SICIS Art Couture 2016
SICIS Art Couture 2016
COUTURE WALLS EMERGING COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 2 WALLS EMERGING WALLS EMERGING 3 art COUTURE Pareti che diventano opere d’arte, che crescono, si ampliano e arricchiscono lo spazio, come scenografie di un teatro barocco. Il movimento prende vita dai materiali che si sovrappongono, e creano forma e profondità con uno stile unico. La magia sensoriale e la poetica tridimensionale decorano l’ambiente, rendendolo un luogo sospeso nel tempo. SICIS riscopre le infinite possibilità espressive dell’arte realizzando opere inimitabili per stile e maestria. Multi-dimensional walls that expand and enrich, transforming a space into a living work of art. The overlapping shapes creating depths that intrigue the senses. Sicis rediscovers the infinite expressive possibilities of art, creating works with inimitable style and mastery. WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 4 WALLS EMERGING 5 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING Alchimia Apple and Sin Asama Calbuco Caldera Cerronegro Cignus Datong Dubbi Esoterico Fantasia Barocca Fayal Felci Genesis Heard Hekla Hula Ibu Iriga Izalco Kaba Karkar Kobido Kone Laima Madagascar Masaya Nisyros Oracolo blue Pilas Shangrila Telica Tolima 40 92 16 112 08 78 30 130 104 22 126 50 134 82 12 66 24 120 56 58 100 124 62 96 46 68 76 136 34 86 88 118 106 Panels Summary 140 WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 6 WALLS EMERGING WALLS EMERGING 7 art COUTURE Pareti che aggiungono bellezza alla vita, oltre le aspettative. Walls that add beauty to life, beyond your dreams, beyond your expectations. WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 8 caldera WALLS EMERGING 9 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 10 WALLS EMERGING 11 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 12 WALLS EMERGING 13 art COUTURE heard WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 14 WALLS EMERGING 15 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 16 WALLS EMERGING 17 art COUTURE asama WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 18 WALLS EMERGING 19 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 20 WALLS EMERGING 21 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 22 esoterico WALLS EMERGING 23 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 24 WALLS EMERGING hula 25 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 26 WALLS EMERGING 27 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 28 WALLS EMERGING 29 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 30 cygnus WALLS EMERGING 31 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 32 WALLS EMERGING 33 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 34 WALLS EMERGING 35 art COUTURE oracolo blue 3 WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 36 WALLS EMERGING 37 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 38 oracolo blue 1 WALLS EMERGING 39 art COUTURE oracolo blue 2 WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 40 alchimia WALLS EMERGING 41 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 42 WALLS EMERGING 43 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 44 WALLS EMERGING WALLS EMERGING 45 art COUTURE Installazioni che sbocciano e raggiungono le profondità dell’anima. Installations that bloom and reach the depths of the soul. WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 46 laima WALLS EMERGING 47 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 48 WALLS EMERGING 49 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 50 WALLS EMERGING 51 art COUTURE fayal WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 52 WALLS EMERGING 53 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 54 WALLS EMERGING 55 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 56 iriga WALLS EMERGING 57 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 58 WALLS EMERGING 59 art COUTURE izalco WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 60 WALLS EMERGING 61 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 62 kobido WALLS EMERGING 63 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 64 WALLS EMERGING 65 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 66 WALLS EMERGING 67 art COUTURE hekla WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 68 madagascar WALLS EMERGING 69 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 70 WALLS EMERGING 71 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 72 WALLS EMERGING 73 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 74 WALLS EMERGING WALLS EMERGING 75 art COUTURE Espressioni di una visione che si fa materia tra linee e forme sovrapposte. Expression of a vision found between the lines. WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 76 WALLS EMERGING 77 art COUTURE masaya WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 78 WALLS EMERGING 79 art COUTURE cerronegro WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 80 WALLS EMERGING 81 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 82 WALLS EMERGING 83 art COUTURE genesis WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 84 WALLS EMERGING 85 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 86 pilas WALLS EMERGING 87 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 88 shangrila WALLS EMERGING 89 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 90 WALLS EMERGING 91 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 92 WALLS EMERGING 93 art COUTURE apple and sin WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 94 WALLS EMERGING 95 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 96 WALLS EMERGING 97 art COUTURE kone WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 98 WALLS EMERGING 99 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 100 WALLS EMERGING 101 art COUTURE kaba WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 102 WALLS EMERGING 103 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 104 dubbi WALLS EMERGING 105 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 106 tolima WALLS EMERGING 107 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 108 WALLS EMERGING 109 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 110 WALLS EMERGING WALLS EMERGING 111 art COUTURE Arte tridimensionale che sorprende la vista e regala emozioni autentiche. Three-dimensional art that astonishes and inspires authentic emotions. WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 112 calbuco WALLS EMERGING 113 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 114 WALLS EMERGING 115 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 116 WALLS EMERGING 117 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 118 telica WALLS EMERGING 119 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 120 WALLS EMERGING 121 art COUTURE ibu WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 122 WALLS EMERGING 123 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 124 karkar WALLS EMERGING WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 126 fantasia barocca WALLS EMERGING 127 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 128 WALLS EMERGING 129 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 130 WALLS EMERGING 131 art COUTURE datong WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 132 WALLS EMERGING 133 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 134 felci WALLS EMERGING 135 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 136 WALLS EMERGING 137 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 138 nisyros WALLS EMERGING 139 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 140 WALLS EMERGING 141 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 142 COUTURE WALLS EMERGING Oracolo Blue 1 pag.38 W:415cm x H:250cm - W:163/8” x H:983/8” Oracolo Blue 2 pag.39 W:630cm x H:250cm - W:248” x H:983/8” Oracolo Blue 3 pag.34 W:495cm x H:250cm - W:1947/8” x H:983/8” Shangrila pag.88 W:430cm x H:250cm - W:1691/4” x H:983/8” Alchimia pag.40 W:660cm x H:250cm - W:2597/8” x H:983/8” Asama pag.16 W:130cm x H:188cm - W:511/8” x H:74” Apple and Sin pag.92 W:535cm x H:350cm - W:2105/8” x H:1373/4” Genesis pag.82 W:1200cm x H:360cm - W:4721/2” x H:1413/4” Madagascar 1 pag.69 W:336cm x H:270cm - W:1321/4” x H:1061/4” Madagascar 2 pag.68 W:182cm x H:270cm - W:715/8” x H:1061/4” WALLS EMERGING Madagascar 3 pag.70 W:336cm x H:270cm - W:1321/4” x H:1061/4” 143 Kobido pag.62 W:150cm x H:270cm - W:59” x H:1061/4” Cerronegro pag.78 W:150cm x H:250cm - W:59” x H:983/8” Hula pag.24 W:150cm x H:250cm - W:59” x H:983/8” Calbuco pag.112 W:131cm x H:193cm - W:515/8” x H:76” Kaba pag.100 W:150cm x H:250cm - W:59” x H:983/8” Kone pag.96 W:150cm x H:250cm - W:59” x H:983/8” Izalco pag.58 W:150cm x H:250cm - W:59” x H:983/8” Caldera pag.08 W:150cm x H:250cm - W:59” x H:983/8” Datong pag.130 W:150cm x H:250cm - W:59” x H:983/8” Esoterico pag.22 W:430cm x H:350cm - W:1691/4” x H:1373/4” art COUTURE Cygnus pag.30 W:150cm x H:250cm - W:59” x H:983/8” Tolima pag.106 W:150cm x H:250cm - W:59” x H:983/8” Felci pag.134 W:430cm x H:350cm - W:1691/4” x H:1373/4” WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 144 COUTURE WALLS EMERGING Fantasia Barocca pag.128 W:350cm x H:1200cm - W:1373/4” x H:4721/2” WALLS EMERGING Laima pag.46 W:150cm x H:250cm - W:59” x H:983/8” Dubbi pag.104 W:150cm x H:250cm - W:59” x H:983/8” Pilas pag.86 W:150cm x H:250cm - W:59” x H:983/8” Fayal pag.50 W:150cm x H:250cm - W:59” x H:983/8” Nisyros pag.136 W:150cm x H:250cm - W:59” x H:983/8” Telica pag.118 W:150cm x H:250cm - W:59” x H:983/8” Hekla pag.66 W:150cm x H:250cm - W:59” x H:983/8” Iriga pag.56 W:150cm x H:250cm - W:59” x H:983/8” Masaya pag.76 W:150cm x H:250cm - W:59” x H:983/8” Karkar pag.124 W:150cm x H:250cm - W:59” x H:983/8” Ibu pag.120 W:150cm x H:250cm - W:59” x H:983/8” Heard pag.12 W:150cm x H:250cm - W:59” x H:983/8” 145 art COUTURE WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 146 WALLS EMERGING 147 art COUTURE NOTIFICHE LEGALI Il presente catalogo è fornito gratuitamente, ma è e rimane proprietà Sicis e non può quindi essere oggetto di vendita. Nessuna parte del catalogo può essere riprodotta senza autorizzazione scritta di Sicis. Non esistono altre licenze, né implicite né espresse, per riprodurre una qualsiasi parte del presente catalogo o di qualsiasi disegno di mosaico in esso contenuto, al di fuori della licenza scritta e firmata da Sicis. Il contenuto del presente catalogo è protetto dalle leggi sul Copyright, comprese le foto e i disegni dei mosaici. I colori non possono essere riprodotti in maniera esatta, essendo le variazioni di colore una caratteristica intrinseca del prodotto stesso. I campioni mostrati nel catalogo sono da ritenersi puramente indicativi. SICIS è un marchio registrato da Sicis S.r.l Sicis si riserva tutti i diritti del presente catalogo e dei disegni dei mosaici illustrati, compreso il diritto di aderire le vie legali contro le infrazioni al Copyright. LEGAL NOTICES This catalogue has been provided to you free of charge, but it is and remains the property of Sicis and cannot be sold. You may not reproduce any part of this catalogue without the written authorization of Sicis. There are no licenses, either implied or expressed, to reproduce any part of this catalogue or any of the mosaic designs unless the license is in writing and signed by Sicis. Copyright Laws protect the content of this catalogue, including the photographs and the Sicis mosaic designs. The color variations cannot be reproduced exactly since they are an intrinsic feature of the product. The sample shown in this catalogue must be considered merely indicative. SICIS is trademark of Sicis S.r.l. Sicis explicitly reserves all rights to this catalogue and the mosaic designs therein, including the right to bring legal action for Copyright infringement. © 2015, Sicis s.r.l. Ravenna, Italy November 2015 SICIS ITALY Showroom Milano 20121 · Via Fatebenefratelli, 8 Ph. +39 02 87 60 99 · Fax +39 02 72 09 68 53 Factory Ravenna (Italy) · Fax +39 0544 46 98 11 SICIS FRANCE Showroom Paris 75008 · 41, Rue François 1er Ph. +33 (0)1 4952 8989 · Fax +33 (0)1 4952 8990 SICIS ME Showroom & Offices Dubai, (UAE) · Villa 12 · P. O. Box 23592 Corner of Umm Al Sheif & Jumeirah Beach Road Ph. +971 (0)4 395 3835 · Fax +971 (0)4 395 3860 SICIS INDIA Showroom New Delhi 110024 D-5 Defence Colony, First Floor Ph. +91 (0)11 4611 4800 · Fax +91 (0)11 4611 4844 SICIS TURKEY Sicis Istanbul-European Showroom Maçka Cad. No:1 Nişantaşı Ph. +90 212 240 2596 · Fax +90 212 240 2564 SICIS JAPAN Showroom Tokyo · Mille Roches’ Building B1 5-3-5 Minamiaoyama, Minato-Ku Ph. +81 (0)3 3406 1040 · Fax +81 (0)3 3406 1042 SICIS HONG KONG Showroom Hong Kong · Queen’s Cube 235/237 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai Ph. +(852) 2832 2830 · Fax +(852) 2833 9009 SICIS UNITED KINGDOM Showroom London · 15A Dover St, Mayfair, W1S 4LR · OPENING SOON Ph. +44 749 594 6583 SICIS NORTH AMERICA Corporate Headquarters New York 10454 · 150, Bruckner Blvd, Bronx Ph. +1 212 965 4100 · Fax +1 646 390 4587 Showroom & Offices New York 10001 · 240 Fifth Avenue · OPENING SOON · WALLS EMERGING art COUTURE 148 COUTURE WALLS EMERGING WALLS EMERGING