September 9, 2016
September 9, 2016
VIP Letter from the Principal September 9, 2016 3107 Lexington Road Louisville, KY 40206 (502) 896-3931 Fax: 502-896-3932 Dear SHMS Community, We’ve had another great week at Sacred Heart Model School (SHMS). In an effort to keep you updated on the happenings at SHMS, I will focus this week on our ongoing communication efforts with parents, as it is a critical component of our success. Visit Us We use a variety of avenues to publicize information about SHMS. Please allow me to highlight a few of them: The VIP/Newsflash: We post the weekly newsletter called the V IP/ Newsflash via PlusPortals. In addition, it is emailed to our parents. The VIP provides important information for the current week at SHMS, including upcoming dates, articles from school officials, and information about various school related events. If you need help viewing the V IP, please contact the school office. The Sacred Heart Schools (SHS) Web Site: The SHS web site is a gr eat place to get gener al information about SHS. We hope to add new features to the SHMS portion of the site in the coming months. Stay tuned. If you are experiencing problems with the site, please let us know. Email: Please feel fr ee to email anyone at SHMS at any time. Our goal is to r espond within 24 school day hours. Though some circumstances will not always allow that, we will work diligently to respond as quickly as possible. Follow @SHMSlouisville on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for school updates, breaking news and fun photo and videos. Show your Model School spirit by “liking” and “sharing” content! #GoBears Reach Alert: SHS uses the Reach Aler t system to disseminate vital infor mation to par ents when there is an immediate need or emergency. For example, if school must be cancelled due to inclement weather, then enrolled parents are notified via email, text message, and/or phone call. If you aren’t signed up to receive Reach Alerts, please contact Mrs. Hickerson in the school office. Mrs. Hickerson can walk you through the online enrollment process. Face-to-Face or a Phone call: If you ar e unsur e or need clar ification about something, please feel free to call or arrange a face-to-face meeting with any of our staff members. We are always here to answer questions, offer advice, or point you in the right direction. Please know of our sincerest efforts to communicate effectively with you throughout the school year. We are always here to help. If you need clarification about anything, please ask. Philippians 1 verse 27: Only, conduct yourselves in a way worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that, whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear news of you, that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind struggling together for the faith of the gospel. Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life) Pope John Paul II underscores the value and dignity of Life. Rather than getting down about the culture of death he encourages us not to lose hope and to promote a culture of life. Contacts Dr. Michael Bratcher Principal Ms. Ann Carol Grant Assistant Principal Mrs. Debbie Whatley Guidance Counselor Mrs. Tricia Forde IB Coordinator VIP NEWSFLASH Upcoming Events September 11-14 AdvancEd Visit - Accreditation for SHS September 13 3:30pm Levels 7-8 Quick Recall Match at Holy Trinity (Green) September 14 1pm SACS exit report at UAC, Parents Invited 3:30pm Level 6 Quick Recall Match at St. Margaret Mary 7pm Level 8 Parent Meeting September 15 7:00am Level 8 Trip to Camp Joy 1:45pm All School Liturgy September 16 3:00pm Level 8 returns from Camp Joy September 20 3:30pm Levels 7-8 Quick Recall Match vs. St. Edward at SHMS 7:00pm Model Parents Association General Meeting in dining room September 21 3:30pmLevel 6 Quick Recall Match at St. Mary 7:00pm Level 2 First Reconciliation Parent Meeting September 22 8:15am Level 8 Planning Committee Meeting NOON Dismissal—Teacher In-service September 28 3:30pm—Level 6 Quick Recall Match vs. St. Agnes Blue at SHMS September 29 1:45pm—All School Liturgy at Motherhouse Chapel October 4 3:30pm Levels 7-8 Quick Recall Match vs. St. Albert Gold at SHMS October 5 3:30pm Level 6 Quick Recall Match vs. Holy Trinity White at SHMS 8:00am Picture Day October 6 2:05pm Levels 5-8 Liturgy at Motherhouse Chapel Fall Break There will be no school Friday, October 21 and Monday, October 24. Classes will resume on Tuesday, October 25. SPIRIT WEAR ONLY ALLOWED ON FRIDAYS! MPA Corner We encourage all parents to click the following link to sign up for the Model Parents Association (MPA) events this school year. We are all very appreciative of the support of our MPA and look forward to a successful school year. ************* Also, don’t forget to signup for a Kroger Community Rewards Account. It is necessary to re-enroll for the upcoming year, even if you have previously enrolled. Click on Kroger below. P-T-S Conferences Our first Parent-Student-Teacher (PST) conferences will be held on Thursday, October 20. We will be sending more information about conferences before the end of the month. Conferences will be held from 7:30 a.m. -1:00 p.m. and 2:306:00 p.m. that day. Sacred Heart of Jesus Prayer .... Merciful Jesus , I consecrate myself today and always to Your Most Sacred Heart. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I implore, that I may ever love you more and more. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in You! Most Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us! Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I believe in your love for me. Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like your heart. At mini-schedule, Dr. Crabtree announced several exciting goals for Sacred Heart Schools as part of the five-year strategic plan for the campus. One goal calls for SHS to explore the possibility of becoming an IB school district, expanding the International Baccalaureate program down to the preschoolers and up through the high school. We are very eager to embark on this year of study to determine the feasibility of this goal. In order to determine if the PYP is a good fit for SHMS and SHP, administrators and faculty from both schools will visit other PYP schools around the country. Administrators and faculty will attend workshops to learn about the program to ensure that adding it would support us in our constant journey to provide the very best education for our students. Our focus will always be on presenting an exceptional learning experience for all grades in academics, arts, athletics and spirituality. The MYP has brought excitement and rigor to our students, teachers and programs. We hope to observe these same strong curriculum qualities as we study the PYP. The IB teaching methods are research-based and draw from the best educational practices around the world. Becoming an authorized PYP school would be a three year process, but our school may adopt some of the programs best practices along the journey. For instance, this year we tweaked the schedule at the elementary levels to create transdisciplinary teams at each grade. This helps set the stage for the two primary teachers at each level, who keep the students for the bulk of the day, to work collaboratively to create units of inquiry that tie the material from the subjects together. These units of inquiry help students develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills as they deal actively in the classroom with connected, relevant information. As MYP teachers at the Model School would attest, learning becomes almost effortless when students are excitedly using inquiry to solve problems that interest them. We have set aside dates to provide IB updates and answer any questions you may have. Mark your calendars for November 9 at 8:15 a.m., February 21 at 7:00 p.m., and April 27 at 8:15 a.m. Meetings will be held in the SHMS dining room. Mrs. Forde, IB Coordinator L8 students participating in the Church's People's Court. These students researched and defended the position of the Church in different time periods. Freshmen Excel at Entrepreneur Team Competition Congratulations to Max Stengel and Justin Durik! Justin and Max are graduates of Sacred Heart Model School. They participated in Camp BizSmart, held at Santa Clara University this summer. Camp BizSmart is a rigorous, two-week entrepreneur program, sponsored by Microsoft, Alibaba, and other Silicon Valley companies, which is a team-based, hands-on product design and business plan challenge. Max Stengel’s team, Atmoband, won first place out of 21 teams and have been invited back to attend an international conference at Microsoft in November. Serving as the world’s largest Angel Investor conference, the team will pitch their business on stage and will have an exhibit booth to showcase their company and product solutions. Max served as Chief Financial Officer for his team. Justin Durik’s team finished as runner-ups in what CNN Money calls the “Most Unique,” and top entrepreneurship experience in the world. Justin served as Chief Sales Officer along with Chief Technology Officer for his team, Slice Products. We are proud of our graduates. Congratulations to Max and Justin! 2016-2017 Kickoff Survey We need your input! We are always looking for ways to improve. Please take a moment to open this link and take a very short survey. We value your feedback for the success of our school! Children will listen Careful the things you say, Children will listen. Careful the things you do, Children will see and learn. Children may not obey, But children will listen. Children will look to you For which way to turn, To learn how to be. Careful before you say, "Listen to me." Children will listen. Careful the wish you make; Wishes are children. Careful the path you take; Wishes come true. Not free. Careful the spell you cast, And not just on children. Sometimes the spell may last Past what you can see And turn against you. Careful the tale you tell-That is the spell. Children will listen. Listen Listen Careful the things you say, Careful the tale you tell, Children will listen. Listen Listen —Stephen Sondheim Thanksgiving Lunches It is a tradition at Sacred Heart Model School to invite parents and other family members to share in a traditional Thanksgiving meal the week before Thanksgiving. Meal order forms will be sent home in the next couple of weeks. Please save the dates. We look forward to sharing our blessings with you! Tuesday, November 15 Level 5 - 10:50-11:30 Level 2– 11:40-12:20 Level 7– 12:30-1:10 Wednesday, November 16 Level 4 - 10:50 - 11:30 Level 6 – 11:40 - 12:20 Level 1 – 12:30 - 1:10 Thursday, November 17 Level 3 - 10:50 - 11:30 Level 8 – 11:40 - 12:20 Level KN – 12:30 - 1:10 Level 8 students and shadowing We strongly encourage level 8 students to shadow at the various Catholic high schools. We also encourage our level 7 and 8 students and parents to attend the Open Houses at the various schools. Information about the Open Houses will be posted in the VIP when it is made available to us. Level 8 students may shadow each school one time. Our level 8 teachers will post the shadowing document in the level 8 google classroom. The form must be filled out and signed prior to the official shadow visit. Level 7 students can shadow starting in the spring. GUIDANCE COUNSELOR CORNER The DUKE TALENT IDENTIFICATION PROGRAM (TIP) recognizes talented seventh grade students who demonstrate a strong work ethic and a desire to succeed academically. Students scoring in the 95th percentile in a Reading, Language Arts or Math subtest or composite score from a recent standardized test are eligible to participate. Students are invited to take the ACT or SAT as seventh graders. The ACT is a curriculum based education and career planning tool for high school students that assesses the mastery of content material. The SAT, redesigned in spring 2016, boasts putting more emphasis on solving problems with real world relevance and will reflect the real work of college and/or career. In the past, the SAT, was considered a tool testing higher level thinking and involved more analytical and verbal skills. Students may choose what test to take. There is no right or wrong choice. Students meeting the requirements will receive a letter in the VIP. SHMS encourages all eligible students to participate in this great academic opportunity; however, we certainly don’t support the need for students at this level to participate in extra preparation. Students should be proud of their accomplishments and look to familiarize themselves with this testing process. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. We were extremely fortunate last week. The level 6 students enjoyed a team building day at Jefferson Memorial Forest. A few days before that, the level 7 students spent time in the great outdoors at Cedar Ridge Camp. For both outings, the weather was exceptional and the group facilitators were fantastic. Students were engaged in group activities, planned and strategized to solve problems and at times were challenged by the tasks required. Many students learned the value of following directions and listening to the ideas and opinions of classmates. Often times, completing a task as fast as possible appeared to be the goal for several groups; however, time was never a factor and students learned that rushing and not creating a plan resulted in failure. Patience and perseverance developed and the results were far more positive. One of the best parts of the entire two days was listening to students encourage each other, seeing that look of satisfaction when accomplishing a task and noticing a real sense of group cohesiveness and a sense of pride in oneself and the group. Obviously, several goals were met these two days during our time away from school. Simply said, we had fun with each other. Hopefully, our young people grew as individuals and as a group. A special thanks to the teachers that accompanied us-Ms. Kraemer, Mrs. Shircliff, Mrs. Sullivan, Mr. Drummond, Mrs. Osborne, Mrs. Browning and our student teacher, Ms. McLaurin. Blessings, Mrs. Whatley, Guidance Counselor SCHOOL HOURS 7:55 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Please remember that our school reception area opens in the morning at 7:05 a.m. It is important to have your children here on time, each day. If your child arrives after 7:55 a.m., you must walk your child into the school office for a tardy slip. ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ Please call the office by 8:30 a.m. to report an absence due to illness or email Ms. Whitfield at If possible, please avoid calling between 8-8:10 a.m. School Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. MISSION September 12-16 Why We Exist ... Our Key Purpose Sacred Heart Schools is a community of Catholic schools, sponsored by the Ursuline Sisters Morning Carpool Bessie Kelley Grace Moore Charlotte Moore Gus Schneider Teague Howell and dedicated to September 19-23 educating the whole person in academics, arts, athletics, and spirituality. VISION Afternoon Carpool Jace Taila Tucker Oberst Lucy Green Kyndal Witherspoon Morning Carpool Eva Shannon Niko Jones Grace Johnson David Wo Katelyn Wo Afternoon Carpool Bridget O’Grady Valentina Moreno Mateo Moreno Emma Talbott Kate Talbott What We Want To Be To be a nationally recognized Catholic community and premier character building academic institution where teachers want to teach, students want to learn, and others want to be. URSULINE CORE VALUES Influences that Shape Our Decisions Community Leadership Reverence Service Picture Day is Wednesday, October 5. Health Screenings are September Library Newsletter coming soon. Click here to read More information will follow. In this edition: IB Research, Book Fair, Volunteer opportunities!! Know Anyone Interested in the Sacred Heart Model School Experience? If you know of a family interested in the Sacred Heart Model School experience, please have them call Mrs. Haering in the school office at 502-896-3931, Ext 1100. We would like to tell them more about our excellent school! Accreditation Update In our commitment to ongoing school improvement and the accreditation process through AdvancED, Sacred Heart Schools will be hosting an External Review Site Visit. At the end of the visit, SHS will receive a comprehensive report of the team’s findings with recognition of powerful practices and opportunities for improvement. Our parents, faculty and students have been a part of this accreditation process these past two years through their participation in the self-study which included stakeholder surveys conducted in 2014-15. With input from our stakeholders, our own self-assessment and student achievement data, SHS has written a report that describes and celebrates the school system, defines our purpose and direction, and identifies achievements and challenges. We have also created a quality improvement plan based on our identified areas of growth. All of this has been submitted for review, and on September 11-14, an External Review Team will be on campus to determine the extent to which SHS meets the A dvancED Standards for Quality. The team will give a public report on the last day of their visit. We invite all of our parents to join us for the exit report on Wednesday, September 14 from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. in the Ursuline Arts Center. No RSVP is needed. We hope that you can join us, but if not, we will share the highlights with you in our upcoming correspondences. Mrs. Vickie Peterworth, retired Sacred Heart Model School teacher, will be our levels K-3 science teacher for several weeks while Mrs. Hart is at home enjoying her new baby. Please join us in wishing Mrs. Hart and her new baby well and in welcoming Mrs. Peterworth back to SHMS! 10/15/2016 11/11/2016 1/20/2017 2/24/2017 3/11/2017 5/12/2017 5/24/2017 Fall Festival Lunch with Veterans Mother-Son Event L6-8 Sock Hop Father-Daughter Dance K-5 Spring Party Field Day 4-7 p.m. Lunchtime 6-8 p.m. 7-9:30 p.m. 7-9:30 p.m. 3-7:30 p.m. TBD SHMS SHMS Dining Room Sky Zone SHMS Gym SHMS Gym Camp Hi Ho SHMS CARPOOL REMINDERS Enter the morning and afternoon carpool lines via the pillars in front of our school on Lexington Road. Do not enter from Cherry Lane. Exit carpool by going around to the back exit onto Cherry Lane and beyond. Drive slowly throughout the campus. Children and adults can appear from nowhere. Please do not use your cell phones while in the carpool line. Do not park or stop on crosswalks. Avoid driving on the lane beside SHP-Salecia Hall unless you are also dropping off or picking up a preschool child. Resist the urge to walk in the office at 2:45 p.m. to pick up your child so you can avoid being in carpool. Treat your child as a “walker” only if he/she lives within walking distance of the school, not so he/she can walk to a vehicle carefully parked in a close location. Drop your child off in the morning with plenty of time to get in and get prepared for the day before our news program begins at 7:55 a.m. Many, many of our parents and drivers are models of kindness and respect and it is demonstrated in the ways you follow our policies and procedures and honor deadlines day in and day out. Thank you for that! TECH CORNER Did you know that Sacred Heart Model School students have access to at home? Username: shmswb, Password: student. Login and give it a try!