The Hoosier Riverboats: A Look at Rising Sun
The Hoosier Riverboats: A Look at Rising Sun
TheHoosier A Lookat Rising Riverboats: Sun Laura Liltlepage Assoc iate, Senior Research for UrbanPolicyand Center theEnvironmenL IUPUI and Maureen Flood Coordinator of Comm unications, Center forUrbanPolicyand theEnvironment, IUPUI - heRiverboat Act,whichtookeffect Gambling July1,1993, authorized theIndiana Gaming to issue Commission licenses fortheexpress purpose gambling of riverboat inthestateof Indiana. These licenses in couldbegranted thathadhelda referendum counties andapproved gambling. riverboat Fivewereauthorized fortheOhio RiverandfiveforLakeMichigan. Todate,asillustratedinTable1, ninecertificates have ofsuitability beenawarded The andeightboatshaveopened. is pending. award ofthefifth0hioRiverlicense point Located insoutheast Indiana atthehighest ofthe0hioRiver between Cincinnati andLouisville, 0hioCounty isthesmallest intheHoosier state.lts population in 1993was5,500;that of itscounty seat, '10.77oRising Rising In1990, Sun,was2,411. of wasbelow thepoverty level. More Sun'spopulation thanthree-quarters oftheworkforcetraveled outside thecounty held foremployment, whereas one-third Thepercapita was$10,786, income iobsoutofstate. Manuor 82o/o whichstoodat$13,149. ofthestate's, facturing thelargest share of employment comprised theworkforce. 0hioCounty, andprincipally thecityof Rising process. Sun,conducted a selection andendorsement Themayor andthecitycouncil appointed a localtask forceoffourcitizens which, alongwiththeassistance Associates, of anoutside consultant, MonteDenbo Inc.,conducted interviews witheachcasino thatappliedandmaderecommendations to thecitycouncil. Fourapplicants at werereviewed, withtworemaining theconclusion Thecityentered into of theprocess. project withboth. agreements theIndiana 0nJune30,1995, Gaming Commisfora Riverboat sionissued a Certificate of Suitability License fora riverboat to bedocked in Rising Owner's Victoria Sun.Grand Casino & Resort byHyatt(formerlyRising SunRiverboat LLC) Casino & Resort, received itslicense onSeptember 16,1996,and,after gaming twotestcruises, commenced full-time opera- lateronOctober 4.Whatlollowsisa tionstwoweeks firstyearof operation. review of Grand Victoria's Developmenl Aclivities The2,70O-passenger riverboat opened with40,000 feetofgaming space. A 200-room hotelwitha square permanent pavilion 125,000-square{oot and2,000 parking spaces opened onJuly25,1997. Construcgolfcourse is slated to begin tionof an18-hole this yearpending bytheArmyCorps approval of Engithatis part neers, anda 1,10O-seat event showroom pavilion wascompleted lastDecember. ofthe Victoria morethanthe Grand spent $32million to forthedevelopment ofthe agreed $94.5million proiect. million Thisincluded anadditional$15.8 for theboat, forcasino equipment, anextra $6.6million million moreforland-based and$10.8 construction. thatit mightincuranaddiVictoria estimates Grand inconstruction to complete tional costs $16million thedevelopment. 0lherCommitments AsTable2 illustrates, Victoria isonschedule Grand payments. withallof itsincentive TheRising Sun hasused the$2million Redevelopment Commission for: fromthecasino . MainStreet improvements, including newceVictorian-style lampposts, mentandbricksidewalks, andstreetrepaving; benches, . Walnut improvements, including Street new widening, curbing, drainage systems, street andnew sidewalks; . establishment ofa revolving loanprogram to properties helplocalresidents develop theirindividual andbusinesses: . creation of a Downtown Business Retention Program; andRecruitment "incubato/' . downtown purchased buildings, by thatwillberenotheRedevelopment Commission, to promote development; vated andresold business Table 1 Awarding ofRiverboat Gambling Licenses in lndiana CiU/CounU Company Gary/Lake Trumo Indiana lnc. Gary/Lake TheMajestic StarCasino Evansville/VanderburghMar Indiana Gaming Corp. Rising Sun/0hio Grand Victoria byHyatt Casino & Resort Lawrenceburg/Dearborn Indiana Gaming Company, LP/Argosy Casino Hammond/Lake Empress Casino Hammond Corp. EastChicago/Lake Marina Partnershio Showboat Porte Michigan City/La lndianaBlueChipHotel& Riverboat CasinoResortCorp. Harrison County Riverboat LLC Caesar's Casino, DateCertificate of Date0pened SuikbilityAwarded e1 , 1 9 9 6 December9.1994 J u n1 1 1 ,1 9 9 6 December 9,1994 June February 10,1995 December 8.1995 4, 1996 June 30.1995 October December 13,1996 June 30.1995 November 17.1995 June29.1996 April18,1997 January 8, 1996 April17,1996 August 22,1997 May20,1996 NOT OPEN 2 Table Payments of lncentive andDescription Schedute Amount Promised lncentive $3,500,000 Commission SunRedevelopment A.Rising $500,000 Park B.Community $300,000 Bureau Visitors & Tourism, Convention, Co. Sun/Ohio Rising C. nolimit $1peradmission, Foundation SunRegional to Rising D.Contribution $4,000,000 advance E.Roadimprovement Upto $2,500,000 improvements F.Road upto $112,500 fees consulting and financial, for legal, G.Reimbursement Reciqient Sun Townof Rising Sun Townof Rising Sun Townof Rising Sun Townof Rising Sun Townof Rising sun Townof Rising sun Townol Rising Paid Amount through9/30/97 $2,157,296 $207,594 $300,000 $2,156,393 $689,372. $3,000,000.$112,500 Status Ongoing Ongoing Complete Ongoing Ongoing ComPlete Complete taxrevenue * These sunto bercinbursedto theGrandvictoriafrcma ponion(15%)of riverboat loanto thecW of Rising bearing non-interest a non-recourse, fundsrcpresent t^^^ to .^ be ^^ repaid .^^aid through lhr^,,dh a , reduction nd,6ti^n in in admis,dm a loan, wiltbeconsidered *. Grandvictoriacurrcniyis negotiating of thisexpendrure or not$500,000 with RisingSunasto whether siontax. receivedby the city tron the State. 3 Table Granls Foundation SunRegional Rising Grant CountY Switzerland District Sewage Regional Florence TownBoard Vevay ParkBoard Vevay Library Public County Switzerland Inc. Vevay, Historic UnitsInc. Emergency County Switzerland Ripley County Townof Milan School Eleirentary Sunman Church Catholic of Padua St.Anthony Townol Versailles of ParksandRecreation RipleyCountyDepartment Society Humane Ripley County Southern YMCA Indiana Southeastern Club Lions Milan HighSchool Senior Junior Ripley South Department Police Versailles Amount $75,000 $50,000 $35,875 $21,031 $2,500 $1,400 $50,000 $39,250 $23,200 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $15,000 $14,000 $6,425 10 $5,1 Grant Inc. fortheElderly, MilanHousing LionsClub Osgood County Dearborn Townof Dillsboro Post464inSt'Leon St.Joseph Legion, American inAurora Foundation Historical Hillforest 0hioCounty Corp. School Community County Rising Suni0hio SocietY Historical 0hioCounty Association Rising SunSoccer Counties Multiple Inc. Council & Dev't. Conserv. HillsResource Hoosier Historic Scholarships Educational Inc. Rehabilitation, NewHorizons Service andCommunity onAging Area12Council Inc. Project, Development Rural Indiana Southern Chapter County Dearborn/0hio RedCross, American . creation parking areas; of downtown . development DisBusiness Walnut Street a of Center; trictanda newCityGovernment . riverfront a newriverincluding development, Sun'sbusiVictoria andRising Grand walkbetween plaza atthefoot aswellasa pedestrian nessdistrict, of MainStreet: . development Center, Medical of a Community and 1998; byspring to becompleted . development Assisof a SignandTechnical thatwill signgrants to givebusiness tanceProgram district. ofthebusiness theappearance improve Victoria Grand admission, casino Forevery SunRegional to theRising makes a $1contribution 2 Amount $2,500 $2,500 $50,000 $50,000 $10,000 $50,000 $45,413 $2,500 $38,635 $13'000 $12'981 $10'000 $8'000 $2'485 hasbeencontributed Todate,$1,550,000 Foundation. to encounties andSwitzerland Ripley, to Dearborn, commut0 establish communities ableparticipating hasbeenset Another $546,295 nityfoundations. fund.Table3 liststhe reserve asideasa oermanent insouthto organizations made grants thefoundation July1997. through Indiana eastern of one-half share SunandOhioCounty Rising generated VicbyGrand taxrevenue theadmission quarter, and14municipalitwocounties toria.Every withtheforoftheproceeds, a portion tiesreceive population-the on based sharing mulafor revenue thegovernthemoremoney greater thepopulation, are counties andSwitzerland Ripley mentwillreceive. 1 Figure Rales LocalandStateUnemployment - Indiana 1\---f- Dearborn Ripley+ ohio ---B- Switzerland J u l AugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJun Jul AugSep 1997 1996 partofthisplan, municipalities: asarethefollowing Moores Hill,St.Leon, Aurora, Dillsboro, Greendale, (Dearborn Holton, Milan, andWestHarrison County); (Ripley Napoleon, Osgood, Sunman, andVersailles (Switzerland County). County); andPatriot andVevay Community Activity muchof southDuring theflooding thatdevastated Victoria's manIndiana in March 1997, Grand eastern agement assisted thetownsofAurora andPatriot during withfloodrelief. Although thecasino closed paid200emtheperiod of March 3-9,thecompany ployees to assist infloodcleanup. Victoria Grand theemergency command employees alsostaffed to inAurora meals centers andPatriot andserved floodvictims. Employment andEarnings gaming Initsapplication foranIndiana license, Grand people in Victoria estimated it would 1,398 employ apthecasino andhotel, withannual wages totaling proximately 1,1992it had AsofOctober $39million. 1,591 for1996-97 employees. Salaries andwages (butnot to $38million, including came tipsto dealers to barandwaitstaff). Thiswas$1million lessthan theemployee Victoria inits earnings Grand estimated However, theapplication offirstapplication. estimate yearwages included which didnotopenuntil a hotel, ninemonths intothecasino's firstyearof July1997, Part-time operation. workers comprise 8%ofallemployees, receive health andonlyfull-time employees carecoverage andlifeinsurance benefits. gross gamIn1996, Victoria Grand hadadjusted ingreceipts of$135.3 million, or23.6% morethanits application estimate. Gross revenues totaled $159 million-$13.4 million morethanthe$145.6 million 3 However, Victoria intheapplication. Grand estimated perpassenger pertrip. receipts overestimated ranto $12.9 million, Total local taxes or$3milTotal of$9.9million. lionmorethantheprojection were$23.3 million, or$4.7million more state taxes taxes Altogether, totalgaming-related thanprojected. paidcame million to $36.2 199755%of Grand Victoria's Asof 0ctober minorities, werewomen, 4%comprised employees 21%were fromRising Sun,and68%wereresidents andSwitzerland counties. of Dearborn, 0hio,Ripley, wasto have90%of its Thegoalin itsapplication localresidents, sotherivercomprising employees However, Grand boathasfallenshortinthisrespect. 1,591 workers outofa locallabor Victoria employed withArgosy Casino forceof 42, alsocompetes foremployees. Asof 0ctober in nearby Lawrenceburg Victoria's were employees 30,199229%of Grand residing in Ohio. withthemajority fromoutof state, rates 1 illustrates, unemployment for AsFigure 1996, have decreased since ashas thelocalcounties rate. 0bviously, theopening thestate unemployment intheareahadaneffect onunemployof riverboats growing economy. However, ment, asdidtheregion's ratesfor Dearunemployment asof lastSeptember, werestillabove thatof counties bornandSwitzerland rateforOhioCounty fell Theunemployment thestate. rateforMaythrough August, then below theIndiana increased to thesamelevelasthestatein Seotember. rate Ripley maintained anunemployment County period. thatofthestatefortheentire below lmpacl Local Economic to thegaming taxespaidto thecityand Inaddition paid$586,127 Victoria insales anduse state, Grand 1996through taxes fortheperiod October September it paid$32,845 in property taxes 1997.Moreover, period. Payroll thesame of$38million and during purchases fromlocal vendors alsoconof$3million tothelocaleconomy. Thisspending hasled tributed to several newdevelopments sincetheriverboat including fivenewbed-and-breakfast estabopened, lishments, a newrestaurant, anapartment complex, a gasstation, andtwonewbankbranches. lmpact onTourism '1997, Through ofthe September morethanone-third Victoria weremadebyIndiana totalvisitsto Grand residents, withapproximately one-third ofthosevisitorsbeing fromthelocal area. In1996-97, Grand paidadmissions, Victoria had3,000,000 whichis 4l%-greater thanitsattendance about800,000-o1 projection intheapplication. totheRising Sun/0hio County According ConTourism, Bureau, vention, & Visitors occupancy at localB&Baccommodations andinnsincreased be- 27 inapproximately tween1996and1997,resulting to visitation to attributes ThistheBureau newrooms. Victoria. Grand lmpacts andOther Legallssues an reports Department Sheritf's TheohioCounty period of the during in DWIarrests-31 increase to 1 compared 996 September through 1 995 October to have arereported 92a yearlater.Trafficaccidents on occurring with60accidents however, decreased, and49 opened Victoria Grand 56before StateRoute notea drop StatePolice Indiana afterward. occurring opened; onSR56sincethecasino infatalaccidents twofatal 1997, 1996andSeptember 0ctober between onthisroad,oneof which occurred trafficaccidents employee. Victoria a Grand involved of a fromthelocation canresult effects Other gambling Compulsive ina community. riverboat whichcouldleadto higher a problem, mightbecome needforsocial anda greater ratesof bankruptcy 1997' 0ctober through 1996 From0ctober services. problems weremade tencallsforhelpfromgambling andonecallwasmade residents, County byDearborn "Deal Withlt" line tothe resident County bya Ripley Indiana. Free Drug for a provided bytheCommission or Ripley year,residents of Dearborn Intheprevious NordidtheCommission nocalls. hadmade counties anycallsfromOhio receive Indiana lora Drug-Free in 1996or residents County or Switzerland County 1997. 0n animpact communities, smaller ln some andotherfactors enrollment, school starts, housing into moving asa resultof newemployees is expected however, enrollments, school thearea.ln examining County in Dearborn wehavefoundverylittleincrease (.10%) andonlyslightin(.54%) and0hioCounty (1.34%) (1.61%) andSwitzerland in Ripley creases counties. lrom0therRiverboats ol Findings Summary evaluannual 1998,wehavepublished Asof January to inaddition riverboats offourotherHoosier ations MaandEmpress, Aztarin Evansville Victoria: Grand jesticStar,andTrump Table4 summarizes in Gary. four ofthese evaluation the first-year of theresults boats. mostof its hasmetorexceeded Victoria Grand isone Employment goals, thefourothers. ashave met forsevproiections to be need still areainwhich 0verall, Victoria' Grand including eraloftheboats, localincenfromexamining ascanbeseen though, have thelocalgovernments tivesandtaxpayments, presence from the returns fiscal substantial enioyed oftheriverboats. 4 Table Riverboats of FourIndiana Evaluation First-Year MajesticStar Mar Empress Trump spending Development ($21million $121million morethanestimated) ($15.9 million million $127.9 morethanestimated) ($8.1 million ($13million $108.9 $106million morethanest.) million morethanestimated) payments Incentive ol schedule Ahead tor except 0n schedule lor except 0n schedule of hoteland renovation and develoPment commercial substation housing police ofexisting renovation Employment (slightlY 1,308 employees lessthanproiected) '1,695 (twice the employees proiected) amount (signif. employees (signif. 1,073 employees 1,461 proiected) than more prolected) morethan tips benefits, Wages, $30million $31million million $32.7 goals Employment (excePt hiring Metorexceeded CountYfromVanderburgh goal90%, actualS0%) goals(35% Nospecilic and51%from minorities Hammond) for Hasnotmetgoals for Hasnotmetgoals Garyresidents, Garyresidents,minorities, minorities, residents County residentsandLake CountY andLake taxespaid Total(stateandlocal)gaming (wagering andadmissions) million $28.2 $52.4million $42.4million 0therlocaltaxeoPaid 0n schedule $24.4million $27.7million insales anduse anduse $80,942 insales in salesandusetaxes, $140,467 andusetiues, $224,704 insales $800,000 taxes ftues taxes in property taxes in $341,646 Properly million $2.2 andtotalrevenues Lessthanprojected receipts Grossgaming thanproiected Higher thanproiected Higher Lessthanproiected