2016 June Steeplenotes.pub - Foreside Community Church
2016 June Steeplenotes.pub - Foreside Community Church
June 2016 Steeplenotes - Foreside Community Church Volume 26 Issue 6 page STEEPLENOTES A Newsletter of The Foreside Community Church United Church of Christ An Open and Affirming Congregation THE FORESIDE COMMUNITY CHURCH 340 Foreside Road Falmouth, Maine 04105-1428 Pastor: The Rev. Janet K. Dorman Sunday School Administrator: Laura Rodas Parish Administrator: Christina Sklarz-Libby Sunday School Teacher: Beth Penrose Nursery Care Provider: Alexis Heldenbrand Sexton: Alexander Feldbauer Office: Fax: E-mail: Web: 207 - 781-5880 207 -781- 9055 info@foresidechurch.org www.foresidechurch.org June 2016 INSIDE THIS MONTH: MESSAGES FROM REV. JANET PASTORAL CARE BY REV. JUDY SARA BARTLETT ECCLESIASTICAL COUNCIL FCC MUSIC PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENT SUNDAY SCHOOL UPDATES OFFICERS & MINISTRY ROSTER FOR 2016-2017 JUNE 12 GRADUATION CALL STEWARDSHIP UPDATES JUNE STEWARDSHIP POT LUCK ANNOUNCEMENT CALL FOR ALL CHURCH ASSISTANCE GUIDING EYES FOR THE BLIND TRAINING STEEPLENOTES SCHEDULE FOR SUMMER PLUS NEXT MEN’S BREAKFAST ROCK LOBSTER CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS PRAYER SHAWL THANKS AND SCHEDULE ALL INVITED TO PIANO RECITAL HERE AT FCC MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP PROFILE - RON STADDEN JUNE MONTH-AT-A-GLANCE REMOVABLE CALENDAR COMMUNITY NOTICES DAILY LECTIONARY READINGS FOR JUNE 2016 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 10 11 12 June 2016 Steeplenotes - Foreside Community Church Volume 26 Issue 6 page 2 Beloved Community, It has been awhile since my last update. In talking with Susan, she suggested I this photo because she said, "one picture is worth a thousand words." It was taken at the Audubon sanctuary last week on one of those warm, sunny afternoons. After a couple of rest stops, Tom and I completed a walk around the perimeter of the South Meadow and here I am taking a last rest before heading back to the car. Walking is an activity that is highly recommended in recovery as it helps build up stamina, something that took a beating during the stem cell transplant process. I am happy to say that I am making progress, slowly but sure surely. Something that is a huge help in my recovery is your faithfulness in being the church. It is tiring at times, I am sure, but you have held together and continued with the ministry and vision of the church. As the apostle Paul, once wrote to one of his churches, "I give thanks for you everyday," and I do. I am still limited in what I can do and where I can safely go, but I will go back to Boston on Monday for tests and a check up, and hopefully learn what restrictions will be lifted. We look forward to a visit with our new grand daughter, Willamina, this weekend which I am sure will be a huge boost to my healing. Peace and many blessings, Janet AN EXCELLENT UPDATE!! (Tuesday, May 24) Beloved Community, I am pleased to tell you that I received wonderful news in Boston yesterday. My MRI, in the words of my neuro oncologist, was "fabulous." Totally clear with no damage from the chemo to the brain itself. My stem cell doc said I was ahead of the curve in my recovery. I don't need to go back to Boston, so I have been booted out of Dana Farber. All tes&ng and monitoring can be done here. Needless to say I am thrilled and grateful. My next MRI is not for 2-3 months out. I am s&ll under restric&ons as to what I can do or where I can go, and I s&ll &re easily. But I am hopeful that be+er days are ahead. I remain thankful for all of you. Peace, June 2016 Steeplenotes - Foreside Community Church Volume 26 Issue 6 page 3 PASTORAL CARE……………………………….……………….Rev. Judy Braun Summer in Maine is certainly the time for sitting by the lake or ocean. I am sure you all have your favorite places to “let go” and get closer to God! To “let go” does not mean to stop caring, it means I can’t do it for someone else. To “let go” is not to try to change or blame another, it’s to make the most of myself. To “let go” is not to fix, but to be supportive. To let go” is not to deny, but to accept. To “let go” is not to nag, scold or argue, but instead to search out my own shortcomings and correct them. Do not “let go” of summer church, others need your presence to lean on. Sara Bartlett—Ecclesiastical Council Notice Sara shares that she is very appreciative of the prayers and support she receives from the members of the Foreside Community Church. She continues to feel blessed on her journey and hopes that all feel welcome to participate in this important part of her discernment process. A copy of her final Ordination Paper is available to all in the church office. Please contact Christina at 781-5880 or cslibby@foresidechurch.org. Directions to the June 5 event are also available. June 2016 Steeplenotes - Foreside Community Church Volume 26 Issue 6 page 4 Search Committee Formed for Music Program Staffing Deb Reifsnyder and Debra Coyman have agreed to lead the church’s effort to identify and recruit new staff to carry our music program forward, aligned with the church’s vision and mission and mindful of the contributions our music program makes to our worship experience and to our community connections. Thanks to the volunteers who have agreed to serve on the search committee: John Bischof, Geoff Gattis, Jean Hubbell, Christine Knudsen, Kathie McCatherin, Robin Singer, Ron Stadden. In addition, Rev. Susan Gilpin will participate in the process, and provide a communications link to Pastor Janet Dorman during her continuing medical leave. The search process will comprise several phases: • • • • • • Gather background information: * input from stakeholders, including Ministries of Christian Education and Worship, the Chancel Choir, the Towne Lyne Ringers, and interested congregation members; * an understanding of how other area churches staff and structure their music programs; * examples of job descriptions and salary levels from local and national church musicians’ organizations. Build our desired job description(s) and support material, like a church profile, to inform interested candidates about our church. Advertise/ post our open position(s). Evaluate responses and interview top candidates. Select, negotiate and hire. Introduce and support new staff member(s). We are actively engaged in gathering background information at this time, and welcome your thoughts about what is important for our music program. Please contact any member of the committee to share your ideas. Also, if you have any contacts who might be interested in learning about this opportunity, please let us know. We will keep you posted on our progress over the summer months, and appreciate your prayers for our efforts and your support for the committee as we work on behalf of the congregation. SUNDAY SCHOOL UPDATES (L. Rodas) Sunday School has wrapped up for the regular school year after a wonderful year of teaching and learning for both the teachers and the children! This summer will have regular Sunday School classes (a change from past practice) so please take a moment to sign up for one or more Sundays AT THIS LINK or (http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e084eabad29a3f85-summer) Sundays have light attendance, though it is heavier in June. Sunday School materials will be easily accessible for all, generally located in the large closets in the classroom. One teacher and one helper each week (in addition to the older classroom which will primarily be covered by John Kipp and Beth Penrose) would be WONDERFUL! A prep meeting for Sunday School will be held on the morning of August 28th, so please pencil that meeting in for helping to connect with next year's Sunday School program. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email Laura Rodas at LNash8@aol.com. June 2016 Steeplenotes - Foreside Community Church Volume 26 Issue 6 page 5 OFFICERS, GOVERNING BOARD, AND MINISTRY MEMBERS FOR 2016 - 2017 MINISTRY OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Christine Knudsen - Youth Outreach Ministry Chair Wendy Tracy - Sunday School Ministry Chair MINISTRY OF JUSTICE & OUTREACH Anne Jackson Beth Penrose Dotty Blanchette - Chair Jennifer Goodspeed Jill Fox Lisa Nash Resa Jones MINISTRY OF STEWARDSHIP Carol Ward - Chair Dick Jackson Kenneth Stafford Neils Knudsen Nicole Bezanson Pete Ventre Tommy Johnson Moderator Phil Gleason Vice Moderator J anet Yancey Wr ona Treasurer Pete Ventr e Assistant Treasurer J ohn Kipp Clerk Kathy Hillman Reed MINISTRY OF FELLOWSHIP Beth Shaw Carle Herdrich - Co Chair Colleen Hutchinson - Co Chair Jackie Bates Lynne Thomas-Harrison Marilyn Reynolds Shirley Pyles Wendi Maynard MINISTRY OF WORSHIP Carrie Penrose - Co Chair Deb Gray Gail Adshead Jan Schrock Jennifer Yahr Kathie McCatherin Kathy Hillman Reed Nancy Herter Robin Singer - Co Chair Sandy Holloway Susan Blethen GOVERNING BOARD Randy Braley Phil Gleason Deb Gray Kathy Hillman Reed Tommy Johnson John Kipp Pete Ventre Janet Yancey Wrona The Fellowship Committee will be honoring all our graduates with a special coffee hour on June 12. If you or anyone else in your family or friends has reached an educational milestone this spring, from preschool through high school and college, please call Christina in the church office at 781-5880 so that your achievement can be recognized that day. The entire church congratulates you! June 2016 Steeplenotes - Foreside Community Church Volume 26 Issue 6 page 6 STEWARDSHIP UPDATES FOR JUNE ~ The church’s finances are in pretty good shape – not a lot of excess for beautification, but enough to keep the leaks out and pay the staff. There are always more projects that could use attention, if anyone would like to kick a little extra into his or her next pledge! (we need new front doors and that pretty arched window would be lovely, even without the elusive Verizon steeple) Your stewards have been hard at work arranging painting, carpentry, insulation, gutters, cleanup days, rentals of facilities, new phone system, completion of audio system. We are also planning for next fall’s pledge campaign, parceling out the work so no one person feels the entire burden. A pot luck dinner party under a full moon, Monday June 20th 6 PM is planned on Carol Ward’s deck for any and all who have either been on Stewardship in the past or worked on a pledge campaign – The servants of the Lord deserve to be rewarded! A good time will be had by all. Carol Ward THE SECOND ANNUAL GREAT FULL MOON STEWARDSHIP POT LUCK... ... will be held at 35 Old Powerhouse Road on Monday, June 20 at 6:00 p.m. - Bring something for the grill for yourself and something to share. If you have ever been on the Stewardship Ministry, or worked on a pledge campaign, you and your significant other are invited. Parking is tight—car pooling is advised. Members of the Portland Yacht Club should park there, and bring their church friends! Stewards deserve rewards . . . . A good time will be had! IMPORTANT UPDATE - YOUR ASSISTANCE IS REQUESTED The new owners of Songbirds, the after school program in the church that provides us with $600/ month rent, have decided on not renewing their lease, in order to consolidate their services at their Yarmouth location. This is not only bad news for us, but also bad news for parents, because both the Falmouth and Cumberland buses drop off children directly here after school. If any of you have creative ideas on either convincing Songbirds to keep this location, or attracting a new entity interested in opening an after school childcare location, please speak up! Licensing would probably take up a good part of the summer in time for opening up in the fall – but seems like it would be a good opportunity for part-time income. Please contact one of the following Stewards with your suggestions: Carol Ward (cwardmd2@gmail.com), Nicole Bezanson (tcuhail@yahoo.com), Tommy Johnson (thosjo3@gmail.com), Neils Knudsen (nekcons@gmail.com), Kenneth Stafford (kscpa@staffordadvisors.com), Pete Ventre (pventre@afaw.com), or Beth Penrose (ecpenrose@gmail.com). June 2016 Steeplenotes - Foreside Community Church Volume 26 Issue 6 page 7 UPCOMING STEEPLENOTES SUBMISSION DEADLINES FCC will be combining the months of July and August into one edition of Steeplenotes this 2016 summer. The deadline for article submission for this two month copy is Friday, June 24, so please be thinking ahead of what you wish, and need to, communicate to the membership this summer. The Puppies are Back! FCC is pleased to continue its support to the Guiding Eyes for the Blind or ganization by providing training space on an as needed, as available basis. In June and July of this summer the above new “recruits” will receive their introductory training in FCC’s Fellowship Hall. Pictured is Wendy Flynn (l) holding Orchid, and Tricia Burrell (r) cuddling Odette. The pups are 8 months old, and sisters! As always, church members and friends are invited down to watch the training. The 3 scheduled training days and times are listed on FCC’s website calendar at www.foresidechurch.org. Please also be thinking about all of the great events and happenings that are already or tentatively planned for September and the continuing 2016 fall season. The next deadline for the September Steeplenotes edition is Friday, August 19. And as always, be thinking about those “Kodak” moments. Photographs make such a wonderful addition to the articles included in this monthly newsletter, of which six of the most current editions can be downloaded from FCC’s website at www.foresidechurch.org. THE NEXT MEN’S BREAKFAST IS SCHEDULED FOR SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 2016 / 7:15 TO 9:00 A.M. All men, members or otherwise, are warmly welcomed. Contact John Bischof for more information at 781-2391 or jegbischof@gmail.com June 2016 Steeplenotes - Foreside Community Church Volume 26 Issue 6 page 8 A CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS TO ROCK LOBSTER On Saturday, June 25, FCC will ser ve as exchange point # 34 for the annual Rock Lobster Relay. This 200-mile relay race starts in Bar Harbor and ends in Portland. Teams of 6 to 12 people compete against other teams. One person from each team runs a leg of the course at a time. The runner stops at an exchange point and hands a baton to another runner who runs the next leg. Participants will start on Friday, June 24 and finish on Saturday, June 25. There are a total of 35 exchange points in the race so FCC is only one stop short of the finish line. Tommy Johnson will be coordinating the FCC exchange point and is looking for a minimum of 3 to 6 volunteers to help with this day long event. One or two volunteers will be assigned orange vests and using an orange flag, will stop traffic whenever a runner or team member needs to cross over Rte. 88, as well as direct vans in and out of the parking lot. The other volunteers will be assigned as primary data collectors at the relay exchange chute. Team vans will park in the church parking lot and will be continuously entering and exiting the parking area. A maximum of 15 vans will flow in and out of the zone during a 30 minute period (with 100 teams) as runners meet at the relay exchange zone next to the grassy island between the church parking lots. Runners are expected to pass through the FCC exchange between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., but again, since FCC is the second to the last stop, most likely runners will not be passing through until the second half of the run. A non-profit beneficiary of this race has yet to be identified. For more information please go to www.rocklobsterrelay.com, or contact Tommy at thosjo3@gmail.com. The Prayer Shawl Ministry would like to thank Claudia Kinnear for her generous donation of a gift certificate for the purchase of yarn. We were able to purchase enough yarn to make four shawls. The Prayer Shawl Knitters meet Tuesday afternoons from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in the parlor, and everyone is welcome to join us (even if all you want to do is socialize). Please note however, we will not meet in July and August of this summer, nor the last two Tuesdays of June (6/21 & 6/28). We will reconvene on Tuesday, September 13, same time, same place! ~ AN EVENING PIANO RECITAL AT FCC Kathie McCatherin will host a piano recital for her students at FCC on Sunday, May 12 starting at 6:30 p.m. Each child will play 2-3 pieces they have chosen for the occasion. Performances will be followed by a reception in the Fellowship Hall. All members and friends of FCC are welcome to attend. June 2016 Steeplenotes - Foreside Community Church Volume 26 Issue 6 page 9 MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP PROFILE MMP is a regular column to the Steeplenotes newsletter. Each month the team of Glenny Dunbar and Peter Esterquest will reach out to, and interview a member of the church and then share the results of these personal and informative discussions here. It is hoped that these shared lives will expand and strengthen the heart of the church, and all those who come here. Be prepared for Glenny’s and Peter’s phone call to come your way soon! Ronald Ralph Stadden, better known to all of us as Ron, has always lived in Maine save for 7 years when he taught school in Lowell, Massachusetts. Even then, he spent his summers in Falmouth, Maine where his mother was living. Ron loved the teaching job he had, but his roots have always been here. Ron was born in Bar Harbor on November 21, 1953 to Al and Mona Bragg Stadden. He came along 10 years after his sister Dona and 9 years after brother Paul. In 1959 when Ron was 6, the family moved to Falmouth where Al had secured a teaching job. Ron graduated from Falmouth High School in 1972, attended Worcester Polytechnic Institute for a year and a half, completing a Math degree from University of Southern Maine in 1976. That degree launched him on a career teaching high school math for the next 15 years in Gray/New Gloucester, Falmouth and in Lowell, MA where he was for 7 years. While teaching in Lowell, Ron met his wife who was a nurse. She was part of the local rescue team in Falmouth, something Ron was instrumental in creating during his visits back here in the summers. When it became clear that the relationship would lead to marriage, Ron gave up the job in Lowell, neither of them wanting to raise a family there. They were married in 1986 and had 3 boys, Andrew, now 27 and living in Lisbon Falls, Lee who is 24 and lives with Ron and Daniel, 22, who is a senior at Colby Sawyer College in New Hampshire. Although he and his wife divorced in 2015, Ron speaks of his ex father-in-law as one of his best friends (now deceased) and he is still close with his ex mother-in-law who is 89 and living by herself in Falmouth. Ron’s father-in-law owned his own property management company, which included a contract to provide landscape work and other responsibilities at Foreside Commons in Falmouth. Partially as a result of their relationship, Ron started his own landscaping business in 1995 ~ Stadden Landscaping Management. He slowly weaned off of teaching to do that full time. Ron would like to start slowing down his work life to become re-involved in some of the things he used to enjoy doing, things he has not had the time for in the last several years. Once he and his wife started having children, his hobbies and pastimes started dropping by the wayside. Between the kids, his wife’s 3 to 11 nursing shift and starting his own business, time for canoeing, snow shoeing, cross country skiing, tennis and cribbage became more and more scarce. All of those activities are starting to call him back as he climbs further into his 60’s. Ron is probably one of FCC’s members who has been with the church the longest having first gone to Sunday school in 1962. He was baptized at Falmouth Congregational Church at age 8 in 1961 and he was confirmed at FCC in 1970. In addition to the 7 years he was living in Lowell he did not attend FCC for 4 or 5 years although he was still a member. Ron has been an FCC member for the last 46 years. What he appreciated most is the connection ~ with other people and with Christ. The church centers him, provides him with a sense of belonging. He feels the congregation as one large extended family. He was on the Board of Deacons in the 70’s and had been an active member of the men’s monthly breakfast, helping to get that started 8 or 9 years ago. The people who have most influenced Ron’s life are his father, father-in-law and Paul Shupe, the former pastor of FCC. Ron had a great deal of respect for his father’s teaching and mentoring abilities, not only within the family but also outside the family. Al had a way with troubled kids, something Ron greatly appreciated. Al also had a way of surprising Ron, catching him off guard. One night when Ron was in high school, his father came into his room and coaxed him out onto the tennis court for a night game. Ron’s father was very centered in family and instilled that in Ron. He also refers to his father in law as “my best friend”. Paul Shupe “brought out things in my life that I wasn’t aware of”. Some of the experiences that have shaped Ron are having children and getting divorced. The divorce changed how he views his life. That experience grounded him in the realization that life is not static; it’s not about what was, but more about what is and what can be. “Life is what you make it. It is not what happens, it is how you respond to what happens; that is what matters.” Ron can be kind of a quiet guy. Sitting alone with him was like turning the pages of a good book and watching the story unfold. If you haven’t had the pleasure, you might want to consider making the time. 6 MON 13 Monthly Meeting 6:00 p.m. Great Full Moon Stewardship Potluck - see page 6 for details 27 9:30 a.m. Worship Service AND Mission Moment 26 28 21 7:30 p.m. Towne Lyne Ringers Rehearsal 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Prayer Shawl Knitters 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Community of Practice in parlor 29 22 15 6:30 p.m. MOW Monthly Meeting 14 8 4:45 p.m. J & O Ministry Monthly Meeting 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Prayer Shawl Knitters 6:20 p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal 1 WED 7 TUE 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Meditation 30 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Meditation 23 7:30 a.m. Stewardship Ministry Monthly Mtg 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Meditation 16 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Meditation Deadline for July/August Steeplenotes - see page 7 for details. 24 17 10 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. Guiding Eyes for The Blind in the Fellowship Hall 9 3 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Meditation FRI 2 THU Rock Lobster Relay see page 8 for details 25 18 11 7:15 to 9:00 a.m. Men’s Breakfast 4 SAT Volume 26 Issue 6 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 20 19 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 6:30 p.m. Youth Sunday AND Baysite Condo in Graduation Sunday large classroom 6:30 p.m. Piano Recital - see page 8 for details 12 2:30 p.m. Sara Bartlett Ecclesiastical Council see page 3 for dtls 9:30 a.m. Worship and 7:00 p.m. Communion Service Governing Board 5 SUN Foreside Community Church UCC Be sure to check our website for changes/updates at www.foresidechurch.org. June 2016 June 2016 Steeplenotes - Foreside Community Church page 10 June 2016 Steeplenotes - Foreside Community Church Volume 26 Issue 6 page 11 COMMUNITY NOTICES Mornings with Friends schedule for 2016: ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ May 18: Congo Chur ch Heavenly Gardens to Visit, Shirley Helfrich & Beth Addison, Longfellow Garden Club June 15: Methodist Chur ch, Songs of the 1940s & 50s, Themi & Alec July 20: Congo Chur ch, State of Maine’s Loons, Susan Gallo, Maine Audubon Society (I’m hoping the weather won’t be too hot!) Aug. 17: Methodist Chur ch, Tai Chi Talk & Demonstr ation, Anna Guest, Southern Maine Agency on Aging Sept. 21: Congo Chur ch, Medicar e Bingo, Mar y Br uns, SMAA volunteer Oct. 19: Methodist Chur ch, open Nov. 16: Congo Chur ch, All About AARP, Amy Gallant, advocacy dir ector Dec. 21: Methodist Chur ch, open (per haps Chr istmas theme) Susan Gold Aging in Place Coordinator sgold@cumberlandmaine.com www.AIPCumberland.org Tel: (207) 829-2205, ext. 346 A larger copy of this poster is located on both of FCC bulletin boards, as well as registration forms can be found downstairs. June 2016 Steeplenotes - Foreside Community Church Volume 26 Issue 6 page 12 DAILY LECTIONARY READINGS FOR JUNE 2016 Wed., June 1 Psalm 135 Ezekiel 14:12-23 Mark 7:24-30 Thurs., June 2 Psalm 146 Exodus 29:1-9 Acts 22:6-21 Fri., June 3 Psalm 146 Numbers 15:17-26 Acts 26:1-11 Sat., June 4 Psalm 146 Joshua 9:1-27 Matthew 9:2-8 Sun., June 5 1 Kings 17:8-16 [17-24] Psalm 146 Galatians 1:11-24 Luke 7:11-17 Mon., June 6 Psalm 68:1-10, 19-20 Job 22:1-20 Galatians 2:1-10 Tues., June 7 Psalm 68:1-10, 19-20 Job 24:9-25 Galatians 2:11-14 Wed., June 8 Psalm 68:1-10, 19-20 Job 31:16-23 Luke 8:40-56 Thurs., June 9 Psalm 5:1-8 1 Kings 20:1-22 James 4:1-7 Fri., June 10 Psalm 5:1-8 1 Kings 20:23-34 Romans 11:1-10 Sat., June 11 Psalm 5:1-8 1 Kings 20:35-43 Luke 5:17-26 Sun., June 12 1 Kings 21:1-10 [11-14] 15-21a Psalm 5:1-8 Galatians 2:15-21 Luke 7:36—8:3 Mon., June 13 Psalm 83 Genesis 31:17-35 Galatians 3:1-9 Tues., June 14 Psalm 83 2 Samuel 19:31-43 Galatians 3:10-14 Wed., June 15 Psalm 83 Malachi 3:5-12 Mark 2:1-12 Thurs., June 16 Psalm 42 and 43 Genesis 24:1-21 Romans 2:17-29 Fri., June 17 Psalm 42 and 43 Job 6:14-30 Galatians 3:15-22 Sat., June 18 Psalm 42 and 43 Proverbs 11:3-13 Matthew 9:27-34 Sun., June 19 1 Kings 19:1-4 [5-7] 8-15a Psalm 42 and 43 Galatians 3:23-29 Luke 8:26-39 Mon., June 20 Psalm 59 2 Kings 9:1-13 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 Tues., June 21 Psalm 59 2 Kings 9:14-26 Ephesians 2:11-22 Wed., June 22 Psalm 59 2 Kings 9:30-37 Luke 9:37-43a Thurs., June 23 Psalm 77:1-2, 11-20 1 Kings 22:29-40, 51-53 2 Corinthians 13:5-10 Fri., June 24 Psalm 77:1-2, 11-20 2 Kings 1:1-12 Galatians 4:8-20 Sat., June 25 Psalm 77:1-2, 11-20 2 Kings 1:13-18; 2:3-5 Luke 9:21-27 Sun., June 26 2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14 Psalm 77:1-2, 11-20 Galatians 5:1, 13-25 Luke 9:51-62 Mon., June 27 Psalm 75 2 Kings 2:15-22 1 John 2:7-11 Tues., June 28 Psalm 75 2 Kings 3:4-20 Ephesians 5:6-20 Wed., June 29 Psalm 75 2 Kings 4:1-7 Matthew 10:16-25 Thurs., June 30 Psalm 30 2 Kings 4:8-17 Romans 7:14-25 June 2016 Steeplenotes - Foreside Community Church Volume 26 Issue 6 page 13 June 2016 Steeplenotes - Foreside Community Church S TEEPLENOTES A Newsletter of The Foreside Community Church United Church of Christ THE FORESIDE COMMUNITY CHURCH 340 Foreside Road Falmouth, Maine 04105-1428 Volume 26 Issue 6 page 14
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