Feuille1 Page 1 0-25 psi 0-25 psi 0-6 0
Feuille1 Page 1 0-25 psi 0-25 psi 0-6 0
Feuille1 0-25 psi 0-6 1000 lb. per minute 1000 100 100-200 lb. per minute 100 psi 100 10 10 hours 10 minutes 11 12 12 12 hours 12 hours 13-16 13 14 15 15 minutes 16 17 18 18 hours 1991 year 1991 year 19 19 January 1 hour 1 200-400 lb. per minute 203 mm cannon 20 24 hours 24 hours 25-50 26-50 psi 2 2 minutes 30 days 30 minutes 30 3 400-1000 lb. per minute 40 45 minutes 4 hours 4 .50 caliber machine gun 0-25 psi 0-6 1000 liv pa minit Mil 100 100-200 liv pa minit 100 psi San Dis dizè di minit Onz Douz èske w konnen èstati zam ak ekipman yo nan inte w la? douzè midi 13-16 Trèz Katòz Kenz kenz minit Sèz Disèt Dizwit dizwitè ane 1991 ane mil nèf san katreven onz Diznèf 19 janvye inè youn 200-400 liv pa minit kanon 203 milimèt Ven 24 trè vennkatrè 25-50 26-50 psi De de minit trant jou trant minit trant Twa 400-1000 liv pa minit Karant karannsenk minit katrè Kat mitrayèt kalib 50 Page 1 Feuille1 .50 caliber machine gun mitrayèz kalib 50 50 Senkant 51-75 51-75 51-75 psi 51-75 psi 5-24 5-24 5 minutes senk minit 5 Senk 60000 soldiers 60000 gad yo 60 Swasant 6 hours si zè 6 minutes si minit 6 Sis 70 Swasantdis 7-12 7-12 76-100 76-100 76-100 psi psi 76-100 psi psi 7 Sèt 80 Katreven 82 or 120 mm cannon kanon 82 oubyen 120 milimèt 82 or 120 mm cannon kanon 82 oubyen 120 mm 8 hours yuitè 8 ywit 90 Katrevendis 9 Nèf a banana fig abandon abandonnen abandoned abandone abandoned bliye abandoned equipment that might ekipman be salvaged abandone ki te kapab sove abandoned equipment that might ekipman be salvaged abandonne ki ta dwe pwoteje materyèl abandone yo ki te byen kapab pwoteje abandoned equipment that might be salvaged abandoned kite abandoned lese abandon kite abandon lage abandon renonse abattoir bouchri abattoir labatwa abbey kay relijye abbey sant relijye abbreviation Abrevyasyon abc's abese Abdicate Renonse Abdomen abdomèn abdomen anbativant abdomen pans Abdomen stomach abdomen vant Abdomen Vant abduction kidnape a beer would really hit the spot yon right bonnow byè se t ap sa nèt Abelian group gwoup abelyen Page 2 Feuille1 abide by pliye abide by sede a + bi form fòm a + bi a big boy like you, you shouldgran know timoun bettertankou than toou, doou that pa dwe fè bagay konsa abilities abilite yo Ability Abilte Ability Abilte ABILITY AND JUDGEMENT abilite ak yo jijman Ability kapasite Ability ladrès Ability ladrès able abil able kapab a bluse kòsaj abnormal ànòmal abode abitasyon abode kay abode rezidans abolish aboli Abolish Aboli Abolish disparèt abolish eliminen Abolition Abolisyon Abolitionist Abolisyonis a-bomb Bonm atomik abominable abominab Aboriginal Aborijèn aboriginal people pèp aborigèn aboriginal people pèp sedantè abortion pill grenn avòtman abortion pill grenn fòskouch pilil avòtman abortion pill about 20 million anviron 20 milyon about 20 million apepwè 20 milyon about 20 million apepwè 20 milyon about all apropo tout about all osijè tout about apropo about apropo de about cease-fire konsènan sesed fe about condition on apwopo de kondisyon sou about condition on osijè de kondisyon sou about de about destiny apwopo desten about Eastern osijè de lès about exchanges osijè echanj yo about fate apwopo desten About half apepwè lamwatye About half pwèske mwatye about human osijè moun about human rights apwopo dwa imen yo about mine fields sou zafè yon chan ki gen pyèj yo about normalization apropo de nòmalizasyon Page 3 Feuille1 about normalization osijè de nòmalizasyon about number apropo nimero about number osijè nimoro about osijè de about peaceful reintegration of apropo east Slavonia de reentegrasyon de pè de ès slovonia about possibilities apropo do posibilite yo about possibilities osijè de posibilite yo about proposal apwopo demand about proposal apwopo de pwopozisyon about proposal osijè de demand about protection osijè de proteksyon about protection osijè de proteksyon about questions apropo kesyon yo about questions osijè kesyon yo about reconstruction apropo de rekonstriksyon about reconstruction osijè rekonstriksyon about return of the refugees apropo de retou refigye yo about return of the refugees osijè de retou refigye yo about return osijè de retou about sending apwopo ekspedisyon about that apropo de sa about that apropo de sa about that apropo de sa about that osijè de sa about that osijè de sa about that osijè de sa about that Osijè de sa about that osijè sa about that sou zafè sa about that Sou zafè sa about the break konsènan sesed fe osijè de ki sa about what about what sou ki sa about work osijè de travay above anlè Above anlè above anwo Above Anwo above enlè above movè above odesi above the ground anlè tè a above the ground anwo tè a Above the ground anwo tè a above the ground piwo tè a a boy yon ti gason a branch knocked me in the head yon branch bwa frape m nan tèt a brassiere/bra soutyen abscess abse abscissa absis abscond sovadò absence absan absence apsans Page 4 Feuille1 absent person absolute absolute deviation absolute magnitude absolute maximum Absolute pressure absolute term absolute value equation absolute value function absolute value of a number absolute value Absolute Zero absolution Absolutism Absorption Abstention abstract Abuse abuse Abuse abuse abuse abuse academic academician academy Academy a car accelerate Acceleration accented accented accents accents accept Acceptance accept accept accept accept accept accept accept accepts accepts access Accession accessory accessory accessory to access to the markets access to the markets accident absanteyis absoli devyasyon absoli mayitid absoli maksimòm absoli Presyon absoli tèm absoli ekwasyon valè absoli fonksyon valè absoli valè absoli yon nonm valè absoli Zewo absoli absolisyon Sistèm absoli Absòbsyon Abstansyon abstrè abi abize Abize fè afwon maspinay maspinen akademik akademisyen akademi Akademi yon machin akseleratè Akserasyon te aksantye te detaye aksan yo detay yo aksepte Aseptasyon asepte asepte asepte asèpte dakò pou aksepte pwan konsèy asepte dèt palman an aksè Aksesyon akseswa akseswa konplis nan aksè a mache yo aksè sou mache yo aksidan Page 5 Feuille1 accident aksidan accident aksidan Accident Aksidan accident aksidant accident aksidante accidental burst aksidan eksplozyon accidental burst aksidant eklatman accidental explosion aksidan eksplozyon accidental explosion eksplozyon aksidan accidental shot kout fe aksidantèl accidental shot kout zam ki pati pa aksidan accident chans accident deroulman accident donmaj accident enji accident ensidan accident evènman accident victims viktim aksidan yo acclivity Monte accommodation adaptasyon accommodation akomodasyon accommodation akomodasyon accommodation aranjman accommodation lojman accommodations adaptasyon accommodations akomodasyon accommodations aranjman accompaniment akonpayiman accompany akonpaye accomplice konplis accomplice konplis akonpli accomplish accomplish konpli accomplishment akonplisman accomplishment egzekisyon accord akò according Dapre according selon according to dapre according to his prononse a se according to his words prononse an se mo according to his words prononse an se paròl according to information selon enfòmasyon according to information swivan enfòmasyon according to selon according to selon a according to sources at the airport selon sak soti nan èpòt la according to sources at the airport selon sous nan èpòt la according to swivan according to the words selon ke lè mo according to words selon mo yo Accordion Akòdeyon accordion door pòt akòdeyon Page 6 Feuille1 accordion door accordion door accord account accountant accountant account account account accredited diplomatic corps Acculturation accumulated losses accumulated losses accumulating troops accumulating troops accumulation accumulator accuracy accurately accurate accusations accuse accuse accused accused of corruption accused of corruption accused accused accuser Ace ache achieve achieve achieve achieved successes achieved successes achieved achieved achievement achievement achievement achieve acid Acid acknowledged acknowledged acknowledged acknowledgements a conversation a country of members acquired companies acquired companies acquit pòt ouvè fèmen pòt pliyant konsantman afich akaront konte estime konsidere meni kò diplomatik yo ki kredite yo Akiltirasyon akimilasyon pèt pèt len apwe lòt anpil twoup on ban n twoup akimilasyon akimilatè presizyon egzakteman presi akizasyon yo akize blamen akize akize de kòripsyon akize nan kòripsyon te akize te akize akize Las fè mal acheve achive atann realize siksè yo siksè ki te realize te acheve te fini akonplisman konplisman reyalizasyon reyalize asid Asid admèt rekonèt te rekonèt rekonesans yo yon konvèzasyon yon peyi de manm yo Avantaje konpayi yo genyen conpani yo akite Page 7 Feuille1 acquittal acquittal acrid acronyms across across across across from across from across across act act acting as acting as acting as acting as acting as acting government acting governor acting president acting President acting President acting president action action actions activities activities activity activity act of kindness actress acts of destruction acts act actual actual actually actual actual Adalbert adapt adaptable adapt Adapt adapt adaptation a day added how added how added how added how lage libere rak inisial atrave atravè atravè anfas anfaz lòt bo lòt kote ak bòn aksyon aji kòm aji kon aji menm jan ak aji tankou konpòte kòm gouvènman aktyèl gouvènman aktyèl aktyèl pwezidan aktyèl pwezidan jouwe wòl prezidan pwezidan aktyèl aksyon aksyon aksyon yo aktivite yo aktivite yo aktivite aktivite byenfè aktris zak destriksyon yo zak yo travay aktyèl pwezan conjonkti aktyèlman moman realite adalbè abitye adaptab adapte Adapte akomode finalite yon jou adisyone kijan ajoute kijan ajoute kouman anplis kouman Page 8 Feuille1 added how mete kijan added how mete kouman added how te mete kòman added in te adisyone nan added in te ogmante nan added te adisyone added te mete added te ogmante added that is anplis sa se added that is mete sou sa se added that is te adisyone sa added that is te ajoute sa se added that is te mete sa se adding ap mete additional siplemantè addition as binary operation adisyon kòm operasyon binè addition property in inequalitypwopriete adisyon nan inegalite addition property of zero pwopriyete zewo nan adisyon additive operation operasyon aditif add ogmante add pou ajoute address adrès address adrès address andwa address limewo-kay adds that adisyonne sa adds that ajoute sa adds that mete sa adept in magic pwofonde adept in magic pwofonde adequate adekwat adekwat adequate adequate apwopwiye adequate aseptab adequate dekwa adequate konvenab adequate konvenyan ad hoc commission komisyon de sikonstan ad hoc commission komisyon èspesyal ad hoc committe komite lapoula Adiabatic Adyabatik adjacency adjasans adjacent sides kote adjasan adjective adjektif adjoint adjwen adjudicate deside adjunct general adjwen jeneral adjunct general jeneral adjwen adjunct general secretary sekretè jeneral adjwen adjunct subsecretary sekretè adjwen adjustable adaptab adjustment ajisman adjustment ajisman Page 9 Feuille1 adjustment adjustment adjustment Administer administration administration administration administration Administration administration for administration administrations Administrative Administrative administrative administrative administrative committee administrative control administrative council Administrative counsel administrative reform administrator administrator admirable admiral admiral Leighton admiral Leighton admiral Leighton Smith admiral Leighton Smith admiral Smith admiration admirer admission admission of guilt admit admonish adobe house a doctor adolescent adopted agreements adoption a dress Adriatic Adriatic Sea Adriatic Sea Adriatic Sea adultery advance advanced countries advanced technology advanced technology advance advantage ajiste ajisteman ranje Administre administraksyon administrasyon administrasyon administrasyon Administrasyon administraksyon pou jesyon administraksyon administratif Administratif administrativ adminitratif komiti administraktif kontwòl administratif konsèy administratif konsèy administratif refòm administratif administratè jesyonè admirab admiral admiral leytonn kapitèn leytonn admiral smit leytonn kapitèl leyton smit amiral smit admirasyon admiratè admisyon asepte ke o koupab admèt avèti mezon ekpoze osolèy yon doktè grandèt akò adòpte adopsyon wòb Adriyatik Lamè adriyatik Lanmè Adriyatik Lanmè Adryatik adiltè avanse peyi avanse yo teknologi avanse teknoloji avanse vanse avantaj Page 10 Feuille1 advantage avantaj Advantage Avantaj advantage benefis advantage pwofi adventure avantire adverb advèb Advertise anons advertise anonse advertise bay anons advertise fè reklam advertisement avètisman Advertise piblisite advertise pipliye Advertise Reklam advertising department avètisman depatman advice anseyman advice ansèyman advice konsèy Advice Konsèy advice of a consultant konsèy yon konsiltan advice of a consultant sijesyon yon konseye advise ban konsèy advise bay konsèy advise bay lide advise konseye advise konseye Aegean Islands zile Aegean yo Aegean Sea Lanmè Aegean Aegean Sea Lanmè Eje aerial bombardment bonbadman anlè aerial bombardment bonbadman ayeryen Tòpiyè aeryen aerial torpedo aerodrome ayewodwom aerodrome ayewopò aerospace company konpani avyon aerospace industry endistri avyon a few enpe a few enpe a few hours later kèlke zè pli ta a few hours later yon ti tan apwe affable afab affair afè affair biznis affairs of the Croatian Republic afèDr. de Mate la repiblik Granicz kwoasyen Dr.Mate granikz affairs of the Croatian Republic zafè Dr.repiblik Mate kwoasyen Dr. Mate affair zafè Affect Afekte affected bwòdè affected bwòdè affected communities kominote ki afèkte yo affected population popilasyon afèkte affected zones zòn afèkte yo affected zone zòn afèkte yo Page 11 Feuille1 affect on afeksyone si affidavit afidavi affidavit garanti affiliate afilye affiliation afilyasyon Affluent Opilan Affluent opilans Affluent pisan afford pemèt affront afwon Afghan capital kapital Afganestan Afghan government gouvènman Afganestan a fire yon boukan a fire yon dife a fish bone has stuck in her throat li gen yon zo pwason k koke nan gòj li aforementioned mantione avan Afraid Pè African Afwiken African countries peyi Afriken yo African National Congress Kongrè Nasyonal Afwiken African unity inyon Afriken a friend yon zanmi a friend yon zanmi Afrikaners Afwikanè Afro Kwafi afwo after all Atò after Alò after apre after apre after apre after aprè aprè after after aprè after aprè after Aprè after apwe after apwe after apwè after aryè after deyè after four aprè kat after four years aprè kat ane yo after four years aprè kat lane yo after four years aprè kat tran after meeting aprè reynyon afternoon apremidi afternoon apremidi afternoon aprèmidi afternoon aprè midi afternoon aprè midi afternoon session sesyon aprèmidi after return aprè retou after signed of agreement aprè te siyen akò a Page 12 Feuille1 after that apresa after that apre sa after that aprè sa after that aprè sa after that aprè sa after the accident, it was the police apre aksidan who freed an se himlapolis from the ka lcar retire l nan machin lan after the action aprè aksyon after the conversation aprè chita pale a after the conversation apwè chita pale yo after the conversation apwè konvèsasyon yo after the end aprè la fen after the meeting aprè rankont la after the meeting aprè reyinyon an after the siging aprè chanton an after the sign of peace agreement aprè siyati akò lapè an after the sign of peace aprè siyati de pè an after the talks aprè chita pale a after the talks apwè chita pale yo after the talks apwè konvèsasyon yo afterwards answit afterwards lèfini afterwards yon ti tan aprè after what aprè sa after what is aprè sa se again ankò again ankò again ankò again ankò again is ankò se against kont against kont kont against against kont against most kont dwe against most kont plis against the government kont gouvènman against the government kont gouvènman an against whom kont kilès against whom kont kiyes a gathering you rasanbleman a gathering you reyinyon age between laj ant age epok age epòk age epòk age laj agency ajans agency ajans agency ajans agency ajans agency France ajans fransè agenda aganda agenda ajanda Page 13 Feuille1 agent agent age Age stereotypes aggression Aggressive aggressor aggressor aggressor aggressor agility a girdle a girl agitated agitation agitation agitation agora agora agora a grape fruit agrarian politics a grave site a gravesite a grave site a gravesite a grave site a gravesite a grave site a gravesite a grave site a gravesite agree about selling agree agree agree agreed agreed agreed agreed agreed agreed agreed agreed agreed agreed agreement about agreement about agreement about agreement about agreement about agreement about agreement about ajan enpresaryo peryòd Kliche sou baz laj atak Agresif agresè amèdan atakè takinè ajilite gèn yon tifi ajite ajitasyon boulvèsman twoub kare piblik kote moun reyini plas piblik chadèk politik agrè yo fòs mò fòs mò kavo kavo plas mò plas mò simityè simityè tonm tonm dakò sou zafè vann agreye dakò dakò dakò dakò dakò te agreye te bay dizon li te bay mo li te dakò te dakò te dakò te reponn akò apropo de akò apropo de akò apwopo de akò osijè de akò osijè de antante apwopo antant osijè de Page 14 Feuille1 agreement about Bosnia andantant Herzegovina osijè de Bosni e èzegovini agreement about east Slavonia akòBaranja apropo and de ès slavonya baranja e agreement about east Slavonia akòBaranja osijè deand ès slavonya baranja e agreement about east Slavonya akò Baranja apropo de ès slavonya baranja agreement about east Slavonya akò Baranja osijè de ès slavonya agreement about reintegration akò apwopo reyentegrasyon agreement about reintegration akò osijè dereyentegrasyon agreement akò agreement akò agreement akò agreement akò agreement akò agreement antan n agreement antant agreement antant agreement antant agreement for akò pou agreement from akò de agreement from Dayton akò de dayton agreement in akò nan agreement in principle dakò sou pwensip agreement in principle to akò nan prensip agreement in principle to asepte nan pwensip pou agreement in principle to dakò sou pwesip pou agreements agreman agreements akò agreements akò yo agreements akò yo agreements antante yo agreements kontra yo agreements obtained akò ki te jwenn yo akò ki te jwenn yo agreements that were obtained agreements which antant yo ki agreement to acquire Akizisyon agreement to acquire akò sou zafè achte agreement to acquire Akò sou zafè avantaj agreement to acquire pou jwenn yon akò agreement to buy agreman pou achte agreement to buy akò sou zafè achte agreement to purchase Akizisyon agreement to purchase akò sou zafè achte agreement to purchase Akò sou zafè avantaj agreement with Taiwan agreman avèk Taywann agreement with Taiwan akò avèk tawann agressive agresiv agricultural agrikitirèl agricultural exports ekspò agrikiltirèl agricultural exports pwodwi ekpòte yo agricultural exports pwodwi ekpòte yo agricultural matter pwoblèm agrikilti Agricultural or Farm ProductsDanre agricultural policy politik agrikiltirèl agricultural produce pwodi agrikiltirèl Page 15 Feuille1 Agricultural society Sosyete Agrikòl agricultural subsidies agrikilti de sibzistans agricultural subsidies agrikilti sibvansyonèl Agriculture agrikilti Agriculture Agrikilti agriculture and agrikilti e agronomy agwonomi aha Anhan ahead annavan Ahead Devan a heater yon aparèy chofaj aid and abet ede ak ankouraje aid èd aid in èd nan Aids Sida aid station pòs de sekou Ailerons pati mouvan zèl avyon yo ailing kagou ailing kagou ain't M' pat ain't Pat air accidents aksidan avyon Air assault aso aeryen Air assault atak de lè air attack atak an lè air attack atak nan lè air attack atak nan lespaz air attack defense defans nan lè air attack defense defans nan lespaz air base ayewopò air base baz aeryen air base estasyon aeryèn Airborne avyon kago Airborne warning and controlsiyal systems avyon kago ak sistèm de kontwòl Air Condition Èkondisyone Air conditioning è kondisyone Air controller è kontwolè Air controller kontwòl de lè air corridor ti fenèt air corridor wout ayeryen air cover kouvèti a pwesyon aircraft avyon Aircraft avyon Aircraft avyon AIRCRAFT avyon AIRCRAFT avyon AIRCRAFT avyon AIRCRAFT avyon AIRCRAFT avyon tranpò AIRCRAFT avyon transpò AIRCRAFT avyon transpò aircraft builder espesyalis avyon aircraft builder fabwiaksyon avyon Page 16 Feuille1 aircraft builder Aircraft crewmember Aircraft crews Aircraft crews Aircraft displays Aircraft engine stands Aircraft equipment Aircraft flying abilities AIRCRAFT GUIDE Aircraft hijacking Aircraft loss aircraft manufacturer aircraft manufacturer Aircraft missions Aircraft navigation Aircraft pilot Aircraft pilot Aircraft subsystems Aircraft systems Aircraft tankers Aircraft troops Aircraft types Aircraft types Aircrew positions Air defense airdock airdock airdrome airdrome air air air air embargo air embargo airfield airfield Airfield airfield airfield air force Air Force air freshener air freshener Air Group air gun airgun Air-launched cruise missiles air air air Air liaison officer airline accident airline accident konstriktè avyon manm dekipaj avyon an elis avyon yo zèl avyon yo tab kontwòl avyon motè avyon ke tout pyès li fin monte ekipman avyon avyon iltra rapid GID AVYON pirat de lè avyon pèdi espesyalis avyon konstriktè avyon avyon misyonè idravyon avyatè pilòt avyon sofistike yo sistèm avyon yo avyon transpòtè gaz lame de lè kalite avyon yo mak avyon yo pozisyon manm ekipaj yo defans aeryen hanga tonnèl ayewodwom ayewopò è è è anbago aeryen anbago aeryen ayewopò tèren aviasyon Teren avyasyon tèren datèrisaj tèren davyasyon fòs ayeryen Lame demè bonjan van lè fwèch ekip de lè fizi a konpwesyon fizi a konpwesyon lans misil de kwazyè lè lè lè ofisye de lyezon aeryen aksidan aeryen aksidan avyon Page 17 Feuille1 airline company lin konpayi aeryèn konpayi Airline crewmember manm dekipaj avyon Airline crewmember otè de lè airline industry avyon endistri airlines association asosiyasyon lin areyèn airlines avyon komèsyal yo airlines djèt komèsyal yo airlines unit ekipaj avyon airlines unit lin ayerèn asosiyasyon airman aviyatè airplane avyon airplane avyon airplane avyon Airplane Avyon airport aewopò airport aeyopòt airport ayeopò airport ayewodwom airport ayewopò airport ayewopò air quality bon kalite lè air quality kalite è air quality lè bon kalite Airscrew elis Air Squadron èskwad de lè air station ayewopò air station baz aeryen air station estasyon aeryèn airstrip pis datèrisaj airstrip tèren airstrip tèren daterisaj air terminal hanga nan ayewopò air terminal nan ayewopò air terminal plas rezève pou vwayajè Air-to-air guns misil Air-to-air guns ròkèt Air-to-air missiles lans misil yo Air-to-surface guns zam areryen yo lanse sou latè Air-to-surface missiles misil aeryen lanse sou latè Air Wing zèl avyon a joint firm between yon antrepriz asanblag ant a joint firm efò asanblag a joint firm yon antrepriz asanblag AK-47 AK-47 a large number of people came yon bèl valè moun vini alarm call bri apèl Alarm Clock Revèy Albanian Albanyen albino albinòs albino Albinòs alcohol alkòl Alcohol Alkòl alcoholic alkolik Page 18 Feuille1 alcoholic beverages bwason alkolik alcoholic beverages Likè alcoholic gwòg alcoholic tafyatè a leg of goat is an expensive jigo cut kabrit se yon pati ki chè a lemon sitwon algebra aljèb algebraic aljebrik algebraically aljebrikman algebraic analysis analiz aljebrik algebraic system sistèm aljebrik algebraic term tèm aljebrik algebra of fraction aljèb fraksyon algebra of logic aljèb lojik algebra product pwodui algebrik Algeria Aljeri alias alyas alias alyas alias alyas alien alyenn alien card alyennkat alien smuggler kontrebandye alignment aliman alignment aliman alimony alimoni alimony pansyon alimony soutyen a little further yon ti jan pita a little further yon ti moman pita a little more ti kras ankò a little more yon ti kras anplis tikwas a little a little yon tipiti alive anvi alive konsyan alive vivan Alkaline Alkalin all an jeneral all annantye all antou all antyèman allegations were in alegasyon yo te nan alleged drug traffickers pwetandi trafikan dwòg yo alleged pretandi alleged prezime alleged terrorists pwetandi tèworis allege pwetann allergy alèji alliance alyans allied countries peyi alye yo allied countries peyi zanmi yo allied forces fòs alye yo allied parties pati alye yo Page 19 Feuille1 All in one place all local schedules all night long all of the time all of the time all over allowable allow allow allows allows allows allows Alloy all people all regions all regions all right all sides all sides all territories all territories all that all the levels all the levels all the water leaked out all three sides all three sides all three all together all all all all all all all all all all allusion all who are all your almost almost almost almost alone alone alone alone alone alone tout nan yon sèl plas tout orè lokal yo tout lannwit toujou tout tan tout fini admisib bay pèmisyon pèmèt lèse otorize pèmete pèmète Alyaj tout moun tout rejyon yo tout tèritwa yo dakò tout bò yo tout kote yo tout rejyon yo tout tèritwa yo tout sa tout degre yo tout nivo yo tout dlo a koule tout le twa kote yo tout twa kote yo tout twa tout ansanm total tou tout tout tout tout tout tout Tout tout antye daki tout ki tout pa ou yo preske preske preske prèske anrepo poukont poukont pou kòw sèl sèl Page 20 Feuille1 along ansanm avèk along avèk along of HVO defensive linesnan wout pou defann HVO along of HVO defensive linessou chemen pou defann HVO along roadways arebò wout yo along roadways arebò wout yo along roadways tout a kote wout yo along roadways tout a rebò wout yo along the front line nan tout ligne devan an along the front line sou tout ligne devan an along with akote ke along with an navan avèk along with avanse avèk along with deyò ke a lot anpil a lot anpil a lot of anpil alphabet alfabè alphabetize alfabetize Alpha Ray Reyon Alfa alpine village vilaj alpin alpine village vilaj ki nan alp alpine village vilaj nan mòn a pik already deja already deja already deja already gentan already is deja se alright dakò also epi also in E nan Ladann tou also in also is osi se also osi also osi also osi also said li te di tou also that sa tou also tou also tou altar chè altar lotèl altar otèl; referring to church altar pwen elve alternate altèn alternate altène alternate angle ang altèn alternate chanje alternate exterior angle ang altènekstèn alternate form fòm altènatif alternate permutation pèmitasyon altène alternate solution solisyon altènatif Alternating Current Kouran altènatif Page 21 Feuille1 alternating series alternatively alternator Alternator although although is altitude Altitude Altitude always always always always always always a man a map amase amase amase Amaze Amazon jungle ambassador ambassador ambassador ambassador ambassador ambulance Ambulance Ambulance Ambulance ambush Ambushes Ambushes ambush a meeting a meeting Amendment America America America America America American air forces American airplane american American American American American American American American seri altène altènativman altènatè Altènatè atravè atravè se altitid Altitid wotè toujou toujou toujou toujou toutan tout tan yon gason yon kat fè egare konfonn twouble Rejwi forè amazòn anbasadan anbasadè anbasadè anbasadè chef an chaj anbilans anbilans Anbilans Anbilans anbiske anbiskad yo pyèj yo pyeje you rasanbleman you reyinyon Amandman amerik amerik Amèrik amerika amerika Èfòs Ameriken yo avyon ameriken Amerikan ameriken ameriken ameriken Ameriken Ameriken Ameriken Ameriken Page 22 Feuille1 american amerikèn american amerikèn American bank bank ameriken American bank Bank Ameriken American banker bankè ameriken American banker Bankye Ameriken American capital kapital ameriken American city vil ameriken American college inivèsite ameriken American college kolèj ameriken American committee komite ameriken American Congress kongrè ameriken American currency lajan Ameriken American currency monè ameriken American dollars dola ameriken American economy ekonomi ameriken American envoy konvwa ameriken american forces in Bosnia-Herzegovina militè ameriken nan Bosni-Èzegovin American forces in fòs ameriken yo nan American general jeneral ameriken American government gouvenman ameriken American governments secretary sekretarya gouvenman ameriken American Indian Ameriken Natif Natal American Indian Endyen Amerik American Indians Endyen Ameriken American Martina NavratilovaAmeriken matina navratilova_ American millionaire milyonè ameriken American minister minis ameriken american minister of defenseminis defans ameriken an American multimillionaire ameriken miltimilyonè American multimillionaire miltimilyonè ameriken biwo ameriken American office American people pèp ameriken American pilot pilòt ameriken American President Bill Ameriken prezidan Bil American president Bill Clinton prezidan ameriken bil klenton American President Bill Prezidddan Ameriken Bil American president pwezidan ameriken American president pwezidan ameriken american rifle Fizi ameriken american rifle Fizi m1 Americans Ameriken yo Americans Ameriken yo american satelite satelit ameriken American Secretary of State sekretè Richard deta Holbrooke ameriken Richa Hòlbrouk American secretary of state sekretè deta ameriken American secretary of state sekretè eta ameriken American soldiers gad ameriken yo American soldiers in Bosnia-Herzegovina sòlda ameriken an bosni hèzegovini American soldiers solda Ameriken yo American soldiers sòlda ameriken yo American sources sous ameriken yo American standard etanda ameriken Page 23 Feuille1 American standard American state american state's secretary American stock exchange American treasury American vice-president American workers America's stock exchange am going am going am going am going am Ammeter ammo ammo ammonia ammunition ammunition ammunition ammunition ammunition ammunition ammunition ammunition ammunition ammunition ammunition ammunition Ammunition ammunition storage ammunition storage ammunition storage ammunition storage Ammunition trouble ammunition ammunition am amnesty Amnesty international amnesty am not am not am not am not among among among amongst which amongst who among them among the others among the others nivo de vi Ameriken eta Ameriken sekretè deta ameriken echanj valè ameriken trezò ameriken vis pwezidan ameriken travayè ameriken yo Mache echanj Ameriken Ale Eske m pwale Mwen ale Mwen pwale M Anpèmèt bal minisyon amonyak bal bal bal boulèt boulèt ekipman militè katouch katouch minisyon minisyon minisyon minisyon Minisyon depo ekipman militè depo minisyon militè depo zam depo zam militè pwoblèm minisyon zam zam Mwen amnisti Amnisti entènasyonal padon M pat M' pat Mwen pat Pat ant pami pami pami kilès pami ki pami yo omilye lòt yo pami lòt yo Page 24 Feuille1 among who antre ki among who pami ki amount kantite amount montan an amount monte amount of cash montan lajan amount of cash total kach amount of stock montan aksyon amount of stock total envèsman amount of stock total kapital amount of stock total machandiz amount to montan a amount to monte a amount total amount to total a a movie with plenty of action yon fim ki chaje aksyon Ampere Ampè Amphibious assault aso anba lanmè Amphibious assault aso soumaren Amphibious assault atak anfibi amphitheater anfiteyat amphitheater kote moun jwe teyat amphitheater sal de teyat amplification anplifikasyon Amplifier Anplifikatè amplitude anplitid Amplitude Anplitid amputation anpitasyon amuse amize amuse dezannouye amuse distrè amuse divèti amusement amizman amusement jaden amusement jwèt amusement pak amusement plas anaesthesia anestezi analgesic analjezik analogy analoji analphabete analfabèt analysis analiz analysts say analis yo di analysts say obsèvatè yo di analysts speculate analis yo èspekile analysts speculate analis yo pwedi analytic analitik analytic geometry jeometri analitik analyze analize analyze analize Analyze Analize an ambulance yon anbilans an American soldier Yon sòlda ameriken Page 25 Feuille1 an apple pòm anarchy anachi an assembly asanble anatomy anatomi Ancestors Zansèt yo Ancestor Zansèt anchor anrasinen ancient ansyen ancient antik ancient darati ancient vyewo and about e apwopo de and about e osijè de and about E zafè de and about it e osijè de sa and added e te ajoute and after e apwè and ak and ak and Ak and all ak tout and all alawonnbadè and all e tout and all tout moun and also Epitou and also e tou and American e ameriken and before e anvan and before e avan and beneath e sou and besides e akote yo e Bosni e and Bosnia and and Bosnia and Herzegovinae bosni a hezegovini and Bosnian e bosnyan and Byen and chief e chèf and chief e direktè and civil e sivil and civilians e sivil yo and collaborative e kolaborasyon and connections ak konèksyon yo and cooperation e koperasyon and Croatia e kwoasi and Croatia e kwoasi and Croatian e kroetyan and Croatian e kwoasyan and Croatian e kwoasyen and director e chèf and director e direktè and drink ak bwè and e and e and e Page 26 Feuille1 and e and E and E alò Andean countries peyi and yo and economic e ekonomik and exiles e ekzile yo and Federation Bosnia e federasyon Bosni and Federation of Bosnia ande Herzegovina federasyon Bosni e hezegovini and Federation of Bosnia e federasyon Bosni and for e pou and for E pou and forestry e silvikilti and friends e ami yo and friends e kanmarad yo and friends e zanmi yo and from Herzegovina e sòti de èzegovin and further e pli lwen and further E pli lwen and he added e li ajoute and head e chèf and head e direktè and help e èd and his e sa and how e kòman and how is your family e kijan tout fanmi ou yo ye and human e imen and human e kretyen and human e moun and in e nan and in E nan and in Ladann tou Ki donk and and local e lokal and managements e administrasyon and managements e administrasyon yo and members e manm yo and Men and minister of development eand minis reconstruction de developman e rekonstriksyon and minister of reconstructione minis de rekonstriksyon and Muslims e mouzlèm and NAT e nò atlantik and national e nasyonal AND NATIONALITIES ak nasyonalite yo AND NAVIGATION E NAVIGASYON and not E pat and of Herzegovina e sòti de èzegovin and one e youn and on e sou and on E sou and other e dezyèm and other e lòt and other e lòt and other e lòt la Page 27 Feuille1 and others e lòt yo and politics e politik yo and possibility e mwayen and possibility e posiblite AND PROPAGANDA PERSONNEL yon popagan pèsonèl AND QUANTITY ak kantite and reconstruction e rekonstriksyon and red e roug and refugees e refije yo and refugees e refijye yo and rehabilitate Dr Jure Radice reyabilite direktè jire radik and renovation ak renovasyon and representative e reprezantatif and representatives e reprezantan yo and Republic and e repiblik e and Republic and Federatione repiblik e federasyon and Republic e repiblik and Republic of Croatia e repiblik Kwoasi and restoration Dr. Jure e restorasyon Direktè jire Andric, Nobel Prize-winning author Andric, ganyè pri-nobel otè Andric, Nobel Prize-winning author Andric se otè sa ki genyen pwi nobèl la and second e dezyèm and second e lòt and Serbs e sèb yo and Serbs e sèb yo and she e li and so Ak and so Anben and so Byen and so E and so E alò Ki donk and so and so Men and so on e alò and so on e alò sou and storm oraj and storm tanpèt and sweep the floor e bale atè a AND TELEPHONE OPERATORS ak operatè telefòn and that Ak sa and that e sa and that E sa and that E sa and that is e sa se and then Ak and then Byen and then E and then E alò and then Epitou and then Ki donk and then Men and the western e ewòp oksidantal and they e yo Page 28 Feuille1 and this and this and this and this and this morning and this morning and those who and those who and today and to and to and two and under and until and until AND VEGETATION and vice president and we and west and west Srijem and west Srijem and which and with and with and without and you and you, mister rincher and you sir and you where you going Anemometer an enemy anew a new paper article a nghtgown angle bisector angle in a circular segment angle measure angle measure preserved angle of circumference angle of contingence angle of depression angle of elevation Angle of incidence angle of intersection Angle of reflection angle of rotation Angle refraction Anglican anglophone Angolan elections Angolan elections angry angry e ake sa a e avèk sa a e sa e sila e maten sa a e nan maten sa a e sa yo ki e sila yo ki e jodi a ea E pou e de e sou e jiskaske epi jiska e vejetasyon e vis prezidan e yo e wès e wès Srijem e wouès srijem e kèl E ak e avèk e san okenn e wou e ou menm mesye rincher e ou menm mesye e ou menm ki kote ou prale Anemomèt yon lennmi nouvo yon atik jounal chemiz denwit bisektris ang ang nan yon segman sikilè mezi ang mezi ang konsève ang sikonferans ang kontenjans ang depresyon ang elevasyon Ang ensidans ang entèseksyon Ang refleksyon ang wotasyon Ang refraksyon Anglikann anglofòn elèksyon angolèz yo elèksyon Angolyen yo ankòlè eksite Page 29 Feuille1 angry angry Angry Angry angry angry Angry angry Angular acceleration angular angular bisector angular orientation angular point animal animal Animal animal Animal Animal power animals animals step on land mines animals step on landmines animals step on land mines animals step on landmines animals animal Animal animation ankle annexing zeros to anniversary anniversary announce about announce about announce announce announce announce announced acquisition announced acquisition announced acquisition announced from announced how announced it announced announced announced announced announced that announced that announced that announce announcement fache fache fache Fache irite move Move movesan Akselerasyon angilè angilè bisektris angilè oryantasyon angilè pwen angilè animal animal Animal bèt Bèt Pisans animal bèt yo bèt kanpe sou min yo (sou esploziv) bèt kanpe sou min yo (sou esploziv) mak pye zanimo sou pyèj yo mak pye zanimo sou pyèj yo zanimo yo zannimo Zannimo animasyon chevi mete zewo dèyè anivèsè jou nesans anonse apwopo anonse osijè anonse anonse anonse avèti anonse benefis anonse sa yo genyen anonse sa yo jwenn anons ki sòti te anonse kòman te anonse li te anonse te anonse te anonse te anonse anonse sa rapòte sa te anonse sa fè konnen anonsman Page 30 Feuille1 announcement annoying annoying annual annual assembly annual assembly annual Annually Annually annual meeting annual meeting annual meeting annual party congress annual party congress annual revenue An objective area raid Anode an orange another day another another another another another another one another one another another another try another year another year another year another another another another another answer answered answer not responsive answer answer answer answer answer answer answer Answer the questions! Antagonism Antagonism antagonist antagonist antagonist anonsman anbetan anbetan anyèl asanble anyèl rasanbleman anyèl chak ane anyèlman anyèlman asanble anyèl rankont anyèl rasanbleman anyèl kongrè anyèl pati kongrè pati anyèl ekonomi anyèl yon pwen datak byen detèmine Anòd zoranj lòtrejou dezyèm dezyèm lòt lòt lòt lòt yon lòt plis swivan relansman yon lòt ane yon lòt ane ankò yon lòt ane anplis yon lòt yon lòt yon lòt yon lòt youn ankò bay repons te reponn repons ki pa klè replike reponn reponn reponn reponn repons repons Reponn kesyon yo! Antagonis opozisyon advèsè antagonis kontrarye Page 31 Feuille1 antagonist rival Antarctica Antatik antartic antatik Antartic Antatik antecedent antesedan antechamber gran hal kote pou ret tann antechamber gran pòt dantre antechamber sal datant Antenna Antèn antenna antènn anteroom gran hal kote pou ret tann anteroom gran pòt dantre anteroom sal datant ant fonmi ant foumi ant foumi ant fwomi ant fwonmi Anti-airborne stake baryè anti twoup antiaircraft anti ayeryen anti-aircraft artillery and personal kont-weapon avyon atileri e zam pèsonèl Antiaircraft Artillery personnelpèsonèl anti aeryen anti-aircraft cannons za-m kont-avyon yo anti-aircraft gun zam anti aeryen antiaircraft gun zam anti aeryen anti-aircraft machine-guns and zam anti aeryen e antibiotics antibiotik antibiotics antibyotik Antibiotics Antibyotik anti-colonialist antikolonyalis antidote antidòt ajan anti dwòg yo anti-drug agents antidrug agents ajan anti dwòg yo anti-drug agents ajan kont dwòg yo antidrug agents ajan kont dwòg yo antifreeze antijèl Antigua Antigwa anti-guerrilla battalion batayon anti geriya anti-guerrilla battalion batayon kont geriya Antipathy Antipati anti-personnel bonm bonm a fwagmantasyon antipersonnel bonm bonm a fwagmantasyon anti-personnel land mine chan min anti twoup anti-personnel landmine chan min anti twoup anti-personnel land mine tèren pyeje anti twoup anti-personnel landmine tèren pyeje anti twoup antique antik antiquity antikite Anti-shipping ground combat gè support tèrès kont ravatayman Anti-shipping ground combat konba support de tè kont ravitayman Anti-submarine warfare gè anti soumaren Anti-submarine warfare role aksyon de gè kont sou maren anti-takeover kont kontwòl Page 32 Feuille1 antitakeover kont kontwòl Anti-tank ditches fose anti tank yo Anti-tank ditches tou anti tank yo anti-tank land mine chan pyeje anti tank anti-tank landmine chan pyeje anti tank anti-tank land mine tèren pyeje anti tank anti-tank landmine tèren pyeje anti tank anti-terrorist group group anti tèworis antiterrorist group gwoup anti tèworis anti-terrorist legislation lejislasyon anti tèworis antiterrorist legislation lejislasyon anti tèworis antiterrorist legislation lejislasyon anti tèworis anti-terrorist legislation lwa kont tèworis anti-terrorist police polis anti tèworis antiterrorist police polis anti tèworis antiterrorist police polis anti tèworis anti-terrorist police polis kont tèworis antrance alantran a nurse enfimyè anxiety enkyete anybody kennenpòt anybody Nenpòt moun anybody Nenpòt moun anyhow kanmenm anyone nenpot anyone nenpòt anyone Nenpòt moun anyone Nenpòt moun Anyone speak? Gen moun la ki pale ? anyone who is in need of helpNenpòt moun ki bezwen asistans anyone who is in need of helpNenpòt moun ki bezwen èd anyone who is in need of helpNenpòt moun ki bezwen sekou anyone who needs blankets Nenpòt Moun ki bezwen dra anyone who needs blankets nenpòt moun ki bezwen kouvweli anyone who needs food urgently Nenpòt moun ki bezwen manje an ijans anyone who needs food urgently Nenpòt moun ki bezwen manje pwese pwese ijans anyone who needs medical attention Nenpòt moun ki bezwen èd medikal anyone who needs medical attention Nenpòt moun ki bezwen swen medikal anyone who needs shelter Nenpòt moun ki bezwen kote pou yo rete anyone who needs shelter nenpòt moun ki bezwen yon abwi anyone who needs shelter Nenpòt moun ki bezwen yon tonnèl anyone who needs warm clothing Nenpòt moun ki bezwen rad cho Any other movement? Nenpòt mouvman? Any other parts nenpòt lòt moso Any other special equipment ninpòt lòt ekipman èspesyal anything nenpòt bagay anything Nenpòt bagay anything Nenpòt bagay anything to declare yon bagay pou di anything we can do to help you kèlkilanswa sa nou ka fè pou nou ede w anything we can do to help you Nenpòt bagay nou ka fè pou ede w anything zòn kote misil oubyen katouch eksploze anlè san kite tras any time nenpòt lè Page 33 Feuille1 anyway anyway anywhere anywhere anywhere Apartheid apartment apartment apartment building apartment building apartment building Apartment building apartment apartment apartment apartment apartment apartment apartments Ape a peptic ulcer aperitif aperitif a point on the circle apostle apothecary's shop apothecary's shop apothecary's shop apothecary's shop apothem appeal appeal for reconsideration appeals court appeals court appeals court appeals court appeals court appeal to appearance appearance appearance appearance appearance appearance appear appear appease appease appease appellant appetite appetizing applaud de tout fason wè pa wè Nenpòt kibò nenpòt kote Nenpòt kote Apateyd apatman apatman gwo imèb gwo kay gwo mazon Konplèks apatman kay kay mezon patman plat pyès kay apatman yo Makak yon ilsè pèptik aperitif ki bay apeti yon pwen sou yon sèk apot dispansè famasi magazen medikaman magazen remèd apotèm apèl apèl pou rekonsiderasyon lakou dapèl yo lakou kasasyon yo parèt devan jij pwezante devan tribinal pwezante nan tribinal apèl a aparans aparans atak pèfòmans pwezantasyon pwezante parèt parèt apeze fè rete kalmen moun kap fè apèl apeti apetisan aplodi Page 34 Feuille1 applicable aplikab applicant aplikan application aplikasyon application aplikasyon application aplikasyon application aplikasyon application aplikasyton application demand application papye travay application realizasyon applications aplikasyon yo apply as much force as you can peze ak tout fòs ou appointing nonmen appoint nome appraisal estimasyon appraisal evalyasyon appraisals estimasyon appraisals evalyasyon appreciable apresyab appreciate apresye Appreciate Apresye appreciate estime appreciate evalye appreciation apresiyasyon Appreciation Apresyasyon apprenticeship aprantisaj approach aproche appropriate apwopriye appropriate apwopriye appropriate apwopriye appropriate apwopriye apwopriye appropriate approval apwouve approve apwouve approve apwouve approve asepte approve bay mo approve rayi approximability apwoksimabilite approximate apepwè approximate apwoksimatif approximate apwoksime approximate calculation kalkil apwoksimatif approximate construction konstriksyon apwoksimatif approximately apwoksimativman approximate number nonm apwoksimatif approximate pwèske approximate raproche approximate rational value valè rasyonèl apwoksimatif apricot abriko April avril April avril April Avril Page 35 Feuille1 aptitude aptitid aquarium akwaryòm Aquarius Vèso aquatic akwatik Arab Arab Arab delegations delegasyon arab yo Arabic Arabi Arabic Arabik Arabic territories tèritwa arab yo Arab market Mache arab arbitrary detention detansyon abitrè arbitration abit arbitration jij arboretum jaden botanik arcade galri arcahaie Akayè arch ach archbishop achipbichòp archbishop monseyè archbishop Monseyè archeological objects objè akeologik Archeologist Akeyològ Archeology Akeyoloji archipelago Gwoup zile architecture achitekti architecture Achitekti Architecture Achitekti archive achiv archive achiv yo archives achiv archives achiv yo achivis archivist arch vout area e area fen Are aircraft parking areas lighted èskeatzòn night? kote garaj avyon yo gen limyè lannwit? area kònè are all tout mou-n yo are all yo tout are already yo pare are already yo prè are already yo prè Are any members of your immediate èske okenn family manb heredirèk with fanmi you? ou la ak ou Are any space-based systems èske being pa used gen okenn for communications sistèm baz aeryen or navigation? ki te itilize pou kominikasyon oubyen po area of former Yugoslavia ansyen zòn Yougoslavi are ap areas that have items of value kote easily ki gen accessible bagay de valè ke moun ka antre fasil areas that have items of value plas easily ki gen accessible atik de valè ki trè fasil pou antre areas that soldiers avoid kote ke sòlda yo evite areas that soldiers avoid zòn kote ke sòlda yo evite areas that soldiers enter onlykote with sòlda special antre equipment sèlman ak espesyal ekipman areas that soldiers enter onlyzòn withkote special sòlda equipment antre sèlman ake ekipman èspesyal areas where concrete or asphalt nan pavement zòn kote beton has been oubyen removed alfat la te kraze a Page 36 Feuille1 areas where concrete or asphalt plaspavement kote betonhas oubyen been alfat removed pave te retire areas where land mines havekote exploded bonm te sote areas where landmines havekote exploded bonm te sote areas where land mines havePlas exploded kote min pyèj yo te eksploze areas where landmines havePlas exploded kote min pyèj yo te eksploze areas where land mines havezòn exploded kote bonm yo te eksploze areas where landmines havezòn exploded kote bonm yo te eksploze areas where low flying aircraftandwa have dropped kote avyon anything ki vole ba yo kapab lage nenpòt bagay areas where low flying aircraftzòn have kote dropped avyon ki anything vole ba yo te lage tout bagay areas where missiles or shells zòn burst koteinmisil the air oubyen and released katouch eksploze anlè san kite tras areas where soldiers or civilians kotetravel ke sòlda in single oubyen file sivil voyaje an grenn degrennen areas where soldiers or civilians zòn travel kote ke in sòlda singleoubyen file sivil yo voyaje yonn pa yonn areas with man-made barrierskote or obstacles ki gen baryè oubyen difikilte yo areas with man-made barrierszòn or ki obstacles bare ak lantiray oubyen ak obstak yo areas with man-made barrierszòn or ki obstacles gen baryè oubyen pwoblèm yo areas with man-made barrierszòn or kote obstacles ki gen barikad areas with man-made barrierszòn or kote obstacles ki gen baryè ak pwoblèm yo area zòn area zòn area zonn are coming Nou ap vini are coming Nou vini are coming Vini are coming y ap vini are coming Y ap vini are coming Yo ap vini are coming Yo vini are confirmed yo te konfime are Croatians kroesyan yo Are defensive tactics being employed èske pa gen against taktikusdefansiv now? yo tap anplwaye kont nou? Are delaying tactics being employed èske paagainst gen taktik us ki now? pwepare kont nou pou tan kap vini yo? ap dire are during are everybody tout mou-n yo are everybody yo tout are going Eske w pwale are going Ou ale are going Ou pwale are in nan are late an reta are located se lokalise are n arena estad arena estedyòm arena kivèt arena tèren de konba Are new improvements in theèske design genyen of tanks amelyorasyon currently being nan used plan tank by your yo ki tanks? aktyèlman ap itilize pa tank ou are next to yo pwochèn a are next to yo wo are not Ou pat are not Se pat are not yo pat are Nou are now yo kounye a Page 37 Feuille1 aren't Se pat aren't you afraid ou pa pè aren't you afraid ou pa pè Are offensive tactics being employed èske genagainst ofansivus taktik now? ki te anplwaye kont nou kounye a? are Ou are ours se pa nou Are people still being trained èske there? yo kontinye antrene moun la a? are playing ap jwe are related on aparante are related on rakonte are related on yo te relate si are related yo te relate are representatives yo reprezantatif are Serbs se sèb yo Are special operations being èske presently pa gen conducted èspesyalagainst operasyon us? ki ap kondi kont nou aktyèèn? are stable yo estab are still yo toujou Are the following take-off speeds? èske vòl sa yo a lè y ap dekole, yo fèt an vitès? Are the land mines in any pattern èske min yo pa gen okenn fòm Are the landmines in any pattern èske min yo pa gen okenn fòm Are the land mines in any pattern èske min yo pa gen okenn siy pou fè remke yo Are the landmines in any pattern èske min yo pa gen okenn siy pou fè remke yo Are the land mines in any pattern èske pyèj yo pa gen kèk desen remakab Are the landmines in any pattern èske pyèj yo pa gen kèk desen remakab Are there ammunition shortages èskefor pathis genweapon ase minisyon in the unit? pou zam sa a nan inite a? Are there any armored vehicles èske in pa thegen unit? kèk machin blende nan inite w la? Are there any blind spots? èske pa gen okenn ti tach ki avegle je? Are there any dead? pa gen moun ki mouri? are there any èske genyen kèk Are there any filters on the aircraft? èske pa genyen filtè nan avyon an? Are there any limited visibilityèske spots? pa gen okenn kote ke viziblite a limite? èskemap genyen kèk chan min sou kat sa a are there any mine fields on this Are there any other military facilities èske gen at lòt thepozisyon sites? militè nan zòn yo? Are there any other weaponsèske in your pa unit gen like lòt kalite that? zam konsa nan inite w la? Are there any spare parts shortages? èske pa gen pyès ki manke? Are there any trip-wires near èske it pa gen fil siyal bò kote li ditou Are there any trip-wires near èske it pa gen kèk fil davètisman toupwe li are there èske genyen Are there extras for vehicularèske Nuclear, pa gen Biological an plis or machin Chemical Nikleyè, equipment Byolojikinou the Chimik unit? nan initèske w konnen Are there extras of this communication èske gen anplis equipment nan materyèl in your unit? kominikasyon sa yo nan inite w la? Are there known insurgent organizations èske genyennear òganizasyon the field? revòl koni toupwe tèren an? Are there known terrorist organizations èske gen òganizasyon near the field? tèworis ki koni toupwe tèren an? Are there other armored vehicles èskeinwthe genyen unit like lòt machin it? blende konsa nan inite a? Are there other weapons in your èskeunit? gen lòt zam nan inite w la? Are there people who want toèske gen moun ki vle Are there people who want toèske gen moun la a ki ta renmen Are there people who want toèske gen moun la ki vle Are there shortages of individual èskeNuclear, manke nan Biological chak materyèl or Chemical Nikleyè, equipment Byolojikinak theChimik unit? nan inite a? Are there spare parts available èske for gen it? pyès rezèv disponib pou li? Are there spare parts available èske for gen the individual pyès de rezèv Nuclear, disponib Biological nan chak or Chemical kalite materyèl equipment Nikleyè, in theByolojik unit? ak Are there spare parts available èske for pa thegen vehicular pyès de Nuclear, rezèv disponib Biological pou or machin Chemical Nikleyè, equipment Byolojik in the ouunit? Chimik n Are there spare parts available èske for gen the weapon pyès rezèv in your ki disponib unit? pou zam ki nan inite w la? Are there spare parts available èske within pa gen the unit? pyès rezèv disponib nan inite a? Page 38 Feuille1 Are there wires or horns protruding èske gen from fil itmetalik oubyen antènn ki konekte ladan Are there wires or horns protruding èske gen from fil itmetalik oubyen antènn ki soti ladan Are there wires or horns protruding èske pa from genitfil metalik ak sirèn ki pase ladan l Are the security forces augmented èske yo at ogmante night? fòs sekirite yo pandan lannwit? Are these maintenance deadlines èske met? dat limit sa yo rive rèspèkte? Are the weapons loads mixed? èske gen plizyè kalite zam chaje? Are they marked èske yo gen mak Are they marked èske yo genyen siy pou idantifye yo Are they marked èske yo make Are they planned? èske yo te planifye? are they want to èske yo vle are today se jodi a are up yo pwochèn a are up yo wo are W are with yo avèk Are you a local civilian? èske w genyen yon lokal sivil? Are you a member of the armed Ou se forces? yon manm fòs lame a Are you a permanent residentèske alienouofse theyon United rezidan States? pèmanan ozetazini Are you associated with any level èske of outhe asosye government? nan oken nivo gouvènman are you a strong young men eske ou gen anpil kouraj jennòm Are you a United States citizen? èske ou se yon sitwayen ameriken Are you carrying a weapon? Ou pote yon zam sou ou? Are you comfortable? èske ou konfòtab Are you comfortable? èske w alèz Are you comfortable? èske w anfòm Are you directly associated with èske the oumilitary asosyeinnan anymilitè way?an okenn fason Are you familiar with any classified èske familye publication? ak nenpòt piblikasyon ki nan jounal? are you going to mary's house eske ou pral kay mari are you going to work by car eske or by ou subway pral travay nan machin ou byen nan tren Are you hungry? èske ou gwangou are you implying tha I'm a liarou vle di m ap fè manti Are you injured? Eske ou blese? Are you injured? Ou blese? Are you in pain? Ou santi doulè? are you looking for work now ou ap chache travay konnye a are you married eske ou marye are you married miss gonzalez eske ou marye madmwazèl gonzalez are you married? ou marye Are you pregnant? Eske ou ansent? Are you pregnant? èske ou ansent Are you ready to order, madam? èske w pwè pou kòmande,madam? are you referring to me? if thelenmò shoe kfits fache wearpranl it jan l vle are you referring to me? if themshoe voyefits dlowear m pait mouye lenmò are you referring to me? if theseshoe avè fits m ou wear ap itpale a Are you sick or injured? èske ou malad oubyen ou te blese Are you taking any medications? èske ou pwan medikaman yo Are you thirsty? èske ou swaf Argentina Ajantin Argentine justice jistis ajanten Argentine justice jistis ajantin Argentine silver ajan ajantin Argentine state eta ajantin Page 39 Feuille1 Argentine state Argentinian film argument argument arid Aries arithmetic fraction arithmetic mean arithmetic statement Armament Armament armament armament arm arm arm-chair arm-chair armchair armed armed Angolans armed Angolans armed bands armed clashes armed confrontations armed escort armed forces armed forces Armed Forces armed forces armed formations armed groups armed incident armed incident armed robbery Armenian armies armies in arm Armor Armor armored cars Armored cars Armored jeeps Armored jeeps armored tank armored tank Armored trucks Armored trucks armored vehicle armored vehicles armored vehicles Armor armory peyi ajantin fim sinema Ajanten agiman agiman arid Belye fraksyon aritmetik mwayèn aritmetik pwopozisyon aritmetik ame ame Ameman Materyèl de gè bra bra fè cheve fè cho fotèy ame angolyen ki ame yo lame angolè bann ame yo bwi zam yo zam konfwontasyon yo eskòt ame fòs ame fòs ame fòs ame yo fòs yo te ame fòmasyon lanme gwoup ame yo ensidan ame ensidan zam vòl ak zam Ameni ame yo ame yo nan men blende boukliye vwati blende yo vwati blende yo djip blende yo djip blende yo cha blende tank blende kamyon blende yo kamyon blende yo machin n blennde machin blennde yo machin n sa yo blennde kouvèti de pwoteksyon amori Page 40 Feuille1 armory armory armory armory armory armory armoured cars armoury armoury armoury armoury armoury arm arms and arms and arms embargo arms from arms from arms army army base army base Army corpses Army corpses army general army in Army Army army members arm arnarchy a rock hit the windshield around around around around around in a full rotation Around the house Around the house arraignment arrange arrange in group arrangement array arrest arrest Arrest arrest arrest arrest arrest to arrival arrival asenal chan zam chan zam depo zam depo zam lasnal machin stokaj zam yo chan zam chan zam depo zam depo zam lasnal ponyèt bra men e anbago zam yo de bra yo de men yo zam yo ame baz militè kan militè kadav lame yo rèstan kadav lame yo general ame lame nan Lame Lame manb ame yo zam anachis yon wòch prape vit machin nan alantou alantou alantou atravè wotasyon kouplè yon sekans nonm alantou kay ozanviwon kay desant de lye aranje gwoupe aranjman aranjman arèstasyon arete Arete entèpelasyon fouke rete arete arive rive Page 41 Feuille1 arrival arrived in arrived arrive arrive arrogance arrogance arrogance arrogance arrogant arrogant arrogant arrow arrow arsenal arsenal arsenal arsenal arsenal arsenal arson arsonist artery article article of law articles articles Articles artificial artificial lake artificial leg artificial leg artificial leg artificial leg artificial leg Artillery artillery Artillery artillery artillery Artillery Artillery artillery attack artillery attack artillery attack artillery Artillery Artillery Artillery forward observer Artillery liason officer artillery storage artillery storage artillery storage vini te arive nan te rive rive rive arogans awogans bòzo pwopagann angran arogan gosye flèch Flèch amori asenal Asnal chan zam depo zam lasnal ensandi ensandyè Kannal atik atik lwa atik atik Atik atifisyèl Lak atifisyèl ffo pye fo janm fo pie pie atifisyèl pye atifisyèl asnal asnal Zam Atileri atilri atiri atiri atiyri atak ak zam atak atiri zam pou atake batri atak depo zam depo zam atiri dobsèvayon sofistike yo ofisye de lyezon datiri depo atiri depo katouch depo minisyon Page 42 Feuille1 artillery zam a gwo kapasite artisan atizan artisan atizan Artist Atis artistic atistik artistic contribution kontribisyon atistik artist pent artist pent Art konesans art school lekòl atis art school lekòl penti arts èv Art talan Aruba Ariba as a matter of fact de tout fason as a result of kòm rezilta de as a result of kòm rezilta de as a way etan ke ke yon fason as a way kòm yon fason as a way kòm yon mwayen as a way kòm yon posiblite as a whole annantye as a whole tout antye ascending order òd asandan ascent Monte as chairman and CEO kòm pwezidan epi chèf egzekitif administrasyon an as chairman and CEO kòm pwezidan epi chèf egzekitif operasyon an as chairman kòm pwezidan a Serb in yon Sèb nan as far as jiska as far as osi lwen ke as far as pa as fast osi fasil as for kanta ashamed lawonte ashamed wont ashamed wontez Asia Azi Asia Lazi Asia Lazi Asian Azyatik Asian countries peyi azyatik yo Asian southeast sidès Azi as if komsi as if kòmsi as it is I don't know where she pou is byen di ou, m pa konn kote l ye as it is Kòm li se ask envite ask for girl's hand in marriagemande yon fi marye ask for mande pou ask for sipliye a skirt jip ask mande Page 43 Feuille1 ask mande ask mande ask Mande as kòm as kòm ask pou mande ask pou poze ask poze as late as osi ta ke as like kòm ke as like Kòm si as like Kòm si a slip jipon as of today I'm no longer working patidhere jodi a, m pa travay isit la ankò as part of a etan ke yon pati de yon as part of a kòm yon pati de yon as part of etan ke yon pati nan as part of kòm yon pati nan Aspect Aspè aspects aspè yo asphalt asfalt asphalt makadanm aspirin medesin aspirin medikaman assailant agresif assailant atakan assassin ansasen assassin ansasen assassinate asasinen assassinate asasinen Assassinate Asasinen ponyade assassinate assassinate tire assassinate touye Assassination asasinay assault and battery atak ak eksplozyon assault and battery atak ak zam a fe Assault aso assault with a deadly weaponatak ak zam danjere ass bourik ass deyè assembly asanble assembly asanble assembly asanbleman assembly asanbleman assembly foròm assembly hall gran sal assembly hall oditoryòm assembly hall sal asanble assembly palman assembly palman assembly palman assembly plas rankont Page 44 Feuille1 assembly rasanbleman assembly reyinyon assertion afimasyon assets avantaj yo assets avantaj yo as she's the oldest she should piske get the se limost k pi gran se li k pou jwenn plis assiciation asosyasyon assign bay assistance asistans assistance asistans assistant asistan assistant asistan assistant commander komandan asistan assistant èd assistant of american asistan ameriken assistant of american state asistan ete ameriken an assistant of american state secretary sekretè asistan eta ameriken an assistant sibòdone assistant sosye associate with siye association asosiyasyon association asosyasyon association gwoupman association inite association men kontre association of the exiled sosiyasyon de ekzile associations asosiyasyon yo association sendika association tèt ansanm associative law lwa asosiyatif associative property of addition pwopriyete asosiyatif adisyon pwopriyete asosiyatif miltiplikasyon associative property of multiplication associative property pwopriyete asosiyatif associativity asosyativite as soon as kòm ke as soon as osito ke as soon as pli bonè ke as soon as pli vit ke assumed mean mwayèn ipotetik assumed obligations pwan rèponsablite yo assumption aksyòm assumption postila Assumption Sipozisyon assure afime assure asire assure atire assured te ansekirite assured te asire assured te asire assured te fe ansekirite assure konvenk assure konvenk assure pèsyade Page 45 Feuille1 asterisk asteris astrologer astwològ astrologer astwològ Astrologer Astwològ astrology astwoloji Astronomy Astronomi astronomy astwonomi astronomy astwononmi a suit kostim a surgeon chirijyen as well as Menm jan ak as well as that osi byen ke sa as well tankou as we were talking the phoneetan rangn ap pale telefòn nan sonnen as what is it kò-m sa se as what Kòm si as yet jiskapwezan asylum azil asylum azil asylum hearing jijman pou azil asylum lopital mantal asylum lopital sikatri asylum refij asylum refij ensanse asylum sanktyè asymmetrical asymetrik asymmetric relation relasyon asimetrik as you didn't call I taught youkòm weren't ou pa coming rele m konnen ou p ap vini as you didn't call I taught younou weren't pa rele coming m konen nou pa p vini at a at a a at at a at ak at ak at Ak at a kote at an at anlè at Anwo at avèk at battery apil at beginning nan kòmansman at beginning okòmansman at condition akondisyon atè yo? èske w konnen metòd pou w itilize pou w kominike ak inite ki sou kote w yo ak at fault koupab at first an premye at first nan premye lign athenaeum librèry athenaeum libweri atheneum librèry atheneum libweri Page 46 Feuille1 athletic atlèt athletic facility fasilite atlèt athletic facility klib espòtif athletic facility sal espòtif athletic spòtif a tie kòl at interest alenterè Atlanta- based Baz Atlanta Atlantic Ocean Oseyan Atlantik Atlantic Ocean Oseyan Atlantik Atlas Atlas at last an fen at last Anfen at last finalman atmosphere anbyans atmosphere anbyans atmosphere anbyans Atmospheric pressure Pwesyon atmosferik at nan at night aswè at night diswa at night leswa a toilet yon twalèt Atom Atòm atomic bomb bonb atomik atomic bomb Bonm atomik Atomic Energy Enèji Atomik Atomic Mass Mas atomik Atomic Number nimewo atomik Atomic Number Nonb atomik atomic warhead bonm atomik ki fèt ak tèt nikleyè yon vil a town at pa at Pa at Pale, Bosnian Serb headquarters katye jeneral Sèb ak Boznyen nan Pale at prè at Prè at present aktyèlman at present aprezan at proch a traitor yon trèt at random chwazi a trees branch is knocking agains gen yon the branch windowbwa k ap frape nan fenèt la atrocities that were carried out atwòsite ki egziste yo atrocities that were carried out atwòsite ki tap kouri atrocities that were carried out atwosite ki te genyen yo Atrocity Atwosite attach jwenn ansanm attach lye attach mare attach solidè attach tache attack alatak Page 47 Feuille1 attack aparans attack atak attack atak attack atak attack atanta attacked atake attacked te atake attack on atake sou attack on atak sou attack pèfòmans attacks atak yo attacks atak yo attacks on atak yo attacks on atak yo si attain acheve attain achive attain atann attain atann attained destinasayon attained destinasyon attained te atend attained te aten-n attained te rive attained te rive attain reyalize attempt demach attempt demach attempt Demach attempt efò attempt esè attempt esè efò attempts attempts tantativ attempt tantativ attention atansyon Attention Atansyon attentive atantif attest to sètifye at that time ak moman sa at that time ala fwa at that time alò at the Conference ak konferans lan at the conference for ak konferans pou at the end alafen at the end a la fen at the end A la fen at the end alafèn at the end an fen at the end nan finisman at the end of the announcement nan fen anonsman an at the end of the announcement nan finisman anons lan at the meeting nan rankont at the national level o nivo nasyonal Page 48 Feuille1 at the national level onivo nasyonal at the present time aktyèlman at the same time Anmenmtan at this moment nan moman sa a attic denye èspas nan tèt kay attic fetay kay Attic Fetay kay attic galata attic grenye attic gwenye attic kòfrefò attic mansad attic plafòm kay at times detanzantan at times tanzantan at today's press conference konferans de près la jodia a attorney avoka attorney avoka attorney ; (general) komisè attraction atirans attraction Atirans attraction atraksyon attribute atribi at what stop do I get off nan ki arè mwen sipoze desann at what time will arrive in chicago a kilè l ap rive chicago audience odyans auditorium gran sal auditorium oditoryòm auditorium oditoryòm auditorium sal asanble August 16 sèz out 18 out august 18 August 19 19 dawou August 1995 dawou 1995 August 19 diz nèf out August dawou August Out August Out aunt matant aunt matantan aunt matante aunt matante aunt tant Aunt Tant Australian film fim ostralyen Australia Ostrali Austrian city Vil Otrich Authoritarian Otoritè authorities otorite yo authorities say otorite yo di authorities say that otorite yo di konsa authorities say that zotobwe yo di konsa authorities say zotobwe yo di Page 49 Feuille1 authority authority of Bosnian authority authority authority authority authority authority Auto accident Auto accident auto makers auto makers automat automatic formation automatic formation automatic pistol automatic rifle automatic weapons automatic weapons automat automat Automobile repair Automobile repair Automotive autonomies autonomies autonomies autonomous communities autonomous government autonomous government autonomous region autonomous regions autonomous territories autonomous territory autonomous university Autonomy Autonomy Auto auto parts auto parts autumn (fall) Autumn auxiliary airfield available available resources avalanche avalanche avantage avantage avantage aventure Average aviary kòmand otorite de bosnyan otorite otorite otorite Otorite pouvwa zotobwe aksidan machine Aksidan oto fabwikatè machin konstriktè machin distribitè otomatik fòmasyon otomatik fòmasyon otomatik Pistolè otomatik Fizi otomatik zam otomatik yo zam otomatik yo otomatic restoran reparasyon machin reparasyon otomobil otomobil dirije pwòp tèt ou otonomi souvren kominote otonòm yo gouvènman otomòm gouvènman otonòm rejyon otonòm rejyon otonòm yo tèritwa otomòm yo tèritwa otonòm inivèsite otonòm endepandans Otonomi Oto pyès machin pyès machin yo otòn Otòn tèren siplemantè disponib resous ki disponib yo kouran dlo lavalas avantaj avantay gabèl avanti mwayen jaden volay Page 50 Feuille1 aviary jaden zwazo aviary poulaye Avionic equipment ekipman elèktwonik pou avyon avoid egzante avoid evite avoid retelwen avril april awaiting so that tann pou ke Aware Okouran a wasp stung me yon gèp bobo m a wasp stung me yon gèp mòde m away lwen a week yon semèn Awkward gòch awkward goche awkward maladwa Awkward Maladwa a woman yon fanm a word about Yon mo sou zafè axe ach axe rach Axe Rach Axis Aks Axis Aks Axle Aks a yon a youn a young man yon jenn gason a young woman jenn fi Azerbaijani Azèbadjanè baby bebe Baby Bebe Baby Bottle Bibwon Baby car seat Chèz oto pou bebe Babydoll pope twal Babydoll pote Baby food Manje ti bebe baby's room chanm bebe baby's room gadri timoun baby ti bebe Baby Ti bebe baby timounpiti baby tizanj bachelor bakaloreya bachelor ; (pertaining to educational bakaloreya degree) ; (retorik-filozofi) back an aryè back bak back bonda back deyè back dèyèdo back do back do Back Do Page 51 Feuille1 back back Back pack radios backstay backstop back-to-earth movement backward backward backwards backwards Bacterial agent bacteria bacteria bad credit bad bad bad bad bad bad bad Bad Bad bad bad badness bad Bad Bad bad bad bag-and-baggage letter bag bag Bahamas bail bond bail bond bailiff bail bailor bail out on bail bail Baker Baker Baker bakery bakery Balance Balance Balance balance Balance balcony fè bak nwa kouvèti do radyo a kanpe la panno mouvman sante de reyablitasyon annaryè pa bak an aryè fè bak ajan Bakteri mikrob mikwòb diskredi grav kòmèdè mechan move move move move move move movè movè mechanste pa bon pa bon Pa bon salopri zòdi sak ak saklet valiz valiz a la men Bayamas kosyon sou kondisyon lajan wisye kosyon gadyen pwizon lage sou kondisyon lajan sou kondisyon lajan boulanje Boulanje patisye boulanje boulanjri balans Balans Balanse ekilib ekilib balkon Page 52 Feuille1 balcony balcony balcony bald bald bald bald Balkan Balkan Balkan countries Balkan balk balk ball Ball Bearings ballistic missile ball-park ballpark ballroom ballroom ballroom balustrade balustrade balustrade Bamboo banana Bandage bandages bandage the leg well bandage the leg well banished banister banister banister Banjo bank bank bank bank bank Bank bank board bank board bank board bank building bank building bankerwout lwa bank for bank for bank group bank holding bank holding company bank holding company galri gran galri tonèl pou teyat chòv chwòv tètchòv tètkale Balkan balkanik peyi balkan yo gwo pi mòn chevwon soliv balon Woulo Bi Misil balistik chif apwoksimatif teren bizbòl chanm damizman sal de dans sal pou dans balistrad balkon ranp Banbou fig Pansman bandaj bande janm lan byen bande pye a byen bani balistrad balkon ranp Bandjo bank bank bank bank Bank Bank komite dirèktè bank komite egzekitif bank komite egzekitif labank kay bank mezon bank lwa bankwout bank pou depo pou gwoup bankè bank kenbe bank kontweole konpayi konpayi denvètisman bankè Page 53 Feuille1 bank holding envètisman bankè banking entity lide pou tranzaksyon bankal bank labank bank labank bank loans anprwen nanbank bank loans kredi bank yo bank money market accountsbank akont kouran bank money market accountsbank akont mache echanj bank money market bank mache echanj bankruptcy court tribinal bankwout bankruptcy fayit bankruptcy law lwa bankwout bankruptcy law lwa pou biznis an fayit bankruptcy law protection lwa pou pwotege biznis ki an fayit bankruptcy law protection lwa pwoteksyon bankwout bankruptcy protection bankwout pwoteksyon bankruptcy protection pwotèksyon pou biznis ki an bès banks bank yo banks bank yo bank system sistèm bankè bank vault chanb fò bank vault tinèl bank vault vout banner banyè banner labanyè bannister balistrad bannister balkon bannister ranp baptismal certificate sètifika batèm baptism batèm baptism batèm Batèm Baptism Baptist Batis Baptist Batis baptize andoye baptize batize baptize batize baptize batize baptize fè batèm Baranja and the western Baranja e rejyon lwès lan Baranja and western Srijem Baranda e rejyon lwès Srijem Baranja Baranja Baranja Baranja bar association bawo avoka bar ba bar ba bar Ba Barbados Lababade barbecue babekwyou barbecue gri barbecue gridiyon barbed wire fil fè Barbed wire fil fè Page 54 Feuille1 barbed wire barbed wire barbed wire barbershop Barber shop barbershop barbershop barbershop Barber shop bar Bare ground Bargain Bargain Bargain Bargraph bar bar barn barn barn barn barn barn barn barn barrack barrack Barracks barracks Barracks Barracks Barracks barracks barracks barracks barrelhouse barrelhouse barrels a day barrels a day barrels of oil barrels of oil barrels of oil barren bar bar Barrette barricade barricade barricade barricade barricade barricade barrier fil fè babele fil fè kwòk fil fè pikan èstidyo de bote Kay kwafè salon de kwafi salon kwafè salon kwafi shòp kwafè boutik tèren vid barati Bon mache pwi piyay Bagraf kanbiz bwason kay piblik depo depo ekiri ;for horses etab etab granj granj pak zannimo kazèn penitansye Barak kan kan militè kanpman Kazèn kazèn yo kazèn yo penitansye yo bistwo etablisman de dans barik pa jou yon barik pa jou barik gaz yo barik lwil yo barik lwil yo arid restoran dansan retoran boutik Barèt barikad barikad baryè blokaj ranpa sènaj baryè Page 55 Feuille1 barrier barrier barrier barriers between barriers between bar-room barroom bar-room barroom bar-room barroom bar-room barroom bar-room barroom bar bar bar barycenter barycentric coordinates base angle Baseball mitt base base base base base base Base Base base based based on based based base base base base base base basement basement basement Basement base of a logarithm base of a power base of cylinder base of figure base of operations base of operations base of operations base of operations baryè lantouray patiray baryè ant baryè nan mitan ba ba kanbiz bwason kanbiz bwason sal biya sal biya sal bresonyè sal bresonyè sal gildiv sal gildiv sal biya sal bresonyè sal gildiv barisant koòdone barisantrik ang baz Gan bezbòl baz baz baz baz baz baz Baz Baz baz operasyon yo ke te baze sou te baze te fonde fò fondasyon fondasyon fondman fondman kan anba lakay gran fondasyon sou sòl Sousòl baz yon logarit baz yon puisans baz silenn baz figi baz baz operasyon yo fò kan Page 56 Feuille1 base of operations pòs base pedestal baz ranfò base pedestal poto mitan base pedestal sipò base pòs bases baz basic agreement about akò fondamantal apropo de basic agreement about akò fondamantal osijè de basic agreement about east akò fondamantal pou pati lès basic agreement about east Slavonia akò fondamantal osijè pati lès Slavonya basic agreement akò fondamantal basic agreement akò fondamantal basic baz basic cosine curve koub kosinis de baz basic de baz basic elemantè basic esansyèl basic esansyèl basic fondamantal basic fondamantal basic fondamantal basic fondamantal basic fondamnatal basic fondanatal basic foudansyon Basic military training antrènman elemantè pou militè basic operation operasyon de baz basic problèm basic problèm basic pwensipal basic services sèvis fondamantal sèvis fondammantal yo basic services basic tèm basilica bazilik; referring to church basilica katedral basin Basen basis baz Basis Baz Basketball Baskètbòl Basketball hoop Panye baskètbòl basketball panye basketball panye baskèt Basket Panye Basket Panye Basket panyen Bastard Pitit deyò baste fofile bastion basyon bastion baz bastion fò bastion gwo kazèn bastion sitadèl bateau bridge chetif Page 57 Feuille1 bateau bridge Bath bath bath bathe bathing suit bath bath bathroom Bathroom bathroom bathroom bathroom bathroom bathroom Bathroom Bathroom bathroom bathroom bathroom bathroom Bathroom Bathtub Bathtub Bathtub bath batle batle batle Baton twirling battalion Battalion battery Battery Battery Battery BATTERY PERSONNEL battle battlefield battle-fields battle-fields battle battle battle battlements battlements battlement battlement battles near here battles near here battles near here Bauxite bawdy house flotan Beny benyen chanm de ben benyen kostim de ben komòd latrin chanm de ben douch fasilite komòd latrin lavabo prive sal de ben Sal de ben sal de beny twalèt twalèt twalèt Twalèt basen Basen Benywa twalèt batay konba lit Baton dansan batayon batayon batri batri Batri Batri enstalasyon inite bonbadman batay chan batay chan lagè teren batay goumen konba lagè tèren deranfò zòn de refij tèren deranfò zòn de refij batay toupwe isit la goumen tou pwe la lagè tou pwe isit la Boksit kay fème Page 58 Feuille1 bawdyhouse bawdy house bawdyhouse bay bay bay bazaar bazaar bazaar bazar bazar bazar bazooka Bazooka beach house beach house beach house beach beach beach beach beach Beach Beacons and stations types beaf beak Beaker Beaker Beaker Beam beam beam beam beam be angry bean beans beard bearing wall bear bears beat beaten be at the point of death beat up beat up beautification beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful kay fème mezon fème mezon fème ale Bè orevwa baza boutik gwan magazen baza boutik gwan magazen bazouka bazouka kay bò plaj kay detant mezon de plaj laplaj laplaj plaj plaj Plaj Plaj limyè avètisman ak tip èstasyon yo vyann bèf bèk awozwa gode tenbal Feso fòm madriye reyon siy fache pwa pwa bab mi de sipò lou lou yo bat bat agonize bat ak kout pwen fwape anbelisman adorab bèl bèl bèl bèl bèlte Page 59 Feuille1 beautiful bo beautiful chaman beautiful joli beautiful joli beautiful joli beauty bèfigi beauty bèlte beauty bote beauty salon salo de bote be called apele Be careful atansyon Be careful pwan pwekosyon because I cannot leave my mother paske by m pherself ap ka kite manmanm poukont li because is paske se because it paske li because of Akòz because of Pou tèt because of Sou kont because of that akoz de sa because of that akoz de sa because of that an rezon de sa because of that paske sa because of that paske sa because of that paske sa because of that poutèt sa because pafwa because paske because paske because paske because Paske Becker Bekè deveni become Become devni become Tounen Become tounen Become vin Become Vini bedchamber chanm a kouche bedchamber chanm pou dòmi Bedding Dra bed kabann bed kabann Bed Kabann bedlam anachi bedlam bwi kontinyèl bedlam dezòd bedlam timilt bedlam vakam bedroom chanm a kouche bedroom chanm a kouche Bedroom Chanm a kouche bedroom chanm pou dòmi Bedroom furniture Mèb chanm Page 60 Feuille1 beds bedspring bedspring Beef bee bee been beer beer beer Beer Beer before before before before before before before before before before before before dawn before before before before easter before the end began began begin begin begin begin begin begin begin begin begin begin beginning beginning beginning beginning beginning beginning beginning of the war begin begins begins begin beg kaban n yo somye somyè bèf myèl myèl Te byè byè byè Byè Byè anfas de anvan anvan anvan aprè avan avan avan avan avan avan avanjou devan devan douvan anvanpak avan la fen kòmanse tanmen debite derape kòmanse kòmanse kòmanse kòmanse kòmanse kòmanse koumanse koumanse amòs ap kòmanse ap tanmen komansman kòmansman koumansman kòmansman gè a pou te chita nan komanse tanmen te chita nan mande pou Page 61 Feuille1 beg Behavior behavior behavior behavior Behavior behaviour behaviour behaviour behind behind behind Behind behind behind be in charge be in charge be in effect be in effect be in effect be in effect being duly sworn being be in proportion be interested be in touch be killed beleive beleive beleive beleive belfry belfry belief Belief Beliefs believe Belize bell-shaped curve bell tower bell tower belly belonging to a city belonging to the Red Cross belonging to Zagreb belonging to Zagreb below below below Below below below Below the ground sipliye atitid kondwit konpòte konpòtman Konpòtman kondwit konpòte konpòtman dèrye deyè deyè Deyè ke tche an chaj responsab èt an efè èt valab èt valab rezilta semante devan lalwa Te an pwopòsyon te entèrese kontak tiye asepte dakò kwè pran klòch kloche kwayans Kwayans Kwayans kwè Beliz koub nòmal klòch kloche vant se pou yon vil ki se pou kwa wouj sa ki pou Zagrèb zafè Zagrèb anba anba anba Anba andesou sou anba tè a Page 62 Feuille1 belt Belt bema bema be mistaken be mistaken bench bench Bench bench bench bench warrant beneath beneath Beneath Beneath Beneath beneath benediction benediction be needed be needed be needed be needed beneficiary of a visa benefit benefit benefit benefit Benefit benefit benefit be occupied with be on guard be on one's guard be on one's guard be on one's guard be on be on Be Quiet! Berlin newspaper berm berm Berms Bernoulli experiment be be served beside beside besides besides besides besides sentiwon Sentiwon lotèl kote tabènak la ye sanktyè tronpe tronpe ban ban Ban Bankèt Tèras manda anba andesou Nan bafon nan fon pa anba sou benediksion benediksyon nesesite ta dwe te bezyen te dwe benefisye yon viza avantaj avantay benefis benefis Benefis pwofi pwofi angaje nan angad èt an gad èt an gad pridans pare prè Rete trankil! jounal Bèlen barikad baryè ti akote yo esperyans bènouli Se sèvi a kote dabò a a kote akote yo pa Page 63 Feuille1 beside which akote ke beside which an navan avèk beside which avanse avèk beside which deyò ke besieged city vil asyeje besieged city vil ki tonbe anba syèj be sitting chita be situated sitiye be standing kanpe best approximation pi bon apwoksimasyon best evidence meyè pwèv Beta Beta betrayal trayizon better meyè better meyè better miyò better miyò better miyò better miyò better miyò better mye better mye better pibon better something than nothingdegoute miyò pase pa pise better something than nothingli mye gen yon ke ou pa gen men better something than nothingli pi bongen kichòy ke ou pa gen anyen better than pi meyè ke better than pi mye ke better way meyè chemen better way pi bon chemen better way pi bon fason pi bon mwayen better way better weather pi bon tan better weather tan pi favorab between ant between ant between ant between antre between Croatia and antre kroetia e between Croatia and pami kroetia e between Croatia ant kwoasi between Croatia pami kwoasi between Haitian ant Ayisyen between mitan between pami between pami between two ant de between two antrede between two antrede between us antre nou be under rete anba be under twouve anba be valid èt an efè Page 64 Feuille1 be valid be valid be valid Beverage beverage beverage Beverage Beverage bewildered B group biased estimator bias Bib Bible Bible Bible biblical bibliotheca bibliotheca bibliotheca bicentennial biconditional Bicycle Bicycle Bicycle Bicycle bidding war bid to acquire bi-fold door big board big board big board big dismal big big feet bigger Bigger bigger Bigger Bigger bigger big big big big big big big big big big big big èt valab èt valab rezilta bwason gwòg gwòg kola Soda gaye group b estimatè byeze pati pwi Bavèt bib Biblik Labib Biblik bibliyotèk libweri libwèri bisantnè bikondisyonèl bisiklèt bisiklèt bisiklèt Bisiklèt plan lagè devi pou twouve pòt pliyant gwo ogmantasyon gwo pano gwo tablo Gwomon enòm gwopye pi gran pi gran pi gwo pi gwo Pi gwo pi laj gra gran gran gran gran gro gro gro gwo gwo gwo gwo Page 65 Feuille1 big big big Big big increase big increase big increase big increase big increase big increase in big increase in big increase in big increase in big increase big big big names big three big toe big top big top big top big top big top big Bihaca bilateral Bildta bilge keel Bilingual bill Bill billboard bill bill bill Bill Bill Clinton bill billet Billeting or housing types billet billiard room billiard room billion acquisition billion buyout billion buyout billion Canadian dollars billion dollars billion foreign debt billion marks billion marks billion gwo gwo gwo Gwo gwo monte gwo ogmantasyon gwo ogmantasyon gwo pano gwo tablo gwo benefis nan gwo ogmantasyon nan gwo ogmantasyon nan pwi monte nan pwi monte lag laj gwo non yo gwo twa gwo zòtèy an lè nèt anwo nèt a pik somè tèt ron wo biyaka bilateral Bildta anba lakal bato Bileng afich Bil pano dafichaj bòdo bòdwo chaj chaj Bil klinntonn estime biyè kan katriyèm ploton yo tikè chanm biya salon de biya milya byen milya^^ reachte reachte pa milya milya dola kanadyen yo bilyon dola yo milya dèt etranje dè milya mak milya mak yo milyon Page 66 Feuille1 billions milya yo billions of dè milya de billions of milya de billion takeover milya ranplasan bill konsidere bill meni Bill montan Bill of Rights Deklarasyon dwa moun bills of law dèt lwa yo bimodal bimodal binary arithmetic aritmetic binè binary digit chif binè binary form fòm binè binary number nonm binè binary operation operasyon binè binding angaje binding atache binomial binòm binomial curve koub binomyal binomial expansion espansyon binomyal binomial expression espresyon binomyal binomial theorem teyorèm binòm biographic information enfomasyon sou vi ou Biological agent ajan Byolojik BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL materyèl ITEMSbyochimik biological byolojik Biological detection kit ekipman de deteksyon byolojik Biological identification kit ekipman didantifikasyon byolojik Biological warfare gè biolojik Biology byoloji Biomass Byomass Bèt de pat Bipeds Bipeds bipèd birdhouse kalòg birdhouse kay volay bird kit bird sanctuary jaden volay bird sanctuary jaden zwazo bird sanctuary poulaye Birds Zwazo bisecting each other youn bisekte lòt bisection de moso bisection kase an de bisection koupe an de bisection separe an de moso bisector bisektris bisector of a segment bisektris yon segman Bishop evèk Bishop Fou bishopric dyosèz bistro ti demele bistro ti rèstoran bisycle bisiklèt Page 67 Feuille1 bitter bitter bitter bitter bitter bitter bitter bitter bitter bitter Bitter bitter bivouac bivouac bivouac Blackboard black-board black Black hole black leaders blackmail black man black market black black black black Black Black black blackout black pepper Black sea black black woman black woman blame blame blanket blanket blankets blankets blankets blankets blankets blank blank shell Blazevic blessing blind blind blinded blinded amè amè amè anme anmè anmè anmè anmè anmè anmè Anmè rak bivwak kan kanpman Tablo tablo nwa boudachodyè Twou nwa lidè nwa yo chantay nèg mache nwa nwa nwa nwa nwa Nwa Nwa nwè Blakawout pwav Lamè nwa sonm nègès nègès blam repwòch dra kouvèti blankèt dra kouvèti kouvèti kouvweli katouch vid katouch vid blazevik byenfè avèg avegle avèg pete je Page 68 Feuille1 blinding blind blind Blister agent Blister agent bloc blockade blockade blockade blockade blockade blockage blockage blockage blockage blockage block block block block block block buster blockbuster blockhouse blockhouse block block number block block of flats blonde blonde blood bank blood drinker blood drinker blood drinker Blood pressure blood blood blood Blood Blood Blood transfusion Blossoms blouse Blouse Blow dryer Blow blow up blue blue blue blue blue aveglan jepeteklere sanzye ajan militè anvwaye militè blòk anpechman baraj barikad blokaj obtriksyon anpechman baraj barikad blokaj obtriksyon anpechman baraj barikad blok blokaj bonm trè pisan bonm trè pisan fò de pwoteksyon mezon de pwoteksyon katye nimewo blòk obtriksyon brik plat yo_ ble blond bank de san bivè san bwè san sousè-d san Tansyon san san san San San Transfizyon san Fleri kòsaj Kòsaj Sechwa Esplozyon pete ble ble ble ble ble Page 69 Feuille1 blue ble Blue Ble Blue Ble blue blond blue helmets kas ble yo blue helmets kas ble yo blue koulèble bluff blòf bluff Fo pawòl blunderbuss fizi gran djòl board for panno pou boarding abòday boarding alantou boarding anbakman boarding arebò boarding planch boarding planchaj board of immigration appealskonsèy ki okipe apèl nan imigrasyon board panno boardroom administrasyon boardroom sal konferans board said komite dirèksyon te di board said pano a te di Board Tablo boat bato boat bato Boat Bato boathouse abwi boathouse anga pou bato boat kannòt boat kannòt navi boat boats batiman boats bato bodies kò yo bodies kò yo body armor aparèy blende body armor boukliye body armor kò pwotektè body kò body of water Pòsyon dlo bog Ma labou boiler chodyè boiler chodyè Boiling point degre bouyant Boil your water! Bouyi dlo ou. Bolivian government gouvènman bolivi Bolivian government gouvènman bolivyen Bolt action rifle zam otomatik bomb bonm Bomb Bonm Bombing bonbadman Bombs bonm yo Page 70 Feuille1 bomb shell eksplosiv bombshell eksplosiv bomb shell obi bombshell obi bomb storage depo bonm bomb storage depo eksplozif bond market aksyon komèsyal bond market atachman mache bond market lyen mache bond prices pwi bon yo bond reduction rann pipiti bond reduction redwi bones lèzo bonfire boukan booby hatch kay pou moun fou booby hatch pon Bèdèt booby hatch sanatoryòm booby hatch sant swenyaj booby trap objè pyeje booby-trap objè pyeje booby-trapped atrap nigo booby-trapped min pyèj booby-trapped pyèj booby-trapped zatrap booby traps anywhere min pyeje tout kote booby traps anywhere pyèj tou patou booby traps anywhere zatrap nigo tou patou booby traps anywhere zatrap tou patou booby traps designed to hurt tann people pyèj pou touye moun booby traps designed to hurt zatrap peoplenigo pou touye moun booby traps designed to hurt zatrap peopleyo tann pou nwi moun zatrap nigo Booby trap book liv book liv book liv book liv book liv book liv book liv book Liv Book Liv book publisher piblikatè liv bookshop librèri Books Liv bookstall etalaj bookstore libreri bookstore librèri Bookstore Libwèri book tòm book volim boot bòt Boot Bòt booth de Page 71 Feuille1 booth kabann booth kyòs booth mitan prensipal yon plas booth tant booth tonèl booth tonnèl an pay booth vye tonnèl Boots Bòt yo border areas zòn limit border bòdi border bòn border crossing point liy fontalyè border crossing station pòst fontalyè border fontyè border Fontyè Border Fontyè Border Frontyè border fwontyè bordering alantou bordering vwazinaj border limit border lizyè border lizyè border patrol officer ofisye patwouyè fwontalyè border patrol patwouy fwontalyè border police Polis fontyè borders bòn borders fontyè yo borders fwontyè yo borders limit yo borders lizyè yo gè fontyè border war boredom Ennmi boring anbete boring anmède boring annwiyan born fèt born ne born ne borrow fè anpren borrow prete borrow prete borrow prete Bosnia and Bosni e Bosnia and Herzegovina for Bosni e hezegovini pou Bosnia Bosni Bosnia-Herzegovina Alijom Izetbagovicem bosni èzegovina alijom izetbagovisem Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia bosnya-Hèzegovina e sèbia Bosnia Herzegovina armies lame Bosni Erzègovin yo Bosnia-Herzegovina city vil bosnya-hèzegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina city vil bosnya-hèzegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina Croatia Bosni-èzzegovini and kwoasi e Bosnia-Herzegovina CroatianBosni-èzegovini Kwoasyen Page 72 Feuille1 Bosnia-Herzegovina daily chronicle Bosni- èzegovini kwonik chak jou Bosnia-Herzegovina how Bosni-èzegovini kòman Bosnia-Herzegovina said bosni èzegoveni te di Bosnia-Herzegovina that bosni èzegovini ki Bosnia-Herzegovina under Bosni èzegovini anba Bosnian authorities otorite bosni yo Bosnian authorities otorite bosnyen yo Bosnian authorities zotobwe bosni yo Bosnian ballads balad boznyen yo Bosnian ballads dans Ayisyen, balad ayisyen Bosnian bosnyen Bosnian bosnyen Bosnian Bosnyen Bosnian Bosnyen Bosnian city vil bosnyen Bosnian- Croatian forces fòs bosnyen kowasyen Bosnian Croatian forces fòs Kowasyen Bosnyen yo Bosnian forces fòs bosnyen Bosnian forces fòs bosnyen yo Bosnian government gouvènman bosnyen Bosnian Muslims Muzilman Bosnyen Bosnian people Pèp Boznyen Bosnian Posavina posavina bosyan Bosnian resources resous bosnyen yo Bosnian Serb forces fòs bosnyen sèb yo Bosnian Serb forces fòs Sèb Bosnyen yo Bosnian Serb Radovan bosnyen sèb radovan Bosnian Serb Radovan Karadzic Bosnyen sèb radovan karadzik Bosnian Serbs Bosnyen Sèb yo Bosnian Serbs on bosnyan sèb Bosnian Serbs sèb bosnyan tèritwa bosnyen Bosnian territory boss bos boss bòs boss bòs boss chèf boss mèt boss patron boss patwon botanical garden jaden botanik both black toudenwa both companies tou de konpayi yo both companies toulede konpayi yo both de ala fwa both de yon kou bother anmède bother deranje bother deranje bother farouch bother la pèn-n both tou de both toulède bottle boutèy Page 73 Feuille1 Bottled bottled water bottleneck bottleneck bottleneck Bottle opener bottling venture bottling venture bottom bottom bottom Bouffant bound bound Bourbon Bourbon Bourgeois boutique boutique boutique boutique bowl bowl bowling alley bowling alley bowl bowl Bow tie box beam box box box box Box box Boxer shorts boxes box girder box box number box office box office box office box spring box spring boy Boycott Boycott Boyfriend boy Boy scout boy boy boutèy boutèy dlo konstriksyon tèt boutèy toufe Kle kola tantativ danbouteye tantativ pou plen boutèy anba fon pa anba Kwafi ipi bòn limit reyaksyonè wayalis Boujwa boutik chòp koutiryè chòp rad chòp tayè estad estedyòm boul jwèt biya kivèt tèren de konba Wozèt bwat an bwa bwat bwat bwat bwat Bwat bwèt Kalson bwat yo bwat an bwa kès kòd postal bwat pòstal gichè ofis somye somyè bway Bòykòt bòykòte Mennaj gason Skout tibwòy tigason Page 74 Feuille1 boy tigason boy ti gason Boy Ti gason boy tijenngason brace fòtifyan brace fòtifye Bracelet Goumèt bracing fòtifyan bracing fòtifye Brackets Akolad Braids cheve trese brain brenn brain sèvo brain sèvo Brain Sèvo brain tèt brake frennen Brakes fwen yo branch branch branch branch branch branch branch branch Branch Branch branch for branch pou brandy alkòl brandy bwason brandy bwason brandy ki fèt ak fwi Bra Soutyen brass bwase brass knuckles kout pwen konbine ansanm brass brass melange brave aksyonè brave brav brave fò brave kouraje brave papè brawl dispit brawl tapaj Bray Ranni Brazil Bwezil Brazilian crisis kriz Bwezilyen Brazilian democrat demokrat Bwezilyen Brazilian economy ekonomi Bwezilyen Brazilian forward avansman bwezilyen Brazilian forward pwogrè Bwezilyen Brazilian politics politik bwezilyen yo Brazilian representative repwezantan bwezilyen brazilian social Democrasi party pati sosyal demokrat Bwezilyen Brazilian state eta bwezilyen Brazilian team ekip bwezilyen Brazilian team ekip bwezilyen Page 75 Feuille1 breach of bond bread bread bread bread bread bread crumbs breadcrumbs bread crumbs breadcrumbs Bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread Bread Bread bread breakfast Breakfast Breakfast breakfast breaking and entering break into break into break break break breakwater breakwater breakwater breast breast breasts breast breasts breasts breast breast breastwork breastwork breechblock breech closer breeze brewery bribe brick brick derèspèkte lalwa sou kosyon biskwit biskwit biskwit biswit biswit pase pase tikal pen tikal pen lasistans pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen Pen pen-obè dejene Dejene dejne kolasyon kase epi rantre antre nan entèronp poze pran repo repo andigman dig miray sèk manmèl pwatrin animal sen pwatrine pwatrin yo tete tete parapèt travay de kè blòk kilas blòk kilas brizvan bwasri peye pou jwenn favè brik bwik Page 76 Feuille1 Brick Bricks Brick wall Brick wall brickwork brickwork brickwork Bride Bridegroom Bridegroom Bride bridge bridge bridge bridge bridge bridge Bridge bridge bridge bridge bridle brief Briefcase brief Brief briefly briefly brigade brigade Brigade brig bright bright bright brightness brightness bring about bring down bring it to me bring me Bring brings brings bring together bring to me Bring-up Bring-up Britain Britain British aircraft British aircraft British Bwik bwik yo Mi an blòk mi an bwik fèt an brik masone an brik travay an brik fanm marye gason marye Lemarye Lamarye pon pon pon pon pon pon Pon sispasyon travès travès brid bwèf Valiz dosye Jipon brèfman nan kout brigad bwigad bwigad general de bwigad briyan klè limine Klate klète koze abese pote li ban mwen pote ban mwen Pote! pòte sipòte rakòde pote ban mwen Elve monte britanik gwannbwetay avyon Anglè avyon grann bwetay britanik Page 77 Feuille1 British British crown British crown British Currency British Currency British Currency British government sources British interest British interest British newspaper British pounds British Virgin Islands broad arrow broadcast broadcast broadcast Broadcasts on radio or TV broadcast broadcast broiled broil broken broke broker bronze medal bronze medal brook broom Broom broth brothel brothel brother brother brother Brother brotherhood and unity brother in arms brother in arms brother in arms Brother in law broth broth brought brought brought brown brown Brown brownstone brush Brush Brush Bwitanik kouròn Anglè kouròn angletè lajan bwitanik lajan bwitis monè bwitis sous gouvènman bwitis yo enterè britanik enterè britis jounal bwitish liv bwitanik yo vyèj Zile Britanik yo gwo flèch emèt pibliye emisyon pwogram emisyon yo sou radyo ou televizyon transfere transmèt griye griye kraze razè koutye meday an bwonz meday bwonz Soufwi bale Bale bouyon kay fème mezon fème asosye frè frè Fwè fwatènite ak inite frè lame fwè zam nou mesye lame Bòfwè frè konsonmen te achte te achte te achte mawon mawon Mawon mèl bròs bwòs Bwòs Page 78 Feuille1 Brush Brushy Bucket bucket shop bucket shop bucket shop bud Buenos Aires city buffet buffet bugging bugging building building Building building complex building complex building building building building building building building building building Building material types building site build build up built built built built Bulgaria Bulgarian bulgarian Bulgarian Bulgarian minister bulkhead bulkhead bullet bullet bullet bullet bullets bullets bullpen bullring bulwark bulwark bulwark bulwark Penso ti branch bwa koupe Bokit boutik alkòl boutik klèren boutik tafya boujonnen vil bwenozè ba kafeterya kamera danrejistreman an sekrè siveyans elèktronik bilding bilding Bilding gwo bilding ki gen diferan biwo piblik plizyè gwo kay kole ansanm edifis edifis gran kay gran mezom gro mezon gwo imèb gwo kay gwo kay konstriksyon kalite materyèl konstriksyon anplasman konstwi edifye bati fèkay konstri moutekay bilgari Bilgari bilgaryen Boulgaryen minis bilgaryen dekoupe klwazon bal boulèt boulèt katouch boulèt yo katouch yo detansyon konba andigman dig fèmti fò de pwoteksyon Page 79 Feuille1 bulwark kloti bulwark miray sèk bulwark ranpa bulwark ranpa bulwarks fò de pwoteksyon bulwarks ranpa bungalow kay yon pyès bungalow ti kay ba bunker bankèt bunker bokit bunker bwat pou sere bunker doum bunker kachèt bunker kès bunker kòf Bunker kòf bunker rezèvwa Bun Kwafi chou Buoyancy Pouse burden of proof kapab pwouve burden of proof pwan chay pou pwouve bureau biwo bureau biwo bureau for biwo pou bureau for exiles and refugees biwo ekzile ak refijye yo bureau for refugees biwo pou refijye yo Bureau for Refugees biwo pou refijye yo Bureau of Indian Affairs Biwo pou zafè endyen bureau of President RH biwo pwezidan RH burglary vòl burial antèman Lantèman burial burn boule Burn Boule Burn Boule burn brile burn brile burn chode burned boule burned brile Burning flanm dife Burns told li te boule Burn this Boule sa burp gun air-powered gun fizi a konpwesyon bus bis bus bis Bus bis Bus bis bus depot estasyon bis bus depot garaj pou bis Bush administration administrasyon buch business activitiy has hit an all-time se premye low fwa aktivite a bese konsa business afè Page 80 Feuille1 business business business businesses business establishment business establishment business establishment business forms business forms business Businessman business meeting business meeting businessmen businessmen businessmen business organizations business business unions bus bus Bus bus station bus station bus terminal bus terminal busy busy but but and but and but and but and but and but and but Butcher butcher shop butcher shop butchery but but but in but it but but but but but but but but no but not as biznis biznis biznis biznis yo andwa biznis etablisman biznis plas biznis èstrikti biznis yo fòm biznis yo komès Biznismann reynyon biznis reynyon dafè bizismann biznismann komèsan biznis òganizasyon yo tranzaksyon Inyon biznis yo otobis otobis Otobis estasyon bis garaj pou bis estasyon bis garaj pou bis angaje okipe Ak kapwal ki pwal kiva men e Men e Pwal Byen Bouche bouche machann vyann bouchri E E alò Men nan men li Ki donk mè men men men Men Men men non men pa kòm Page 81 Feuille1 but not as but not as but not that one but Butros-Gali but butt butter butter butter butter butter butter Butter buttery buttery buttery buttery but that is but that is buttocks button Buttons buttressing buttressing buttressing buttress buttress butt shaft butt shaft but will but will but yes buy a block of ice for me buy buy buy buy buying back buy me a head of cabbage buzz bomb buzz bomb BVI by 10 by by by by by by arms by arms by car by far the most men pa tankou sepandan pa konwè men non pa sa a poko boutwòs gali sòfke deyè bè bè bè bè bè bè Bè biteri gad manje kouvè pantwi donk sa se men sa se deyè bouton Bouton pilye kwen poto kwen poto sipò pilye sipò bout fen men pral men va men wi achte yon blòk glas pou mwen achte achte achte fè acha rachte achte yon tèt chou pou mwen bonm otomatik ve1 vyèj Zile Britanik yo pa dis a Ak a kote anlè Anwo pa bra yo pa men yo nan machin byen lwen de sa Page 82 Feuille1 by far the most pa ditou by far the most pa konparab by far the most pa pwe lòt by far the most pa sanble by force an gwo ponyèt by force pa fòs by force pa fòs by hands a la men by hands pa men by jiska by know is konnen se by know is rekonèt li se by onself poukont by osi lwen ke by pa by pa by pa by pa by pa by Pa by plane nan avyon By pointing with your finger show an lonjan me which dwèt names ou, montre go with m kiwhich non kicommand ale ak chak posts. pòs de kòmandan? by pou by Prè by reason of pou rezon de by road pa chemen by road pa rwout cabaret diskotèk cabaret kafe cabaret nayklèb cabaret nayklib chanm operatè chita cabin cabin de Cabinet Amwa cabinet banntye Cabinet Biwo cabinet dreswa cabinet kabinè cabinet kabinèt cabinet kabinèt cabinet kabinèt cabinet kòf cabinetmaker ebenis cabinetmaker ebenis cabinetmaker ebenis cabinet members man kabinè cabinet members manm kabinè cabinet ministers kabinè minis yo cabinet of ministers kabinè minis yo cabinets kabinè yo cabinet ti bwat sekrè cabinet ti chanm cabinet ti chanm depo Page 83 Feuille1 cabinet cabin cabin cab cable tv cable tv cab caboose caboose caboose cab cab Cacao futures Cacao cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafeteria cafeteria Cafeteria cage cake cake cake cake calabash calabash calamity calculate calculate for calculate for calculate calculate calculate calculate calculation calculator calculator Calculator Caldron calendar calf call call call box call box called called called ti chanm kote pou sere zouti kabann kabin kamyonèt fil televizyon kab televizyon machin piblik amwa kizin plaka taksi taptap avni kakawo Kakawo ba bidjonnèl kafe kafe kafe ba tab jwèt tab zo gran sal kote moun manje kafeterya Kafeterya kalòj bonbon bonbonsiwo gato gato kalbas kalbas kalamite estime kalkile pou kontwole pou kalkile kalkile konte regle kalkil kalkilatè kalkilatris Kalkilatris Chodyè kalandrye jarèt apele bay koutfil bwat telefòn kabin telefonik apele te rele te rele Page 84 Feuille1 call entèpelasyon call him immediately rele l konnye a call me when you get throughrele m lè ou fini call out to entèpele call rele call rele call rele call rele call telefonnen calm apeze calm kalm calm kalmen calm retetrankil calm trankilite Calorie Kalori calvary kalvè calvary kalvè Cambodian Kanbodyen camel chamo Camera Kamera Camera kodak Cameras kamera came te vini came vini Camouflage kamouflay campagne kanpagn campagne kanpay camp bivwak Camping Kan camp kan Camp Kan camp kanpman camradery kamaradri Canada Kanada Canadian city vil kanadyen Canadian dollar dola kanada Canadian Minister minis kanadyen Canadian Minister ministè kanadyan canalize kanalize canal Kannal Canal Kannal can be dwe se can be kapab se can be kapab se Can Bidon cancellation eliminasyon cancellation law lwa eliminasyon cancellation law of addition lwa eliminasyon nan adisyon cancellation law of multiplication lwa eliminasyon nan miltiplikasyon cancellation method metòd senplifikasyon Cancer Kansè Candela bouji Candela chandèl Page 85 Feuille1 Candela Kandela candidates kandida yo candle bouji candle chandèl Candle light balèn Candle light Bouji can dwa can dwe candy dous candy graje candy mant candy sirèt candy sirèt candy store boutik sirèt candy tablèt can expect kapab atann Can I ask you a question èske mwen ka mande w yon bagay Can I ask you a question èske mwen ka mande w yon kesyon Can I ask you some questions èske mwen ka poze w kèk kesyon Can I ask you something èske mwen ka mande w yon bagay Can I ask you something èske mwen ka mande w yon kesyon can I get èske mwen ka pwan can I get on with what I was doing m mèt al kontinye sa m t ap fè a can I have èske mwen kapab genyen can I hitch a ride with you to jacmel ou ka ban m yon woulib lage m jakmèl canister bonm lakrimojèn canister shot bonm lakrimojèn can ka can kapab can Kapab Can Mamit Mwen kapab can Cannibalize kanibalis cannon ball boulèt kanon Cannon Kanno cannon kanon cannon kanon Cannon kanon cannon moso kan cannons kanon can not Pa kapab can not pat kapab can not Pat kapab cannot Pat kapab Can opener Kle bwat Can opener louvri bwat can show you kapab montre w Can the unit get spare parts for èske theinite weapons? a gen pyès an rezèv pou zam yo? Can the unit obtain spare parts èske for inite the communication a kapab resevwa equipment? pyès de rezèv pou materyèl kominlkasyon yo? canticle gradyèl canticle kantik cantilever bridge pon cantilever bridge pon kantilvè Page 86 Feuille1 Canton Kanton cantonment bivwak cantonment kan cantonment kanpman can't pakapab can't Pat kapab can't you find the claim checkmfor pathe wèlaundry fish dray la can't you see he's lying ou pa wè se manti l ap bay can't you see he's lying ou pa wè se manti l ap fè canvas brodaj canvas brode Canvas kanva canvas tent tant an tablo can we get èske nou ka pwan can we have èske nou kapab genyen Can we see the area from here èske ou ka wè zòn lan pandan ou la a Can we see the area from here èske w ka zòn nan pandan w la canyon Bafon Can you describe the data transmission èske w kapab operation? dekri transmisyon operasyon done? Can you describe the defensive èske installation w kapab dekri sites?kote yo enstale pozisyon defansiv yo? Can you describe the improvements èske w ka to an dekri interpreter? nouvo pwojè entèpwèt yo? Can you describe their personality èske wtraits kapab in detail? dekri karaktè moral yo an detay? Can you describe the weapons èske employed? kapab dekri zam yo te itilize yo? Can you describe your current èske andwpast ka eksplike activities? aktivite aktyèl ou e pase w? Can you describe your present èske organizational w ka eksplike structure? aktyèl èstrikti òganizasyon w nan? Can you describe your weapons èskeand w ka equipment? dekri zam ou ake ekipman? Can you draw the pattern èske ou kapab desine yon fòm Can you draw the pattern èske w ka desine yon ekzanp Can you draw what the land mines èske ou look ka like desine imaj min esplozif yo Can you draw what the landmines èske ou look kalike desine imaj min esplozif yo Can you draw what the land mines èske wlook ka eksplike like ki jan min yo ye èske w ka like eksplike ki jan min yo ye Can you draw what the landmines look Can you draw what the markings èskelook ou ka like fè desen de mak yo Can you draw what the markings èskelook w kalike desine sa make sanble Can you draw what the markings èskelook w kapab like eksplike kijan mak yo Can you draw what the site looks èske like w ka fè yon desen pou montre ake ki simityè a sanble Can you draw what the site looks èske like w kapab montre ak ki sa simityè a sanble can you èske ou can you èske ou kapab can you èske ou kapab can you èske ou kapab Can you feed yourself? Ou ka manje poukont ou? can you get cuba on the radioou ka pran kiba Can you get it èske ou ka pwan li Can you get it èske w ka pwan li Can you give me a description èske of the w ka terrain? dekri teren an ban mwen? Can you give me information èske aboutwany ka banm of yourenfòmasyon senior staff sou officers? nenpòt gwoup ofisye an chèf yo? Can you hear? èske ou tande Can you hear? Ou tande can you help me èske ou kapab ede mwen Can you identify engineer units èske that w are ka idantifye part of the enjenyè infantryinite division? de gè yo ki fè pati divizyon enfantri a? Can you identify major units that èskeare w kapab on our idantifye front? pi gwo inite ki devan nou? Can you identify other units that èske are w part ka idantifye of the infantry lòt initedivision? yo ki fè pati divizyon denfantri a? Page 87 Feuille1 Can you identify reconnaissance èskeunits w kathat idantifye are part inite ofrekonèsans the infantry ki division? fè pati divizyon enfantri a? Can you identify signal units that èskeare w kapab part ofidantifye the infantry siy inite division? yo ki fè pati divizyon enfantri a? Can you identify the communications èske w kapab units organic idantifyetokouman the air division? yo òganize inite kominikasyon pou divizyon de Can you identify the engineerèske unitsworganic kapab idantifye to the air plan division? inite òganik pou inite divizyon an? Can you identify the reconnaissance èske w kapab units organic idantifye toinite the air aksyon division? pou rekonesans divizyon lèzè yo? can you open it please eske ou ka louvri l silvouplè Can you point to the boundaries èske ou kapab moutre limit lan Can you point to the boundaries èske w ka montre m a dwèt ou limit yo Can you read a map like this èske one?w ka li yon kat tankou sila a? Can you read a map? Ou kapab li kat jeografi Can you read? èske ou ka li Can you read? Ou ka li Can you show me the exact routes èske wyour kapab patrol montre used? m ki wout patwouy ou yo te itilize? Can you show me which roads èske have w ka security montre barriers m ki wout withkicheck genyen points? baryè sekirite ak pòs de kontwòl? Can you speak? èske ou ka pale ? Can you take me there èske ou ka mennen mwen la Can you take me there èske ou kapab mennen m la a Can you take me there èske w ka mennen m la Can you walk Eske ou kapab mach Can you walk? Ou kapab mache? Can you write? èske ou ka ekri capabilities kapabilite yo capable dwa capable kapab capital city kapital vil Capital city Vil kapital Capital City Vil kapital Capitalism Kapitalis capital kapital capital kapital Capital Kapital kapital bosnya-hèzegovina capital of Bosnia-Herzegovina capital of Bosnia-Herzegovina kapital de bosnya-hèzegovina capital offense krim kapital capital partners kapital asosye yo capital partners kapital patwon yo capitals kapital yo Capitol Kapitòl Capitulation Kapitilasyon Capitulation rann tèt Cap Kaskèt Cap Kepi Caprice Kapwis Capricorn Kapwikòn caps kap captain kapitèn captain kapitèn captain kapitè-n captain kaptenn captivated te kaptive Captive Kaptif Captive pwizonye captivity kaptivite Page 88 Feuille1 Capture Captured Captured captured captured captured captured Capture Car Accident carafe Caravan carbine Carbine rifle car bomb car bombs car bombs car bomb car bomb car bomb carcasses of dead animals carcasses of dead animals Car collision cardboard cardinal distribution cardinal distribution cardinal Cardinal Cardinal cardinal number Cardinal points car door Career care for careful carefully careful careful carefulness carefulness carefulness careful careful careless careless care caressful caressing caress caress caress caress caress caress arete kaptire kaptire te kaptire te kaptire te okipe te okipe Kaptire Aksidan machin poban Karavann kabin rafal bal machin pyeje machin pyeje yo vwati pyeje yo vwati pyèj vwati pyeje vwati pyeje dezosman bet mouri kakas bèt mouri yo Kolizyon machin katon distribisyon kadinal gran distribisyon evèk kadinal Kadinal nonm kadinal Pwen kadinal yo pòt machin Karyè pran swen dousman pridamman malen maton èt an gad èt an gad pridans pridan swanyezman ensousyan neglijan pran syen karesan karesan kajole karere karès karese miyonnen miyonnen Page 89 Feuille1 caress Care care Cargo trucks Cargo trucks Caribbean country Caribbean country Caribbean country Caribbean Caribbean Sea Caribbean Sea Caribbean Sea CARICOM CARICOM car car car car car car Car Car car maker car maker Carnival car Car car car car carouse car park carpent Carpenter Carpenter carpet carpet carpet Carpet carpet Carpet car port carport carriage house carriage house carriage house Carriage stroller carriers carriers carrot carrying out carry out forces yo carry out pete Swen syen kamyon chaje yo kamyon kagèzon yo peyi karayib yo peyi karibeyen peyi ki nan karayib la Karayib lanmè karayib Lanmè Karayib Mè karayib Caribbean Community Kominote Karayibeyen machin machin machin machin machin machin Machin Machin endistri machin fabwikè machin Kanaval oto oto otomobil otomobil otomobil banbile paken machine chapant chapantye Chapantye kapèt kapèt kapèt kapèt tapi Tapi machin dekapotab machin dekapotab chèf kay mèt kay rèsponsab kay Charyo ti bebe devis mekanism karòt reyalize menen an deyò fòs yo pèfòme Page 90 Feuille1 carry out pòte deyò carry out reyalize carry over emèt pibliye carry over transfere carry over transmèt carry retni Cart bourèt Cart Bourèt Cart Charyo Cart Charyo cartel members manm katèl yo Cartesian coordinate system sistèm koòdone katezyen Cartesian plane plan katezyen Cart kabwèt cartouche katouch cartouch katouch cartridge katouchè cartridge pòch bal car vwati car vwati car vwati car vwati car vwati Car vwati Car Vwati Car Vwati case aksidan case an ka de case bwat case bwat case chans case deroulman case ensidan case ensidan case evènman case evènman case evènman istorikal case ka case kès case kès case kòf case malè case pòch case sak cash and stock lajan likid ak machandiz cash an likid cash a traveller's check chanje chèk vwayajè a cash a traveller's cheque chanje chèk vwayajè a cashier gichè cashier kazye operatè cashier kès cash kach cash kach Page 91 Feuille1 cash cash Cash money casino casino casino casino Caste Caste Caste castle castle castle Castle Castle castle Cast Cast Cast Cast Casualties from illness Catalyst catapult Catastrophic cat cat Cat catch catch catching catching category caterpillar cat excrement cathedral Cathedral Cathode Catholic Catholic TV program cathouse cathouse cats cattle cattle raising Cattle Cauldron cause cause cause cause cause cause Cause lajan lajankontan Lajan kach bank jwèt bank zo kay daza kazino fanmi wayal kas Kast chato chato chato chato Fòtrès palè plakade plake rekouvwi tache mouri pa maladi Kataklis lans a wòch Katastwofic chat chat chat atrape atrape atrapan Kontajye kategory cheniy kakachat katedral Katedral Katòd Katolik pwogram televizyon katolik kalòj chat sant espòtif chat yo betay elvaj betay Twoupo Chodyè koz kòz koze koze lakoz lakòz Lakòz Page 92 Feuille1 cause cause cause cause caution caution caution cavalry-sword cave cave cavern cavern cavern cavern cavern caves cave cavity cay cay Cayman Islands cease fire cease-fire cease-fire cease fire cease-fire cease-fire cease fire Cede celebrate celebrate celebrate celebrate Celebrate celebration of celebration cellar cellar cellar cellar cellar cellar cellar cellar cellar cellblock cell cell cell Cell cell cell cell motif motif okazyone okazyonnen atansyon prekosyon pridans epe kavalri kav Kavo Gwot gwo twou anban tè kavèn Kavèn soutèren kav yo tou anba tè Kwas ki nan dan Bank Kle zile Kayiman yo kanpe lagè kanpe lagè kanpe lagè sese fe sese le fe sispann lagè sispann tire Sede fèfèt fete rejwi selebre Selebre selebwasyon de selebwasyon chanm anba tè depo diven depo soutèren kav kav simerye tonb tonbo tonbo gwoup sèlil joupa kacho kounouk Pil prizon pwizon selil Page 93 Feuille1 cell sèlil Cell sèlil cell selil pwizon Cellular phones telefòn pòtatif Cellular phones telefò selilè Celsius Sèlsis Celts Sèlt cement siman Cement Siman census resansman census resansman Census Resansman centered conic konik santre Center for International Standards sant entènasyonal pou kilti Center for International Standards sant entènasyonal standa center for sant pou center for sant pou center forward Sans devlopman center forward sant avansman center fwaye center magazen center milye center mitan center mitan center of a circle sant yon sèk center of a conic sant yon kònik center of a quadric sant yon kwadrik center of a sphere sant yon esfè center of gravity sant gravite Center of gravity Sant gravite center omilye center plaza center sant center sant center sant center sant center sant center sante center sant komèsyal centimeter santimèt Centimeter Santimèt centimeters santimèt Central American nations nasyon santral amerik yo Central American nations pèp Amerik santral Central American parliament palman Amerik Santral central angle ang santral central Asian country peyi azi santral central bank bank santral Central Bank of the United States bank santral etazini central bank volume volim bank santral central conic konik santral central council komisyon santral central council komite santral Page 94 Feuille1 central council konsèy santral central council konsil santral central electoral commission komisyon santral elektoral central electoral office biwo elèktoral pwensipal central electoral office biwo elèktoral santral central government gouvènman santral central government gouvènman santral central headquarters katye jeneral pwensipal yo Centralism Santralis central issue kesyon santral central issue problèm santral central issue pwoblèm pwensipal central issue sijè santral Centralize Santralize central mitan central mitan central office biro pwensipal central office biro santral central office chanm biro central office katye jeneral yo central omilye central sant central santral central santral central santral central sentral central square kare Central supply depot sant materyèl de rezèv central symmetry simetri santral central tendency tandans santral centre fwaye centre mitan centre omilye centre sant centre sant Centrifugal Santrifij Centripetal Santripèt centroid of a triangle sant gravite triang cents per share pousantaj pa aksyon cents per share santèn pa aksyon centuries syèk yo Century Syèk ceremony fèt ceremony selebrasyon ceremony seremoni Ceremony Seremoni certain assets kapital si yo certain case sèten ka certain event evennman sèten certain liabilities sèten dèt certain liabilities sèten responsablite certain sèten certain sèten Page 95 Feuille1 certain certainty and certainty that certainty that certificates of deposit certificates of deposit certify certify certify certify certify Cesaerean birth chain Chain Chain link fence Chain link with barbed wire Chain link with razor wire chain mountain chain chain mountain chain chain of mountains chain of mountains chain rule chains chair Chair chairman of the committee chairman of the committe chalet chalet Chalk challenge challenge challenge chamber chamber chamber chamber chamber of commerce Chamber of Deputies chamber chamber chamber chambers chambers chamber chamber champion champion championship championship chance chance chance si sètitid e asirans ke konviksyon ke sètifika depo yo sètifika depozisyon yo asire fèkwè konfimen sètifye sètifye sezaryèn chenn Chenn kloti ki antouwe an fil fè chenn ki lye ak fil fè fil fè ki lye ak kwòk Chèn montay Chèn montay yo Chèn montay Chèn montay yo lwa silojis chenn chèz Chèz pwezidan komite pwezidan komite anlè nèt denye pwent tèt Lakrè defi gabèl konteste apatman chanm chanm chanm chanm komès Chanm Depite yo pyès kay pyès kay sal odyans chanm chanm yo ti chanm ti chanm chanpyon premye champyona chanpyona aksidan chans chans Page 96 Feuille1 chance chans chance deroulman chance ensidan chance evènman Chancellor Helmut Kohl chanselye èlmout kòl Chancellor Helmut Kohl Chanselye èlmout Kòl chancel lotèl kote tabènak la ye chancel sanktyè change change change changman change chanj change chanj change chanje change chanjman Change Chanjman change gears Anbreye change monnen change of government chanjman gouvènman change of government chanjman gouvènman change of venue chanje plas changes chanje changes chanje yo Changes Lajan monnen chanm bebe nursing room channel Kannal chapel chapèl Chapel Chapèl characteristic and mantissa ofkarakteristik logarithms ak mantis logarit characteristic karakteristik characteristic karakteristik Characteristic Karakteristik karaktè character character karaktè Character Karaktè character min character pèsonalite character tip charge chaj charge chaje charges chaj charges filed by jaj yo ranpli pa charging document pyès arèstasyon charitable bon imen charitable bonkè charitable charitab Charitable institution Sant charite charity charitte charity madisite charity pòvrete chart dyagram Charter Dokiman Charter papye legal chart grafik Page 97 Feuille1 Charts Charts Charts chat Chauvinism cheap cheap cheap cheat cheat cheat check check Check checked by factoring checked by factoring checked by factoring check checkout checkout operator checkpoint checkpoint check to make sure check Check-up check check cheek cheek cheeks are hollow cheer up Cheese cheese Chemical bonds chemical Chemical Chemical detection kit Chemical equation Chemical formula Chemical identification kit chemical industry chemical products Chemical property Chemical Reaction Chemicals Chemical warfare chemical weapons Chemistry Chemistry chemist's chemist's chemist's chemist's chat èstati konstitisyon bavade Chovinis abonmache bon mache pa chè fèkonnen fèvis twonpe chan Chèk Chèk dekonpoze faktè pou tcheke faktè pou tcheke repons nan kontròl giche kazye operatè Kontwòl pòs enspèksyon veryife pou asire tou lè veb Konsiltasyon verifye verifye bò machwè figi machwè l zo ankouraje Fomaj fonmay Lyezon chimik chimik chimik ekipman detèksyon chimik Ekwasyon chimik Fòmil chimik ekipman didantifikasyon chimik endistri chimik pwodwi chimik yo Pwopwiyete chimik Reyaksyon chimik chimik yo gè chimik zam chimik yo chimi Chimi dispansè famasi magazen medikaman magazen remèd Page 98 Feuille1 chemist's shop chemist's shop chemist's shop chemist's shop cheque cheque chess board chess board chess board Chess Chess Chest chest chest chest chest chewing gum chewing gum chicken coop chicken coop chicken coop chicken chicken chicken chicken Chicken chicken chicken chief chief chief chief chief financial officer chief financial officer chief chief chief chief of police chief of police chief chief chiefs chiefs chiefs chieftain chieftain Chieftain or boss chieftains chieftains chieftains chief child care child care dispansè famasi magazen medikaman magazen remèd kontròl tou lè veb echèk echekye tchekè echèk Jwèt echèk Chifonye kòflestonmak pwatrin pwatrin pwatrin chiklèt gòm fèmye panye poul poulaye kòk manmanpoul poul poul poul poulè poulèt chèf chèf chèf esansyèl ofisye an chèf finans ofisye finansye an chèf gwo zotobre komandan leta chèf polis komandan polis prensipal prensipal chèf yo dirijan yo lidè yo chèf lidè Chèftèn chèf yo dirijan yo lidè yo tèt gadinay timoun gadyen timoun Page 99 Feuille1 child care child care child care childish child Child Child Children children's children children children children children children children child's room child's room child child child child child Chilean army Chilean army Chilean minister Chilean television Chilean television Chile China Cabinet China Cabinet China chin Chinese boats Chinese-Cantonese Chinese Chinese Chinese government Chinese leader Chinese-Mandarin Chinese ships Chinese vessels chin chin chip Chirac chitterlings chocolate chocolate milk choice choice choice choice jaden danfan swen zanfan syen timoun anfantiyay pitit Pitit Pitit Pitit yo timoun yo ti moun ti moun yo ti moun yo timoun yo timoun yo zanfan zanfan yo chanm bebe chanm ti moun tchovi timoun ti moun tizanfan tizanj lame chilyen lame chilyen ministè chilyen televizyon chilean televizyon chilyen Chili Pàntyè tchayna LaChin babin bato chinwa yo Chinwa-Kantonèz Chinwa chinwaz gouvènman chinwa lidè chinwa Chinwa-Mandaren batiman transpò chinwa yo vèso chinwa yo manton manton jeton chirak andui chokola chokola olè altènatif chwa chwa chwa Page 100 Feuille1 choice choice choice choir choir choked choked choked choked choose choose choose choose chopper chopper chopper chord at contact chord at contacts chord of curvature christian communities Christian Democrat Christianity Christian Christ Christmas Christmas christmas tree Chronicle Chronicle Chronicle chronicle of the day Chronological order Chronological table church building church building church church churches church church church church church church Church church church church tower C.I.A. C.I.A. CIA CIA Ciampino Airport eleksyon preferans seleksyon koral koral nan legliz atake chivoke choke vekse chawzi chwazi fèchwa prefere choperè elikoptè elikoptè kòd nan pwen kontak kòd nan pwen kontak yo kòd ki soutni yon koub kominote kretyen yo demokrat kretyen Kristyanite Kretyen Kris kwismas noèl abdenwèl Jounal kwonik Kwonik kwonik jou an Òd kwonolojik Tab kwonolojik pwèsbitè sal pawasyal chapèl egliz egliz yo legiiz legliz legliz legliz legliz legliz Legliz tanp tanp klòch legliz CIA C.I.A. CIA C.I.A. èpòt Kyanpino Page 101 Feuille1 Ciampino Airport Kyanpino Ciampino Airport syampino èpòt cigarette sigarèt cigarette sigarèt cigarette sigarèt Cigarettes Sigarèt cigarette tabak cigar siga cinema sal teyat cinema sinema cinema sinema cinnamon kanèl cinnamon kannèl circle circumscribed about a polygon sèk ki sikonskri you poligòn circle inscribed in a polygon sèk ki enskri nan yon polygon circle sèk Circle Sèk circle wonn Circle wonn Circuit breaker Brekè circuit chan de kous circuit chan de kous circuit ipodwòm chan de kous circuit kous circuit pakou circuit sikwi Circuit Sikwi circuit tou circuit toune circular arc ak sikilè circular cone kòn sikilè koub sikilè circular curve circular cylinder silenn sikilè circular function fonksyon sikilè Circular sikilè circulating library bibliotèk circulating library libreri circulation and connection sikilasyon e koneksyon circulation sikilasyon Circulation Sikilasyon circumcenter sikonsant circumcircle sèk sikonskri circumscribed about sikonskri circumscribed circle sèk ki sikonskri circumscribed cone kòn ki sikonskri circumscribed figure figi ki sikonskri circumscribed polygon poligòn ki sikonskri circumscribed polyhedron poliyèd ki sikonskri circumscribed sikonskri circumscribed sphere esfè ki sikonskri circumscribed triangle triyan ki sikonskri circumscribe sikonskri citadel basyon Page 102 Feuille1 citadel citadel citadel citadel cite cited sources cited cite cite cite cite cite cite cites that is cites that is cities cities Citizenship citizen Citizen citizen citizens citizens citizens citizens citizens citizens citizens City council city hall city hall city city City near here City or town in this country city city city's city's city's City city city city city city City City Civics Civil affairs civil aviation civil control Civil engineer baz fò gwo kazèn sitadèl bay ekzanp yo sous ke yo site yo te site pou bay ekzanp yo pou site pou site site site site site sa yo site sa yo site yo vil yo Sitwayènte sitwayen Sitwayen sitwayèn sitizen sitoyen yo sitwayen sitwayen yo sitwayen yo sitwayen yo sityoen yo Konsèy minisipal gran otèl kay selebrasyon lavil lavil vil tou pwe isit vil ou katye nan peyi sa a site site site site yo vil Town vil vil vil vil vil Vil Vil Sivik afè sivil yo avyasyon sivil kontròl sivil enjenyè sivil Page 103 Feuille1 civil government gouvènman sivil civil governor gouvènè civil civil governor gouvènè sivil civil guard gad sivil Civilian agents ajan sivil yo civilian and sivil ak Civilian Hospital lopital Sivil civilian installations enstalasyon sivil civilian installations enstalasyon sivil yo civilian items atik sivil yo civilian items materyèl sivil yo civilian items zafè sivil yo Civilian job djòb sivil civilian klè Civilian Mission in Haiti MICIVIH civilian part pati sivil Civilian proselytizing or recruiting sivil kap konvèti ou rekrite civilian pwòp civilian sivil civilian sivil civilian sivil yo civilians sivil yo civilians sivil yo civilians sivil yo CIVILIANS sivil yo Civilian vehicles machin sivil yo Civilization Sivilizasyon civil police polis sivil civil police polis sivil Civil Responsibility Responsablite sivik Civil Rights Act Lwa dwa sivil Dwa sivil Civil rights Civil Rights Dwa sivil civil rights dwa sivil yo Civil Servant Anplwaye leta civil sivil civil sivil civils sivil yo civil war gè sivil civil war gè sivil Civil War Gè sivil Civil War Gè Sivil civil war in Angola gè sivil an angola Civil war Lagè sivil claimant moun kap reklame claimant reklamè claim reklame Clams Paloud Clan Klan clarified te eklèsi clash in konfli nan classes pou jan yo classes pou klas yo Page 104 Feuille1 classes Classical classification classification of triangles classify classify classify classify classify classify class interval class class class Classmate classroom Classroom classroom classroom classroom Class struggle class clauses clauses claw Claymore clay pigeon Cleaner cleaners cleaners clean hands clean hands cleaning cleaning cleaning clean clean clean out clean out clean Clean Clean clean cleansings cleansings cleansings clean water clean water clean water clean water clear clear clear pou tip yo Klasik klasifikasyon klasifikasyon triyang klase klasifye klasifye klasifye mete annòd raje entèval klas jan klas klas Kamarad lekòl bibliyotèk Klas pyè kote yo fè lekòl sal klas sal lekti Lit klas tip pwen stòp grif epe de valè pijon atifisyèl Dray klining dray klininè yo netwayè yo men nèt yo men pwòp yo netwaye pròp pròpte netwaye netye dechepiye dechèpiye pwòp Pwòp Pwòp pwòpte netwaye pròp pròpte yo Dlo nèt Dlo potab Dlo pròp dlo pwòp briyan debare debare Page 105 Feuille1 clearing clearing clearing clearing clearing plow clearing plow clearing plow clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear clear that Clergy clerk clerk clerk Clerk clerk clerk of the court Cleverness Cleverness client client cliff cliff cliff climate climate Climate Climate climate climate climate climb clinic clinic clinic clinic Clinic clinic clinic clinic Clinton administration Clinton administration Clinton administration's Clinton administration's eklèsi fè èspas klarifye netwaye chari charyo labourè klè klè klè klè klè konprann limine lizib nèt pwòp sivil sa klè klèje anplwaye anplwaye grefye Grefye notè piblik grefye tribinal Abilte ladrès kliyan pratik Eskapman falèz Falèz klima klima Klima Klima tan tanperati tanperati Grenpe dispansè klinik klinik klinik klinik sant sante sant sante administrasyon Klenntonn administrasyon klintonn administrasyon Klenntonn administrasyon klintonn an Page 106 Feuille1 Clinton campaign Clinton campaign Clinton's plan Clinton's plan Clinton U.S. President Clipper clock clock clock clock clock clock clock Clock clock system clockwise direction clockwise clog clog clog clog clog clog cloister cloister cloister close closed close close close close Close! Close close close close closet closet closet closet closet close to close to close to close to closet closet closet closet closet closet closing ceremony kanpay a Klenntonn kanpay klintonn plan Klenntonn plan klintonn Klenton pwezidan Etazini Sekatè lè mont olòj pandil revèy revèy revèy Revèy systèm mont nan menm direksyon wotasyon egui yon mont nan sans wotasyon egui yon mont ankonbre anpeche anpeche devlope byoche kontwole siveye gwandi kwat rezidans relijye bare feme femen fèmen fèmen fèmen Fèmen! Fèmen kadnase klete prè amwa amwa klozèt klozèt latrin kwense a pre pròch pwòch a pandri pandri plaka ti chanm twalèt watè fèmen seremoni Page 107 Feuille1 closing ceremony closing ceremony closing ceremony closing of the mines closure Clothe line clothes closet clothes closet clothes closet clothes closet clothespress clothespress clothespress clothespress Clothes racks Clothes racks Clothes clothes Clothes tree clothing clothing Clothing clothing store clothing store clothing store clothing Cloud cloud cloudy cloudy Cloudy clown clown Club clubbed club clubhouse clubhouse clubhouse club club club club club Club club Club club clubs clubs clubs Club cluster bomb fen seremoni finisman seremoni kloti seremoni fèmen min yo fèmti Liy amwa rad klozèt rad pandri rad plaka rad amwa rad klozèt rad pandri rad plaka rad kwokèt manto Pòt manto Rad rad yo Pòt manto abiman rad Rad chòp koutiryè chòp tayè magazen rad vètman Nwaj nyaj kouvri ak nyaj nyaje Tan mare enbesil sòt Baton kominote clib klib klib espòtif mezon espòtif klèb klib klib klib klib klib klib espòtif kokomakak mezon espòtif kafe yo klèb yo klib yo Trèf bonm fwagmantasyon Page 108 Feuille1 cluster cluster cluster cluster cluster cluster cluster Clusters of houses Clusters of houses coach coach house coach house coach house coach coach station coach station coalition coalition government coalition coal mine coastal coastal people Coastal plain coastal town coast Coast coast coast Coast coastline coastline coastline coastline coast coast Coast coat coat Coat Coat Coaxial machine guns cobble cockpit cockpit cocktail lounge cocktail lounge cocktail lounge cocktail lounge cocoa code code Code code name bouke grap grap gwap gwoup makòn rejim compound Gran lakou antrenè chèf kay mèt kay rèsponsab kay repetitè estasyon bis garaj pou bis asosyasyon gouvènman kowalisyon lig min chabon kostal pèp litoral Lakòt vil sou kot kot Kot Kote Kote litoral lakot kot lakot larad litoral litoral litoral rivaj kot manto Manto Palto cha blende ki lanse misil pa mwayen tiyo elèktrik pave bonm atizanal koktèl molotkòv chanm bwason chanm koktèl sal bwason sal koktèl kakawo kòd kòd Kòd kòd sekrè Page 109 Feuille1 code name code number code number Codex Coercion coercion Coercion coffee bar coffee bar coffee bar coffee bar coffee bar Coffee cup Coffee grinder coffeehouse coffeehouse coffeehouse coffeehouse coffeehouse coffee coffee coffee coffee Coffee Coffee coffee Coffee maker Coffee pot coffee shop coffee shop coffee shop coffee shop coffee shop coffin coffin cognac coherent coil coil coincidental Coldest cold cold cold Cold cold cold Cold Cold cold Cold war Cold war Cold water non kòde kòd nambè ryè kòd Kodèks egzije kontrent kontrent ba bidjonnèl kafe tab jwèt tab zo Tas kafe Moulen kafe ba bidjonnèl kafe tab jwèt tab zo kafe kafe kafe kafe kafe Kafe kafè Kafetyè Kafetyè ba bidjonnèl kafe tab jwèt tab zo sekèy sèkèy bwason koyerans espiral resò plat, fen e ron koyensidans Pi fwèt fredi frèt frèt Frèt fwèt fwèt Fwèt glase grip gè fwad Gè fwè Dlo fwèt Page 110 Feuille1 cold-water flat Cold weather operations Cold weather survival coliseum coliseum coliseum collaborate collaborate collaborate collaboration between collaboration between collaboration collaboration collaboration collaboration collaboration with collaborators collapsible shelter collapsible shelter collar collars collars colleague colleague colleague colleague Collection Collective bargaining Collective Farm collective Collective collective collective collective collective responsibility collective responsibility collective responsibility collectivity Collectivize collector college Colombian authorities Colombian city Colombian coffee growers Colombian Congress Colombian government Colombian police colonel Colonialism Colonialism colonist Colonist colonists dlo fwèt operasyon tan fwèt reziste tanperati frèt la anfiteyat kote moun jwe teyat sal de teyat kolabore kolabore kòpere kolaborasyon pami kowoperasyon antre kolaborasyon kolaborasyon kòperasyon kòperasyon kolaborasyon avèk aranjè yo tant tant plyant kolye foula kolye akolit kamarad konfrè pèsòn nan travay Koleksyon Negosyasyon ant bòs ak travayè fèm Koperatif kolektif Kolektif kolèktif kolektiv mas kolektif resposabilite responsabilite tout moun responsablite kolektif kolektivite Kolekte pèseptè inivèsite otorite kolonbyen yo vil kolonbyen plantè kafe kolonbyen kongrè kolonbyen gouvènman kolonbyen polis kolonbyen kolonèl Kolonyalis Sistèm kolonyal kolon Kolon kolonyalis Page 111 Feuille1 Colonization Kolonizasyon Colon kolon colonnade pilye ki sipòte travès Colony Koloni Colony Koloni colony rezolisyon colony solisyone Coloreds Sanmele Coloreds San mele Colorful kolore byen Colorful koulè vif Colorful trè bwiyan color koulè Colors Koulè colour koulè columbarium pijonye Columbia Kolonbi column pilye combat goumen Combat locations chan batay yo Combat locations lye konba yo Combat support konba sipò combination of cash kominezon likid combination of cash konbinezon kach combination of cash konbinezon lajan likid combine like terms konbine tèm sanblab combine the radicals konbine radikal yo Comb Peny comb penyen comb penyen comb ranjechive ale vini come and go come antre come back next week retounen semène prochen come from sot come from sot Come here! Vini isit! come in antre come in vinan nan come in vin nan come Nou ap vini come Nou vini come on avanse come on bouge Come one at a time! Vini youn alafwa! come on vini come parèt come rive come sit on my lap vin chita sou mwen come stand in the light so I can vinsee kanpe ypur nan dress limyè a pou m ka wè wòb la comes vini Comet Etwal filant Comet komèt Page 112 Feuille1 come come come come come come come come Come with me, please Come with me, please Come with me! come comfortable advantage comfortable comfortable comfort comfort station comfort station comfort station comfort station comfort station coming coming coming coming commandant Croatian army commandant Croatian commandant commandant commandant commandant commandant commandant of forces commandants command commander commander Commander commander command command command command command command post command Commerce Commercial deficit Commercial Deficit Commercial deficit Commercial Deficit Commercial District Commercial District vin vin vini vini vini vini Vini Vini tanpri, vini avèk mwen vini avè m silvouplè Vini avèk mwen! y ap vini avantaj konfòtab konfòtab konfòtab kòmfo estasyon konfò konvenyans sal lesiv twalèt piblik vèstyè ap vini avni fiti lavni kòmandan ame kreasyon kòmandan creasyon komandan kòmandan kòmandan kòmandan koumandan kòmandan de fòs yo kòmandan yo bay lòd kòmandan kòmandan Kòmandan kòmandè kòmand kòmande kòmande òdone otorite katye general zòd Komès Defisi Komèsyal Defisi komèsyal pèt komèsyal pèt komèsyal distri komèsyal Zòn komèsyal Page 113 Feuille1 commercial embargo commercial embargo Commercial farmer Commercial farmer Commercial fishing commercial integration commercial commissary commissary commissary commissary commission commission of experts committed committed on committed committed committed committed committee co presidents committee co presidents committee co-presidents committee co-presidents committee committee member committee member committee of Red Cross committee of Red Commodity Commodity Commodity common anterior tangent common common chord common crimes common decisions common divisor common exterior tangent common common common common common common common common common common Common land Common land Common law common-law marriage common-law wife anbago komèsyal anbago sou komès Kiltivatvè komèsyal komèsyal kiltivatè pèch komèsyal entegrasyon komèsyal komèsyal delege entandan komisè ofisye komisyon komisyon èspè yo angage komite sou sosyalis te fabrike te fe te komèt komite ki ak pwezidan yo komite ki ap asiste pwezidan yo komite ki pwezidan komite komite ko_prezidan komite manb komite manm komite komite kwa rouj komite rouj Komodite machandiz pwodi tanjant enteryè komen asnblag kòd komen krim komen yo desizyon komen yo divizè komen tanjant ekteryè komen jeneral komen komen komen komen komen komen komin komin kominall pwopwiyete kominal Tèren kominal lwa komen plasay fanm akote Page 114 Feuille1 common-law wife common logarithm Common market common common monomial factor common common perpendicular common room common-room common room common-room common root Common sense common shares common shares common shares common side common tangent common vertex Commonwealth Commonwealth communal communal communal communal Communal commune Commune commune communicated Communicate Communication disruption Communication equipment communication Communication Communication liaison communication sciences communications group communication system Communication worker communion communion Communism Communist communist leader communist leader communist leader communist newspaper communist parties communist parties Communist Party Congress communist president communitary executive madanm akote logarit komen Mache komen mityèl faktè komen yon monòm òdinè pèpandikilè komen sal komin sal komin sal piblik sal piblik rasin komen Bon sans biznis komen bon komen pataj komen yo kote komen tanjant komen vètèks komen Byen komen Kòmonnwèlf komen komin kominal kominall lakomin komen Komin popilè te kominike Kominike kominikasyon koupe ekipman de kominikasyon kominikasyon Kominikasyon lyezon de kominikasyon syans lominikasyon yo gwoup kominikasyon yo systèm kominikasyon kominikasyon travayè kominyon kominyon Kominis Kominis lidè kominis lidè kominis lidè kominist jounal kominis pati kominis Pati Kominis yo kongrè pati kominis pwezidan kominis kominote egzekitif Page 115 Feuille1 Communities Kominote atravè lemond communities kominote yo Community Around The World kominote nan lemond community government gouvènman kominotè community kominote community kominote community kominote community kominote Community Kominote community patiraj community rejyon community sosyete commutation relation relasyon komitasyon commutative group gwoup komitative commutative law lwa komitatif commutative property of addition pwopriyete komitatif adisyon commutative property of multiplication pwopwriyete komitatif miltiplikasyon commutative property pwopriyete komitatif commutativity komitativite Commutator Komitatè commute chanje commute ; (verify my translation voyaj in kotidyen creole) compact konpak companies agreed akò konpayi yo companies agreed konpayi yo te dakò companies and konpayi yo e companies plan plan konpayi yo company antrepriz company asosiyasyon company briefs brèf konpayi yo company briefs memo konpayi yo slip konpayi yo company briefs company konpayi company konpayi company konpayi Company konpayi Company leader chèf konpayi company sosyete company sosyete company stocks kapital konpayi gen nan mache labous yo company stocks kapital konpayi genyen nan mache dechanj yo Compare Konpare comparison konparezon compartment depatman Compass bòn Compass bòn compass bousol compass bousòl compass bousòl Compass bousòl Compass Bousòl Compass Bousòl compass konpa Page 116 Feuille1 Compass konpa Compass Konpa Compass limit Compass limit compass sèk compatible konpatib compensate bay konpansasyon compensate dedomaje compensation arrangementsarajman konpansasyon yo compensation arrangementsèstrikti dankourajman yo compete konba compete konkouri compete lit competence konpetans competent konpetan Competition konirans competition konkirans competition konpetisyon Competition Konpetisyon Competitive Konpetitif complaint plent complaint plenyen complementary divisor divizyon konplemantè complementary events evennman konplemantè complement atribi complement of a set konpleman yon ansanm complement of a set konpleman yon ansanm je complete carry retni konplè completed te konplete complete konplè complete konplèt konplete complete complete konplète completely convex function fonksyon konplemantè konvèks completely flat surface sifas ki plat nèt completely konplètman completely nèt completely nèt completely nèt completely respected te konplètman respekte completely respect respè konpletman completeness entegrite completeness konplè Complete overhaul konplèt revizyon complete plen complete route wout konplèt complete system sistèm fèmen complex conjugate konplèkks konjige complex curve koub konplèks complex fraction fraksyon konplèks Complex konplèks Complex Konplèks Complex konplike Page 117 Feuille1 complex number nonm konplèks complex plane plan konplèks complex rational expression espresyon rasyonèl konplèks complex root rasin konplèks complicate mangonmen compliments felisite compliments kongratilasyon compliments konplimante compliments konpliman yo composite index afich konbine composite index endeks konpoze composite konpoze composition konpozisyon composition konpozisyon composition of functions konpozisyon fonksyon composition of transformationkonpozisyon transfomasyon compound konbine compound sentence fraz matematik konbine Compressional waves vav konpwesyon Compression Konpwesyon Compromise Konpwomi compromises that were obtained konpromi ki te resevwa compromises that were obtained konpwomi ki te jwenn computation kalkil compute kalkile computer kompitè computer konmpitè computer konmpitè computer konpitè Computer Konpitè Computer linked areas or locations zòn konpitè zòn òdinatè Computer linked areas or locations computer òdinatè computer òdinatè Computer òdinatè Computer operator operatè konpitè Computer operator operatè òdiantè Computer programmer pwogamè òdinatè Computer programmer pwogramè konpitè Computers konpitè yo Computers òdinatè yo computer store boutik konmpitè computer store chòp konmpitè computer store magazen odinatè comrade kamarad comrade konpayon comrade zanmi concave angle ang konkav concave curve koub konkav concave konkav Concave Konkav Concave lens Lantiy divèjan concave polygon poligòn konkav Page 118 Feuille1 concave polyhedron polyèd konkav concavity konkavite concealed kache concealed maron concealed sere concealed weapon zam kache concealed weapon zam sere concentration camp kan konsantrasyon concentration camp kan moun len sou lòt concentration camp kan moun pil sou pil Concentration Konsantrasyon concentration of military forces konsantrasyon fòs militè concentric circles sèk konsantrik concentric konsantrik concentric quadrics kwadrik konsantrik conception konsepsyon concept konsèp Concept Konsèp concerning konsènan concern konsène concert hall gwa sal concert hall sal konsè Concertina wire fil fè tòde conclusion konklizyon conclusion konklizyon conclusion konklizyon Concordat Konkòda Concord Konkòd Concrete barriers baryè an mi yo concrete beton Concrete Beton Blòk beton Concrete block Concrete blocks blòk an siman yo Concrete building bilding an beton concrete motions mouvman reyèl yo concrete mòtye Concrete mòtye concrete movements mouvman konkrèt yo concrete siman melanje concrete steps pa konkrèt concurrence konkourans concurrent altitudes of triangle altitid konkouran triang concurrent bisector of anglesbisektris konkouran ang triang concurrent konkouran concurrent lines liy konkouran concurrent planes plan konkouran concyclic kosiklik concyclic points pwen kosiklik condamnation kondansasyon condemnation kondansasyon Condensation Kondansasyon conditional equality egalite kondisyonèl conditional equation ekwasyon kondisyonèl Page 119 Feuille1 conditional inequality inekwasyon kondisyonèl conditional kondisyonèl conditional sentence fraz kondisyonèl condition eta condition etat condition for return kondisyon pou retou condition for return kondisyon pou retounen condition in kondisyon nan condition kondisyon condition kondisyon condition kondisyon condition kondisyon condition kondisyon condition kondisyon condition kondisyon conditions for kondisyon yo pou conditions for kondisyon yo pou conditions kondisyon yo conditions of kondisyon de condo gran apatman condo gran mezon condo gwo bilding condo gwo imèb condominium gran apatman condominium gran mezon condominium gwo bilding condominium gwo imèb condone padone condone rachte Conductor kondiktè Conductor Kondiktè vàn Conductor Cone Kòn Confederacy Konfedere conference about former komferans anteryè apropo de conference about former konferans anteryè osijè de conference about konferans conference for konferans pou conference for konferans pou conference for the journalistskonferans pou jounalis yo conference hall sal konferans conference in konferans an conference konferans conference konferans conference konferans conference konferans Conference konferans confession konfesyon confidence and konfidans e confidence konfidans confidence konfidans confidence konfyans Confidence Konfyans Page 120 Feuille1 confidence Confidence level confident confident confident confirmed confirm confiscated funds confiscated funds confiscated properties confiscated properties confiscated properties confiscated properties conflic conflict conflict in conflict Conflict conflict conflict zones conflict zones Confluence Confluence conform conform conform conform confort confort confort confrontation confront Confucianism Confucianism Confucianism confused Confusion Confusion Congo dance congratulated congratulate congratulation congratulation congratulation congratulation congregation congressional leaders congress Congress Congress Congress Congressman Congressman kwayans nivo konfyans konfidan te konvenk te pèsyade te konfime konfime fon jele yo fon konfiske yo propriyete sezi propryete konfiske tè konfiske tè konfiske konfli dezakò konfli nan konfli Konfli konplo zòn konfli yo zòn pwive Kontre kote de rivyè kontre konfòm konfòme konfòme trèz ankouraje bay espwa konsole afwontman konfwonte disip filozòf Chinwa Konfisiis disip Konfisiis Konfisyanis konfize Konfizyon Twoub Dans kongo te felisite felisite felisite kongratilasyon konplimante konpliman yo kongregasion lidè Kongrè yo kongrè kongrè Kongrè Lachanm Depite kongresis Page 121 Feuille1 congruence kongriyans congruence symbol senbòl kongriyans congruent arcs ak kongriyan congruent circles sèk kongriyan conic without center konik san sant conjugate complex konplèks konjige conjugate complex numbers nonm konplèks konjige conjugate imaginary lines liy imaginè konjige conjugate konjige conjugate number nonm konjige conjugate roots rasin konjige conjugate tangents tanjant konjige conjunction konjonksyon connected konekte connection koneksyon connection koneksyon connection lyezon connections koneksyon yo connection with home countrylyen avèk peyi natal connection with home countrylyen avè peyi natal connection with lyezon avèk connect konekte conning tower tèt soumaren conquer donte conquered ganye conquered konkeri conquered pwan yon peyi ak zam conquered territories tèritwa konkeri yo conquered triyonfe conquer konkeri conquer venk Konkèt Conquest Conquistadors Konkeran conscientious objector moun konsyansye conscription ; (draft) apèl pou gè a consecration konsekrasyon consecutive angles ang konsekitif consecutive even integer nonm antye relatif ki konsekitif ki pè consecutive integer nonm antye relatif ki konsekitif consecutive intervals entèval konsekitif consecutive odd integer nonm antye relatif ki konsekitif ki enpè consecutive tangents tanjant konsekitif consecutive vertices somè konsekitif Consensus Antant Consensus konsansis consent akò consent konsantman Consequence Konsekans consequences konsekans consequences rezilta consequent konsekan Conservation of energy Kosèvasyon enèji conservative deputies depite konsèvatif Page 122 Feuille1 conservative deputies conservative deputy Conservative conservative movement conservative representative conservative Senator conservative Senator conservative Senator conservatoire conservatoire conservatory conservatory conservatory conservatory conservatory conservatory considerable consideration consideration of consideration of consideration consideration consider consider consider consider consistence consistence of equations consistency consistency of axioms consistent equations consist consolidate consolidate Conspiracy conspiracy Conspiracy conspiracy conspiracy trial conspire constant coefficient constant factor constant function constant of dilation constant term Constellation constituent elections constituent elections constitutional court constitutional judicial order constitutional-juridical constitutional constitutional depite konsèvativ depite konsèvatif Konsèvatif mouvman konsèvatif reprezantatan konsèvatif senatèkonsèvatè senatèkonsèvatè senatè konsèvatif konsèvatwa pati konsèvatif jaden andedan kay konsèvatwa konsèvatwa konsève pati konsèvatif sere konsiderab konsiderasyon ka konsiderasyon de rega rèspè konsidere konsidere konsidere konsidere konsistans konsistans ekwasyon konsistans konsistans aksyòm ekwasyon konsistan genyen konsolide rasanble Konplo konplote konspirasyon konspire pwosè konspirasyon konplote koefisyan konstan faktè konstan fonksyon konstan konstant dilatasyon tèm konstan Konstelasyon eleksyon konstitiyan elèksyon konstitiyan yo tribinal konstisyonèl òd konstitisyonèl jidisyè konstitisyonèl-jiridid konstitisyonèl konstitisyonèl Page 123 Feuille1 Constitutional constitutional law order constitutional reform constitutional unification constitutional unification constitution constitution Constitution constitution constitution constitution constitution constitution constriction constriction constriction construct construction construction construction construction construction construction construction Construction Construction Construction construct construct Construct consulate Consulate consulate Consul consultation Consumer goods Consumer goods Consumer contact by telephone contact group contacting contact contact contact contact person contact person contagious contagious container container contain contain contain Konstitisyonèl lòt lwa konstitisyonèl refòm konstitisyonèl inifikasyon konstitisyonèl inifikasyon konstitisyonèl konstitisyon konstitisyon Konstitisyon konstitisyonal konstititsyon kostitisyon lalwa lwa konstriksyon tèt boutèy toufe fè desen developman estrikti konstriksyon konstriksyon konstriksyon konstriksyon konstriksyon konstriksyon konstriksyon konstriksyon konstwi konstwi Konstwi konsila Konsila konsilte Konsil konsiltasyon Machandiz pwodi Konsomatè jwenn telefòn gwoup de kontak kontakte kontak kontak kontakte reskonsab responsab atrapan Kontajye kontenè veso genyen genyen genyen Page 124 Feuille1 contain contains contains Contaminated content content content contentment contentment contentment contentment content content content contest contest contest contest contest contest contest continental congress continent Continent Continent continuance continuation continued absence continued absence continue continued ration continued continue continue continue continue continue continue continue continue continue continue continuing continuously continuous pressure contract about contract about contracted notation contract contract contract contracts contracts konpoze genyen yo gen yo kontamine felisite kontan kontan kontantman kontantman kontantman kontantman satisfè te satisfè veso diskite konba konkou konkou konkouri lit lit kongrè kontinantal Kontinan Kontinan Kontinan ranvwaye kontinyasyon kontinye absan toujou absan dènye rapò kontini te kontinye kontinye kontinye kontinye kontinye kontinye kontinye kontinye kontinye okntinye pouswiv kontinye kontinyèlman pwesyon kap kontinyè kontra apropo de kontra osijè de notasyon rakousi kontra kontrak kontrakte akò yo antante yo Page 125 Feuille1 contracts contract to provide contract to provide Contradance contradiction contradiction contradictory contradictory propositions contradictory reports contrapositive Contrast Contrast contribution contribution control center control control control Control controlled zones controlled zone control control room control room controls control system control tower control tower controversy convenience convenience convenience convenience store convenience store convenience convenience convent Convent converge to conversation in conversation in conversation Conversation conversations converse converse converse of a statement converse statement converse theorem conversion Convertible car Convertible car Convertible car kontra yo kontra pou bay kontra pou founi Kontredans kontradiksyon kontraksyon kontradiktwa pwopozisyon kontradiktwa rapò kontradiktwa kontrapozitif envès ant pami kontribisyon kontribisyon sant de kontwòl kontròl kontwòl kontwòl Kontwòl zòn kontwole yo zòn kontwole metriz chanm de kontwòl sal kontwòl kontwòl yo sistèm de kontwòl tèt de kontwòl tou de kontwòl polemik estasyon konfò konvenyans sal lesiv boutik sikonstans magazen konvenans twalèt piblik vèstyè kouvan Kouvan konvèje nan direksyon konvèsasyon nan konvèzasyon nan konvèsasyon Konvèsasyon konvèzasyon yo konvès konvèse konvès yon pwopozisyon pwopozisyon konvès teyorèm konvès konvèsyon Machin dekapotab oto dekapotab veyikil dekapotab Page 126 Feuille1 convert convert convert convert measures convex angles convex body Convex convexity convex Convex lens convex polygon conviction conviction that conviction that convince convince convince convinced convinced convinced convince convince convince convocation convoy convoy convoy convoy convoys of humanitarian aid cook cooked Cooker cook cookie cook cook Cook Cool cooperate cooperate cooperate cooperate cooperation between cooperation between cooperation cooperation cooperation Cooperation cooperation cooperation cooperation cooperations cooperation with konveti konvèti konvèti konvèti mezi ang konvèks kò konvèks Convèks konveksite konvèks Lantiy konvèjan poligòn konvèks kondanasyon asirans ke konviksyon ke afime asire atire konfidan te konvenk te pèsyade konvenk konvenk pèsyade konvokasyon eskòt konvwa konvwa konvwaye konvwa èd imanitè chèfboukan kuit Recho fè manje bonbon kizinye kwizine Kwizinyè Fre kolabore kopere kòpere met tèt ansanm kolaborasyon pami kowoperasyon antre kolaborasyon kolaborasyon koperasyon Koperasyon kòperasyon kòperasyon kòperasyon kòperasyon yo kòperasyon avèk Page 127 Feuille1 cooperative cooperative coop coop coop coordinate curve coordinate geometry coordinate transformation coordination coordinator coordinator coordinator Copilot coplanar coplanar lines copy cordial cordial cordial core of the conflict core of the conflict core of the conflict cork Corner corner corner corner Corner corner corner corner corn Corn row corollary corporal corporate restructuring corpse Corps CORPS corps Corps CORPS correct correct correct correctly correctly correctly correctly correctly correct to the nearest tenth correspondence corresponding on koperativ kòperativ fèmye panye poul poulaye koòdone kiviliy jeometri analitik transfòmasyon analitik kòdinasyon kodonate kòdonatè kòdonatè pilòt asistan koplanè liy koplanè kopi amikalman amitye kodyal baz konfli a nan konfli a pwen konfli a bouchon lyèj Kafou kwen kwen kwen kwen kwen pa deyò kay rakwen rebò mayi cheve trese kowolè kaporal rèstriktirasyon kopere kadav fòs gwoup kò kò kò kòrèk kòrèk korije korekteman korekteman korekteman korèkteman kòrèkteman korije sou dizyèm ki pi pre a korespondans korespondan sou Page 128 Feuille1 corresponding side kote korespondan corresponding value for valè korespondan pou correspond korespann correspond koresponn correspond koresponn corridor fant corridor koulwa Corrosion Kowozyon Corrosion Rouye Corruption Kòripsyon corrupt police polis kòwonpi cosecant function fonksyon kosekant cosecant kosekant cosine function fonksyon kosinis cosine kosinis cosine law lwa kosinis cosine ratio rapò kosinis cost and attorney's fees pwi ak onorè avoka Costa Rica Kosta Rika Costa Rican government gouvènman kostariken cost koute cost koute costs chè costs koute costume kostim costume rad asòti cotangent function fonksyon kotanjant cotangent kotanjant cote kalòj pijon cote kay pijon coterminal angles ang kotèminal cottage kay yon pyès cottage ti kay ba Cotton Gin Machin Koton cotton koton couch kanape couch kanape couch sofa cough sofa cough touse could feel my strengh failling m mesanti but Imstill paheld gen onto fòs ankò, the rope men m kenbe kòb la la could not Pat te kapab couldn't Pat te kapab could Te kapab could you èske ou te kapab could you give me lift home ou ka ban m yon woulib lage m lakay could you let these pants outfè a bit yonfor ti ouvè me pantalon sa a pou mwen could you move forward a bitfè soyon I can ti avanse get by kò ou pou m ka pase could you move forward a bitfè soyon I can ti avanse get by kò pou m fè yon ti pase could you speak èske ou ka pale Coulomb Koulon Council consil council for konsèy pou Page 129 Feuille1 council for konsèy pou council for pou konsèy council is konsèy se council komite council konsèy Council Konsèy council konsil council of defense konsèy de defans councils konsèy yo council surperor konsèy siperyè counsellor konseyè counselors konseye yo count dekont counted votes vòt ki konte yo counter attack atak contè counter attack kont atak counter clerk anplwaye counter clerk anplwaye counterclockwise direction nan direction kontrè sans wotasyon egui mont counterclockwise nan sans kontrè wotasyon egui yon mont counterclockwise rotation wotasyon nan sans kontrè wotasyon egui yon mont counter-example kontegzanp counter giche Counter-insurgency operationoperasyon anti ensije Counter-insurgency operationoperasyon kont ensije Counter kont counter kontwa Counter Kontwa counter mine equipment aparèy anti min counter-mine equipment aparèy anti min countermine equipment aparèy anti min counter mine equipment ekipman kont min counter-mine equipment ekipman kont min countermine equipment ekipman kont min Counter Mitè Counter-narcotics operation operasyon anti nakotik yo Counter-narcotics operation operasyon kont dwòg Counter rankontre counting him, that makes tenlè n konte l sa fè 10 counting principle prensip pou konte count konte count konte countries member manb peyi yo countries of Europe peyi ewopeyen yo countries of Europe peyi Ewop yo countries peyi yo countries present peyi ki la yo countries present peyi ki pwezan yo countries that peyi yo ki country and peyi e country and peyi e country house gwo kay mazi andeyò country peyi Page 130 Feuille1 country Country Country countryside countryside Countryside Countryside countryside countryside Countryside country store country store country store county bank coup d'etat Coup d'Etat couple days couple couple courage courage courage Courage courageous courageous course course course course course course courses courses court costs court document court court courtesy court for court for war crimes court for war crimes court for war criminals court for war court court court court court court court court courtroom courtroom peyi peyi Peyi andeyò Andeyò andeyò lakanpay nati provens pwovens magazen jeneral magazen komès magazen kominal bank peyi kou deta Koudeta de jou yo koup pè bravou fòs kouraj Kouray vanyan vanyan cou klas kou kou kous okou direksyon yo kous fwè tribinal dokiman tribinal yo enpas enpas koutwazi tribinal pou tribinal pou krim gè yo tribinal pou krim gè yo tribinal pou kriminèl de gè tribinal pou gè institisyon jijdisyè kou kou kou la kou la kou lanse nwa institisyon jijdisyè sal tribinal Page 131 Feuille1 courtroom court ruling court courts court court court court Court cousin Cousin cousin Cousin Covalent bonds covered stadium covered stadium Covert Covert covetousness covetousness cowardly cow barn cowbarn cow barn cowbarn cowshed cowshed cow cracker Cranes cranky Crashed Crashed crate crate crater crates crates crazy crazy crazy house crazy house crazy house crazy house crazy crazy crazy cream created created created created create sal tribinal règ tribinal sal tribinal tribinal yo trbinal tribinal tribinal tribinal Tribinal kouzen Kouzen kouzin kouzin Lyezon kovalan kouvèti estad twati estad Anbachal ankachèt konvwatiz Konvwatiz kapon joupa bèf joupa bèf tonèl bèf tonèl bèf joupa bèf tonèl bèf vach bèf peta trepye chimerik aksidan kraze bwat transparan kès transparan Antenwa bwat transparan yo kès transparan yo fòl fou kay pou moun fou pon Bèdèt sanatoryòm sant swenyaj krake loke loko Pomad te fabrike te fè te kreye te prodwi kreye Page 132 Feuille1 creating ap kreye creating ap prodwi creation of kreyasyon de Creative Kreyatif creature kreyati creature kreyati creature kreyati creche krèch credibility kredibilite credit and international trademache kredi entènasyonal credit card kat kredi credit guarantees asirans kredi credit guarantees garanti kredi credit guarantees kredit garanti Creditor Izirye creek bed Kannal dlo creek bed Plato creek bed Plato creek bed Platon creek bed Platon creek Rivyè Creole bath beny kreyòl Creole kreyòl Creole Kreyòl Crest Somè Crew chief chèf band crew ekipaj Crib Bèso crime krim crime krim Crime Krim crimes krim yo crimes krim yo crimes krim yo crimes krim yo crimes zak yo criminal kriminèl criminal lwa lwa kriminèl criminal prosecution pwosè kriminèl criminal record dosye kriminèl criminals krim yo criminel bandi criminel beligeran criminel delenkan criminel kriminèl crippled bwate crippled èstwopye crippled Kokobe crippled paralize crises kriz yo crisis in kriz andedan Crisis Kriz crisis prevention pwevansyon kriz Page 133 Feuille1 criteria kritè Critical angle Ang limite critical state eta kritik critical state sitiyasyon kritik critisize bay vèni critisize kritike critisize palelòtmal critisize palemal Croatia and Serbia kwoat and sèb Croatia Bosnia and kroesya bosnya e Croatia is Kwoati se Croatia is kwoat se Croatia Kwasi Croatia kwoasi Croatia kwoasi Croatian and kwoasyen Croatian and kwoatsyen e Croatian and SRJ kroesyan e SRJ croatian armies and lame kwoasyen yo epi croatian armies in ame kwoasyen yo an Croatian army general jeneral ame kroesyan Croatian army lame Kwoasyen Croatian Army Lame kwoasyen Croatian as kroesyan Croatian authorities in otorite kroesyan yo Croatian authorities otorite kroesyan yo Croatian authorities otorite kroesyan yo croatian authorities otorite Kwoasyen yo Croatian Bank bank kroesyan Croatian Bank bank krot croatian bosnian Bosnyen Kwoasyen Croatian Chronicle kwonik kwoasyen Croatian council konsèy kwoatsyen Croatian Daily Report papò chak jou kwoasyen Croatian Danube Basin basen Danube kwoasyen Croatian defenders and e defansè kroesyan e Croatian Defense Council komite, konsèy, kay: defans Ayisyen Croatian Defense Council Konsil defans koasyen Croatian Defense Council resources konsèy defans resous kwoasyen Croatian delegation delegasyon kwoatyen Croatian delegations delegasyon kroesyan Croatian Democratic Community Kominote demokratik koasyen Croatian Democratic Union inyon demokratik kowasyen Croatian envoy anvwaye kroesyan Croatian envoy reprezantan kroesyan croatian flag drapo Ayisyen croatian flag drapo koasyen Croatian forces fòs kowasyen yo Croatian government and foreign minisaffairs gouvènman minister afè etrange kwoasyen Croatian government and foreign gouvènman ministryministè e etrange kwoasyen Croatian government and gouvenman kwoasyen e croatian government gouvènman Kwoat Croatian governments gouvènman kwoasyen yo Page 134 Feuille1 Croatian House of Representatives Chanm depite Kowat yo Croatian House of Representatives Chanm repwezantan Kowat yo Croatian in an kwoasyen Croatian Kowasyen croatian kwoasyen Croatian kwoasyen Croatian kwoasyen Croatian kwoasyen Croatian Kwoasyen Croatian minister minis kroesyan Croatian minister minis kwoasyen croatian minister minis Kwoat Croatian minority minorite koasyen Croatian monetary unit inite monetè Kwoasyen croatian-moslems Kwoat-mizilman yo Croatian muslim mizilman kowat Croatian news program nouvo pwogram Kwoasyen yo Croatian officer kòmandan ayisyen Croatian officer ofisye ayisyen Croatian officer ofisye okap Croatian officer ofisye pòtopwins Croatian parliament chanm Kowasyen Croatian parliament Palman Kowasyen Croatian parliament palman Kwoasyen Croatian peninsula penisil kowasyen Croatian people pèp kwoasyen Croatian president Franjo Tudjman pwezidan kowasyen an franjo tudjman Croatian President Franjo Tudjman Pwezidan Kwoasyen an Fwanjo ToudJman Croatian president prezidan kroesyan croatian president prtezidan kwoasyen Croatian refugees refijye Kowasyen croatian region rejyon Kwoat Croatian regions regyon kroesyan yo Croatian reintegration reentegrasyon kwosyan Croatian seaport pò maritim kowasyen Croatian-Serbian relations relasyon sèb-kwoyasyèn Croatian-Serbian sèb-kwoat Croatian side bò kote kwoatyen Croatian side kote kwoasyen Croatians Kwoasyen yo Croatian state eta kroesyan Croatian state eta kwoasi Croatian state's eta kroasyen croatian syndicate block blòk sendika kwoasyen croatian syndicate sendika kwoasyen croatian tennis player Goran Goran jwè tenis Kwoat croatian tennis player Goran Goran Ivanisevic Ivanisevik jwè tenis Kwoat Croatian tennis player jwè tenis kroesyan Croatian territory tèritwa kowasyen croatian territory tèritwa Kwoat Croatian territory tèritwa Kwoayen Croatian territory zòn kwoasyen Croatia will pral krotia Page 135 Feuille1 Croatia with Croat Croats Crochet crop crop crop crop crops crops crops crops Crops crops crop crossbar crossbar crossbar crossbeam cross bow cross examine cross examine crossing cross cross cross cross crosspiece crosspiece crosspiece crosspiece cross product cross section cross the border cross crosstree crosstree crosstree crosstree crowd Cruel cruel Cruel Crusade crush someone crutch Crutches cry cry cry cry cry cry avèk kwoasi kwoat Kwoat yo Kwochè koupe mwason rekòlte rekòt koupe mwason rekòlte rekòt Rekòt taye taye ba transvèsal ba travès kwa travès travès abalèt entèwoje kesyone kwazman janbe kwa kwa lakwa moso kwa moso travès travès travès pwodui kwaze seksyon kwase janbe fwontyè travèse dòmè kòl kravat travès ankonbreman Kriyèl Mechan Mechan Kwazad maspinen beki Beki kriye lagedlo lagekri perèl rèl rèl Page 136 Feuille1 crystal kristal Crystal Kristal Cuba Kiba Cuba Kiba Cuban capital kapital kiben Cuban citizens sitwayen kiben yo Cuban foreign ministry ministè zafè etrange kiben Cuban revolution revolisyon kibèn Cuban vice-president vis-prezidan kiben Cuban vice-president vis pwezidan kiben cubbyhole kalòj pijon cubbyhole kay pijon cubbyhole ti chanm pa dèyè cubbyhole ti chanm separe cubby ti chanm pa dèyè cubby ti chanm separe cube both sides mete tou de kote yo o kare Cube Kib cube root rasin kibik cubic centimeter santimèt kib cubic foot pye kib cubic inch pous kib cubicle kyòs cubicle mitan prensipal yon plas cubicle vye tonnèl cubic meter mèt kib cubic meter mèt kib cubic unit inite kib cubic yard kib kare cuckoo's nest kay pou moun fou cuckoo's nest pon Bèdèt cuckoo's nest sanatoryòm cuckoo's nest sant swenyaj cucumber konkonb cultivated kiltive Cultivate Kiltivè cult of personality kil pèsonalite cultural activities aktivite kiltirèl cultural activities aktivite kiltirèl yo cultural and kiltirè e cultural kiltirèl cultural kiltirèl cultural kiltirèl cultural kiltirèl culture kilti culture kilti Culture Kilti cumulative frequency histogram istogram frekans kimilatif cumulative kimilatif cunning mètdam cupboard amwa cupboard gadmanje cupboard klozèt Page 137 Feuille1 cupboard cupboard cup cup Cup Cup cup Cup cup curfew curfew curiosity curious curious curious curly brackets currency currency currency traders currency traders current current current government current current current current current current current current curse curtain curtain Curtain Curtains curved line curve curve Curve custody custody custody Custom Custom custom Custom Custom Custom customs customs Customs customs officer pandri plaka gode gode Gode Gode godèt Tas vè kouvwefe kouvwe fe kiryozite jouda kirye tripòt akolad lajan sikilasyon kanbis yo kòmèsan dechanj yo aktyèl pwezan conjonkti gouvènman aktyèl kouran kouran kouran kouran moman prezante realite riso fleyo rido rido Rido Rido liy koub koub koub Koub sou arè sou gad sou kontwòl abitid Abitid koutim Koutim Koutim Mès dwàn Dwan yo Ladwann ofisye ladwàn Page 138 Feuille1 cutlass kouto maren cutting costs rediksyon pwi yo Cycle Sik cyclone siklon cylinder silend Cylinder Silenn cylindrical surface sifas silendrik Cymbal Senbal Cyprus Chip Cyprus pye cipwis Czechoslovakian state eta tchekoslovakyen Czechs czechs Czech Tchekoslovaki daddy dada daddy doesn't let me play marbles papa mpa vle m jwe mab daddy papa daddy papi dad pa dad papa dad papa Dad papa dagger kouto dagger ponya daily chak jou daily chak jou Daily chak jou Daily chak jou daily chronicle jounalye kwonik daily flights vòl chak jou yo daily jou Daily jounalye daily joune daily jounèlman daily kotidyen daily kotidyen daily life vi kotidyen Daily pa jou Daily Review jounal kiparèt chak jou daily review Repase chak jou daily tout jou dale Vale Dalmatia dalmasi Dalmatia dalmati_ Dalmatia dalmatya damage bolet damage bòlèt damaged device aparèy andomaje damaged device ekipman andomaje damaged domaje damage dega damage degrade damage deskripsyon damage domaj Page 139 Feuille1 damage domaj damage domaj damage domaj damaged te dedomage dam baraj Dam & Hydroelectric plant destruction baraj ak dèstriksyon konpayi idroelèktrik dam madanm dam manman bèt dam rezèvwa dance danse dance danse dance hall chanm damizman dance hall sal de dans dance hall sal pou dans dance palace chanm damizman dance palace sal de dans dance palace sal pou dans dance rhythm yanvalou dancing danse dancing danse danger danje danger danje danger danje danger danje Danger danje danger danjè Danger malè dangerous danjere dangerous danjere dangerous danjere dangerous danjerez dangerous danjerez dangerous danjerèz dangerous places Kote ki danjere yo dangerous places zòn danjere yo Danish capital kapital olandè Danish Danwa Danish Danwa Danish film fim danwa Danish government gouvènman almay dare azade Dark Fè nwa Dark fonse Dark nwa darkroom chanm nwa dark rooms chanm nwa yo dark side bò nwa dark side move kote darling cheri darling ticheri dartboard sib jwèt ti flèch data provided enfòmasyon te bay data table tab done Page 140 Feuille1 data that was provided date date date daughter daughter Daughter in law daughter Daughter daughter dawn dawn dawn Daybreak Daybreak day care center day care center day care center day from day day day day day day day Day day day day day day nursery day nursery day nursery day off day off day school days earlier days earlier days in days Days Days of the week Days of worship daytime daytime Dayton Accord Dayton agreement Dayton agreement Dayton agreement Dayton in Dayton peace agreement Dayton peace agreement enfòmasyon ki te bay dat epòk peryòd fi fi Bèl fi pititfi Pitit fi tifi avan jou byen bonè nan maten devanjou Avanjou Douvanjou gadri sant gadri sant swenyaj jou de jou jou jou jou jou jou jou Jou joune jounen lajounen lajounen gadri sant gadri sant swenyaj chomay chonmay lekòl lajounen jou avan yo jou pwesedan yo jou yo nan jou yo jou yo Jou nan semèn nan Jou adorasyon lajounen lajounen akò Dayton agreman Deytonn akò dayton akò Deytonn Dayton nan akò pè dayton akò pè deton Page 141 Feuille1 dead albwachat dead bodies kadav yo dead bodies kadav yo dead bodies moun mouri dead bodies Moun mouri yo dead mouri dead mouri Dead Mouri dead prisoners pwizonye ki mouri yo dead sikonbe dead tiye deal antan n deal dakò deal pòsyon Dean dwayen death certificate sètifika desè death desè death flights lanmò ap vole death mò death mòtalite death squads ploton egzekisyon debate deba debate deba debate debat debris debwi debris fatra debris rèstan debt dèt Debt Dèt debt obligasyon decade dekad Decadence Dekadans Decades Dekad yo deceased mouri deceased politician politisyen ki desede deceased politician politisyen ki mouri deceive tronpe December 1995 desanm 1995 December Desanm December Desanm december, january, and february desanm, janvye ak fevriye decenmber desanm decentralization desantralizasyon Decibel Decibèl decibels desibèl decide deside decide deside decide deside decide detèminen decided te deside decide prè decimal number system sistèm nonm desimal decimal part pati desimal Page 142 Feuille1 decimal place plas desimal decision about desizyon osijè de decision desizyon decision desizyon decision desizyon decision desizyon decision for desizyon pou decision for solisyon pou decision jijman decisions about desizyon apwopo de decisions desizyon yo decisions desizyon yo decisions for desizyon yo pou decisions for solisyon yo pou decisively desizivman decisively enèjikman decisively rezolisyon decisiveness karaktè desizif deck an lè nèt deck-house tèt kay la deck of cards je kat Declaration of human rights Deklarasyon dwa moun Declaration of IndependenceDeklarasyon Endepandans Declare Deklare declared that te deklare sa decline Depafini declivity Pwen ki pi ba a Decolonization Dekolonizasyon Decontamination kit ekipman pou kontaminasyon Decontamination kit materyèl kont kontaminasyon decrease diminye Decree Dekrè decrees dekrè yo deduce dedui deduced statement pwopozisyon dedui deduction dediksyon deductive dediktif deductive method metòd dediktif deductive proof prèv dediktif deductive reasoning rezònman dediktif deed ak deed bòn aksyon deed tit deed travay deep fon deer sèf default defo defeat defèt Defeat Defèt defeat echèk defeated manifeste defeated te defèt defeated te konbat Page 143 Feuille1 Defeat pèdi batay defect defo defect defo defect defo defect defo defect mal fèt defend and defann e defend defan-n defenders defandè yo defenders defandè yo defenders defansè defense counsel avoka defans defense de dis defense defann defense defans defense lines line defans yo defenses defans yo defenses èstrikti de defans defense sòti de dis defense system sistèm defans Defense tactics taktik de defans yo defense vini de dis defensive defansif defensive lines lin defansiv yo defensive structure defans yo defensive structure èstrikti de defans deferred adjudication desizyon ranvwaye deficit defisi deficit pèt define defini defined terms tèm defini definitive agreement agreman definitiv definitive agreement akò definitif definitive agreement akò definitif definitive agreement to acquire agreman definitif pou genyen definitive agreement to acquire agreman definitif pou jwenn definitive agreement to acquire akò avantag la definitif definitive agreement to acquire akò definitif yon mannyè pou jwenn definitive agreement to agreman definitiv pou definitive agreement to akò definitif pou Deforestation Debwazman deform defigire deform defòme deform defòmen deform degize deformed defòme deform gate defraud twonpe degenerated curve koub degenere degrade bolet degrade bòlèt degrade degrade degree measure mezi degre Page 144 Feuille1 degree of a monomial degree of an angle degree of an equation degree of a polynomial Deities Delaying tactics Delegate delegate Delegate delegate delegate delegates delegation delegation delegation delegations delete deliberate delicatessen delicatessen Delicious Delicious Delicious deli Delight Delinquent deli deliver deliver deliver deliver deliver deliver deliver judgment deliver deliver Delivery problems Delta delta delude Demagogy demand demand Demand demand demand demand demanded demand demand for demand demand demilitarized zone degre yon monòm degre yon ang degre yon ekwasyon degre yon polinòm divinite taktik san rete yo anvwaye delege Delege depite repwezantatif delege yo delegasyon delegasyon delegasyon delegasyon yo elimine delibere episri ti boutik Bon anpil delisye gen bon gou episri Kontantman Delenkan ti boutik bay anfen bay anfen delivre delivre delivwe done anfen delivwe jijman remèt renmèt pwoblèm pou delivwe yo Delta Dèlta tropè Demagoji demand demand Demand demande demann demann te demande egzijans demand pou mande reklamen zòn demilitarize Page 145 Feuille1 democracy demokrasi democracy demokrasi democracy demokrasi Democracy Demokrasi Democrat Christian party pati demokrat kretyen Democrat Christian party pati demokwat kretyen democratic campaign kanpay demokratik Democratic candidate kandida demokrat democratic demokratik democratic demokratik democratic demokratik democratic demokratizasyon democratic elections elèksyon demokratik yo democratic forum foròm demokratik democratic majority majorite demokratik democratic opponent advèsè demokratik democratic opponent opozan demokratik democratic opponent opozisyon demokratik Democratic presidential candidate kandida pwezidansyèl demokratik democratic revolution revolisyon demokratik democratic Senator senatè demokratik democratic South Africa demokrat sid afriken democratic South Africa demokwat sid afrika Democratic Union inyon demokratik Democrat National Party pati demokrat nasyonal Democrats and Republican demokrat ak repibliken yo Democrats and Republican demokrat e repibliken Demography Demografi demolish demantibile demolish demantibile demolished buildings bilding demoli yo demonstrate demontre Demonstrate demontre Demonstrate Pwouve De Morgan's laws lwa demògann denationalization denasyonalizasyon denatured denatire denial denye denial nye denigrate denigre den kay brigan den kay pou bèt Denmark danmak Denmark li te ajoute sa li pral Denmark li te ogmante sa li va denomination denominasyon denoted by montre denote montre dense dans dense domain domèn dans density dansite Density dansite Density Dansite Page 146 Feuille1 dentis dentis Dentist dentist deny deny deny deny deny deny Deodorant departed departed departed departmental department department department head Department of Labor department store department store department store depart departure departure departure Dependency dependent equations dependent event dependent linear equation depend on depends depends on depends on Deplete Deplete Depopulate Depopulate Depopulation deportability deportability deportable deportation deportation deportation deportation deportation proceedings deportaton hearing deposit deposit deposit deposit bank deposit dantis doktèdan dantis dantist demanti denye nye nye papran renye Deyodoran defen dispari te depati depatmantal depatman depatman chèf depatman depatman travay gwo magazen magazen ki vann an detay magazen likidasyon pati depa deplasman pati Depandans ekwasyon depandan evenman depandan ekwasyon lineyè depandan depannde depan depan depann sou depafini Fini Depeple Depeple Depeple an mezi pou depòte ki kapab depòte depote depòtasyon depòtasyon egzil ekpilsyon demach pou depòtasyon jijman depotasyon alavans an depo avalwa bank depo depo Page 147 Feuille1 deposit depo deposit depo deposit depoze deposit depoze deposit envesti deposit envesti deposit insurance asirans depo deposit insurance depo asirans deposition depozisyon deposit lajan anba depository depo depository depozitè depository library bibliotèk depository library libreri deposit uninsurance depozisyon san asirans depot depo depot depo depot palas depot palè depot palman depot rezèvwa depression Depwesyon depth bomb bonm sous maren depth charge bonm sous maren depth profondè depth profondè deputies depite yo deputies reprezantatif yo deputy delege deputy depite deputy depite deputy repwezantatif derangement deranjman derivation derivasyon derived equation ekwasyon derive derive derive derringer pistolèt gwo kalib Desalinization desale Descendant Desandan Descendants Desandan yo descendent desandan descendent desandans descending order òd desandan descent Desann Describe Dekri Describe in gestures what happened èksplike to akthose jès sak individuals te pase moun who refused yo ki te to refize be anwole? Describe it in gestures èksplike m pa jès Describe the first obstacle from eksplike this list. apati de lis sa a, pwemye pwoblèm nan Describe the interior layouts of dekri the kijan building? andedan bilding lan ranje? Describe the interior layouts of èksplike the building? kouman andedan edifis la ye? Describe the next obstacle. pale n de pwochen pwoblèm Desert Dezè deserted dezè Page 148 Feuille1 Deserters desertion desertion desertion desertion desertion Desert survival designated value designation designer desire desire desire desired desired desire desire desire desire desire Desk desobedient despair despise despise Despot Despot Despotism dessert Dessert dessert Desserts dessert Destination destiny destiny destiny destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed housing destroyed housing destroyed destroyed Destructive detached house detached house detached house detached house detachment Detachment detachment law dezètè yo abandone chape desèsyon dezète sove sivivan nan dezè valè yo bay deziyasyon Achitekti dezi dezire dezire te dezire te swète lanvi lanvi swèt swète vle Biwo dezobeyisan dezespwa meprize meprize Despòt Diktatè Despotism desè Desè dous desè sikwe Destinasyon desten destine deviz demantle demoli detwi detwi kay ki te detwi kay kite kraze yo kraze kraze Destriktif kay apa kay dekole kay detache kay separe detachman Detachman lwa detachman Page 149 Feuille1 Detachment separasyon detailed detay detailed map kat detaye details detay yo detect dekouvri detect detekte detectors detektè Detention camp Kan detansyon detention cell detansyon determination detèminasyon determine detèmine determine detèmine determined te detèmine determined te rezoud detonate eklate detonating fuse fiz deksplozyon detonation detonasyon detonation eklatman detonator detant detonator detonatè detonator detonatè detonator gachèt detonators detonatè yo detour koridò Devaluation Devalyasyon devastate devas dega develop develope develop develope develop devlope develop devlope develop Devlope Develop Devlope develop devolpe developed countries peyi devlope yo developed develope development and reconstruction developman e rekonstriksyon development and reconstruction developman e rekonstriksyon development developman development developman development devlopman development devlopman development devlòpman development Dewoulman development konstriksyon development konstriksyon developments devlopman yo device instrument aparèy device Sistèm device zouti devote aksè devote konsakwe Devotional time lè konsakre devotion devosyon Page 150 Feuille1 devotion devouman devoutness devosyon dew lawouze diabete dyabèt diabolic anjandre diabolic anjandre diagonal dyagonal diagram dyagram diagram dyagram Dialect Dyalèk dialogue Konsètasyon dial the number fè nimero diameter Dyemèt diameter of a circle dyamèt yon sèk diameter of a sphere dyamèt yon esfè diamond dyaman Diamond Kawo Diamond lozanj Diapers Kouchèt diarrhoea dyare diarrhoea vantmennen diarrhoea vantpase dice zo Dice Zo dichotomy dikotomi Dictation Dikte Dictator Diktatè Dictatorship Diktati dictionary diksyonè dictionary leksik dictionary vokabilè did a favor fè yon favè did caution te anonse did caution te avèti did he know the answer li te konn repons lan did not Pat did not pa te did not Pat te didn't Pat didn't Pat te did Te fè did warn te anonse did you achieve your goal ou te fè sa ou te vle a did you dance ou te danse Did you drive trucks or passenger èske w cars? se chofè kamyon oubyen bis? did you go? ou te ale did you have a car last year eske ou te gen yon machine ane pase Did you have any reconnaissance èske pa objectives? gen nenpòt rekonèsans objèktif yo Did you have any shortages of èske food? w gen kèk ratman manje? did you have a truck last month eske nou te gen yon kamyon mwa pase a Did you know that individual personally? èske w te konnen ki moun pèsonèlman? Did you know your mission atèske timewoftecapture? konnen misyon lè yo te kaptire w la? did you make it before it started ou te raining gentan rive anvan lapli a Page 151 Feuille1 did you make this table? se ou k fè tab sa a did you put any knives on theou table met kouto sou tab la Did you receive the last re-supply èske of w resevwa ammunition rechajman in the local minisyon area? nan zòn lokal la? Did you see èske ou te wè Did you see èske w te wè Did you see it happen èske ou te wè lè li te rive Did you see it happen èske se devan w sa te pase did you see Jean this morning? èske w te wè Jan maten an? Did you see someone buryingèske the ou bodies te wè moun ki tap tere kadav yo Did you see someone buryingèske the w bodies te wè lè kèk moun tap tere mò yo Did you see someone laying Èske the land ou te mines wè yon moun ap mete min yo Did you see someone laying Èske the landmines ou te wè yon moun ap mete min yo Did you see someone laying èske the land w temines wè yon moun tap mete pyèj yo Did you see someone laying èske the landmines w te wè yon moun tap mete pyèj yo did you speak to your father last èskeweek? w te pale avèk papa w semèn pase a? did you take her to see a doctor ou panko yet mennen li wè yon doktè Did you volunteer your services? èskeIfwso, te explain bay sèvis in ou gestures volontèman? why. Si wi, èsplike ake jès pou ki sa ? die albwachat Die dead Died mouri die kasekòd die mouri Die Mouri die peri Diesel fuel gaz dyezèl die zo difference diferans Difference Diferans difference in moisture or dewdiferans on a road nan surface labou oubyen nan ma dlo sou tout wout la difference in moisture or dewma on labou a roadou surface byen ma dlo sou tout wout la difference of two squares diferans de kare difference set ansanm diferans different diferan different diferan different diferan Different Diferan different diferant different diferant different divès different occasions diferan okazyon different occasions okazyon diferan different places anpil kote different places diferan andwa different places diferan plas different places direfan kote different places nan plizyè plas different places plizyè andwa different places plizyè kote different plizyè difficult di Difficult difikilte difficult difisil difficult difisil Page 152 Feuille1 difficult difficult difficult difficult difficult times difficult times difficulty difficulty difficulty difficulty Digging fork diggings diggings diggings diggings diggings diggings diggings digital Diglossia digs digs digs digs digs digs digs dike Dike dike Dilapidate Dilapidate Dilapidate dilation Dilute dimension dimensions of rectangle Diminution dinar diner dining area dining area dining area dininghall dininghall dining room diningroom dining room dining room diningroom Dining room dining room diningroom difisil difisil lou pa fasil moman difisil yo tan difisil yo difikilte difikilte gwozen pwoblèm Fouch chache detere fouye kay mèb yo tanpon tòkèt dijital Diglosi chache detere fouye kay mèb yo tanpon tòkèt dig Dig ranp dilapide rine Wine dilatasyon Delye dimansyon dimansyon yon rektang Diminisyon dina repa midi kote moun manje sal a manje sal repa gran sal sal resepsyon kote moun manje kote moun manje sal a manje sal a manje sal a manje Salamanje sal repa sal repa Page 153 Feuille1 dinner dine dinner dine Dinner Dine dinner repa Diocese Dyosèz Diode Dyòd Diplomacy Diplomasi diplomacy diplomate diploma sètifika diplomat diplomat diplomat diplomat Diplomat Diplomat diplomatic building kay diplomatik diplomatic building mezon diplomatik diplomatic circles milye diplomatik yo diplomatic circles sèk diplomatik yo diplomatic diplomatik diplomatic relations between relasyon diplomatik ant diplomatic staf pèsonèl diplomatik diplomats diplomat yo direct contact kontak dirèk direct conversations konvèzasyon dirèk yo Direct Current Kouran kontini directed dirije directed numbers antye relatif directed te dirije directed te dirije Direct Government Gouvènman direk direction andwa direction direksyon direction direksyon Direction Direksyon direction dirèksyon directions direksyon yo directions direksyon yo directions Direksyon yo directions kous direct isometry izometri dirèk directly dirèkteman direct measurement mezi dirèk director direktè director direktè director direktè director dirèktè director dirèktè director dirijan director gid director lidè director lidè director mèt direct proof prèv dirèk direct proportion pwopòsyon dirèk direct ratio rapò dirèk Page 154 Feuille1 directrix directrix of parabola direct solution direct variation direct way direct way dirk dirt path dirt path dirt path dirt Dirt Road dirt dirt dirty dirty money dirty money dirty dirty Dirty dirty war Disadvantage disappear disappear disappear disappeared disappeared disappeared disappeared disappointment disappointment disappointment Disarmament Disarm disaster area disaster area disaster area disaster area disaster area Disaster disaster disaster discerning discharge discharged Discharge Electric discharge from discharge disclose disclosed memorandum disclosed memorandum disclosed memorandum disclose direktris direktris parabòl solisyon dirèk varyasyon dirèk fason dirèk mwayen dirèk ponya move wout wout an tè wout pousyè pousyè wout antè salte tè fatra lajan ilegal lajan sal pousyè sal Sal gè sal Dezavantaj disparè disparèt disparèt disparèt pèdi te disparèt te pèdi desepsyon desepsyon kontraryete Dezameman Dezame lye dezastè lye sinis zòn devaste zòn dezas zòn sinis Dezas kalamite kalamite penetre dechaje te dechaje Dechaj elèktrik ranvwaye revoke devwale memorandòm pibliye nòt pibliye revelasyon memorandòm mete deyò Page 155 Feuille1 disclose disco disco discomfort disco disconnect discontinuation discontinuation discontinuation discontinuation discontinue discord discorder discord discord discotheque discotheque discotheque Discount discount house discount house discount house discount house Discount discount store discount store discount store discount store Discovery discovery discovery discretion discriminant Discriminate Discrimination discuss discuss discussion about discussion about discussion discussions discussions discuss Disease disgard disgard disgusting disgusting dish dish Dish cloths dishonest dishonor revele disko diskotèk malèz nay clib debranche ap kanpe arète diskontinyason rète kanpe dezakò briganday kont mezantant disko diskotèk nay clib diskont depo magazen magazen diskont mezon likidasyon mezon rabè Rabè depo magazen magazen diskont mezon likidasyon mezon rabè Dekouvri dekouvwi twouve kose sekrè diskriminan Diskrimine Diskriminasyon diskite diskite diskisyon a propo de diskisyon osijè de brigandaj diskisyon yo trete yo plede Maladi manke dega san rèspè anmèdan degoutan asyèt asyèt Tòchon malonèt dezonoran Page 156 Feuille1 dish plate disinfect dezenfekte disjoint events evenman dijwen disjoint sets ansanm dijwen disjunction disjonksyon disk diskèt diskette diskèt Diskette Diskèt dismiss elimine chaj dismiss lèse ale dismiss retire chaj disobedience dezobeyisan disobey dezobeyi disobey trayi disorderly andezòd disorderly conduct move kondit dispensary dispansè dispensary famasi dispensary magazen medikaman dispensary magazen remèd Dispeople Depeple disperse dispèse dispersion dispèsyon Displace Deplase displaced te deplase displaced te evakye Display cabinet Bifèt Display cabinet pàntyè display case vitrin display montre disposal disponib disposed dispoze dispute akwochaj dispute akwochay dispute Eskonbrit dissatisfy deplè dissatisfy desatisfè dissatisfy mekontan Dissident Disidan dissociate disosye Dissolve Fonn dissuade of disparèt dissuade of fèm pa wè distance distans Distance Distans distance formula fòmil distans distance from a fixed point distans apati yon pwen fiks distance postulate postila distans distance preserved distans konsève distance-preserving transformations transfòmasyon ki konsève distans distant distans distant distans distant elwaye Page 157 Feuille1 distant longè distant lwen distant lwen distinct arrangements aranjman disten distinct distenk distinguishable arrangementsaranjman nou ka distenge distinguished distenge distinguished distenge distress dezolasyon Distribute! Distribiye! distribute the food among to them separe manje a ba yo distribution distribisyon Distribution Distribisyon distributive property of multiplication pwopriyete overdistribitif additionmiltiplikasyon pa rapò ak adisyon distributive property pwopriyete distribitif distributivity distribitivite District attorney Komisè gouvènman District attorney ministè piblik district of Folibete Fòlibète distri district of Sarajevo distri Saraevo district rejyon districts distri yo district state sèktè deta Disturbance Twoub Disturbance twoublay disturb deranje Disturb deranje disturb enkyete disturb Enpètinan disturb twouble Disturb Twouble tranche Ditched ditch fòs ditch fose ditch Ravin ditch twou Diverse Divès Diversity Divèsite divide divize Divide Divize divide pataje divider konpa divider patisyon Divinity Divinite Divinity teoloji division algorithm algorit divizyon division divizyon Division divizyon division of a line segment divizyon yon segman divisions divizyon yo division separe an de Division Siy divizyon divorce divòs Page 158 Feuille1 Divorce Divòs Divorce Divòse divorce kite Dizziness Toudisman dizziness vètij/tèt vire DMZ zòn demilitarize Do aircraft landing and take off èske patterns koutimgo aterisaj over potentially avyon ak dekolaj dangerous yo ale areas? sou zòn ki trè danjre? do as I do not as I said fè jan m fè pa fè jan m di do as you are told fè jan yo di ou la docile dou dockage dwàn dockage pò dockage waf dock dòk dock dwàn docket rejis docking facility dwàn docking facility pò docking facility waf dock pò dock waf dock waf doctorate doktora doctor doktè doctor doktè doctor doktè Doctor doktè Doctor doktè Doctor Doktè Doctor Doktè Doctor Doktè doctor dòktè Doctor dòktè doctor medsen doctor medsen doctor's office ofis doktè doctrine doktrin Doctrine Doktrin documentary proof dokiman pwèv documentary proof dosye pwèv document dokiman document dokimante documents dokiman yo documents dokiman yo documents dokiman yo documents dokiman yo documents lajan yo Does any individual aircraft have èskeassigned gen avyon guards? ki dispoze de gad yo? does anyone have more detailed èskemaps genyen of this moun field ki genyen kat pi detaye sou tèren sila a does Fè does Fèt Does it carry any Nuclear, Biological èske l paorgen Chemical kèk materyèl equipment Nikleyè, on board oubyen theChimik vehicle? nan machin nan? Does it carry armament? èskel pote zam? Page 159 Feuille1 Does it have any patterns around èske itli gen okenn remak otou de li Does it have any patterns around èske itpa gen ankenn mak ki kouwonnen l Does it have any patterns around èske itpa gen okenn siy antoure li does not dare pa azade does not dare pa oze does not Pat fè Does not shoot pa tire does not want pa anvi does not want pa vle doesn't have pat genyen doesn't mean li pat signifi doesn't Pat fè doesn't want Pat vle does she goes to school every èske day? li al lekòl chak jou? Does the aircraft require external èskepower avyonto anstart bezwen the engines fòs an deyò pou mete motè yo an mach? Does the facility have a contingency èske enstalasyon plan for war? an genyen yon plan dijans pou lagè? Does the facility have any alcohol èske or plant drug la abuse gneyenprograms? pwogram pou ede abizan alkòl oubyen dwòg? Does the facility work force change èske pandan in wartime? lagè plant la chanje travayè? Does the radar have anticlutter èske capabilities? rada a gen kapasite kont ankonbreman yo? does this hat match this dresschapo sa a ale ak rad sa a Does your aircraft have any filters? èske avyon w lan genyen filtè? Does your base have a protection èske baz program ou a for genyen thesepwogram materials? pwoteksyon pou materyèl sa yo? Does your facility get an advance èske notification fasilite w la of resevwa movement avètsiman to wartime an avans location? pou deplase nan tan lagè nan y Does your facility have a dining èske area? plant ou a genyen plas pou moun manje? Does your facility have any corruption, èske plantbribery, ou a genyen black kòripsyon, market activities? bav, aktivite mache an kachèt? Does your facility have any higher èske pozisyon organization? w nan genyen gwo òganizasyon? Does your facility have control èske for specific plant ouprojects a genyen and kontwòl realignment sou spesifik of command? pwojè ak komand realiman? Does your facility have manyèske injuries plant or ou accidents? a genyen anpil domaj ak aksidan? Does your facility offer training èske in the plant useouofaunderground ofwi antrènman installations? pou itilize enstalasyon soutèren yo? Does your facility rely on political èskeaid? plant ou a repoze l sou èd politik? Does your unit enforce theseèske deadlines? inite w la ranfòse dat limit sa yo? Does your unit establish maintenance èske w inite deadlines? w la etabli dat limit pou antretyen yo? Does your unit have a evacuation èske procedure inite w la gen for mwayen the injured? devakyason pou moun ki blese? Does your unit have combat experience? èske inite w la gen eksperyans nan konba? Does your unit have deadlines èske for inite obtaining w la gen parts? dat limit pou resevwa pyès? Does your unit have this communication èske inite wequipment? la gen materyèl kominikasyon? Does your unit have this weapon? èske w inite w la gen zam sa ? Does your unit support any infantry èske inite units? w la sipòte kèk inite enfantri? do everything fabrike tout bagay do everything fabrike tout bagay do everything fè tout bagay do everything fè tout bagay do everything fè tout bagay do everything fè tout bagay Do exactly as I do fè egzateman jan map fè a Do exactly as I do fè men m jan avè m do fè do fè do Fè do Fè do Fèt dog chen dog chen Page 160 Feuille1 Dog dog dog house doghouse dog house doghouse dog house doghouse dog house doghouse dogs dogs Dogs Dollar diplomacy dollars dollars in aid dollars in aid dollars Doll Doll domain of function domed stadium domed stadium dome domestic animals domestic animals domestic domestic domestic domestic domestic mafia domestic mafia domestic mafia domestic mafia domestic market domestic market domestic market domestic market domestic product domestic product domestic programs domestic servants domestic servants domestic spending domestic spending domestic spending domestic trade domestic trade domestic trade domestic violence domestic violence domicile domicile chen chyen cheniye cheniye kay chen kay chen nich nich nich chen nich chen chen chen yo chen yo Diplomasi dola dokiman yo dola an èd èd an dola lajan yo Pope poupe domèn fonksyon kouvèti estad twati estad laj twati bèt domèstik yo zannimo domèstik yo domestik domestik domestik dometik mache domèstik mache lokal mafya domèstik mafya lokal mache domèstik mache lokal mafya domèstik mafya lokal pwodi lokal pwodwi domèstik pwogram domèstik yo bòn yo sèvant yo depans domèstik depans lokal depans nasyonal echanj domèstik echanj lokal komès domèstik vyolans domestik vyolans domèstik abitasyon chache Page 161 Feuille1 domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domicile domiciliation domiciliation domiciliation domiciliation domiciliation domiciliation domiciliation Dominate Dominica Dominican capital dominican citizen Dominican government Dominican government Dominican Dominican President Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic domino donator done by done by donjon donjon donjon donkey donkey Donkey donkey donkey donor countries donor Do not enter Do not move Do not move Do not move Do not touch that Do not touch that Do not touch that Do not walk there Don't be afraid! Don't be frightened! don't bullshit don't bullshit detere fouye kay kay mèb yo rezidans tanpon tòkèt chache detere fouye kay mèb yo tanpon tòkèt Domine Dominika kapital dominiken Dominikenn gouvènman dominiken gouvènman Panyòl panyòl pwezidan Dominiken Dominikani Repiblik Dominiken Repiblik Dominikèn Repiblik Dominikèn domino donatè akonpli pa fini pa gade oubliyèt teni bourik bourik Bourik deyè sa a se yon bourik peyi donatè yo donatè Pa antre pa bouje pa souke rete rèd pa manyen sila pa mete men w sou sa pa touche sila pa mache la a Ou pa bezwen pè! Ou pa bezwen pè! ki radòt wap di la pa di radòt Page 162 Feuille1 don't bullshit pa fè tenten don't bullshit pa jwe don't bullshit pa manti don't bullshit pa ranse don't distort what I said pa vin vire pawòl la, se pa sa m te di don't disturb her, let her sleeppa anmède l kite l dòmi don't disturb her, let her sleeppa enmède l kite l dòmi don't eat it you'll get sick pa manje l ou a malad don't forget to latch the gate when pa bliye youtake came baryè in a lè ou antre don't forget to take a hat pa bliye pran yon chapo don't get me angry pa fè m fache don't have pa genyen don't have pat genyen don't jumble of my thing pa deranje afè m don't jumble of my thing pa met dezòd nan afè m don't just stand there look forpa something ret la kanpe to do chache yon bagay ou fè don't kid yourself. pa pete tèt ou don't leave your shoes in the pa middle kite soulye of the room ou nan mitan kay la don't let me have to tell you again pa kite m di ou sa ankò don't let money turn your head pakite off lajan pran tèt ou don't make me laugh pa vin fè m ri don't mention it pa dekwa Don't move. Pa bouje! don't pinga don't pinga Don't push! pa pouse don't put that in your mouth it's pagot mete germs l nan bouch ou li gen mikòb Don't shoot us Pa tire nou don't talk back to your father pa likerann that papa ou repons konsa don't want Mwen pat vle don't want Pat vle don't want Pat vle don't want Yo pat vle don't you stick your tongue out paatfileme lang ou ban mwen Do off-base vehicles have access èske machin to the flight ki andeyò line? baz la gen dwa antre nan tèren vòl la? Do on-base service vehicles èske have machin access to ki nan the flight sèvisline? nan baz la gen dwa antre nan tèren vòl la? do one's duty fè devwa ou Door lock Seri pòt door pòt door pòt door pòt door pòt door pòt Door Pòt doorsill ankadreman pòt doorstep devan pa pòt doorstep pa pòt doorway antran pòt doorway batan pòt doorway devan pòt doorways antrans doorways gran baryè doorways gran pòt Page 163 Feuille1 doorways pòt antre Do others know about them èske gen lòt moun ki konnen yo la Do others know about them èske lòt moun okouran de yo Do others know about the siteèske gen lòt moun ki konnen kote sa Do others know about the siteèske gen lòt moun ki konnen simityè sa la Do passengers pass throughèske metalpasaje detectors? yo pase anba aprèy ki detèkte metal yo? Do passengers pass throughèske security pasaje checks? yo pase anba chèk sekirite yo? Doppler effect Efè doplè Dorm dòmitwa Dorm Dòtwa dormer dòmè dormer fennèt fetay dormitory dòtwa dormitory fwaye dormitory mezon dormitory room chanm dòtwa dorm room chanm dòtwa Dosimeter kit ekipman pou mezire chaj radyasyon dot dash line liy miks Do the blind spots have any effect èske kote on maneuvering ou pa ka wè the yo pa aircraft? gen okenn efè sou dirije avyon an? Do the employees get vacation èske time? anplwaye yo gen vakans? Do the employees receive bonuses? èske anplwaye yo resevwa bonis? Do the limited visibility spots have èske limit any effect viziblite onyo maneuvering gen okenn efè the sou aircraft? manevwe avyon an? Do the organizations have the èske sympathy òganizasyon of the civilian sa yo genyen populace? senpati popilasyon sivil la? Do the pilots operate the radar? èske se pilòt yo ki manevwe rada yo? Do these organizations have èske a history òganizasyon of local attacks? sa yo abitye fè atak lokal? Do they have any proceduresèske for training yo gen classes? yon metòd pou antrene klas yo? Do this map next fè map sa apwe dot pwen dots pwen dots stòp double de fwa lavalè double doub double doub double double double integral doub entegral double root rasin doub double taxes doub taks double warning avètisman double double warning dezyèm avètisman double warning doub avètisman Doubting Doute doubts dout yo dovecote konbye dovecote pijonye down anba down anba down anba Down Anba Down Anba down andesou down atè down ba Page 164 Feuille1 Down Desann down douvanjou downhill Anba mòn downpour avès down sou down with Aba Do yo know the reserves of each èskecomponent? w konnen kantite rezèz ke yo chak kapab kenbe? Do you believe those statements èskefrom w kwè that deklarasyon indvidual? endividi sa fè? do you drink ou bwè do you drive jean eske ou konn kondwi jan do you èske ou Do you get cold canned rations? èske w gen manje glase nan bwat ? Do you get hot meals? èske w genyen manje bwat? do you have a car eske ou gen oto do you have a cheaper one?eske ou gen youn ki pi bon mache? Do you have a large amount èske of valuables? w geyen anpil bagay enpòtan do you have a larger room available? èske w gen yon pi gwo chanm ki lib? do you have a light on you ou gen dife sou ou Do you have alternate routes? èske w genyen wout kontrè? Do you have a nuclear armament èske capability w genyen on zam your ki genyen aircraft?kapasite nikleyè nan avyon w nan? do you have any children eske ou gen timoun Do you have any comments about èske ou flight genline komantè or rampsou security? tèren vòl yo oubyen sou ranp sekirite yo? Do you have any comments about èske wlanding gen kèk or sijesyon take off threats? osijè aterisaj oubyen menas dekolaj? Do you have any comments about èske wpassenger gen komantè control? osijè kontwòl pasaje yo? Do you have any comments about èske wyour gensecurity okenn sijesyon forces? osijè fòs sekirite w yo? Do you have any explosives?èske w gen kèk ekplozif do you have any Idea where ou shekonn put itkote l mete l Do you have any information èske on mass w pasickness gen enfòmasyon or epidemics sou in maladi your ak camps? epidemi an mas ki atake kan ou yo? do you have any medicine ou pa gen okenn medsine do you have any money on you ou gen kòb sou ou Do you have any other information Èske wthat genyen mightkèk be useful enfòmasyon to me now? ki kapab itil mwen kounye a? do you have any relative hereeske ou gen fanmi isit do you have any relatives here eske ou gen fanmi isit Do you have any shortages of èske fuelwamounts? pa manke gaz? Do you have any shortages of èske fuelwamounts pa manke in the gazwinter nan sezon time?ivè? do you have anything to declare èske ou genyen yon bagay pou deklare Do you have any weapons? èske w gen kèk zam do you have èske ou genyen Do you have extras of this weapon èske wingen your zam unit? sa twòp nan inite w la? Do you have facilities for cross èske servicing w gen maintenance? lokal pou sèvis abtretyen mityèl? Do you have gun pods on your èske aircraft? w gen bwat zam nan avyon w nan? Do you have information on the èske present w gennyen communication enfòmasyon code souoraktyèl cipher? kòd kominikasyon an oubyen sou kòd Do you have information thatèske can help ou gen meenfòmasyon ki ka ede m Do you have information thatÈske can help w gen meenfòmasyon ki ka ede m Do you have knowledge of any èske troop w okouran movement? de nenpòt twoup kap deplase? do you have something against ou my pa dakò givingpou hermthe bajob l djòb la do you have the car keys kle machin lan nan men ou Do you have your log book? èske w gen yon kanè de vwayaj? Do you know about aircraft recovery ki sa w konnen procedures? osijè pwosedi pou refikse avyon yo? Do you know about aircraft start èskeprocedures? w konnen pwosedi pou fè yon avyon demare? Do you know about aircraft supply ki sa wmovement? konnen sou mouvman ekipman andedan avyon an? Do you know about aircraft takeoff ki sa wprocedures? konnen osijè pwosedi avyon lè y ap pwan vòl? Do you know about aircraft taxi ki sa procedures? w konnen osijè pwosedi avyon taksi yo? Page 165 Feuille1 Do you know about bomb range ki saprocedures? w konnen osijè pwosedi liy bonm yo? Do you know about clearanceèske status? w konnen èstati pasaj? Do you know about combat engagement ki sa w konnen history osijèprocedures? pwosedi istwa angajman konba yo? Do you know about combat engagement ki sa w konnen tactics? sou taktik pou angaje konba yo? Do you know about headquarters ki sa communications? w konnen osijè katye jeneral kominikasyon yo? Do you know about headquarters ki sa manning? w konnen osijè fason katye jeneral yo dirije? Do you know about headquarters ki sa security? w konnen sou sekirite katye jeneral yo? Do you know about safe passage ki sa procedures? w konnen osijè pwosedi sou pasaj ki an sekirite yo? Do you know about the initialKi issue sa ou forkonnen recruits? osijè pwoblèm rekritman yo Do you know about the quality èske of anti-aircraft w konnen kalite artillery atiridefense? defans kont avyon? Do you know about the quality ki of saawsurface-to-air konnen sou kalite missiles' misildefense? a tè yo lanse pou defann èspas yo? Do you know about the quality ki of sacombat w konnen defenses? osijè kalite defans konba yo? Do you know about the quality ki of sathe w konnen aircraft sou pilots' pèfòmans defense?defans pilòt nan avyon yo? Do you know about training area ki saprocedures? w konnen osijè pwosedi antrènman zòn yo? Do you know a mode transition èske behavior? w konnen yon mòd chanjman nan koutim? Do you know any aircraft departure èske wprocedures? konnen pwosedi sou depa avyon yo? Do you know any call signs? èske w konnen siy apèl yo? Do you know any data on important èske w civilian konnenpersonalities kèk done enpòtan remaining sou in pèsonalite your areas? sivil yo ki demere nan Do you know any frequencies? èske w konnen okenn li fwekans? Do you know any informationèske concerning w pa gen staff kèk officers enfòmasyon which might konsènan be important? gwoup ofisye yo ki ta kab enpòtan? Do you know any mission qualifications? èske w konnen kalifikasyon pou misyon yo? Do you know any of the communications èske ou konnen officers ki jan personalities? de moun ofisye kominikasyon yo ye? Do you know any of the deadèske drops w used konnen by ki messenger kalite poud units? nikleyè ke mesaje yo te itilize? Do you know any of the senior èske staffwkonnen officers at nenpòt thesekomandan locations?gwoup ofisye yo ki nan zòn nan? Do you know anyone who has Èske been ouhurt konnen by a nenpòt land mine moun ki te blese nan min lan Do you know anyone who has Èske been ouhurt konnen by a nenpòt landmine moun ki te blese nan min lan Do you know anyone who has èske been w hurt konnen by akèk land moun mineki te blese pa pyèj la Do you know anyone who has èske been w hurt konnen by akèk landmine moun ki te blese pa pyèj la Do you know anyone who knows èskeabout w konnen a grave kèksite moun ki konnen osijè kavo yo Do you know anyone who knows èskeabout w konnen a gravesite kèk moun ki konnen osijè kavo yo Do you know anyone who knows ou paabout konnen a grave okenn site moun ki konnen kote ki gen fòs moun mouri Do you know anyone who knows ou paabout konnen a gravesite okenn moun ki konnen kote ki gen fòs moun mouri Do you know any other base èske security w konnen defenses? nenpòt lòt baz sekirite defans yo? Do you know any other information èske wabout pa gen any lòtunit? enfòmasyon sou yonn nan inite yo? Do you know any passwords,èske call signs w genorkèk signals? modpas ,siy dapèl oubyen siyal yo? Do you know any passwords èske or IDwsigns konnen used mopas by messenger oubyen siy units? idantifikasyon gwoup mesaje yo itilize? Do you know any policies, plans, èskeor w objectives? konnen kèk politik, ak plan yo oubyen objèktif yo? Do you know any political or military èske w liaison konnenpersonnel? kèk pèsonèl de lyezon politik ou militè? Do you know any procedureskifor sacall w konnen sign assignments? sou pwosedi sou siy apèl pou jòb yo? Do you know any procedureskifor safuel w konnen requirements? osijè pwosedi pou bezwen gaz yo? Do you know any procedureskifor sathe w konnen bailout areas? osijè pwosedi pou zòn sovtaj yo? Do you know any proceduresèske for the w konnen FCF area? pwosedi pou zòn FCF la? Do you know any procedureskifor sathe w konnen jettison osijè areas? pwosedi sou zòn abandone yo? Do you know any prominent figures èske w when konnen they figivisit enpòtan your facility? yo lè yo vin vizite plant ou a? Do you know any regulation procedures ki sa w konnen for flight sou pwosedi training currency? regilasyon pou ak aktyèl antrènman avyon? Do you know any regulation procedures èske w konnen for fuel règ reserves? sou pwosedi pou rezèv gaz yo? Do you know any regulation procedures èske w konnen for night okennen qualifications? règ sou pwosedi yo pou kalifikasyon lannwit yo? Do you know any regulation procedures ki sa w konnen for weather sou pwoseki men?regilasyon pou meteologis la? Do you know any special missions? èske w konnen kèk misyon èspesyal? Do you know anything about èske aircraft w konnen logisticskilès procurement? avyon ki gen plis plas? Do you know anything about ki airsa refueling? w konnen osijè refè gaz nan lèspas? Do you know anything about ki ansa in-house w konnen versus osijèoutside kapital assets ki envèsti for andedan cross servicing oubyenmaintenance? andeyò nan sèvis echa Do you know anything about èske any officers w konnen in messenger anyen nenpòt units? ofisye nan inite mesaje yo? Page 166 Feuille1 Do you know anything about èske any personnel w konnen which yon moun mightnan affect nenpòt combat gwoup tactics ki kapab or afèkte taktik konba yo o Do you know anything about èske armored w konnen reconnaissance nenpòt ki kalite missions? misyon blende rekonèsans yo? Do you know anything about ki back sa w seat konnen qualifications? osijè kalifikasyon do chèz yo? Do you know anything about ki bomb sa wrelease konnenon osijè your lanse aircraft? bonm sou avyon w nan? Do you know anything about ki combat sa w konnen fuel reserve? sou rezèvwa gaz pou konba? Do you know anything about ki command sa w konnen post sou communications? pòs de komand kominikasyon yo? Do you know anything about ki command sa w konnen post osijè manning? fason pòs de komand yo dirije? Do you know anything about ki engines sa w konnen on yourosijè aircraft? motè ki sou avyon w nan? Do you know anything about ki external sa w konnen tanks on osijè your tank aircraft? eksteryè sou avyon w nan? Do you know anything about ki external sa w konnen tanks on souyour tankaircraft? ki deyò avyon w nan? Do you know anything about ki flares sa workonnen chaff on osijè your anti aircraft? rada oubyen flam gaz sou avyon w lan? Do you know anything about èske infiltration w pa routes? konnen anyen sou koulwa enfiltrasyon? Do you know anything about èske intelligence w pa konnen operations? anyen osijè operasyon sekrè yo? Do you know anything about ki intermediate sa w konnen frequencies? sou fwekans entèmedyè yo? Do you know anything about ki intermediate sa w konnen frequencies? sou fwekans kap travèse yo? Do you know anything about ki material sa w konnen controlosijè procedures pwosedifor materyèl high versus kontwòl low yo value souitems? atik ki gen anpil valè fas Do you know anything about ki missile sa w konnen launching osijè from lansman your aircraft? misil soti nan avyon w nan? Do you know anything about ki project sa w konnen or system osijè implementation pwojè oubyenprocedures sistèm pouand ranfòse schedules? pwosedi ak orè yo? Do you know anything about ki research sa w konnen and development osijè rechèch procedures? ak pwosedi devlòpman yo? Do you know anything about ki sensitivity? sa w konnen osijè sansiblite? Do you know anything about ki temporary sa w konnen duty osijè assignment? jòb rèsponsablite pwovizwa? Do you know anything about èske the battery w konnen you yon werebagay directing? sou enfantri w t ap dirije a? Do you know anything about ki the safire w konnen control system osijè sistèm on your kontwòl aircraft? dife nan avyon w nan? Do you know anything about èske the handling w konnen of kouman the aircraft? pou mentni avyon an? Do you know anything about ki the saIFF w konnen on yourosijè aircraft? IFF nan avyon w nan? Do you know anything about ki the sainstrument w konnen system osijè sistèm on your enstriman aircraft?nan avyon w nan? Do you know anything about èske the LRU'S w konnen yon bagay sou LRU'S Do you know anything about ki the sanavigational w konnen osijè aidssistèm systempou on ede yournavigasyon aircraft? nan avyon w nan? Do you know anything about ki the saradar w konnen system osijè on sistèm your aircraft? rada ki nan avyon w nan? Do you know anything about ki the saresearch w konnen program sou pwogram at the facility? rechèch nan lokasyon w nan? Do you know anything about ki the sawork w konnen conditions sou kondisyon at the facility? travay nan plant la? Do you know anything about ki variable sa w konnen frequencies? osijè varyasyon fwekans yo? Do you know anything about ki your sa w aircraft's konnenmaintenance osijè dosye antretyen records? avyon w lan? Do you know anything about ki your sa w unit's konnen subsystems' osijè dosye maintenance antretyen inite records? soumaren w la? Do you know anything of aircraft ki sacheck w konnen rides? sou enspeksyon avyon yo anvan yo vole? Do you know anything of yourèske counter w papropaganda konnen anyen activities? sou aktivite kont pwopagand ou yo? Do you know a probable future èske contingency w konnen in pwochen wartimeposib operational kontenjan plans? plan operasyon yo nan tan lagè? Do you know a probable future èske scenario w konnen in wartime posiblite operational pwochen senaryo plans? a nan planifye operasyon yo panda Do you know by whom the specific èske wfrequencies konnen kilècan ki gen be used? dwa itilize èspesyal fwekans yo? Do you know for what achievements èske w konnen they receive pou reyalizasyon these bonuses? yo resevwa bonis sa yo? Do you know for what purpose èske they're w konnen using the poucomputers? ki rezon yo itilize òdinatè yo? Do you know from where recruits èskeare w konnen obtained? ki kote yo jwen moun yo yo rekrite a? Do you know from where replacements èske w konnen are obtained? ki kote yo jwen ranplasman yo? Do you know how and when èske the systems w konnen arekouman used? epi kilè yo itilize sistèm yo? Do you know how and whereèske war plans w konnen are developed? kouman epi ki kote plan gè yo devlope? Do you know how good your èske aircraft w konnen maintenance ki jan is? antretyen avyon enpòtan? Do you know how good your èske aircraft w konnnen maintenance kòman is? sa bon lè w kenbe avyon w an bòn kondisyon? Do you know how many casualties èske wofkonnen any kind ki kantite your side viktim has kan sustained ou a telately? soutni dènyèman? Do you know how many of this èske type w of konnen vehicle konbyen there are? machin ou genyen la nan kalite sa a? Do you know how many people èske arekonnen in the aircraft's konbyen crew? moun ki konpoze ekipaj avyon an? Do you know how many powerplants èske w konnen your aircraft konbyen has?motè avyon w nan genyen? Do you know how many repairs èske thewdepot konnen can konbyen do in a reparasyon year? depo a kapab fè nan yon lane? Do you know how many sub-units èske w or konnen smaller konbyen groups there inite are de baz in this ou unit? ti gwoup ki genyen nan inite sa? Page 167 Feuille1 Do you know how many unitsèske that w command konnen konbyen level has? inite ke wo kòmandman an genyen? Do you know how many unitsèske the battalion w konnenhas? konbyen inite ke batayon an genyen? Do you know how many unitsèske the division w konnen has? konbyen inite ke divizyon an genyen? Do you know how many unitsèske the regiment w konnenhas? konbyen inite ke rejiman an genyen ? Do you know how many weapons èske w thekonnen unit has? konbyen zam ke inite a te genyen? Do you know how much test èske and repair w konnen equipment konbyen is out ekipman for repairs? pou fè tès ak reparasyon ki nan reparasyon? Do you know how much test èske equipment w konnen is in ki your kantite unit?ekipman pou fè tès ki gen nan inite w la? Do you know how much the radar èske w weighs? konnen konbyen yo peze? Do you know how much theyèske paid w forkonnen the computers? konbyen yo peye pou konpitè yo? Do you know how much yourèske side w has konnen taken ki from kantite the local pati pa construction w la te pwan force? nan lokal kontriksyon fòs la? Do you know how much yourèske side w has konnen taken ki from kantite the local pati pa construction w la te pwan materials? nan lokal konstriksyon materyèl Do you know how much yourèske side w has konnen taken ki from kantite the local manje food patiproduction? pa w la te pwan nan lokal pwodiksyon man Do you know how much yourèske side w has konnen taken ki from kantite the local ekipman manufacture pati pa wof laequipment? te pwan nan izin ekipman an? Do you know how much yourèske side w has konnen taken ki from kantite the local pati wtransportation? la te pwan nan lokal tranpòtasyon? Do you know how new equipment èske w is konnen ordered? kouman yo fè komand nouvo ekipman? Do you know how often the equipment èske w konnen is calibrated? chak ki lè ekipman yo tare? Do you know how often the test èske equipment w konneniskonbyen calibrated? fwa yo tare mezi ekipman pou fè tès yo? Do you know how patrol activities èske are w konnen coordinated kouman withaktivite your other patwouy unitsyo te kowòdone ak lòt inite w yo? Do you know how that level isèske determined? w konnen kilès ki detèmine nivo sa? Do you know how the aircraftèske departs ou konnen controlled kòman flight? avyon yo kontwole vòl yo an montan? Do you know how the aircraftèske departs ou konnen violent flight? vyolan fwaka avyon yo an montan? Do you know how the aircraftèske was w lost konnen duringkouman combat?avyon an te fè pèdi pandan lagè a? Do you know how the call signs èske and w konnen other specifics koumanare siydetermined apèl yo ak and lòt byen disseminated? spesifik detèmine epi epapiye? Do you know how the maintenance èske oudiscrepancies konnen kouman are yon reported? rapòte dezakò nan entretyen yo? Do you know how these systems èskewere w konnen developed? kouman sistèm sa yo devlope? Do you know how the systems èske arewcontrolled? konnen kouman sistèm yo kontwole? Do you know how they are recruited? èske w konnen ki jan yo te rekrite? do you know how they lay bricks ou konn tiles poze brik mozayik Do you know how to make the èske explosive ou konnen charges kouman safe?pou mete chaj eksplozif yo an sekirite? Do you know how to prepare èske for a w chemical konnen attack? kouman pou pwepare pou yon atak chimik? Do you know how to read èske w konnen kouman pou li li Do you know how war plans are èskedispersed? w konnen kouman plan lagè yo epapiye? Do you know how war plans are èskeset w in konnen motion? kouman plan lagè yo tabli mach yo? Do you know how, when or where èske w the konnen recruits kijan, are being ki lè aktrained? ki kote rekri yo te antrene? Do you know if any advancedèske navigational w konnensystems si genyen aresistèm being developed? navigasyon sofistike ke yo ap devlope? Do you know if any obstaclesèske havewbeen konnen set si upgenyen or are in kèk use plan now ki by pwepare your unit? ouki an aksyon pa inite w la? Do you know if anyone has had èske antitank w konnen training? si gen kèk moun ki te fè antrènman anti tank? Do you know if anyone has had èske armor w konnen training? si kèk moun te fè antrènman ak blende? Do you know if anyone has had èske defensive w konnen training? si kèk moun te fè atrènman defansif ? Do you know if anyone has had èske offensive w konnen training? si kèk moun te fè antrènman ofansif? Do you know if anyone has had èske training w konnen for specific si gen moun targets? yo te antrene pou yon bi èspesyal? Do you know if there are any èske fieldswhere? konnen si gen kèk chan isi a? Do you know if there are any èske hedges w konnen here? si gen kèk kloti isit la? Do you know if there are enough èskeaircraft w konnen spare si genyen parts? ase pyès de rechany pou avyon de gè disponib? Do you know if there is medical èske equipment w konnenfor si each gen materyèl person inmedikal the unit? pou chak moun nan inite a? Do you know if war plans have èske been w konnen recentlysichanged? plan lagè te rasamman chanje? Do you know if your pilots have èske to w have konnen flightsisimulator pilòt ou atraining? te fè antrènman sou avyon aparans? Do you know if your pilots have èske to w have konnen flightsisimulator pilòt ou atraining? te fè antrènman sou avyon similatè? Do you know maximum rangeèske of the oumissiles? konnen maksimòm pòte misil yo? Do you know minimum rangeèske of the oumissiles? konnen minimòm pòte misil yo? Do you know normal operating èske ranges w konnenn for hydraulic nivo nòmal systems? pou sistèm idwolik yo opere? Do you know number of air-to-surface èske ou konnen missileskantite on your misil aircraft? èsòl yo ki nan avyon ou lan? Do you know number of missiles èskeon ouyour konnen aircraft? konbyen misil ki nan avyon ou lan? Page 168 Feuille1 Do you know number of rockets èske onou your konnen aircraft? konbyen kantite wòkèt ki nan avyon ou lan? Do you know of any aircraft modifications? èske ou konnen okenn chanjman nan avyon yo? Do you know of any alternateèske position w konnen plans?kèk nan pozisyon altènativ yo planifye? Do you know of any ambush èske or booby w konnen trap locations? nenpt anbiskad oubyen kèk zòn pyèj yo? Do you know of any Americans Oubeing pa konnen detained kèkby ameriken your forces? ke fòs ou yo kenbe nan pwizon Do you know of any antiaircraft èske artillery w konnen positions? kote gen kèk batri antiaeryen? Do you know of any antitank èske positions? w konnen ki kote anti tank la ye? Do you know of any base camps? èske w pa konnen kèk baz yo? Do you know of any cache sites? èske w pa konnen kèk kote pou moun kache? Do you know of any civic projects? èske w pa konnen kèk pwojè sivil? Do you know of any èske w genyen lide sou nenpòt Do you know of any èske w konnen nenpòp bagay Do you know of any èske wkonnen nenpòt nan yo Do you know of any foreigners Oubeing pa konnen detained kèkby etranje your forces? yo te mete nan prizon de fòs Do you know of any fortifications? èske w konnen kèk kote yon fò ye? Do you know of any future mission èske workonnen targets? fiti misyon yo oubyen bi yo? Do you know of any future threats Èske to w konnen American kèk personnel menas kap or property? pwepare kont ameriken pèsonèl ou byen yo Do you know of any grave site èske records w gen orkèk forms sous enfòmasyon sou zafè fòs moun mouri Do you know of any gravesiteèske records w gen or kèk forms sous enfòmasyon sou zafè fòs moun mouri Do you know of any grave site èske records w okouran or forms de genyen dokiman sou nenpòt fòs Do you know of any gravesiteèske records w okouran or forms de genyen dokiman sou nenpòt fòs Do you know of any military control èske wcenters? konnen kèk sant contwòl militè yo Do you know of any military fuel èskesites? w konnnen kèk èstasyon gaz militè Do you know of any military logistics èske w konnen centers?kèk sant kote militè yo rete Do you know of any new weapons èske ou system konnen being okenn developed sistèm zam for your ki fètaircraft? pou avyon w lan? Do you know of any new weapons èske ou system konnen in the okenn planning sistèmstages zam nan for your nivo planifikasyon aircraft? pou avyon w lan? Do you know of any obstacles? èske w fè konnen kèk nan pwoblèm yo? Do you know of any obstacles èske placed w konnen by forces kèkother pyèj ki than te tann Americans? pa yon fòs ki pa fòs ameriken Do you know of any other locations? èske w gen yon ide sou nenpòt lòt kote Do you know of any others? èske w konnen kèk lòt? Do you know of any pro-American èske w people konnen trying kèk to patizan come ameriken here? kap eseye vini isi Do you know of any problem èske areasou due konnen to switch kèk locations? zòn ki gen pwòblèm akòz chanjman lokasyon? Do you know of any problem èske areaswdue konnen to switch kèk zòn operations? ki an difikilte a kòz chanjman operasyon yo? Do you know of any qualifications èske or w konnen incentives ki kalifikasyon being given? oubyen ankourajman yo te ba yo? Do you know of any recurringèske aircraft w konnen maintenance kèk pwoblèm problems? antretyen ke avyon yo genyen? Do you know of any recurringèske logistic w konnen problems? pwoblèm lojistik aktyèl la? Do you know of any scheduling èske procedures w konnenfor pwosedi aircraftorè assignments? yo pou travay yo nan avyon? Do you know of any scheduling èske procedures w konnenfor pwosedi aircraftorè missions? pou misyon avyon yo? Do you know of any screening èske methods w konnen being ki used? metòd yo te itilize pou te fè chwa yo? Do you know of any third country èskebacking w konnen of advisors kèk peyi entèmedyè and observers? kap bay konsèy akobsèvè? Do you know of any third country èskebacking w pa konnen of equipment? kèk peyi ki ap founi ekipman? Do you know of any third country èskebacking w konnen of food kèk peyi and entèmedyè supplies? kap sipòtè yo ak manje epi ak lòt ekipman Do you know of any third country èskebacking w pa konnen of medical kèk peyi support? entèmedyè kap bay sipò medikal? Do you know of any third country èskebacking w konnen of money? kèk peyi entèmedyè kap bay lajan? Do you know of any third country èskebacking w konnen of political/indoctrination kèk peyi entèmedyè kap cadre? bay soutyen nan kad andoktrinman po Do you know of any third country èskebacking w konnen of sanctuary? kèk konnen kèk peyi entèmedyè kap ofwi azil? Do you know of any third country èskebacking w pa konnen of transportation? kèk peyi entèmedyè kap sipòte transpòtasyon? Do you know of any tunnels or èske caves? w pa konnen kèk tinèl sou teren yo? Do you know of any uncomfortable èske wfeatures? konnen kèk nan move karakteristik yo? Do you know of the employment èskeofwany konnen new weapons? kouman pou itilize kèlkeswa nouvo zam yo? Do you know of what the initial èske issue w konnen consists? ki sa ki konstitiye pwemye difikilte yo? Do you know operating ranges èske for ou engine konnen oil pressures? kouman pou opere pwesyon lwil motè yo? Do you know our most effective èske strategy w konnen against èstrateji yourkiforces? pi efèktif kont fòs nou yo? Page 169 Feuille1 Do you know our most effective èske tactic w konnen againstkiyour taktikforces? ki pi efèktiv kek fòs nou yo te anplwaye kont fòs ou yo? Do you know our most effective èske tactics w konnen against pi meyè your forces? taktik nou kont fòs ou yo? Do you know passwords andèske identification ou konnen signs modpas used ak by siy communication idantifikasyon stations? ke èstasyon kominikasyon yo itil Do you know scheduling safety? èske w konnen kouman orè sekirite a ye? Do you know sizes of your bombs? èske ou konnen gwosè bonm ou yo? Do you know that frequency?èske konnen fwekans sa a? Do you know the abilities of the èske airwtraffic konnen controller? abilte kontwolè trafik lèzè a? Do you know the accuracy ofèske your ou bombs? konnen jistès bonb ou yo? Do you know the accuracy ofèske your ou missiles? konnen ekzatitid misil yo? Do you know the add-on, external èske w orkonnen internal konbyen loads? yo ajoute andedan oubyen deyò? Do you know the address of the èske facility w konnen at your adrès base? kote baz ou a enstale a? Do you know the adequacy orèske efficiency konnenofefikasite the evacuation oubyensystem? efèktivite sistèm evakyasyon an? Do you know the age of the munitions èske w konnen storage konbyen areas? tan zòn kote yo sere zam yo genyen? Do you know the aircraft block konbyen or range kategori of numbers avyonthat oubyen are used kantite in your ki apUnit? itilize nan inite w la? Do you know the aircraft electrical èske w power konnen systems? kote sistèm kouran elèktrik la ye nan avyon an? Do you know the aircraft equipment èske ouused konnen for biological ekipman avyon warfare? yo anplwaye pou lagè byolojik? Do you know the aircraft equipment èske ouused konnen for chemical ekipman warfare? avyon itilize pou lagè chimik? Do you know the aircraft equipment èske ouused konnen for nuclear ekipmanwarfare? avyon ke yo itilize pou lagè nikleyè? Do you know the aircraft fueling èske maintenance w konnen pwosedi procedures? pou plen tank avyon an? Do you know the aircraft maintenance èske w konnen depotskote locations? depo pou yo antreteni avyon yo ye? Do you know the aircraft maneuver èske wareas? konnen kote pou manevwe avyon? Do you know the aircraft markings èske ou andkonnen other numbers kimak avyon or unusual yo ak lòt markings? kalite oubyen lòt modèl ki pa familye? Do you know the aircraft munitions èske wstorage konnenlocation? kote depo minisyon pou avyon de gè yo ye? Do you know the aircraft petroleum, èske w oil konnen and lubricant kote depo storage petwòl, location? lwil ak grès pou avyon yo ye? Do you know the aircraft procedures èske ou used konnen for pwosedi biologicalavyon warfare? yo itilize pou lagè byolojik? Do you know the aircraft procedures èske w konnen used forèstrateji chemical yowarfare? ke yo itilize pou gè chimik? Do you know the aircraft procedures èske ou used konnen for pwosedi nuclear warfare? avyon yo itilize pou lagè nikleyè? Do you know the aircraft's navigational èske ou konen system? sistèm navigasyon avyon an? Do you know the aircraft's operational èske ou konnen limits? limit operasyon avyon yo? Do you know the aircraft supply èske depots w konnen locations? kote depo materyèl de sipò pou avyon de gè yo ye? Do you know the aircraft war èske reserves? w konnen avyon de gè ki an rezèv yo? Do you know the aircraft water èske supply w konnen location? kote w ka jwenn dlo nan avyon an? Do you know the alert area locations? èske konnen ki kote zòn alèt yo ye? Do you know the alternate runways? èske w konnen lòt pis aterisaj ki vi apwe yo? Do you know the ambush tactics èskethat w konnen are nowkibeing taktik used? anbiskad yo tap itilize ? Do you know the amount of ammunition èske w konnen per battery kantite minisyon positions pa andpozisyon the typesbatri of ammunition? ak kalite tip minisyon yo? Do you know the amount of building èske w konnen materials kantite on hand? materyèl ki deja konstwi ki disponib? Do you know the amount of cover èske w and konnen concealment ki kantite at sekrè this point? ki genyen rive kounye a? Do you know the amount of housing èske w konnen available? kantite lojman ki disponib? Do you know the analysis of your èske weaknesses w konnen analiz and de strength? feblès oubyen de fòs yo? Do you know the angular limits? èske w konnen limit angilè yo? Do you know the angular limits? èske w konnen limit ang yo? Do you know the aperture illumination èske w konnen function? ouvèti pou fè fonksyon an bwiye? Do you know the areas served èske by messenger w konnen kiunits? zòn inite mesaje yo te itilize? Do you know the attitude of any èske senior w konnen officers atitid towards nenpòt civilians? ofisye an chèf anvè sivil yo? Do you know the attitude of any èske senior w konnen officers atitid towards nenpòt each nanother? ofisye an chèf yo anvè lòt yo? Do you know the attitude of any èske senior w konnen officers atitid towards kèk nan theofisye combat yosituation? anvè sitiyasyon de gè a? Do you know the attitude of any èske senior w konnen officers atitid towards a kèk their ofisye units? an chèf anvè inite yo? Do you know the availability of èske base w konnen operations ki lèfacilities? baz operasyon yo disponib? Do you know the availability of èske navigational w konnenaids si gen èd pou navigasyon ki disponib? Do you know the availability of èske tankwfuel konnen ki kantite gaz ki dispoze pou tank yo? Do you know the availability of èske the wcross konnen country disponiblite flights? vòl ki fèt atravè eta yo? Do you know the availability of èske the welectricity? konnen ki lè yo kapab konte sou elèktrisite a? Page 170 Feuille1 Do you know the availability of èske the wflight konnen plans? si w kapab konte sou plan vòl yo? Do you know the availability of èske the wflight konnen publications? èske w kapab konte sou piblikasyon vòl yo? Do you know the availability of èske the konnen water? disponiblite dlo a? Do you know the average output èskepower? w konnen valè kouran ki pwoswi an mwayèn Do you know the average wage èske at wthe konnen facility? an mwayèn salè nan plant la? Do you know the avionics on èske your w aircraft? konnen ki jan de materyèl elèktronik ki nan avyon w nan? Do you know the barrier locations èske on w konnen the runway? ki kote baryè yo ye pis pou pwan vòl la? Do you know the barrier locations èske on w konnen the taxiway? ki kote baryè yo ye sou wout taksi a? Do you know the base defense's èskeearly w konnen warning pwemye method? metòd avètisman baz defans la? Do you know the base defenses? èske w konnen baz defans yo? Do you know the base defense's èskeorganization? w konnen kouman yo òganize baz defans la? Do you know the base defenses èskequality? w konnen kondisyon baz defans yo? Do you know the basic pack load èskeof w the konnen weapon konbyen in number bal ki of genyen roundsnan carried? chak chajè ki nan sak yo? Do you know the battalion headquarters èske w konnen location? kote syèj batayon yo ye? Do you know the battery headquarters èske w konnen location? ki kote katye jeneral batri bonbadman yo plase? Do you know the beamwidth èske azimuths? w konnen lajè refleksyon nan tout dirèksyon yo? Do you know the beamwidth èske elevation? w konnen a ki nivo refleksyon an rive? Do you know the best altitudeèske for aircraft w konnen to fuel meyè efficiently? altitid pou yon avyon kap fè gaz san pwoblèm? Do you know the billeting capacities èske w for konnen air personnel? kapasite divizyon inite de lè yo? Do you know the boundaries èske of responsibility w konnen limit for air rèsponsablite traffic control? kontwolè trafik lèzè yo? Do you know the caliber of the èske aircraft's ou konnen guns?zam avyon de gè yo? Do you know the caliber of the èske weapon w konnen in millimeters? kalib zam yo an milimèt? Do you know the call signs and èske frequencies w konnen that siy apèl are being ak fwekans used?yo ke yo ap itilize yo? Do you know the call signs? èske w konnen siy apèl yo? Do you know the call signs ofèske yourou primary konnen radio? pwemye sign dapèl radyo w la? Do you know the call signs ofèske yourou secondary konnen siy radio fwekans communication? dezyèm radyo kominikasyon w lan? Do you know the capabilities èske of night ou vision? konnen kapasite vizyon nòktin li? Do you know the capabilities èske of theou aircraft konnen from kapasite an unimproved yon avyonairfield? nan yon pis aterisaj ki pa repare? Do you know the capabilities èske of thewcameras? konnen kapasite de kamera yo? Do you know the capabilities èske of thewcommunication konnen kapasite ground èstasyon stations? kominikasyon tèrès yo? Do you know the capabilities èske of theou primary konnen communication pwisans pwensipal equipment? ekipman kominikasyon an? Do you know the capabilities èske of theou primary konnen radio kapasite equipment? pwensipal materyèl radyo a? Do you know the capabilities èske of theou radar? konnen potansyalite rada ou a? Do you know the capabilities èske of these ou konnen counterkapasite measures kont equipment? mezi ekipman sa yo? Do you know the capabilities èske of thisouelectronic konnen kapasite warfare equipment? materyèl elektwonik gè sa? Do you know the capabilities èske of those w konnen beacons kapasite and radio limyè stations? alèt yo ak èstasyon yo? Do you know the capability for èske maintenance? w konnen ki kapasite pou antretyen genyen? Do you know the capability ofèske yourou aircraft's konnenguns? kapasite potansyèl zam nan avyon ou yo? Do you know the capability ofèske yourou missiles? konnen pwisans misil ou yo? Do you know the capability ofèske yourwoperational konnen kapasite aircraft? avyon ou gen kap fonksyone a genyen? Do you know the capacity of èske the fuel ou areas? konnen kapasite gaz zòn nan kapab resevwa? Do you know the capacity of èske the supply w konnen warehouses? kapasite depo materyèl yo? Do you know the cargo size limitations? èske ou konnen gwose yon kago limitasyon yo? Do you know the challenge portion èske wofkonnen the password pati ki picurrently difisil nan in aktyèl effect in modpass your unit? ke inite w la ap itilize a? Do you know the channel width? èske w konnen dimansyon chanèl? Do you know the characteristics èskeofkonnen newly developed karakteristik medicines nouvo devlòpman or drugs? medikal oubyen remèd yo? Do you know the characteristics èskeofwtanks konnen being kalite used tank by yo your ki te side? itilize bò kote w yo? Do you know the characteristics èskeofwthe konnen artillery ki weapons? kalite enstalasyon zam yo? Do you know the characteristics èskeofwthe konnen criticalkaraktè terrain kritik near tèren your position? ki tou pwe w la? Do you know the characteristics èskeofwthe konnen guns you karakteristik directed?zam yo ke w t ap dirije a? Do you know the characteristics èskeofkonnen the terrain? kijan tèren an ye? Do you know the characteristics èskeofwthe paterrain gen anken that Ilide am de pointing teren to saon a ke thismap map? montre w sou kat sa a? Do you know the characteristics èskeofwthe konnen weapons kalite used? zam yo ke yo te itilize? Page 171 Feuille1 Do you know the cities whereèske the aircraft w konnen production vil kote gwo plants endistri are located? ki fè avyon yo ye? Do you know the civil defenseèske missions w konnen at your misyon facility? defans sivil yo nan pozisyon w nan? Do you know the civilian populace's èske w attitude konnen toward atitid popilasyon my side? sivil la anvè pati pam lan? Do you know the civilian populace's èske w attitude konnen toward atitid popilasyon your side?sivil la a lega pati w la? Do you know the climb rate with èskeafterburners? ou konnen nivo de monte li ak chanb konbisyon yo? Do you know the climb rate without èske ouafterburners? konnen nivo èskalad la san chanb konbisyon yo? Do you know the command, control, èske w konnen and communications kote tablo kòmand, location? kontwòl,ak kominikasyons yo ye? Do you know the commanders èske of the w konnen organization? ki moun ki koumandan òganizasyon an? Do you know the commanders èske of the w konnen organization? kòmandan òganizasyon an? Do you know the commander's èske tactics w konnen in relation taktiktokoumandan the numberan of an casualties? relasyon a kantite moun ki mouri yo? Do you know the compositionèske of corps w konnen or armies? konpozisyon kò yo oubyen ame yo? Do you know the compositionèske of the w air konnen divisions? ak ki sa divizyon lèzè a fòme? Do you know the condition ofèske any of w the konnen roads kondisyon on this map? kèk wout nan kat sa ? Do you know the condition ofèske health w and konnen sanitation kondisyon in your sante units? ak sanitè nan inite w la? Do you know the condition ofèske roads, w konnen bridges kondisyon and major buildings? wout yo, ponyo ak gwo bilding yo? Do you know the condition ofèske the equipment? w konnen kondisyon ekipman yo? Do you know the condition ofèske the fence? w konnen kondisyon kloti a ye? Do you know the condition ofèske the individual w konnenNuclar, kondisyon Biological chak ekipman or Chemical Nikleyè, equipment Byolojikinak theChimik unit? nan inite a Do you know the condition ofèske the medical w konnen equipment? eta ekipman medikal yo? Do you know the condition ofèske the runways? w konnen kondisyon pis aterisaj yo? Do you know the condition ofèske the vehicles? w konnen ki eta machin yo? Do you know the condition ofèske this item w konnen in the kondisyon unit? atik sa yo nan inite a? Do you know the condition ofèske your ou aircraft's konnenairkondisyon conditioning sistèm system? è kondisyone ou sistèm èwkondisyone nan Do you know the condition ofèske your ou aircraft's konnenheating kondisyon system? sistèm de chofaj nan avyon ou lan? Do you know the condition ofèske your ou tires? konnen kondisyon kawotchouw yo? Do you know the confidence èske level w of konnen the active nivo force konfyans in the abilities fòs aktivofyothe nan reservists? abilte rezèvis yo? Do you know the constructionèske of the w konnen runways? konstriksyon pis aterisaj yo? Do you know the consumer ofèske products w konnen from kliyan your facility pwodwi during yo nan peace enstalsyon time? w nan nan tan lapè? Do you know the contact procedures? èske w konnen pwosedi kontak yo? Do you know the content of any èske field w konnen orders?òdonans kèk chande komand? Do you know the contents of èske any field w konnen orders? sa ki nan kèlkilanswa chan de komand? Do you know the contents of èske the messages w te konnen youenpòtans have sentmesaj or received? ou te voye ou resevwa a? Do you know the control procedures? èske w konnen pwosedi kontwòl yo? Do you know the correct gross èske weight w konnen of yourkòrèk aircraft? pwa avyon w nan? Do you know the correct maximum èske wallowable konnen maksimòm landing weight? pwa kòrèk pou yon avyon atèri? Do you know the correct maximum èske wspeed konnen at maksimòm ceiling altitudes? vitès kòrèk nan pi wo altitid yo? Do you know the correct maximum èske wspeed konnen at maksimòm sea level? vitès kòrèk anwo lanmè? Do you know the correct maximum èske wtake konnen off weight, maksimòm including pwa fuel kòrèk and pou weapons avyon an load? pwan vòl mete ak gaz epi Do you know the correct mission èskeofwyour konnen aircraft? kòrèk misyon avyon w nan? Do you know the correct number èskeofwweapons konnen kantite on your egzak aircraft? zam ki nan avyon w nan? Do you know the counter battery èskeprotection w konnenfor batri artillery de pwoteksyon pieces? pou pyès atiyri yo? Do you know the counter signèske to the w konnen challenge? siy ki opoze a sa ki difisil la? Do you know the current? èske w konnen kouran an? Do you know the current tankèske strength? w konnen aktyèl kapasite yon tank? Do you know the current use èske of civil w aviation? konnen kouman yo itilize aktyèl avyasyon sivil la? Do you know the data on ourèske own w wounded, gen enfòmasyon sick, or dead sou pwòp in enemy done hands? pa nou sou moun ki blese, malad, ak Do you know the date of yourèske last re-supply w konnen of date petroleum, dènye rechajman oil, or lubricant? petwòl, lwil ak grès motè w libwifyan? Do you know the defensive measures èske w konnen used against mezi defansiv our artillery yo tefire? itilize kont entalasyon bonbadman nou yo? Do you know the defensive tactics èske wthat konnen are now konnya beingkiused? taktik de defann yo tap itilize? Do you know the degradationèske characteristics? w konnen karakteristik degradasyon yo? Do you know the deploymentèske of artillery w konnen laterally koteordeplwaman in depth? atiyri a akote oubyen an pwofondè? Do you know the detailed orders èskefor w employing ka detaye nan aerial lòdobservation mwayen ouunits? dwe anplwaye pou inite obsèvasyon aer Do you know the detailed orders èskefor w employing konnen an counter detay pwensip battry fire ou units? dwe anplwaye pou konbat inite bonbadm Page 172 Feuille1 Do you know the details of the èske authentication w konnen detay systems yo sou being sistè used? sètifikasyon ki itilize yo? Do you know the dimensions? èske w konnen dimansyon yo? Do you know the dimensionsèske of thewrunways? konnen dimansyon pis aterisaj yo? Do you know the disposition of èske flights, w konnen squadrons konbyen and avyon wings?ak èskadron alye yo genyen? Do you know the disposition of èske flights, w konnen squadrons, sa ke and avyon wings? lagè yo, èskwadwon yo, ak alye yo posede? Do you know the disposition of èske local w konnen security ki weapons? sa lokal sekirite zam yo dispoze? Do you know the disposition of èske thewanti-tank konnen weapons? dispozisyon zam antitank yo? Do you know the distribution èske of doctors? w konnen kouman yo distribiye doktè yo? Do you know the distribution èske of engineers? w konnen kouman yo distribiye enjenyè yo? Do you know the distribution èske of research w konnen assistants? kouman distribisyon rechèch asistan yo fèt? Do you know the distribution èske of thewliquid okouran oxygen? de distribisyon oksijèn an dlo a? Do you know the distribution èske of these w okouran items? de distribisyon ekipman sa yo? Do you know the distribution èske of these w okouran weapons? de distribisyon zam sa yo? Do you know the distribution èske of thewvehicles konnen in kouman the unit? machin yo patage nan inite a? Do you know the division artillery èskeheadquarters w konnen ki kote location? katye jeneral divizyon zam yo plase? Do you know the drainage onèske the runways? w konnen drenaj ki te fèt nan pis aterisaj yo? Do you know the drainage onèske the runways? w konnen kanivo ki te fèt sou pis aterisaj yo? Do you know the effectiveness èske of your w konnen unit against efikasite ourinite aircraft? la kont avyon n yo? Do you know the effect of ourèske air strikes? w konnen enpak avyon de gè nou yo? Do you know the effect of ourèske artillery w konnen fire? efè bonbadman nou yo? Do you know the effect of ourèske counter w konnen batteryefè fire? batri antibonbadman nou yo? Do you know the effect of ourèske firepower? w konnen pòte zam a fe nou yo? Do you know the effect of weather èske wonkonnen tank operations? efè tanperati sou operasyon yo? Do you know the effect of weather èske wonkonnen your unit's efè tanperati operations? a sou operasyon inite w la? Do you know the effects of the èske bombs? ou konnen efè bonm yo? Do you know the effects of your èske friendly w konnen psychological rezilta sikolojik operations? operasyon zanmitay ou yo? Do you know the electricity reliability? èske w konnen si yo ka konte sou elèktrisite a? Do you know the emergency èske communications w konnen pwosedi procedures? pou kominasyon ijans? Do you know the end of baseèske defenses w konnen operational lè ke baz hours? defans la fonksyone yo? Do you know the engine serial èske numbers? ou konnen nimewo seri motè a? Do you know the engines limits? èske ou konnen limit motè yo? Do you know the engine's start-up èske ou procedures? konnen ki jan pou fè motè a pati Do you know the engines' temperature? èske ou konnen tanperati motè yo? Do you know the equipment at èske communications w konnen ekipman stations? ki nan èstasyon kominikasyon yo? Do you know the exact location èske of w thekonnen facility pozisyon at your base? egzat kote baz ou a enstale? Do you know the external tank èske contents? w konnen sa ki nan tank ki pa deyò? Do you know the facility's department èske w konnen heads?moun ki chèf depatman plant la? Do you know the facility's director? èske w konnen dirèktè fasilite a? Do you know the facility's foreman èske workonnen clinic heads kontremèt and prominent plant la oubyen doctors? chèf klinik la ak doktè èspesyalis yo Do you know the facility's hiring èske or w firing konnen procedures? metòd pou revoke ak ranplase moun nan plant la? Do you know the facility's shop èske or branch w konnen chief? chòp oubyen branch an chèf plant la? Do you know the flight training èske maneuver w konnen areas zònlocations? kote yo fè manèv avyon yo? Do you know the flight training èske ranges w konnen locations? kote zòn dantrènman avyon yo ye? Do you know the fordability ofèske streams? w konnen pasaj rivyè yo? Do you know the formula for èske judging w konnen take-off fòmil and landing yo anplwaye distances pou in jijesnow distans or rain? yon avyon bezwen pou l pwa Do you know the frequenciesèske assigned w konnen to each ki fwekans operating ki mode? itilize pou chak mòd de fonksyònman? Do you know the frequenciesèske of your ou primary konnen radio? fwekans radyo pwensipal ou la? Do you know the frequenciesèske of your ou secondary konnen fwekans radio communication? dezyèm radyo kominikasyon w lan? Do you know the frequency ofèske cross w konnen servicingkonbyen maintenance fwa inite in your w la unit? fè echanj sèvis antretyen? Do you know the frequency ofèske the w patrol? konnen konbyen souvan yo fè patwouy la? Do you know the fuel consumption èske ou with konnen afterburners konsomasyon at a high gaz altitude? la ak chanb konbisyon yon gwo altitid? Do you know the fuel consumption èske ou with konnen afterburners valè gaz atkia boule low altitude? lè chanm konbisyon an nan yon wotè ki ba? Do you know the fuel consumption èske ou with konnen afterburners konsomasyon at a medium gaz laaltitude? ak chanb konbisyon yo a yon altitid mwa Page 173 Feuille1 Do you know the fuel consumption èske ou without konnen afterburners gaz konsomasyon at a highan altitude? san chanb konbisyon yo a yon hot altitid Do you know the fuel consumption èske ou without konnen afterburners konsomasyon at a gaz low altitude? la san chanm konbisyon a ba altitid? Do you know the fuel consumption èske ou without konnen afterburners konsomasyon at a gaz medium la san altitude? chanb konbisyon yo a yon altitid mo Do you know the fuel rate consumption èske ou konnen with atarif maximum gaz la ak payload? yon maksimòm chaj? Do you know the fuel rate consumption èske ou konnen with avalè maximum gaz ki payload? konsome avèk yon pwa maksimòm pou demaraj? Do you know the fuel rate consumption èske ou konnen without kantite a payload? gaz ki konsome san chaj? Do you know the fuel rate consumption èske ou konnen without tarif a payload? gaz la sns chaj? Do you know the fuel rate consumption èske ou konnnen withoutpri a payload? gaz la san pwa demaraj la? Do you know the fuel rate? èske w konnen pwi gaz la? Do you know the fuel rate? èske w konnen valè gaz li kapab pwan nan yon tan byen pwesi? Do you know the fuel source?èske ou konnen ki kote sous gaz la ye? Do you know the full military name èske wofkonnen the item? tout non militè aparèy sa yo? Do you know the full military name èske wofkonnen the vehicles? ki non militè machin sa yo pote ? Do you know the full military name èske wofkonnen the weapons? tout non militè zam yo? Do you know the function of each èske LRU w konnen fonksyon chak LRU Do you know the future location èske of wyour konnen unit?pwochen kote inite w la pwal sitiye? Do you know the gain? èske w konnen ogmantasyon entansite a? Do you know the general attitude èskeof w the konnen unit toward atitid jeneral our tanks? apwopo de inite tank nou yo Do you know the guidance type èske of ou thekonnen missile? ki tip gidans misil yo genyen? Do you know the health and medical èske w konnen status ofeta local de sante populace? ak medikal popilasyon an? Do you know the height of theèske fence w konnen around the wotè flight klotiline? a alantou liy aeryen an? Do you know the height of theèske fence w konnen around the wotè flight klotiline? a alantou tèren vòl la? Do you know the height of theèske fencing w konnen aroundotè thekloti airfield? a alantou tèren avyasyon an? Do you know the history of the èske flights? w konnen istwa vòl yo? Do you know the history of the èske organization? w konnen istwa òganizasyon an? Do you know the history of the èske sorties? w konnen istwa soti yo? Do you know the history of the èske targets? w konnen istwa sib yo? Do you know the hours of flight èske training w konnen required? ki lè ki rekomande pou fè antrènman avyon? Do you know the hours of flight èske training w konnen required? lè ki sispoze pou antrènman avyon? Do you know the hours of operation? èske w konnen lè fonksyònman yo? Do you know the human and èske material w konnen resources resous of this zimèn area? ak materyèl ki genyen nan rejyon sa a? Do you know the identification èske andwgeneral konnenorganization idantifikasyon of supporting ak òganizasyon units?jeneral pou chak inite de soutye Do you know the identification èske andwlocation ka idantifye of theepi following lokalizegroups? gwoup sa yo? Do you know the identification èske of supporting w ka idantifye artillery sipòtè units? inite datiyri yo? Do you know the identification èske of supporting w konnen corps? idantifikasyon gwoup de soutyen yo? Do you know the infantry unitèske beingwsupported konnen ki by inite your denfantri tank unit? ke inite tank nou yo te sipòte? Do you know the instructionsèske concerning w konnen useenstriksyon of ammunition? yo pou itilize minisyon yo? Do you know the instructionsèske on use ou of konenn these enstriksyon rockets? yo sou kouman pou itilize misil sa yo? Do you know the interval for maintenance èske w konnen onentèval your aircraft? pou antretni avyon w lan? Do you know the interval for maintenance èske w konnen onentèval your subsystems? pou w pwan swen sistèm soumaren yo? Do you know their code names èske or w numbers, konnen and non the kòdsignals yo oubyen theynimewo used? yo, ak siyal yo te itilize? Do you know the key personnel èske who w konnen have become kle pèsonèl casualties? ki te vin okazyonèl yo? Do you know the kind of electronics èske w on konnen your aircraft? ki kalite materyèl elèktwonik ki nan avyon w nan? Do you know the kind of fuel èske used w bykonnen tanks ki kalite gaz ke tank yo te itlize? Do you know the landing distance? èske w konnen ki distans yon avyon pwan pou li atèri? Do you know the lateral organization? èske w konnen òganizasyon a kote a? Do you know the launch limitations èske ou of konnen the missiles? limit pou lansman misil yo? Do you know the layout of petroleum, èske w konnen oil, andkouman lubricant yostorage dispozeatpetwòl, your base? lwil, ak grès machin nan baz ou a? Do you know the layout of these èskeproduction w konnenplants? kote gwo endistri sa yo chita? Do you know the layouts of aircraft èske wparts konnen storage kouman at your plase base? pyès yo nan depo nan baz ou a? Do you know the layouts of munitions' èske w konnen storage kouman at yourminisyon base? yo dispoze nan depo nan baz ou a? Do you know the length of a take-off èske w konnen run withkispecific valè distans loads yon fromavyon concrete ki byen runways? chaje gen poul kouri? Do you know the length of a take-off sou yonrun n tèren with nòmal specificavan loads li vole? from concrete runways? Page 174 Feuille1 Do you know the length of theèske shifts konnen for thedire guards? orè pou gad yo? Do you know the length of time èske required w konnen to dolongè certain tantypes li mande of maintenance? pou pwan swen sèten tip pyès? Do you know the lengths of the èske runways? w konnen longè pis aterisaj yo? Do you know the level of supply èske forwcombat? konnen nivo resous ki nesesè pou konba? Do you know the lighting on the èske runways? w konnen ekleraj pis aterisaj yo? Do you know the lighting system èskelocations w konnen onkithe kote runway? sistèm limyè yo ye sou pis pou pwan vòl la? Do you know the lighting system èskelocations w konnen onkithe kote taxiway? sistèm ekleraj la ye sou wout taksi a? Do you know the limitations on èske data w transmission? konnen limit sou transmisyon done? Do you know the limits of theèske engine's ou konnen revolution limitper revolisyon minute?motè a pa minit? Do you know the local custom èske thatwmight konnen result dwàn in decreased lokal la ki ta security? kab koze yon bès nan sekirite? Do you know the location andèske number w konnen of aircraft plasof akthe kantite strikeavyon force konba you directed? ke fòs wap dirije a genyen? Do you know the location of adjacent èske w konnen supporting ki kote units? inite de sipò yo ye nan anviwon a? Do you know the location of aid èske stations w konnen and ki hospitals? kote stasyon pou èd ak lopital yo ye? Do you know the location of airborne èske w konnen command pozisyon posts?kote pòs de komand avyon kago yo ye? Do you know the location of air èske fields? w konnen anplasman chan aeryen yo? Do you know the location of air èske strikes w konnen requested ki kote byinite ground atè units? yo rekomande pou batay aeryen yo? Do you know the location of alert èskeareas? w konnen zòn kote alèt yo ye? Do you know the location of alternate èske w konnen gun positions? ki kote aliyman zam yo palse? Do you know the location of alternate èske w konnen observation ki koteposts? anchènman pòs dobsèvasyon yo ye? Do you know the location of ammunition èske w konnen dumps? ki kote gwo depo minisyon yo ye? Do you know the location of any Ou pa anti-aircraft konnen kote weapons? ki gen kèk zam anti aeryen Do you know the location of any Ou pa anti-American konnen koteforces? ki gen kèk fòs anti ameriken Do you know the location of any èskearmor w konnen positions? kote pozisyon defansif yo ye? Do you know the location of any èskeartillery w konnen positions? kote pozisyon atiyri yo? Do you know the location of any èskecritical w genyen terrain yon features? lide sou pwochen pis dijans yo? Do you know the location of any èskefords? konnen nenpòt kote w ka travèse yon rivyè? Do you know the location of any Ou pa long-range konnen kèk weapons? kote ki gen kèk zam pisan Do you know the location of any èskemine w konnen fields?pozisyon tèren mine yo? Do you know the location of any èskemortar w konnen positions? ki kote pozisyon mòtye yo ye? Do you know the location of any èskeother w konnen important kèk positions? lòt pozisyon enpòtan? Do you know the location of any èskeother w konnen reconnaissance kèk kote gwoup groups? de rekonèsans yo ye? Do you know the location of assembly èske w konnen areas ki forkote troops rasanbleman and supplies? twoup yo fèt ak amteryèl yo ye? Do you know the location of base èske defenses? konnen ki kote baz defans yo ye? Do you know the location of base èske operations? w konnen ki kote baz operasyon yo ye? Do you know the location of billeting èske oufacilities? konnen zòn kantònman yo? Do you know the location of building èske w konnen materials? kote yo konstwi materyèl yo? Do you know the location of build-up èske w konnen areas preceding ki kote yoan monte attack? ranp pou pwepare atak la? Do you know the location of bunkers? èske w konnen kote abwi an beton yo ye? Do you know the location of button, èske w knobs, konnenand ki kote switches bouton onyo, themanch, radar control ak manèt panel? chanjman yo nan tablo kon Do you know the location of civilian èske wcommunications? konnen ki kote kominikasyon sivil la ye? Do you know the location of command èske w konnen posts?kote pòs de komand yo ye? Do you know the location of command èske w konnen posts?kote pozisyon pòs komand yo ye? Do you know the location of communication èske w konnen installations? ki kote enstalasyon kominikasyon yo ye? Do you know the location of communication èske ou konnenstations? kote èstasyon kominikasyon yo ye? Do you know the location of control èske wtowers? konnen kote kontwòl gratsyèl yo ye? Do you know the location of defensive èske w konnen installation kote yo sites? enstale pozisyon defansiv yo? Do you know the location of dispersal èske w konnen bases?ki kote baz ki epapiye yo ye? Do you know the location of dispersal èske w konnen bases?ki kote baz yo ki epapiye yo ye? Do you know the location of èske ou konnen kote Do you know the location of fire èske stations? w konnen ki kote èstasyon ponpye yo ye? Do you know the location of food èskeservice w konnen areas? ki kote plas ki ofwi sèvis manje yo ye? Do you know the location of forward èske w konnen bases? kote baz ki pi lwen yo ye? Do you know the location of forward èske w konnen observation koteposts? anvanpòs dobsèvasyon yo ye? Page 175 Feuille1 Do you know the location of hangers? èske w konnen kote sèso yo ye? Do you know the location of headquarters? èske w konnen ki kote katye jeneral yo ye? Do you know the location of higher èske wsupporting konnen kote units? inite de sipòpwensipal la ye? Do you know the location of housing èske w konnen facilitieskote lojman yo ye? Do you know the location of impassable èske w konnen terrain ki zòn features ki pwal forentèdi tanks?pou tank yo? Do you know the location of infantry èske w front konnen lines? ki kote enfantri de pwemye ran yo ye? Do you know the location of infantry èske w observation konnen ki kote posts? pòs obsèvasyon enfantri yo ye? Do you know the location of infantry èske w outposts? konnen ki kote anvanpòs denfantri yo ye? Do you know the location of inter-airfield èske w konnen communications? ki kote kominikasyon yo ye ant tèren avyasyon an? Do you know the location of intra-airfield èske w konnen communications? ki kote kominikasyon yo ye andedan tèren avyasyon an? Do you know the location of job èske control? ou konnen zòn kote kontwòl travay la ye? Do you know the location of lower, èske wadjacent, konnen pozisyon higher, and ki pi supporting ba, ki pi pwe, unit command ki pi wo akposts? inite de sipò pou pòs ko Do you know the location of lower èske w supporting konnen kiunits? kote inite aisitan de sipò yo ye? Do you know the location of messenger èske ou konnen units?ki kote gwoup mesaje yo ye? Do you know the location of military èske w communications? konnen ki kote plas kominikasyon militè yo ye? Do you know the location of minefields èske w konnen in your ki area? kote tèren pyeje yo ye nan rejyon pa w la? Do you know the location of other èske operators? w konnen ki kote lòt operatè yo ye? Do you know the location of other èske tank w konnen units?ki kote lòt inite tank yo ye? Do you know the location of other èske units? w konnen ki kote lòt inite yo tabli? Do you know the location of outpost èske w lines konnen of resistance? kote anvan pòs rezistans yo ye? Do you know the location of petroleum, èske w konnen oil, orkote lubricant zòn petròl,gaz storage? osinon grès machin yo an depo? Do you know the location of recovery èske w konnen bases?ki kote baz pou repliye yo ye? Do you know the location of security èske w konnen barriers?ki kote baryè sekirite yo ye? Do you know the location of security èske ki kote fences? baryè sekirite yo plase? Do you know the location of sleeping èske w konnen areas? ki kote zòn moun dòmi yo ye? Do you know the location of supply èske winstallations? konnen kote ekipman pou enstalasyon yo ye? Do you know the location of tank èskeparks w konnen and assembly ki kote garaj areas? tank yo ye ak zòn de rasanbleman yo? Do you know the location of tank èskerecovery w konnen and ki kote maintenance tank yo repare units? e ki kote inite yo antreteni? Do you know the location of tank èskerepair w konnen depots? ki kote depo materyèl pou repare tank yo ye? Do you know the location of tanks èske w while konnen in defilade ki koteor tank while yo covered? ye diran defilman yo oubyen diran abwi yo? Do you know the location of taxiways èske w konnen on the kote runways? wout taksi sou pis aterisaj yo ye? Do you know the location of the èske aircraft's w konnen tail ki numbers? kote nimewo avyon yo ye nan pwent dèyè? Do you know the location of the èske airfield's w konnen external ki kote tanks? tank gaz ki deyò tèren aterisaj la ye? Do you know the location of the èske armament? w konnen ki kote zòn ameman an ye? Do you know the location of the èske command w konnen post? ki kote pòs de komand la ye? Do you know the location of the èske electrical w konnen power ki kote plant? konpayi ekleraj la ye? Do you know the location of the èske emergency w konnenelectrical ki kote izin power ekleraj plants? ijans yo ye? Do you know the location of the èske flying ou konnen squadrons? lokasyon kote èskadron yo pwan vòl? Do you know the location of the èske flying w konnen squadrons? ki kote èskadwon yo vole? Do you know the location of the èske fuel oustorage konnenareas? kote yo stoke gaz la ? Do you know the location of the èske fuel w storage konnen zòn areas? kote yo anmagazine gaz la? Do you know the location of the èske guard w konnen towers? ki kote tou de gad yo ye? Do you know the location of the èske hydrants? ou konnen kote bouch vàn dlo yo ye? Do you know the location of the èske liquid ou konnen oxygen kote tanks? tank dlo oksijene a ye? Do you know the location of the èske lost w aircraft? konnen ki kote avyon pèdi a ye? Do you know the location of the èske maintenance ou konnen lokasyon facilities?kote yo tabli a? Do you know the location of the èske maintenance w konnen kote facilities? zòn de sipò yo ye? Do you know the location of the èske munitions w konnen storage? ki kote depo minisyon yo ye? Do you know the location of the èske off-duty w konnen areas? ki kote zòn konje a ye? Do you know the location of the èske patrols? w konnen ki kote patwouy yo ye? Do you know the location of the èske recreational w konnen ki facilities? kote pak rekreyasyon yo ye? Do you know the location of the èske recreational w konnen ki facilities? zòn plas amizman yo ye? Do you know the location of the èske runway? w konnen ki kote pis pou pwan vòl la ye? Page 176 Feuille1 Do you know the location of the èske security w konnen police? ki kote sekirite polis la ye? Do you know the location of the èske switching w konnen stations? ki kote èstasyon echanj yo ye? Do you know the location of the èske switching w konnen stations? ki kote èstasyon swich yo ye? Do you know the location of the èske taxiway? w konnen ki kote wout taksi a ye? Do you know the location of the èske trucks? ou konnen kote twòk yo ye? Do you know the location of the èske water w konnen storage kote areas? rezèvwa dlo a ye? Do you know the location of the èske water w konnen supply? ki kote pou jwenn dlo? Do you know the location of warehouses? èske w ki kote depo yo ye? Do you know the location of weapons èske w konnen employed? kote zam yo te anplwaye yo ye? Do you know the location of weapons èske w konnen storage? kote yo sere depo zam yo? Do you know the location of work èske areas? w konnen kote zòn travay yo ye? Do you know the location of your èskeartillery w konnen command ki kote pòs posts? de komand asnal nou yo ye? Do you know the location of your èskedispersal w konnenbases? ki kote baz depapiman w yo ye? Do you know the location of your èskefront w konnen lines? ki kote liy defans nou yè? Do you know the location of your èskeGCI w konnen sites? zòn kote plas GCI ou yo ye? Do you know the location of your èskemain w konnen base?kote baz pwensipal ou ye? Do you know the location of your èskemain w konnen line ofkiresistance? kote pi gwo liy rezistans ou ye? Do you know the location of your èskeobserving w konnenor ki listening kote pòsposts? dobsèvasyon ou dekout yo ye? Do you know the location of your èskeofficial w konnen transportation? ki kote transpòtasyon ofisyèl ou yo ye? Do you know the location of your èskeoutposts? w konnen ki kote avanpòs w yo ye? Do you know the location of your èskeprivate w konnen transportation? zòn transpòtasyon pwive yo ye? Do you know the location of your èskepublic w konnen transportation? ki kote transpòtasyon piblik ou yo ye? Do you know the location of your èskerecovery w konnen bases? ki kote baz pou w abwite w yo ye? Do you know the location of your èskeunit? w konnen ki kote inite w la lokalize? Do you know the locations ofèske aircraft w konnen parts storage ki koteatpyès youravyon base?yo nan depo nan baz ou a? Do you know the locations ofèske all the w navigational konnen lokasyon beacons tout and alèt stations? navigasyon ak èstasyon yo? Do you know the locations ofèske all the w radio konnen beacons lokasyon andtout stations? radyo alèt ak èstasyon yo? Do you know the locations ofèske factories ou konnen which produce kote izin aircraft? ki fè avyon yo ye? Do you know the locations ofèske higher w headquarters? konnen ki kote pi gwo syèj yo ye? Do you know the locations ofèske supporting w konnen units? ki kote inite de sipò yo ye? Do you know the locations ofèske the communication w konnen lokasyon ground èstasyon stations? kominikasyon tèrès yo? Do you know the locations ofèske the dummy w konnen artillery pozisyon positions zam ?ki kontwole ak robo yo? Do you know the locations ofèske the petroleum, w konnen kote oil, and poulubricants jwenn petwòl,lwil,ak areas? grès pou motè yo? Do you know the locations ofèske thesewentries? konnen kote ouvèti sa yo ye? Do you know the locations ofèske the supply w konnen warehouses? ki kote depo materyèl yo ye? Do you know the maintainability èske ofwthe konnen aircraft? kouman yo mentni avyon? Do you know the maintenance èske problem ou konnen areas? pwoblèm pou mentni zòn yo? Do you know the major lines èske and their ou konnen locations? majorite liy yo ak kote yo ye? Do you know the manning levels èskefor w enlisted konnen nivo personnel? atitid ki genyen pou anwòlman pèsonèl yo? Do you know the manning levels èskefor oufemale konnenpersonnel? nivo atitid pou femèl pèsonèl? Do you know the manning levels èskefor w male konnen personnel? ki nivo atitid pèsonèl mal yo? Do you know the manning levels èskefor w officer konnenpersonnel? nivo atitid ofisye pèsonel la? Do you know the manning levels èskeinwthe konnen organization? nivo atitid òganizasyon an ? Do you know the manning of èske base wdefense? konnen kouman yo dirije baz defans la? Do you know the material used èske in the w konnen runways? materyèl ki te itilize nan pis aterisaj yo? Do you know the maximum external èske oufuel konnen capacity? kapasite maksimòm gaz la pa deyò? Do you know the maximum flight èskespeed? w konnen maksimòm vitès yon avyon? Do you know the maximum fuel èske off-load? w konnen kantite maksimòm gaz kidechaje? Do you know the maximum internal èske oufuel konnen capacity? kapasite maksimòm pou gaz ki andedan andedan? Do you know the maximum operating èske w konnen altitude? altitid maksimòm pou fonksyone? Do you know the maximum operational èske ou konnen altitude? altitid ki pi wo pou vole? Do you know the maximum operational èske ou konnen altitude pi with wo altitid maximum pou fonksyone "G?" a yon maksimòm "G"? Do you know the maximum operational èske w konnen altitude pi wo withaltitid maximum operasyonèl turn rate a yon at avitès high maksimòm altitude? nan atitid altitid Page 177 Feuille1 Do you know the maximum operational èske w konnen altitude pi wo withaltitid maximum operasyonèl turn rate akat yon a low vitès altitude? maksimòm ki nan yon alti Do you know the maximum operational èske w konnen altitude pi wo withaltitid maximum operasyonèl turn rate a yon at avitès medium mwayèn altitude? de yon altiitid mw Do you know the maximum operational èske w konnen altitude pi wo withaltitid maximum operasyonèl turn rate a yon withvitès a clean maksimòm burn? mwayèn ak yon Do you know the maximum operational èske w konnnen altitudeki with pi gwo maximum altitid operasyonèl turn rate with a yon afterburners mach maksimòm on? mwayèn Do you know the maximum operational èske ou konnen speedvitès at a maksimòm high altitude? deplasman a yon altitid trè wo? Do you know the maximum operational èske ou konnen speedvitès at a maksimòm low altitude? depalsman nan altitid ki ba? Do you know the maximum operational èske ou konnen speedvitès at a maksimòm medium altitude? depalsman nan yon altitid mwayèn? Do you know the maximum payload èske ouweight? konnen maksimòm chaj pou demaraj? Do you know the maximum range? èske ou konnen limit maksimòm lan? Do you know the maximum range? èske ou konnen maksimòm reyon? Do you know the maximum range èske w forkonnen combatmaksimòm flying? limit vòl pandan batay? Do you know the maximum range èske w forkonnen combatmaksimòn flying? wotè pou vole nan konba? Do you know the maximum take èskeoffougross konnen weight? maksimòm pwan vòl pwa lou yo? Do you know the maximum tracking èske w range? konnen limit maksimòm kaptaj? Do you know the maximum tracking èske w range? konnen limit maksimòm kaptaj? Do you know the maximum tracking èske w slew konnen rate? pousantaj vitès maksimòn pou rada bwake sou sib li ? Do you know the maximum troop èskecapacity? ou konnen kapasite maksimòm twoup li kapab pote? Do you know the maximum troop èskecapacity? ou konnen ki kantite twoup li kapab pote o maksimòm? Do you know the maximum troop èskeload? ou konnen maksimòm twoup ke yon peze? Do you know the maximum weight èske wofkonnnen your bombs? maksimòm pwa bonm ou yo? Do you know the maximum weight èske wofkonnen your missiles? maksimòm pwa misil ou yo? Do you know the means of communication èske w konnenbetween rapò de tanks kominikasyon and infantry? ki genyen ant tank yo epi inite denfantri Do you know the means of supply èske w transport? konnen enpòtans transpò materyèl yo? Do you know the mechanicalèske and other w genvulnerabilities konesans nanofmekanik tanks? ak sa ki regade andomajman tank yo? Do you know the method for èske replacing w konnen vehicles metòd and pou equipment? ranplase machin ak ekipman? Do you know the methods forèske coordinating w konneninfantry ki kotemaneuver metòd de with koòdinasyon artillery fire? pou manevwe enfantri ak bonba Do you know the methods foryo coordinating ye? infantry maneuver with artillery fire? Do you know the methods forèske protecting w konnen artillery metòd positions pou pwoteje from counter pozisyon battery depofire? zam yo kont bonm? Do you know the methods of èske counter w konnen battery metòd fire? pou netralize batri bonbadman yo? Do you know the methods of èske fire control? w konnen metòd pou kontwole bonbadman yo? Do you know the methods of èske mortar, w konnen artillery,metòd and tank lanse coordination? bonm, atiri, ak kowòdiansyon tank yo? Do you know the methods of èske observing w konnen and directing metòd pou air wstrikes? obsève epi dirije batay aeryen yo? Do you know the methods of èske observing w konnen and directing metòd pou artillery obsève fire? ak dirije bonbadman atiyri a? Do you know the methods of èske protecting w konnen strikemethòd forces from pou ou counterattack? pwoteje fòs kap batay kont kontratak? Do you know the method the èske facility w will konnen use to metòd relocate enstalasyon during wartime? an pwal itilize pou relokalize yo pandan tan Do you know the method used èske to communicate w konnen metòd withpou lateral w itilize or ground pou wunits? kominike ak inite ki sou kote w yo ak Do you know the method youèske use to w konnen load munitions? metòd ke w itilize pou chaje minisyon yo? Do you know the military production èske w at konnen your facility pwodiksyon duringmilitè peacea time? ki nan enstalasyon w nan pandan tan lapè Do you know the minimum operational èske ou konnen speed vitès at a stall minimòm condition? deplasman nan kondisyon dekolaj? Do you know the minimum operational èske ou konnen speed vitès at maximum minimòm "G?" pou deplase a yon maksimòm "G?" Do you know the minimum operational èske ou konnen speedsvitès withminimòm a maximum deplasman turn rateak with yon afterburners maksimòmon? wotasyon ak cha Do you know the minimum operational èske ou konnen speed vitès with aminimòm maximum lanturn ak yon rate maksimòm at a high altitude? wotasyon nan yon altitid Do you know the minimum operational èske ou konnen speed vitès with aminimòm maximum deturn fonksyonman rate at a low ak altitude? yon maksimòm wotasyon a Do you know the minimum operational èske ou konnen speed vitès with amaksimòm maximum operasyon turn rate atan a medium ak yon maksimòm altitude? wotasyon a Do you know the minimum operational èske ou konnen speed vitès with aminimòm maximum lanturn ak yon rate maksimòm with a cleanwotasyon burn? akonpanye yo Do you know the mission andèske objectives w konnen of your misyon ownak unit? objèktif pwòp inite w la? Do you know the mission of combat èske w teams? konnen ki misyon ekip de konba yo? Do you know the mission of task èskeforces? w konnen ojèktif fòs de travay yo? Do you know the mission of the èske gun w crew? konnen misyon twoup ame yo? Do you know the mission of the èske gun w unit? konnen misyon inite ame a? Do you know the mission of the èske patrol? w konnen misyon patwouy la? Do you know the mission of your èskedivision? w konnen ki misyon divizyon nou an? Do you know the mission of your èskeunit? w konnen misyon inite w la? Page 178 Feuille1 Do you know the mission of your èskewing? w konnen misyon alye w yo? Do you know the mission planning? ki sa w konnen sou plan misyon an? Do you know the missions and èske objectives? w konnen misyon yo ak objèktif yo? Do you know the missions and èske objectives w konnen of the misyon supporting ak objèktif units? inite de sipò yo? Do you know the missions and èske objectives w konnen of your misyon own akand ojèktif your ousupported ak manmunits? sipòtè inite w la? Do you know the mode of patrol? èske w konnen ki mòd patwouy? Do you know the mode of switching? èske w konnen metòd pou chanje a? Do you know the morale and èske espritwde konnen corps nivo of local moral civilians? ak èspirityèl gwoup nan lokal sivil la? Do you know the munitions storage èske wtype? konnen ki kalite minisyon ki an depo? Do you know the name of air èske fields? w konnen non tèren avyasyon yo? Do you know the name of theèske facility w konnen at your base? non enstalasyon nan baz ou a? Do you know the name of theèske metropolitan w konnenarea nonnear zòn metwopolitèn your facility? ki toupwe enstalasyo w lan? Do you know the name of theèske radarouinkonnen the aircraft? non rada nan avyon an? Do you know the names of any èske senior w konnen staff officers? non nenpòt nan ofisye wo komandman an? Do you know the names of local èskeand w konnen battalionnon commanders? lokal yo ak komandan batayon yo? Do you know the names, street èske address w konnen and non, phone adrès numbers ri ak nimewo of thosetelefòn production gwo plants? konpayi sa yo? Do you know the nature and èske contents w konnen of the messages nati ak enpòtans that you mesaj carried? ou pote yo? Do you know the nature of the èske air force w konnen communication nati rezo kominikasyon net? fòs aeryen an? Do you know the nature of the èske artillery w konnen - fire direction nati atiyri, communications dirèksyon rezo net? kominikasyon pou bonbadman yo? Do you know the nature of the èske ground w konnen force net? nati rezo fòs tèrès la? Do you know the nature of the èske infantry-artillery w konnen nati communications rezo kominikasyon net?denfantri datiyri a? Do you know the navigationalèske aidswonkonnen the runways? èd pou w navige sou pis aterisaj yo? Do you know the night tacticsèske that w are konnen now being taktikused? lannwit ke yap itilize kounnye a? Do you know the noise figure? èske w konnen repwezantasyon bwi a? Do you know the normal cruise èske speed? ou konnen vitès nòmal yonkwasyè? Do you know the normal internal èskefuel w konnen loads? ki valè nòmal gaz ki pou chaje andedan an? Do you know the normal operating èske ou ranges konnen for limit engine nòmal oil pressure? pou fè pwesyon lwil motè a fonksyone? Do you know the normal operating èske ou ranges konnen for limit the hydraulic nòmal pou system? mete an mach yon sistèm idwolik? Do you know the normal operating èske ou ranges konnen for limit the pneumatic nòmal pousystem? mete an manch yon sistèm chanm a konpwes Do you know the normal operating èske ou ranges konnen for lòd the nòmal pneumatic pou mete systems? an mach sistèm chanm konpwesyon lè yo Do you know the normal payload èskeweight? ou konnen chaj nòmal pou demare? Do you know the normal takeèske off gross ou konnen weight? ki pwa nòmal pou yon avyon vole? Do you know the number andèske kindwofkonnen test flights ki kantite being ak given? tip de tès avyon ke yo bay? Do you know the number andèske location w konnen of the kantite securityakguards? ki kote gad sekirite yo ye? Do you know the number andèske typewofkonnen aircraft kantite being used? ak modèl avyon ke yo t ap itilize? Do you know the number of advisors èske w konnen in the organization? ki kantite konseye ki genyen nan òganizasyon an? Do you know the number of aircraft èske wlost konnen in combat? ki kantite avyon ki pèdi nan batay? Do you know the number of aircraft èske wlost konnen in combat? konbyen avyon ki kraze nan lagè? Do you know the number of aircrew èske w maintenance konnen ki kantite personnel manminekipaj the organization? pou antretyen ki genyen andedan ògan Do you know the number of amplifiers? èske w konnen ki kantite anplifikatè yo? Do you know the number of base èske defenses? w konnen kantite baz defans yo? Do you know the number of billets èske w available? konnen kantite kay pou moun loje ki disponib? Do you know the number of bombs èske ouonkonnen your aircraft? kantite bonb ki nan avyon w lan? Do you know the number of cameras èske ou konnen on your konbyen aircraft? kamera ki nan avyon ou la? Do you know the number of casualties èske w konnen duringkantite this last mòcampaign? pandan dènye kanpay la? Do you know the number of casualties èske w konnen over the kantite last mò month? pandan mwa pase a? Do you know the number of channels? èske w konnen total chanèl yo? Do you know the number of crew èskemembers w konnenlost ki kantite in combat? manm ekipaj ki pèdi nan lagè? Do you know the number of days èskeitwtakes konnen your kantite facilityjou to liset pwan up?plant ou a pou li tabli? Do you know the number of entry èske points w konnen in the kantite perimeter pòt antre fence? ki gen nan kloti a? Do you know the number of entry èske points w konnen in the konbyen perimeter ouvèti fence? ki gen nan kloti a? Do you know the number of external èske w konnen tanks onkonbyen the airfield? tank ki deyò tèren avyasyon an? Do you know the number of food èskeservice w konnen areas? kantite plas ki ofwi sèvis manje? Page 179 Feuille1 Do you know the number of guards èske wat konnen each entry konbyen point? gad ki genyen nan chak pòt? Do you know the number of guards èske wat konnen each entry konbyen point? gad ki kanpe nan chak antre? Do you know the number of key èske personnel w konneninkithe kantite organization pèsoneland kle ki their nannames? òganizasyon an ak non yo? Do you know the number of LRU'S? èske w konnen ki kantite LRU. Do you know the number of men èskeper w konnen crew? kantite gason pa bato? Do you know the number of munitions èske w konnen storage kantite areas? zòn kote yo gen depo minisyon? Do you know the number of navigators èske w konnen in thekiorganization? kantite navigatè nan òganizasyon an? Do you know the number of pilots èske in w konnen the organization? kantite pilòt ki nan òganizasyon an? Do you know the number of pre-amplifiers? èske w konnen ki kantite aparèy akonpayman anplifikatè yo? Do you know the number of seats èske w in konnen your dining ki kantite facility? chèz ki genyen nan plant la? Do you know the number of security èske w konnen forces on ki duty? valè fòs sekirite ki ap travay? Do you know the number of security èske w konnen forces on kantite standby? fòs sekirite ki an rezèv? Do you know the number of security èske w konnen forces on kantite standby? fòs sekirite ki ki toujou pwèt ap tann? Do you know the number of shifts èske worked w konnen in the konbyen plant?orè travay ki gen nan endistri a? Do you know the number of stories èske watkonnen your facility? konbyen etaj ki gneyen nan edifis ou a? Do you know the number of support èske w personnel konnen ki kantite in the organization? pèsonèl ranfò ki genyen andedan òganizasyon an? Do you know the number of tanks èske w normally konnenassigned ki kantitetotank a unit? ki dispoze pou inite a? Do you know the number of water èske w storage konnen areas? konbyen kote ki gen rezèvwa dlo? Do you know the offensive tactics èske that w konnen are now taktik being ofansif used? yo ap itilize konnye a? Do you know the operating frequencies èske w konnen usedfwekans during peace fonksyònman time? ki itilize nan tan lapè? Do you know the operating frequencies èske w konnen usedfwekans during war fonksyònman time? ki itilize nan tan lagè? Do you know the operational èske aircraft w konnen readiness? pweparasyon pou operasyon avyon? Do you know the operational èske characteristics? w konnen karakteristis yo? Do you know the operational èske emergency w konnen procedures kouman and pou vehicles? bay siyal dijans ak machin yo? Do you know the operational èske radius? ou konnen liy stratejik operasyonèl la? Do you know the operational èske radius? ou konnen reyon operasyonèl la? Do you know the opponents policy èske wand konnen attitude politik toward ak atitid localopozisyon civilians? yo anvè lokal sivil yo? Do you know the optimum operational èske w konnen altitude ki with pi womaximum vòl pou opere "G?" ak yon maksimòm "G?" Do you know the optimum operational èske w konnen altitude pi with wo altitid maximum vòl pou turnopere rate at a yon a high maksimòm altitude?rotasyon de yon al Do you know the optimum operational èske ou konnen altitudepiwith wo maximum altitid vòl pou turnopere rate ata ayon lownivo altitude? maksimòm wotasyon a b Do you know the optimum operational èske ou konnen altitudepiwith wo maximum altitid vòl pou turnopere rate ata ayon medium nivo maksimòm altitude? wotasyon a m Do you know the optimum operational èske ou konnen altitudevitès with maksimòm maximum turn operasyon rate withana ak clean yonburn? maksimòm wotasyon a Do you know the optimum operational èske ou konnen altitudevitès with maksimòm maximum turn operasyon rate withanafterburners ak yon atitidon? aprè wotasyon? Do you know the optimum operational èske ou konnen speed with pi gwo maximum vitès optimal "G?" de operasyon ak maksimòm "G?" Do you know the optimum operational èske ou konnen speed with pi gwo maximum vitès deturn operasyon rate at aanhigh ak yon altitude? nivo maksimòm wotasyo Do you know the optimum operational èske ou konnen speed with pi gwo maximum vitès operasyon turn rate an at aaklow yonaltitude? nivo maksimòm wotasyon a Do you know the optimum operational èske ou konnen speed with pi gwo maximum vitès deturn operasyon rate at aanmedium ak yon altitude? nivo maksimòm wotasyo Do you know the optimum operational èske ou konnen speed with pi gwo maximum vitès operasyon turn rate ak with yon a clean maksimòm burn? nivo wotasyon ak y Do you know the optimum operational èske ou konnen speed with vitèsmaximum maksimòm turn de rate operasyon with afterburners an ak yon on? nivo de wotasyon av Do you know the orders for direction èske w konnen and elevation lòd yo of pou fire? dirèksyon e otè bonbadman yo? Do you know the organizationèske and wmission konnenofmisyon combatòganizasyon teams? an epi misyon ekip konbatan yo? do you know the organizationèske of any w konnen tactical reconnaissance taktik dòganizasyon groups? kèk gwoup de rekonesans? do you know the organizationèske of any w okouran tactical reconnaissance de kèlkilanswa òganizasyon groups? gwoup de rekonèsans? Do you know the organizationèske of combat w konnen teams? òganizasyon ekip de konba yo? Do you know the organizationèske of communication w konnen èstasyon stations? òganizasyon pou kominikasyon an? Do you know the organizationèske of communication w konnen ki kote stations? èstasyon kominikasyon òganizasyon an ye? Do you know the organizationèske of division, w konnen regimental òganizasyon and battalion divizyon aid yo, stations rejiman ak andèstasyon medical èd units? batayon ak in Do you know the organizationèske of messenger ou konnenunits? kibò òganizasyon mesaje yo ye? Do you know the organizationèske of task w konnen forces?misyon fòs òganizasyon yo? Do you know the organizationèske of the w konnen tank units? òganizasyon inite tank yo? Do you know the organizationèske of your w konnen unit? òganizasyon inite w la? Do you know the organization's èske commander? w konnen komandan òganizasyon? Do you know the organization's èske communications? w konnen kominikasyon òganizasyon an? Page 180 Feuille1 Do you know the organization's ki sa evaluations? w konnen sou evalyasyon yo andedan òganizasyon an? Do you know the organization's ki sa Intelligence? w konnen sou entèlijans òganizasyon an? Do you know the organization's ki sa lifewsupport konnensystems? sou ekipman pou fè moun revni? Do you know the organization's èske medical w konnen officer? chèf medikal òganizasyon an? Do you know the organization's ki sa meetings? w konnen sou rankont yo andedan òganizasyon an? Do you know the organization's èske operations w konnenofficer? ofisye nan òganizasyon an pou operasyon yo? Do you know the organization's èske publications? w konnen piblikasyon òganizasyon yo? Do you know the organization's èske religious w konnen officer? chèf relijyon andedan òganizasyon an? Do you know the organization's èske security? w konnen sekirite òganizasyon an? Do you know the organization's èske standards? w konnen standa yo pou òganizasyon an? Do you know the organization's èske training? w konnen antrènman òganizasyon an? Do you know the organizationèske strength, w konnen armament fòs òganizasyon and disposition an, zam of your ak dispozisyon division? divizyon w lan? Do you know the organizationèske strength, w konnen armament fòs òganizasyon, and disposition zamof akyour dispozisyon squadron? èskwad ou yo? Do you know the organizationèske strength, w konnen armament fòs kouray and disposition òganizasyon of your w nan, wing? zam ak dispozisyon gwoup ou Do you know the overall budget èske of wthe konnen facility? bidjè total enstalasyon an? Do you know the overall length èske of your w konnen aircraft? tout longè avyon w nan? Do you know the overall wingèske spanwofkonnen your aircraft? an jeneral dimansyon zèl avyon w nan? Do you know the paradrop capability? èske ou konnen kapabilite yon parachite Do you know the parking area èske locations? w konnen ki kote zòn garaj yo ye? Do you know the passive andèske active w konnen security ansyen used? ak aktyèl sekirite yo te itilize? Do you know the pay scale atèske the facility? w konnen kouman salè andedan plant la ye? Do you know the peak outputèske power? w konnen ki dènye limit kouran ki kapab pwodwi? Do you know the performance èske of the w konnen radio and pèfòmans telephones radyo there? ak telefòn isi? Do you know the personalities èske of any w konnen leaderspèsonalite here or elsewhere? kèk chèf isit la oubyen deyò? Do you know the physical description èske w konnen of air fields? dèskripsyon fizik tèren avyasyon yo? Do you know the plan for withdrawal? èske w konnen plan de retrè a? Do you know the plan of attack, èske defense, w konnen or withdrawal plan datak for de your defans units? oubyen plan de retrè inite w la? Do you know the plan of attack, èske defense, w konnen or withdrawal plan datak,ofdefans, your unit? oubyen retrè inite w la? Do you know the plan of attack? èske w konnen plan atak la? Do you know the plan of defense? èske w konnen plan de defans la? Do you know the plans and missions èske w konnen of your pan unit?ak misyon inite w la? Do you know the plans for employment èske w konnen of reconnaissance ki plan inite deunits? rekonèsans yo kapab anplwaye? Do you know the plans for employment èske w konnen of reconnaissance plan pou anplwaye units?inite rekonesans yo? Do you know the polarization? èske w konnen pol yo? Do you know the possible firing èske direction w konnen of any dirèksyon of thesekipositions? pi posib pou tire sou pozisyon sa yo? Do you know the possible firing èske direction w konnen of any ki mwayen of thesekipositions pi bon pou or units? w tire nan nenpòt nan pozisyon ou init Do you know the practices and èske problems w konnen used pwatik in communications ak pwoblèn yo security? ki itilize nan sekirite kominikasyon yo? Do you know the pre-missionèske planning w konnen for theplanifikasyon weather forecast? ki te fèt avan pou pwedi tanperati a? Do you know the pre-missionèske planning w konnen of combat pweparatif control? panifikasyon sou kontwòl misyon konba yo? Do you know the pre-missionèske planning w konnen of electronic pweparatif countermeasures? planifikasyon sou misyon elèktwonik kont mezi yo? Do you know the pre-missionèske planning w konnen of Intelligence? ki entelijan misyon planifikasyon ki te fèt opwealab? Do you know the pre-missionèske planning w konnen of routes? ki planifikasyon pou wout ki te fèt avan misyon an? Do you know the pre-missionèske planning w konnen of safe ki passages? plannifikasyon ki te fèt avan misyon nan pasaj si yo? Do you know the pre-missionèske planning w konnen of tactics? ki planifiaksyon taktik ki te fèt pou misyon an opwealab? do you know the primary andèske secondary w konnen aircraft pwemye missions? ak dezyèm misyon avyon yo? Do you know the primary mission? èske ou konnen misyon esansyèl la? Do you know the primary mission? èske ou konnen misyon pwensipal la? Do you know the primary roleèske of the w tank konnen units? pwemye wòl inite tank yo? Do you know the probable time èske of w occupation konnen kioflèalternate egzateman gunyo position? te fè aliyman zam yo nan pozisyon Do you know the procedures èske for combat w konnen navigation? pwosedi pou konba navigasyon? Do you know the procedures èske for granting w konnen clearances? metòd pou bay aksè? Do you know the procedures èske for granting w konnen clearances? metòd pou ofwi pasaj? Do you know the procedures èske for issuing w konnen pre-flight pwosedi information? yo pou distribiye enfòmasyon avan vòl? Page 181 Feuille1 Do you know the procedures èske for unscheduled w konnen pwosedi maintenance? pou antretyen ki pa planifye? Do you know the procedures èske on search w konnen and rescue? pwosedi sou rechèch ak sekou? Do you know the procedures èske whenwradio konnen silence pwosedi is to yo be lè observed? yo gen pou yo obsève radyo silans la? Do you know the procedures èske whenwusing konnen emergency pwosedi radio? yo lè w ap itilize radyo ijans? Do you know the production capacity èske w konnen of the plants? kantite materyèl ke endistri sa yo a pwodwi? Do you know the production plants èske wnumbers konnen ki per kantite year?materyèl endistri sa yo ka pwodwi pa an? Do you know the psychological èske operations w konnentactics taktikthat operasyon are nowsikologik being used? ke yap itilize a? Do you know the purposes ofèske the communication w konnen bi èstasyon ground kominikasyon stations? tèrès yo? Do you know the quality and èske morale w konnen of aircrew nivo members? moral ak kalite manm ekipaj yo? Do you know the quality of maintenance? èske ou konnen kalite dantretyen an ? Do you know the quality of the èske communication? w konnen kalite kominikasyon an? Do you know the quality of the èske runway? w konnen eta pis aterisaj la? Do you know the quality of the èske taxiway? w konnen eta wout taksi a? Do you know the quality of the èske water? w konnen kalite dlo a? Do you know the quality of your èske weather w konnen information? krediblite enfòmasyon sou tanperati? Do you know the quantity of material èske w konnen stored?kantite materyèl ki an stòk? Do you know the radar's azimuth èskeaccuracy? w konnen jistès rada nan tout dirèksyon? Do you know the radar's designation? èske w konnen pou ki rada a sèvi? Do you know the radar's display? èske ou konnen demonstrasyon rada? Do you know the radar's elevation èske w accuracy? konnen jistès ogmantasyon altitid rada a? Do you know the radar's location? èske w konnen ki kote rada a lokalize? Do you know the radar's operating èske wfrequency konnen liy range? fwekans fonksyònman rada a? Do you know the radar's range èske accuracy? w konnen limit jistès rada a? Do you know the radio call sign èske forwyour konnen unit?siy apèl radyo inite w la? Do you know the radio frequencies èske wused konnen during ki fwekans combat?radyo yo te itilize pandan konba a? Do you know the range for each èskemode? w konnen limit chal mòd? Do you know the range of their èske communication w konnen ki klas equipment? ekipman kominikasyon yo genyen? Do you know the ratio of dead èske to wounded? w konnen ki pousantaj moun ki mouri ak blese? Do you know the reason for the èske lack w konnen of supplies? rezon ki koz mank materyèl? Do you know the relationshipèske between w konnen civil and ki relasyon military aviation ki egziste authorities? ant otorite avyasyon sivil ak militè yo? Do you know the reliability of èske the communication? w konnen si moun ka konte sou kominikasyon an? Do you know the reliability of èske your w armament? konnen asirans ke zam ou an genyen? Do you know the required aircraft èske maintenance w konnen egzijans procedures? yon avyon mande pou mentni l? Do you know the required engine èske inspection w konnen konbyen times? tan enspèksyon motè a mande? Do you know the required levels èskeofwaircraft konnenparts nivostorage? depo ki rekomande pou pyès avyon yo? Do you know the required levels èskeofwmunitions konnen nivo storage? minisyon ki redomande nan depo a? Do you know the required levels èskeofwpetroleum, konnen nivo oils, petwòl, and lubricants lwil, ak grès storage? machin ki rekomande nan depo a? Do you know the required reserve èske w levels konnen of aircraft ki nivoparts pyès storage? avyon ki dwe rete nan depo a? Do you know the required reserve èske w levels konnen of munitions ki nivo minisyon storage? ki dwe rete an rezèv nan depo? Do you know the required reserve èske w levels konnen of petroleum, ki nivo rezèv oils,petwòl, and lubricants lwil, ak grès storage? machin ki gen nan depo a? Do you know the reserve armored èske w units? konnen inite rezèv blende yo? Do you know the resolution cell èske of w thekonnen radar?kouman sèlil rada a repwezante? Do you know the resolution cell èske of w thekonnen radar'srepwezantasyon azimuth? sèlil rada ki kouvwi tout dirèksyon yo? Do you know the resolution cell èske of w thekonnen radar'skouman elevation? sèlil pou ogmantasyon altitid rada a repwezante? Do you know the resolution cell èske of konnen the radar's limitrange? repwezantasyon sèlil rada? Do you know the responsibilities èskeofwthe konnen command rèsponsablite post? pòs de komand yo? Do you know the routes of approach èske w konnen and their metòd condition? dapwòch ak kondisyon yo? Do you know the routes of approach? èske w konnen wout pou apwoche yo? Do you know the routes of approach? èske w konnen wout pou apwoche yo? Do you know the routes of approach èske w konnen that tanks ki wout mightkiuse? posib ke tank yo ta ka itilize? Do you know the routes of approach èske w konnen to your positions? wout pou w vini an sotan kote w ye a? Do you know the routes that messengers èske konnenuse? chimen mesaje yo pase? Do you know the routes usedèske by messenger w konnen ki units? wout inite mesaje yo te itilize? Page 182 Feuille1 Do you know the secondary mission? èske ou konnen misyon segondè a? Do you know the security intrusion èske wdevices konnenused? aparèy sekirite kont atakan ki te itilize a? Do you know the security police èske concealment w konnen metòd method? sekrè polis sekirite? Do you know the security response èske wteams konnen composition? repons kle ki konpoze ekip yo? Do you know the shipping mode èskefor w aircraft konnenmunitions? fòm transpò yo itilize pou minisyon avyon yo? Do you know the shipping mode ès ke forwaircraft konnenparts? mòd tanspò ki itilize pou pyès avyon yo? Do you know the shipping mode èskefor w petroleum, konnen mòd oils, transpò and lubricants? pou petwòl, lwil, grès machin yo? Do you know the shortages ofèske test wand konnen repairsiequipment ekipman pou in your fè tès unit? ak repasyon nan inite w la ra? Do you know the sidelobe levels? èske w konnen nivo kote rebò antèn nan fè do monte yo? Do you know the sidelobe position? èske w konnen pozisyon kote antèn nan fèdo monte yo? Do you know the skill of your èske medical w konnen personnel? talan pèsonèl medikal ou yo? Do you know the source of parts èskefor w the konnen depots? ki kote sous depo pyès yo ye? Do you know the source of the èske electrical w konnen power? sous izin elèktrik la? Do you know the source of the èske engine's ou konnen external pwisans power? eksteryè motè a? Do you know the source of the èske food? w konnen sous manje yo? Do you know the sources of the èske liquid w okouran oxygen? de sous oksijèn an dlo a? Do you know the specific instruction èske w konnen in the allotment enstriksyon of various èspesyal types pouofsepare ammunition? diferan kalite minisyon? Do you know the start of baseèske defenses w konnen operational a ki lè baz hours? defans la koumanse opere? Do you know the start of baseèske defenses w konnen operational a ki lè baz hours? defans la tanmen fonksyone? Do you know the status of aircraft èske test w konnen and repair èstatiequipment? tès ak reparasyon ekipman avyon yo? Do you know the status of armament èske w konnen and equipment èstati zam in your ak ekipman unit? yo nan inte w la? Do you know the status of food èske supplies? w konnen nan ki nivo manje yo ye? Do you know the status of medical èske wsupplies? konnen eta materyèl medikal yo? Do you know the status of your èske supplies? w konnnen ki nivo nou gen ki rete? Do you know the structural data èske ofwsecurity konneninstallations? done èstriktiryèl pou enstalasyon sekirite yo? Do you know the structural data èske ofwthe konnen runways? enfòmasyon sou èstrikti pis aterisaj yo? Do you know the subordination èske of the w konnen organization? depandans òganizasyon an? Do you know the subordination èske of the w konnen organization? depandans òganizasyon an? Do you know the support structure èske wofkonnen the organization? èstrikti sipò òganizasyon an? Do you know the system losses èske associated w konnenwith kouman the radar? sistèm pèt yo asosye ak rada a? Do you know the systems that èske are w not konnen operational sistèmonki your pa mache aircraft? byen nan avyon w nan? Do you know the systems that èske are w operational konnen sistèm on your yo aircraft? ki mache byen nan avyon w nan? Do you know the tactics for employment? èske w konnen taktik pou anplwa? Do you know the tail numbersèske of the w konnen aircraft lost konbyen in combat? lake avyon ki pèdi nan konba? Do you know the tank losses èske sincewthe konnen start of konbyen this conflict? tank ki pèdi depi konfli a kòmanse? Do you know the tanks' mechanical èske w weaknesses? konnen feblès mekanik tank yo? Do you know the targets for the èske heavy w konnen weapons objektif unit?inite zam lou yo? Do you know the targets for various èske w types konnen of ki fire? zam pou chak tip de bonbadman? Do you know the targets for various èske w types konnen of sib ordnance? ke plizyè nan lòd ki te bay yo te vize? Do you know the telephone numbers èske w konnen of the facility? nimewo telefòn enstalasyon w lan? Do you know the temperatures èske andwaltitude gen yonfactors lide konsènan that entertanperati into a take-off ak ki wotè and ke landing yo avyon speed? bezwen pou po Do you know the terrain features èskedirectly w konnen behind tèren your ki vini lines? egzateman apwe liy ou yo? Do you know the terrorist tactics èskethat w konnen are nowtaktik beingkeused? teworis ke yap itilize konnye a? Do you know the thickness ofèske the runways? w konnen epesè pis aterisaj yo? Do you know the thrust rate of èske the ou engines? konnen fòs kouray motè yo? Do you know the time it takesèske for the w konnen securitykiforces valè tan to respond? li pwan fòs sekirite yo pou yo reponn? Do you know the time that's available èske w konnen for each lè person nòmal pou to eat? chak moun manje? Do you know the time the patrol èske left? w konnen ki lè patwouy la te pati? Do you know the time the patrol èske returned? w konnen ki lè patwouy la te retounen? Do you know the time to begin èske correcting ou konnen the reported lè pou oudiscrepancies? kòmanse koreksyon dezakò ki te rapòte yo? Do you know the total number èske of personnel w konneninanthe total facility? kantite pèsonèl nan chak enstalasyon? Do you know the total personnel èskebyweach konnen department? an total kantite pèsonèl nan chak depatman? Do you know the traffic abilityèske of routes w konnen for moving pi bonheavy wout pou artillery? transpòte gwo zam? Page 183 Feuille1 Do you know the traffic abilityèske of tanks? w konnen ki kote trafik tank yofèt pi souvan? Do you know the transient area èske locations? w konnen ki kote zòn de travès la ye? Do you know the tuning range èske andwrate? konnen limit reglaj la ak pousantaj? Do you know the type and location èske wofkonnen artillerykifire tip requested e ki kote demand by infantry de fe units? datiyri ki te fèt pa inite denfantri yo Do you know the type building èske materials w konnen on hand? tip materyèl konstriksyon ki disponib yo? Do you know the type of air defense èske w konnen security kiused? kalite sekire pou defans aeryen yo te itilize? Do you know the type of air strikes èske wrequested konnen kiby kalite ground avyon units? aeryen ki rekomande pou inite tèrès yo? Do you know the type of air toèske surface ou konnen missiles? kalite misil lèspas pou tire sou tè yo? Do you know the type of billeting? èske w konnen ki kalite kay lojman? Do you know the type of engine èske installed ou konnen in the tipaircraft? de motè ki enstale nan avyon an? Do you know the type of external èsketank w konnen on thekiairfield? kalite tank gaz ki genyen andeyò tèren avyasyon an? Do you know the type of fence èske used w konnen around the ki tip flight klotiline? ki itilize alantou pis vòl la? Do you know the type of housing? èske w konnen ki kalite lojman? Do you know the type of modulation èske w konnen on a pulse? tip batman nan yon poul? Do you know the type of powerplants èske w konnen on yourmak aircraft? motè yo ki nan avyon w nan? Do you know the type of radar èske at the w konnen GCI site? ki tip rada ki nan zòn GCI la? Do you know the type of supply èske warehouses? w ki kalite machadiz ki nan depo yo? Do you know the type of tanks èske employed w konnen andtip their de tank characteristics? ki te itilize e ki karakteristik yo? Do you know the type of weapon èskesystem konnenyou ki tip are deoperating? zam ke wap opere? Do you know the types of aircraft èskeused w konnen in thekiairkalite strikes? avyon degè ki te patisipe nan konba aeryen an? Do you know the types of ammunition èske w konnen used? ki tip minisyon ki te itilize? Do you know the types of ammunition èske w konnen you carried? ki tip de zam ou te pote? Do you know the types of artillery èske ammunition w konnen tout used kalite for minisyon various targets ki te itilize and nan missions? tout kalite atak ak misyon yo Do you know the types of bombs? èske w konnen kalite bonm yo? Do you know the types of bomb èske sights? ou konnen tip bonm ki aklè yo? Do you know the types of bullet èske rounds ou konnen on your ki kalite aircraft? boulèt ki fèt twou nan avyon ou lan? Do you know the types of flight èske training w konnen required? ki tip antrènman avyon ki rekomande? Do you know the types of gunèske sights ou on konnen the aircraft? tip de zam ki aklè nan avyon an? Do you know the types of helicopter èske w employed konnen ki kalite and their elikoptè weapons ki te itilize system? ak ki kalite sistèm zam ki te itilize? Do you know the types of ordinance èske w konnen used by kistrike kaliteaircraft? lòd ki te itilize nan konba aeryen an? Do you know the types of rockets èske you ou konnen carry? okenn tip de misil ke w pote? Do you know the types of rockets èske you w konnen carry? ki kalite misil ke w genyen? Do you know the types of supplies? èske w konnen ki kalite pyès medikal yo ye? Do you know the types of supplies èske wthey konnen have? ki kalite zouti ke yo genyen? Do you know the types of vehicles èske wbeing konnen used ki to tipcarry de machin supplies? ki te itilize pou pote materyèl? Do you know the unit boundaries? èske w konnen liy de separasyon inite yo? Do you know the unit identification èske wand konnen primary idantifikasyon role of your inite unit?a ak wòl fondanmantal inite w la? Do you know the unit name èske w konnen ki non gwoup la Do you know the unit name èske w konnen non inite a Do you know the units being èske supported w konnen and their inite strength? ki te jwenn sipò a ak kouraj yo? Do you know the units of infantry èskebeing w konnen supported inite denfantri and in what ke yo strength? tap sipòte yo e jiska ki nivo? Do you know the unusual features èske ou about konnen the aircraft kèk karakteristik and its general inabityèl conditions? apwopo avyon an e kondisyon yo an Do you know the useful life span èskefor w airframes? konnen konbyen tan po avyon yo kap dire? Do you know the useful life span èskefor konnen engines? konbyen tan yon motè kap dire? Do you know the useful life span èskefor w landing konnen gears? konbyen tan yon ekipman datèrisaj kap dire? Do you know the useful life span èskeofwaircraft konnentires? konbyen tan kawotchou yon avyon kap dire? Do you know the useful life spans èske w of konnen aircraft components? konbyen tan materyèl ki fè yon avyon kap dire? Do you know the use of newly èske developed w konnen medicines nouvo remèd or drugs? ke yo devlope yo? Do you know the use of your èske radar? ou konnen itilisasyon rada ou la? Do you know the uses of those èske beacons w konnen anditilizasyon stations? alèt sa yo ak èstasyon yo? Do you know the voltage? èske w konnen vòltaj? Do you know the voltage? èske w konnen vòltaj la? Do you know the volume characteristics? èske w konnen karakteristik volim yo? Page 184 Feuille1 Do you know the water reliability? èske w konnen si moun ka konte sou dlo a? Do you know the weaknessesèske of your w konnen weapons feblès systems zam ou against yoanfas ouravyon aircraft? n yo? Do you know the weapons accounting èske w konnen for theèstimasyon most casualties? zam pou pifò mò yo? Do you know the weapons and èske ammunition ou konnenatkicommunication kalite zam ak minisyon stations?ki genyen nan èstasyon kominikasyo Do you know the weapons most èskefeared w konnen by your ki zam side? yo pi pè nan kan w la? Do you know the weapons onèske yourwaircraft? konnen zam yo ki nan avyon w nan ? Do you know the weapons used? èske w konnen ki zam yo te itilize? Do you know the weight carrying èskecapability w konnenofkikantite bridges?pwa ke pon yo kapab sipòte? Do you know the weights of your èskebombs? ou konnen pwa bonm ou yo? Do you know the width of theèske runways? w konnen lajè pis aterisaj yo? Do you know to whom maintenance èske w discrepancies konnen bay kilès areyo reported? te rapòte dezakò nan antretyen yo? Do you know traffic ability of roads èske where? konnen ki wout ki pi bon nan wout sa yo? Do you know under whose authority èske w konnen it can besou changed? pouvwa kilès li kap chanje? Do you know what agencies are èskeresponsible w konnen ki forajans development, ki rèsponsab printing, pou devlòpman, and dispersal enpwime, of Notices? diparisyon nò Do you know what aircraft equipment èske ou konnen has explosive ki materyèl charges? avyon ki chaje eksplozif yo? Do you know what aircraft equipment èske w konnen is available ki ekipman on your avyon aircraft? ki disponib sou avyon w nan? Do you know what automatedèske navigational w konnentechniques ki teknik navigasyon are available? otomatik ki disponib? Do you know what charts areèske commonly w konnen usedkiin plan your navigasyon country? ki òdinèman itilize nan peyi w? Do you know what confinement èske and w indoctrination konnen ki jan de services sèvis detansyon that communications ak andòktrinman stationskecan èstasyon provide? komini Do you know what ECCM capabilities èske w konnen are included? ki sa ECCM posiblite ki enkli? Do you know what emergency èske supplies w konnen are needed ki ekipman for underground dijan ke yo teinstallations? bezwen pou enstalsyon soutèren yo? Do you know what equipmentèske is used w konnen for data ki transmission? ekipman ki itilize pou transmèt done? Do you know what external command èske w konnen and communications kijan lyen komand linkseksteryè are involved ak kominikasyon in war planning? yo enplike nan pla Do you know what fence typeèske is used w konnen aroundkithe kalite airfield? kloti ki itilize alantou pis aterisaj la? Do you know what financial services èske w konnen that communications ki sèvis finansye stations èstasyon can provide? kominikasyon yo kapab bay? Do you know what information èske yourwpatrols konnenhave ki enfòmasyon already collected. ke patwouy ou a te deja ranmase? Do you know what internal command èske w konnen and communications kijan lyen komand linksak arekominikasyon involved in war entèn planning? yo rantre nan plan la do you know what is playing today? èske w konnen ki sa de yo ap pase jodi a? Do you know what kind? èske w konnen ki kalite? Do you know what kind of active èskesupport ou konnen the civilian ki kalitepopulation sipò reyèlgives popilasyon your side? sivil la pote an favè pati pa w la? Do you know what kind of active èskesupport w konnen the ki civilian sipò aktif population popilasyon givessivil your la side? bay pati pa w la? Do you know what kind of aircraft èske maintenance w konnen ki kalite training èstaj is being antretyen conducted? pou avyon ke yo te kondi? Do you know what kind of aircraft èske maintenance w konnen ki kalite training pweparasyon is being conducted? antretyen ke avyon yo te fè? Do you know what kind of equipment èske wckonnen they have? ki kalite ekipman ke yo genyen? Do you know what kind of labèske equipment w konnen is inkithe kalite hospital? ekipman laboratwa ki genyen nan lopital la? Do you know what kind of machinery èske w konnen is at thekifacility? kalite machin ki genyen nan plant la? Do you know what kind of passive èske konnen support kithe kalite civilians sipò give anbayour chalside? sivil yo bay pati pa w la? Do you know what kind of passive èske w support konnenthe ki civilians sipò endirèk give sivil youryo side? pote an favè pati pa w la? Do you know what kind of production èske w konnen tools are ki kalite at the souti facility? yo pwodwi nan plant la? Do you know what kind of security èske wforce konnen is patrolling ki kalite the fòs fence? sekirite ki fè patwouy kloti a? Do you know what kind of training èske w is konnen offered at ki kalite your facility? antrènman ki ofwi nan plant ou a? Do you know what material was èske used w konnen to construct ki materyèl your facility? ki te itilize pou konstwi edifis ou a? Do you know what medical services èske outhat konnen communications ki swen medikal stations èstasyon can provide? kominikasyon yo ka bay? Do you know what medical services èske w that konnen communications ki kalite swenstations medikalcan èstasyon provide? kominikasyon an kapab founi? Do you know what method your èske unit w konnen uses to limit ki metòd the stock inite w level? la itilize pou limite nivo depo machadiz yo? Do you know what munitions èske are available w konnenonkiyour minisyon aircraft? ki disponib sou avyon w nan? Do you know what munitions èske load w was konnen used in ki chajman combat? minisyon ki te itilize pandan la gè? Do you know what munitions èske load w was konnen used in ki chajman combat? minisyon ki te sèv nan konba? Do you know what navigationèske equipment w konnen is used ki ekipman in the air? navigasyon ki itilize nan lè a? Do you know what new communications èske w konnen technology ki nouvoiskominikasyon being developed? teknolojik ki ap devlope? Do you know what operating èske modes w konnen are available? ki mòd operasyon ki disponib? Do you know what phase? èske w konnen faz? Do you know what positions are èskefilled w konnen by reservists? ki pozisyon ke yo ranpli ak rezèvis yo? Page 185 Feuille1 Do you know what products are èske produced w konnen at ki your pwodwi facility ki during fèt nanpeace enstalasyon time? w nan pandan tan lagè? Do you know what product the èske plant ouproduces? konnen ki sa plant la pwodwi? Do you know what psychological èskeoperations w konnen have ki operasyon been used? sikwolojik ki te itilize? Do you know what radios areèske usedwtokonnen communicate ki radyoinkithe itilize air?pou kominike nan lè a? Do you know what radios areèske usedwtokonnen communicate ki radyoon ki the itilize ground? pou kominike a tè? Do you know what recuperation èske services w konnen thatkicommunications sèvis de rekouvweman stations èstasyon can provide? kominikasyon yo ka ofwi? Do you know what repair services èske w that konnen communications ki sèvis reparasyon stations can èstasyon provide? kominikasyon yo ka bay? Do you know what resupply services èske w konnen that communications ki sèvis realimantasyon stations can èstasyon provide? kominikasyon yo kab founi? Do you know what resupply services èske w konnen that communications ki sèvis rechajman stations èstasyon can provide? kominikasyon yo ka bay? Do you know what sidelobe suppression èske w konnen techniques ki antènare segondè used?ki te itilize nan kòm tenik blokaj? Do you know what technology èske is used w konnen for data ki transmission? teknoloji ki itilize pou transmèt done? Do you know what the cost was èske forwthat konnen technology? konbyen teknoloji a te koute? Do you know what the patrolsèske are using w konnen for weapons? ki sa patwouyè yo itilize kòm zam yo? Do you know what training is èske givenwby konnen civil defense ki antrènman organizations? ke òganizasyon defans sivil yo resevwa? Do you know what type of computer èske w konnen they arekiusing kaliteatodinatè the facility? ke y ap itilize nan plant la? Do you know what type of emergency èske w konnen power kiplant? kalite izin kouran ijans? Do you know what type of storage èske w is konnen used forkiaircraft's kalite depo parts? ki itilize pou pyès avyon? Do you know what type of storage èske wkonnen is used for ki petroleum, kalite depooils, ki itilize and pou lubricants? ankese petwòl, lwil, epi grès machin y Do you know what type of test èske equipment? w konnen ki kalite ekipman tès yo ye? Do you know what vehicles are èske used w konnen by the hospital? ki machin ke lopital la t ap itilize? Do you know when it is in effect? èske w konnen kilè li antre an aplikasyon? Do you know when it will be changed? èske w konnen ki lè li pwal chanje? Do you know when the next re-supply èske w konnen of foodkiislètopwochèn take place? rechajman nouriti a ap fèt? Do you know when the next re-supply èske w konnen of petroleum, kilè pwochen oil, or rechajman lubricant is petwòl, to take place? lwil ou grès motè a pwal fèt? Do you know when the next re-supply èske w konnen of water kilèispwochen to take place? rechajman dlo a ap fèt? Do you know when the specific èske frequencies w konnencan ki lèbe fwekans used? byen èspesyal kapab itilize? Do you know when they acquired èske western w konnen technology? ki lè yo te resevwa teknoloji lwès la? Do you know when they procured èske the w konnen computers? ki lè yo te founi yo ak òdinatè yo? Do you know when you wereèske last re-supplied w konnen kiwith lè wwater? te gennyen dènye rechajman dlo a? Do you know where air trafficèske control w konnen is located? ki kote kontwòl trafik lèzè a ye? Do you know where any dangerous èske oumaterial konnenof kote anykèlkeswa kind is stored materyèl danjere sere Do you know where any dangerous èske w material konnen ki of kote any kind genyen is stored kèk materyèl danjere sere Do you know where any dangerous ou pa gen material okennofenfòmasyon any kind is stored sou kote nenpòt materyèl danjere kache Do you know where any deadèske bodies ou konnen are stored kèk kote yo sere kadav moun mouri Do you know where any deadèske bodies w konnen are stored kote yo antere kèk kadav an seran Do you know where any deadèske bodies w okouran are stored de kèk kote ki gen kadav moun mouri Do you know where any of the èske following w konnen obstacles ki kotemay noube ka found? jwenn nenpòt nan pwoblèm sa yo? Do you know where any weapons èske w are konnen stored? kote gen kèk depo zam do you know where he lives ou konn kote l rete Do you know where it has anèske downward w konnen slope ki behind kote genyen your lines? desann an pant dèyè liy ou yo Do you know where it is? èske w knnen kote l ye? Do you know where it is flat behind èske wyour konnenki lines?kote li plat apwe liy ou yo? Do you know where other defensive èske w konnen positionskiare? kote lòt pozisyon defansiv yo ye? Do you know where other message èske konnen centers kote arelòt located? sant mesaj yo ye? Do you know where other offensive èske wpositions konnen kiare? kote lòt pozisyon ofansif yo ye? Do you know where RAPCON èske is located? w konnen ki kote RAPCON ye? Do you know where the aircraft èske arewtested? konnen ki kote yo tèste avyon yo? Do you know where the ammunition èske w konnen depots or kote dumps depoare minisyon located? oubyen stokaj zam yo ye? Do you know where the anti-aircraft èske w artillery konnen iski located? kote atiri anti aeryen an lokalize? Do you know where the approach èske w aids konnen are located? kote èd ki pi pwe yo ye? Do you know where the armor èske positions w konnen are?ki kote pozisyon defansif yo ye? Do you know where the artillery èske positions w konnen are? ki kote pozisyon atiyri yo ye ? Do you know where the boundaries èske w of konnen the grave kotesite limitare pati ki gen mò yo rive Page 186 Feuille1 Do you know where the boundaries èske w of konnen the gravesite kote limit are pati ki gen mò yo rive Do you know where the boundaries èske w of konnen the grave nan site ki limit arefòs moun mouri yo rive Do you know where the boundaries èske w of konnen the gravesite nan ki limit are fòs moun mouri yo rive Do you know where the boundaries èske ouofkonnen the mine kote field limit aremin yo ye Do you know where the boundaries èske ouofkonnen the minefield kote limit aremin yo ye Do you know where the boundaries èske w of konnen the mine ki kote fieldlimit are pyèj yo ye Do you know where the boundaries èske w of konnen the minefield ki kote limit are pyèj yo ye Do you know where the boundaries èske w of konnen the mine ki kote fieldlizyè are pyèj yo ye Do you know where the boundaries èske w of konnen the minefield ki kote lizyè are pyèj yo ye Do you know where the calibration èske wofkonnen the equipment ki kote taraj is done? ekipman yo fèt? Do you know where the combat èske took w konnen place? ki kote batay yo te tanmen? Do you know where the command èske wposts konnen are ki onkote this pòs map? kominikasyon yo ye nan kat sa a? Do you know where the communications èske w konnen lines kote or wires fil ki monte run? liy kominikasyon yo kouri? Do you know where the difficul èske bridges w konnen are located? Ki kote pon difisil yo ye? Do you know where the equipment èske wiskonnen used inkiyour koteunit? nan inite w la y ap itilize ekipman yo? Do you know where the forward èske observers w konnenare ki kote located? fòs obsèvatè yo te plase? Do you know where the injured èske would w konen go? ki kote moun blese yo ta va ale? Do you know where the land èske has an w konnen upward kote slopetèbehind a fè doyour monte lines? desann an pant la dèyè liy ou yo? Do you know where the machine èskegun w konnen positions ki kote are?depo zam yo ye? Do you know where the minefields èske ware? konnen ki kote tèren min yo ye ? Do you know where the mortar èske positions w konnen are?ki kote depo mòtye yo ye? Do you know where the motor èske poolwis? konnen ki kote motè dlo a ye? Do you know where the passable èske bridges w konnen arekilocated? kote pon de travès yo ye? Do you know where the power èske source w konnen for thekibuilding kote sous is located? elèktrisite edifis la plase? Do you know where the restricted èske areas w konnen are within si zòn the entèdi building? yo ozanviwon edifis la? Do you know where the storage èske areas w konnen are within si zòn thedepo building? yo nan anviwon edifis la? Do you know where the supply èske depots w konnen or dumps koteare depo located? apwovizyònman oubyen depo a ye? Do you know where the surface-to-air èske w konnentèren missile positions kote pozisyon are? misil aeryen yo ye? Do you know where the surface-to-air èske w konnen missiles ki are kotelocated? misil a tè pou lanse nan lèspas yo lokalize Do you know where the test and èskerepair w konnen equipment ki koteisekipman stored? pou fè tès ak reparasyon yo sere? Do you know where the waterèske source w konnen for the ki building kote sous is located? dlo edifis la plase? Do you know where they are èske ou konnen kote yo ye Do you know where they are èske w konnen kote yo ye Do you know where they are èske located? w konnen ki kote yo ye? Do you know where they are èske located? w konnen kote yo te ye? Do you know where they keep èske these w konnen reservekisupplies? kote resous an rezèv yo ye? Do you know where you get the èske spare w konnen parts?kote w te jwenn pyès ki disponib yo? Do you know where your defense èske locations w konnenare? ki kote pozisyon defansif ou yo ye? Do you know where your strong èske points w konnen are located? ki kote pozisyon de fòs ou te lokalize? Do you know where your target èske areas w konnen are? kote zòn sib ou yo ye? Do you know where your unitèske obtains w konnen their drinking ki kote water? inite w la jwen dlo pou l bwè? Do you know where you wereèske last w resupplied? konnen ki kote w te fè dènyè rechajman? Do you know where you wereèske last w re-supplied? konnen ki kote w te fè dènye rechajman an ? Do you know whether aircraftèske ground ou konnen equipment si gen is available? materyèl pou avyon ki disponib a tè a? Do you know whether any of èske thesewofficers konnenhave si nenpòt any unusual nan ofisye personal sa yo characteristics? gen yon tanperaman dwòl? Do you know whether any other èske facility w konnen is subordinate si gen lòt to fasilite the same ki souparent lòd menm organization? òganizasyon an chèf la? Do you know whether any personnel èske w konnen are members si gen of nan thepèsonèl academy la kiofmanm sciences? akademi syans yo? Do you know whether any special èske w equipment konnen siisgen available? ekipman espesyal ki disponib? Do you know whether any well èske areou available? konnen si gen pi disponib? Do you know whether at wartime èskethe w konnen facility has si nan a relocation tan lagè enstalasyon site? an genyen yon lòt kote pou li al tab Do you know whether cross servicing èske w konnen maintenance si sèvisisantretyen possible in aleyour retou unit? posib nan inite w la? Do you know whether dummyèske artillery w konnen positions si yo are tebeing itilize employed? robo nan pozisyon atiyri yo? Do you know whether facility èske organization w konnen has si aenstalasyon deputy or assistant òganizasyon director an gen for security? yon depite oubyen yon asis Page 187 Feuille1 Do you know whether medical èske facilities w konnen are available si genyen to posiblite your unit? medikal ki disponib nan inite w la? Do you know whether medical èske personnel w konnen aresiavailable gen pèsonèl to your medikal unit? disponib nan inite w la? Do you know whether messengers èske ware konnen used si at yo all te command itilize mesaje levelsnan for tout communications? nivo komandman kominikasyon Do you know whether messengers èske ware konnen used si only yo for te itilize important mesaje messages? sèlman pou voye mesaj enpòtan? Do you know whether the aircraft èskehas w konnen any electronic si avyoncounter-counter an gen aparèy elèktwonik measures equipment? ki sanble ak ekipman pou m Do you know whether the aircraft èskehas ou konnen any electronic si avyon warfare an genequipment? okenn ekipman elèktwonik pou lagè? Do you know whether the aircraft èskehas w konnen any other si avyon reconnaissance an gen lòt ekipman equipment? rekonesans? Do you know whether the aircraft èskehas ou konnen any primary si avyon radioanequipment? posede yon radyo ekipman de baz? Do you know whether the aircraft èskehas w konnen in-flightsirefueling avyon ancapability genyen kapasite pou li rechaje tank li pandan li nan Do you know whether the aircraft èskehas ou konnen mixed ammunition? si avyon gen melanj minisyon? Do you know whether the aircraft èskehas ou konnen primarysicommunications avyon an posede equipment? yon ekipman de kominikasyon de baz? Do you know whether the building èske w has konnen any underground si edifis la genyen facility?enstalasyon anba tè? Do you know whether the building èske w has konnen any underground si edifis la genyen facility?kèk enstalasyon soutèrèn? Do you know whether the construction èske w konnen is done si se by bòs localnan contractors? lokalite a ki e fè kontriksyon an? Do you know whether the facility èskecan w konnen convertsitolokasyon military production w nan kapab during konvèti war an time? pwodiksyon militè nan tan Do you know whether the facility èskecan w konnen get chemicals? si enstalasyon w nan kapab resevwa pwodwi chimik yo? Do you know whether the facility èskecan w konnen get electrical si enstalasyon power? w nan kapab resevwa kouran elèktrik? Do you know whether the facility èskecan w konnen get rawsimaterial enstalasyon w nan kapab resevwa resous materyèl Do you know whether the facility èskecan w konnen get spare si plant parts? ou a kapab resevwa pyès rechany? Do you know whether the facility èskecan w konnen get vehicles? si enstalasyon w nan kapab resevwa machin? Do you know whether the facility èskecan w konnen use local si plant hospitals? ou a kapab itilize lopital lokal yo? Do you know whether the facility èskehas w konnen access si toplant western la aksè technology? a teknoloji lwès? Do you know whether the facility èskehas w konnen a general si plant statuslainventory genyen yon of equipment? èstati jeneral sou envantè ekipman? Do you know whether the facility èskehas w konnen any organization si enstalasyon charts? an genyen yon èstati òganizasyon? Do you know whether the facility èskehas w konnen any proposed si enstalasyon research? an gen kèk pwopozisyon pou fè rechèch? Do you know whether the facility èskehas w konnen any sicksileave pant la abusers? genyen politik pou peye abizè dwòg malad ki absan? Do you know whether the facility èskehas w konnen procedures si plant for la obtaining genyen reserve metòd pou supplies? resevwa resous an rezèv yo? Do you know whether the facility èskehas w konnen reservesisupplies? plant la genyen resous an rezèv? Do you know whether the facility èskehas w konnen retirement si fasilite benefits? a genyen pansyon benefis? Do you know whether the facility èskeiswself-supporting? konnen si enstalasyon an kapab sipòte tèt li? Do you know whether the facility èskeorganization w konnen sihas enstalasyon a prototype òganizasyon or experimental an genyen plant?yon ekzanp ou byen yo Do you know whether the facility èskeorganization konnen si enstalasyon is related toòganizasyon other organizations? an gen rapò ak lòt? Do you know whether the hospital èske w has konnen any ambulances? si lopital la gen anbilans? Do you know whether the radar èske has w automatic konnen si control? rada a genyen kontwòl otomatik? Do you know whether the radar èske has w jamming konnen sidetection? rada a genyen mwayen pou detekte koupi kontak? Do you know whether the radar èske has w manual konnen gain si rada control? genyen kontwòl a men pou ogmante vòltaj? Do you know whether the radar èske has w MTI? konnen si rada a genyen MTI? Do you know whether the radar èske has w sidelobe konnen siblanking? rada a gen antèn segondè tout otou ki bouche l? Do you know whether there are èske any w extraordinary konnen si gensecurity okenn mezi measures? sekirite ekstraòdinè? Do you know whether there are èske any w procedures konnen si genyen dealingyon withpwosedi shortfalls pou orswiv excesses? nan fè fas ak rate oubyen two Do you know whether there are èske any w procedures konnen si genyen for determining kèk pwosedi necessary pou detèmine munitions nivo levels? minisyon nesesè? Do you know whether there are èske any w procedures konnen si genyen for determining yon pwosedi supply pouneeds detèmine for new resous aircraft? ki bezwen pou ko Do you know whether there are èske any konnen procedures si genyen for reordering pwosedi pou parts? anrejistre pyès yo? Do you know whether there are èske any w procedures konnen si genyen to allowpwosedi cannibalization pou pèmèt of parts cannibalization moso yo? Do you know whether there are èske any w procedures konnen si genyen to resolve kèk delivery pwosediproblems? pou rezoud pwoblèm delivweman yo? Do you know whether there are èske any w rail konnen linessileading genyeninto kèkthe wout building? ray ki mennen nan bilding lan? Do you know whether there are èske any w receiving konnen silosses? gen pèt ki fèt nan lè y ap resevwa yo? Do you know whether there are èske any w transmission konnen si genyen losses? transmisyon ki pèdi? Do you know whether there isèske any w radome konnenloss? si genyen pèt nan transparan ki pwoteje siyal sansiblite li? Do you know whether there isèske a production w konnengoal si genyen at youryon facility initeduring kap pwodwi peace pou time? yon rezon byen detèmine Do you know whether there isèske a shift w konnen toward or èske away genyen from yon civil switch control? pi devan oubyen lwen kontwòl sivil la? Do you know whether there isèske medical w konnen equipment si genavailable materyèlon medikal these vehicles? disponib nan machin yo? Do you know whether there'sèske any alternate w konnenmode si kèkoffòm shipping pou transpò materials? materyèlde tanzantan? Page 188 Feuille1 Do you know whether there'sèske any special w konnen mode si genyen of shipping yon mwayen for nuclear, èspesyal biological, pou and transpòte chemical materyèl material? nikley Do you know whether the reservists èske w train konnen at your si rezèvis base?yo te antrènen nan base ou a? Do you know whether the weapons èske oufiring konnen switches si gachèt are easy pou tire to operate? zam yo fasil pou manevwe? Do you know whether the weapons èske oufiring konnen switches si yo are gachèt easyzam to reach? yo fasil pou jwenn? Do you know whether they have èsketime w konnen to reorganize si yo gen or retrain tan poubefore yo reòganize handlingoubyen new systems? redwi yo avan ke yo pw Do you know whether they train èske new w konnen specialists si yowhen antrenen new aircraft nouvo èspesyalis are produced? lè yo kontwi nouvo avyon? Do you know whether unscheduled èske wmaintenance konnen si antretyen is necessary? san planifikasyon yo nesesè? Do you know whether you have èske procedures w konnen for si gen cross pwosedi servicing nanmaintenance inite w la pou in sèvis your unit? antretyen mityèl la? Do you know whether your facility èske w has konnen a guard si plant force ou anda physical genyen yon security? fòs gad ak sekirite fizik? Do you know whether your facility èske w has konnen any relationships si plant ou awith genyen otherokenn institutions? relasyon ak lòt enstitisyon yo? Do you know whether your unit èske canwsustain konnenthis si inite surge w la rate kapab without fè fas degrading a gwo kantite readiness? w a san afebli pweparas Do you know whether your unit èske haswany konnen test equipment si inite w la for genyen aircraft's ekipman periodic poumaintenance? tèste pa moman avyon yo? Do you know whether your unit èske haswakonnen remedysifor inite inoperable w la genyen parts solisyon or subsystems? pou pyès oubyen soumanren ki pa Do you know whether your unit èske haswcertain konnenpersonnel si inite w la that genyen operate sèten just pèsonèl one typekiofmanevwe test equipment? senpleman yon Do you know whether your unit èske practices w konnen surge si pwatik operations? inite w la ka fè gwo operasyon? Do you know whether your unit èske uses w konnen these records si inite for w lamaintenance itilize dosye purposes? sa yo pou rezon antretyen? Do you know which authority èske controls w konnen your airkispace? otorite ki kontwole èspas aeryen w lan? Do you know which companies èske arewatkonnen thispoint ki konpayi yo ye nan pwen sa a? Do you know which types of radios èske wand konnen telephones ki modèl are radyo usedak attelefòn the company yo te itilize level? onivo konpayi an? Do you know who can originate èske such w konnen messages? ki kote mesaj konsa soti? Do you know who determinesèske the level? w konnen kilès ki detèmine nivo a? Do you know who developedèske the systems? w konnen kilès ki devlope sistèm yo? Do you know who gives out this èske information? w konnen kilès ki bay enfòmasyon sa yo? Do you know who handles it?èske w konnen ki lès ki anchaje li? Do you know who handles it?èske w konnen kiyès ki rèsponsab li? Do you know who has the responsibility èske w konnen for supply kilès kimovement? gen rèsponsablite pou transpòte ekipman yo? Do you know who is authorized èske to w release konnen wartime kilès kireserves? otorize pou lache rezèv yo pandan lagè? Do you know who is responsible èskefor w the konnen re-supply? kilès ki rèsponsab pou rechajman? Do you know who is responsible èskefor w the konnen re-supply? kilès ki rèsponsab pou rechajman an? Do you know who is responsible èskefor w the konnen re-supply? kilès ki rèsponsab pou rechajman an? Do you know who is responsible èskefor w the konnen re-supply? ki moun ki rèsponsab rechajman an? Do you know who is served by èske messenger w konnenunits? kiyès gwoup ke inite mesajè yo te sèvi? Do you know who is supplying èske newwequipment? konnen kilès ki founi nouvo ekipman? Do you know why these changes èskeoccurred? w konnen pouki sa chanjman sa yo rive? Do you know why they change èske thewcall konnen signs pou and ki frequencies? sa yo chanje siy apèl yo ak fwekans yo? Do you know why they don't change èske w konnen the call signs pou kiand sa yo frequencies? pa chanje siy apèl yo ak fwekans yo? Do you know your aircraft's alert èskestatus? konnen siyal dijans avyon w nan? Do you know your aircraft's dispersal èske w konnen doctrine? teknik demakaj avyon w nan? Do you know your aircraft serial èske number? ou konnen nimewo seri avyon ou la? Do you know your aircraft's markings? èske w konnen misyon avyon w nan? Do you know your aircraft's operational èske w konnen deployment? kote deplwaman operasyon avyon yo komanse? Do you know your aircraft's predispositions? èske w konnen sa avyon w nan dispoze a lavans? Do you know your aircraft's preparedness? èske w konnen pweparasyon de gè avyon w an? Do you know your aircraft's readiness èske w konnen systems? sistèm pweparasyon avyon w nan? Do you know your aircraft's tactics? èske w konnen taktik avyon yo? Do you know your aircraft sustainability? èske w konnen resous avyon ou la? Do you know your aircraft's weapons èske w konnen loadingkouman procedures? pou w chaje zam avyon w nan? Do you know your air force uniforms èske w konnen and aircraft inifòm insignias? ak ensiy avyon fòs de lè yo? Do you know your analysis ofèske our weaknesses w konnen analiz and ou strengths? te fè de feblès nou ak fòs nou? Do you know your auxiliary airfields èske w location? konnen kote tèren avyasyon oksilyè an ye? Do you know your casualties? èske w konnen konbyen viktim ou genyen? Do you know your full unit designation? èske w konnen tout wòl inite w la ? Do you know your general everyday èske w konnen mission?misyon pwensipal ou chak jou? Page 189 Feuille1 Do you know your infantry leaders? èske w konnen lidè yo nan enfantri w la? Do you know your mission and èske objectives? w konnen misyon w ak objèktif ou? Do you know your most effective èskestrategy w konnnen against èstrateji our forces? ki pi efèktif kont fòs nou yo? Do you know your most effective èsketactics w konnen against pi meyè our forces? taktik ou kont fòs nou yo? Do you know your most successful èske wstrategy konnen or pi tactic meyè against èstratejiour ak forces? taktik ou kont fòs nou yo? Do you know your organization's èskeidentification w konnen idantifikasyon and training schedule? òganizasyon w lan epi orè dantrènman w yo Do you know your patrol's attitude èske w toward konnen theatitid mission? patwouy ou a atravè misyon an? Do you know your plans of operations? èske w konnen plan operasyon w yo? Do you know your Platoon leaders? èske w konnen lidè ploton w yo ? Do you know your primary radio èske ranges? ou konnen chanèl esansyèl radyo yo? Do you know your radar type? èske w konnen ki tip rada ou genyen? Do you know your secondaryèske communication w konnen dezyèm ranges?chanèl kominikasyon yo? Do you know your side's aimsèske or objectives? w konnen vizyon pati la oubyen objektif yo? Do you know your side's mostèske effective w konnen tactickiagainst taktik kiour pi forces? efèktiv ke fòs ou yo te anplwaye kont fòs nou yo? Do you know your side's philosophy èske w of konnen operations? filozofi patizan yo nan operasyon yo? Do you know your Squad leaders? èske w konnen lidè èskwad ou yo? Do you know your squadron, èske wing w and konnen division èskwad, identification gwoup,and ak idantite location? divizyon ak lokasyon yo? Do you know your target audience èske wforkonnen propaganda? sib odyans ou pou pwopagand lan? Do you know your unit's intelligence èske w officer? konnen ofisye de ransèyman nan inite w la ? Do you know your unit's mission èsketype? w konnen ki kalite misyon inite w la? Do you know your unit's procedures èske w for konnen work pwosedi flow control? inite w la nan kontwole pwodiksyon travay? Do you know your unit's status èske for w reserved konnenequipment? èstati inite w la nan rezève ekipman? Do you know your unit's surge èske capability? w konnen gwo kapasite inite w la? Do you know your unit's system èske forwkonnen ordering sistèm spare parts? inite w itilize pou fè komand pyès de rechanj yo? do you like france? èske w renmen lafwans? do you like the united stated eske ou renmen eta zini do you like your job? èske w renmen travay ou a? do you like your work ou renmen travay ou a do you live alone ou abite pou kont ou Do you need badges or passes èske to w gain bezwen access badj to the oubyen flightkat line? idantifikasyon pou otorize antre nan tèren vòl Do you need help? Eske ou bezwen èd ? Do you need medical attention? èske ou bezyen atansyon medikal Do you need medical attention? èske ou gen bezwen doktè Do you need? Ou bezwen ? Do you need to be augmented èske by Reserves w bezwento ogmantasyon be effective?rezèv yo pou w kapab efèktif? Do you need to use the toilet? èske gen bezwen ale nan twalèt Do you need to use the toilet? èske ou bezwen itilize twalèt lan Do you pay taxes on food and èske crops? w peye taks sou manje ak pwodwi rekòt yo? Do you pay taxes on goods?èske w peye taks sou benefis yo? Do you pay taxes on manpower? èske w peye taks sou mendèv Do you pay taxes on money earned? èske w peye taks sou revni? Do you recognize it èske ou rekonèt li Do you recognize it èske w konnen l Do you remember exactly what èske happened ou soje ekzateman to you kisa ki te rive w Do you remember this èske ou sonje sa a Do you remember this èske w pa sonje sa Do you speak any of these languages? èske w pale yonn nan lang sa yo? do you speak èske ou pale Do you speak ? èske ou pale ? do you thing this branch will hold ou kwè bothbranch of us sa a ap ka kenbe nou tou le de do you think this branch will hold ou kwè bothbranch of us sa a ap ka kenbe nou tou le de Do you understand? eske ou konprann? do you understand what he'sou getting konprann at sa l vle di a Page 190 Feuille1 Do you want a cigarette? èske ou vle yon sigarèt do you working or you still going esketoou school ap travay ou byen ou lekòl toujou do you work on sundays ou travay dimanch Do yu know the location of recovery èske w bases? konnen ki kote baz de rekouvweman yo ye? doze kabicha draft bouyon draft bouyon draft dokiman draft plan draft projè draft pwojè dragging derapaj Dragons teeth dan dragon yo drag rale Drag tire drag trennen Drag Trennen drain cheche drain drenaj drain drene drainplug akò dajistaj Draw a picture. fè yon desen draw at random rale o aza drawback fè bak drawback rekile drawbridge pon mobil drawer desinatè Drawers Tiwa drawer tiwa draw figure trase figi drawing chema drawing desen drawing room sal drawing room sal datis Draw the facility. desine edifis la. draw the graph of trase graf Dr. dòktè Dr dòktè dream rèv Dream rèv dream reve dream reve dream sonj Dream Sonj dressed black toudenwa dressed up bòzò dressed up bwòdè dressed up bwòdè Dresser Kwafez dressing room chanm dabiyaj dressing room vèstyè dressing station pòs de sekou dressing table kwafez Page 191 Feuille1 dressing table kwafèz dress kostim dress rad dress ròb dress ròb dress shop boutik dress shop chòp koutiryè dress shop chòp rad dress shop chòp tayè dress wòb Dress Wòb Dr Franjo Tudjman dokte franjo tidjman drifter drivayèz Drina River Larivyè Drina Drina River Rivyè Drina Drinkable bivab Drinkable ki ka bwè drink a hot cup of coffee every mwen morning bwè yon tas kafe cho chak maten drink bwa drink bwa drink bwason Drink Bwason drink bwè drink bwè Drink! Bwè! drink bweson drink this tea it 'll do you goodbwè te sa l ap bon pou ou drive dirije drive-in antre nan drive-in kondwi nan drive kondui drive kondwi drive kondwi drive out kondwi-deyò drive out ranvoye driver chofè Driver chofè Driver Chofè driver kondiktè drivers license lisans pou kondi driving kondwi driving range ranje gòlf Driving Under the Influence kondi sou enfliyans dr Mate Granic received today dòtè Mate Granic te resevwa jodia drop jete Drop Jete drop-off Bese Dropper Konngout Drop tonbe drop your weapons jete zam ou yo Drought Sechrès Drownproofing rezistan anba dlo Dr Tudjman doktè tidjman Page 192 Feuille1 Drug abuse Dwòg drug addict dwògè drug dwòg drug enforcement agency ajan kont dwòg drug enforcement agency ajans dwòg ranfòsman drug medikaman drug renmèd drugs dwòg drugstore dispansè drugstore famasi drugstore famasi drugstore magazen medikaman drugstore magazen remèd drum tambou drum tanbou drum tanbou drum Tanbou Drum Tanbou dry arid dry cleaners dray klininè yo dry cleaners netwayè yo dry-clean pwòpte dry dock kal sech Drying off Seche Dry season Sezon sechrès dry seche Dry Sèk dry tari Dr Zdravko doktè Zdravko Dual-crew doub elis Dubrovacko-neretvanske tribal tribi state deta Dibwovako neretvanske duck kanna duck kanna due date dat delè due-date dat delè due-date limit kontra due process of law selon lalwa dues kotizasyon dugout bwat pou sere dugout kachèt dugout kòf DUI kondi sou enfliyans dull lou dull pa enteresan dull sonm duly sworn sèmant ofisyèl Dumb Egare Dumb sòt dumfounded Egare dummy katouch vid Dunav River Larivyè Dinav Dunav River Rivyè Dinav dungeon gade Page 193 Feuille1 dungeon dungeon duplex house duplex durable durable durable durable duress duress during a conversation during a stay during during during during during during during during during during that time during the conversation are during the day during the day during the meeting during the meeting during the meeting during the war during this time dusk dusk dusk Dust-filled dust-pen Dutch authorities Dutch authorities Dutch floring Dutch floring Dutch government Dutch Dutch minister Dutch Dutch police Dutch television duties duties duties duties dwelling dwelling dwelling dyadic number system oubliyèt teni mezon semidetachab mezon semidetachab di dirab fò mourikite anba pwesyon fòse diran yon chita pale diran yon sejou diran diran diran diran pandan pandan pandan pandan pandan pandanstan pandan konvèsasyon yo diran jou an pandan jou an pandan la reyinyon pandan rankont la pandan reynyon an diran la gè Pandanstan labrin lanjelis lanjelis Lannuit pousyè-pantalon otorite danwa yo Zotobwe danwa yo Olandè florin pyès olandè gouvènman olandè Lawolann minis Olandè Olandè polis olandè televizyon olandè devwa yo okipasyon yo oligasyon rèsponsablite abitasyon kay rezidans sistèm nonm dyadik Page 194 Feuille1 dyke dig dyke ranp Dynamic component test stand montaj moso pyès pou teste Dynasty Dinasti each company chak konpayi Each company chak konpayi each fish was just as long as chak my arm grenn pwason yo longè ponyèt mwen each hold onto one end an nou chak kenbe yon bout Each platoon chak ploton each sak each sak Each squad chak èskwad earlier gwan douvanjou earlier li bonè earlier operations in that areaoperasyon avan nan zòn sa a earlier period epòk pi bonè earlier period peryòd avan early bonè early douvan jou early trè to earn fè earn genyen earnings for the second quarter gen pou dezyèm sezon earnings for the second quarter rantre of pou dezyèm sezon de earnings for the second quarter revni of pou dezyèm peryòd earnings for the second quarter rantre pou dezyèm peryòd ear òrèy Earrings Zanno ears zòrèy Ears Zòrèy ears zòrey yo earthenware fayans earthenware kanari earthenware kannari earthenware kannari earth La tè Earth Latè earth mond earthquake victims viktim tranbleman de tè yo earth tè Earthworms Vè tè ear zorèy ear zòrey ear zòrèy easily alèzman eastern Bosnia nan lès Bosni eastern Bosnia zòn lès nan bosni Eastern Europe ewop de lès Eastern Europe Lès ewop eastern part nan rejyon lès eastern part pati oryantal eastern pati lès eastern rejyon lès Page 195 Feuille1 Eastern Rejyon lès eastern Slavonia ès slavoni eastern Slavonia pati lès slavoni eastern Slovenian pati lès Slavonyen east ès east ès East German communist Almay kominis de lès East Germany almay de lès East Germany ès almay East Indian Endou East Jeremie lès Jeremi east lès east lès east Lès East Lès East Lès easy fasil easy fasil easy fasil easy fasil easy fasil Easy fasil easy limyè eating house restoran eating house restoran eating house retrete eating house sal manje eat manje eat manje Eat! Manje! eat wonje echelon echèl echelon grad Echo Eko EC institutions entitisyon EC yo ecological ekolojik ecological organization òganizasyon ekologik ecological organization òganizasyon ekolojik Ecology Ekoloji Economic activity Aktivite ekonomik economic affairs zafè ekonomik yo economic aid èd ekonomik Economical Ekonomik economic and monetary union Inyon ekonomik ak monetè economic area zòn ekonomik economic blockade blokis ekonomik economic conditions kondisyon ekonomik yo economic cooperation kòperasyon ekonomik economic deceleration ralantisman ekonomik Economic Depression Depresyon Ekonomik Economic Development Devlopman Ekonomik Economic development Devlòpman ekonomik economic ekonomi Page 196 Feuille1 economic Economic economic expansion economic matters economic modernization Economic needs economic observer economic opening economic package economic package economic panorama economic portfolio economic portfolio economic portfolio economic problem economic prosperity economic reactivation economic reactivation economic sanctions economic sector economic structure economic structure Economic system economic union economic union economik hardship economik hardship economy economy economy Economy Ecosystem Ecuadoran ambassador Ecuadorial Guinea Ecuadorian government Ecuadorian president edifice edifice edifice edifice edify edify educate educate educate educational programs education and sport education education Education education education Education System ekonomik Ekonomik ekspansyon ekonomik pwoblèm ekonomik yo modènization ekonomik Bezwen ekonomik obsèvatè ekonomik ouvèti ekonomik dokiman ekonomik pakè ekonomik panorama ekonomik dosye ekonomik pòtfèy ekonomik rapò ekonomik pwoblèm ekonomik pwosperite ekonomik redemaraj ekonomik reyaktivasyon ekonomik sanksyon ekonomik yo sektè ekonomik èstrikti ekomomik strikti ekonomik Sistèm ekonomik inyon ekonomik inyon ekonomik difikilte ekonomik soufwans ekonomik ekonomi ekonomi ekonomi Ekonomi Ekosistèm anbasadè ekwatoryen Gine ekwatoryal gouvènman Ekwatoryen pwezidan ekwatoryen edifis gran mezom gwo imèb gwo kay edifye edifye bay ledikasyon enstri fòmen pwogram edikasyonèl yo edikasyon e espò dentriksyon edikasyon Edikasyon ledikasyon ledikasyon Sistèm Edikatif Page 197 Feuille1 Education years Education years EEE EEE Effect Effect Efficiency efficiency? Efficiency efficient efficient Effort arm effort effort effort effort efforts efforts efforts effort effrontery Eggbeater eggs egg egg Egypt Egypt Egyptian Arabic Egyptian authorities Egyptian authorities Egyptian earthquake Egyptian Egyptian Egyptian Egyptian forces Egyptian government Egyptian minister Egyptian Pyramid Egypt Egypt eighteen eighteen eighteen eight eight either either Elastic Elasticity elbow elbows Elderly Elderly ane etid yo ane lekòl yo espas ekonomik ewopeyen èspas ekonomik ewopeyen Efè Rezilta efikasite èske w konnen yon moun nan nenpòt gwoup ki kapab afèkte taktik konba yo o Rannman efikas efikaz Bra levye efò esè esè jèfò efò to efò yo jèfò yo tantativ radiyès Batez ze ze ze Ejip Ejip Arab Ejipsyen otorite ejipsyen zotobwe ejipsyen yo tranbleman tè ejipsyen Ejipsyen Ejipsyen Ejipsyen fòs ejipsyen gouvènman egipsyen minis ejipsyen Piramid Ejipsyen Lejip Lejip dizuit dizwit dizwit ywit Ywit nonplis nonplis Elastic Elastisite koud koud yo Granmoun Pèsonaj Page 198 Feuille1 Elect election campaigns election election committee Election day election election Election Election election fraud election fraud election of election race election result election results election elections elections in electoral college electoral college electoral college electoral commission electoral office electoral rolls electoral rolls electoral system electoral system Electorate Electrical devices electrical electrical electrical electrical Electrical electrical generator electrical generator electrical generator electrical generator Electrical ground electrical rates electrical rates electrical rates Electrical services Electrical Short Electric charge Electric circuit Electric current Electric Dam Electric drill Electric Energy electrician electrician electricity Eli kanpay elèksyon yo chwa komite elèksyon jou elèksyon eleksyon eleksyon Eleksyon Eleksyon elèksyon fwod fwod elèksyon eleksyon de kanpay elèksyon rezilta elèksyon rezilta elèksyon yo seleksyon elèksyon yo eleksyon yo nan kolèg elèktoral kòlèg elèktoral komite elètoral komisyon elèktoral biwo elèktoral lis elektoral materyèl elèktoral yo aparèy elèktoral sistèm elèktoral Elektora materyèl elèktrik yo elektrik elektrik elèktrik elèktrik elèktrik delko generatè jeneratè elèktrik motè Mas elèktrik chaj elèktrik yo nivo pwi elèktrik to elektrik sèvis elèktrik yo Kousikwi Chaj elèktrik Sikwi elèktrik Kouran elèktrik Baraj Elektrik Vilbreken elektrik Enèji elektrik elektrisyen elektrisyen elektrisite Page 199 Feuille1 Electricity Elektrisite electricity kouran Electric range fou elektrik Electric range Recho elektrik electric stove benwa Electric wire Fil elektrik Electric wire Fil kouran Electrified fences baraj elèktrik yo Electrified fences baryè elèktik yo Electrified fences kloti elèktrik yo Electrolysis Elektwoliz Electromagnet Elèktwoleman Electromagnetic was Ond elèktwomayetik Electronic equipment ekipman elèktwonik Electronic repair reparasyon elèktwonik Electronics elèktronik yo electronic sensors motyon detèktè elèktwonik electronic surveillance sivèyans elèktwonik electronic system sistèm elèktwonik yo Electroscope Elèktwoskòp Elegance Elegans elegant elegan elementary elemantè elementary school grad lekòl elementary school lekòl elemantè elementary school lekòl gramè elementary school lekòl primè element eleman element faktè elements eleman yo elements eleman yo elements faktè yo elephant elefan Eletrostatic Elèktwostatic elevation Pati piwo elevator asansè elevator car asansè elevator elevatè elevator leve eleven Onz eligible elijib eligible gen dwa eligible kalifye eliminate elimine elimination by comparison eliminasyon pa konparezon elimination by substitution eliminasyon pa sibstitisyon elimination eliminasyon elimination eliminasyon elimination eliminasyon elimination of constants eliminasyon konstant yo elimination of irrelevant factoreliminasyon faktè komen elimination of unknowns eliminasyon enkoni yo Elite elit Page 200 Feuille1 Elite Lelit ellipse elips Elusive Flou emancipated Afranchi Emancipate Emansipe embankment anbankman embankment anpilman embankment eskapman embankment konsèvasyon sòl embankment mete nan bank embankment ranp embarass anbarase embarass jennen embarass mele embargo anbago Embargo Anbago embargo on anbago sou embargo on anmbago sou embassy ambasad embassy anbasad embassy anbasad embassy anbasad embassy lanbasad embezzlement fè kòken embezzlement vole nan falsifye emergency aid èd dijans emergency aid èd imedyat emergency committee komite dijans emergency committee komite ijans emergency ijans emergency landing aterisaj fòse emergency landing aterisaj ijans emergency meeting rakont ijan emergency meeting reyinyon dijans emergency room sal dijans Emergency Room Sal dijans Emergency telephone number Nimewo telefòn ijans Emigration Emigrasyon Emissary Emisè emission emisyon emission pwogram emotional sezisman emotional sezisman emotion emosyon emotion emosyon emotion lemosyon emotion sansasyon emotion santiman Empathy Anpati Emperor Anperè emperor anprè emphasized aksantye emphasized aksantye Page 201 Feuille1 emphasized in te ensiste nan emphasized in te poste nan emphasized te aksantye emphasized te detaye emphasized te detaye emphasized te ensiste emphasized that is bezyen sa yo emphasized that is detaye sa se emphasized that is detay sa se emphasized that is detay sa yo emphasized that is ensiste ke se emphasized that te ensiste sou sa emphasized that te peze sou sa emphasized that te rete sou sa emphasize ensiste emphasize poste emphasizes aksan yo emphasizes detay yo emphasizes ensiste emphasize soulinye emphasize souliye emphasize souliyen emphasize that detay sa emphasizing aksantyeye emphasizing that tap ensiste sou sa Empire anpi Empire Lanpi empirical probability pwobabilite anpirik empirical study rechèch anpirik emplacement ranplasman emplacement ranplasman emplacement tèren employed te anploye employer sanctions pinisyon patron employment authorization otorizasyon travay employment certification sètifika travay empoison anpwazon emporium gwo magazen emporium magazen ki vann an detay emporium magazen likidasyon empty dechaje empty vid empty vid Empty Vid Empty your pockets and place deboure everything pòchhere ou epi depoze tout bagay la Empty your pockets and place vide everything pòch ou here epi mete tout bagay la enable abilite enable fe posib enable fè posib enable pèmèt enable pèmèt enable ran-n posib encampment bivwak Page 202 Feuille1 encampment encampment encircle encircled enclosure encounter encourage encourage encourage encourage encouragement encumbrance encumbrance encumbrance encumbrance encumbrance encumbrance encumbrance encumbrance encumbrance encyclopaedia end end end end end end end end ending ending ending July ending July ending July end end endless end of the war end of the war end of the war end of the war end enemy enemy forces enemy Enemy enemy enemy enemy enemy enemy energetically energetically kan kanpman ansèkle ansèkle Sak antoure rankont san atann ankouraje ankouraje bay kouraj ede ankourajman anbara anbarasman anpèchman apateni chaj enjerans entèferans inkonbe obstak ansiklopedi bout e ekstremite fen fen fen fini fini a la fen an fen ala fen jiyè fen jiyè nan fen jiyè kònè la fen alkole fen gè fen lagè fen lagè a finisman lagè a tèmine ennmi fòs enmi yo lenmi Lenmi lènmi lennemi lennmi oponan opozan desizivman enèjikman Page 203 Feuille1 energetically energy energy Energy energy energy sector energy sector energy sector enforce enforce engaged engaged engage in engage the clutch engage the clutch Engine dollies Engine equipment engineer Engineer engineering engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering engine room engine room Engines Engine test stand England english English english english English English English English Channel English Channel English language Englishman english speaker English town english woman Englishwoman enjoy enjoy enjoy enjoyment enlargement enlist Enlisted quarters Enlisted quarters rezolisyon anpil fòs enèji Enèji pisans sektè enèji sèktè enèji sèktè enèji fè obsève ranfòse angaje okipe angaje nan anbreye Anbreye kouwa motè ekipman motè engenyè Enjenyè achitèk enjenyè fakilte jeni fakilte jeni lekòl jeni syans jeni chanm machin kay motè motè yo tès motè angletè angle Angle anglè anglè anglè Anglè Anglè chanèl anglè vwa anglè lang anglè òm anglè anglofòn vil anglè anglèz fanm anglè anjwa banboche jwi rejwisman agrandisman anwole anperyòd anwòlman yo peryòd anrejistreman yo Page 204 Feuille1 enough enough enough enough enough enough enough enrich enrol enroll ensure ensure ensure enter enter Enter enter a plea enternational level Enter Entertainment entertainment group entertainment group entire entire entire entire entire entire cooperation entire cooperation entirely entirely entirely entirely entire entire entire entire entire entire entirety entrance hall entrance hall entrance hall entrenchment entrepot entrepot entrepot entrepot entry entry entry entry enumeration ase ase ase kont se kont sifi sifi anrichi anwole enskri asire bay asirans garanti ale nan antre antre defans o nivo entènasyonal Rantre Divètisman gwoup amizman gwoup plezi ankè annantye an nantye antou antyèman kòperasyon antye kòperasyon konplè an antye an tou antyèman tatalman total tout tout tout tout antye toute antyèman gran hal kote pou ret tann gran pòt dantre sal datant retranche depo palas palè palman antre antre chemen entèdi enimerasyon Page 205 Feuille1 envelope anvlòp Envelope Anvlòp environmental consulting konseye sou anviwònman environmental consulting konseye sou lanati environmental groups gwoup anvirònman yo environmental groups gwoup anviwonmantal yo environmental groups gwoup sou lanati yo environment anbyans environment anbyans environment anbyans environment anviwonman environment anviwonman Environment Anviwònman Environment Protection Services Sèvis Pwoteksyon Anviwonman envoy in Croatia anvwaye envoy in Croatia reprezantan nan kroesya envoy mesaje envoys of Republic envwaye piblik envoy voye ; the action means = voye envy lanvi Epicenter Episant Epidemic Epidemik Epigraphy Epigraf Episcopal church egliz episkopal Episcopal church legliz episkopal Episcopal council konseye episkopal Episcopal council konsèy episkopal epoch epok epoch epòk equal chance chans egal equal egal Equal Egal equal egal-ego equality egalite Equality Egalite equality postulates postila egalite equally egalman equally likely egalman posib equally spaced points pwen ki gen menm distans ant yo equal menm equation containing parenthesis ekwasyon ki gen parantèz Equator Ekwatè Equator Equatè equiangular ekiang equiangular polygon poligòn ekiang equiangular triangle triyang ekiang equidistance ekidistans equidistant ekidistan equidistant line liy ekidistan Equilibrium balans Equilibrium Balanse equilibrium ekilib equilibrium ekilib Page 206 Feuille1 Equilibrium Equilibrium equipment and services equipment equipment equipment Equipment Equipment equipment equipment equipment equipment equipment equipment Equipment equipment equipments equipment storage equipment storage equity equity equivalence equivalence relation equivalent equations equivalent expression equivalent fractions equivalent inequality equivalent radicals equivalent sentence equivalent set era era eraser Eritrean Erosion Errands error error Error error error error error Erudite escaped escape of the drug trafficker escape of the drug trafficker escarpment escarpment escarpment Esoteric Esoteric especial ekilib Ekilib ekipman e sèvis ekipman ekipman ekipman ekipman ekipman ekipman yo enstalasyon yo faktori yo materyèl materyèl materyèl materyèl materyèl yo ekipman yo depo ekipman èstòk ekipman jistis pwopwiyete ekivalans relasyon ekivalans ekwasyon ekivilan espresyon ekivalan fraksyon ekivalan inegalite ekivalan radikal ekivalan fraz ekivalan ansanm ekivalan epok epòk gonm Eritreyen Ewozyon Konmisyon erè erè Erè fot fot fòt fòt Save te eskape chape nan trafik dwòg sove nan trafik dwòg la eskapman konsèvasyon sòl ranp Ezoterik sekrè espesyal Page 207 Feuille1 especial especially especially especially essence essential essential essential Essential essential essential essential established establishing establishing establishing establish law and order establishment establishment establishment establishment establishment establishment establishment estimable estimate estimate estimate estimates estimates etc. etc etc eternal eternel ethic Ethics Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopian ambassador Ethiopian ethnic and ethnic and ethnic and ethnic and ethnic cleansing ethnic cleansing ethnic cleansing ethnic conflicts ethnic Ethnic Ethnic group ethnic groups espesyal espesyalman espesyalman spefikman asans asansyèl enpòtan esansyèl Esansyèl fondamantal nesesè problèm te etabli ap etabli etabli etablisman etabli lwa avèk lòd enstitisyon etabli etablisman etablisman etablisman fondasyon kreasyon Estimab avalye estime kalkile estimasyon evalyasyon eksetera ets etsetera eternèl etènèl etik Etik Etiopi Etyopi anbasadè Etyopyen Etyopyen etnik ak etnik e etnik epi melanj plizyè ras e absolisyon etnik pirifikasyon etnik pirifye ras konflik etnik yo etnik Etnik Gwoup etnik bann etnik yo Page 208 Feuille1 ethnic groups group etnik yo ethnic groups popilasyon etnik yo ethnic melanj plizyè ras ethnic metis ethnics etnik yo Euclidean geometry jeometri eklidyen Eurocommercial paper papye ewokomèsyal Eurocommercial paper papye komèsyal ewopeyen European championship chanpyona eropeyen European championship koup dewòp European circuit sikwi eropeyen European cities vil Ewopeyen yo European commission komisyon ewopeyen European Community kominote ewopeyen European cooperation kòperasyon Ewopeyen European Council konsèy ewopeyen European Council konsèy Ewopeyen European Counsel of konsèy ewopeyen European currencies lajan ewopeyen yo European currencies monè ewopeyen yo European Economic Space espas ekonomik ewopeyen European Economic Space èspas ekonomik ewopeyen European economy ekonomi Ewopeyen european eropeyen European eropeyen European eropeyen european ewopeyen european ewopeyen European ewopeyen European Ewopeyen European Ewopeyen European Ewopeyen European Ewopeyen European headquarters katye jeneral ewopeyen European headquarters syèj ewopeyen European league chanpyona ewopeyen European league lig ewopeyen European politics politik Ewopeyen yo European Union inyon eropeyen European union inyon ewopeyen European union inyon ewopeyen European union Inyon Ewopeyen Europe ewòp Europe Ewòp Europe Ewòp Europe union for inyon ewopeyen pou Europe union in inyon ewopeyen nan evacuated te deplase evacuated te evakye evade sove evade evaluate an algebraic expression evalye yon espresyon aljebrik evaluated te evalye evaluate evalye Page 209 Feuille1 Evaporation Evaporasyon even and Menm e evening aswè evening aswè evenings sware yo evening swa evening swa evening sware even integer nonm antye relatif ki pè evenly distributed ki gen menm distans ant yo even Menm even menm si event aksidan event aktyalite event an ka de event bwat event chans event deroulman event ensidan event ensidan event èspèktak event evèman event evenman event evenman event evènman event evènman event evènman event evènman event evènman istorikal event kès event malè event sèn event that is certain evenman ki sèten even whole number nonm antye ki pè every afternoon there is a game chakofapre marbles modo here gen yon jwèt mab la a everybody alawonnbadè everybody e tout everybody is fine tout moun yo trè byen everybody tout moun every cahk every chak every chaken everyday sakjou everyday toulejou everyday toulejou everyday toulèjou everyday toulèjou Every man chak gason everyone is free to say what they tout moun wish gen dwa di sa yo vle everyone pit kon mawon, zannanna kon pegwen everyone tout moun everyone tout moun alawonn badè Every other day chak apwe demen Page 210 Feuille1 Every other day chak de jou every sak every sak everything has been arranged tout bagay fin òganize everything tout bagay Everything tout bagay everythinh in the store has been yo desann markedpri down tout bagay nan magazen sa every time you do something,chak marksait ou off fè onbare the list l sou lis la every tout every trè everywhere chak kote everywhere dense dans tou patou everywhere patou everywhere tout kote evict mete deyò evidence evidans evidence evidans Evidence Evidans evidence of digging, especially li posib alongpou trails wèand twou roadways èspesyalman nan bò chimen an ak nan gran wout la evidence of digging, especially pwèv along ke trails yo te and fouye, roadways espesyalman tout olon chemen an ak gran wout yo Evidence prèv evidence prèv to evidence pwèv evidently aparamman evidently evidamman evil malveyan evil malvèyan evil mechanste evil mechanste Evolution Evolisyon exact ekzat exactly egzakteman exactly egzakteman exactly ekzateman exactly jisteman exact pratike exaggerate egzajere exaggeration egzajerasyon exam egzamen exam ekzamen examination egzamen examine ekzamine example egzanp example pwèv examples ekzanp yo ex British colony ansyen koloni bwitanik excellent ekselan Excellent ekselan excenter sant yon sèk sikonstri except esepte except esèpte exceptional esepsyonèl exceptional san parèy Page 211 Feuille1 exception eksepsyon except that eksepte sa except that esepte li except that sof sa excess eksè exchange a traveller's check chanje chèk vwayajè a exchange a traveller's chequechanje chèk vwayajè a exchange chanje exchanged te chanje exchanged te echanje exchange echanj Exchange Echanj exchange echanje exchange market mache dechanj exchange market mache twòk exchange office biwo dechanj exchange of prisoners chanjman pwizonye exchange program echanj pwogram exchange rate dechanj exchanges and completions of echanj Statute e konplesyon about de lwa apwopo de exchanges and completions of echanj Statute e konplesyon about de lwa osijè de exchanges and completions of echanj Statute ak konplete èstati excited eksite Exclamation point Pwen esklamasyon Exclude Ekskli exclusion ekskli exclusion mete a kote exclusion retire exclusively eksklizivman exclusive rights to dwat eksklizif a ex-convict ansyen kondane ex-convict ansyen pwizonye excrement poupou excrement poupou excuse ekskize excuse me eskize m excuse me eskize m excuse me eskize mwen excuse me eskize mwen excuse me padon excuse me where is th nearest eskize bus station m madam please ki kote estasyon bis ki pi pre bò isit la ye la silvouplè execution akonplisman execution egzekisyon execution ekzekisyon execution forces in fòs ekzekisyon yo nan executions egzekisyon yo executions ekszekisyon yo executions ekzekisyon yo executions of peaceful ekzekisyion pasifik yo executive egzekitif Executive Egzekitif exemplary egzanplè exemplary egzanplè Page 212 Feuille1 exemple exempted exempted Exempt Exempt exemption exemption Exempt Exempt Exercise exercise exercise exercise room exercises Exercise times ex federal chancellor ex general secretar ex general secretary exhibit exhibit exhibition area exhibition hall exhibition hall exhibitor exhibitor exhibitor exhibitor exhibit exiled exiled exile exile exile exiles and refugees exiles exiles in exiles in exiles in exile exist exist exist existence existential Existentialism exit Exit Exodus Exodus exonerate exonerate Exorcism Exorcism Ezanp ekate mete akote Egzante ekate eksepsyon pa ladan mete akote retire Egzèsis ekzèse ekzèsis ekzèsis la kay egzèsis tan egzèsis ansyen Chanselye federal ansyen sekretè general ansyen sekretè general egzibit ekspoze seksyon dekspozisyo penti ekspozisyon tablo sal dekspozisyon ekspozitè entèlokitè konferansye oratè pyès te ekzile te ekzile ekzil ekzile ekzile ekzile yo e refije yo ekzile yo diskouri ekspatriye ekzile yo nan voye ale ekzis ekziste ekzite ekzistans ekzistansyèl Egzistansyalis sòti Sòti demenajman Ekzòd egzonore pwoteksyon èspesyal Egzòsis sakrilèj Page 213 Feuille1 exortation expansion expansion of binomial Expatriate expatriates in expatriates in expatriates in expatriot Expectancy Expectancy Expectancy expects expects expediency expedite Expedition expel expel expenditures expenses expenses expenses expenses expensive expensive experiance experiance experience experience experience experiences experiment Experiment expert experts experts expire expire expire explain explain explain explanatory Exploded Exploitation exploitation Exploit Exploit exploration and production Explore Explosion explosions explosions ekzòtasyon espansyon espansyon binòm Ekspatriye diskouri ekspatriye ekzile yo nan expatrye andirans dire Ekspektasyon pwedi pwediksyon yo opòtinis ekspedye Ekspedisyon kondwi-deyò ranvoye depans chè depans depans yo koute chè chè eksperyans espètiz eksperyans ekspèyans esperyans eksperyans yo esperyans Esperyans ekspè ekspè yo ekspè yo bout echi espire esplike esplike esplike entèpretativ eksploze Esplwatasyon explwatasyon Eksplwa eksplwate eksplorasyon ak pwodiksyon Eksplore Eksplozyon eklatman yo eksplozyon Page 214 Feuille1 explosions eksplozyon yo explosions Eksplozyon yo explosive charge chaj eksplozif explosive device aparèy eksplozif Explosive Eksplozif Explosive Esplozif explosives bonm yo explosives dinamit yo Explosives ekplozif yo explosives eksplozif yo exponential form fòm esponansyèl exponential function fonksyon eksponansyèl exponential growth kwasans eksponansyèl Exportation Ekspòtasyon Export Ekspòte Export Ekspòte export rezèv Exposition Ekspozisyon expressed after te eksprime aprè expressed li te eksprime expressed te eksprime expressed te eksprime expressed te eskprès expressed that is te eksprime ke se expressed the hope te eksprime espwa an expressed the hope that will te eksprime espwa an pwal express esprime express esprime expresses rapid expressing ap eksprime express in simplest radical form mete sou fòm radikal ki pi semp la express in terms of esprime an fonksyon Expression Ekspresyon expression ekspwesyon expression espresyon expression espresyon expression kou dèy expression rega expunge pije ex sak te la anvan exselant bon anpi exselant ekselan exselant pafè exselant trè bon exsistense egzistans exsistense prezans ex soviet republics ansyen repiblik sovyetik yo ex Spanish colony ansyen koloni èspanyòl exteme hardship ekstrèm soufwans exteme hardship soufwans san limit Extended family Fanmi pwolonje extended voluntary pwolonje volontèman extend indefinitely lonje nèt ale Page 215 Feuille1 extending etandi extend lonje extend the number line lonje liy nimewote a extension ekstansyon exterior andeyo exterior andeyò exterior angle ang eksteryè exterior angle of a triangle ang esteryè yon triyang exterior deyò exterior eksteryè exterior etranje exterior of an angle rejyon esteryè yon ang exterior of angle eksteryè ang exterior region of a circle rejyon esteryè yon sèk exterior region rejyon eksteryè Exterminate ekstèmine Exterminate Estèmine external aid èd deyò external aid èd extènal external bisector bisektris eksteryè External Eksteryè externally tangent circle sèk tanjan pa deyò external point pwen eksteryè external segment of a secantsegman eksteryè yon sekant external tangent tanjant eksteryè External tank types modèl tank deyò yo extract a root chèche yon rasin extraction of a root pran rasin extra di plis extra ekstra extra espesyal extra-judicial executions egzekisyon jidisyè ekstra yo extra-judicial executions egzekisyon jidisyè ki depase yo extrajudicial executions jijman ekstra sou egzekisyon yo extraneous root solisyon derive extraordinary session sesyon ekstraòdinè extraordinary session sesyon ekstrawòdinè extrapolation method metòd estrapolasyon extravagance estravagan extravagance granchire extreme and mean ratio rapò ekstrèm ak mwayen Extreme Ekstrèm extreme left ekstrèm goch extreme left ekstrèm gòch extremely ekstrèmman extremes of a proportion ekstrèm yon pwopòsyon extremum ekstremòm exuberant antyouprèt exzamine ekzaminen exzamine kontwole Eyebrow Sousi eyebrows sousi Eye consultation egzaminasyon zye Page 216 Feuille1 Eye consultation Eyeglasses Eyeglasses eye eye Eye Eye eyelids eyes eyes (one eye) eyewitnesses eyewitness eyewitness eyewitness eyewitness eye eye Eye Eye fabrication facade face face face Face Face face of a polyhedron face to face face face facilitate facilitate facilitate facility facility facility facility facility facility facility facility facility facility facility facility facility fact faction factor a number factor completely factor factor factor Konsiltasyon zye Linèt vè je je je Je popyè je yo zye (je) temwen ki wè ak je yo temwen temwen ak de grenn je yo temwen okilè yo we ak je zye zye zye Zye fabwikasyon fasad fas figi figi Figi machwè fas yon poliyèd bab-pou-bab vizaj vizaj bay avantay ede fasilite avantay fasilite fasilite fasilite fasilite felisite kontan lavabo objè opòtinite prive sal de beny twalèt fè faksyon dekonpoze yon nonm an faktè dekonpoze an faktè konplètman dekonpoze an faktè eleman faktè Page 217 Feuille1 factor factorial factorial notation factories factories Factories factories factories factorization factorization method factor of a polynomial factors factors factor tree factor trinomial Factory destruction factory factory factory factory factory fact facts facts facts facts facts fact that fact that fact that failure fair and unbiased object fair fair Fair Fair Fair faithful faith faith fallen tree fall ill falling falling fall fall Fall false arrest false arrest false false identity false false faktè faktoryèl notasyon faktoryèl ekipman yo enstalasyon yo Faktori faktori yo materyèl yo faktorizasyon metòd pou dekonpoze an faktè dekonpoze yon polinòm an faktè eleman yo faktè yo pyebwa faktè dekonpoze trinòm an faktè Faktori detwi fabrik faktori fatori izin izin reyalite akonlpi an fè enfòmasyon yo fè akonpli fè yo akonpli an fè difèt ke fayit yon bagay ki pa trike datraksyon fwa Jis nòmal rezonab fidèl lafwa lafwa bwa tonbe tonbe malad dekwasan tonbe Lotòn otòn Otòn arèstasyon ilegal fo arèstasyon fo fo idantite manti radòt Page 218 Feuille1 false false statement false statement false faltetering families families families families families families families family Family Family Family family Family Family Family group Family housing Family housing family Family family family room Family ties Family ties family values family values Family wellbeing Family wellbeing Famine famous fancy Fantastic Fantastic Fan far far far far from far far far far far far Far Farm farm building farm building farmers' deposit bank rans deklarasyon tèt anba fo deklarasyon tenten anbès fanmi yo fanmi yo fanmi yo fanmiy yo lafanmi yo pwòch yo ras yo fanmi fanmi fanmi Fanmi fanmiy fanmiy fanmiy Gwoup fanmi mezon de famiy mezon familyal lafanmi Lafanmi paran chanm lafanmi Lyen familyal lyen parante pwensip familyal valè familyal Byennèt familyal enterè familyal famin koni bòzò Estraòdinè fantastik Vantilatè distans distans elwanye lwen be longè lwen lwen lwen lwen lwen Lwen abitasyon depo agrikl mezon agrikòl bank depo agrikòm Page 219 Feuille1 Farmer's National Party Farmer's National Party farm farmhouse farmhouse farmhouse Farming Farm Farmland Farmland Farmland farm produce farm produce Farm work Farm work farthest faster faster Fast food Fast food Fast food Fast food fast fast fast fast fast Fata, female used in jokes fat father father Father in law father father father father Father father father father Father's love fatigue fatten Faucet faucet faucet Faucet Faucet Faucet favor Fax fax fax Pati nasyonal Fèmye premyè pati nasyonal fèm depo agrikòl kay fèmye mezon agrikòl agrikiltè Jaden abitasyon chan Tè kiltivab pwodi jaden pwodwi fèm travay jaden Travay latè pli lòlbò an tout boulin byen vit fasfoud manje nan bwat manje nan bwat tou pwepare Manje pwepare rapid rapid vit vit vit fata, femèl ki sèvi nan bag gra dada dadi Bòpè mon pè; reveran ( religious) papa papa papa Papa papi papi pè Lanmou papa fatig angrese Fòsèt robine robinè tiyo Tiyo Wobinè favè Faks fask telekopi Page 220 Feuille1 fear freyè fear krent fear lapè fear lapèrèz fear pè Fear Pè feasible fezab feasible posib feasible realizab Feature karakteristik Feature trè Feature Trè pwochen february fevriye february fevriye February fevwiye February Fevwiye feces poupou federal appeals court lakou federal pou rejije federal appeals court repiblik lakou dapèl yo federal appeals court sistèm lakou kasasyon yo federal appeals court tribinal federal pou rejije federal authorities otorite federal yo federal bank bank federal Federal District distri federal Federal District distrik federal federal federal federal federal federal federal federal government gouvènman federal federal health asirans sante federal federal home loan bank bank federal de kredi federal home loan bank federal de kredi federally funded finanse federalman federally funded fonde federalman federal minister minis federal federal police that polis federal ki federal regulators federal regilatè yo federal regulators regilatè federal yo Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Repiblik Federal Yougoslavi federal savings bank bank depay federal federal savings bank federal depay yo federal savings ekonomi federal yo federal savings & loan bank federal de kredi ak depay federal savings & loan ekonomi federal e prete federal state eta federal federal state leta federal Federation Bosnia-Herzegovina federasyon Bosni-Hèzegovina Federation Bosnia-Herzegovina federasyon bosni-hèzegovini federation federasyon federation federasyon Federation Federasyon Federations federasyon yo fee avoka Page 221 Feuille1 feed feed feeder feed Feed Feed fee feeling feeling Feeling feel feet feet fell from a height fellow fellow fellow felonious intent felony count for treason felony count for treason felony Female female Female female female tennis player female tennis player fence fence Fence Fence fence fence Fence fence Fence fence Fence fence rail fence rail fencing fencing fender fender fern Fertile Fertile Fertile Fertile Fertile fertilizer Festival Festival alimante bay manje Gwan mangè nouri Nouri okipe doktè emosyon sansasyon Santiman santi pye pye yo tonbe bonnonm kamarad konpayon entansyon kriminèl kenbe pou krim trayizon krim ki konsidere kòm trayizon krim Fanm femèl Femèl feminen fanm ki jwe tenis jwe tenis fanm baryè baryè baryè Fètil kloti kloti Kloti lantiraj Lantouraj lantouray pwodiktif ranp chankre ranp klotire bare klotire defans zèl foujè baryè Fètil Kloti Lantouraj pwodiktif anrèg Festival fèt Page 222 Feuille1 Festive festivities festivity festivity festivity fever fever Fever Few few few Few Fiction field artillery field field field field field field field field Field field house field house field house field hut field field field field manual field manual Field medic fieldpiece fieldpiece Field field field fields fields fields fields fields field field field field field field field field field field Fèt selebwasyon yo festen festivite fet lafyèv lafyèv Lafyèv enpe kèk kèk kèk Fiksyon chan datiri chan chan chan chan chan chan chan Chan Chan gran savann gran tèren tèren chan kabann jaden jaden kan chan manyèl tèren manyèl militè medikal kanon moso kan plantasyon plas santye chan yo chan yo kan yo santye yo tèren yo tè tè tè teren teren teren tèren tèren tèren teryen Page 223 Feuille1 Fierce Fierce Fierce Fierce Fierce fifth Amendment fight fight fight fight fight Fight fighter plane fighter plane fight fight fight Fight fight fights fights fights Figurative Figurative Figurative figure file file file file (to) file (to) Filing Cabinet Filing Cabinet fill filling station filling station filling station filling station fill fill fill fill Fill! Filter final agreement final date final date final decision final final final document finale final andjable anraje mechan Terib vanyan senkyèm amandman akwochaj akwochay bat batay batay batay avyon konba ayon batay goumen goumen goumen Goumen lite batay yo goumen yo konba daki Figire lang kòde figi dokiman dosye klasè anrejistre dokimante Kabinèt Klasè gani estasyon gaz estasyon gazolin estasyon petwòl pomp gazolin konble plen ranpli ranpli Ranpli! Filt akò final date final dènye dat desisyon final denye dènye dokiman final final fen Page 224 Feuille1 final final final final final final finality finalite finally anfen finally an fen finally Anfen finally finalman finally finalman final negotiations fen negosyasyon yo final negotiations negosyasyon final yo final order dènye komand final order dènye lòd final order lòd final final report dènye repòt final report rapò final final round final final round wonn final finals final yo finance bakòp finance bay sipò Finance Committee komite finans finance ede finance finans Finance finans Finance finans finance finanse finances finans yo finance sipòte financial area zòn finansye financial center sant finansyèl financial congress kongrè finansye financial corporation kòperasyon finansye financial dominion dominasyon finansye financial entity rèsponsab finansye financial finansyèl financial finansyèl financial group gwoup finasye financial group inc gwoup finasye enkòpere financial group inc gwoup finasye inc financial group incorporated gwoup finasye enkòpere financial group incorporated gwoup finasye inc financial institutions enstitisyon finansye financial institutions entitisyon finansyè financial management corporation kòperasyon finansye jesyon financial market mache finansye financial means mwayen finansye financial mediators medyatè finansyèl financial officer ofisye finans financial performance pèfòmans finansye financial responsibility rèsponsabilite finasyè financial services sèvis finansye yo financial sources resous finasyè yo Page 225 Feuille1 financing finansye find chèche find for chache find for shashe finding twouvay finding twouve find jwenn find out chèche finds in trouve nan find the circumference of a circle chèche sikonferans yon sèk find the solution set chèche ansanm solisyon find the value chèche valè find trouve find twouve fine amand fine bon fine byen fine penalite fine thank you and you byen mèsi, e ou menm fine trè byen finger dwèt finger dwèt finger dwèt Finger Dwèt fingernails zong fingernail zong men Fingerprint Anprent fingerprints anpwent fingers dwèt Finger waves eskalye Finger waves Kwafi vag finish abouti finished kaba finished te fini finished te fini finished te revoke finish fin finish fini finish fini finish fini finish fini finish fini finish kaba finish kaba finish kaba finish konplete finish tèmine finite decimal desimal fini finite element eleman fini finite extension estansyon fini finite field chan fini finite part pati fini finite solution solisyon fini Page 226 Feuille1 firearm fire bomb firebomb firecracker Fire Department fire fire fire fire fire Fire fired fired fire fire firefly firefly fire from fire house fire house Fire hydrant Fire hydrant Fire hydrant Fire hydrant fire in Fireman fire-place fire ship fireside fireside fire station fire station Fireteam Fire truck Fire truck fire wall firewood firewood firework Firing battery personnel firing range firing range firm firm firm firm firms firms firms firm First aid kit First aid first-aid station zam a fe bonb ensandyè bonb ensandyè peta Sèvis ponpye dife dife dife dife dife Dife te fini te revoke ensandi fe koukourouj koukouy dife de estasyon ponpye èstasyon ponpye Bouch ensandi Bouch ensandi tiyo ponpye van dife nan Ponpis chemine bato ponpye fwaye kwen dife estasyon ponpye èstasyon ponpye ekip ponpye Kamyon ponpye Kamyon ponpyè paradife bwa chofaj bwa dife fedatifis pèsonèl batri de tir chan de batay lin de konba antrepriz di fèm konpayi antrepriz antrepriz yo antrepwiz komèsyal solid Bwat premye swen Premye swen èstasyon de pwemye swen Page 227 Feuille1 first-aid station estasyon premye swen first bank pwemye bank first bank system pwemye sistèm bank first brands pwemye brandon yo first campaign debate deba pwemye kanpay first campaign debate pwemye kanpay deba first-class ticket tikè premye klas first-degree equation in one variable ekwasyon premye degre ak yon varyab first-degree inequality inekwasyon premye degre first-degree inequality in one inekwasyon variable premye degre ak yon varyab first-degree open sentence infraz onematematik variable ouvri premye degre first division divizyon an tèt first division pwemye divizyon first floor premye antre first floor premye etaj First floor Premye etaj first grade pupil chanpyon first hour pwemye lè first hour pwemye moman first hour pwemye tan First item is pwemye atik la se First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton pwemye dam hilari rodam klennton first lady pwemye dam first lady pwemye fanm first legislative elections pwemye eleksyon lejislativ yo first legislative elections pwemye elèksyon lejislativ yo first meeting premye reynyon first name pwemye non first of all Anvan tout bagay first of all avan tout first of all pou yon sèl bagay first partial results pwemye rezilta pasyèl first premye first premye first premye first premye first premye first premyèman first premyèman first Premyèman first presidential debate pwemye deba pwezidansyèl first presidential debate pwemye kanpay pwezidansyèl first pwemye first-quadrant angle ang premye kadran first quarter pwemye katye first quarter pwemye peryòd first quarter pwemye sezon first quartile premye katil first round premye rond first round premye sèk first televised debate premye deba televize first time premye fwa first time pwemye fwa Page 228 Feuille1 first time pwemye lè first time pwemye tan First vehicle is pwemye machin nan se fiscal year ane fiskal Fisheries pwason yo Fisherman Pechè fishing pèch fish pwason fish pwason Fish pwason Fish Pwason Fish Pwason fission bomb bonb atomik Fission Fizyon five people were hurt last week sink moun n te blese semèn pase a five senk five Senk five years old senkan five years senk an yo fixed line liy fiks fixed point pwen fiks fixed value valè fiks fixing the boundaries ap fikse fontyè yo fix-it shop boutik reparasyon fix-it shop residence rezidans fix pozisyon fix tchouboum fix valè F key Kle Fa flagrante delicto flagran deli flagrante delicto men nan sak Flags drapo yo flame flanm flame flanm Flame Flanm flamethrower lans flam Flame thrower lans flam Flammable Flamab flares anflame flares egziste flares fache flares fize flares pantalon pat elefan flat angle ang pla flat apatman Flat Bemòl Flat land platon Flat land tè plat flat pla flat plat flat plat flea anvoye flea market mache dokazyon Page 229 Feuille1 flee bwaze flee chapepoul flee kite flee retire kò flee sove flee sove flesh lachè flexible fleksib flexible lyann flexible pliyan flexible sanfason flexible soup Flight commanders kòmandan de lè yo Flight commanders koumandan aeryen yo Flight controls tou de kontwòl pou avyon yo Flight engineer enjenyè avyon Flight school ekòl de konba Flights in support of deployedavyon units de sipò pou inite deplwaye yo flight strip pis datèrisaj flight strip tèren flight strip tèren daterisaj Flight vòl floating bridge chetif floating bridge flotan floating dock waf flotan floating dry dock waf flotan floating mine min flotan Flock bann Flock Flonn floodgate bouchon dlo floodgate ouvwaj dlo Flood Inondasyon floor atè floor atè Floor atè floor flòch floor istwa floor kay bas floor nivo floor planche floor planche floor planche Floor Planche floor teras florist machann flè Flour Farin flour farine flourish fleri flower flè Flower Flè flower fleri flower store magazen flè flows ekoulman Page 230 Feuille1 Fluent Fluent Fluent Fluently Fluently Fluids Fluorescent Flute Flying at night Flying at night Flying at night flying field flying field flying field Flying in bad weather Flying the aircraft fly fly tent fly fly FNCD FNCD Focal length focus focus of a parabola focus point fog fog Folder folding door folding door folding door Folklore Folktale Folktale Folktales Folktales following following following following articles following articles following following following news report following news report following occasion following occasion following occasion following price following price following price following price alèz eksperyans kouran fen Kouramman Flyid Fluoresan Flit vòl de nwit vole aswè vòl lannwit ayewopò tèren datèrisaj tèren davyasyon vole nan move tan vòl davyon pranvòl drese vòl vole vòltije Fwon Nasyonal pou chanjman ak Demokrasi National Front for Change and Democracy Distans fokal fwaye fwaye yon parabòl pwen fwaye bouya labrim Katab pòt akòdeyon pòt ouvè fèmen pòt pliyant Fòlkò Istwa kont Istwa yo kont yo ap swiv ap swiv apwe atik ki te swiv la atik ki te vini apwe a dezyèm lòt pwochen rapò de pwès la rapò de pwès ki te vini apwe a ki swiv okazyon ki vini apwe okazyon okazyon swivan lòt pri a pochèn pri a pwi ki te swiv la pwi ki te vin apwe a Page 231 Feuille1 following prochèn following prochèn following program pwochèn cho a following program pwogram ki te vin apwe a following pwochen following swiv following swivan Follow me! Suiv mwen! Follow our orders! swi lòd nou ba ou yo! follow suiv follow swiv follow this road but not that one swiv wout sila a men pa sa a follow this road but not that road swiv wout sila a men non wout sa a follow this road swiv chimen sila a follow this road swiv wout sila a food aliman food company konpayi manje food danre food mange food mange food manje food manje food manje food Manje Food manje Food manje Food Manje Food Manje food nouriti food nouriti food nouriti food Nouriti Food nouriti food products pwodwi alimantè yo food products pwodwi ki ka manje yo food products pwodwi kosmetib yo food products pwodwi manje yo food reserves depo manje food reserves manje resèv food reserves manje sere food reserves resèv manje food shop episri food shop ti boutik Foods manje yo Food source Sous manje foodstuff danre fool begwè fool estipid fool fou fool idwo fool idyo foolishness sotiz foolishness sòtiz Page 232 Feuille1 fool mou-n san lespri fool sòt Football Foutbòl football stadium estad foutbòl football stadium estedyòm football stadium tèren foutbòl foothill Nan pye mòn foot pat Footprint Mak pye foot pye foot pye foot pye foot pye foot pye Foot pye Foot Pye footstall gerizon footstall pedestal footstall pedestal footstall sokle foot zago for 1996 year pou ane 96 for a for addition edisyon for addition pou adisyon for addition pou kontinyasyon for all pou tout for an undisclosed amount ofpou cash yon valè lajan ke moun pa konnen for an undisclosed amount ofpou yon valè ke moun pa konnen de for an undisclosed amount pou yon valè enkoni for an undisclosed amount pou yon valè ki rete sekrè for an undisclosed amount pou yon valè non ke moun pa konnen for an undisclosed price pou yon pri ke moun pa konnen for any reason enferyè for any reason okenn for any reason pou okenn rezon for any reason pòv for Bosnia pou bosnya for carrying out pou ekzekite Forced labor Twavo fòse force for fast pou fòs rapid force fòs force fòs force fòs force fòs force kouraj force on fòs force on fòse a force on mèt force on mete a force otorite forces for fast activity fòs pou aktivite rapid yo forces for fòs pou Page 233 Feuille1 forces for fòs pou forces for fòs pou forces for kouraj pou forces for kouraj pou forces for quick action fòs pou aktivite rapid yo forces fòs forces fòs yo forces fòs yo forces fòs yo forces fòs yo forces fòs yo forces fòs yo forces fòs yo forces from fòs de forces in fòs nan forces in nan fòs forces in Sarajevo fòs nan sarajevo forces on fòs si forces that will fòs sa pral forces which kèl fos for children pou ti moun yo for continuation edisyon for continuation pou adisyon for continuation pou kontinyasyon for cooperation pou kòperasyon for coordination pou kòdinasyon for Croatia A kwoasi for Croatia De kwoasi for Croatia pou Kwoasi for Croatia Pou kwoasi for de for defense pou defans for depi ford Fòd forearm avanbra forearm avan-bra for eastern nan rejyon lès for Eastern Slavonia pou rejyon lès Solveni forecastle ekipaj forecastle machan forecastle moso devan yon bato foregone conclusion konklision avan forehead avan-tèt forehead fwon forehead fwon foreign affairs of Croatia afè etranje de kwoasi foreign affairs of the Republicminis of Croatia zafè etranje repiblik kwoasyen foreign affairs zafè etranje foreign aid èd etranjè foreign banks bank etranjè yo foreign correspondents korèspondan etranjè yo foreign country peyi etranjè foreign deyò Page 234 Feuille1 foreign eksteryè foreigner blan foreigner etranje Foreigner Etranje foreigner imigran foreign etrangè foreign etranje foreign etranje foreign etranje foreign etranjè foreign exchange market mache dechanj etranje foreign exchange market mache labous foreign investments envèstisman etranje foreign investments envètisman etranjè Foreign Office biwo etranje foreign persons endividi etranje yo foreign persons moun etranje yo Foreign Relations Committeekominote relasyon etranje Foreign Relations CommitteeKomite afè etranjè foreign reporters repòtè etranje yo foreign reporters repòtè etranjè yo foreign stock machandiz etranje foreman chèf bwigad foreman chèf ekip foreman kontremèt foresee prevwa forestay etay forestay mizèn forest fires dife nan forè yo forest fires dife nan rak bwa yo forest fires forè ensandye yo forest forè forest forè forest forè Forest Forè Forest granbwa Forest Rakbwa Forestry forèstye forestry silvikilti for Euro96 pou ero 96 for Europe pou erope for everything pou tout bagay for execution of agreement pou ekzekisyon akò for execution of agreement pou realizasyon akò for exiles and refugees pou ekzile yo e refijye yo for exterior pou eskteryè forfeit bail (to) fòfè anba kosyon forfeit bail (to) fòfètè for former pou ansyen for former Yugoslavia pou ansyen yougoslavi for free gratis for free gratis ti cheri for free se gratis Page 235 Feuille1 for future generations for future generations for future generations forget forgive forgive forgiveness forgive forgive forgive forgive forgive for help for how long For how long for how long For how long for humanitarian for humanitarian questions for human for human for human rights for improvement for international politics for journalism fork Fork Fork fork Forklifts for life form a joint venture with for making paper for making paper formal ceremony Form a line! formally formally formally formal proof format format format formation formations formations formations formative formed by transversal former former former former pou generasyon demen yo pou pwochen jenerasyon yo pou timoun kap vini yo bliye fègras fèpa pabon padone padone Padone padonen padonnen pou èd jiskilè pou jis ki lè pou konbyen tan pou konbyen tan pou limanitè pou kesyon imanitè yo pou imen pou moun pou dwa zimen pou amelyorasyon politik entènasyonal ye pou jounalis fouchèt Fouchèt Fouchèt fouchwèt charyo avi fòme yon antrepwiz riskan ansanm ak pou fè papye pou mete papye seremoni fòmèl Fè yon ran! fòmèlman konvonsyonèlman solanèlman prèv fòmel fòma fomate fòmatè fòmasyon fòmasyon fòmasyon yo fòmasyon yo fòmatè yon transvèsal jè ansyen ansyen ansyen anteryè Page 236 Feuille1 former chief ansyen chèf former chief chèf ki te la avan former chief of ansyen chèf former chief of chèf anteryè de former chief of pwemye chèf former East Germany ansyen almay de lès former government ansyen gouvènman former government Gouvènman ki te la avan an former government pwemye gouvènman former military regime ansyen rejim militè former military site ansien pòs militè former Minister of Justice ansyen minis jistis former otrefwa former otrefwa former presedan former president ansyen pwesidan former Prime Minister ansyen pwemye minis former Republic of Yugoslavia ansyen National lame Army nasyonal (JNA) repiblik yougoslasvi (JNA) former Republic of Yugoslavia lame National nasyonal Armyrepiblik (JNA) Yougoslavi former sak te la anvan former soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev ansyen lidè sovyetik la mikayèl gòbatchèv former Soviet Union ansyen inyon sovyetik former Soviet Union ansyen inyon sovyetik former tan pase former Yugoslavia ansyen yougoslavi former Yugoslavia ansyen yougoslavi former Yugoslavian association pwemye asosiasyon yougoslavyen former Yugoslavia yougoslavi otrefwa form fòm form fòm for more than pou plis ke for more than pou plis pase for Mostar pou moeta formula for compromise fòmil de konpwomisyon formula for compromise fòmil pou konpwomi Formula mass Mas molekilè for nan for national pou nasyonal for national security pou sekirite nasyonal for national security pou sekirite nasyonal for needs pou bezyen yo for now pou konnye a for now pou kounye a for now pou kounye a for now pou moman kounyeya for one thing Anvan tout bagay for one thing pou yon sèl bagay for participation pou patisipasyon for peace agreement execution ekzekisyon akò lapè for peaceful pou lapè for peaceful pou la pè for peaceful reintegration pou reentegrasyon la pè for peaceful solution pou solisyon pè Page 237 Feuille1 for pou for pou for pou for pou for president pou prezidan for press pou laprès for privatization pou privasyon for protection pou pwoteksyon for public pou piblik for quick action pou aksyon vit for realization of agreement pou ekzekisyon akò for realization of agreement pou realizasyon akò for reconstruction and development pou rekonstriksyon e developman for reconstruction pou rekonstwiksyon for refugees pou refijye yo for refugees UNHCR pou refigye UNHCR for region pou regyon for relations with the public pou relasyon avèk piblik la for republic pou repiblik for restoration and pou restorasyon e for Sarajevo pou sarajevo for security pou sekirite for solution pou solityon for still pou jiska for still pou jiskan for success pou siksè yo for supervision pou sispansyon fort fò fort fò Fort Fò fort foterès fort ganizon for that pou sa for that pou sa for the beginning pou kòmansman for the crimes committed during pouwar kriminyo ki komèt pandan lagè for the crimes committed during pouwar kriminyo ki te fèt pandan lagè a for the minister pou minis la for the press pou la près for the press pou la près for the press pou lapwès for the press pou la pwès for the refugees pou refijye yo for the rehabilitation pou restorasyon an for the reporters pou repòtè yo for the restoration pou restorasyon for the return of the exiled pou retou ekzile yo for the second quarter of pou dezyèm mwatye de for the second quarter pou dezyèm mwatye for the time being pou kounye a for the time being pou moman kounyeya for the war crimes in pou krim gè yo nan for the war crimes pou krim gè yo Page 238 Feuille1 for the week ending pou finisman semèn for this house to be back like pou it was, kayit'll la take vin jan a lot l teofye work a , sa ap mande on bann travay for those pou sa yo forthwith envante forthwith imajinen fortification benediksyon fortification fotifikasyon fortification pirifikasyon fort palè fortress fò fortress foterès fort sèvis Forts fò yo Forts kazèn yo fortune avwa fortune avwa forum asanbleman forum foròm forum kare piblik forum kote moun reyini forum plas piblik forum plas rankont for undisclosed terms pou kondisyon ke moun pa konnen yo for us pou nou for war crimes pou krim gè yo Forward air controller kontwolè de lè sofistike yo forward an avan forward devan forward devan forward mache forward pwogrè for warring pou gè for what pou ki for which pou kèk for whom pou ki for who pou ki for work pou travay for your children pou pitit ou yo for your children pou timoun ou yo for your condition pou kondisyon ou Fossil fuel gaz fosil foster home kay adopsyon foster home mezon adòpsyon foundational agreement akò fondamantal foundational agreement akò fondamantal foundation baz foundation baz foundation baz foundation fondamnatal foundation fondanatal foundation fondasyon foundation fondasyon foundation fondasyon Page 239 Feuille1 foundation foundation foundation foundation foundation foundling hospital found found founiture founiture fountain four four days four four four four-sided figure four fourth-quadrant angle fourth quarter fourth quarter fourth quarter Four times a day fourty five years old four years Foxholes fox hole foxhole foyer foyer foyer fractional equation fractional exponent fractional part fractional radicand fractionation fraction fraction fragil fragil fragil fragil fragmentation bonm fragmentation fragmentation fragmentation frame framework France France France Press France Press Franjo Tudjman receive fondasyon fondasyon fondman fondman foudansyon lopital timoun te jwen-n te trouve dekorasyon mèb Sous Dayiti kat jou kat kat Kat figi kat kote Sòti ayiti and katriyèm kadran katriyèm kenzèn katriyèm peryòd katriyèm sezon kat fwa pa jou karantsenk an kat ane yo baz soutèrin de pwotèksyon twou rena twou rena gran hal kote pou ret tann gran pòt dantre sal datant ekwasyon fraksyonè espozan fraksyonè pati fraksyonè radikann fraksyonè faksyonman fraksyon fraksyon feneyan fenyen frajil zefele bonm a fwagmantasyon fwagmantasyon moso pyès ankadreman kad frans Fwans frans près près frans Franjo Tidjman resevwa Page 240 Feuille1 Frankfurt stock exchange frankly frankly fraud fraud Freedman's bureau freedom freedom freedom freedom Freedom freedom train Free enterprise free free free free free free free free Free free free free free movement free moving free moving Free school Free school Free state free trade agreement freeze freezer for storage freezer Freezer freeze Freezing point French Ambassador French Ambassador French capital French French french French French French french French French French General French league French league Fwandfòt mache Dechanj Anverite Anverite fwod vis Biwo liberasyon endepandans libète libète libète Libète tren libète Lib antrepwiz gratis gratis gratis gratis lib lib lib lib Lib libè libere libère mouvman lib deplasman lib deplasmman pou anyen Lekòl leta lekòl piblik Eta lib akò komès lib fwiz fwizè frizè Frizè tounen glas Tanperti solidifikasyon anbasadè fwansè Anbasadè Fwansè kapital Fwansè frans frans franse Franse fransè Fransè fwanse Fwansè Fwansè jeneral fwansè lig frans lig fwansè Page 241 Feuille1 Frenchman òm fransè French ministry minis fwansè French Ministry minis fwansè French solders sòlda Fwansè yo Frenchwoman fanm fransè frequency curve koub frekans frequency diagram dyagram frekans frequency of a periodic function frekans yon fonksyon peryodik frequency table tablo frekans Frequent Frekan Frequent radi Frequent souvan Frequent toujou fresh fre fresh frè fresh frèch fresh nouvo friar frè friar religye Friday in vandredi nan friday vandredi friday vandredi Friday Vandredi Friday Vandredi Friday Vandredi fridge frijidè Fridge Fwijidè Fridge refrigerator fried foods fritay friend ami friend ami friend kanmarad friend Konpè friendly amikalman friendly amikalman friendly amitye friendly amitye friendly countries peyi zanmi yo friendly kodyal friend mounpa friends ami friendship amitye friends kanmarad yo friends kolèg friends kòlèg yo friends kopen friends zanmi friends zanmi Friends Zanmi friends zanmi yo friend zanmi friend zanmi friend zanmi Page 242 Feuille1 Friend Zanmi frisk sispèk Frolicking an fas Frolicking Devan Frolicking pyafe Frolicking valkanday Frolicking Valkande from 10 de dis from 10 defans from 10 sòti de dis from 10 vini de dis from 1 sòti de 1 from 30 sòti de 30 from about de apwopo de from about de osijè de from a direction sòti de yon direksyon from all de tout from all de tout mou-n from anyone de nenpòt moun from anyone de nenpòt sous from anyone nan men nenpòt ki from anyone nenpòt kote from apati from arms sòti de zam yo from Baranja sòti de Baranja from Bosnia and de bosnya e from Bosnia and Herzegovinade bosnya e hèzegovina from cities sòti de peyi yo from cities vini de peyi yo from community sòti de komite from Croatia and Sòti de kwoasi e from Croatian sòti de Kwoasyen from Dayton sòti de Deyton from de from de from de from de from de from December sòti de Desanm from defense sòti de defans from Depi from directions de direksyon yo from district sòti de rejyon from east Slavonia de ès slovonya from east sòti de lès from Europe sòti de ewop from everybody de tout from everybody de tout mou-n from foreign affairs Sòti de zafè etranje from foreign minister Sòti nan ministè etranje from four sòti de kat from four vini de kat from friends de zanmi yo Page 243 Feuille1 from friends nan men zanmi yo from friends soti bò kote zanmi yo from Germany de almay from Gonaive sòti de Gonayiv from Haiti Dayiti from Haiti Kat from Haiti Sòti ayiti from Haiti sòti D'ayiti from heavy machine guns and depersonal mitrayèt arms e pèsonèl zam a fe from high sòti danwo from IFOR sòti de IFOR from land sòti de nan tè from meetings sòti de rankont yo from memory sòti de memwa from mine throwing nan tonbe m from ministers sòti de minis yo from neighborhood of Sarajevo de vwazinan de sarajevo from neighbors de vwazinaj yo from neighbors di kote vwazinaj from neighbors soti bò kote vwazin yo from Orasje de Orasje from Osijek de osijèk from particular de espesyal from particular de patikilyè from peace sòti de pè from people sòti de pèp from president sòti de prezidan from refugee sòti de refijye from reliable sources de yon bòn sous from reliable sources de yon sous ki vwè from reliable sources sous konfiab from Slavonia and Baranja sòti de Slavoni e Baranja from sòti de from sòti de from sòti de from Sòti de from special de espesyal from special de patikilyè from Srem sòti de srem from surrounding area nan anviwon zòn nan from talks sòti de pale yo From te following list, tell me nan foods lisare sa a scarce. montre m manje ki ra? from that de sa from that sòti de sa from the agency sòti de ajans lan from the bureau soti de biwo an from the city sòti de vil lan from the Croatian government sòti se gouvènman kwoasyen from the delegation sòti de delegasyon an from the government sòti de gouvènman an from the group sòti de gwoup lan from the house sòtide kay lan from the management sòti de menajman an Page 244 Feuille1 from the multinational police forces fòs polis miltinasyonal yo from the NATO sòti de òganizasyon Trète Atlantik Nò from the office sòti de biwo an from the Parliament sòti de Palman an from the president sòti de pwezidan an from the representative sòti de reprezantatif lan from the representatives sòti de reprezantatif yo from the Republic of Croatia Sòti nan Repiblik kwoasi from the Republic sòti de repiblik lan from the secretaries sòti de sekretè yo from the secretary sòti de sekretè an from the side sòti de kote an from the state sòti de eta an from the territory sòti de teritwa an from the World Health Organisation òganizayson sante mondyal from the World Health Organization òganizayson sante mondyal From this list, tell me the job you nan were lis sa doing? a, èske w ka dim ki djòb ou tap fè? From this list, tell me your military nan lis jobs sa since a, paleentering m de kithe sa military. w tap fè denpi w te antre militè From this list, tell me your years nanoflismilitary sa a, pale service. m de tan ou te fè nan sèvis militè? From this list, what is the weapon's nan lis condition? sa a di m ki eta zam yo? From this list, what kind of mission nan lisdid sa you a, kirecently kalite misyon complete? ou te konplete? from those who de sa yo ki from those who sòti de sa yo ki from three de twa from time to time sòti de tanzantan from time to time Tazantan from UNPROFOR sòti de UNPROFOR from UN sòti de loni from Velika Kladusa sòti de velida Kladisa from vini de from what sòti de ki from what sòti de ki from when depi from when depi kilè from where ki kote from Zagreb sòti de Zagreb from zone de zò-n front anfas Front an fas front devan front devan Front Devan front fas front figi frontier police Polis fontyè front of neck anbakou Front pyafe front room chanm devan front room sal datant front room salon Front valkanday Front Valkande frost glase Page 245 Feuille1 frost frozen assets frozen assets frozen frozen Frozen Frozen frozen fruit fruit Fruit Fruits Fruits fry fry Frying pan fuel rate Fuel rate fuel rate Fuel source assault fuel storage fuel storage fuel storage fuel storage fuel tank fuel tank Fuel transport Fuel trucks fugitives fugitives fulfilling ful full board full cabinet full cabinet full full full electoral campaign full electoral campaign full entries full entries full full length film full-length film full length film full-length film full members full members full of full full full full jele byen sezi lajan jele fwiz glase glase Jele konjle fwi fwi Fwi Fwi fwi yo freten fri Kaswòl pwi gaz pwi gaz valè gaz sous gaz daso basen gaz depo gaz doum gaz tank gaz rezèvwa gaz tank gaz transpòtasyon gaz kamyon gaz yo fijitif yo refijye yo akonplisman konble tablo ranpli kabinè antye kabinè konplè chaje chaje kanpay elèktoral antye kanpay elèktoral konplè antre konplè yo total antre yo konplèt fim an antye fim antye fim komnplè fim konplè manb aktif yo manm konplèt yo plen ak plen plen plen plen Page 246 Feuille1 full plen Full Plen full ranpli full ranpli full right members manm plen pouvwa Fully automatic rifle rafal otomatik Fully automatic rifle zam ful otomatik ful plen ful ranpli Fume chalè function aktivite function fonksyon function mache fundamental baz fundamental fondalnatal fundamental fondamantal fundamental fondamantal fundamental fondamnatal fundamental fondanatal fundamental formula fòmil fondamantal fundamental foudansyon fundamental relationship relasyon fondamantal fundamental theorem teyorèm fondamantal fundament baz fundament fondasyon fundament fondman fund fon fund kès fund te jwenn funeral antèman funeral chapel chapèl fineray funeral chapel kay fineray funeral chapel mezon finèb funeral chapel palwa finèb funeral chapel ponp finèb funeral church chapèl fineray funeral church kay fineray funeral church mezon finèb funeral church palwa finèb funeral church ponp finèb funeral home chapèl fineray funeral home kay fineray funeral home mezon finèb funeral home palwa finèb funeral home ponp finèb funeral Lantèman Funeral of an important figureantèman dènye klas Funeral of an important figurefinaray yon figi enpòtan funeral parlor chapèl fineray funeral parlor kay fineray funeral parlor mezon finèb funeral parlor palwa finèb funeral parlor ponp finèb Page 247 Feuille1 funeral-residence funeral-residence funeral-residence funeral-residence funeral-residence fungus funish funish Funnel funny farm funny farm funny farm funny farm furious Furnace furnace room furnace room furnace room furnace room furnish bail furniture furniture furniture Furniture further further further is further is further further further further further further further further further further further furthest fury fury fury fury fury fury fusee Fuse fuse fuse Fusion future future assets chapèl fineray kay fineray mezon finèb palwa finèb ponp finèb fongous founi ak mèb meble Antonwa kay pou moun fou pon Bèdèt sanatoryòm sant swenyaj Debòde Founo chanm chemine fou founèz founo paye kosyon founiti mèb mèb Mèb elwagnye elwagnye pli elwaye se pli lwen se pase pa pase pa pli elwagnye pli elwaye pli elwaye pli lwen pli lwen pli lwen pli lwen pli lwen pwochèn pli lòlbò firè kolè kòlè kòlè kòlè movesan kontak Fisib fize kontak Fizyon a lavni byen nan lavni Page 248 Feuille1 future assets future assets future future future future future future future future Future future future future future future future Future Future fuzee fuze gable gable end gable end gable end gable gable gable wall gable wall gable wall Gaelic gaiety gaiety gaiety gaiety gain gain gain gain Gain Galaxy Galbraith is Galeb war plane Galeb warplane gallery gallery gallery gallery gallery gallery galley galley galley pwochen byen pwochen kapital avni fiti fiti fiti fiti fiti lavni lavni Lavni nan syèk kap vini nan tan kap vini nan tan kap vini nan tan kap vini pwochèn tan kap vini tan kap vini tan pwochen kontak kontak babye babye pale nan dan rablabla pale nan dan rablabla babye pale nan dan rablabla Gaelèk gete jwa kontantman plezi benefis enterè gen pwofi Pwofi Galaksi Galbrayt se avyon de gè galeb avyon de gè galeb balkon galeri galri gran galri salon tonèl pou teyat amwa kizin plaka Page 249 Feuille1 Gallon Gallon Galvanize Galvanize Galvanometer gambling casino gambling casino gambling casino gambling casino gambling den gambling den gambling den gambling den gambling house gambling house gambling house gambling house Gambling game game game game game game game game game game Games gaming house gaming house gaming house gaming house Gamma ray gangboard gangboard gangboard gangplank gangplank gangplank gangway gangway gangway gaol gaol gap gap gap gap gap garage garage garage Djòg galon eksite Galvanize Galvanomèt bank jwèt bank zo kay daza kazino bank jwèt bank zo kay daza kazino bank jwèt bank zo kay daza kazino jwèt je je ; eye je ;game jwe jwèt jwèt jwèt jwèt jwèt match Jwèt bank jwèt bank zo kay daza kazino Reyon Gama degaje pasaj travès degaje pasaj travès degaje pasaj travès fèmti pwizon espas fant twou Twou vid vid garaj garaj garaj Page 250 Feuille1 Garage garage garand rifle garand rifle Garbage can Garbage can Garbage can garbage garbage garbage garden garden garden garden garden Garden garden garden garden garden garret garret garret garret garrison garrison garrison gas gas gas gas Gas gas Gas lamp gas gas gas Gas Masks Gas Masks gasoline bomb gasoline bomb Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline gasoline station gasoline station gasoline station gasoline station gas partners gas partners gas properties gas resources gas station Garaj sèvis depatman Fizi ameriken Fizi m1 bwat fatra panye fatra Poubèl fatra poubèl poubèl amizman jaden jaden jaden jaden Jaden jwèt pak plas preri galata gwenye kòfrefò mansad fò ganizon sèvis esans gaz gaz gaz Gaz gazolin Lanp gaz lesans lwil lwil mas gaz mas pou gaz Bonb gazolin Bonb petwòl gaz gazolin Gazolin estasyon gaz estasyon gazolin estasyon petwòl pomp gazolin asosye nan gaz yo patnè nan gaz yo pwopwiyetè gaz yo resous gaz yo estasyon gaz Page 251 Feuille1 gas station estasyon gaz Gas station Estasyon gaz gas station estasyon gazolin gas station estasyon lwil gas station estasyon petwòl gas station pomp gazolin gas station ponp gaz gas system sistèm gaz gas system sistèm gaz gat bagèt gat baton gate baraj gate baryè gate baryè gate baryè Gate Baryè gate bayè gatehouse baraj kay gatehouse baryè kay gatehouse kloti kay gatehouse ranpa kay gate kloti gate pòt gate pòtay gate ranpa gates baryè yo gates pòtay yo gathered te asanble gathered te reyni Gatherer ranmasè Gatherer rasanblè gathering rasanbleman gather together reyini ansanb gave te bay GDR Repiblik Demokratik Alman gearing angrenaj gears angrenaj Gears levye yo Geiger counter Kontè Geygè Gemini Jimo Gendarmerie Jandamri Genealogy Jeneyaloji general army jeneral lame General Assembly Asanble jeneral general associative property pwopriyete asosiyatif jeneral general-colonel kolonèl general general commutative propertypwopriyete komitatif jeneral general economy ekonomi jeneral general elections eleksyon jeneral general elections elèksyon jeneral general expression espresyon jeneral general flight vòl jeneral general general Page 252 Feuille1 general George jeneral Jòj general headquarter katye general general index endèks jeneral general index jeneral endèks general index tab alfabetik jeneral general information enfòmasyon jeneral general information fòmasyon general generalization jeneralizasyon Generalization Jeneralizasyon general jeneral general jeneral general jeneral general jeneral General Jeneral general komen general lieutenant lyetnan jeneral general lines liy jeneral yo general manager jeran dirèktè General Motors konpayi jeneral motò general office of the public prosecutor biwo piblik pèsekitè jemeral general of squad jeneral ploton General Secretary of the UN sekretè general de Nasyonzini general state eta general general store magazen jeneral general store magazen komès general store magazen kominal general strike grèv jeneral general told jeneral la te di Generation Jenerasyon generosity bonte generosity jenewozite generosity lajte Genetic Jenetik Geneva Conference konferans jenèv genocide genosid Genocide Jenosid gentle dou gentle jantil gentleman mesye gentleman mesye gentle modere gentle mou gentle pèsòn gentle pezib gentle trankil Geocentrism Jeyosantrik geographic jeyografik geography jeografi Geography Jewografi geography jeyografi Geography Jeyografi geology Jeoloji Geology Jeyoloji Page 253 Feuille1 geometric construction konstriksyon jeometrik geometric figure figi jeometrik geometric jeometrik geometric relationships relasyon jeometrik geometric statement deklarasyon jeometrik geometry of circle jeometri sèk Geopolitic Jeopolitik George Bush jòj bouch Georgian army Lame Jòjyen Georgian Jòjyen Georgian leader Eduard Shevardnadze lidè jòjyen an, Edwad chevadnadze Georgian national guard gad nasyonal jòjyen Georgian soldiers sòlda jòjyen yo Georgian soldiers sòlda jòjyen yo Georgian state eta jòjyae Georgian state eta jòjyen german alman German alman German alman German Alman German Alman German Alman German Alman German almay German authorities otorite almay yo German authorities otorite almay yo German capital kapital almay German currency lajan alman German Democratic RepublicRepiblik Demokratik Alman German flag drapo alman German flag drapo Alman German jèmenn German Social Democratic Party Pati Demokrat (SDP) Sosyal Almay German unification inifikasyon almay Germany almay Germany Almay Germany jèmani germ mikrob germ mikwòb germ mikwòb Gestapo Jestapo get back anretou get back anretou get better ale mye get down from there desann la get genyen get in the car moute nan machin lan get married fè maryaj get married marye get married marye get obteni get off at the third stop desann nan twazyèm arè get off desann Page 254 Feuille1 get off me desann sou mwen get off me sot sou mwen get off my house at once sot anndan kay mwen an koulye a get off my house at once sot deyò anndan kay mwen an konnye a get off pran tè get off the chair leve sou chèz la get on with it I need to get going fè cho li lè pou m ale get on with it I need to get going prese li lè pou m ale get out of the car desann machin lan get out of the car sot nan machin lan get pran get rape get resevwa get settled enstale get settled etabli get settled fikse get settled regle get settled retranche gets Genyen gets jwenn gets resevwa get the chair off to my foot retire chèy la sou pye m get the three eggs out of the pran fridgetwa 3 ze nan frijidè a pou mwen get those shoes out of the middle retireof soulye the floor yo nan mitan kay la getting stronger vi-n pli fò get to Arive a get to know fè konnen get up kanpe Get up! Leve! Get up, please leve kanpe silvouplè Get up, please leve, silvouplè Get up, please tanpri,kanpe get worse pirèd get your socks on met chosèt la nan pye ou Ghetto Geto GHQ katye general gibberish charabya gift don gift donasyon gift kado gift shop boutik kado gift shop chòp inovasyon gift shop magazen kado Gin djin likè gin mill bistro gin mill kay piblik gin mill salon gin mill tavèn gin mill toune girder metalik girl fi girl fi girl fi Page 255 Feuille1 Girlfriend girl girl girl girls girl Girl give back give back give back give give give Give! give examples give examples give examples give examples give examples give examples give give give it to me give me an ice-cold beer give me a tad more give me give me the record player. Give me your bowl! give over give over give over give over give over give give the money to me give to you G Key Glacier glad glad Gladiator glad glad gladly glance glance glance Glass glass Glass glass Glass Glass Mennaj jèn dam jènfi kòmè fi yo tifi Tifi remèt renmèt renmèt ban bay bay Bay! bay ekzanp yo pou bay ekzanp yo pou site pou site site site fèdon fèkado ban mwen li ban m yon byè byen frape ban m yon ti bagay ankò ban mwen ba mwen aparèy la. Ban mwen bòl ou! bay anfen bay anfen delivre delivre done anfen renmèt ban m kòb la bay-wou Kle sol Glasye ere ge Gladyatè jwa kontan jantiman ekspwesyon kou dèy rega glas linèt miwa vè Vè Vè Page 256 Feuille1 gleam gleam glen glide reflection global agreement global agreements global agreements global situation glory glory glory glove compartment Glove gloves Gloves glue glue glue glue gluttenous glutton gluttonous glutton GM heavy truck GM heavy truck go ahead go goal goal goal goal goal goal goal goal go go go go go go go go goal goal goal goal goal goal goalpost goalpost goalpost goalposts Klate klète Vale refleksyon translasyon akò mondyal akò global yo akò mondyal yo sitiyasyon global laglwa laglwa laviktwa gan konpatman Gan gan Gan kole lakòl plake tache gouman gouman afre voras kamyon lou GM twòk lou GM an nou wè al bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi ale ale ale ale ale Ale Ale Ale mak objektif objektif objektif objektif objèktif bit montan poto bit Page 257 Feuille1 goalposts goalposts goal goal Goat goat goat go away go behind go by go by go by god-daughter Goddess God God god-father Godfather Godmother Go down Go down goes goes go go get ready Go home! go in go in going downhill going go Golan plateau gold color Golden golden lilies Gold futures Gold futures golf course golf course golf course Golf equipment golf links golf links golf links golf range go go go gonaive gondola good afternoon good good montan poto sib vizyon femèl kabwit kabrit kabrit pati ale dèyè ale pa pase pa pase pa fiyèl Dye fanm dye Dye Konpè Parenn Marenn Desann diminye ale Ale Eske m pwale al pare ou Ale lakay ou! ale nan antre anbès Prale kite plato golan koulè dore Dore migè dore avantaj lò ofwi avni lò pakou terèn tèren gòlf Ekipman gòlf pakou terèn tèren gòlf ranje gòlf mache Mwen ale Mwen pwale Gonayiv long batiman itilize nan kanal Venis bon apre midi anneta bon Page 258 Feuille1 good bon good bon good bon good bon good bon good bon good bon good bon good bon good bon good bon good bon good bon Good bon Good bon good bye babay goodbye, I will see you later m ale na wè pi ta good bye jean will see you later m ale jan na wè pita goodbye madam orevwa, madanm good bye m ale good byen good byen good byen good byen good byen good byen Good byen Good byen Good Byen good bye orevwa good bye orevwa good bye orevwa good-bye orevwa goodbye orevwa goodbye orevwa goodbye orevwa goodbye orevwa Good danre good day bon jounen good ekselan good evening bonswa good for nothing epav good luck bòn chans good luck bòn chans Good machandiz good mood brenzeng good moral character bon jan karaktè moral good moral character karaktè moral solid good morning bonjou good morning bonjou good morning bonjou Good morning Bonjou good morning ladies bonjou medam Page 259 Feuille1 good morning madam bonjou madanm good morning miss boujou madmwazèl good morning mommy bonjou manman good morning sir, are you mrbonjou louis jean mesye bauge eske se ou ki rele mesye loui jan boje ya good morning sir bonjou mesye good morning sir I had had made bonjou a reservation mesye mwen for te single fè yon room rezevasyon pou yon chanm ak yon sèl kabann goodness bonte goodness bonte goodness emablite goodness onètete good-night bòn nwi Good night Bònnwi good night bòn nwit good night bonsware good propriete yo Good Pwodui Good sèvis good sipèb goods kòmès goods machandiz Goods Machandiz goods machandiz yo good time lebotan good will bon pral good will pral bon go off egare go on anmach go out sòti deyò go pati go pati Goran Ivanisevic Goran Ivanisevik Gorbachev Foundation fondasyon Gòbatchèv gorge defile gorge gòj gorge Gòj gorge gozye go see alewe go see Alewè gospel levanjil gossip bavade gossip fètripòt gossip fourebouch gossip tripotaj gossip tripotay gossip tripotay gossip tripotay Gossip Tripotay Gossip vèmin Go to your family! Ale jwenn fanmi ou! got te jwenn got te resevwa got the power opouvwa Go up Monte Page 260 Feuille1 go up to aproche gourde pyas Govern Gouvène govern gouvènen governmental gouvènmantal governmental leta governmental order lòd gouvènmantal governmental party pati gouvènman governmental party pati gouvènmantal government and minister for development minis e gouvènman and pou le developman e government and minister for development minis gouvènman and reconstruction pou developman e rekonstriksyon government and minister for development minis e gouvènman pou le developman government and minister gouvènman ak minis government Bosnia-Herzegovina gouvènman bosni-èzegovini government forces fòs gouvènman yo government gouvènman government gouvènman government gouvènman government gouvènman Government gouvènman Government gouvènman Government Gouvènman government in gouvènman nan government in Pretoria gouvènman nan Pwetorya government of Bosnia and Herzegovina gouvènman bosni e èzegovini government of Bosnian Serbsgouvènman sèb bosnya government of Croatian Republic repiblik gouvènman kwoasyen government office for biro pou gouvènman government office for exiles and birorefugees gouvènman pou refigye ekzil yo government office for exiles biro pou gouvènman ekzil yo government office ofis govènman Government of Republic gouvènman repiblik la government of Republic of Croatia gouvènman repiblik Kwoasyen government of Republic of Croatia gouvènman repibli kroetya government of Republic repiblik gouvènman government policy politik gouvènman government representatives repwezantan gouvènman yo government secretary sekretè gouvenman government's gouvènman government's gouvènman an governments gouvènman yo governments gouvènman yo government's office biro gouvènman Government's Vice presidentvis pwezidan gouvènman an government that gouvènman ki government troops sòlda gouvènman yo government troops twoup gouvènman yo Governor Gouvènè grab dappiyan grade grad Grade Klas grade nivo grade school grad lekòl Page 261 Feuille1 grade school lekòl elemantè grade school lekòl gramè grade school lekòl primè grade valè gradual gradyèl gradual kantik Graduated cylinder epouvèt Graduated cylinder Silenn gradye Graduate programs pwogram gradyasyon yo graft grèf grain grenn grain grenn grain kè grain nannan gram gram grammar school grad lekòl grammar school lekòl elemantè grammar school lekòl gramè grammar school lekòl primè grams gram yo granary depo granary grenye Grandfather gran papa Grandfather Granpè grand larceny gran vòl grandma gave it to me grann mwen ki ban mwen l grandmother gran-manman Grandmother granmè grandmother gran-n Grandmother Grann grand opera gran chantè grand opera gran opera Grand Prize of South Africa gran pwi afrik di sid la Grand Prize of South Africa Pwi nobèl Sid Afwiken Granic gwanik Granic told granik te di grant (to) bay grant (to) fè kado grape brandy grap rezen grapes rezen graph a quadratic equation trase graf yon ekwasyon kwadratik graphical grafik graphically grafikman graphical method metòd grafik graphic grafik Graphic Grafik graphic solution solisyon grafik graph of equation in 2 variables graf ekwasyon ak 2 varyab graph of linear open sentencegraf in two frazvariables matematik lineye ouvri ak de varyab graph the equation trase graf ekwasyon an graph the set trase graf ansanm lan Grasp Kapte Grass Gazon Page 262 Feuille1 grass zèb Grass Zèb grateful pa engra grateful rekonesan grateful rekonesan grate fwomaj grate rape grater grag grating griyaj gratitude gratitid gravely gravman gravely wounded blese a mò gravely wounded blese gravman gravely wounded gravman blese gravely wounded gravman blese grave sites kote kav yo ye yo gravesites kote kav yo ye yo grave sites Kote tonb yo ye gravesites Kote tonb yo ye grave sites plas tonb yo gravesites plas tonb yo gravestone tètkav gravestone tèt tonbo gravestone tèt tonbo graving dock kal sech Gravity gravite Gravity Gravite Gravity Pezantè gray gri gray gri Gray Gri grean peas pwa greased pole maswife grease grès grease lwil Great Britain gran-n bretay Greater Antilles Grann zanti Greater Europe pli gwan konsèy Ewopeyen Greater than or Equal to Pi gran osnon egal a Greater than Pi gran pase greatest common monomial factor pi gran faktè komen monòm lan greatest- integer function fonksyon ki gen pi gwo nonm antye relatif la great gwan great laj Great power Grann pwisans Great Powers Grann Pisans Great Powers gwo enèji greedy ava greedy avid greedy gouman greedy saf greedy tilolit greedy voras Page 263 Feuille1 Greek Greek Greek maze Greek maze green bean green card greenhouse greenhouse Green light green green green Green Green greet greet greet greet greeting cards greetings greet greet greet greif greif greif Grenada grenade grenade grenade Grenade Grenade grenade launcher Grenadier grey griddle grid grid grid grid grid grill grill grille grilled meat with onions grilled meat with onions grille grille grill grill grill grill grill Grèk Grèk fòs grèk twou grèk pwa vèt alyennkat enfimyè mezon enfimyè Limyè vèt vè vèt vèt vèt Vèt akeyi dibonjou dibonswa fè byen veni kat salitasyon yo Akèy yo rankontre resevwa salye chagren doulè pèn Grenad grenad grenad grenad grenad Grenad lans grenad grenadye gri platin galri gri grizone gwiy gwiyad babekwyou chofaj chofaj vian n griye avek zonyon zonyon ak vyann grye gri radyatè gri gri gri gridiyon gwi Page 264 Feuille1 grill grill grillroom grillroom grillroom grocery grocery grocery grocery grocery store Grocery Store grocery store grocery store grocery store groin groin groin groin grotto Ground assault ground Ground crew ground floor ground floor ground floor ground floor grounds ground grounds ground ground ground to air missile ground to air missile group group group group group group group group group Group group group of group of groups and groups and groups groups with finite sets groups with infinite sets group theorems grove of trees radyatè restoran gri gwi restoran boutik mache makèt sipè makèt boutik Boutik manje mache makèt sipè makèt andigman dig grenn miray sèk Gwòt aso tèrès baz ekipaj tèrès premye antre premye etaj rechose tonbe a tè baz Sifas tè a pwensip tè tè api pou misil aeryen baz pou misil aeryen bann ban-n group group gwoup gwoup gwoup gwoup gwoup Gwoup kolonn ban-n de group de bann e group e gwoup yo gwoup ak ansanm fini gwoup ak ansanm infini teyorèm gwoup ti touf bwa Page 265 Feuille1 grove of trees touf bwa growth developman growth diplis growth kwasans growth ogmante groyne andigman groyne dig groyne miray sèk guarantee apwouve guarantee asire guarantee bay garanti guarantee baymo guarantee garanti guarantee garanti guarantee garanti guarantee garanti guarantee pou garanti guard brigades chèf brigad guard brigades gad brigad Guard Gad guardhouse blòk guardhouse sal de gad guardhouse tòl guardrail ray de pwotèksyon Guatamala Gwatemala Guatemalan government gouvènman gwatemala Guatemalan government gouvènman gwatemala Guatemalan government gouvènman gwatemala guerilla geriyos guerilla geryewòs Guerrilla agents ajan geriya yo guerrilla movement mouvman geriya Guerrilla tactics taktik geriya yo guess devinen guess imajinen guess sipoze guest envite guest envite guest house kay denvitasyon guesthouse kay denvitasyon guest house mezon denvitasyon guesthouse mezon denvitasyon guests envite yo guests envite yo guests vizitè yo guest vizitè guide dirèktè guide dirije guided missile misil gid GUIDE FOR IRREGULAR FORCES gid pou fòs AND regilye INDIGENOUS yo ak pèsonèl PERSONNEL entèlijan guide gid Guide Gid GUIDE GID Page 266 Feuille1 GUIDE guide guide guide guilty guilty guilty guilty guitar Guitar gulch gulf gulf coast gulf crisis gulf Gulf gulf gulf states gulf states gum Gums gums GUN AND MORTAR UNITS gun emplacement gun emplacement gun enclosure gun enclosure gunfight gun gun Gun gunman gunmen gunnel gunnery gun gun rest Gun gun gun room guns guns guns gun turret gun turret gunwale gun gun Gun Guyana guy cable guy cable guy cable GID kondi lidè mennen koupab koupab pa inosan tepasite gita Gita Ravin ale gòf litoral kriz gòf la Gòf Gòlf orevwa eta nan gòlf yo peyi nan gòf yo jansiv Chiklèt jansiv zam ak inite ki lanse mòtye yo anplasman zam anplasman zam yo kloti pou zam tourèl zam konba ak zam fizi fizi fizi kamoken kamoken yo plat-bòd atiri pyekochon plat-bòd Revolvè revòlvè chanm zam fizi revòlvè zam kloti pou zam tourèl zam plat-bòd zam zam zam Giyann endividi epouvantay kab Page 267 Feuille1 guy cable guy guy guy guy guy rope guy rope guy rope guy rope gym gym gym gymnasium Gymnasium gymnasium gymnasium Gymnasium Gymnasium Gymnasium gymnastic Gymnastic habeas corpus habeas corpus haberdashery haberdashery haberdashery habit Habitable habitation habitation habitation habit habit habitual criminal habitual criminal had a conversation had a conversation with had had been had had not had not hadn't hadn't had had hail hair hair hair hair hair Hair kòd endividi epouvantay kab kòd endividi epouvantay kab kòd jimnazyòm klèb espòtif klib espòtif jimnazyòm jimnazyòm klèb espòtif klib espòtif lekòl primè lekòl sekondè lise jimnastik Jimnastik pwezante na pèsòn pwezante tèt ou chòp koutiryè chòp tayè magazen rad abitid Abitab abitasyon kay rezidans koutim mès kriminèl koni residivis te gen yon konvèzasyon te gen yon konvèzasyon avèk avè Te Mwen te genyen Pat te gen Pat te genyen Pat te gen Pat te genyen te te genyen lagrèl cheve cheve cheve cheve cheve Cheve Page 268 Feuille1 hair chive hair chive Hair clip epeng cheve Hair clippers Tondèz hairdressing salon estidyo hairdressing salon salon cheve Hair dryer Sechwa Hair pick Pens cheve Hairpin Epeng cheve hair pwèl Hair shampoo Chanpou cheve hairy cheve hairy pwal Haitian Academy of Science Akademi Memorandum militè Ayisyen pou Syans Memorandòm haitian ayisyen Haitian Ayisyen Haitian Ayisyen haitian ayisyèn haitian Ayisyèn Haitian Creole Kreyòl Ayisyen Haitian Defense Council Konsèy defans Ayisyen Haitian Democratic Community Kominote Demokratik Ayisyen Haitian Democratic Party Pati Demokrat Ayisyen Haitian gourde pyas Haitian minority minorite Ayisyen Haitian minority ti gwoup Ayisyen Haitian National Army Fòs Ame Ayisyen Haitian National Police Polis Nasyonal Ayisyen Haitian people pèp ayisyen Haitian people pèp Ayisyen Haitian refugees refije ayisyen Haitian refugees refijye Ayisyen Haitians Ayisyen yo Haiti Ayiti Haiti Ayiti haiti dayiti haiti d ayiti haiti d Haiti halberd alebad half-board mwatye tablo Half brother Demi frè half cicle demisèk Half-circle Demisèk half demi half hour demi èdtan half moon mwatye laline half mòso half mwatye half mwatye half mwatye half mwatye Half note Blanch half plane demi plan Page 269 Feuille1 half Half sister half- turn about origin hall hall hall hall hall hall hall hall hall hall hall hall hall hall hall hall hall hall Halogen Family halt hamburger ham hammer Hammer hammock hand and seal handbag handbag hand Hand-carried handcuff hand grenade hand grenade hand grenade hand grenade handgun handgun Hand held radios Handicap Handicap Handicapped Handicapped handkerchief hand hand handling hand hand hand Hand ren pou ren Demi sè demi sou orijin dòtwa pou etidyan gran chanm a kouche gran hal kote pou ret tann gran pòt dantre gran sal gran sal gwan chato gwan sal gwan sal gwan sal gwa sal kote etidyan dòmi otèl otèl patikilye pwesbitè sal datant sal konsè sal resepsyon Fanmi alojèn Repo anmbègè janbon mato Mato Bit tè men ak so valiz valiz a la men bra pote nan men minòt grenad grenad a men grenad a men grenad a men pistolè revolvè radyo pòtatif yo Andikap Enfimite Andikape enfim mouchwa lamen lamen manipilasyon men men men Men Page 270 Feuille1 hand me the ladle Hand of cards hand Handprint handrail handrail handrail Hand saw hands hands handsome\ beautiful handsome man Hands up! hand to hand Handtruck handwriting expert hangar hangar Hanger hang hang up happened happened happen happen happiness happiness happiness happiness happiness happiness happy happy happy happy happy Happy harass harbor harbor harbor harbor harbor harbor harbor harbor Harbor harbour harbour Hard Currency hard hard hard pran louch la pou mwen Men patmen Mak men balistrad balkon ranp Goyin men men yo bèl bogason Leve men ou anlè! men nan men twòk a la men ekspè nan ekri ak men hanga tonnèl Sèso jouke kwoke te pase te rive kap pase sak pase bone bonè felisite jwa kontantman resevwa ere jwaye kontan kontan kontan Kontan anmède azil pò pò pò pò pò maritime pou bato refij Waf pò pou bato lajan ki fò sou mache a di di di Page 271 Feuille1 hard difisil hard dyanm hardest pirèd hard fèm hardheaded tèt di hardheaded travay fòse hard head tèt di hard head travay pwatik hard rèd hardship peripesi hardship soufwans hard solid hardware store bri hardware store eklozyon hardware store kenkayri hardware store magazen materyo konstriksyon HARM fwape harm mal HARM manch harmonica amonika harmoniously amonyezman harmoniously an akò harmoniously an gandisman harmoniously pa moso harmonize amonize harmonize asòti harmony amoni harmony amoni harmony amoni Harmony Amoni harrass (to) anmède harsh criticism kritik anraje harsh criticism kritik fyèl harsh criticism kritik piman bouk Harvest Rekòlt harvest rekolte Hasan Asan has anyone gen yon moun Has any one in your unit had èske individual pa gen military mountraining? nan inite w la ki pèsonèlman resevwa fòmasyon militè? has been Te has he ever taken you out li konn soti avè ou Has it been this way for a while? Pou konbyen tan l te konsa? has li genyen Hasna Asna has not Pat te genyen hasn't Pat te genyen Haso, male used in jokes Haso mal ki sèvi nan blag Has specialized training beenèske conducted gen antrènman by your unit? èspesyal ki te bay nan inite w la? haste anpresman has the map genyen kat la has the plane arrived yet avyon an antre deja has the plane gotten in yet avyon an antre deja Has there been a lack of any èske supplies? te manke materyèl? Page 272 Feuille1 has to dwe Hasty rapid Hasty Vit Has your side done any of these èskethings? pati pa w la te fè yonn nan bagay sa yo? Has your unit encountered any èske psychological inite w la teoperations rankontre kèk employed pwesyon by sikwolojik our forces? nan men fòs nou yo? Has your unit received any equipment èske inite replacements? w la te resevwa kèk materyèl pou ranplasman? Has your unit received any personnel èske initereplacements? w la resevwa kèk moun kòm ranplasan? Has your unit received any reinforcements? èske inite w la te resevwa ranfòsman? Has your unit sustained recent èske equipment inite w lalosses? fè kèk pèt an materyèl? Has your unit sustained recent èske personnel inite w la losses? te fè pèt nan pèsonèl li? hat chapo hat chapo Hat Chapo Hat Chapo hatchback machin a pòt aryè hatchback vwati hatch bri hatch eklozyon hatchet rach hatch kenkayri hatch magazen materyo konstriksyon hate apwouve hate degoute hateful rayisman hate rayi hate rayi hate rayi hate repiyan hat shop boutik chapo hat shop milenè Haunting Ante have a cold pran fredite have a conversation genyen konvèsasyon have a dialogue dialoge Have a great time. mwen swete ke w wa amize byen. have and gen e have a nice stay in haiti pase yon bon sejou an ayiti Have any immunizations been èske given w pa recently? genyen kèk iminizasyon yo te ba ou pa two lontan? Have any obstacles of ours been èskefound? yo dekouvwi kèk nan plan nou yo? have anyone èske gen moun n have anyone gen moun n have any people been hurt byèske minegen explosions moun n ki blese deja nan yon explozyon pyèj Have any psychological operations èske pa been te gen used yon byplan yoursikolojik unit against ke inite ourwforces? la te itilize kont fòs nou yo? have a shower benye have a shower pran yon benye have been Te have dinner pran repa have genyen have genyen Have I asked about everything èske important m te mande sou tout bagay ki enpòtan Have I asked about everything èske important mwen mande sou tout sa ki enpòtan have lunch pran dine have lunch pran repa Page 273 Feuille1 haven abri haven azil have not Pat genyen haven refij haven't Pat genyen Have our obstacles been neutralized? èske baryè nou yo te netralize netralize? have pwosede Have there been any problems èske encountered pa gen kèkwith pwoblèm the petroleum, ki poze ak oil,petwòl, or lubricant? lwil,ou grès motè? Have there been enough supplies? èske te gen ase materyèl? Have there been shortages ofèke petroleum, pa gen yon oil, mank or lubricant petwòl, in lwil the ak unit? grès motè nan inite a? have to be gen dwa se have to blije have to devwa have to dwa have to dwe have to gen dwa have to oblije have to ou dwe have you anything to declareèske ou genyen yon bagay pou deklare Have you been in combat? èske w te nan konba? Have you ever been there èske ou pa jam ale la Have you ever been there èske w pa janm ale la Have you ever been there ou pa te jamè ale Have you ever seen anythingèske like this ou jamè wè bagay konsa have you gone to a doctor recently dènyeman ou te ale kay yon doktè Have you had any civilian ed èske ucation? w genyen yon edikasyon sivil? Have you had any individual èske military w pat training? pèsonèlman resevwa okenn antrènman militè? Have you had any military training? èske w gen yon fòmasyon militè? Have you had any problems with èskethe wgen ammunition pwoblèm in akthe balweapon? yo ki nan zam yo? Have you had enough food toèske eat lately? w te gen ase manje pou w manje dènyèman? Have you had enough sleep?Ou te dòmi ase Have you seen a body there èske ou te wè yon kò la Have you seen a body there èske w te wè yon kò la Have you seen a land mine explode èske outhere te wè yon min eksploze la Have you seen a landmine explode èske outhere te wè yon min eksploze la Have you seen a land mine explode èske w te there wè yon min pyeje te eklate la Have you seen a landmine explode èske wthere te wè yon min pyeje te eklate la Have you seen any anti-American Ou te activity? wè aktivite anti ameriken Have you seen any graves that èske arewnot wè marked kèk fòs ki pa te make Have you seen any graves that Èske arewnot wèmarked kèk kavo ki pa te make Have you seen any injured Americans? Ou te okenn ameriken kite blese Have you seen any military activity èske wother te wèthan okenn American aktiviteforces? militè apa de fòs ameriken yo Have you seen èske ou te wè Have you seen èske w te wè Have you seen èske w te wè Have you seen others walk there èske ou te wè lòt moun mache la Have you seen others walk there èske ou te wè lòt moun mache la Have you seen others walk there èske w te kè lòt moun tap mache ladan Have you studied any of the following èske w twsubjects? etidye yonn nan opsyon sa yo? Have you walked there èske ou te mache la Have you walked there èske w te mache la having a conversation ap geyen yon chita pale Hawaiian Awayen Page 274 Feuille1 hayloft grenye hazard dange Hazard Danje hazard malè Hazard matyè danjere hazard risk he accented aksantye he accented detaye he accented that is li te aksantye si sa he accepted li te asepte he accepted today in li te asèpte joudi a nan he accepted today li te aksepte jodi a he accomplished li te acheve he accomplished li te akonpli he accomplished li te reyalize he acknowledge the invitationli that fè n we konnen had sent li resevwa him envitasyon nou voye ba li a he acted as if I'd done something jan l fè bad a se to him tankou m te fè l yon bagay he acting like an idiot jan l fè a se tankou yon egare he acting like an idiot jan l fè a se tankou yon moun sòt headache tèt fè mal head antèt Headboard Tèt kabann head brenn he added li te ajoute he added te ajoute he added te ogmante he added that he will danmak he added that he will li te ajoute sa li pral he added that he will li te ogmante sa li va he added that is li te ogmante sa he added that is te adisyone sa he added that li te adisyone sa he added that li te ajoute ke he added that li te ajoute sa he added that li te ogmante sa he added that will li te ajoute sa pral Head devan header lento heading antèt headland Pwomotwa Head light Limyè devan head of the district chèf distri a head of the district chèf tribe peyi a head of the tribal state chèf distri a head of the tribal state chèf tribe peyi a head of the UN an tèt ONU head of the UN chèf ONU head of the UN dirijan Nasyozini Headphone kas radyo Headphone Kònè head prensipal tèt headquarters biro headquarters biro pwensipal Page 275 Feuille1 headquarters biro santral headquarters chanm biro headquarters katye general yo headquarters katye jeneral headquarters katye jeneral Headquarters katye jeneral headquarters katye jeneral militè yo headquarters katye jeneral yo headquarters katye jeneral yo head secretary sekretè general head sèvo headstone tètkav headstone tèt tonbo headstone tèt tonbo Heads-up displays an tèt ekspozisyon yo head tèt head tèt head tèt head tèt Head Tèt health authorities otorite sante yo Health care provider founisè swen de sante health centre dispanse health centre dispansè Health Insurance Asirans sante health kondisyon health sante Health Sante healthy fields that are not cultivated bon tè ke yo pa te travay healthy fields that are not cultivated bon tè ki pa travay Healthy Food manje konplè Healthy Food manje sanitè he always acts effeminate tout jès li se jès fi he always a hit wherever he goes tout kote l pase tout moun toujou renmen l he announced li te anonse he announced li te anonse he announced Li te anonse he announced that li te anonse ke he announced that li te anonse sa he announced that li te pibliye he announced that li te rapòte sa he announced today li te anonse jodi a he announced today li te fè konnen jòdi a he answered li te korespon-n he answered li te repon-n heap amas heap anpile heap pil he appreciated li te apresye heap tas heap twòp hear a case tande yon jijman hear a case tande yon ka Page 276 Feuille1 hear heard hear he arrived he arrived he arrived hears hearsay hearsay hears hears heart hear hear Heart disease heart disease Heart disease hearth hearth heart heart heart Heart heart heart he asked for a divorce he asks he asks he asks he asks heat Heat heat heater Heater Heater heater heathen heating Heating heat Heat of fusion Heat of vaporization Heat-seeking Heat-seeking heat heavy arms heavy artillery heavy artillery heavy artillery heavy heavy heavy aprann antandi prete atansyon li te rive li te rive yo te rive apran-n rime yo di koute tande am tande tande batman kè maladi kè Maladi kè fwaye kwen dife kè kè kè Kè nanm tyè li mande divòs demand demand rekèt rekèt chalè Chalè cho aparèy chofaj Aparèy chofaj Aparèy chofaj chofaj Payen chofaj chofaj lafyèv Chalè pou fon Chalèt evaporasyon bon kondiktè chalè chèchè chalè tanperaticho zam lou machin lou mitrayèt lou zam lou difisil lou lou Page 277 Feuille1 heavy lou heavy lou heavy lou heavy lou heavy lou heavy machine guns cha de gè heavy machine guns machin lou heavy machine guns mitrayèt lou Heavy machinery manufacturing gwo machin de fabrikasyon heavy peze heavy peze heavy peze heavy peze. Heavy tanks tank lou yo heavy truck gwo kamyon lou heavy weapon asnal Zam heavy weapon zam a gwo kapasite he been out of work for months li gen konbe mwa l pa p travay he bought a maroon shirt l achte yon chemiz maron he bought nine forks li te achte nèf fouchèt hebrew Ebre Hebrew Ebwe he broke his leg but he can still li gen get yon around janm li k kase men l ka deplase he broke his leg but he can still li gen get yon around janm li k kase men l ka mache he buys three tigers l achte twa tig he can be very mean li mechan anpil he can't do anything to you he li pa justkatalk fè ou anyen pale l ap pale he can't drive a car with a stick li pa shift ka kondi machin ki gen chanjman vitès he can't get his teeshirt off li pa ka retire mayo a sou li he can't sit still se yon moun ki pa ka chita he carried out li te ekzekite li te fini he carried out he carried out li te pòte he carried out li te realize he carried out li te retire he cautioned li te avèti he claimbed a ladder li moute sou yon nechèl he claims that li revandike sa he comes at last li resi vini he comes from a poor home li sot nan yon fanmi malere he comes from a poor home li sot nan yon fanmi malere he comes li vini he concluded li te konkli he confirmed li te konfime he consider that li konsidere sa he continued li te kontinye he corresponded li te korespon-n he corresponded li te repon-n he could be li te kapab he decided li te deside he declared after talks li te deklare aprè pale yo he declared after talks li te deklare aprè paròl yo he declared li fè konnen Page 278 Feuille1 he declared that are li te deklare sa yo he declared that is li te deklare sa se he defeated them in the election se lave by al landslide lave yo nan eleksyon an he delivered li te delivwe he delivered li te lonje he delivered li te pase bay he deserves a good kick in the li merite butt yon bon kout pye nan bounda hedge bòdi hedge fèmti hedge kloti hedgerow bòdi hedgerow fèmti hedgerow kloti he did add that li te ajoute sa he did it for me for free li fè l pou mwen gratis he did it for me for free li fè l pou mwen pou granmesi he did li te fabrike he did li te fè he did li te fè he did'nt come li pa t vini he didn't have a shirt on li pa gen chemiz sou li he didn't have a single mark on li pa him gen yon ti mak sou li he did sleep for a number of day li fè konbe jou l pa dòmi he died an accident, leaving ali mouri wife and nantwo aksidan children an kite madanm li, ak 2 timoun he died last february li mouri fevriye ki sot pase a he distrusts everyone li pa fè pyès moun konfyans he does'nt know how to do division li po koyet konn fè divizyon he doesn't know what he's doing li pa konn sa l ap fè he dove into the ocean li plonje nan lanmè a he drew me aside and gave the li rale money m sou kote, li banm kòb la he drives like a maniac li kondi tankou yon moun fou Talon Heel heel talon pye he emphasized aksantye he emphasized detaye he emphasized li te detaye he emphasized li te pale de sa anpil he emphasized that are li te detaye sa yo he emphasized that are li te detaye sa yo he emphasized that is lite aksantye sou he emphasized that is li te detaye sa se he emphasized that is li te ensite sou he emphasized that li te souliye sa he emphasized that will li te detaye sa pral he estimated li te estime he estimated that li te estime sa he estimated that li te evalye sa he estimated that li te kalkile he evaluated li te valye he evaluates li evalye he evaluates li evalye he expects li espere he expressed a hope li te eksprime yon espwa Page 279 Feuille1 he expressed li te eksprime he finished li te fini he finished li te fini he finished li te pòte he gave it to me for keeps li ban mwen l nèt he gave li te bay he gave me the scare of my life m pa janm pè konsa he gets angry if I tell him to go depi to study m di l al etidye leson n li fache he goes Li ale he goes Li pwale he got here last night li vini yè swa he got murdered yo touye l he got the flu from playing in lithe pran rainyon grip nan jwe nan lapli a he had a cigarette after everyli meal fimen yon sigarèt chak lè l fin manje he had a strange laugh li gen yon mòd ri dwòl he had his hair cut this morning li fè tèt li maten an he had li te genyen he hadn't done anything wrong li pa fè anyen mal he had to li te dwe he handed over li te delivwe he handed over li te lonje he handed over li te pase bay he has 20 head of oxen li gen 20 tèt bèf he has a car or at least he didli have gen yon a car machin, antouka m konnen l te gen yon machin he has a detailed knowledge se of ityon bagay li konn byen he has a harsh voice li gen gwo vwa he has a harsh voice li gen yon vwa loray he has a knack for choosin mangoes li konn chwazi mango he has a position of importance li nan in the yongouverment bèl pozisyon nan gouvènman an he has a position of importance li nan in the yongouverment gwo pozisyon nan gouvènman an he has a talent for drawing li gen don pou l fè desen he has a talent for sewing li gen don poul koud he has a toothache li gen dan fè mal he has a toothache li gen mal dan hehas bad manners li maledve he has good manners li byennelve he has li genyen he has nothing on over me inlidrawing pa pi fò pase m nan desen he hasn't yet mastered the game li po ko fin konn jwèt la he has pointed out Li te vize deyò he has some women calling him li gen allyon the fitime k ap rele l tout tan he has two illegitimate children li gen de pitit deyò he headed the ball into the goal li fè yon tèt li met boul la nan gòl la he held li kenbe he held li te sipòte he hopes that he will li espere sa pral he hopes that will li espere sa pral height of cone wotè yon kòn height of cylinder wotè yon silenn height wotè Height Wotè he informed li te enfòme he informed li te enfòme Page 280 Feuille1 he informed li te rapòte he invests li envesti he is chosen li te chwazi he is coming lap vini he is going Li ale he is going Li pwale he is going to the drugstore li pral nan famasi he is hot li cho he is in charge li responsab he is lap he is l ap he is li ap he is li se he is li se he is not happy li pa kontan he is politically appropriate Li politikman apopiye he is politically appropriate Li politikman konvenab he is politically appropriate politikman li apwopiel he is politically appropriate politikman li konvni li he is responsible li responsab he is sick li malad he is there li la he judged li te jije he jumped over the chair wallli vole pase sou tèt chèy la he just a child. he doesn't understand se yon timoun right from li ye,wrong li po koyet gen konprann he just a kid se yon yimoun li ye he just arrived li fenk rive he just arrived li fenk vini he just kidding you se blag l ap fè avè ou he just kidding you se fraz l ap fè avè ou he just walked around the corner li fenk vire nan lakou a he kicked a hole in the wall li bay mi an yon kout pye, li fè yon tou ladan he kicked open the door li bay pòt la yon sèl kout pye li ouvè l he kicked the ball out of the bounds li mete boul la deyò he landed a great job li jwenn yon bèl djòb held te kenbe held te kenbe held te kenbe he lead li kondwi he lead li mennen he lead li mennen he leads li kondwi he leads li menen he leaned his head on my back li apiye tèt li sou do m he leaned the leader against lthe apiye treenechèl la nan pye bwa a he led gid he left his car at the garage li kite macchin li nan remiz la he left his job li kite travay la he left the car where it broke lidown kite machin lan machin lan kote l pran pàn nan he li he li he li he li Page 281 Feuille1 helicopter choperè Helicopter crewmember manm dekipaj elikoptè helicopter elikoptè helicopter elikoptè helicopter elikoptè helicopter elikoptè Helicopter Elikoptè Helicopter missions Elikoptè misyonè Helicopter pilot pilòt elikoptè Helicopters Elikoptè yo he listed li te afiche he listed li te espesifye he listed valè he lived li te abite he lived li te rete he lived li te viv he lives in li viv nan he lives in the sticks without plumbing se nan bwa electricity l rete paorgen anything tiyo pa gen limyè pagen anyen he lives in this town li viv nan vil sila a helix espiral helix resò plat, fen e ron hell anfè he'll find out anyway you mayl ap as well knn sa tellkanmenm him ou mèt tou di l sa he'll get back at you somehow l ap pran ou kanmenm he'll go to any lenghts for money li ka fè nenpòt bagay pou lajan he'll have finished before we lget ap home gentan fini anvan n rive kay he'll have to make do with what l aphe degaje has l ak sa l genyen an hell lanfè he'll make a great husband l ap fè yon bon mari hello alo hello alo hello alo Hello alo hello bonjou Hello bonjou helmet kaskèt helmets kas he looked me over from headli to gade footm depi nan pye jis nan tèt he looks just like my brother li sanble tèt koupe ak frè m lan help bay èd help èd help èd help ede help ede helped that te ede sa helper asistan helper èd helper èdè help for ede pou help in ede nan help kenbe help me banm èd help me banm kout men Page 282 Feuille1 help me ede m help me ede mwen help me please ede mwen silvouplè help Osekou help pou ede help pou kenbe help pou sipòte help sekou help sekouri help sipòte help sipòte he made a gerture for me to follow li fè m him siy swiv li he made a killing in the lotteryli fè yon voum kòb nan lotri he made a statement li te fè yon deklarasyon he made like he's was the smartest li fè konmsi person se in li kthe konnen world pase tout moun he made like he's was the smartest li fè tankou person se in li kthe konnen worldpase tout mounk he made like I was the one who jan got l pale him a,fired se tankou se mwen k te fè revoke l he made li te fabrike he made li te fè he made li te fè he made me finish the work before li fè m leaving fini travay la anvam m ale he made off with all the store;s li sove money ak tout kòb magazen an he made such a fuss that I had li sitotèlman kick him fè bri, out m oblije mete l deyò he made up a nice basket of lè food m prale for meli fè to yon takebèl when panye I leftpwovizyon ban mwen he makes $ 50 a week li fè 50 dola pa semenn he married late in his life li marye ta he may be stupid but he's notsecoward vre li egare men li pa kapon he met with li te rankontre avèk hen coop fèmye hen coop panye poul hen coop poulaye henhouse fèmye henhouse panye poul henhouse poulaye he noted li remake he noted li te note he notified li te notifye he owns a lot of land li gen yon bann tè he painted the legs of the table li pentire pye tab la he passed li te pase he played li te jwe he pointed out how li te atire atansyon kòman he pointed out li te atire atansyon he pointed out that li endike sa he put it on the table li mete l sou tab la her anger doesn't last long kòlè l pa pou lontan Herbal medicine Remèd fèy herb asowosi Herceg Bosnia Herceg Bosni her cheeks are hollow machwè l zo her dress got caught in the door wòb li pran nan pòt la hereby apwe sa hereby konsa apwe Page 283 Feuille1 hereby men apwe he received in li te jwenn nan he received in li te resevwa nan he received li resevwa he received lite resevwa he received the notebooks li te resevwa kaye yo he receive his envelope li resevwa anvlòo li a he refused te refize hereinafter apwe sa hereinafter konsa apwe hereinafter men apwe here isi here isi here is isit se here isit here isit here isit here isit Here Isit here is menni here is the confirmation number:456B men nimewo konfimasyon an: 456B here it is men sa Here. La he remarked li remake he remarked li te note he remarked li te remake he reminded li te rapele he reminded li te sonje he reminded li te sonje he reminded te rapele he removed li te ekzekite he removed li te realize he removed li te retire here, pay for me at the counter, Menand peye keep pouthe mwen change. nan giche a e kenbe rès la. he reported li te rapòte he reported that li te anonse sa he reported that li te pibliye he reported that li te rapòte sa he requests demand he requests demand he requests rekèt he requests rekèt he resided te rete he resided te rezide heretofore nan sans sa heretofore pa mwayen sa herewith jiska pwezan herewith jis kote nap pale a herewith jis kounye a here you are kote w ye a her faces is full of freckles figi l chaje takte her hands were like ice as cold men asl ice te frèt kou mab Heritage Eritaj Page 284 Feuille1 her l her Li her own pa li her sa her sa her skirt got caught in the door jipand li pran shenan couldn't pòt lafree li paitka retire l hers pal yo hers pou li Hertz Hèts her work is her whole life se travay li sèlman k enterese l he's agifted singer li gen don pou l chante he said how li te rakonte kòman he said Li te di he said Li te di he said li te rakonte he said that li te di sa he said that Li te di sa he's always eats as much as lihe toujou can manje valè l kapab he's always free with his advice li toujou ap vin bay moun konsèy he's always harping on the same tout tan thing se yon sèl pawòl l ap pale he's always make me laugh li toujou ap fè m ri he's always the last person tosecome li k toujou vin an dènye he's always using vulgar language li tou jou ap di betiz he's a man of his word li se yon moun ki gen pawòl he's a man of his word se moun ki gen pawòl he's as big as I am li menm gwosè he's as big as I am li menm wotè he's as wide as he tall menm jan l wo a, konsa l laj he saw me getting soaked in lithe wèrain m ap and mouye took me naninlapli for a the li fè night m antre vin pase nwit lan lakay li he says he was there, but I know li di l better te la men m konn se pa vre he says that he's immune to the li di desease maladi a pa ka antre sou li he's been acting strange lately depi kèk jou m wè l yon jan dwòl he's coming at least he told me l aphevini was antouka se sa l te di m he's crazy. he imagine he's alipriest fou li gen foli pè he's distracted by all his problems tèt li pala menm, li gen anpil pwoblèm he sell five cats li vann senk ti chat he sells a mouse li vann yon sourit he sent word to us that he was li voye coming di n l ap vini he's getting worried l ap bay tèt li poblèm he's gone l ale he/she/stands li/li/kanpe he/she went to the restaurantli te al nan restoran he should have li dwe genyen he signed li te signye he's ignorant of what goes onli in pathe janm house la li because pa konn sa he's k ap never pase there nan kay la he's illiterate li pa konn li he's immensely wealthy li chaje byen he sings well, doesn't li konn chante, en! pa vre? hesitation ezitasyon he's lagging behind because lihe jiscan't dèyèwalk ; l pafast ka mache vit he's learning to be a tailor l ap aprann tayè he's left-handed li goche he's letting his hair grow longli kite cheve l pouse Page 285 Feuille1 he's living a life of leisure se moun ki nan lavi dous he's married to one of my sisters li marye ak yon sè m he's never at home li pa janm lakay li he's never at home li pa janm lakay li he's no idiot he knew what heli was pa sòt doing li konn sa l ap fè he's no longer in the army li pa nan lame ankò he's not as a bad guy as theyli make pa move himmoun out tojan be yo di a he's not kidding it's true se pa blag l ap bay se vre he's not my father he's my stepfather se pa papa m se bòpè m he's not our son, he's my stepson se pa pitit nou se bofis nou he's not serious; he's only acting se pa tout bon se blag l ap fè he's not that kind of person li pa moun pou sa he's not too tall his head is level li pawith wo my anpil shoulder li ban m nan zèpòl he speaks about li pale de he speaks about li pale osijè he specified li te afiche he specified li te espesifye he specified valè he spent li depase he spoke about li te pale de he spoke about li te pale osijè he's responsible for his own actions se li k reskonsab kòz li he's responsible for his own actions se li k reskonsab zak li he's sick li malad he's sleeping on the floor, and l ap I can't dòmistep atè over a m paka him janbe l he's so lazy li tèlman parese he's so skinny that his collarbone li tèlman sticks mèg outzo salyè l griyen he's still in prison, they haven't li nan let him prizon out toujou, yet yo po ko lage l he's taking me out to a restaurant l ap menenm nan restoran he's tall li wo he started talking when we began depi ntoantre beat lhim anba with baton a stick l ap pale he stated li te deklare he stated that li te deklare sa he stayed li te abite he stayed li te rete he stayed li te viv he stayed te rete he stayed te rezide he's teaching the kids to talk ldirty ap aprann timoun yo di betiz he's the head of the army se li menm ki chèf lame a he's the kind of person I needed se yon moun konsa menm m te bezwen an he's the master of the house se what li khe mèt says kaygoes la sa l di se sa he's the only one who can getsethe li menm car started sèl ki ka estat machin lan he's the only one who stuck up se for li menm me ki te defann mwen he still has a lotbof life left in lihim enganm toujou he stressed li te presyone he stuck around until the foodli was rete ready la jis manje a pare he stuck out his foot and tripped li lonje mepye l nan wout la li fè m tonbe he suggested li te sigjere he suggested li te sijere he supported li kenbe he supported li te sipòte he's very close acquaintancese bon zanmi m Page 286 Feuille1 he's very mature lespri l devlope anpi l he's very sick I don't think he's li malad going to anpil make m pa it kwè l ap chape he talked today li te pale jodi a he talked to li te pale a he tatally immersed in what he's li pèdi doing nèt nan sa l ap fè a Heterogeneous Etewojèn he thanked li te remèsye he thanked them li te remèsye yo he thinks he knows everything li konprann li konn tout bagay he thinks li panse he thinks li panse he thinks li panse he thinks li pasyone he thinks that is li panse sa se he told how kòman li te di he told how li te di kouman he told how to li te di kouman pou he told in li te di nan he told li te di he told li te di he told li te di he told li te di he told li te di he told me to take to tablets daily li di m pou m pran 2 grenn chak jou he told me you weren't comong li te di m ou pa t ap vini he told that are li te di yo sa he told that li te di sa he told that li te di sa he told that li te di sa he told that li te di sa he told that li te di sa he told that li te di sa he told that lite di sa he told that li te di sa a he told that li te rakonte sa he told today li te di jodi a he took charge of all the funeral se liarrangements k te okipe tout bagay antèman an He took me a long time before m Ipran couldanpil taketan in what anvanhemwas konprann sayingsa l t ap di a he took my photo li pran foto m He took the radio apart and put li demoute it back together radyo a pyès pa pyès enpi l remoute l he took us around the factoryli fè n vizite izin lan he traveled to many lands li vwayaje al anpil peyi he tried to laugh it off, but weliknew pran that pòz ap it had ri sa, hurt men himnou konnen sa fè l mal he waits li tan-n he wants Li vle he warned li te avèti he warned that li te avèti li he warned that li te avèti sa he was able to li te kapab he was an hour late li te gen inè d tan an reta he was aquainted yo pa konnen l he was a tad angry li te yon ti jan fache he was beneath my dignity tose even ta desann acknowlwdge figi m pou his m remarks ta okipe sa l di Page 287 Feuille1 he was better li te pli bon he was better li te pli mye he was better than li te pi pasab ke he was in li te anba he was in li te nan he was in the lead in the race, li te and devan than nan he fell kous la enpi l tonbe he was kicked out of the armyyo revoke l nan lame a he was knocked out when theli rock tonbehitsan himkonnesans lè wòch la pran l lan he was li te he was li te he was Li te he was Li te he was Li te he was Li te he was Li te he was put in jail for fraud li fè sa k pa sa yo mete l nan prizon he was Se te he was there yesterday afternoon li te la yè aprè midi he was working in the hot sunli t ap travay nan solèy cho a he will arrive in chicago at three l apo'clock rive chikago a twa zè he will be home tonight l ap lakay li aswè a he will Li pwal he will receive his radio li pral resevwa radyo li a he will Yo pwal he won't last the night li pa p fè nwit lan he worked li te travay he works li travay hexagon Ekzagòn hexahedron eksayèd Hezbollah Party of God pati bondye Hezbollah hi claudette alo klodèt hidden conditional kondisyonèl kache hideaway disimile hideaway kache hideout bwat sekrè hideout kachèt high agency ro aksyon high anlè high an lè high anwo high an wo High anwo High Chair Chèz ti bebe high commissioner komisyonè wo grade high eleve high enpòtan higher pi gran higher pi ro higher piwo higher pi wo higher terms tèm ki gen pi gwo ekspozan highest authorities pi gwo otorite yo highest common divisor pi gran divizè komen Page 288 Feuille1 highest common factor highest level highest level high high high high High grass High heels highland highlands highlands highlands Highly qualified high high number high number of high high high representatives high representatives high high high high high school diploma high top high top high top highway highway system highway system high high high high high high High hijack hijack hi jules Hiking Hiking hill hillock hillside Hill hill Hilly him him him pi gran faktè komen nivo ki pi wo pi gwo nivo gran gran gran gran gwo zèb Talon kikit Anwo montay do leve wotè lajman kalifye nan tèt gwo nimewo gwo nimewo de ogmante pisan reprezantatif ro yo ro reprezantatif yo ro ro ro ro bakaloreya dènye pwent tèt pwent tèt tèt ki wo gran chimen gwan pave gwan wout wo wo wo wo wo wo wo detounen avyon sezi avyon alo jil Alpinis montè mòn apik mòn Bit tè Ravin Timòn ti mònn montaye l li Li Page 289 Feuille1 himself limenm Hindi Endou Hindi Lang peyi Lend hindrance anbara hindrance anbarasman hindrance anpèchman hindrance apateni hindrance chaj hindrance enjerans hindrance entèferans hindrance inkonbe hindrance obstak Hinduism manm endou Hinduism Relijyon endouis Hindustani Endoustan hip ranch hips hanch hips ranch yo hire anboche hire anplwaye hire bay travay hire kontra hire lye hire vyati lokasyon his behavior aroused their suspicion jan l aji fè yo sispèk li his condition has immensely liimpotant fè gran mye his father left him a large sumpapa of money l mouri kite yon bèl valè kòb pou li his li his li his luck won't hold out chans lan p ap dire his luck won't hold out chans lan pa p dire his mother lets him get away liwith mètmurder/ fè nenpòt anything bagay manman l pa janm di l anyen his mother lets him get away liwith mètmurder/ fè nenpòt anything bagay manman l pa janm fèl anyen his own pa li Hispaniola Ispanyola Hispanola Ispanyola his sa his sa his shape would be a fòm li ta ka historical downtown istorik vil historical downtown sant vil istorik historical downtown vil istorik Historical Istorik Historical sites Lye istorik Historical sites plas istorik History istwa History istwa History Istwa History Listwa his wife is sick madanm li malad his words mo li yo hitch difikilte hitch grate Page 290 Feuille1 hitch sekous hitch wonje hit the nail on the head with the frape hammer mato a sou tèt klou a hit up bat ak kout pwen hit up fwape hoarding mèt an rezèv hoarding mete akote hoarding mete apa hoarding pano piblisite Hobbies detant yo Hobbies lwazi yo Hobbies Pastan yo Hobby detant Hobby lwazi Hobby Pastan hoch jarèt hockey gazon Hoe Wou Hokey Òke Holbrooke said hòlbrooke te di holding company reynyon operasyon holding group gwoup diskisyon holding group gwoup reynon hold it by the handle kenbe l nan manch lan hold it by the handle kenbe l nan manch lan hold it over the fire to dry kenbe l sou dife a pou l ka chèch hold it over the fire to dry kenbe l sou dife a pou l ka chèch hold kenbe hold kenbe hold kenbe hold on a minute I'll go get a pen ret tann mwen yon ti moman m pral pran yon plim hold on a minute I'll go get a pen ret tann mwen yon ti moman, m pral pran yon plim hold onto the money for now kenbe don't give kòb itlatotoujou, her yetpo ko ba li l hold onto the money for now.kenbe don't give kòb la it to toujou her yet po ko ba li l hold teni hold this chair so I can wipe up leve thechèz water sa a pou m ka siye dlo a hold this chair up so I can wipe leve upchèz the water sa a pou m ka siye dlo a hold up ede hold up kenbe hold up pou ede hold up pou kenbe hold up pou sipòte hold up sipòte Hold up the number of fingerskenbe tout dwèt yo anlè hold up your hand so he notices leveyou men ou alè pou l ka wè ou hold up your hand so he notices leveyou men ou anlè pou ka wè ou hold up your hand so he notices leveyou men ou pou l ka wè ou hold your horses don't rush into pran buying san ou a car pa kouri al achte machin konnye a hold your horses, don't rush into pranbuying san oua pa carkouri al achte machin konnye a hole espas hole kavite hole twou hole Twou Page 291 Feuille1 holiday holiday holiday holiday holiday holidays holidays holidays holidays holiday holiday Holocaust Holy city holy of holies holy of holies Holy place Holy place home home home home Home Guard Home Guard home home home home home home home Home homeland homeland homeland Homeland homeland homeland homeland Homelands Homelands homeland homeland homeland homeless homeless homeless Homeless home home home home home office home office chomay chonmay fèt joufèt konje jou san travay konje vakans vakans vakans vakans Olokòs Vil sent sanktyè sen dè sen lye sakre Lye sen abitasyon chan-m demè fwaye gad gad kay joupa kay kay kay kay kay klinik Lakay natal natirèl patri Peyi lakay peyi natal peyi natal peyi natal patri Tè natal tè natal tè natal teritwa epav malandren san kay Sanzabri menaj mennaj mezon mezon biro pwensipal biro santral Page 292 Feuille1 home office chanm biro home office katye jeneral yo home of Parliament kay palman home rezidans home shopping kay komès home shopping mezon komès home shopping network pak komèsyal home shopping network rezo mezon komèsyal Home sick Nostalji lakay homes kay yo homestead fèm home trade achanj nasyonal home trade echanj lokal home trade kay dechanj home trade mezon dafè home trade mezon dechanj home twalèt homework devwa homing torpedo Tòpiyè telegide Homogeneous Omojèn homogeneous polynomial polinòm omojèn Honduras Ondiras honest dwa honest onès honest sensè honesty onètete honesty pwòprete honesty senserite honey come over here and give cheri mevin a fè kiss yon ti bo pou mwen honey come over here and give cheri mevin a fè kiss yon ti bo pou mwen honey could you please comegade and non iron chè, my pants vin pase for me fè sou pantalon sa a pou mwen honey could you please comegade, and iron non my chèpants vin pase for me fè sou please pantalon sa a pou mwen honky-tonk bistwo honky-tonk etablisman de dans honorary president prezidan onorè honored president onore pwezidan honor onè honor onè Honor Onè honor respè Hood Kapo Hook Agraf hoosegow blòk hoosegow sal de gad hoosegow tòl hope espere hope èspere hope espwa hopefully they'll get here before m ta it rains swete pou yo rive anvan lapli a hope lesperans hope lespwa hope lespwa hopes espere Page 293 Feuille1 hope that hope that hope that hope that will be hope that will be horizontal distance horizontal format horizontal line horizontal line symmetry hormone horn Horoscope Horoscope Horrible horse barn horse barn horse barn horse barn Horse horse Horse Horse power Horses Hose Hose Hospital bed hospital complex hospital hospital Hospitality hospital hospital hospital hospital hospital hospital hospital Hospital hospital room hospital room Hospital ship hostage Hostage mis-informer hostage host country hostel hostel hostel hostel hostelry hostelry hostelry hostile witness espere sa èspere sa tann ke espere ke sa pral espere sa va distans orizantal fòma orizontal liy orizontal simetri liy orizontal òmòn kòn owoskòp Siy Makab ekiri estab estab yo nòmal Cheval chwal chwal Chevovapè cheval yo Konbèlann tiyodawosaj Kabann lopital konplèks medikal dispansè enfimyè Ospitalite klinik lopital lopital lopital lopital lopital lopital Lopital chanm lopital sal lopital kondisyon lopital annotaj Otaj mal enfòme otaj peyi dakèy fwaye fwaye jèn lojman etidyan obèj loje obèj obèjri temwen ròklò Page 294 Feuille1 hot hot hot hot hot Hot hotel hotel hotel Hotel hotel room hothouse hothouse hothouse hothouse hot hot relish hot water Hot water hour hour hour hour hour Hour hour hour hour hour hours hours hours hours hours Hours hour house house house house house house house house house house House House house house house house house boule cho cho cho cho Cho otèl otèl otèl Otèl chanm otèl jaden andedan kay konsèvatwa konsève sere pike pikliz dlo cho Dlo cho è lè lè lè lè Lè mont olòj pandil revèy lè lè yo lè yo lè yo lè yo lè yo zè chan-m demè kay kay kay kay kay kay kay kay Kay Kay mezon mezon mezon mezon mezon Page 295 Feuille1 house of correction kay de koreksyon House of district kay distri house of God kay de pwiyè house of God kil adorasyon house of God kil adorasyon house of God mezon de Dye house of God plas adorasyon house of ill repute kay fème house of ill repute mezon fème house of prayer kay de pwiyè house of prayer kil adorasyon house of prayer kil adorasyon house of prayer mezon de Dye house of prayer plas adorasyon House of Representatives Chanm Repwezantan yo House Of Representatives kay reprezantan yo House of Representatives la Chanm depite yo house of representatives of Croatia's kay reprezantatif parliament palman kwoasi a house of representatives of Croatia's mezon represantif parliamentpalman de kwoasi house of worship kay de pwiyè house of worship kil adorasyon house of worship kil adorasyon house of worship mezon de Dye house of worship plas adorasyon house rezidans housing lojman Housing Lojman Piblik housing which was destroyedkay ki te detwi housing which was destroyedkay kite kraze yo hovel barakman hovel kabann hovel kabin hovel mazi hovel todis how are kouman se how are Kouman yo How are the land mine locations kouman marked yo make kote min pyeje yo ye a How are the landmine locations kouman marked yo make kote min pyeje yo ye a How are the land mine locations kouman marked yo make plas eksplozif How are the landmine locations kouman marked yo make plas eksplozif How are the materials shipped ki jan to the yo plant? transpòte materièl la vin nan plant la? How are the plant's products kòman shippedyofrom transpòte the plant? pwodwi a soti nan plant la? How are very important messages kouman marked? mesaj enpòtan? how are you ki jan ou ye How are you ki jan ou ye how are you kouman ou ye how come ki fè how come kòman how come kòman how come kouman How current is the information? èske enfòmasyon sa yo kouran? how did he break his leg kouman pye l fè kase how did she get out of the crib kòman l fè sot nan bèso a Page 296 Feuille1 how did you get on this subject kouman n fe rive nan pawòl sa a how did you get on this subject kouman n fè vin sou pawòl sa a how did you make out on thekouman exam ou degaje ou nan egzamen an How does the populace reactkitojan taxes? pèp la reyaji an fas taks yo? how do I get to this mine fieldkijan mwen kapab ale nan tèren min sa a how do I get to this mine fieldkòman m ka rive nan mine sa a how do I get to this mine fieldkouman mwen kapab rive nan tèren min sa a how do I get to this mine fieldkouman pou m fè pou m ale nan tèren min sa a how don't know how this happened m pa konn kouman sa fè rive however detout fason however nenpot ki however nenpòt ki how far did you get in the busjis ki kote ou rive nan liv la How far does the mine field extend nan ki distans minn yo rive How far does the minefield extend nan ki distans minn yo rive How far does the mine field extend nan ki distans pyèj yo rive How far does the minefield extend nan ki distans pyèj yo rive How far does the mine field extend nan ki limit pyèj yo rive How far does the minefield extend nan ki limit pyèj yo rive How far is it èske li lwen How far is it èske l lwen How far is it ki distans li ye how far is petionville from here mèsi madanm ki distans petyonvil ye ak isit la how is everybody ki jan tout moun yo ye how is it going to kouman li pwal how is it kouman sa ye How is it updated? koman yo renouvle l? How is it updated? kouman yo reajiste l sou lè? how is kouman se How is nonpayment of taxes ki handled? jan yo aji avèk moun ki pa peye taks? How is nonpayment of taxes ki handled? jan yo boule avèk moun ki pa peye taks? How is nonpayment of taxes ki handled? sa yo fè ak moun ki pa peye taks How is nonpayment of taxes kouman handled?yo fè ak moun ki pa peye taks? how is she doing in the job kouman l ap boule nan travay la how is she doing in the job kouman l ap degaje l nan travay la How is the cockpit visibility when kòmam looking viziblite out?kabin nan ye lè w ap gade deyò? How is the fuel transported tokouman the flightyoline? te transpòte gaz pou liy aeryen? How is the material stored? kouman materyèl yo stoke? how it will Kòman li pwal howitzer mòtye howitzer obi how kòman how kòman how kòman how kòman how kouman how kouman How long ago was it done depi kilè li te fèt How long ago was it done depi konbyen tan li te fèt how long are you going to stay konbyen in haiti tan ke ou pral pase an ayiti how long are you staying Pou konbyen tan wap pase How long did it last? Konbye li te dire How long does it last? Konbyen tan li te dire? Page 297 Feuille1 How long has it been like thatdepi kilè li te konsa How long has it been like thatkonbyen tan li genyen depi li konsa how long have you been herekonbyen tan ke ou genyen isit How long have you lived heredenpi ki lè ou rete la a How long have you lived heredepi konbyen tan ou rete isit la How long have you lived herekonbyen tan ou genyen depi w ou rete la How long will it take to get there ki distans ou pwan pou rive la How long will it take to get there konbyen tan li pran pou ou ale la How long will it take to get there konbyen tan ou ka pwan pou rive la how long you have you beenkon in united byen stated tan ke ou gen ozetazini How many are now with the same Konbyen unit?ki konnyè a nan menm inite a? How many are there in the unit? Konbyen konsa genyen nan inite w la? how many batteries does thiskonbe radio take pil radyo sa a pran How many bullets for it do you Konbyen carry? grenn bal ou pote pou li? how many days did you take konbe off lastjou year vakans ou te pran ane pase how many days do you get for konbe vocation jou vacans ou genyen how many eggs have hachedkonbe ze k kale how many ki kantite how many ki kantite How many? ki kantite? how many ki valè ; for questions concerning money how many konben how many konbyen how many konbyen How many? Konbyen? how many konbyen pou plizyè How many of your units are inKonbyen the communication nan inite w la net? ki nan rezo kominikasyon an? How many people are in yourkonbyen unit? moun ou genyen nan inite w la? how many people are you having konbe atmoun the party ou ap envite nan fèt la how many people will it take us konbe to move mounthat n ap table bezwen pou n deplase tab la How many persons were recruited Konbyen frommoun your ki location te anwole at the nan same zòn time? nan an menm tan? How many rounds of ammunition konbyen do you kouch have minisyon on the aircraft? ou genyen nan avyon an? How many were buried therekonbyen moun ki te tere la How many were buried therekonbyen moun yo te antere la How many were hurt konbyen ki blese How many were hurt konbyen ki te blese How many were hurt konbyen moun ki te blese How many years of civilian education konbyen have tan ouyou te pase had? lekòl nan lavi sivil ou? how much does this gas tankkonbe take galon gaz machin sa a pran how much is konbyen how much is se konbyen how much is this room? konbyen chanm sa a koute? how much ki kantite how much ki kantite how much ki valè how much ki valè ; for questions concerning money how much konbyen how much konbyen How much konbyen how much konbyen pou plizyè how much money did you getkonbe for thekòb carou vann machin lan how much money did you take konbe in today kòb ou fè jodi a how much money do you have konbe kòb ou genyen Page 298 Feuille1 How much tax do you pay? ki kantite taks ou peye? How much tax do you pay? ki valè taks ou peye? How much tax do you pay? konbyen taks ou peye? How often are taxes collected? chak ki lè yo ranmase taks? How often are taxes collected? konbyen fwa yo kolekte taks? How often are the passwordskonbyen or call signs fwa modpas changed? yo oubyen siy dapel yo te chanje? How often are your unit's mobilization konbyen fwa capabilities inite w laexercised? kapab egzèse mobilizasyon li? How old are you? Ki laj ou How quick is your reaction team a ki on vitès standby? ekip reaksyon w nan disponib How quick is your reaction team nanon ki vitès standby? ekip entèvansyon w nan sou rezèv? How reliable are the security jiska forces? ki pwen fòs sekirite yo disponib? How successful is your unit injiska meeting ki nivo thesiksè required inite w time la rive to launch? lanse a tan? how those kòman sa a yo how was I to know she was your kouman wife poum te fè konnen se te madanm ou how was the breakfast, madam? ki jan dejene a te ye madanm? How well are the security forces èske armed? fòs sekirite yo byen ame? How well are the security forces èske equipped? fòs sekirite yo byen ekipe? How well are the security forces ki valè trained? antrènman fòs sekirite yo resevwa? How well are these organization a ki equipped? nivo òganizasyon sa yo byen ekipe? How well are these organization a ki trained? nivo òganizasyon sa yo byen antrene? How well does your unit compare jiska to ki nivo your efikas possible inite opponent? w la kapab mezire a yon evantyèl opozan? How well do you speak it? èske w pale li byen? How were you recruited? kouman yo te rekrite w? how we would kouman nou ta pwal how will imen how will kouman pwal how would it be kòman li pral ye how would Kouman ta how would Se sou HQ katye jeneral militè yo HQ katye jeneral yo huge corruption scheme gwo konplo kòripsyon huge corruption scheme gwo plan kòripsyon huge corruption scheme gwo pwojè kòripsyon huge enòm huge gran huge gran huge gro huge lag human advancement develòpman imen human advancement pwogrè imen human chromosomes kwomozòm moun yo human dignity dignyite moun human dignity dinyite moun human imen human imen human imen humanitarian affairs zafè imanitè humanitarian affairs zafè imanitè yo humanitarian aid èd imanitè humanitarian aid èd imanitè humanitarian aid èd imanitè humanitarian aid flights avyon èd imanitè Page 299 Feuille1 humanitarian aid in Bosnia humanitarian aid in Bosnia humanitarian aid mission humanitarian airlift humanitarian corridors humanitarian corridors humanitarian corridors humanitarian goods humanitarian goods humanitarian goods humanitarian goods humanitarian humanitarian humanitarian humanitarian Humanitarian intervention humanitarian nature humanitarian nature humanitarian operation humanitarian organization humanitarian organizations humanitarian program humanitarian program humanitarian questions humanitarian rights humanitarian rights humanitarian situation human human Human power human rights Human rights Human Rights human rights Human rights Human rights Human Rights human rights human rights human rights human Humid Humid humiliation humiliation hummock Humor Humvee hundred hundred hundred hundred hundreds of people èd imanitè nan bosni èd imaniteryen nan bozni misyon èd imanitè transpò aeryen koridò imanitè koulwa imanitè mwayen imanitè èd imanitè yo ekipman imanitè yo pwodi imanitè yo sèvis imanitè yo imanitè imanitè imanitè imateryen entèvansyon imanitè karaktè imaniteryen nati imaniteryen operasyon imanitè òganizasyon imanitè òganizasyon imanitè pwogram imanitè pwogram imanitè kessyon imanitè yo dwa imaniteryen yo dwat imanitè sitiyasyon imaniteryen kouman pwal moun Fòs moun dwa imen Dwa imen Dwa Imen dwa moun dwa moun Dwa moun Dwa Moun dwa moun yo dwa zimen dwa zimen yo sansib Imid mouye imilyasyon imilyasyon Bit tè Imè machin militè Ameriken trè pisan 100 100 san san dè santèn de moun Page 300 Feuille1 hundreds of people hundreds hundredth Hungarian minority Hungarian Hungarian Hungarian Party Hungarian Party Hungary Hungary hunger hunger hunger hunger Hunger hunger hunger strike hunger strike hunger strike Hunger strike hungry hungry hungry hunt down Hunting Hunting hunting lodge hunting lodge hunting lodge hunting lodge hunting lodge hurdle hurdle Hurricane Hurricane Hurricane Hurricane hurry hurry up Hurry up ! hurry up hurt hurt hurt me hurt me hurt me husband husband husband husband Husband husband husband santèn de moun san santyèm minorite Ongaryen Ongaryen Ongryen fèt hongaryen fèt ongwa ongri ongri dizèt grangou grangou lafen Lafen mizè grèv de fen grèv grangou grèv lafen Grèv lafen anfanmen grangou grangou pati ki dèyè chas Lachas amwa chas ebèje loje vèstyè klè obstak Ouragan Siklòn Siklòn Tanpèt prese depeche ou Fè vit! lanpresman fè mal fè mal banm kou fwape m fwape mwen mari mari mari mari Mari mouche mouche Page 301 Feuille1 husband nonm husband nonm hut barakman hutch barakman hutch kabann hutch kabin hutch mazi hutch todis hut kabann hut kabann hut kabin hut mazi Huts Joupa Huts kounouk hut todis HVO sources from Orasje origine de Orasje HVO HVO sources from Orasje sous de Orasje HVO Hydraulics Idwolik yo Hydraulic test stand montaj tès idwolik Hydro Electric Idroelektrik Hydroelectric Idwoelèktrik Hydroplane Idravyon Hygiene Ijyèn hymn kantik hyperbola ipèbòl hypocrite debouda hypocrite ipokrite hypocrite koutodebò hypothesis ipotèz Hypothesis Ipotèz hypothetical proposition pwopozisyon ipotetik I aimed at its head, but I missed m vize the lmark nan tè m pa pran l I am a doctor mwen se yon doktè I am a doctor mwen se yon medsen I am a man mwen se yon gason I am a medic. Mwen se yon teknisyen medikal. I am a member of the mwen fè pati de I am a member of the mwen se yon manm nan I am an American soldier Mwen se yon sòlda ameriken I am a woman mwen se yon fanm I am carring my clothes and my m gen personal rad mwen belongings ak afè in pèsonèl thai suitcase mwen nan sir malèt la mesye I am coming Map vini I am coming Mwen vini I am crazy about romantic movies. Mwen fou pou fim damou. I am electrician m se elektrisyen I am glad to meet you sir m byen kontan kontre ou mesye I am glad to see you m byen kontan wè ou I am going Ale I am going Eske m pwale I am going Mwen ale I am going Mwen pwale I am going to help you. mwen pwal ede ou. I am going to the bookstore mwen pral nan libreri Page 302 Feuille1 I am going to the drugstore mwen pral nan famasi I am going to the movies m pral nan sinema I am going to the movies nowmwen pral nan sinema koulye a I am going to work m pral travay I am hungry mwen grangou I am hungry mwen grangou I am in a hurry mwen prese I am late mwen an reta I am lost mwen pèdi I am M I am map I am m ap I am Mwen I am mwen se I am not a doctor. Mwen pa yon doktè. I am not going to the movies mwen now pa pral nan sinema koulye a I am not going to the park ou pa pral sou pak I am not M pat I am not Mwen pat I am not rich mwen pa rich I am pleased to meet you mister m byen koffekontan kontre mesye koffe I am sorry mwen regwèt I am sorry, sir, this room is too m expensive. regrèt sa mesye, chanm sa twò chè. I am sorry, sir, this room si too mwen small. regrèt sa, mesye, sa two piti. I am thirsty mwen swaf I am thirsty ou swaf I am tired mwen fatige I arrived at 8, and he put me m to rive workaimmediately 8 è, menm kote a l foure nan travay I asked for two-day leave to go m mande see my 2mother jou konje pou m ka al wè manman m I aughed my head off m ri kont ri m I be leaving around 8 m ap kite nan zòn 8 è I believe that m kwè sa I believe that m panse sa IBM Corp announced Koperasyon IBM te anonse IBM Corp announced mezon komès IBM te anonse IBM plans to IBM ap planifye pou li I bought seven dishes m te achte sèt asyèt I bought their latest record m achte dènye plak yo a I broke the stick on his head m kase batob an nan tèt li I buy an aleohant m achte yon elefan I called him three times, but Im didn't rele get l twa hold fwa,ofmhim pa jwenn li I call tails m parye sou palmis I can mwen kapab I can Mwen kapab I can start right now sir m ap kòmanse kouly a mesye I can't do it for free m pa ka fè l pou gran mesi I can't even walk, let alone run m pa menm ka mache alewè pou m ta kouri I can't get by on the little bit ofmmoney pa ka viv theak give ti kòb me yo each ban m chak mwa a I can't get over how thin he's m come sezi wè jan l vin piti I can't get through to miami on m the pa ka phone jwenn mayami I can't give you an answer right m pa now, ka but ba ou I'll get yonback repons to you konnye tomorrow a m a tcheke ou demen I can't have him doing just anything m pa kahekite wants l fè sa in my l vlehouse nan kay la I can't imagine why you told him m pa that fouti konprann kouman ou fè rele l ou di l sa Page 303 Feuille1 I can't make it on that little bitmofpa money ka viv ak ti kras kòb sa a I can't make out his handwriting m pa fouti li sa l ekri a I can't manage on that little bitmof apmoney ka viv ak ti kras kòb sa a I can't take it anymore m pa kapab ankò I can't take it anymore m pa ka sipòte ankò I caught the thief but, the freed m himself kenbe vòlè fromamy enpi grasp l sove nan menm icbm misil balistik entè kontinantal ice-cream kwèm ice glas ice glas ice glas Ice skating Patinaj sou glas Ice tray Plato glas I come from haiti mwen sòti an ayiti I come from haiti mwen sòti ayiti I come from the dominican republic mwen sòti an dominikani I come Map vini I come Mwen vini I could do a coke m ta bwè yon koka I could do with some money yon ti kòb ta byen itil mwen I could feel my strengh faillingmme, santi but mI pa stillgen held fòs onto ankò, themen ropem kenbe kòb la la I couldn't get away from workmbefore pa t ka 2 o'clock kite travay la anvan 2 è I couldn't get those big pills down grenn sa yo twò gwo m pa ka vale yo I'd better stay home tonight so fò Im can retstudy lakay aswè a pou m ka etidye I'd better stay home tonight so fò Im can retstudy lakay aswè pou m ka etidye idea ide idea lide ideal koup Ideal machine Machin pafè ideal pafè ideal san fot idea nosyon idea panse identical idantik identically vanishing k ap disparèt menm jann identical quantities kantite idantik identical relation relasyon idantik identical substitution sibstitisyon idantik identical transformation transfòmasyon idantik Identification bracelet braslè idantite Identification bracelet Goumèt didanite identification card kat didantite Identification signs siy idantifikasyon yo identified mine fields nearby dekouvri teren ki gen min nan alantou an identified minefields nearby dekouvri teren ki gen min nan alantou an identified mine fields nearby idantifye tèren ki gen pyèj ozalantou a identified minefields nearby idantifye tèren ki gen pyèj ozalantou a identified mine fields nearby identifye teren gen bonm nan ozanviwon an identified minefields nearby identifye teren gen bonm nan ozanviwon an identity idantite Identity Idantite identity property pwopriyete idantite identity relation relasyon idantite Page 304 Feuille1 identity symbol senbòl idantite ideological falsehood manti ideolojik ideological ferment sediksyon ideologik ideological ferment sibstans ideologik Ideologist Ideyològis I did everything I could for herm fè tout sa m te kapab pou li I did my duty m fè devwa m I didn't count on his wanting to m leave pa t fè lide l t ap anvi ale I didn't do anything illegal they m have pa fèno anyen rightsa to karrest pa same pou yo arete m I didn't get aroud to writting you m pa jwenn tan pou m ekri ou I didn't get around to it today m pa t gen tan pou m te fè l jodi a I didn't get what he said m pa tande sa l te di a I didn't go, but he did m pa t ale men limenm li te ale I didn't like his idea m pa t renmen lide l la I didn't pay for them they were m free pa achete yo, yo ban mwen yo gratis I didn't read it; I just leafed through m pa t itli and l; m looked gade paj at yo thegade pictures foto I didn't say anything to make m jumped pa di anyen all overlame poulike pran thatm ak grap konsa I didn't see him when he tookmoffpa wè l lè l ale I didn't think our money will hold m pa out kwè long kòb la ap fè n lontan I did really bad in the exam m pa fè anyen nan ekzamen an I did really bad in the exam m pa renmèt anyen nan ekzamen an I did the dishes m lave asyèt yo idiot enbesil idiot idwo idiot idyo idiot mou-n san lespri idiot sòt idiot yoyo I dispprove of your actions m pa dakò menm ak sa ou fè a I distinctly remember what I said m chonje to youbyen sa m te di ou la I'd just gone to bed when shemcalled te fenk al kouche lè l rele a idle nen pòt idle san okipe I'd like just a little coffee yon ti kafe sèlman m vle I'd like mwen ta renmen I'd like to acknowledge the help m ta ofrenmen my frieds di gave tout zanmi me m mèsi pou koutmen yo ban mwen I'd like to get in on it too se yon bon bagay mete l ladan l tou I'd like to have a lot of kids m ta renmen fè anpil pitit I'd like to have a lot of kids m ta renmen fè anpil timoun I'd like to know what you're going m ta to renmen with it konnen sa ou pral fè avè l I do not know. M pa konnen I do not know. mwen pa konnen I do not understand mwen pa konprann I don't drink oranj juice m pa ka bwè ji zorany I don't eat chiken leds m pa manje pye poul I don't feel at home here m pa santi m alèz isi a I don't feel at home here m pa santi m alèz isi la I don't get it m pa konprann li I don't give a damn kite mele m I don't give a fuck kite mele m I don't have any glue to stick m it on pa with gen lakòl pou m kole l I don't have any hope at all m pa gen espwa menm I don't have any matches on me m pa gen alimèt sou mwen Page 305 Feuille1 I don't have any m pa gen anyen I don't have any the energy tomdo pathe genlaundry kouraytoday pou m lave jodi a I don't have anything to do with m pa hervle annafè avè l menm I don't have any time m pa gen tan I don't have any time m, prese I don't have any time mwen pa gen tan I don't have a pen m pa gen plim I don't have Mwen pat genyen I don't have the slightest ideamwho pa konn he was ki moun li ye I don't know her name m pa konn non l I don't know how the news got m out pa konn kouman nouvèl la fè pran lari I don't know how to get to thempost pa konn officeki kote pou m fè pou m al lapòs I don't know how to get to thempost pa konn officeki wout pou m fè pou m al lapòs I don't know how to manage to m win pa konn that hand kouman of cards l fè genyen pati sa a I don't know how to shoot arrows m pa konn tire flèch I don't know how to sing m pa konn chante I don't know if he's still living in m the pa konn samesiplacce l ret menm or notkote a toujou I don't know mwen pa konnen I don't know nothing about it M pa konn anyen nan sa I don't know nothing about it m pakonn anyen sou sa I don't know of anyone by that mname pa konn okenn moun ki rele konsa I don't know the name of the m mayor pa konn non magistra a I don't know the word for it m pa konn ki jan yo di sa I don't know what he does exactly m ap but konn I think ki travay it has li fè st ojis to domen withmcustoms kwè se nan yon bagay la dwann I don't know what I did to youou to rayi make m,you m pa hate konn mesa m fè ou I don't know what time she got m to pasleep konn ki lè dòmi pran l I don't know yet sir maybe two m or poko three konnen weeksmesye petèt de ou twa semèn I don't like ice cream on a cone m pa renmen krèm nan kone I don't like this arrangement of m the pa renmen furniturejan mèb yo ranje a I don't like those kind of people m pa renmen mòd moun konsa I don't need anyone to take pity m pa onbezwen me pesonn moun pran lapenn pou mwen I don't remember if he said anything m pa chonje aboutsiit l te di yon bagy sou sa I don't see any harm in goingm topa thewè movies poblèm with ki him gen nan al sinema avè l I don't speak Mwen pa pale I don't step on the grass pa mache sou gazon an I don't the have the money tomhire pa agen lawyer lajan pou m pran avoka I don't think he'll take to the idea m pa kwè l ap renmen lide a i don't think our money will hold m pa outkwè longkòb la ap fè n lontan I don't think our money will last m long pa kwè kòb la ap fè n lontan I don't understand. Mwen pa konprann. I don't undestand it importance m pa wè ki enpòtans sa genyen I don't want Mwen pat vle I don't want Pat vle I don't wan't to take up all your m time pa vle pran tout tan ou I enjoyed it immensely m te renmen l anpil anpil I expect you to be home every m night vle pou by antre 10 chak swa anvan 10 è I expect you to be home every m night vle pou by rantre 10 chak swa anvan 10 è if and only if si è sèlman si if dad were still alive, he would si papa be 82m today te la toujou jodi a t ap fè l 82 an I feel dizzy m santi tèt mwen ap vire I feel dizzy m santi yon vètij I feel giddy m santi tèt mwen ap vire I feel giddy m santi yon vètij Page 306 Feuille1 I feel kind of tired m santi m yon ti jan fatige if he's not at home, try to get si hold li pa him lakay at work li, eseye, pou ou wè si ou a jwenn li nan travay la if he's not at home, try to get si hold li pa him lakay at work li rele l nan travay la if I'd known you didn't have asicar, m te I'dkonnen have sent ou so pattogen pick machin you upm ta voye chache ou if I don't give you my things, don't si m pa take bathem ou afè m pa pran l if I find a house in this area I'llsisign mwen a lease jwenn yon kay nan zòn lan, m a fè fèm if i hire you how will come to work si m anplwaye ou kijan ou ap fè pou vin travay I finished school now I am working mwen fini ak lekòl koulye a m ap travay if I quit my job, it will free me si to m look kiteafter travay my la mother m ap jwenn tan pou m okipe manman m if I see them fighting I won't step si minwè toyo stop apthem goumen, m pa p separe yo if I stand here speaking to you, si m it'llkanpe give people la paleaavè reson ou to m talk ap bay about moun me okazyon pou yo pale sou mwen if it si li if I were you, I'd never talk to si her m again te ou menm m pa t ap janm pale avè l ankò if I were you si m te ou menm IFOR commandant kòmandan IFOR_ IFOR forces Fòs IFOR yo I forgot and left it on the counter m bliye l sou kontwa a IFOR IFOR IFOR spokesman pòt pawòl IFOR if she had taken my advice, the si l house te pranwould konsèy already m te ba be lifinished a, kay la te fini deja if she offers it to me I'll take her si liup di on m lme ap banmwen l m ap asepte l if si if si if si if si if Si if someone had put in a goodsiword te gen foryon her,moun the boss ki temight di yonnot bagay havepou firedli her bòs la ta gen dwa pa revoke l if that si sa if the price of sugar goes up, si I'llsik hit la everybody moute, sahard ap di pou tout moun if they hadn't held him back he si would yo pa thave kenbe killed l li t me ap touye m if they hadn't held him back, he si yo would pat kenbe, killed me li t ap touye m if this weather would just keep si up tanuntil an te saturday ka rete konsa jis samdi if you can manage money, love lajan can selast kle long lanmou if you can manage money, love si ou can kalast sèvilong ak lajan lanmou ap dire if you can manage money, love si ou can konn last kòman long pou ou kenbe lajan, nan afè lanmou wap dire anpil if you don't have anything on siforouthis paevening, gen anyen let's ougo aptofèaaswè moviea, an n al sinema if you don't have enough money si ouI'llpa make gen up asethe kòb difference m a met rès la if you do that, you're taking your si oulife fèinto sa se your jweown ou ap hands jwe ak lavi ou if you give him some money under si ou ba thel yon table, ti kòb he'llanba, take care l ap regle of it for sayou pou ou if you had listened to me, yousiwouldn't ou te koute havem,lost ouitpa t ap pèdi l if you keep him from going out, si ou it might anpeche do more l soti harm sa kathan pi mal good if you keep it up, they 'll fire you si ou kontinye konsa y ap revoke ou if you look at mine you'll get an si ou idea gade howsou to do pa itm lan, ou a wè ki jan pou ou fè l if you need so who knows how si ou to work, bezwen he's yon your moun manki konn travay ou mèt pran l if you put it in the refrigerator,siitou willmete become l nanstiff frijidè a l ap vin di if you're late to much, they 'll si dock ou an your reta pay twòp y ap pran sou kòb ou if your mom says ok, I'll take si you manman with meou dakò m ap mennen ou if you say you don't have a car, si ou it won't di ou effect pa gen your machin chances sa pa ofka being fè yohired pa ba ou djòb la if you see him tell him I need si him ou wè l di l m bezwen l if you tell her you'll give her asiraise, ou diitl should ou ap ba stimulat l ogmantasyon her to work sa more. ap ankouraje l travay plis if you want to meet with her, Isican ou vle arrange wè avè it l m ka ranje sa If you were ordered to mobilize, si whow te resevwa much time lòdwould pou wyou te mobilize, have? konbyen tan ou tap pase? I gave her akiss m fè yon ti bo pou li Page 307 Feuille1 I gave her the dress to take inmfor bame l fèmen rad la pou mwen I get diarrhea when I drink milk lè m bwè lèt li ban m dyare I get the impression that he doesn't m gen like enpresyon it whenl Ipa come renmen herelè m vin la a I get this pain in my back when lè m walk mache too much twòp li banm dolè do I give you my word on it m ba ou mo m ou mèt kwè m igniter kontak ignorant inyoran ignore inyore ignore inyore ignore nye ignore pa bay enpòtans ignore pa konnen ignore pa okipe ignore pa okouran ignore pa prete atansyon ignore pa pwete atansyon ignore the last thing I told youou mèt bliye dènyè bagay m te di ou la I go Ale I go Eske m pwale I go Mwen ale I go Mwen pwale Igor igò I got a fish but it get away m pran yon pwason enpi l ale I got a latter from her today m jwenn yon lèt li jodi a I got a latter from her today m resevwa yon lèt li jodi a I got her but thenn she escaped m kenbe l enpi l sove I got home at midnight m rive lakay a minwi I got the tv working m fè televizyon an mache I got to thinking that I shouldn't m call vin wè herlide m pat dwe rele l I had a bad of my own when lè I was m teliving kay manman at home m ak papa m m te gen kabann pa m I had a bed of my own when lè I was m teliving kay manman at home m ak papa m m te gen kabann pa m I had a big shock yesterday m fè yon gwo sezisman yè I had all my money stolen yo vòlè tout kòb mwen I had Mwen te genyen I had some good news todaym gen yon bon nouvèl jodi a I had talk that you're getting married m tande ou pral marye I had te genyen I had the idea of going to the m movies te gentonight lide al sinema aswè a I had to take this word for it m te oblije kwè sa l di m lan I had two bananas this morning m manje 2 grenn fig maten an I hate bananas m pa renmen fig I hate him for what he did m rayi l pou sal fè a I hate it when people stick their m rayi noses lè moun in other appeople's pale nanbusiness afè moun I hate it when people stick their m rayi noses lè moun in other appeople's pale nanbusiness afè moun I hate people like that m rayi moun konsa I hate to be late m pa renmen an reta I hate working here m rayi travay isi a I have a big bruise where I was kote hitm te frape a li fè yon gwo mak I have a feeling he won't come m gen yon lide k di m li pa p vini I have a fever m gen la fyèv I have a firm hold on her hand m kenbe men l byen di I have a headache tèt mwen ap fè mwen mal I have a headche m gen yon mal tèt Page 308 Feuille1 I have a headche m gen yon tèt fè mal I have a home work to correctm gen devwa pou m korije I have an ache in my shoulder m gen yon doulè nan zepòl mwen I have an idea that she mightlide drop mby di m li ka pase I have an image of what you're m talking wè sa ou about ap di a I have an immediate need forma bezwen car yon machin konnye a I have a pain in my left arm m gen yon doulè nan bwa goch mwen I have been here for five months mwen gen senk mwa isit I have been in the united stated m gen for two de zan years twathree mwamonths e senk five jou ozetazini days I have enough money by on this kòb week m genyen an sife pou semenn lan I have enough money by on this m gen week ase kòb pou m fè semenn lan I have free access to the house m gen dwa antre nan kay la lè m vle I have had li te genyen I have home work to correct m gen devwa pou m korije I have laundry to do tomorrowm gen yon lesiv pou m fe demen I have m gen I have m genyen I have mwen gen I have mwen genyen I have Mwen genyen I have something that I'd like m you gen doyon for me bagay m bezwen pou ou fè pou mwen I have the kind of diamonds m gen wa kawo I have three kids li gen twa pitit I have to free movie tikets m gen de tikè sinema gratis I have to get at the truth fò m jwenn verite a I have to take my hat off to you m retire chapo devan ou I have work to do m gen travay pou m fè I heard a knock at the door m tande yon frape nan pòt la I heard every word she said m tande tout sa l di I heard him giggling m tande l ap ri pou kont li I hitched a ride in a truck m pran yon woulid nan yon kamyon I hitched his car to mine, andm I pulled mare machin it behindli me an deye pa m lan m rale l I hit my head in the car door m frape tèt mwen nan pòt machin lan I hope everything will go wellm espere tout bagay a pase byen I hope so m swete sa I hope you find the wallet m espere ou a jwenn bous la I hope you find the wallet m espere ou a jwenn bous la iII malad iII-mannered move jan I imagine he'll be here soon m kwè l ap vini talè I invited many of my friends m envite anpil nan zanmi m yo I invited the ladies from work m envite medam nan travay yo I jumped up on the table m vole monte sou tab la I jumped when she touched me m sote lè l manyen m lan I just got over the flu m fenk leve anba yon grip la a I killed two birds m tiye 2 zwazo I kind of wanted to go with him m te yon ti jan anvi ale avè l I kissed her on the forehead li bo l nan fon I knew we would hit it off the depi first time premye I met jou him m wè l la m wè se yon moun m ap ka antann mwen avèk li I know she'll hit the ceilling, I'm m going konnen tol tell ap her leveanyway kò l frape atè, men m ap di l sa kanmenm I know this town well m konn vil sa byen I know who took the money m konn ki mounki pran kòb I lack the enthousiasm to finish m pa it santi m gen kouray pou m fini l Page 309 Feuille1 I leaded on the table to keep m from apiye falling sou tab la pou m pa tonbe I learned from sister that she sè gotmmarried lan di m li marye I leave home every monday morning m kite kay and chak i getlendi backmaten, every m friday retounen night chak vandredi swa I left a massage for him to come m kite andkomisyon see me di l vin kote m I left her in charge while I wasmaway pati, m kite tout bagay sou kont li I left my watch at home m kite mont mwen lakay I left the children with my mother m kite timoun yo nan men manman m I lent my car to a friend m prete yon zanmi machin mwen an Ilidji ilidji I like this room. Can I pay for M it now? renmen chanm sa a. Mwen gen dwa peye pou li kounye a? I live across the street m rete an fas lari a I live across the street m rete lòtbò lari a I live in brooklyn mwen rete nan brooklyn I live Mwen rete I live on franklin avenue m rete sou franklin avni I'll be around for a while m ap fè yon ti moman nan zòn lan I'll be back in less than no time m ap tounen konnye kounnye a I'll begin, and when I can't anymore m ap koumanse you'll takelèover m pakab for meankò ou a ranplase m I'll be glad to get this work over m kontan lè m fini ak travay sa a I'll be glad to get this work over m kontan lè travay sa a fini ill-bred maledve I'll cost around 10 dollars l ap koute nan zòn 10 dola I'll do it before I tell her that, now m apyou fè lare anvan talking m di l sa konnye a m tande ou ap pale illegal elections eleksyon ilegal yo illegal elections elèksyon ilegal yo illegal enrichment anrichiman ilegal illegal work travay ilegal I'll get back at you for what formwhat ap pran youou didpou to me sa ou fè m lan I'll get it m ap pran l I'll get my maid to do it m a fè bòn lan fè I'll go if you go m prale si ou prale I'll go look for some sticks to start m pral the chache fire ti fachin bwa pou m fè dife a I'll have her bring it to you m ap fè l pote l pou ou I'll have nmy maid do it m a fè bòn nan fè l I'll have to redo it m ap oblije refè l illicit traffic trafik ilegal illiterate analfabèt I'll knock $2 off the price for you m ap of retire it for you 2 dola sou li pou ou I'll knock down the price for you m ap desann pri a pou ou I'll leave to you to take care ofmitap kite ou regle sa pou kont ou I'll let it go today, but don't bemlate ba again ou chans lan jodi a, men pa vin an reta ankò I'll make do without it m a degaje m konsa ill malad ill malad I'll manage to finish it tonight m ap degaje pou m fini l aswè a I'll ma va ; equivalent of "I am going" for the future I'll mwen pwal illness enfeksyon illness kontaminasyon illness maladi I 'll never get over get over losing M paall p janm that money bliye kòb sa a m pèdi a I'll put in a few stitches now m ba l de twa pwen fil I'll sell you this car as is for $ m 400 ap vann ou machin sa a jan l lye a pou 400 san dola Page 310 Feuille1 I'll stick around and wait for her m pa p deplase m ap ret tann li I'll take this up with the prensipal m pral wè sa ak direktè a I'll take up where you left off m ap koumanse kote ou te rive a ill treatment trètman malad ill treatment trètman maladi illustrate esplike illustration ilistrasyon Illustration Ilistrasyon I lost it mwen te pèdi li I m image imaj Image Imaj image point pwen imaj Imagery Vizyon image set ansanm imaj imaginary axis aks imajinè imaginary circle sèk imajinè imaginary component konpozan imajinè imaginary line liy imajinè imaginary number nonm imajinè imaginary plane plan imajinè imaginary point pwen imajinè imaginary root rasin imajinè imaginary unit inite imajinè imagine imajine I make it to work early today m rive nan travay bonè jodi a I'm aquainted with her m pa konnen l I marked the place where I stopped m make kote m rive a I may be late so do wait on me m ka an reta pa ret tann mwen I may mwen dwe I'm doing laundry tomorrow m ap fè lesiv demen I'm getting sleepy; I don't think dòmi I'll be nan able je m; to make m pa kwè it till m theapend ka of rete thetann movie fim lan fini I'm getting the kids ready for m school ap pare timoun yo pou y al lekòl I'm getting too old for this sortmofkoumanse thing twò granmoun pou mòd bagay sa yo I'm going to be a little late m ap gen yon ti reta I'm going to buy the building materials m pral achte for the materyo housepou today kay la jodi a I'm going to get a bouk from the m pral labrary chache yon liv nan bibliyotèk la I'm going to have a tooth out m pral rache yon dan I'm going to hock the radio m pral met radyo a nan plàn I'm going to hock the radio m pral plane radyo a I'm going to lie down for a while m pral fè yon kouche I'm going to make this car runmlike ap afètop machin lan mache swa I'm going to put the house onmthe pral market me kay la pou vann I'm going to put up a fence around m pralthe leve house yon lantiray toutotou jaden an I'm going to study somewheremelse pral there etidyeare yontoo lòtmany kote gen distractions twòp bagay herek ap fèm distrè la a I'm going to take up guitar lessons m pral koumanse aprann jwe gita I'm going to talk it over with her m pral before pale I buy sa avè the lcar anvan m achte machin lan I'm going to teach him a lesson m ap for ba what l yon he leson did pou sa l fè a I'm going to the market m pral nan mache I'm going to the mass m pral lamès I'm going to to melt this peacemofpral lead fonn moso plon sa a I'm having car problems and machin won't bemwen able to gen come poblèm m pa p ka vini I'm heading for home toward m town pral lakay Page 311 Feuille1 I'm heading for home toward m town pral lavil I'm here mwen la I'm hungry mwen grangou I might have know she'd be late m te dwe tou konnen l t ap an reta I might mwen kapab I'm ill at ease when there arelè a gen lot ofanpil people moun around yon kote me m pa santi m alèz I'm impatient to see her m anvi wè l anpil I'm in a hurry m, prese I'm in a hurry m pwese I'm in a hurry mwen pa gen tan I'm in the market for a car m ap chache yon machin pou m achte I'm in the market for a car m deyè yon machin pou m achte imitate chare imitate imite imitate kopye imitate what I do tou sa ou wè m fè ou fè l I'm learning to speack creolem ap aprann pale kreyòl I'm leaving in late april m pati nan zòn fen avril I'm lost mwen pèdi I'm M' I'm managing this store se mwen k anchaje magazen an I'm managing this store se mwen k reskonsab magazen an immaterial èspwi immaterial ke yo pa ka touche immaterial ki pa matye immediate delivery delivweman imedyat immediate delivery delivweman rapid Immediate Environment pwòch anviwònman immediately imedyatman immediately imedyatman immediately lapoula immediately tousuit immediately tou swit immediate relative fanmi pwe immediate relative fanmi pwòch immigrant etranje immigrant imigran immigrant imigran Immigrant Imigran Immigrate Imigre immigration and nationality act lwa imigrasyon ak natiralizasyon immigration and natiralizationsièvis service imigrasyon (INS) ak natiralizasyon immigration hold imigrasyon bloke immigration hold imigrasyon kenbe immigration judge jij imigrasyon immigration officer ofisye imigrasyon I'm Mwen I'm no match for her in cooking m pa ka parèt devan l nan fè manje I'm not aquainted with that car m pa abitye ak machin sa a I'm not aquainted with that car m pa konn machin sa a I'm not going to leave withoutmyou pa prale kite ou I'm not going to take on any more m pa resposibility p pran okenn resposablite met sou tèt mwen ankò I'm not in the least interestedsa in what ou di you're m lan pa saying enterese m menm Page 312 Feuille1 I'm not into the game I'm just m killing pa sou timejwèt until la Ise can lè go m ap home fè pou m al lakay I'm not licensed to sell cigarettes m pa gen patant pou m vann sigarèt I moved a the bed across themroom deplase kabann lan, mete l lòt bò chanm lan Impact Enpak impartial enpasyal impartial san pati pwi impatient anksye impatient antete impatient cho impatient enpasyen impeachment anpeche impeachment bloke impedimenta enpedimanta impedimenta obstak impedimenta obstriksyon impediment enpedimanta impediment obstak impediment obstriksyon imperialist enperyalis imperialist enperyalis implementation of agreementmète an èv akò a implementation of peace agreement mete anèv akò la pè a implicate enplike implication enplikasyon Implication Enplikasyon implicit enplisit implicit san dout implicit san resèv imply enplike importance enpotans importance enpotans importance enpòtans importance enpòtans importance for enpòtans pou importance nesesite important enpòtan important enpòtan Important Event Evènman enpòtan important part pati enpòtan important role plas enpòtan important role wòl enpòtan important step gran pa important step pa enpòtan import enpò Import Enpòte imposed conditions kondisyon enpoze imposed conditions kondisyon enpoze yo impossible case ka enposib impossible enposib impossible enposib impossible event evenman enposib impossible paposib imprisoned te anprizone Page 313 Feuille1 imprison enkasere imprisonment anprizonman imprisonment anprizònman Imprisonment Anpwizònman improvement amelyorasyon improve repran improvised explosives eksplozif eklè imprudent enpridan imprudent enpridan imprudent enpridan impunity enpinite I'm really ashemed of you ou fè m wont I'm taking a break m fè yon kanpe I'm taking off work tomorrow becuase m pa pralI nan havetravay to go demen to the doctor m gen pou m al kay doktè I m the one who does cooking seinmwen my house ki fe manje lakay la I'm thirsty mwen swaf I'm tired mwen fatige I'm very impatient with peoplemlike pa that gen pasyans ak moun konsa I mwen I mwen in 1995 an 1995 in 1996 an 1996 in accordance with the law an akò avèk lalwa in accordance with the law selon la lwa in according to pa rapò a in according to selon in action an aksyon in addition to nan adisyon a in addition to pou ajoute a in advance annavans in advantage nan avantaj in advantage nan benefis in agreement with nan akò avèk in a hundred nan you santen in a letter nan yon lèt in a moment talè in amount nan montan in amount nan sòm in an in andedan in andedan in andedan in any case Antouka in any case kanmenm in April an avril in a quarter-final nan ka definal in a statement nan yon deklarasyon in a stock swap an yon echanj pwovizyon in a stock swap valued at nan yon valè echanj pwovizyon in Atlanta an atlanta in a transaction valued at nan yon valè tranzaksyon a in auditorium koridò in auditorium koulwa Page 314 Feuille1 in auditorium in auditorium in auditorium inaugural ceremony Inauguration Day in a visit in a while in Belgrade in Belgrade in benefit in benefit in Bosnia in Bosnia and in Bosnia and Herzegovina in Bosnia and Herzegovina in Bosnia and Herzegovina in Bosnia Herzegovina and in Bosnia-Herzegovina in Bosnia in Bosnia in Cap Haitien in captivity in captivity in captivity incarcerate incarcerate incarcerate incarcerate in case in case in cash and stock incendiary bomb incendiary bombs incendiary bombs incendiary incendiary device incendiary device incense incenter in Central Bosnia inches inch incident incidental commission incident incident incident incident incident incident incident incident incident nan oditoryòm oditif vestibil seremoni inogirasyon jou inogirasyon nan you vizit talè na bèlgrade Nan Bèlgrad nan avantaj nan benefis an Bosni an Bosni e an Bosni e Erzegovina an Bosni e zegovin Nan Bosni ak Èzegovina an Bosni Èrzegovin ak na bosnya-hèzegovina nan Bosni Nan Bosni nan oKap ayisyen elve gade kaptivite anpwizone bouche nan pwizon enkasere fèmen nan pwizon Anka Sizoka an likid e an machandiz bonm ensandyè bonm dife bonm ensandyè yo bonm ensandyè ekipman ensandyè materyèl ensandyè lansan sant yon sèk enskri nan Bozni santral pous yo pous aksidan komisyon ensidantal bwat chans deroulman ensidan ensidan evènman evènman istorikal kès malè Page 315 Feuille1 incircle sèk enskri inclination enklinezon Inclined plane Plane enkline inclined plane plan enkline included angle ang ki ant de kote included side kote ki ant de ang include enkli include genyen include konprann including enki including enkli including enkli including enkli including envite including konpran including konprann including ladan inclusion enklizyon inclusive disjunction disjonksyon enklizif inclusive enklizif inclusively alawonnbadè incoherent military formationsfòmasyon militè san koneksyon in collaboration an kolaborasyon income enkòm income enkònm income lajan w rantre income revni income revni Income revni income rose benefis ogmante income rose revni ogmante income salè income stands at benefis rive jiska income stands at revni rive nan income tax return revni so taks an retou income tax revni sou taks in coming nan vini in coming visit nan vini vizit incommensurable enkòmansirab incommensurable number nonm enkòmensirab incomparability enkonparabilite incomparable enkonparab incompatibility enconpatibilite incomplete enkonplè incompleteness enkonpletid incomplete quadratic equation ekwasyon kwadratik enkonplè in concordance with nan konkòdans avèk in condition an eta in condition nan kondisyon in connection an koneksyon in connection an koneksyon in connection an koneksyon in connection an rapò Page 316 Feuille1 in connection nan koneksyon in connection with an koneksyon ak in connection with an koneksyon avèk in consideration of akoz de in consideration of an konsiderasyon de in consideration of pou tèt inconsistency enkonsistans inconsistency of geometrical enkonsistans construction konstriksyon jeometrik inconsistent enkonsistan inconsistent equations ekwasyon enkonsistan in constitutional judicial ordernan òd konstitisyonènel jidisyè in constitutional law system lwa sistèm konstitisyonel nan in continuation nan kontinyasyon inconvenient enkonvenyan inconvenient jènman in cooperation with nan kòperasyon avèk incorrect enkòrèk in Council an konsèy in council konsèy in council konsèy de sekirite in course an kou in course an mach increase developman increase diplis increase kwasans increase ogmante increase ogmante increasing function fonksyon kwasan increasing sequence sekans kwasan increasing series seri kwasan in creation an kreasyon increment enkreman incriminating evidence pwèv jistifye incriminating evidence pwèv klè incriminating evidence pwèv kri incriminating evidence pwèv san manti in Croatia an Kwoasi in Croatia nan kroetya in Croatia Nan kwoasi in Croatia Nan kwoasi in Croatia Peter Galbraith an kroetya peter galbraith in Croatia Peter Galbraith nan kroetya pyè galbraith incumbrance anbara incumbrance anbarasman incumbrance anpèchman incumbrance apateni incumbrance chaj incumbrance enjerans incumbrance entèferans incumbrance inkonbe incumbrance obstak in Davoru nan Davori in Dayton an Deytonn Page 317 Feuille1 in Dayton and nan Deyton ak in December an desanb indecision endesizyon indefinite equation ekwasyon endefini indefinite form fòm endefini indefinitely endefiniman indefinite strike grèv endefini indefinite strike grèv san limit Independence Day Fèt Nasyonal independence day jou endepandans Independence Day Jou Endepandans independence endepandans independence endepandans Independence Endepandans independence libète independence movement mouvman dendepandans Independence Party fèt endepandans independent candidates kandida endepandan yo independent endepandan independent endepandan Independent Endepandan independent event evenman endepandan independent film fim endepandan independent firm fim endepandan independent republic repiblik endepandan independent trial esè endepandan independent variable varyab endepandan Independent variable Varyab endepandan indeterminate coefficient koefisyan endetèmine indeterminate endetèmine indeterminate number nonb endetèmine indeterminate number nonm enkalkilab in development an developman index endèks index endèsk index envantè index lis Index of refraction Endèks refwaksyon index of the radical endèks radikal la index seri Indian Endyen indian lodge ajoupa indian lodge loje indian lodge wijwam Indian peasants peyizan endyen yo Indians Endyen yo indicated root rasin moutre indicated value endike valè indicated value of valè endike de indicated value valè endike Indicate higher with your thumb montre up sa k pi wo ak pous ou leve anlè Indicate lower with your thumb endike down.ake dwèt pous ou desann Indicator Endikatè Page 318 Feuille1 indictment akizasyon indifferent endiferan indifferent etranj indifferent kèpòpòz indifferent kèpòpòz Indigenous Endijèn indigenous peoples of America endijèn amerik yo indigenous peoples of America pèp endijèn amerik yo Indigenous pitit tè indigent endijan indigestion endijesyon indigestion gonfleman indignation endiyasyon Indignity Endiyite in diplomatic an diplomatik in diplomatic nan diplomasi indirect demonstration demonstrasyon endirèk indirectly endirèkteman indirect measurement mezi endirèk indirect proof prèv endirèk indispensable endispansab indispensable endispansab indispensable enpòtan indispensable nesesè individual calendar kalandriye endividyèl individual endividyèl individual endividyèl individually endividyèlman individually endividyèlman individual persecution pèsekisyon endividyèl individual poukòw individual sèl individuals endividi yo Individual weapons zam endividyèl Individual weapons zam pèsonèl indivisible endivizib Indoctrination or ideology andoktrinman oubyen ideoloji indolence endolesans indolent anpetre Indonesian Endonezyen indoor garden jaden andedan kay indoor garden konsèvatwa indoor garden konsève indoor garden sere induction by simple enumeration endikasyon ak enimerasyon senp induction endiktif inductive reasoning rezonman endiktif industrial bank bank endistriyèl industrial developed countriespeyi endistriyèl develope yo industrial endistriyèl industrial gases gaz endistriyèl Industrialize Endistriyalize industrial production pwodiksyon enditryèl Page 319 Feuille1 industrial products pwodwi endistryèl yo industries endistri Industry Endistri in Eastern Slavonia nan es slovoni in eastern Slavonian region called nan pati Baranja lès rejyon and Slovani ki te rele Barandja e I need a car to take so to the m airport bezwen machin lan, m gen yon moun pou m al mennen ayewopò I need a sheet of paper m bezwen yon fèy papye I need Bezwen I need help from others who can mwen help bezwen me èd nan men lòt ki ka ede mwen I need help from others who can mwen help bezwen me èd nan men lòt moun ki ka ede m I need help from you Banm yon kout men I need help from you mwen bezwen èd nan men w I need help from you Mwen bezwen èd ou I need help from you mwen bezwen pou ou ede m I need help from you mwen bezwen w ede m I need Mwen bezwen I need to get back to get my ambrella fò m tounen al chache parappli m I need to get this letter off before fò mnoon voye lèt sa a ale anvan midi I need to go and have it out with fò mhim al regle aboutsathis avè l I need to have my car fixed fò m bay ranje machin mwen an in effect an efè ineligible ki pa gen dwa in English an Angle inequality containing one variable inekwasyon ak yon varyab Inequality Inegalite inequality involving fraction inekwasyon ak fraksyon inequality symbols sènbòl inekwasyon Inert element Eleman inèt inertia Enèsi in estimate nan estim in Europe an erop I never do anything like that aigain m pa gen in my dwa lifetime janm fè yon bagay konsa nan vi m I never get to sit in the front seat yo pa janm kite m chita devan I never get to talk with him M pa janm gen chans pale avè l I never manage to see him because m pa janm I always ka wèget avèupl, too m toujou late leve twò ta I never said anything of the kind m pa janm di bagay konsa I never tell lies m pa janm bay manti I never tell lies m pa janm fè manti I never would have imagined m that pashe t janm would panse marry l tathat marye guyak nèg sa a in every nan chak in every nan tout inexpensive abonmache Infantry - Airborne enfantri aewopòte Infantry - antitank unit enfantri inite anti tank infantry battalions batayon enfantri Infantry enfantri Infantry enfantri Infantry fighting vehicles kamyon konba enfantri yo Infantry liaison officer enfantri ofisye de lyezòn Infantry - mechanized enfantri mekanize Infantry - motorized enfantri motorize Infantry tank unit inite enfantri tank infantry weapon zam enfanteri Page 320 Feuille1 in February in February infection Infection infectious infer inference inference infer inferior angle inferior arc inferior inferior limit inferior inferior inferior infernal machine in fields in fields in fight in fight in final in final in final in final in final infinite decimal infinite infinite extension infinitely great infinitely increasing infinitely many infinity infirmary infirmary in flagrante inflammation in flow influence Influence influence influence peddling in foreign countries in foreign countries informal informal information information information information information information Information an fevriye nan fevriye enfeksyon enfeksyon Kontajye dedui dediksyon enferans enfere ang enferyè ak enferyè enferyè limit enferyè okenn pou okenn rezon pòv machin enfènal nan chan yo nan teren yo an konba batay an definitif nan dènye nan fen nan final nan final desimal enfini enfini estansyon enfini enfiniman gran k ap ogmante enfinima enfiniman gran enfinite enfimyè lopital men nan sak anflamasyon an mouvman enfliyans Enfliyans enflyans enfliyan pwopajan nan peyi etrange yo nan peyi etrangè yo enfomèl enfomèl anseyman ansèyman enfòmasyon enfòmasyon enfòmasyon enfòmasyon Enfòmasyon Page 321 Feuille1 Information gathering for buildings rasanblay defòmasyon pou konstwi Information gathering for troops enfòmasyon rekèyi pou twoup yo Information gathering for vehicles enfòmasyon rekèyi pou machin yo informations enfòmasyon yo informations enfòmasyon yo informations enfòmasyon yo information services sèvis enfòmasyon yo informations fè akonpli informations fè yo inform enfòme inform enfòme informer denosyatè in former nan ansyen inform pou enfòme inform ransenye in france anfrans Infrared detectors enfwarouj detèktè yo Infrared detectors envizib detèktè yo Infrared radiation Radyasyon enfwawouj infrastructure enfraktiti infrastructure enfrasktiti infrastructure enfrastrikti in French an Fransè in front of an fas de in front of anfas de in front of avan in front of devan in front of devan in future nan fiti in future nan laveni in future nan syèk kap vini in future nan tan kap vini in general an general in general an general in general an jeneral in general an prensip in German an Alman in Gonaive nan Gonayiv in good shape anflèch ingrained anrasinen in Greek An grèk in group angwoup Inhabitant Abitan inhabitant inabitan inhabitant pèsòn abitan inhabitant rezidan in hall koridò in hall koulwa in hall nan oditoryòm in hall oditif in hall vestibil in harmony an akò Inhibitor Inibitè Page 322 Feuille1 in his nan sa in history nan istwa inhomogeneous ki pa omojèn in indictment nan enkilpasyon in Italian an Italyen in Italy an itali initial condition kondisyon inisyal initial data done inisyal initial inisyal initial investigations envèstigasyon endistriyèl yo initial ray reyon inisyal initial row ranje inisyal initial segment segman inisyal initial side kote inisyal initial side of an angle kote inisyal yon ang initial solution solisyon inisyal initial term tèm inisyal initial value valè inisyal Initiative Inisyativ in its entirety nan entegwalite li in January an janvye injection piki in jest anjwèt injunction komandman, injunction lòd injured blese injured blese Injured Blese injured choke injured fè tò injured ofanse injury blese injury fwape injustice enjistis injustice enjistis Injustice Enjistis injustice esplwatasyon injustice krim injustice Lenjistis ink lank inkwell ankriye in ladan in ladan in last alafen in last an denye in last an dènye in last an finisman in lieu of deportation ap tann depòtasyon in lieu of deportation nan pozisyon pou depòtasyon in light of the news I receive this dapre morning, nouvèl Imdon't pranthink maten wem still pabe kwè able n ap to leave ka pati ankò in line anliy in line anliy in line anran Page 323 Feuille1 in little peace anmiyèt in main an general in main an prensip inmate pwizonye in meeting nan reynyon in mine Nan afèm in mine Nan pam in ministry an ministè in model nanmodèl in Mosque nan moske in Mostar an mosta in Mostar an Mosta in Mostar Nan mosta in my Nan afèm in my Nan pam in nan in nan in nan in negotiation nan negosiasyon inner center sant enteryè inner point pwen enteryè inner scale echèl enteryè inner term tèm enteryè in next nan prochèn in next nan prochè-n in next nan pwochenn inn loje inn obèj inn obèjri innoccence inonsosan innoccence nayivte in one nan youn in order to Nan kòmand in order to nan komand a in order to nan lòd a in order to nan ran pou in organization nan òganizasyon in other nan segond in other nan yon lòt in our homes la kay nou in ours nan pa nou yo in parandedan in Paris a pari in parliament nan paleman in part an pati in part of country an pati nan peyi a in part of country nan rejyon nan peyi a in part of country nan yon zòn nan peyi a in parts an pati in parts nan pati in parts of Bosnia-Herzegovina nan kèk zòn nan Bosni-èrzegovin in parts of Sarajevo nan kèk pati nan Sarayevo in parts of Sarajevo nan kèk zòn nan Sarayevo Page 324 Feuille1 in passed in passed in passed in peace in peaceful in peace in period in period in period in period in Petrinja in place in powder in process in progress in progress Input in reality in reconstruction in reference to in regarding of in regard to in report in report in Republic in respect with in return in return in return in Rome in Rome in Russian insane asylum insane asylum insane asylum insane asylum in Sarajevo in Sarajevo Chris Vernon in Sarajevo in Sarajevo's airport in Sarajevo's headquarters in Sarajevo's headquarters in Sarajevo's seat in scope in scope in scope inscribed angle inscribed circle inscribed inscribed figure inscribed polygon inscribed sphere inscribe alafen an denye an finisman an pè nan la pè nan pè nan epòk nan lè nan peryòd nan tan an petrinja anplas anpoud an prosesis Nan developman Nan seyans enèji absòbe an reyalite nan rekonstriksyon nan referans a an regadan de an rega a an rapò nan rapò an repiblik nan respè avèk an retou an retounan an retounen an ròm a ròm an Ris azil lopital mantal lopital sikatri refij ensanse an sarajevo nan sarajevo kris vènon Nan sarayevo nan èpòt sarajevo nan katye general sarajevo yo nan katye jeneral Sarayevo yo nan katye jeneral Sarayevo yo dan etandi limite pòte ang enskri sèk enskri enskri figi enskri poligòn enskri esfè enskri enskri Page 325 Feuille1 in second in second in secret in secret in secret insects Insects inseparable in Serbo-Croatian insert insert in session in session in short in short inside inside Inside the house in Slavonia insolence Insoluble in Spanish inspect inspection inspection point inspection point Inspiration in spite of in spite of in spite of in spite of in spite of in spite of in spite of in spite of in spite of in Split in Split in Split in Srebrenica installation installation installations installations installations installations instead instead instead of instead of instead instead institute reports nan segond nan yon lòt anbachal ansekrè ansoudin ensèk Ensèk enseparab an Sèbo kwoasyen foure insere Nan developman Nan seyans brèfman nan kout andedan andedan Andedan kay an slavoni Ensolans Ensolib an èspanyòl enspekte enspèksyon pòs enspèksyon zòn enspèksyon Enspirasyon an depi de an depi de malgre malgre malgre ke menm si nan rankin de pa mechanste pa rankin divize fond koupe ande an srebrenik enstalasyon enstalasyon militè ekipman yo enstalasyon yo faktori yo materyèl yo Angiz ensiste alaplas olye olye te ensiste rapò enstitiye yo Page 326 Feuille1 institutional investors institution institution institution institution institution institutions instruction Instrument Instruments Insulators in summer in sum in sum insurance insurance insurance Insurance insurance corporation insurance office insurance office insurance premiums insurance system insure insure insured insured insured insured insure insurgency integral integral integral integral integral factor integral integral part integral point integral power integral radicands integral value Integrated circuit integrated mathematics integrations intellectual Intellectual Intelligence operations intelligence people intelligence service intelligent intelligent intelligent envèstisè entitisyonèl yo enstitisyon enstitisyon enstitisyon enstitisyon etablisman enstitisyon yo esplikasyon Enstriman entriman yo Izolan nan ete nan montan nan sòm asirans asirans Asirans asirans asirans kòperasyon ofis asiran ofis asirans rekonpans asirans sistèm asirans asire asire te ansekirite te asire te asire te fe ansekirite garanti soulèvman antye entegral entegral esansyèl faktè entegral konplè pati entegral pwen entegral puisans entegral radikann entegral valè entegral Sikwi entegre matematik entegre entegrasyon yo entelektyèl Entelektyèl operasyon detèlijans pèp entèlijans sèvis entelijans entelijan entelijan entelijan Page 327 Feuille1 intelligent Entelijan intelligent entèlijan intelligent fò intelligent life èt entèlijan intelligent madre intelligent maton intensity entansite Intensity Entansite Intensive Entansif intent entansyon intentionally and unlawfully ak konesans intentionally and unlawfully ak tout entansyon intentionally and unlawfully kont la lwa intention entansyon intention entansyon intention entasyon intention tandans intent to purchase entasyon acha interaction entèraksyon Interaction Entèraksyon InterAmerican affairs afè entè amerikèn Inter-American affairs afè Entè amerikèn interamerican company konpayi entèameriken konpayi intercepted arc ak entèsepte intercepted arc ak yon ang entèsepte intercept entèseksyon intercept of a plane pwen entèseksyon yon plan interchange echanj intercom entèfòn intercom entèkòm intercommunication system entèfòn intercommunication system entèkòm intercommunication system sistèm entèkominikasyon intercom sistèm entèkominikasyon intercontinental ballistic missile misil balistik entè kontinantal Interdependence Entèdepandans interes entèrese interest avavtej interest benefis interest compounded annually enterè konpoze anyèl interest compounded semiannually enterè konpoze semianyèl interested entèrese interested te entèrese interested te entèrese interest enterè Interest Enterè interest in enterese nan interest in enterèse nan interest in the kingdom enterè ki nan rwayòm interest in the kingdom enterè ki nan rwayòm interest pwofi interest rates to denterè interest rates to enterè Page 328 Feuille1 interests enterè yo interests enterè yo interface entèfas interference anbara interference anbarasman interference anpèchman interference apateni interference chaj interference enjerans interference enjerans interference entèferans interference entèferans Interference Entèferans interference inkonbe interference obstak Interim Public Security ForceFòs Sekirite pwovizwa interior angle ang enteryè interior angle of a triangle ang enteryè yon triyang Interior anndan interior door pòt enteryè Interior Enterye interior of an angle enteryè yon ang interior of angle enteryè ang interior point pwen enteryè interior region of a circle rejyon enteryè yon sèk interior region rejyon enteryè intermediary asistans intermediate value valè entèmedyè Internal affairs zafè entènal internal bisector bisektè enteryè internal division divizyon enteryè internally tangent circles sèk tanjann pa anndan internal politics politik entènasyonal internal politics politik intèn yo internal problems problèm entènasyonal internal problems pwoblèm entèn yo internal tangent tanjant enteryè international affairs afè entènasyonal international affairs and afè entènasyonal e international affairs Bosnia-Herzegovina afè entènasyonal bosnya-hèzegovina. international affairs zafè entènasyonal international affairs zafè entènasyonal yo international agency ajans entènasyonal international award koup entènasyonal international award pwi entènasyonal international award rekonpans entènasyonal international bank market bank dechanj entènatyonal international bank market ban komèsyal entènasyonal international banks bank entènasyonal yo international blockade blokaj entènasyonal international center for sant entènasyonal international center for sant entènasyonal pou international center sant entènasyonal Page 329 Feuille1 international circuits koulwa entènasyonal yo international circuits sikwi entènasyonal yo international commission komisyon entènal international commission komisyon entènasyonal international community kominote entènasyonal international community kominote entènasyonal international community komite entènasyonal international conductor kondiktè entènasyonal international conductor recevè intènasyonal international conductor recevè intènasyonal international congress kongrè entènasyonal international control kontwòl entènasyonal international court for war crimes tribinal entènasyonal pou krim gè yo international court kou entènasyonal international court tribinal entènasyonal International court tribinal entènasyonal international entenasyonal international entènasyonal international entènasyonal international entènasyonal international entènasyonal international entènasyonal international entènasyonal international entènasyonal international entènasyonal international entènasyonal international entènasyonal International entènasyonal international factor faktè intènasyonal international film festival entènasyonal fim festival international film festival fim fèstival entènasyonal international financiers finansye entènasyonal yo international forces fòs entènasyonal international forces fòs entènasyonal yo international intervention entènasyonal international intervention entèvansyon entènasyonal international intervention entèvansyon entènasyonal international level nivo entènasyonal internationally recognized entènasyonalman rekoni internationally recognized rekoni entènasyonalman international market mache entènasyonal international meeting chita tande intènasyonal international meeting rasanbleman entènasyonal international meeting reinyon intènasyonal international minis entènasyonal International Monetary Fund fon monetè entènasyonal International Monetary Fund fon monetè entènasyonal international norms nòm entènasyonal yo international order lòd entènasyonal international politics politik entènasyonal international politics politik entènasyonal international politics politik entènasyonal yo international politics politik entènasyonal yo Page 330 Feuille1 international price pwi entènasyonal International Red Cross kwa woug entènasyonal International Red Cross kwa wouj entènasyonal international scandal èskandal entènasyonal international scope efè entènasyonal international scope pòte entènasyonal international situation sitiyasyon entènasyonal international supervision intènasyonal sipèvizyon International system of Units Sistèm inite entènasyonal international trade fair ekitab komès entènasyonal international trade fair mache lib entènasyonal internment camp baz prizon internment camp chan entènman internment camp kan prizon interpellate entèpele interpolate entèpole interpolation entèpolasyon interpretation entèpretasyon interpretative entèpretativ Interpret Entèpwèt interpreter entèpwetè interpreting entèpretasyon interrogatory entewògatwa interruption entèripsyon intersection antre de intersection entèseksyon intersection kafou intersection of loci entèseksyon lye intersection of sets entèseksyon ansanm intersection of the graphs entèseksyon graf yo intersection point pwen entèseksyon intersection pwen rankont interval entèval intervene entèvni interviewer anketè intestines afiba in that area nan rejyon sa in that area nan tèritwa sa in that area nan zòn sa in that area nan zòn sila a in that nan sa in that nan sa in that part nan pati sa in that region nan rejyon sa in that region nan tèritwa sa in that region nan zòn sa in that territory nan rejyon sa in that territory nan tèritwa sa in that territory nan zòn sa in the aerospace industry nan endistri aewopasyal in the amount of nan kantite de in the application nan aplikasyon an in the area nan zòn nan Page 331 Feuille1 in the area Nan zòn nan in the beginning nan koumansman in the capital lan kapital in the capital nan kapital la in the center nan mitan in the center nan sant in the central part nan pati santral lan in the city nan vil la in the city nan vil la in the congressional procedure nan pwosedi kongrasyonel la in the constitutional law nan lwa konstitisyonèl yo in the conversation nan koze a in the country nan peyi a in the country nan te ya in the Croatian Republic nan Repiblik Kwoasyen an in the direction nan direksyon an in the district nan kanton in the earlier period of the year nan peryòd pli bonè in the east nan lès in the economy nan ekonomi a in the European Council nan konsèy eropeyen in the evening nan aswè in the evening nan la sware in the evening nan la sware in the evening nan maten in the first line an premye in the first line nan premye lign in the first nan pwemye a in the first place nan premye plas in the first place nan premye plas in the following that nan sa kap swiv sa in the fourth quarter nan katriyèm mwatye in the framework nan chapant in the government nan gouvènman an in the ground nan lojik sa a in the ground nan peyi a in the ground nan tè a in the ground nan te ya in the ground sou pwensip sa a in the ground sou teren sa in the Hague nan hague in the Haitian border nan fontyè Ayisyen an in the immediate area nan zòn enpòtan an in the Iran Contra affair nan kontra ak Iran an in the last nan dènye in the last nan denye a in the last nan fen in the last nan fen in the last nan final in the last nan pase in the law about nan lwa osijè de In the local area andedan katye a in the marketplace sou mache a Page 332 Feuille1 in the meeting nan reynyon an in the middle dan le mitan in the middle nan milye in the middle nan mitan in the middle nan mitan in the middle nan sant in the middle part of battlefield nan mitan pati chan de batay la in the middle part of battlefield nan mitan pati kan de konba a in the morning nan douvanjou in the morning nan maten in the morning nan maten in the morning nan maten in the name of nan non in the name of nan non de in the offices nan biro yo in the offices nan chan-m yo in the Parliament nan palman in the part nan moso an in the past nan fen in the past nan pase in the peace process nan prosesis la pè in the reference to nan referans pou in the region nan zòn nan in the republic nan repiblik in the rooms nan biro yo in the rooms nan chan-m yo in the second nan dezyèm lan in the segment nan moso an in the structure nan konstriksyon in the structure nan trikti in the town nan vil la in the UNPROFOR headquarters katyeingeneral Sarajevo UNPROFOR an sarajevo in the US nan etazini in the village nan vilaj la in the war nan lagè in the whole an konple in the whole konplet in the whole nan tou in the whole nan tout in the work nan travay la in the world nan mond la in the World nan mond lan in the year earlier nan koumansman ane a in this area nan zòn sa a In this city nan vil sa a in this nan sa in this one nan sa in this part nan pati sa a in this year nan ane sa in this year nan ane sa in three nan twa intimacy entimite intimate entim Page 333 Feuille1 in time nan epòk in time nan lè in time nan peryòd in time nan tan into Anndan into motivation anndan motivasyon intransitive entranzitif intrigue gagòt introduce fè konesans introduce prezante introductory musical theme ochan intrusive endiskrè in two an de in two nan de in two nan de in USA an etazini in use ap sèvi in use barase in use okipe invain anven invalid envalid invariance envaryans invasion anvayisman inventory endèsk inventory envantè inventory lis inventory seri inverse correlation korelasyon envès inverse curve koub envès inverse element eleman envès inverse equation ekwasyon envès inverse form fòm envès inverse function fonksyon envès inverse function under composition envès fonksyon konpoze inverse image imaj envès inverse interpolation entèpolasyon envès inverse logarithm logarit envès inversely proportional quantities kantite envèsman pwopòsyonèl inverse mapping transfòmasyon envès inverse number nonm envès inverse operation operasyon envès inverse operation operasyon envès inverse proposition pwopozisyon envès inverse ratio rapò envès inverse relation relasyon envès inverse sine function fonksyon sinis envès inverse statement deklarasyon envès inverse substitution sibstitisyon envès inverse tangent function fonksyon tanjant envès inverse tangent series seri tanjant envès inverse theorem teyorèm envès inverse transformation transfòmasyon envès inverse variation varyasyon envès Page 334 Feuille1 invest an depo invest depo invest depo invest depoze invest depoze invest envesti invest envesti investigation envestigasyon investigations envestigasyon yo investigations into envèstigasyon yo nan investigatory commission komisyon envestigasyon investigatory commission komisyon envèstigatwa investment group gwoup envèstiman investment group gwoup envèstisè investment group gwoup envètisman investment group led by gwoup envèstisè dirije pa investment group led by gwoup envètisman ak antèt investment in investisman investment interest enterè envèstisman investment interest envèstisman enterè investment newsletters bilten envèstisman yo investments envestiman yo investor group gwoup envèstigatè investor group gwoup envestisè investor group led by gwoup envèstigatè lèd pa investor group led by gwoup gid envestè pa investors service sèvis envèstisè yo in Vienna an Vyena in view of nan sans sa in visit an vizit in visit nan vizit invitation envitasyon invite envite in vocation anvakans in vocation anvakans invoke the rule envoke lwa a invoke the rule vin ak lwa a involved enplike involved patisipe involved pwan pa in Vukovar vikova In what city were you born? Ki vil ou te fèt? in what country was this car made? nan ki peyi yo fè machin sa a In what country were you born? Nan ki peyi ou te fèt? in what manner nan ki fason In what Republic were you born? Nan ki repiblik ou te fèt? in which are nan kèl in which is nan kèlès in which is nan kiyès in which nan kèl in which nan kèl in which nan ki in which nan ki Page 335 Feuille1 in which Nan ki sa in which Nan ki sa in which one nan kilès in which one nan kiyès in which will nan ki pwal in whose nan ki in whose nan ki in winter an prentan in year nan ane in your language nan lang ou In your view, are these capabilities dapwèbetter ou, èske or worse sa yo than se meyè United oubyen States' kapasite radars?ki pi mal ke rada Etazini yo? in Zagreb and an zagreb e in Zagreb an zagreb in Zagreb an zagreb in Zagreb Nan Zagrèb Ionic bond Lyezon yonik Ionization Yonizasyon Ion Yon I put the work on the house on m hold kanpe because travay nan I don't kayhave la many pa gen money lajan this mwa month sa a I put the work on the house on m hold kanpe because travay nan I don't kayhave la, many pa money gen lajan thismwa month sa a Iran Contra affair zafè kontra iran Iran Contra arms deal kontra iran an sou zafè zam Iranian agency ajans iranyen Iranian Iranyen Iranian Iranyen Iranian Iranyen Iranian minister minis iranyen Iranian territory teritwa iranyen Iranian territory tèritwa Iranyen I ran into him later on that week m te kwaze avè l ankò menm semenn lan Iran Iran Iraqi agency ajans irakyen Iraqi army lame irakyen Iraqi assets related to ekonomi Irak konpare a Iraqi forces fò irakyen yo Iraqi government gouvènman irakyen Iraqi invasion envazyon irakyen Iraqi invasion of Kuwait envazyon irak nan kowet Iraqi invasion of Kuwait envazyon Irak nan Kowet Iraqi Irakyen Iraqi Irakyen Iraqi kurds Kurd irakyen yo Iraqi president pwezidan irakyen Iraq Irak Iraqi troops twoup irakyen yo I received the pencil m te resevwa kreyon an I receive my book m resevwa liv mwen an Ireland irland repiblik Irish Ilandè Ironworker travayè de fè irrational root rasin irasyonèl irreducibility irediktibilite irreducible algebraic equationekwasyon aljebrik irediktib Page 336 Feuille1 irreducible irediktif irreflexive ki pa refleksif irreflexive relation relasyon ki pa refleksif irregular forces fòs iregilye irregular forces fòs iregilye yo irregular forces fòs iregilye yo irregular forces fòs iregilye yo irregular military formations fòmasyon militè iregilye irregular Serbian forces fòs iregilye sèb irresponsibility Iresponsablite irresponsible iresponsablite irreversible process pwosesis irevèsib Irrigate Awoze irritable andenmon irritable chimerik irritate agase irritate anmède irritated nève irritate fè fache irritate irite irritate nève irritation enèvman irritation gratezon irritation iritasyon is about apropo ki sa is about Se de zafè is about se osijè is about se osijè de is about se osijè de is after Se apwè is again se ankò I said before I can't come thistankou saturday m te di ou m p ap ka vini samdi a I said that I wasn't going to buy m te thedicar, m pbut ap he achte talked machin me into lan itse li k fòse m achte l is all se tout is announced te anonse Is any other data transmission èske device pa gen available? okenn enstriman pou transmèt done ki avalab? is ap is at the conference for se nan konferans pou is at todays conference for se nan konferans jodi a pou is at todays conference se jodi a konferans I saw her at the head of the procession m wèl nan tèt posesyon an I saw her head in the direction mof wèport-au-prince l fè wout pou pòtoprens I saw him hobbling around m te wè l ap rale sou pye I saw him leading the horse to mwater wè l ap mennen cheval la al bwè dlo I saw mwen te wè is because of se paske de is called rele is called se rele is captain se kapitèn is captain se kòmandan is coming ap vini is coming ap vini is commander se kapitèn Page 337 Feuille1 is commander se kòmandan I scraped my knee when I feltm grave jenou m lè m tonbe a is croatian se kwoasyen is Dr. Tudjman se Direktè Tidjman I see she's holding somethingminwè her l gen hand yon bagay nan men l I see she'sholding somethingminwè herl hand gen yon bagay nan men l I see your business is doing well m wè kòmès ou anfòm I see your business is doing well m wè kòmès ou ap mache I sell four puppies mwen vann kat tichyen is expected te espere is expecting ap tann is first an pwemye is first se premye is flowing ap swiv is for se pou is for se pou is for Se pou is from headquarters se de katye jeneral is from vini de is goal se eskò is going Li ale is going Li pwale is Haitian president se pwezidan Ayisyen is her se li is he se li is his se li is holding ap kenbe is hopping that ap èspere sa is hopping that ap èspwa sa I showed it to him, but still hemdidn't montre beleive l li, malgre me sa li pa kwè m is however se nenpòt is how it is se koman sa ye is in conversation se nan konvèsasyon is in front of se an fas is in president se nan prezidan is in Sarajevo se an sarajevo is in Se andedan is in se nan is it èske is it èske is it èske li Is it èske se Is it in your log book? èske l nan kanè de vwayaj ou? Is it near this èske li pre saa Is it near this èske li pwe sa Is it on this map? Èske l nan kat sa is it se li is it se pa vre is it se sa Is it se sa Is it se vwe Is it vwèman is Izetbegovic se izethegovik Page 338 Feuille1 is kin to you is know Islamic conference Islamic mercenaries Islamic mercenaries Islamic movement Islamic movement Islamic opposition Islamic party Islamic resistance Islamic revolution Islamic Salvation Front Islamic Salvation Front Islamic state Islam island island island island island island Island is late isle is like is locating is minister is not able to is not is not is not isn't is occasional isogonal isogonal line isogonal mapping isolated communities isolated isolate the radical Isolationism isometric chart isometric circle isometric correspondence isometric isometry is on Friday is on is only is on monday is on is on is on Sunday is on the end li se fanmi ou se konnen konferans islamik Mèsenè Izlamik mèsenè makout yo mouvman islamik mouvman islamik opozisyon islamik pati islamik rezistans islamik revolisyon islamik Fwon Islamik di Sali fwon salvasyon islamik eta Islamik Islam antiy il Il lil zile Zile zile an reta Ti zile se menm jan ap lokalize se minis pat kapab a se pat Se pat Se pat Se pat se okazyonèl izogòn liy izogòn transfòmasyon izogòn komite izole yo izole izole radikal la Izolatè grafik izometrik sèk izometrik korespondans izometrik izometrik izometri se nan Vandredi Kouman ta se sèlman se nan lendi se sou Se sou se nan dimanch se nan fen an Page 339 Feuille1 is on the end se nan finisman an is on to day's ouvè jou sa is on Tuesday se nan madi isosceles trapezoid trapèz izosèl isosceles triangle triyang izosèl Isotopes Izotòp is part se pati I spent all day at home yesteday m fè jounen lakay mwen yè I spent all my day at home m fè jounen an lakay mwen is President se prezidan is president Tudjman se prezidan tidjan is question se kesyon Israeli authorities otori izraelyen yo Israeli college inivèsite izraelyen Israeli college kolèj izraelyen Israeli delegation delegasyon izraelyen Israeli diplomacy diplomasi izraelyen Israeli expert ekspè izraelit Israeli expert espesyalis izraelit Israeli government gouvènman ezraelyen Israeli Izrayelyen Israeli negotiator negosyatè izraelyen Israeli negotiators negosiyatè izrayelyen yo Israeli retreat retrè izrayelyen Israeli soldiers sòlda izraelyen yo Israeli sources sous izraelyen yo Israeli spokesperson pòt pawòl izraelit Israelite Izrayelit Israeli troops ban-n izrayelit yo Israeli troops troup izraelit Israeli troops troup izrayeilt yo Israeli withdrawal retrè izraelyen Israel Izrayèl is Sarinic se sarinik is se is she coming l ap vini is she still sick? li malad toujou is side se kote is Silajdzic se silajdzik is special se espesyal is spokesperson se pòt pawòl issue (the) kesyon issue (the) sijè Istepped aside to let her passm met kò m sou kote pou m kite l pase Istepped aside to let her passm rale kò m pou m kite l pase I stepped on her foot by accident se pa espre m fè m pile l is thanked te remèsye is that èske sa is that one èske sa is that se sa is that se sa is that se sa is that se sa Page 340 Feuille1 is that Se sa Is the aircraft comfortable to fly? èske avyon an vole a lèz? Is the flight line surrounded with èske watch tèrentowers? vòl la atoure ak gratsyèl? Is the food fresh? Eske manje a fèk fèt? Is the food spoiled? Eske manje a gate? Is the grave site identified èske kote ki gen moun mouri yo gen non Is the gravesite identified èske kote ki gen moun mouri yo gen non Is the grave site identified èske simityè a kapab idantifye Is the gravesite identified èske simityè a kapab idantifye Is the grave site identified èske simityè an gen non Is the gravesite identified èske simityè an gen non Is the land mine this big èske eksplozif lan gwosè sa a Is the landmine this big èske eksplozif lan gwosè sa a Is the land mine this big èske min pyeje a gwo konsa Is the landmine this big èske min pyeje a gwo konsa Is the land mine this big èske pyej yo nan gwosè sa Is the landmine this big èske pyej yo nan gwosè sa Is the perimeter fence lightedèske at night? alantou kloti a gen limyè pou klare li lannwit? is there a good restaurant at èske the hotel? gen yon bon restoran nan otèl la? Is there an area you can walkèske through gen safely yon kote ou ka pase san danje Is there an area you can walkèske through gen safely yon zòn moun ka mache san danje Is there an area you can walkèske through nan safely zòn sa a ou ka mache ak asirans Is there another one? èske gen yon lòt Is there any Nuclear, Biological èske or genyen Chemical zam equipment nikleyè, Byolojik within the ouunit? chimik andedan inite a? Is there any other communication èske equipment genyen lòt in aparèy the unit? kominikasyon nan inite a? Is there any other individual Nuclear, èske pa Biological gen kèk grenn or Chemical zam Nikleyè, equipment Byolojik within ou Chimik the unit? andedan inite a? Is there any other specializedèske equipment pa genin lòtyour kalite unit? materyèl sofistike nan inite w la? Is there anything unique or special èske gen about yonany bagay of the inik units oubyen you've èspesyal listed? osijè yonn nan inite ou te mansyone Is there any vehicular Nuclear, èske Biological genyenoryon Chemical machin equipment Nikleyè, Byolojik within oubyen the unit?Chimik nan inite a? Is there a pattern to the changes? èske gen yon siy pou chanjman yo? Is there a shortage of this communication èske manke materyèl equipment kominikasyon in your unit?nan inite w la? Is there a shortage of this weapon èske ou in your manke unit? zam sa a nan inite w la? Is there communication equipment èske genyen in the unit? aparèy kominikasyon nan inite a? is there èske genyen Is there extra individual Nuclear, èskeBiological gen kèk grenn or Chemical nan chak equipment materyèlinNikleyè, the unit?Byolojik ak Chimik nan inite a Is the surrounding terrain good èske cover tèren forkia antoure stand-offofwi attack? bon jan kouvèti atak daso? Is the water safe to drink? Eske dlo a bon pou bwè? Is this a motor pool? èske sa se yon motè dlo? Is this area used for èske zòn sa te sèvi pou Is this area used for èske zòn sa te sèvi pou Is this bridge passable? èske se pon travès yo sa? is this car his machin sa a se pou li Is this correct èske sa a bon Is this correct èske sa a korèk Is this correct èske sa byen fèt Is this dangerous èske li danjere Is this dangerous èske sa a danjere Is this dangerous èske sa danjere Is this marked correctly èske sa a make byen Is this marked correctly èske sa a make korèk Is this marked correctly èske sa byen make is this seat free gen moun ki chita la a? isthmus Ti zile Page 341 Feuille1 is today at se jodi a is today delegates se jodi delegye is today in se jodi a nan is today so that se jodi ke Istria istria is under se anba is under se sou is vice president se vis prezidan is with se ak is with se avèk is word about se mo osijè de is words and about se mo e apropo de is words and about se mo osijè de is words and se mo e is word se mo is word Se mo is words se mo yo is yesterday se ayè Is your unit medically prepared èske to go inite to wwar? la medikalman pwepare pou ale nan lagè? Is your unit mentally preparedèske to go inite to war? w la mantalman pwepare pou ale nan lagè? Itailian president pwezidan italyen I take a hot shower every night. mwen pwan yon douch cho chak swa. Italian bank bank italyen Italian community kominote italyen Italian company konpayi italyen Italian Currency lajan italyen Italian Currency monè italyen italian italyen Italian Italyen Italian Italyen Italian Italyen Italian lands tè italyen yo Italian Ministry ministè italyen Italian Police polis italyen I talked with her for a long time m fè lontan ap pale avè l Italy itali Italy itali it announced Li te anonse it came livini it came li vini it cannot be li pa posib itch gratèl It contains no alcohol li pa gen alkò It contains no pork li pa gen vyann cochon it could be sa ta kapab it could have been li te kapab genyen it doesn't matter if you're a little si ou bit gen late yon ti reta, pa p gen poblèm item bagay items that are not available atik ki pa disponib items that are not available for atik yo ki pa dispnib pou it'e wonderful to see you again m kontan wè ou anpil it got around that she was pregnant tout moun vin konnen manmzèl ansent I thank you again sir, have a m good remèsye day ou anpil mesye pase yon bon jounen Page 342 Feuille1 it has li genyen it has pointed out Li te vize deyò I think mwen panse I think of you as a friend m konsidere ou tankou yon zanmi I think of you as really seriousm pran ou pou yon moun serye I think that mwen panse sa I think that mwen panse sa I think that she acted appropriately m kwè jan l fè a se sa I think that she acted appropriately m kwè sa l fè a se sa I think you are going to be a good m panse worker ou ap vin fè yon bon travayè it is $95 per day. li koute 95 dola pa jou. it is a lokal train se yon tren lokal it is an express train se yon tren esprès it is being awaited li te tann it is cloudy tan an maske it is cold in december, january, li fè and frètfebruary an desanm, janvye, ak fevriye, it is cold li fè frèt it is cool li fè fre it is expressed in announcement li te ekspwès nan anonsman it is expressed in announcement li te rapòte nan anonsman it is hot li fè cho it is important li enpòtan it is li se it is Li se It is li se It is li se it is necessary fòk it is necessary li nesesè it is necessary li nesesè it is necessary that fok it is necessary that fòk it is nice li fè bon it is not pat it isn't as if I meant to knock her se pa down vre, m pa fè espre m fè l tonbe it isn't pat it is possible li posib it is raining l ap fè lapli it is reported in announcement li te ekspwès nan anonsman it is reported in announcement li te rapòte nan anonsman it is reported yo te anonse it is reported yo te rapòte it is said li te di it is Sa se It is sa se it is se it is se It is se It is se li it is snowing l ap fè nèj it is still not li toujou pat it is there li la it is time that se tan sa it is urgent li ijan Page 343 Feuille1 it is windy (the wind is blowing) van an ap vante it is word about se yon mo apropo de it is word about se yon mo osijè de it l it! li! it li it li it li it Li it'll take us a lot of time sa ap pran n on bann tan it looks like she has a stiff neck li gen lè li gen zekourèl it made me think a lot sa fè m reflechi anpil it means setadi it means that sa vle di I told her I'd do it for her, andm I can't te di let m ap herfèdown l pou li m pa ka lage l I told her that I couldn't makem her di party l m pa p ka vin nan fèt la I told her to take her feet off the m ditable l retire pye l sou tab la I told him not to do it, but he ignored m di l pame fè sa li pa okipe m I told him to keep it to himselfm te di l pa di lòt moun sa I took a taxi to get here m pran taksi pou m vini la I took a test today m fè yon egzamen jodi a I took a work on the docks m t al fè yon flann sou waf la I tooked through the keyhole m gade nan tou pòt la I took the knife out of his hands m sezi kouto a nan men l I tought you were a real bull m te panse vrèmanke ou te yon towo it rained for two days without lapli a letup a fè 2 jou ap tonbe san rete it requires our immediate attention fò n fè yon jan ak bagay sa yo touswit I tried hard to hold back the tears se efò m fè pou m pa kriye I tried hard to hold back the tears se efò m fè pou m pa kriye it sa it's a dress with lace on it se yon rad ki gen dantèl it said Li te di It said that Li te di sa it's all in your imagination se nan tèt ou sa ye, se pa vre it's a male frog se yon mal krapo it's an important decision. be se sure yon togwo thinkdesizyon long andl hard lye, fò ou reflechi anvan it's a real hassle to get downtown kote m from rete where a se yon I livetèt chaje pou m al lavil it's a real hassle to get the kids se to yon eatgwo tèt chaje pou m fè timoun yo manje it's around some where se nan zòn bò isi a it's as a light as a feather li lejè kou on pay it's as a light as a feather li lejè tankou yon pay it's a wooden bed se yon kabann bwa it seem li sanble it's expected sa te espere it's getting chilly li koumanse fè frèt it's getting late let's go li koumanse ta an n ale it's hard to imagine how people m pa canfouti livekonprann in such a kouman cold place moun fè rete kote k frèt konsa it's harvest time se yon sezon rekòt it's hopeless trying ti give hertan advice ou ou ap pèdi, si ou al ba l konsèy it should be sa ta dwe its impolite to burp around people ou pa gen dwa degobye sou moun, se maledve sa it's important li enpòtan It's just a gimmick for attracting se customers pou yo ka atire moun vin achte Page 344 Feuille1 it's just as if he'd never been se here kònmsi l pa t janm vin isi a it's just as if he'd never been se here tankou l pa t janm vin isi a it's laziness that prevents mese from parès doing ki fè it m pa fè l its Li it's mine now, she said I couldsehave pou itmwen l ye konnye a li di m mèt pran l it's my last dola se dènye grenn dola m it's no laughing matter I couldbagay have been sa a pa killed gen griyen dan ladan it 's nothing we will go next week se pa if my anyen mother na v gets ale semèn well pwochhèn si manman refè it's not only a matter of luck you se pa also chans needsèlman to havefòa ou good konn knowledge jwe tou of the game it snows in december, and it rains li fè lanèy in may an desanm, e an me li fè la pli it's only an act se yon blag it's only for males se pou gason sèlman it's saying in lap di nan it's se it's something I learned early se in life yon bagay m konnen depi m piti it's still light outside deyò a fè klè toujou it stinks in here la a santi it's tough, but he keep working li difisil at it men kontinye travay it's urgent li ijan it's very li trè it's very se trè it's war se la gè it's war Se lagè it's was just yesterday that I was se yè with m avèl her, and enpinow m tande I hearl mouri she dead it this bus going to new york or eske to chocago otobis sa pral nou yòk or chicago it turned around and around li vire, l vire toutotou it was a male voice se te yon vwa gason it was announced from headquarters li te anonse de katye jeneral it was announced today li te fè konnen jòdi a it was announced today li te prevwa jodi a it was announced yo te anonse it was announced yo te rapòte it was decided that se sa ki te deside it was li te it was Li te it was Li te it was Li te it was Li te it was not li pat te it was sete it was Se te it was spoken about yo te koze sou sa it was spoken about yo te pale de it was spoken about yo te pale osijè de it was spoken and about li te pale e apwopo de it was spoken and about yo te pale e sou it was spoken and li te pale e it was spoken and yo te pale donk it was spoken and yo te pale kidonk it was spoken li te pale it was talking li te pale it was what she said that landseme sainl di jaila k fèm al nan prizon it will be kind of trange if you sa don't ap go parèt together dwòl si n pa al ansanm Page 345 Feuille1 it will be maintained li pral lokòl piblik it will be se pwal it will be se va it will li pral it will not be li pa pwal It will save time if you tell me Si everything w di m tout now. bagay konnye a, nou pwal ekonomize tan it works li travay it would be an honor if he came m ta togade see me sa gwo si l ta vin wè m It would be an honor if he came m tatogade see me sa gwo si l ta vin wè m it would be needed li ta ka bezyen It would have been wrong forou you patot ap do gen that rezon si ou ta fè sa It would look like this li ta ka sanble tankou sila a I understand mwen konprann I used to be mwen te gen abitid I used to be mwen te konn Ivanivisevic is ivanivisevik se I've been standing for too long m in kanpe my legs twòp hurt pye m ap fè m mal I've fogetten his name m bliye non l I've got a good idea of what she m konn might salike l ka renmen I've got a juicy piece of gossipmfor gen you yon zen cho pou ou I've got arthritis in my arm m gen yon fredi nan bra I've got lost hope m pèdi espwa I've got lost hope m pèdi lespwa I've gotten behind in this workm an reta ak travay sa a I've had it with all your conplaints m bouke ak bann plenyen ou yo I've had it with this car m bouke ak machin sa a I've had it with this job m bouke ak travay sa a I've had no word from her m pa gen nouvèl li menm I've known him since we weremkids konnen l depi n timoun I've lost hope m pèdi espwa I've lost hope m pèdi lespwa I've never done anything thatmwasn't pa janm legal fè anyen ki kont lalwa I've never had malaria m pa janm gen malarya I've never known she's angrym pa janm wè l fache I've never lend money m pa prete moun kòb I've never seen you play withm the pakids janm before wè ou ap jwe ak timoun yo Ivica Mudrinic ivika moudrinik ivory coast kotdivwa I walked away from her because m rale shekòhitmme bò kote l paske l ban m kou I want mwen anvi I want mwen vle I want mwen vle I want Mwen vle I want to be free of that woman m bezwen debarase m ak fi sa a I was just 10 minute late, andmthey an reta won't10letminit me in sèlman, enpi yo pa kite m antre I was just kidding you se blag m t ap fè I was just kidding you se jwe m t ap jwe I was never immunized against m pa tetanus jan m pran vaksen tetanòs I was not there yesteday morning mwen pa te la ye maten I wasn't the one that made you se miss pa mwen your plane k fè avyon don'taltake kiteitou outpaonvin mepase sa sou mwen I wasn't there so I had to takemher pa word t la mfor oblije it kwè sa l di m lan I was there , but the mark memdown te la absent epi yo make m pala a I was there this morning mwen te la maten an Page 346 Feuille1 I was working in the yard m ap travay nan lakou a I was wrong for asking you dancing m pat dwe withmande me w pou al nan bal avèk mwen I wear large shirt se gwo chemiz m mete I went to a party mwen te ale nan yon fèt I went to bed late m al kouche ta I went to return the shoe, butm they pote wouldn't soulye take a tounen it yo pa vle pran l I went to the movies last nightmwen te al nan sinema yè swa I will be not there later mwen pap la plita I will be there later m ap la plita I will buy a clck, a radio and am'pral lamp.achte yon revèy, yon radyo, ak yon lanp. I will buy thirteen shirts m pral achte trèz chemiz I will come to work by bus m ap vin nan otobis I will give you credit anyway for detoutfason trying. m fè ou kredi paske ou eseye I will go get the kids from school m pral chache timoun yo lekòl I will go to the movies tonightmwen pral nan sinema aswè a I will have scrambled eggs with M ap sausage, pran zeafwi glass ak sosis, of orange yon juice, vè ji zoranj, and a cup ak yon of coffee, tas kafeplease. silvouplè I will have the watch by next week mwen pral gen mont lan semèn pwochèn I will make an effort to go seemher aptomorrow fè efò pou m al wè l demen I will make up the bed when Imcome a ranje back kabann lan lè m vini I will make you an orange juice m ap fè yon ti ji zorany pou ou I will ma va ; equivalent of "I am going" for the future I will mwen pwal I will Mwen pwal I will never be able to get along m pa with p janm him ka antann mwen avè l I will never knowingly do thatm pa t ap janm fè sa espre I will never make that mistakemagain pa p janm fè erè sa a ankò I will not be able to go m ap ka ale nan bal demen swa I will receive my pen m pral resevwa plim mwen an I will see you later. Na wè pita. I will show you mwen pral montre w I will take you to the hospital.Mwen pral mennen ou lopital. I will wash your work clothes m tomorrow ap lave rad travay ou yo demen I wish m swete I wish m ta renmen I won't be able to identify himmif pa I see p rekonèt him li si m wè l I won't get out M pa p sòti I won't go in the hole to buy amcar ap fè dèt pou m achte machin I won't go in the hole to buy amcar pa p fè dèt pou m achte machin I won't have that kind of people m pcoming ap asepte in my moun house konsa antre lakay mwen I won't have time m p ap gen tan I won't let you go play in the mud m pa p kite ou al jwe nan labou a I won't spend my life working m here pa ka fè tout vi m ap travay isit la I won't stick my neck out for anybody m pa p met tèt mwen nan poblèm pou moun I won't take it'll knock me out m pa p bwè l la fè m dòmi I won't take your talking backm topa mep asepte pou ou ap rann mwen repons I won't wear that mask m pa p mete mas sa a I would like mwen ta renmen I would like to ask you some mwen questions ta renmen about mine mande fields w yon kesyon sou tèren pyeje yo I would like to ask you some mwen questions ta renmen poze w kèk kesyon I would like to ask you something mwen ta renmen mande w yon bagay I would like to go to petionville mto tathe renmen hotel al st petyonvil george onnan feffra otèlstreet sen jòj ki sou ri jefre a I would Mwen ta renmen I would Ta renmen Page 347 Feuille1 Izetbegovic said jacket jacket Jacks Jacmel Jacmel Jacmel Jacmel soccer team Jadranka Kosor jail jail jail cell jail cell jail cell jail cell jail cell jail jailhouse jailhouse jail jail jail jail jail jail Jail jails jails jaket Jamaica Jamaica Jamaica Jamaica Jamaica jam Jams Jams january january January January Japanese authorities Japanese auto makers Japanese company Japanese foreign ministry Japanese government Japanese Japanese Japanese Minister Japan pays Japan's opposition Jaw jaw izetbegovi te di jakèt palto Oslè Jakmel Jakmèl Jakmèl Ekip futbòl Jakmèl jadranka kosò anprizonnen arete joupa kacho kounouk pwizon sèlil fèmti fèmti pwizon mete nan prizon penitansye prizon prizon prizon pwizon Pwizon penitansye yo prizon yo levit Jamayik Jamayik Jamayik jamayiken Jamayiken konfiti bouyay yo difikilte yo janvye janvye janvye Janvye otorite japonèz yo fabwikatè machin japonè yo konpayi japonè yo ministè etranjè japonè gouvènman japonè Japonè Japonè minis japonè pèyi japon opozisyon japon Machwa machwè Page 348 Feuille1 Jaw machwè jealous deplè jealous jalou jealous pakontan jealous paplè jealousy jalouzi jealousy jalouzi jean this is mistè koffe he will jan beseyour mesye supervisor koffe se li menm k ap sipèvizè ou Jeep djip Jeep Djip Jeep Djip jeopardy danje Jerusalem Jerizalèm Jet air plane Avyon areyaksyon Jet Djèt Jet fuel gaz avyon Jets Djèt yo jetty andigman jetty dig jetty miray sèk Jews Jwif job bezòy job djòb job growth agrandisman travay job kenbemen jobs anplwa yo jobs djòb yo JOBS lis djòb yo jobs travay yo jobs travay yo job travay job travay Johannesburg Jwanèsbou john is not happy jan pa kontan join manchèt join mete ansanm join rakòde joint action aksyon konjwen joint action aksyon tèt ansanm joint asnblag joint bwat joint council for komite konjwen pou joint council for konsèy konjwen pou joint council komite konjwen joint council konsèy anjwen joint council konsèy konjwen joint effort efò asanblag joint effort to efò asanblag a joint effort yon antrepriz asanblag joint firm with antrepriz asanblag avèk joint jwen joint jwen joint jwenti Page 349 Feuille1 joint komen jointly develop and market develope ansanm epi fè komès jointly develop devlope ansanm jointly develop devlope ansanm joint mityèl joint òdinè joint plas joint political military commission jent politik konsèy militè joint political military council konsèy politik jent militè joint session asanblag seyans joint session of congress asanblag seyans kongrè joint session of congress sesyon kongrè konjwen joint session sesyon konjwen joint venture asanblag antrepriz joint venture between konjwen risk ant joint venture between risk ki pwan ant de joint venture in asosye nan risk ansanm joint venture risk ki pwan ansanm joint venture risk ki pwan ant de joint ventures antrepwiz riskan an asosyasyon joint venture to risk ant de pou joint venture with antrepwiz ant de moun ak joint venture with risk ant de moun avèk joist planche Joke blag joke fèjwèt joke jwe Joke komedi joke plazan Joke Plezantri joke ranse jolly amize jolly gye jolly vivan Jordanian Jòdanyen Jordan Jòdani Joule Joul journalism jounalism journalists jounalis yo journalists jounalis yo journey chemen journey joune journey rwout joy ride dejwe Judaism Jidayis judge jij judgement jijman judging by all the people here, si itgen must tout bemoun a good sa restaurant yo se yon bon restoran judicial investigation envèstigasyon jidisyè Judicial Jidisyè juice ji juice ji juice jis Page 350 Feuille1 july jiyè July Jiyè jump bail fè fòfè sou kosyon jump bail mawon jump bail (to) pa parèt figi w jump bail (to) sote kosyon Jumper Salòpèt Jumping rope Sote kòd jumps bondi Jump school ekòl pou moun apwann sote jumps sote junction antre de june jen June jen June Jen june, july, and august jen, jiyè, ak out Jungle survival sivivan forèt jungle zone zòn forèt jungle zone zòn jeng junk bond jonk bon junk bonds bon jonk yo Junk food manje pa bon jurisdiction jiridiksyon jurisdiction konpetans jury box bwat jiri just a minute fon ti tann just apen just apèn just apenn just ekzateman just fèk Justice Department depatman jistis Justice for peace Jisits pou la pè Justice Jij justice jistis justice jistis justice jistis justice konpansasyon justify statement jistifye pwopozisyon just jis just jisteman just now jis kounye a just what are you getting at sa ou vle di la a just what do you mean by that sa ou vle di ojis Juvenile Adolesan Juvenile Jènès kalashnikov machine gun machen zam kalashnikov kalashnikov machine gun machinn-gonn kalachnikòv kaptive atire kaptive chame kaptive kaptive karst sous souteren katye w la? èske w konnen kèk done enpòtan sou pèsonalite sivil yo ki demere nan Page 351 Feuille1 keel Keep away! keeper keeper keeper keep keep keeping keep keep keep Keep perfectly still Keep perfectly still keep keep keep Kelvin temperature kennel kennel kennel kennel kept kettle kettle key keyboard keyboard key key key key key question key role kg kichen kichen kichen kick kicked kick kick kidnapping kidnapping kidney kidney kidney kidneys kill Killed in action killed killed killed killed kiye Rete louin! gadò gadyen siveyan gade gade kenbe kenbe kenbe oubliyèt kontinye kenbe la kontinye metni pwòp pran teni teni Tanperati Kèlvin cheniye kay chen nich nich chen te kenbe chodwè pou bouyi kwit mange Bank klavye Klavye kle kle Kle nòt (pyano) kesyon kle wòl pwensipal kilogra-m kizin kouzin kwizin choute choute tirepye voyepye anlèvman kidnapin ògànnpipi ren ren ren yo baylanmò mouri nan aksyon konnen li te tye te tiye te tiye Page 352 Feuille1 killed killed killed killings near here killings near here killings near here kill kill the lights kill kilogram Kilogram kilograms Kilo kiloliter kilometer kilometer Kilometer kilometers kilometers per hour kilopascals Kilowatt-hour kind kind kindergarten kindergarten kindergarten Kindergarten kind kind kind kind kind kind kind kind kind kindness kindness kindness kindness kind of herb kind of vegetable kinds kinds kinds kind Kinematics Kinetic energy kin Kingdom king king post king post te tiye tiye touye lanmò tou pwe a lanmò tou pwe isit lanmò toupwe la a pranlanmò touye limyè yo touye kilogram Kilogram kilogram yo Kilo kilolit kilomèt kilomèt Kilomèt kilomèt yo kilomèt pa lè kilopaskal yo Kilowatè bon emab anfanten anfanten anfantin Jaden danfan fason fason jan jan jan janti janti kalite klas bonte bonte byenfè jantiyès ave aticho pou jan yo pou klas yo pou tip yo tip Sinematik Enèji sinetik fanmi Wayòm monak biwo rwayal pòs rwayal Page 353 Feuille1 king souveren king wa King Wa kinky hair kwòt kiosk jounal kiosk kyòs kiosk magazin kiosk mitan prensipal yon plas kiosk vye tonnèl kiss beze kiss bo kiss tiba kitchenette kitchenèt kitchen kizin kitchen kwinine kitchen kwizin Kitchen Kwizin kitten tichat knee jenou knee jenou knee jenou knee jounou Kneel down Ajenou knees jenou knife katyapika knife kouto knife kouto knife kouto knife kouto knife kouto knife kouto Knife kouto Knife Kouto Knife Kouto Knife Kouto knife ponya Knight Chevalye Knitting Trikote knives kouto yo knock frape knock frape knock out degrennen knock toke knoll Bit tè knosingly ak konesans knowingly ak konesans knowingly ak tout entansyon knowingly kont la lwa knowing you I don't thing you'll pou like janit m konnen ou m pa kwe` ou ap renmen l know konèt know konnen know konnen know konnen Page 354 Feuille1 know knowledge knowledge knowledge knowledge Knowledge knowledge known as known as known as known function known known quantity know knows knows knuckle duster Korean Korean Korean peninsula Koschnik Kostovic is Kpa Krajisnik Kraut Kuharic Kurdish state Kurd state Kuwaiti minister Kuwait label label each suitcase label the solution set laboratory Laboratory labor certification labor certification labor Laborer laborious labor labor leader labor leader labor leader labor leader labor party Labor Party Labor Party labor Labor lace lack of evidence lack of evidence konnen espètiz konesans konesans konesans Konesans konnensans rekonèt tankou te konnen kòm te konnen pou fonksyon koni koni kantite koni okouran konnen te tiye kout pwen Koreyen Koreyen penisil koreyen kosnik kostovik se kilopaskal yo krajisnik krot kuarik eta Kid Eta Endepandan Kid minis kowet Kowet bay non make chak valiz bay ansanm solisyon an yon non laboratwa Laboratwa paye travay sètifika travay djòb Kiltivatè travayè kenbemen lidè travayè travayè an chèf travayè antèt travayè dirijan pati ouvwiye Pati Ouvwiye pati Travayè travay Travay Dantèl mank de prèv manke pwèv Page 355 Feuille1 lack of proof lack of proof Ladder ladders ladders ladders Ladies restroom ladies' room ladies' room ladle Ladle lady lady lady lady lagoon lagoon lagoon laguna laguna laguna lagune lagune lagune laid off workers laid-off workers lake bed lake bottom lake dwelling lake dwelling lake lake Lake Lake Lake lakes lamp Lamp Lamppost Lamp post lampshade lanai lanai lanai lanai lance land and landfill land forces landing landing field landing field landing field mank de prèv manke pwèv Nechèl echèl echèl ekay Twalèt fi chanm fanm sal makiyaj louch Louch dam dam fanm madanm Lagin Lagina Lagon Lagin Lagina Lagon Lagin Lagina Lagon anplwaye revoke travayè sispandi Etandi lak Bouchon lak abitasyon pwopriyete lak Lak lak Lak Lak lake yo lanp Lanp potoelektrik Poto elektrik abajou balkon galri gran galri tonèl pou teyat lans tè e Fatra fòs te yo debakeman ayewopò tèren datèrisaj tèren davyasyon Page 356 Feuille1 Landing gears Landing gears landing strip landing strip landing strip landlady Landless Landmark Landmark Landmark Landmark land mass Landmine awareness Landmine awareness land mine landmine land mine landmine Landmine laying Landmine laying land mine landmine land mine land mines landmines land mines landmines Landmines land mine storage land mine storage landmine storage landmine storage land mine storage landmine storage land mine landmine landmine land's land land land Land Language ability Language ability language language Language Language language language Language language Languages dispozitif daterisaj mekanis daterisaj pis datèrisaj tèren tèren daterisaj propriyetè San Tè Bòn limit lizyè moniman istorik bit tè an konesans de min pyeje yo okouran de yo min bonm bonm ekplozif ekplozif chan min vas min min min min terès Kote ki gen tèren pyèje yo Kote ki gen tèren pyèje yo kote kin gen min eksplozif kote kin gen min eksplozif tèren pyeje yo depo eksplozif depo eksplozif depo eksplozif depo eksplozif depo minn depo minn tèren pyeje tèren pyeje tèren pyeje tè tè tè Tè Tè abilite nanlang alèz pou pale lang lang lang Lang langaj langaj langaj langay lang yo Page 357 Feuille1 Language translation lantern larceny larder larder larder large large large large large large large large large large large large large large large large larger larger number larger number largest bank largest bank largest branch largest branch largest food company largest food company large straw bag with strap largest shareholder largest shareholder Laser last last but one last century last century last century last last last last last last last last last last elections last elections last last tadiksyon lang antèn vòl amwa klozèt pandri enòm gran gran gran gran gran gro gwan gwo gwo gwo lag laj laj laj laj lajè gran nimero gwo nimero pi gran bank pli gran bank pi gran branch pli gran branch pi gran izin manje pli gran konpayi manje dyakout pi gran envèstisè pli gran aksyonè Lazè an ro kounye a avandènye denye santenè dènye syèk syèk pase denye dènye dènye dènye dènye dènye dènye dènye dènyè dènye elèksyon dènye eleksyon yo en fen final Page 358 Feuille1 lasting chak enstan lasting chak moman lasting dire lasting kap dire anpil lasting peace denye la pè lasting peace lapè dirab last journey dènye kous last journey dènye trajè last journey dènye vwayaj last kontinye lastly Anfen last month ane pase last month mwa pase last month mwa pwochen last name non fanmi last name pwenon last name siyati last night I stayed up late studying yè swa, m rete byen ta ap etidye last night my father had chichen, yè swa ricepapa and vegetebles m manje vyann for dinner poul diri ak legim pou soupe last night yèreswa last night yèswa last night yè swa last night yè swa last night yè swa last night yè swa last one dènye a last one dènye grenn last pase last pase last term dènye tèm last week semèn dènyè last week semèn ki sot pase a last week semenn dènye last week semenn pase last week semen pase last week semèn pase last week semèn pase last week semèn pase a last year ane dènye last year ane pase last year ane pase last year ane pase last year ane pi bonè last year Lane pase last years ane dènyè yo late ; adverb byen ta late anreta late anreta lateral area of cone kote lateral yon kòn lateral area sifas lateral lateral edge of prism bò lateral yon pris lateral point pwen lateral lateral surface sifas lateral Page 359 Feuille1 later pita later pita later pita later pi ta Later Pita late ta late ta Latin America integration entegrasyon latino ameriken Latin America integration latino amerika entegrasyon Latin American council komite amerik Latin Latin American countries peyi amerik latin yo Latin American currency markets mache echanj amerik latin yo Latin American currency monè amerik latin Latin American economic press jounal amerik latin sou ekonomi Latin American foreign exchange echang lajan etranjè an amerik latin Latin American foreign exchange echanj markets lajan etranje sou mache amerik latin nan Latin American market mache amerik latin Latin American parliament palman Amerik Latin Latin American people pèp latino ameriken Latin American union inyon amerik latin La Tortue Latòti latrine latrin latrine twalèt latrine twalèt latrine watè Latrine Watè lattice points pwen nan treyi latus rectum latous rektoum laugh griyen laugh ri launcher lansè laundered money blanchi lajan laundered money lajan kontrebann laundry blanchisri laundry lavaj laundry londri lavatory fasilite lavatory lavabo lavatory prive lavatory sal de beny lavatory twalèt law about changes and lwa apropo de changman e law about lwa apwopo de law about lwa osijè de law and order lwa e lòd lawcourt tribinal law dwa law enforcement agent ajan pou fè ranfòse lalwa law enforcement agent lapolis law enforcement agent polis law estati lawful egal lawful legal Page 360 Feuille1 lawful lejiti-m lawful permanent resident rezidan pèmanan legal law in force lwa an aksyon law in force lwa an fòs law in force ranfòsman lalwa law lalwa Law lalwa lawlessness anachi law lwa law lwa law lwa law lwa law lwa law lwa law lwa Law Lwa Lawn mower Tondèz Law of action and reaction Lwa aksyon ak reaksyon law of conjunction lwa konjonksyon Law of conservation of energy Lwa konsèvasyon enèji Law of conservation of massLwa konsèvasyon mas law of contradiction lwa kontradiksyon law of contrapositive lwa kontrapozitif law of cosines lwa kosinis law of De Morgan's lwa de mògann law of detachment lwa detachman law of disjunctive addition lwa adisyon disjonktif law of disjunctive inference lwa enferans disjonktif law of double negative lwa doub negatif law officer ofisye lalwa law officer ofisye polis law of inference lwa enferans law of modus tollens lwa rezonman Law of multiple proportions Lwa sou pwoposyon miltid Law of reflection Lwa refleksyon Law of refraction Lwa refraksyon Law of science Lwa syans law of similitude lwa similtid law of simplification lwa senplifikasyon law of the double negative lwa doub negasyon law of the syllogism lwa silojis law prensip law proposal pwopozisyon lwa law proposal pwopozisyon lwa law proposals pwopozisyon lwa yo law protection lwa de pwotèksyon law protection lwa pwoteksyon laws in law nan laws in nan lwa Laws Lwa laws of changes chajman lwa yo laws of positive integral exponents lwa espozan entegral pozitif laws of reasoning lwa rezonman Page 361 Feuille1 Laws rules lawsuit against pwosè kont lawsuit aksyon an jistis lawsuit filed by manda pwepare pa lawsuit filed by pwosè pwepare pa lawsuit filed ekri manda pou tribinal lawsuit filed pwosè pwepare lawsuit filed rele nan tribinal lawsuit pwosè lawsuit pwosè lawsuit pwosè lawyer avoka lawyer avoka lawyer avoka lawyer avoka Lawyer avoka Lawyer Avoka Lawyer Avoka lawyer fondepouvwa Lawyer mèt Lay down Kouche laying kouche ate laying lonje atè laying louvwi laying simen laying tann lay ponn lay your coat down on the bed mete vès ou sou kabann lan laziness parès Lazyboy dodin Lazyboy Parese lazy feneyan lazy loudo lazy parese lazy parese lazy parese lazy Parese leader alatèt leader alatèt Leader Antèt leader direktè leader dirèktè leader dirijan leader gid leader latèt leader lidè leader lidè leader lidè leader lidè leader lidè Leader Lidè leader of the Catholic Churchlidè legliz katolik leader reskonsab Page 362 Feuille1 leader responsab LEADERS AND PATROL MEMBERS lidè ak manm patwouy yo leaders chèf an tèt yo leaders chèf de fil yo leaders chèf yo leaders dirijan yo leaders lidè yo leaders lidè yo lead gide leading coefficient koefisyan prensipal leading diagonal dyagonal prensipal leading economic indicators dirijan mezi ekonomik leading economic indicators dirijan zafè ekonomik leading economic indicators endikatè ekonomik yo leading element eleman prensipal leading prensipal leading question kesyon an tèt leading question pwemye kèsyon leading variable varyab prensipal lead kondwi leads kondi Leaf Fèy Leaflets trak yo league chanpyonna leagues alyans leagues lig leagues lign lean panche lean-to apiye si lean-to vèse lean-to vide bondi leaps leaps sote learn aprann learn aprann Learn Aprann learn etidye learning apwann learns apran-n learns koute learns tande lease kontra lease lye lease vyati lokasyon least common denominator pi piti denominatè komen least common factor pi piti faktè komen leave everything the way youkite found toutit bagay jan ou jwenn yo a leave my house at once sot anndan kay mwen an konnye a leave pati leave pati leaves abite leaves demere Leaves Fèybwa Page 363 Feuille1 leaves Leave snipers behind leave leave leave leave leaves Lebanese delegation lecturer lecturer lecturer lecture room lecture room lecture room lecture room lecturer ledge ledger board left left Left Left left left left left Left left-hand cancellation left-hand member left-hand operation left knee left over left parties left left wing left wing legal consequences legal instrument Legality Legalization legal legal legal legal legal legal legal transfer leg Legend legislative body legislative elections legislator leg fèy yo lèse tirè yo dèyè sot sòt soti sòti rete delegasyon libanè ekspozitè entèlokitè konferansye bibliyotèk pyè kote yo fè lekòl sal klas sal lekti oratè Arebò gwan liv agòch agòch Agòch A Gòch gòch gòch gòch Gòch Gòch anilasyon sou bò gòch manm a gòch operasyon sou bò gòch genou gòch rès pati gòch yo pati zèl goch zèl gòch konsekans legal yo enstriman legal Legalite Legalizasyon jiridik kòrèk legal legal legal legitim transfè legal bwajanm Lejann kò legislatif elèksyon legislatif yo lejisilatè janb Page 364 Feuille1 leg janm leg janm leg janm leg kote leg of triangle kote triyang legs janm leisurely dousman leisurely gès leisurely kèpòpòz lemma lèm lemon sitron lemon sitwon lemon sitwon lending library bibliotèk lending library libreri lend me 5 until tomorrow prete m 5 dola pou demen lend me a hand with this tablebanm yon koutmen ak tab sa a lend prete lend prete lenghthen this skirt for me it'salonje too short jip la pou mwen li twò kout lenghthen this skirt for me it'sralonje too short jip la pou mwen li twò kout lengthening alonjman Length Longè length of arc longè yon ak length of semicircle longè demisèk lenient endiljan lenient moun ou ka vire jan w vle Lens Lantiy Leo Lyon Lesser Antilles Ti zanti lesson devwa lesson lekòl lesson leson lesson leson lesson travay Less than or Equal to Pipiti oubyen egal a Less than Pipiti pase let Ann let go of my arm lage bra m lethargic anpetre let him decide for himself kite l pran desizyon l pou kont li Let me ask you a question about ban mwen mine fields mande w yon bagay sou tèren pyeje yo Let me ask you a question ban mwen mande w yon kesyon Let me ask you questions about banthat mwen poze w kessyon sou sa Let me ask you questions about kite that m poze w yon kesyon osijè de sa Let me ask you questions about kite that mwen mande w kessyon sou sa let me have a look at it ban m fè yon lèy let me know when you desidefètomcome konnen lè ou deside vini let me pay for it kite m peye Let me see! Ban mwen wè! let out loue let out lwe let's assume that Admeton Page 365 Feuille1 let's call him now an n rele l konnye a let's each hold onto one end an nou chak kenbe yon bout let's hold off on buying a car for an now n achte machin lan konnye a let's hold off on buying a car for an now n pa achete machin lan konnye a let's leave before it get dark an n ale anvan l fè nwa let's leave the ironing for tomorrow an n kite pase a pou demen lets lèse lets otorize lets pèmete lets pèmète Let's see. lese nou wè. let's talk about something else an n pale yon lòt bagay let's talk turkey an n pale serye let's try not to be late an n fè efò pou n pa an reta jodi a let's wait until she leaves an n ret tann l ale lettered idantifye ak lèt letterhead paye antèt letter lèt letter lèt letter lèt Letter Lèt letter of intent lèt de lentansyon letter of intent lèt dentansyon letter of intent purchase lèt a lentansyon achte letter of intent to acquire lèt a lentansyon avantaj letter of intent to acquire lèt dentansyon pou genyen letter of intent to acquire lèt dentansyon pou jwenn letter of intent to acquire lèt dentansyon pou mande letter of intent to lèt dentansyon pou letter of intent to lèt detansyon a letter of intent to purchase lèt dentansyon pou achte letter of intent with lèt de lentansyon avèk letter of intent with lèt dentansyon ak letter of intent with lèt dentansyon avèk letters lèt yo let that be a lesson to you sa a sèvi ou leson let the chicken marinate for akite whole pouday l la fè jounen an ap tranpe let the record stand kite dosye pale pou tèt li let the record stand lese dosye eksplike tèt li lettuce leti Let us pass. Kite nou pase! levee dig levee ranp level flòch level kay bas level nivo level nivo level nivo Lever corkscrew Kle boutèy lever ti bwochi lever ti liv lewd ad lascivious conduct konpòtman liability responsablite Page 366 Feuille1 liability LIAISON OFFICERS LIAISON OFFICERS LIAISON OFFICERS LIAISON OFFICERS LIAISON OFFICERS libel liberal opposition liberate liberated liberate liberate liberate liberate liberate Liberate liberate liberation liberation liberation Liberation Liberation Party liberty Liberty Libra library library Library library library library Libya Libyan license License license lich gate lich gate lich gate Lie down! lie lie lie lie on the graph of lie on the line lie lieutenant general lieutenant lie ; verb life life goes on life goes on life holds many suprises sou kont ofisye lyezon ofisye lyezon ofisye lyezon yo ofisye lyezon yo ofisye lyezon yo kalomni opozisyon liberal demare te libere lage liberasyon libere libere libere Libere otorizasyon liberasyon liberasyon liberasyon Liberasyon pati liberasyon libète Libète Balans bibliotèk bibliyotèk Bibliyotèk libreri libweri libwèri Libi Libyen lisans Lisans pèmi lye de repo sejou simityè Kouche! mansonj manti mantò tonbe sou graf tonbe sou liy lan tonbe lyetnan jeneral lyetnan manti ekzistans lavi ap kontinye lavi kontinye lavi a chaje sipriz Page 367 Feuille1 life holds many surprises life imprisonment life imprisonment life isn't easy life life Lifestyle Life style life life life lift lift bridge lift lift lift Lift! lift off Lift! ligament Light Armored Vehicle light-brown Light bulb Light bulb light light lighthearted lighthouse light light light light light light light light light light lightning lightning Lightning lightship lights Lights lights Lights Light tanks light weapons light weapons light weapons likeable like and in like denominator lavi a chaje sipriz kondane a vi nan pwizon pase lavi nan pwizon lavi a pa fasil lavi lavi Jandevi nivo vi vi vi vi asansè pon mobil elevatè leve leve Leve! dekole Soulve ligaman limyè kamyon blende a mawon klè Anpoul elèktirk Anpoul elèktrik ekleraj fasil anpenpan fa klète lejè Lejè limye limyè limyè limyè limyè limyè limyè eklè zeklè Zeklè fa bato limyè Limyè limyè yo limyè yo tank leje yo zam fay yo zam ki pa pisan yo zam legè yo atachan kòm e nan denominatè sanblab Page 368 Feuille1 like gen senpati like God kwè bondye like God tan kou Bondie like it is jan li ye like kòm likely èmeman likely probabman likely pwobab like menm jan like monomials minòm sanblab like numbers nonm sanblab like radicals radikal sanblab like remen like renmen like renmen like renmen like terms tèm sanblab like that jan sa like that konwè sila like that men m jan ak sila like that tankou sa like this kòm sa like this kon sa like this tankou sa like what kòmkwa like what tankou ki Lilac pye lila limas bal limas boulèt limas katouch limbs bwanch yo limbs kole limbs manb yo limbs manm yo limbs mete limbs tache Lime Lacho linear coordinates koòdone lineyè linear dependence depandans lineyè linear estimation estimasyon lineyè linear form fòm lineyè linear growth kwasans lineyè linear independence endepandans lineyè linear inequality inekwasyon lineyè linear inequality in two variables inekwasyon lineyè ak devaryab linear measure of an arc mezi lineyè yon ak linear open sentence fraz matematik ouvri ki lineyè linear pair of angles pè ang lineyè linear pair pè lineyè linear quadratic system sistèm kwadratik lineyè linear transformation transfòmasyon lineyè line charge chaj aliyman line charge liy chaje Page 369 Feuille1 line charge line graph Line graph line line of defense line of division line of division line of equidistance line of reflection line of sight line lines lines of defense lines of division lines of division line symmetry Line up. Linguistic link link link link links links links lintel lion lion Lipids lip lip lip lip lip lips Lipstick liquid liquid liquid Liquid oxygen Liquor Liquors Liquors liquor store liquor store liquor store liquor store liquor store liquor store list Listening devices Listening devices Listening liy chaje graf liy Liy graf lin lin de defans lign divizyon trè de divizyon liy ekidistans liy refleksyon liy vizyon ran lin yo lin defans yo lign divizyon trè de divizyon simetri pa rapò ak yon liy Fè yon ran! Lengwistik ano chenon manchèt melon pakou terèn tèren gòlf lento lyon lyon Lipid lèv lèv lèv pobouch podjòl lèv Fa dlo likid likid dlo oksijèn likè bwason alkolik Likè boutik koli boutik likè boutik tafya lisans espire lisans fini lisans tèmine endèsk aparèy pou koute moun kap pale nan aparèy kominikasyon materyèl dekout yo koute Page 370 Feuille1 Listening posts Listening listen listen listen to list list list list list list list list list LISTS LISTS LISTS LISTS LISTS LISTS LISTS LISTS LISTS literal constant literally literally literal notation Literature Literature litigation litigation litigation litle boy littering littering littering little baby little baby little girl little girl little hole little little piece little Little little table little little Little livable live live live pòs dekout yo tande koute tande koute envantè fèy papye lis lis lis lis lis list seri etale lis lis lis lis LIS lis yo lis yo ranje konstant literal literalman mo pou mo notasyon literal literati Literati diskisyon litij pwosè tinonm sal simen tann atè tibebe tipitit fiyet fiyèt titwou miyèt timoso piti piti piti tab ti tizing Zwit abitab abite abite abite Page 371 Feuille1 live Live apart lively lively lively lively lively lively live live live live live liver liver livery stable livery stable livery stable lives in lives in lives in lives in lives livestock livestock livestock livestock livestock livestock lives live live live living quarters living room living room living room Living room l Load! Loading equipment Loading equipment Loading ramp Loadmaster Loadmaster loaf loaf loaf Loan Loan lobby lobby lobby abite Separe djanm djanm djanm egzat ekzak ekzat rete rete rete rete Rete fwa fwesi ekiri preri ti jaden abite nan demere nan rete nan viv nan rete animal domestik betay betay elvaj zannimo gadinaj zannimo domèstik viv viv viv Viv mwatye anvi chanm devan sal datant salon Salon li pa gen alkò Chaje! ekipman chaje materyèl chaje ranp chaje chèf kago chèf nan yon kago kalewès nen pòt san okipe ponya Prete gran hal kote pou ret tann gran pòt dantre sal datant Page 372 Feuille1 Local area zòn lokal Local custom lokal kliyan local finance finans lokal local finance fon lokal local lokal Local museum Mize lokal local newspaper jounal lokal local politicians politisyen lokal yo local schedules lè lokal yo local schedules orè lokal yo local Serbs lokal sèb local Serbs lokal Sèb yo local Serbs rejyonal sèb Local supply depot depo ekipman lokal Local supply depot lokal materyèl rezèv locate land mines dekouvwi min ; (bonm anba tè) locate landmines dekouvwi min ; (bonm anba tè) locate land mines lokalize pyèj anba tè locate landmines lokalize pyèj anba tè locate land mines lokalize zatrap anba tè locate landmines lokalize zatrap anba tè locations anplasman yo locations that would be usefulbon to snipers pozisyon pou moun kap fè anbiskad locations that would be usefulkote to snipers ki ta bon pou fwan tirè yo locker kabinèt locker kòf locker room amwa locker room chas locker room ebèje locker room loje locker room vèstyè locker ti bwat sekrè locker ti chanm depo locker ti chanm kote pou sere zouti lock fèmen lock klete lock up fèmti lockup fèmti lock up pwizon lockup pwizon locus; loci lye jeometrik lodge ajoupa lodge amwa lodge chas lodge ebèje lodge loje lodge loje lodge loje lodge obèj lodge obèjri lodger lokatè lodge vèstyè lodge wijwam Page 373 Feuille1 lodging house lojman lodging house lwayaj lodging lojman lodgings chache lodgings detere lodgings fouye lodgings kay lodgings mèb yo lodgings tanpon lodgings tòkèt loft galata loft gwenye loft gwenye loft gwenye pijon loft kalòj pijon loft kòfrefò loft mansad logarithmic form fòm logarit logarithmic logaritmik logarithm logarit log bich log bouda bwa mouri log cabin kabann loge bwat loggia balkon loggia galri loggia gran galri loggia tonèl pou teyat Logical Lojik logically equivalent lojikman ekivalan logically equivalent statements pwopozisyon lojikman ekivalan logical operation operasyon lojik logical order òd lojik logical sequence sekans lojik logical system sistèm lojik logic lojik logic proof prèv lojik logistic lojistik Logistics chanm Logistics èspas log jounal log kanè log konsiyen loiter flannen London based baz lond London daily Jounalye de Lond London daily jounalye lond Londonian financier finansye londonèz London market of metals mache fè Lond London newspaper jounal lond long ago Lontan de sa long dire long distance long distans Page 374 Feuille1 long division divizyon long longest pi long nan Longitude Lonjitid longitudinal axis aks lonjitidinal Longitudinal wave Ond lonjitidinal long long Long Long longshoreman pechè long term bonds angajman long tèm long term bonds bon a lon tèm long time ago dikdantan long time lontan long tom gwo zam a main ki tire trè lwen look aroud and see you can find gade it toupatou wè si ou pa jwenn li look at gade look at gade look at siveye look at the lenght of that car gade longè yon machin Look at this with me gade sa a avèk mwen Look at this with me gade sa ak mwen Look at this with me gade sa ansanm ake m look ekspwesyon look for chèche look for chèche look gade look gade looking for ap chache pou looking for chèche pou look koudèy look kou dèy look like sanble Look out fè atansyon lookout getè lookout klòch obsèvasyon lookout santinèl Look out siveye lookout station getè lookout station klòch obsèvasyon lookout station santinèl Look out vijilan look rega look rega looks rega look wè loo latrin loony bin kay pou moun fou loony bin pon Bèdèt loony bin sanatoryòm loony bin sant swenyaj Loose Lach loose likid Loose pèdi loot (to) piye Page 375 Feuille1 loo loo lorry lorry lose lose lose lose lose loss Losses loss loss loss lost lost lost lost lotion lottery lottery lottery loud rowdy male Loudspeaker operations lounge lounge lounge love love love Love Love love love Love lover lover lover lover love love Love lover low low Low Low card Low card low lower lower lower base lower base of cylinder twalèt watè kamyon kamyon pedi pedi pèdi pèdi pèdi donmaj pèdi pèdisyon pèt pèt pèdi te disparèt te pèdi te pèdi losyon bolet bòlèt degrade eskandalè opalè pou operasyon yo sal datant sal detant sal repozwa afeksyon amou Amou amou in love lamou lanmou Lanmou anmore anmore anmorèz anmorèz remen renmen Renmen mennaj anba ba ba kat bas Kat pay diminye abese anba baz enferyè baz enferyè yon silenn Page 376 Feuille1 lower court ruling jijman tribianl de pè lower court ruling pwosè tribinal pwemye enstans lower court ruling règ avoka lakou lower court tribinal de pè lower house chanm bas lower limit limit enferyè lowest common denominatorpi piti denominatè komen Lowland bafon lowland Plafon lowland Plènn Lowland Tèplat low-price abapri low trè ba luanda airport ayewopò lwanda lucky chanse lucky fòtine luggage bagaj luggage compartment depo vid luggage compartment kòf Luggage compartment Kòf luggage compartment plas vid pou ranpli Luggage compartment pòch valiz Lumber chanpant an bwa Lumber chapant an bwa Luminous Limine luminous path leader lidè santye limine Luna lalin Luna rocket fize linè Luna rocket wòkèt linè lunatic fache lunatic move lunch dejenne lunch dejennen lunch dine Lunch dine lunch manje midi lunch repa lunchroom sal a manje lunette glass lungs poumon yo lure atire lure cham lure pwan nan pèlen lure pyeje lure sdwi luxury car vwati deliks lycee jimnazyòm lycee lekòl primè lycee lekòl sekondè lycee lise lyceum jimnazyòm lyceum lekòl primè lyceum lekòl sekondè Page 377 Feuille1 lyceum lise lyceum sal piblik lych gate lye de repo lych-gate lye de repo lych gate sejou lych-gate sejou lych gate simityè lych-gate simityè M-16 M-16 m-1 rifle Fizi ameriken m-1 rifle Fizi m1 Maastricht accords maasttricht akò Macana Makana Macedonia masedoni Macedonian man òm masedonyen Macedonian masedonyen Macedonian Masedonyen Macedonian Masedonyen Macedonian woman fanm masedyèn machine gun cha blende machine gun cha pou gè Machine gun emplacements plas machin de gè Machine gun emplacements rejyon pou machin de gè Machine gun jeeps djip mitrayè yo Machine gun jeeps djip mitrayè yo machine gun machine za-m machine gun machin mitrayèz machine gun mitrayè Machine gun mitrayèt Machine gun mitrayèz Machine gun unit inite mitrayè machine machin Machine Machin Machine Machin machine motè machine oto machine otomobil Machines machin macout makout madam dam madame madam madam fanm madam madanm made safe te ansekirite made safe te asire made safe te asire made safe te fe ansekirite made te fabrike made te fabrike made te fe made te fè made te komèt made te kreye Page 378 Feuille1 made mad mad madhouse madhouse madhouse madhouse mad mad mad Madrid conference mad magazine magazine magazine magazine Magic Magnesium magnet Magnetic field magnetic magnetic Magnetic poles Magnet Magnet magnitude magnitude maid maiden name maid maid of honor maid Mail box Mailman Mailman truck Mail slot Mail truck main act main act main main diagonal main mainly main objective main objective main objectives main objectives main office main office main office main office main officer main opposition party te prodwi fache fou kay pou moun fou pon Bèdèt sanatoryòm sant swenyaj krezi loko move konferans madrid twoke depo zam magazen magazine revi Majik Manyezyòm eman Chan mayetik manyetik mayetik Pol mayetik Leman Leman grandè mayitid bòn non jèn fiy jèn fiy Makomè sèvant Bwat pòstal Faktè chofè Kamyon lapòs Kazye pòstal Kamyon lapòs ak pwensipal aksyon pwensipal chèf dyagonal prensipal esansyèl presipalman objèktif enpòtan objèktif pwensipal objèctif pwensipal yo objèktif pwensipal biro pwensipal biro santral chanm biro katye jeneral yo ofisye pwensipal pati pwensipal opozisyon Page 379 Feuille1 main opposition party pwensipal pati nan opozisyon main political parties pati politik pwensipal yo main prensipal main prensipal main prensipal main prensipal main sea Lanmè pwensipal main secretary sekretè pwensipal mainstay fouch mainstay gwan mat mainstay kwòk mainstay pwen dapwi maintenance mentnans maintenance pwezèvasyon Maintenance remedies koreksyon nan antretyen major aims of attack chèf d atak major aims of attack kòmandan d atak major aims of attack majò d atak major arc gran ak major European markets pi gran mache ewopeyen yo major European markets pwen mache ewopeyen yo majorities majorite yo majority majorite majority majorite majority majorite Majority Majorite majority of voices vwa de la majorite yo majority plis major majè major majè major majè major majistra major majò major mè major (military) majò (militè) major question gwo kesyon major question pi gwo kesyon major question pwinsipal kesyon major segment segman majè make a deal in principle fè yon afè an prensip make a left turn at the intersection vire a goch nan kafou a make beleive anjwèt make envante make everything fabrike tout bagay make everything fabrike tout bagay make everything fè tout bagay make everything fè tout bagay make everything fè tout bagay make everything fè tout bagay make fabrike make fè make fè make fè Page 380 Feuille1 make fè make fòmen make him stop bothering me fè l sispann enmède m make Konstwi make out a list of everyone you fè leve going listotout invite moun ou ap envite make out a list of everyone you fè lis going tout to moun inviteou ap envite make possible abilite make possible fè evantyèl make possible fe posib make possible fè posib make possible fè posib make possible pèmèt make possible pèmèt make possible pou rann posib make possible ran-n posib make possible rann posib make pregnant Angwosi make round awondi make some time to do it degaje l pou jwen yon ti tan pou ou fè l make worse agrave Makout confederation konfederasyon makout male mal Male Mal male maskilen male tennis player jwe tenis gason malice kòken malice malis malicious intent koken malicious intent move entansyon malicious intent panse malisye malicious mischief malis malveyan malicious prosecution anmèdman malizye malicious prosecution annwi malisye malinger fent malad mall magazen mall plaza mall sant mall sant komèsyal Malnutrition Malnitrisyon Malpractice Neglijans pwofesyonèl mama is calling you manman m ap rele ou Mammogram Mamogram manacle minòt manacle minòt manage Jere management administraksyon management administrasyon management and menagman e management department depatman manajman management jesyon management jesyon manager administratè manager administratè Page 381 Feuille1 manager administratè manager jeran manager jesyonè manager manadejè manager manadjè manager manadyè manager manedjè mandate manda Mandatory Egzijib man gason man gason man gason mango mango Manifestation Manifèstasyon manipulation manipilasyon manipulation manipilasyon manipulative materials manipilatif man needs more than just food se pa manje sèlman moun bezwen man nèg Man nèg manner manyè man nonm man òm man òm man òm manor gwan chato manor hall gwan chato manor hall gwan sal manor house gwan chato manor house menò manor menò man pèson manse gwan sal manse otèl patikilye manse pwesbitè mansion gwan sal mansion otèl patikilye mansion pwesbitè manslaughter tiye pa aksidan mantissa mantis Manual labor travayè manyèl Manufacturer fabwikatè Manufacturer manifaktirè Manufacturing fabrikasyon Manuscript Maniskri many an katite many? anpil many anpil many anpil many anpil many anpil many anpil many a person has told me the gensame anpil moun ki di m menm bagay la Page 382 Feuille1 many bokou many kantite many people are angry with him anpil moun fache kont li many people lost their lives ingen theanpil fire moun ki pèdi la vi yo nan dife a many plizye many plizyè many plizyè Map displays kat detaye map kat map kat Map Kat map kat gewografik map Kat jewografi Map of Haiti Kat dAyiti mapping transfòmasyon map resi maps Kat jewografi yo maps or warnings on the walls katorjeyografi floors ofyo buildings oubyen sou mi oubyen planche bilding yo map tikè Maraca Tchatcha Marble game jwèt kannik Marble game Jwèt mab marble mab marble mab marble mab march, april, and may mas, avril, e me Marches Mach yo March Mach March Mach march mas march mas March Mwa Mas March Mwa Mas March to the river Drina mach pou rivyè Drina marginal interest enterè maginal marginal interest enterè majinal marginal interest enterè segondè Marginal ki nan maj yon sosyete Marginal majinal Marimba Marenba Marine lamarin Marine Maren Marine navigation navigasyon maritim marines gad kòt yo Marines Lame demè marital status stati marye mark bi market boutik marketing mache market mache market mache market mache market mache Page 383 Feuille1 market makèt marketplace mache Marketplace Mache Marketplace Mache marketplace magazen marketplace plas mache Marketplace plas mache market sipè makèt market sources sous mache yo mark mak mark mak mark mak Marko mako Markovic makovik mark siy marks mak yo marks my words! they'll get him make eventually l pou wè m di ou yo gen pou yo kenbe l marks my words! they'll get him m dieventually ou yo gen pou yo kenbe l make sa m di ou la mark tras mark vizyon marriage fraud fo maryaj marriage mariaj marriage maryaj marriage nòs married marye Married Marye marry epouze marry marye marsh Ma labou Martial arts talan gèriye mart mache mart magazen mart plas mache Marvelous Mèvèye mary is not sad mari pa tris mashed potato pòm de tè mash the plantains with a forkkraze bannann lan ak yon fouchèt masjid masjid masjid mòske Mason Mason masonry mason masonry masoneri Massacre Masak massacre masakre massage salon salon masaj mass demonstrations mas demonstrasyon yo mass graves kantite tonbo mass graves mas kav mass graves mas tonbo mass graves pakèt kav mass graves pakèt tonbo massive exodus ekzòd masif mass kolektif Page 384 Feuille1 mass kolektiv mass lamès mass mas Mass Mas Mass Mas Mass media Mas medya Mass Mès mass mobilization mas mobilizasyon Mass number Mas Atomik master calendar kalandrye pwensipal match alimèt match asòti Matches Alimèt match match Mate fè echèk mate kamarad mate konpayon material damage domaj materyèl material ekipman material materyèl material materyèl material materyèl Material materyèl Material quantity kantite materyèl MATERIALS materyèl material witness temwen enpòtan material witness temwen klou Materiel Materyèl mathematical induction endiksyon matematik mathematical logic lojik matematik mathematical operation operasyon matematik mathematical sentence fraz matematik mathematical symbol senbòl matematik mathematical system sistèm matematik mathematics matematik Mathematics Matematik yo Mathematics syans matematik yo Matter Matyè mattress matla mattress matla mausoleum mozole mauve mov maximal maksimòm maximum maksimòm maximum penalty maksimòm pèn maximum penalty maksimòm pinisyon maximum penalty pèn de mò maximum period maksimòm peryòd maximum period peryòd maksimòm maximum value valè maksimòm Mayan Pyramid Piramid Maya may be dwe se maybe it's wrong, but that's what gen dwa they se toldpame vre men se sa yo di m Page 385 Feuille1 may be kapab se may be kapab se Maybe petèt Maybe se byen posib maybe she got sick and couldn't gen make dwa se it malad li malad ki fè l pa vini maybe we should get together gen at lè another pito n time pran randevou pou yon lòt lè May byen petèt may I come in m mèt antre may i gen have the check, please? m vle resi a silvouplè? may I have a glas of water please? banm yon vè dlo silvouplè? may I see the room, please. èske m ka wè chanm nan, silvouplè. may I see your airline tiket and eske your oupassport ka montre please mwen tikè ou ak paspò silvouplè May kapab May Mwa Me mayor jij Mayor jij Mayor kominal Mayor majè mayor majistra mayor majistra Mayor majistra Mayor Majistra Mayor Majistra mayor majsitra mayor mè Mayor mè Mayor of Amsterdam jij Amstèdam Mayor of Amsterdam majistra Amstèdam Mayor of Amsterdam majò amstedèm Mayor of Amsterdam mè Amstèdam Meadow Savann Meager chèch Meager depafini Meager Mèg Meager piti meal manje meal plat meal repa meal repa meal repa mean absolute deviation devyasyon absoli mwayèn mean approximation apwoksimasyon mwayèn Mean di meaningful siyifikativ meaning ki sinyifi meaning sans meanings entansyon meaning sinifye meanings signifikasyon mean mechan Mean Mechan mean mwayèn mean proportional mwayèn ki egal nan yon pwopòsyon Page 386 Feuille1 mean sinifye mean siyifi means mwanyen means mwayen means mwayen means of a proportion mwayèn yon pwopòsyon mean terms of proportion tèm mwayèn yon pwopòsyon mean terms tèm mwayèn mean value valè mwayèn meanwhile antretan measurable mezirab measure in radians mezire an radyan measurement mezi measurements mezi measure mezi Measure Mezi measure of dispersion mezi dispèsyon measure of precision degre presizyon measure of precision presizyon measures for dimansyon pou measures for mezi pou measures mezi yo measures of central tendencymezi tandans santral Measure weight mezire Measure weight peze Measure weight Pran pwa Measuring cup Tas mezi Measuring tape riban metrik Measuring Tape riban metrik Measuring tape Santimèt Measuring Tape Santimèt Meat bèt volay Meats vyann yo meat viann meat vyand meat vyann meat vyann Meat Vyann Meat Vyann Mechanical advantage Advantaj mekanik Mechanical energy Enèji makanik mechanic mekanik Mechanic Mekanik Mechanic Mekanisyen Mechanic Mekanisyen Mechanized mekanis medals meday yo medecine medikaman medecine medikaman medecine medsin medecine renmèd medecin medikaman media confrontation konfwantasyon lapwès Page 387 Feuille1 media confrontation median of triangle medical building Medical bus medical care medical center Medical corps Medical corps medical equipment Medical evacuation Medical evacuation Medical facility Medical helicopter Medical personnel medical services Medical ship medical sources medical supplies medical supplies medical supplies medical supplies Medical transportation medicine cabinet medicine cabinet medicine cabinet medicine chest medicine chest medicine chest Medicine Medicine medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicine Medicines Medic meditate meditate Mediterranean Medium Medium Medium tanks meeting meeting meeting meeting meeting meeting meeting of the EC meeting of the Ministers meeting of the Ministers meeting konfwontasyon medya medyàn triyang sant medikal bis medikal swen medikal sant medikal ekip medikal yo kò medikal yo ekipman medikal evakyasyon medikal medikal evakyasyon èd medikal Elikoptè medikal pèsonèl medikal sèvis medikal bato medikal sous medikal yo atik medikal founiti medikal materyèl medikal pwovizion medikal transpòtasyon medikal famasi kabinè medsin klinik famasi kabinè medsin klinik fakilte metin Lamedsin medikaman medikaman Medikaman medsin Metin Medikaman yo Teknisyen medikal medite Medite mediteranean lamwatye mwayen tank mwayen yo asanbleman chita pale chita tande kòmès machandiz merchandise reyinyon EC rankont minis yo reyinyon minis yo palman Page 388 Feuille1 meeting place meeting place meeting place meeting meeting meeting meeting meeting meeting meeting meeting meeting meeting meeting meeting meeting meeting meeting meeting meeting meeting meetings meetings meetings meetings meetings meetings meetings meetings meetings with meeting with meeting with meeting Zvonimir Cervenko meet meet meets meets meet together meet with megalith megalithic structure megalithic structure megalith megaton bomb Melody me me me member member member member of contact group member of the group asanbleman foròm plas rankont rankont rasanbleman rasanbleman rasanbleman rasanbleman reyinion reyinion reyinion reyinyon reyinyon reyinyon reyinyon reyinyon reynyon reynyon reynyon seans sesyon rankont yo rasanbleman reyinyon reyinyon yo reynyon yo reynyon yo seans sesyon yo rankont avèk reynyon avèk reynyon avèk rasanbleman zvonimi sèvenko kontre rankontre bone resevwa reyini ansanb rankontre avèk estrikti megalitik estrikti megalitik megalit megalit bonm megatòn Melodi m M may manb manb man-m nimero group kontak manm gwoup la Page 389 Feuille1 member of the UN manm Loni membership atachman membership in a particular social manbgroup nan yon or political gwoup opinion sosyal patikilye oubyen nan yon gwoup a tandans politik membership manm membership relasyon members manb yo members manm yo members of the national council manb konsèy nasyonal members patisiman yo memorandum of understanding memo daksèptasyon memorandum of understanding memorandum dasèptasyon memorandum of understanding nòt de konpweyansyon Memorandum SANU Memoradòm SANU memorial memoryal memorial moniman memorial tablet ekrito ki sou tonb memorial tablet pyè tonbal memories souvni yo memory capacity kapasite memwa me mwen me mwen me mwen me mwen me mwen me Mwen me mwenmenm menagerie jaden animo menagerie jaden zoolojik menagerie menajri Men Gason Men Gason men lezòm men lèzom men lèzòm men lèzòm Men man Men nonm men òm men on one side women on other gason yon bò fi on bò men pèp Men Restroom Twalèt gason men's room chanm gason mens store chòp koutiryè mens store chòp tayè mens store magazen rad mental hospital azil mental hospital lopital mantal mental hospital lopital sikatri mental hospital refij ensanse mental mantal menu kat men zòm mercantile establishment etablisman komèsyal Page 390 Feuille1 mercantile establishment mercantile gazette mercantile gazette mercenary mercenary Mercenary merchandise merchant merchant merchant merchant merchant ship merchant ship Mercury mercy mercy mercy mercy mercy mercy meringue merry merry merry mesa message message message message message messages mess Messenger Messenger Messenger Messenger Messenger personnel mess mess mess mess mess mess Messy Messy Metal building Metalloids metal metal Metal Metals meteorological conditions meteorological conditions fondasyon komèsyal jounal mèkantil piblikasyon komèsyal mèsenè mèsenè Mèsenè machandiz komèsan komèsan kòmèsan machann batiman machann bato machann Mèki gras mizerikòd mizerikòd mizèrikòd padon pitye mereng amize gye vivan Platon enfòmasyon enfòmasyon mesaj mesaj mesaj mesaj yo dezòd komisyonè mesaje Mesaje Misyonè mesaje pèsonèl lamès mès pase nan betiz pase nan tenten rans ranse Andezòd sal bilding an metal Metaloyid metal metal Metal metal yo kondisyon meteolojik yo kondisyon metewolojik Page 391 Feuille1 meter mèt meter Mitè meters mètè yo meters mèt yo meters per second mèt pa segonn method of elimination metòd eliminasyon method of exhaustion metòd ekzòsyon method of interpolation metòd entèpolasyon method of successive approximations metòd apwoksimasyon siksesif method of successive substitution metòd sibstitisyon siksesif method of taunting chalbari method of trial and error metòd esè ak erè method of undetermined coefficient metòd koefisyan endetèmine met rankonte met rankontre metric metrik metric system sistèm metrik metric tons tòn metrik Metronome Metwonòm metropolis metwopòl metropolis Mètwopòl metropolitan metwopolitèn met te rankontre met with te rankontre avèk Mexican authorities otorite meksiken yo Mexican authorities otorite meksiken yo Mexican congress kongrè meksiken Mexican foreign ministry ministè etrangè meksiken Mexican Meksiken Mexican police polis meksiken Mexican producer pwodiktè meksiken Mexican state eta meksiken Mexico City Meksiko Mexico Meksik Mexico Meksik mezzanine floor kòbèy mezzanine floor mezanine mezzanine floor panyen mezzanine kòbèy mezzanine mezanine mezzanine panyen m fatige ak machin sa a m bouke ak machin sa a microgram mikwogram micrograms mikwogram yo microphone Mikwo Microphone Mikwo Microphone Mikwofòn Microscope Mikwoskòp Microscope Mikwoskòp Mid-air collision kolizyon nan lèspas Mid-air refueling refè gaz nan lèspas middle-aged antdezay middle class boujwa Page 392 Feuille1 middle class boujwazi middle class boujwazi middleman koutye middle milye middle mitan middle mitan middle mitan middle mitan middle of century mitan syèk la middle of century nan mwatye syèk la middle omilye middle sant middle sante middle santral middle school jimnazyòm middle school lekòl primè middle school lekòl sekondè middle school lise middle term tèm ki nan mitan MIDH Mouvman pou Enstalasyon Demokrasi an Ayiti MIDH Movement for the Installation of Democracy in Haiti midpoint preserved pwen mitan konsève midpoint pwen ki nan mitan mid-range mitan entèval Midwife fanmsaj Midwife Fanmsay might be dwe se might be kapab se might be kapab se might Pètèt Migration Migrasyon Mihajlovic, head of Cetniks during MIhajlovik, WWII tèt Sètnik pandan GMII Milan stock market mache dechanj Milan Mild Dou mild jantil Mild modere mild pèsòn Mile mil miles per hour mileyaj pa lè militaries observers militè obsèvatè military action aksyon militè military activities aktivite militè yo military activities aktivite militè yo military activity aktivite militè military advisers konseye militè yo military authorities otorite militè yo military barracks barak militè military barracks kazèn militè military barracks pwizon militè military base baz militè military base baz militè military camps baz militè yo military camps kan militè yo Page 393 Feuille1 military center sant militè military commanders kòmandan militè yo military commands komand militè yo military concentration of forces konsantrasyon fòs militè military consultants konsiltan militè yo military courts tribinal militè yo military equipment ekipman militè military flights over Bosnia avyon militè sou Bosni military flights over Bosnia vòl militè si bosnya military force fòs militè military forces fòs militè yo military formation fòmasyon militè military formation fòmasyon militè military government gouvènman militè Military groups gwoup militè yo military headquarters katye jeneral militè yo military headquarters katye jeneral yo military honors onè militè yo military hospital lopital militè Military Hospital lopital Militè military industry indistri militè military installation enstalasyon military installation enstalasyon militè military intelligence entèlijans militè Military Intelligence militè entèlijan military intervention intèvansyon militè military investigation envèstigasyon militè Military job sèvis militè Military job travay militè military lame military machine machine militè military militè military militè military militè military militè military militè military militè military militè Military militè Military Militè military ministers minis militè yo military objectives objèctif militè yo military observer militè obsèvatè military observers obsèvatè militè military observers obzèvatè militè military operations operasyon militè yo military parade parad militè military pillbox bwat militè military police polis militè military post biwo military post biwo militè military post ofis military post pòs Page 394 Feuille1 military post military presence military quarters military sector military situation military spokesman military teams military teams military territories Military training military troop Military vehicle Military vehicle Militia milk milk milk milk milk Milk Milk milligram milligrams millimeter millimeters millinery millinery million and a half million and a half million dollars million in cash and stock million in cash million in cash million inhabitants million inhabitants million millions lost millions millions millions of barrels millions of Dollars millions of Dollars millions of inhabitants millions of kuna millions of marks millions of Pounds Sterling millions of Pounds Sterling millions of refugees millions of shares traded millions of shares traded millions of Swedish crowns millions of Swedish crowns millions of workers pòs militè pwezans militè ka militè yo sektè militè sitiyasyon militè pòtpawòl militè ekip militè yo jwèt militè yo baz militè yo antrènman militè twoup militè machin militè militè veyikil milis lèt lèt lèt lèt lèt lèt Lèt miligram miligram yo milimèt milimèt boutik chapo milenè milyon ak mwatye yon milyon edmi milyon dola yo milyon an kach ak machandiz milyon an kach milyon an lajan milyon abitan yo milyon ki abite yo milyon milyon pèdi milyon yo milyon yo dè milyon de barik anpil milyon dola dè milyon de dola milyon abitan yo milyon de kuna dè milyon de mak anpil milyon liv stèlin milyon de liv stèlin dè milyon de refije dè milyon aksyon komèsyal dè milyon dechanj komèsyal milyon kouwòn syedwa milyon kwon Syedwa dè milyon de travayè Page 395 Feuille1 Milosevic is minaret mind mind mind mind mine-clearing mine-clearing mine-clearing mine field records or forms minefield records or forms mine field records or forms minefield records or forms mine field records or forms minefield records or forms mine field roller minefield roller mine field roller minefield roller mine fields Minefields mine fields mine fields minefields mine fields mine fields minefields mine fields Mine field mine field Mine Mine mine mine mine mine mine mineral mineral Vein mines mines mines mines Mini-gun Mini-gun miniha minimal minimax solution minimum minimum point minimum value Minimum wages mining industry Milosevic se minarèt entansyon espri lespri opinyon min netwaye min pwòpte min vid dosye teren ki gen bonm dosye teren ki gen bonm dosye teren pyeje dosye teren pyeje fòm oubyen dosye teren pyeje yo fòm oubyen dosye teren pyeje yo soulo konpwesè soulo konpwesè woulo eksplozif woulo eksplozif chan mine chan pyeje yo kan mine Teren pyeje Teren pyeje tèren pyeje yo Tèren pyeje yo Tèren pyeje yo terin mine Teren ak min tèren pyeje min Min min ; coal mine min terès mwen pi ; oil pyèj ; for exploding mine mineral Venn mineral min yo pa-mwen pi yo pyèj yo ; for exploding mine mini zam ti zam MINUHA minimòm solisyon minimaks minimòm pwen minimòm valè minimòm Salè minimòm endistri min Page 396 Feuille1 Mining minrè Minister for Foreign Affairs ofMinis the Republic afè etranjè of Croatia repiblik kwoasi a minister Granic is minis Granik se minister Granic told minis granik la te di ministerial cabinet kabinè ministeryèl ministerial portfolios pòtfèy ministeryèl minister in minis nan minister minis minister minis Minister Minis minister of defense Gojko minis defans Gojko minister of defense Gojko Susak minis defans gojko susak minister of defense minis de defans Minister of Defense minis defans Minister of Defense Minis defans minister of development and minis de developman e minister of development and minis de developman e minister of development and minis reconstruction de developman e rekonstriksyon minister of development minis de developman Minister of Economic Affairs minis zafè ekonomi Minister of Education minis edikasyon Minister of finance minis de finans minister of foreign affairs minis afè etranje yo minister of foreign affairs minis dè zafè etrangè Minister of foreign affairs ministè afè etranjè minister of foreign affairs ministè zafè etranje Minister of Foreign Affairs Minis Zafè Etranje minister of foreign affairs minis zafè etranjè yo Minister of foreign minis etranje Minister of Health minis sante minister of internal affairs Minis afè entèn minister of international affairs minis Bosnia-Herzegovina zafè entènasyonal bosni-èzegovin minister of maritime affairs traffic ministè andtrafik communications maritim ak kominikasyon Minister of the Economy minis ekonomi Minister of Welfare minis byennèt sosyal minister pastè minister reveran ministers minis yo ministers minis yo Ministers minis yo Ministers of Agriculture minis agrikilti yo Ministers of Trade Minis komès yo minister's wife madanm minis ministries ministè yo ministry minis ministry ministè ministry ministè ministry ministè Ministry of Finance minis finans Ministry of Foreign Affairs minis afè etranjè ministry of foreign affairs ministè dè afè eranje ministry of foreign affairs ministè entènasyonal dè afè etranjè Ministry of Foreign Affairs minis zafè etranje Page 397 Feuille1 ministry of foreign ministè de etranje Ministry of Health minis sante Ministry of Health minis zafè sante ministry of international affairs ministè dè afè eranje ministry of international affairs ministè entènasyonal dè afè etranjè ministry of international affairs ministè entènasyonal de afè yo ministry of international ministè entènasyonal minor arc ti ak minorities minorite yo minority languages lang minorite yo minority minit minority minorite Minority Minorite minor minè minor minè minor piti Minor repair ti reparasyon minor segment segman minè minor timoun minster ministè minus mwens Minus Mwens Minus siy soustraksyon minute minit minute minit Minute Minit minute minorite minutes minit yo minutes minit yo Minutes minit yo minwi minwi mire Labou Mirror Glas Mirror Miwa Mirrors glas Mirrors miwa miscellaneous problems pwoblèm jeneral misdemeanor kontravansyon misdemeanor move kondwit miserable mizeral miserable pòv misery detrès misery malsite misery mizè Misery Mizè misery pòvrete Misinformation propaganda pwopagand dezenfòmasyon mismatched depaman miss gonzalez madmwazèl gonzalez MISSILE AND ANTIAIRCRAFT misil ARTILLERY ak avyon kago PERSONNEL chaje ak zam pou twoup Missile guidance misil gid missile misil missile misil Page 398 Feuille1 Missile missile missiles Missile warning missing Missing in action missing missing missing missing Missionaries mission mission mission missions Mission type Mission type Miss. Miss. Missouri compromise mistake mistake mistake mistake mistake mistake mistake mist mistral mistral mistreat mistress mistress mistress mistress mistrustful misunderstanding misunderstanding misunderstanding Mitten Mitten Mitten mixed decimal mixed fraction mixed Mixed mixed MKN MKN Mladen mobile canteen mobile canteen mobile canteen Misil ròkèt misil misil davètisman disparèt disparèt pandan aksyon manke pèdi pèdi songe Misyonè misyon misyon misyon misyon yo jan de misyon tip demisyon jèn dam mis Akò Misouri erè erè fopa fot fot fòt fòt mirwa jijman ki anile ka ki rejte maltrete fanmdeyò metrès mètrès mètrès veyatif malantandi malantannman malantannman bout gan gan èspò Gan san pwent nonm desimal nonm fraksyonè melanje Melanje mele Mouvman Konbit Nasyonal National Cooperative Action Movement Mladen canteen kantin machin ki pote manje pou separe Page 399 Feuille1 mobile canteen mobile canteen mobilization mobilized forces Moccasin modal interval modal modal problem mode model model model model Model mode modern modern modern Modest modify mod system modular Modulator module modulo system Modulus Modulus of elasticity modus ponens modus tollens Moist Mold mole Molecular mass Molecule Molecule mole mole molest molotov cocktail momentary moment moment moment moment Momentum Mom monastery monastery monday Monday Monday Monday Monday manje popilè sant swenyaj Mobilizasyon fòs mobilize Mokasen entèval modal modal pwoblèm modal fason echantiyon ekzanp modèl modèl Modèl mòd modèn mondèn Mondènte Senp motifye sistèm modilo modilè Modilatè modile sistèm modilo Modil Modil elastik lwa detachman lwa rezonman Imid Moul andigman Mas Molekilè Molekil Molekil dig miray sèk moleste Bonb atizanal momantane moman moman moman tan Kantite mouvman manman monastè monastè lendi lendi Lendi Lendi Lendi Page 400 Feuille1 monetary authorities monetary situation monetary situation monetary union monetary unit monetary unit money money money money money money money money Money money monkey monkey monk monk Monolingual monomial monomial square root Monotonous Montenegrin Monthly month month month Months months Months monument monument monument monuments mood moon Moon moor moot case moot case moot deba moot question moot question MOPP gear moral authority morality moral Moral moral turpitude morass more otorite monetè yo sitiasyon monetè sitiyasyon monitè inyon monetè degouden degouden kob kòb kòb kòb lajan lajan lajan lajan Lajan lanjan makak seng frè religye Monoleng monòm rasin kare monòm Monotòn Montenegryen pa mwa mwa mwa mwa Mwa mwa yo mwa yo memoryal moniman moniman moniman anbyans lalin Lalin Mouye ka pou diskite sijè pou diskite diskisyon kesyon pou deba kesyon pou diskisyon abiman de pwoteksyon kont zam chimik otorite moral moralite moral Moral zak imoral Ma labou lòt Page 401 Feuille1 more pi plis more plis more plis more plis more slowly pi dousman More than 16 plis ke 16 More than 16 plis pase 16 More than one plis ke yonn more than plis ke more than plis ke More than three crew members plis ke twa manm dekipaj more yon lòt morgue mòg morgue pwès achiv morning douvanjou morning maten morning maten morning maten morning maten morning maten morning maten morning matine morning matine morning mòtye morning negotiations negosiasyon matine yo morning negotiations pwemye negasyasyon yo Moroccan Mawoken Morocco Mawòk mortal wounds blese mòtèl mortal wounds blesi mòtèl Mortar and pestle Pilon ak manch pilon mortar douvanjou Mortar Kanno mortar maten mortar mòtye mortar mòtye mortar mòtye Mortar mòtye Mortar unit inite mòtye mortgage kay achte ak kout ponya mortuary mòg mortuary pwès achiv Moses Moyiz Moslems and mozlè e moslems mizilam yo moslems mozlam yo Moslems mozlèm yo mosque masjid mosque Moske mosque mòske mosquitoes bigay yo mosquitoes marengwen yo mosquitoes moustik yo Page 402 Feuille1 Most an plis Mostar Mosta Most de plis most majorite most plis most plis Most plis motel motè otèl motel otèl motel room chanm otèl mother doesn't let animals in manman the housem pa vle bèt nan kay la Mother in law Bèlmè mother manman mother manman mother manman Mother Manman mother manmi mother mè (religious) Mother's love Lanmou manman mothers manman yo mothers mè yo motion mosyon Motion Mouvman motion reopen mosyon relouvwi Motion sensors mosyon detèktè yo motion to recalendar mosyon pou rechanje dat motive koz motive kòz motive motif motive motif Motorcycle motosiklèt Motorcycle Motosiklèt motor hotel motè otèl motor hotel otèl motor inn motè otèl motor inn otèl motor lodge motè otèl motor lodge otèl Motor Motè Motor oil Lwil motè Motor vehicle veyikil amotè mound bit mound Bit tè mound montikil mound tè Mountain climbing gripe mòn mountain mòn mountain mòn mountain Mòn Mountain Mòn Mountain Mòn mountain montay mountain montay Page 403 Feuille1 mountain montay mountain Montay Mountainous Land Tè mòn mountain range Kolòn montay yo Mountainside Andeyò mountains montay yo Mountains montay yo mountains mòn yo Mountains mòn yo mountain villages vil montanye yo mountain villages vil montay yo mountain villages vil mòn yo mount Mòn mount Montay mount pozisyon mount valè mouse sourit mouth bèk mouth bouch mouth bouch mouth bouch mouth bouch Mouth Bouch mouth dyòl mouth dyòl mouth gèl Mouth to mouth resuscitationRespirasyon atifisyèl bouch nan bouch movable barrier baryè ki ka deplase movable barrier baryè mobil move avanse move bouge move bouje Move! Bouje kò ou! move deloje move deplase moved te bouge moved te deplase moved te deplase moved te etabli moved te transfere move kitekay movement mouvman Movement Mouvman movements mouvman yo move vini Move your head from side to bouje side like tèt this ou debò for konsa pou Move your head from side to vire sidetèt like outhis debò for konsa pou Move your head up and downbouje like this tèt ou for anwo anba konsa pou movie house sal teyat movie house sinema Movie projector Pwojektè sinema movies sinema movie theater sal teyat Page 404 Feuille1 movie theater sinema movie theater sinema movie theater teyat moving bouge moving deplase Mozambican national resistance rezistans nasyonal mozanbik Mrkonjic mrkonjik Mr. mesye MRN Mouvmany pou rekonstriksyon Nasyonal MRN Movement for National Reconstruction Mr. Richard Holbrooke mesye Richa Olbrouk Mrs. madam much an kantite much anpil much anpil much anpil much better pibon much gwo valè Much kantite much ki kantite much konbyen Much konbyen much pakèt much plis mud flats lagon mud flats ma labou mud flats marekaj mudguard defans mudguard zèl mud labou Mud labou ma mud mud marekaj muffle amòti muffle amòti mug godèt Mujo, male used in jokes mujo, mal ki sèvi nan blag (fraz, istwa) Mulattoes Milat mule milèt Mule Sapat Multi-crew plizyè ekipaj multilateral conversations konvèsasyon miltilateral multilateral negotiations negosyasyon miltilateral yo multilateral peace talks chita pale miltilateral yo multinomial coefficient koefisyan miltinomyal multiple bullet wounds anpil blesi pa bal multiple roots rasin miltip multiple wounds anpil blesi Multiplication Miltiplikasyon multiplication property of inequality pwopriyete miltiplikasyon nan inegalite multiplication property of zeropwopriyete miltiplikasyon zewo multiplication table tab miltiplikasyon multiplicator miltiplikatè Page 405 Feuille1 multiplicity milti plisite multiply miltipliye Multiracial Miltirasyal Multi-role divès wòl Multi-role divès wòl Multi-role milti wol municipal authorities otorite minisipal yo municipal elections elèksyon minisipal yo municipal field chan minisipal municipal field tèren minisipal municipality minisipalite munitions minisyon Munitions minisyon yo Munitions storage types tip depo zam yo murder asasen murder atanta murderer ansasen murder tiyè murder (to) asasine museum mize mushroom dwyondwyon Musical Instruments Enstriman mizik music hall gwan sal mizik Musician Mizisyen Music Mizik music school ekòl mizik musjid masjid musjid mòske musket ball boulèt a mouskèt musket mouskèt muslim army units ini lame mizilam yo Muslim forces fòs mizilman Muslim forces fòs mizilman yo Muslim fundamentalist fondamantalis mizilman Muslim fundamentalist mouslam fondamantal Muslim Mizilman Muslim Mouslim Muslim mozlam muslims mizilam yo muslim's mizilman muslim's mozlam muslims mozlam yo muslim units batayon mizilman yo muslim units inite mizilam yo Mustard gas gaz moustad must be dwe se must blije must devwa must dwa must dwe must dwe must oblije mu stomach is acting up again vann lan repran m ankò Page 406 Feuille1 mutual asnblag mutual komen mutually disjoint mityèlman dijwen mutually exclusive events evenman mityèlman esklizif mutually exclusive mityèlman esklizif mutually exclusive sets ansanm mityèlman esklizif mutually perpendicular mityèlman pèpandikilè mutually separated sets ansanm mityèlman separe mutual mityèl mutual mityèl mutual òdinè mutual resipwòk my address is 123 E 90 adrès mwen se 123 E. 90 Myanmar Myanma my aunt tant mwen my back is aching m gen do fè mal my back is aching m gen doulè nan do my body aches I'm aching alltout overkòm m ap fè m mal my brother frè mwen my cousin kouzen mwen my cousin kouzin mwen my daughter fi mwen my daughter-in-law bèlfi mwen my dear monchè my eyes are stinging je m ap pike m my eyes hurts je mwen ap fè mwen mal my family is doing well, thankfanmi you m yo byen, mèsi my father -in-law bopè mwen my father is cooking supper for papa themchildren. ap kwit soupe pou timoun yo. my father papa mwen my father's death hit the family papa hard m ki mouri a se yon gwo kou pou fanmi an my feet are freezing pye m frèt kou mab my feet are freezing pye m glase kou mab my foot is stuck I can't get it free pye m kole m pa ka retire l my friend Monche my friend monchè my friend Monchè my friends Mezanmi my grandfather gran papa mwen my grandfather has been around gran this papa area m nan since zòn 1945 lan depi an 1945 my grandmother grann mwen my hands aren't free tou de men m okipe my head is killing me se rache tèt mwen ap rache m my home country is haiti peyi m se ayiti my home country is haiti peyi m se ayiti my homeland is far away peyi m lwen anpil My homeland is far away peyi m lwen anpil My house is across the streetkay from mwen the bank anfas la bank lan My house is across the streetkay from mwen the bank lòtbò lari a lè ou labank lan my husband mari mwen my life is free of money problems m pa gen poblèm kòb my mother does not feel wellmanman pa pòte li byen my mother -in-law bèlmè mwen Page 407 Feuille1 my mother leaves the radio on manman so that m she kite can radyo hearathe ouvè weather pou l ka report. tande ki jan tanperati ya ye. my mother manman mwen my mwen my mwen my name is deslande rincherm rele deslande rincher my name is george thompsonm rele george thompson my name is maria gonzalez m rele mariya gonzalez my name is mwen rele my neck has stiffened up thismmorning santi kou a pi rèd maten an my neck is stiff, and I can't turn m gen it zekourèl kou m rèd my neck is stiff, and I can't turn m gen it zekourèl m pa ka vire l my nephew neve mwen my niece nyès mwen my oncle left me a lot of landtonton m mouri kite yon bann tè pou mwen my own pa m myself mwen myself mwenmenm my son gason mwen my son-in-law bofis mwen my son was burn in january and ti gason my daughter m nan fètwas an burn janvye in tinovember fi m nan fèt an novanm Mysterious Mistè Mysterious misterye mystery dilèm mystery mistè mystery mistè my teacher give us to much work mèt lan ban n twòp travay my telephone number is: 5551234 nimewo telephone mwen se: 551234 Myth Mit Mythology Mitoloji my tooth is really hurting me dan I'm going an aptofèhave m mal it taken twòp m outpral fè retire l my uncle tonton mwen my wife madanm mwen Nadrealista, TV program pwogram televizyon Nadrealista nag fèmovesan nagger bivè san nagger plenyadò nagger sousè-d san nag gwonde nag kwitike nag plenyen nail klou nail klou Nail Klou Nail Polish Kitèks Nail Zong name apelasyon named non named te rele namely savwa namely sètadi name non name non name non Page 408 Feuille1 name non name rele names non yo name tit naming nonmen napalm napal napkin papye napkin pou siye narrow etwa Narrow Etwa narrow kwense Narrow kwense natatorium pisin national administration administrasyon nasyonal national agreement akò nasyonal national alliance alyans nasyonal national assembly asanble nasyonal National Assembly Asanble Nasyonal national association asosyasyon nasyonal national association asosyasyon nasyonal national center sant nasyonal national chain chèn nasyonal national chain chenn nasyonal national civil police polis sivil nasyonal national committee komite nasyonal national company konpayi nasyonal national conference konferans nasyonal national congress kongrè nasyonal national convention konvansyon nasyonal national dish asyèt natyonal national domain byen nasyonal national domain domèn nasyonal national election commissionkomisyon eleksyon nasyonal national election commissionkomisyon elèksyon nasyonal National Electoral Commission komisyon elektoral nasyonal National Electoral Commission komisyon nasyonal eleksyon national executive egzekitif nasyonal national federation federasyon nasyonal national flower of Haiti flè nasyonal Ayiti national foundation fondasyon nasyonal national government gouvenman nasyonal national government gouvènman natyonal national guard gad nasyonal national holiday fèt nasyonal national holiday konje nasyonal National holidays jou konje nasyonal yo national identity idantite nasyonal nationalism nasyonalism Nationalist Party reinyon nasyonalis nationalist right dwa nasyonalis nationality nasyonalite nationality nasyonalite nationality nasyonalite Page 409 Feuille1 National language Lang Nasyonal National Liberation Party pati liberasyon nasyonal National Liberation Party Pati Nasyonal Liberasyon national meeting of independent asanble voters nasyonal votè endepandan yo national meeting of independent rasanbleman voters nasyonal votè endepandan yo national movement mouvman nasyonal national nasyonal national nasyonal national nasyonal national nasyonal national nasyonal national nasyonal national office biwo natyonal national office ofis natyonal national park pak nasyonal national parliament palman nasyonal National Party of Liberation pati liberasyon nasyonal National Party of Liberation PLN national politics politik nasyonal yo national product pwodi nasyonal national product pwodwi nasyonal national reconciliation rekonsilyasyon nasyonal national resistance rezistans nasyonal national resistance rezistans popilè national restoration restorasyon nasyonal national restoration rèstorasyon nasyonal National Salvation Front fwon de sovtaj Nasyonal National Salvation Front fwon di sali nasyonal National Salvation Front fwon salvasyon nasyonal national security sekirite nasyonal National sovereignty Souverènte Nasyonal national team ekip nasyonal national team ekip nasyonal national unity government gouvènman inite nasyonal national university inivèsite nasyonal nation nasyon nation nasyon nation pèp Nation State Eta nasyon Native American Endyen Native Americans Endyen Native Language Lang matènèl native natal Native natif native natif natal Native Natif natal native natirèl native orijinè native people endijèn native people pèp orijinè native people pèp sedantè native people pitit tè native peoples endijèn Page 410 Feuille1 native peoples organizationsòganizasyon gwoup endijèn yo native peoples pèp orijinè yo native peoples pèp sedantè yo native peoples pitit tè yo native peyi natal Natives endyen Natives Natif natal NATO airplanes avyon OTAN NATO command kòmand nò atlantik NATO command òganizasyon NATO command trete NATO forces Oganizasyon Trète Atlantik fòs Nò yo NATO for nò atlantik pou NATO for òganizasyon NATO for trete NATO nò atlantik NATO nò atlantik NATO òganizasyon NATO Oganizasyon Trète Atlantik Nò NATO peace keeping forces NATO fòs pou lapè NATO peace keeping forces NATO fòs pou la pè NATO peace-keeping forces NATO fòs pou lapè NATO peace-keeping forces NATO fòs pou la pè NATO peacekeeping forces NATO fòs pou lapè NATO peacekeeping forces NATO fòs pou la pè NATO peace keeping forces NATO fòs pou mentni lapè NATO peace-keeping forces NATO fòs pou mentni lapè NATO peacekeeping forces NATO fòs pou mentni lapè NATO power fòs nato NATO power òganizasyon nato NATO power pwisans nato NATO trete NATO trete òganizasyon NATO wings koulis nò atlantik natural and historical bordersfontiè natirèl epi istorik natural and historical bordersfontyè natirèl ak istorikal yo natural catastrophe katastwòf natirèl natural depression Depwesyon natirèl natural disaster dezas natirèl natural enclosure Anvirònman Natural Energy Enèji Natirèl Natural gas services sèvis gaz natirèl Natural habitat Abita natirèl Natural habitat mezon natirèl natural logarithm logarit natirèl natural phenomenon fenomèn natirèl Natural Resource Resous Natirèl nature andeyò nature lanati Nature lanati nature nati nature nati Nature Nati Page 411 Feuille1 nature nature nauseous Naval assault naval drills naval drills naval exercises naval exercises naval exercises naval force naval installation naval missile naval training naval training naval weaponry Navassa Island navel navel navel nave Navigational aids Navigational aids Navigator navy base navy base Navy Navy Navy navy navy NBC equipment near near about near near near nearby nearby nearby nearby nearby nearest degree near near here near near near near near near near near near provens tanperaman kèplen aso marin soumaren tòpiyè tòpiyè naval antrènma naval yo egzèsis maritim yo egzèsis naval fòs naval naval enstalasyon misil naval antrènman maritim baz antrènman naval bato ki sè kòm depo zam Lil Navasa lonbrik lonbrit lonbrit moye èd maritm yo èd navigasyon yo navigatè baz marine baz maritin lamarin Anerikèn lame de mè Amerikèn marin de gè navi terasye sèvis marine ekipman Televizyon NBC a prè anviron de Ak anlè Anwo prè pròch pwòch isit tou prè tou pwe degre ki pi pre fèmen pwòch isit kote Pa pre prè prè prè Prè proch pròch Page 412 Feuille1 near pwe near roads a kote wout near roads olon chemen near roads pwe wout yo near the airport toupwe aviasyon near the airport toupwe èpot la near tou kole Near Touprè near tou pwe near tou pwe Neat nèt Neat Pwòp neccessite enpòtans neccessite nesesite necessary and sufficient condition kondisyon nesesè e sifizan necessary condition kondisyon nesesè necessary esansyèlman necessary measures mezi nesesè yo necessary nesesè necessary nesesè necessary nesesè necessary nesesè necessary nesesè necessary nesesè necessary nesesè necessary nesesèman necessary votes vòt nesesè yo necessities nesesite yo neck kòl neck kou neck kou neck kou neck kou necks kou yo need bezwen need bezwen need Bezwen need bezyen Needle Zegwui need Mwen bezwen need nesesite needs Bezwen Needs Bezwen needs bezyen yo needs for bezyen pou needs Nesesite negation negasyon negative carry retni negatif negative integer nonm antye negatif negative negatif negative proposition pwopozisyon negatif negative real number nonm reyèl negatif negative reciprocal resipwòk negatif Page 413 Feuille1 negative result rezilta negatif negative slope pant negatif neglect neglije negligence neglijans negotiated solution solisyon negosye negotiate fè antant negotiate negosye negotiation about Bosnia-Herzegovina negosyasyon apropo de bosnya-hèzegovina negotiation about Bosnia-Herzegovina negosyasyon osijè de bosnya-hèzegovina negotiation negosiasyon negotiations about negosiyason apropo de negotiations about negosiyason osijè de negotiations about negosyasyon osijè de negotiations about negosyayson apwopo de negotiations in nan negosiasyon yo negotiations in negosyasyon nan negotiations negosyasyon yo negotiations negosyasyon yo negotiations negosyasyon yo negotiations over the constitution negosisyasyon sou konstitisyon an negotiator negosiyatè negotiator negosyatè neighborhood alantou neighborhood anviron neighborhood of Sarajevo anvironan de sarajevo neighborhood of Sarajevo avwazinan de sarajevo neighborhood of Sarajevo katye de sarajevo neighborhood vwazinaj Neighborhood Vwazinaj neighboring alantou neighboring country peyi nan vwazinaj neighboring country peyi vwazen neighboring vwazinaj Neighbor Vwazen Neighbor vwazin neighbourhood alantou neighbourhood anviron neighbourhood vwazinaj neither Ni Neo-Colonialism Neyokolonyalis neoliberalist neyoliberalis Neoliberal Neyoliberal neo-nazi groups gwoup neo nazi yo neonazi groups gwoup neo nazi yo nephew neve Nerve gases gaz eksitan yo Nerve gases gaz iritan yo nervous enkyè nervousness enèvman nervous nève nest nich nest nid nest rès Page 414 Feuille1 nest seri Netherlands oland Netherlands peyi ba netting filè network chène network reso net worth valè egzak net worth valè merite neutral field chan net neutral field tèren net neutron bomb bonb netwon never jamè never jamè never janmen Never janmen nevertheless kanmenm nevertheless kanmenm nevertheless poutan neverthless kanmenm new civil war nouvo gè sivil new company nouvo antrepriz new company nouvo konpani new company nouvo konpayi new company that nouvo konpani ki new company that nouvo konpayi sa new fenk parèt new firm nouvo antrepriz new firm nouvo konpayi new frèch new ideas nouvo lide yo new model nouvo modèl new model nouvo tip de new nèf new nèf new nèf new nèf new nouvèl new nouvèl new nouvèl new nouvèl new nouvèl new nouvo new nouvo new nouvo new nouvo new nouvo new nouvo new nouvo new nouvo new nouvo new nouvo new problems with water drainage nouvoinpwoblèm fields ak awozaj tè yo new problems with water drainage nouvoinpwoblèm fields nan drenaj dlo sou teren yo Page 415 Feuille1 new round new round news about news about news in English news news news newspaper newspaper press newspaper sources new new type of new type of new type of new type of New York New York next Next next next next articles Next item is. next month next month next of kin next next price next price next next next next next next next Next next next next next show next Next next next to next to next to next to the last Next vehicle is next week next year next year nouvo tounwa nouvo wonn apropo de nouvo osijè de nouvo nouvèl an anglè yo nouvèl nouvèl yo nouvo jounal jounal sous jounal yo tou nèf nouvo kalite de nouvo modèl nouvo tip de nouvo tip de nouyòk siti site nouyò alò answit ap swiv apwe pwochen atik yo pwochèn bagay la se ane pase mwa pwochen fanmi pwòch pli lwen pwi ki vin apwe pwochen pwi prochèn prochèn prochèn prochèn prochèn prochenn pwochen pwochen pwochèn pwochèn pwochenn pwochen cho swiv swivan tan kap vini bokote bò kote prochèn a avandènye pwochen machin nan se semèn pwochen ane prochèn ane pwochen Page 416 Feuille1 next year ane pwochenn NGO ONG Nicaraguan authorities otorite nikaragweyen yo Nicaraguan government gouvènman nikaragweyen Nicaraguan institute enstistiti nikaragweyen Nicaraguan ministry ministè nikaragweyen Nicaraguan people pèp nikaragweyen Nicaraguan police polis nikaragweyen nice bèl nice dou nice joli nice to meet you mwen byen kontan rankontre w Nickel Nikèl niece niès niece nyès night aswè nightclub boutik nightclub diskotèk nightclub kafe nightclub nayklèb nightclub nayklib night club restoran dansan nightclub restoran dansan Night gown Chemiz denwi Night lamp Lanp de nwi night lannwit night lannwit night lannwit night nwit night nwit night nwit Night stand Tab de nwi night sware night sware night swè Night table Tab de nwi Night vision goggles aparèy pou moun kapab wè klè lanwit Night vision goggles linèt pou lannwit nine nèf nine Nèf Nipple Tetin NLP pati liberasyon nasyonal NLP PLN No admittance Pa antre la No admittance pasaj entèdi Noah's Ark Ach Noe Nobel Peace Prize Pri Nobel pou lapè Nobel Prize in Economics pwi nobèl nan ekonomi nobody could tell me how thepa prisoners gen moun gotkiout te of di m jailkouman prisonye yo fè sove nobody okenn moun nobody pèson nobody pèsonn no, he wasn't there non, li pa t la Page 417 Feuille1 no, I am going to take her thisnon, afternoon m ap mennen l apremidi a no, I am not going to mary's house non, m pa pral kay mari no, I am not married non, m pa marye no, I did not have a car last year non, mwen pa te gen yon machin ane pase no I did not see Jean this morning. non, mwen pa te wè Jan maten an. no, I did not speak to my father non, last mwen week. pa te pale ak papa mwen semèn pase a. no, I do not like france. non, mwen pa renmen lafwans. no I do not like my job. non, mwen pa renmen travay mween an. no, I don't non m pa gen oto no I have non mwen gen noise bri noise bwi noise distracted me bri a fè m distrè noise eskandal noise vakam no, I was not there last night non, mwen pa te la yè swa no, I will not be home tonightnon, mwen p ap lakay mwen aswè a no, jean was not there this morning non, jan pa te la maten an No job pa gen djòb No left turn Pa vire a gòch Nomad Nomad no matter what I do, he always nenpòt has something sa m fè, li te toujou say about jwenn ityon bagay pou l di no matter what I do, it doesn'tanyen suit her m fè pa janm bon avè l nomination nominasyon no more pa plis non-adjacent angles ang ki pa adjasan non-adjacent ki pa adjasan Non-battle injuries shòk andeyò batay yo non-centered conic konik ki pa santre non-central conic konik ki pa santral non-collinear ki pa kolineyè non-collinear set of points ansanm pwen nonkolineyè Non-combatant evacuation non konbatan evakyasyon Non-commissioned officer leadersh ofisye kap dirije san nominasyon non-degenerate ki pa dejenere non-dense ki pa dans non-denumerable set ansanm nou pa ka denonbre None ankenn none anyen None anyen menm None ditou none enferyè non-empty set ansanm ki pa vid none nanpwen non-enumerable set ansanm nou pa ka denonbre None of these pa gen yonn nan yo None of these pa menm yonn nan yo none okenn none okenn None okenn None okenn None okenn none pa gen pyès Page 418 Feuille1 none pa gen youn menm none pou okenn rezon none pòv None pyès None pyès Non-governemental Organization ONG non-homogeneous ki pa omojèn non-immigrant ki pa imigran non-magnetic ki pa manyetik non-mathematical sentence fraz ki pa fraz matematik non-metal ki pa metal non-negative form fòm ki pa negatif non-negative numbers nonm ki pa negatif no non no non no non no non no non pa non-periodic function fonksyon ki pa peryodik non-positive form fòm ki pa pozitif non-positive numbers nonm ki pa pozitif non-preference ki pa gen pweferans non-preference san pweferans non-reflexive relation relasyon ki pa refleksif non-repeating decimal devlopman desimal ki pa peryodik nonsense betiz nonsense san sans nonsense vye parol non-symmetric relation relasyon ki pa simetrik non-terminating decimal devlopman desimal enfini non-transitive relation relasyon ki pa tranzitif non-violence non-violans non-violence non-vyolans Non-violent Non vyolan nonzero ki pa zewo nook kwen nook rakwen nook rebò no one as big a liar as he's pa gen fi fè manti konsa no one as big a liar as he's pa gen fi ki bay manti konsa no one can make me do it pa gen moun k ap fè m fè l no one can stand his arrogance moun pa fouti sipòte jan l angran no one can stand his arrogance moun pa fouti sipòte jan l frekan no one could make anything pa of what gen moun she said ki konprann anyen nan sa l di a no one okenn moun no one pèson no one pèsonn no one pèsonn noon/midday midi noon midi noon midi noon ni Nordic countries peyi nòdik yo Page 419 Feuille1 no retreat pa gen fè bak normal curve koub nòmal normal distribution distribisyon nòmal normalization nòmalizasyon normalization nòmalizasyon normalization of relations nòmalizasyon de relasyon yo normalized form fòm nòmalize nor midi nor ni nor Ni North America Amerik di nò North America Amerik Dinò North American forces fòs nò amerika North American forces fòs nò ameriken North American invasion envazyon nò ameriken North Carolina kawolin di nò northeast Nòdès Northern Confederation konfederasyon nan nò Northern Confederation konfederasyon zòn nò Northern Ireland ilann di nò northern region rejyon nò northern sector sektè nan rejyon nò North Korean Kore di Nò North Korean spies èspyon Kore di nò yo north nò north nò north Nò North Nò North Nò northwestern department depatman nòdwès northwest Nòdwès Northwest Nòdwès north wind van nan nò Norwegian Nòvejyen Norwegian Parliament palman Lanòvèj Norwegian Parliament palman nòvejyen nose ne nose nen nose nen nose nen nose nen Nose Nen noses nen yo no, she does not go to schoolnon every li paday al lekòl chak jou No smoking Pa fimen no surrender pa bay tèt nou no surrender pa ran n nou no surrender pa sede notary public notè piblik notary public notè piblik Not a step further! Pa avanse pi plis! not at all pa tout not at any price nan okin n pri Page 420 Feuille1 notation notasyon not concentrated on dekonsantre note book kaye notebook kaye Notebook Kaye note down ekri noted te note noted te note Note pad Kaye nòt Notepad Kaye nòt Notepad Kaye nòt ; note that is most cases it is ak a null element in creole. ; note that is most cases it is an a null element in creole. ; note that is most cases it is nan a null element in creole. ; note that the nasalazation here menissavery slight, quite close to "mè" not guilty pa koupab nothing anyen nothing anyen nothing anyen nothing anyen nothing Anyen nothing at all anyen ditou nothing can make up for whatpayou gen did anyen to mek ka efase sa ou te fè m lan no, this train is not going to stop non,attren every sa station p ap rete nan tout estasyon yo notice avi notification anonsman notify anonse notify enfòmen notify notifye not just pat jis not legitimate pa legal not legitimate pa lejitim Not much pa anpil Not much ti kal not non not non pa not only for pat sèlman pou not only Pat sèlman not pa not pa not pa not pat No trespassing Pa pase la not to many people will remember pa gen me anpil moun k ap sonje m not too bad how is your mother m pa pi mal ki jan manman ou ye not too well pa two byen not until pa jiskaske not working anpàn not yet pako not yet pako not yet pokè not yet poko not yet potko Page 421 Feuille1 nourish alimante nourish bay manje nourish nouri No U-Turn Pa vire won Novelist Womansye novelty shop boutik kado novelty shop chòp inovasyon novelty shop magazen kado November 1991 novanm 1991 november novanm November Novanm November Novanm no vote vòt kont no vote vòt negatif no vote vòt non nowadays alèkile nowadays alèkile nowadays Alèkile nowadays jou sa yo now and then detanzantan now and then tanzantan now don't get me wrong; I likepran himsans but I'm sa not m ap going di outolamarry byen,with m renmen him l men m pa p marye avè l now don't get me wrong; I liketande him but sa m I'map not di going ou la byen, to marry m renmen with himl men m pa p marye avè l no, we did not have a truck last non, month nou pa te gen kamyon mwa pase a nowhere dense ki pa dans okenn kote now konnye now konnye a now konyeya now koulye now koulye a now koulye a now kounye a now kounye a now kounye a now tousuit Now Tousuit Now we are going to talk about kounye aircraft. a nou pwal pale osijè avyon. Now we are going to talk about nouairfield pwal pale perimeter osijè sekirite security.toutotou pis aterisaj. Now we are going to talk about kounye airfields. a nou pwal pale de chan aterisaj. Now we are going to talk about kounye anti-aircraft a nou pwal artillery pale and osijè surface-to-air atiri anti aeryen missiles. ak misil tèrès pou lanse nan lèsp Now we are going to talk about kounye bomber a nou aircraft? pwal pale apwopo de avyon bonbadye? Now we are going to talk about kounye combat a nou procedures? pwal pale osijè pwosedi konba yo? Now we are going to talk about kounye communications a nou pwal pale and navigation. osijè kominikasyon a navigasyon. Now we are going to talk about kounye crossaservicing nou pwalmaintenance? pale osijè sèvis antretyen ale retou? Now we are going to talk about kounye crossaservicing nou pwalmaintenance? pale osijè sèvis antretyen kwaze? Now we are going to talk about noufacility pwal pale identification osijè idantifikasyon and subordination? lye yo api sibaltèn? Now we are going to talk about kounye facility a losses nou pwal andpale replacements de defisi plant la ak ranplasman yo? Now we are going to talk about kounye facility a personalities? nou pwal pale osijè pèsonalite moun yo nan plant yo? Now we are going to talk about kounye facility a training. nou pwal pale osijè atrènman nan plant? Now we are going to talk about kounye fighter a aircraft? nou pwal pale de avyon de gè? Now we are going to talk about kounye flight aline nou and pwal ramp pale security. osijè liy aeryen ak ranp sekirite. Now we are going to talk about kounye flight aline nou and pwal ramp pale security. osijè pis vòl ak ranp sekirite. Now we are going to talk about kounye fuel access. a nou pwal pale osijè aksè pou gaz. Page 422 Feuille1 Now we are going to talk about nouGCI pwal sites? pale kounye a osijè plas GCI? Now we are going to talk about konnyè general a nou aircraft. pwal pale osijè avyon an jeneral. Now we are going to talk about kounye helicopters? a nou pwal pale apwopo elikopte? Now we are going to talk about kounnye local flying a nouprocedures. pwal pale osijè pwosedi pou vòl lokal yo? Now we are going to talk about kounye maintenance a nou pwal depots? pale osijè antretyen depo yo? Now we are going to talk about kounye passenger a nou control. pwal pale osijè kontwòl pasaje. Now we are going to talk about kounye periodic a nou maintenance? pwal pale osijè antretyen peryodik? Now we are going to talk about kounye physical a nou characteristics? pwal pale osijè karakteristik fizik yo? Now we are going to talk about kounye quality a nou of life pwal standards? pale osijè nivo vi nòmal? Now we are going to talk about kounye radars a nou pwal pale osijè rada yo Now we are going to talk about kounye reconnaissance a nou pwal aircraft? pale sou avyon rekonesans? Now we are going to talk about kouney security a nou forces. pwal pale osijè fòs sekirite yo. Now we are going to talk about konnye squadron a nouprocedures. pwal pale osijè pwosedi èskadwon yo? Now we are going to talk about kounye supply a nou storage? pwal pale de depo materyèl? Now we are going to talk about kounye terrorist a nou elements. pwal pale osijè eleman tèworis yo? Now we are going to talk about kounye the physical a nou pwal characteristics? pale osijè karakteristik fizik yo? Now we are going to talk about kounye threats a nou to landings pwal pale or osijè take-off's. menas yo sou aterisaj oubyen dekolaj. Now we are going to talk about konnye transport nou pwal aircraft? pale de avyon transpò? Now we are going to talk about kounye transport a nou aircraft? pwal pale osijè avyon transpò? Now we are going to talk about kounye unscheduled a nou pwal maintenance? pale de antretyen ki pat planifye? Now we are going to talk about kounye war readiness. a nou pwal pale osije pweparasyon lagè. Now we are going to talk about kounye work aflow noucontrol? pwal pale osijè kontwòl pwodiksyon travay? nuclear arms strategists strateji zam nikleyè yo nuclear arms strategists zam nikleyè èstratejik yo Nuclear bombs bonm nikleyè yo nuclear energy enèji nikleyè Nuclear Energy Enèji Nikleyè Nuclear family Fanmi rapwoche nuclear material materyèl nikleyè Nuclear missiles misil nikleyè yo nuclear nikleyè nuclear plants endistri nikleyè yo nuclear power station èstasyon fòs nikleyè nuclear program pwogram nikleyè nuclear proliferation pwoliferasyon nikleyè nuclear proliferation pwopagasyon nikleyè nuclear tests esè nikleyè nuclear tests tès nikleyè Nuclear warfare gè nikleyè nuclear war gè nikleyè nuclear warhead bonm a tèt nikleyè nuclear warheads tèt nikleyè yo Nuclear waste dechè nikleyè nuclear weapon zam nikleyè nuisance nwizans nuissance annwi nuissance dezagreman nuissance nwizans null circle sèk nil null divisor divizè nil null element eleman nil numb anglouti numb angoudi Page 423 Feuille1 number axis nimewote aks number chif number nimero number nimewo number nimewo number nonm number of dead kantite mò number of dead kantite moun ki mouri number of mortally wounded kantite ki blese a mò number of mortally wounded kantite moun ki blese a mò number of mortally wounded nonb moun ki blese a mò numbers game boul bolèt numbers game nimewo jwèt numbers game nimewo lotri Number symbol Senbòl nimewo number valè numerical calculation kalkil nimerik numerical coefficient koefisyan nimerik numerical constant konstant nimerik numerical function fonksyon nimerik numerical order òd nimerik numerical solution solisyon nimerik numerical symbol senbòl nimerik numerous anpil numerous kantite numerous nimere numerous nimerote numerous plizye nunc pro tunc toupatou nunnery kouvan nunnery monastè nurse enfimye Nurse enfimyè Nurse enfimyè Nurse Enfimyè Nurse Enfimyè nursery chanm bebe nursery enfimyè nursery gadri timoun nursery mezon enfimyè nursery school jadendanfan Nurse's aide Oksilyè nursing home fwaye nursing home klinik nursing home twalèt nut house kay pou moun fou nut house pon Bèdèt nut house sanatoryòm nut house sant swenyaj nutritional plan plan nitrisyonèl OAS Oganizasyon Eta damerik Obedience Obeyisans obedient dosil Page 424 Feuille1 obedient fleksib obedient obeyisan obedient obeyisan obelisk evèk obelisk obelis obey asepte obey obeyi obey rann object fasilite objection kontestasyon objection opzisyon objective objektiv object objè obligate oblige obligation dèt obligation nesesite obligation obligasyon obligation obligasyon obligation obligasyon obligation that were taken onobligasyon ki te pwan obligation that were taken onobligasyon te asime obligation that were taken onrèsponsablite ki te pwan obliged sètoblije oblique oblik Observation devices materyèl dobsèvasyon observation malonnèt observation obsèvasyon observation obsèvasyon Observation posts pòs dobsèvasyon yo observation tower getè observation tower klòch obsèvasyon observation tower santinèl observe obsève observe remake obstacle anbara obstacle obstak obstacle obtak Obstacles baryè Obstacles difikilte Obstacles obstak Obstacles pwoblèm obstruct anpeche obstruct devye obstruction deranjman obstruction enpedimanta obstruction kotraryete obstruction obstak obstruction obstak obstruction obstriksyon obtain jwenn obviously aparamman obviously evidamman occasionally okazonèlman Page 425 Feuille1 occasionally occasional occasion occasion occasion occasion occasion occasion occlusion occupation occupation Occupation occupied Croatian occupied Croatian regions occupied occupied regions in occupied regions occupied occupied occupied occupied occupied occupied occupied occupied occupied territory occupied zone occupy occupy occupy occupy occur occur occur occurrence occurrence occurrence occurrence occurrence occurrence Ocean ocean Ocean Ocean o'clock octagon octahedron octal system October october October October October okazyonèlman okazyonèl okazion okazyon okazyon okazyon opòtinite rezon oklizyon metye okipasyion Okipasyon kwoasyen te okipe rejyon yo te okipe kwoasyen okipe nan regyon okipeyo regyon okipe yo te kaptire te kaptire te okipe te okipe te okipe te okipe te okipe te okipe teritwa okipe zòn okipe abite anploye okipe rete oki pran plas prodwi aksidan chans deroulman ensidan evenman evènman loseyan Oseyan oseyan Oseyan lè oktagòn oktayèd sistèm oktal oktob oktòb oktòb Oktòb Oktòb Page 426 Feuille1 October odd function odd integer odd whole number of of a Croat of a Croat of arms of Baranja of capital city of children of children of civilians of civilians of cooperation of course he it is of course. of course of course of course of Croatia of Croatia of Croatian of Croatian management of Croatians of Croatia of Croats of Croats of day of of of of of December of defense of east of Europe off off offence offence offense offense Offering offering Offering offer offer offer offer offer offer offer òktob fonksyon enpè nonm antye enpè nonm antye ki enpè a De kwoasyan yo De yon kwoasyan de zam yo de baranja de kapital vil timoun zanfan sivil sivil yo de kòperasyon yo natirèlman men ni natirèlman. natirèlman natirèlman natirèlman A kwoasi De kwoasi de Kwoasyen menagman kwoasyen Kwoasyen yo Pou kwoasi De kwoasyan yo De yon kwoasyan De jou de de de De de Desanm de defans de lès de ewop de de anfonse enfraksyon atak ofanse Ofrand ofrann sakrifis ofri ofri ofri ofwi pou ofri pwopoze rekòmande Page 427 Feuille1 offers ofri offers ofri offer to acquire ofwi pou genyen offer to acquire ofwi pou jwenn off fèmen Office and School Supplies Founiti biwo ak founiti klasik office biro office biwo office biwo office biwo office building biwo bilding office building ofis bilding office for ofis pou office ofis office ofis office ofis office ofis Office of the president of the biwo Republic de pwezidan de la repiblik la Officer Ofisye Officer Ofisye Officer quarters katye ofisye yo officer's mess administraktè officers ofisye yo Officer training ofisye antrenè official act aksyon ofisyèl official act zak ofisyèl official agency ajans ofisyèl official agency ajans ofisyèl official Bosnian sources ofisyèl sous boznyen yo official Bosnian sources sous ofisyèl bosnyen yo official candidacy kandidati ofisyèl official candidature kandidati ofisyèl official ceremony seremoni ofisyèl official competition konpetisyon ofisyèl official delegation delegasyon ofisyèl official language langag ofisyèl official language langaj ofisyèl official means fòmil ofisyèl official means mekanism ofisyel official means mwayen ofisyèl official mechanisms fòmil ofisyèl official mechanisms mekanism ofisyèl official memorandum memorandòm ofisyèl official memorandum memorandòm ofisyèl official ofisyèl official ofisyèl Official Ofisyèl official party pati ofisyèl official presentation pwezantasyon ofisyèl official record dokiman ofisyèl official record dosye ofisyèl official report rapò ofisyèl official reports rapòt ofisyèl yo Page 428 Feuille1 official representative officials official spokesperson official spokespersons of firm of firms off licence off licence off licence off licence off licence off licence off license off license off license off license off license off license of foreign affairs Offshore Offshore off the record off the record of government and of Haitian business of Haiti of Haiti of Haiti of Haiti of his of his of his of IFOR of land of meeting of meetings of memory of million of of NATO of negotiation of negotiations of peace of people of president of refugee of relations of Republic of Croatia of Serbia of Slavonia and Baranja of sport of Srem often repwezantan ofisyèl ofisyè yo pòtpawòl ofisyèl pòtpawòl ofisyèl yo dantrepriz dantrepriz boutik koli boutik likè boutik tafya lisans espire lisans fini lisans tèmine boutik koli boutik likè boutik tafya lisans espire lisans fini lisans tèmine Zafè etranje bò lanmè Bò Rivaj ki pa nan dosye ki pa nan rejis de gouvènman kòmes ayisyen Dayiti D'ayiti Kat Sòti ayiti de li nan pou li de IFOR de tè de reyinyon de reyinyon yo de souvni de milyon nan de ganizasyon Trète Atlantik Nò de negosyasyon de negosyasyon yo de pè de pèp de pwezidan refijye de relasyon yo Repiblik kwoasi de Sèbi de slavoni e baranja de espò de srem de tanzantan Page 429 Feuille1 often souvan often souvan of that an palan de sa of that de sa sou sa of the Agency de ajans lan of the city de vil lan of the community de kominote an of the country de payi a of the court de tribinal la of the Croatian government de gouvènman kroesyen of the delegation de delegasyon an of the district de kanton an of the economies de ekonomi yo of the economy de ekonomi an of the end is nan fen an se of the family de fanmi an of the fire de dife a of the Foreign Affairs de zafè etranje an of the government de gouvènman of the Government de Gouvènman an of the group de gwoup lan of the house de kay la of the innocent de inosan of the innocent inosan of the law about osijè de kay lan of the management de direksyon an of the ministers de minis yo of the mission de misyon an of the multinational police forces fòs polis miltinasyonal yo of the negotiations about apwopo negosyasyon of the negotiations about osijè negosyasyon of the office de biro an of the Parliament de palman an of the representative de reprezantatif lan of the representatives de reprezantatif yo of the Republic de Repiblik lan of the Republic of Haiti de Repiblik Dayiti of the rest de rès lan of the return de retounen an of the secretaries de sekretè yo of the secretary de sekretè an of the state de eta an of the world de mond lan of the World Health Organization òganizayson sante mondyal of the World Health Organization òganizayson sante mondyal of the world nan mondyal of this committee de komite sa of this de sa of this de sila of today jodi a of two countries de de peyi sa yo of UN de Loni of UNPROFOR de UNPROFOR Page 430 Feuille1 of war De gè of which de ki of which de ki of whom de ki of wood anbwa of Zagreb de zagreb ogust out Ohio oyo oh wow! that is my type theatre ayayay! se sinema konsa ke mwen renmen. oil blockade blokaj gaz oil blockade blokaj lwil oil dependency depandans gaz oil dependency depandan sou gaz oil dependency gaz depandans oil gaz oil grès Oil Luil oil lwil oil lwil oil lwil Oil lwil Oil Lwil oil petwòl Oil platform assault platfòm lwil daso oil production pwodiksyon gaz oil production pwodiksyon lwil oil production pwodiksyon lwil Oil worker travayè lwil okay oke OK Dakò okey I will hire you as a helper dakò m pral anplwaye ou kòm yon yèd okey I will see you later dakò na wè pita okey let me introduce you to oke yourkite supervisor m prezante w bay sipèvizè ou oke you may go now oke ou mèt ale koulye a okipasyon metye okipasyon okipasyon okipasyon pwofesyon Ok, no problem. Dakò, pa gen problèm ok oke ok oke old ansyen old areas of conflict ansyen konfli zòn yo old areas of conflict ansyen zòn konfli. old bridge ansyen pon old bridge vie pon old communist party ansyen pati kominis old communist party ansyen reynyon kominis old granmoun old granmoun old vye old vye old vye Old Vye Page 431 Feuille1 olive oil lwil dous olive oil lwil oliv Olympic games je olenmpik yo Olympic olenpik Olympic team ekip olenmpik Oman Omann on account of Akòz on account of Pou tèt on account of Sou kont on all levels si tout nivo yo on all regions si tout regyon yo on all sides tribòbabò on all sou tout on an lè on anwo on April an avril on asou on base si baz on both sides tribòbabò Once a day yon fwa pa jou Once a month yon fwa pa mwa Once a week yon fwa pa semèn Once every half hour yon fwa chak demi è Once every hour yo fwa pa è on celebrations si selebrasyon yo once yon fwa once yon fwa oncle nonk on conference for nan konferans pou on Croatia sou kwoati on day yon jou on defensive an defansif on defensive an defansiv on demand sou demand on demand sou demann on Dubrovnik region sou rejyon Dibrovnik on Earth sou latè on Earth sou la tè on east nan ès on east part si pati ès on east si ès One at a time, by pointing at yonn them,apwe tell me lòttheir , nancondition. pwente dwèt sou yo , di m kondisyon yo? One at a time. Yonn apwe lòt one day enjou one-dimensional space espas inidimansyonèl one en one en one-half method metòd mwatye one-half the circumference ofmwatye the circle sikonferans sèk la one hundred fifty sansenkan one hundred five sansenk one million in cash and stocken milyon an likid e aksyon one million in cash en milyon an likid Page 432 Feuille1 one month yon mwa one month you mwa one more year yon lòt ane one more year yon lòt ane ankò one more year yon lòt ane anplis one more youn an plis one of yonn nan one of Youn de one penny senkòb One person yon moun oneself limenm oneself swamèm one shot kout fè ; ke chak manm nan yon inite tire one-sided ki gen yon kote one's own pèsonèl one's own pwòp paw One story house kay bas One story house Kay yon etaj one-to-one function fonksyon youn pou youn One way Sansinik one-way ticket yon tikè pou ale sèlman one week yon semen one week youn semèn one week you semen one who carries youn ki pote yo one year ennan one year ennan one youn on foot a pye on freedom si libète on Friday le vendredi on Friday nan Vandredi on January in janvye nan on July an jiye on July jiye only for sèlman pou only inik only in sèlman an only on sèlman si only pokòw only sèl only selman only sèlman only sèlman only sèlman only sèlman only simpleman only that sèlman sa ; only when asking as question anfor nou'go wèahead' here on May an me on meeting nan reynyon an on Monday nan Lendi on negotiations si negosyason Page 433 Feuille1 on or in the territory sou oswa nan teritwa an on ouvè on peaceful si pè on peace nan lapè on peace negotiations sou negosiyayon lapè yo on picture nan foto on power sou pouvwa on proposal sou demand on proposal sou pwopozisyon on questioning an kesyon on Saturday le samdi on Saturday le samdi on Saturday nan Samdi on si on sou on sou on sou On Sou on strength sou kouraj on strike angrèv on Sunday an dimanch on Sunday dimanch on Sunday nan dimanch on Sunday nan Dimanch on Sunday nan Dimanch on territory an otorite on that sou sa on that sou sa on that sou sa on that Sou sa on that territory nan tèritwa sa on the Balkans si le balkan on the base nan baz lan on the beginning nan kòmansman on the calendar lan kalandrye an on the calendar nan almanak la on the end of the announcement sou fen anons lan on the eve of a la vèy de on the field sou tèren an on the freed territories nan peyi libere yo on the freed territories nan tèritwa libere yo on the ground anwo tè a on the ground of former Yugoslav sou baz ansyen yougoslavi a on the grounds of nan sans sa on the grounds of pou rezon sa on the grounds of sou baz on the grounds of sou baz sa on the grounds of sou pwensip on the ground sou tè a On-the-job training antrènman nan djòb On-the-job training nan èstaj pou djòb on the level sou nivo sa on the occasion of nan okazyon de Page 434 Feuille1 on the occasion of on the record on the record on the road on the road on the territories on the territories on the territories on the territory on the territory on the territory on the territory of former on the territory on the territory on the watch on the watch on the whole on the whole on this map on those regions on Thursday in on Thursday on thursday on today's on todays on today's on today's on Tuesday in on Tuesday on Tuesday on Wednesday in on Wednesday on Wednesday on what on which on which are on which is on which on which on which on which on whole on whole on World Cup on your behalf on your behalf ooze open arc open circle open open downward open expression open half- planes nan okazyon de sou dosye sou lis nan chemen an sou wout la nan peyi a nan tèritwa yo sou tèritwa yo nan alantou an nan zòn nan Nan zòn nan sou teritwa de ansyen sou tèritwa an sou zòn lan lan mont la nan mont lan an antye antou sou kat sa a siregyon sa yo le jedi si jedi lè jedi jounen jodia jounen jodi a nan jodi se nan jou sa madi nan nan madi nan madi mèkredi nan nan mèkredi nan Mèkredi sou ki Anwo ki si kèl sou ki sa si kèl sou ki sou ki Sou ki nan tout sou tout si koup di mond sou non w sou rèsponsablite w Labou molas ak ouvri sèk ouvri debouche ouvri pa anba espresyon matematik ouvri demi plan ouvri Page 435 Feuille1 open hours Open Housing law opening opening opening ceremony opening of the market opening opening speech opening speech opening statement opening statement opening statement open interval open open open open open market open market open open open open open Open Open open open open polygon open region open session open session open set opens opens open upward Open your mouth! opera house opera house opera house opera opera opera operating range Operating ranges operating ranges operating room operation green ice operation in geometry operation operation operation OPERATIONS anpèmanans Lwa lokasyon kay ap ouvè ap ouvè ouvèti seremoni ouvèti mache a ouvèti diskou douvèti pawòl ouvèti mo koumansman mo ouvèti pwemye mo entèval ouvri louvri louvri louvri louvwi mache lib mache ouvè ouvè ouvè ouvè ouvè ouvè Ouvè Ouvè! ouvri ouvri poligòn ouvri rejyon ouvri ouvèti sesyon seksyon ouvè ansanm ouvri louvwi ouvè ouvri pa anwo Ouvè bouch ou! konsè opera sal konsè konsè opera sal konsè limit operasyonèl liy doperasyon yo liy operasyonyo sal operasyon operasyon glas vèt operasyon nan jeometri operasyon operasyon operasyon lis operasyon yo Page 436 Feuille1 OPERATIONS lis operasyon yo operations operasyon yo operations operasyon yo operation with decimals operasyon ak chif desimal operation with fraction operasyon ak fraksyon operation with monomial operasyon ak monòm operation with set operasyon ak ansanm operative central service operasyon sèvis santral operative symbol senbòl operatif operator operatè opinion ide opinion lide opinion lwa ochapit opinion opinyon opinion opinyon opinion opinyon opinion panse opinions opinyon yo opium den fimeri opyòm opponent advèsè opponent antagonis opponent kontrarye opponent rival opportune moment moman favorab opportune moment moman opòten opportunity okazyon opportunity okazyon opportunity opòtinite opposed to the Prime Minister kont pwemye minis la opposed to the Prime Minister opoze a pwemye minis la opposing factions faksyon opoze yo opposing factions opzisyon faksyon yo opposing factions opzisyon gwoup rival yo opposing party pati opozan opposite angle ang opoze opposite envès opposite isometry izometri opoze opposite leg kote opoze oppositely directed nan direksyon opoze opposite number nonm opoze opposite opoze opposite orientation oryantasyon opoze opposite point pwen opoze opposite ray reyon opoze opposite sequence sekans opoze opposite side kote opoze opposite vertex vètèks opoze opposition forces fòs opozisyon yo opposition opozisyon opposition parties pati opozisyon yo opposition party pati opozisyon oppression opresyon optic optik Page 437 Feuille1 optimal approximation apwoksimasyon optimòm optimism ki wè bon kote optimism optimis oral judgements gigman oral oral judgements jijman oral Orange Jonabriko Orange juicer Près zoranj orange oranj orange zoranj or are osinon yo Oraski sources sous Oraski yo ordeal peripesi ordered field chan òdone ordered te arange ordered te òdè order kòmande order lòd order lòd order lòd order òd order òd ORDER OF BATTLE Lòd batay yo order of succession lòd de siksesyon order preserved lòd konsève order-preserving map transfòmasyon ki konsève lòd order property pwopriyete lòd nan ansanm nonm reyèl orders dekrè yo orders lòd yo orders lòd yo orders mezi yo orders pwovizyon yo ordinance òdonans ordinance sèvis ekiman militè ordinary justice jistis òdinè ordinate òdone organic òganik organism òganis Organization for European Security sekiriteand pouCooperation òganizasyon e kòperasyon eropeyen organization for òganizasyon pou Organization of American States Oganizasyon Eta damerik organization òganizasyon organization òganizasyon organization òganizasyon organization òganizasyon organizations òganizasyons yo organized te òganize organize oganize organize òganize organize òganize organize òganize organizing committee komite òganizatè organ ògàn orientate oryante Page 438 Feuille1 orientational invariance orientation orientation Orient original original original or in or in or in or I will shoot Orkan Orkan rocket launcher or or or or or or O.R. (own recognition) orphanage orphanage Orphan orphan orphans' asylum orphans' asylum orthocenter oscillation oscilloscope osijè imen Osjek military Osjek military territory other day other day other other other explosives Other intelligence reporting other other other other other other Other Other means Other poisonous gases other side other side other sides other sides others others envaryans pa rapò ak oryantasyon oryantasyon oryantasyon Oryan orijinal orijinal orijinèl osinon nan oswa nan ou nan oubyen map tire! òkan lans wòkèt òkan osinon oswa oswa ou oubyen oubyen pwòp rekonesans ofelen ofelina òfelen sanmanman ofelen ofelina òtosant osiyasyon osiyoskòp osijè moun militè osjek zòn militè Osjek Lotrejou Lòtrejou dezyèm dezyèm lòt eksplozif lòt rapò detèlijans lòt lòt lòt lòt lòt lòt lòt lòt siyifikasyon lòt gaz pwazon yo lòtbò lòt bò lòt bò lòt kote lezòt lèzot Page 439 Feuille1 others lèzòt Other training lòt antrenman Other weapons lòt zam yo otherwise diferamman otherwise otreman otherwise otreman other yon lòt other yon lòt other zòt ounce ons our houses kay nou yo our houses mezon nou yo our nou our own pa n our own pa nou our own pwòp pa nou our pa nou our pa nou our pa nou ours pa nou ours pa nou yo our stock is very low this week nou pa gen anpil machandiz semenn sa a our teacher walked in late thismèt morning la rive an reta maten an our team has a two goal leadekip nou an gen 2 gòl devan our team was knocked out ekip nou an elimine outbreak deklanche outburst eksplozyon outcome konsekans outcome rezilta outcome rezilta outcome set ansanm rezilta out deyò out deyò out deyò out Deyò Outdoor Deyò outer term tèm eksteryè outflow Ekoulman outhouse avan pòs outhouse paking outhouse pwive outhouse remiz out of breath esoufle out of order anpàn Out of this country andeyò peyi sa a out of wedlock child Pitit deyò outpost avan pòs outpost paking outpost pwive outpost remiz outpouring Epanchman outside andeyo outside andeyò Page 440 Feuille1 outside outside outside outside cooperation outside cooperation outside outside outside outside outside outside jobs Outside of this area outside outside outside out Outstanding Outstanding Outstanding Oven overcame overcame overcame overcame overcame overcame overcrossing overcrossing overcrossing overflow Overhead projector overlapping triangles overlap overnight stay overpass overpass overpass overpower overrule (to) oversleep oversleep overstatement Overt over there overthere overthrow overthrow overthrow overturn overturn overturn owing to owing to andeyò an deyò anndan koperasyon deyò koperasyon eksteryè deyò deyò deyò eksteryè etranje travay deyò yo an deyo katye a pa deyò pa deyò pa deyò sòti eksepsyonèl remakab san parèy Fou ganye konkeri manifeste te defèt te konbat triyonfe pon pyeton travès moun apye wout pyeton Debòde Pwojektè triyang sipèpoze sipèpoze rete yon swa pon pyeton travès moun apye wout pyeton akable rejte dòmitwòp leveta egzajerasyon Aklè lotbò palòtbò chavire jete ranvèse chavire kapote ranvèse remèsiman a remèsye Page 441 Feuille1 owl Koukou owner mèt owner pwopriyetè ownership propriyete ownership prorpriyete own genyen own kenbe own posede own recognizance sou pwòp mo oxygen oksijèn pace estèp pace mouvman pace pa pace vitès Pacific coast kot pasifik Pacific coast kòt Pasifik pacific regulation regilasyon pasifik Pacifier Sison package bwat package koli package pakèt package store boutik koli package store boutik likè package store boutik tafya package store lisans espire package store lisans fini package store lisans tèmine packaging material debris without bwat obvious fatra sancontents vwè enpòtans packaging material debris without yon bann obvious vye contents debwi san valè packaging material debris without yon paket obvious debri contents san valè Pack bomb pakè bonm pack fè bagaj packing materials materyèl anbalaj packing materials materyèl anpakete pad chache pad detere pad fouye Pad Kalpen pad kay pad mèb yo Pad notepad pad tanpon pad tòkèt pad tòkèt pad twoket pad twòkèt pagan Payen Pail Bokit pain doulè pain doulè painful apfèmal painful di PAIN National Agricultural and Industrial Party Page 442 Feuille1 PAIN pain Paint brush painter Painting Painting Painting paint paint Paint roller pair pair of factors pair pair pajamas palace palace Paleolithic Palestine National Council Palestinian central council Palestinian delegates Palestinian factions Palestinian militants Palestinian negotiators Palestinian organizations Palestinian organizations Palestinian refugees Palestinian representatives Palestinian spokesperson Palestinian state paling palm Palm trees pals pals pampering pamper Panamanian authorities Panamanian government Panamanian government Panama PanAmerican highway Pan-American highway pancake pan pan PANPRA PANPRA pantheon pantry pantry pantry pantry Pati Agrikòl e Endistriyèl Nasyonal penn Penso pent Penti tablo Tablo penti penti Penso a woulo koup yon pè faktè pè pè pijama chato palè Paleyolitik konsèy nasyonal Palèstin konsil santral palèstinyen delege palèstinyen yo fwaksyon palèstinyen yo militan palèstinyen yo negosyatè palèstinyen yo òganizasyon palestinyen yo òganizasyon palèstinyen yo refijye palèstinyen yo repwezantan palèstinyen yo pòt pawòl palestinyen eta palèstinyen balisad plamen Pye palmis kopen zanmi sitirans miyonnen otorite panameyen yo gouvèman manameyen gouvènman panameyen Panama gran wout panameriken gran wout panamerikèn pakè kanson patalon National Progressive Party Pati Nasyonal pou Travayè Aysisen panteon biteri gadmanje gad manje kouvè Page 443 Feuille1 pantry pants Pants pants pants Pantyhose Pantyhose papal council papal council Paper clip paper Paper holder paper papers parable parable parabola Parabolic antenna parabolic Parachute basics Parachute basics Paraguay parallelepiped parallel government parallelism parallelism preserved parallel parallel parallel projection parallel sections paramilitary forces paramilitary forces paramilitary groups paramilitary parapet parapet pardon pardon pardon pardon parentheses parenthesis Parenthesis parent parents parents parents parents parents parish park Parking park pantwi pantalon Pantalon pantalon yo pantalon yo ba Bakilòt komisyon lepap komite vatikan Klips dokiman Pres paje papye Papye yo daki parabòl parabòl Antèn parabolik parabolik pwensip de baz parachit yo pwensip elemantè parachit yo Paragwe paralelepipèd gouvènman paralèl paralelis paralelis konsève kòt a kòt paralèl pwojeksyon paralèl seksyon paralèl yo fòs paramilitè fòs paramilitè yo gwoup paramilitè yo paramilitè parapèt travay de kè padon padone Padone padonnen parantèz parantèz Parantèz paran alye fanmi granmoun paran paran yo pawas amizman Estasyonnman jaden Page 444 Feuille1 park jwèt park pak park pak park pak Park pak Park Pak park paken park pak natyonal park plas Park Plas parliamentary bill asepte parliamentary bill dèt palman an parliamentary debate deba palmantè parliamentary deputies depite palmantè yo Parliamentary palmantè Parliamentary parliament palmantè palman parliamentary presidium palmantè kap pwezide parliamentary procedure prosede palmante parliamentary procedure prosedi palmantè parliamentary session sesyon palmantè parliamentary system sistèm palmantè parliament asanble parliament asanble parliament asanbleman parliament Chanm Lejislativ Parliament of Republic of Croatia palman repiblik Kwoasi parliament paleman parliament palman parliament palman parliament palman parliament palman parliament palman parliament Palman Parliament Palman parliament rasanbleman parliament reyinyon parlor palò parlor palwa Parochial school lekòl kongreganis Parochial school Lekòl relijye parole pawòl parole revocation koupe lapawòl parole revocation revoke lapawòl parsonage pèsonaj parsonage pwesbitè parsonage repètwa partial abolition abolisyon an pati partial abolition abolisyon pasyèl partial pasyèl partial products pwodui pasyèl partial summation somasyon pasyèl participant patispan participants patisipan yo Page 445 Feuille1 participants participated participated participate participate in participate participate participate participate Participate participating countries participating countries participating in participation participation participation particular case particular particular particularly particular particular parties parties part in cash part in cash partisan combatants partisan combatants partisan partisan partisan partitioning partition partition partition partition partition postulate partition part part part partner in a dialogue partner in a dialogue partner part of battlefield part of Bosnia-Herzegovina part of part of peace part of peace part part part part patisipan yo te patisipe te patisipe fouremen patisipe nan metemen patisipe patisipe patisipe Patisipe peyi kap patisipe yo peyi patisipan yo patisipe nan patisipasyon patisipasyon Pran pa ka patikilye espesifik espesyal patikilyèman patikilye patikilyè pati yo pati yo pataje an likid pati an likid konpayon konbatan yo patizan konbatan yo mounpa patizan zanmi moun ki jwe wòl konpa patisyon patisyon patisyon postila patisyon wòl moso moso mwatye yap konvèse zanmi nan dialòg konpayèl mwatye de chan batay pati de bosnya-hèzegovina mwatye de rejyon lapè zòn lapè pa pati pati pati Page 446 Feuille1 part pòsyon part pòsyon part ròl parts in Bosnia-Herzegovina pati an bosni èzegovina Parts moso parts mwatye yo Parts pati parts pati yo Parts pyès party fèt party leaders lidè pati yo party members manb pati yo party members manm pati yo party of democratic action pati aksyon demokratik party of democratic action pati demokratik daksyon party's central committee komite santral pati a party's legal status estati legal pati a party's legal status èstati legal pati a passager pasajè passager vwayajè pass by ale pa pass by elwagnye pass by elwagnye pass by pase pa pass by pase pa pass by pase pa pass by pase pa pass by pli elwagnye pass by pli lwen passed to te pase a passes lèse pase yo passes pase passion pasyon Pass lesepase Passover Pase pass pase Pass Pèmisyon passport paspò passport Paspò pass through a given point pase nan yon pwen Passwords mo de pas yo past 24 24 trèdtan ki sopt pase yo past an ro kounye a past decade dekad pase past decade deseni ki sot pase past dènye past dènye past dènye Pastor Pastè Pastor Preacher past pase past pase past pase Page 447 Feuille1 past pase past pase past pase past-time distraksyon pasttime distraksyon path chemen paticipating patisipan patience pasyans patience sanfwa patient malad Patient Malad Patient pasyan Patient's chart Dosye malad la patriotic front fwon patriyotik patriot missiles misil patriòt yo Patriot Patriyòt Patrol frequencies patwouy regilye yo Patrol leader chèf patwouy Patrol member manm patwouy Patrol mode mòd patwouy Patrol Patwouy Patron Patwon pattern modèl Pattern Patwon pause poze pause pran repo Paved Road Rout asfalte paved road wout adòken paved road wout asfalte paved road wout pave Pavelic, head of Croatia during Pavelik WWII,te tèt koasy pandan GMII pave pave Pawn Sòlda pay attention atantif payment payan payoff pati opze pay paye peace agreement agreman lapè peace agreement akò de pè peace agreement akò lapè peace agreement akò lapè peace agreement akò pè peace agreement antant de pè peace agreement antant lapè peace agreement in Dayton akò pè an dayton peace and lapè e peace forces fòs pè yo peace forces fòs pè yo peaceful agreement akò pasifik peaceful anpè peaceful an pè peaceful demonstration demonstrasyon pèzib peaceful integration of Eastern entegwasyon Slavonia pè de lès Slavoni Page 448 Feuille1 peaceful kalm Peacefully Anpè peacefully pasifikman Peacefully pèzib peaceful negotiations negosyasyon pasifik peaceful pasfik peaceful pasifik peaceful pè peaceful pezib peaceful pèzib peaceful pèzib peaceful plen la pè peaceful process pwosesis pasifik peaceful reintegration reyentegrasyon pasifik peaceful trankil peaceful Trankil peaceful way chemen lapè peaceful way mwayen pèzib peace in Bosnia-Herzegovinapè an bosni-hèzegovini peace in pè nan peace intermediary medyatè la pè peace intermediary pè entèmedyè peace keeper sòlda de pè peacekeeper sòlda de pè peace keeping forces fòs de pè yo peace keeping forces fòs pou pè peace lapè peace lapè peace lapè peace lapè Peace lapè Peace Lapè peace mediator medyatè la pè peace mediator pè entèmedyè peace negotiation in nan negosyasyon pè peace negotiations in Daytonnegosyasyon la pè nan Deytonn peace negotiations negosiyasyon lapè yo peace negotiations negosyasyon pou la pè peace negotiator negosyatè de pè peace negotiator negosyatè la pè peace on pè si peace on pè si peace pè peace pè peace pè peace pè peace pè Peace Pè peace plan plan pè peace process pwosesis lapè peace reintegration reentegrasyon lapè peace solutions solisyon pè yo peace trankilite Page 449 Feuille1 Peasant Peasant peat bog pedal peddler Peddler pedestal pedestal pedestal pedestal pedestrian bridge pedestrian bridge pedestrian bridge Pedestrian pediment pediment Peel Pejorative penal institution penal institution penality penality penalize penalize pencil pencil pencil Pencil Pendant pending court action penetrate penetrate peninsula Peninsula peninsula peninsula penitentiary authorities penitentiary center penitentiary penitentiary penitentiary penitentiary system pennyless pennyless pennyless penny pen Pen pal pen pen pen Pension Plan pentadecagon abitan Peyizan Marekaj dekonpoze Pedal madan sara Vandè a pye gerizon pedestal pedestal sokle pon pyeton travès moun apye wout pyeton Pyeton fwonton pediman Kale Pejoratif enstitisyon penitansyè penitansye fot penalite chaje fot la penalize kreyon kreyon kreyon Kreyon Pandan vèdik tribinal pandye penetre penetre penensil Penensil Tè ki antoure dlo zile otorite penitansyè yo sant penitansye enstitisyon penitansyè penitansye penitasye sistèm penitansyè bare razè sanyonpeni peni ouvè Korèspondan pen plim plim Sèvis Pansyon pentadekagòn Page 450 Feuille1 pentagon Pentecostal penthouse people and people from Krajina people from People People people people people people People People People's Congress People's Congress people's struggle people's struggle people were hurt people who are people who are people who returned people peper pepper Per Capita Per Capita percentage error percentile Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Perception percussion cap Percussion Set perfect cubic expression perfect perfectly perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect square trinomial performance performance performance performing computation perform operation perform perform Perfume bottle pentagòn Pankotis bèl apatman liks pèp e moun ki soti nan Krajina pèp de Moun Moun nasyon pèp pèp pèp pèp pèp kongrè pèp kongrè popilè batay pèp lit pèp moun te blese pèp yo ki pèp yo se moun ki te retounen zòm papye pwav Pa tèt Pèkapita pousantaj erè santil pa santèn pa santèn Pousan Pousantaj pousantay Pèsèpsyon gachèt deklannchè Je batri espresyon kibik pafè koup pafètman pafè pafèt pafèt san fot trinòm kare pafè aparans atak pèfòmans fè operasyon fè operasyon pèfòme pòte deyò Boutèy pafen Page 451 Feuille1 Perfume Losyon perfume pafen Perfume pafen perfumery pafimeri perhaps petèt perhaps petèt period epòk period epòk periodical fraction fraksyon peryodik Periodic chak fwa periodic curve koub peryodik periodic decimals decimal peryodik Periodic de tanzantan periodic function fonksyon peryodik periodicity peryodisite Periodic peryodik Periodic Tanzantan period laj period lè period moman period of a circulating decimalperyòd yon devlopman desimal peryodik period of a repeating decimalperyòd yon devlopman desimal peryodik period of time peryòd de tan period peryod period peryòd period peryòd period peryòd period peryòd period tan period tan perish peri perish peri perish pèri perish pèri perjury fèmanti pa ekspwe perjury fo temwanyaj permanent chak enstan permanent chak moman permanent collection koleksyon pèmanan permanent collection kolèksyon pèmanan permanent committees komite pèmanan Permanent Council konsèy pèmanan permanent counsel of konsèy pèmanan permanent endangering mete w an danje pèmanan permanent estab permanent kap dire anpil permanent member manm pèmanan permanent members manm pèmanan permanent members of the council manm konsèy pèmanan yo permanent pemanan permanent pèmanan Permanent Secretary sekretarya pèmanan Permanent Secretary sekretè pèmanan Page 452 Feuille1 permissible admisib permit pèmi permits lèse permits otorize permits pèmete permits pèmète permutable pèmitab permutation without repetitionpèmitasyon san repetisyon permutation with repetition pèmitasyon ak repetisyon per pa perpendicular bisector bisektè pèpandikilè perpendicularity pèpandikilarite perpendicular pèpandikilè perpendicular segment segman pèpandikilè persecute pèsekite persevere pèsevere Persian Farsi Pèsyann Fasi Persian gulf countries peyi Gòlf Pèsik yo persistent pèseveran persistent pèsistan personage pesonaj personal damages domag pèsonèl yo personal expenses depans pèsonèl yo personality pesonalite personally endividyèlman personally pèsonèlman personal pèsonèl personal weapon zam pwive person at work kamarad person at work pèsòn nan travay person èt person moun person moun personnel anseyan personnel bann Personnel carriers pèsonèl de transpòtasyon yo personnel pèsonèl personnel pèsonèl personnel pèsonèl personnel profesè personnel pwive Personnel recovery gwoup sovtaj Personnel recovery pèsonèl pou rekouvweman personnel wou sèl person of Serbian nationalitypèsò-n sèbyan nasyonalite person òm person pèson person pèsòn person pèsò-n persons in mou-n nan persons in pèso-n nan person with a beard babe person with a beard moun ak bab Page 453 Feuille1 person with a mustache moun ak moustache person with a mustache moustachi perspective pèspektif Peruvian government gouvènman perivyen Peruvian government gouvènman Pewou Peruvian minister minis perivyen Peruvian state eta perivyen pessimist ki wè mal pessimist ki wè move kote petionville is about ten miles petyonvil from hereape prè dis mil de isit la petition petisyon petrochemical products pwodwi petwochemik yo petrol bomb Bonb gazolin petrol bomb Bonb petwòl petroleum futures increase pwochen ogmantasyon pwi petwòl petroleum industry endistri petwòl petroleum industry izin petwòl petrol gaz petrol lwil petrol pump estasyon gaz petrol pump estasyon lwil petrol pump ponp gaz petrol station estasyon gaz petrol station estasyon gaz petrol station estasyon gazolin petrol station estasyon lwil petrol station estasyon petwòl petrol station pomp gazolin petrol station ponp gaz pet shop animo domestik ; peyi vil Pharmaceuticals pou famasi pharmacy dispansè pharmacy famasi pharmacy magazen medikaman pharmacy magazen remèd phase faz Phenomenon evènman Phenomenon Fenomèn philosopher filozof philosopher filozòf philosopher filozòf philosopher retrase philosophy filozofi Phoenix bèl Phoenix bote san parèy Phoenix joli Phoenix moun san parèy phone booth bwat telefòn phone booth kabin telefonik phone conversations konvèsasyon telefòn yo phone lelefòn Phone pad Kànè telefòn Page 454 Feuille1 phone system Photographer photograph photograph photograph physical condition Physical features physical integrity Physical Science Physics Piano piazza piazza piazza piazza pick picket fence pick Pick pickpocket pick up pick up pick up Pick up truck Picnic pictograph picture picture picture picture picture Picture picture Picture picture over picture over picture picture rail piece piece piece piece pier pigeonhole pigeonhole pigeon loft pigeon loft pigeon loft pig pig pigment Pigtails pike pike sistèm telefòn Fotograf foto fotograf fotograf kondisyon fizik Aparans fizik entegrite fizik Syans Fizik Fizik yo Pyano balkon galri gran galri tonèl pou teyat chwazi mèt en pikè de gwèv pik Pikwa vòlè kapte ramase ranmase Kamyonèt Piknik graf desen desen foto foto foto foto Foto fotograf imaj foto sou foto sou foto simez kale mòso pyès pyès gete kalòj pijon kay pijon gwenye gwenye pijon kalòj pijon kochon kochon pigman Kwafi detrès pikèt pikwa Page 455 Feuille1 pile pile pile pile pile pile pile pile pile pile piling piling piling piling piling pillar pillbox pill pillow Pillow pillow Pilotage Pilot and co-pilot Pilot Pilot, co-pilot, and navigator pilot house pilot house pilot Pilot Pilot Pilot pilots pilots PILOTS pimple pimp pimp pinch together pinch together pink pink Pink Pins Pins pioneer Pipeline disruption Pipeline disruption Pipe lines pipeline pipe pi Pisces Pistol amas anpile anpile antasman pil pil ranvèse tas tas twòp anpile antasman pil ranvèse tas pilye bwat zam grenn zorye Zorye zòrye pilote pilòt ak asistan pilòt Avyatè pilòt ,asistan pilòt e navigatè pilotaj timoneri kondiktè pilòt Pilòt Pilòt chofè kondiktè pilòt yo tiboul makwèl tchoul sere sere ansanm woz woz Woz pens Zepeng titèt pyonye koupi tiyo kondiktè liy kondiktè koupe liy tiyo yo tuyo pip pi Pwason pistòl Page 456 Feuille1 pistol pistolè pistol pistolè pistol revolvè Pistol Revolvè Piston Piston Piston twonpèt pitch enpas pitcher krich pitch la kou pitch lanse pitch nwa pit Twou nan tè pivoting k ap pivote pizza parlor boutik piza pizza parlor chòp piza pizza parlor palwa piza pizza parlor pizzerya pizza shop boutik piza pizza shop chòp piza pizza shop palwa piza pizza shop pizzerya pizzeria boutik piza pizzeria chòp piza pizzeria palwa piza pizzeria pizzerya placed kanpe placed plase placed tan-n placed te estab placed te etabli placed te plase placed te plase placed te range place in plas an place kote place lokal placement plasman place of business andwa biznis place of business etablisman biznis place of business plas biznis place of worship kay de pwiyè place of worship kil adorasyon place of worship kil adorasyon place of worship mezon de Dye place of worship plas adorasyon place plas place sektè places in plas yo an places lokal yo places where many bodies are Kote buried anpil moun mouri tere places where many bodies are kote buried yo te antere anpil kadav places where snipers have been koteseen yo te wè fwan tirè yo places where snipers have been koteseen yo te wè moun ki monte anbiskad yo Page 457 Feuille1 places where snipers have been nan seen kote yo te wè zenglendo yo place zòn Plague Epidemi Plague kalamite plague lapès plain Plèn plain plenn Plain Plenn plains Plèn yo plaintiff plentif plaintiff pleyan plan bouyon Plane Avyon planetarium planetaryòm planet planèt plan plan plan plan plan plan plan projè plan projè plans plan yo plans plan yo plans to injure NATO peace keeping konploteforces pou atake fòs mentyen lapè NATO plans to injure NATO peace keeping konploteforces pou atake fòs mentyen lapè NATO plans to injure NATO peacekeeping konploteforces pou atake fòs mentyen lapè NATO plans to injure NATO peace keeping planifye forces pou atake fòs mentyen lapè NATO a plans to injure NATO peace keeping planifye forces pou atake fòs mentyen lapè NATO a plans to injure NATO peacekeeping planifyeforces pou atake fòs mentyen lapè NATO a plans to injure NATO peace keeping te gen plan forces pou nwi fòs lapè NATO a plans to injure NATO peace keeping te gen plan forces pou nwi fòs lapè NATO a plans to injure NATO peacekeeping te gen plan forces pou nwi fòs lapè NATO a Plantation Plantasyon Plant booby traps endistri pyeje planted Plante planted Plante planted Te plante plant Enstale Plant explosives konpayi ekplozif yo plant Plant plant Plant Plant production konpayi pwodiksyon Plants Plant plants Plant yo plaque ekrito ki sou tonb plaque pyè tonbal Plaster plakade Plaster plake Plaster rekouvwi Plaster tache plastic plastik plate aswèt plate asyèt Plate Asyèt Page 458 Feuille1 Plate Asyèt plateau plato plateau Plato plateau platon plateau Platon plate palt plate plak plate plat plate plat plate plat Plate Plat platform fouwo zam platform platfòm platform platfòm zam platform pòch zam Platoon leader chèf seksyon Platoon seksyon Play cards Jwe kat player jwè player jwè player manm player mizisyen players jwè yo Play games Jwe jwèt playing area kou playing jwe playing jwèt play jwe play jwe play jwe Play Jwèt jwe Play pen Pak pou ti bebe play room sal de je play room sal jwèt Playwright Dramatij plaza magazen plaza plaza plaza sant plaza sant komèsyal plea bargain plede plea defans kont chaj plea demand ijan plead guilty plede koupab pleadings political asylum plede pou jwenn azil politik plead (to) plede pleasant agreyab pleasant bonjan pleasant plezan Please bring that person to me tanpwi mennen moun sa a kote mwen Please bring that person to me tanpwi vini ake moun sa a pou mwen Please do not get excited tanpwi, ou pa bezwen eksite please don't say a word aboutpathis di pyès to anyone moun anyen sou sa pleased plizi Page 459 Feuille1 Please draw a picture silvouplè fon desen Please draw a picture souple fè yon desen Please draw a picture tanpri fè yon desen Please draw a sketch here souple trase yon chemen Please draw a sketch here tanpri trase yon chema Please draw a sketch here tanpri trase yon wout Please draw a sketch here tanpwi trase yon chema pleased satisfè pleased to meet you kontan rankontre w pleased to meet you mwen byen kontan rankontre w please give me a match ban m yon grenn alimèt tanpri please go ahead sil vou plè an avan please go ahead sil vou plè an nou wè please go ahead sil vou plè mache Please handle carefully silvouplè touche ak anpil pwidans Please handle carefully silvouplè touche ak pwekosyon Please handle carefully tanpwi manyen ak pwekosyon Please handle carefully tanpwi okipe ak anpil pwekosyon please, have the bellboy carry fèmy gason luggage an bwote to mybagay room.mwen yo nan chanm mwen yan pou mwen, sivouplè Please help me find Silvouplè ede m jwenn Please help me find silvouplè ede m twouve Please help me find souple ede m chache Please help me find Tanpri ede m jwenn please hold the baby for me kenbe timoun lan pou mwen please hold the babyu for mekenbe timoun lan pou mwen please keep what I told you under sa m di theouhat la kenbe l nan kè ou please let me off here depoze m la silvouplè Please look at these picturesTanpri gade foto sa a yo please point to montre mwen souple Please point to the boundaries souple montre m ak dwèt ou kote lizyè yo ye Please point to the boundaries tanpri lonje dwèt ou sou lizyè yo Please point to the boundaries tanpri moutre m kote limit yo rive Please print the names for each Silvouplè group ekri and non theirchak location. gwoup ak zòn yo kote yo soti? Please send me people in this tanpri areavoye who jwenn have lost mwen theirmoun nan blòk la ki fè pèdisyon Please send me people in this tanpwi area who voyehave jwennlost mwen theirmoun nan zòn nan ki pèdi fanmi yo please show me montre mwen souple Please show me on this maptanpri moutre m sou kat sa a Please show me on this maptanpwi montre m nan kat sa a Please show me tanpwi moutre m please silvouplè please souple Please take me to see it tanpri mennen mwen ale wè li please take this up in the weist fèmen for me nan senti a pou mwen please take tkis up in the sleeves fè manch for me lan vin pi kout pou mwen please tanpri please tanpri Please, Tanpri, Please tell us if there is souple di nou si gen Please tell us if there is Tanpwi di nou si gen Pledge Angajman plenary conference konferans konplè plenary session sesyon plenyè plentiful abondan Page 460 Feuille1 Plenty Plenty Pliers plinth plinth plinth plinth plot points plot Plug plumber Plumbing Plus plus plus Plus plutonium bomb plutonium oxide Plywood p.m. p.m. pneumonia PNT PNT POB POB Pocket knife Pocket knife pocket poem Poetic Poetic Poet point at infinity pointed out that pointed pointing out that point of intersection point of reflection point of symmetry point of tangency point of view point of view point of view point point reflection points point-slope form of a line points points points points point symmetry an abondans an kanitite Pens gerizon pedestal pedestal sokle make pwen trase Plòg plombye plonbwi adisyon plis plis Plis bonm plitonyòm oksid plitonyòm playwoud diswa diswa nemoni National Party of Labor Pati Nasyonal Travayè bwat postal postal Kanif pòch kouto pòch pòch Powèm poetik Pwetik Powèt pwen alenfini atire atansyon pwenti endike sa pwen enteseksyon pwen refleksyon pwen simetri pwen tanjans objektif opinyon pyen de vi pwin refleksyon pa rapò ak yon pwen ide yo fòm ipwen-panti yon liy pwen pwen yo pwen yo stòp simetri pwen Page 461 Feuille1 Point to its location Point-to-point Point with one finger Point with one finger poisoned Poisonous symbol poison poison Poison Poland Poland polemic Pole police action police administration police authorities Police car Police chief police cooperation police force police forces police headquarters police headquarters police headquarters police in police intervention police policeman Police Officer Police Officer Police officer Police Officer Police Officer police police police police police Police Police police police spokesperson police spokesperson police's police station police station police station police station police station Polish Polish minister Polish minister Polite montre m kote l ye a dwèt ou kous moutre mwen ak yon dwèt pwente yon dwèt sou li anpwazon Senbòl pou pwazon pouasyon pwazon Pwazon polòn polòy polemik Pol aksyon polis administraksyon polis otorite polis yo Machin polis Chèf polis koperasyon polis fòs polis fòs polis yo estasyon polis katye jeneral polis pòs estasyon polis nan entèvansyon polis jandam òm polis lapolis ofisye polis Polis polis Polisye polis polis polis polis Polis polis Sekirite sòlda pòtpawòl lapolis pòtpawòl polis polis estasyon polis estasyon polis katye jeneral polis komisarya pòs estasyon Lapolòy minis lapolòy minis polòy Janti Page 462 Feuille1 political appropriateness political appropriateness political career political changes political committee political coordinator political corruption political crime political crimes political decision political detainees political factions political factions political future political group political groups political groups Political indoctrination Politically unreliable Politically unreliable political map political motives political movement political opinion political opposition Political oppression political organizations political parties political pluralism political police political political political political political political prisoner political prisoner political prisoner political project political project political reason political reform political responsibilities political revenge Political rights political rights political scandal political scandal political stability political system political trial political trial political violators politik adekwat la politik ki pi bon karyè politik chanjman politik yo komite politik kòdonatè politik kòripsyon politik krim politik krim politik yo desizyon politik pwizonye politik yo gwoup politik politik fwaksyon avni politik gwoup politik bann politik yo gwoup politik yo politik andoktrinman Politik dwatèlgòch Politik san konfyans kat jewografi motif politik yo mouvman politik opinyon politik opozisyon politik Opwesyon politik politik òganizasyon yo pati politik yo pliralis politik polis politik politik politik politik politik politik prizonye politik pwizonye politik pwizonye politik pwojè politik pwojè politik rezon politik refòm politik responsablite politik yo revanj politik Dwa politik dwa politik yo eskandal politik èskandal politik èstabilite politik sistèm politik pwosè politik pwosè politik vyolatè politik yo Page 463 Feuille1 political violence vyolans politik politica motives rezon politik yo Politician Politisyen politics commentators komantatè politik yo Politics Politik politics politik yo politics politik yo politics politik yo Pollution Polisyon polygonal line liy poligòn polygon circumscribed about poligòn a circle ki sikonstri yon sèk polygon circumscribed aboutpoligòn ki sikonskri polygon inscribed in a circle poligòn ki sikonskri nan yon sèk polyhedron poliyèd polynomial equation ekwasyon polinòm polynomial function fonksyon polinomyal Pond basen Pond ma pond Ma dlo Pond ma dlo Pond rezèvwa pontoon bridge chetif pontoon bridge flotan Pony tails Kwafi cheval pool Fontèn pool Gwan basen poolroom sal de biya poor devil Po dyab poor enferyè Poorly prepared san pweparasyon poor okenn poor pou okenn rezon poor pov poor pòv poor pòv poor pòv Poor pòv Poor pòv popular action aksyon popilè Popular Alliance alyans popilè Popular Christian Party pati chretyen popilè Popular Christian Party Pati Popilè Kretyen popular forces fòs popilè yo popular leader lidè popilè Popular Liberation Army lame liberasyon popilè popular mobilization mobilizasyon popilè popular mobilizations mobilizasyon popilè yo popular organizations òganizasyon popilè yo Popular Popilè popular press pwès popilè popular republic repiblik popilè Popular Revolutionary Alliance Alyans Revolisyonè Popilè Popular Revolutionary Alliance alyans revolisyon popilè Page 464 Feuille1 population population population Population porch porch porch porch Pork pork porridge porridge porridge Portable radio Portable Stereo Set Portable Stereo Set Portable Telephone portcullis portcullis porter porter portfolio of the economy portfolio of the economy portfolio of the economy portico portico portico portico port of entry port port port portrait ports Portuguese pose pose position Position positions positions positive correlation positive integer positive positive positive real numbers positive slope positive possess possessive possess possibilities for possibilities mas pèp popilasyon popilasyon Popilasyon balkon galri gran galri tonèl pou teyat kochon vyann kochon labouyi labouyi labouyi Radyo pòtatif Radyo pòtatif radyo tranzistò Telefòn Pòtatif chato fò èse potè pòtè dosye ekonomik pòtfèy ekonomik rapò ekonomik balkon galri gran galri tonèl pou teyat pò dantre pò pò pò maritime pòtre pò Pòtigè poz pòz pozisyon Pozisyon pozisyon yo pozisyon yo korelasyon pozitif nonm antye pozitif pozitif pozitif nonm reyèl pozitif pant pozitif yo pozitif genyen posesif pwosede posiblite yo pou mwayen yo Page 465 Feuille1 possibility possibility possibility possibility possibility to possible possible possible possible merger possible merger possible merger possible merger possible merger with possible merger with possible merger with possible possible possible possible possible possible possible post post postcard Post Card posted in posted in posted posterior poster post exchange post post post-office box post-office box post-office function Post Office post office post postponement postpone post post post-season competition postulate postulational system Potable Potable Potatoes Potatoes Potatoes potato mwayen posibilite posibilite posibilite posiblite a fezab fezab kafèt fizyon posib posib inyon posib melanj posib reinyon fizyon posib avèk posib inyon avèk posib melanj avèk posib posib posib posib posib posib realizab biwo biwo militè katpòs Kat postal te ensiste nan te poste nan te poste deyè pankat magazen militè kourye lèt bwat postal postal fonksyon lapòs Lapòs pòs biro ofis ranvwaman ranvwaye pòs pòs militè konpetisyon apwè sezon postila sistèm postilasyon potab pwòp patat yo pòm de tè yo Pòmdetè yo patat Page 466 Feuille1 potato potato Pot potency potential source pothole pottery ; Poukisa Poultry Poultry pound pound pounds pounds per square inch Pour into ! Poverty Poverty powder and shot powder room powder room powder store powder store powder store power power grid power grid powerhouse powerhouse powerhouse power power-of-product law power-of-quotient law power power Power power plant power plant power plant Power plants Power plant types power power Power powers power station power station power station power station power system power system practical practice practice patate pòm de tè Chodyè pwisans sous potansyèl gwo tou nan mitan wout fayans Poukisa te bèt volay Vyann liv pwa liv yo psi Vide nan ! pòvte Povwete poud e kout fe chanm fanm sal makiyaj magazen magazine revi fòs2 galri gwiyad estasyon elektrik fòs ekstansyon fòs prensipal mayèt lwa puisans pwodui lwa puisans pwodui otorite pisans pisans estasyon elektrik fòs ekstansyon fòs prensipal pisans konpayi yo pisans kalite endistri yo pouvwa pouvwa Pouvwa pouvwa yo estasyon elektrik fòs ekstansyon fòs prensipal santral elektrik sistèm defans sistèm defansiv praktikal antrenman praktike Page 467 Feuille1 practice practice range praise praise praline pray prayer prayer praying pray pray preach Preamble Preamble Precinct Precinct precious metals market precious metals precipice precise precise precision measurement prediction predicts predicts prefab preference alien preference alien preference Prehistoric prejudice Prejudice preliminary round preliminary round preliminary round premature premise prensip preoccupation preparation for preparation preparations for preparations for prepared prepared prepared prepare prepare prepare prepare prepare prerequisite prerequisite praktike ranje pwatik louanj lwanj tablèt adore lapriyè lapriyè anpriyan mande priye preche koumansman Pweanbil Biwo Polis pòs polis mache metal pwesye yo metal pwesye yo Pwesipis ekzat pratike mezi ak presizyon prediksyon pwedi pwediksyon yo mezon pwefabrike alyen pweferansyèl alyen pwiyoritè preferans Pweyistorik pwejije Pwejije match pweliminè tounwa pweliminè tou pwelimè Premati premis prensip preokipasyon preparasyon pou pweparasyon preparasyon pou preparasyon pou pre prepare prepare meteprè mete pwè prepare prepare pwepare kondisyon kondisyon avan Page 468 Feuille1 prescribe preskri prescription preskripsyon Prescription Pwèskripsyon presence ekzistans presence lavi presence prezans presence prezans presentable prezantab present and prezan e present and prezante e presentation prezantasyon presentation Prezantasyon presented te prezante present kado present kounye a present kouran present prezan present prezan present prezan present prezan present prezan present prezan present prezan present prezans present prezant present prezante present prezante present prezante present prezante presents that prezante sa preservation mentnans preservation pwezèvasyon presidency of Bosnia Herzegovina pwezidan de Bosni Èrzegovin presidency pwezidans presidency pwezidans president Bill Clinton prezidan bil klenton President Clinton pwezidan klinntonn president dirijan President Dr doktè prezidan president Dr Franjo prezidan de franjo presidential adviser konseye pwezidansyèl presidential advisor konseye pwezidansyèl presidential aims vize pwezidansyèl presidential escort eskòt pwezidansyèl presidential escort gad pwezidansyèl presidential guard gad pwezidansyèl presidential mandate manda pwezidansyèl presidential mandate manda pwezidansyèl presidential pwezidansyèl presidential race kanpay pwezidansyèl Presidential residency kay pwezidan Presidential residency rezidans pwezidans presidential spokesperson pòtpawòl pwezidansyèl Page 469 Feuille1 president of Board for planch pou le prezidan president of Board for tablo pou le prezidan president of Board planch di prezidan president of Board tablo di prezidan president of Croatian Republic prezidan Dr Franjo de la repiblik doktè franso president of Croatian Republic prezidan Dr de repiblik kwoasyen Dr president of Croatian Republic prezidan de la repiblik kwoasyen president of Croatia prezidan de kwoasi president of Federation prezidan de federasyon an president of Parliament of Republic pwezidan Croatia palman de la repiblik kwoatya president of Parliament of Republic pwezidan palman repiblik President of parliament prezidan di palman president of Presidency Bosnia-Herzegovina prezidan de prezidans Alija Izetbegovic bosnya-hèzegovina alija Izetbegovik president of Presidency Bosnia-Herzegovina prezidan de prezidans bosnya-hèzegovina president of Presidency Bosnia-Herzegovina prezidande prezidans bosnya-hèzegovina President of Presidency prezidan de la prezidans president of Presidency prezidan de prezidans president of Presidency prezidan de prezidans lan President of Republic Croatiapwezidan repiblik kwoat la president of Republic is prezidan de repiblik se President of Republic of Croatia pwezidan Repiblik kwoasi president of the congress pwezidan kongrè a president of the Croatian Republic pwezidan repiblik kwoesyen president of the legislature pwezidan lejislatif President of the Parliament Pwezidan Palman president of the republic pwezidan repiblik lan president of the society pwezidan sosyete president prezidan President prezidan president pwezidan President Pwezidan president said prezidan te di president's decision desisyon pwesidan an president's decision desizyon pwezidan an President's house kay przidan-an President's house palè pwezidan an president's politics politik pwezidan an president's politics pwezidan politik president's popularity popilarite pwezidan presidents prezidan yo presidents pwezidan yo president Tudjman prezidan tidjan press box bwat postal press charge pote plent press conference in konferans près nan press conference konferab de press press conference konferans de pres press conference konferans laprès press down peze press down peze desann press enpwimri press fotokopi press laprès Page 470 Feuille1 press machin kopi press près press release piblikasyon lapwès press room chanm edisyon press room chanm pwès press sere press sere ansanm pressure cabin kabin pwesyon pressure on pouse si pressure on presyon si pressure presyon pressure tansyon presumed irregularities prezime iregilarite yo presumptions for presanpsyon yo pou presumptions for sipozisyon yo pou pretext pretèks preventative pwevantatif preventative pweventif preventive diplomacy diplomasi pwevantif preventive pwevantatif preventive pweventif preventive steps mezi pwevantif yo preventive steps pa pwevantif yo previous ansyen previous battle areas ansyen plas batay previous battle areas pwemye pozisyon batay yo previous battle areas zòn konba yo oparavan previous fighting positions ansyen pozisyon goumen previous fighting positions pwemye pozisyon batay la previously announced acquisition anonse ki te fèt avan akizisyon previously announced acquisition anons opwealab avan akizisyon previously announced acquisition pwemye of anons akizisyon de previous military checkpointsansyen" militè" pos enspeksyon previous military checkpointsansyen militè pòs enspèksyon yo previous military outposts ansyen avan pòs militè previous military outposts ansyen avan pòs militè yo price list lis pri price per barrel pwi pa barik price per barrel pwi pa tono Price tag Etikèt Price tag etokèt pwi Pride Fyète pride lògèy priest Granprèt Priest Pè primary elections elèksyon pwimè yo primary primè primary purpose elemantè primary purpose objèktif primary purpose objèktif pwimè primary school grad lekòl primary school lekòl elemantè primary school lekòl gramè Page 471 Feuille1 primary school Primary School prime minister prime minister prime minister prime pair prime polynomial primer primer primitive principal angle principal cubic root principal diagonal Principal principal foreign currency principal foreign currency principal nth root of k principal principal principal root principal solution principal square root principal subsidiary principal subsidiary principles print print print print priority date priority prior occasions prior occasions prior occasions prior occasions priory prisipal prisipal prisipal prismatic prison camp prison camp prison camp prison camp prison camp prison camp prison cell prison cell prison cell prison cell prison cell prisoner and vanisher prisoners lekòl primè Lekòl pwimè premye minis pwemye minis sekretè deta pè premye polinòm premye detonatè enjèktè primitiv ang prensipal rasin kib prensipal dyagonal prensipal Direktè pwensipal lajan etranjè pwensipal monè etranjè enyèm rasin prensipal k prensip prensipal rasin prensipal solisyon prensipal rasin kare prensipal pwensipal sibvansyon pwensipal sipòtè pwinsip yo enpwimri fotokopi machin kopi près dat pwiyoritè pwiyorite okasyon anteryè yo okazyon avan yo okazyon pwesedant yo okazyon pweyalab yo priyorite chèf direktè prensipal prizmatik baz prizon chan entènman chan twavay kan prizon kan pwizon penitansye joupa kacho kounouk pwizon sèlil prizonye e vanichè prizonye yo Page 472 Feuille1 prisoners prizonye yo prisoners pwizonye yo prison kacho prison kaj prison kounouk prison penitansye prison prizon prison prizon prison prizon prison pwizon prisons kacho yo prisons penitansye yo prisons prizon yo prisons prizon yo privacy entimite private audience odyans pwive private audience sèk pwive private capital kapital pwive private companies konpayi pwive yo private enterprise antrepwiz pwive Private industry endistri pwive private prive private property pwopwiyete pwive private property pwopwiyete pwive private pwive private residence rezidans pwive Private School Lekòl pwive private secretary sekretarya pwive private secretary sekretè pwive private secretary sekretè pwive private sector sektè pwive private sector sèktè pwive private titles pwopryete prive yo private visit vizit pwive privatization privatizasyon privatization privatizasyon privatization pwivatizasyon privilege privilèj privilege privilèj Privilege Pwivilèj privy avan pòs privy fasilite privy lavabo privy paking privy prive privy pwive privy remiz privy sal de beny privy twalèt probability of an event pwobabilite yon evenman probability without replacement pwobabilite ak eliminasyon probability with replacement pwobabilite san eliminasyon probable pwobab Page 473 Feuille1 probably probably probably probation probation officer probation probation probes probes probes probes probes probes problem problem problem problem problem problem problems problem procedure procedure proceeding proceed procession process Proclaim Proclamation procurement procurement procurement produce produced produced produced produced produce produce Producer Producers production production production production under licence production under license productive sectors product of binomials product product Products Professional entertainer professional fund èmeman probabman pwobableman moman degzaminasyon moman ke yap swiv kondit yon ofisye peryòd obsèvasyon pwobasyon detèktè detèktè yo sond sonde sonde sond yo poblèm problèm problèm problèm pwoblèm pwoblèm problèm yo twoub prosedi prosedi demach Pouswiv kòtèj pwosesis Pwoklame Pwoklamasyon Akizisyon akò sou zafè achte Akò sou zafè avantaj donnen te fabrike te fè te kreye te prodwi pwodui Pwodui Pwodiktè pwodiktè prodiksyon prodiksyon l rekòt prodiksyon odesi lisans prodiksyon odesi lisans sektè pwodiktif yo pwodui binòm prodwi pwodui Pwodwi pwofèsyonèl blagè fon pwofesyonèl Page 474 Feuille1 professional fund Professional professional worth profession profit profit profit profit profit profit profit profusely profusely program programming program of transfer program of transfer program program program program programs progress progress progress progress progress progress progress prohibiting flights prohibition of flights projectile projection Projections project projects Proletariat promenade Prominent promised land promised land promise promise promontory promoter Promotion pronounce pronounce proof proof proofs proofs Propaganda meetings kès pwofesyonèl Pwofèsyonèl profesyonèl de valè metye avantaj avantay benefis benefis pwofi pwofi pwofi dri dri emisyon pwogramasyon pwogram pou transfere transfè pwogram program program pwogram pwogram program yo avansman avansman developman pwogrè pwogrè pwogrese vansman vol entèdi yo entèdiksyon vòl yo pwojèktil pwojeksyon pwojèksyon yo projè projè yo Pwoletè promenad Enpòtan la tè pwomi Tè pwomiz Pomès pwomès Pwomotwa animatè Pwomosyon prononse prononse prèv pwèv evidans prèv to pwopagand rankont yo Page 475 Feuille1 Propaganda pwopagan Propellers elis yo proper conic konik regilye proper set ansanm senp properties bon properties byen properties preserved pwopriyete konsève properties propriete yo Property Byen property of density pwopriyete dansite property of fraction pwopriyete fraksyon property of operation pwopriyete operasyon property propriyete property prorpriyete property pwopriyete property pwopwiyete Property Pwopwiyete Property Pwopwiyete Property Tè proportional line segment segman pwopòsyonèl proportionally amonyezman proportionally an akò proportionally an gandisman proportionally pa moso proportional pwopòsyonèl proportion by alternation pwopòsyon pa altènans proportion by inversion pwopòsyon pa envèsyon proportion by subtraction pwopòsyon pa soustraksyon proposal about propozisyon apropo de proposal about propozisyon osijè de proposal about sijesyon apropo de proposal about sijesyon osijè de proposal of statute about pwopozisyon lwa apwopo de proposal of statute propozisyon de lwa proposal propozisyon proposal propozisyon proposal sijeksyon proposed constitutional reform pwopozisyon refòm konstitisyonèl proposition pwopozisyon propriete byen propriete pwopriyetè prosecute pèsekite prosecute pouswiv Prosecution Pwosekisyon prosecutor komisè Prosperous Pwospè prostitute awona protect citizens pwoteje sitwayen protection of the environmentpwotèksyon anvirònman protection of the environmentpwoteksyon anviwònman Protection poteksyon protection proteksyon Protection Pwoteksyon Page 476 Feuille1 protection pwotèksyon protective embankment eskapman protective embankment konsèvasyon sòl protective embankment ranp Protective footwear soulye pwotèksyon Protective suits jilèt pwoteksyon yo protect our citizens pwoteje parèy nou protect our citizens pwoteje sitwayen nou protect our forces pwoteje fòs nou protect pwoteje protect your families pwoteje fanmi ou yo Protestant Pòtestan Protestant Pwotestan protest manifestasyon protest pwoteste Protest Pwoteste protest pwotèste protocol pwotokòl prototype pwototip prototype pwototip Protractor Rapòtè prove epwouve Proverbs Pwovèb yo provide bay province pwovens Province Pwovens provisional state eta pwovizwa provisional state eta tanporè provisional state pwovizyon nasyonal provisional statute on autonomy estati pwovizwa sou otonomi provision pwovizyon provisions pwovizyon yo provoking pwovokatè prune debranche psalm sòm psi psi Psychological operations operasyon sikolojik yo psychological pressure pwesyon sikolojik psychologist Sikològ pub bistro pub kay piblik pub kay piblik public act ak piblik public act zak piblik public address system sistem adrès piblik Public Administrator Administratè piblik public building mezon piblik public building refètwa public debate deba piblik Public Debt Dèt piblik public demonstration demonstrasyon piblik public duties devwa piblik yo public education edikasyon piblik Page 477 Feuille1 public expenses public finance public firms public firms public house public house public house public house public house public lavatory public lavatory public lavatory public lavatory public lavatory public life public moral public notary public offices public officials public public public public public Public School Public School public sector public servants publics public square public square public square public television public toilet public toilet public toilet public toilet public toilet public transit public transportation public works published survey pub pub pub pub puddle Puerto Rican separatist Puerto Rican separatist Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Puerto Rico pull depans piblik yo finans piblik antrepriz piblik yo kay piblik yo bistro kay piblik salon tavèn toune estasyon konfò konvenyans sal lesiv twalèt piblik vèstyè vi piblik moral piblik notè publik biwo piblik yo piblik ofisyèl piblik piblik piblik piblik piblik Lekòl leta lekòl piblik sektè piblik travayè piblik yo piblik yo kare piblik kote moun reyini plas piblik televizyon piblik estasyon konfò konvenyans sal lesiv twalèt piblik vèstyè transpò piblik transpòtasyon piblik travo piblik yo etid pibliye retoran boutik salon tavèn toune Ma dlo separatis pòtoriken separatis pòto-riken pòtoriko Pòtoriko Pòtoriko rale Page 478 Feuille1 pull rale pull tire pull trennen pump house ponp domestik pumping station estasyon ponpaj pumpkin joumou pumpkin joumou punil ekolye punil elèv punil timoun lekòl punish bay pinisyon punishment chatiman punishment pinisyon Punishment Pinisyon punishments pinisyon punish pini Punjabi Pendjab pupil elèv puppy tichyen pup tent chyo purchase achte purchase achte purchase metelajan deyò purchase pwokire pure imaginary number nonm imaginè pi pure quadratic equation ekwasyon kwadratik enkonplè Purifying Pirifye purple mov Purple Violet purpose bi purpose bi purpose objèktif purse bous purse valiz pursuant to selon dapwè push fè efò push fèjefò push pouse push pouse Push Pouse Pushtu-Afghan Pushtu-Afgan Pusic pisik put depoze Put down your weapons depoze zam ou Put down your weapons mete zam ou atè puting together asanblaj put it at the head of the bed mete l nan tèt kabann lan put it somewhere where the ground mete l yon is level kote k plat nèt put mèt put mèt put mete put mete Put! Mete Page 479 Feuille1 put on fòs put on fòse a put on mèt put on mete a put plase put that hat on your head to protect met chapo you sa from a nan the sun tèt ou pou solèy la put the gun in the in its holster mete revolvè a nan pòch li put the hand gun in its holstermete revolvè a nan pòch li Put your arms down bese bwa w Put your arms down desann bwa ou Put your hands up mete men ou anlè Put your weapon down. Mete zam ou atè! pwefas Biwo Polis pwefas pòs polis pye talon pye pylon pilòn pyramidal surface sifas piramidal pyramid piramid pyramid piramid Pyramid Piramid pyramid surface sifas piramid pyrotechnics piwoteknik Pythagorean identity idantite pitagorik Pythagorean triplet nonm pitagorik Qatar Kata quack chalatan quack eksplwatè quack visye quack volè quad kwadwilatè quad kwadwiplè quadrangle kwadrilatè quadrangle kwadwilatè quadrangle kwadwiplè quadratic formula fòmil kwadratik quadratic function fonksyon kwadratik quadratic inequality inekwasyon kwadratik quadratic-linear equation system sistèm ekwasyon lineyè kwadratik Quadrille Kadriy Quadrupeds Bèt kat pat Quadrupeds kwadripèd Quadruple an kat Quadruple Kat tan quagmire Ma labou quake brannen quake sekwe quake soukwe quake tranble qualification for kalifikasyon pou qualification kalifikasyon Qualified kalifye quality kalite Quality kalite Page 480 Feuille1 Quality quality quality quantifier quantity quantity quantity Quantity quantity Quantity quarrel quarrel quarrel quarrel quarrel quarrel quarry quarry quarry quarter final quarter final quarter Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Quarter note quarter quarter quarters quarters quarter-turn quasiquasiquasi state quasi state quaver quaver quaver quay queen queen Queen Queen querrel querrel querrel questionable questionable questioned question question question question Kalite karakteristik tip kantifikatif abondans kantite kantite kantite tout valè deblozay deblozay dispit eskonbrit Eskonbrit lòbèy ekstrè karyè pwa (bèt chase) ka de final sezon final ka chak trimès pa peryòd semèstriyèl Kwochè peryòd sezon ka yo mwatye yo ka tou kasi pwèske kasi eta pwèske eta brannen soukwe tranble kè enprès rèn rèn Rèn dispit kont mezanteant kesyonab ki merite kesyone te kesyone entèwogasyon keksyon keksyon keksyon Page 481 Feuille1 question keksyon question kesyon question kesyon question kesyon question kesyon question Kesyon question kèsyon Question mark Pwen entèwogasyon question on the screens kesyon sou ekran yo Questions about direct knowledge kesyon of konsèsans a land minesou sitedirèksyon kote tèren pyeje a ye Questions about direct knowledge kesyon of konsèsans a landminesou sitedirèksyon kote tèren pyeje a ye Questions about direct knowledge kesyon of sou a land konesans mine site egzat sou plas kote min eksplozif ye Questions about direct knowledge kesyon of sou a landmine konesans site egzat sou plas kote min eksplozif ye Questions about the mass graves kesyon osije fòs mò yo Questions about the mass graves kesyon sou fòs komin yo Questions about the mass graves konsènan fòs komin yo questions and kesyons yo e questions kèssyon yo questions kesyon yo questions Kesyon yo question (to) kesyon queue ke queue tche quick byen vit quickly pwese Quickly Rapidman quick pwonp quick rapid quick rapid quick rapid quick vit vit quick quick vit quiet dou quiet dousman quiet kalm Quietly dousman Quietly Trankilman quiet poze quiet poze quiet trankil quiet trankil quit abandonnen quite revoke quit kite quit lagesa quoin kwen quoin kwen pa deyò kay quota moso quota yon pati quote bay ekzanp yo quote baypri quote nonmen Page 482 Feuille1 quote quote quote quotes quotes quote quote quote quote quotes quotes that is quotes that is rabbit rabbit rabbits rabies rabies Race car racecourse racecourse racecourse racecourse racecourse racecourse racecourse racecourse Race race Race race race race Race racetrack racetrack racetrack racetrack racetrack racetrack racetrack racetrack raceway raceway raceway raceway raceway raceway raceway raceway Racial racing circuit racing circuit racing circuit pou bay ekzanp yo pou site pou site declare enonse site site site site site site sa yo site sa yo lapen lapenn lapen yo laraj laraj Machin kous chan de kous chan de kous ipodwòm chan de kous kous pakou sikwi tou toune eleksyon fanmi kous nasyon ras ras Ras chan de kous chan de kous ipodwòm chan de kous kous pakou sikwi tou toune chan de kous chan de kous ipodwòm chan de kous kous pakou sikwi tou toune Rasyal chan de kous chan de kous ipodwòm chan de kous Page 483 Feuille1 racing circuit kous racing circuit pakou racing circuit sikwi racing circuit tou racing circuit toune Racism Rasis Racist Rasis Radar rada Radar technician teknisyen rada Radar test equipment ekipman pou tèste rada Radar types modèl rada yo Radar use itilize rada radian radyan radiator grill chofaj radiator grille chofaj radiator grille gri radiator grille radyatè radiator grill gri radiator grill radyatè radical and socialist representatives repwezantatif sosyalis e radikal yo radical changes chanjman radikal yo radical civil union inyon sivil radikal radical civil union inyon sivil radikal radical equation ekwasyon radikal radical form fòm radikal Radicalism Radikalis radical left radikal agòch radical left radikal gòch radical party pati radikal radical radikal radical sign siy radikal radicand radikann Radioactive Radyoaktif radio ansyen mòd radio beacon radyo fa radio broadcast radyo difizyon radio link radyo Radiometer radyo kontròl radio network chèn radyo radio network rezo radyo Radio operator operatè radyo radio pa alamòd radio radyo radio radyo radio radyo radio radyo Radio radyo Radio Radyo radio station estasyon radyo radio tower emètè radyo Radio wire radyo telegram radius of a sphere reyon yon esfè rafter chevwon Page 484 Feuille1 rafters rafter rage rage rage rage rage raid rail rail rail fence rail fence railhead railing railing rail rail Rail railroad bed railroad bed Railroad crossing Railroad railroad station railroad station railroad station railroad station railroad station Railroad tankers railroad terminal railroad terminal railroad terminal railroad terminal railroad terminal railroad tracks railroad tracks railway railway railway railway railway station railway station railway station railway station railway station raincoat Rainfall rain rain forest rainforest rain forest rainforest rain rain fetay soliv kolè kòlè kòlè kòlè movesan atak baro eskalye deraye ray defans baro ranp ranp ranp ray chemen de fè kabann anfè Trafik tren Ray chemen de fè depo tren estasyon chemen de fè estasyon tren pakin tren tren gaz yo chemen de fè depo tren estasyon chemen de fè estasyon tren pakin tren ray tren wout tren chemen fè ray ray ray tren chemen de fè depo tren estasyon chemen de fè estasyon tren pakin tren padesi Lapli farinay forè plivye forè plivye forè twopikal forè twopikal lapli lapli Page 485 Feuille1 rain lapli Rain lapli Rain Lapli rain tilapli Rain water Dlo lapli Rainy season Sezon lapli Raise your hand when I say it. Leve men w lè m di sa rake rato Rake Rato Rally gwoupman Rally Rali Rally rasanbleman rampart fèmti rampart kloti rampart ranpa Ramps ranp yo ranch kouse mezon pwensipal random arrangement aranjman o aza random event envenman o aza random o aza random process pwosesis o aza random selection seleksyon o aza Range Kolòn range of mountains Kolòn montay yo range ran range ranje Ranger gad patwouy rank klasman rank ran ransack devalize ransack (to) kraze raped kadejak rape koupe sanpèmisyon rape vyòl rape vyole rapid action force fòs aksyon rapid rapidity rapidite rapidity vitès rapid pwonp rapid rapid rapids Kouran dlo rapid vit rapier rapyè rap sheet dosye kriminèl rascal vèmin rate of depreciation to depresiyasyon rate of participation kantite patisipasyon rate of participation nivo de patisipasyon rate of participation nivo patisipasyon rate of participation to de patisipasyon rather pito rational expression espresyon rasyonèl rational fraction fraksyon rasyonèl Page 486 Feuille1 rational index endèks rasyonèl rationalization rasyonalizasyon rationalize denominator mete denominatè sou fòm rasyonèl rationalize mete sou fòm rasyonèl rationalizing denominator of fraction rann denominatè fraksyon rasyonèl rationalizing factor faktè ki rann rasyonèl rational rasyonèl rational root rasin rasyonèl ratio of division rapò divisyon ratio of equality rapò egalite ratio of greater inequality rapò pi gran inegalite ratio of less inequality rapò pi piti inegalite ratio of similitude rapò similtid ratio scale echèl rapò Ratka ratka Ratko Mladic Ratko mladik rat rat Rattle Tchatcha ti bebe ravaged ravaje ravage kasekay ravage piye ravage ravaj ravage ravaj ravage ravaje ravages ravaj ravenous voras ravine Ravin ravish dappiyan raw data done brit Raw material Matyè bwit raw materials materyèl bwit yo raw materials materyo yo raw rum kleren Razor Razwa Razor wire razwa elèktrik RDNP Asanble Nasyonal pou Demokrasi Popilè RDNP Assembly of National Democrats reached destinasayon reached destinasyon reached te atend reached te aten-n reached te rive reached te rive Reach Kontre Reach Touche reactions on reyaksyon yo sou reactions reaksyon yo reader lektè read etidye read fèlekti readiness anprèsman READINESS PWEPARASYON Reading Lekti Page 487 Feuille1 reading lèkti Reading lèkti Reading Lèkti Reading Li reading room sal detid read li read li Read Li read the label on the bottle for li etikèt me ki sou boutèy la pou mwen ready dispoze Ready pare ready pre ready prè ready prepare ready prepare ready pwè Ready pwèt ready to fire prè pou tire real aktyèl pwezan real asire real conjonkti real density dansite reyèl real domain domèn reyèl real estate byen Real estate byen Real estate eta nòmal real estate posesyon real estate pwopwiyete Real estate pwopwiyete Real Estate tax Enpolokatif real exponent espozan reyèl realization aplikasyton realization of agreement realizasyon akò realization of agreement realizasyon antant realization of an agreement about realizasyon apropo de akò a realization of an agreement about realizasyon osijè de akò a realization of peace agreement reyalizasyon akò de pè realization realizasyon realization realizasyon realization reyalizasyon really rèlman really rèlman real moman real number axis aks nonm reyèl real part pati reyèl real problems vwè pwoblèm yo real realite real reyèl real sèten real si real square root rasin kare reyèl real Veritab rear part pati aryè Page 488 Feuille1 rearrangement Rearview mirror reasonable reasoning reasoning reasoning reasoning reason reason reason reason reasons rebel forces rebel groups rebel leader rebel leader rebellion Rebellion rebellious combatants rebellious leader Rebel rebels rebels rebuff rebuilt rebuttal receive received received received received receive receive receive receives receives reception reception room recess recidivist recipient reciprocal identity reciprocal logarithmic curve reciprocal reciprocal ratio reciprocal relation reciprocal recite recognition recognized recognized recognized recognized rearanjman Retwovizè abòdab rezonman rezonman rezònman rezònman kòz larezon rezon rezon rezon yo fòs rebèl yo gwoup rebèl yo chèf rebèl rebèl antèt rebelyon Rebelyon konba rebelyon yo lidè ki an rebèl Rebèl rebèl rebèl yo kwape regaye replike asepte te jwenn te jwenn te resevwa te resevwa jwenn resevwa resevwa jwenn resevwa resepsyon sal resepsyon Yon ti kanpo residivis kliyan idantite resipwòk koub logaritmik resipwòk mityèl rapò resipwòk relasyon resipwòk resipwòk resite rekonèsans admèt idantifye rekonèt te rekonèt Page 489 Feuille1 recognized te rekonète recognize rekonèt Recognize Rekonèt recoilless cannon kanon de rekilman recoilless cannon kanon destriktè recommendation mannigèt recommendation rekomandasyon recommendation rekòmandasyon recommendation rekòmandasyon recommend rekòmande recompense rekonpanse reconcile rekonsilye Reconnaissance rekonèsans Reconnaissance units inite de rekonèsans yo reconstructed te rekonstitiye reconstruction and development rekonstriksyon e developman reconstruction and during rekonstriksyon e diran reconstruction of Bosnia-Herzegovina rekonstriksyon de bosnya-Hèzegovina reconstruction rekonstriksyon record anrejistre recorded incidents ensidan anrejistre yo recorded incidents ensidan ki anrejistre recorded speech diskou anrejistre recorded te anrejistre record plak Record Plak record player aparèy record rikòd records dosye recover ale mye recovered refè Recreation distraksyon Recreation Divètisman Recreation rekreyasyon recreation room sal rekweasyon recreation room sal rekweasyon rec room sal rekweasyon rec room sal rekweasyon recruited? èksplike ak jès sak te pase moun yo ki te refize anwole? RECRUITING PHASE faz rekritman rectangle rèktang Rectangle Rèktang rectangular coordinate system sistèm koòdone rektangilè rectangular hyperbola ipèbòl rektangilè rectangular parallelepiped paralelepipèd rectangular rektangilè rectilinear asymptote asentòt rektilineyè rectilinear rektilineyè rectory pèsonaj rectory pwesbitè rectory repètwa recurring decimal devlopman desimal peryodik recurring period peryòd ki repete Page 490 Feuille1 Red army lame woug Red Cross and Red kwa roug e roug Red Cross in lakwa rouj an Red Cross kwa roug Red Cross kwa roug Red Cross Lakwa wouj Red Cross Lakwa Wouj red-handed men nan sak Red light Limyè wouj redo refè red pepper piman red roug red roug red rouj Red Rouj Red Sea Lamè wouj reduced equation ekwasyon redui reduced form fòm redui reduce mininye reduce redwi reduce redwi reduce wete reducibility rediktibilite reducible equation ekwasyon rediktib reducible fraction fraksyon rediktib reducible polynomial polinòm rediktib reducible rediktib red wine diven rouj red wouj red wouj Red Wouj reef Resif reel bobin reference classification klasifikasyon pwiyoritè refer on rapòte si refer on refere refers to an rapò a refers to an relasyon a refers to dapwè refers to fè referans refer to fè referans a refer to refere a reflection on a line refleksyon sou yon liy reflection refleksyon reflection refleksyon Reflection Refleksyon reflexive postulate postila refleksif reflexive property of congruence pwopriyete refleksif kongriyans reflexive property of equality pwopriyete refleksif egalite reflexive property pwopriyete refleksif reflexive refleksif reflexivity refleksivite reforestation rebwazman Page 491 Feuille1 Reforestation reformatory reformatory reform Reform reform reform reform school reform school refrigeration Refrigeration refrigerator refrigerator refrigerator Refrigerator Refrigerator Refrigerator Refueler Refueling refuge refugee camp refugee from refugee on refugee refugee refugee Refugee refugees and exiles refugees refugees in refugees in refugees refugees refugees refugees refuge refuge refund refund refuse refuse refuse refuse refuse to answer regarding that regarding that regard regard regard Regiment regime Regime regime Rebwazman ekòl refòm refòmatè refè Refòm refòme refòmen ekòl refòm refòmatè refrijerasyon refwijerasyon chanm fwad frijidè fwijidè Fwijidè Fwijidè refrigerator replen refè gaz azil kan refigye refijye sòti de refigye si refijiye refijye refijye Refijye refije e egzile yo fijitif yo refije nan refijye nan refijye refijye refijye yo refijye yo refij sanktyè remèt retounen derefize refize refize repouse refize reponn an palan de sa de sa sou sa konsiderasyon rega rèspè rejiman rejim Rejim sistèm Page 492 Feuille1 regional court of Berlin regional court regional regional regional union region of Banjaluka region of Banjaluka region of Banjaluka region of Croatian Republic region of east region of east Slavonia region of Republic region of Sarajevo region region region region region region Region regions from regions region region region Registered Registered register register registrastion number registrastion number registration registration card registration card registration card registration document registration regret regret regrouping regular dodecahedron regular icosahedron regular loan regular loan regularly regular polygon regular polyhedron regular prism Regulate Regulate regulation regulation rehabilitate tribinal regyonal bèlen tribinal rejyonal rejyonal rejyonal inyon rejyonal regyon de banjalouka rejyon Banjalouk zòn Banjalouk regyon de repiblik kreasyon regyon d ès regyon ès di slavonya regyon de repiblik regyon di sarajevo rejyon rejyon rejyon rejyon rejyon rejyon Rejyon regyon de regyon yo tèritwa zòn zòn anrejistre Rekòmande enskri Enskri nimewo alyenn kat nimewo rejistrasyon anrejistre kat anrejistrasyon kat arejistreman kat didantite Rejistrasyon dokiman enskripsyon genremò regrete remanbreman dodekayèd regilye ikosayèd regilye anpwen regilye kredi regilye regilyèman poligòn regilye poliyèd regilye pris regilye Regilarize Regle regleman règleman reyabilite Page 493 Feuille1 Reign of terror Epòk laterè Reinforcing rod Ba fè reintegration Eastern Slavonia reentegrasyon and Baranja nan lès Sloveni ak Barandja reintegration of east and westreyentegrasyon Slavonia ès e wès slavoni reintegration of east reentegrasyon de lès reintegration of east Slavoniareentegrasyon de lès slavonia reintegration reyentegrasyon reject rejete reject root rasin rejete rejoice fèfèt rejoice fete rejoice rejwi related affairs zafè ki gen relasyon yo related statement pwopozisyon ki gen rapò ak related to rapòte a related to relate a related to sipòte a related to te relasyon a relates to an rapò a relates to an relasyon a relates to dapwè relates to fè referans relating to work relatif a travay relation between relasyon antre de relation between relasyon pami relation koneksyon relation kontak relation of equivalence relasyon ekivalans relation of identity relasyon idantite relation relasyon relation relasyon relation relasyon relations between relasyon ki ant relations between relasyon yo ki ant relationship relasyon relationships zanmitay relations relasyon relations relasyon yo relations with erlasyon avèk relations with public ralasyon avèk piblik yo relations zanmitay yo relation with relasyon avèk relation with zanmitay avèk relation zanmitay relatives and friends relatif e kanmarad yo relatives and friends relatif e zanmi yo relatives and relatif e relatives fanmi Relatives Paran relatives ras relativity relativite relax apeze relax detann Page 494 Feuille1 relax relax please relax please relax please relax please release release release release release release release under bond release under bond relief from deportation relief from deportation religion religion religion religion Religion Religion Religion religious holiday religious leaders religious leaders religious residence religious residence religious residence Religious School Religious School relinquish remainder remainder remaining remaining economists remaining line remaining remaining side remain remarked remarking that Remarry remedy remedy remedy remedy remedy remedy remedy remember remember remember remember kalmen mete w alèz silvouplè rilax tanpri mete ou alèz tanpri rete kalm lage liberasyon liberasyon yo libere otorizasyon pibliye lage sou kosyon libere sou kosyon gen chans pou pa depòte soulajman pou pa depòte doktrin kil relijyon relijyon relijyon relijyon Relijyon vakans religye antèt relijye yo chèf relijye yo gwandi kwat rezidans relijye lekòl kongreganis Lekòl relijye renonse rès restan ap rete ekonomis ki rete yo liy ki rete a sak rete kote ki rete a rete te remake remake sa Remarye remèd remèd remèd remèd renmèd swen swenyaj chonje raple sonje sonje Page 495 Feuille1 remember to mark down everything pa bliyeyou chak sellbagay as you ougo vann along make l kote ou vann li Remember what promises were Sonje made. ki pwomès We willkihave te fè. you Nou tellpou an interpreter nou pale yon later. entèpwèt pita. Remember what was said exactly. Sonje We sak will te dihave ekzakteman. you tell anNou interpreter pou noulater. pale yon entèpwèt pita reminded of te rapele de reminded te sonje reminded that is te rapele sa reminded that is te rapèl sa reminding rapele reminding sonje remorse remò remorse remò remote interior angle ang enteryè elwaye removal retire removal wete removed at government expense retire sou fwè gouvènman removed deplase remove demenaje remove deplase removed retire remove leve remove parenthesis wete parantèz renewal Dr Jure rayabònmnan Direktè jire renewal Dr Jure renouvèlman Direktè jire renewal restorasyon renewals rekiperasyon renewals renesans renewals renouvèlman renewals renouvo renewals renovasyon renewals repwiz renewals rèstorasyon yo rent anfèmen rent kontra rent loue rent lwaye rent lwe rent lwe rent lye rent vyati lokasyon repaired fikse repaired pyese repaired rakomode repaired ranje repaired repare repair pyese repair ranje repair repare Repair repare repair shed hanga repair shed tonnèl repair shop boutik reparasyon repair shop residence rezidans repayment repeye Page 496 Feuille1 repeat di ankò repeated root rasin repete repeated te repete repeated te repete repeated trials esè repete Repeat it! Repete l! repeat redi repeat repete repent repanti Repertory Repètwa repetend peryòd repetend peryòd yon fraksyon peryodik replacement ranplasman replacement ranplasman replacement set domèn Replace ranplase Replace replase report about rapò apropo de report about rapò osijè de reported about te repò osijè de reported about te repòte apropo de reported te rapòte reported te rapòte reported that anonse sa reported that rapòte sa Reporter repòtè report konsta report nouvèl report plente report rapo report rapò report rapò report rapò report rapò report rapòte repository depo repository depozitè representation reprezantasyon representation repwezantasyon representative branch branch prezantatif representative branch Branch repwezantativ representative branch of Croatian brans reprezantatif de krosyan representative branch of Croatian bransParliament paleman reprezantati de kroesyan representative branch of Parliament branch reprezantatif paleman representative branch of Parliament branch repwezantativ nan Palman representative delege representative depite Representative Government Gouvènman repwezantatif representative in reprezantatif an representative represantatif representative reprezantatif representative reprezantatif representative reprezantativ Page 497 Feuille1 representative repwesantatif representative Repwezantan Representative Repwezantan representative repwezantatif Representative Repwezantif representatives are reprezantatif yo representatives depite yo representatives reprezantatif yo representatives reprezantatif yo represent represante represent reprezante represents repwezante repression represyon repression represyon Repression Repwesyon reprieve fè gras reprieve padone reproach repwoch reproach repwòch reproach repwòch reproach repwòch reproach repwoche reproach repwòche Republican administration administraksyon repibliken republican army lame repibliken republican candidate kandida repibliken Republic and Federation Bosnia repiblik andeHerzegovina federasyon bosni e hezègovini republic and federation repiblik ak federasyon Republican minority minorite repibliken Republican Party pati repibliken republican Senator senatè repibliken republican senators sektè repibliken yo republic border fontiè repiblik la republic border fontyè repiblik Republic Croatia repiblik kroasi republic is repiblik se Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Repiblik boznya e èzegovin Republic of Bosnia and Repiblik bosni e Republic of Bosnia Repiblik bozni Republic of Croatia and Republic Repiblik kwoasi e repiblik Republic of Croatia for repiblik de kroetya pou Republic of Croatia repiblik de Kwoasi Republic of Croatia that repiblik de kwoasi sa Republic of Haiti Repiblik Dayiti Republic of Yugoslavia National ansyen Armylame nasyonal repiblik yougoslasvi (JNA) Republic of Yugoslavia National lame Army nasyonal repiblik Yougoslavi republic repiblik republic repiblik Republic Repiblik Republic Repiblik repulsive repousan reputation renonmen reputation repitasyon Page 498 Feuille1 reputed reputed request require rescission rescue efforts rescue efforts rescue efforts rescue mission rescue mission rescuer Resentment Resentment Resentment Reservation reserve forces reserve forces reserve reserve reserve Reserves reservoir Reservoir Reservoir reside residence hall residence hall residence hall residence residence residence residence residency Resident resident alien resident alien Resident Resident residential zones residential zones resident Resident resident resident Resident Resident reside resignation resign resign resign resign onself resistance repite trè koni demann bezwen anilasyon efò sekou jefò pou pote sekou jefò pou sove misyon de sekou misyon sekou Sovè dan Rankin resantiman Rezèvasyon fòs de rezèv fòs rezèv rezeve rezève rezève resèv yo Rezèvwa rezèvwa Rezèvwa abite dòtwa pou etidyan gran chanm a kouche kote etidyan dòmi kay rezidans rezidans sejou kay pwive abitan alyen ki rezide rezidan legal domisilye Domisilye zòn rezidansyèl yo zòn rezidansyèl yo inabitan Natif natal pèsòn abitan rezidan rezidan rezidan viv rezignasyon bay demisyon demisyonnen kite reziyen rezistans Page 499 Feuille1 Resistance resolutely resolutely resolutely resolutely resolution resolution resolution resolution resolution resolutions resort hotel resort hotel resort hotel resources respect and respect respected Respect for law respective earnings respective earnings respective earnings respectively respect respect respect respect respect respect respect respect respect respect responded that respondent responsablite responsablite response response Response time Responsibilities responsibility Responsibility responsibility responsibillity responsible relative responsible responsible restaurant restaurant restaurant restaurant Restaurant Rezistans desizivman enèjikman rezolisyon Rezonman fikse rezolisyon rezolisyon rezolisyon rezoud rezolisyon yo estasyon otèl de detante tèmal resous yo respè e bay respè respekte Respè pou lalwa benefis rèspèktif gen rèspèktif salè rèspèktif respektivman onè respe respè respè respè respè respè respè respè respè te reponn sa defann devwa resposablite repons reyaksyon lè repons Responsablite responabilite Responsablite rèsponsablite reskonsablite fanmi rèsponsab rèskonsab rèsponsab restoran restoran restoran restoran Rèstoran Page 500 Feuille1 restaurant restaurant Restaurant worker rest rest home rest home rest home restorations restorations restorations restorations restorations restorations restorations restore Dr Jure Radic restore restore restore rest rest rest rest rest rest restricted action restricted areas restricted areas restricted areas restricted domain rest room rest room rest room rest room rest room rest rest resultant resulting equation result result results results of election results of results of results of the meeting results results results Resupply plans Re-supply Re-supply Re-supply retail retrete sal manje travayè rèstoran detant fwaye klinik twalèt rekiperasyon renesans renouvèlman renouvo renovasyon repwiz rèstorasyon yo restore doktè jire radik remèt repare restore pòz prann vakans repo res rès rèste aksyon intèdi andwa ki te entèdi yo kote ki te entèdi yo zòn ki te entèdi yo domèn restren estasyon konfò konvenyans sal lesiv twalèt piblik vèstyè tipòz vakans reziltan ekwasyon jwenn rezilta rezilta konsekans rezilta elèksyon rezilta de rezilta de rezilta reynyon an rezilta rezilta yo rezilta yo plan de ravitayman yo rafwechi rechaje refouni andetay Page 501 Feuille1 Retails retail store retail store retail store Retail trade retained retained Retaliatory Retaliatory Retaliatory retrace retrace retrace retreat retreat retreat retreat retreat retreat retreat retreat retreat returned exiles returned in returned returnee returnee returning return of exiles return of exiles return return return return return return return return return return return return return return return return return return return return return ticket Reuter revelation An detay gwo magazen magazen ki vann an detay magazen likidasyon vant an detay kenbe pran kontrekou renmèt kou Repwezay filozof filozòf retrase restoran restoran retire retrè retrèt retrèt retrèt retrete sal manje te retounen an ekzil te retounen an te retounen rekonpans remèt retounen retounen an ekzil yo retounen de ekzil yo remèt renmèt retou retou retounan retounan retounan retounan retoune retoune retounen retounen retounen retounen retounen retounen retounen retounen retounen retounnen tikè pou tounen jounalis revelasyon Page 502 Feuille1 revelation revelasyon Reverend Pastè Reverend reveran reverse envès reverse factoring technique revè teknik dekonpozisyon an faktè reverse kontrè reverse opoze reverse order òd envès Reverse osmosis processingrezèv unit dalimantasyon Reverse osmosis processingrezèv unit de distribisyon reverse the process ranvèse pwosesis la reversibility revèsibilite reversible process pwosesis revèsib reversible relation relasyon revèsib reversible revèsib reversible transformation transfòmasyon revèsib Review repase review revi Review revize Review rewoule review somè revise korije revise revize revision koreksyon revision revizyon revival repriz revivals rekiperasyon revivals renesans revivals renouvèlman revivals renouvo revivals renovasyon revivals repwiz revivals rèstorasyon yo revoke (to) revoke revolt revolte revolt revòlte revolutionary tribunal tribinal revolisyonè reward rekonpanse rhombohedron ronboyèd rhomboid ronboyid Rhythm Rit rice diri rice diri Rice diri Rice Diri Rice Diri rich afè bon rich byennere rich in rich an Richness Richès rich opilan rich rich rich rich Page 503 Feuille1 rich rich rich rich Richter Scale echèl Richter Richter Scale mezi richter ride woulib ridge Krèt ridge piyon ridge somè ridge tèt rifle fizi rifle fizi Rifle Fizi rifle fouye rifle grenade fizi a grenad rifle Karabin Rifle or pistol shooting training tir dantrènman ak revòlvè rifle rafal rifles rafal yo right adwat Right Adwat Right Adwat right after dwat aprè right ankle cheviy dwat right away lapoula right bon right byen right circular cone kòn sikilè dwa right circular cylinder silenn sikilè Right curves kivèt tou dwat Right curves kiv tou dwat Right curves Wout la ap chankre a dwat Right dirèk right dwa Right Dwa right dwat right dwat right dwat Right dwat Right egzat right-hand cancellation law lwa anilasyon sou bò dwat right jis right leg janm dwat right parallelepiped paralelepipèd dwa right prism pris dwa right pyramid piramid dwa right rezon Rights Dwa rights dwa yo right to dwa pou right to dwat pou right wing zèl dwat Rijeci Rijesi Rijeka rijeka Page 504 Feuille1 rill rink Ripen rise riser riser riser riser riser Ritual river bed riverbed river bed riverbed river bottom river River operation river river river river river River River River rivers rivulet road block road block road block road block Road blocks Road blocks road road road road road road road road road road road roadway roadway road road road road Road robbery robe Rigòl patinwa Mi leve leve bonè leve douvanjou leve granmaten leve optijou leve trèto Rityèl Fondman flèv Fondman flèv Fondman rivyè Fondman rivyè Fondman rivyè larivyè rivyè operasyon rivye rivyè rivyè rivyè Rivyè Rivyè Rivyè Rivyè rivyè yo Ti rivyè barikad blokaj ranpa sènaj wout adòken wout betone chemen chemen chemen ckemen gran chimen joune karetèl lari rout rout rwout chose wout wout wout wout wout wout vole rad Page 505 Feuille1 robe rob robot bomb robot bomb rob rob rob Rock barrier Rocket rocket rocket rocket launcher Rocket launcher rocket launcher rocket launcher rocket launcher rocket rocket-propelled grenade rocket range rocket rocket Rockets guidance Rockets warning Rockets Rocket Rocket rocket Rocking chair Rock rocks rock Rocky rod rod role role Roleplay Roleplay role role roles role Role Roller skates Rollers Roller roll up Roman Catholic Romanian Romanian Rome Rome roof ròb kasekay bonm otomatik ve1 piye ralebous vòlò baryè an wòch Fize fuze lance a fize lansè Lansè grenad lans fize lans misil lans wòkèt misil rokèt lans grenad lansman de misile roket ròkèt wòkèt gid yo wòkèt davètisman yo wòkèt yo wòkèt wòkèt wokèt aeryen Dodin Ròch wòch yo wòch ròch bagèt baton pa pati Jwe wòl wòl jwe ròl ròl wòl yo wòl Wòl Paten Woulo Woulo twouse Katolik Romèn Romanyen Roumanyen ròm Wòm dokay Page 506 Feuille1 Roofing Roofing Roofing roof roof Rook Rook Rook Rook Rook room room room roomette rooming house rooming house room room rooms rooms rooms roomy roost root cellar root cellar root cellar rooted root locus root of a quadratic system root of equation root Roots Roots root test rope bridge rope rosary rose rose rotational symmetry rotational rotation axis rotation rotunda rotunda rough up round bracket rounded number rounding error round round of elections round-off round top do kay tèt kay twati tètkay twa fè wonn refè toune Tour woule chanm chanm chanmb piti wagon lojman lwayaj pyèskay sal chanm chanm yo chanm yo laj jouk kav simerye tonbo anrasinen lye rasin rasin yon ekwasyon kwadratik rasin ekwasyon rasin Rasin Zansèt tès konvèjans pon an kòd kòd chaplèt roz ròz simetri wotasyon wotasyonèl aks wotasyon wotasyon an wonn wondlèt toufounen akolad nonm awondi awondi erè kout fè ; ke chak manm nan yon inite tire tou eleksyon yo awondi an lè nèt Page 507 Feuille1 round top round top round top round top round tripo route route route Routes route route Roving patrols Roving patrols row house row house row row royal academy Rubber band Rubber band rubbish rubbish Rudders rude rude rudeness rude rug rug rug ruin ruined ruined ruined rule rule of elimination rule rule rule ruler Ruler rules Rules rules Rumanian people Rumanian Rumanian State Rumania Rumania Rumania rumpus room rumpus room Rum anwo nèt a pik somè tèt ron ale-retou chemen chemen pave wout yo twotwa wout patrouy abityèl patrouy de routin mezon atenant mezon de vil ran ran akademi wayal Elastik lastik fatra poubèl gouvènay yo bito gwosye malonèt sovaj kapèt kapèt tapi abime detwi fouti kraze lòd règ eliminasyon pwosede règ règ règ Règ lwa yo Règleman règ yo pèp romèn Roumanyen eta roumanyen romani Romani womani sal de je sal jwèt Ronm Page 508 Feuille1 run run run Runners running running running running water running water run Rural area rural area rural area Rural area Rural communities Rural National Party Rural National Party Rural Russian ambassador Russian city Russian diplomat Russian embassy Russian Russian minister Russian origin Russian origin Russian origin Russian origin Russian Parliament Russian Parliament Russian Russian Russian Russian Russian Russian Russian Russian Russian Russian Russian Russian Russians Russian Russian Russia rust rust rust Ruthless Ruthless Ruthless Ruthless boulin kouri lagekous kourè fonksyonman fonksyònman fonksyonnman dlo Kouran dlo mouvan Rigòl andeyò sèksyon riral zòn riral Zòn riral Kominote riral pati nasyonal riral pati riral nasyonal Riral anbasadè Lawisi vil Lawisi diplomat Lawisi ambasad Lawisi Larisi Minis Larisi moun Larisi orijinè Larisi orijinè ris sòti Larisi palman ris palman Ris Ris Ris risi Risyen Risyen rousi Rousi Rousi rousyan rousyan rousyan rousyen Risyen yo wisi Wisi rousia kanni kowozyon wouye fann fwa mechan San pitye sovaj Page 509 Feuille1 Rwandan Sabbath saber saber Sabotaged Sabotage sabre sacred Sacred Sacrifice saddle SAD in sad sad sad sadness sadness sadness Sadness sad sad safe safe safe safe safe safe safe borders safe borders safe borders safe safehold safekeeping safekeeping safekeeping Safe safe safe safe safe safe safe safe safe safest safety fuse safety pins safety pins safety pins Safety pin Safety pin safety rail safety Ouwanndè Saba epe kavalri saber sabotaj sabotaj saber sakre Sakre Sakrifis siga sezonal nan kagou kagou kagou penn tristèe tristès Tristès tris tris a labwi ansekirite ansekirite an sekirite an sirte an site fontyè an pwoteksyon yo fontyè an sekirite yo fontyè pwoteje yo entak sekirite asire pwoteje site Kòfrefò pwoteksyon sekirite sekirite Sekirite sen sen e sof sennesòf si pli an sekirite fiz pwoteksyon pin asire pin dasirans pin de pwoteksyon Zepeng kouchèt zepeng tèt ray de pwotèksyon sekirite Page 510 Feuille1 Sagittarius said said that said that Sailboat Sailboat Sailboat Sailor Sailor Saint Lorenzo Island salad Salads Salads salary salary salary Salary sales booth sales booth sales booth Sales clerk salesman saleswoman salon salon salon saloon saloon saloon saloon saloon saloon saloon saloon saloon saloon saltbox salt salt salt salute salute Salvadorian army same same same same same same month same same same same Sajitè te di te di sa te di sa Kannòt kannòt pechè vwalye Maren pechè Zile sen loranzo salad salad yo salèz kòbtravay lajantravay salè Salè kabinè avann nòmal nòmal yo vandè òm achtè fanm achtè galeri salo de bote salon ba bistro kanbiz bwason kay piblik sal biya sal bresonyè sal gildiv salon tavèn toune bwat sèl sèl sèl sèl sali salye lame salvadoryen menm menm menm menm men-m menm mwa parèy parèy parèy parèy Page 511 Feuille1 same source same sample data sample sample mean sample point sampling sanatorium sanatorium sanatorium sanatorium sanatorium sanction sanction sanctions sanctuary sanctuary sanctuary sanctuary sanctuary sanctuary sanctum sanctorum sanctum sanctorum sandals Sandals sandbank sandbar sand bar sandbar sand bar sandbar Sandinista Front Sandinistan army Sandinista opposition Sandinista Popular Army Sandinista regime Sand Sand sand trap sand trap sandwich sanitary center Sanitation Department Sanitation services Sanitation sanitorium San Juan San Salvador Santo Domingo Santo Domingo Sarajevo and Sarajevo Sarajevo's headquarters menm sous tankou echantiyon done echantiyon mwayen echantiyon pwen echantiyon echantiyonaj kay pou moun fou pon Bèdèt sanatoryòm sanatoryum sant swenyaj pinisyon sanksyon sanksyon yo azil lotèl kote tabènak la ye refij sanktyè sanktyè santyè sanktyè sen dè sen sandal yo Sandal yo Depo sab ba nan la mè Depo sab Depo sab Pile sab Pile sab Fwon Sandinis lame Sandinis opozisyon sandinis lame popilè sandinis rejim sandinis sab Sab pyèj zatrap sandwich sant sanitè depatman Sanitè sèvis sanitè Sèvis sanitè sanatoryum Sann Wann Sann Salvadò Santo Domengo Sen Domeng sarajevo e Sarayevo katye jeneral sarajevo yo Page 512 Feuille1 Sarajevo soccer team ekip foobòl saraevo Sarinic is sarinik se Satellite Communication Kominikasyon Satelit Satellite phones telefòn satelit yo Satellites Satelit yo satify satisfe satisfaction kontantman satisfied kontan satisfied plizi satisfied satisfè satisfied satisfè satisfied te satisfè satisfied te satisfè satisfied veso satisfy kontante satisfy satisfe satisfy satisfè satisfy satisfè satisfy satisfè satisfy sifi saturday is the last day of thesamdi week se dènye jou nan semèn nan Saturday night samdi swa saturday samdi Saturday samdi Saturday Samdi Saturday Samdi Saucepan Kaswòl saucepan sòspan Saudi Arab Arabi Sawoudit Saudi Arabia Arabi Sawoudit Saudi Arabia Arabyen Sawoudit sauna cham cho Savannah Savana savanna savann Sava River Larivyè Sava Sava River Rivyè Sava save fèlekonomi save lekonomize save libere save pwoteje savings banks bank depay yo saviour sovè saviour Sovè sawed-off shotgun karabine ak bouch ki fèt an twonson Saw goyin Saw Si Saxophone Saksofòn say di say di say di say di rakonte say how di kisa say how di kòman Page 513 Feuille1 Say it again. say that say that say what say what scabies scabies scaffold Scale scale scale Scale Scale Scale scale number scale of a graph scale of drawing Scale scale ratio scales scales scale Scalpel scandal scapegoat scapegoat Scarcity Scarcity Scarcity Scarcity Scattered out over the area scatter scatter scattergram scatter plots scatter schedule schedule Schedules Scholar Scholar School bag School bag school school schoolhouse school school school School school programs schools School system Di l ankò di li di sa di kisa di kòman gal Lagal echafodaj Balans barèm echèl Echèl Echèl Echèl pou mezire echèl nimerik echèl yon graf echèl yon desen Plato balans rapò echèl echèl ekay tèmonmèt Bistouri chirepit bouk emisè bouk kabwit moman dizèt move sezon sezon dekale sezon rate manje simaye nan zòn nan gaye gaye graf pwen pwen nan yon graf pwen simaye program program orè yo Nèg save save Sak lekòl valiz lekòl ekòl enstitisyon mezon dekòl lekòl lekòl lekòl Lekòl pwogram lekòl yo lekòl yo sistèm edikatif Page 514 Feuille1 school system School system science museum sciences science scientific cooperation scientific journalism scientific notation scimitar Scission Scission Scissor scissors scold score score score scorn Scorpio Scotland Scotland Scottish scoundrel scoundrel scoundrel scoundrel scoundrel screen screen screen Screens screen screwdriver Screwdriver Screw driver screw Screw Screw Screw Screw SCUBA seacoast seacoast sea gun sea Sea Sea sea level Seaplane seaport seaport seaport search an seizure sistèm lekòl Sistèm skolè syans mize syans yo syans koperasyon syantifik jounalis syantifik notasyon syantifik sable oryantal tankou kouto djigo Detachman separasyon Sizo sizo yo joure eskò nòt pwen meprize Eskòpyon ekòs Skòtland Ekosè atoufè atoufè Atoufè mechan volè selera voryen ekran ekran ekran ekran yo tablo tonavis Tonavis Tounavis vis Vis Vis Vis Vise scuba Kote Kote litoral zam lanmè la mè Lamè Lanmè nivo lanmè Idravyon pò pò pò maritime fouye ak sezi Page 515 Feuille1 search search search search warrant seashore season season season season Season Seatbelt seat seat seat seat seats seawall seawall seawall secant circle secant curve secant function secant of a circle secant ratio secant segment secant to a circle secondary Secondary identification secondary market secondary market secondary school secondary school secondary school secondary school second-class ticket second-degree equation second second second second second second second second floor Second floor second-hand store second-hand store second second second secondly second-quadrant angle second quarter bouske chache chèche manda pou fouye Arebò lanmè epòk peryòd sezon sezon Sezon Senti sekirite chèz lokal plas plas plas yo andigman dig miray sèk sèk sekan koub sekan fonksyon sekan sekan yon sèk rapò sekant segman sekant sekant pa rapò ak yon sèk an dezyèm idantifikasyon elemantè mache segondè mache siplemantè jimnazyòm lekòl primè lekòl sekondè lise tikè dezyèm klas ekwasyon dezyèm degre deziyèm deziyèm dezyèm dezyèm dezyèm dezyèm Dezyèm chanmòt Dezyèm etaj boutik likidasyon boutik pwodwi dezyèm men lòt lòt lòt Dezyèmman ang dezyèm kadran dezyèm faz Page 516 Feuille1 second quarter second quarter second quarter second round second Seconds seconds second second week second secret secretary general Secretary General secretary of state secretary of state Richard secretary of state Secretary of State secretary of state Warren secretary of UN secretary Richard secretary secretary secretary secretary secret informer secret informer secret informers secretly secret secret secret service section section section sector sector Sects Sects secure secure secure Secure secure Secure secure Secure secure secure security council security council security councils security forces security guarantees dezyèm pati dezyèm peryod dezyèm trimès dezwèm mitan segonn segond yo segonn yo swivan dezwèm semèn yon lòt ankachèt sekretè jeneral sekretè jeneral pwemye minis sekretè deta richa sekretè deta sekretè deta sekretè leta Warren sekretè de loni sekretè Richard sekretarya sekretè sekretè sekwetè enfòmatè konfidansyèl enfòmatè sekrè enfòmatè sekrè yo ankachèt sekrèt sekwè sèvis sekrè seksyon seksyon sèksyon sektè sèktè gwoup relijye Sèk ansekirite ansekirite an sekirite Asire fèm pwotèksyon san enkyetid si solid trankil konsèy sekirite konsèy sekirite konsèy sekirite yo fòs sekirite yo garanti sekirite yo Page 517 Feuille1 Security guard Gadyen sekirite Security measures during themezi operation sekirite yo pandan tan operasyon yo security organizations òganizasyon sekirite yo Security police polis sekirite Security polis security prekosyon security sekirite security sekirite security sekirite security sekirite security sekirite Security Sekirite SECURITY sekirite SECURITY SEKIRITE see apèsi seed-bearing pepinyè Seeds angrè Seeds Semans see gade see if I can find it in gade si mwen ka jwenn li ladan see koudèy seem sanble see rega see wè see wè see wè see you later na wè pita Segesta sejesta segmental arc ak segmantè segmentation an miyèt segmentation plizyè ti moso Segment moso Segment pati segment segman Segment Segman Segregation Segregasyon seismic activity aktivite tranbleman de tè seismic activity aktivite tranbleman tè seize anpare seize sezi selected chwazi selected seleksyone selected te seleksyone selected triye selection chwa selection chwa selection eleksyon selection rekèy selection seleksyon select seleksyone Self-contained protective suits jilèwith pwotèksyon air supplypèsonèl ak materyèl aeryen self-contained underwater breathing aparèy chaje apparatus ak oksijèn pou rèspire anba dlo self-corresponding element eleman ki koresponn ak tèt li Page 518 Feuille1 self-defense defann tèt ou self-denial abnegasyon self government gouvènman pwòp tèt ou self-government gouvènman souvren self-incrimination akize pwòp tèt ou self-incrimination kondane pwòp tèt ou selfish egoyis self-managing dirije pwòp tèt ou self-managing otonomi self-managing souvren self-proclaimed republic pwoklame pwòp repiblik self proclaimed republic repiblik souvren self-proclaimed Serbian republic sèb yo pwoklame tèt yo kòm repiblik self-ruling dirije pwòp tèt ou self-ruling otonomi self-ruling souvren self-sacrifice abnegasyon self-service shop boutik pa w self-service shop boutik prive sell fèkomès sell vann Semi annually chak mwatye ane Semi annually chak sis mwa Semi annually semi anyèl Semi colon Pwen vigil semi-detached house mezon demi detache semidetached house mezon semidetachab semi-final demi-final semi-final demi-final semifinal demi-final semifinal demi-final semi-final mitan-final semi-final mitan-final semifinal mitan-final semifinal mitan-final semi-final semi final semi-final semi final semifinal semi final semifinal semi final semisemi sè mwen my sister senate commission komisyon sena Senate Sena Senator Senatè Senator Senatè send American ameriken anvwaye send American anvwaye ameriken send anvwaye send him to me as soon he arrives voye l ban mwen kon l vini send transfere senile annanfans senior year retorik sensationalist newspaper jounal sansasyonèl Page 519 Feuille1 sense ki sinyifi sense of a line sans yon liy sense of orientation sans oryantasyon sense of rotation sans wotasyon sense-preserving ki konsève sans sense-preserving mapping transfòmasyon ki konsève sans sense-reversing ki vire sans sense sans sense sans sensibility kèfemal sensibility sansiblite sensitively sansibman Sensor devices materyèl detèktè yo sensual sansyèl sensual sansyèl sent anvwaye sentence fraz sentence Fraz sentence fwaz sentence fwaz sentimental santimantal sentiment opinyon sentiment santiman sent te espedye sent te voye separate divize separately en pa en separate pran pòsyon separate separe separate separe separate separe separate separe Separate Separe separate separeman separating separasyon separation area zòn separasyon separation line between war parties liy separasyon ant pati ki an gè yo Separation of powers Separasyon pouvwa Separatist Separatis september, october, and november septanm, oktòb, ak novanm September sektanm September septanb september septanm september sèptanm September Sèptanm Sepulcher Bòn Sepulcher Kavo Sepulcher sepilk Sepulcher sèvant sequence of points sekans pwen sequences of intervals sekans entèval sequencing an sekans Serb aggressions agresyon sèb yo Page 520 Feuille1 Serb authority otorite sèb Serbian aircraft avyon sèb Serbian army lame Sèb Serbian army Lame sèb Serbian army lame sèbyen Serbian attacks atak sèb yo Serbian forces fòs sèbyen yo Serbian forces fòs sèbyen yo Serbian heavy armament Gwo zam lou lame Sèb Serbian leader lidè sèb Serbian methods metòd Sèb yo Serbian methods pwensip Sèb yo Serbian minority minorite sèb Serbian minority minorite sèbyen Serbian nationalist nasyonalis Sèb Serbian nationalist nasyonalis sèbyen Serbian nationalist Sèb nasyonalis serbian nationality nasyonalite sèbi Serbian officer ofisye jakmèl Serbian on sèbyen sou Serbian person pèsòn sèbyan Serbian positions pozisyon sèb yo Serbian president prezidan sèbyan Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic pwezidan Sebyen an slobodan Milosevik Serbian President Slobodan Milosevitch Slobodan Milosevitch pwezidan Sèb Serbian Radovan Karadzic sèbyen radovan karadzik Serbian Radovan sèbyen radovan Serbian refugees refije sebyen yo Serbian republic repiblik sèb Serbian retaliations retalyasyon sèb yo Serbian sèbyan Serbian sèbyan Serbian sèbyan Serbian sebyen Serbian sebyen Serbian sèbyen Serbian sèbyen Serbian Sèbyen Serbian side kote sèbyan Serbian side kote sèbyan Serbian socialist Sèb sosyalis Serbian socialist sosyalis sèbyen Serbian television televizyon sèbyan Serbian television televizyon sèbyen Serbia sèbia Serbia sèbia Serbia sèbya Serb militaries militè sèb yo Serbo-Croatian Kowasyen-Sèb Serb Sèb Serbs from Eastern Slavoniasèb de lès slavonya Serbs from Sèb ki soti Serbs from Sèb ki vini de Page 521 Feuille1 Serbs sèb Serbs sèb yo Serbs that sèb sa sergeant sèjan series of increasing powers seri puisans kwasan series of natural number seri nonm antye series of positive terms seri tèm pozitif series seri yo serious grav serious injuries blesi serye yo serious injuries blesi sevè yo seriously ofon seriously seryèzman serious serye sermon predikasyon Servant Bòn Servant Kavo servant restavèk Servant sepilk Servant sèvant servant tchoul servant tyoul serve sevi serve sevi serve sèvi serve sèvi serve sèvi service department garaj service department sèvis depatman service sèvis service sèvis Services for the Elderly and Handicapped sèvis pou granmoun ak enfim Services for the Elderly and Handicapped Sèvis pou ti granmoun ak andikape Services Sèvis service station estasyon de sèvis serviette papye serviette pou siye session reynyon session seans session sesyon sessions reynyon yo sessions seans sessions sesyon yo sessions sesyon yo set- builder notation notasyon pou fòme ansanm set in kòmanse set in kòmanse set in pou te chita nan set in te chita nan set of bo okshelves kantite yo set of irrational numbers ansanm nonm irasyonèl set of numbers ansanm nonm set of rational numbers ansanm nonm irasyonèl Page 522 Feuille1 set of real numbers set (the case) set (the case) set (the case) set (the case) settle settle settled settled settled settled settled settled settlement settlement settlement settler set up set up seven o'clock seven parties seven seven several several several several weeks severe damages severe damages severe political crisis severe political crisis Severe sewage system sewer drain sewer drain sewer system sewer system Sewing Sewing Sewing Machine sewing room sex sex sex Sex stereotypes sexual organs shack shackels shack shack shack shack shaded region ansanm nonm reyèl fixke mete chita plase tabli agreye dakò te deplase te estab te etabli te etabli te plase te range règleman rezolisyon solisyone kolon Enstale Plant 7tè setyèm pati sèt Sèt anpil Anpil plizyè plizyè semè-n damaj sevè domaj serye gwo kriz politik sevè kriz politik Sevè sistèm degou kanivo tou egou etablisman kanivo sistèm degou Koud kouti Machin akoud chanm a koud fanm gason sèks Kliche sou baz sèks bòbòt barakman chenn kabann kabin mazi todis rejyon sonm Page 523 Feuille1 shadow lonbray shaft caj shaft pasaj shakedown boulvèse shakedown deranje shakedown sakaje shall be pwal shallows basen yo shall Pral shambles bouchri shambles labatwa shameful lawont shame pidè shame wont Shame Wont shampoo chanpou shanty barakman shanty kabann shanty kabin shanty mazi shanty todis shaped charge fòm chaj share in cash pataje an likid share in cash pati an likid share in cash separe an kach share in cash separe an lajan shares traded aksyon komèsyal yo Sharing Pataje Sharing separe Sharp Dyèz sharp file file Sharp sharp koupe Sharp koupe Sharp pwenti sharp tranchan Shave Raze Shaving brush Blewo Shaving brush bwòs bab Shaving Cream Krèm bab she always actes so childish li toujou ap fè bagay timoun she always ignores the advice li pa people janmgive swivher konsèy moun ba li she always to herself li toujou apa pou kont li she always used to gets me out li toujou of trouble retire m nan poblèm she announced li te anonse she announced Li te anonse she announced li te pwoklame she arranged the furniture in lithe ranje house mèb yo nan kay la she arrived li reyisi she arrived li rive she asked me if you were coming li mande m si ou ap vini she been doing good work forli us fè bon travay pou nou she bribed him to keep him from li batalking l kòb pou l pa pale Page 524 Feuille1 she called me last month li relem mwa pase a she called me last week li rele m semenn pase she called me the week before li rele last m semèn pase anwo she came li reyisi she came li rive she can make out on her ownli ka degaje l pou kont li she can manage on her own li ka degaje l pou kont li she can't talk she mute li pa ka pale li bèbè she casual aquaintance se yon moun m konnen konsa she caught a cold li pran yon refwadisman she comes li vini she communicated li te kominike she couldn't get through in the li paka door pase because nanshe pòt was la paske too big l twò gwo shed apiye si she did heself up for the partyli mete l byen bòdè pou fèt la she didn't call me li pa t rele m she didn't give me the least bit li pa of trouble banm pa poblèm menm she divorced him li divòse avè l she doesn't know her hand left li pa from konn hermen rightgoch li ak men dwat li she doesn't know how to dance li pa konn danse she doesn't know what she talking li pa konn about sa l ap di a she doesn't let us play out at linight pa kite n soti le swa she doesn't let us play out at linight pa vle n soti le swa she drank the last of the coffee li bwè rès tas ka fe a shed vèse shed vide she emphasized that li te detaye sa sheep mouton sheet dra sheet dra sheet founiti sheet metal tol sheet of paper fèy papye sheet of paper fèy papye sheet of paper lis she evaluates li evalye she evaluates li evalye she expects li ekspere she gave li te bay she gave me a kick in the ribsli ban m yon kout pye bò kòt she gestured to me to come over li fè m tosiy herpou m vin kote l she goes Li ale she goes Li pwale she got a real spanking for lying li pran yon sèl kal pou bay manti she got me out of paying the litiket fè m pa peye kontravansyon an she got on her knee to pray li met a jenou pou l lapriyè she got to li reyisi she got to li rive she had a talk with me about liitpale today sou sa avè m jodi a she had a wonderful dress li te gen yon bèl rad she had it coming to her se li k chache sa she had to settle for what wasli te leftoblije pran sa k rete yo she had us all in stitches li fè n ri pou n pa chape Page 525 Feuille1 she has a degre in law li gen diplòm avoka l she has a gift for singing li gen don pou l chante she has a knack for making friends li fè zanmi fasil she has a lot of male friends li gen yon bann zanmi gason she has a masculine voice li gen yon vwa gason she has given me the freedom li ban to do mas dwa I see fè sa fit with m vlethe nan store magazen an she has li genyen she has long legs janm li long she has people coming to see li gen her all moun dayap long vin kote l tout la jounen she has pointed out Li te vize deyò she hates everything I do li pa renmen anyen m fè she held out her hand to me li lonje men l ban mwen she held out her hand to me li lonje men l ban mwen she hit me over the head withli afrape bottle boutèy la nan tèt mwen she hit me over the head withli abanm club yon kout baton nan tèt she hopeless as a cook li pa bon menm nan fè manje she informed li te enfòme she is coming lap vini she is going Li ale she is going Li pwale she is going to town li prale lavil she is lap she is l ap she is li ap she is my sister li se sè mwen she is not sad li pa tris she is there li la she jumped off the wall and landed li vole sot on the souroof tèt mi of an thelicar tonbe sou do machin lan she jumped out the window when li volethe pase house nan caught fenèt laon lè fire kay la pran dife a she just had a baby li fenk akouche she just had a baby li fenk fè yon timoun she just left li fenk ale she kicked me in the stomachli ban m yon kout pye nan vant she landed a big fish li pran yon gwo pwason she leads a free and easy lifeli pa janm bay tèt li poblèm pou anyen she learns fast li aprann vit she left here to go leave to port-au-prince li kite isit l al viv pòtoprens she left her husband for another li kite man mari l pou yon lòt nèg she left me waiting and neverli came kite mback ap tann li pa janm tounen she left without paying any body li sove, a dime l pa peye pyès moun she let out a scream when the li rele gavelèher y ap the bashot l piki a shelf etajè she li she li she li she li shelled agrene shelled angren shelled dekòtike shelled ekose she'll go with me to the store li pral nan magazen an avè m she'll have to learn that she can't fò l aprann haveeverything li pa ka fèher sa way l vle shell katouch Page 526 Feuille1 Shell Kokiyaj shells ekay shells koki shells obi shells òytè she look ridiculous in that get-up li sanble yon madigra ak rad ki sou li a shelter abri Shelter Abri shelter abwi Shelter joupa shelter kay Shelter kouvèti Shelter kouvèti shelter tent kay dabri shelter tent tantdabri Shelter tonèl Shelter tonèl she made like she didn't know li fè mekonmsi l pa konnen m she made like she didn't know li fè metankou l pa konnen m she made me angry li fè m fache she made the material into a liskirt fè yon jip ak twal la she make do do the best shelicould degaje l jan l kapab she makes friends easily li fè zanmi fasil she marked all over the voverli of fè the yonbook bannwith majigridi a pensil sou po kaye a she needed li te bezwen she never laugh at my jokes blag mwen yo pa janm fè l ri she never laugh at my jokes li pa janm ri lè m bay blag she never lets a month go byliwithout pa janmcalling kite yon memwa pase san l pa rele m she never married li pa janm marye she never takes nothing seriously li pa janm pran anyen ak enpòtans she proclaimed li te anonse she proclaimed li te pwoklame she proposed li te pwopoze she proposed li te sijere she reached li reyisi she reached li rive she's a child and not able to distinguish se yon timoun rightli from ye li poko wrongkonn byen ak mal she's a homely woman sa pa yon bèl fanm she's a homely woman se pa yon bèl fanm she said li te di she said Li te di She said that Li te di sa she 's a kidney problem li gen yon pwoblèm nan ren she's always dressed in someli toujou strangeabiye get-up yon jan dròl she's an old woman, but she lirefuses fin granmoun, to step down men l and refize forbay a younger yon jennperson moun to plas take la her place she's a real homebody se pa yon moun ki renmen soti she's a real homeboy se pa yon moun ki renmen soti she's coming l ap vini she sent me a letter li voye yon lèt ban mwen she's feeling kind of sad li santi l yon ti jan tris she's free to go where she wants li gentodwa ale kote l vle she's getting married li pral marye she's gotten herself into a lot lioftonbe trouble nan yon bann poblèm Page 527 Feuille1 she's has always acted kindlyli toward toujou byen me boule avè m she's has always acted kindlyli toward toujou byen me sèvi avè m she should li ta dwe she should li ta dwe she sings better then I do li konn chante pase m she slept less today jodi a li dòmi mwens she's lying on the hood of theli car kouche sou nen machin lan she's my maternal grandmother se grann mwen bò kot manman she's never given me a gift for li pa myjan birthday m banm kado pou fèt mwen she's never held down a job for li pa more janmthan fè plis twopase months 2 mwa nan yon travay she's never held down a job for li pa more janmthan fè plis twopase months 2 mwa nan yon travay she's not lazy. she'll make it in li pa lifeparese, l ap rive nan vi l she's not my daughter, she's se mypa stepdaughter pitit mwen se bèlfi m she's not my mother, she's my sestepmother pa manman m se bèlmè m she's really gets around todayli toujou she's inapone vwayaje place jodi and atomorrow l yon kote, she'll demen be inl yon another lòt kote she's so impolite ;she workedli right maledve by me li pase without sousaying mwen,a liword pa di m bonjou she's so impolite ;she workedli right se yon by bourik me without li pase saying sou mwen, a wordli pa dim bonjou she's standing at the head oflithe kanpe stairs anlè eskalye a she's taken over the store since se liher k reskonsab father diedmagazen an depi papa l mouri a she's taking guitar lessons l ap pran leson gita she's talked less today li pale mwens jodi a she's taller than I am li pi wo pase m she's the kind of person who liliable se moun to dokithat ka fè sa she's the last person I'd lend se money dènye to moun pou m ta prete kòb mwen she's the only one who stuckse bysèl me.li menm ki pa janm lage m she suggested li te pwopoze she suggested li te sijere she's very free with her money li pa janm sere kòb pou mwen she talked me out of buying that li fè car m pa achte machin lan she talks as fast as I do li pale vit menm jan avè m she thinks li panse li panse she thinks she thinks li panse she took a broom and swept lithe pran floor yon bale li bale atè a she took her own life li touye tèt li she took my blood pressure li pran tansyon m she took my name and phoneli number pran non m ak telefòn mwen she took out insurance on theli car pran asirans pou machin lan she wants Li vle she was here but she just step li te out la a li fenk fè yon ti deplase she was kicked out of the movie li t ap theater fimenfor nan smoking simema a yo mete l deyò she was li te she was Li te she was Li te she was not there last monthli pa te la mwa pase a she was stillborn li fèt tou mouri she was talking gibberish before li t ap she depale died avan l mouri she went to buy wood l al achte bwa she went to see her father li te al wè papa l she will buy fifteen dresses li pral achte kenz wòb she will go to school li pral nan lekòl she will Li pwal she will not be home tonight li p ap lakay li aswè a Page 528 Feuille1 she will she won she works Shift hours shift of origin shine shine shingle ship Ship Ship Ship building ship ship shipping plugs shipping plugs Ship reinforcement ships ships ship's galley ship's galley ship's galley Ship tankers shirt shirt Shirt Shirt Shiver shock Shock shocking Shocking shock shock Shock shock shoe shoelace Shoelace shoemaker shoemaker Shoemaker shoemaker Shoeprint shoe shop shoeshop shoe shoes shoes Shoes Shoes shoe store shoe Yo pwal li pa vle li travay chanjman dè deplasman orijin klere sifas galèt bato bato Bato konstriktè bato kannòt navi bouchon tanpon ranfòsman bato batiman bato amwa kizin plaka bato gaz yo chemiz chemiz Chemiz Chemiz Tranbleman chòk chòk chokan Chokan sezisman sezisman Sezisman soukous chosi chosi Lasèt kòdonnye kòdonye Kòdonye Pikè Mak soulye boutik soulye boutik soulye soulye soulye soulye Soulye Soulye yo boutik soulye tenis Page 529 Feuille1 shooting gallery shooting gallery Shoots short Shoots short shop shop shop shop shop shoplifter shoplifter shop shopping center shopping center shopping center shopping center shopping center shopping center shopping center shopping mall shopping mall shopping mall shopping mall shore shore Shore shore station short shortest short short short Short short-lived short short-sighted shorts short term short-term Shot down Shot down shotgun shotgun shot should be should be should be should be should be should be should be should be should be galata galeri fiziyad pa tire lwen tire tou kout boutik boutik boutik boutik chòp kasè magazen vole nan magazen magazen katye komès magazen plaza sant sant dacha sant komèsyal sant komèsyal magazen plaza sant sant komèsyal Arebò Rivaj Rivaj naval enstalasyon brisk ki pi kout kout kout kout Kout tanporè pwonp kiwè lwen sòt koutèm kout-tèm choute desann fizi chas fizi chasè piki kapab se nesesite pourè tèt ta dwe ta dwe ta dwe ta dwe te bezyen te dwe Page 530 Feuille1 should dwe shoulder epòl shoulders zepòl shoulder zepòl shoulder zèpòl should have dwe genyen should I take it kijan pou m al pran li should not Pat te dwe shouldn't Pat te dwe should ta dwe should Ta dwe shove back bouskile Shovel Pèl showcase vitrin show Cho showed te montre showed te moutre shower avès Shower Avès shower bath beny nòmal shower beny shower benye shower benye shower douch Shower Douch Shower Douch shower pran yon benye shower room sal de beny shower stall beny nòmal Show me any anti-American Montre personnel m kèk hereanti thatameriken you recognize. isi ke ou konnen Show me any other personnel Montre from your m kèk armed lòt moun forces nan that lame youwrecognize. nan ke w rekonèt show me montre mwen Show me on the map. Montre m li nan kat la Show me the supply routes that Montre you m travel. ki wout ou pase pou w fè materyèl yo Show me when the next re-supply Pale m ofkilè ammunition pwochenisrechajman to take place? minisyon gen poul fèt? Show me where moutre m ki kote Show me where moutre mwen kibò Show me where they are. Montre m kote yo ye? show me your civilian job from montre this list. m nan lis sa a anplwa sivil ou show me your civilian job from nan thislislist. sa a, montre m djòb ou te konn fè show montre show montre show montre show montre show montre show moutre show pou montre show pou moutre shows montre shrapnel eklatman obi shrapnel kout ekla obi shrapnel mitrayèt a grenad shrine mozole Page 531 Feuille1 Shrub Ti pye bwa shut fèmen shy timid siblings paran siblings soti nan menm fanmi sick apsoufri sick from overeating ayik Sickle Sèpèt sick mal sick malad sick malad sick malad sick malad Sick Malad Sick Malad sick mechan sick move sickness maladi Sickness Maladi side akote side arebò side arm pistolè side arm revolvè side bò side in bo nan side in kote nan side kote side kote side kote side kote side kwen side of a coin tennfas side opposite an angle kote opoze yon ang side piyon side rebò sides akote yo sides arebò yo sides bò yo sides in Bosnia-Herzegovina pati an bosni èzegovina sides in bò yo nan sides kote yo sides kote yo sides kote yo sides kwen yo side sou kote side sou rebò sides piyon yo sides rebò yo sides sou kote yo sides sou rebò yo Sideview mirror Retwovizè Sidewalk pewon Sidewalk Twotwa Page 532 Feuille1 sideways an travè sideways oblikman sidewinder avyon de gè Ameriken Sidewinders avyon de gè ki lanse milis a pati zèl li sieve ide Sieve Paswa sieve projè sigh soupi sigh soupi sigma notation notasyon sigma Signal lights Limyè siyal Signal or communications siyal oubyen kominikasyon yo signatures signati yo signatures sinyati yo signboard pano signboard siy signed agreements akò ki te sinyen yo signed agreements siyen agreman yo signed in te siyen signed signye signed te signye signed te signye signed te siyen sign endis Significance Siyifikasyon significant digits chif siyifikatif significant sinyifyan significant siyifikativ significant siyifikativ signify sinifye signing of ap siyen de signing of peace ap siyen de pè signing of peaceful understanding ap siyen konpreyansyon de pè signing siyen signless integers nonm antye san siy sign on anwole sign pano sign remak sign senbol signs endis yo sign sin sign siy sign siy sign siy sign siy sign siyal sign siyen signs remak yo signs siyal yo signs siy yo silent march demonstrasyon pasifik silent march mas pasifik silent silans Page 533 Feuille1 sill rebò sill rebò fenèt silly bèt silly idyo silly sòt silo for missiles èspas anba tè pou misil silo for missiles silo pou misil silo silo silver color koulè dajan similar decimals desimal sanblab similarity resanblans Similarity resanblans similarity similarite Similarity Similarite Similarity Similarite similar men m similar polygon poligòn sanblab similar sanble similar situation menm sitiyasyon similar situation sitiyasyon similè similar terms tèm sanblab similar triangle triyang sanblab similitude similitid simple assault senp atak simple booster senp bourad simple booster senp boustè simple booster yon ti bourad simple booster yon ti èd simple difference set ansanm diferans senp simple equation ekwasyon senp simple event envenman senp simple probability pwobabilite senp Simple senp simplest form fòm ki pi senp simplest radical form fòm radikal ki pi semp simplification senplifikasyon simplified proportion pwopòsyon senplifye simplified solution solisyon senplifye simplify a fraction senplifye yon fraksyon simplify algebraic expressionsenplifye espresyon aljebrik simplify a result senplifye yon rezilta simplify expression senplifye espresyon simplify senplifye simplify the expression senplifye espresyon an simply senpleman simultaneous displacement deplasman similtane simultaneous inequalities inekwasyon similtane simultaneous linear equationsekwasyon lineyè similtane simultaneously similtaneman since depi since depi since depi since depi Page 534 Feuille1 since depi since depi kilè since no one else wanted to do pa it, gen I was moun stuck ki tewith vle itfè se mwen k te oblije fè l sincere fidèl sincere fran sincerely sensèman sincere sensè sincerity senserite sincerity Senserite sincerity Senserite since that they are depi ke yo te since that they are depi lè sa a yo te since you didn't answer I takekòm it that ou you pa twere reponn, madm konnen se fache ou te fache sine function fonksyon sinis sine ratio rapò sinis sine sinis sing chante Sing Chante single candidate yon sèl kandida single dwelling kay apa single dwelling kay dekole single dwelling kay detache single dwelling kay separe single endividyèl single market mache inik Single pilot yon grenn pilòt single poukòw single sèl Sink Basen Sink Evye sink kivèt sircurs sik siren sirèn Sisak sisak Sister in law Bèlsè sister sè Sister Sè sit? chita? sit down chita Sit down Chita sited sitiye Sit-in grèv ki fèt andedan biwo Sit-in Sitin sit in the living-room. chita nan salon an. sitting room chanm devan sitting room sal datant sitting room salon situated sitiye situation in sitiyason nan situation in sitiyasyon situation in sitiyasyon situation kondisyon situation on the front line sitiyasyon sou liy batay Page 535 Feuille1 situation pozisyon situation sitiyasyon situation sitiyasyon situation sitiyasyon situation sityasyon situation sityasyon situations kondisyon yo situations sitiyasyon situations sitiyasyon yo six months simwa six Sis sixteen years old sèzan sixth grade sètifika size mezi skating paten a glas Sketch an organization chart.desine an detay chat òganizasyon an. sketch eskis skew line liy oblik Skilled eksperyans Skilled konpetans skillful abil skill talan Skimmer Louch fritay skin heads po tèt yo skin kouvèti skinny\thin mèg skin po skin po skin po skirt jip Skirt Jip skyrocket wokèt aeryen Skyscraper Gratsyèl skyscraper la ma-n sky syèl slab slab Slacks Pantalon yo slander fèzè slander mentè slant an pant slant height wotè enkline slant panche slap baf slap kalòt slap palavire slap panzouyis slap souflèt slaughterhouse bouchri slaughterhouse labatwa slave esklav Slave Èsklav slavery esklavaj Slavery Èsklavaj Page 536 Feuille1 Slavery slavery slavery slavery Slavic parliament Slavonia Slav slay slay sleep sleep Sleep sleeper sleeper sleeper sleeper sleeping room sleeping room sleep sleeve slice slice slice slice slide rule sliding door slime slime Slim Sling shot Slip Slip slippers Slippery road slipway slipway Slobodan Milosevic Slobodan slope-intercept form slope-intercept method slope of a line slope Slovak constitution Slovakian minister Slovak Slovenian man Slovenian Slovenian Slovenian Slovenian woman Slovenia slow Slow Èsklavaj esklavay esklavay lesklavaj palman slav slavonya Slav tiye touye dòmi dòmi Dòmi dòmè kòl kravat travès chanm a kouche chanm pou dòmi kabicha manch lèz tranch tranch zèl règ kalkil pòt koulisant depo marekaj krabinay Mens Fistibal kilòt Pantalèt pantouf Wout glise kal lansman slobodan milosevik slobodan fòm enteseksyon-pant metòd entèseksyon- pant pant yon liy pant konstitisyon slovak minis slovakyen Slovaki òm slovonya Sloveni Slovenyen slovonyan fanm slovonya slovonya dousman dousman Page 537 Feuille1 Slow down! slowly slowly slowly slowly slug slug slug sly small-arm small bridge small bridge Small business Small business Small business Small business smaller Smaller small industries small industries small industries small industries small small small small small small small small small small Small small room small room small room small room small room small stream of water small stream of water small stream of water small stream of water small stream of water Small stream Small stream small smart smart smart smashing smashing smashing Smell Ralanti! dousman dousman gès lantman bal boulèt katouch mètdam ti zam ti pon ti pon ti biznis ti degaje ti endistri Ti komès pi piti pi piti ti biznis ti degaje ti endistri Ti komès kout miyèt piti piti piti piti piti piti piti piti Piti amwa klozèt pandri plaka ti chanm koulin djo koulin dlo ravin rigòl ti kouran dlo ti kanal ti rigòl tibagay entelijan madre maton brize ekraze mèvèye odè Page 538 Feuille1 smell of death or rotting meatsant in anmò unexpected oubyen vyann placepouri nan yon kote ou pa ta panse smell of death or rotting meatsant in anmò unexpected oubyen vyan place santi kote ou pa ta panse Smell pwan sant Smell Santi smoke bomb bonm a gaz smoke bomb grenad a gaz smoke fimen Smoke Fimen smoke flam smoke grenade bonm a gaz smoke grenade grenad a gaz smoke house mezon lafimen smokehouse mezon lafimen smoke house mezon tabak smokehouse mezon tabak smoke lafimen Smoke Lafimen Smokeless engine motè san lafimen Smoke-producing engine lafimen motè Smoke signals siyal lafimen yo smoking is harmful to your health fimen pa bon pou sante ou smoking room chanm fimè smooth curve koub lis smuggler kago smuggler kontrebandye smuggler kontre-ban-n smuggler of aliens alyen ilegal smuggler of aliens transpòtasyon imigran ilegal smuggling kontrebann smuggling Kontreman snack bar ba snack bar kafeterya snake koulèv snake koulèv snakes koulèv yo sneeze estènen sneeze estènye sniper fran tirè sniper fran tirè Sniper fwan tirè Sniper rifle rafal yon fwan tirè Snipers tirè yo Sniper tirè Sniper tirè delit sniper tirè ki monte anbiskad sniper tirè pwofesyonèl sniper weapon zama yon tirè pwofesyonèl sniper weapon zam yon fran tirè snitch fèzè snitch tripòt snitch tripotye snowbank bank de nèj Snow lanèj Page 539 Feuille1 snow nèj snow nèj Snow Nèj snuggery ti chanm pa dèyè snuggery ti chanm separe soaked tranpe soak tranpe so and in e alò soap savon soap savon so Atò so called alò te rele soccer asosyasyon Soccer ball Balon foutbòl soccer fotbòl soccer foutbòl Soccer Foutbòl soccer player footbolè Soccer player Foutbolè soccer player jwè foutbòl soccer player jwè futbòl social affairs afè sosyal social affairs zafè sosyal Social class Klas sosyal social communication kominikasyon sosyal social democrat demokrat sosyal Social Democratic leader lidè sosyal demokrat Social Democratic oppositionOpozisyon Demokrat sosyal Social Democratic oppositionopozisyon sosyal demokratik Social Democratic Party Pati Demokrat Sosyal Social Democratic Party pati sosyal demokratik social democrat representative repwezantan sosyal demokrat social democrat sosyal demokrat social engineering enjenyè sosyal social instability enstabilite sosyal socialist camp kan sosyalis socialist cap bonèt sosyalis socialist cap kaskèt sosyalis socialist countries peyi sosyalis yo socialist deputies depite sosyalis yo socialist economy ekonomi sosyalis socialist leader lidè sosyalis socialist leader lidè sosyalis socialist leaders lidè sosyalis socialist leaders lidè sosyalis yo socialist market mache sosyalis socialist representative repwezantan sosyalis socialist senator sèktè sosyalis socialist union inyon sosyalis social measures mezi sosyal yo social order lòd sosyal Social order lòd sosyal Social order lòd Sosyal Page 540 Feuille1 social order of Hatian republiclòd sosyal repiblik dayiti social order of republic lòd sosyal repiblik la social politics politik sosyal yo social problems pwoblèm sosyal yo social programs pwogam sosyal yo social programs pwogram sosyal yo Social Republic of Yugoslaviarepiblik sosyal de yougoslalavi Social Rights Dwa sosyal social sciences syans sosyal Social Security Sekirite Sosyal Social Services Sèvis Sosyal social sosyal social sosyal social sosyal social steps mezi sosyal yo social steps pa sosyal yo Social structure èstrikti sosyal society kominote society sosyete society sosyete Society Sosyete society's president pwezidan sosyalis sock chosèt sock chosèt socks chosèt Socks Chosèt sod house mezon ekpoze osolèy Sofa Kanape sofa sofa soft dou soft dous soft janti soft mou soft mou soft souf soft swa soil teren so is she knocking at the doorgen yon moun k ap frape nan pòt la Solar Energy Enègy Solè solarium chanm ouvè solarium solaryòm solarium tèras solders soude solders soudè yo solders that soude solders that soudi soldier chèf Soldier Jandam soldiers from sòlda yo ki sòti soldiers in solda yo nan soldiers in sòlda yo nan soldier solda soldier sòlda Page 541 Feuille1 soldier sòlda soldier sòlda Soldier sòlda Soldier Sòlda Soldier Sòlda soldiers solda yo soldiers solda yo soldiers sòlda yo soldiers sòlda yo soldiers sòlda yo soldiers sòlda yo soldiers sòlda yo so left a package for you gen yon moun ki kite yon pake pou ou solely sèlman solemnly gravman solid figure figi solid solid geometry jeometri solid solid solid solid sphere esfè solid solo solo solo solo solution for desizyon pou solution for solisyon pou solution of the sentence solisyon fraz matematik la solution set of system of inequalities ansanm solisyon sistèm inekwasyon solutions for desizyon yo pou solutions for solisyon yo pou solution solisyon solution solisyon Solutions Solisyon solutions solisyon yo solvability rezolibilite solvable by radical ka rezoud ak radikal solvable ki gen solisyon solve a fractional equation rezoud yon ekwasyon fraksyonè solve ap rezoud solve a problem rezoud yonpwoblèm solve a quadratic equation rezoud yon ekwasyon kwadratik solved te detèmine solved te rezoud solve graphically rezoud grafikman solve pou resoud solve pou rezoud solve rezoud solve rezoud solve the equations graphically rezoud ekwasyon yo grafikman solving ap rezoud solving ap rezoud solving pou rezoud solving rezoud some Anpil some enpe some enpe Page 542 Feuille1 Some enpe some kèk Some kèk Some kèk someone entèl someone kelken something happened at workgen today yon bagay ki pase nan travay la jodi a something hit her and knocked yonher bagay unconscious frape l li tonbe san konesans something kèk bagay something kèlke chòz something kichoy something kichòy something lended on my head gen yon bagay ki tonbe sou tèt mwen something yon bagay sometimes kèkfwa some water tidlo somewhere kèk kote so much sitan so much sitèlman so much sitèlman son fis song chan song chan song chanson song verifye Son in law Bo fis son pitit gason Son Pitit gason son se soon after that toutalè aprè sa soon bwento soon byento soon talè soon toutalè soon trèto sore eyes malozye sore throat anwe sorn gadeba sorn meprize sorn twaze sorrow tristès sorry regrèt sort fason sort jan sort kalite Sort the target audience by priorities. Klase sib pwensipal yo an pwiorite. so sitan so tèlman so that afenke so that Ak sa so that E sa so that he could Men sa li te kapab so that it afenke li Page 543 Feuille1 so that it could Alò sa li te kapab so that she could Men sa li te kapab Soul Lespri Soul nàm Soul nanm sound Bri sound Son Sound Son Sound Son soup bouyon soup kansonmen soup kansonmen soup konsonmen soup soup soup soup Soup Soup soup soupe Soups soup yo sources cited sous mansyone sources cited sous yo te jwenn sources from Orasje origine de Orasje sources from Orasje sous de Orasje source sous SOURCES Sous sources sous yo sources that were cited sous mansyone sources that were cited sous yo te jwenn sources within the company sous ki andedan konpayi an sources within the company sous ki nan konpayi an South Africa Afrik disid South Africa Afrik di sid South African Minister minis afwik di sid South African Minister Minis Sid Afwiken South Africa Sid Afwik South America amerik di sid South America Amerik di sid South America AmerikDisid South American country peyi Amerik di Sid South American country peyi amerik sid yo South America sid amerik South and Central American peyi countries nan sid e santral amerik yo South and Central American peyi countries yo ki nan sid e santral amerik la southeast Sidès southern region rejyon nan sid southern region rejyon sid Southern States eta ki bay sou rejyon Sid south Korea kore di sid South Korean authorities otorite kore di sid yo South Korean Koreyen di Sid south of sid de south sid south sid south sid Page 544 Feuille1 south south south south South South southwest south wind sovereignty sovereignty Soviet army Soviet chancellor Soviet manufacturing Soviet republic Soviet Soviet Soviet Union Soweto so what space space space space Space shuttle spacious Spade spa Spaniard Spaniard Spanish authorities Spanish authorities Spanish authorities Spanish civil war Spanish civil war Spanish company Spanish company Spanish delegation Spanish delegation Spanish division Spanish entrepreneurs spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish film Spanish language Spanish newspaper Spanish newspaper Spanish painter spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish police Spanish presence sid sid sid Sid Sid Sid Sidwès van nan sid souverennte souverennte lame Sovyetik chanselye sovyetik fabrwkasyon sovyetik repiblik sovyetik Sovyèt Sovyetik Inyon Sovyetik Soweto kisa ka fè espas espas lokay nanlè Navèt èspasyal laj Pik estasyon Èspanyòl Panyòl otorite èspanyòl yo zotobwe èspanyòl yo zotobwe panyòl yo gè sivil Èspanyòl Lagè sivil Panyòl konpayi espagnyòl konpayi èspagnyòl delegasyon èspanyòl delegasyon panyòl divizyon panyòl antrepwenè èspanyòl yo espanyòl èspanyòl Èspanyòl fim espanyòl lang èspanyòl jounal èspanyòl Jounal panyòl pent èspanyòl panyòl Panyòl pnayòl polis èspanyòl pwezans èspanyòl Page 545 Feuille1 Spanish press Spanish satellite spanish speaker span span spa Spare parts Spare parts Spark plug spa spatial center spatial investigation SPD SPD speaker speaker speaker speaker speaking speaking Speaking speaking of speaking of Speaking speak into the microphone speak Speak speak speak speak speak speak Speak Speak spear special account special account special delegate special deputy special special Special engine wrenches special special special special special special special special special special special guest lapwès èspanyòl satelit èspanyòl ispanofòn pon travès otèl de detante moso an rezèv moso rezève Bouji tèmal sant spasyal envèstigasyon pasyal Pati Demokrat Sosyal pati sosyal demokratik ekspozitè entèlokitè konferansye oratè ap koze ap pale koze ap koze de ap pale de pawòl pale nan miwofòn an koze koze pale pale pale pale Pale Pale Talk lans akont èspesyal espesyal kontrandi delege espesyal depite espesyal di plis ekstra èspesyal kle motè yo espesifik espesyal espesyal espesyal espesyal espesyal espesyal espesyal espesyal espèsyal envite espesyal Page 546 Feuille1 special in specialists Specialized specialize specialize special judge specially special Special purpose Special purpose Special purpose specials specialty store special units special units Special warfare specifically specifically specifically specific specific specific Specific Gravity Density specific specify specify the type of oil spectacle Speculation speech speech speech speed up speed up speed speedway speedy trial speedy trial spend spend spend spend spend spend time sperm bank Sphere sphere Sphinx spider spider Spies spigot spigot spile espesyal nan espesyalis yo èspesyalize espesyalize espesyalize jig espesyal espesyalman patikilyè entansyon èspesyal èspesyal rezon rezon èspesyal espesyal yo boutik espesyal espesyal gwoup inite èspesyal yo batay èspesyal espesifikman espesyalman spefikman espesifik espesifik espesyal Dansite èspesyal pou gravite patikilyè presize presize kalite de espektak spekilasyon diskou paròl pawòl akselere ankouraje vitès wout de vitès jijman pwese jijman rapid depanse depanse depanse gaspiye pase pase tan bank de nitrisyon Èsfè sfè devinèt arenye zanrenyen èspyons kle tap anpile Page 547 Feuille1 spile antasman spile pil spile ranvèse spile tas spine epin spine kolòn vètebwal spine pikan spin vire spiral espiral spiral resò plat, fen e ron spire flèch spirited egzat spirited ekzak spirited ekzat Spirit espri Spirit Lèspri Spirit lwa Spirit Lwa splash tchouboum split divize split fann split rail ranp chankre split rail ranp klotire spoke reinyon spokesman for UN pòt paròl loni spokesman of State Department pòt pawòl depatman deta spokesman pòt pawol spokesman State pòt paròl eta spokesman UNHCR pòt pawòl UNHCR spoke te pale spoke to te pale a Sponge Eponj sponsor mandate Spool Bobin fil spoon kiyè spoon kiyè Spoon Kiyè Spoon Kiyè sporadic combats konba detanzantan yo sporadic fire kou izole sporadic fire kout fe izole sporadic fire kout fizi izole sporadic fire kout zam izole sporadic shots kou izole sporadic shots kout fizi izole sporadic shots kout zam izole Sport Center Sant spòtif sport espò sport espò sport èspò Sport Èspò sporting house kalòj chat sporting house sant espòtif Page 548 Feuille1 sportive espòtif sportive èspòtif sports arena gran savann sports arena gran tèren sports arena tèren sports center sant espò sports centre sant espò sports complexes konplèsk espò sports complexes sant èspòtiv Sports èspò Sports Èspò sports espò yo sports review revi espò yo spots espò yo spots of disturbed soil or vegetation remak tè jaden ki detwi spots of disturbed soil or vegetation remak tè plantasyon ki vire spotted tache spouse epouz sprain antòch sprain antòs spring bondi spring pouse inatandi spring pouse sanzatann spring prentan spring prentan spring pwentan spring pwentan Spring Pwentan spring resò Spring Resò Springtime sezon Pwentan sprinkle wouze sprinkling awozwa Sprout Boujon Squad èskwad Squad leader chef èskwad SQUAD, PLATOON AND COMPANY skwad, ploton LEADERS ak dirijan konpayi Squadron commander kòmandan èskadwon square both sides mete tou de kote yo o kare square bracket kwochè square brackets kwochè square centimeter santimèt kare squared akawo square foot pye kare square inch pous kare square kare square kare Square Kare Square Kare square kat kote square kilometer kilomèt kare square kilometer kilomèt kare square kilometers kilomèt kare yo Page 549 Feuille1 square meter mèt kare square mile mil kare square-root algorithm algorit rasin kare square root of a fraction rasin kare yon fraksyon square root of the denominator rasin kare denominatè a square root of the numeratorrasin kare nimeratè a Square ruler Ekè square unit inite kare square yard yad kare squeeze prije squid kalma squirrel ekirèy squirrels ekirèy yo Srijem in an srijem stability in estabijite stabilization estabilizasyon stable and estab e stable and stab e stable ekiri stable estab stable estab yo stable nòmal stables ekiri stables estab stables estab yo stables nòmal stab wound blese koud stab wound koud blese stacks kantite yo stadium estad stadium estad stadium estad Stadium Èstad Stadium èstadyòm stadium estedyòm stadium kivèt stadium tèren de konba staff anseyan staff bann staff pèsonèl staff pèsonèl staff pèsonèl staff ponpon staff profesè staff pwive staircase Eskalye Stairs Eskalye stakes pikèt yo stakes poto yo stalk tij stall kabinè avann stall kyòs stall mitan prensipal yon plas Page 550 Feuille1 stall nòmal stall nòmal yo stalls ekiri stalls estab stalls estab yo stalls nòmal stall vye tonnèl stamina fyèl stamped Afranchi stamp estenp Stamp Tenb standard deck of cards je kat estanda standard deviation devyasyon estanda Standard èstanda standard form fòm estanda standard form of a quadratic fòm equation estanda yon ekwasyon kwadradik standardize estandadize Standard Jeep djip nòmal standard position pozisyon estanda standards standa Standard Standa Standard Standa stand baz ranfò standing kanpe standing place estasyon standing plase standing tan-n standing te plase standing up debou stand kabinè avann stand kanpe stand kanpe Stand Kanpe stand nòmal stand nòmal yo stand out kanpe deyò standpoint opinyon stand poto mitan stand pou tann stands in kanpe nan stand sipò stand tann stand trial fè fas jijman stand trial rete jije stand up debou Stand up fas a fas Stand up Kanpe stand up on one's tiptoe wose Staple remover Deklipsè Stapler Klipsè starch lanmidon star etwal stars zetwal yo Page 551 Feuille1 start amòs started te estat started te kòmanse started te kòmanse started te kòmanse started te tanmen started te tanmen starting gate baryè depa starting gate pòt de depa starting gate pòt nòmal yo starting stalls baryè depa starting stalls pòt de depa starting stalls pòt nòmal yo start it and let the motor idle for estat a while li, kite motè a fè yon bon ti moman ap mache start komanse start kòmanse Starvation Mò grangou star zetwal Star Zetwal state administration adminstrasyon leta state authorities otorite leta yo state court tribinal konstisyonèl State Department's Nicholas Depatman Burns eta Nikola Bèns state deta state estimate opinyon deta state eta state eta state eta state eta State funeral fineray nasyonal state gouvènmantal State house Palè Lejislatif State-house Palè Lejislatif Statehouse Palè Lejislatif State house Palman State-house Palman Statehouse Palman state in eta nan state in peyi ki nan state kondisyon state leta State Leta Statement Deklarasyon statements deklarasyon yo state of emergency eta dijans state of eta de state owned companies konpayi leta yo state-owned companies konpayi leta yo state owned company konpayi leta state-owned company konpayi leta state peyi state prison prizon deta State Rights Dwa Deta Page 552 Feuille1 states declare state secretary sekretè deta state secretary sekretè deta State Secretary Warren Christopher sekretè deta Warenn kristofè states enonse state's estimate devi leta state's estimate devi leta state's estimate èstimasyon leta state's estimate èstimasyon leta state's eta states eta states eta yo Statesman Òm Deta state's office for biwo leta pou state's politics eta politik yo states site Stationary èstasyone station estasyon station estasyon station estasyon station estasyon station house estasyon polis station house katye jeneral polis station house pòs estasyon statistical estimate of error estimasyon estatistik erè statistical frequency frekans estatistik Statistic Èstatistik statue estati Statue of liberty Èstati libète status estati status èstati status eta status sitiyasyon statute estati statute estati statute lwa statute lwa Statute of Autonomy èstati otonomi Statute of Autonomy konstitisyon otonòm Statute of Autonomy konstitisyon souvren statute prensip statutory estati legal stay a little longer. it's just 10fè o'clock yon ti rete toujou se 10 è sèlman l ye Stay here! Rete la! stay reste stay rete stay rete stay rete stay rete stay rete stays in abite nan stays in demere nan stays in rete nan Page 553 Feuille1 Stay there. Rete laba! Stay where you are! Rete kote ou ye a! St. Croix Sen Kwa St. Domingo Sendomeng steal vole steal vole steam bath bin de vapè steam bath chanm a vapè steam dechaje steam room bin de vapè steam room chanm a vapè steam sove steam vapè Steam Vapè Steel asye steep A pik steeple flèch Steering wheel Volan stem tij stem tij stench bomb bonm santi step-by-step carry retni etap pa etap step-by-step carry travay ak retni etap pa etap step-by-step method metòd etap pa etap Stepchild Bofis step curve koub eskalye Stepdaughter Bèl fi Stepfather Bòpè step forward pa annavan step in antre step in kanpe nan step in pa nan Stepmother Bèlmè step on the gas, step on it ! he's peze, about peze! to lipass prèt pou double n! step pa steppe Savan zèb sèch steps echèl stepson bofis Stepson Bo fis steps pa yo Stereotype Kliche sterile esteril sternum biskèt Stethoscope Sond Stethoscope sonn Stethoscope stetoskòp stick these 2 gourdes in your met pocket 2 goud so you sa acan nan buy pòch what ouyou pouneed ou achte sa ou bezwen stick your head out of the window parètto tètsee ou who's nan fenèt there la pou ou wè ki moun sa a stiletto ti kouto still are not toujou ne pa still are not toujou non pa still toujou still toujou Page 554 Feuille1 stimulating Stinger missile stink bomb stipulation stipulation stir stir it to dissolve the sugar St. Kitts St. Martin stockade stockade stockade stockade stock exchange stock exchange stock exchange market stock exchange valued stock exchange week stock market crash stock market crash stock market crash stock market crash stock market stock price stock room stock room stock swap stock swap stock swap stock swap stock swap valued at stock swap valued at stock swap valued stock swap valued stock swap valued stock values stock values stolen cars stolen cars Stolen stomachache stomach stomach stomach stomach stomack Stone Stone wall stone Stone stonework stool pigeon Stop ap estimile misil ofansif bonm santi bwi rimè brase brase l pou sik la ka fonn Sen Kit Sen Maten depo palisad prizon prizon militè echanje valè mache labous kapital sou mache dechanj echanje valè mache dechanj semèn nan defisi mache dechanj la efondman mache labous mache a an bès pèt mache echang mache dechanj pwi machadiz magazin rezèv echanje valè echanje valè machandiz pwodwi komèsyal machandiz la ka vann a pwodwi a ka vann a pwi machandiz sa machandiz la vo valè machandiz valè bond yo valè kapital machin vole yo vwati vole yo vole vant fè mal estomak estomak lestomak pwatrine lètomak ròch Mi an wòch wòch Wòch masonnri tripòt arè Page 555 Feuille1 stop arète stop estope Stop kanpe Stop! Kanpe! Stop Kanpe stop kicking and let me put these sispann shoes voye onpye kite m met soulye a nan pye ou stop me kanpe m stop me kanpe mwen stop me rete m stop me stope m stoppage anpechman stoppage baraj stoppage barikad stoppage blokaj stoppage obtriksyon stopping ap kanpe stopping arète stopping diskontinyason stopping rète stop rèste stop rete stop rete stop Rete Stop rete la Stop sign siy arè Stop sign Siy pou kanpe Stop sign siy stop Stop sign Siy stop stops pwen stops stòp Stop stope stop talking so loud sispann pale fò konsa storage depo storage kabinèt storage kòf storage palas storage palè storage palman storage room depo storage room magazen storage space espas de ranjman storage ti bwat sekrè storage ti chanm depo storage ti chanm kote pou sere zouti store boutik Store Boutik store chòp store depo storehouse depo storehouse palas storehouse palè storehouse palman store magazen Page 556 Feuille1 Store store store store storeroom storeroom storey storey storey Storm 95 storm storm storm storm storm stormy story story story story story story Storytelling Storytelling Stove stowaway straight ahead. straight angle straight straightedge Straight forward straight line straight on straight skirt Strainer strait Strait Strange strategical estimation strategic strategic forces strategic forces strategic strategic studies strategic studies strategic weapons Strategy Stratosphere Straw straw mat straw stray missile stray missile Magazen palas palè palman depo magazen flòch kay bas nivo tanpèt kouraj loray orag tanpèt tonè oraj etaj flòch istwa kay bas nivo planche Tire tirèdkont Recho pasaje kache dwat devan. ang pla dwat ki gen kan dwat Devan dwat liy dwat dwat si antrav Paswa Detwa Detwa Etranj estimasyon estratejik estratejik fòs èstratejik yo fòs èstratejik yo strateji etid estragik yo etid èstratejik yo zam èstratejik yo Estrateji stratosfè chalimo atèmiyò pay misil devye misil pèdi Page 557 Feuille1 stream bed Kannal dlo stream kouran stream kouran stream riso stream Riso street brooklyn new york 12345 ri brooklyn new york 12345 street chemen street lari Street Lari Street light Limyè lari street ri Street sign Siy lari strength anvigè strength for fòs pou strength for fòs pou strength for fòs pou strength for kouraj pou strength fòs strength fòs Strength fòs strength in fòs nan strength kouraj Strength Kouraj strength lafòs strength lafòs strengths for fòs pou strengths for kouraj pou stressed aksantye stressed chagren stressed pèn domèstik stressed strès stressing that endike sa Stretch Detire Stretcher bearer branka Stretcher bearer potè branka Strike Grèv striker grevis stringer kòdon strip pis datèrisaj strip tèren strip tèren daterisaj Stroller Charyo ti bebe strong di strong downturn gran bès strong downturn gwo bès strong fèm strong fò strong fò strong fò strong fò strong fò strong force fòs solid strong force gran fòs Page 558 Feuille1 strong force strong strong strong Stronghold stronghold stronghold stronghold Stronghold strongly strongly strongly strong strong reaction strong reaction strong security measures strong strong strong tendency strong tendency Struck structural member Structure structure structure structure structure structure structure Structure Struggle Struggle struggle Struggle Struggle strut St. Thomas student student student student student student lodging student lodging student lodging student lodging student residence student residence student residence students studio apartment studio apartment studio gwo fòs fòs oni gran gwo anbiskad basyon e redi fòterès Pèlen enèjik robis vigoure pisan gran reyaksyon reyaksyon solid gwo mezi sekirite solid solid gwo tandans move tandans Frape manm estriktirèl chapant edifis estrikti èstrikti èstrikti konstriksyon strikti Strikti Batay goumen lit Lit Lit sipò Sen Toma elev elev elèv elèv elèv fwaye fwaye jèn lojman etidyan obèj dòtwa pou etidyan gran chanm a kouche kote etidyan dòmi etidyan yo apatman estidyo estidyo apatman estidyo Page 559 Feuille1 studio estidyo study etidye study etidye stumbling block pyè dachòpman stump souch Stupidity radòt Stupidity rans Stupidity Sotiz stupid sòt sturdy enèjik sturdy robis sturdy vigoure Styles Estil subdivision sibdivizyon subdivision sibdivizyon subgroup sougwoup subjection sijesyon subjects asijeti subject sijè subjects motif yo subjects sije Subjects sijè subjects sijè yo subjects soumi subjects tem subjects tèm submachine gun soumaren submachine gun zam semi otomatik Submarine Soumaren submarine torpedo Tòpiyè soumaren subordinate sibaltèn subpoena rele nan tribinal subpoena sitasyon subpoena site (nan tribinal) subscriber abònen subscripted variables varyab nan pozisyon endis subscript endis subscription adezyon subscription kotizasyon subsidiary angle ang oksilyè subsidiary line liy oksilyè subsidiary oksilyè substitute depite substitute in the formula sibstitye nan fòmil la substitute pwogwè substitute ranplasman substitution method metòd sibstitisyon substitution postulate postila sibstitisyon substitution principle prensip sibstitisyon substitution property of equality pwopriyete sibstitisyon nan egalite substitution sibstitisyon subtend an angle soutann yon ang subtend soutann Page 560 Feuille1 suburb banlye subversive organizations gwoup sibvèsif yo subversive organizations òganizasyon sibvèsif yo subversive organizations òganizasyon sibvèsiv yo subversive sibvèsiv subversive war gè sibvèsif subversive war gè sibvètif subway station estasyon souteren succeeded te reyisi successful kourone de siksè successful plen siksè successive approximation apwoksimasyon siksesif successive division divizyon siksesif successive elimination eliminasyon siksesif successive reduction rediksyon siksesif successive repetitions of the repetisyon curve siksesif koub la successive substitution sibstitisyon siksesif successive terms tèm siksesif successive trials esè siksesif successive values valè siksesif successor siksesè success pwogwè success ranplasman success siksè such as setadi such as tankou such as tankou suck souse suction-pump aspiran Sudan Soudan sue rele nan tribinal sue site suffered te soufri sufferers malad sufferers soufri sufferers viktim suffering from a cold anrimen suffering tray sufficient ase sufficient condition kondisyon sifizan suffix sifiks sugar sik sugar sik Sugar Sik suggestion about propozisyon apropo de suggestion about propozisyon osijè de suggestion about sijesyon apropo de suggestion about sijesyon osijè de suggestion lide suggestion propozisyon suggestion sigjesyon suggestion sijeksyon suggestion sijesyon Page 561 Feuille1 suggestion sikjesyon suggestions sigjesyon yo suggest propoze suggest sijere suitable adekwat suitable adekwat suitable apwopwiye suitable aseptab suitable dekwa suitable konvenab suitable konvenyan suitcase bagaj suitcase malèt suitcase valiz suite apatman suite chanm suite chanm yo suite kay suit kostime summand sòmann summary deportation kondisyon depòtasyon summary deportation pwensip depòtasyon summary revi summary rezime summary somè summation of series somasyon seri summation sign siy somasyon summation somasyon summer ete summer ete summer ete Summer Ete summer house kay dete summer house mezon dete summit anlè summit soumèt summit soumi summon konvoke Summons Kontravansyon summons rele lajistis summons trennen lajistis sun bathe benye solèy sun-bathe benye solèy sunbathe benye solèy sunday dimanch Sunday dimanch Sunday Dimanch Sunday Dimanch sunday is the first day of the week dimanch se premye jou nan semèn nan Sundown Solèy kouchan sun killed all the flowers solèy la touye tout flè yo sunny soleye sun parlor chanm ouvè Page 562 Feuille1 sun parlor sun parlor sun porch sun porch sun porch sunrise sun-room sun-room sun-room sunset sun sun Sun suntan lotion suntan oil superior angle superior arc superior council superior council superior forces Superior supermarket supermarket supermarket Supermarket supermarket supernatural Supernatural superscript superscript superstructure superstructure supervise supervise supervise supervising over supervising over supervising over supervising over supervision supervision Supervision supper Supper supplementary angle supplementary series supplement of an arc Supplier supplies supply line supply line Supply locations support solaryòm tèras chanm ouvè solaryòm tèras solèy leve chanm ouvè solaryòm tèras solèy kouche soley solèy Solèy losyon solèy lwil solèy ang siperyè ak siperyè konsèy siperyè konsil siperyè fòs siperyè siperyè boutik mache makèt Sipèmache sipè makèt sinatirèl Sinatirèl chif siperyè lèt siperyè sipè estrikti trè estriktire sipevize sipèvize sipèvize dirije kontwole sipèvize siveye sipèvizyon sipèvizyon Sipèvizyon soupe Soupe ang siplemantè seri siplemantè sipleman yon ak founisè founisè yo liy apwovizyònman liy ravitayman lokasyons materyèl baz ranfò Page 563 Feuille1 support ede supporting documents ranfò dokiman supporting documents sa ki apiye dokiman supporting structure estrikti dapi supporting structure e strikti de sipò supporting tower tou de sipò support kenbe support poto mitan support pou ede support pou kenbe support pou sipòte support sipò support sipò support sipò Support Sipò support sipòte suppose sipoze suppose sipoze suppose sipoze suppositions for presanpsyon yo pou suppositions for sipozisyon yo pou suppress evidence (to) anpeche pwezantasyon pwèv suppress evidence (to) ekate pwèv Supreme Court kou sipwèm supreme court lakou siprèm supreme court lakou sipwèm Supreme Court lakou sipwèm surd root rasin irasyonèl sure sèten sure si Surface to Air Missile personnel pèsonèl pou lanse misil aeryen surgery chiriji surgical interventions entèvansyon chirijikal surgical interventions operasyon chirijikal Surinam Dutch colony koloni olandè sirinam Surplus Sipli surprise factor faktè sipriz surprise siprann Surrender! bay legen! Surrender! Kite sa surrender rann tèt surrender remèt tèt surrounding an n antwoure surrounding an n fè wòn n surroundings anviwonman surroundings of Sarajevo anvironan de sarajevo surroundings of Sarajevo avwazinan de sarajevo surroundings of Sarajevo katye de sarajevo Surrounding terrain and vegetation teren danviwònnman ak vejetasyon surrounding wòn surveillance siveyans surveillance system sistèm de sivèyans Survival school ekòl sibzistans Page 564 Feuille1 Survive suspects suspects Suspenders suspension bridge suspension of deportation suspicions suspicions suspicions sustain (an objection) sustain (an objection) swamp swamp Swamp swamp swear (to) sweatbox sweatbox sweater sweat room Sweden Swedish minister Swedish sweet sweet sweet potato sweet swell swell Swimmer swimming costume swimming Swimming Swimming swimming-pool swimming pool swimming-pool swim Swim swindle swing door swing door switchblade switchblade Switzerland sword Sword sworn sworn sycophant sycophant syllogism symbol for operation Siviv sispèk yo sispèk yo Bretèl pon de sispansyon sispansyon depòtasyon sispèk sispisyon sispisyon apiye soutni Ma labou Ma labou marè Marekaj sèmante anpil syè bwat swè swètè/chanday cham cho swyèd minis swedwa Syedwa desè dous patat sikwe anfle anfle Najè kostim de ben naje naje Natasyon gran basen pisin pisin naje Naje vole pòt pliyan pòt tounan kapab chanje travèse swis epe Epe jire sèmante flatè sousou silojis senbòl pou operasyon Page 565 Feuille1 symbolism senbolis symbolize senbolize symbolize senbòlize Symbols and Numbers Senbòl ak Nonm symbol senbol symbol senbòl Symbol Senbòl symbol siy symmetrical curve koub simetrik symmetrical equations ekwasyon simetrik symmetric figure figi simetrik symmetric property pwopriyete simetrik symmetric relation relasyon simetrik symmetry simetri Sympathy Senpati symptom sentòm symptom Sentòm synagogue sinagòg Syrian delegation delegasyon siryen Syrian Siryen syrup siwo systematic bon jan systematic onèt systematic senpatik systematic sistematik System Metòd system of conics sistèm konik system of dependent equations sistèm ekwasyon depandan system of equations in two variables sistèm ekwasyon ak de varyab system of equations sistèm ekwasyon system of inequalities sistèm inekwasyon system of sentences sistèm deklarasyon system of sentences sistèm fraz system of simultaneous equations sistèm ekwasyon system sistèm system sistèm System Sistèm tabacco tabak tabernacle tabènak tableland Plato tableland Platon table tab Table Tab table-tennis tenis-tab tabulation klasifikasyon tabulation tabilasyon tactical estimation estimasyon taktik Tactic manèv Tactic Taktik Tagalog Tagalòg tailor tayè Taino Indians Tayino Taino Tayino Page 566 Feuille1 Taj Mahal Tajmahal take a holiday prann vakans take a holiday rèste take a left at the entersectionfè a goch lè ou rive nan kafou a take a nap kabicha take a place pran yon plas Take a seat over there, please pwan yon chèz la a, silvouplè Take a seat over there, please tanpri, chita la ba a take care pwan swen take into account pran l nan kont nan take it between meals pran li antre repa Take me ! Mennen mwen! Take me to that place ale ak mwen kote sila a Take me to that place ale ak mwen la a Take me to that place mennenm kote sa a Take me to that place mennen m la a take off your shirt retire chemiz ou take off your shoes retire soulye ou take one of these every day pran youn chak jou take over pran fen take place in pran plas nan take place in pran pozisyon nan take place oki take place pran plas take place prodwi take place ranplase take pran Take Pran take the blue bus at the corner pran otobis ble a nan kwen an take the coffee to your fatherpote kafe a bay papa ou take the ice pick and break up pran the pik ice la forkase me glas la pou mwen take the third road to the left pran twazyèm wout a goch la take this road but not that onepwan wout sila a men pa sa a talk about pale apropo de talk about pale osijè de talk di talked about te pale apwopo de talked about te pale osijè de talked ap pale talked te pale talked te pale talked te pale talked to te pale a talking about ap pale apwopo de talking about pale talking about pale osijè talking ap pale talking te pale talk konvèse talk koze talk pale talk pale talk pale Page 567 Feuille1 talk pale talk pale talk pale Talk pale talk rakonte talks ap pale apwopo de talks in pale nan talks pale talks pale talk to me pale mwen tall gran tall ro tall wo Tall Wo tally pwentaj tamper abweje tamper alsifye tamper chanje tamper melanje tangent curve koub tanjan tangential approximation method metòd apwoksimasyon tanjansyèl tangential equation ekwasyon tanjansyèl tangential tanjansyèl tangential zero zewo tanjansyèl tangent of a circle tanjant yon sèk tangent ratio rapò tanjan tangent surface sifas tanjan tangent tanjan tangled up antòtiye tangled up antòtye Tank crewmember manm dekipaj tank la Tank driving chofè tank la tanks rezèvwa tanks sitè-n tanks tank yo Tanks tank yo Tank Tank Tank use tank okipe tape radyo kasèt tape tep tap kle tap robine tap robinè tap tap taranscripts transkripsyon target bi target bi target bi target mak target objektif target objektif target range chan de batay target range lin de konba Page 568 Feuille1 target target tariff union taro task taste taste TATICS Taurus tautology tavern tavern tavern tavern tavern Tax taxes Taxes taxes tax evasion tax evasion tax evasion Taxi taxi Taxi Tax Taylor Teacher teacher teacher teacher teacher teacher teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher teaching Tea cup Tea tea house teahouse tea house teahouse teakettle Tea kettle team team Team team Team reaction tear gas tear gas sib vizyon tarif inyon malanga tach goute teste taktik Towo totoloji bistro kay piblik salon tavèn toune enpo enpo Taks tax detounman taks taks fwod taks vole liy taksi Taksi Taks Tayè Mèt mèt-lekòl profesè profesè profesè profesè pwofesè pwofesè pwofesè Pwofesè anseyman Tas te dite salon pou te salon pou te sal pou pran te sal pou pran te chodwè kafetyè ekip ekip ekip gwoup reaksyon ekip akrimojen lans gaz Page 569 Feuille1 tear gas lans gaz tear gas tir gaz tea room salon pou te tearoom salon pou te tea room sal pou pran te tearoom sal pou pran te Teaser Anmèdman Teaser anniyè Teaser cholokè tea shop salon pou te teashop salon pou te tea shop sal pou pran te teashop sal pou pran te tea te tea te tea te tea te Tea Te technical cooperation kòperasyon teknik technical director direktè teknik technical management administraksyon teknik technical management manajman teknik technical police polis teknik technical problems pwoblèm teknik yo technical problems pwoblèm teknik yo Technical teknik technical university inivèsite teknik Technician Teknisyen techniques of sampling teknik echantiyonaj technocrat teknokrat technology teknoloji Technology Teknoloji tedious anbete tedious anmède teenager anbazaj Teeth Dan Teeth dan yo teeth (one tooth) dan tehre are two beautiful lampsgenyen in the living-room. de bèl lanp nan salon an. telecom company Teleko telecommunication system sistèm telekominikasyon telephone booth bwat telefòn telephone booth kabin telefonik telephone box bwat telefòn telephone box kabin telefonik telephone calls apèl telefòn yo telephone calls rele nan telefòn yo telephone kiosk bwat telefòn telephone kiosk kabin telefonik telephone number nimero telefòn Telephone operator operatè telefòn Telephone receiver Reseptè telefòn telephone service sèvis telefòn Page 570 Feuille1 Telephone services sèvis telefòn telephone system sistèm telefòn telephone telefòn telephone telefòn Telephone Telefòn Telescope Teleskòp televised debate deba televize television channel chanel televizyon television channels chèn televizyon yo television debate deba nan televizyon television debate deba televize television networks chanel televizyon yo television networks rezo televizyon yo television room sal cinema television room sal televizyon Television screen Ekran televizyon television set televizyon television sistèm televizyon television station chanèl televizyon television station estasyon televizyon television system sistèm televizyon television system televizyon television Teledifizyon television televizyon television televizyon Television Televizyon tell di tell di tell di rakonte tell him to step in my office before di l anvan he leaves l ale pou l vin kote m nan biwo m lan tell me dim Tell me. Di m tell me di mwen tell me di mwen Tell me from this list the morale de of lis your sa a,unit. pale m nivo moral inite w la? Tell me how many in each category. di m konbyen nan chak kategori Tell me if you know anything di about m sione w paofkonnen these operations. anyen de yonn nan operasyon sa yo? Tell me. pale m Tell me the name di mwen non an Tell me the name pale m non an Tell me the place di mwen kibò Tell me the place di mwen ki kote Tell me the place di mwen nan ki zòn Tell me the type of training from montre the following m ki kalitelist. antrènman nan lis sa a tell pale tell pale tell rakonte tell rakonte Temperature Control knob Bouton kontwòl tanperati temperature tanperati Temperature Tanperati tempest tanpèt temple tamp Page 571 Feuille1 temple temporal suspension temporarily suspended temporarily suspended temporarily unofficial temporary temporary temporary temporary temporary temporary temporary temporary temporary restraining order temporary state temporary state temporary stay temporary stay tenant ten ten tenement tenement tenement Tennis ball tennis player Tennis racket tennis Tents tent Tent Tent tent Tequila Tequila term terminal column terminal terminal terminal side terminal side of an angle terminal terminal terminus terminus terminus terminus term terms for term ternary terrace terrace tanp sispansyon tanporè sispan tanporèman tanporèman sispandi tanporèman ki pa ofisyèl pou yon ti moman pou yon titan pou yon titan provizwa pwoviswa pwovizwa pwovizwaman pwovizwaman lòd sispansyon tanporè eta pwovizwa eta tanporè rete annatandan rete tanporèman lokatè dis Dis imèb mezon de rapò mezon lojman Boul tenis amatè tenis Rakèt tenis tenis tant to tant Tant Tant tant plyant likè Mexiken Tekiya dat delè kolòn tèminal dènye pwen pwen final kote tèminal kote tèminal yon ang tèminal tèmine dènye pwen pwen final tèminal tèmine limit kontra tèm pou tèm tènè balkon Bankèt Page 572 Feuille1 terrace galri terrace gran galri terrace teras terrace Tèras terrace tonèl pou teyat terrain chan terrain chan terrain chantye terrain chantye terrain tèren terrain tèren terrific thank you very much sir mayifik mèsi anpil mesye territorial agreement akò tèritoryal territorial assembly HVO fromasanble Orasje teritoryal HVO Orasje territorial concession konsesyon tèritoryal territorial conflict konfli tèritoryal territorial integrity entegrite teritoryal territorial integrity entegrite tèritoryal territorial integrity entegrite teritwa territorial problems pwoblèm tèritoryal yo territorial studies etid tèritoryal yo territorial teritoryèl territorial tèritoryèl territories alantou yo territories in zòn yo nan territories zòn yo territory rejyon territory tèritwa territory zòn Terrorism tèoris Terrorism Tèworis terrorist action aksyon tèworis Terrorist activities aktivite teoris yo terrorist attempts atanta teworis yo terrorist groups gwoup tèworis yo terroristic campaign kanpay tèworistik Terror Laterè Test equipment aparèy tès Test equipment tèstè ekipman testify temwanye testimonies temwayaj yo test range kontròl de pòte test tès test teste Test tube Tib desè Test tube tib tès tetrahedroid tetrayedrik Tetrahedron barricades barikad kafou Tetrahedron barricades barikad kat tèt tetrahedron tetrayèd tey arrested her and held heryo at arete the police l yo fè station l fè nwit all lan night nan pòs polis la tget down desann tget down pran tè Page 573 Feuille1 Thai Tayland than alò than alò ke than ke thanked te remèsye thankfulness gratitid thank God grasadye thank remesye thank remèsye thanks to remèsiman a thanks to remèsye thank you granmèsi thank you Grenmesi thank you mèsi thank you mèsi thank you mèsi thank you mèsi thank you mèsi thank you sir mèsi mesye thank you very much, madam. mèsi bokou, madanm, thank you very much mèsi anpil thank you very much mèsi anpil thank you very much mèsi bokou thank you very much. Mèsi bokou. than te baze than te fonde tha's the priest who married them se pè sa a k te fè maryaj la that after apre sa that after sè k apwè that all se tout that are Bosnian sa yo bosnyan that are Kiyès yo that are sa se that are Sa yo that book has a lot of nice illustration liv sa a chaje bèl desen that Bosnian se bosnyen that building has been aroundkay forsa a long a la lontan time that concerns rapò sa yo that concerns relasyon sa yo that could land you in troublesa ka mete ou nan poblèm that country peyi sa that country te sa that Croatian will kwoasyen pral that Croatian will kwoasyen va that does'nt matter sa pa gen enpòtans that dog is harmless chen an pa mechan that dog is mean chen sa a mechan that dress doesn't do you justice rad sa pa fè ou byen menm that driver is hogging the roadchofè sa a pran wout la pou kont li that exist sa ekziste that exist sè ke l egziste that field chan sa a that field terèn sa a Page 574 Feuille1 that girl is making you lose your fi samind a af fè ou pèdi tèt ou that girl is making you lose your fi samind a ap fè ou fè tenten that guy stinks msye santi that he hopes sa li espere that he sa li that he se li that in sa nan that in sa nan that is a cat sa a se yon chat that is Croatia sa se kwoasi that is during diran tan sa that is during nan moman sa that is during pandan sa that is from sa soti nan that isgood se byen sa that is it sa se li that is k ap that is ki ap that is Ki se that is Li se that is my sa se afè mwen that is not sa se pa that is not se pa sa that is sa se that is sa se that is Sa se that is Sa se that is Sa se that it is Sa se li that it Se li that ke that ke that ke that land peyi sa that land te sa that makes the fourth death insathe fè family katriyèm thismoun year ki mouri nan fanmi an ane sa a that mine field tèren pyeje sa a that much sa anpil that never antered my head sa pa jan m vin nan tèt mwen that occasion okazyon sa that on sa sou that party was the least organized fèt saone a pi I've malnever òganizi attended pase tout fèt m al deja that peace lapè sa that phrase in the book fraz sa a nan liv la that problem pwoblèm sa that process prosè sa that progran comes on late pogram sa a pase ta that regions regyon sa yo that relates to ki konsène that road chimin sa a that road wout sa a that sa that sa Page 575 Feuille1 that sa that sa that sa that sa that Sa that Sa that sa a that sa a that's a good idea se yon bon lide that's a lie se manti that's another matter entirely se pa menm bagay la that se that se that Serbs Sèb sa yo that shall sa pwal that she se li that's man she's married se ak nèg sa a l marye a that's my final offer take it or leave se dènye it pri m, m p ap ni wete ni mete that's my sa se afè mwen that's not what I meant. you got se pa thesa wrong m te idea vle di ou konprann sa mal that student never takes notes elèv sa a pajanm pran nòt That symbol means siyn sa fè konnen That symbol means siy sa siyifi That symbol means siy sila vle di that take a lot of patience sa mande anpil pasyans that they are sa yo ye that they are Sa yo ye that they sa yo that they se yo that town vil sa a that way chemem sa that way chimen sa that way wout sa that we are sa nou ye that what ke sa that what ki sa that what sal ye that which are sa ki se that which is connected sa ki te konekte that which Sa ki that will in sa pwal nan that will Ki pwal that will not sa pa pral that will sa pral that will sa pral that will sa pral that will sa pral that will sa pwal that will Sa pwal that will Sa pwal that won't sa pa vle That word mean mo sila fè konnen That word mean mo sila sinifi Page 576 Feuille1 That word mean mo sila vle di that would be sa kapab that would be sa pourè that would be useful sa ka byen itil that would be useful sa ta kapab itil that would make good souvenirs sila ka fè bon souvni that would sa pral the are all kinds of fish here gen tout kalite pwason isit the areas under control zònn ki anba kontwòl the areas under control zòn sa a anba kontwòl the ashes are still warm sann lan cho toujou theater sal de teyat theater teat theater teyat theater teyat theatre sal de teyat theatre teat theatre teyat the baby ti bebe a the ball knocked a hole in theboul window la frape nan fenèt la li fè yon tou ladan l The Basic School lekòl de baz the bathroom sal de ben the bath-tub basen the bed kabann the bedroom chanm the bedroom is too small for this chanm bed.lan two poti pou kabann sa a. the beginning tanmen an the best Croatian le meyè kwoasyon the best croatian tennis player le Goran meyè jwè Ivanisevic tenis kwoasyen goran Ivanisevik the best croatian tennis player le Goran meyè jwè tenis kwoasyen goran the best croatian tennis player le meyè jwè tenis kwoasyen the best meyè an the best pi bon the best pi bon the best pi meyè the best pi meyè the best pi sipòtan the best sak pi bon the biggest pi gwo the biggest pli gwo the biggest pli laj the bird dove for the chicken zwazo a plonje dèye poul la the blanket lenn,kouvèti the boards are of different lengths planch yo pa menm longè the boat is being loaded at the batiman dock an ap chaje sou waf la the bocket is leaky bokit la koule the bottle boutèy THE BOXES bwat yo the box is taking up all the space bwat la pran tout plas la the boys ti gason yo the bullet hit hin in the head bal la prann nan tèt the bus arrived around 3 p.mbis la ri ve bò 3 è apremidi konsa the bus arrived around 3 p.mbis la rive nan zòn 3 è apremidi konsa Page 577 Feuille1 the bus is late I can't take themtime pa ptoret eat, manje, or I'll be m alate an reta the bus is leaving soon bis la ap pati talè the call me orelis, but my lastyo name rele is m palankè orelis, men siyati m se palankè the can has a leak in it mamit lan gen yon kote l koule the car hit a tree machin lan rantre nan yon pyebwa the car hit me and knocked me machin downlan frape m m tonbe the car just missed me machin lan manke frape the car must have been sold machin they took landown gen lè thevann, sign m wè yo retire ansèy la the car's around the back of the machin house lan deyè kay la the cat licked up the milk chat la bwè lèt la the ceiling plafon the central santral lan the chair chèz the child can travel free if shetimoun sits onnan yourpalap p peye si ou mete l chita sou ou the children are playing hopscotch timouninyo the apyard jwe marèlm nan lakou a the children sat around the teacher ti moun yo te chita toutotou mèt la the child ti moun nan the clock revèy the coach gave him a massage antrenè a ap ba l masaj the coach gave him a massage antrenè a ap ba l masay the coffee pot kafetyè the coffee spilled on the tableclock kafe a tonbe sou nap la The color would be koulè a ta dwe the continuation swit the crooks got caught yo pran vòlè yo the crowd broke up when thetout police moun arrived yo gaye lè lapolis parèt the curfew has been lifted pa gen kouvrefe ankò the date dat the day after lelandemen the day after tomorrow apredemen the day after tomorrow Jou ki vini aprè demen the day before lavèy the day before yesterday avantyè the day before yesterday Avantyè the day before yesterday Avanyè the deaf talk in sign languagebèbè pale an siyon the death of his wife has really lanmò gotten madanm him down li an kwaze moral li serye the decision has been made desizyon an deja pran the decisions lies in your hands desizyon an se nan men ou li ye the developing of devlòpman de the dining-room is very wide.salamanje a gran anpil. the dinning-room sal a mange the doctor asked me if I weredoktè in his aimmediate mande m family si m se fanmi pre l the doctor doktè the doctor had me take off mydoktè cloches a fèm retire rad sou mwen the doctor is in the maternity doktè ward a nan matènite the doctor lanced the abscess doktè a fann apse a the doctor left town doktè a gòch vil la the doctor said that she's sterile doktè di l paka fè pitit The doctor says that I'll feel so doktè much a di better m apwhen santiIm get pi the byen operation lontan lèover operasyon with an fini the dog is licking my foot chen an ap niche pye m the dog was barking a lot, and chen it keep an jape me up twòp all linight fè m fè nuit lan m pa fèmen je m the door and window were left pòt open la akallfenèt night.la rete ouvè tout lannwit. Page 578 Feuille1 the dug a hole in the yard yo fouye yon tou nan lakou a the end li fini the fact reyalite a the faster le plito ke posib the fever lavyèv the film fim the fire was caused by arsonse yon moun ki mete dife nan kay la the first le pwemye The first one is pwemye a se the flooding left many peopledlo homeless a lage anpil moun ap dòmi nan lari the flooding left many peopledlo homeless a lage anpil moun ap dòmi nan lari the floor planche the flowers are level with the flè fence yo menm otè ak lantiray la the followed his instructions to nou thefèlater l jan l di a the following ap swiv the following European citiesvil ewopeyen sa yo the following European citiesvil ewopeyen sa yo the food won't last us a weekmanje a pa p fè yon semenn the forck fouchèt the fourth la katyyèm theft vòl the gas tank is leaking tank gaz la koule the girls tifi yo the glass vè the goalie dove for the ball gadjen an plonje deyè boul la the Grand Prize gran pwi a the guy was a giant nèg la men wotè men lajè the hand lamen the hend laid 3 eggs this morning poul la ponn 3 ze maten an the highest pli gran the highest pli gro the highest pli ro the horse is lame cheval la ap brete the house is cluttered with junk kay la chaje yon pakèt debri the house is cluttered with junk kay la chaje yon pakèt djanni the house is in the left side kay la sou bò gouch the house may not be on the kay street, la pa butsou at least la ri, men it cheap l gen yon avantay li pa chè the House of Commons kay komen yo the House of Commons mezon komen yo the house will be on the left kay la sou men goch ou their homes kay pa yo their own pa yo their own pwòp ap nou their sa theirs pa yo theirs sa yo theirs zafè yo their yo the jar bokal the judment was fair jijman an byen fèt the keyboard klavye a the kichen is so clean kizin lan byen pwòp the kichen kizin Page 579 Feuille1 the kids are jumping rope in the timoun yardyo ap sote kòd nan lakou a the kids will be home from school timoun soon, yo pral I need sot to lekòl be fò getting m al lakay back the knife kouto the lamp lanp the lan the largest pli gwo the largest pli laj the largest pli laj lan the last moment dènye moman The latrine is to the right Watè a adwat the lawn is beautiful gazon an bèl the lead in this pencil is too light kreyon sa a twò pal the least I'll sell it for is 50 gourdes pi piti pou m vann li se 50 goud the least omwen ke the leaves are turning colors fèy yo ap chanje koulè the less you talk, the better si ou pale mwens l ap pi bon the license plate tag on my car yowas vòlèstolen plak machin mwen an the light is too harsh for mu eyes limyè a twò fò pou je m the light was dim imyè a te fèb the living-room salon the Makout planted makout te mete the Makout planted these mines makout and yo wekplanted te platethose min sa mines yo e nou te plante min sa yo the Makout planted these mines makout ki te tann pyèj sila yo the Makout planted these mines makout yo ki te plante min sa yo the Makout planted these mines makout yo k te plante min sa yo the mama dog died manman chen an mouri the manager is going to decide se direktè a k pou deside the man are the ones whon don't se mesye agreeyo k pa dakò the man are the ones whon don't se magree sye yo k pa dakò the massacred the people in yo thetouye church moun ki te nan legliz la the match went out alimèt la mouri the maximum you should givepihere plis kòb for the poubike ou ba is $li 100 pou bisiklèt la se 100 dola the medecine does not take long remèd to act la pa pran anpil tan pou l fè efè themes asijeti themes motif yo themes sije themes sijè yo themes soumi themes tem themes tèm the millet, corn, sugar, cane, kann is ready nanfor bon harvesting pou koupe the millet, corn, sugar, cane, mayi is ready a bon for pou harvesting kase the millet, corn, sugar, cane, pitimi is ready an for bonharvesting pou keyi the minister said minis la di the minute I saw her I took todepi her menm lè a m wè l la m renmen l the minute she walked in the depi storel antre she was nantaken magazen with that an lidress pèdi nan rad sa a the mixer miksè the most important pi enpòtan the most important plis enpòtan the most plis the mouse ran into a hole in the sourit wall la antre nan yon tou nan mi an the mouse ran into a hole in the sourit wall la antre nan yon tou nan mi an the movie just started fim lan fenk koumanse Page 580 Feuille1 them yo them yo them yo then Ak then ala fwa then alò then alò then alò then alò then Alò the name on the tiket doesn'tnon match k sou thetikè name a se onpa the non passport k sou paspò a then Aprè then Byen then E then E alò the nearest bank bank pli pre a then epi the news gave me a real lift nouvèl la fè kè m kontan anpil the news got around nouvèl la geye the news of his death distressed nouvèl us greatly lanmò l la boulvèse n anpil The next one is apwe sa se then Ki donk then Men then prochèn then se konsa the nurse enfimyè the object of objè de the old man gran moun gason the old woman gran moun fanm the ones that sa yo ki the only one sèlman youn the only thing lacking is money se kòb sèlman k manke the operation left a scar on my operasyon chest an kite yon mak sou lestomak mwen theoretical probability pwobabilite teyorik theoretical teyorik theory teyori the others lèzòt yo the others lòt yo the oven fou the pan kaswòl the pants led is torn pye pantalon an chire the paper stuck to my hand papye a kole nan men m The parrot can't talk yet jako sa a po ko konn pale the past 24 hours nan dènye 24 twè tan the pay me less money in thisyojob peye m pi piti kòb nan travay sa a the pillow-cases, the sheets, tout the cutains tèt doreye andyo, thedra blankets yo, ridoare yoall akdurty. lenn yo sal. the pillow-case tèdoreye the plane can't land here avyon an an paka ateri la a the plane left 10 minutes lateavyon an ale 10 minit an reta the plant is idle because they're izit out nanof kanpe fuel pa gen gaz the plate/ the dish asyèt the pleasure is mine young man mwen byen kontan rankontre ou jennòm the polis arrested a number of lapolis people arete yon bann moun Page 581 Feuille1 The Pope le Pap the pot chodyè the presidents court yard pwezidan lakou jistis lan the President's office biwo pwezidan an the press la près the price is marked on the tagpri a make sou etikèt la the price of land is very high here tè chè anpil bò isi a the price of sugar has jumpedprisharply sik la fè yon sèl moute the price of these shirts has been pri chemiz marked saup yo moute the process of prosesis de the punishment you gave herpinisyon was too ou harsh bali a twò di the radio radyo the rain lasted for two days lapli a fè 2 jou ap tonbe the rainy season usually lastssezon from april lapli a tillsoti mayavril rive me the ran around the house y ap kouri fè wonn kay la the rat dove into a hole rat la kouri antre nan yon tou. the reality reyalite a there are a lot of beautiful beachea chaje bèl around plaj bò here isi a there are a lot of people illegal chaje aliens moun in the ki pa USgen papye ozetazini there are Gen there are genyen there are genyen there are Genyen there are less cars on the road gen than mwens before machin sou wout la konnye a there are li gen there are li genyen There are many nations working Anpilwith nasyon you to ki restore ap travay peace avèk ou pou fè lapè tabli There are many nations working Genyen with anpil you tonasyon restorekap peace travay ak ou pou remete lapè There are many nations working Genyen with anpil you topèp restore kap travay peace ak ou retabli lapè there are many things could have gen anpil said bagay m te ka di there are no pa gen there are no Pa genyen there are not any pa genyen there are not pa genyen there aren't any books pa gen okenn liv there aren't any pa genyen there aren't any spoons so you pa 'llhave gen kiyè to do ou ap oblije pran l konsa there aren't as many people as yè yesteday te gen plis moun there aren't pa genyen there are only three days left rete before 3 jou wesèlman leave on anvan vocation n pati al an vakans there are so many, that I don'ttèlman know gen which anpil to choose m konn sa pou m pran there are two spoons and three genplates de kiyè onak thetwa table asyèt sou tab the reconstructions rekonstriksyon yo the reconstructions renovasyon yo the record plak the record-player aparèy therefore donk therefore donk therefore pafwa therefore pafwa therefore pakonsekan therefore pakonsekan therefore Paske Page 582 Feuille1 the refrigerator frijidè the refrigerator has been acting depiupyèsince frijidèyesterday a pa travay byen there is a mass of rock bloking gen theyon road gro wòch ki bare wout la there is Gen there is genyen there is genyen there is Genyen there is li gen there is li genyen there is no pa gen there is no pa genyen there is no Pa genyen there is not any pa genyen there is not enough room in the pa kitchen gen asefor plas a big nanrefrigerator. kizin nan. there is nothing the matter with m pa megen anyen there is not pa genyen there isn't any food pa gen manje there isn't any pa genyen there isn't much of a market for yo this pa tèlman soap achte savon sa a there isn't much of a market for yo this pa tèlman soap mande savon sa a there isn't pa genyen there is one at the corner, madam. gen youn nan kafou pli devan, madanm. there la there la there la there laba there laba There Laba the renovations rekonstriksyon yo the renovations renovasyon yo there's a flaw in this leather kwi sa a gen yon defo there's a flaw in this leather po sa a gen yon defo there's a hole in the knee of these jenou pants pantalon an gen yon gwo tou there's a hole in the pants pantalon an gen yon tou there's a hole in the pents pantalon an gen yon tou there's got to be a leader fò gen yon chèf there's no fish left pa gen pwason ankò there s no marchet today jodi a se pa jou mache there's nothing that will kill thepapain gen anyen k ka fè doulè a pase there's not much food left pa gen anpil manje k rete there's one too many gen youn anplis the rest of occupy rès okipe the results of rezilta yo de the return of refugees retou refije yo the return of refugees retou refije yo the return of refugees retou refijye yo the return of the exiled retou akzile the return of those in exile retounen sa yo ki nan ekzil the return of those in exile retou sa yo ki nan ekzil there was a conversation te genyen yon chita pale there wasn't any life in the street pa gen aktivite menm nan lari a there were around 40 peoplete atgen teh nan partyzòn lan 40 moun konsa nan fèt la there were many people waiting te gen for yon the doctor bon valè moun ap tann doktè a Page 583 Feuille1 there were many people waiting te gen for yon the doctor pakèt moun ap tann doktè a there weren't any places left in pathe t gen movie plastheater ankò nan sinema a there were te gen there were te genyen there were two gentleman who gen came de mesye to seekyou te vin thiskote morning ou maten an Thermal Energy Enèji Tèmal thermal waters dlo cho yo Thermometer Tèmomèt thermonuclear warhead bonm a tèt tèmonikileyè the road is well mapped out wout la byen trase the rock hit me in the head wòch la pranm nan tèt the roof is leaky kay la koule the same menm these batteries have a short lifespan pil sa yo pa fè lontann these days jou sa yo these days sèjousi these lenses are to weak vè a twò fèb the sentence fwaz la the Serbs are sèb lan se these Sa these sa yo the ship doesn't have any lifeboats batiman an pa gen kannòt bò the shoes are a perfect matchsoulye for thea dress byen ale a rad la the shot didn't hurt me in the piki leasta pa fè m mal menm the shower douch the signings siyati yo the sink lavabo The size would range from ten mezi centimeters sa a ta katoranje 45 centimeters ant dis santimèt jiska 45 santimèt the sky is blue syèl la ble the solution of the crisis solisyon kriz yo the sooner leplito ke posib the spokesman announced pòt pawòl la te anonse the spokesperson told pòtpawòl la te di the stamp wouldn't stick because tenmitlan didn't paka have koleany l paadhesive gen gonm the stew doesn't have any meat ragou a pa gen vyann the store always well stockedmagazen yo toujou chaje the store has stocked up on uniform magazen material an chaje twal inifòm the strike held up all the flighsgrèv la mete tout avyon yo an reta the strike held up all the flights grèv la mete tout avyon yo an reta the summer vocation begins vakans in june and ete kòmanse ends in september an jen li fini an septanm the supervising of Serbs sipèvizyon Sèb yo the supervisor is on leave sipèvizè a an konje the table tab the teacher caught him cheating, mèt la butkenbe he letl him ap kopye, get away menwith l pait fè l anyen The teacher got on them for talking mèt la pran in class abò yo poutèt y ap pale nan klas la the teacher is sharp but he dosn't mèt laknow fò men, howpa to konn get his eksplike ideas across the teacher is too lenient withmèt the la kids pa kenbe ti moun yo di the teacher is too lenient withmèt the la kids twò dou ak timoun yo the teacher is too lenient withmèt the la kids twò mou ak timoun yo the teacher let us off early today mèt la lage n bonè jodi a the teacher marked me downmèt because la retire mypwen homework sou mwen was poutèt messy devwa a sal the team did well ekip la byen degaje l the team did well today ekip la jwe byen jodi a Page 584 Feuille1 the team finished last in the division ekip la dènye nan pou l li a the team has met their matchekip la jwenn mèt ke l the tea-pot teyè the television set televizyon the the knife by the handle kenbe kouto a nan manch the third la trwazyèm the third twazyem la the third twazyem lan the three months of spring are twa mwa pretan yo se the three months of summer twa are mwa ete yo se the three months of winter are twa mwa ivè yo se the three of them twa nan yo the time lè a the time moman a the toaster tostè the traffic jam held me up blikis la banm reta the traffic jam held me up blokis la banm reta the traffic jam held me up blokis la fè m pran reta the traffic jam held me up blokis la fè m pran reta the traffic jam make me late blokis la ban m reta the traffic jam make me late blokis la fè m pran m reta the translation tradiksyon an the two days I took by working fò on m al saturday travay samdi and sanday ak dimanch pou 2 jou m te pran yo the union has ordered the workers sendika to agomande on strike travayè yo pou yo fè grèv the US is my home peyi m se ozetazini the US is my home peyi m se ozetazini the waether is calm tan an kalm the way she acted could leadjan youl fè to a, beleive sa ka that fè outhe konprann car was machin hers lan se pou li the weapons lèzam the weather is bad tan an move the weather is nice tan an bèl the will go to the circus yo pral nan sik the wind is blowing li fè van the wind was perfectly still pat gen yon ti rize van menm the work is hard, but I'll try to travay stick with la diit men m ap eseye kenbe kanmenm the work they give to do now travay is by far yomuch banminteresting fè kounye a pi enteresan lontan the work took up the whole day travay la pran tout jounen an nèt they accused me of stirring up yothe akize workers m se mwen k moute tèt travayè yo they agreed yo te dakò they agreed yo te negosye they all ran away and left me yo holding lage pou the bag m pote chay la pou kont mwen they all ran away and left me yo holding tout kouri the bag yo lage pou m pote chay la pou kont mwen they all ran away and left me yo holding tout kouri the beg yo lage pou m pote chay la pou kont mwen they all ran away and left me you holding tout the kouri beg yo lage tout chay la sou kont mwen they announced that yo te anonse sa they are coming Y ap vini they are coming Yo ap vini they are coming Yo vini they are continuing yo ap kòmanse they are for yo pou they are going ou ale they are going ou pwale they are going to the restaurant yo pral nan restoran Page 585 Feuille1 they are going yo pwale they are in session yo nan seksyon they are not afraid yo pa pè they are not yo pat they are on yo si they are ready yo prè they are that yo se sa they are unable yo pat kapab they are yap they are y ap they are Yo they are yo ap they are yo se they are Yo se they are Yo se they arrested her and held her yoatarete the polis l, yo fè station l fè nwit all night lan nan pòs polis la they asked for yo te mande they bought twelve cups yo te achte douz tas they built a bridge across theyo river fè yon pon sou larivyè a they butchered a fat hog yo touye yon gwo kochon gra they buy six rats y achte sis rat they can't yo pa kapab they can yo dwe they can yo kapab they can Yo kapab they claim yo revandike they come back yo retounen they come back yo tounem they come Y ap vini they come Yo ap vini they come Yo vini they could not yo pat kapab they declared yo te deklare they declared yo te kòman se they defeated yo te defèt they defeated yo te echoye they demanded yo te mande they did eway with latin in theyo mass pa fè mès an laten ankò they do not have Yo pat genyen they don't have any on my yo pa konn anyen sou mwen they don't have Yo pat genyen they don't want Pat vle they don't want Yo pat vle they dropped a bomb on the yo arsenal lage bonm sou dopo zam lan they dug a hole in the yard yo foure yon tou nan lakou a. they enter in yo antre andedan they expressed yo te ekspres they expressed yo te fe tande they expressed yo te pale they gave yo te bay they going to the library yo prale nan bibliotèk they got yo te genyen they had to yo te dwe Page 586 Feuille1 they had yo te genyen they had Yo te genyen they harvest alot of millet yo rekòlte anpil pitimi they have a beautiful home yo gen yon bèl kay they have a beautiful home yo gen yon bèl kay they have an accident on theyo road fè yon aksidan sou wout la they have a right yo gen yon dwat they have too many chikdrenyo gen twòp pitit they have to yo dwe they have yo genyen they held elections last year yo fè eleksyon ane pase they held elections last year yo fè eleksyon ane pase they held the meeting at his house yo fè reyinyon an lakay they held the meeting at his house yo fe reyinyon an lakay li they hoarded rice for the black yomarket sere diri a pou yo fè mache nwa they hoisted the cow up to the yobucher ise bèfitla pou yo koupe l they hold yo kenbe they hope yo èspere they intelligent yo entelijan they invite yo envite they knock him out for the operation yo andòmi l pou operasyon an they laid him down in the ground yo mete l kouche atè they left late in the month y ale jis bò zòn fen mwa a they let her go because she couldn't yo voye do l ale theli paka work fè travay la they live yo rete they'll do it for free of charge y ap fè l pou ou gratis they make to much noise yo fè twòp bri they married her to rich old man yo marye l ak yon tonton chaje kòb they massacred our team yo bimen ekip nou an they massacred our team yo kraze ekip nou an they massacred our team yo vannen ekip nou an they may yo dwe they may yo dwe they may Yo kapab they might yo kapab they must have yo te dwe they must yo dwe they need yo bezwen they need Yo bezwen they negotiated yo te dakò they negotiated yo te negosye they never identified the deadmoun bodyki mouri a yo pa janm konn kilès li ye they never made up yo pa janm rebyen they presidant granted him his presidan freedoman fè l gras they're all my kin you tout se fanmi m they're always imitating otheryo people toujou ap imite lòt moun they're arranging a dance y ap fè preparasyon pou yon bal they received the radio you te resevwa radyo a they received yo te resevwa they received yo te resevwa they receive their gilf yo resevwa kado yo an They're going to knock down ythe apchurch kraze legliz to build la yo another pral fèone yon lòt they're leaving for cap-haitieny tomorrow ap pati al okap demen Page 587 Feuille1 they're leveling the road y ap aplani wout la they're not related, but they look yo pa identical fanmi men yo sanble tèt koupe they're still eating in the restaurant y ap manje toujou they're still eating in the restaurant yo nan restoran an toujou they return yo retounen they return yo tounem they're two of a kind yo tou 2 menm jan they saw me at the store yo wè m nan magazen an they say this house is hautedyo di kay sa ante they see us in a different lightyo now pa gade n menm jan an ankò they sell twenty toads yo vann ven krapo they set him free after 4 daysyo in lage prizon l apre 4 jou prizon they shoot yo fini they shoot yo manke they should have yo ta dwe genyen they should yo ta dwe they signed yo te signye they signed yo te signye they stated yo te deklare they stated yo te kòman se they still haven't discovered the yo poko identify jwenn of the ki person moun kiwho kase broke kay la into the house they stuck together through ityoun all pa janm lage lòt they stupid so sòt they talked yo te pale they teach arts and crafts yo aprann moun yo fè atizana they treated her very badly m pa sezi ale l ale a yo te boule mal avè l anpil they trip really took it out of me vwayaj la fatige m anpil they've been divorced for a long gentime lontan depi yo divòse they wait for yap tann pou ke they want Nou vle they want Yo vle they went in the wood yo antre nan bwa they went to church yo t ale legliz they went to the theater yo te al nan teyat they were accused yo te akize yo they were escorted by yo tap contwole pa they were escorted by yo tap swiv pa they were followed by yo tap contwole pa they were followed by yo tap swiv pa they were followed yo tap swiv they were holding hands as they yo kenbe walked men y ap mache they were holding hands as they yo kenbe walked men y ap mache they were in yo te nan they were not last christmas yo pa te la nwèl pase a they were talking yo te ap pale they were there the night before yo te last la avan yè swa they were yo te they were yo te they were Yo te they were Yo te they will be home tomorrow afternoon y ap lakay yo demen apremidi they will completely yo pral konplètman they will from yo pral de Page 588 Feuille1 they will how yo pral kòman they will Li pwal they will meet yo pral rankontre they will meet yo pwal fè fas they will participate in yo pral patisipe nan they will receive their pens yo pral resevwa plim yo a they will until yo pral jiska they will yo pral they will yo pwal they will Yo pwal they wished yo te swete they wish yo swete they won yo pa vle they work yo travay they would be yo pral they wouldn't let me study yo refize m etidye they yo they yo they yo they yo they yo They yo Thick Epè thief vòlè thief vòlè thief volo thief vòlò thief vòlò thighs kwis thi is the best restaurant around se pi bon restoran k gen nan zòn lan thin fenfen thing bagay thing bayay thing choz thing chòz thing kichoy thing kichòy thin mèg thin out degrennen third consecutive day twazyèm jou konsekitif third consecutive day twazyèm jou konsekitiv third consecutive time twa fwa len apwe lòt Third-country intelligence operatives operasyon entèlijans twazyèm peyi yo third quadrant angle ang twazyèm kadran third twaziyèm third twazyèm third twazyèm third twazyèm third world countries peyi tyè mond yo third world countries peyi tyè mond yo thirsty swaf thirteen konfòm thirteen trèz Page 589 Feuille1 thirteen trèz thirty trantèn thirty trantèn this a chicken sa a se yon poul this afternoon apremidi a this ambrella has had it parapli sa a fini this a mouse se yon sourit this area didn't get any rain zòn isi a pa jwenn lapli menm this area is not under my jurisdiction zòn sa a pa sou kontwòl mwen this area is wooded se yon zòn ki chaje pyebwa this book liv sa a this box hasnt been labeled yet bwat sa a po ko make this box is too heavy I cannotbwat movesait abytwò myself lou m pa ka leve li poukont mwen this bus is going to chicago otobis sa pral chicago this camera takes great pictures kodak sa a fè bèl foto this car can hold eight peoplemachin sa a ka pran 8 monu this car can hold eight peoplemachin sa a ka pran 8 moun this car is a piece of junk machin sa a se yon debri this car is a piece of junk machin sa a se yon vye bagay this car is less expensive than machin mine sa a koute mwens kòb pase pa m lan this car is liable to break down machin on a long sa gen trip dwa pran pàn si ou fè wout lwen avè l this car is on it's last machin sa a fini this car's gas tank doesn't hold tank much machin sa a pa kenbe anpil this car's gas tank doesn't hold tank much machin sa a pa kenbe anpil this car won't take any more people machin sa a pa ka pran moun ankò this championship is held every chanpyonna year sa a fèt chak ane this chanpionship is held every chanpyonna year sa a fèt chak ane this cloth lasts a long time twal sa dire anpil this corn is not mature enough mayi for a picking po ko bon pou kase this electric bill has left me broke bòdo limyè a kite m san senk this field chan sila a this field tèren sila a this field would be ideally suited la afor ta soccer bon pou yon teren foutbòl this horse is too jumpy cheval sa pyafe twòp this house could do with some kay sweeping la merite pase yon bale this house is freezing kay sa a fè frèt anpil this house may not face on the se street, vre kaybut la it's pa sou not expensive lari men li pa chè this is a dog se yon chyen this is a donkey sa a se yon kodenn this is a horse se yon chwal this is an example of my workmen travay mwen fè this is a rat se yon rat This is a sa se yon This is a sa se yon This is a se yon This is a sila se yon this is good leather se yon bon kwi This is hollow anndan l vid this is hollow inside anndan l vid this is how I make my living se sa m fè pou m viv this is just the part I've been looking se pyèsfor sa a menm m t ap chache a this is just the place for the party la a bon nèt pou n fè fèt la this is miss se madmwazèl Page 590 Feuille1 this is mr. se mesye this is mr se mesye this is ms. se madanm this is ms se madanm this is my kid brother/sister se ti frè m ak ti sè m this is not the kind of thing that seIpa enjoy mòd bagay sa a m renmen This is that sila se This is that sila se yon this is the identical taksi I tooksebefore taksi sa a menm m te pran an this is the last time I ever come se in dènye this restaurant fwa m vin nan restaurant sa a This is the sila se This is the sila se yon this is the work of an idiot sa se travay egare This is this sa a se This is this sila se This is this sila se sa a this just the medecine for youse remèd sa a menm pou ou pran this keyboard klavye sa a this knife is very sharp kouto sa a file anpil this land belongs to my fathertè sa a se tè papa m this land is excellent for coffee tè sa a bon tè pou moun plante kafe this letter arrived this morninglèt sa a rive matena an this letter arrived this morninglèt sa vini maten an this material isn't enough for two twal shirts sa pa ka bay 2 chemiz this matter should be taken care bagay of by sa the a sedirector direktè a k pou regle sa this meat made me sick vyann lan fè m malad this mine field tèren pyeje sila a this moment moman sa this month mwa sa a this morning I had a scrambled maten eggs, anbread m pran a glass ze, pen of orange yon vè jijuice zoranj andaka yon cup tas of coffee kafe pou for breakfast kolasyon this morning in nan maten sa this morning in se maten this morning maten an this morning maten an this morning maten an this morning maten sa this morning maten sa this morning periodical maten peryodik sa this one sa a this one sila a this orange is too acidic zorany sa a twò si this orange is very juicy zorany sa a gen anpil dlo this part pati sa this part pati sa this photo doesn't do justice foto sa parèt lèd this photo make her looks younger foto sa a fè l parèt pli jenn this piece of iron is too stiff forfèyou sa atotwò bend di ou it pa p ka ploye l this plane carries freihgt avyon sa se machandiz sèlman l pote this pot doesn't have a lid chodyè sa a pa gen kouvèti this practice should be done away yo dwe with desitire bagay sa a this practice should be done away yo dwe with sispann bagay sa a this question kesyon sa this refrigerator is on it's last frijidè sa a fini Page 591 Feuille1 this region regyon sa this restaurant can't be matched pa gen tankou restoran sa a this road chimin sila a this road goes as far as jacmel wout sa a rive jis jacmèl this road will lead you directlywout to the sahouse a ap mennen ou nan kay tou dwat this road wout sila a this sa this sa this sa this sa this sa this Sa this Sa this sa a ; only for a single object, not for the comparative this se this sentence fwaz sa a this shipment is headed for haiti chajman sa a se pou ayiti this shirt doesn't have a labelchemiz sa a pa gen etikèt this sila a this soap doesn't give any lather savon at all sa a pa fè kim menm this soap doesn't give any lather savon at all sa a pa kimen anpil this stuff is taking up too much bagay roomsa a pran twòp plas This symbol means senbòl sa fè konnen This symbol means senbòl sa siyifi This symbol means senbòl sa vle di This symbol means siyn sila fè konnen This symbol means siy sa a vle di This symbol means siy sila vle di this theatre only plays romantic sinema movies. sa a pasefim damou sèman. this town vil sila a this tree is still immature pyebwa sa a po ko fin grandi this watch won't go around my mont wristsa a p ap ka antre nan bra m this way please wout sa souple this weather will hold up until tan tomorrow a ap ret konsa pou jis demen this weather will hold up until tan tomorrow an ap ret konsa pou jis demen this week semèn sa a This word means mo sa a sinifi This word means mo sa a vle di This word means mo sa fè konnen this work is very tiring travay sa a difisil anpil this work is very tiring travay sa a fatigan anpil this would make a good soccer la afield ta fè yon bon teren foutbòl this year ane sa this year ane sa a Thomas Toma thompson submachine gun mitrayèt those 2 shoes don't match de grenn soulye sa yo pa menm those earrings are not a match de grenn zanno sa yo pa menm those flawers are artificial se pa flè toutbon those kids acted like animal today timoun sa yo aji tankou ti bèt jodi a those kids are alwways actingtimoun up sa yo toujou ap fè dezòd those kids are no manners ti moun yo pa gen lizay those kids can't stay still anywhere timoun sa yo pa ka rete yon sèl kote Page 592 Feuille1 those people can't imagine what moun it'ssa like yotopabekonn hungry sa k rele grangou those people don't obey the law moun sa yo pa respekte la lwa those Sa those sa yo those that are Yo ki se those to sa yo those trees mark the boundary pyebwa of thissa farm yo se bòn tè a those which sa yo ki those who are Yo ki se those who belong sa yo ki pou those whom Yo ki those who sa yo ki Thought Panse thought refleksyon thousand mil thousand mil thousand mil thousand mil thousands mil yo thousands of people mil pèp three days twa jou three months ago sa gen twa mwa de sa three months ago twa mwa de sa three months of autumn are twa mwa otòn yo se three months twa mwa three o'clock twaze three o'clock twazè three o'clock twazè three-quarters twaka Three times a day twa fwa pa jou three twa three twa three twa threshold devan pa pòt threshold pa pòt thriftshop boutik likidasyon thriftshop boutik pwodwi dezyèm men throat gòj throat gòjèt throng ankonbreman through alantou through atravè through atravè through atravè through atravè through defense lines anvè lin defans through defense lines atravè lin defans throughout Bosnia nan tout Ayiti through pase pa thumb pous thunder loray Thunder Loray thunder tonè Page 593 Feuille1 thursday thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday ticket ticket booth ticket booth ticket ticket office ticket office ticket ticket ticket ticket tie beam tie beam tie tie tie tie tie ties ties ties tie tiger Tight Tigrinya till till the end till they timber time bomb time time time time time Time time-limit time-limit time limit time time time time time Timer times time time time jedi Jedi jedi Jedi Jedi biyè bwat pòstal gichè kat bwat pòstal gichè resi tikè tikè Tikèt kravat logrin dòmè kòl kravat kravat logrin bon rapò kravat relasyon travès tig Sere Tigrinya jiska jiska la fen jiska yo bwa chapant bonm pwograme enstan epòk fwa lè lè lè dat delè limit kontra limit tan moman moman moman peryòd peryòd Kwonomèt tan yo tan tan tan Page 594 Feuille1 time Time time tin can Tin Tin tinny bit tinsmith tip off tired Tire Tires Tire to to to to accept to accept to accept to accomplish to accomplish to achieve to achieve to achieve to act to act to act to act to act to add to add to admit toady toady to affect in to affect in to affect in to affect in to all of those who to amount to to amount to to amount to to annul to annul to annul to annul to another to apologize to apologize to arrive to ask to ask to ask tan tan tanperati mamit eten fèblan gout fèblantye relasyon fatige Kawoutchou kawotchou yo wou a a a asepte li asepte pou aksepte akonpli fini genyen jwenn rive jwenn pou agi pou fè pou fè pou pwatike pou reyalize ogmante pou ajoute konfese flatè sousou afekte nan afekte sou travay nan travay sou a tout sa yo ki montan a monte a total a anile defet efase revoke a yon lòt eskiz padon rive mande pou mande pou poze Page 595 Feuille1 to ask to asphalt to assure to assure to assure to assure to assure to assure Toaster Toaster Toaster Toaster to attack to attain to attain to attain to attain tobacconist tobacconist tobacco shop tobacco tobacco to bake to be able to be able to be able to to become to become to be To be exhausted To be exhausted to begin again to begin to begin to begin to begin to begin to be hungry to be in charge to be in charge to be in need of to be in need of to be in need of to be in need of to be interested to be needed to be needed to be needed to be needed to be on one's guard to be on one's guard to be on one's guard to be prepared for poze asfalte afime asire atire konvenk konvenk pèsyade Griy pen Griy pen tostè Tostè agrese atann genyen jwenn rive jwenn debitan tobakonis boutik tabak sigarèt tabak anfounen fouti Ou kapab kapab devni vini eta delala Fatige anpil Rekòmanse kòmanse kòmanse kòmanse pou te chita nan te chita nan grangou an chaj responsab an nesesite dan nesesite lan nesesite nan nesesite te entèrese nesesite ta dwe te bezyen te dwe èt an gad èt an gad pridans swa prepare pou Page 596 Feuille1 to be ready for to be To be scared To be scared to be to be thirsty to be valid to be valid to be valid to be valid To blow hair to break to break the circle to break the circle to break the siege of to break the siege of to bring about to bring about to bring about to bring about to bring about to bring about to bring about to bring about to bring about to bring about to bring along to bring along to bring charges to bring charges to bring charges to bring to bring to bring to brush to build To burp To burp To button to buy to cancel to cancel to cancel to cancel to cancel to cane to caress to carry out to carry out to carry out to carry out to carry out to carry out swa prepare pou sa w ye Gen la perèz pè se swaf èt an efè èt valab èt valab rezilta Soufle kraze krase sèk la krase yon sèk krase eta syèj leve eta syè la akite anpòte efektye kondwi kondwi atravè mennen mete an eksekisyon pase atravè pòte realize mennen pote fè yon plent pòte chaj yo soumèt yon plent mennen pote pòte brose bati Rann gaz to belch Boutonnen achte anile annile defet efase revoke anpaye miyonnen akite anpòte efektye ekzekite kondwi kondwi atravè Page 597 Feuille1 to carry out to carry out to carry out to carry out to carry out to carry out to carry out to cease to cease to cease to cease To choke To choke to cite to cite to cite to cite to cite to cite to clear to comb To comb to come down to come in to come to come to commission to conduct through to conduct through to conduct through to conduct through to conduct through to conduct through to conduct through to conduct through to conduct through to conduct through to confess to confirm to consent to consolidate to consolidate to consolidate to contemplate to continue to continue to continue to continue to continue to convince to convince to convince to convince mennen mete an eksekisyon pase atravè pòte realize realize reyalize atwavè arète rete sansès sese Toufe trangle bay ekzanp yo pou bay ekzanp yo pou site pou site site site debare penyen Penyen desann antre vini vini anchaje akite anpòte efektye kondwi kondwi atravè mennen mete an eksekisyon pase atravè pòte realize konfese konfime Konsanti fòtifye konsolide refòse kontanple kontinwe kontinye kontinye kontinye kontinye afime asire atire konvenk Page 598 Feuille1 to convince to convince to cooperate to cooperate to cooperate to cooperate to create to cripple to Croatia to Croatia to Croatia to crumple to cry to curl up to cut onself to dare to date to date to date to date today in today in today in today in Zagreb today is in today is today is today today today today today today today today today today Today today today's delegation today's is today's today's today's today's press conference today's press conference today's press conference today that is today that is to to debase to decide to decide konvenk pèsyade kowopere met tèt ansanm patisipe pwan pati kweye Kokobe A kwoasi De kwoasi Pou kwoasi chifonnen kriye akokiye blese azade alamod a tan jiskaprezan tou nouvo jodi a nan jodia nan jòdi a nan jòdi a nan Zagrèb jodi a se nan jodi a se Jodi a se jodi jòdi jodi a jodi a jodi a jodi a jodi a jodi a jodi a Jodi a Jodia jòdi a delegasyon jodi a jodi a se jodi a jodi a jodi a konferans près jodi a konferans près jodi a pwès konferans jòdi a jodia a se jodia ki se de avili deside diside Page 599 Feuille1 to declare war to decline to degrade to deliver to deliver to deliver to deliver to deliver to deliver to deliver to deliver to depart in to depart in to depart in to depart in to depart to deposit to deposit to deposit to deposit to deposit to deposit to deposit to develop to develop to die to discuss to discuss to discuss to disguise to divorce to do everything to do everything to do everything to do everything to do everything to do everything to do to do to do to do to do to do to do to draw to drive To drown to dry to dry To dry to eat To eat Toe deklare la gè deperi avili bay anfen bay anfen delivre delivre delivwe done anfen remèt transmèt abite demere depa an rete pati an depo depo depo depoze depoze envesti envesti develope develope mouri diskite egzaminen enspekte degize divòse fabrike tout bagay fabrike tout bagay fè tout bagay fè tout bagay fè tout bagay fè tout bagay fè pou agi pou fè pou fè pou fè pou pwatike pou reyalize desinen kondui Nwaye seche seche Seche manje Manje Dwèt pye Page 600 Feuille1 to emphasize to emphasize toenails to endure To enrage To enrage to escape to establish toes to evaluate to evaporate to examine to examine to examine to expect to extend toe to faint to fall To fall to fatten To feed a baby To feed a baby to feel To fertilize To fertilize to fight to fight to fight to fight to fill out to finding to find to find out to find out to find out to finish/to end to first to force on to force on to force on to force on to frame to frame to fulfill to further to further to further to further to further to further to gain to gain ensiste ensiste zong pye ankese anraje Dechennen eskape etabli zòtèy evalye evapore diskite egzaminen enspekte atann etandi zòtèy endispoze/ dekonpoze tonbe Tonbe angrese Bay ti bebe manje mouri bebe santi fètilize Met angrè bat batay goumen lite ranpli twouve Konstate chèche retwouve twouve fini premye fòs fòse a mèt mete a ankadre ankadre akonpli elwagnye elwagnye pase pa pase pa pli elwagnye pli lwen genyen jwenn Page 601 Feuille1 to gain to general to get along to get to get together together together Together together with together with family to get to get to get to to get to to give to give to give examples to give examples to give examples to give examples to give examples to give examples to give over to give over to give over to give over to give over to give value to go to go To go to go out to go to to go to to go up to grow more beautiful to guarantee to guarantee to guarantee to guarantee to guarantee to guarantee to guarantee to guarantee to hand to to hand to to hand to To hang To hang To hang to hate to have rive jwenn pou jeneralize antann genyen genyen ansanb ansanm ansanm Ansanm ansanb avèk anfanmi jwenn rive jwenn pou ale pou ale nan bay bay bay ekzanp yo pou bay ekzanp yo pou site pou site site site bay anfen bay anfen delivre delivre done anfen bay valè ale ale Ale sòti pou ale pou ale nan monte anbeli ateste garanti garanti jistifye pou garanti sipòte temwanye temwaye delivwe remèt transmèt Kwoche pandye pann rayi genyen Page 602 Feuille1 to have to have to have to hear to help to help to help to help to help to help to help to help you to her to him to his to his to his to hold to hold to hold to hold to hold up to hold up to hold up to hold up to hold up to hold up Toilet bowl toilet toilet toilet Toilet paper toilet toilet toilet toilet toilet Toilet toilet to incense to influence to inform to inform to inform to inspect to inspect to inspect to invest to invest to invest to invest to invest to invest genyen Genyen pwosede tande ede ede kenbe pou ede pou kenbe pou sipòte sipòte ede ou pou li pou li de li nan pou li gade kenbe kenbe pawòl teni ede kenbe pou ede pou kenbe pou sipòte sipòte Bòl twalèt fasilite latrin lavabo Papye ijenik prive sal de beny twalèt twalèt twalèt Twalèt watè ansanse enfliyanse enfòme pou enfòme ransenye diskite egzaminen enspekte an depo depo depo depoze depoze envesti Page 603 Feuille1 to invest to investigate to iron To irrigate To irrigate to it to jeopardize to jeopardize to journalists to keep to keep to keep to keep to keep to keep up to keep up to keep up to keep word to keep word to keep word To kiss Tokyo foreign exchange To lace to laugh To laugh To lay face down told about told about told told told told that is told that will told that will told to journalists to lead through to lead through to lead through To lean To lean To learn to lease to leave in to leave in to leave in to leave in to leave to leave Tolerance tolerate to lie down To lie on the back To lie on the side envesti ankete pase irige Wouze pou li mete an danje riske jounalize yo gade kenbe kenbe menteni prezève kenbe mentni pwoteje kenbe kenbe pawòl teni Bo echang lajan etranjè nan tokyo Lase ri Ri Kouche sou vant te di apropo de te di osijè de te di te di te di te di sa se te di sa pral te di sa pral te di jounalis yo ekzekite realize reyalize atwavè Panche piye Apwann anfèmen abite demere depa an rete kite pati Tolerans tolere kouche Kouche sou do Kouche sou kote Page 604 Feuille1 to like to like to live to look forward to to look forward to to look to look to love to love tomahawk to maintain to maintain to maintain to maintain to maintain to maintain to make a complaint to make a complaint to make a complaint to make everything to make everything to make everything to make everything to make everything to make everything to make possible to make possible to make to make to make to make to make to make pregnant To march to martyr tomato tombstone tombstone tombstone to meet to meet to meet to meet to meet to mention to mention to me to misplace tommy gun tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow ancheri renmen rete gade an navan mach a swiv gade wè Lanmou Renmen rach kenbe kenbe menteni mentni prezève pwoteje fè yon plent pòte chaj yo soumèt yon plent fabrike tout bagay fabrike tout bagay fè tout bagay fè tout bagay fè tout bagay fè tout bagay pou rann posib rann posib pou agi pou fè pou fè pou pwatike pou reyalize angwosi Mache matirize tomate tètkav tèt tonbo tèt tonbo akeyi fè byen veni rankontre rankontre resevwa mansyone remake pou mwen anfouraye mitrayèt ademen demen demen demen Page 605 Feuille1 tomorrow demen Tomorrow Demen tomorrow Denmen tomorrow in demen nan tomorrow is a holiday so I don't demen havese to fèt go m to pa work pral nan travay tomorrow is a holiday so I don't demen havese to fèt go m to pa work pral nan travay tomorrow morning demen maten tomorrow night demen swa to need bezwen Tone Ton tone tòn tongue lang tongue lang tongue lang Tongue Lang tonight aswè tonight aswè ya to note Konstate to notice Konstate tons tòn yo ton tòn To nurse Bay tete To nurse pwan swen to observe Konstate to observe obzève to offer ofwi to offer pou ofri Tool box Bwat zouti tool ekipman tool enstriman Tool maker fabwikatè ekipman Tool maker fabwikatè zouti Tools to measure Zouti pou mezi tools zouti Tools Zouti tool zouti too much anpil too much trò too much tròp too much tròp too much two too much twò too much twò too much twòp too osi to organize òganize to organize ògànize toothache mal dan Toothbrush Bwòsdan Toothbrush Bwòs dan tooth dan Tooth Dan Tooth dan yo Page 606 Feuille1 Toothpaste Toothpaste too top to pamper top top Top top top top top to park to participate in to participate to participate to participate to pass by to pass by to pass by to pass by to pass by to pass by to pass by to pass by to pass by to perform to perform to perform to perform to perform TOPEX general index To plant a tree to play Topographical to point out to possess to possess to post to post to post to to practice to practice to practice to practice to practice To pray to prejudice to present to present to present to present pat dantifwis pat pou dan tou alatèt miyonnen an chaj anlè Anlè an lè nèt an tèt anwo nèt a pik anbale patisipe nan kowopere patisipe pwan pati ale pa elwagnye elwagnye pase pa pase pa pase pa pase pa pli elwagnye pli lwen pou agi pou fè pou fè pou pwatike pou reyalize afich jeneral TOPEX Plante yon pye bwa jwe topografik lonje dwèt sou genyen pwosede ensiste poste soulinye pou pou agi pou fè pou fè pou pwatike pou reyalize Priye pwejije prezan prezan prezan prezan Page 607 Feuille1 to present to present to preserve to preserve to preserve to protect to protect to protect top top top top Top top to put on to put on to put on to put on to put on to quote to quote to quote to quote to quote to quote to raise to raise to receive to receive to receive to receive to receive to reestablish to relation with to relatives and friends to relatives to relatives to remark to remark to rent to require to require to require to require to require to resign oneself to respect to respect to respect to rest to return to return to to revive prezante prezante kenbe menteni prezève kenbe mentni pwoteje somè soumèt soumi tèt tèt tèt ron fòs fòse a mèt mete mete a bay ekzanp yo pou bay ekzanp yo pou site pou site site site Elve monte akeyi fè byen veni rankontre resevwa resevwa reyetabli relasyon avèk pou zanmi yo e relatif yo pou relativ relatif mansyone remake lwaye an nesesite bezwen dan nesesite lan nesesite nan nesesite reziyen respè respè rèspè repoze retounen retounen nan revni Page 608 Feuille1 to revoke to revoke to revoke to revoke To rinse Tornado to rock to rock to rock to rock Toronto To root torpedo torrential rain torrential rain torrential rain tort Tortuga tortured tortured tortured Torture Torture Torture Torture to rub To run to Sarajevo to scold to scream to scream to see To see to seize to sell to send to set in to set in to set in to set in To shampoo To shiver to show cause to show cause to show to show to show to show to show to show To shuffle To shuffle To shuffle anile defet efase revoke Rense Toubiyon ale retou balanse sekwe souke toronto Anrasinen tòpiyè gwo lapli gwo lapli lapli toransyèl domaj Latòti krabinen maltrete tortire maltrete tòti Tòtire tribinen fwote Kouri sarajevo joure rele rele fò wè Wè anpare vann voye kòmanse kòmanse pou te chita nan te chita nan Chanpou Tranble ki montre kòz pou montre kòz montre montre montre moutre pou montre pou moutre Bat brase brase kat Page 609 Feuille1 to sign to sit down to sit on to sleep to sleep To sleep to smell To smell to smoke to soak to solve to solve to solve to solve to solve To sow to speak to speak to speak to speak to speak to spend time to spend time to spend time to spend time to spend time to spend time to spend time to spend time to spend time to spend time To spray To spray To spray To spray To stamp to stand to stand to stand to stand to stand to stand to stand up to start to start with To sterilize baby bottle To sterilize baby bottle to stimulate to stir to stop to stop to stop to stop siyen chita chita sou dòmi dòmi Dòmi santi Santi fimen tranpe ap rezoud pou resoud pou rezoud rezoud rezoud Plante koze koze pale pale pale akite anpòte efektye kondwi kondwi atravè mennen mete an eksekisyon pase atravè pòte realize espre Flite Flite pou bèt Spre Tenbre kanpe kanpe pou tann rete stope tann kanpe kòmanse anpatan Bouyi bibwon sterilize bibon estimile brase arète kanpe rete rete Page 610 Feuille1 to stop to stop to stop to strengthen to strengthen to strengthen to struggle to submit a complaint to submit a complaint to submit a complaint to support to support to support to support to support to support to swap to take off to take part to take part to take part to take part total total total total completion total elimination Totalitarian State totality totality totality to talk to talk totally total number of outcomes total number of possibilities total relief total relief total retreat total retreat total retreat total retreat total support total support total total total total total total total total value of total value of sansès sese stope fòtifye konsolide refòse debat fè yon plent pòte chaj yo soumèt yon plent ede kenbe pou ede pou kenbe pou sipòte sipòte twoke retire kowopere patisipe pwan pa pwan pati annantye antou antye konplesyon total eliminasyon total Eta Totalite an antye an tou tatalman koze pale totalman total rezilta yo total posibilite yo montan sipò sipò total repliman total repli total retrè total total retrè montan sipò sipò total total total total total tout tout tout antye pwi total a valè total a Page 611 Feuille1 total value of to tape to tape to tape to taste To taste to the army to the following to the following to the guests to them to the next to the next to the Serbs to the territories to think To think to threaten to threaten to tighten the circle to touch to touch to transmit to transmit to transmit to try to try touchable touch touch Touch touch Touch to understand to up To uproot To uproot To uproot tourism tourism tourism Tourism Tourism tourist guides Tourist industry tourist tourist tourist tourist Tourist tournament Tour Tour valè total de anrejistre kopye tepe goute Goute pou lame an nan prochen an nan sa kap vini an pou envite yo Pou yo nan prochen an nan sa kap vini an de Sèb yo pou zòn yo panse Panse mete an danje riske sere sèk la manyen manyen delivwe remèt transmèt eseye eseye touchab manyen manyen tape touche Touche konpran-n anlè Dechouke derasine rache touris touris touris Touris Touris gid touris Endistri touris touris touris touris touris Touris konpetisyon toune Vizit Page 612 Feuille1 to use to use to us to us to visit to visit to visit to vouch for to vouch for to vouch for to vouch for to vouch for to vouch for to wake up to want to want toward toward defense toward defense toward towards towards towards towards towards to wash To wash to watch to watch to water To wear cap To wear cap To weed To weed to welcome to welcome to welcome to welcome towel towel Towel tower Tower tower Tower to which to which to which to which to which to which one to which that to which that itil pou itilize pou nou Pou nou pase wè vizite vizite ateste garanti jistifye sipòte temwanye temwaye reveye Anvi Vle atravè an chimen pou defans pou defann fas a an direksyon anvè de direksyon fas a yo vè lavan lave Lave gade wè wouze Mete bonèt mete kaskèt sakle Sekle akeyi fè byen veni rankontre resevwa sèvyèt sèvyèt Sèvyèt abitasyon tèt dominan tou tour A ki A ki Ak ki De ki Ki pou kilès nan ki ès li pou ki ès sa Page 613 Feuille1 to whom to whom to whom to whom to whom to whom to whom to whom that to whom that to whom they are to wind to wind to win Towing truck to wish town hall town house town house Township Township town town town Town to work in to work in to work in to work in to work to work to wrap to wriggle to wrinkle Tow truck Tow truck toxic waste toxic waste to yell to yell to you tracer bullet tracer track track track track track Tractor trade agreement trade agreement Trade Center Trade trade a ki A ki A ki Ak ki De ki Ki pou ki nan ki ès li pou ki ès sa Nan ki yo ye anbobinen plòtonnen genyen Remòkè Swete meri mezon atenant mezon de vil bouk Komin site vil vil Vil afekte nan afekte sou travay nan travay sou travay travay plòtonnen mouvmante chifonnen Kamyon remòk remokè fatra toksik matyè toksik rele rele fò pou ou tras bal tras bal chemen santye ti wout tras rout wout Traktè agreman komèsyal akò komèsyal Sant komèsyal echanj komes Page 614 Feuille1 trade metye Trade Metye Trade negosyasyon trade negotiations negosyasyon komèsyal yo trade negotiations negosye echanj yo trade partners asosye komèsyal yo trade representative repwezantatif komèsyal trade union organizations òganizasyon inyon komès trade union organizations òganizasyon mache komen trade unions òganizasyon inyon komès yo trade unions òganizasyon mache komen yo trading opening ouvèti komèsyal trading post magazen jeneral trading post magazen komès trading post magazen kominal Traditional daily rest periods moman repo tradisyonèl pandan lajounen traditional leader lidè tradisyonèl traditional parties pati tradisyonèl yo Traditional robes Abiman fòlklorik Traditional robes Rad tradisyonèl yo Tradition Mès Tradition tradisyon Tradition Tradisyon traffic accident aksidan trafik traffic anbouteyaj traffic and trafik e traffic blokis Traffic light Limyè trafik traffic sikilasyon traffic trafik traffic trafik traffic trafik Traffic Violation Bureau Biwo vyolasyon Sikilasyon Traffic violation Kontravansyon Tragedy Trajedi Trailer parks trelè kan an Trailer parks trelè kanpman g Trailers trelè yo Trailer trelè Trailer Trelè Trailer Trelè Trailer trucks machin trelè trails that converge and then chemen diverge later ki fè for yonn noepi apparent ki divize reason apwe san okenn rezon trails that converge and then chemen diverge later ki jwen for ansanm no apparent epi separe reasonsan okenn bi trails that converge and then seri diverge de pwen later for ki jwen no apparent ansanm reason epi separe san okenn rezon trails that converge and then yon diverge seri later de tras forkinojwen apparent ansanm reason epi separe san rezon trails that go to a specific area yon and seri return de chemen ki ale nan yon kote direk epi retounen trails that go to a specific area yon and seri return de chemen ki ale nan yon zòn direk epi retounen trails that go to a specific area yon and seri return de tras ki ale nan yon kote direk epi retounen train antrènman train depot chemen de fè train depot depo tren train depot estasyon chemen de fè Page 615 Feuille1 train depot estasyon tren train depot pakin tren trainer fòmatè Training antrènman TRAINING antrènman TRAINING antrènman TRAINING antrènman training areas where dummy andwa mine fields dantrènman were used kote vye min te itilize training areas where dummy andwa minefields dantrènman were used kote vye min te itilize training areas where dummy zòn minedantrènman fields were kote usedansyen min pyèj yo te itilize training areas where dummy zòn minefields dantrènman were used kote ansyen min pyèj yo te itilize Training egzèsis train station chemen de fè train station depo tren train station estasyon chemen de fè train station estasyon tren Train station Estasyon tren train station pakin tren train ten train trafik train tren train tren train tren train tren train tren Train Tren tram rwout machine tram tramway tranquility trankilite tranquil poze transaction valued at evaliye tranzaksyon a transaction valued at valè tranzaksyon a transaction valued at valè tranzaksyon ak transcendental curve koub transandan transcendental function fonksyon transandan transcendental transandantal transfer emèt pibliye transferred te bouge transferred te deplase transferred te transfere transfer transfè transfer transfè transfer transfere transfer transmèt transformation geometry jeometri transfòmasyon transformation transfòmasyon transform formula fòmil transfòmasyon transform transfòm transform transfòme transfusion transfizyon transitional government gouvènman pwovizwa transitional government gouvènman tranzisyonèl transitional government gouvènman tranzisyonèl Page 616 Feuille1 transitional government gouvènman tranzitwa transitional period epòk tradisyonèl transitional period peryòd tradityonèl transitional tranzisyonèl transitional tranzisyonèl transition period tranzisyon epòk transition period tranzisyon peryòd transitive postulate postila tranzitif transitive property of equalitypwopriyete tranzitif egalite transitive property of inequalities pwopriyete tranzitif nan inegalite transitive property pwopriyete tranzitif transitive relation relasyon tranzitif transitivity transitivite transitory tranzitwa translate tradui translate Transmèt translating telephone telefòn tradiktè translational symmetry simetri translasyon translation tradiksyon translation Tradiksyon translation translasyon Translucent Translusid transom transon transom travès Transparent Transparan Transportation mode mòd transpòtasyon transportation sistèm de transpòtasyon transportation system sistèm de transpòtasyon transportation system transpòtasyon transportation transpòtasyon Transportation transpòtasyon Transportation Transpòtasyon transport department transpò depatman transport transpò transport transpò Transport Transpò transposition transpozisyon transversal surface sifas transvèsal transverse janbe transverse pase antravè transverse transvès transverse transvèse Transverse Wave vav tranvèsal trap ambiskad trap pyèj trap pyèj trap pyèj trap zatrap trap zatrap traveler pasajè traveler's pasajè traveler's vwayajè traveler vwayajè Page 617 Feuille1 traveller traveller's traveller's traveller travel travel traverse traverse traverse trave tread treasure house treasure house treasury treatises treatises Treatment Treaty tree tree tree Tree Tree Trees tremble Trenches Trenches trench fight trench fight trench trench trench trench trench trench trench trend trend line trends toward trends toward trend trestle triad Triage center trial-and-error method trial and error procedure trial attorney trial divisor trial Trial trial triangle inequality Triangle pasajè pasajè vwayajè vwayajè vwayaje vwayaje transon travès travès travès band kay trezò mezon trezòr trezorye diskisyon yo trete yo Trètman Trete ab pye bwa pye bwa Pyebwa Pye bwa Pyebwa tranble kanal tranche yo twou pou batay twou pou goumen fòs fòse kannal rigòl rigòl tramche tranche direksyon liy tandans direksyon yo kous tandans treto triyad sant de triyaj metòd esè ak erè pwosede esè ak erè komisè divizè esè esè Jijman tribinal inekwasyon triyang Triyang Page 618 Feuille1 triangular prism triangulation tribal state of Zagreb tribal state Tribe Tribe Tribe Tribe Tribe Tribulation Tribulation tribulation Tribulation tribunal tributary trichotomy law trichotomy postulate trichotomy property Tri-culture trident tries tries tries tries trigger trigger trigger trigger trigger off trigonometric approximation trigonometric cofunctions trigonometric equations trigonometric function trigonometric identity trigonometric interpolation trigonometric series trigonometric trigonometry trihedral angle trihedral trihedron trimmer joist trimmer Trinidad trinomial tripartite commission tripartite commission tripartite summit triple triple root triple triple triple pris triyangilè triyangilasyon tribi deta zagreb tribi eta nanchon Nanchon Tribi Tribi Tribi pasay tray tribilasyon Tribilasyon tribinal Kannal distribitè lwa trikotomi postila trikotomi pwopriyete trikotomi Twa kilti fouch twa dan efò esèy eseye tantativ detant detant gachèt gachèt deklanche apwoksimasyon trigonometrik fonksyon trigonometrik envès ekwasyon trigonometrik fonksyon trigonometrik idantite trigonometrik entèpolasyon trigonometrik seri trigonometrik trigonometrik trigonometri ang triyèd triyèd triyèd pout tranche pout tranche Trinidad trinòm komisyon tripatit komisyon twa pati somè ant twa pati pwomnad rasin trip trip trip vwayaj Page 619 Feuille1 trip trisection of an angle trisection point trisection trisectrix Triumph Arch troops Troop transport Troop transport Tropical land Forest Tropical Tropical Trot troubled trouble troublesome trouble trouble Trough trough Trough Trough trousers trowel Truck driver Truck Truck Trucking truck truck truck Truck Truck Truck Truck truck stop Truck tankers truck true truncated cone truncated prism trunk trunk Trunk trunk truss bridge trust trust trust trust truth set truth set truth table vwayaj triseksyon yon ang pwen triseksyon triseksyon trisektris Ak Triyonf twoup yo transpòtasyon twoup transpò twoup Forè twopikal Twopical Twopikal Twote twouble problèm annwiyan traka traka akimilatè Depresyon depwesyon lim pantalon yo zouti chofè kamyon gwo kamyon gwo machin gwo kamyon kamyon kamyon kamyon kamyon Kamyon Kamyon machin stòp kamyon kamyon gaz yo twòk vre kòn twonke pris twonke depo vid kòf Kòf machin plas vid pou ranpli pon solid fè konfyans konfidans konfyans kwayans ansanm solisyon ansanm verite tab verite Page 620 Feuille1 truth value endèks verite truth verite try aseye try efò try esè try esè try eseye try tantativ try to keep hold of your sanitybat pou pa pèdi tèt ou T-Shirt Chemizèt T-shirt mayo tub chodwè pou bouyi tube tib tub kwit mange Tudjman nan you vizit Tudjman received tidjman te jwenn Tudjman received tidjman te resevwa Tudjman tidjman Tudman Tudman tuesday madi Tuesday madi Tuesday Madi Tuesday Madi tumble down degringole Tuning fork Dyapazon Tunisian government gouvènman tinisyen Tunnel tinèl Turbo-fan vantilatè a reaksyon Turbo-jet djèt a motè reaksyon turkey kodenn Turkey kòdènn Turkey kodin Turkey Tiki Turkey Tiki Turkish authorities otorite Tik yo Turkish destroyer dèstriktè Latiki Turkish destroyer destriktè tik Turkish ship batiman transpò Tik Turkish Tikyen Turk Tik turn about origin fè wonn orijin nan Turner Pèl turning point pwen pivo turn off the light touye limyè a turn on the light limen limyè a turnstile tournan Turntable fonograf Turntable Toundis Turntable Toundisk turn the knob on the radio to vire the left bouton radyo a a goch turn tounen turn Tounen turret tourèl Page 621 Feuille1 turret touret Tuzla tizla TV Commercial anons televize TV Commercial Reklam TV debates deba televizyon yo tv room sal cinema tv room sal televizyon TV station chanèl televizyon TV station estasyon televizyon twelfth grade retorik twelve Douz Twice a day de fwa pa jou Twice a day twa fwa pa jou Twice a month de fwa pa mwa Twice a week de fwa pa semèn twice de fwa twice de fwa Twice every half hour de fwa chak demi è Twice every hour de fwa pa è twilight krepiskil twilight lè solèy tonbe twin marasa Twist Tòde Twist Vire two-by-four de pa kat two countries de peyi yo two de two de two de Two direction Vwa doub two french de fwansè two french pilots de avyatè fwansè two french pilots de pilòt fwansè two people ware killed in the gen accident 2 moun ki mouri nan aksidan an two times de fwa two times de fwa Two way Vwa doub two weeks de semèn two years de zan type jan type karaktè type klas Type of aircraft weapons modèl avyon de gè yo type of arc kalite ak Type of maintenance kalite antretyen types pou jan yo types pou klas yo types pou tip yo type tip type tip Type units kalite eleman yo Typewriter Machin a ekri typical tapikal Page 622 Feuille1 typist Tyrant Tyrant ugly Ukraine Ukrainian Ukrainian Ukrainian president ultra-conservative senator ultra-conservative senator ultraviolet radiation ultraviolet radiation umbrella UN and unanimous conclusion unanimous conclusion unanimously unanimously unarmed unarmed unary unavoidable action unavoidable action unavoidable conflict unavoidable conflict Unbalance Unbalance unbiased objects uncertain uncertain truth value uncertainty uncle uncle uncle Uncle unconditional equation Unconscious person Unconscious person unconstitutional unconstitutional uncork undecided voters undefined term under advisement under under Under under underarm under arms/armpits under control under control undercover daktilo dèspot Tiran lèd irèn Ikrenyen Ikrenyen pwezidan ikranyen senatè iltra konsèvativ senatè trè konsèvatif radyasyon iltravyolèt reyon iltravyolè parapli loni nan an nou konkli nou konklisyon inanim imobilman inanimite pa ame san zam inè aksyon inevitab ou paka evite aksyon sa a konfli inevitab konfli ke ou pa ka evite Dezekilibre ki pa balanse bagay ki pa trike ensèten endèks verite ensèten ensètitid tonton tonton tonton Tonton ekwasyon enkondisyonèl Moun ki endispoze moun san konsyans enkonstitisyonèl ki pa konstitisyonèl debouche votè san desizyon yo tèm endefini sou konsèy anba anba Anba andesou anbazèsèl zesèl anba kontwòl sou kontwòl anbachal Page 623 Feuille1 undercover undercover undercover undercover Underdeveloped underground underground underground economy underground economy under house arrest under house arrest under house arrest under international control under international control under leadership underline underline underline underline underline under military investigation under NATO commands underneath underneath underneath under oath under oath under patronage under Serbs undersigned undersigned under under understanding understanding understanding Understanding understand understand understood understood under supervision undertake under the control of under the control of under the control of under the presidency under the protection of under the protection of under the protection of under the surface of the under the surface of the Underwear anbachal ansoudin detèktif sou kouvè Soudevlope anbatè anbatè ekonomi sekrèt resous soutèren kay soutèren nan rezidans siveye sou siveyans prive anba kontwòl entènasyonal sou kontwòl entènasyonal sou direksyon ensiste poste soulinye souliye souliyen anba envèstigasyon militè odesou komand trete nò atlantik anba andesou sou sèman sou konsyans sou foi sou patwonaj odesou sèb yo pwan rèsponsablite sousiyen sou sou entèligans entèlijans konpreansyon Konpweyansyon konprann konprann klè konprann anba kontwòl antreprann anba kontwòl sou kontwòl a sou kontwòl de anba prezidans lan anba pwotèksyon sou pwoteksyon sou pwotèksyon de anba sifas anba sifas tè a jipon Page 624 Feuille1 Underwear Kalson underwear kilòt Underwear slip undetermined coefficient koefisyan endetèmine undetermined endetèmine undisclosed amount lajan an kachèt undisclosed amount lajan sere undisclosed amount of cash lajan kach sere undisclosed amount of stock kantite machandiz èstoke undisclosed amount of stock kantite machandiz sere undisclosed price pwi sekrè undisturbed kalm undisturbed poze undisturbed san tibilans undisturbed trankil undividable Bosnia endivizab bozni undividable Haiti Ayiti indivizab undividable Haiti Ayiti paka divize undocumented ki pa anrejsitre undocumented ki pa nan dosye undocumented san dokiman undue hardship soufwans ekonomik undue hardship soufwans finansye uneasiness malèz unemployed person chomè Unemployment Chomaj unemployment index apèsi sou chomaj unemployment index dosye chomaj unemployment index endèks chomaj Unemployment Insurances Sèvis Chomaj unenforceable inyon unenforceable ki pa ka ranfòse unenforceable sendika unexploded bombs bomm ki pa sote unexploded bombs bonm ki pa eklate yo unexploded bombs bonm ki pa eksploze unexploded bombs bonm ki pa te eklate yo unexploded bombs bonm ki pa te eksploze yo unexploded bombs bonm ki pa te sote yo unfair enjis unfairness Lenjistis Unfamiliar Etranj unfinished enkonplè unfolds depliye unfolds deroule UN force fò UN force fòs oni UN force pisan UN forces fòs loni yo UN for refugees Nasyonzini pou refigye yo UN for the refugees oni pou refigye yo unfortunately malerezman ungrateful engra Page 625 Feuille1 UNHCR refugees refigye UNHCR YO UN high commission for Komisyon an chèf Nasyon Zini UN high commission for refugees Komisyon an chèf pou refijye nan Nasyon Zini unified command kòmandman enkoni unified command komandman non idantifye unified fleets flòt inifye yo uniformity inifòmite uniformly amonyezman uniformly an akò uniformly an gandisman uniformly pa moso uniform probability pwobabilite inifòm uninhabited dezè UN in Zagreb oni nan zagerb union alyans union asosiyasyon union inyon union inyon union inyon Union Inyon union ki pa ka ranfòse union linyon union men kontre union of sets inyon ansanm union of the graphs inyon graf yo union sendika union sendika unions for sendika pou unions for tèt ansanm pou unions in men kontre nan unions in sendika nan unions in tèt ansanm nan union tet ansanm union tèt ansanm unique inik Unique Inik unique solution solisyon inik unit circle sèk inite United Arabs Emirate Emira Arab Ini united Europe inite ewòp united Europe Inyon Ewop united ini united inite united left goch ini united left inyon goch United Nations inite dè nasyon United Nations in Sarajevo inite nasyonal an sarajevo United Nations Loni united nations Nasyonzini United Nations nasyonzini United Nations nasyon zini United Nations Nasyonzini United Nations on nasyon zini sou Page 626 Feuille1 United Nations Organization òganizasyon nasyonzini United State etazini United States Air Force è fòs Meriken United States Air Force Fòs Lame lèzè Etazini United States Air Force Lame de lè Ameriken United States Air Force Lame de lè Etazini United States Air Force Lame de lè Meriken United States amerik United States Amèrik United States Army Lame Ameriken United States Army Lame Meriken United States Coast Guard gad kòt Etazini United States Coast Guard Gad Kòt Meriken United States Etazini United States Eta Zini United State's exports ekspòtasyon etazini United State's exports ekspòtasyon etazini United States Marines merin Ameriken United States Marines Mèrin Ameriken yo United States Marines Sòlda Lamarin Meriken United States Navy lamarin Ameriken United States Navy merin Ameriken United States Navy Mèrin Ameriken United States Navy Merin Meriken United States of America amerik United States of America Amèrik United States of America Etazini Damerik United States of America Eta Zini Damerik unite inite unit element eleman inite unit measure inite mezi unit normal vektè inite nòmal unit of ammunition kout fè ; ke chak manm nan yon inite tire unit rate inite vitès unit segment segman inite units grenn units gwoup units inite units inite yo unity asosyasyon unity element eleman inite unity inite unity inite Unity inite unity initi Unity inyon Unity Tèt ansanm Universal Declaration of human Deklarasyon rights inivèsèl dwa moun universal inivèsal universally quantified statement pwopozisyon inivèsèl kantifye universal quantifier kantifikatif inivèsèl universal validity validite inivèsèl universe inivè Page 627 Feuille1 university clinic klinik inivèsite university inivesite university inivèsite university inivèsite University Inivèsite University Inivèsite university leader chèf inivèsite university leader lidè inivèsite unknown enkoni unknown number nonm enkoni unknown term tèm enkoni unlawful ilegal unlawful ki kont lalwa unlawful ki pa legal unlike radicals radikal ki pa sanblab unlike terms tèm ki pa sanblab unlimited decimal desimal ilimite unlimited extent san limit Unload! Dechaje! UN loni UN loni UN Loni Unmanned aerial vehicles machin de lè ki pa ekipe yo unmatched depaman UN military observer obsèvatè milite loni UN Nasyonzini unnatural denatire UN observers obsèvatè loni yo UN observers obzèvatè loni yo UN observers obzèvatè nasyonzini yo UN peace corps ONI kò la pè UN peace forces fò pè loni unpleasant smell in an otherwise movenormal sant nan areayon andwa nòmal unpleasant smell in an otherwise movenormal sant nan areayon zòn nòmal ke w pa ta panse UNPROFOR representativ reprezantatif UNPROFOR yo unprovability ki pa ka pwouve unpublished songs chanson inedi yo unpublished songs chante ki pa pibliye yo unreasonable ki pa rezonab unrestricted san limit unrolling Dewoulman unrolls depliye unrolls deroule unrounded ki pa ka awondi UN safety sekirite loni unscrupulous anjandre unscrupulous anjandre UN secretary sekretè loni UN secretary sekretè oni UN Security Council konsèy sekirite loni UN Security Council konsil sekirite loni unsigned number nonm san siy unsmoothed curve koub ki pa lis Page 628 Feuille1 unsolvability unsolvable unsuitable value untangle until it is until it until until until until until until until until until until until until until until until now until now until now until now until now until now until until until the last moment until the last moment unwarranted unwarranted up up up up up up up Up Up upbringing upbringing up upgrade uphill uphold (anobjection) uphold (anobjection) upland up up upon upon ki pa ka rezoud ki pa gen solisyon valè ki pa apwopriye demele jiskaske li se jiskaske li jiska jiska jiska rive jiskaske jiskaske jistan jistan jouk jouktan jous jous jouska joustan joustan Ennmi jiska kounye a jiska prezan jiska pwezan jiska pwezan jiskounye a rive rive jiska dènye moman jis nan dènye moman ki pa avèti ki pa garanti Ak anlè anlè anlè anwo anwo Anwo Anwo Anwo levasyon levasyon enlè Monte grad Monte apiye dakò Anwo montay movè odesi yonfwa Yonfwa Page 629 Feuille1 up upper upper base upper base of cylinder upper integral upper limit of summation upper quartile up upright upright uprising uproot uproot uproot uproot uproot uproot upset up to up to now up to now up to now up to now up to now up to up to upward trend upward trend Uranium urban areas urban areas urban areas ; urban Urban urban quarter Urdu urgent action urgent aid urgent aid urgent aid urgent urgent urine urine Uruguayan chancellor Uruguayan government Uruguayan president Uruguay US administration US administration USA USA U.S.A. Pa anwo baz siperyè baz siperyè yon silenn entegral siperyè limit siperyè somasyon katil siperyè Prè an wo vètikal soulve Dechoukay dechouke dechouke dechouke derasinen derasinen boulvèse jiska an ro kounye a dènye jiskapwezan jiskisi pase osi lwen ke pa an montant ap grandi Iranyòm zòn ibèn yo zòn lavil yo zòn lavil yo iban Iben katye iben Oudou aksyon ijan èd dijans èd ijan èd pwese ijan ijan pipi pise chanselye irigweyen gouvènman irigyeyen pwezidan irigweyen Irigwe administrasyon etazini adminitrasyon etazini damerik etazini eta zini Eta Zini Damerik Page 630 Feuille1 US aircraft carriers US aircraft carriers US aircraft carriers US aircraft carriers US Central Bank US Congress US Department of State US Department of State US dollar US dollar US dollar use a wooden spoon used used used used used to used to be used to be used to useful use use use use US elections use User User U.S. US market US market us us US State Department US State Department usually usual occupation usual occupation US Vice presidency US Vice presidency US Vice-presidency v-1 v-1 vacation home vacation home vacation home vacation vacation vacuum cleaner vagabond vagabond vagabon avyon ameriken yo avyon kago Ameriken avyon transpò ameriken yo djèt Ameriken bank santral etazini kongrè etazini Depatman Deta Ameriken depatman leta etazini dola dola ameriken dola etazini sèvi ak yon kiyèbwa abizan te itilize te ize te sèvi deja abitye abitye gen abitid gen abitid itilizab itil itilize itilize Itilize elèksyon etazini yo pou itilize itilizatè itilizè Eta Zini mache Ameriken mache etazini nou Nou Depatman Deta Ameriken depatman leta etazini abityèlman djòb regilye metye regilye vis pwezidan ameriken vis pwezidan etazini vis pwezidan etazini bonm otomatik ve1 kay vakans mezon repozwa mezon vakans jou san travay vakans aspiratè avadra vakabon vakabon Page 631 Feuille1 vale Vale valid argument agiman valid valid conclusion konklizyon valid validity validite valid valid Valley Lavale valley vale valley vale valley Vale Valley vale Valley Vale valuable enpòten valuable nesesè valuable pwesye valuable valab valuations estimasyon valuations evalyasyon value of series valè seri value of variable valè varyab Values prensip values valè Values Valè value valè Value Valè value vo vanishing point pwen fuit Vans mini bis Vans ti yòl vanture avantirye variance varyans variation varyasyon various countries diferans peyi yo various countries plizyè peyi various diferan various organizations diferans òganizasyon yo various organizations plizyè òganizasyon Vase Poflè Vase vaz vast majority imans majorite vast majority of gran majorite de vast majority of pi fò nan vast majority of vas majorite vast majority vas majorite Vatican spokesperson pòt pawòl vatikan Vatican Vatikan vaudeville theater espektak teatral vault chanb fò vault tinèl vault vout VBR multiple rocket launcherVBR lansadò misil miltip veal bèf veal ti bèf Vegetable Legim Page 632 Feuille1 vegetables Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables vegetables Vegetable Vegetation vehicle vehicle vehicles Vehicles not described vehicles vehicles vehicles vehicle vehicle vehicle vehicular traffic vehicular traffic vein Velocity vendor vendor Venezuelan minister Venezuela venture capital venture capital venture capital veranda veranda veranda veranda verbal duel verbal duel verbal duel verbal duel verbal problem verbal sentence verbal verb verdict verdict verdict verification verification verify verify verify verify Versatile verse Version vertex angle legim legim Legim vegetal yo vejetal yo vejetal Vejetasyon machin machin machin yo machin san idantite yo verikil yo veyikil yo vwati yo verikil veyikil vwati anbouteyaj blokis Venn Vitès machanm machann minis venezyelyen Venezyela antrepriz kapital envèstisman riske kapita riske balkon galri gran galri tonèl pou teyat jouman kerèl yap diskite yap joure pwoblèm vèbal fraz matematik vèbal vèbal vèb desizyon pwononsman jijman vèdik verifikasyon Verifikasyon chan verifye verifye verifye Chanjan vèsè Vèsyon ang somè Page 633 Feuille1 vertex of a cone somè yon kòn vertex of a conic somè yon konik vertical an wo vertical asymptote asenptòt vètikal vertical distance distans vètikal vertical format fòma vètikal vertical line liy vètikal vertical-line test for function tès liy vètikal pou fonksyon vertical symmetry simetri vètikal vertical vètikal vertices somè Very bad move anpil Very bad pa bon menm very bokou Very difficult trè difisil Very easy trè fasil very fast trè vit Very fast trè vit very good, I will be waiting fordakò you m ap tann ou Very good Trèbyen Very little yon ti kras Very little yon ti zing very much anpil very much bokou very much mèsi anpil very much trè very much trè Very slow trè dousman very soon nan yon ti moman very soon trè byento very trè very trè very trè very trè very trè very trè very well thank you mwen byen mèsi e ou menm very well, thank you trè byen mèsi very well trè byen very well trè byen very well trè byen very well you may close it now trè byen ou mèt fèmen li koulye a vestibule gran hal kote pou ret tann vestibule gran pòt dantre vestibule sal datant Veterinarian Veterinè viaduct vyadik Vibrant Djanm Vibration Vibwasyon vicarage pèsonaj vicarage pwesbitè vicarage repètwa Vice president Dan Quayle vis pwezidan Dan Quayle Page 634 Feuille1 Vice-president Dan Quayle vis pwezidan Dan Quayle vice presidential debate deba vis prezidan Vice President of Croatian government vis prezidan di gouvènman kwoasyen vice president of Croatian Government vis prezidan gouvènman kroesyan vice president of Croatian vis prezidan di kroesyan Vice president of the Republic vis pwezidan repiblik la Vice-president of the Republic vis pwezidan repiblik la vice president vis prezidan vice president vis prezidan vice president vis pwezidan vicinity alantou vicinity alantou vicinity anviron vicinity vwazinaj victimize fè viktim victimize ran viktim victims malad victims soufri victims viktim victims viktim victims viktim yo Victim Viktim victory and viktwa e Victory laviktwa Victory Laviktwa victory Viktori victory viktwa Victory viktwa Victory Viktwa Video Camera Videyo Kamera Vietnamese troops ban-n vyetnamiz yo Vietnamese troops troup vyetnamiz yo Vietnamese troops troup vyetnamyen Vietnamese Vyètnamyen Vietnam War gè vyètnam Vietnam War lagè vyètnam view anvi view vi vigilant veyatif vigor vigè vigour anvigè village bouk Village Bouk Village elders Patriyach village kanton villages lokalite yo villages vilaj yo villages vilaj yo village vil village vilaj village vilaj Village Vilaj villain mechan volè Page 635 Feuille1 villain vinegar Violate violation violations violation violence violence Violence violent actions violent acts violent acts violent acts violent violent violent disturbances violent disturbances violent disturbances violent quarrel violet Violin V.I.P. V.I.P. VIP transport VIP transport Virgo Virus agents Viscosity visited visited visitor Visitor quarters visitors visitors visitor visitor visitor visit visit visit visit vital Vitamins Vitamins Vocational School Vocational Vodka voila volary volary volary volcanic material volcanic material selera voryen vinèg Vyole derèspèkte vyolasyon yo vyolasyon violans vyolans Vyolans aksyon vyolan aksyon vyolan yo ak vyolan yo ak vyolan yo deblozay deblozay annwi vyolan bwi vyolan yo gwo èskonbwit yo deblozay vyolèt Vyolon granneg grannèg VIP transpò VIP transpò Vyèj ajan viris yo Viskozite te vizite te vizite envite katye vizitè yo envite yo vizitè yo visitè vizitè vizitè vizit vizit vizit vizite esansyèl Vitamin yo Vitamin yo Lekòl vokasyonèl vokasyon Vòdka vwala jaden volay jaden zwazo poulaye materyèl volkanik matyè vòlkanik Page 636 Feuille1 volcano Vòlkan Volcano Vòlkan volleyball volebòl volleyball volebòl Volley ball Volebòl volley dechaj Volt Vòl volume change chanjman volim volume of business kantite biznis volume of business valè biznis volume of cone volim yon kòn volume of solid figure volim figi solid volume of solid volim yon solid volume of transactions kantite tranzaksyon yo volume of transactions volim tranzaksyon yo Volume Volim voluntary departure pati volontèman volunteer volontè volute espiral volute resò plat, fen e ron vomiting vonmisman Voodoo priest bòkò Voodoo priest Divinò voodoo priest gangan voodoo priest ougan Voodoo priest ougan voodoo vodou Voodoo Vodou voodoo voudou voters elektè voters votè voters votè yo voter vote voter votè votes in favor vòt an favè votes in favor vote an favè votes in favor vote pou votes issued vòt jwenn yo votes issued vòt ki resevwa yo voting booth izolwa vouch for garanti vowel vwayèl wage increase monte salè wage increase ogmantasyon salè wagon tren Wailing Wall nan kalvè Wailing Wall nan siyon waist tay wait atann waiter gason nan ba waiter, may I have a menu please? Gason, eske w ka ba mwen yon meni, silvouplè? Wait here. Tann la! waiting area sal datant Page 637 Feuille1 waiting area waiting area waiting period waiting period waiting room waiting room waiting room waitress waitress waiver of rights waiver of rights waiver waive (to) waive (to) wakeup walkie-talkie walkie-talkie walkie-talkie walking down walking down walking walking walking through walking through Walk walky-talky walky-talky walky-talky wallet wallet wall wall plate Walls Walls Wall Street Journal wall street journal Wall Street Journal Wall Street Journal wall tent want want want want want want war activity war against drugs war war council war crime war crimes war crimes war crimes sal detant sal repozwa moman pou tann peryòd ap tann sal datant sal detant sal repozwa fi nan ba nan restoran refize dwa renonse dwa padon deziste renonse reveye radyo kominikasyon transmetè wòki-tòki mache akote mache anba mache pwomennen mache akote mache anba Mache radyo kominikasyon transmetè wòki-tòki bous valiz mi mi plate mi yo panno yo jounal wòl strit Wòl Strit jounal Wòl Strit jounal wòl stwit jounal mi mens anvi anvi vle vle vle Vle aktivite lagè gè kont dwòg batay konsèy de gè krim de gè anpil krim de gè krim de gè yo krim jè yo Page 638 Feuille1 war crimes krim lagè war crimes krim lagè yo war criminal kriminèl de gè warden gadyen warehouse depo warehouse palas warehouse palè warehouse palman Warehouse types kalite depo yo Warehousing depo machandiz war gè war Gè war goumen war in gè nan war in nan gè war lagè War Lagè warm cho warm cho Warm Cho warm clothing rad cho warm clothing Rad cho warm clothing Rad konfòtan warned te avèti warned te avèti warning avètisman Warning! Avètisman! war of words mo de gè war of words mo de gè yo war prisoners pwizonye de gè yo war profiteer gè pwofitè war profiteer pwofitè de gè War readiness status èstati pweparasyon pou lagè warring factions pati an gè yo warring factions pati an gè yo warring factions pati kap batay yo warring nasyon an gè warring parties pati an gè yo warring parties pati an gè yo warring parties pati kap batay yo wars atrocities committed on komisyon atwosite gè yo wars atrocities committed on komite atwosite gè yo war's gè was ashamed to ask you m te wont vin mande ou was better than te pli meyè ke was better than te pli miyò ke Wash bowl Lavabo washing machine lave machin washing machine machine lave washington Wachinton Washington washinntonn wash lave wash pròpte Page 639 Feuille1 wash room estasyon konfò wash room konvenyans wash room sal lesiv wash room twalèt piblik wash room vèstyè wash the dishes and put them lave on asyèt the table. yo mete yo sou tab lan. wash the dishes before goinglave out vè please sal yo avan ou sòti silvouplè Wash your hands! Lave men ou. Wash yourself here! Lave kò ou la! Was it done recently èske li te fèt dènyèman Was it done recently èske li te fèt resamman Was it empty èske li te vid Was it empty èske l te vid Was it full èske li te plen Was it full èske li te ranpli Was it full èske l te plen was jean there this morning eske jan te la maten an was not Te pat wasn't Te pat was present pase was present prezan was Te waste gaspiyaj waste gaspiyaj waste gaspiyay Was the ammunition performing èskeproperly? operasyon zam yo te fèt san pwoblèm? Was there trouble getting petroleum, èske te gen oil orpwoblèm lubricantpou to your jwenn unit? petwòl, lwil ak grès motè nan inite w la? watch gade watch lè watch mont watch mont Mont Watch watch monte watch olòj Watch out! Fèt atansyon! watch pandil watch revèy watch siveye Watchtowers pwent tèt yon bilding Watchtowers tè dominan yon bilding watch wè water a plant wouze yon plant water closet latrin water closet twalèt water closet watè water dlo water dlo water dlo water dlo water dlo water dlo water dlo water dlo Page 640 Feuille1 water Water Water Water Water watered watered Water Energy Water fountain water gate water gate water hole Water jug watermelon Water plant Water plant water polo Water problem Water skiing Water source water supply Water survival Water survival water system water tank water tank Water tank water tank Water truck waterway Wave Wave Wave wave Wave way way way way way way way way of attacking way way ways ways ways ways ways ways to ways way Dlo dlo dlo Dlo Dlo awoze wouze Enèji idwolik Fontèn dlo bouchon dlo ouvwaj dlo Twou dlo Krich melon plant akwatik Plant dlo dlo espò Pwoblèm dlo ski nan dlo sous dlo kalanizasyon sivivan nan dlo sove nan dlo kalanizasyon rezèvwa sitèn sitèn dlo tank dlo kamyon dlo Pas dlo fòm jès lanm lanmè Vag lanmè Vag lanmè chemen chemen gran chimen joune lari mwanyen mwayen fanson ke w atake rout rwout chemen yo chemen yo kal lansman mwayen yo chemen pou wout yo wout Page 641 Feuille1 way wout W.C. latrin W.C. twalèt W.C. watè weak fèb weakling azoumounou weakness feblès wealthy afè bon wealthy rich wealthy sante wean sevre weapon chaplèt Weapon distribution distribisyon zam Weapon information enfòmasyon sou zam weapons emplacement anplasman zam weapons emplacement anplasman zam yo weapons of mass destructionmas zam dèstriksyon weapons platform fouwo zam weapons platform platfòm weapons platform platfòm zam weapons platform pòch zam weapon storehouse depo zam weapon system sistèm zam weapons zam weapons zam yo WEAPONS zam yo weapon zam weapon zam Weapon Zam we are able nou kapab we are able to nou kapab a we are about to dock tale n ap kochte we are busy nou okipe we are coming Nou ap vini we are coming Nou vini we are coming Vini we are coming y ap vini we are going Nou ale we are going Nou pwale We are going to talk about alternative Nou pwalradio pale frequency. de altènativ fwekans radyo yo We are going to talk about... Nou pwal pale de We are going to talk about primary nou pwal radio pale frequency sou enpòtans fwekans radyo We are going to talk about the Nou password pwal pale now. sou modpas alèkile We are going to talk about weapons. Nou pwal pale de zam konnyè a We are going to talk about your nouplatoon pwal pale as your de ploton unit now. w lan kòm pwòp inite w kounye a . We are going to talk more about Noucommunication pwal pale toujou equipment. sou materyèl kominikasyon We are going to talk more about Nouindividual pwal paleNuclear, plis sou Biological chak kaliteormateryèl Chemical Nikleyè, equipment. Byolojik ak Chimik We are going to talk more about Nouvehicles. pwal pale plis toujou sou machin yo We are going to talk more about Nouvehicular pwal paleNuclear, anplis sou Biological machinor Nikleyè, Chemical Byolojik equipment. ak Chimik we are going to the market nou pral nan mache we are happy nou kontan we are happy nou kontan We are here. Nou isit la Page 642 Feuille1 We are here to help restore peace Nou isit la pou ede etabli lapè We are here to help restore peace Nou isit la pou ede restore lapè We are here to help restore peace Nou isit la pou n fè lapè tabli We are here to help restore peace Nou la pou fè lapè tounen We are here to help you Nou isit pou ede ou We are here to help you Nou isit pou n ede w We are here to help you Nou la pou ede w We are here to help you. Nou la pou nou ede ou. we are in nou tout nan we are lazy nou parese we are n we are nap we are n ap we are not be able nou pa kapab we are not be able nou pa kapab we are not laborious nou pa travayè we are not Nou pat we are not old nou pa vye we are not tired nou pa fa tige/bouke we are not young nou pa jenn we are nou we are Nou we are Nou we are nou ap we are nou se we are nou se we are nou se we are poor nou pòv we are rich nou rich we are sad nou tris we are tout ansanm We are working to make this nap areatravay safer for pou fè zòn isit la pi an sirte pou We are working to make this nou areapwal safertravay for pou fè zòn sa vin pi an sekirite weariness fatig we arranged for him to wait for nou usteingen frontrandevou of the movie pou theater l tann nou devan sinema a weather conditions kondisyon tan weather conditions kondisyon tanperati weather moman weather tan weather tan weather tanperati webbing sang we bought eleven glasses nou te achte onz vè we bought ten knives nou te achte dis kouto we buy five cats n achte senk chat we buy four dogs n achte kat chyen we can not nou pa kapab we can not nou pa kapab we can Nou dwe we can nou kapab we can Nou kapab we can't get that radio stationnou pa ka pran estasyon radyon sa a we can't take her complainingnou anymore paka sipòte plenyen l lan ankò Page 643 Feuille1 we cold nou frèt we come Nou ap vini we come Nou vini we come Vini we come y ap vini we could nou te kapab Wedding band Bag maryaj wedding mayaj wedge kale wedge pyès we'd like nou ta renmen Wednesday Mècredi wednesday mèkredi Wednesday mèkredi Wednesday Mèkredi Wednesday mèkwedi We do not take sides in the peace nou paprocess pou okenn pati nan pwosesis la pè a We do not take sides in the peace Nou pa process pwam pati nan pwosesis lapè a We do not take sides in the peace nou pat process fè patipwi nan mach pou lapè a we don't have a great deal ofnou money pa ret leftanpil kòb we don't have freedom of speech nou pa gen dwa di sa nou vle we don't have Nou pat genyen we don't want Nou pat vle weekend fen semèn week in semènn nan weekly newspaper jounal chak semèn Weekly pa semenn week semèn week semèn Week Semèn Weeks semènn yo weeks semèn yo we expect nou espere we going to the hospital nou prale lopital we going to the park ou pral nan pak we go Nou ale we go Nou pwale we got out at 3 days nou lage a 3 è jodi a we got to talk but I forgot about n vin theap milk pale onenpi the stove m bliye lèt la sou dife a we had a fine harvest this year nou fè yon bèl rekòt ane sa a we had along chat nou fè yon bon ti pale we had a long talk about it nou fè yon bon ti pale sou sa we had Nou te genyen we had surrounded the robbers, noubut sènen theyvòlè got yo away men anyway yo sove sou nou kanmenm we had to pass the hat to raise se the kèt money nou fè pou to bury n kaher antere l we had to step aside nou te oblije met kòn sou kote we have alot of things to do nou gen anpil bagay pou n fè we have enough people to divide nou gen into ase 2 teams moun pou n fè de ekip We have food Nou gen manje We have for you Nou gen pou ou we have no idea what to do nou pa konn sa pou n fè we have no money left nou pa gen kòb ki rete ankò we have nou genyen Page 644 Feuille1 we have our work cut out for nou us tochaje day travay pou n fè jodi a we have plenty of food. Nou gen anpil manje. we have to leave now fò nou ale konnye a We have to restrain you nou blije stope w We have to restrain you nou dwe anpeche w We have to restrain you nou oblije kenbe w we hold him in high esteem nou apresye l anpil we hold him in high esteem nou apresye l anpil we hold him in high esteem nou renmen l anpil we hold him in high esteem nou renmen l anpil we hope nou espere weigh down akable Weight pèz Weight Pwa Weight Wou we import our merchandise from machandiz overseas nou se lòtbò n voye chache yo we knelt down to pray nou met a jenou pou n lapriyè we lack the money to build another nou paschool gen kòb pou n fè yon lòt lekòl welcome akèy welcome akèy welcome Deryen Welding soude Welding soudi we learned the truth nou jwenn verite a we left the party early nou kite fèt la bonè Welfare Byenèt sosyal Welfare Byennèt welfare byennèt sosyal welfare sèvis sosyal welfare wèlfè well Ak bon well well byen well byen well byen well Byen well E well E alò well for oil bon pou gaz well for oil bon pou lwil well for water bon pou dlo well founded fear of persecution krent byen fonde pou pèsekite we'll get along somehow n ap degaje n yon jan kanmenm we'll get along somehow n ap fè yon jan kanmenm we'll have to leave early to get fò an seat al bonè pou n ka jwenn plas well Ki donk we'll manage somehow n ap degaje n yon jan kanmenm well-mannered bonjan we'll meet after work n a wè apre travay well Men we'll need to take 2 cars fò n pran 2 machin Well pi we'll talk about it late on monday n a pale sou sa pita Page 645 Feuille1 we made it just as the movie nou was rive starting moman fim lan pral koumanse we may Nou dwe we may Nou kapab we must have your answer byfòtomorrow ou ban n repons ou demen we must nou dwe We must search you. Fòk nou fouye ou we need Nou bezyen we need to get away early fò n pati bonè we need to get off early fò n pati bonè we need to get together sometime fò n wè wi we nou we nou we nou we ordered them, but we haven't nou kòmande gotten them yo yet nou po ko resezwa yo we planted nou te mete we planted those mines nou ki te plante min sa yo we planted those mines nou ki te tere pyèj sa yo we received a comb nou te resevwa yon peng we receive our pens nou resevwa plim nou yo we receive our television set nou pral resevwa teevizyon nou an we're finished we may as wellnou leave fini,now nou mèt tou ale konnye a we're having dinner right nown ap manje konnye a we remain hopeful that thing nou will turn gen out espwa alright tout bagay ap byen pase were not Se pat weren't Se pat we,re only going for two days.seyou 2 jou won't sèlman neednall pral that fè junk ou pa bezwen pran tout batanklan sa yo were present te prezan were tap were t ap were Te Were the people who are buried èskethere moun killed yo tere in the la yo warse moun ki te mouri nan la gè a Were the people who are buried Èskethere moun killed yo tere in the la war yo te mouri nan lagè Were they killed by soldiers èske se sòlda ki touye yo we're waiting for his arrival n ap tann li vini Were you approached by a leading èske semember manm dirijan of yournan communities? kominote w la ki te bay lide a? Were you drafted or forced into èske military yo te service? fòse w ou byen egzige w antre nan sèvis militè? Were you in a combat support èske job?w tap fè djòb ravitayman degè? Were you in any of these units? èske w te nan yonn nan inite sa yo? Were you recently a patrol leader? Dènyèman, ki kote w te fè dirije yon patwouy? Were you recently on a patrol? Ki kote w te fè patwouy dènyèman? Were you recruited individually èske or collectively? yo te rekrite pa grenn oubyen tout ansanm? were you there last night eke ou te la yè swa we sell seven donkeys nou vann sèt bourik we shall nou pwal we shall see pick up this box nou and pral put itwè onsa the leve thatbwat skidsa a mete li sou palèt lan we shall see young man we shall na wè see. sa jennòm na wè sa we spennt three days on the nou water fèwithout twa joucatching sou dlo, sight nou janm of land wè tè devan West Berlin rejyon lwès bèlen westbound lane dirèksyon lwès western allies alye lwès yo western allies alye wès yo western Bosnia bosni oksidantal western Bosnia rejyon lwès bosni Page 646 Feuille1 western direksyon wouès Western European Union inyon Ewòp oksidantal Western Europe ewop oksidantal Western Europe ewòp oksidantal western Europe nan pati lwès ewòp western Europe wès ewòp western ewop oksidantal western nations nasyon lwès yo western nations nasyon oksidantal yo western nations peyi lwès yo western part pati oksidantal western powers pouvwa nan rejyon lwès western powers pouvwa wèst yo Western Srijem pati lwès Srijèm West German city vil rejyon lwès almay West Indies nan lwès end west lwès west Lwès West lwès West Lwès west part pati wès west Slavonia wès slavonia west Srijem in wès srijem nan west wès west wès west wouès we talked our heads off nou pale kont pale nou Wet Mouye we took in a movie this afternoon nou te al wè on fim apremidi a we transmit nou transmèt we transmit to you nou trasmèt bay ou we traveled around the USA nou vwayaje toupatou etazini WEU Inyon Ewop Oryantal we've having a party tonight n ap fè yon fèt aswè a we want Nou vle We want to help you make your Noucountry vle edesafe w mete peyi w an sekirite We want to help you make your Noucountry vle edesafe w tabli yon peyi nan lapè we want Yo vle we went to school nou te al lekòl we were not there last summer nou pa te la ete pase a we were not there last year nou pa te la ane pase we were there yesterday morning nou te la yè maten we were there yesterday nou te la yè we will arrive at 2 p.m n ap rive a 2 è apremidi we will be in church next sunday n ap legliz dimanch pwochen we will be in the classroom tomorrow n ap nanmorning klas demen maten we will buy eighteen slips nou pral achte dizwit jipon we will buy seventeen skirts nou pral achte disèt jip we will buy sixteen blouses nou pral achte sèz kòsaj We will call the police n apwal rele polis We will call the police nou pwal rele polis we will going to the drugstorenou pral nan famasi We will look after you nou pwal kenbe lèy sou ou Page 647 Feuille1 We will look after you nou pwal mete kontwòl sou ou We will look after you nou pwal siveye w we will nou pral we will nou pwal we will Nou pwal We will record your answer. Nou pwal anrejistre repons ou We will try to help Nou pwal eseye bay èd We will try to help Nou pwal eseye ede We wish only to stop the killing nou sèlman espere stope asasinay la (mete fen nan zak asasinay la) We wish only to stop the killing nou swete sèlman pou yo sispann tiye moun we worked all day without a letup nou fè tout jounen an ap travay san rete we would be nou pral we would be nou pral we would like nou ta renmen we would Nou ta renm we yelled at the match till we nou wererele hoarse nan match la jistan n anwe wharfage dòk wharfage waf wharf dòk wharf waf what about osijè de ki what about you mister rinchere ou menm m sye rincher What aircraft model does your ki unit modèl have? avyon inite w la genyen? what are ki sa yo What are they? Ki sa yo ye what are those marks on the ki door mak sa yo k nan pòt la what are you carring and thiskisuitcase sa ou pote madam nan mal sa madanm what are you doing there sa ou ap fè la a what are you implying sa ou vle di la what are you taking for that cold ki sa ou pran pou grip la what are you working on hereki travay ou ap fè la what can we do with the leftover sa nflour ka fè ak rès farin lan what church did the marriagenan takekiplace legliz maryaj la te fèt What code name or numbersKidid non you kòd use oubyen to identify nimewo yourself ou konn or your itilize position? pou w idantifye w oubyen pozisyon o What color is the land mine ki koulè ekplozif a ye What color is the landmine ki koulè ekplozif a ye What color is the land mine ki koulè eksplozif lan ye What color is the landmine ki koulè eksplozif lan ye What color is the land mine ki koulè min lan ye What color is the landmine ki koulè min lan ye What color is the land mine ki koulè min pyeje a ye What color is the landmine ki koulè min pyeje a ye What color is the land mine ki koulè zatrap la ye What color is the landmine ki koulè zatrap la ye what did you get for christmas ki sa yo te ba ou pou nwèl what distincguishes the two sak fè yo pa menm what doesnthis plant manufacture ki sa yo fè nan izin sa a what does that word mean sa mo sa a vle di what does this mean ki sa sa vle di what do I care if she's mad ki mele m li fache what do people get out of taking ki sadrugs moun jwenn nan pran dròg What do the pilots say about sa theavyatè aircraft? yo di osijè de avyon an? what do you call that kòman ou rele sa Page 648 Feuille1 what do you call that kòman ou rele sa ki lòt bò a ; deictic specifier for 'that' what do you call this kòman ou rele sa what do you call this kòman ou rele sa ki la a ; deictic specifier for 'this' what do you do for a living ki travay ou fè what do you mean sa ou di whatever gave you the idea that sa kwasn't fè ou panse her se pa t li whatever nenpot whatever nenpòt what happened sak genyen What happened? Sa ki pase? What has been the quality of ki the kalite meals? manje yo te ye? what have you gotten yourself nan intokisa ou foure kò ou la a what have you gotten yourself nan intokisa ou lage kò ou la a what I am ki sa mwen ye what I am ki sa m ye what illness does he have ki maladi l genyen what I'm telling you is a matter saofmgreat ap diimportance ou la se yon bagay ki gen anpil enpòtans What individual weapons arekiinzam yourendividyèl unit? ou genyen nan inite w la? what is before ki sa anvan what is before ki sa avan what is going on nap boule what is going on sak pase what is in ki sa ki nan what is it good for kisa ou fè-m wè what is it good for kisaq -w vle di-m what is it good for pou ki sa l bon what is it good for pou kisa li bon What is its condition? ki kondisyon l? What is its condition ki kondisyon li What is... Ki ès what is kisa what is ki sa what is ki sa what is ki sa what is Ki se What is our most effective tactic Ki piagainst bon taktik yournou weapon itilize system? kont sistèm zam ou yo? what is that doing on the floorsa bagay sa a ap fè atè a what is that ki bagay what is that ki bagay sa what is that ki bagay sa a what is that ki bagay sa lòt bò ; only used in deictic comparison with 'this' what is that kisa sa ye what is that sa sa ye What is the caliber of it? Ki kalib li itilize? What is the condition of the vehicular ki kondisyon Nuclear, machin Biological Nikleyè,orByolojik Chemical ou equipment Chimik nanininite the a? unit? What is the duty position? Ki plas ou okipe What is the first name? ki jan w rele What is the first name? Ki non w What is the full military nameKi foregzat it? non militè pou li? What is the full unit designation? Ki sa ou anvizaje fè koplètman what is their expected arrival atime ki lè yo gen pou yo rive What is the last name ki non de famiy ou What is the rank? Ki klas Page 649 Feuille1 What is the rank? ki pozisyon What is the rank? ki ran What is the source of the spares? Kote sous rezèv la ye? What is the vehicle's condition? ki eta machin nan? what is this ki bagay what is this ki bagay isit ; only used in deictic comparison with 'that' what is this ki bagay sa a What is this? Sa l ye What is this? sa sa ye what is up sak gen yen men m what is wrong with her kisa li genyen What is wrong with you? Sa kap fè ou mal? what is your address ki adrès ou What is your birth day? Ki jou ou te fèt What is your birth month? Ki mwa ou te fèt? What is your birth year? Ki ane ou te fèt? What is your ethnic background? nan ki ras ou soti? What is your first name? ki non w? What is your first name? Ki pwenon ou What is your job? Ki travay ou fè? What is your last name? Ki non famiy ou? What is your last name? Ki siyati ou What is your middle name? Ki dezyèm pwenon w What is your middle name? Ki ti non ou genyen? What is your military service number? Ki nimewo badj militè w? what is your name ki jan ou rele what is your name ki jan ou rele What is your name? Kòman ou rele? What is your native language? ki lang matènèl ou? What is your nickname? ki sounon ou What is your perception of our Kibest sa wdefense panse de against bon jan your defans attacks? nou kont atak ou yo? What is your perception of our Kimost sa w damaging panse pi gran tactics domaj against tactik your nouforces? yo kont fòs ou yo? What is your perception of the Kibest sa wfeatures ou panse of de your bèlhelicopter? aparans elikoptè w la? What is your perception of the Kiworst sa w features panse deofpiyour move helicopter? aparans elikoptè w la? What is your rank? Ki fanmiy ou? What is your rotation speed?ki jan vitès wotasyon w ye? what is your telephone number ki nimewo telefòn ou What is your unstick speed? kijan ou ogmante vitès la? what it is ki sa sa what ki what ki what ki what ki kalite what kind ki what kind ki kalite What kind? ki kalite What kind? Ki mak what kind of food do you like ki jan de manje ou renmen what kind of food do you like ki kalite manje ou renmen what kind of ice ceram do youkihave kalite krèm ou genyen what kind of job are you looking ki kalite for travay ou ap chache what kind of job work do you ki dojan de travay ke ou ap fè what kind of ki jan de Page 650 Feuille1 what kind of kijan de what kind of kijan de what kind of ki kalite de What kind of mission were you ki kalite preparing misyon for when ou tapyou prepare were lè captured? yo te kaptire w la? what kind of wood is this ki bwa sa ye what ki sa what language do they speakki lang yo pale What languages do you speak? Ki lang ou pale what led you to suspect that she's sa k fèthe ouone vin who sispèk stole se lithe k pran money kòb la what letter is this ki lèt sa a ye what make of car is that? ki mak machin sa a What mode of transportation ki is kalite used to transpòtasyon return aircraftyotoitilize the production pou retounen plant? yon avyon kote li te fèt? What parts on the aircraft arekimost pati nan oftenavyon replaced? an yo souvan ranplase? What procedures control andkienforce kontwòlNotices pwosedi to ak Airmen? ranfòsman enfòmasyon ki genyen pou sòlda de lè yo? what said doesn't have anything sa mtotedodiwith a seyou pa pou ou what's gotten into you? sa k pran ou what's happing? I heard laughter sa k inside genyen m tande ri anndan an what's her home address ki adrès lakay li what's her home address ki adrès lakay li what's his line of work ki travay li fè what side are you on nan ki bò ou ye what side are you on nan ki bò ou ye What special equipment is needed ki èspesyal to change ekipman engines? ki bezwen chanje nan motè yo? what's that lying on the table sa k sou tab la la a what's the average lifespan ofkonbe a human tan yon being moun ka viv what's the big idea of calling me sa kso genyen late ou rele m ta konsa what's the big idea of telling my ki dwa momouI didn't pou algo di to manman school m today m pa t al lekòl jodi a what's the life of this car battery konbe tan batri sa a ka fè what's the mather with the carsa k pase machin lan what's the mather with the carsa machin lan genyen what's the matter with you ki poblèm ou what's the matter with you sa ou genyen what's the point ki bò ou vle rive what's the point kisa ou fè-m wè what's the point ki sa ou vle di what's the point kisaq -w vle di-m what's the point pou kisa li bon what store did you get those nan shoes ki magazen in ou achte soulye sa a what store did you get those nan shoes ki magazen in ou jwenn soulye sa a what's up anfòm what's up sak gen yen what's up sak pase What tactics are being used?ki taktik yo te itilize? what the last news you reseived ki dènye nouvèl ou pran what time did he get up a ki lè l leve what time does the bus get ina ki lè bis la ap rive what time is the mass a ki lè mès la ap fèt what time is the soccer matcha ki lè foutbòl la what time is the soccer matcha ki lè match la what time will you get off work a ki lè ou ap sot nan travay What type of materials are stored? ki kalite materyèl ki an depo? What type of transportation was ki kalite usedtranspòtasyon by the unit? ke inite yo te itilize? What unit is it subordinate to?Sou kontwòl ki inite l ye? Page 651 Feuille1 what was he arrested for pou ki sa yo arete l What was the level of confidence kouman yournivo unitkonfyans had during inite a sustained w la te ye conflict? nan moman konfli a? What was the the level of confidence ki nivo konfyans in your unit nanafter inite their w la initial apwe engagement pwemye angajman into thenan war? lagè a? What was your job? nan ki djob ou te ye? What was your mission immediately ki sa misyon beforewcapture? te ye imedyatman apwe yo te kaptire w? What was your unit? Kilès ki te inite w la? what were you laughing at sa ou te genyen ou t ap ri a what will be kisa pral rive what wonderful news ala yon bèl nouvèl what wonderful news ala yon bon nouvèl what you said gives me an idea sa ou di a ban m yon lide wheelbarrow bourèt Wheel chair Chèz woulant wheelhouse pilotaj wheelhouse timoneri Wheel pèz Wheel Pwa Wheel Wou When did it explode kilè li te eksploze When did it explode kilè li te sote When did that happen ki lè sa te fèt When did that happen ki lè sa te pase When did that happen ki lè sa te rive When did they do that ki jou yo te fè sa When did they do that ki lè yo te fè when did they marry ki lè yo marye when did you get back ki lè ou tounen when did you get here ki lè ou te rive When did you see it èske w ka dim ki lè ou te wè li When did you see it kilè ou te we li When did you see it kilè ou te wè li when does this bus get to okay ki lè bis sa a ap rive okay Whenever needed kan w gen bezwen whenever the prencipal comes lè direktè in everybody a antrehas se to pou gettout up moun kanpe when he bumped into me, helèknocked l frape avè me m down lan m tonbe when I get a headache I can'tlèeat m gen tèt fè mal m pa ka manje when I heard the news, I got lè sad m tande nouvèl la m vin tris when I leaned down over to pick lè mup bese thepou ball m she pran kicked boulitla, li choute l when I let go she ran away lè m lage l li pran kouri when I opened the drawer a mouse lè m rale jumped tiwa a out yon sourit vole soti when I saw her I knew she isdepi an honest m wè lperson la m wè se yon moun serye l ye when I see her crying so much, lè m I take wè l her ap kriye in mytwòp, armsm and pran lulll her m fètop l dòmi sleep when is Kan se when is se kan when kilè when kilè when kilè when ki lè when Kilè when lè when she's angry like that nobody lè l ankolè can get konsa through pa gen hermoun ki ka pale avè l when so attacks you, you have lè yon to stick moun up atakè you for ouyourself fò ou defann tèt ou when the nurse stuck a needle lè mis in my lanarm foure I yelled. egwi a nan bwa m lan m rele Page 652 Feuille1 when they are kan yo When was your last re-supplyKilè of ammunition? ou te fè dènye rechajman minisyon w? When was your last re-supplykioflèfood? w te fè dènye rechajman mnje w? When was your training? Ki lè w te antrène when we had to leave quicklyrapidman lè nou te gen pou pati a when we're running late, he doesn't si n gengive yonus ti reta any liproblems pa ban n poblèm When were you there ki lè ou te ale la when will I get to see you again ki lè m ap wè ou ankò when will kilè pral when will work beging on thekilè road travay nan wout la ap koumanse when will you have the watchki lè ke ou pral genyen mont lan when you buy a refrigerator they lè ougive achte youyon a little frijidè tv yo as ba freeou yon ti televizyon gratis when you get there, immigration lè ouofficials rive imigrasyon will give you ap ba problems ou poblèm when you get to know him better lè ouyou fin abitye 'll see he's avèl nice ou ap guy wè se yon bon moun li ye when you get to know him better le ouyou fin konn 'll seebout he's linice wa wè guyse yon bon moun li ye when you have some free time, lè ou come gensee yonme ti tan lib vin kote m when you hit the second intersection, lè ou riveturn nanleft dezyèm kafou a fè a goch when you hit the second intersection, lè ou riveturn nanleft dezyèm kafou a vire a goch when you spread the alcohollè onou my pase back, alkòl it stung la nan me doam bitlan li boule m when you spread the alcohollè onou my pase back, alkòl it stung la nan me doam bitlan li pike m whereabouts ki bò whereabouts kote ke where are ki kote Where are kote se Where are kote yo where are they going ki kote yo prale Where are they? ki kote yo ye Where are they? Kote yo ye Where are they located? Ki kote yo lokalize? Where are they located? . Ki kote yo te plase yo? Where are they located? Ki kote yo ye? Where are they now Ki bò yo ye kounye Where are they now kote yo ye koulye a where are we going ki kote ke nou prale Where are you from? Moun ki bò ou ye? where are you going Kibò ou prale where are you going ki bò ou pwale where are you going ki kote ke ou prale where are you going ki kote ou pwale where are you going now ki kote ou pral koulye a where are you heading kote ou pral la a whereas alòske whereas alòske whereas tandiske where did they take her whenkithey kotearrested yo te al avè he l lè yo te arete l la where did you come from Ki kote ou sòti where did you come from Ki kote ou te sòti where did you get that hat kote ou jwenn chapo sa a Where did you get your medical Ki kote training? w te fè antrènman medikal ou? where did you go ki kote ke ou t ale Where did you pick up your messages? Ki kote w ou jwen mesaj ou yo? where did your sister go ki kote ke sè ou la te ale where did your son and your ki daughter kote ti gason go ou lan ak tifi ou la t ale Page 653 Feuille1 where does it hurt kote li fè w mal Where does the training takeKi place? kote antrènman an te fèt? Where do the spares come from? kote rezèv la soti? where do you come from jeanki kote ou sòti jan where do you come from ki kote ou sòti where do you come from ki kote ou sòti where do you get off telling me kote what ou to soti, doap vin di m sa pou m fe a where do you get of ki kote ou ap desann where do you live ki kote ou rete where do you live ki kote ou rete Where do you park your vehicle? Ki kote w mete machin ou a? Where do you serve? Ki kote ou sèvi? where do you want me to let ki you kote off?pou m lage ou? where do you work ki kote ou ap travay where do you work kote ou ap travay where from de kidò where have you come from Ki kote ou sòti where have you come from Ki kote ou te sòti where is it ki kote li ye where is kibò where is ki kote where is ki kote where is Ki kote Where is kote sa Where is kote se Where is kote ye where is she going ki kote li prale Where is that ki bò sa ye Where is that ki kote sa Where is that kote sa ye Where is that unit? Kote inite sa ye? Where is the doctor? Kote doktè a? Where is the gun unit's higherkote headquarters? gran katye jeneral inite ame a ye? Where is the latrine? Kote watè a? where is the railroad station please ki kote estasyon tren yan ye ka, silvouplè Where is your family? Kote fanmi ou? where is your place of work kote ou travay Where is your unit? Kote inite w la? Where is your unit? Kote rejiman ou? Where? ki bò where ki kote where ki kote Where? ki kote Where? Ki kote? Where? Ki kote? where ki kòte where to kote a Where was it done? Kotel te fèt where will be ki kote pral where would you like to go madam ki kote ou ta renmen ale madanm Where would you mobilize? ki kote w ta mobilize? whether matter comes or not kit doesn't li te vini, matter kit litopame t vini, sa pa fè m anyen whether olye Page 654 Feuille1 Which aircraft were you flying? Nan ki avyon ou t ap vwayaje? which A ki which are in ki yo which are kèl yo which are kilès yo which are ki sa yo which are kiyès ki pwal which are kiyès ki pwal which are Kiyès yo which are Kiyès yo which are ki yo ki pwal which are ki yo ki pwal which are Sa yo which De ki which described as ki dekwi tankou Which group are you in? Nan ki group ou ye? which have kèl which have ki a which have not ki pa genyen which is kilès li which is Kiyès which is Kiyès which is Kiyès which is Kiyès which is Kiyès which is Kiyès which is Kiyès which kèl which kèl which ki which ki which Ki which Ki which kiyès ladan yo which kiyès nan yo Which mode of fuel transportkilès mightmòd be vulnerable transpòtasyon to angaz attack? ki kapab sibi chòk yo atak? which one costs the least amount ki sa of k koute money pi piti which one is in kilès ladan li which one ki kalite which one ki yonn Which one of these is it? Kilès ladan yo Which one of these is it? kilès nan sila yo which one will kisa ki pwal which side are you on pou ki moun ou ye which side are you on pou ki moun ou ye which supervise kèl aktivite which supervise kèl ovès which team is in the lead ki ekip ki devan Which third country? ki non peyi entèmedyè sa? which were ki ès ki te which were ki ès nan ki te which will kèl which will ki pral Page 655 Feuille1 which will ki pwal which will Ki pwal which will Sa pwal which would ki ta which would Ki ta which would Ki ta while it will etan li pwal while it will kan li pwal while it will pandan li pwal while moman while not pat dire while not pat pou lontan while pandan while pandan while you're up there get the etan a mango ou anlè for me a pran yon mango pou mwen Whip bat Whip fwete Whip Kale Whiskey Wiski whisper wounou whistle stop fakiltatif whit a shirt that color on, he'llak stick koulè outchemiz in a crowd ki sou li a, menm si l nan yon foul moun n ap wè l white blan white blan white blan white blan White blan White Blan white blanch white person blan White supremacy Prejije White supremacy siperyorite blan whizbang wonfleman bal whizbang wonfleman boulèt whizzbang wonfleman bal whizzbang wonfleman boulèt who are kilès yo who are kiyès ki pwal who are kiyès ki pwal who are ki yo ki pwal who are ki yo ki pwal who are living ki ès kap viv who are living ki ès ki abite who are not ki yo pa who are on ki yo si who are placed yo ki te plase who are placed yo ki te siye who are situated yo ki te plase who are situated yo ki te siye who are you Ki moun ou ye who arrange the books ki moun ki ranje liv yo who can show me kilès ki kapab montre mwen who can show me what the mines kilès kilook kapab like montre mwen ki sa pyèj yo sanble Page 656 Feuille1 Who collects taxes? kiyès ki ranmase taks? Who controls the special equipment? kilès ki kontwole ekipman èpesyal la? who did she marry ak ki nèg li marye who did your hair ki moun ki fè tèt ou who does she think she is calling gadeso l kielse ap vin thiefrele moun vòle Who equips these organizations? kilès ki ekipe òganizasyon sa yo? Who has responsibility for unscheduled kilès ki genmaintenance? rèsponsablite pou antretyen ki pat planifye? Who is in charge? Ki moun ki responsab? who is it ki moun who is k ap who is ki ap who is kilès who is ki se who is ki yès who is Kiyès who is Kiyès who is Kiyès who is Kiyès who is Kiyès Who is the issuing office or authority kilès ki distribiye for current biwo Notices oubyen to Airmen? otorite pou enfòmasyon aktyèl yo bay sòlda de l who kèl who ki who ki who ki who ki who ki who Ki whole an antye whole ankè whole annantye whole an nantye whole antou whole antye Whole antye whole antyèman wholeness entegrite wholeness konplè wholesale angwo Wholesale Angwo wholesale house depo magazen wholesale house magazen diskont wholesale house mezon likidasyon wholesale house mezon rabè wholesale prices pwi an gwo yo Wholesale trade vant an gwo whole total whole total whole total whole tout whole tout whole tout whole tout whole tout Page 657 Feuille1 whole tout an nantye whole tout antye whole tout antye whole toute who let the air out of the tire ki moun ki retire van nan kawotchou a who let the air out of the tire ki moun ki retire van nan kawoutchou a Whole Won who live in ki abite nan who live ki ès kap viv who live ki ès ki abite Who made the initial contact Ki with moun you?kiTell te fème pwemye the name kontak and avè position. w? di m non moun nan ak pòs li okipe? whom A ki whom Ak ki who marked up the wall sa k fè mak sa yo nan mi an whom Avèk ki whom De ki whom ki whom Ki whom Ki who planted ki moun ki te mete who planted ki moun ki te plante who planted ki moun ki te tann who planted ki moun ki te tere who planted these mines ki moun ki te mete mine sa yo whore house kay fème whorehouse kay fème whore house mezon fème whorehouse mezon fème whorl espiral whorl resò plat, fen e ron who saw the arrangement forkiyour moun tripki okipe afè vwayaj ou a whose A ki whose de ki whose De ki whose ki whose ki whose ki es whose kilès whose lead is it soti pou ki moun whose side are you on nan bò ki moun ou ye whose side are you on nan bò kiyès ou ye whose side are you on nan bò kiyès ou ye who's going to mark offthe soccer ki moun fieldk ap trase terene a who the dog's master sa k mèt chen an who tied a knot in this rope sa k fè ne sa a nan kòd la Who trains these organizations? kilès ki antrène òganizasyon sa yo? who wants to go? ki moun ki vle ale? who was ki te Who was the gun unit commander? ki moun ki te koumandan enfantri a? who were ki ès ki te who were ki ès nan ki te Who were they ki lès yo te ye Who were they ki moun yo te ye Page 658 Feuille1 who were you talking to a ki moun ou t ap pale a who will be ki ès ki pral who will ki pral who will ki pwal who will Ki pwal who will Sa pwal who would ki ta who would Ki ta who would Ki ta why are you so mean to the kids sa k fè ou mechan konsa ak timoun yo why didn't she come?it isn't as saifkI fè didn't l pa tell viniher se pa di m pa t di l sa ;why did Poukisa te ;why does Poukisa te why don't you act your age sa k fè ou pa pran pòz granmoun ou why don't you take on so yoursaown k fèsize ou pa al atake on moun ki fòs ou why don't you take on so yoursaown k fèsize ou pa al atake on moun pòy ou ;why do Poukisa te why is she so stingy sa k fè l chich konsa why is she so stingy sa k fè l kras konsa why is she so stingy sa k fè l peng konsa why not poukisa why pouki why pouki why poukisa why pou kisa why she didn't come? she ill.sa k fè l pa vini? li malad why was he kicked out of school sa k fè yo mete l deyò lekòl la wide gran Wide gran wide laj wide laj Wide Laj width of an interval lajè yon entèval wife fàm wife fanm wife fanm wife fanm wife madanm Wife Madanm wig perik wigwam ajoupa wigwam loje wigwam wijwam wild andjable wild andyable Wild animals Bèt sovaj Wilderness Granbwa wild goose chase pati dèyè wildlife vi sovaj will 20 gourdes 20 goud ap ase will act pral aji will act pral travay will arrive pwal rive Page 659 Feuille1 will be held te pwal kenbe will be kapwal will be ki pwal will be kiva will be Men e will be pwal will be Pwal will be Pwal will be pwal nan will continue pral kontinye will for pwal pou will for pwal pou will for va pou will from pwal soti will from soti pwal will have pwal gen will he be home tomorrow eske l ap lakay li demen will in pwal will in pwal nan will in Pwal nan Will it be expanding in size? èskel pwal devlope l an lajè? will maintain pwal kenbe will not be pa pwal will not pa pwal will not Pat pral will participate pral patisipe will play pral jwe will play va jwe will pral will Pral will pwal will pwal will soon pral byento will start pral kòmanse will supervise pwal sipèvize will supervise pwal siveye will that èske sa pwal Will that person be bringing the èske re-supply? moun sa ap pote rechajman? Will that person be bringing the èske re-supply? moun sa a pwal pote rechajman? Will that person be bringing the èske re-supply? moun sa a pwal pote rechajman an? Will that person be bringing the èske re-supply? moun sa pwal pote rechajman? will that se pwal Will the facility mission continue èske during enstalasyon war time? misyon an kontinye pandan lagè? Will there be an expansion inèske your w area pwal of gen operations? agrandisman nan zòn operasyon w lan? Will there be expansion in theèske scope pwal or gen typesekspansyon of operations? nan chan daksyon yo oubyen nan tip operasyon yo will there pral la will this train stop at each station eske tren sa ap rete nan tout estasyon yo will tomorrow demen pwal will work pral aji will work pral travay will you be home tonight eske ou ap lakay ou aswè a will you come to see my mother ou ap vini wè manman wind bobinen Page 660 Feuille1 windmill Windmill window window window Window window glass window glass Window glass window sill window sill Windshield wind wind Wind Wind wine cellar wine cellar wine wine Wine Wine Wing commanders wing win wings Wings wing winners winter winter Winter winter wire wire wire for electricity wireless wireless wireless wires across wires across wisdom wise wish wish wished wished wish for wish wish wish with a car with agreement moulen van Moulenvan fenèt fenèt fenèt Fenèt fenèt an vit fenèt vitre Vit fenèt rebò rebò fenèt Vit devan machin van van van Van depo diven depo soutèren diven diven diven Diven lyetnan kolonèl yo defans genyen zèl yo zèl yo zèl ganyan yo ivè ivè Ivè pretan fil fè fil metalik fil kouran ansyen mòd pa alamòd radyo fil elèktrik kwaze fil kouran kwaze sajès saj dezire dezire te dezire te swète swete pou swèt swèt swète Avèk yon machin avèk akò Page 661 Feuille1 with with with with with with another with another with a reason with asthma with with with with with with with with collaboration with croatian withdrawal withdrawal withdrawal withdrawal withdrawing room withdrawing room withdrawl withdraw withdraw with energy with energy with energy with energy with food with general with goal with goal with government withholding of deportation withholding of deportation withholding of deportation within a certain term within a certain time with international with it with journalists with key with local with lots of water with main with main with main with major with major with major ak ak ak Ak ake aklòt alòt avèk yon rezon asmatik avè avèk avèk avèk avèk avèk Avèk avèk kolaborasyon ak Kwoasyen retire retrè retrèt retrèt sal sal datis Dezokipasyon retire retrè ak enèji ak fòs ak kouraj ak pisans avèk mange avèk general bi objektif avèk gouvènman anpeche transpòtasyon bloke transpòtasyon stope depòtayson nan yon tèm sèten nan yon sèten tan avèk entènasyonal avèk li avèk jounalis yo akle avèk lokal avèk anpil dlo avèk majè avèk mwayen avèk prensipal avèk majè avèk mwayen avèk prensipal Page 662 Feuille1 with management avèk jesyon with military avèk militè with my luggage avèk bagaj mwen with my own avèk pwòp afèm without consideration san konsiderasyon without exception nèt without exception nèt without inspection san enspèksyon without prejudice san prejije without repetition san repetisyon without replacement san replasman without san without san without san without san with pleasure avèk plezi with power ak enèji with power ak fòs with power ak kouraj with power ak pisans with prejudice ak pwejije with prejudice ak pwejije with premier avèk premyè with president ak presidan with president of Croatia avèk presidan de kroesyon with president Tudjman avèk prezidan tidjan with President Tudjman avèk prezidan Tidjman with proposal avèk òf with proposal avèk propozisyon with proposal avèk sikjeksy with public avèk piblik with regard to akoz de with regard to an konsiderasyon de with regard to pou tèt with relatives avèk relatif yo with repetition ak repetisyon with replacement ak ranplasman with Russian avèk larisi with Russian avèk Rousi with Russian avèk wisi with Serbian President Slobodan avèkMilosevic prezidan slobodan milosevik sèbyan with suggestion avèk òf with suggestion avèk propozisyon with suggestion avèk sikjeksy with that avèk li with the court for ak tribinal la pou with the establishment nan etablisman with the others avèk lòt yo with the president avèk Pwezidan an with the remaining avèk sak rete an with the representatives avèk repwezantan yo with the Serbian president avèk Pwezidan Sèb la with the Serbian President avèk pwezidan Sèb la Page 663 Feuille1 with the signing avèk siyati with us avèk nou with whom Ak ki with whom avèk ki with whom Avèk ki with whom Ki with words avèk mo yo with you Avè ou witness box ba temwen witness box temwen witnesses temwen yo witness stand ba temwen witness stand temwen witness temwen witty ki gen anpil witty lespri wolf rena wolves rena yo woman fàm woman fanm Woman fanm Woman Fi Woman madanm woman with naturally very short ayida hair women fanm Women Fi wonderful brize wonderful ekraze wonderful mèveye wonderful mèvèye wonder mèvèy wonder mèvèy wonder mèvèy won ganye won konkeri won pa vle won't Pat pral won triyonfe won't you have some coffee ou pa vle yon ti kafe wood bwa wood bwa wood bwa Wood bwa Wood charcoal Chabon bwa woodcutter bicheron Wooden building mezon an bwa Wood fire Dife bwa woodpecker Sèpantye wood pigeon ramye wood pigeon ranmye Woods bwa yo word is mo se word is you're going to get married m tande ou pral marye Page 664 Feuille1 word mo word mo word mo word paròl words mo words mo yo words mo yo words pawòl yo work ak work and travay e Workbench Etabli Workbench tabli work bòn aksyon work camp chan twavay work camp kan pwizon work camp penitansye worked te travay worked te travay workers' compensation insurance asirans rekonpanse travayè workers travayè yo workers travayè yo workers travayè yo working ap travay working class neighborhood katye klas travayè working class neighborhood klas travayè vwazen working class neighborhood klas travayè vwazen working fonksyonman working fonksyònman working fonksyonnman working session sesyon travay working travay work on travay nan work on travay si work permit pèmi travay works anplwa yo works djòb works djòb yo works mond works travay works travay yo works travay yo works travay yo work travay work travay work travay work travay work travaye work with me travay ake m work with me travay avèk mwen work with me travay avè m world bank bank mond world champion chanpyon di mond world champion chanpyon mondyal Page 665 Feuille1 world competition World Council world world worldly worldly worldly world world world world world world world population world premiere world premiere world record world record holder world record holder world record world's world's world situation world's world's world's world's world's world world war World War II World War I world-wide air transport world-wide association world-wide association worldwide Worldwide world-wide brand world-wide brand world-wide economy Worldwide world-wide level world-wide make world-wide record world-wide sample worm Worms worn-out worry because worry because worry worry worry for konpetisyon mond konsèy sekirite mondyal lemond lemonn a travè lemond antye mond mondyalman mond mond mond mond mond monn popilatyon mondyal nimewo en pi meyè dosye mondyal konsèvatè dosye mondyal yo tenè rapò mondyal parò mondyal a travè lemond antye inivè sitiyasyon mondyal mond mond mond mond mondyalman travay yo gè mondyal Desyèm gè mondyal Premye gè mondyal transpò aeryen mondyal asosyasyon atravè lemond asosyasyon mondyal a travè lemond atravè lemond fabwikasyon mondyal mak mondyal ekonomi mondyal Lemonn antye nivo mondyal fabwike atravè lemond rekò mondyal egzanp mondyal cho Vè ize enkyete paske enkyete pou enkyete enkyete enkyete paske Page 666 Feuille1 worry for enkyete pou worry traka worry traka worry trakase worse enlè worse movè worse movè worse odesi worse pli move Worshipper Adoratè Worshipper sèvitè worthless object tenten worthless person tenten worth valè worth vo worth vo would be ta dwe would be ta kapab would be that sa kapab would be that sa pourè would it do you any harmto say sa hello sa t ap people fè ou si ou te di moun bonjou would Mwen ta renmen would not Pa tap would not Pat ta would not Pat t'ap would Nou ta renm wouldn't Pa tap wouldn't Pat t'ap would ta would Ta renmen would you go dancing with me outomorrow vle al nannight bal avèk mwen demen swa Would you like something to èske drink ou swaf Would you like something to èske drink ou ta remen bwè ou bagay Would you like something to èske eat ou ta renmen manje ou bagay Wound Blesi wounded blese Wounded in action blese pandan aksyon an wounded policemen polisye blese wounded te blese wound maleng wow can you help me sir wo loloy eske ou ka ede mwen mesye wrappers anvelòp wrappers kouvèti wrappers sèvyèt wrapping anbalaj wrenches kle mekanik yo Wrench Kle tiyo wrist ponyèt wrist ponyèt wrist pwayè wrists pwayè yo Write down number of roundsekri carried? kantite tou rafal ke li te kenbe? Write down your full unit designation. Ekri tout sa inite w la gen pou devwa? Page 667 Feuille1 write ekri write ekwi Write it down. Ekri l an ba Write it down. ekri l la Write their identification downekri idantifikasyon yo sou papye Write them down. ekri yo anba Write them down. Ekri yo an ba Writing ekriti Writing Redaksyon wrong antò wrongful nwizans wrongful nwizib wrongful pa bon wrongful pa jis wrong movè wrong movè wrong pa bon wrong pa bon x-coordinate koòdone x x-intercept of a line valè x kote li koupe aks absis la X-Ray Radyografi yam yanm Yard Lakou Yarn Fil Yarn Fil triko y-coordinate koòdone-y year an year ane year ane year chak ane year chak epòk year earlier ane avan year earlier ane pase year earlier ane pi bonè year epòk yearly an yearly ane yearly chak ane yearly chak epòk yearly epòk years and ane yo ak years ane yo years ane yo years Ane yo Years ane yo years in ane yo nan years Zan yo yellow jon yellow jòn yellow jòn Yellow jòn Yellow Jòn yellow jonn Page 668 Feuille1 Yellow light Limyè jòn Yemen Yemenn yes and wi e Yes Antwan has the map butwi heAntwan doesn'tgen live kat here la men li pap viv nan vil sila a yes Diefè has the map but he widoesn't Diefè gen livekat in this la men town li pap viv nan vil sila a Yes Diejis has that map he lives wi Diejis in thisgen town kat sa a lap viv nan vil sila a yes five people were hurt lastwiweek senk moun te blese semèn pase a yes go ahead wi aan nou wè yes go ahead wi an avan yes, he will be home tomorrow wi, l ap lakay li demen yes, I ahev some relatives here wi, m gen fanmi isit yes, I am merried wi, mwen marye yes, I am ready. wi mwen prè. Yes. I am. Wi. Mwen blese. yes I can show you wi m ka montre ou yes I can show you wi mwen ka montre w Yes, I can. Wi, mwen kapab yes I did men wi yes I did m t ale yes, I do. wi m genyen. yes, I do. wi, m genyen. yes, I do wi, m konn kondwi yes, I had a car last year wi, mwen te gen yon machin ane pase yes I have four children threewi cats mwen andgen two kat dogs timoun twa chat de chyen yes I have two brothers and three wi mwen sisters genhere de frè e twa sè isit yes I know m konnen yes I know m konn sa yes I like france. wi, mwen renmen lafwans. yes, I like my job. wi, mwen renmen travay mwen an. yes I like the united stated wi m renmen eta zini yes indeed I am se vre m trè okipe yes, I saw Jean this morning?wi, mwen te wè Jan maten an? yes, I spoke to my father last wi, week. mwen te pale ak papa mwen semèn pase a. yes, I was there last night wi, mwen te la yè swa yes, I will be home tonight wi, m ap lakay mwen aswè a yes I will come to see her wi m ap vini wè li yes I will show you wi m pwal montre ou yes I will show you wi mwen pwal montre w Yes Jak has the map he liveswiinJak thisgen town kat la lap viv nan vil sila a yes, jean was there this morning wi, jan te la maten an yes Josèf has the map but he wi doesn't Josèf gen livekat in this la men town li pap viv nan vil sila a Yes Kal has the map but he doesn't wi Kal gen live kat here la men li pap viv nan vil sila a Yes Lik has that map he liveswiinLik thisgen town kat sa a lap viv nan vil sila a yes madam. here is one. wi madanm. Men youn. Yes Patrik has the map he lives wi Patrik in thisgen town kat la lap viv nan vil sila a yes she goes to school everywi, day. li al lekòl chak jou. yes sir I am louis jean bauge wi, mesye se mwen ki loui jan boje ya yes, sir I am very strong my friend wi mesye call me mwen bullgen of the anpil neighborhood kouraj, zanmi nan katye bò lakay mwen rele m towo yesterday ayè yesterday in ayè nan yesterday morning yè maten yesterday night yè nan nwit yesterday night yè swa Page 669 Feuille1 yesterday's apwè demen yesterday's ayè yesterday's yè yesterday's yè yesterday's yè yesterday they are yè se yo yesterday was ayè te yesterday yè Yesterday Yè yes there is one. wi, gen youn. yes train going to stop at every wi,station tren sa pa rete nan tout estasyon yo yes vote vòt pozitif yes vote vòt wi yes wi yes wi yes wi yes wi yes wi yes, you may. wi ou gen dwa wè l. yet ankò yet Men yet poko Yield lese pase Yield Sede y-intercept of a line valè y kote li koupe aks òdone a yoke jouk you acted in the only way youjan could ou aji a se sè jan ou te ka fè you are afraid nou pè You are a prisoner Ou se yon prizonye You are a prisoner ou se yon pwizonye you are a very busy lady missougonzalez se yon fanm ki trè okipe madmwazèl gonzalez you are coming Ou ap vini you are coming Ou vini you are Coming Ou vini you are Coming W ap vini you are going Eske w pwale you are going ou ale you are going Ou ale you are going ou pwale you are going Ou pwale you are going to school nou pral lekòl you are going to the park ou pral sou pak you are going yo pwale you are in Ou nan you are my cousin ou se konzen mwem you are my cousin ou se kouzin mwen You are next. Ou aprè. you are not Ou pat you are not poor ou pa pòv you are not yo pat you are Ou you are ou ap you are speaking ou ka pale Page 670 Feuille1 you are talking ou ka pale you are talking so much that ou you're paledistracting twòp ou fèm me distrè you are tired ou fatige you are W you are wap you are w ap you are welcome. By the way, pawhere dekwa. is the An palan closestdemovie sa, kitheatre kote sinema around ki here? pi pwe bò isit la ye la? you are welcome when you can padekwa, you start kile ou ka kòmanse travay you are writing ou ka ekri you bought eight spoons ou te achte wi kiyè you buy two lions w achte de lyon you can count on me sir ou mèt konte sou mwen mesye you can get a decent meal without ou ap paying manje byen a lot manje san ou pa depanse anpil you can get any adea like that retire out of lide your konsa head nan tèt ou you can leave the door open ou mèt kite pòt la ouvè you can let me out in front of ou themèt postlage office m devan lapòs la you can ou kapab you can speack freely here, we.re ou mèt alone pale pa gen lòt moun la you can take it from me she won't ou mèt come kwè sa m di ou la li pa p vini you can take the glass away m I'mfini finished ak vè a with ou itmèt al avè l you can't imagine how I felt when m paIbezwen heard the di news ou jan m te santi m lè m pran nouvèl sa you can't imagine how suprised se di I was pou m ta di ou jan m te sezi you can't lift that by yourself ou pa p ka leve l pou kont ou you come Ou ap vini you come Ou vini you come Ou vini you come W ap vini you'd better get to work now ifpito yououwant koumanse to fonish kounye it today a si ou vle fini jodi a you did the right thing to tell him ou byen that fèt di l sa you did well to come to me ou byen fèt vin kote m you don't bother me in the least ou pa deranje m menm you don't have Ou pat genyen you don't have to go if you don't ou pa want oblije to ale si ou pa vle You don't have to take this seriously ou pa bezwen pran sa pou on bagay serye you don't need to knock yourself ou pa outbezwen to get this touye done tèt tonight ou pou ou fini l aswè a you don't want Ou pat vle you gave it to hin and then you ou took fin ba it back li l, enpi ou pran l ankò you gave less than you gave ou herban m pi piti pase l you go Eske w pwale you go ou ale you go Ou ale you go ou pwale you go Ou pwale you go yo pwale you had me scared when youou ran fè the m pè redlèlight ou pase sou limyè wouj la you had Ou te genyen you have a big feet ou gen gwo pye you have a good memory ou gen bon memwa you have alot of patience ou gen pasyans anpil you have no idea how difficultseit di was pou m ta di ou jan l te difisil you haven't experienced anything ou poinkolife konn yet anyen nan lavi a you have ou gen you have ou genyen Page 671 Feuille1 you have Ou genyen you have pain in your knees jenou ou ap fè ou mal you have the gall to come back ou here gen kouray after what tonnen you isi dida apre sa ou fin fè a you have to have the childrenfòimmunized ou fè vaksinen timoun ou yo you have to see this movie fò ou wè fim sa a you have to stay still when they lè ygive ap ba yououa piki shotfò ou pa fè mouvman ak kò ou you have to work hard to holdfòonto ou bat your pou jobou these pa pèdi are djòb toughla,times tan an di you have to work hard to holdfòonto ou bat your pou jobpa these pèdiare djòbtough la tantimes an di you hit me too hard ou frape m twò fo you kicked the ball to hard ou choute boul la twò fò you know you can't win ou konnen ou p ap ka genyen you laid your keys down on the ou table te mete kle a sou tab la you lead; you know the way pran devan ou konn wout la you let those kids run free, and ou they'll lage timoun get youyointo twòtrouble lib y ap mete ou nan poblèm you'll get used to this work soon talè ou ap abitye ak travay la you 'll have to accept me as Iou amap oblije pran m jan m ye a you 'll have to get your mother's fò ou permission mande manman ou pèmisyon you'll have to make a decision fò ou pran yon desizyon you made me late ou fè m an reta you may pass Ou kapab pase You might only see a small part ou ka above sèlman ground wè ti bout tèt la anwo tè you must be impartial ou pa dwe nan paspouki you must have lost your marbles ou gen lè pèdi yon fèy You must stay here ou dwe rete la you must take me for an idiotou pran m pou on egare you must think I'm an idiot ou genlè konprann m se yon egare you must think I'm an idiot ou genlè konprann m se yon moun sòt you need a license to sell cigarettes fò ou gen patant pou ou vann sigarèt you need Ou bezwen you need to eat something that fò ou willmanje stick to yon your bagay ribs ki pou kenbe ou you need to learn how to talkfò toou people aprann pale ak moun you need to send me an immediate fò ou voye replyrepons ban mwen touswit you need to send me a reply fò immediately ou voye repons ban mwen touswit you never know what future holds ou pa janm konn sa lavi a sere pou ou you never know what lies ahead ou pa janm konn sa k ap tann ou pi devan you never know what the future ou pa holds janm konn sa lavi a sere pou ou young jèn young jèn Young Jèn young jenn young lady demwazèl young lady fi young lady jèn dam young lady jèn dam young lady mis young man jennjan young people jèn moun Young people Jèn moun young people jèn pèp young people pèp jèn young woman kòmè you ou you ou Page 672 Feuille1 you ou you ou you ou you Ou your dress is in the closet. wòb ou an nan klozèt la. you're always imitating the way ou people toujou ap talkchare jan moun pale you received a letter nou te resevwa yon lèt you received the pen ou te resevwa plim nan you receive your check ou resevwa chèk ou a you receive your letter nou resevwa lèt nou yo you're getting to be a big boyou now koumanse gwan ti moun kounye a you're imagining thing nobodysehates nan tèt youou sa ye pa gen moun ki rayi ou you're not leaving this house ou tonight pa p soti aswè a you're not leveling with me ou pa vle ban m verite a you're so impatient ou pa gen pasyans menm you're standing in the light ou kanpe nan limyè a you're the head of the family se now ou k tèt fanmi an konnye a you're the one who knows where se ouyour konnen best ki enterests sa k pi bon lie pou ou you're under arrest ou arete you're under arrest ou sou zòd lapolis your food's getting cold manje ou la ap frèt your glasses are almost identical linèt to oumine a prèske menm jan ak pa m lan you right , my dear ou gen rezon machè your job will consist of helpingtravay otherou employees se ap edetolòt load travayè and unload yo chaje thee truch dechaje kamyon yo your knif is not sharp give it tokouto me ou la pa file ban mwen li your mother will kill you manman ou pa touye ou your ou your ou your own pa ou your own pa w your passport please paspò ou souple your position pays 5 dolars per travay hourla peye 5 dola pa lè your slip is sticking out jipon ou parèt yours ou your w you saved my life ou sove lavi m you sell a horse nou vann yon chwal you should be ashame of what ouyou ta dwe did wont sa ou fè a you should have seen him in se action, wè pou playing ou tasoccer wè lè l ap jwe foutbòl you should have that looked at fò by ou afèdoctor doktè wè l you shouldn't do thing like that ou pa dwe fè bagay konsa you shouldn't kid about a thing oulike pa this dwe jwe ak bagay konsa you shouldn't make too muchou of pa thisbezwen pran sa fè yon bann bagay you spoke to her in too harshou a manner pale twò di avè l Youth Bureau biwo lajenès Youth Bureau Sèvis pwoteksyon lajenès youth hostel fwaye youth hostel fwaye jèn youth hostel lojman etidyan youth hostel obèj youth jèn youth jèn youth jenès Page 673 Feuille1 youth jenès youth jenès youth jernès youth organizations òganizasyon jèn yo Youth Services and Sports Sèvis Jenès ak Spò you've got me there ou pa fouti di ou you w you w you want Ou vle you went to the market nou te al nan mache you went to the park ou te al sou pak you were not there last weekou pa te al semèn pase a you were there last night ou te la yè swa you will be home this afternoon ou ap lakay ou apremidi a You will be sent to prison ou pwal nan pwison You will be sent to prison yo pwal voye w nan pwizon You will be treated well ou pwal jwenn trè bon trètman You will be treated well yo pwal trete w byen you will buy fourteen pants ou pral achte katòz pantalon You will get a shot. Ou pral pran piki. you will know him when you see depihim ou wè l w ap rekonnèt li you will not be home this afternoon ou p ap lakay ou apremidi a you will Ou pwal you will receive your book ou pra resevwa liv ou a you will receive your notebook nou pral resevwa kaye nou yo you will work five days a week w and ap travay eight hours senk jou a days. pa semèn e wit tè pa jou you would be all advised to buy se yon that move car bagay ou ap fè si ou achte machin sa a Yugoslavian delegation delegasyon yougoslavi a Yugoslavian Federation federasyon yougoslavyan Yugoslavian Federation federasyon yougoslavyen Yugoslavian government gouvènman yougoslavyen Yugoslavian President Dobrica pwezidan Cosic yougoslavyen dobwika kozik Zagreb zagreb Zagreb zagreb Zagreb Zagreb Zarko zako Zdravko Tomac zdrako tomak zebra zèb zero anyen zero degree zewo degre zero dimensional zewo dimansyon zero exponent ekspozan zewo zero slope pant zewo zero zewo zero zewo zip gun zam eklè Zipper Zip Zlatka zlatka zone lokalite zone plas zones zòn yo zone zòn zone zòn Page 674 Feuille1 zone zoo zoo zoological garden zoological garden zoological garden zoo zoo Zulu zòn jaden animo jaden zoolojik jaden animo jaden zoolojik menajri menajri pak animo Zoulou Page 675 Feuille1 Page 676 Feuille1 Page 677 Feuille1 Page 678 Feuille1 Page 679 Feuille1 Page 680 Feuille1 Page 681 Feuille1 Page 682 Feuille1 Page 683 Feuille1 Page 684 Feuille1 Page 685 Feuille1 Page 686 Feuille1 Page 687 Feuille1 Page 688 Feuille1 Page 689 Feuille1 Page 690 Feuille1 Page 691 Feuille1 Page 692 Feuille1 Page 693 Feuille1 Page 694 Feuille1 Page 695 Feuille1 Page 696 Feuille1 Page 697 Feuille1 Page 698 Feuille1 Page 699 Feuille1 Page 700 Feuille1 Page 701 Feuille1 Page 702 Feuille1 Page 703 Feuille1 Page 704 Feuille1 Page 705 Feuille1 Page 706 Feuille1 Page 707 Feuille1 san kite tras Page 708 Feuille1 Page 709 Feuille1 Page 710 Feuille1 ilize pou kominikasyon oubyen pou navigasyon? Page 711 Feuille1 nenpòt bagay san kite tras an kap vini yo? ki aktyèlman ap itilize pa tank ou yo? Page 712 Feuille1 ou kounye a? kont nou aktyèèn? ou Chimik nan initèske w konnen kòd inite w la? sa yo nan inite w la? lojik ak Chimik nan inite a? alite materyèl Nikleyè, Byolojik ak Chimik nan inite a? chin Nikleyè, Byolojik ou Chimik nan inite a? nan inite w la? Page 713 Feuille1 Page 714 Feuille1 Page 715 Feuille1 Page 716 Feuille1 Page 717 Feuille1 Page 718 Feuille1 Page 719 Feuille1 Page 720 Feuille1 minike ak inite ki sou kote w yo ak Page 721 Feuille1 Page 722 Feuille1 Page 723 Feuille1 Page 724 Feuille1 Page 725 Feuille1 Page 726 Feuille1 Page 727 Feuille1 Page 728 Feuille1 Page 729 Feuille1 Page 730 Feuille1 Page 731 Feuille1 Page 732 Feuille1 Page 733 Feuille1 Page 734 Feuille1 Page 735 Feuille1 Page 736 Feuille1 Page 737 Feuille1 Page 738 Feuille1 Page 739 Feuille1 Page 740 Feuille1 Page 741 Feuille1 Page 742 Feuille1 Page 743 Feuille1 Page 744 Feuille1 Page 745 Feuille1 Page 746 Feuille1 Page 747 Feuille1 Page 748 Feuille1 Page 749 Feuille1 Page 750 Feuille1 Page 751 Feuille1 Page 752 Feuille1 Page 753 Feuille1 Page 754 Feuille1 Page 755 Feuille1 Page 756 Feuille1 Page 757 Feuille1 chak pòs de kòmandan? Page 758 Feuille1 Page 759 Feuille1 Page 760 Feuille1 ou materyèl kominlkasyon yo? Page 761 Feuille1 defansiv yo? mityè a sanble oup ofisye an chèf yo? fè pati divizyon enfantri a? yon denfantri a? Page 762 Feuille1 i divizyon enfantri a? divizyon enfantri a? nite kominikasyon pou divizyon de lè yo? inite divizyon an? onesans divizyon lèzè yo? sekirite ak pòs de kontwòl? Page 763 Feuille1 Page 764 Feuille1 Page 765 Feuille1 Page 766 Feuille1 Page 767 Feuille1 Page 768 Feuille1 Page 769 Feuille1 Page 770 Feuille1 Page 771 Feuille1 Page 772 Feuille1 Page 773 Feuille1 Page 774 Feuille1 Page 775 Feuille1 Page 776 Feuille1 Page 777 Feuille1 Page 778 Feuille1 Page 779 Feuille1 Page 780 Feuille1 Page 781 Feuille1 Page 782 Feuille1 Page 783 Feuille1 Page 784 Feuille1 Page 785 Feuille1 Page 786 Feuille1 Page 787 Feuille1 Page 788 Feuille1 Page 789 Feuille1 Page 790 Feuille1 Page 791 Feuille1 Page 792 Feuille1 Page 793 Feuille1 Page 794 Feuille1 Page 795 Feuille1 Page 796 Feuille1 Page 797 Feuille1 Page 798 Feuille1 Page 799 Feuille1 Page 800 Feuille1 Page 801 Feuille1 Page 802 Feuille1 Page 803 Feuille1 Page 804 Feuille1 Page 805 Feuille1 Page 806 Feuille1 Page 807 Feuille1 Page 808 Feuille1 Page 809 Feuille1 Page 810 Feuille1 Page 811 Feuille1 Page 812 Feuille1 Page 813 Feuille1 Page 814 Feuille1 Page 815 Feuille1 Page 816 Feuille1 Page 817 Feuille1 Page 818 Feuille1 Page 819 Feuille1 Page 820 Feuille1 Page 821 Feuille1 Page 822 Feuille1 Page 823 Feuille1 Page 824 Feuille1 Page 825 Feuille1 Page 826 Feuille1 splike ake jès pou ki sa ? Page 827 Feuille1 Page 828 Feuille1 Page 829 Feuille1 Page 830 Feuille1 Page 831 Feuille1 Page 832 Feuille1 Page 833 Feuille1 sou zòn ki trè danjre? ou tèren sila a Chimik nan machin nan? Page 834 Feuille1 e motè yo an mach? an alkòl oubyen dwòg? pou materyèl sa yo? ns pou deplase nan tan lagè nan yon dirèksyon spesifik? ite mache an kachèt? pwojè ak komand realiman? stalasyon soutèren yo? moun ki blese? Page 835 Feuille1 Page 836 Feuille1 Page 837 Feuille1 nan tèren vòl la? a antre nan tèren vòl la? Page 838 Feuille1 sou dirije avyon an? evwe avyon an? ilasyon sivil la? Page 839 Feuille1 yè nan avyon w nan? en sou ranp sekirite yo? n menas dekolaj? pidemi an mas ki atake kan ou yo? mwen kounye a? kominikasyon an oubyen sou kòd sekrè a? dan avyon an? Page 840 Feuille1 pou defann èspas yo? an avyon yo? nalite sivil yo ki demere nan woup ofisye yo ki ta kab enpòtan? ikasyon yo ye? aje yo te itilize? ye yo ki nan zòn nan? gen fòs moun mouri gen fòs moun mouri yon gwoup mesaje yo itilize? n objèktif yo? ak aktyèl antrènman avyon? pou kalifikasyon lannwit yo? meteologis la? an oubyen andeyò nan sèvis echanj antretyen? e mesaje yo? Page 841 Feuille1 p ki kapab afèkte taktik konba yo oubyen efikasite yo? e rekonèsans yo? az sou avyon w lan? wòl yo sou atik ki gen anpil valè fas a lòt ki gen mwens valè yo? avyon w nan? ou ranfòse pwosedi ak orè yo? avyon w nan? yon nan avyon w nan? kasyon w nan? umaren w la? nvan yo vole? wopagand ou yo? an operasyon yo nan tan lagè? nan planifye operasyon yo pandan lagè? al fwekans yo? bonis sa yo? vyon w an bòn kondisyon? outni dènyèman? a nan kalite sa a? aj avyon an? kapab fè nan yon lane? woup ki genyen nan inite sa? Page 842 Feuille1 man an genyen? ak reparasyon ki nan reparasyon? ki gen nan inite w la? n nan lokal kontriksyon fòs la? n nan lokal konstriksyon materyèl la? e pwan nan lokal pwodiksyon manje a a te pwan nan izin ekipman an? an lokal tranpòtasyon? ipman pou fè tès yo? e kowòdone ak lòt inite w yo? òl yo an montan? pandan lagè a? en spesifik detèmine epi epapiye? nan entretyen yo? plozif yo an sekirite? on atak chimik? sofistike ke yo ap devlope? e ouki an aksyon pa inite w la? ènman anti tank? ou yon bi èspesyal? ny pou avyon de gè disponib? chak moun nan inite a? sou avyon aparans? sou avyon similatè? lik yo opere? vyon ou lan? Page 843 Feuille1 n avyon ou lan? nbe nan pwizon t ameriken pèsonèl ou byen yo òs moun mouri òs moun mouri avyon w lan? planifikasyon pou avyon w lan? s ki pa fòs ameriken òz chanjman lokasyon? hanjman operasyon yo? rajman yo te ba yo? vyon yo genyen? o nan avyon? konsèy akobsèvè? òtè yo ak manje epi ak lòt ekipman? bay sipò medikal? soutyen nan kad andoktrinman politik? dyè kap ofwi azil? sipòte transpòtasyon? nouvo zam yo? n lwil motè yo? Page 844 Feuille1 ou yo te anplwaye kont fòs ou yo? n ke èstasyon kominikasyon yo itilize? oubyen deyò? m evakyasyon an? e zam yo genyen? itilize nan inite w la? a ye nan avyon an? e pou lagè byolojik? pou lagè nikleyè? oubyen lòt modèl ki pa familye? on de gè yo ye? s pou avyon yo ye? lagè byolojik? lagè nikleyè? ou avyon de gè yo ye? batri ak kalite tip minisyon yo? twi ki disponib? hèf yo anvè lòt yo? sitiyasyon de gè a? Page 845 Feuille1 kasyon vòl yo? ki nan avyon w nan? az defans la? hak chajè ki nan sak yo? nbadman yo plase? ap fè gaz san pwoblèm? rafik lèzè yo? ap itilize yo? kominikasyon w lan? pis aterisaj ki pa repare? yon tèrès yo? kominikasyon an? avyon ou yo? onksyone a genyen? dpass ke inite w la ap itilize a? medikal oubyen remèd yo? map montre w sou kat sa a? Page 846 Feuille1 ozisyon w nan? pati pam lan? onbisyon yo? onbisyon yo? ak kominikasyons yo ye? syon a kantite moun ki mouri yo? k gwo bilding yo? leyè, Byolojik ak Chimik nan inite a? one ou sistèm èwkondisyone nan avyon ou an? nan avyon ou lan? n abilte rezèvis yo? syon w nan nan tan lapè? e ou resevwa a? on avyon atèri? i wo altitid yo? vyon an pwan vòl mete ak gaz epi chajman zam li? nou sou moun ki blese, malad, ak mò anba men lènmi nou yo? l, lwil ak grès motè w libwifyan? nt entalasyon bonbadman nou yo? e oubyen an pwofondè? nplwaye pou inite obsèvasyon aeryèn yo? plwaye pou konbat inite bonbadman yo? Page 847 Feuille1 on ki itilize yo? alye yo genyen? won yo, ak alye yo posede? asistan yo fèt? zam yo plase? nmitay ou yo? minikasyon yo? èf klinik la ak doktè èspesyalis yo? se moun nan plant la? stans yon avyon bezwen pou l pwan vòl e at eri lè gen lapli oubyen lè gen nèj? mòd de fonksyònman? inikasyon w lan? anj sèvis antretyen? nb konbisyon yon gwo altitid? konbisyon an nan yon wotè ki ba? nb konbisyon yo a yon altitid mwayèn? Page 848 Feuille1 hanb konbisyon yo a yon hot altitid? anm konbisyon a ba altitid? anb konbisyon yo a yon altitid moyèn? on pwa maksimòm pou demaraj? yon tan byen pwesi? rènman avyon? genyen nan rejyon sa a? n jeneral pou chak inite de soutyen? nou yo te sipòte? pou itilize misil sa yo? stèm soumaren yo? yo, ak siyal yo te itilize? ki nan avyon w nan? wil, ak grès machin nan baz ou a? epo nan baz ou a? nan depo nan baz ou a? byen chaje gen poul kouri? Page 849 Feuille1 swen sèten tip pyès? u pis pou pwan vòl la? ou wout taksi a? yon bès nan sekirite? ke fòs wap dirije a genyen? n anviwon a? d avyon kago yo ye? e pou batay aeryen yo? èvasyon yo ye? o fèt ak amteryèl yo ye? wepare atak la? manèt chanjman yo nan tablo kontwòl rada a ye? Page 850 Feuille1 nt tèren avyasyon an? ndedan tèren avyasyon an? ki pi wo ak inite de sipò pou pòs komand yo ye? rejyon pa w la? rès machin yo an depo? òn de rasanbleman yo? te inite yo antreteni? pare tank yo ye? man yo oubyen diran abwi yo? nan pwent dèyè? n aterisaj la ye? Page 851 Feuille1 dekout yo ye? epo nan baz ou a? n ak èstasyon yo? syon tèrès yo? k grès pou motè yo? wòlman pèsonèl yo? z ki andedan andedan? a yon maksimòm "G"? n vitès maksimòm nan atitid altitidtrè elve? Page 852 Feuille1 on vitès maksimòm ki nan yon altitid trè ba? n vitès mwayèn de yon altiitid mwayen? n vitès maksimòm mwayèn ak yon mòflè san lafimen? a yon mach maksimòm mwayèn ak chanm konbisyon yo an mach? a yon altitid trè wo? nan altitid ki ba? nan yon altitid mwayèn? ou rada bwake sou sib li ? i kapab pote? e o maksimòm? yen ant tank yo epi inite denfantri a? regade andomajman tank yo? n pou manevwe enfantri ak bonbadman atiyri depo zam yo kont bonm? nbadman yo? owòdiansyon tank yo? e batay aeryen yo? onbadman atiyri a? ap batay kont kontratak? tilize pou relokalize yo pandan tan lagè? minike ak inite ki sou kote w yo ak nstalasyon w nan pandan tan lapè? an kondisyon dekolaj? a yon maksimòm "G?" k yon maksimòm wotasyon ak chanb konbistib yo? aksimòm wotasyon nan yon altitid trè wo? man ak yon maksimòm wotasyon a yon altitid trè ba? an ak yon maksimòm wotasyon a yon mwayèn altitid? aksimòm wotasyon akonpanye yon konbisyon pwòp? Page 853 Feuille1 m sipòtè inite w la? p nan lokal sivil la? pwe enstalasyo w lan? mandman an? òn gwo konpayi sa yo? minikasyon pou bonbadman yo? antri datiyri a? e andedan an? lwil motè a fonksyone? ch yon sistèm idwolik? nch yon sistèm chanm a konpwesyon? h sistèm chanm konpwesyon lè yo? nan òganizasyon an? ntretyen ki genyen andedan òganizasyon an? vyasyon an? Page 854 Feuille1 òganizasyon an ak non yo? n anplifikatè yo? u pwèt ap tann? nyen andedan òganizasyon an? e nan tan lapè? e nan tan lagè? ak machin yo? anvè lokal sivil yo? n maksimòm "G?" yon maksimòm rotasyon de yon altitid ki wo? yon nivo maksimòm wotasyon a bas altitid? yon nivo maksimòm wotasyon a mwayèn a you mwayèn altitid? an ak yon maksimòm wotasyon ak konbisyon san lafimen? an ak yon atitid aprè wotasyon? asyon ak maksimòm "G?" n ak yon nivo maksimòm wotasyon a yon wo altitid? k yon nivo maksimòm wotasyon a yon bas altitid? n ak yon nivo maksimòm wotasyon a yon altitid mwayèn? on maksimòm nivo wotasyon ak yon pwòp konbisyon? on an ak yon nivo de wotasyon avèk chanb konbisyon yo an mach? onbadman yo? misyon ekip konbatan yo? up de rekonesans? gwoup de rekonèsans? ominikasyon an? on òganizasyon an ye? man ak èstasyon èd batayon ak inite medikal yo? Page 855 Feuille1 òganizasyon an? nizasyon an? ou operasyon yo? dispozisyon divizyon w lan? pozisyon èskwad ou yo? an, zam ak dispozisyon gwoup ou yo? n plan de retrè inite w la? etrè inite w la? o kapab anplwaye? sou pozisyon sa yo? e nan nenpòt nan pozisyon ou inite sa yo? e nan sekirite kominikasyon yo? ou pwedi tanperati a? kontwòl misyon konba yo? misyon elèktwonik kont mezi yo? yon ki te fèt opwealab? e fèt avan misyon an? n misyon nan pasaj si yo? t pou misyon an opwealab? man zam yo nan pozisyon òmasyon avan vòl? Page 856 Feuille1 obsève radyo silans la? a yo a pwodwi? a yo ka pwodwi pa an? yap itilize a? pandan konba a? n yo genyen? rite avyasyon sivil ak militè yo? pyès avyon yo? chin ki rekomande nan depo a? e nan depo a? an rezèv nan depo? grès machin ki gen nan depo a? kouvwi tout dirèksyon yo? on altitid rada a repwezante? Page 857 Feuille1 nisyon avyon yo? , grès machin yo? asyon nan inite w la ra? do monte yo? pare diferan kalite minisyon? man avyon yo? syon sekirite yo? n avyon w nan? n avyon w nan? nfli a kòmanse? i wotè ke yo avyon bezwen pou pou li vole e pi vitès lè lap ateri? e yo pou yo reponn? on dezakò ki te rapòte yo? chak enstalasyon? chak depatman? Page 858 Feuille1 datiyri ki te fèt pa inite denfantri yo lokalize? eryen yo te itilize? mande pou inite tèrès yo? ndeyò tèren avyasyon an? akteristik yo? sipe nan konba aeryen an? e nan tout kalite atak ak misyon yo? an avyon ou lan? k ki kalite sistèm zam ki te itilize? nba aeryen an? ou pote materyèl? ondanmantal inite w la? e yo e jiska ki nivo? pwopo avyon an e kondisyon yo an jeneral? tèrisaj kap dire? avyon kap dire? on avyon kap dire? Page 859 Feuille1 genyen nan èstasyon kominikasyon yo? ò nan antretyen yo? vlòpman, enpwime, diparisyon nòt yo? sou avyon w nan? k ki disponib? an itilize nan peyi w? andòktrinman ke èstasyon kominikasyon yo kapab founi? wen pou enstalsyon soutèren yo? ak kominikasyon yo enplike nan plan lagè yo? pis aterisaj la? ominikasyon yo kapab bay? u a te deja ranmase? kasyon entèn yo rantre nan plan lagè? n sivil la pote an favè pati pa w la? a bay pati pa w la? avyon ke yo te kondi? yen ke avyon yo te fè? i genyen nan lopital la? bay pati pa w la? n favè pati pa w la? n plant ou a? nstwi edifis ou a? ominikasyon yo ka bay? on kominikasyon an kapab founi? limite nivo depo machadiz yo? ze pandan la gè? v nan konba? lojik ki ap devlope? Page 860 Feuille1 yon w nan pandan tan lagè? asyon kominikasyon yo ka ofwi? kominikasyon yo ka bay? syon kominikasyon yo kab founi? kominikasyon yo ka bay? nan kòm tenik blokaj? n defans sivil yo resevwa? e nan plant la? kese petwòl, lwil, epi grès machin yo? wòl, lwil ou grès motè a pwal fèt? kapab itilize? hajman dlo a? òt materyèl danjere kache nan pwoblèm sa yo? nt dèyè liy ou yo stokaj zam yo ye? Page 861 Feuille1 ye nan kat sa a? syon yo kouri? ze ekipman yo? n an pant la dèyè liy ou yo? ubyen depo a ye? an lèspas yo lokalize k reparasyon yo sere? ki disponib a tè a? en yon tanperaman dwòl? enm òganizasyon an chèf la? m akademi syans yo? an genyen yon lòt kote pou li al tabli? osib nan inite w la? yon atiyri yo? an gen yon depite oubyen yon asistan dirèktè sekirite? Page 862 Feuille1 i disponib nan inite w la? nib nan inite w la? t nivo komandman kominikasyon yo? pou voye mesaj enpòtan? wonik ki sanble ak ekipman pou mezire yo? man elèktwonik pou lagè? rekonesans? yo ekipman de baz? pou li rechaje tank li pandan li nan konba? pman de kominikasyon de baz? asyon soutèrèn? è kontriksyon an? vèti an pwodiksyon militè nan tan lagè? resevwa pwodwi chimik yo? resevwa kouran elèktrik? resevwa resous materyèl pyès rechany? resevwa machin? jeneral sou envantè ekipman? n èstati òganizasyon? wopozisyon pou fè rechèch? peye abizè dwòg malad ki absan? resevwa resous an rezèv yo? an genyen yon ekzanp ou byen yon plant pwèv? gen rapò ak lòt? u detekte koupi