centurion - San Antonio Police Officers Association
centurion - San Antonio Police Officers Association
APRIL – JUNE 2015 CENTURION THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF THE SAN ANTONIO POLICE OFFICERS’ ASSOCIATION VOL41NO2 1,000 MILES on two wheels MEMORIAL FESTIVAL A day for everyone A T-SHIRT WITH A MESSAGE An officer shares his story SA LAW STRONG CENTURION june 2015 Rising stars onapril the –ballfield 1 APRIL – JUNE 2015 CONTENTS 26 22 20 FEATURES 18CLASS OF ‘74C REUNITES FOR ANNIVERSARY by Billy Anders. Weather hampered attendance, but the memories were worth the drive. 20SAPOA’S SWEARING IN The elections are over and the board is officially in office. 22SA LAW by Rafael Trnidad. The team hits the ball field and climb the national rankings. 24THE T-SHIRT by Robert Bunnell. A trip to SeaWorld, a t-shirt, and a new appreciation for family. 264TH ANNUAL MEMORIAL FESTIVAL CENTURION 2 april – june 2015 AND OPEN CAR SHOW by Tina Baron. The community members and businesses supported our fallen officers for a special day at the Academy. COLUMNS 6 FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK with Mike Helle 30 DON’T FEAR THE REALTOR® with Gasper Sifuentes 32 HEARTPHLET with Jessica Phelt 32 TRUSTEE’S MESSAGE with Jim Smith DEPARTMENTS 4 SAPOA BOARD OF DIRECTORS & MEETING DATES 8THANKS 10 ROLLCALL: INFORMATION & RESOURCES FOR MEMBERS & RETIREES 12 GET IN THE BOOK!: TRAINING & EVENTS 14SAY IT LOUD: MEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS 16 WIVES AUXILIARY 34 SAN ANTONIO FIRE & POLICE PENSIONER’S ASSOCIATION 40 SAPOA COMMITTEE CHAIRS & TRUSTESS 42 CLASSIFIEDS 44 COP SHOPS CENTURION april – june 2015 3 SAPOA BOARD MEMBERS EXECUTIVE BOARD President Vice-Pres Secretary Treasurer Parliamentarian Sergeant-at-Arms Mike Helle Dean Fischer Mike Despres Robert Grajeda James Foster Art Lindley SAPOA EPC NPT PPB IRU SPT 379-8777 416-3912 288-3415 601-4135 394-4691 269-9147 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Daniel Earnest Scott Bunnell Bryan Patten Richar Funk Don Gatten Open Kevin Landrum Joe Dubs Gregory Perry Washington Moscoso Elizabeth Montoya Dariel Johnson Matthew Paz Robert Dupee Groce Daniel Kevin Coble Keith Whitehead Brianne Martin Johnny Hardeway Delbert Skinner Ignacio Sierra Henry Flores Michael Grogan William Bjerk Alex Garza Scott Ambrose Jason Sanchez Robert Rosales Vincent Cano Mike Cokerham Richard Cuellar Sandra McCormick Amanda Viera Felix Rendon Kevin Dorsey John Diaz Todd Johnson Richard Cordaway BIKE 207-7764 CID/MajCri 207-7749 CID/VICE 207-2370 CID / IRO 207-2373 CID/NAR 207-2428 HQ/SS/IA207-4481 HQ/EveNig 207-7389 CID/AC 207-6549 CPA 207-7410 CPB 207-7410 CPC 207-7410 CPT 207-7410 EPA 207-7781 EPB 207-7781 EPC 207-7781 EPT 207-7781 NPA 207-8126 NPB 207-8126 NPC 207-8126 NPT 207-8126 PPA 207-7425 PPB 207-7425 PPC 207-7425 PPT 207-7425 SPA 207-8191 SPB 207-8191 SPC 207-8191 SPT 207-8191 WPA 207-7420 WPB 207-7420 WPC 207-7420 WPT 207-7420 TCA/TRAF 207-7400 TCB/TRAF 207-7400 TCC/TRAF 207-7400 SOU 207-7434 ATA/THA 922-0408 POP/GANG 207-8257 2015 BOARD MEETINGS June 9, 2015 July 8, 2015 August 13, 2015 CENTURION 4 april – june 2015 September 14, 2015 October 13, 2015 November 11, 2015 December 10, 2015 CENTURION VOL41NO2: APRIL – JUNE 2015 THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF THE SAN ANTONIO POLICE OFFICERS’ ASSOCIATION Editor & Art Director Bonnie Lemcke editor@sapoa.org BAM Family Law attorneys have your back. Managing Editor Adriana Valadez adriana@sapoa.org 210-304-0619 Every day, you go to work with the goal of helping others. Your education, training and experience provide you with the support you need to fulfill your goal. At BAM Family Law, we also have the mission of helping people. Our attorneys have extensive experience helping both police and fire employees, providing another type of support system for you. We understand your work schedule, your lifestyle and your challenges. We are here for your legal needs in all family law matters: custody, child support, divorce, enforcement, modifications, pension and benefits, property division, retirement and more. Please contact Adriana Valadez for advertising requests or specifications, story submissions, subscription questions and back issue requests. Articles need to be sent as a Word file, text document or email. High-resolution photos need photo credits and captions/short stories. The Centurion is published quarterly. DEADLINES for 2015: July – September Issue: July 1st October – December Issue: October 1st DEADLINES for 2016: January – March Issue: January 1st April – June Issue: April 1st San Antonio Police Officers’ Association (SAPOA) 1939 N.E. Loop 410, Suite 300 San Antonio, Texas 78217 p210.822.4428 f210.822.8720 tf877.376.5423 www.sapoa.org The Centurion is the official monthly magazine of the San Antonio Police Officers’ Association (SAPOA). The opinions expressed in the Centurion are those of the individual writers, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the San Antonio Police Department, SAPOA or the magazine’s editorial committee. Advertising space in the Centurion is purchased by the advertisers and its contents do not constitute official endorsements. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Centurion staff assumes no responsibility for items submitted for publication. The Centurion reserves the right to edit, revise or reject any material. Written permission is required before any reproduction of the material appearing in the Centurion. Please direct queries to the editor. ON THE COVER: Explorer Andrew Guerrero receives the 1000 Mile Certification Award for 2014. Call us – we’ve got your back! 210-299-4777 | 3107 Broadway | San Antonio, TX 78209 | SAdivorceattorney.com *BOARD CERTIFIED – FAMILY LAW – TEXAS BOARD OF LEGAL SPECIALIZATION • •M BA FAMILY LAW BANDOSKE | AUGUSTINE | MARVEL *Arthur G. Augustine | *Stephanie J. Bandoske | *Karen L. Marvel | Jennifer L. White | Ashley N. Butler | Rachel M. Reuter FROM THE DESK OF THE PRESIDENT with Mike Helle As Fiesta comes to a close, we all owe a great deal of gratitude to many of our members. We found ourselves having to work two fronts. One was a political front that required many of our members and their families to sacrifice their Saturdays to block walk for our endorsed candidates. Because of your hard work, I’m proud to report that our endorsed candidates are extremely grateful and know what it means to have SAPOA’s support. The other front was our memberships’ cooking crews and their families who worked tirelessly everyday supplying meals and water for our rank and file working Fiesta assignments in the hot sun. Our members were very grateful to our cooking teams. Our cooks and their family members worked all day and, when needed, all night preparing meals for everyone working Fiesta. Seeing them in action preparing food for our members is no easy task. On behalf of our entire membership, thank you to all of the members who have stepped up to the plate and answered our request for assistance on both of these fronts. city council election. With the continued support of block walkers, along with mailers, signage, and phone banking our PAC has placed us in the best possible position to have success this upcoming election. Also, members of the executive board have continued to make homeowners’ associations, where we discuss our bargaining position and the issues we are facing as a membership. For the most part our community loves its police officers and respects the hard work that you do every day; however the same folks are concerned with the future outlook of our city and a balance that keeps our public safety workers fairly compensated. In other SAPOA news, our voter registration drive, through our membership, has been going well. Now we just have to make sure that If you weren’t aware, the city council voted not to approve pension changes this session. The vote went right down party lines. Those for public safety and the others for whatever the manager said. We heard ridiculous comments like “it’s just not the right time” and “we should wait until the fund is 100% fully funded” and the best one “this could hurt our triple A bond rating”. To make matters worse one of the dissenting councilman sits on the pension board. Sadly, he just ripped from every retiree that has been waiting for their COLA pen- you actually take yourself and family members to VOTE. Our Political Action Committee has laid out a pretty aggressive game plan for the upcoming sion changes for a long time, right from their hands. I’m sure our retirees will have plenty to tell him at their next Pension meeting. The council CENTURION 6 april – june 2015 members who saw through the manager’s rhetoric were Councilmen Allan Warrick, Ray Lopez, Cris Medina and Councilwomen Rebecca Viagran and Shirley Gonzales. Thank you so much for your continued support and hopefully in May we will be bringing you reinforcements. It looks like 2015 is shaping up to be pretty contested and heated with the city. Continue to do your jobs to the best of your abilities, be proud and always honorable and know that the community supports us. And no matter how hard our city manager tries to change that relationship, she will never come between our love and dedication to service to our faith and community, and that’s why she will never win. Stay safe, Mike This issue, SAPOA President Mike Helle shares letters regarding the collective bargainin process updates with the Centurion readers. CENTURION april – june 2015 7 a note of appreciation to sapoa CALL FOR ARTICLES for the next Centurion! 4903 N.W . Industrial, San December 15, 2014 Antonio, TX 78238 | P: 210.333.1514 | F: 210.33 3.3433 Dear Friends, I am grateful for the support and friendship of the San Antonio Po Association (SAPOA.) lice Officers Your endorsement cam e at a critical time in ou helped place us in a positi r campaign and on to win a challenging runoff election. When we had the cha nce to sit down and talk about helping each impressed you simply wa other, I was nted an open dialogue an d someone to listen. Yo team took the time ur leadership to cover everything fro m manpower planning negotiations. In every ins to contract tance, you were well pre pared and humble in you r approach. My commitment to you will be to keep an open door and be an advocate officers and their familie for police s. You do a job unlike any other in our City an deserve the very best Sa d for that, you n Antonio has to offer. I will be there for you in the future. I want to thank you for tak ing the time to invest in my family and me. Your invaluable and a game support was changer! I look forward to a strong future of tea support for District 2. mwork and With much respect, Send us YOUR articles & announcements. Write about a recent trip, adventure or funny experience Announce an upcoming Police-Community Relations Event Publish a photo of your new son or daughter Write about police concerns and tactical topics Educate the membership about non-police field or topic Honor or remember an officer Share a story about your hobbies or interests Alan E. Warrick II Submit photos from off-duty gatherings Or better yet, commit to a column, and say your piece every issue! This is YOUR magazine ... Let YOUR voice be heard. SUBMISSION INFORMATION: Articles need to be sent as a Word file, text document or email. High-resolution photos need photo credit and captions/short stories. Submit to adriana@sapoa.org. CENTURION 8 april – june 2015 CENTURION april – june 2015 9 information and resources CENTURION SUBMISSIONS Submit photos, stories, announcements and ads to Adriana Valadez at adriana@sapoa.org. The Centurion will be published quarterly. To reach a chaplain, dial 210.207.7519. This will reach the on-call chaplain’s pager and you will receive a callback ASAP. May 29 June 26 July 31 August 28 September 25 October 30 November 13 December 18 Each date is a Friday. Sessions will start at 9am. Betsy Buhler Danny Hubbell David Tankersley Freddy Hernandez Gilbert De La Portilla Henry Bell James Carey John Mefrige Allison Uribe Fritz Williams Paul Worley Richard Amezquita Sam Spencer (Chaplain emeritus) Retirees need to bring all of the following with them on the day of their scheduled qualification: Weapon 2 mags, at least Holster 50 rounds of ammunition Check or Money Order for $25, payable to COSA. Please call 210.207.6229 to put your name on the roster for a desired date. Speak to any of the firearms instructors to get your name put on the list. Let us know if you have previously qualified, and need a “re-qual”, or if this is your initial qualification. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact: Wade McLeroy, Sr. #504 SAPD Training Academy, Instructor wade.mcleroy@sanantonio.gov Office: 210.207.6252 / Range: 210.207.6229 COFFEECOPS.NET a place for San Antonio Police Retirees to communicate CENTURION 10 april – june 2015 www.sapoa.org Everything you need to know in one place RETIREMENT RESOURCES ... San Antonio Fire & Police PENSION FUND FINANCIAL PLANNING SEMINAR First Friday of each month, except for the months of May and November. TRY OUT THE BENEFITS CALCULATOR! Visit www.safppf.org. Go to the MEMBERS ONLY tab. Register with your info. San Antonio Fire & Police PENSIONERS ASSOCIATION www.safppa.org RECoSA: RETIRED EMPLOYEES CITY OF SAN ANTONIO www.recosa.org CENTURION Retiree Mailing List EMAIL your home address to Adriana Valadez at adriana@sapoa.org or CALL the SAPOA office at 210. 304.0619. to be added to the list. Retirees Sergeant Ernesto C. Trevino on January 17, 2015 Sergeant Lori A. Gross on January 31, 2015 Captain Rosalinda Vasquez on January 31, 2015 Officer Van Eric Zabava on January 31, 2015 Detective Brett T. Bottenfield on February 1, 2015 Detective Pete Casias, III on February 1, 2015 Officer Julian Garza, Jr. on February 1, 2015 Officer Rodolfo Leal, Jr. on February 1, 2015 Officer Armando G. Martinez on February 1, 2015 Officer Susan M. Messer on February 1, 2015 Officer Barbara A. Moczygemba on February 1, 2015 Sergeant Rene J. Rodriguez on February 1, 2015 Detective Francisco J. Orta on February 1, 2015 Officer Felipe S. Santos, Jr. on February 1, 2015 Sergeant Martin A. Tobin on February 1, 2015 Officer Steven M. Winters on February 1, 2015 Officer Pete Elizalde, III on February 1, 2015 Sergeant Fidel A. Villegas on February 1, 2015 Detective Timothy J. Quinn on February 2, 2015 Officer Ronald A. Strothman on February 2, 2015 Officer Richard Bianchi on February 2, 2015 Lieutenant Teresa M. Velazquez on February 2, 2015 Officer Richard Cantu on February 3, 2015 Detective Willie Ng, Jr. on February 12, 2015 Officer Edwin L. Richter, Jr. on February 15, 2015 Officer Ralph P. Delgado on March 1, 2015 Officer Gregory O. Severns on March 1, 2015 Officer Laura S. Tate on March 1, 2015 Detective Edward V. Torres on March 1, 2015 Officer Guadalupe M. Campbell on March 10, 2015 Officer Kenneth L. Mahl on March 11, 2015 Officer Richard J. Villarreal on March 14, 2015 Captain Raymond Castillo on April 1, 2015 Sergeant Michael A. Garcia on April 1, 2015 Officer William A. Stroud, Jr on April 1, 2015 Officer Robert G. Esquivel on April 3, 2015 THE NORTHWEST BREAKFAST CLUBS Every Friday at 8:30am Tink a Taco at Guilbeau and Tezel Monday – Friday at 8:30am Tink a Taco at Potranco and Culebra FLORESVILLE COFFEE CLUB Every Tuesday at 8am Oliva’s Mexican Restaurant Downtown Floresville RET. MOTOR VEHICLE & STRIP OFFICERS First Wednesday of the month at 9am Tommy’s Restaurant #4 at 6702 San Pedro ALL RETIREES Last Saturday of the month at 1pm Snoga’s Restaurant at 2567 Goliad Rd HEALTH INSURANCE Claims Advocate Services, in the SAPOA Office DIRECT NUMBER: 210.828.9616 CENTURION april – june 2015 11 training & events CENTURION SUBMISSIONS Submit photos, stories, announcements and ads to Adriana Valadez at adriana@sapoa.org. The Centurion will be published quarterly. w TEXASE P O L I CI C S P mes.org OwwL.teYxaM a g e c i l o sp th Padre e/Sou 015 l l i v s n w Bro – 12th, 2 h t 8 e n Ju SAPOA PICNIC FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 COMANCHE PARK #2 2600 Rigsby Ave. San Antonio, TX 78222 www.publicsafetyfacts.com SAN ANTONIO’S RESPONSIBLE PATH TO THE FUTURE OF PUBLIC SAFETY BENEFITS CENTURION 12 april – june 2015 CENTURION SUBMISSIONS member announcements Submit photos, stories, announcements and ads to Adriana Valadez at adriana@sapoa.org. The Centurion will be published quarterly. 1000 MILE CHAMPION Waiting for the day that you will have time to place your precious photos in albums to enjoy? Well today is the day! We will visit about your wishes & style & within weeks, you will be enjoying the photos you so closely treasure! Explorer Andrew Guerrero receives the 1000 Mile Certification Award for 2014. Explorers are given the opportunity to ride their bicycles in the downtown and Mission Trail areas after completing a four day Explorer Bike School given by Officer Bazany. Once they graduate, they are allowed to ride in the many bike events offered by the city and bike clubs. Rides can range from 22 to 100 miles, depending on the event. Explorers on bikes are a known and welcome sight in the downtown area and they provide a proactive approach to crime fighting just by their mere presence. Explorer Guerrero logged-in more than 1000 miles in seven months of riding. Congratulations to Explorer Sgt. Andrew Guerrero 2014 1000 Mile Champion. Explorer Guerrero stated he plans to take the title again for 2015. Former 911-Call-Taker Lauren Bunnell is going to make her dad, Detective Robert Bunnell (Homicide), a Grandpa for the first time!! She is due August 8th, 2015. If the stars align correctly this person will be in the SAPD Academy in 2036! SAPOA’s Joe Carrillo, Senator Jose Menendez, and SAPOA’s Jimmy Rodriguez in Austin at the Swearing-In of the new senator. Officer Jason Lemcke #286 and Detective Bonnie Lemcke #2076 announce the birth of their son Ardenn Fowler Lemcke January 27, 2015 at 1158 hours 8 lbs 3 oz and 20 inches CENTURION 14 april – june 2015 Amazing Memories Scrapbook Services: A. Custom Scrapbook Layouts B. Annual Scrapbook Club C. Theme Tailored Scrapbook Albums Scrapbook Albums theme ideas include: Babies 1st Year, Baptism, Dedication, Confirmation, 1st Communion, Sports, Quinceanera, Sweet 16, Graduation, Engagement, Wedding, Friends GetTogether, Family Tree/Reunion, Retirement, Celebration of Life Tribute and more! We can discuss adding a theme you would like to have made that is not listed here during your free phone consult. Your Amazing Memories! www.youramazingmemories.com youramazingmemories@gmail.com 210-875-6195 x u i a l i a s r y e v i W STAY INFORMED, ONLINE If you are an SAPD Spouse or an SAPD Officer and would like to receive emails 2015 BOARD MEMBERS from SAPWA, please send an email to wives@sapoa.org. You can find and like PRESIDENT: Ashley Ott us on Facebook as San Antonio Police Wives Auxiliary. VICE-PRESIDENT: Patricia Garcia ABOUT US PUBLIC RELATIONS: Alyssa Garrett Wives Auxiliary is a SAPOA funded organization for spouses of SAPD officers FAMILY ASSISTANCE: Stephany Moloney & Sara Lloyd EVENT: Alyssa Garrett (active, retired, deceased), who develop sisterhood relationships and friendships. Our objective is to provide support for all officers and their families during their time of need such as: illness, injury (on or off duty), and to fallen officers. We offer a support system during a time of crisis to our officers and their families to ensure their needs are taken care of, such as providing meals, assisting with household chores, child care, etc. Along with providing support during these difficult times, we coordinate and host events solely for our officers and their families, such as Easter and Halloween parties. We are always seeking more volunteers to assist with supporting, planning and UPCOMING EVENTS Wives Auxiliary will be participating or hosting the following events for 2015. ANNUAL HALLOWEEN EVENT When: October 24, 2015 THANKSGIVING AT THE SHELTER EVENT When: November 26, 2015 executing these wonderful events for our blue family. No experience required, just a willingness to be involved. Contact SAPWA at wives@sapoa.org for more information. Wives Auxiliary can now be found on Facebook as San Antonio Police Wives Auxiliary. SAPOA COMPANY STORE OPEN M-F FROM 8A TO 4:30P Duty Gear & Holsters, SAPOA & SAPD Clothes, Caps & Mugs 1939 NE Loop 410, Ste. 300 • 210.822.4428 CENTURION april – june 2015 17 Class ‘74C Reunites for Anniversary On Saturday, November 15th, 2014, SAPD Cadet Class ‘74C got together at classmate’s Gary Fillinger’s home in Mico, TX to celebrate the 40th anniversary of their graduation from the Training Academy. Eight of the 36 members were in attendance. More than double that number were scheduled to attend, but the weather cooperated less than a drunk on a 1970s San Antonio Saturday night. It was cold and rainy and, if not, it was raining, drizzly, and very foggy. Nevertheless, Gary Fillinger, an officer for seven years before leaving for a civilian career, provided a great BBQ for the group. In 1974, classes were held in the basement of police headquarters at 214 West Nueva. Physical and tactical training was conducted in the headquarters gym and in such places as the basketball court/helicopter pad on the roof. Four of our members who are deceased Joy Wells, Bill Barta, Steve Shields, and Robert Robinson, a SAFD Arson Investigator, were remembered in prayer and a moment of silence. All members who stayed with the SAPD are now retired, though some continue in other law enforcement agencies. Present to tell a few fibs about the good ole day were, left to right: Billy Anders, Wayne Biasiolli, Rudy Vernon, Irene (Garza) Murnin, Larry Duarte, Mahala (Tefteller) Ritchey, Leo Galindo, and Gary Fillinger. Other members of the class, besides those already mentioned, were Tim Bearden, Stanley Biedrizcki, David Espinosa, Jesus Garza, Fernando Gonzales, Randy Gotthardt, Jimmy Gutierrez, Jimmy Holguin, Benny Johnson, Bernard Jutemeyer, Blas Morales, Thomas Perez, Paul Presley, Ronald Richter, Abel Segura, Elton Simmons, William T. Smith, Carlos Solis, Fred Solis, Charles Spiers, Russell Tracy, Frank Viellela, Herbert Vorhour, and Terry White. As Detective Ben Lively always reminded us, it was all in good clean fun! CENTURION 18 april – june 2015 —Billy Anders, Ret. 1996, Class President A An evening to celebrate & “swearing in” Fertility Center OF SAN ANTONIO Honored for over 25 years with some of the highest fertility success rates in the nation, ones reviewed and documented by the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology and the federal government. The Fertility Center of San Antonio, PROUDLY SUPPORTS THE SAN ANTONIO POLICE OFFICERS. Thank you for protecting the families of our community. We are a preferred United Health Care In Network Provider. The Fertility Center of San Antonio would like to show our appreciation to the SAN ANTONIO POLICE OFFICERS by offering a PREFERRED EMPLOYEE PRICING for treatments not covered by United Health Care. Fertility Treatments: In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Six (6) ATTEMPTS PER LIFETIME PER COVERED FEMALE. (covered at 80% after deductable is met.) Artificial Insemination (IUI) Tubal Reversal Surgery Please visit www.fertilitysa.com for a complete list of fertility treatments. Joseph E. Martin, M.D., FACOG Medical Director Gregory S. Neal, M.D., FACOG Reproductive Endocrinologist Thomas B. Pool, Ph.D., HCLD Embryologist and Laboratory Director Methodist Plaza 4499 Medical Drive, Suite 200 San Antonio, Texas 78229 Phone: 210.692.0577 | Toll Free: 1.800.708.1869 | Mexico: 1.866.672.3330 | Fax: 210.692.1210 CENTURION 20 april – june 2015 CENTURION april – june 2015 21 SA LAW Ranked #16 in the Nation in 2014 By: Rafael Trinidad, #2281, SA Law Coach Since the spring of 1988, SA Law has been involved in the police softball circuit, competing against teams from all over the nation and abroad. Solid baseball fundamentals such as speed, defense, and timely hitting, along with an emphasis on dedication to teamwork & camaraderie, have always been the basic ingredients surrounding the SA Law formula for success started by its founding coach, Valentine “Val” Lopez, Jr. In 2014 SA Law continued those successful ways by picking up a few young players from within the ranks and put together an impressive season. The year started off with Law traveling to Lafayette, Louisiana to play in the Lights & Sirens Softball Tournament benefiting the Special Olympics. Law lost their first game to the Alexandria P.D. but pulled off 6 straight wins to make it to the Championship game featuring two nationally ranked teams. #21 in the East, Team Louisiana, vs. the #12 in the West Regional rankings, SA Law, proved to be a nail biter. But –the Law secured the Championship with a walk off homerun by Cody Haegelin #795 of South Patrol “T” shift. Team Louisiana’s coach, Jody White was quoted in the newspaper and online with saying, “Team Louisiana was last year’s Champion and felt it was an honor to play host to San Antonio and give up the title to a team filled with such a high level of class and sportsmanship! Police Softball was definitely represented well.” 1 CENTURION 22 april – june 2015 4 SA Law had a gold medal in their sights when making the trip to the Texas Police Games in League City, Texas, but fell short of their goal. After going undefeated during the first day of round robin play, The Law dropped two games on the second day and finished a disappointing 3rd place for a bronze medal. In August, the Law traveled to Mission, Texas to play in the “Project Diamond” Tournament to support an 18-year veteran of the McAllen P.D. who had recently been diagnosed with cancer. After 12 teams battled it out, The Law won the Championship, but left with more than a trophy. The feeling that the team had being able to contribute to the family of Officer Joe “Diamond” Rodriguez and seeing them “wowed” by the Law Enforcement community coming together to help them, was worth more than any trophy the team would could have been given. September found the Law playing in another softball tournament, but this tournament would be an “open” tournament in which The Law would be competing against “seasoned” civilian softball teams. Although the competition was a higher level than normal, this tournament was a must, as it was benefiting Ramiro “Ram” Garcia of the Houston P.D.. “Ram” and his family were involved in a tragic car accident in 2013, in which “Ram” suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury, leaving him blind, deaf, and unable to speak. The Law team knew they had to support this cause, but were running low on funds for the entry fee, as SA Law supports its seasons by each member paying for entries out of their own pockets and using their own comp time. The Law approached the San Antonio Police Officers’ Association with this cause, and without hesitation, The Law was given the funds to participate in this worthy cause. “Ram” was also a member of the Police softball circuit, playing for “Team Texas” out of Houston, so The Law knew they would have to represent Law Enforcement softball well. And they did, taking the Championship by beating the undefeated team, twice, in the Championship final. 2 The grand finale of the 2014 season was in October, at the PoliceSoftball.com World Series in Las Vegas, Nevada. With all of the expenses involved in taking such a trip, SA Law once again turned to an organization for assistance. The San Antonio Hispanic Police Officers Organization gladly donated the entry fee for the tournament, making it possible for The SA Law Softball Team to represent San Antonio at the biggest police softball gathering in the Nation. Seventy-two (72!) teams from all over the Nation competed in what is known as the “Big Stage” of Police Softball. 2013 was The Law’s first showing at the World Series and, due to their reputation in previous Texas Police Games & Nevada Police Games finishes, the World Series directors had SA Law ranked as #12 in the West Regional rankings and #23 in the Majors Division National rankings. SA Law was introduced to the Majors Division at the 2013 World Series by facing the Defending Champion #1 ranked SoCal Alliance in their first game and the #6 ranked Shamrock Enforcers in their second game of the round robin play, losing both games, proving that this was the “best of the best” in police softball. Although The Law impressed the Majors Division teams with their athletic style of play in the remainder of the tournament, The Law finished tied for 17th place. In 2013, The Law knew some adjustments had to be made to compete on a higher level. After making those adjustments, The Law went back to the World Series in 2014 with something to prove, and they did just that. Getting another chance to face the #6 East Coast ranked Shamrock Enforcers during tournament play, The Law made a statement by “run ruling” the Enforcers 26 to 12 in the 6th inning to secure a confidence building win for the team. The Law went on to win a few big games against some highly ranked teams and ended up tied for 13th place, earning a new ranking of #8 in the West Regional rankings and #16 in the Majors Division National rankings. 5 The World Series Tournament Director, Jeff Blair, had this to say about The SA Law: “Biggest shocker of the World Series. We had them as a “bubble” team somewhere between Gold / Majors. We were wrong! These guys crushed it in Vegas and established themselves as true heavyweight contenders. They are a complete team as they have a very strong pitcher, good defense, and balanced hitting. Lack of exposure keeps them outside the Top 5, but based on what we saw they have the talent to crack into top tier status.” SA Law would like to congratulate the MVP of the 2014 season, Pitcher Johnny Gomez #3214 of DWI Central. SA Law would also like to thank the SAPOA & SAHPOO for supporting all of the officers on the team and assisting us in continuing the SA Law traditions of competing, whether winning or losing, with class, dignity, respect, and honor, all while representing the San Antonio Police Department on the highest level. PHOTOS: 6 CURRENT SA LAW MEMBERS Coach R. Trinidad #2281 Manny Reyes #0789 Erik Garza #0507 Jaime Alvarez #2235 Albert Sanchez #1572 Johnny Gomez #3214 Sal Hernandez #0831 Jonathan Reyes #1470 Rex Zabava #3126 Zach Waters #0013 Cody Haegeline #0795 Joseph Flores #1563 Edwin Rivera #3039 Amando Juarez #0388 Leonard Vidal #0858 Joseph Flache #9837 1. Johnny Gomez pitching at the Policesoftball.com World Series. 2. Manny Reyes getting ready to hit one deep. 3. Albert Sanchez concentrating on getting the out. 4. Trinidad & Gomez holding Val’s National Law Enforcement Memorial plaque given to them by Grace Lopez, as Val was chosen as the SA Law’s first MVP posthumously, for the 2013 season. 5. SA Law and Team Texas getting together for a picture at the World Series. 6. SA Law at the 2014 Policesoftball.com World Series. 7. Celebrating Albert Sanchez’s birthday at one of the tournaments. 3 CENTURION april – june 2015 7 23 by Detective Robert Bunnell #2090, Homicide short time ago, I hit my twenty year mark as a police officer with the city. It was a nice milestone and it seemed to go by so fast working from West Patrol to Homicide. I still have some more time to do, and I am still honored and proud to be a police officer here in San Antonio. But that is not what I wanted to talk about here. I was invited by the city to go to SeaWorld for the anniversary of the employees hitting their milestones with the city. It was paid for by the city and anyone that knows me knows that I love freebees. But not this time. I just wanted a quiet day at home on my day off, with time to decompress and relax. Most officers know exactly what I’m talking about. I didn’t want to go to SeaWorld. But it wasn’t the fact that it was SeaWorld. I just didn’t feel like going anywhere. I like it at home. Well, my wife did want to go. She would be my plus one. She set everything up. Lord knows I wasn’t about to help. Anyone that is married to a police officer knows what happens next. We went to SeaWorld. My pleas to stay home were promptly ignored. As we walked through the parking lot to the entrance, I complained the whole way. Why do I have to go? Why can’t I stay home? This really isn’t necessary. I won’t be happy. I refuse to have fun! Enjoy SeaWorld with a grumpy husband! Still ignored. We made it through the gate and went to a table CENTURION 24 april – june 2015 where the honorees pick up their free tshirt, with my wife dragging me by the arm the whole way. The shirt was baby blue. I am not wearing a baby blue t-shirt. My wife tells me that it was ok, she was going to wear it. Remember, I still have to make good on my promise to be a pain in the butt. So I tell her that she isn’t a city employee and therefore is not qualified to wear the t-shirt. It would be a farce to wear it. She continued to ignore me and put the shirt on. I was going to report her! Wearing that shirt was not right! I saw a lot of people at SeaWorld that day and everyone was having fun. Now I’m getting sunburn; I’m thirsty, hungry, etc, and having her wear a t-shirt that she was not authorized to wear was just silliness. My wife walked up ahead of me as I dragged my feet. I read what was on the back of the t-shirt. I hadn’t noticed there was writing on the back. It read, “Pride, Integrity, Service”, and, all of the sudden, it hit me. My wife may not be an employee for the city, but she has had a hard job, over the last twenty years, of being married to a Police Officer. Some would argue that she has consistently gone above and beyond the call of duty when dealing with me. I admit that I am difficult, maybe, at times. She has done a good job being the spouse of a cop. I couldn’t do it. Not sure if I would even want to. She has been there when I was burying my friend; she has been there when the day didn’t turn out as good as it was supposed to. She has taken calls from the communications center when I needed her to bring me another uniform. Some of our best friends are police officers and their spouses. She has hung in there through it all. I know there were times when she was scared or afraid. But she was solid. Ok, I admit it. Pride, Integrity, Service. Yeah, I get it now. This trip to SeaWorld was for her. I still wanted to be at home, but this was going to be her day. I still wasn’t happy, but at least I stopped complaining. The end of the day came and we headed home. She was very proud of herself to be able to get me to “go have some fun” for a change. To this day, I still believe that nobody else would have been able to get me out of the house. She deserves to be recognized, as all of the spouses of Police Officers do. They do more than we imagine or even acknowledge, in our day to day lives. If you have a spouse or significant other that has hung in there, by no choice of their own, and has propped you up when you needed it, give them a little recognition. Maybe we, as police officers, don’t think of those standing behind us pushing and pushing. I didn’t see it for myself, until I was the one walking behind her. Thanks, Baby. It has been over a year and a half since I was pushed through the gate to go see Shamu. My wife, Deborah, still wears that t-shirt. It is beat up, faded, holey, and torn, kind of like me. But I will say this ... I hope she throws out the shirt before she throws out me. Anthony D. Bancroft sapd traffic officer “i am my brothers keeper.” divorces child support modifications adoptions insurance cases motor vehicle accidents personal injury probate matters deceptive trade practices (dtpa) attorney and counselor at law (210) 222-1200 office (210) 222-1253 fax (210) 213-3540 cell 310 S. St. Mary’s—24th Floor San Antonio, Texas 78205 Bancroft@AnthonyBancroftLaw.com 4th Annual Memorial Festival and Open Car Show by Tina Baron WHAT IS LOW T ? It all starts with a simple blood test It only takes 30 minutes Most insurance accepted Sheriff, Police & Fire Departments 50 RECEIVE $ The Fourth Annual, Memorial Festival and Open Car Show was held on Saturday, March 7th at the SAPD Academy Grounds. We had a huge turnout of guests!! The event is quickly gaining a reputation for a friendly and fun place to take the whole family while supporting our family in blue. The Memorial Festival and Open Car Show is held on the FIRST SATURDAY OF MARCH every year. The Car Show had over 150 entries! This year, the Memorial Festival Committee reached out into the community and brought in vehicle experts to help judge. Guest judges included Mr. Akilino “Lino” Ochoa the owner of Alamo City Garage and Mr. Curtis Haby, the owner of Haby’s Automotive. Other judges were knowledgeable officers that volunteered to help. Capt. Jimmy Reyes, the Academy Commander, volunteered to present the trophies, represent the department and the training staff. Our special judging moments came from the survivor families themselves. Each fallen officers’ family that arrived to the festival was given a trophy (and we are talking about some good sized trophies) to give to the car of their choice. The car owner received the trophy DIRECTLY from our families. There were 14 Survivor Family Favorite trophies given out this year. We hope to continue this tradition in the future. CENTURION 26 april – june 2015 Car Show online pre-registration opened at www.sapoa.org under the Blue Cares tab. Participants could also register on the day of the event upon entry. The car club with the most participants was The Alamo City Rods. The Alamo City Rods were awarded a flag that was flown over the event, encased with glass etching. Propel Financial Services provided bags for shirts and promotional materials. The first 100 registered participants received a long sleeve Memorial Festival Car Show logo t-shirt. Rock Auto (www.rockauto.com) provided promotional items for car show participants as well. Planning of the annual festival begins as soon as the last one is over. However, the 2015 set up began on Friday with the assistance of several volunteers. AGAIN, the Training Academy Staff took great care of us to support the event! The Driving Staff came out and worked all day to get the facility ready with us. Thank you Officer Joel Pope and your team for your time and continued support!! LS&S Transport donated their equipment to bring in golf carts provided by our friends at Olympia Hills Golf Course. LS&S also provided the flatbed trailer used as a stage for the event. Tractor City John Deere of Castroville and Seguin transported gators that were used for set up and transportation on the grounds. Det. Duane Killian came back for a second year and helped transport guests on a multi-seat gator. LS&S then stored and returned all of the equipment from John Deere, Olympia Hills and Holt.CAT. Urban Concrete Contractors gave a financial donation and supported the event with several pieces of equipment. Urban Concrete workers brought a fence to secure the obstacle course and tables and chairs for guests. Mr. Darryl Bippert of Urban Concrete donated his time to monitor all of the equipment and kept everything running smoothly. Ms. Tonya Schmid of Urban Concrete assisted as a runner throughout the day. Holt.CAT also donated a large generator for the day to run several bounce houses and equipment. The use of this generator allows the festival team to work toward other needs when we don’t have to set up several smaller generators. The team greatly appreciated this addition and assistance that we have received from the community! Ms. Cindy Rodriguez provided several new signs and print material used at the Memorial Festival. The event banner was also provided by Ms. Cindy Rodriguez. The Memorial Festival committee greatly appreciated the assistance with the printed material. CO-PAY CREDIT San Antonio 1202 East Sonterra Blvd. Suite 201 San Antonio, TX 78258 210 • 496 • 5698 Northwest San Antonio 9234 N. Loop 1604 West, Suite 107 San Antonio, TX 78249 210•684•5698 LowTCenter.com On Saturday, the car show registration table opened at 9 a.m. The grounds opened at 11 a.m. with the posting of the colors by the SAPD Honor Guard and the Floresville Wildcats Football kids. The Honor Guard included a trumpet duet of the National Anthem. Det. Jesse Allen volunteered as the event DJ. The play area had several bounce houses provided by our friends from Inflatable Wonderland with Jumping for Joy. There was also a climbing wall and game truck provided by the memorial festival. This was our biggest play area set up. Guests could spend all day in the play area for a $15 donation or for $1 a ride. The kids had an absolute blast this year! For the second year, local vendors were invited to come out and sell their wares at the festival. The event receives a donation for each space used by a vendor. We had food that ranged from snow cones to pulled pork BBQ sandwiches. There were several t-shirt vendors and a couple of car specific vendors. As the event continues to grow, we hope that the vendor area steps up as well. So far, so good. Freddy’s Frozen Custard continued their support of the families of fallen officers by giving every volunteer a free meal. Freddy’s helped the committee to provide comfort to these volunteers as they spent hours out of their day to support the event. SAPD SWAT brought out their response vehicle and equipment for viewing. There was also an impromptu competition on the climbing wall between some of our SWAT members and members of the fire department that attended. I will leave you guessing at who won. The committee would also like to thank the San Antonio Fire Department for their presence at the event. The SAFD has attended the event EVERY year and are always gracious with our guests and families. They brought out many apparatuses throughout the day. Two members of SAFD also volunteered their time as first aid for the event. Thank you Medics Randy Ruston and Peter Baron for coming back and helping the Memorial Festival event. There was a group of volunteers from Macy’s that helped at our rock climbing wall, and SA Boom Softball assisted at the front entrance with moving cones. The SAPWA ran the entry gate. Mrs. Patricia Garcia and the SAPWA kept that area under wraps. They did a great job for us. The CPAA and VIP citizen volunteers returned and assisted with ticket sales and security at headquarters. The CPAA’s Blue Bear arrived as well to take pictures with guests. A raffle was set up and prizes were awarded at the end of the day. Raffle items were donated by several businesses and persons in the community to include: Alamo City Gold and Silver, Americus Diamond (4 year donation), Alamo City Garage, Rock Auto. com, The Magic Time Machine, Lt. Frank Martinez and Family, D.C. Janae’ Florance, Sgt. Andrea Klauer, Lt. Karen Falks and family, Det. Henry Ann and Valarie Charles, Det. Rhonda Barnett and family, Frank and Leslie Carrillo, and Sea World of Texas. Blue Bear had several counter parts throughout the day. The Mission’s Ballapeno and the Spurs’ Coyote met with guests as well. SAFD’s Sparky came out with the big turnout of SAFD members and gear. We had a huge number of volunteers and each one is always very appreciated and NEEDED. The SAPD Explorers came out and helped in the parking lot, the car show and the play area. This event does not happen and roll as smoothly as it does without the assistance of the Explorer Program and their strong foundation for volunteerism. The committee would like to thank the SAPD Explorers for coming out and helping every year! The Central Explorers worked in the parking area. We had a massive number of guests coming and going throughout the day. The Central Explorers and the Central SAFFE officers did a fantastic job running traffic in the parking area. Special guest booths were set up by Saving A Hero’s Place, The 100 Club, C.O.P.S. (Concerns of Police Survivors) South Texas Chapter and Tour De Force. The Memorial Festival team is proud to help provide a place for these organizations to have direct contact with a large number of officers, their families and the community. All of these organizations assist and recognize the survivor families and fallen officers of SAPD. You can see more information about the Memorial Festival at sapoa.org under the Blue Cares tab or check us out on Facebook. Please feel free to post any of YOUR OWN festival pics from the past on our Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/ memorialfestival The Memorial Festival Committee would like to thank the following sponsors: Top Sponsor, Flag Encased Recipient: Freddy’s Frozen Custards Top Sponsor, Banner Recipient: Urban Concrete Guardian Angel Sponsors: Urban Concrete Contractors, Freddy’s Frozen Custards, Inflatable Wonderland with Jumping for Joy Archangel Sponsors: Tractor City, John Deere of Castroville and Seguin, SAPOA, LS&S Transport, Olympia Hills Golf Course Gold Angel Sponsors: SA Fire Auxiliary, Tony and Carolyn Martinez “Survivor Family Favorite” Car Show Winners, 2015 Silver Angel Sponsors: SAP Benevolent Fund Bronze Angel Sponsors: CLEAT, SAHPOO, Holt.CAT and Xgrafx Other contributions: Blue Bell Ice Cream, Det. Steve Gilbert CENTURION 28 april – june 2015 Next Year: March 5, 2016 Brad Burdin, RN, NP-C, FNP ADVANCED PRACTICE FAMILY CLINIC COMMON ILLNESSES Allergies Bronchitis Ear Infections Influenza Pink Eye Sinus Infections Strep Throat UTIs SKIN CONDITIONS Acne Athletes Foot Biopsies Cold Sores Impetigo Ingrown Toenails Minor Sunburn Skin Tags Family Nurse Practitioner Owned and Operated Primary Care In Network, with United Healthcare MUSCULOSKELETAL CONDITIONS Back and Neck Pain Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Foot Pain Heel Spurs Knee Pain Migraine Headaches Myofascial Pain Plantar Fascitis OTHER SERVICES EKGs Pre-Op Exams Camp and School Physicals Wellness Exams 210.616.0245 9502 Computer Drive Suite 200A San Antonio, TX 78229 DON’T FEAR THE REALTOR®! Booking Your Next Vacation? By Gasper F. Sifuentes III, Broker By Gasper F. Sifuentes III, Broker CUSTOM HOME VENTURES Greetings to my brothers and sisters in blue; it’s summer in San Antonio and the heat is definitely on. This month, I want to introduce you to a new SAFR partner, “Schepis Family Custom Homes”. A new custom home builder, started by our very own Sgt. Eric Schepis. Long ago, Eric learned the carpentry trade with his father. Enjoying classes in metal and wood shop during his teen years set the forms that created the foundation of his family business today. Taking jobs in various construction fields honed his skills and developed a professionalism that is unmatched in the industry. His eye for detail and knowledge of building demands, is key in his success as a custom home builder. When I heard Eric and his wonderful wife Debbie had began this new business venture, I could not contain the stirring in my spirit to help them get “Schepis Family Custom Homes”, off the ground. I offered the SAFR Team, as sales reps, to assist him with moving his new site built homes. I introduced him to several of our preferred lenders, to get the money in place for our extremely important clients, and Eric introduced me to an outstanding architect named Tony, who develops floor plans at “The Plan Factory” (www.planfactorysatx.net). From these beginnings, we laid out the details to steadily move his business forward at a healthy pace while creating a high quality product. 7 Out Of 10 Times, We Offer The Best Prices! I first met Eric, while we worked Central “B” Shift back in 1992. We were gung-ho and enjoyed being young police officers, working for the greatest department in the nation. We forged a great friendship that was only reinforced when he married his lovely wife Debbie, a friend of mine from high school. Understanding his desire to prepare for his future, I knew I had to be a part of their success. I asked Eric to share with my readers what he feels is the most important thing for a custom home buyer to understand when they prepare to buy their new home, here is what he advised; The home buyer needs to compare what the builder includes as standard features versus upgrades. First, the buyer needs to set a budget for home and property. Find the property first, then you will know what your home budget is. Schepis Family Custom Homes has a list of standard features that most builders charge as upgrades. We tell our clients to figure the build at $110-$115 per square foot when looking for their house plan, so say you have a budget of 300k and your lot is 40k you have 260k for your home. 260k divided by $110 is 2363 sq ft. $115 is 2260 sq ft. The buyer would then work with an architect picking plans between 2200-2400 sq ft. Once the plan is picked the builder can give a closer idea of the true cost. Creating an honest and quality company, that sworn and civilian personnel alike can trust and believe in, has always been my upmost priority. Knowing Eric and Debbie, I can assure that this spirit of professionalism thrives within their business model as well. I have always tried to support police owned businesses. We should always be able to support each other, not only on calls, but in our personal and professional lives beyond the department. It is my hope that you will visit my website and click on the Custom Home Builder tab at the top right side of the home page to visit “Schepis Family Custom Homes”. We would appreciate your support! I would also like to take a moment and welcome aboard several of our newest SAFR team members. You may recognize a few of them: Andrew Montemayor, Mike Moore, Jessica Phelt, Michael Guzman, Angie Olivares, Carlos Garcia Jr, Yvette Quintanilla, Van Zabava, and Keith Alfaro. This company would be nothing without the quality people that make it the family that it is. God Bless you all and remember, you are San Antonio’s Finest and YOU deserve, The American Dream. CENTURION 30 april – june 2015 See for Yourself... startlivinga.dreamtripslife.com 210-803-9923 Skilled Care in the Comfort of Your Home • • • • RN, LVN & Aides Physical Therapy Lymphedema Therapy Wound Care/Dressing • • • • Cardiac Program Foley Catheter/Ostomy Care Diabetic Care/Injections Alzheimer’s & Medication Education Servicing San Antonio, Del Rio & Surrounding Counties 210.474.0037 www.amistadhhc.com 877.713.7878 FIRST RESPONDERS Stager’s Corner COME FIRST by Jessica Phelt #0156, CPA AT VISION SOURCE As a Realtor and Professional Home Stager, I am in and out of many houses. Sometimes in their desire to make a sale, owners will overload the home with plug-ins, artificial fragrances and cleaners. You may know someone who uses these items in their home as well. Many people are allergic to the chemicals in these fragrances, and many of these common household products are toxic! Even if you look at the label for toxic ingredients, the most dangerous components probably won’t be listed. The manufacturers have successfully lobbied the government to exempt them from this requirement and can omit any ingredient that is considered a “secret formula” from its label, and many of these “secret ingredients” are toxic and carcinogenic. Please consider using a natural alternative to clean and refresh your home. I have been using essential oils for about two years, and have been very happy with the results. Essential oils (those that are unadulterated and pure—not pharmacy grade which contain chemicals), can help clean the air and surfaces of your home better than chemical cleaners can. Essential oils raise the oxygen levels in the home while cleaning the environment, and also penetrate the skin and help the body by giving the same benefits as if they were rubbed on the skin. And, inhaling the oils stimulates the lungs and brain. Whether or not you are selling your home, please consider switching to a healthier alternative, especially if you have children! My favorite oils come from Young Living, and I would be happy to talk to you about putting them into your home. Jessica Phelt, Home Staging Specialist. 210.336.9335. stageitsellitfast@yahoo.com TRUSTEE’S MESSAGE Jim Smith, Active Police Representative, Investment Committee Chairman I would first like to state that is has been both a privilege and honor to serve you as one of your trustees of our Pension Fund since September of 2010. Fortunately the economy has slowly recovered. Back in September of 2010 our total Fund size was $1,900,000,000. The fund is currently at $2,700,000,000. Our fund was 90.7% funded at that time with 8.5 years to amortize our unfunded liability. We are currently 93% funded with an amortization period of 6.15 years. More importantly, during that same time period we lowered our assumed rate of return from 8% to 7.5%. This lower rate gives us the ability to remove even more risk from our fund should an economic downturn take place. This gives our fund good downside protection. We are outliers, having only 40% of our fund invested in the more risky equity (stocks) investments, as compared to our peers who are at nearly 60%. CENTURION 32 april – june 2015 As mentioned in the above paragraph, the Pension Fund will incur more risk if we want a greater return on an investment. The same is true for first responders, where we assume a lot of risk every day of our careers for modestly higher compensation (returns). It is not just about what we do every day, but also what we are willing to do and sacrifice physically and psychologically over a 30 year career. Unfortunately, it is difficult to dial down the risk in our daily jobs versus that of the Fund’s portfolio construction. Another positive outcome of the earnings growth of the fund was the Pension Fund Board’s ability to issue retirees a fund performance distribution, in the form of a 13th Check. This is the first time one has been issued since 2007. Nearly 9 million dollars was put back into the local economy from this distribution. Last, but not least, the Pension Funds positive earnings growth gave the board the ability to develop a legislative package which would modestly increase active and retirees’ benefits. It also has a provision which would give the taxpayers of San Antonio 4.3 million dollars to utilize on other items in the City budget. This package is a true win, win scenario. I want to give a shout out to the entire Pension Fund Staff, the investment team, and all of the other trustees on our Board. It is indeed a team effort to have this much success. While my term expires this Spring, I plan on running for a new term. I hope you have the confidence in my abilities to serve you in the future. The last 4 ½ years have flown by and I have learned a tremendous amount, with much more to learn. I’ve enjoyed speaking to you at roll calls, in emails, and on the phone. Once again, if you have any issues, concerns, or rumors that need to be addressed, please do not hesitate to contact any trustee or staff member so we can take care of your needs. Please be careful out there. God Bless, Jim Smith FARMERS INSURANCE THERESA ALONZO INSURANCE AGENCY (Lt. Leo J. Alonzo’s Wife) 9107 Marbach Rd. Suite 204 Phone 210.645.9388 / Cell 210.862.2815 / Fax 210.645.9482 talonzo@farmersagent.com AUTO—HOME—LIFE—HEALTH—COMMERCIAL LAW ENFORCEMENT & FIREFIGHTER DISCOUNTS GET ALL THE DETAILS Farmers gets you back where you belong. VK Orthodontics, P.A. At Vision Source MacArthur Park and Alamo Heights, we show our appreciation for First Responders with special offers like: » Special Savings for First Responders and their families on Glasses » Gift Certificate towards Non-Prescription Sunglasses with your eye exam. It’s our way of saying “Thanks”! » Huge Inventory of frames and sunglasses » 1-Hour Service on most single vision prescription lenses » Advanced Diagnostic Technology to make sure you see as good as you look Let Us Know You’re a First Responder When You Make Your Appointment. Saritha Chary-Reddy, D.D.S., Ph.D. 1571 Thousand Oaks Dr. Ste. 101 San Antonio, TX 78232 210.496.6262 www.vkorthodontics.com $500 off comprehensive orthodontic treatment* SAPD and SAFD Employees & Family Complimentary Consultation *New Patients Only EXCLUSIVELY AT THESE LOCATIONS MACARTHUR PARK ALAMO HEIGHTS 1939 NE Loop 410 Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78217 Phone: (210) 822-7239 Visionsource-macpark.com 5212 Broadway San Antonio, TX 78209 Phone: (210) 829-8083 Visionsource-alamohts.com SAN ANTONIO FIRE & POLICE PENSIONERS’ ASSOCIATION MEETING MINUTES: FEBRUARY 2015 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1:30 PM by President Mike Trainer. OPENING CEREMONIES: Our invocation was led by President Trainer, which was followed by our Sergeant at Arms, Bill Lambrides, leading the members in reciting the pledge of allegiance. ROLL CALL: 8 board members were present for the February 10, 2015. President Mike Trainer—present, Vice President Bart Moczygemba—present, Recording Secretary Earnest Gay— present, Treasurer Christina Madero—present, Corresponding Secretary Fire David Perez—present, Corresponding Secretary Police John Scott—present, Sergeant at Arms William Lambrides—present, Parliamentarian Mary Holub—present. RECORDING SECRETARY: The minutes of the January 2015 were read. There were no additions, deletions or corrections noted and the minutes were approved as read. TREASURER: The Treasurer, Christina Madero reported that the Association had income of $1,030.00 for the month of January. Expenses for the same period were $513.18. The Treasurer reported that the Association has a total cash value in all accounts of $49,239.53. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES PENSION FUND COMMITTEE: Harry reported that the fund had appreciated approximately 9 million dollars bringing the total value of the Fund to 2.69 Billion Dollars. The percentage YTD increase for the Fund is .75%. Harry also reported that the C.O.L.A for the last year was 0.8% for those retired prior to September 30, 1999. The C.O.L.A. for those retiring after 1999 is 0.6%. The Pension Fund’s longest tenured employee, Sonya Martinez, will be retiring in March 2015. The Fund is looking into eliminating the mailed check statement for those that would like to receive them thru e-mail. PRE-FUNDED HEALTH INSURANCE COMMITTEE: President Trainer reported for the Health Fund. Trustees and the Fund’s Administrator were out of town attending seminars or conducting site visits. President Trainer also reported on the Funds progress in opening a health clinic for Members only. The location of the clinic will be along 1604 corridor in NW San Antonio. PAC FUND COMMITTEE/ENDORSEMENT COMMITTEE: Vice President Bart Moczygemba reported that the PAC Fund had a total of $113,295.56. There were only 2 expenses for the last month. There will be political interviews for the upcoming city elections. CENTURION 34 april – june 2015 WELLNESS REPORTS PRE-89 HEALTH CARE: Information luncheons are being planned. There are no proposed changes in the coverage. PRESIDENTS REPORT: President Trainer reported that the Fund’s CPA, Randy Walker’s office is working on the IRS conformation for our 501-c7. Mike attended 2 TEXpers single day meetings in January. Mike is also looking into insurance for our members who wish to have coverage under the conceal carry law. Mike reported on the proposed by-law change. The proposed change is as follows: ARTICLE III MEMBERS: Section 2: Dues: There shall be no initiation fee. Effective March 1, 2015, the membership dues shall be $5.00 per month for the retiree and spouse. All Life memberships that were paid on or before March 1, 2015 will be grandfathered with no additional dues owed. All Life memberships in payroll process on or before March ,1 2015 will be grandfathered once paid in full and no additional dues will be owed. Beginning March 1, 2015 new life memberships will only be granted to a Surviving spouse eligible for membership under Article III, Section 1. Any current Life member that wishes to become a contributing Life Member may do so by paying the monthly dues. Membership dues must be by payroll deduction. This by-law change was presented as a motion by the board, seconded by Alfred Schwartz. After discussion, the motion passed unanimously. The proposed date for the annual mail out is Thursday March 5, 2015 at 10am at the pension office. LETS KEEP ALL OUR MEMBERS AND THEIR FAMILIES IN OUR PRAYERS Anyone having information about deaths or illness involving fire department personnel, retirees or relatives, is invited to call David Perez at (866) 652-4237 with information. Anyone having information about deaths or illness involving police department personnel, retirees or relatives, is invited to call John Scott at (210) 525-9962 with information. FEBRUARY 2015 pending. There were 17 retirements for those who haven’t Fire Secretary David Perez reported that he sent out 5 sympathy cards for the previous month. hit the 30 year mark. This is in contrast to 6 retirements for MARCH 2015 A sympathy card was sent to the family of Jeane Miller who passed on March 6, 2015. She was the widow of Asst. Fire Chief James Miller. A sympathy card sent to Emma Guerra who passed on Feb. 24, 2015. She was the widow of James Guerra. A sympathy card was sent to the family of Ernest Lukasik who passed away March 1, 2015. APRIL 2015 David Perez reported on one firefighter that had passed away. David will be attending the funeral. S.A.F.D. MARCH 2015 Police Officer Billy Brightwell passed on Feb. 20. Billy retired after 28 yrs. of active service and then went to work for the city as the supervisor of the Alarm Unit. Police Officer Greg Knaus passed on Feb.23rd. Greg was a traffic officer for many years. Det. Invest. Barney Ring passed on March 2nd. after a long illness. Other deaths reported were: Police widow, Mary Cervantes passed on Feb. 2nd. Gesela Stout, mother of retired Lt. Dennis Stout on Feb. 16th. Adam Hernandez passed. He was the son of Police Officer Alan Hernandez. Alice Good passed on March 1st. at the age of 90. She was FEBRUARY 2015 the mother of Retired Police Sgt. Roger Good. Betty Jo. Meyers passed on March 2nd. She was the wife of retired DOOR PRIZES: There was an additional door prize of 4 Rodeo tickets w/parking donated by Stanley Bernstein. Winner was Abel Juarez. The six $10 prizes were won by Eli Vidaurri, Alice Kalka, Marieta Baer, John Scott, Arthur Bernstein and Marilyn Katz. Police Secretary, John Scott reported three deaths for after 28 1/2 years of service. Jim was shot and wounded Larry Robarts, retired motorcycle officer is recovering at ADJOURNMENT: After the door prizes were given, President Trainer adjourned the meeting without opposition. while serving a narcotics warrant and had problems home after an illness. Loren Jackson, retired civilian fire with health till the time of his death. James was a well- arms instructor is in the North Central Baptist, room 301. the month of January. James A Cuellar, passed away on January 1, 2015 at the age of 82. Jim retired as a Sgt. respected Sgt. By all who knew him. A sympathy card WORDS TO LIVE BY: I’D RATHER BE SORRY FOR SOMETHING I’VE DONE THAN FOR SOMETHING I DIDN’T DO. MORAL OF THE STORY: Remember the adage; “to try and fail is at least to learn, to fail to try is to suffer the inestimable loss of what might have been.” By not doing something you’ll never know what the end might have been. However, by doing something you’ll know if the end was right or wrong. You can be sorry if the end was wrong but at least you’ll know that you dared to try. was sent to the family. John S. Caroll passed away on January 1, 2015 at the age of 85 years. He had a long and courageous battle with cancer. Bonnie Caroll, John’s wife worked for the city of San Antonio at City Hall. She retired after many years of service. Marilyn J. Wilson passed away on January 1, 2015 at the age of 74 years. She was Police Officer Floyd Myers. Dorothy Zunker passed away. She was the widow of Det. Henry Zunker. APRIL 2015 A Sympathy card was sent to the family of Retired Police Officer Mike McMurtrey who passed away April 5, 2015. Mike fought a courageous battle with emphysema and heart disease. Mike’s step-dad, J.B. Watson, also a Police Officer, preceded him in death. the wife of Retired S.A.P.D. Sgt. George Wilson. Marilyn Police Officer Vic Mena was in the hospital for treatment suffered years with a debilitating sickness; however, she of blood clots. He is now at home doing well. His wife, Eva, was a courageous trooper till the end. There were 20 said that he is doing so well that he can continue doing retirements from January 2, 2015. Two retirements are the sweeping, mopping and washing the dishes. —Minutes submitted by Henry Trevino. 11603 West Coker Loop, Suite 130, San Antonio, Texas 78216 • P 866.652.4237 • F 210.494.6505 • www.safireandpolicepension.org 11603 West Coker Loop, Suite 130, San Antonio, Texas 78216 • P 866.652.4237 • F 210.494.6505 • www.safireandpolicepension.org CENTURION april – june 2015 35 SAN ANTONIO FIRE & POLICE PENSIONERS’ ASSOCIATION ADVANCED CHIROPRACTIC & HEALTH CENTER Providing Service for San Antonio police officers and their families MEETING MINUTES: MARCH 2015 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1:30 PM by Recording Secretary Earnest Gay. Mike asks all members to keep their PAC donations active. Presently the Fund has legislation in Austin. When the legislation is assigned a number Mike will post it on our website. OPENING CEREMONIES: Our invocation was led by Secretary Gay which was followed by our Sergeant at Arms, Bill Lambrides, leading the members in reciting the pledge of allegiance. Mike will be attending the 26th TEXPERS annual conference in Austin at the end of the month. ROLL CALL: There were 7 board members present for the March, 2014 meeting, Treasurer, Christina Madero has to leave the meeting early. President Mike Trainer—excused, Vice President Bart Moczygemba—present, Recording Secretary Earnest Gay— present, Treasurer Christina Madero—present, Corresponding Secretary Fire David Perez—present, Corresponding Secretary Police John Scott—present, Sergeant at Arms William Lambrides—present, Parliamentarian Mary Holub—present. RECORDING SECRETARY: The minutes of the February meeting were read. There were no additions, deletions or corrections. TREASURER: Secretary Madero had to leave early. Secretary Gay read her report. The report stated that the Assn. had $1,030.00 income. Expenses were $3,051.13 (mostly due to the mail out). The total in all Assn. accounts is $46,197.34. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES PENSION FUND COMMITTEE: Larry Reed reported that the fund was up about 27 million bringing the total value of the fund to 2.71 Billion. This is a 1.15% increase YTD. The next Pension Board meeting is set for March 25, 2015. . PRE-FUNDED HEALTH INSURANCE COMMITTEE: Henry reported the fund was at $318,955,051.69 which is down slightly for the month. James Bounds, Fund Director, reports that the clinic for members is on track and is projected to open in the fall. PAC FUND COMMITTEE/ ENDORSEMENT COMMITTEE: Bart reported that the PAC had a balance of approx. $117,000.00. The PAC Fund is not going to do Council and Mayoral Interviews. The Fund will use the interviews already done by the Fire and Police PAC’s. The reason for the use of the interviews already conducted was that there are so many candidates with little time before the election. PRESIDENTS REPORT: President Trainer left notes informing the members that he is looking for an insurance provider for those with conceal carry license to provide liability insurance and legal assistance if the need arises. The company is scheduled to have a representative as a speaker for the April meeting. Mike reported that the Assn. received final confirmation on our tax status. Our tax free status has been reinstated and we did not CENTURION 36 april – june 2015 Auto Accident Hip Pain Carpal Tunnel Sciatica Neck & Back Pain Sprain & Strain Headache Chronic Pain Shoulder, Arm, Leg and Foot Pain Carpal Tunnel have to pay a fine or penalty. The final bill from the Walker CPA firm has not been received yet. DOOR PRIZES: There were six door prizes of $10 each given to members present at the end of the meeting. This month’s door prize winners are Alice, Marsha, Carlos, Diana, E. Vasquez and Marcial. ADJOURNMENT: After the door prizes were given, Secretary Earnest Gay adjourned the meeting without opposition. WORDS TO LIVE BY: I AM WHO I AM MORAL OF THE STORY: I may not be someone’s first choice, but I’m a great choice. I may not be rich, but I’m valuable. I don’t pretend to be someone I’m not, because I’m good at being me. I might not be proud of some of the things I’ve done in the past, but I’m proud of who I am today. I may not be perfect, but I don’t need to be. Take me as I am or watch me as I walk away. —Minutes submitted by Henry Trevino. MEETING MINUTES: APRIL 2015 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1:30 PM by President Mike Trainer. OPENING CEREMONIES: Our invocation was lead by Rev. A. D. Smoot which was followed by our Sergeant at Arms, Bill Lambrides, leading the members in reciting the pledge of allegiance. ROLL CALL: There were 7 board members present for the March, 2014 meeting, Treasurer, Christina Madero had to leave the meeting early. PresidentMike Trainer—excused, Vice President Bart Moczygemba—present, Recording Secretary Earnest Gay— present, Treasurer Christina Madero—present, Corresponding Secretary Fire David Perez—present, Corresponding Secretary Police John Scott—present, Sergeant at Arms William Lambrides—present, Parliamentarian Mary Holub—excused. 11603 West Coker Loop, Suite 130, San Antonio, Texas 78216 • P 866.652.4237 • F 210.494.6505 • www.safireandpolicepension.org 2 Col x 5” LIFETIME UNIT REPLACEMENT LIMITED WARRANTY* 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE 2 ColYour x 5”Amana® brandWARRANTY Air Conditioner comesON with aALL CRAFTMANSHIP LIFETIME Lifetime Unit Replacement Limited Warranty*. LIFETIME UNIT Should the compressor on this unit ever fail on the original, registered homeowner, a new unit will be provided for free for as long as you own your home. REPLACEMENT LIMITED WARRANTY* Your Amana® brand Air Conditioner comes with a Lifetime Unit Replacement Limited Warranty*. Should the compressor on this unit ever fail on the original, registered homeowner, a new unit will be provided for free for as long as you own your home. (Insert Dealer info here) CALL US TODAY! 210-862-9189 OFFICER SANCHEZ #0813 • BLACKBELTCO@GMAIL.COM • WWW.BLACKBELTCO.COM *Complete warranty details available from your local dealer or at www. amana-hac.com. To receive the 10-Year Parts Limited Warranty and Lifetime Unit Replacement Limited Warranty–good for as long as you own your home–online registration must be completed within 60 days of installation. Online registration is not required in California or Quebec. Amana is a trademark of Maytag Corporation and is used under license to Goodman Company L.P. All rights reserved. (Insert Dealer info here) DR. HAMID PEJMAN 210-495-0888 Se Habla Espanol Most Insurance & Credit Cards Accepted 225 E. Sonterra Blvd., Ste. 113 San Antonio, TX 78258 (Corner of Sonterra and Stone Oak) SAN ANTONIO FIRE & POLICE PENSIONERS’ ASSOCIATION SPEAKER OF THE MONTH: Our speaker for April was Missi Goodson who represents U.S. Law Shield. This company provides liability insurance for concealed handgun license holder. Missi explained the different policies available to both retired police and fire fighters. The lead attorney for the company was also present to answer questions. Members present received an informational packet. Recording Secretary: The minutes of March meeting were read. There were no additions, deletions or corrections. The minutes were approved as read. Treasurer: Tina reported that the Association had income of $1,445.00 for the month and expenses of $159.54. The Association has a total of $47,500.43 in all accounts. Pension Fund Committee: Trustee Larry Reed reported that the fund is at 2.74 Billion. Appreciation for the year is 3%. Larry reported that the fund has pulled the bill in Austin because the city voted not to support the legislation. Larry gave an account of the council members that voted for and against supporting the legislation. For the legislation were: Ray Lopez – District 6, Cris Medina – District 7, Alan E Warrick II – District 2, Rebecca J Vigran – District 3, Shirley Gonzales – District 5 Against the legislation were: Robert C Trevino – District 1, Ray Saldana – District 4, Ron Nirenberg – District 8, Joe Krier – District 9, Mike Gallagher – District 10, Ivy Taylor – Mayor Larry stressed how we should remember which council members supported the Fire and Police in the upcoming election. Those that are in the city and can vote should do so. Be sure to bring your friends, neighbors and relatives. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES HEALTH INSURANCE COMMITTEE: James Bounds reported that the fund was at $322,650, 368.27 which is up 2.4% YTD. James also reported on the progress of the clinic and stressed that the word “clinic” is probably not the best choice as the office is going to be a “Doctors Office” and will be available to treat illnesses and minor injuries and they will refer out to a specialist when necessary. James explained that the Office is being designed to allow members to be seen within 24 hours and not have to wait the 2 to 3 weeks that most offices will schedule you for. PAC Fund Committee/ Endorsement Committee: Bart reported that the PAC fund is at $115,732.58 at the end of March. There have been some disbursements since then for some of the local council districts. Presidents Report: Mike reported on the response of the mail out and thanked everyone that joined and also thanked those lifetime members that have decided to become contributing Life Members. To date we have received over 200 responses to the dues. Mike gave some of the ideas we came up with as to what we can do for the members with the additional funds we will be receiving. A spring Picnic and possibly a Christmas Dinner/dance. There will also be the possibility of having additional mail outs to keep our members informed. DOOR PRIZES: There was a Special Door prize donated by Attorney Stanley Bernstein, two tickets to the production of “Annie” at the Majestic Theater for Wednesday night. The Tickets were won by Dale Jacobs. Our usual 6 door prizes of $10 each along with 2 additional prizes of a $10 Wal-Mart gift card and a bottle of Liquor donated ny Armando Ynostrosa of Expressions Designs Winners were: Bill Turner, Alice Juarez, Bertha Bernstein, Carlos Madero, Larry Reed (Walmart card), John Scott (Liquor), Able Juarez and Marsha Scott. ADJOURNMENT: After the door prizes were given, President Trainer adjourned the meeting without opposition. SAPD Watch, at left SAPD Badge pendants and charms, starting at $77.95 ORDER AT THESE LOCATIONS: Expression Designs & Graphics tel: 823-7769 or Alamo City Gold & Silver tel: 930-3900 15RX Pharmacy PRESCRIPTIONS IN 15 MINUTES OR LESS * Accepting All RX Insurances*, Lowest Co-Pays*, Family RX Generic & Brand Discounts, Compounding Lab, Medical Equipments Supports our Police Department and WILL DONATE $5 TO SAPOA FOR EVERY $25 SPENT on OTC/ Medical Equipment purchased by SAPD families* 15RX Pharmacy @ Westover Medical Park is located on 151 access road between Military Dr. W & Westover Hills Blvd going towards 1604. Call 684-15RX(79) or email rph@15rx.com for questions. *See Pharmacy for details. “We Are Here So The Healing Can Begin” WORDS TO LIVE BY: “IT DOES NO GOOD TO DWELL ON DREAMS AND FORGET TO LIVE” MORAL OF THE STORY: Experience the joy and beauty of dreams; they are the seeds to inventions. When dreams serve their purpose let them go. Dreams have a short life while your life will last a lifetime. Enjoy your life and remember to dream as if you’ll live forever and live as if you’ll die today. —Minutes submitted by Henry Trevino. • Homicide • Suicide • Decomps • Hoarding Staffed by SAPD & SAFD On Call 24/7 (210)979-8878 CENTURION 38 april – june 2015 11603 West Coker Loop, Suite 130, San Antonio, Texas 78216 • P 866.652.4237 • F 210.494.6505 • www.safireandpolicepension.org Same Company, New Look SAPOA COMMITTEE CHAIRS & TRUSTEES CENTURION Editor Bonnie Lemcke EPC editor@sapoa.org BENEFIT FUND Chairperson Mike Despres NPT 210-207-8126sec@sapoa.org CONTRACT NEGOTIATION Chairperson Dean Fischer EPC 210-207-7781vpx@sapoa.org LEGAL TRUST Managing Attorney Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Steve Carnes *** WashingtonMoscoso CPB Mike Helle SAPOA Jose Bara WCS Paul HeitzmanCOP 210-822-7678 scarnes@grouplegalservices.org 210-207-7410 washington@sapoa.org 210-822-4428pres@sapoa.org 210-207-7421jbara@sanantonio.gov 210-207-7360paulheitzman@sanantonio.gov BENEFIT PLAN AND TRUST Chairperson (DENTAL/OPTICAL) Trustee Trustee Mike Despres NPT 210-207-7781sec@sapoa.org Mike Helle SAPOA 210-822-4428pres@sapoa.com Chris Lutton CPB 210-207-7410clutton2@satx.rr.com PENSION FUND Executive Director Chairperson Trustee Trustee/Ret. Warren Shawn Jim Harry Schott Ury Smith Griffin *** PDC IAS Retired 210-534-3262 info@safireandpolicepension.org 210-207-7484sury@sanantonio.gov 210-207-7935jasmith@sanantonio.gov 210-534-3262info@safireandpolicepension.org RETIREE HEALTHCARE FUND Executive Director Chairperson Trustee Trustee/Ret. James Mike Shawn Jerry Bounds Despres Ury Clancy *** NPT SCT Retired 210-494-6500 faprhcf@swbell.net 210-207-8126sec@sapoa.org 210-207-7484sury@sanantonio.gov 210-494-6500gclancy@satx.rr.com PAC Chairperson John Diaz SOU LEGISLATIVE Committee Chairperson Jimmy Rodriguez 210-367-2030 CLEAT Executive Director President Vice President Director Charlie Todd Ervey Pete Wilkinson Harrison Banda Elizalde *** *** WPA WPC 512-495-9111 512-495-9111th2511@hotmail.com 210-207-7420 ebbb8861@yahoo.com 210-207-7420pnj@satx.rr.com NPT 210-207-8126sga@sapoa.org SPECIAL EVENTS Committee Chairperson James Ellis jddiaz6@yahoo.com jimmyz970@hotmail.com ATHLETIC Committee Chairperson Mara Wilson CPB Basketball/Softball Carlos Ancira CPD Football Mark Valero WCS 210-207-7410mwilson@lavernia.net 210-207-7990cancira@sanantonio.gov 210-207-7421valero5@sbcglobal.net BY-LAWS Committee Chairperson Dean Fischer EPC 210-207-7781vpx@sapoa.org DONATIONS Committee Chairperson Jose 210-207-7421jbara@sanantonio.gov ETHICS Committee Chairperson Andy Chernak CPA 210-207-7410officerandy@sbcglobal.net GRIEVANCE Committee Chairperson Jerald Keif PPT 210-207-7425jkeif2005@yahoo.com LABOR RELATIONS Committee SAPOA Representative Art CPB 210-207-7410 INSURANCE Committee Chairperson Chris Lutton CPB 210-207-7410clutton2@satx.rr.com BUILDING Committee Chairperson Dean Fischer EPC 210-207-7781vpx@sapoa.org BUDGET OVERSIGHT CommitteeChairperson Earl Wade NPC 210-207-8126 eww0001@aol.com WIVES AUXILIARY Ashley Ott *** 210-262-4926 CENTURION 40 april – june 2015 1st Chairperson Bara Lindley WCS art.lindley@sanantonio.gov wives@sapoa.org CENTURION april – june 2015 41 ADVERTISING RATES (PRICE LISTED PER INSERTION) CENTURION Contact Adriana Valadez at adriana@sapoa.org or 210-305-0619 OPEN M-F, 8A TO 4:30P Duty Gear & Holsters SAPOA & SAPD Clothes, Caps & Mugs 1939 NE Loop 410, Ste. 300 • 210.822.4428 NINA’S ALTERATIONS AND CLEANERS Same day service on most alterations TEXAS Tax Refunds Custom Alterations & Tailoring Services Dry Cleaning • Dress Making • Draperies Special discount for Law Enforcement 10151 Culebra Rd., Ste #104 One-half mile inside Loop 1604 210.682.5835 Owned and Operated by Samuel and Nina Hernandez Manuel C. Lopez, Retired SAPD Notary Public, Free Estimates, Low Rates 10151 Culebra Rd, Ste. 106, San Antonio, TX Phone: 210-520-2283 / Fax: 210-520-4627 Please check out my new book: FOXTROT, WE’RE ON THE WAY! San Antonio, Texas, Police Department Helicopter Stories, a Memoir. By Billy Anders. Available at Amazon.com (Print or Kindle) Barnes&Noble.com OutskirtsPress.com/bookstore 2x 4x $2154 $1939 $1724 1202 1082 962 Full Page Two-Thirds Page 893 866 770 Half Page 538 484 430 Third Page 364 328 292 Quarter Page 289 260 231 Eighth Page 100 100 100 DESIGN SERVICES Advertisement design services are available at the firsttime set-up rate of $200, for ads of a Half-Page or larger, or $100, for ads smaller than a Half-Page. Ad copy needs to be submitted via email or as a Word document. Logo or art files must meet the Display Ad requirements below. Classified Display 50 50 50 GUIDELINES FOR DIGITAL SUBMISSIONS We accept e-mail attachments of 100MB or less and accept CD-ROMs for files larger than 100MB. Please provide proofs for digital ads. Color laser is sufficient. SAPOA COMPANY STORE Center Spread (2 Full Pages) 1x GENERAL ADVERTISING INFORMATION Centurion is published quarterly. The advertising deadline for each issue is on the first day of the first month of the quarter in which you want to run (January 1st, April 1st, July 1st, October 1st). Advertising rates are listed per issue insertion. SUBMITTING DISPLAY AD MATERIALS Advertising materials may be submitted via digital media using the following guidelines. Please call Adriana Valadez for assistance 210-304-0619. Submit advertising insertion orders, payments, and advertising art to adriana@sapoa.org. Classified Display advertising is available for just $50 an issue! Number of Insertions File Formats -InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, TIFF, EPS. 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(Duotones and spot colors should also be converted to CMYK.) - For optimal resolution, artwork should be at least 300 dpi at 100%. Line art should be 1200 dpi at 100%. Bitmaps should be 600 dpi at 100%. - Please do not nest EPS files within EPS files. 2/3 H Fonts - Use Type 1 postscript fonts. Include all fonts (printer and screen versions) or convert fonts to outlines. - Any materials submitted with TrueType, Multiple Master, unsuported or missing fonts will be matched as closely as possible and replaced with a Type 1 postscript font, based on the proof provided. Please use specific fonts for italic and bold (e.g., when using Times, use Times Italic or Times Bold fonts, rather than choosing “italic” or “bold” from the style palette). FULL PAGE Bleed 1/8 H 1/2 V 1/2 H FULL PAGE Non Bleed 1/4 V PRESORT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 1425 AUSTIN, TX 1939 N.E. Loop 410, Suite 300 San Antonio, TX 78217 COP SHOPS FREE LISTING FOR OFFICERS, LIMITED TO FOUR LINES. TO ADD OR REMOVE A COP SHOPS LISTING, PLEASE CONTACT ADRIANA VALADEZ AT ADRIANA@SAPOA.ORG OR 210-304-0619. ART International Galleries, Inc. Art – Limited Editions Tim Sorrell 210.862.5826 Senior Blessings, LLC Concierge Services for Seniors www.seniorblessings.com 210.632.8000 On the Edge Events, LLC Rafael Trinidad 210.669.0599 www.247superhero.com Rogers-Wiseman Ranch Whitetail Deer Hunts-Bandera County John and Cody Mills 210.827.7747 Home Team America Jeff Saar, Realtor® 210.488.3593 isellinsa@yahoo.com ATTORNEY AT LAW Jesus David Garza, Attorney at Law Free Consultation / 210.827.2643 ELECTRONICS & REPAIRS 400-Day and Wind-Up Clock Repair David P. McDaniel (Ret.) 830.446.6405 Submission Concepts 50% off for Officers and Family Richard and Janie Odoms 9703 Bandera / 210.366.0065 Keller Williams Realty Pedro & Alicia Mendez, Realtors ampmteam@kw.com 210.240.9925 Law Office of Timothy J. Quinn, PLLC 210.478.8898 timquinnlaw@gmail.com timquinnlaw.com Smart Home Technologies, LLC Home Theatre Systems, TVs, DVD Players Brian Phelt 210.389.6101 INSURANCE Farmers Insurance Theresa Alonzo Agency Law Enforcement & Fire Fighter Discounts 210.862.2815 AUTOMOTIVE B.B.B.: Paint & Body Shop Tom Bearden 210.637.0774 / Fax: 210.637.1758 North Park Lexus & North Park Toyota Leonard Soto, Sales Consultant 210.707.9618 lsoto2000@gmail.com Red McCombs Toyota Shane Mitchell (Neal Mitchell) Sales Manager Direct: 210.573.5777 Xtreme Auto Ads, LLC Banners, signs, car wraps, outdoor ads Tim Henry/ Pedro Mendez 210.588.9588 CLOTHING & ALTERATIONS Alterations by Maggie Valdez Will pickup & deliver to any substation Cell: 210.854.6055 alamocityheat@sbcglobal.net Butler’s Suits … Suits U Men’s Italian Suits for All Occasions Montrez Butler / 210.421.2565 mbutler37@att.net Nina’s Alterations & Cleaners Full-Service Cleaners / Seamstress Sam and Nina Hernandez 682.5835 / 215.2979 CLEANING Bio-Techs: Crime & Trauma Scene Cleaning Rafael & Audrey Trinidad 210.979.8878 COSMETICS Mary Kay Cosmetics Tony and DeeDee Arcuri, Sales Director 210.834.4424 www.marykay.com/deedee CAKES, CATERING & FOOD Creative Cakes by Charles Cakes for all Occasions Charles Marcus 210.325.1144 Ragz Gourmet Popcorn Holiday and Personal Tins Available David Snow / 210. 313.9681 The Tasty Pastry—Made from scratch Felicia Alford / 210.842.6302 thetastypastry@gmail.com EDUCATION The Mustard Seed Early Learning Center Frank & Roxy Vasquez Near FM 1604 and Culebra 210.688.7003 ELDERLY ASSISTANCE Caring For Mom Senior Placement Service Kelly Rey / 210.748.9000 Kellyr@caringformomplacement.com www.caringformomplacement.com Terrance & Ingrid Gatson Computers—Electronics—Websites www.gatscomp.net 210.336.6606 EMBROIDERY, MARKETING & GRAPHICS Embroidery Plus – Signs & Banners Shirts, Hats, Signs, Banners + more Dave Tedford / Misti Gladstone 210.649.2930 Expressions Design & Graphics Embroidery, Screen Printing, etc. Armando Ynostrosa www.expdesigns.net / 210.823.7769 Impress-A-Print Promotional Products, LLC Sef and Kristen Alvarado / 210-240-7168 Discount to Officers, Fire and Military Impress-A-Print.com INKredible Promotions Promotional Products Distributors Frank Mc Donald 210.521.2212 Xtreme Auto Ads, LLC Banners, signs, car wraps, screen printing Tim Henry / Pedro Mendez 210.878.9260 ENTERTAINMENT, PARTIES & EVENT SUPPLIES Banda’s Moonwalks & Party Rental Supplies Ervey and Teresa Banda 210.724.3471 DJ Mike In The Mix Michael A. Mandujano Batmnn23@yahoo.com 210-535-0950 DJ Spinz Ent. / Music for All Occasions Manuel & Janie Rodriguez 210.744.6243 JAB Productions Social & Corporate Events James Brown / 210.432.2144 sales@jabproductions.us Magic and Mentalism Shows Mystery Entertainment 4 Parties & Events Wayne Cannon 210.219.5596 FITNESS AdvoCare Nutritional Supplements Sports Performance, Weight Loss, Wellness David & Yvonne Padilla 210.885.7239 Fit 180 Boot Camp & Group Fitness David & Yvonne Padilla info@fit180bcgf.com www.fit180bcgf.com Medifast/Weight Loss Justin Anders, TSFL Health Coach justintime4health.tsfl.com 210.241.0836 Vanadium Crossfit Vidal Resendez 210.749.6331 www.vanadiumcrossfit.com V.I.P. Yoga 512.791.9718 Tracy & William Badders www.vipyoga.webs.com FLORIST, NURSERY, LANDSCAPING & LANDWORK Doc’s TREE & Landscape CO. Specializing in Trimming/ Removal Det. A. Howard 210.379.2037 Floral Basket Rudy Mungia 210.366.3345 thefloralbasket@att.net GIFTS & JEWELRY Alamo City Gold & Silver David Putnam www.sadiamonds.com 210.930.3900 / acgse@swbell.net Africa’s Sun Arts & Jewelry Custom Crafted Jewelry & Special Orders Barbara Thomas (Williams) 210.602.9274 Ron’s Jewelers Jeweler: Ron Segovia 210.359.1166 Fax: 359.9447 South Hill Designs / Erica De La Rosa southhilltexas@gmail.com 210.771.8341 www.southhilldesigns.com/ericadlrsatx HOME CONSTRUCTION, REPAIRS & INSTALLATIONS ABPerez, Inc. Custom Homes Alex B. Perez (Ret.) ABPerezBuilder@aol.com 210.684.5410 / 210.317.6340 Air Conditioning and Heating Service Al Ramirez (Ret.) Licensed and Insured 210.724.0298 BCW: Custom Cabinetry Brian Bielefeld 210.825.0259 210.389.2686 Blackbelt Company Air Conditioning Heating & Electrical Contractor 210.862.9189 Ceramic Tile Installation / Repair All types of work, Contact Det. Foster Pager: 210.603.9273 Home: 830.931.3678 Woodworking Chairs & Tables John Rios 210.838.3066 HUNTING & TAXIDERMY Antlers, Etc. Taxidermy 10% off to police Richard Hodge 210.289.2513 Germania Insurance Robert “Bob” Gorhum, Writer 210.215.5149 830.665.3609 TBLInsurance / Washington Moscoso TBLinsurance.com 210.363.7577 washington@tblinsurance.com Luz Villarreal Farmers Insurance 1810 Blanco Rd., San Antonio 78212 Jerry and Luz Villarreal 210.736.2131 / 210.367.1820 INVESTIGATION SERVICES Ron Brandin Investigators Traffic Accident Analysis 210.316.7539 rbrandin@yahoo.com MEDICAL Massage Therapist Ted Grill & Heather Johnson, RMT S.A. Hair & Nail Co. 210.413.5792 Massage Therapist Roger and Kathleen Horner, LMT Massage by Kathleen 210.710.7273 MISCELLANEOUS Locksmith Services Residential / Commercial Michael E. Trainor 210.648.6453 Non-Fiction Police Books Billy Anders (Ret.) www.billyandersauthor.com BillyAndersNM@aim.com PHOTOGRAPHY Emily Anne Photography www.emilyannephotography.org emilyannephoto@gmail.com Family, Lifestyle, Engagement and more! Still Life Photography by Alexander Devora Wedding and Family Portraits 210-313-9539 www.StillLifePhotographySA.com Touch of Time Photography John Caroll (Ret.) 210.250.1908 www.touchoftimephotography.com REAL ESTATE & INSPECTIONS Canyon Creek Home Inspections Steve May 210.286.7399 canyoncreekinspections.com Full Spectrum Realty Lauren Dowlen-Garza 210.818.0112 lauren@fsrealtytx.com Half Price Homes! / Jerald Keif 210.723.3269 Keller Williams City View Keifproperties@yahoo.com Lake Life Realty – TAG Team Sonya Powers 512.590.2258 sonyapowers@enjoylakelbj.com Realty Executives of San Antonio Lloyd Griggs, Real Estate Agent Office: 210.493.0020 Cell: 210.363.8647 San Antonio’s Finest Realty Gasper F. Sifuentes III SanAntoniosFinestRealty.com 210.332.0161 / gasper@iserealty.net RESTAURANTS Danny Boy’s Hamburgers 1537 W. Summit (off Fredericksburg Rd.) 210.736.1665 / 210.683.7790 Dan Uranga The English Tea Shoppe Tea Room, Gifts, Groceries, China & Antiques Carol Contero Thompson 210.681.2535 SECURITY SERVICES, FIREARMS & GEAR GS7 Leathercraft LE gear & more David V. Gutierrez (Ret.) 210.497.8826 / Cell: 210.863.0769 Guardian Security Services Jesse Piñeda / 210.896.1124 Molon Labe Tactical Chris Redman FFL Firearm Transfers $25 molonlabetactical.satx@gmail.com Omar’s Pekiti Tirsia Kali (You Protect You LLC) Authentic Filipino knife, stick, empty hand www.potectyourself.today 210.901.8255 Price Protective Services, Inc. Commercial/Residential/Alarms/CCTV/Safes Larry Price 210.281.0911 Security One All kinds of electronic security Roger Byrd / 210.341.8900 Shields Gear Rick Olivares / 210.854.5629 rick.olivares@yahoo.com TRAVEL Cruises, Travel & Vacations Alex Torres (Ret.) j25cruisepro@cruisepc.com 210.433.6553 Flair Travel & Tours Specialize in Bus Tours Mara Wilson 210.833.3609 / flairtravel48@yahoo.com Horse Feathers Bed Breakfast & Barn Gary & Kristie West (Ret.) 210.573.2130 www.horsefeathersbb.com L’s Happy Journey House Vacation / Corporate Rental Leslie Saenz 210.744.4366 / Boerne