The Current Issue Here
The Current Issue Here
Ross’ColumnfortheDX’er– October2016 October is a great time to work some DX. Yes, I know propagation hasn't been the best recently, but there is always something to work during October. The last full weekend brings the CQ WW DX contest. The is a fun time since there are lots of DX stations on the phone band. The pile ups are usually non-existent or small. When you work a station give the the a signal report and our zone number. For stations in California, our zone number is 3. If you look forward to working a lot of DX stations, the CQ contest is a great opportunity for you. You might even be able to fill a few band slots. Also, don't forget to check 10 meters. 10 meters produced a number of contacts during last weekends California QSO Party. It's not too early to mark your calendar for our annual Holiday celebration luncheon. We will have more information at the October and November general meetings. WebEx has been working very well. WebEx allows our members who can't attend a meeting in person to still see and hear what's going on. When you log onto WebEx, be sure to include your first name and call sign. This information shows up on a list, se we know who is joining the meeting remotely. After you join the meeting by WebEx, your computer Mic will be muted. Mics that aren't muted send all kinds of sounds to the speakers on the computer at the meeting and we hear it all; dogs barking, papers shuffling, coughing, etc. so, please mute your mic if it wasn’t already done. In the future, we plan to integrate remote users input during portions of the meeting. I'm writing this from 35,000 feet over Nebraska and then did the final edit from Littleton, NH. My wife and I are headed to Boston to start our tour of New England which includes enjoying the fall colors, a visit to ARRL headquarters, time looking for ancestors from the Forbes clan, and of course some great food. While I'll miss the Pacificon convention, I will see you at the next general meeting on October 20. October Meeting Thursday, October 20th Holder’s Country Inn 998 S. De Anza Blvd San Jose, 95129 5:00 PM Socialize 6:00 PM Dinner 7:00 PM Club Meeting Secretary’sCorner NCDXCwelcomesPaulBooth,WA6IBUasa newmember.Paulwasvotedinatthe Septembermeeting. EricSwartz,WA6HHQpresentedan entertainingoverviewofElecraftRadiosand theiruseinmanyDXExpeditions. Tohaveyourarticlespublishedinthe newsletter,sendthemasanattachmentusing MicrosoftWord.Haveyourshackreportsor itemsforsalesenttomebythefirstweekof themonthforinclusioninthenextnewsletter. MarkyourcalendarsfortheNCDXCChristmas Partyon12/10/16atMichael’satShoreline Restaurant,2960 N Shoreline Blvd, Mountain View, CA 94043 from 11:00 AM 3:00 PM. More information to follow! Former ARRL DXCC and Awards Manager Bill Moore, NC1L, SK 10/06/2016 Former ARRL DXCC and Awards Manager Bill Moore, NC1L (exKA1MRR, KB1UN), of Newington, Connecticut, died on October 6. He was 64. Moore was seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident in July 2014 that left him paralyzed from the chest down. He was never able to return to work at ARRL Headquarters and retired in 2015. An ARRL member, Moore had worked at League Headquarters for 23 years, starting in 1992. His friend Pete Chamalian, W1RM, said that a memorial service would be held “in the coming weeks.” — Thanks to The Daily DX 73’ArtKK6WJZ Putthoseincomingforeignstampstogooduse! IrecentlygavesomeofmyforeignstampsfromincomingQSLstoBrianJones,whoisthe PresidentoftheSanJoseStampClub- BriantellsmethattheyoungercollectorsinhisClubareverymuchinterestedinthecurrent andcolorfulforeignstamps.Hewasverypleasedtoreceivethesestamps,andwillseethatthey aredistributedtointerestedcollectorsinhisClub. Ifyou’dliketodonateyourforeignstampstotheSanJoseStampClub,justbringthemtome atanyNCDXCmeetingandI’llseethattheygettoBrian. Thanks,73andgoodDXdeMike,K6MKF ShackReportfromK6MKF IwasprivilegedtobeabletopresentDennisLyden,AG6HE,withhisNCDXCLife Memberbadgeatbreakfastrecently.DennisandIhavebeenfriendsandDXbuddies formanyyears,soitwasveryrewardingformetomakethispresentation. I’mhappytobeinthelogatA5Aon30M! AndIfilledinsomebandslotswithVP6J. 73andgoodDX, MikeK6MKF ForSaleByBob,W6OPO ContactBob, Alpha4510PowerMeterwithManual-$500 SELF SUPPORTING CRANK UP TOWER FOR SALE Tri-Ex (now Tashjian in LA) LM 354 - 55ft Self Supporting Crank Up Tower with Tilt Over base. Cranked down - 22ft. -- Like new condition. --- On ground in San Francisco. NEW PRICE with Tilt Base ($3245+ $760 + est 8% tax = $4325 + Shipping ...... so about $5000 K9ZPY Price = $1500 and you pick up. (Large sized Pick Up truck and 5 bodies +/- will do the trick) Serious Inquiries only. --- Pick up by Oct 12, 2016. - Dale Rogers K9ZPY 415-377-2880 (c) For Sale as of 9/23/16 Looking for all band all mode portable xcvr used - open - preferably $400 $500. Also, ant. Analyzer used and finally an affordable mobile swr meter. What do you have? Thanks Paul WA6NNI 925-961-2840 NCDXC Honor Roll Ladder - 330 to 339 Current Entities All Entity Counts Must Already Be Confirmed With LOTW-QSLs or QSL Cards Call Sign Curr DXCC Chal 160m 80m 40m 30m 20m 17m 15m 12m 10m 6m K6TA 339 Chg 377 2800 Chg 216 300 334 310 338 330 333 311 325 3 W6RGG 339 376 K5YY 339 375 2760 203 301 260 309 339 326 297 314 304 107 W6OAT 339 373 2703 149 287 329 308 338 329 335 302 319 7 N7NG 339 372 2118 +4 186 229 282 194 330 204 295 171 225 2 K6RIM 339 367 2389 +62 45 177 306 295 339 320 329 283 286 9 K4UEE 339 365 2772 248 280 329 286 338 309 323 275 306 78 K6ANP 339 364 1667 86 185 244 128 324 148 258 75 212 7 N6JV 339 360 2824 188 262 317 322 337 331 334 314 326 93 W6CUA 339 357 1906 17 167 245 183 339 190 331 135 298 1 K6XN 339 355 1847 13 145 220 158 332 234 295 186 261 3 W6CYX 339 354 2050 118 187 238 212 303 235 267 225 262 3 AJ6V 339 354 937 16 118 153 2 282 5 200 1 160 K6SQL 339 354 W6DPD 339 353 1364 21 40 15 327 231 277 185 217 51 NI6T 339 352 2776 229 286 329 321 338 328 329 302 310 4 K6MD 339 351 770 1 58 103 13 263 11 169 6 145 1 W6KM 339 351 465 65 100 104 172 259 164 322 246 295 177 261 9 105 191 296 278 337 317 317 294 321 104 100 100 K2RD 339 350 2009 K6KLY 339 349 2560 KX6C 339 349 1162 13 128 144 113 213 136 154 111 150 N6TV 339 349 1105 +1 44 155 219 6 280 3 216 1 179 2 KC6AWX 339 348 2584 +5 119 223 308 301 337 318 327 296 306 49 W6EKR 339 348 1536 125 152 337 227 312 144 239 K6ESL 339 346 435 1 11 132 27 37 14 213 W6OD 339 344 1776 12 101 151 327 292 320 274 299 K6KO 339 343 2383 162 237 306 252 327 263 305 253 278 AC6HY 339 343 1692 18 253 233 13 317 221 272 164 200 N6TA 338 357 2083 153 265 238 329 303 295 251 249 +1 +14 100 +2 +17 1 K6GFJ 338 357 1024 16 71 23 224 148 214 137 187 N7TW 338 348 525 4 72 19 183 74 69 43 61 KI6CG 338 345 1963 158 158 132 330 241 295 217 271 K6YP 338 341 736 17 42 28 275 102 146 59 67 W6NWS 337 347 2319 148 208 299 238 332 250 313 222 294 15 K6CTA 337 345 1681 41 23 162 201 297 202 309 163 281 2 KY6R 337 342 1957 75 172 275 254 316 258 238 179 187 3 K6UM 336 346 2214 65 151 231 193 334 308 313 271 286 62 345 2345 88 219 288 271 325 289 303 275 287 100 100 177 309 284 325 305 295 278 257 69 92 182 1 326 279 303 219 245 1 108 293 170 254 162 187 1 258 80 182 59 148 +1 90 +5 N6TQ 336 AG6Q 335 349 W6QUV 335 341 2422 K6IPM 335 338 1648 K6BZS 334 342 1554 47 123 209 N6ATD 334 339 931 1 84 119 +3 +9 123 +9 100 100 4 71 100 N7RC 333 K8JRK 333 346 342 1177 1 139 172 2 295 68 237 59 204 K6SIK 333 340 2355 +22 97 212 285 248 324 288 306 279 295 21 N6NU 333 337 1691 +7 40 138 222 160 279 214 258 177 201 2 N6RK 331 336 1720 105 146 237 138 294 195 255 132 217 1 N6PF 330 339 1887 27 130 212 185 308 275 280 235 235 K6MM 330 339 1838 50 121 219 172 313 225 279 215 237 7 NCDXC DX Ladder - 329 Current Entities or Less All Entity Counts Must Already Be Confirmed With LOTW-QSLs or QSL Cards Call Sign Curr K6DY 324 Chg Chal AA6VB 322 +2 1601 +3 1369 Chg DXCC 160m 80m 40m 30m 20m 17m 15m 12m 10m 6m 325 7 12 21 1 229 175 216 165 194 8 +13 329 124 185 189 154 264 161 211 139 174 +21 326 79 105 201 99 282 104 235 62 196 4 80 27 239 110 164 86 127 1 1028 W6DR 321 W6JJW 321 838 K9YC 319 2205 +1 321 140 205 259 223 311 283 285 243 241 15 W6GX 319 2064 +26 321 75 157 244 202 307 274 294 243 262 6 KE1B 318 1691 322 20 106 189 130 296 263 268 199 215 5 W6YD 318 473 323 19 5 W6OPO 317 1277 39 139 59 273 191 246 126 202 WX6W 313 639 28 86 30 207 36 116 29 107 K6MKF 309 1548 W6GJB 309 1222 N6BM 308 1653 W6PK 308 841 K6BV 308 692 K5AZZ 306 NR6M 302 +1 1150 +2 N6WM 301 +2 1521 +15 W6RK 300 1355 KJ4Z 300 1204 323 +14 319 1 320 +23 129 114 1 313 5 40 140 120 276 227 281 221 234 4 311 20 92 154 88 221 147 217 115 162 6 +21 309 1 106 185 171 271 239 259 217 204 +2 310 9 54 4 253 103 186 89 141 311 2 10 26 196 42 234 49 133 306 4 41 111 8 221 108 177 79 124 26 302 7 3 76 24 258 232 252 138 159 1 303 50 104 180 128 265 188 236 178 189 3 302 20 86 208 124 275 176 205 99 160 2 302 14 116 177 103 223 107 177 123 164 1 230 17 190 4 163 190 75 225 13 103 899 +20 WK6RF 298 729 306 50 72 W6EKR/M 295 615 303 5 4 597 2 2 K6ML 292 293 4 32 24 126 78 176 72 81 4 N6DVR 289 +2 629 +25 294 3 19 7 168 86 158 42 144 2 AD6HF 285 +1 712 +3 289 10 25 92 24 239 69 139 29 83 2 AG6HE 282 +3 1372 +17 282 4 18 161 112 245 211 240 184 197 +1 889 +2 268 1 16 72 2 7 32 9 58 3 25 N6MM 266 NE5EE 260 757 263 N6NKT 254 785 256 N6VAW 251 437 257 794 1 184 140 174 149 145 200 136 169 103 110 22 197 100 181 81 130 1 188 2 106 1 111 6 6 AE6RR 247 249 5 47 79 32 193 108 136 67 125 2 W6AER 239 +3 950 +25 239 8 29 69 36 186 140 183 138 159 2 AC6SL 238 +2 971 +15 239 2 34 87 97 179 152 164 126 130 233 4 W6NN 232 WB6EWM 221 569 WB6VYH 214 K6DMZ 209 +2 462 +11 212 K6DN 201 +7 553 +23 201 K6PBF 196 +2 510 +9 196 AF6GQ 195 646 195 +5 677 +40 489 31 72 3 162 60 144 28 63 221 4 31 40 171 130 129 63 109 214 8 26 11 1 149 27 112 14 124 18 83 72 117 81 100 1 31 119 78 128 72 122 2 13 121 75 122 77 101 1 91 118 13 44 25 113 102 140 20 K6TU 181 487 183 88 2 134 14 121 6 75 3 AI6RE 181 446 181 18 8 104 72 79 60 103 2 K6TTD 179 337 179 17 37 61 71 43 49 59 K6MMM 178 573 151 2 150 N6OI 169 370 88 24 109 KU6W 154 457 WB4RFQ 153 K6TT 152 241 K6REK 142 229 NY6W 140 +7 +5 260 211 178 +2 +16 5 40 102 1 12 34 69 153 1 19 57 33 54 38 42 154 6 27 115 30 32 14 17 144 8 15 80 7 54 13 96 3 62 169 154 +8 24 2 8 140 2 (continues on next page) 206 6 6 135 16 23 130 121 2 104 3 87 65 1 36 Call Sign Curr Chg Chal Chg DXCC W6MSB 120 +2 242 +4 121 +5 271 +14 119 160m 8 80m 40m 1 5 16 22 2 26 1 30m 20m 17m 15m 12m 10m 6m 68 14 68 22 63 1 16 80 16 69 15 28 1 5 59 1 67 27 69 1 1 41 8 47 12 65 AE6JV 119 KE6DM 113 257 113 WW6G 105 175 105 WU6K 76 176 76 4 15 45 8 48 12 42 2 K6MP 75 123 75 3 27 32 4 32 5 18 2 KK6WJZ 35 60 35 1 11 9 4 25 PJ2/W6DR 19 25 19 3 5 10 17 How To Update Your DX Ladder Numbers • For all DXCC and band counts, only include QSOs for which you already have LOTW-QSLs or QSL cards. • Entries in the ClubLog NCDXC DXCC League are imported into DX Ladder if the member is registered at and “Show in Leagues” is set to “Yes”. • Members who prefer not to use ClubLog: please use the webform at: . Band information is optional. • “DXCC” column includes current and deleted entities, the “Curr” column has current only. • The “Chal” (Challenge) count is the sum of the current entity band counts (no deleted entities) and is automatically calculated in the DX Ladder spreadsheet. • The “Chg” columns indicate increases in the previous columns compared to last month. • Participation in DX Ladder is available to NCDXC members only. DX Ladder Maintained by Phil W6PK NorthernCaliforniaDXClubOfficers&Directors President:RossForbes,K6GFJ VicePresident:TonyDowler,K6BV,Secretary:ArtRizzi,KK6WJZ,Treasurer:Bob Lanning,W6OPO,PastPresident:MikeFlowers,K6MKF Directors: JohnEisenberg,K6YP JimSansoterra,K8JRK RichSeifert,KE1B LucasFord,W6AER Appointments: ChatListPostmaster:RobLaNoce,AG6RK( ClubHistorian:RossForbes,K6GFJ DatabaseCo-Managers:BobLanning,W6OPOandPhilVerinsky,W6PK DXConventionChairpersonfor2015:JohnMiller,K6MM DXerEditor:ArtRizzi,KK6WJZ QSLCardMailings:DickLetrich,W6KM.WebHosting&Webmaster:JohnMiller, K6MM( QSLCardCheckers: RussBentson,K6KLY(ARRL) AndreasJunge,N6NU(ARRL) CharlesMcConnell,W6DPD(ARRLandCQ),RustyEpps,W6OAT(CQ) BobWortman,WB6VYH(ARRL) ClubAddress NCDXCPOBox2766,Cupertino,CA95015-2766 HowtoSubscribetoCha t IfyouwouldliketosubscribetoNCDXC’sChatEmailList,go towww.ncdxc.organdselectthegreen“MailingList”tabon theleftsideoftheclub’shomewebpage. AbouttheDXer TheDXerispublishedmonthlybytheNorthernCaliforniaDX Clubandsenttoallclubmembersviatheweb.Please obtainpermissionfromtheauthortore-publishanyarticle inthispublication. ClubURL ClubRepea terW6TI/R: Frequency/oset:147.360Mhz+,pl110.9ControlOperator: RichardCrouch,N6RC Maintenance:PeterGrabosky,W6OOL Trustee:PeterGrabosky,W6OOL NetManager:OpenClubsimplex:147.54MHz(suggested) EcholinktoClubRepeater(formembersonly):N6NKT/L
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