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PERSPECTIVE M i d w e s t E ye - B a n k s’ R eport to the C ommunity J u l y 1 , 2 0 1 0 - J une 3 0 , 2 0 1 1 illinois eye-bank • lions eye bank of new jersey • michigan eye-bank REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | Page 7 Our Mission We preserve and restore sight through transplantation, research, education and partnership. Core Values Respect • Integrity • Transparency Performance • Leadership • Collaboration 4889 Venture Drive Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108 (800) 247-7250 77 bRANT aVENUE, sUITE 100 547 W. Jackson Boulevard, Suite 600 4889 Venture Drive cLARK, nEW jERSEY 07066 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60661 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108 (800) 653-9379 (800) 548-4703 (800) 247-7250 301 S. Prospect, Suite 2 BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS 61704 (800) 548-4703 Eye and Vision Research, p. 8 What’s Inside 4 President’s Perspective 5 Board of Directors 6 Clinical Update 11 Midwest Eye-Banks Report 16 Midwire Report 17 Illinois Eye-Bank Report 21 Lions Eye Bank of New Jersey Report Dan Reynolds Communications Director 25 31 32 34 35 Michigan Eye-Bank Report Gifts in Kind Contributions in Memory Gift Occasions Contributions in Honor Stephanie Sorenson Communications Coordinator Amy Skimin Staff Journalist Christopher Dempsey Constituent Data Coordinator REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | Page 3 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | Page 7 The President’s Perspective Charitable organizations, like human beings, are constantly called upon to exceed expectations, to push boundaries, to anticipate change and to be prepared. Challenge forces us out of our comfort zones. It forces us to grow. At Midwest Eye-Banks, we have grown as an organization, as teams and as individuals serving a great mission. Our challenge is to build on our strengths, to manage change… to grow with excellence. Excellent things have indeed been happening. Cornea donations and provisions for sight-restoring surgery have exceeded our projections. We’re working with surgeons to incorporate new technology, provide better services and offer the greatest benefit to patients. We’re improving our organization with a focus on benefiting communities, growing partnerships and contributing to the global practice of eye banking. But to grow with excellence, our leadership team must organize itself around measurable success factors. As a first step, we have implemented corporate dashboard reports that enable our management to view trends and correlations at a glance. This drives improvements in a number of areas, particularly in our clinical programs. This effort now continues in the form of strategic planning. Beginning in summer, 2011, we’ve involved key stakeholders and our entire staff in developing a strategy for growth. Our three-year Strategic Plan takes a fresh look at our mission, vision and values, and will use them to guide our primary objectives and priorities throughout that time. We want more opportunities to restore sight to more people. Kevin W. Ross, MS, MPH President and Chief Executive Officer We’re inspired to continue the work of our heroes – leaders who, in years past, saw similar opportunities and became pioneers of eye banking as we know it. This year, we mourn the loss of two such leaders: John W. Henderson, M.D., Ph.D., founding surgeon of the Michigan EyeBank, and A. Charles Weir, who truly helped to establish the organizational values of Midwest Eye-Banks and the Michigan Eye-Bank as a member of our Board of Directors. We honor the work of these men by carrying forward the cause that meant so much to them. We also have the privilege of honoring leaders whose decades of dedication make them especially worthy recipients of Midwest Eye-Banks’ highest award, our Founder’s Award: John Krienke, Ph.D. has championed the Eye-Bank’s mission among Lions, and has strengthened our community relationships through his leadership and volunteer activities. And Busharat Ahmad, M.D. is an internationally-renowned ophthalmologist who began his practice in Marquette, Michigan in 1971 and dedicated much of his 43-year career to community service. In fact, Dr. Ahmad is now renewing his role by partnering once again with Midwest Eye-Banks, as we continue his efforts to develop eye banking and sight restoration programs overseas. With your continued participation, we will continue connecting with communities, healthcare professionals and those around the world who need us most. We will find more ways to restore sight for more people. Together, we will grow with excellence. Kevin W. Ross, MS, MPH President and Chief Executive Officer Fall, 2011 Page 4 | midwest eye-banks — DEDICATED TO THE RESTORATION OF SIGHT Midwest Eye-Banks Board of Directors 2011–2012 John Johnson Chair Rashid L. Bashshur, Ph.D. William Constad, M.D. Elspeth Moore Vice-Chair Esther LaMothe Adrienne Logeman Timothy Connors, J.D. Secretary Treasurer Edward J. Hunter Julie Lowery, Ph.D. Gary Babcock Immediate Past Chairman Charles Pivoney Chief Operating Officer Kevin W. Ross President & Chief Executive Officer Celeste Thomas Williams, M.D. Illinois Eye-Bank Lions Eye Bank of New Jersey Michigan Eye-Bank Vice-Chair Randy J. Epstein, M.D. Vice-Chair Rev. Lois Schembs Vice-Chair Busharat Ahmad, M.D. Treasurer Frank Saporito Treasurer Stanley Grossman Treasurer William “Doc” Barr, Ed.D. Secretary David R. Donnersberger, Jr., M.D., J.D., FACP Secretary Stephen Domovich Secretary Bert Rivette Gerry D. Bouey Edward J. Hunter Karen Magers, RN Franco S. La Marca Charles Pivoney Mark Singler Morgan Stogsdill Maureen Ann Tuffy-Haga William Constad, M.D. Paul Goldberg Beverley Henderson-Hartsfield, RN Walter Pardo Kevin Ross, MS, MPH Bradley Tennant Ray Tigol, CPA, CHFP Michael C. Tyrone, Sr. Ben Yashinski Gary Babcock John Barletta, M.D. Paul F. Charette John C. Johnson John Krienke, Ph.D. Charles Nicklas Patrick Pruitt Executive Director Diane Hollingsworth Executive Director Margaret Chaplin, FACHE Chair Peter J. Latz Chair Elspeth Moore Chair Robert Sturgis Executive Director Lisa Langley REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | Page 5 Clinical Update Research and Training Midwest Eye-Banks supplied a total of 2,859 tissues for research and training to doctors and scientists during Fiscal Year 2010-2011, marking the fifth consecutive year the Eye-Bank has been able to increase the amount of tissue provided in support of promising research projects and training efforts. This increase reaffirms the Eye-Bank’s commitment to fighting blindness on all fronts; for every person whose sight can be restored through corneal transplantation, many more still await treatments that will only be discovered through research. Donated eye tissue is a precious gift that allows scientists to investigate the causes of blinding eye conditions and find new cures, going far beyond the 10 percent that can be treated with cornea transplants. Tissue prepared for Endothelial Keratoplasty Once again, the number of corneal tissues prepared and distributed by Midwest Eye-Banks for posterior lamellar procedures, known as Endothelial Keratoplasty (EK), increased during Fiscal Year 2010-2011, with EK tissue accounting for 1,726 of the 5,697 corneas provided to surgeons by Midwest Eye-Banks. This represents an increase of nearly 20 percent from the previous year. Endothelial Keratoplasty (EK) Grafts 2000 1,726 Total Corneal Grafts 1500 FY 11 1,323 5,356 1,415 1000 FY 10 4,376 500 FY 09 3,963 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 0 Page 6 | midwest eye-banks — DEDICATED TO THE RESTORATION OF SIGHT FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 International Tissue Distribution Sherbrooke, Canada Montreal, Canada Golstrup, Denmark Copenhagen, Denmark Bremen, Germany Venice, Italy Shenyang, China Istanbul, Turkey Seoul, South Korea Algiers, Algeria Athens, Greece Fez, Morocco Amman, Jordan Tripoli, Libya Tel Aviv, Israel Rawalpindi, Pakistan Alexandria, Egypt Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Monterrey, Mexico Cairo, Egypt Abu Dhabi, UAE Taipei, Taiwan Guadalajara, Mexico Mexico City, Mexico Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Muscat, Oman Dhaka, Bangladesh Cotui, Dominican Republic Khartoum, Sudan Sula, Honduras Bangkok, Thailand Valencia, Venezuela Caracas, Venezuela La Uruca, Costa Rica Milagro, Ecuador Lusaka, Zambia Pretoria, South Africa Buenos Aires, Argentina Wellington, New Zealand Midwest Eye-Banks strives to honor the valuable gift given by cornea donors by ensuring that all healthy eye tissue is put to the best possible use. When tissue availability surpasses the local need, the Eye-Bank works with other U.S. eye banks to place tissue with patients around the country. If tissue cannot be placed within the United States, the Eye-Bank will offer it to surgeons elsewhere in the world, often in countries where eye, organ and tissue donation is just beginning to develop. Number of Tissues Distributed Internationally 1,549 FY 11 1,048 FY 10 787 FY 09 0 500 1000 1500 2000 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | Page 7 Michelle Hastings, Ph.D. received funding from the Eye-Bank’s Eye and Vision Research Program for her study of Usher Syndrome, the leading genetic cause of combined blindness and deafness. For those who wait Eye banks have all but eliminated the U.S. waiting list for transplantable corneas, yet countless vision-impaired patients continue to wait for a cure. Corneal transplantation is an effective treatment for approximately 10 percent of all blinding eye conditions. In other words, 90 percent of those who face impaired vision and blindness are still awaiting a cure. And, for most of them, research is the only hope. That’s why Midwest Eye-Banks goes beyond the traditional role of an eye bank — the recovery, evaluation and distribution of eye tissue for transplantation — and offers seed money grants to promising researchers through its Eye and Vision Research Program. “Corneal transplantation is one important way of accomplishing our mission, but it is only ONE way,” says Dan Reynolds, the Eye-Bank’s Director of Communications. “To be true to our mission, and to serve those who can’t be helped through transplantation, we have to invest wisely in the search for new ways to help more people see again.” “...the progress we have made would not have been possible without this funding.” The Eye-Bank’s research grants, which are usually around $15,000 per project, allow scientists to conduct preliminary research that can be used to apply for larger grants from other organizations, such as the National Institutes of Health. During the Eye and Vision Research Program’s three decades of existence, more than $2.7 million in grants have been awarded, including $112,000 during Fiscal Year 2010-11 alone. The Program also awards student stipends of $2,500 each. Among this year’s grant recipients is Michelle Hastings, Ph.D., an Assistant Professor at the Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science. Her research focuses on Usher Syndrome, the leading genetic cause of combined deafness and blindness, with a longterm goal of finding a treatment for the disorder using gene therapy. For now, her laboratory is looking at one particular genetic mutation that is known to cause Usher Syndrome — and the resulting retinitis pigmentosa and deafness — in order to develop the treatment approach and demonstrate the feasibility of therapy for the disease. Known as “the Acadian mutation,” the abnormality Hastings is studying is responsible for all the cases of Usher Syndrome in the Acadian population of Louisiana and is also found in 40 percent of those with Usher Syndrome in Quebec. “Usher Syndrome itself can be caused by a large number of different mutations in 11 different genetic loci,” Hastings says. “There is no cure or effective therapy for any type of Usher Syndrome mutation.” The diversity of genes and gene mutations that can cause Usher Syndrome presents a challenge for developing a treatment. Hastings believes that targeting individual mutations through the use of antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs), synthesized nucleic acids that will bind to defective genes and deactivate them, may be a viable option. “ASOs have a high degree of specificity and can be designed and manufactured relatively easily,” she says, citing their therapeutic use in treating Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy and spinal muscular atrophy to demonstrate the promise of this approach. Hastings’ results have already shown that ASOs can target and correct the Acadian mutation in isolated cultured human cells and in mice that model the disease. “These findings are an important step toward developing and ASO-based treatment for Usher Syndrome that could be applied not only to the (Acadian) mutation, but in principle, to a large number of other mutations that cause the disease, as well as retinitis pigmentosa and deafness in general,” she explains. Her laboratory is working with other experts in the field to move this project forward, and she is grateful to Midwest EyeBanks for the funding she has received. “These experiments and the progress we have made would not have been possible without this funding,” she says. REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | Page 9 Research Grant Awards Midwest Eye-Banks has announced that the following researchers and projects will receive funding as part of its annual Eye and Vision Research Program for 2010-2011: Thomas Gardner, M.D., University of Michigan A diabetic retinopathy risk of progression calculator ($15,000) Student Stipend Recipients Michelle Hastings, Ph.D., Rosalind Franklin University Therapeutic approaches for blindness using antisense oligonucleotides ($14,821) Dr. Natalie Bajenova University of Michigan Patrice Fort, Ph.D., University of Michigan Characterization of crystalline proteins expression in human retinal effect of diabetes ($15,000) Xiaoxi Qiao, Ph.D. Henry Ford Health System Targeting APE1/Ref-1 redox function to inhibit choroidal neovascularization ($15,000) Dr. Vinay Aakalu University of Illinois at Chicago Dr. Shweta Chaudhary University of Illinois at Chicago Dr. Kristen Harris Nwanyanwu University of Michigan Dr. Jason Jacoby University of Illinois at Chicago Dr. Duma Raoof-Daneshwar University of Michigan Kwoon Wong, Ph.D., University of Michigan Functional characterization of developmental changes in NMDA receptor subunit composition of retinal ganglion cells ($15,000) Dr. Julia dos Santos Kresge Eye Institute Andrew Goldberg, Ph.D., Oakland University Understanding delayed pathogenesis in retinal degenerations ($15,000) Gi Sang Yoon Wayne State University Dr. Nazeem Shamsuddin University of Illinois at Chicago Research Review Committee Alan Sugar, M.D., Committee Chair, Professor, Dept. of Ophthalmology, University of Michigan, Kellogg Eye Center Jerome R. Kuszak, Ph.D., Committee Vice Chair, Rush University Medical Center, Professor of Ophthalmology & Pathology, Director of Electron Microscopy Paul J. Bryar, M.D. Northwestern University Medical School, Department of Ophthalmology Andrew F.X. Goldberg, Ph.D., Oakland University, Eye Research Institute Linda D. Hazlett, Ph.D., Professor & Chairman, Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology, Wayne State University Mark L. McDermott, M.D., MBA, CPE, Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Wayne State University, Kresge Eye Institute Deepak Shukla, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Ophthalmology Page 10 | midwest eye-banks — DEDICATED TO THE RESTORATION OF SIGHT Debra A. Thompson, Ph.D., Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Ophthalmology & Biochemistry, University of Michigan Peter A. Ward, M.D., Stobbe Professor of Pathology, University of Michigan Health Systems Marco A. Zarbin, M.D., Ph.D., FACS, Professor and Chair, Institute of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, UMDNJ - New Jersey Medical School Midwest Eye-Banks Report to the Community FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 With a little help... Charitable contributions are miracles for those who can’t afford sight-restoring medical procedures Tynesha Foster struggled with her vision for years before being diagnosed with a degenerative cornea disease called keratoconus. Trying to see, she says, was like looking through fragments of broken glass that distorted light, especially at night. It kept her from doing things many people take for granted, like going to college, because she was unable to see and didn’t want to ask others for help. Doctors tried treating her condition with hard contact lenses, but they did little to improve her vision. “Cornea transplants were my last hope,” she says. But Tynesha was unable to afford the medical procedures necessary for corneal transplantation. Her eye doctor, William Constad, M.D., notified Midwest Eye-Banks of his patient’s special financial needs; the Eye-Bank collaborated with Dr. Constad to help reduce the costs associated with Tynesha’s transplant. “Nobody should be denied a second chance for sight because of an inability to afford the medical procedure and other associated costs,” explains Charles Pivoney, the Eye-Bank’s Chief Operating Officer. Pivoney points out that there is never any charge for the tissue itself – it is considered a gift from the donor and his or her family to the recipient. However, the Eye-Bank must normally charge processing fees to help alleviate the substantial costs associated with eye tissue recovery, evaluation and distribution. This cost is usually covered by the recipient’s insurance and billed through the hospital or surgery center. However, when the recipient is uninsured and cannot afford the procedure, the Eye-Bank does everything in its power to waive or reduce the fees for its services. This is made possible through much-needed charitable contributions from the individuals and organizations that support the Eye-Bank. Through charitable support, the Eye-Bank is able to ensure everyone is given the chance for restored sight. “Every day, we have eye donors providing a gift,” Pivoney continues. “In the same vein, when someone needs help, we ought to be there.” Tynesha is happy to report that she is doing well and, while her vision may never be perfect, it is getting better. She hopes to undergo the procedure in her other eye next year, and return to college soon. “I’m grateful I was actually able to have a transplant,” she says, crediting her donor, her doctor and the Eye-Bank for making it possible. Tynesha was one of 151 people in Midwest Eye-Banks’ service area for whom the Eye-Bank was able to reduce or waive its service fees during Fiscal Year 2010-11. Community & Lions Support * Below are contributors whose gifts were made to Midwest Eye-Banks, rather than one of its individual subsidiaries. Contributions to the Illinois Eye-Bank, the Lions Eye Bank of New Jersey and the Michigan Eye-Bank appear in subsequent sections of this Report. Individuals Supporter (Up to $249) Ali and Jessica Alamdari Dennis Archambault Rashid Bashshur, Ph.D. and Naziha Bashshur Timothy Connors, J.D. and Margaret Connors John Everaert Patricia Faul-Burnett Lawrence J. Klaus Janice I. Kohler Bruce and Lisa Langley Betty M. McNett David Cruse and Megan Mills Robert and Eva Nishida Joseph Offenbecher Kevin and Suzanne Ross Robert Sturgis, PDG and Sharon Sturgis Bradley and Darla Tennant Patron ($250 to $499) Gerald and Linda Babcock Gerald and Sharon Bouey Esther LaMothe, PCC and Roger LaMothe, PDG Margaret Randolph A. Charles and Frances Weir Partner ($500 to $999) Peter J. and Michele V. Latz Steward ($1,000 to $4,999) Bank of Ann Arbor William H. Constad, M.D. Yvonne S. Kilbourne Marilyn and Marty Lindenauer Robert Moore, PID and Elspeth Moore, PCC Andrew J. Watson, Ph.D. and Valarie Watson Lions and Lioness Clubs Supporter (Up to $249) Bridgman Lions Club DeWitt Breakfast Lions Club DeWitt Lioness Club East Flint Lions Club Fenton Lions Club Flushing Lions Club Jackson Eye Openers Lions Club Kaleva Lions Club Lewiston Lioness Lions Club Michigan Center Lioness Rochester Hills Lions Club Rockwood Area Lions Club Tekonsha Lions Club Watervliet Lioness Club Patron ($250 to $499) Sebewaing Lions Club Stephenson Lions Club Swartz Creek Lions Club Partner ($500 to $999) Hubbard Lake Lions Club Lennon Lions Club Ortonville Lions Club Richmond Lions Club Steward ($1,000 to $4,999) Fraser Lions Club Lewiston Lions Club Midland Lions Club Shelby Township Lions Club Luminary ($5,000 to $9,999 Clarkston Area Lions Club Novi Lions Club District 11 B-1 Lions International Lansing Delta Lions Club REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | Page 11 Statistics & Financials Statement of Public Support and Revenue, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 Current Operating Fund Investment Fund Support from Lions/Lioness and Leo Clubs 166,814 – Special Events 187,184 – Capital Campaign Pledges and Revenue $52,305 – Support from Other Public Sources301,077 $4,600 Total Public Support707,380 Tissue Processing Fees14,104,387 4,600 – Net Investment Earnings824,278 Miscellaneous and Other Income Clinical statistics: Fiscal Year 2010/2011 Total Eyes/Corneas Received Total Corneal Grafts Total Tissues Provided for Research and Training 9,360 5,356 2,859 Midwire Processing Fees Total Revenue 10,237 – 137,285 $14,251,909 $824,278 Total Public Support and Revenue $14,959,289 $828,878 Program Services: Tissue recovery, evaluation and distribution; community outreach and education; research funding $10,279,961 – Administrative2,801,588 – Fundraising492,882 – Total Expenditures – $13,574,431 Excess of Public Support and Revenue Over/(Under) Expenses$1,384,858 $828,878 Increase (Decrease) In Investment Assets $1,384,858 $828,878 Beginning of Year Net Assets$3,521,764$5,891,881 End of Year Net Assets $4,906,622$6,720,759 Page 12 | midwest eye-banks — DEDICATED TO THE RESTORATION OF SIGHT The graphs below are based on figures audited by Yeo & Yeo, P.C. for the Fiscal Year 2010-11, which ended on June 30, 2011. Direct expenses are allocated between two major categories, which are reported on a functional basis: program services (clinical programs, public and professional education programs and research programs) and support services (administration and fundraising). Midwest Eye-Banks Expenses Education Programs 14.7% Administration 20.6% Indirect expenses are allocated among the various programs and support services. Certain indirect expenses are allocated among all five (5) areas, such as depreciation of equipment, salaries of corporate staff and liability insurance. Clinical Programs: Includes the cost of tissue recovery; medical supplies; tissue shipment to Midwest Eye-Banks labs, surgeons and researchers; serological testing; tissue evaluation, preservation and storage; surgery scheduling; placement of tissue; salaries of technical staff. Research Programs 6.2% Fundraising 3.6% Clinical Programs 54.8% Midwest Eye-Banks Current operating fund REVENUE Public Support 5% Midwest Eye-Banks Statement of Functional Expenses and Revenues Investments 5% Education Programs: Includes the cost of developing and printing educational materials such as brochures, donor cards, audio-visual materials for hospital in-services, public speaking engagements and a variety of other outreach programs, as well as salaries for the education staff. Research Programs: Includes the cost of the Research Grant Program and costs related to recovery and distribution of research and training tissue, the cost of subsidizing research and training tissue to researchers and ophthalmology residents and an appropriate allocation of technical and support salaries. Administration: Includes the cost of rent, utilities, information services, financial audits, personnel, accounting and the salaries of administrative and clerical support staff. Fundraising: Includes salaries of development office staff and the expenses related to solicitation of contributions, as well as an appropriate allocation of overhead. Tissue Distribution: Includes reimbursement received from hospitals and surgical centers. Miscellaneous and Other Income 1% Tissue Distribution 89% REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | Page 13 A show of support Fundraisers offer Midwest Eye-Banks an opportunity to promote its mission of sight restoration, while garnering much-needed financial support. Illinois Eye-Bank Night for Sight at the Ballpark More the 300 supporters of the Illinois Eye-Bank, Watson Gailey attended its Night for Sight at the Ballpark on July 17, when the Normal CornBelters took on the Southern Illinois Miners at the Corn Crib, the CornBelters’ new home. Cornea transplant recipient Linda Ellerman (center), with husband Doug (left), enjoys game day with IEB Professional Development Manager Kara Kelly (right). A portion of each ticket sale benefited the Eye-Bank, and included an all-you-can-eat barbeque. Aviators Night for Sight Aviators Night for Sight, held on October 16, was the debut event of the Ambassadors for Vision (A4V) Council, a group of young, successful Chicago-based professionals who discovered the Eye-Bank’s mission and chose to take the next step by getting involved. The event honored young cornea recipient Anthony Diaz. Helmed by Franco La Marca and Anthony Contrucci, Aviators Night for Sight was a completely sponsorand donor-driven event, held in partnership with Marquis Jets. Attendees enjoyed global gastronomy, Monte Carlo-style gaming, live entertainment, a fashion show and displays of exotic cars and private jets. The Soiree was held at the Peninsula Hotel in Chicago, and honored Jean Antoniou as 2011’s Woman of Vision, and named Randy Epstein, M.D. as the Gift of Sight Honoree. CBS2’s Ryan Baker acted as Master of Ceremonies. 2011 Woman of Vision Jean Antoniou and Gift of Sight Honoree Randy Epstein, M.D. Lions Eye-Bank of New Jersey Night with the Somerset Patriots The Lions Eye Bank of New Jersey teamed up with the Somerset Patriots, a minor league baseball team, to raise awareness about eye, organ and tissue donation during a game at TD Bank Ballpark in Bridgewater on August 3. LEBNJ’s mascot, Iggy, hamming it up with the rest of the TD Bank ballpark mascots. “It was a beautiful night, and we appreciate those who turned out to support the Eye Bank,” says Cathy Wasner, Community Engagement Coordinator for the Eye Bank. Visionary Award Banquet 2010 Event honoree and cornea transplant recipient Anthony Diaz. Summer Sight Soiree After a dozen successful years with its popular Gift of Sight Gala, the Illinois Eye-Bank brought in new life and a new identity with its inaugural Summer Sight Soiree in June, 2011. “The Gala was always a successful event, but this year we wanted to try something new,” explains Diane Hollingsworth, the Eye-Bank’s Executive Director. “Our event committee, chaired by David Donnersberger, M.D., did an incredible job putting together an event that appealed to all ages, it was a spectacular evening.” The Lions Eye Bank of New Jersey was proud to honor Lion Al Brandel, Past President of Lions Clubs International and LCIF Chair; Lion Gene Polgar, President and CEO of the Lions Eye Bank of Delaware Valley; and LensCrafters as 2010’s Visionaries of the Year at a banquet at Mayfair Farms in West Orange on October 13. “We chose our Visionaries because they have done what others have not,” explains Margaret Chaplin, the Eye Bank’s Executive Director. “They have stepped up and made miracles happen for those who might otherwise face blindness.” The Eye Bank also paid tribute to the late Lion Horace Brown, Page 14 | midwest eye-banks — DEDICATED TO THE RESTORATION OF SIGHT (From left) Honorees Lion Gene Polgar and Lion Al Brandel with LEBNJ Executive Director Margaret Chaplin. who passed away last year after many years of supporting the organization’s sight-restoring mission, and honored Lions Clubs, individuals and organizations that earned the Ken Mattfield Award by contributing $1,000 or more during the previous fiscal year. Michigan Eye-Bank Big House Big Heart A team of more than three dozen walkers, runners, wheelers and strollers represented the Michigan Eye-Bank at the Big House Big Heart 5K, 10K and one-mile races in Ann Arbor on October 3. Participants were invited to raise money for their favorite charitable organizations. Team Michigan EyeBank raised more the $4,000, thanks to its dedicated team members, led by honorary captain Cassandra Perry, Members of the Michigan Eye-Bank Big House a bilateral cornea Big Heart team with mascot Cornelius. recipient, and her children, Elizabeth and Jack. “We’re thrilled that this group of participants chose to support us,” says Lisa Langley, the Eye-Bank’s Executive Director. “They have done amazing things to raise money in support of our mission.” Ride-a-Thon After undergoing sight-restoring cornea transplants, Gary Abud wanted to give back to the organization that made his gift of sight possible. Drawing upon his own passion for indoor cycling, Abud, a Spinning instructor, hosted his second Ride-a-Thon for the Michigan Eye-Bank at Next Level Health and Fitness in St. Clair Shores on June 5. Michigan Eye-Bank Golf Benefit About 100 golfers gathered for the Michigan Eye-Bank’s Golf Benefit on June 20 at the prestigious University of Michigan Golf Course in Ann Arbor. “The fact that people return year after year tells us that they enjoy this event,” says Midwest Eye-Banks Director of Communications and Golf Committee Chair Dan Reynolds. “We’re thrilled to have their support. But if this event is to survive, we will need to lean more heavily on our partners, including surgeons and transplant industry groups who can help us to attract a larger, more diverse group of sponsors and golfers.” Despite a brief downpour, golfers enjoyed a full day of golf, food and drinks. One lucky golfer even managed a hole-inone. At the end of the day, participants gathered at the club house to receive their prizes and learn more about the Eye-Bank’s mission. During the program, the Michigan Eye-Bank received a check for $1,500 from the Bank of Ann Arbor for being a top 15 finalist in their Sweet Fifteen Facebook Contest. Executive Director Lisa Langley accepting a check from the Bank of Ann Arbor for being a finalist in the Sweet Fifteen Facebook Contest. For more information about the Eye-Bank’s Ambassador Program or to help plan a fundraiser, contact the Executive Director in your area: Illinois: Diane Hollingsworth (800) 548-4703 Cornea transplant recipient Gary Abud with the Michigan Eye-Bank mascot, Cornelius. “After years of struggling with my vision, I cannot begin to describe how my transplants have changed my life,” says Abud, who was diagnosed with keratoconus – a degenerative cornea disease – at age 10. “By raising money for the Eye-Bank, I can help them continue in their mission of sight restoration.” Michigan: Lisa Langley (800) 247-7250 New Jersey: Margaret Chaplin (800) 653-9379 Ride-a-Thon participants joined in one-hour spinning sessions held throughout the day, all led by Abud, and refueled after their workout with hamburgers and hot dogs, grilled by Next Level’s owner. REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | Page 15 Wired for success Midwire promotes eye bank efficiency, collaboration Those familiar with Midwest Eye-Banks are likely already aware of the eye banking services it provides – the recovery, evaluation and placement of tissue for transplant, research and education. Many also know about the vital seed money grants it provides to eye and vision researchers investigating the causes of and cures for blinding eye conditions. But perhaps fewer have heard about the important services the organization offers to other eye banks. As part of its commitment to strengthening eye banking around the world, Midwest invested in the development of a software application, Midwire, that allows for electronic tissue tracking and digital recordkeeping. Initially launched in 2007, Midwire took on a life of its own in 2010, when Midwire Systems became a subsidiary of Midwest Eye-Banks and began providing the Midwire software application to other eye banks. Today, Midwire’s customers include Midwest Eye-Banks, the Iowa Lions Eye Bank, the Heartland Lions Eye Bank, the Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin, the Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Bank and the Vision Share eye bank consortium. “We’re pleased to have been embraced by the eye banking community,” says Michael O’Keefe, Executive Director of Midwire Systems. “Our system was developed specifically for eye banks, but it is refined to fit each user because we know that every eye bank has its own way of doing things.” system and addressing any disturbances as quickly as possible. Midwire staff work with eye bank staff to define terminology and functionality, ensuring the software is customized for how the eye bank does business. Iowa Lions Eye Bank Executive Director Cindy Reed was particularly impressed by the efforts made by Midwire staff in tailoring Midwire to meet her needs. “They put in a lot of time, patience and strategy to make sure the system was working for us,” explains Reed. As a result, the Iowa Lions Eye Bank is experiencing more efficient placement of corneas and improved donor documentation, allowing the distribution manager to know exactly what tissue is available at any given time. Because of Midwire’s ability to integrate with QuickBooks, the Eye Bank is also able to issue electronic invoices, instead of having to handwrite them. “The major benefit is the time savings for our people,” Reed explains, “and their ability to do their work far more efficiently because of electronic record tracking and the integration with financial systems.” O’Keefe is glad to hear about these success stories. “This is a platform for collaboration between eye banks,” he says. To learn more about Midwire, visit When putting Midwire in place at an eye bank, O’Keefe and his team take great care to minimize disruptions to the eye bank’s workflow, evaluating its previous Page 16 | midwest eye-banks — DEDICATED TO THE RESTORATION OF SIGHT Illinois Eye-Bank Report to the Community FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 Always Connected Community Engagement staff, Ambassadors and other volunteers focus on Eye Donor Month and beyond The Illinois Eye-Bank recognized March as National Eye Donor Month with help from Secretary of State Jesse White, who teamed up with the Eye-Bank for a poster campaign featuring pediatric eye tissue recipients from around the state. Copies of the poster were placed in 180 Secretary of State Driver Facilities to encourage patrons to sign up on the Illinois Organ/Tissue Donor Registry. The Secretary of State’s office also teamed up with the Eye-Bank to give three hospital presentations. Additionally, during National Eye Donor Month, cornea recipient Sarah Mittler shared her story on WGN TV’s nation-wide Midday News, Executive Director Diane Hollingsworth was interviewed by WGN Radio personality Bill Moller, and the Pike Press in Pittsfield, Cornea transplant recipient Sarah Mittler Illinois, ran a story about eye donation, featuring an interview with Illinois EyeBank, Watson Gailey Regional Coordinator Dave Hearn. “National Eye Donor Month proved to be a great opportunity to pique the media’s interest about what we do,” says Hollingsworth. “It was especially moving to see Sarah share her story with WGN’s viewers.” But the Illinois Eye-Bank’s activities were by no means limited to March. Staff worked to build relationships with the state’s Lions Clubs, attending the State Convention and various District and Zone meetings, and worked directly with many individual Clubs. Other activities for the year included Donor Tribute Ceremonies with Gift of Hope and the Muscoskeletal Transplant Foundation, and the Red Shoe Run for Donor Awareness, hosted by the family of Carrie Jane Smith, who became a cornea and tissue donor at the age of 28. The poster featuring Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White and young transplant recipients was displayed in Secretary of State offices across Illinois to help encourage others to join the Donor Registry. REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | Page 17 Statistics & Financials Statement of Public Support and Revenue, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets Illinois Eye-Bank Expenses Fundraising 17.1% Administration 7.4% July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 Current Operating Fund Support from Lions/Lioness and Leo Clubs Special Events Support from Other Public Sources Total Public Support Education Programs 75.5% $6,584 163,660 42,520 $212,764 Illinois Eye-Bank REVENUE Funding Allocation from Tissue Processing fees 513,553 Other Income 3,200 Intercompany Charges Support from Lions/ Lioness and Leo Clubs 1% Special Events 22% Support from Other Public Sources 6% 202,308 Total Revenue Funding Allocation from Tissue Processing Fees 71% $719,061 Total Public Support and Revenue $931,825 Program Services: Community Engagement and Professional Education Program $742,069 Administrative Services 73,172 Fundraising 168,161 Total Expenditures $983,402 Excess of Public Support and Revenue Over/(Under) Expenses ($51,577) Transfer of Assets from Midwest Eye-Banks 281,333 Beginning of Year Net Assets — End of Year Net Assets $229,756 Clinical statistics: Fiscal Year 2010/2011 Total Eyes/Corneas Received 4,457 Total Corneal Grafts 2,493 iLLINOIS Eye-Bank Statement of Functional Expenses and Revenues Direct expenses are allocated between two major categories, which are reported on a functional basis: program services (public and professional education programs) and support services (administration and fundraising). Indirect expenses are allocated among the various programs and support services. Education Programs: Includes the cost of developing and printing educational materials such as brochures, donor cards, audio-visual materials for hospital in-services, public speaking engagements and a variety of other outreach programs, as well as salaries for the education staff. Administration: Includes the cost of rent, utilities, information services, financial audits, personnel, accounting and the salaries of administrative and clerical support staff. Fundraising: Includes salaries of development office staff and the expenses related to solicitation of contributions, as well as an appropriate allocation of overhead. The financial statistics and graphs are based on figures audited by Yeo & Yeo, P.C. for the Fiscal Year 2010-11, which ended on June 30, 2011. Page 18 | midwest eye-banks — DEDICATED TO THE RESTORATION OF SIGHT Support from Individuals and Organizations | Fiscal Year 2010-2011 | July 1, 2010–June 30, 2011 Community Support Supporter (up to $249) Nicholas Abid Nicolas Abrego Steven and Jill Aeschleman Georgia Alberico Anne Albrecht Robert and Karen Albrecht Timothy Albrecht Charles and Alice Allen J. William Allen, Jr. Allstate Giving Campaign Frankie Anderson Harry and Lois Anderson Nancy Anderson Marjorie A. Ariano Ephraim and Deloris Axelrod Alfred Baker, M.D. and Dorothy Baker Barry and Margaret Baker Belinda Baker Richard and Susan Bakker Michael Balkin Marilyn Ballowe Robert and Denise Baptista Warren and Hazel Barr Ernest and Rosalie Battaglia Arnold B. Becker Miles and Helene Beermann Otis and Ruthie Bell Frank and Loretta Beresh Jose C. Bernardo Jean Berry John Berry Philip L. Berton Ryan Bertram Diane Beyer Scott and Karen Bieber Ernestine Bishop Carlos H. Blanco Patty Blaszczyk Janet Bloem Mary Jo Blythe Joseph Bobst Barry and Cheryl Bollinger Charles Bouchard, M.D. and Anne Bouchard Juanita Bradley Eugene Brakel Earl Brauen Marie Brichetto Patrick and Debra Bromley Helen V. Brown Steven V.L. Brown, M.D., F.A.C.S. Frank and Marie Bugajski Robert Burks, Jr. Christine Call Joseph Carbonara Cynthia Carfora Wendy Carmien Kathy Carroll and Maura Schnonwald Adelaida Castro Anne Cavalla Bruce and Kathleen Chamberlin Helen Charvat Penny Choate Catherine J. Ciaccio Robert and Barbara Clark Troy Close, M.D. Loretta Coatar David and Barbara Cohen Combined Federal Campaign of the Chicago Area Patrick and Debbie Comerford Craig and Heather Concklin Kevin Connon Elizabeth Cooke Gerald L. Cooke, M.D. Homer and Helen Cornwell Sarah B. Corush Alice Creech Joseph Criscione Joe Culig Ernest and Jeannette Dahl Arlone Ritter Dalluge Jane Danley Jacquelyn Danz John D’Arco John Das, M.D. and Lakshmi Das Evelyn Davenport Davis Imperial Cleaners Daniel Davis Ashley Decker Stephen Degenford Shirley Delost Michael and Susan Detloff Mark A. DeTolve Fred Diamond Andrea Diaz Antonio Diaz Juan and Amelia Diaz Joseph and Tracey DiBuono Julia Dilibert Dillman Eye Care Associates Mary L. Dirker Mary Ditsch Dolores Kay Donley William Donnelly John and Barbara Dovale Christopher Dovalina William and Lorene Dreska Cynthia Duley Monica Durkin Friedrich Durler Stephen and Marie Eberwein Edward and Rebecca Edinger Douglas L. Elkins Thomas and Carol English Ethan and Peggi Erenberg Clifford and Carol Espevik Margaret Euwema Ryan and Meaghan Evans Teresa Fabry Fairmont Chicago, Millennium Park Edwin and Susan Farmer Robert S. Feder, M.D. and Randi Feder Barbara Feldman Marjorie and James Filipello Robert Finnegan Harold and Marian Finnern Bernard Fitzgerald John Fitzpatrick Richard Fleisher William and Virginia Fojtik Sarah K. Forsythe Betty S. and Robert B. Frank Charitable Foundation Edna Frisby and Deann Kuske Alexander Gabriel Dorothy Gans Cassandra Gathings Rosemary Gaudreault Adelina Gaytan Elizabeth George Matthew Georgopulos Phyllis A. Gilmore Marvin E. Ginsburg Edith Glogowski Carolyn Godby, PDG Norb L. Gold and Mary Lou Bilder-Gold Karin Goldberg Matt and Jodi Gordon Virgil Gottardo Dolores Graf Bess Greco Paul and Cynthia Grossman Steven and Chris Groth Martha Gulik Patrica Gunderson Brian Haan Lorraine Handler Pamela Hardman Gregg and Susan Hartemayer David and Christine Hearn Norma Henderson Myrtle Henrichs Nancy Hensel Frank Herdzina, Jr. Jacqueline Herridge Genevieve Hill Louise A. Holland David and Diane Hollingsworth Joyce Hoyle Hung-Jung Huang Coleman Hughley The Reverend Edward J. Hunter and Patricia J. Hunter Gregory Hyder Michael and Leslie Hyman Karen Iantorno Illinois Optometric Association Zoila Ipina Dorothy Ippolito John Isenberg Josephine Iussig Arie Jackson Justin Jacobson Richard and Lois Jahn Michael and Susan Jaworek JoAnne Jents Andrea Johnson Gloria M. Johnson Robert Johnson Florence M. Johnston Doraine Jones Horace W. Jordan Gilbert Kamm Joel A. Kaplan, M.D. Brian Karlow Bernard Katz Thomas Kehoe Nancy Kelley Lisa Kelly William and Kara Kelly Elyse Kennard William Kernan Valerie Kilgore Stephen and June Kincius Eugene Kirby Jodi Kirsch Timothy Kisla, D.O. and Sally Kisla Mr. and Mrs. Hoover C. Kizart Joseph and Renee Klak William and Marilyn Knuppel Joanne Knutson Marion Kopriva Martin and Donna Korey Mitchel Korzenko Joe and Cathryn Krause Arthur J. Kreiling Christine Krueger Kevin and Diane Kuca Michael and Mary Jo Kwasigroch Bernice Lafoe Franco S. LaMarca Roger LaMothe, PDG and Esther LaMothe, PCC Eliot Landau Jennifer Lane Ronald Larson Joseph and Eunice Lasky Debra Leb William and Pamela Ledvort Ron and Julie Levitt Mr. and Mrs. Steven Lewis Janis Licari Caridad Lim Amy Lin, M.D. Jay A. Lipe Steven and Rebecca Lipp Elvyra Locke Joseph Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Art Loza Beatrice Ann Loza Rafael and Rita Loza Jacqueline Luczak Ronald Ludewig Lulu’s at The Belle Kay Stella Lynge Mary Makrenos Ann Maksymiec Patricia Mallory Charlotte E. Mally Kathleen B. Mammoser Wanda Mancini Robert and Florence Mandekich Joe Mapes John and Carole Markanich Charles and Kristine Marose Eddie and Kelly Marquez Barbara Martinec Ana L. Martinez Roberto Martins Marjorie McBride Stacie McClane Veronica McClure Richard L. McCormack Thomas F. McGuire and Thomas G. Hackett James and Cassaline McHolland Dawn McKenna Julie McMahon Genevieve Meehan David W. Meyer David and Linda Milberg Philip and Nancy Miller Shirley Miller Thomas and Liesl Minneci Janice Mitchell Donald and Pat Moats Adrienne Mojzik Jacqueline Moline Noah Moore Helen Morgan Joanna Morrone Patricia Mroczkowski Sister Lenore Mulvihill George Munson Shirley Nahley Frank and Bernadette Narel Cora M. Nawracaj Bonnie M. Neff John and Margaret Nelson Francis Neuhaus John D. Newhouse Betty J. Niemeyer Normal Professional Baseball Club Michael and Holly O’Connor Thomas and Diane O’Connor Steven Ofloy Steve and Lori O’Hara William and Nadine O’Malley J. O’Neal Divinia Ong John and Mary O’Rourke S. Ortega George and Margaret Ortenzo Jeffrey and Kathleen Ossanna Richard Ostry, Jr. Romeyn M. Oyer Michael Parfenoff David Paro John Patrick Louis Paukovitz Chris Pautsch Peggy Peterson Paul Pfingston Robert Pfingston Susan Pircon Millie Ponfil Marguerite Potter Provena St. Joseph Hospital Jack and Renee Puckett and Family Ross Quevedo B. Elizabeth Rabas Harold Rabin Yuly and Ida Raff Steve and ‘Cille Ramsey Dorothy Ranft Lisa Rauchecker Phillip Ray Andrew Razniewski David and Mary Razniewski Blanche Ready Norman E. Rebenstorf, Sr. Thomas and Mary Rebernak John P. Regas Mary S. Reilly Emma Jean Rempe Ronald R. Rezny William E. Richards Jack and Bonnie Rickard Patricia Ricker Richard Rickey Michael and Nancy Riley Julie Rizzo Edward and Donna Roberts Doris I. Robertson Nancy Robinson Roger Roloff and Barbara Petersen Brian Root Kevin and Suzanne Ross Roger and Elaine Russell Harvey Russell Carolyn Ryan Catherine M. Rybolt Mildred Sarros Jeanette Satterfield Ella Schaeffer Elmer H. Schirmer, Jr. Arden K. Schlegel Mary Schlereth Roland and Betty Ann Schleusener Leona H. Schmidt Patricia W. Schmidt Louise Schneider Steven Schneider Michael and Jill Schrage Kathryn Schrempf Quenten Schumacher Patricia Schuurman W. Robert and Phyllis Schwandt Jorge Serret REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | Page 19 Genine Shafer Donna Sheffield William Sherman Julia Shoemaker Steve Sicher, M.D. and Nancy Sicher Carmella Silva Howard and Lynda Silverman Margie E. Simmons James Simonian Marilyn Singer Phung Ta Singh Chester and Joan Sipowicz Maria Skourletos Raymond and Barbara Slanker Gary and Patricia Slatka Helen Smith James Smith Lawrence J. Smith Sandra Smith-Doghmi Donald E. Smucker Kathleen and Richard Sojka Leonard Solomon Craig Spak Francesca Sparacino Andrew and Patricia Spelios Joyce Spellious Robert Stecher Myrna Stein Joyce Stock Geraldine Storck Scott Stratford Charles Strong Christine and Joseph Struzik Jennifer Struzik Earl and Janice Swanson Marlene Szepsy Tamar Productions, Inc. Cassandra Tamburrino Tolly Tate Jignasha Thakkar Carole Timmerman Sheldon Tobin Mary Tolin Anthony and Joan Tomasello Dr. Elise Torczynski Clemente Trupiano Bill Umfleet Robert and Esther Vadnais James and Sheree Valukas Joseph Van Cura, Jr. Paul Vandenberg Ge Vang Rich Varnes Frederick and Ann Verhulst Filibel Villanueva Patricia Vistine Tobey A. Vistine Diane Wachel Mary Wagner Terry and Sheila Walters Norman E. Wandke Mary J. Wehrle Weiner Ellman Family Foundation Fred and Roberta Weiner Bonnie and Duewell Welch Kenneth and Aileen Wenstrom Mr. and Mrs. Ernest B. West Dion Wheeler Julia White David and Sandra Whitmore Henry D. Williams Raymond A. Willis Charles L. Wilson Amy Wimer and Ed Wlodarczyk Terrence Winckler Lev Yankovskiy Eloise Yerkes Jerry and Marijane York Thomas and Cheryl Young Antonette Zielinski Patron ($250 to $499) Advanced Eye Care Ronnie Aga Ryan and Jessa Baker John Royal Bodine and Sherrill L. Bodine Gerald and Sharon Bouey James E. Carson Combined Federal Campaign of Central Illinois Anthony and Melissa Contrucci Melissa del Rosario Mary Donners Meyer Raymond Drymalski Tia D. Dudley Dr. Randy Epstein Pam Flaherty Mary E. Frey The Gutman Family Foundation Trust Robert J. Haga and Maureen A. Tuffy-Haga Allan and Ricki Harpelund Joshua Herz, M.D. Ronald and Marci Holzer International Business Machines Donna Johnson D. Carroll Joynes Laura Kenneally Heinz Kern and Mary Ann Rose Kimberly Kline Fred Kortlander and Polly Pancoe Kraff Eye Institute, Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. Mario La Marca Nick LeRoy Linda Lozier Augustus Mangubat Eric Mansell Norma J. McCullough The Muller Firm, LTD Kenneth R. Norgan Sheila O’Grady Jennifer M. Polzer Allen Putterman, M.D. Peter K. Rabiah, M.D. Vonita Reescer Paige and Karl Reichardt Jonathan Rubenstein, M.D. Frank Saporito Schramko Real Estate Bonnie Schultz and Anne Rossiter Lisa L. Shives, M.D. Phillip and Veronica Siegel Stanley Paul Orchestra, Inc. Tom and Ginny Stewart Joel Sugar, M.D. and Anita Gerber Bela and Ilona Szeifert Jim Tharin Verne J. Thomas Martha Bodman Wallace James and Barbara Walsh Marshall Weinberg and Eileen Howard-Weinberg Jeffrey Wiktor Matthew Wilkes Partner ($500 to $999) Manas Alhanikar Irene Antoniou Joseph Bachewicz George and Virginia Bailie Kent and Irma Bates Joel A. Brodsky Mary Pat Burns Kent Carter Kedric and Maura Chamberlin Emma Contrucci Andrew and Lisa Daniels Anthony Diaz Eileen Donnersberger Sheryl L. Dyer Brian and Ursula Feldman Chris Gallagher Bradley and Tiffani Kim Griffith Hospira Paul R. Iacono Martin and Beena Joseph Steve and Peggy Lombardo Bishop Timothy Lyne Desmond and Yvonne Martello Andrew and Kristen McCoy Frederick A. Metz Midwest Glaucoma Center Richard Milton Thomas Mizen, M.D. and Pamela Mizen Keith Monson, M.D. Montenegro Paper, LTD Mary Ellen Neuman Jeffrey Neven and Marsha Malooney-Neven John and Cindy Paitti Palmer House Hilton Patrick Dealer Group Charles and Mary Jo Pivoney John B. and Myra Reilly Eileen Seyfarth Howard and Catherine Siegel Tim Smithe Jay and Nora Spak Jackie Stillmaker and Family D. Matthew and Elizabeth Stremel Sarah Tyler, Esq. Urban Oasis North Avenue, Inc. Walter E. Smithe Furniture Winger Marketing Peter Wroblewski Wyse Eyecare Service Corp. Casey Zgutowicz Andrew Ziskind Mildred Zrazik Steward ($1,000 to $4,999) Jerry and Marilyn Hayden Denis J. Healy, Jr. and Sean Eshaghy Richard and Sherry Lea Holson Ira J. Kaufman Family Foundation Mrs. David Lies Marian Macsai, M.D. Anthony and Lisa Madonia Patrick and Jamie Maloney Jack and Donna Monco Sally Jo Morris Arthur J. Murphy Philip and Marianne Nielsen The Prime Group, Inc. Richard and Liz Saltzman Stephens Instruments Peter and Marijane Thornton Twentieth Century Services, Inc. Vienna Beef Mamie J. Walton Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Weller Robert Zec and Maria Razumich- Zec Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Zetner Derek Zingg Luminary ($5,000 to $9,999) The Bill Bass Foundation Beermann Swerdlove, LLP Estate of Hugh R. Brown Cooper Family Foundation Peter J. and Michele V. Latz Spex Benefactor ($10,000 and above) Richard H. Driehaus Charitable Lead Trust Hackberry Endowment Partners/ The Malkin Family Molex Incorporated Andreas and Jean Antoniou Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Applegate, Jr. Chuck Arredia Michael and Verna Bousis Chicago Cornea Consultants Chubb Federal Insurance Company Anita H. Johnson Cohen David Donnersberger, M.D., J.D. Eye Surgical Associates, S.C. Gift of Hope Organ and Tissue Donor Network Frederick and Susan Gohl Lions Support: A Shared Mission Lions and the Illinois Eye-Bank share a mission – the elimination of preventable blindness. The Illinois Eye-Bank is grateful for the operating support it has received from Lions Clubs throughout its service areas during the past fiscal year. Supporter (up to $249) Barrington Lions Club Bonfield Lions Club Chicago Hegewisch Lions Club Danvers Lions Club Evergreen Park Lions Club Freeport Lions Club Galena Lions Club Lombard Lions Club Mackinaw Lions Club Morris Lions Club Mount Auburn Lions Club Oak Park-River Forest Lions Club Ramsey Lions Club Richmond Lions Club Stickney Forest View Lions Club Stockton Lions Club Towanda Lions Club Virden Lions Club Willow Springs Lions Club Patron ($250 to $499) Lanark Lions Club Worth Lions Club Partner ($500 to $999) Crete Lions Club Page 20 | midwest eye-banks — DEDICATED TO THE RESTORATION OF SIGHT Glen Ellyn Lions Club Plainfield Lions Club Riverside Township Lions Club Rockford Noon Lions Club Roselle Lions Club Steward ($1,000 to $4,999) Naperville Noon Lions Club Lions Eye Bank of New Jersey Report to the Community FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 Always Engaged Eye Bank works with Ambassadors and other volunteers to reach local communities The Lions Eye Bank of New Jersey completed Phase I of its I Joined! Donor Registry program, which began in 2008, by providing information about eye, organ and tissue donation to every Lions Club in the service area. The majority of Clubs were given this information in a presentation, but the Clubs that couldn’t be reached were mailed the information. The Eye Bank also coordinated eight Lions Donor Days, with the help of volunteers from 10 Lions Clubs at Motor Vehicle Commission offices throughout New Jersey. The Lions volunteers helped educate customers about the importance of joining the Donate Life NJ Donor Registry. Lions Club volunteers encourage people to join the Donate Life NJ Registry during Lions Donor Days. Additionally, the Eye Bank was represented at 36 health fairs and community events during FY 2010-11, including the New Jersey Education Association’s Annual Convention, held in Atlantic City. “We worked with Donate Life NJ to distribute guides to high school teachers,” says Cathy Wasner, Community Engagement Coordinator for the Lions Eye Bank of New Jersey. “Hopefully, these guides will help them incorporate information about eye, organ and tissue donation into their curriculum, as mandated by the 2008 Hero Act.” To commemorate National Eye Donor Month, the Eye Bank paid special tribute to cornea donors and their families at a March 13 Donor Remembrance Ceremony at Community Medical Center in Toms River. About 100 people were in attendance. It was the Eye Bank’s first time holding such an event. Another first-time event for the Eye Bank was the Celebration of Sight, featuring the artistic works of cornea recipients. It was held on October 28 at the Clark Public Library. Recipient and photographer Christine Scarano’s work was the highlight of the event, and Christine was on hand to talk about her craft. Students at Rutgers University Health Fair test their knowledge about donation with LEBNJ’s “Eye-Win” trivia game. Regional Coordinator Renee Lewis thanked donor family members for choosing to give the gifts of life, sight and mobility during the Donor Remembrance Ceremony. REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | Page 21 Statistics & Financials Statement of Public Support and Revenue, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets Lions Eye Bank of New Jersey Expenses Fundraising 16.8% Administration 15.1% July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 Current Operating Fund Support from Lions/Lioness and Leo Clubs $37,753 Special Events Support from Other Public Sources Total Public Support 21,362 19,718 $78,833 Funding Allocation from Tissue Processing Fees 320,947 Lions Eye Bank of New Jersey Revenue Other Income — Intercompany Charges $449,868 Program Services: Community Engagement and Professional Education Program $432,860 Administrative Services 107,015 Fundraising 95,709 $635,584 ($185,716) Transfer of Assets from Midwest Eye-Banks 118,704 Beginning of Year Net Assets 755,016 End of Year Net Assets $688,004 Clinical statistics: Fiscal Year 2010/2011 Total Eyes/Corneas Received Total Corneal Grafts Support from Other Public Sources 5% Special Events 10% Funding Allocation from Tissue Processing Fees 80% $371,035 Total Public Support and Revenue Excess of Public Support and Revenue Over/(Under) Expenses Support from Lions/ Lioness and Leo Clubs 5% 50,088 Total Revenue Total Expenditures Education Programs 68.1% 1,280 840 LIONS EYE BANK OF NEW JERSEY Statement of Functional Expenses and Revenues Direct expenses are allocated between two major categories, which are reported on a functional basis: program services (public and professional education programs) and support services (administration and fundraising). Indirect expenses are allocated among the various programs and support services. Education Programs: Includes the cost of developing and printing educational materials such as brochures, donor cards, audio-visual materials for hospital in-services, public speaking engagements and a variety of other outreach programs, as well as salaries for the education staff. Administration: Includes the cost of rent, utilities, information services, financial audits, personnel, accounting and the salaries of administrative and clerical support staff. Fundraising: Includes salaries of development office staff and the expenses related to solicitation of contributions, as well as an appropriate allocation of overhead. The financial statistics and graphs are based on figures audited by Yeo & Yeo, P.C. for the Fiscal Year 2010-11, which ended on June 30, 2011. Page 22 | midwest eye-banks — DEDICATED TO THE RESTORATION OF SIGHT Support from Individuals and Organizations | Fiscal Year 2010-2011 | July 1, 2010–June 30, 2011 Community Support Supporter (up to $249) Anthony Abano, PDG John Allen, PDG and Eleanor Allen Gail Altschuler Joseph and Patricia Annicchiarico Anonymous Ethel Arnold Eugenia Arson Harish Babbar Thomas Bailey, Jr. and Phyllis Bailey Mary Lou Ballantyne Isabel Baquero, PSRC Margaret Barry Lawrence and Harriet Baum Lawrence and Patricia Beaber Gordon A. Beals Dawn Best Etna T. Blair Helen M. Boehner Stephen and Jane Bogdan Phyllis Bosco Bowman & Company LLP Edward Boyler Edgar Bragagnini Al Brandel and Maureen Murphy Melvyn Bray, CC and Virginia Bray Francisca Brito Pamela A. Brogan Maureen Brown Andrew and Tammy Bryant Edward and Veronica Burke Bernice Bushoven Diana Butler Luisa Cajal Mary Canavan John and Geri Caputo Marion Carol Case Carmine Castaldi Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chaiklin Richard Chittum, PDG and Barbara B. Chittum Alfonse Cinotti, M.D. and Kathleen Cinotti Clark Public Library Angelo Cocco Robert Conlon John F. Connallon Michael and Lauren Connallon Jean V. Cooper John Coringrato Thomas P. Cosentino Jeffrey Cox and Adrienne Cox-Logeman John and Patricia Craven The Cristaudo Family Fred and Ruth Cristaudo Lucy Cristaudo Mohamed and Hoda Damir David L. Davis Peter and Eva Davis Anthony and Carmela Debari Charles and Noreen Dechon James Dechon Marie Dechon Patricia Dechon Celeste Di Canio Lois Disimilo Nicholas Ditta Josephine N. Donalson Janet Riley Donohue James Dougherty, PDG Muriel C. Drill Dorothy L. Duerr Joseph and Louise Dziezawiec John C. Eastlack, Sr. and Elvena Catalano Eastlack Lawrence P. Eldridge Howard and Jean Esposito Mary Etheridge Gabrielle Evangelista James and Doris Falcetano Susan Fatula Zachary and Theresa Felknor and Family Leon Fink Kevin B. Finnegan Benedetta Firetto The Fisch Family Focus Eye Health and Vision Care Eldon S. Fodor The Reverend Jeremiah Ford Friends of the West Caldwell Public Library Frederick Frisch Tony and Marylou Furfari Danny and Sandra Galli George and Nancy Gates Therese Gilchrist Giliberti Eye & Laser Center Joseph and Joan Gingold Constance Gitto Richard and Marilyn Goetz Marion Goldberg, PDG Vivian Goldsmith Gaetano and Angelina Grasso Victor Graziano, PCC Earl and Christine Groendyke Ruth and Stan Grossman Vincent and Louise Guerrizio Robert Hagenbush Lisa A. Haggis Robert Halsey Jack and Kathy Hamilton William Hansen Brian and Dana Harms The Hartman Family David Hartsfield and Beverly Henderson-Hartsfield Thomas J. Hayevy Emma Henderson Frederick Herrmann, Ph.D. and Susan Herrmann Irene C. Hohmann David and Diane Hollingsworth Sally Hooey Jay and Marsha Horowitz Irene Houlis Michael Huey James Hynes, PDG Victor Jacalano Brian D. Jaffa Nancy Jakubczyk, 2nd VDG Tracy Jean Agnes I. Joswick Virginia Kalkan Kamienski Funeral Homes, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Kaplan Florence Keenan Ronald and Jane Kelly Michael and Karen Kelly Allison Keyes Marshall Klein, PDG William and Janie Kopp Evelyn F. Kruleski Walter and Ellen M. Kudlacik Bridget Kusy Ladies Auxiliary of The Avenel Fire Co # 1 L’Affaire Roger La Mothe, PDG and Esther LaMothe, PCC Bruce and Lisa Langley Fred Lau Sharon Laurinitis Alex and Rose Lazorisak Ryan Lee Albert Levy Andy and Claudia Link Marjorie Logan Steve and Linda Lorras Robert Losco, PDDG Alfred Losiewicz Laurie Lukaszewicz Andrew Lytkowski, PDG and Joan Lytkowski, PZC Donald J. MacPherson Frank J. Magnolia, Jr., PDG James J. Mariani, Jr. Lorraine R. Marini Maslowski & Associates Concetta Matrale Craig Maziarz, IPDG Will and Mary Ann McBride Catherine McGuire Harry McKasson Richard and Patricia McKiernan Theresa A. Meagher Mary Medina James C. Meehan Patricia Meelheim Susan Megletti The Melroy Family Robert Millea, PDG Bert and Carole Moelk John Moers John Molnar Danpatee Moonsammy Marilyn Morris Morris County Registrars Association James A. Murphy, Jr. Howard Nathan Ursula Neckien New Jersey Foundation for the Blind New Jersey Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center Marianne M. Nolan Phyllis Okulicz Michael and Sandra O’Neil Kim Onsdorff Annmarie Ornstein Orest and Noelle Paclawskyi Paul Palamara Giovanna Palladino Swati Pandya Helen M. Pappas Angela Paul Helene Petito Davd and Beverly C. Pfau Greg Phillips Leo Piovano Karen Pisciotta Charles and Mary Jo Pivoney Rose Pollifrone Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program Kathleen Quirk Joseph James Raevis Sherlyn R. Ragin John Raubold Robert J. Reardon, Sr. Eric and Carol Reff Brian and Martha Reid Reiser’s Courier Service A. Theodore Reiver, PDG Eugene Renkar, PDG and Jody Renkar Anna Maria Ricciardi The Reverend Frederick Richardett and Ruth Richardett Constance L. Ridlon Herta Riegersperger Conrad and Evelyn Rittweger Albert and Bernice Rosen Kevin and Suzanne Ross Emily M. Rothenberg Stan and Ruth Rothman Dennis I. Rubin Stanley and Margaret Rzempoluch Alfred J. Sanders, Jr. and Marjorie A. Sanders William J. Sauser, Jr. Lynn Scarano and Beverly Bova Scarano Henry Scharch Scott Schmedel William and Carol Schroeher Shirley Schwartz Frances Severini Pareshkumar and Sonal Shah Mary G. Shanahan Ed and Marlene Sheldon Paul P. Shubeck Christopher G. Smith and Mary Devon O’Brien Tara and Scott Smith Eleanore O. Sochor Rose C. Sorbello Rita A. Sperduto Lawrence and Lucille Stein Dan Stenchever, IPDG Philip D. Stern & Associates, LLC Ken Stolarz Mildred P. Stout Randall and Joanne Stram Robert Sturgis, PDG and Sharon Sturgis Summit-Westfield Delta Gamma Thomas W. Surman, III and Suellen Surman Ed and Maggie Sussick George and Constance Swartwood Hugh Syme Howard Tabachnick Bradley and Darla Tennant Jerauld Todkill Alfred and Josephine Tomarchio Robert Treptow Willie and Cynthia Trotter Dirck and Betsy Van Dusen Peter and Judith Van Wageningen Marta Y. Vargas Mr. and Mrs. William Venezia Robert A. Vernon Amelia Villalobos Anthony and Anne Violanti George N. Vinci Rosemarie Vlach George and Sara Wagenbach Blanche M. Warren Vanessa Washington Catherine A. Wasner Lary P. Wasserman Lydia Watson Donald W. Wayne William and Irmgard Weber A. Charles and Frances Weir The Mayor and Council of the Township of West Caldwell Robert C. White Jadwiga Wieczorkowski Kay Wiesenfeld Paul Wirth Joseph F. and Eleanor Wohll Stephen and Dianne Woitkowski Lotte Wolf Richard W. Zimmermann, Jr., PDG Patron ($250 to $499) CentraState Medical Center Ralph R. DeVito, PDG and Marie C. DeVito Stephen Domovich, PDG and Ramona Domovich Eye Institute of New Jersey First Allied Securities Robert Fyfe, Jr. Henry F. Hoey JAE Consulting, Inc. Patricia Kiernan Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation New Jersey Manufacturers Insurance Company New Jersey Trustees of the Lions Eye Bank of Delaware Valley Walter Pardo Douglas C. Schembs and Reverend Lois Schembs Benjamin Yashinski, PDG and Diana Yashinski Partner ($500 to $999) Herbert Bodensiek Christopher and Margaret Chaplin William H. Constad, M.D. and Ann Beth Constad Hudson Eye Physicians & Surgeons, LLC Catherine Mattfield Robert Moore, PID and Elspeth Moore, PCC Torsiello Organization Steward ($1,000 to $4,999) Fund for the New Jersey Blind, Inc. Investors Savings Bank Lions Eye Bank of Delaware Valley REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | Page 23 Lions Support: A Shared Mission Lions and the Lions Eye Bank of New Jersey share a mission – the elimination of preventable blindness. The Lions Eye Bank of New Jersey is grateful for the operating support it has received from Lions, Lioness and Leo Clubs throughout its service areas during the past fiscal year. Supporter (up to $249) Audubon Lions Club Berkeley Heights Lions Club Carlstadt East Rutherford Lions Club Cranbury Lioness Club Englewood Cliffs Lions Club Fairview Lions Club Fanwood Lions Club Greater Clementon Lions Club Hunterdon Hills Lions Club Knowlton Township Lions Club Leonia Lions Club Maple Shade Lions Club Merchantville Lions Club Metuchen Lions Club Midland Park Lions Club Milltown Lions Club Moorestown Lions Club Mount Olive Lions Club North Plainfield Lions Club Old Tappan Lions Club Passaic Clifton Lions Club Point Pleasant Lions Club Scotch Plains Lions Club Wayne Township Lions Club West Long Branch Lions Club Westfield Lions Club Westmont Lions Club Patron ($250 to $499) Bergen Hispanic - American Lions Club Bloomfield Lions Club Elizabeth Portuguese Lions Club Frenchtown Lions Club Lincoln Park Lions Club Linden Lions Club Little Ferry Lions Club Oradell Lions Club Rockaway Township Lions Club Stafford Township Lions Club Tenafly Lions Club Verona Lions Club Wallington Lions Club Partner ($500 to $999) Freehold Township Lions Club Hackensack Lions Club Howell Township Lions Club Jersey City Hudson City Lions Club Middletown Township Lions Club Rutherford Lions Club Toms River Lions Club Watchung Lions Club West New York Leones Cubanos de Hudson Steward ($1,000 to $4,999) Bergenfield Lions Club Chester Lions Club Lions District 16 B Charitable Foundation Lions District 16 D Charitable Foundation Lions District 16 E Charitable Foundation Franklin Lakes Lions Club Hopewell Valley Lions Club Kearny Lions Club Maplewood Lions Club Red Bank Lions Club Saddle River Valley Lions Club Springfield Lions Club West Milford Township Lions Club Wyckoff Lions Club Luminary ($5,000 to $9,999) Wood-Ridge Lions Club Kenneth Mattfield Honor Roll The Ken Mattfield Honor Roll highlights Lions Clubs, individuals and organizations who have made a charitable contribution of $1,000 or more to the Lions Eye Bank of New Jersey during the fiscal year. Bergenfield Lions Club Chester Lions Club Franklin Lakes Lions Club Hopewell Valley Lions Club Kearny Lions Club Maplewood Lions Club Red Bank Lions Club Saddle River Valley Lions Club Springfield Lions Club Contributor Profile Hopewell Valley Lions Club, Hopewell Valley, New Jersey The Hopewell Valley Lions Club has a simple reason for contributing to the Lions Eye Bank of New Jersey: The Eye Bank provides a service that is unduplicated, according to Paul Morin, the Club’s President. The Eye Bank’s mission of sight restoration ties in closely with Lions Clubs International’s support for vision-related programs. In fact, at the urging of Helen Keller, Lions Club members have served as Knights of the Blind since 1925. Morin says that about half the Hopewell Valley Lions Club’s efforts support sight-related causes, while the other half is aimed at youth-related programs. The Club first heard about the Eye Bank when a representative gave a presentation about it at a Club meeting several years ago. Later, when the Club received a letter from the Eye Bank asking for support, the members were happy to oblige. For more information about the Hopewell Valley Lions Club, visit The Club meets at 7 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month at the Mercer County Public Library and at 6:30 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month at H I Rib & Co. in Pennington, New Jersey. Guests are welcome. Page 24 | midwest eye-banks — DEDICATED TO THE RESTORATION OF SIGHT West Milford Township Lions Club Wood-Ridge Lions Club Wyckoff Lions Club Michigan Eye-Bank Report to the Community FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 Always In Touch Sharing the message Michigan Eye-Bank staff and volunteer Ambassadors logged more than 1,000 hours representing the Eye-Bank at more than 160 events across the state, including the Ann Arbor Art Fair, the World’s Longest Breakfast Table in Battle Creek, the Crim Races Pancake Breakfast and the Manistee County Fair. As a direct result of these efforts, 3,631 people added their names to the Michigan Organ Donor Registry. “We’re proud of our Ambassadors,” says Alison Claerhout Wright, Community Engagement Manager of the Michigan Eye-Bank. “They’ve embraced our message of sight restoration and taken it to their own communities on our behalf.” Buddy Day, held on April 12, was another opportunity for Ambassadors to shine. More than 300 volunteer “buddies” – many of whom represented the Eye-Bank and Lions and Lioness Clubs – staffed tables at Michigan Secretary of State branch offices across the state, encouraging customers to join the Donor Registry. By the end of the day, 2,549 more people had joined the Donor Registry. But Buddy Day was not the only way newly elected Secretary of State Ruth Johnson showed her support for eye, organ and tissue donation. Johnson urged her staff to, when time permits, ask customers at branch offices about joining the Donor Registry. By the end of July, her efforts, along with those of the Eye-Bank and other partners, had helped grow the Donor Registry to 2.2 million people. Meredith Teska and Nancy Eluskie volunteer to sign people up on the Donor Registry at the Wyandotte Street Fair. Volunteers helped add 2,549 new people to the Donor Registry during the annual Buddy Day at Secretary of State branch offices. Honoring those who gave In an effort to honor the donors and their families who gave the gifts of sight, life and mobility, the Michigan Eye-Bank worked with Gift of Life Michigan to host two Donor Family Ceremonies, one in Grand Rapids, for families on the western side of the state, and one in Novi, for those on the eastern side of the state. “These ceremonies illustrate all that is good and kind in the world,” says Lisa Langely, Executive Director of the Michigan Eye-Bank. “They allow us the opportunity to meet our donor families, and to remember with them their love ones’ final acts of generosity.” The Greenville Lions Club is one of many Clubs across the state who support the Eye-Bank’s mission of sight restoration. REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | Page 25 Statistics & Financials Statement of Public Support and Revenue, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 MICHIGAN Eye-Bank Expenses Administration 9.3% Fundraising 15.0% Current Operating Fund Support from Lions/Lioness and Leo Clubs Special Events Support from Other Public Sources Total Public Support — 235,078 $357,555 MICHIGAN Eye-Bank REVENUE Funding Allocation from Tissue Processing Fees 452,925 Other Income — Intercompany Charges — Total Revenue Total Public Support and Revenue Support from Other Public Sources 29% Support from Lions/Lioness and Leo Clubs 15% $452,925 $810,480 Program Services: Community Engagement and Professional Education Program Funding Allocation from Tissue Processing Fees 56% $481,324 Administrative Services $59,050 Fundraising Total Expenditures Education Programs 75.7% $122,477 95,599 $635,973 Excess of Public Support and Revenue Over/(Under) Expenses 174,507 Transfer of Assets from Midwest Eye-Banks 97,692 Beginning of Year Net Assets — End of Year Net Assets $272,199 Clinical statistics: Fiscal Year 2010/2011 Total Eyes/Corneas Received 3,621 Total Corneal Grafts 2,021 Michigan Eye-Bank Statement of Functional Expenses and Revenues Direct expenses are allocated between two major categories, which are reported on a functional basis: program services (public and professional education programs) and support services (administration and fundraising). Indirect expenses are allocated among the various programs and support services. Education Programs: Includes the cost of developing and printing educational materials such as brochures, donor cards, audio-visual materials for hospital in-services, public speaking engagements and a variety of other outreach programs, as well as salaries for the education staff. Administration: Includes the cost of rent, utilities, information services, financial audits, personnel, accounting and the salaries of administrative and clerical support staff. Fundraising: Includes salaries of development office staff and the expenses related to solicitation of contributions, as well as an appropriate allocation of overhead. The financial statistics and graphs are based on figures audited by Yeo & Yeo, P.C. for the Fiscal Year 2010-11, which ended on June 30, 2011. Page 26 | midwest eye-banks — DEDICATED TO THE RESTORATION OF SIGHT Support from Individuals and Organizations | Fiscal Year 2010-2011 | July 1, 2010–June 30, 2011 Community Support Supporter (up to $249) A-1 Lawn Care Maxine Abbott Gary Abud, Jr. and Janice Abud Elsie Addrisi Ronnie Aga Glenn Ahee Busharat Ahmad, M.D. and Adeeba Ahmad Robert Akin Reino Alanen James Albanito Laurena Alflen Sherman and Reva Alpert Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Amis Manuela Anaya John and Roberta Ancona Bryon and Krista Anderson Diana Marie Anderson Joanne Anderson Anthony Anglewicz Alma Arent Terence Ashforth and Family Donald N. Ashley Wilson Ashley Associated Retinal Consultants Frederick and Norma Ault Gerald and Linda Babcock Richard Baden Margurite R. Baier Retha Bancroft Mary Ann Barch Nazih Baroud Dick, Katie and John Barron Amy Barrows Constance J. Bartley Robert B. Barton Philemonia Bartoszek Erma Basacchi Eugenia Basak Roy and Opal Batson Georganna R. Bauer Bruce and Donna Baumler Dennis M. Beagen Lois Beal Raymond Beaupre Sidney Bedrosian John Bellingham, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bennett Steven Benz, M.D. and Connie Benz Leo and Temmy Berg Robert and Joan Bergman Maxine Berryman Mrs. Lois Bettesworth Wanda Beverly Margaret L. Bird Zack Bischof and Family Erma Bittinger David R. Bloem Winona Bloss David and Dolores Blum Anita Boeneman Savien Bonam Boone & Darr Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Bowen George and Nancy Bowlick Geneva Bowman Ervin and Adelaide Bradford Judith Bradford Richard and Shirley Bradley Elliot Bramson and Family Wendy Braun Lorraine Breazeale William C. Bromley, M.D. Jesse Brown Donald and Mary Bucklew Geneva Buckmaster Charles Burda Larry and Bev Burke Jean Burrell Wauneta Butler Sim Byrd Carolyn Byrne Maureen L. Campbell Josefina Campos Ann Cannon Capitol Bancorp Limited Foundation Bradley Carlson Ali Casemore Charmesha Casey Karen A. Cassetta Jean Cavellier Richard Cavellier Mark Charles and Layla Ananda Mildred Cheolas Donald Christie Robert L. Chudzinski Marvin A. Church Tomasina Cingolani Mildred J. Cipa Betty Coates Irina Coftas George L. Cole, PDG The Cole Family Raymond Collar Ed Collins Jo Collins David Colter June Colter Leila Colter Combined Federal Campaign of Greater Kalamazoo Russ and Shirley Combs Howard and Jacqueline Conlon The Constance Family Patrick B. Cook, PDG Georgia Cooper Paul and Dorothy Cooper Alfredo Cordero Elwood and Wilma Correll Mario J. Cortese Richard and Jo Coskey Jeffrey Cox and Adrienne Cox- Logeman Patricia Cox Jeffrey Crause Joann Crooks Kunigunda Crum Dominika Csurgo Catherine Cudnohoski Dennis and Margot Cunningham Gene A. Cupp James Dabrowski and Family John E. Dahl Arlene E. Daly Makenzie Damm Stanley Daniels, PDG William and Virginia Dawson Allen and Vivian De Jonge Robert and Vivian De Koning Irene Debussey Albert Deitrich Marlene and Stephen DeKoeyer Wilma DeKuiper Barbara J. Delatorre Michael Deleeuw Naomi L. Dent Earline DePauw Claudia Deschaine Martha Deuel Charles and Mary DeVries Jacob and Marlies DeWitt John DeWitt Cyriel and Helen Dheygere Tracey D’Hondt Irma Doan Ella B. Dobey Janice Dobies Donald Dodick Donate Life Coalition of Michigan Mary M. Donovan Diane B. Drayson Deborah A. Drous Janet Duggan Ralph E. Dunn Eileen Dutts Ernest and Helena Dyer David Eberlein, PDG Mr. and Mrs. J. Dean Eckersley Carl D. Eckman Terri Edick Wilbert Ehmann Mary E. Eldridge Marion A. Elinski Andrew J. Engardio Joan M. Ericson Karin Evans Expert Property Management, Inc. Facility Matrix Group, Inc Edmond G. Farris Alice M. Ferns Marilyn Fett Lannie Fisher Linda J. Fitch Eldred R. Fledderjohann Dorothea W. Flom Sylvia Foley John and Kathy Follen Geneva Foster Anthony A. and Julie A. Foust Paul and Beth Fredenburg Charles Frederick, PDG and Glenda Frederick Janet French Arthur Freyling Julia N. Fugate Karl and Mary Fuhlbrigge Gladys Fuller Katharine J. Fuller Hortense Fuoss Armand Gago August Gago Dr. and Mrs. L.E. Gallagher Norma J. Galpin Fernando Garcia Rohit Garikipati and Family Betty Garnett John Garrett, M.D. Carl and Ellen Geider Gayle Geider Jeff and Katie Geiger Marilyn J. Gensler George Meyer Co., L.L.C. David and Barbara Gerber Ruth Gerish Robert and Lorna Gibson Rufus Gibson Mari Helen Gingas Owen and Judy Glei Georgia W. Glynn Rita Golditch Kathrynn Gotts Jean M. Greene Dora W. Greer Daniel and Brandy Gregart Ralph C. Gregory Harold and Ellen Grevenstuk Norman E. Grigsby Edward and Susan Grimaldi Brett R. Grimes David and Gayle Grimes Charles and Irene Grimmett Wilma Gross Clifford and Annette Gryzen Edith Guevara Jack Gwisdala Meeno Haan Bill and Linda Halliday Ladonna G. Halsey Bill E. Hanel, PID Mary A. Hardy George G. Harper Linda Harris Ernest A. Harrison Sydney and Avery Harrison Harriet Hartman Joseph Hass Marcia Hasson Muriel Hatton Irmgard Hauck Jan L. Hawkins Deanna Hayden Thomas and Estelle Hayes Joseph and Kari Heady Heart of West Michigan United Way James Herter, D.D.S. Warren and Carol Hetzel Gerald and Janet Hicks Lois M. Hicks Tyler Hicks Milton Higgs Jeanette Hille Anna Himelhoch Jerry Hinton, PDG and Sue Hinton Capri Pelshaw Hiovich Mort Hirshman Peter F. Hitchcock, Ph.D. Clarence Hoekman Evelyn M. Hoffman Jonathan and Beverly Hoffman Thomas and Doris Holewinski Robert Holland Home Again Consignments Gregory Horak Roberta C. Horton Emily Hoss John Hough Helen Houston Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Howard William P. Hrisca Benjamin Hubbard Harry Huff Violet Huff Bonnie Hunley Jane Hustyi Michael Iacobelli Jean E. Ice Ikon Office Solutions Ipanema Solutions, LLC Jo Ann H. Isom Elizabeth Iverson Nancy Jelinek Steve Jenkins Mary Jean Jennings Donald and Marilyn Jepkema Luke Jimenez and Family Ed and Linda Jobse Marion Johnesee Thomas Johns Betty L. Johnson James A. Johnson Otto W. Johnson Sally Johnson Thalia Johnson Linda Jones Lindsey Jones Sheila B. Jones Tadeusz Jozefiak Michael and Charlotte Judy Daniel and Rose Kachnowski Leslie Kamil, J.D. Joseph M. Kanamueller Richard and Dorothy Kapenga Dale Kapin Nila Karambetsos Bernard J. Karle Teri L. Kasper Patricia Keith Cecilia Kendrick Phyllis Kettlewell Peggy Keveney Paul and Mary Ellen Keyes Marilyn Kiefer Sharen Kik Lloyd W. Kilbreath, PDG Gloria King Marcia King Christine, Kevin and Kyle Kittleson Fred Klampferer, Sr. Kleinschmidt Insurance Anthony Kniaz Kevin Knickerbocker Martin and Karen Kochis Lucile Kooyers Don Korten Ron Korthaus Steven Kosmas Catherine J. Kraehnke Kurt J. Kremlick, Jr. Lucille Kress John and Carolyn Krienke REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | Page 27 Support from Individuals and Organizations | Fiscal Year 2009-2010 | July 1, 2009–June 30, 2010 Paul Krupp Merry M. Kruse Verna Kuenzli Alvin and Joyce Kurz Alice Garon LaBonte David and Sandra Laginess Esther LaMothe, PCC and Roger LaMothe, PDG Louis and Joy Landau Bruce and Lisa Langley Ann Lapak Louis and Gail LaRiche Evelyn Larson LaDonna Latimer Beverly Launiere Cynthia Laurence Robert E. Lawson Marilyn D. Lawton and Family Joseph and Jeanne Learman Dan and Kirsten LeBlanc Katherine R. Leffler Rex A. Lentz Violet Lentz Ray and Kathy Lertola Catherine A. Lewis Eric W. Liebich John and Alice Lillo Gerald Loomus Chad Losey William Lupher, PDG and Maryalyce Lupher Eleanor Lutze Raymond Mabarak Harry MacGillis and Family Robert and Connie MacKinnon Frank W. and Mary Ann Macsay Jane G. Maddox John Magdzinski Cindy Maggetti Joseph Makarewicz Rosa Malone Carolyn Manes Martha Manley Marian L. Manni Mel and Sybil Markowitz Gary L. Markowski Darrold Mars Robert S. Marty Mary Lou Masley Donald and Jean Massnick Katherine C. Mattson Harry W. Maxwell Robert and Christine Maxwell Henry Maykowski Merle and Helen McCartney Tom and Cindy McCormick Al McEwen Michael and Sue McGill Amy M. McGrath Phyllis McHugh Robert A. McLean George R. McMullen, Jr. Caryl McMurtry Betty M. McNett John and Annabel McWilliams Irene S. Mellos Lisa Melnarik Kenneth and Barbara Menear Jane Meyer, PDLP Michigan Eyecare Institute and Optical Plus Elinore Mieczkowski Chandler M. Miller Maura Miller William H. Mills Michael and Dana Mintline Donald Misener Dennis and Barbara Moffat Gene Monroe Delores R. Mooney Dennis and Pauline Moore Robert Moore, PID and Elspeth Moore, PCC Luis Moreno Karen Morey Barbara Morgan Horace Morgan Lois G. Morley Norma Morr Shannon, Carla and Delaney Morrin Lois Morris Dr. Malcolm Morrison, PDG Eleanor Morrison Jack Morrison Mary Morrison Donna J. Morrow John Mueller and Amy Skimin Paul Mueller Dorothy J. Munger John I. Munro Norman Myers Donna Myles Alice M. Myron Donald Neale, Sr. and Janet Neale Genevieve W. Nederveld Jennie Needleman, Ph.D. Philip G. Niemann Alex and Agnes Nemeth Joanne Nemeth Michael Nepi Rusty Nettleton Patricia Neuville-Mitzel Roger Nicely Charles Nicklas, CED and Jan Nicklas Arild Nielsen Myra Nikolai Douglas and Jacqueline Noble Desiree Norville Carmen Nouhan Janet Nowak Evelyn Nyenhuis Carol M. Oard Jeanette O’Banion Kenneth and Roberta Oettle David Olejarz Robert O’Neal, M.D. Fran Osborne, IPDG and Edwin Osborne Koji Oshima Phillip Osman and M. Renee Ahee Andrew Owens Virginia H. Owings Dylan Pacernick and Family Rebecca Palen Ronald and Diane Paprocki Jeff and Lynn Parker Constance Partello Donald and Amanda Pata Robert and Marjorie Patek Bernice Pawlak Irene Payter Rodger and Maryann Pedigo Linda Pelagio John and Margaret Pelegrino M. Hanif Peracha, M.D. Barbara Perry Stephanie Peterson Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program John T. Phillips Robert Phillips Kathryn E. Pickard Glenn and Mary Pietenpol Richard Pietroski and Susan Stuart Larry Pietrzyk Kenneth Pirochta Charles and Mary Jo Pivoney Ann Marie Ploe John Polson Don and Dorothy Pon Anna Merle Posther Betty L. Powell Dorothy Powers Gurdial Singh Premi Erwin and Arlette Price Dorothy J. Pride Rita Pridgen Frances O. Pruitt James and Karen Pruitt Robert and Jan Pruitt Francisco Puga Zubair and Samina Raheem Eunice Randle Lisa Ransome-Weber Lucille Rauch James G. Ravin, M.D. Clarence W. Reichenbach Mary Ann Reid Charles Remenar John K. Rhoads Robert Ribble Zachary Ribble The Employees of Ricardo, Inc. Tom and Mona Richard Rodney Richards Sandra S. Richardson Genevieve G. Rincon Anthony Ritchie, Jr. John and Suzanne Ritchie Richard Rizzo, M.D. Roger and Rose Robertson Glenn and Martha Rock Margaret A. Rockol Lynn Roe Arno and Mildred Rogner Frank D. Roseman, III and Lynda Roseman Michael Roth, M.D. and Rennie Roth Badie Roumayah Frederick B. Rozelle Shirley R. Rozema Catherine Ruby Mr. and Mrs. Peter N. Ruma, Sr. Pauline A. Rutkowski Dwight Sachau Thomas Sauve John Sawyers Lena Scarchilli R. George and Janet Schack Hans Schirmacher Virginia Schollaart Norman and Harriett Schramm Bob Schultz Freda Schultz Victoria Scott Paul Seibold Marilyn G. Seidell Les L. Selby, PDG and Elsie Selby Doris Selden Roberta Sexton, IPDG Steve and Carol Shaffer Laura Shelton Howard and Catherine Shock Phylis M. Shook Richard and Charlotte Shoup Maija Silins George C. Silver Alec Simon and Family Paul Simons Jill Simpson Julie Skelley William and Barbara Skimin James Slevin Amy Sloan Grace Sly Jack Smant Constance E. Smart Hartland Smith Judy Smith Barbara J. Sneath Beverly A. Snow Leonard Sokolowski William and Patricia Sotak Dr. and Mrs. Alan Spigelman St. Joseph Mercy Health System Patricia Stacy Thomas S. Stacy Francis Stanco John T. Steeb Daniel W. Steen, M.D. and Carmella Steen Joshua D. Stein, M.D. and Cris Coren Richard A. Stein Lewis Stenberg Robert and Marie Steward Herbert Stier, Jr. and Kathyleen Stier Earline A. Stone Patricia J. Stone Mr. and Mrs. Terry J. Straka Stanley R. Strasius, M.D. Adolph Sturm Alan Sugar, M.D. and Gail Sugar Suzanne R. Sutton Suzanne Svoboda Frank O. Swanson Fatulla Tank Patricia Tatti Susan J. Taub, M.D. and Richard Roling Jeannine Tayeh Cynthia M. Taylor Robert L. Taylor Mark Tbuz Ronald and Betty Teesdale Mrs. Arthur S. Teot Virginia Terrell Frederick and Meredith Teska Dave and Judy Thomas Glenn Thomas Maydine Thompson David Thornell Penelope A. Thornton Three Cedars Farm Landscaping Melanie Tibbets Tidy Tom Cleaning Products Irene Tiller Roger and Barbara Timm Bernard and Helen Timmerman James Tobias Crosby Tompkins Eunice Tonkin Eugene Tosolt Henry J. Trzeciak Mary Tuinsma Susan Tukel The Turco Family Delores J. Turner Maryann Underhill Eleanor Vallie-Floetke William Van Winkle, PDG Leona Vanderberg Page 28 | midwest eye-banks — DEDICATED TO THE RESTORATION OF SIGHT Joan Vandervennen Leonard and Jeananne Vanderwood Marvin and Marlene Vantuyl Clara Varga Dianne Vargo Matthew and Mary Beth Victor Alice Visser Ruth M. Visser Janet I. Vondett Calvin and Karen Voorheis Margaret A. Vrabel Henry and Melva Vroegindewey Lila Wagner Kim Waldo and Mary Nehra Waldo Thomas and Ann Walker Fred Wallace and Family Sandra Wallace Randall E. Wallach Shirley Walmsley Marlin and Bonnie Walter Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walter Beverly Ward Edward C. Ward Cathy Warren Watson Real Estate Dan Watt Douglas E. Weaver Alma Weber The Weber Family Marga J. Weiss Mary Welch Pat A. West Marie Westfall George C. Whitaker, M.D. Raymond Whiteman, M.D. Mary E. Whiting Elenor G. Whitney Orlan R. Wichman Doris Wickham Donald Wierda John P. Wiese Carol Wiessner Edwin V. Wight Terry and Patricia Wildfong Dorothy L. Wilkerson Marian L. Williams Mary H. Williams Kyle Wilson Lois K. Wilson Lorene Wilson Nicole Wilson Howard Winans Lee Wolf Verla Wolfgang Norma K. Wolner Elizabeth A. Wonus Ford L. Wright Jo Wright Robert and Arabella Wujek Susan Young Ernest Zachary Zachary and Associates, Inc. David Zacks, M.D. Lauren Zahn Gord Zandee Joseph and Phyllis Zeedyk Patron ($250 to $499) Ali and Jessica Alamdari George W. Boyes, Jr. and Margaret Boyes Paul and Cindy Charette Clear Lake Elementary School Combined Federal Campaign of Kent/Ottawa/Barry County Russell Coon Elkton Village Escapees Great Lakes Chapter 6 William Farrand, III and Marge Farrand Robert J. Haga and Maureen A. Tuffy-Haga Milton and Ann Hoefle Orville Hoksch, Jr. and Evelyn Hoksch Husak LLC John C. Johnson, J.D. and Nancy Johnson Florence M. Johnston Kapnick & Company, Inc. Lenola Martin Dennis R. Muirhead Madison and Malia Nichols and Family Patrick Pruitt Rightaway Delivery Kevin and Suzanne Ross Kathryn Sigman State Farm Insurance Companies James and Nancy Taylor TLC Eyecare & Laser Centers Yeo and Yeo Partner ($500 to $999) Detroit MOTTEP Foundation John Dickelman Warren and Audrey Frank Kathryn Gray Interactive Business Systems, Inc. Stephen G. Landau Marilyn and Marty Lindenauer Donna Luebker Michigan Donor Family Council Miller’s Lawn & Landscaping David and Lynn Pruitt Collin Ross and Jennifer Rydman Herk and Diane Stubbs Robert Sturgis, PDG and Sharon Sturgis Thayer-Innes Insurance Agency Steward ($1,000 to $4,999) Estate of Raymond W. Barnes Doc and Patti Barr Combined Federal Campaign of Southeastern Michigan Area Nancy Fassbender Gift of Life Michigan The Tim Horner Memorial Fund Paul R. Lichter, M.D. and Carolyn Lichter Lane Moore Thomas and Barbara Paup Cassandra, Elizabeth and Jack Perry Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Randall Bert and Dottie Rivette Russell Video Services Zillah Hortence Taylor Andrew J. Watson, Ph.D. and Valarie Watson A. Charles and Frances Weir Luminary ($5,000 to $9,999) John P. Barletta, M.D. and Connie Barletta Richard and Casey Chase Estate of John W. Henderson, M.D. Benefactor ($10,000 and above) Anonymous Gerald F. Gerlach Trust Marvin and Leola Gerlach Rollin M. Gerstacker Foundation Lions Support: A Shared Mission Lions and the Michigan Eye-Bank share a mission – the elimination of preventable blindness. The Michigan EyeBank is grateful for the operating support it has received from Lions, Lioness and Leo Clubs throughout its service areas during the past fiscal year. Supporter (up to $249) Adrian Breakfast Lions Club Adrian Evening Lions Club Albion Lions Club Allegan Lions Club Ann Arbor Evening Lions Club Armada Lioness Club Armada Lions Club Ashley Lions Club Athens-Union City Lions Club Atlanta Lions Club Au Gres Lioness Club Au Gres Lions Club Baldwin Lions Club Bangor Lions Club Barbeau Lions Club Bark River Lions Club Baroda Lions Club Barryton Lions Club Bath Township Lions Club Battle Creek Cereal City Lions Club Bear Lake Lions Club Bedford Area Lions Club Belding Lions Club Bellaire Lioness Club Bellevue Lions Club Benton Harbor-Fairplain Lions Club Bessemer Lions Club Big Rapids Lions Club Bloomingdale-Gobles (Kal-Haven Trail) Lions Club Brampton Township Days River Area Lions Club Bridgman Lions Club Brighton Lions Club Brownstown Lions Club Cadillac Lions Club Calumet Lions Club Caro Lions Club Cassopolis Lions Club Cedar Springs Lions Club Cedar-Maple City Lions Club Champion Lions Club Charlotte Lions Club Cheboygan Lioness Club Chesterfield Bay Lions Club Chocolay Township Lions Club Clare Lions Club Clarklake Lions Club Clinton Lions Club Coloma Lioness Club Colon Lioness Club Colon Lions Club Columbia Township Jeptha Lake Lions Club Comstock Park Lions Club Concord Lions Club Coopersville Lions Club Covert Township Lions Club Croswell Lions Club Crystal Falls Lions Club Crystal Lions Club Dafter Lions Club Daggett Lions Club Davison Lions Club Delton Lions Club Detroit Hispanic Lions Club DeWitt Lioness Club Dexter Lions Club District 11 B-1 Lions International District 11 E-2 Lioness Clubs Dorr Township Lions Club Drummond Island Lions Club Durand Lioness Club East Flint Lions Club East Jordan Lions Club Eastpointe Lioness Club Edmore Lions Club Edwardsburg Lions Club Elkton Lions Club Ellsworth Lioness Club Ellsworth Lions Club Elsie Lions Club Engadine-Naubinway Lions Club Evart Lions Club Fairgrove Lions Club Fairview-Comins Lions Club Fennville Lions Club Flint Inner City Lions Club Flushing Lions Club Fort Gratiot Lions Club Frankfort Lions Club Fruitbelt Community Lions Club Gaines Area Lions Club Galesburg Lioness Club Galien Lions Club Gaylord Lions Club Genesee Lioness Club Glennie Lioness Club Glennie Lions Club Goodrich Lions Club Grand Ledge Lioness Club Grand Rapids Lions Club Grandville-Jenison Lions Club Grass Lake Lions Club Grayling Lioness Club Gwinn Lions Club Hadley Lions Club Hanover-Horton Area Lions Club Harrison Lioness Club Harrison Township Lions Club Harsens Island Lions Club Hartford Lions Club Hastings Lions Club Hemlock Lions Club Hesperia Lioness Club Hesperia Lions Club Hillman Area Lions Club Hillsdale Lions Club Holly Lions Club Holton-Twin Lakes Lions Club Honor Lions Club Hopkins Lions Club Houghton Lake Lioness Club Howard Community Lions Club Huron Valley Sunrise Lions Club Inter-Lakes Lions Club Ionia 21st Century Lions Club Iron Mountain-Kingsford Lions Club Ishpeming Lions Club Ishpeming Tri-Township Lions Club Jackson Cascades Lions Club Jackson Eye Openers Lions Club Kalamazoo Downtown Lioness Club Kalamazoo West Side Lions Club Keweenaw Lions Club Kinross Lions Club Laingsburg Lions Club Lake Linden-Hubbell Lions Club Lake Orion Lioness Club Lakeshore Lions Club L’Anse Lions Club Lansing Delta Lions Club Lapeer Lions Club Lawrence Lions Club Lawton Lions Club Les Cheneaux Lions Club Lewiston Lioness Lions Club Lewiston Lions Club Lexington Lions Club Lincoln Park Lions Club Lyon Area Lions Club Lyons-Muir Lions Club Madison Heights Area Lions Club Manistee Lions Club Manistique Lakes Lions Club Manistique Lions Club Marlette Lions Club Marne Lions Club Marquette Lions Club Marshall Lions Club Martin Lioness Club Mason Lions Club Mattawan Lions Club Mayville Lions Club Merrill Lions Club Mesick Lions Club Michigan Center Lioness Club Middleville Lions Club Midland Lioness Club Milford Huron Valley Lions Club Millington Lions Club Minden City Lions Club Mio Lions Club Montrose Lions Club Mount Pleasant Lions Club Munising Lions Club Munith Lions Club Napoleon Leos Napoleon Lions Club Nashville Lions Club Negaunee Lions Club New Baltimore Lions Club New Buffalo Lions Club New Haven Lioness Club New Haven Lions Club New Lothrop Lions Club Newaygo Lions Club North Adams Lions Club North Jackson Lions Club Northville Lions Club Olivet Lions Club Ortonville Lions Club Oscoda Lioness Club Otisville Lions Club Otsego Lions Club Ottawa Lions Club Otter Lake Lions Club Ovid Elsie Lioness Club Oxford Lions Club Parchment Lions Club Parma-Spring Arbor Lions Club Peck Lions Club Pennfield Lions Club Petersburg-Summerfield Lions Club Petoskey Lions Club Pickford Lions Club Pinckney Lions Club Pinconning Lions Club Pontiac Lioness Club Portage Lions Club Quincy Lions Club Range Lions Club Rankin Lioness Club Ravenna Lions Club Remus Lions Club Republic Lions Club Richland-Gull Lake Lions Club Richmond Lioness Club Richmond Lions Club Rock Lions Club Rockwood Area Lions Club Ruby Lions Club Rudyard Lions Club Saginaw West Lions Club Saline Area Lions Club Sault Ste. Marie Lions Club Selfridge North Macomb Lions Club Sister Lakes Lions Club Six Lakes Lions Club Skandia Lioness Club Skandia Lions Club South Haven Lions Club St. Charles Lions Club St. Clair Shores Lions Club St. Ignace Lions Club St. Johns Lioness Club Standish Lions Club Stanton Lions Club Stanwood Lions Club Stockbridge Lioness Club Sturgis Lions Club Sugar Island Lioness Club Sugar Island Lions Club Swartz Creek Lions Club Taylor Lions Club Tekonsha Lions Club Thornapple Valley Lions Club Three Rivers Lions Club Traverse City Lions Club Troy Lions Club Ubly Lions Club Vassar Lions Club Vestaburg Lions Club Vulcan-Norway-Loretto Lions Club Wacousta Lions Club Walker Lions Club Warren Lions Club Waterford Township Lions Club Watervliet Lions Club Wayne Lions Club REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | Page 29 Wells Lions Club White Cloud Lions Club Wixom-Walled Lake Lioness Club Patron ($250 to $499) Algonac Lions Club Allendale Lions Club Arcadia Lions Club Bad Axe Lions Club Beaverton Lions Club Berville Lioness Club Beverly Hills Lions Club Blissfield Area Lions Club Boyne Valley Lions Club Carson City Lions Club Casnovia-Kent City Lions Club Centreville Lions Club Chassell Lions Club Chelsea Lions Club Chesterfield Lions Club Clarkston Area Lions Club Clinton Valley Lions Club Detroit Mid-City Lions Club Detroit Northeast Lions Club DeWitt Breakfast Lions Club Dimondale Lions Club Eaton Rapids Lions Club Emmett Lions Club Empire Lions Club Freeland Lions Club Grand Ledge Lions Club Grayling Lions Club Greenville Lions Club Harrisville Lions Club Hart Lions Club Hudsonville Lions Club Kalamazoo Downtown Lions Club Kaleva Lions Club Kingston Lions Club Lakeview Lions Club Lakewood Area Lions Club Lennon Lions Club Lincoln Lions Club Linden Lions Club Mackinac Island Lions Club Macomb Township Lioness Club Macomb Township Lions Club Manchester Lions Club Martin Lions Club Marysville Lions Club Metamora Lioness Club Metamora Lions Club Muskegon East Side Lions Club Muskegon Host Lions Club Northport Lions Club Onekama Lions Club Paw Paw Lioness Club Pontiac Lions Club Port Huron Host Lions Club Port Sanilac Lions Club Prescott Skidway Lake Lions Club Rapid River Lions Club Rogers City Lions Club Roscommon Higgins Lake Lions Club Royal Oak Lions Club Saranac Lions Club Schoolcraft Lions Club Shields Lions Club Snyderville Lions Club St. Johns Lions Club St. Joseph Township Lions Club Stephenson Lions Club Sterling Heights Lioness Club Utica Lions Club Vandercook Lake Lions Club Vicksburg Lions Club Washington Lions Club Weidman Lions Club Williamston Lions Club Wyandotte Lions Club Holt Lions Club Hubbard Lake Lions Club Jeddo Lions Club Mackinaw City Lions Club Muskegon Northside Lions Club North Branch Lions Club Rochester Hills Lions Club Rose City Lions Club Sebewaing Lions Club Sparta Lions Club St. Joseph Lions Club Westland Lions Club Wixom-Walled Lake Lions Club Yale Lions Club Zilwaukee Lions Club Partner ($500 to $999) Ann Arbor Host Lions Club Battle Creek Host Lions Club Bay City Lions Club Bretton Woods Lions Club Central Lake Lions Club Charlevoix Lions Club Clawson Lions Club Dearborn Heights Lions Club Detroit Medical Center Lions Club District 11 C-2 Lions International District 11 D-2 Lions International East Lansing/Meridian Lions Club Alpena Host Lions Club Bellaire Lions Club Birmingham Lions Club Buchanan Lions Club Canton Lions Club Cass City Lions Club Center Line Lions Club Chesaning Lions Club Dearborn Lions Club District 10 Lions International Frankenmuth Lions Club Grand Haven Host Lions Club Hale Lions Club Harsens Island Lioness Club Hazel Park Lions Club Steward ($1,000 to $4,999) Elk Rapids Lions Club Essexville-Hampton Lions Club Fenton Lions Club Fremont Lions Club Garden City Lions Club Grosse Pointe Lions Club Harper Woods Lions Club Imlay City Lions Club Jackson Host Lions Club Lake Ann Lions Club Lathrup Village Lions Club Michigan Center Lions Club Midland Lions Club Oscoda Lions Club Paw Paw Lions Club Plymouth Lions Club Port Huron South Park Lions Club Ray Township Lions Club Rochester Lions Club Rockford Lions Club Shelby Township Lions Club Sterling Heights Lions Club Stockbridge Lions Club Trenton Lions Club Luminary ($5,000 to $9,999) Bedford Township Lions Club Novi Lions Club Contributor Profile Richard and Casey Chase, Holt, Michigan After undergoing two cornea transplants – one in 2006 and the other in 2008 – Richard Chase knew what a remarkable gift he had received. He considers his transplants “a miracle.” tools and techniques that will be incorporated into ongoing training. “That’s what got my attention,” Richard says. “I realized someone made a donation, and I had a lot to be thankful for.” The Chases were invited to sit in on the week-long training program, to see their contribution Inspired to learn more about the organization that made his in action. They were impressed sight possible, Richard and his wife, Casey, decided to travel by what they saw, and many of from their home in Holt to visit the Michigan Eye-Bank’s Ann the CLC staff expressed their Arbor facility in June, 2010 – something they now urge others appreciation for the program. to do, too. They were moved by what they saw, and knew they had to do something to give support in a useful way. “It made me realize that the people who are making these calls have to Executive Director Lisa Langley and Midwest Eye-Banks have great passion for what they Senior Vice President Brad Tennant met with them to discuss do,” says Casey. some options. Looking at what was presented to them, the Chases wanted to know, “Which of these things would do the In addition to their financial support, Richard and Casey urge most good?” everyone they know, both family and friends, to sign up on the Donor Registry. On a recent trip to visit their daughter They finally settled on funding an innovative training program and her family in Illinois, they talked to her about the Eyefor the staff of the Communications and Logistics Center Bank and donation, asking if she had a red heart on her (CLC), which acts as the communications portal between driver’s license. She didn’t at the time, but within 24 hours, Midwest Eye-Banks’ member eye banks and important Richard had received an email from her, saying, “Dad, you’ll contacts, including donor families. The program provided be happy to know that I am now a donor.” much-needed training on how to work with grieving families who must make important donation decisions, Richard and Casey hope that their efforts to give something and used actors to simulate real-life situations. It was an back to the Eye-Bank will help to enhance the quality of immediate success, and provided CLC representatives with others’ lives – just as Richard himself was helped. Page 30 | midwest eye-banks — DEDICATED TO THE RESTORATION OF SIGHT Gifts GiftsininKind Kind ABT Electronics The Academy of Early Music Akira The Allerton Hotel American Airlines American Cycle and Fitness of Grosse Pointe Anatasia Chatzka Andreas and Jean Antoniou Anthony Michael Interior Design, LTD Arbor Springs Water Co., Inc. Avanti Skin Care Center Balani Custom Clothiers Banner Wholesale Barry Bagels Basanti Group Bespoke Cuisine The Belden-Stratford Best Western Westfield Inn Biggby Coffee Bob Campbell Photography Bob Garner Bobbie Goodrich Visual Arts Breitling USA Brixen Ivy Rooftop Busch’s Fresh Food Market Cafe Bionda Camden Riversharks Baseball Club Centier Bank Central Michigan University Public Broadcasting Chicago Bulls Chicago Comedy TV Pilot Competition Chicago Horse & Carriage, Ltd. Chicago Mart Plaza Holiday Inn Chicago Shakespeare Theater Chicago’s Rewind 100.3 Christopher and Margaret Chaplin Classic Portrait Source Courtright’s Restaurant Crowne Plaza Hotel Daniel Bruce, LLC David and Diane Hollingsworth David Donnersberger, M.D., J.D. The Denim Lounge Dex New York Cosmetics, Inc. Douglas C. Schembs and Reverend Lois Schembs East Bank Club Edward Fox Studio Elda de la Rosa Couture Eli’s Cheesecake Company Elysian Hotel Chicago Escada Eugene Renkar, PDG and Jody Renkar Fabbri Furs Factor Model Management Four Seasons Hotel Chicago Franco S. La Marca Frankie’s on the Park Frog Holler Produce Co. The Gage George Koueiter & Sons Jewelers Grey Goose Vodka Hanna Facial Cosmetic Surgery Hannah Handmade Havana The Henry Ford Hilton Chicago Holiday Market Horseshoe Casino, LLC Hudson Eye Physicians & Surgeons, LLC Hunterdon Hills Playhouse Illinois Sports Facilities Authority Indian River Chamber of Commerce Iwan Ries & Co. Jill Schrage John B. Reilly Photography John G. Shedd Aquarium John P. Barletta, M.D. and Connie Barletta Joseph Michael’s Salon and Spa Lakewood BlueClaws Lauren K. Johnson Le Colonial Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises, Inc. Libero Ferrero LimoBank, Inc. Liven It Up Events Local Wine Company Luca Luca Lulu’s at The Belle Kay Lynfred Winery The Manor Mark Roscoe Design Marlowe Marshall Weinberg and Eileen Howard-Weinberg Mary Ann Rose Mary Beth Carlin Mexican Tourism Board The Mid-America Club Moe’s Southwest Grill Motawi Tileworks National Museum of Mexican Art Neiman Marcus New Jersey Jackals Professional Baseball Club Northern Eye Northlight Theatre Orlando Espinoza Oscar Isberian Rugs, Inc. Palmer House Hilton Panache Boutique Patrick Maloney Paul Rehder Salon The Peninsula Chicago Power Rogers and Smith, PC Praetorian Management, LLC Pratesi Preferred Stock Rhapsody The Ritz-Carlton Chicago RL Restaurant Roger LaMothe, PDG and Esther LaMothe, PCC Rosebud Restaurants, Inc. Roy’s Hawaiian Fusion Cuisine Sabatino’s Restaurant The Second City ShowSpan Incorporated Sixteen at Trump International Hotel & Tower, Chicago Sofia Somerset Patriots Baseball Club The Spa on Oak Spex The Stafford London Stagecrafters Baldwin Theatre Stephen M. Domovich, PDG and Ramona Domovich Tiffani Kim Institute Tiffany & Co. Trianon Salon Tufano’s Vernon Park Tap Urban Oasis North Avenue, Inc. USM Logistics Van Cleef & Arpels Walter E. Smithe Furniture Washtenaw Dairy Wayne Carr Wines for Humanity REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | Page 31 Contributions IN Memory July 1, 2010–June 30, 2011 In memory of a donor named Steve, and in honor of his family that made the gift possible Phyllis Gilmore In memory of Clare Genevieve Meehan In memory of loved ones Judy and Peter Van Wageningen In Memory of my cornea donor(s) Krista K. Anderson Anita Boeneman Gene A. Cupp Mark A. De Tolve Meeno J. Haan Yvonne Kilbourne Charlotte E. Mally Constance Partello Paul P. Shubeck Dolores J. Turner Jadwiga Wieczorkowski In memory of my donor(s) and in honor of their families Margaret C. Boyes Eugene Brakel Thalia F. Johnson Julia Shoemaker In memory of my organ and tissue donor at the holidays Anthony Diaz In memory of my sister, Marla Dan Stenchever, IPDG In memory of those who have given to restore my quality of life Georganna R. Bauer In memory of Raymond W. Barnes The Barnes Family In memory of Geraldine Connallon Frances Severini In memory of Francis Joseph Barry Margaret Barry In memory of Giovanna DeMarchi Joanna Morrone In memory of Rene Agass Baumgartner Ashley Decker Ethan and Peggi Erenberg Dorothy Gans John Isenberg David and Linda Milberg Steve and Lori O’Hara Jonathan Rubenstein, M.D. In memory of Nicholas Di Canio Celeste Di Canio In memory of Otho and Martha Jean Bell Otis J. and Ruthie L. Bell In memory of Charles F. Bersch Robert and Esther Vadnais In memory of Marilyn Efrusy Sherman and Reva Alpert In memory of Frank Brodowski Arno and Mildred Rogner In memory of The Reverend James Eldridge Mary E. Eldridge In memory of Jim Bryant Vanessa Washington In memory of Christopher Burke Edward and Veronica Burke In memory of Shawn M. Burnett Patricia Faul-Burnett In memory of Dwight Butcher Marilyn D. Lawton In memory of George J. Charvat Helen Charvat In memory of Doris A. Anderson Roger LaMothe, PDG and Esther LaMothe, PCC In memory of Lou Ellen Clark Chicago Cornea Consultants In memory of James L. Arnold Judy Smith In memory of Marcia Ann Roberts Arnold Judy Smith and Family In memory of Rita M. Bach Jean Berry In memory of Janice L. Baden Richard Baden In memory of Robert Duley, cornea donor Cynthia Duley In memory of May Brennan Kathleen B. Mammoser In memory of Peter Addrisi Elsie Addrisi In memory of the Apice Family Angela Paul In memory of William R. Dreska Lorene Dreska In memory of Cathy Bodensiek Herbert Bodensiek In memory of Frank Campos, Sr. Josefina Campos In memory of Nonie and Nonno Antonucci Mary Ann Reid In memory of James Downey Edward and Susan Grimaldi In memory of Emma Dyke, commemorating Mother’s Day Sharen Kik In memory of Solly Abels Mel and Sybil Markowitz In memory of Sophie Anglewicz Anthony Anglewicz In memory of Lois Dolnick Chicago Cornea Consultants In memory of Maria Pauline Clemente Pamela A. Brogan Herta Riegersperger In memory of Virginia L. Collar Raymond Collar In memory of David Colter Eugenia Basak Leila Colter Dennis and Margot Cunningham Martha Deuel Ernest and Helena Dyer Daniel and Brandy Gregart Douglas and Jacqueline Noble Herbert Stier, Jr. and Kathyleen Stier Glenn and Vera Thomas Marvin and Marlene Vantuyl Marlin and Bonnie Walter In memory of Charlotte Conlon Robert Conlon In memory of Alfrieda Louise Soave Everaert John Everaert In memory of Eric Fatla Janis Licari In memory of Walter E. Ferns Alice M. Ferns In memory of Gerald and Audrey Gerlach Marvin and Leola Gerlach In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Sollie B. Glasper Rita Pridgen In memory of Russell Godby Carolyn Godby, PDG In memory of William F. Grant, Jr., M.D. Theresa A. Meagher Thomas W. Surman, III and Suellen Surman In memory of Henry E. Gray Kathryn Gray In memory of James H. Greene, Jr. Jean M. Greene In memory of Sudie M. Hague Cynthia M. Taylor In memory of Colleen Hall Divinia Ong In memory of Robert M. Halliday Bill and Linda Halliday In memory of Geraldine Hamilton Lloyd W. Kilbreath, PDG In memory of Virginia Hanel Bill E. Hanel, PID In memory of Charles “Frank” Harper Judy Smith In memory of Warren “Vic” Flaishans Trenton Lions Club In memory of Edwina A. Hartwell Judith Bradford Orville Hoksch, Jr. and Evelyn Hoksch In memory of Louis Flecker Ed and Marlene Sheldon In memory of Jackie Heid Carol Wiessner In memory of Arthur Frank Warren and Audrey Frank In memory of John W. Henderson, M.D., Ph.D. Steven Benz, M.D. and Connie Benz William C. Bromley, M.D. George Cole, PDG Jeffrey Cox and Adrienne Cox-Logeman Carl and Ellen Geider Gayle Geider Kathryn Gray Robert Haga and Maureen Ann Tuffy- Haga Jo Ann H. Isom Christine J. Kittleson Dr. Kevin Kittleson Dr. Kyle Kittleson Roger LaMothe, PDG and Esther LaMothe, PCC Paul Lichter, M.D. and Carolyn Lichter Marilyn and Marty Lindenauer Donald and Jean Massnick John and Annabel McWilliams Elspeth Moore, PCC Robert O’Neal, M.D. Virginia H. Owings Richard Pietroski and Susan Stuart In memory of David L. Freedman, M.D. Teri L. Kasper In memory of Arthur Gallagher Marilyn and Marty Lindenauer Thomas and Ann Walker In memory of Margaret Garrigan Joseph and Patricia Annicchiarico John F. Connallon Michael and Lauren Connallon Charles and Noreen Dechon James Dechon Marie Dechon Patricia Dechon Zachary and Theresa Felknor and Family Thomas J. Hayevy Walter and Ellen Marie Kudlacik Fred and Mary Lau Chet and Laurie Lukaszewicz Kathy Quirk Mr. and Mrs. William Venezia Page 32 | midwest eye-banks — DEDICATED TO THE RESTORATION OF SIGHT Contributions IN Memory July 1, 2010–June 30, 2011 In memory of John W. Henderson, M.D., Ph.D. continued... James G. Ravin, M.D. Kevin and Suzanne Ross Michael Roth, M.D. and Rennie Roth William Van Winkle, PDG Thomas and Ann Walker A. Charles and Frances Weir George C. Whitaker, M.D. Orest and Noelle Paclawskyi William and Carol Schroeher Springfield Lions Club Ed and Maggie Sussick Dirck and Betsy Van Dusen Robert A. Vernon The Mayor and Council of the Township of West Caldwell Stephen and Dianne Woitkowski In memory of Joyce H. Henderson Carl and Ellen Geider Gayle Geider Christine J. Kittleson Dr. Kevin Kittleson Dr. Kyle Kittleson Marilyn and Marty Lindenauer In memory of Gary Jones Carol Wiessner In memory of Ronald Henrichs Myrtle Henrichs In memory of Winifred V. Klampferer Fred Klampferer, Sr. In memory of Jerry Herblet Retha Bancroft In memory of Margaret A. Kobiska Bob Schultz In memory of William Himebaugh Scott R. Schmedel In memory of Esther H. Kooyers Lucile Kooyers In memory of Ralph Hooey Sally Hooey In memory of Gregory LaBonte Alice Garon LaBonte In memory of Tim Horner Scott and Kristen Harkonen and the Horner Family In memory of Norman J. LaBonte Alice Garon LaBonte In memory of Frank Illig Beaverton Lions Club Oscoda Lions Club In memory of Karlton C. Imler The Employees of Ricardo, Inc. In memory of Ira Jackson Arie L. Jackson In memory of Lila E. Jackson Jack and Renee Puckett and Family In memory of Charlie Jeffers Dave and Judy Thomas In memory of George F. Johnson, Jr. Thomas Bailey, Jr. and Phyllis Bailey Lawrence and Patricia Beaber Stephen and Jane Bogdan Phyllis Bosco Peter and Eva Davis Stephen M. Domovich, PDG and Ramona S. Domovich Lawrence P. Eldridge Friends of the West Caldwell Public Library Ruth and Stan Grossman Jack and Kathy Hamilton Frederick Herrmann, Ph.D. and Susan Herrmann Irene C. Hohmann Hopewell Valley Lions Club Michael and Karen Kelly Andy and Claudia Link Patricia Meelheim The Melroy Family Robert Moore, PID and Elspeth Moore, PCC James A. Murphy, Jr. New Jersey Manufacturers Insurance Company Michael and Sandra O’Neil In memory of Frank H. Keyes Paul and Mary Ellen Keyes In memory of Anne and Anthony Kisla Timothy Kisla, D.O. and Sally Kisla In memory of Wayne W. Laurence Cynthia Laurence In memory of Wayne Earl Lawton Marilyn D. Lawton and Family In memory of Donald Lebuhn Chicago Cornea Consultants In memory of Rex A. Lentz Violet Lentz In memory of John Leonard Robert and Connie MacKinnon In memory of Robert A. Leonard Mary Nehra Waldo In memory of Francis LePage Elkton Village In memory of Marvin Lesht Chicago Cornea Consultants In memory of Richard and Carol Lillo John and Alice Lillo In memory of Leo Lobl Chicago Cornea Consultants In memory of Edwin G. Loesel Arno and Mildred Rogner In memory of Margaret G. Lomonico John and Geri Caputo Ladies Auxiliary of The Avenel Fire Co # 1 Eric and Carol Reff In memory of Rachel Marie Long Marion A. Elinski In memory of Annette Luebker Donna Luebker In memory of Rachel Mann Carol Wiessner In memory of Kenneth Mattfield Maureen Brown George and Nancy Gates James Hynes, PDG Catherine Mattfield West Milford Township Lions Club In memory of Jacqueline B. McKeigue Elizabeth Iverson In memory of Grace Mills, mother and donor John and Kathy Follen In Memory of Lena Mojzik Richard and Susan Bakker Patrick and Debbie Comerford Edward and Rebecca Edinger Stephen and June Kincius Donald and Pat Moats Adrienne Mojzik Jeffrey and Kathleen Ossanna John and Cindy Paitti Jennifer Struzik Christine and Joseph Struzik Mary Tolin In memory of Sandra L. Moore Donald Misener Marilyn G. Seidell In memory of Jessie Ellen Morrison Bruce and Donna Baumler Larry and Bev Burke Mary M. Donovan Paul and Beth Fredenburg Charles Frederick, PDG and Glenda Frederick Glennie Lioness Club Verna Kuenzli Eleanor Lutze Jane Meyer, PDLP Malcolm Morrison, PDG Mary Ellen Lovelace Morrison Jack Morrison Eleanor Morrison and Family Oscoda Lioness Club In memory of William D. Myers, M.D. Michigan Eyecare Institute and Optical Plus In memory of Gregory Myers Robert and Christine Maxwell In memory of Pamela Nelson Mary Nehra Waldo In memory of Margaret Nielsen Arild Nielsen In memory of Rebecca L. Niemann Philip G. Niemann In memory of Helen Ostrowski Diane Beyer In memory of Dr. Walter E. Pardo, MDPA, commemorating service to Lions International Walter Pardo In memory of Tim Parker Lynn Parker In memory of the Paul Family Angela Paul In memory of John P. Paup Thomas and Barbara Paup In memory of Charles A. Pendleton The Constance Family Joseph and Kari Heady Ray and Kathy Lertola The Weber Family In memory of William Scott Peters Janet Duggan In memory of my son, Robert J. Pickard, Jr., eye donor Kathryn E. Pickard In memory of Karen Plotkin Ruth and Stan Grossman In memory of David Pfau Beverly C. Pfau In memory of Terry Pfau Beverly C. Pfau In memory of Patricia A. Phillips John T. Phillips In memory of Robert J. Pickard Kathryn E. Pickard In memory of Gerald R. Pirochta Kenneth Pirochta In memory of Goble Powell Betty L. Powell In memory of the deceased members of the Pribble and Fassbender Families Nancy P. Fassbender In memory of Gloria Pridgen Rita Pridgen In memory of John E. Randolph, M.D. Joseph Offenbecher Margaret Randolph Doris I. Robertson In memory of Matt Reed Mari Helen Gingas In memory of Barbara Ann Reidel David Eberlein, PDG In memory of Caleb Roch, commemorating his life with us and his heavenly Father Terry and Sheila Walters In memory of George Roe, Jr. Barbara Perry Dave and Judy Thomas In memory of Arleen M. Root Rockwood Area Lions Club In memory of Beverly Ann Roumayah Badie Roumayah In memory of Leonard Saltz Mel and Sybil Markowitz In memory of Andrew J. Sandoval Bert and Dottie Rivette In memory of Ron Santo Chicago Cornea Consultants In memory of Jack E. Schlegel Arden K. Schlegel REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | Page 33 Contributions in Memory Continued… July 1, 2010–June 30, 2011 In memory of Myra and Percy Scott Mary L. Welch In memory of Louis F. Seibert, PDG Les L. Selby, PDG and Elsie B. Selby In memory of David Silberhorn Wendy Carmien In memory of Kathleen R. Simmons Patrick and Debra Bromley Jane Danley Steven and Chris Groth Edna Frisby and Deann Kuske Margie E. Roloff Roger Roloff and Barbara Petersen Catherine M. Rybolt Jeanette Satterfield Roland and Betty Ann Schleusener In memory of Gus and Betty Spelios Andrew and Patricia Spelios In memory of Frances Spina The Partners of Bowman & Company LLP Frank Cristaudo and Family Fred and Ruth Cristaudo Lucy Cristaudo John C. Eastlack, Sr. and Elvena Catalano Eastlack Howard and Jean Esposito Tony and Marylou Furfari Richard and Marilyn Goetz Gaetano and Angelina Grasso The Hartman Family Brian and Martha Reid Sam and Rose Sorbello Alfred and Josephine Tomarchio In memory of Ruth Steck Arno and Mildred Rogner In memory of Stephen H. Steiner Susan J. Taub, M.D. and Richard Roling In memory of Betty Stenberg Lewis Stenberg In memory of Susan Stoltzfus Howard Tabachnick In memory of Andrew M. Stubbs Herk and Diane Stubbs In memory of Harriet L. Swanson Frank O. Swanson In memory of Richard S. Szymoniak Mary Nehra Waldo In memory of John Tamburrino Cassandra Tamburrino In memory of Mary Ellen Larson Virgadamo Benjamin Yashinski, PDG and Diana Yashinski In memory of Charles E. Wagner Bert and Carole Moelk and Family In memory of Barbara Waite Suzanne R. Sutton In memory of Jim Walling Rodger and Maryann Pedigo In memory of Rita Walsh, M.D. Romeyn M. Oyer In memory of Patricia Taradonia Gayle Geider In memory of my son, my heart, Lenny Watson Lydia Watson In memory of Arthur S. Teot Mrs. Arthur S. Teot In memory of Bethany E. Wiese John P. Wiese In memory of Dewain J. Vallie, Sr. Eleanor Vallie-Floetke In memory of Henry Zrazik Mildred Zrazik Gift Occasions July 1, 2010–June 30, 2011 Commemorating 62nd anniversary Salvator and Bess Greco Commemorating a Christmas gift for Riley Letterman Uncle Dave, Aunt Annie Sonja, Andrew and Larissa Commemorating Dick Bradley’s receipt of a cornea transplant Dick and Shirley Bradley Commemorating Employee Jeans Day Donations Dillman Eye Care Commemorating Idelle P. Horan’s 90th Birthday Fred and Bobbie Weiner Commemorating Mario Rizzitiello’s birthday Julie R. Rizzo Commemorating my own operation Ursula Neckien Commemorating my restored vision John Patrick Commemorating my successful cornea transplant(s) Erma Bittinger Juanita Bradley Patricia Cox Marcia A. Hasson Michael Iacobelli Doraine Jones Rebecca Lipp Carole Markanich Patricia Mroczkowski Cora M. Nawracaj Louise Schneider Patricia Schuurman Marilyn Singer Joyce Stock Patricia J. Stone Janet Vondett Patricia Wildfong Commemorating the marriage of Lawrence Stark and Miriam Alschuler Donna and Martin Korey Commemorating my successful eye operaton Anthony E. Anglewicz Frederick A. Metz John Steeb In appreciation for the cornea transplant I received Barbara Martinec In appreciation of the generosity of the two cornea donors! Eugene A. Tosolt In gratitude for Bill’s cornea William and Paulette Kernan In gratitude for the services received at the W.K. Kellogg Eye Center Linda Pelagio In gratitude for cornea transplant and to help others Shirley Nahley In honor of Anthony Diaz’s 9th birthday! Bruce and Kathleen Chamberlin Michael and Susan Detloff Andrea Diaz Antonio Diaz Juan and Amelia Diaz Ryan and Meaghan Evans Marjorie and James Filipello Kevin and Diane Kuca William and Pamela Ledvort Art and Debbie Loza Beatrice Ann Loza Rafael and Rita Loza Charles Marose and Kristine MaroseGrazziano Eddie and Kelly Marquez Patricia Vistine Tobey A. Vistine In honor of Mary Finkel’s 70th Birthday Jo and Richard Coskey Anna Himelhoch In honor of Bob Haga and Maureen Tuffy-Haga, commemorating a milestone birthday Paul Pfingston Charles and Mary Jo Pivoney Diane Wachel In honor of Drs. Debby and Steve Portney’s 24th Wedding Anniversary Gerald and Betsy Loomus In honor of Michelle Sotak’s cornea transplant William and Patricia Sotak In honor of my corneal transplant(s) Laurena Alflen, OP Retha Bancroft Margaret L. Bird Maureen L. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chaiklin Arlone Ritter Dalluge Benedetta B. Firetto Page 34 | midwest eye-banks — DEDICATED TO THE RESTORATION OF SIGHT Dora W. Greer Evelyn F. Kruleski Patricia J. Stone In thanksgiving for my corneal transplant Manuela G. Anaya Alma L. Arent Philemonia Bartoszek Raymond Beaupre Juanita W. Bradley Joann K. Crooks Barbara J. Delatorre Irma Doan Eileen Dutts Patricia Gunderson William J. Kernan Evelyn F. Kruleski Bishop Timothy J. Lyne Catherine McGuire Eunice Randle Emma Jean Rempe Genevieve G. Rincon Phylis Shook Suzanne Svoboda Maydine Thompson Mary Tuinsma Dolores J. Turner Alice Visser Shirley M. Walmsley Mary H. Williams Contributions in Honor July 1, 2010–June 30, 2011 In honor of all cornea donors Harry and Lois Anderson Shirley Nahley In honor of Harry Anderson, commemorating his birthday Nancy Anderson In honor of all the people that work at University of Illinois Chicago Carlos H. Blanco In honor of Bill Baker Florence M. Johnston In honor of and in gratitude of those responsible for contributing a cornea Marvin E. Ginsburg In honor of and in gratitude to my two donor families Marga J. Weiss In honor of my cornea donor(s) Wilson Ashley Jose C. Bernardo Margaret Boyes Henry Hoey John Magdzinski Giovanna Palladino Gurdial Singh Premi Eunice Randle Paul P. Shubeck In honor of my cornea donor and their family Kathleen and Richard Sojka In honor of my friend Kelly Corcoran, who chauffeured me Harvey Russell In honor of William B. Barr Florence M. Johnston In honor of Angie Bates, commemorating her 19th Birthday Kent and Irma Bates In honor of Milda Block Arno and Mildred Rogner In honor of John S. Cioroch Bedford Township Lions Club In honor of Michael V. Connallon Walter and Ellen Marie Kudlacik Frances Severini In honor of John Michael Craven John and Patricia Craven The Employees of the Borough of Wharton Gabrielle Evangelista Kevin B. Finnegan Susan Megletti Morris County Registrars Association In honor of Daniel DeBartolo, M.D. Eliot Landau In honor of my tissue donor Terrence Winckler In honor of Anthony Diaz, commemorating Christmas Tobey Vistine In honor of the families that donated the corneas of their loved ones for our son Tom and Cindy McCormick In honor of David Donnersberger, M.D., J.D. Norb L. Gold and Mary Lou Bilder-Gold In honor of the people who helped me Helen Houston In honor of Randy J. Epstein, M.D. Miles and Helene Beermann Jose C. Bernardo The Gutman Family Foundation Trust Michael and Leslie Hyman Ron and Julie Levitt Midwest Glaucoma Center Philip and Marianne Nielsen Millie Ponfil Paige and Karl Reichardt Roger and Elaine Russell Steve Sicher, M.D. and Nancy Sicher Lawrence J. Smith In honor of the unknown donor for Warren’s corneal transplant in 2009 Warren and Carol Hetzel In honor of those who have restored sight by the gift of the eye bank Henry Maykowski In honor of those whose selfless donation enable me to see Kedric and Maura Chamberlin In honor of volunteerism for Lions and the Illinois Eye-Bank Carolyn Godby, PDG In honor of Eleanor Allen John Allen, PDG In honor of John Ancona Roberta Ancona In honor of Robert S. Feder, M.D. Ronald R. Rezny In honor of Luis Gago, M.D. Rohit Garikipati and Family K-1 Winter Futsal Soccer Team Harry MacGillis and Family Fred Wallace and Family In honor of Ruth Grossman Vivian Goldsmith In honor of Stanley Grossman Lary P. Wasserman In honor of Thomas John, M.D. Eliot Landau In honor of John C. Johnson and Nancy Johnson George Cole, PDG In honor of Cassandra, Elizabeth and Jack Perry Cindy Maggetti Charles and Mary Jo Pivoney In honor of Gene Polgar, PID, CEBT Marion S. Goldberg, PDG A. Theodore Reiver, PDG In honor of David, Lynn and Patrick Pruitt Frances O. Pruitt In honor of Franco S. La Marca The Gutman Family Foundation Trust D. Carroll Joynes In honor of David and Lynn Pruitt James and Karen Pruitt Robert and Jan Pruitt In honor of Kevin T. Lavery, M.D. Richard and Shirley Bradley Bernard J. Karle In honor of Jonathan Rubenstein, M.D. Mary Ellen Neuman In honor of Joseph Levandoski Remus Lions Club In honor of Lioness Maryalyce Lupher William Lupher In honor of Parag A. Majmudar, M.D. Brian Karlow In honor of Mike McGill, commemorating his new corneas Sue McGill In honor of Shahzad I. Mian, M.D. Norma Morr In honor of Pauline Moore and in memory of her donors Pauline and Dennis Moore In honor of Christine Scarano Lynn and Beverly Bova Scarano In honor of Doug and Lois Schembs Peter and Judith Van Wageningen In honor of Maura Schonwald, and her corneal transplant Kathy Carroll In honor of Martin and Lois Simon David and Lynn Pruitt In honor of Brian D. Smith, M.D. Bela and Ilona Szeifert In honor of Alan V. Spigelman, M.D. Dick, Katie and John Barron In honor of Delaney Morrin Sidney Bedrosian Savien Bonam The Cole Family Ralph C. Gregory Ed and Linda Jobse Lindsey Jones Darrold Mars Michael and Dana Mintline Tom and Mona Richard Beverly Ward In honor of Bob Stewart Marie Stewart In honor of Alan Sugar, M.D. Louis and Joy Landau In honor of Delaney’s cornea donors Shannon and Carla Morrin In honor of Madison and Malia Nichols Donald Neale, Sr. and Janet Neale In honor of Jashvantray Pandya Swati Pandya In honor of Cassandra Perry John and Margaret Pelegrino In honor of Travis L. Sale Marlene and Stephen DeKoeyer Charles and Mary DeVries Lucille Rauch In honor of Joel Sugar, M.D. Carlos H. Blanco Yuly and Ida Raff Steven Schneider Leonard Solomon In honor of Penelope A. Thornton A. Charles Weir, PID, PDG In honor of Elmer Y. Tu, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Hoover C. Kizart In honor of David Verdier, M.D. Phyllis McHugh Thomas J. Sauve In honor of Patricia Wildfong John and Suzanne Ritchie REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY | Page 35 4889 Venture Drive Ann Arbor, MI 48108-9560 Page 6 | midwest eye-banks — DEDICATED TO THE RESTORATION OF SIGHT