23 Transfer of license 110.24 Change of location Licensee Operations 110.35 Consumption on premises 110.36 Sanitary conditions required 110.37 Location restrictions 110.38 Closing hours 110.39 Package goods sale hours 110.40 New Year’s Eve; Thanksgiving Eve 110.41 Unobstructed interior view required 110.42 Gambling in licensed establishment prohibited 110.43 Restrictions based upon age 27 110.44 Entertainment license 110.99 Penalty 28 GENERAL PROVISIONS § 110.01 DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR. All spirits, wine, beer, ale, or other liquid containing more than 0.5% of alcohol by volume, which is fit for beverage purposes. BARTENDER. Any person who attends a bar and/or draws, pours, or mixes any alcoholic liquor in any licensed premises. CONVENIENCE STORE. Any retail establishment offering for sale food products, household items, commercial products associated with minor auto servicing, and other goods commonly associated with the same, including the retail dispensing of vehicular fuels. FIRST-TIME APPLICANT. An applicant for a license who is not a current holder of any type of liquor license within the city. In the case of a change of identity of a business entity which holds a current license and is reapplying due to the change of identity only, it will be the decision of the Liquor Commissioner whether the change is significant enough to consider the applicant to be a FIRST-TIME APPLICANT. LIQUOR COMMISSIONER. The Mayor of the city, who shall have those powers as set forth in ILCS Chapter 235. MANAGER or AGENT. An individual person, not a corporation, partnership or other business entity, who is designated on the license application and who is the representative of the license holder authorized to receive notice of any actions taken under this chapter. A person shall be limited to acting as a MANAGER or AGENT for one license holder only. PACKAGE STORE. Any establishment or separated partition thereof which is intended primarily for the sale of alcoholic liquor for consumption off the premises and there is no alcoholic liquor sold for consumption on the premises. RESIDENCY. A location where the license holder lives and uses as a home, with all the necessary furniture, equipment, and fixtures normally needed for that purpose. RESTAURANT. Any public place kept, used, maintained, advertised, and held out to the public as a place where meals are actually and regularly served, without sleeping accommodations, the space being provided with adequate and sanitary kitchen and dining room equipment and capacity and having employed therein a sufficient number and kind of employees to prepare, cook, and serve suitable food for its guests. Gross receipts of sales shall be at least 50% for food and non-alcoholic sales to qualify as a restaurant. 29 Alcoholic Beverages 5 RETAIL SALE. The sale for consumption, and not for resale. SPECIAL EVENTS AND SPECIAL USE. One-, two-, or three Consecutive day events in the nature of public celebrations, commemorations, or gathering to observe particular holiday or similar activities. (Prior Code, § 5-1-1) § 110.02 LICENSE REQUIRED. (A) It shall be unlawful to sell, or offer for sale at retail, any alcoholic liquor: (1) Without having a retail liquor dealer’s license; (2) If in violation of the terms of the license; or (3) If in violation of any provision contained in this subchapter. (B) It shall be unlawful to permit the consumption of alcoholic liquor on the premises of a business establishment or organization without having a retail liquor dealer’s license, except as permitted by state law. (Prior Code, § 5-1-2) Penalty, see § 110.99 § 110.03 PUBLIC MEETINGS; NOTICE. (A) Notice of public meetings which involve any proposed change in the number, kind, and/or classification of liquor licenses shall be given in accordance with the following provisions: (1) At least one week prior to the public meeting, general notice shall be published in the Geneseo Republic; and (2) At least one week prior to the public meeting, notice shall be mailed to all persons owning property and all residents residing within 250 feet of the property for which the liquor license is sought. (B) information: The notice required by division (A) above shall contain the following (1) public meeting; The name of the board, committee, or other city body which is holding the 30 (2) The date, time, and location of the public meeting; (3) The name, address, and telephone number of the Chairperson of the board, committee, or other city body which is holding the public meeting; and (4) A brief summary of the party making the request, the location of the property for which the license is sought, and the nature of the license sought. (C) Public meetings which involve any proposed change in the number, kind, and/or classification of liquor licenses shall include all meetings of the City Council, or other city body subject to the provisions of the State Open Meetings Act currently in effect and as hereafter amended. (D) Any applicant whose request for a new license or a license change requires a public hearing as set forth in this section shall pay, in addition to all other fees and costs set forth in this subchapter, a hearing fee of $250 will be set by City Council Resolution and shall be submitted to the office of the City Clerk at the time the request is made. (Prior Code, § 5-1-27) (Ord. O-11-009, passed 6-22-2011) ISSUANCE OF LICENSE § 110.15 APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. (A) Application for the license shall be made to the Mayor in writing, signed by the applicant(s) if an individual or co-partnership, or by a duly authorized agent thereof, if a club or corporation, verified by oath or affidavit. The application shall contain the following information and statements: (1) (a) In the case of an individual, the name, age, and address of the (b) In the case of a co-partnership, the persons entitled to share in the applicant; profits thereof; and (c) In the case of a for profit corporation or a club, the date of incorporation, the objects for which it was organized, the names and addresses of the officers and directors, and, if a majority in interest of the stock of the corporation is owned by one person or his or her nominees, the name and address of the person. (2) A corporate applicant must submit valid articles of incorporation showing approval by the Secretary of State or a valid certificate of authority to do business within the state, also approved by the Secretary of State. In the event that any applicant is doing business under a different name, the applicant must show written proof that the State Assumed Business 31 Name Act, ILCS Ch. 805, Act 405, §§ 0.01 et seq., has been satisfied; (3) The citizenship of the applicant, his or her place of birth, and, if a naturalized citizen, the date and place of his or her naturalization; (4) The character of business of the applicant and, in the case of a corporation, the objects for which it was formed; (5) The length of time that the applicant has been in business of that character or, in the case of a corporation, the date of which its charter was issued; (6) Written proof of the applicant’s ownership, lease, or other right to occupy and use the premises which is to be operated under the license. This proof shall include the deed of ownership, written lease, or such other documentation satisfactory to the city on this issue. No sub-lessee shall be eligible for issuance of a liquor license; (7) The location and description of the premises or place of business which is to be operated under the license. Blueprints or an accurate sketch diagram designating all physical locations where alcoholic liquor will be dispensed, sold, or consumed shall accompany the application; (8) A statement whether the applicant has made similar application for a similar other license for a premises other than described in this application and the disposition of the application; (9) A statement that applicant has never been convicted of a felony and is not disqualified to receive a license by reason of any matter or thing contained in this subchapter or the laws of this state; (10) Whether a previous license by any state or subdivision thereof or by the federal government has been revoked and, if so, the reasons therefore; and (11) A statement that the applicant will not violate any of the laws of the state or of the United States or any provision of this subchapter in the conduct of his or her place of business. (12) A detailed site plan of the licensed establishment submitted annually, indicating the areas that alcohol will be served and consumed, storage areas, food preparation areas, and any other details as required. (B) In the event that any of the information supplied on the original application should change for any reason during the effective period of the license, the license holder shall, within seven days of the change, complete and submit to the city an amended application containing the changed information. The amended application shall conform in all respects to the terms and provisions of this section and the subchapter in general. 32 (C) First-time applicants shall be required to pay, by separate payment, a $1,000 an administrative processing fee which shall be set by City Council Resolution, which shall be in addition to the license fee set forth in § 110.19. This administrative processing fee shall be nonrefundable, notwithstanding the provisions of § 110.21 of this subchapter. This fee shall not be charged to Class F special events applicants. (D) In order to be considered for issuance, an application for a Class F Special Events or Class H Special Use license must be filed within 45 days of the start of the special event for which the license is sought. (Prior Code, § 5-1-3) § 110.16 APPLICANT REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN SANITARY FACILITIES. Applicants shall be required to have adequate and separate toilet and sanitary facilities for both men and women in the proposed establishment or in any existing establishment. The facilities must be maintained in a sanitary and healthful condition and shall be subject to inspection by the duly appointed municipal authorities. (Prior Code, § 5-1-4) § 110.17 RESTRICTIONS ON ELIGIBLE LICENSEES. No license shall be issued to: (A) A person that has not submitted to a City background check to determine compliance with eligibility requirements of Section 110.17 prior to the initial issuance of any license to an applicant, and on an annual basis thereafter prior to the renewal of the license.A new background check will only be required if the owners, sole proprietor or resident manager changes. The applicant shall, in addition to the license fee thereinafter set forth, reimburse the City for the actual cost of the background check. Notwithstanding the foregoing, background checks will not be required for applicants for Class F and Class H licenses. (A) (B) (1) A person who is not a resident of the city for a period of six months prior to the filing of the application unless the person appoints a manager or agent as set forth in division (K) below. Residency shall be required to be proven by written evidence. A valid driver’s license, voter’s registration card, or other documentation satisfactory to the Liquor Commissioner showing residency shall be sufficient to establish this requirement. The city shall have the right to conduct periodic inspections of the stated residence of the license holder to show that the residency continues to exist as submitted. (2) For purposes of this subchapter and, in the case of an applicant which is a corporation or partnership, a person who lives within 20 statute miles of the intersection of State and First Streets shall be considered a resident. (3) The Liquor Commissioner shall have the right to grant variances of the distance 33 requirement set forth in division (A)(2) above. In order to be eligible for a variance, an applicant or license holder must file a written request setting forth the reasons the variance is requested. The Liquor Commissioner shall consider the reasons set forth in the written request and any other relevant factors, and the decision to grant or deny the variance shall be at the Liquor Commissioner’s discretion. The variance shall be for the period of time and upon the conditions as the Liquor Commissioner shall require. No variance shall be allowed for a period exceeding 12 months beyond the date of issuance of the license, or that would extend the distance set forth in this subchapter beyond 30 statute miles of the intersection of State and First Streets. (B) A person who is not of good character and reputation in the community in which he or she resides; (C) A person who is not a citizen of the United States; (D) A person who has been convicted of a felony, unless the Liquor Commissioner determines that the person has been sufficiently rehabilitated to warrant the public trust after considering matters set forth in that person’s application and the Commissioner’s investigation. The burden of proof of sufficient rehabilitation shall be on the applicant; (E) A person who has been convicted of being the keeper or is keeping a house of ill fame; (F) A person who has been convicted of pandering or other crime or misdemeanor opposed to decency and morality; (G) A person whose license issued under the provisions of this subchapter has been revoked for cause. This condition shall not be applicable after the passage of one year from the date of the revocation in the discretion of the Liquor Commissioner; (H) A person who at the time of application for renewal of any license issued hereunder would not be eligible for the license upon a first application; (I) A co-partnership unless all of the members of the co-partnership shall be qualified to obtain a license; (J) A corporation, if any officer or director thereof, or any stockholder or stockholders owning in aggregate more than 5% of the stock of the corporation, would not be eligible to receive a license hereunder for any reason other than citizenship or residency within the political subdivision. However, the corporation must have a manager or agent who is legally authorized to accept notices, summons, and other legal documents and who complies with the requirements of division (K) below; (K) (1) A person whose place of business is conducted by a manager or agent, unless the manager or agent satisfies all of the qualifications set forth in this subchapter, including citizenship and residency, and for whose acts and omissions the license holder is legally responsible. It shall be the responsibility of the manager or agent to submit written proof of residency in the same manner as set forth in division (A) of this section; and 34 (2) A manager or agent under this section must be an individual person, not a corporation, partnership, or other business entity. A person shall be limited to acting as a manager or agent for one liquor license holder. (L) A person who has been convicted of a violation of any federal or state law concerning the manufacture, possession, or sale of alcoholic liquor, or shall have forfeited his or her bond to appear in court to answer charges for any violation; (M) A person who does not own the premises for which a license is sought or does not have a lease thereon for the full period for which the license is to be issued; (N) Any law enforcing public official, any mayor, any alderperson, any member of the council or commission, any president of a village board of trustees, any member of a village board of trustees, or any president or member of a county board, and no official shall be interested in any way, either directly or indirectly, in the manufacture, sale, or distribution of alcoholic liquor; and/or (O) Any person, association, or corporation not eligible for a state retail liquor dealer’s license. (P) Any person, association or corporation or other entity who has falsified or omitted information on the application for license under § 110.15. (Q) An applicant for any liquor license who has not provided evidence of the following: evidence to the Commissioner that all employees who will be engaged in mixing, preparing or delivering alcoholic liquor to customers, guests, or patrons, have successfully completed a Beverage Alcohol Sellers and Services Education and Training (“BASSET”) Program conducted by an agency licensed by the Illinois Department of Alcohol and Substance Abuse. Each new such employee hired by the licensee after issuance of the license shall complete a BASSET program at the next available training session or within sixty (60) days of actually beginning work, whichever comes first. A copy of the certificate of completion of such BASSET program for each such employee shall be filed with the Commissioner. Each certification shall be renewed every three (3) years from the date of issue. Organizations that are issued a Class F, Special Event, License shall not be required to have their servers Basset trained. Organizers of a Class F Special Event shall meet with designated City officials to go over standard protocol for serving alcoholic beverages prior to the event. (Prior Code, § 5-1-5) § 110.18 TERM; NEW FEE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE DATE. (A) Each license shall terminate on April 30 next following its issuance period, except for special events licenses (Class F and Class H), which shall terminate on the date shown on the license. In no event shall a Class F or Class H license be issued for a period longer than three days. 35 (B) Any change in the fee schedule for liquor licenses in the city shall become effective immediately upon their adoption by the City Council. Upon the adoption of any new fee schedule, all current liquor licenses of the city shall be subject to the following: (1) If the fee paid for a particular class of license is subsequently increased later in the same year, the liquor licensee shall pay to the city the additional fee due under the new fee schedule for the particular class of license he or she holds; and (2) If the fee to be paid for a particular license is subsequently decreased later in the same year, each liquor licensee shall be refunded any excess fee he or she may have previously paid. (C) Hereafter, in all cases in which the holder or holders of a license granted by the city shall voluntarily discontinue the business for which the license was granted before the expiration of the license, the following terms shall apply: (1) If the license was granted before November 1 and the applicant paid the full license fee: (a) The holder or holders shall be entitled to a refund of one-half of the license fee if the discontinuation of the business for which the license was granted occurred before November 1; and (b) The holder or holders shall not be entitled to any refund of the license fee if the discontinuation of the business for which the license was granted occurred after November 1. (2) If the license was granted before November 1 and the applicant paid only the first installment of the fee, pursuant to § 110.21, the holder or holders shall not be entitled to any refund of the license fee, but will not be charged for the second installment of the fee if the discontinuation of the business for which the license was granted occurred before November 1. (3) If the license was granted after November 1, the holder or holders shall not be entitled to any refund of the license fee. (Prior Code, § 5-1-6) § 110.19 LICENSE CLASSIFICATION; FEE. Licenses shall be and are hereby divided into seven classes. (A) Class A (General) license. (1) Class A (General) license, which shall authorize the retail sale, within the premises described in the license, of alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises specified, as well as other retail sales of liquor as set forth in the following division (A)(2). The annual fee for the 36 license shall be $750 set by City Council Resolution. (2) If a Class A license holder engages in the retail sale of alcoholic liquor other than the sale of liquor for consumption on the premises, the license holder shall sell alcoholic liquor in its original container or containers or package with the seal unbroken only from the bar(if any) in the license holder’s establishment and/or from an alcoholic display case, either refrigerated or non-refrigerated. The license holder shall pay a supplemental retail liquor sale fee in the amount of $250 set by City Council Resolution together with the original license fee of $750 set by City Council Resolution if he or she engages in the retail sale of alcoholic liquor other than the sale of liquor for consumption on the premises. (B) Class B (Package Store) license. (1) Class B (Package Store) license, which shall authorize the retail sale of alcoholic liquor not for consumption on the premises where sold. The annual fee for such license shall be set by City Council Resolution $1,000. (2) This license classification shall exclude convenience stores as defined in § 110.01. (3) If a Class B License holder engages in the retail sale of alcohol liquor for consumption on the premises, the following conditions shall apply: (i) There shall be a limit of twelve (12) such events/days per license year. (ii) The license holder shall notify the City at least ten (10) days in advance of the sales event/day. (iii) The license holder shall pay a supplemental retail liquor sale fee in addition to the original license fee in an amount to be established by a City Council resolution. This Supplemental fee shall be due in full when the original license fee is payable and shall not be prorated or reduced if the license holder engages in less than twelve (12) such sales events/days. (iv) The area in which such sales events are to be held shall be clearly defined and submitted to the City as part of the notification set forth in subparagraph (ii) above. (B) Class C (Restaurant, Beer and Wine On Premises Only) license. Class C (Restaurant, Beer and Wine On Premises Only) license, which shall authorize the retail sale in restaurants of beer and wine for consumption on the premises specified only. The annual fee for the license shall be $750 set by City Council Resolution. (1) If a Class C license holder engages in the retail sale of wine and beer other than the sale of wine and beer for consumption on the premises, the license holder shall sell wine and beer in its original container or containers or package with the seal unbroken only from the restaurant (if any) in the license holder’s establishment and/or from an alcoholic display case, either refrigerated or non-refrigerated. The license holder shall pay a supplemental retail wine and beer sale fee in the amount set by City Council Resolution together with the original license fee which is set by City Council Resolution if he or she engages in the retail sale of wine and beer other than the sale of wine and beer for consumption on the premises. 37 (D) Class D (Restaurant, Alcoholic Liquor on Premises Only) license. Class D (Restaurant, Alcoholic Liquor on Premises Only) license, which shall authorize the retail sale in restaurants of alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises only. The annual fee for the license shall be $750 set by City Council Resolution. (E) Class E (Other Business, Beer and Wine Only) license. (1) Class E (Other Business, Beer and Wine Only) license, which shall authorize the retail sale on the premises specified of beer and wine not for consumption on the premises where sold, in establishments which also offer other retail merchandise. For this purpose, ESTABLISHMENTS WHICH ALSO OFFER OTHER RETAIL MERCHANDISE shall mean any form of business entity which offers merchandise other than alcoholic beverages for retail sale. The annual fee for the license shall be $750 set by City Council Resolution. (2) This classification shall include convenience stores as defined in § 110.01. (F) Special Events (Class F) license. (1) Special Events (Class F) license, which shall authorize the retail sale on the premises specified of beer and wine for limited time periods for special events. The application shall state the dates and times requested and the license shall clearly show this information. (2) Class F licenses shall only be issued to a not-for-profit entity authorized to do business in the State of Illinois. Each entity shall be limited to the number of Class F licenses it may be issued as set forth in § 110.20 of this ordinance. (3) The annual fee for each individual event the license shall be $250 set by City Council Resolution. (G) Class G (Brew Pub) license. (1) A brew pub license may be issued to any person who qualifies to hold a "brew pub" or "craft brewer" license from the State of Illinois and that is also selling alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises. A brew pub licensed pursuant to this section to manufacture malt liquors or fermented malt beverages upon its licensed premises. Malt liquors or fermented malt beverages manufactured by a brew pub licensee on the licensed premises may be: (a) Furnished for consumption on the premises; (b) Sold to independent wholesalers for distribution to licensed retailers in accordance with state law; (c) Sold to the public in sealed containers for off-premises consumption. 38 (2) Every person selling alcoholic beverages pursuant to this section shall purchase alcoholic beverages, other than those that are manufactured at the licensed brew pub, from a wholesaler licensed by the State of Illinois. The brew pub licensee shall retain evidence of each purchase of malt, vinous, and spirituous liquors from a licensed wholesaler. (3) It shall be a condition of a brew pub licensee's right to sell alcohol for consumption on the premises that at least 15% of the gross sales of food and alcohol of the business be attributable to the sale of food. The licensee shall provide sufficient records of the sales revenues to the city to support this requirement. These records shall be submitted prior to the annual renewal of the brew pub license. (4) The annual fee for the license shall be $1,000 set by City Council Resolution. (H) Class H (Special Use) license (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Special Use (Class H) license, which shall authorize the retail sale for consumption of alcoholic liquor on the specified premises. Class H licenses shall only be issued to persons or entities which currently hold a valid liquor license issued by the City, and shall permit the sale and consumption of only the type of alcoholic beverage allowed by the holders underlying license. The intent of this license is to permit the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages in areas not otherwise authorized by the holder’s underlying license for a specified period of time. The applicant shall state the dates and times requested and the license shall clearly show this information. Each applicant shall be limited in the number of Class H licenses it may be issued as set forth in Section 110.20 of this Ordinance. The fee for each individual event shall be set by City Council Resolution (Prior Code, § 5-1-7) (Ord. O-13-078, passed 3-12-2013; Ord. O-15-133, passed 3-10-2015) § 110.20 NUMBER OF LICENSES RESTRICTED. It is hereby declared the policy of the city to limit the total number of liquor licenses to a maximum of 31 32 licenses (plus up to two additional Class F Special Event or Class H Special Use licenses on any given calendar day at any one time). No person or organization shall receive more than two three Class F Special Events or Class H Special Use licenses per calendar year. Licenses shall be distributed among the classifications as follows: Type of License Total Number 39 Type of License Total Number Class A-General Nine Class B-Package store Five Class C-Restaurant, beer and wine on premises only Three Two Keep at Three Class D-Restaurant, alcoholic liquor on premises only Four Class E-Other business (beer and wine only) Eight Class F and H Combined Two at on any given time calendar day Class G Two Three (Prior Code, § 5-1-8) (Am. Ord. 1963, passed 2-9-2010; Am. Ord. 1966, passed 4-13-2010; Am. Ord. 1975, passed 7-13-2010; Am. Ord. O-12-033, passed 2-14-2012; Ord. O-13-078, passed 312-2013) § 110.21 PAYMENT AND DISPOSITION OF FEE. (A) Upon an original application for a license, the license fee shall be paid as follows, depending on the time the original application is filed: (1) If the original application is filed between the dates of May 1 and October 31, the license fee shall be the full amount as set forth in this subchapter for the class for which application is made; or (2) If the original application is filed between the dates of November 1 and April 30, the license fee shall be one-half of the amount set forth in this subchapter for the class for which application is made. (B) The license fee for original applications filed between the dates of May 1 and October 31 and for renewal applications may be paid in two equal installments, the first installment being due at the time application is filed with the City Clerk, and the second installment being due on or before October 31. (C) All fees shall be paid to the office of the City Clerk. In the event the license applied for is denied, the fee shall be returned to the applicant. If the license is granted, then the fee shall be deposited in the General Fund or in another fund as shall have been designated by the City Council by proper action. The above time frames shall not apply to Class F special events licenses, and the fee set forth in § 110.19 is payable at the time that the application for the license is made. (Prior Code, § 5-1-9) 40 § 110.22 LICENSE LIST MAINTAINED. The Mayor shall keep, or cause to be kept, a complete record of all licenses issued by him or her, and shall furnish the Clerk, Treasurer, and Chief of Police each with a copy thereof. Upon the issuance of any new license or the revocation of any old license, the Mayor shall give written notice of the action to each of these officers within 48 hours of the action. (Prior Code, § 5-1-11) § 110.23 TRANSFER OF LICENSE. (A) A license shall be purely a personal privilege, good for not to exceed one year after issuance, unless otherwise provided or sooner revoked as in this subchapter provided, and shall not constitute property, nor shall it be subject to attachment, garnishment, or execution, nor shall it be alienable or transferable, voluntarily or involuntarily, or subject to being encumbered or hypothecated. The license shall not descend by the laws of testate or intestate devolution, but shall cease upon the death or dissolution of the licensee, provided that executors and administrators of the estate of any deceased licensee and the trustee of any insolvent or bankrupt licensee, when the estate consists in part of alcoholic liquor, may continue the business of the sale of alcoholic liquor under order of the appropriate court and may exercise the privileges of the deceased or insolvent or bankrupt licensee after the death of the decedent or the insolvency or bankruptcy until the expiration of the license, but not longer than six months after the death, bankruptcy, or insolvency of the licensee. (B) Any licensee may renew his or her license at the expiration thereof provided he or she is then qualified to receive a license, and the premises for which the renewal license is sought are suitable for the purpose and, provided further, that the renewal privilege herein provided for shall not be construed as a vested right which shall in any case prevent the Mayor and City Council from decreasing the number of licenses to be issued in any particular classification within the city. (Prior Code, § 5-1-12) § 110.24 CHANGE OF LOCATION. A retail liquor dealer’s license shall permit the sale of alcoholic liquor only in the premises described in the application and license. The location may be changed only upon the written permit to make the change issued by the Mayor. No change of location shall be permitted unless the proposed new location is a proper one for the retail sale of alcoholic liquor under the laws of this state and the provisions of this subchapter. Permission to change location shall not be construed as a change in the classification of any license. (Prior Code, § 5-1-13) 41 LICENSEE OPERATIONS § 110.35 CONSUMPTION ON PREMISES. It shall be unlawful for anyone not having a Class A, B Supplement, C, D, F, G or H license to sell, or offer for sale, any alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises where sold, or to permit the same to be consumed on the premises where sold. (Prior Code, § 5-1-10) (Ord. O-15-133, passed 3-10-2015) Penalty, see § 110.99 § 110.36 SANITARY CONDITIONS REQUIRED. All premises used for the retail sale of alcoholic liquor, or for the storage of liquor for sale, shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition and shall be kept in full compliance with the provisions of this subchapter, regulating the condition of premises used for the storage or sale of food for human consumption. (Prior Code, § 5-1-14) § 110.37 LOCATION RESTRICTIONS. (A) No license shall be issued for the sale at retail of any alcoholic liquor within 100 feet of any church, school, hospital, undertaking establishment, home for aged or indigent persons or veterans, their wives or children, or any military or naval station, provided that this prohibition shall not apply to hotels offering restaurant service, regularly organized clubs, bowling alleys, restaurants, food shops, or other places where sale of alcoholic liquor is not the principal business carried on, if the place of business exempted shall have been established for the purposes prior to the taking effect of this subchapter. This restriction shall not apply to Class F Special Events (Class F) or Special Use (Class H) licenses. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, a special events license (Class F) or Special Use (Class H) may conduct its activities on public sidewalks, streets or other areas if so approved by the Liquor Commissioner and made part of the license issued. In that case, the license holder shall provide liability and dram shop insurance in amounts acceptable to the Liquor Commissioner, naming the city as an additional insured party for the event for which the license is issued, and shall further hold the city harmless from all liability arising in whole or part from the operation of the event. (B) The location and area set aside for the sale of alcohol under a Class F Special Events or Special Use (Class H) license must be bounded in all sides by double fencing with only one entrance and exit. Anyone seeking entrance into that area must provide valid identification of legal age to drink, and be admitted only after being issued an identifying bracelet. All Class F and Class H applications must include a written site plan for approval at the time of application. (Prior Code, § 5-1-15) § 110.38 CLOSING HOURS. 42 (A) (1) It shall be unlawful for any Class A licensee to sell, or offer for sale, any alcoholic liquor at hours other than the following: (a) 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight, Monday through Thursday; (b) 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m., Friday and Saturday; and (c) 12:00 noon to 12:00 midnight, Sunday. (2) Class A licensees may remain open until 2:00 a.m. on New Year’s Eve. (3) It shall be unlawful for Class A licensees to remain open to the public for a period in excess of 15 minutes after the prohibited hours for a grace period after closing to clear out the patrons. No alcoholic beverage shall be consumed by any customers of the establishment and, further, the establishment will be responsible for the removal of alcoholic beverages from the customer areas 15 minutes after the prohibited hours. (Prior Code, § 5-1-16) (B) (1) It shall be unlawful for any Class C or D licensee to sell, or offer for sale, any alcoholic liquor at hours other than the following: (a) 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight, Monday through Thursday; (b) 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m., Friday and Saturday; and (c) 12:00 noon to 12:00 midnight, Sunday. (2) However, Class C and D licensees may remain open until 2:00 a.m. on New Year’s Eve. The restaurants may, during prohibited hours, keep open for service of food, but no liquor shall be served in or taken to the part so kept open during the prohibited hours. No alcoholic beverage shall be consumed by any customers of the establishment and, further, the establishment will be responsible for the removal of alcoholic beverages from the customer areas 15 minutes after the prohibited hours. (Prior Code, 5-1-17) (C) Class F license holders shall be allowed to sell alcoholic liquor beer and wine only during the hours which are specifically approved by the Liquor Commissioner and set forth in the license. (D) Class H license holders shall be allowed to sell alcoholic beverages as authorized by their underlying liquor licenses during the hours specifically approved by the Liquor Commissioner and set forth in the license in the areas set forth in the underlying liquor license. (D) (E) (1) It shall be unlawful for any Class G licensee to sell, or offer for sale, any alcoholic liquor at hours other than the following: 43 (a) 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight, Monday through Thursday; (b) 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m., Friday and Saturday; and (c) 12:00 noon to 12:00 midnight, Sunday. (2) However, Class G licensee may remain open until 2:00 a.m. on New Year's Eve. The restaurants may, during prohibited hours, keep open for service of food, but no liquor shall be served in or taken to the part so kept open during the prohibited hours. No alcoholic beverage shall be consumed by an customers of the establishment and, further, the establishment will be responsible for the removal of alcoholic beverages from the customer areas 15 minutes after the prohibited hours. (Prior Code, § 5-1-19) (Ord. O-15-133, passed 3-10-2015) Penalty, see § 110.99 § 110.39 PACKAGE GOODS SALE HOURS. It shall be unlawful for any license holder described herein below to sell alcoholic liquor for consumption off the premises (i.e., package goods sales) other than at the times listed herein below: (A) Holders of Class A (general) licenses shall not sell alcoholic liquor for consumption off the license holder’s premises other than at the following times: (1) 9 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight, Monday through Thursday; (2) 9 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m., Friday and Saturday; and (3) 12:00 noon to 12:00 midnight, Sunday. (B) Holders of Class B (package store) and Class E (other business, beer and wine only) licenses shall not sell alcoholic liquor for consumption off the license holder’s premises other than at the following times: (1) 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday; (2) 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight, Friday and Saturday; and (3) 12:00 noon to 10:00 p.m., Sunday. (Prior Code, § 5-1-18) § 110.40 NEW YEAR’S EVE; THANKSGIVING EVE. 44 (A) In addition to the hours specified in this subchapter, whenever the last day of the year falls on Sunday, all Class A (General) and Class C and D (Restaurant) license holders shall have the right to sell, or offer for sale, alcoholic liquor between the hours of 12:00 noon on that day and 2:00 a.m. the following morning. (B) In addition to the hours specified in this subchapter, all Class A (General) and Class C and D (Restaurant) license holders shall have the right to sell, or offer for sale, alcoholic liquor between the hours of 12:00 midnight Thanksgiving Eve and 1:00 a.m. the following morning. (Prior Code, § 5-1-20) § 110.41 UNOBSTRUCTED INTERIOR VIEW REQUIRED. In premises upon which the sale of alcoholic liquor for consumption upon the premises is licensed, other than a restaurant, hotel, motel, club, or any recreational facility other than one situated on the first or ground floor, no screen, blind, tinted color, curtain, partition, article, or thing shall be permitted in the windows or upon the doors of the licensed premises, or inside the premises, which shall prevent a clear view into the interior of the licensed premises from the street, road, or sidewalk any window adjacent to parts of the establishment at all times where alcoholic beverages may be consumed, and no booth, screen, partition, or other obstruction or any arrangement of lights or lighting shall be permitted in or about the interior of the licensed premises which shall prevent a full view of the entire interior of the premises from the street, road, or sidewalk, and the premises must be so located that there shall be a full view of the entire interior of the premises from the street, road, or sidewalk. All rooms where liquor is sold for consumption upon the premises shall be continuously lighted during business hours by natural light or artificial white light so that all parts of the interior of the premises shall be clearly visible. In case the view into any licensed premises required by the foregoing provision shall be willfully obscured by the licensee or by him or her willfully suffered to be obscured, or in any manner obstructed, then the license shall be subject to revocation in the manner herein provided. In order to enforce the provisions of this section, the local Commissioner shall have the right to require the filing with it of plans, drawings, and photographs showing the clearance of the view as above required. (Prior Code, § 5-1-21) Penalty, see § 110.99 § 110.42 GAMBLING IN LICENSED ESTABLISHMENT PROHIBITED. No licensee shall have or keep in his, her, their, or its possession or use, or operate on any or all portions of the premises on which intoxicating liquor is sold, any machine, device, or other thing of any nature or kind with which money or any other thing of value may in any manner be played or staked. Activities authorized by state law and city licenses shall be exempt from the prohibitions of this section when offered in areas restricted or removed by a border from the area where alcohol is sold. (Prior Code, § 5-1-23) Penalty, see § 110.99 45 § 110.43 RESTRICTIONS BASED UPON AGE. (A) (1) No licensee, his, her, or its agent or employee, shall sell, give, or deliver alcoholic liquor to any person who may not consume or possess alcoholic liquor under the laws of the state. (2) No licensee, his, her, or its agent or employee, shall employ or permit any person under the age of 21 years to act as bartender or to attend bar and/or to draw, pour, or mix any alcoholic liquor in any licensed premises; provided, that the provisions of this division shall not be construed to prevent employment of persons who are at least 18 years of age as servers or wait staff for the purpose of serving food and alcoholic liquor on the licensed premises. (3) Persons who are at least 18 years of age shall be authorized to make the retail sale of alcoholic liquor in its original container or containers or package with the seal unbroken from the license holder’s establishment, not for consumption on the premises, only if a person of 21 years of age or older acting in a supervisory capacity is present at the time. This division shall not be construed to allow persons under 21 years of age to tend bar or act as bartender. (Prior Code, § 5-1-22) (B) (1) It shall be unlawful for any person who, because of his or her age, may not lawfully consume wine or beer under the laws of the state to be present on the premises of a licensee hereunder, provided that this division shall not be construed to prohibit the person from being present in any area reserved primarily for the service of food or other accommodation not involving the sale or consumption of alcoholic liquor. (2) It is further declared unlawful for any licensee, his, her, or its agent or employee, to allow any person to be present in the prohibited area, as aforesaid. (Prior Code, § 5-1-24) Penalty, see § 110.99 § 110.44 ENTERTAINMENT LICENSE. (A) In addition to any liquor licenses issued pursuant to this chapter, the Mayor may issue an entertainment license for a fee of $250 set by City Council Resolution payable annually and which expires on April 30 next following issuance. For the purposes of this chapter, ENTERTAINMENT is defined as the providing of music, dancing, or other visual or audio performances by an individual, group, or mechanical means, with the exception of jukeboxes, televisions, or radios, for the viewing, listening, or participation of public audiences. A license shall not be required for entertainment for private affairs such as wedding or graduation receptions. (B) Every establishment or person to whom an entertainment license is issued must be the holder of a liquor license. However, it is not mandatory that an entertainment license be issued at the time that a liquor license is issued. Establishments holding an entertainment license must observe all provisions of this chapter in regard to liquor licenses. Entertainment must cease at the 46 closing time set forth in this chapter regarding the sale of liquor for the particular establishment. The entertainment must be of a nature so as not to be excessively noisy, offensive, or to interfere with surrounding businesses or residents. (C) Notwithstanding the above provisions, the Mayor of the city may also issue a special entertainment license at a fee of $50 set by City Council Resolution for a period of duration not to exceed five days after the effective date, at his or her discretion. (Prior Code, § 5-1-25) § 110.99 PENALTY. (A) Any violation of this chapter or applicable provisions of state law pertaining to the sale of alcoholic liquor shall subject the violator to any one or more of the following penalties: (1) A fine of not less than $50 nor more than $1,000; (2) Suspension of the violator’s liquor license for a period of not more than ten days; (3) Revocation of the violator’s license; and (4) Any other penalty provided by state law. (B) The local Liquor Commissioner may revoke any liquor license for any violation of any provision of this chapter or for any violation of any state law pertaining to the sale of alcoholic liquor or any applicable rule or regulation established by the State Liquor Control Commission which is not consistent with the law. Prior to any disciplinary action, the local Liquor Commissioner shall inform the licensee of his or her right to a public hearing to contest the imposition of a proposed disciplinary action. If the licensee does not request a hearing within three days after the licensee’s receipt of the written notice, then the proposed disciplinary action shall be imposed. A licensee shall receive not less than three days’ written notice of the date and place of the public hearing. Notice shall be considered served by means of certified delivery to either the resident manager, an employee of the licensee on duty at the licensed establishment, or by affixing the written notice at the primary entryway of the licensed establishment. (C) Revocation of a liquor license also revokes any entertainment license held by the licensee. An entertainment license can be revoked separately from the liquor license by the Mayor. Revocation of an entertainment license is mandatory upon the second violation. (D) In the event that a violation of this chapter is observed during the operation of a Class F special events license, the Police Department shall have the right to suspend or terminate the right of the license holder to continue to operate in addition to any other penalty provided herein. 47 (Prior Code, § 5-1-26) 48 ORDINANCE NO. O-15-140 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 110 PERTAINING TO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES WHEREAS, the City of Geneseo elected officials, after review of circumstances and input from City staff, have determined that it is in the best interests of the City to amend its liquor Control Ordinance to include a Special Use License category and other changes; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, ILLINOIS, as follows: SECTION I: Chapter 110: Alcoholic Beverages of the City of Geneseo, Illinois, Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by changing or adding the underlined language contained within the attached EXHIBIT A, incorporated by reference herein. SECTION II: In all respects not herein amended, Chapter 110: Alcoholic Beverages, shall remain in full force and effect. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, ILLINOIS, AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS 11TH DAY OF MAY, 2015. ______________________________ Nadine Palmgren Mayor for the City of Geneseo ATTEST: ______________________________ Loree K. Phlypo, City Clerk YES NO ABSENT WACHTEL KENNETT SIMOSKY ROBINSON SNODGRASS CARROLLDUDA ROODHOUSE ROTHSCHILD PALMGREN TOTAL 49 PRESENT RESOLUTION NO. R-15-126 A RESOLUTION SETTING A FEES FOR ALCOHOL BEVERAGE LICENSES CHAPTER 110.0 AND ENTERTAINMENT LICENSES WHEREAS, the City of Geneseo has by ordinance established that it is necessary to issue certain establishments Liquor Licenses; and, WHEREAS, the City of Geneseo has set the annual fee for such a license as listed in EXHIBIT A. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, ILLINOIS: SECTION I: The corporate authorities of the City of Geneseo do hereby establish the fee for Liquor Licenses as listed in EXHIBIT A. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, ILLINOIS THIS 11TH DAY OF MAY, 2015 AND SIGNED BY THE MAYOR THIS 11TH DAY OF MAY, 2015. NADINE PALMGREN MAYOR FOR THE CITY OF GENESEO (seal) LOREE K. PHLYPO CITY CLERK AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: 0 0 0 0 50 EXHIBIT A ALCOHOL BEVERAGE LICENSES CH 110.0 AND ENTERTAINMENT LICENSES Section Item Fee 110.03 (D) Hearing Fee $250 110.15 (C) Administrative Process $1,000 $750?? 110.17 (A) annually Background Check Actual Cost Charged to City 110.19 (A) (1) Class A $750 Original fee annually General Class A $250 Supplemental retail liquor sale fee annually 110.19 (B) Class B Class B Package $1,000 Annually $750 Original Fee $250 Supp. On-Premise liquor 110.19 (C) Class C Rest Beer/Wine $750 Annually Class C 110.19 (D) Class D $250 Supplemental retail liquor Rest Alcohol Liquor $750 Annually On Premises only 110.19 (E) Class E Other Bus Beer/Wine $750 Annually 110.19 (F) Class F Special Events $200 ** Per Event 110.19 (G) Class G Brew Pub $1,000 Annually 110.19 (H) Class H Special Use $200 ** Per Event 110.44 Entertainment License $250 Annual $50 Per Event 51 52 ORDINANCE NO. O-15-141 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE XIII (GENERAL OFFENSES) CHAPTER 131 (OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC MORALS) WHEREAS, the City of Geneseo, State of Illinois has the authority to adopt ordinances and to promulgate rules and regulations that pertain to its government and affairs and to protect the public health, safety, and welfare of its citizens; and WHEREAS, Section § 131.046 PUBLIC MORALS PROHIBITIONS conflicts with other sections of the code book; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The City Code of Ordinances, Title XIII, Chapter 131, Section 131.046 is hereby amended as follows: § 131.046 PUBLIC PROPERTY PROHIBITIONS. A. The consumption of any alcoholic beverage upon public sidewalks, public thoroughfares, public streets, public highways, public parks and all other public areas within the city limits is hereby prohibited. Unless part of an approved Class F Special Event or Class H Special Use licenses Stated in 110.37 and 110.19. B. The possession of any alcoholic beverage, except in the original package or container and with the seal unbroken, upon public sidewalks, public thoroughfares, public streets, public highways, public parks, and all other public areas within the City limits is hereby prohibited. C. The transportation, carrying, possession, or having of any alcoholic beverage within the passenger area of any motor vehicle, except in the original package or container and with the seal unbroken, upon the public thoroughfares, public streets, and public highways is hereby prohibited. (Prior code, § 7-9-2) Penalty, see § 131.999 SECTION II: This Ordinance shall be in53 full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. APPROVED AND ADOPTED b y the City Council of the City of Geneseo this 11 th day of May, 2015, pursuant to roll call vote as follows: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Approved this 11th Day of May, 2015 __________________________________ ATTEST: Mayor __________________________________ City Clerk 54 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL May 12, 2015 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Administration PRESENTER: Lisa Kotter, City Administrator SUBJECT: Website Upgrades BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: Update since COW: I requested two quotes from local companies. One decided at the last minute to not bid as they will not have time to upgrade the site for months. The second one submitted a price which is included in the packet. Websites to Impress is the firm that is currently handling our site. I think if we work together, the City and Websites to Impress can incorporate changes to make the site more user friendly and useful to a broader audience. Original COW Info: As discussed when we were looking at ways to make Geneseo more attractive to visitors, it is critical that our web presence is up to date and responsive. At this time our website is very government driven. We do not include very much information relevant to tourists, potential residents, businesses and residents. Our website is also not Mobile App friendly. It is also referred to as not being responsive. When you make a website responsive it means that it responds to the size of the screen of the end user so as to show all resources on the site. Websites to Impress has designed our website the past few years. I have a price from Websites to Impress and am waiting to get an additional quote from Foresight Consulting. I would recommend that we allocate funds from the Hotel Motel Tax Fund to upgrade our site. RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve the price of $4,860 from Websites to Impress to upgrade the City website with funding coming from Hotel Motel Tax Fund. BUDGETARY IMPACT: $4,860 DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: Quote from Websites to Impress 55 !! Websites to Impress, Inc. 109 E. Orange Street, Suite A Geneseo, IL 61254 !! City Of Geneseo Attention: Lisa Kotter 115 S Oakwood Avenue Email: !Dear Lisa, ! Thank you for allowing us to explore your needs and present you with this proposal to redesign and develop a custom website for the City of Geneseo. Our experience and expertise in designing websites that exceed usability, target audience and industry specifications will support your project needs. ! About Websites to Impress, Inc. !Websites to Impress, Inc. (WTI) was formed in 2003 and has served clients across the United States and Canada. We offer a wide variety of design services and take great pride in our usability minded website design. ! Project Description !Custom Site Design !We will create a clean and modern design to feature your services, the community, and important resources. Your site will be coded in a responsive framework that provides an optimal viewing experience for users on any type of computer, tablet or smart phone. Responsive web design provides easy navigating and reading with a minimal need for resizing and scrolling. ! !Proposed Site Map ! We will reorganize the navigation to make it easier to use for all audience types. A proposed site map is listed below. We will integrate a Facebook on pages that can benefit from a photo gallery. • • Home ▪ Social Media Links Our Community ▪ Education ▪ Community Services ▪ Demographics ▪ Fire Departments ▪ Healthcare ▪ Library ▪ Local Media ▪ Inter City Rail ▪ Organizations 56 • • • ▪ Senior Services ▪ Transportation ▪ Recreation ▪ Attractions ▪ History ▪ Historical District ▪ WIFI ▪ Arts and Entertainment Your Government ▪ Departments • Building Inspector • City Clerk • Electric Utility • Finance • Police • Public Works • Water & Sewer ▪ City Administrator ▪ City Contracts ▪ City Notifications ▪ City Council Agenda ▪ City Council Minutes ▪ Zoning/Planning Commission ▪ FAQ Economic Expansion ▪ Chamber of Commerce ▪ Development Sites ▪ Why Geneseo? Resident Resources ▪ Get Connected ▪ Emergency Communications Network ▪ Grave Discover Software ! !We offer secure and reliable web hosting for your site. Our yearly fee to host your site is $200.00. We are currently hosting your existing web site, and it is paid for through 11/15/2015. !Automated Back Up and Monitoring System !WTI offers automated backup and monitoring services, backing up your website files and database daily. During Web Hosting our daily monitoring if we detect any changes with your website (files added, modified, or deleted), we send you a ChangeAlert notification email. !Should anything happen to your website, we can restore your content to a previous date with the click of a button. Websites to Impress will revert the site any time at no charge. !Custom PHP Content Management System (CMS) 57 !Our custom content management system will allow you to easily log in to add, edit or delete content on specified web pages. This content includes text, images, and code. !Implementing the Custom PHP Content Management System will allow you the ability to log in and edit specified pages on your website at your convenience from any Internet browser. ! Additional Options ! Constant Contact Email Marketing & More !Constant Contact offers integration with your site so that users can sign up for newsletters from your website. It also offers the ability to: ! • Send bulk emails • • • • • Add Facebook fans Offer a deal or coupon Manage an event Create a survey Collect donations ! WTI can design an email template or templates to meet your needs that would be consistent with other designs associated with the City of Geneseo. These can be quoted separately upon request. !Text Messaging Service !We offer text messaging services through EZ Texting and WTI will assist you in the set up process. There are also options for integration with your Constant Contact account. !With your account, you will receive one or more custom keywords that allow people to join your list by texting a word to a short code. The service includes free incoming messages and is priced according to how many messages you intend to distribute. ! Investment ! Product Cost Custom Site Design Built Responsively with Custom Content Management System and Responsive Web Design* $4,860.00 Web Hosting $200.00/year Automated Back Up and Monitoring System $300.00/year ! *We require half of the site design and development investment up front to begin your project. The final half is not due until all the requirements of this proposal have been met. ! Additional Options ! 58 Product Cost Constant Contact Service 501 – 2500 Contacts 2501 – 5000 Contacts Per Month Pricing** $60.00 $80.00 EZ Texting Service 1,000 messages, 1 custom keyword 2,000 messages, 2 custom keywords 3,000 messages, 3 custom keywords Per Month Pricing** $49.00 $94.00 $149.00 **Discounts are offered for paying yearly (in advance) for each service. ! Updates after Completion !Once we complete the requirements of this proposal we can add any additional features you may need. We work hourly at a rate of $65.00. Updates less than two hours are billed in quarter hour increments at a rate of $85.00, with a one hour minimum. All updates can be quoted in advance of work completion, and quoted amounts will be honored unless work requirements change. ! Ready to get started? !We appreciate the opportunity to present this proposal. If you have any questions, please contact Kim Gehling, at 309-489-0026 or !Sincerely, !Kim Gehling | President Websites to Impress, Inc. 109 E. Orange Street, Suite A Geneseo, IL 61254 Office: 309-489-0026 Cell: 515-681-9818 Fax: 877-293-1423 Visit Us on Facebook Love your website. We’ll show you how. 59 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL May 12, 2015 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Administration, Public Works and Electric Utility PRESENTER: Lisa A. Kotter, City Administrator, Lewis Opsal, Director of Electrical Operations and Chad VanDeWoestyne, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Right of Way Opening Permits BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: No changes have been made since the COW. Currently, the City has an Excavating Permit in our ordinance that does not have an actual fee attached with the Permit. The current “fee” is the cost of the road repair. The proposed law change includes creating an actual fee of $25 that is the permit fee. This will cover the administrative expense of reviewing the location, assuring licensed contractors are doing the work and following up to be sure the repairs and restoration are made. Currently the law requires that the City to complete the restoration work and has a set fee in the code. It is our recommendation that the contractor who has disturbed the Right of Way be allowed to hire a licensed contractor to the complete the work or have the City complete it. If the work is not completed properly the City can order the concerns or errors to be corrected. It is important that we keep good track of those entities that disturb our right of way surfaces. With the varying costs of repair we are also recommending that the fees be listed as the actual cost of repair not a set dollar amount. The final addition to the code is that all contractors will be required to provide drawings of underground utilities that are installed. These records shall be properly maintained by the City. The $25 fee is recommended to be adopted in the form of a Resolution which allows us greater flexibility if the fees changes to set it by Resolution instead of the ordinance listing the fee. RECOMMENDATION: Motion to Approve Ordinance O-15-142 the Right of Way Opening Permit Ordinance and Resolution R-15-125 which sets the fees. BUDGETARY IMPACT: Estimated $500-$750 in Permit Revenue DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: Proposed Law Changes and Resolution R-15-125 60 61 62 63 ORDINANCE NO. O-15-142 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE IX (GENERAL REGULATIONS) CHAPTER 92 (Streets and Sidewalks) WHEREAS, the City of Geneseo, State of Illinois has the authority to adopt ordinances and to promulgate rules and regulations that pertain to its government and affairs and to protect the public health, safety, and welfare of its citizens; and WHEREAS, the City, through its duly adopted Code of Ordinances, regulates Right-ofWay Opening Permits within its corporate limits; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: The facts and statements contained in the preambles to this Ordinance are found to be true and correct and are hereby adopted as part of this Ordinance. SECTION II: The City Code of Ordinances, Title IX, Chapter 92, Sections 92.35, 92.36, 92.37 and 92.38 are hereby amended as listed in EXHIBIT A. SECTION III: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. APPROVED AND ADOPTED b y the City Council of the City of Geneseo this 12 th day of May, 2015, pursuant to roll call vote as follows: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: 64 Approved this 12th Day of May, 2015 __________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: __________________________________ City Clerk 65 RESOLUTION NO. R-15-125 A RESOLUTION SETTING A FEE FOR RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT WHEREAS, the City of Geneseo has by ordinance established that it is necessary to issue Right of Way permits; and, WHEREAS, the City of Geneseo has set the annual fee for such a permit at Twenty-five ($25) dollars. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, ILLINOIS: SECTION I: The corporate authorities of the City of Geneseo do hereby establish the fee for a Right of Way permit at Twenty-five dollars ($25.00). PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, ILLINOIS THIS 11TH DAY OF MAY, 2015 AND SIGNED BY THE MAYOR THIS 11TH DAY OF MAY, 2015. NADINE PALMGREN MAYOR FOR THE CITY OF GENESEO (seal) LOREE K. PHLYPO CITY CLERK AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: 0 0 0 0 66 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL MAY 12, 2015 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Public Works-Water PRESENTER: Chad VanDeWoestyne, Director of Public Works and Lisa Kotter SUBJECT: Hiring Test Well Consultant BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: Layne Christensen Co. originally did a Phase 1 Geological Reconnaissance Study in 2013 to identify potential areas in the City that may provide enough water to install a high capacity municipal well in the future. This was more of a table top study and gave the City information as to where our main water source would come from. In other words, it narrowed our focus for a possible new well site to the Northeast portion of the City. Now to proceed further we must obtain more information which would be conducted in the form of a Phase 2 study on possible well sites. Phase 2 will include drilling a test well in a specific location and a pump test in those areas in order to determine the amount of capacity a well in that location would provide. Greg Ryckaert contacted Layne Christensen Co. to receive a quote for the Phase 2 of their study which would include drilling the test well. Chad also contacted The Cahoy Group, a division of Great Lakes Water Resources, to receive another quote for drilling the test wells. Both companies will submit proposals by May 8 at 3 o’clock. We will send you copies of the proposals after they are reviewed by staff and hopefully prior to the meeting. The discussion at the COW meeting was that we would consider using funds from the sale of the old water utility building on Pearl Street to pay for this Phase 2 study. RECOMMENDATION: A recommendation will be included with the proposals. DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: Reports from Layne and Cahoy will be sent to you over the weekend. 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL May 12, 2015 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Administration PRESENTER: Rick Mills and Lisa Kotter SUBJECT: Rezoning of 301 South Spring Street and 302 South Russell Avenue BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: The Plan Commission held a public hearing and is recommending the rezoning of these two vacant lots from R-2 Two Family to R-3 Multi Family. The owners, the Ries brothers, would like to build a tri-plex rental property. RECOMMENDATION: To approve Ordinance the rezoning of the properties at 301 South Spring Street and 302 South Russell Avenue from R-2 to R-3. BUDGETARY IMPACT: None DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: Plan Commission papers 74 City of Geneseo Plan Commission Case Report Zoning Classification Change Case Report HEARING DATE: May 4th, 2015 Filing Date: 4/14/2015 Case No.: 15-006 Project Address: 301 S. Spring St. and 302 S. Russell Ave. Historic Landmark: N.A. Zoning: R-2 Applicant: Robert Ries Staff Contact: Rick Mills Reviewed By: Lisa Kotter PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 301 S. Spring St. – PIN 08-21-252-006 short legal - LT 1 & N1/2 VAC ALLEY S & ADJ SUB OF BLK 1 ORIGINAL TOWN CITY OF GENESEO 302 S. Russell Ave. – PIN 08-21-252-001 short legal - N1/2 LT 2 SUB OF BLK 1 ORIGINAL TOWN CITY OF GENESEO PROJECT DESCRIPTION: There has been a request from the applicants to change the Zoning Classification from R-2 to R3 for the two properties described above. There are no structures currently on these properties. The party trying to purchase the property wants to purchase the properties so that they could combine the lots and build a triplex on the entire area. Currently under the R-2 zoning classification they would only be able to build a duplex with a conditional use. If the zoning classification is changed to the R-3 then a triplex would be a permissive use on this land per section 9-5-5 of the zoning ordinance which states that in R-3 districts multi-family dwelling not to exceed four (4) units per building is a permissive use. Per chart 9-6-3 in the zoning ordinance (in the lot size requirements) R-3 zoning requires 4,000 sq. ft. of lot per dwelling unit. With the measurements from my GIS map I have come up with 10,856.8 on the lot known as 301 S. Spring and 5,172.1 for the lot known as 302 S. Russell. The total of the lots combined is 16,037.9 which is greater than the required 12,000 sq. ft. Keep in mind that the measurements from my GIS may not be 100% accurate, but we are considerably more (4,000sq. ft. more) than what is required by the zoning ordinance. OTHER ACTIONS REQUIRED: The Building Inspection department must advise the owners that if the zoning change is approved, additional condominium requirements will need to be met if they decide to build them as condominiums instead of triplex. 75 COMPLIANCE WITH THE PLANNING CODE PROVISIONS (Zoning Ordinance): 9-5-4: "R-2" Residential District Intent - The principal use of land is for single-family dwellings and, under certain conditions, new two-family dwellings and the conversion of older, larger dwellings into two-family and multi-family dwellings. It is further the intent of this District to protect the value of existing residential areas and insure the value of future residential development while providing for the essential, supporting facilities, both public and private, of the residential areas. Internal stability, attractiveness, order, and efficiency are encouraged by providing for adequate light, air, and open space for dwellings and related facilities. 9-5-5: "R-3" Residential District Intent. - The principal use of land may range from single-family to medium density multi-family units. Internal stability, attractiveness, order, and efficiency are encouraged by providing for adequate light, air, and open space for dwellings and related facilities. PUBLIC/NEIGHBORHOOD INPUT: Letters have been sent to the neighbors within 250’ of this property notifying them of the public hearing. Also the public notice has been sent to the local paper and published 15 prior to the public hearing. ISSUES & OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: As far as spot zoning is concerned, there are no other R-3 zoned lots in the general vicinity. There are a couple of duplex units in the area (one is east about three lots and the other one is a couple of blocks away) and there are also some single family rental properties in the area. STAFF ANAYLSIS: Staff feels that there is no issue with changing the zoning on this property to residential R-3 Staff also feels that if there are any neighborhood concerns with the spot zoning that they are looked at and evaluated carefully. PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: A request has been submitted to change the Zoning classification of the lots described as “LT 1 & N1/2 VAC ALLEY S & ADJ SUB OF BLK 1 ORIGINAL TOWN CITY OF GENESEO and N1/2 LT 2 SUB OF BLK 1 ORIGINAL TOWN CITY OF GENESEO” also known as 301 S. Spring Street and 302 S. Russell Ave. Geneseo from Residential-2 to Residential-3. ATTACHMENTS: Draft Project Information Condominium section of the zoning ordinance 76 9-5-16: “CUD” Condominium Use District Intent The Condominium Use District provisions of this Chapter are intended to encourage infill development or redevelopment of existing lots of record for condominium development projects which would allow multiple buildings on a single parcel of land. This will expand housing opportunities and provide an incentive to include within the project useable open space to an extent that it is designed and incorporated within the project to serve the residents thereof. These provisions are further intended to encourage a greater degree of creativity than would be practicable under the underlying zoning districts and to promote efficient use of land. The district provides a mechanism for which a developer can be given reasonable assurance of ultimate approval before expending complete design moneys, while City officials are assured that the project will retain the character envisioned. A. Special Provisions for the Condominium Use District: 1. The developer shall comply with all provisions of the Illinois Condominium Property Act (765 ILCS 605/1 et seq.) or as may be hereinafter provided. 2. The property shall be an existing lot of record which is zoned R-3 Residential (four units or less). B Minimum lot area shall be as specified by the height, yard, lot and area requirements for the R-3 Residential zoning district, except as may otherwise be varied in accordance with this ordinance. 1. The housing type, yard, height, and accessory uses shall be determined by the requirements and procedures set out below, which shall prevail over conflicting requirements of this Chapter or any chapter governing the subdivision of land. Specifically, this District shall allow for the placement of more than one principal building on the lot approved for this purpose. C A Condominium Plat as required by the Illinois Condominium Property Act shall be submitted to the Geneseo Plan Commission Board. 1. The Plan Commission Board shall conduct a public hearing and review the proposed development as to its conformity with the Geneseo Comprehensive Land Use plan and recognized standards of design, land use planning, and landscape architecture. The Geneseo Plan Commission Board may impose conditions regarding the layout, circulation, or performance of a Condominium Plat, including storm water drainage and the replacement and resizing of utilities, and may require that appropriate deed restrictions be filed enforceable by the City Council. The Geneseo Plan Commission Board shall, after the public hearing and review, submit its report and recommendations to the City Council for approval. 2. The final Condominium Plat shall be approved by the City Council by ordinance, and shall be signed by the Chairman of the Plan Commission Board, the Mayor, and attested by the City Clerk. 3. The City Clerk shall record the final Condominium Plat with the Recorder of Deeds of Henry County, provided that the owner/developer has paid the cost of the recording fee. 4. Any changes in the approved final development plans either during construction or at any time after approval by the City Council must be reviewed by the Plan Commission Board. The Plan Commission Board shall determine if it is a minor or major change. Minor changes may be authorized by the Plan Commission Board after notification is given to the City Council of that change. A major change would be constituted by, but not limited to, the following: one which would increase the building to land density ratio of the parcel, a change in the number of buildings, a change in building position that encroached upon a building setback line, or a change in the number of parking spaces or change in the placement of the parking area. The Plan Commission Board shall hold a public hearing on all major changes, make a determination on that change, and pass its opinion on to the City Council for final approval by ordinance. 77 City of Geneseo, Illinois - Incorporated February 16, 1865 - 115 S. Oakwood Ave. • Geneseo, Illinois 61254 Phone (309) 944-6419 Fax (309) 944-8254 Date: May 4, 2015 Time: 6:00 pm Plan Commission Members: Ray Wirth Mike Talbot Chris Barnhart Sue Garlick Larry Meyer Contact Person Mike Talbot Rick Mills Building Inspector 309-944-0910 Minutes Call to order /roll call/Quorum check Meeting called to order by Plan Commission Chairman Mike Talbot at 6:00 p.m. Members answering roll call: Meyer and Garlick, Wirth and Barnhart. Pledge of allegiance Public Comment- Audience requests are limited to 3 minutes per subject. If additional time would be needed, please contact City Hall to be placed on the Agenda prior to the meeting. No Public Comments Consent Agenda 1) Approval of minutes from April 6, 2015 2) Approval of agenda Motion by Meyer, second by Garlick to approve the consent agenda as written. All Ayes. Motion Carried. 78 Public Hearing: Motion by Barnhart, second by Wirth to open the Public Hearing A Public Hearing was held to offer the public a chance to voice concerns or support for a change in zoning to allow a triplex to be built across 2 lots. Motion by Barnhart, second by Garlick to close the Public Hearing at 7:00pm. Voice Vote. All Ayes. 0 Nays. Motion Carried New Business 15-006 Consideration of a request for Zoning Classification change for property located at 301 S. Spring Street and 302 S. Russell Avenue. This would be a change from R-2 to R-3. A discussion was held and multiple residents within 250 feet voiced concerns over increased traffic, parking shortages, maintenance of buildings and property value declines due to rental property. Jim Ries, owner of the property was present at the meeting and described the project tentative plans to include a Triplex across 2 lots, 2 units would face Spring Street with a shared driveway and a single unit facing Russell with a drive exiting onto Russell. Their target would be older retired tenants. The owners would maintain the property and they would rent for around $1200 a month, so they aren’t low rent units. Cost is the biggest driver for building the triplex. With the lots combined it would allow the owner to build a duplex with no approvals needed, by changing the zoning from R-2 to R-3 would allow a triplex to be constructed. Motion by Meyer, second by Wirth to amend the zoning classification on property located at 301 S. Spring street and 302 S. Russell Avenue from R-2 to R-3 based on discussions and analysis by the Building Inspector. Business Items 3) New Business – Discussion on not-for-profits occupancies and where they fit into the zoning districts Administrator Kotter led the discussion. Not-for-profits and where they fit into the zoning districts is void in our Zoning Ordinance. Representatives from the Food Pantry, owner of the lot in question and Fareway representative were in attendance at the meeting. City Attorney Thurman and Mayor Palmgren both felt that it should fall under “Philanthropic” which would allow them to be in R-2 with a conditional use permit. Our 79 Highway Business District B-2 also allows this type of establishment with a Permissive Use permit, the City has to decide if we are going to allow establishments such as this to locate on prime tax generating property when they are tax exempt. Fareway representative Bill Lanphere stated that Fareway doesn’t want an exit on to Pritchard drive from this property. Pritchard drive was put in by Fareway but was then dedicated to the City and the City maintains it. Discussions also included adequate parking for an establishment and delivery by trucks. The City ordinance states that 1 space for every 200 square feet plus 1 for every 2 employees for a semipublic building is required. The City Attorney stated that the Food Pantry falls under “Philanthropic” and so they were given the go ahead on starting to work out the details of the purchase of the lot in front of Fareway. General Comments Continued discussion and review of Home Occupation language of the Zoning Districts The current language in the Zoning Code requires Home Based Occupations to have a conditional use permit. The City feels that with the changes in the way we can do business with the internet that there needs to be a list of home businesses that would be exempt from that type of requirements. Examples would be a business that is computer based where you are solely selling on the internet. A business that doesn’t have any traffic, outside signage, employees or deliveries would qualify. A business that doesn’t generate excessive noise through use of tools and doesn’t exceed 25% of the floor area of the primary building. It was decided that this would be added to the agenda for May 11, 2015 as “Revising Home Occupation language of Zoning Districts.” Adjournment Motion by Garlick, second by Barnhart to adjourn the meeting at 9:11 p.m. All Ayes. Motion Carried. Respectfully submitted by Recording Secretary Loree K. Phlypo 80 CITY OF GENESEO ORDINANCE NO. O-15-143 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ORDINANCE NO. 1206 BY CHANGING THE ZONING OF 301 S. SPRING STREET AND 302 S. RUSSELL AVENUE FROM R-2 RESIDENTIAL TO R-3 RESIDENTIAL ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO THIS 12TH DAY OF MAY 2015 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR MAY 12, 2015 81 ORDINANCE NO. O-15-143 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ORDINANCE NO. 1206 BY CHANGING THE ZONING OF 301 S. SPRING STREET AND 302 S. RUSSELL AVENUE FROM R-2 RESIDENTIAL TO R-3 RESIDENTIAL WHEREAS, the Zoning Ordinance for the City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois (“City”) provides that the territory of the City shall be governed by zoning classifications; and, WHEREAS, the legal owners of record, Robert and Jim Ries, desire by application dated April 14, 2015 that the property legally described as “LT1 & N1/2 VAC ALLEY s & ADJ SUB OF BLK 1 ORIGINAL TOWN CITY OF GENESEO & N1/2 LT 2 SUB OF BLK 1 ORIGINAL TOWN CITY OF GENESEO” and otherwise known as 301 s. Spring Street, identified by Henry County Parcel Identification Number 08-21-252-006, and 302 S. Russell Avenue identified by Henry County Parcel Number 08-21-252-001 have the zoning changed from R-2 Residential to R-3 Residential; and, WHEREAS, The City did cause notice of public hearing to be published and public notices to be mailed in accordance with law, and the City Plan Commission did conduct a public hearing on May 4th, 2015, and did consider that this property is immediately adjacent to the R-2 residential district and other evidence presented, does recommend to the City Council that the aforesaid property be amended from R-2 Residential to R-3 Residential and that the zoning map of the City be so amended by the City Council. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: That the preambles to this ordinance shall become part of and hereafter are part of this ordinance. SECTION II: That the property legally described as “LT1 & N1/2 VAC ALLEY s & ADJ SUB OF BLK 1 ORIGINAL TOWN CITY OF GENESEO & N1/2 LT 2 SUB OF BLK 1 ORIGINAL TOWN CITY OF GENESEO” and otherwise known as 301 S. Spring Street and 302 S. Russell Avenue, identified by Henry County Parcel Identification Number 08-21-252-006 and 08-21-252-001 have the zoning changed from R-2 Residential to R-2 Residential. SECTION III: That the Zoning Administrator is hereby directed to cause the zoning map Ordinance No. O-15-130 Zoning Amendment. 114 S Oakwood Ave. 82 February 11, 2015. of the City to reflect the change of zoning district from R-2 Residential to R-3 Residential for the aforesaid property. SECTION IV: That this ordinance shall be in effect upon its passage and adoption by the City Council of the City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois, its approval by the Mayor and its due publication in accordance with the law. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, HENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS ON THIS 12TH DAY OF MAY, 2015 AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS 12TH DAY OF MAY, 2015. NADINE PALMGREN MAYOR FOR THE CITY OF GENESEO (Seal) LOREE K. PHLYPO CITY CLERK AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: 0 0 0 0 Ordinance No. O-15-130 Zoning Amendment. 114 S Oakwood Ave. 83 February 11, 2015. State of Illinois County of Henry City of Geneseo ) ) ) SS: I, Loree K. Phlypo, certify that I am the duly appointed and acting City Clerk of the City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois. I further certify that on May 12, 2015, the Corporate Authorities of such municipality passed and approved Ordinance No. O-15-143, entitled AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ORDINANCE NO. 1206 BY CHANGING THE ZONING OF 301 S. SPRING STREET AND 302 S. RUSSELL AVENUE FROM R-2 RESIDENTIALTO R-3 RESIDENTIAL, which provided by its terms that notice should be published in the local municipal newspaper, Geneseo Republic. The pamphlet form of Ordinance No. O-15-143, including the Ordinance and a cover sheet thereof, was prepared, and a copy of such Ordinance was posted in the municipal building, commencing on May 12th, 2015 and continuing for at least ten days thereafter. Copies of such Ordinance were also available for public inspection upon request in the office of the Municipal Clerk. Dated at Geneseo, Illinois, this 12th day of May, 2015. LOREE K. PHLYPO CITY CLERK Ordinance No. O-15-130 Zoning Amendment. 114 S Oakwood Ave. 84 February 11, 2015. 85 CITY OF GENESEO City Council May 12, 2015 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Administrative PRESENTER: Lisa Kotter, City Administrator and Jill Laingen HR Specialist SUBJECT: Accountant/Treasurer job description BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: Update Accountant/Treasurer job description DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: a. Job Description 86 City of Geneseo, Illinois Celebrating 175 years Incorporated February 16, 1865 115 South Oakwood Avenue Geneseo, Illinois 61254 Phone (309) 944-6419 Proposed Department: Finance Job Description: Accountant/Treasurer FLSA status: Exempt Effective Date: May, 2012; May 2015 Supervision: The Accountant works under the general supervision and direction of the City Administrator. Essential Functions: 1. Plans, assigns, coordinates, and supervise the staff and activities of Finance division; 2. Analyzes records of expenditures and encumbrances and recommends necessary changes; 3. Checks and verifies the accuracy and completeness of budgetary accounting records; 4. Collects data and prepares fiscal accounting reports; 5. Reviews and maintains general and subsidiary ledgers; 6. Prepares and submits monthly financial reports from data compiled from ledgers; 7. Formulates and administers policies and procedures; 8. Reviews and updates a complete set of accrual books of account; 9. Prepares monthly operating and income statements; 10. Consults with and advises other City departments on recording transactions and fiscal record; 11. Instructs employees on technical accounting and bookkeeping problems and the interpretation and application of rules, regulation, and accounting problems; 12. Answers expenditure and revenue questions from department staff; 13. Responsible for posting all general fund claims and review, comparison of disbursement checks and invoices; 14. Responsible for monthly balancing and printing of accounts, posting through paid bills, correcting any entry errors and balancing for accounts payable checks; 15. Responsible for the preparation of the annual budget; 16. Responsible for the preparation of the annual tax levy; 87 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. The Accountant is the primary liaison with the City’s auditors. Responsible for the preparations for the annual audit of all City funds, performing year-end trial balances, compilations, and cash reconciliations for each fund, determining accrued interests, payables, determining sales and property tax receivables, updating fixed asset lists, determining capital depreciation for city utilities, and computing unbilled utility usage; Coordination of cash flows for capital projects and equipment reserve accounts, for setting up new project accounts; Set up of City revolving loan fund repayment schedules, and is the primary liaison with City depositors; Controls collections and accounts receivable activities; Demonstrates continuous effort to improve operations, decrease turnaround times, streamline work processes, and work cooperatively and jointly to provide quality seamless customer service; Coordinates the completion of accounting projects as directed by management; Responsible for the preparation and publication of the monthly and annual Treasurers Report; Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: Knowledge of: 1. Working knowledge of generally accepted accounting principles; 2. Accounting theory, principles, and practices and their application to various municipal accounting transactions and problems; 3. Working knowledge of personal computers, typewriters, electronic calculators, copy machines and FAX machines; 4. Working knowledge of accounting software; 5. Working knowledge of electronic spreadsheets and of word processing software; 6. Working knowledge of internet and email. Ability to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Understand and follow written and oral instructions in the English language; Perform a broad range of supervisory responsibilities over others; Produce written documents such as financial statements and reports with clearly organized thoughts using proper English sentence construction, punctuation, and grammar; Make arithmetic calculations (Examples; adds, subtract, divide, multiply, and figure percentages and averages); Work cooperatively with other City employees and the public; Communicate orally with other City employees, clients or the general public in face-to-face one-on-one settings, in group settings or using a telephone; 88 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Gather pertinent facts and statistics, make thorough analysis, arrive at sound conclusions, and report research findings and recommendations in a clear, complete, and logical form; Analyze and solve problems according to learned department and City policies, regulations, and ordinances; Enter data or information into a terminal, P.C., or other keyboard device; Communicate in the English language with employees, clients, and the public using a telephone or in a one-to-one or group setting; Learn job-related material through structures lecture and reading, or through oral instruction and observation. This learning takes place both in classroom settings and in on-the-job training settings; Exercise independent initiative and judgment and establish priorities for own workload; Remain in a sitting position for extended periods of time; Work under pressure to meet tight time schedules and deadlines, and handle problems and tasks that come up simultaneously or unexpectedly; Perform other essential and marginal functions as assigned. Work safely without presenting a direct threat to self or others; Additional Requirements: 1. Some positions will require the performance of other essential and marginal functions depending upon work location, or assignment; 2. Posting of all journal vouchers and adjustments to cash accounts; 3. Knowledge of payroll process and records; Acceptable Experience and Training 1. Strong comprehension of generally accepted accounting principles, as evidenced by the candidate’s possession of a four-year baccalaureate degree, or higher degree, in the field of government or business accounting or related field; 2. Preferred two years of increasingly responsible related government or business accounting experience; 3. Certified Public Accountant certification, or able to obtain; 4. Other combinations of experience and education that meet the minimum requirements shall be considered. 89 COUNCIL BUDGET REPORT PERIOD ENDING March 31, 2015 YEAR TO DATE BUDGET VARIANCE % OF BUDGET 3/31/2015 GENERAL FUND - 01 GENERAL FUND REVENUES GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES - ADMINISTRATION GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES - COUNCIL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES - INSPECTORS GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES - PUBLIC SERVICES GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES - PUBLIC SAFETY TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 2,900,553 3,521,800 1,242,495 82.36% $419,223 $501,600 $82,377 83.58% $39,680 $92,400 $52,720 42.94% $11,076 $12,000 $924 92.30% $68,146 $98,500 $30,354 69.18% $628,690 $960,000 $331,310 65.49% $1,442,531 $1,852,300 $409,769 77.88% $2,609,346 $3,516,800 $1,405,139 74.20% $5,638,414 $7,653,200 $2,014,786 73.67% 99.24% ELECTRIC FUND - 20 ELECTRIC FUND REVENUES ELECTRIC FUND EXPENDITURES - 2006B DEBT CERTIFICATE ELECTRIC FUND EXPENDITURES - 2007A BONDS ELECTRIC FUND EXPENDITURES - 2015A DEBT CERT ELECTRIC FUND EXPENDITURES - 2015B DEBT CERT ELECTRIC FUND EXPENDITURES - LOUISA OPERATIONS ELECTRIC FUND EXPENDITURES - LOUISA MAINTENANCE ELECTRIC FUND EXPENDITURES - LOUISA ADMINISTRATION ELECTRIC FUND EXPENDITURES - GENERAL OPERATIONS ELECTRIC FUND EXPENDITURES - GENERAL MAINTENCANCE ELECTRIC FUND EXPENDITURES - PRODUCTION ELECTRIC FUND EXPENDITURES - TRANSPORTATION OPERATION ELECTRIC FUND EXPENDITURES - TRANS MAINTENANCE ELECTRIC FUND EXPENDITURES - DISTRIBUTION OPERATION ELECTRIC FUND EXPENDITURES - DISTRIBUTION MAINTENANCE ELECTRIC FUND EXPENDITURES - ADMINISTRATIVE ELECTRIC FUND EXPENDITURES - CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL ELECTRIC FUND EXPENDITURES $65,300 $65,800 $500 $492,700 $493,700 $1,000 99.80% $220 $0 ($220) #DIV/0! $377 $0 ($377) #DIV/0! $382,000 $600,000 $218,000 63.67% $8,512 $25,000 $16,488 34.05% $16,503 $20,000 $3,497 82.51% $423,468 $570,200 $146,732 74.27% 66.20% $292,337 $441,600 $149,263 $1,490,771 $1,930,000 $439,229 77.24% $11,800 $10,000 ($1,800) 118.00% $21,068 $24,200 $3,132 87.06% $178,509 $209,600 $31,091 85.17% $410,155 $600,800 $190,645 68.27% $1,089,574 $1,737,800 $648,226 62.70% $477,097 $600,000 $122,903 79.52% $5,359,793 $7,328,700 $1,968,907 73.13% $311,697 $408,700 $97,003 76.27% $2,508 $6,000 $3,492 41.80% $4,478 $1,000 ($3,478) 447.83% $260,419 $392,000 $131,581 66.43% $267,406 $399,000 $131,594 67.02% $701,606 $1,030,400 $328,794 68.09% $87,061 $87,900 $839 99.05% REFUSE FUND - 25 REFUSE FUND REVENUES REFUSE FUND EXPENDITURES - SALARIES REFUSE FUND EXPENDITURES - CUSTOMER BILLING EXPENSE REFUSE FUND EXPENDITURES - CONTRACTUAL TOTAL REFUSE FUND EXPENDITURES WATER FUND - 30 WATER FUND REVENUES WATER FUND EXPENDITURES - 2004 BOND 90 WATER FUND EXPENDITURES - 2006 BOND WATER FUND EXPENDITURES - 2013 REFUNDING BOND $63,108 $76,300 $13,193 82.71% $37,965 $37,600 ($365) 100.97% WATER FUND EXPENDITURES - 2014B REFUDNIGN BOND $19,601 $0 ($19,601) #DIV/0! WATER FUND EXPENDITURES -UTILITY TAX WATER FUND EXPENDITURES - OPERATIONS WATER FUND EXPENDITURES - MAINTENANCE WATER FUND EXPENDITURES - ADMINISTRATION WATER EXPENDITURES - CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $0 $46,000 $46,000 0.00% $127,130 $193,500 $66,370 65.70% 51.12% TOTAL WATER FUND EXPENDITURES $85,890 $168,000 $82,110 $187,027 $260,625 $73,598 71.76% $304,669 $0 ($304,669) #DIV/0! $892,850 $869,925 ($22,925) 102.64% $753,147 $1,079,900 $326,753 69.74% $32,554 $65,300 $32,746 49.85% $17,500 $17,700 $200 98.87% $183,855 $265,000 $81,145 69.38% $84,705 $94,500 $9,796 89.63% $87,640 $138,000 $50,360 63.51% $231,942 $331,725 $99,783 69.92% $266,446 $110,000 ($156,446) 242.22% $904,641 $1,022,225 $117,584 88.50% $2 $13 $167,906 $2,577 $80,757 $60,102 $248,723 $3,851 $151,138 $100 $5,100 $3,100 $7,000 $94,800 $61,700 $281,000 $30,000 $170,300 $98 $5,087 ($164,806) $4,423 $14,043 $1,598 $32,277 $26,149 $19,162 2.24% 0.25% 5416.34% 36.81% 85.19% 97.41% 88.51% 12.84% 88.75% $98,888 $39,919 $40 $611 $147 $59 $215,000 $45,100 $65,000 $0 $0 $0 $116,112 $5,181 $64,960 ($611) ($147) ($59) 45.99% 88.51% 0.06% #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! $3 $3,000 $2,997 100.00% $0 $10,615 $0 $10,800 $0 $185 #DIV/0! 98.29% $61,992 $59,300 ($2,692) 104.54% $8 $2,000 $1,992 0.41% $512,427 $734,000 $221,573 69.81% $1,439,781 $1,787,300 $347,519 80.56% $0 $0 $29,360 $0 $0 $3,000 $2,500 $2,000 $0 $3,000 ($26,860) $2,000 #DIV/0! 0.00% 1174.41% 0.00% SEWER FUND - 35 SEWER FUND REVENUES SEWER FUND EXPENDITURES - EPA LOAN SEWER FUND EXPENDITURES - POLLUTANT DISCHARGE FEE SEWER FUND EXPENDITURES - OPERATION SEWER FUND EXPENDITURES - MAINTENANCE SEWER FUND EXPENDITURES - SANITARY SEWER SEWER FUND EXPENDITURES - ADMINISTRATION SEWER FUND EXPENDITURES - CAPITAL EXPENDITURE TOTAL SEWER FUND EXPENDITURES SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS REVENUE DOWNTOWN A-POLICE B-POLICE D-POLICE SOCIAL SECURITY IMRF 2006 DEBT SERVICE CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE MOTOR FUEL FUEL DEPOT HOTEL/MOTEL TAX ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REVOLVING LOAN ELECTRIC METER DEPOSITS WATER METER DEPOSITS ARTICLE 36 - POLICE TIF IL 82/BESTOR DRIVE TIF RT 6 TIF DOWNTOWN TIF SOUTH RT 82 CAPITAL PROJECTS SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS REVENUE SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS EXPENDITURES DOWNTOWN A-POLICE B-POLICE D-POLICE 91 SOCIAL SECURITY IMRF 2006 DEBT SERVICE CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE MOTOR FUEL $98,544 $121,909 $229,962 $3,851 $57,726 $138,500 $135,000 $281,800 $0 $125,000 $39,956 $13,091 $51,838 ($3,851) $67,274 71.15% 90.30% 81.60% #DIV/0! 46.18% FUEL DEPOT HOTEL/MOTEL TAX ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REVOLVING LOAN ELECTRIC METER DEPOSITS WATER METER DEPOSITS ARTICLE 36 - POLICE TIF IL 82/BESTOR DRIVE $77,947 $21,261 $5,500 $0 $320 $0 $925 $0 $1,658 $34,526 $534 $626,910 $101,500 $43,500 $33,000 $500 $100 $100 $3,000 $2,000 $4,300 $16,000 $1,000 $556,000 $23,553 $22,239 $27,500 $500 ($220) $100 $2,075 $2,000 $2,642 ($18,526) $466 ($70,910) 76.80% 48.88% 16.67% 0.00% 319.75% 0.00% 30.85% 0.00% 38.56% 215.79% 53.40% 112.75% $1,310,934 $1,448,800 $137,866 90.48% TIF RT 6 TIF DOWNTOWN TIF SOUTH RT 82 CAPITAL PROJECTS TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS EXPENDITURES INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS REVENUE WORKMEN'S COMP HEALTH INSURANCE CAFETERIA PLAN TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS REVENUE $63,140 $65,200 $2,060 96.84% $865,472 $1,033,350 $167,878 83.75% $650 $2,000 $1,350 32.50% $929,262 $1,100,550 $171,288 84.44% $42,215 $62,700 $697,450 $20,485 67.33% $680,892 $16,558 97.63% $1,085 $2,000 $915 54.25% $724,192 $762,150 $37,958 95.02% INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS EXPENDITURES WORKMEN'S COMP HEALTH INSURANCE CAFETERIA PLAN TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS EXPENDITURES 92 ELECTRIC TREASURERS REPORT FOR MONTH ENDING March 31, 2015 DESCRIPTION 2/28/2015 BEGINNING BALANCE A. OPERATING SAVING CASH - SURPLUS EQUIP INV PLUS SUB-TOTAL 989,436.65 1,148.46 11,705.45 1,002,290.56 1,007,001.92 1,148.46 11,707.45 1,019,857.83 20-1-0015 20-1-0013 20-1-0016 B. CASH RESERVE ILLINOIS FUNDS CERTIFICATES CERTIFICATES SUB-TOTAL 8,466.77 300,453.89 105,838.14 414,758.80 8,466.89 300,453.89 105,838.14 414,758.92 20-1-0029 20-1-0017 20-1-0037 C. BOND REDEMPTION ILLINOIS FUNDS SUB-TOTAL 139,408.62 139,408.62 201,537.01 201,537.01 20-1-0028 E. METER DEPOSITS SAVINGS SUB-TOTAL 119,530.38 119,530.38 124,902.54 124,902.54 23-1-0015 1,675,988.36 1,761,056.30 TOTAL RESTRICTED BY BOND ORD. RESTRICTED BY COUNCIL RESTRICTED BY BOARD FOR CASH RESERVE TOTAL RESTRICTED FOR CASH RESERVE TOTAL RESTRICTED AMOUNT TOTAL UNRESTRICTED AMOUNT 3/31/2015 ENDING BALALNCE BOND REDEMPTION METER DEPOSITS CB CD - EXPANSION ILLINOIS FUNDS BH CASH RESERVE RESERVE IN OPERATING FUND SAVINGS ABOVE CB CB CB BH CB 802832, 803111, 529729 1045657 806749 SPLIT BETWEEN ACCOUNTS SEE EXCEL FILE FNB PROHPETSTOWN ELECTRIC WATER SEWER #101609 #101248 201,537.01 124,902.54 105,838.14 8,466.89 300,453.89 682,484.00 $1,400,000 NEEDED BY 6/30/16 $62,044 PER QTR CASH RESERVE FOR 4 QTRS ENDING 3/15 1,097,242.92 1,423,682.47 337,373.83 93 QTRLY INT MATURITY 7/23/15 QTRLY INT MATURITY 3/24/16 NON ENTERPRISE TREASURER'S REPORT PERIOD ENDING March 31, 2015 2/28/2015 BEGINNING DESCRIPTION BALANCE A. OPERATING OPERATING - General Fund 89,658.92 ILLINOIS FUNDS - General Fund1,175,162.97 SAVING - OTHER 0.00 SUB-TOTAL 1,264,821.89 3/31/2015 ENDING BALANCE -32,273.37 1,277,542.84 0.00 CENTRAL IL FUNDS CENTRAL 1,245,269.47 Cash Reserve of $350,000 should be maintained in Illinois Funds General Fund Account 01-1-0029 B. RESTRICTED ACCOUNTS ILLINOIS FUNDS - BOND RESOTRATION TRUST DOWNTOWN WORKMEN'S COMP SOCIAL SECURITY IMRF PRAIRE VIEW SPEC SER PERPETURAL TRUST FUEL DEPOT HOTEL/MOTEL ECONOMIC DEVELP REVOLVING LOAN REVOLVING LOAN INSURANCE RIEMB CAFETERIA CAFETERIA SUB-TOTAL C. OTHER POLICE ACCOUNTS TASK FORCE POLICE A-POLICE B-POLICE D-POLICE ARTICLE 36 SUB-TOTAL 81,403.82 158,577.61 22,995.99 83,313.02 130,658.91 108,305.46 652.95 366,780.50 56,334.97 106,353.92 48,140.99 0.00 137,474.25 513.15 4,326.56 1,099.59 104,305.13 158,577.61 22,996.31 83,324.39 121,389.36 106,242.42 653.04 366,780.50 64,075.98 109,734.64 48,147.56 0.00 138,511.21 513.15 4,326.56 1,099.59 1,306,931.69 1,330,677.45 14,114.89 10,306.03 156,189.12 2,296.09 2,350.32 14,114.89 10,307.44 149,741.99 3,067.01 2,350.64 185,256.45 179,581.97 D. DEPT SERVICE OPERATING 0.00 0.00 SUB-TOTAL 0.00 0.00 E. MOTOR FUEL OPERATING ILLINOIS FUNDS 0.00 301,377.22 0.00 305,862.62 SUB-TOTAL 301,377.22 305,862.62 -20,521.08 51,708.36 154,977.15 -49,363.65 -20,521.08 51,715.41 171,491.56 -49,363.65 136,800.78 153,322.24 F. TIF FUNDS IL/82 BESTOR DR ROUTE 6 DOWNTOWN SOUTH RT 82 FUND NUMBER LOCATION ACCT# IL FUNDS CB TRUST IL FUNDS CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CB TRUST CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL 803111 01-1.0015 7139120369 01-1.0029 864730 01-1.0017 7139137710 01-1.0028 01-1.0045 7139138106 02-1.0029 803111 06-1.0015 803111 07-1.0015 803111 08-1.0015 803111 11-1.0015 13-1.0044 803111 15-1.0015 803111 16-1.0015 803111 17-1.0015 803111 18-1.0015 104247 18-1.0012 803111 94-1.0015 243442 95-1.0010 803111 95-1-0015 1445790 803111 803111 803111 803111 CENTRAL CENTRAL IL FUNDS 01-1.0014 03-1.0015 04-1.0015 05-1.0015 40-1.0015 803111 09-1.0015 803111 14-1.0015 7139120112 14-1.0029 POOLED CASH 01-1.0015 -32,273.37 IL FUNDS 01-1.0029 01-1.0028 1,277,542.84 104,305.13 03-1.0015 04-1.0015 05-1.0015 10,307.44 149,741.99 3,067.01 02-1.0029 22,996.31 14-1.0029 305,862.62 06-1.0015 07-1.0015 83,324.39 121,389.36 08-1.0015 106,242.42 60-1.0020 60-1.0029 956,451.90 166,522.60 09-1.0015 0.00 11-1.0015 653.04 14-1.0015 0 15-1.0015 16-1.0015 17-1.0015 18-1.0015 64,075.98 109,734.64 48,147.56 0.00 20-1.0015 23-1.0015 25-1.0015 30-1.0015 33-1.0015 35-1.0015 1,007,001.92 124,902.54 104,610.21 471,696.33 51,481.71 233,095.11 40-1.0015 2,350.64 51-1.0015 52-1.0015 53-1.0015 54-1.0015 60-1.0015 -20,521.08 51,715.41 171,491.56 -49,363.65 36,970.31 70-1.0015 704,535.43 94-1.0015 95-1.0015 513.15 1,099.59 TOTAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL 803111 803111 803111 803111 51-1.0015 52-1.0015 53-1.0015 54-1.0015 TOTAL CB OTHER 01-1.0017 01-1.0014 01-1.0045 0.00 14,114.89 158,577.61 13-1.0044 366,780.50 95-1.0010 4,326.56 18-1.0012 138,511.21 TOTAL FNB 01-0016 TOTAL $3,555,989.64 Pooled Cash - Central Bank Illinois Funds - US Bank SUB-TOTAL Farmer's National Bank G. CAPTIAL PROJECTS OPERATING ILLINOIS FUNDS UTIL ILLINOIS FUNDS OTHER SUB-TOTAL H. PUBLIC SAFETY GRANT SUB-TOTAL I. HEALTH INSURANCE SUB-TOTAL TOTAL 11,498.68 901,487.38 166,520.23 36,970.31 956,451.90 166,522.60 1,079,506.29 1,159,944.81 33,286.87 33,292.54 33,286.87 33,292.54 676,122.94 704,535.43 676,122.94 704,535.43 $4,984,104.13 $5,112,486.53 CENTRAL IL FUNDS IL FUNDS 803111 60-1.0015 7139121060 60-1.0020 7139111186 60-1.0029 FNB 01-1.0016 CENTRAL 803111 70-1.0015 5,112,486.53 PROOF 5,112,486.53 PROOF 94 $2,833,681.40 Central Bk - not in pooled cash accounts $682,310.77 33,292.54 $33,292.54 WATER - SEWER - REFUSE TREASURERS REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING 3/31/2015 2/28/2015 BEGINNING BALANCE DESCRIPTION 3/31/2015 ENDING BALANCE A. OPERATING REFUSE - OPERATING WATER - OPERATING SEWER - OPERATING ILLINOIS FUNDS - WATER ILLINOIS FUNDS - SEWER WATER - INV PLUS SEWER - INV PLUS SUB-TOTAL 100,724.03 453,977.03 225,976.66 4,007.45 6,821.59 4,373.64 12,409.02 808,289.42 104,610.21 471,696.33 233,095.11 4,007.51 6,821.68 4,374.38 12,411.11 837,016.33 25-1-0015 30-1-0015 35-1-0015 30-1-0029 35-1-0029 30-1-0016 35-1-0016 B. BOND REDEMPTION WATER ILLINOIS FUNDS SEWER ILLINOIS FUNDS SUB-TOTAL 84,548.78 95,038.55 179,587.33 101,001.48 100,478.55 201,480.03 30-1-0028 35-1-0028 201,480.03 7139121052 36,006.98 30,000.00 30,000.00 85,000.00 36,007.92 30,000.00 30,000.00 85,000.00 30-1-0019 35-1-0019 30-1-0041 35-1-0041 66,007.92 713915856 50,014.96 90,000.00 321,021.94 50,016.95 90,000.00 321,024.87 30-1-0021 35-1-0021 49,153.98 49,153.98 51,481.71 51,481.71 33-1-0015 C. SURPLUS FOR CASH RESERVES OPERATION & MAINTENANCE WATER ILLINOIS FUNDS SEWER ILLINOIS FUNDS WATERC CERTIFICATES SEWER CERTIFICATES DEPRECIATION WATER ILLINOIS FUNDS SEWER ILLINOIS FUNDS SUB-TOTAL D. METER DEPOSITS SAVINGS SUB-TOTAL TOTAL 1,358,052.67 RESTRICTED BY BOND ORD. BOND REDEMPTION RESTRICTED BY COUNCIL RESTRICTED FOR CASH RESERVE WATER METER DEPOSITS - 10,829.19 7139120377 16,785.49 fnb 806749 Split between accounts see excel file 115,000.00 FNB CD Maturity 5/12/15 140,016.95 713915856 1,411,002.94 201,480.03 51,481.71 WATER IL FUNDS - DEPRECIATION WATER IL FUNDS - O&M WATER FNB CD WATER CB OPERATING GARAGE WATER TOTAL RESERVE 50,016.95 36,007.92 30,000.00 126,489.00 174,000.00 SEWER 90,000.00 30,000.00 85,000.00 134,068.00 NEED $300,000 IN CASH RESERVE BY 6/30/2016 $11,499 PER QTR CASH RESERVE FOR 4 QTRS ENDING 3/31/15 416,513.87 SEWER DEPRECIATION SEWER IL FUNDS - O&M SEWER FNB CD SEWER CB OPERATING SEWER TOTAL RESERVE NEED $400,000 IN CASH RESERVE BY 6/30/2016 $12,188 PER QTR CASH RESERVE FOR 4 QTRS ENDING 3/31/15 339,068.00 UNRESTRICTED WATER SEWER REFUSE 402,459.33 179,589.22 118,259.90 104,610.21 402,459.33 95 City Council City of Geneseo Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. Chambers of the City Council 115 South Oakwood Avenue Geneseo, Illinois 61254 CHECK REGISTRY BILLS PAID 4/16/-4/29 General $5,216.24 D – Police $65.00 Electric $189,111.22 Refuse $508.01 Water $4,706.92 Sewer $1,994.56 Health Insurance $66,855.09 96 CITY OF GENESEO Check Register - Council Approval Report Page: Check Issue Dates: 04/16/2015 - 04/29/2015 Check Description Issue Date Payee Check Amount D-POLICE 04/29/2015 HODGSON AUTO BODY SHOP INC TOW FROM AMERIHOST 65.00 Total D-POLICE: 65.00 ELECTRIC 04/29/2015 2 BROTHERS TREE & LAWN SERVICE TRIM trees for power lines 04/29/2015 3E ELECT/ENG/EQUIP CO 78580 PNL 22 .20X22.20 FITS 24 X 24 04/29/2015 3E ELECT/ENG/EQUIP CO DISCOUNT BY 5/10/15 04/29/2015 3E ELECT/ENG/EQUIP CO ENCLOSURE 04/29/2015 3E ELECT/ENG/EQUIP CO 25660 PADLOCK KIT FITS JCT BX 04/29/2015 3E ELECT/ENG/EQUIP CO DISCOUNT BY 5/10/15 04/29/2015 3E ELECT/ENG/EQUIP CO 86804 LOAD CENTER Q0 MB 240V 125A 1PH 24SP 64,393.00 69.20 1.38849.82 23.84 17.48350.97 04/29/2015 3E ELECT/ENG/EQUIP CO DISCOUNT BY 5/10/15 04/29/2015 ADVANCED BUSINESS SYSTEMS MONTHLY COPIER MAINT 7.02- 04/29/2015 ADVANCED BUSINESS SYSTEMS FREIGHT 04/29/2015 AUCA CHICAGO MC LOCKBOX PLT - MOP/SHOP TOWELS 176.62 04/29/2015 AUCA CHICAGO MC LOCKBOX PLT/L CRW - FR UNIFORMS 326.70 04/29/2015 CAR QUEST AUTO PARTS STORES CQ HOSE CLAMPS 04/29/2015 CAR QUEST AUTO PARTS STORES CQ HOSE CLAMPS 04/29/2015 CDW GOVERNMENT INC HP DJ T520 24 04/29/2015 CDW GOVERNMENT INC SHIPPING 04/29/2015 CENTRAL BANK ILLINOIS TRUST DE CITY SERIES 2015B BONDS 04/29/2015 CUSTOMIZED ENERGY SOLUTIONS PER TASK ORDER 2009-0514 SCHEDULING SERVI 4,950.00 04/29/2015 CUSTOMIZED ENERGY SOLUTIONS PER TASK ORDER 2009-0514 CONSULTING AND S 550.00 04/29/2015 DIGITAL REPAIRS HDMI CABLE FOR TV IN CONFERENCE ROOM 04/29/2015 FORD AND SONS EVERGREEN LAWN MIX 50# 04/29/2015 GENESEO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GIFT CERTIFICATES 04/29/2015 GENESEO COMMUNICATIONS SERVI SEND BILLS - ELECTRIC 508.02 121.12 60.14 1.50 22.80 6.80 1,750.00 97.08 325.00 5.98 87.00 20.00 04/29/2015 GREENWOOD CLEANING SYSTEMS 2 PLY TOILET TISSUE 04/29/2015 GREENWOOD CLEANING SYSTEMS FUEL SRCHG 04/29/2015 HD SUPPLY POWER SOLUTIONS CYNCH-LOK FALL PROTECTOPL STRAP WOOD SI 04/29/2015 HENRY COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE SERVE SMALL CLAIMS 04/29/2015 JB EXCAVATING INC 1 1/2" DOWN ROCK 212.44 04/29/2015 JB EXCAVATING INC TRUCKING 150.00 04/29/2015 JB EXCAVATING INC SKID LOADER WORK 04/29/2015 JB EXCAVATING INC 1900' ROAD FOR SOLAR FIELD 04/29/2015 LISA KOTTER EMPLOYEE LUNCHEON 04/29/2015 MIDAMERICAN ENERGY May 2015 LOUISA CASH REQUIREMENT 04/29/2015 NORTHERN SAFETY COMPANY INC EYESALINE 180 OZ REPL CONCENTRATE 513 04/29/2015 NORTHERN SAFETY COMPANY INC MSTR L/O PDLCK STD BODY RD 22.64 04/29/2015 NORTHERN SAFETY COMPANY INC MSTR L/O PDLCK STD BODY BE 22.64 04/29/2015 NORTHERN SAFETY COMPANY INC MSTR L/O PDLCK STD BODY OE 22.64 04/29/2015 NORTHERN SAFETY COMPANY INC MSTR L/O PDLCK STD BODY GN 22.64 04/29/2015 NORTHERN SAFETY COMPANY INC MSTR L/O PDLCK STD BODY BK 22.64 04/29/2015 NORTHERN SAFETY COMPANY INC MSTR L/O PDLCK STD BODY PURPLE 22.64 04/29/2015 NORTHERN SAFETY COMPANY INC MSTR L/O PDLCK STD BODY YW 22.64 04/29/2015 NORTHERN SAFETY COMPANY INC SHIPPING & HANDLING 04/29/2015 PAPER 101 CITY HALL 04/29/2015 PRO/TECH AUTO BODY 2004 FORD F350 - PARTS & LABOR 3,029.34 04/29/2015 PRO/TECH AUTO BODY 2005 FORD F350 - PARTS & LABOR 3,152.54 04/29/2015 RUFUS HAMBY TRAINING IN O'FALLON 04/29/2015 SBM BUSINESS EQUIPMENT CENTER CONTRACT 4/12/15-5/11/15 04/29/2015 SPRINGFIELD ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO GEL MVR400U MULTI VAPOR LAMP NICA 04/29/2015 SPRINGFIELD ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO GEL MVR400U MULTI VAPRO LAMP NICA 04/29/2015 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE PREPAID SHIPPING 12.50 495.00 38.66 125.00 19,500.00 88.94 86,000.00 160.78 34.73 117.36 68.92 11.30 101.64 33.88 450.00 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 97 1 May 06, 2015 12:55PM CITY OF GENESEO Check Register - Council Approval Report Page: Check Issue Dates: 04/16/2015 - 04/29/2015 Check Description Issue Date 04/29/2015 Payee VIRGIL THURMAN Check Amount MAY 2015 RETAINER 500.00 Total ELECTRIC: 189,111.22 GENERAL 04/29/2015 ASCAP DUES 7/1/15-6/30/16 04/29/2015 AUCA CHICAGO MC LOCKBOX CITY HALL MATS 335.00 04/29/2015 BALLEGEER EXCAVATING INC DELIVER BLACK DIRT 04/29/2015 BI-STATE REGIONAL COMMISSION 1ST & 2ND 2015 QTR DUES 04/29/2015 CAR QUEST AUTO PARTS STORES H13 BULB 04/29/2015 DIGITAL REPAIRS COMPUTER SYSTEM, SN: DR040815 04/29/2015 DIGITAL REPAIRS HDMI CABLE FOR TV IN CONFERENCE ROOM 04/29/2015 GENESEO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GIFT CERTIFICATES 04/29/2015 GENESEO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GIFT CERTIFICATES 04/29/2015 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MUNI ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE 04/29/2015 JOHN DEERE CREDIT FILTER ELE 31.52 04/29/2015 JOHN DEERE CREDIT FILTER ELE 24.43 04/29/2015 JOHN DEERE CREDIT FILTER 19.67 04/29/2015 JOHN DEERE CREDIT FILTER ELE 25.29 04/29/2015 JOHN DEERE CREDIT FILTER ELE 19.30 04/29/2015 JOHN DEERE CREDIT FILTER ELE 14.87 04/29/2015 JOHN DEERE CREDIT OIL FILTER 8.92 04/29/2015 JOHN DEERE CREDIT OIL FILTER 14.90 04/29/2015 JOHN DEERE CREDIT ROTARY SWITCH 17.50 04/29/2015 LISA KOTTER EMPLOYEE LUNCHEON 88.95 04/29/2015 LISA KOTTER EMPLOYEE LUNCHEON 04/29/2015 NICOR GAS 686 S CHICAGO ST 150.27 04/29/2015 NICOR GAS 1060 S OAKWOOD AVE 176.89 04/29/2015 NICOR GAS 119 S OAKWOOD AVE 55.11 04/29/2015 NICOR GAS 119 S OAKWOOD AVE 55.12 04/29/2015 NICOR GAS 119 S OAKWOOD AVE 55.12 04/29/2015 PAPER 101 CITY HALL 12 CASES 117.36 04/29/2015 SBM BUSINESS EQUIPMENT CENTER CONTRACT 4/12/15-5/11/15 205.71 04/29/2015 SBM BUSINESS EQUIPMENT CENTER CONTRACT 4/12/15-5/11/15 2.51 04/29/2015 SBM BUSINESS EQUIPMENT CENTER CONTRACT 4/12/15-5/11/15 12.63 04/29/2015 SBM BUSINESS EQUIPMENT CENTER CONTRACT 4/12/15-5/11/15 04/29/2015 VIRGIL THURMAN LAND USE AND ZONING DISPUTES WITH LOCAL G 339.00 04/29/2015 VIRGIL THURMAN MAY 2015 RETAINER 500.00 04/29/2015 VIRGIL THURMAN MAY 2015 RETAINER 500.00 47.73 230.00 1,482.00 32.98 363.27 5.98 20.00 20.00 155.00 88.95 .26 Total GENERAL: 5,216.24 HEALTH INSURANCE 04/29/2015 BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD OF ILLINO MAY 2015 HEALTH INSURANCE 1,588.63 04/29/2015 BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD OF ILLINO MAY 2015 HEALTH INSURANCE 1,588.63 04/29/2015 BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD OF ILLINO MAY 2015 HEALTH INSURANCE 2,257.78 04/29/2015 BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD OF ILLINO MAY 2015 HEALTH INSURANCE 5,081.36 04/29/2015 BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD OF ILLINO MAY 2015 HEALTH INSURANCE 565.80 04/29/2015 BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD OF ILLINO MAY 2015 HEALTH INSURANCE 1,588.63 04/29/2015 BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD OF ILLINO MAY 2015 HEALTH INSURANCE 1,452.97 04/29/2015 BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD OF ILLINO MAY 2015 HEALTH INSURANCE 1,242.69 04/29/2015 BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD OF ILLINO MAY 2015 HEALTH INSURANCE 442.60 04/29/2015 BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD OF ILLINO MAY 2015 HEALTH INSURANCE 4,306.01 04/29/2015 BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD OF ILLINO MAY 2015 HEALTH INSURANCE 14,865.45 04/29/2015 BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD OF ILLINO MAY 2015 HEALTH INSURANCE 1,327.80 04/29/2015 BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD OF ILLINO MAY 2015 HEALTH INSURANCE 19,335.43 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 98 2 May 06, 2015 12:55PM CITY OF GENESEO Check Register - Council Approval Report Page: Check Issue Dates: 04/16/2015 - 04/29/2015 Check Description Issue Date Payee Check Amount 04/29/2015 BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD OF ILLINO MAY 2015 HEALTH INSURANCE 1,323.55 04/29/2015 BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD OF ILLINO MAY 2015 HEALTH INSURANCE 2,286.36 04/29/2015 BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD OF ILLINO MAY 2015 HEALTH INSURANCE 221.30 04/29/2015 BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD OF ILLINO MAY 2015 HEALTH INSURANCE 3,609.85 04/29/2015 BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD OF ILLINO MAY 2015 HEALTH INSURANCE 221.30 04/29/2015 GENESEO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GIFT CERTIFICATE 25.00 04/29/2015 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS CENTER MAY 2015 LIFE INSURANCE 18.57 04/29/2015 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS CENTER MAY 2015 LIFE INSURANCE 7.78 04/29/2015 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS CENTER MAY 2015 LIFE INSURANCE 64.80 04/29/2015 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS CENTER MAY 2015 LIFE INSURANCE 3.92 04/29/2015 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS CENTER MAY 2015 LIFE INSURANCE 151.20 04/29/2015 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS CENTER MAY 2015 LIFE INSURANCE 23.52 04/29/2015 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS CENTER MAY 2015 LIFE INSURANCE 169.95 04/29/2015 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS CENTER MAY 2015 LIFE INSURANCE 31.36 04/29/2015 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS CENTER MAY 2015 LIFE INSURANCE 22.82 04/29/2015 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS CENTER MAY 2015 LIFE INSURANCE 57.36 04/29/2015 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS CENTER MAY 2015 LIFE INSURANCE 1.96 04/29/2015 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS CENTER MAY 2015 LIFE INSURANCE 04/29/2015 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS CENTER MAY 2015 DENTAL INSURANCE 04/29/2015 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS CENTER MAY 2015 DENTAL INSURANCE 62.35 04/29/2015 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS CENTER MAY 2015 DENTAL INSURANCE 406.35 04/29/2015 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS CENTER MAY 2015 DENTAL INSURANCE 832.18 04/29/2015 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS CENTER MAY 2015 DENTAL INSURANCE 1,192.77 04/29/2015 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS CENTER MAY 2015 DENTAL INSURANCE 98.12 04/29/2015 METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS CENTER MAY 2015 DENTAL INSURANCE 287.35 1.96 Total HEALTH INSURANCE: 89.63 66,855.09 REFUSE 04/29/2015 GENESEO COMMUNICATIONS SERVI SEND BILLS - REFUSE 508.01 Total REFUSE: 508.01 SEWER 04/29/2015 CITY OF GENESEO UPS SHIPPING TO PEORIA 04/29/2015 CREATIVE IMAGES CENTER INC SET UP FOR 2' X 3' BANNERS, 2' X 3' FULL COLOR 20.77 58.10 04/29/2015 DAVE CARTON CDL RENEWAL 30.00 04/29/2015 DIGITAL REPAIRS COMPUTER SYSTEM, SN: DR040815 350.00 04/29/2015 DIGITAL REPAIRS PRINTER FOR STREET GARAGE 104.97 04/29/2015 DIGITAL REPAIRS HDMI CABLE FOR TV IN CONFERENCE ROOM 04/29/2015 GENESEO COMMUNICATIONS SERVI SEND BILLS - SEWER 508.01 04/29/2015 HENRY COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE SERVE SMALL CLAIMS 38.67 04/29/2015 PAPER 101 CITY HALL 29.34 04/29/2015 SBM BUSINESS EQUIPMENT CENTER CONTRACT 4/12/15-5/11/15 04/29/2015 USA BLUE BOOK PART A 1.5" NPT (F) ADPATER (M) QUICK COUPLIN 04/29/2015 USA BLUE BOOK BRASS FIRE HOSE ADAPTER 1-1/2 NST (F) X 1-=1/ 41.90 04/29/2015 USA BLUE BOOK BRASS WYE WITH BALL VALVES 2.5 IN NST IN 1.4 I 434.95 04/29/2015 USA BLUE BOOK PART F 1/5" NPT (M) ADPATER (M) QUICK COUPLI 11.49 04/29/2015 USA BLUE BOOK PART B 1.5" NPT (M) COUPLER (F) qUICK COUPLIG 21.95 04/29/2015 USA BLUE BOOK PART D 1.5" NPT (F) COUPLER (F) QUICK COUPLIN 41.90 04/29/2015 USA BLUE BOOK FREIGHT 04/29/2015 VIRGIL THURMAN MAY 2015 RETAINER 1.49 4.52 18.38 28.12 250.00 Total SEWER: 1,994.56 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 99 3 May 06, 2015 12:55PM CITY OF GENESEO Check Register - Council Approval Report Page: Check Issue Dates: 04/16/2015 - 04/29/2015 Check Description Issue Date Payee Check Amount WATER 04/29/2015 CAR QUEST AUTO PARTS STORES ELECTRICAL TAPE 3/4" X 52' 04/29/2015 CAR QUEST AUTO PARTS STORES AG GPL PREMIUM UTILITY V-BELTS 10.54 9.97 04/29/2015 CAR QUEST AUTO PARTS STORES AG GPL PREMIUM UTILITY V-BELTS 29.91 04/29/2015 CAR QUEST AUTO PARTS STORES LAMP LENS 5.10 04/29/2015 CAR QUEST AUTO PARTS STORES MARKER LAMP 6.48 04/29/2015 CAR QUEST AUTO PARTS STORES OIL FILTER - HD 04/29/2015 CITY OF GENESEO UPS SHIPPING TO PEORIA 193.97 04/29/2015 DIGITAL REPAIRS COMPUTER SYSTEM, SN: DR040815 350.00 04/29/2015 DIGITAL REPAIRS PRINTER FOR STREET GARAGE 104.98 04/29/2015 DIGITAL REPAIRS HDMI CABLE FOR TV IN CONFERENCE ROOM 04/29/2015 EMMERSON EXCAVATING PUMP IRON FILTER PLANT 04/29/2015 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516 #13 418-A FLAT SEAT WASHER 15.58 04/29/2015 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516 #14 418-B BEVELED WASHER 18.70 04/29/2015 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516 FREIGHT 04/29/2015 GENESEO COMMUNICATIONS SERVI SEND BILLS - WATER 508.01 04/29/2015 GIERKE ROBINSON CO WHEEL 167.36 04/29/2015 GIERKE ROBINSON CO WHEEL DRIVE 04/29/2015 GIERKE ROBINSON CO 2-12"X25' MILL HOSE, 2-1/2" F NSTXBARB, 2-1/2" F 04/29/2015 GIERKE ROBINSON CO FREIGHT 04/29/2015 GIERKE ROBINSON CO FREIGHT FOR APACHE HOSE ASSY 04/29/2015 GIERKE ROBINSON CO WHEEL, 8" 196.16 04/29/2015 GIERKE ROBINSON CO SHAFT, DRIVE WHEEL 103.43 04/29/2015 GIERKE ROBINSON CO FREIGHT 04/29/2015 HENRY COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE SERVE SMALL CLAIMS 04/29/2015 JO-CARROLL ENERGY INC (NFP) GRANGE RD SERVICE 03/03/15-03/30/15 04/29/2015 PAPER 101 CITY HALL 29.34 04/29/2015 ROCK ISLAND ELEC MOTOR MATERIAL 180.00 04/29/2015 ROCK ISLAND ELEC MOTOR LABOR 915.00 04/29/2015 ROCK ISLAND ELEC MOTOR FREIGHT 04/29/2015 SBM BUSINESS EQUIPMENT CENTER CONTRACT 4/12/15-5/11/15 04/29/2015 USA BLUE BOOK HYDRANT 'NOT IN SERVICE' RING ORANGE PACK 04/29/2015 USA BLUE BOOK FREIGHT 04/29/2015 USA BLUE BOOK USABLUEBOOK HYDRANTLOK 1-1/2' PENTAGON N 109.95 04/29/2015 USA BLUE BOOK (OR) RUST-OLEUM INVERTED PAINT LAERT ORAN 52.95 04/29/2015 USA BLUE BOOK FREIGHT 04/29/2015 VIRGIL THURMAN MAY 2015 RETAINER 250.00 04/29/2015 WATER SOLUTIONS UNLIMITED GAS CHLORINE REBUILD KITS 251.88 04/29/2015 WATER SOLUTIONS UNLIMITED FREIGHT 8.71 1.50 350.00 24.35 33.31 128.00 28.53 17.75 24.95 38.67 397.24 18.42 4.52 34.99 17.19 37.48 32.00 Total WATER: 4,706.92 Grand Totals: 268,457.04 Summary by General Ledger Account Number GL Account Debit Credit Proof 01-2-4070 .00 5,216.24- 5,216.24- 01-5-010-440-2350 323.07 .00 323.07 01-5-010-500-2060 500.00 .00 500.00 01-5-010-500-2170 55.12 .00 55.12 01-5-010-500-2320 5.98 .00 5.98 01-5-010-500-4020 490.00 .00 490.00 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 100 4 May 06, 2015 12:55PM CITY OF GENESEO Check Register - Council Approval Report Check Issue Dates: 04/16/2015 - 04/29/2015 GL Account Debit Credit Proof 01-5-010-550-5200 47.73 .00 01-5-011-440-2350 2.51 .00 47.73 2.51 01-5-011-500-2070 500.00 .00 500.00 01-5-011-500-2170 55.12 .00 55.12 01-5-011-500-2320 339.00 .00 339.00 01-5-011-500-4020 1,482.00 .00 1,482.00 01-5-013-440-2350 12.63 .00 12.63 01-5-020-440-2350 363.53 .00 363.53 01-5-020-440-5270 230.00 .00 230.00 01-5-020-450-6250 108.95 .00 108.95 01-5-020-500-2170 327.16 .00 327.16 01-5-020-550-5500 176.40 .00 176.40 01-5-030-440-5600 32.98 .00 32.98 01-5-030-450-6250 108.95 .00 108.95 01-5-030-500-2170 55.11 .00 55.11 05-2-4070 .00 65.00- 05-5-115-450-3000 65.00 .00 65.00 20-2-4070 25.88 189,137.10- 189,111.22- 20-5-309-600-2570 325.00 .00 325.00 20-5-501-500-7030 86,000.00 .00 86,000.00 20-5-510-440-7303 135.52 .00 135.52 20-5-510-440-7304 310.24 .00 310.24 20-5-520-400-7346 21,281.27 25.88- 21,255.39 20-5-520-400-7370 353.99 .00 353.99 20-5-530-490-7380 5,500.00 .00 5,500.00 20-5-550-550-7490 116.60 .00 116.60 20-5-560-460-7614 6,181.88 .00 6,181.88 20-5-580-300-6250 108.94 .00 108.94 20-5-580-300-7684 326.70 .00 326.70 20-5-580-400-7810 546.68 .00 546.68 20-5-580-400-8022 1,847.08 .00 1,847.08 65.00- 20-5-580-440-7921 74.90 .00 74.90 20-5-580-440-7930 640.30 .00 640.30 20-5-580-440-8770 495.00 .00 495.00 20-5-580-500-7950 500.00 .00 500.00 20-5-690-800-1223 64,393.00 .00 64,393.00 25-2-4070 .00 508.01- 25-5-675-400-7810 508.01 .00 508.01 508.01- 30-2-4070 .00 4,706.92- 4,706.92- 30-5-610-450-3000 315.90 .00 315.90 30-5-610-500-2170 397.24 .00 397.24 30-5-620-550-3315 1,463.42 .00 1,463.42 30-5-620-550-3480 283.88 .00 283.88 30-5-620-550-3490 110.81 .00 110.81 30-5-620-550-3770 759.66 .00 759.66 30-5-675-400-7810 508.01 .00 508.01 30-5-675-440-2350 383.86 .00 383.86 30-5-675-500-2060 288.67 .00 288.67 30-5-675-500-2321 1.50 .00 1.50 30-5-675-500-5322 193.97 .00 193.97 35-2-4070 .00 1,994.56- 1,994.56- 35-5-610-450-3000 163.07 .00 163.07 35-5-620-550-3510 598.69 .00 598.69 35-5-675-300-7990 30.00 .00 30.00 35-5-675-400-7810 508.01 .00 508.01 35-5-675-440-2350 383.86 .00 383.86 35-5-675-500-2060 288.67 .00 288.67 M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 101 Page: 5 May 06, 2015 12:55PM CITY OF GENESEO Check Register - Council Approval Report Check Issue Dates: 04/16/2015 - 04/29/2015 GL Account Debit Credit Proof 35-5-675-500-2321 1.49 .00 1.49 35-5-675-500-5322 20.77 .00 20.77 70-2-4070 .00 66,855.09- 66,855.09- 70-5-010-500-1050 1,561.17 .00 1,561.17 70-5-013-500-1050 1,312.82 .00 1,312.82 70-5-013-500-1051 442.60 .00 442.60 70-5-020-500-1050 6,365.79 .00 6,365.79 70-5-020-500-1051 1,592.55 .00 1,592.55 70-5-030-500-1050 15,848.83 .00 15,848.83 70-5-030-500-1051 3,609.10 .00 3,609.10 70-5-040-500-1050 20,698.15 .00 20,698.15 70-5-040-500-1051 6,436.27 .00 6,436.27 70-5-060-500-1050 2,407.30 .00 2,407.30 70-5-060-500-1051 789.06 .00 789.06 70-5-080-500-1050 5,543.19 .00 5,543.19 70-5-080-500-1051 223.26 .00 223.26 70-5-090-500-3000 25.00 .00 25.00 268,508.80 268,508.80- .00 Grand Totals: Report Criteria: Report type: GL detail Check.Type = {<>} "Adjustment" M = Manual Check, V = Void Check 102 Page: 6 May 06, 2015 12:55PM City Council City of Geneseo Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. Chambers of the City Council 115 South Oakwood Avenue Geneseo, Illinois 61254 PAYMENT APPROVAL REPORT BILLS TO BE PAID 5/13 General $1,837.61 Council $642.41 Inspectors $390.15 Public Works $6,857.23 Public Safety $3,465.20 B – Police $651.52 Cemetery – Perpetual Care $9,300.00 Motor Fuel $3,621.93 Fuel Depot/Fuel $12,373.50 Electric $28,302.06 Electric Meter Deposit $159.00 Refuse $367.88 Water $15,490.82 Water Meter Deposit $66.64 Sewer $3,792.81 Capital Projects $59,006.04 Health Insurance $3.10 Utility Overpayment $200.00 103 CITY OF GENESEO Payment Approval Report - by GL Account Page: Report dates: 04/27/2015-05/06/2015 Report Criteria: Detail report. Invoices with totals above $0.00 included. Only unpaid invoices included. Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Net Amount Paid Invoice Amount 01-4-010-130-0650 99324 TERRI BUSH 04.10.15 REIMBURSE OCCUPANCY PER 04/10/2015 Total 01-4-010-130-0650: 50.00 .00 50.00 .00 01-5-010-440-2350 5600 DIGITAL REPAIRS 21276 CABLE, USB A/A EXT. 3.3' 04/28/2015 1.98 .00 14525 MATT PARROTT AND SONS CO PINV289093 BUDGETARY CHECKS 04/15/2015 99.32 .00 14525 MATT PARROTT AND SONS CO PINV291573 PAYROLL CHECKS 04/23/2015 71.83 .00 18150 QUILL CORPORATION 3336586 OFFICE SUPPLIES 04/15/2015 45.35 .00 18150 QUILL CORPORATION 3342241 OFFICE SUPPLIES 04/15/2015 8.70 .00 18150 QUILL CORPORATION 3406015 OFFICE SUPPLIES 04/17/2015 26.60 .00 18150 QUILL CORPORATION 3493605 OFFICE SUPPLIES 04/21/2015 7.19 .00 260.97 .00 19.97 .00 19.97 .00 58.00 .00 58.00 .00 733.47 .00 733.47 .00 336.80 .00 336.80 .00 Total 01-5-010-440-2350: 01-5-010-450-3000 4850 BANCARD CENTER 2867 04.28.15 FURNITURE SLIDERS 04/28/2015 Total 01-5-010-450-3000: 01-5-010-500-2010 17536 PURCHASE POWER 04.26.15 POSTAGE 04/26/2015 Total 01-5-010-500-2010: 01-5-010-500-2020 8600 GENESEO TELEPHONE COMPA 944-0900 05.0 MONTHLY SERVICE 05/08/2015 Total 01-5-010-500-2020: 01-5-010-500-2170 8200 GENESEO MUN UTILITIES 1-116200-00 0 MONTHLY SERVICES 04/30/2015 Total 01-5-010-500-2170: 01-5-010-500-2320 4850 BANCARD CENTER 2867 04.28.15 WEBINAR: FLSA 04/28/2015 79.60 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 2867 04.28.15 STAR 12 RENEWAL 04/28/2015 79.60 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 3030 04.28.15 COUNCIL-MANAGEMENT RELA 04/28/2015 99.20 .00 258.40 .00 120.00 .00 120.00 .00 Total 01-5-010-500-2320: 01-5-010-500-4020 9250 IGFOA 05.05.15 2015 MEMBERSHIP DUES 05/05/2015 Total 01-5-010-500-4020: 01-5-011-440-2350 5550 DES MOINES STAMP MFG CO 1040931 PERMA STAMP/SEAL 04/15/2015 28.00 .00 5550 DES MOINES STAMP MFG CO 1040931 SHIPPING 04/15/2015 2.04 .00 104 1 May 06, 2015 01:00PM Date Paid Voided CITY OF GENESEO Payment Approval Report - by GL Account Page: Report dates: 04/27/2015-05/06/2015 Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Net Amount Paid Invoice Amount Total 01-5-011-440-2350: 30.04 .00 152.90 .00 01-5-011-450-3000 18150 QUILL CORPORATION 3709114 NAME PLATES FOR CITY COUN 04/28/2015 18150 QUILL CORPORATION 977153 CREDIT INVOICE 3709114 04/28/2015 Total 01-5-011-450-3000: 15.29- .00 137.61 .00 01-5-011-500-2170 8200 GENESEO MUN UTILITIES 1-116200-00 0 MONTHLY SERVICES 04/30/2015 336.80 .00 9400 VERIZON WIRELESS 9744535067 BILLING 3/24-4/23 04/23/2015 127.96 .00 464.76 .00 10.00 .00 10.00 .00 140.94 .00 140.94 .00 94.21 .00 94.21 .00 135.00 .00 135.00 .00 20.00 .00 20.00 .00 Total 01-5-011-500-2170: 01-5-011-500-4020 108 LOREE PHLYPO 91118 NOTARY RENEWAL FEE 04/27/2015 Total 01-5-011-500-4020: 01-5-013-440-2171 8055 CITY OF GENESEO 05.05.15 APRIL 2015 FUEL DEPOT 05/05/2015 Total 01-5-013-440-2171: 01-5-013-500-2020 9400 VERIZON WIRELESS 9744535067 BILLING 3/24-4/23 04/23/2015 Total 01-5-013-500-2020: 01-5-013-500-2060 4850 BANCARD CENTER 2867 04.28.15 ICC MEMBERSHIP 04/28/2015 Total 01-5-013-500-2060: 01-5-013-500-4020 99313 DOYLE JAMES 04.23.15 MONTHLY LUNCH TRAINING 04/23/2015 Total 01-5-013-500-4020: 01-5-020-440-2102 1400 B & B LAWN EQUIPMENT & CY 115490 TRIMMER LINE 3LB .09 04/21/2015 113.60 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 1794 04.28.15 DRYWALL BAG, ANTIFREEZE 04/28/2015 23.26 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 1794 04.28.15 3/4" BRONZE FINISH BOLT SWI 04/28/2015 113.15 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 1802 04.28.15 SAFETY HEAD PHONES & BATT 04/28/2015 43.38 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 1802 04.28.15 GRAVE STAKES 04/28/2015 7.92 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 1802 04.28.15 TARP FOR DIRT BOX 04/28/2015 3.99 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 1810 04.28.15 PAPER TOWELS, DISH SOAP, C 04/28/2015 174.65 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 1810 04.28.15 METAL THIN CUTOFF WHEEL, 04/28/2015 22.27 .00 1537 STIFF WITCH STREET BROOM 04/25/2015 48.95 .00 12800 KLAVINE MOTOR COMPANY 21073 22# S-6, 035 11SP 04/06/2015 61.82 .00 12800 KLAVINE MOTOR COMPANY 21073 2-000068 .035 TIP 04/06/2015 2.88 .00 04/24/2015 117.99 .00 99325 INTEGRITY SALES INC 99321 KR SUPPLY 1619 NON-FLAMMABLE SAFETY SOL 99321 KR SUPPLY 1619 SHIPPING 04/24/2015 11.50 .00 91799 STRIP ACID DRAIN CLEANER 04/21/2015 21.36 .00 23550 WIRTH PLUMBING & HEATING 105 2 May 06, 2015 01:00PM Date Paid Voided CITY OF GENESEO Payment Approval Report - by GL Account Page: Report dates: 04/27/2015-05/06/2015 Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Net Amount Paid Invoice Amount Total 01-5-020-440-2102: 766.72 .00 37.70 .00 37.70 .00 2,676.24 .00 2,676.24 .00 01-5-020-440-2150 1050 AUCA CHICAGO MC LOCKBOX 1588960465 TOWEL SERVICE FOR RESTRO 04/15/2015 Total 01-5-020-440-2150: 01-5-020-440-2171 8055 CITY OF GENESEO 05.05.15 APRIL 2015 FUEL DEPOT 05/05/2015 Total 01-5-020-440-2171: 01-5-020-440-5200 350 ALEXANDER LUMBER COMPAN 888897 TREATED, 2X12-8' #2 04/21/2015 62.76 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 1802 04.28.15 PEST CONTROL FOR BUILDING 04/28/2015 11.98 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 1802 04.28.15 BLIND FOR OFFICE WINDOW 04/28/2015 3.57 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 1802 04.28.15 PAINT BRUSH 04/28/2015 7.49 .00 85.80 .00 Total 01-5-020-440-5200: 01-5-020-440-5270 4850 BANCARD CENTER 1794 04.28.15 SOIL TEST 04/28/2015 139.75 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 1802 04.28.15 SPRAYER FOR ANNUALS, ROU 04/28/2015 34.98 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 1802 04.28.15 WEED & FEED FOR ENTRANCE 04/28/2015 47.97 .00 222.70 .00 Total 01-5-020-440-5270: 01-5-020-440-5760 350 ALEXANDER LUMBER COMPAN 889268 TREATED, MAILBOX POST 04/22/2015 34.99 .00 350 ALEXANDER LUMBER COMPAN 889268 TREATED,4X4-8' TIMBERS 04/22/2015 16.39 .00 51.38 .00 Total 01-5-020-440-5760: 01-5-020-450-6250 4850 BANCARD CENTER 3030 04.28.15 CITY LUNCHEON 04/28/2015 22.81 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 3030 04.28.15 CITY LUNCHEON 04/28/2015 2.13 .00 7109 FOLGERS FILTER PACK 04/28/2015 30.60 .00 55.54 .00 57.95 .00 57.95 .00 17575 PLANTATION COFFEE SYSTEM Total 01-5-020-450-6250: 01-5-020-500-2010 17536 PURCHASE POWER 04.26.15 POSTAGE 04/26/2015 Total 01-5-020-500-2010: 01-5-020-500-2020 8600 GENESEO TELEPHONE COMPA 944-3171 05.0 MONTHLY SERVICE 05/08/2015 48.34 .00 9400 VERIZON WIRELESS 9744535067 BILLING 3/24-4/23 04/23/2015 94.93 .00 143.27 .00 Total 01-5-020-500-2020: 01-5-020-500-2060 21320 TRI STATE FIRE CONTROL IN 0112732 MAINT & SERVICE FIRE EXT 03/17/2015 72.00 .00 21320 TRI STATE FIRE CONTROL IN 0112732 NEW 2.5 ABC FIRE EXT 03/17/2015 38.00 .00 21320 TRI STATE FIRE CONTROL IN 0112732 2.5 ABC RECHARGE 03/17/2015 14.00 .00 21320 TRI STATE FIRE CONTROL IN 0112732 VALVE STEM, O-RING, V-COLL 03/17/2015 10.00 .00 106 3 May 06, 2015 01:00PM Date Paid Voided CITY OF GENESEO Payment Approval Report - by GL Account Page: Report dates: 04/27/2015-05/06/2015 Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Net Amount Paid Invoice Amount 21320 TRI STATE FIRE CONTROL IN 0112734 MAINT & SERVICE FIRE EXT 03/17/2015 42.00 .00 21320 TRI STATE FIRE CONTROL IN 0112734 NEW 2.5 LB ABC FIRE EXT 03/17/2015 19.00 .00 21320 TRI STATE FIRE CONTROL IN 0112734 5LB ABC 6 YR TEAR DOWN 03/17/2015 8.00 .00 21320 TRI STATE FIRE CONTROL IN 0112734 2.5 LB ABC RECHARGE 03/17/2015 7.00 .00 21320 TRI STATE FIRE CONTROL IN 0112734 10LB ABC 6 YR TEAR DOWN 03/17/2015 20.00 .00 21320 TRI STATE FIRE CONTROL IN 0112734 VALVE STEM 03/17/2015 18.00 .00 21320 TRI STATE FIRE CONTROL IN 0112734 O-RING 03/17/2015 2.00 .00 21320 TRI STATE FIRE CONTROL IN 0112734 V-COLLAR 03/17/2015 2.00 .00 3321 4/22/2015 IRRIGATION SYSTEM 04/29/2015 88.50 .00 340.50 .00 174 UNCOMMON GROUND OF THE Total 01-5-020-500-2060: 01-5-020-500-2170 8200 GENESEO MUN UTILITIES 1-100050-00 0 MONTHLY SERVICES 04/30/2015 81.85 .00 8200 GENESEO MUN UTILITIES 1-100051-00 0 MONTHLY SERVICES 04/30/2015 49.94 .00 8200 GENESEO MUN UTILITIES 1-100070-00 0 MONTHLY SERVICES 04/30/2015 38.12 .00 8200 GENESEO MUN UTILITIES 1-596110-00 0 MONTHLY SERVICES 04/30/2015 24.17 .00 8200 GENESEO MUN UTILITIES 1-596120-00 0 MONTHLY SERVICES 04/30/2015 16.30 .00 8200 GENESEO MUN UTILITIES 1-596122-00 0 MONTHLY SERVICES 04/30/2015 10.24 .00 8200 GENESEO MUN UTILITIES 1-596130-00 0 MONTHLY SERVICES 04/30/2015 17.48 .00 8200 GENESEO MUN UTILITIES 1-596140-00 0 MONTHLY SERVICES 04/30/2015 9.76 .00 8200 GENESEO MUN UTILITIES 1-596200-00 0 MONTHLY SERVICES 04/30/2015 132.11 .00 8200 GENESEO MUN UTILITIES 1-596210-00 0 MONTHLY SERVICES 04/30/2015 10.32 .00 8200 GENESEO MUN UTILITIES 1-596240-00 0 MONTHLY SERVICES 04/30/2015 13.39 .00 8200 GENESEO MUN UTILITIES 1-605000-00 0 MONTHLY SERVICES 04/30/2015 9.76 .00 413.44 .00 .00 Total 01-5-020-500-2170: 01-5-020-550-5275 4850 BANCARD CENTER 1810 04.28.15 MAILBOX W/POSTS, RUBBERM 04/28/2015 198.78 4850 BANCARD CENTER 1810 04.28.15 MAILBOX POSTS 04/28/2015 53.69 .00 4168522 RUSTMASTER PLUS BLACK 04/21/2015 137.88 .00 390.35 .00 99323 KIMBALL MIDWEST Total 01-5-020-550-5275: 01-5-020-550-5500 99325 NOAH MOWING SYSTEMS INC 231 DMT-16 DECK MOUNTED TRIM 04/29/2015 1,500.00 .00 99325 NOAH MOWING SYSTEMS INC 231 CT-950 170 ORANGE LINE 04/29/2015 67.00 .00 1047 LABOR-BUSHING, PRESS OUT, 04/23/2015 48.64 .00 1,615.64 .00 36.92 .00 36.92 .00 1,364.96 .00 1,364.96 .00 19650 SIVCO WELDING Total 01-5-020-550-5500: 01-5-030-300-2340 4850 BANCARD CENTER 2941 04.28.15 RADIANS CL 2 MESH BREAKA 04/28/2015 Total 01-5-030-300-2340: 01-5-030-440-2171 8055 CITY OF GENESEO 05.05.15 APRIL 2015 FUEL DEPOT 05/05/2015 Total 01-5-030-440-2171: 01-5-030-440-2350 4850 BANCARD CENTER 18150 QUILL CORPORATION 2941 04.28.15 ARTHUR IMAGING COMPATIBL 04/28/2015 58.07 .00 3672013 HP 74/75 INK COMBO PACK 04/27/2015 34.19 .00 107 4 May 06, 2015 01:00PM Date Paid Voided CITY OF GENESEO Payment Approval Report - by GL Account Page: Report dates: 04/27/2015-05/06/2015 Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Net Amount Paid Invoice Amount Total 01-5-030-440-2350: 92.26 .00 24.77 .00 24.77 .00 01-5-030-440-5600 19275 DANIEL SCHMITT 874527 9005 VISION CAPSULE TWIN F 05/04/2015 Total 01-5-030-440-5600: 01-5-030-450-6250 4850 BANCARD CENTER 3030 04.28.15 DISPATCH APPRECIATION WE 04/28/2015 22.62 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 3030 04.28.15 CITY LUNCHEON 04/28/2015 22.81 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 3030 04.28.15 CITY LUNCHEON 04/28/2015 2.13 .00 47.56 .00 88.66 .00 88.66 .00 Total 01-5-030-450-6250: 01-5-030-500-2010 17536 PURCHASE POWER 04.26.15 POSTAGE 04/26/2015 Total 01-5-030-500-2010: 01-5-030-500-2020 8600 GENESEO TELEPHONE COMPA 944-5141 05.0 MONTHLY SERVICE 05/08/2015 348.20 .00 11238 ILL DEPT OF CENTRAL MGT SE T1532068 COMM SVCS STWD 8889396L01 04/20/2015 506.40 .00 11238 ILL DEPT OF CENTRAL MGT SE T1532068 COMM SVCS STWD 8889396W0 04/20/2015 418.68 .00 1,273.28 .00 336.79 .00 336.79 .00 200.00 .00 200.00 .00 57.47 .00 57.47 .00 Total 01-5-030-500-2020: 01-5-030-500-2170 8200 GENESEO MUN UTILITIES 1-116200-00 0 MONTHLY SERVICES 04/30/2015 Total 01-5-030-500-2170: 01-5-030-550-5600 18626 ROCK ISLAND COUNTY SHERIF 04.22.15 PISTOL OPCENTER ACCESS F 04/22/2015 Total 01-5-030-550-5600: 04-5-114-440-2355 22990 JAMISON WEISSER 33776945 ITEMS FOR KATO'S KENNEL R 04/11/2015 Total 04-5-114-440-2355: 04-5-114-440-2390 99325 POSITIVE PROMOTIONS INC 05220550 CIRCLE STORBE LIGHT 04/20/2015 302.50 .00 99325 POSITIVE PROMOTIONS INC 05220550 PU15: TATTOO-JUNIOR POLICE 04/20/2015 24.99 .00 99325 POSITIVE PROMOTIONS INC 05220550 PRESS ET UP CHARGE 04/20/2015 35.00 .00 99325 POSITIVE PROMOTIONS INC 05220550 SHIPPING & HANDLING 04/20/2015 34.39 .00 99325 POSITIVE PROMOTIONS INC 05237838 GS15: SLCN DOG TAG (CAMO) 04/30/2015 74.75 .00 99325 POSITIVE PROMOTIONS INC 05237838 PU15: STCKR RLL: JUNIOR POL 04/30/2015 59.97 .00 99325 POSITIVE PROMOTIONS INC 05237838 GN15: RD) 2-SIDE BRCLT: KEEP 04/30/2015 41.50 .00 99325 POSITIVE PROMOTIONS INC 05237838 SHIPPING & HANDLING 04/30/2015 20.95 .00 594.05 .00 9,300.00 .00 Total 04-5-114-440-2390: 13-5-222-450-3000 9050 HOLLAND & SONS 06646708 2014 JOHN DEERE Z930R COM 108 04/15/2015 5 May 06, 2015 01:00PM Date Paid Voided CITY OF GENESEO Payment Approval Report - by GL Account Page: Report dates: 04/27/2015-05/06/2015 Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Net Amount Paid Invoice Amount Total 13-5-222-450-3000: 9,300.00 .00 14-5-405-835-1101 8200 GENESEO MUN UTILITIES 1-100040-00 0 MONTHLY SERVICES 04/30/2015 3,590.26 .00 8200 GENESEO MUN UTILITIES 1-596012-00 0 MONTHLY SERVICES 04/30/2015 31.67 .00 3,621.93 .00 Total 14-5-405-835-1101: 15-5-171-440-2171 143 MICHLIG ENERGY 80417 TRANSPORT PREMIUM FARM 04/14/2015 1,849.85 .00 143 MICHLIG ENERGY 80417 U.S.T. .003/E.I.F. .008 04/14/2015 11.01 .00 143 MICHLIG ENERGY 80418 TRANSPORT REG N0-LEAD ET 04/14/2015 9,406.34 .00 143 MICHLIG ENERGY 80418 U.S.T. .003/E.I.F. .008 04/14/2015 60.54 .00 143 MICHLIG ENERGY 80418 STATE MOTOR FUEL TAX GAS 04/14/2015 1,045.76 .00 12,373.50 .00 10.40 .00 10.40 .00 10.40 .00 10.40 .00 Total 15-5-171-440-2171: 20-5-308-600-2100 4850 BANCARD CENTER 2867 04.28.15 SEND BACK BOND ISSUANCE 04/28/2015 Total 20-5-308-600-2100: 20-5-309-600-2100 4850 BANCARD CENTER 2867 04.28.15 SEND BACK BOND ISSUANCE 04/28/2015 Total 20-5-309-600-2100: 20-5-510-440-7303 4850 BANCARD CENTER 0314 04.28.15 F & F - BATTERY/SHOP VAC H 04/28/2015 40.08 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 0314 04.28.15 FARM & FLEET - CEMETN SOLV 04/28/2015 15.47 .00 1930 CAR QUEST AUTO PARTS STO 6611-203891 24 MM LONG COMB WRCH 04/17/2015 35.18 .00 1930 CAR QUEST AUTO PARTS STO 6611-204598 DUST RESPIRATOR 20 04/29/2015 22.40 .00 1930 CAR QUEST AUTO PARTS STO 6611-204598 NITRILE GLOVES PWD L 04/29/2015 13.69 .00 S4655428.001 GEL FLE42HLX/W/WXL827 E/EF 04/16/2015 138.60 .00 265.42 .00 15550 SPRINGFIELD ELECTRIC SUPP Total 20-5-510-440-7303: 20-5-510-440-7304 1050 AUCA CHICAGO MC LOCKBOX 1588971598 PLT - MOP/SHOP TOWELS 04/22/2015 176.62 .00 1050 AUCA CHICAGO MC LOCKBOX 1588981009 PLT - MOP/SHOP TOWELS 04/29/2015 176.62 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 0314 04.28.15 FED EX TO VENSYS 04/28/2015 761.36 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 0314 04.28.15 FARM & FLEET - SALT PELLETS 04/28/2015 42.90 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 0314 04.28.15 FED EX 04/28/2015 16.85 .00 8200 GENESEO MUN UTILITIES 1-232920-00 0 MONTHLY SERVICES 04/30/2015 15.66 .00 16000 NAPA 280494 PLANT TOOLS-MAINTENANCE 04/08/2015 95.50 .00 16000 NAPA 280618 1 4 D 12 - SOCKET 11 32 04/09/2015 2.88 .00 16000 NAPA 280618 1 4 D 12 - SOCKET 7 16 04/09/2015 2.88 .00 15550 SPRINGFIELD ELECTRIC SUPP S4648863.001 GEL F54W/T5/841/ECO FLUORE 04/09/2015 245.60 .00 9744535067 BILLING 3/24-4/23 04/23/2015 108.84 .00 1,645.71 .00 9400 VERIZON WIRELESS Total 20-5-510-440-7304: 20-5-520-400-7341 14750 MCMASTER-CARR 28776423 LOW- AND HIGH-TEMPERATUR 04/27/2015 1,372.38 .00 14750 MCMASTER-CARR 28776423 EXTREME-TEMPERATURE CER 04/27/2015 268.40 .00 14750 MCMASTER-CARR 28776423 SHIPPING 04/27/2015 26.90 .00 109 6 May 06, 2015 01:00PM Date Paid Voided CITY OF GENESEO Payment Approval Report - by GL Account Page: Report dates: 04/27/2015-05/06/2015 Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Net Amount Paid Invoice Amount Total 20-5-520-400-7341: 1,667.68 .00 20-5-520-400-7343 11997 INTERSTATE BATTERIES 9375 VENSYS ENERGY AG 190350200229 COMMERCIAL BATTERY 04/30/2015 329.90 .00 2015-50255 INDUCTIVE SENSOR, SSI ENCO 04/17/2015 515.53 .00 845.43 .00 Total 20-5-520-400-7343: 20-5-520-400-7344 4850 BANCARD CENTER 0314 04.28.15 PITT AUTO ELECTRIC CO FREI 04/28/2015 55.00 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 0314 04.28.15 PITT AUTO ELECTRIC CO BRA 04/28/2015 9.05 .00 64.05 .00 Total 20-5-520-400-7344: 20-5-520-400-7346 21025 3E ELECT/ENG/EQUIP CO 4221927-11 ALLIED TEL AT MC103XL 10 2 P 04/22/2015 523.17 .00 21025 3E ELECT/ENG/EQUIP CO 4221927-12 ION METER 04/22/2015 5,626.95 .00 5600 DIGITAL REPAIRS 21271 HUB, 5 PORT SWITCH 04/21/2015 39.95 .00 15250 MISSMAN INC 37653 SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC PROJE 04/29/2015 1,455.50 .00 18760 RIVER CITY SIGN 5461 ROUTED POLYETHYLENE SIGN 05/01/2015 770.00 .00 18760 RIVER CITY SIGN 5461 ROUTED POLYETHYLENE BL/B 05/01/2015 1,720.00 .00 15550 SPRINGFIELD ELECTRIC SUPP S4647143.001 PVC 114 1-1/4IN SCHD40 PVC C 04/08/2015 317.46 .00 10,453.03 .00 Total 20-5-520-400-7346: 20-5-520-400-7370 3090 CCP INDUSTRIES INC IN01463941 FLUO YELLOW LOW IMPACT M 04/15/2015 29.42 .00 3090 CCP INDUSTRIES INC IN01468083 FLUO YELLOW LOW IMPACT M 04/22/2015 31.70 .00 3090 CCP INDUSTRIES INC IN01468083 FREIGHT & HANDLING 04/22/2015 9.05 .00 16396 NORTHERN SAFETY COMPANY 901387755 MSTR/L0O PDLCK STD BODY T 04/17/2015 22.64 .00 16396 NORTHERN SAFETY COMPANY 901387755 SHIPPING & HANDLING 04/17/2015 .93 .00 93.74 .00 Total 20-5-520-400-7370: 20-5-530-490-7380 4850 BANCARD CENTER 1711 04.28.15 IDENTRUST 04/28/2015 175.00 .00 1445 BHMG ENGINEERS 1190.154 GENERAL SERVICES - EPA AN 04/20/2015 1,427.40 .00 1,602.40 .00 Total 20-5-530-490-7380: 20-5-550-550-7490 4850 BANCARD CENTER 2792 04.28.15 F & F - PLIERS, DUCT TAPE, KN 04/28/2015 19.45 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 2792 04.28.15 F & F - LAVA SOAP 04/28/2015 10.76 .00 1930 CAR QUEST AUTO PARTS STO 6611-204398 7 RV ADAPTER 04/27/2015 19.39 .00 49.60 .00 1,010.40 .00 1,010.40 .00 Total 20-5-550-550-7490: 20-5-560-460-7612 6350 HD SUPPLY POWER SOLUTION 2846201-00 ELBOW 8.3/14.4 200A W/TP 1/0S 04/15/2015 Total 20-5-560-460-7612: 20-5-560-460-7614 8055 CITY OF GENESEO 05.05.15 APRIL 2015 FUEL DEPOT 05/05/2015 2,094.84 .00 22145 VERMEER SALES & SERVICE O P35759 CARB KIT 04/14/2015 46.80 .00 22145 VERMEER SALES & SERVICE O P35759 MAN GASK. 04/14/2015 11.94 .00 110 7 May 06, 2015 01:00PM Date Paid Voided CITY OF GENESEO Payment Approval Report - by GL Account Page: Report dates: 04/27/2015-05/06/2015 Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Net Amount Paid Invoice Amount 22145 VERMEER SALES & SERVICE O P35759 SHIP & HANDLING 04/14/2015 17.21 .00 22145 VERMEER SALES & SERVICE O P35831 ELECTRONIC MODU 04/17/2015 152.99 .00 22145 VERMEER SALES & SERVICE O P35831 COIL 04/17/2015 120.08 .00 22145 VERMEER SALES & SERVICE O P35831 SHIP & HANDLING 04/17/2015 11.31 .00 2,455.17 .00 975.00 .00 975.00 .00 142.58 .00 142.58 .00 Total 20-5-560-460-7614: 20-5-560-460-7631 6350 HD SUPPLY POWER SOLUTION 2809639-00 AEL CRESTHILL CLASIC LIGHT 04/14/2015 Total 20-5-560-460-7631: 20-5-570-400-7650 9400 VERIZON WIRELESS 9744535067 BILLING 3/24-4/23 04/23/2015 Total 20-5-570-400-7650: 20-5-570-400-7682 21025 3E ELECT/ENG/EQUIP CO 4265713-00 MXR100/U/MED/O 04/15/2015 219.60 .00 21025 3E ELECT/ENG/EQUIP CO 4265713-00 THHN 2 BLK STRO CUTTING RE 04/15/2015 194.22 .00 413.82 .00 Total 20-5-570-400-7682: 20-5-570-400-7683 58 BIRKEY'S W15384 SKIDLOADER SERVICE-LABOR 04/22/2015 614.39 .00 58 BIRKEY'S W15384 SKIDLOADER SERVICE-PARTS 04/22/2015 405.60 .00 58 BIRKEY'S W15384 SKIDLOADER SERVICE-EPA SH 04/22/2015 43.00 .00 370 NICHOLS DIESEL SERVICE 251120013 2001 INTL - FEMALE FITTING 04/22/2015 15.42 .00 370 NICHOLS DIESEL SERVICE 251120013 2001 INTL - STEEL FITTING 04/22/2015 10.26 .00 370 NICHOLS DIESEL SERVICE 251120013 2001 INTL - 1/2 HOSE 04/22/2015 18.60 .00 370 NICHOLS DIESEL SERVICE 251120013 2001 INTL - HOSE ASSEMBLY 04/22/2015 12.76 .00 370 NICHOLS DIESEL SERVICE 251120013 2001 INTL - P/S FLUID 04/22/2015 19.48 .00 370 NICHOLS DIESEL SERVICE 251120013 2001 INTL - LABOR 04/22/2015 36.50 .00 370 NICHOLS DIESEL SERVICE 251120013 2001 INTL - MISC . SUPPLIES 04/22/2015 1.83 .00 1,177.84 .00 Total 20-5-570-400-7683: 20-5-570-400-7720 18390 POWER LINE SUPPLY CO 5918477 BRACKET OMNI 04/21/2015 27.78 .00 18390 POWER LINE SUPPLY CO 5918479 PROTECTOR FLEX ANTENNA 04/21/2015 16.65 .00 44.43 .00 .00 Total 20-5-570-400-7720: 20-5-580-300-6250 4850 BANCARD CENTER 3030 04.28.15 CITY LUNCHEON 04/28/2015 22.82 4850 BANCARD CENTER 3030 04.28.15 CITY LUNCHEON 04/28/2015 2.13 .00 7396- 1 LINEMEN APPRECIATION DAY 04/13/2015 14.81 .00 7107 2-FOLGERS FILTER PACK 04/28/2015 61.20 .00 100.96 .00 99324 LISA KOTTER 17575 PLANTATION COFFEE SYSTEM Total 20-5-580-300-6250: 20-5-580-300-7684 1050 AUCA CHICAGO MC LOCKBOX 1588971599 PLT/L CRW - FR UNIFORMS 04/22/2015 326.70 .00 1050 AUCA CHICAGO MC LOCKBOX 1588981010 PLT/ L CRW - FR UNIFORMS 04/29/2015 326.70 .00 653.40 .00 Total 20-5-580-300-7684: 111 8 May 06, 2015 01:00PM Date Paid Voided CITY OF GENESEO Payment Approval Report - by GL Account Page: Report dates: 04/27/2015-05/06/2015 Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Net Amount Paid Invoice Amount 20-5-580-400-7810 17536 PURCHASE POWER 04.26.15 POSTAGE 04/26/2015 Total 20-5-580-400-7810: 312.78 .00 312.78 .00 20-5-580-440-7921 4850 BANCARD CENTER 1711 04.28.15 RUFUS HAMBY-APPRENTICES 04/28/2015 476.00 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 2792 04.28.15 RICK PRESTON-CONFERENCE 04/28/2015 650.00 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 2867 04.28.15 WEBINAR: FLSA 04/28/2015 79.60 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 2867 04.28.15 STAR 12 RENEWAL 04/28/2015 79.60 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 2933 04.28.15 MEALS/FUEL - RUFUS TRAININ 04/28/2015 48.77 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 2933 04.28.15 MEALS/FUEL - STEPHEN TRAIN 04/28/2015 77.40 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 3030 04.28.15 COUNCIL-MANAGEMENT RELA 04/28/2015 99.20 .00 1,510.57 .00 Total 20-5-580-440-7921: 20-5-580-440-7930 5600 DIGITAL REPAIRS 21276 CABLE, USB A/A EXT. 3.3' 04/28/2015 1.98 .00 8600 GENESEO TELEPHONE COMPA 944-2333 MONTHLY SERVICE 05/08/2015 776.77 .00 14525 MATT PARROTT AND SONS CO PINV289093 BUDGETARY CHECKS 04/15/2015 99.32 .00 14525 MATT PARROTT AND SONS CO PINV291573 PAYROLL CHECKS 04/23/2015 71.83 .00 18150 QUILL CORPORATION 3336586 OFFICE SUPPLIES 04/15/2015 45.35 .00 18150 QUILL CORPORATION 3342241 OFFICE SUPPLIES 04/15/2015 8.70 .00 18150 QUILL CORPORATION 3406015 OFFICE SUPPLIES 04/17/2015 26.60 .00 18150 QUILL CORPORATION 3493605 OFFICE SUPPLIES 04/21/2015 7.19 .00 9744535067 BILLING 3/24-4/23 04/23/2015 38.01 .00 1,075.75 .00 52.50 .00 52.50 .00 120.00 .00 120.00 .00 1,549.00 .00 1,549.00 .00 9400 VERIZON WIRELESS Total 20-5-580-440-7930: 20-5-580-440-8770 6350 HD SUPPLY POWER SOLUTION 2829208-01 BURR AND BARREL NUT FAST 04/17/2015 Total 20-5-580-440-8770: 20-5-580-500-7950 9250 IGFOA 05.05.15 2015 MEMBERSHIP DUES 05/05/2015 Total 20-5-580-500-7950: 20-5-580-500-8060 4850 BANCARD CENTER 0314 04.28.15 WIEDAMARK TURBINE ACCENT 04/28/2015 Total 20-5-580-500-8060: 23-2-4270 3 2015 DEPOSIT/OVERPAYMENT GILMORE 04.2 DEPOSIT REFUND 04/24/2015 41.03 .00 3 2015 DEPOSIT/OVERPAYMENT RUHL & RUHL DEPOSIT REFUND 04/21/2015 117.97 .00 159.00 .00 167.88 .00 167.88 .00 180.00 .00 Total 23-2-4270: 25-5-675-400-7810 17536 PURCHASE POWER 04.26.15 POSTAGE 04/26/2015 Total 25-5-675-400-7810: 25-5-675-500-2000 467 REPUBLIC SERVICES #400 0400-0015524 BASIC SERVICE 05/01/15-05/31/ 112 04/20/2015 9 May 06, 2015 01:00PM Date Paid Voided CITY OF GENESEO Payment Approval Report - by GL Account Page: Report dates: 04/27/2015-05/06/2015 Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Net Amount Paid Invoice Amount 467 REPUBLIC SERVICES #400 0400-0015525 BASIC SERVICE 05/01/15-5/31/1 04/20/2015 Total 25-5-675-500-2000: 20.00 .00 200.00 .00 30-5-610-440-2103 22830 WATER SOLUTIONS UNLIMITE 36613 GAL, SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 04/24/2015 341.60 .00 22830 WATER SOLUTIONS UNLIMITE 36613 FUEL SURCHARGE 04/24/2015 30.00 .00 22830 WATER SOLUTIONS UNLIMITE 36660 GAL, BLENDED PHOSPHATE 30 04/30/2015 2,370.90 .00 22830 WATER SOLUTIONS UNLIMITE 36660 FUEL SURCHARGE 04/30/2015 30.00 .00 2,772.50 .00 344.75 .00 344.75 .00 Total 30-5-610-440-2103: 30-5-610-440-2171 8055 CITY OF GENESEO 05.05.15 APRIL 2015 FUEL DEPOT 05/05/2015 Total 30-5-610-440-2171: 30-5-610-450-3000 4850 BANCARD CENTER 1760 04.28.15 FARM & FLEET 04/28/2015 12.22 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 2073 04.28.15 GALVANIZED WRAP PAK 04/28/2015 4.94 .00 17.16 .00 Total 30-5-610-450-3000: 30-5-610-500-2020 8600 GENESEO TELEPHONE COMPA 944-2065 05.0 MONTHLY SERVICE 05/08/2015 11.13 .00 8600 GENESEO TELEPHONE COMPA 944-2605 05.0 MONTHLY SERVICE 05/08/2015 41.00 .00 52.13 .00 Total 30-5-610-500-2020: 30-5-610-500-2170 4200 COMED 0959691000 04 3/20/15-4/20/15 WELL# 25 04/20/2015 644.31 .00 8200 GENESEO MUN UTILITIES 1-100020-00 0 04/30/2015 28.45 .00 672.76 .00 MONTHLY SERVICES Total 30-5-610-500-2170: 30-5-620-550-3315 23550 WIRTH PLUMBING & HEATING 91904 3/4" BRASS ST ELBOWS FOR N 04/27/2015 6.31 .00 23550 WIRTH PLUMBING & HEATING 91905 2" IPT BALL VALVE 04/27/2015 68.16 .00 23550 WIRTH PLUMBING & HEATING 91905 1 1/2" IPT BALL VALVE 04/27/2015 54.11 .00 23550 WIRTH PLUMBING & HEATING 91905 1X3/4" BRASS BUSHINGS 04/27/2015 7.86 .00 136.44 .00 Total 30-5-620-550-3315: 30-5-620-550-3490 16399 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2 0129958 88-SS ECLI SMPL STN 04/06/2015 944.30 .00 16399 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2 0129958 FREIGHT 04/06/2015 59.84 .00 3100 FORD AND SONS 227161 BLUEGRASS SOD 04/30/2015 80.00 .00 3100 FORD AND SONS 227161 SOD PALLET 04/30/2015 6.00 .00 1,090.14 .00 9,219.60 .00 9,219.60 .00 Total 30-5-620-550-3490: 30-5-620-550-3600 15185 MIDWEST METER INC 0066020-IN 1/2" M-25 BRZ GAL ADE ORION Total 30-5-620-550-3600: 113 04/28/2015 10 May 06, 2015 01:00PM Date Paid Voided CITY OF GENESEO Payment Approval Report - by GL Account Page: Report dates: 04/27/2015-05/06/2015 Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Net Amount Paid Invoice Amount 30-5-620-550-3770 4850 BANCARD CENTER 1760 04.28.15 DEGREASER, PUSH BROOM, T 04/28/2015 57.46 .00 1930 CAR QUEST AUTO PARTS STO 6611-204429 TIE DOWN 04/27/2015 36.66 .00 94.12 .00 Total 30-5-620-550-3770: 30-5-620-550-5600 99325 MISSISSIPPI TRUCK & TRAILER 19650 SIVCO WELDING 56927 FLOOR LINER 04/20/2015 98.13 .00 1066 MATERIALS - PINTLE HITCH RI 04/28/2015 54.99 .00 153.12 .00 167.84 .00 167.84 .00 Total 30-5-620-550-5600: 30-5-675-400-7810 17536 PURCHASE POWER 04.26.15 POSTAGE 04/26/2015 Total 30-5-675-400-7810: 30-5-675-440-2190 216 ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING 1527617 BATT/XPR/IMPRES/LITH/2200M 04/27/2015 112.00 .00 216 ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING 1527617 SHIPPING & HANDLING 04/27/2015 12.00 .00 216 ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING 1527618 BATT/XPR/IMPRES/LITH/2200M 04/27/2015 112.00 .00 216 ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING 1527618 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 04/27/2015 12.00 .00 248.00 .00 Total 30-5-675-440-2190: 30-5-675-440-2350 5550 DES MOINES STAMP MFG CO 1040931 PERMA STAMP/SIGNATURE 04/15/2015 23.00 .00 5550 DES MOINES STAMP MFG CO 1040931 SHIPPING 04/15/2015 2.03 .00 5600 DIGITAL REPAIRS 21276 CABLE, USB A/A EXT. 3.3' 04/28/2015 .50 .00 14525 MATT PARROTT AND SONS CO PINV289093 BUDGETARY CHECKS 04/15/2015 51.16 .00 14525 MATT PARROTT AND SONS CO PINV291573 PAYROLL CHECKS 04/23/2015 37.00 .00 18150 QUILL CORPORATION 3336586 OFFICE SUPPLIES 04/15/2015 11.34 .00 18150 QUILL CORPORATION 3342241 OFFICE SUPPLIES 04/15/2015 2.18 .00 18150 QUILL CORPORATION 3406015 OFFICE SUPPLIES 04/17/2015 6.65 .00 18150 QUILL CORPORATION 3493605 OFFICE SUPPLIES 04/21/2015 1.80 .00 135.66 .00 Total 30-5-675-440-2350: 30-5-675-500-2060 9250 IGFOA 05.05.15 2015 MEMBERSHIP DUES 05/05/2015 30.00 .00 21320 TRI STATE FIRE CONTROL IN 0112734 MAINT & SERVICE FIRE EXT 03/17/2015 42.00 .00 21320 TRI STATE FIRE CONTROL IN 0112734 NEW 2.5 LB ABC FIRE EXT 03/17/2015 19.00 .00 21320 TRI STATE FIRE CONTROL IN 0112734 5LB ABC 6 YR TEAR DOWN 03/17/2015 8.00 .00 21320 TRI STATE FIRE CONTROL IN 0112734 2.5 LB ABC RECHARGE 03/17/2015 7.00 .00 21320 TRI STATE FIRE CONTROL IN 0112734 10LB ABC 6 YR TEAR DOWN 03/17/2015 20.00 .00 21320 TRI STATE FIRE CONTROL IN 0112734 VALVE STEM 03/17/2015 18.00 .00 21320 TRI STATE FIRE CONTROL IN 0112734 O-RING 03/17/2015 2.00 .00 21320 TRI STATE FIRE CONTROL IN 0112734 V-COLLAR 03/17/2015 2.00 .00 148.00 .00 Total 30-5-675-500-2060: 30-5-675-500-2321 4850 BANCARD CENTER 2867 04.28.15 WEBINAR: FLSA 04/28/2015 19.90 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 2867 04.28.15 STAR 12 RENEWAL 04/28/2015 19.90 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 3030 04.28.15 COUNCIL-MANAGEMENT RELA 04/28/2015 24.80 .00 114 11 May 06, 2015 01:00PM Date Paid Voided CITY OF GENESEO Payment Approval Report - by GL Account Page: Report dates: 04/27/2015-05/06/2015 Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Net Amount Paid Invoice Amount Total 30-5-675-500-2321: 64.60 .00 30-5-675-500-5322 17140 PDC LABORATORIES INC 797490 COLIFORM TOTAL P/A 04/15/2015 33.00 .00 17140 PDC LABORATORIES INC 797490 COLIFORM TOTAL P/A 04/15/2015 99.00 .00 17140 PDC LABORATORIES INC 797490 300.0 NO3-N CHL 04/15/2015 21.00 .00 17140 PDC LABORATORIES INC 797490 FLUORIDE PROBE 04/15/2015 21.00 .00 174.00 .00 Total 30-5-675-500-5322: 33-2-4270 3 2015 DEPOSIT/OVERPAYMENT FARBER 04.30 DEPOSIT REFUND 04/30/2015 16.52 .00 3 2015 DEPOSIT/OVERPAYMENT GILMORE 04.2 DEPOSIT REFUND 04/24/2015 50.12 .00 66.64 .00 344.75 .00 344.75 .00 14.69 .00 14.69 .00 Total 33-2-4270: 35-5-610-440-2171 8055 CITY OF GENESEO 05.05.15 APRIL 2015 FUEL DEPOT 05/05/2015 Total 35-5-610-440-2171: 35-5-610-450-3000 4850 BANCARD CENTER 1778 04.28.15 FARM & FLEET 04/28/2015 Total 35-5-610-450-3000: 35-5-610-500-2020 8600 GENESEO TELEPHONE COMPA 944-2065 05.0 MONTHLY SERVICE 05/08/2015 11.13 .00 8600 GENESEO TELEPHONE COMPA 944-2605 05.0 MONTHLY SERVICE 05/08/2015 41.00 .00 52.13 .00 Total 35-5-610-500-2020: 35-5-610-500-2170 8200 GENESEO MUN UTILITIES 1-100020-00 0 MONTHLY SERVICES 04/30/2015 28.44 .00 8200 GENESEO MUN UTILITIES 1-590850-00 0 MONTHLY SERVICES 04/30/2015 33.87 .00 8200 GENESEO MUN UTILITIES 1-596100-00 0 MONTHLY SERVICES 04/30/2015 130.76 .00 8200 GENESEO MUN UTILITIES 1-617720-00 0 MONTHLY SERVICES 04/30/2015 49.39 .00 242.46 .00 Total 35-5-610-500-2170: 35-5-620-550-3310 4850 BANCARD CENTER 1778 04.28.15 STAIN BLOCKER, PAINT BRUS 04/28/2015 36.88 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 1778 04.28.15 BLACK LATEX PAINT, PAINT BR 04/28/2015 13.37 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 1778 04.28.15 BOLTS/NUTS/WASHERS BULK, 04/28/2015 28.42 .00 78.67 .00 .00 Total 35-5-620-550-3310: 35-5-620-550-3315 350 ALEXANDER LUMBER COMPAN 886942 CONCRETE MIX, 60# 04/17/2015 29.76 6200 EDWARDS READYMIX CO 241804 4000 PSI F/A AIR CONTINENTAL 04/17/2015 183.75 .00 6200 EDWARDS READYMIX CO 241804 TRANSPORTATION CHARGE 04/17/2015 75.00 .00 288.51 .00 1,740.00 .00 Total 35-5-620-550-3315: 35-5-620-550-3510 6200 EDWARDS READYMIX CO 241699 RIVERSTONE CORDOVA CONC 115 04/14/2015 12 May 06, 2015 01:00PM Date Paid Voided CITY OF GENESEO Payment Approval Report - by GL Account Page: Report dates: 04/27/2015-05/06/2015 Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Net Amount Paid Invoice Amount Total 35-5-620-550-3510: 1,740.00 .00 19.37 .00 19.37 .00 167.88 .00 167.88 .00 35-5-620-550-3704 4850 BANCARD CENTER 1778 04.28.15 THREADED ROD, BOLTS/NUTS/ 04/28/2015 Total 35-5-620-550-3704: 35-5-675-400-7810 17536 PURCHASE POWER 04.26.15 POSTAGE 04/26/2015 Total 35-5-675-400-7810: 35-5-675-440-2350 5550 DES MOINES STAMP MFG CO 1040931 PERMA STAMP/SIGNATURE 04/15/2015 23.00 .00 5550 DES MOINES STAMP MFG CO 1040931 SHIPPING 04/15/2015 2.03 .00 5600 DIGITAL REPAIRS 21276 CABLE, USB A/A EXT. 3.3' 04/28/2015 .49 .00 14525 MATT PARROTT AND SONS CO PINV289093 BUDGETARY CHECKS 04/15/2015 51.17 .00 14525 MATT PARROTT AND SONS CO PINV291573 PAYROLL CHECKS 04/23/2015 37.00 .00 18150 QUILL CORPORATION 3336586 OFFICE SUPPLIES 04/15/2015 11.33 .00 18150 QUILL CORPORATION 3342241 OFFICE SUPPLIES 04/15/2015 2.18 .00 18150 QUILL CORPORATION 3406015 OFFICE SUPPLIES 04/17/2015 6.64 .00 18150 QUILL CORPORATION 3493605 OFFICE SUPPLIES 04/21/2015 1.80 .00 135.64 .00 30.00 .00 30.00 .00 Total 35-5-675-440-2350: 35-5-675-500-2060 9250 IGFOA 05.05.15 2015 MEMBERSHIP DUES 05/05/2015 Total 35-5-675-500-2060: 35-5-675-500-2321 4850 BANCARD CENTER 2867 04.28.15 WEBINAR: FLSA 04/28/2015 19.90 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 2867 04.28.15 STAR 12 RENEWAL 04/28/2015 19.90 .00 4850 BANCARD CENTER 3030 04.28.15 COUNCIL-MANAGEMENT RELA 04/28/2015 24.80 .00 64.60 .00 Total 35-5-675-500-2321: 35-5-675-500-5322 4850 BANCARD CENTER 1778 04.28.15 SHIPPING FROM UPS STORE 04/28/2015 254.36 .00 17140 PDC LABORATORIES INC 797945 AMMONIA DIST-N 04/15/2015 29.50 .00 17140 PDC LABORATORIES INC 797945 AS 6010 TOT 04/15/2015 12.00 .00 17140 PDC LABORATORIES INC 797945 CD 6010 TOT 04/15/2015 12.00 .00 17140 PDC LABORATORIES INC 797945 CR 6010 TOT 04/15/2015 12.00 .00 17140 PDC LABORATORIES INC 797945 CU 6010 TOT 04/15/2015 24.00 .00 17140 PDC LABORATORIES INC 797945 HG 6020 TOT 04/15/2015 12.00 .00 17140 PDC LABORATORIES INC 797945 K 6010 TOT 04/15/2015 12.00 .00 17140 PDC LABORATORIES INC 797945 MN 6010 TOT 04/15/2015 12.00 .00 17140 PDC LABORATORIES INC 797945 MO 6010 TOT 04/15/2015 12.00 .00 17140 PDC LABORATORIES INC 797945 NI 6010 TOT 04/15/2015 12.00 .00 17140 PDC LABORATORIES INC 797945 PB 6010 TOT 04/15/2015 12.00 .00 17140 PDC LABORATORIES INC 797945 PH SOLID 04/15/2015 12.00 .00 17140 PDC LABORATORIES INC 797945 PO4 TOTAL - P 04/15/2015 29.50 .00 17140 PDC LABORATORIES INC 797945 SE 6010 TOT 04/15/2015 12.00 .00 17140 PDC LABORATORIES INC 797945 SHIPPING 04/15/2015 8.25 .00 17140 PDC LABORATORIES INC 797945 SOLIDS-TS 04/15/2015 24.00 .00 17140 PDC LABORATORIES INC 797945 SOLIDS-VS 04/15/2015 24.00 .00 116 13 May 06, 2015 01:00PM Date Paid Voided CITY OF GENESEO Payment Approval Report - by GL Account Page: Report dates: 04/27/2015-05/06/2015 Vendor Vendor Name Invoice Number Description Invoice Date Net Amount Paid Invoice Amount 17140 PDC LABORATORIES INC 797945 SW 3051 04/15/2015 35.00 .00 17140 PDC LABORATORIES INC 797945 TKN 04/15/2015 41.50 .00 17140 PDC LABORATORIES INC 797945 ZN 6010 TOT 04/15/2015 12.00 .00 614.11 .00 59,006.04 .00 59,006.04 .00 3.10 .00 3.10 .00 200.00 .00 200.00 .00 146,527.90 .00 Total 35-5-675-500-5322: 60-5-020-972-0015 10296 HENRY COUNTY TREASURER 37 CULVERT PROJECT 04/29/2015 Total 60-5-020-972-0015: 70-5-090-500-3000 4850 BANCARD CENTER 3030 04.28.15 FRUIT 04/28/2015 Total 70-5-090-500-3000: 99-1-1005 3 2015 DEPOSIT/OVERPAYMENT BLUNK 04.23.1 OVERPAYMENT REFUND Total 99-1-1005: Grand Totals: Dated: ______________________________________________________ Mayor: ______________________________________________________ City Council: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ City Recorder: _____________________________________________________ Report Criteria: Detail report. Invoices with totals above $0.00 included. Only unpaid invoices included. 117 04/23/2015 14 May 06, 2015 01:00PM Date Paid Voided