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LINK to DOWNLOAD - Sonoma County Gazette
Color your garden just the way you want...
Dear Readers,
Have I told you how much I miss being a professional gardener? Probably.
This guide came about as a transition from gardening to publishing, since I
have always had more than one way to make a living. Gardening is pure joy
and great physical exercise. When I get too stressed, I literally put my hands
into soil...grounding myself. I recommend it. Instant calm. And of course - it’s
OUTSIDE where air is charged by plants filtering nasty air into fresh oxygen.
This is my 13th year publishing the Gardeners Resource Guide and each year
it develops to another level. More businesses learn about it and support it with
their advertising, and more people pick it up and use it as a way to support
locally-owned garden businesses. This is a win/win for everyone. My favorite
kind of project.
Please use this guide to support our locally-owned garden businesses - and
please support the ADVERTISERS who make this guide possible. To encourage
you to start with them when you are shopping, I have a full ADVERTISERS
INDEX on the inside back cover - AND a center spread MAP where all the
advertisers are located with a number. It’s a handy map no matter what.
What a beautiful county we live in! Have fun gardening!
Our Cover Art:
I get attached to particular artists and one of my attachments is to Sam
Sirdofsky because her art touches my heart. She paints places where joy smiles
at me and just makes me feel good. One day when I visited her house I saw
a drawing of a fairy riding a dragon through a garden. I’m a dragon junkie
so commented on how wonderful it is. She took it off the wall and gave it to
me...“just a doodle” she said.
I look at that “doodle” every day. The flowers knock me out. So with all the
coloring books out these days, I asked Sam to draw some flowers that people
could color themselves. She got excited and now we have a full collection that
Sam and I are producing so other people can color them as well.
At this point people
can purchase them at the
Russian River Art Gallery
in Guerneville (16357
Main Street 707-869-9099
com) where Sam is one of the
gallery artists. As we refine
what we’re doing, there will
be more places to purchase
these bits of wonder where
Sam gets us started and we
color our gardens the way we
see them.
It’s a lot like gardening.
We dig in the soil...purchase
plants and scatter seeds and
dig in bulbs. Color comes up A tiny portion of a very large painting...but to me this
because we have given plants is a self-portrait of Sam Sirdofsky. I doubt she will
agree and will laugh at the suggestion.
what they need…soil, water
I am grateful for the joy Sam brings to my life.
and sun. Few things on earth
respond to nurturing as surely as plants do. They show us that our attention
is accomplishing something wonderful. When we sit and color we get to do
something that just plain feels good. And the end result is a pleasure to look at.
Another win/win.
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YES - we STILL Need to
Conserve Water
By Joe Schriner
Sonoma County residents can
rest a little easier knowing that
we have received a good amount
of rain this winter, but did we
really receive enough water to
justify keeping a large lawn? No.
Sure El Nino came through in
the nick of time for us this year,
but how much rain will we get
next year? Since we can’t predict
future rainfall, we must stay in
the habit of conserving water
and get better at it wherever we
can--especially in our gardens.
For some homeowners that means
taking out all or most of the lawn
because irrigated turf grass can account for 25% to 50% of your water bill in the
summer months.
Some homeowners want to maintain a
small patch of lawn for pets or to keep their
patio area cool so they can find other ways
to conserve in order to balance their effort.
To help anyone reduce or eliminate lawn,
almost every city in our area has a rebate
program for removing grass. In Santa Rosa
it’s called “The Green Exchange Rebate
Program”. In Windsor they call it “Water
Efficient Landscape Rebate Program”. Visit
your city’s webpage for details.
A better use for your garden water this
summer would be establishing some
beautiful drought tolerant or native
plantings that survive on a small amount of
drip irrigation. Anyone who has planted a
five gallon plant knows that it’s hard work so
do your homework to save time and money
by purchasing the right plants the first time.
If you can be patient, start with smaller plants to save money. Should selecting
the proper plant material still seem too daunting, hire a professional garden
designer. If you feel comfortable choosing your plants, but aren’t up to the task
of planting them, hire a landscaper to install them. You can find a “Qualified
Water Efficient Landscaper” by checking out for a list of local
professionals knowledgeable about selecting, planting, and irrigating drought
tolerant plants.
How we use our water in Sonoma county should remain a concern for all
of us in the years ahead. Our population is expected to grow from 471,000
to 600,000 residents in the next twenty years. Demands
on residential and commercial water use will increase
accordingly. With the threat of the next drought always
lurking around the corner, let’s be ready by designing our
landscapes to use as little water as possible.
Joe Schriner is the owner of Earth Works Landscaping based in
Cloverdale. Reach him at
Water Saving TIPS:
You don’t have to re-landscape your entire
yard at once. With planning, you can correct the most thirsty parts of you
yard first and then move forward as time and money allow.
• If you still crave some thirsty flowers for color, one way is to place a
few small containers of them strategically to show them off. to their
best potential. They can be on drip irrigation and you can give them
water saved from you shower or rinse water so as not to increase your
overall water usage.
• Growing fresh vegetables? Research water-saving planting methods,
ways to slow down evaporation, and containers to attractively
incorporate home-grown veggie color into your landscape.
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Free Garden Tour
Focuses on California Natives and
Urban Homesteads
By Gregory Plumb
The annual Eco-Friendly Garden Tour (Tour) is coming up on April
30th! Now in its sixth year, the Tour is sponsored by the Sonoma-Marin Saving
Water Partnership (Partnership) and focuses on low-water-use, sustainable
landscaping. Tour participants will learn water-saving strategies and garden
tips from homeowners while perusing gorgeous gardens and mingling with
neighbors. The 2016 Tour stands out due to collaborations with two local
organizations, Daily Acts and the California Native Plant Society (CNPS)
Milo Baker Chapter.
The Petaluma based non-profit Daily Acts will be leading afternoon
guided tours of urban homesteads in Petaluma, Cotati, and Windsor. These
gardens optimize precious resources to create bountiful landscapes that offer
beauty, wildlife habitat, and fresh food. Homeowners have designed their
landscapes as mini watersheds, collecting rainwater, repurposing graywater,
and nurturing the soil to keep as much moisture on site as possible. Resiliencybuilding features like chickens,
bees, and ‘Do-It- Yourself’
upcycling projects will be
showcased as well.
Included in the Tour is the
Petaluma garden of Lisa and
Gilbert Eldridge. Over the
past 35 years the Eldridge’s
have transformed a dingy lawn
and lava rock landscape to a
scene of sustainable abundance
ECO-TOUR cont’d on page 5
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ECO-TOUR cont’d from page 4
featuring 21 fruit-bearing trees and vines, perennial and seasonal edibles,
native and pollinator plants, rain catchment systems, and places to socialize or
sit quietly.
Trathen Heckman of Daily Acts whose garden will also be featured on
the tour suggests that the Eco-Friendly Garden Tour is “like a trip through a
Willy Wonka Wonderland for sustainable gardening enthusiasts. It is chock full
of inspiring treats, sharing the smell, touch and experience of sustainability.
People see incredible gardens while meeting inspiring gardeners and engaging
with others who share their passion. Once exposed to such people and places,
one feels more empowered to go home and take action, to plant food, recycle
their greywater, catch the rain and share with others.”
To increase their positive impact, participants can also register their own
garden actions as a part the Community Resilience Challenge at www. The Community Resilience Challenge is an annual community
mobilization campaign that runs throughout the spring and inspires
thousands of citizens, leaders and groups to take action to save water, grow
food, conserve energy, reduce waste and build community. Participants
register their actions online and all actions are aggregated on a map to build a
picture of the growing resilience movement.
In addition to the homestead gardens, CNPS Milo Baker will be presenting
California native gardens in Santa Rosa, Sebastopol, Glen Ellen, Kenwood, and
Villa Grande. The gardens being presented are either owned or designed by
CNPS members. Each of the gardens will have California native plant experts
on hand to provide information to visitors. Several of the gardens will include
other activities such as native plant talks, demonstrations, and sales of books
and plants.
One of the gardens featured is the Santa Rosa wildlife garden of Pat and
Bryan Sesser. On a quarter-acre lot the Sesser’s have created a sanctuary
for wildlife using mostly California native plants. The sloped back garden
is terraced providing the visitor with a unique walk through an abundance
of California native flora, including many flowering perennials such as
penstemon, buckwheat, blue-eyed grass and monkeyflower.
Betty Young from the Milo Baker Chapter of the California Native Plant
Society comments on the importance of California native plants in our
landscapes: “Many communities of native plants in California are in naturally
dry areas and so are adapted to flourish with little or no summer water. Others
are at home in swales or other wet areas. Aside from saving water, planting
natives provides habitat for our local butterflies, birds and other pollinators. A
beautiful garden with color through the year, alive with gorgeous and useful
pollinators, is easy when using natives.”
The Tour is free, but please register at:
TO LEARN MORE: Native Plant Society Milo Baker Chapter
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Growing Japanese Maples
by Mike Umehara, Momiji Nursery
Momiji Nursery visitors often ask, “Can I grow a Japanese maple cultivar
from a seed or cutting?” Gardeners grow many of their favorite plants using
these methods, however there’s more to the story when it comes to Japanese
maple cultivars. Let’s go over some basics to reveal how we produce the many
cultivars of the Japanese maple.
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Plant propagation is a method of producing offspring that are genetically
identical (clones) to the parent. There are two basic methods of propagation:
• Sexual propagation
is when a plant is grown
from seed.
• Asexual or vegetative
propagation is when a
plant is grown from a
cutting or graft.
Seed, or sexual
propagation is probably
the easiest way to grow
maples, but because
maple cultivars have
such genetically diverse
variants, they don’t come
true to the parent 100%
of the time. Even when
a match seems to have
been made, the growth
habit of the maple must
be observed for several
years. This is a long, time
consuming process.
On the other hand,
some people enjoy
growing from seed
Grafted cultivars in the protection of a greenhouse
precisely because of
the diverse gene pool of the Japanese maple—there is a chance of finding one
unusual, fancy, unique maple in a batch of thousands of seedlings. This is one
way nurseries select a new cultivar.
Asexual or vegetative propagation can be performed by sticking a cutting,
or stem, into the growing media to develop a root system. This allows you to
produce or clone a large amount of maples in a small space, but unfortunately
the root system is not always strong. Some cultivars do not root readily and
others not at all.
Grafting has been the most common method of cloning the maple cultivar. In
the art of grafting, the closest analogy to a good grafter is that of the gardener
with a “green thumb.”
The technique of grafting is very simple. The grafter joins the upper part, or
scion, of a plant to the root system (root stalk) of another plant. The process
requires matching the root stock’s growing membrane (cambium layer) with
the desired plant’s scion growing membrane.
Because of the diverse genes of Japanese maples, it is important when
selecting a scion wood that it is true to the desired cultivar. This is especially
the case for variegated cultivars. For this reason, we like to graft the variegated
cultivar during the summer grafting season so that we can see the good
variegated gene.
The root stalk, or understalk, is a seedling of a green leaf, upright growing
Japanese maple. The green leaf maple has an abundance of seeds that are
produced annually. They are chosen because they are fast growing and have a
hardy root stock. We pick the seedlings in fall and germinate them in spring,
then grow them out for 2 or 3 years for use as understock.
When grafting, once the two membranes are fused or united together with
callus, you can consider the process complete. If the graft has taken, be happy,
but be vigilant and remove any new growth from the understock.
Unfortunately, Japanese maples are not the easiest plant to graft. Some of the
dwarf varieties have a stem so small that it almost takes magnifying glasses to
match the two cambium layers. There are many different methods of grafting.
We use the side veneer technique method here at the nursery and graft twice a
year, winter and summer.
The diversity of Japanese maples makes this species unique and special, but
that can be the subject of another article.
5 Reasons to Collect Rainwater
Even if SoCo Reservoirs are Full
By Kellen Watson
While the reservoirs in Sonoma County are full or close to full, here are 5
reasons why swales, rain gardens, rain tanks & barrels, curb cuts, and permeable surfaces are still critically important – plus info about a free workshop to
get some hands-on learning experience.
Emergency Preparedness
Living in an earthquake-prone area of the world means each home needs to
take extra precautions to ensure adequate staple supplies in the event of an
emergency. Rain tanks or barrels can provide a vitally important, large source
of high quality water. While current regulations relegate rainwater to irrigation
use only, the water in tanks and barrels is actually quite clean and can be easily
filtered or boiled to produce potable quality water in the case of a broken water
main or other disaster.
2) Ultimately, Rainwater Harvesting Saves Money through
Flood Control & Stormwater Pollution Prevention
Because the percentage of hard, impermeable surfaces in Sonoma County has
increased significantly over the years, rain water tends to run off the land
quickly and cause river and ocean pollution, erosion, and flooding. Many gutters flow directly to stormwater drains, so thousands of gallons of water rush
straight to local waterways, picking up contaminates from roadways, parking
lots, and yards as it goes. This water is UNTREATED when it hits the waterways, and often washes out young salmon and erodes away creek walls. The
repairs for these problems, including flood cleanup, road issues, and habitat
restoration projects, are very costly and are usually funded in one way or another by taxpayer dollars. Anything we can do to slow, spread, sink, and store
water, before it becomes problematic runoff, reduces pressure on our environment and ultimately saves money, even if there is some up front cost.
Plants Grow Better with Rainwater!
Have you ever noticed how plants appear greener and brighter after a good
rain? It’s not just because the dust and dirt get washed off. Rainwater is a
clean, salt-free source of water that contains many beneficial minerals and
even microorganisms for plants. Microscopic particulates in the air, including
beneficial bacteria, provide structure for clouds to condense around, forming
raindrops. When these drops fall, plants flourish, in part because plants have
evolved to thrive in partnership with rain’s micro-ingredients. Studies have
even shown that seeds watered with rainwater have significantly higher germination rates and more vigor than those watered with tap water.
Improves Your Soil
Rain is naturally distilled through evaporation prior to cloud formation mak-
ing it one of the purest sources of water. This means that it’s one of the best
ways to dilute salt buildup in our soils, which occurs through the application of
irrigation water. Think about all the gunk that builds up on your shower head;
that stuff can be toxic to soil life and your plants’ roots. Rainwater helps break
up these salts and wash them into the deep soil layer past the root zone.
Recharges Groundwater
Traditionally, rain falls and seeps underground to become groundwater in
aquifers and/or it feeds rivers or lakes. However, the concrete, asphalt and land
grading of cities has disrupted this cycle. Even on big, open farms, 150 years of
compaction under the hooves of large animals can prevent water from soaking
in. To ensure an adequate supply of groundwater in the future, it is important
that we create as many opportunities as possible for rainwater to infiltrate the
ground. Great options include rain gardens, swales, curb cuts, and removing
impermeable surfaces at our homes properties, businesses or along our city
Because of climate change, we don’t know whether CA will experience
increased drought or deluge winters, or both. Either way, collecting rainwater
makes a lot of sense. Daily Acts will be hosting a free Rainwater Harvesting
Presentation on the evening of March 24th, and a free hands-on
Rain Barrels Workshop in Sebastopol on April 9th.
Sign up at or call (707)789-9664!
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Lessons from “Our Front Yard”
Selecting Native Plants for Cultural
Significance, Beauty and Medicine
By Michael Sturgis
If you’ve visited or passed by Sebastopol City Hall and Library in the past
two years you’ve probably noticed the flourishing gardens filled with flowers,
shrubs and fruit trees surrounding the buildings. These gardens are known as
“Our Front Yard” since they surround the communal living room that is the
City Hall and Library. However, they are more than just ornamental gardens;
they are divided into four distinct sections, with each section telling part of the
history of the city and the region.
So far three sections have been completed, the contemporary Sebastopol
section, the Luther Burbank section and the Pioneers section. On April 2nd, a
community-powered planting day will install the fourth section of the garden
which will feature culturally significant native plants. The public is invited to
help complete this final phase of the planting.
The garden design and plant selection is currently underway, with staff from
local nonprofit Daily Acts and from landscape design/build firm Permaculture
Artisans leading the efforts. A few of the species of native plants that will
appear on this special plant palette are described below. These plants were
important to the native Pomo Indians and other tribes in the region and they
are important habitat providers to hundreds of birds, animals and insects as
well. Perhaps this list will inspire you to add native plants to your garden.
California Poppy (Eschscholzia
This iconic wildflower is not only a
glowing golden beauty on the hillsides
and roadsides but it’s a powerful
medicinal plant as well. A tea or tincture
made from the plant has a mildly
sedative effect, promoting restful sleep
and calming the nerves. The unopened
buds are the most potent but the whole
aboveground plant can be used. Poppies
are drought tolerant, easy to grow (they
re-seed readily), and attract pollinators
as well. Their golden yellow blooms
make a great addition to any garden.
Blue Elderberry (Sambucus nigra ssp
The blue elderberry, along with its
close cousin the black elderberry is a
deciduous shrub that grows up to 15
to 30 feet tall. The flowers can be made
into elderflower wine and the ripe
berries are a powerful immune system
booster, often made into a syrup. The
unripe berries are mildly toxic and
the ripe berries are best when cooked.
Elderberries are easy to propagate from
cuttings taken in the late fall and winter,
before new growth appears. Elders prefer full sun and moist soil and are often
found along creek banks. They can grow tall and rangy so consider planting
them along a fence line or some out-of-the-way place.
Huckleberry (Vaccinium ovatum)
This evergreen shrub flowers from
March through May and offers
beautiful, delicious fruit in the late
summer and fall. The fruit is tart and
sweet and can be used like blueberries;
eaten fresh, dried, cooked or preserved.
Huckleberries prefer to grow at the
edge of the forest in a mostly sunny to
partially shady area, and they grow
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NATIVES cont’d on page 9
NATIVES cont’d from page 9
larger in the shade. The leaves are a dark, waxy green with the new growth
showing flashes of red in the spring. An excellent and vibrant hedge for a
somewhat shady section of your garden.
Redbud (Cercis orbiculata)
This showy perennial shrub or tree puts
out beautiful flowers in the spring, but
it is more than just a pretty face. The
young shoots were highly prized for
basketry and bows were made from the
sturdy branches. Redbuds are drought
tolerant, sun-loving plants that prefer
well-drained soil. They can reach
up to 20 feet tall and can be pruned
back to within inches of the ground,
known as “coppicing”, a practice done
to encourage new shoots for basket
making. Pruning should be done in the
fall, after leaf-drop.
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
Yarrow is widespread and can be found
throughout much of the world, basking
in sunny spots or along partially shady
edges and understory. The frilly leaves
and umbel flowers of this distinctive
herb are a beautiful addition to the
garden. You might remember the Greek
Myth of Achilles and his vulnerable
heel. Yarrow is the plant that was
used for his protection and to heal the
wounds of his troops. For wounds you
can pound the stalk and leaves to make
a poultice. A powerful immune system
tonic can be made from the leaves and
flowers, which can be added to salads
as well. While the flowers come in all shades, from white, yellow, orange, pink
and red, the native form with white flowers is best for medicinal use.
Yerba Buena (Clinopodium
This perennial herb is a member of the
mint family and it grows well in low
elevations with plenty of moisture.
Though a groundcover, it can reach
about 18” in height and will spread out
in the garden, although not aggressively
like most mints. The native Pomo
Indians would make a decoction of the
leaves which they used to treat colds
and fevers. The tea was also used as
an aphrodisiac. The common name is
Spanish for “good herb” and there are
many locations throughout the Bay Area
that were named after it.
If you’d like to get hands on experience planting these and other native plants,
join the community planting day at Sebastopol Library on April 2nd.
This is a free event which will fill you with new knowledge, experience and
inspiration! To find out more and to sign-up for the planting day, visit the
Daily Acts’ website at
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By Doug Gosling, Manager of the Occidental Arts & Ecology Center Nursery
Did you know that, thanks to the incredible diversity of heirloom plants
cultivated by our ancestors, humans can grow all of the food and medicine that
we need to survive?
The term “heirloom” is a nonscientific term that refers to any variety or
crop that has been around for at least fifty years. Most heirlooms are openpollinated, which means they grow true to type when sown from seed
generation after generation. This does not happen with genetically modified
and hybrid varieties. Sadly, the age of industrial agriculture has meant the
loss of much of the genetic diversity of plant species and varieties. Since the
beginning of the 20th century, we have lost about 97% of the varieties known in
the Western world.
However, at the OAEC Nursery, we have seen that when people get to known
heirloom varieties, they fall in love with them. We have seen that protecting
biodiversity takes reintroducing the beauty and value of rare plants into
the culture. This is why the goal of the OAEC Nursery is to educate visitors
about the incredible array of plants from around the world—particularly food
crops—that are available to us, and to encourage gardeners to understand
the importance of preserving biodiversity through the sowing and planting
of heirloom varieties. We hope to promote cross-cultural understanding by
introducing crops that have been important and valuable to peoples throughout
the world and throughout history. We also aim to promote regional food
security by offering hundreds of perennial food crops and culinary herbs that
thrive in the Bay Area.
Many of the heirloom varieties that we offer come with interesting stories.
One of our favorites is that of Glass Gem Corn, an incredibly beautiful and
colorful popcorn developed by a Cherokee man who started growing and
selecting traditional varieties of corn as a way of connecting to his heritage.
Another is a tomato variety called Ailsa Craig, which was brought to this
country from the British Isles by the English gardener and teacher Alan
Chadwick in the late ‘60s. Being a Scottish tomato, it is one of the best cool
climate varieties out there, ripening beautifully our climate!
We would love for you to come get to know the plants at the OAEC Nursery
in 2016 through our seasonal Plant Sales. As one of the few nurseries in the
Bay Area that is completely California Certified Organic, we are passionate
about providing organic heirloom and open-pollinated perennial food crops,
medicinal and culinary herbs as well as ornamental plantings to our wider
Bay Area community. All of our plants have been started from seed on site,
many collected from OAEC’s 40-year-old Mother Garden (which you can tour
on many Sundays to see mature plants from our nursery thriving in place). We
guarantee a high quality of attentive care and health from inception to sale.
Our nursery events give us the opportunity to share our experiences with
the heirloom, open-pollinated and often rare plants we nurture and offer to Bay
Area gardeners and landscapers. We look forward to seeing you at the OAEC
Nursery this year to tell you their stories!
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For inventory lists and more information, visit our website at
nursery. PLANT SALES: Spring: Apr. 2-3 & 9-10; Summer: Apr. 23-24 & Apr. 30May 1; Fall: Aug. 20-21 & 27-28) and Perennials Weekends (Summer Weekends:
May 14 – Jun. 19; Fall Weekends: Sep. 10 – Oct. 30). .
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Make your own Compost
By Will Bakx
Now that Sonoma County is exporting 100,000 tons of organics per year, the
landscapers, farmers and backyard gardeners find themselves faced with a
shortage of local compost. Making your own compost may be your best bet to
assure that you can still feed your garden. Here are some simple guidelines to
make a good, living compost pile.
Just like us, the compost needs air, water, food and time to mature. When
you get all of these parameters together in the right amount you will get some
great compost.
Composting is the managed decomposition of organic matter.
All organic matter will rot, break down eventually, but in composting we
manage the process to get the desired end-product. That means we have to pay
attention, monitor and take care of the compost pile.
If you like the looks of a contained compost pile, some sort of a compost bin
would be required. But, it is not necessary, a free-standing pile works well.
You just have to work a bit harder to get those vertical sides as steep as possible.
A simple, cost-effective bin can be made of fencing wire.
You will need a minimum pile of 3 feet by 3 feet by 3 feet. A 15 foot section
of fencing wire will give you a nice sized pile. The advantage of fencing is that
you can make the diameter smaller as you rebuild the pile to maintain a pile
height of 3 feet or higher. You could also put together 4 wooden pallets. It is
recommended to build the pile at least 5 feet tall and just as wide, since it will
shrink to about half its original size.
In composting we are basically farming microorganisms. The
microorganisms are already omnipresent, so no introduction is needed.
They just need the right balance of food. To simplify the right diet we are
using browns (carbon) and greens (nitrogen). Woody material, dried leaves
and weeds, straw are brown materials and fresh weeds, lawn clippings and
vegetative food scraps (meat, fish and dairy are not recommended) are greens.
Horse manure is a brown, but chicken manure is a green, no rule is fool
proof. If you use 5 parts of brown to 1 part of green you should get a pretty
good mix. Or you can build a blend with a carbon to nitrogen ration of 30:1.
This calculator is useful for that purpose: http://compostingtechnology.
All life needs water and so do the microorganisms in the
compost pile. The ideal moisture content is between 40 and 60 percent.
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The material should feel like a wet sponge and hold together when squeezed.
If it does not hold together it is too dry, if water comes out when squeezed it
is too wet and the pile will lack oxygen, becomes stinky and slow down in
The compost pile also needs oxygen. When the particles are too
fine it is hard for the oxygen to enter the pile and the microbes can not function
well, at least the aerobic ones that we want to grow. Having a particle size of
1-2 inches is ideal. When the organic matter is too coarse the pile will not hold
heat. We want the pile to heat up.
If the compost pile was build with
these guidelines in mind, the pile
should heat up to over 131℉ within
a few days. A compost thermometer
is highly recommended if you are
serious about making your own
compost. The temperature will tell
you how well the compost is doing.
When the temperature rises over
170℉ the pile should be turned, if not
a fire may result.
The compost should be turned
several times to make sure that all
material has been exposed to the temperature of 131℉ or greater to assure
that any diseases or weed seeds will be destroyed.
When the pile is turned make sure that the pile is still moist enough and that
it has the minimum pile dimensions of 3’ x 3’ x 3’. It is not recommended to
keep adding fresh material to the pile, because each time you do the process
starts all over. That is why you start with a larger pile
A well built compost pile will give you finished compost any time between
3-6 months, depending on how often you turn it. There is no need to turn more
than twice per week, but turning every 2-4 weeks should be fine for a backyard
pile. The more frequently turned pile is finished faster, but it takes more labor.
When you rub the compost between your fingers and you get a black stain, that
is a pretty good indication that your compost is ready. Keep notes so that you
can go back and see what did or did not work for you.
Most of all, have fun making your own compost knowing that your garden
and the environment will love you for it.
by Mary Frost (The Gardening Tutor)
Did you miss the window of time to prune your roses while they were
dormant? Was the reason because it was cold outside, wet and generally
inhospitable? Did you simply run out of time? Or perhaps you are in the fine
company of just about every other person who has roses in their garden: Rose
pruning is scary!! Scary, as in being called to the Principal’s office scary! Like
the Principle, the reputation of the rose is Intimidating!
Maybe you’re afraid of the thorns or that once you prune it, the rose will not
make any flowers or that you’ll accidentally kill the whole plant. Perhaps you
tell yourself that you just won’t do it “right” and therefore you will not try at
all. Sound familiar?
Would you believe me if I said that roses are one of the hardiest and most
forgiving of plants? It’s true! Roses want to grow and they want to bloom for
you. Here is the best news: you can still get out there and prune your roses,
even if they have already started to push new growth. Maybe seasoned
gardeners will groan at this last sentence, but better to do some pruning now
than to let your rose do what it wants to do.
All pruning is a conversation between you and the plant. The plant says, “I
want to grow this way” and you say, “Here’s some guidance from my pruners
so you’ll grow this way instead.” Once you learn how to prune your roses,
you’ll be delighted and proud of the results!
Start your conversation by finding and removing all the dead parts of your
rose; this could be small stems that have died or larger branches, remove them.
Even if this is the only pruning you do right now, your rose will already be
healthier and look better!
Next, move on to removing any damaged stems (pruning down to
undamaged wood or removing the stem completely). Now, look closely and
notice where you have stems that are crossing each other; remove one of the
crossing stems, leaving the stem that is growing in the most desirable direction.
For crossing stems, you may be able to cut one of the stems shorter (instead
of removing it completely) to guide the new growth away from the crossing
Finally, look for diseased looking stems. First, a note about diseased wood on
your rose-sometimes a rose will keep giving you lots of blooms even though it
is diseased and if you removed all the diseased wood, you’d have no rose left.
At some point though you may need to discard this diseased rose for a more
disease resistant variety. Diseased wood usually looks discolored and/or parts
of the stems are sunken in and even oozing. When you remove diseased wood,
use alcohol to spray your pruners in between cuts so you do not spread the
disease to healthy parts of your plant.
Part of the intimidation of rose pruning is that you may have heard that
pruning roses is “easy” but when you’ve tried pruning in the past, knowing
how to make the cuts did not feel “easy” at all! Learning anything new is not
easy at first, that’s the challenge. Forge ahead! This is where the forgiveness of
the rose comes into play; even if your first attempts at pruning include some,
“Oops” your rose will most likely still grow and bloom for you (at worst, you’ll
delay the flowering).
Observation is key to successful pruning. You will learn so much by coming
back to look at your pruning cuts and what growth they have encouraged or
discouraged.* Pruning of roses is an ongoing event (usually after each flush
of blooms). Generally, here in Sonoma County roses only need a break from
pruning after the final August pruning so that they can go dormant for winter.
Some of you may have noticed I have not talked about keeping your pruners
sharpened, pruning to an outward facing bud, angling pruning cuts away
from the buds, finger pruning or other details of pruning roses and you would
be right. ** The intention here is to demystify the intimidation factor involved
in pruning roses. My hope is that more people will have the courage now to
overcome their trepidation and have that conversation with their roses!
*Remember, when you are trying to encourage plants to grow you need to be sure
they are watered regularly after pruning.
**You can find up-close and descriptive videos on How To Prune Your Roses on The
Gardening Tutor Website as well as The Gardening Tutor YouTube Channel.
Mary Frost is The Gardening Tutor, a hands-on, individualized gardening instruction
and consulting service in Sonoma County. You can sign up for FREE gardening tips at and see more tips on The Gardening Tutor Facebook page. For more
information contact Mary at or 707.545.686
A Few Tips for Training Climbing Roses
(Climbing Roses Have Different Growth and Bloom Habits than Bush Roses)
• Allow new canes to develop from the base of the plant
without pruning (until they reach the length you desire).
• To encourage the most blooms, guide new canes (leaders)
so that they are more horizontal then vertical.
• Train the new canes while they are young and pliable.
• As new canes develop, prune out some of the oldest canes
each year.
3/16- - 13
PLANT SALES for Good Causes
Santa Rosa Junior College
Wednesday, February 17 – 10 AM – 2 PM
Wednesday, March 16 – 10 AM – 2 PM
Wednesday, April 13 – 10 AM - 2 PM
Sunday, May 1, Day Under the Oaks 10 – 4
Lark Hall greenhouse—same building as
the Planetarium! Plants sales are student
and volunteer run with all proceeds going
towards Horticulture Student Scholarships.
All Plant Sales are located in the Lark Hall
Greenhouse, the same building as the
Planetarium. Parking is available for a
small fee in the Bech Parking Lot off Elliott
Ave. Free parking up to one hour in the
surrounding neighborhood. Cash, Check
and Credit Cards are accepted.
Willowside School
Saturdays, 9 AM to 2 PM
March 12, April 2, April 23, May 14,
June 4, June 25
5299 Hall Rd, Santa Rosa (corner of
Willowside and Hall Rd) Entrance is on
Willowside Road. Our Middle School
Nursery is a working nursery with student
involvement and is self-sustaining through
plant sales. We have thousands of plants: a
variety of low water and drought tolerant
perennials, California natives, a multitude
of succulents, grasses, salvias, and many
beautiful plants to invite beneficial insects,
butterflies and hummingbirds into your
garden. PRICE: $4 for 1 gallon container.
We have over 15 varieties of SPECIALTY
$25 to $35 per tree!!! Questions? 707-5694724 We gladly accept donations of healthy
plants, garden tools, working wagons,
ceramic pots, recycled 1 and 5 gallon
nursery containers, etc.
Sonoma County Orchid Society
Saturday, April 2 10 AM to 5 PM
Sunday, April 3 10 AM to 4 PM
Santa Rosa Vets Building, 1351 Maple
Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA
A large and beautiful display of orchids
by the society and our numerous vendors;
we offer free skill sessions on growing
orchids, and we offer free docent tours of
the display. You’ll find a large selection
of different kinds of orchids to buy.
Admission $8—look for the discount
coupon in the Press Democrat. Funds
raised benefit the education of our
members and the public regarding the
collection, culture and appreciation of
orchids, as well as donations to orchid
preservation organizations.
Sonoma County Jail Plant
Nursery & Teaching Garden
Saturday, April 9, May 7, Sept. 10 & Oct 1
Sonoma County Jail Plant Nursery, 2254
Ordinance Rd., Santa Rosa, 95403
Checks or Cash only, No Credit or Debit
Cards. California Native and drought
tolerant shrubs, perennials, succulents,
groundcovers, Fruit and ornamental trees
and lots of vegetable starts. 10 Sonoma
County Master Gardeners will be on site
to help you select appropriate plants for
your garden and answer questions. Plants
are grown by inmates using compost, no
fertilizers or pesticides. All sales income
is used to provide project based education
to inmates. Plant list at our website: www. or call Rick Stern
(707) 525-8310 or email
Event is free but please bring a cart or
wagon to carry your plants.
Men’s Garden Club
Friday, April 15 9 AM to 9 PM
Saturday, April 16 9 AM to 3 PM
Coddingtown Mall – Guerneville Rd. &
Cleveland Ave., Santa Rosa, CA (This is
INSIDE the mall, NOT in the parking
lot.) Specializing in Heirloom & Hybrid
tomatoes, Geraniums & Succulents and
other plants grown by our members.
Unique succulent container gardens as
well as plants from our members that are
hard to find in nurseries. All profits from
our plant sales are used for scholarships
to Sonoma County students who are
pursuing careers in the many aspects of
plant and animal sciences. We awarded
$13,000.00 in scholarships last year.
Windsor Garden Club
Sunday, April 17, 10 AM – 2 PM Enchanted
Gardens Spring Plant Sale
Sunday, October 23 10 AM to 2 PM Fall
Succulent Pumpkin Sale
Windsor Town Green @ McClellan and
Market St, Windsor. Enchanted Gardens
Spring Plant Sale @ the Health and
Wellness Earth Day Festival on the Green.
Color and succulent pots, veggie starts,
water wise butterfly and bee plants, crafts,
and gardeners’ fine rummage. Takes place
in the midst of music, activities, Earth Day
Information, and an Old Time Farmer’s
Market. Fall Succulent Pumpkin Sale @
the Fall Jamboree on the Town Green.
Fall color pots and long lasting succulent
topped pumpkins.
Green Thumb Garden Club, Graton Community Club
Friday, April 22 and Saturday, April 23 9
AM to 4 PM free admission
Saturday, April 9 ~ 9 AM to 2 PM
Ace Hardware parking lot, 750 S.
Cloverdale Blvd.
Members offer plants that they have
grown or transplanted from their own
gardens, including tomato plants and
other vegetable starts, succulents, droughttolerant transplants and an interesting
variety of outdoor and house plants. Check
out the white elephant table for interesting
gardening finds. This fundraising event
goes toward scholarships for Cloverdale
students plus the civic projects our club
sponsors in our city.
Corner of Graton Road and Edison Street
(greater downtown Graton). Benefit a
scholarship program for SRJC graduates
continuing on to a four-year college. This
spring the Flower Show is ‘For the Birds.’
It will celebrate our feathered friends. Plant
sale of tomato starts of different varieties,
various other vegetables and drought
tolerant species, potted plants and flower
bulbs. Garden art and handcrafted items
for sale, a raffle, collectibles and live music.
Lunch is served both days from 11 to 2 at
a cost of $10, with homemade desserts ($4)
served all day. 707-829-5314
14 - - 3/16
Santa Rosa Garden Club
Saturday, April 23, 9 AM – 2 PM
Luther Burbank Art & Garden Center 2050
Yulupa, Santa Rosa
Plants propagated by Santa Rosa Garden
Club members—with emphasis on
drought tolerant plants including an
outstanding selection of succulents and
perennials. Special this year, fairy gardens
and color spot pots. We also offer deer
resistant plants. An additional feature
this year will be a Monarch butterfly
educational exhibit. Sale also includes an
indoor “garage sale” with garden related
items and other fun finds. Funds raised
benefit horticultural scholarships at SRJC.
For more info contact 537-6885 or www.
Harvest for the Hungry Garden
Saturday, April 23. 9 AM – 2 PM
1717 Yulupa Avenue, Santa Rosa (behind
Christ Church United Methodist)
Harvest for the Hungry Garden is an allvolunteer garden that grows and donates
well over 20,000 pounds of food annually
to several local food programs. This
yearly plant sale is widely anticipated by
gardeners throughout Sonoma County
and is our only fundraiser of the year. We
offerthousands of organic vegetable starts,
habitat plants, herbs and locally grown
flowering plants at this one-of-a-kind
plant sale. We have over 100 varieties of
unique and delicious heirloom tomatoes,
including several bred right here in
Sonoma County for local conditions, 50
varieties of hot and sweet peppers, and
many unusual and tasty varieties of
eggplant, squash and cucumbers as well
as annual and perennial flowering plants
suited for Sonoma County gardens. We
will also have special pointers about how
to use water wisely during a dry growing
season. Our Harvest for the Hungry
Garden sale also features several unique
vendors who offer herbs, bee products
and a plethora of wonderful gardening
supplies and native plants. Come early for
the best selection! Check out our website
at .
Healdsburg Garden Club
Saturday, April 30, 9 AM – 1 PM
Healdsburg Senior Living Community,
725 Grove Street 707-433-4877
Garden club members will be digging
generous size plants from their own
gardens, assuring proven winners for
your garden. Perennials, herbs, cacti,
succulents and tomato plants with basil
(all you need is mozzarella) as well as
already made up containers, will be sure to
tempt fellow gardeners. And if you have
questions, do not be shy, Master Gardeners
will be on hand to answer your questions!
Now if you need a break, stop and have
continental breakfast, 9 AM to 11 AM ($2
donation) or lunch for only $5.00, served
11:30 to 2 PM provided by the Senior
Living Community staff. Remember all
profits from the Healdsburg Garden Club
Plant Sale will benefit the scholarships
to local students studying horticulture
related studies.
Santa Rosa Iris Society
Saturday, May 7, 1 to 5 PM
Sunday, May 8, 10 AM to 5 PM
​Luther Burbank Art & Garden Center, 2050
Yulupa Avenue, Santa Rosa
Potted iris sale in conjunction with iris
show. Additionally, the SRIS will be at the
Heirloom Expo, Sonoma Co. Fairgrounds,
Tuesday thru Thursday, September 6 – 8,
11 A.M. – 8PM with Iris Rhizomes for
sale. Watch for our annual bare root iris
rhizome sale, to be held in September
at the Santa Rosa Community Farmers
Market at the Vet’s Building, Santa Rosa.
Revenues help support the educational
iris display garden at Luther Burbank Art
& Garden Center, and the American Iris
Society Classroom Iris Project in Sonoma,
Mendocino, and Lake Counties.
Valley of the Moon Garden Club
Saturday May 7, 9:00 AM – 12:00 noon
Sonoma Community Center, 276 East Napa
Street, Sonoma
We offer vegetable starts for your
Spring garden as well as succulents and
Mediterranean plants for a water-wise
garden. We will also have potted plants
and flowering plants that will make nice
Mother’s Day gifts. Many of the plants
at our sale are propagated by our Club
Members. They may be considered Sonoma
Heirloom plants that have successfully
thrived in Sonoma for years. The plant
sale allows the VOM Garden Club to fund
its community projects which include the
Sonoma Hospital garden, school garden
projects, and community park projects.
Redwood Empire Rose Society
Saturday, May 21, 1 PM – 4 PM Rose Plant
Sale and Rose Show
Luther Burbank Art & Garden Center 2050
Yulupa, Santa Rosa
Join Redwood Empire Rose Society for
their 50th Annual Rose Show. Roses for
sale grown by members of the Rose Society
plus we offer companion plants for your
rose garden. Sale benefits the display Rose
Garden upkeep at Luther Burbank Art &
Garden Center and the presentation of the
annual Rose Show.
Sonoma Cnty Master Gardeners
Sunday, September 18 9:30 AM – 4 PM
Bloomin’ Backyards Garden Tour
This plant sale includes an outstanding
collection of water-wise plants including a
large selection of succulents, all carefully
selected for low water use and adaptation
to Sonoma County’s Mediterranean
climate. Tour six special gardens in the
Sebastopol area and visit our wonderful
Craft Market and “gently used” garden
Book Sale.
Milo Baker - California Native
Plant Society
Saturday, October 8 9 AM t- 1 PM
Santa Rosa Vet’s Memorial Building, 1351
Maple Avenue, Santa Rosa
Featuring California Native Shrubs,
Perennials, Bulbs and Seeds , Expert
gardeners for cultural information. Sale
funds scholarships at the SRJC and SSU;
public education about CA native plants.
PLANT SALES cont’d on page 15
PLANT SALES cont’d from page 14
Occidental Arts and Ecology
Center Organic Nursery
15290 Coleman Valley Road, Occidental
95465 874-1557
SPRING PLANT SALE (Two weekends)
April 2 & 3, 9 AM – 5 PM
April 9 & 10, 9 AM – 5 PM
Saturday, April 23 & 25, 9 AM – 5 PM
Saturday, April 30 & May 1, 9 AM – 5 PM
Every Saturday & Sunday 10 AM to 5 PM
May 14 — June 19 and September 10 —
October 30
(Two Weekends)
August 20 & 21, 9 AM – 5 PM
August 27 & 18, 9 AM – 5 PM
Our Nursery is 100% CCOF Organic
and propagates heirloom and often rare
varieties from seed and “mother plants”
onsite. At our Seasonal Plant Sales, we
specialize in annual vegetables, flowers
and herbs. At our Perennials Weekends,
we offer a wide selection of perennial food
crops, culinary and medicinal herbs and
habitat plants. These events are celebrations
of biodiversity, organic gardening and
community, and feature live music, a
petting zoo and educational opportunities
such as tours of OAEC (where you can see
plants from our Nursery grown to maturity
in our Mother Garden).The funds raised
benefit the OAEC Biodiversity Nursery
Program, which seeks to introduce to our
community a wide array of crops and
varieties appropriate for the Bay Area,
ultimately contributing to regional food
security. The Program also educates the
public about plant biodiversity and the
necessity of its preservation. OAEC is an 80acre research, demonstration, education,
advocacy and community-organizing
center in West Sonoma County, California
that develops strategies for regional-scale
community resilience and the restoration
of biological and cultural diversity.
American Fuchsia Society –
Sebastopol Branch
Last Saturday – July 23, 9am to 1pm
Sebastopol Center for the Arts.Veterans’
Building, 282 South High Street,
Sebastopol. INFO: Contact:Gerri Crane at
707-415-892-5808 or Facebook – Sebastopol
Fuchsia Friends. We have baskets for sale –
small plants, uprights. Come early for best
selection. We meet the 4th friday of every
month at SCA same address 11am-1pm.
Must be a member to attend – come join us
if you love fuchsias. We have a raffle – so
come join us – share cuttings and have fun
with us!
Sonoma County Master Gardener Programs: Master Gardeners are volunteers trained and certified by the University of California
Cooperative Extension (UCCE) in the fields of gardening and horticulture. Since 1981, they have been providing information and technical assistance to home
gardeners in Sonoma County. There are approximately 250 Master Gardeners in Sonoma County. The purpose of the Master Gardener program is to provide
research-based, scientifically accurate information about horticulture and pest management, so that the home gardener can make informed choices.
The Sonoma County Master Gardener’s Biennial Garden Tour and Market: Warm Autumn Days, A Time to Plant, A Time to Harvest will take place September
18, 2016 from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The tour will feature six private gardens in Sebastopol. The Market will offer plants, crafts, gently used books and a fine art
painting of each garden by a well known local artist. For more information visit
3/16 - - 15
Sonoma County
Nurseries & Plant Propagators
Antiquarian & Florabunda - 2
B Street, Duncans Mills
Open Wed-Mon 11-5
A sweet little mini-nursery with interesting
niche plants to suit our unique situations
– deer & gopher resistant, drought, coast
and shade-tolerant plants a specialty.
Attune Landscape Nursery - 4
4577 Hall Rd., Santa Rosa
WHOLESALE – Come see what we have
growing to support your landscape
Aztec Dahlias
Jamie & Rosa O’Brien
Wholesale & Retail
2478 East Washington St., Petaluma
10am – 5:30 pm for cut flowers (May – Nov)
and at local farmers markets.
Quality field-grown plants, tubers and cut
flowers locally on-site seasonally. Orders
for tubers start in early September and can
be shipped. Wedding and special event
orders for cut flowers. ALSO WHOLESALE
Bamboo Sourcery - 5
666 Wagnon Rd, Sebastopol
Extensive gardens feature beautiful
clumping and running bamboos in fullgrown form and demonstrate effective
containment techniques. Bamboo Sourcery
offers expert advice and educational
materials, delivery and installation.
California Carnivores
2833 Old Gravenstein Hwy, Sebastopol
Thu-Mon 10-4
The widest variety of carnivorous plants in
the United States.
California Flora Nursery - 12
2990 Somers St, Fulton
Hours vary by season.
A small unconventional nursery devoted
to natives and habitat gardening with an
exceptional diversity of offerings. Most
plants are propagated and grown on site
since 1981.
Cloverdale Nursery - 15216
Cloverdale Blvd, Cloverdale
Where Plants, Community and Service
are a way of life. We have something
for every gardener…Unique Gifts •
Succulents • Water Wise Plants • Pottery
Fruit Trees • Veggies • Organic Soils &
Fertilizers. Please comes visit our brand
new nursery. Our knowledge of gardening
for pollinators will INSPIRE you to GROW
a plentiful environment to ENJOY!
Cottage Gardens
3995 Emerald Dr, Petaluma
Open Everyday 9-5
We grow almost 80% of what we sell
- ever use bloom-forcing chemicals or
growth regulators. Seasonal-appropriate
vegetable starts through vines and fruit
trees. We focus on Perennials, Roses,
Succulents and Edibles.
Daylilies Grown by Judy Olsen
12421 Occidental Rd, Sebastopol
Call before you come. Home propagated
plants. Lilies in every color and size.
Businesses with their name in
Please support them in retur
they have a physical location fo
We have done our best to inc
or missing – please call me (Ve
the correction on our web sites: ~
Every day in the garden
feeds your soul
Please see our C
Clubs in the
and on our
Photo sby Occidental Arts & Ecology Center
Deer Meadow Bonsai
3700 Dear Meadow Ln, Occidental
Bonsai trees (cedars, junipers, apples and
pears), custom pottery and containers as
well as related materials. By Appointment
25 58
Emerisa Gardens - 21
555 Irwin Ln, Santa Rosa
Open Mar-Oct: Tue-Sat 9-5, Sun 10-4
Over 2000 different varieties of drought
tolerant, deer resistant and habitat friendly
plants. Wholesale AND Retail
Garden Delights Nursery
2115 Adobe Road Petaluma
707-773-1133 – email website
Rare plant and specialty grower. Unusual
trees, shrubs, fruit trees, drought tolerant
and native plants, perennials, and cut
flowers are available in season. Special
orders are encouraged. Monthly garden
talks. Landscape consultations.
58 25
43 55
27 29
39 62
6 8
Greenman Nursery - 28
2833 Old Gravenstein Hwy, (West of Todd
Rd.), Sebastopol
Open Fri-Mon 10-5 or by Appointment.
Old-school organically grown fruit trees,
berries, grapes, herbs, and veggies (over
100 varieties). Antique roses, succulents,
grasses, water plants, natives, shade
and flowering trees and many large,
unique specimens. Full service landscape
nursery offering consultation, design, and
installation. Display gardens and growing
grounds. Kid and dog-friendly!
16 - - 3/16
Garden Valley Ranch
498 Pepper Rd, Petaluma
The nursery specializes in the highest
quality bare root (seasonal) and potted
roses. We cut and ship garden roses May
– October. Amazingly beautiful location –
wedding on-site.
NURSERIES cont’d on page 17
© 2016 VESTA Publishing LLC
The Sonoma County Gazette
Forestville, CA 95436
y Locally-owned Garden Businesses
NURSERIES cont’d from page 16
n GREEN are financing this Resource Guide with advertisements.
rn. Each advertiser has a # on this map to make it easy to find them - IF or public business. Landscapers, etc. often do not! - therefore no #!
clude every business we could confirm. If you find something incorrect –
esta) at 707 887- 0253 - or email me at and we will make
: and the Gardeners Resource Guide on
~ Thank you!
Grow Gardens Nursery
1841 Gravenstein Hwy S, Sebastopol
Tues-Sun 10-5, Closed Mondays
Our focus is the home gardener. We offer
a wide plant selection including house
plants, fruit trees, vegetables, berry plants,
camellias, trees & shrubs, vines annuals
and perennials, and hanging baskets.
CALENDAR of Plant Sales for Good Causes and Garden
e Gardeners Calendar of the Sonoma County Gazette r Websites:
Hallberg Butterfly Gardens - 29
8687 Oak Grove Ave, Sebastopol
By Appt. Wed-Sun, April-October
Open Garden Sunday, June 26, 2016
10-4 This event includes bird, insect,
and wildflower experts, and children’s
activities. Admission is free Habitat plants
for sale including milkweed. Hallberg
Butterfly Gardens is currently seeking
docents and volunteers. Please call Leah @
707-591-6967 if interested!
Harmony Farm
Nursery - 30
Instant Jungle Bamboo & Palm
Nursery - 32
503 W Railroad Ave, Cotati
Mon-Fri 8-4:30 Sat by Appointment
50 bamboo varieties on 6 acres, including
both Palm trees and Olive trees. We make
it easy for you to get the very best plant
materials at the lowest price anywhere.
Deliveries, installations and consultations.
20 64
63 61
8 14
40 47
3244 Gravenstein Hwy North, Sebastopol
We’ve been growing Certified Organic
vegetable starts for over 20 years. Tomatoes,
Peppers, Leafy Greens, Brassicas, and
many many more. In addition, to one of
the largest selections of bare-root fruit
trees in Northern California (December/
January), we offer a nice variety of edible,
native, and drought tolerant container
plants. Come visit and browse our twoacre facility, and speak with one of our
talented and knowledgeable staff.
Kings Nursery
1212 13th St, Santa Rosa (on the corner of
13th & Stewart)
Open daily 9-5
Broad selection of plants & materials. We
have been growing and tending gardeners
since 1896.
Landscapes Unlimited, Inc.
4330 Bodega Ave, Petaluma
Open M-F 8-5
Sun to shade, an excellent resource
for landscapers and small nurseries.
Plants grown here are well suited to the
California garden. Beautiful and healthy
plants for public and private landscaping
Le Ballister’s Seed & Fertilizer
1250 Sebastopol Rd, Santa Rosa
Mon-Fri 8:30-5
Seeds of all kinds for flowers, grasses,
agricultural cover crops, erosion control
and pastures. Commercial & organic
Lone Pine Gardens
6450 Lone Pine Rd, Sebastopol
Thu-Sat 10-5
Specializes in Bonsai, Cacti, Succulents,
and unusual Ornamentals. Rock garden
accent plants. Wholesale & retail.
Luther Burbank Experiment Farm – Gold
7777 Bodega Ave, Sebastopol
Plant Sales every Weds 9-12. Accessed
through Burbank Heights and Orchards.
Open all year for self-guided tours (takes
about 45 minutes).Docent-led tours: call
to reserve. Love plants? Volunteers are
always needed for all phases of gardening
and administration help. Docent training
in March (contact Erin Sheffield @ Open House April
23 & 24, 10 AM — 4 PM.
Mauna Kai Bonsai
2783 Guerneville Rd, Santa Rosa
Open every day 12-5
Japanese Bonsai plants and pots. Books,
tools and soil
MIX Garden
1531 Healdsburg Ave, Healdsburg
Hours: Mon–Fri: 8–5pm, Sat: 8–4pm
Open Sunday in April and May 8– 3pm Facebook, Twitter,
MIX Garden is a locally owned and
operated landscape and garden materials
center and vegetable start nursery located
in Healdsburg, Ca. We have a dynamic
garden center with unique offerings that
are constantly growing and evolving. We
provide our customers with high quality
vegetable starts, custom blended soils,
composts and landscape materials, seeds,
organic fertilizers and local farm fresh
Momiji Nursery - 37
2765 Stony Point Rd, Santa Rosa
Nothing but Japanese maples! Discover
the largest Japanese maple collection,
many rare, in the SF Bay Area. Available
in sizes from 1-gallon thru 32” box.
Since 1979, we’ve propagated and grown
Japanese maples at our family-owned
nursery in Santa Rosa. Open to the public;
please check our website for hours.
NURSERIES cont’d on page 18
3/16 - - 17
NURSERIES cont’d from page 17
Mostly Natives Nursery
27235 Highway One, Tomales
Thurs-Sat 10-5, Sun 10-4
Wide variety of native and non-native
perennials, grasses, shrubs. We have
certified organic veggie starts in spring
and fall. We grow our own stock, so some
plants are in limited supply. This is our
last year - we are retiring - come visit us to
say so long & happy gardening!
North Coast Native Nursery
SEE Wild Garden Farm – successor
to North Coast Native Nursery, we’re
growing an expanded selection of native
and non-native species. 2710 Chileno
Valley Road, Petaluma. 707-769-9114
Occidental Arts & Ecology
Center - 39
15290 Coleman Valley Rd, Occidental
707-874-1557 x103
Our Nursery is 100% CCOF Organic
and propagates heirloom and often
rare varieties from seed and “mother
plants” onsite. At our Seasonal Plant
Sales (first Sale: April 2-3 & 9-10), we
specialize in annual vegetables, flowers
and herbs. These events are celebrations
of biodiversity, organic gardening and
community, and feature live music, a
petting zoo and educational opportunities
such as tours of OAEC (where you can
see plants from our Nursery grown to
maturity in our Mother Garden). At our
Perennials Weekends, we offer a wide
selection of perennial food crops, culinary
and medicinal herbs and habitat plants.
See our website for dates.
Peacock Horticultural Nursery
4296 Gravenstein Hwy S, Sebastopol
Thurs – Sun 10-4 or by appt.
CALL or TEXT 707-291-0547 before coming!
Unusual and hard-to-find plants, plus
unique plants of rare beauty and interest.
Penngrove Growers Nursery
9740 Old Redwood Hwy, Penngrove
Featuring plants selected for and grown in
Sonoma County ~ so you know they will
do well in your garden.
Pond & Garden Nursery - 44
6225 Stony Point Rd @ Hwy 116, Cotati
Open daily 10-5, closed Wed
Full service nursery with an emphasis
on ponds, dwarf conifers, koi and other
pond dwelling fish and critters, pond
supplies, pond cleaning and maintenance,
and aquatic plants. We also carry books,
garden art, misters and more.
Prickett’s Nursery - 45
18 - - 3/16
5855 Sonoma Hwy, Santa Rosa
12950 Old Redwood Hwy, Healdsburg
Our 2 new locations are bursting with
spring color, organic vegetable starts, fruit
trees, indoor & outdoor plants, pottery
& statuary, garden decor, quality soils,
mulches and everything else you need to
create & maintain a beautiful garden.
Quarry Hill Botanical Garden
- 46
2841 Sonoma Hwy, Glen Ellen
Open Daily 9-4
Quarryhill has grown into a worldrenowned botanical institution, providing
researchers, conservationists, students,
and the visiting public with living
examples of the beautiful and threatened
temperate flora of East Asia. The twenty
five-acre garden continues to thrive and
expand with the help of staff, volunteers
and members. - See more at: http://
R-Trees Wholesale Nursery - 47
4650 Arlington Ave, Santa Rosa
Mon-Fri 7:30-5, Sat 7:30-4
Wholesale, on-site nursery. Trees, shrubs,
perennials & grasses. Our goal is to
provide the highest quality plant material
at competitive prices in an atmosphere of
courtesy, respect and professionalism.
Russian River Rose Co. - 49
1685 Magnolia Dr, Healdsburg
April & May, Sat & Sun 10-5 and By
The nursery is filled with beautiful roses,
irises and perennials, all specially selected
for the Northern California climate. Check
website for unique Rose Perfume Harvest
Tours in April and May. LARGE DISPLAY
GARDEN showcasing over 650 varieties of
roses and 150 irises. Yours to enjoy!
Sonoma County Jail Industries
2254 Ordinance Rd, Santa Rosa
ONLY all year 2016 Spring Plant Sales:* Sat.
April 9 and Sat. May 7, 9am to noon
All plants grown by inmates using
compost and 100% of sales supports
the Agricultural Vocational Education
program. We also can build you an owl
box, picnic table or planter box. *Checks or
Cash only, No Credit or Debit Cards
Sonoma Horticultural Nursery
& Garden - 54
3970 Azalea Lane, Sebastopol
Open all year, Thu-Mon 9-5
We specialize in growing rhododendrons
and azaleas. We also carry a wide
selection of shade-loving trees, shrubs
and perennials. The nursery and gardens
are open all year and visitors are welcome
to tour our eight acres of demonstration
gardens. With over one and half miles of
pathways to explore, there is so much to
see that just one visit is not enough. For
larger groups of 10 or more people, you
will need to make a reservation.
Sonoma Mission Gardens
851 Craig Ave, Sonoma
Nursery: 707-938-5775
NURSERIES cont’d on page 19
NURSERIES cont’d from page 18
Landscape: 707-938-5743
Mon-Sat 9-5:30, Sun 10-5:30, closed Tues
We take pride in locating and acquiring
rare and unusual specimens. Our nursery
is staffed by California Certified Nursery
Professionals to provide advice
Sonoma Valley
Nursery - 56
19655 Arnold Dr, Sonoma
707- 815-8600
Small, locally-owned wholesale nursery
dedicated to the practice of growing
sustainable plant material using only
OMRI approved fertilizers. We specialize
in plants and trees particularly suited to
thrive in the California’s wet winters and
long dry summers.
Stumptown Nursery
15654 River Rd, Guerneville
Open Sun-Fri CLOSED Saturdays.
Carries a wide selection of garden
amendments, annuals and perennials and
shade tolerant plants.
Tierra Vegetables
399 Business Park Ct, #312, Windsor. (White
barn on Aviation Blvd, East of Hwy 101.)
Producing vegetables, chiles of the very
highest quality through sustainable
farming practices. What’s in season now!?
Our web page is updated regularly on
what is currently growing.
Urban Tree Farm Nursery
3010 Fulton Rd, Fulton
Mon & Wed-Sat 8-5, Sun 10-5
Countless varieties of shrubs, grasses,
vines, fruit and ornamental trees to
consumers and landscapers. We deliver.
Vine & Branches Wholesale Nursery
211 Limerick Ln, Healdsburg
Open M-F 7:30-4:30
Highest quality, hand-selected, local
California grown plants. We welcome
contractors, landscape designers and
others in the trade to come visit. Plant
material available in 4″ pots through 24″
boxes. Delivery available. WHOLESALE.
Walker Avenue Nursery - 60
Hours vary by season
Plants for Wet Places – CA native and
Avenue Nursery is dedicated to growing
wetland, riparian, & pond plants for
landscape contractors, architects &
designers, native restoration/revegetation
projects, and retail stores.
West County Oasis Bamboo - 61
3525 Stony Point Rd, Santa Rosa
An oasis of bamboo and palms! Jesus Mora,
international-known bamboo consultant,
has opened this wondrous, 5-acre
bamboo and palm nursery. With nearly
30 years of experience, he is an excellent
resource for novices and aficionados alike,
offering retail sales, installation, removal,
planter boxes and hard-to-find rhizome
barrier. Over 200 luscious varieties.
Western Hills Garden - 62
16250 Coleman Valley Rd, Occidental
(1.3 miles from the corner of Bohemian
Hwy and Coleman Valley Rd)
Beginning February 20th, 2016, open Sat
10-4 or by appt Tues and Thurs for tours
and plant sales.
Three acres of beautiful gardens. Visit
website for complete information. We offer
a good selection of rare plants from the
garden that are available for purchase.
Wild Garden Farm
2710 Chileno Valley Road, Petaluma
As the successor to North Coast Native
Nursery, we’re growing an expanded
selection of native and non-native species.
Our emphasis is propagation of multipurpose plants for creating beautiful and
functional landscaping for wildlife habitat,
pollinator hedgerows, water conservation,
edible landscapes, dye gardens, and herbs
and perennials for Asian and Western
traditional healing and culinary arts
and other practical purposes. Inquiries
welcome for contract growing, design
consultation, and seasonal nursery hours.
Wild Toad Nursery - 63
3525 Stony Point Road, Santa Rosa
OPEN Mon - Sat 9-5
Wild Toad is a small, new nursery sharing
the grounds of West County Oasis Bamboo
where there are wonders around every
corner. Wild Toad specializes in small
water features for wildlife, miniature
gardens for fun, unusual and low-water
plants with interest. Plants for ponds,
plants for pollinators and plants for people.
Wildwood Nursery - 64
10300 Hwy 12, Kenwood
Hours vary by season.
Perennials, conifers – including small
ginkgos, dogwoods, & Japanese maples.
We pride ourselves on personal and
knowledgeable service.
Additional services: Expert tree shaping
and garden design. Call to get information
March 20th 2016.
Willowside School Nursery
5299 Hall Road, Santa Rosa
707 569-472
Saturdays, 9 AM to 2 PM
Willowside Road in west Santa Rosa.
A Variety of Perennials: roses, salvias,
abutilons, grasses including Mondo,
Trident maples, large deodar cedar trees,
as well as a multitude of succulents and
small Chinese quince and elm trees.
PRICE: $3 – 1 gal. We have over 15 varieties
of specialty Japanese maples, 3-6 feet tall
$25-$35!! Please share this information
with neighbors or co-workers. Rain does
not cancel. Questions?
3/16 - - 19
Butterflies, Birds, Bees & Fish
8th & Bee Homestead Resilience
Guild - 1
8th Street, Petaluma, CA 94952
8th & Bee Homestead and Resilience
Guild is a Petaluma homesteading project
from Tiffany Renée and Jaimey Walking
Bear. Through curated and communitycontributed content, virtual events, and
visuals, our mission is to provide you
with practical, bite-sized solutions and
inspiration to grow food, build soil and selfresiliency. We offer tours of the homestead
to get a sense of urban farming on a smallscale (1/8 acre). Through conversations
with experts in online conferences and
webinars, we explore topics ranging from
food forests and permaculture to carbon
farming, fibershed, beekeeping, and more.
Come explore our growing homestead!
Backyard Birder
Online Only
Bird feeders, houses, seed, hardware,
optics, plus unique accessories. Will
DELIVER to your door!
Beekind Honey & Bees - 6
921 Gravenstein Hwy S, Sebastopol
Mon-Sat 10-6, Sun 10-4
Take one of our free Introduction to
beekeeping classes. Taste our award
winning honeys at our unique tasting bar.
Get creative with our books and candle
making supplies.
Cloverdale Nursery - 15
216 S. Cloverdale Blvd, Cloverdale
Where Plants, Community and Service
are a way of life. We have something
for every gardener…Unique Gifts •
Succulents • Water Wise Plants • Pottery
Fruit Trees • Veggies • Organic Soils &
Fertilizers. Please comes visit our brand
new nursery. Our knowledge of gardening
for pollinators will INSPIRE you to GROW
a plentiful environment to ENJOY!
Hallberg Butterfly Gardens - 29
8687 Oak Grove Ave, Sebastopol
By Appt. Wed-Sun, April-October
Open Garden Sunday, June 26, 2016
10-4 This event includes bird, insect,
and wildflower experts, and children’s
activities. Admission is free Habitat plants
for sale including milkweed. Hallberg
Butterfly Gardens is currently seeking
docents and volunteers. Please call Leah @
707-591-6967 if interested!
Lavendar Bee Farm
764 Chapman Lane, Petaluma
(707) 789-0554 or lavenderbeefarm@yahoo.
Open by Appointment
Our family honey farm has over 5,000
lavender plants and multiple bee hives.
Our farm is chem-free; no pesticides or
chemical fertilizers, for the health of our
bees, plants, and you! We sell both honey
and lavender products and have a bee
swarm removal service.
Mariposa Garden Magic
Northwest Santa Rosa
Jana is a landscaper and Horticulturist with
over 44 years of experience propagating,
cultivating, and maintaining California
Native and compatible Mediterranean
plants in Sonoma county. She is available
for consulting, design and contract
growing habitat plants for hummingbirds
butterflies and other beneficial insects,
year round flowers and always organic.
Pond & Garden Nursery - 44
6225 Stony Point Rd @ Hwy 116, Cotati
Open daily 10-5, closed Wed
Full service nursery with an emphasis
on ponds, dwarf conifers, koi and other
pond dwelling fish and critters, pond
supplies, pond cleaning and maintenance,
and aquatic plants. We also carry books,
garden art, misters and more.
Wild Birds Unlimited
71 Brookwood Ave, Santa Rosa
Mon-Sat 10– 6, Sun 11–4
We are trained to show you how to turn
your yard into a birdfeeding habitat that
not only brings song, color and life to your
home, but also benefits the wild birds and
the environment.
Wild Toad Nursery - 63
3525 Stony Point Road, Santa Rosa
Wild Toad is a small, new nursery sharing
the grounds of West County Oasis Bamboo
where there are wonders around every
corner. Wild Toad specializes in small
water features for wildlife, miniature
gardens for fun, unusual and low-water
plants with interest. Plants for ponds,
plants for pollinators and plants for people.
READ our Garden Column and
Articles in the monthly Gazette
FIND it County-Wide EVERYHERE!
Garden Centers
Bennett Valley Gardens - 7
MIX Garden Center
1531 Healdsburg Ave, Healdsburg Ca
Hours: Mon – Fri: 8 – 5pm, Sa: 8 – 4pm
Open Sunday in April and May 8 – 3pm
Landscape and garden materials center and
vegetable start nursery. Dynamic garden
center with unique offerings that are
constantly growing and evolving. Custom
blended soils, composts and landscape
materials, seeds, organic fertilizers and
local farm fresh produce.
Deep Roots Garden Supply - 17
Penngrove Growers Nursery
9740 Old Redwood Hwy, Penngrove
Featuring plants selected for and grown in
Sonoma County ~ so you know they will
do well in your garden.
2780 Yulupa Ave, Santa Rosa
Open daily 9-6.
Perennials, bedding plants, succulents,
houseplants, soils and amendments— as
well as beautiful pots to grow them in!
Buckeye Nursery
2425 Old Adobe Road, Petaluma
Broad selection of California native plants
and meadow grasses.
2661 Old Gravenstein Hwy, Ste.G,
707-829-ROOT (7668)
3715 Santa Rosa Ave Ste. A-2, Santa Rosa
M-F 10-6, Sat 11-5, Sun 11-4
Supplier of quality hydroponic and soil
gardening products for both indoor and
outdoor enthusiasts.
Friedman’s Home Improvement
4055 Santa Rosa Ave, Santa Rosa
1360 Broadway Ave, Sonoma
429 North McDowell Blvd, Petaluma
M-F 6-8, Sat 7-7, Sun 8-7
Specializing in gardening and nursery
supplies. Broad selection of plant material,
tools, and expert advisors.
Garrett Ace Hardware - 25
1340 Healdsburg Ave, Healdsburg
10540 Old Redwood Hwy, Windsor
Open 7 days
We’re more than just a hardware store!
With two locations. Garden and Outdoor
Living Centers. Our newly expanded
garden centers have a large selection of
unique and hard to find plants, locally
grown bedding plants and organic
heirloom vegetable starters. Our selection
of patio furniture and outdoor accessories
will help transform any outdoor space.
Guerneville – Fulton Ace Hardware
2551 Guerneville Rd, Santa Rosa
Mon–Sat 7-7, Sun 8–6
Wide selection of locally grown veggie
starts & flowering plants. Garden tools,
supplies and soil amendments.
Harmony Farm
Nursery - 30
3244 Gravenstein Hwy North, Sebastopol
Edibles, drought tolerant and native plants
are our specialty. Come and talk with our
knowledgeable associates to create your
specific micro-climate successes. Pottery,
tools, seeds, gopher baskets, books, and
gift ideas as well. We also provide soil
test and analysis services, and offer
workshops. Come visit and browse our
two-acre facility. Lookie-loos are welcome.
Pond & Garden Nursery - 44
6225 Stony Point Rd @ Hwy 116, Cotati
Open daily 10-5, closed Wed
Full service nursery with an emphasis
on ponds, dwarf conifers, koi and other
pond dwelling fish and critters, pond
supplies, pond cleaning and maintenance,
and aquatic plants. We also carry books,
garden art, misters and more.
Prickett’s Nursery - 45
5855 Sonoma Hwy, Santa Rosa
12950 Old Redwood Hwy, Healdsburg
Our 2 new locations are bursting with
spring color, organic vegetable starts, fruit
trees, indoor & outdoor plants, pottery
& statuary, garden decor, quality soils,
mulches and everything else you need to
create & maintain a beautiful garden.
Sebastopol Hardware - 51
660 Gravenstein Hwy N, Sebastopol
Mon-Sat 7-7, Sun 8-6
Annuals, perennials, vegetables, herbs
and organics, shrubs and succulents handselected for you from nurseries all over
the area, along with expert advice, soil
amendments, a huge selection of seeds,
irrigation supplies & tools.
The Soil King Garden Center
320 Santana Dr., Cloverdale
(707) 894-3500
Trees, flowers, veggies, everything from
bulk soil and baged soil products, bulk
worm castings, amendments, nutrients
and additives, pots, stakes, greenhouses,
trimming machines; Greenhouses from
small pop up to large agriculture type,
water tanks and rain water collection
tanks and much much more!!
Wine Country Garden Center
21095 Broadway, Sonoma
Open Daily 9-5:30
We are a beautiful destination nursery
of inspiring displays, water features, and
3/16- - 21
Supplies & Materials
Aaction Rents
10510 Old Redwood Hwy, Windsor
257 Dutton Ave, Santa Rosa
1000 River Rd, Fulton
1430 Grove St, Healdsburg
28 Union Way, Vacaville
Open Weekdays 7-5
Sat 8-4PM, Sun 9-4
Local family owned equipment rent
and sell hundreds of different types of
equipment, from tractors to hand tools.
ABC Landscaping & Concrete
707- 838-1942
and residential. Specializing in sprinkle
systems, sidewalks, stone walks, patios
pavers and synthetic grass.
Austin Creek Services
707-545-5550 or 707-632-5296
Quality ready mix and aggregate products.
Biologic Crop Solutions
(formerly Biologic Systems)
4020 Santa Rosa Ave, Santa Rosa
Spring Mar 19-Jun 19): Mon-Sat 10-5
Year-Round: Mon-Fri 10-5
Commercial-quality products that are
nutrient-dense! Organic soil, amendments,
fertilizers, and microbial inoculants for
your soil. FREE COMPOST TEA every
Tuesday 10-4. Three Gallons Free and $2/
Gal after. Please bring your own container.
BlueBarrel Rain Catchment - 8
Build your rainwater catchment system
better, faster, and cheaper! We provide
tools, materials, and know-how you need
to build your own multi-barrel rainwater
catchment systems with repurposed
barrels! Browse our site to learn about
the whats, whys and hows of rainwater
harvesting. Order your repurposed barrels
and DIY RainKit, and attend one of our
hands-on workshops for extra confidence
to build your own system!
BoDean Quarry - 9
1060 N Dutton Ave, Santa Rosa
7888 Hwy 116, Forestville
4611 Porter Creek Road Santa Rosa
BoDean Co. produces a wide variety of
crushed rock, asphalt, concrete aggregates,
sand and clay products for home and
business. Contractor and home owner
friendly - multiple locations.
Burgess Lumber - 11
3610 Copperhill Ln, Santa Rosa
Mon-Fri 6:30-5, Sat 8-4
We have experts on staff to answer your
questions regarding decking, lumber,
hardware, or installation. Delivery
available 6 days a week.
Canyon Rock Quarry - 13
7525 Hwy 116 (West of Forestville),
Mon–Fri 7–5, Sat until noon
Blue shale rock quarry specializing in
a variety of gravel products and large
landscape rocks. Home owner friendly.
22 - - 3/16
Central Valley Agricultural Supply
160 Grant Ave, Healdsburg
Everything you need for large scale
vineyards to home-owner gardening
projects From trellising supplies, irrigation
systems to fencing.
Dave Brahman Sand & Rock
WE DELIVER ~Featuring Blue Rock
Products Class 2 * Road Base, Drain Rock,
Sand & Gravel, Fill, Loam and Topsoil.
Transfer & 10 Wheel Dump Services.
Deep Roots Garden Supply - 17
2661 Old Gravenstein Hwy, Ste.G,
707-829-ROOT (7668)
3715 Santa Rosa Ave Ste. A-2, Santa Rosa
M-F 10-6, Sat 11-5, Sun 11-4
Supplier of quality hydroponic and soil
gardening products for both indoor and
outdoor enthusiasts.
DryScape Landscape Materials - 18
Monday – Friday: 7:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Dryscape materials is a family owned
Sonoma County Landscape Materials
supplier, here for your drought tolerant
needs. We specialize in natural stone,
cobbles, fieldstone, flagstone, decorative
rock, barks, soil and compost. We serve
the community with exceptional customer
service because we are firm believers in
always taking care of our customers!
Fulwider Outdoor Power Equipment
2201-M Bluebell Dr, Santa Rosa
Sales & Service of outdoor power equipment
– mobile repair available.
Garrett Ace Hardware - 25
1340 Healdsburg Ave, Healdsburg
10540 Old Redwood Hwy, Windsor
We’re more than just a hardware store!
With two locations, open 7 days a week:
Expanded Garden and Outdoor Living
Centers. Our newly expanded garden
centers have a large selection of unique
and hard to find plants, locally grown
bedding plants and organic heirloom
vegetable starters. Our selection of patio
furniture and outdoor accessories will
help transform any outdoor space.
Grab N’ Grow Soil Products - 26
2759 Llano Rd., Santa Rosa
Blended in Sonoma County since 1960, we
offer hand-crafted small batches of highquality organic soil, compost, and mulch to
meet the needs of gardeners, landscapers,
and farmers in the San Francisco Bay
Area. Delivery is available and we accept
green waste/tree waste drop offs. Organic
vegetable starts and seeds available spring
2016! Please call or check our website for
current hours and drop off rates.
Guerneville – Fulton Ace Hardware
2551 Guerneville Rd, Santa Rosa
Mon–Sat 7-7, Sun 8–6
Wide selection of locally grown veggie
starts and flowering plants for sale all
year. Garden tools, supplies and soil
H & M Landscape Materials Inc
2030 Llano Rd, Santa Rosa
Open Mon-Sat.
Delivery. Over 70 different sizes, shapes
and types of rock and pebbles, over 30
sizes and shapes of bricks arid 40 sizes and
shapes of stepping-stones.
Harmony Farm Supply - 30
3244 Gravenstein Hwy North, Sebastopol
SUPPLIES cont’d on page 23
SUPPLIES cont’d from page 22
Since 1980 we’ve been providing the
means to garden and farm Organically/
Fertilizers, Amendments,
Pest Controls, Drip Irrigation and great
advice has been our specialty. We’ll even
design your irrigation system for free (if
you get the parts from us). Since then, we
have added Seeds, Rainwater Harvesting
equipment, Beekeeping supplies, Drainage
supplies, and a whole host of materials for
your farming and gardening projects.
Healdsburg Lumber Company
359 Hudson St, Healdsburg
(707) 431-9663
M-F 6:30 am – 5 pm
Sat 8am – 3pm
We constantly strive to serve our customers
by providing quality products and superior
service through the innovative efforts of a
premier, knowledgeable staff.
Heritage Salvage
1473 Petaluma Blvd. South, Petaluma
Reclaimed building materials, for your
garden and home.
I-Roc Landscaping Materials
1148 S. Cloverdale Blvd, Cloverdale
Offering a wide selection of sand, soil,
rock, and bark. All soils are tested.
Building Stone - 33
4132 Santa Rosa Ave, Santa Rosa
707 584-7480
Open 7 days a week 8-5pm
Family owned and operated since 1943. We
carry a large selection of natural stone for
landscaping and stone masonry. We have
flagstone, wall stone, landscape boulders,
decorative stones, cobblestone, ledge stone,
and ground cover. We can cut and polish
rock and we make rock water features
on site. We also offer FREE delivery on
qualified orders. Call or visit us today to
check out our unbeatably low prices.
Kings Nursery
1212 13th St, Santa Rosa (on the corner of
13th & Stewart)
Open daily 9-5
Broad selection of plants & materials. We
have been growing and tending gardeners
since 1896.
Le Ballister’s Seed & Fertilizer
1250 Sebastopol Rd, Santa Rosa
Mon-Fri 8:30-5
Seeds of all kinds for flowers, grasses,
agricultural cover crops, erosion control
and pastures. Commercial & organic
Mauna Kai Bonsai
2783 Guerneville Rd, Santa Rosa
Open every day 12-5
Japanese Bonsai plants and pots. Books,
tools and soil
MIX Garden
1531 Healdsburg Ave, Healdsburg Ca
Hours: Mon – Fri: 8 – 5pm, Sat: 8 – 4pm
Open Sunday in April and May 8 – 3pm Facebook, Twitter,
We have a dynamic garden center with
unique offerings that are constantly
growing and evolving. We provide our
customers with high quality vegetable
starts, custom blended soils, composts
and landscape materials, seeds, organic
fertilizers and local farm fresh produce.
Park Avenue Turf
3075 Old Gravenstein Hwy S, Sebastopol
M-F 8-5, Sat 8-12
Sod supplier and installer for commercial
and residential lawns. Family owned.
Petaluma Landscape
859 North McDowell Blvd, Petaluma
Open M-F at 7am, Sat 8am, Closed Sunday
Visit Petaluma Landscape for a pile of river
rocks for your garden.
Pond & Garden Nursery-44
6225 Stony Point Rd @ Hwy 116, Cotati
Open daily 10-5, closed Wed
Full service nursery with an emphasis
on ponds, dwarf conifers, koi and other
pond dwelling fish and critters, pond
supplies, pond cleaning and maintenance,
and aquatic plants. We also carry books,
garden art, misters and more.
Prickett’s Nursery - 45
5855 Sonoma Hwy, Santa Rosa
12950 Old Redwood Hwy, Healdsburg
Our 2 new locations are bursting with
spring color, organic vegetable starts, fruit
trees, indoor & outdoor plants, pottery
& statuary, garden decor, quality soils,
mulches and everything else you need to
create & maintain a beautiful garden.
R-Trees - 47
4650 Arlington Ave, Santa Rosa
Mon-Fri 7:30-5, Sat 7:30-4
Wholesale, on-site nursery. Trees, shrubs,
perennials & grasses. Our goal is to
provide the highest quality plant material
at competitive prices in an atmosphere of
courtesy, respect and professionalism.
SUPPLIES cont’d on page 24
3/15 - - 23
SUPPLIES ont’d from psge 23
Ramm Rock
Supply - 48
5454 Old Redwood Hwy, Santa Rosa
A locally owned and operated business
serving Sonoma County and beyond for
over 20 years. We are a contractor and
homeowner friendly retail supply yard
working hard everyday to bring you all
the materials you want at the lowest price.
SBI Building & Landscape
10540 Old Redwood Hwy, Windsor
1000 River Road, Fulton
We carry an extensive and unique selection
of many types of natural stone. You will
also find a wide inventory of pavers,
retaining walls, cobblestone & decorative
rock, fieldstone, flagstone, outdoor kitchen
units, sod and soil amendments, custom
blended soils, bark and more!
Sebastopol Hardware - 51
660 Gravenstein Hwy N, Sebastopol
Mon-Sat 7-7, Sun 8-6
Annuals, perennials, vegetables, herbs
and organics, shrubs and succulents handselected for you from nurseries all over
the area, along with expert advice, soil
amendments, a huge selection of seeds,
irrigation supplies & tools.
Equipment & Construction Services
Aaction Rents
Windso,r anta Rosa, Fulton, Healdsburg
Open Weekdays 7-5
Sat 8-4PM, Sun 9-4
Local family owned rental equipment
provider renting and selling hundreds of
different types of equipment, from tractors
to hand tools.
Bohan & Canelis
Engineering - 10
Site Preparations, Excavating & Grading,
Septic System Installations, Driveways
& Building pads, Discing & Mowing
of roadsides, levees, dams, slopes &
large acreages. Materials & Equipment
Transportation. Lic. # 829905
Dave Brahman Sand & Rock
WE DELIVER ~Featuring Blue Rock
Products Class 2 * Road Base, Drain Rock,
Sand & Gravel, Fill, Loam and Topsoil.
Transfer & 10 Wheel Dump Services.
Fulwider Outdoor Power Equipment
2201-M Bluebell Dr, Santa Rosa
Sales & Service of outdoor power
equipment – mobile repair available.
Heavy Gear Enterprises
PO Box 532, Forestville
Licensed contractor. Skid Steer, Dump
truck, Water truck for potable water.
We have a broad range of services for
gardeners and landscapers.
Sebastopol Tractor Co., Inc.
6828 Depot St., Sebastopol
Mon-Fri 8-5, Sat 9-4:00
We sell & service power equipment.
The Rental Place
Sebastopol, Rohnert Park,
Santa Rosa, Sonoma
Open M-Sat. 7-5 – Sun 8-4
Full line rental stores. Lawn & garden,
homeowner, contractor, party, ski, etc.
The Supply Place - 58
1340 Healdsburg Ave, Healdsburg
10540 Old Redwood Hwy, Windsor
Open Daily 8am-6pm
Your source for parts, tune-ups, repairs
or new in-stock professional grade
equipment. Chainsaws, string trimmers,
blowers, pressure washers and more. We’ll
even pick up and deliver!
24 - - 3/16
Sebastopol Tractor Co., Inc.
6828 Depot St., Sebastopol
Mon-Fri 8-5, Sat 9-4:00
We sell & service STIHL powerful,
lightweight, and versatile handheld
outdoor power equipment for homeowners
and professionals.
Sequoia Landscape Material - 52
1330 King St, Santa Rosa
Check website for hours.
Whether it be a bucket of sand for the
kids’ sand box, soil for your garden, or
commercial loads for your construction
site, we are here to meet all your needs and
within your time frame.
Shamrock Landscape Material
8150 Gravenstein Hwy, Cotati
Open Mon-Fri 7-3:30 Sat 8-12
Shamrock is a major supplier of natural
stone, brick, concrete block, pavers, and
concrete accessories.
Soils Plus - 26
4343 Stage Gulch Rd., Sonoma
Family owned and operated since 1999,
Soils Plus offers premium soil, compost,
mulch and rock products for home and
commercial landscape projects throughout
the North Bay. Delivery is available and we
accept clean concrete, porcelain, brick, and
tile for drop off. Organic vegetable starts
and seeds available spring 2016! Please call
or check our website for current hours of
operation and drop off rates.
Sonoma Landworks - 55
15950 River Rd, Guerneville
Mon – Sat 8:30 – 5:00
On-site Wastewater Disposal specialists.
We also sell soil, compost, gravel, wood
chip, mulch, firewood and propane from
our yard in Guerneville. We deliver!
Sonoma Mission Gardens
851 Craig Ave, Sonoma
Nursery: 707-938-5775
Landscape: 707-938-5743
Mon-Sat 9-5:30, Sun 10-5:30, closed Tues
Over four acres of plants await you at
Sonoma Mission Gardens, and we take
pride in locating and acquiring rare and
unusual specimens so that your garden can
reflect your own particular interest. Our
nursery is staffed by California Certified
Nursery Professionals who can answer
your questions, help solve problems, and
provide advice to assist you.
Sonoma Valley
Nursery - 56
19655 Arnold Dr, Sonoma
707- 815-8600
Small, locally-owned wholesale nursery
dedicated to the practice of growing
sustainable plant material using only
OMRI approved fertilizers. We specialize
in plants and trees particularly suited to
thrive in the California’s wet winters and
long dry summers.
SonoMarin Landscape Materials
2500 Petaluma Blvd. N, Petaluma
Mon-Fri 7-4:30, Sat 8-4
Soil, bark, sod, sand, stone & decorative
rock. Delivery available.
Stony Point Rock Quarry
7171 Stony Point Rd., Cotati
Open Mon-Fri 7–3:30
homeowners, landscapers, and contractors
in Sonoma County for over 100 years.
Delivery is available and we accept clean
concrete, porcelain, brick, and tile for drop
off. Please call or check our website for
current drop off rates.
Swede’s Feeds
9140 Sonoma Hwy, Kenwood
Open M-F 10-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 11-4
Soil, plant and veggie seeds, fertilizers,
garden supplies, soil amendments, as well
as veggie starts, herbs and plants.
The Rental Place
Sebastopol, Rohnert Park, Santa Rosa,
Open M-Sat. 7-5 – Sun 8-4
Full line rental stores. Lawn & garden,
homeowner, contractor, party, ski, etc.
SUPPLIES cont’d on page 25
SUPPLIES ont’d from psge 24
Thrive Hydroponics - 59
The Seed Bank - 57
199 Petaluma Blvd. N, Petaluma
We offer over 1,800 varieties of heirloom
seeds, garlic, tools, books, and hundreds
of local hand-made gifts, food items and
homesteading supplies. Everything we
offer is pure, natural, and non-GMO!
The Shop
8635 Mirabel Rd, Forestville
Mon-Sat 10-6 Sun 12-4
amendments, soils, liquid nutrients.
The Soil King Garden Center
320 Santana Dr., Cloverdale
(707) 894-3500
Bulk and baged soil, bulk worm castings,
amendments, nutrients and additives,
pots, stakes, greenhouses, trimming
machines, water tanks and rain water
collection tanks and much much more!!
The Supply Place - 58
1340 Healdsburg Ave, Healdsburg
10540 Old Redwood Hwy, Windsor
Open Daily 8am-6pm
Your source for parts, tune-ups, repairs
or new in-stock professional grade
equipment. Chainsaws, string trimmers,
blowers, pressure washers and more.
We’ll even pick up and deliver!
30-A Mill St, Healdsburg
Open 7 Days a Week
From the hobbyist to the large commercial
grower… everything from propagation to
complete indoor gardening systems.
United Forest Products
1051 Todd Rd, Santa Rosa
Open M-F 7-5
Wide variety of ground covers and soil
amendments for pick up or delivery.
Water Savers Irrigation
840 Perry Ln, Petaluma
Winter: M-F 7-4, Sat 7-11
Summer Hours: M-F 6:30am-5p, Sat 7-2
Water management, water conservation,
irrigation supplies and landscape products.
Wheeler Zamaroni
3500 Petaluma Hill Rd, Santa Rosa
A full-service landscape material, readymix concrete and natural stone along with
on-site stone fabrication facility.
Wyatt Irrigation
747 Yolanda Ave, Santa Rosa
1016 Lakeville St, Petaluma
707-762-3747 x2200
Custom designs and products for both
residential and commercial customers.
3/16- - 25
Garden Furniture & Décor
Absolute Home and Garden
2227 Gravenstein Hwy So, Sebastopol,
Open 7 days a week, 10-5
A vast array of pottery, garden furniture,
Antiquarian & Florabunda - 2
B Street, Duncans Mills
Open Wed-Mon 11-5
A sweet little mini-nursery with interesting
niche plants to suit our unique situations –
deer & gopher resistant, drought, coast and
shade-tolerant plants a specialty.
Aurora Colors
503 S Main St, Sebastopol
Mon-Sat 9-5, Sat 10-2
Stained glass mobiles, address panels,
lighting, mosaic tables, fountains, stepping
stones, glass gates, fences, & garden
torchieres. Specialties: bent, fused, painted,
etched, leaded stained glass.
Cloverdale Chair - 14
4573 Todd Rd, Sebastopol
Made to Order Adirondack chairs, footrests
and end-tables in bare wood or painted to
match your color scheme.
Earthworks Fences & Gates - 19
A small dedicated crew specializing
in construction paritions and garden
structures using local and re-puposed
materials, including stone walls, pathways,
patios & Beautiful gates. License #921247
Food For Thought Antiques
2701 Gravenstein Hwy S, Sebastopol
Open Daily 11 – 5 Come in and check out
the furniture, art, jewelry and gifts. Also
explore our outdoor area for statues, unique
sculptures, whimsical metal animals, old
toys and rusty farm equipment to decorate
your garden. LIKE us on FACEBOOK for
Garden Essentials
2732 Santa Rosa Ave, Santa Rosa
Tue – Sun 9:00am to 5:00pm
Summer hours open until 5:30pm
We offer outdoor pottery, fountains, garden
decorations, and other ceramics.
Garrett Ace Hardware/The Gift
Horse - 25
1340 Healdsburg Ave, Healdsburg
10540 Old Redwood Hwy, Windsor
Open 7 days a week
Expanded Garden and Outdoor Living
Centers. Our selection of patio furniture
and outdoor accessories will
transform any outdoor space.
Green Textures Sonoma
6500 Old Redwood Hwy, Santa Rosa
707-774-3654 or 707-591-6042
By appointment only.
A wide variety of landscape statuary
including planters, pots, water features,
firepits, birdbaths, waterfalls and much
more. Handmade, stained and sealed.
Both wholesale & retail welcome.
Kristin Thurman – Pillowish Designs
20514 Hwy 116, Monte Rio
Custom indoor and outdoor cushions
made to order. I have unlimited sunbrella
color choices and affordable ‘qwik-dry’ or
foam inserts to make comfortable practical
cushions for all your patio and deck needs,
as well as decorator fabrics for indoor
furniture and window seats.
M-4 Specialties - 34
15320 River Road, Guerneville
707-490-4015 / 707-228-5416
Open 7 days a week 8am-5:30 pm
Custom build- Made to order- Delivery
Picnic tables- Rectangle, Oval, Round , Kid
size, any size and shape including 1 piece
tops. Redwood Adirondack FurnitureWe use full 2 inch material- Built to last
a life time; chairs , love seats, side tables,
coffee tables, ottomans. Indoor/Outdoor
tables with or without a live edge- any
size. We also build a variety of benches;
short ones, long ones, park style, mid
back , no backs. Live edge slabs available
Redwood, Cypress, Juniper, Maple and
more. Everything we build is heirloom
quality when properly maintained . Care
instructions available. Stop in and see us,
visit our website or call.
North Bay Picnic Tables
Santa Rosa
Delivery available. Custom picnic tables
and patio furniture made to order. Party
tables feature stainless steel trough for hot
or cold food, iced beverages, etc. Attached
or detached bench seats.
Passanisi’s Home & Garden - 41
131 Kentucky St, Suite B Petaluma, Ca
Open Mon-Thur: 11–5:30, Fri: 11-6, Sat: 106, Sun: 11–4
Garden Art & House Plants, Unique
Affordable Gifts
Rose & Thorn
10050 Bodega Hwy, Sebastopol. (Three
miles west of Sebastopol.)
OPEN Mid-March ~ January
Specializing in garden furniture, pottery,
wind chimes and more. Our garden is
Perfect for picnics and weddings.
26 - - 3/16
Sonoma County Sunrooms
3415 Santa Rosa Ave, Santa Rosa
(707) 586-2710
Full line of home improvement products
that bring the outdoors inside.
Swede’s Feeds
9140 Sonoma Hwy, Kenwood
Open M-F 10-6, Sat 10-5, Sun 11-4
We offer soil, plant and veggie seeds,
amendments, as well as veggie starts,
herbs and plants.
Urban Garden
2313 Magowan Drive, Santa Rosa
Mon-Sat 10am-6pm, Sun 11am-5pm
Garden accessories, including bird
baths and bird feeders, stylish pottery
and planters, outdoor clocks and
thermometers, and garden tools and
gloves. Urban Garden is also proud to offer
an exceptional selection of outdoor patio
furniture available in weather resistant
aluminum and all-weather wicker.
Wine Country Garden Center
21095 Broadway, Sonoma
Open Daily 9-5:30
We are a beautiful destination nursery of
inspiring displays, water features, et.c
Landscape Designers
Baumgratz Garden Design & Planning
PO Box 1, Healdsburg
Margaret Baumgratz
I personally source every plant and can
recommend highly qualified landscape
contractors for installation, irrigation,
masonry, carpentry and maintenance.
Creative Environments = 16
1550 Gravenstein Hwy S, Sebastopol
707 827-7980
A full-service landscape firm widely
recognized for innovative design and
quality installations at reasonable prices.
Water features, outdoor kitchens, erosion
control to garden enhancements.
Landscapes with aesthetics as a priority.
You landscape should enhance your life.
Leff Landscape Associates
40 Fourth Street #244, Petaluma
(707) 789-0150
Creating outdoor living spaces that
change the way people experience their
Lucas & Lucas Landscape Architecture
709 A Healdsburg Ave, Healdsburg
High-end custom designs: site planning;
building placement; building design;
pools; outdoor kitchens, dining and
entertaining; water features; planting from
classic to contemporary and full of soul.
Lush Green Design
A garden artist transforming outside
spaces to reflect who you are inside.
Merge Studio
241 South Main St. Sebastopol
Landscape Architecture / Permaculture /
Land Planning / Arboriculture
Registered Landscape Architect #5228
Combined perspectives: a collaborative
design process of arranging land and
structures into meaningful outdoor spaces.
Water management - regenerative design.
Prenkert Designs
Have ideas but need help pulling them
together? Color Consulting, Landscape
and Interior Design
Rosmarin Landscape Design
Santa Rosa
We create beautiful, timeless gardens
with artistry and vision. We develop
gardens that reflect the architecture and
fconnection with the landscape.
Sonoma County Water Agency
Partnership - 53
404 Aviation Blvd, Santa Rosa
Our web site features a wealth of
information on drought tolerant plants
and low water garden practices.
Susie Dowd Markarian Landscape Design
608 Los Olivos Rd.
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
(707) 537-0508
Sustainable & Water Conservation
Specialists. Ecological, practical and
environmental benefits. Bay-friendly and
Sustainable Sites Initiative rating systems.
Wild Garden Farm
2710 Chileno Valley Road, Petaluma
As the successor to North Coast Native
Nursery, we’re growing an expanded
selection of native and non-native species.
Our emphasis is propagation of multipurpose plants for creating beautiful and
functional landscaping for wildlife habitat,
pollinator hedgerows, water conservation,
edible landscapes, dye gardens, and herbs
and perennials for Asian and Western
traditional healing and culinary arts
and other practical purposes. Inquiries
welcome for contract growing, design
consultation, and seasonal nursery hours.
Tree Services
Sandborn Tree Service - 50
Arborists That Climb
3995 Jenssen Ln, Santa Rosa
Atlas Tree Surgery, Inc.
1544 Ludwig Ave, Santa Rosa
From clearing brush in your vineyard, to
emergency removal of downed trees, to
stump removal on your ranch.
Clear View Tree Care
707-544-3944 or 707-486-5895
Team has the knowledge and equipment to
safely remove or prune any tree.
DeWitt Tree Services
390 Todd Rd, Santa Rosa
Tree trimming, tree removal, stump
removal or stump grinding.
Empire Tree Experts
Serving West Sonoma County
Licensed and certified. Tree removal,
trimming and crown reduction. Arborists
ree estimates – 24 hour emergency service.
Fine Tree Care - 22
Our friendly well-trained crews perform
both the finest quality tree trimming, and
heavy tree service work for residential and
commercial interests. Arborists reports for
homeowners and a Registered Professional
Forester for our timberland owners. Fully
licensed and insured for your protection.
Image Tree Service
564 Caletti Ave,Windsor
Tree care to promote and enhance the
health, safety, and beauty of trees.
Recycling and sustainable methods to do
our part in preserving our planet.
John C. Meserve – Consulting Arborist
13750 Arnold Dr, Glen Ellen
Problem analysis, hazard evaluation, tree
and plant appraisal, expert witness,.
Service - 36
The business was founded on the principle
of stewardship for trees, forests and soil.
We offer large tree removals, tree pruning,
shaded fuel breaks, consultations and
chipping almost anywhere. Competitive
pricing with written proposals in language
you can understand.
Rivers Tree Service
Our clients’ needs are of the utmost
importance and so are the trees.
119 Morris St, Sebastopol
707-823-9144 or 707- 579-2990
Consulting, Cable Bracing, Tree Removal,
Wildfire Preparedness, Emergency Tree
Work, Arborist Reports.
Sonoma Marin Arborists, Inc.
PO Box 216, Petaluma, CA 94953
707-762-TREE (8733)
877-407-TREE (8733)
A small, woman-owned, licensed tree
and landscaping company specializing
in tree care, offering certified arborist
consultation, certified crane operators, a
licensed timber operator, and master green
building professional service We are fully
insured and bonded.
Sturgeon Tree Services
211 Ragle Rd, Sebastopol
707-823-6675 or 707-546-0221
We provide experienced, professional and
affordable services.
Summit Tree Care
5057 Bodega Ave, Petaluma
707-542-7200 Santa Rosa
707-762-6719 Petaluma
Full tree care services: tree pruning, tree
moving, tree surgeons, tree removal.
Top of the Morning Tree Care
P.O. Box 1791
Healdsburg, CA 95448
707-849-8733 or 707-849-TREE
Dedicated to protecting and enhancing
the natural beauty of Sonoma County. We
have a strong love of pruning correctly and
are very professional, efficient and safe.
TreePro Professional Tree Care
We provide competitive pricing, and great
service to all of our clients. Tree Trimming,
Removals, Stump Grinding, Landscaping
Management, Fire Protection, We do it All!
Vintage Tree Care
1007 West College Ave., # 161, Santa Rosa
A full service tree care company offering
a wide variety of arboricultural services,
pruning and planting. Specializing in tree
and stump removal. We are fully certified,
licensed and insured
Western Tree Removal Specialists
PO Box 1418, Windsor, CA 95492
(707) 235-7884
(707) 347-WTRS 24/7 Emergency Dispatch
Safe efficient tree removal service in
severe or complicated conditions. We
also provide stump grinding, residential
tree service, land clearing, line clearance,
view restoration, solar enhancement and
more. Fully licensed, bonded and insured.
CA Lic. #964101, Arborist WE-10451A,
Diamond Certified
3/16 - - 27
Landscapers & Landscaping Services
ABC Landscaping & Concrete
707- 838-1942
Landscape maintenance, commercial
and residential. Specializing in sprinkle
systems, sidewalks, stone walks, patios
pavers and synthetic grass.
Allen Land Design
Santa Rosa
Healthy and vibrant landscapes inspire
healthy and vibrant lifestyles. Our
philosophy of enhancing the lives of
generations through our work is grounded
in the concepts of sustainability.
Apple Blossom Nursery -3
896 Hurlbut Ave
, Sebastopol
More than 40 years experience designing
award-winning gardens.
Attune Landscapes - 4
4577 Hall Rd., Santa Rosa
installation, maintenance. We strive to
create gardens that are functional and
stimulating to the senses.
California Human Development
405 Grove St, Healdsburg
(707) 433-6652
Mon– Sat 7am to 12pm
2nd Street, Fulton
(one block west of downtown)
Mon – Fri, 7am to 12pm
Fair pay for a fair day’s work: (CHD) Day
Labor Centers located in Healdsburg,
Fulton. These centers provide laborers a
safe place to negotiate a fair wage and give
contractors and residents a one-stop shop
for the help they need.
Centro Laboral de Graton - 27
(Graton Day Labor Center)
Work with dignity and respect!
2981 Bowen St, Graton
Hiring Hours
Mon-Sat. 6:30-11 am, Sun. 8-12
Dependable, hard-working men and
women workers are available seven days
a week to meet all your labor needs! Yard
clean-up, pruning, planting, digging,
painting, help with events and more. Stop
by the center to hire. You may also call
or email us in advance at hireworkers@
Creative Environments - 16
1550 Gravenstein Hwy S, Sebastopol
707 827-7980
A full-service landscape firm widely
recognized for innovative design and
quality installations at reasonable prices.
Water features, outdoor kitchens, erosion
control to garden enhancements.
David Beazlie, BSLA
707 887-7042
I design gardens that match you taste,
interests, needs, and budget as well
as restore soil to health, sustain birds
and butterflies and provide humans
with climate resilient, beautiful edible
landscapes. He creates water-conserving
gardens of California native plants.
DeLopez Landscaping
Design, construction and maintenance
services for commercial, residential, and
estate properties. We serve Sonoma,
Marin and Napa counties. Licensed,
insured, and bonded
Details Landscape Art
We take a great deal of pride in our work,
and our landscaping reflects a commitment
to our clients and to our art.
DK Landscapes
7425 Mitchell Drive, Rohnert Park
management, cleanup, and irrigation
Earthworks Landscaping - 19
A small dedicated crew specializing in
drought tolerant landscape design and
construction, including stone walls,
pathways, patios. license #921247
Edmond Joseph Landscape - 20
Specializing in fire-safe landscapes,
drought tolerant gardens and irrigation
systems designed to support gardens in
drought conditions.
Equinox Landscape
1435 Technology Lane, Ste. B11, Petaluma
707-789-9786 or 415-456-6480
Leading edge permaculture design,
responsible, quality installations, and
organic, soil-based maintenance.
Garden of Ease
Residential and commercial landscapes as
well as landscape management, custom
landscaping features, and more.
Gardens of the Wine Country
Santa Rosa
Our primary focus is landscape
development and landscape management
of high quality estates, fine homes,
winery grounds, country inns, and ‘select’
commercial properties.
28 - -3/16
Gardenworks Inc. - 24
20325 Geyserville Ave, Geyserville
707 857-2050 or 707 433-7368
Designing, building and enhancing
quality landscapes throughout Sonoma
and Napa Counties. We strive for nothing
but excellence in our landscape services by
collaborating with our customers.
Geared for Growing Landscapes
12020 Old Redwood Hwy, Healdsburg
We can design, construct, and maintain
your garden. Using the latest in water
saving technology, low maintenance
and sustainable garden practices, we can
design/build landscape features such as
stone patios, Outdoor kitchens, walkways,
retaining walls, fire pits, lighting, water
features, bocci ball courts and themed
plantings. Free consultation.
Gill Landscape, Inc.
9878 Mill Station Rd.
Sebastopol, CA 95472
In the 34 plus years as a premier landscape
company, the Gill family has extended
our core values of integrity, respect and
dedication to every project.
Greenman Nursery - 28
2833 Old Gravenstein Hwy, (West of Todd
Rd.), Sebastopol
Open Fri-Mon 10-5 or by Appointment.
Full service landscape nursery offering
consultation, design, and installation.
Display gardens and growing grounds.
Kid and dog-friendly!
Louisa Ernst
Full scale design, Consultation and advice
on garden heath, use, aesthetic and practical
value of the landscape. Restoration and
or enhancement of existing landscapes.
Landscape maintenance.
Hart Horticulture - 31
Jamie Hart Sandoval
Monte Rio
A full-service, premiere landscaping
company. We have built thousands of
different landscapes and projects, each one
unique and different.
Heavy Gear Enterprises
PO Box 532, Forestville
Licensed contractor. Skid Steer, Dump
truck, Water truck for potable water.
We have a broad range of services for
gardeners and landscapers.
Hillside Landscaping and Design
4005 Bodega Ave, Petaluma
A full-service landscaping company
specializing in GREEN landscape design,
walkways, patios, stonework, concrete,
garden walls and more.
J.R. Townsend Landscape Services
CA Lic; 997137
Services include: Landscape design &
installation; High efficiency irrigation
system design and installation; Major tree
care, removal & stump grinding; Flagstone
& concrete paver installation; Outdoor
construction: fencing, awnings, decks &
more; Artificial lawn installation; Low
voltage lighting; Knowledgeable staff; Free
estimates; Maintenance services available;
Fully insured to a minimum of $1,000,000;
“A” rated with the BBB.
Joe Monte Landscapes
10300 Hwy 12, Kenwood
USGBC’s Emerging Green Builders of
water efficient garden. LEED AP.
Kate Anchordoguy Landscape, Inc.
PO Box 1579, Sebastopol
A “design/build” landscape contracting
company, installing projects from intimate
pocket gardens to estates. Unique gardens
designed to thrive in hot sun to cool shade.
Kim Kabot Landscape Specialist
PO Box 2895, Petaluma
Consultations, Coaching, Design –
Installation, Fine Garden Care, Irrigation
Installation and Repair. QWEL certified.
Construction, Inc. - 35
160 Wikiup Dr. Suite 206,
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
From patios and decks to waterfalls and
ponds we offer a variety of breathtaking
designs that can be custom tailored to
your particular wants and desires. With
Manzanita Landscape Construction, Inc.
the sky’s the limit – let us design what you
have in mind!
Mariposa Garden Magic
Northwest Santa Rosa
Horticulturist propagating, cultivating,
and maintaining California Native
and compatible Mediterranean plants.
Consulting, design and contract growing
habitat plants for pollinators & beneficial
insects, year-round flowers, organic.
LANDSCAPERS cont’d on page 29
LANDSCAPERS Cont’d from psge 28
Mindful Landscapes
Healthy Sustainable Practices & Organic
Designer, Organic Farmer, Maintenance &
Construction. Stairways. Lighting, Fruits &
Vegetables, Regenerative Pruning.
Mountain Meadow Landscape - 38
Sustainable designs, Horticultural-based
plant & tree care, Organic pest control
solutions, Compost tea soil enhancement,
Pond & Water Feature design &
Nature’s Tailor Landscape Design
PO Box 1211, Windsor
Landscape design, rock artistry & stone
elements such as retaining walls, walkways
and patios. Complete woodworking such
as fencing, gates, deck & deck covers and
trellises. Install custom lighting to best
highlight your new landscaping features
and irrigation systems to keep your
gardens growing and lawns green.
Pacific Landscapes, Inc. - 40
2833 Old Gravenstein Highway, Sebastopol
Professional landscape management with
personalized customer service. Serving
Sonoma County since 2000.
Pacific Open Space, Inc.
PO Box 660, Petaluma
An environmental restoration firm
specializing in the management and
enhancement of California native plant
and wildlife communities.
Permaculture Artisans - 42
2185 Gravenstein Hwy S, Sebastopol
Full-service ecological landscape and farm
company. We design, build and maintain
quality land based systems.
Planet Horticulture Landscape
Design & Construction - 43
415 827 4342
management, promotion of bio-diversity,
and making landscapes people friendly.
Poteracke Landscape Design & Build
Hardscapes, Fire Features, Outdoor
Ridgeline Landscape Gardening
Specializing in custom residential and
small commercial landscape installations
since 1985.
Seescape Landscape by Robert A Freese
Santa Rosa, Ca
installation. Robert has over 50 years of
landscape knowledge. Also visit Roberts
Nursery @ Rtrees Wholesale Nursery.
Sonoma Mission Gardens
851 Craig Ave, Sonoma
Nursery: 707-938-5775
Landscape: 707-938-5743
We are a licensed contractor (CL #771779)
specializing in plantings, irrigation and
hardscape projects associated with our full
service nursery and garden materials.
Sonoma Mountain Landscape
8091 Petaluma Hill Rd, Penngrove
We strive to conserve water and energy;
protect water and air quality; reduce waste
to landfill; improve soil structure; enhance
wildlife habitat; source materials locally
and re-use materials onsite.
Studio Wildwood
10300 Hwy 12, Kenwood
Restoration, Planting & Pruning
Sweetwater Landscape
Certified Aquascape Contractor, Qualified
Water Effecient Landscape (QWEL).
Sweetwater Landscape is an award
winning Master Certified Aquascape
Contractor specializing in sustainablenaturalistic Ecosystem ponds, Pondless
waterfalls and water features that provide
water to pollinators and animal life. Water
features, pavers, flagstone, retaining walls,
planting, and water saving irrigation.
Terra Botanica Landscape
Marlene Slutsky, Horticulturist
Design, installation, ongoing maintenance
and instruction. Consultations available.
Valley Oak Landscaping, Inc.
4028 Santa Rosa Ave.
Santa Rosa, California 95407
Your landscape design, maintenance,
and management professionals – with
top quality workmanship and affordable
pricing. We take the time to understand
your needs, then strive to earn your loyalty
with yet another job well done.
Wyatt Irrigation
747 Yolanda Ave, Santa Rosa
1016 Lakeville St, Petaluma
707-762-3747 x2200
Wyatt Irrigation Supply provides superior
custom designs and products for both
residential and commercial customers.
3/16 - - 29
Garden Clubs & Organizations
8th & Bee Homestead & Resilience Guild
4 8th Street, Petaluma
A Petaluma homesteading project.
Through curated and communitycontributed content, virtual events, and
visuals, our mission is to provide you
with practical, bite-sized solutions and
inspiration to grow food, build soil and selfresiliency. We offer tours of the homestead
to get a sense of urban farming on a smallscale (1/8 acre). Through conversations
with experts in online conferences and
webinars, we explore topics ranging from
food forests and permaculture to carbon
farming, fibershed, beekeeping, and more.
Come explore our growing homestead!
American Fuchsia Society - Sebastopol
We meet the 4th Friday of every month
at SCA same address 11am-1pm. Must be
a member to attend - come join us if you
love fuchsias. We have a raffle - so come
join us - share cuttings and have fun
with us! Sebastopol Center for the Arts.
Veterans’ Building, 282 South High Street,
Sebastopol. INFO: Contact: Gerri Crane at
707-415-892-5808 or Facebook - Sebastopol
Fuchsia Friends.
Community Garden Network of Sonoma
County (CGNSC)
(707) 544-6911
CGN, a program of Community Action
Partnership of Sonoma County, works
to promote community gardening and
healthy eating, support creation of new
community gardens, and help the 90
existing community gardens in Sonoma
County meet their full potential for
production of affordable, healthy food and
enhancement of community vitality.
Community Seed Exchange
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church
500 Robinson Rd.
Join us in creating a repository of locally
grown organic seed and a network of seed
savers in Sonoma County. We gather the
last Saturday of the month to work in the
seed garden, share seed and learn about
seed saving. Free monthly classes. Check
website for details Our seed library has
over 200 varieties of locally grown seed
available free to gardeners. Extended Seed
Library hours January – May: Wednesdays
from 4:00pm- 5:30pm
Daily Acts
P.O. Box 293, Petaluma
Check website for complete listing of
community projects and opportunities
to volunteer. Classes include greywater,
rainwater catchment, and lawn to food
DIGS (Digging In Gardens in Sonoma)
Garden club made up of master gardeners
and garden enthusiasts. We get together
for fellowship and to further our own
knowledge of gardening. We meet the
first Thur of each month at 7pm at Garden
Valley Ranch, 498 Pepper Rd. in Petaluma.
INFO: Jilda Hellinga 415-686-0886 or email
Green Thumb Garden Club
Carolyn Atkins, President
Meets 4th Wed of the month @
at Cloverdale Springs Lodge, 215
Mountain Drive, Cloverdale. Oct ~
with alternative events in Dec. May.
and April.
Greywater Action - For a Sustainable
Water Culture
We are a collaborative of educators who
teach residents and tradespeople about
affordable and simple household water
systems that dramatically reduce water
use and foster sustainable cultures of
water. Through hands-on workshops
and presentations, we’ve led thousands
of people through greywater system
design and construction, and work
with policymakers and water districts
to develop codes and incentives for
greywater, rainwater harvesting, and
composting toilets. We believe that
decentralized conservation measures can
play a critical role in drought resilience,
climate adaptation, and the return of
healthy stream ecosystems. Our teaching
tools include interactive models of
composting toilets and greywater systems,
presentations, and design and installation
Healdsburg Garden Club
A volunteer organization that meets at
the Villa Chanticleer Annex, 1248 N. Fitch
Mountain Rd. Check website calendar for
meeting dates, times, and programs.
encouragement for people to grow their
own fruit and vegetables – inspire people
to create neighborhood garden groups and
new community gardens, and help people
find local sources of healthy food. See
BLOG postings on seasonal garden topics
at, as well as the
garden-related events calendar.
Men’s Garden Club of Santa Rosa
President: Chet Wilson, Santa Rosa
We meet the 2nd Tues. of every month at
7:00 PM in The Luther Burbank Art and
Garden Center, 2050 Yulupa Ave. in Santa
Our plant sale Apr. 15, 2016 from 9:00
AM to 9:00 PM and Apr. 16, from9:00 to
3:00 at Coddingtown Mall. We will have
approximately 50 varieties of tomatoes,
both Heirloom and Hybrids, a large
selection of geraniums and succulents and
other plants that our members have grown.
Spring Home Show at the Sonoma County
fairgrounds on Mar. 18, 19 & 20th.
30 - - 3/16
All proceeds from our plant sales and
exhibit at the Sonoma County Fair go to
scholarships for Sonoma County students
pursuing a career in some form of
Milo Baker Chapter of the California
Native Plant Society
P.O. Box 892 Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Email co-president:
Check website for meeting times and
Membership is open to all. We have
classes, hold plant sales, and encourage the
environmental benefits of gardening with
native plants. General meetings: The third
Tuesday of each month (except for July and
August) we have a General Meeting at the
Luther Burbank Art and Garden Center
at 2050 Yulupa Street in Santa Rosa at 7:30
PM. The meetings include speakers and
presentations of floral interest.
Redwood Empire Rose Society
We are a chapter of the American Rose
Society in Santa Rosa, California. We
meet on the 3rd Thursday the following
months; February, March, April, June,
July, September, October, November and
December, at the Luther Burbank Art &
Garden Center (LBAGC) at 2050 Yulupa
Ave, Santa Rosa CA at 7:00 pm.
Santa Rosa Flower Arrangers Guild
Co-President: Carol Mayo, Petaluma
Co-President: Liz Warren
Santa Rosa Garden Club
The vision of the Santa Rosa Garden Club
is to stimulate the knowledge and love of
gardening, horticulture and floriculture
among the membership and the general
public and to promote and participate
in the restoration, improvement, and
protection of the environment through
programs and actions in civil improvement
and conservation.
Santa Rosa Iris Society
S.R.I.S. is an affiliate to the American Iris
Society and Region 14 of the American
Iris Society. The Santa Rosa Iris Society
meets the second Monday of each month
February thru October at 7:00 p.m. at
Luther Burbank Art & Garden Cntr., 2050
Yulupa Ave., Santa Rosa
School Garden Network
Supports and promotes sustainable garden
and nutrition-based learning programs
in Sonoma County schools, connects
school communities with fresh, locally
grown foods, and provides a forum for
exchanging information and resources.
Sonoma County Herb Association
Barbara Jean (BJ) Avery, Director
P.O. Box 2162 Sebastopol, CA 95473
Check us out on Facebook! Herb growers,
medicine makers, educators, practitioners,
gardeners and students. Website details all
activities and resources provided by this
group, or send email to be put on our email
list. ALSO INCLUDES Sonoma County
Herb Exchange, a clearinghouse for high
quality, locally grown medicinal herbs.
Sonoma County Orchid Society
Kathie Hile:
Sonoma County Orchid Society Meetings:
Our club meets the secondTuesday of each
month, except September and December,
at 6:30 p.m. at the Santa Rosa Veterans
Building, 1351 Maple Avenue, Santa
Rosa, 95404. Each month we have a guest
speaker, orchids for sale and an orchid
raffle. Guests are always welcome.
Sonoma County Master Gardeners
UC Master Gardener Program
1133 Aviation Blvd. Ste 109, Santa Rosa
(707) 565-2608
M-F 9-12 1-4
Master Gardeners are volunteers trained
and certified by the University of
California Cooperative Extension (UCCE)
in the fields of gardening and horticulture
providing information and technical
assistance to gardeners.
Sonoma County Orchid Society
Our purpose is to foster the growth and
preservation of native and hybrid orchids
in Sonoma County and around the world.
The Society is open to hobbyists and
professionals, novice to expert, all are
welcome. We are here to learn, share and
have fun! We meet on the second Tuesday
of each month at the Veterans Memorial
Building, 1351 Maple Avenue, Santa Rosa.
Doors open at 6:30pm with plant sales and
skill sessions (if any) starting at 6:45. The
meeting ends between 9:00 and 9:30pm.
Members may attend all meetings and
guests are welcome.
Valley of the Moon Garden Club
We promote interest in gardening - Use
water-wise, native, and pollinator plants
in landscaping - Protect natural habitats
and environments - Emphasize organic
practices - Share gardening knowledge
and contribute to our local community. We
have twelve monthly meetings each year.
Nine monthly meetings are part of the
Speaker Series and provide informative
gardening topics, refreshments, and a
garden raffle following the speaker. They
are held at the Sonoma Veteran’s Memorial
Hall, 126 First St. West, in Sonoma, CA, on
the first Thursday of the month. There is
a “Meet and Greet” at 6:30 p.m. with the
speaker presentation at 7 p.m. The other
three meetings, held at various locations,
are devoted to the member potluck/picnics,
and the December holiday celebration.
Windsor Garden Club
P.O. Box 892, Windsor
707-931-GROW (4769)
The goal of the Club is to educate the
community on horticultural topics,
stimulate interest in the beautification of
the Town of Windsor, and to engage in
charitable activities. Our general meeting
is the 3rd Tues at 6:30 p.m. at the Windsor
Senior Center, 9231 Foxwood Dr, Windsor.
FIND our Advertisers located on the MAP!
MAP#.. ADVERTISER................................ PAGE #
1............. 8th & Bee Homestead......................................... 12
2............. Antiquarian & Florabunda............................... 13
3............. Apple Blossom Nursery.................................... 31
4............. Attune Landscaping...........................................9
5............. Bamboo Sourcery.................................................6
6............. Beekind Honey & Bee Store................................8
7............. Bennett Valley Gardens..................................... 21
8............. Blue Barrel Rainwater Catchment......................7
9............. BoDean Company Quarry..................................2
10............ Bohan & Canelis Engineering ......................... 31
11............ Burgess Lumber.................................................. 12
12............ California Flora Nursery................................... 18
13............ Canyon Rock Quarry ........................................ 12
14............ Cloverdale Chair................................................ 27
15............ Cloverdale Nursery............................................ 18
16............ Creative Environments...................................... 29
17............ Deep Roots Garden Supply_............................ 24
18............ DryScape Landscape Materials..........................3
19............ Earthworks Landscaping.................................... 4
19............ Earthworks Landscaping - Fences.....................6
20............ Edmond Joseph Landscape............................... 29
21............ Emerisa Gardens..................................................4
22........... Fine Tree Care..................................................... 32
23............ Garden Girls ....................................................... 25
24............ Gardenworks Inc................................................ 31
25............ Garrett Ace Hardware....................................... 15
26............ Grab N’ Grow Soil Products............................. 23
27............ Graton Day Labor Center.................................. 29
28............ Greenman Nursery............................................ 20
29............ Hallberg Butterfly Gardens................................2
30........... Harmony Nursery & Farm Supply....................8
31............ Hart Horticulture Landscapes......................... 25
32............ Instant Jungle Bamboo & Palm Nursery........ 18
33............ Johnson Ornamental & Building Stone........... 10
34........... M-4 Specialties Outdoor Furniture.................. 20
35............ Manzanita Landscape Construction, Inc;....... 11
36............ Matthew Banchero’s Tree Service.................... 27
37............ Momijii Nursery - Japanese Maples..................6
38............ Mountain Meadow Landscape......................... 15
39............ Occidental Arts & Ecology Center................... 10
40........... Pacific Landscapes Inc....................................... 31
41............ Passanisi Home & Garden................................ 20
42........... Permaculture Artisans........................................9
43........... Planet Horticulture..............................................4
44........... Pond & Garden Nursery................................... 31
45........... Prickett’s Nursery.................................................3
46........... Quarry Hill Botanical Gardens........................ 10
47............ R-TREES Wholesale Nursery..............................6
48........... RAMM Rock Supply..........................................25
49............ Russian River Rose Co. ..................................... 13
50........... Sandborn Tree Service....................................... 19
51............ Sebastopol Hardware ........................................ 21
52............ Sequoia Landscape Material............................. 20
53............ Sonoma County Water Agency.......................... 5
54........... Sonoma Horticulture Nurery........................... 31
55............ Sonoma Landworks..............................................7
56............ Sonoma Valley Wholesale Nursery................. 18
57............ The Seed Bank.......................................................9
58............ The Supply Place/Garrett Hardware...............22
59............ Thrive Hydroponics........................................... 31
60............ Walker Avenue Nursery ..................................... 7
61............ West County Oasis Bamboo Nursery.............. 19
62............ Western Hills Garden........................................ 13
63........... Wild Toad Nursery............................................. 31
64........... Wildwood Nursery & Garden.......................... 31
The Sonoma County Gazette
features a Garden Section with
Gardeners Calendar
for classes, seminars, plants sales &
more. The calendar can be found in
our print editon and on our websites
THANK YOU for supporting
© 2016 VESTA Publishing LLC - Sonoma County Gazette, 6490 Front Street, Forestville, CA 95436
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