Rockin` Times - Chicago`s Windy City Jitterbug Club
Rockin` Times - Chicago`s Windy City Jitterbug Club
March - April 2011 Rockin' Times Hotline 773.467.0177 * E-mail: * Website: Our first electronic newsletter went out with only a few minor problems. We on the board want to thank everyone who has signed up so far and of course encourage those of you who have not to please do so. Remember, if you have any questions don’t hesitate to speak to a board member about this. Here are some comparison figures just to show you what we will be saving: Sep/Oct newsletter – 500 printed cost was $1,180. Nov/Dec newsletter – 500 printed cost was $1,277. Jan/Feb newsletter 300 printed cost was $583. The Sep. and Nov. newsletters were bigger than the January one and both had more inserts, however, the cost savings is still significant and will continue to be so. We will be keeping track this first year to see how much we have actually saved Joanne Kokalj and will forward that information on to you. I want to say a big thank President you to our First Vice-President, Ralph Dahma who has put in a lot of time and effort to make this happen. We have two raffles going on right now, so make sure you buy a ticket. Our first raffle is for a 3-night stay at the Westin in Itasca for June 30th, July 1st and 2, which of course is the weekend of Sweet Home Chicago. Along with the 3-night stay you will receive a breakfast buffet for two each morning. Tickets are $5 each; contact Mike Lapina at 630-231-7644 or email him at, and of course you can see Mike at any of the dances. We will announce the winner at our June 4th dance; winner need not be present to win. Our second raffle, which will be announced on Saturday, July 2nd at Sweet Home Chicago is for a $1,000 cash first prize and a $250 cash second prize. Tickets are $5 each; see Ralph Dahma or contact him at 224-627-0423 or email him at Winner need not be present, although we would like everyone to be there that weekend for Sweet Home Chicago. These raffles help offset the cost of running Sweet Home Chicago and are a great opportunity to take a chance on winning some really nice prizes. It’s not too soon to think about purchasing your Sweet Home Chicago ticket. Come see me at any of the dances or mail a form in to me. Don’t forget if you can get 10 of your friends together you can reserve a table. Please see important information inside of this newsletter about the most recent by-law change. Also, a by-law committee is being established to thoroughly look over our by-laws. The reason for establishing this committee IS NOT to make any major changes, but to clarify and expand on certain articles in our by-laws that leave too much room for interpretation. It is our goal to make the club stronger and to protect it as much as possible for the future. You will be receiving further information on this subject. We are in the early stages of planning a CWCJC Road Trip for the summer, and it’s going to be great fun. We are going to Milwaukee on July 28th on 2 CWCJC JitterBuses! The plan is for our first stop to be a tour of the Miller Brewing Co., which includes free samples. Then we are off to Miller Park to watch the Cubs play the Brewers at 1:10pm. After the game we are heading for Pottawatomi Casino for some more fun. We will have a sign up sheet beginning with our Feb.19th dance. The cost is $49 per person. As of this writing, we have room for only 20 more people, so don’t miss out on this fun outing. More details to follow soon. See you at the dance, Joanne CWCJC Photos As always, you can view all of the latest CWCJC photos at our club's photo site: . CENTERSTAGE GET WELL WISHES TO: Bill Weiler, Priscilla Paterson, Gloria Medel and Renee Lugo OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHY TO: Lyn Alongi, whose mother passed away recently. Also, condolences to the friends & family of longtime CJC member Barbara Plumley-Sand, who passed away in February. ON A SAD NOTE: CWCJC wishes to express our sympathy to the family and friends of our fellow club member & D-Day Veteran Bill Schoepke. Bill passed away on January 25th. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS: Roy Metoyer and Bonnie Coutee DON’T FORGET: Visit our Web site frequently: . There are hundreds of photos of members, as well as new Pay Pal information. Also, bookmark for the latest ABA news, including cruise info. Our next meetings will be March 9th and April 13th, at the American Legion Hall beginning at 7:00pm. Meeting Recaps October Checking:11009.89 Money Market: 11878 Interest .50 Membership: 531 New: 1 Merchandise Sales:$ 97 Guest DJ 10/30 Bud Waters November 8149.30 11878.49 .49 524 New: 2 $30 11/20 Birthday Dance /Profit 822.36 11/06 Vets Day /Troop Drive December 6327.79 11878.99 .50 525 New: 3 12/31 New Years Eve Dance 12/18 Xmas Buffet Cost to Club: $ 2258.37 12/04 Toy Drive/Election Night All CWCJC Club Dances are held at the American Legion Hall, 9757 Pacific Avenue, Franklin Park 8 pm-12:00 am Chevy Chase, 1000 Milwaukee Ave., Wheeling Glendora House, Harlem & 102nd St. * Chicago Jitterbug Club (CJC) 4428 Midlothian Turnpike., Crestwood MARCH Rosalyn Composto .....2 Beverly Solazzo ..........3 Terry Stites ................4 Bill Gronke.................5 Bruce Bossier.............6 Al Campasano ...........6 John Grooms ..............6 Janis Hartman ............6 Virginia Indovina .......6 Mike Fletcher ............7 Karen Frisberg...........8 Paul Keller .................9 Pat Lowry ...................9 Diane Medina ..........10 Anthony Ambrosio ...11 Dolly D’Agostino......11 Ilene Deak ...............11 Len Rago..................12 Midge Klein .............13 Arlene Palomar ........14 Phil Weinstein ..........14 Janet Kepner ............15 Mike Kazarian ..........16 Diane Silvestri..........16 APRIL MARCH Mary Utrata ..............16 Kathy Greenstein .....18 Brenda Coppola.......19 Patricia O’Neill ........19 Larry Sultan .............19 Robert Lazzara .........20 Nick Bavaro..............23 Emma Metoyer.........23 Christine Nowacki ...23 Richard Mika............24 Christine Karczewski ...25 Charlotte Gruber .....27 Andrea Jakubowski ....27 Renee Sanders.........27 Tom Broderick .........28 Carol Renzetti ..........28 Mary Rumowski .......28 Zelda Clark ..............29 William Siglasky ......29 Ginny Turner ...........29 James R. Kapustiak ...30 Carole Schreiber .....30 Trudy Reuter............31 Robert Blonn..............1 Joe Lysy .....................1 Karen Peterson ..........1 Gloria Jacobs .............3 Samuel Rubinich ........3 Phil Steiner ................3 Michelle DiCanio.......4 Emmitt White .............4 Janet L. Campeotto.....5 Jackie LeVine.............5 Jack Stewart ...............5 Judy Cousineau..........6 Tom Duffy ..................6 Richard Gewar...........6 Jordy Gross ................7 Karen J. Matthews.......7 Marty Didier ..............8 Joe Konewko ..............8 Barbara Williams .......8 James Bagneschi........9 Harriet Kondziolka.....9 Ronald Taylor.............9 Sam Casanova..........10 Lance Jacobsen ........10 APRIL Stuart Kane ..............10 Jerry Clarke .............11 Don Marks ...............13 Margaret Ullrich.......14 Michael P. Hartman....15 Joe Fioti....................16 Bill Stedry ................17 Linda Hess ...............18 Bill Matthews ...........19 Bonnie Stoelinga ......19 Sandra Smith............20 Mike Alterio.............21 Bob Okeson .............21 Virginia Abar ...........22 Linda Townsend .......22 Bruce E. Siville .........23 Carol Bucchianeri ....24 Frank Meyer ............24 Joe Amella ...............28 Mary Gronke ...........28 James W. Ullrich .......28 Roy Metoyer.............29 Joe Zuffante..............29 FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY Your admission to the last dance of the month is FREE CWCJC’s SECOND ELECTRONIC NEWSLETTER! Welcome to the second electronic edition of CWCJC’s newsletter, the Rockin’ Times! As explained in the Nov./Dec. issue, we’re doing this to try to cut down on the approximately $9,000 that the paper edition costs the club annually. If we have your email address, you should have received a notice, via our Constant Contact account, that gave you the link to this Mar./Apr. issue. If you have email, but haven’t given us your email address, please do so as soon as possible by emailing Joanne at . If you don’t have email, we’ll continue to send you the hard copy edition in the mail. But please keep in mind that at some point in the very near future we plan on adding a small fee to those members who receive the newsletter through the US Mail. MOVED? Contact Pat Agriesti, 2nd Vice President, at one of the club dances or at 847-824-0782 ATTENTION VOLUNTEERS! If you are unable to meet your commitment to help at one of the dances, please contact me: Ralph Dahma 224-627-0423 .Thank you all for your cooperation. CWCJC Spring Schedule All dances at Franklin Park American Legion 9757 Pacific Ave. March 19th dance at Chevy Chase CC April 15th dance at Westin Hotel 400 Park Blvd. Itasca Saturday, March 5th INTERMEDIATE JITTERBUG LESSON & MARY PAT’S CLOSET SALE! Members pay $4 for lesson with paid admission, guests pay $5 for lesson with paid admission. Doors open at 6:45pm, lesson from 7 to 8pm, DJ Gay Essary plays from 8 til midnight. MARCH BIRTHDAYS GET INTO DANCE FREE! (Lesson extra). Saturday, March 19th SWING INTO SPRING! DJ Bill, see flyer. Saturday, April 2nd TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! Wear your Cubs or Sox gear, jeans OK. APRIL BIRTHDAYS GET IN FREE! DJ Norm. Friday, April 15th SHC SNEAK PREVIEW DANCE AT WESTIN ITASCA! Doors open at 7:45, dancing 8 til midnight. Everybody pays $5. Dancing in Lakeside Pavilion. May 7th Rumba Lesson & Dance May 21st Regular Dance June 4th Election & Red, White & Blue Dance June 18th CWCJC T-Shirt Night June 30th to July 3rd 11th ANNUAL SWEET HOME CHICAGO! January & February Dance Reports January 15th-CWCJC Coat Drive 144 Members 36 Guests 180 Total 50-50: Adele Dary won $200! February 5th Dance canceled due to snow. February 19th-Hockey Night/Flash Mob Lesson 153 Members 32 Guests 185 Total 50-50: Mike Daugherty won $192! Rose Bagnole won Blackhawks hockey tickets. Thanks to volunteers and dance hosts: Bill Kohn, Gail Schwartz, Pete Margarites, Arlene Robinson, Willie Townsend, Sr., Mary Ann Burke, Dan Bihler, Nancy Levy, Tony Brancato, Paul Romz, Pam Cress, Don Lopotko, Sandy Glunz. GET ON BOARD THE CWCJC JITTERBUS!!! We’re planning a CWCJC Road Trip, and everybody’s invited! Here’s the details: When: Thursday, July 28th, 2011. Leave Franklin Park at 9am. Return to Franklin Park about 11pm. What: We’re chartering 2 deluxe motor coaches to Milwaukee. What we’ll do: We’ll take a tour of the Miller Brewery, then attend the Cubs-Brewers day game at Miller Park (seats in section 419, upper deck behind home plate). We’ll end up at Pottawatomi Casino in downtown Milwaukee for a few hours of adult fun, then head home. Who’s invited: CWCJC members as well as guests. 21 and older. How much: $49 per person includes Cubs ticket & transportation. What should I do to sign up: Contact 1st VP Ralph Dahma at 224-627-0423 or . After both Jitterbuses are filled, we’ll have a waiting list in case somebody cancels. We’ll start taking $49 checks and cash at the March 5th dance, or contact Ralph if you can’t make it to the dance. CWCJC Super Bowl Squares Winners Congratulations to our 2011 winners: Members Steve Curtis, Pat Ciarrocchi, & Rose Bagnole, who each won $100, and to Mike Kazarian, who won the final score prize of $200! Thank you to everybody who helped the club by purchasing a Super Bowl Square! February 19th Special Election By a vote of 58 yes to 8 no, CWCJC members approved the proposition that the Dance Director Board position be changed to now be called the Volunteer/Hospitality Board position. This change will take place immediately. Also, Mike Lapina is now our Dance Lesson Coordinator, a non-Board position. Thanks to all who participated, and special thanks to judges Susan Havrish, Joe Fioti and Pam Cress! Volunteer Party At Sweet Home Chicago! We’ve moved the Sweet Home Chicago Volunteer Party from the Legion on June 22nd. The new date & location will be Friday, July 1st at the Westin Hotel during the convention. At around 10:45pm, right after the Late Night Buffet, we’ll be having an invitation-only Champagne & Chocolate Reception for our SHC volunteers. We want to show our appreciation to all of the people who make Sweet Home Chicago possible. Volunteer arrangements and schedules will be made at our 2 dances at the Legion in June, on the 4th & 18th. See any Board member if you’d like to volunteer or have any questions. 2 Big Sweet Home Chicago Raffles! Raffle #1: Win a 3 night stay at the 4 Star Westin in Itasca during Sweet Home Chicago. Winner also receives 3 Breakfast Buffets for 2 people at Don Shula’s Restaurant! Tickets are $5 apiece, with the winning ticket being drawn on June 4th at our regular dance at the Legion. Winner need not be present. See Mike Lapina for tickets. Raffle #2: Win $1,000 in CASH!!! 2nd Prize is $250 in cash. Tickets are $5 apiece, with the winning tickets being drawn on July 2nd at Sweet Home Chicago. Winners need not be present. See 1st VP Ralph Dahma or any Board member for tickets. All proceeds benefit CWCJC, a not-for-profit organization. When you use one of our advertisers please tell them you saw them in the Rockin Times CJC Schedule Glendora House: March 12 - Puttin on the Ritz Elks Lodge Crestwood: March 26th April 9th, April 30th CWCJC merchandise for sale at all regular dances at the American Legion Hall from 9:00 to 9:30pm Club Jackets $70.00 Club T-Shirts $12.00 CWCJC Caps $12.00 Club Polo Shirts $20.00 CWCJC Sweat Shirts $18.00 CWCJC Pins $15.00 Shoe Bags $30.00 CWCJC Throws $35.00 Don't forget to sign up for the club's Official Email List! Send your email info to: Joanne at . From 2nd VP Pat Agriesti: Membership cards will be at the desk at the dances for two months. To receive them after two months, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to: Pat Agriesti 2232 Elmira Des Plaines, Il 600l8. Joanne Kokalj . . . . . . . . . . . .President Ralph Dahma . . . . . . .1st Vice President Pat Agriesti . . . . . .2nd Vice President Susan Havrish . . . . . . . . . . . .Secretary Janet Campeotto . . . . . . . . .Treasurer Vacant ........................Vol./Hosp. Director Bill Matthews . . . . . . . . . .Audio-Director Mary Pat Lamberty . . . . .Sales Director Linda Nelligan.................Social Director P.O. Box 713 Franklin Park, IL 60131 CWCJC Members & Guests To-Do List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Attend March 5th Jitterbug Lesson with Gloria & Randy. Check out Mary Pat’s Closet Sale on March 5th. Reserve table for 10 at March 19th ‘Swing Into Spring’. Sign up for the July 28th CWCJC Road Trip on the Jitterbus! Get Sweet Home Chicago tickets from Joanne. Get Sweet Home Chicago Raffle tickets from Mike & Ralph. Get Cubs or Sox gear for April 2nd Baseball Dance. 8. Attend SHC Sneak Preview dance on Fri., April 15th at the Westin. 9. Sign up for CWCJC E-newsletter. 10. Dance away those images of 20 inches of snow in one day! The Mission Statement: Chicago’s Windy City Jitterbug Club is a not-for-profit, non-charitable corporation established to provide growth and the perpetuation of Jitterbug dancing, the true expression of American vitality. The purposes of CWCJC are to provide a bond among its jitterbug dancers so they can travel and meet other enthusiasts of dancing: to promote and exchange steps and styling among jitterbug dancers throughout the country; and to spread and develop jitterbug dancing so that more people will be able to enjoy and appreciate it.