The ultimate guide for
The ultimate guide for
The ultimate guide for marketing, advertising, printing, communication and production services in Canada. PM 40070230 R 08985 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: One Mount Pleasant Road, Toronto, CANADA M4Y 2Y5 Now with 50,000 sq ft and lots of new equipment to serve you better. LITHO . WIDE FORMAT . DIGITAL . VARIABLE . WEB marketing financial . packaging . retail print . direct mail OUR SECRET IS SERVICE 300 Line Screen Litho | G R ACoL 7 Master Printer | F SC & S F I Certified 800 Cochrane Drive, Markham, Ontario L3R 8C9 T 905.944.9444 1.877.602.3737 | F 905.944.9111 | | 3 Contact list Executive Publisher, Marketing Group Christopher Loudon (416) 764-1603 Production Manager Lillian Maksymyszyn (416) 764-1690 Publisher, Canadian Printer Pamela Kirk (416) 764-1573 Circulation Manager Duncan Palmer (416) 764-3860 Director of Sales Lucy Collin (416) 764-1582 Circulation Manager Bibi Khan (416) 764-1450 Circulation/Subscriptions Sales Manager Carol Leighton (416) 764-1544 1-800-720-8916 Sales Manager Desirée Creed (416) 764-1619 Sales Manager Hayley Humenick (416) 764-1575 Quebec Sales Manager Yves Jalbert (514) 843-2518 Inside Sales Representative Aldo Russo (416) 764-1597 Management Rogers Media Inc. Anthony P. Viner, President and CEO Rogers Publishing Limited Brian Segal, President and CEO John Milne, SVP Business & Professional Publishing Michael Fox, SVP Immee Chee Wah, Patrick Renard, VPs The Big Book Source Guide 2010 is a 100% paid readership comprising marketing managers, creative directors, communication officers, event marketers, vice-presidents and presidents, new media managers and publishers across Canada. Information included in listings has been carefully compiled and checked, and is believed to be accurate. Information contained in listings and advertisements is the expression of the clients whose services are described. In neither case can the publishers be held responsible for accuracy. Contents COPYRIGHT ©2010, and may not be reproduced in any manner without the publisher's written authorization. Canadian Printer and Marketing are published by Rogers Publishing Limited, a division of Rogers Media Inc. One Mount Pleasant Road, 7th Floor, Toronto, ON M4Y 2Y5 Single copy sales $99 plus shipping and tax. Fax 416.764.1722 Publication mail agreement #40070230 Registration number 08985 4 Welcome It gives great pleasure to introduce the first annual Big Book Source Guide 2010! The Big Book Source Guide covers everything from Prepress services, bindery and finishing, to digital marketing and event marketing services. The wide diversity of listings in this year’s guide represents a unique partnership between Canadian Printer and Marketing. Canadian Printer, along with CARDonline, Monday Report on Retailers, Marketing and Marketing QC are now all part of the Marketing Group within the Rogers Media Business and Professional Publishing Group. This year’s Big Book Source Guide is distributed to over 20,000 key contacts across the country, including the qualified Canadian Printer list as well as the Marketing magazine list. This makes the 2010 Big Book the most widely distributed resource of its kind in Canada. We hope you find many of your 2010 projects made easier with this resource, and that you will find yourself referring to it again and again. As our team is always looking for feedback and striving to deliver the best products to our audiences, please contact me directly with any comments or questions. Yours truly, Christopher Loudon Executive Publisher, Marketing Group Pamela Kirk Publisher, Canadian Printer 5 table of contents Contact List.......................................................................................................................3 Welcome Letter................................................................................................................4 Company Index.............................................................................................................6-9 Agencies......................................................................................................................... 11 Bindery Finishing...........................................................................................................23 Commercial Production................................................................................................27 Creative Services...........................................................................................................33 Digital Marketing...........................................................................................................39 Direct Marketing............................................................................................................45 Event Marketing.............................................................................................................49 Flexo Package Printing..................................................................................................55 Large Format..................................................................................................................59 Marketing Services........................................................................................................63 Niche Marketing.............................................................................................................71 Premiums & Incentives.................................................................................................81 Printing & Prepress........................................................................................................84 Public Relations........................................................................................................... 109 Sales Promotion.......................................................................................................... 115 6 company Index 29-Print Machine....................................... 87 Catalyst Sponsorship Consulting inc...... 69 5th Element Events................................... 52 Celebrity Events Network......................... 51 Access Imaging Inc................................... 61 Cenveo McLaren Morris & Todd.............. 92 Adams+Co..................................................14 CFMT-TV (OMNI.1) OMNI Television.........76 Adcom Communications..........................14 Chantler Packgaing Inc............................. 57 Adhoc / Phetomical................................... 61 Cheques Now Inc...................................... 92 Adress-o-Matic Mailing............................ 87 China Syndrome Productions Inc. . ....31,76 Adz Media Monitoring.............................. 36 CHNM-TV (OMNI BC) OMNI Television....74 Al Media Movers Inc..............32,35,36,44,76 CJCO-TV (OMNI Calgary) Allard Johnson Communications Inc.......14 OMNI Televison......................................... 73 Allegra Print & Imaging............................ 87 CJEO-TV (OMNI Edmonton) 87 OMNI Television........................................ 73 AMCL Lithographie Ltd............................ 87 CJMT-TV (OMNI.2) OMNI Television.........76 Anderson DDB Health & Lifestyle.......14,21 Coclhester Printing Company.................. 92 Annex Publishing & Printing................... 90 Commercial Printers (Startford) Limited.92 Apex Trade Web......................................... 98 Contac Services........................................ 65 Arcade Agency Inc. .................................. 36 Converting Supply Inc.............................. 57 Arts & Communications........................... 54 Copywell.................................................... 92 Ashworth Associates Inc. ...................... 112 Corrweb Litho Inc..................................... 92 AsiaNetwork Canada............................54,76 Cowan & Company Communications Backstage Events Inc. ......................... 51,53 Inc.............................................................. 112 Best Deal Graphics & Printing................. 97 CP Ad Lineup............................................. 91 BG Communications/We Are Your Type.. 90 Cundari.......................................................15 Black............................................................15 David Wilson Consulting.......................... 94 Boire Filler Group ............................47,67,68 Davis Display & Event Productions Boom Works Enterprises Inc...............12, 21 Inc.......................................................... 53,54 Brand Matters Inc......................................19 Diablito Design Group...............................15 Bravada Consumer Communications Inc..15 Diamond Printers...................................... 61 Briers Design & Print Inc.......................... 90 Diana Robinson & Associates................. 113 Brymark Promotions Inc.......................... 90 Digital Editions Ltd................................... 61 C&I Graphics............................................. 90 Dollco Printing.......................................... 94 Canadian Marketing Association............. 65 Douglas Marketing Group........................16 Canpak Trade Print and Services Inc....... 90 Douglas Printing....................................... 95 7 company Index Dura Products Enterprises Inc................. 25 Gill Studios, Inc......................................... 99 EACH New Design.................................... 37 Givex..................................................... 68,83 Earthsmart Printing & Emvelopes........... 95 Golden Eye Media Inc..........................16,77 Eastend Bindery Limited.......................... 25 Graphic Finishers...................................... 25 Eastroad Design........................................ 36 Graphic Whizard Inc................................. 25 Eclipse Colour and Imaging Greystone Greeters (a division of Corporation.......................................... 61,95 Greystone Design + Communications Edgeley Printing........................................ 96 Inc.)............................................. 32,41,44,66 Edna Talent Management Ltd.................. 30 Grovetree Press........................................ 25 Engine Digital............. 16,21,36,43,78,79,118 Hale! Marketing........................................ 69 Envelopes Unlimited................................ 96 Hawligraph Inc...........................................16 Environics Communications Inc..78,111,112 Hi Tech Printing & Copies Ltd................... 99 Environmental Control Systems............. 96 Hiflex Corporation of North America...... 99 ExpoSystems Canada............................... 54 Hold Please Communications........ 30,65,73 Extravalue Network.................................. 97 House Ad................................................... 82 Fairchild Radio Calgary I.D. Aprint Inc...........................................100 CHKF – FM 94.7..........................................74 IBEC Training & Consulting.....................100 Fairchild Radio Toronto iContent..................................................... 35 CHKT – AM1430........................................ 77 Imageworks Print & Prepress.................. 94 Fairchild Radio Vancouver Imformation Logs....................................100 CJVB - AM 1470 & CHKG - FM 96.1......... 75 Impressions De Beauce Inc.....................100 Field Day Inc..........................................16,19 Imprimerie Contact Inc............................100 Final Imprint Ltd........................................ 25 in french only inc./in spanish too! Firebrand Interactive Inc................ 42,44,83 Translations............................................... 38 First Light.................................................. 31 Ink Management Solutions...................... 57 Flap & Seal Envelopes.............................. 97 International Binding & Laminating 57 Systems, Inc.............................................. 25 Francotyp-Postalia Canada Inc................ 97 IQ Partners Inc........................................... 68 Free For All marketing Inc................... 51,52 J. Gotthiel Marketing Communications Freelancers Unlimited.............................. 36 Inc.....................................................16,67,118 Gage Print & Design................................. 99 Jackson Marketing Corp....................... 17,43 Gelderland Limited................................... 99 Jigsaw Advertising INC.............................17 Giclee Printing-Art & Décor Services...... 99 Kansept Studio.........................................100 8 company Index Kayjon Graphiques Inc............................100 National Public Relations........................ 111 Keith Brumby & Associates..................... 32 New Forms Inc.........................................103 Kim Hurdon Casting................................. 31 North of Seven Creative Agency.... 17,36,44 Kit................................................................19 OneMethod Inc. Digital + Design....... 43,78 KTS Digital Services Inc..........................101 Optiprint...................................................103 Les Impressions Stampa Inc...................101 Outlook Promotions Inc.................... 52, 117 Lithorock Printing Limited.......................101 Panic & Bob Editing.................................. 32 Loudspeaker Communications......53,67,112 Paperstuff.................................................103 Mackintosh Flexo-Gravure Limited......... 58 Papier CCT................................................. 58 Macquick Printing....................................101 Paris Graphic............................................103 Magic Preproductions Inc.......................101 Partners & Edell.........................................17 Mailing Innovations.................................. 25 Pazazz......................................................... 58 Marblemedia............................................. 20 Peel Graphics...........................................103 Mark IV Promotions Inc................ 68,117,118 Pentagon Graphics..................................104 Markham Offset.......................................101 Perfect Proofing & Edit............................. 37 Master Copy ............................................102 Performance Envelope and Printing Inc..104 MAT Communication.......................... 66,70 Peters Steel Rule Dies.............................. 26 McLaren Press Graphics Limited............102 Planet Publications Inc............................104 MD International......................................102 PMB (Print Measurement Bureau).......... 68 Meadwell............................................... 17,20 Postage Savers Inc.............................. 26,46 Medalion Lightbox Manufacturing.......... 61 Prime Advertising Co. Ltd................... 75,77 Mediagraphics.........................................102 Print Master\Address-o-matic Mercer Creative Group..............................17 Mailing......................................................104 Mi5 Print & Digital Printer Gateway Inc.................................104 Communications............................26,61,102 Process Web Inc.......................................104 Millenium Printing.................................... 88 Proshot Event Photography Inc............... 38 MLS Data Management Solutions.......... 47 Quadrant Marketing Ltd................... 117, 118 20,67 Rad Printing Incorporated.......................105 Morin Public Relations............................ 113 Radio Marketing Bureau.......................... 65 Mormark Print Productions Inc...............102 Railton Resources....................................105 Multicultural Marketing Ad...................... 80 Rapid Printing Kelowna...........................105 Multimedia Staging Inc....................... 42,44 Re:word Communications....................... 37 Myestimator!............................................103 Remedy Communications..... 19,35,43,67,79 9 company Index Research & Incite Consultants............ 66,70 Trail Bay Printers Ltd...............................108 Research Now........................................... 66 Transcend Publicite Inc..............................19 38 Tri-Graphic Printing.................................108 Ricter Web Printing Ltd............................105 Tri-Tech (Canada) Inc...............................108 Rileys...................................................62,105 TWG Communications..............................18 Roni Feldman & Associates Inc..... 51,52,53 Twist Marketing Inc................................. 117 RSP Bindery.............................................. 26 Universal Printing....................................108 Sales Promotion Services Inc................. 118 Up Inc..................................18,20,35,37,42,11 Sdmg.....................................................18,47 Voxtalent - Canada’s Non Union Volceover Seven Seventy Productions....................106 Talent Agency....................................... 29,31 Sina Printing Inc.......................................106 Wakeham & Associates............................ 54 Snz Trading Inc.........................................106 Watermark Advertising Design Ltd.....18,21 Spectracolor Trade Woodruff Sweitzer.....................................18 Printing.............................. IFC,26,62,86,106 WordCheck Translation............................. 38 Storeimage................................................ 62 Writer for Rent | W4R................................ 35 Studentawards Inc.................................... 79 Sun Printing.......................................93, 106 Sunrise Printing Inc.................................106 Superscan Limited.................................... 58 Sure Print and Copy Centre..................... 62 Talentvision...........................................76,78 Tamm..........................................................18 Taylor Label............................................... 58 Teckmark.................................................... 96 Teldon Print Media...................................107 Tembec For Kallima.................................107 The Cumberland Press Ltd......................107 The Print Whizard Inc...............................107 The Printers Helper Inc............................. 26 The Printing House Ltd............................107 The Ultimate Printing Company.............108 Timex Group Canada, Inc........................ 83 Trade Letterpress Services Ltd................ 95 BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH Break through with a BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH CallBLAH Jamie BLAH Fisher BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH at 514.937.1446 BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH 14 AGENCIES Advertising Adams+Co. 111 E. 61st Ave. Vancouver, BC V5X 2B3 Tel: 604.725.9910 Fax: 778.330.4095 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Laurie Adams By offering clients a virtual agency, Adams+Co. is responsible for tapping into the best skill sets from across Canada with a strategic A Team of creative, technology and media alliances. Adcom Communications 440 Reynolds St. Oakville, ON L6J 3M4 Tel: 905.845.3715 Fax: 905.845.9515 Website: Contact: Janice Johnston, President Allard Johnson Communications Inc. 2 Bloor Street E., Suite 2600 Toronto, ON M4W 3J4 Tel: 416.260.7000 Fax: 416.260.7100 E-mail: Website: Contact: Terry Johnson, President & CEO 555 René Levesque Ouest, bureau 1700, Montreal, QC H2Z 1B1 A fully integrated communications company specializing in strategic planning, multimedia, interactive and direct marketing solutions. Anderson DDB Health & Lifestyle 33 Bloor Street E., Suite 1300 Toronto, ON M4W 3H1 Tel: 416.960.3830 Fax: 416.960.5531 E-mail: Website: Contact: Kevin Brady, President 15 AGENCIES BLACK 510 Front Street West, Suite 101 Toronto, ON M5V 3H3 Tel: 416.979.0159 Fax: 416.979.0619 E-mail: Website: Contact: Dean Black, President Cundari 26 Duncan Street Toronto, ON M5V 2B9 Bravada Consumer 1470 Peel, Tower A, Suite 650 Montreal, QC H3A 1T1 Communications Inc. 105 Park Street Waterloo, ON N2L 1Y3 Tel: 519.745.1333 Fax: 519.742.1791 E-mail: Website: Contact: Roman Ciecwierz, Managing Partner Tel: 416.510.1771 Fax: 416.510.1769 Toll-Free: 1.866.510.2230 E-mail: E-mail: Website: Contact: Aldo Cundari, Chairman & CEO Contact: Kelly Frances, Director Relationship Marketing One of Canada’s largest independently owned communications agencies, Cundari’s Toronto and Montreal offices provide the following integrated offerings: research, branding, advertising, design, digital, social media, direct, strategic and media planning. Diablito Design Group 38 Acorn Ave. Toronto, ON M9B 3P9 Tel: 416.843.5737 Fax: 416.234.1317 E-mail: Website: Contact: Marko Vejar 16 AGENCIES Douglas Marketing Group 1501 Howard Avenue, Suite 203 Windsor, ON N8X 3T5 Tel: 519.258.1858 Fax: 519.258.1650 E-mail: Website: Contact: Kay Douglas Engine Digital 21 Water Street, Suite 404 Vancouver, BC V6B 1A1 Tel: 604.684.3330 Fax: 604.685.3323 E-mail: Website: Contact: Stephen Beck Engine is a creative digital agency. We personify brands to connect, inspire, and mobilize consumers. The unique experiences we craft promote brand evolution through storytelling and interaction on a conversational level. field day Inc. 171 East Liberty Street, Suite 320 Toronto, ON M6K 3P6 Tel: 416.408.4446 Fax: 416.408.4447 E-mail: Website: Contact: Andrew Arntfield Golden Eye Media Inc. 2800 John Street, Unit 16 Markham, ON M2N 7J7 Tel: 416.624.4133 Fax: 905.940.3997 Cellular: 416.624.4133 E-mail: Website: Contact: Farzan Dehmoubed, President Specialize in targeting the Indian, Pakistani, Tamil & Punjabi audience in Canada though our exclusive Bollywood theatres, South Asian Print, Radio & TV. Our 15 years experience ensures the lowest prices and greatest insight for your next South Asian Campaign Hawligraph Inc. 570 Alden Road, Suite 2 Markham, ON L3R 8N5 Tel: 905.940.3394 Fax: 905.940.3306 E-mail: Website: Contact: Aldo Naccarato, Director J. Gottheil Marketing Communications Inc. 15 Sims Crescent, Suite 300 Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1C9 Tel: 905.762.1620 Fax: 905.762.1621 Website: Contact: Jeffrey Gottheil, President 17 AGENCIES Jackson Marketing Corp 8 Market Street, 6th floor Toronto, ON M5E 1M6 Tel: 416.406.2200 Fax: 416.406.2203 Website: Contact: Darryl Jackson, President Jigsaw Advertising INC 3385 Harvester RD, Suite 225 Burlington, ON L7N 3N2 Tel: 905.681.0700 E-mail: Website: Contact: Eamon Cummins Meadwell 4310 Sherwoodtowne Blvd., Suite 302 Mississauga, ON L4Z 4C4 Tel: 905.897.1717 Ext. 223 Fax: 905.897.1625 E-mail: Website: Contact: Kelly Straus, VP Account Director Mercer Creative Group 100-1333 Johnston St. Vancouver, BC V6H 3R9 Tel: 604.689.0880 Fax: 604.689.3036 E-mail: Website: Contact: Terry Mercer Mercer is a full service agency covering Branding, Creative, Conceptual, Graphic Design, Environmental Design, Packaging, Media, On-Line/New Media and Film production. North of Seven Creative Agency 227 Avdell Avenue Woodbridge, ON L4H 1H4 Tel: 905.850.4453 Fax: 905.850.5645 E-mail: Website: Contact: Cecilia Amaral, Creative Director Partners & Edell 548 King Street W., Suite 301 Toronto, ON M5V 1M3 Tel: 416.361.1804 Fax: 416.203.8002 E-mail: Website: Contact: Dennis Edell, President & CEO 18 AGENCIES SDMG Strategic Direct Marketing Group 101, 1209 6th Street SW Calgary, AB T2R 0Z5 Tel: 403.770.2804 Fax: 403.770.2807 E-mail: Website: Contact: Scott A. Martin We’re a boutique agency with a flare for response-based programs. We help companies them reach, acquire, and retain customers with the right message at the right moment through direct media. tamm 250 The Esplanade, Berkeley Hall, Suite #402 Toronto, ON M5A 1J2 Tel: 416.304.0188 Fax: 416.304.0488 Toll-Free: 1.877.679.4909 E-mail: Website: Contact: Ciabh McEvenue, Managing Director With a passion for service and award-winning creativity, we are an employee-owned, full-service advertising agency specializing in employer branding, recruitment advertising, and employee communications. TWG Communications 101 Worthington Street East, Suite 433 North Bay, ON P1B 1G5 Tel: 705.472.1861 Fax: 705.472.2343 E-mail: Website: Contact: Theo Margaritis up inc. Elevating brands powerfully. 488 Wellington Street West, Suite 302 Toronto, ON M5V 1E3 Tel: 416.703.9142 Fax: 416.703.9143 E-mail: Website: Contact: Catherine Sturm B2B, B2C, persuasion, information, positioning, in one-offs or extended campaigns: Up Inc does it. Your competitors will hate it. Watermark Advertising Design Ltd. 815 - 17 Avenue S.W., Suite 290 Calgary, AB T2T 0A1 Tel: 403.228.7949 Fax: 403.245.5443 Website: Contact: Steve Bottoms, President & CEO Woodruff Sweitzer 1200 Kensington Road N.W., Suite 303 Calgary, AB T2N 3P5 Tel: 403.291.2922 E-mail: Website: Contact: Jeff Groeneveld, President & Managing Partner 19 AGENCIES Full Service French Ad Agency Based in Toronto Transcend Publicite Inc Making Québec work. 479 Wellington Street West, 2nd floor Toronto, ON, M5V 1E7, Canada Tel: 416.422.7272 E-mail: Website: Advertising & Brand Consultants Remedy Communications 67 Mowat Avenue, Suite 441 Toronto, ON M6K 3EK Tel: 416.413.7910 Fax: 416.413.9581 E-mail: Website: Contact: D. Thompson Remedy brings together the power of great strategy, innovative ideas, leadingedge technologies and award-winning creative to ensure your brand’s success. We are remedy. Brand Consultants Brand Matters Inc. 220 Bay Street, Suite 600 Toronto, ON M5J 2W4 Tel: 416.923.7476 Ext. 1 Fax: 416.352.0147 E-mail: Website: Contact: Patricia McQuillan, President field day Inc. 171 East Liberty Street, Suite 320 Toronto, ON M6K 3P6 Tel: 416.408.4446 Fax: 416.408.4447 E-mail: Website: Contact: Andrew Arntfield kit 250 The Esplanade, Berkeley Hall, Suite #402 Toronto, ON M5A 1J2 Tel: 416.304.0188 Fax: 416.304.0488 Toll-Free: 1.877.679.4909 E-mail: Website: Contact: Ciabh McEvenue, Managing Director Our brand development/advertising agency delivers ingenious identity design and efficient, high-impact marketing solutions to help your business meet strategic objectives (or at least look and feel like you can). 20 AGENCIES Meadwell 4310 Sherwoodtowne Blvd., Suite 302 Mississauga, ON L4Z 4C4 Tel: 905.897.1717 Ext. 223 Fax: 905.897.1625 E-mail: Website: Contact: Kelly Straus, VP Account Director up inc. Elevating brands powerfully. 488 Wellington Street West, Suite 302 Toronto, ON M5V 1E3 Tel: 416.703.9142 Fax: 416.703.9143 E-mail: Website: Contact: Catherine Sturm Strategy. Design. Words. Three elements from which all successful brands are built and maintained. This is Up Inc’s philosophy and offering, from research to implementation. Brand Integration/ Branded Entertainment marblemedia 74 Fraser Avenue, Suite 200 Toronto, ON M6K 3E1 Tel: 416.646.2711 Fax: 416.646.2717 E-mail: Website: Contact: Lisa Reis Director of Marketing & Brand Integration Business Development 250 Dundas Street South, Suite 236 Cambridge, ON N1R 8A8 Tel: 905.782.4387 E-mail: Website: Contact: Michael Jennings Senior Sales and Marketing Consultants (all with 20+ years of B2B and B2C experience) providing clients with uniquely intergrated Sales and Marketing Strategies and Tactical execution that acheive measurable results. 21 agencies Media Buying & Planning Engine Digital 21 Water Street, Suite 404 Vancouver, BC V6B 1A1 Tel: 604.684.3330 Fax: 604.685.3323 E-mail: Website: Contact: Stephen Beck Watermark Advertising Design Ltd. 815 - 17 Avenue S.W., Suite 290 Calgary, AB T2T 0A1 Tel: 403.228.7949 Fax: 403.245.5443 Website: Contact: Steve Bottoms, President & CEO Quebec Anderson DDB Health & Lifestyle 3500 Blvd. de Maisonneuve W., Suite 610 Westmount, QC H3Z 3C1 Tel: 514.844.9505 Fax: 514.842.9871 E-mail: Website: Contact: Joanne Belsito, Executive Vice President & General Manager Boom Works Enterprises Inc. 1600 Notre-Dame Street W., Suite 304 Montreal, QC H3J 1M1 Tel: 514.937.1446 Fax: 514.937.3207 E-mail: Website: Contact: Jamie Fisher, Partner See our ad on page #12 25 Bindery Finishing dura products enterprises inc. Est: 2007 9-12800 Bathgate Way Richmond, BC V64 1Z4 Tel: 604.244.9393 Fax: 604.244.8408 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Frank Cichon, Sales Manager Printing Specialty: Printing Equipment Eastend Bindery Limited Est: 1974 1840 Birchmount Rd. Toronto, ON M1P 2H7 Tel: 416.321.2333 Fax: 416.321.0650 E-Mail: Website: Contact: George Civello, General Manager Printing Specialty: Bindery/Finishing plasti-coil & wiro binding, high-speed drilling & punching, padding (regular & folding), gate & map folding, perforating, clip sealing, calendar thumb punching, auto paper-banding, kit assembly Final Imprint Ltd. Est: 1990 150 Britannia Rd. E. Mississauga, ON L4Z 2A4 Tel: 905.501.8333 Fax: 905.453.1635 E-Mail: Contact: Dave, President Printing Specialty: Die Cutting Graphic Finishers Est: 2002 43 Millwick Dr. Toronto, ON M9L 1Y4 Tel: 416.745.3456 Fax: 416.749.6662 Other Phone: 1.866.513.8567 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Ash, General Manager Printing Specialty: Bindery Cutting, Wiro/Plasticoil GRAPHIC WHIZARD INC Est: 1987 755 Griffith Court Burlngton, ON L7L 5R9 Tel: 905.633.7663 Fax: 905.637.4419 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Chris Harrington, Director of Sales Canada Printing Specialty: Print Finishing Machinery, Creasing and UV Coating Machinery Grovetree Press Est: 1998 78 Rivalda Road Toronto, ON M9M 2M8 Tel: 416.745.9000 Fax: 416.740.6164 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Mike Heggie, Manager Printing Specialty: Trade Laminating International Binding & Laminating Systems, Inc. Est: 1984 204, 19232 Enterprise Way Surrey, BC V4S 6J9 Tel: 604.574.9508 Fax: 604.574.3407 Other Phone: 1.800.663.8184 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Sherrie Schmidt, Owner Printing Specialty: We sell the finishing equipment and supplies Mailing Innovations Est: 1983 20-3397 American Dr. Mississauga, ON L4V 1T8 Tel: 1.800.565.6645 Fax: 905.677.4480 Other Phone: 905.293.7900 E-Mail: Contact: Kevin Potter, National Sales Manager Printing Specialty: Addressing/mailing 26 bindery finishing Mi5 Print & Digital Communications Est: 2001 800 Cochrane Drive Markham, Ontario L3R 8C9 Tel: 905.944.9444 Fax: 905.944.9111 Toll-Free: 1.877.602.3737 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Derek McGeachie, President Printing Specialty: Litho and Wide Format Print Experts. Marketing, Packaging, Retail Print, Financial, Direct Mail, POP Mi5 has the experience, knowledge and a winning track record of exceptional service. We have the equipment and expertise to manage your print and digital assignments at the leading edge of today’s competitive marketplace. Peters Steel Rule Dies Est: 1971 6-1440 Grahams Lane Burlington, ON L7S 1W3 Tel: 1.800.547.8848 Fax: 1.800.705.9881 Other Phone: 905.631.9004 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Gord Peters, President Printing Specialty: Manufacture steel rule dies and associated tooling POSTAGE SAVERS INC. 1990 Ellesmere Road, Unit #11 Scarborough, ON M1H 2W2 Tel: 416.438.8269 Fax: 416.438.1548 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Suzanne Pichler, Manager Customer Service See our ad on page #46 RSP Bindery Est: 1980 3435 Losch Bld Saint-Hubert, QC J3Y 5T7 Tel: 800.293.1051 Fax: 450.462.3618 Other Phone: 450.462.1051 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Serge Martel, President Printing Specialty: Mecanical binding, collating and European indexing Spectracolor Trade Printing Est: 1969 800 Cochrane Drive Markham, ON L3R 8C9 Tel: 905.477.0407 Fax: 905.477.1911 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Customer service Printing Specialty: Large Litho, Small Litho and Wide Format Print Experts with Full Bindery on-site Spectracolor Trade Printing has the equipment, knowledge & ability to serve your every print need. We pride ourselves on Price and Service with 24hr Prepress, Press, Bindery and Digital Departments. Let’s Talk Print and Save you Money! The Printer’s Helper Inc. Est: 1987 41 Courtland Ave., Unit #3 Concord, ON L4K 3T3 Tel: 905.738.6992 E-Mail: Contact: Don Olson, President Printing Specialty: Letterpress to the trade 30 Commercial Production Audio Production/ Telephone On Hold Messaging Hold Please Communications 3850 Dougall Avenue, P.O. Box 31008 Windsor ON N9G 2Y2 Tel: 519.972.7171 Fax: 519.972.5149 E-mail: Website: Contact: Joe Di Giorgio HPC is an audio marketing company specializing in telephone “on hold” advertising. These audio recordings are designed to increase sales as well as entertain and inform customers while they wait. Casting & Payment Services Edna Talent Management Ltd. 318 Dundas Street W. Toronto, ON M4T 1G5 Tel: 416.413.7800 Fax: 416.413.7804 E-mail: Website: Contact: Edna Khubyar See our ad on page #30 31 Commercial Production Commercial Production VOX TALENT - CANADA’S NON UNION VOICEOVER TALENT AGENCY 1235 Bay Street, 10th Floor Toronto, ON M5R 3K4 Tel: 416.410.4700 Fax: 416.946.1903 E-mail: Website: Contacts: DAN SANDOR - Voice Agent JOHN LEVY - Voice Agent CHRISTINE GRANT - Agent ESTHER BOGYO - Agents Assistant JACKY LEE - Agents Assistant PAUL ANDRE - Agents Assistant LINDA MARTIN - Accounts Manager DAVID CRAIG - Accounts Assistant See our ad on page #29 China Syndrome Productions Inc. 120 West Beaver Creek Road, Unit 23 Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1L2 Tel: 905.886.6373 Fax: 905.886.6300 E-mail: Website: Contact: Paul Yee Kim Hurdon Casting 66 Amroth Avenue Toronto, ON M4C 4H2 Tel: 416.203.6118 Fax: 416.203.6119 E-mail: Website: Contact: Kim Hurdon, CDC We cast for for radio, television, animation, video games, internet and long format and have been doing it for longer than anyone in Canada. Creative Services First Light 9 Davies Ave., Suite 410 Toronto, ON M4M 2A6 Tel: 416.597.8625 E-mail: Website: Contact: Laurie Near, Director of Sales & Research 32 Commercial production Foreign Language Localization Al Media Movers Inc. 110 Sudbury Street Toronto, ON M6J 3S6 Tel: 415.578.3391 Fax: 501.647.4332 Website: Contact: Lawrence Vishnu Online Video Production Greystone Greeters (a division of Greystone Design + Communications Inc.) 29 Nina Place Brampton, ON L7A 2E4 Tel: 416.570.6578 E-mail: Website: Contact: Georgia Mouka, Founder and CEO See our ad on page #41 Post Production Al Media Movers Inc. 110 Sudbury Street Toronto, ON M6J 3S6 Tel: 415.578.3391 Fax: 501.647.4332 Website: Contact: Lawrence Vishnu Panic & Bob Editing 312 Adelaide Street West- Second Floor Toronto, ON M5V 1R2 Tel: 416.504.2020 Fax: 416.504.0266 E-mail: Website: Contact: Samantha McLaren, Executive Producer Video Communications/ Video Production Keith Brumby & Associates Toronto, ON Tel: 416.268.9589 E-mail: Website: 35 creative services Copywriting iContent 20 Crown Steel Dr., Unit 6 Markham, ON L3R 9X9 Tel: 905.415.0558 Fax: 905.415.0071 Toll Free: 1.866.WORDS4U E-mail: Website: Contact: Denise Craine, Director, Client Services Words that sell! We write words that drive results. And we write them for print, web sites and for a wide range of industries including finance, consumer products, pharmaceutical, technology and telecommunications. We are remedy. up inc. Elevating brands powerfully. 488 Wellington Street West, Suite 302 Toronto, ON M5V 1E3 Tel: 416.703.9142 Fax: 416.703.9143 E-mail: Website: Contact: Catherine Sturm At Up Inc, we’re concise when you need concision, flamboyant when you need flamboyance. We’ve taught writing, we’ve won awards, and we’re seriously picky about grammar. Writer for Rent | W4R 233 Lorne Ave. Kitchener, ON N2M 3Y9 Tel: 519.570.3947 E-mail: Website: Contact: Angela Pause, Chief Copywriter Copywriting & Creative Services Al Media Movers Inc. 110 Sudbury Street Toronto, ON M6J 3S6 Tel: 415.578.3391 Fax: 501.647.4332 Website: Contact: Lawrence Vishnu Remedy Communications 67 Mowat Avenue, Suite 441 Toronto, ON M6K 3EK Tel: 416.413.7910 Fax: 416.413.9581 E-mail: Website: Contact: D. Thompson Remedy brings together the power of great strategy, innovative ideas, leadingedge technologies and award-winning creative to ensure your brand’s success. We are remedy. 36 Creative Services Copywriting & Translation Services Al Media Movers Inc. 110 Sudbury Street Toronto, ON M6J 3S6 Tel: 415.578.3391 Fax: 501.647.4332 Website: Contact: Lawrence Vishnu Creative Monitoring Adz Media Monitoring 200 North Service Road W., Unit 1 Suite 445 Oakville, ON L6M 2Y1 Tel: 905.690.2879 E-mail: Website: Contact: Russ Hallam Creative Services Arcade Agency Inc. 360 Dufferin St., Suite 201 Toronto, ON M6K 1Z8 Tel: 416.607.6720 E-mail: Website: Contact: Pablo Mozo, Creative Director Eastroad Design 23 Dalecrest Drive Toronto, ON M4B 1V2 Tel: 647.221.4840 E-mail: Website: Contact: Dennis Forbes Engine Digital 21 Water Street, Suite 404 Vancouver, BC V6B 1A1 Tel: 604.684.3330 Fax: 604.685.3323 E-mail: Website: Contact: Stephen Beck Engine is a creative digital agency. We personify brands to connect, inspire, and mobilize consumers. The unique experiences we craft promote brand evolution through storytelling and interaction on a conversational level. Freelancers Unlimited 477 Richmond St. W., Suite 407 Toronto, ON M5V 3E7 Tel: 416.969.9088 Fax: 416.969.8965 E-mail: Website: Contact: James Gray, President North of Seven Creative Agency 227 Avdell Avenue Woodbridge, ON L4H 1H4 Tel: 905.850.4453 Fax: 905.850.5645 E-mail: Website: Contact: Cecilia Amaral, Creative Director 37 creative services We are remedy. up inc. Elevating brands powerfully. 488 Wellington Street West, Suite 302 Toronto, ON M5V 1E3 Tel: 416.703.9142 Fax: 416.703.9143 E-mail: Website: Contact: Catherine Sturm up inc. Elevating brands powerfully. 488 Wellington Street West, Suite 302 Toronto, ON M5V 1E3 Tel: 416.703.9142 Fax: 416.703.9143 E-mail: Website: Contact: Catherine Sturm From copy to design, print production to digital deployment, Up Inc’s creative direction ensures award-winning quality. And our project managers make it effortless on your part. At Up Inc, we have the creative direction to ensure award-winning quality, the bodies to get it done and the project management to make it effortless on your part. Editing & Proofreading Designers EACH New Design 2035 Cote-de-Liesse, Suite 202 Montreal, Quebec H4N 2M5 Tel: 514.745.8475 Fax: 514.745.6640 E-mail: Website: Contact: Eva Kutyla, Partner - Art Director Perfect Proofing & Edit Blue Mountains, ON Tel: 705.606.1117 E-mail: Website: Re:word Communications 330 Adelaide Street West, Unit 210 Toronto, ON M5V 1R4 Tel: 416.800.9257 E-mail: Website: 38 creatIve servIces Image retouching services 30 Osborne Avenue Toronto, ON M4E 3A9 tel: 416.709.2930 e-mail: Website: contact: Glenn Honiball translation services In french only Inc./In spanIsh too! translatIons 25 Rockcastle Drive Toronto, ON M9R 2V2 tel: 416.248.5648 e-mail: Website: contact: Kim Pines WordchecK translatIon 20 Crown Steel Drive, Unit 6 Markham, ON L3R 9X9 tel: 905.415.0558 fax: 905.415.0071 toll free: 1.866.WORDS4U e-mail: Website: contact: Denise Craine Director, Client Services Translating the world’s languages into effective business communication. WordCheck helps you translate global business opportunities into success! Every language. Layout, proofreading and transcription, too! Fast, culturally relevant and accurate! photographers proshot event photoGraphy Inc. 4 Edgemont Court Richmond Hill, ON L4S 2H8 tel: 905.787.0888 Website: contact: Elizabeth Sendal, President e-mail: Professional quality photos and prints on the spot! We provide instant gratification, capturing irreplaceable memories. Roaming photographers, Green-screen, Virtual tours, On-line viewing, Digital postcards and more. A full service provider. 42 42 Digital Marketing Constulants & Agencies Corporate Presentations We are remedy. Multimedia Staging Inc. 200 North Queen Street Toronto, ON M9C 4Y1 Tel: 416.621.9480 Fax: 416.621.5469 E-mail: Website: Contact: Graham Fillier up inc. Elevating brands powerfully. 488 Wellington Street West, Suite 302 Toronto, ON M5V 1E3 Tel: 416.703.9142 Fax: 416.703.9143 E-mail: Website: Contact: Catherine Sturm Up Inc offers content management, rich Internet applications, POS displays, email marketing, analysis and reporting—and if it doesn’t make your customers want to come back, we don’t suggest it. 43 Digital Marketing Digital Marketing Services Engine Digital 21 Water Street, Suite 404 Vancouver, BC V6B 1A1 Tel: 604.684.3330 Fax: 604.685.3323 E-mail: Website: Contact: Stephen Beck Engine is a creative digital agency. We personify brands to connect, inspire, and mobilize consumers. The unique experiences we craft promote brand evolution through storytelling and interaction on a conversational level. Jackson Marketing Corp 8 Market Street, 6th floor Toronto, ON M5E 1M6 Tel: 416.406.2200 Fax: 416.406.2203 Website: Contact: Darryl Jackson, President OneMethod Inc. Digital + Design 135 Liberty Street, Suite 201 Toronto, ON M6K1A7 Tel: 416.649.0180 Fax: 416.649.0181 E-mail: Website: Contact: Steve Miller Remedy Communications 67 Mowat Avenue, Suite 441 Toronto, ON M6K 3EK Tel: 416.413.7910 Fax: 416.413.9581 E-mail: Website: Contact: D. Thompson Remedy brings together the power of great strategy, innovative ideas, leadingedge technologies and award-winning creative to ensure your brand’s success. We are remedy. 44 44 Digital Marketing DVD & CD Duplication, Interactive Development Firebrand Interactive Inc. 115 McCormack Street Toronto, ON M6N 1X8 Tel: 416.962.5200 Fax: 416.962.5300 E-mail: Website: Contact: Ari Firestone See our ad on page #42 Interactive Online Communications Greystone Greeters (a division of Greystone Design + Communications Inc.) 29 Nina Place Brampton, ON L7A 2E4 Tel: 416.570.6578 E-mail: Website: Contact: Georgia Mouka, Founder & CEO See our ad on page #41 Internet Design North of Seven Creative Agency 227 Avdell Avenue Woodbridge, ON L4H 1H4 Tel: 905.850.4453 Fax: 905.850.5645 E-mail: Website: Contact: Cecilia Amaral, Creative Director Multimedia Presentations Al Media Movers Inc. 110 Sudbury Street Toronto, ON M6J 3S6 Tel: 415.578.3391 Fax: 501.647.4332 Website: Contact: Lawrence Vishnu Multimedia Staging Inc. 200 North Queen Street Toronto, ON M9C 4Y1 Tel: 416.621.9480 Fax: 416.621.5469 E-mail: Website: Contact: Graham Fillier The Packaging and Mailing Experts! • Hand work • Poly bagging • Shrink wrapping • Kit assembly • Belly bands • Ink jetting • Tabbing •Data base management and much more… Postage Savers will save you time and money! Call us for more information or a quote today Telephone: (416) 438-8269 Fax: (416) 438-1548 1990 Ellesmere Road, Unit 11, Toronto, Ontario., M1H 2W2 47 Customer Loyalty & Database Management Boire Filler Group 1101 Kingston Road, Suite 310 Pickering, ON L1V 1B5 Tel: 905.837.0005 Fax: 905.837.2199 Website: Contact: Larry Filler, Partner Database Management MLS Data Management Solutions 1920 Yonge Street, 2nd Floor Toronto, ON M4S 3E2 Tel: 416.572.7717 Fax: 416.572.7501 Website: Contact: Theresa Blyth, VP Operations MLS Data Management Solutions provides strategic data driven solutions that blend our business and technology expertise. We help solve business problems and ensure your organizational objectives achieve the highest possible ROI. • Business Intelligence • Data Warehousing • Data Quality • Acquisition Marketing Direct Marketing Gift Cards SDMG Strategic Direct Marketing Group 101, 1209 6th Street SW Calgary, AB T2R 0Z5 Tel: 403.770.2804 Fax: 403.770.2807 E-mail: Website: Contact: Scott A. Martin We’re a boutique agency with a flare for response-based programs. We help companies them reach, acquire, and retain customers with the right message at the right moment through direct media. Relationship Marketing Boire Filler Group 1101 Kingston Road, Suite 310 Pickering, ON L1V 1B5 Tel: 905.837.0005 Fax: 905.837.2199 Website: Contact: Larry Filler, Partner 51 Event Marketing Audio Visual, Staging, Décor, Design & Rentals BACKSTAGE EVENTS INC. CREATIVE SOLUTIONS & EVENTS Unit # 7, 51 Roysun Road Woodbridge, ON L4L 8P9 Tel: 905.851.8247 Ext. 301 Website: Contact: Leandra Ruttan, CMP, Vice President & Co-Founder Entertainment & Talent Celebrity Events Network #164 - 33 Hazelton Avenue, Lower Level Toronto, ON M5R 2E3 Tel: 416.769.6686 Fax: 416.762.0071 E-mail: Website: Contact: Lilana Novakovich, President Exclusive agent for many HGTV & Food Network hosts in Canada and American starts from The Young and the Restless. Endorsements, Spokesperson Roles, Personal Appearances, Product Launches, Marketing Campaigns & MUCH MORE. RONI FELDMAN & ASSOCIATES INC. 891 Woodbine Ave. Toronto, ON M4C 4B6 Tel: 416.408.0252 Fax: 416.408.4121 E-mail: Website: Contact: Roni Feldman, CMP, DMCP President Creativity, flawless execution and unforgettable events.... Award winning event production for any size project. Our hands-on service and attention to detail is unparallel. Whether you are looking for headline entertainers, full scale productions or a single pianist, we have the experience and contacts to make your event a success. Field Marketing & Sampling Free For All marketing Inc. 33 Bloor Street East, Suite 900 Toronto, ON M4W 3H1 Tel: 416.920.5699 Fax: 416.920.1822 E-mail: Website: Contact: Mary Beth Denomy 52 Event Marketing Event Marketing Free For All marketing Inc. 33 Bloor Street East, Suite 900 Toronto, ON M4W 3H1 Tel: 416.920.5699 Fax: 416.920.1822 E-mail: Website: Contact: Mary Beth Denomy Outlook Promotions Inc. C2-1402 Queen St. E. Toronto, ON M4L 1C9 Tel: 416.465.1212 Fax: 866.340.4720 E-mail: Website: Contact: Ian Simpson, Managing Director RONI FELDMAN & ASSOCIATES INC. 891 Woodbine Ave. Toronto, ON M4C 4B6 Tel: 416.408.0252 Fax: 416.408.4121 E-mail: Website: Contact: Roni Feldman, CMP, DMCP President Creativity, flawless execution and unforgettable events.... Award winning event production for any size project. Our hands-on service and attention to detail is unparallel for your conferences, awards galas, customer/ employee appreciation events, incentive programs, road shows, product launches, sales/training meetings, team building/sports activities. Event Production 5th Element Events 250 Don Park Rd. Unit 16 Markham, ON L3R 2V1 Tel: 416.241.4440 Fax: 416.241.5261 E-mail: Website: Contact: Aaron Kaufman, Creative Director & Owner With our 360º design philosophy, you’ll enjoy working with one team for your event needs! From staging, lighting, audiovisuals to full décor and entertainment, we’re always thinking outside the bubble! 53 Event Marketing BACKSTAGE EVENTS Inc. CREATIVE SOLUTIONS & EVENTS Unit # 7, 51 Roysun Road Woodbridge, ON L4L 8P9 Tel: 905.851.8247 Ext. 301 Website: Contact: Leandra Ruttan, CMP Vice President & Co-Founder RONI FELDMAN & ASSOCIATES INC. 891 Woodbine Ave. Toronto, ON M4C 4B6 Tel: 416.408.0252 Fax: 416.408.4121 E-mail: Website: Contact: Roni Feldman, CMP, DMCP President Creativity, flawless execution and unforgettable events.... Award winning event production for any size project. Our hands-on service and attention to detail is unparallel. Our services include: custom theme design, development and delivery; audio visual and all technical/staging management; entertainment; transportation; and gifts. Event Sponsorship Consulting Loudspeaker Communications Broadcasting To The World 81 Victoria Drive Uxbridge, ON L9P 1H2 Tel: 416.697.6389 E-mail: Website: Contact: Dan Gaudenzi, President Exhibits & Display Davis Display & Event Productions Inc. 38 Greensboro Drive Toronto, ON M9W 1E1 Tel: 416.614.9991 Fax: 416.614.9992 E-mail: Website: Contact: Rod Davis, President Innovative, impactful solutions for exhibits, experiential marketing, POP displays and special events locally and nationally. Complete concept design, production and execution. FSC certified ‘green’ xm provider. Let us create your next success! 54 event marketing Sponsorship ExpoSystems Canada 3640 B McNicol Avenue Scarborough, ON M1X 1G5 Tel: 416.291.2932 Fax: 416.291.0383 Toll-Free: 1.800.263.3976 E-mail: Website: Contact: Kim Thomson Experiential Marketing Davis Display & Event Productions Inc. 38 Greensboro Drive Toronto, ON M9W 1E1 Tel: 416.614.9991 Fax: 416.614.9992 E-mail: Website: Contact: Rod Davis, President Innovative, impactful solutions for exhibits, experiential marketing, POP displays and special events locally and nationally. Complete concept design, production and execution. FSC certified ‘green’ xm provider. Let us create your next success! Arts & Communications 119 Spadina, Ave. , Suite 900 Toronto, ON M5V 2L1 Tel: 416.966.3421 x 208 Fax: 416.966.3088 E-mail: Website: Contact: Bonnie Hillman, President Wakeham & Associates Marketing Inc. 120 Isabella Street Toronto, ON M4Y 1P1 Tel: 1.866.593.0040 Fax: 416.593.0533 Contact: Hugh Wakeham, President AsiaNetwork Canada World Exchange Plaza, 1150-45 O’Connor Street Ottawa, ON K1P 1A4 Tel: 1.866.276.9055 E-mail: Website: Contact: Elizabeth Yeh THERE’S A PAPERBOARD FOR EVERYONE’S TASTE. ARE YOU SITTING DOWN? YOU CAN GET THE QUALITY YOU DEMAND AT A BETTER PRICE. Kallima’s complete family of FSC-certified paperboard is for designers and printers who insist on value, performance, and impressive results. What’s more, we’re using fewer trees to make our totally recyclable paperboard and that’s good news for the planet. Explore the creative potential that comes with every sheet of Kallima® Coated Cover C1S, C1S Plus and C2S. Talk to us about your needs and how we can help you. SW-COC-001594 SW-COC-001594 Visit today. SW-COC-001594 SW-COC-001594 Printed on 10 pt. FSC-certified Kallima® Coated Cover C2S 57 Flexo Package Printing AGENCIES ADVERTISING Chantler Packaging Inc. Est: 1930 880 Lakeshore Rd. E. Mississauga, ON L5E 1E1 Tel: 905.274.2533 Fax: 905.274.9522 Other Phone: 905.274.2654 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Beverley Ferguson, Special Projects Co-ordinator Printing Specialty: 8 colour flexographic printing on flexible plastic film Converting Supply Inc. Est: 2008 15 Brookhaven Crescent Orangeville, ON L9W 2Y9 Tel: 647.501.2686 Fax: 647.501.2686 Other Phone: 647.501.2686 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Marc Nolan, Owner Printing Specialty: Flexo Supplier of day to day converting supplies and technology for the converting industry Est: 1973 40 Sawgrass Drive Bellport, AB 11713 Tel: 631.345.5222 Fax: 631.885.8945 Toll-Free: 1.888.353.9625 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Amy Scarfuto, Office Manager Printing Specialty: is the Leader in Flexo Ink Cleaning Supplies. Our Mission is to provide the entire flexographic industry with chemically superior, flexo ink cleaners while responsibly protecting and preserving it’s community with ecologically safe products. Ink Management Solutions Est: 2002 728 Rosehath Drive Milton, ON L9T 4R4 Tel: 905.691.4064 Fax: 905.876.1430 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Fred Spohr, President Printing Specialty: Consulting 58 flexo package printing Mackintosh Flexo-Gravure Limited Est: 1979 1076 Cardiff Blvd. Mississauga, ON L5S 1M4 Tel: 905.670.5200 Fax: 905.670.4067 E-Mail: Contact: Peter Mackintosh, President Printing Specialty: Flexographic Ink Manufacturer papier CCT Est: 1997 830 St-viateur Berthier, QC J0K 1A0 Tel: 450.836.3846 Fax: 450.836.4983 E-Mail: Contact: Jacques Chevrette, Directeur Printing Specialty: Large Flexo 150” 3 colors, Flexo 150” 3 colors Pazazz Est: 1992 5584 Cote -de-Liesse Montreal, QC H4P 1A9 Tel: 514.856.3330 Fax: 514.856.2939 Other Phone: 1.866.449.4417 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Warren Werbitt, Founder and CEO Printing Specialty: Printing offset UV up to 56 Superscan Limited Est: 1982 Unit 16, 24 Viceroy Road Concord, ON L4K 2L9 Tel: 1.800.461.7037 Fax: 905.738.9543 Other Phone: 905.738.9995 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Chuck Gilder, GM Printing Specialty: Flexographic labels and tags Taylor Label Est: 1993 20 Automatic Road, Unit 1 Brampton, ON L6S 5N6 Tel: 1.866.558.5571 Fax: 905.792.8019 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Lloyd Taylor, President Printing Specialty: Bar Codes 61 large FormatADVERTISING Screen POP AGENCIES Access Imaging Inc. Est: 1993 89 Tycos Dr. Unit 101 Toronto, ON M6B 1W3 Tel: 416.789.5542 Fax: 416.789.4425 Toll-Free: 1.866.789.5542 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Irene Femia, Sales Manager Printing Specialty: HP Large Format Digital Printers Adhoc Signs / Phetomical Inc. Est: 1980 1350 Barre St. Unit 202 Montreal, QC H3C 1N4 Tel: 514.933.8822 Fax: 514.931.2757 E-Mail: Website: Contact: David Stanway, President Printing Specialty: Large format signage for special events Diamond Printers Est: 2004 3062-A Chowat Rd. Agassiz, BC V0M 1A2 Tel: 604.796.0080 Fax: 604.796.0047 E-Mail: Contact: Sandy Bobb, CEO / Designer Printing Specialty: Silk Screen Printing / Offset Printing, T-shirt Printing Digital Editions Ltd. Est: 2003 3551-B 78 Ave SE Calgary, AB T2C 1J7 Tel: 403.230.1132 Fax: 403.230.1183 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Tom S., Owner Printing Specialty: Wide Format & Fine Art Eclipse Colour and Imaging Corporation Est: 1957 875 Laurentian Dr. Burlington, ON L7N 3W7 Tel: 905.634.1900 Fax: 905.335.2453 Other Phone: 1.800.668.6369 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Doug Connor, Sales Manager Printing Specialty: Large Format Medalion Lightbox Manufacturing Est: 1989 3129 Shadetree Drive Mississauga, ON L5N 6P3 Tel: 416.238.2382 Fax: 905.593.1498 Other Phone: 416.238.2382 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Ricky Pacheco, Owner Printing Specialty: Large Format & Backlit Mi5 Print & Digital Communications Est: 2001 800 Cochrane Drive Markham, Ontario L3R 8C9 Tel: 905.944.9444 Fax: 905.944.9111 Toll-Free: 1.877.602.3737 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Derek McGeachie, President Printing Specialty: Litho and Wide Format Print Experts. Marketing, Packaging, Retail Print, Financial, Direct Mail, POP Mi5 has the experience, knowledge and a winning track record of exceptional service. We have the equipment and expertise to manage your print and digital assignments at the leading edge of today’s competitive marketplace. 62 large format screen pop RILEYS Est: 1960 5875 - 9 Street S.E. Calgary, AB T2H 1Z9 Tel: 403.297.1112 Fax: 403.297.1192 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Jeannette Marshall, Branch Manager Printing Specialty: Signs/Printing Displays; vehicle wraps; fleet decals; Banners up to 10.5 ft wide x continuous length. Spectracolor Trade Printing Est: 1969 800 Cochrane Drive Markham, ON L3R 8C9 Tel: 905.477.0407 Fax: 905.477.1911 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Customer Service Printing Specialty: Large Litho, Small Litho and Wide Format Print Experts with Full Bindery on-site Spectracolor Trade Printing has the equipment, knowledge & ability to serve your every print need. We pride ourselves on Price and Service with 24hr Prepress, Press, Bindery and Digital Departments. Let’s Talk Print and Save you Money! Storeimage Est: 1907 100 Elgin Street Brantford, ON N3S 5A2 Tel: 519.756.6185 Fax: 519.756.6502 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Herb Lewington, VP Sales Printing Specialty: Marketing, Creative Retail Signage SURE Print and Copy Centre Est: 1995 3660 - 60 Ave S.E. Calgary, AB T2C 2C7 Tel: 403.720.3866 Fax: 403.720.2953 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Nurani Amlani, Manager Printing Specialty: Large format CD/DVD Duplication 65 Marketing Services Business to Business Contac Services 100 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6B 1R8 Tel: 604.688.5523 Fax: 604.688.5524 E-mail: Website: Contact: Spero Moukas, Vice President Business Strategy Hold Please Communications 3850 Dougall Avenue, P.O. Box 31008 Windsor, ON N9G 2Y2 Tel: 519.972.7171 Fax: 519.972.5149 E-mail: Website: Contact: Joe Di Giorgio HPC is an audio marketing company specializing in telephone “on hold” advertising. These audio recordings are designed to increase sales as well as entertain and inform customers while they wait. Industry Associations Canadian Marketing Association 1 Concorde Gate, Suite 607 Toronto, ON M3C 3N6 Tel: 416.391.2362 Fax: 416.441.4062 E-mail: Website: Contact: Alan Flint, VP Membership & Services Radio Marketing Bureau 175 Bloor Street E., Suite 316, N. Tower Toronto, ON M4W 3R8 Tel: 416.922.5757 Fax: 416.922.6542 E-mail: Website: Contact: Gary Belgrave, President 66 Marketing Services Interactive Online Communications Greystone Greeters (a division of Greystone Design + Communications Inc.) 29 Nina Place Brampton, ON L7A 2E4 Tel: 416.570.6578 E-mail: Website: Contact: Georgia Mouka, Founder and CEO See our ad on page 41 Market Research Research & Incite Consultants 789 Don Mills Road, Suite 614 Toronto, ON M3C 1T5 Tel: 416.467.7101 Fax: 416.467.7648 E-mail: Website: Contact: Mary Logan Research Now 3080 Yonge St., Suite 2000 Toronto, ON M4N 3N1 Tel: 1.800.599.7938 Fax: 416.599.3885 E-mail: Website: Contact: Cathy Ireland Research Now are the Online Data Collection and Panel Specialists. We have unrivaled panel reach and quality, offering international online data collection across 36 proprietary, research only online panels. Marketing Communications MAT Communication 3221 Forest Hill # 51 Montreal, QC H3V 1C4 Tel: 512.658.5908 Fax: 826.717.442 E-mail: Website: Contact: Bouazza MACHE Full marketing and advertising services for ethnic groups, especially arabs and muslims. 67 Marketing Services Marketing Consultants Loudspeaker Communications Broadcasting To The World 81 Victoria Drive Uxbridge, ON L9P 1H2 Tel: 416.697.6389 E-mail: Website: Contact: Dan Gaudenzi, President Marketing Consultants & Marketing Services Remedy Communications 67 Mowat Avenue, Suite 441 Toronto, ON M6K 3EK Tel: 416.413.7910 Fax: 416.413.9581 E-mail: Website: Contact: D. Thompson Remedy brings together the power of great strategy, innovative ideas, leadingedge technologies and award-winning creative to ensure your brand’s success. We are remedy. Boire Filler Group 1101 Kingston Road, Suite 310 Pickering, ON L1V 1B5 Tel: 905.837.0005 Fax: 905.837.2199 Website: Contact: Larry Filler, Partner 250 Dundas Street South, Suite 236 Cambridge, ON N1R 8A8 Tel: 905.782.4387 E-mail: Website: Contact: Michael Jennings Senior Sales and Marketing Consultants (all with 20+ years of B2B and B2C experience) providing clients with uniquely intergrated Sales and Marketing Strategies and Tactical execution that acheive measurable results. J. Gottheil Marketing Communications Inc. 15 Sims Crescent, Suite 300 Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1C9 Tel: 905.762.1620 Fax: 905.762.1621 Website: Contact: Jeffrey Gottheil, President 68 Marketing Services Marketing Executive Recruitment IQ PARTNERS Inc. 144 Front Street West, Suite 600 Toronto, ON M5J 2L7 Tel: 416.599.4700 Website: Contact: Bruce Powell, Managing Partner E-mail: Givex 366 Adelaide Street West, Suite 400 Toronto, ON M5V 1R9 Tel: 416.350.9660 Fax: 416.350.9661 E-mail: Website: Contact: Bryan Wang Marketing Performance Analytics & Measurement Boire Filler Group 1101 Kingston Road, Suite 310 Pickering, ON L1V 1B5 Tel: 905.837.0005 Fax: 905.837.2199 Website: Contact: Larry Filler, Partner Mark IV Promotions Inc. 245 Matheson Blvd. E., Suite 9 Mississauga, ON L4Z 3C9 Tel: 905.568.9540 Fax: 905.568.4803 E-mail: Website: Contact: Brian Hiff Marketing Services Boire Filler Group 1101 Kingston Road, Suite 310 Pickering, ON L1V 1B5 Tel: 905.837.0005 Fax: 905.837.2199 Website: Contact: Larry Filler, Partner PMB (Print Measurement Bureau) 77 Bloor Street W., Suite 1101 Toronto, ON M5S 1M2 Tel: 416.961.3205 Fax: 416.961.5052 Toll-Free: 1.800.PMB.0899 Website: Contact: Lina Di Santo, Manager, Client Services Print Measurement Bureau is in Canada’s leading syndicated study for single-source data on print, readership, non-print media exposure, product usage and lifestyles. 69 Marketing Services Product Launch Hale! Marketing 1066 Hamilton Street, Suite 405 Vancouver, BC V6B 2R9 Tel: 604.688.0202 Fax: 604.688.0202 E-mail: Website: Contact: Stephen Hale Sponsorship AsiaNetwork Canada World Exchange Plaza 1150-45 O’Connor Street Ottawa, ON K1P 1A4 Tel: 1.866.276.9055 Fax: 1.866.276.9657 E-mail: Website: Contact: Elizabeth Yeh Sponsorship & Marketing Consultants CATALYST SPONSORSHIP CONSULTING 1333 Dorval Drive, Golf House, 3rd Floor Oakville, ON L6M 4G2 Tel: 905.815.3348 Fax: 905.815.3370 Website: Contact: Steve Marshman, President E-mail: Bridging the gap between sponsors and properties, we specialize in: 1. Sponsorship property evaluation and brokerage 2. Integrated project planning, measurement and ROI modeling 3. Leverage program and customer experience development and execution 70 Marketing Services MAT Communication 3221 Forest Hill # 51 Montreal, QC H3V 1C4 Tel: 512.658.5908 Fax: 826.717.442 E-mail: Website: Contact: Bouazza MACHE Full marketing and advertising services for ethnic groups, especially arabs and muslims. Youth Marketing Research & Incite Consultants 789 Don Mills Road, Suite 614 Toronto, ON M3C 1T5 Tel: 416.467.7101 Fax: 416.467.7648 E-mail: Website: Contact: Mary Logan 73 Niche Marketing Business to Business Hold Please Communications 3850 Dougall Avenue, P.O. Box 31008 Windsor, ON N9G 2Y2 Tel: 519.972.7171 Fax: 519.972.5149 E-mail: Website: Contact: Joe Di Giorgio HPC is an audio marketing company specializing in telephone “on hold” advertising. These audio recordings are designed to increase sales as well as entertain and inform customers while they wait. Multicultural Marketing [Alberta] CJCO-TV (OMNI Calgary) OMNI Television 535-7th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 0Y4 Tel: 403.508.2222 Fax: 403.508.5567 E-mail: Website: Contact: Sandy Zwyer, Programme Information Coordinator Tel: 416.260.3590 E-mail: CJEO-TV (OMNI Edmonton) OMNI Television 10212 Jasper Avenue Edmonton, AB T5J 5A3 Tel: 780.424.2222 Fax: 780.440.7793 E-mail: Website: Contact: Sandy Zwyer, Programme Information Coordinator Tel: 416.260.3590 E-mail: 74 Niche Marketing Multicultural Marketing [Alberta] FAIRCHILD RADIO CALGARY CHKF – FM 94.7 2723-37th Avenue N.E., Unit 109 Calgary, AB T1Y 5R8 Tel: 403.717.1940 Fax: 403.717.1945 E-mail: Website: Contact: Christine Leung, General Manager E-mail: Fairchild Radio (Calgary) is a branch of the most established national ethnic media group in Canada, Fairchild Media Group, providing the most complete and contemporary multicultural programming to ethnic communities. No. of employees: 50 Date Established: 1998 Multicultural Marketing [British Columbia] CHNM-TV (OMNI BC) OMNI Television 88 East Pender Street, Vancouver, BC V6A 3X3 Tel: 604.678.3800 Fax: Fax: 604.678.3900 E-mail: Website: Contact: Sandy Zwyer, Programme Information Coordinator Tel: 416.260.3590 E-mail: 75 niCHe marketing FairCHild radio VanCouVer CJVB am 1470 & CHkg - Fm 96.1 4151 Hazelbridge Way, Unit 2090 Richmond, BC V6X 4J7 tel: 604.295.1234 Fax: 604.295.1205 e-mail: Website: or Contact: Jenny Tang, Marketing Executive, e-mail: Fairchild Radio (Vancouver) is a branch of the most established national ethnic media group in Canada, Fairchild Media Group, providing the most complete and contemporary multicultural programming to ethnic communities. No. of employees: 120 Date Established: AM 1470: 1993 FM 96.1: 1997 Insight In Sight A full-service advertising agency specializing in ethnic marketing communications. •StrategicPlanning •CreativeDevelopment •Print,Television&Radio CommercialsProduction •MediaPlanning&Buying •EventMarketing & Management Contact: John Leung President PRIME ADVERTISING 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 428, North York, Ontario M2H 3R1 Tel 416.591.7331 Fax 416.591.7342 76 Niche Marketing Talentvision Head Office: #3300 - 4151 Hazelbridge Way. Aberdeen Centre Richmond, BC V6X 4J7 Tel: 604.295.1328 Fax: 604.295.1399 E-mail: Website: Contact: Helen Lee, Controller Ethnic Communities Served: Chinese (Mandarin), Vietnamese, and Korean. Talentvision offers over 18 hours of Mandarin programming daily including a local, national newscast and imported programs from China & Taiwan plus 4 hours of Korean & Vietnamese programming daily. Multicultural Marketing [Ontario] Al Media Movers Inc. 110 Sudbury Street Toronto, ON M6J 3S6 Tel: 415.578.3391 Fax: 501.647.4332 Website: Contact: Lawrence Vishnu AsiaNetwork Canada World Exchange Plaza 1150-45 O’Connor Street Ottawa, ON K1P 1A4 Tel: 1.866.276.9055 Fax: 1.866.276.9657 E-mail: Website: Contact: Elizabeth Yeh China Syndrome Productions Inc. 120 West Beaver Creek Road, Unit 23 Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1L2 Tel: 905.886.6373 Fax: 905.886.6300 E-mail: Website: Contact: Paul Yee CFMT-TV (OMNI.1 ) OMNI Television 545 Lake Shore Blvd. West Toronto, ON M5V 1A3 Tel: 416.260.0047 Fax: 416.260.3621 Toll-Free: 1.888.260.0047 E-mail: Website: Contact: Sandy Zwyer, Programme Information Coordinator Tel: 416.260.3590 E-mail: CJMT-TV (OMNI.2 ) OMNI Television 545 Lake Shore Blvd. West Toronto, ON M5V 1A3 Tel: 416.260.0060 Fax: 416.260.3621 Toll-Free: 1.866.260.0060 E-mail: Website: Contact: Sandy Zwyer, Programme Information Coordinator Tel: 416.260.3590 E-mail: 77 Niche Marketing Multicultural Marketing [Ontario] FAIRCHILD RADIO TORONTO CHKT – AM1430 135 East Beaver Creek Road, Unit 8 Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1E2 Tel: 905.763.3353 Fax: 905.889.7553 E-mail: Website: Contact: Winnie Wong, Sales & Marketing Director E-mail: Fairchild Radio (Toronto) is a branch of the most established national ethnic media group in Canada, Fairchild Media Group, providing the most complete and contemporary multicultural programming to ethnic communities. No. of employees: 50 – 100 Date Established: 1998 Golden Eye Media Inc. 2800 John Street, Unit 16 Markham, ON M2N 7J7 Tel: 416.624.4133 Fax: 905.940.3997 Cellular: 416.624.4133 E-mail: Website: Contact: Farzan Dehmoubed, President Specialize in targeting the Indian, Pakistani, Tamil & Punjabi audience in Canada though our exclusive Bollywood theatres, South Asian Print, Radio & TV. Our 15 years experience ensures the lowest prices and greatest insight for your next South Asian Campaign Prime Advertising Co. Ltd. 111 Gordon Baker Road, Suite 428 Toronto, ON M2H 3R1 Tel: 416.591.7331 Fax: 416.591.7342 E-mail: Website: Contact: John Leung, President See our ad on page #75 78 Niche Marketing Multicultural Marketing [Ontario] Talentvision Toronto Office: #8 - 35 East Beaver Creek Road Richmond Hill, ONL4B 1B3 Tel: 905.889.8090 Fax: 905.882.7120 E-mail: Website: Contact: Tina Chow, Director, Marketing & Sales Multicultural Marketing [Ontario] Ethnic Communities Served: Chinese (Mandarin), Vietnamese, and Korean. Talentvision offers over 18 hours of Mandarin programming daily including a local, national newscast and imported programs from China & Taiwan plus 4 hours of Korean & Vietnamese programming daily. Social Marketing Engine Digital 21 Water Street, Suite 404 Vancouver, BC V6B 1A1 Tel: 604.684.3330 Fax: 604.685.3323 E-mail: Website: Contact: Stephen Beck Engine is a creative digital agency. We personify brands to connect, inspire, and mobilize consumers. The unique experiences we craft promote brand evolution through storytelling and interaction on a conversational level. Environics Communications Inc. 33 Bloor Street East, Suite 900 Toronto, ON M4W 3H1 Tel: 416.920.9000 Fax: 416.920.1822 E-mail: Website: Contact: Bruce MacLellan OneMethod Inc. Digital + Design 135 Liberty Street, Suite 201 Toronto, ON M6K 1A7 Tel: 416.649.0180 Fax: 416.649.0181 E-mail: Website: Contact: Steve Miller 79 niCHe marketing remedy CommuniCations 67 Mowat Avenue, Suite 441 Toronto, ON M6K 3EK tel: 416.413.7910 Fax: 416.413.9581 e-mail: Website: Contact: D. Thompson Remedy brings together the power of great strategy, innovative ideas, leadingedge technologies and award-winning creative to ensure your brand’s success. We are remedy. youth marketing engine digital 21 Water Street, Suite 404 Vancouver, BC V6B 1A1 tel: 604.684.3330 Fax: 604.685.3323 e-mail: Website: Contact: Stephen Beck studentaWards inC. 110 Eglinton Avenue E., Suite 603 Toronto, ON M4P 2Y1 tel: 416.322.3210 Fax: 416.322.3209 e-mail: Website: Contact: Tessa Mintz, V.P. Account Management 83 premiums & incentives Business & Corporate Gifts Timex Group Canada, Inc. 445 Hood Road Markham, ON L3R 8H1 Tel: 905.947.2327 Fax: 905.477.8470 Toll-Free: 1.800.461.9309 E-mail: Website: Contact: Gary Tehara, Sales Representative Incentives, Certificates, Gift Cards Givex 366 Adelaide Street West, Suite 400 Toronto, ON M5V 1R9 Tel: 416.350.9660 Fax: 416.350.9661 E-mail: Website: Contact: Bryan Wang Premiums & Incentives Firebrand Interactive Inc. 115 McCormack Street Toronto, ON M6N 1X8 Tel: 416.962.5200 Fax: 416.962.5300 E-mail: Website: Contact: Ari Firestone See our ad on page #42 24/7 P R I NT P RO D U CTI O N E X P E RTS We have what you’re looking for in a printer SHEETFED & WEB 32 Page Colour King WEB 40’’ 8 Colour Perfector with Coater 40’’ 6 Colour CD with Coater 40’’ 6 Colour with Coater 40’’ 5 Colour Double Perfector 20’’ 5 Colour GTO 2 x 18’’ 2 Colour Speedmaster 28’’ Cylinder Press 3 Letterpresses, Scoring, Diecutting, Foil Stamping & Numbering LARGE FORMAT & POP Durst Lambda (Posters, Backlits, Displays) 2 Flatbed Printers: 98’’+72’’ x Any Length (Rigid Materials) 2 Banner Printers: 98’’x Any Length 5 x 2400 dpi Inkjet Poster Printers 60’’ SEAL Laminator & Mounter Zund iCut Digital Diecut & Routing Cut Vinyl & Window Lettering PREPRESS & VARIABLE XEROX 700 Variable Digital GRACoL 7 Master Printer Graphic Design & Pagemakeup Digital Product Photography Latest Generation Fuji CTP & Digital Proofing 2 Platesetters Colour Correction & Retouch File Management BINDERY 3 Stitchers, up to 128 Page + Cover & Tabloid Size 7 Stahl/MBO Folders up to 45’’ Drilling, Padding & Shrinkwrapping 30 Bin in-line Collator / Booklet Maker 3 Guillotines: 60’’, 44’’ & 30’’ Handwork, Kitting 3 Knife Trimmer Digital Diecutting Perfect Binder Call us at Mi5 for a quote on your next print job... 905.944.9444 You’ll be pleasantly surprised 9 800 Cochrane Drive, Markham, Ontario L3R 8C9 T 905.944.9444 1.877.602.3737 | F 905.944.9111 | | 87 Printing & prepress 29-Print Machine Est: 1994 83 Dynamic Drive #7 Scarborough, ON M1V 4C8 Tel: 416.298.9226 Fax: 416.298.2423 Other Phone: 416.669.6786 E-Mail: Contact: JJ Versi, President Printing Specialty: Offset Printing/Trade Allegra Print & Imaging Est: 1994 #6 - 1415 Hunter Court Kelowna, BC V1X 6E6 Tel: 250.762.6802 Fax: 250.762.2464 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Greg Solomonides, Owner Printing Specialty: Commercial Printing Address-O-Matic Mailing Est: 1976 7-3265 Wharton Way Mississauga, ON L4X 2X9 Tel: 905.625.6560 Fax: 905.625.0813 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Neil Hauraney, President Printing Specialty: Printing and Mailing Services Est: 1997 1750 Steeles Av. W. Suite 218 Concord, ON L4K 2L7 Tel: 905.738.9920 Fax: 905.738.9921 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Slava Apel, CEO Printing Specialty: Web based trade web to print. Web to Print technologies for Printers Allegra Print & Imaging Est: 1994 #102 240 Industrial Ave East Penticton, BC V2A 3H8 Tel: 250.493.4766 Fax: 250.493.7310 E-Mail: Website: Contact: George, CSR Printing Specialty: Commercial Printing AMCL Lithographie ltd. Est: 1999 8031 Alfred street Montreal, QC H1J 1J3 Tel: 514 352.9917 Fax: 514.352.9951 E-Mail: Contact: Andre Lacroix, President Printing Specialty: Commercial Posters Postcards Annual Reports Presentation Folders Flyers Brochures Catalogues Office Stationery Magazines Books For Immediate Quotes Email: PREPRESS SHEETFED PRINTING ADVANCE BINDERY FINISHING NEWLY Installed 8 Color + AQ 40” Mits Tandem with Coater Intelligence we have, perfection we chase... 139 Basaltic Road, Concord, Ontario L4K 1G4 Tel: 905.760.5522 Fax: 905.760.5523 Toll Free: 1.800.731.4674 90 PRINTING & PREPRESS Annex Publishing & Printing Est: 1997 105 Donly Drive South Simcoe, ON N3Y 4N5 Tel: 519.428.3471 Fax: 519.429.3094 Other Phone: 519.427.7566 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Dave Kochany, Sales Manager Printing Specialty: Magazine Printing BG Communications/ We Are Your Type Est: 1989 902-50 Lombard Street Toronto, ON M5C 2X4 Tel: 416.466.2054 (Call first) E-Mail: Website: Contact: Brian Grebow, Graphic Designer Printing Specialty: Graphic and Book Design Briers Design & Print Inc. Est: 1980 3457 Sunlight Street Mississauga, ON L5M 7M8 Tel: 905.858.3493 E-Mail: Contact: John Briers, President Printing Specialty: Print Broker Brymark Promotions Inc. Est: 1978 2405 A St. Laurent Blvd. Ottawa, ON K1G 5B4 Tel: 1.877.521.1102 Fax: 613.739.8145 Other Phone: 613.737.4556 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Warren Gencher, President Printing Specialty: Promotional, Flexographic, Sheet Fed, Pad Printing, Silk Screening C&I Graphics Est: 1992 936 MacDonald Ave. Kincardine, ON N2Z 1A1 Tel: 519.396.2769 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Irv Mills, Proprietor Printing Specialty: Digital printing, wide format and signs, web design Canpak Trade Print and Services Inc. Est: 1993 77 West Beaver Creek Road, Unit 3 Richmond HIll, ON L4B 3A7 Tel: 905.886.6339 Fax: 905.886.9818 E-Mail: Contact: Eric Fok, Manager Printing Specialty: Complete All in One Shop. 92 PRINTING & PREPRESS Cenveo McLaren Morris & Todd Est: 1956 3270 American Dr. Mississauga, ON L4V 1B5 Tel: 905.677.3592 Fax: 905.677.3675 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Tony Sgro, CEO Printing Specialty: Full Web and Sheet Fed Offset, Packaging, Flexo Commercial Printers (Stratford) Limited Est: 1901 205 Griffith Rd. Stratford, ON N5A 6S4 Tel: 519.271.0316 Fax: 519.271.4100 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Kevin Hill, President Printing Specialty: General Commercial CHEQUES NOW INC Est: 2006 5, 2928 - 18th Street N.E. Calgary, AB T2E 7B1 Tel: 403.269.2661 Fax: 403.279.8082 E-Mail: Contact: Tom Gilchrist, President Printing Specialty: Laser & Business Cheques, Foil Stamping and Embossing Copywell Est: 1990 334 Rowntree Dairy Rd Woodbridge, ON L4L 8H2 Tel: 905.264.6006 Fax: 905.264.8959 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Mark Lacaria, Sales Manager Printing Specialty: Full Service Bindery & Book Manufacturing, iGen3 on Site, Flyers, Cards Coclhester Printing Company 15 Dominion St. Truro, NS B2N 3N9 Tel: 902.893.3861 Fax: 902.893.2573 E-Mail: Contact: Frank, Owner Printing Specialty: Commercial Printing Corrweb Litho Inc. Est: 1981 65 Devon Rd. Brampton, ON L6T 5B6 Tel: 905.458.1375 Fax: 905.458.1386 E-Mail: Contact: Joe Corrado, President Printing Specialty: Web Printing Heatset and Coldset Sun Printing Lean Green Printing Machine Prepress Die Cutting + Mac or PC Operating Platform + Epson 9880 Digital Proofing + AGFA CTP + 24/7 FTP + Miller Die Press + 2 x Heidelberg Die Press + Marathon Pocket Folder + Emboss, Perf & Score Press Bindery + Digtial Press Indigo 5500 + 40” 6 Colour Perfector with Coater + 40” 5 Colour + 28” 5 Colour + 11 Colour Coldset Web + Perfect Binder + 2 x Saddle Stitchers + 7 x Folders + 2 x Guillotines + Drilling, Padding & Shrinkwrapping 1.866.745.3735 T. 416.736.7575 F. 416.736.1222 1101 Finch Ave. West Unit 10, Downsview, ON M3J 2C9 94 Printing & PrePress IPP_CANPRINT_REV14.pdf 5/5/08 4:38:33 PM daVid Wilson Consulting est: 1996 23 Sandringham Dr. Barrie, ON L4N 0J9 tel: 705.739.1334 Fax: 705.739.1691 other Phone: 416.795.5712 e-mail: Contact: David Wilson, President Printing specialty: Postcards / Marketing & Advertising Pieces. Print management Service - Postcard printing 14.5” x 20.5” maximum sheet with right angle and gate fold Toll Free: Tel: 1-866-210-6040 Fax: 1-866-210-6072 Local: Tel: (905) 709 3518 Fax: (905) 709 2325 Units 21&22 100 West Beaver Creek Rd. Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1H4 dollCo Printing est: 1956 2340 St. Laurent Blvd. Ottawa, ON K1G 6E3 tel: 613.738.9181 Fax: 613.738.4655 e-mail: Website: Contact: Deborah Lovegrove, Marketing Director Printing specialty: Book, magazines, catalogs, corporate communications, direct mail + All in one location- Finishing bindery, fulfillment, mailing and distribution capabilities. 95 Printing & PrePress douglas Printing est: 1902 10805 - 120 Street Edmonton, AB T5H 3P9 tel: 780.482.6026 Fax: 780.488.0106 other Phone: 780.732.4202 e-mail: Website: Contact: Donna Roth, SVP, Marketing & Environment Printing specialty: 40” Offset Trade Letterpress Services Ltd. LetterPreSS & FINISHING StrICtLY tO tHe trADe eartHsmart Printing and emVeloPes est: 2002 1362 Blundell Road Mississauga, ON L4Y 1M5 tel: 905.275.6054 Fax: 905.275.6131 other Phone: 416.518.9212 e-mail: Website: Contact: Don Powell, President Printing specialty: Environment Friendly eMAIL: Over 30 Years of Experience and Service “D” TAPING HOT & COLD EMBOSSING CAPACITY GUSSET FOLDERS DIE CUTTING e FASt St eCliPse Colour and imaging CorPoration est: 1957 875 Laurentian Drive Burlington, ON L7N 3W7 tel: 905.634.1900 Fax: 905.335.2453 toll-Free: 1.800.668.6369 e-mail: Website: Contact: Doug Connor, Sales Manager Printing specialty: Large Format AI LA BLe FOIL STAMPING CARTON MANUFACTURING tU rNA LARGE FORMAT PRINTING rO U N D AV CREASING PERFORATING DIGITAL DIE CUTTING For a complete list of our services visit us at 39 rIVIerA DrIVe, UNIt 14 MArKHAM, ONtArIO L3r 8N4 teL: (905) 475-0273 FAX: (905) 475-0299 96 PRINTING & PREPRESS EDGELEY PRINTING Est: 1975 200 Edgeley Blvd., Unit 15 Concord, ON L4K 3Y8 Tel: 905.738.6853 Fax: 905.738.6857 E-Mail: Contact: Jacob or Dan, President Printing Specialty: Commercial Printing Label Systems Inc. 850 Legion Road, Burlington, ON L7S 1T5 CUSTOM LABELS • Flexo 1 to 6 colours, 150 line process • U.V. varnish, laminating, foil stamping • Numbering front and back, • Rolls, sheets, fan folded • Up to 5 years outdoor fade resistance • Reliable deliveries in 5 to 7 days • Rush orders available DIGITAL PRINTING • Full colour variable data printing • Consecutive numbering • Bar codes • 72 hour delivery available TRADE SERVICES • No cost drop shipments • Bar codes • Consecutive numbering FOR TRADE QUOTES: T: 1-800-565-2235 or 905-681-7070 F: 1-800-837-8683 or 905-681-7072 • Envelopes Unlimited Est: 1988 1951 Mattawa Avenue Mississauga, ON L4X 1K8 Tel: 905.949.1428 Fax: 905.949.8732 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Michele Riel, President Printing Specialty: Trade Envelopes Environmental Control Systems Est: 1969 47 Churchill Drive Barrie, ON L4N 8Z5 Tel: 705.725.0940 Fax: 705.725.8819 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Ralph McDonell, President Ken McDonell Printing Specialty: Silver Recovery, Scrap Film, Chemical Disposal, Plate Developer Neutralizers, Aluminum Printer Plate Recycling. 97 PRINTING & PREPRESS Extravalue Network Est: 1996 1 Atlantic Avenue, Suite 218 Toronto, ON M6K 3E7 Tel: 416.703.1077 Fax: 416.703.0265 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Allan Barkin, President Printing Specialty: Trade Stationary Printing. FLAP & SEAL ENVELOPES Est: 2008 60 North Queen St. Toronto, ON M8Z 2C4 Tel: 416.236.1284 Fax: 416.236.1283 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Bill Abbott, CSR Printing Specialty: 1 - 4 Colour Envl. Printing Customer Inventory Management Francotyp-Postalia Canada Inc Est: 1923 82 Corstate Ave Concord, ON L4K 4X2 Tel: 905.761.6554 Fax: 905.761.7345 Toll-Free: 1.800.339.3227 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Dave Smissen, Government Account Manager Printing Specialty: Address Printer, Folder/ Inserters, Postage Meters, Folder/Inserters New 6 color 40” Mitsubishi w/ AQ New 5 color 40” Mitsubishi 5 color 40” Heid. w/ Perfector 4 color 19” x 25” Heid. w/ AQ CTP & Film Output Full In-house Bindery Color Posters, Brochures, Flyers, Books, Catalogues, etc. Quality You Can Take To Your Client. Value You Can Take To The Bank! ✔ PATTERN PERFING ✔ SCRATCH-OFF LATEX Email estimating @ Website ✔ RE-MOIST GLUE ✔ IN-LINE FOLDING ✔ ONE ✔ ONE ✔ TWO - 4 colour cold-set web press ✱ Size - 17 x 20 1/2 inch 4 colour cold-set web press ✱ Size - 24 x 20 1/2 inch 5 colour heat-set web presses Size - 17 3/4 x 26 1/2 inch ✱ capable of simultaneous 2 colour, two-sided printing, or 4 colour, one-sided printing on offset book paper. Apex Trade Web • 320 Ambassador Drive • Mississauga • Ontario L5T 2J3 Phone (905) 564 0095 • Fax (905) 795 8775 • Phone or Email < > for a Quote Today! 99 PRINTING & PREPRESS GAGE Print & Design Est: 1977 25 Hart Drive, Unit 2 Barrie, ON L4N 5R8 Tel: 705.726.5550 Fax: 705.726.5072 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Stephen Gage, President Printing Specialty: Commercial Printing Gelderland Limited Est: 1963 60 Dynamic Dr. Scarborough, ON M1V 2W2 Tel: 416.297.6000 Fax: 416.297.6908 E-Mail: Contact: Rudy Peters, President Printing Specialty: Rollers, cylinders and gears Giclee Printing Art & Decor Services Est: 1990 906 Hillside Ave. Victoria, BC V8T 1Z8 Tel: 250.656.1234 Fax: 250.216.2187 E-Mail: Contact: Victore, Manager Printing Specialty: Art Reproduction, Large Format Printing, Photo Imaging/Restoration Gill Studios, Inc. Est: 1934 P O Box 2909 Shawnee Mission, AB 66201 Tel: 1.888.455.4422 Fax: 1.800.392.4455 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Cindy Scardino, Printing Specialty: Marketing Coordinator Screen Printing HIFLEX Corporation of North America Est: 1995 11215 State Route 23 Ashland, New York, USA AB, 12407 Tel: 518.734.5400 Fax: 518.444.0461 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Gary E. Marron, President & CEO Printing Specialty: Managment Information System and Web2Print Business Automation Systems. Managment Information Systems HI TECH PRINTING & COPIES LTD. Est: 1986 1602 G McDonald St. Regina, SK S4N 2C6 Tel: 306.721.4111 Fax: 306.721.2002 E-Mail: Contact: Myles Zawislak, President. Printing Specialty: Index Tabs 100 PRINTING & PREPRESS I.D.APrint Inc. Est: 1981 523 Richmond Street East Toronto, ON M5A 1R4 Tel: 416.366.6300 Fax: 416.360.8693 E-Mail: Contact: Mike Ainsworth, Owner Printing Specialty: Trade Printer IBEC Training & Consulting Est: 1988 1370 Don Mills Dr., Suite 300 Toronto, ON M3B 3N7 Tel: 416.696.1010 Fax: 416.424.4325 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Marg Macleod, President Printing Specialty: Consulting & Training for the Printing Industry IMPRESSIONS DE BEAUCE INC. Est: 1986 125 181E Rue Beauceville, QC G5X 2S9 Tel: 418.774.5565 Fax: 418.774.5561 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Richard Duval, President Printing Specialty: Commercial Printing Imprimerie Contact Inc. Est: 1978 3425, rue de Mont-Joli Montreal-Nord, QC H1H 2X9 Tel: 514.321.5920 Fax: 514.321.3020 E-Mail: Contact: Andre Goyette, President Printing Specialty: Commercial printing Information Logs Est: 2008 22 Katherine Rd. Toronto, ON M3K 1H9 Tel: 416.848.1831 Fax: 416.848.1831 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Anna Luca, Owner Printing Specialty: Logbooks, Journals, Diary (eg. medication logs, food journals, nanny diary) Custom Logbooks (design / produce) Kansept Studio Suite 547, 102-17750 56 Ave. Cloverdale, BC V3S 1K4 Tel: 604.318.8487 Fax: 604.318.8487 E-Mail: Website: Contact: KC, Owner Printing Specialty: Design, Large Fromat, Digital Colour Kayjon Graphiques Inc. Est: 1979 1550 Jules-Poitras Ville St-Laurent, QC H4N 1X7 Tel: 514.333.1933 Fax: 514.333.3110 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Lionel Fontaine, Vice-President Printing Specialty: High-quality Sheetfed 101 PRINTING & PREPRESS KTS Digital Services Inc 5650 Tomken Rd., Unit 9 Mississauga, ON L4W 4P1 Tel: 905.568.4749 Fax: 905.568.2768 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Greg Seed, President Printing Specialty: Short - Medium run digital printing KTS Digital Services Inc. 5650 Tomken Road, Unit 9 Mississauga, ON L4W 4P1 Tel: 905.568.4749 Fax: 905.568.2768 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Greg Seed, President Printing Specialty: Short run digital colour Les Impressions Stampa inc. Est: 1977 2700, Ave d’Estimauville Québec, QC G1E 6Z9 Tel: 418.681.0284 Fax: 418.681.1178 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Daniel Laverdière, Projet Manager Printing Specialty: Book, brochure (low cost on b/w printing) Lithorock Printing Limited Est: 1999 400 Finchdene Square, Unit 15 Toronto, ON M1X 1E2 Tel: 416.289.0210 Fax: 416.289.0217 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Jeanne Laverock, President Printing Specialty: Sheetfed offset printing/ MacQuick printing Est: 1985 130 Industry St. Unit 36 Toronto, ON M6M 5G3 Tel: 416.638.7755 Fax: 416.638.7767 E-Mail: Contact: Roy, President Printing Specialty: Printing Sevices Magic Reproductions Inc. Est: 1991 1264 Wellington Street West Ottawa, ON K1Y 3A5 Tel: 613.729.3558 Fax: 613.729.5537 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Walcott (Wally) Rayne, Manager Printing Specialty: Quick print, Copy Centre, Graphic Design. Markham Offset Est: 1988 800 Cochrane Drive Markham, ON L3R 8C9 Tel: 905.477.0407 Fax: Fax: 905.477.1911 Toll-Free: 1.877.477.0433 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Customer Service Printing Specialty: Small Litho Printing Markham Offset is the well known industry leader in high quality, low cost Small Format Litho. With a complete in-house Bindery we are able to complete your job from start to finish in excellent time for a remarkable price! 102 PRINTING & PREPRESS MASTER COPY Est: 1984 2700 Dufferin St, Unit #74 Toronto, ON M6B 4J3 Tel: 416.785.7754 Fax: 416.785.8639 E-Mail: Contact: Pyarali (ALI) Nazarali, Owner Printing Specialty: Printing &Copying Mi5 Print & Digital Communications Est: 2001 800 Cochrane Drive Markham, Ontario L3R 8C9 Tel: 905.944.9444 Fax: 905.944.9111 Toll-Free: 1.877.602.3737 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Derek McGeachie, President Printing Specialty: Litho and Wide Format Print Experts. Marketing, Packaging, Retail Print, Financial, Direct Mail, POP Mi5 has the experience, knowledge and a winning track record of exceptional service. We have the equipment and expertise to manage your print and digital assignments at the leading edge of today’s competitive marketplace. McLaren Press Graphics Limited Est: 1994 Box 1018 Bracebridge, ON P1L 1V2 Tel: 705.687.6691 Fax: 705.687.7627 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Drew McLaren, President Printing Specialty: Newspapers, Publications, Magazines, Directories MD International Est: 1986 2020 Francis-Hughes Laval, QC H7S 1N4 Tel: 1.800.991.0400 Fax: 1.450.786.2021 Other Phone: 514.249.3429 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Martin Charbonneau, President Printing Specialty: Distributor Komori Distributor for Eastern Canada Mediagraphics Est: 1990 6758 Empress Ave. Burnaby, BC V5E 2S7 Tel: 604.436.0410 Fax: 604.436.0412 E-Mail: Contact: Branko Matkovic, Owner Printing Specialty: CTP services MORMARK PRINT PRODUCTIONS INC. Est: 1987 30 West Beaver Creek Rd., Unit 18 Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3K1 Tel: 905.764.5949 Fax: 905.764.6705 Other Phone: 416.402.5722 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Naz Tonbazian, V.P. of Sales & Operations Printing Specialty: Fulfillment 103 PRINTING & PREPRESS MyEstimator! Est: 2005 1400 Bayly Street, OM 2, Unit 5 Pickering, ON L1W 3R2 Tel: 905.428.8926 Fax: 905.428.8926 E-Mail: Contact: Brian Gilligan, President Printing Specialty: Estimating Software New Forms Inc. Est: 1990 5109 Harvester Rd., Unit 10b Burlington, ON L9H 5M2 Tel: 905.681.0031 Fax: 905.681.9882 Other Phone: 1.800.465.4804 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Paul Jackson, President Printing Specialty: Business Forms Optiprint Est: 2000 P. O. Box 28, Arva, ON N0M 1C0 Tel: 519.671.8036 Fax: 519.660.4687 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Brian Graham, VP Ontario & Western Canada Printing Specialty: SR&ED Consulting SR&ED Consulting Service Paperstuff Est: 1989 134 Sherwood Place Sherwood Park, AB T8C 1G8 Tel: 780.410.9777 Fax: 780.410.9277 E-Mail: Contact: Andre Dufault, Owner Printing Specialty: Customer Satisfaction Paris Graphic Est: 1977 3 Yeo Street Paris, ON N3L1J6 Tel: 519.442.4407 Fax: 519.442.7761 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Wendell Stanley, General Manager Printing Specialty: Plastics, and Hard to print on material, Vinyl Binders. Custom Made Vinyl Binders and pages. Peel Graphics Est: 1933 240 Clarence St., Unit 5 Brampton, ON, L6W 1T4 Tel: 905.451.1880 Fax: 905.455.9099 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Andrew Cook, President Printing Specialty: We are an awardwinning, full-service commercial printer serving the GTA. Equipment includes a Heidelberg XL105 (offset) and (digital) a Xerox iGEN 4 – the two best printing presses in the world. 104 PRINTING & PREPRESS Pentagon Graphics Est: 1974 8500 Henri Bourassa West Montreal, QC H4S 1P4 Tel: 1.877.339.5995 Fax: 514.339.5318 E-Mail: Website: Contact: David Languedoc, Sales Manager Printing Specialty: Cards - phone, gift, etc Print on plastic. Application of variable information. Application of scratch off Performance Envelope and Printing Inc. Est: 2005 2579 Oakrow Cres. Mississauga, ON L5L 1P7 Tel: 416.456.1954 Fax: 905.890.2800 Other Phone: 905.890.2800 E-Mail: Contact: R . Dennis Finnerty, Owner Printing Specialty: Envelopes and Flat Printing, Heatset Web. Planet Publications Inc. Est: 1978 1 Spadina Crescent, Suite 245 Toronto, ON M5S 1K1 Tel: 416.593.1552 Fax: 416.593.0552 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Matthew Pope, Publisher Printing Specialty: University Community Services Print Master \ Address-O-Matic Mailing Est: 1976 7-3265 Wharton Way Mississauga, ON L4X 2X9 Tel: 905.625.6560 Fax: 905.625.0813 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Darla, Vice President Printing Specialty: Complete Lettershop Printer Gateway Inc Est: 2004 146 30th St. Etobicoke, ON M8W 3C4 Tel: 416.840.0884 Fax: 800.437.3570 Toll-Free: 1.866-355-CMYK E-Mail: Website: Contact: Brian Armstrong, President Printing Specialty: Trade Printing Process Web Inc. Est: 1980 5579 McAdam Road Mississauga, ON L4Z 1N4 Tel: 416.456.1954 Fax: 905.890.9935 Other Phone: 905.890.2800 E-Mail: Contact: R. Dennis Finnerty, General Sales Manager Printing Specialty: Quailty Web and Sheetfed Printing 105 PRINTING & PREPRESS RAD Printing Incorporated Est: 2005 #2, 3600 - 21 Street N.E Calgary, AB T2E 6V6 Tel: 403.250.5787 Fax: 403.250.9209 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Robin Havlicek, Owner/Pressman Printing Specialty: Foil, Emboss, Thermo, Wedding Packages, Die Cut Railton Resources Est: 2008 1235 Bay St., Suite 400 Toronto, ON M5R 3K4 Tel: 416.640.7102 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Andrew Schofield, Client Services Director Recruitment Printing Specialty: Recruitment for Print Personnel RApid Printing Kelowna Est: 1988 129-1889 Springfield Rd. Kelowna, BC V1Y 5V5 Tel: 250.890.2200 Fax: 250.860.9855 Other Phone: 250.860.2200 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Phil Walker, General Manager Printing Specialty: Quick Printer Ricter Web Printing Ltd. Est: 1975 111 Easton Road Brantford, ON N3P 1J4 Tel: 1.800.355.9872 Fax: 519.756.9451 Other Phone: 1.519.756.2360 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Terry St. Amand, VP Sales Printing Specialty: Stochastic printing on groundwood and offset stocks coldset Delivery across Canada and the U.S. Ricter Web Printing Ltd Est: 1975 111 Easton Rd. Brantford, ON N3P 1J4 Tel: 519.756.2360 Fax: 519.756.9451 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Terry St. Amand, VP Sales Printing Specialty: Stochastic cold web printing RILEYS Est: 1960 5875 - 9 Street S.E. Calgary, AB T2H 1Z9 Tel: 403.297.1112 Fax: 403.297.1192 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Jeannette Marshall, Branch Manager Printing Specialty: Signs/Printing Displays; vehicle wraps; fleet decals; Banners up to 10.5 ft wide x continuous length. 106 PRINTING & PREPRESS seven seventy productions Est: 1992 7 Gren Acres Rd. Thornhill, ON L4J 4R7 Tel: 416.875.1991, ext. 8905 Fax: 889.5024 E-Mail: Contact: Eli Shefer, GM Printing Specialty: Print Brokers Sina Printing Inc. Est: 1997 39 Riviera Dr. Unit 8 Markham, ON L3R 8N4 Tel: 905.480.8888 Fax: 905.480.7777 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Mike Meshkati, President Printing Specialty: Offset, Digital, Direct Marketing SNZ Trading Inc. Est: 2006 1250 Reid Street, Unit 5B Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1G3 Tel: 905.370.1197 Fax: 416.987.1997 Other Phone: 647.406.2746 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Siraj Kazani, GM Printing Specialty: Paper Merchant including stockist of FSC Paper Spectracolor Trade Printing Est: 1969 800 Cochrane Drive Markham, ON L3R 8C9 Tel: 905.477.0407 Fax: 905.477.1911 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Customer service Printing Specialty: Large Litho, Small Litho and Wide Format Print Experts with Full Bindery on-site Spectracolor Trade Printing has the equipment, knowledge & ability to serve your every print need. We pride ourselves on Price and Service with 24hr Prepress, Press, Bindery and Digital Departments. Let’s Talk Print and Save you Money! Sun Printing Est: 1976 1101 Finch Ave West Unit 10 Downsview, ON M3J 2C9 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Paul Kim Printing Specialty: Digital Offset Lithography Printing & Finishing See our ad on page #93 Sunrise Printing Inc. Est: 1978 1-9360 Mill Street Chilliwack, BC V2P 4N2 Tel: 604.795.5657 Fax: 604.795.3360 Toll-Free: 1.877.795.5657 E-Mail: Contact: Bill Musson, Comptroller Printing Specialty: Commercial Printing 107 PRINTING & PREPRESS Teldon Print Media Est: 1969 3500 Viking Way Richmond, BC V6V 1N6 Tel: 1.800.755.9970 Fax: 1.800.757.5540 Other Phone: 604.273.4500 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Aimée Brown, Marketing & Sales Support Printing Specialty: Digital, sheetfed, halfweb & fullweb printing + mail, fulfillment & distibution, Online proofing Tembec for Kallima 800 René-Levesque West, Suite 1050 Montreal, Quebec, H3B 1X9 Tel: 800.411.7011 Fax: 514.871.9125 Email: Website: Contact: Julie Bienvenue, Marketing Specialist Year Established: 1994 Printing Specialty: The excellent print gloss and quick drying qualities makes Kallima® an excellent choice for your high quality printing needs. Kallima® Coated Cover Collection is proudly Canadian and we are the World leader in FSC-certification. Our products are lightweight champions; their lowdensity and high-bulk formulation makes them the best value for your dollar. The Cumberland Press Ltd. Est: 1969 192 Spadina Avenue, Suite 109 Toronto, ON M5T 2C2 Tel: 416.363.3636 Fax: 416.363.3638 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Susan Levant, Owner Printing Specialty: Print broker/great service, quality and expertise. Print Broker - specializing in high quality work - great attention to detail. The Printing House Ltd. Est: 1961 123 Front Street West Toronto, ON M5J 2M2 Tel: 416.865.1660 Fax: 416.865.9997 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Jesse Farb, Manager Printing Specialty: On-Demand CD DVD Duplication The Print Wizard Inc. Est: 2007 288 Veneto Dr. Woodbridge, ON L4L 8X8 Tel: 416.258.0783 Fax: 905.265.7660 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Al Kershaw, President Printing Specialty: Consulting 108 PRINTING & PREPRESS THE ULTIMATE PRINTING COMPANY Est: 2002 165 Bathurst Street, Unit 626 Toronto, ON M5V 3C2 Tel: 416.203.3186 Fax: 416.203.3189 Other Phone: 416.203.3187 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Zahir Salehmohamed, CEO Printing Specialty: Digital Offset-Large Format-DMS. Trail Bay Printers Ltd. Est: 2003 PO Box 136, 5536 Wharf Avenue Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 Tel: 604.885.9228 Fax: 604.885.9238 Other Phone: 604.989.2905 E-Mail: Contact: Barry Smith, Owner Printing Specialty: General sheet fed Tri-Graphic Printing Est: 1968 485 Inustrial Ave Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z1 Tel: 613.731.7441 Fax: 613.731.3741 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Bob Brown, President Printing Specialty: Books Tri-Graphic Printing Est: 1964 485 Industrial Ave. Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z1 Tel: 613.731.7441 Fax: 613.731.3741 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Marg Macleod, Ottawa Sales Manager Printing Specialty: Sheetfed & Web Offset Printing + Casebinding, Case binding, Thumb Indexing Tri-Tech (Canada) Inc. Est: 1974 940 Brock Rd. Unit 1 Pickering, ON L1W 2A1 Tel: 905.831.3886 Fax: 905.831.7431 Toll-Free: 1.888.478.4448 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Doug Robinson, President Printing Specialty: Magazine Printing In-house printing and Bindery Universal Printing Est: 1979 160 Whiting Street Ingersoll, ON N5C 3B3 Tel: 519.485.5248 Fax: 519.485.4023 E-Mail: Website: Contact: Scott T. Kean, President Printing Specialty: Trade Printer 111 PUBLIC RELATIONS Corporate Communications Environics Communications Inc. 33 Bloor Street East, Suite 900 Toronto, ON M4W 3H1 Tel: 416.920.9000 Fax: 416.920.1822 E-mail: Website: Contact: Bruce MacLellan Vancouver / Victoria – Marcia Smith Managing Partner Tel: 604.684.6655 E-mail: Calgary – Beth Diamond Managing Partner Tel: 403.531.0331 E-mail: Toronto – John Crean, National Managing Partner and Toronto Managing Partner Tel: 416.586.0180 E-mail: up inc. Elevating brands powerfully. 488 Wellington Street West, Suite 302 Toronto, ON M5V 1E3 Tel: 416.703.9142 Fax: 416.703.9143 E-mail: Website: Contact: Catherine Sturm At Up Inc, we’re concise when you need concision, flamboyant when you need flamboyance. We’ve taught writing, we’ve won awards, and we’re seriously picky about grammar. Public Relations [International] NATIONAL Public Relations 2001 McGill College Avenue, Suite 800 Montreal, Quebec H3A 1G1 Tel: 514.843.7171 Fax: 514.843.6976 NATIONAL Public Relations earns the trust of its clients by bringing bold thinking to their communications challenges. With 300 employees in Canada and beyond, NATIONAL offers a full range of services to corporate, government and not-forprofit clients across Canada and abroad. Ottawa - Serge Paquette Managing Partner Tel: 613.233.1699 E-mail: Montreal - Serge Paquette Managing Partner Tel: 514.843.7171 E-mail: Quebec City – Luc Ouellet Managing Partner Tel: 418.648.1233 Contact: Saint John (MT&L) – Janet MacMillan Principal Tel: 506.672.1860 E-mail: Halifax (MT&L) - Janet MacMillan Principal Tel: 902.420.1860 E-mail: New York – Mark E. Bonacci Managing Partner Tel: 212.614.4124 E-mail: London UK (AXON Communications) Ralph Sutton, Managing Partner Tel: 44.20.8439.9459 E-mail: 112 public relations Media Relations Training Environics Communications Inc. 33 Bloor Street East, Suite 900 Toronto, ON M4W 3H1 Tel: 416.920.9000 Fax: 416.920.1822 E-mail: Website: Contact: Bruce MacLellan Public Relations Ashworth Associates Inc. Public Relations & Communications 745 Danforth Avenue, Suite 303 Toronto, ON M4J 1L4 Tel: 416.603.6005 Fax: 416.603.9272 E-mail: Website: Contact: Peter Ashworth, President Ashworth Associates Inc. is a full service national public relations agency with corporate, lifestyle, fashion, beauty, health, and retail clients. We increase our clients’ profiles through innovative media relations campaigns. Cowan & Company Communications Inc. 20 Bay Street, 11th Floor Toronto, ON M5J 2N8 Tel: 416.462.8773 E-mail: Website: Contact: Cathy Cowan, President Environics Communications Inc. 33 Bloor Street East, Suite 900 Toronto, ON M4W 3H1 Tel: 416.920.9000 Fax: 416.920.1822 E-mail: Website: Contact: Bruce MacLellan Loudspeaker Communications Broadcasting To The World 81 Victoria Drive Uxbridge, ON L9P 1H2 Tel: 416.697.6389 E-mail: Website: Contact: Dan Gaudenzi, President 113 public relations Public Relations Public Relations [Ontario] Morin Public Relations 1425 René-Levesque W., Suite 900 Montreal, QC H3G 1T7 Tel: 514.289.8688 Ext. 221 Toll-Free: 1.877.289.7007 E-mail: Website: Contact: François Morin, President Diana Robinson & Associates 35 Brady Lane Guelph, ON N1L 1A4 Tel: 519.829.3804 Fax: 519.829.3805 E-mail: Website: Contact: Diana Degan Robinson, President Need PR expertise in Québec? Founded in 1994, Morin Public Relations is a fully independent, high-performance agency that draws on the talent of 15 professionals specializing in public relations and strategic communications, with intimate knowledge of the Quebec market. From Beyoncé to Diddy, from pasta to laundry detergent, we’ve created awardwinning programs that generate awareness and achieve business goals. 2008 & 2009 Independent – Small Agency of the Year 117 Sales promotion Agencies Quadrant Marketing Ltd. 1220 Sheppard Avenue E., Suite 400 Toronto, ON M2K 2S5 Tel: 416.497.1711 Fax: 416.497.3441 E-mail: Website: Contact: Molly Spinak, CEO Innovative communication that works. Account specific promotions, instore merchandising, mass selective sampling, database marketing, contests and sweepstakes, in/on pack premiums and offers, new product launches, Web site development, strategic planning, and CRM. Mark IV Promotions Inc. 245 Matheson Blvd. E., Suite 9 Mississauga, ON L4Z 3C9 Tel: 905.568.9540 Fax: 905.568.4803 E-mail: Website: Contact: Brian Hiff TW!ST MARKETING INC. 30 Kinnear Court, Suite 201 Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1K8 Tel: 905.731.3637 Fax: 905.731.1205 E-mail: Website: Contact: David Kane Field Marketing Sampling Outlook Promotions Inc. C2-1402 Queen St. E. Toronto, ON M4L 1C9 Tel: 416.465.1212 Fax: 866.340.4720 E-mail: Website: Contact: Ian Simpson, Managing Director 118 SALES PROMOTION Online Promotion Engine Digital 21 Water Street, Suite 404 Vancouver, BC V6B 1A1 Tel: 604.684.3330 Fax: 604.685.3323 E-mail: Website: Contact: Stephen Beck Point of Purchase J. Gottheil Marketing Communications Inc. 15 Sims Crescent, Suite 300 Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1C9 Tel: 905.762.1620 Fax: 905.762.1621 Website: Contact: Jeffrey Gottheil, President Mark IV Promotions Inc. 245 Matheson Blvd. E., Suite 9 Mississauga, ON L4Z 3C9 Tel: 905.568.9540 Fax: 905.568.4803 E-mail: Website: Contact: Brian Hiff Sales Promotion Quadrant Marketing Ltd. 1220 Sheppard Avenue E., Suite 400 Toronto, ON M2K 2S5 Tel: 416.497.1711 Fax: 416.497.3441 E-mail: Website: Contact: Molly Spinak, CEO SALES PROMoTION Services Inc. 15 Wertheim Court, Suite 707 Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3H7 Tel: 905.886.6382 Fax: 905.886.6387 Website: Contact: Dan Sharp, President E-mail: Point-One 4/10/08 11:21:16 AM Get online quotes & order entry on demand PointOne GRAPHICS INC. 14 VANSCO ROAD ETOBICOKE, ON M8Z 5J4 TEL: 416.255.8202 866.717.5722 FAX: 416.255.6917 w w w.p o i nt-o m MAN ROLAND LITHOMAN 64 PAGE WEB WITH 4 PRINTING UNITS, 75" WIDE COMING SOON! C M Y CM MY CY CMY K PointOne’s 70,000 sq. ft. facility has a climate controlled pressroom including state-of-the-art presses equipped with online spectrometers to monitor ink densities that ensure colour consistency and optimize print quality. Barcode tracking updates your project in real time! Talk to the Trade Print Experts. Serious about printing. Serious about the environment. PointOne prides itself on quality, production power, automated workflow management and experienced staff to get your job done – on time and at the right price. We also take the environment very seriously. PointOne Graphics Inc. is an ISO 9001:2000 company and FSC certified company. Introducing the most advanced web printing service on the market. PointOne Graphics can provide potential cost savings by being flexible! PointOne GRAPHICS INC. 416.255.8202 866.7 17 .57 22
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