February 22 - Deer Lodge Centre
February 22 - Deer Lodge Centre
Bulletin What Do I Do If I’m Injured at Work What Do I Do If I’m Injured at Work What Do I Do If I’m Injured at Work Volume 19, Number 3 Deer Lodge Centre February 22, 2011 As per the Workplace Safety and Health Act and its Regulation, First Aid Kits are located throughout As per the Centre Workplace Deer Lodge in Safety and Health Act and its Regulation, First Aid Kits are located throughout Deer Lodge Centre in As per theAll Workplace Safety First Aid Kits are located throughout Nursing Unitsand Health Act and its Regulation, Physiotherapy/Occupational Therapy Deer Lodge Centre in All Nursing Units Physiotherapy/Occupational Therapy Stores/Central Dispatch Day Hospital Stores/Central Dispatch Day Hospital Security Respiratory All Nursing Units Physiotherapy/Occupational Therapy Security Respiratory Housekeeping Facility Management Stores/Central Dispatch Day Hospital Housekeeping Facility Management Kitchen (2 kits – one for cafeteria) Movement Disorders Clinic Security Respiratory Kitchen (2 kits – one for cafeteria) Movement Disorders Clinic Occupational Housekeeping Facility Management The Health Nurse’s office is designated as a First Aid Room as per the regulation. Kitchen (2 kits – one for cafeteria) Movement Clinic The Occupational Health Nurse’s office designated a First Aid Disorders Room as per the regulation. Security and the Safety Coordinator have is access to thisas room. Security and the Safety Coordinator have access to this room. The Occupational Health Nurse’s office is designated as a First Aid Room as per the regulation. Injuries requiring If you require assistance with First Aid Security and the Safety Coordinator have access to this room. Injuries requiring If you require assistance with First Aid First Aid go see one of the designated/trained First Aiders – First use the first aid Aid kit in your go Ifsee one ofHealth the assistance designated/trained FirstAid Aiders – Occupational Nurse, Safety Injuries you require withCoordinator, First use the firstrequiring aid kit in your department Occupational Health Nurse, Safety Coordinator, Foodservices Supervisor, Housekeeping Supervisor, First Aid department go see one Supervisor, of the designated/trained First Supervisor, Aiders – Foodservices Supervisor, Housekeeping Laundry or Facility Management use the first aid kit in your Occupational Health Nurse, Safety Coordinator, Laundry Supervisor, orthe Facility Management department After hours theSupervisor, assistance of Nursing Coordinator Foodservices Housekeeping Supervisor, After hours the assistance of the Nursing Coordinator may be sought. Laundry Supervisor, or Facility Management may be sought. After hours the assistance of the Nursing Coordinator may be sought. requiring further Medical and/or Physical Non Emergent Injuries/Illnesses Medical and/or Physical Non Emergentmedical Injuries/Illnesses Emergencies attention requiring further Emergencies medical attention Blue Contact your family physician MedicalCode and/or Physical Non Emergent Injuries/Illnesses requiring further Code Blue Contact your family physician Emergencies medical attention Code Blue (if you get a work related injury Contact your familyhave physician In all of these cases, or illness) or could been harmed if the In all of conditions, these cases, you get were a work injury ormiss) illness) orneed couldtohave been harmed if the situation, or(if practices to related continue (near you complete an Injury/Near situation, Miss Form. conditions, or practices were to continue (near miss) you need to complete an Injury/Near InMiss all ofForm. these cases, (if you get a work related injury or illness) or could have been harmed if the situation, or are practices were (near youfound needon to the complete Injury/Near Injury/Nearconditions, Miss Forms available ontoallcontinue units and canmiss) also be Forms an Shared Miss Form. Injury/Near Miss Forms are available on all units and can also be found on the Forms Shared Directory on the computer. Directory on the computer. Miss miss Forms are available units andexposure can alsoplease be found the Forms Shared IfInjury/Near the injury/near involves a bloodon orall body fluid useon the PEP package available Directory on the computer. injury/near miss involves a blood or body fluid exposure please use the PEP package available in Ifallthe departments. in all departments. If theNote: injury/near miss involves areport blood is oralso bodyrequired fluid exposure please use themeets PEP package available A WRHA occurrence if the injury/near miss the criteria for in all departments. Note: A WRHA occurrence reportoccurrence is also required if the injury/near miss meets the criteria for reporting. occurrence reporting. Note: A WRHA occurrence report is also required if the injury/near miss meets the criteria for occurrence reporting. SAFE Healthcare – Everyone ’s Responsibility SAFE Healthcare – Everyone’Safet s Responsibility pational y & Health Occu and Environmental Occupational and Environmental Safety & Health SAFE Healthcare – Everyone ’s Responsibility Occupational and Environmental Safety & Health 2011 Deer Lodge Centre Foundation Cash Calendar Winners for January 1, 2011 thru June 30, 2011 January 1, 2011 $1500. Winner: Ticket # 0809 Stephen Thompson Sunday $100. Winners: January 2, 2011: Ticket# 0449 Heather Alexandruk January 9, 2011: Ticket# 0164 Korean Veteran Association January 16, 2011: Ticket# 1302 Bernie Dorge January 23, 2011: Ticket# 0402 Pat Gunderson January 30, 2011: Ticket# 0379 Betty Piche February 6, 2011: Ticket# 0581 Mary B. Perfect February 13, 2011: Ticket# 0074 Sister Marietta Rivard February 20, 2011: Ticket# 0703 Peggy McRitchie February 27, 2011: Ticket# 0489 Doug Greaves March 6, 2011: Ticket# 0212 Barb Nabert March 13, 2011: Ticket# 0909 Fred Murray March 20, 2011: Ticket# 0044 Lucy Smith March 27, 2011: Ticket# 1229 Reg Parker April 3, 2011: Ticket# 0662 Don Mokriy April 10, 2011: Ticket# 0426 Wendy Tretiak April 17, 2011: ticket# 1306 Steve Short April 24, 2011: Ticket# 0969 Jake O’Donnell May 1, 2011: Ticket# 0139 Arik Sigvason May 8, 2011: Ticket# 1324 Shaun Mountjoy May 15, 2011: Ticket# 0583 Kelly & Ryan Vipond May 22, 2011: Ticket# 0923 Corey & Melanie Sabourin May 29, 2011: Ticket# 0773 Michelle Bourdages June 5, 2011: Ticket# 0397 Stan Ritz June 12, 2011: Ticket# 0512 Judy Woodward June 19, 2011: Ticket# 1009 Cory Chetyrbok June 26, 2011: Ticket# 0617 Army, Navy, Air Force #1 Weekday $25. Winners: January 3, 2011: Ticket# 0710 Debbie Dunmall January 4, 2011: Ticket# 0118 Nik Lysecki January 5, 2011: Ticket# 1062 Leanne Drad January 6, 2011: Ticket# 1145 Diana Pearce January 7, 2011: Ticket# 1095 Terry Armstrong January 8, 2011: Ticket# 0310 Bob Slack January 10, 2011: Ticket# 0085 Aaron Neufeld January 11, 2011: Ticket# 0163 Korean Veteran Association January 12, 2011: Ticket# 1300 Bob Blackland January 13, 2011: Ticket# 0742 Cindy Vandale January 14, 2011: Ticket# 0131 Cheryl Chetyrbok January 15, 2011: Ticket# 0711 Ken Strong January 17, 2011: Ticket# 0905 Gord Pottinger January 18, 2011: Ticket# 0083 Kris Ramsay January 19, 2011: Ticket# 0754 Dave Reid January 20, 2011: Ticket# 0736 Watler & Krystyna Krawek January 21, 2011: Ticket# 1206 Kent Pearce January 22, 2011: Ticket# 1297 Lisa Ganchar January 24, 2011: Ticket# 0888 Walter Yaciuk January 25, 2011: Ticket# 0244 Sylvie Axelrod January 26, 2011: Ticket# 0734 Doug Glover January 27, 2011: Ticket# 0818 Meline Stairs January 28, 2011: Ticket# 0810 Reg dela Gorgendiere January 29, 2011: Ticket# 0880 R. A. Stevenson January 31, 2011: Ticket# 0509 Doug Starodub February 1, 2011: Ticket# 0141 Bill Kitching February 2, 2011: Ticket# 0712 Kathy Hoban February 3, 2011: Ticket# 0838 Jerod Majohn February 4, 2011: Ticket# 0918 Katherine McCall February 5, 2011: Ticket# 0119 Thomas Starr February 7, 2011: Ticket# 0192 Tracey Friesen February 8, 2011: Ticket# 0200 Mitch Beauchemin February 9, 2011: Ticket# 0109 Ann Kawecki February 10, 2011: Ticket# 0423 Shane Lister February 11, 2011: Ticket# 0100 Len Woodiwiss February 12, 2011: Ticket# 1033 Mary Anne McGibney February 14, 2011: Ticket# 0203 Nicole Allary February 15, 2011: Ticket# 0468 Erica Forbes February 16, 2011: Ticket# 1071 Linda Lee Greenaway February 17, 2011: Ticket# 0276 Joe Waatainen February 18, 2011: Ticket# 0504 Grant Forzley February 19, 2011: Ticket# 1048 Maureen Morrice February 21, 2011: Ticket# 1072 John McPherson February 22, 2011: Ticket# 0985 Murray Robinson February 23, 2011: Ticket# 0989 Jerry Simundson February 24, 2011: Ticket# 0928 Grant Chymburyk February 25, 2011: Ticket# 1215 Trevor Nadeau February 26, 2011: Ticket# 0666 Pete Penman February 28, 2011: Ticket# 1024 Debbie & Ken Pointoski March 1, 2011: Ticket # 1320 Larry Mitchell March 2, 2011: Ticket # 0395 Lori Earle March 3, 2011: Ticket # 1270 Bronwyn Lawton March 4, 2011: Ticket # 0031 Michael Moskal March 5, 2011: Ticket # 0671 Kristen Singer March 7, 2011: Ticket # 0804 Bev Foster March 8, 2011: Ticket # 0008 Maryanne Ure March 9, 2011: Ticket # 0736 Walter & Krystyna Krawek March 10, 2011: Ticket # 1090 Larry Grynek March 11, 2011: Ticket # 0121 Heather Pollock March 12, 2011: Ticket # 0543 Wes Zaleski March 14, 2011: Ticket # 0089 Catherine McComber March 15, 2011: Ticket # 0712 Kathy Hoban March 16, 2011: Ticket # 0501 Grant & Shannon Johnson March 17, 2011: Ticket # 0807 Josie Villowverde March 18, 2011: Ticket # 1184 Crystal Delaurier March 19, 2011: Ticket # 0941 Ed Friesen March 21, 2011: Ticket # 0734 Doug Glover March 22, 2011: Ticket # 0308 Michael Warkentin March 23, 2011: Ticket # 0165 Korean Veteran Association March 24, 2011: Ticket # 0237 Karilee & Rick Syrenne March 25, 2011: Ticket # 0351 Lynn & Glenn Broten March 26, 2011: Ticket # 0462 James Neirinck March 28, 2011: Ticket # 0175 Corrine Watts March 29, 2011: Ticket # 0462 James Neirinck March 30, 2011: Ticket # 0580 Elisa Rubio March 31, 2011: Ticket # 0883 Pat Petrash April 1, 2011: Ticket # 0340 Shalab Tirandaz April 2, 2011: Ticket # 0496 Moira Crossland April 4, 2011: Ticket # 0121 Heather Pollock April 5, 2011: Ticket # 0722 Carolynne Scott April 6, 2011: Ticket # 0411 Darlene Lane April 7, 2011: Ticket # 1292 Floyd Heppner April 8, 2011: Ticket # 0569 Aurel Tess April 9, 2011: Ticket # 1013 Pat Evanson April 11, 2011: Ticket # 0918 Kathryn McCall April 12, 2011: Ticket # 0247 Connie Lofto April 13, 2011: Ticket # 0882 Karen Tordon April 14, 2011: Ticket # 0072 Cheryl & Allen Nixon April 15, 2011: Ticket # 0317 Joy Tanchuk April 16, 2011: Ticket # 0785 Mary Michelle Nicolas April 18, 2011: Ticket # 0950 Carl Starodub April 19, 2011: Ticket # 0845 Rob Rhynard April 20, 2011: Ticket # 0357 Rosie Sikora April 21, 2011: Ticket # 0368 Fred Wickenden April 22, 2011: Ticket # 0016 Wally Zinyk April 23, 2011: Ticket # 0030 Deborah Hildebrandt April 25, 2011: Ticket # 0336 Mark O’Neill April 26, 2011: Ticket # 1059 Mike Buck April 27, 2011: Ticket # 0141 Bill Kitching April 28, 2011: Ticket # 0505 Bonnie Carlson April 29, 2011: Ticket # 0169 Michael Czuboko April 30, 2011: Ticket # 1303 Amber Yorski May 2, 2011: Ticket # 1025 Gisele Coote May 3, 2011: Ticket # 0615 Army, Navy Air Force #1 May 4, 2011: Ticket # 0835 Myron Cote May 5, 2011: Ticket # 0835 Myron Cote May 6, 2011: Ticket # 0413 Lee Ann Nilsson May 7, 2011: Ticket # 0583 Kelly & Ryan Vipond May 9, 2011: Ticket # 1056 Brittney Bell May 10, 2011: Ticket # 0613 Jack Mahwhinney May 11, 2011: Ticket # 1012 Gaylene Mussy May 12, 2011: Ticket # 0725 Mavis Maslow May 13, 2011: Ticket # 0395 Lori Earle May 14, 2011: Ticket # 0724 Elaine Stevenson May 16, 2011: Ticket # 1253 Lillian Mortensen May 17, 2011: Ticket # 1302 Bernie Borge May 18, 2011: Ticket # 1013 Pat Evason May 19, 2011: Ticket # 0076 Henry & Brenda Harder May 20, 2011: Ticket # 1295 Richard Gosek May 21, 2011: Ticket # 0931 Pat Wirth May 23, 2011: Ticket # 0909 Fred Murray May 24, 2011: Ticket # 0198 Mylaine Lefteruk May 25, 2011: Ticket # 0909 Fred Murray May 26, 2011: Ticket # 0882 Karen Tordon May 27, 2011: Ticket # 0423 Shane Lister May 28, 2011: Ticket # 1134 Deirdre McComber May 30, 2011: Ticket # 1171 Dustin Gosnell May 31, 2011: Ticket # 0877 Gordon Mackie June 1, 2011: Ticket # 1311 James Measham June 2, 2011: Ticket # 0962 Evelyn Gariepy June 3, 2011: Ticket # 0301 Kelly Gross June 4, 2011: Ticket # 0674 Bruce Bonney June 6, 2011: Ticket # 0244 Sylvie Axelrod June 7, 2011: Ticket # 0714 Hans Thieme June 8, 2011: Ticket # 0049 Leanne & Wayne Yashuk June 9, 2011: Ticket # 0800 Joanne Malenko June 10, 2011: Ticket # 1050 Marla Zieba June 11, 2011: Ticket # 1183 Laurie Zaporzan June 13, 2011: Ticket # 0707 Dave Jowett June 14, 2011: Ticket # 0277 Rose Semenchuk June 15, 2011: Ticket # 0083 Kris Ramsay June 16, 2011: Ticket # 1058 Mike Buck June 17, 2011: Ticket # 1037 Deanna Roy June 18, 2011: Ticket # 0853 Ward Karlberg June 20, 2011: Ticket # 0054 Michelle Zayshley June 21, 2011: Ticket # 1331 Jim Dudko June 22, 2011: Ticket # 0224 Sue Lanctot June 23, 2011: Ticket # 1308 Pam Dobson June 24, 2011: Ticket # 0022 Liana Vivier June 25, 2011: Ticket # 0974 Jock Amos June 27, 2011: Ticket # 0150 Phyllis, Ethel, Sandy, Barb & Adeline June 28, 2011: Ticket # 0654 Robin Lake June 29, 2011: Ticket # 0789 Redena Hinton June 30, 2011: Ticket # 0586 Army, Navy, Air Force # 0283 Congratulations to all winners and good luck to everyone for the second round of draws being held on Main street on July 18th, 2011 at 11:00am. Cheques will be available for pick up Monday, February 14th, 2011, Tuesday, February 15th, 2011 & Wednesday, February 16th, 2011 between 8a.m. to 4p.m. After that they will be sent out by mail. Thank you for your continued support of Deer Lodge Centre. If there are any questions or concerns please feel free to contact Christine Brown at 831.2113 or at cbrown4@deerlodge.mb.ca Most Calendars Sold Contest Winner: Tracy Thiele News from the New and Noteworthy J.@W. the J.W.Crane Crane Memorial Library Library, Deer Lodge Centre ...Canada’s and best-known special library on aging long-term ...Canada’s largest and largest best-known special library on and aging andcare long-term care New Online Journal Journal of Assistive Technologies, a peerreviewed journal that brings together the people who use assistive technologies and the people who write about and research its use. This journal provides a user focus on a) current and new assistive and enabling technologies; and, b) telecare and e-inclusion in health and social care that promotes independence. This journal addresses ethics, policy, legislation and issues for day-to-day practice. Articles focus on how people use assistive and enabling technologies, rather than solely on the technology itself, and raise awareness of available technologies for a wide and varied readership. Disability and Rehabilitation Education Research Social Sciences Aging Computer Appl. In Social and Behavioral Sciences Health Care Rehabilitation Intellectual Disability and Learning Disability It is a hugely valuable source of information for academics, universities and colleges, purchasers and providers of technology, practitioners, policymakers, people working in learning disability, housing and older people services, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, assistive technologists, clinical and rehabilitation engineers, education services, local authorities, healthcare providers, carers, users of services and students. Sign up for the J.W. Crane Memorial Library’s Current Alert Service To receive the table of content for each issue Via e-mail. The Library is operated by the University of Manitoba Libraries and is located in Deer Lodge Centre Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm Phone 831-2152 dlclibrary@umanitoba.ca www.umanitoba.ca/libraries/health/deerlodge SAVE THE DATE! Education Day for Support Staff Challenges in Caring for the Older Adult: Focus on the 4 F’s (Function, Feeding, Falls, and Frailty) Intended Audience: Support Staff (e.g. HCA’s, Nursing Assistants, Rehab Aides/Assistants) who provide direct care to older adults and who work in acute or rehabilitation settings in the WRHA Wednesday, May 25, 2011 8 am to 4 pm Deer Lodge Centre Keynote Speaker: Dr. S. Thille, Geriatrician Guest Speakers: Jill Moats, Occupational Therapist: Function Robert Plaetinck, Speech Language Pathologist: Feeding Brent Winstone, Physical Therapist: Falls Derrick Vergara, Clinical Assistant: Frailty Poh-Lin Lim, Registered Nurse: Case Studies Further details regarding registration and cost to follow Sponsored by: WRHA Regional Advisory Committee for Excellence in Care of Older Adults (ECOA) Used Clothing & Goods Sale Next Sales: Feb. 22nd & Mar. 8th 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Main Floor, Deer Lodge Centre Greece I found it at Second Debut DLC Are you a Metis health worker? We would like to hear from you! Are you interested in taking part in a study? The Resilient Indigenous Health Workforce Networks project is looking for Metis health workers to participate in a two year project. The purpose of this project is to identify how networks might best support Metis health workers. Participation will include a brief interview and questionnaire at the beginning and end of the study as well as online activities. If you are interested in participating and/or would like further information, please contact Dr. Julianne Sanguins at sanguins@cc.umanitoba.ca or (204) 586-8474 ext 378. Please visit us at www.metishealthworkers.com Principal Investigator – Dr. Judith Bartlett PRESENTS THE B R E E Z Y B E N D C O U N T RY C L U B T H U R S D A Y , J U LY 7 , 2 0 1 1 S H O T G U N S TA R T AT 1 2 N O O N S C R A M B L E F O R M AT CALL 831-2900 OR VISIT DEERLODGE.MB.CA