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01 2015
Further increasing your profitability with the
new back meat harvesting solution for
the Rapid Plus breast deboner M3.0
in this edition
Improved tail feather puller
Frisia Food
Meyn Mags automatic giblet
harvesting solution
Back meat harvesting solution for
Rapid Plus breast deboner M3.0
Meyn Technology Services
Meyn worldwide
4Improved tail feather puller
Frisia Food incorporates new Meyn technology
Meyn Mags automatic giblet harvesting solution, combining optimum yield and lowest
operational cost
Further increasing your profitability with the new back meat harvesting solution
for the Rapid Plus breast deboner M3.0
9Velskaya successfully incorporates Physic HS and Rapid HQ in existing plant
10New: Meyn technology services Optimizing your production process
Meyn successful in Colombia
13Grupo Melo continues to expand for full flexibility in end products
14San Isidro installs new FCF Food Servicer line
14San Fernando to process traditional and KFC cuts on Meyn Food Servicer cut up system
15Columbia Farms replaces defeathering line
The world population continues to grow and the level of prosperity in
upcoming markets is increasing rapidly. Global demand for animal protein
is expected to grow accordingly. More mouths to feed means major
market opportunities for your business, but it also brings serious
challenges. How can you feed the world responsibly without jeopardizing
your competitive edge and business continuity?
Continuously increasing feed prices, difficulties in finding – and foremost
keeping – skilled and motivated personnel as well as the compliance with
hygiene regulations and environmental restrictions, make it all the more
important to raise your efficiency in getting the most out of your process.
Working with Meyn means you can rely on intelligent, innovative,
customized and sustainable solutions that enable you to meet the
challenges of today’s market and tomorrow’s society. Your success is our
goal. Every day, all over the world.
Meyn. Answers to your challenges.
Follow us and you’re always up to date
Improved tail feather puller
The Meyn tail feather puller now removes the long tail feathers from the tails more effectively.
Removing the tail feathers with a dedicated plucker makes the plucking process more effective
as the main pluckers can be set to work in other areas of the carcass in a more gentle process.
The tail feather puller consists of two rollers that are mounted close together. The position of the
rollers is set in such a way that the tail feathers are caught in between the rollers, effectively
pulling the feathers from the tail.
New developments
The design of the tail feather puller has been
significantly improved:
Improved bearing construction for the pulling
rollers. This new design significantly improves the
lifetime of the bearings compared to the old design
(less maintenance).
Improved cleanability and maintainability because
of the new hinge construction to rotate the module
The height and the distance to the product
can easily be adjusted during production to
compensate for different size products.
An open construction to prevent accumulating
Adjustable product guides to support size
Improved in-feed flights on the rollers, to prevent
the thighs from being damaged.
Improved machine design for maintenance (grease
nipples and better access to components).
A stand alone supporting frame.
Frisia Food incorporates
new Meyn technology
Frisia Food has a tradition dating back more than
This year, Frisia decided to incorporate several
60 years in the poultry industry. The original
newly developed Meyn machines into their existing
company (J. de Vries & Zn BV) started out as a
process. In the slaughtering department, the new
traditional chicken processing plant and developed
tail feather puller was added, making the plucking
into one of the larger processing plants of The
process more efficient. For the automatic rehanging
Netherlands. In 2010, the slaughtering activities of J.
from the slaughtering line to evisceration line, the
de Vries & Zn BV were acquired and continued under
newly developed Syncom rehanger was installed. In
the name Frisia Food b.v. The company is situated in
the evisceration department, the new fat retention
Haulerwijk, in the Northern part of The Netherlands.
machine and cropping machine result in a reduced
wear and tear.
Over the years, the plant has been extensively
refurbished. In 2011, the complete slaughtering
Frisia is also the first company to be operating the
department was replaced with new equipment,
new Meyn Mags automatic giblet harvesting solution.
such as Quest stunner, electrical stimulation,
Anton Storteboom, CEO of Frisia Foods: “We are very
footpad inspection system and jet stream scalder.
content with the results of the Mags. The liver quality is
Also incorporated in this department is a complete
very high and the reliable and constant performance and
feet processing line as the company exports their
optimum end product presentation is exactly what we
feet products to Asia. One year later, in 2012, the
need in this highly delicate part of the process.”
refurbishment of the evisceration department took
place and a new 12,000 bph Maestro evisceration line
was installed.
The Meyn Mags automatic giblet harvesting solution is a fully automatic and highly reliable
solution that seamlessly integrates into any existing or new Maestro evisceration system.
As a result of the effective organ separation principle, optimum product presentation and
the highly competitive and constant yields, the solution produces maximum “A” grade livers
and hearts with minimum inspection requirements and virtually no rework. The complete
solution includes all necessary auxiliary equipment and services that are needed to
maximize benefits and has the lowest operational cost – labor as well as maintenance – in
the industry.
yield and lowest
operational cost
The harvesting modules, with a maximum capacity of 6,000 packs per hour each, can be installed in any
place along the pan conveyor after carcass inspection. The system is very flexible regarding layout and
can be oriented perpendicular or parallel to as well as on either side of the pan conveyor. The modules are
constructed according to the highest safety and hygienic standards.
Whatever the capacity or the products you make, Meyn can supply you with the optimum giblet harvesting
Further increasing your
profitability with the new
back meat harvesting solution for
the Rapid Plus breast deboner M3.0
The all new back meat harvesting solution saves on labor and further increases your profitability in breast
deboning. The solution allows you to automatically harvest the back meat separately with an undamaged
structure giving it a unique presentation. When opting for back meat harvesting on the Rapid Plus, you will be
able to increase the amount of back meat harvested, save on labor and reduce trimming losses.
Example of calculation of additional revenues with the back meat harvesting solution: (calculation is based on
front half processing, one shift per day for one year)
Additional back meat harvested
7 g/bird = 84,000 kg/year x 0,80 Euro =
67,000 Euro
Reduction trim loss (breast meat
removed by trimming back meat)
4 g/bird = 48,000 kg/year x 2,60 Euro =
124,800 Euro
Labor savings
5 people x 25,000 Euro
125,000 Euro
Total increase in profitability
316,800 Euro
If you are looking at further improving your profitability and eliminating trimming labor and labor influences,
the new Meyn back meat harvesting solution is the answer.
Velskaya successfully incorporates
Physic HS and Rapid HQ in existing plant
The first phase of the extensive refurbishment of the
formerly installed cut up system and with the highly
Velskaya Poultry Factory took place without hardly
accurate cuts much higher yields are realized.
causing any production delays. Production could
continue as normal even during installation, made
The decision to opt for the Rapid HQ was largely
possible due to smart planning and good cooperation
based on the high yields obtained during testing
between the Meyn engineers and technical staff of
performed at the Meyn Demo and training center.
After several weeks of operation at Velskaya, the
Rapid has certainly met the high yield expectations
The live bird handling department is equipped with a
and has also resulted in considerable labor savings.
new weighing system for crates. The newly installed
Meyn QGS (quality grading system) allows to sort the
In the next phase, the Physic cut up line will be
bird quality in-line and with the data obtained,
equipped with by-passes to further increase yield.
improvement programs are made for the broiler
Next to this, additional modules will be installed to
farming. The Physic HS cut up system is able to
extend the product range.
handle a wider weight range of products than their
New: Meyn
Optimizing your
You are fully aware that continuous process improvements are the key to your success,
but it is sometimes hard to see where they can be found. That is why Meyn now introduces
Meyn technology services; to help you get a clear view on the possible opportunities in
your process. Our technologists, with global experience in poultry processing, have all
the knowledge it takes to benchmark your facility to the best practices. For this, one of our
technologists performs a survey in your plant which will focus on a predetermined scope and
objective. During the survey, the Meyn technologist will analyze, measure and monitor your
process and talk to your operational and Q&A team.
technology services
production process
Based on the findings, a detailed report with
Next to performing surveys, the Meyn technology
recommendations will be made and presented
team is also involved in scientific research &
to management. The report will give insight on
legislation (governments, branch organizations,
possible cost reductions that can be achieved, but
NGO’s) and keeps close contact with a prequalified
will also highlight ways of potentially increasing
pool of experts (universities and third parties). This
your revenues. Over the past few years, Meyn has
close contact with legislation makers also enables us
performed many surveys and on average the cost
to inform you in an early stage and advise or assist
reductions per survey amount to EUR 382,000 and
you in solving issues or improve processes which go
increase in revenue could be as high EUR 2,000,000!
beyond Meyn’s core business. And the benefit for you
is of course that you can tap directly into this data
base of information gathered by Meyn over the years.
successful in Colombia
Colombia, with 47 million inhabitants and a consumption of chicken meat that is expected to reach 30
kilograms per person per year in 2015, has a poultry industry in full development and growth. In 2014, Meyn
appointed a new agent for Colombia, R&M de Colombia ltda. Managed by Rodrigo Pardo Herrera who has
over 15 years of experience in the Colombian market, R&M has established itself as a well known name
for technological support in the Colombian poultry industry. Over the years, R&M has contributed to the
renovation of the most important processing plants in Colombia.
Pollo Fiesta S.A., a market leader in Colombia, is
They are now planning an automation and
located in the city of Bogota. In 2014, they installed an
optimization phase and will install a complete
FCF Compact line and BC40 breast deboner.
10,000 birds per hour Maestro evisceration line
including cross cut opening machine to replace their
existing manual evisceration operation. The Maestro
evisceration line is able to handle the wide weight
range that is processed and as a result of the small
footprint of the line, fits into existing building.
The promise of Pollo Fiesta to its customers is the
“Fresh Colombian Taste”, which they can achieve
with the daily deliveries from their surrounding
farms. The company is celebrating their 40 th
anniversary and sees Meyn as partner for their future
Grupo Melo continues to expand for
full flexibility in end products
In 2013, Grupo Melo, Panama started the
type cuts for parts that are distributed to their Pío
refurbishment of its processing plant with the
Pío restaurants. The Physic HS cut up line features
installation of a crate arrival system, slaughtering
all types of modules and by-passes and will allow
line and ECP evisceration line. For 2014, the company
Melo to make all the different cuts that are required.
decided to include some new equipment in these
Next to this, a Rapid Plus breast deboner including
departments with the installation of an electrical
new back meat harvesting solution will be part
stimulator and a bird counter vision M1.0 in the
of the expansion. The new secondary processing
slaughtering department.
department will be controlled by the Meyn mLogic
distribution manager M5.1 and will give full flexibility.
But the expansion continues with a complete
renovation of the secondary processing department
All produced products will be transported on belts to
which is scheduled for the second half of 2015.
the packing area where they are weighed and packed
A new high speed weighing line including QGS
in boxes. The entire packing area will be controlled by
quality grading system will automatically distribute
a CSB warehouse management solution which makes
the birds based on quality and weight to either the
sure that the right products are distributed to the
Food Servicer cut up system or Physic HS cut up line.
right channels.
The Food Servicer cut up system produces specific
San Isidro installs new
FCF Food Servicer line
Avicola San Isidro, located in Quito, Ecuador, is one
in Latin America, as they were looking for a solution
of the largest suppliers of KFC products in Latin
that could guarantee optimum yields, but would also
America. Their entire processing site is dedicated to
fit the limited floor space they had available. Also,
solely processing KFC products. Early 2015, they will
they acquired a new Meyn FCF Food Servicer line for
install a new Maestro eviscerator 20 units, the first
their first automatic 9-pieces cut up process.
San Fernando to process traditional and
KFC cuts on
Meyn Food Servicer cut up system
The San Fernando company already dates back to
San Fernando currently has a manual cut up
the late forties, when Julio Soichi Ikeda started its
operation, but they now wanted to automate this
business with 39 ducks. Over the years, the company
process. They produce both the traditional cuts
has grown significantly and is now the market
as well as the KFC cuts (8+9 pieces) and have
leader in poultry, eggs, pork and sausages in Peru.
extensively compared the different options. One of
Outside of Peru they export their products to Bolivia,
their requirements was that they wanted to process
Colombia, Ecuador and Panama.
both type of products on the same cut up line and
the Meyn Food Servicer cut up system was the only
solution available that can do this.
Columbia Farms
replaces defeathering line
House of Raeford Farms, Inc., headquartered in
scalder, four JM64 pluckers, one JMD2 plucker,
Rose Hill, North Carolina, is a family owned, fully
new tail feather puller, hock plucker as well as two
integrated poultry company with processing facilities
rehangers from slaughtering to evisceration. The
located throughout the southeastern United States.
rehangers hang the birds from the 8 inch slaughtering
One of their poultry processing facilities, Columbia
line to two 6 inch evisceration lines and is the first of
Farms is located in Greenville, South Carolina
its kind in the United States.
and processes 11,000 large broilers per hour for
Mr Luke Brewer, Plant manager: “We are very happy
with the results of the new defeathering line. Over
In order to improve their yields and overall plucking
scalding of the birds has been completely eliminated,
performance, Columbia Farms decided to replace
both whole griller and boneless breast yields have
their existing 6 inch defeathering line by a new 8 inch
increased and quality checks confirm improved feather
11,000 birds per hour Meyn line. The newly installed
line consists of a Quest waterbath stunner, jet stream
answers to your challenges.
visiting address:
Meyn Food Processing Technology B.V.
Westeinde 6
1511 MA Oostzaan (Amsterdam)
the netherlands
postal address:
Meyn Food Processing Technology B.V.
p.o. box 16
1510 AA Oostzaan
the netherlands
phone: +31 (0)20 2045 000
Fax: +31 (0)20 2045 001
Meyn Food Processing Technology B.V. is a subsidiary of CTB Inc.
CTB Inc. is a leading global designer, manufacturer and marketer of systems and solutions
for the poultry, pig, egg production, and grain industries.
All Rights Reserved.