Tulcea, Romania 2010 Sc. Annals of DDI vol. 16 6. The analysis of cultural architectural trends in Crisan locality SELA Florentina, MARIN Eugenia, MIERLĂ Marian Address: Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development: 165 Babadag Str., 820112 Tulcea, Romania Address of author responsible for correspondence: SELA Florentina – Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development: 165 Babadag Str., 820112 Tulcea, Romania, e-mail: Address: adresa Address of author responsible for correspondence: NUME Prenume – adresa, e-mail: adresa@server.contry A BSTRACT. The paper presents data about the identification and analyse of the traditional architectural elements in Crisan locality knowing that the tourism activity is in a continuous development. The field research (during November 2007) enabled us to develop a qualitative and quantitative analysis in terms of identification of traditional architecture elements, their conservation status, and frequency of traditional building materials use, decorative elements and specific colors used in construction architecture. Further, based on collected data, was realized the chart - Distribution for Traditional Architecture Index (TAI) on the distance from the center of Crisan locality, showing that in Crisan locality the houses were and are built without taking into account any rule, destroying thus traditional architecture. Key words: traditional architecture, TAI (Traditional Architecture Index), cultural heritage, rural landscape, Danube Delta INTRODUCTION The aim of the present study was to perform both qualitative and quantitative analysis in terms of keeping elements of traditional architecture and the use of environment eco-friendly building materials, specific decorations and colors in Crisan locality. The activities were carried out in the context that the agrotourism activity is in a constant development and the interests of local and government authorities in terms of taking measures regarding preservation of traditional architectural line in Danube Delta localities is a necessity. METHODS Knowing that in Crisan tourism activity is in a constantly expanding and delta’s architecture is constantly changing due to the appearance of new building with specific architecture from different parts of the country, in our study, we analyzed 224 buildings including those in construction stage, representing 88% of a total of 254 existing buildings, 12% are represented by public utilities construction (water plant, power plants, culture house, postoffice, school and gym, municipal council, dispensary, restaurant "Dunărea Veche" etc.) and lands with other use (gardens, places vacant lots, empty or abandoned households) [2]. In Crisan locality, from the observations included in the ethnographic agenda and from the main aspects surprised using interview, questionnaire method, focus group, socio-anthropological survey and participant observation method were found traditional architectural elements, as follows: house type, specific of house, traditional elements, use of traditional colors (ultramarine - a shade of blue, green, white, gray) for house and windows / doors, fences, presence of traditional elements such as porch, lijanca (an original and ingenious heating system especially in slave population houses, but also in Romanian - represented bt a bed (a raised earth platform) warm hearth is directed through a circuit of "fumes" - the construction that using adobe, stone, brick, iron bars and wooden perches (most of the times it has incorporated a metal stove)) [1], earth oven. Also, for realising the two maps Cartographic representation of the Traditional Architectural Index for Crisan locality and Spatial distribution of architectural types in Crisan locality, were established the geographical coordinates for each house, using GPS. The methods used for preparing maps: GPS data were introduced in the computer; With the data collected was compiled Table 1, in which were given scores for each criterion that describes the housing element, and then we made the arithmetic average amount of their notes to determine SCIENTIFIC ANNALS OF THE DANUBE DELTA INSTITUTE, TULCEA – ROMANIA, 2010 49 Tulcea, Romania 2010 Sc. Annals of DDI vol. 16 the traditional index for each house separately. Arithmetic averages were represented in the program ArcView GIS 3.1; The substrate of representation maps was used topographic map in SC. 1:50.000. Notes for elements – criteria describing a household from Crisan locality House Table 1 Note 1 1 2 3 4 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 2 * ** Forks Adobe Adobe + cement Wood BCA / OSB porch Adapted porch / modified / modernized Heating system (stoves) Lejanca Other Steam bath Ground oven Food system (clay stove+cookin stove) Colour of the house Colurs for windows and doors Roof 1 3 4 6 5 4 Reed Tin Tile Azbest Onduline Other Fence 1 4 3 2 4 5 *** Reed Rock Wood fence + iron gate Wood fence and gate Cement Metal Color NOTE: * House color white blue green red pink brown grey beige yellow orange mustard black natural Note 1 1 1 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 2 ** Window color white white PVC blue green red pink brown brown PVC grey beige yellow orange mustard black natural Note 2 3 1 1 4 4 3 4 1 3 3 4 4 4 2 *** Fence color white blue green red pink brown grey beige yellow orange mustard black natural Note 2 1 1 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 LEGEND: 1 = high traditional level, 2 = medium traditional level, 3 = low traditional level, 4 = very low traditional level, 5 = not traditional. Using these methods allowed a quantitative and qualitative analysis in terms of identification of traditional architecture elements, their conservation status, frequency of traditional building materials use, decorative elements and specific colors used in construction architecture. RESULTS For quantity and quality analysis in terms of identifying cultural architectural trends in Crisan, the following steps were followed: SCIENTIFIC ANNALS OF THE DANUBE DELTA INSTITUTE, TULCEA – ROMANIA, 2010 50 Sc. Annals of DDI vol. 16 Tulcea, Romania 2010 Phase I: Establishing architectural elements, part of the local traditional architecture, as a result of obtained data, as follows: a) house type: tourist units, pensions in function, tourism family associations, hostels, under construction / renovation houses, rezidential houses. b) the houses specific: construction with traditional cuisines (one level); construction without traditional cuisines (one level), new buildings with 2-3 levels, constructions with at least one reed annexes. c) the houses and annexes specific: used traditional construction materials (forks, adobe, adobe with cement); used new construction materials (wood, BCA, OSB); number of rooms in the main building; porch; heating system (furnaces, tiles etc.); lijanca; bathrooms (steam bath); earth oven; food-preparation system (clay stove with stove, cooker); the house, windows and doors color (blue, green, white, gray, others). d) specific roof: used construction material (reeds, sheet, tile, asbestos, onduline, other). e) specific fences: the fence material (reed, stone, cement, steel); color (blue, green, white, gray, other). Phase II: Data collection, introduced them in the Microsoft Excel programme, making graphics for data interpretation. From the study on constructions of Crisan village resulted that the total of 224 buildings analysed resulted that 15.6% are tourist units, pensions and family associations in operation, 10.7% are tourist units, pensions, incompleted or in renovation constructions, 73.7% are housing themselves (Fig. 1). The proportion in relation to distribution of traditional construction and non-traditional in Crisan is almost the same - 50.5% traditional construction and 49.5% non traditional. Horizontal construction with a level are identified as the traditional, in Crisan appeared some buildings that are new or renovate, with several levels: P + M, P+1, P+1+M or P+2 and less frequently P+2+M. Traditional construction materials (clay - adobe, reed, local wood), for houses and annexes, are used at a rate exceeding 80% (Fig. 2). An item traditionally met is porch, which was identified at a rate of 28% in Crisan. One of the regular parts is bathroom (steam bath) - the famous russian steam room, but at Crisan were found only two households. In the Crisan village, the retained traditional element is bench near the gate, on the main street. The houses traditional colors are ultramarine, green, white and gray, which are predominant and the painting of doors and windows, the hips of the roof top, sawed gable and fascia board. They are found more rarely, and some houses renovated or newly built. Materials used for roofing are: reed 33.5%, asbestos 29.5%, tin 16.1%, tiles 8% onduline 6.2%, other material 6.7% (Fig. 3). Fences in line, with height between 1 to 1.5 m at Crisan (from the main street, which really is the only street, along the Sulina Canal), more than half are from board and batten gate, followed by bearing metal, reed, metal and other materials (stone, cement). Alignment fences colors are predominantly the traditional: green, blue, sometimes in combination with white or gray. Phase III: Analysis of architectural trends in the Crisan area To stand out qualitative / quantitative changes in Crisan’s architecture were made two maps: Cartographic representation of the Traditional Architectural Index for Crisan locality (Fig. 4) and Spatial distribution of architectural types in the Crisan locality (Fig. 5) by determining geographical coordinates of each house, using GPS. This maps help to assess and illustrate the spatial organization scheme of the settlement. The maps emphasize that on ¾ of the studied area exist: - only 4 houses "high traditional level" with architecture and traditional building materials (in the maps are represented with dark green color- see the Legend maps), two houses distributed to the east (between them is about 700 m) and two to the west (and between them is about 700 m) from the center of town; - one house that is “not traditional" with new (modern) architecture and building materials (represented by dark red color on the maps), which is reflected in the area with full intervention with modern architectural elements; - the “very low traditional level” area (represented on map with dark pink color); SCIENTIFIC ANNALS OF THE DANUBE DELTA INSTITUTE, TULCEA – ROMANIA, 2010 51 Sc. Annals of DDI vol. 16 Tulcea, Romania 2010 - most houses fall under the category "medium traditional level" (in green color) and “low traditional level” (in pink) having varying degrees the new and traditional architecture but also the construction materials, summing about 80% of the studied locality. As a conclusion, the general appearance of Crisan is in contradiction with the construction duties, such as loosing the village aspect. The maps provide an opportunity to capture all relevant elements for the study and spatial distribution. Was made the chart - Distribution for Traditional Architecture Index (TAI) on the distance from the center of Crisan locality (Fig. 6), showing that in Crisan the houses were and are built without taking into account any rule, destroying thus traditional architecture. Development of tourist activity will produce further major changes not only in terms of the localities appearance (height and building size, materials etc.), but significant changes in socio-economic aspect. CONCLUSIONS Delta's rural cultural heritage is to be maintained, encouraged to develop further as a model for new architectural trends. Architecture habitat in Crisan locality should be influenced by the local specific and by the traditional materials used so that housing is comfortable, without changing the appearance of the village. Architecture of Crisan is in a process of change due to local activities changes, on the other hand, people desire to modify their homes in a modern style, adapted to the ourism development. Preservation of traditional architectural line should be closely linked with socio-economic needs of rural habitat delta. RECOMMENDATIONS The new architecture should coexist with the traditional architecture of the locality studied, and the Danube Delta in general. Even if for the new construction are used new materials and more durable, however it is necessary to respect the architectural standards of the area. The authority factors of the area, should advise local and foreign investors on the importance of preserving the architectural heritage delta to represent a unique attraction for tourists. Is necessary that the local authorities to take measures for households abandoned / uninhabited, which alter the overall picture of the locality. Is necessary that the local authorities to alert or require owners to properly maintain both households and street tram. All decision makers should be required to take measures to conserve the rural heritage. REFERENCES 1. IACOVICI (E.), 1999 - Cuvinte şi expresii folosite în spaţiul RBDD. IN: Analele Ştiinţifice ale Institutului Naţional de Cercetare Dezvoltare Delta Dunării Tulcea, vol.VII, pp. 107 - 116. Edit. Tehnică, Bucureşti [in Romanian] 2. MEIŢĂ (V.), 2003 – Arhitectura habitatului din Delta Dunării. Edit. Universitară „Ion Mincu” Bucureşti. [in Romanian] Manuscript received: February, 2010 Manuscript accepted: June, 2010 Printed: August 2010 SCIENTIFIC ANNALS OF THE DANUBE DELTA INSTITUTE, TULCEA – ROMANIA, 2010 52 Tulcea, Romania 2010 Sc. Annals of DDI vol. 16 15,60% 10,70% 17,40% Traditional materials New materials Touristic unit in function Touristic unit in construction Houses 73,70% Fig. 1. Type of houses in Crisan locality. 82,60% Fig. 2. Materials used for houses and annexes in Crisan locality % 35 30 25 Reed Azbestos Tin Tile Other Onduline 20 15 10 5 0 Reed Azbestos Tin Tile Other Onduline Fig. 3. Materials used to build roofs of houses in Crisan locality Cartographic representation of the Traditional Architectural Index LEGEND ▪ GPS points The zone with the high presence of non traditional elements in architecture Architectural types High traditional level Medium traditional level Low traditional level Very low traditional level Not traditional Fig. 4. Cartographic representation of the Traditional Architectural Index for Crisan locality SCIENTIFIC ANNALS OF THE DANUBE DELTA INSTITUTE, TULCEA – ROMANIA, 2010 53 Tulcea, Romania 2010 Sc. Annals of DDI vol. 16 Spatial distribution of architectural types in Crisan locality LEGEND ▪ GPS points Architectural types High traditional level Medium traditional level Low traditional level Very low traditional level Not traditional Fig. 5. Spatial distribution of architectural types in the Crisan locality TAI values 6,000 INDICELUI MEDIEBIndex (TAI) related DistributionRepartiţia for the Traditional Architecture funcţie de distanţafrom de centrul localităţii to distance the center of Crisan CRIŞAN locality 5,000 4,000 MEDIEB Linear (MEDIEB) TA y = -0,0013x + 2,1573 2 R = 0,0119 3,000 2,000 1,000 11 D 9, 7 25 13 2, 8 34 22 4, 8 56 22 3, 7 72 76 6, 0 82 08 8, 0 95 41 2, 10 8 7 50 6 12 ,12 62 8 13 ,05 81 8 14 ,09 93 0 16 ,33 35 2 17 ,14 72 2 18 ,46 73 4 20 ,27 20 5 22 ,36 76 2 25 ,43 00 3 26 ,53 75 9 28 ,07 84 5 ,9 82 0,000 Fig. 6. Distribution for Traditional Architecture Index (TAI) on the distance from the center of Crisan locality SCIENTIFIC ANNALS OF THE DANUBE DELTA INSTITUTE, TULCEA – ROMANIA, 2010 54