GLASS TRANSPARENCIES ..from local stories to transnational
GLASS TRANSPARENCIES ..from local stories to transnational
GLASS TRANSPARENCIES ..from local stories to transnational friendships.. 2012-1-IT2-COM07-38178-1 2012-1-IT2-COM07-38178-2 LIFELO NG L EA RNIN G P ROG RAM M E P ROG RA MM A DI A PP RENDI M EN TO P ERM AN EN TE L L P/ C O M E N I U S / B I L AT E R A L S C H O O L PA R T N E R S H I P CO-FUN D ED BY TH E EU ROP EA N U NION DISCLAIMER This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 1 Content Content ............................................................................................................................................................ 2 Introduction: ................................................................................................................................................... 4 English ........................................................................................................................................................... 4 Italian ............................................................................................................................................................ 4 Norwegian ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 Collective photos ............................................................................................................................................. 6 Participants ...................................................................................................................................................... 7 Norwegian students participating in the project: ........................................................................................ 7 Italian students participating in the project .................................................................................................. 9 Short presentation of the two communities ................................................................................................. 13 Treviso and Italy .......................................................................................................................................... 13 Geography ................................................................................................................................................... 14 Some postcards from Italy ......................................................................................................................... 15 Veneto ......................................................................................................................................................... 16 The city of Treviso ....................................................................................................................................... 18 Hønefoss and Norway ................................................................................................................................. 20 Norge-Noreg- Norway- ............................................................................................................................... 20 Geography: .................................................................................................................................................. 22 Traditions and typical in Italy ......................................................................................................................... 23 Typical food ................................................................................................................................................. 23 Origins of the spritz ..................................................................................................................................... 25 The Carnival of Venice ................................................................................................................................ 26 Traditions of Treviso .................................................................................................................................... 27 Traditions and typical in Norway ................................................................................................................... 28 Splitkein skis ................................................................................................................................................ 28 The anorak .................................................................................................................................................. 28 Cheese slicer ............................................................................................................................................... 29 Norgesglasset .............................................................................................................................................. 29 Bunad – national costume in Norway ....................................................................................................... 30 Christmas in Norway ................................................................................................................................... 31 Summary of activities in Italy ........................................................................................................................ 33 Programme Comenius Bilateral Project, 13-24 October 2012 .................................................................... 33 Tuesday, 16th October: Visit to the modern glass exhibition Carlo Scarpa. Venini: 1932 1947 on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore and guided tour to the Murano Glass Museum ....................................... 35 2 Thursday, 18th October: morning visit to Treviso City Hall and salutation of the City Authorities. Afternoon visit to Varisco Crystal Laboratories in Treviso. ...................................................... 36 Friday, 19th October: Visit to the Lucio Orsoni furnace of glazed mosaics, St Mark’s Square and Basilica and the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice.................................................................... 36 Some flashes on the weekends. .................................................................................................................. 38 13th – 14th October. ................................................................................................................................... 38 20th – 21st October. .................................................................................................................................... 40 Technical cards ............................................................................................................................................ 45 Summary of activities in Norway. ................................................................................................................ 112 Programme Comenius Bilateral Project, 8-18 May 2013 .......................................................................... 112 Friday 10th May: Guided walk in Hønefoss with Anders Anmarksrud as guide. ...................................... 114 Saturday 11/5-13. Visit to Oslo. ................................................................................................................ 115 Monday 13th. Visit at Veien Kulturminnepark ......................................................................................... 116 Wednesday 15th: Hadeland Glass Factory; guided tour, museum, glass-blowing, exhibition, history ....................................................................................................................................................... 117 Workshops- making in arts and craft. ....................................................................................................... 119 Glass pearls. Perline de vetro. Glassperler................................................................................................ 119 Redesign .................................................................................................................................................... 120 Fusing. Fusione. Fusing ............................................................................................................................ 121 Norwegian songs ......................................................................................................................................... 123 Alle fugler små .......................................................................................................................................... 123 Kaptein Sabeltann ..................................................................................................................................... 123 Other Norwegian songs ........................................................................................................................... 124 Norwegian National Anthem .................................................................................................................... 125 Norwegian Anthem, English lyrics. ........................................................................................................... 126 Italian songs. ................................................................................................................................................ 127 Il Canto degli Italiani – Italian National Anthem. ...................................................................................... 127 Va pensiero................................................................................................................................................ 128 Nel blu dipinto di blu (Volare). .................................................................................................................. 129 Bella........................................................................................................................................................... 130 Technical glossary. ....................................................................................................................................... 132 Language dictionary – common phrases: Norwegian language. ................................................................. 133 Common phrases: Italian crash course. ....................................................................................................... 135 Italian and Norwegian press. ....................................................................................................................... 145 Photogallery. ................................................................................................................................................ 148 Videos. ......................................................................................................................................................... 153 Two videos made by Chatrine Moa Pettersen and one by Giulia Pesce...................................................... 153 3 Introduction: English This project, in line with the LLP policy to improve the European dimension of training, intends to promote the twinning of two secondary schools in Norway and in Italy with the aim to share some aspects of the cultural and historical heritage of the two countries related to the artistic glass production and design. The exchange of classes communicating through a common working language, plus the approach to the two native languages with swappings of basic phrases from/to the students/teachers of the two countries, is the next objective intended for an improved integration of the two civilizations and traditions. This will also help teachers and students to discover the sense of becoming citizens of the same world we all live in, by going part of the way together during the two years of the project which will implement the visits to the two schools along with a constant correspondence between the two classes meant to familiarize with the respective school/life environments and with the artistic glass history and design. The specific aim is to educate the young learners of an Art class in a Vocational School in Honefoss, Norway and a class of a Language School in Treviso, having the history of art as one of its main curricular subjects, to the cult of the artistic beauty of glass through a retrospection of the past works kept in the museums/factories of both countries and at the same time through the study of new design forms which embellish and enrich our lives in the modern times. The common activities to be carried out during the visits and online will comprise the production of an album with students' profiles and a DVD; the design of a final glass product with its presentation in Norwegian, Italian, English languages;the dissemination of the project . Italian Il progetto in linea con la politica LLP tesa a migliorare la dimensione europea della formazione, intende promuovere il gemellaggio di due scuole secondarie in Norvegia e in Italia allo scopo di condividere alcuni aspetti del patrimonio culturale e storico dei due paesi in riferimento alla produzione e design del vetro artistico. Lo scambio di classi volto ad interagire attraverso una lingua veicolare comune e anche tramite le due lingue di appartenenza con l’uso di espressioni di base tra studenti/docenti dei due paesi, è l’ulteriore obiettivo finalizzato all’integrazione delle due civiltà e tradizioni. Quanto sopra aiuterà docenti e studenti a scoprire il senso del divenire cittadini dello stesso mondo in cui tutti viviamo e ciò avverrà durante il percorso del biennio progettuale comprendente la realizzazione delle visite alle due scuole ed una costante corrispondenza tra le due classi, entrambe volte a familiarizzare sia con i rispettivi ambienti di vita e scolastici sia con la storia e design del vetro artistico. Lo scopo specifico è quello di educare i giovani studenti di Arte appartenenti ad una classe di istituto tecnico/professionale di Honefoss, Norvegia e quelli di una classe di liceo linguistico a Treviso, che hanno la storia dell’arte tra le materie principali del loro curricolo, al culto della bellezza artistica del vetro attraverso una retrospezione delle opere passate conservate nei musei/fabbriche di entrambi i paesi come pure attraverso lo studio di nuove forme di design che al giorno d’oggi contribuiscono ad abbellire e arricchire la nostra vita. Le attività da svolgere in comune sia durante le visite che online comprenderanno la produzione di un album con i profili degli studenti e un DVD; il design di un prodotto finale in vetro con la sua presentazione in norvegese, italiano e inglese; la disseminazione del progetto. Norwegian I tråd med LLP policy om å øke den europeiske dimensjonen i opplæringen, er hensikten med dette prosjektet å stimulere til god forbindelse mellom de to videregående skolene i Norge 4 og i Italia, med mål om å dele noen sider av de to landenes kulturelle og historiske arv, med spesielt fokus på produksjon av kunstglass og design. Utvekslingen med kommunikasjon på et felles språk, i tillegg til å lære noen grunnleggende ord og uttrykk fra de andres nasjonalspråk, legger grunnlaget for en bedre forståelse av de to sivilisasjoner og tradisjoner. Dette vil også kunne bidra til at lærerne og elevene får bedre mulighet til å oppdage betydningen av å være borgere i en felles verden. Ved å besøke hverandre og kommunisere med hverandre i de to årene prosjektet varer, går vi deler av veien sammen, og blir bedre kjent med hverandres skoler, livsvilkår og med historien til produksjonen av kunstglass og design i de to land. Det spesifikke målet er å få elever fra en klasse med kunst- arkitektur og design som hovedemner og en interiør- og utstillingsdesignklasse i Hønefoss og en språkklasse i Treviso, som har kunst- og stilhistorie som et viktig felles fag i opplæringen, til å få innsikt i glassmaterialets kunstneriske muligheter gjennom et retrospektivt blikk på tidligere arbeider, som finnes i museer i begge land, og samtidig gjennom studiet av ny designs formspråk som beriker oss i moderne tid. De felles aktivitetene som ble gjennomført i løpet av de to besøkene og via internett, vil omfatte produksjonen av et album og en DVD som skal brukes til spredning av prosjektet. 5 Collective photos In Treviso: In Norway: 6 Participants. Norwegian students participating in the project: Julie Bye Minde. Age 17 Sandra Lehne. Age 17 Anna Babita Brandsæter. Age 16 Christofer Roe Sætrang. Age 17 Vanja Dahl Mostue . Age 17 Charlotte Løkling. Age 17 Leif Gunnar Økern. Age 17 Marie Aareskjold Juvet. Age 17 Trine Lise Kviteberg. Age 17 Lena Johansen Aaserud. Age 17 Marte Fredrikke Skarstein. Age 17 Anne-Berit Olsen. Age 17 7 Marta Vyskocilova. Age 17 Ronja Synnøve Schulz. Age 17 Tonje Solheim. Age 18 Rikke Fjeldstad Sanner. Age 17 Tonje Jensen. Age 18 Anja Iren Torgersen. Age 17 Chatrine Moa Pettersen. Age 18 Melissa Høgli. Age 17 Kristi Trommald Kolstad. Age 17 Julie Berg Langseth. Age 17 Marita Randen. Age 17 8 Italian students participating in the project Andrea Biasi Age 17 Giorgia Caruso Age 18 Giorgio Ciarla Age 17 Beatrice Crema Age 18 Nicolò Da Ros Age 17 Alberto Fadel Age 18 Raguthi Fiabane Age 17 Ivan Franchin Age 18 Gregorio Malagugini Age 18 9 Jlenia Moro Age 18 Alessia Pavan Age 18 Jacopo Martinuzzi Age 18 Giulia Pesce Age 18 Carlotta Rossi Age 18 Carolina Serafin Age 17 10 Francesca Spano Age 17 Pauline Tuccillo Age 17 Cristina Tomasella Age 18 Nicolò Zuliani Cantelli Alesandro Age 18 Age 18 Stefania Zoggia Age 17 11 Laura Meggetto Age 17 Martina Ravazzolo Age 17 Giorgia Varroto Age 17 12 Short presentation of the two communities Treviso and Italy The political system of the Italian Republic is in conformity with the institutions of a parliamentary republic, where the President of the Council of Ministers is the head of government is based on a parliamentary majority. The government exercises executive power, while legislative power is vested in the Parliament. The President of the Republic is the highest office of the State and represents the unity. The Basic Law and founding of the Italian Republic is the Constitution of the Republic which indicates the fundamental principles of the Republic, the rights and duties of citizens and establishes the laws of the Republic. The state legislature is the Parliament pursuant to art. 70 of the Constitution, divided into two chambers: the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. The executive power is entrusted to the government in which there are three different bodies: the President of the Council of Ministers (Prime Minister), the ministers and the Council of Ministers. The President of the Council of Ministers is the head of government. It is appointed by the President of the Republic. The judicial power is exercised by the court, which is autonomous and independent from any other power. 13 The President of the Republic is the head of state and represents national unity. The President of the Italian Republic is Giorgio Napolitano. The Constitutional Court plays the crucial role of ensuring the Constitution. It is a body set up after the war. All Italian citizens who have reached 18 years are entitled to vote. The right to vote for the Senate gets to the age of 25. Matteo Renzi, the Prime Minister Giorgio Napolitano, the President Geography: To the north Italy borders with France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia along the Alps. To the south, it consists of the entirety of the Italian peninsula, Sicily and Sardinia (the two largest islands in the Mediterranean sea) and many other smaller islands. The independent states of San Marino and the Vatican City are enclaves within Italy. The territory of Italy is influenced by a temperate seasonal climate. It is the fifth most populous country in Europe, and the 23rd most populous in the world. Rome, the capital of Italy has for centuries been a political and religious centre of western civilization as the capital of the roman empire and site of the Catholic Church. Italy has got four big seas: Adriatic, Ionian, Tyrrhenian and 14 Mediterranean, and borders shared with France, Austria, Slovenia and Switzerland. The country is situated at the meeting point of the Eurasian Plate and the African Plate, leading to considerable seismic and volcanic activity. Italy is divided into 20 regions, of which five are constitutionally given a broader amount of autonomy granted by special statutes. Each region (except for Valle d’Aosta) is divided into provinces. Regions are autonomous entities with powers defined in the Constitution. The population is characterized by a high number of elderly people, a low birth rate and a life expectancy of about 81 years and it's concentrated, mainly, in the coastal areas and plains of the country. The most inhabited is northern Italy with 27,934,705, the second the southern area with 15,066,151 and, finally, the central one with 12,039,477. Some “postcards” from Italy… 15 Veneto Veneto is the Italian region where Treviso, our city, is. Its capital is Venice. Veneto, following a remarkable industrial development, is now one of the richest regions of Italy. Thanks to its natural heritage, historical, artistic and architectural, with more than 15.7 million visitors and 63.4 million tourists a year, the most visited region of Italy The coat of arms of the region is represented by the sea, the plains and mountains of the region. In the foreground shows the lion of St. Marco. Veneto is a place that has seen many battles in both the First and Second World War, some famous places where there were the most important battles are the Piave and Caporetto. These days it is one of the richest regions of Italy. It has experienced strong economic growth since the Second World War, and today is home to major industrial and service activities. The agricultural and livestock activities are still important, and they are very mechanized. The industry is found mostly in the western provinces and the Adriatic coast; prevail small companies that specialize in the food, textile, footwear and furniture. With the global crisis of the early twenty-first century there is a strong delocalization of the productive sectors of the Venetian companies mainly in developing countries, by contrast region indicates strong progress and investment in new technologies, especially nanotechnology. It is located in the northeast of Italy and it’s the 8th largest region of the country. It is situated between the Alps and the Po river and it’s boarded by Trentino Alto Adige and Austria to the North, by Friuli Venezia Giulia to the East, by Emilia Romagna to the South and by Lombardia to the West. The territory can be divided in more areas because it has a vary morphology. In fact to the North we can find the Northern Alpine zone, in which the hightest mountain is the Marmolada massif. Other important peaks are the Tre Cime di Lavaredo and the Pale di San Marino. Then there is the hill zone, that comprehend the territory from the mountains until the Adriatic sea, in the middle of which we can find low hills: Colli Berici, Colli Euganei, Montello and Colli Asolani. This zone is divided into the higher and the lower plain. The last one is rich of water and more fertile than the first one. 16 There are a lot of rivers that run through the region: the Po, Adige, Brenta, Bacchiglione, Livenza, Piave and Tagliamento are the most important ones. Also the Lake of Garda belongs to Veneto. The coastline is about 200 km, and half of it is made of beaches. The coast in characterized by the Venetian Lagoon, a flat terrain with ponds, marches and islands. In the south part of the coastline there’s the Po delta. The climate changes in the different areas. In the plain it’s continental, while it’s warmer along the coast and in the hills. It’s very colder instead, in the mountain. The capital of Veneto is Venice, and there are also some provinces: Belluno, Padova, Rovigo, Treviso, Venezia, Verona, Vicenza. 17 Treviso 18 19 Hønefoss and Norway Ringerike municipality is located in the eastern part of Norway, 50 km northwest of Oslo. Ringerike is like a miniature version of Norway, with mountains and fjords, valleys, rivers, lakes and forests. Ringerike is located in the county of Buskerud, 50 kilometers north-west of Oslo. The total area of Ringerike is 1 553 square kilometers. The population is approximately 29 000, which makes Ringerike the 27th biggest municipality in Norway. The administrative center of Ringerike is Hønefoss. Hønefoss is located north of the lake Tyrifjorden by the river Begna, and has approximately 13 000 inhabitants. Ringerike’s economic basis is mainly agriculture, forestry and industry. The municipality of Ringerike was created on 1 January 1964 after the merger of the town of Hønefoss and the rural municipalities of Hole, Norderhov, Tyristrand and Ådal. ( Hole became a separate municipality in 1977) Ringerike has been mentioned in Norwegian history since the earliest times and there are many archaeological remains in the area. Veien Cultural Heritage Park is one of Norway’s largest burial grounds from the late Iron Age. The city of Hønefoss was founded in 1852. The Coat-of-arms were granted on 16 June 1967. The arms show a gold ring on a red background. The colours red and gold represent royalty and are the royal colours of Norway. The ring is a canting symbol and at the same time symbolizes the unity of the area. Norge-Noreg- NorwayOfficially called the Kingdom of Norway is a Scandinavian unitary constitutional monarchy whose territory comprises 20 the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Jan Mayen, the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard, and the sub-Antarctic Bouvet Island. Since 1905 Norway Norway has been an independent state. Above you see King Haakon VII who was chosen King in 1905, his son King Olav V, who inherit the throne in 1957 and ruled to his son King Harald V inherited the throne in 1991. The Monarch officially retains executive power. But, following the introduction of a parliamentary system of government, the duties of the Monarch have since become strictly representative and ceremonial, such as the formal appointment and dismissal of the Prime Minister and other ministers in the executive government. Accordingly, the Monarch is commander-in-chief of the Norwegian armed forces, and serves as chief diplomatic official abroad and as a symbol of unity. Haakon, Crown Prince of Norway, is the legal and rightful heir to the throne and the Kingdom. The 1814 constitutional assembly, painted by Oscar Wergeland 21 In practice, the Prime Minister exercises the executive powers. Constitutionally, legislative power is vested with both the government and the Parliament of Norway, but the latter is the supreme legislature and a unicameral body.[64] Norway is fundamentally structured as a representative democracy. The Parliament can pass a law by simple majority of the 169 representatives, who are elected on the basis of proportional representation from 19 constituencies for four-year terms. rna Solberg was elected to be Prime minister of Norway in october 2013. Agriculture, stockfish and oil are important resources in Norway both for local industry and export. Geography: Norway comprises the western part of Scandinavia in Northern Europe. The rugged coastline, broken by huge fjords and thousands of islands, stretches 25,000 km and 83,000 km and include fjords and islands. Norway shares a 1,619 km land border with Sweden, 727 km with Finland, and 196 km with Russia to the east. To the north, west and south, Norway is surrounded by the Barents Sea, the Norwegian Sea, the North Sea, and Skagerrak. 22 Traditions and typical in Italy 23 24 25 The Carnival of Venice The Carnival of Venice (Italian: Carnevale di Venezia) is an annual festival, held in Venice, Italy. The Carnival ends with the Christian celebration of Lent, forty days before Easter on Shrove Tuesday (Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras), the day before Ash Wednesday. The festival is famed for its elaborate masks. It is said that the Carnival of Venice was started from a victory of the Repubblica" against "Serenissima di the Patriarch of Aquileia, Ulrico Treven in the year 1162. In the honor of this victory, the people started to dance and make reunions in San Marco Square. Apparently, this festival started on that period and became official in the Renaissance.[1] In the seventeenth century, the baroque carnival was a way to save the prestigious image of Venice in the world.[2] It was very famous during the eighteenth century.[3] It encouraged licence and pleasure, but it was also used to protect Venetians against the anguish for present time and future.[4]However, under the rule of the King of Austria, the festival was outlawed entirely in 1797 and the use of masks became strictly forbidden. It reappeared gradually in the nineteenth century, but only for short periods and above all for private feasts, where it became an occasion for artistic creations.[5] After a long absence, the Carnival returned to operate in 1979.[6] The Italian government decided to bring back the history and culture of Venice, and sought to use the traditional Carnival as the centerpiece of its efforts. The redevelopment of the masks began as the pursuit of some Venetian college students for the tourist trade. Today, approximately 3 million visitors come to Venice every year for Carnival. One of the most important events is the contest for la maschera più bella ("the most beautiful mask") placed at the last weekend of the Carnival and judged by a panel of international costume and fashion designers. 26 Traditions of Treviso Here in Treviso there are more than one interesting custom. Mainly I can report 2 important events: the "pane e vin" bonfire, literally "bread and wine" (in the past the poor’s food), celebrated on the 5th of January: on this occasion a puppet of an old woman is on top of a mass of pieces of wood, and all got burnt together. The ideologic meaning of this event is that the puppet burned is the symbol of the old and bad times, effectively "burning" away, to make space for the new year coming, that could be a great, lucky and generous year Another custom typical of Treviso has been celebrated since 1990, and is called Ombralonga, a food and wine event realized one of the last weekend of october. So it is a sort of excuse to put together the best food of Treviso, that found the better part on Sunday afternoon with the tour of all the taverns and their exceptional dishes. This event gets some criticisms when groups of friends take too much alcohol and annoy people in the city. 27 Traditions and typical in Norway Splitkein skis Inventor of Splitkein skiing was the Norwegian Jørgen Aaland. He was born in Norway, Veblungsnes in 1895. He moved to the U.S. at a young age. In the 1930s, Jørgen lived in Seattle, USA. Where he experimented with a variety of products, including Splitkeinskiene. The problem then he should make Splitkein ski, was how he was going to make skis with multiple layers. His opinion was that the laminated skis were much better than regular wood. In 1932, he discovered how to produce skis. Aaland production was almost equal to the production of fine furniture, and examples were made in the split tree trunk. Aaland liked the name and called it Splitkein, he took the English word ''split clein'' and made it sound more norwegian it Splitkein. He knew that if he could manage and produce skis, it came to cost a lot of money and require much time as he presented the idea to the one that had both. Ray Anderson was the man who should have Splitkein skis produced. The anorak Anorak is a windproof jacket featuring a hood and no zipper, which make it similar to a sweater, only warmer. They are beneficial during the winter because they are proficient at keeping cold air away from the body. The first Anoraks were made of hot leather, mostly from seal or caribou. For Norwegians, the Anorak is associated with winter, mountains, and skiing, a sport in which it is most prominently used. Some of the older anoraks had to greased regularly with fish oil in order to remain waterproof. The Anorak is very popular all over the world, because it is warm and also quite fashionable. In the beginning, the Anorak was most prevalent in the northern countries, but now it can be seen in almost every country around the world. Other countries may associate the Anorak with fashion, particularly in regions where the jacket’s style is more desirable than its warming characteristics. It is also speculated that the Anorak may be the biggest contributor that led to Roald Amundsen returning home from his expedition to the South Pole. Before leaving, he studied the Netsilik population’s survival techniques and their ways of dressing in cold temperatures, with the Anorak being a key component. Only a few weeks after Amundsen had reached the Pole, another explorer named Robert Scott arrived at the same destination. However, Scott and his men did not survive the expedition, and it is speculated that their lack of survival knowledge and manner of dress, compared to Amundsen, may have been the reason. 28 Cheese slicer A modern cheese slicer, also called a cheese plane war was invented by Thor Bjørklund in 1925 in Norway. The cheese slicer's mass production started in 1927. The design was based on the carpenter's plane. This style of slicer is very common in the Nordic countries, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, and Switzerland. A cheese slicer is used to cut semi-hard and hard cheeses. It produces thin, even slices not unlike a carpenter's plane. There are available different styles for cheese slicers for cheeses of varying hardness. A cheese slicer can also be used for slicing cold butter, zucchini or cucumber. Norgesglasset The Norgesglasset is a copy of a glass made in Yorkshire in the 1800 century. The Norgesglass has been produced in Norway since the early 1900 century. The first one to produce them is unknown, but we know that Drammen glassverk produced them for many years. From 1958 until 1978 the production took place at Moss glassverk. When the production of Norgesglasset started at Drammen glassverk in the early 1900 century, the idea was to keep up full employment at the glassfactory. Glass for windows had been their main product for many years, but the demand was falling and not big enough to keep up full employment. The Norgesglass was used for jam and to preserve fruit, berries and meat. The lid is made of glass, with a rubber ring and a ring of aluminium to tighten the lid. The rubber ring makes the glass airtight for preservation. The Norgesglass was a useful tool before refrigerators and iceboxes became common in every home. Today you can buy the glasses in antique stores, but you will also find them in many basements. They are still used by many households for jam and to keep different types of dry food. The glasses are not only used for preservation and keeping of food, they are also very popular for light purposes, with candles or with electric lights. The Norgesglass was produced in 6 different sizes, and it is belived that 75 million pieces were produced. 29 Bunad – national costume in Norway The Bunad is the Norwegian national costume. It was invented in the 1800 hundreds as a party costume for the farmers. Now Bunad is used by everyone. But it is usually only used for our national day the 17th of May. Bunad’s are very expensive. Earlier there where only a handful of people, that knew the technique and had the skills to sew a Bunad, but in the last years they have sent orders to foreign country’s to sew them because its 10 times cheaper than it would be to sew them in Norway. The design of the Bunad, depends on the region you come from in Norway. There are more than 100 different Bunad types in Norway. In 2006 they made a Bunad encyclopedia. They found over 400 hundred different Bunad designs. 30 Christmas in Norway Christmas trees in Norway In Norway almost everyone has a pine tree in their living room – usually decorated with white lights, Norwegian flags and other Christmas ornaments. The children make paper baskets of shiny, colored paper. The baskets can be filled with candy or nuts. Chains made of colored paper are also very popular. Colored lighting is becoming popular, but the white lights are more like the candles they are supposed to represent. Christmas trees became common in Norway from around 1900. The custom of having Christmas trees is originally from Germany. The Norwegian “nisse” Before the presents are opened, the families often dance in a ring around the Christmas tree while singing traditional Norwegian Christmas carols. The Norwegian "Nisse" is not like his American relative Santa Claus. The Norwegian "Nisse" is different from both Santa Claus and St. Nicholas. In modern Norway we actually have two types of "nisser". The name "Nisse" probably derives from St. Nicholas. But "nisser" - which are elves (or gnomes) are old figures which existed long before the birth of Christ. There are several types of "nisser" in Norway. The most known is the "Fjøsnisse" which is a "nisse" who takes care of the animals on the farms. The "Fjøsnisse" is very short and often bearded and lives in a barn or a stable. He wears clothes of wool and often has a red knitted hat. The "Fjøsnisse" often plays tricks on people. Sometimes he will scare people by blowing out the lights in the barn or he will scare the farm dog at night. You can hear the dogs bark! He can become very friendly with the people that live on the farm, but one should never forget to give him a large portion of porridge on Christmas Eve - or else he will play tricks for example move the animals around in the barn, braid the horses' mane and tail, and other tricks like that......... A typical Christmas dinner in Norway Pinnekjøtt is rib of lamb, which has been either salted and dried or salted, smoked and dried. Pinnekjøtt has a good deal of bone fat. 31 Another fine food we eat in Norway is the Norwegian rib, the Norwegian rib isn’t just for Christmas dinner but the whole Christmas season. Likewise with the other traditional dishes lutefisk and pinnekjøtt. Roast rib eating can start as early as November, in fact, you can buy rib all year round from the frozen section of the supermarket. the rib is typical for Christmas. Norwegians have a special way of crackling up the rind. Back home I’m used to salting up the strips of rind for at least 30mins. The salt draws out the moisture and then you pad it dry. With salted rind and a bit of oil the pork is then fried in a hot oven for about 20mins before reducing the temp to cook the rest of the meat. In Norway they tightly score the rind and then steam it in the oven on a rack-pan with water and tin foil. This helps to separate the scores and puffs up the rind. The foil is then taken off and the rest of the meat is cooked. It makes Norwegian crackling turn out a little different than I’m used to but it is still mighty fine to eat. (For the Norwegian way of roasting rib check out Moose’s post Christmas Rib for recipe, tips and tricks.) Rakfisk is a distinctive and traditional Norwegian dish. The rakfisk is put into a bucket and then fluids (with ocean salt, a bit of sugar and water) are added. This isn’t a daily type of dish, it is only eaten once or twice a year. What you drink to Rakfisk is also very traditional and is a part of Norwegian history since the Vikings time: Beer and aquavit (distilled beverage from potatoes). Pepper cakes is a type of cookie that is made around Christmas times. The usual ingredients is flour, sugar, butter, syrup, salt and a type of spice for example cinnamon. The white snow landscape makes Christmas atmosphere to Norwegian heart and souls. 32 Summary of activities in Italy Programme Comenius Bilateral Project, 13-24 October 2012 33 34 Tuesday, 16th October: Visit to the modern glass exhibition Carlo Scarpa. Venini: 19321947 on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore and guided tour to the Murano Glass Museum. English We started our day taking early a train to Venice. There we took a boat out to a church and we saw a lot of Venice. After the visit in the church we went to Carlo Scarpa Museum. After the visit we had our lunch. In the afternoon we took the boat out to Murano. There we saw a lot of glass and we even saw the glassworkers make the glass. Later we went to another glass museum. Italian Noi iniziammo il nostro giorno prendendo di mattina presto un treno per Venezia. Noi prendemmo una barca fino ad una chiesa e vedemmo molto di Venezia. Dopo la visita nella chiesa, andammo al Museo Carlo Scarpa. Dopo la visita pranzammo Nel pomeriggio noi prendemmo la barca fino a Murano. Noi vedemmo molto vetro e vedemmo anche i vetrai fare il vetro. Più tardi andammo in un altro museo del vetro. Norwegian Vi startet dagen med å ta et tidlig tog til Venezia. Vi tok en båt ut til en kirke og vi så masse av Venezia. Etter besøket i kirka, besøkte vi Carlo Scarpa museet. Etter besøket, spiste vi lunsjen våres. 35 På ettermiddagen tok vi en båt ut til Murano. Vi så masse glass, og vi så til og med glassblåserne lage glass! Senere dro vi til et annet museum. Thursday, 18th October: morning visit to Treviso City Hall and salutation of the City Authorities. Afternoon visit to Varisco Crystal Laboratories in Treviso. English School started at normal time (8.10) and we started walking into Treviso. We visited the Town Hall and we met the mayor. Then we visited the Crystal Varisco, a glassshop/ work/ museum Afternoon The last museum ended between 14.00/15.00 and then we were free to do what ever we wanted to. Most of the people went shopping or sat at a bar in the center of Treviso. Italian La scuola iniziò all'orario normale (8.10), e noi iniziammo a camminare per Treviso. Noi visitammo il municipio e incontrammo il sindaco. Poi visitammo il Crystal Varisco, un negozio del vetro. L'ultimo museo terminò alle 14.00/15.00, così poi fummo liberi di fare tutto ciò che volevamo. La maggior parte delle persone andò a fare shopping o si sedette al bar in centro a Treviso. Norwegian Skolen startet normal tid (08.10), og vi begynte å gå til Treviso. Vi besøkte Town Hall, og møtte borgermesteren. Så besøkte vi Crystal Varisco, som er en glassbutikk/glassmuseum. Besøket på det siste museet var ferdig klokken 14.00/15.00, så vi kunne gjøre hva vi ville etter det. De fleste dro på shopping eller satt på en bar i midten av Treviso sentrum. Friday, 19th October: Visit to the Lucio Orsoni furnace of glazed mosaics, St Mark’s Square and Basilica and the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice. English We met at the train station. When we came to Venice, the Norvegian group went to a mosaic museum and the Italian group went to Ghetto. Then we ate our lunch After the lunch we went to the Guggenheim museum and we saw a lot of amazing art from the Guggenheim family. Then we took the train and we went home. 36 Italian Noi ci trovammo alla stazione dei_treni, Quando andammo a Venezia il gruppo dei norvegesi andò ad un museo del mosaico e il gruppo degli italiani andò al Ghetto. Poi noi pranzammo. Dopo pranzo, andammo al museo Guggenheim e vedemmo molta arte stupefacente della famiglia Guggen-heim Poi prendemmo il treno e andammo a casa. 37 Some flashes on the weekends 13th – 14th October Alessia / Line English On Saturday we spoke for a lot of time and, in the afternoon, we went to Treviso and, there, we met with some our friends. I had a lot of fun and I'm really happy to have spoken with Line, so, I got to know a little more her. On Sunday we went to the ”Fiere of St. Luca” with some Italians and their Norvegian's partners and, in the evening, we watched a dvd. Alessia: According to my opinion this weekend with Line was funny and very beautiful. Line: I had a lot of fun this weekend and it was nice to get to know Alessia better. I'm happy with this weekend. Italian Sabato parlammo per molto tempo e, nel pomeriggio, andammo a Treviso e, lì, ci trovammo con dei nostri amici. Io mi divertii molto e sono davvero felice di aver parlato con Line e, così, la conobbi un po' di più. Domenica noi andammo alle ”Fiere di San Luca” con degli italiani e i loro partner norvegesi e, alla sera, guardammo un dvd. A: Per me questo weekend con lei fu divertente e molto bello. L: Io mi divertii molto questo weekend e fu bello riuscire a conoscere meglio Alessia. Sono felice di questo weekend. Ivan / Trine Lise / Melissa English Saturday we came and unpacked our things,we got to see around the house and meet the family. Sunday we visited Asolo. Trine Lise: Visitng asolo was really fun and I’m glad we got the chance to do so. Melissa: It was exciting to meet the family and I’m glad we got the chance to see Asolo. Ivan: It was so exciting! Asolo is very beautiful. Norwegian Når vi kom ned på lørdagen pakket vi ut av kofferten, fikk en liten skikk rundt i huset og møtte vertsfamilien vår. Søndag dro vi med familien til Asolo, en fjellby. T: Besøket på Asolo var veldig gøy og jeg er glad vi fikk sjansen. M: Det var spennende å møte familien og jeg er glad vi fikk sjansen til å se Asolo. I: Det var veldig spennende! Asolo er veldig pent. Italiano Sabato siamo arrivati e abbiamo disfatto il bagaglio, abbiamo visitato la casa e conosciuto la famiglia. Domenica abbiamo visitato Asolo. T: La visita ad Asolo è stata molto divertente e sono contenta dell'opportunità di ciò. M: È stato bello conoscere la famiglia e sono lieta dell'opportunità di vedere Asolo. I: E' stato così divertente!. Asolo è molto bella. 38 Pauline / Sandra English Saturday: we went out with friends around Treviso. Sunday: we were visiting Padova and we went to the big square and church St.Antony. We went shopping in Padova. Pauline: I was very happy on Sunday, because I’ve had a great time with my family and my guest. I had the occasion to discover her habits. Sandra: I really enjoyed my first weekend. I got to know both Treviso and Padova which was really nice. Norwegian lørdag: vi dro ut med venner i Treviso. Søndag: vi dro til Padova, der besøkte vi kirken st.antony, vi var på den store plassen i Padova og vi var på shopping. P: jeg var veldig glad på søndag, fordi jeg hadde det gøy med familien min og gjesten min. jeg ble kjent med gjesten min. S: jeg likte den første helgen veldig godt. Jeg fikk se mer av både Treviso og Padova, noe som var fint. Italiano Sabato: abbiamo girato per Teviso con alcuni amici. Domenica: abbiamo visitato Padova e siamo andati alla grande piazza principale e alla basilica di S.Antonio. Abbiamo fatto shopping a padova. P: Mi sono molto divertita domenica perchè abbiamo trascorso una bella giornata con la mia famiglia e la mia ospite. Ho avuto modo di scoprire le loro abitudini. S: Mi è molto piaciuto il mio primo weekend. Ho conosciuto Treviso e Padova che sono molto belle. Alberto / Marie English We visited Oderzo, Portobuffole city, conegliano, castle, Pordenone, Castel Brando. Alberto: In my opinion this weekend has been enjoyable. Marie: Sunday we went on a trip with other Norwegian’s to see some parts of Italy with the host’s families. We saw castles and other exiting things. We also ate pizza in a big castle. The pizza tasted very good. This weekend was a lot of fun. I learned much, saw new things and was just really happy for that. This weekend was very fun. We got together with two other Norwegians and we got to see a lot. We visited museums and tasted small servings of food. We saw old things and art. Italiano Abbiamo visitato Oderzo, Portobuffolè, Conegliano, il castello, Pordenone, Castel Brando. A: A mio parere questo weekend è stato godibile. M: Domenica siamo andati in gita con altri compagni norvegesi per vedere luoghi d'Italia con le famiglie ospitanti. Abbiamo visitato castelli e altre cose belle. Abbiamo mangiato la pizza in un grande castello. La pizza era molto buona. Questo weekend è stato molto divertente. Ho imparato molto, visto nuove cose e sono stata molto felice di ciò. 39 Questo weekend è stato molto bello. Siamo state assieme ad altre due compagne norvegesi e abbiamo visto molti luoghi. Abbiamo visitato musei e fatto molti piccoli assaggi di cibo. Abbiamo visto cose antiche e artistiche. Ylenia English Saturday 13th October: after lunch we had a walk in a place called Restera where you can find many different types of animals and we took an ice-cream. After dinner we didn’t go out because we were so tired. Sunday 14th October: we went to a bar to eat and later we went to Fiere di S. Luca where we met our friends. In the evening we had dinner and we went out to do a tour in the city and drink something. Even if we didn’t see many cultural or literal things we saw how the Italians spend their free time. We had a lot of fun and we saw the places where I like to go or take! I really enjoy the time that I have spent with my host friends and I hope they enjoyed it too. Norwegian Lørdag 13. Oktober: vi gikk tur på et sted kalt Restere hvor man finner mange forskjellige typer dyr, også spiste vi iskrem. Etter middag gikk vi ikke ut fordi vi var slitne. Søndag 14. Oktober: vi dro til en bar for å spise og senere dro vi til Fiere de Soluce hvor vi møtte vennene våre. På ettermiddagen hadde vi middag og dro ut på en tur i byen og drakk litt. Selv om vi ikke fikk sett så mye kulturelt eller litteraturisk så fikk vi se hvordan italienerne brukte fritiden sin. Vi hadde masse moro og vi så stedene fra hjemmet jeg går eller tar. Jeg liker denne tiden jeg har hatt sammen med hosting vennene mine og jeg håper de likte det også. Italiano Sabato 13 ottobre: dopo pranzo abbiamo fatto una passeggiata in un luogo che si chiama Restera dove ci sono vari tipi di animali e abbiamo mangiato il gelato. Dopo cena non siamo usciti perchè ero molto stanca. Domenica 14 ottobre: siamo andati ad un bar per il pranzo e poi alle fiere di San Luca dove abbiamo incontrato alcuni nostri amici. Di sera dopo cena siamo usciti per un giro in città e per bere qualcosa. Anche se non abbiamo fatto molte esperienze culturali o letterarie abbiamo visto come gli italiani trascorrono il tempo libero. Ci siamo divertiti molto e visto luoghi dove mi piace andare o prendere. Ho goduto il tempo trascorso con I miei amici ospiti e spero che anche a loro sia piaciuto. 20th – 21st October Alessia / Line English On Saturday we went to the shopping center in Marcon (Valecenter) and, after that, we stayer in Treviso until 11.00 p.m. On Sunday we went to Treviso and met some friends of us and, then, we went to the ”Fiere of St. Luca” until 10.00 p.m. Alessia: It was funny, because I had a lot of fun and Line seemed happy, so it was a beautiful day. Line: This weekend was even better than the last one. I loved going to the shopping center and to hang with the person I were with. 40 Italiano Sabato noi andammo al centro commerciale a Marcon (Valecenter) e, dopo ciò, rimanemmo a Treviso fino alle 11.00 p.m. Domenica noi andammo a Treviso e ci trovammo con dei nostri amici e, poi, andammo alle ”Fiere di San Luca” fino alle 10.00 p.m. A: Fu divertente, perchè mi divertii molto e anche Line sembrava felice. Quindi fu una bella giornata. L: Questo weekend fu anche meglio che l'ultimo. Mi piacque moltissimo andare al centro commerciale e uscire con le persone con cui ero. Nicolò / Christofer English We’ve been to Marcon to do shopping with the other classmates, and in this evening we’ve been to the “Today”. On Sunday we’ve been to Maranello to see the Ferrari museum and the Ferrari factory. In the evening we stayed at home. Nicolo: as for Christofer it is the first time for me to see this museum. We both love cars! Christofer: the disco was a lot of fun and the Ferrari museum was lovely. The weekend was great. Norwegian Vi har vært i Marcon å gjøre shoping med de andre klassekameratene, og i denne evning vi har vært til "Today". På søndag har vi vært i Maranello å se den Ferrari museet og ferrari fabrikken. I evning bodde vi hjemme. N: som Christofer er første gang for meg å se dette museet. Vi både elsker biler! C: disco var mye moro og Ferrari museet var deilig. Helgen var stor. Italiano Siamo stati a Marcon a fare shopping con gli altri compagni di classe e di sera siamo andati al “Today”. Domenica siamo andati a Maranello avedere il museo e la fabbrica delle Ferrari. Di sera siamo rimasti a casa. N: come per Christofer è la prima volta per me che vedo il museo. A tutti e due piacciono molto le auto! C: la discoteca è stata molto divertente e il museo Ferrari bello. Il weekend è stato grande. Giulia / Anna / Charlotte English On Saturday morning we went to the Valecenter to go shopping, then we went to Mogliano with Carolina and Marte for the Spritz hour and then we had dinner with some of my italian friends (b-day party). On Sunday we met other italian friends of me and we spent the day with them. 41 Giulia: I had a lot of fun even if we didn’t do something special. It was great to go to the b- day party with them, it was fun. Anna: it was great to meet a model and I liked him a lot. I liked the birthday party as well. Charlotte: it was really fun. It was a very nice concert that we went to. I liked it very much. Norwegian på lørdag morning dro vi på Valecenter for å shopping, så dro vi til Mogliano med Carolina og Marte for Spritz hour og så dro vi på middag med noen av mine italienske venner (bursdagsfest). På søndag møtte vi noen andre italienske venner av meg, og brukte resten av dagen med de. G: jeg hadde det veldig gøy selvom vi ikke gjorde så mye interesant. Det var bra å gå på bursdagsfesten med dem, det var koslig. A: det var gøy å møte en model og jeg likte han veldig goddt. Jeg likte bursdagsfesten også. C: det var veldig koslig. Det var gøy å gå på konserten som vi så på. Likte det veldig mye. Italiano Sabato mattina siamo andate al Valecenter per lo shopping, poi a Mogliano con Carolina e Marte per l'ora dello spritz, poi abbiamo cenato con alcuni dei miei amici italiani (b-day party). Domenica abbiamo incontrato alcuni miei amici italiani e trascorso la giornata con loro. G: Mi sono divertita molto anche se non abbiamo fatto niente di speciale. E' stato bello il b-party con loro, divertente. A: E' stato bello conoscere un modello e mi è piaciuto molto. Mi è anche piaciuta la festa di compleanno. C: E' stato molto divertente. Un bel concerto a cui siamo andate. Mi è piaciuto molto. Carolina / Marta English Saturday: We went in the morning to a shopping center with the other norwegians. In the afternoon we went to Mogliano for spritz and in the night we went to Today Disco. Sunday: We went to Padova. Carolina: It was incredible we enjoyed so much and we bought some pretty clothes. I want to repeat it. Marta: It was great to see how different the disco in Italy is. It was amazing. And visiting Padova was also fantastic, to see the churches in Padova. Norwegian Lørdag: Om morningen dro vi til et shoppingsentrum med andre norske venner. Etter middag dro vi til Mogliano disco og om kvelden gikk vi på Toolay Colisco. Søndag: Dro vi til Padova. C: Det var fantastisk og vi nytet det så mye, vi kjøpte nye nydelige klær. Jeg vil gjøre det om igjen. M: Det var fint å se forskjellige diskoteker i Italia. Det var fantastisk. Og å besøke Padova var også fantastisk, å se kirker i Padova. 42 Italiano Sabato: al mattino siamo andate ad uno shopping center con gli altri compagni norvegesi. Al pomeriggio siamo andati a Mogliano per bere lo spritz e di sera siamo andati alla discoteca Today. Domenica: siamo andati a Padova. C: E' stato incredibile, ci siamo divertite molto e abbiamo comperato dei bei vestiti. Voglio ripetere l'esperienza. M: è stato bello vedere come sono diverse le discoteche in Italia. Stupefacente. E visitare Padova è stato fantastico, vedere le chiese di Padova. Cristina / Vanja English We went to Marcon to do shopping with the some of the other norwegian and italian students and on the evening We went out to eat Pizza. On the 21. We went to Verona to see Juliettes house and the city center. Cristina: it was beautiful to see Verona. I loved it! But it was very funny to do shopping. Vanja: This weekend was perfect! I loved the shopping trip. And i loved even more to see the house of Romeo and Juliet. Norwegian Vi dro til Moncou for å shopping med noen av de andre norske og italienske studenter og på kvelden dro vi ut for å spise Pizza. Den 21. dro vi til Verona for å besøke Romeo og Julies hus og for å shoppe. C: det var vakkert å se Verona. Jeg elsket det! Men det var veldig gøy å shopping å. V: Denne helgen var perfekt! Jeg elsket shopping turen og jeg elsket enda mer å se huset til Romeo og Julie. Italiano Siamo andate a Marcon a fare shopping con altri studenti norvegesi e italiani, di sera siamo andati a mangiare la pizza. Il 21 siamo andati a Verona per vedere la casa di Giulietta e il centro città. C: E' stato bello vedere Verona, mi è piaciuto! Ma è stato molto divertente fare lo shopping. V: Questo weekend è stato perfetto. Mi è piaciuta l'uscita per lo shopping. E ancora di più vedere la casa di Romeo e Giulietta. Alberto / Marie English MotoCross party in Ponte De Piave. The city Caorle. Two shopping centers – Outlet Noventa and Marcon. The disco in San Biagio de Callalta. Alberto: In my opinion this week end has been very fun. Marie: Saturday we went to a big outlet shop. After that we went to a new shopping center. We got home and relaxed for some minutes and then we went to the disco. I had a lot of fun whit other friends. We was a big group of Norwegians and Italians. We had a great time. Then we got home and right to bed. Sunday: This weekend I have enjoyed. We went to a motorcross party where there was a lot of good food and a lot of happy people. It was a big event. Then we visited the city “Caorle” where we got to see many things. We went to eat ice cream, we saw the big beach and a big tower. 43 Italian Festa di Motocross a Ponte di Piave. La città di Caorle. Ue shopping-centers- Outlet Noventa e Marcon. Discoteca a San Biagio di Callalta. A: A mio parere questo weekend è stato molto divertente. M: sabato siamo anati ad un grande negozio outlet. Dopo di questo siamo andati ad un nuovo shopping center. Rientrati a casa ci siamo riposati alcuni minuti e poi via alla discoteca. Mi sono molto divertita con gli altri amici. Eravamo un grande gruppo di norvegesi e italiani. Divertiti molto. Poi rientrati a casa e andati a dormire. Mi è piaciuto questo weekend. Siamo andati ad una festa di motocross dove c'era tanto buon cibo e molte persone allegre. Grande evento. Poi abbiamo visitato Caorle dove abbiamo visto molte cose. Siamo andati a mangiare il gelato, abbiamo visto una lunga spiaggia ed un grande campanile. Ylenia English Saturday 20th October: in the afternoon we went to a Valecenter to go shopping and later we went to the disco “Today” to dance with our friends. Norwegian Søndag 20. Oktober: på ettermiddagen dro vi på Valecenter for å shoppe, og senere dro på vi diskoet kalt “Today” for å danse med vennene våre. Italian Sabato 20 ottobre: al pomeriggio siamo andati al Valecenter per lo shopping e poi alla discoteca “Today” per ballare con i nostri amici. 44 Tecnnical cards Biasi 45 46 Caruso NAME/TYPE ARTIST (IF KNOWN) DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD LOCATION SIZE COLOUR TECHNIQUE BRIEF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS Vase in violet submerged glass Flavio Poli, Seguso Vetri 1954 Museum of Murano Venice big violet Submerged glass This vase is a work of Glass smooth, tall and pink. It starts with a big mouth and the rest of the body tapers off. I think that this vase is one of the few that reflects the common ones, maybe it is the color that distinguishes it. I have chosen this vase because I like classic style and simple things which reflect my personality nome vaso in vetro sommerso artista Flavio Poli- Seguso Vetri Data del periodo storico 1954 Museo di murano Venezia località Grande colore Violetto tecnica La tecnica utilizzata è Vaso levigato ( liscio) Questo vaso è stato ideato con la tecnica del vaso levigato , è alto e di colore violetto, ha una grande bocca e il resto del corpo si Breve descrizione assottiglia penso che questo vaso sia stato uno dei pochi che rispecchiano quelli comuni ! Commenti e precisioni forse sarà il colore a distinguerlo. ho scelto questo vaso perché a me piace il classico ! le cose semplici e soprattutto perché mi rispecchiava 47 Da Ros 48 49 Fadel NAME/TYPE Carafe ARTIST (IF KNOWN) Carlo Scarpa DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD 1934 LOCATION Glass Museum in Murano SIZE High COLOUR Red with gold leaves TECHNIQUE BRIEF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS Red spherical vase with gold leaves inclusion . The vase has a geometrical shape ( like a sphere )and also clear and static . It has a partly closed shape and a heavy shape hollow. I think that the vase is beautiful I like the small leaves of gold in it and the colour. I like the shape of the vase and how it is made in general . 50 NAME/TYPE Caraffa ARTIST (IF KNOWN) Carlo Scarpa DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD 1934 LOCATION Museo del vetro a Murano SIZE Altezza 20cm COLOUR Rosso con foglie d’oro . TECHNIQUE BRIEF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS Vaso rossoe forma sferica , tecnica pasta vitrea con l’inclusione di foglie d’oro . Il vaso ha una forma geometrica (simile a una sfera) e anche pulita e statica. La forma del vaso è parzialmente chiusa con una forma incavata . Penso che questo vaso è bello mi piacciono le piccole strisce d’oro e il colore rosso. Mi piace la forma del vaso e come è fatto in generale. 51 Fiabane NAME/TYPE Engraved glass ARTIST DATE/ HISTORICAL PERIOD LOCATION SIZE COLOUR TECHNIQUE Pietro Rigaglia 1846 Murano 32 cm Beige Engraving BRIEF DESCRIPTION It's beige, the shape is oval with a hole on the top . It's ok. COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS I like the shape and the color NAME/TYPE Vetro inciso ARTIST DATE/ HISTORICAL PERIOD LOCATION SIZE COLOUR TECHNIQUE BRIEF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS Pietro Rigaglia 1846 Museo di murano (ve) 32 cm Marrone chiaro Vetro trasparente È tondo e imponente finisce con la base tonda e grossa Bella la forma e il colore. 52 Franchin NAME/TYPE: OCTOPUS ARTIST (IF KNOWN):CARLO SCARPA DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD: 1930/1931 LOCATION: THE GLASS MUSEUM IN MURANO SIZE: SMALL COLOUR: GREEN TECHNIQUE: GLASS WITH MURRINE IT IS GOOD AND HAS MANY ‘’TENTACLES’’. THE EYES ARE THE MURRINE. BRIEF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS I LIKE IT BECAUSE IT IS FUNNY. NAME/TYPE: OCTOPUS ARTIST (IF KNOWN):CARLO SCARPA DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD: 1930/1931 LOCATION: THE GLASS MUSEUM IN MURANO SIZE: SMALL COLOUR: GREEN TECHNIQUE: GLASS WITH MURRINE IT IS GOOD AND HAS MANY ‘’TENTACLES’’. THE EYES ARE THE MURRINE. BRIEF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS I LIKE IT BECAUSE IT IS FUNNY. 53 Malagugini VASE NAME/TYPE 1st century A.D. DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD LOCATION MURANO MUSEUM SIZE SMALL VASE COLOUR GREEN BLOWN GLASS TECHNIQUE THIS VASE IS GREEN, IT’S MADE WITH BLOWN GLASS. THIS BRIEF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS NAME/TYPE DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD LOCATION SIZE COLOUR PLATE DATES BACK TO THE FIRST CENTURY A.D. IT IS IN THE MURANO MUSEUM I LIKE THIS BECAUSE IT IS BEAUTIFUL AND IT IS SO DIFFICULT TO MADE VASO 1° SEC. D.C. MURANO MUSEUM PICCOLO VERDE VETRO SOFFIATO TECHNIQUE QUESTO VASO E’ VERDE, E’ FATTO CON IL VETRO SOFFIATO, BRIEF DESCRIPTION QUESTO VASO E’ DATATO NEL 1° SECOLO D.C. ED E’ NEL MUSEO DI MURANO COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS MI PIACE PERCHE’ E’ BELLO ED E’ DIFFICILE DA FARE 54 Martinuzzi NAME/TYPE Cactus in puleggioso glass ARTIST (IF KNOWN) Napoleone Martinuzzi DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD 1926-1930 LOCATION Glass Museum in Murano SIZE Medium size COLOUR Green puleggioso TECHNIQUE Bubble glass BRIEF DESCRIPTION Made in bubble glass and it's a middle size COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS it's so strange to see an modern rap present, it's different from the usual thinks,it has an intense color. I like this unique piece, because it isn't the typical structure. NAME/TYPE Cactus in puleggioso vetro ARTIST (IF KNOWN) Napoleone Martinuzzi DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD 1926-1930 LOCATION Museo del vetro a Murano SIZE Taglia media COLOUR Verde puleggioso TECHNIQUE Verde a bolle BRIEF DESCRIPTION Fatto in vetro a bolle ed è di media misura. COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS E' strano vedere un vaso rappresentato così, è differente da ciò che è usuale, ha un color intenso. mi piace questo pezzo, perché non è la tipica struttura. 55 Meggetto / Ciarla 56 57 Moro 58 59 Pavan 60 61 Pesce 62 63 Rossi 64 65 Serafin 66 67 Spano 68 69 Tomasella 70 71 Tuccillo 72 73 74 Anna Babita Snake NAME/TYPE Carlo Scarpa ARTIST (IF KNOWN) DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD LOCATION SIZE COLOUR BRIEF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS NAME/TYPE ARTIST (IF KNOWN) DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD LOCATION SIZE COLOUR BRIEF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS 1940 Venice Carlo, scarpa museum 6,5 cm high 36*25 cm Black, white, red Gemoetric shape, open shape, asymetric, square dots, spiral, black and white contrast and a bit red. I think it is very nice, because I liked the colours and the shape and the deceration. Slange Carlo Scarpa 1940 Venezia 6,5 cm høy 36*25 cm Svart, hvit og rød Geometrisk form, åpen form, asymetrisk, kvadratiske prikker, spiral, svart og hvit kontrast og litt rødt. Jeg synes den er veldig fin, fordi jeg likte fargene, formen og dekorasjonen. 75 Anne-Berit NAME/TYPE ARTIST (IF KNOWN) Sommersi Carlo Scarpa DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD 1934 LOCATION SIZE COLOUR TECHNIQUE BRIEF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS NAME/TYPE ARTIST (IF KNOWN) DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD LOCATION SIZE COLOUR TECHNIQUE Carlo Scarpa Museum H= 24cm Non-colored with green “swirls”. Made with green bubble glass, submerged into the glass. Material: crystal It is a partly closed form, which appears heavy. The form itself is geometrical, but the patterns are organically. It’s static, but the patterns seem dynamical. It looks like they move. The vase is beautiful, and can be used as decoration in for example a living room or a hallway. The colors are calm and not “disturbing”, which makes it a nice vase in my opinion. It’s my favorite above all the other vases I saw. Sommersi Carlo Scarpa 1934 Carlo Scarpa Museum H= 24cm Uten farger, men med grønne ringer. Lagd med grønt bobbleglass, nedsunket inn i glasset. Materiale: krystall. 76 BRIEF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS Det er en delvis lukket form, som virker tung. Formen selv er geometrisk, men mønstrene er organiske. Den er statisk, men mønstrene virker dynamiske. Det ser ut som om de beveger seg. Vasen er vakker, og kan bli brukt som dekorasjon i for eksempel stua eller i gangen. Fargene er rolige og ikke “forstyrrende”, noe som gjør vasen fin i min mening. Det er min favoritt over alle de andre vasene jeg så. 77 Christofer NAME ARTIST (IF KNOWN) DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD LOCATION SIZE COLOUR BRIEF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS Name Kunstner Historisk periode Sted Størrelse Farge Unknown Carlo Scarpa Ca. 1940 Murano museum Like a small plate Grønn og rød The plate is green and red ( complementary contrast) with black spots, and has the shape of a rectangle. I like the balance of colors and the shape of the plate Ukjent Carlo Scarpa Rundt 1940 Murano museum Som en liten talerken Grønn og rød Kort beskrivelse Tallerkenen er rektangulær, grønn og rød (komplementærkontrast) og dekket i svarte prikker, Kommentarer og oppfatninger Liker fargene. De passer talerknen veldig bra. Bra balanse I fargene. 78 Julie B. Minde Artist Carlos Scarpa Date/historical period 1932-1936/1947 Location Venice size 12 cm tall Color Transparent and red Brief description Comments A private collection, a simple vase was made in 1936 on the twentieth Venice Bienrde and Sixth Milan Triennale preparatory study for'' novel'' Murrine no vase, 4005 around 1936 amurrine test under the vase drawing It is a nice structure and a nice form for glass Artist Carlos Scarpa Dato/historiens periode 1932-1936/1947 Sted Venezia Størrelse 12 cm høy Farge Gjennomsiktig og rød. Kort Forklaring En privat kolleksjon, en enkel vase var laget i 1936 på det tjuende Venezia Biennale og Sjette Milan Triennale forberedende studie for Murrine vase. Det er en fin struktur og en fin form for glass Kommentarer 79 Vanja NAME/TYPE ARTIST (IF KNOWN) DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD LOCATION SIZE COLOUR TECHNIQUE BRIEF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS NAME/TYPE ARTIST (IF KNOWN) DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD LOCATION SIZE COLOUR TECHNIQUE BRIEF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS Sommersi Carlos Scarpe 1934 – 1936 Venini Murano H 8 cm Red, gold Submerged glass It's a glass candle holder. It's amethyst, red, white and gold. The shape is geometrical, but also organic. i like this glass, it looks like a cute mushroom Sommersi Carlos Scarpe 1934 – 1936 Venini Murano H 8 cm Rød og gull Dyppet glass Det er en glass stearinlys holderen. Det er ametyst, rød, hvit og gull. Formen er geometrisk, men også organiske. Jeg liker denne glass figuren, den ser ut som en søt sopp. 80 Charlotte NAME/TYPE ARTIST (IF KNOWN) DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD LOCATION SIZE COLOUR BRIEF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS NAME/TYPE ARTIST (IF KNOWN) DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD LOCATION SIZE COLOUR BRIEF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS Turin Private collection 1934 Museum of murano (ve) 20 cm high Green with gold It is almost closed, gemoetric, hollow, heavy, static. It is made with goldleags that is but into the glass and mixed. It is interesting to see how the gold is mixed with the green. Turin Privat samling 1934 Museum av murano (ve) 20 cm høy Grønn med gull Den er nesten lukket, geometrisk, hul, tung, statisk. Den er laget med gull blader som er blandet inn i glasset. Det er interesant å se hvordan gullet er blandet inn i det grønne. 81 Anja NAVN/TYPE KUNSTNER Carlos Scarpa DATO/HISTORISK PERIODE Murrine roman 1936-1940 STED STØRRELSE FARGE TEKNIKK Venezia 20 x 7 cm Svart, oransje og ufarget Roman Murrine KORT BESKRIVELSE Glassvase med roman murrine, dekorformene er firkantet. Den er gul, safir og krystall. KOMMENTARER Jeg liker vasen fordi den er veldig fin. Både fargen og teknikken er fin. 82 Chatrine NAME/TYPE Ukjent ARTIST (IF KNOWN) Ukjent DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD 1934- 1936 LOCATION Venini Murano 83 SIZE 21x21 h=13 COLOUR Gull og grønn TECHNIQUE BRIEF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS Ukjent Glassvase med gull, oval fasong med et hull i midten. Gullen og grønnen er pakket rundt formen. De ter en lukket form, selv om det er et hull i midten. Formen er geometrisk. Mønsteret gjør at vasen ser dynamisk ut, selv om formen egentlig er statisk. Jeg liker formen. 84 Kristi 85 NAME/TYPE ARTIST (IF KNOWN) DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD LOCATION SIZE COLOUR TECHNIQUE Vase Carlo Scarpa C.Scarpa Museum, Venezia H: 17 cm Rød/sort - Geometrisk form, formen er åpen. Vasen er rød øverst , en aktiv farge. Den sorte delen nederst virker tyngre COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS Jeg liker den. BRIEF DESCRIPTION 86 Lena 87 NAME/TYPE Smal red bowl DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD Rundt 1936 LOCATION Italia, venini murano SIZE høyde 8 cm COLOUR Rød, orange BRIEF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS Dette er en bolle, og utseende minner meg om et eple eller en mango. Den har lange striper i en spiral. -Sommerso mezza glass Jeg liker formen og fargen. 88 Line 89 Vase NAVN/TYPE KUNSTNER Carlo Scarpa DATO/HISTORISK PERIODE 1934-36 STED Venezia STØRRELSE H: ca 8 cm FARGE Blå og grå TEKNIKK KORT BESKRIVELSE KOMMENTARER Submerged glass Glassvase med bobler. Organisk og geometrisk preg. Jeg liker vasen fordi den er veldig fin. Både fargen og teknikken er fin. Den ser ut som en sopp. 90 Marie 91 NAME/TYPE ARTIST (IF KNOWN) DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD LOCATION SIZE COLOUR TECHNIQUE BRIEF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS Sommersi Ukjent 1934 Carlo Scarpa museum 20 cm høy Grønn\blå med gull striper Grønn sfærisk vase i sommerso glass med horisontale striper i glasset Glasse ter en geometrisk form, den er klar, det er en delvis lukket formo g en tung form. Den er hul. Og statisk. Vasen er laget med fargene: blå, grønn og gull. Jeg mener at vasen er veldig pen, jeg liker de små stripene med guld inni vasen. Den blå og grønne fargen er også veldig fin sammen. Fargene er fine og rolige, de er ikke sterke farger. Jeg liker fromen på vasen og hvordan den er laget generelt. 92 Marte Fredrikke 93 NAME/TYPE Vase Carlo Scarpa ARTIST (IF KNOWN) DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD LOCATION SIZE COLOUR TECHNIQUE BRIEF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS 1940 C.Scarpa Museum, Venezia H: 12 cm B: 15 cm Brun og blågrønn Geometrisk form med organiske elementer i dekoren. Lukket form, delvis transparent, tung form. Statisk. Jeg synes vasen er vakker. Fargen og spillet mellom elementene, den brune delen og den blågrønne delen, gjør den interessant å se på. Vasen er brukt som dekorasjon. 94 Martha NAME/TYPE ARTIST (IF KNOWN) x Carlo Scarpa DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD Ca. 1947 Carlo Scarpa museum LOCATION Venice 33 cm hight SIZE COLOUR TECHNIQUE BRIEF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS Red and orange Clear glass bottle with applied brushstroke. Dekoration (pennelate) In red and orange glass -assymetric form -geometric form -heavy form -closed form I like it because of the colores and the feathers looking structure. NAME/TYPE ARTIST (IF KNOWN) DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD LOCATION SIZE COLOUR TECHNIQUE BRIEF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS Flaske Carlo Scarpa Ca 1947 C.S. museum i Venezia H: 33 cm Rød og oransje Klart glass med ilagt fargefelter -assymmetrisk form - geometrisk form - tung form -lukket form Jeg likte den på grunn av fargene og at strukturen i glasset lignet på fjær. 95 Leif NAME/TYPE ARTIST (IF KNOWN) DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD LOCATION SIZE COLOUR BRIEF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS NAME/TYPE ARTIST (IF KNOWN) DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD LOCATION SIZE COLOUR BRIEF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS Montebelluna ? 1940 Museum of murano 24 cm high Thick smoke grey Dynamic form, closed And heavy. Geometric Shape. Glass vase Consisting of overlaid Clear glass layers. Very nice, love the dynamic form. The colour is also great. Montebelluna ? 1940 Museum av murrano 24 cm høy Tykk røyk, grå Dynamisk form, lukket og tung, geometrisk form. Glass vasen består av Flere lag med klart glass. Veldig fin, elsker dynamiske formen. Fargen er også veldig fin. 96 Sandra NAME/TYPE rectangular plate ARTIST (IF KNOWN) DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD LOCATION SIZE COLOUR 1940 Museum murano 20 cm X 13 cm Black TECHNIQUE Glass pises put together BRIEF DESCRIPTION The plate is rectangular, it has a static, geometric shape. Its a black plate made with small dices. COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS NAME/TYPE I liked that it was made with dices put together, it made the plate more fun and interesting to look at. rektanguler plate ARTIST (IF KNOWN) DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD LOCATION SIZE COLOUR TECHNIQUE BRIEF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS 1940 Museum murano 20 cm X 13 cm Svart Glass biter satt sammen Platen er rektanguler, og den er statisk, geometrisk form. Den er en svart plate som er laget med små brikker. Jeg likte at den var laget med brikker som er satt sammen, den gjorde platen mere morsom og interesant å se på. 97 Melissa 98 NAME/TYPE Glasskål Carlo Scarpa ARTIST (IF KNOWN) DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD LOCATION SIZE COLOUR TECHNIQUE BRIEF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS 1932-47 Venezia Stor og rund Klart glass med sorte flekker Kjegleformet vase i klart ufarget murrine med multifarget stjerne formet i senter. Utstilt første gang i 1936. Jeg synes den var veldig kul og er noe jeg kunne hatt hjemme hos meg. Jeg liker det stjerne formede midten. 99 Rikke 100 NAME/TYPE ARTIST (IF KNOWN) DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD LOCATION SIZE COLOUR TECHNIQUE BRIEF DESCRIPTION Vase Carlo Scarpa Ca. 1940 Carlo Scarpa museum, Venezia 32cm Lys brun, beige Gravert glass/ slipt Den har en oval form, er hul og farget brun/ beige. COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS Jeg liker formen og fargene. 101 Tonje Jensen 102 NAME/TYPE ARTIST (IF KNOWN) DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD LOCATION SIZE COLOUR BRIEF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS Glass vase Carlo Scarpa 1940-1942 Venezia 16 cm høy Gjennomsiktig Klar glass vase med forskjellige fargede lag, taggete rim, ‘velato’ etterbehandling og dyp raderte merker på hoveddelen. Jeg liker formen på glasset, kanten av det er virkelig vakker og unik. Også merkene på glasset ser virkelig bra. 103 Tonje Solheim 104 NAME/TYPE DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD SIZE Vase Ca 1934 H : Ca. 20 cm Blå . Gullblader i glasset COLOUR Vasen er laget av glass og du kan se at det gullblader felt inn i glasset BRIEF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS Jeg liker at det er gull innfelt og jeg liker formen på vasen. 105 Trine Lise 106 NAME/TYPE Shroom ARTIST (IF KNOWN) Menneske DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD Lenge siden LOCATION Italia SIZE Liten COLOUR Rød, blå, gul,hvit, Transparent BRIEF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS Disse er lysestaker, men formet som sopper. En rød og hvit med litt gjennomsiktig på bunnen. Den andre er blå med prikker i forskjellige farger. Jeg liker disse fordi de ligner på sopper. Den røde minner meg om den dødligste og mest giftige soppen i norge; fluesoppen. Spiser du denne dør du. 107 Julie Berg Langseth 108 NAME/TYPE ARTIST (IF KNOWN) DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD LOCATION SIZE COLOUR Glasskål Carlos Scarpa 1932-47 Venezia 23X13 Transparent/sort Roman murrine TECHNIQUE BRIEF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS Rktangulær skål med sort glass “ romansk murrine” med terning-mønster i opal glass Jeg synes den er veldig vakker og kunne tenkt å ha den hjemme 109 Ronja 110 NAME/TYPE ARTIST (IF KNOWN) DATE/HISTORICAL PERIOD LOCATION SIZE COLOUR Vase Carlo Carpa Murrine romano 1936 - 1940 Venice 20 cm, 7 cm Sort, oransje, transparent Roman Murrine TECHNIQUE BRIEF DESCRIPTION COMMENTS AND APPRECIATIONS Glassvase med roman murrine, Formen er Firkantet. The murrine er gul og oransje Det er en vakker vase. Jeg liker formen og fargene. 111 Summary of activities in Norway Programme Comenius Bilateral Project, 8-18 May 2013 Wednesday 8th May; 18.30 Arrive at Gardermoen Airport. Ingrid and Thor will meet you at the airport. Transfer to Hønefoss to meet the Norwegian students and their families Thursday 9th With the families Day off from School, Ascension Day Friday 10th At School 9.00: The principal welcomes Italian students and teachers. Norwegian breakfast together, at school A guided walk through Hønefoss A picnic in the park We offer lunch Saturday 11th To Oslo 09.30 by bus from School Remember: good walking shoes! 11.00 Astrup Fearnley museum Packed lunch Akershus fortress The Operahouse teter-i-Oslo/Attraksjoner-i-Oslo/Norges-nye-operahus/ …….among other things Sunday 12th With the families Monday 13th Visit Veien Kulturminnepark A cultural Heritage Park in our district We offer lunch 112 08.30-09.30 Norwegian language and culture th Tuesday 14 Workshops at School Packed lunch Wednesday 15th Hønefoss and surroundings 09.30-12:15 workshops; fusing, glass-bead-making, documentation 12.15-12.45 lunch 12.45-15.30 workshops continues. New groups 09.00 Ringerike City Hall 10.30: Hadeland Glass Factory; guided tour, museum, glassblowing, exhibition, history Packed lunch Thursday 16th Workshops at School Packed lunch Farewell dinner at School at 18.00 08.30-09.30 Norwegian language and culture 09.30-12:15 workshops; fusing, glass-bead-making, documentation 12.15-12.45 lunch 12.45-15.30 workshops continues. New groups Friday 17th Hipp hurra! With the families Celebrating Norway`s National Day The teachers: 10.00 Thor will pick you up at hotel and take you to th Hønefoss for 17 of May celebration. Lunch at Sundvolden hotel at 14.00 Saturday 18th: Bye, bye 13.30; leave Hønefoss to go to Gardermoen Airport 113 Friday 10th May: Guided walk in Hønefoss with Anders Anmarksrud as guide. English: Storgata is a place where there are old houses from the 1800. There is a statue that is called "blåveispiken", which is very famous. Blåveispiken does also have a song that is famous in Norway. “Storgata” square is called "Torget". This is a place where you can sit and enjoy the city. The bank in the centrum is very old. We walked further into Hønefoss, to the waterfall. The making of the city started with the thought of making a city close to the waterfall. This all began in 1839, but it took many years before they started the making of the city. From 1839 there were different people that tried to make Hønefoss into a city and it was first on April the 22th 1852 that Hønefoss was defined as a real city. The waterfall is one of the things that have helped Hønefoss to become an industrial city. Hønefoss was actually one of the towns who were first in getting streetlights in Norway. People in Hønefoss used the waterfall as a source to make electrical power and managing sawmills. Italian: Storgata è un luogo dove ci sono case che risalgono al 1800. C'è una statua chiamata “blaveispiken” che è molto famosa. Blavveispiken è anche una canzone famosa in Norvegia. Piazza “Storgata” si chiama “Torget”. E' un luogo dove ci si può sedere e godere la città. La banca nel centro è molto vecchia. Abbiamo continuato a camminare verso la cascata di Honefoss. L'origine della città è legata all'idea di costruirla vicino alla cascata. Questa ebbe inizio nel 1839, ma ci vollero diversi anni prima che diventasse realtà. Dal 1939 ci furono diverse persone che cercarono di dare a Honefoss la definizione di città ma fu solo il 22 aprile 1852 che acquisì lo stato di città vera e propria. La cascata è una delle cose che hanno aiutato Honefoss a diventare una città industriale. Honefoss fu una delle città che prima di altre in Norvegia si dotarono di lampioni stradali. Gli abitanti di Honefoss usavano la cascata come fonte di energia elettrica e per azionare le segherie. Norwegian: Storgata er et sted der det finnes gamle hus fra 1800 tallet. Her finnes det en statue som kalles «blåveispiken». Denne er veldig berømt her i Hønefoss. Blåveispiken har også en sang som er kjent i Norge. Området rundt Storgata halles «Torget». Dette er et sted hvor du kan sitte og nyte byen. Vi fikk vite at banken i sentrum er svært gammel, deretter gikk vi videre inn i Hønefoss, til fossen. Å danne byen startet med ideen om å ha den nære fossen. Det hele begynte i 1839, men det tok mange år før de begynte med bebyggelse og dannelse av byen. Fra 1839 var det forskjellige folk som prøvde å gjøre Hønefoss til en by, men det var først den 22. april 1852 at Hønefoss ble definert som en ekte by. Fossen er en av de tingene som har hjulpet Hønefoss i inngåelse av å bli en industriby. Hønefoss var faktisk en av de byene som var først i å få gatelys i Norge. Folk i Hønefoss har brukt fossen som en kilde til å lage elektrisk kraft og drive sagbruk. 114 Saturday 11/5-13. Visit to Oslo. English: On Saturday 11th we went to Oslo with the bus. We left from the school at 9:30. Then we were going to Aker Brygge to the Astup-Fearnley museum. At the museum we saw many different arts, like sculptures, photos and videos. Some of the arts were interesting, but some were a bit more weird. Astrum Fearnleys museum has beautiful modern architecture. After we’ve visited the museum, we had lunch at Aker Brygge, the sun was shining but it was really cold. Then we took a walk to the opera house, we did go at the opera roof and then we had a beautiful view from the roof. After the opera house we could do anything we wanted but the Italians had to stay with at least one Norwegian. We took the bus back home at 15:30. Italian: Domenica 11 siamo andati ad Oslo tutti insieme in in autobus. Siamo partiti alle 9.30 da scuola e siamo andati all`Aker Brygge nel museo di Astup Fearnley. Qui abbiamo visto molte arti diverse, come sculture, foto e video e molte di queste erano molto interessanti mentre altre erano molto piu strane. Il museo di Astrum Fearnleys ha una magnifica struttura molto moderna. Dopo questa visita siamo andati a mangiare nell`Aker Brygge e nonostante ci fosse stata una bella giornata faceva comunque freddo. Dopo ci siamo diretti a “opera house” e siamo saliti sul tetto per ammirare una fantastica vista su tutta la citta.Dopo di questo abbiamo avuto del tempo per stare tutti insieme e ci siamo divertiti molto. Alle 15.30 siamo tornati a casa. Norwegian: På lørdag den 11 dro vi til Oslo med buss. Vi dro fra skolen 9:30. Etterpå gikk vi til Aker Brygge til Astrup-Fearnley museet. På museum så vi mange forskjellige typer kunst, som skulpturer, bilder og filmer. Noe av kunsten var interessant mens noe var veldig rart. Astrup-Fearnley har en vakker og moderne arkitektur. Etter at vi besøkte museum hadde vi matpause på Aker Brygge, sola skinnet men det var veldig kaldt. Deretter gikk vi til opera huset, vi 115 gikk opp på taket og hadde fint utsikt over Oslo. Etter opera huset kunne vi gå hvor som helst vi ville, men alle italienske måtte gå sammen med minst en norsk elev. Vi tok buss tilbake hjem kl. 15:30. Monday 13th. Visit at Veien Kulturminnepark English: Dating shows that the longhouse is from older Roman Iron Age (0-200 AD) . The house was bigger than similar houses the same time, 47 meters long and 8 meters at it`s widest. There has been found remains of three fireplaces in the house. By two of the fireplaces are the pillars drawn closer to the wall. The pillars by the fireplace makes the room seem larger. The longhouse has not been a normal manor, but probably been used as a seremonial hall for particular religious and political activities/seremonies. Old familiar craft techniques were applied to build the house. It is used solid wood in constructions, and 17 pairs wooden poles/pillars carrying the large roof . Approx. 50,000 wooden “nails” keeps the house together. The walls are 50 cm thick and smeared with mud both inside and outside. Archaeologist Jochen Komba has participated in the construction process with the executive craftsmen on site. Archaeologist Bente Magnus was responsible for exterior and interior decoration in the house . Italian: La datazione evidenzia che la casa risale all'epoca romana (0-200 D.C). Era più grande rispetto ad altre di uso simile, 47 m. di lunghezza per 8 m. nel suo punto più ampio. Sono stati rinvenuti resti di tre focolari, due dei quali hanno I piloni di supporto più vicini alla parete. I piloni presso i focolari fanno sembrare più grande la stanza. Il lungo edificio non è stato una casa padronale, ma è stato probabilmente usato come sala per cerimonie o attività politico/religiose. Antiche tecniche artigianali furono usate per costruire la casa. Legno robusto e 17 coppie di piloni sorreggono il grande tetto. Circa 50.000 “chiodi” di legno tengono insieme l'edificio. Le pareti hanno 50cm. di spessore e sono spalmate di fango all'interno e all'esterno. L'archeologo Jochen Komba ha partecipato alla fase di ricostruzione sul sito con gli artigiani esecutori. L'archeologo Bente Magnus è stato il responsabile dell'arredo interno ed esterno dell'edificio. Norwegian: Langhuset er gjenreist nøyaktig der hvor det største og mest særpregede jernalderhuset stod. Datering viser at langhuset er fra eldre romertid (0-200 e.Kr.). Huset var større enn tilvarende hus fra samme tid, 47 meter langt og 8 meter på det bredeste. Det er funnet rester etter tre ildsteder i huset. Ved to av ildstedene er stolpene trukket ut nærmere veggen. Stolpenes 116 plassering i forhold til ildstedene gjør at rommet virker større og blir tolket som en hall. Langhuset har ikke vært en vanlig storgård, men trolig et seremonihus med spesiell religiøs og politisk funksjon på en felles kultplass. Gamle velkjente håndverksteknikker ble tatt i bruk for å reise huset. Det er brukt solide trematerialer i konstruksjonene, og 17 par stolper bærer det store taket. Ca. 50.000 treplugger samt tapper og garpehugg holder huset sammen. Veggene er 50 cm tykke av dobbelt flettverksarmering og smurt med leire utvendig og innvendig. Arkeolog Jochen Komber har deltatt under hele byggeprosessen sammen med de utførende håndverkerne på stedet. Arkeolog Bente Magnus har hatt ansvar for utvendig og innvendig dekor i huset. Wednesday 15th: Hadeland Glass Factory; guided tour, museum, glass-blowing, exhibition, history English: Hadeland glass factory opened 250 years ago. There are 140 persons working there now. We have been at Hadeland glassverk and we watched how people who work there make glass. First of all they have to warm up the glass and fix the form. They are doing it a couple of times to make the perfect form. After that they are using air to get the glass colder. When it is cold enough they start to blow it up to make a better shape. Later they are using the air again to make it colder. After that they are smelting everything to look good flat. To the end they are attaching glass that sits on the middle and then they are removing things that are on the top by warming it up with mix of hydrogen and oxygen. The plates are lying in the own in 1150 C and then it goes to 10 000 W so it is a lot of electricity. People who are working there have to be strong because it is hard to carry on glass. Italian: Hadeland glassverk e’ l’indutria piu’ vecchia e antica ed e’ aperta da 250 anni.Sono presenti 140 uomini che vi lavorano. Siamo stati all’industria Hadeland glassverk e abbiamo osservato I lavoratori operare il vetro. Inizialmente bisogna scaldare il vetro per poi fissure la forma e questo 117 necessita abbastanza tempo poiche’ e’ necessaria tanta attenzione. Dopo loro utilizzano l’aria per raffreddare il vetro. Quando il vetro e’ freddo abbastanza loro soffiano per rendere una forma migliore . Dopo viene utilizzata l’aria nuovamente per raffreddare il materile. Dopo che I lavoratori hanno sciolto tutto per rendere la superficie piana. Alla fine attaccano il vetro che si trova nel mezzo e rimuovono le cosec he stanno in cima scaldandole co un mix di idrogeno e ossigeno. I piatti sono posti in forno a 1150 C e poi si arriva a consumare 10000 W quindi molta elettricita’ . le persone che lavorano devo essere forti poiche’ e’ diffilice trasportare e sollevare il vetro . E' stata un'esperienza bellissima quella di poter creare un oggetto di vetro soffiando dentro la canna per ottenere la forma desiderata. Ogni studente ha realizzato il suo prodotto che poi ha potuto portare con sé come ricordo della sua avventura nell'apprendere i rudimenti dell'arte del vetro. Norwegian: Hadeland glassverk er 250 år gammel. 140 personer jobber der i dag. Vi var på Hadeland glassverket I går og så på hvordan mennesker som jobber der lager glass. Først og fremst må de varme opp glasset og lage formen som de skal ha det. Det må gjøres flere ganger for å få det perfekte resultatet. 118 Worshops- making in arts and craft Glass pearls. Perline de vetro. Glassperler English: The students were making glass pearls of glass sticks in a flame with 1500 ˚C. They took the stick in the flame, it melted and they took it around a metal stick. The glass got cold and the students took the glass in a special sand. Some students combined different colours and made different patterns. Some of the students were scared of the flames. Everyone thought it was fun, and they liked to work with glass. They must wear safety glasses and be careful because the temperature is very hot. When the beads are finished, they put them in a box of sand so they are cooled slowly, so that they will not crack. Italian: Gli studenti hanno fatto perline di vetro utilizzando una fiamma di 1500˚ C. Loro hanno messo le stecche di vetro colorato a contatto con la fiamma, le hannofuse e hanno sistemato il vetro fuso attorno a una stecca metallica. Il vetro si é raffredato e gli studenti hanno posto il vetro colorato in una sabbia speciale. Alcuni studenti hanno combinato differenti colori e creato diverse fantasie. Altri si sono spaventati dalle fiamme. Tutti si sono divertiti e hanno apprezzato il lavoro fatto con il vetro. Essi devono indossare occhiali di protezione e devono stare attenti perché la temperatura del fuoco e davvero calda. Quando hanno finito di creare le perle, i ragazzi devono metterle in una scatola con della sabbia per renderle fredde lentamente in modo che non si rompano. Norwegian: Studentene lagde glassperler av glasspinner I en flamme med 1500 ˚C. De tok pinnen i flammen, det smeltet og de tok det rundt en metallpinne. Glasset ble kaldt og studentene tok glasset i en spesiell sand. Noen studenter kombinerte forskjellige farger, og lagde forskjellige mønstre. Noen av studentene var redde for flammene. Alle syns det var morsomt, og de likte å jobbe med glass. De må bruke vernebriller og være forsiktig fordi temperaturen er veldig varmt. Når perlene er ferdige, må de sette dem i en boks med sand slik at de blir kjølt ned sakte, for at de ikke skal sprekke. 119 Redesign English: Students were working with coffe caspules and bicycle tube, and they could make everything they wanted to. They pressed the capsules together with a big hammer and they could use a needle to make holes in the capsule. They also had a lot of pearls and accsesories that they could decorate with. Everyone was very interested about accsesories and they were happy that they could personalize everything. The studenst opinions about the work: they really like it, because they can make new accessories out of old things, and they can use their creativity. Italian: Loro stavano lavorando con le capsule del caffe e la gomma delle ruote delle biciclette, e loro possono creare qualsiasi cosa essi vogliano. Loro pressano le capsule assieme con un grande martello e loro possono usare un ago per creare buchi nelle capsule. Loro hanno anche molte perle ed accessori con i quali possono decorare. Tutti erano molto interessati agli accessori e loro erano felici di poter personalizzare qualsiasi cosa. I pareri di alcuni studenti sul lavoro: Agli studenti e piaciuto il laboratorio perché possono fare nuovi accessori con oggetti vecchi, e possono utilizzare la loro creatività. Norwegian: Elevene jobber med kaffekapsler og sykkelslanger og de kunne lage hva enn de ville. De presser kapslene sammen med en stor hammer og de brukte en nål til å lage hull i kapselen. De hadde også mange perler og tilbehør som de kunne pynte det med. Alle var fornøyd med at de kunne personalisere alt. Uttalelser fra elevene: «Det er moro å lage nytt fra brukt og bruke kreativiteten». 120 Fusing. Fusione. Fusing English: Fusing is when you put glass on top of glass and melt it together. When it is done it look very nice and pretty. When fusing you need to know how to put it together and what you can use without it not melting together, looking bad. You can use thin glass and thick glass but altogether it must be under 1 cm high, otherwise it will not melt together. You must use this special knife like tool to make cuts in the call to be able to break it off. If you are having a hard time breaking it off by hand you can use this other tool to do it for you, kind of. You can also put on these glass sprinkles to decorate your glass and make it look extra pretty. Everything is quite simple and in an hours time you can make many, many pretty glass pieces. Comments from the students and teacher: Marta; It’s nice to make something that means something to you and that you can give away if you want. Ivan; It’s fun. Marte; It’s fun to make something by yourself in glass. Thor; Very nice! I think the students likes to work by hand. Especially when they’re not that used to it. Italian: La fusione si ha quando si sovrappone al vetro altro vetro e si fondono assieme. Cosi da farlo sembrare molto bello e grazioso. Quando si fonde è necessario sapere come mettere insieme i pezzi e che materiali usare poiché senza sapere questo non si puo fondere e verrebbero brutti. Si possono utilizzare sia vetri sottili che vetri spessi, ma entrambi devono essere inferiori a 1 cm, altrimenti non si fondono. Ioltre bisogna utilizzare un coltello apposito come strumento per tagliare cosi da esser in grado di romperlo. Se per sbaglio si rompe fuori dalla linea e possibile farlo con le mani. Inoltre si possono aggiungere sopra il vetro degli spruzzi per decorarlo e farlo sembrare piu bello. Tutto questo e abbastanza semplice e in un ora si possono fare molti pezzi di vetro carini. Commenti di studenti ed insegnanti: Marta: e bello fare qualcosa di importante per te e che si possa dare via, se si vuole. 121 Ivan: e divertente Marte: e divertente fare qualcosa da soli col vetro. Thor: molto bello, penso che agli studenti piaccia lavorare con le mani, soprattutto quando non sono abituati a questo tipo di lavoro. Norwegian: Når du ¨fuser¨ legger du flere glassbiter oppå hverandre så det smelter sammen. Når det er ferdig smeltet ser det veldig pent ut. Når du fuser trenger du å vite hvordan du legger glassene sammen og hva du kan bruke for at det skal smelte sammen, uten at det ser feil ut. Du kan bruke både tynne glassbiter og tykke glassbiter, men til sammen så må det ferdige produktet ikke være høyere enn 1 cm, hvis det er det vil det ikke smelte sammen. Du må bruke en spesiell kniv som redskap for å kunne dele glassbitene i mindre deler. Hvis du ikke helt klarer å dele glassbiten ved hjelp av dette redskapet, kan du bruke et annet redskap. Du kan også legge på glasspulver for å dekorere glasset og for at det kan se ekstra pent ut. Alt sammen er ganske enkelt og på en time så klarer du å lage mange, mange pene ferdige produkter av glass. Kommentarer fra elever og lærere: Marta; Det er morsomt å lage noe som betyr noe for deg og som du kan gi bort hvis du vil. Ivan; Det er morsomt! Marte; Det er morsomt å lage noe i glass. Thor: Veldig gøy! Jeg tror elevene liker veldig godt å jobbe praktisk. Spesielt når de ikke er vant til det. 122 Norwegian songs Alle fugler små Alle fugler små de er kommer nå tilbake. Gjøk og sisik, trost og stær synger alle dage. Lerka jubler høyt i sky, ringer våren inn på ny. Frost og snø de måtte fly, her er sol og glede! All the little birds are now coming back. Cuckoo and linnet, thrush and starling sing all day long. The lark is cheering loudly in the sky, rings the new spring to come. Frost and snow they had to fly, here is sun and happiness! Kaptein Sabeltann Vi reiste fra Karibien og ankret opp i natt. Vi har hørt et gammelt rykte om en helt fantastisk skatt. Kaptein Sabeltann er en farlig mann. Nå kan jeg lukte gull derfor ror vi inn mot land! We sailed from the Caribbean and anchored at night We have heard an old rumor about an absolutely amazing treasure Captain Beefheart is a dangerous man Now I can smell gold, therefore we rudder into the country Refreng: Hiv o’hoi! Snart er skatten vår, så kan vi ta det rolig de neste hundre år. HIV and hoi Soon the treasure is ours So we can take it easy the next hundred years Vi seiler over alle hav og skaper skrekk og gru. Når du ser det sorte flagget, er det altfor sent å snu. Gjennom ild og vann ror vi alle mann, men jeg som kommer først heter Kaptein Sabeltann We sail across oceans and creates horror When you see the Jolly Roger , it's all too late to turn Through fire and water we row But I who comes first is called Captain Beefheart Refreng: Hiv o’hoi! Snart er skatten vår, så kan vi ta det rolig de neste hundre år. Soon t treasure is ours So we can take it easy the next hundred years So we can take it easy the next hundred years Song presented on YouTube: =Adbh-vFOMOA 123 Other Norwegian songs : Alexander Rybak - Fariytale Madcon - Glow Madcon – Vi kjører på Sirkus Eliassen and Ben Kinx- Æ vil bare dans 124 Norwegian National Anthem Here with lyrics and music on YouTube: 1. Ja, vi elsker dette landet, som det stiger frem, furet, værbitt over vannet, med de tusen hjem. Elsker, elsker det og tenker på vår far og mor og den saganatt som senker drømme på vår jord. 5. Hårde tider har vi døyet, ble til sist forstøtt; men i verste nød blåøyet frihet ble oss født. Det gav faderkraft å bære hungersnød og krig, det gav døden selv sin ære – og det gav forlig. 2. Dette landet Harald berget med sin kjemperad, dette landet Håkon verget, medens Øyvind kvad; Olav på det land har malet korset med sitt blod, fra dets høye Sverre talet Roma midt imod 6. Fienden sitt våpen kastet, opp visiret fór, vi med undren mot ham hastet; ti han var vår bror. Drevne frem på stand av skammen gikk vi søderpå; nå vi står tre brødre sammen, og skal sådan stå! 3. Bønder sine økser brynte hvor en hær drog frem; Tordenskiold langs kysten lynte, så den lystes hjem. Kvinner selv stod opp og strede som de vare menn; andre kunne bare grede, men det kom igjen! 7. Norske mann i hus og hytte, takk din store Gud! Landet ville han beskytte, skjønt det mørkt så ud. Alt hvad fedrene har kjempet, mødrene har grett, har den Herre stille lempet, så vi vant vår rett. 4. Visstnok var vi ikke mange; men vi strakk dog til, da vi prøvdes noen gange, og det stod på spill; ti vi heller landet brente enn det kom til fall; husker bare hva som hendte ned på Fredrikshald! 8. Ja, vi elsker dette landet, som det stiger frem, furet, værbitt over vannet, med de tusen hjem. Og som fedres kamp har hevet det av nød til seir, også vi, når det blir krevet, for dets fred slår leir. 125 Norwegian Anthem, English lyrics. 1 Yes, we love this country as it rises forth, rugged, weathered, above the sea, with the thousands of homes. Love, love it and think of our father and mother and the saga night that sends dreams to our earth. And the saga night that sends, dreams to our earth. 2 This country Harald united with his army of heroes, this country Håkon protected whilst Øyvind sung; upon the country Olav painted with his blood the cross, from its heights Sverre spoke up against Rome. 3 Farmers their axes sharpened wherever an army advanced, Tordenskjold along the coastline thundered so that we could see it back home. Even women stood up and fought as if they were men; others could only cry but that soon would end! 4 Sure, we were not many but we were enough, when we were tested sometimes, and it was at stake; we would rather burn our land than to declare defeat; just remember what happened down at Fredrikshald! 5 Hard times we have coped with, were at last disowned; but in the worst distress, blue-eyed freedom was to us born. It gave (us) father's strength to carry famine and war, it gave death itself its honour and it gave reconciliation. 6 The enemy threw away his weapon, up the visor went, we, in wonder, to him hastened, because he was our brother. Driven forth to a stand by shame we went to the south; now we three brothers stand united, and shall stand like that! 7 Norwegian man in house and cabin, thank your great God! The country he wanted to protect, although things looked dark. All the fights fathers have fought, and the mothers have wept, the Lord has quietly moved so we won our rights. 8 Yes, we love this country as it rises forth, rugged, weathered, above the sea, with those thousand homes. And as the fathers' struggle has raised it from need to victory, even we, when it is demanded, for its peace will encamp (for defence). (Sourse:,_vi_elsker_dette_landet) 126 Italian songs Il Canto degli Italiani Italian National Anthem Fratelli d'Italia Italian Brothers, L'Italia s'è desta Italy has awakened, Dell'elmo di Scipio She has wreathed her head S'è cinta la testa With the helmet of Scipio. Dov'è la vittoria Where is Victory? Le porga la chioma She bows her head to you, Ché schiava di Roma You, whom God created Iddio la creò Stringiamcici a coorte Siam pronti alla morte (repeat) L'Italia chiamò As the slave of Rome. Let us band together, We are ready to die, (repeat) Italy has called us. (repeat previous four lines) Stringiamci a coorte Siam pronti alla morte (repeat) L'Italia chiamò, sì Links to the source: slyrics/nationalanthemslyrics/italynationalanthe mlyrics.html 127 Va pensiero Va pensiero English Translation Yearning, longing and nostalgia are key themes in the Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves, as written by Temistocle Solera, for the opera Nabucco, composed by Giuseppe Verdi. Va', pensiero, sull'ali dorate; Va, ti posa sui clivi, sui colli, ove olezzano tepide e molli l'aure dolci del suolo natal! Del Giordano le rive saluta, di Sionne le torri atterrate… Oh mia Patria sì bella e perduta! O membranza sì cara e fatal! Arpa d'or dei fatidici vati, perché muta dal salice pendi? Le memorie nel petto raccendi, ci favella del tempo che fu! O simile di Solima ai fati, traggi un suono di crudo lamento; o t'ispiri il Signore un concento che ne infonda al patire virtù! Hasten thoughts on golden wings. Hasten and rest on the densely wooded hills, where warm and fragrant and soft are the gentle breezes of our native land! The banks of the Jordan we greet and the towers of Zion. O, my homeland, so beautiful and lost! O memories, so dear and yet so deadly! Golden harp of our prophets, why do you hang silently on the willow? Rekindle the memories of our hearts, and speak of the times gone by! Or, like the fateful Solomon, draw a lament of raw sound; or permit the Lord to inspire us to endure our suffering! Links to the source: uI 128 Nel blu dipinto di blu (Volare) In the Blue, Painted Blue (To Fly) By Domenico Modugno I think a dream like this Never returns again. I painted my hands and face blue. Then unexpectedly I was kidnapped by the wind, And I began to fly in the infinite sky. Penso che sogno così non ritorni mai più, mi dipingevo le mani e la faccia di blu, poi d'improvviso venivo dal vento rapito, e incominciavo a volare nel cielo infinito. Volare, oh oh, cantare, oh oh oh oh. Nel blu dipinto di blu, felice di stare lassù. E volavo volavo felice più in alto del sole ed ancora più su mentre il mondo pian piano spariva lontano laggiù. Una musica dolce suonava soltanto per me. Volare, oh oh cantare, oh oh oh oh. Nel blu dipinto di blu felice di stare lassù Ma tutti i sogni nell'alba svaniscon perché quando tramonta la luna li porta con sé, Ma io continuo a sognare negli occhi tuoi belli che sono blu come un cielo trapunto di stelle... Volare, oh oh cantare, oh oh oh oh; Nel blu degli occhi tuoi blu felice di stare quaggiù E continuo a volare felice più in alto del sole ed ancora più su mentre il mondo pian piano scompare negli occhi tuoi blu La tua voce è una musica dolce che suona per me. Volare, oh oh cantare, oh oh oh oh. Nel blu degli occhi tuoi blu felice di stare quaggiù To fly, oh oh, To sing, oh oh oh oh. In the blue painted blue, Happy ( lucky) to be up there. And I flew, I flew happily Higher than the sun and even further up While the world quietly disappeared Far below. A sweet music played just for me. To fly, oh oh, To sing, oh oh oh oh. In the blue painted blue, Happy (lucky) to be up there. But all dreams vanish in the dawn, because When the moon sets it carries them with it. But I continue to dream in your beautiful eyes, Which are blue as a sky strewn with stars. To fly, oh oh, To sing, oh oh oh oh. In the blue of your blue eyes, Happy (lucky) to be down here. And I continue to fly happily Higher than the sun and even further up While the world quietly dissolves Into your blue eyes. Your voice is a sweet music That plays for me. To fly, oh oh, To sing, oh oh oh oh. In the blue of your blue eyes, Happy (lucky) to be down here. Links to the source: 129 Bella Beautiful by Jovanotti The world goes round and round and i make you go round you look at me and i don't reply because there's no answer that can be put in words beautiful like a morning of crystal clear water like a window that illuminates my pillow warm like bread, (like the) shadow under a pine while you go away, stay with me forever I work all day and all day I think of you and when I take the bread out of the oven, I keep E gira gira il mondo e gira il mondo e giro te it warm for you... mi guardi e non rispondo perché risposta non c'è clear like an ABC nelle parole like a Monday bella come una mattina of holiday after a year of work d'acqua cristallina beautiful and "strong" like a flower come una finestra che mi illumina il cuscino sweetness of pain calda come il pane ombra sotto un pino beautiful like the wind that made you beautiful mentre t'allontani stai con me forever my love lavoro tutto il giorno e tutto il giorno penso a te primitive hapiness of knowing you alive, full life, e quando il pane sforno lo tengo caldo per te ... days and hours of heartbeats chiara come un ABC pure, sweet butterfly come un lunedì naked like a bride di vacanza dopo un anno di lavoro while you go away, stay with me forever bella forte come un fiore beautiful like a morning dolce di dolore of crystal clear water bella come il vento che t'ha fatto bella amore gioia primitiva di saperti viva vita piena giorni e like a window that illuminates my pillow warm like bread, (like the) shadow under a pine ore batticuore like a passport with a child's photo pura dolce mariposa nuda come sposa beautiful like a circle mentre t'allontani stai con me forever big as the world bella come una mattina warm like a sirocco and fresh like a north wind d'acqua cristallina you, like fortune/luck, so opportune come una finestra che mi illumina il cuscino while you go away, stay with me forever calda come il pane ombra sotto un pino beautiful like harmony come un passaporto con la foto di un bambino like happiness/joy bella come un tondo like my grandma's photo when she was a girl grande come il mondo like a poem calda di scirocco e fresca come tramontana o, my lady tu come la fortuna tu così opportuna like the reality my fantasy meets. mentre t'allontani stai con me forever Beautiful! bella come un'armonia 130 come l'allegria come la mia nonna in una foto da ragazza come una poesia o madonna mia come la realtà che incontra la mia fantasia. Bella ! Links to the source: 131 Technical glossary ITALIAN ENGLISH NORWEGIAN VETRO GLASS GLASS COPPA CUP KOPP CALICE WINE GLASS VINGLASS ANFORA AMPHORA AMFORA CIOTOLA BOWL BOLLE POSACENERE ASHTRAY ASKEBEGER VASO A FAZZOLETTO HANDKERCHIEF VASE VASE FORMET SOM TØRKLE MAESTRO VETRAIO GLASS MAKER GLASSBLÅSER MURRINA MURRINE VETRO A BOLLICINE BUBBLES IN GLASS MURRINA (navn på teknikk for dekor av glass) BOBLER I GLASS VETRO A MEZZA FILIGRANA WATERMARK VANNMERKE VETRO A FILI GLASS WITH LINES STRINGS GLASS MED LINJER VETRO A PUNTINI GLASS WITH DOTS GLASS MED FLEKKER/PUNKTER VETRO A PENNELLATE GLASS WITH PENCIL STROKES HÅNDDEKORERT GLASS VETRO A FASCE GLASS WITH BANDS GLASS MED BÅND/FELTER VETRO INCISO ENGRAVED GLASS GRAVERT GLASS VETRO SOMMERSO SUBMERGED GLASS SENKET GLASS VETRO RIGATO VERTICAL STRIPES VERTIKALE STRIPER VETRO COLORATO COLORED GLASS FARGET GLASS VETRO CORROSO FADED GLASS KORRODERT GLASS VETRO A TESSUTO WAVED GLASS VEVD GLASSFIBER ELLER GLASSMOSAIKK 132 Language dictionary- common phrases: Norwegian language Buongiorno. Ho chiamato Edgar. Passo parlare un po italiano. Capisco un buon numero di italiano. Io pove per insegnari alcune parole e frasi norvegesi. SALUTI – Hilsner buongiorno – god morgen / god dag buonasera – god aften / god kveld buonanotte – god natt arrivederci – på gjensyn ciao – hei / ha det NUMERI – tall uno – en due – to tre – tre quattro – fire cinque – fem sei – seks sette – syv/sju otto – åtte nove – ni dieci – ti undici –elleve dodici – tolv tredici – tretten quattordici – fjorten quindici – femten sedici – seksten diciasette – sytten diciotto – atten diciannove - nitten venti – tyve trenta – tretti quaranta – førti cinquanta – femti sessanta – seksti settanta – sytti ottanta – åtti novanta – nitti cento – hundre duecento – to hundre trecento – trehundre GIORNI – MESI – STAGIONI dager – måneder – årstider lunedi – mandag martedi- tirsdag mercoledi – onsdag giovedi – torsdag venerdi – fredag sabato – lørdag domenica – søndag gennaio – januar febbraio – februar marzo – mars aprile – april maggio – mai giugno – juni luglio – juli agosto – august settembre – september ottobre – oktober novembre – november dicembre – desember inverno – vinter primavera – vår estate – sommer cadere – høst COLORI – farger rosso – rød giallo – gul blu – blå verde – grønn arancione – oransje viola – fiolett rosa – rosa marrone – brun grigio - grå nero – svart bianco – hvit migliaia – tusen un millione – en million 133 Parole e frasi utili- Nyttige ord og fraser come sta? – hvordan går det? molto bene – bare bra si/no – ja/nei per favore – vær så snill grazie – takk mi scusi – unnskyld meg mi dispiace – jeg beklager non capisco – jeg forstår ikke la sera – kveld ieri – i går oggi – i dag domani – i morgen qui – her la – der che cosa? – hva? quando? – når? dove? – Hvor? perche? – hvorfor grande – stor piccolo – liten caldo – varm freddo – kald buono – god cattivo – dårlig basta – nok bene – bra aperto – åpen chiuso – lukket a sinistra – venstre a destra – høyre sempre dritto – rett fram su – opp giu – ned presto – tidlig tardi – sent un minuto – et minutt un ora – en time mezzòra – en halv time un giorno – en dag una settimana – en uke Arrivirdeci……….. 134 Common phrases: Italian crash course 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 Italian and Norwegian press: 145 146 147 Photogallery 148 149 150 151 152 Videos Two videos made by Chatrine Moa Pettersen… Norwegian students in Italy: Italian students in Norway: …and one by Giulia Pesce To everybody participating in this project! Thank you, every one of you, for making this happening! From all of us!! 153