February 2007 - Operation Christmas Child in Moose Lake


February 2007 - Operation Christmas Child in Moose Lake
Evangelical Covenant Church
The Covenant Express
What Part of the Wall Do You Want?
“Nehemiah said to
them, “You see the
troubles we are in:
Jerusalem lies in ruins,
and its gates have
been burned with fire.
Come, let us rebuild
the wall of Jerusalem,
and we will no longer
be in disgrace.” ...They
replied, “Let us start
rebuilding.” So they
began this good work.”
(Nehemiah 2:17, 18)
When I read
Nehemiah and his
God-given vision
for the City of
Jerusalem and the
people of Israel, I
think of “The Lord of
the Rings” movies;
the Two Towers and
Return of the King.
In these movies the
great cities of
Gondor, Osgiliath
and Minasterath
are ransacked and
destroyed by the
evil enemy for the
sole purpose of
mankind and
then eliminating
mankind. The
visuals of the cities
of what they once
were and what
they have been
even causes the
observers to grieve.
They have NO
protection. They
have NO defenses.
They have NO
This is the image
Nehemiah is given
from a fellow Jew
who traveled to
Susa, Babylonia
(1:2) and what
Nehemiah sees
when walking
through Jerusalem
(2:12-15). Yet, God
had put in his heart
to be the person
who will lead the
people of Israel to
rebuild the city
wall and gates.
What Nehemiah
experienced was
God giving him a
vision of “what is”
and “what could be”
and in passing
on that vision
many responded to
rebuilding the wall
and gates. All of
Chapter 3 is the
listing of families,
people groups,
neighbors and
people from
communities, who
came together to
rebuild the wall.
God’s plan for
Nehemiah was
to gather the
community together
to accomplish God’s
plan. They all
worked together
on the wall.
I know we do not
have a wall to work
on, but we do
belong to the
Kingdom of God and
the work given to us
is this —”go, and
make disciples,” the
last words of Jesus
to all Believers.
I am encouraged
by the willingness
of so many here
to participate in
Kingdom activity.
It is exciting to
see Dads and
Moms leading
families closer to
Jesus, teachers
training students
what it means
...continued on next page
Volume 31, Issue 2
February, 2007
Inside this issue:
Pastor Todd
Adult Options
Building Committee
“Making Room”
Covenant Park Corner
Women Ministries
Children’s Ministries
Church Library
Birthdays / Staff
Youth Page
Page 2
The Covenant Express
What Part of the Wall, continued...
to follow Jesus and
practicing the discipline
of prayer and Scripture
reading and giving. I am
moved in hearing the
testimonies of coming
together to pray, young
couples gathering for
Bible study, mature
Believers taking the
role of mentor for a
developing disciple, and
discussing the challenge
of being salt and light to
our communities. I see
and hear many working
to “rebuild the wall” or
we can say — being
about Kingdom building.
I believe God has called
us and placed us here
to be about Kingdom
building. I believe God
wants us to be more
intentional to call people
to follow Jesus, to equip
followers so they can be
disciples of Jesus and
to send out disciples
to be apostles in the
community and world.
God has prepared us for
such a time as this.
What might this look
Worship is a place where
people are welcomed
and given opportunity
to be in the house of
God which is filled with
grace, mercy, love and
forgiveness. That means
we will continue to be
gracious to one another,
not harsh or bitter or
filled with anger when
someone or something
is not to your standard.
It’s not about our
“standards”, it’s about
God and what He likes.
Come and invite others
to worship. Sing the
songs you know and
don’t know. Smile! Be
assertive and say
“Welcome” or “Hi” first.
Remember you are
ushering both Believers
and ‘not-yet-Believers’
into the presence of
God. Let’s celebrate His
To be disciple makers,
we must become more
intentional about our
growth as Believers and
including others on this
journey. When Jesus
equipped the 12 for
ministry, He invited them
to walk with Him for a
year or so. He talked to
them, showed them His
heart and allowed them
to try ministry out. Who
have you invited to walk
with you on this faith
journey? Whom do you
pray with, serve with,
read God’s Word with,
whom are you passing
along the lessons
learned and whom are
you allowing to prod you
so that you continue to
grow in faith?
The need to develop
ministries that challenge
and invite others to walk
with Jesus. Men, what
events, risky things or
adventures are you
willing to change your
schedule to participate
in? There probably is a
half dozen other men
waiting for that same
kind of challenge as
well. I encourage you to
pray about it, and ask
who you should invite
along so that together
you experience God’s
grace and mercy. New
ministries open doors or
gates for people to hear
and express the love of
God through Jesus.
Plus more. What is
experienced in
rebuilding the wall
around Jerusalem is this,
it takes a community
working together to
rebuild the wall. That
is true today, it takes
a community working
together to be able to
do Kingdom building.
How is it going at your
position at the wall?
What frustrations have
you experienced? What
accomplishments have
you experienced? What
tools do you need now or
in the future? Who is
working alongside of
you so that you are
equipping him/her for
Kingdom building?
Remember these
words, ““Let us start
rebuilding”, so they
began this good work.”
(2:18). Kingdom
building is a cooperation
between God, you and
your fellow neighbors.
Kingdom work is the
community together
living by faith.
Pastor Todd
Volume 31, Issue 2
Alpha 2007
Where is a good place
where a person can ask
questions concerning
what it means to follow
Where is a good place or
forum where a person
can learn about the
doctrines of church?
Where can I meet other
people and become
Is there a place where I
can be encouraged as I
follow Jesus?
Yes, at ALPHA!
ALPHA is a 10 week
course where you
can ask questions
concerning Jesus and
how do I follow Him?
Or Why the Church? Or
Why did Jesus have to
die? Or what about
other religions, are they
just as good, pointing us
in the same direction?
ALPHA is an intentional
time where we walk
together and talk about
and through the issues
of faith. At the same
time we are making new
friends as we journey
ALPHA begins
Sunday, March 4th, at
6:00 pm and will meet
Sunday evenings for 10
weeks at the church.
If you are interested in
being a participant in
Alumni and would like to
be a helper, sign up on
the counter in the foyer.
The only cost is a free
will offering for supper
each night.
Take some time to think
and pray if you want to
be a part of ALPHA, ‘07!
See you there!
Pastor Todd
What Was That Sermon About Anyway?
At every church, with
every minister, with every
missionary, with every
teacher, people leave
scratching his/her head
and saying “what was
he/she talking about?”
I would like to think that
never happened to me,
but I know the look, you
have scratched your
heads often. That’s okay.
Even Jesus, the greatest
Teacher of all had many
people, even his closest
friends scratch their
heads and say “what did
He mean by that? We
don’t get it!” Well, here is
a heads-up for the next 2
I will be preaching on
doctrines or beliefs we
have as followers of
Jesus, for the month of
February and March. In
one way it is to help us
understand what we
believe, but also how do
these beliefs affect our
day to day living. Our
beliefs become the
foundation upon which
we stand as followers
of Jesus and the
springboard upon
which we live by faith.
Hopefully, these beliefs
will deepen our
understanding of God,
Jesus, the Holy Spirit and
what it means to be a
disciple. The beliefs
we will tackle together
Salvation by Grace
John 3:16-21
Authority of the Bible
Matthew 4:1-11 2/18
God is Personal
Isaiah 12
God is Personal
Genesis 6:1-9
Our Identity in Jesus
John 15:5-17
Phil. 3:12-4:1
Matthew 5:13-16 3/25
Please take time to read
and study the topics
and passages so that
we can encourage each
other to deepen our
walk with Jesus.
Page 3
Page 4
The Covenant Express
Adult Options
Sunday Mornings
9:30 AM
Genesis with Ron Tyson in
Fish Bowl Room downstairs
(Rm. 202)
"Money Management by The
Book: What the Bible says
about Everyday Money
Matters" in Fellowship Hall
The Bible is filled with
eternal truths regarding
money that, if followed, will
lead to true financial
freedom. The class will
discuss the issues from the
questions above plus many
more. Bring your Bible and
your questions and a heart
for learning more about
God's Word. The 10-week
class consists of Bible study
(using the best teachings
from many Christian
financial experts), video
snippets and group
discussion. Participants will
receive a binder of all lesson
outlines to keep for further
reference and study.
This class will be taught
by Ron Mossberg.
11:00 AM
Understanding Your Bible —
New Testament study
which helps understand
how the New Testament is
put together and its basic
message; led by Tony
Newman in the East Room.
Acts — Part II
Study downstairs in the Fish
Bowl Room (Room 202).
Taught by David Nelson
6:30 PM
Money Management with
Ron Mossberg in the
Anderson House
WOW Worship in Sanctuary
Small Group Studies
Believing God
by Beth Moore
This study for women
began January 29th.
It runs for 10 weeks from
6:30 pm - 8:30pm.
Seeking Him
by Nancy Leigh Demoss
and Tim Grissom
Begins Sunday, Feb. 11th
at 6:00pm.
Are you tired of trying to be
a good Christian? Are you
overloaded and worn out
with church activities? Do
you sometimes feel like
you’re just going through the
motions of the Christian
faith? Do you experience
more heaviness and shame
than freedom in your
Christian life?
If you answer yes to any of
these questions than God is
calling you to something
deeper. This study is for
those looking to invest into
personal revival!
Please sign up in foyer.
Love and Respect Class
will begin on Tuesday,
February 13th, 6:30pm to
8:30pm for 5 weeks.
ALPHA starts Sunday,
March 4, at 6:00 PM for
10 weeks. Sign up on
the counter in the foyer!
Valentine Banquet
The Love Boat
Come aboard the Love
Boat at the Valentine’s
Banquet on Saturday,
February 10th here in
the Fellowship Hall.
Tickets are only $25
per couple. The catered
dinner starts promptly
at 5:30 pm. Pastor
Mark Ellingson of
Fridley Covenant Church
will be our speaker.
There’s also a
chance that some
entertainment may be
included in the evening
as well! Sunday,
February 4th is the last
day to sign up and buy
your tickets, so don’t
Contact Ron or Doreen
Mossberg with any
questions (372-8670).
Volume 31, Issue 2
Building Committee
Building Committee
At the Church Annual
meeting in January,
a new Building
Committee was
created to work with
an architect to design a
Multi-Ministry Building
and discuss remodeling
the existing church
building. The group
has completed the
first meeting with the
architect which was
very productive so
we’re off and running.
Hopefully within 4-8
months a “concept
design” will be created
and shared with the
Congregation. This is a
very exciting time in
our church’s history,
as we look to expand
our ministries by
increasing our space to
conduct ministry to this
Please feel free to
contact any of the
following Building
Committee members
with comments or
questions as they are
your voice to the
Annette Anderson
Craig Berg
Leon Hedberg
Robin Matthews
Bekah McFarland
Drew McFarland
Ron Mossberg
Brad Ramberg
Gary Rock
Pastor Todd Van Zee
We will keep you
posted on the
Committee’s progress.
As always, continue to
pray for wisdom for the
Committee members.
In His Service,
Ron Mossberg, Chair
February 19th,
at 6:30pm.
Making Room
What would 240
additions look like in
the Kingdom of God?
It would be a wonderful
celebration of God’s
love and grace. It
would be a party put
on by the King that
those who were once
far away have come
near. All of heaven
would rejoice, and
we would be forever
changed and be
different! Why? On
the first Sunday of
January I asked you,
“who can you invite to
the table, to God’s
Kingdom?” 74 people
wrote down names of
people whom he or she
could invite to come to
church and hear and
experience Jesus. You
named 240+ people
who you will invite.
That will change us and
cause great rejoicing in
the Kingdom.
Let us pray for hearts —
ours and theirs — to be
ready for the invite. Let
us be bold and invite
others. Let us prepare
ourselves to welcome
and extend Jesus to all.
This is going to be a
wonderful party all
year long!
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The Covenant Express
Covenant Park Corner
January 2007
Covenant Park Corner
News & Notes
Hello and happy
El Nino to you! We
have several events
coming up in the next
few months. Here’s the
list of events:
Upcoming Events
Retreat – February
16-18, 2007 @
Covenant Park
Duluth Area
Celebration Dinner –
March 25th, 2007 @
Sommers Lounge on
the campus of St.
Scholastica. The
evening will start
at 4:30 pm with
Quilting Retreat –
April 13-15, 2007 @
Covenant Park
More information and
registration material
will be coming to the
churches soon!
Our Summer 2007
brochures are
Our theme this year is
entitled TREK ON with
Philippians 3:14 as the
theme verse. You can
ask your Camp Captain
or church office for a
copy. They will also be
available on-line in the
weeks to come. Sign
up by March 1st and
receive a discount.
I hope you are well.
Thank you for keeping
Covenant Park in your
Grace & peace,
Bryan T. Muecke
Executive Director
Covenant Park Bible
Mahtowa, MN 55707
Office – 218-389-6398
Cell – 218-722-9004
www covenantpark.org.
Col. 3:3 - "Your real life
is...with Christ..."
Bible Camp Scholarship
Statistics show that
80% of those that
receive Christ are 13
and under in age. Half
of these have made
their commitment to
Him at camp. Reflecting
on your days at camp,
maybe you are a part
of this statistic. The
church has a Bible
Camp Scholarship
Fund. If you would like
to help pay for campers
that can not
afford the
cost, you
can give to
this fund.
2007 Camp Brochures
The camp brochures
are in your mailbox.
The only change was in
the calendar for the
summer, which you will
see in the brochure.
One of the Junior High
sessions is changed to
a Middle School
(grades 6-8) session so
there would be more
options for the kids in
those age groups. Sign
up by March 1st and
receive a discount.
Family Camp
Mark your calendar
for Family Camp:
July 20-22!
We are now a Bible
Camp Captain Team
of three:
Lana Newman
Sheila Butterfield
Barb Carlson
Volume 31, Issue 2
Women’s Ministries
Ladies Saturday
Coffee Fellowship
We will meet for coffee
& fellowship at Joe
Jitters Coffeehouse
on Saturdays, February
3rd & 17th at 2:00 pm.
All ladies welcome.
WM Coffeetime
at Kenwood Place
Monday, February 5th,
2:00 PM. We will meet
at Kenwood Place for
pizza, coffee and
fellowship. An Offering
will be taken. Come
and join us.
Mom’s Prayer Group
meets on Tuesday,
February 6 & 20 in
the East Room. Child
Care is provided.
Quilter’s Meeting
Thursday, February 8th
& 22, 4 - 8 PM in the
Fellowship Hall.
Community MOMS
Meets at 10:00 am on
Tuesdays, February 13
& 27 in the Fellowship
Hall. Child Care is
“Catch the Wind,
Embrace His Spirit”
Triennial XII
Chicago, IL,
August 9-12.
Registration due by
June 1st. $285, plus
lodging ($118 per
night) for 1,2,3,or 4
occupancy, plus
transportation. We
have $1200 in the
Triennial Fund. Can
we raise some more
by June 1st?
AVA — Advocacy for
Victims of Abuse
At Triennial XII, they will
train and equip women
to become Local
Church Advocates.
If you sense God
calling you to minister
to women in the area
of domestic and
sexual abuse, join
the Advocate Training
while at Triennial.
The training will be
from 1-5 pm on
August 10 & 11.
Coming Events:
Women’s Luncheon —
May 5th, Speaker:
Sherri Olson, Duluth
Triennial — August 612, Chicago
Women's Retreat —
September 14-15
Children’s Ministries
Bible Clubs will meet
on the following
Wednesdays: Feb. 7,
14 & 21. NO Bible
Clubs or Family Night
Activities on Feb. 28
(No school in Moose
Sunday School
Teacher In-service
for Session 6 Rotation
Sunday School will be
held on Tuesday,
Feb. 20 at 6:30 PM.
Page 7
Page 8
The Covenant Express
Church Library Review
Stop by our Church Library
(the East Room, at the end
of the hall by the offices) to
check out the many great
books we have! Here are
some more Book reviews
from our church library.
to lay it all down before the
King, making the difficult,
yet rewarding choice to
become a slave of Jesus
Christ, in a never-ending
loving relationship with
The Divine Conspiracy
- Dallas Willard (referred
to by Pastor Todd)
In The Divine Conspiracy,
Willard gracefully weaves
Biblical teaching, popular
culture, science,
scholarship, and spiritual
practice into a tour de
force that shows the
necessity of profound
changes in how we view
our lives and faith.
Willard refutes this "fire
escape" mentality by
exploring the true nature
of the teachings of Jesus,
who intended that His
followers become His
disciples, and taught that
we have access now to
the life we are only too
eager to relegate to the
hereafter. The author calls
us into a more authentic
faith and offers a practical
plan by which we can
become Christ-like. He
encourages faith by
embracing the true
meaning of Christian
Young Believers on Tour
series (reading level 4-6)
Meet six growing Young
Believers--Josiah, Liane,
Noah, Paige, Shane, and
Taz--hot, new stars with
their own pop band who
are struggling with how to
keep their faith in the face
of their rising celebrity.
These young role models
have gained the best the
world has to offer and,
through the guidance of a
godly manager, are still
keeping their feet firmly
rooted in the foundations
of the faith. Every day
they are learning life's
most important lesson:
“Never Stop Believing”.
–Nancy Lee DeMoss
‘All to Jesus I surrender. I
surrender all.' The famous
hymn of the faith describes
the exact starting point for
becoming a true disciple of
Christ: total surrender of
self. Nancy Leigh DeMoss
knows that God desires
a heart willing to surrender
unconditionally everything
to Him. In this new book,
Nancy encourages readers
Boy Meets Girl
–Joshua Harris (for young
I Kissed Dating Goodbye
shocked the publishing
world in 1997 with its
meteoric rise to the top of
bestseller lists. Teens
wanted more than dating
"rules" -- they wanted an
intentional, God-pleasing
game plan. In this dynamic
sequel, newlyweds Joshua
and Shannon Harris deliver
an inspiring and practical
illustration of how this
healthy, joyous alternative
to recreational dating -biblical courtship -- worked
for them. Boy Meets Girl
helps readers understand
how to go about pursuing
the possibility of marriage
with someone they may be
serious about. It is the
natural follow-up to the
author's blockbuster book
on teen dating!
The Six Stress Points in a
Woman's Life
- Dr Kevin Leman
"Help! I'm a cabbie and my
minivan isn't even yellow."
If you're like most
women, you can relate.
Homemaker, career
woman, wife, supermom sometimes the roles you
have to fill all at once
can get to be too much.
Wouldn’t it be great if you
could beat the stress
points in your life? Now
you can with Dr. Leman's
helpful guide. As an
internationally known
psychologist, radio and TV
personality, speaker, and
husband, Dr. Leman has
seen hundreds of women
who are burnt out by
stress. He has also
experienced the negative
effects of stress himself.
With humor, insight, and
practical solutions, this
best-selling author helps
you manage the six stress
points in your life: kids,
career, husband,
housework, money, and
crammed schedules. You
will learn: how to check
your stress quotient, the
simple secret to reducing
stress, the wonders of
using reality discipline with
your kids, ways to beat the
superwoman syndrome,
and how to cope with two
careers in the office and at
home. Women will find out
how to begin enjoying a
more serene lifestyle by
making stress work for
(Ed. Note: Thank you to
Lisa Hoche-Mathews for
the book reviews)
Volume 31, Issue 2
Page 9
Attention Men:
Join us for the Super Bowl
Party Blast! On Feb. 4th
in the Fellowship Hall.
Begins at 5:00pm.
Watch the game on the
big screen, enjoy pizza,
soda and treats!
Valentine Banquet.
Will be held the evening
of Saturday, February
10th, at 5:30 pm here at
church. Cost is $25/
couple. Our special guest
speaker will be Mark
Ellingson, from Fridley
Covenant Church.
Teen Challenge Choir
from Duluth will be here
at the Worship Services
on Sunday, February
11th. You will be inspired
by their message of hope
—- bring a friend!!
Union Gospel Mission
Tuesday, February 13th
and Saturday, February
24th. (March dates are
the 8th and 23rd).
Sign up in the foyer if you
want to come and help!
Community Wide Love
and Respect class begins
Tuesday, February 13th
from 6:30pm-8:30pm at
the Covenant Church. It
runs for 5 weeks. Sign
up in the foyer. Child
care help is needed.
If you can help, please
contact Tom Degerstrom
at 218-260-2050.
Did anyone see the
Dec. 13th Pine Knot
story featuring Marlene
Waseen & Ray Broker
who knit scarves, hats,
mittens, etc. for anyone
who has need of them?
In order to continue this
ministry, Marlene and Ray
need yarn! If you can
donate yarn to them,
please bring it to church.
Donations will be
gratefully used by Ray
and Marlene. Thank you
for your generosity! (The
article is on the bulletin
board in the back hall by
the offices)
Covenant Missionaries
in Thailand, Randy Bevis
Coming to Duluth—Beth
Moore! A live simulcast
will take place on
Saturday, Feb. 24th
at Duluth Gospel
Tabernacle, 1515 W.
Superior St., from
Tickets are on sale now
by calling 722-1928.
Cost is $25 which
includes lunch ($15 for
students & seniors);
$30 at the door.
and his family have sent
their winter mission
newsletter. You may read
it on the bulletin board in
the back of the church
You are invited to add
your name to participate
in a meal in a fellow
believers home once a
month. There is
room for you at
Dinners for Eight!
Sign up in the foyer today!
2007 Church Council
Vice Chairman
Financial Secretary
Gary Rock
Keith Newman
Kris Wallman
Kim Hassett
Commission Chairs:
Dawson Gentry
Adult MinistriesTom Degerstrom
Youth Ministries
Jackie Dahl
Children's Ministries
Teresa Mickelson
Extension Ministries
Glenda Eschenbach
Scott Bogenholm
Ministry Resources
Don Pelkey
Stewardship Charlie Cluka
All Commission
Chairs, plus the
Church Chair
and Treasurer,
have mailboxes
on the far right
side of the
Page 10
The Covenant Express
February Birthdays
Janna Bode
Noah Salzer
Rick Hatanpaa
Michael Donahue
Kathi Hedberg
Kate Benoit
Jared Kittel
Ed Kowalski
Ann Jusczak
Kody Halls
Caitlin Jusczak
Alora Donahue
Doug Alberg
Nick Nelson
Kenny Entner
Robyn Spiess
Jonathan Lind
Kaia Wallman
Cara Springer
Sandy Grindy
Irene Savolainen
Chris Fetters
Audrey Gentry
Doris Burt
Dawson Gentry
Doug Lind
Mark Grave
Drew Magaard
Payton Gresczyk
Karen Sebring
Thomas Hansen
Nathan Van Zee
Dan Privette
Chuck Eckman
Church Staff
Pastor Todd Van Zee
485-4426. home
David Nelson,
Minister of Teaching and Visitation
485-4993, home
Drew McFarland, Youth Director
372-8363, home
Greg Anderson, Counselor
Lucia Carlson, Secretary
485-4892, home
Linda Ripley, Assistant Secretary
389-6999, home
Robyn Spiess, Janitor
485-8882, home
Dale Halls, Maintenance
485-4311, home
Kathy Hatanpaa
Prayer Request Line: 485-8242
(leave a message if no one answers)
Volume 31, Issue 2
Page 11
The Covenant Express
Covenant Church
Moose Lake Covenant Church
is about
Phone: 218-485-4800
Gathering around Jesus
Growing in Faith, and
Giving of ourselves.
Moose Lake Evangelical Covenant Church
700 5th St., PO Box 445
Moose Lake, MN 55767
700 5th St
PO Box 445
Moose Lake, MN 55767