July 2015 - Dance Ontario
July 2015 - Dance Ontario
H E A D L I N E S —news from Ontario’s vibrant and diverse dance sector July—September 2015 this issue Annual General Meeting Notice—1 Jacque Foesier Youth Dance Award—2 Fixed Date Membership—2 Members News—2 & 3 Federal and Provincial Updates—2 Job Opportunities & Web Ads—4 Open Classes, Auditions, Calls, Workshops, New Members—5 Performance Events—6 Headlines is a publication of Dance Ontario Association. Founded in 1976 and incorporated not-for-profit (1985), the Association is a dynamic cross section of Ontario’s dance sector from internationally renowned companies to individual dance artists and production professionals. Dance Ontario Annual General Meeting The 2014-15 Annual General Meeting of the association will take place on Friday Dance Ontario Association 15 Case Goods Lane, #304 Toronto, ON M5A 3C4 T 416 204 10183 contact@danceontario.ca www.danceontario.ca September 25, 2015 at Canada’s National Ballet School, 400 Jarvis Street, Toronto from noon until 1pm. The Board slate will be STAFF Rosslyn Jacob Edwards Amy Hampton, Julie McLachlan Donna Bayley, Catherine Carpenko , Jade Jager Clark , Debbie Kapp James Kendal, Cynthia Lickers-Sage, Kate Lowe, Tina Nicolaidis, Ofilio Portillo, Lola Ryan Anjelica Scannura, Samara Thompson, Jennifer Watkins, Sashar Zarif Up to two (2) more names may be added to the slate. If you are interested in self-nominating or nominating a member in good standing, please send in a nomination form available for download on the website by September 1, 2015 to contact@danceontario.ca or by mail to our Head Office at 15 Case Goods Lane, Studio 304, Toronto, Ontario M5A 3C4. Reminder e-bulletins will be sent closer to the deadline. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Peter Ryan (Chair) Jennifer Watkins (Vice Chair) Debbie Kapp (Treasurer) Jade Jager Clark (Secretary) Catherine Carpenko (Past Chair) Donna Bayley, James Kendal, Cynthia Lickers-Sage, Kate Lowe, Tina Nicolaidis, Ofilio Portillo, Anjelica Scannura, Samara Thompson, Sashar Zarif DOYB (Dance Ontario Youth Board) Jade Jager Clarke (Chair) Una Wabinski Makeda Benitez Madison Gray Dance Ontario Call for Nominations Association and Members’ News Call for Nominations—Jacque Foesier Youth Dance Award Dance Ontario is soliciting nominations for the JACQUE FOESIER YOUTH DANCE AWARD. This annual award seeks to recognize exceptional young dancers ages 19 & under who are not only pursuing excellence in their craft but go above and beyond making a difference in the lives of others and/or contributing to the dance community. For more info and nomination forms, please visit the website. DanceWeekend’16— DanceWeekend’16 will take place at Harbourfront Centre’s Fleck Dance Theatre from January 15—17, 2016. Programming is currently in process. Member companies please note that in order to be eligible for selection, your membership must be current. We anticipate programming approx. 25 groups in addition to the two commissioned artists. Please check the website regularly for updates. CHANGE TO FIXED MEMBERSHIP DUE DATE OF OCT 15— Dance Ontario will be making changes to the membership due date this year because of cashflow issues for the last quarter of our fiscal year. Therefore all members will be invoiced for fees at the beginning of October. Those members who are current, or who recently joined may remit their dues by Dec 31, 2015. In conjunction with these changes and in response to the considerable increase in postage, Dance Ontario will be looking at distribution changes regarding ‘headlines’ to be instigated this fall. Members’ News— DANCE UMBRELLA OF ONTARIO (DUO) announced the appointment of Robert Sauvey as its new Executive Director. Robert succeeds Jennifer Bennett who has led the organization since 2012. Robert brings a wealth of experience to the role, through his long and varied career working as a senior arts administrator in both the live and recorded arts. He most recently served as the Executive Director for Dancemakers, where he effectively led the company through a meaningful period of organizational transition. Prior to Dancemakers, he played key leadership roles at Groundswell Inc., Winnipeg’s longest running new music presenter, the Royal Winnipeg Ballet, and his own film and television production company, Ocular Productions. - HALTON DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD held its 10th annual dance festival, "Florescence - Celebrating International Dance Day" last April at the Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre in Oakville. The inspiring keynote address delivered by Colleen Golightly of Tiger Jeet Singh Elementary School was followed by technique workshops taught by area clinicians: Georgia Simms and Adam Bowman (Modern), Matt Willis (Hiphop), Jessica Westermann (Rhythm and Tap), Valerie and Roger Scannura (Flamenco), Leslie Gray (Music Theatre), Lisa Emmons (Contemporary), Heather Lewis (Tribal/ Caribbean/Drumming) and Kamal Samra (Bollywood/Bhangra). The morning ended with a show and share session. In the afternoon, the HDSB teachers led creative workshops according to the Ontario Dance Curriculum with a theme of the four elements: earth, wind, water and fire. The culminating theatre in the round performance was moving and thought provoking. - THE SOCIETY OF RUSSIAN BALLET : 2015 marks the 40th Anniversary of The Society of Russian Ballet, Canadian independent branch. The dance education and training organization founded on the Vaganova Method of ballet offers examinations for students and assists teachers with professional development and certification. Founded in England, the Society opened a Canadian branch in 1975 to preserve and promote Russian-styled training in classical ballet. “We are elated to be celebrating this occasion,” says Chair of the Society, Jane Pound. “Teaching the Vaganova syllabus to thousands of dancers over the Federal and Provincial Updates The budget for Ontario’s Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport has been reduced from $1.424 million in 2012/13 to $1.274 million in 2015/16. The Ontario Arts Council allocation will not be cut (although the funding body will be relocating to minimize administrative costs) and the Ontario Trillium Foundation’s base funding remains unchanged. The Canadian Arts Coalition (CAC) was disappointed to learn that the Canada Council for the Arts was not considered one of the federal government’s priorities in Budget 2015. The CAC had been hopeful that its recommendation to increase the operating budget would be adopted after participating in the pre-budget consultations. The Canada Council for the Arts is set to release the new funding criteria this fall for programming in 2017. Statistics Canada’s release of the Provincial and Territorial Culture Satellite Account, 2010 report provides insight into the economic importance of arts and culture across Canada. Arts, culture and heritage products represent $21.9 billion of Ontario’s gross domestic product (GDP) and over 278,800 jobs. This “product perspective” includes the contribution of culture products (goods and services) from both culture industries and nonculture industries. Ontario’s arts, culture and heritage sector represents $23.8 billion or 4 % of the province’s GDP and over 301,000 jobs. This “industry perspective” measures all of the sector’s output. years has been a joy. To see the development of the dancers and teachers is truly rewarding.” To commemorate this anniversary, dancers and dance teachers from across the country and beyond will gather in Ottawa for this year’s seminar, entitled “En-Avant – Moving Forward”. The two-day Seminar will take place August 22 and 23, 2015 at National Capital Dance Educators. For More Information: http://societyofrussianballet.org QUINTE BALLET SCHOOL OF CANADA Hard work really pays off! After weeks of daily voting by committed supporters, friends and staff, the Quinte Ballet School of Canada (QBSC) is proud to announce they placed first in ADP’s Small Business Grant Contest and are the recipient of $10,000! A payroll processing and human resource company with offices across Canada, ADP offers a $10,000 grant each month from November to April to a small business chosen by an internal jury. To qualify for this final jurying process, the five businesses with the most online votes by the end of each month were chosen to be reviewed. QBSC was informed in early May they had placed in the top five after the April voting period and are deeply grateful to the many dedicated people who helped make this a goal achieved. enjoyable environment. We have a highly experienced faculty with graduates from Ryerson University and The University of Surrey in dance related fields. We offer the highest quality in dance education with classes in both recreational and competitive dance. This includes RAD Ballet exams, Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop, Contemporary and Acro. Our award winning competitive team boasts many overall awards, special awards and choreography acknowledgements every season and growing! As a growing studio and we would like to thank Dance Ontario for the opportunity to be featured on their website. Melissa Bartrem and the Intermediate Ballet class had an excellent time filming the winning entry in celebration of International Dance Day! If you would like to know more about Corinne's School of Dance, please contact Corinne Peterson, owner and director @ corinnep@rogers.com PEGGY BAKER was honoured as this year's recipient of The George Luscombe Award for Mentorship inaugurated by the Toronto Alliance For The Performing Arts in 1999 and named for revolutionary theatre DORA MAVOR MOORE RECIPIENTS— bravo to the following Dance Ontario members who were honoured at the Toronto Theatre Alliance’s recent Dora Mavor Moore Awards: Outstanding Choreography—James Kudelka (#lovesexbrahms (Intermezzi) for Coleman Lemieux & Compagnie/ Art of Time Outstanding Performance (Male) - Vincent Mantsoe (NTU) for DanceWorks Congratulations to JADE JAGER CLARK who is the new dance programmer for Manifesto Festival running Sept 16-20th! DANCE ONTARIO YOUTH BOARD (DOYB) ’s Instagram IDD Media Campaign— Congratulations to Corrine's School of Dance, the winner of Dance Ontario's 2015 International Dance Day Media Campaign! See their submission below. https://instagram.com/p/2Cr4oZDnZe/? taken-by=dance_ontario Corinne's School of Dance aims to create a positive and nurturing environment that fosters the love of dance. Located in Keswick, Ontario; we are a small town studio with a big heart! This was most recently acknowledged by winning an overall “studio spirit award” with less than twenty competitive team members! As a growing studio we aim to instill dignity and respect for others, ourselves and the discipline of dance in all of our students. We believe that everyone can dance! This is reflected in our commitment to providing an equal opportunity for all students to achieve their potential within a safe and ALLEN KAEJA has been been nominated for the 2015 Ontario Arts Foundation Artist Educator Award. The Ontario Arts Foundation Artist Educator Award is given to an Ontario resident who exemplifies excellence in arts education, demonstrates a unique approach to their arts education practice, creates meaningful learning experiences for young people, inspires connections to the arts beyond the classroom and continues to maintain an active arts practice. A jury of arts education professionals will select the winner this summer and results will be announced in September. Outstanding Performance (Female) - Caroline Fraser (Skills & Soul Battles) for Gadfly/TUDS founder and artistic director George Luscombe. Peggy Baker is Artistic Director of Peggy Baker Dance Projects and Artist-inResidence at Canada's National Ballet School. She began her career in 1974 as a founding member of Toronto's Dancemakers, toured internationally with Lar Lubovitch's celebrated New York company throughout the eighties, and joined Mikhail Baryshnikov and Mark Morris for the inaugural season of their White Oak Dance Project in 1990. Image by John Lauener Outstanding Sound Design/ Composition—Nicolas Hernandez after Nicolas Hernandez & Joe Luis Valle (Chuscales) Pueblo/Letters To Spain for Esmeralda Enrique Spanish Dance Company Oustanding Lighting Design—Simon Rossiter (#lovesexbrahms Intermezzi) for Coleman Lemieux & Compagnie with Art of Time Our sincere congratulations to all the nominees and recipients! Job Opportunities TEACHING POSITIONS for full listings see—www.danceontario.ca/Jobs) ONTARIO WIDE: UGOTDANCE www.ugotdance.com Quick Ball Change quickballchange@gmail.com Outside Looking In Urban dance pm@olishow.com Travelling Stage Co Dance and Drama www.thetravellingstage.com Conservatory of Dance & Music: various cdmdance@me.com DancePl3Y—Dance Instructors/Master Trainers hello@dancepl3y.com AJAX: Ajax Dance Company Hip-Hop Instructor ajaxdanceco@hotmail.com Protégé Dance Company info@protegedancecompany.com ANCASTER: Pure Rhythm Dance Company purerhythm@hotmail.com AURORA: RAD & Vocal Instructor needed for new studio info@soulinmotion.com BARRIE: Dance Inc. Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Acro, Musical Theatre info@danceincorporated.ca BOWMANVILLE: Aspire Acrobatics Ballet, Jazz & Tap Instructors abby.prebble@gmail.com BRAMPTON: Jessica’s Dance Innovations Acro instructor jessdanc@jessdanceinn.ca. Dancercise: Ballet Teacher for 2015/16 info@dancercise.ca CAMBRIDGE: Element Dance Arts 2015/16 year michele@elementdancearts.com CONCORD: Rhythm & Grace Dance Academy Tap rgdanceacademy@gmail.com HAMILTON: Independent Dance Movement looking for Acro, Jazz, Musical Theatre, Ballet and others. dance@independentdancemovement.com INGEROLL: Diamond Dance Centre Acro & Tap diamond.dancec@gmail.com MARKHAM: K & K Dance Dreamz—committed long-term instructors Competitive Jazz/Lyrical/ Contemporary and Recreational Jazz/Hip Hop/ Contemporary/Lyrical kyladixon1@yahoo.ca. Kicks Dance Studio Markham 2015-16 season courtneydrake1@gmail.com ORANGEVILLE: Academy of Performing Arts Ballet academyofpa@rogers.com THORNHILL: Allegro Dance School Jazz, Tap, Acro Teacher for 2015/16 allegrodance@hotmail.com TORONTO: Sean Boutilier Dance Academy 2015-16 season sbad.etob@seasonboutilier.com Ronnie & Romaine Studio Teachers for 201516 year rrdance@rolandandromaine.com Martha Hicks School of Ballet Teachers for 2015-16 mhicks@mhsb.ca Star Dance Academy Hip Hop & Acro staracademycom@yahoo.ca. Artistic Edge Ballet & Pointe info@artisticedgedanceco.com VAUGHAN: Dance Streams Studio Acro, Jazz, Tap, Breakdance thedancestream@gmail.com WHITBY/OSHAWA: Bisland Dance Centre Teachers for 2015-16 season kathryn@reallydance.com Kim Thomas Dance Company Tap & Acro inquiry@kimthomasdanceproject.com The Durham School of Ballet & Contemporary Dance seeks contemporatry dance teacher DSBCD@hotmail.com CALGARY (Alta): School of Creative Performing Arts at Calgary U seeking guest artists for 2016 dance@ucalgary.ca MEDICINE HAT (Alta) Medicine Hat College’s Conservatory of Music and Dance is seeking to fill the following positions to build and achieve the dreams of dancers: Full time RAD Ballet Instructor, Part time Dance Instructors for Competitive/Recreational hip hop, tap and modern classes. Additional forms of dance include musical theatre and acro Please submit a cover letter quoting Competition #115097 with your resume and the names of three references. This competition will remain open until a suitable candidate is found. hr@mhc.ab.ca ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS Studio Administrator/Director’s Assistant Richmond Hill jcookbarber@rogers.com Alberta Ballet is looking for a Ballet Master/ Mistress commencing Sept’15. Send to samanthaj@albertaballet.com Ontario School of Ballet Admin Staff for Expansion staff@ontarioschoolofballet.com ADVERTIZE ON THE DANCE ONTARIO WEBSITE! Danceontario.ca receives 1500 hits daily and is the go-to source for current information including jobs, auditions, classes, workshops, shows and school and company contact information. Location Rate Ad on Home page $50 per month $250 for 6 Ad on Training, Jobs and Directory pages randomly refreshed $35 per month $175 for 6 Ad on all four pages $75 per month $375 for 6 Specs Images: 280 x 150 pixels Text: - subject (40 characters) - body text (160 characters and no links ) - link name (40 characters) - link address (60 characters) MEMBERS’ OPEN CLASSES (see also website for up-to-date listings) BARRIE—Simcoe Contemporary Dancers 705-718-5451 BURLINGTON—Burlington Footnotes & Co burlingtonfootnotes.com(tap/jazz/clogging) GUELPH—Dancetheatre David Earle dtde.ca (Graham-based Modern) HAMILTON—McMaster Centre for Dance 905 525 9140 x 23571 (All Forms) MARKHAM—K & K Dance Dreamz 905 201 8909 Ovation Performing Arts ovationarts.ca MISSISSAUGA - Dance Kraze (Hip-Hop) 416 885 2715 Tap Dance Centre (Kids/Adults/Teachers/Profs) tapdancecentre.com What’s On? Tap! (Advanced/Master Tap) whats-on-tap. com OTTAWA—Dance Network dancenetwork@artengine.ca(Contact Improv/ Capoeira/Tango/yoga/injury prevention) THORNHILL—T.O. Tap (Tap) marion.hopkins@rogers.com The Center Of Movement Pilates for Dance TheCenterofMovement@sympatico.ca TORONTO— Academy of Spanish Dance academy@flamencos.net AfroLatino Dance Company afrolatinodc.com (AfroCuban/Cuban Cabaret) Arabesque (40 Drop In classes/wk!) 416 920 5593 Ballet Espressivo (Beg/Adv Ballet/ Body Wisdom) 647 294 0784 Ballet Jorgen (Professional) 416 415 2035 Body Resource Studio (Pilates) 416 360 3816 Brazil Dance World (Samba)brazildanceworld.com The Center of Movement (Barbie Dukes) 905 764 8222 City Dance Corps (Salsa/Ballet/Tap/Jam/Open) 416 260 2356 COBA (Adult Dance & Drum) info@cobainc.com Contact Improv (Introductory) 416 879 8108 Contact Jam Sundays 11 am 416 537 4866 Wednesday Contact Jam 416 545 1515 Dance Kraze Jazz, Hip Hop .dancekrazeproductions.com Dancemakers Company Class (modern) 416 367 1800 Dance Teq (Ballet/Modern/Jazz/Hip-Hop/ Bellydance) 416 361 9498 Fujiwara Dance Inventions classes@fujiwaradance.com (Butoh/Improvization) Gadfly Dance (Hip-Hop/Break) OfilioandApolonia.com Harbourfront Community Centre 416 392 1509 (Bollywood, Belly, Hip-Hop, Children’s) Hercini Arts (Aerial) herciniarts.com Joy of Dance Centre & Teachers College joyofdance.ca (Ballet, Ballroom, Bollywood-toHip-Hop, Jazz, Zumba) Kaeja d’Dance (Master Classes) 416 537 5153 KDSSC - Soo Ryu School of Dance and Drum Korean Dance Latin & Ballroom Dance 416 598 5354 Lindsay Ritter, SMASH Productions (Commercial Jazz) 416 817 5460 Modern Movement 416 899 6525 (Adult/Recreational/Modern) Movement Lab (Ballet/Modern/Jazz) 416 529 5146 National Ballet of Canada In Studio 416 345 9686 national.ballet.ca/instudio Newton Moraes (Adult Brazilian) 416 960 0350 O.I.P. Dance Centre 647 477 5225 (Hip-Hop/Break/Reggae/DanceFIT/Jazz) Kathleen Rea dance@kathleenrea.com Shayenne Productions African Dance luashayenne.com Skinner Releasing TechniqueJulia@juliasasso.com T.O. Tap 905 889 8488 Toronto Dance Theatre education@tdt.org (Ballet for contemporary dancers/Yoga) AUDITIONS (for full listings see www.danceontario.ca Auditions/ Jobs) Inspiracion Latina Dance—festivals, weddings, parties etc. dance@inspiracionlatina.com or call at 647-558-2726 Polynesian Dream- Hawaiian Dancers to expand its roster for Paid Shows www.PolynesianDream.com (416) 832-3438 Go Dance International - Male and Female Dancers info@godip.ca Sanskriti Arts - Bollywood Dancers info@sanskritiarts.ca Samba Brasil Entertainment send resume, head shot, full body shot, video (optional) to samba_brasil_ent@yahoo.ca Toronto Raptors Dance Pak July 11, 2015 awaddell@torontoraptors.com CALLS and SUBMISSIONS Series 8:08 (Monthly Perf Workshop) www.series808.ca CONFERENCES Canadian Dance Assembly’s National Conference, Sept 28-29, 2015 @ Creating a Culture of Success: Getting Good Ideas Off the Ground Harbourfront Centre, Toronto info@dancecanada.net cda-acd.ca Canada Salsa & Bachata Conference, Oct 8-13 @ the Royal York Hotel, Toronto canadasalsacongress.com National Capital Dance Educators Aug 22-23, Ottawa http://societyofrussianballet.org WORKSHOPS Liberty Dance Technique & Wellness Workshop, Summer Dance Camps July 6-10 and Aug 17-21 , Toronto libertydance.org Peggy Baker Dance Projects August Intensive , Aug 10-14 @ 400 Jarvis St., TO adyana@peggybakerdance.com Welcome New Members Brampton: Jamaica Fraser Brockville: Pamela Crosby Grimsby: Candice Pelletier Guelph: Peter Kelly Kitchener: Emily Keating London: Jacan Group, Brenda Branco/All4One Dance Merrickville: Billy Yeung/Bold Studio Mississauga: Alysha Cugini Oakville: Kristen Klopko/Arcade Dance Pickering: Trudy Gayle Thornhill: Debbie Rosenberg/ Debbie’s Dance Toronto: Kevin Ormsby/ KasheDance, Shakeil Rollock, Aaron Libfeld & The Underground Dance, Karissa Fyrrar, Rose Hajas, Dainty Smith, Jeff Dimitrio, Jacob Niedzwiecki, Cassandra Wiesner, Nathlineen Doung/DARK, Charissa Zoetmulder, Sarita Gayle Alvarez, Natalie Kamino Dance Educators International Whitby: Layne Dietsch Calgary (Alta): Allara Gooliaf Montreal (Que): Eva Kolarova St. Johns: (Nfld) Carolyn Morris PERFORMANCE EVENTS July Jacob’s Pillow Festival 2015 July –Aug Massachusetts jacobspillow.org Harbourfront Centre Dancing On The Pier July 2-Aug 22 *DanzAbierta July 11-13 416 973 4000 Panamania* July 15—Aug 15 Toronto various locations TORONTO2015.org/PANAMANIA Coexisdance 73 Majlis Art Garden, 168 Walnut Avenue Toronto Canadian Stage *Crystal Pite & Jonathon Young July 23 Bluma Appel Theatre, TO August dance:made in Canada Toronto Dusk dances Toronto Aug 3 Harbourfront Centre Dancing On The Pier 416 973 4000 -Aug 22 DanceWorks Mainstage Series Daniel Levielle Danse Oct 23-24 Harbourfront Centre Theatre, TO 416 973 4000 Aug 16 Sony Centre Twyla Tharp Oct 30– Nov 1 Sony Centre, TO www.sonycentre.ca September Manifesto Festival Toronto Motus O Dance Theatre 25th Anniversary Birthday Bash Stouffville Sept 19 *part of Panamania DanceWorks Mainstage Series Tribal Crackling Wind Sept 24-26 Harbourfront Centre Theatre, TO 416 973 4000 Fall For Dance North Sony Centre, TO www.sonycentre.ca Sept 29—Oct 1 DANCE ONTARIO ASSOCIATION 15 Case Goods Lane, Ste 304 Toronto, ON M5A 3C4 October Fall for Dance North Sony Centre, TO Oct 1 danceontario.ca contact@danceontario.ca Images: (cover) Aria Evans (p.2) Sashar Zarif Dance Theatre (p.3) Peggy Baker by John Lauener (p.4) Ariel Len/Zoey’s Projects Canada’s Ballet Jorgen, Hercinia Arts Collective (p.5) Ottawa Dance Directive (back) Kaeja d’Dance by Aria Evans