2015 2 2014 PROJECTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 2014 PROJECTS 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 CATCH BASINS 5 MANHOLE MATERIALS 6 LARGE DIAMETER ROUND MANHOLES 7 ROUND CONNECTION OPTIONS 8 STANDARD VAULTS 9 MULTI-PANEL VAULTS 10 STORM POND STRUCTURES 20 VALUE ADDED ACCESSORIES 21 PRECAST SLABS/BASES 22 MECHANICAL 23 MECHANICAL 3 11 POLYETHYLENE LINED PRODUCTS 12 IMPACT BAFFLES 13 INLET/TURNOUTS 14 CHECK STRUCTURES 15 CHECK/DROP STRUCTURES 16 PANEL WALLS 17 BUILDINGS 18 TRENCH DRAINS/UTILITY DUCTS 19 FLAT WALL PIPE CONNECTIONS 4 CATCH BASINS CATCH BASIN MATERIAL Precon manufactures several Catch Basin pieces including tops, barrels, bases and adjuster rings to accommodate the requirements of Alberta various cities and municipalities. For Catch Basin Manhole materials please see Manhole Material on page 5. USES 1. Municipal storm sewer infrastrucure 2. Leachate Collection Systems SIZES Precon manufactures both 600mm and 900mm diameter catch basin material. Precon is committed to maintaining a wide range of catch basin material in stock. There are many different sizes ranging from 1220mm monobases to 1200mm high barrels. Any desired height can be easily achieved. MANHOLE MATERIALS 5 MANHOLE MATERIALS Precon’s precast concrete Manhole Materials are a combination of tops, barrels and bases and when configured, allow the creation of manhole systems to suit a variety of needs. Custom Prebench Bases are built to specification, with sized pipe connections at the appropriate angle, height and slope. Bases are also prebenched with the correct trough, making installation easy, fast and worry-free. Precon’s Slab Tops come in a variety of openings to suit any installation. USES 1. Municipal Infrastructure 2. Lift Stations 3. Leachate collection systems 4. Toe drain collection systems SIZES Precon has a wide range of manhole material in stock. There are many different sizes, ranging from 2000mm high barrels to 50mm high grade rings. Any desired height can easily be achieved. 6 LARGE DIAMETER ROUND MANHOLES LARGE DIAMETER MATERIAL Precon’s large diameter precast concrete Manhole Materials also consist of a combination of tops, barrels and bases and when configured, allow the creation of manhole systems to suit a variety of needs. Precon provides custom Prebench Bases for its large diameter Manholes too. Like the standard 1200mm diameter Manholes, the large diameter Manholes are built to specification, with sized pipe connections at the appropriate angle, height and slope. Bases are also prebenched with the correct trough, making installation easy, fast and worry-free. Precon’s Slab Tops come in a variety of openings to suit any installation. USES 1. Municipal Infrastructure 2. Lift Stations 3. Leachate Collection Systems 4. Toe Drain Collection Systems SIZES Precon has a wide range of 1500mm, 1800mm and 2400mm manhole material in stock. Any desired height can easily be achieved. ROUND CONNECTION OPTIONS CONNECTIONS INCLUDE: Boot Connection Grout Connection Kwik Seal Connector™ Link Seal™ PVC Stub A-Lok™ 7 8 STANDARD VAULTS STANDARD VAULTS One of Precon’s most versatile products, the Standard Vault is an engineered, concrete box that can be used in a variety of applications from manholes to water meter chambers. Precon’s Standard Vaults are typically used to accommodate smaller vault installations. These stackable pieces are available in standard 400mm increment riser sections so that the required structure height is easily achieved. Custom riser heights are also available. The Standard Vault piece, much like the rest of our product line, can also have many different types of accessories cast in. It can also be poured with almost any size of hole. These pieces are quick and easy to install. USES 1. Municipal Infrastructure 2. Lift Stations 3. Valve Chambers 4. Drain Chambers 5. Air Valve Chambers 6. Water Reservoirs 7. Water Meter Chambers 8. Pump Stations 9. Storm Pond Control Structures MULTI-PANEL VAULTS 9 MULTI-PANEL VAULTS Precon’s Multi-Panel Vault Structure is an engineered, multi-piece structure that is assembled on-site. The Multi-Panel Vault is typically used to accommodate larger vault installations. The structure is highly versatile in its assembly. Large structures can be designed, produced and shipped with minimal assembly. Typically, installation and backfill can be achieved in one day. This structure can accommodate all kinds of pipe penetrations, grout holes, thimbles and personnel access. Integrated splitter walls, weir walls and intermediate floors are also possible with Multi-Panel Vaults allowing for wet well/dry well combinations, energy dissipation and access to large mechanical or valve equipment. The installation process provides unique opportunities for accommodating difficult installations. For instance, when installing large diameter water mains with valve assemblies, a portion of the structure can be installed, followed by the installation of the interior piping and valve assembly and completed with the installation of the remaining pieces of the structure. USES 1. Large Vaults Exceeding Standard Vault Sizing 2. Lift Stations 3. Valve Chambers 4. Drain Chambers 5. Air Valve Chambers 6. Water Reservoirs 7. Water Meter Chambers 8. Pump Stations 9. Storm Pond Control Structures SIZES Multi-Panel vaults can be produced in sizes up to and including 5000mm ID x 65000mm ID. The width and length are in increments of 250mm and the height is in increments of 250mm. All Multi-Panel Vaults range from 1250mm – 8000mm inside height with wall thicknesses of 204mm or 254mm. 10 STORM POND STRUCTURES STORM POND STRUCTURES Precon’s Storm Pond Structures are engineered structures consisting of Standard or Multi-Panel Vaults. These storm pond structures can be used in a variety of applications, with or without weir walls and built to accommodate gates and ICD control devices, and super catch basin vaults. Precon vaults can accommodate grated, straight, or sloped tops to be used as large catch basins. These structure tops can accommodate a variety of slopes. The storm pond structures, like the rest of our product line, can also have many of the different types of accessories cast in, or can be poured with almost any size of rough hole. POLYETHYLENE LINED PRODUCTS 11 POLYETHYLENE LINED PRODUCTS Precon can cast a polyethylene liner onto the inner surface of most of our products*. The polyethylene liner protects against corrosion, permeation and groundwater intrusion. Precon’s polyethylene liner is resistant to most acids, bases, hydrocarbons, vapors and microbiological attacks. For more details please see * requires field welding at joints 12 IMPACT BAFFLES IMPACT BAFFLES Precon’s Impact Baffle Structure is an outlet style structure, with an engineered basin and headwall, designed to dissipate energy as water is introduced into a drainage system or natural water course. The dissipation of energy is controlled by a baffle wall that is cast into the structure and can handle flows up to 5.6m3/second. The headwall is also constructed with a unique anchoring system that acts as a seepage barrier. The Impact Baffle is easy to handle and install. It has been designed to USBR standards and Precon can accommodate many different thimbles or pipes that can be cast directly into the structure. USES 1. Pipeline terminal structures requiring energy dissipation during normal or event type flow situations SIZES Precon’s Impact Baffle Structures are produced in five standard sizes to accommodate flows between 0.4m3/second to 5.6m3/second and pipe sizes up to 1350mm diameter. INLET/TURNOUTS 13 INLET/TURNOUTS Precon’s Inlet/Turnout Structure is an engineered structure consisting of a headwall and basin designed for water inlet and outlet control. The structure is exceptionally easy to handle and install and the unique design of the headwall acts as an anchoring system as well as a seepage barrier. The Inlet/Turnout is ideal for municipal, irrigation and farm turnouts or pond inlets. This structure compliments Precon’s Check and Check/Drop structures, creating a system that allows efficient water control in a water conveyance system. The Inlet/Turnout is designed based on the shape of the canal or existing topography, required flow, and pipe size. Several different types of connection accessories (eg. 86 or 150 psi thimbles) can also be cast into the headwall that can accommodate numerous gates, pipe thimbles and valves with a variety of bolt hole patterns. USES 1. Inlets for Irrigation Pipelines 2. Inlet/Turnout for Irrigation Water Delivery 3. Inlet/Turnout for Storm Pond Control 4. Outlet for Drainage Control SIZES Precon Inlet/Turnouts sizes are sized based on the slope of the canal or pond and the size of the conveyance pipe. Precon can accommodate slopes of 2:1, 2.5:1 and 3:1. 14 CHECK STRUCTURES CHECK STRUCTURES Precon’s Check Structure is a multi-piece (typically using between 9 and 13 pieces) precast concrete structure that assembles in the shape of an ‘H’ and is installed in an irrigation canal perpendicular to the flow of water. The shape of the structure provides a double water cutoff, helping to prevent bank erosion by ensuring that water cannot migrate around or under the structure. The Check Structure is engineered and designed to USBR standards and is a reliable solution for water level control in a water conveyance system. The Check Structure allows the designer to control water levels and water velocity. It works well in conjunction with Precon’s Inlet/Turnout as a way to obtain necessary water levels for water delivery. The structure is designed for canals with flows as large as 3.5m3/second. The width of the canals at the top and bottom, the flow of water, and the type of gate are taken into account when designing. The structure can accommodate Overshot gates, Stop Log Systems and several other popular gate systems. The Check Structure can also be used to measure the flow of the water. USES 1. Level control in the storage, delivery and drainage of water systems 2. Weir Structure SIZES Precon’s Check Structures are produced in many different sizes to accommodate the specific application. Size depends on flow. Precon can design structures for flows between 1.0m3/second to 3.5m3/second. CHECK/DROP STRUCTURES 15 CHECK/DROP STRUCTURES Precon’s Check/Drop Structure is a multi-piece (typically using 9-13 pieces) precast concrete structure that assembles in the shape of an ‘H’ and is installed in an irrigation canal perpendicular to the flow of water. The shape of the structure provides a double water cutoff, helping to prevent bank erosion by ensuring that water cannot migrate around or under the structure. The Check/Drop Structure is engineered and designed to USBR standards and is a reliable solution for water level and grade control in a water conveyance system, where there is also a change in elevation. The Check/Drop Structure allows the designer to control water levels and water velocity. It works well in conjunction with Precon’s Inlet/Turnout as a way to obtain necessary water levels for water delivery. The structure is designed for canals with flows as large as 3.0m3/second. The width of the canal at the top and bottom, the flow of water and the type of gate are taken into account when designing the structure. The structure can accommodate Overshot gates, Stop Log Systems and several other popular gate systems. The Check/Drop Structure can also be used to measure the flow of the water. USES 1. Level and grade control in the storage, delivery and drainage of water systems where there is a change in elevation 2. Weir Structure 3. Check/Drop Structure 4. Drop Structure SIZES Precon Inlet/Turnouts sizes are sized based on the slope of the canal or pond and the size of the conveyance pipe. Precon can accommodate slopes of 2:1, 2.5:1 and 3:1. 16 PANEL WALLS PANEL WALLS Precon’s precast concrete Panel Walls are constructed using smaller, more manageable pieces that are assembled to make a wall of any length. The Panel Wall is engineered and designed based on the opening required and the depth necessary to eliminate seepage. The product is shipped in pieces. On site, it is easily assembled, making it ideal for remote areas. Stability of the wall must be taken into account when selecting this structure USES 1. Simple Canal Weir Structure 2. Pond Level Control SIZES Panel Walls can be built to a maximum height of 4000mm and any length. Wall pieces can be poured 152mm, 204mm or 254mm thick. BUILDINGS 17 BUILDINGS Precon’s precast concrete Building is an engineered, two piece structure that combines a safe, secure location for electrical, computer or automated equipment with a maintenance-free exterior. The precast concrete Building, when equipped with a heavy duty steel door, is vandal resistant. It is water tight, fire resistant and vermin proof, making it ideal in harsh environments. The precast concrete Building can be insulated (R20) and several other accessories or options can be built in. Installation is quick and easy and, when compared with alternative steel or wood products, the precast concrete Building provides a long lasting solution. USES 1. Control Buildings 2. Generator Sites 3. Accessory to Lift or Pump Stations 4. Mechanical Room SIZES Precon’s Buildings are produced in four standard sizes BD2025 (2.0m OD x 2.5m OD), BD2530 (2.5m OD x 3.0m OD), BD3040 (3.0m OD x 4.0m OD), BD3050 (3.0m OD x 5.0m OD). Insulation can vary in thickness depending on the application. 18 TRENCH DRAINS/UTILITY DUCTS TRENCH DRAINS/UTILITY DUCTS Trench Drains/Utility Ducts are engineered, 3-sided concrete boxes that can be used in a wide variety of applications from cableways to fluid conveyance trenches. Precon’s Standard Trenches are available in a wide variety of spans from 508mm to 4000mm wide. These connectable pieces are also available with a variety of tops types (eg. CL-800 precast tops and grating tops). Trench Drains/Utility Ducts, much like the rest of our product line, can also have many different types of accessories cast in. It can also be poured with almost any size of hole. These pieces are quick and easy to install. USES 1. Trench Drains 2. Utility Ducts 3. Cableways 4. Rupture Disk Trenches FLAT WALL PIPE CONNECTIONS 19 CONNECTIONS INCLUDE: Weldable ‘F’ Thimble Boot Connection ‘F’ Type Thimbles Grout Connection Steel Sleeve Link Seal ‘E’ Type Thimbles Kwik Seal Connection 20 VALUE ADDED ACCESSORIES PRECON HAS A WIDE VARIETY OF ACCESSORIES INCLUDING: • Ladder Rungs • Ladder Extensions • Hatches • Lifting Devices • Grates, Walkways and Safety Platforms • Water Control Gates • LIfting Davits • Trash Racks • Inlet Control Devices • Various Sealants HYDROGUARD HYDROGUARD Stormwater Hydrodynamic Separator • Treats storm water quality • Treats Low and High Flows • Separate low flow path prevents scour at high flows • Separate high flow path captures floatables • Captures oil spills, TSS and trash • Small footprint • Engineered for traffic loading • Can be used as a inlet or a bend structure • Sized based on independent TSS removal results, local hydrology and continuous simulation • Vertical baffles and multiple access points HYDROGUARD WATER QUALITY FLOW RATES (cfs) Model (70 um) (100 um) (OK110) 150 um** 200 um** HG 4 / HG 4i 0.8 1.1 0.9 1.3 1.6 HG 5 1.3 1.7 1.4 2.1 2.5 HG 6 1.8 2.6 2.0 3.0 3.6 HG 8 3.2 4.9 3.6 5.4 6.4 *60% Annual TSS Removal **80% TSS Removal at WQF For more information, please contact your local Hydroworks representative 21 22 PRECAST SLABS/BASES PRECAST SLABS/BASES Precon’s precast concrete slab and bases are engineered and designed for each individual project and application. These products are highly customizable. Slabs and bases, much like the rest of our product line, can also have many different types of accessories cast in. These pieces can also be poured with almost any size of opening. On site, they are easily installed, making them ideal for remote areas. USES 1. CSP Bases 2. Pipeline Protection Slabs 3. Boat Ramp Slabs 4. Anti-Floatation Slabs 5. Compressor Bases MECHANICAL 23 MECHANICAL Precon offers complete packages for Valve Chambers and PRV’s, including the mechanical. All Precon’s Valve Chambers are engineered to meet Alberta’s CL-800 loading and all installed mechanical components are pressure tested prior to shipping. Precon’s prepackaged mechanical structures are one less thing for you to worry about. USES 1. PRV’s 2. Backflow Valves Chambers 3. Flow Meters 4. Air Relief Valve Manholes 35 Sales Office Main Office/Production Plant Sales Office #212, 160 Broadway Blvd Sherwood Park, Alberta T8H 2A3 Phone: 780.464.0755 #2, CP Rail Road, Kipp Road Coalhurst, Alberta Phone: 403.382.4938 #333, 4615 112 Avenue SE Calgary, Alberta T2C 5J3 Phone: 403.723.7225 Toll Free: 1.800.661.8020 ·