trunk or treat - First Christian Church
trunk or treat - First Christian Church
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), 2323 Broadway Street, Lubbock, TX, 79401-2916 This issue covers news for the month of October 2014 Attendance August 31, 2014 Sunday School: 161 Worship Services: 9:00– 190 11:15 P&W– 91 Total: 281 Contributions August 31, 2014 General Budget: $10,793.62 Total Designated: $405.75 Attendance September 7, 2014 Sunday School: 155 Worship Services: 9:00– 167 11:15 P&W– 85 Total: 252 Contributions September 7, 2014 General Budget: $22,939.80 Total Designated: $6,924.30 Attendance September 14, 2014 Sunday School: 167 Worship Services: 9:00– 230 11:15 P&W– 94 Total: 324 Contributions September 14, 2014 General Budget: $14,468.81 Total Designated: $35.00 Attendance September 21, 2014 Sunday School: 164 Worship Services: 9:00– 199 11:15 P&W–87 Total: 286 Contributions September 21, 2014 General Budget: $8,618.11 Total Designated: $4,560.25 October 2014 Edition S EPTEMBER 30, 2014 V OLUME XXV , I SSUE 9 The Membership Committee Has Planned A Fun Evening For ALL AGES At The At’l Do Farms Corn Maize!! WHEN: 5 pm / Sunday, October 12, 2014 (NO school for LISD on Monday, October 13th) COST: $8 per person (Includes: Maize, Hayride, Cow Train, Corn Cannon (3 Shots), Barnyard, Hay Bale Maze, & The Fairly Tale Trail (New this year for families with smaller children) SCHEDULE: We will meet for a brown bag dinner (or you may purchase dinner there) at 5 pm, enjoy a camp fire and music at 5:30 and then we will conquer the corn maize!! Transportation via church bus will available for our Keenagers. Please call the office now to reserve a spot on the bus! Participation in the Maize is not REQUIRED but we want YOU to join us for dinner & music!! Becca will bring fixings to make S’mores!! DIRECTIONS TO THE MAIZE: GPS address: 6323 FM 1294 Lubbock 79415 (you must enter the zip!) The At'l Do Farms Corn MAiZE is located 3/4 of a mile west of Frankford Ave (FM 2528) on FM 1294. From 4th Street and Frankford: Drive 7 miles north on Frankford (FM 2528) to FM 1294. Turn left on FM 1294 and go 3/4 of a mile. From I-27: Take the Shallowater exit. Drive 6.5 miles west on FM 1294. From Shallowater: Drive 2 miles east on FM 1294. For additional information please contact Kathy Perkins, Dee Dee Odorizzi, or Mary Jane Ritchey TRUNK OR TREAT CALLING ALL TRICKS AND TRUNKS!! Please join us on October 26th from 5:00-6:30pm in the East parking lot! There will be games inside and out, a face painter, and the “spider climber” will be here again for the kids to enjoy! Frito pies, hot dogs and drinks will be available for $1 each inside the FLCC. This year we are going to have a “Halloween Hallway” upstairs in the FLCC that will be run by the youth. Fun and sciencey and nothing too scary!! Awards will be given to the top 3 most creative cars. A box will be in the office for candy donations. Anything given will be greatly appreciated! Beginning at 7:00 pm (following the Trunk or Treat) will be the All Saints Concert in the Sanctuary! Please plan to attend. A wonderful night will be had by all! Page 2 A Message From Rev. Carpenter... W Rev. Paul Carpenter Senior Minister “THE LIGHT” is published monthly January—December Managing Editor: Crystal Vinson. Deadline for news is the Thursday before “The Light” is mailed. “The Light” informs members of congregational news/activities. IS YOUR “LIGHT” LATE? If this issue is not delivered to you by Saturday, call Crystal at the church, 763-1995 or e-mail her at Next Issue: October 30th (November Issue) Next Deadline: Thursday, October 23rd hen I first began ministering alongside you all I set a few early objectives: (1) to earn the honor of being your pastor; (2) to meet with and join prayers with our Elders; (3) to develop trust and teamwork between the staff and myself. Thank you for helping those things take place and for quickly accepting me and my family. I pray every morning at the altar for God to bless my relationship with FCC and surely He is working on our behalf. I am encouraged recently by several things: our activity in the committees, our growing Worship attendance and Sunday School participation, our attendance at Bible Studies, and all the fruit, miracles, and results that many of you share with me. I am encouraged to see the Church find our hope and success in God and in His Word. As we grow and thrive with God may we never forget our dependence on Him and our desperation for His Spirit’s blessing. As the Church grows I will be highlighting the importance of the responsibilities for being a member of the Church. There are benefits to being a member, namely you have a family of believers who are dedicated to your spiritual care. I’ve heard many of you say, “I don’t know what I would do without my church family.” Church membership is highly beneficial for our spiritual growth. There are also responsibilities to the larger Body of Christ. Please remember these two upcoming opportunities to contribute and share in the ministries of Christ at First Christian Church: October is Stewardship Month. While stewardship is more than finances, it does include money. Each of you will be invited to attend a small group meeting to see our Church’s proposed budget. I will also be at each of those meetings to speak with you and answer any questions you’ve been holding for me. Please take advantage of these gatherings. Tuesday, September 30th, 6:00-7:00PM, set aside an hour to worship and pray for God to intervene on behalf of the victims of the ISIS atrocities. The Church has been targeted and in faith we’re holding a time of singing and prayer in our sanctuary. Please join us as we do the most Christian, effective and powerful act for times like this. “The prayers of the righteous availeth much” – James 5 God bless you, your family, and FCC! Paul “Don’t Take My Grief Away From Me” Book Group Led by Rev. Carpenter Mondays, October 6th, 13th, and 20th 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Books: $11. Please contact the church office if you’d like to participate and to have a book ordered. Page 3 October is Stewardship Emphasis Month Home Conversations Begin October 3rd Our annual Stewardship Emphasis will begin with a series of Home Conversations on October 3. You will have an opportunity to attend one of 18 different Conversations during the month. What is a Home Conversation? Our congregation has been divided into 18 different groups. Each group will be invited to attend a one hour gathering in a member’s home where we will share financial information about our ministries. Rev. Carpenter will attend each gathering, giving you an opportunity to get to know him and his aspirations for our church in a more private setting. Every household will receive a letter of invitation within the next few days detailing the program and announcing the home assignments. A volunteer or staff member will be calling you soon to get your RSVP for attending the Home Conversation. If another date better suits your schedule, please tell the caller and an alternate time will be found for you. You will not be asked to make a financial commitment during the Home Conversation. Rather we will share information, distribute commitment materials, answer questions, and ask that you take time to prayerfully consider your level of commitment for 2015. Our Commitment Sunday will occur on October 26. On or before that day, you will be asked to turn in your financial commitment card so that a final budget for the following year can be prepared before the Christmas season. This is a crucial time in the life of our congregation. Your presence at these gatherings is needed. Let us all seek God’s call as we consider our gifts of time, talents, and financial resources for the coming year. Upcoming October Gatherings & Meetings... High Noon Bible Study, Wednesday Afternoons, 12:00 Noon, Kuykendall Hall Bible Babes, Monday Nights (until November 10th), 7:00pm, Chapel Parlor Elders Meeting, Wednesday, October 1st, 7:30pm, Chapel Parlor Deacons Meeting, Wednesday, October 1st, 7:30pm, Room 107 Oasis Book Club, Thursday, October 2nd, 7:00pm, Home of Frances Ansley Keenagers Program & Lunch, Friday, October 3rd, 10:30am, Kuykendall Hall “Don’t Take My Grief Away From Me” Book Group, Monday, October 6, 13, & 20, Noon, Chapel Parlor Worship Committee, Monday, October 6th, 6:00pm, Conference Room Mary/Martha CWF, Tuesday, October 7th, 9:30am, Chapel Parlor Finance Committee, Tuesday, October 7th, 11:30am, Conference Room Executive Committee, Tuesday, October 7th, 5:30pm, Conference Room General Board, Wednesday, October 8th, 7:30pm, Chapel Parlor Deborah CWF, Thursday, October 9th, 7:00pm, Home of Carole Berry, “Attributes of God” CWF Evening Program, Tuesday, October 14th, 6:30pm, Family Life Community Center Lubbock Music Club, Friday, October 17th, 9:00am, Chapel/Chapel Parlor Altrusa, Tuesday, October 21st, 6:30am, Chapel Parlor Foundation, Tuesday, October 21st, 4:00pm, Conference Room Page 4 Military News & ConCerns David Abney- USS George Washington Aircraft Carrier grandson of John Abney Lt Heath Brown Millington, TN- grandson of Flo Brown Ethan Diven- HOME in Fort Campbell husband & father of Sabrina, Jacob & Kendall and son-in-law of Jerry & Brenda Stanfield Joys & Concerns of our Church Family & Friends We unite with you in your happiness, comfort you in sorrow, and pray for your concerns. NOTE: If you do not wish for your name to be in our hospital list or prayer concerns, notify the church office. University Medical Center Bud Reeds Carillon House Pat Renfro Carillon House Jack Schneider Carillon House Frances Evans We remember our friends and family struggling with ongoing medical issues. Members & Friends In Need of Prayer: Linda Adams, Tom Brown, Taylor Cunningham, Paul & Lois Kirkman, Randell Resneder, Danny Robinson, Melissa Santiago son of Mark & Susan Price Rev. John Givens, Jim Jackson, Linda Keeton, Mary Kubacak, Nick Lanotte, Chevo & Mary Lou Lumbrera, Chris Mackey Ryan Mansell Homebound Prayers: Jeffery Howell-HOME grandson of Jim Bales Jeremy Oswalt–Norfolk,VA Petty Officer First Class (PO1) nephew of Wade & Lori Wilson Cody Traitz Oswalt– Norfolk,VA Petty Officer Second Class (PO2) nephew of Wade & Lori Wilson Josh Stevens- HOME husband & father of Barbie, Luke, & Scarlet son and son-in-law of Larry & Marsha Stevens and Tom & Ginger Brown 1st Lt Nicholas Swanson USAF, Tinker AFB, Oklahoma City, OK grandson of Virginia Myers Dorman Capt. Nathaniel Swanson USMC, Oceana Naval Station, Virginia Beach, VA grandson of Virginia Myers Dorman Spec. Brian Wilhelm- HOME son of Richard & Lori Wilhelm If you desire to add one of your family members to our military list, please contact the church office -763-1995. Flo Brown Janice Craighead Al Crossland Frances Evans Ruth Fields Carolyn Gunter Ernest Hyman Joyce Manning Lynise McDonald Betty McNeill Charlie Moss Meg Murphy Molly Pattillo Jane Pearce Ruby Power Bob Renfro Ethel Thurman Wilma Yoder It is a joy to report those dismissed from the hospital. We continue to pray for them as they recover at home: Darla Croom, Larry Deardorff, Lois Kirkman, Elizabeth Mackey, Oscar Power, Judy Ribble, Ben Santiago, Gypsie Taylor, Virginia Vincent Our Deepest Sympathy... We lift up Carolyn Wragg Russell in the passing of her father-in-law, Bill Russell. Bill passed from this life on Thursday, August 28, 2014 in California. We lift up the family of Rev. Bobby Taylor. Rev. Taylor passed from this life on September 11, 2014 in Pensacola, Florida. Services were held at the First Christian Church in Pensacola on September 19th. We lift up Ben Peebles in the passing of his grandmother, Laura Peebles. Laura passed from this life on Wednesday, September 17, 2014. Funeral services were held on Monday, September 22nd at the First Lutheran Church in Temple, TX We lift up Mollie Parsley in the passing of her husband, George Parsley. George passed from this life on Thursday, September 25, 2014. A Celebration of Life Service was held on September 27th in the Sanctuary of First Christian Church. We lift up Mike Chase in the passing of his mother, Elizabeth "Bea" Chase. Bea passed from this life on Sunday, September 28, 2014. Services will be held at Brook Hollow Christian Church in Abilene, TX. Page 5 Thank You… “We just wanted to thank the church for the sweet baby blanket graciously given to our Holly. We appreciate everyone’s kind help and prayers for our family and very much look forward to returning to church.” Gratefully, Aaron & Sarah Brittain Dear FCC VBS Kids, Parents and Friends, “On behalf of the Community Partners of Lubbock Board, thank you so much for the donation from the Penny Push during VBS this year! Through your giving hearts, the Rainbow Room received $248.00! This is an amazing gift! This should allow us to purchase the equivalent of 2 new cribs and some clothing for children and families working with CPS. We sincerely appreciate you thinking of us. If any of you would ever like more information on the Rainbow Room feel free to contact me.” Thank you again for this wonderful gift, Paige Belew and the Community Partners of Lubbock Board “Thank you to all of you who participated in the North Texas Day of Giving benefiting Juliette Fowler Communities. Your generous donations that produced bonus funds will go to "The One Heart Fund" that provides Christian benevolence to the foster children and adult residents of Fowler. Your continued prayers and support of this outreach of the Christian Churches of the Southwest allows Juliette Fowler's mission to go forward. Blessings, Jill Nelson” A Prayer to thank you. May God, whose love is everywhere, bless you every day, for being what you always are – so nice in every way! “Dear First Christian Church, Bob and I appreciate the church so much for being there for us! Bob & Skeet Brown.” Kindness is the heart of God expressed in thoughtful ways. Your expression of His heart is appreciated so much. Thank You! “To our First Christian Church family, It is with mixed emotions that we say farewell after almost 50 years being a part of this wonderful church. We are moving to Fayetteville, Arkansas to be close to our 5 grandchildren. Thanks for all of the cards, phone calls, and for the fun coffee in the home of Lois Swindle. We are most appreciative of all your prayers and concerns over the last several months. God bless you and our love to all, Lois & Paul Kirkman” I just wanted to share this photo of my mom, Mary Lou Lumbrera, with all of you. Mom turned 68 on September 12, 2014. We had a surprise party for her and this photo is one of my favorites. We had a great time and she was definitely surprised!!! Thank you all for your continued prayers for her. Mary Jane Ritchey Page 6 Prayer Ministry Prayer and Trust . . Marilyn Wragg Our Deborah CWF group once did a Bible study that strongly reinforced the trustworthiness of our Sovereign LORD. It struck us as ironic that right after a great lesson inspiring us to trust God, we would raise prayer requests that revealed excessive anxiety. We began prompting each other to ask whenever such anxiety surfaced, “Do I trust God, or don’t I?” I totally attest to lyrics from last Sunday’s prayer hymn, “Through it all, through it all, I’ve learned to trust in Jesus; I’ve learned to trust in God.” And yet there is still the daily temptation to let dangers, toils, and snares of life generate fear and anxiety. I so identify with the father in Mark 9:24, who in desperation proclaimed to Jesus, “I do believe; help my unbelief.” I do trust; yet I need God to help my lack of trust. Trust grows nowhere so readily and so richly as Prayer puts us in a position for God to help us. in the prayer-chamber. Its unfolding and Prayer connects us with the Holy Spirit, Who empowers development are rapid and wholesome when they us to trust and hope. Like manna for the Hebrews in the are regularly and well kept. (E. M. Bounds) wilderness, trust must be garnered daily through prayer. When practices like those listed become daily habits, we will find ourselves seldom having to ask whether or not we trust God. My daily prayer for myself, and for each of you, is that of Paul in Romans 15:13, May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. A copy of the October 2014 Prayer Calendar can be picked up in the church office and found online at: • Ask God each morning to enable you, through His Holy Spirit, to trust in Him. • Read scriptures about trusting in God. Know them; pray them. • Thank God often for your blessings and for past times He helped you through. • Praise God that He is trustworthy and sovereign, and pray to grasp the significance. • When a concern arises, stop, tell it to God, and say, preferably out loud, “I trust You with this, God.” Do your best to leave it with God and move on. Repeat as necessary. Welcome New Members!! Andrew Lundborg Not pictured in last edition of “The Light” Joined on 8-17-14 We joyfully welcome Nelda Jett as the newest member of our family of faith at FCC. Nelda joined by transfer of membership on Sunday, September 21, 2014 during the 9:00 worship service. It is a true rejoicing when new persons choose to align their lives with Christ in our congregation. Welcome!! Page 7 FCC Music Ministry Ensemble Performance Schedules Children’s Choir Both services on: November 23- Thanksgiving Sunday March 29- Palm Sunday May 10- Mother’s Day LifeSong Student Choir Late Service on: November 2 December 7 February 22 April 12 May 17 Alleluia Ringers Early service on: October 19 November 16 December 21 March 22 April 19 Sunday, October 26, All Saints' Concert, 7 p.m. This year our Sanctuary Choir will be presenting Mark Hayes' Requiem to remember All Saints' Day following Trunk or Treat. This is one of the most moving services at FCC, in which we remember all the saints of First Christian we have lost since November 2013. This evening worship service is open to everyone. The service ends with a loving tribute on the screens while the choir sings Dan Forrest's in paradisum. Parking Lot Schedule for Youth Choir: Saturday, October 11 Saturday, October 18 Saturday, November 1 Saturday, November 15 All times are TBA. Proceeds benefit the youth choir's singing mission tour in May. All interested youths are encouraged to attend to help with parking! Keenagers Welcome Paul & Valerie Carpenter on October 3rd!! Join the Keenagers in Kuykendall Hall on Friday, October 3rd at 10:30am as we proudly welcome our very own Paul & Valerie Carpenter. Together, Paul and Valerie will be sharing the place of church, Christ, and faith in the roles of their family. In addition, they will share their hopes and views for FCC’s role in offering discipleship to younger families. After the program, a delicious catered lunch will be served for $10.00 per person. Reservations can be made by calling the church office at 763-1995 or by signing up at the information table in the Great Hall. Please RSVP by Wednesday, October 1st. We hope to see all of you there!! Oasis Book Club Meets October 2nd!! The Oasis Book Club will meet at 7:00 pm on Thursday, October 2nd, in the home of Frances Ansley, 306 York. Marsha Weiss will lead the discussion of "The Invention of Wings" by Sue Monk Kidd. The book for November 6th will be "The Girl's Still Got It" by Liz Curtis Higgs. We will not discuss a book in December. Instead, we will have a brunch December 6th at Lakeridge Country Club. If you are a woman who enjoys reading and discussing books, please join us. For more information call VaDonna Anthony at 798-2462 or 790-8642. Page 8 CWF Cases for Casa Thank you to all who came to CWF on September 9th and donated to our project of making pillowcases for the children of CASA (aka, Cases For CASA). We have collected enough money so far to buy fabric to make 122 pillowcases. We have also received other very much appreciated donations of fabric. Shirley Sharp donated quite a few finished pillowcases she had already made and has begun making even more! We are so thankful for all these gifts! There are, however, around 150 children in the CASA program, so we are still in need of more donations, seamstress hands, extra fabric you might have in your closet that you may no longer need, and/or sewing machines to use. Therefore, we are having a fabric cutting get-together on Sunday, October 5th at the Family Life Center, from 4:00-6:00 pm for anyone who wants to help with cutting the fabric. Our CWF meeting on October 14th will be a hands on sewing meeting also at the Family Life Center for any and all of you who can donate your talents, time, dollars, sewing machines, irons and ironing boards (to borrow). You do not even have to be able to sew to be a part of this fun evening. If you can iron, roll fabric, pin fabric, we need you. Questions? Contact Susan Evans at (790-8482) or Jan Holmes (632-3283) for more information. CMF PLANNING ALL-CHURCH WORKDAY The Christian Men’s Fellowship is planning an all-church workday to provide some much needed repairs to the exterior of the Promise House facility that is owned by the church on November 9, 2014. This date was chosen as it is a bye week for Tech football, so there should be no distractions for the membership. We will begin with breakfast in Kuykendall Hall and an overview of the effort for the day. We will be repairing areas of the overhangs of the two buildings and sealing areas that are not damaged to help prevent further damage prior to the winter months that are fast approaching. We are needing tools and equipment, but more importantly, many hands to help in all areas of this effort. We will be tearing out and replacing the damaged areas, so we will need folks who are comfortable being on ladders working over their heads. But we also need help in getting the materials set up and provided to those on ladders. Everyone can contribute, no matter what your respective talents may be. Youth are especially encouraged to participate, learning that every effort is special when helping those who deserve the hand up that the Promise House provides. Lunch will also be provided as well as water and snacks throughout the day. CMF is making an assessment as to what is needed and details will be forthcoming later in October. Your support and effort will be not only welcomed, but each of us will have the satisfaction of knowing we are doing great work in support of this worthwhile program. Empty Nesters LifeGroup Needs YOU! Join us every Thursday evening from 7-8:30 beginning October 2nd for a LifeGroup Study of a gripping Series called "Living Crazy Love" by Frances Chan. This 10-week study will help us embrace God's intense love as we watch that love transform every aspect of our being. We will gather at the home of Ronnie and Linda Taylor at 4501 79th for the kick-off social. For more info call 793-5537. The General Board of FCC now has an e-mail address!! This email address is: This will enable all of our members to be able to send messages and questions to the Board through electronic means. Page 9 Children’s Ministry News The all-church Corn Maize Adventure will be held on October 12th at 5:00. Enjoy a night of fun and fellowship as we gather around the campfire and venture through the maze! $8 per person (Includes: Maize, Hayride, Cow Train, Corn Cannon (3 Shots), Barnyard, Hay Bale Maze, & The Fairly Tale Trail (New this Year for families with smaller children). You are welcome to bring a brown bag dinner or purchase a meal there. Mrs. Becca will be bringing supplies for the kids to make S’mores! The Cherub Children’s Choir meets on Sundays from 4:00-5:00. The children practice songs that are sung during worship services throughout the year, as well as, practice playing with ORFF instruments. TRUNK OR TREAT Mark your calendars for October 26th, 5:00-6:30 p.m.! Bring your decorated trunk and your kids for a wonderful night! New Acolyte Training Has Begun!! All 3rd graders are now eligible to become an Acolyte! This is a great honor and service to our church, in which 3rd - 5th graders participate. Some even continue to serve through 6th grade! If you are a 3rd grader, or in 4-6th grade and have not been through the Acolyte training, it is not too late to join us! The first 2 trainings were held on Sunday, September 21st and Sunday, September 28th. The next training will be on Sunday, October 5th from 10:15– 11:00 a.m. On this day, the children will be practicing in the Sanctuary and there will be a meeting with the parents of new Acolytes, in the foyer of the Sanctuary at 10:45 a.m. Not only will you will learn about how to bring in the light as an Acolyte, but also the sacraments in the Christian church, Christian symbols, and the meaning of colors used during worship services. It's fun!!! Please contact Claire Dulaney with any questions - On Sunday, October 12, 2014 during the 9:00 a.m. Traditional Service, we will recognize our outgoing Acolytes and we will present & dedicate our new Acolytes! Please plan to join us on this special Sunday!! When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. John 8:12 (NIV) Page 10 Sunday Series - We will have one four week series for our Sunday Morning Class time in October. The series will be called “Road Signs” where we will discuss the various paths we take and how to navigate through to get us on the correct roads! We will be discussing various verses from Proverbs in hopes of gaining wisdom to help us steer through the various roads of life. Structure of Sunday class is as follows: 10:00am-10:15am- Fellowship time (Play table games, draw, talk, eat donuts, and fellowship) 10:15am-10:45am- Large Group study (Taught by Scott: All students) 10:45am-11:10am-Small Groups (Divided: Middle School SG and High School SG) Middle School Nerf Night!- Come on Oct. 22 from 6:00pm-7:30pm for a Middle School Nerf Night (Grades 6-8). It will be a blast! We will come and have a Nerf war and then have a devotional lesson that corresponds with the Nerf game that we play. Invite your friends, bring your Nerf guns, and get ready for a high-energy, compelling devotional. WednesdayYouthNight (WYN) – The first and second Wednesday nights of October, we have youth group time from 6:30pm-7:30pm in the Teen Room (FLCC Rm. 23). This hour usually consists of a topical lesson and/or service project. House Church- On Oct. 29, we will have House Church. We will meet at Scott and Kaitlyn Hall’s home for a dinner and a devotional. This event will begin at 6:30pm and end around 7:30pm. Being so close to Halloween, it will be Halloween themed! So bring a costume (Dibs on being Spiderman) and get ready for a blast. Our address is: 7305 Aberdeen Ave, Apt 2704 (2nd floor), Lubbock, TX, 79424. Parents are invited to join as well if that is more convenient! If you need a ride, there will be a van in the church parking lot ready to leave at 6:15pm. It will drop students off back at the church parking lot at 7:45pm/7:50pm. However, You MUST RSVP so enough transportation seating will be made available. Experience! – Our October Experience! will be Oct. 15th from 6:00pm-8:45pm in the Youth Room at the FLCC (Room 23 upstairs). If you have never been to an Experience before, basically, we come together to eat dinner and watch a modern movie together (dinner is free!). Then after the movie is over, we discuss the spiritual themes or good morals of the movie as well as try and pull out the main message of the movie (whether good or bad) and discuss it as a group. It is a blast and a unique way to see how God can speak in different ways. Trunk or Treat: Halloween Hallway- We will be in charge of the Halloween Hallway for this year’s Trunk or Treat, Oct. 26 from 5:00pm-6:30pm. Please come and help out in this event. We will need people to come and help decorate, work the hallway during the event, and help take down the Hallway later. More details will be discussed on Sunday Mornings during Youth Group class time. Teen’s Choice - We will have a Teen’s Choice Night on October 19th from 6:00pm-9:00pm (ending time can vary). At a Teen’s Choice, we meet at the FLCC and the Youth Group will decide what we do that night. In the past, we have done things such as going to the IMAX, getting ice cream, going out to eat, playing games at the church building, and other such activities. It is simply a time for the youth group to get together and enjoy fellowship with one another. Ekklesia- We are starting a quarterly community mission work project starting this Fall quarter. Our project will be making Blessing Bags for the homeless population at Tent City here in Lubbock, TX. Ekklesia focuses on bringing the church together in unity for the purpose of serving the community. Thus, we will be joined alongside with Raintree Christian Church Youth Group and Buffalo Springs Community Church Youth Group. This will be a two day project. We will meet October 25th at 12:45pm at FCC in order to hop on the van(s) and drive to Raintree Christian Church to make blankets and Blessing Bags. This will be our preparation day. Then we will distribute the Blessing Bags to the homeless population at Tent city on November 8th (More details soon about this day). Scott Hall Youth and Family Minister First Christian Church-Lubbock TX Cell: (806)283-0566 Work: (806)763-1995 Email: Page 11 WHO TO CONTACT ABOUT: Adult Sunday School Info: Crystal Vinson Bulletin Insert Announcements: Crystal Vinson Children/Nursery: Becca Williams Church Calendar: Crystal Vinson Contributions/Offerings/ Statements: Marlene Hutton “Light” Mailing List and Membership News: Crystal Vinson “Light” News Articles: Crystal Vinson Membership Information Changes: Crystal Vinson Memorials: Marlene Hutton Middle/High School Youth: Scott Hall Music/Choirs Info: Jacob Miller Order of Worship Info: Jacob Miller Room Reservations: Main Building-Jim Evans FLCC—Bob Irvin Seminary Student Financial Support: Lyn Williams Sermon Audio Tapes: Frank Richardson OFFICE PHONE—763-1995 Fax—763-5904 MINISTERIAL STAFF: OFFICE STAFF: Senior Minister: Rev. Paul Carpenter Phone Ext: 228 E-mail: Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Crystal Vinson Phone Ext: 229 E-mail: Associate Minister & Administrator Mr. Jim Evans Phone Ext: 237 E-mail: Bookkeeper/Accounting: Mrs. Marlene Hutton Phone Ext: 230 E-mail: Church Growth Minister Rev. Jim Bales Cell Phone: 789-1110 E-mail: Foundation Administrative Director: Ms. Lyn Williams Phone Ext: 222 E-mail: Minister of Music Dr. Jacob Miller Phone Ext: 233 E-mail: Computer Technology Mr. Frank Richardson Phone: 548-4370 E-mail: Director of Youth Ministries Mr. Scott Hall Phone Ext: 227 E-Mail: Director of Children’s Ministries Mrs. Becca Williams Phone Ext: 224 E-mail: __________________________________ MINISTRY DIRECTORS Family Life Community Center Director: Mr. Bob Irvin Phone: 747-5962 E-mail: Office Hours: 3:00-6:00 p.m. Mondays—Fridays OTHER STAFF: Wedding Coordinator: Mrs. Brenda Stanfield Home Phone: 786-4914 Nursery: Mrs. Becca Williams Phone: 806-763-1995 Child Development Center: Mrs. Nina Anderson, Mrs. Alicia Garcia, Mrs. Marian Giles, Mr. Jessie Conaway Jr. Phone: 763-3212 Custodial Staff: Mr. Esmo Hinojosa, Head Custodian Mr. Eric Montes, Custodian Mr. Gabriel Lujan, Custodian Mr. Juan Lopez, CDC Custodian THE LIGHT (USPS Periodical Permit #018-943) Published monthly January—December by First Christian Church, Inc. 2323 Broadway Street, Lubbock, TX 79401-2916. Periodical postage paid at Lubbock, TX. Especially for: POSTMASTER: send address changes to “The Light” at 2323 Broadway Street, Lubbock, TX 79401-2916. Worship Times Sundays: Traditional Service: 9:00am Sanctuary MISSION STATEMENT OF FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Empowered by the Holy Spirit we will NURTURE: help individuals become more Christ-like, SHARE: lead people into a relationship with God through the love of Jesus Christ, and REACH OUT: call each member to respond to the needs of others in Jesus’ Name. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:15am Praise & Worship Service: 11:15am Sanctuary PHONE: 806-763-1995 Fax: 806-763-5904 OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-Noon 1:00-4:00 p.m. Family Life Community Center 747-5962 Office Hours: 3-6 p.m. We’re on the web! WEEKLY MEN’S BREAKFAST Tuesdays, 7:00 a.m. Cast Iron Grill 620 19th Street October 2 Jaroy Moore October 11 Norma Brown Cindy Wall Kay Martin Wilson Belew October 3 Robert Grimes October 12 Charles Schmidt October 4 Cara Irvin Charlotte Johnson Leslie Castellano October 13 Ernest Hyman Kyle Pettit October 1 Vicki Berrier October 5 Beverly Nix Anne Garnett Camden Redenbaugh October 6 Alton Brazell October 7 Don Lewis Bobbie Rains October 8 Jack Nelson Cameron Weeks October 10 Tommy Davis Jim Lupton Leslie Hoskins Cecily Trujillo October 14 Marsha Teichelman October 15 Dianne Breaud Joy Gorsuch October 16 Becky Taylor Gavin Smith October 17 Marcy Moffett Connor Williams October 18 Keegan Conner October 20 Greg Pierce October 21 Judy Ribble Steve Jerden Andrew Lundborg October 22 Gary Greenstreet Emerson Becker October 23 Jerry Stamps Lucy Lanotte Les McGrew Julia Brown October 25 Stumpy Greer Bryan Cunningham October 26 Trey McClendon Jack Lewis October 27 Howell Forman Jan Baum Jordan Smith October 30 Mable Guhl Gary Voyles Caeden Jenkins October 31 Brentley Williams