magazine references
magazine references
best soft are u~right videos MODEL/MANUFACTURER RATING MODEL/MANUFACTURER DIST. RATING DIST. • 1 PIT-FIGHTER (Atari) (1) 9.11 27% 1 FINAL FIGHT [H] (Capcom) (8) 8.81 87% • 2 3 4 5 TMNT (TURTLES) (Konami) (10) HARD DRIVIN' (Atari) (19) G-LOC(Sega) (4) MOONWALKER(Sega) (1) 9.02 8.63 8.52 8.26 97% 52% 35% 29% 2 MAGIC SWORD IHI (Capeom) (1) 8.77 31% 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 FINAL LAP (Atari) (23) FOURTRAX (Atari) (2) BEASTBUSTERS(SNK) (9) GALAXY FORCE(Sega) (5) SMASH TV (Williams) (4) OFFROAD (Leland) (19) 2-DUDEOFFROAD(Leland) (5) S.C.1. (Taito) (9) BIG RUN (Jaleeo) (5) OUT RUN (Sega) (46) MERCS(Capeom) (6) 8.10 8.07 8.03 7.94 7.86 7.55 7.43 7.40 7.40 7.21 7.20 27% 10% 21% 12% 62% 68% 15% 29% 10% 64% 56% 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8.54 8.00 7.95 7.88 7.77 7.48 7.35 33% 10% 16% 37% 79% 61% 14% 10 CADASH IHI (Taito) (6) 11 HYDRA IHI (Atari) (3) 12 GATEOF DOOM [HJ(Data East)(2) 7.33 7.30 7.28 28% 28% 13% 17 TURBOOUT RUN+ (Sega) (15) 7.19 18 OPERATIONTHUNDERBOLT(Taito)(18)7.09 52% 49% 13 14 15 16 17 7.27 7.10 7.08 7.01 6.96 23% 55% 9% 74% 16% 18 PIGSKIN [HI (Midway) (2) 6.92 18% 19 META FOX IVI (I-Vies) (2) 20 SNOW BROS. IHI (Romstar) (3) 6.90 6.81 7% 19% • 19 CHASEH.C. (Taito) (22) 7.07 52% 20 21 22 23 24 25 6.85 6.83 6.83 6.68 6.62 6.60 57% 57% 42% 15% 31% 34% AFTERBURNER(Sega) (35) SUPERHANG-ON(Sega) (39) CYBERBALL2072 (Atari) (9) BATILE SHARK (Taito) (4) POWERDRIFT (Sega) (16) S.T.U.N. RUNNER(Atari) (11) • • • • 1 RACEDRIVIN' Is/dl (Atari) 2 BONANZABROS. lu/rl (Sega) 3 AIR INFERNOIs/dl (Taito) • RATING: DIST.: Page 4 MVP IHI (Sega) (6) ALIENS IHI (Konami) (6) AIR BUSTERIHI (Sharp Image) (4) GOLDENAXE IHI (Sega) (16) CHAMP. WRESTLINGIHI(Taito)(1) [H] horizontal + indicates game was produced in both dedicated & suttv.'are forms b NEO.GEO lSI (SNK) (3) RAIDEN IVI (Fabtek) (2) VIOLENCEFIGHTIHI (Taito) (7) OFFROADTRAK PAK IRI (Leland) (5) WWFSUPERSTARSIHI(Teehnos)(15) COMBATRIBESIHI (Am. Teehnos) (4) THUNDERFOX IHI (Taito) (3) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8.38 7.10 7.00 [V] vertical [SJ system [R] retrofit DINER (Williams) (2) WHIRLWIND (Williams) (8) ELVIRA (Midway)(12) BACKTO THE FUTURE(D.E.) (3) EARTHSHAKER(Williams) (18) 8.74 8.34 8.09 7.95 7.87 51% 71% 57% 32% 58% PHANTOMOFTHE OPERA(D.E.) (7) RADICAL (Midway) (3) POLICEFORCE(Williams) (12) ROLLERGAMES (Williams) (5) CYCLONE(Williams} (29) 7.77 7.77 7.48 7.46 7.28 39% 20% 52% 42% 68% available brand new at certain distributors; number fol/owing brand shows months on chart including this one. Operators were mailed "ballot sheets" listing games in active operation in U.S. locations and game centers and asked to "rate" the earningper10rmance of each on the "1 to 10" measure: 10for "power-house earnings, "g for "excellent," 8 for "very good game, " 7 for "good game, "6 for "decent game, "5 for ''lust average, "4 for "below average, "etc. The written votes were tallied up and divided by the actual number of times the specific game was rated. Hence, the decimal points. The percentage of the surveyed arcade and street location operators who have the item on location. No upright videos rated by less than 10% of these operators appear on the Upright Videos ch:;;rt, but promising new items appear under Best New Videos. Qaober 1990 RePlay Magazine • AMOA - SUITE DE LA PAGE 6 Video II faut reconnaitre qu'une vaste place dans I'AM.O.A etait tenue par un type de jeu qui eChappe au domaine d'activite de I'exploitant fran<;:ais. IIs'agit d'appareils qui, au lieu de parties gratuites, distribuent aux joueurs des points sous forme de ticket. A tout seigneur, tout honneur. Nous commencerons par ATARI qui, ces derniers mois, caracole en tete des classements par recette aux U.S.A Sur ce stand, la promotion PIT-FIGHTER eta it assuree par un catcheur rappelant que, pour la premiere fois, ATARIpropose un jeu de combat. En fonction du nombre de points gagnes, Ie joueur echange ses tickets contre un ou plusieurslots. Inutile de vous preciser que dans les pays ou i1ssont autorises, ces appareils font un veritable malheur, les lots mis en jeu pouvant aller du plus insignifiant au plus important et constituant une fabuleuse motivation pour les clients. Les plus grands fabricants se penchent sur ce terrain en pleine expansion, a I'image de GOTTLIEB PREMIER qui, a cote de son dernier flipper. proposait deux appareils qui, bien que d'une esthetique proche du pinball, s'averaient etre des appareils de type distributeur de tickets. Si Ie theme n'est pas veritablement nouveau, par contre, Ie procede de digitalisation de I'image donne une qua lite graphique veritablement exceptionnelle. Un coup d'essai qui va certainement pousser les ingenieurs d' ATARI a poursuivre dans la voie du jeu de combat. Autre attraction sur ce stand, Ie RACE DRIVIN, un cockpit qui presente plus qu'un air de fa mille avec Ie celebre HARDDRIVINpuisqu'i1reprend en les ameliorant les recettes de son aine, permettant cette fois au joueur de choisir entre differents modeles de voitures de sport ou de decouvrir les difficultes de I'autocross. G.MANTEL en compagnie de MM. PIERRE et DESROUSSEAUX Une autre surprisede ce Salon fut I'absence des simulateurs aussi 50phistiques qu'encombrants que nous avions pu decouvrir a la J.AM.M.A On peut penser qu'avant de les lancer a I'assaut des marches internationaux, les createurs preferent les roder sur leur marche interieur. Mais rassurez-vous, I'AM.O.A 90 presentait tout de meme ce qui se fait de mieux dans I'automatique et not Ie;notJe;e;ommesattaches a vous Egalement presente chez ATARL GUMBALLRALLY, un jeu de conduite original qui, malheureusement. ne delivre que des tickets a echanger contre un lot. Peu de chance de Ie rencontrer dans une exploitation franc;:aise,compte tenu de la legislation actuelle ! Mais si ATARI a incontestablement Ie vent en poupe, WILLIAMS BALLY semble etre un rival a la hauteur de I'enjeu. Le geant du flipper n'entend pas rester sur sa position et, sous I'impul_: __ -J_ .-. _ .. _ ..A :..-.l,...._J. MM. BERTHIER et W1DERSKI (WOK France) entourant D. SMfTHde la societe ATARI .... If) z C'.l .•...• o !-! (nlW([ _'0:: ,n ([0 Ij) il. VI u: ;:::. 1-0 til ZUI::IC •... U)i..i.' ~ "::i;.: Q (j) .•....• <1: (..1. ~ LJj T-I f..J LL,(f)~-.(I , (( W <I •..-, f.J) zmcr.:co l • c:i: LL xlCD LL, ••..• o!-! t..)Z wccmlL .•...• '.1:U .~T -l t.') :r.: ;.--t i-. 01-; '7.t' 01 ::> <I CLE . ,,' . AMOl' EXPO '90 COVERACE What's hot, what's new and where to ..get It THE JUKEBOX INCANADA Music operators' opinions, technical advice and more TOP TEN GAME POLL DEDICATED VIDEO GAMES TITLE (Manufacturer) RANK Previous Hard Drivin' (Atari) 1. (5) Pit-Fighter (Atari) 2. (1) Hit The Ice (Williams) 3. (-) Final Lap (Atari) 4. (-) Space Gun (Taito) 5. (-) G-LOC (Sega) 6. (2) Chase HQ (Taito) 7. (-) 8. (-) Top Landing 0 Teenage M.N. Turtles (Konami) 9. (3) Meres (Capcom) 10. (-) o RATING 4.1 4.1 4.0 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.0 2.6 10 2 3.8 3.6 3.5 3.3 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.9 2.8 2 For this game poll we compiled results received by operators on their opinions as to which were their top earning games, in three categories: dedicated video, video kits and pinballs. Each game was rated on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 repr:esenting superior earnings. To the left are the results of this poll. 6" 10 6 VIDEO KITS 1. (2) 2. (5) 3. (-) 4. (-) 5. (6) 6. (1) 7. (-) 8. (-) . 9. (-) 10. (-) Nee-Geo (SNK) MVP (Sega) Hammering Harry (Irem) Ataxx (Leland) . Final Fight (Capcom) Magic Sword (Capcom) . 'Outzone (Romstar) Raiden (Fabtek) Double Dragon III (Amer. Technos) •. Cadash (Talto) 2 - We invite all operators in Canada to participate in future polling. All you need do is fill out the form located at the bottom of this page and send the results by telephone, mail or fax to our editorial offices. 10 4 4 - PINBALL MACHINES 1. (-) _ 2. (2) 3. (4) 4. (1) 5. (8) 6. (-) 7 (10) 8. (3) 9. (6) 10. (5) r------- The Simpsons (Data East) Dr. Dude (Midway) . Elvira & the Party Monsters (Midway) Back To The Future (Data East) Phantom of the Opera (Data East) Police Force (Williams) Whirlwind (Williams) Riverboat Gambler (Williams) Diner (Williams) Earthshaker (Williams) ----- --- .. -- --.------ An explanAtion MONTHS ON CHART 5.0 4.0 3.6 3.3 3.3 3.2 3.2 3.0 2.6 2.4 - We also encourage comment on this poll. Perhaps there is information lacking you wish to have included, or a different way to compile the results. The only way we'll know is if you tell us. 2 10 2 8 8 6 2 2 8 (For infonnation purposes only) ----------------- .. ._._. __. . .__, Top Ten Game Poll For Next Issue: Return ASAP Please fill out this poll as completely as you can and return immediately to: Poll Results, Canadian Coin Box Magazine, 106 Lakeshore Rd. E, Suite 209, Port Credit, Ont. LSG lE3 or fax to 416-271-6373.Your name and address are for verification purposes only. (CANADIAN OPERATORS ONLY, TOP DEDICATED VIDEOS PL TOP VIDEO KITS TOP PINBALL MACHINES Rank Title Pts (1-5,5 is superior) EA Rank Title Pts SB1-5, 5 is superior) Rank Title Pts (1-5,5 is superior) 2. 3. --1) 1. 2. 3. 2. 3. _ _ 4. 4. 4. _ 5. 5. 5. _ 6. 6. _ 7. 8. 7. 8. _ _ 9. 10. 9. 10. _ 1. ----- _---- - _----- _---- 1. ---------- _ Name: _ Company: _ Telephone: _---- ..--------------------------------------.-------------- _ .. ----- _ ~QUIPMENT POLL VIDEO KITS GAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Final Flight (Capcam) Turbo Out Run (Sega) Ataxx (Leland) Cyberball 2072 (Atan) Track-Pak (Leland) Magic Sword (Capcam) Rai Den (Fabtek) WWF Super Stars (Am. Technas) Baseball Stars (SNK) Champion Wrestler (Taita) All American Football (Leland) Tetris (Atan) Super Spy (SNK) Smash TV (Williams) RoadBlasters (Atan) Hydra (Atan) M.V.P. (Sega) Golden Axe (Sega) POINT LONGEVITY VALUE POINTS 8.37 7.38 7.33 7.30 7.30 7.21 7.18 7.16 529 693 78 405 222 99 158 691 7.00 7.00 81 32 6.94 335 6.89 6.88 6.80 6.74 6.50 6.47 6.42 262 18 228 212 73 163 574 GAME 19 Championship Sprint (A tan) 20. Cadash (Taita) 21. Blood Bras. (Fabtek) 22. Hammerin' Harry (Fabtek) 23. Gate of Doom (Data East) 24. Combatribes (Am. Technas) 25. Capcom Bowling (Capcam) 26. Double Dragon 3 (Am. Technas) 27. Arch Rivals (Bally/Midway) 28. Thunder Fox (Taita) 29. Punk Shot (Kanam/) 30. Strata Bowling (Strata) 31. Snow Bros. (Ramstar) 32. Out Zone (Ramstar) 33. Tecmo World Cup '90 (Tecma) 34. Crime City (Taita) 35. Magician Lord (SNK) POINT LONGEVITY POINTS VALUE 6.25 55 6.17 6.14 6.13 6.06 59 6.03 6.00 6.00 106 150 5.94 5.91 5.83 5.80 5.77 5.75 5.75 407 5.70 5.56 39 10 . . . . . . . .3 13 VIDEO DEDICATED GAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Hard Drivin' (Atan) Pit-Fighter (Atan) Race Drivin' (Atan) TMNT (Kanam/) Final Lap (Atan) Four Trax (Atan) G P Rider (Sega) Super Off Road (Leland) POINT LONGEVITY VALUE POINTS 8.64 1,101 8.61 143 8.43 146 7.93 625 7.84 760 7.63 389 7.40 37 7.38 844 GAME 9. Out Run (Sega) 10. Hit the Ice (Williams) 11. Team Quarterback (Leland) 12. Space Gun (Taita) 13. Chase H.Q. (Taita) 14. Oper. Thunderbolt (Taita) 15. G-Lac (Sega) POINT LONGEVITY VALUE POINTS 7.21 7.09 7.08 628 56 411 7.00 6.82 6.82 6.79 21 452 617 227 PINBALLS GAME 1. The Simpsans (Data East) 2. Dr. Dude (Bally/Midway) 3. Elvira (Bally/Midway) 4. Whirlwind (Williams) 5. Riverboat Gambler (Williams) 6. Cyclone (Williams) 7. Earthshaker (Williams) 8. Police Force (Williams) POINT LONGEVITY VALUE POINTS 8.71 8.17 7.76 7.60 99 41 577 470 7.42 7.41 7.29 7.29 110 755 894 530 GAME 9. Back ta the Future (Data East) 10. Mon. Night F'ball (Data East) 11. High Speed (Williams) 12. Taxi (Williams) 13. Pinbot (Williams) 14. Rollergames (Williams) 15. Phantom of the Opera (Data East) POINT LONGEVITY VALUE POINTS 6.65 46 6.65 334 6.53 6.48 6.46 6.43 6.39 247 512 300 169 291 • New or reappearing games; look for longevity points next month. January 1991/PLAY METER 9 GAME 1. High Impact Football (Williams) 2. Final Flight (Capcom) 3. Track.Pak (Leland) 4. Magic Sword (Capcom) 5. Cyberball 2072 (Atan) 6. Turbo Out Run (Sega) 7. WWF Super Stars (American Technos) Smash TV (Williams) Arch Rivals (Bally/Midway) Hit The Ice (Williams) Rai Den (Fabtek) Golden Axe (Sega) Tetris (Atan) Aliens (Konam/) Roadblasters (Atan) Championship Sprint (A tan) Champion Wrestler (Taito) Blood Bros. (Fabtek) POINT LONGEVITY POINTS VALUE 8.70 46 8.19 7.58 7.54 7.50 7.36 7.27 573 258 133 437 723 719 7.17 7.10 7.00 6.86 6.83 6.83 6.64 6.61 6.55 255 431 77 177 592 279 170 223 79 GAME 19. Combatribes (American Technos) 20. OJ Boy (American Sammy) 21. Ataxx (Leland) 22. Hammerin' Harry (Fabtek) 23. Hydra (Atan) 24. All American Football (Leland) 25. Gate of Doom (Data East) 26. Buster Bros. (Capcom) 27. Capcom Bowling (Capcom) 28. U.S. Classic (Taito) 29. M.V.P. (Sega) 30. Cadash (Taito) 31. Moonwalker (Sega) 32. Crime City (Taito) 33. Thunder Fox (Taito) 34. U.N. Squadron (Capcom) 35. Snow Bros. (Romstar) POINT LONGEVITY POINTS VALUE 6.20 118 6.00 5.93 5.83 5.80 5.80 5.71 5.70 5.60 5.60 5.57 5.57 5.33 5.09 5.00 4.80 4.40 78 73 335 150 163 80 94 3 VIDEO DEDICATED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. GAME Race Drivin' (Atan) Hard Drivin' (Atan) Final Lap (Atan) Pit Fighter (Atan) TMNT (Konam/) . G-Loc (Sega) Space Gun (Taito) Super Off Road (Leland) GAME 1. The Simpsons (Data East) 2. Fun House (Williams) 3. Elvira (Bally/Midway) 4. Whirlwind (Williams) 5. Dr. Dude (Bally/Midway) 6. Earthshaker (Williams) 7. Cyclone (Williams) 8. Phantom of the Opera (Data East) POINT LONGEVITY POINTS VALUE 9.33 9.08 8.29 8.11 8.08 7.63 7.60 7.57 196 1060 805 185 666 265 58 879 POINT LONGEVITY POINTS VALUE 8.83 147 8.73 8.16 8.06 7.92 7.53 7.11 7.09 47 620 510 125 927 780 314 GAME 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Oper. Thunderbolt (Taito) Chase H.O. (Taito) Galaxy Force (Sega) Beast Busters (SNK) Mechanized Attack (SNK) Out Run (Sega) Pigskin 621 A.D. (Bally/Midway) GAME 9. Back to the Future (Data East) 10. Rollergames (Williams) 11. Radical (Bally/Midway) 12. Mousin' Around (Bally/Midway) 13. Taxi (Williams) 14. Jokerz! (Williams) 15. Pinbot (Williams) POINT LONGEVITY POINTS VALUE 7.36 7.31 7.17 7.00 6.75 6.63 6.63 648 481 150 244 264 641 20 POINT LONGEVITY POINTS VALUE 7.00 68 6.67 6.50 6.14 184 30 320 6.13 5.79 5.76 512 462 300 February 1991/PLAY METER 9 BUSINESS BRIEFING is considered a good run." . , Manufacturers hope to revitalize the industry with technology. "Over the past few years, arcade video games have One of the big winners so far in the lost some of the technological edge over Persian Gulf has been Cable News Nethome entertainment systems;' says Jowork, which has s.een' its .viewership seph Keenan, president of Data East rocket since the fighting began in midGrocers Sprout Guide USA Inc. The San Jose, Calif., game .. January. But success costs money, and' . maker will test-market a' few dozen CNN is still scrambling to cover the for 'Green Marketing' Fearful of becoming ensnarCd in a' Thunderstorm games next month. The estimated $6 million in war-related exhelicopter action game uses Intel's digihodgepodge of state laws policing envipenses it is incurring each. month. tal video interactive technology to cre- . ronmental pitches, a coalition of trade ate superior sound and graphics "that associatio~s representing every facet of approach film quality;' Keenan says. the grocery industry has taken the unTwo other video games using the same usual step of asking for federal guidetechnology are being developed . lines on "green marketing." . Atari Corp. is taking the same apIn a petition submitted to the Federal proach with Pit-Fighter, a game that 1fade Commission last month, II trade simulates a no-holds-barred street fight. groups proposed their own national guidelines for the use of such terms as The game's digitized graphics allow for detail down to the eyeliner worn by one "recycled;' "reusable" and "compostof the female characters. Atari claims able" on product packaging. . that Pit-Fighter, introduced in August, At least five states already have rules has been one of its most successful governing environmental claims on the games in five years, and the Sunnyvale, books, while several more have legisla~ tion pending. "No company will invest Calif., corporation plans to introduce two more games with enhanced graph~ in environmental marketing if it must ics before the end of the year. w comply with 50 conflicting state stanArcade aficionados can expect to see ~. dards;' says John R. Cady, president of greater technical sophistication in the ~ the National Food Processors Associcl ation, the leader of the industry initia- future. "To provide players with a visual and sensory experience that they can't . tive. Environmentalists likely will oppose . get at home, manufacturers will have to make games even more interactive with the industry coalition's guidelines in faAn attempt in late January to cope vor of more exacting recommendations with that by pushing up advertising offered recently by a group of state atrates, however, has been met with torneys general in "The Green Report." . mixed reviews in the ad community. Despite the strong appeals, the FTC Although CNN says most advertisers is not expected to move quickly on the seem willing to buy new spots at the guidelines. Some believe it may side30-second, prime-time rate of $20,000 step the issue altogether, preferring to (a hefty jump from $3,500 in early Janlimit its role to' preventing deceptive uary), the Atlanta-based network is havadvertising and leaving any standard . ing a harder time coaxing its advertisers setting to Congress or the states. to give back commercial time they have already paid for. Now the company is trying to boost Home Games Giving a: its revenues by recycling the best of its Arcades a Drubbing war coverage. In early March, CNN With the heady days of Pac-Man ~ will release a one-hour video called fading into memory, the arcade video "Operation Desert Storm: The War Bebusiness shows few signs of recovering ~ gins;' which features a historical overfrom the beating it has been taking since Detail makes Pit-Fighter a contender. view of the Middle East along with the mid-1980s. "Sales of new games footage from the network's war covhave continued to decline, dropping 12 endless variables to guarantee that the erage. "This is one of the most dramatic game play will always be different;' percent in 1990;' says Valerie Cognestories of our time. Viewers who were says Dean Gamburd, business manager vich, editor of Play Meter, a trade unable to watch these reports as they for C. A. Robinson & Co., a major monthly for the coin-operated amuseunfolded will now have a permanent West Coast game distributor. However, ment industry. Arcade operators blame record of the event;' says Steve ChamGamburd cautions manufacturers not to the increasingly sophisticated home berlain, executive vice president of Turrely too much on technology: "Fancy video market, as well as ovcrsaturation ner Home Entertainment, a video disgraphics and other enhancements are,' in the arcades. In the earl y 1980s some tribution and merchandising arm of not enough. To captivate players, the 250,000 Pac-Man games were sold, Turner Broadcasting System Inc., game itself has got to be intriguing." Cognevich says. "Now, with so many CNN's'parent company. Although two - Susan Dillingham titles out there, sales of 25,000 games previously' released news-related CNN CNN Scrambles to Pay Cost of War Coverage . videos ("The Reagan Years~'and "Oliver North: His Story") sold fewer than, 20,000 copies each, the company plans. to ship some 200,000 copies of the $14.95 Desert Storm video to retailers. . . 8 INSIGHT I MARCH 1I. 199I 42 I ,~I ' 1- :.•.•,..••..'i.i.i.'..•.'.'..'•.'.:'.' ........•.•• }:., ••.••...•.•.......•... CV'l"' ••. 0 ( .••.••... •••••. _"""--_~~V",,,,-- 2LTECH V_"_' TO U •.•. :;;;;;:;::;;.;J ....•.•.•. ,.•.'.•.•.•.•.•. '.•.'.•.•. '.•.•,.•.•.•. ' .•.•.•.••. ' .••.•i.' .••,..•.•.•.,.''.•.'.•,.•.•.•..•.... '.•.•.,•..•.. ,.,..'.,•..•.:.•.'.•..•,..•,.•...• «.U._"""--"""--,,,,,,---,-_-,-.,,;,;,;... .nn._~-,- ..•.• : ....•.:••.•••.•.:.•..••.••. i .•.•.•. : ".,' . •.•........•.•.•.•.....•.....•...•. A t 1..991.................. . . •••:::):< .•. ••,••.." ••:}\ ••\ ( ••••••••••• ::: 'i1gilS : .. 1991 AMOA Awards No111inations Award winners wiU be announced and honored at the Amusement & Music Operators Association's 1991 Awards Show on September 13 in Las Vegas. MOST PLAYED VIDEO GAME (DEDICATED) Hard Driving Man - Atari Neo Geo - SNK Pit Fighter - Atari Race Drivin' - Atari Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Konami MOST PLAYED PINBALL GAMES Earth Shaker - Williams Elvira - Bally Fun House - Williams The Simpsons - Data East Whirlwind - Williams MOST PLAYED CoNVERSION KITS Bowling - Capcom Final Fight - Capcom Hi Impact - Williams Raiden - Fabtek Street Fight II - Cap com MOST INNOVATIVE NEW TECHNOLOGY Checkpoint Pinball Dot Matrix - Data East F15 Strike Eagle - MicroProse Mad Dog McCree - Betson Neo Geo - SNX Pit Fighter Digital Pictures - Atari Putting ChaUenge - Ice MOST PLAYED DART GAME Arachnid Merit Valley MOST PLAYED POOl TABLE Dynamo Valley UBI MOST PLAYED JUKEBOX NSM CD NSM Firebird (Wall Unit) Rowe CD Rowe (45rpm) MOST PLAYED REDEMPTION GAME Big Choice - Betson Pop a Shot - Pop a Shot Shoot to Win - Smart SkeebaIl - Skeeball Super Single - Smart MOST POPULAR OTHER GAME Air Hockey - Dynamo FoosbaU - Dynamo FoosbaU - Tornado Putting ChaUenge - Ice Shuifl.e Alley - Williams J