April - Susquehanna Valley GTO


April - Susquehanna Valley GTO
The G T O Tiger Times
April 2016
Volume 21 Issue 3
The Voice of the G T O and Pontiac Enthusiast in Central Pennsylvania
Preidnt Mesag
Indiana last summer at the GTOAA Convention on how
to grow their chapters using social media and allowing
the GTOAA help them by promoting them on the GTOAA
social media page.
Social Media and SVGTO
There’s no denying social media is making an impact in
business, politics, and how many get their news. Many
like to clown around, embellish and ok, just outright LIE
on Facebook. I am guilty I admit, I like to have fun on it
at times like I did when AOL was the rage that’s a
different in-depth story but boy did I have a blast on
that! Some like to show their half-eaten meals, pranks,
cuts, abrasions, and other disfigured body parts. My
GTO has been all over the world without leaving the
garage. Photoshop can be fun! HA! I don’t tweet as I
am not on twitter so I have no experience on it.
We started our SVGTO Facebook page 6 years ago.
Slowly we progressed and grew SVGTO on the net. Our
first posts were posts and pictures of our first events in
2008 when I began taking pictures at club events. As of
this writing we are around 6,500 page followers. We
have followers all over the world. We post a PIC of the
Day and have been doing so over a year or more. Once
a picture of your car is posted it’s seen all over the
world and as is shared my hundreds it’s amazing where
your car can be seen. The same can be said with our
events in particular our Pontiac Show. When we
advertise our show people all over the world are seeing
it. With the GTOAA Page at just about 1.1 million page
followers, when I advertise our event a million plus are
seeing it. Before the advent of the internet, flyers and
paid advertising was the only way to get people to
attend. Now, well the 200 Pontiacs we entertained last
year including our members, most are seeing it on social
media. We can credit social media with growing SVGTO
and our show. The same with the GTOAA, I have been
utilizing social media with growing the GTOAA and the
GTOAA is enjoying record growth.
I did a Chapter of the Week advertising campaign last
year you all read about in The Legend. I did this to
show how marketing one’s chapter on social media has
the potential to grow their chapter. I shared the results
with all and showed in graphs what happens to a
chapter that market themselves on the internet. The
chapters most aggressive in social media showed the
most growth in traffic to their sites. I talked about this
to the many chapter Presidents at Chapter Night in
I take great pride in how we market SVGTO and in one
week’s time during the chapter of the week promotion,
we had 135,000 page likes to our posts. We then saw
our membership grow as well as our Pontiac Show. I
plan on revisiting Chapter of the Week again in the
future to see how they are doing. Social media is
playing a vital role in business with advertising. Yea,
there is a lot of embellishments and outright fables on
social media, then there is an aspect of it that enables
families to keep in touch thousands and thousands of
miles away with a few simple clicks of a mouse, and
businesses and auto clubs if marketed correctly see
growth. As we continue to utilize social media SVGTO
continues to grow our presence on the internet
The next club meeting is Sunday, April
17th, 1pm at The Hillside Café.
There will be no car show committee
meeting this month.
The GTO Tiger Times, A 2006-15 GTOAA Award winner for Chapter Newsletter Excellence
April 2016
Club News
There was no April Club meeting.
Random Pontiacs
Be sure to check out the
The GTO world recently lost another icon:
Eric White. Eric was a previous GTOAA
President. He was an author, artist and
illustrator. Eric authored the GTOAA
Pontiac GTO/GT37 Illustrated
Identification Guide. This guide is used by
the GTOAA for our judged concours class.
It Includes production numbers, weights
& measures, assembly line codes, sales
codes, casting numbers, drive train,
decoding info for VIN. & Fisher Body data
tag. It also includes options and
accessories numbers descriptions and
prices, tune-up specs, and more information. The content covers the years
1964 - 1974 and 2004 model year. Eric
was in the process of authoring a
2nd edition Identification Guide to include
the A-Bodies that was to be used as
guide for concours judging beginning
with the 2016 Convention. I had just
recently corresponded with Eric regarding
obtaining a copy when it was published. I
don’t know at this time if anyone will
finish that edition if at all. Eric passed
away on March 19, 2016 at 10:20 a.m.
after suffering a stroke the day before.
By: Chris Bruce—AutoBlog
Apparently, Millennials – those between 18
and 34 – aren't afraid to look different on the
road, and they like performance, too. A new
study by Edmunds is discovering some
surprising vehicle choices by this group.
Among them, the long-derided Pontiac Aztek is getting a new day in the sun with 25.5
percent its buyers coming from this
generation in the first half of 2015. For comparison, Millennials represent an average of
16.8 percent of used car purchases.
The Aztek is slowly shaking its reputation as a
styling abomination, which seems tied to its
appearance onBreaking Bad. The show premiered in 2008, and the Pontiac has been on
this list for four of the past five years,
according to Edmunds. It even led the pack in
2010. A recent Retro Review from MotorWeek also showed that the
crossover wasn't always so hated.
While it's still a shock to see the Aztek on any
popularity list, the awkward-looking crossover
only ranks sixth among Millennials. The
vehicle with the biggest portion of buyers
from the generation is the Dodge Magnum
with 27.6 percent. According to Edmunds, the
bluntly styled wagon is especially popular in
Detroit and Chicago. The Chrysler Pacifica
comes in a close second at 27.3 percent.
When it comes to used cars, value and utility
appear to trump just about anything else for
many Millennial buyers," Edmunds analyst
Jeremy Acevedo said in the report.
Young buyers aren't afraid of sporty rides,
either. The Subaru WRX has 26.4 percent
Millennial buyers to rank third place on the
list, and the Volkswagen R32 takes fifth at
25.7 percent. Just a few points lower in
seventh place is the Nissan GT-R at 25.4 percent, and the final performance machine in
10th place is the Lexus IS-F with 24.7 percent.
For the latest information of
upcoming events.
Membership Update
Current Membership: 68 members
Seventeen members chose not to renew for 2016 despite a follow up email.
New Member for March: Nevin Nelsen.
Nevin was referred by Jim Eyer who will be receiving a free 6 month extension onto his
membership via the Refer-A-Friend Program. Nevin also joined the GTOAA despite not
having a GTO but a 1933 Ford Cpe. Welcome to SVGTO Nevin!
We’ve gained 4 new members to SVGTO and 5 new GTOAA members into the GTOAA
since January.
Refer-A-Friend: REMEMBER: If you refer a friend make sure your friend lists you as the
referral so you get credit for either a 6 month or 12 month extension on to your current
GTOAA membership. Simply have your friend write your name as the referral on the
SVGTO application so Bob will see this and highlight it for Beth. If they refer online please
notify Bob so he can record it and then notify Beth as we send applications electronically.
Page 2
If you have comments
about, or suggestions to
help improve The GTO
Tiger Times, please
contact Russ Esenwine.
Recent & Upcoming Events
April 24: W e’ll be meeting for lunch at Quaker Steak &
Lube in Mechanicsburg. We’ll meet before entering for a 2
p.m. reservation we’ll have. Please try and get there early
and we’ll pick a spot and park together. Reservations will
need made by April 17. Please let me know by that date
so we can have a section reserved.
April 30: Flinchy’s Cruise-in 1833 Hummel Ave. Camp
Hill, Pennsylvania, 11-4. We’ll help host this event. 5.00
dollar entrance fee. Proceeds will benefit: Leukemia &
Lymphoma Society. Rain date May 1
Connie Hooks is heading this. Please let Connie know if
you plan on attending, we’ll group our cars together.
chooks@orrstown.com congto05@hotmail.com 717-5804634
May 7: Jones, Burk holder Cruise / Tour / Lunch 10
a.m. meet up
May 15: Cops & R odders: Hem pfield High School,
Stanley Avenue Landisville, PA Meet up 9.30 a.m.
June 5: B urdette Brothers P ontiac Show :
1909 Urbana Pike, Hyattstown, Maryland 20871
Hosted by: National Capital Area POCI
June 5, 2016
Registration: 8a-12noon
Show: 9a-4p
Preregistration: 12.00 DOS: 15.00
George Richardson: richardson13@cox.net
June 11: The annual LCBC show in M anheim is
confirmed for this date. If we get enough interest we’ll
meet as a group at the Sheetz on RT 340 and proceed in
together. This event is FREE but it’s suggested you
register. This event will draw well over 1,000 cars. You
can register for this show HERE
East Coast Regional at Max Performance
Much information on this event has been emailed to all,
no need to belabor this. New to this event will be a point’s
judged class for GTOs only. It was suggested by some to
consider having a judged class. Chris has added this to
this year’s event. There is a limited amount of registrations allocated to this class. Cost for the points Judged
show is 100.00 dollars. The GTOs will be judged using the
GTOAA’s points judged scale by GTOAA qualified judges.
We are the sole hosts for this event. In the past there
were three unadvertised discounted promotion codes
which saves 5.00 dollars off the preregistration.
Registrations that came in using those clubs codes, they
got the registration monies. There will only be one code
which is the same as years past SVGTO. The more folks
that register with our code the more preregistration
monies we keep. This show will be promoted heavily and
area Pontiac clubs are being asked to support the Pontiac
event. Please promote this event to your Pontiac friends
Muscle Car & Truck Show. Please consider showing your prize there, the discount code also applies.
I’d like to thank those who’ve volunteered to help out,
we can still use more help. Please let me know.
You can preregister for this show by June 6 by clicking
----------------------------------------------------Mecum Update
There are still quite a few members who participated in
the past that haven’t yet informed me if you’re planning
on participating this year. I don’t add names from
previous years as circumstances change. I sent a
confirmation email to all who volunteered, if you informed me you’re interested and did not get a confirmation email you are not on my list. As of this update, we
have a total of 62 drivers. Thursday we only have 41
drivers, Friday 51 and 56 for Saturday. I have 3 on a
standby list. Several who volunteered did not renew
their SVGTO membership for 2016, I will be following up
with those if they still wish to participate. If we don’t
get many more in the next few weeks I will be adding
those on the stand by list and soliciting for a few outside
SVGTO. With many in the past who left in the middle of
the event or later in the day with no notification after
signing on for the duration, it put a severe strain on
those who stayed. It’s imperative for scheduling of
manpower if you sign on for the duration or until a time
you notified me of we’re covered. If you’re planning on
participating please let me know asap. I need to plan
this out in advance. Realizing many don’t know if they’re
available until closer to the time, that’s fine just let
me know at that time if you’d like to participate. If you
volunteered then find you cannot, I need to know that
as well.
Our Show
Work is ongoing. We’re working on a design for the
award plaques. Stay tuned. Anyone who can secure a
sponsorship donation would be appreciated.
An article was published on March 12, 2016 regarding
the retirement of a 2004 GTO Police cruiser in Boones
Mill Virginia: “End of an era: Boones Mill PD parts
ways with high-speed hot rods” Check out the story
We have several members who don’t own Pontiacs. There
are also 2 other shows going on simultaneously on
separate showfields: A Mustang show and American
Page 3
The Back of the Garage
2016 Club Officers
Vic Schreck- President
Classified ads by SVGTO members will be placed in the GTO Tiger Times free of charge. Please email your ads to
Russ Esenwine, at macgto@comcast.net. I will try to get the ads placed in the next issue. If you include a photo of the items
that you are selling, please send a clear digital photo in .jpg format. I will include your photos if space permits.
Pontiac is Back: Performance SUV
and Small Coupe Planned
by Michael Accardi
Brian Little-Vice
Bob Krewson Treasurer
Russ EsenwineSecretary
April 1, 2016
We all know GM never really wanted to
kill off Pontiac, the government forcing
the Generals hand as a condition of
But now 8 years removed from the Global
Financial Crisis with General Motors finally
regaining some of its lost luster the company is
looking to bring back a longtime fan favorite:
The Pontiac Division.
The death of Pontiac has always been a sour
spot for the most die-hard GM enthusiasts, and
as it turns out executives within the company.
Pontiac is now being considered as a specialty
performance brand/engineering homeroom for
the quirky, niche products GM either tries to
shoe horn into it’s portfolio of other brands- or
shelves all together. Mark Reuss told GMI that
he’s “fed up with having his hands tied” when
it comes to product development.
Reuss went on to rail “Where are the sport
compacts, the hot hatches, the roadsters- I
want to build value-packed performance
vehicles for the masses”
Which we’re pleased to reveal, they will:
First on the docket is a Porsche Macan type
SUV to be built on the Alpha platform. It’s
believed that both Opel and Holden are likely
to receive such a vehicle as well. Sources inside the company tell us to expect it to debut
with the twin-turbo V6 that just hit the market
under the Cadillac CT6’s hood- we were also
told it would be joined eventually by a similar
version of the 2.0T Camaro just got.
This will be the only performance oriented SUV
from a mainstream brand- a major win for the
company. It’s thought that Pontiac could
resurrect the Aztek name due in part to its
popularity with the Millennial market.
Complimenting GM’s first performance oriented
SUV since the Trailblazer SS will be a small
Susquehanna Valley GTO is an affiliated chapter of the GTO Association of America,
the premier national organization for GTO enthusiasts. Each month GTOAA members
receive The Legend, a Golden Quill Award winning publication. Members can read
the technical articles and have access to the GTOAA Technical Advisors Staff, use 50
words of free advertising monthly, view the feature articles on some of the most
interesting GTOs you’ll come across, and have access to the GTOAA Club Store merchandise. For an on-line preview of The Legend, go to www.gtoaa.org. For local
chapter information, send an e-mail to Bill Vantuono at chapters@gtoaa.org . To
receive a membership application by mail, write to: GTOAA, PO Box 213, Timnath,
CO. 80547, or send an e-mail to: membership@gtoaa.org for more information.
The GTOAA National Meet is hosted by various local chapters, and is held annually.
The acclaimed Concours and Popular Vote Car Shows bring some of the finest GTOs
together for superb viewing. Other highlights include many renowned Technical and
Special Interest speakers, the multi-day swap meet, drag tracing, and other great
RWD coupe which evolved from the Code 130R
pet project. Dubbed the Fiero we were told the
little Pontiac will debut with a choice of turbo
fours: a 1.4T making 150 hp and the
aforementioned 2.0T from the Camaro detuned to 250 hp while keeping the same 295 lb
-ft of torque.
The platform will then spread throughout the
GM portfolio, it’s believed Cadillac will use the
platform to underpin a small roadster and Opel
will get it’s wish for a modern day GT.
The third component to Pontiac’s rebirth is
arguably the most important. Pontiac will
spearhead development of a new RWD sedan
which will replace the aging Chevrolet Caprice
PPV and the Holden Commodore.
Based on Alpha, it will mark the return of the
Grand Prix name. GM will offer the sedan with
the full gamut of engine choices- 2.0T, 3.0TT
and the mac daddy 6.2L V8.
This will also serve as the death of the Chevy
SS, although only in name. The real win for this
project comes from placating the angry Holden
enthusiasts who are abandoning the brand in
droves at the thought of a FWD-based Commodore replacement. Holden CEO Mark Bernhard
telling GMI “lawd Jesus it’s a Miracle.”
Sources intimate with the projected plans are
telling us to expect both the SUV and the sedan
to debut production ready at the 2017 Detroit
Auto Show and on the market this time next
year. The coupe is expected to follow later in
the year making it’s debut at the LA Show in
November 2017.
Reprinted from GM Insider News
National Organization Information
Official GTOAA Chapter, Since 1995
Page 4
August 20, 2016
Registration: 8a-11a
Show: 9a-3p
Amos Herr Park: 1670 Nissley Road Landisville, PA 17538
15.00 Pre-registration by August 13, 2016; 20.00 Day of Show
All Pontiacs welcome: Any Year, Any Model.
Rain Date: August 27, 2016 same time
Popular vote by registered show participants
Best of Show Awards
Longest Distance Award
Raffles / Door Prizes
Catered food by Enck’s Custom Catering
Period Music by Jeff Primaldi
Showfield on grass / Abundant Shade in a park
Trailer parking
A: All Pontiac to 1964 stock except: GTO
B: Pontiac 1965-1979 stock except: GTO/TA/FB
C: Pontiac 1980-Present stock except: GTO/TA/FB
D: 1964-1974 GTO Inclusive stock
E: 1967-1981 TA/Firebird stock
F: 1982-2002 TA/Firebird stock
G: 2004-2006 GTO stock
H: All Pontiac modified except: GTO/TA/Firebird
I: 1967-1981 TA/Firebird modified
J: 1982-2002 TA/Firebird modified
K: 1964-1974 GTO modified
L: 2004-2006 GTO modified
** SVGTO Members cars are excluded from the judged
showfield ** Modified: Any performance enhancing modifications.
3 minor mods permitted for stock class. SVGTO reserves the right to
judge cars accordingly.
Model Car Contest: Adults, & Kids Classes: Pontiac & Open
Classes. Model cars limited to plastic assembly, NO diecast.
Model Car Contest is FREE.
SVGTO is a Regional Chapter of the GTO Association of America
2013 Chapter of the Year
Info: svgtoshow@svgto.com
717.405-2178; 717.521.8277; 717.615.7117; 717.880.5692
Register online: www.svgto.com
Street: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________________________
Phone: ( ____ ) ________________
State: ________ Zip:_______________
Email: _________________________________________
Model Ponac: ________________________ Year: _________ Class: (Leer from above)________
Children Parcipaon: (age limit 15) # of Children _______
(email address is used to nofy
you of next year’s show, we will
never share your email)
Ages: _______________________
Enter Class letter & # of models: Class:_____________ Qty: __________ ___
Class; enter (A) or (K): __________________
**Enter “P” for Pontiac, or “O” for open class & quantity of each
A= Adult K= Kids
Signature: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
** I understand; SVGTO, Jones Dealerships, & East Hempfield Twp will not be held liable for any damages, thefts, or injuries to show cars, or participants.
Checks made payable to: Susquehanna Valley G T O
Mail registraon with remiance by: August 13, 2016
Bob Krewson: 950 Driver Avenue, Landisville, PA 17538
Poron of proceeds to bene t: Ronald McDonald House Charies of Central PA