29/08 PACT Environmental hazards
29/08 PACT Environmental hazards
PACT module Enviromental hazards Intensive Care Training Program Radboud University Medical Centre Nijmegen Brandwonden - EMSB • Eerste opvang (buiten ziekenhuis) • • • Koelen door spoelen (10 min) met lauw stromend water Bij chemische brandwonden 45 minuten Koelingsdeken voor transport controversieel -C-D-E • A -B • Infuus vanaf 15% (kinderen 10%) TVLO inhalatie • CO/Cyanide warme omgeving 4 ml/kg/%TVLO per 24 uur waarvan de helft in 1ste 8 uur van af moment van verbranding Wanneer naar brandwonden centrum? • > 10% TVLO (> 5% bij kinderen) • > 5% 3 graads verbranding • Bejaarden en kinderen • In combinatie met ander trauma/inhalatie • Verbranding functionele gebieden • Electriciteit en chemische verbranding de Halfzittend Beoordeling brandwond • Uitgebreidheid • • • Regel van 9 ( bij kinderen relatief groter hoofd) Lund en Browder Chart Eerste graad telt niet mee Lund en Browder Verbranding 1 jaar 1-4 jaar 5-9 jaar 10-14 jaar 15 jaar Hoofd 19 17 13 11 9 Hals 2 2 2 2 2 Romp voor 13 13 13 13 13 Romp achter 13 13 13 13 13 Rechter bil 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 Linker bil 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 Genitaliën 1 1 1 1 1 Rechter bovenarm 4 4 4 4 4 Linker bovenarm 4 4 4 4 4 Rechter onderarm 3 3 3 3 3 Linker onderarm 3 3 3 3 3 Rechter hand 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 Linker hand 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 Rechter bovenbeen 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 Linker bovenbeen 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 Rechter onderbeen 5 5 5 5 5 Linker onderbeen 5 5 5 5 5 Rechter voet 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Linker voet 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Beoordeling brandwond • Diepte • • • • • Dynamisch proces 1ste graad - alleen epidermis (niet meetellen) 2de graad - dermis (glanzend, blaren, pijn, CR+) 3de graad - subcutis ( blaren kapot, CR-, geen pijn, dof) 4de graad - vaak verkoling 2de graad 3de graad 1ste graad Burn shock Initiële resuscitatie • Vocht toediening is essentieel maar gebruik geen rigide schema’s (“fluid creep”) • • • • toename glottis oedeem en acute lung injury ischemie bij circulaire verbrandingen abdominaal- en extremiteit compartiment syndroom verdiepen van de brandwond UP 30 - 50 ml/uur Inhalatie trauma • Sterke toename morbiditeit en mortaliteit • Indicatie overplaatsing centrum • Bronchoscopie essentieel voor diagnose en vaststellen uitgebreidheid • Hittetrauma mondkeelholte, chemische tracheobronchitis, CO/cyanide Therapie • Vroege intubatie • Dagelijks bronchoscopie/lavage Initiële resuscitatie • Bij ernstig inhalatietrauma neemt vochtbehoefte met 25% toe • Vochtbehoefte neemt ook toe bij electriciteitsverbranding • Oedeemvorming na 24 - 48 uur stop • Herstel hierna colloïd osmotische druk • Na 48 uur verdampingsverlies • (25 + % TVLO) * lichaamsopp (m2) in ml/uur Experimenteel • Hoog gedoseerd vitamine verbranding) • Acetylcysteïne C (< 2 uur na Lichtenberg figuur The explosion 3000 - 8000 m/s Mechanisms • Detonation resulting in shockwave • Penetrating injury through bombfragments or material at the site of explosion • Wind of the explosion - blunt trauma • Burn wound (flash/clothes), inhalation, asphyxiation 85% of deadly injuries caused by shockwave Explosion in closed space • Higher mortality • Higher ISS • More damage through detonation • More burn wounds Detonation - blast wave • Ear damage ➡ rupture tympanic membrane, dislocation and bleeding middle ear • Intestinal damage ➡ contusion, intramural hematoma, perforation 0.1 - 1.2%, often delay between explosion and perforation, especially in colon Detonation -blast wave • Lungs ➡ 4.8 - 8.4% ➡ contusion, pneumothorax, lung bleeding, air embolus ➡ bilateral and diffuse with explosion in closed space • CNS ➡ air embolus, diffuse axonal damage Detonation - blast wave • Trias of bradycardia/hypotension/hypoxia ➡ (vagal) pulmonary “defensive” reflex through C fibres in alveolar interstitium activated by acute pulmonary congestion (duration 1 - 2 hours) Madrid • 243 victims ➡ 99 ruptured tympanic membranes ➡ 97 pulmonary trauma ➡ 89 bomb fragments ➡ 44 fractures ➡ 45 burn wounds ➡ 41 eye damage (rupture eye, retinitis) ➡ 12 abdominal damage ➡ 5 traumatic amputations Tsokos M. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2003;168:549-555 Tsokos M. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2003;168:549-555 Tsokos M. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2003;168:549-555 “Blast lung” • Delay sometimes of 24 - 48 hours • In closed space always < 6 hours • Dyspnea, dry cough, hemorrhagic sputum and hemoptoe • Lung protective ventilation ± preventive chest tube Intensive Care • Principes of ATLS + EGDT • Damage control principles • Standard intensive care treatment • Intestinal perforation often after delay • Unusual infections ➡ Candida, HIV, Hepatitis B Inhalation trauma • Especially in closed space ➡ Smoke ➡ Nitric oxides ➡ Phosgene ➡ Carbon monoxide ➡ Cyanide ➡ Heavy metals Cyanide • Cyanide often with CO after smoke inhalation • Hypotension, coma and persistent acidosis despite adequate oxygenation • Therapy with sodiumnitrite en thiosulfate Sodiumnitrite Hb 300 mg/iv Met Hb Thiosulfate C 12.5 gr/iv TC Met Hb C Hydroxycobalamine 5 gr To remember • Intestinal damage often after delay • Lung damage most frequent cause of death in initial survivors • Air embolus relatively frequent • Remember toxic gasses • Wounds often contaminated Anthrax • Bacillus anthracis • Aerobic, gram-positive spore-forming rod • Found in soil with infection most commonly in herbivore mammals • Human contact with contaminated animal products Clinical infection • Cutaneous (most frequent) • Gastrointestinal • Inhalational (pulmonary) • Injectional (drug use) Anthrax - pathogenesis • Presence of a capsule • Production of 2 exotoxins (lethal factor inactivates MAPKK & edema factor increases intracellular cAMP) • High microbial concentrations in infected hosts Cutaneous anthrax • 95% of reported anthrax cases • Subcutaneous introduction of spores • Painless pruritic papule 3 - 5 days following infection developing in characteristic black eschar • With appropriate antibiotics death uncommon Gastro-intestinal anthrax • Ingestion of poorly cooked meat • Oral-pharyngeal (oral or esophageal ulcer with lymphadenopathy, edema and sepsis) or lower GI form (nausea, bloody diarrhea, acute abdomen, ascites and sepsis) • High mortality (may approach 100%) Inhalational anthrax • Inhalation of small spores < 5 μm • Two-stage illness (modal incubation time of 10 days) with flu-like symptoms followed by second fulminant stage with high fever, dyspnea, cyanosis, shock and sometimes hemorrhagic meningitis - very high mortality • Mediastinal adenopathy and hemorrhagic pleural effusions Injectional anthrax • Mostly after subcutaneous heroin injection • Tissue swelling and soft tissue infection 1 10 days after injection - no black eschar • Surgical debridement and fasciotomy often necessary • Intermediate mortality Diagnosis • Gram stain and culture from blood and different sites • Real-time PCR Treatment (CDC) • Ciprofloxacin (2 dd 400 mg/iv) + Pen G (6 dd 4 × 106 U) + Clindamycin (3 dd 600 mg) for severe disease (60 days) • Ciprofloxacin alone for cutaneous form • Anti-toxin therapies still experimental • Pleural fluid drainage with inhalational form Hicks CW. Intensive Care Med 2012;38:1092-1104